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Juliana Mora

HDF 190
Professor Robert Vincent
April 25, 2016
Learning Contract
Goal: To Identify and utilize my strengths in an organizational/
interpersonal setting that aligns with the mission, vision, values and
sponsored programs such as FLTE 190 and other activities at the
Center for Student Leadership Development.
Activity: URI D.R.I.V.E Multicultural Overnight Program
On April 9th 2016, I volunteered for the 4th annual Multicultural
Overnight Program. The D.R.I.V.E. program every year invites seniors in
high school to spend a full day and night at URI, to get a feel if URI is
for them. D.R.I.V.E is an organization on campus that promotes
diversity. Their mission is to bring a diverse group to the URI
community. This event allowed seniors in high school to spend the day
with undergraduates asking any questions they had about URI as well
as shadow upperclassman. We also had fun icebreakers and activities.
We mainly focused and spoke about why we love URI and the clubs and
organizations that we are involved in on campus.
I chose this as my learning contract because I was in the same
position as these perspective students. When I was a senior in high
school I went to multicultural night, and thats how I decided I wanted
to come to URI. I could feel all the positive energy and I felt like I could
call URI my home, because of the way URI students made it feel. I
really wanted to give back the same experience I had when I was in
their shoes.

I used my strengths and values to carry out this learning

contract. My strength of communication came into play when the
seniors asked questions. I loved being able to talk about something I'm
passionate about. I like giving advice, even if the students didnt ask
for it. Woo (Winning others over) as my second strength helped me
connect with these students. I love meeting new people, and I really
enjoyed getting to know each of them and really understand them. My
value of Appreciation of beauty and excellence helped me find the
beauty in all of the students. After we were talking and socializing for a
few hours I realized how much talent all these students had and how
lucky URI would be to have them as incoming freshman. Seeing
possible students invested in exploring about something I'm
passionate about makes me feel like I fulfilled my goal.

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