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Many scholars have argued that globalization has made it more necessary than ever to recognize

the fluidity and hybridity of cultural identity.

According to Tomlinson and Appadurai, what new circumstances affect how identities develop?

Home is no longer your castle

o We have technology that rings in the the world into the home
People feel at home in places that exist only incultural imagination
o People feel like they know places they have never been
Deterritiorialization of food
o As people move they move their food as well and eveolves and becomes part
of the place they came from
People are less confined in planning lives and in then govs ability to control events
o People are now aware that there are things the govt can do thinkg about


Ethnoscn.ape- landscape of group identity

o No longer territeriolized
o Spacially bounded
o Culturaly homogenous
Loyalties have changed
Creates a new market where pople seek to connect with home land
Culture is not produced in the same way

How do Ang and Anzalda define their new concepts of identity?


Identity cannot be define vy one characteristic

People identify their cultures differently
For ang it had nothing to do with language but for Anzaldua it had everything to do
with language

How does the literary work of Lahiri* illustrate that identity is a process of negotiation?

Lahiri shows that there is not even a process of assimilation that is standardized
Mrs. Sens rejevts new culture
The third and final contitnent
When Mr. Pizzada came to dine
All very different experiences of assimilation and each character chose to negotiate
their culture in a different way

In your opinion, what is most useful and what is most challenging about the concepts of identity
presented by these authors?
The most challengning part of the concept of identity especially for a hybridized culture
is accepting that ones culture is neither where we came from or where we are. Not only this but
finding value in this.

The most useful thing about the concept of identity is seeing not that we are incomplete
in our culture it is that we have a whole new culture. There is an intergration of culture and we
get to choose and accept which aspects of each there is. It is most useful to see it as a new culure
instead of feeling like one is neither here no there.
*Refer to at least one of the Lahiri short stories discussed in class.

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