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First Edition

Zeeya A. Pashtoon

First Edition

Zeeya A. Pashtoon


Pashto-English Dictionary, First Edition

Copyright 2009 McNeil Technologies, Inc.
All rights reserved.
No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of McNeil Technologies, Inc.
All inquiries should be directed to:
Dunwoody Press
6525 Belcrest Rd, Suite 460
Hyattsville, MD 20782
ISBN: 978-1-931546-70-6
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2009937483
Printed and bound in the United States of America

Table of Contents
Preface............................................................................................................................................................................. i
Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................................................... ii
Sample Entry............................................................................................................................................................... iii
Pronounciation Guide ............................................................................................................................................ iv
Abbreviations and Labels....................................................................................................................................... v
The Dictionary

This Pashto-English Dictionary, First Edition is intended for professional Pashto-to-English translators of modern Pashto
written materials. It contains approximately 55,000 entries arranged alphabetically according to the Pashto alphabet.
The main sources for this dictionary are:

Afgansko-russkii slovar (Pashto-Russian Dictionary, M. G. Aslanov, Martiros, N. A. Dvoriankov, Moscow, 1966, 994
Pashto-English Dictionary (M.H. Rahimi, Academy of Science of Afghanistan, Kabul, 1979, 591 pages)
Pashto-Pashto Descriptive Dictionary (Institute of Languages and Literature, Academy of Science of Afghanistan,
Kabul, 2005, Vol. 1-4);
Daryab Dictionary (Qalandar Momand, Peshawar, 1994, 1,325 pages)
Qamosona Pashto Dictionaries (

The second edition of this dictionary is well underway. This new edition will be corpus-based and will include new
headwords, new definitions, and new examples.
As always, the Publisher welcomes any comments, suggestions, corrections, and additions to the dictionary.

The Publisher
Dunwoody Press
Hyattsville, Maryland
November 2009

The publication of this Pashto-English Dictionary, First Edition has been made possible with the encouragement and
support of many colleagues. In particular, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and sincere thanks to Thomas
Creamer and Erin Gyomber for editorial support; to Aung Kyaw Oo for formatting the dictionary; to Patrick O'Sullivan,
David Williams, Thomas Tucker, Alan Turnbull, Irina Knizhnik, and Melvin Deatherage for translation support; to
Azizeh Babba and Mustafa Ajan Sayd for assistance in keyboarding the Pashto script; and especially to Naseer Honar
Pashtoon for lending his expertise on both the Pashto language and Pashto lexicography.
Zeeya A. Pashtoon
McNeil Technologies, Inc.

Hyattsville, Maryland


Sample Entry
Sense number



achavl 1 transitive [past: ] .1 throw, fling,

hurl, drop (from a height); throw out, cast to throw
on the ground to drop bombs 1.2 to bring, knock
down to bring an aircraft down 1.3
throw on, throw over, put on to cover with a
blanket 1.4 to spread 1.5 to put, place, put together
to lead a pack on a camel 1.6 to lay (eggs) 1.7 to strew,
pour (in, into) to sprinkle salt, salt a to
strew seed, sprinkle grain b to sow 1.8 to pour, pour out
pour me a cup of tea to refuel 1.9 to
give, feed (animals) 1.10 to fertilize, fertilize the soil 1.11
pass, give pass me the bread 1.12 to register
(mail) 1.13 to lower, let down, launch to
launch a boat He hung his head. 1.14 to
establish, set up (e.g., communications with someone) 1.15 to
build 1.16 to bind, fasten (to) 1.17 to place, put, settle, lodge;
assign a billet, quarter 1.18 to assign work, put to work 1.19
to send (to school) 1.20 to hand in (an application); institute (a
suit) to bring a suit against someone 1.21 to
entrust to make someone responsible for
something 1.22 to set aside, adjourn; drag out (an affair) !
Put it off until tomorrow! 1.23 to draw up (e.g., a
plan); sketch in, make a rough sketch or outline to
draw up a plan to plot something
against someone 1.24 to make oneself out to be someone;
pretend to be someone else; claim something as one's own
property He pretended to be deaf. 1.25 to
start, set going; put into service, put into operation; utilize
to commit troops to battle 1.26 instill (in);
install (in), establish to inculcate
love for the motherland 1.27 to make, produce, effect
to set on fire to greet a to throw oneself,
rush b to make oneself out to be someone else, imitate someone
else, pretend to be someone else to pretend to be
dead to feign illness, malinger c to expose
oneself to something, subject oneself to something
to be on friendly terms, establish friendship with
someone 2 m. plural 1 1 idiom to
2 uchavl transitive dialect


Alternate form


Pronounciation Guide












Abbreviations and Labels




official abbreviation









action noun

demonstrative pronoun



adjectival suffix



parenthetic word



indefinite pronoun




independent perfective




indirect plural


adverbial prefix


indirect singular


adverbial suffix



past participle

adversative conjunction

directional pronoun

intensive particle

past perfective


disjunctive conjunction


past stem

affirmative particle



past tense stem






dual number






personal name




perspective aspect


electrical engineering

library science


















auxiliary verb




auxiliary word










masculine plural



feminine plural




feminine singular












first person



children's speech

first person past




first person plural




first person present

negative particle

prefixal verb

combined with

folk saying

no plural form


combining form


noun of agent


comparative degree


noun suffix

present participle


future perfect



compound verb



productive verb







oblique plural

proper name



oblique singular


contrastive conjunction




conventional formula





sometimes plural




sometimes singular

third person plural


second person


third person singular


second plural




second singular



with numbers

secondary plural

superlative degree

word paired to

separable part of present

swear word

used as the first element in


separable part of verb

tautological with

short plural




used with
verb copula



Pashto-English Dictionary

figurative a to build one's house b to achieve prosperity;

prosper 1.6 to create (e.g., favorable conditions) 2 m. plural

bdavna f. abdavna f. 1 population 2 tilling,

cultivation (land) 3 building, construction 4 prosperity; well

alf 1 the first letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the number 1 in

the abjad system 3 performs the following functions: 3.1 the

accented suffix of nouns derived from verbs, e.g., motion


dance, dancing 3.2 linking element in complex words.

e.g., from house to house face to face 3.3
indicates the vocative, e.g., ! oh, Ahmed! 3.4 in verbs

bd f. abd f. 1 populated place, domicile 2

bdedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

beginning with the phoneme "a" a separate part of the verb, in

populated, be settled 2 to be tilled, be cultivated, have been

laconic sentences in the perfective aspect, e.g., , etc.

tilled (of land) 3 to be built, be restored 4 to prosper, succeed

bdedna f. abdedna f. 1 population 2

cultivation, tilling (land)

Did you take the book? / Yes, I


u o Eastern replaces the perfective aspect prefix, e.g.,

instead of he said

vocative particle oh, listen

come here!

absind m. Ind (river)

abganj f. relatives, kinsmen (on the father's side), agnates
(any paternal kinsmen)

Hey, boy,

bmb r m. reservoir, pool

b-va-adzhd d m. b-u-adzhd d

Papa! Father! 2 interjection ah, aha

interjection, demonstrative pronoun colloquial

one told the other that

official abbreviation
an n Arabic adverbial prefix e.g., eternally officially
1 b m. v singular & plural 1 water, moisture 2 brilliance,
luster (of a precious stone) 3 honor, dignity, reputation
to disgrace, dishonor (someone)
to be disgraced, be dishonored to preserve
one's honor He is a respected man.
2 ab m. [plural: ] Arabic father
1 ab m. Arabic father to regard as father; call

ib f. Arabic refusal


abn-va-dzhddn Arabic from generation to generation

b-i-istd f. Ab-i-Istada (lake, near the city of Gazni)
abi 1 ancestral 2 native native land
bb z m. vb z 1 swimmer 2 sailor
bbz f. vbz 1 swimming 2 aquatic sport
bp sh f. 1 pouring; watering watering machine
2 watering can

bpsh f. watering, irrigation

bt b m.
btb f.
ibtid Arabic 1 f. beginning, undertaking
in the very beginning from the very beginning
linguistics cluster of consonants at the beginning of a
word to begin 2.1 firstly 2.2 for the first time
ibtid Arabic adjective 1.1 elementary; first-stage; firstechelon, primary elementary school

to refuse, decline,

3 b m. Arabic plural of 2
b t
abtb m. fatherhood
bt f. abt f.
b d ab d 1 populated, settled, inhabited
This district was settled by Afghans. 2 tilled,
cultivated cultivated lands 3 flourishing
! Long live our Native Land! 4 restored 5 well-

primary organization 2 rudimentary, primitive, weak (e.g., of a

chief 4 chemistry elemental

nourished, fat (of animals)

abtr avtr adjective 1 destroyed; spoiled 2 useless;

unnecessary; good-for-nothing

abtarz m. technology level

abtaravl denominative, transitive

services and amenities; construction

bdavl abdavl 1 [past: ] denominative,

transitive .1 to populate, settle 1.2 to till, cultivate (the land);


1 to

destroy, pull down 2 to spoil, make worse 3 to make useless,

make unnecessary

revitalize (e.g., the desert) 1.3 to restore 1.4 to provide with

ibtiz l m. Arabic 1 carelessness; negligence 2 meanness,


settlers 2 prosperity; well being 3 organization of public

abtar f. 1 destruction, disintegration 2 spoiling,

worsening, uselessness idiom

to build a building 1.5 to

promote development, promote prosperity

assistant department
raw material

play) 3 administration junior

bd n abd n 1 2 m. plural Abadan (city)

bdn f. abdn f. 1 population, number of

the amenities; construct

Arabic plural

fathers and grandfathers, ancestors

(honorifically) father


to cause

Pashto-English Dictionary

abtaredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

destroyed, be pulled down 2 to be spoiled, be worsened 3 to

be useless, be unnecessary

2 ibd l m.

ibtik r m. Arabic 1 initiative, undertaking

ibtikr creative, full of initiative idiom a

ubtla f.


according to the numberical values assigned to the letters, socalled from the first 4 letters , , , i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4)

alphabetic calculation, use of Arabic alphabet for

abdzhad pertaining to the abjad (i.e., the Arabic alphabet

arranged according to the numberical values assigned to the

letters) the letters of the abjad

bidzhu m. plural beer
abdzhsha f. [plural: abdzhshi]

often plural

urgently, demand

ibrhm m. Arabic proper name Ibrahim, Abraham

ibrhimkhl m. birrimkhl plural 1 Ibrahimkheli

bchakn moire, having an undulating appearance or

velvet moire

abh s m. Arabic plural of

disputes, heated debates

abr r m. Arabic plural [singular: ]devout people, just

ibr z m. Arabic 1 discovery, revelation 2 demonstration

compound verb a to discover, reveal b to demonstrate
ibr m m. Arabic urgent request to request

"sabza" (a variety of currant having pale fruit- usually dried)


(subdivision of a tribe) a of the Waziri-Utmanzaj b of the

Gil'zaj-Sulimankhejlej c of the Zamusht 2 Ibrakhimkhejl



abh r m. Arabic plural from

bkhn f. reservoir
bkhra f. watering; a watering place
bkhur f. vkhur mug (for water), flask, water bottle
abd m. Arabic plural eternity constantly, eternally,

brv m.

vrv aqueduct



3 abr m. [plural: abru n] eyebrow

brumn brumnd 1 honorable

1.2 juicy (of fruits)

to shame,

2 deserving,

respected, estimable

1.3 sparkling, shining (of pure water, precious stones) 1.4

(steel) 2 m. .1 butler 2.2 major-domo 2.3 person who

brumandn 1 deserving, estimable

in a deserving fashion or manner 2 in a worthy fashion or

affects irrigation
bdravl denominative, transitive [past:
glorify; esteem, honor, revere

br m. br f. plural honor, dignity, reputation

to do honor, respect

worthy, respected, glorious, honorable 1.5 tempered, hardened


abr 1 right side (i.e., of clothing) 2 small shawl (worn at

the waist) 3 sash, girdle 4 kashmir shawl 5 paper with a

bdr f. 1 glory, honor, dignity f. 2 hardening (steel)

bdredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

design (for wrapping or bookbinding)

2 ibr f. harvest; picking (e.g., fruit)

3 ibr f. Arabic 1 needle 2 pointer
ibravr pertaining to harvest or crops; fertile

glorified, be esteemed, be honored, be revered

abrk m. singular & plural mica


water supply

irrigation ditch

He hasn't a clue. He doesn't know

bid t m. Arabic plural from

bd r vd r 1.1 watery, humid, damp

white mica

abdn Arabic 1 constantly, eternally, forever, for good 2

quite, entirely

brasn f.

tank truck

forever, for good

at all.


men, saints

"abjush" a variety of large, light-colored currant, the light

liberate (e.g., from a debt) b to forgive (e.g., a debt)


abad Arabic 1 eternal, endless 2 life-long

abadijt m. Arabic plural eternity

abr m. cloud, storm cloud
ibr f. Arabic 1 liberation (e.g., from an obligation) 2
forgiveness (e.g., of a debt) compound verb a to

abdzhd m. Arabic abjad (i.e., the Arabic alphabet arranged

abdl m. avdl plural history the Abdali (tribe, now


a render useless, futile b ruin, spoil

ibtih dzh m. Arabic 1 gaiety 2 pleasure 3 rejoicing,

bd n m. vd n tank, reservoir (for water)

bid f. Arabic m. [plural: bid t] sacred and holy


denominative, transitive [past:

called the Dur(r)ani)

invariable 1 unavailing, futile, unsucessful 2 perished,


Arabic change, alteration

change, alter

impromptu b unique pronunciation


abd l m. avd l Arabic 1 saint; hermit, anchorite (solitary

holy man) 2 proper name Abdal

He/they displayed initiative. 2 invention

ibd ' f. Arabic discovery, invention


Pashto-English Dictionary

abr cloudy


abledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

bared, be exposed 2 to have someone's shoes removed

paper with design (for wrapping or


brz vrz lavatory, latrine

abrekhm m. plural
ubj f.
-bs Well, that's it!; That's all!
bsh r m. waterfall
bshin s m. pilot (maritime)
1 ibt l m. Arabic 1 destruction 2 rejection medicine
idiom anaesthesia
2 abt l m. Arabic plural abt l m. from Arabic
ab' d m. Arabic plural [singular: ]1 distances 2 math

ibls m. Arabic devil, satan

bmnd honorable, worthy, respected
ibn m. [plural: abn ] Arabic son (in proper names)
bn f. bnj m. strait, sound Dardanelles
ibn-i-sin m. ibna-Sina, Avicenna (Arab physician and
philospher, 980-1037)

bn s m. Arabic singular & plural black wood, ebony

bnus adjective of black wood, of ebony
uba f.
1 ab m. father (in proper names) Abubekr
2 ub Western oblique plural of
abv b m. Arabic plural of 1
abulhul m. Arabic sphinx
ubuvvt m. Arabic 1 fatherhood 2 patriarchy
butb m. 1 brilliance, splendor 2 dignity
to speak importantly, speak with dignity, speak

dimensions, measurements

abk m. affectionate Papa Oh Papa!

bknd m. ravine
b-i-kavsr m. religion 1 water of the heavenly river
Kavsar 2 nectar 3 proper name the Kavsar River (in NW


bg m.
bgsht m. vgsht bouillon
abl 1 naked 2 barefoot ( to go, be) barefoot
Eastern (to go, be) barefoot
ibl gh m. Arabic notification, report, information
iblgavl denominative [past: ] to notify, report,

ubudz la f. sponge
b-u-dn f. 1 subsistence, food

obs m. howitzer
obus adjective howitzer
b-u-hav f. climate
abavijt 1 fatherhood 2 position or role of an ancestor or

ibladadl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

communicated, be informed


iblgijn f. Arabic 1 (official) communication,


abltb m. nudity, nakedness

abl ablk Arabic 1 motley, parti-colored 2 piebald
3 figurative two-faced, hypocritical He is a

2 youthful

abla f. plural of
2 ablh Arabic stupid, bad
ablahn 1 stupid, foolish

female worker

bij f. pace


1 to

to pace (i.e., special gait used in

abj t m. Arabic plural 1

bjr f. watering, irrigation to water, irrigate
bjn f. collection or accumulation of water
abidzh n m. Abidzhan (city)
abr m. singular & plural ambergris, fragrance, perfume
abjz Arabic combining form white White Sea

stupid words,

foolish words 2 stupidly, foolishly

to get by, live in poverty, live from hand to

to an elderly woman) 3 (child's) nurse, nanny 4 servant,


attain adulthood, reach maturity

ablavl denominative, transitive [ past:

bare, expose 2 to take off someone's shoes

mommy (affectionate form of address) 2 mom (form of address

ablsta 1 feminine singular of 2 f. girl

ablutsedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]


2 ab m. abbot
ibhm m. Arabic 1 doubt 2 vagueness, uncertainty,
confusion to eliminate doubt, introduce clarity
1 b ab 1 moist, humid 2 pertaining to watering,
irrigation 3 sky blue sky-blue eyes 4 water
water routes hydraulic power
2 abj f. [plural: abj abjg ni] 1 mama,


teenager, lad, youth

abavjn m. Arabic dual parents, father and mother


situation report, SITREP (re military

ablts 1 adult, of full legal age

2 that which is

necessary to exist


ablah f. Arabic foolishness, nonsense, folly

ablakub f. inoculation, vaccination


Pashto-English Dictionary

abjza buhajr the White Sea

abjavr dialect fast, swift (horses, etc.)
abjavar f.
ap a to scrape together, accumulate,

apin jn m. apinjn the Appenine peninsula

the Appenines
t Arabic plural suffix 1 usually used with Arabic nouns, and
rarely for nouns borrowed from other languages, e.g.,
necessities wishes 2 forms the second plural of
Arabic nouns, e.g., newspapers
htzunav atzunav pertaining to the United States of

acquire with difficulty b to steal (something)

aprtm n m. 1 multiple dwelling house (of the European

type) 2 apartment

pt m. ! That's bad!
aprn m. apron
upr 1 adjective foreign 2 m. singular & plural

America; belonging to the USA; American

USA the United States of America, the USA

tsh m. [ plural: tsheg n] attach
military attache military attache
at m m. 1 2 crumbs (of bread)
1 itb r m. regional Sunday
2 ittib r m. colloquial
ittibr colloquial I believed



iprt m. plural yperite, mustard gas

aprid m. singular of
aprshn m. operation (surgical)
aprl m. April
apasanj to play "tip cat" (a game in which a pointed


1 atb 1 masculine plural of 2 subjects, nationals

foreign subjects, foreign nationals
2 ittib f. Arabic 1 obedience 2 following, shadowing

stick of wood is made to spring up from the ground by being

struck on the tip with a stick, and is then batted as far as

someone 3 observation, maintenance (of principles)

apss m.
apl adverb barefoot
apl t empty, nonsensical to babble, talk nonsense,

apltnd babbling, talking nonsense, talking rot

babbler, windbag


ittih d m. Arabic 1 unity 2 union



Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics, the USSR 3 union, bloc alliance

ipl s m.
aplt m. babbler, windbag
apn m. plural opium
apin jn m.
pandist m. medicine appendicitis
pandks m. anatomy appendix
apu 1 turned over, unscrewed 2 oppressed, despotized,

defense alliance
ittihd-i-isl m m. Pan-Islamism
ittihdnm f. allied treaty
ittihd 1 union union republic, federal
republic 2 federal

ittihdij f. Arabic 1 unified body, union

Union of Soviet
Writers history League of Nations 2 alliance,
bloc military alliance
ittikh z m. Arabic 1 collection 2 reception, acceptance,
taking compound verb a to collect b to receive,
accept, take He decided.
atr knowing, witting, informed I know
trade union

Chamber of Commerce


apavl transitive
ap f. endeavor, striving
ap [plural: apijn] 1 viper, adder 2 snake
apz m. colloquial
apl m. regional law 1 appeal to appeal

ittidzh h f. Arabic [plural: ittidzhh t] 1 direction,

course (of a ship, aircraft) 2 inclination, bent, aspiration 3

talk rot

nothing of this matter. I am not informed about it.

2 request

for a new hearing

apell transitive [past: ] swallow, gulp down,


apm m. plural opium

apimch m. apim
apn m. plural opium

htzun atzun m. & f. the United States of America, the

utr m. stand, mooring, parking, halt, rest to be halted, be parked, be moored; have a rest-

utr gh m.


stop, arrange a halt

atrng m. singular & plural botany henna, alkanna

ataravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to inform,

m. opium smoker


atra f. trunk, body, torso

Pashto-English Dictionary

atri doublet
ataredl denominative, intransitive
informed, be notified

based (upon), be founded (upon) b to rely, depend, set hope

[past: ] to be

upon (someone, something)

strong point

otrsh m. Austria

tsh m. tsh 1 fire 2 gunfire

line of fire


tashafsh n

firepower 3 used as the first element in

itl f m. Arabic
atlntk adjective Atlantic
ataltn m. operational department (Soviet strategic,

tashand z 1 adjective flame-

tashbr f. artillery fire

tashbz f. fireworks
tashparst m. fire worshipper
tashparast f. fire worship
tashkhn f. 1 focus, pocket, center (e.g., infection)

tactical term)

1 atls m. 1 satin (cloth) 2 proper name Atlas

2 atlas numeral
3 atls 1
4 tlas m. atlas (e.g., geographic reference)
atlasm ordinal
atlsa f. proper name Atlasa
atalgd m. military transfer, redeployment of troops
atalvl m. military Chief of Operations Department
atalv la f. talent, (personal) gift
atm ordinal eighth
itm m m. Arabic completion, conclusion
1 utmndz m. plural 1 2 utmnzj m.

utmnkhl 1 m. plural the Utmankhejli 1a a tribe 1b

shelf; lock, block, bolt (of a rifle, etc.); fuse, primer, detonator

tashd r 1 incendiary 2 pertaining to firearms

weapon (firearm)
tashfish n 1 pyrogenetic, volcanic
volcano 2 m. flamethrower

tashfishn f. volcanic eruption

tashk m. 1 agriculture anthracnose (plant disease)
vineyard anthracnose 2 syphilis
tashgr m. tinder, wick
1 atash m.
2 tash 1 adjective fire, pertaining to gunfire

a subdivsion of the Orakzai tribe 2 Utmankhejl (person)

curtain of fire 2 accumulated, amassed 3 bright 4 figurative

given to anger, quick to anger idiom

the Utmanzai

atamb r m.
atmosfr m. atmosphere
tn m. Athens (city)
htna f. Etna
htnogrf f. ethnography
utna f. doublet
atnm vice at eight-thirty
at m. 1 the Atan (national dance) 2 dance
a to dance b to whirl in the air (of birds)
atavl m. one who dances the Atan; dancer
ata adjective dancing dancer
1 ut m. flatiron flatiron compound verb

associate oneself with someone 3 continuity

ittisl Arabic joining, connecting

ittif k m. Arabic 1 contiguity, coincidence 2 consent,
agreement to come to an understanding, come
to an agreement with someone
all are in agreement with the fact that
they have agreed that 3 unanimity consensus
a in concord, with mutual, common consent b
unanimously 4 case, event, occurrence 5 good luck, success

ittif kn Arabic 1 unanimously, by consensus 2 by chance,

to iron, press

2 at m. proper name Ato

3 at oblique of 2
itvr m. regional Sunday
1 atb m. dialect a sweet odalda or pancake (cooked in

now and then

ittifk Arabic accidental, fortuitous

1 utmnz m. plural Utmanzi (a subdivision of (a.) the

Waziri tribe; (b.) the Momandi tribe) 2 utmnzi m. plural


ittis l m. Arabic 1 contiguity 2 joining, junction, tie, bond

connecting link to join, connect
to join (something to something else),

atl 1 courageous, brave, valorous 2 m. .1 distinguished

person, talented person 2.2 epic hero 2.3 hero 2.4 champion

throwing 2 m. flame-thrower


defended post,

2 grandmother (affectionate form of address)

compounds, e.g., fireworks

atkaj f. handcuffs, manacles

atk f. atkj f. 1 mother (affectionate form of address)

ittis ' f. Arabic 1 broadening, expansion 2 extensiveness,

magnitude, roominess, spaciousness

ittik military supporting

accidentally, by chance

ittik f. Arabic 1 support 2 hope, reliance, expectation

hope, reliance, expectation a to be


Pashto-English Dictionary

2 atb m. Eastern sweet gruel; scrambled eggs

otorit f. 1 power 2 authority
otokr m. bus, intercity bus
atm m. atom
atomt m. automatic device automatic

guess b to make a statement by guesswork 2 likening,

comparison 3 judgement, opinion 4 check, test, trial

akalavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

suppose, think, consider 2 to compare 3 to make a judgment

concerning something; evaluate something

to underestimate 4 to estimate 5 to check; test

to check oneself
akalavna f. 1 assumption, guess 2 comparison 3

telephone station, automatic telephone switching installation

atomtik automatic automatically

to automate
atomobl m.
atom atomk adjective nuclear, atom
atomic energy nuclear power station

evaluation 4 estimate 5 check, test

atkal 1 approximate, rough, near (as in guess, estimate)

according to rough calculations 2 notional
akaladl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

physics atomic weight

be assumed, be considered 2 to be capable of comparison, be

atoj m. last person (e.g., in a queue), bringing up the rear

ta f. 1 cubit (measure of length)

length 2 pace

to measure a

compared 3 to be evaluated 4 to be checked, be tested

at numeral eight
3 at f. regional prison cell
ittihm m. Arabic accusation, suspicion
ittihmnm f. Arabic bill of indictment
atanzaj m. half-rupee (eight annas in Indian money)
atlas numeral eighteen
atlasm ordinal eighteenth
atvsht numeral twenty-eight
t Arabic following, next, supervenient
atj numeral eighty
atjn Arabic afterwards, later on, subsequently, in the future
itjt m. colloquial
atte f. 1 patience 2 satisfaction a to endure,

sore spot

be treated by the application of a hot object to a sore spot

1 akj f. hiccough to hiccough

2 ukj m. pipe, flue
als m. atlas
tli f.
aambr m. crowd, assemblage, gathering
aambaravl denominative, transitive [past: ]

aambraredl denominative, intransitive [past:

1 to be assembled, be united, be accumulated 2 to be arranged,

be set right

aodzj m. bazaar, market

a-u-s hither and thither, back and forth
am m.
aom aomk
am wasl f. dirty bomb
1 a f. ball, skein (of thread) to wind, reel

2 farmstead, villa (usually

al 1 uneasy, worried 2 banned, not permitted, detained 3

unoccupied, unemployed 4 repulsed, repelled

alavl denominative, transitive

to assemble, unite 2 to arrange, put right

with two stories and a tower) 3 Afridi upper story

akr m. the application of a hot brick or other object to a

akoravl denominative, transitive [ past:

]to treat by applying a hot object to a sore spot
akoredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

stand, suffer b to content oneself with, be contented

tij f. Arabic future

aaj f. 1 country house, dacha


1 to

trouble, disturb, alarm 2 to detain, bother, obstruct 3 to

prevent from working 4 to beat off, repel


be wound, be reeled

aledl [past: ] 1 to worry, be agitated, be alarmed

2 to be detained, be stoped 3 to be prevented from working 4

2 a f. whim
aa-o m. plural finely-milled flour
1 atj f. 1
2 atj f. shop, store
3 a plural of 1
4 i plural of 2
aern m. 1 spool, reel 2 pachisi, ateran (game with dice)
compound verb a to reel b to play pachisi
aerl [past: ]1 to suffer from indigestion, suffer from

to be repulsed, be repelled

aled m. plural 1 worry, agitation, alarm 2 delay, halt

av f. Ottawa (city)
ur m.
atskaj m. sneezing to sneeze
ak Atak (city) the Ind River
akl m. 1 supposition, guess, proposal
miscalculation, blunder to suppose, guess
to make a rough estimate a to divine,

dyspepsia 2 to overeat, overfeed, be stuffed

Pashto-English Dictionary

aern suffering from indigestion, suffering from dyspepsia

aerna f. indigestion, dyspepsia
aenshn regional military Attention! (as a command)
compound verb to stand at attention
aiv l m. shopkeeper
as s m. ass-ul-bjt m. Arabic furniture;

idzhrt Arabic m. idzhr f. Arabic 1 lease, rental

rent lease, rental contract 2
purchase (of land) 3 contract a to
lease, take on lease, rent b to assume ownership c to put

(something) out to contract, contract (something) out 4 leased

sector of land idiom history lend-lease law
idzhr akhistnkaj m. leaseholder, lessee, tenant
idzhradr m. Arabic 1 leaseholder, lessor, tenant 2

household furnishings; utensils

2 ruins (antiquities),
historical monuments

s r m. Arabic 1 plural of


freeholder 3 contractor

idzhradr f. 1 lease, rent 2 possession based on lease

idzhrav l m.
udz dispersed, scattered, dissipated
udzhavl denominative to scatter, disperse, dissipate
udzhedl denominative [past: ] to be scattered,

hifs-i protection of ancient moments 3 works, writings,


to confirm,
prove I can prove it.
It has been also proven that
compound verb compound verb
isbtavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
m. Arabic confirmation, proof

He nodded his head affirmatively.

be dispersed

udzhed m. plural sparseness, dispersion

idzhzt m. idzhaz f. Arabic 1 permission,
authorization with someone's
permission without authorization
to receive someone's permission
to request someone's permission to
give permission, authorize compound verb to be
authorized; be granted (rights, etc.) May I? May one?
Do I have your permission? it is allowed, One can, you
may, 2 approval, sanction to have received
approval, be sanctioned, be approved 3 right to have

confirm, prove

isbtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

confirmed, be corroborated, be proven to be
attested by signature

asr m. [plural: asarna Arabic plural: s r

plural: asar t] 1 track

tracks; find

to detect someone's
No tracks of any kind were

detected. 2 sign, symbol 3 impression, influence, action, effect

to influence, affect
to exert a bad influence upon
to influence to act, operate,
exert influence on 4 leadership a under the

the right

udzhgh m. hearth
dzh l m. Arabic plural of
adzhnb m. Arabic plural of
adzhj to think only of food
adzhb colloquial
idzhb r m. Arabic compulsion; obligation

influence b under the leadership 5 literary production,

literary work idiom

as a result of

idzhzanm f. 1 license, authorization, certificate 2

pass, permit 3 admission (i.e., to premises); admittance

as a result, consequence of

asr f.
asar bewitching, alluring
askl m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 ballast
asn m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 interval, mean 3
interval of time, interval of space in time in
the course of at that time, in the meantime
asvb m. Arabic plural of
sr m. history Assyria
sur 1 adjective history Assyrian 2 m. Assyrian (person)
asr m. Arabic plural ether
asjub 1 adjective Ethiopian 2 m. Ethiopian (person)
asjubij f. Ethiopia
idzhbt m. Arabic 1 granting (satisfaction) of a request 2
favorable attitude 3 careful (attentive) hearing a to


force, compel, oblige, constrain

idzhb rn Arabic by force, compulsorily, by compulsion

idzhbr Arabic compulsory, obligatory
obligatory military service to be
compelled (e.g., as a result of a court decision)

adzht m. colloquial
idzhtim ' f. Arabic

1 m. [plural: idzhuma' t] 1

meeting; gathering 2 military build-up, massing (of the enemy)

3 public, social life 4 [plural: idzhtim 'vi] society,


satisfy a request, respond to a request b to regard favorably c

idzhtima' n Arabic 1 in a social relationship 2


idzhtim' Arabic 1.1 public, social public

life social system social sciences

to give a careful (attentive) hearing


Pashto-English Dictionary

to socialize (the means of production) 1.2

adjective collective 2 m. [plural: idzhtim'ijn]

elements 3 matter 4 organs, members (or similar)


grammar parts of a sentence

idzhtim'j t m. Arabic plural social problems,

principal parts (of a sentence)

public life
idzhtinb m. Arabic 1 avoidance, evasion; removal 2


to avoid, shun something,

abstain from something

idzhtih d m. Arabic 1 diligence, endeavor, zeal 2

adzhd m. Arabic plural of 1
adzhddparast f. ancestor worship adzhdd

dzhr m. brick (baked in a kiln)

dzhr m. dzhar Arabic [plural: udzhr] 1 reward,

recompense, compensation

to receive
to compensate

idzhr f. Arabic [m. plural: idzhr t] fulfillment,

implementation, accomplishment, realization

to carry (something) out to

accomplish compound verb to fulfill,
implement, accomplish, realize, carry out compound


executive power

idzhml Arabic short, concise, recapitulative, summary

adzhml Arabic 1 most beautiful; perfect 2 m. proper

to put a law into

name Adzhmal, Ajmal


adzhnb m. Arabic plural of

adzhns m. Arabic plural of

export goods

idzhr Arabic 1 executive

executive committee 2


adzhnab Arabic 1.1 strange, alien, foreign, outlandish

foreign words 1.2 unfamiliar 2 m. [plural:
adzhnabij n Arabic adzhnb] 2.1 foreigner, alien 2.2

adzhnabijt m. Arabic condition of being alien or foreign;

foreignness, alien

adzhn m. regional agent

adzhen f. adzhen f. agenda, order of the day
to include in the agenda
adzhens f. 1 agency 2 organ (establishment,

firing bricks

to pay

udzhrt m. Arabic pay, recompense, wage

to earn
to demand an increase in wages or salary
adzhrist n m. Adzhristan (district)
udzhr f. colloquial
dzhu adjective brick
idzh m. [plural: idzhag n] scoundrel, villain,
receive pay

idzhmln Arabic briefly; concisely; in general, outline; as

an abstract; summarily

idzhrij f. 1 executive power 2 administrator

administrative department, management directorate
mudr-i head of the management directorate
dzhurpz m. bricklayer
dzhurpaz f. firing, kilning bricks kiln for

idzhml m. Arabic 1 short account, brief description,


to confer, hold a conference

abstract, summary 2 short survey, compendium, resum

verb to be fulfilled, be implemented, be accomplished, be


idzhlsij singular & plural

congregation, council


2 udzhar m. Arabic plural of

adzhrm m. Arabic plural of

opinion of theologians 2 assembly, convocation 3

military command of execution (i.e., as opposed to preparatory


plenary session, plenum session

adzhldzj m. back of the head, occiput
adzhl-rasid doomed, dying
idzhm ' f. Arabic 1 religion unanimous decision or

proverb be patient, patience is liberally

carried out, be realized

idzhls m. Arabic session, sitting, conference

plenum, plenary session

rewarded 2 pay, payment 3 repayment, retribution

adzhp moral, pure (of a person)

compensation for one's labor

a basic elements b


Arabic ancestral, traditional


adzhsm m. Arabic plural 1 of 2 substances

adzhskaj colloquial pitiful, poor
udzhghna f. udzhghna f. goat's wool
adzhl m. Arabic [plural: dzh l] 1 end of life; hour of
death; death folklore And now came my
last hour, my end doomed; dying 2 limit; (fixed)

problems of public life, problems of social life; social life,

adzhz m. Arabic plural 1 of 2 2 component parts,


dzha f. woman who has completed a haj (i.e., pilgrimage

to Mecca); pilgrim

adzhvt 1 united 2 side by side, next to; adjacent,



adzhvtv laj m. 1 joining, junction, connection,

combination 2 bring next to, bring alongside; closeness of fit;


Pashto-English Dictionary

adzhvatavl denominative [past: past:

]to unite, join, connect, close
adzhvatavna f. joining, junction, addition, binding

pour (in, into)

blanket 1.4 to spread 1.5 to put, place, put together





pass, give

to sprinkle salt, salt

pour me a cup of tea

a to

to refuel 1.9 to

pass me the bread 1.12 to register

(mail) 1.13 to lower, let down, launch

launch a boat


He hung his head. 1.14 to

establish, set up (e.g., communications with someone) 1.15 to



build 1.16 to bind, fasten (to) 1.17 to place, put, settle, lodge;

udzhutakr hired, rented

udzhurakr f. Arabic work performed for pay; salary,

assign a billet, quarter 1.18 to assign work, put to work 1.19

to send (to school) 1.20 to hand in (an application); institute (a

to bring a suit against someone 1.21 to

to make someone responsible for
something 1.22 to set aside, adjourn; drag out (an affair) !
Put it off until tomorrow! 1.23 to draw up (e.g., a
plan); sketch in, make a rough sketch or outline to
draw up a plan to plot something

adzhvf m. Arabic plural 1 of

give, feed (animals) 1.10 to fertilize, fertilize the soil 1.11

denominative [past: ] unite; join,

connect; close (up, in)

to lead a pack on a camel 1.6 to lay (eggs) 1.7 to strew,

strew seed, sprinkle grain b to sow 1.8 to pour, pour out

udzhr m. Arabic plural of 2

udzhur f. Arabic pay; wages; compensation



2 anatomy cavity 3

belly, interior 4 womb dzha f. dialect leech

adzh m. colloquial hadji
adzhin m. adzhidn m. colloquial adjutant
adzhidn f. duties of an adjutant
adzhir m. Arabic [plural: adhir n Arabic plural:

against someone 1.24 to make oneself out to be someone;

udzhar ] temporary worker

pretend to be someone else; claim something as one's own

adzhir hired, leased

uch dialect
ch r pickles to pickle (literally and figuratively)
achnk regional suddenly; unexpectedly; all of a sudden
to make an unexpected request
1 achv m. plural 1 throwing, flinging, hurling 2


He pretended to be deaf. 1.25 to

start, set going; put into service, put into operation; utilize

to commit troops to battle 1.26 instill (in);

install (in), establish

to inculcate

love for the motherland 1.27 to make, produce, effect

to set on fire

to greet

a to throw oneself,

knocking down 3 attacking, assaulting 4 filling in 5 pouring,

rush b to make oneself out to be someone else, imitate someone

pouring out 6 lowering; letting down, pulling down

else, pretend to be someone else

achv achavj Western imperfect of

uchatv laj m.
uchatavl transitive
uchatedl intransitive
uchlaj m.
1 achakz m. plural 1 2 achakzj m.
uchkl m. six-month-old lamb
uchakj f. dialect small island, islet
achmch m. achmch m. the game of tip cat (a


to pretend to be

to feign illness, malinger c to expose

oneself to something, subject oneself to something

to be on friendly terms, establish friendship with

someone 2 m. plural


1 1



2 uchavl transitive dialect

uchvlaj m. uchvlaj brow, forehead
achavunj m. achavunj f. miscarriage
achavnkaj present participle of 1
mortar bomber
achch f. prop, support
achht regional 1 untouchable 2 m. member of the

game in which a pointed piece of wood called a cat is made to

untouchable caste

spring up from the ground by being struck on the tip with a stick

uchedl intransitive dialect

adzabatb m. flight, desertion
adzba f.
adzbaj m.
atsk m. proper name Atsak
atsakz m. plural 1

and is then batted as far as possible)

ach f. blackberry (the plant or the fruit)

1 achavl 1 transitive [past: ] .1 throw, fling,
hurl, drop (from a height); throw out, cast to throw
on the ground to drop bombs 1.2 to bring, knock
down to bring an aircraft down 1.3
throw on, throw over, put on to cover with a

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 atsakz m.

astaskijn plural the Achakzai

(tribe) 2 atsakzj m. the Achakzaj

utskza f. post, pole (of a tent)

atsal transitive [past: ]

goods (for the purpose of speculation); profiteering; speculation

to buy up goods; speculate

ihtikr adjective profiteering, speculative gouging
ihtim l m. Arabic 1 probability, possibility, supposition,
likelihood this is improbable; this is impossible
in all probability 2 patience, endurance 3

1 to level, make even,

smooth over 2 to arrange, put right, adjust, regulate 3 music to

tune 4 to baste, join loosely

ats f. thighbone, femur

tsa f. 1 endeavor, aspiration 2 attempt, trial 3 rush 4

forward movement, advance

chance, unexpectedness

ihtimln Arabic probably, possibly

ihtiml Arabic probable; possible; supposed; conjectural;
hypothetical, presumable; permissible math
theory of probability grammar past conjectural

a to endeavor, strive b to

I rushed him. d to conduct an advance
hd m. Arabic plural of 2
ahds m. plural of
iht f. Arabic 1 encirclement, envelopment, action of
try, attempt c to rush, throw oneself upon


pressing needs; basic requirements

in case of necessity to need, require
to satisfy needs, satisfy requirements
a fall into extreme need
ihtij t m. Arabic 1 care, caution, discretion, precaution
very carefully not withstanding
all the precautionary measures which were taken to
be careful 2 prudence 3 reserve, reserve supply

compound verb a to

encircle, envelop, surround b to beseige c to understand,

comprehend 6 district, sphere

ihta military flanking, outflanking

flanking movement

ihl f. Arabic transmission, handing over, presentation (of

an award, etc.), delivery carrying to an absurdity

ihtidzh dzh m. Arabic 1 protest 2 refusal
ihtir z m. Arabic 1 care, caution, prudence,
circumspectness, discretion to act with

military reserve platoon

caution, act with discretion 2 avoidance, abstemiousness,


measure, in any event

internal combustion engine

with great respect, with great esteem
guard of honor artillery salute
self-respect, self-esteem respect for rank
to pay respects, render homage to someone; treat

ahdzhib m. Arabic plural of 1

ahd Arabic 1 united, single, one 2 m. [plural:

ihd s m. Arabic [plural: ihdsna Arabic plural:

ihads t] 1 invention, innovation 2 finding, discovery
(i.e., of resources) a to invent b to find, discover

to pay someone a courtesy

visit 2 observance (of a law or custom), carrying out,

accomplishment (of an obligation or duty)

ihtirmn with deference, with respect

(i.e., resources)

observe neutrality

ahad Arabic single, separate, only

ahadijt m. Arabic 1 singleness, singularity (i.e., in math)


2 consent, assent 3 unity

ihtis b m. Arabic supervision of municipal authorities of

ahr r m. plural [singular: ]1 history freeborn, freemen

2 nobles 3 politics liberals

ihrz m. Arabic 1 achievement (act of receiving), reception

the assumption of a post (e.g., of the president of a
republic); entry into office 2 meaning, significance
to acquire paramount significance
ahzb m. Arabic plural of

the accuracy and correctness of weights and measures in the


h d]

discrete (separate) person, individual, person

someone with respect; esteem someone; take someone's opinion

have the honor to inform you

ihtij tkra 1 careful, wary,

military reserve platoon 2 m. military reservist

consideration, homage, respects (e.g., "last respects")

ihtijtkr f. 1, 2
ihtijt Arabic 1.1 and 1.2
spare, reserve military reserve

m. Arabic 1 reprect, honor, esteem, deference,

ihtijtk r

provident 2 prudent

m. Arabic burning, combustion; ignition

into consideration

ihtij tn Arabic out of caution, as a precautionary

a beware of, be wary of, be careful b

avoid, abstain from


ihtir m

ihtij dzh m. Arabic [plural: ihtijdzhna Arabic

plural: ihtijdzh t] need, want, necessity

surrounding 2 seige 3 enclosed place 4 fence, enclosure 5

understanding, comprehension

ihtik r m. Arabic buying up or cornering the market on

ihtf l m. Arabic 1 meeting, gathering 2 festival, fte,


Pashto-English Dictionary

ihss m. Arabic [plural: ihssna Arabic

ihzredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be trained (of personnel) 2 to be summoned (i.e., to court) 3

plural: ihss t] feeling, sensation

compound verb


to be admitted (i.e., of candidates) 4 to be called up (into the

did not feel the cold at all.

army) 5 diplomacy to be recalled

ihsst sensitive, emotional

ihssavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1
to feel, sense He felt a strong shock. 2

ihzrij f. Arabic summons (to court), subpoena

ahfd m. 1 Arabic plural of 2 descendants
ih m. Arabic 1 the ascertainment of the truth, the

to experience, feel

establishment of the truth 2 recognition of the legal right,

ihssadl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be felt, be experienced

recognition of justice

ihsn m. Arabic 1 favor, grace, kindness, goodness

to be gracious to someone, show kindness to
someone to consider oneself obliged to someone
I am not obliged to him for anything.
You have done me much
kindness. I am very much obliged to you. 2 gift,

ahr Arabic comparative & superlative degree of

most contemptible, most paltry epistolary my most

contemptible, worthless or paltry self

ahkm m. 1 Arabic plural of

2 religion


ahkmt m. second person plural of

ahlm m. Arabic plural of
ahmd m. proper name Ahmed Ahmed-Shah


ihsnfarmush f. thanklessness, ingratitude

ihsnmn ihsnmnd obliged, grateful,

Durani, Ahmed-Shah Durrani

ahmadz m. plural 1
1 ahmadz m. plural the Akhmadzai (a sub-tribe of: a

thankful to someone, have been shown much favor (by

the Waziri Tribe; b the Sulayman Khel Tribe (in turn


ahsnt Arabic excellent; bravo; well done

ihs f. Arabic 1 calculation; math calculus 2
enumeration, census, accounting a to count, calculate

ahmad Arabic pertaining to Mohammed (the founder of

ahmadij f. Arabic the Akhmadija, the Ahmadiya (a

subordinated to the Gilzai); c the Ushtarani Tribe) 2 ahamadzj

m. Akhmadzai (person)
Islam); Mohammedan

b to enumerate


statistical data

ihs statistical

Muslim sect)

ihsij f. Arabic [plural: ihsij m. plural:

ihsijt] 1 calculation, counting, tallying, census
a population census to calculate;
conduct a census 2 statistics Chief of the
Statistical Directorate Chief of the Statistical
Department statistics (the science) 3 [plural:
ihsijt] statistical information; data, numerical data
ihsijanavs m. statistician
ihzr m. Arabic 1 training (of personnel)
training of teachers 2 summons (i.e., to court) 3
admission (i.e., of candidates) 4 draft, call up
to draft or call up for military service 5 recall (i.e., of
a diplomatic representative) compound verb
compound verb
ihzrnm f. diplomacy letter of recall
ihzravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

ahmr red

salb-i International Red

Cross Society

ihmirr m. Arabic reddening, redness

ahmra buhajr f. the Red Sea
ahm Arabic 1 stupid, foolish 2 fool, dolt, ignoramus
ahman 1 stupid, foolhardy this was stupid
2 stupidly, in foolhardy manner

ahmatb m. 1
ahmav laj m. 1
1 ahma f. stupidity, foodhardiness, a stupid trick
2 ahmi feminine plural of
ahvz m. Arabic plural of
ahv l m. singular & plural m. Arabic plural of
[plural: ahvlna plural: ahvl t] 1 position,
state (e.g., of health, affairs)
biographer to make inquiries about

to train (personnel) 2 to summon (i.e., to court) 3 to admit

health, ask about the state of affairs 2 circumstances (business,

(i.e., candidates) 4 to call up (into the army, etc.) 5 diplomacy

affairs, etc.)

to recall


ihzr Arabic adjective training maktb-i

history cadet corps

under any circumstances, in all

to notify someone

I'll let you know subsequently. I'll tell you afterwards what

the story is. 3 conditions

meteorological conditions

Pashto-English Dictionary

ahvl t m. second plural of


Feast of Kurbanbajram b Kurbanbajram (12th lunar month)

! Many happy returns of

proverb When there's a holiday,
everyone knows it. Another's holiday is but
half holiday. saying literal


ahvlpurs f. ahvlpuhtl m. plural

ahvlpuhtna f. ahvlpuhtl m. plural
ahvlpuhtna f. 1 inquiry about the state of health,
being informed about the state of health 2 exchange of

When the holiday is over, throw away the henna. figurative

courtesies, exchange of greetings . having

Everything in its own time. proverb

inquired about the condition of health, having exchanged

Some fast, some feast; One man toils, another grows wealthy 2

courtesies, greetings

good omen, good horoscope, good luck 3 proper name Akhtar

ahvl Arabic slanting-eyed, squint-eyed

ihj f. Arabic 1 reanimation, resurrection, revival 2
restoration, rebirth a to reanimate, resurrect b to

ahjn m. plural of


new discovery

ikhtir' relating to invention or discoveries; inventive

akhtrmbarak f. congratulations on a holiday
1 akhtar 1 adjective holiday 2 sacrificial to

ahjnn Arabic 1 sometimes, at times 2 in the event that

, in case , if

akh interjection 1 used to express joy or satisfaction

! Good!; Excellent!; Bravo! 2 used to express regret

to exclaim Ach!; exclaim Oh!; sigh


2 akhtrj f. proper name Akhtari

ikhtisr m. Arabic 1 shortening, abbreviation, reduction
reduction of a fraction 2 brevity, compression,
conciseness briefly, in short to

x interjection gid-ap, ho! (or similar exclamation to urge on

an ass)

akha f. 1 poultice 2 plaster 3 application (as poultice or


set forth briefly, state briefly

akhbr m. Arabic of singular & plural [plural:

akhbrna plural: akhbr t] 1 newspaper

tidings, news

ikhbravl denominative, transitive [past:

notify, inform

ikhtisr abbreviated

ikhtiss m. Arabic 1 participation, connection, anything


to do with 2 peculiarity, characteristic quality 3 assignation,

appropriation 4 specialization

ikhtiss 1 special, peculiar to 2 specialized

ikhtif f. Arabic camouflage
ikhtil t m. Arabic 1 mixing, mixture, confusion, blending,
merging 2 crossing 3 intercourse, contact


akhbri 1 adjective newspaper, periodical (used in

connection with information)

designation, conventional sign

carrier, newspaper deliverer 2 colloquial journalist

ikhtisrn Arabic briefly, in short, in abbreviated form, in

general outline

2 ikhbr m. Arabic information, communication

military preparatory command
akhbrvl m. 1 newspaper salesperson, newspaper

ikhtir ' f. Arabic [plural: ikhtir'gh ni plural:

]m. [plural: ikhtir' t] Arabic invention, discovery
to invent, discover compound verb to be
invented, be discovered to invent, make a

restore, revive

to celebrate

the day!

documentary film

representatives 2 documentary

to associate with someone 4 complication

news items
2 ikhbr Arabic adjective that which serves to notify or
inform; informational grammar indicative mood
akhpl dialect
1 akhpr colloquial
2 khpr m. khpor ikhpor soldier; rifleman (in
extended line) sniper extended line of

ikhtilf Arabic [plural: ikhtilfna Arabic

plural: ]1 difference, disagreement, discord,

divergence, discrepancy, contradiction, dissension

tiff, disagreement

to disagree with someone, quarrel with someone; differ with

someone in viewpoint

They disagree as to

opinion. 2 break, breaking off, discrepancy, lack of


correspondence 3 difference, distinction

ikhtitm m. Arabic termination, finishing, completion, end

end, finish, come to an end, be over with, end in
to end, finish, complete, conclude, carry through, put

to differ

from something 4 math difference


ikhtilf disputable, contradictory

question, disagreements

This is a moot point.

ikhtill m. Arabic 1 disorder, disorganization
to be disordered, be disorganized 2

a finish to

akhtr m. akhtr 1 holiday, festival a the Feast

of Ramadan b Ramadan (the 10th lunar month) a the

Pashto-English Dictionary

disturbances, disorders, sedition, agitation

to cause a

disturbance, incite disorders

to net, catch in a net 4 having a musty or high

a to be subject to something, be

subjected to something, experience something

to starve, famish, go hungry b to be occupied, be busy, be

engaged in c to go bad, get high (meat) 5 obsolete castrated,


exclusion, withdrawal, removal 3 extraction 4 expense,

akhtav laj m. being busy, being employed

ikhtijr m. Arabic 1 will, choice, preference
He is free to act as he wishes. This
happened spontaneously. voluntarily or not
2 authority, right, plenary power a of age b
independent emergency powers
to decline power, right to
subordinate oneself to grant broad powers 3
competence, jurisdiction, power This is
not within my competence (jurisdiction, power, etc.) a


right, be empowered d to have plenary powers

to you. As you wish.

to incur expenses, give rise to

expenditures 5 export goods 6 evacuation

ikhrdzhavl denominative, transitive [past: ]
1 exile, banish 2 exclude, withdraw; remove 3 extract

ikhrdzh Arabic adjective evacuation

khirt m. Arabic the next world, the life beyond
Judgement Day send into the next world
I still have to deal with you.
khir Arabic 1 last, final the last letter 2
definitive 3 conclusive the last word
akhiredl denominative [past: ] to end, finish, come

It's up

to an end, terminate, close

I don't want to. I cannot.

ikhtijrdr authorized, empowered, competent

ikhtirdr f. jurisdiction, competence
ikhtijrnm f. power of attorney, written authorization
ikhtijravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1
to choose, prefer to choose a residence, settle 2


latest news

khrinj last, final

khrinj the

khist imperfect of
akhistl transitive
akhist m. plural 1, 2
akhskh akhh akhh interjection oh; ah
akhht m. plural substance for puttying up chinks or

to use, employ 3 to conduct (a policy) 4 to assume (a form),

take on the air

cracks in a wall

ikhtijr Arabic 1 voluntary 2 optional 3 arbitrary

There is no other choice.
akhkh m. cough, intermittent coughing to

akhhl [past: [ ] present: ]1 to knead

(dough) 2 figurative to inculcate, make habitual

passive a to be kneaded (dough) b to be inherent, be innate

akhkhna f. yeast, leaven, leavening (of dough)

akhhnkaj 1 present participle of 2 kneader

cough, cough a little or intermittently; clear the throat

akhch f.
akhcha adjective


(i.e., bakery worker whose duties consist of kneading dough)


akhh m. plural
khhaj m. [plural: khhi

akhz m. Arabic taking, reception, assumption, collection,

recruitment of an army,
conscription into the army khz-i chief of the
miltary conscription department khz-i chief
of the information department compound verb a to

receiving, receipt

c to draw a conclusion, come to a conclusion


akhhijn] 1 brother-in-law (wife's brother), wife's sister's

husband 2 sister's husband

of warning to warn, caution to be
warned 2 alarm, signal an alert was

take, assume, collect, receive b to call up (into military service)

to have, possess the wish or will b to rule, direct c to have the


akhz f. radio receiver radio receiver

shortwave receiver
akhr akhr Arabic 1 last, final lately, in
recent days to battle to the end, fight to the
last drop of blood 2 m. [plural: khirna plural:
akhrna Arabic plural: avkhr] end near the
end, at the end, toward the end at year's end,
toward year's end to end, complete to be
ended, be completed 3 finally, at last Well, that's it!
ikhrdzh m. Arabic [plural: ikhrdzhna Arabic
plural: ikhrdzh t] 1 banishment, expulsion 2

occupy, take up; involve in something 3 caught, captured, taken

smell (e.g., meat)

locator, sound-ranger

ikhtin m. Arabic asthma

akht indeclinable 1 subject to something; experiencing
something He is mourning. 2 occupied, busy
with something He is occupied with work.
a to subject to something; plunge into something b to

akhz-as-sut m. Arabic

ikhtr m. Arabic 1 warning, caution


I came to this conclusion, that


Pashto-English Dictionary

ikhf f. Arabic cover, concealment camouflage

to camouflage
akhkl transitive Eastern
akhgr m. 1 spark 2 hot coal 3 hot ashes
akhl transitive dialect
ikhls m. Arabic 1 sincerity to be
sincere with someone 2 attachment, affection, devotion
a sincerely, with all one's heart b with all one's
strength, with all one's power a sincerely b
devotedly, lovingly, tenderly c unanimously
to serve someone faithfully 3 diligence, industry
ikhlsmn ikhlsmnd 1 sincere 2 dedicated
akhlf m. Arabic plural of
akhl m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 2 morals, moral
system, ethics high moral principles

akh m. 1 plaster 2 clay mixed with straw (used as plaster)
akhegr m. plasterer
akhel transitive
akhena f.
akheavl denominative [past: ] to plaster, putty
akheavna f. plastering, puttying, coating (i.e., with some
substance like plaster or putty)

akheredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

plastered, be puttied

akhistl transitive [past: present: ]1 to

take take this book 2 to seize, conquer, capture,

occupy, take possession of

collect (e.g., taxes) 5 to accept, admit

examination; examine 6 to receive

confusion, disorder

khla-vkhista f. skirmish, encounter, battle

khli present tense of
akhlj-pakhlj m. cooking, preparation (of food),
cookery akhl-pakhl kitchen utensils
akhnd m.
[ plural: akhundzdag n] descendant of an

10 to fall (into despair), be consumed, be seized (e.g., by panic)

11 to derive benefit (profit, advantage, etc.)


to take by force

to disarm someone 14 to shorten, take up (e.g.,

clothing) 15 to deprive


Consider it to be thus. 17 to observe, keep to; perform, execute


(e.g., a ceremony) 18 to carry out, fulfill, satisfy (e.g., a whim,

Satisfy my request. 19 to begin;

to begin a feud with
someone. The old woman

cough; have a slight cough; clear one's throat


venture; undertake

lauched into a long conversation about her children. 20

m. [plural: ]

approximates the sense and function of a compounding or

akhund (Muslim ecclesiastic, theological or religious teacher)

to take pleasure in

deprive of citizenship 16 to consider, regard

2 religion

community, commune

akhd colloquial Well, there you are!

akh-u-b m. skirmish; clash; battle
khr m. manger, stall; stable
akhn m. akhn m. akhnd

to repulse, take away

to derive benefit from something, derive advantage from

something 12 to borrow, adopt; give, present (an example) 13

akhund (i.e., a Muslim ecclesiastic), akhundzadeh

akh-u-kh m. cough, slight cough

What have you laid in for the winter? 4 to

to give an
to receive an
order, receive an instruction to receive an answer
to receive money to receive an
assignment to receive a medal 7 to take (with
oneself); drive (cattle) to take along or with
oneself Take this book with you. 8 to catch,
contract (a disease) to fall ill, become ill, be taken
ill 9 to envelop (in flames) to blaze up, catch on fire

ethical norms

to capture a city, occupy

a city 3 to buy, buy up, acquire, lay in a stock of

akhlkn Arabic morally, ethically

akhlk Arabic 1 principled, moral, ethical
moral upbringing morally
to give someone moral support 2 m. Arabic
[plural: akhlkijn] moralist
ikhll m. Arabic 1 violation (e.g., of neutrality) 2 disarray,

akhv-dekhv dialect around, everywhere
ukhavvt m. Arabic 1 brotherhood, fraternity

to stride to
passive a to undertake b to be purchased,

auxiliary verb

akhunddzh m. akhund's (title and the form of address to


be obtained c to be collected, be levied d to be driven idiom

khundzd m.
ukhj f. witch
akhjr m. Arabic plural [singular: ]virtuous people
good and bad people
akhr recent, latest
akhrn Arabic not long ago; recently, lately

to be transmitted from one to another, be bequeathed

to remove, eliminate; get rid of
from grandfather to
grandson, beginning with the grandfather and ending with the


akhistna f.

Pashto-English Dictionary

akhistvl m. tax collector

akhistn m. 1
akhistkaj 1 present participle of 2 infectious,
contagious infectious disease, contagious


adk r m. artist, actor, performer (of a role)

disease 3 m. .1 recipient, addressee 3.2 purchaser

movie actor

akhist m. plural 1 reception 2 taking (i.e., food,

medicine), receipt for participation 3
taking, capture, seizing 4 purchase, acquisition

recruitment into the army 7 adoption, borrowing
2 akhist imperfect plural of
akhist-ihhod m. plural skirmish, clash
1 akhstaj past participle of
2 Western imperfect of
ad f. Arabic 1 implementation, execution, fulfillment 2
payment, pay, paying 3 utterance (of a sound, word) 4

compound verb a
to fulfill one's obligation

expression (of some feeling or other)

to the Fatherland b to pay, make payment c to utter (a sound,

word) d to set forth, formulate (a thought, sentence) e to

civil, respectable

adab Arabic
adabij t m.

express (e.g., gratitude) f to render (that which is due) g to

compound verb a to be fulfilled,

be executed b to be paid c to be expressed (of gratitude) d to

d b m. Arabic plural of

literary society


adabijn decent, proper, decorous (of conduct); civil (of an

idkh l m. Arabic 1 introduction, establishment 2 inclusion

idkhl approaches
idr r m. Arabic plural urine to urinate
idr k m. Arabic singular & plural perception a

military entrenching tool

intensifying particle 3
grammar preposition, postposition conjunction
adverb of manner or mode 4 suffix
id d m. Arabic requital, recompense, retribution
idr f. Arabic [plural: idr Arabic plural:
device, tool, apparatus
2 grammar particle

to comprehend, understand b to perceive, feel c to guess

adrs m. address
adrk m. plural green ginger
adrm m. 1 influence, action, pressure (moral)
to influence, put (moral) pressure upon to affect,

idr t] 1 directing, directorate, management, administration,

military fire control arbitrary

rule compound verb to direct, lead, manage
to manifest self-control 2 directorate,
institution, office apparatus (administrative)
counterintelligence quartermasters office
military-political directorate
military-medical directorate 3 bureau
information bureau inquiry office 4


have an effect on 2 shame

udravl transitive dialect

adritk 1 adjective Adriatic

the Adriatic

Sea 2 m. the Adriatic seacoast

undredl intransitive
iddi' f. Arabic claim, pretension, demand
ad'ij t m. Arabic plural of wish, desire
to send one's sincere best wishes
idgh m m. Arabic 1 linguistics gemination 2 confluence,

administration 5 editorial office 6 base (supply, etc.)

idrach m. 1 administrator, manager 2 leader,



ad t m. [plural: adv t] Arabic 1 means, instrument,


Arabic plural literature


be performed (of a role)

adkr f. performance (e.g., of a play), acting

idm f. Arabic prolongation; continuation to
prolong, continue to be prolonged, be continued
adjt m. Arabic
adjna f. expression, statement, formulation
adb m. Arabic [plural: d b] 1 breeding, good
breeding; politeness, civility, respect politely,
respectfully to esteem someone, respect someone
2 literature belles lettres written
language folklore 3 level of education
udab m. Arabic plural of
idb r m. Arabic misfortune, disaster
adb kavnkaj adabnk well bred; polite;

taxes) 6 military recruitment, bringing up to strength

perform, play (a role)

adk ra f. artist, actress, performer (of a role)

movie actress

It is not worth buying this article. 5 collection (e.g., of

to implement, execute

clerk adminstrative
administrative directorate

board of directors

junction; tightening up, pulling together

adka f. mommy, mama ! Oh mamma!

adkj f. 1 2 mom (a form of address for one's

idr kavnkaj 1 m. manager 2 adjective


idr Arabic administrative; managerial; bureaucratic

administration, governing body, administrative apparatus;

mother or an elderly woman)


Pashto-English Dictionary

adl-badl 1.1 inconstant 1.2 disorderly, careless

to mix up, confuse (e.g., words) 2 m. .1 trade, commerce

adir f. cemetery
ads-bb f. Addis Ababa (city)
adekoln m. plural eau-de-cologne
din f. Friday
a la f. shaft (of an underground irrigation channel)
a na f. ornamented cover or dust jacket of a book
a f. regional support to lean, rest upon
a va f. frame, framework
ar m. regional order to order, reserve (not a

2.2 oscillation

dm m.

adm m. 1 proper name Adam

(the human progenitor)

time of Adam 2 man

2 adm m. thigh
idm n m. physical training
adamkh n m. 1 proper name


old, antediluvian, of the

Adamkhan 2 Adamkhan

(designation of a number of settlements)

military order, but a commercial or customer order)

ak m. leap-frog (the game)

aanj m.
a 1
aaj m. auj f.
akaj m. dialect bone
a f. 1 stop, (bus or tram) stand, station 2 base
military bases airport 3 military post 4 blind (for

damkhr m. cannibal
damkhl 1 plural the Adamkhejli (a sub-tribe of the

Afridi) 2 m. Adamkhejl (person)

damz d m. man
damzda f. woman
1 dam m. damj m. man
2 damj f. woman
admir l m. admiral
adn Arabic indeclinable 1 low (in position) 2 small,
paltry, insignificant insignificant damage 3 low-


quality, low standard

adv t m. Arabic plural from

adv r m. Arabic plural from 1
ad-bad indeclinable 1 Eastern swollen, bloated 2
Western beaten down to ache, hurt (of the body,

aj f. singular & plural Ulmus foliacea (a kind of tree)

aj f. singular & plural fields or land surrounding a


crowing (of a cock)

medicinal herb

advijapsh f. agriculture sprinkling, spraying

compound verb to sprinkle, spray


early, very early, with the

to crow (of roosters)

azarbjdzh n m. Azerbaijan
azarbjdzhn 1 Azerbaijanian

compound verb to be sprinkled, be sprayed

advijafursh m. pharmacist, apothecary

advijafurush f. 1 commerce in pharmaceuticals

air m. technology adapter

stone facing (for the shaft of an underground

proverb No one responds to the azan of a poor mullah. 2

medicine, spice,

2 m. .1 Azerbaijanian

(person) 2.2 Azerbaijani, the Azerbaijanian language


izk r m. Arabic mention, reference

to mention,

refer to

ud 1 1
1 ad m. mommy, mummy (form of address to mother or
older woman) ! Mommy!; Mummy!
mommy's boy to regard as a mother, name or give the

azik r m. Arabic plural from

to perform

the ritual of zikr (i.e., remembering) or zeal (with reference to


azallt m. Arabic baseness, meanness

I cannot stoop to such baseness.
izn m. Arabic authorization, permission to
receive authorization to request
authorization from someone to authorize

honorary title of mother

2 adj f. singular & plural 6

adj n m. Arabic plural from 2
adb m. Arabic [plural: adib n

az n m. Arabic 1 azan, call to prayer prayer time

to summon to prayer


a plural from 1
a plural from

irrigation channel)

1 adoz m. plural the Adozai (a sub-tribe of Durrani) 2 m.

adozj an Adozai (person)

Arabic plural from

i m. plural

al m.

adaj m. tanned buffalo hide

adm m.
advij f.

adj m. fortifications around a city


from fatigue)

Arabic plural:

udab ] man of letters, writer

someone, permit someone

adibn indeclinable literary (of a literary work, style)

adib f. writer (woman)

Pashto-English Dictionary

zu f. singular & plural 1 provsions,

rations, food supply base, provision depot 2 fodder
(for cattle) to lay in fodder for winter
zursan f. food supply
azhn m. Arabic from plural to
azgh m.

1 to

r literal & figurative basis, foundation

rmavl denominative, transitive [past:
quiet 2 to eliminate (e.g., disorder)

a to lay the

foundation (of a building) figurative b to establish the main

point of something c to evaluate as to merit figurative d to

1 to

utter calm 2


military At ease! Order Arms!

rjsh m. decoration, adornment; attire


irj f. Arabic producing, presentation (of documents, etc.)

arb b Arabic 1 masculine plural from 1
gods (pagan) 2 m. [plural: arbb n] senior elder of a
settlement or extended family; village elder

urbsha f. 1 barley corn 2 dialect life, existence

urbshi f. plural barley
urbshn adjective barley barley bread
urbshna f. 1 singular of 2 barley bread
arbaktj f. the maintenance of order
arbakj m. tribal constable (minor tribal official having

proverb Come here freely, but leave only with permission.

police powers)

urbz m. urbuz f. 1 muzzle 2 snout idiom !

Be off with you! Don't bother me!
1 arab f. 1 bullock cart, wagon, carriage 2 gun-carriage 3
wheel spoke 4 landing gear,
undercarriage (of an aircraft) idiom
My affairs are going badly. Will you not help me?
At present I am in straitened

encroachment on someone, intrusion

on someone

ird 1 conscious consciously 2 volitional

arr t (Mount) Ararat
rstag f. 1 adornment 2 beauty
rst indeclinable 1 adorned 2 well-dressed, smart,
dressed-up a to adorn b to dress up
arz m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 country, locality,
district orienting or getting familiar


2 urb f. tendon, ligament

arbakh draught (i.e., draught animal)
arab larkaj having a wheel; wheeled
1 rt m. art
2 art art 1 wide, spacious, extensive
extensive deserts a great expanse
The shirt collar is large. 2 open an open
space 3 open, free, exposed, pure (of air) in the

with respect to the area

persons holding high

arkn-i nobles, dignitaries

arkn m. plural from

positions, leaders

2 rm m. lazy person, lazybones

3 arm Armenian the Armenian language
rmedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to
soothe, quiet down This soothed me. !

Shahrara (name of a section of Kabul)

rm f. 1 calm, peace

wide peace

1 arb f.
arb f. volley
ar m.
arkh m. rkh 1 irrigation ditch 2 sluice; canal
irdtn Arabic intentionally, premeditatedly
ird f. Arabic 1 will strength of will
with considerable decisiveness 2 intention,
decision, wish (desire) b to intend; desire; official a
to command b to intend; desire I have
decided , I intend He decided to go to
Kandahar. to intend, desire In
which direction do you want to go?

tranquillity 3 peace (i.e., absence of war)

in essence
r m. Arabic plural from
with a majority of votes unanimously
r -ji plebescite disagreement
2 r used as the second element of a composite word
take someone into consideration idiom


2 burial-vault,

torture, oppress 2 to annoy, bother, pester



rmtj f. 1
rmchokj f. easy chair
rmsh m. calm
rmtalb fond of comfort
rmg h m. 1 stand, stopping place

enlighten intellects

azijt m. Arabic torture, torment, oppression

azijatavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

peaceful, quiet 2.2 resting 2.3 peaceable

ar l m. the Aral Sea

r m 1 m. .1 peace, rest peacefully, quietly
to rest, sit with body relaxed, lounge to allow to
rest, soothe, make easier to find peace, calm
not to know peace to rest 1.2 comfort 2.1

Pashto-English Dictionary

open air 4 widely spread apart, bowed (of legs)

irtsh m. the Irtysh (River)
irtif ' f. m. Arabic [plural: irtif' t] 1 altitude,
height a great height a low
altitude astronomy perigee

He is bowlegged. idiom He stood off to the side.

rtv m. artv m. 1 throw, toss 2 Eastern shot
compound verb compound verb

artvz m.
artvvl denominative [past: ] 1 to throw,

astronomy apogee 2 thickness

development of language 3
to increase, rise, grow
irti evolutionary evolutionism, the theory
of evolution Darwinism
irtik z m. Arabic support, basis

fling, toss 2 Eastern to produce a shot, shoot

development, evolution

artavj f. singular & plural sun-dried currants

artvedl denominative, intransitive to be thrown, be

growth, increase


artvz 1 m. windbag 2 empty, insipid

irtib t m. Arabic connection, link, communication,


to rest upon facts

artin f.
aratv laj m. 1 width, spaciousness, extensiveness
the extent of a territory 2 development (i.e., of a

to have
communication with someone to
establish communication with chief of the

intercourse, relationship

language); expansion (i.e., of trade) 3 tension 4 area (e.g., of a

foreign department

country) 5 diameter (e.g., of a wheel)

irtibtch m. military messenger, runner (liaison,


Orthodoxy (the Eastern Church)

widespread, state of being far-flung

figurative flexibility

artedl denominative, intransitive 1 to widen, make

spacious, make extensive 2 to be widely spread out, be widely

extended 3 to be disengaged

artst m.
artsta f.
artist 1

2 renunciation 3 religion tergiversation, recreancy,

a to apostatize from

something, deviate from something b to reject, renounce (e.g., a


1 artist 2 painter

actress, artist
artistic 2 artistically skillful, talented, pertaining

to art generally

irtidd 1 disloyal

artin f. 1 woman 2 wife

1 ar m.
2 ar m.
arasz m. master craftsman engaged in the construction

disloyalty, treason 2


irtiz m. Arabic nourishment, subsistence

irtiz Arabic attributive food, produce
food, produce

of wells equipped with the noria (bucket-wheel)

irtizkij t m. Arabic plural foodstuffs, produce

aratz artzaj 1 frank, honest, forthright

rs m.
arsa f.
irs m. Arabic inheritance

(person) 2 generous, noble

irtism m. Arabic 1 representation, portrayal

to stamp, impress itself upon; stick, be

to leave a

bequest of property

irs Arabic hereditary; inherited

irdzh ' f. Arabic 1 return, recurrence

retained in memory 2 sign, mark

artst m.

to extend the fingers 3 to

2 artavl transitive [past: ] to throw, fling, toss

artn m. width, spaciousness
artavna f. 1 broadening, expansion 2 state of being

irtidzhl impromptu, written extemporaneously

irtidd m. Arabic 1 desertion, treason, apostasy, deviation

artst f.

widely, extend

irtidzh' 1 reactionary 2 regressive 3 elastic; resilient

elasticity; resiliency
irtidzh'jt m. 1 elasticity; resiliency 2 literal &

artavl artavl denominative, transitive [past: ]


recoil (of a weapon)

1 to widen, make extensive, make expansive 2 to spread

character 3 regression, retrogradation 4 elasticity; resiliency 5

artod ks 1 orthodox, canonical 2 Orthodox (i.e.,

pertaining to the Eastern Orthodox Church)

irtibtchigar f. military communications service

irtibt attributive communication
maritime communications grammar conjunction
irtidzh ' f. Arabic 1 politics reaction 2 reactionary in


irti f. Arabic 1 rise (action); eminence, elevation 2

3 institution (of an action, suit)


2 direction, address

Pashto-English Dictionary

ardzhl 1 confused, muddled 2 m. the common people

ardzhl-bardzhl ardzhl-u-bardzhl mixed,

archakr f. 1 plank panelling, planking; the wooden

ardzedl intransitive
arkhlk m. arkhaluk (an outer garment)
arkhah m. 1 sobbing
to sob, weep 2 asthma

exchange value 3 significance

to evaluate
m. Uruzgan (city)

rzumnd desiring something, aspiring to

He wants to go very much.

to belch

m. indigestion

irs l m. Arabic singular & plural shipping, sending

compound verb to send, ship, dispatch
I sent the book through the mail.
aristokrtk aristocratic
aristokrs f. aristocracy history
aristocracy, the aristocratic form of government

arsl n m. arsaln proper name Arslan

urus f. window with a frame capable of being raised and

arsenk m. plural arsenic

irsh d m. Arabic [plural: irshdna Arabic
plural: irshd t] precept, lesson, instruction
to give directions to someone; instruct someone
ursh f. [plural: urshog ni plural: urshvi]


Dear is

dandy cheap is shoddy. 2 cheaply

common pasture; pasture; meadow

arshitkt m. architect
arshf m. archive
arz m. Arabic [plural: arz] earth, land
arz Arabic 1 attributive land, earth; territorial


reduce the price of

fall in price, cheapen

rzumand f. desire, wish, aspiration

arzedl intransitive [past: present: ]to cost, be
worth This thing is not worth it.
That's worth knowing.
1 argamj
m. Eastern

2 argam
f. Western yawning, yawn to yawn
urg m. plural
argaj m. Western belching



arzna feminine singular from

arzn f. cheapness
arznedl denominative, intransitive

use value



arznbj' arznbja cheap

arzntb m. arzntj f. cheapness
arznfursh selling cheaply
arznfurush f. economics dumping
arznv laj m. cheapness, low prices
arznavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to be of equivalent worth, be of

These dreams did not come true.

urdn m. urdunij f. Arabic Jordania

urd 1 m. .1 army, forces the Afghan Army
marines a land army
a field army regular army
Combined Arms Directorate (in the War Ministry)
the army reserve 1.2 m. military camp 1.3 f.
Urdu (language) 2 attributive the Urdu language
books in Urdu
urdubzr m. post exchange facilities
urdugh m. military camp
urduvl m. Urdu speaker
urdu attributive army, forces
arr m. 1 order 2 instruction
arinns m. regional edict
1 irj m. ram (non-fat tailed breed)
2 irj f. sheep, ewe (non-fat tailed breed)
arz m. 1 from 2 provisions, food stores, food

uruzg n
history Uruzgan Province
rz f. rz [plural: rzog ni plural: rz]
1 wish, desire desire for success
despite a great desire 2 hope, expectation, expectancy
a to wish, desire I wished that b to
hope, expect 3 dream, daydream

portion of a structure 2 cabinetwork, carpentry work

arz n 1 cheap

surplus value

4 evaluation

coniferous tree

arzht m. 1 value

equal worth 2 economics cost

ardshmnd 1 valuable, expensive 2 excellent

ardshantjn Argentina
arch f. 1 archa (a kind of juniper bush) 2 kind of

rdb f. mash (food)

ardv f. fodder (for cattle, barley or wheat)
ardl m. 1 bodyguard 2 orderly, batman
ardal m. obsolete orderly

very valuable research

intermixed, disorderly, muddled

arzsh m.

2 surface,

land (as in land or ground forces)

argh m. plural
arghashj m.

[past: ] to

1 clearing of the throat

the throat 2 inhalation (when smoking)


arghum n m.

to clear

Pashto-English Dictionary

arghndzh m. [plural: arghandzhna plural:

arghandzh n] plum
arghandzhk m. kind of damson plum (the tree or its

argn m. riding school, riding hall, riding arena

argamj m. Eastern 2 argam
argan f. latticed door; door in form of grill
urgn m. Urgun (town, district)


arghandzhj m. cherry (the tree or its fruit)

arghnd m. [plural: arghandna] Western [plural:
arghand n] paddle, bat (used in playing knucklebones)
the game of knucklebones
arghand b m. arghand v m. Argendab (river,

2 figurative

earthly paradise

to carry out
to fulfill a
cherished desire 2 dream I still dream
about this all the time. He died without
realizing his dreams 3 melancholy
folklore Fatekh-Khan grew melancholy in his
solitude. Thus he was
inwardly at peace. 4 regret, repentance; grief to regret
something to set one's heart at ease a
to dream b to yearn c to regret; grieve; mourn over
to regret the past a to pity
someone b to miss someone ! Look
out, you'll be sorry! ! I'm very, very sorry!
I regret not having gone into town.
proverb They are sorry when it is already too

arghaun m. music organ

arm n m. 1 strong desire

someone's desires

arghav n arghuv n ledum (marsh tea); pink acacia, Cercis

siliquastrum Sophora griffithi

arghavn purple, crimson

arghsh dark-complexioned
arghushavl denominative, transitive

Katawaz and


irm m. 1 Irem (legendary garden in Arabia)




[past: ]

to make dark

arghushedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be made dark, tan

1 urghmaj m. kid, young goat

2 urghme f. diminutive goat
arghn m. music organ
arghunchj m. rope, cord (braided from three strands)
to twist a cord, plait a cord
arghn m.
urghvaj m. palm (of the hand)
1 ar m m. Arabic plural from
2 ir m m. Arabic spelling
urk dialect
arkr f. 2
ark n m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 leaders, leadership,
leadership apparatus ark n-i higher official
personages, dignitaries generals, general officers,


armndzhn 1 desiring something; dreaming of

something 2 grieving, yearning 3 regretting

armnd m.
armn 1 desirable 2 ideal, perfect
aramb f.
aramchk m. abusive cur, mongrel
urm 1 m. plural the Ormuri (also called Bakari or Bakisti;
a nomadic people living in both Pakistan and Afghanistan south
of Kabul) 2 m. Ormur (person)

higher command personnel 3 military staff, headquarters

General Staff
Chief of the General Staff
arknikhrb m. arkniharbij f. staff
arktk arctic
urkz m.
arkestr f. orchestra
arkestr attributive orchestra
arkijlodzhst m. archeologist
arkijlodzh m. archeology
arg m. fortress, citadel (primarily used of the Kabul Arg, the
king's residents) the Arg Garden (in Kabul)
org n m. organ (of political or government power)
argn f. food, nourishment
orgnzm m. organism
argadzh mixed, heterogeneous

atk n-i harbij-ji

armagh n m. gift, souvenir; remembrance

to keep in one's memory

aramgj m. shepherd's crook

armanist n m.
arman 1 Armenian the Armenian language
Armenian (person)

armanij f. arminij Armenia

urmlaj m. armlaj diarrhea (in children)
rmun f. music harmony
1 armunj f. aluminum
2 armunj f.
armunk m. accordion, concertina
armunij f. harmonium an organ
urmg m. neck
armenj f.

2 m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

rn m. bugle (musical instrument)

rnd m.
urj m. swaddling clothes
arv f. [plural: arvg ni plural: arvvi] 1
spirit 2 soul idiom to think only of
food a to be greedy (esp. for food) b to conduct

pruning saw idiom


to sacrifice something for a departed soul

laj m. greed, avidity, insatiability

arhr m.

singular & plural dove pea, Cajanus

arjn f. history Ariana (the western part of the Iranian


folklore He surprised everyone.

1 arjn f.
2 arj ni f. plural
3 rjan
arjnedl intransitive
rj 1 attributive Aryan 2 m. Aryan (person)
urjdz f. urjdza f. [plural: urjdzi] cloud,
cloudiness It is cloudy. It is overcast. The

1 to oblige to listen 2

sharp (loud, high-

1 rvi present tense of

2 rve present tense, second person of
arvedl transitive [past: present: ]Western
to hear; listen; heed Listen carefully to
what I shall tell you. arvedli I heard that
You probably heard that
passive to be heard One hears good things

weather is getting overcast.

ari f. myrobalan (the tree or its fruit)

arik-shark m. regional tribal feud, blood feud
1 irjj m. dried rhubarb
2 irjj m. 1
a 1 m. .1 obstacle; hinderance 1.2 error, delusion 1.3
cover, ambush to lie in ambush 1.4 hobbles; fetters,

about him. He enjoys a good reputation. He has a good name.

arvedna f. hearing, audition

arvedn m. listening

chains 1.5 colic 1.6 constipation 2 predicative .1

You said this about him; that he listened to what you said.


arh m.

arjntb m. arjntj f.
arjnavl transitive

to read aloud

arvne f. noise, sound

land irrigated by means

dumbfounded, surprised

muddled 2 f. ill-matched company, motley crew

pitched) noise

araksh m. sawyer, woodcutter

arakash sawing (of lumber)
aragl m. karakul (fur from the pelt of an Asian sheep)
arhn m. singular & plural arhna f. castor-oil
plant castor oil
irj m. 1
arj n I am taken aback. I
do not know what to do. completely thunderstuck,

arvvgaj greedy, avid, insatiable

urup f. Europe
urup 1 indeclinable European 2 European (person)
arvta f. 1 woman 2 wife
1 ar m. stutterer, stammerer
2 ar m. 1 spite 2 envy
aro 1 mixed, intermixed, muddled up to mix,
intermix, muddle to be mixed, be intermixed, be

arha attributive well


arvaj f. singular & plural dandelion

m. arvvgtj


aroatb m. blend, mixture

urus f.
urugvj m. Urugvaj
arvavl transitive [past: ]

Eastern saying Her tongue

of a "noria" (i.e., water wheel)

literal May God diminish the

arv h m. Arabic plural from

has been loosened. She is babbling all over the place.

consequences! figurative What are you thinking of doing?

ra f. foundation, groundwork
ur m. plural 1
arha well provided with a noria (i.e., water bucket wheel)


a to have a presentiment,

have a foreboding b to think of, devise, invent; think up

to saw up, cut up 2

Ahmed suffered a

ra f. 1 saw (the tool)

good deal of unpleasantness. Ahmed is in difficult straits.

oneself basely; toady, grovel, bootlick c to be stingy, be

niggardly d to sniff at

arvednkaj 1 present participle of

connected, tied together 2.2 detained; apprehended 2.3 stuck;


2 m. radio

listener ! Dear radio listeners!

arved m. plural 1 listening
Having heard of this, he became very angry. 2 rumors
rwajaj m. keyword

a My arm is caught. My arm is entangled.

b I am busy. I am engaged. 2.4 experiencing difficulties;

being in need

of nothing. 2.5

2 He is in need
compelled, forced He is

compelled 2.6 muddled, confused; intricate, complex;


Pashto-English Dictionary

difficult to understand 2.7 very busy; absorbed, engrossed

2.8 suffering from constipation

1 idiom
1 driveler 2

(e.g., in work)

anatomy true rib, upper rib

i m.
a m impudent, brazen
a mna f. impudence, impertinence
a nd 1 detained 2 straitened, burdened 3 disordered,
disturbed a to detain b to put restraint on; burden
to disturb a to be detained b to be straitened, be

side seats, seats at the sides

flank attack 4
angular, uneven 5 wide, flat idiom physiology
leucocyte, white blood cell to speak

ud f. Eastern civil tunic, military formal coat


akj m. akj 1 staircase; stepladder 2 bar; bolt 3 part

of a weaving machine

2 arkj f. arkj singular trap

aked m. plural hinderance, delay



interference, without delay

2 at m.
at v m.
atb m.
atn m. prison
aat m. broker; merchant; one who conducts business on the

aga f. 1 stable 2 horse-breeding farm

alng m. imagination, thought, idea
1 am m. 1 crowbar; lever 2 bar, bolt compound
verb compound verb 3 brake,
hindrance 4 prop, support to rest, set

basis of brokerage commissions


to have a
requirement for to have a need for
to satisfy someone's wants,
satisfy someone's requirements to

2 m regional 1
aimn m. "ariman" (an evil spirit, demon, devil)
aramavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

atj f. necessity, requirement, need

the pronunciation of retroflex consonants) 3 to rest against

side by side on each side

close by , at,
near side by side with one to lie on
one's side to sleep on the right side
to turn over on the side a to lean one's
akh 1 side

something; lean against something

aramj m.


denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to be

employed in the capacity of a lever 2 figurative to set

energetically to work

elbows (on); lean, rest (against) b to go to sleep, rest c to suit,

1 to

employ as a lever 2 to apply the tongue to the hard palate (in

liberate, relieve someone of dependence

fit, be suitable, be proper

of a hall or auditorium 2 extreme, outer, last, located on the

aistl transitive [past: ] to compel, oblige

arj f. bad harvest, crop failure
1 at m. commission trade, trade on a brokerage

akhz 1 side, lateral

edge 3 military flank, flanking

burdened c to be disturbed

arkhaj m. 1 slope (of a mountain) 2 incline, declivity 3

He undertook

this matter energetically.

arnvj m. 1 riches 2 solvency, richness

ang m. 1 doubt; vacillation 2 suspicion 3 blame
a to doubt; vacillate b to suspect c to find deficiencies;

a to be up to, have within

He moves from side to side. 2 edge (e.g., of a table); side
The book lies at the edge of the table.
to cross over to the other side of the street 3 board
one's capacity b to calm, quiet, settle down from


(of a boat) 4 military flank 5 slope (of a mountain) 6 math


ang-dung 1 doubting,

uncertain, vacillating 2 confused, embarrassed

aangj f. step, running board to backheel (i.e.,

to throw an opponent in wrestling by tripping him, throwing his

edge, intersection 7 slant, aspect, point of view

akh r
akhk m. hunting battue (a method of hunting in which

heel over one's leg)

av laj m.
aut m. 1 persuasion 2 measure
avatl intransitive [past: past: ]

animals are driven into some place for the convenience of the

akh larnkaj having edges, faceted, multifaceted

a cut pencil

1 to be

occupied, be busy with something 2 to be obliged, be forced


akhn 1 2 traversing a slope 3 going along

something The road goes along

aud m. 1 skirmish, melee; battle 2 argument, conflict,


a to engage in battle b to create a


the riverbank. 4 bordering; edging


aohtaj m. economy

Pashto-English Dictionary

aavl aavl transitive [past: present: ]

1 to move, stir 2 to shift, move elsewhere 3 to turn, turn over,

a to be connected with something,

depend upon something
Everything in its own time. b to belong to
b to need to need fresh air 3 obstacle 4 iron
stove lid, iron stove cover idiom to relieve oneself,

leaf through

to leaf through a book 4 to

transpose 5 to plow, dig, dig over again


ploughed the entire field. He dug over the entire field. 6 to

hold fast, bring to a stop, restrain 7 to take away, remove from

answer the call of nature

3 u m. plural dialect
4 a f. singular 2
aakj m. 1
1 a f. 1, 3
2 ij m. 1
3 aj plural from 1
adzj m. guardroom, brig (place for short-term detention

the road 8 to put, put in, load 9 to load something from one
place to another

to load (and transport)

over the mountain 10 to throw repeatedly; throw across

a to cross the legs b to sit (e.g., on a horse)

to cross the legs 11 to place in or convert to other

circumstances or status

to convert the

army to peacetime status 12 to translate (from one language to


to translate into Pashto 13 to drain (e.g.,

of arrestees)

aedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to need,

experience a need for; requirement 2 to be forced

water) 14 to turn against (someone) 15 to attach a different

meaning to something; turn things against someone 16 to inflict

to inflict
great loss on the enemy to inflict material
losses on someone to wreck a ship 17 to
unload to unload 18 to drop in, pay a call, stay
somewhere to stay too long
He has already been our guest for a month.
He stayed at the caravansarai. 19
to spend, pass (time) a to turn over, overturn, topple
b to change to turn away from

(damage, harm, loss), harm

uedl denominative [past: ] to be milled, be made

into flour

aedna f.

aed m. plural 1

2 need,

ajistl transitive
ais boiled boiled meat
aiktjij ssm m. communication system
aknaj ts r m. call waiting
aekj m. 1 need, requirement; necessity, requisite 2
relationship, connection aeki to strengthen
trade links a to be in need, experience a need or
requirement What do you need from me? b

situation 4 to force, compel, oblige, make

aavlaj 1 past participle of 1 2.1 muddled up 2.2

inappropriate, unseemly, obscene aavli a


a disconnected speech b grumbling, mumbling

ae f.

aej f. the crosspiece of a noria (i.e., water

wheel) to which the buckets are attached

aavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 prevent,

hinder 2 to detain, seize, catch 3 to place in a difficult


muddled matters b unseemly, indecent acts

The aircraft made a forced landing. 3 to be in

great difficulties 4 to stay too long, linger on, stick

not to listen to someone, to ignore

to have a relationship, have a connection 3 obstacle,

hinderance, difficulty

avndzh m. 1 basis, foundation 2 leg (of a furniture piece)

a to establish a relationship

connection b to hinder, put obstables in the way, impede,

3 supporting member

hamper 4 medicine constipation 5 bolt, bar

aavna f. 1 turning over, capsizing, reversing 2

translation, transference 3 substitution, replacement 4


z m. Arabic 1 desire, passion 2 greediness, avidity

z d az d 1.1 free, open, unrestricted
in the open air the open sea a don't

aavnkaj 1 present participle of

ana f. 1 need, requirement, necessity, requisite 2


1 2

grammar preposition

aawnay m. adapter
1 avi present tense of 1
2 avi present tense of 2
3 vi vice of 2
1 a f. furrow
2 a f. 1 relationship, connection, association; dependence 2
need, requirement; necessity

hinder him b let him go 1.2 independent; autonomous 2 m.

.1 a free man 2.2 proper name Azad idiom

to pass

completely through

zdn 1.1 free, unrestricted

to live

freely, lead an unrestricted life 1.2 independent 2.1 freely,

unrestrictedly 2.2 independently


zdkhij l freethinking

Pashto-English Dictionary

zdkhijl f. freethinking; free thought

azdag f. 1
zdavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

zurdag f. offense; injury, disorder, grief, displeasure

zurd indeclinable offended; injured, disordered, grieved
to be offened at someone
zurdakhtr zurdadl
azr m. Azru (district, Pakti Province)
azghakj m. 1 prickle, thorn 2 regional mimosa,

to free,


z da 1 indeclinable 1 2 feminine singular from

1 zd f. 1 freedom freedom of speech
freedom of the press
freedom of organization freedom
of conscience freedom of action
the struggle for freedom the liberation

Prosopis stephaniana

azghj m. 1 prickle, thorn
proverb There is no rose without thorns. 2 barbed wire
idiom It is like a sore on my eye.
uzgrtb m. uzgrtj f.
uzgravl denominative, transitive
uzgredl denominative, intransitive
uzgaj m. Eastern 1 large kid (i.e., young of goat) 2

movement 2 independence

2 zdj m. proper name Azadaj (diminutive of Azad)

zdikh h 1 freedom-loving 2 liberal
zdikhh f. 1 love of freedom 2 liberalism
zdedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
liberated; be free 2 to receive freedom; be independent

zdidst freedom-loving
zded m. plural liberation
zd guhtnkaj freedom-loving
1 z r m. az r m. 1 illness, disease 2 offense; injury
to offend someone to take

Western goat

izg f.
azl m.

folklore Thus it was fated for me.

offense at someone 3 pursuit

2 shrewd, crafty


carry out an experiment 3 roll call, muster

at someone


izl f. Arabic 1 elimination

the elimination of errors 2 disappearance

azmjl transitive
azmjna f.
azmudl transitive
asmud indeclinable experienced; worldly-wise
to make experienced He was an experienced

verb to remove, eliminate

echo, sound)

uzbk m. Uzbek (person)

uzbakist n m. Uzbekistan
uzbka f. Uzbek (female)
1 uzbak attributive Uzbek

military leader.

azmudak r tested, experienced; checked out

azmojht m. azmujht
azmojht experimental field
azmojl transitive Western [past: ] 1 to verify;
try, attempt 2 to experiment, test a to test, take

Uzbek, the Uzbek


2 uzbki plural from

izdih m m. Arabic assemblage, mob, crowd
izdiv dzh m. Arabic wedlock, marriage bond, marriage
matrimonial law to enter into

stock of oneself b to be in training

izdijd f. Arabic increase, augmentation

increase, augment
azarbajdzh n m.

azmujndzj m.

azmujndzj m. 1

experimental station 2 laboratory

marriage with someone

azmajhti 1 attributive verifying, test; trial 2

nuclear test ban


az n m.
azng f. zng 1 echo to ring,
resound to ring out, resound, reverberate (of an

azmrtb m. shrewdness, craftiness, deceit, trickery,

zmjsh m.
zmjishgh f. laboratory
azmjht m. 1 verification, check, trial, test 2
experiment to experiment,

azr 1 m. sick person, patient 2 sick, ill, unhealthy

azaredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
offended; be grieved, be pained to be offended
izlt m.

azmr 1 m. sly and cunning one; deceiver; cheat; intriguer

iz r m. breeches, loose trousers tucked inside boots

azravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

offend; pain, injure 2 to pursue; pester, harass

the alphabet

spelling words out

Arabic eternity


azmujna f. 1 verification, trial 2 experiment 3

proverb Life is filled with



Pashto-English Dictionary

azumjnkaj 1 present participle of

proverb a good horse feeds

itself proverb The
hooves earn a horse's bread, but for man it is the tongue.
proverb To a restive horse the public
square is too small. proverb You can't

handle it.

2 tester,


izmr m. Izmir (city)

azmajht m.
azmajl transitive
azmejht m.
azmejl transitive
zt m. plural nitrogen
zot nitrogen, nitrogenous nitrogen fertilizers
nitrogen-mineral (fertilizer) factory
azr the Azores Islands
azgh m. singular & plural m. azugh f.
azf m. the Sea of Azov
azu f.
azjl azejl transitive
zh ns m. 1 agency
telegraph agency the Bakhtar
Agency TASS (Telegraph Agency of the Soviet
Union) 2 bureau, office tourist bureau
information office employment office
azhdr m. dragon
azhdah t m. singular & plural bronze
uzhghndzhn made of goat's wool
uzhghna f.
azhejl transitive [past: ] to wind (threads)
f. black martin (bird)

oblique plural of along
laj m.
m. 2

ug f.
agj f. dialect
agjl transitive [past: ] 1 to impel; incite, urge on

teach an old horse to jump. (i.e., you can't teach an old dog new

2 s m. 1 millstone 2 milling of grain

3 s m. 1 ashes (on a grate) 2 site of a fire; figurative home
4 s m. myrtle
5 s m. ermine
isrt m. Arabic 1 captivity 2 slavery; enslavement
isratmz isratmza 1 servile, slavish;
servitude conditions of slavery 2 attributive

as s m. Arabic [plural: assna Arabic plural:

ass t] 1 base, basis, foundation
on the basis of radically, fundamentally
2 principle

assnm f. statute, regulation

ass Arabic 1 fundamental, basic
fundamental law, constitution constitution 2
fundamental fundamentally, basically 3 in
principle, in the main, in essence

astr m. Arabic plural from

aslb m. Arabic plural from
s m m. Assam
asmbl f. 1 assembly General
Assembly of the United Nations 2 meeting general

asm m. Arabic plural from

1 s n as n easy, uncomplicated, simple
This is quite easy to do. easily
2 s n plural from 1
asntr more easily
asntb m.
sntj f. 1 This is very easy

2 to twist (cord) 3 carpentry to saw into dovetail form

as m. [plural: asna plural: s n]

horse gelding pack horse
draught horse mounted on a horse
harness technology horsepower
veterinarian races
racetrack herd of horses a to ride a horse

s m.

to obtain.

asnsr m. elevator; escalator

asngr m. accessibility, wizard
asnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
make easier to lighten difficulties
asna feminine singular from 1

hard figurative b to make efforts; try c to think, reflect upon

You also reflect upon it and think what to

a to ride horseback b to learn to ride horseback
They were shoeing horses



may very easily happen that

and even the frogs raised their little paws (i.e., everyone wanted
to get into the act)

assn Arabic 1 in substance, in essence 2 fundamentally

3 in principle

asn f. 1 lightness, easiness

facilitation, assistance, furtherance

proverb If you wish to control a horse you must know how to



to help

Pashto-English Dictionary

someone, assist someone

usttb m. position or job of teacher, master, expert

astdzv laj m. astdzval f.
astdzaj m.
ust d m. 1 teacher, instructor, tutor regional
director of a school 2 master, expert master

Has his pain


2 asni feminine plural from 1

asnedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] to

become easy, be made light (e.g., of work)

asajsh m. peace, rest

to disrupt someone's rest

to rest

craftsman, brigade leader 3 professor

asjlam m. asylum the right of asylum

asb b m. Arabic 1 plural of reasons; circumstances
motivation; motives force majeure 2
[plural: asbbna] equipment, weapons
means of transport, transport equipment the
means of existence 3 [plural: asbbna] possessions;
articles, utensils, baggage, equipment bedding
equipment and situation
asbbs z m. plotter
asbbsz f. intrigues
asb p m. colloquial
asb m. Arabic plural of
asbn plural from
asban feminine of
asbn m. [plural: asbn] herder of horses
asbunavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

ustdn 1 expert, craftsman 2 skillfully, in a masterful


ustdavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

make into a teacher, make into master

ust da feminine of
1 ustd f. 1 collective noun

teachers; teaching 2

craftsmanship; art

2 ust di m. from
ustdedl denominative, intransitive


to be a teacher 2 to be a master, be an expert

ust z m.

Under whom

are you studying?

ust za feminine of
1 ustz f. 1
2 ust zi plural from
astzv laj m. religion the official mission of a religous
body or the staff of such mission

astzaj m. 1 envoy, respresentative, delegate

to send one's own man; send one's

make someone a horse herder, designate someone a horse herder

asbunedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

become a horse herder, be designated a horse herder

representative 2 spokesman (for feelings, hopes, etc.) 3

asb m. [plural: asnn]

ispnij f. ispnij f. Spain
aspit l m. aspi l m. hospital
aspandavn f. horse races
aspirnt m. graduate student
aspirntr m. course of graduate studies
ispaghl m. plantain, Plantago ispaghula
spk m. breastbone (bird)
aspakj m. hobby
ispnd m. singular & plural perganum harmala, wild rue
aspands m. aspndsa f. polo to


istsjn m. station radio station

ustk r m. 1 master, expert 2 artist
istlf m. Istalif (city)
st n m. 1 threshold; entrance 2 tomb (of a saint); shrine,
reliquary 3 tribe or family of a saint or religious figure

aspnkaj m. pack (attached to the saddle)

uspna f.
1 spa f. mare
2 asp f. 1 typhus 2 nettle rash 3 asthma
1 asp indeclinable, attributive horse, mounted

istmbl m. Istanbul (city)

st n f.
ustv laj m.
istibd d m. Arabic despotism; autocracy
istibdd Arabic indeclinable despotic, autocratic
istit r m. Arabic camouflage
istism r m. Arabic exploitation the
exploitation of man compound verb
istismrch m. istismrgr m. exploiter
istismravl denominative, transitive [past:
]1 to exploit 2 to use 3 to exploit (i.e., natural resources)
istimredl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

spi plural from

3 asp plural from 2
ust m. 1 teacher

istisn f. Arabic
istisng ni

play polo

mounted patrol

master, expert

1 to be exploited 2 to be used; be exploited (e.g., of natural



[plural: istisn vi plural:

m. Arabic plural: istisn t]

Pashto-English Dictionary

without exception with the

exception of to make an exception
istisn exceptional in exceptional
circumstances in the nature of an exception
istidzhbt m. istidzhb f. Arabic m. [plural:
istidzhb t] reaction, response
istihl f. Arabic change, transformation, transition (from
one state to another); metamorphosis qualitative

istikhdmavl denominative, transitive [past:

] 1 to accept, take on for work, sign (someone) on for a job
to hire workers 2 to employ, use
istikhdm hired
istikhdmedl denominative, intransitive [past:
]1 to be accepted for a job, be signed on for a job 2 to be


used, be employed

natural resources) 2 extraction compound verb

istihs l m. Arabic 1 getting, receiving 2 production

compound verb to produce 3 [plural:
istihsl t] manufactured article production

istihslavl denominative, transitive

istihslavl to produce, manufacture, make

mine 3 figurative to reprimand

istihsledl denominative, intransitive

istihsledl to be produced, be manufactured, be made

istihz r

m. Arabic [plural: istihna


augmented ration

2 to be extracted, be mined

framework 2 structural framework

istihkkij 1 due, due to 2

istihk m m. Arabic [plural: istihkmna

consolidation 2 military reinforcement, fortification


(temporary) nature 3 combat engineering

meaning; cognition

combat-engineer unit

arguments in proof of

strung beads concerning the outcome of matters planned or in

the future)

str m.

astr m. 1 lining (of clothing); the wrong

2 astr m. mule
istirht m. Arabic rest; peace rest home
to rest
astrkh n m. Astrakhan (city)
astralij f. the Australian Union
astralija 1 attributive Australian 2 m.

Arabic plural: istikhbr t] notification, finding out,

istikhbr t m. Arabic plural 1 from


intelligence data, intelligence 3 intelligence (agent)

side 2 socle (of a wall)

istikhb r m. Arabic [plural: istikhbrna


istidr k m. Arabic understanding; the ascertainment of

istid' f. Arabic [plural: istid' vi plural:

istid'g ni] 1 request, entreaty 2 inquiry 3
complaint bureau of complaints
istid'nm f. application, petition
istidl l m. Arabic 1 conclusion, inference 2 production
of proofs; reasoning; arguments; reason, justification
arguments 3 to advance

istihm m m. Arabic bathing bathing suit

istikhr f. Arabic fortunetelling (by means of books, by


istihkmch m. combat engineer

istihkmchigar f. combat engineering
istihkm 1 reinforced, fortified static
warfare 2 attributive combat engineer, engineer

reconnoitering; information

istidr dzh m. Arabic gradualness

fortifications of a field

combat engineer battalion

ustukhnkr f. ostokhnkr structural work,

skeletal work

Arabic plural: istihkm t] 1 strengthening,

the mining of ore

istikhl s m. Arabic deliverance, liberation

ustukh n m. ostokhn 1 bone 2 stone (of a fruit)
ustukhnband f. ostokhnband 1 skeleton, frame,

attributive ration, pertaining to a ration or allocation

istikhrdzhedl denominative, intransitive [past:

] 1 to be extacted, be mined (esp. natural resources)

Arabic plural: istih t] 1 virtue, merit 2 ability;

competence; right 3 allowance, allocation, ration

istikhrdzh pertaining to the extraction of mining (esp.

natural resources)

m. Arabic summons, invitation

daily ration

istikhr dzh m. Arabic 1 development, extraction (e.g., of

compound verb
istikhrdzhavl denominative, transitive [past:
] 1 to extract (esp. natural resources) 2 to obtain, extract,


Australian (person)

istikhd m m. Arabic 1 hiring for work, acceptance for a

job hiring directorate 2 employment, use

compound verb
compound verb

usturdl m. back part, hind part, back; rear

istirh m m. Arabic request, entreaty (for mercy, quarter)
to request mercy of someone

Pashto-English Dictionary

isti'm r m. Arabic 1 settlement 2 colonization

compound verb to colonize 3 colonialism
isti'mrparst m. isti'mrdzh m.
isti'march m. isti'margr m. 1 colonizer

istird d m. 1 request for return, request for claiming 2

taking away 3 restoration

istirz f. Arabic 1 request for agreement 2 agreement 3


astarkr f. cementing of masonry; plastering

astarksh m. asuarksh military driver
astronm m. astronomer
astronom f. astronomy
ustur f. razor
1 ustrj Western 1 last, latest ustr the latest
news the little finger ustr
recently 2 at last He has got dressed at

2 imperialist

isti'mr colonial, colonializing

isti'm l m. Arabic use, utilization, application
to find an application for
isti'mlavl denominative, transitive [past:
]to use, utilize, apply misuse
isti'ml Arabic 1 having been in use, used, secondhand
2 practical

isti'mledl denominative, intransitive [past:

]to be in use, be used, be employed, be applied
istighs f. Arabic 1 request, entreaty, petition
to ask someone (for cooperation, assistance)
to intercede, solicit, petition 2 suit, complaint
istighr m. Arabic 1 absorption 2 concentration 3


ustur plural from

ustr f. regional flatiron

a suit which

has been pressed compound verb to press, iron

strij f. astrij f. Austria
strija astrija 1 attributive Austrian 2
Austrian (person)


astrelij f.
istis f. Arabic medicine dropsy
istishh d m. Arabic summoning as a witness
a to summon as a witness b to attest to
istisv b m. Arabic 1 approval 2 consultation;

istighf r m. Arabic appeal for forgiveness; repentance

Lord have mercy!
istighn f. Arabic absence of need; material
independence; (being) provided for, sufficiency
to manage without something
not to need something

istifd f. Arabic use; utilization

to use, utilize something to be
used, be utilized to use something
istifdadzh m. exploiter
istifdadzhu f. exploitation
istifdav economics use value
istifs r m. Arabic inquiry to inquire

solicitation of opinion

istiz ' f.

Arabic inquiry
m. Arabic 1 force, strength 2 resources;

means; assets 3 ability

istitl ' f. Arabic 1 investigation, research 2 explanation,

information idiom


isti'r f. Arabic [plural: isti'r] m. Arabic

[plural: isti'rt] extended meaning, metaphor;

picturesque expression, figurative expression; allegory

of someone

to adduce metaphors
isti'r figurative, metaphorical, allegorical
isti'nt m. Arabic request for help; appeal for help
isti'b d m. Arabic enslavement
isti'dzh b m. Arabic astonishment, amazement
to regard with astonishment, be astonished, be


isti'dd m. Arabic 1 ability, gift, talent


istifhm istifhmij Arabic interrogative

interrogative pronoun
istikmt m. Arabic 1 steadfastness, persistence 2
straightforwardness, frankness, plaindealing 3 decency 4
direction, side

surprised, be amazed

istifh m m. Arabic question

in a northern direction

able, have ability 2 predisposition, bent


istib l m. Arabic 1 meeting, reception

on the occasion of the forthcoming holiday

to be

a meeting was
compound verb a to receive, meet

receive, meet someone

isti'f f. Arabic retirement, going into retirement

to retire to resign, put in for retirement
to accept resignation, accept retirement
isti'l m m. isti'lmij f. Arabic 1 inquiry 2

arranged for him

b to comment on something 2 future 3 grammar future tense

istib l kavnkaj 1 present participle of

m. 2 istikb l kavnki m. plural those attending the



Pashto-English Dictionary

istir f. Arabic 1 conclusion, inference; induction

to make an inference, draw a conclusion
istir r m. Arabic 1 strengthening, stabilization 2



istis f. Arabic 1 attainment of the limit, end 2

istil l m. Arabic 1 independence

intensified study

Independence Day, Independence Holiday 2 steadfastness;


istill 1 independent 2 steadfast; resolute

ustak r m. 1 village craftsman, rural craftsman

2 master


istiksh f m. Arabic 1 military reconnaissance,

istikshf Arabic attributive military reconnaissance,

at a hotel

astogndzj m. 1 residence, abode 2 hostel, dormitory

astgna f. astogna f. astga f. astgja f.
dialect 1 residence, stay, sojourn a guest
room b residence to live, stay, sojourn
to settle somewhere, reside somewhere, stay

intelligence, scouting 2 research

intelligence, scouting 2 research expedition

istg h m. stand, stop, station airport
istl transitive Western
istilz m m. Arabic 1 demand 2 acknowledgement of
necessity a to demand b to acknowledge necessity
istim ' f. Arabic audition; hearing (i.e., witnesses)
compound verb to listen, hear
istimd d m. Arabic request for help, request for

somewhere 2 life, existence 3 residence, abode

astogjj m. dialect resident

astavl [past: ] to send, dispatch, direct
to dispatch information, send news, communicate to
send a greeting to dispatch goods
eston 1 Estonian the Estonian language 2 m.


istimr r m. Arabic 1 duration 2 persistence,

Estonian (person)

estonij Estonia
astone pat f. mailing address
astwne la, astone l m. mailing list
astone nhka f. shipping label
astavnkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. sender
istihz f. Arabic mockery
istihzmz istihzmza attributive

steadfastness 3 past tense of the imperfective aspect, the


istimrr Arabic 1 attributive prolonged, durative 2

grammar pertaining to the imperfect

past tense

of the imperfective aspect, the imperfect

istin d m. Arabic 1 reference to something

referring to the communication from Kabul 2 support
military a strong point 3 military reinforcement,



istinb t m.

istambl m. Istanbul (city)

ustuvr f. 1 literal hardness, firmness 2 steadiness,

ustuvn cylinder
1 ustuvn cylindrical shaft
2 ustuvn plural of
istiv equatorial; tropical Equatorial Africa
equatorial climate
astzaj m.
astzha f. Eastern astogna
f. astga

astogn living, residing, staying somewhere

to settle, reside, stay somewhere to stay


borrow, receive a loan from someone, be given credit

the equator

firmness, steadfastness

istir z m. Arabic 1 granting of a loan, granting of

credit, crediting 2 receiving credit

ustuv r 1 literal strong, hard, firm 2 steady, firm,


settling; transition to a settled way of life 3 confirmation,

istiv f. Arabic 1 balancing, equilibration 2 parallelism


istihl k m. 1 liquidation (e.g., of a debt) 2 consumption

3 amortization

follows from this that

compound verb a to liquidate (e.g.,

a debt) b to consume c to amortize

a to be

liquidated (e.g., a debt) b to be consumed c to be amortized

istintdzh m. Arabic logical inference, logical conclusion;

to draw an inference, draw a conclusion;

deduce, conclude Eastern One may

istihlk attributive consumers'

consumers' cooperative

estetk 1 m. aesthetics 2 aesthetic, artistic

estetik attributive aesthetic
astedl intransitive [past: ]1 to live, reside

infer that

istint m. Arabic law interrogation, investigation

to interrogate someone
istink r m. Arabic 1 disapprobation 2 aversion

abide, stay, make a stop


2 to be,

Pashto-English Dictionary

astednkaj 1 present participle of

2 inhabitant,


nether regions

istiz n m. Arabic authorization


to receive

lamentable occurrences

to be conquered, be

istil f. Arabic 1 conquest; capture

verb to conquer, capture, seize

given at burial services

istil attributive epidemic

stn m. sleeve
istin f m. Arabic law appeal; reclaim
appeals court, appelate court

m. ishzj

beginning in 78 A.D. with the rule of Kanishka, one of the rulers

Ikshakzai (tribesman)

ish m.
asd m. Arabic 1 lion

of the Kushani governments called in India shaki) 2 m. plural

the Shaki

iskelt m. skeleton
iskeletband f. frame, framework

2 astronomy Leo (constellation) 3

Asad (the fifth month of the solar year; July-August)

asadull m. Arabic proper name Asadullah

usr m. Arabic 1 captivity 2 medicine retention of urine
usar m. Arabic plural from
1 asr r Arabic plural from 2 military secret
2 isr r m. Arabic keeping of a secret to keep a

framework of a building

iskandr m. proper name Alexander, Iskander

iskandarij Alexandria
askerl transitive [past: ] to make sorry, make

askerlaj pitiable, unhappy, wounded by fate

askerna f. misfortune, ill-fortune, disaster
eskim m. Eskimo (person)
sl just right, exactly right, well-fitting (e.g., of clothing)
This (embroidered) skullcap is just for me.
These shoes fit perfectly.
asl f m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 ancestors
isl m m. Arabic 1 Islam, the Mohammedan religion, the


isr f m. Arabic wastefulness, prodigality

asrfl m. Arabic religion 1 Asraphel (one of the four
archangels) 2 seraph (angel of the highest rank)

isrl m. 1 Israel

usf m. bishop archbishop

1 isk m. 1
2 ask dialect
isk t m. Arabic 1 calming 2 pacification; calm
esk dr m. military squadron, naval squadron
eskdrl m. military squadron, air squadron
isk n m. Arabic transition to a settled life; settling
isk history 1 Sakian, Shakian (referring to an era

captured, be seized 2 supremacy 3 epidemic

astrlj f.
abbreviation from
ish m. Arabic proper name Isaac, Yitzak
ishz m. plural 1 the Iskhakzai (tribe) 2

asafn k regrettable, unfortunate, sad

1 is t m. Arabic miscarriage; premature birth; abortion

to miscarry; give birth prematurely; effect an abortion
2 is t m. Arabic religion 1 interment, burial 2 alms

istis l m. Arabic 1 destruction, annihilation 2


asfal-us-sfiln m. Arabic religion nether world,

Israelis, Jews 2 Israeli


isril 1 attributive Israeli 2 m. Israeli (person)

asr f. hope; dream to hope; dream
asrht m. vice
asar indeclinable enchanting; charming; attractive
aszghl m. horseman
aszghalabna f. horse races
asisnt m. assistant, aide
astur f. m. [plural: ]fable; myth
as' r m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 currency

Muslim world 2 religious orthodoxy, religiousness

islmb d m. Islamabad (city)

islmka'l f. Islamkala (border point)
islmi Arabic 1 Islamic, Mohammedan 2 orthodox
theology (Muslim)
islmijt m. Islam, Mohammedanism
isl v m. Slav (person) the Slavic languages
islv m. 1 Slavic 2 m. Slav (person)
aslih f. Arabic 1 plural of 2 weapon; armament
personal weapon concealed weapon
automatic weapon bladed weapons
(cold steel) firearm by force of arms
aslih dzhoavnkaj 1 attributive manufacturing
arms, arms arms factory; munition

foreign currency 3 finance draft (payable abroad in foreign


as'r attributive currency

currency operations
asghl m. horse thief
asf m. Arabic regret
asf lt m. plural asphalt
asfltkr f. paving with asphalt

monetary system

factory 2 gunsmith


Pashto-English Dictionary

aslihakhn f. arsenal
aslihad r m. military chief of supply (in the field)
aslihasz f. arms production, armaments
aslm m. Arabic proper name Aslam
aslb m. [plural: aslb] Arabic 1 method, way
methodology 2 style the style of a

starry sky

The weather is clear today.

Yesterday was a clear day.
a to look at the sky, look at the stars figurative b
to put on airs, take pride in, be puffed up literal to

become elevated, rise up high figurative to become "stuck-up"


aslavl aslavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to adjust to, fit to, adapt to idiom to teach

a If you try to count the stars in the sky, you'll be agape. b to

to be
to have trouble afoot;
have a dangerous situation arise to fall into
misfortune; be in danger a to be beset by great
undertake an impossible task
extremely tall, be lanky

misfortune b to have trouble fall like snow on one's head

asmantsk very high

asmntsklaj m. skyscraper
asmntsklkaj m. bat, flying mouse
smnkhar sh high-altitude


building; skyscraper

asmnkhul antiaircraft antiaircraft gun

asmn shklavnkaj very high
asmnl r f. asmnl ra astronomy the Milky

asmn 1 celestial; heavenly

meteorite 2

azure, light blue, sky blue 3 religious, spiritual, sacred 4

figurative foolish, absurd

a to speak nonsense

b to boast; fabricate; invent; lie c to joke, jest idiom

to go far away; be missing, to

folklore Dear one, thou hast

to leave


gone away; thou art missing.

asmnj 1 feminine singular and plural from 1 2

f. plural foolish nonsense to talk foolish

the Chagarzi tribe) 2 m. Ismailkheil (tribesman)


1 ism'ilz m. plural the Ismailzai (a subdivision of the

Usmanzai Tribe and of the Orakzai Tribe) 2 ism'ilzj m.

asmnirng azure, sky blue

blue eyes

Ismailzai (tribesman)


asm Mount Asmai (in Kabul)

isma Arabic indeclinable grammar nominal, substantive
1 isn d m. Arabic 1 reference to someone 2 substantiation

ismil Arabic 1 Ismailitic 2 m. Ismailian (person)

ism'ilij f. Arabic Ismailism; the teachings of the

sm n m.

proverb He who spits at the sky

will soil himself thereby. astronomy Ursa Major
(the constellation) saying Nothing can be done
without it's presence. to punish
someone cruelly

asled m. asled plural fitness, conformity

ism m. Arabic [plural: ismna Arabic plural:
asm plural: asm] 1 name, appellation 2 grammar
sm-i demonstrative pronoun
a diminutive sm-i the
comparative degree sm-i collective noun, plural
number sm-i tribal name, noun
sm-i proper name sm-i noun sm-i adverb,
temperal circumstances sm-i adjective
sm-i onomatopoeic word sm-i common noun
sm-i numeral sm-i noun of action, agency
sm-i collective noun sm-i
masculine noun sm-i productive noun the
indeterminate mood, infinitive, masdar (type of verb
sm-i abstract noun sm-i passive participle, the
object of an action sm-i adverb, circumstances of
place sm-i relational adjective
sm-i definitive (i.e., adjective limiting the
significance of noun) sm-i relative
pronoun sm-i feminine noun
common noun 3 invocation, incantation, exorcism
to pronounce an incantation over someone
sm-i military password
asm m. Arabic plural from
asm r m. Asmar (district, Nangrahar Province)
ism'il m. Arabic proper name Ismail, Izmail
ism'ilkhl 1 m. plural Ismailkheili (a subdivision of

high in the sky

proverb He who throws

clods at the sky will himself be injured by them.

to be suitable, to suit, be just right

proverb literal Though he grows to

someone a lesson, punish

the sky, a fool is a fool figurative A fool's a fool for that!

islt m. 1 (school) slate 2 plural slate (roofing)

asledl asledl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

literal to think that the sky is the earth

figurative to fail to understand something

asm n m. sky, heavens

a sky studded with stars; a

3 grammar subtatic relationship


Pashto-English Dictionary

2 asn d m. Arabic plural from loan-bonds

bonds payable to bearer literary

asunsjn m.
as m. regional

asir f. captivity
asist nt m. assistant
asasr m. regional member of a jury
asimt m. azimuth
asem f. hunting mare
1 sh m. 1 dumpling 2 food; meal, soup 3 kasha
saying Same old soup warmed over. 4 tannin extract
compound verb to tan to tan leather
2 ash m. children's speech ass, donkey
ash f. 1 misfortune, trouble, disaster 2 danger
ishr t m. Arabic plural from
ishrt m. Arabic
ishrtn Arabic by means of a hint
ishrat attributive signal signal cartridge
ishr f. Arabic [plural: ishr Arabic plural:
ishr t] 1 sign, symbol, mark dash
exclamation point punctuation marks
the Morse alphabet 2 signal, sign
He made a sign indicating that one should halt. 3 grammar
demonstrative pronoun demonstrative pronoun 4
military signal, bugle call military signal
(prearranged short order) the signal for attack
reveille 5 sign, token, mark 6 indication
to point to something 7 hint to

usar ]


Asuncion (city)
Asu (the sixth month of the Hindu calendar;

September - October)

3 content; satisfied

sudah l 1 successful, prosperous 2 content

sudahli f. contentment; satisfaction
sudag f. 1 rest, peace, calm 2 prosperity, well-being
3 material success 4 comfort

usur f. the Ussuri River

isogl s m. linguistics isogloss
asveldzhn grieving over, mourning over
asvelkj m.
asveln mourning over, grieving over
asvelj m. 1 yawn 2 deep breath, sigh a
heavy sigh; deep breath to sigh heavily; breath
deeply 3 shivering (from cold) a breath; sigh b
shiver (from cold)

ish l m. Arabic diarrhea

ash m m. Arabic plural from

shareholder, stockholder

ashm Arabic attributive joint stock; share

joint-stock company

as Eastern se

as 1.1 stingy, niggardly, avaricious

prisoners of war
to surrender


take captive

svl m. horseman
asu n m. Aswan the Aswan Dam
asvd Arabic black
sudag f.
sud indeclinable 1 quiet, peaceful 2 satisfactory, happy

asr m. Arabic [plural: asir n Arabic plural:

drop a hint to someone

isharch m. signalman
ishra 1 attributive signal 2 grammar demonstrative
ashatb m. ashatj f. ashv laj m. 1
bitter taste 2 figurative cruelty to act

to be stingy,

to stint 1.2 unfortunate, luckless 2 m. .1 miser 2.2 luckless

cruelly, treat someone cruelly

1 ashj m. dried fruit with a bitter pit

2 ash f. bitter taste
ish't m. Arabic [plural: ish' t f. singular:
ish' plural: ish' m. Arabic plural:
ish't] 1 publication; edition regional


asj m. 1 hoarfrost 2 dialect fog, mist

4 asj feminine singular from 2
1 sj f. asij 1 1 2 used in geographic
designations Charasiya (settlement)
2 sij f. Asia Southeast Asia
Central Asia Asia Minor (peninsula)
sij b m. mill
sijb f. history collection (of tax-in-kind) from mills
sijan f. whetstone
sjv n m. sijvn miller
sij attributive Asiatic
sb m. misfortune, trouble, disaster
asitb m. stinginess, avarice
asd m. acid prussic acid

publishing house 2 dissemination (e.g., of learning, points of


ashb h m. plural Arabic from

ishb ' f. Arabic 1 satiation 2 saturation 3 satisfaction

(i.e., of requirements)

ashpz m. ashpz m. cook

shpazkhn f. kitchen
shpaz f. cookery, cuisine
ashpr m. 1 conversation f. 2 noise, din, hubub
ishtib h f. Arabic 1 doubt; suspicion; skeptical attitude

Pashto-English Dictionary

there is no doubt that

to have doubts about someone, regard someone
with suspicion 2 mistake, blunder a to doubt b to
err, blunder 2 I have not erred.
ishtibh 1 suspicious; dubious 2 erroneous
ishtir t m. Arabic provisional state; agreement
ishtir k m. Arabic 1 participation 2 subscription (to a
newspaper, etc.) a to take part, participate b to
subscribe (to a newspaper) to subscribe to a

ishtirk t m. Arabic plural 1 from

outlines, the big picture

ishtirk kavnkaj m.
1 ishtirk Arabic obsolete

2 general

1 participant 2 subscriber
1.1 socialist 1.2 collective,

1 ash' r m. Arabic plural from 1

2 ish'r m. Arabic information, notification
ash' m. Arabic plural from
ishgh l m. Arabic 1 occupancy 2 entry into (a position)
occupying a position 3 seizure, capture,

ishti' l m. Arabic 1 ignition 2 provocation (deliberate

ishghalabl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to be the occupant (e.g., of a job) 2 to seize, capture, occupy

instigation of an incident)

ishghal attributive occupation

ishghladl denominative, intransitive

ishti m. Arabic derivation (of words)

derivative words


f. peace, conciliation

I've lost my

shuft indeclinable worried; downcast

shuftahl 1 worried; downcast 2 impoverished
ashr m. potash, caustic soda
1 shk m. meatballs made of meat and flour
2 ashk m. poetic tears
1 ishk l m. Arabic difficulty, trouble; impediment
without special difficulties to hamper,
create difficulty; impede to eliminate an



ishtih r m. Arabic 1 proclamation, announcement;


to proclaim, announce; publish; make a

public announcement of 2 proclamation, declaration 3 poster

ishtihr Arabic regional law criminal

seeking to avoid punishment

asht f. conciliation
ishtij m. Arabic

shuftag f. 1 confusion, concern, alarm, worry; disorder

2 calamity, misfortune

Arabic 1 desire 2 appetite

arouse an appetite in someone

[past: ] 1

to be filled, be occupied (i.e., a job) 2 to be captured, be

hold, fill (e.g., a post, position)

word derivation

ashrf Arabic 1 most noble, most radiant 2 m. .1 prince


ashtarn m. plural 1 the Ashtarani (tribe) 2 ashtarnj

ishtih f.

ashrapj f. Eastern 1 gold, gold

1 ashraf f.
2 ashrafj f. 1 Ashrafi 2 botany marigold
ashar 1 immoral, dissolute; wicked 2 obstinate; wrong-

to have in common

ashtgh m. dried apricot (without the pit)

ishtigh l m. Arabic occupation, taking, capture, seizure
compound verb a to seize, capture, occupy b to

2.2 proper name Ashraf

m. Ashtaranaj (tribesman)


coin piece 2 proper name Ashrafi

ishtirkijt m. obsolete socialism;

the epoch of primitive


ashrf n]

aristocrats, aristocracy, elite, nobility

ashrib m. Arabic plural

ashrap f. Western

ishtirk f.


ashr Arabic 1 unpleasant, disagreeable 2 indecent,

2 ashr r m. Arabic plural from

ashr f m. Arabic plural [plural:

common, general 2 m. Socialist


ashr m. help, assistance


newspaper 3 military cooperation, teamwork

obstacle; get out of a difficult situation

1 strong desire, yearning

desire passionately 2 passionate desire

2 ashk l m. Arabic plural from

ishkashm m. Ishkashim (settlement, district)
ishkamsh m. Ishkamish (settlement, district)
ashk interjection well done, bravo
shn ashn 1 m. .1 close friend, chum, buddy
to make friends with someone
Do not forget a friend in misfortune. 1.2


shtidzh m.
shtidzhu f.
shtitalb m. conciliator
shtitalab f. spirit of conciliation
ish m m. regional paper bearing an official seal
ashk r m. potash idiom to split hairs,

acquaintance 1.3 beloved one 2.1 acquainted with something


ashkh s m. Arabic plural

ashkhorka f. child's bib

2.2 knowledgeable about something


got to know the truth.


ashn j m.


Pashto-English Dictionary

repeated and determined demands

ashnja 1 f. .1 female friend 1.2 female acquaintance 1.3

beloved (female) 2 feminine singular of 2

young woman acquaintance

insist upon something


officially designated, as they say, as one says

to be

istilh Arabic 1 phraseological 2 idiomatic

an idiom 3 special, technical (esp. of a term)
asghr Arabic junior; lesser, little
asghar minimal
sf m. Arabic 1 proper name Asaph 2 figurative wise


shb m. 1 noise 2 confusion, anxiety, alarm, worry 3

calamity, misfortune

shubkn m. alarmist; person given to panic

ashur f.
shl m. noise, hubub, cry to make a noise, make


isfah n m. Isfahan (city)

asl Arabic 1 m. [plural: aslna Arabic plural:
usl] .1 basis, base, root the stem of a verb 1.2
article (of a law); statute 1.3 fact; substance; principle
in essence, in substance; in actuality; factuality 1.4
origin; race; family (extended) a by origin; by family b

a hubub, make a din, cry out

sha interjection get going (cry used by one who is driving

an ass)

2 sh f. proper name Aisha

saying They make a good pair!
1 ishh d m. Arabic law 1 summoning as a witness 2
establishment of a fact with the assistance of witnesses

originally 1.5 original 1.6 economics fixed capital 1.7

ashh d m. Arabic plural from

1 ashj m. Arabic plural from 1 minerals
2 eshj f. Asia
shjn f. 1 nest 2 cell 3 dot, point 4 hangar
ah m. 1 consideration; scrutiny 2 patience
uhka f. tear to shed tears
1 uhki plural from
2 uhkj f. praying mantis (insect)
ihodl transitive
isbt m. Arabic 1 hit (on a target) to

speak the solemn truth the main point is that
2.2 proper proper weight in the

classifier used in counting trees, saplings

saplings 2 attributive .1 real, veritable

very center 2.3 suitable dimensions, proper dimensions 2.4

economics fixed (of capital) idiom

proverb A good saber cuts according to its blade.

sln Arabic 1 in fact; all intents and purposes; in essence 2

by origin, descent, family

isl isl h f. & m.

Arabic m. [plural: islah t] 1

improvement of a breed of cattle 3 reform
reorganization compound verb a to correct;
correction; emendation; amendment 2 improvement

hit the target 2 accuracy (e.g., of a comparison); preciseness (of

an expression) 3 perspicacity


1 asr f m. Arabic plural from

2 isr f m. Arabic extravagance
istbl stable, horse-barn
istik k m. Arabic friction to rub against
istikk physics static static electricity
istil f. & m. istilh Arabic 1 phrase, expression,
locution, idiom in other words 2 term
technical terms
istilhn Arabic 1 idiomatically 2 technically 3 as it is

shn f. ashn f. 1 friendship; acquaintance

close friendship; close acquaintance
to befriend, carry on a friendship, be close to
someone I am on very close terms with
him. It is not worth being his friend.
ashnaghr m. Ashnagar, Khashtnagar (district near
ushnl transitive
ashv disgraced to disgrace

amend b to improve; mend, repair c to carry out a reform d to

aslt m. Arabic 1 nobility, decency 2 firmness of

character 3 personal responsiblity 4 personal representation 5

carry out land-reclaimation work

substance, essence

to be correcetd b to be improved; be mended c to be reformed

islhtalb m. Arabic reformer

islhtalabn 1 reform; reformative; reformatory

asltn Arabic 1 from oneself personally, personally 2

fully 3 as a matter of fact, in point of fact

aslatvudzhud f. philosophy existentialism

ash b m. Arabic plural from [ plural:

in a reform manner, in a reformative manner

islh reform, reformative, reformatory

aslbst m. military personnel

ashb n] associates of Mohammed

isd r m. Arabic export

the export of wool

personnel unit

aslavl transitive
1 sla feminine singular of 2

isr r m. Arabic insistence, persistence, persistent demand;

determination, pertinacity

compound verb a

thanks to

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 sla
asl Arabic 1 real, veritable, true 2 natural; innate
natural silk 3 practicable; effective 4 inborn 5 native
native language 6 basic, fundamental 7 chief, main
military main forces 8 literal; authentic
Where is the original? 9 own (one's)
territorial waters 10 original in the original

izfav laj
m. 1 addition, augmentation 2 development
the development of agriculture to increase, grow
izf Arabic 1 additional, supplemental
economics surplus value economics surplus
product 2 grammar pertaining to "izafet"
genitive case the "izafet" state, construct state
izhil l m. Arabic dissolution, liquidation


asl ba f. lmanjba prototype

aslijt m. Arabic nature, property, essence, being
asl hfiz f. virtual memmory
asledl intransitive
asn f m. Arabic plural from
asv t m. Arabic plural from shouts
of approval exclamations of regret
usl m. Arabic plural from [ plural: usulna
Arabic plural: usul t] 1 principles, bases
basic laws; constitution basic propositions 2 system;
method different ways, methods
according to such a principle the Berlitz Method
index cardfile system after the
old way, after the former fashion 3 order, system
the slave-owning system
usln Arabic 1 basically, for the most part 2 according to

sacrificial offering

situation, desperate situation; desperation, despair

iztirr 1 unusual, extreme, extraordinary

extraordinary session


in extreme cases 2

azl m. Arabic plural from

azj f m. Arabic plural from
it't m. Arabic 1 obedience, submission, subservience
unquestioning obedience
blind obedience to obey, submit to someone 2
respect, esteem 3 military subordination

Chamber of Commerce
at m m. food, meal proverb Eat first talk
atibb m. atibb Arabic plural from
ittir f. & m. ittirh Arabic 1 physiology excretion 2
ut m. 1 room

laboratory 2 chamber

2 grammar

the izafet

izfag f.
izf Arabic 1.1 addition, augmentation, accretion
over and above that besides that
to add, increase to increase pay 1.2

waste matter, offal, garbage

ittirh physiology excretion

itr d m. Arabic banishment to banish
atr f m. Arabic plural from

development 2 attributive .1 exceeding 2.2 economics

iztirb Arabic concerned, anxious

iztir r m. Arabic 1 extreme necessity 2 hopeless

the expression of the genitive relationship by the use of the


to offer a

a the alarm was sounded b a state of emergency was declared


purebred cattle 1.3 real, genuine,


iz-hij f. Arabic sacrificial offering

natural 1.4 fundamental 1.5 firm 2 m. proper name Asil

construct or izafet form of two nouns

d-i the Feast of

to offer a sacrifice, make a

internal contradiction

leave of absence

asiltb m. noble origin, noble birth

asilzd noble, highborn, of noble origin
izft m. Arabic 1 addition, augmentation

1 azr r m. Arabic plural from

2 izr r m. Arabic harmful influence
iztir b m. Arabic 1 agitation; concern, alarm
to agitate; cause concern, cause alarm 2 oscillation
electrical oscillation; oscillations of an electrical

asl Arabic 1.1 noble, of high birth 1.2 thoroughbred;

sacrifice, make a sacrificial offering

stipulated by law 4 correct, legal


izfag m.

1 azd d m. Arabic plural from

2 izd d m. Arabic 1 opposition 2 philosophy antithesis
conflict of opposites 3 contradiction

2 systematic, methodical 3 based on a constitution, based on

az-h f. Arabic sacrifice

Sacrificial Offering

usul t m. second plural of

usulnm f. 1 statute; legislation 2 regulations
usul Arabic 1 basic, of principle, pertaining to principle

liquidation of a state stock company

statute; according to law; according to the legal code

legislation; constitutional, legal

isfatb m.

surplus product

Pashto-English Dictionary

atrf 1 outlying, peripheral


evidence, testimony

periphery 2 m. [plural: atrfij n] circle of associates,

compound verb
izhrnm f. 1 statement 2 notification
izhravl denominative, transitive [past: ]

cronies; colleagues, close associates

utr m.
otrsh m. obsolete Austria
itf m. Arabic extinguishing of a fire
atf l m. Arabic plural from
itf Arabic attributive fire firemen; fire
company fire engine
ittil f. Arabic m. [plural: ittil' t] 1 information
Ministry of Information
Information Bureau to obtain information 2
communiqu, news the latest news
There is a dispatch from Rangoon to the effect that
3 knowledge, state of being conversant with
He was very poorly informed. 4 notification, notice
compound verb to communicate, notify, inform to

izhredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be stated, be said, be expressed

uzhr m. Arabic plural from 2

a'dzhb m. Arabic plural from
i'd f. Arabic 1 return; restitution 2 restoration 3
renewal; resumption 4 repayment (e.g., of a debt)

compound verb a to return b to restore c to renew d to repay,

discharge (e.g., a debt)


4 law effect, implementation, force (of a law)

effective, operative


period of validity (of a treaty)

in view of the fact that

7 certificate of immunity, safe-conduct; guarantee


i'tibrlk m.

i'tibrnm f. 1 mandate,

warrant, certificate 2 diplomacy credentials 3 finance letter-

2 atls m. Arabic satin

atlas Arabic 1 satin, made of satin 2 m. black eunuch
itmin n m. Arabic 1 confidence, reliability
favorable, satisfactory 2 verification; confirmation


i'tibravl denominative, transitive [past:

give credit

a to believe in something, be certain of something b to verify,


i'tibr 1 enjoying confidence, reliable 2 attributive


to assure someone of
something receipt (i.e., of a letter) 3
peace, calming, tranquility spiritual peace
itminnbkhsh itminn bahnkaj
itminn 1 satisfactory; favorable 2 calming 3

credit operations 3 conditional,

tentative; nominal

i'tid l m. Arabic 1 justice 2 moderation (e.g., in

viewpoints) 3 steadiness, even-tempered idiom


reliable; reassuring
azl l m. Arabic plural from

on the grounds that

the Atlantic Ocean manshr-i

the Atlantic Charter the Atlas

atls m.

atv r m. Arabic plural from


5 authorization; authority 6 basis, grounds

to grant a divorce (to a woman)

food supply chief 2 nourishment,

commercial credit 3 importance, weight; authority; reputation

relate to something, refer to something 2 to name, designate 3


j'natn Arabic in the form of a donation

i'n f. Arabic 1 donation charity
evening affair 2 payment, dues party dues
i'tib r m. Arabic 1 faith, confidence
to trust, have confidence in someone
One cannot depend on you. He is a
frivolous man, and does not enjoy people's confidence.
It was believed that he was very rich.
2 economics credit bank credit

Information Agency

i'sh f. Arabic 1 provisions; victuals


notify, inform

1 to

state; say; express (opinion, etc.) 2 to testify, give evidence

ittil 'n Arabic as a matter of information

I have the honor to inform you.
ittil't attributive information
itl'dih f. informing, making cognizant
ittil'ij 1 notification, information 2 communiqu
itl 1 reference (to something) 2 giving a name;
designation 3 granting of a divorce (to a woman)
compound verb
itlkavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

oral testimony, deposition

1 just, fair 2 moderate (e.g., of

viewpoints) 3 counterbalanced, countervailing

izh r m. Arabic 1 statement, utterance, speech

i'tidlpasand f. 1 justice 2 moderation (e.g., in

viewpoints) 3 steadiness, even-temperedness

iz-hr-i expression of one's opinion, views, point of view 2

i'tidl 1

2 m. [plural: i'tidlijn]

Arabic moderate, person of moderate views


i'tiz r m. Arabic apology, excuse

Pashto-English Dictionary

i'tir z m. Arabic [plural: i'tirzna Arabic

a'dzhub f. Arabic miracle, wonder, phenomenon

a'd m. Arabic plural from
1 a'd d m. Arabic plural from
2 i'd d m. preparation
i'dd 1 preparatory 2 middle, secondary (of a school)
i'dadija Arabic 1 feminine singular from 2 f.
middle, secondary school, gymnasium (i.e., high school)
secondary school
i'd m m. Arabic execution, capital punishment
sentenced to death to condemn to
death, sentence someone to death compound verb
compound verb
i'dmavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

plural: i'tirz t] 1 objection, reclaim 2 protest 3

dialect Your
remonstrance is a just one. a to object b


to protest

c to remonstrate 4 attack, hostile action 5 finance protest of a


i'tirznm f. written protest

i'tirzvl 1 m. critic 2 attributive objecting
i'tir f m. Arabic 1 acknowledgement 2 confession
a to confess to
something b to confess one's sins, unburden oneself

i'tis b m. Arabic [plural: i'tisbbna Arabic

plural: i'tisb t] strike, work stoppage

general strike

carry out a work stoppage


to strike,

i'tisbshikn f. strikebreaker, scab

i'tisb kavnkaj striker
i'tisb 1.1 i'tisb attributive strike

sentence to death, condemn to death

i'dmavl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be sentenced to death, be condemned to death

a'r b m. Arabic plural from

a'rbij n m. second plural from
a'r z m. Arabic plural of 3
i'r f m. Arabic religion purgatory idiom
This is a veritable Hell.
a'izz m. Arabic plural from
i'z z m. Arabic honor; esteem; respect in honor


attributive walkout 1.3 pertaining to a work stoppage 2 m.

striking worker, striker

i'tis m m. Arabic 1 steadfastness 2 self-preservation

i'ti d m. Arabic faith, confidence to believe in,
trust I don't trust
you. I don't believe you.

of someone

i'til f. Arabic development

i'tim d m. Arabic 1 trust, confidence i'tim di mutual trust to have full confidence in
someone deserving of confidence, reliable 2
reliance, confidence, certitude
They are not self-confident. 3 expectation, hope,
reliance a to express confidence in someone b

honor guard,

guard of honor; ceremonial guard


i'timdbinnfs m.

i'z m m. Arabic sending, dispatching

i'zm Arabic expeditionary expeditionary
forces delegation, mission
a'sh r m. Arabic plural from
a'shr Arabic math decimal decimal

to have strong expectations, have confidence (in, of, for

i'zz Arabic attributive honor

a'shrij Arabic math


i'timdbanafs self-

number with a decimal

a's b m. Arabic plural from

a'sr m. Arabic plural from
a'z m. Arabic plural from
i't f. Arabic gift, presentation of gifts; granting, bestowing
azm 1.1 big, high 1.2 great, most important, greatest
im m-i the great Imam, Imam Knanifa (the founder of the

confidence, self-reliance

i'timdnm f. diplomacy credentials

to present credentials
i'timd reliable, trustworthy, dependable
i'tin f. Arabic attention, concern, anxiety
to be considerate of someone to pay attention to
someone; be concerned about someone
They are paying a great deal of attention to this.
i'tij d m. Arabic [plural: i'tijd t] habit, wont
1 a'dzhb m. Arabic plural from
2 i'dzh b m. Arabic 1 astonishment 2 pleasure 3

Knanifite Sect) 1.3 maximum, most high 2 m. proper name


u'zm f. singular from

make maximum use of

1 a'l
2 i'l f. Arabic height, loftiness
a'ltern the best

complacency, self-satisfaction

i'dzh z m. Arabic miracle, wonder

i'dzhz wonderful, miraculous
i'dzhmij Arabic punctuation marks


Pashto-English Dictionary

i'l m m. Arabic 1 notification, information;

air-raid alarm 2 news,

compound verb
a'l m m. Arabic plural from 2
i'lmavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

i'lmadl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be announced

i'lmij f. Arabic communiqu; declaration

i'l n m. Arabic [plural: i'lnna Arabic plural:
i'ln t] 1 announcement without
announcement; without warning 2 advertisement
commercial advertisement illuminated sign
compound verb compound verb

i'lnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to


i'lanedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be


religion Since God knows best, Allah will direct the matter.

military governor district 1.2 of the highest
quality; excellent a short fur jacket of the highest
quality It could not be better. 2 excellent (grade,
evaluation) idiom to make every effort
a'lhazrt m. Arabic His Highness ! Your


ughz m. [plural: ughuz n] walnut (thin-shelled)

aghzakj m. kind of mimosa, Prosopis stephaniana
aghzn prickly, spiny barbed wire idiom
thorny path

aghznavl denominative, transitive [past:

make prickly, cause to be spiny

Highness! (as a form of address)

a'm Arabic universal, general

i'm f. Arabic blinding, dazzling; blindness, dazzled state
1 a'm r m. Arabic plural 1
2 i'm r m. Arabic creation
a'm m. Arabic plural from to explore

aghzj m. 1 prickle, thorn Eastern barbed wire

proverb No rose is without thorns. 2
splinter 3 figurative bitter taste, pain; bitterness
the bitterness of separation 4 dialect Fagonia cretica (a kind
of plant) 5 dialect Sonchus arvensis (a kind of thistle)

blind gut, cecum 2 one-eyed, blind in one eye

a'j n m. Arabic plural 1 from

people, the nobility

Do not be afraid of difficulties in the course of your life.

aghzija f. thorn-bush thickets
aghg present stem of and
aghg l transitive [past: present: ]to knead;

a'vr Arabic 1 m. anatomy blind gut, cecum

proverb literal I found a thorn in the halva.

figurative A fly in the ointment.



aghznedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be prickly, be spiny; prick, sting

Chevalier of the Order of the Sun, Second Degree

the depths

a'm l m. Arabic plural from

a'ml t m. second plural from
a'mltkhn f. workshop
a'm Arabic deeper, deepest
official abbreviation

ightis b m. Arabic 1 seizure, taking away 2

aghzij f. Arabic food, meal fodder, forage

1 aghr m. drawing a bowstring, stretching a bowstring
to draw a bowstring, stretch a bowstring
2 aghr self-satisfied, complacent
agh z m. Arabic plural from
ighr m. Arabic exaggeration
aghrgh m. singular & plural fraud, swindling,


a'l Arabic 1.1 highest

older brother

disturbances occurred, disorders occurred

ghtb m. supremacy, mastery, rule, sway

aghdzh n m. proper name Agadzhan
1 gh z m. beginning compound verb to begin,
undertake, start up He began the speech.
2 agh z m. technology wedge
aghjn Arabic plural from
ightiz f. Arabic nourishment
ightiz 1 relating to nourishment 2 digestive
digestive disorder
ightish sh m. Arabic mutiny, revolt

1 to


a'lm Arabic most knowing, most informed

agh [plural: aghjn plural: aghg n

master idiom

notify, inform, announce 2 to express (e.g., sympathy) 3 to

Arabic plural: aghjn] 1 mister, Agha 2 prince 3



mix (dough)

aghg na f. aghg m. plural kneading, mixing (dough)

1 present participle of 2 m. dough

2 distinguished, noble

Senate, Upper House, House

of Lords

mixer, dough kneader (special worker in a bakery)



aghistl transitive dialect

aghustl transitive

Pashto-English Dictionary

aghust m. plural
aghhl transitive
ighf l m. Arabic fraud, deception compound
verb compound verb
ighfalavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

aghjr n]

without outsiders, in the absence of outsiders

aghel dialect 1 [past: ]intransitive to suffer from

indigestion, suffer from dyspepsia 2 [past: ] transitive

cheat, swindle; lead into error, delude

ighfledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be swindled, be cheated

to cause nausea

aghelaj 1 past participle of 2 m. person suffering

from dyspepsia, person suffering from indigestion

ghl m. ghl ghl enclosure, corral ( for cattle)

ghl 1 mixed, kneaded (of dough) 2 blended,


aghl t m. Arabic plural

aghlb Arabic 1 having preference, having advantage

agaj suffering from dyspepsia, suffering from indigestion

agheedl intransitive [past: ] to vomit, throw up
He is nauseous. He is vomiting.
aghezdzhn aghezank
ghez f. aghez f. 1 influence, action the
action of a medicine to have an
influence on something to act upon someone,
influence someone 2 result; effect 3 conclusion
What conclusion did you draw from this?
aghez kavnkaj aghezank effective,

2 m.

majority, greater part 3.1 for the most part 3.2 in all

In all probability he went

aghlbn Arabic for the most part; ordinarily

aghlaj 1 beautiful, elegant, refined 2 pleasing, pleasant,

nice 3 excellent 4 fitting, proper

ighm z m. Arabic indulgence, spoiling; condescension

a to show indulgence towards b to be a hypocrite, act


ghl 1
1 uf interjection

contrary to conscience

! Ugh! What a
filthy room! 2 oh, ah ! Oh! What a calamity!
! Whew! How hot it is today! to

ighv Arabic 1 instigation, incitment, provocation 2

seduction 3 calumny, libel

a to instigate b to

provoke c to seduce d to slander, calumniate, libel

ighvgar f. 1 disturbance 2 instigation, provocation 3

exclaim oh!, exclaim ah!


prepare malt, make malt 2 to malt (go through the process of

insects and other pests harmful to crops

making a malt)

aghudedl denominative [past: ]

aghr m. vengeance to take vengeance
aghz m. plural
aghustl aghostl transitive [past: [ ] present:
]1 to put on (clothing) to dress oneself,

I wrapped him in

a manner of

compound verb to communicate, express

to express the meaning of a word



to be of use to someone 3 law

testimony, evidence

ifz f.

m. efficaciousness, utility, benefit

Arabic exact description, circumstantial

description; pithiness

afgin m. Arabic plural from

ut-f 1
f m. Arabic plural from
if f. Arabic recovery, restoration (to health)
f objective
ft 1 m. [plural: fatna plural: f t] Arabic .1
misfortune, distress, disaster to suffer


agh regional colloquial

verb to be communicated, be expressed 2 usefulness, benefit,

embrace, clasp in the arms 2 an armful 3 figurative bosom,

to compel to put on, dress

ifd f. Arabic 1 expression

aghustn m. attire, clothing clothing

aghustna f. aghust m. plural the act of putting
on clothing, dressing clothing
ghsh m. 1 embrace to

expressing a thought, a formulation, a statement (esp. written)

an overcoat. 4 to clothe in some sort of uniform

aghnd present stem of

aghundavl necessitive verb, transitive

ifdav expressive; eloquent

expressiveness of language; eloquence, facility of language

get dressed 2 to pull over oneself (i.e., a blanket) 3 to wrap up

in something

1 ugh

2 abbreviation of
f t m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 agriculture pest
the struggle with agricultural pests

breach of discipline

ghd m. plural 1 malt 2 rotting flour, spoiled flour

aghudavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

aghr m. 1 dyspepsia, indigestion 2 illness accompanied by


2 [plural:
stranger; outsider; foreigner literal

aghj r m. Arabic plural 1 from

[past: ]

1, 2

Pashto-English Dictionary

misfortune has befallen them proverb

There is no greater misfortune than idleness. 1.2
damage or loss from agricultural pests 2 attributive
at the time of this heavy rain
ft b m. the sun
ftb f. pitcher (for washing the hands, etc.)
aftbalagn m. pitcher and basin (for washing)
ftb 1 sunny 2 yellow 3 faded
uftd indeclinable 1 cheerless, downfallen 2 unfortunate;

afri f.
afri 1 African 2 m. African (person)
afri f. Africa the African mainland,
African continent the South African
Republic the Central African Republic
Southwest Africa
frn prn 1 praise, approval to consider
praiseworthy to praise someone, approve of
someone ! You've done excellent work! 2

iftit iftit h f. & m. Arabic m. [plural: iftith t]

compound verb to
compound verb to have

beginning, ceremonial opening

begin, open (e.g., a meeting)

interjection good, wonderful, bravo

frinsh m. creation, making

afz r m. implement, tool, instrument

begun, be opened (e.g., of a meeting)

iftith Arabic relating to an opening; introductory

introductory speech
iftikh r m. Arabic [plural: iftikhrna Arabic
plural: iftikhr t] 1 glory; honor
gloriously a to be famed for b to have the honor
I have the honor to 2 pride a to be
proud of, take pride in b to have the honor a I


pride myself in the fact that b I have the honor to 3

iftikhr Arabic honorable


invention. This is pure fiction. 3 regional novel, romance

the honorable

afsnanig r m. regional novelist

1 afsr m. crown, diadem
2 afsr afisr m. regional 1 officer
naval officer commander; general officer
commanding officers 2 civil servant, public
employee afsr-i tax official
afsurd indeclinable 1 freezing; congealing 2 fading,

iftir f. Arabic slander, lie; calumny, obloquy

iftir z m. Arabic assumption, hypothesis idiom
moral words and turns of phrasing, moralizing and turns
of expression

iftir m. Arabic 1 parting, separation 2 disconnection;

juncture 3 dissidence, split

afkhm Arabic excellent, magnificent, outstanding

afr d m. Arabic plural 1 from

withering 3 figurative sad, cheerless, depressed 4 figurative

disheartened, dispirited

2 military personnel,

complement privates, soldiers; enlisted personnel

enlisted reserve seaman, sailors
enlisted personnel on active duty signal
corpsmen recruits, rookies
ifr z m. Arabic 1 section, compartment, apportionment 2

afsurdadil 3, 4
afsari attributive regional officer, pertaining to officer
rank or office

expressions of
regret to express regret
a feel sorry for, pity to pity
someone b to regret I regret that 2

physiology secretion

iffr t m. Arabic 1 excess 2 extreme; excessiveness

a to give oneself up to excesses b to go to extremes, run to

afsosn k worthy, deserving of regret; sad

a sad situation
afsn m. witchcraft, sorcery; spell, incantation

ifrt Arabic 1 extreme; ultra- 2 m. [plural:

ifrtij n Arabic plural: ifrtijn] extreme elements,

afrz compound expression

illuminating (or similar) illuminating the world (of
extremists; ultras

to bewitch, charm, put under a spell

afsungr m. sorcerer, magician, enchanter, wizard

afsungra feminine of
fse m. offset (printing)

the sun)

afss apss 1 m. regret

interjection woe, alas



afzrdn f. box, case, bag for tools or instruments

afzjsh m. addition; increase
afzud indeclinable increased, enlarged
afs r m. halter
afsnav attributive fairy tale; legendary; mythical
afsn f. 1 fable; tale, fairy tale like a fairy
tale 2 invention, fiction This is sheer

proper name Iftikhar

afrid m. aprid plural Afridi (tribe) 2 afridj m.

apridj m. Afridi (tribesman)


fridag r m. creator, maker

afruz f. proper name Afruza

frid indeclinable created

Pashto-English Dictionary

ifsh f. Arabic disclosure, publicity

ufl m. Arabic setting (of the sun); decline, going down

to set (of the sun)
fuh interjection ugh
ifh m m. Arabic exclamation; interpretation
Language is a means of communication.
afr m.
fisr m. regional 2
afimch m. opium smoker
afjn m. plural 1 opium 2 figurative narcotic, dope
1 1 white 2 used in geological designations Aktepa
2 abbreviation from horsepower
alm m. Arabic plural from
imt m. Arabic 1 stay, sojourn, residence to


verb to disclose (a secret); give publicity to something

afsh r m. singular & plural Afshar (Turkic tribe)

afsh n compound disseminating, spreading
chemical mortar

afzl Arabic 1.1 most virtuous 1.2 best, excellent m. 2

m. proper name Afzal'

afzalijt m. Arabic excellence

ift r m. Arabic the first meal taken after a (religious) fast
to eat after having fasted
af' l m. Arabic plural from
afgh n avgh n 1 m. [plural: afghan n Arabic
plural: afghin] Afghan (person) 2 attributive Afghan
the Afghan people
afgh n pezhandnkaj m. Afghanist (academic

live, stay, settle 2 religion precise observance (of some rite)


afghnist n m. Afghanistan
afghn 1 attributive Afghan modern
Afghan literature the Afghan press 2.1 f.
Afghani, the Afghan language, Pashto 2.2 [plural:
afghanj] Afghani (monetary unit) one-half Afghani
afghnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

a to live, stay, settle b to stand and sit (during

to pray diligently
f. & m. imatg imatg h
prayer) c to pray diligently

place of residence; residence 2 military army reception center

im f. Arabic 1 settling, placing, accomodation 2

presentation, presenting, institution (of a suit)

initiate legal action, institute a suit


uf m. Arabic [plural: ufkna Arabic plural:

jn m. Arabic plural from

f. supremacy, rule, sway
ib l m. Arabic 1 prosperity; well-being; material success

military artillery fire area 2 figurative mental outlook, mental

2 good luck; luck 3 Eastern law consent; acknowledgment

become Afghan, become an Afgan; be Afghanized

af ] 1 horizon

the visible horizon


ufuk horizontal

horizontal line

economics horizontal concentration idiom

move forward, advance

4 proper name Ikbal





exchange of
the general opinion

iblmnd 1 prosperous, flourishing 2

itib s m. Arabic 1 adoption, borrowing 2 extract,
quotation idiom quotation marks
itibsavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

afk r m. Arabic plural from

frame of mind
afg r avg r 1 injured, hurt

to admit one's guilt; plead guilty

2 mutilated; covered with


to adopt, borrow

ifl s m. Arabic 1 poverty, want 2 insolvency, bankruptcy

to declare someone bankrupt
afl k m. Arabic plural from
aflte f. plural regional
ifldzh m. Arabic paralysis to paralyze
a paralytic
afand m. effendi, mister
afv dzh m. Arabic plural from
afv afv h f. & m. Arabic [plural: afvg ni plural:
afvhg ni Arabic plural: afvh t] rumor
to spread groundless rumors
afvh pertaining to rumors There is a

itid f. Arabic imitation; following someone's example

to imitate, follow someone's example
itid r m. Arabic 1 strength, power, might 2 authority
exercising authority to limit
someone's authority, reduce someone's rights 3 superiority
a to triumph over something b to surmount
something 4 mastery

itir f. & m. itirh Arabic f. [plural: iktirg ni

plural: iktirhg ni m. Arabic plural:

iktirh t] 1 improvisation 2 initiative, creativeness 3

suggestion (e.g., to play, have a good time) 4 casting of lots (in

foretelling, etc.)

rumor that

itis d m. Arabic economics; the economy

national economy



Ministry of the National

Pashto-English Dictionary


political economy


(the periodical)

[plural: iktisdij n Arabic plural:

itisdij t m. Arabic plural economics; economic

ilimshins f. climatology
ilim climatic
am r m. Arabic plural from


av t m. Arabic plural from 2

av l m. Arabic plural from 1
av m m. Arabic plural from

following, taking after someone

ad r m. Arabic plural from

ak m. 1 uncle (father's brother) 2 elderly man; adult man

akbr m. Arabic plural [singular: ]1 grown-ups 2
adults the eradication of illiteracy
akkhl 1 m. plural Akakhejli (a subdivision of the Afridi

id m m. Arabic [plural: idmna Arabic

plural: idm t] 1 measure, arrangement

it is necessary to take all measures 2 speech, oral
presentation 3 military operation to conduct

tribe of Tirakh) 2 m. Akakhejl (person)

operations 4 endeavor, effort

ad m m. Arabic plural from

idmt executive (of authority, organs)
akds Arabic most sacred, holy
ir r m. Arabic 1 acknowledgement, admission, confession
law a confession in accordance with the

civil law based on the Koran)


m. academician

I attest that , I affirm that

irrnm f. Arabic law contract (written), agreement;


irravl denominative, transitive [past:

admit, confess, acknowledge 2 to attest, affirm

1 to

irredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

have admitted, have confessed, have acknowledged 2 to have

akmik m.


akbarj f. regional kind of candy, kind of sweetmeat

iktis b m. Arabic 1 acquisition; gain; money-grubbing

attested, have affirmed; be attested, be affirmed

the Academy of



akdmik m.

akem f.
ak 1 cruel, fierce, severe 2 hostile, inimical
1 akaj
2 ak f. cruelty, ferociousness, severity; oppression
a to demonstrate cruelty b to oppress
akaitb m. cruelty, ferociousness, severity
ukb m. grandeur, greatness
ikb r m. a kind of buckthorn
akbr Arabic 1 greatest, most high 2 m. proper name

He admitted that he was guilty. 2 attestation,


akdem f. academy

observance of Shariat (i.e., the Moslem code of religious and


United Nations Organization

ach f. Akcha (city, district)


1 fellow travelers 2


requirement, demand

itif f. Arabic movement, folowing, taking after

agl m. akgul (a kind of karakul, i.e., Asian sheep or its

country, land area; territory 3 geography belt, zone

the Council for the National

itisdiph m. economist
itiz f. Arabic [plural: itizg ni m. Arabic
plural: itiz t] Arabic 1 need, necessity, want 2

at t f. Arabic botany elder

al Arabic least; minimal, smallest minimum

alln Arabic at least, although, at a minimum, not less than
al m m. Arabic plural from
items of export principal export items
aallijt m. Arabic minority national minorities
ilm m. Arabic [plural: alm] 1 climate
continental climate severe climate 2 region, district;

iktisdijn] economist

shr-i the Far

wool, fur or pelt)

1.2 economical, profitable, economically advantageous 2 m.



itisdn economic, in an economic sense

itisdpoh nd m. itisdd n economist
itisd 1.1 economic, pertaining to the economy
economic policy the
economic power of the country history the
New Economic Policy the economic structure

as Arabic distant, far

preparation, training

m. Arabic plural [singular: ]relatives,

iktisb 1 acquired; earned, gained 2 preparatory,

academic training idiom

iktish f m. Arabic [plural: iktishfna Arabic
plural: iktishf t] 1 discovery, invention 2 research

relations; kinfolk


rab t m. Akrabat (city, northern Afghanistan)

as t m. Arabic plural from
as m m. Arabic plural from 1

Pashto-English Dictionary

aksizhn m. oxygen
akseler m. pedal, accelerator

3 intelligence, scouting, reconnaissance 4 development,


intelligence; reconnaissance

akl m. Arabic food, nourishment foodstuffs

akll m. Arabic coronet
ikm l m. Arabic 1 completion, end 2 execution (e.g., of a
commercial order) 3 military replenishment
replenishment of ammunition 4 supply compound
verb compound verb
ikmlt 1 military pertaining to resupply 2 attributive



iktif f. Arabic contentment, satisfaction

to be contented, be satisfied with something

to be enough for something

aktbr m. October
aktf active, aggressive
a m. 1 theatrical presentation, act 2 acting, stage acting
kng m. performance, acting (on the stage)

supply, of supply

to act, perform (on stage)

ikmlavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

complete, finish, end 2 to fill an order 3 military to replenish,

the most part, mostly, in the majority of cases, mainly; in

higher, highest


resupply 4 to supply

ikmledl denominative, intransitive

it usually happens thus 3

the maximum

aksra 1 feminine of

2 principally, for the most part,

military to be replenished, be resupplied 4 to be supplied

akml Arabic 1 completed 2 maximal; highest possible

akumultr m. storage battery
akn f m. Arabic plural from idiom

a simple
an absolute majority a
majority of votes to have a majority
akr m. giddiness, dizziness
kr f. Akkra (city)
ikr m m. Arabic respect, esteem with great
respect, very respectfully to treat someone with
aksarijt m. Arabic majority


personal plot, land allocation (of a collective farmer)

aknn literary at once, now

ekv dr m. Ecuador
akuv n m. plural children's speech little children, children
ku-bku m. 1 kind of bird 2 kind of children's game 3
dialect person with protruding eyes


ikrh m. Arabic aversion, repugnance, disgust, loathing

akrb 1 poor a poor man, poor person 2 m.

akorden accordion
ak m. [plural: ako n] walnut
akokhl 1 m. plural Akorkhejli (subdivision of the

poor peasant

akrabtb m. poverty, want

akarbakr m. plural regional 1

Khammok tribe) 2 m. Akorkhejl (tribesman)

ako f. Akora (capital city of the Khammok tribe)

akoj m. Morocco
1 akoz m. plural Akozai (a subdivision of the Yusufai

expression, look 2

character, spirit (of a time, epoch)

akrba feminine singular from

akrm Arabic 1 most generous, most bountiful, most

tribe) 2 akozj Akozai (tribesman)

gracious 2 m. proper name Akram

[past: ] 1

to be completed, be finished 2 to be filled (of an order) 3

mostly, in the majority of cases, mainly

ikml kavnkaj 1 attributive supply, of supply 2

m. member of supply services

aksr Arabic 1 the many; the majority, the greater part

in the majority of countries 2 principally, for
general; often, usually


depress the pedal with the foot

iktishf Arabic 1 attributive research 2 attributive


akrma f. dialect fourth finger

akarj f. plural ruins
1 k m. oh dear uncle (as a form of address)
2 ak 1 childless; fruitless, barren 2 despairing
ks jd m. oxide
iksrz m. eksrz plural 1 x-rays 2 x-ray room
ksidzhn m. oxygen
aksr m. Arabic 1 elixir 2 alchemy aksr-i

akk m. plural 1 unripe fruit

to set

(as of fruit) 2 the juice of unripe fruit; a seasoning made from

akram-ul-makhlu t m. Arabic crown of creation,

unripe fruit

ekonom f. economics
ekonomst m. economist
ekonomk m. economics
ik f. obsolete iki, pice (i.e., 1/30 of a rupee)
akaem f. regional academy
g h 1 experienced, learned, informed to inform,
notify to be informed, know 2 conscious



Pashto-English Dictionary

agh regional 1 sharp-sighted; farsighted 2.1 beforehand,

in advance, in good time 2.2 earlier


nine years ago


gh f. information, notification
agb m. agb regional steamboat
agdr strong, robust
1 ag r m. 1 base person, low person; toady, sycophant

al-bal 1 all, altogether 2 quite, completely idiom

to worry, to be disturbed, be alarmed
al p m. regional solo part, melody to lead
the singing, strike up a tune, begin to play

l t m. Arabic plural
al dzh m. aldzhgr m.


agrment to someone


al dzha feminine of
1 aldzh f. wooden gin or spike revolving barrel (for
separating the cotton from the seeds of the cotton plant)
to skutch, gin cotton, free the cotton from the seeds
2 aldzhi plural of
alch f.
ilch f. cardamom (the plant or the spice)
alrgh m. falcon (bird)
al sti indeclinable disappearing; unseen
alsk f. Alaska
alsh f. jaw, maxilla
alghbahd f. manufacture of silver and gold, lace, braid,

to accord

gst m. agst August

agl m. ditch, drainage ditch
agn m. mirafra cantillans (a kind of lark)
agvj f. reins
agchi a to be exhausted (with), break down
from b to strive to attain (something)



alkulng m. swings
al l
1 l m m. Arabic plural from
2 al m
al v m. flame; bonfire
alvrti f. plural 1 ill-considered action
to act rashly 2 nonsense 3 improvisation a to

Let me know what the story is.

Let me know what is happening.

agj f. singular & plural dialect egg, eggs

omelet idiom an innocent baby

literal to sing while in the egg figurative to be very adroit, be


agejl agjl transitive [past: ] 1 to irritate,

annoy 2 to incite, instigate 3 to abrade, rub sore 4 to sew up

speak rashly b to talk nonsense c to improvise; make

(i.e., a sack)

something up


household and property

ljsh m. 1 profanation 2 soiling, defilement, spoiling

elb m. the Elbe River
elb f. the Island of Elba
albnij f. albnij f. Albania
albnijj Albanian the Albanian language
albtta Arabic of course, undoubtedly; to be sure; without

l m. Arabic singular & plural children, posterity

the human race

al cord connecting the yoke with the main beam of a plow

l scarlet, red

al interjection hey, look, look here

al Arabic the definite article in the Arabic language; before


the "sun" letters it is

elbrz m. elbrs m. Mount Elbrus

albis m. Arabic plural [plural: albis]

assimilated by these sounds, and is read accordingly with them;

i.e., the phoneme /l/ of the article preceding a "sun" consonant

general sense), clothing

albush ka f. token, sign, indication

albm m.
ilbnd m. summer pasture, mountain pasture
albng mute
albm m. album
albumn m. chemistry albumen

is not only assimilated but has the effect of doubling the

consonant phoneme in question; at-tarikh; ar-

rahman etc. It is pronounced in Pashto in borrowed compound

words as "ul," "ur," "ut," etc. e.g., abdurraham


1 skutcher, operator of a

combing machine in a cotton mill 2 hand combing flax, beating

diplomatic recognition to a diplomatic representative by the state

al -al heave-ho, all-together (or similar expression used as a

cry in unison when doing heavy work)

2 agr conjunction if, though although

3 agr m. regional 1 kind of perfume 2 aloe
agr-bagr m. regional bustle, turmoil
agramj m.
1 ugr f.
2 agra feminine of
agrem n m. diplomacy agrment (i.e., the granting of
to which he is to be accredited)

ill Arabic 1 excluding, besides, aside from 2 however

al f. run; running; rush

rush up to someone

to run up to someone,

dress (in the

Pashto-English Dictionary

lp m. the Alps the Alps

alpi-al indeclinable ruined; bereft of resources
to ruin to be ruined
lt m. Arabic [plural: lat na Arabic plural:
l t] instrument, tool, device, apparatus, contrivance
military entrenching tool musical instruments
machine tools machine-tool

alt j m. 1 Altai

iltib s m. Arabic confusion, vagueness

of a fox pelt
confuse, muddle up


ilh m. Arabic 1 joining, annexation 2 appendix,

supplement 3 contiguity, junction

ilhavl denominative, transitive [past:

join, annex 2 to apply; supplement; adjoin

1 to

ilhaedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be joined, be annexed 2 to be applied, be supplemented

the Altai Mountains 2 paws

in short

manufacture; toolmaking; instrument manufacture

alhsl Arabic in a word, in one word, in short

ilhj f. 1 appendix, supplement 2 extension, wing (of a


alh n m. Arabic plural from

alhamdulillh Arabic thanks to God, glory to God, praise


to avoid confusion, avoid

to Allah

iltidzh f. Arabic running for shelter; seeking asylum

to run to shelter; seek asylum to turn to

ilkh Arabic and so on, and so forth, etc.

alr m. Eastern penholder (for letter-writing)
arrij z m. Arabic
ilz m m. Arabic 1 charge, accusation; conviction
Eastern law to accuse someone, charge 2 reproof, blame,

someone for assistance

iltiz m m. Arabic debt; obligation

iltizm Arabic under obligation; obliged idiom
grammar present tense of the perfective aspect
iltif t m. Arabic 1 esteem; honor; courtesy 2 attention
to attract someone's attention a

censure 3 shame, disgrace

uls m. 1
alsti unexpectedly, against all expectations
happen unexpectedly

to show respect, honor for someone b to pay attention to

elastik flexible; elastic

elastikijt m. flexibility; elasticity
as-salm 'aljkum Arabic Peace unto you, Peace be


iltim s m. Arabic earnest request; entreaty; supplication

to entreat, supplicate
someone to earnestly request, address a request
iltim s kavnkaj m. applicant, petitioner; one

with you; Hello, Goodbye

elsalvdr m. El Salvador
alsin m. Arabic plural from
1 als m. plural Eastern flaxseed flaxseed oil
2 uls
alishavl transitive
alishedl intransitive
1 ilgh f. Arabic cancellation, annulment; abolishment
compound verb to cancel, annul; abolish
2 algh to make a noise, create a hubub
1 alghs f. piece of bread taken in order to allay one's

addressing a request

iltih b m. Arabic medicine inflammation

iltihb inflammatory inflammation
ultimtm m. ultimatum ultimatum



present an ultimatum

altimtr m. altimeter
aldzhazr m. Arabic plural aldzhazjr m.
Algeria (state, city) People's
Democratic Algerian Republic

aldzhzajir 1 Algerian 2 Algerian (person)

aldzhazir f. Algeria (state, city)
uldzh f. trophy, captured equipment, military loot, booty
compound verb to acquire as trophies, obtain as


2 alghs upset, saddened to feel upset over

algh v-talgh v m. regional
alghat n restless, active (of a child)
algharz Arabic in a word, in short, in brief
algh-talgh 1 noise, din 2 confusion
algh f. ring, hoop idiom to dupe, deceive someone

alf m. 1 aliff (the name of the first letter of the AfghanArabic alphabet) idiom I am as poor as a church
mouse. to stand at attention
alf z m. Arabic plural from

captured equipment

aldzhi n m. plural water plants

aldzhirij f. Algeria (state, city)
alchak n m. plural handcuffs, manacles
alach f. alacha (spotted or striped cloth)
1 ilh d m. Arabic heresy, atheism
2 alh d m. Arabic plural from

Pashto-English Dictionary

alifb f. alphabet; ABC book

according to the

alphabet, in alphabetic order

2 alm m.
alm -at f. Alma Ata (city)
almrj f. cupboard, cabinet with shelves
bookcase wall cupboard the

ulft m. Arabic closeness, intimacy; affection; friendship

to enter into a friendship with someone
to strike up a friendship with someone
luft indeclinable 1 upset, annoyed 2 unhappy a
to upset b to make unhappy a to be upset, be

cupboard is open


il f. Arabic persuasion; suggestion; incitement

to suggest insistently; persuade
al b m. Arabic plural from official titles
il h m. biology impregnation, fertilization
impregnation, fertilization artificial insemination
aliss Arabic 1 in a word, in short, in brief 2 finally
alk m.
elektrn m. [plural: elekrronna plural:
electronic theory

alimpk olimpk 1 olympic 2 m. the Olympic Society (of


alimpik olimpik olympic

almr m. the Order of the Sun,
Second Degree the Order of the Sun, First

electronic computer


almar f. Almara (district, Khost)

almaghrib m. almaghrb 1 Morocco

2 countries of the

Magreb (i.e., those in northwest African Arabic-speaking lands)

almaghrib almaghreb 1 Moroccan 2 m. Moroccan


alkozj m. Alkozai (tribesman)

alam-ghalm 1.1 good-for-nothing, dissolute 1.2 reckless

2 m. .1 intriguer, plotter; cheat, swindler 2.2 nonsense,

alkl m. Arabic plural alcohol

alkuvjt m. Kuwait
1 ulk f. obsolete 1 province 2 proprietorship
2 alka vocative from
alkj zhba f. alkj zhbj f. anatomy uvula
idiom I used all

fiddlesticks 2.3 inarticulateness 2.4 dialect swindle, fraud,


alamn k 1 agonizing, painful 2 sad, melancholy;

almunijm m. plural



almunijm m. plural

ulm f. fine weather, clear weather

alamij sadly, dolorously
aling r m. the Allingar River
alang f. wall
1 l m. [plural: lug n] plum
2 l interjection hello
3 al m. regional potato
4 al
5 al m. proper name Alo
6 ul m. kindling wood (i.e., dead brush, fallen branches)
7 ulv m. 2
alv h m. Arabic plural
alv r m. plural wood; lumber; timber (logs)

my persuasion to get Ahmed to give me his book.

alga f. barren (e.g., of a cow)

allh Arabic 1 m. God, Allah ! Oh my God! 2
interjection I swear proverb He is
destitute. He is poor as a church-mouse.

the Olympic Games, the


elektron electronic

elektronk m. electronics
elekrn m.
alkozj m. plural
1 alkoz m. plural Alkozai (one of the Durrani tribes)

lmni German

language 2 m. German (person)

alimpj olimpj f.

elektron t] electron

alm s m. singular & plural 1 diamond 2 small scissors,

lm n m. Germany
lmnav 1
almn lmnj 1 German

annoyed b to be unhappy
alifub f. alphabet; ABCs; ABC book

a to suffer from gluttony, be insatiable b to be impatient

in alphabetic order

the Morse code, Morse alphabet

alm m. Arabic [plural: alamna Arabic plural:

l m] 1 grief; sorrow 2 torment, torture idiom

alifbaj alphabetic, pertaining to the alphabet

alifb f. according to the alphabet,

allahuakbr Arabic 1 Allah is great! 2 used as a battle

cry by troops going in to attack 3 Thanks be to God; Glory to

God; Praise be to God

allah-khjr Arabic God forbid!

allahdd m. proper name Allahdad
allahjr m. proper name Alajar, Alayar

Pashto-English Dictionary

alv n Arabic 1 m. plural of

2 m. cotton print,

1.6 to blow off, carry away (by wind) 1.7 to evaporate 1.8 to

brightly-colored cloth (used for shawls, dresses)

separate, detach, chip off; chop off; break off 1.9 electrical

lubl m. singular & plural cherries

lubukhr f. Bukharian plum; prunes
1 alvt m. flight to fly away, take off
2 alvt imperative of
alvutk alvatk 1 flying 2 being fledged, becoming

fuse 1.10 to break, break up

skull 1.11 to kill, get someone out of the way 1.12 to spend
frivolously; squander, waste, throw to the winds 2 m. plural .1
piloting (e.g., an aircraft) 2.2 explosion

fledged (of nestlings)

carrier antiaircraft gun
bomber military aircraft
airdrome ground-attack aircraft
fighter aircraft jet aircraft
alvutl alvatl Eastern 1 present tense past
tense future perfective intransitive .1 to fly 1.2 to
engineering to burn out 1.5 to fly away; be detached, be

A blizzard is blowing

up. 1.7 to evaporate, lose fragrance, go flat (of a concentrate

solution, perfume); disappear, volatilize, disappear into thin air
1.8 to fade, lose color (of paint, dye) 1.9 to turn yellow; grow

pale (a face)

2 m. pilot,

alvzi present tense of

uls m.
alvl 1 sinuous, tortuous 2 collapsing, tumbling down
to collapse, tumble (in ruins) 3 disorderly
aluminijm m. plural aluminum
alun-baln m. concern, alarm
I spent the whole night in a state of alarm.
alunj in hiding; disappeared from sight
to be hidden from sight, disappear, vanish
alvojl transitive [past: ] 1 to burn 2 to fry, grill

take off; be launched (in air) 1.3 to be blown up 1.4 electrical

cold wind is blowing today.

alvuzavnkaj 1 present participle of


alvutka f. aircraft, airplane

broken off 1.6 to blow; rise (of the wind)

to burn out a
to smash one's

engineering to burn through, burn out

3 to torture, torment

uluhijt m. Arabic 1 deity 2 divinity

1 alvaj lvaj 1 fried, grilled 2 tortured, tormented
2 alvj f. roasting of an ear of corn
alvez n upset, pained, grieved
alvh m. plural light wind, breeze
l f. Arabic 1 device; tool, apparatus; contrivance; machine
tool musical instrument rangefinder
radio transmitter 2 figurative a tool
to be a tool in someone's hands 3 grammar agent
noun of agent
ilh m. Arabic God
ilah Arabic interjection oh God
ilh m m. Arabic [plural: ilhm na Arabic plural:
ilhm t] 1 suggestion; inducement compound
verb to suggest to someone 2 inspiration to

He grew

pale. 2 m. plural .1 flight, flying 2.2 explosion idiom

He died. a He lost his head. b He grew
pale. ! You have gone out of your mind.
He has sunk down (morally).
alvutna f. 1 flight; flying 2 explosion 3 take-off
alvutnkaj 1 present participle of 2 attributive
flying, pertaining to flight cruise missile
alvut m. plural
ludzh f. aluch f. alycha (a kind of damson)
alvdz present stem of
alvudzavl transitive
aluts f. altsa alycha (a kind of damson) idiom
to screw up one's eyes
ld combining form stained, soiled, covered with blood
gory, bloodstained
alvid' attributive parting, valedictory
farewell, leave-taking to pay a farewell visit;

inspire 3 stimulus, incentive

al-bal f. cry, howl

alatsk m. thawed patch
alsti f. plural rashly spoken word
la-gla f. al-gul f. 1 riot, revolt, sedition;
disturbances 2 noise a to rebel, revolt; instigate

go say goodbye

lud indeclinable stained, bloodstained

alvuzavl 1 transitive future prefective
present tense .1 to make to fly, arise, rise up; toss up,
throw up to release pigeons 1.2 to pilot (an
aircraft) 1.3 to blow up to blow up a bridge
to shoot one who has

disturbances b to make a noise, be noisy

alhng m. regional 1 sorrowful weeping 2 torments,

agonies, sad experiences

alavrti f. plural
alvaj interjection 1 ow, it hurts
lih m. Arabic plural divinity

been lashed to the muzzle of a cannon ( a form of capital punish

in former times) 1.4 to fan (flames) 1.5 to winnow (grain)

2 ouch

Pashto-English Dictionary

amzn m. the Amazon River

amkn m. Arabic plural from
m l m. Arabic plural from 3
umm-al-bil d f. Arabic history the Mother of Cities (i.e.,

ilah Arabic 1 divine; celestial, heavenly 2 interjection oh


ilahij t m. Arabic plural theology

1 l attributive toolmaking; used for making tools
2 alj interjection 1 oh, oh really, my God !


1 aml f. Arabic enema

2 iml f. Arabic linguistics softening of a vowel sound
im m m. Arabic 1 imam; chief priest; spiritual leader 2

Oh! Oh! What have you done!

ilj s m. Arabic proper name Ilyas

alj f m. Arabic plural from
aljf Arabic fibrous a fibrous substance
ali-pal regional 1 turned head over heels 2 m.

religious minister (leader of prayer) 3 figurative leader, teacher

am n m.

li-dzli f. plural request for forgiveness, request for


alesk f. Alaska
alsh substituted, replaced
alishng m. the Alishang River
alishavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
change, exchange, replace to change (one's clothes)
2 to change, alter to shed hair (of animals)
alishedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
changed, be exchanged, be replaced to alternate,
take turns The water is turning to steam.
alishednkaj 1 present participle of 2

someone idiom ! Goodbye!

amnt m. Arabic 1 honesty, conscientiousness, decency
to be honest 2 goods or money put into escrow or

loaned for temporary use 3 custody 4 guardianship, trusteeship

5 power of attorney 6 finance deposit, account

amnatd r Arabic 1 honest, conscientious, decent;

worthy of confidence 2 m. trustee, custodian, guardian

amnatdr f. honesty, conscientiousness, decency

completely honestly
amnatk r Arabic
amanatkr f. devotion; honesty
amnatgar f.
amnat 1 deposited to an account 2 place in trust, given
into custody He has charge of my

alf m. plural drying oil

ilekshn m. regional elections; electoral campaign
aliushn the Aleutian Islands
iljh Arabic combining form mentioned in passing,
referred to

alejl transitive
1 m m. am m. 1
2 um
3 um f. umm Arabic mother
4 um
amm Arabic conjunction however, but however
am dzh m. am ch m. omelet with greens
mdag f. 1 readiness, preparation 2 procurement
procurement of fodder
md indeclinable 1 ready; prepared
We are ready. 2 laid in, prepared a to prepare, make
ready b to lay in, store, ready a to be ready, be

money. 3 under guardianship

amndzhn sorrowful, sad

amn 1 relating to the rule of King Amanully-Khan 2 f.

amn Arabic sound, worthy of confidence (of money,

history amani (a coin minted in the time of Amanully-Khan)


goods, property)

to entrust, deposit, make a deposit

a to keep money (in a safe place) b to put

money aside

3 amn Eastern quite; all; entirely, in full

amb m. the Amb River
umb f. bleating of sheep
amb r m. 1 sewage; manure 2 fertilizer
agricultural fertilizer factory; chemical fertilizer plant
to fertilize the soil
to be fertilized 3 storehouse, barn 4 heap, pile (of

prepared b to be laid in, be stored, be readied 3 susceptible (to


umrg f. boil (on children)

the total assets deposited by a

population in banks 7 security; calm

alished m. plural 1 substitution; change a

change of address 2 change, alteration, transformation


make a deposit, deposit, deposit money into an account

imrt m. Arabic 1 emirate, principality 2 power,

Arabic 1 security; calm

spare, show mercy to, forgive someone, give amnesty to

changeable, unstable, inconstant

m. Arabic the rank of imam

be protected from something 2 mercy; pardon, amnesty
to spare, show mercy to to ask for mercy;
throw oneself at the mercy of the conqueror to

disorders; disturbances


manure) 5 haystack, hayrick 6 trash, rubbish


Pashto-English Dictionary

ambrkhn f. 1 storeroom 2 warehouse 3 regional

plural: imtijz t] 1 difference, distinction; peculiarity

national traits to distinguish,
differentiate a to be distinguished, be differentiated b
to occupy the first places _ to be distinguished for, be
notable for It is hard to tell them apart. 2
advantage; privilege 3 economics concession to

barn; grain-storage facility

ambrkh m. one who collects dung, manure, etc. for

use as fertilizer

amblj f. seat with canopy (on the back of an elephant),


embrilodzh f. embryology
amb-chamb regional 1 wound around, twined
around, wrapped (i.e., with a blanket) 2 interlaced
to interlace the fingers
ambr m.
ambul ns m. ambulance
amb f. mango (tree or its fruit)
impirtrs f. empress
impirtr m. emperor
impirtur f. impirturijt m. empire
impirjlzm m. imperialism
impirjlst m. imperialist
impirjlist indeclinable imperialistic
ampl m. ampule
ummt m. Arabic religious community, flock
imtis l m. Arabic following, obedience to someone
in execution of the order
imtih n Arabic 1 test, check-up to test
someone 2 examination oral examination
to take an examination to pass an
examination He failed the examination.
imtihnavl denominative, transitive 1 [past:
]to check up on, test 2 to examine
imtihn Arabic 1 attributive test, check-up 2

grant concessions

imtijznm f. Arabic economics concessive agreement

imtijz Arabic 1 distinctive, different from; special
special rate; special pay rate 2 advantaged;
privileged; preferred 3 economics concessional
settlement, concession (e.g., the International Settlement in
Shanghai in pre-1949 China)

ams l m. Arabic plural from 1, 2

imh f. Arabic destruction, annihilation
destruction of the enemy



a to ply (a route) b to visit,

mr m. Arabic [plural: mir n Arabic plural:

department chief 2 staff officer 3

leader; manager 4 sovereign 5 person who gives commissions

or instructions to others

amr m. Arabic [plural: amrna Arabic plural:

operational order under someone's orders;
subordinate to someone to order
someone, command someone to issue an order
to command someone 2 grammar imperative mood
3 mr m. mr Arabic [plural: umr] matter, affair, the
state of affairs, the circumstances It is
avmr] 1 order, instruction


medicine prophylaxis

imtin n m. Arabic thankfulness, gratitude

to thank someone, express gratitude to someone
amt f. 1 reliance, hope, expectation 2 wish, desire

understood that It is natural that

umr umar m. Arabic plural from

amr z m. Arabic plural from
amir n m. plural 1 from 2 senior officer complement

a to hope, entertain hope, have expectations b to wish

mirn] 1 chief

to reject, abstain from

first aid

roundtrip traffic between two points 2 intercourse, connection,

imtin' preventative, deterrent

useful, necessary; fit,


imtin ' f. Arabic refusal, rejection; abstention from


madn m. plural 1 arrival 2 income; receipts

income and expenditures
madan f. income
mad-u-rft m. 1 arrival and departure; traffic; regular



imd d m. Arabic assistance, support

pecuniary aid
imdd Arabic military auxiliary


md m. 1 arrival 2 income, receipts 3 assets; resources 4

combining form capable of use



imhk r destroying, annihilating


imtid d m. Arabic 1 extent, stretch, duration

for the duration of the journey, along the route 2
prolongation, extension to prolong, extend
imtidd Arabic continued, extended, prolonged
imtiz dzh m. Arabic 1 blend; blending 2 chemistry

imtij z m. Arabic [plural: imtijzna Arabic

amtad r 1 hoping for something 2 achieving, attaining


Pashto-English Dictionary

amrbr m. Arabic messenger, orderly, runner

that , in view of the fact that , because

for this very reason, that

2 aml m. drug addiction
3 aml m. Arabic [plural: amalna Arabic plural:
m l] hope, expectation
iml f. Arabic 1 dictation to transcribe diction
to dictate 2 spelling, orthography standardized
spelling You write with errors.
aml k m. Arabic plural from 2 chief of

liaison officer

amrbar f. Arabic the job of orderly, messenger or runner

amrt m. guava (the fruit)
amras f. "amrasa" (a kind of a sweet dish made of flour,
boiled butter and syrup)

amrt m. amrd m. 1 2 pear (the fruit)

amroz regional on the very same day
mra f. head, chief (female)
amr Arabic grammar imperative mood
mirijt m. Arabic 1 authority, supremacy
to be under someone's authority 2 leadership;
management a to lead, be chief b to command, have

the directorate of state property

someone at one's disposition 3 job, post, position


proverb In one's own home the dog is a tiger.
proverb literal in the tiger's lair lie
tiger cubs figurative Like father, like son.
saying Do not awaken a sleeping tiger.
amzlaj m. 1
ams f. stick, walking stick, staff
amast f. 1 arrangement, adaptation 2 agriculture scion,


imz f. Arabic signature


Complete tranquillity was reestablished. 2 order

2 amn thoughtful, serious

3 imn calming, consoling
aman f. consent, assent to agree, assent
amnipasnd peace loving peace loving

aman f. snow mixed with rain, sleet

amank m. 1 asylum, refuge, place of refuge

the place for a

compound verb to sign

to be

to calm,

amna-amn f. peace, tranquillity

aminijt m. Arabic 1 security, tranquillity
Security Council 2 military protection, security
aminijat pertaining to security
aminedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

amnij f. Arabic 1 security

Council 2 security police


m m. the Amu Darya River

amv dzh m. Arabic plural from electrical

grammar the

potential form


for defense purposes For the sake of
attaining this goal. 2 reason, basis for the reason

amnavl denominative, transitive [past:


will be difficult to bring this matter to fruition.


mghn f. dialect groin

umghaln 1 unripe 2 embryonic, incipient, rudimentary
imk n m. Arabic possibly; feasibility
to the extent possible
if possible impracticable to
have the possibility It is possible that
to turn out to be possible; come true
He could not even come. It
imknbkhsh possible; practicable
imkn Arabic

amka f. plural a kind of persimmon

saying He suffered along with his

amlk m.

1 aml f. to attack someone

2 ml f. a kind of myrtle
1 amal m. 1 smoker 2 drug addict 3 drunkard
2 imlj f. botany tamarind
amlejl transitive [past: ] to hide, conceal
1 amn m. Arabic 1 security, tranquillity, peace a to
secure (e.g., tranquillity, peace) b to make secure
to threaten the peace to
settle a question by peaceful means
to live peacefully, live in tranquillity Eastern

American (person)


imlj orthographic


amrik f. America
the United States of America
South America North America
Central America
amrik armikan regional 1 American 2 m.
amrik f.
umj 1
mzarj m. Eastern

amv l m. Arabic plural from

amkht m. 1 habit

aml m. 1 aim, goal, object, end, purpose

to grow

accustomed to something 2 practice, custom, wont


Pashto-English Dictionary

amid m. & f. namesake

amr m. Arabic [plural:

amokht amukht indeclinable 1 knowing something;

being accustomed to something

I do not
a to train
b to tame, domesticate

have the smoking habit. 2 tamed; tame

amir n Arabic plural:

umar ] 1 ruler; emir; prince; nobleman

to train for work

a to be trained; make oneself familiar with b to be tamed
proverb It is hard to break bad habits.
idiom folklore the serene falcon
amohtag f. 1 state of being tame, state of being

amir l m. amir-ul-bhr m. Arabic admiral

admirn Arabic princely
amirzd 1 m. son of an emir; prince; young son of a

noblemen 2 military leader 3 proper name Amir

prince 2 f. daughter of an emir; princess; young daughter of a

domesticated 2 knowledge of locality


umr m. Arabic plural from



philanthropy, charity

combining form being mixed up; mixed, blended

umedv r 1.1 hoping for something

hope, reassuring


submitted to their fate. In the end they were reconciled to their


on 1 exactly; precisely 2 right up to

even up

to , right up to

n plural suffix usually for animate nouns

plural hawks


an f. [plural: ang ni plural: an vi]


a to be a grandmother b to mature early;

become mature early, become grown up (of a girl) c to grow

wise, be wise idiom

already a thing of the past.

This matter is

nn Arabic instantly, at once, right away

an b m. plural botany any member of low shrubs of the


Buckthorn family

f. 1 hope, expectation 2 pregnancy

plural from

Emin Aminuddin Aminulla

amintb m. guardianship; trusteeship
amnki amen, so be it
aminv laj m. reliability, faithfulness, conscientiousness
1 n m. Arabic instant, moment all the time; every
minute in an instant, at once, instantly,
immediately in a twinkling idiom to try with all one's
might Western I tried to
persuade him in every way, but he did not come.
Western He is at death's door. to submit to, be
reconciled with In the final analysis they


hope that 1.2 optimistic mood 2 m. candidate, competitor

umedv ra f.
1 umedvr
2 umedvri

mn Arabic 1 amen; so be it 2 m. amen

proxy 2.2 guardian 2.3 arbitrator 2.4 proper name Amin,

... I

umedvravl denominative, intransitive [past:

to give rise to, instill hope

say amen idiom ! Eastern I wish you the same!

2 amn Arabic 1 correct, reliable, conscientious
He is a very reliable person. 2 m. .1 confidential agent,

giving rise to

someone's neck

is hope. 2 proper name Umed


amez n m. the Amazon River

mezsh m. blending, mixture
aml m. 1 necklace 2 wreath; garland 3 proper name
Amel idiom to throw one's arms around

1 amjn f. handbag, purse, wallet, money belt

2 amjn f. plural from 2 2
mb m. mb amoeba
mebk amebic dysentery
umd m. umd m. 1 hope, expectation
despite expectations I lost hope for
this. He gave himself up completely to
despair. to nourish a hope, hope ... to
hope that to nourish hope, hope to give
rise to hope, instill hope There is no
hope that this matter will succeed. ... I hope
very much that There is no hope
for his recovery. a I rely on you. b I
expect you. proverb While there is life there
umedafz umd bakhhnkaj

painted, colored

& f. ignoramus

amir 1 pertaining to an emir, princely 2 f. .1 emir's,

prince's court 2.2 emirate, principality

amr m. the Amur River

umur t m. second plural from 1
mz mz combining form instructive
novice recruits
umumt m. Arabic 1 maternity 2 matriarchy
amonij f. chemistry ammonia, ammonium hydrate
amonjk chemistry ammoniac
1 ma f. mango (the tree or its fruit)
2 um from 2
3 um 3
imh l m. Arabic postponement; delay, procrastination
1 am m. ignoramus
2 amm Arabic umm Eastern 1 illiterate, uneducated 2



antm m. anatomist

Pashto-English Dictionary

antom 1 f. anatomy animal anatomy

plant anatomy 2 anatomical
anatj f. blindman's-bluff (the children's game)
ins Arabic feminine, woman's lis-ji

2 ant n m. history the Entente

intib f. intib h Arabic 1 cheerfulness, courage 2
awakening the Renaissance 3 vigilance,

intibhnm f. appeal, leaflet, broadside

intidzh ' f. Arabic foraging
intih r m. Arabic suicide
intih l m. Arabic plagiarism
intikh b m. Arabic 1 election, selection, choice
reelection compound verb
compound verb 2 biology selection
natural selection
intikhb t m. Arabic plural from elections
secret ballot election statute
electoral law electoral district
general elections direct elections
intikhbt electoral, pertaining to elections

women's secondary school

andl m. Anatolia
an r m. singular & plural pomegranate
pomegranate (the fruit) pomegranate juice
pomegranate syrup
anrpst m. pomegranate rind
anrdar f. Anardara (district)
nrsh f. anarchy
nrchizm m. anarchism
nrshst m. anarchist
anrk f.
anrkzm m. 1 anarchism 2 anarchy
anrvl m. seller of pomegranates
an feles m. anopheles mosquito, malarial mosquito
an ns m. regional announcement, notice
anng f. cheek
ananijt m. Arabic 1 egotism 2 arrogance
anv m. dialect 1 damage, loss 2
anv laj m. position of a grandmother (in a family)
anv m. scrap business, scrap
1 un m. the Unai Pass
2 anji m. fool, blockhead
amb r m.
ambrkhn f.
ambravl denominative [past: ] 1 to put (down,
together, in, on) 2 to put or lay (in, on) to

the term of a convocation or session (e.g., of a parliament)

intikh b kavnkaj m. elector, voter

intikhbavl denominative [past: ] to elect
intikhabvnkaj 1 present participle from 2
elector; voter

intikhb 1 electoral; voting 2 sports elimination

intikhbedl denominative [past: ] to be
elected to be elected
He was elected chairman.
intikhbednkaj 1 present participle from
intid b m. Arabic mandate
intidb Arabic mandate, pertaining to mandate
antrst m. plural anthracite
inters interest
antrks m. medicine malignant anthrax
interneshanalzm m. internationalism
antropolodzh f. anthropology
antrshaj m. sneezing
intis b m. Arabic 1 relationship, connection; belonging

pile one on another 3 to drift (e.g., of snow)

ambredl intransitive [past: ]1 to be put, be

placed, be piled (on one another) 2 to be drifted

inbis t


m. Arabic 1 gaiety, joy, delight 2 broadening,


ambr m. tongs, pincers

ambh 1 numerous 2 m. crowd, gathering (of people)
amboh f. abundance, plenty
amb f. mango
anbij m. Arabic plural from
amb m. ambk m. still, distillation apparatus
int dzh m. Arabic 1 production; creation 2 produce;

origin, provenance 3 preface, foreword

antrktk m. Antarctica

disseminated (of rumors) b to be published, be promulgated 3

dispersion 4 finance issuance

the continent of

int n m. festering, suppuration, abscessing

fester, suppurate

a to be

rumors) 2 publication, promulgation

of radio receivers on a broad basis


intish r m. Arabic [plural: intishrna Arabic

plural: intishrt] Arabic 1 dissemination (e.g., of

product 3 work (of art, literature, etc.)

instis b m. Arabic establishing, fixing, setting,


person elected, candidate elected

intisb having been fixing; set, designated

intis r m. Arabic victory


Pashto-English Dictionary

intiz r m. Arabic 1 waiting, awaiting

having waited for a while
to wait, await
For whom is he waiting?
I waited all day ... They expect that
I am waiting for you. 2 hope, expectation
intizrkhn f. 1 reception room 2 waiting room
intiz m m. Arabic 1 order organization,

interneshanalzm internationalism
ansaj m. anshaj m. sneezing; sneeze
andzh m m. 1 end, conclusion, outcome
to end, conclude, complete; execute to be
ended, be concluded, be completed How will
this come out? compound verb
compound verb 2 end, tip 3 extremity
andzhmavl denominative [past: ] to end,
finish, complete, execute to carry out his duties
andzhmedl denominative [past: ] to be ended,

orderliness 2 administration, management 3 arrangement,

organization 4 measure

a to administer something,

manage something b to adjust, put something to rights

finished, be completed; be executed, be carried out

a to set up tea-drinking, arrange tea-drinking b to

prepare tea

organize something, adjust something

equipment idiom carriage, bearing

intif ' f. Arabic utilization, use
inti d m. Arabic criticism literary criticism
to criticize to be

a compound verb
infection 5

transference (e.g., of energy at a distance)

intilavl denominative [past: ] 1 transfer;

transport 2 assignation (e.g., of property rights)
period) 3 progressive (of a movement)

legislative proposals 3 literary society

andzhumn m. Andzhuman (valley, district in

Andzhuman Pass
indzhn m. [plural: indzhinna plural:
indzhin n] 1 motor; engine internal combustion
engine 2 locomotive railroad engine
indzhinkhn f. 1 railroad depot 2 machine room,

to the extreme degree

intihpasnd m. extremist
intih 1 final, extreme, last, maximum the
ultimate speed, maximum velocity limit 2 senior,

engine room

indzhinr m. engineer mining engineer

indzhinir 1 attributive engineering 2 technology;


subject matter of engineering

entebb f. Entebbe (city)

antitz antitz antithesis
antisjklon m. anticyclone
antiserm m. anti-diphtherial serum
antk antique, ancient antiquities
antik f. rarity, rare thing, rare object
antl the Antilles (Islands)
antn m. antenna loop antenna

andzhor f. kind of vegetable

ndzha f.
andzhr m. medicine scrofula
1 indzhl m. gospel
2 indzhl m. Indzhil, Injil (district)
inch m. inch
inch rdzh m. regional manager; administrator, head, chief
inch f. distance equal to an inch
indzr m. singular & plural fig fig, fig tree
andzkj f. moan (of a sick person)

directional antenna

to give an

1 andzhumn m. 1 society, organization; meeting

The Afghan Boy Scout Organization 2 commission;
committee preparatory committee; committee for

intil 1 portable, transportable 2 transitional (e.g., of

inrni m.

of being phlegmatic; apathy

inti m m. Arabic 1 vengeance, retribution

to avenge someone 2 repression
antvrp m. Antwerp (city)
entomolozh f. entomology
intih Arabic 1 f. end, edge; terminal point 2 attributive
extreme, last, maximum to the utmost degree,

indzhekshn m. injection,

injection; an infusion, an inoculation

indzhka f. moan (of a person who is ill)

indzhim d m. Arabic 1 thickening, congealing, freezing
freezing-point 2 hardening, thickening, callosity
a to congeal, freeze b to harden 3 figurative state

transition 3 demise, passing, death

b to die 4 infection

indzhksjon m.

infusion; vaccination, inoculation

inti l m. Arabic 1 transport, transportation 2 passage,



subjected to criticism, be criticized

andzhart m. plural gum of milk vetch

andzh 1 m. tangled skein 2.1 tangled, confused; in a
tangle 2.2 complex literal to tangle the

to be

arranged, be organized, be adjusted 5 regularity 6 installation;

indzhiz b Arabic 1 attraction, gravity

attractive force 2 enthusiasm, bent, attraction

to arrange something,

inrne intranet

Pashto-English Dictionary

andzr m. 1 drawing, design

excessively great to the

extent possible excessive !
What good is this! to a certain extent
to the extent possible
compound verb a to measure something to
measure a distance b to weigh, evalute
to undertake a task which is beyond one's strength or
capabilities to try to the extent of one's
capabilities to overload, load down
excessively compound verb a to be measured, to
come to b to be weighed, be evaluated 2 norm



draw; cover with drawings 2 style

andzr khal wzla f. imaging device

andzorshna f. drawing
andzorgr m. artist; graphic artist
andzoravl denominative [past: ] Eastern


draw; cover with drawings

andzorz drawn; covered with drawings, covered with

designs; pictorial


hieroglyphic letter, hieroglyphic

andzrz dzh l m. computer science video network

indzr m.
intsj f. woolen thread woolen thread
inhir f m. Arabic 1 deviation, digression to

ration scale 3 total (e.g., of a debt) 4 inner sole

andzagir f. measuring, measurement

measuring instruments
andz combining form throwing

diverge, digress 2 politics deviation 3 technology deviation;

encroachment on someone's rights


inhirf 1 m. deviationist 2 evasive, deviational

inhis r m. Arabic 1 monopoly

extremities, arms and legs

reserving (credits, etc.) for an individual

inhisr t m. plural 1 from

state monopolies

2 administration of

inhisravl denominative [past: ] 1 to

monopolize 2 to reserve something for someone
inhisr monopolistic


andarpj f. staircase
andrk f. andrkj f. short coat, short jacket
andr-i-mi' d regional timely, on time
1 and 1 m. plural the Andary (Gilzaj tribe) 2 m. Andar

inhisredl 1 denominative [past: ] .1 to be

monopolized; be the object of a monopoly 1.2 to be reserved
for someone 2 m. plural .1 monopoly

tribesman 3 m. plural the Andar District

2 and m. yellow-colored songbird

indikj m. dialect
andor f. Andorra Andorra (city)
nds m. the Indus River
endok rd m. anatomy endocardium
andom n m.
indonezij f. Indonesia
indonezijj 1 Indonesian 2 Indonesian (person)
1 nda f. nda f. thought, consideration
2 ind m. 2
3 nda f. full gulp to gulp; gulp down (liquid)
andr m. 1 pitch darkness 2 misfortune
anderj f. crowd
nds m. plural the Andes
andesh f.
andehhmn troubled, perturbed
andehn f. 1 concern; anxiety; thought to be
concerned about someone, be anxious about someone
to be extremely worried, be alarmed,

inhit t m. Arabic 1 lowering, fall 2 decline, depression

3 disintegration; breakdown, ruin

inhil l m. Arabic 1 liquidation, annulment 2 dismissal

(e.g., of parliament) 3 economics decline, depression 4

decline of forces, weakening 5 disintegration, decomposition

1 and m. 1 thought, reflection 2 worry, alarm; anxiety, cares

2 and m. 500-year time period
and kht m. shooting; firing firing from
concealment artillery salute
firing range

andkht attributive military fire-; firing and z combining form 1 throwing, casting casting
anchor mortar 2 m. .1 style of expression, manner of
expression 2.2 regional pose

indir dzh m. Arabic 1 item, entry (e.g., in a periodical) 2

an entry on a list

on a monopolistic basis

monopoly in fruits 2.2 reserving

Andarab (embankment in Kabul)

andm n m. the Andaman Sea

andmavr tall, big
andkhj m. Andkhoj (city, district)
andar b m. 1 Andarab (district in Badakhshan)

foreign trade monopoly 2 siege 3 quota for a certain person;

and m m. 1 body; frame, figure 2 extremity

to what
extent? to what degree? to such an
extent some quantity to the extent
andz f. 1 measure; dimensions

to a considerable extent; on a large scale


Pashto-English Dictionary

be very concerned

ins n m. Arabic man primitive man

proverb Man is harder than stone, yet

to experience worry, to be

worried, to have apprehensions 2 foresight

indiktr m.
anra f. anatomy large intestine
an m. unripe boll of the cotton plant
anohar m. 1 2 figurative crowd, assemblage
1 anl m. metal mortar
2 anvl m. 1 steadiness, equilibrium, balance 2 equal
a to balance; equalize (in weight) b to compare
to measure oneself against someone 3

more tender than a blossom.

insn ni plural from

insnparst m.
insnparast f.
insnpezhandna f. anthropology

insndst m.
insndost f.

equivalent; equal amount

insnshins f. knowledge of people; life experience

ins na feminine of
insn 1 human (race, shape, form, likeness) 2 living,
human manpower to
sustain manpower idiom the humanities
insnijt m. Arabic 1 humaneness, humanity 2 mankind
inspetr m. regional 1 inspector 2 chief

anol 1.1 stable, brought into equilibrium 1.2 swinging,

equivalence; equal in meaning

inoneshj f.
1 anj m. 1 bale, load

to load up, load with 2


2 anj f. soup
anerj m. mat
aniz m. plural
indikr m. log of incoming and outgoing papers; record
log a logbook for incoming and outgoing

officer-in-charge of a police station

insidzh m m. Arabic 1 order, state of order 2

institt m.

insiu m.

insid d m. Arabic 1 obstruction; blockage 2 medicine

embolism, thrombosis 3 figurative restraint

ansiklopedij f. encyclopedia
insuler m. technology insulator
insule technology insulating

aniv l m. anevl 1 companion, friend; comrade 2 table

companion 3 traveling companion; fellow traveler 4

anev la feminine of

insij m. Arabic obedience

insh f. Arabic 1 compilation, spelling; composition 2
structure, construction 3 correspondence 4 style
handbook of style compound verb a to draw up, write;

f. andevl 1 companionship; friendship,

to take up with someone;

enter into a friendship with someone 2 sharing food with;

condition) 3 figurative common dish
inardzh f.

compose b to structure, construct

enerzh f. energy

inzidzh r m. Arabic aversion, disgust




of sheiks among the Afghans and Pushtuns among whom are

found descendants of the original associates of Mohammed in


a to be just to someone
justly speaking , justice requires that
This accusation is unjust. Judge for
yourself. You are unjust. ...

ans dzh m. Arabic plural 1 from

3 pedigree, genealogy

2 familial relations

2 anatomy tissues

ins f m. Arabic justice

b figurative to give that which is due

2 sociability

ans b m. Arabic plural 1 from

inshi' b m. Arabic 1 branching off; ramification 2

ans b m. Arabic plural from

ansr m. singular & plural the Ansari (an ethnic group

anzkj m. bright child

inziv f. Arabic 1 solitude, seclusion, retirement 2 isolation
inzivpasnd m. politics isolationist
inzivpasand f. 1 politics isolationism 2 isolation
anzr m.
inzheksjn m.
uns m. Arabic 1 attachment, affection; sympathy; friendship



dining together with (noun indicating a habitual or frequent

andj-kunj f. entertainment; treating of guest to


instit m. & f.



aniv la



humanism, philanthropy, love of


rocking to and fro 1.3 equivalent, of equal worth 2 f.


I have justly judged that


ins fn Arabic justly, in justice, in conscience

Pashto-English Dictionary

insfpasnd ins f khahavnkaj

insfd r insfnav z just
insfnvaz f. justice
inzib t m. Arabic order, discipline
inzibt disciplinary

medicine constipation 3 physiology systole 4 figurative

anar f. Ankara (city)

inis m m. Arabic 1 division

fractionate; dismember 2 biology division (of a cell); fission

land which has been deeded over or

settled upon someone

in'id m m. Arabic disappearance; absence; nonexistence

a disappearing b on the wane (of the moon)
in'i d m. Arabic convocation; opening
opening of a conference to take place (e.g., a



inilbijn] revolutionary


inij d m. Arabic obedience, submissiveness

to be subordinate; be obedient, be submissive to someone
ink r m. Arabic negation, nonrecognition; repudiation
to deny, not recognize, repudiate someone
Eastern He refused to leave.
I cannot deny this.
inkr refusing, declining to refuse, decline
inkis r m. Arabic 1 breakage; fracture 2 physics

literal a to be reflected b

to receive responses

inilb Arabic 1 revolutionary

poet 2 m. [plural: inilbij n Arabic plural:

in'ik s m. Arabic 1 reflection; reflex

to divide;

iniz f. Arabic end, expiration (of a term, deadline)

init' f. Arabic 1 interruption; discontinuance
to interrupt, discontinue 2 break, disruption
with minimal disruption
inil b m. Arabic 1 revolution social
revolution the Industrial Revolution
the Agrarian Revolution 2 overthrow, coup 3
wrongness, falseness, variability idiom astronomy

recompense, reward

reflect 2 response

infita Arabic explosive

depression, despondency

publishing department, publications department

pressure, compression or volume; crumpling, puckering 2

intib' polygraphic
intib m. Arabic 1 reference, allusion 2 adaptation,
adjustment to adapt, adjust
in' m m. Arabic 1 favor, grace 2 reward, recompense
monetary reward, recompense to give


substances demolition bomb time-delay
fuse pyrotechnics
inib z m. Arabic 1 curtailment; decrease in scope,

disciplinary punishment


Patience is exhausted.

intib ' f. Arabic imprint, impression

intib' t m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 publication,
printed work 3 publishing house

infil m. Arabic

inf z m. Arabic realization, bringing into existence,

execution, fulfillment of something

infidzh r m. Arabic explosion; burst (i.e., of a shell)

to explode; burst
infidzhr exploding; bursting; demolition
infir dn Arabic individually; personally
infird Arabic 1 individual, personal
individuality 2 regional separate; one-man; solitary
solitary confinement
infirdijt m. Arabic individuality
anfs m. Arabic subject
anfus Arabic subjective
infis l m. Arabic 1 separation 2 solution of a problem
to solve a problem
infi' l m. 1 shame; embarassment, confusion 2 grief,
vexation depression, depressed state 3
experience emotional experiences 4 reaction,
response weak reaction
infi'l 1 depressed, despondent

refraction 3 figurative regret; repentance

inkish f m. Arabic 1 development; growth; upsurge;

economic and cultural

development compound verb to develop
to be developed, grow; progress 2 discovery; research
inkishf 1 plan of development 2

attributive research

1 anka f. children's speech granny, grandmother

2 nki 1 even 2 inasmuch as
inkj m. 1 weeping of a bride (at the time of the plaiting of
the braids) 2 weeping

ang m. 1 spirit of contradiction 2 sense, meaning

ing m. weeping of a newborn
ang r 1 m. hot coals; hot ashes to cause coals to
heat up; cause coals to flame up to flame of (of
coals) 2 burning; sparking; sparkling idiom a

depression, despondency 2 vexatious, painful; unpleasant,


infik k m. Arabic tearing, rending

enflsijn m. economic inflation

to worry b to sit on coals; be troubled


Pashto-English Dictionary

angr f. the Angara River

angrl transitive dialect
angr f. stubble
1 angrj m. poor man who gathers wheat, etc.


which has

fallen in the field after the harvest; gleaner

angr plural from

3 angrj f. disease of camels
4 angrj feminine of 1
angz f. 1 rumor, common talk
However, this rumor has not been confirmed.
to spread a rumor, disseminate a rumor
There are rumors to the effect that 2 echo to ring

angr m. plural grapes

angr m. agreement, adjustment, putting into order

ngr f. [plural: ngnde] Eastern daughter-in-


angaj m. small pomegranate, miniature pomegranate

anguz f.
1 angol f. 1 howl, howling (of a dog, jackal)

angabn m. plural honey

angach f. intention
1 angr m.
2 angr m.
angarkj m. fire, campfire or bonfire which has been lit by

ing f.
ngah r m. Eastern groans
1 angj m. cheek
2 angj m. Eastern sneezing; sneeze
3 ingj leapfrog
4 ingj f. echo
angij f.
angej f. brazier; hearth
angerl transitive [past: ] 1


to make

angruz f. 1
angurj f.
angrz angrz 1 m. Englishman 2 English
angrez angriz 1 English regional the
English government 2 f. the English language
He knows the English language. I do not

through, assess 4 to calculate (e.g., losses)

angerna f. 1 assumption 2 imagination, imagining,

notion 3 assessment, consideration 4 calculation (e.g., of


ang m. 1 fence 2 yard, court

angsht m. finger
angushtn f. 1 ring; seal-ring 2 thimble
angushtzan f. interference, meddling
angushtnum well-known
angl m. 1 confused affair; involved quarrel; slanderous

thumb; span

annguaj m. pomegranate
anangj m. cheek
anann s m. pineapple
anv r m. Arabic plural from 1
anv ' m. Arabic plural f. plural 1 from 2 biology
species interspecific

regional history 1 person receiving a

pension 2 one receiving a miserable pittance

inglist n m. England
anglosksn 1 attributive Anglo-Saxon 2 m.
Anglo-Saxon the Anglo-Saxons
anglz m. ingls angls m. 1 Englishman 2



the English language

ng m.

worrying, alarming

history pension

angz combining form exciting, evoking

ngnde plural Eastern from 3

annd joy; delight; enjoyment
1 anng m. 1 pomegranate 2 cheek
2 anng m. anng distance between the little finger and the

affair 2 noise; confusion

inglis 1 English

think, suppose,

assume 2 to imagine, fancy 3 to weigh, consider, reason

know the English language.

to howl, begin to howl (of a

dog, jackal)


ingls m. regional
inglishkhr m.


howl, begin to howl (of a dog, jackal) 2 moaning, weeping

2 angl f. Angola
angoll [past: ]

vineyard 2 m.

vineyard tax

ang f m. chink, slit (in stonework, masonry)

angfkr f. patching chinks in stonework with lime

angr-mangr angr-mangr
excuses for; shirk, elude

proverb The jackal eats the best

angurtra f. black solanum

angur 1 attributive grape

out, resound (e.g., a song)


the English Channel 2 f.

and m. physics anode

anvr Arabic 1.1 brightest, most brilliant 1.2 most radiant,

most shining 2 proper name Anwar, Enver

anavl [past: ] to compel someone, quiet down,



Pashto-English Dictionary

anonm m. anonymous work; anonymous letter; anonymous


2 av ra f. plain
vragrd m. wanderer, vagrant
vredl intransitive
v z m. 1 voice, sound supersonic
loudly to lower the voice to
raise the voice, to intensify the sound; make louder
to cry out to someone to call someone ...
He whispered to me that ! Call him.
to answer someone to
resound I became hoarse from
shouting. Ahmed has matured; his voice
has deepened. proverb A pleasant voice is a
pleasure. 2 rumor, talk, talking idiom He

stamp having a 1 anna


n adjectival and adverbial suffix; indeclinable

courageous, brave b bravely, courageously

inh k m. Arabic exhaustion, depletion, attrition

n-bahn f. trick, guile, evasion

a to

trick; elude b to make excuses

inhid m m. Arabic destruction, annihilation

anan s m.
1 n Arabic 1 sudden, surprise a surprise fire

volley 2 momentary, instant

1, 2

n plural from

anj f. grandmother, grandma, granny

ni f. ne suffix plural Eastern girls

was sentenced to death.


vzkh n m. singer
vzd r v z larnkaj 1 ringing; sounding;
sound sound film 2 linguistics vowel

anjb m. Arabic plural from 1

an-bn f. plural regional tricks, evasions
anz combining form regional consisting of so many annas
8 anna coin
ans m. Arabic 1 friend 2 comrade in arms
aniln m. chemistry aniline
aagndzh m. ball game
al transitive [past: ] to pound; grind into powder;

vowel sound

vz f.
avst m. Arabic plural from
avmr m. plural from 2
av n m. Arabic plural period, time
v ns m. advance; payment on account
vns attributive advance an advance
av m. plural the Avans (people of northwest India)
avl m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 the first days of the
month; the first days of the week

crush; smash to pieces; grind up

aavl transitive [past: ] 1 to gather, gather in (a

harvest) 2 to pick (flowers, berries) 3 to choose, select

au av conjunction 1 copulative and


At the beginning of next week.

1 ub m. whim, caprice
2 ob m. Ob River
avb z m.
avbz f.
avb sh 1 riffraff, rabble 2 tramp; vagrant
avbsh f. libertinism, debauchery
aub l ub l m. Arabic delinquency; sin, fault

Adam and

The boy came up and stood

Ahmed went to school, but Makhmud stayed home.
but if or else
2 o 1 hey, oh ! Mamma!, Mommy! ! Hey
there. 2 adversative conjunction but

Ahmed! 2 particle regional yes

av 1 go on (or similar cry by which one drives a cow) 2 m.

4 ou m. howl (of a wolf, jackal) to howl, begin to howl

5 u Eastern indicator of the perfective aspect instead of
avkhr m. Arabic plural from 2 for

vravl transitive

ubtala f.


obch m. warrior
obl transitive [present: past: ]
loom 2 to knit (e.g., a scarf)
obdna f. 1 weaving 2 knitting
ubb m.
ubrj f. green algae

the last time

1 v r v r
2 v r m. regional ore; stolen goods
vrag f. 1 wandering, vagabondage, travelling


perpetrate a misdemeanor; to transgress, commit an offense

He committed an offense.
ublgr aublgr m. sinner
ubtl m. obtl [plural: ubtal n]

children's speech cow

v ra 1.1 homeless, wandering 1.2 dissolute 2 m.

wanderer, vagrant

invjs m. invoice
1 n f. saddlebow, pommel
2 n f. anna (Indian coin)


Pashto-English Dictionary

ubza f. moth (clothes)

ubspj m. otter
obhht m. juniper
obln ubln 1 watery; liquid 2 juicy, fresh
oblntb m. 1 wateriness 2 juiciness; freshness
oblhaj m. tank (water)
ubnj 1 watery; water 2 blue
uba f. anatomy placenta, afterbirth
ubodz la f. botany river sponge, freshwater sponge
ubkhta f. juniper
obs m. howitzer
ubsa f. 1 swampy place, bog; marsh; moist ground,

drink b to supply with water c to irrigate, flush d to temper


swampy ground 2 irrigated land

.1 drinking bowl, fountain 2.2 figurative sources 2.3

regional irrigation; flushing

regional watering place

irrigated 2 m. plural irrigation, flushing

obrngaj light blue

oblagavl m. plural irrigation; flushing

obv raj m. obvarj m. regional street

1 bi f. the Ob (river)
2 ob present tense from
obedl denominative [past: ]

corundum; blue

1 to be irrigated; be

flushed 2 to absorb, take in 3 to drink, quench thirst (of


vp sh m. worker engaged in watering (streets, flowers,


vpsh f. flushing, watering


watering truck to flush, water

upi-pupi f. plural conversation about widely
divergent matters

oper f. opera
avt d m. Arabic
big wheels

plural [singular: ]important people,

avt r m. Arabic plural from 3

avtr 1 frightened 2 alarmed; downcast; distressed

otr m. halt, stopping place
avtr-avtr scared, frightened frightened
appearance to look upon with fright
utrj f. regional descent (from a mountain)
avtartb m. avtarv laj m. 1 perturbation, panic

a to stir up the water b to evade, avoid

to disgrace
He disgraced himself.
I am ashamed. This
matter cannot be put to rights. to be careful
with someone f. compound verb a to irrigate, flush b
to melt, melt down c to dissolve d to sell, market

something c to drag the business out


2 pain, distress

avtaravl transitive [past:

alarm; distress, grieve

compound verb a to be irrigated, be flushed b to be melted, be

melted down c to thaw d to be turned into water (of steam) e

to irrigate; flush 2.4

cleaner (with water)

temper (of metal) 5 veterinary (bone) spavin 6 figurative

to grow thin


ubumr f. insect of the cricket family

obavna f. irrigation; flushing
1 ob f. ub plural 1 water boiling water
ground water saltwater warm water
hot water turbid water freshwater
chemistry heavy water
pure water, clear water running water
boiling water cold water, very cold water
rainwater well water drinking
water melt water
on the shore of a stream or river flood, abundance
of water to conduct water, irrigation ditch
to sprinkle water on one another, lap
to draw water from a well
to launch into the water (e.g., a boat) to scald
oneself ! Bring water! The water was
rising. Many districts suffered
from floods. 2 liquid saliva
the saliva flows 3 juice (of meat, fruits) fruit juice 4

literal to take off one's shoes

rashly He lost all shame and conscience.

I was stupified.
proverb A drowning man will grasp even at a straw.
proverb Still waters run deep.
proverb literal Water grows turbid from its source.
figurative A fish rots from its head. regional ocean
to be sentenced to exile for life
2 ob f. ob Obe (city, district)
obtal f. water level; level
ubkhr 1 subject to irrigation, requiring irrigation 2 m.

obavl 1 denominative [past: ] to irrigate; flush

to irrigate the land with the help of kiarizes
(i.e., underground irrigation canals) passive to be

honor, dignity

without going into the water figurative to be in a hurry, act

You have grown very thin.

a to give water, give to

to be ashamed


avtar f.

1 to frighten 2 to

Pashto-English Dictionary

avtaredl transitive [past: ] 1 to be frightened 2 to

be alarmed; be perturbed

ut m. flatiron


electric iron

uchatd m. plural 1 raising (e.g., the flag) 2 rise,

increase 3 intensification (e.g., of a noise) 4 rising, ascension

to press,

5 ascent

uchkaskr regional completely dry

1 uchakj f. islet
2 uchakj emaciated; lean
uchlaj m. Eastern forehead, brow
1 uchnaj m. six-month-old lamb
2 uchne f. young ewe (which has not yet lambed)
1 uch f.
2 cha f. singular dialect from
che-pche f. plural Eastern nonsense, drivel
avts r apparent, evident; well-known
avtsravl denominative, intransitive [past: ]


automobile industry

avtomobilsz f. automobile manufacture

automobile plant
avt ! May you know no rest!
te-bte f. plural Eastern 1 2 delirium
the disconnected speech of an insane person,

avtsredl denominative, intransitive [past:

come to light, turn out, be manifest, be apparent

exposure of a stratum or deposit at

the surface

udzh idiom Damn you!

udzhaavl transitive
udzh f. destruction, devastation
udzhrj m. regional organ meats, entrails
avdzhshi f. plural
1 dzha f. regional leech
2 dzha f.
udzhj f. children's speech insect (small)
uch Eastern
ucht 1 high to stand, jump up


2 m. Udkhejl (tribesman) 3 Udkhejl' (name of various


odr m. the Oder (river)

udravl transitive Eastern
udredl intransitive Eastern
vds m. avds m. ablution, washing (body)
to effect ablution, wash the body idiom to

to puff (quietly)

uchattb m. uchattj f. uchatv laj m. 1 height 2 rise,

increase 3 loudness (of a noise) 4 steepness (of a road)

uchatavl denominative, intransitive 1 [past:

1 lift; raise 2 to raise, heighten 3 to make loud, intensify (e.g.,

a sound) 4 to emphasize; accent something 5 regional to clear

urinate, answer the call of nature

away plates and dishes 6 to cause, occasion (harm, injury, etc.)

uchatj f.
uchatedl denominative, intransitive

avdasm t m. transitive

to go to take

care of nature's call

[past: ] 1 to

avdasmtj f. evacuation (of the bowels), defecation

1 odl udl 1 transitive [present: present: past:
] .1 to weave 1.2 to twist, twine 1.3 to plait (braids)
passive a to be woven b to be twisted, be twined 2
m. plural

rise, rise above, heave up 2 to ascend 3 to be loud, be

intensified (e.g., a sound) 4 to rise up, get up

avtskk m. botany fumitory, fumaria (annual herb

ukh interjection oy, oh

okhtsk m. the Sea of Okhotsk
kha f. Eastern 2
1 vkhaj m. dialect 1
2 ukhj f. children's speech boogeyman, bugbear
3 khe plural from
vkhez high-water, flooding
1 od m. plaiting (of mats, etc.)
2 aud m. reservoir, pond
avd l m. saint; religious anchorite or hermit
avdl m. plural
avd n m.
udkhl 1 m. plural the Udkhejli (a sub-tribe of the Gilzai)

rise; lift 2 loud (of the voice) 3 steep (of a road) 4 regional



vanguard 3 aviation ceiling

whose dried leaves are used in the preparation of tonics and

uopj f. Utopia
uopjj Utopian
audzh m. Arabic 1 zenith; apogee 2 military leader of the
vanguard point of the vanguard; lead patrol of the

afore-cited idiom


reveal, explain; make manifest, make evident

the delirium of a madman

ov f. Ottawa (city)
akrop m. geology

sunrise 6 origin, emergence, appearance,


2 vato vato past perfective Eastern from

avtobs m. bus
technology autogenous autogenous
otomtk otomtik automatic
avtomobl m. automobile

I got up to leave. 5 to rise, ascend (of celestial objects) 6

regional to come into existence, appear, be born


Pashto-English Dictionary

2 avdl m. proper name Avdal

odna f. 1 weaving 2 twisting, twining 3 plaiting (braids)
1 odnkaj m. weaver
2 odnke f. weaver (female)
1 ud f. 1 conspiracy, charm, exorcism 2 witchcraft
2 ud Eastern one who has fallen into a


the Ural River

orbalk m. 1 fire lighter 2 furnace man 3 steel (formerly

orbalavnkaj incendiary incendiary bomb

orband f. cessation of fire, end of firing
orbz m. muzzle, snout, (ugly) face idiom
to hang around someone What are you in a
huff about? ! Be off! Get away!
orbsha f. Eastern In a month

a to set afire, start a fire b to open a

strong fire to open up a strong fire on the enemy
c figurative to drive out of one's wits to open fire, fire
a to set fire to b to spread discord c to evoke
discontent d to spoil to
extinguish a fire a to light a fire
b to cause a fire, set a fire to fan the fire of war,
unleash war c figurative to enrapture the
house caught fire Fires broke out in several
places. proverb Whenever fire
breaks out there's no water to be found. a to
hurry, hasten b figurative to be stingy, be greedy
to arrange one's affairs by oneself (without outside help)
a to roast on a spit b figurative to torture, torment c
figurative to worry a to be roasted on a spit b to
be tortured, be tormented c not to sit quietly, squirm
a to subject to fire b figurative to torment, torture
to burn down to set on fire a to
throw into the fire b figurative to torture, torment
to squander money, throw money to the wind a
to hold to the fire b figurative to oppress
proverb It's all one to the fire, whether it's yours or another's
literal Fire is incompatible with water.

will be the barley harvest.

orb f. heating chamber for a bath

orbej f. steamboat
orp laj m. fire worshipper
orpht m. [plural: orphtna
orpht n] nocturnal moth

ortn m. temple of fire worshippers

1 avrta f. 1 woman 2 wife
2 art f. anatomy aorta
ork m. flint (of a flintlock rifle)
urd m. & f.
urg m. plural 1 colostrum, beestings


2 milk of a cow

which has just calved with spice added

urs m. obsolete
1 urus obsolete
2 urs f. window with frame which can be raised
ursh f.
orshnd ghar m. volcano
orht m. orhta f. fall of showers, rain
A heavy rain fell.
orhtj f. 2
orgh laj m. 1 fireplace, hearth 2 heating box, chamber

figurative These are incompatible things.



blast furnace

or ghurdzavnkaj volcano
urvaj m. palm (of the hand)
urj f. soot
1 orkzi m. plural the Orakzai (tribe) 2 orkzj m.

orakhist m. plural 1 fire, conflagration; burning;

ignition 2 figurative hurry, haste


used in lighting a fire) 4 syphilis

suddenly, flare up

avr d m. Arabic plural

orr m. 1

chief of the archives


fire, ignite b figurative to hurry, hasten c figurative to anger

2 archive; office; registry

Urals, the Ural Mountains

3 ud f. singular from 2
1 ud plural from 1
2 ud present tense from 1
odes f. Odessa (city)
odl transitive [past: ] to arrange, put right, adjust
ovnaj m. small chador, small veil (for women, children)
or m. ur 1 fire; conflagration volcano
the fire suddenly blazed up 2 gunfire,
fire, firing line of fire a hurricane of fire
to set something on fire a to catch

vr combining form bringing, possessing

ur l m. the Urals

urnijm m. chemistry uranium

ororkaj m. glowworm, firefly
orbatsraj m. 1 spark 2 hot-tempered person
orbsha f.
orbshi f. plural barley beer
orbshn attributive barely barley bread
1 orbl Fire! (as a command)
2 orbl m. 1 lock, curl; bang, forelock 2 personal name

deep sleep

avr m. Arabic 1 from

Orakzai (tribesman)


Pashto-English Dictionary

avark m. regional overcoat, greatcoat

orakj m. glowworm, firefly
org a f. org aj m. org raj m. 1 train;
rolling stock electric train, electric railway 2
railroad org di railroad
org di railroad station
org n m. press organ judicial

1 ovr m. singluar & plural 1 cloudlet

The sun is hidden behind the clouds 2 cataract
2 av ra imperative, imperfect from 2
1 ri ur present tense of 1
2 vri present tense of 2
3 aorj m.
4 orj m. Eastern lamb
5 orj f. 1 gum (mouth) 2 anatomy root bed of the nail
idiom We (you, they) are inseparably


orgaj m. troublemaker
orlarnkaj fire (i.e., firearms) firearm
orlalaj troubled (e.g., times)
orlanaj m. poker idiom troublemaker,

linked with one another.

6 vrj Eastern second person plural of 2

orj f. rain
urijakhl 1 m. plural the Uriyakhejli (a subdivision of

instigator, ringleader

orlagav unkaj incendiary



the Gilzai) 2 m. Uriyakhejl (tribesman)

orjmch m. rain gauge

ri-pri to pass through
orjdz f. urdz [plural: urjdzi] cloud; storm cloud
threatening storm-cloud grey cloud
cloud of dust It's very cloudy today.
Today it's overcast.
1 oredl intransitive [present: present: past:
]1 to pour (of rain), come down (of rain, snow)
It's raining. When it rains the

orlagt m. urlagt singular & plural matches

match factory box of matches
a match
orlagitvl m. singular & plural seller of matches
orlagd m.
orlagedna f. 1 fire, conflagration 2 flash, outbreak
orlbi f. plural fireworks
1 orm m. person in whose home there is a deceased

poor peasants rejoice (in hopes of of a good harvest) 2 to strike

2 om m. the Ormur, the Baraki (nationality)

m. salamander
urml m. Eastern fig tree
ormeg m. neck
orang-ut n m. orangutan
ornsaj m. coal tongs
oranj attributive fire volcano

(of lightning)

avredl avredl Eastern transitive [present:

past: past: ] 1 to hear 2 to listen

passive to resound (e.g., of sound)

1 ored m. plural falling of showers
formation of dew

avred m. plural
Eastern It's one thing to hear , another to see.


oraj m. swaddling clothes


orvl m. furnace man; stoker

urup f.
orrkaj m. glowworm, firefly
or vazhnkaj attributive fire
firefighting company fire engine
1 oravl transitive [past: ] 1 to throw, throw
down 2 to strew 3 to cause (rain) This storm
cloud will bring rain.

avravl transitive [past: ] 1 to announce

something, proclaim something; state something, express

something; read out something . I want to

say here that 2 to compel to listen 3 to issue (an order)

1 orz firey, pertaining to fire

2 awrz m. awriza ghagz audio
3 urz f. dialect
orgi present of 1
orinok f. the Orinoco River
orjj f. dialect gum (of the mouth)
av present stem of
uade Eastern
ud m. Eastern
ud f. regional uniform; tunic
ul transitive dialect
1 vm Eastern
2 m Eastern last year
uumbj dialect
1 oanj m. small veil (worn by Moslem women)
2 onj attributive summery, summer


proverb A brave son is discerned while still in swaddling

proverb He spoke but

a word to me, I spoke a hundred to him; I am not in his debt.


Pashto-English Dictionary

uobj m. 1 mash (watery or semiliquid food) 2 syrup (in


long. 2

ukaj dialect 1
oavl denominative, intransitive

protracted journey

mustachioed, mustached


1 lop-eared, having lop-ears

1 to

grind, mill 2 to pulverize, break in pieces; grind to powder

The road is not all that

protracted, prolonged to accomplish a

ugd 1 lengthy, long

o m. u plural 1 flour coarsegrained flour, coarse flour flour-milling


2 m. abusive

dolt, lop-eared fool, ass

The dough has

laj m. 1 length


machine; milling equipment

along the western shore 2 prolongation, extension (e.g., of a

turned sour.

treaty); dragging out (e.g., of talks) idiom

To wish someone a long life.

l denominative, intransitive

proverb They don't even have flour in the house, but still they're

a to pound, abrade, grind b to boil until soft

compound verb 1 a to be

installing a stove. 2 powder

compound verb

We're even. What is there to thank me for?

ovl m. flour

merchant, flour dealer

aj m. 1 summer


i summer place, vacation

megj na f. cayenne pepper
l denominative, intransitive [past: ]

place 2 summer harvest

2 vi present tense of
3 vi plural from 2
1 oedl intransitive [past: ]

1 to be ground, be

a treaty); be dragged out (of a talk, etc.) 3 to be conducted, be

laid, be applied 4 to be stretched, be pulled out 5 to reach or


occupy some space

avedl intransitive

avednkaj 1 present participle of

m. entrails, offal
ogm m. obsolete moon
j f. ugmj moon; moonlight
og f. Eastern ug shoulder
shoulder to shoulder; side by side with a pitcher on
the shoulder to shrug the shoulders
to shoulder a rifle Lean on me.
He is broad-shouldered. idiom to
help, be a help to somebody A
good son is help to a father a to get rid of something
b to shun, reject, avoid something to strive, bend
the back to rid oneself of something
to undertake the work
This matter is beyond my powers.

It is past


1 to be

lengthened 2 to be continued, be prolonged; be extended (e.g.,

milled 2 to be pulverized, be broken into pieces, be ground into

1 to

a to
stretch out the hand b to encroach upon
They encroached upon our country.
Cut one's coat according to the cloth. idiom
to grow a beard
1 ugd
f. singular from
m. plural from
3 ugd
m. plural length along the

learned the lesson by heart. a to grind, mill
finely b to hem and haw idiom saying

lengthen 2 to extend; prolong (as in to extend a treaty); drag out

soft c to have learned by rote


(talks) 3 to lead, conduct, lay 4 to extend, stretch out, pull out

crushed, be pounded, be transformed into powder b to be boiled

2 va f. instrument, device, tool

okhartsavnkaj m.

uz m. goat

oz 1 m. negligible quantity, insignificant sum 2 several,


avz r m. Eastern weapon, arm blunt weapon

sharp weapon
avz n m. Arabic plural from
uzbk m.
uzbak 1
uzg r dialect
uzgaj m. uzgaj m.
ozn m. chemistry ozone
uz f. she-goat
1 zaj m. forearm
2 zi Eastern
uzhni f. plural goat's wool
ozhj f. oilcake

to help someone, lend assistance to someone; support someone

to strive tenaciously

to take

something upon oneself, undertake something

to help, give assistance, support

a to bear on one's shoulders b figurative
to make much of to help one another,



Pashto-English Dictionary

support one another

osmahlawl compound verb update, to update

usang quick, fast; high-speed
osanj present, contemporary, existing
osavl transitive [past: ] to settle someone,

to live at someone's

expense; be a burden to someone.

2 ga f. garlic
military Shoulder Arms! (as a command)


1 ogj m. oka (a unit of weight equal to about 14 kgs.)

2 gaj Eastern 2
3 og j f. ug j necklace (of silver and gold coins)
os us 1 at once, now, at the present time a just
now, now; not long ago b recently, lately now, just
now just now They just now left.
up to now, until this time, so far better
than before just now a just now b hence
forward, in the future right now, at the present time
just now still
Get on with the matter immediately. 2 attributive at the

lodge someone


sa imperative perfective and imperfective of

Rejoice! ! ! Be forever vigilant!

1 osj m. male gazelle, Gasella subgutterosa
2 si present tense of
3 se second person singular present tense of !
Be healthy! ! Be healthy! ! Live
long! ! ! I wish you success!
4 osj f. female gazelle, Gasella subgutterosa
5 sj second person plural present tense of !
May reknown come to you! ! I wish you long

present time

avs r m. bridle assembly (of a harness)
avsravl denominative, intransitive [past: ]


osechj m. knucklebone (piece in a game, the bone of an


osed intransitive [present: past: present:

]to live, reside; abide; settle, take up one's residence; be,
be located He has lived in
Kabul all of his life. idiom He
should know that proverb You

to bridle 2 to subjugate; subordinate

osk f. Osaka (city)

avs n m. 1 feeling 2 presence of mind, self-control,
bravery idiom reckless
ospntgaj m. file
uspntkaj m. roofing iron
ospnkhaj m. slag; cinder
uspnkh m. magnet
uspnmzaj m. iron wire
spna f. uspna iron iron ore
sheet iron obsolete pig-iron (low quality)
high-quality iron
proverb strike while the iron is hot railroad
saying It's a very difficult matter.
ospnz adjective iron
avast f. avesta
ustrj Western 1 last; terminal; final, conclusive
ustr the latest news 2 m. end
at the end of the letter he wrote that idiom
the 6th month of the lunar year
avstrij f.
ustak r m.
ustakr f.
avst Arabic 1 middle, average of
average (middling) size on the

learn from your companions.

osedna f. osed m. plural life; residence,

domicile; sojourn place of residence; residence

osednkaj 1 present participle from


avseldzhn 1 sighing 2 m. a whiner

avsell transitive [past: ] 1 to sigh

2 m.

2 to grieve,

be distressed 3 to whine, complain in a tiresome way

avselna f. 1 deep breathing, sigh 2 grieving 3 whining

avselj m.
osh whoa (or similar command to halt an ass)
ush command to urge on a camel
ushnl transitive [ past: ] to unwind;
untwist; dismiss; untwine

shi Eastern
avshn m. order
1 uh m. camel five camels
saying literal Who dares seize a camel by the
neck? figurative Do not enter into combat with the strong.
Western proverb literal The
camel cries out in complaint before the load is on his back. He

average 2 intermediate


is old but his former habits remain.

avsattalab f. moderation
osl f. Oslo (city)

A sieve will not burden a camel.


saying literal Tell a camel: "Play a bit!" He'll

Pashto-English Dictionary

tear up a melon field. figurative Tell a fool to pray to God and

he'll bang up his forehead.

saying literal Tie

up a camel, and get out of the way. figurative Be careful.

refusal, repudiation of something idiom

with the passage of time

avuhtnkaj 1 present participle of 2 changeable

avuht-ravuht m. plural 1 change 2

proverb literal You can't hide a camel

under a bridge. figurative Murder will out.

wrongness, falseness

saying If you keep camels, build tall gates.

saying literal Observe what side

uhghvajj m. [plural: uhghvji] giraffe

uhka f. tear tear gas to
lachrymate (of the eyes) Eastern
She smiled through her tears. Tears

the camel kicks on. figurative Keep a sharp eye out and you'll


welled up in the eyes.

uhkedzhn tearful, lachrymose

uhkinj m. rancorous person
uhln teary; lachrymal; full of tears (eyes)
uhmrgh m. 1 yellow griffon (vulture) 2 ostrich
uhmrghaj m. ushmlghj m. botany

saying They asked the camel, "Why do you have a crooked

neck?" He answered, "And what do I have that is straight?

saying literal I sat upon a camel, but the

dogs bit me. figurative I brought disgrace upon myself.

2 uh interjection oh, ah
uh ra f. zoology praying mantis
1 ushbn plural from
2 uhbn plural from
uhban feminine of
1 uhban f. camel herder (as an occupation)
2 uhban plural from
uhbun m. uhba m. [plural: uhnan]

haloxylon (small tree or bush native to Central Asian desert


uhvl m. nomad who owns a camel

1 ha f. female camel
2 ha f. Eastern tear

uhbtb m.

an occupation)

past: ]Eastern

1 to overturn; turn; wallow (in mud) 2 to cross (a mountain);

to change
one's situation, undergo change The
seasons of the year have come and gone. days
and nights have passed; time has gone by
switch; change into something; shift (to another situation)
the weather has shifted

His appearance has altered. 4 to abandon something; reject

something; diverge from something, deviate from something

to reeducate oneself; break bad habits 5 to be inflicted

They have inflicted heavy

losses. 6 to exceed 7 to turn (of a road) 8 to bump into, run

into (someone) 9 to be translated
into the Pashto language 10 to flood (water)

vhaj m. [plural: vhi plural: vshij n] 1

2 oh m. plural mane (of a horse)

3 uhi plural of 1
4 sh plural of 2
uhem f. female camel in heat
ohen eyes filled with tears
avs f m. Arabic plural of
avz ' 1 m. plural of 2 f. position, situation; status
the internal situation the political
situation the situation is catastrophic
social relationships
ot m. room; premises; chamber guardroom
otr m. bivouac, halt
av'ij m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 anatomy vessel
blood vessels
ughz m. [plural: ughzan] dialect walnut
ughm m. pride; honor to honor, do honor, render

ushbv laj m. camel driver (as

climb over (a fence); cross, get across something 3 to change,

wife's brother, brother-in-law 2 sister's husband

vuht past stem of

avuhtl [present: past:

to weep

bloody tears

camel driver, camel herder

to be translated


av t m. Arabic 1 plural of


In spring this place is flooded with water. 11 to be

dislocated 12 to be circulated (capital)

saying Here is that which you have striven for.

2 times, moments,

the usual circumstances

av t m. Arabic 1 plural of

2 produce, victuals,


avuhtna f. avuht m. plural 1 turning, turn,

shift 2 wallowing (in the mud) 3 crossing (a mountain);

av f m. Arabic 1 plural of

2 waqf, wakf

(ecclesiastical property; an Islamic endowment of property to be

climbing over (a fence); passing over (anything) 4 shifting;

held in trust and used for a charitable or religious purpose)

changing into something; a transfer over to another situation 5


the management or direction of one or more waqfs

Pashto-English Dictionary

ojns m. ocean

okjns-i the Pacific

to be

placed on end, be made to stand erect

ok f. the Oka (river)

ukrn ukrjn m.
ukrin ukrinj

the Ukraine
1 Ukrainian

Ukrainian language 2 Ukrainian (person)

[plural: avldna]

progency; children, descendants, offspring

to produce progeny
avld f. 1 progeny 2 descent
uln-ud f. Ulan-Ude (city)
uln-b tr m. Ulan-Bator (city)
1 uldzh f.
2 uldzh intricate, complex to tangle, embroil;
complicate to be tangled, be embroiled; become


ojnosij f. Oceania (island)

uij f. Arabic ounce
uk 1 protruding 2 on end, erect, upright

avl d m. Arabic plural from



ukalj f. wooden mortar

1 ka feminine singular of 1
2 auk conjunction 3 3
3 ka dialect
okinv f. Okinawa (island)
avg r 1 m. sufferer 2 suffering; experiencing, going
through Her parents have gone

uls m.
ulsv la f.
oll transitive dialect
avlanj avalanj 1.1 previous, former, late

ugd Eastern
ugrj f. Eastern 1

1 avl m. ol f. singular & plural syrup

2 ulv m. horse (of a courier)
3 ul Arabic possessing, having
ululmr m. Arabic plural commanders; chiefs; the

through a lot on her account.

plural ancestors

receipt of the cost of goods in

installment payments 2 payment, dues; share

to cook groats
saying One must wait
proverb to blame one's failures
ugr f. ogr f. groats; thin gruel



ulula'zm Arabic resolution, resoluteness

uls m.
1 avlvaj 1 fried, roasted, grilled 2 figurative

on fate

ugj f.
ug f.
ugnd f. ugn f. Uganda
avg m. regional steamship seagoing
1 og Eastern
2 ga f. Eastern
1 ogj m. 1
2 ugj f. kind of tree
3 ogj f. Ogaj (city, northwest Pakistan)
avvl Arabic 1.1 first a first number; first place b
paramount c excellent (appraisal) chairman
He went to Kandahar at the beginning of the

with suffering

lambs of the same age and development

2 avvla feminine singular of

avlij m. Arabic plural 1 from 2

ulj novsk m. Ulyanovsk (city)

avvalijt m. Arabic superiority; priority, advantage
to have a prior right or advantage to
occupy first place

at the beginning of
I had no luck from the beginning.
If he had done it that way
at once, then 3.1 first, in the beginning, first off
Eastern He treated me well from the very

oligrsh f. oligarchy
avvaln the first, the very first
1 um om uma f. um m. plural um f.
plural 1 raw, not fully cooked a bit raw 2 unripe,
green 3 unfinished, partly processed raw brick,
adobe raw material 4 undressed (of hide,
pelt) undressed hide raw leather 5 not
well-adjusted; downcast 6 immature, inexperienced idiom
to work underground (of miners)
2 uvm ovm

avail] beginning

beginning. 3.2 in the first place 3.3 formerly, earlier 3.4

He has already put the candle

before leaving,

out. 3.5 before, earlier, until

before departure

2 holy men 3

parents and guardians of children 4 leader, manager, person in



worn out

2 ulav courier's; pertaining to a courier

1 ol m. [plural: olan] flock of nursing ewes all with

winter. 1.2 beginning; elementary 1.3 former 2 m. [plural:

1.2 initial,

elementary, early 1.3 first, primary 1.4 ancient 2 m. avlan

avvln Arabic first of all; to begin with; before all else


Pashto-English Dictionary

avh m m. Arabic plural from

avhm 1 vacillating, doubting 2 doubtful
ovzaj m. seven-shot rifle
ovkaln seven-year Seven-Year Plan
uvakj f. uvnj f. week
ovvradznaj weekly
1 ov singular & plural 1 comb, fleshy crest (of a bird)

um n botany ephedra (a genus of jointed, nearly leafless

desert shrubs)

mtkp a f. computer science datasheet

mtkpe computer science ld datasheet view
umat f. snow mixed with rain, sleet
umaj woven of raw silk to make raw-silk

mane (of a horse)

umsvaj burnt (of food) to let food burn

to burn
umghaln semi-raw, not completely cooked
umv laj m. 1 state of being half or partly cooked 2

not being in proper adjustment 5 immaturity, inexperience

1 um m.
2 um m. plural 1
3 um f. singular from 1
4 ovma f. numeral singular from 2
um-khul immature, inexperienced (of a person)
umd m.
umedv r
umedv ra f.
1 umedvr f. 1
2 umedvri plural of
ontrij f. Lake Ontario
auns m. ounce
avng m. mortar
na f. dialect
1 unj m. onj idle talker, windbag
2 uvanj f. ovanj week
3 ne plural of
oneg f. Lake Onega
aus m.
uj m. diaper
ovark m. regional overcoat, greatcoat
avuhtl intransitive
ovl transitive dialect
ovvm uvvm ordinal seventh
uvnj f. week
ovv uv numeral 2 astronomy asterism
consisting of seven stars history the Seven Nations

av irrigational; pertaining to flushing or watering


avezndedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to hang, be suspended

uvht f. juniper
ujn m. ojn singular & plural termite (insect)
ji present tense of 1
h 1 m. sigh heavy sighs

a to

sigh b to gasp 2 interjection ah

ah particle 1 oh but aha 2 interjection my

My, but this is tasty!

h r m. 1 starch

to starch linen 2 textiles

to size

h m. 1 intense heat, heat 2 regional hottest month of the


h k m.
ahl m. Arabic plural from 1
ihtim m m. Arabic 1 zeal, diligence 2 concern, attention
a to try b to take care of, concern oneself about
to give attention to 3 editing
ihd f. Arabic 1 dedication (of a book) 2 gift, presentation
ihd d m. Arabic punishment to punish, chastise
ahdf m. Arabic plural from
ihdnm f. law settlement, deed
ahr m m. Arabic plural from
ah m.
histag f. 1 slugishness 2 mildness
hist 1 slow; quiet to delay, detain, stop 2

ov f. 1 cut place, chipped place 2 blister; pimple

thirty-seven seven

slowly, quietly

and a half

to hang, suspend

Rome, and Syria-Sham)

uv ov numeral seven


of the East (China, Turkestan, Hindustan, Turania, Iran, Eastovv

3 uj m. promise, word (of honor)
1 avj numeral seventy
2 au j 1
vij n f.
avdzha f. country, locality, territory
av m. medicine inhalation
vz combining form document
avez n avez nd hanging
avezndavl denominative, transitive

unripeness, greeness 3 state of being unprocessed 4 state of


histag f.
hk m. plural lime

oh interjection oh

Pashto-English Dictionary

hak attributive lime

ahl Arabic 1 m. [plural: ahl] people, population
heterodox people 2.1 predicative, attributive

ahl-i-im n m. plural a believer

ahl-i-hads m. plural Waqqabites, Mujtadhids (Muslim
sectarian religious teachers)

ahl-i-sunnt m. plural Sunnites

ahl-i-halm m. plural writers
ahl-i-k r m. plural office workers, employees, workers
ahl-i-kasab m. plural craftsman
ahl-u-'aj l m. plural goods and chattel, the entire


ahlijatnm f. driver's license

ahm Arabic more important, most important
the foremost and most important task
ihm l m. Arabic negligence, carelessness
ahammijt m. Arabic significance; importance
significant, important to have great
significance to lose its significance
to take on significance, be important to
give great significance to give great
significance to not to attribute the slightest
significance to

hn m. hn singular & plural iron

hinb b m. plural iron; article made of iron
hn-i-chdr m. sheet iron, roofing iron
hinrub f. magnet
hinkb m. hammer
hng m. 1 melody, musical theme, tune 2 sounding,
sound to sound 3 tone, intonation idiom
hangd r melodic, tuneful
hingr m. hingr smith, blacksmith
proverb One

introduce a specific point into the agend

et possessive pronoun second singular Afridi familiar 1

your 2 thy (all gender and number forms)

etso possessive pronoun plural Afridi polite your

li f. ilij f. Italy
1 tm m. atom
2 jtm m.
is r m. Arabic 1 donation 2 generosity
idzh b m. Arabic [plural: idzh buna Arabic
plural: idzh bat] 1 need, necessity 2 requirement
depending on the requirements of the

hundred blows of the jeweler's hammer are equal to one of the


hingar f. blacksmith's work smithy, forge

hin f. mirror
hin adjective iron idiom He has

moment 3 trade commission, order

idzhabvl denominative, intransitive [past:

1 to call for, stipulate 2 to demand, require (e.g., expenditures)

excellent self-control.

hori mustard oil 2

colza, cole-seed

worthy 2.2 able 2.3 knowing something; trained to do

hu m. 1 antelope 2 wild goat 3 poetic gazelle

hv z m. Ahvaz (city)
huchshm having the eyes of a gazelle
ahurmazd m. Ormuzd (Zoroastrian diety)

ah m. century; epoch
hn m.
hingr m.
hin f. mirror
1 aj eh interjection hey, oh ! Sonny! My Son!
! Hey, Ahmed!
2 aj demonstrative pronoun dialect this, these
j particle really, indeed Is this really true?
Really! What is this that they are telling me?
Will something really happen?
j t m. Arabic plural from
aj z m. proper name Ajaz
ijlt m. Arabic district; province; state
ijalat adjective district
aj m m. Arabic plural from 2
aebr kil f. product key
ajbk m. singular & plural
ebont m. plural ebonite, ebony
ajt m. Arabic [plural: jt] Koranic verse
itlav 1 adjective Italian 2 m. Italian (person)
itlij f. Italy
ajt m m. Arabic plural from
ajitarne m. ethernet
i'tik l m. Arabic geology washing, erosion
itil f m. i'tilaf m. Arabic coalition, bloc
i'tilf adjective coalition, coalitional
jtm m. point, item to

something 2.4 fit, suitable

ahl Arabic domestic, domesticated, tame

ahlijt m. Arabic 1 professional qualification, speciality

horj m. 1 mustard

idzhb Arabic required, necessary

idzh d m. Arabic 1 creation, foundation; organization
invention 3 act of forming, act of organizing

compound verb a to create, found, organize b to invent c to


Pashto-English Dictionary

form, design

to sprinkle the head

with ashes; grieve deeply to
make an error in calculation, miscalculate to
embroil someone with someone else to fail to
be awarded something, be passed over He
avoid someone c idiom

compound verb a to be

created, be founded, be organized b to be invented c to be

formed, be designed

idzhdkar f. creativity, creative work

idzh m. idzhgj m. idzhj

m. 1 eunuch

grew pale.

2 pederast

dzhn m. 1 agent

1 irj f. idle talk to prate, talk nonsense

2 ir plural of
irij n m. Irian
rijl m. antenna
erev n m. Erevan (city)
i m. obsolete fleet
i b m. kind of bitter shrub
z za adjectival suffix place after vowels:

political agent 2


edzhan f. dzhens f. agency

edzhne doublet word to
edzhjn Aegean the Aegean Sea
ikhodl transitive dialect
ikhavl transitive [past: ] to compel a camel to
lie down

id d m.
idj l m. ideal
idjl adjective ideal
emir l m. admiral
ajij f. idea
eik ng m. regional aide-de-camp
iz f. Arabic 1 damage, loss 2 anxiety, trouble

consisting of four points

izatj f. proper name Izati

izotp m. isotope
izomr chemistry isomer
eg m.
igd present stem of
gdi present tense of
is r
isrtj f. delay; stop
isravl denominative, transitive

to inflict damage; harm b to trouble, disturb

1 ajr m.
2 ir obtained; received
3 er 1
ir d m. Arabic 1 pronunciation, articulation (e.g., of



delay, stop 2 to besiege, blockade 3 figurative to place in a

difficult position 4 to limit, restrict, put restraint upon

isaredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be delayed, be detained, be stopped 2 to wait wait

speech); proclamation (statement, declaration, etc.) 2 mention

3 production of proofs 4 objection; cavil

It's impossible to find fault with him.
irdavl [past: ] to pronounce, articulate (e.g.,
speech); proclaim (a statement, etc.) He made

here 3 to be beseiged, be blockaded 4 figurative to find

oneself in a difficult situation 5 to be limited, be constrained

ist imperfective of
istg m. & f. istg h m. [plural:
istghna f. plural: istg vi] stand, stop

a speech.

ir n m. Iran
irn irnj 1 Iranian 2 m. Iranian (person)
irvd f. the Irawaddy River
irb curved, crooked curved line
erj m. 1
irktsk m. Irkustsk (city)
jrlnd m. Ireland
irm m. coral
irn ash grey
iropz 1 base 2 cowardly
erodinmk m. aerodynamics
erodinmik aerodynamic
erost t m. balloon
ir f. ir usually plural ash, ashes reduce to
ashes, incinerate a to be burnt up, to smoulder, be
reduced to ashes b figurative to burn with shame a


istl Western 1 transitive [present: past:

.1 to throw out, discard; chuck out 1.2 extract, take out

to unsheathe a saber 1.3 to take off (a shoe,

article of clothing)

to take off someone's shoes

to undress 1.4 to rake out (e.g., ashes) 1.5 to extract,

to mine coal, extract coal 1.6 to exclude;

dismiss to leave someone's name off ,


to exclude someone from 1.7 to turn out, issue (production,

money, etc.)

to issue paper money


publish a newspaper 1.8 to start, put into operation 1.9 to let

out (air from a tire, balloon) 1.10 to expell, evict; turn out;

to put out of the house 1.11

to invent; think up, devise 1.12 to unharness

to strew with ashes b to deprive of something, figurative to


Unharness the horse! 1.13 to show, extend something

Pashto-English Dictionary

(for inspection) 1.14 to tear out, pull out 1.15 to extract (e.g.,
a tooth) 1.16 chemistry & physiology to isolate, secrete 1.17
to remove, get rid of, liquidate

excitation; agitation; fit, paroxysm

ishnd 1 boiling 2 figurative aroused, excited, agitated

ishavl transitive [past: ] 1 to boil 2 to bring to

to remove, get rid

of, liquidate 1.18 to withdraw (e.g., troops from a country);

evacuate 1.19 to send out, put in front (i.e., a detachment)

fermentation 3 figurative to arouse, excite, agitate

ishavlj boiled ishavli boiled milk

soft-boiled egg
ish present of
eshj f. 2
ishedl eshedl intransitive [present: past:
present: ]1 to boil; boil up 2 to ferment; be in a state of

1.20 to build (a road); dig (a canal) 1.21 to transfer (to another

place) 1.22 to export 1.23 to drain (water) 1.24 to express

(i.e., gratitude) 1.25 to emit (a sound) 1.26 to come upon, get
on (the trail of) 2 m. plural
silkworm breeding, sericulture

istna f. 1 throwing away, rejection, chucking out 2

extracting, taking out 3 taking off (shoes, clothing) 4 raking
out (i.e., ashes) 5 extracting, obtaining, mining

fermentation 3 figurative to be aroused, be excited, be agitated;

be irritated, be annoyed

issuing (production, money, etc.) 8 starting, putting into

operation 9 dispatch; eviction 10 banishment 11 invention;
thinking up, conceiving 12 tearing out, extraction 13 removal,

ishikghs m. history master of ceremonies

ehl ihl transitive dialect
ihov imperfective of
ihod imperfective of
ihodl transitive Eastern eshodl [present: Western
past: ] 1 to put, place; stand, install; locate
Place the chair there. to
place a net on birds to put aside, move aside,
move out of the way 2 to put in to install a

secretion 15 elimination, removal, liquidation 16 withdrawal

(i.e., of troops) 17 forward emplacement (of a detachment) 18
building, laying (a road); digging (a canal) 19 export 20


eston 1 Estonian


ist m. plural
sta at the side (of something)

Estonian (person)


estonij f.

to flare up 4 to seethe

arousal, excitation; irritation

extraction (of a tooth) 14 chemistry & physiology isolation,

ishedlj 1 past participle of 2 boiled

ishedli boiled water, boiling water (for tea)
ishedna f. 1 boiling 2 fermentation 3 figurative

mining of coal 6 exclusion; elimination, leaving out 7 output,

draining, drainage (of water) idiom

ishn eshn f. 1 boiling 2 fermentation 3 figurative

Estonian language 2

windowpane 3 to plant (i.e., trees) 4 to put aside (for a

reserve) 5 to create, develop 6 to lay or place upon someone

over here, on this

a to remove; eliminate b to draw back (i.e.,

(i.e., responsibility) 7 to invest (capital) 8 to pay in (money) 9

curtain); clear (dishes away, etc.) c to get rid of, eliminate (a

defect) d to satisfy (requirements, etc.)

to lay, build (i.e., a road)

to move off,

go away, withdraw

ihodna f. 1 establishment, putting, placing,

arrangement; location 2 planting (i.e., trees) 3 setting aside

(for a reserve) 4 investment (capital) 5 laying, building (i.e., a

the people stepped aside

Get away from
here! Get out of here! idiom From here on, in
future It's been twenty-three years
Be off! Get away! !


1 ihod ihod imperfective of

2 ihod m. plural
ihavl ishovl transitive dialect
ishvna f.
ihaj past participle of
is l m. 1 joining, conjunction; contiguity 2 assistance (i.e.,


jslend m. Iceland
jslend 1 Icelandic

the Icelandic

language 2 Icelander (person)

isnd fitting, suitable, proper

esavl transitive [past: ] adorn, beautify
1 se 2
2 se present of
isedl intransitive [past: ]to seem to be, appear to
be, present itself as to be, seem to be, appear to be
necessary to please; present a pleasing appearance
not to please; be unpleasant
ishla f. dance performed by females
eshle f. pancake

in attaining a goal) 3 progress (in some matter)

jzn Arabic also, as well

iz iz h f. Arabic m. [plural: izah t]
explanation, elucidation, illustration to explain,
elucidate, illustrate

itlav 1 Italian 2 m. Italian (person)

itlij f. Italy
1 egh pronoun Afridi 1
2 egh protruding, sticking out

Pashto-English Dictionary

estrgaj 1 jolly 2 smart, quick, spritely

eghngh 1 stiff with cold 2 stiff 3 figurative

3 il f. liquid mud
eledl denominative, intransitive



egh pronoun Afridi

eghj pronoun Afridi
gha feminine of 2
if f. Arabic 1 execution (i.e., of an obligation); fulfillment

eledna f. eledna m. plural 1 taming,

domesticating 2 conquering, conquest, subjugation,

elektronk m. electronics
elektronik electronic
im f. Arabic sign, hint; nod
ajm 1 m. people, tribe 2 m.

(i.e., of a promise) 2 payment, clearing (i.e., of a debt)

if d m. Arabic sending, delegation

i z m. Arabic awakening
ektr m. regional actor
ktrs f. regional actress
ekr m. acre
eksr f. eksrz m. plural x-ray, x-rays
x-ray apparatus x-ray room
ekvdr m. Equador
1 ik f. copper coin, copper, penny a trifle
2 ek only, sole
ekemi f. regional academy
1 el m. tribe, clan
2 el il 1 quiet; tame; domesticated (of animals) 2
submissive, obedient
3 jl m. plural 1 oil 2 petroleum
el p m. snake plant (a medicinal plant)
il m.
il relating to summer pasture a summer house
eln f. submissiveness
ilbnd m. summer pasture, mountain medow
ildzhr iladzhr
ilch m. obsolete 1 ambassador 2 herald, messenger
jlsvch m. technology oil switch
ilgh r m. ilghr m. attack, raid
elv laj m. submissiveness
elavl denominative [past: ] 1 to pacify; tame 2 to
il 1.1 free, discharged, released

ajm adjective Ajmak Ajmak sheep

im n m. Arabic 1 faith, belief; persuasion deep
conviction to believe in something 2
conscience; conscientiousness, honesty, decency to
confess honestly

imnd r 1 correct, true, devoted; reliable

devoted wife

May they have faith in thee! (a wish)

2 conscientious, honest, decent 3 convinced 4 devout, pious

imndr f. 1 faithfulness, devotion; reliability 2

sincerity; conscientiousness, honesty, probity

a to be faithful, be devoted b to be honest; be decent; be


imn pertaining to religion, religious

embulns m. regional ambulance; emergency medical

emn quiet, peaceful; peace loving

emnv laj m. calm; peaceableness
emna 1 feminine singular of 2 f. proper name Emina
em possessive pronoun Afridi my
ajm f. history estate, fief
ajmad r m. history owner of a fief, feudal landlord
ni-juni fran m. regional history movement
opposing the creation of a single united province of West

release b to exude (i.e., gas) c to evacuate

a to free; discharge,

inch m. inch idiom

one's native land.

a to be

Every inch of

indzr m.
ind ra f. 1 mirror 2 glass
indtb m. indv laj m. reservation of an animal

freed, be discharged, be released b to be leaked out (i.e., gas) c

I had a narrow escape.

It is just beginning to dawn. 2.2 just, only only now
... I just now noticed that
... We had only just sat down to
to be evacuated 1.2 itinerant, wandering 2.1 hardly, barely

for productive or breeding purposes

1 jand 1 future; approaching, coming 2 f. future

at a future time; in the future in future
in the near future to put off to the

eat when 2.3 in all, in toto

plural the Ajmaks (a

nationality) 3 m. Ajmak (tribesman)

conquer; subjugate, subordinate to

[past: ] 1 to be

tamed 2 to be conquered, be subjugated, be subordinated


iladzhr 1.1 voluntary; pertaining to military volunteers

ind m. [plural: ind n] agriculture sire, stud (ram,

bull, etc.) to reserve for breeding to be

1.2 partisan 2.1 m. volunteer; militia volunteer 2.2 a partisan

ilagard f. vagabondage, vagrancy

1 l li here, over here, this way
2 ilj f. 1

reserved for breeding


Pashto-English Dictionary

to drink
to drink a lot idiom

nda f. drink, gulp

off at one draught

bb 1 predicate suitable; widespread; brought into use;

accepted 2 m. spreading, dissemination 3 combining form

to dress up, dress smartly

4 ind f. colza, cole, rape
ajnka f. usually plural ajnki glasses, spectacles
a to wear glasses b to put glasses on
ing eng f. inga (the female companion of a new bride

plurality, collectivity

bb m. 1 vocative father

dried fruit


Father! 2 vocative

Grandfather! 3 grandfather 4 [plural: bbg n] ancestors

idiom Kokhibaba Range

2 bb children's speech ! Beat him!
bbdzh m. grandfather
bbz m. plural Babazi (a subdivision of the Momands)
bb-al-mandb m. Bab-el'-Mandeb

chosen from among her relatives, and who lives in the house of
her husband for some time after the wedding)

in f. anatomy liver
ev dzaj iv zaj dialect
1 ajv n m. colloquial 1 2 child
2 ajv n m. hall, gallery
ajv n-i-'m m. regional the House of Commons
ajb m. Arabic proper name 1 Ayub 2 proper name Job
1 ajubz m. plural the Ayubzi (tribe) 2 ajubzj m.


bbh f. 1 fatherhood 2 figurative ironic good deed;


Have you

decided to be my benefactor with this?

relative to this,
concerning this; in connection with this relative

Ayubzai (tribesman)

bbt m. Arabic question, problem

to, in relation to someone

j f. Arabic
h interjection hey, look here, ahoy
n m. 1 rite, ceremony; custom, procedure 2 law; legal
code; statute; regulations unlawful
in f. mirror signal mirror to look in

inakhn f. room, chamber; small room usually in the

ainas z m. mirror stand, mirror holder

the Garden of Babur (in Kabul)

bbu m.


bb 1 m. plural Babyr (tribe) 2 Babyr (person) 3 proper

noun Babyr

bbk m. bbk m. bbk m. vocative father, papa

(as a term of endearment)

the mirror

bbr m. 1 lion 2 proper name Babur, Baber


bbl m. Arabic history Babylon

1 bb m. vocative father, papa
2 bb m. 1 clerk; office worker, employee (from local
inhabitants, in India) office workers 2 gentlemen;

upper part of a dwelling


the abjad system

official abbreviation

bi Arabic preposition or prefix used with Arabic words

especially, particularly

3 bb f. older sister
1 bbuz m. plural

be 1 the second letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the number 2 in


bbavl denominative, transitive [past:

disseminate; bring into use

personally, in person

b children's speech bah-bah (imitating sheep)

b Farsi preposition or prefix indicating the presence of some



well brought up

news agency Bakhtar

the agency Bakhtar



to spread,

bbul la f. wedding lament (a lamentation of the bride at the

form of address to an elderly woman)

bbedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be spread

around, be disseminated; be used; be accepted, be usual

badaba well brought up

bins fa honorable, honest; just
bahamijt bahammijt important, significant
1 bb m. Arabic [plural: bbna Arabic plural:

bbedna f. babed m. plural dissemination, spreading

bberj m. 1 recurrence, relapse (of a sickness)
He's sick again with a fever. 2 price increase
He raised the price of grapes. 3 addition to bride

abv b] 1 door 2 number used when counting buildings, schools,

etc. 3 chapter, section (of a book) 4 question, problem, matter

wedding rite) idiom to speak nonsense

1 bbna m. plural of 1
2 bbavna f. spreading, dissemination; bringing into use
1 bb 1 m. plural Babi (tribe) 2 bbj m. Babi (person)
2 bbj f. 1 bride (brother's wife) 2 mother, auntie (familiar

quality or attribute

Babuzai (tribe) 2 bbuzj Babuzaj

money, increase in the amount of bride amount (after bargaining)

relative to this; about this; for this reason


Pashto-English Dictionary


1 unimportant, mediocre 2 vain, futile

all of his efforts were futiles 3 bad, base (of a person) 4

orchestra) idiom

2 bdzh
bch m.

bad, nasty (of a word)

bbezv laj m. low quality; mediocrity

bbezkaj 1 bad (diminutive form) 2 thin, puny
bbezvl denominative, predicate [past: ]

m. brother-in-law (wife's sister's husband)

[plural: bchah n] 1 king 2 title of a sayyid

or descendent of followers of the prophet

bchdzh m. vocative master, sayyid

bch m.
bchha f. [plural: bchah ni] 1 queen 2 queen bee
bchah f. kingdom
bhssa sympathethic; responsive
bkhabr bkhabra informed, knowledgeable
informed circles
to be informed, be

to spoil

something; break off some matter

btadzhrib experienced; having experience, practice

btadbra bright, sharp, quick (on the uptake)
btaklfa difficult, heavy, burdensome; full of grief,
deprivation a bad year, difficult year
1 btr btr 1.1 mighty 1.2 heroic; brave; courageous

2 m.

.1 hero; brave man 2.2 proper name Batur

2 btr m. btr pupil (of the eye)

btur f. thorn-apple
btur f. btor f. heroism; courage, bravery, daring
to show heroism; be courageous
1 btj m. large saucepan
2 btj f. singular & plural 1 wick, fuse 2 medicine probe
1 bterj m. quail
2 bterj f. female quail
btingr m. 1 tomato 2 dialect asafetida (a gum resin)
b m. whetstone, hone compound verb to sharpen (on

knowledgeable in something; to recognize, find out something

bkhtr m. history 1 Baktriya 2

the Bakhtar (news) agency

bkhtar history 1 of or from Baktriya 2 person from

Baktriya idiom Iranian languages

bkhh imperfect from
bkhmalj f. 1
bkh f. fairy-tale witch
1 bd m. 1 wind wind from the mountains
south wind west wind north wind
east wind the wind is blowing a cold
wind blew a beaten by the wind b having caught cold c
figurative gone insane 2 air (in a balloon, ball, etc.) to

a whetstone)

b ra f. large hail
br bk boastful
blj m. diminutive pail a pail of water
b m. braggart; haughty person, boastful person
bavl m. 1 denominative [past: ] to sharpen (on a
whetstone) 2 [past: ] figurative to incite, arouse
b a f. usually plural bi boasting, bragging
to boast, brag
bhrs m. Baterst (a locality)
bedl intransitive and to brag, boast
big m. beg m. [plural: big plural:
beg bing m. plural: bing n] tomato
bsarvta wealthy, well-to-do
bsamra fruitful; sucessful
bdzh m. history tribute, tax to pay tribute, pay tax
bdzhd r m.
bdzhr f. kind of sorghum, Holcus spicatus
bdzh m. downpour
bdzhguz r m. history one paying tribute or tax
bdzhgr m. history collector of tribute
bdzhandzh la strained, tense; intensive

inflate, pump up (a balloon, ball, etc.) 3 wind (intestinal), flatus 4

rheumatism (in the joints); arthritis

b d-i a erysipelas b

St. Anthony's fire c syphilis 5 figurative breathing, blowing (of

idiom oppressive hot weather remained
a to brag, boast b to make a show of bravery c to
pursue a useless task to beat the air, mill the wind
this is a vain undertaking to babble
foolishness, speak nonsense to insult, humiliate, shame;
the wind) 6 figurative boastfulness, bragging


to degrade

2 bd colloquial after a while

bd r m. master (in relation to a servant), sir (landed gentry)
bd ra f. [plural: bdr ni] mistress (in return to a
servant), ma'am

bdr f. dominion


bd m m. 1 almond tree

hard shell

to hold sway over

almond with

almond with soft shell 2 kind of

embroidery 3 woman's adornment worn over the temples (in a

intensive year

bdzhav m.

to play (of an
harmonica harmonium

bdzh f. 1 brass band 2 music

form resembling an almond)

bdmch f. 1 wild almond

bdm f. snowstorm

m. inhabitant of Badzhaur, Badzhaurian

2, 3

Pashto-English Dictionary

bdmng adjective fast

bdindzh n m. eggplant
bdav m badv ma firm, solid; lengthy, lasting
coal burns a long time
bdv n m.
bdur f.
bdvaj 1 knocked down by the wind 2 m. fallen grain,

bdm 1 almond-like (of the eyes); oval 2 cream-colored;

brown; beige

bdb n m. 1 sail 2 lampshade

bdbnd r bdbn adjective



bdbark m. botany baby's breath

bdbezj m. 1 ventilator 2 fan
bdph m. 1
bdphj m. fast runner
bdpak f.
bdpuzhn haughty, arrogant
bdpez f. nonsense, foolishness, absurdity

fallen fruit

to do

figurative spineless person; someone lacking character

bdavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to winnow

(grain) 2 to pour, spread (earth, etc.) 3 figurative to squander,

something stupid; behave thoughtlessly, act carelessly

bdpajm swift as the wind a fast ship

bddzhaj f. 1 downpour 2 snowdrift
bdkhr m. bdkhork m. kestrel, windhover (a

toss to the wind

bdavna f. winnowing (grain)

bd f. wine
bdhav f. snake (made of paper)
bd 1.1 filled with air or gas; aerial 1.2 wind (powered)
windmill 1.3 pneumatic 1.4 figurative flighty, empty-

kind of falcon)

badkhor f. 1 tuberculosis of the skin, lupus vulgaris 2

tumor 3 final stage of syphilis

bdr m. period of time corresponding approximately to


headed 1.5 figurative haughty (of a person) 2 m. .1 someone

bdrb m. snowdrift
bdrng m. bdrng

suffering from rheumatism 2.2 agriculture winnower (of grain)

2.3 swift camel

hinged pane for ventilation

bdr m. regional second month of monsoons (August-

a to be

to be agitated, be covered

with waves; to seethe, boil up

bd ski f. plural hide-and-seek (children's game)

br 1 m. regional borderline (of tribes); border, boundary

2 sayyid, lord, sir 3 queen bee

bdshhn 1 regal, royal 2 in a regal manner

bdshhzdj f. princess
bdshh 1 regal, royal 2 f. kingdom, realm

relating to a tribal boundary

bsi f. plural
bgl m. 1 reins 2 string; rope, cord
bng m. 1 cucumber 2 figurative blockhead, stupid

4 proper noun Badshah



b m. 1 blockhead, stupid person 2 coward

bl m. teapot
b f. bj f. body (of a car); hull (of a ship)
1 br 1 m. .1 load, burden; pack a to fasten a load,

hold sway

bdghz m. airhole, vent (in a stove)

bdghis t m. plural Badghisat (a region)
bdghis adjective of or from Badghisat

secure a pack figurative b to succeed in something, obtain

Badghisat wool

to winnow (grain)

bdj n m. star anise

bdh m. flue (in a stove)
bdign m.
b ska f. wave

bdrv m. 1 opening in the wall (for ventilation) 2 small

bdur f.
bdsh h m. 1 king, padishah

winnowed (of grain) b to suffer rheumatism

[plural: bdrng plural:

bdrang n plural: bdrng n] cucumber

bdkaj m. 1 breeze 2 figurative stupid person 3

bd-i-farang m. 1 erysipelas 2 St. Anthony's fire 3


He'll hardly succeed in this.

a to

transport a load, carry a load b m. plural transfer a load,


bdita attentive
bdkh m. 1 flue 2 ventilator
bdkob f. snowstorm
bdkuj f. snowdrift
bdgol f. medicine colic
bdimgha sensible, clever, quick-witted; thoughful

a cart 1.2 figurative load;

to load heavily to be
subservient, to subordinate oneself to someone 1.3 fruit
to bear fruit to set (development of fruit after
transport of a load


pollination) 2 predicate .1 loaded, laden 2.2 figurative


Pashto-English Dictionary

overwhelmed (with worries) idiom

brubun f. travel gear; pack; baggage

brt m. plural gunpowder idiom

to receive benefit

from someone

2 br m. one time, once often

3 br m. 1 field; plain 2 combining form Hindustan
br n m. rain a fine and intermittent rain
a heavy rain, a downpour
agriculture irrigation by sprinkling a light rain, a
shower today is a rainy day it's raining
Western it has stopped raining
brnk m. 2
brngj m. rain shower
1 brn adjective rainy; monsoon rainy weather
2 brnj f. umbrella; raincoat, mackintosh
3 brnj f. dry-farming land (i.e., without artificial irrigation)
brbard r adjective freight, cargo; cartage
brbardr f. 1 transport, transfer of freight, cargo

useless venture; to act for no purpose

bruthkhn f. powder store

brd m. plural
brudsz f. manufacture of powder
br vnkaj adjective of a load; pack
cargo ship pack animal
1 broz m. plural Barozi (tribe) 2 brozj m. Barozj

1 to load,

bravl transitive [past: ] to stir up (against); to

same thing

b ra f. 1 fortification; rampart 2 large dam 3 barrier,

br particle 1 and behold 2 even

he has come b Even he has come

2 double bag or

brchln f. shipping of cargo; dispatching

bts k m. gusset (in a shirt)
brkh m. cheek
brd r 1 of a load 2 fruit bearing 3 covered with fruit
brd ra 1 feminine singular of 2 f. pregnant
brid Arabic plural the Arctic
brz Arabic 1 apparent, obvious 2 successful (of a person)
brselon f. Barcelona (city)
1 brk m. proper name Bark (eponym of the Barakzi tribe)
2 brk m. barracks; wooden barrack, hut
brakall Arabic interjection bravo! well done!
brakz 1 m. plural Barakzi (tribe) m. 2 Barakzj

a And behold

brj b deserving of a reception or an audience

brjbedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be

deserving of a reception or an audience

bredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

loaded up 2 to be packed, be wrapped 3 figurative to be
burdensome, be a burden for someone 4 to migrate

bredna f. bred m. plural 1 loading; packing 2

wrapping up; packaging 3 migration

brksh m. scoop, bucket (of a lifting wheel)

brk 1 thin; narrow 2 tender; soft 3 figurative delicate,

sensitive (of a question) 4 figurative penetrating

refine; make thinner, narrow b to soften, make tender idiom

brkh adjective 1.1 pack; cartage; draught 1.2 humble,

meek 2.1 rope for tying on a pack 2.2 beast of burden

to say


a to

a to

to go carefully into something; investigate


work at carrying; transport cargo b to transfer, drag loads

brka f. barka (a kind of wool fabric)

brg h m. palace, mansion; royal tent
brnm f. invoice, waybill
brnts Barents Sea

brasingh m. regional deer

1 br m. Arabic God; divine being, deity
2 brj m. crowbar
3 br 1 draught (of cattle) 2 fruitful, fruitbearing (of a tree)
4 bri bre modifies force of imperative 1 come on let's!; one
time, once just let me 2 in a word, briefly, that is


brkah f. carrying; transport of cargo

obstruction, obstacle

2 unmarried, single

brtng m. botany plantain

brar f. trade clearing (of accounts)
brdzhm f. 1 duck (a kind of sailcloth)

bravl denominative, transitive [past:

bromtr m. barometer
bravna f. 1 loading, packing 2 shipping, sending
1 br f. in this respect
about, concerning something relative to the



to load b to pack

brbelz stray, ownerless (of cattle)

brbelza 1 f. singular from

pack 2 to ship, send

collective 2 animal-drawn transport; draft animals

brbnd m. enclosure, pen (for cattle)

brband f. 1 loading, loading up 2 packing


to try to shoot with no gunpowder figurative to undertake a

brikbn penetrating, shrewd, perspicacious; understanding

something to a fine degree

bill of lading

brik f. 1 fineness; narrowness 2 tenderness; softness 3

figurative sensitivity, delicacy 4 figurative acuteness,



to be penetrating, show acuity

Pashto-English Dictionary

b m. volley, salvo; firing

to fire a volley

bs r madman
bstn ancient
bsfos m. the Bosphorus


carry on firing

bkh m. bkh m.
bk m. botany saxaul (haloxylon)
bv k careless, negligent
1 b f. rent; freight charge; payment (for passage,
accommodations, etc.) to collect rent,
freightage, payment for something to pay in rent,
freightage; to make payment compound
verb to rent, hire, charter to rent out
2 b a f. 1 temporary fence 2 enclosure (for cattle)
3 b f. the Bara (river) bara rice (a high-quality


in Central Asia) 2 adjective basmach

and writing

bsavd f. literacy
bs f.
bs 1 not fresh, rotten 2 stale (of bread)
bsil bacillary
bsharfa 1 honest; noble 2 honored
bshr m. Bashkir
bshir adjective Bashkir the Bashkir language
bshukh bshukha magnificent, luxurious
bh m. steed with a white star on its forehead and white

bj m. 1 pay, reward for work; remuneration 2 bribe 3

food used for a cow or goat when milking

b m. servant, worker

to hire a servant or worker

bj f. 1 fence 2 front garden 3 garden plot 4 cultivated

earth 5 military parapet 6 society

bem r m. hired worker

1 bz m. [plural: bz n plural:

bzna] 1 kind of


bhagj f.
bkh f. kind of hawk (female)
bhagj f. hawk moth, sphingid
bhn m. kind of hawk (male)
bsihhta well, healthy
bsir f. Arabic sight sight
bzbta disciplined
btr f. btar
btl Arabic 1 invalid, null, revoked 2 futile, vain, useless

btl m. swamp; bog
btilnm f. letter about rescinding a warrant,

hawk (usually the female, Accipiter gentilis) 2 hunting bird 3

he doesn't
he's given over to

proper name Baz idiom

doesn't want to marry Redj Gl.

love us


2 bz m. dialect bamboo
bz r m. 1 bazaar, marketplace to go to the
marketplace )( there's now a great
demand for raisins the demand now for
wool is bad 2 figurative area, sphere, arena

bzr 1 of the bazaar, market m. 2.1 tradesman at a

marketplace 2.2 town-dweller 2.3 commonplace person

bzkh st m. making accountable; punishment

bzd r m. hunting falconer
bzras f.
bzl transitive [past: ] 1 to lose (e.g., money)

bsmach m. 1 basmach (member of anti-Soviet movement

bsm f. tightly-woven textile (used for curtains)

bsna f. 1 conclusion 2 extracting; an extract
bsav d bsav da literate to teach reading


the Bosphorus

notification refusing an assignment

btilv laj m. futility, vainness, needlessness

btilavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to

annul, revoke, declare invalid 2 to make futile, vain, useless

2 to

btiledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

invalid, be revoked, lose force 2 to be useless, needless

squander, waste 3 theater to play (a role) 4 to give (a bribe)

bzna f. 1 loss (e.g., of money) 2 wastefulness, extravagance

bz m. 1 hand, arm 2 side (e.g., of a bed) 3 hinge (of a door)

btn m. Arabic 1 interior, inside 2 figurative innermost

thoughts idiom nearby, limited

btin Arabic 1 internal 2 figurative hidden; innermost
btmi m. Batmi (city)
b's m. Arabic [plural: b'isna Arabic plural:
bav's] reason, cause because of something; due

4 military flank 5 small lever

bzubnd m. bracelet (worn on the forearm)

bz f. 1 game toys playground
to play to play with someone 2 deception
to deceive
bzich f. toy
bzigr m. bzingr m. 1 player 2 conjurer 3
rogue; swindler regional idiom tumbler pigeon
1 bs m. latrine
2 bs present verb stem from

to something

ba'istj f. cause, (underlying) condition

b'id Arabic distant
b'azamta majestic; magnificient; grand
b'amla energetic, active (of a person)

Pashto-English Dictionary

bgh m. 1 garden

municipal garden

2 bk m. Baku (city)
bkasraj m. short-horned ram
bkj f. vomiting; vomit
bkjfa pleasant a life full of pleasures
bg zh m. baggage
bgr m. reins
bgra f. bg f. bgolj f. bgva


Bagibala (palace in Kabul) 2 kitchen garden, vegetable garden 3

Bagh (center of Tirach, region of the Aphridian tribes)

bghb aj bghb gh quite satisfied; beaming

to give great joy, make very happy
he's beaming from joy; he's very contented
the spirit rejoices unwittingly

bghb n m.

witch; hag

bga f. bragging, boasting to brag, boast

bl 1.1 above, from above; high up 1.2 higher 1.3

bghch f. 1 flower bed; flower garden 2 vegetable garden

bghd r m. 1 gardener 2 owner of a garden 3 market


bghdr f. gardening, horticulture



above, more than 2 upper, located in the upper part of something

blb d m. southwest wind

blph m. topcoat, overcoat
bilidzhm l Arabic in short, concisely, in general outline
blhis r m. Balahisar (fortress in Kabul)
blkhn f. 1 upper story of a house; superstructure 2

to practice

bghl m. bghul m. plural beans of the field

bghvl m. gardener, horticulturist
bghv n m. 1 gardener 2 market gardener
bghvn f. 1 gardening, horticulture 2 market gardening
a to practice gardening b to practice market gardening
bgh m. 1 medicine mumps 2 anatomy parotid gland
bghul m. plural
1 bgh 1 garden, horticultural 2 market-gardening
2 bgh m. Arabic insurgent, striker; rebel _ to go on


bilkhir Arabic finally, at last

blmurgh b m. Bala-Morghab, Bala-Murghab (town)
blb l
blbachd r adjective regional family, having a
family I have a family.
bilbadh Arabic suddenly
bilbadih Arabic ex promptu, without preparation
blt m. ballet
bltk Baltic Sea
bltik adjective Baltic
blj f. [plural: bljg ni] 1 bucket 2 (galvanic)
element dry element
bilkhss Arabic especially, in particular
blkhsh m. Lake Balkhash
bilkhuss Arabic especially, in particular
bizz t Arabic by its nature, in essence
blistk bllistk 1 ballistic

strike, raise a rebellion; to rebel

3 bghj m. reserve, preserve

baghijn f. rebellious; unruly rebellion
bghich f.
bghajrta Arabic valiant, worthy of glory
bft m. 1 weaving 2 knitting 3 braiding the hair 4 kind of
woman's hairdo

b'id repaired, restored; regular

b'idag f. 1 state of good repair; regularity 2
agreement; harmony a in good repair; regularly
b harmoniously; in an orderly way


b Arabic 1 remaining 2 m. .1 arrears 2.2 math


bij t m. Arabic plural 1 arrears 2 survivals, relics

bimnd 1 remaining 2 m. remainder
bk m. 1 fear, fright; anxiety; unrest to be afraid, take
fright; he's not afraid of this 2 concern idiom
! no problem, it's all right!
bkter f. & m. bkterij f. bacteria

intercontinental ballistic missile 2 m. ballistics

blshevsm m. Bolshevism
blshevk 1 m. Bolshevik 2 adjective Bolshevik
blht m. [plural: blihtn plural:
blihtna] pillow


bkterjolozh 1 f. bacteriology 2 bacteriological

bkterij f.
bksng m.
bkifjt talented, gifted; capable, skillful
bkifjta efficient, capable, qualified
bkam la skilled; learned, erudite
1 bk m. 1 elder brother 2 proper name Bako

blihtk m.

blihtgoj m. 1 small pillow,

cushion 2 padding, packing, separator (of wood or similiar


bizzarr Arabic certainly; without fail

bittb' Arabic in point of fact, in essence
bil'ks Arabic on the contrary
bil'umm Arabic generally, in general

despite this

Pashto-English Dictionary

blgh Arabic 1 grown-up; mature; of age 2 m. grown man

campaign against illiteracy courses to

1 bn m. regional missile, rocket

2 bn m. Bonn (city)
3 b n m. suffix doer of an action gardener
bn m. part, a part (of a car and so forth)
bndzhn violet, lavender
bndzh m. [plural: bndzh] eggplant
eggplant tomato tomatoes
tomato juice
bndzh m. newly-born puppy
bnd f. military band
bndng m. Bandung (city in West Java, Indonesia)
bndi bnde Eastern 1 combined with the preposition
(Eastern )or without it .1 on (on the surface of something)
my book is on the table to stand or
put onto something, load onto something to be placed,
put or loaded onto something 1.2 with, with the help of
with the help of someone with the aid of

end illiteracy

bilfrz Arabic let's suppose; supposedly

bilf'l Arabic in fact, actually
bl n m. [plural: bln t] Balkans
the Balkan peninsula

bilkl bilkll Arabic

blkach m.

altogether, absolutely, completely

blk m. follower of a fakir (learning

from him and serving his needs)

bilmsl Arabic analogous; identical, the same

bilmubil Arabic in reply; in exchange; in turn
binnatidzh Arabic as a result
blng m. [plural: blang n] large wild orange tree
bl m. [plural: bl] 1 fuel 2 dung-brick fuel 3 kind
of roast (meat)

bl m. regional beast of prey

bln m. bln m. 1 balloon

something 2.1 adverb on him, her, it; on them; onto him, her, it

2 rubber ball 3 balloon,


blon spherical
bl imperfect from to be called
blj f. earrings
bligj m. foundling
bln m.
blijs m. Balijus (ancient name of the Kandahar Province)
bm m. 1 roof 2 top (of a carriage) 3 flooring, planking
bmk f. Bamako (city)
bmbr m.
bmba f. flame
bmb m. Brahmin
bmba f.
1 bmb m. buzzing (of insects)
2 bmb m. bamboo
bmbur f. top (the toy)
bmb m. noise, uproar, commotion to make noise,

him. 2.3

gathered around him

bnditb m.
bndinj 1 upper 2 someone else's, another's

3 external,


bndiv laj m. 1 height 2 figurative superiority

bn r m.
1 bn f. 1 pen for cattle (summer pasturing); fence behind

which cattle are driven 2 small village 3 camp of nomads, cattle

herders 4 settlements 5 body, torso 6 used in geographical

place names Gudzharobanda (an inhabited locality)

2 bn m. proper name Banda
3 bn destroyed, annihilated; killed, fallen
bnach m. bnaw l m. 1 one who is living at a
mountain pasture 2 villager, peasant, farmer

bnechj m.

bnesj m. 1 nomad herdsman,

shepherd; one who lives on the steppe 2 summer resident in the

make a racket


bmra f. edge; border, hem, edging

bml transitive [past: ] to strike up a friendship,

bnes f. summer camp, area where nomads make camp in

the summer

bnr m. leaf of the date-palm tree

bns m. bamboo
bnish ta adjective cheerful, buoyant, hale and hearty (of a

maintain friendship, befriend

bma f. thick smoke

bmnkaj 1 present participle from

Ahmed shouted to
around him, her, it, them everyone

2.2 to him, her, it; to them

2.1 m. tutor,

educator 2.2 friend


1 bm f. end of winter
2 bm imperfect from
3 b ma singular oblique from
bmij n m. sometimes plural Bamian (city)
Bamian Pass Bamian Province
bmj f. okra, Hibiscus esculentus


bank of commerce, commercial

bank agricultural bank
national bank Afghan Bank, Bank of Afghanistan
state bank, government bank
bnkd r m. banker, bank owner
bnkdr f. banking business
bnk m. bank

Pashto-English Dictionary

bnkr m.
bnks m.
bnks adjective bamboo
bnk larnkaj m.
bnknt m. bank note
bnkn m. bank note
1 bnk f. ankle bracelet
2 bnk m. 1 bnk m.
1 bnk m.
2 bnk adjective bank, banking
bnkj m. 1 dandy, fop 2 conceited person
bng m. 1 crow, crowing (of a rooster) 2 muezzin's call to
prayer compound verb a to crow (of a

bwar adjective reliable, trustworthy; earnest


1 bwj f. plateau
2 bwj f. large well
bwsr m. singular & plural piles, hemorrhoids
bwll transitive [past: ] to train for hunting (a bird or
a dog)

bwlna f. training to hunt, training for hunting (a bird or a


1 bwl adjective dull, stupid; ignorant

2 bwl imperfective of
1 bwlj m. bait (used in training hunting birds or dogs)

2 bwlj adjective 1 feigning bravery, pretending to be brave

rooster) b to call to prayer (of a muezzin)

1 bngaj m. tongs (blacksmith's)

2 bnguj m. cockerel, young rooster
1 bng m. 1 crowing rooster 2 muezzin
2 bng m. yoke (for carrying buckets, etc.)
3 b ng m. Bangui (capital of the Central African Republic)
bngej m. cockerel, young rooster
1 bn m. 1 kind of insect 2 kind of apricot
2 bn f. 1 lady 2 Bannu (city in northern Pakistan)
bn f. pretext, excuse to look for an opportunity

2 pretending to be business-like, efficient

bwl m. place where a bird or dog is training for hunting

bwlj f 1 path or stairs leading to a well or kahriz 2

reservoir near a well, chute for water


to harm somebody


m. syphilitic

bham adjective collective, joint; common


bn m. Arabic founder, initiator

bnn m. falcon
b m. rope made of palm leaves
bs m. 1 bamboo 2 bamboo rod, pole
bk f. ankle bracelet
bu m. [plural: bug n] eyelash a
to close the eyes b figurative to die c to blink
idiom to have evil designs towards someone a to
be insidious b to be sad to insult
bok adjective tipsy, drunk
b m. plural eyelashes
bechgh m. swing, seesaw
bw m. syphilis
bwidzhd na adjective honest, conscientious, decent,

in the evening I don't eat at


bahonr adjective skillful, able

bh m. bracelet (for arms or legs)
bj 1 m. .1 loss (in sports, gambling, etc.) 1.2 loss, waste 2
first separable syllable of the verb !
look out, don't get lost!

bj m. computer science byte

b jd adverb should, must, ought to, is necessary
What ought one to do?, What should be done?; sometimes
combines with the hortative particle
necessary that we meet

it is

b jd, b jid 1 should, must, ought to, is necessary

He ought to go We ought not to
go 2 f. due, appropriate observe wedding rites
b jskl, b jsicl m. bicycle
b jskalsaw r, b jsklsaw r m. bicyclist
bjskp m. regional motion picture projector
b ' m. Arabic seller, vendor
bj l m. Baykal
bjk m. boycott compound verb to boycott
bjk m. Salvadora persica (a kind of tree)
bjl t m. 1 loss; defeat suffer defeat


bwodzhd in spite of, despite, not withstanding, against

in spite of this
bwr m. faith, confidence self-confidence
to trust somebody, to rely on somebody
to believe someone's words ... I am sure

bwarch m. 1 cook 2 messenger

bwarchikhn f. regional kitchen
bwar kr m. credit card

in war, in battle 2 loss, waste

bjll 1 transitive [past: ] .1 to lose, to be defeated

1.2 lose something; forfeit something 2 m. plural .1 loss; defeat


Pashto-English Dictionary
2.2 loss, waste of something

idiom get lost

butkh k m. Butkhak (inhabited place near Kabul)

butkhn f. idol
batr worst; very bad
butshikn m. 1 history religion iconoclast 2 person who

Don't get lost!

bjlna f. 1 loss; defeat 2 loss, waste of something

bjlodl transitive dialect
bjldaj past participle of
They lost valuable time idiom a heart in love
bjlawl transitive dialect
bajlodzh f. biology
biolodzhik adjective biological
1 bj m. regional old chap, old fellow
2 bj interjection well Well, you can

combats prejudice, outdated ideas, beliefs

batk m. 1 batka f. flask; water bottle, canteen

1 batka f. flask; water bottle, canteen
2 batka f. goose
1 batakj m. flask, water bottle
2 butkj f. gold coin; gold piece
batla f. young chicken, pullet
bitn m. plural concrete compound verb to cover

say what you want.

with concrete, lay concrete

babr m. lion

1 bta f. goose
2 but f. type of embroidery
1 bt, bat f. glue, starch; size, sizing
2 bat f. fallow land, fallow
3 bat, bt f. reproach, rebuke

babr 1 tousled, shaggy, disheveled 2 hairy 3 dense, thick (of

wood) 4 figurative angry, cross, irate

babrstnaj m. type of English rifle

babrsraj adjective tousled, shaggy, disheveled
babrghwgaj m. English 11-round rifle
1 babrk m. proper noun Babrk
2 bbrk m. castor (textile)
babrawl, babarawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

4 batj f. 1 candle 2 wick

ba m. 1 oven for baking brick, kiln

babrj m. [plural:

hunting dog

babrij n and


babr] shaggy

barj or baarj and

storage battery

bastrgaj goggle-eyed, lobster-eyed

basra f. coarse-ground flour
basraj m. straw remaining after threshing; straw left on

colloquial to snap at, bristle

the threshing floor

babghj, babghj poor; unfortunate

bibliogrf f. bibliography
1 babw m. elf, goblin (fantastic being that frightens children)
2 bab f. disease of horses
3 bab f. mother (form of addressing a mother or an old woman)
bbottaj m. bbotatj f. hoopoe
bbdzaj m. damper (in a flue)
bbzaj, bbuzaj m. 1 fan electric fan

bal m. motar (for grinding hashish or naswar)
compound verb to grind in a mortar (hashish or nasvar)

bala f.
ban f. regional button; push-button, call-button
baw f. regional bag, handbag (lady's, etc.)
1 ba f. 1 fish and rice 2 dialect unseasoned boiled rice

compound verb to fan 2 sail 3 kingfisher, halcyon

babkaj m. hoopoe
1 babj m. snipe (bird)
2 babj f. 1 older sister

bar, baar f. [plural:

barig n or baarig n] battery

babrj, babrj m. basil

babredl, babaredl denominative, intransitive [past:

1 become tousled, become shaggy, disheveled 2 figurative,

2 griddle for frying kernels

of corn or peas 3 hot, burning desert 4 figurative success, good

1 to tousle, ruffle, rumple 2 figurative to anger, to enrage


compound verb to

reproach, rebuke

2 ba f. thumb thumb
1 ba f. barley juice, extracted liquid from barley
2 baj f. stove, kitchen range electric stove
atomic reactor compound verb to fry, to grill
3 be f. barley porridge
bebjb n hot, sweltering desert
bajrj m. baiwl m. 1 vendor of sweets and

2 sis (form of addressing an older

sister) 3 wise and beautiful woman

babzna f. shivers, shivering, chill, fever

bipr, bapr m.
1 but m. idol, statue
2 bat m. stone masonry (the walls of a well, kahriz, etc.)
bat ra, bt ra f. club, cudgel
batljn m. battalion
butparst m. idolater, idol-worshiper

roasted kernels 2 baker

budzh m. [plural:

budzh n] seed (e.g., of a melon,



badzh m. sound during milking

Pashto-English Dictionary

badzh m. log (a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of


bachkaj m. 1 string, lace 2 toe (of shoes) 3 ribbon (for the


budzh lazy
budzh ngi f. plural rags
badzhz Arabic with the exception of, excepting, excluding,

idiom to have success, be lucky in something
. Just now Reday Gul is having luck
in everything He was unlucky.
budzhulb z m. player of the knucklebones game
budzhlka, budzhulka f. 1 ankle, anklebone 2 knucklebone;
compound verb to play knucklebones
1 bidzhl f. 1 electricity electric industry 2

bachwaj m. 1 2 ribbon (for the hair)

1 bach m. lad, fellow
2 bcha onomatopoeia cry used in driving goats
bachagrd m. critical age (of a boy)
bachagta, bachagwta f. fourth finger, ring finger
bachamrd 1 m. young man; young stalwart, brave man,

2 budzhuli plural of
badzh f. [plural: badzhe] hour What
time is it? eight o'clock
at eight o'clock an hour and a half
half an hour
badzhj f. children's speech breast, chest
bach m. 1.1 border, edging; edge, rim 1.2 rescue, rescuing;
defense, protection 2 predicative defended, protected
compound verb compound verb
bachw, bach w m. f. 1 protection, protect
compound verb compound verb 2

bachawl denominative, transitive [past:

rescue; defend, guard

to save,

bachngaj m. 1 baby, child 2 the young of animals;

young birds


budzhl f. [plural:


man of courage 2 adjective brave, courageous

bachamrda 1 m. young man; young stalwart, brave man,

man of courage 2 adjective brave, courageous

lantern, flashlight; lamp 3 spark

bachj m. [plural:

bach and

bachij n] 1 child,

baby 2 sonny, lad (form of address) 3 young of animals and birds

2 bchj, bachj f. base, foot of a wall

3 bachj f. darling, dear one (addressing one's child)
bachbach, bchbch onomatopoeia cry used in driving

bachedl denominative, intransitive [past:

rid oneself of, shake off; to be protected

bachedna f. plural


bachwkedna f. defense, protection

bichw, bachwa m. f. large floor covering, canvas
bachwawl denominative, transitive
bachwedl denominative, transitive
bacht m. supply, reserve, savings compound verb to
be created (of reserves, supplies) compound verb to

to escape,

bached m. rescuing, saving,

budz f. termite, white ant

butskhagj f. handbag
butskh f.
batsrkaj m. small spark
batsraj m. 1 spark 2 figurative little, few

regional to save

3 figurative

particle grain (of gold, etc.) 4 spray

a very heated argument

bahs m. Arabic [plural:

bahsna and Arabic

abh s] 1 argument; debate, discussion

long debate

accumulate (of savings)

bachartb m. girlhood
bachar f. girl
1 buchrj m. young donkey, foal of an ass
2 bachraj m. 1 tassel on the tail (of an ox) 2
1 bachk m. 1 assistant, helper (e.g., of a irrigation system

intervene in an argument 2 consideration (of an

issue, of a question)


discuss something; consider a matter

Arctic Ocean

controller, miller) 2 apprentice

bahrna and Arabic

the Indian Ocean 2

bahr m. Arabic [plural:

abh r] 1 sea

meter (in poetry); rhythm; metrics

bachk m. tobacco wastage

bachkraj m. tip of a knout
bachakk m. [plural: bachki m.] 2
bachagn children's, child's
bachandr m. stepson
bach m. & f. slang my child (address)
1 bachi m. plural stockings
2 bachaj m. 1 young of animals; young birds 2 mask

bahr-ul-khl m. Arabic the Pacific Ocean

buhr n m. Arabic crisis economic crisis;
political crisis
buhrn Arabic critical, crucial; dangerous, perilous (of a

bahrpajmj f. navigation
bhr-u-br, bahr-u-br on land and sea


Pashto-English Dictionary

bahr Arabic marine, sea; naval


merciful; all-forgiving

bakhhw 1 generous 2 kind, merciful; all-forgiving

bakhhh m. bakhhht dialect
bakhhl transitive [past: ] 1 to give, present 2

bukhttj f. and

(state of) being busy; occupation

show mercy, grant pardon; forgive 3 to release from payment (of

bakhhndj, bakhhndj 1 generous 2 m. benefactor

bakhhna f. 1 giving, donating 2 forgiveness
compound verb to beg forgiveness, pardon compound
verb a to give a present b to forgive ! Pardon me! 3
gift, present gift of nature
1 bukhl m. Arabic stinginess, greed, avarice
compound verb to be greed

2 bakhl transitive
bakhula f.
bakhml m. [plural:
bakhmal n] velvet

bakhtawr, bakhtawr 1 happy, fortunate, lucky

happy time I am happy. 2 joyous, festive
to be

busy, be occupied with affairs, with work; to enlist (someone) in

bakhna f.
bakhnaj m dyer
1 bukhur m. Arabic incense
2 bkhwr m. hunting feeding bird

participating in something

to feed (of a bird)

bakhtj r, bakhtij r 1 fortunate; satisfactory 2 m. .1 plural

Bakhtiars (tribe) 2.2 proper noun Bakhtiar

drag out a miserable existence

bakhtajr, bakhtaijr f. prosperity, success

bukhtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

bakhuaj m. 1

that has lost its calf)

to be

busy with something, work at something; be enlisted in

participating in something

bukhted m. plural working in something

work in commerce

compound verb

bukhur-u-namr m. starvation ration

to live on short rations, be half-starved;

industry, work in industry

different colors

bukhtawna f. enlisting, involving (someone) in something

1 bkhta oblique singular of 1
2 feminine singular of 2
bukhtj f. to be engaged in

bakhmaluna and

bakhmla f. proper noun Bakhmala

1 bakhmal adjective velvet
2 bakhmalj f. bakhmal m. red bug
bakhn, bakhun suffix -ish (or similar used with the names of
colors) reddish
bakhnbakhn, bakhunbakhun parti-colored, variegated; of

bukhtw laj m.

on this joyous, festive day

bukhtawl denominative, transitive [past: ]


taxes) 4 to exert influence

We're busy with the case

1 bkhra f.
2 bakhra f. dialect
bakhrawr happy, fortunate
bakhsh m. part, portion, share
bakhshish m. bakhh m. 1 gift, present 2 award
compound verb a to give b to award 3 tip, gratuity 5
forgiveness, pardon compound verb a to give a tip
b forgive idiom idiom shib-i-bakhshish kind,

2 bukht, bukht busy, occupied (with doing something)

We're occupied with the matter
bukhttb m.

bukhts f.



bukhtsagj f. 1 bundle
(with belongings); bundle; packet 2 bag, pouch (with sewing

sea currents; ( sea) voyage

bahrjn m. Bahrain, Bahrain Islands
bahrij f. Arabic fleet merchant fleet
bahir f. Arabic sea the Black Sea
bukh r m. Arabic [plural: bukhruna and Arabic
bukhr t] 1 steam; vapor ( charcoal) fumes,
carbon monoxide compound verb to evaporate
compound verb to be evaporated to steam, stew 2 rash
bukhr f. Bukhara
bukhrld bukhrd ra saturated with steam; water
vapor saturated air
bukhrst m. Bucharest
1 bukhr adjective steam steamship
2 bukhrj f. oven; stove; hotplate; fireplace
iron stove electric hotplate
gas stove
1 bakht m. luck, good fortune fortunately
he was unsuccessful be a minion of fortune
Good fortune turned away from
him. He was unlucky; He was
lucky He's started having good
luck.; to be the cause of one's own destruction or

bukhch f.

2 stuffed calf (placed next to a cow

bakhwl m. anatomy diaphragm

idiom to

desire something passionately

bkhwla f. trouble, misfortune

gotten into trouble, (one who has) come to grief


(one who has)

Pashto-English Dictionary

bakhj f. type of sewing, kind of stitch

idiom to decorate; praise, laud

baddzhawl indeclinable plain, homely; ugly, hideous

badchrukaj m. villain, scoundrel
badchalw badchalnd dissipated, dissolute, good-

bakhl Arabic 1 m. miser, skinflint, stingy greedy person 2


stingy, miserly

bakhil f. stinginess, miserliness

miserly, greedy

to be stingy,

badh la in poor condition

badhl f. poor condition
badkhrtsa m. badkhrtsaj

bakhi f.
bad 1 bad, wicked ... ... the
trouble is that ... It wouldn't be
bad if you call first look with malice 2 m. plural .1 evil;
trouble, unpleasantness He has had a misfortune.
Don't wish anyone evil. 2.2 bad things
He has treated you badly. You acted badly.
compound verb to swear; to scold to speak ill of
someone, give a bad report about someone mea
culpa 2.3 fine to establish the size of a fine to
pay a fine idiom to be hateful to
someone Please don't take offense at this
He was not at all offended. He is upset.
to be angry I don't like this hat.
badakhl qa 1 immoral 2 ill-bred, unmannerly

spendthrift, prodigal,


badakhsh n m. Badakhshan



badkhaslta having bad character, immoral

badkhw h, badkh h 1 m. enemy, foe 2 unfriendly, hostile
badkhlaj swearing, using foul language
badkhwnda 1 unpalatable 2 unpleasant
badkhwnd f. 1 unpleasant taste 2 unpleasantness
badkhja 1 immoral; wicked 2 disobedient, unruly,

badkhoj f.

lack of discipline

1 immorality; malice 2 disobedience,

baddijnat f. dishonesty
badwla indeclinable 1 homely; ugly, hideous


compound verb to disfigure 2 bad, nasty

badakhlq f. 1 immorality 2 lack of breeding

badrw stingy, greedy
badrw j f. stinginess, greed, cupidity
badisti'm l m. [plural: badisti'ml t] abuse,
misuse; abuse of power
badsl of low birth, of low origin
bed't m. Arabic innovation, novelty
badmn f. breakdown, disorganization, anarchy
badht m. Arabic obviousness to see

badz t m. scoundrel; mean, underhanded low person

badzt f. baseness, meanness
1 badr, badr m. 1 2 cotton tree
2 bdr m. Arabic full moon
badruddrn m. Arabic proper noun Badruddin
badrd m. plural invective, abusive language; foul language
to scold someone
badarrft m. outflow, runoff, drainage
badraqn f.
badraq f.
badarknd m. cotton tree resin
badragn f. payment for escorting, fee for convoying
badrag f. 1 guard, convoy, escort, accompanying
convoy vessel He was escorted by a

clearly, understand well

bedjt m. Arabic undertaking; measure

badbkhta 1 unfortunate, ill-fated 2 unfit 3 stupid
badbakht f. trouble, misfortune; haplessness;

badbaj gloomy, morose; troubled, distressed

badbja smelly, stinking, fetid
badbuj f. stench, stink
badbn 1 m. .1 pessimist 1.2 distrustful, untrusting person

convoy of Pashtoons 2 funeral feast

badrng unattractive, plain; ugly, hideous

idiom to disgrace oneself

badrangawl denominative, transitive [past tense

]1 to shame somebody 2 to deceive, let somebody down 3 to

2.1 pessimistic 2.2 mistrustful

badbin f. 1 pessimism 2 distrust, lack of confidence in

badpraj unpunctual, tardy, late (of a debtor, for

portray somebody in a bad light

badrang f. ugliness, hideousness
badrw m. water escape
badr f. Arabic 1 sack of money 2 10,000 Dirham (monetary

example); unreliable (of a person)

badpzaj gloomy; dissatisfied, discontented

badtarn worst, very worst
badtfhm m. misunderstanding
badt f. 1 malice, harm, trouble 2 depravity

unit of Morocco)


Pashto-English Dictionary

compound verb to slip,

harm, damage compound verb

2 badl 1 of poor quality 2 of low birth

1 badlr f. waywardness, dissipation

badr f. 1 stumbling

stumble 2 Western


suffer loss; ruin oneself 3 anxiety, uneasiness, worry

2 badrj f. proper noun Badri

bad m. Euphrates poplar
badzab na badzhabbaj

2 badl raj good-for-nothing, wayward, dissipated

badl maj
badlzn m. singer
badlamna immoral, lewd, debauched (woman)
badlmch, badalmch m. rhyme
badlawl, badalawl 1 denominative, transitive [past:
].1 substitute for something compound verb to be
surmounted, be overcome 1.2 ... to turn into something
2 m. plural
badln m. badlawna f. 1 replacement, substitution,
exchange in exchange for something 2
compensation, indemnity 3 change; transformation
the situation has changed somewhat
1 badla f. song compound verb to sing a song
to lull someone to sing the praises of

cursing, swearing, using

abusive language

spoiled, ruined (of a woman who

has had a miscarriage or who has had a still-born baby)

badstrgaj shameless, brazen, insolent

badastr in order, OK; as before, as usual
badsulk unsociable, treating somebody poorly, slighting

badsuluk f. slighting, treating someone badly

badshgm unfortunate, unhappy, ill-stared, hapless
badsurt unattractive, plain; ugly, hideous
badu' f. curse, damn compound verb to curse
to curse at someone
bid't m. Arabic 1 innovation 2 religion heresy
badghg 1 harsh-sounding 2 m. sharp sound
badghnaj coarse, crude, impolite, discourteous
badf l ominous, sinister
badf l f. misfortune, bad luck unfortunate,

someone, laud someone

villain, scoundrel,

something; accompanying by something

being out of control

2 strained relations, discord,

badgum na

badgumn f.

badmrhga unfortunate, unhappy


1 suspicious, distrustful 2 dubious,

1 suspiciousness, mistrust, distrust 2


badgj, badgj m. one who abuses, slanderer

badguj, badgoj f. malignant gossip, scandal, reviling;

failure (a

drink heavily

badmrgh f. bad omen, ill omen

badmast f. drinking bout, binge

badma' sh m. 1 scoundrel, blackguard; bandit, thug,

gangster 2 dissipated person

badma' sh f. 1 banditry 2 dissipation

badma'rif f. portraying in a bad light, discrediting
to discredit someone
badma'milag f. unscrupulousness, lack of integrity, lack

badl m. Arabic 1 substitute, substitution


lack of harmony

to take revenge on

1 badmr f. simulation, sham, pretense

2 badm raj m. malingerer
badm sh m.
1 badmkh f. ugliness, hideousness
2 badmkhaj 1 unattractive, plain; ugly, hideous

badkr f. 1 sin 2 evil deed, crime 3 disobedience, state of

badkird r
badkirdr f.
badguzr na
badguzrn f. 1

instead of that 3 regional compensation, indemnity


suspect, shady

badl f. 1 revenge

1 badl m. singer
2 badli plural of 1
3 badl plural of 2
badledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1
to be changed, to be substituted, to be exchanged 2 ...
to turn / change into something
badled m. plural 1 substitution, exchange 2 change into

fiend, monster 1.3 disobedient 2 m. villain, scoundrel, fiend,

someone 2 replacement, substitution, exchange


badqismat f.
badk r 1.1 sinful 1.2 wicked


verb to lead a dissipated life


of to substitute something for something

exchange views with someone 2 revenge
to take revenge on someone 3 compensation,

of conscientiousness

indemnity 4 equivalent


badn m. body, trunk

Pashto-English Dictionary

badn m 1 to have a bad reputation, be in bad repute; disgraced,

to cause harm b shame, discredit

be dishonored 2 shameful, disgraceful

become pitiable b he got lost c he lost consciousness


badnmawl denominative, transitive [past:

dishonor, disgrace, discredit
badnm f. bad reputation; shame, dishonor

What a shame!

badnmedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] be

disgraced, be dishonored, be discredited; disgrace oneself

badnasba indeclinable unfortunate

badnumja badnumj unattractive; ugly, hideous
badan f. fuselage (of an aircraft)
1 badan physical, bodily, corporal physical culture
physical exercises, calisthenics
2 badnj, badanj f. small basin for washing, water container

(of a misfortune)

badnijta 1 unfortunate, unlucky 2 ominous, sinister 3 ill-

badnijat f. malice, malicious intent, ill-will, hostility

bad cross, angry, bad-tempered
badw laj m. poor quality; negative side
badod f. harm; damage
badwrd hostile, inimical
badwrda indeclinable unfortunate, unhappy
badwrga cross, angry, bad-tempered
badwrgedl intransitive [past: ] to get angry
badraj m.
badw dangerous (of a person)
badwawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to


4 badj f. bank of a canal subject to erosion

5 badj plural of 1
badj f. 1 evil, harm, misfortune 2 depravity, perversity
badj f.
badid r m. deadly enemy, person who is in a state of
deadly enmity or who has committed an act of bloody vengeance
(murder, wounding, etc.)

badidr f. the custom of blood revenge

badedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]1 to grow
worse, spoil 2 to become unsuitable; be ruined 3 to perish

bad' Arabic remarkable, wonderful, wondrous

badi' f. Arabic [plural: bad'] m. Arabic

consider (to be) harmful, consider (to be) dangerous

badwedl denominative, intransitive [past:
harmful, be dangerous

to be

badi' Arabic rhetorical

badih Arabic clear, obvious it is clear, it is obvious
1 ba equal, identical
2 bu one-armed, having one arm
3 b clear to speak clearly; speak bluntly
bu 1 old; aged, advanced in years 2 m. old man, elder
to make someone (look) older
bagar f.
ba l m. wine
ba j 1 m. rich man 2 rich, wealthy
bajtb m. wealth, substance
bajna f. enrichment, gain
bajavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

person, a bad lot

badawl denominative, transitive [past:

worsen, spoil

make bad,

bidn Persian preposition combines with the postposition

without, except
badaw m. Arabic bedouin, nomad
badawijt m. Arabic nomadic way of life
1 bda 1 feminine singular of 1 2 f. .1 harm; trouble,
misfortune; distinguish good and evil;
to regard someone maliciously; to get into
trouble 2.2 bad; a to worsen, get worse (e.g., of the

enrich, make rich

condition of a wound) b to engage in nefarious business, take the

path of wrong; go bad, become corrupted (of a person)


thing, amazing thing

indeclinable fetid, stinking, bad-smelling

badk m. badkaj m. scoundrel, villain; worthless

bd f. 1 evil, harm, misfortune 2 deadly hostility, enmity 3

I hate his brother. compound verb to sin
2 bdi Eastern bade 1 feminine plural of 1 2 oblique case
singular of 1 2
3 badj wicked, malicious; worthless, good-for-nothing (of a

intentioned, malicious; unfriendly, hostile, ill-disposed

Eastern hatred, enmity

with a spout (usually made of copper or aluminum)

a he has

2 bud f. textiles weft, woof

3 budh m. Buddha Buddhism
bda-u-bir na f.
bdawradz f. rainy day; trouble; need; difficult position
. Misfortune befell Walo-jaan.
fall into poverty
to pester someone with requests, importune someone
bda-wir na f. disturbance, discord, sedition
a to create a disturbance b to make much mischief
a to be raised (of a disturbance) b to happen, occur

badn mus, badn mos f. shame, disgrace, dishonor; bad

baj f.




to be proud of

Pashto-English Dictionary

babl truthful; righteous

baboltb m. baboltj


according to model 2.3 parallel, along

parallel to something, alongside something 2.4
uniformly 2.5 directly go directly home idiom
in time twice as much
brbartj f. barbartj brbarht m. barbarht
brbarv laj m. barbarv laj 1 correspondence 2

babolv laj

m. truth; veracity; truthfulness, uprightness

baag l m. fluff on the flower cluster of the cat-tail (used in


bg f. vagrancy
ba m. bribetaker
baaj m. anatomy kidney
bakaj m. kidney (of a sheep, goat)
buogj m. old boy, old chap
balaj m. clay pitcher
ba f. 1 belt or cord worn with wide pants 2 target, goal 3
waning moon 4 bribe idiom to roll up one's sleeves,
get down to work to pursue someone
persistently 5 to take up something, take up some

uniformity 3 equality, sameness 4 agreement; coordination 5

regulation, adjustment

brbaravl barbaravl denominative, transitive [past:

] 1 to balance; equalize, make even 2 to bring into
agreement 3 to arrange 4 to fit, adapt 5 to supply; stock
to lay in provisions 6 to prepare; create 7 to arrange,
organize 8 to fold, pack to fold clothing 9 to
fune (e.g., a radio) idiom to be engaged in

brbaravna f. barbaravna 3-9

brbar f. barbar 1 equality 2 parallel direction
mountains which stretch along the shore


1 buj m. old man
2 buj f. old woman
3 baj m. person with no arms, armless person
4 bi f. plural bribe to take a bribe
to give a bribe
baikhr bribe-taker
baimr m. bribe-giver
bazr m. Arabic singular & plural grain for sowing, seed
bazgr m.
bazgra f.
bazgar f.
bazl f. Arabic joke; witticism
bazlag m. bazlagj wit; joker, comedian
bazlagu f. wit, wittiness
1 bar f. barr Arabic dry land (as opposed to the sea)
2 bar m. breast, chest
3 bar m. width (of fabric, etc.)
4 bar 1.1 upper Afghan living in the mountain region (in
Afghanistan) 1.2 having conquered, having come out on top
a to ascend, go up b to conquer, win out 2 m. top a

3 fitting, adjustment 4 correspondence, agreement 5 supply;

stock 6 preparation; creation 7 arrangement 8 folding, packing

9 tuning (a radio)

brbaredl barbaredl denominative, intransitive [past:

] 1 to balance; equalize, become even 2 to be sufficient,
be enough there is not enough

grass for pasturing the cattle 3 to come into correspondence, come

to an agreement 4 to be arranged, be adjusted 5 to be fitted, be

accommodated 6 to be supplied, be stocked 7 to be prepared, be

created 8 to be arranged, be organized 9 to be folded, be packed
10 to be tuned (e.g., a radio receiver)

1 bar't m. bar t m. Arabic 1 remmittance (money)

check or order for receipt of pay or maintenance finance 2
bill of exchange, transferable bill payment of a note;
issuance of a note issuer of a
promissory note acceptance of a bill of exchange
2 bar t m. Arabic fourteenth day of the eighth month of the
lunar year when funeral banquets are customarily celebrated

br dza f. tick (on a camel or great-horned cattle)

burd f. sawdust, filings iron filings
brkst m.
br r m. growth, development
brzvl m. Brazzaville (city)
barzandag f. honor, merit
brzl m. Brazil
brzilij f. Brasilia (city)
barria'zm m. continent
barria'zam continental
burk m. embankment; rampart
barl 1 evident, open 2 manifestly, openly; (to speak) frankly
brlbv laj m. pregnancy; gestation; being in foal, etc.

from above b from the mountains, from the north, from

Afghanistan (with reference to Afghans)

br m. astronomy eclipse

eclipse of the sun idiom

a madman b sleepwalker

br m. 1 branch with small leaves (e.g., of a tamarisk) 2 leafy

top of root vegetables (e.g., of carrots)

brbr barbr 1.1 equal, identical


equally, in equal parts 1.2 suitable, appropriate, fit, useful 1.3

uniformly 2.1
equally, indentically in equal amounts; on a par (with), on
an equal footing 2.2 in accordance (with something)

favorable 1.4 proper, fitting 1.5 parallel 1.6 uniform

uniform heat


Pashto-English Dictionary

brlba pregnant; gestating; in foal, etc.

brlbedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be

barmd discovered, revealed, disclosed

barbnv laj

barbnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to bare,

uncover, strip, lay bare

to be

barbnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be uncovered, be laid bare, be stripped 2 to be denuded (of

vegetation on mountains)

barbuzk m. mountaineer's bow

barp 1 raised, erected, constructed 2 established; founded,
based a to raise, erect, construct b to establish, found,
base 3 a to be raised, be erected, be constructed b to be
established, be founded, be based

barp foolishly brave

britnav British
britnij f. England Great Britain
bartar f. superiority to be clearly superior
bart f. boiled eggplant without butter
brta f.
bart f. 1 2 technology soldering
1 burdzh m. Arabic brdzh [plural: burdzhna plural:
burdzh n Arabic plural: burdzh] 1 tower; fort;

b to

lay claim to something c to pretend to be someone

barvrd m. 1 estimate 2 valuation

barvna f. victory
brhm-putr f. the Brahmaputra (river)
brhj m. Brahui (nationality of a people living mainly in
western Pakistan)

barhn m. Arabic plural from

bar't m. Arabic 1 law acquittal 2 release (e.g., from
obligations) 3 purity, innocence

stronghold; blockhouse 2 sign of the zodiac 3 month of the solar

barji-rst regional truly; in actuality, in fact

barj barj yesterday evening last night
late last night
barbd 1.1 ruined 1.2 annihilated; destroyed; crushed 1.3


aviation (gun-) turret

bardzh m. 1 thin bark of a tree (used for paper); birch-bark 2

bardzh v 1 full, filled 2 thickly populated

bardzht m. trouble-maker
bardzhd established, fixed, set up
bardzhastag f. 1 protuberance, bulge, projection 2
superiority to surpass others
bardzhast 1 outstanding eminent people
for outstanding service 2 precisely,
distinctly a to speak distinctly b to emphasize (in

barbdavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

ruin 2 to annihilate, crush, destroy 3 to waste, throw to the wind
barbd f. 1 ruin 2 annihilation, destruction 3 squandering

4 nonsense, foolishness

barbdedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

perish, be lost 2 to be annihilated, be crushed, be destroyed 3 to
be squandered

1 brbt m. haughtiness; pride

2 barbt m. guitar
burbur f. bubble (on the surface of water)
1 brbrj m. propeller (of a ship or airplane)
2 burburj m. 1 kindling 2 leaves (e.g., of the tamarisk)
3 barbar 1 barbarian 2 m. a barbarian
4 barbar m. plural 1
barbs m. barbst m. 1 property; belongings, things

birch tree

wasted, spent 2 down with! let perish!

barbntj f.

1 nakedness, bareness 2 absence of vegetation (on mountains)

discovered; turn up somewhere

barmad f. regional veranda

burrn cutting; sharp
brnch m. branch, section
brna f. cry, scream to cry out, howl
brnsh m. gills; branchiae
brnshaj m. gill, branchia
barngiznd provocative (of actions)
brva f. bragging, boasting a to boast, brag

fruitful; be pregnant; become pregnant; be with young, in foal, etc.

barbntb m.


bardzh regional bardzhk full, filled to fill

to be full, be filled; fill up the
room was filled with people

bardzh f. 1

m. turret
whetstone, touchstone

touchstone 2 cheek 3 kidney stones


brdz f. [plural: brdzi] peritoneum

brachavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to anger;

annoy, irritate


burbk m. thorn apple, hawthorn

burbkj m.
barbn 1 naked, bare 2 bare, without vegetation (of

barch f. flat bayonet

bayonet battle

military Fix bayonets! (as a command)

bartsr 1 evident, clear 2 raised (to the surface)

bartseravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

mountains) 3 obsolete easily armed, easily equipped, easily


exhibit, show, display 2 to raise (to the surface)


Pashto-English Dictionary

bartsra feminine singular from

bartseredl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to


brz m. padded pants, quilted trousers

burs m. 1
bars t m. 1 rainy season 2 monsoon

be exhibited, be shown, be displayed 2 to be raised, rise up (to the


barh l existing, current (of a government, etc.)

barkhst m. regional 1 closing (e.g., of a session)

barst f. raincoat
brest m. Brest (city)
barsar-i-itid r regional being in power, being in office
bursavl transitive
1 barsr obsolete
2 barsr m. interface
barsern barsernj superficial, external
barsra over, above, more than something; apart from, besides
something moreover, in addition

1 brsh m. barsh [plural: brash n plural: barash n]
brush toothbrush compound verb
2 bursh m. cutting (out)
birisht roasted, fried, grilled to roast, fry, grill
brashavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to clean

barkhilf opposed (to someone, something)

despite that; counter to that (in defiance of that)
barkhlk m. fate, lot
barkh m.
barkh st m.
barkhurd r 1.1 fortunate, happy, prosperous to
be happy, fortunate 1.2 making use of something 2 m. polite

What is your son's name?

barkhna f.
brkha f. brkha f. 1 part; portion share; portion,
lot shareholder; partner two
thirds in part, partially, by parts to
be a part of something to be divided in half, into
two parts to divide into two equal parts,
split in half a to
use something b to be worthy of something a to own a

with a brush

britnav British
britnij f. England Great Britain
bartarf dismissed (from a job), fired

bartarafavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

part; to be a shareholder b to promote, assist, be conducive to

to play a large role


to utilize something in full

to provide someone with something
to pass on to someone (inheritance); for someone to
be worthy of something


dismiss (from a job), fire

get what's coming to him 2 portion of land, allotment of land 3

military flight (3-4 aircraft) sub-unit idiom

bartaraf f. dismissal (from a job), firing

bartarafedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to seek

barkhakhr m. 1 co-owner 2 landowner 3 member of a

bar'ks on the contrary

bar'alij contradictory
bragh m. 1 fold 2 layer
burgh m. steppe cat (caracal)
burgha f. steppe cat (the female) (caracal)
barghuj m.
barghazvi f. plural nonsense, foolishness
barghhaj m. upper jaw
barghn m. 1 notch (on a log, etc.) 2 wound (stab wound)

brkha larnkaj m. 1 participant 2 shareholder

barkhamn having a portion
bard r 1 a width of 2 wide, broad; of double width (of

bard sht m. 1 patience 2 firmness, steadfastness 3 advance

(in pay)

a to endure, bear b to take an advance on

your pay 4 introduction, forward (e.g., in a book)

bardshtavl denominative, transitive [past:

to endure, be patient

bardag f. slavery epoch of slavery

burdub j m. victory and defeat
bard [plural: bardag n] 1 m. slave 2 f.

piece (of meat)

bargh m. 1 borer, drill, auger 2 bayonet

burght m.
burcha f.
barghuj m. medicine mumps
barghvgaj m. earring
barghlaj m. lid, cover (of a kettle, etc.)

female slave;

female captive

bara f.
barz l


be dismissed (from a job), be fired



from India

2 firing,

removal (from a job)


barzkh m. 1 isthmus, neck (of land) 2 receptivity;

botany Periploca aphylla (a kind of bush)

f. eyelid

Pashto-English Dictionary

barfpk m. snowplow
barfd n m. reservoir for snow
barfk m. Barfak (village, town)
barfkch m. snow avalanche
barf f. cream and sugar frozen in small bars (a kind of

barl saj strong, powerful, authoritative

barlk m. scarecrow
barlh on behalf (of someone)
barln m. Berlin (city)
bram m. power to wear oneself out

barm f. Burma Union of Burma

barm m. savage, barbarian
bramat f. baramat (unauthorized) driving away of cattle, etc.
compound verb to drive away cattle; to seize property
barml m. Bar Mil (region in Paktia province)
barmntj f.
barmnavl denominative, transitive
barmnedl denominative, intransitive
birminghm m. Birmingham (city)
barm f. auger, gimlet auger (for drilling
wells) derrick a to drill b to cut through (air,


bark m. Arabic 1 lightning 2 electricity

grow weak (of a person)


light electric power station

barkarr 1 established, founded
2 firm, hard
bararravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1
to establish, found 2 to make fast, firm

bararr f. 1 founding, establishment 2 firmness, hardness

bararredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to
be founded, be established

bur' f. veil, yashmak (worn by Moslem women)

barv l m. electrician
bur f.
bar 1 electric electric light stoplight
electrotherapy to electrify 2 m. electrician
barakt m. Arabic [plural: barakatna Arabic plural:
barak t] 1 blessing, benediction 2 influence

of an airplane propeller, etc.)

barmakr m. driller; drill operator

barmakr f. drilling

thanks to someone, because of someone 3 well-being, prosperity

barmaj used for or related to drilling, boring

bramjlj strong, great; mighty
bern m. barn m. Bern (city)
barnha barnhe in vain, for nothing
birndzh m. brass
brand 1 cheerful 2 coquettish, playful 3 attentive 4

Prosperity has left Zmaraj's house 4 proper noun Barakat

barakat fruitful, fertile

barkun m. Barkunar (region)
barka f. kind of fabric from camel fur
barakj f. large bag (for hauling straw)
barak-bark m. Baraki-Barak (city)
barak-rdzh n m. Baraki Rajan (town or village)
1 brag 1 variegated, motley, many-colored; skewbald 2 m.
leper idiom to look at angrily
2 barg m. 1 leaf leaves are falling
leaves are are coming out 2 slice to cut into thin


come out against someone 5 dialect opened wide (of the eyes)

to come out against someone; attack

someone dialect b to be wide-eyed

brndavl denominative, transitive [past:

furrow one's brows; frown


brndedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

frown 2 to become angry

slices (e.g., meat) 3 fighting equipment

baran f. 1 veranda
1 baranj 1 adjective

2 deck


evening 2 stale (of bread)

last night, yesterday

baranj upper (living or located in the mountains)

mountain village

baranj volt f.
1 baroaj m. bundle of brushwood
2 barvaj m.
burdzh masculine plural Arabic from 1
brok s m. radio broadcast; broadcasting
by radio, on the radio compound verb to
broadcast over radio compound verb to be



bargta f. little finger, little toe

1 barg f. 1 beam, girder 2 raft
2 brga 1 feminine singular from 1 1

compound verb to


burgt m. proper name Burgut

brigd m. birgd obsolete brigadier general
bargandj m.
barguzid chosen, selected, elected; picked
bragstrgaj having a cataract on the eye
bargsht m. 1 return 2 turn, turning

2 feminine for


1 bragj m. leper
bragjlj motley, variegated; spotted

broadcast by radio


Pashto-English Dictionary

a twirl your moustache

figurative to make a show of bravery a to be
cowardly b to stint, grudge idiom a he

bara f. Ornithodorus (a kind of tick, carrier of typhus or tick


burz m. Arabic manifestation, disclosure, revelation;

appearance to become manifest, be revealed; appear

bur m.
bruksl m. Brussels (city)
bronsht m. bronchitis
barvaj m. 1 part of a bucket chain or noria 2 spot (of a
barvj 1 sticky 2 figurative boring, tiresome

stick on, glue on b figurative to bore

rejoiced (in) b he gave himself airs

a to

a to stick (to),

adhere b figurative to be fed up, be bored

bra feminine singular of 4

burh n m. Arabic [plural: burhnna Arabic plural:
barhn] convincing proof, argument to

creatures, organisms)

bridlk m. foreward
bridmn m. lieutenant 1st lieutenant
2nd lieutenant 3rd lieutenant
bridman f. rank of lieutenant
brez f. bug
brezr m. morning, dawn
barezarj m. breakfast
brezn m. breg n m. bleat, bleating to bleat
1 breh m. 1 inflammation of the lungs, pneumonia

introduce convincing proof or arguments

bra khna f.
baraga f.
barhm 1 mixed, mixed up 2 spoiled

brahmn m. Brahmin
barhamavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
mix, mix up, confuse 2 to spoil 3 to ruin, destroy

inflammation of the lungs, pneumonia 2 sharp pain in the side

barhamedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be mixed, be mixed up, be confused 2 to be spoiled, spoil 3 to be

bra volt f. Upper Volta

Upper Volta

barj m. victory; success

barr Arabic 1 land (as opposed to marine, air)

ground army 2 continental

continental climate

brehnv] 1 shine, glitter, gleam 2 lightning 3 electricity;

electric light

obligations, etc.)

electric power station

electric meter 4 proper name Brehna

brehnch m. electrician
brehnv l electric
brehnd gleaming, shining, resplendent, dazzling
brehavl transitive [past: ] 1 to cause to shine,
cause to glisten to admit rays of sunlight 2 to dazzle
with brilliance figurative idiom to set the teeth on
edge to flourish arms, threaten war
brehedl intransitive [past: ]1 to shine, glisten 2
to seem to be, be represented as something 3 to be visible
I set my teeth on edge.
brehiz sawdgarj kr m. Electronic

Arabic 1 exonerated, found innocent 2

freed (from payment of a debt, from carrying out something)

a the glitter of
a to shine, glitter,

brhlik m. brehn lik ajiml e-mail

brhlik pta f. e-mail address
brehn f. [plural: brehng ni plural:

bar Arabic 1 innocent (of), not guilty 2 freed (from

barj f.

breh m. glitter, shine, gleaming

gleam figurative b to flourish arms, threaten war

to overcome, master something


a sable figurative b flourishing arms

Republic of

a to win a victory over someone, conquer, overcome someone b

a to be ill with inflammation of the lungs, be ill with

pneumonia b to have a pain in the side


britnij f.
brekh m. Eastern 2
1 brid m. 1 attack, assault 2 beginning, starting point, access
a to attack b to approach something, begin something
2 burd m. 1 separation 2 absence 3 border
briddzhenrl m. major-general
briddzhenrl f. rank of major-general
baredl bredl intransitive [past: ] to grow (of living


bret m. moustache

a to be justified b to be liberated, be freed (from

payment of a debt, from doing something)

barj la f. air hole, vent, safety value; smoke vent

barjlj 1.1 triumphant, victorious 1.2 succeeding in
something; having achieved success a to triumph, win,
conquer b to succeed, attain success to
pass an examination 2 m. .1 victor; champion
champion in racing 2.2 proper name Barjalaj

barjlitb m. success, victory

We wish them even greater success.

Business Card


brek m. brake

to brake, apply the brakes

Pashto-English Dictionary

barik b m. Barikab (town, village, region)

brikt m. brik m. brikt m. briquette
briger m. colloquial brigadier general
barilk m. certificate; diploma
barajmn to conquer, achieve success
ba m. banyan (tree)
bs m. 1 vapor, steam water vapor, steam 2
evaporation fumes to be
poisoned by charcoal fumes compound verb to

busavl denominative, transitive [past:

anger 2 to annoy, vex 3 to upset, disconcert

busedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

become angry 2 to be vexed, be annoyed 3 to be out of sorts, be

bavj feminine for

bavjtb m. 1 looseness (of a woman)
of a woman)


rectum) b figurative to (over) strain oneself; tire; be played out

figurative c to grow decrepit d figurative to become poor

baj f. payment compound verb to pay, make payment

compound verb to be paid
bajjna f. payment
bats 1 m. plural Baretsy (tribe) 2 m. Barets (tribe member)
1 bets m. plural 1
2 betsj m. 2
budl intransitive [past: ]to bellow, snort (of an angry

m. roar, noise (of water)

babs m. magnificence, grandeur

bubuhkj f. whirlwind; sandstorm, tornado
bubng 1 m. .1 horsetail, Equisetum 1.2 ruler, ferule (used
for punishment in school) 2 figurative shallow, stupid

babza f. violent trembling

babuzj m. insulting talk to say insulting things
to insult, humiliate; offend with words; mock, scoff at
babkiza f. pop-up (e.g., ads, menus)
bbukj f.
bch m. 1 wraith 2 sneezing a to



bagandj m. bagandj m. exchange of greetings

to exchange greetings, say hello
bang word paired to
ba m. weaver's beam
bav m. 1 profligate, libertine 2 procurer, pander, pimp
bavtb m. bavj f. 1 profligacy 2 pandering 3
baseness a to be profligate b to pander c to commit

Muslim calendar)

buzurgv r 1 respected 2 great

buzurgvr f. buzurg f. greatness; mightiness
buzghalj m. sprout, shoot
buzghndzh m. gall on the pistachio (tree)
bzghandzhr feeble, sickly; frail, puny; thin, emaciated
he is frail; he's thin
buzk m. karavajka (a kind of bird, ibis family, Plegadis

some base act

but m. botany Cyperus
bus bos 1 morose, gloomy; angry, sullen 2 irritated,


annoyed 3 out of sorts

bustb m.

m. 1

buzkash f. buzkashi (literally: goat wrestling, a national

sport in which horsemen compete to carry the headless body of a

sternness, sullenness 2 vexation, annoyance 3 discomposure

bz m. buz m. [plural: bzna plural: bzna

buzna] goat

bazz z m. Arabic trader in cotton textiles

bazzz f. cotton textile trade cotton textile shop
baz Arabic salivary glands
bzbz m.
buzdl fainthearted, cowardly
buzdil f. faintheartedness, cowardice
buzrg bzrd 1 large, big; great; grandiose, mighty 2 m.
saint idiom Rajab (seventh month of the lunar year,

bchavl transitive [past: ] to cause to sneeze

bchedl intransitive [past: ] to become angry
bastn f. [plural: bastni] 1 blanket 2 figurative
cover snow cover
ba to laugh loudly, guffaw Everyone

very angrily, sternly

bustj f. busv laj

bainchgh m. 1 gyroscope; top (the toy) 2 swings 3


become angry at someone b to sneeze

2 procuring (said

bu f. 1
baaga f. greeting; inquiring after someone's health
to greet someone, say hello to someone
1 buj m. Eastern rifle, gun; ten-shot rifle
2 buj f. rectal prolapse a to slip out of place (the

speak loudly, angrily, with authority 2 Eastern often, constantly

Come more often! Glad to see you!

bbj 1.1 loudly conversing 1.2 angered (of a camel)

1 to


ba na f. flame with smoke

baba 1 loudly; authoritatively, angrily

goat to the goal)

bus-mus very angry, sullen


buzkj m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

bazgr bazgr m. [plural: bazgr plural: bazgar n

plural: bazgr n] 1 peasant, farmer 2 sharecropper

bazgra f. peasant girl, peasant woman

bazgar f. 1 farming 2 sharecropping
buzl transitive verb [past: ] 1 to quilt

m. spasm; convulsion

seized with convulsions or spasms b to get a cramp

bgi a to be

I've got a cramp in my leg. c figurative to be frightened d

figurative to be nervous e figurative to be beside oneself

2 to mend,

figurative to burn with impatience

l intransitive [past: ]1 to buzz (like insects) 2 to
drone (e.g., like an airplane) 3 to babble (a brook)

patch, sew on a patch

bazl f.
bazm m. feast, banquet
bazm lyric (of poetry) lyric poet
biz f.
bzvl transitive [past: ] to play (on the violin, etc.)
1 bza f. she-goat idiom to shame someone,
disgrace someone 2
2 buz f. patch (on garments)
3 bza f. moth
4 baz f. fault, guilt; sin to sin
5 bza
buzh r m. buzzing (of insects)
bazag r m. culprit, sinner
bazag ra f. culprit, sinner (of a female)
1 bizj m. knucklebone (of cattle)
2 bze plural of 1, 5
3 buz plural of 2
4 buz plural of 3
5 baz plural of 4
bazraj m. flag, banner
bzhrkv laj m.
buzh 1 indeclinable .1 torn, torn off 1.2 cut off 1.3
slaughtered 2 f. slaughter, massacre 2.2 sacrificial offering
a to tear, tear off b to cut, chop off c to slaughter d to make
a sacrificial offering a to be torn off b to be cut off c to

m. (electrical) buzzer

1 bas 1 indeclinable sufficient to end, finish; cease

2 enough ! ! Enough! That'll do!
Okay! 3 conjunction only ... I have
only one wish 4 particle and only, that's all! ! !
that's the whole story for you; there you are, that's the whole story!

2 bus m. plural 1
bas often
bus a f.
bis t m. Arabic 1 bedding; thick broadcloth

2 furnishings,

furniture 3 chessboard

bas k m. botany anther (the part of the stamen that contains

the pollen)

baslt m. Arabic bravery, courage, daring

baslatmnd brave (in the title of a lieutenant)
bsbs f. botany mace
bspn m. bspna f. 1 donation, offering

to collect donations 2 material aid to a suffering kinsman 3 help

(of a material sort) 4 grant, subsidy

a to make an

offering b to render material assistance to a suffering kinsman c

to help (materially) d to give a grant

basp f. crumb
1 bast m. personnel; staff permanent personnel
2 bast m. refuge, sanctuary
3 bust m. Bust (city)
bust n m. 1 2 proper noun Bustan
bistar m. bistar f. 1 bed, couch 2 bed (of a river)
bistaraz bistarajz rated for a certain number of

be slaughtered d to be brought as a sacrifice

bug m.
m. top (the toy)

m. mountain finch, brambling

m. 1 energy, decisiveness 2 fury

bg rkaj 1 energetic, decisive 2 infuriated

a f. shout, scream to shout, cry out
l transitive [past: ] 1 to frighten; cause to

beds (of a hospital, etc.)

bistar pertaining to a bed; bedridden (of a patient); recumbent

1 bast f. 1 bunch, bundle; sheaf; pack 2 bolt, catch 3 leather
briefcase (for books, writing materials)

2 bsta enough, that will do

bastak r m. assembler, installer (of equipment)
bastakrkhn f. assembly shop (in a factory)
bastakr f. assembly, installation
bastj f. sufficiency to be sufficient; to satisfy
basr f. hawk used for hunting
bisk masculine plural
baskib l m. basketball
baskr m. avenger

tremble 2 to depress, cause extreme distress; disturb, upset, worry

l intransitive [past: ]1 to be frightened; be

startled 2 to be depressed, be extremely distressed; be worried

l transitive [past: ] to fling, throw, chuck
bg va f. Afghan fox, vixen, Vulpes nana
r m. 1 2 drone (e.g., of an airplane) 3
babbling (of a brook)


Pashto-English Dictionary

baskra f. voluntary help (e.g., during wheat harvest, road




spongecake, biscuits

bshpv laj m.
bshpavl denominative, transitive


1 to

bshpavna f.
bshpedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be full, be exhaustive 2 to be completed, be fulfilled 3 to be

satisfied (of requirements) 4 to be developed

bshpena f. m. bshped plural 1

completion, end 2 development

bashr m. Arabic person

nu'-i humanity,

humankind, the human race

basv l m. bus driver

basv laj m. sufficiency, satisfactoriness
bisv f. bisva (unit of area equal to 1/20 of a jerib or 975

2 bashr m. body
bashr plnkaj humane, philanthropic
basharpezhandna f.
bashardst m. humanist
bashardost f. humaneness, philanthropy

square meters)

basj 1 sufficient 2 regional processed, cultivated, tilled 3

regional populated, settled

a to satisfy b regional to

cultivate, work, till c regional to populate, settle


basharshins f. 1 anthropology 2 ethnography

bushruj f. bushruya (a kind of handcrafted fabric)
bashr f. Eastern 1 face, physiognomy; exterior; (outward)

a to

be sufficient b regional to be cultivated, be tilled c to be


bisj r a lot; very

bisjrkhr voracious, gluttonous
basjv laj m. satisfaction with something
to be satisfied with something
basedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

appearance 2 biology thin skin, epidermis

bashar Arabic 1 human

humanitarian idiom

human society 2

work force

basharijt m. Arabic humanity, mankind

bush b m. dish
bshak l m. regional 1 rainy season 2 monsoon
bshakl f. regional harvest year, good year (for a crop)
bshka f. botany 1 lepidium (a genus of herbs) 2 Erophila
bshl m. bushel
bashndzh m. reputation, fame, honor
bashr suffering night blindness
buhtna f. 1 quagmire, bog, swamp 2 being stuck (in a

enough, to suffice 2 to end, be ending, be completed; to cease

baser f. 1 twilight (when birds return to their nests) 2 nest;
to sit on a perch 3 stay of a bird at its perch

4 night's lodging (usually of bird hunters)

bast Arabic 1 wide, broad 2 simple, uncomplicated,


basitedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be wide, be broad 2 to be simple, be elementary; become simpler

bash m. main beam, girder

bashsh sh Arabic cheerful; animated, lively
bashshsht m. Arabic cheerfulness; gaiety, merriment;
animation, gusto cheerfully; in a lively or animated

quagmire, swamp)

buhtavl transitive
buhtedl intransitive
bakhak l m.
bahak l f.
bahkla f. unpleasantness; misfortune, disaster
bhglav f. 1 security 2 quiet, calm
bahl transitive



fulfill 3 to satisfy (e.g., requirements) 4 to develop

488 square meters)

make full, make exhaustive; to exhaust 2 to finish, complete;

to begin something, undertake something

basmk m. murrain, cattle plague
bismll Arabic 1 slaughtered (of cattle) 2 brought as sacrifice
a to slaughter (cattle) b to bring as a sacrifice
a to be slaughtered; to be brought as sacrifice
basnl m. trickery; deception to trick, deceive
basna f.
bisvs f. bisvasa (a unit of area equal to 1/20 of a bisva or

bshpk clever, bright, quick-witted

talk like an adult (of a child)

(words with which Muslims begin some activity) 2 f. beginning

perch, roost

bshptj f. 1 fullness, sufficiency

maturity 6 satisfactory (e.g., of requirements)

name of God (who is) the most gracious and the most merciful

2 completeness, finish 3 perfection; superiority 4 full value 5

biskt m. plural 1 cookies 2

basked m. plural completion, end, conclusion; cessation

bismill Arabic 1 in God's name in the

bshptb m.

bush l m. honeysuckle

bshp 1 full, complete, exhaustive 2 finished, completed,

fulfilled 3 utmost, every possible 4 perfect, absolute; superior 5

of full value 6 adult, mature, grown up 7 satisfied (e.g., of


Pashto-English Dictionary

bahna f. forgiveness, pardon He said

he was sorry, but he must leave religion to pray

baghdr m. 1 [plural: baghdr] hammer [plural: ]

2 [plural: bughdarna] dumbbell (for exercise)

bgharg dialect
bghargavl transitive
bghargolj twin, one who is a twin
bghrga f. 1 valley between two mountains 2 woman who
has borne twins bghargedl intransitive
bughrndzh complicated, mixed up
1 bughr f. veil, yashmak; shawl to wear a veil,

for the repose of the departed

basrt m. Arabic sharp-sightedness; perspicacity

basr m. Arabic plural from
basr f. Arabic Basra (city, Iraq)
basr Arabic 1 seeing 2 penetrating, perspicacious 3



basirt m. Arabic 1 vision, sight 2 perspicacity

to show one's perspicacity 3 knowledge, (possession of)

put on a veil

2 baghra f. burrow (of a rabbit)

1 bagharj m. swearword procurer, pander, pimp
2 baghrj f. 1 mortar 2 mortar for husking rice
bughz m. Arabic enmity, hatred; malice


basirmn observant
basir f. Arabic
batr f. batrij f. battery
butl n m. Arabic 1 vanity 2 worthlessness, uselessness

annulment, invalidity

batn m. Arabic 1 anatomy ventricle

2 belly, paunch

batn Arabic anatomy abdominal, visceral

heart ventricle


baghl m. 1 armpit 2 side, edge

on the side (of a

a to avoid someone b not to support someone

baghl n m. Baghlan (city) Baghlan Province
baghalkashh f. baghalgir f. embrace
to embrace (someone) to hug one

to slow down

(of movement)

batit f. larva, grub; maggot

ba's m. Arabic 1 incitement 2

road, etc.) 3 edge (of material); curb 4 embrace idiom


f. duck
Arabic slow

bughzijt m. bitterness, animosity

to embitter someone, arouse someone's animosity




of enemies


reason, cause 3 religion


ba'sunshr m. religion resurrection

ba'd bd Arabic after, afterward in future,
henceforward after every six months
ba'z Arabic certain, some sometimes; from time to
b'zn sometimes, at times, from time to time
b'zi b'ze certain months
ba'd Arabic far, removed, distant shar-i the Far
East grammar pluperfect, past perfect tense
ba'ajna regional exactly, precisely
1 bgh m. heron
2 bugh m. roar, howl; cry, shout
bugh ra f. cry; outcry to cry out, shout; to howl,
wail he cried out, he started wailing
baghvt m. Arabic insurrection, strike, revolt, mutiny
baghbagh sandpiper
bughbughj m. 1 honking (of an automobile) 2 horn, bugle;

bughah r m. shouts, cries, wails

1 bughj f. horn
2 bagh Arabic rebellious
bughedl intransitive [past: ]

to shout; begin shouting,

cry out

baghjr preposition besides; except; without

except us

Besides women, there was no one in the house

bagh suspicious
bu open to open (e.g., the eyes)
ba f. Arabic 1 duration, length 2 eternity, immortality
a to last, continue b to be eternal, be immortal 3 existence

bakk l m. Arabic grocer; greengrocer

baj m. Arabic plural 1 from

leftovers, remnants 2 survivals

bab m. 1
buch f.
ba f.
baij f. [plural:

trumpet, pipe

(of) Baghdad idiom

to force someone to cry



baghd d m. Baghdad (city)

baghddj baghdd adjective

bughm f. envy
baghan f. lambskin
bughavl transitive [past: ]


baij Arabic m. plural: baj ]

Arabic 1 remainder 2 debt, arrears


Pashto-English Dictionary

bak m. chatter, gossip; nonsense

bug m. gadfly
bugavl transitive
bga f. blackberries; bramble, blackberry bush
1 bogur f. attack of dog (with howling and snarling)
2 bagur tousled, dishevelled (of the hair)
bago f. curds, cottage cheese
bgo f.
bgoj m. buffalo calf
bagva f.
bagj f. carriage, buggy, two-wheeled cart
bagjkhn f. building or place where carriages are kept
bgl m. 1 quail that has been defeated in battle 2 deserter
bagin m. plural
bagjv l m. bagjv n m. 1 coachman 2

to speak


2 buk 2
bak f. frog
bak raj m. courier
bakvl m. regional cook
bakj m. bakja

f. Indian ash-tree, Indian lilac,

melia azedarach

bakbakj m. chatterbox, gossip

baktr m. armor; armor-plating
bakter f. & m. bakterij f.
bakterjolozh f.
bakterij f.
bakra f. bakrj f. flint
1 baks m. handbag, purse; drawer; box briefcase
( change) purse, wallet military map case
2 baks obsolete 1 insignificant 2 a few, not many
bakskaj a few, not many, a little
bksing m. boxing
bakalore f. baccalaureate, bachelor's degree
bakv f. bakv f. 1 dry, parched earth 2 regional


denominative, transitive [past:

bukj a f.

by one another, at one another's

they are in love

di they love each other; they

mutual respect
mutually, with each other mutual agreement
they have gathered together
Eastern from one another to depart, go
away from each other to each other 2 next, following
(day, year, etc.) a (on) the next day b the future
day after tomorrow next year next week
3 another's saying literal don't burn

with each other

to make

make hunched up

bukedl denominative, intransitive

bukedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

they are living together

are dear to one another

hunchbacked; arch, hunch; make prominent, make protuberant,

bl 1 other, different a other, different b in another

someone else another time one


kurkut (dried balls of strained sour milk)

denominative, transitive

bal burning, on fire

after another


baka f.
1 bukavl
2 bukavl

hunchbacked; be arched, be hunched; be protuberant, be prominent

your ears in someone else's soup figurative don't interfere in

bg bread, crumbled into ajran (a drink made from sour milk)

bug h m. mediation to be (a) mediator; settle a

... it must be added

... ... and here's something else ,

someone else's business idiom


conflict; reconcile


1 bugt m. means, way in such a way, in this way

2 bgt stupid; shallow (of a person)
bgat singer of folk songs (in particular the bagati)
bugta f. business, matter
bagat f. bugt folk song (performed by two singers)
bagr m. custom, habit
bagr m m. Bagram (city)
bagrm m. plural Bagrami (town near Kabul)
bagj f. turban a to put on a turban b to wear a
turban idiom to disgrace oneself
! I wish you success!
bagjgl m. camomile
bigl m. regional music horn, bugle
bagalolj f. 1
buglj m. baglj heron

bal Arabic conjunction and particle

bal f. Arabic 1 misfortune, disaster

encounter misfortune


let all your misfortunes fall on

me!; I'm ready to do anything for you! (an expression of

obedience, agreement)

a to suffer misfortune b to

grow poor, become impoverished 2 witch, hag

the Evil one

devil; wood-goblin

saying one hag said to another: Aaghh! (both are pretty) 3

What sort of
a thing is that? What is it? idiom Sanak is very
greedy ! I wish you success!
! He was lucky; he might have drowned!
to be outstanding in something !
(conversational) piece, item, gimmick

You have shown (us) wonders!


bal word paired with

Pashto-English Dictionary

bil Arabic preposition, prefix without

blkh f. textiles warp

bald m. Arabic 1 m. .1


exception without delay

bilihtir z Arabic carelessly, incautiously, imprudently
bilistisn Arabic without exception, making no exception
balbatr m. 1 odds and ends, all kinds of things 2 rubbish,

knowing something; being acquainted with someone or something

trash, junk

baltn m. Balaton (lake)

biltavaf Arabic urgently
blrbv laj m.
blbavl denominative, transitive


bilkamukst without a pass

bilngh Arabic bilngh

baladijt m. Arabic knowledge of something; familiarity with

someone, with something

with this work


he is familiar

baladedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

informed, be knowledgeable; be acquainted with someone or

to create a bloc 2

something; become acquainted 2 to get used to; familiarize

(oneself); adapt (oneself)

regularly, without

bl nda f. girl who has come of age

blngaj m. dormouse
bila f. moan, groan
bilvsit Arabic direct, straight
bal vahlaj 1 remaining idle, loafing

baladij f. Arabic municipal authority; municipality; city

municipal authority, municipality, city council

rasi-i head of the municipal authority; mayor of the

city; chairman of the city council

baladijav municipal, (of the) city; communal

bilng m. tall building
blrzv laj m. distinction, difference
blargh m. not in agreement
blsab m. day after tomorrow
blsh nta in another way, a different way, otherwise
bolshevzm m.
bolshevk m.
bulagh Arabic eloquent; expressive
bulgh r gentle breeze, zephyr (in the spring)
bulghrist n m.
bulghr 1 Bulgarian the Bulgarian language

2 m. loafer, idler,


bulbl m. 1 nightingale

1 to

which always turned out to his disadvantage)

change; without fail

shepherd from Baladi (this shepherd was known for his greed,

quince, marmelo

denominative, transitive [past:

1 balad f. Arabic small town, locality

2 balda f. feminine singular from 2
1 balad Arabic municipal, (of the) city; communal
2 baladj m. Baladaj (village near Qandahar)
balad saying the same thing happened to him as to the



bal gh m. Arabic communication; notification

balght m. Arabic eloquence
balghn m. [plural: balghunn] botany
group (of settlements)

m. bulldozer

acquaint with, familiarize 2 to train, school (in)

bl rba
blbedl denominative, intransitive
bul ra f. hunting decoy (bird)
bilshat Arabic unconditional unconditional

blk m. 1 politics bloc

he knows these people very well 2.2

accustomed; mastered; having adapted to


fertilize; impregnate; to cover

guide; conductor; escort 1.2 country,

nation 1.3 city 2.1 being knowledgeable about something;

nightingale 2

"bulbul" (name given a number of birds with bright plumage or

which sing beautifully)

2 balbl shining, gleaming, lustrous

3 blbl 1 varied, diverse 2 different, all kinds
1 bulbla f. female nightingale
2 balbal f. dance of the Wazirs
balbalj m. torch, flare
bildzhik m. Belgium
bildzhik bildzhukj 1 Belgian 2 m. Belgian (person)
bildzhijm m.
bl chri in another place
bldzjg another's; strange, alien
balkh m. Balkh (city and region) Balkh province
Balkh river
balkh b m. Balkhab region
balkh sh m. Lake Balkhash
blkhv Eastern 1 in the other direction 2 on the other side

2 m.

Bulgar, Bulgarian (person)

bulgh rij f.

bulghrij f. Bulgaria

bulgh ka f. 1 noise; shouting; wailing 2 mourning

a to make noise; to shout; wail b to mourn (over)

balghm m. Arabic phlegm; mucus (e.g., from the nose)

bal m.
bils f. proper noun Bilkis, Belkis
1 blk
2 balk m. dialect glistening, shining to glisten,


Pashto-English Dictionary

blkmshr m.
1 blki 1 adversative conjunction but, but also
not three but four pupils came 2 emphatic

baluchist n m.
1 balts m. 1 Baluchi (person) 2 proper noun Baluts
2 blots m.
1 baltsa f. 1 Baluchi (female) 2 proper noun Balutsa
2 bltsa f.
blodl transitive
blvda f. stumbling; getting stuck to stumble
bulr m. Arabic 1 crystal 2 cut glass, crystal
bulur bulurn Arabic 1 (of) crystal, crystalline 2

particle (and) even

2 balka f. dialect campfire

balg m. leaf (of a tree, etc.)
belgr d m. Belgrade (city)
bl gadz m. day after tomorrow in the morning (morning
after next)

ball transitive [present: past: ] 1 to name,

enumerate 2 to call; invite; convoke

I was invited to dinner 3 to consider, suppose,

to consider it better, prefer something 4 to
announce 5 to sing loudly, sing cheerfully to sing (folk)

crystal, cut glass



blosl blausl [past: ] 1 to touch, brush against 2

to rub, rub down, massage 3 to cause revulsion; alienate

blalgj f. 1 woman who gives birth each year 2 cattle which

give increase each year

(someone); irritate 4 to bite (of a dog)

blmgaj blmnga tasteless, flavorless

blndza f. saxaul (Haloxylon, a small tree or shrub of Central

blsa f. 1

figurative successful, unusual 2 m. proper noun Biland, Buland

bilandpj excellent, outstanding

bilandparv z flying high, soaring
bilandparvz 1 high-altitude flight 2 (upward) flight,
take-off idiom literal & figurative the

bal m. proper noun Balo

blosedna f. 1 collision; brushing (against), grazing 2

distress, disorder, confusion 3 hatred; revulsion, enmity, hostility

balt m. Arabic 1 oak (lithocorpus) 2 acorn

bulgh m. Arabic maturity, manhood; ripeness; majority
(coming of age) before coming of age
blk m. bulk military platoon sapper

buluk t m. plural suburbs suburbs of Kabul

blok d m. blockade, encirclement economic
blocade to blockade, encircle, surround
blukmshr m. bulukmshr military lieutenant
bluk buluk adjective military (of a) platoon

invitation; summons; call 3


platoon column

proverb literal

balavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to set on fire

baln m.
bilngaj m. kind of polecat, Vormela peregusna
1 bal f. regional bayonet; pike, lance
2 bla feminine singular of 1
3 bla feminine singular of 2
bulhavs Arabic capricious, whimsical, fickle;

When there were no brave men, even Balo became a leader

figurative When there are no fish, even a crab is a fish

2 bilv m.
balv f. disorder; disturbance; sedition, revolt

to create

disturbances; instigate rebellion

baludzhist n m. Baluchistan (province, Iran)

baludzhi 1 adjective Baluchi 2.1 m. Baluchi (person)


f. Baluchi (language)

balch m.


offend, insult (someone)

bilandhimmt 1 valiant 2 noble; magnanimous

bilandhimmat f. 1 valor 2 nobility; magnanimity
1 biland f. height, altitude
2 bilandj m. proper noun Bilandaj
blang 1 fresh, young, green 2 bright (of colors) 3 beautiful,

meddle 5 to encroach upon (someone, something), infringe 6 to

blndra f. Afridi 1 invitation 2 blndra f. reception;

sorts 3 to hate; nourish hostility, nourish antipathy 4 to interfere,

entertaining (as by a host)

announcement; pronouncement 4 reception

to nourish a hatred, nourish an antipathy

blausedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to

collide, run into; brush against; touch 2 to be distressed, be out of

empyrean, the highest reaches of heaven


blosavl blausavl transitive [past: ] to evoke

enmity; to alienate (someone); to irritate

bilnd bulnd 1.1 high, tall; exalted 1.2 loud, resounding 1.3

balnlk m. (written) invitation

balna f. 1 naming, enumeration 2

blosv laj m. blausv laj hostility, enmity; repulsion,



blos m. blaus 1 collision; touching, contact 2 insulting;

causing distress


greedy, stingy, miserly


Pashto-English Dictionary

balj f. 1 cornice; eaves 2 pole (for pushing a boat) 3 bolt,

bar 4 roof

2 bal Arabic particle yes, certainly

bilj rd m. billiards; billiard table
blechn m. history sling (weapon)
baledl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

bin f. Arabic 1 building, structure 2 basis


to burn; catch

2 bann m. Arabic mason; builder

ban t m. (heavy, coarse) cloth
bant-un-n'sh m. Arabic plural


bleghdl intransitive 1 to be wrapped in swaddling clothes 2

to become entangled, become confused

bleghadavl transitive bleghadavl 1 to swaddle,

wrap in swaddling clothes 2 to entangle, confuse

astronomy the Big and

Little Bear (i.e., Ursa Major and Ursa Minor)

bant of (coarse) cloth

banrs m. 1 Varanasi (India)

bilt m. ticket
balgh Arabic eloquent; expressive
baligh considerable, large, big
1 bum m. 2
2 bam m. [plural: bamna plural: bam n] bomb
atomic bomb hydrogen bomb
high explosive bomb incendiary bomb
to drop bombs, bomb; bombard
3 bam m. low tone; bass (voice)
bam achavnkaj adjective bombing
bamand z m. 1 obsolete bomb-thrower 2 depth-charge gun
bomb m. 2
bamb r m. bamb rd m. bombardment
compound verb compound verb
to undergo bombardment to subject to

2 proper name Banaras 3

striped silk

binjt m. Arabic building

bin'aljhi Arabic in view of what has been said, in view of
the foregoing

bambl m. plural dialect 1 awn, beard (of corn, grain) 2

sheaf (of wheat); tuft (of grass)

bint f. [plural: bnti] Arabic plural daughter

bink m. flick (of the fingers); insult, slight, blow
1 bandzh m. 1 horse chestnut 2 henbane
2 bandzh m. bandzh trade
bandzhrag f. fancy goods, haberdasher's trade
haberdashery, fancy goods
1 bandzhr f. haberdashery; fancy goods
2 bandzhr m. regional tradesman in grocery items
bandzhkh m. thick branches
1 bundzhj m. 1 person with a small nose 2 person with a


bambrdmn adjective bombardment

bambrdavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

collapsed nose (due to syphilis)

2 bandzhj f. botany cassia

bench m.
bunchk m. basis, essence
1 bundzj m. son of one wife (under polygamy), stepson
2 bundzj f. daughter of one wife (under polygamy),


bomb, bombard

bambr f. bombardment to bomb, bombard

to subject to bombing to
undergo bombing

bambr kavnkaj
bambra f. hornet
bambl m. plural 1 botany ear without seed, seedless ear

on this basis on the basis of something
a to plan, contemplate, undertake; decide;
he decided to go b to undertake something a to be
built b to be based on something 3 philosophy


inflorescence of corn 3 panicle of a reed 4 thick beard

band 1 m. .1 bonds, ties, nets 1.2 incarceration 1.3 captivity,



free from imprisonment, free from captivity 1.4 dam, weir 1.5

bambolj m. wicker corn-bin

bamb f. pump
bamba f. Bombay (city)
bampr m. 1 bumper, buffer 2 shock absorber
bamlj f. balmy (a small drum held under the arm)
1 bum f. pike, lance
2 bma f. dialect 2
1 bin m. Arabic son
2 bn f. one of the wives (in relation to another under polygamy)
3 bon m. bonn Bonn (city)

anatomy joint

rheumatic fever 1.6 node (on the stem

of a plant) 1.7 bandage, binding 1.8 spell, incantation 1.9

measure; size 1.10 geography mountain range, ridge

a to

build a dam, dam b to take measures c to decide, make a decision

... they have decided that d

to prepare

(something) 2 predicate .1 blocked (of a roadway); closed, cut

off (of movement); closed (e.g., of a border) 2.2 cut short,
stopped; held back, restrained 2.3 forbidden (of a custom, etc.)
2.4 arrested, imprisoned 2.5 captured 2.6 stuck (in a swamp,

mudhole) 3 attributive stuffy, close, sultry, stifling


a stuffy room

Pashto-English Dictionary

bandij t f. imprisonment to pardon

bandijnavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

band m. punishment
band zh m. 1 tire, band (of metal) 2 bandage 3 dressing;

military individual field dressing, first-aid

packet to apply a dressing, dress (a wound)
bandubst m.
bandbnd by part, in parts
bandpsor m. bandwidth
banddzh m.
bandkh m.
bandkhn f.
bandr m. 1 port, harbor 2 approach, access (road), pass (in

banditb m. arrest, imprisonment

bandikhn f. prison
bandedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to close,
be closed he became silent 2 to be blocked (of a
roadway); be closed off (of movement) 3 to be cut short, be
stopped, be restrained 4 to be prohibited (of a custom, etc.) 5 to
be arrested, be imprisoned, be thrown in prison 6 to be captured 7
to fall into, get caught in (e.g., a net, a snare) 8 to get stuck (in a
swamp, in a quagmire) 9 to shut oneself up; close up

the mountains) 3 parking place; halting place; moorage 4 center

(e.g., for trade)

medicine constipation



bna f. part, portion, share

1 bnzj m. 1
2 bnzj f. 2
benzn m. plural gasoline
bnz m. 1 foundation 2

measures; put through a measure b to arrange, organize

border) 2 to cut short, suspend, halt; restrain, hold back

to hold back payment

benghz m. Benghazi (city, Libya)

binafsh f. violet
binafsh adjective violet (color)
bank m.
bank k m. Bangkok (city, Thailand)
1 bang m. 1 Indian hemp 2 hashish
2 bng m. bung 1 buzzing (of insects)

to halt an attack

3 to forbid (a custom, etc.) 4 to arrest, incarcerate, imprison 5 to

capture 6 to drag in, suck in (of a swamp, mudhole) 7 to imprint,

impress idiom

to expound, set forth; describe

bandavl denominative, transitive to log off

band m. [plural: plural: bandag n]

figurative basis, foundation 3

philosophy base, basis

bandavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

barricade (the roadway); cut off (motion, movement); close (e.g., a

to remove the obstables,

bandigar f. slavery, enslavement

bandiv n m. 1 prisoner, person under arrest 2 captive
1 ban r m. feast, banquet to arrange a feast, feast
2 ban r m. chat
banrkhna f. chatroom
banr m. carouser; convivial fellow
banl m. 1 bundle, bunch, pack 2 skein (of thread) 3 bale,

bandzh m. dressing station

bandsh m. 1 obstacle 2 blockade (e.g., economic)
bandht m. 1 stagnation, standstill 2 dead-end (e.g., in

bandkh m.

limitations 2 struggle, campaign (e.g., against rumors) 3 dialect

Gulf (of goods) 2 f. kind of imported chintz

bandz m. 1 obstacle, hindrance; limitation

economic limitations

bandara'b s m. Bender-Abbas (Iran, city)

bandarg h m. port; harbor
bandar 1.1 adjective port 1.2 obtained through the Persian

bakd m. history musket

bandakj m. botany mare's tail, Equisetum
bandag n masculine plural from
bandag f. slavery
bandv laj m. 1 interment, arrest 2 captivity 3 jamming
the lock is beginning to jam
bandubs m. colloquial bandubst m. bandobst
measure 2 organization, arrangement a to take


arrest, imprison

2 jingling; strumming

3 whispering

3 bang combined with

bang l m. Bengal Bay of Bengal
bangatj f. 1 desert brambling (a kind of finch) 2 kind of

1 slave,

slave-laborer; bondsman 2 religion God's slave; simple person,

otherworldly person

children's game

bandag f.
1 band 1.1 arrested, imprisoned 1.2 taken captive 2 m. .1
person under arrest; prisoner to arrest, imprison, lock up
2.2 captive to take prisoner, capture
2 bandj f. 1 (female) person under arrest, prisoner 2

bang f. dance (among the Hataki, a tribe in the Kandahar


bangj m. bracelet

(female) captive 3 neckerchief 4 regional bracelet


collapsed, in ruins; destroyed

Pashto-English Dictionary

bunerv l m. inhabitant of the Buner region

binj f. Arabic 1 build, frame, (bodily) constitution

bangiv l m. 1 trader in bracelets 2 magician 3

traveling showman with a trained monkey

bangh 1 m. plural the Bangashes (tribe) 2 m. Bangash

1 ba m. garden, orchard
2 b m. 2
3 bu m. rope (made of rush, etc.)
brzh m. brezhn m. moult, moulting (of birds)
bas t m. gardener
bustrgaj weak-sighted, having poor eyesight
1 baka f. feather a to fight (e.g., of fighting


bangah t m. plural history area of the Bangash

bangha 1 feminine for 2 proper noun Bangasha
bangal f. 1 bungalow, villa; little house 2 palace
banga f. 3
bangraj m. 1
bangok m. fortuneteller, soothsayer
bngavl bungavl transitive [past: ] 1 to cause to

cocks) b figurative to quarrel

2 bak f. 2
1 bukj m. 2
2 bakj f. (small) garden
bav l m. gardener
buavl transitive
1 ba f. 1 face; aspect, appearance a to grow pale,
change countenance he grew pale; he changed

buzz, cause to hum 2 to cause to jingle

2 bnga
1 bang


m. 1 drug addict 2 figurative person drunk with

love; someone in love

bang m. sweeper, yardman

bungj m. harp

bungj m. 1 buzzing (of insects) 2 jingling, strumming

idiom to be shy
5 bangj m. roan horse
6 bang m. Bangi (city)
bungedl intransitive [past: ]

countenance b to fade, turn yellow, wither c figurative to show

a to change, change countenance

changed greatly; he's completely unrecognizable b figurative to

a to change, to be transformed b to
change (one's clothes) to take on the appearance or
the form of something 3 nature (of a person) idiom
a to die b to grow weak, weaken (of a person) idiom
! I wish you a long life!
2 ba f. 1 feather (of a bird) to moult (of birds) 2

1 to buzz (of insects) 2

be lost, be confused

to jingle

fin (of a fish)


binavh m. [plural: binavh n] ash tree

ban m. bann 1
1 ban m. Arabic singular & plural son; sons; descendents
people, mankind the whole human
race Jews
2 banj f. bellows (of a blacksmith) idiom to
become poor, impoverished idiom saying to
perform some worthless task; to dress up an old woman

compound verb
to eradicate; destroy right down to the
his whole family perished

bunj d m. Arabic foundation, basis



banidm m. Arabic singular & plural

banidamtb m. human qualities
bunjd basic; fundamental
bunjdedl denominative, intransitive
created, be founded

he has

cowardice, take fright 2 aspect, image, form

1 ban f. Banow, Banu, (town, region)

2 ban m. Arabic 1
3 bno oblique plural from 2
banuchj m. banutsj m. Banuchi (inhabitant of

2 bunj a

structure b position, situation

people, mankind

[past: ] to be

banj n m. 1 knitwear, knitted item 2 jersey 3 t-shirt,

buh r m. 1 buzzing (of insects) 2 whispering 3 muttering

ba alvtaj 1 grown pale; having a changed countenance
2 faded, turned yellow; withered 3 figurative having shown

cowardice, having been frightened

to vary,

to be varied, be diversified

1 bj m. weeping willow
2 baj m. gardener
baj half-opened, slightly opened to open slightly
to be opened slightly
baj r m. dyer
bajlj beautiful; bright; well-dressed, elegant
baechgh m.
buedl intransitive [past: ]1 to buzz (of insects) 2 to
whisper 3 to mutter

(sailor's) striped vest

banjnbf f. knitwear production

bunr m. Buner (region)

baaba various, diverse; all kinds of



bazh m.
baj m.

plural: bajag n] shopkeeper,

petty tradesman


bav m. 1 scarecrow 2 boogeyman (an imaginary being used to

frighten children)

Pashto-English Dictionary

bau bo interjection goo-goo! (interjection used to make a baby


3 bu m. 1
4 bu m. 1 thorn, prickle 2 syphilis
5 bo separable part of the verb
bo m. boa (constrictor)
buvraj m. 1 young animal weaned from its mother

boots or shoes)

busur m. plural chaff

buka f. girl
bukj m. 1
ban botanical gardens
buvrbuz f. dissatisfaction

2 skin,

hide, pelt

bavsr m. Arabic plural hemorrhoids

bav's m. Arabic plural from
bulhavs Arabic 1.1 capricious 1.2 lightheaded

budz m. shoemaker, cobbler

bu rangavnkaj m. bootblack (a person who shines

bi medicinal plants botany
botanist a to uproot; root out b figurative to
extirpate, eliminate 3 brushwood 4 [plural: bi] thickets 5
pattern, design (embroidered or drawn) idiom ! Go
away! Get lost! idiom Poor Ahmed is

sensual 2 m. .1 capricious person 2.2 lightheaded, flighty

bulhavasnk f.

2 flightiness 3 sensuality

bulhavas f. 1 capriciousness

bob pure, unadulterated pure Pashto

bobavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

bob f. money in the money-box (saved at home and put to no


2 bba feminine singular of

bobj f. sister (addressing an older sister or an elderly woman)
bobedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
cleaned, be freed from impurities

1 but m. young man

2 but m. 2
3 bot past of 1
but m. snout, muzzle; mug
1 butkj 1 m. lad, youth 2 having grown a bit


grow up (a bit)

Western bottle

botll transitive [past:

perfective of 1

2 buj m. 1 crop-eared animal 2 miscarriage

3 boj m. fillet (steak)
buipoh nd m. botanist
bud wearing European footwear
bodzh m. 1 burden, weight 2 volume, dimension
bavudzhd despite, in spite of
1 budzh f. 1 stopper, plug 2 gag
2 bodzh m. regional burden, weight
budzhj f. bag, purse
buch m. 1 animal with a clipped ear or ears; animal with a
mutilated muzzle 2 person with a flattened or sliced nose

2 butkj 1 f. girl 2 feminine singular from 1 2

3 butkj f. 2
butl m. [plural: butalna plural: butal n]

baj m. 1 bush 2 plant (general designation)

altogether ruined.
to clean,

free from impurities

bi weeds


person 2.3 sensual nature


express your dissatisfaction to someone

, imperative perfective ]

botlaj past participle from

1 bot f.
2 bta f. girl
3 bot past from 1
4 bta feminine past of 1
1 botj m. young camel
2 btj Western past of 1
1 bu morose, sullen He is morose.
2 bu m. [plural: buna plural: bu n] Western
shoe, footwear a pair of shoes a
shoe factory a shoe factory
bub m. person who collects brushwood for fuel
bup lish m. regional boot polish

buchkhj m. scarecrow (in a garden)

buch m. kind of small melon
1 buchaj m. sluice gate (of an irrigation ditch)
2 buchj m. young snake
buchk m. kind of melon
1 buchaj m. miller's helper
2 buchu f. portion of ground flour (a remuneration for the
miller's helper)

buchj m. 2 1
budz buts 1 angry, enraged

2 insulted 3 sticking out

(usually refers to the ears) 4 having pricked up one's ears

a to be angry, be infuriated b to be offended c to stick out,


a to bristle; get into a fight b to be shy, be

timid; feel uncomfortable (of a woman who has caught sight of


bodzl m. stone wall, stone fence

butsakj m. 1 2 pommel (of a saddle)
butsavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to anger,

infuriate 2 to insult 3 suspiciously to prick up one's ears

butsedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

become angry; be enraged 2 to be offended 3 to protrude (said


Pashto-English Dictionary

usually of ears)

He listened carefully. He

pricked up his ears.

bukht bukht 2
bukhtavl transitive
bukht f. to marinate, soak for shish kebob (meat)
bukhtedl intransitive
bukhtsj f.
1 bud m. 1 being, existence, life 2 exaction, (money) recovered
3 proceeds (from selling something) compound verb

2 bud m. storehouse for hay (plastered with clay)

3 bud m. 1 quick-wittedness 2 bright, clever person
clever person, sensible person to know the point of

bud m. 1.2
budpst m. Budapest (city)
budtn m. (heathen) temple
buddzhav budget-related, budgetary; relating to a financial

buddzh f. budget; (financial) estimate

bodlna f. stupid; dullness
bodl bodlaj stupid, dense, dull-witted
budavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to

receive; exact 2 to gain, make (when selling something) idiom

to achieve your rights

1 bud f. woof (of a fabric)
2 bod m. singular & plural [plural:


bodag n] cattle (beast or beasts of burden)

3 bud f. amount received, proceeds; amount exacted

bodarv m. cart track; caravan trail
budedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
bu 1.1 m. old man 1.2 m. Buddha 2 attributive adjective


old man

to grow old

bugj m. (little) old man

2 bugj f. old woman
buj Buddhist, (of) Buddha
1 buogj m. 1
2 buogj f. 2
1 buj m. 1 (venerable) old man, elder; spiritual advisor

bad omen

buj f. 1 old woman, old lady 2 f. attributive adjective

old old woman idiom rainbow

the Great Bear (Ursa

to grow numb (e.g., of a foot)

idiom astronomy
major) idiom


boj f.
boj f. skull, cranium

bor brown

meat and sour milk

borbukj f. burbukj f.
bordzhl m. [plural: bordzhalna

f. plural:

bordzhli] 1 dwelling; habitation 2 trench 3 ambush

burchan f. woman whose baby died in infancy

burkhng m. tub, trough (for mixing dough); kneading
trough; unleavened dough

bord m.


bor m. 1 sign, signboard 2 commission,

borvl m. member of a commission, council member

burzhu 1 m. bourgeois 2 adjective bourgeois
burzhuz 1 f. bourgeoisie 2 adjective bourgeois
burs m. exchange exchange operations
burgh m. pipe (for smoking)
bur f.
borks m. chemistry borax
born f. bor f. flour (for breading fried foods)
burund m. Burundi (country, Africa)
1 bur f. sawdust, filings sawdust
2 bur f. granulated sugar
3 bua f. woman who has lost her son ! May your
son die and your brother too!

received, be exacted 2 to be gained (at the sale of something)

2 bavr m. 1 leopard 2 proper name Bavr

3 bor m. fruit 1 3
4 bur m. 6
5 bor m. caliber
6 bor m. waist, loins idiom ! Out of my sight!
he's very tired
1 bavr 1 m. moth 2 f. butterfly
2 bur f. cellar; basement
born f. bornj f. dish made from eggplant with

4 bra feminine singular of 1

1 bavrj m. 1 anatomy gall, bile 2 bitter taste, bitterness
2 burj 3
3 bri fright (object inspiring fear); witch, hag
4 bur f. borj f. bag, sack jute
5 bavrj f. corn, callus
burij f. mat, matting
bork boric, boracic boric acid
1 bo m. roast (meat)
2 bo unintelligent
bubk slow-witted, muddle-headed
bobukj f. bubukj sandstorm, whirlwind
1 bva f. ba plateau, tableland
2 bo 1 unfinished, uncompleted 2 out of order a
be unfinished b to be out of order, not working properly



buj f. 3
buj m. projection, protuberance, prong.


Pashto-English Dictionary

buj 1 with a cut off or mutilated nose, lip, ear, etc.; with a

dull or stupid face 2 with a chipped edge (of dishware) 3 broken,


4 boj m. plug, stopper; plugging, stopping up

5 boj f. bunch of lucerne
6 bi nonsense to speak nonsense
7 boj m. pattern on felt
bi-bi a to stretch out, spraw b

figurative to achieve something; strive toward something, dream

of something

He dreams about

this work.


buzbuzj m. 1 2 grumbling,

buzghlj m. sprout, shoot

boz f. 1 bouza (fermented beverage); koumiss (fermented


bog collected, located together to go together

aj 1 with a muffled, hoarse voice 2 with a sore

bhta f. 1 mire, bog, swamp 2 figurative stagnation,


effect, have an influence on

bus f. 1 stack of hay or straw which has been plastered

to strut, to be puffed up, be important

2 bus f. blow, stroke

bohtedl denominative, intransitive to get stuck (in the

mud), get bogged down (in a swamp, quagmire)

buhnd sad, depressed, dispirited

bvha f. barren desert idiom to be a hermit, be
a recluse a to go crazy b to be a hermit, be a

1 bugh m. bowl, saucer (made of wood)

2 bogh 1 rough (of a voice) 2 unpleasant; ugly
boghtb m. boghtj f. 1 roughness, coarseness

bride's family to guests at the wedding)

to influence; have an

with clay 2 hollow object 3 figurative lazybones idiom



boghd f.
bughlj m. bright kerchief (such kerchiefs are given by the


l transitive

l intransitive

bog f. 1 secluded place 2 neighborhood 3

1 bus m. plural, less often singular 1 finely cut straw,
chopped straw 2 chaff, bran, siftings, peels bran
idiom to deceive with flattery

bohtv laj m. 1 flabbiness, limpness; inertia,

standstill; swamp

1.2 silent, taciturn

bozin f. morocco (leather)

buzhumbur f. Bujumbura (capital of Burundi)
1 bog 1 indistinct, hoarse, husky (of the voice) 2 sore (of the

(of claws, etc.)

buzedl intransitive 1 to buzz (of insects) 2 to sour, be

suitable (of dough)

swamp or mudhole)


bohttb m.
bohtna f. getting stuck (in mud), getting bogged down (in a

bohtavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

drag in, suck in (of a swamp, mire) 2 to plunge (into), dig (into)

2 m. .1 guileless, openhearted person; simpleton 2.2 taciturn

bus t m. influence, effect

busms m. toady, lickspittle

busavl transitive
bus inflated, swollen
boht stuck (in mud), bogged down (in a swamp, in a


to urge on, drive (a

hoarse, mule, etc.)

sluggishness 2

mare's milk) 2 soured food

2 boz f. glossy ibis, Plegadis falcinellus

3 boz one who does not observe fasting
4 bza perfective imperative of 1
buziband 1.1 guileless, openhearted


bost n m. flower bed; array

buskhusj m. stuffed calfskin
bus m. smoldering ashes
buskrl transitive [past: ]


buz m. 1 buzzing (of insects) 2 crack, crackle, crackling


buzb m. owlet
buzbuzka f.

bus f. propaganda _ to conduct propaganda,

boghm f. edema, swelling (in the throat)

bugh m. music trombone
boghv laj m.
boghavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to make

coarse, make rough (of the voice)

bogh f. intoxication from smoking hashish or strong tobacco

boghedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to grow
coarse (of the voice)

bu m. Arabic pipe; horn

bualamn m. Arabic 1 chameleon 2 Himalayan pheasant
bo f. regional
1 bok m. 1 hump (of a camel, zebu) 2 rise, raising; eminence
3 protuberance, prominence, bulge


Pashto-English Dictionary

buk 1 fallen into ruins 2 overturned, toppled


topple, overturn to be toppled, overturned

bok n m. 1
bukbk a to dissemble, play the hypocrite

to pose, act

bokr conic, conical

1 bokr f.
2 bukr f.
bukraj weaned (of a baby)
bksing m. boxing
bukavl denominative, intransitive
down, bring down; to overturn, topple

bok f. bucket (of leather or wood)

bukedl denominative, intransitive

the road, etc.)

to engage in boxing

to knock

[past: ] to be

knocked down; be overturned, be toppled; overturn, topple

bog rotted within; hollow, empty

bograj m. 1 land given to the clergy for their use free of

charge 2 parcel of land allotted to farm workers as payment 3

land use whereby sharecropper and owner split produce fifty-fifty

bug 1 slaughtered (of cattle) 2 slaughtered (by a predator

or plunderer) 3 figurative victim

a to slaughter (cattle)

b to tear apart (said of a predator) c figurative to torment, torture

2 buli m. plural urine to urinate

3 bli present tense of
bolj taj f. command button
bolivij f. Bolivia
1 bum m. native
2 bum m. owl; tawny owl (Bubo bubo)
3 bum 1 m. nation; land; region 2 familiar (with the territory,

a to be torn to pieces, be slaughtered (of cattle) b to be

torn to pieces (by a predator) c figurative to be victimized, suffer


2 bug f. chickpea
bognavl transitive Eastern
bogot Bogata (city)
bug f. watermelon
1 bol m. 1 word, promise 2 speech 3 rumor, talk; fame, repute
2 baul m. Arabic plural 2
3 bol present tense verb stem from
bol n m. the Bolan Pass (West Pakistan)
bolni f. small pie with vegetables
bol m. 1 bolt 2 latch to latch the door
idiom to loosen someone's tongue
bulzr m. bulldozer
bolshevzm m.
bolshevik m.
bulgh f.
bul f.
1 bolk
2 bolk consignment of goods
boll transitive
1 bla f. female relatives of bride treating groom's relatives to
boiled rice

2 bla imperative, imperfective from

3 bol word paired with
1 bolj f. command; instruction, ordinance

4 bom slack, lazy (of willpower)

bum local, indigenous
bumj m. 1 guide, escort 2 imam, leader of prayer 3 basis
to substantiate, base
bumjgalv f. 1 the title of imam 2 leadership
bumj f.
bon m. bonn m. Bonn (city)
bundzhj m. 1
bund m. a drop
bun 1 short 2 clipped, trimmed
bna: index finger
bunj 1 m. .1 truncheon, baton 1.2 cattle with docked tails
2 quite short

bons m.
bong f. bung f. ransom (from imprisonment, etc.)
to pay ransom (for a captive, etc.)
bongj with nose cut off
bungedl intransitive [past: ] to growl, curse; mutter
1 bun f.
2 bun f. 1 anus 2 seat, buttocks
3 bun f. hunting lying low (as by a grouse or quail at the
appearance of a bird of prey)

4 bun f. slaughter, massacre

5 bun filled, with a full stomach
bonj acquainted, familiar
bunj k
bonedl intransitive
1 bo m. medicine atrophic rhinitis, ozena
2 bu m. 3
3 bu m. bo m. 2 to whisper to
someone not to utter a word; not to make a sound
bubasr weak-sighted
buavl boavl transitive
bu f.
buh r m.
1 buj m. cartilage (of the nose)
2 buj nasal
buedl boedl intransitive
bav m. 1
buvrj m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

buh r m.

m. 1 small child who has been weaned 2 young


bihgj m. small colt, foal

bih a f. filly (foal)
behbd 1.1 healthy, well 1.2 regulated, organized, arranged
1.3 flourishing, thriving 2 m.
behbud f. 1 health 2 arrangement, organization 3 well-

animal just weaned

bad smell, odor pleasant smell;

a to smell, give off an odor b
figurative to indicate ("smack of") the approach of something
to be fragrant a to sniff, smell (at) b
figurative to be greedy, envious to go bad, go rotten
a to gain a bad name; be scandalized b to be caught in

buj m. smell


being; prosperity

2 behbud f. large knife, dagger

bbj f. proper noun Babi
buht n Arabic lie, slander to lie, slander
behtr behtra better What could be
better? ( it will be) better, if
a to prefer b to consider a blessing
behtar f. 1 improvement 2 advantage; preference 3 well-


2 bvi blending of the particle and the linking verb

buj f. botany licorice
bujr f. 1 insignificant or hardly noticeable trace 2 model,

bujkh greedy, envious

bujn smelly, foul-smelling
bujn k 1 giving off an odor

being; prosperity

behtarn the best; of superior quality; outstanding idiom

in the best sense of the word
bahr 1.1 from without, externally, on the outside
at a distance of several miles from a outside,
beyond the limits of something outside the city
behind the door b at, beside, near 1.2 abroad
a from without, externally, on the outside b from abroad
to go out (from somewhere)
a to be led out; be expelled, be driven out, be exiled b to go

2 smelly, foul-smelling

3 regional fragrant

bunos- jres m. Buenos Aires (city)

bujavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to sniff,

smell (at); sniff around

bja ought, should, must

He should

now go to town.

2 boj f. grass and straw used for fertilizer, green fertilizer

buj f. 1
bujedl intransitive [past: ]1 to smell, give off an odor

out, leave (from some place) c to be extracted, pulled out d to be

released, be freed

2 to go bad, become rotten

I shall write
I'll go I'm

b ba particle 1 forms future tense

I shall write (something)

he worked (usually) 3 expresses modalities
he ought to come; it's a pity he hasn't come
If you had said (it), he would have come
he would call on, he would come

2 beh f. better
1 bah f. price, cost
2 bah f. brightness; sparkling
bahdp expensive; valuable
bahdr 1 brave, valiant 2 m.

a to send b to send abroad

a to go out (from somewhere) b to come forward,

project; appear (publicly) 2.1 external, outer

going 2 expresses repetition of an action when used with forms of

the past tense

bih m. [plural: biha n plural: bihna] foal,

outside door

2.2 foreign 2.3 going beyond the frameword (of something)

bhar s m.
bahr-p-bahr 1

from the outside; on the outside, from

without 2 far from something; beyond the limits of something

bharat f. recruitment compound verb to recruit

compound verb to be recruited, be enlisted, be won

baharanj 1 outer, exterior

gates 2 done,

produced outside the home 3 another's; alien, foreign

.1 brave man, hero 2.2

Bogatyr (fabled hero)

bahdurn 1 brave, valiant 2 bravely, valiantly

bahdur f. bravery, valor, heroism
he displayed valor while defending his native land
bravely, valiantly; heroically
bah r m. spring
bhnd 1 running, flowing 2 liquid liquids
bahn f. pretext, cause; excuse; evasion, trick, subterfuge
to seek a pretext, seek an excuse
bahnj valuable, expensive

baharavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to lead

out; drive out, banish, expel 2 to extract, take out 3 to release,

free 4 to thrust out, display on the outside

1 bahr f. 1 share, portion 2 wealth 3 use; advantage; profit

2 bahr m. regional waiter
bahrabadr f. use, utilization; exploitation; operation
bahramn bahramnd fortunate, happy; flourishing,
thriving to be happy; fourish
bahramand f. happiness, good fortune; prosperity; wellbeing


Pashto-English Dictionary


bahraj b 1 flourishing 2 deriving profit or

immediately, quickly, without delay

benefit from; gaining 3 having been awarded something; having

received something

behz d m. proper noun Behzad

bihsd m. bejsd Bikhsud, Bejsud (region in the Dajizangi
district and in Nangarhar)

bihsht m. paradise
bihisht 1 heavenly 2 m. jocular water-carrier
bihiht m.
bhag m. gadfly
bahll m. proper noun Bahlol
bahm together, with one another
1 bahn f. top (the toy)
2 bahna f. lock of hair left with children as a vow or promise
bhut m. regional evil spirit, demon
bhut n m. bhu n m. Bhutan (region in Indian)
bhu 1 adjective (of) Bhutan 2 native of Bhutan
bhudzh m. Himalayan birch tree, Betula utilis
bhudzhpatr m. 1 birch bark 2 papyrus
bhus m. plural 1
bahavl transitive [past: ] 1 to turn on, run (water) 2
to spill (blood) 3 to send regularly (e.g., food, provisions)

bih f. improvement; development


to improve,

2 bih m. quince, quince tree

3 bhj f. 1 steps down a well 2 well with steps
bahj a
bahed f.
bahedl baedl intransitive [past: ]1 to flow, run; flow
out 2 to flow, be shed (of blood)

bahedna f. baedna 1 current, course (of water) 2

shedding, spilling (of blood)

bahr m. 1 transport and equipment of an army 2 large

accumulation; great many, horde, multitude 3 line, stream (of

people); caravan 4 chain (of events) 5 race; dynasty 6 process,

bahrgr m. processor
bahimijt m. cruelty, savagery
1 bj children's speech 1 f. & m. sore to hurt, make
painful to be hurt 2 watch out, be careful
2 be f. name of the letter
3 be combination of the particle and the pronoun
Will you see him (her, them)?
4 be bi preposition usually in combination with or
without; except, with the exception of without me
without interruption, unceasingly, continously

with the

exception of several people

be bi prefix without, not

recklessness, foolhardiness

inappropriate, useless, empty

When shall we meet

again? again again and again, repeatedly 2 after
that, then then I go to school 3 back to
return idiom still, nevertheless, however all the same;
(and) what is more especially; all the more
especially, particularly to be continued
It happened just as you said.

bj bij 1 again, anew

bj prefix re- (or similar indicating renewal or repetition of an

a to find again b to acquire, gain c to return d

to restore to reorganize
bjintikh b m. reelection
be b 1 shameless 2 disgraced, dishonored, shamed
to disgrace, dishonor, shame
bib n m. bejb n desert, wasteland
bibn uninhabited, deserted, desert
bebr disgraced, dishonored, shamed
bebru f.
beibr barren, sterile
bebavl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

disgrace, dishonor

be ba
f. disgrace, dishonor
bj bj bj hunter's cry used to summon falcon
bebedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be

disgraced, be dishonored

bj pjln m. reboot
bj ta' mr m. restoration (of something destroyed)
beittif a unfriendly; disunited, separated, alienated _
to separate, alienate

beittif f. 1 disagreement, divergence; disharmony 2


bj t f. [plural: bjatj plural: bj tig ni] scissors

compound verb to cut with scissors; cut (out)
to cut a dress out
beasra 1 without leaving a trace; futile, unsuccessful;
ineffective; fruitless (e.g., of one's efforts) 2 ineffectual, vain,


beasar f. futility; ineffectiveness; fruitlessness (e.g., of one's


beidzhr unfulfilled
beadzhla sudden, unexpected
beihti ta 1 careless 2 carelessly
beihtit f. carelessness
beikhtij ra 1 involuntary 2 involuntarily

Pashto-English Dictionary

beadb 1 ill-bred 2 disrespectful

bead f. 1 poor breeding 2 disrespect
bj rta
bjraghe khadzlnj f. recycle bin
berz unreliable
bearz f. disrespect, lack of respect
beas sa without any basis, unjustified, groundless, unsound
bj sta f. cable; cord, rope
beasr 1 pitch-dark 2 hopeless 3 deprived of one's share;

beinsf f. 1 unscrupulousness 2 injustice

They treated him very unfairly.
beinkish f undeveloped; underdeveloped
bajnnm f. announcement, declaration
bajnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
explain; to expound, tell, describe I told
what else was the matter with him/it. 2 f. to express; announce

bajn f.
bajnedl denominative, intransitive

clarified, be explained; be set forth, be told; be described


beusla disorderly, without system (of life)

bajz 1 m. Arabic .1 whiteness 1.2 notebook 2 white
bei'tib ra 1 not to be trusted, untrustworthy; discredited
to deprive of trust; discredit 2 ineffective; invalid
bei'timd f. distrust
bei'tin inattentive, careless, negligent
bei'tin f. inattention, carelessness, negligence
beitidr f. 1 incompetence 2 lack of skill, clumsiness
beljsha disinterested; unselfish
beiltif t inattentive; impolite
beiltift f. inattention; discourtesy
bajlodzh f. biology
bajlodzhiph m. biologist
bjlozhik dzhang m. biological warfare
bjl f. dialect
bem n merciless, relentless
bemn f. mercilessness, relentlessness

bjmundl transitive [present: past: ]

bjmindl [present: past: ] 1 to find
again I looked for him a long

time, but again I didn't find him 2 to return 3 to acquire, obtain 4

bij m.
bevz linguistics consonant consonant sound
beba waterless, arid waterless lands, arid

bjvadnavl 1 denominative, transitive [past: ]

to restore (something destroyed) 2 m. plural restoration (of

something destroyed)

beavlda childless
beavld f. childlessness
beahammijta insignificant; unimportant
That is of no importance.

beimntb m. 1 treachery; dishonesty; baseness 2
cowardliness a to behave treacherously b to be

baj n m. Arabic [plural: bijnna Arabic plural:

bajn t] 1 explanation, exposition; description


explain, expound 2 utterance, pronouncement; appearance;

to have a right to speak

compound verb

statement, declaration
story, narrative

beintiz m undisciplined, disorganized; disorderly;

disordered, unsettled

beintizm f. lack of dicipline; disorganization; disorder,

confusion, upset, derangement

beintih endless, limitless

beintih f. endlessness, infinity
beandz extreme, extraordinary, excessive
to throw one's money about, squander
beinsf 1 unscrupulous 2 unjust, unfair

beimna 1 untrue, treacherous; dishonest; base, mean 2


a he's a dishonorable person;

he's a scoundrel b he's a coward

beimn f.
bijn present tense of 1
bibkhl m. plural Biba-khel' (a clan of the Djadran tribe)
bebr barren, fruitless
bebka 1.1 careless, carefree 1.2 incautious 1.3

unsuitable; unscrupulous, dishonest 2.1 carelessly, without a care

to restore (e.g., independence)

[past: ] to be

2.2 incautiously

bebk f. 1 carelessness, lightheartedness 2 lack of caution

3 unseemly behavior 4 reckless bravery, foolhardiness

bebl-u-par helpless
bebl-u-par f. helplessness
bebvra uncertain
bebkht unfortunate, unhappy
bebakht f. bad luck
bebudj f. 2
bebrkhi deprived (of something); disinherited; unfortunate,

bibka f. diminutive of 1 3, 4
bebah priceless

Pashto-English Dictionary

bib f.

[plural: bibijni] 1 lady 2 princess 3

elder sister 4 grandmother, grandma idiom



2 beb f. children's speech 1 book 2 lesson 3 paper

bepr m. client (purchaser)
bepjba bepjva bottomless (of the sea) idiom
to destroy, liquidate someone
bepja 1 limitless, endless 2 of unknown origin, without
clan or tribe 3 uncertain, unreliable, inconstant

bepatabl denominative, transitive [past:

disgrace, defame, discredit


bepta 1 dishonest; untrue, treacherous, insidious 2

unworthy of respect

bepat f. 1 disloyalty, treachery, craftiness 2 shameful


bepatedl intransitive [past: ] to be disgraced, be


beprta 1 shameless 2 talkative

1 bepart f. 1 shamelessness 2 talkativeness
2 beprtaj gluttonous, voracious
bepardag f. 1 failure (of woman) to wear a veil 2
bepard disgraced, shamed


a to disgrace b to

a to be disgraced, be shamed

Don't shame yourself, Preserve your honor! b to fall into poverty,

be ruined

bepardag f.
bepard 1 without a veil, uncovered (of the face)
to uncover the face 2 close (of relationship) close

beparv 1 careless, unconcerned 2 hasty, rash, unconsidered

beparv f. 1 carelessness, lack of concern 2 hastiness,

rashness 3 inattention; discourtesy

bipl m.
bepul f. lack of money, impecuniousness
1 bajt m. Arabic [plural: bajtna Arabic


abj t] Arabic 1 couplet (verse of two lines) 2 song

2 bet m. reed, rush

3 bajt m. Arabic house, heart, family
4 bet m. dialect espionage
betb 1 weak, grown weak 2
disturbed, upset

1 betr wireless
2 bajtr m.

betavadzhdzhh 1 inattentive 2 discourteous

betavadzhdzhuh f. 1 inattention 2 discourtesty
betava' unreliable
bitman m. plural shale, slate
betn m. plural concrete
bet m. dialect spy, scout
1 be m. 1 reinforcement, help, assistance to help,
send reinforcements 2 good tempering (of steel)

2 be m. steppe
ber f. battery
bek m. 1 male half (of a home) 2 Eastern living room
1 bejan m. plural Betani (tribe) 2 Betanaj (member of
ba f. foot (of a mountain)
besabt unstable, inconstant, changeable
besabt f. instability, inconstancy, changeableness
besamra fruitless, vain, futile
besamar f. fruitlessness, futility, vainness
bedzhn inanimate; dead; lifeless
bidzhk m. way bill, invoice; bill
bidzhli f. plural a game of babki, knucklebones
to play babki, knucklebones

impatient 3 aroused,

betba uneasy, restless, agitated

betbi f. 1 powerlessness, weakness
uneasiness, agitation

betaklfa simple, plain a simple treat

betamz reckless, rash, hasty
betamiz f. recklessness, hastiness, rashness

Betani tribe)

3 inattentive; discourteous

betbf f. manufacture of wicker furniture

betadzribag f. inexperience, innocence
betadzhrib inexperienced, innocent
betartb betartba disorderly, untidy; irregular
betartib f. disorder; irregularity
betr f.
beta'alim f. illiteracy; lack of education
betakallfa 1 simple, plain 2 unconstrained, natural
betakalluf f. 1 simplicity, plainness 2 naturalness,

to behave recklessly, behave hastily

face, uncovered face 3 disgrace, dishonor


Jerusalem (city)

freedom from constraint

betrkha undated
bajtulkhal f. Arabic bathroom, toilet
bajt-ul-ml m. Arabic 1 treasury 2 escheat
bajt-ul-muaddas m. Jerusalem (city)

2 impatience 3

bedzho incomparable; superlative, remarkable

bech m. bich m. possibility
bechrag f. 1 poverty, need, destitution 2 helplessness
idiom with great difficulty, just barely
1 bechr 1.1 poor, destitute 1.2 helpless; powerless 2 m.
[plural: bechrag n] .1 poor man 2.2 poor devil
2 bechra out of work, nothing to do

Pashto-English Dictionary

bechrag f.
bicha f. Eastern bichua

f. bed

make (up) a bed


bechrta thoughtlessly, rashly

bechurt f. thoughtlessness, rashness
bechejn f. regional agitation; uneasiness, alarm
bedzna insensible; lifeless
bedzja 1.1 unsuitable, useless, empty
to be idle, loaf, do nothing 1.2 knocked out, forced out
to knock out, force out 1.3 to move,
shift, displace 2 in vain, for nothing; out of place, not to the point

to interfere inappropriately (into someone else's

affairs, in a conversation) !
chatter to no purpose!

! Don't
It's not out

of place to mention that

bedzna urgently, quickly, without delay

betsahtna ownerless
betsoktj f.
1 btsa f. kind of grass used as fodder; fodder grass
2 bets useless
behsla fruitless, futile, (in) vain, idle
behla 1.1 feeling ill; weakened 1.2 faint 2 insensible,

behl f. 1 ill feeling; weakness 2 faint

behdda 1 limitless, unlimited; huge

an enormous

bekhdr root plants

bekhraj m. unconsidered behavior, rashness
to behave recklessly

person) 4 downhearted, depressed

behavsilag f. 1 impatience 2 intolerability 3

shamelessness, boldness, cynicism

bekhvnda ownerless
bekhabr bekhabra unknowledgable, uninformed,
ignorant They didn't know of the danger.
to ignore something idiom
to take someone unawares
bekhabar f. 1 ignorance to claim ignorance 2


behud f. 1 loss of consciousness, unconsciousness 2


1 bekhvhaj unwillingly, without wanting to

2 bekhvah f. unwillingness, reluctance
bekhul 1 meek, uncomplaining, submissive 2 stumbling
(in speech); confused, distracted a to be meek, be
uncomplaining b to stumble (in speech); to be confused, be

bekhvnda 1 unpalatable; tasteless 2 poor; (having been)

ruined 3 disordered, out of order

a to grow poor; to

ruin oneself, to be ruined b to become disordered 4 absurd,

senseless, foolish

to talk nonsense, talk

bekhvand f. lack of taste, bad taste

bekhsh without kith or kin; homeless, stateless
bekh bikh 1 altogether; absolutely; very

That's an out-and-out lie 2 (with negation) not at all, not in the


bekhajr f. uselessness
bed m. willow tree 1
bedr 1 vigilant, unsleeping

2 watchful, indefatigable 3

conscious; deliberate; aware

bedravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

awaken, wake (someone) up 2 to urge caution, watchfulness 3 to

foster awareness

bedr f. 1 vigilance; keeping awake; awakening; (military)

blowing of reveille 2 reality

That was in a dream, and not in reality. 3

rudeness, bad manners

to be

consciousness, fall into a faint b to get drunk c to lose one's self

sluggishness 4 depression, downheartedness

behaj immodest, shameless, bold; cynical

behaj tb m. behaj f. immodesty;

bekhatr bekhatra safe, secure

bekhatar f. safety, security
bekhkan f. ruin, destruction, extermination
bekh larnkaj
bekhnvaj m. literal establishing bases; laying a foundation
bekhb sleepless
bekhb f. insomnia, sleeplessness
2 bekhob f.
bekhda 1 having lost consciousness, fainted 2 drunken 3
having lost self control a to cause to faint b to make
drunk, intoxicate c to drive to distraction a to lose

quantity, a whole lot 2 boundlessly, infinitely

behapakta motionless, unmoving, immovable

behapakat f. 1 immobility 2 passivity
behurmt 1 not respected 2 shamed, disgraced
behurmat f. dishonor, disgrace
behisba countless, huge
behssa grow numb; insensible, unfeeling
behavsil 1 impatient 2 unbearable 3 sluggish (of a

bekhrtsa moneyless, impecunious

ruined, be left without money or means

bekhdzhn well-founded, sound, serious


Pashto-English Dictionary

awakening, appearance (of a feeling) 4 vigilance 5 awareness

a to show watchfulness b to show awareness

bedredl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to

wake up, awaken, arise 2 to awaken, appear (of a feeling) 3 to be

1 ber m. botany jujube, Zizyphus

2 bir m. plural beer a bottle of beer
ber m. 3
bern 1 having lost consciousness, unconscious

vigilant 4 to be aware 5 to beware (of), be careful (of)

bedgh unsullied, clean

bedn seedless (of raisins, berries, etc.)
bedrda hard, callous, pitiless
bedard f. callousness, ruthlessness
bedrka not covered by income, exceeding income (of an

bedirnga quickly, without delay

bedl 1 grieved, distressed, sad, depressed

bernavl denominative, transitive [past:

render unconscious, cause to faint

f. bedamgh f. shortness of temper,

berch f. 1 uselessness, dissoluteness; lack of discipline 2

error, delusion 3 unscrupulousness

back to take back,

take away to lag behind (in
movement, in study, in development, etc.) to return
to look back a to force back b to remove; to send
away c to dismiss d to clear away, clean up
clear this book off the table e to remove (e.g., difficulties) f

to put to

bedavlt 1.1 not wealthy, poor, propertyless 1.2

brta brta 1.1 back

to open (the door; a shop, courses, etc.) g to take off (clothing)

unfortunate, unsuccessful 2 m. .1 poor man 2.2 failure, unlucky


As you were! (military command)

a to retreat,

back off; to go away b to resign, relinquish a post

bedavlat f. 1 unluckiness 2 poorness, poverty

bidavna f. putting to sleep, lulling
1 bid bid f. m. [plural: bid f. plural:

a to move backwards, go from b to return c

figurative to back out of (one's word or promise)


give back, return 1.2 at some distance, a little way off 1.3 again,

bid] 1

anew 2 away, off

sleeping 2 figurative dozing; latent, unused


Off the road!; Stand Aside!;

Away! 3 predicate .1 forced back 3.2 removed, sent away 3.3

cleared away 3.4 open (of a door or window; of a shop, courses,
etc.) 3.5 removed (of clothing) 3.6 behind (in movement, in


bidedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to sleep;

to fall asleep 2 figurative to remain in ignorance

bidedna f. m. [plural: bided] dream; sleep

bedn 1 unbeliever 2 m. godless person, atheist
bedin f. godlessness, atheism
beba absurd, senseless
bevla 1 shapeless, formless 2 ugly 3 ill-bred
beavn uncouth, unpolished
bev f. fearlessness
bej f. knucklebone (of an animal, used in games)
bezva 1 tasteless, bad tasting 2 insipid, vapid, flat;


mistaken, in error 3 unprincipled, unscrupulous

sleep, lull

bed f. dried green forage in bunches; hay

3 bid feminine singular of 1
bedj f. plain; steppe
bedjnj 1 adjective of the plain, steppe 2

2 bernavl transitive
berna feminine singular of
1 bern f. 1 loss of consciousness 2 stupor, stupefaction
2 berni feminine plural of
1 bernedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

irascibility, irritability

2 bernedl denominative, intransitive

berh 1 good-for-nothing, dissipated; undisciplined

bedamgha hot-tempered, irritable

bedmshk m. Egyptian willow tree

bedma 1 lifeless 2 disobedient
bed 1 the same 2 exactly, to the letter
bedav incurable
bedod f. inobservance of a custom
bidavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

lose consciousness, faint

2 poetic

passionately in love


2 frozen in

one's tracks, gone dumb, stunned

studies, in development, etc.)

brtapte 3
bertaptetb m. backwardness
bertatg m. bertartg m. return
berahmn 1 cruel, ruthless 2 cruelly, ruthlessly
berhma stern, cruel, ruthless bleak time,
bleak times

berahm f. sterness, cruelty, ruthlessness

very sternly, cruelly, ruthlessly
birkhn f. alehouse, pub
ber m. lark
berisr m. regional lawyer
beriz willy-nilly, against one's will; reluctantly
bajrgh m. banner, flag; signal flag to hoist a flag
to raise the flag

Pashto-English Dictionary

bajraghv l m. standard bearer

bajrk m.
berg l m. water skin from ox hide
berl m. barrel, cask
berl f. attack
berlov l m. aggressor
berndkaj cowardly, fearful
1 berng Bering Straits


Bering Sea

2 berng m. bearing
3 bajrng berng relating to additional payment
bernga colorless
ber m. wild clover
bejrt m. bajrt m. Beirut (city)
berh berha 1 lifeless, unanimated, inanimate

1 bej f. vessel, ship; barge; boat on board

freighter ferry (boat)
tanker aircraft carrier
landing boat passenger ship
minesweeper idiom spaceship
He was unlucky. He had bad luck.
2 bej m.
3 bej f. regional shackles, chains; hobble
bej chlavnkaj m. captain of a ship
bejv l m. bejv l m. boatman, ferryman
bezr dissatisfied; upset, angered
bezravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to repel,
call forth enmity, disgust

bezr f. dissatisfaction, irritation

bezredl denominative, intransitive

figurative to experience, feel repulsion, hostility; to turn away

from someone

apathetic, listless 3 heartless; soulless

berozgra without income, without pay; needy

berozgr f. absence of income, absence of pay; want,

beravl transitive [past: ] to frighten, scare idiom

to be afraid of flying into a rage
birn bern outside, from without; on the outside
from without ! regional Get out! idiom
to go out of print to weed
birunnavs berunnavs written out (of a word, phrase,
etc.), copied out to write out, make an excerpt
berun external, exterior
berj shameless; bold, coarse; uncouth
1 bra f. fear, fright to be afraid, to take fright
2 bra f. 1
3 ber m. [plural: berg n plural: berag n]
regional 1 servant; lackey 2 waiter

berj sincere, straightforward

berj f. sincerity
beredl intransitive [past: ]

to fear, take fright; be

afraid of

beril m. plural beryl (mineral)

berljm m. plural beryllium
be m. crowd (of people)
be 1 stupid; ignorant 2 m. stupid person, dumbbell;

bekj f. boat
ba f. 1 hurry, rush; urgency

quickly, hurriedly;
very quickly, most urgently trouble,
to hurry with something 2 striving



to strive for, seek to gain (something)

2 be f. raft

[past: ]

They all turned from him.

bezv f. need, want

bezabna bezubna speechless, dumb
bez 1 downcast, gloomy 2 weak-spirited, cowardly


beztb m.

bezv laj m. 1 despondency,

depression 2 faintheartedness, cowardliness 3 timidity

bezl transitive [past: ] to darn; mend; sew



bezamng landless

landless peasant b the landless peasantry


1 f. [plural: bizog ni] monkey 2 m. [plural:

bzog n] male monkey idiom

a to

exaggerate some matter b to drag out some business

bezra weak, powerless

bez f. dailect 2
1 bezhbaj 1 dumb, speechless 2 untrustworthy, treacherous
2 bezhbi f. breaking a promise, treachery
n m. weathercock; fickle person, changeable person
linguistics consonant

1 noiselessly, without noise 2 without a murmur
to agree without a murmur
bes inanimate inanimate objects
grammar inanimate nouns



besbi unusual, unheard of, without

besraj unusual, unprecedented; without equal

besri of unusual proportions
bestrgo eyeless, blind
bestra 1 uncovered; bare, naked 2 dishonored, disgraced
besatr f. 1 baring, uncovering, denudation 2 figurative
dishonor, disgrace


Pashto-English Dictionary

bestj f. besatj f. kind of fabric, coarse calico

besdtj f. loss of consciousness; faint
besdavl denominative, transitive [past: ]


cause to faint, render unconscious

besda 1.1 having lost consciousness, fainted, insensible 1.2

stupid 1.3 figurative inebriated a to cause to lose
consciousness, cause to faint b to drive insane c figurative to

make drunk

a to lose consciousness, faint b to

become foolish c figurative to get drunk 2 unusually,


He is an exceptionally fine


besd f. fainting fit, unconsciousness, loss of consciousness

besirjt disinfected to disinfect
besar-u-smn 1 disinherited, deprived of a livelihood,
needy 2 stupid

besar-u-smn f. 1 need, a difficult material situation

2 stupidity, foolishness

besra neglected; stray, homeless; leaderless

a neglected; stray a tramp b
disorderly, chaotic, poorly organized

besarav laj m. neglect

besar f. 1 2 disorder
besavda illiterate
besavd f. illiteracy
besd bearing no interest non-interest-bearing

beska weak, powerless; feeble
besm wireless radio-telegraph
beshna unusually, extraordinarily, exceptionally
beshbha undoubted, indubitable; definite
beshrma shameless; obscene, indecent; immodest
to become insolent
besharm f. shamelessness; obscenity; immodesty
beshk beshkk beshka beshkka 1
undoubted, irrefutable, indisputable 2 undoubtedly, indisputably,
absolutely, certainly

! !


beshumra innumerable, countless

beshamdzj invertebrate
behdzi unmarried, single, bachelor
beh useless, futile; needless, good-for-nothing
besbr besbra impatient
besabr f. impatience
bezarr harmless, inoffensive
bezarar f. harmlessness, inoffensiveness
bajtr m. Arabic veterinarian
bajtr f. veterinary medicine
betta 1 grown weak, collapsed; weak 2 impatient

betl'a unfortunate, unhappy

betabato classless classless society
betarf neutral
betarafn neutral, neutralist policy of

betaraftdr impartial, unbiased

betaraf f. neutrality to violate neutrality
to observe neutrality
betm'a disinterested; unselfish
betam'a f. disinterestedness, unselfishness
bj' f. bj'a f. Arabic 1 deed of purchase
bj'-i document concerning sale
baj'n f. deposit, advance
baj't m. Arabic history recognition of authority (of a feudal
lord); vow to serve faithfully; oath of a vassal (to his suzerain)
to acknowledge someone's authority, pledge loyalty
(to a suzerain)

be'adlat f. injustice, unfairness

be'izzatavl denominative, transitive
to dishonor, disgrace

be'izzta dishonored, disgraced



to dishonor,

be'izzat f. dishonor, disgrace

be'l stupid; foolhardy, reckless saying
A stupid person goes

ahead and doesn't look back; a clever person goes ahead, but looks

be'altb m. stupidity; foolhardiness, recklessness

be'al f.
be'al unconcerned, neutral, indifferent
be'lma ignorant; uneducated
be'ilm f. ignorance; lack of education
baj'nm f. deed of purchase
bj'a f. 1 a expensive, dear b at a high price,
dearly to sell to someone
be'jb be'jba perfect, irreproachable
beghho toothless
begharz 1 disinterested, unselfish; uninterested 2
carefree, unconcerned; careless

begharazn 1 unselfish (of behavior) 2 unselfishly

begharaz f. 1 unselfishness, disinterestedness; lack of
interest 2 unconcern, lightheartedness; carelessness


baghga 1 noiseless; quiet 2 noiselessly; quietly

Pashto-English Dictionary

beghma 1 carefree, unconcerned; peaceful

carefree manner; peacefully

sheltered; cozy

in a

Don't worry! 2 secluded;

begham f. lightheartedness, lack of concern; peacefulness

spiritual tranquility very lightheartedly, in
a most unconcerned manner

baghvra 1 rashly, without thinking 2 negligently,


beghavr f. 1 rashness 2 negligence, carelessness

to have a careless attitude toward

unmarried, single, bachelor

beghajrta 1 shameless; disgraceful, dishonorable 2 timid;

beghajrat f. 1 shame, dishonor 2 timidity;

faintheartedness, cowardice 3 meanness, baseness

befid 1 useless

That's no help. 2 of

no use, in vain

befar invertebrate invertebrate animals

befkr 1 carefree, unconcerned; frivolous 2 inattentive,

bekas f. 1 lack of a bread-winner (in a family) 2

loneliness, being alone 3 defenselessness

bekamla uneducated; undeveloped; ill-bred

bekn m. beacon
bekra 1 homeless 2 single, unmarried, bachelor, without
beg m.
beg 1 last night, yesterday evening last night;
yesterday evening this evening, tonight since
evening night before last 2 m. yesterday evening, last

begr m. 1 forced labor, hard labor; labor obligation

to recruit to a labor obligation 2 corve
bagr 1 mobilized for compulsory labor 2 m. worker
recruited by force or one fulfilling a labor obligation

befikr f. 1 lightheartedness, lack of concern; frivolity 2

inattention, negligence

to exhibit inattentiveness,

carelessness; to neglect, disregard 3 thoughtless, inability to think

things out 4 rashness

befhma slow-witted, dull, dense

be'idag f. irregularity, incorrectness; anomaly
be'id incorrect, irregular; anomalous
be'idav laj m.
bedra 1 unworthy, contemptible 2 useless, good-fornothing

beadr f. 1 unworthiness, contemptibility 2 uselessness

bearra 1 uneasy, anxious _ to worry 2 inconstant,
unstable, changeable

beksa 1 without a breadwinner

defenseless, unprotected

careless, negligent


fainthearted, cowardly 3 mean, base


(of a family) 2 without close friends or relatives; lone, solitary 3


beki 1 non-nomadic, non-migrating 2 adjective

bearr f. 1 uneasiness, anxiety 2 inconstancy,

instability, changeableness

beusr innocent (of), not guilty

bejd bejda undisciplined; unbridled,

beajd f. lack of discipline, dissoluteness; unruliness

1 bjak m. 1 harpoon 2 oar
2 bek m. younger brother of a khan; bek
bekr bekra 1.1 idle He sits idle. 1.2
apathetically 2 unemployed sa the
unemployed 3 m. unemployed person

bekr f. 1 unemployment 2 idleness

bajkl m. Lake Bajkal
bekch unmeasurable, unlimited, infinite

beg nag f. estrangement; separation, alienation

beg n 1 alien, unfamiliar; strange, foreign
unfamiliar people, strangers to shun
someone 2 foreign, from another country

beg nj adjective (of) yesterday last night

begtt m. Begtut (village near Kabul)
begi 1.1 useless, vain 1.2 unsuccessful, having no
result 2.1 uselessly, vainly 2.2 unsuccessfully, futilely

beguzarni f. need
begr m. monal (Himalayan pheasant, Lophophorus)
begrza 1 without dust 2 dust-free, clean


free of dust, pure air

beg languid; lazy

bigl m. bugle, horn, trumpet
begm f. Miss (in addressing foreign females)
begunh innocent
begunh f. innocence to prove one's

begj f. cards the queen
1 bel particular; separate; another particularly;
separately that's another matter, that's a special

2 bel m. shovel; spade

3 bel m.

sapper shovel

Pashto-English Dictionary

belors White Russian, Byelorussian

belorus adjective 1 White Russian, Byelorussian
the White Russian language, Byelorussian 2 White Russian,

belri 1 without roads; impassable 2 figurative erring,


a to wander, roam b figurative to err, to

be mistaken 3 figurative unprincipled 4 figurative lawlessness


belr f. 1 absence of roads 2 figurative error, delusion

belorusij f. Byelorussia
belavz f. breaking one's word or promise

3 figurative unscrupulousness 4 figurative lawlessness

biln m.

bilnas m. finance balance (sheet)

to compile a balance

yearly balance

belv m.

touchstone; whetstone

places b in special cases

a in different
in different ways

1 various, different

to appear in various forms 2.1 in detail; point by

point 2.2 especially; individually, separately

one individually

for each

belavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

separate, divide, disconnect 2 to distinguish, differentiate 3 to
wean 4 to part, separate

belavna f. 1 2 weaning
1 bel f. 1 trough, gutter (for draining of water)

grief has turned me to ashes. 2 distinction 3 alienation,


2 sapper,

blng m. tall building

beluzm superfluous, excessive, leftover
beluzma excessively, unnecessarily, superfluously
be lg-u-r
1 irreproachable 2 fully, completely,

1 bim m. 1 fear, fright, scare, apprehension 2

2 bim m. 1 root of the cattail 2
bimr 1 sick; feeling indisposed 2 dejected idiom
a languid eyes b sleepy eyes idiom I'm sick

bimrparast f. care for a sick person

look after a sick person

bimrkhn f. hospital
bimravl denominative, transitive


bimr f. sickness; indisposition

bimredl denominative, intransitive
sick, be sick


2 menstrual


belna f. 1 to be separated, be divided,

be disunited 2 separation, parting 3 distance, space, interval

2 bilna belna f. rolling pin (for rolling out dough)

3 bajlna f. loss
belnaj m. botany mint
belv la f. belv laj m. 1 separation, division,
disconnection distribution or assignment of

obligations 2 difference, distinction 3 weaning 4 parting,





find evidence; to hit upon a trail 2 sign, mark, indication

cause (someone's) illness, make sick; provoke (someone's)

rival, competitor


at heart.


belafz f.
belk m. 1 gifts sent by a bridegroom to his bride's home

bla feminine singular of

part, separate (from someone)

combat engineer

belmndztj f.
belmndz f. 1 noncompletion of prayer

bel f. whistle

differentiated 3 to be weaned 4 to be diverted (of a canal) 5 to

belch f. small shovel

belihz crude, coarse, impolite
beldr m. 1 unskilled laborer (who uses a shovel)

bell transitive
belmz 1 (someone) not completing his prayers

bl preposition

beledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

separated, be divided, be disconnected 2 to be distinguished, be

separation 4 regional divorce (from one's wife)

belg f. 1 (piece of) evidence; trace, track, sign

2 branch (of a

river) 3 small island; sandbar, shallows

each has individually

beltn oblique singular of

beltn m. beltj f. 1 separation, parting
Separation, the serpent, lay in his path (from a song)
folklore Separation has consumed me;


to keep one's word, to break a promise

[past: ] to get

bemlgi indeclinable fresh, unsalted

bemla indigent, poor
bemjag f. poverty, indigence
bemublti f. carelessness, lack of concern; improvidence,
lack of thrift

bemtri weak, powerless


bemisla unexampled,

unparalleled, incomparable

bemadzhla powerless, weak, helpless

bemahlla 1 inappropriate, irrelevant 2 inappropriately,


bemkhtb m. 1 shamelessness, impudence 2

inattentiveness, rudeness 3 indifference

bemkha 1 shameless, impudent 2 inattentive, impolite 3



Pashto-English Dictionary

1 bemkh f.
2 bemkhaj
bemarm blank (catridge), dummy
bemuruvt 1 inhuman, cruel, heartless

2 uncultured 3

bemuruvat f. 1 inhumanity, cruelty 2 boorishness,

bemazag f. 1 absence of flavor (in a food), tastelessness 2

uncivilized ways 3 baseness, meanness

bemni inhuman, cruel

colorless, inexpressiveness 3 coolness, discord (between friends)

bemaz 1 tasteless, bad-tasting 2 colorless, inexpensive 3

unpleasant 4 grown wearisome; become boring

bemzi besm wjarlis wireless

radio telegraph

bemzija khabreatre plural wireless

bemasrfa unsuitable, unnecessary

bema'n bema'n 1 senseless, absurd; stupid 2 vain,

foolish, futile

bemghza 1 stupid 2 insubstantial; emasculated

bemulhaz 1 hasty, precipitate, unconsidered

impartial, unbiased

bemunsba 1 inappropriate, irrevelant

it won't be out of place 2 unsuitable (of food)
bemn'a 1 free, clear, unimpeded 2 freely, without

bemudzhb 1 causeless; pointless 2 without cause, without


bemaurd inappropriate; unsuitable

inappropriate (to announce, to say, etc.)

among people

bn used as the second part of a compound verb

pessimist optimist
bin sighted (not blind), seeing; sharp-sighted
bengh strictly, rigorously, necessarily
bajn-ul-avm bajn-ul-dul Arabic
bajn-ul-daul bajn-ul-mill Arabic bajn-ulmilal international; world (wide) world war
international law
the 'Internationale'
bajn-an-nahrjn m. bajn-un-nahrjn m. Arabic

Mesopotamia, Mesopotamian lowlands (between the Tigris and the

Euphrates Rivers)


bajn Arabic preposition, prefix between, among


mean, base

It won't be

bemau' 1 inappropriate, unsuitable 2 inopportune,

untimely 3 excessive (of expenditures)

bim f. insurance insurance company

insurance payment accident insurance
freight insurance life insurance
insurance against natural disasters in agriculture fire
insurance theft insurance health insurance
property insurance compound verb to insure
compound verb to be insured, take out insurance
bemhr unfriendly, hostile
bemihr f. unfriendliness, hostility
bim kavnkaj m. insurer
bim kednkaj m. insured
bemajl f. unwillingness, disinclination
bemni unfriendly, reserved; unobliging, discourteous
beminitb m. unfriendliness, reserve; discourtesy
1 bn m. whistle, pipe, flute

benm inglorious, infamous

benms dishonorable, disgraceful
benmus f. dishonor, disgrace
bin f. 1 vision 2 sharp-sightedness
binbdzh f. bagpipes
bent m. 1 reed, rush 2 stick; cane to strike, beat
with a stick to be beaten with a stick
benatidzh futile, unsuccessful, vain, purposeless
to prove to be unsuccessful, futile
bench m. bench
bend f. colored mark between the eyebrows (worn by Hindus)
binj f. regional okra, Hibiscus esculentus
benazkat f. tactlessness, indelicacy
binsh m. bench technology main girder
benasba 1 done out of, disinherited; deprived of 2
unworthy of 3 unsuccessful the greedy person
is unsuccessful idiom to perish
benasib f. 1 haplessness; deprivation (of one's share) 2
lack of success

benzm unregulated, unorganized; disorderly

benazm f. lack of regulation, disorderliness; disorder
idiom restless sleep
benazra without equal, unusual, unheard of, unprecedented
bing m. root of the erianthus (plume grass)
bingj f. botany loofah
bennga 1 shameless, impudent 2 base, mean, low 3

benang f. 1 shame, dishonor 2 disgraceful behavior,

lowdown behavior 3 baseness, meanness 4 cowardliness,


benav binav poor; very needy, unfortunate

benav f. poverty, indigence
benma nameless, unknown
bajin f. Arabic irrefutable proof

Pashto-English Dictionary

benihjta boundless, infinite

bin used in names of populated areas Bini Hissar
benij za 1 well-to-do, well-off; not needing (anyone or
anything); independent to make indepedent, provide
for to become independent 2 well-to-do
benijz f. 1 independence (from someone, something) 2
independent nature 3 well-being

binihisr m. Bini Hissar (suburb of Kabul)

bevd adjective unmarried, single, bachelor
bevra suddenly, unexpectedly
bevsit direct, straight
bevk bevka 1.1 weak; helpless,
powerless 1.2 involuntary 1.3 indecisive 2.1 weakly;

helplessly, without power 2.2 involuntarily 2.3 indecisively

bevk f. 1 weakness; helplessness, powerlessness

2 indecisiveness, indecision

biv j potential form of verb 1

beva pure, unadulterated
bevidzhd na unscrupulous, dishonest
bevkhta inopportunely; at a bad time
bjurokrtiki bureaucratic
bjurokrs f. bureaucracy
1 bevr f. 1 oppression 2 injustice
2 bvra 1.1 obvious, evident 1.2 candid, frank (of a


woman 2 helpless

2 bevazl f. bevazal f. bevazlitb m.

bevazliv laj m. 1 poverty, need, indigence 2 helplessness
bevazn f. weightlessness condition of

bevs bevsa powerless to force, compel

bevasl unarmed to disarm
(intransitive) to disarm

bevasl kavl m. plural disarmament

bioshim f. biochemistry
bevatna banished, exiled; without a homeland, homeless,
stateless to banish, exile
bevatan f. banishment, exile
bevaf not keeping one's word, not fulfilling one's promises;
untrue, untrustworthy; traitorous

bevaf f.

betrayal of one's word, breaking a

promise, infidelity, untrustworthiness, treachery, betrayal

to betray one's word, to break a promise, act treacherously; to


biofizk m. biophysics

bevta inopportunely, not in time (late); at an ill-advised



1 stupid, slow-witted, senseless 2

uniformed, ignorant, lacking culture, uneducated

bevuuf f. 1 dullness, stupidity, senselessness 2


biogr f m. biographer
biogrf f. biography autobiography
2 bajavl transitive
bajolodzhst m.
bajlodzhi f.
bajolodzhiph m. bajolodzhid n m.

biolozh 1 f. biology 2 biological
biolozhiph m. biolozhid n m. biologist
biolozhik biological
bevla artless, unsophisticated; sincere
1 biv imperfect of 1
2 biv m. plural 1 taking away, carrying off, stealing 2
building, breaking (e.g., a road)

conversation) 2.1 obviously, evidently 2.2 candidly, frankly

beva unsuitable, inappropriate

1 bevzli 1 poor, indigent, destitute

3 bev f. widow
bevri brave, fearless
1 bja f. 1 price, cost at a low price at
a very high price at a matching price
to set a price to ask a price, price a to
depreciate, be devalued b to be priceless; be without equal
figurative a to beat down the price b to spoil (something)
to sell 2 sale and purchase; business, transaction
trade closing a deal to close a deal
to cancel a deal 3 subsciption price, payment

2 bij f. growth
behnd m.
beh 1 wild 2 frightened a to make wild b to
frighten a to be wild; run wild b to be frightened
a to be tactless, be rude b to do something incompetently
behudag f. uselessness, superfluousness, superfluity;
senselessness, absurdity

behud useless, unnecessary, superfluous; senseless, absurd

behudagoj m. chatterer, windbag, idle talker
behudago f. foolishness, idle chatter, nonsense, idle talk
behsh behsha without feeling, unconscious, in a
faint dialect He has lost consciousness.
behosh f. loss of consciousness, fainting spell
close to fainting
behh behha
behoh f.
behuv laj m. 1 wildness, savagery 2 fright
behajbta brave, fearless, intrepid

Pashto-English Dictionary

attend rites for the dead b to pray for the deceased; attend

behtsa to no purpose, without cause, for nothing; not for


memorial services for the dead

behli disillusioned

to be disillusioned

bajedl intransitive
bajr m.

to disillusion

pe the third letter of the Pashto alphabet

p combining form of the preposition

in them,

in him, in her,

a necessary, indispensable b utilized

p m. foot, leg

p 1 a separable prefix in the verbs and in short


He did not arise

pbnd 1 m. chains; fetters 2.1 connected, linked, bound;

fettered 2.2 linked with something, depending on something;

limited, constrained by something 2.3 taking something into

He is very precise. He is very puntual.
observing the law pbnd to

account; observing something


take something into consideration; observe something

pband f. 1 linking, fettering; chaining 2 link or connection

with something; depending upon something; limitation, constraint

upon something 3 consideration, investigation, observation (of


a to make dependent upon something; b to

consider something; investigate something; observe something

pp m.


pp m. Pope (supreme head of the Catholic

The Pope of Rome

pp-pp-pp interjection the call of a hen or a sound of

endearment made when chucking someone under the chin

ppr m. thin cookie made from groundpea flour and cooked in

hot oil proverb literal A single stick of

firewood is sufficient to bake a hundred pea-flour cookies

figurative He works best who knows his trade. Work goes with a
swing under the master's hand.

ppka f. botany Scorzonera (black salsify)

ppli f. plural first uncertain steps of a child

walk unsteadily (of a child)

at service for the dead

ptlozh f.
pt n stairway, staircase
pt v m. Western large irrigation ditch
ptkha f. step; rung; tread (of a stair)
ptrn m. boss, supervisor
ptr f. scab
ptakavl transitive
ptnda 1 remaining 2 durable, stable 3 constant
1 p to f. dialect 1
2 pt f. pt m. 1 pat m. red caterpillar


caterpillar 2 name of a bird 3 pt f. proper name Pato

ptotsa f. usually plural

fern, Adiantum capillus veneris

ptotsi maidenhair

ptavl denominative, transitive [past:


to stop;

ptolozh f. pathology
ptolozhik pathological
1 p ta 1 adjective singular & plural remaining, rest of
Seventy-five Afghans are left. to be
continued 2 lagging behind; being behind My
watch is slow. to disturb
someone, prevent someone from working
2 pt f.
ptamaj m. inheritance; property, that which is left as a

1 patavaj m. heir, inheritor

2 ptave f. heiress
1 p te Eastern 1 to lag, be behind
2 ptj m. bozbash (dish made from peas, evoking extreme
thirst) saying If you eat bozbash, you'll
stay drinking at the brook awhile.

ptedl denominative, intransitive [past: past: ]

Eastern 1 to stay, remain to remain at home 2


conduct the service for the dead 2 prayer for the dead, ceremonial

a to conduct rites
a to

for the dead b to arrange a funeral meal

ptkh n m. person who reads the first chapter of the Koran

ppu f. Papua
ppokr decent, honest
ppsh m. regional ppsha f. shoe
ppka f. caraway root
ppj f. children's speech foot, paw
pt f. 1 prayer for the dead, rite for the dead to read
the first chapter of the Koran at the rites for the dead to
meal on occasion of death

I left a book
on the table. 3 to miss (also in combination with and
in various meanings) to miss a train
My watch is slow. idiom Not to have
the possibility of doing something. to stop, get
to be abandoned, be forgotten


ptednaj lasting, protracted

pted m. plural
pteshn m. pteshnkaj m.
pteked m. plural 1 delay 2 a lag
ptekedl intransitive

leftovers (food)

Pashto-English Dictionary

ptemaj m.
1 p m. section of field 50 meters long and 60 meters wide
2 p m. theater part, role
pkh m. shoebrush
pk m. regional
1 pkj m. 1 small place (town); nook 2 small piece 3

Royal Government of Afghanistan;

to work as a herdsman

pdav n m. herdsman
pa f. 1 ribbon 2 bandage

tread of a stairway
f. 1 leather loop (of a sling, slingshot) 2 ring on

the bow-shaped tool of a wool-beater

pchj n] 1

to be addicted

to impractical dreams, build castles in the air

pchgl m. botany Malcolmia

pchvazirk m. kind of game
pchj f.
pch f. 1 sheep's feet (food) 2
pchah 1 f. colloquial to rule over,
govern 2 kingly, royal idiom highway, main roadway
ptsavl transitive [past: ] 1 to raise, awaken
He did not awaken him 2 to turn against someone or
something 3 to incite or induce to do something 4 to evoke or
elicit (feelings of some kind)

ptsedl intransitive [present: future:

past: ]1 to get up, rise He did
not get up Eastern proverb
literal If you can't stand up why bother to arise. figurative One

should not undertake this work 2 to wake up 3 to come out

came out against Roshan. to oppose, resist 4 to
spring up, arise, appear to engender (of some feeling) idiom
Eastern The doctors refused to treat him.
ptsed m. plural 1 rising, lifting; awakening 2 coming out,
against someone or something

speaking against someone or something

for goodness's sake, for God's sake

pr m. 1 incitement, instigation 2 will, power, authority

a to incite b to give someone free rein c to dismiss

3 pr doublet
pr f. 2
przt m. parasite
przit parasitical
przitolozh f. parasitology
prshut m.
pr f m. diplomacy to initial a treaty
prgvj m. Paraguay
prgvaj 1 Paraguayan 2 m. Paraguayan (person)
prmarib f. Paramaribo (city)
1 prt adjective history Parthian
2 prt history 1
prtij f. history Parthia
prtizn m. partisan
prtizn adjective partisan the partisan

pr m. theater part, role

to play a


pr f. 1 politics party 2 regional evening affair, party

1 prch v m. drain, drainpipe
2 prchav 1 empty the shop was empty

prchvavl denominative, transitive [past:

stop, hold up, detain

reward; recompense 3

bishop 2 [plural:

pdzhr m. plural bezoar from Persian pad-zar (protecting

pdish h m. [plural: pdish n plural:

against poison, an antidote for snakebite)

pdishj n] 1 king; padishah 2 the title of a Sayd 3 proper


prchvedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be stopped, be held up 2 to be inactive, do nothing, be out of

pdrijn] the clergy

name Padishah

pr m. attention (paid) to someone idiom

inactive, inoperative, non-working, out of action, operation

retribution 4 revenge

pdr m. 1 priest, minister


pchakhzk m. 1 breed of short-legged roosters 2 kind of


pkhs f.
pkh masculine plural of
pd sh m. 1 compensation 2

3 tailoring basting; act of basting

4 sinew (in the neck)

pdzhm f. 1 wide trousers 2 pajamas

pch m. [plural: pchh n plural:
king, shah 2 queenbee idiom

kingdom 2 f. .1

pdv m. messenger; boy who runs errands

pdav n f. job of messenger
pdo-kl Pas de Calais (the Straits of Dover)
pd f. herd of cattle a herd of buffalo


pdshh f. 1 kingly, royal

kingdom 2.2 royal power; throne

scrap, fragment 4 verse, poem 5 witchcraft, sorcery 6

2 pkj m.
paj m. p

operation (e.g., of a machine)

prchl m. crushed fruit, bruised fruit, rotten fruit

prchng m. 1 wooden staircase 2 stair tread
prchangj m. short flight of stairs
prch f. [plural: prch] [m. plural:
prchadzh t] piece; fragment; part compound verb

a to

Pashto-English Dictionary

divide into parts b to split (the atom)

compound verb a

to be divided into parts b to be split (of the atom) 2 cloth 3

splinter, fragment

shell fragment, piece of shrapnel 4

bucket (of a noria or waterwheel)

prchab b m. cloth, woven fabrics, textiles

prchabf 1 f. weaving 2 weaving, weaver's
1 prs m. history Persia
2 prs m. philosopher's stone philosopher's stone
prs 1 abstinent, temperate 2 chaste 3 pious, devout
prs taj attentive
prs f. 1 abstinence, temperance 2 chastity 3 piety,

prsl m. [plural: prsalna Arabic plural:

1 p m. scaffolding; scaffold
2 p
pbndzh m. chestnut; chestnut tree
ps m. 2
ps f. ps f. 1
psov n m.
psb m.
psibn m. psiv n m.
pakj f. verse, poem; song (short)
p m. 1 charm; witchcraft, sorcery 2 snake charmer; fakir,
conjuror; sorcerer; magician; shaman, medicine man

pugr m. 2
pugar f. charm; magic, sorcery; primitive medicine

prsal t] sending

(herbs, ritual, etc.)

prsng m. 1 makeweight (something thrown onto a scale

to bring the weight to a desired value) 2 counterweight,

p f. 1 baker's paddle, baker's shovel (for handling hot

baked goods) 2 board or paddle for moving wash around in a

laundry tub 3 part of a corn-husker


prsa f. Parsee woman

1 prs 1 f. Farsi; the Persian language; the Tajik language;
Farsi; the Persian language; the Tajik language 2 m.

2 prsj f.
prsikh n m.

prsiv n m. Farsi speaker,

pzv l m.
pza f. 1 affair, matter; activity; work

cultural park 2 pool (i.e., place

Parsee (person)

Persian speaker, Tajik speaker

prk m. 1 park

p f. 1 agriculture blemish, flaw 2 figurative unfinished


pachin r m. Parachinar (settlement in Pakistan near the

Afgban border)
to set in

motion; use, employ 2 counsel, advice, admonition 3 boldness,

where fleets of various motor vehicles are kept or stored)

automotive pool, motor pool
prk l m. 1 grandeur, greatness, glory 2 power, strength,
force to achieve power, come to power
to become weak, become decrepit
prgn m. cesspool
prlm n m. Parliament
prlmn parliamentary parliamentary

prlemn m. Eastern
1 pr m. 1 rake 2 oar, paddle

to row, rake (with

rakes, paddles)

pr m. manure, fertilizer
prusz f. production of fertilizer
prukj f. comb
paravl transitive [past: ] 1

courage 4 quickness, promptness, efficiency 5 attention to


a to act b to give advice, give admonition c to

demonstrate courage d to show promptness, demonstrate

efficiency to produce an effect, influence
pza f. dim, weak light
pzav l m. worker, colleague, employee, functionary
pzhol f. stocking of goat's wool
pg m. swelling, tumor
pgavl transitive
pg f. 1
l intransitive
1 ps 1 up, upward; above, overhead; higher
something; from above something; over, beyond something

excessively, beyond measure 2.1 upper 2.2 above-


mentioned, above-indicated; aforesaid

to incite; provoke 2 to

tease (an animal) 3 figurative to arouse, excite (feelings of one

kind or another); to stimulate, agitate 4 figurative to inspire; fill

ps m. 1 ointment (for treating mange in animals) 2

application of ointment (to animals suffering from mange)

with enthusiasm; encourage

1 pr f. piece; part
2 pr f. chemistry mercury
prachin r m.
prs m. Paris (city)
pris prisj 1 Parisian 2

ps m. 1 guarding, protection 2 nursing, tending, looking

after; care, concern; attention 3 esteem, respect

ps m. 1 passing a course (of instruction)

compound verb to take an examination; to finish school 2

acceptance, adoption, confirmation (e.g., of a law) 3 sports pass

m. Parisian (person)

to pass, execute a pass

a to pass a course (of

Pashto-English Dictionary


to finish school b to accept, adopt,

confirm (e.g., a law) c sports to pass, execute a pass

5 ps present stem of
psbn m. sentinental, guard
psp m. Eastern psprt m. passport
passport officer to stamp a visa on a

psport adjective passport

pspr m.
pst m. gratitude
pstl m. art pastel, pastel drawing
1 pst 1 masculine plural of 2 2 oblique singular of
2 to speak affectionately, softly
2 psta feminine doublet
pstaj m. 1 chapati (a sweet flat cake) 2 dewlap (of an

psv l m. ruler, padishah

psvalzj m. prince, ruler's son
psv laj m. 1 predilection, inclination
charge, tending, taking care of

psv n m. 1 watchman, guard 2 herdsman

psv n f.
ps vnkaj m. elevator; hoist
psugalv f. 1 modesty, humility 2 lowness, baseness
1 psavl transitive
2 psavl
psedl intransitive
psf passive (of measures)
psifk m. the Pacific Ocean
pshn sparse, scattered, diffused
to dissipate (one's energies), disperse, scatter; be scattered, be


pskh m. answer to answer

psd r f. 1 guarding, protection, defense 2 care; charge;
concern a to guard b to care for; have charge over;
to concern oneself about

psr f. 1 economy, savings

to effect economies,

save 2 reason, cause

psragr psrav l thrifty, economical

psl transitive [past: ] 1 to tend to someone, care for

pshte f. plural stairs, staircase

pshtk m. ceiling beam, rafter
pshtk m. crossbeam, ceiling plank
pshl transitive [past: ] 1 to pour (water on) 2 to
spurt, splash 3 to strew; scatter; spill 4 to sow to sow
seed, disperse seed 5 to disperse, drive away
the wind dispersed the clouds passive a to be poured b
to be watered c to be splashed d to be strewn, be scattered e to

somebody; concern oneself about someone; pay attention to

someone 2 to treat an (animal) for mange

psll transitive 1 a to take care of oneself,

look after oneself b to dress up, dress in a showy or ostentatious

over for custody or trust; to have confidence in, trust someone 2

psln m.

pghund f. 1 mass, bunch (of cleaned cotton or

wadding) 2 flakes (of snow) 3 puffs (of smoke)

pfishr f. insistence, persistence

something; persist in something

1 watchman, guard 2 1

f. 1 care; concern; charge (as to have charge or

responsibility for children); attention 2 reproach

pslojna f. reproach
pslejl transitive [past: ]

to remind of a service

rendered; to reproach

psng m.
psna f. 1 1 2 fattening up (of cattle)
psnj 1 upper 2 attributive mountain, living "up there"
(from the point of view of Peshawar i.e., living in Kabul, Gazni,
Kandahar, etc. and for residents of Kandahar, i.e., living in Kabul,

4 3 aforementioned, aboveindicated; above-mentioned; wind from the mountains

(chinook, foehn)

be sown, disintegrate, be destroyed, be torn down

pashlaj 1 participle from 2 uncoordinated, odd

pashli uncoordinated notes, uncorrelated notes
psh f. second element in compound watering,

pslna f. pslodna f. 1 gratitude 2 reproach

pslavl transitive [past: ] 1 to turn something

Gazni, etc.)

2 guard 3 care,

pk 1 clean, neat 2 holy, sacred;


to insist on

sacred land 3

pk m. 1 (official) package, envelope 2

pkana m. plural packets
pk f. packsaddle
pkzaj 1 pure; chaste, innocent 2 modest
pk sk pure and immaculate, absolutely pure
pkist n m. Pakistan
pkistn pkistnj 1 Pakistanian 2 Pakistanian (person)
pknafas f. 1 purity, chastity, innocent 2 sincerity, candor
3 decency, honesty

fair copy

ps 1.1 humble, meek 1.2 low, base 2 m. scoundrel, villian


pknavsa clean, fair, written in a clean or

to write a fair copy, write a clean copy


Pashto-English Dictionary

to be written out in a clean copy, be written out in a

6 to look after, tend

fair copy
pknavisavl denominative, transitive [past:
to write out in a clean copy, write out in a fair copy

pknavis f. execution (writing) of a clean copy, execution

of a fair copy

pkv laj m. 1 1 2 tidiness (premises)

pkavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to clean,
clear; wipe, wipe dry to brush the teeth to
clean shoes to tidy the premises 2 to wash; wash clean;
wash thoroughly 3 to pay off (a debt); settle an account
to pay up, settle, settle an account
1 pak f. wide cotton cloth
2 pka feminine singular of
3 pk imperfect of 2
1 pk f. cleanliness, neatness, tidiness
2 pk f. razor
pkedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
cleaned; be cleaned up; be wiped up; be wiped clean 2 to be

washed; be washed thoroughly; be washed clean 3 to be paid up

(debts); be settled (accounts)

pked m. plural 1 cleaning up; cleaning; wiping clean,

wiping dry 2 washing; washing clean, washing thoroughly 3
payment (debt); settlement (account)

pkizag f. 1 cleanliness, tidiness 2 chastity

pkiz 1 clean, pure; tidy, neat 2 chaste
pkiz-khaslt chaste
pgl m. regional 1 abnormal person; psychopath

extravagant person; spendthrift

pgalkhn f. regional psychiatric hospital, clinic

1 pl m. 1 abstention to abstain; be wary of 2
agriculture blemish, flaw; lapse, balk in plowing 3 beginning,
commencement 4

3 pl m. hollow
4 pl m. plowshare
pl n m. pl na f. packsaddle
p lish m. plural 1 polish; action of polishing
compound verb to polish compound verb to be

to show hospitality 7 to feed,

nourish, suckle (a child) 8 to observe (e.g., a law)

polished 2 polishing agent, varnish

1 plk m. plural spinach

2 plk m. foster child, ward
plkn f. smoke vent, window in roof, skylight
plkraj m. storeroom (for agricultural implements)
plkj f. elephant saddle, howdah
pll transitive [past: ] 1 to protect, care for, guard 2
to bring up, raise to bring up children, rear children 3
to cultivate, develop someone or something to

instill or inculcate a love for work 4 to cherish, foster 5 to caress

pllaj past participle of adopted daughter

plndj m.
plng m. large wooden bed (with painted legs)
plngr m. khidam ti kampjr sarwr


plangph m. bedspread, counterpane

plna f. 1 development; education 2 instruction; training
universal military training 3 care
to care for; be concerned about someone 4 bestowing of gifts
upon a new bride at the time of the first visit to her home by her

plv l 1 abstemious, moderate 2 devoted, loyal

plv n m.
plud f. sweet jelly dish; jam
1 pla f. plowshare
2 pl f. wedge (wooden)
pl-padr without fail; willy-nilly
plj m. 1 agriculture lapse, balk (in plowing) 2

diet 3 kind

of children's game

plz m. melon field; kitchen garden

plezkr f. melon farming, truck gardening
plezv n m. melon grower, truck gardener
1 plis f. policy, politics
2 plisi f. insurance policy
pm m. attention attentively, with attention
I didn't pay attention. I didn't notice. to divert the
attention to be distracted (of attention) to pay
attention to something; look after something Pay
attention! Look out! Watch out! Don't fall!
to be riveted, drawn (of the attention) to be
concerned about something to be left without attention,
be forgotten, be unnoticed

pm l
pmlavl denominative
pm n vice ! So long! Au revoir!
pmtad r 1 expecting something; counting on something

regional reproaching, rebuking

pmtadr f. expectation of something; reproach for


pmlarna f. care for something; concern about

something, attention to something; seeing to something

care of public health

sowing (of crops)

looking after the

to tend to something; be concerned

about something; pay attention to something; see to something

pm larnkaj attentive, concerned

pamavl transitive

Pashto-English Dictionary

pmedl intransitive
pamr m. 1 the Pamir
pmir t] the Parmirs

the Pamir 2 [plural:

pnm f. pnm f. Panama (country and city)

the Panama Canal
pnd n m. box for betel (Asiatic plant whose leaf is chewed

2 po oblique plural of
3 p oblique plural of 1
podzj m. 1 bookstore 2 book trade
pa f. 1 leaf, leaflet (of a plant) tea leaf, leaflet
a petal The trees are starting to be covered with
leaves. The trees are growing green. to
tremble like an autumn leaf 2 sheet (of paper) 3 page

with betel nut as a narcotic)

to turn over the pages; look at every page 4 note, document, paper

pndrj f. silk and gold threads, braided into the hair (braids)
of a bride

p na f. firewood basket
pnsm n m. bandage, dressing attributive
bandage to bandage, dress
pns f.
pnsijn m. boarding school
pnkri s m. anatomy pancreas
png m. 1
pngv l m. capitalist
p nga f. 1 capital private capital
industrial capital bank capital financial
capital basic capital constant capital
variable capital working capital
concentration of capital to invest capital
to have capital, possess capital 2 figurative property;
value; wealth; resources natural resources, wealth
idiom One should be patient.
pnga larnkaj m. capitalist
pngavr m. capitalist
pngavar f. capitalism
pns m.
pn f. 1 wedge (wooden) 2 stocks, rack (for torture,
punishment) a to drive a wedge, split, cleave b to lock
up in stocks

panj t m. lesson; conclusion, moral

to serve

as a lesson


dressing is being made)

pj regional pe m. 1 leg

a pj-i human leg b

at the end of the
year finally, in conclusion, at last until the end
In the final years of his life
What will this end with? to finish, complete,
bring a matter to its conclusion; execute a piece of work
to be finished, be completed, be brought to a conclusion 3
consequences (of an illness) idiom compound verb to
figurative flight, escape 2 end, termination

decision (of a Supreme Court)

plumb, measure the depth (e.g., of a river)

abyss b to be extremely quick-tempered, not to control oneself; to

2 p m. starch
parzh m. 1 fall 2 autumn
paakj f. (small) leaf
1 pa m. salad lettuce

His luck has


a standing at the edge of an abyss b at the edge of the

be unstable

paulj m. coin in a necklace

pviljn m. pavilion
ph f. cotton batting (which is placed under a bandage when a

figurative nar a to stand at the edge of an

pe f. 1 fate, good fortune

betrayed him. 2 leaflet 3 sterile flower

proverb literal Above I see a leopard, below I see an

2 paj f. knocking out a nut with a nut (a game)

pairzhn m. fall (the season)
pi razhavnkaj fall, autumnal (of trees)
pz 1 foliate; composed of thin layers or flakes 2 consisting
of so-many pages or sheets an 8-page newspaper
1 pu m. po m. regional 1 fourth, fourth part of something
a quarter past four a quarter to
seven 2 "sir"
2 pu m. pound pva two pounds
3 po vice
putl m. sediment, deposit
pverhus m. regional electric power station, powerhouse
pvara f. 1 footnote, note 2 feature article (in a

abyss. figurative Caught between a rock and a hard place.

the Annals of

Archives (the institution)

History c playing cards

exemplary, model; serving as an example for others (of a person)

precipice; steep bank; abyss

pnjti 1 instructive 2 learning a lesson from something 3

1 p m.

You have won. 8 [plural: pi] a leaves, foilage b archive

extract a lesson from; draw a conclusion from

5 leaflet; newspaper 6 7 card (playing)

pj b 1 m. .1 ford; shoal 1.2 proper name Payab 2

shallow, not deep, suitable for fording

pj n m. end, conclusion
pj v m.
pjv cheerful, joyous, buoyant
pjbnd m.
pjp m. pipe to smoke a pipe

Pashto-English Dictionary

pj-pj children's speech quietly, softly, gently

to walk softly

pjpchi f. plural

pjmledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be suppressed 2 to be destroyed 3 to be violated, be infringed

to direct gently, conduct gently, carry

upon 4 to be suppressed (of feelings) idiom

May your enemies disappear!

pjtav f. leg

pints f.
pjnkh m. fruit-bearing branch of a grapevine
pjand 1 durable; constant; enduring 2 proper name

wrappings, puttees

pjtkht m. capital (city)

pjta vice
pjtsr m. 1 end, completion, termination

2 person bringing

Payanda, Painda

pjndj 1
pjnk m. rim or edge of the scabbard of a saber
pnv inundated low place, depression, flooded

up the rear 3 remains or remainder, left-overs (food)

pjts f. 1 trouser leg 2 hems of the legs of wide Middle-

Eastern trousers; trouser cuffs 3 wide Middle-Eastern trousers


land, marshy land

to be on friendly

pjna f. strength; duration; constancy

pjnj last, final, conclusive
pjv m. float, floating structure
pjavl transitive [past: ] 1 to prolong life; sustain

terms with wife's relatives

pjd r steady, stable; strong, firm

pjd r f. steadiness, stability; strength, firmness
pjd n m. running board, footboard (of a vehicle, carriage,

life in someone 2 to settle 3 to conclude, complete 4 to measure


pjdv m.
pjz r m. shoe
pjzb m. ankle bracelet
pajht m. durability, immutability, stability to be
durable, be immutable, be stable to last, endure
silence did not last long; the silence did not

the depth (i.e., of a river)

pjk f.

piece, item (a counting word for machines, equipment)

hull rice


pjk m. rice cleaner, man engaged in the cleaning of rice

pjkil f. boundary, limit (of a plot of land)
pjg v m. paygav (a measure of land equal to half kul'ba,

plural life, existence

pjedna f.
pjk m.
pbb vice 1
1 pab 1 m. plural Pabi (settlement between Peshawar and

amount of land that can be plowed in one season by an ox-team)

pjg f. pjg h f. 1 foot (of a mountain) 2 military


pjl m. corn bread

pjl m. electronics battery

bridgehead; springboard for attack

Naushera) 2 m. plural Pabi (tribe) 3 pabj m. Pabi (tribesman)

atomic reactor
to create a

pjl t m. disturbance; mutiny

disturbance; incite to mutiny

pjlt mutinous to rebel, revolt

pjlm f. 1 sign, symbol, token 2 banner
pjl m.
p jla f. bracelet with bells (for the ankle, leg)
pjm l 1 crushed 2 destroyed 3 trampled
pjmlavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to

crush 2 to destroy 3 to crudely suppress, infringe upon, violate

to violate or infringe on someone's rights 4 to

suppress (feelings)

two pieces of machinery (i.e., two machines) 7 dignity;

1 pj f. 1 rein; reins; bridle 2 hobbles

2 pj present of
3 p f. regional pice (small Indian coin, worth a quarter anna)
pjedl pedl 1 [present: intransitive past:
].1 to last 1.2 to be strong, be firm 1.3 to live, exist 2 m.

pjkb m. rice huller; grain huller; treadle-

motor-driven rice huller

grade, rank 8 figurative level (of development)

operated rice huller, crusher, huller for rice and other grains

pj f. 1 foundation, groundwork, basis 2 column; mast 3

supporting member; pier (bridge) 4 step 5 wheel; wheels 6

long endure

pjml f. 1 destruction 2 crude violation; infringement 3

2 pabj 1 f. 1 1 2 feminine of 1 3
pap m. small scoop (of a shopkeeper)
papkha papkha f. "papkha" (a tall hat, usually of sheepskin)
pap adjective big (of ears)
pap ghvag m. burdock
pupn destroyed, annihilated to destroy, annihilate
to be destroyed, be annihilated
1 pps m. lungs
2 pps m. 1 coward 2 dawdler
1 papj f. kiss
2 papj f. diminutive children's speech foot
1 pat m. honor, dignity; respect idiom
to remain a widow

suppression (of feelings)


Pashto-English Dictionary

pat m. plural 1 fine goat's wool 2 undercoat (the fine wool

growing beneath the outer wool of goat's, sheep) 3 nap, pile


3 pit flat; flattened, flattened out

4 pit m. core, pith, heart, pulp (e.g., of elder wood)
5 pt doublet
pt vice What happened to you?
ptrj f. board upon which the body of a deceased person is
washed a to wash the body of the decease b
figurative to teach a lesson, punish severely

pt m. large basket with a narrow opening

pats f. Eastern 1 piece (of sugar) 2 kind of candy or
sweetmeat proverb literal Sweets do not
fall from the sky forever figurative Good things do not last

pat f. cap, percussion cap

patn oblique singular of
pitv 1 sunny 2 m. sunny side
pitvaj m. 1 sunny side (of a mountain) 2 warm and sunny
winter day pitvi to sit in the sun, bask
in the sun

patkhavl transitive [past: ] to cause to perspire


patkha f. revolver
patrk small-eared (used for a particular breed of sheep)
patrakj m. 1 scab 2 1 3 shaving, chip
petrl m. plural
petrolkash f. extraction of oil, output of oil
patr f. 1
1 patrj m. 1 crampon (iron, brass) to fasten together
with crampons; rivet, clinch 2 adornment, decoration

patrj f. double hepatic duct (of sheep)

patrivl m. 1 trader in hardware, iron-monger

2 kind of

German-made rifle

patr m. 2
1 patk m. flask, water bottle
2 patk m. paper (card on which thread is wound)
3 patk bald
1 patkj m. wool, hairy coat, hairy covering
2 patakj m. diminutive form of 1
3 pitkj m. 1 bird 2 squab, shorty (of a person)
patln m. [plural: patlunna plural: patlanna]
trousers, breeches a to wear trousers b to be clothed
in trousers

patlunpsh dressed in European style

patlz m. patls m. 1 agriculture graft
graft 2 organization, arrangement

patlesavl denominative, transitive [past:

agriculture to graft, make a graft

patlk m. diploma
pitnsaj m.
patng m. 1 nocturnal moth; moth, butterfly; clothes moth 2
a kite 3 moth (used as a synonym for one who is in love)
folk saying The moth falls in love
with the candle and is burned up in its flame. 4 proper name


patns m. [plural: patnus n plural:

patnusna] salver, tray

patnm m.
patanna masculine plural of
pitn f. 1 riot, mutiny; disturbance 2 enmity; struggle;
vengeance family feud
1 pat m. 1 wheel (of a spinning wheel) 2
2 pat m. 1 ferrying, crossing by ferry (river) 2 landing, dock,
wharf lighthouse beacon
patv f.
patr m. brassiere, bodice
patn m. [plural: patanna] thigh, haunch
patunj m. botany petunia
pataj lagging behind all, last
1 pat f. branch, offshoot (of a tribe)
2 pat f. 1 sign; trace to get on the track of;
track; shadow 2 pta address

3 pta f. silt, mud, ooze

4 pta f. playing card to play cards
pat pa f. computer science address bar
1 pti 1 estimable, honorable; respectable 2 honest; decent
2 pat f. feminine plural of 1, 2
3 pti plural of 4 and 2 2
4 patj m. 2
5 patj f. division of property
6 patj f. alphabet
7 pitj m. regional 3
1 patra 1 feminine singular of 2 f. unleavened bread
unleavened bread
2 ptra especially
patjl transitive
patil f. 1
patejl transitive [past: ] 1 to divide; divide up 2 to
decide, make a decision

pa m. 1 step, rung 2 panel, element (of a door) 3 layer (of

cloth) 4 pan (of a scale)



pa m. 1 bark of a tree; bark stripped from a tree


remove bark from a tree, debark 2 tanning extract from bark


pa m. delirium; fever

state of delirium. He has a fever.

He is delirious. He is in a

Pashto-English Dictionary

refuge; secluded place 2

secret, clandestine, covert a secret agreement
secretly, clandestinely; surreptitiously This is
not a secret. The fact ought not to be concealed
that to conceal, keep secret to
disregard, pay no heed to He pretended that

p pu 1 hidden, concealed

nothing had happened. 3 latent, hidden, inner, secret 4 closed,


closed session 5 clothed, covered (of parts of

the body) 6 regional stricken by misfortune idiom

Not to allow to learn, to keep in ignorance.

5 pa doublet
6 pa doublet
ptp m. blindman's bluff (the game)
pa f. plural potato
pakh f. 1 military percussion cap 2 regional fly-swatter
paakhed r muzzleloading rifle
par piebald, skewbald; spotted, stripped; having white socks
(of a horse)

para f. 1 ribbon, strap 2 stripe (leather, bark) 3 stripe (on

uniform trousers)

p s m. chemistry potash
ps f. waste material from sugar cane
pataha f. Eastern
panist n m. obsolete
p p secretly, clandestinely; furtively, surreptitiously
ppnaj m. regional ppnaj m. blindman's
bluff (the game) to play blindman's bluff
ppinhm 1 completely hidden, concealed 2 top secret
ppohnd m. magician, wizard
ptj f.
pkh pkh rude, cruel, harsh
pukhv laj m. rudeness, cruelty, harshness
ptukhav [past: ] to cause to become rude or cruel;

leader or head

someone's feet; to beseech someone for assistance

2 puakj tiny, small; insignificant

3 ptki 1
puganj f. ambush to set up an ambush
plamsa f. computer science blind carbon copy

palj f. singular & plural rail, rails; railroad tracks

pam m. sluice gate of a yaryk (i.e., irrigation channel)
pan m. dock, landing
pang m.
pans m.
panm m. password
puna f. 1 2 secret
1 pa m. [plural: pau n plural: paug n] patu
(woolen shawl or rug) to weave a patu
2 pa oblique plural of 1
3 po oblique plural of 4
pav r m. patvr m. regional 1 rural accountant,
village accountant; rural clerk, village clerk 2 land surveyor

ptv laj m. 1 2 secret

pkaj m. leather trunk (for transporting load on pack

pkaj m. 1
pavl puavl denominative, transitive
conceal (from), keep secret

2 oil

Eastern to steal

pka f. cottage cheese

pak f. 1 belt, sash 2 kind of noose, snare, lariat

1 to

to conceal the truth, hide

a to hide, conceal oneself b to cover


cover or wrap oneself up properly c to conceal or not tell one's


to lie in hiding, lie

a to shut one's eyes (to) b to disregard, ignore;

I want to

fail to notice

gasoline pump

threaten b to reprimand, scold

real name, be incognito

perol pirol adjective 1 gasoline 2 oil

parj f. track (of a railroad)
pakr m. plural aluminum
1 paka f. young hen, pullet
2 pak f. 1 threat 2 reprimand, scolding

oneself up, muffle oneself up (in something)

denominative, intransitive [past: ] to grow

the real state of affairs 4 to classify (documents, etc. as secret) 5

taciturn, not talkative; reticent

perl pirl 1 m. plural gasoline


hide, conceal, take away, remove 2 to cover, cover up 3 to

coarse, grow rude, grow cruel; grow harsh


e.g., of email)

cause to become harsh


the position of
to throw oneself at

pakj m. small turban idiom

go away and never see you again.

pn m. cover, concealment; sanctuary, refuge (for wild game,

wild fowl, etc.)


This is a very secluded

pavna f. 1 hiding, clearing, taking away 2 covering,

screening 3 concealment

a to

1 pune f. ambush
2 panaj m. woolen shawl, woolen rug
pav f. 1 galloon, braid, lace 2 cord 3 purse
pavagr m. pavagr m. maker of gold lace, braid, etc.
1 pa 1 f. secret behind someone's back 2 feminine
plural of 4

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 pa f. 1 board 2 panel
3 pu f. 1 strip (of bark, cloth) 2 metal fastening or clamp
4 pa f. 1 complaint 2 deed, document
pakhul taciturn, uncommunicative; reclusive
He sits there in silence. a to compell to be

puchkhlaj foulmouthed
pachk m. eyehole in a belt
puchkulm f. large intestine (of animals)
puchk m. having set its fruit (cucumbers)
pchmoz f. mockery, ridicule
pchn 1 weak, puny 2 ugly, not good-looking
pachna f. 1 lancet 2 cut, scratch
pichvj f.
pchraj m. regional
pachnaj regional tiny, minute
pachvaj m. tail-tuft (of a cow)
1 pcha f. pcha f. 1 dung, droppings (of sheep, goats, etc.)
to defecate (of sheep, goats, etc.) 2 pertaining to lot
by lot Western a to draw lots, win b to become
the owner of something, pick up or acquire something to
cast lots to draw lots to effect the casting of
lots to have a drawing, a lottery idiom a to

silent b to neutralize (the enemy's fire)

pah n m. regional Pathan, Pushtun

pahnist n m. obsolete
paad r striped
pa dn f. regional shashlik made from ram's kidneys and

pak m. barcode
1 paj m. area which has been sown, field under crops
a small field; a bed prepared for a crop
2 paj f. 1 bandage a to apply a bandage, dress
to bandage the leg b to calm, soothe 2
suspenders suspenders 3 garters garters 4

perform a stupid action, get involved in a dumb operation b to act

strip (of cloth); ribbon, tape 5 board 6 strap, belt

in a conceited manner, put on airs

patj f. 1 model, example (for correspondence or practice) 2

ABC book, primer

pcha f. ripples (on water)

trouble (water)

to cover with ripples,

pa plural of
5 pi 1 f. plural secret 2 feminine plural of 4
6 pa masculine plural of 1
paj d m. cache
p-pl 1 secret, concealed 2 disordered, distressed
paed r having a stripe of contrasting color on the neck (of

3 pcha f. kiss
4 pach f. branches (used in covering a roof)
1 pachj f. woven basket (of reed)
2 puchj f.
3 pchi feminine plural of 1, 2
pachz m. pachs m. pachisi, parcheesi (ancient

pdzj 1 on the spot, at the location 2 executed, carried out

pdzjavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

boardgame resembling backgammon, played on a cruciform board)


pedl puedl denominative [past: ] 1 to be hidden, be

concealed 2 to be covered; cover, wrap oneself to be
covered with snow 3 to hide, lie hidden, set (of heavenly bodies)

pedna f. 1 m. [plural: ped] hiding; concealment

to have nowhere to hide, have no place of

para f. 1 main beam of a building 2 boards (collectively) 3

log, beam

pael m. textiles weaver's beam

pem m. damnation
padzh m.
padzhna f. 1 scratch 2 cut
pdzhavb vice
padzh f. 1 oven (for firing bricks or pottery, for the

manufacture of glass) 2 furnace, forge 3 blast furnace

padzhav l m. bricklayer
1 puch unfit, unsuitable, bad
2 pach m. flower pattern on glass, iron, etc.
pchj f. 1 hobbles, chains 2 outer cord of a woven cot or

fulfill (e.g., an obligation)

padzavl transitive 1
pts 1 dull, blunt dull knife

2 dull,

stupid, slow-witted 3 crude, rough 4 steep, preciptous

ptsnaj 1.1 insignificant, small; tiny, scanty 1.2 rare,

fortuitous 2 m. small piece, fragment of something; crumb, pinch

ptstb m. ptsj f. blunting, dulling (of a knife, etc.)

ptsng vice
ptsv laj m.
ptsavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to dull,
blunt, obtund 2 figurative to confuse idiom
They dealt with the enemy.
ptsavna f. dulling, blunting (of a knife, etc.)
1 ptsa f. stitch
2 ptsa feminine singular of
3 pts vice
patsj f.

Pashto-English Dictionary

ptsedl [past: ] 1 to be dulled, be blunted, be obtunded

2 figurative to grow dull, sink into torpor

pukhltb m. [plural: pukhlked] m.

pukhlv laj m. reconciliation

ptsr vice 1 like, resembling 2 similar

1 pkh m. tetter, mange; scab
2 pkh m. 1 sniffing (of a cat) 2 exclamation or cry by which a

pakhlvaj m. cook
pakhln m. cookery, culinary work
pakhlndz m. kitchen
pakhlng m. cooking, preparation of food
pakhlzj m. kitchen
1 pakhlj m. 1 cooking, preparation of food
pakhl cooking equipment pakhl kitchen

child is frightened

3 pakh m. 1 trap, snare 2 fetters, manacles

4 pkh m. loud guffaw; burst of laughter
pikhi f. plural pikhaj m. wool clotted with dung
(at or near the tail of a sheep)

2 cookery 3 baking (bricks) 4 maturity; wisdom

pkhpla pkhpla 1 (my, thy, his, her, etc.) -self; personally

I will go to him myself. 2 willingly; voluntarily,

2 pkhli f. plural
3 pukhle f.
pakhldzj m.
1 pkhn 1 downy, having a nap

of one's own free will 3 by oneself, spontaneously

pukht m. Eastern 2
pukhtag f. 1 ripening 2 figurative

pukhtavrgaj m. Eastern
1 pukht 1 2 basic, fundamental (of a structure,
construction) 3 training (of a falcon, a hawk)

to anger, enrage 3 to invoke envy, cause envy

1 pakhsvaj Western boiled, cooked

2 pkhsav present tense of
pakhs f. layer of a pis (beaten clay) wall pis
wall to lay, put in place, make a pis wall
pakhsedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to grieve (for); be
sad; be melancholy; be distressed 2 to strive for something; try to
get something 3 to envy, covet

He envies me.

He covets his (i.e., another's) wealth.

pakhsedna f. 1 grief, sadness, melancholy 2
something 3 envy


pukhl reconciled

a to reconcile b to come to an

agreement, settle (a question, etc.)

great difficulty.

striving after

pakhsij adjective liquid, fluid

pakhshk m.
pakhsh quiet
pakhshvaj 1
pakhkaj compound past participle of
He cooked a good meal.
pkhl m. preparation of irrigated land which is under a rice
to be reconciled

They reconciled them with

2 rug or shawl with nap or


maturity; wisdom;

2 pakht f. cotton
pakhtakr m. cotton grower
1 pakhtakr f. cotton growing, cultivation of cotton
2 pukhtakr f. paving, tarring
pakhs k m. 1 grief; sorry; melancholy; chagrin 2 envy
pakhsavl transitive [past: ] 1 to grieve; upset

2 pakhn m. mineral
pkhndj m.
pkhv 1 before before this, before this time
before this first of all,
first and foremost before their arrival 2 earlier,
before; in former times, in the past a long time ago 3.1
previous, former in former, previous times
since former times, dating from former
times in comparison with what used to be, in
comparison with the previous circumstance more than
before as before, as
previously 3.2 ancient Eastern
from ancient times 4
pkhvtrpkhv beforehand, in good time
pkhv laj m. 1
pkhv nj 1.1 old, ancient; very old pakhv n
antiquities of old, from ancient times 1.2
previous, preceding, foregoing, early 1.3 former, ex- 2.1 person

living in ancient times 2.2 pakhv n plural ancestors

pkhv najtb m. antiquity
pkh m. juice, extract
pkhoavl m. [past: ] denominative, transitive


squeeze out, press out

pakhavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to cook,

prepare (food) 2 to cause to become ripe; facilitate ripening 3 to
bake, fire (brick) 4 to pave, tar 5 figurative to cause to be, make
experienced, make mature; make wiser through experience idiom

to acquire a good eye

pkhol regional
1 pkhla f. whooping cough
2 pkhul vice 1
pkhvalj m. pakhn m. 1
pkhvandj m. 1 joint (of an animal's leg)


2 knot 3

Pashto-English Dictionary

pakhavnkaj 1 present participle of

baker 2

m. cook; baker

pakhavnaj m. cook; baker

1 pkha f. 1 wool undercoat (wool-bearing animals)

pr pur Western 1 preposition usually in compound with the

suffix ;feminine nouns in (a, a) may not be subject to

inflexion; 1.1 on (to designate location on the surface of an

object, the direction of an action, and also places and expanses)

2 down,


2 pakh feminine singular of

1 pkhj 1 mangy; suffering from mange (or similar skin

on the table

literal to sit in a shop figurative to trade 1.3 to

on the chair

1.2 in (to indicate the location where some action is taking place)

disease); scabby 2 person suffering from the itch or other skin

(to indicate direction toward)

disease characterized by scabs 3 lousy fellow

midnight during or in the midst of the storm
in his/her 30th year of life 1.5 in, into (to convey
the general sense of distribution) divide 3 into
1.6 by (to indicate the route or means of travel) by
sea He went by road (i.e., land travel) 1.7 on (to
indicate the direction of an action upon a specific object)

pkhi f. plural dandruff, scruff

pakhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
cooked, be prepared (of food) 2 to be fired, be baked (of brick) 3

to be prepared, be mixed (of cement) 4 to be paved, be tarred 5

to ripen, mature 6 figurative to become experienced, become
wise 7 to come into one's own (of seasons of the year); come on,
begin, fall (e.g., of night)

the road from Burma

to China 1.4 at, during, in etc. (in designating time)

to beat on the head 1.8 over, above (to indicate the location of


arrived in the settlement when night had far advanced. 8

someone, something higher than something else, above it)

figurative to be tormented, suffer

pakhed m. plural 1
pkhjr vice ! All the best!
pkhl m. 1 employment or use of a sudorific 2 sweating,
profuse sweating to induce sweating, evoke perspiration
pkhev laj m. sweating, profuse perspiration
pdsi vice
pidar padar paternal hereditary land

... the day will come for him (her, them)

when 2.4 according to him, according to her, according to it

2.5 for him, for her, for them

padul f. 1 fraud, deception 2 (unauthorized) disclosure of a

2 species of

popular (lit. the variegated-leafed poplar)

pr sound imitative of the flight (take-off) of birds (whirrr)

Parachi (language)

f. meeting; reception to meet

sail of a windmill 2 blade or flat board of a water

a to knock one's

ankle together while walking b to stretch, stretch out c to procede

to take wing, fly up, take off

pur combining form full, filled filled with alarm, uneasy
pr separable initial prefix of the verb in laconic
phrases Eastern I didn't open it
prt masculine plural of
prtk m. practice
par f. layered pastry
parch m. [plural: plural: parchag n] 1
cotton textiles trader; peddler 2 1
parch 1 m. singular & plural Parachi (a nationality) 2 f.



For what reason? 1.11 at, with (to indicate a person

write something about him 2.3 for him, for her, for it, for them


for the sake of honor

competition for land

associated with an action) to study with a mullah

to work at a tailor's (shop) 1.12 used to designate
dates June 15th 2.1 on him, on her, on it, on them
Take this chair and sit on it. 2.2
concerning him, about her, concerning it, about them

too shy, wean from being too shy b to make more adroit

wheel 3 wing 4 fin (of a fish) idiom

question after question 1.10 for (to indicate the

the battle for the city

pdnna pdnnakhi inside, within

pdd like, as, how
padl m. 1 gossip, scandalmonger 2 deceiver, cheat
padla f. 1 gossip, scandalmonger (women) 2 deceiver, cheat

1 par m. 1

the aircraft circled over

reason, cause, or goal)

patrimony (inheritance)

pdj vice 2
pd vice 2
padd clear, evident, manifest
png m. pudding
pul vice 1
pa f. 1 species of willow (lit. the old willow)

the city 1.9 after (to indicate the sequence of events or objects)

pdgha vice 1
padl m. padl m. 1 influence to influence something
2 fear, terror idiom a to break from being

over, above us

pr kh pir kh 1 wide, extensive, spacious 2 open (i.e., a brow)

prkhpzaj having a flattened nose
prkhtj f. 1 2 military deployment, dispersal

to be afraid of someone, fear someone


Pashto-English Dictionary

prkhv laj m. 1 extensiveness, spaciousness 2 territory,

area 3 broadening, increase 4 development

widen; increase; develop (i.e., trade)


prkhavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

widen, increase 2 to develop (i.e., trade) idiom a to
expand the chest b to accomplish a feat; perform a feat of valor

pr kha pirkha feminine singular of

prkhb n m. broadband
prkh f. pirkh idiom



prkhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

widened; be increased 2 to be developed (i.e., trade)

1 pirr m.
2 prr m. 1
pirravl denominative, transitive
pirra f.
pirredl denominative, intransitive
prz vice 1
parzitolozh f. parasitology
parzit parasitic
przhektr searchlight
purasrra mysterious, full of mystery, enigmatic
purshb uneasy, anxious; tense uneasy time,
time of anxiety

parsht m. parachute

parachute jumping (as


parshut 1 adjective parachute


units 2.1 m. parachutist 2.2 f. parachute jumping

prg m. Prague (city)

pargandag f. diffusion, sparseness
pargand diffused, dispersed to diffuse, disperse
pargvj m.
purmi purmna calm, equable
prntl transitive
prntna f. prnst m. opening (the act)
to open

pranstl transitive
prnstaj 1 open

with open eyes 2 wide,


prniste sarchin f. computer science open source

prns f. colloquial the French language
parn second element in compounds exploding,

prnt past of to be opened

prnitl transitive [present: past: ]

5 untwist, unreel 6 figurative to explain

2 to open (i.e., to found or establish, e.g., a school or other

establishment) 3 to untie, loosen (i.e., a knot) 4 to unfold, unroll

passive a to

be opened b to be opened (i.e., to found or establish, e.g., a school

or enterprise) c to be untied (e.g., a knot)

to make a

prnidz present stem of

pranistl transitive
parvz m. regional eaves (of a roof)
prh f. Prague (city)
prjmari regional primary (of a school)
purjna f.
prbndi a compound of the preposition and the suffix or
postposition 2
parpa m. botany colocynth
prpr quickly, animatedly to flow, stream, roll (i.e.,
of tears); to flow in a stream or current

prprakj m. screw, propellor (i.e., of an aircraft)

purpj caught, captured
1 prat prt 1 shallow, empty, useless 2 inappropriate, out of

place 3 distant, remote 4 maimed, disfigured 5 flabby, flaccid,


2 prt connected, linked, attached

part b m. range (of an arrow, bullet, etc.)
partg oblique singular of
part v m. throwing, flinging, hurling compound verb
to throw, fling, hurl compound verb to fall, fall down,

partug l m. Portugal
partugl partgalj 1 Portuguese 2 m. Portuguese (person)
partl m. 1 equipment, outfit 2 gear of a horseman or nomad
(which is carried on a horse, camel, etc.)

partal f. 1 equilibrium, equipoise, balance 2 weighing 3

figurative evaluation

a to balance b to weigh c

figurative to consider, think over; evaluate

a to be

balanced, be evened up b to be weighed c figurative to be

considered, be evaluated

partm m. horror; terror; fear from terror, from fear

in horror
partg m. wide, Middle-Eastern trousers idiom
to take off one's belt; to grow insolent
prtug h prtugsh belt, girdle (used to hold up wide
Middle-Eastern trousers) idiom to overtax one's
strength, overtax oneself

partugh partugh wearing wide Middle-Eastern

pants, dressed in oriental fashion

1 to open

1 1. 2 foolish, stupid,
nonsensical, confused to talk nonsense 2 f.
quarrel, discord He is at odds with him/them.
2 prta preposition Eastern without; except, apart from, over
and above aside from this, apart from this

prta 1.1 feminine singular of

Pashto-English Dictionary

3 prat feminine singular of

prta-varta confused, chaotic
prti f. plural 1 of 1 2 nonsense, gibberish

nature in craft, etc.)


talk nonsense, speak rubbish

wall (protection from weather) 2 hut with a straw or wooden roof

3 coating of clay mixed with straw

botany stamen

prchavl causative [past: ] to cause sneezing,

evoke sneezing

parchn m. groceries
parch f. 1 issue (of a magazine, newspaper)

life; seclude life (of women) 9 secluded life 10 part, action,

activity, act (of a play) 11 picture 12 frame (of film) 13

2 excerpt,

prchj m. sneezing
prchedl [past: ] to sneeze
prdz j purdzj 1 fitting, proper 2 appropriate 3 executed,
carried out 4 living somewhere a to execute, carry out
b to settle a to be executed, be carried out b to be

prdzandn (of a pregnant woman) near her time, in the last

month of pregnancy

to stand aside, make way

purdl 1 bold, brave 2 m. proper name Purdil

1 prad oblique plural of
2 pard oblique plural of 1
1 pard f. 1 curtain; bed curtain; jalousie, blinds 2 screen
smoke screen 3 covering, casing, membrane
membrane anatomy pleura anatomy
pericardium 4 layer stratum of earth 5 screen
cinema screen 6 figurative cover (of night, etc.) 7
secret to reveal a secret to
raise a curtain, expose I have nothing to hide from
you. He told me in secret. 8 seclusion, solitary
figurative camouflage

clipping (from a magazine, newspaper)

prdzavl transitive
prdzedl intransitive
prtsxangedl denominative, intransitive

pardz f. second element of compounds

composing; writing letters

1 prch m. regional plate; dish; saucer

2 prch m. 1 sneezing 2 snorting (of an animals)
parch v 2
parchatj m. 1 straw awning or eave on a beaten-clay (pise)
1 parchl unsuitable, bad; below quality standard
2 prchl transitive [past: ] to sneeze
parchm m. 1 lock, curl, ringlet; forelock 2 banner, flag

pard z m. execution; fulfillment; finishing (work of final

to hide, cover up

compound verb
compound verb to be hidden, be

covered up

2 prd 2
paraband f. seclusion, secluded life (of a female)
pardaph 1 keeping a secret; concealing 2 m. custodian
of a secret, keeper of a secret

pardapoh f. paradapohi f. keeping a secret;


pardad r secret, confidential

pardad ra f. female leading a secluded way of life (for
cultural and traditional reasons)

[past: ]

purhartt passionate, ardent (of feelings)

1 parkh m. injustice to act unjustly
2 prkh m. severe cold, hard frost
prkhilaf against, contrary to
1 prkhm m. brush or tuft of the tail (animal)
2 parkhm m. 1 2 fan 3 fly swatter
purkhv supporting someone, something; siding with someone

purkhvv laj m. help, assistance, support
parkhavl transitive [past: ] to squirt water, spurt
water (with the mouth); to sprinkle; to moisten, wet

prkha f. 1 dew dew has fallen 2 light shower

parkhz unjust
prkhl m.
parkdkht m. 1 expense 2 payment 3 use of something
application, employment (of force)
pardkht adjective payment
pard r 1 winged 2 having blades, fans, paddles, etc.

pardad r f. 1 trust, confidence 2 concealment,


to plow and sow for another; work
as a farm laborer proverb One can use
another's bed till midnight 1.2 foreign foreign
tongue prad foreign goods prad
abroad to alienate to become alienated 2 m.
.1 foreigner; alien; stranger to deliver from
the foreign yoke foreign domination 2.2 great-greatpradj prdaj 1.1 foreign, strange, alien, another's

foreign body


prdajtb m. alienation; estrangement

pards m. 1 wanderer 2 traveller 3 visitor
pardesna f. pardes f. 1 wandering; journeying;
journey 2 vagrancy

pardesitb m. the wandering life

pardesedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to

wander; roam; travel 2 to be a tramp; be on the road

priv laj


Pashto-English Dictionary

purzahmt hard, difficult; troublesome

parshak l m. rainy season, monsoon season

1 purshr 1 animated, lively (e.g., a city) 2 energetic (of an

difficult experience

1 pirz
2 purz oblique plural of
przavl transitive [past: ] 1 to throw down on the
ground; to overcome (in wrestling) He threw me. He
wrestled me down. 2 m. plural wrestling sports to



prha f. prha f. mushroom, Russula foetens idiom

to harden, become hard idiom to stint, grudge,
skimp idiom What has gotten into you?

[plural: purz plural: purzadzh t]
part; component parts for a car
f. feminine singular of

What has happened to you?

purzafurush f. sale of components, parts, etc. (e.g., of

consciousness, lose one's senses, fall in a swoon 3 rage, fury

purs n 1 asking, inquiring about 2 m. inquiry, request,


parst 1 worshiping something; bowing, making obeisance to

onself about someone 3 the second elemental of compounds

parast r m. 1 person who is taking care of or showing

1 park l m. compasses, dividers

2 park l regional weak, sickly, puny
parkltj f. parklv laj m. weakening, debilitation
parklavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

training courses for hospital attendants

parastsh m. worship, veneration; cult

to bow

to worship something
parast combining form worship of something
down before someone, venerate someone; honor someone

weaken, debilitate

parkaledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

grow weak, become sickly


to lose

prestzh m. prestige, authority

prestige, lose face, lose authority

undermine one's authority, cause the loss of or damage to one's

authority or prestige

pursd 1 state of being conscious, aware 2 intelligent

pursza full of emotion, heartfelt
person l m. personl m. personl m. staff,
personnel experts, technical and engineering workers
parsh m. 1 beating, throb, palpitation heartbeat
to beat, throb, palpitate 2 flight, flying
prsh adverb back, backwards a to drive off b to
lead back, take back to step back, retreat to
beat back (the enemy)

purkr f. 1 stuffing (of a stuffed animal) 2 technology filling

in with rubble

parast ra f. nurse; female hospital attendant; child's nurse

parastri 1 care of the sick 2 hospital work

prishtj vice

a to lose consciousness, be deprived of one's senses, fall in a

well put-together

concern about another 2 hospital attendant, hospital orderly

parghaztj f. irritability, edginess

pargaz 1 nervous, irritable, edgy 2 convulsive, spasmodic
purimt valuable valuable instructions
1 park r 1
2 purk r 1 full, filled, crowded; stuffed (with) 2 well-made,

perspektf m. perspective (in architecture, drawing,

something 2 paying court to someone taking care of, troubling

swoon b to get into a rage, fly into a fury


purghurr ambitious; arrogant

parghz m. 1 arrow with an iron tip (for children's games)
fainting fit, swoon compound verb to lose


przd przdd Western against, opposed to someone or


przedl intransitive [past: ]to fall, topple

pres m. pressing, compressing a press (machine)
compound verb to press compound verb to be

piriht f. piriht f. 1 angel 2 proper name Pirishta,


machines, cars)

parshr m. Parshor (the ancient name of the city of



purz f.

1 prkaj m. stepson
2 prkaj f. stepdaughter
purkah purkah pulling the bowstring to its limit
parkn parkn m. landmark
1 park f. bread baked on a stone
2 purkj m. taking wing (birds)
parg r m. 1
prgaj m. 1
prgaj f. 2
pargan f. Pargana (general term for district or state in India)
purgu f. gossip, idle talk I began to
chatter idly.

parg f. tribe, nationality

prgj pirgj m. acorn
prl transitive 2


Pashto-English Dictionary

prla Western 1 placed alongside, located alongside; adjoining

2.1 around, round my head is going around

Bibo has begun to whirl about from joy. 2.2

continuously, all the time 2.3 entirely, completely

His character has completely changed.
prlabndi 1 folded 2 placed one upon the other
prlapac Western 1.1 successive, consecutive 1.2
continuous, uninterrupted, unbroken 2.1 successively,
consecutively 2.2 continuously, uninterruptedly, unbrokenly
idiom latest issue, current issue (of a newspaper)
prlapasev laj m. Western 1 sequence, succession 2

prlapuri 1 connected; attached (to) 2 sequential 3 fit

(for), suitable 4 well-built; beautiful Zejnab was


prlapuriv laj m. Western 1 joining; contiguity 2

parnv f.
prandzh m. sneezing
prndzhl transitive [past: ] to sneeze
prndzhavl causative [past: ] to cause sneezing
prndzhavnkaj sternutatory sternutatory
(sneezing) gas

prndzhj m. sneezing
prndzhedl intransitive [past: ]to sneeze
prhdzhedna f. sneezing
prndzl transitive
prndzj m.
prndzedl intransitive
parand m. [plural: plural: parandag n] bird
pr regional
prins m. prince
prncipl m. regional principal (chief officer, dean of a

sequence 3 fitness, suitability 4 beauty, comeliness


prla vahlj Western portly, fat

prlika pkarha computer science online
parm n m.
parm jl transitive
prmkh purmkh Western 1 before someone, in front of
someone, ahead of someone 2.1 forward, ahead to
successfully develop, execute something dialect a


go ahead, move forward, advance b to develop, make progress

to forbid absolutely,

2.2 completely, entirely, fully

ban categorically

saying Go and have a look around! b to disappear, be missing,

get lost My book is missing.
prmkhtg m. purmkhg 1 movement forward,
attack ! military Forward! (as a command) 2
development, progress

prmkh tllaj

developed, advanced (e.g., of a


prmkhtl m. plural prmkhtb m.

prmkhtj f. prmkhjn m.

permang n m. potassium permanganate

parmuhr f. hunting divination (used by those hunting
wildfowl) to cast spells, predict through
paranormal means or charms

parme f. mushroom
parn f. drowsiness; lassitude

to nod (in sleepiness);

cause sleepiness

2 paran f. the Parana River

parnl f. gutter, drainpipe
parnvaj 1 sleepy, drowsy
eyes 2 sluggish, flaccid 3 pensive

parnvi sleepy

prinsp m. principle out of principle

purnufs populous
prangj m. 1 Englishman 2 European
pr 1 turning sour; curdling 2 coagulating, clotting (of blood)
pri f. sweet thin gruel, kissel (a kind of blanc mange)
1 par par m. hot wind, simoom
2 par oblique plural of 1
3 par oblique plural of 2
4 pur useless, empty, void
parv f. 1 attention; concern to
pay attention to someone or something He
paid no attention to this. 2 agitation, anxiety !
! It doesn't matter! ! Don't worry!
parv z m. 1 flight, flying flying machine, aircraft 2
figurative (upward) flight, ascent

parv n m. Parvan, Parwan (a city, former name of Jebel-us-


Parvan Province, Parwan Province

parv n f. 1 nocturnal butterfly, nocturnal moth (usually in

parv n f. history 1 instruction, directions; writ; patent 2

parv nag f. commission, errand; instruction, directions

poetry) 2 propellor, screw (e.g., aircraft)


pass, safe-conduct document; passport

parv f. obsolete
propg nd m. propgnd m. propaganda
to conduct propaganda; propagandize
propgandch m. propagandist, propaganda specialist
propgand propagandistic
propgn m.
propganch m.
propgna f. regional propaganda
propller m. propellor, screw (e.g., of an aircraft)

Pashto-English Dictionary

prat f. 1 m. [plural: prat f. plural:

prat] .1 lying The book is lying on the
prot m.

table. I was sick in bed for three days.

1.2 living, being somewhere

The Utmankhejli live in the Tirakh district. 1.3 standing (of

furniture) 1.4 consisting of something; inherent in, characteristic
of something or someone 2 m. military prone position

the prone position ! Prone position! (command)

protst m. protest to make a protest
to someone; protest to someone

protest n m. Protestant
protst m.
protoplsm m. protoplasm
protokl m. 1 minutes, record of proceedings, report

adverb lying down, in lying or prone position

Afghan round dance

protn m. proton
1 perte f.
2 prtaj
parv m. 1 strong man; husky fellow 2 hero
parvatb m. parvav laj m. strength, might
prodshektr m. prodzhikr m. searchlight
parvr m. second element of compounds for the soul,

parvardig r m. God, the All-High

parvarsh m. parvarh m. parvarhh

nourishment, feeding, fattening up 2 breeding, cultivation, raising

cotton farming animal breeding

silkworm breeding, sericulture 3 tending,
care, charge, fostering a to breed, multiply; be
cultivated b to be cherished, be fostered 4 training (e.g., of


prusk prussic acid, hydrocyanic acid

prushij f. Prussia
prohavl prohavl transitive [past: ] to twist,
twirl, revolve, rotate

proghr m m.
pruf m. printing galley proof
profsr m. professor
profesor f. 1 teaching in an institution of higher learning

paravl transitive [past: ] 1

run, drive, urge on 3 to steal

2 to make

prolddaj m. 1 mediation, the action of performing as a

commercial broker or middleman; commission (commercial) 2

adjective commission

proll transitive [present: past: ] to sell,


prolna f. sale, marketing

prolg m. prologue
prolet r m. proletarian
proletri proletarian
proler m.
prolearijt m. proletariat
parn yesterday a last night b yesterday night
a the day just past b yesterday
yesterday morning lately; in our time the day
before yesterday until yesterday
parunj 1 adjective yesterday, yesterday's the night
before last 2 preceding, past; former


parvarl transitive [past: ] 1 to feed, nourish 2 to

breed; cultivate 3 to rear, educate, foster

provl transitive Eastern

provna f. Eastern
parvdzaj m. sieve
saying literal The sieve does not see its hundred holes,

pro m. [plural: prouna plural: prana]

saying literal to conduct

water under straw figurative to be very shrewd

a last year b (sometime during) last

intention, purpose

kind of

prta f. act of lying down, being in a prone position

Western straw

profesr m.
profl m. profile, side view
peroksjd m. peroxide, hydrogen peroxide
progr m m. 1 program; plan; rough draft 2 order, routine


parsa Eastern

2 professorship; the rank of professor

agreement, understanding 3 protocol unit; ceremonial usage,

but sees the two openings of a water pitcher. figurative To see a

mote in the eye of another, and not to see a beam in one's eye

provl m. singular & plural person trading in straw;

parvz m. proper name Parviz

parvzaj m.
parvn 1 m. plural astronomy

fodder merchant

pra f. coarse rice straw

prozh f. project, scheme, design
prozhektr m. searchlight
parosg 1 m. last year 2 in the year past, during last year
parosg n parosganj

parosganj Eastern last year's a last year

the Pleiades (star cluster) 2

proper name Parvin

par f. 1 blade, paddle (of a water wheel, etc.) 2 edge, rim 3

to walk in columns, march, walk

or move in extended rank order to be placed standing
in a row 4 grouping, group; company clique-formation,

row, line; column; rank


in the year just past


Pashto-English Dictionary

a to place in a row b to group c to

create a grouping to join, adjoin someone or
something a in groups b in rows c on end, upended
to place in a row; spread out in a chain 5 peak (of a


par f. search; raid, roundup

to seek

for, make a search; organize a raid

purh r parh r m. 1 wound


ulcer 2 blow,

a to be wounded b to be beaten severely

purh r m. noise made by the flapping of a bird's wings at


purhrbd m. monetary recompense for a wound

purhrpa f. plantain; plantain leaf
purhrdzhn purhrz purhrzhlaj
purharzhn wounded; injured to wound; injure
to be wounded; be injured
1 purhrj m. surgeon
2 purhr
paraband f. 1 grouping 2 squabbles; spats
1 parad r furnished with blades, equipped with paddles
2 parad r m. supporter, participant, member of a group
parhr m. 1
purharpa f.
prhosg m.

paravl transitive Eastern

parhj m. auger (for drilling stone)
parhz m. 1 abstinence, moderation; restraint 2 diet 3 fast
(from foods forbidden to be consumed during a fast) a to
abstain from something b to observe a diet c to observe a fast

a to violate a diet b to break a fast

parhezhn f. diet
parhezk r 1 abstinent, moderate 2 devout, pious
parhezkr f. 1 abstinence 2 observation of a diet

parjd m.
parj l m. 1 enclosed place where nomads live 2 curtain; blind
parij n m.
preistl transitive
preihka preihka divorced woman, divorcee
prbs present stem of
prebdl transitive
prebl transitive [present: past: ] beat, strike
pretorij f. Pretoria (city)
1 pare m. Eastern 1 parade assembly area (for a
military operation) to organize a parade 2 roll-call
2 par m. 1 kind of haircut 2 pleat (in clothing)
prech m. saucer
1 predl transitive Eastern
2 paradl intransitive [past: ]to run, retreat, chicken out
prda Eastern vice
par m. 1
pri pre thick, fat to consolidate, thicken to
condense, thicken, become thicker

crop failure

pris f. idle woman; woman who loafs

parsh paresh n presh n 1 upset, distressed

pre Eastern a combination of the preposition and the

with his, her, their help; thanks to him, her, them, this; because of

He pitied him (her, them).

parj f. shovel (for digging irrigation canals)

par f. fairy, peri (mythical being in Persian folklore having

female form, but formed of fire and descended from the fallen

pre a separable verbal prefix, accented in the perfective


to leave

to fall

a to be upset over, grieve b to be worried,

be agitated c to become absent-minded, become incoherent

to worry about home 4 sorrowful (of thoughts,

meditation) 5 tossed about, disordered (of hair)

on him, on her, on them 2 concerning, about him, her,

agitated, alarmed; worried 3 absent-minded, incorherent

them; in relation to him, her, them 3 for him, for her, for them 4

] to

prz parz m.
parezn f. diet
pregd present stem of
l transitive
preg starving, suffering from hunger, having or suffering from

pre 1 cut off; cut; chopped off 2 clipped, trimmed 3 broken

priv laj m. fatness,

priedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

condense, thicken, become thicker

pronoun 1 on him, onto her, on them; on top of something


pritj f.

priavl denominative, transitive [past:

consolidate, thicken

off, torn off

observation or keeping of a fast

pritb m.

thickness, compactness

pareshnh l 1 disturbed, grieved; alarmed 2

embarrassed, confused
preshnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1
to upset, grieve 2 to disturb, agitate 3 to scatter, spread

preshna 1 2 feminine singular of

preshn pareshn f. 1 disorder, grief 2 melancholy; sorry
3 worry, agitation 4 distraction, innattention 5 unpleasantness

prikht periht f. angel

prehka prehka f.
prehl prehl transitive Eastern

Pashto-English Dictionary

prehodl preshodl transitive [present: past:

]1 to leave, abandon 2 to let pass; let go; admit, allow 3 to
release (e.g., on bail) 4 to curtail, call a halt to to

1 parajj m. organizer, arranger of something

2 pri f.
prv parv m. dialect
prevt m. plural 1 fall having fallen; at the
fall, drop (of) 2 the going down (of), setting (of the sun)
The sun has set.
pariv r fairy-like
1 prev n m. anatomy placenta
2 prev n abundant, abounding in
prevn f. abundance, plenty, profusion
prevatl intransitive [present: past: ]1 to fall,

Allow me to leave. Let

him go. Let them go. 6 to desert, leave (a wife); give a divorce (to
a wife) 7 to give up (a place) idiom

Not to

mention grown-up people.

prehodna prehodna f. [plural: prehod

prehod] m. 1 leaving, abandonment 2 stopping, cessation 3
permission, leave, authorization 4 desertion (of a wife), divorce

prehvl transitive prehovl transitive

prehovna prehovna f.
preh preh imperfective dialect
prefbrik prefabricated (of houses)
prefks m. prefix
perikrd m. anatomy pericardium, pericardial sac
prektn m. military tribunal, court
prekn m. 1 solution, answer (to, of a problem) 2

drop 2 to lie down (to sleep) 3 to flow into (of a river) 4 to set,

go down (of the sun) 5 to be perpetrated (of a raid)

prka f. 1

owing from someone, impose upon someone (of a tax, fine) 7 to

mountainous locale to one lower down; e.g., from Kabul to

prekavl 1 transitive [past: ] .1 to cut; cut off;

sever 1.2 to clip (the nails) 1.3 to interrupt (e.g., a speech) 1.4


prevatna f.
prevta f.
prevtaj 1 past participle of

to cut down, fell 1.5 to break off (e.g., diplomatic relations) 1.6
to pay, pay off (a debt) 1.7 to solve, answer (e.g., a question, a


2 m. plural

backward nation

2 backward

prevdl transitive
prevll 1 [past: ] transitive .1 to wash; wash
thoroughly 1.2 to launder 1.3 to clean, brush (the teeth)

prekn m. 1 answer, solution (e.g., to a question, a problem)

2 betrothal, engagement

Eastern He

set up camp, arrange a rest stop 10 to descend, ride down (from a

handsome or good-looking face; beautiful exterior, appearance

jumped into the car. 8 to be lacking, not to have (appetite) 9 to

a verbal understanding 2


A raid was carried out on our village. 6 to be

fall upon, go for, fling oneself at

understanding, arrangement 3 break (i.e., in diplomatic relations)

parj m. arrangement, organization, setting something in


break off the battle, curtail military operations 5 to allow,


prin m. 1 anatomy diaphragm 2 kind of children's game

betrothal, engagement 3

agreement concerning the wedding expenses

prekavna f. 1 cutting; severing; cutting off 2 clipping

(nails) 3 cutting down, felling 4 breaking off (e.g., diplomatic

washed b to be laundered c to be cleaned, be brushed (teeth) 2

relations) 5 paying off, paying up (a debt) 6 answer, solution

m. plural

(e.g., to a question, problem)

prekavnaj m. cutting tool; chisel

prekedl intransitive [past: ]

passive a to be washed out, be washed, be thoroughly

m. prevlna f. prevl m. plural

washing (out); bathing 2 laundering 3 brushing, cleaning (teeth)

prejst m.

1 to be cut, cut off 2 to

be cut off, be severed 3 to be clipped (nails) 4 to be cut down 5


plural 1 throwing down, dropping, throwing off

to be broken off (of diplomatic relations) 6 to be paid up, be paid

2 flinging, throwing, throwing away 3 shooting, firing 4

off (of a debt) 7 to be answered, be solved (of a question,

overturning 5 lying down to sleep 6 divorce (of a wife by


pregd Eastern
1 premn m. 1
2 premn 2
premishtl intransitive
premindzl transitive
premishtl intransitive [past: ]


prejstl transitive [present: past: ] 1 to

throw down, drop, throw off 2 to fling, hurl, throw; throw away 3
to shoot, fire 4 to compel to lie down, put lying (an animal) 5 to
topple, overturn 6 to abandon, desert (a wife); divorce, grant a

divorce (to a woman)

to be settled;

live; dwell

premindzl transitive [past: ] 1 to wash;

he washed himself 2 to launder

prejhtl prejhtl transitive dialect

1 p pa f. p plural pe plural 1 guilty, culpable
2 overcome, conquered
2 p m. 1 layer 2 story, floor


Pashto-English Dictionary

pa m. bridge

pu m. wedging, fastening with a wedge

p intensive particle

completely turbid; dark-brown

very greasy
pat f. pastry or flour product similar in size and composition
to a tortilla but made with wheat flour

pk m. regional 1 tap 2 knock
pkj m. quick-tempered man, hot-headed man
png m. snow leopard, Uncia uncia; leopard idiom
He likes to chatter. He is a gossip.
pngpsh m. wild cat
1 p nga [plural: pngi plural: png ni]
feminine of
2 pa nga f. thin stripe (e.g., in cloth)
p na-v na f. 1 game of chance 2 bet
pa v m. 1 rest stop, discount 2 stop (e.g., for a bus route)
by stages, by phases
paps m. 1 pluck (i.e., the heart, liver and lungs of a
slaughtered animal, especially as used for food) 2 figurative

He sat sulking.

pasb m. swelling

blow 3 cuff, box, clout

to sparkle,

p m. regional sparkling, glittering


lightning flashed

to swell


pakp m. rustling (of silk cloth, etc.)

paraavl transitive
paraedl intransitive 2
1 pak m. 2
2 pak m. 1 group of people (10-20 persons)

2 military half of

a platoon (an eighth of a company) 3 crowd 4 flock, pack 5

flock of sheep (numbering 5 to 20)

pk m. 1 oscillation; agitation; trembling


shake to and fro; be agitated; tremble 2 sparkling, twinkling 3

summer lightning 4 seething, bubbling

4 pk m. string of pearls
pak m. 2
pakmshr m.

military noncommissioned officer;

] 1 to disturb, shake; sway

psavl transitive [past: ] to inflate, fill up (with

air, with gas), blow, fan to blow air through a bellows 2

idiom to applaud, clap

pak f. puka f.
1 pakah r pakah r m. summer lightning
2 pakah r m. 1 crack, crash, crackle 2 shuffling, smacking
(or similiar sound)

pakj m. 1 shinbone, tibia; bone into which avian

metatarsals insert 2 ankle I've dislocated my foot.

2 pkaj m. cord
3 pakj f. trap, snare (for birds)
pakajt m. puttees
1 pakedl intransitive [past: ]1 to shake to and fro;
be afraid of

or tumor 3 to rise, arise (waves) 4 figurative to anger someone


become conceited, become swellheaded

psavna f. inflation, filling up (with air, gas); blowing
psedl intransitive [past: ]1 to swell, swell up,

pakedl intransitive [past:

shine, beam

to cause a swelling, swelling; cause the development of a swelling

5 figurative to incite against someone idiom

pkavl transitive [past:

2 to pull, tug 3 to set to trembling 4 to be in the grip of a fever

be agitated; tremble 2 to vibrate 3 to seethe, bubble up 4 to fear,

to sparkle, twinkle,

pam m.
paambj f. bubble (in water)
pmkh pmkhi 1 lying face up, lying prostrate on
one's back to fall flat on one's back; to
sprawl on one's back 2 turned over (on the back), toppled over

become inflated; become distended 2 to be inflated, be filled

to turn, topple over

a to fall sprawled on one's

(with air, gas); become inflated; get distended 3 to puff up 4 to

back b to be turned or toppled over on one's back

rise (of dough) 5 to surge, make swells (of waves) 6 figurative

1 png m. 1
2 pang m. 1 mischief, prank, trick 2 a leper
3 png m. hypocrite, two-faced person
pangj m. leper, person ill with leprosy

get huffy, grow angry

suddenly remembered. It suddenly occurred to me.

swelling is not going down.

sergeant; company quartermaster sergeant

patb m. 1 guilt 2 defeat, loss

patugh h m. partugh sh m.
patug m.
pta f. net, snare
ptj f.
patsb m. dialect
pad f. regional secrets, mysteries
in secret, secretly
padaph padapsh
pasmn 1 rotten, spoiled 2 blown up, swollen up
psnda 1 swollen, inflated 2 sulking, angry

prghsha f. knot in a sash (for holding pants up)

1 pa m. strop (for sharpening a straight razor)
2 pa m. 1 crack, crash, crackle (as a noise) 2 smack, slap,

psedna f. 1 swelling, swelling up; tumescence 2 filling

up (with air, gas); blowing (i.e., bellows, fan) 3 distention


Pashto-English Dictionary

pna f. 1 compulsion, coercion 2 censure, blame

pna-vna f.
pv laj m.
papaj m.
psti f. plural cooked grains of the maize or corn plant
1 pkaj m. 1 cord 2 ribbon, tape; thin braid
2 pakaj m. small bridge; ship's bridge
3 pakaj small herd of sheep
pavl denominative [past: ] 1 to find guilty; convict

pin doublet
1 ping m. 1 sobbing to sob
moaning, whining weeping (of children) 2
exclamations of "Oh" and "Ah"

2 ping doublet
pingh r m. continuous crying (of children)
pajvl m. rope merchant
prevlng m.
pazprekaj 1 having the nose cut off
proverb If he-who-was-deprived-

2 to defeat, conquer, overcome

pumb f. pumb usually plural serum

pavnd strong, robust
pavna f. 1 finding of guilty; conviction 2 infliction of a

of-his-nose experienced shame, he would not recall the knife. 2


pz vice 2
pazghamj m. nose ring
pazakj f. small nose
1 pazavl transitive [past: ]

defeat, gaining of a victory

panj m. shawl, veil, large chador

covered with a chador; wear a chador

to be

pvahna f. surveying of lands

p vahnkaj m. surveyor
1 pa paa f. dialect 1 censure, condemnation, (legal)
conviction a to censure, convict, accuse b to inflict

2 pzavl transitive dialect [past: ] to wound

pznaj m. lancet
pazvahl transitive [past: ] 1 to squeeze out; press

defeat, conquer, overcome 2 fine 3 compulsion, coercion 4


out 2 to press; mash 3 to bleed, cause the flow of blood

a to consider someone guilty b to

consider someone unjust

to flutter

(of a bird)

paatsamkan m. plural 1 Parachamkani (tribe) 2 m.

Parachamkanaj (tribesman)

palk m. obligation
paavl transitive regional
pah f. dialect shoe, slipper
1 paj m. rope, cord, string

saying literal to

braid rope from sand figurative to mill about, beat the air

submit to someone b to apologize to someone

to subordinate someone, enslave someone

2 puj f. horse-drawn scoop (for leveling a field, scraping earth
from it, or spreading something evenly over it), horse-drawn
device for cleaning irrigation channels

flat nose, snub

to blow the nose; to clear the nasal
passages by blowing to become sharp,
become pointed (of the nose, from thinness, etc.) to cause
a nosebleed a to cut off the nose b figurative to
disgrace, shame 2 muzzle, snout idiom full up to the
neck (food) idiom a to eat to satiety, stuff oneself b
to grow angry, become wrathful idiom to be in very
difficult straits, be reduced to extremities to
get angry, pout a to be without a nose b not to have a
conscience, be shameless, be brazen c to be ashamed of
to have one's nose in the air, be proud to
be arrogant, be haughty, be proud a to be inferior,
paa f. Western 1 nose


2 pa f. lining
3 pa f. feminine singular of 1
4 p m. masculine plural of 1
patki f. plural fluttering (of a bird)

to smell, sniff, sniff

around; snuff

pj f. 1 construction materials (stone, etc.) prepared for the

building of a house 2 planks or poles which compose a roof

pikh flat-nosed; flattened

pikhpzaj snub-nosed; having a flat nose
pedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to be guilty,

be to blame; commit an offense 2 to suffer defeat 3 to be unjust

4 to lose (in sport)

pis 1 fat, stout; corpulent 2 ugly (of a face)

pisv laj m. stoutness; corpulence
pim m. 1 clot (of blood) 2 ball, lump

1 pzi plural of
2 pazj m. flair, feeling (for)
3 paz f. portliness, corpulence
1 pzedl [past: ] to be wounded; receive a wound; get

2 pzedl intransitive [past: ] to boil, begin to boil

puzn adjective made of matting, bast matting, matting
pzhrkaj 1 energetic, enterprising 2 ready to attack 3 angry
pazhmurdag f. 1 fading, drooping 2 figurative
depression, grief

pazhmurd 1 faded, drooping, withered 2 figurative

depressed; sad

pazhv k m. echo
pzhaj m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

pug m. 1
pgaj m. body, trunk, torso
1 pas 1.1 after, later, after that, afterwards three
months later, after three months several days later,
after several days 1.2 subsequently 2 preposition, postposition
.1 after

after that, after

after me

after noon, in the afternoon

in the future 2.2 beyond something, beyond the limits of


pis m. arrogance, haughtiness; pride

pus m. ps whisper idiom


ps dialect

back, turn back

to release gas; blow a

swept to the banks by a river current

pasp withdrawing, departing to withdraw, depart

paspard secret, hidden; suppressed; undercover
1 pspas more rarely; rarely
2 pusps: whispering back and forth to one
another to whisper, whisper in someone's ear
they were whispering to one another
puspusj m. pspsj m. whispering,
whispering back and forth
post m. 1

low mountains

on a slope 2 figurative low, base

3 pust doublet
post l postcard
pistnd r mammals
pastr f. pastries
1 pastakj 1.1 soft, yielding 1.2 mild, tender

road running

pstkaj m. ear lobe

pastavl denominative, transitive



1 to

2 m. lobe of

pustkaj m.
pastakj f. 1 sweet child, my dear (form of address to a

little girl) 2 proper name Pastakaj

tender, tractable

pastavnaj m. Indian lime-tree, Grewia oppositifolia

pastavr m.
1 pist f. pistachio (tree)
2 past 1 feminine singular of 2 soft bread
soft clay 2 f. liquid, fluid
3 psta after, later; after that, then, afterwards 1
4 post f. 1
5 psta feminine singular of 2
6 psta interjection Giddyap! Get going!
pastavr m. light rain
1 past meanness, baseness to stoop to the
performance of base acts, act basely, do a mean, or base thing

post postal

sent by parcel post

post-office line

past 1 feminine plural of

posterior part of the tongue

4 post plural of 1
pastedl denominative, intransitive



soft wool 2 f.

1 to

soften, grow soft 2 to be kneaded 3 to be ground, be pulverized

4 to be loosened, be hoed 5 to be boiled soft 6 to be gentle, be

tender, be tractable

pastz soft, tender

pos m. posa f. 1
posi 2
paskh k m.
paskhna f. 1
pskhnd m. mockery; gibe

to mock (at); to jeer


the ear, earlobe

pastu m. plural finely-ground flour, the finest wheaten

soften 2 to knead 3 to grind, pulverize 4 to loosen, hoe, dig all

a to cause harm, harm somebody b to stir up

past 1 low


over again (earth) 5 to boil soft 6 figurative to render gentle,

mutiny, revolt; cause a disturbance c to introduce a schism

to return, step back


pst m. rebel; rioter

psr singular oblique of
1 psn m. grindstone, whetstone
2 psn Western plural of 1
pasnd z m. economy, savings compound
verb to save, economize, put aside as a reserve
compound verb to be saved, be put aside as a reserve
national economies
savings bank
pis aj m.
ps v m. 1 leftovers from soup 2 brushwood, driftwood

a to return,
to return, give

past m. back room, storeroom; pantry

2 past oblique plural of 2
pstv laj m. 1 softness, tenderness 2 figurative

pst m. 1 evil 2 mutiny, revolt; riots; disturbance 3 schism,


pstn back, backwards

come back b to step back, recede, depart


beyond Gazni

pskhand 1 m. scoffer 2 f. scoffer (female)

paskhurd f. leftovers; remains of a meal
paskh f.
paskhedl intransitive
psarlanj spring, vernal
psarlj m. spring, springtime psarl in spring
spring has come, spring has arrived

Pashto-English Dictionary

psarl proverb A fire in winter is better than the flowers

in spring. proverb literal

summer. 2 proper name Psarlaj

pasrv 1 m. follower 1.2 [plural: pasrav n]

followers; suite, retinue 2 dependent; successive, sequential

psravr wide, broad, expansive, spacious

psaravl denominative, transitive [past:

] dialect
to put on a caracul cap,
to crown (a king)

to don, put on (headgear)

wear a caracul cap

passab the day after tomorrow

puskv m. 1 one who emits gases

psoledl intransitive [past: ] to be dressed up, be

well-attired, dress oneself up, deck oneself out

One flower does

not make a spring figurative One swallow does not make a

psna plural of 1
pasnaj m. 1 ambush pasni to lie in
ambush to set up an ambush for somebody
to hide oneself in ambush, conceal oneself
pasni to come out of ambush 2 man lying in ambush
1 ps m. [plural: psna] Western [plural: ps n] 1
ram, sheep sheep breeding
wild mountain sheep (ram) ram of the Gissar breed
ram of the Gilzaj breed ram of the Khazar
breed 2 dialect small horned domestic animals in general (sheep

2 coward, faint-

hearted, pusillanimous fellow

and goats collectively) 3 figurative blockhead, dimwit

pskava f. hawthorn
1 pskj m. whisper
2 pskj puskj f. gases (intestinal) to emit gases
idiom crow
pasl m. time of the year, season
psla 1
pasmndag f. backwardness
pasmnd 1 f. leftovers, remains of a meal 2.1 remaining;
surviving 2.2 backward

pasmn f. 1 incompleteness 2 lag

pismn arrogant, haughty, proud
pasmanzr m. background
pasnd 1 selection, choice, approval 2 combining form a
approved, pleasing pleasant, nice b approving,
acknowledging peaceful, pacific
pasandavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

2 pus f. bread made from the seeds of the mastic tree

3 psa after in the future we will try
ps roznkaj m. shepherd, one who raises or breeds

pushr m. push raj m.

1 pis arrogant, haughty; proud
2 ps pas pse dialect pas 1 postposition, either in
conjunction with the preposition or without it, and sometimes
with .1 after, immediately after one after the other
After whom? one after the other 1.2 for (to
designate a purpose or goal) to go for a doctor
to go on business Come pick me up
at the office 1.3 for (to designate a person from whom it is

Write this down

for me. 2 for him, for me, for them go after them, go for
them 3 after, afterwards proverb literal One's

necessary to obtain something)


approve 2 to prefer, select

shirt is rather close to one's body. figurative Charity begins at

pasandedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be approved; to please 2 to be preferred, be selected

home. Self comes first. 4 in connection with verbs

a to follow someone; pursue some one; chase

someone Follow after Bibo! b to track down,
keep a watch on someone
a to go after, follow someone b to pursue
someone a Ahmed follows Mahmud b
Ahmed imitates Mahmud; a to undertake some
work or other b to plan, conceive something
... They planned that they would do thus to
follow someone to obtain something to look
for, search for 5 verb intensifier to increase all the

pasandid 1 approved 2 preferred, selected 3 pleasant;


psnaj m.

intransitive [past: ] to whisper, speak in a

pasv behind the back of, in someone's absence

psor m. width, breadth in depth
psorz landscape
1 psol m. 1 necklace of coins; necklace 2 adornment,

2 psavul transitive dialect

psoll transitive obsolete
psolna f. decoration (the action)
psolavl transitive [past: ]

more, develop; increase, augment

pse f. 1 entertainment and refreshment (on the occasion of

the birth of a daughter) 2 recompense (to a shepherd in
connection with the lambing time with sheep, and the seasonal
bringing forth of kids by goats)

to adorn, attire

pusedl intransitive [past: ]to whisper, converse in



psedl denominative, intransitive dialect

Pashto-English Dictionary

psra besides, moreover


a to

put aside, defer as less important b to place on top, put on the

surface c to display something

a to turn out to be

superfluous b to be placed on top, be located on the surface c to

pashmka f.
1 pashmj m. two-year-old camel
2 pashm pashmn woolen woolen fabrics
pashmin 1 2 2 f. 2.1 (heavy, coarse) cloth;


woolen cloth 2.2 fine sheep's wool

pasesh behind the back

psikolozh f. psychology
pasn 1 subsequent 2 late; last
1 pasin f. grammar affix, suffix
2 pasin f. late sowing, late crop
pasj f. 3 2
psh vice in back of me; behind me
psh n pesh ni like as before, as formerly
pish-pish interjection Pussy! pussy! (to call a cat)
pash-pash-pash used to call a camel
1 pusht m. 1 back 2 1 3 pool, reservoir (for
irrigation system) 4 support, prop

2 psht m. laying (of eggs)

3 pusht Eastern
4 psht interjection Shoo! (to a cat)
pushtr f. 1 basket (of flowers) 2 armful; burden
pushtrd m. Pushtrud (district)
pishtk m. regional 1 short and tubby person; dwarf

resourceful person

pushtgr m. assistant
pushtgra f. assistant (female)
pishtvl m.
1 pusht f. 1 foothills 2 hillock 3 ridge (of mountains)

to support,

help 2 dust cover, folder 3 prop, support

2 pishtj 1 undersized, stunted 2 m. terrier (breed of dog)

pushtib n m. 1 patron, protector, defender 2 assistant
pushtibn f. 1 patronage, protection 2 help; assistance
psharlj m. 1
pish b m. plate
pishk m. 1 medicine ringworm 2 carrion crow (bird)
pishk b m.
pashak l m. Eastern the period of time from July to
November; the rainy season

pshkl m. plural hay, dry grass

pishkanj m. kitten
pshkj m. 1
pshl behind the back, in the absence of
behind the back of, gossip

1 pashm m. singular & plural

2 pashm m. light rain
pashmk m. kind of halvah


pashminabf f. wool weaving

woolen mill, cloth factory, textile mill

pishng m. lead horse (in a caravan)

pishngraj m. kitten
pish f. cat saying literal

to send a cat to

watch the milk figurative to send a fox to watch the chickens;

send a goat to watch the cabbages
pishopj f. game played with a ball
pishokh m. galls (abnormal growth on plants)
pishrma f. marmot
pishogj m. kitten
pshavl transitive 1
pisholmj f. botany hedge-mustard, Sisymbrium
pishngaj m.
1 pash f. usually in compounds 1 gnat, mosquito 2 cards
spades queen of spades
2 psha psha 4
pashabnd m. mosquito netting
pshah r m.
pashakhn f. elm (tree)
pashakhurk m. flycatcher (bird of the finch family)
pasha 1 m. plural Pashai (nationality) 2 m. Pashai
(member of the nationality group) 3 the Pashai language

low ridge

2 pshta interjection 4
1 pusht f. 1 support, prop, assistance

1 pish f. [plural: pishij ni] kitten, cat idiom

to exaggerate, drag out or
complicate a matter to be extremely stingy, be
niggardly idiom a to fawn upon, truckle to b to
pretend to be wretched or unhappy

pishj m. [plural: pishij n] cat

pshj f. handfuls of unripe wheat, (small) bundles of unripe


pshe interjection scat

"Scat!" Scat!

to drive a cat away; to say

5 pshj m. ram or goat with short ears

pshedl intransitive
psherl m. 1
pshrla f. 2
1 psherlj m. [plural: psherlij n


psherl] young ram in the second year

to talk

psherlj f. [plural: psherlij ni] young ewe in the

second year

pshesh dialect


Pashto-English Dictionary

ph m. 1 Western blacksmith

saying literal Once burned down, the smith's house is rebuilt

better. figurative Good can come out of evil. 2 smith's bellows

puh m. hissing (i.e., of a snake); rustling (of leaves); the

pahtunisht n m. Pushtunistan
pahtunistnj pahtunistn 1

noise of the wind

2 angular part (of a water skin,

phanj smith's bellows

1 peht m. 1 family, clan, tribe Their family has
died out. 2 generation, posterity from generation to
generation unto the seventh generation
2 puht m.
pahtan m. oblique singular of
puhtl transitive
puhtunkh f. puhtunkhv pahtunkhv f.
Pushtunkhva (the ancient name for the country of the Afghans);
Afghanistan and Pushtunistan

phtnv laj puhtunv laj m. the

Customs and Conventions of the Afgans; the Code of Honor of the


woman, Pashtoon woman 2 f. adjective Afghan

Afghan woman, Pashtoon woman

1 pahtan plural of 2
2 pahtan Afghan, Pashtoon
pht paht puht Eastern 1 f. .1 the Pashto language,
the Afghan language a to speak Pashto b to teach
Pushtu 1.2 1.3 honor, dignity; decency; modesty 2
adjective Afghan the Pashto language, the Afghan
language " Pushtu Tolana", the Pashto Academy (in
Kabul) the Pashto Academy (in Peshawar) a

I felt relieved, I

felt as though a weight had been lifted from me

2 puhtj f. dust cover, folder

puhtedl transitive
1 puhkj m. 2
phi dialect
phandaj m. 1 bracelet (worn on the legs by children up to
the age of seven) 2 leg irons

phnga f. wooden pitchforks with two tines

phkhb f. south
phki f. plural boot leg, stocking leg
puhavl transitive [past: ] 1 to cause hissing,

cause sputtering, cause sizzling 2 to inflate (blacksmith's bellows)

phvandj m. leg irons

phja f. grammar; spelling, orthography
pha f. 1 foot a foot in the stirrup b ready for the
road unsteady, unstable
folk saying literal He had two legs and used two
more figurative May God give him (extra) legs 2 leg (e.g., of a

chair) 3 branch (of a tribe), clan; generation 4 technology hammer

(in a crusher)

compound verb to translate into Pashto

to be translated into Pashto

in the Pashto language

a to begin to walk,

a to step in, enter b to go forward, stride

to look through the fingers at something
a to move the feet away b to refuse something a
hobbles off)

compound verb

not to go somewhere b figurative to look for grounds, seek a

pretext c to halt; linger; loiter d figurative to waver, show

to try to arrange a match, propose a

to stamp with the hoof (of a
to hasten, hurry a to ride


young man as a husband

pahtod n Afghanist; specialist


puhtavrga f. puhtavrgaj m. anatomy kidney

pahtozhbaj adjective Pashto speaker
pahtn pkhtn Eastern puhtn 1 m. .1 [plural:
paht n] Afghan, Pashtoon the Afghan
people 4 1 1.2 1 2 1.3 proper name
Pashtoon, Pakhtun 2 adjective Afghan, Pashtoon the
Afghan people Afghan Youth Pukhtun

roughshod over someone's rights b to trample, press down c to

to be run off one's legs looking for

a to develop a callous on the foot b

enter, step in

figurative to be in a great hurry c to seek, make an intensive

search, run off one's legs looking for something


a to

to be very careful

obstinate, insist upon b

to resist
a to be
to refuse Eastern

stamp the feet b figurative to hurry

Dzhirga (the Organization of Pushtuns living in India)

pahtunkhv f.

to kick

to authorize the fianc to visit the bride-to-be (literally: to take the

interest in the Pashto language


walk (of a child) b to walk, stride quickly

to observe or abide by the Code of Honor of the Afghans b

3 figurative to anger

puhtna f.
pahtna puhtan 1 f. [plural: pahtan] Afghan

pahtoplna f.
pahtopoh nd

pahtunv laj m.

puht f. 1 hillock 2 low ridge

1 puhtj f. rib; ribs idiom


pahtungalv f.

phtunval f.


phtnv la f.

pahtunk m. Pashtunkot (district, admininistration


phrtav l m. fianc
ph rta f.
ph nga f. 1 angle, corner

adjective Pushtustanian

2 m. native of Pushtustan, Pushtun

to be beside oneself with joy; be walking on

Pashto-English Dictionary

to prepare to flee, prepare to depart

a to stretch, extend the legs figurative b to loaf, idle
a to move the legs aside b figurative to avoid, shun
someone a to be tottering on one's legs (from

phedna f. hissing (e.g., snake)

phelts adjective barefooted, barefoot
phem n regretting; repenting
phem ntb m. phemntj f. repentance,

exhaustion), to strain one's strength to the breaking point b to


to have no desire to go to see

to grow bolder to go on foot
a to stand on the feet (e.g., a child) b figurative to put

a to
stand upright b figurative to be independent
to fall down at someone's feet, entreat to wear
boots; put on shoes
to throw oneself at someone's feet; bow the head
to someone's, beseech someone a to throw

resolve not to go

someone back on his feet; help someone c to set someone against

another to incite against someone

beneath the feet b to cross, traverse (e.g., a desert) c to trample

on someone's right d to ignore (advice, etc)

a to

be thrown beneath the feet b to be trampled (of someone's rights)

to have
to be devoted
to someone to sit idly by a
to treat someone meanly b to slander, calumniate idiom
to subordinate oneself to someone idiom
to lead nomadic life idiom He was
squirming. He couldn't sit still to be tottering on
one's feet (from fatigue, etc.) a to strain one's

south side, south idiom

been through a lot in life idiom

strength to the breaking point, get tired b to grow decrepit,

become weak

phah r m.

phah raj m. 1 noise, roar (of the

wind) 2 heavy nasal breathing 3 hissing (e.g., a snake)

pha-artn m.

pha-rta f.

pha-art f.

1 visit by a fianc to the family of the bride-to-be (after the

betrothal) 2 fete or celebration in the home of the bride-to-be

(after the betrothal)

phasraj m. chicken tied to the leg of the horse of the

bride-to-be (it is slaughtered at the entrance of the house of the


pha-nivlaj 1 lingering 2 hesitatingly

He entered hesitatingly.

phavndj m. hobbles; leg irons, fetters

1 phj f. botany rhubarb literal (white rhubarb)
edible rhubarb literal (red rhubarb) medicinal rhubarb
2 phe plural of
phe-ble Eastern 1 barefoot
They (women) went barefoot 2 adjective barefooted

phedl intransitive [past: ]1 to hiss (e.g., of a

snake) 2 figurative to be angry, be in a bad temper to
be angry with someone

phemnavl denominative, transitive [past:

to compel to repent or to regret (something)

phem na

f. 1 2 feminine singular of
f. repentance, regret

do not regret the past

phemnedl denominative [past: ] to repent

(of) be sorry, regret

pihn m. Pishin (city)

phjabl barefoot, barefooted
pitrl petrl m. plural
pitrol petrol oil deposits
patrijark m. patrijk m. patriarch
patln oblique singular of
patln m. trousers (European type)
p'ivz vice instead of
(introducing adverbial clause)

paghm n m. Pagman (city and district of Kabul province)

the Pagman Mountain Range
paghn f. hoeing soil, loosening soil compound verb
to hoe compound verb to be hoed
pufk m. air rifle
par m. Eastern vice
1 pk 1.1 bald, hairless 1.2 mangy 2 bald man; hairless man
folk saying Two bald men and still they
don't get along.

2 puk m. regional 1 opportune time; propitious moment

not to use, to allow a propitious occasion to slip by 2

turn (as in "it's your turn") 3 fate, lot, portion, destiny 4 pak time

3 vesl m. oar, scull, paddle

4 pak m. dandruff, scuff
5 pak
pk r necessary, needful, requisite What do
you require? I don't need anything.
I would have to go.
pkravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to use,
employ, utilize

pkredl denominative, intransitive [past:

used, be employed, be utilized 2 to be necessary

1 to be

pakt m. pact defense pact

paktij f. history Paktia the Province of Paktia
pikang m. picketing to picket
1 pkar m. 1 begging, beggary 2 alms to beg; ask for
alms to give alms
2 pkr

Pashto-English Dictionary

pkr clash; quarrel

pkaravl transitive verb [past: ] 1 to scratch 2

to disturb (i.e., wasps) 3 figurative to anger, irritate

pkaredl intransitive [past: ]1 to be scratched 2 to

be disturbed (e.g., of wasps) 3 figurative to be angered, be

1 pk 1 poor 2 m. pauper
2 pk m. wood, timber (pine)
pkaa feminine singular of 1
pkst pksta on purpose, intentionally, deliberately
to do something on purpose or intentionally
paksimt m. rusk
pkhi pkhe Eastern 1 in him, her, it, them
... He wrote him a letter

pagj f. large turban idiom

choose as khan

pakl m. 1 light screening (of reed, rush, matting) 2 wattle


pkl transitive [past: ] to take up with the tongue

from the palm of the hand (i.e., medicine)

pkv laj m. baldness
pk m. winter cap
pkav f. ground haricot or French beans cooked with onion
and red pepper

pkl m.
pkm vice
pkuj f. divorced woman who has remarried
1 pak pakk f. 1 fan to fan 2 damper, stove door
2 pak f. 1 small handful of something 2 fine powder
(medicine) to take up on the tongue from the palm of the

Indian calendar, February-March)

paga f.
pal m. 1 sole (of foot)

pal m. millstone

pul m. [plural: pulna plural: pul n] Western

fan-shaped (of

1 pakj m. 1 fan 2 ventilator fan electric fan

2 pkj pukj diminutive somewhat bald, a bit thin on top
3 pki
4 pek present tense of 2
5 pak plural of 1,2
6 pk plural of 4
pkedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to grow
bald; have one's hair grow thin or fall out

to work

collectively, work together, work jointly 2 obsolete to

exterminate a hostile tribe to the last man


pl bridge toll to throw a bridge (across

proverb literal You can't

hide a camel under a bridge figurative "Murder will out" idiom

to display endurance, demonstrate patience; stand one's



pil m. 2

pl m. pil 1 moment, instant 2 minute

pl 1 liberated from something 2 forgiven 3 justified,



pl castrated, neutered 3
pal 1 doublet 2 doublet

once, one time several

times, repeatedly colloquial at once, at one go
the first time, at first for the first time,
for the fourth time more than three
times another time this time 2 end, terminal,
terminus, one-way trip idiom to travel on
pl f. 1 time, occasion


an antenna)

paga m.
paga f. 1 collective work; assistance;

to identify
footprints 2 footprint a to
stride, step b to step in, enter a to follow in the
steps or tracks (of) b figurative to imitate to cover up
tracks; to hide, cover to follow the tracks, shadow
to lose someone's trail to be on the track of (e.g., a
thief) literal to take a step forward
to pursue idiom
to nourish a fierce hatred

a river)

hand (i.e., food medical powder)

3 pka feminine singular of 1

4 pek f. bran, siftings (e.g., of maize)
pka bha f. carrion crow
pka tga f.
paka pakka pakashkl pakkashkl

to elect or

pagjvl m. man wearing a turban

pag m. pag regional Pagan (the eleventh month of the

in which it was written that 2 among them

pltn m. plural platinum

pl m. idea, topic
1 plar m. [plural: plarna Eastern plural: plrna
plural: plr n] father ancestors from
generation to generation 2 founder idiom
! Eastern You have the best of automobiles!
2 plr vice
plrtb m. plrtj f. fatherhood
plrkhl m. father's tribe the tribe of the
bride-to-be on her father's side; the bride's patrilineal tribe

plrgalv f. fatherhood
to make a paternal admonition
plrmaj 1 deprived of a father, having lost a father,
orphaned 2 m. orphan


Pashto-English Dictionary

plrv laj m. plrval f.

plra vice
plz m. throne
plzmnaj m. capital
1 pl s vice
2 pls m. pliers
plstr m. 1 plaster (construction material) 2



plstk m. plastic
plstik adjective plastic
plsm f. biology plasma
plsent f. anatomy placenta
pl l m. pl la f. straw (usually rice)
1 pln m. plan according to plan,
in accordance with the plan plan for
developing the national economy Five Year Plan
Ministry of Planning attributive
planning, plans to carry out a plan, execute a plan
to draw up a plan, plan
2 pul n Western plural of 3
3 pln pronoun
pl nda f. sports wrestling
plnkj pronoun
plnguzr f. plnng m. planning
plnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to plan,
draw up plans

1 pl na oblique of 1
2 pl na feminine singular of 4
plnj pronoun
plnr m. glider
1 pl a f. 1 water conveyed in a water-skin from afar

2 large

water-skin full of water

2 pl a
pul v m.

f. 1 threshing floor 2 packsaddle

1 pilaf 2 groats idiom

to build castles

in the air; fantasize

palp m. antenna, palpus

palp f. eradicating tracks; concealment


eradicate tracks, eliminate footprints; to hide, cover up

palp 1 hidden, secret 2 hushed-up (of an affair, mater)

to eradicate tracks; hide; cover up
pulpajs f. bridge toll
plat m. 1 plot, small piece of ground 2 sketch 3 project, idea
platrj f. squatting on one's haunches, sitting cross-legged
to squat on one's hunches
paltg m. following someone; pursuing someone
pltnd tossing restlessly (of a sick person)
Yesterday he came down with a fever, and he tossed
restlessly all night.

platj f.
pla m.
platl [past: ] 1 to look for, search for, seek out, trace
to ferret out deficiencies 2 to search 3 to investigate
pln f. regional military 1 infantry regiment 2 infantry
pland 1 2 inquisitive, curious
1 plana f. 1 inquests, inquiries 2 search 3 investigation
scientific investigations a to look for, search
for b to find something c to do research to carry
out an investigation; to subject to an investigation 4 military
reconnaissance encounters of local importance 5
examination; check

2 palna f.
plnj m. Eastern colloquial soldier
1 plan m. inquiry
2 plan m. regional military platoon
plankaj 1 present participle of 2 m. investigator
pulchk m. little bridge
plts long and thick (of goat's wool, etc.)
pltse f. plural long, thick wool (e.g., goat's)
pltsevr having long wool
pul-i-khumr Pul-i-Khumri (city)
plrganj f. relatives, relations (on the father's side)
plaranj paternal fatherland
pils m. scales (fish)
puls z 1 adjective bridge-builder 2 m. bridge construction
pulsz f. construction of bridges, bridge construction
plstr f. stocking
plshta f. prostitute
palgh plagh 1 fast walk, quick pace to walk
quickly 2 dialect quickly, at once
I quickly urged the horse on (after him), but did not
overtake him.

palgha f. swiftness, quickness

palghal 1 good-for-nothing, useless 2 hypocritical 3 base
1 plk m. blacksmith's hammer, sledgehammer
2 pilk m. 1 eyelid 2 instant, moment
3 plak tautological with
palksh m. scraper, scoop, shovel
1 plka f. 1 nail 2 button, knob 3 botany fruit stalk idiom
to beat up, pound, beat to be beaten up,
pounded on

2 plk f. hilt (of a saber)

palakj f. iron pintle locking the plowshare to the plowbeam
plag m. electronics plug
palgv ha f.

palt f. palit 1 fuse, wick 2 cord


Pashto-English Dictionary

palm f. pretext, occasion, excuse, subterfuge, ruse

to seek refuge in excuses, resort to ruses; use
cunning, use guile idiom to slander, discredit
1 pln plan 1 broad, wide, expansive in depth 2 obtuse
(angle) idiom to play the simpleton
2 paln obsolete pedestrian, related to walking, on foot
plnp aj m. cabbage
plnpzaj flat-nosed, snub-nosed
plntb m. plntj f.
plandr m. [plural: plandarna] stepfather
plandj f. 1 marsh, swamp 2 figurative betrayal, cheating,

lasso, lariat

plv laj m. forgiveness

pulv n m. bridge builder
pltsa f. paltsa botany Indian acacia, Acacia modesta
plor m. 1 price 2 selling, sale; buying and selling (i.e.,
trading); transaction


plna f. 1 load, burden 2 kit; knapsack

plan m. porter; stevedore
plnsraj m. 1 wooden spade 2 blockhead, fool
1 plnghvagaj m. elephants
2 plnghvge f. cow, female elephant
palng m. bed
palangph m. bedspread, coverlet
plnv laj m. 1 width; breadth; expanse 2 square, plaza
plnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to widen;
make extensive, extend 2 to throw down and pound someone

plnadl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

widened; be extended

palv m. palu plv 1 side, direction, flank south

side to the south, on the south right side

on the right, to the right left side

on the left, to the left across, on the other side
(of) look here (this way)
! Put this book alongside of that one!
literal & figurative to stand aside a from the

plortn m. market
plorlaj m. company
plrdzj m. shop; place where something is sold
plorl 1 [past: ] transitive to sell
to sell to someone passive to be sold 2
m. plural selling; sale sales agent
manager of a (the) commercial section
plorna f. selling, sale
plornkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. vendor
plorj merchant; trader
plorna f. selling, sale
pla f. anteroom, hall, lobby
m botany purging cassia, Cassia fistula
plsa f.
palvash f. 1 ray sunbeam, ray of the sun
to sparkle (diamond) 2 tongues (of flame) idiom
luminary of science
pulvha palvh
plavgha f. palavgha 1 money given by the head of a
household to relatives (on the occasion of a family celebration) 2
money given by a financ to his bride (at the first meeting)

1 plavl plavl pulavl denominative Eastern [past:

]1 to release, liberate 2 to forgive to forgive someone

point of view of b the subject of the action in the passive voice

is expressed with the assistance of this location

the edge of a forest glade


cover the face with the edge of something; cover up with the edge

idiom to ask someone for help,

assistance a to support someone, be on someone's side b
to ask for forgiveness to be on
someone's side so and so is on my side, so and
so supports me a to ask for help (a woman) b to
of something

ask forgiveness (a woman)

2 plo oblique plural of 1

3 pul oblique plural of 3
4 plo oblique plural of 1
palv raj m. palv aj

palavl denominative, transitive [past:

measure by pacing (i.e., land)

in an economic relationship

3 width, panel (i.e., of a tent, pavilion); side, lateral wall 4

border, edge

for sins or an offense (upon setting out on a journey); bless

someone for the road 3 to justify

Measures were taken by the government 2

figurative relationship

m. tea rose

palv ha f. pulv ha 1 loop, frog (for a button) 2 hobbles 3

to pace off,

plavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to castrate,

gelding castrated ram, castrated buck


palvn 1.1 fat, portly, stout 1.2 stupid; dimwitted, obtuse 2

m. .1 fat person 2.2 blockhead

palvantb m.

palvantj f.

stoutness, obesity 2 stupidity 3

palvan f. 1

1 plavna f. 1 liberation 2 forgiveness 3 justification

2 palavna f. pacing off, measuring by paces (i.e., land)
3 palna plural of 1
4 pulna plural 3
palva oblique of 1
1 plav palav 1.1 being alongside, neighboring, adjoining
1.2 having contiguous plots of land 2 m. partisan, supporter

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 plet m.
palitka f. 1 fuse, wick 2 flame, (small) light
palitavl [past: ] 1 to soil, muddy 2 to defile
plitnaj f. bobbin, spool
1 palt f. 1 fuse, primer (of a weapon) 2 corn ear with husk

to be a supporter (of a person, idea, etc.), support someone or


palavj m. the outside or further ox (of a team engaged in

grinding grain on a circular threshing floor)

palavj f. 1 fully-grown girl 2 palavj ni women, the

women's half of the house

which has just formed

4 palav m. kind of mulberry

plavdz m. neighbor
1 pl f. pl 1 tendon; sinew, ligament 2 nerve
to hold oneself in check; to display self-control 3
muscle 4 vegetable fiber idiom to nourish a fierce
hostility or hatred; to hate

pul f. [plural: pul] cooked corn kernels

pal f. pall pl pan (of scales) to outbalance,

weigh (all or a quantity) 2 panel (of a door), half a double door 3

convenient occasion; auspicious moment 4 advantage

to overcome, overpower

pal f. dialect edge; flank, side idiom

support, help

5 pla pl oblique singular of 3

6 pla f. cow, female elephant
7 pla f. feminine singular of 7
8 pl oblique singular of 1, 3
plailj f. coot (the bird)
plapasetb m.


plapasev laj m.

pla-pri pla-pre Eastern 1.1 adjoining, situated

alongside 1.2 closed, shut (e.g., doors) a to join,

a to be joined, to abut

(upon) b to be closed, be shut 2 nearby, with one another, near,

right up against close by the city
platga f. asbestos
1 plaj 1 m. [plural: pli] .1 pedestrian sidewalk
a to set down b to dismount a to alight; come
off of b to dismount 1.2 infantryman 1.3 [plural: pli]
infantry Infantry Officers Training School 1.4
chess pawn 2 on foot idiom stupid, dimwitted, one
who has lost possession of his faculties

plj f. 1 pod pod of Phaseolus aconitifolius (a

kind of bean) 2 clove (of garlic) 3 bundle of cut willow withes

3 palj f. spoke (of a wheel)

4 pluj f. 2
5 pulj f. blister, bump
6 pl pl plural of 1
7 pul plural of 2
8 pal pall plural of 3
9 pal plural of 4
1 palt 1 muddy, soiled 2 defiled

vileness, baseness,


palitedl denominative [past: ] 1 to be soiled, be

muddied 2 to be defiled

ple 1 photography plate 2 regional dish, plate

plef rm m. railroad platform
plen m. weaver's beam
pald 1
palid f.
puls m.
plek m. water-powered rice huller
polign firingrange
pll m. plural
plevr m. anatomy pleura
pam m. 1 scab; itch; mange 2 dandruff 3 bran, siftings


sequence; continuity; uninterruptedness

connect b to close, shut 1.2

2 palta feminine singular of 1

palit f. 1 mud 2 manure 3 figurative

pumbach f. pumbach f.
1 pumb f.
2 pamb f. crumbs
pambachin f. pumbachin
pambj m. 1 cattle shed; stable 2 2
pumbech m. pumbech f. 1 stalk of cotton plant,
Asiatic cotton plant, Gossypium asiaticum 2 dry cotton boll

pamp m. pump
pumdn f.
pamn scabby; mangy, suffering from the mange
pamnk m. regional 1 scab; itch 2 leprosy
pamnko m. regional 1 mangy, scabby 2 leprous
pamnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to infect
with scab, infect with mange

pamna f. regional scab; itch

pamnedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] to be

infected with scab (rash); be covered with mange

pamech pumech
pun m. dialect
1 pan f. 1 refuge, asylum, shelter, safe haven, cover 2
protection, guardianship, patronage a to request asylum;
seek asylum b to request protection, patronage compound
verb a to give shelter, grant asylum, hide b to defend, act as

a to seek asylum; lie in hiding, be hidden b to

be protected to conceal oneself, hide oneself, disappear
The sun was hidden behind the mountain

3 disgusting, nasty, base


Pashto-English Dictionary

to be out of sight (hidden from

the eyes) to seek protection a to be

protection or patronage c to avoid (something) idiom

God protect us from this!


pn f. 1 pouring; sprinkling

God forbid!

to remove, eliminate, take away

to pour, sprinkle 2

drizzling rain a to flow b to drizzle

pandz j m. pang h f.
pnmkh behind someone's back, in someone's absence
pnm vice
pan h f. 1
panhdz j m. 1
panhg f. panhg h 1 shelter, asylum gasproof shelter 2 military dugout bomb shelter 3
fence to fence in 4 figurative asylum, shelter
last refuge, shelter to find shelter
panhguzn m. panhgr m. refugee
pan h varkavnkaj m. patron
pan h vnkaj 1 appealing for help 2 m. refugee
panhi f. 1 shelter, asylum 2 protection, patronage
a to seek asylum b to seek protection, seek patronage

pumbdn f.
pumb pamb f. cotton raw cotton attributive
cotton cotton plant turning over
of cotton, delivery of cotton cotton procurement
harvesting of cotton planting of
cotton cotton grower cotton production
sowing cotton, planting cotton
cotton mill attributive cotton procurement
attributive cotton-planting attributive cotton

pumbabf f. cotton weaving

weaving mill


pumbachin f. cotton picking, cotton harvesting

pumbakr f. cotton growing, cotton production
pumba cotton, of cotton
cotton fabric
pandzh b m. Punjab
pandzhb pandzhbj 1 adjective Punjabi 2 m. Punjabi

pandzhlj f. small window

pandzhp o m. pandzhp j m. Pandzhpao (one of the

two principal branches of the Durrani)

pandzhpul f. panjpuli (Afghan 5 pul coin)

pandzht r m. panjtar (five-stringed musical instrument)
pandzhdh m. & f. Panjdeh (a district)

pandzharj f. 1 (window)
lattice, grille 2 (latticed) window 3 cage (for birds); open-air

concealed, be hidden, be out of sight b to come running for

pandzhar f. pandzhr

cage; voliere

pandzhshamb f. Thursday
pandzhshr m. Pianjshir (district)
pandzhsher pandzhsherj 1 Pianjshirian

2 Pianjshirian


pandzhsum f. 1 five-sum (i.e., monetary unit) 2 history

pandzhghishj m.

gold 5 sum coin

pandshghahj m. 1 rake 2

wooden pitchfork

pandzhk m. history tax amounting to one-fifth share of a


to levy or collect a tax

amounting to one-fifth part of a harvest

pandzhkor f. Pandzhkora (district, Peshawar)

pandzhakj m. 1 crossbar of sling (weapon), sling grip

door handle, door knob

pandzh f. 1 hand (from the wrist to finger-tips), hand and

five outstretched fingers 2 foot, sole 3 paw 4 claw, talon

to seize with the paws or claws 5 fork (eating utensil) idiom

to measure one's strength
to deal with a subject, treat a theme
to cut slashes into bread dough (to bake it more thoroughly)
2 pandzh f. the Pyandzh River b-i the Pyandzh

pandzhabb f. crab
pandzhachin r m. plane tree
pandzhhazr f. history post or function of chief of a
detachment of fifty men
pandzhag f. military cartridge clip
panchr puncture (tire)
pundz m. obsolete creation, origin
pindzakz five-shot (of a rifle)
pindztsn pentagonal
pindzrupagz m. five-rupee bank note
pindzsavz m. 500-afghan, rupee, etc. bank note; fivehundred denomination bill

pindzkblza f. obsolete a five-Kabul-rupee coin

pandzko f.
pindzgvaj pentagonal
pindzgn pindzgnaj
pindzlas number fifteen
pindzlasm ordinal fifteenth 2
pindzlasvradzanj every two weeks, semi-weekly;
fortnightly pay
pindzm ordinal fifth idiom fifth


pindzs number fifty

Pashto-English Dictionary

pundn f. cottonseed
pandtj f. 1 wisdom 2 opinion; cleverness
pandnm f. 1 book of advice; instructions, precepts

pindzospulj m. pindzospul f. fifty-pul coin, half


pindzosmshr m. history commander of a fifty-man



pndzavl transitive [past: ] 1 to create 2 to fill

up (e.g., a bag) 3 to cause to be successful 4 to increase, multiply

pndzn m. 1 nature, creation 2 origin, provenance

pndzavna f. creation (the act)
pindz 1 number five a five days b figurative
human life (shortness, etc.) 2 group of five, fivesome
proverb literal If the matter is delegated to
five, then it will go wrong. figurative Too many cooks spoil the

2 pndza f.
pindz ban m. plural

religion the five principles of Islam

(Kalima: Recital of the Creed; Namaz: Performance of Divine

Worship (prayer) five times daily; Fasting: Fasting in the month of
Ramadan; Zakat: alms (legal and determined); there are also
voluntary alms (sadaqat); Hadj: Pilgrimage to Mecca)

pand varkavnkaj m. preceptor

pundk m. bud; blossom
pandl m. pendulum
1 pnda f. 1 2 2 decorative mountings on a saber

2 pnda f. 1
1 pndj f. botany Erophila verna
2 pundj f. 1 2 2 steel or iron tip of a spear or javelin
pandr m. plural
pandirk m.
pan m. 1 pack, bale 2 load, pack (animal), burden (head)
bundle of hay 3 figurative burden, incubus
2 pan m. large dam, weir to build a dam
pn m. pun [plural: pnd n pun n] 1 detachment;
group 2 tumor, swelling; lump 3 anatomy vagina

pindzpa five-story five-story building

pindztsnz m. 1 pentagon 2 pentagonal
pindztsukz five-pointed five-pointed

(i.e., one entering

the 6th year, being fully 5-years old)

pindzkasz five-man (consisting of five men)

pindzkaln pindzkalanj five-year
five-year plan

pindzgnaj 1 quintuple, consisting

panchashila (the five principles of


of five parts

peaceful coexistence) 2 five-fold

pindzlas number
pindzvsht number twenty-five
pindzjak one-fifth
3 pndzj f. sack (for smoking materials)
pndzedl intransitive [past: ] 1

to be created 2 to

be filled (with) 3 to have success

pindzs consisting of five parts, quintuple

pants f.
1 pand m. 1 advice, instructions, moral admonition to
give advice to derive a lesson for oneself
from something 2 wisdom 3 rule of conduct 4 dialect ruse,
deception, guile

pn m. pun 1 steel (for striking fire from flint)

steel 2 firing pin, hammer (of a flintlock rifle)


pn 1.1 fat; fatty; stout

fat person


needle 1.2 rude; sharp 1.3 rounded up; assembled 1.4 Waziri

pindzzaj five-shot (of a rifle)

pindzghahj m. six-year-old camel


to deceive

pand m. 1 distance 2 removal; departure; leaving; exit 3

journey to go away; to leave; to depart; to exit

3 pnd m. enmity
pind r m. 1 imagination; opinion 2 conceit
speak haughtily

mustered, assembled (people) 2 fat person idiom

! May your house be a full goblet! Live in wealth!
pn r m. crowd
pnra f. payment; collection (for musicians)
pn v chrg m. fighting cock, gamecock
panvr covered with down (of a fledgling)
punbakrj f. steel (for striking fire from flint)
pant m. pundit (title of an educated Hindu)
pntb m.
pntn m. 1, 2
panta f. mockery, ridicule, gibe
pntj f.
1 pngh laj m. cattle shed; pen (cattle) sheep pen,

pngh laj m. place where guests are received and


pndghalj m. piece of leather attached to the heel for


punk m. blossom
1 punkj f. bandage; piece of cloth applied with adhesive to
a wound to bandage a wound
2 panakj m.
pngr m. craftsman engaged in making steels (for striking
fire from flint)



panl m. 1 boundary strip; berm of road 2

pn f. assemblege, mob, crowd (people)

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 pno oblique plural of 1

3 pn oblique plural of 1-4
pnv laj m. 1 obesity 2 stoutness, embonpoint

pnavr having thick calves, fat-legged

pns m. pns [plural: pndos n plural:
pnosna] ball to play ball 2 ball, clod
to play with snowballs, have a snowball
fight 3 pns [plural: pnus n] fat man
pnoska f. pnskaj m. pnsa f. ball,
small ball to play ball
panukm r m. 1 porter 2 petty thief
pankaj m. panke f. 1 small load, burden;
knapsack; bundle 2 sheaf (e.g., of letters)

pnavl punavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to make fat, fatten 2 to make look fat, overfill 3 to drive cattle


pinsl m.

for conversation)

1 panolj


cotton harvester

m. share of cotton given by the owner of the field

to a hired worker for harvesting the cotton

to pick or harvest cotton or fruit for pay

pnn m. 1
2 round-up, drive (of cattle)
pna f. 1 burden; bundle, sheaf 2 alms, charity
2 pa feminine singular of 5
3 pnda f. 1 heated iron 2 piece of clay taken up by a spade
4 pna f. party of guests served in turn
1 panj m. [plural: panij n] porter; stevedore
2 punj f. 1 anatomy shin; calf (leg) 2 technology funnel,
1, 2

cone 3 wooden trunk, chest, box


pni feminine plural of

rice, mealy rice

5 pnj f. iron tip, point

pnedl denominative, intransitive

m. dialect

pansl pensl [plural: pinsalna pansilna


pinsalp k pensilp k m. eraser (pencil)

penisiln m. plural penicillin
pinsn m. Eastern
pinshn m. regional pension
pinshan m. regional pensioner
1 png m. hum, buzz, drone
2 pang tautological with
pingp ng m. ping-pong, table tennis
punglj f. punglj native wind instrument similiar to the
Persian zurna

pngavl transitive
1 pnga f.
2 pung f. bud to bud
3 pnga f. deep-bedded river (flowing through a plain or a
pangav l m. capitalist
1 pungj f. 1 reed (for native wind instrument similiar to the
Persian zurna) 2 smooth depression, hollow

2 pungj f. peddler's wares

3 pungj f. door hinge
4 pungj f. budlet, small bud
5 pngj m.
pungjfursh m. peddler, travelling, itinerant merchant
pinl transitive
pinhm 1 concealed; hidden 2 secret, secure, mysterious
1 pinj panj m. botany 1 Western agnus castus, Kochia 2
panj Eastern beard-grass, Andropogon muriaticum 3 dialect

pin f. regional colloquial Rawalpindi (city)


panol f. picking, harvesting cotton or fruit for pay

pnolj f. sheet, bedding (onto which fruit is dumped

from the tree)


pensilna Western plural: pinsal n pansil n pensil n]


(into a herd); bring together (people for a feast, for conversation) 4

to round up (cattle into a herd); bring together (people for a feast,

pansr m. pansrj dealer in paints, oils, and related


[past: ] 1 to

become thicker, condense, thicken 2 to grow fat, put on weight,

grow stout 3 to swell up; become swollen 4 to be rounded up (in

a herd, flock); stick together (in flocks) 5 dialect to assemble (of
people); throng

panirk m. mallow, hollyhock, marsh mallow

panerj m. wicker corncrib
pnevr long-legged
panr m.
1 puns numeral five hundred
2 pens m. penny (coin)

vetiver, Cuscus-Vetiveria zezanoides

2 1 m. pan plural Pani (tribe) 2 panj m. Pani (tribesman)

panr m. plural cheese
panirk m.
panirmj f. clabber, curds (for cheese)
paner 1 garden 2 attributive flowers
pank m. panic
p full, filled
pu ki f. plural bounds, leaps (of an animal) to
leap, bound (of an animal)

pa v m. competition, contest
pasj m. dialect
pul m. soft inner seed portion of the pit of a fruit
padz j m. panodzaj m. entrance hall, lobby

Pashto-English Dictionary

pavl transitive [past:


to pour (on, upon); water,

puavl transitive [past: ] to skin, pare, peel; clean


pa f. slippers (Middle-Eastern type)

pa f. 1 pouring; irrigation, watering compound verb

to pour (on); irrigate, water to be poured; be irrigated 2

initial irrigation (of a field)

p pa gathered around, forming a group around

somebody; surrounding somebody to be assembled
or grouped around somebody; surround somebody

1 pa m. paj 2
2 pa plural of 1
pa gannkaj m. slipper maker, shoemaker
1 pu m. no plural form 1 blowing, breathing
2 linguistics aspiration idiom

pu light, lightweight

pu m. raids, investigations, searches

pu children's speech 1 m. fire 2 hot

to burn up

5 po f. the Po (river)
6 po dialect 1
puvr f. fountain
pv 1 dirty, unclean, foul

compound verb

potj f. 1 face, image 2 stitched book 3 notebook; blank


peel, debark, decorticate

a to skin, flay b to

po m. 1 misfortune, grief 2 disagreement, discord;


3 po social gathering, party

4 pu 4
5 pu tautological with
po s m. plural
puskaj m. 2,3
1 pokaj m. 1 skin

skin, flay 3 skin, peel, rind, pellicle

poki a to

pelt 2 hide

clean; remove, strip off (hide, etc.) b figurative to thrash, beat up

to worry about, torment oneself

saying the man is hardy
2 pokj small hill, hillock
pokajvl m. singular & plural tanner
puganj f. 1 shelter; asylum; secluded place 2 ambush
puavl transitive dialect
pune f. ambush
1 poj m. [plural: poi plural: poij n] hill, small
someone idiom

to be dirty, be unclean 2

paj m. paj 1 small piece 2 fragment of some substance

compound verb
cut up carelessly; crumble to be

3 crumb (e.g., bread)

m. guttersnipe


crumbled; be divided into bits 4 pigmy, dwarf


2 popk m. pompon
pupka f. popka 1 bump; swelling 2 pompon
popl m. 1 Popal (branch of the Dur(r)ani tribe) 2


3 puj m. Eastern small box

pudzh f. 1 weeding; thinning out 2 pruning (of branches)
a to weed; thin out b to prune (branches)
puch 1 stupid, senseless, absurd; frivolous to talk
nonsense, talk drivel ! No nonsense! to use
foul language 2 bad, evil (of a disposition) 3 spent (cartridge

(tribesman) 3 proper name Popal


pv a feminine singular of
puptanj m. hoopoe (bird)
1 pupk m. [plural: pupakna
pupak n] Western air rifle

po m. 1 hide 2 skin, rind

popalz m. plural Popalzai

(branch of the Dur(r)ani tribe) 2 popalzj Popalzaj
1 popalz m. plural


popln m. poplin (cloth)

pupn annihilated, destroyed to annihilate, destroy
a to be annihilated, be destroyed b to die out, be extinct
pupj m. 1 bat 2
1 pot m. thin felt (used for oriental robes)
2 put m. son
pot s m. plural potasijum m. plural potassium
potassium permanganate
potakj f. necklace
pavtl m. garbage, waste
potlj f. large doll; puppet, marionette
pta f. ox hide (without the head, and legs)


puch t m. plural empty words, mere words, absurdity

puchkhultb m. puchkhultj f. foul language
puchkhlaj swearing, using foul language
puchk m. empty cartridge casing, spent cartridge casing
puchk g m. cartridge-case ejector
puchka f. freshly-set melon-fruit
puchg m. windbag
puchgo f. idle talk to talk nonsense; engage
in idle talk

puchurd m. 1 nonsense, rubbish 2 verbal abuse

to use foul language
puchavl denominative [past: ] 1 to dupe, make a
fool of 2 to fire (cartridges) 3 to bring to naught (e.g., someone's


pcha feminine singular of

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 pcha f. Western
puchj f. unripe melon
paudz m.
putsk f. potska corn which has reached a state of milky

potskj m. ear lobe

potsakj f. mushroom
ptsa f. cottage cheese; cheese of curdled milk


2 pots f. garbage, waste

1 potsj f. ear lobe
2 potsj f. skein of wool (for yarn-making)
3 potsj m. cotton ball
pokh pakh f. [plural: pkh f. plural:


pakh] 1

ripe, mature 2 ready, prepared (for the table), cooked 3

experienced, able, skillful


literal With a good cook, the meal is prepared slowly. figurative

Haste makes waste. 4 wordly, having a view tempered by life 5
well-considered, well-thought-out (e.g., an answer) 6 elderly; old;
of a ripe or mature age 7 reliable, tested (e.g., method) 8 not
liable to fade (cloth); fast (dye) 9 paved

paved road,

paved highway 10 learned by heart, learned 11 active (e.g., of

finished articles fire-baked bricks

firm friendship a sworn enemy; fierce foe
capital construction regional stamped paper;
(official) form well-written article to be
seriously wounded

to take a decisive step, take decisive measures

pokhtb m.

pokhtj f. 1 ripeness, maturity

2 experience, skillfulness 3 fastness (of dyestuffs)

pukhj tautological with

pukhle f. plural 1
pukhle-tukhle f. Eastern whooping-cough
pokhn well-developed, mature, smart (of a child)
pokhv laj m.
pokhvl transitive dialect
pkha f. leather strip
pokhedl intransitive
pudr m. singular & plural 1 powder tooth

powder 2 any substance consisting of ground or pulverized

puar powdered, pulverent

pung pudding
1 por m. 1 debt; credit; loan extended credit;
long-term loan bond, debenture commercial
credit cash, monetary loan; credit history
Lend-Lease on loan, as a loan, on credit as a
loan, in the form of a loan Who is in debt to
you? I owe ten rupees.
To whom are we in debt? to take out a loan, incur a
debt, obtain credit to recover a debt
to pay off a debt to ask about the granting of a
loan to demand payment of a debt to
recover a debt compound verb to be in debt to
lend, make a loan, offer credit He is up to his
neck in debt. to sell on credit
to buy on credit
saying debt on the back and the sheep is dying (descriptive
of the hopelessness of a situation) saying Debts
spoil relationships. 2 blood-feud debt vengeance
for one killed to take revenge for a
murder ! saying Ah blood feud, thou has
ruined two houses! idiom to die
2 pore Eastern 1 2, 3
3 pr used in geographic names Sultanpur (settlement
near Dzhalalabad)

purjna f. pur f. 1 execution, implementation 2

creation of reserves (i.e., of provisions) to

create reserves (i.e., of provisions)

porttf portable; transportable

port-af-spn m. Port-of-Spain (city)
portrt m. portrait
portugl m. Portugal
portugl portuglj 1 m. Portuaguese (person)

adjective Portuguese

portanj 1 upper, higher, topmost 2 above-mentioned,

above-cited, foregoing idiom

portan literal

In the Upper Heaven figurative in the Other World, in Heaven

portoprns m. Port-au-Prince (city)

prtonovo f. Porto-Novo (city)
prta 1.1 above, overhead from above
from top to bottom 1.2 upwards, to the top

upwards, upwards from 1.3 above (of a quoted text, etc.) 2.1


upper 2.2 higher 2.3 above-mentioned, above-cited, foregoing

pudarpsh f. pulverization, sprinkling

1 pud f. textiles woof, weft
2 pud putrid, rotten; worm-holed to let rot

The foregoing does not evoke doubts.

a to rise up, climb up b to grow, increase, rise (prices)
a to hoist up b to increase (e.g., prices)
c to take, attract, draw to oneself d to close
(e.g., a book) a to ascend, climb up b to rise up, tower,

to become rotten; putrify

pudav laj m. 1 rotting 2 rottenness; putrification

pur m. singular & plural

raise, elevate c to grow, increase, rise (e.g., prices) d to arise,


Pashto-English Dictionary

a question such as this

arose ! Raise the banner higher! idiom
to toady
portatg m. 1 ascent 2 climbing heights (e.g., aircraft)
portaked m. plural portav laj m. 1 height,

There are large fields on the other side of the road.
this bank of the river c beyond the Amu-Darya (from the
Afghan's point of view) He lives in a
settlement beyond the river. the transriparians,

porch m. regional porch; portico

pord r m. creditor
porzhnj 1 exiled 2 m. .1 exile

postposition .1 in combination with ( Eastern ), without it

bank b the other side, the opposite side

spring up, appear

altitude 2 rising, ascent 3 rise (e.g., prices) 4 superiority

inhabitants of Central Asia (from the Afghan point of view) 2

I tied the horse to the tree. 2.2 in combination

with 2.2a by (indicates the person or object which one is
touching) I took him by the hand. 2.2b
about (indicates the subject or theme of a conversation)
We were talking about farming.

(indicates that an action is directed at someone or something to)

2.2 wanderer (i.e.,

religious pilgrim)

porgh m. porgh joint working of land by two or more


por kavnkaj m. debtor

por larnkaj m. lender, creditor
prnm m. alias
porv l m. porvl m. singular & plural creditor
por varkavnkaj m. lender, creditor
lender state, creditor government
poravaj 1.1 in debt to somebody; obtaining funds on credit

2.2c at (indicates the direction of an action with reference to


2.3a to, up to (indicates the limit or boundary of something in

from somebody 1.2 obliged to somebody 2 m. .1 debtor 2.2

avenger; one engaged in a blood fued

poravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to borrow;

assume a debt, take on a loan; obtain on credit

pur 1 full, whole, entire 2 executed, effected; implemented 3

finished, completed 4 satisfactory, exhaustive (of an answer)

full; completely

He delivered an exhaustive response to

my questions. 5 sufficient (e.g., of a supply of air)


a to execute, effect, implement b to

finish, complete c to satisfy; exhaust

space) up to the knees

It is three kilometers to the city 2.3b until, before
(indicates a time limit) until the present time
prior to five o'clock 3 through (used in combination with
the particle " ra" which is used as a verb prefix having a
directional sense) to pass through 4 to him, to us, to
them This will be a surprise to us all.
2 pre contraction of the postposition and the preposition

3 pori separable verbal prefix (accented or stressed in

perfective verbs) 1 trans- to procede across (some
obstacle, space, barrier) 2 indicates direction of action beyond a

to satisfy

given point or continuation of an action to excess 3 action of

requirements d to cover, defray (i.e., expenses) e to supplement

f. to compensate (e.g., losses)

attaching, direction of action from above downward

a to be executed, be

effected, be implemented b to be finished, be completed c to be

satisfied, be exhausted d to be covered, be defrayed (e.g.,
expenses) e to be supplemented f. to be compensated, be made
good (e.g., losses)

puraked m. plural 1 execution, putting into effect,

implementation 2 finishing, completion

in two week's time, in two weeks 3 satisfaction (e.g., of

requirements) 4 covering, defrayment (e.g., expenses) 5

and forth

1.2 closed, covered 1.3 affixed to something, presented along

with something 1.4 connected with, depending upon something

1.5 located on the other shore, on the other side

beyond the sea

move up to 4 to sew onto

purav laj m. 1 fullness, state of being full 2 execution,

pri pri pre Eastern 1.1 abutting, bordering something


pori-kavl transitive [past: ] 1 to close; close

down ! Close the door! 2 to affix 3 to place against;

to sew a

sleeve onto a shirt 5 to glue, affix, stick onto 6 to attribute (a

writing) to someone 7 to crumble (make crumbs)

satisfactoriness (e.g., answer to a question)


a to

close b to enclose c to sew on

putting into effect, implementation 3 finishing, completion 4

pori-istl transitive [present: past:
]to procede across something
pri-rpori pri-rvori there and back, back

supplement 6 compensation (e.g., for losses)

to laugh at someone, mock

2.3 in combination with ( Eastern )or without it

Crumble the bread into sour milk! 8 to lubricate, anoint

to color the eyes

with kohl idiom to set fire to
prikunaj m. Western porekavnaj m.
(with grease, ointment)

Eastern food, victuals

a the other (river) bank, the opposite


Pashto-English Dictionary

pori-kedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be closed, be

closed down the door was closed 2 to be affixed, be

2 pu f. grain shovel
3 pa feminine of 3
4 pa oblique singular of and with number of 2
poazr calm, peaceful, confident, satisfied
poaztb m. poazv laj m. calmness,

placed against 3 to be moved up to 4 to be sewn on to 5 to be

attributed to someone (a piece of writing); to cast (aspersions)

to be communicated (of a disease)
porikednkaj 1 adjective adhesive 2 infectious
epidemic, epizotic
porivt m. porevt plural ford, crossing (river,

confidence; satisfaction


porivatl porevatl 1 [present: past:

]intransitive to cross, traverse (rivers, etc.)
to swim across, float, sail across 2
m. plural ford, crossing (river, etc.)

porivatna f.
pri-vri 1 through; right through
to pierce something to pass
through 2 alongside Our villages are
side by side 3 on all sides

pori-vahl transitive [past: ] 1

to shove underwater !

to push, nudge
Don't push

me! 2 to bring up to something

pore-vestl transitive Eastern

1 po m. 1 large mat, mat 2 sugar-cane waste
2 pu m. po 1 layer, stratum a in layers b gradually
a to become stratified b to
disintegrate; collapse c to unravel (cloth) 2 story, floor
one-story two-story house 3 deck ship's
deck 4 figurative stage (e.g., of development)

po 1 m. juvenile 2.1 almost ripe (fruit) 2.2 undercooked


4 pu m. hobbles
5 po tautological with
6 po tautological with
pu calm, confident
pujna f. 1 confidence, tranquility; calm !

poh 1
1 puj f. pauj 1 Western step, rung 2 Eastern stairs
I came downstairs. 3 stool 4 figurative level, stage
2 puj f. 1 medicine 2 powder
puz poz combining form three-storied
multi-stage rocket, multi-stage missile
pza f. Eastern 1 nose, prow (of a ship, rocket)
snub nose to clean out the nose, blow the nose 2
cape, promontory idiom He's very poor; He's
poor as a church mouse; idiom He has digraced
himself. He has brought shame upon himself. idiom
He is very hot-tempered. idiom This bored
me. I'm fed up to the eyes with this. idiom a He
exasperated me. b He made my life unbearable. idiom
He stuck to me like a leech. idiom
He is growing. He's not a child any more. idiom !
Walk erect! He's in a critical
state. He's so frail.

1 puzj m. small mat (for sleeping); mat

2 pze feminine plural of
pozitrn m. physics positron
pozishn m. regional 1 position 2 posture, state
puzh f.
1 pug m. Western 1 puff, breath 2 splashing, spraying
to spurt (from the mouth) 3 noise (made by a smith's bellows) 4


him! 2 reassurance

pdzhagawl compound verb to upgrade

punda f. 1 hot ashes 2 friable, loose, powdery soil
friable soil
pundatb m. pundtj f. pundtj
f. pundv laj m. friability (of soil)
ponaj m. ponaj 1 feminine covering; chador 2 cover

2 pug m. dregs; remains; waste

pug l pog l transitive [past: ]

m. pump; sprayer

pos colloquial 1 2 2 fat, plump (of cattle)
pupusk m. forest bettle (plant parasite)
1 post m. 1 hide to shed hair, moult (of animals)
2 bark, rind 3 pelt 4 skin, peel (of fruit) 5 head, pod (of poppy)

(e.g., of night)

to spray, sprinkle

(from the mouth); spray (from a sprayer)

puundtj f.
puundv laj m.
ponaj m.
1 po calm, tranquil tranquilly to calm,
pacify be calm He became calm.
puuntb m.

a to flay, skin b to peel (fruit, vegetables) c

to consider something impossible or unrealizable idiom
to be penniless idiom
to insinuate, worn oneself into someone's confidence idiom
to reproach, reject a kind act idiom to
to peel, skin (bark, rind) d to beat up, thrash idiom


Pashto-English Dictionary

posll transitive
poslv laj m.
posna f. pusna nursing, tending (e.g., a sick animal)
1 pus dialect
2 pos f. garbage
3 psa f. dish made from the fruit of the khinjak tree, Pistacia

oppress, torment about a favor which has been done to or by

someone idiom


to put on weight, grow heavy

pasta' f. m. [plural: past f. plural:

past] soft; tender

postbb m. furs, pelts

postr m.
1 postghaj obedient, quiet, submissive
2 postgha f. obedience, humility, submissiveness
postk m. piece of leather
postk l m. plural software
postkaj m. 1 pelt 2 lamb-fleece pelt


posh Take care! Look out!

poshk m. clothing, attire
poshid 1 secret, clandestine, unknown
This has not been known to us up to now. 2 in
secret, surreptitiously

caracul lamb-fleece pelt 3 peel, skin (of fruit) 4 bark, rind 5

poh m. poh 1 covering; sheathing; puttees; cover

pillowcase machine-gun barrel-jacket
sheath 2 armor steel armor-plate 3 tablecloth
to set the table; spread the tablecloth 4 clothing,

shell (egg) 6 Eastern lobe (ear)

postv laj m. softness, tenderness

1 postavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to

skin, flay 2 to peel (fruit, vegetables) 3 to strip off (bark)

clothes, dress; attire 5 costume and finery (of a bride) 6 binding

2 postavl transitive
1 post f. 1 mail, postal service airmail
by mail post-office box postage
stamp 2 post; outpost outpost, battle outpost
aviation communications outpost 3 military
combat team 4 post command post
2 psta oblique singular of 1
postabsh m. chief of a border outpost detachment
postakhn f. postal service; postal administrative office;

(of a book) 7 figurative shielding, hiding, concealing

pohak m. clothing, attire

puhtl transitive [past: ] 1 to ask (about),
question to put a question to 2 to ask (for), request,
require An answer from them is required.
puhtnpna f. questionnaire
puhtna f. 1 question to ask, put a question to
to ask about, inquire about someone
to answer a question to work out a
problem, try to find the answer to a question to
visit, call on someone; go and inquire about someone
to visit a sick person

post office

postarasn m. postman, mail carrier

1 post postal
2 post m. drug addict, opium smoker
3 post m. 1 mollycoddle 2 loafer; lazybones, idler
1 postedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

proverb If he keeps inquiring a man will find his way to Mecca

(e.g., one should not fear to ask questions)

1 to

be skinned; be flayed 2 to be peeled (of fruits, vegetables) 3 to

be stripped off (of bark)

2 postedl intransitive
postn m. [plural: postinna


postin n] Western (sheep's) skin, fleece coat

embroidered sheepskin coat idiom

to say spiteful things about

postinch f. pustincha, sleeveless fur jacket
postinch m. postindz
postinduz furriery, the fur business
postn gannkaj m. furrier (fur craftsman), fur

pohl transitive
pohna f.
pohavl transitive [past: ]

1 to dress

to dress oneself, put clothing on (oneself) 2 to cover, lay a cover

on, cover up 3 to bind (book) 4 to put, put away (i.e., a sabre into
a sheath) 5 construction to put sheathing on, install cladding

passive a to be covered, be laid (a cover), be covered

up b to be bound (a book) c construction to be sheathed; have

animal) 2 to calm, comfort 3 to raise, nurse, foster



posr m. poster; advertisement colored poster

puskj m. 1
posl transitive [past: ] 1 to tend (e.g., a sick
posltb m.

1 puht f. 1 low mountain 2 hillock

2 puht imperfective aspect of
puhtj f. rib upper ribs lower ribs
puhtedl transitive
pohh m. 1 clothing, attire 2 sheathing, covering 3 roof,


puhtna-utna f. questions, questioning


posltj f. ornamentation, decoration

exterior cladding installed (e.g., a house, a ship)


phj f. folder

Pashto-English Dictionary

pusul f. compass; surveying compass
puka f.
1 puk m. 1
2 puk m. 1
puka f. 1 bubble (e.g., in water) 2 (urinary) bladder
swim bladder (in fish) 3 inflated (leather) bag idiom
to burst like a soap bubble
pukaj f. 2
pukl transitive proverb
Once burned, twice shy.
to inspire, encourage (someone)
poklr m. folklore
1 pukaj m. music 1 pukanay (native wind instrument
similiar to the Persian zurna) 2 clarinet

pukaj f. 1 urinary bladder 2 bubble (e.g., in water)

pukavl [past: transitive past: ] 1 to blow
on something, cool something 2 to blow up, inflate to

inflate a wineskin 3 to fan, kindle (fire)

to blow out, extinguish

to fan a fire 4

to blow out or extinguish the

lamp 5 to play (a wind instrument)

to play reed pipe

6 to blow away (e.g., dust) 7 figurative to inspire (e.g., a life)

He put a bit of heart in us.

pukavna f. 1 inflation (e.g., of a ball) 2

fanning, kindling

puk vahnkaj music wind


pukj m. 1

to play the reed pipe 2

pukedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be inflated, be

blown up 2 to be fanned, be kindled (e.g., a bonfire) 3 to be

blown out, be extinguished, put out 4 to be blown away (e.g.,


the frame of the plow)

plnd m.
poland polandj 1 Polish 2 m. Pole (person)
polonij f.
1 pla f. 1 edge, boundary (of a field) 2 earthen wall;
embankment 3 boundary strip 4 border, frontier; state frontier

to violate the frontier 5 barrier, obstacle

2 pul f. 1 cooked grain 2 lump, bump
3 pla oblique with numerals from 1 50 pul
4 pla oblique of 2
5 pol f. cataract
1 pulj polj f. 1 armful, pile (thornbush, brushwood) 2
bound sheaf (e.g., of lucerne, clover)

pulj f. 1 bump 2 ulcer, sore

folk saying My heart is covered with wounds. 3 corn, callus

3 pulj f. sparkles
4 pul monetary monetary policy
politekhnk m. polytechnic school
polytechnic institute
polik m. regional politics, policy
poliik regional political, policy
pols m. singular & plural 1 attributive police
police regional colloquial police chief
secret police 2 police officer, policeman

polisvl m. singular & plural colloquial police officer

polis 1 adjective police bloodhound 2
1 bellows 2 blowtorch 3

bellows operator

pug f. 1
1 pul m. 1 money to regulate the
currency rate to spend a good deal of money 2
pul (Afghan coin, worth 1/100th of an afghan) a brass pul
2 pul m. 3
3 pul m. cataract
4 pol m. Pole (person)
pol d m. pul d 1 plural steel 2 proper name Polad, Pulat
poldsz f. steel-smelting business a
steel mill

politbjur Politbureau
pauls m. medicine poultice, embrocation
polikal regional political
puld r rich, monied (of a person)
pols m. singular & plural
pulk m. double-wedge (for attaching the iron plowshare to


music trumpet 3 blowtorch

pukajv l
1 pog hollow, empty
2 pug m. 1
3 pog m. 2
pugr m. [plural: pugr]


(e.g., a bonfire) 3 blowing out (e.g., a fire)

pold poldinj adjective steel

pul v m. Eastern chicken pilaf
pulph m. small bridge
politik political political and social

adjective detective

poliklink m. polyclinic
polign m. firing range
plnd m. pln m. Poland
polen polenj
polinezij f. the Polynesian Islands
polij f. poliomyelitis antipoliomyelitis vaccine

pumb f.
pun m.
pundn f.
game b empty talk, idle talk


a in the nature of play or a

Pashto-English Dictionary

pundghlj m. heel (of a shoe)

pavandgalv f. pavandgal

povna f. pasturage, pasture

pov pov 1 povaj Western imperfective aspect of

2 pov interjection Aha!

1 poh 1.1 intelligent, quick (on uptake), clever; sensible 1.2
wise 1.3 expert, able skilled craftsman 1.4 erudite,
knowledgeable experts one

f. nomadic economy;

cattle raising

pavand povand m. singular & plural 1 povindah,

nomadic cattle herder; nomadic trader 2 steppe dweller

compound verb to spur,

He put spur to his horse. a

pnda f. 1 heel

put spur to

to spur (on) b to move on with a job, get on with a matter;

determine to do something

should know that 2 m. .1 sage; scholar 2.2 expert

a to use the heel (spur)

b to get to work, get on with it 2 technology socket; coupling

pavandatb m.
1 pun m. 1
2 paun m. 1 pound sterling 2 pound (measure of weight)
punka f. greens, vegetable
punkj f. 1
punj f. 2
punj f. 2
puns pnsu numeral colloquial five hundred
pung m. bank (the financial institution)
pungpaj m. bank note
1 pung f. 2
2 pnga f.
1 pungalj m. 1 reed pipe 2 reed, oboe, hautboy
2 pungalj m. pungj f. 1 table-top (of a mountain)

prudent, reasonable

phv imperfective aspect of

1 puh m. large mat
2 puh poharaj 1 stupid, imbecilic

pohht m. knowledge, state of being informed

pohlanj dull-witted, unskilfull
pohntn m. university; academy (educational
establishment); institute Kabul University
pohndzj m. 1 institute (educational establishment)
conservatory female university
student 2 university department

gnaw out, eat away

pua f. leap, amble

1 paj m.
2 puj f. skein, hank (of woolen yarn)
literal Out of a ser of wool, he did not twist even one

pujavl transitive [past: ] 1 to gnaw (e.g., of a

mouse) 2 to crack, crack (with the teeth); shell (nuts, seeds, etc.)

pva f. lazy woman

povl povl puvl transitive Eastern [present: past:
] to graze idiom to act independently, not
seeking advice

pavn m.

dialect English pound


2 crude,

uncultivated, uncouth 3 dirty, slovenly 4 clumsy, ungainly

2 merchandise (of an itinerant peddler)

puedl intransitive [past: ]1 to be hollowed out 2 to

be hollow; be eaten out 3 to leap, bound; amble

(December - January)

his field 1.3 professor emeritus 2.1 erudite, knowledgeable 2.2

pun f. 1 light rain; rain showers 2 spraying (from the mouth)

to spray (saliva from the mouth)
1 pau m. Eastern 2
2 pu m. kind of match used in former times
puka f. puka f.
ponaj m.
punavl transitive [past: ] 1 to hollow out 2 to

poh m. regional tenth month of the Hindu calendar

3 puv f. moist, arable land

4 puh m. 1
poh interjection Aha! Well, well!
poh n plural of 1 2
poh nd Western 1 m. .1 scholar sociologist
Pashto specialist 1. 2 expert; expert in

element 3 stern (ship)

skein. figurative He did not do 1/100th of the task he was to do.

pohnd intelligent, erudite

pohndj m. 1 scholar 2 (academic) specialist; expert
pohnml m. senior lecturer, docent
pohnv l m. professor
pohna f. 1 knowledge, cognition knowledge is
light to have learning 2 learning; science
natural history Academy of Sciences 3 education
Ministry of Education 4 instruction; training
military training
pohnj r m. teacher (in an institution of higher learning);
assistant (junior member of a teaching or research staff)

pohnj l m. expert, specialist, authority

poh interjection oho, aha
pohv laj m. 1 comprehension, cleverness; intelligibility
wisdom 3 ability, skillfullness

pohvatlaj understandable, accessible to understanding

pohavl 1 [past: ] transitive .1 to explain,
elucidate, explicate; make understand to make out,
understand 1.2 to teach (students) 1.3 to inform, let know,


Pashto-English Dictionary

acquaint 1.4 to let know beforehand, warn 1.5 to give a few tips,
advise 2 m. plural

on the
They live on our street.
to sell in the bazaar in this
surface on which something is located)

pohavl-rapohavl m. plural mutual understanding;

relationship mutual understanding; relationship

pohavna f. 1 explanation, elucidation 2 teaching (students)

meeting c at; at the time of something in; during (indicates time or

term) last year in March
on Friday at the examination; at the
time of the examination psarl in spring
at the time of the retreat, during the retreat at

3 information, intelligence, data 4 warning, admonition 5

exhortation, homily

pohoh interjection ah-ha-ha

pha f. 1 reason, intellect 2 comprehension 3 realization,


a consciously b reasonably
practical accomplishments,

each stage d into (indicates the general meaning of distribution)

knowledge; learning

2 pha feminine singular of 1

pohjlj 1.1 clever, bright 1.2

to divide into two parts e for, in the course of, in

for these three

for a day, in one day
for four hours, in the course of four hours f from to

(indicates duration of time)


circumspect 2 m. teacher

(in a higher institution of learning)

on the other side b on (used to designate the place or

(indicates transfer from one to another analogous object,

pohedl poehdl 1 [past: intransitive past:

].1 to understand, comprehend, grasp

forming a bound form)



Did you understand me? 1.2 to know, understand

to understand foreign languages ...
It is well known to him that How do you know
that? Everybody knows that
He doesn't know anything. He doesn't understand
anything. 1.3 to find out; notice No one
found out about this. Nobody noticed this. 1.4 to know how to
Do you know how to write? 1.5 to find out about,
inquire into He didn't find anything out about
it. He didn't inquire into it. 1.6 to notice, feel something
We did not feel the cold. 1.7 to resolve, sort out,
analyze (some problem) We'll figure it out
tomorrow. Tomorrow we'll come up with the explanation. 1.8


from house to house, in each

from hand to hand g from to (indicates a

constant repetition in time, making a bound form)

year to year, annually


from month to month,

monthly h along (indicates the object or surface over which

someone or something is moving or proceeding)

He could not go along the road i among, with (indicates

among us,

location or stay among or with someone, a group)

among the Pashtoons, with the Pashtoons

with us j used to indicate multiplication and short numerical



twice as much k indicates percent

by 2 times,
(by) thirty

percent, (by) 30% 1.2 Eastern in conjunction with the

postposition and without it: a on; at (indicates the place or
surface where someone or something is located, or where some

ironic to settle up with, get even with someone

action is taking place, and also indicates the person or object to

I'll get even with you! I'll show you! 2 m.

which the action is directed)

He went up on the
Put the book on the table.
They are eating at the table.
to control oneself b at (indicates the time or term of
something) at 10 o'clock c for so much; for such and


pohedl-rapohedl m. plural mutual understanding;


pohedna f. cognition, learning, study

the study of folklore

pohed m. plural familiarization, informing

1 poj dialect 1
2 poj m. 2
pujng m. vine (grape) beginning to bear fruit
pojavl transitive 1
1 pja f. dialect 1
2 puj f. clothes moth
3 poj f. trot, amble
1 p dialect pa 1 preposition in several cases the noun governed
by it is not inflected .1 in combination with the postposition
or without it: a in (used to designate place, direction, or
location) in the house in the
room to put a handkerchief in the pocket

such amount (indicates compensation, reward, or price received for


to sell for money

to sell for ten rupees d indicates the person or object by means of

to wash
to have clothing made
by a tailor Don't crack the almond with your
teeth. The letter writer wrote a letter
which an action is accomplished
the hands with soap

for me. I had a scribe write a letter for me. e indicates the person
or object to which something else relates or pertains

I'm responsible for this. I'll take this upon myself. f indicates the
limit of an action, the attainment of a goal

They kept going and going and they got to Bara-Bazdary.

1.3 in conjunction with the postposition


or without it: a with

Pashto-English Dictionary

(indicates the means or method by which an action is

accompany someone b to strive after something 2 afterwards,

to write with a pen

Buy wheat with this


after something

to write with a pen

money. b at; at the time of (indicates the time, or beginning of an

action or process)

And he left afterwards.

phatan regional Afghan, Pathan 2

pach f.
p dz j 1.1 settling, populating 1.2 setting, reducing (of a

with the advent of the

New Year; at the beginning of the New Year

p pori p puri adverb to something; in the presence of


at the

arrival (of); having arrived c with; in (indicates the

to live peacefully
in turn, in its turn in great quantity
(scope) with force firmly, with firmness d in the

condition or character of the action accomplished)

fracture, dislocation) 1.3 executed, completed, brought to a finish

with great interest

joint) c to execute, complete, bring to a finish

on the basis of the election

proper time

hundreds of thousands of automobiles

a for, after (indicates the goal or

I am going to the
market for fruit. Boy! for whom have
you come? to send for someone

pts tlnkaj very backward, reactionary, retrograde

ptsng 1 secluded, solitary a secluded place
2.1 alongside, near, close by Eastern He sat
alongside. 2.2 along

with the postposition

purpose of an action)

to strive for improvement b following, behind (indicates

Ahmed is coming

ptsangavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to push aside, remove, move to one side 2 to set apart 3 to set
aside, grant a postponement

tie the horse to a tree b

be postponed, be set aside

much does a pack of cigarettes cost? How
much are you selling these melons for? How much

indicates belonging, dependence; relationship to someone or

not to belong to any party;

to depend on the environment
indicates location close to or near something a at


to be non-party

the entrance (to a cave, etc.) b to the mouth (to bring nearer) c

with (indicates consumption, eating together with something else)

Eat some bread with these grapes. 2

adverb .1 for it, for them Also get some glass

for this (i.e., for this money). 2.2 with the help of this or these; by
means of this or these 2.3 because of this; about this

this 2 by means of this; it

p pas adverb 1 after him, her; after them

send someone after

a to follow after someone;

p ts how much, for how much

does this cost?

ptsaulv laj m. 1 quantity 2 circumstances (of a


p hl conscious, comprehending
p d ki p d ke Eastern 1 now then; at this time

among, including 3 in the meantime, meanwhile

pahr m. Eastern 1 watch (e.g., sentinel, guard) 2 time,


I am very glad about this. I rejoice because of this.

2 pa f. 1 plaster 2 splints
phk m. regional 1 entrance 2 gate
pamn f. farewell, parting
phns f. gallows compound verb to hang
compound verb to be hung
pb nde adverb Eastern 1 on it (any gender); on them; on

ptsangedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to stand aside, withdraw to the sidelines 2 to be set apart 3 to

behind me. Ahmed is following me. 1.5 in conjunction with the

postposition a to (indicates an object which is attached or
fastened to something)

You spoke to the point.

to a finish

thousands of Pashtoons 1.4 in conjunction

following after someone)

pdzjkavna f. 1 settling, colonization 2 reduction,

setting (of an injury to a joint) 3 execution, completion, bringing

according to nomination, appointment f hundreds, thousands

(indicates a large quantity, in general round numbers)

a to be

completed, be brought to a finish 2 opportunely, apropos, at the

It is light at night when there is a

moon. e according to (in accordance with something, on the basis

of something)

settled b to be set, be reduced (of a joint) c to be executed, be

presence of; when there is a (indicates the presence of


a to settle b to reduce, set (of a fractured, dislocated


2 puhr indecent
3 phr vice everywhere
prangavl denominative, transitive [past: ]


paint, color

prangedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be painted, be colored

pahravl transitive Eastern

pahr f. regional pehr 1
pahrad r m.
pahrad rkhn f.
pah m. slanderer

Pashto-English Dictionary

pehj f. regional
p z puri 1

pleasant (e.g., a smell) 2 interesting,

pzkavl m. plural pzkavna f.

memorization, learning by heart

pzkavnaj m. instruction, aide-mmoire, note

p zj ta 1 especially; particularly 2 moreover 3 also
p stn
m. analog
pshlikna f. endorsement (of a promissary note)
pshn pshn like, similiar (to)
pshnokavna f. maintaining cattle on green fodder or

recall 2 to memorize, learn by heart

pjdedl denominative [past: ] 1 to be

remembered; be recalled, come to mind 2 to be memorized, be


p h p h for good, favor, benefaction


learned by heart

phedl intransitive
phelavl transitive [past: ]

pghahavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to seize something with the teeth, bite

pravl denominative, transitive [past:

anger, enrage

pheledl intransitive [past: ]1 to be spread, be

spread out 2 to be unrolled 3 to be scattered, be strewn 4 to be

pkredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

angry, be enraged

disseminated; be expanded

1 pkravl denominative, transitive
2 pkravl denominative, transitive
1 pkredl denominative, intransitive
2 pkredl denominative, intransitive
pki Eastern pke
pgrda 1 in entirety, fully 2 collectively, together, jointly
plsavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
various aspects

pahlvaj m. regional botany white dog-rose

pahlav n m. 1 sports wrestler; athlete 2 champion

paj m. [plural: pajuna] .1 tendon, sinew 1.2

foundation, base 1.3 print, track (feet) 1.4 ford, crossing 1.5
place between two rivers 1.6 cutting; chopping 1.7 layer of earth
dug up by shovel

to shovel, dig

compound verb a

to cut a tendon b to chop, chop down c to leave tracks, footprints

d to cross (a river, ford) e to measure, plumb the depth (e.g., of a

to transfer into
to belong to someone, to be
in someone's possession 2 behind, immediately after idiom
to understand, apprehend the sense, get the hint; find out the
river) 1.8 possession, ownership

someone's possession

deliver, entrust

pahl m. side (of a question), aspect

1 to spread, spread out

2 to unroll 3 to scatter, strew 4 to disseminate; expand


Oh, how far

away he is!

be useful to someone, go to someone for a favor

phh interjection
phav vice
pvrvro little by little, slowly
phavl transitive
phoh interjection oh-ho-ho
pah f. 1 coating (substance) 2 bandage, binding 3 ointment
pj d memorized, mastered, studied
pjdavl denominative [past: ] 1 to remember,

entertaining; attractive 3 sincere, cordial

ph interjection aha, oho


to have

pj f. plural m. plural Eastern 1 milk 2 milky juice (plant),

latex 3 dialect



are very friendly. They always keep together.

3 hero;


pahlavn f. 1 sports wrestling 2 heroism

pahm m. Eastern
pmi interjection aha, oho
pmkhtg m.
pmkh tllaj advanced, developed (i.e., of a country)
pmkha toward to meet halfway
I went to meet him.
pmkhah f. pmkhah leave-taking, farewell
to say goodbye
pahmavl transitive Eastern
pahand r wide, expansive, broad

3 pe pe, name of the letter

4 pe Eastern 2
military abbreviation of 2
1 pj tsa f. rice or wheat bread, rice or wheat flat-cake
2 pj tsa f. 1 part (hair) 2 bell-bottoms (trousers)
1 pj khla f. 1 silk cuff 2 piping (on collar, sleeve)
2 pj khla f. 1 preparation of vegetable extract 2 sweating (of
a sick person) to make sweat, cause to sweat (a patient)
pj d
pijdag f. the work of a courier or deliveryman to
work as a courier, be a delivery man

pjdavl denominative, transitive

pijd 1 adjective .1 pedestrian 1.2 adjective military
infantry infantry infantry unit 2 m. .1


Pashto-English Dictionary

pedestrian 2.2 courier, deliveryman 2.3 infantryman 2.4 chess

pawn 3 on foot


pijdap pijdap j on foot

pijdarv m. sidewalk
pijdarav f. going on foot, walking
pjdedl denominative, intransitive
pjrzhnd f. watering land at night
pjgnda f.
pj rma f. 1 crupper (harness part) 2 rope (specifically that
which laces the netting of a bed to the frame) 3 drive belt (of a
spinning wheel) 4 figurative property obtained by dishonest

pjmakhr m. extortionist
pjmarvr having a large fatty tail (sheep)
ram with large fatty tail

pij z m. usually plural onions, onion



onions, let them be (given) with kindness. figurative It's not the
m. wild onions
miscarriage, abortion 2.1 missing, disappeared;

perished 2.2 damaged, spoiled

a to abort; have a

miscarriage b to abort, destroy, damage, spoil

a to be

aborted b to be missing, disappear; perish c to be damaged, be


pjz reddish
pjsa f. channel (of a river, stream)
1 pj ghla f. 1 1 2 scarf, muffler
2 pj ghla f. 2
pj gi f. knee tendons
pj lkha f. dialect embroidery, needlework
pijl f. 1 piala (footed teacup), cup cup of tea
to fill cups with wine 2 basin, bowl 3 pan (of a
flintlock rifle)

pijlj f. small teacup

2 pijl plural of
pajm m.
pj nda 1 lock (hair) 2 beautiful
ping-j ng m. Pyongyang (city)
pj n f. piano to play the piano
pj no vahnkaj m. pianist
pjvrkaj m. botany spurge, Euphorbia
pjvtb m. pjvtj f.

to develop,

to be developed, be strengthened 7

pjvajtb m.
pjj present stem of
1 pip m. 1 can (i.e., for gasoline) 2 barrel
2 pajp m. 1 pipe (smoking) 2 pipe
pip f. lean meat
piplj m. kind of elongated pepper
pepnj f. dress, gown
pit 1 flat 2 shallow (e.g., of a dish) 3 flat-bottomed (of a boat)
pajtv f. puttees
pitvaj m.
pitpzaj pitpzaj having a flat nose; snub-nosed
petaj m. warehouseman; superintendant of a depot or

pitl m. tin plate

pitnsaj m.
pitavl denominative, transitive [past: ]
flatten down 2 to press down

1 to flatten,

to press

oneself to the earth, flatten oneself to the ground

1 pjta f. usually plural pjti deposit, film (on the teeth)

2 pta feminine singular of
3 pit f. tape measure; tape (for measuring)
1 pit f. pajt Eastern 1 petj m. Western 2
2 pitj flat-nosed, snub-nosed dialect Snyder rifle
3 pti plural of 2
4 pit plural of 3
pitedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
flattened 2 to be pressed down

pi m. plural peat

pe 1 m. .1 damnation


May he be

to curse 1.2 shame, disgrace 2 interjection

phooey 3 quite, on the whole

3 pe m. 1
per m. 1 woven basket with a top

2 woven cage, woven

container (for snakes kept by fakirs)

pek m. 1 gift from relatives of the bride-to-be given to the

young man (on the occasion of the unveiling of the fianc's face) 2
gift to a child from relatives (soon after its birth) 3 woman's
decoration worn at the temples

pjvv laj m. 1

courtesy, good breeding 2 mind, quick-wittedness 3

development, strengthening

pjvaj 1 courteous, well-bred 2 quick-witted,

understanding, able 3 outstanding 4 vigorous 5 able, excellent

(i.e., a marksman) 6 strong, powerful, robust

talented; skillful, expert

proverb literal Even if it's only

gift, it's the thought that counts.

pj za 1 f.

strong, developed (economically)

pel transitive [past: ] to curse

pelaj damned
pen m. 1 aversion 2 indignation; displeasure
1 pe m. cursing someone
2 pe plural oblique of 2
pevr m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

pej m. 1 load; pack; bale 2 figurative burden; weight

burden, weight excessive burden, burden too
great to bear proverb literal They are

2 pech present tense of

3 pech plural of 1
pechidag f. 1 complication 2 intricacy 3 complexity
pechedl intransitive [past: ]1 to move around,

picking up the burden. figurative There is no other way out.


You gave assistance to no one.

revolve 2 to be wound around; be wound up 3 to coil

pechidag f.
pets m. 1 patience, endurance 2 dialect evil
pets aj
ptska f. pitskj f. 1 hem (of a shirt)

pej f. 1 sword belt 2 belt, girdle 3 bale, pack

pedzh v pure, unalloyed to purify to be


pedzhmkhv laj m. beauty

1 pech m. 1 bend, twist; turn 2 crookedness 3 screw; wood
screw 4 dysentery amoebic dysentery 5 regional
cramps a to wind, coil; turn b to screw in; twist in c to

side, aspect (of a question, etc.)

petsl transitive [past: ] to bear, endure (e.g., grief)

petsna f. patience, endurance, long-suffering
petsvl m. 1 side panel of a tent 2 screen; partition
petsnaj m.
1 pets f. 1 portion, part 2 lot 3 to bear,

pin down with a hold (wrestling) d figurative to betray e

figurative to complicate, muddle up
turn round and round

pech m. Pech (river, district in Nuristan)


to revolve, twist,

the Pech

suffer, endure

pechtb m. 1 difficulty 2 emotional agitation, anxiety 3


pechtv m. screwdriver
pechdarpch winding, tortuous
pechsh m. 1 dysentery 2 colic
pechk m. 1 skein, hank (of thread, yarn) 2 spool; bobbin
pechkr f. 1 injection, shot, hypodermic
injection to give a shot, give an injection, administer

pechl transitive [past: ] 1 to revolve, turn 2 to

wind round; wind to turn away, turn to one side


a to wind round b to be twisted; be wound; be wound

bend (in a road) 2.3 figurative turning point, crisis

f. little pigtail (braided lower than the ear)
imperative of

dialect closed, shut

to become

endangered (e.g., difficulties)

a to create; produce b to

discover, find c to acquire, obtain, get d to evoke, engender, give

a roundabout road 2 m. .1 rise, slope; uphill grade 2.2 turn,

imperfective of


arising 4 discovered, found 5 obtained; acquired 6 evoked,

a to be created; appear, arise

Disagreements arose between them.

rise to (i.e., difficulties)

b to be discovered, be found c to be obtained, be gotten, be

extracted d to appear, show itself e to turn out, prove to be, arise

illegitimate, born out of wedlock

In what city were you born? g to be
found, be met It is rare to encounter such
f to be born


1 pech
2 pch
3 pech
1 pche


around c to be complicated; be involved; be unclear

pechmaj 1.1 winding, twisting 1.2 roundabout

ptsa f. annoyance, pestering, bothering

pj khartsavnkaj m. milkman, one who sells milk

pekhedl intransitive
pejd 1 created; produced 2 born 3 appearing; forming;

pechmzi f. plural pechmj f. mockery

to laugh, laugh at someone
pechvj f. hobbles, fetters
pechutb m. 1, 2
pechukhm winding, twisting
pechor f. the Pechora River
pechma f. rise, ascent, upgrade slope (e.g., in the

ptsa f.

4 ptsa imperative imperfective of

5 pets imperfective aspect of
pekh m. spur (of a rooster)
pikh a f. dung, droppings (of sheep, goat)
pikh la f. droppings (of a bird)
pekhr m. large quantity; profusion

pechlaj 1 twisted 2 turned; wound; wound around 3

complex; complicated; involved; unclear (e.g., of a problem)

annoy, bore, pester

a hypodermic injection 2 syringe, hypodermic syringe

2 cuff (e.g., of

trouser leg) 3 tip, corner (of a shawl, chador, etc.) 4 figurative

people. h to breed (cattle) i to be produced, be manufactured

pajd kavnkaj m. 1 creator, maker 2 producer

pajdked m. plural 1 creation; appearance, origin

discovery 3 acquisition, obtaining 4 descent 5 birth

pedgozh f. pedagogy
pedagogic institute

Shut up! Be quiet!



Pashto-English Dictionary

pajdvr m. plural 1 production, output; product; goods

mineral riches 2 mining, extraction coal

1 perakj m. pirakj small pie (with vegetable filling)

small pie baked in a tonur (i.e., earthen oven)

2 pirkj m. diminutive of 1
pergr imitating
1 pirgj m. acorn
2 piragj m. wooden shovel (for shoveling snow)
3 pirgj m. diminutive of 1
1 pirl transitive
2 perl transitive [past: ] to braid, plait (e.g., a net, a


pajdvnht m. pajdvuht 1 provenance, descent; origin;

by descent 2 living creature; creature

pajdjsh m.
pajdjish inborn, innate, congenital
pajdjh m. pajdajh pajdjht

m. pajdjht 1
creation; appearance, beginning 2 birth 3 output; product 4

pajdarpj 1 sequential; uninterrupted 2 successively;


pir m. 1 old man, elder 2 pir (Muslim spiritual guide)

per m. 1 turning; turn

The horsemen
a to revolve;

immediately turned back. 2 bend, twist

turn; turn around b to coil 3 figurative falseness

3 pir m. Monday
perhn m. 1 shirt, blouse 2 dress (female's)
piraja f. 1 adornment, appointments; attire 2 embellishment
3 figurative appearance

perdz Eastern
perdzojna f.
prdzj m. post, place of assignment
per 1 2
pertb m. perv laj m. corpulence; stoutness
pirzd m. offspring of a pir (i.e., spiritual guide)
perz 1 proper, fitting, worthy to award, favor,
consider worthy of something to be worthy, deserve
something I consider you worthy of this
reward. No, I do not want you
to suffer so. 2 desired, wished a to consider worthy,
deserving of something b to desire someone (to have) something

He doesn't
wish you evil. I don't want to disturb
you any longer. However, time ordained
otherwise. I don't wish to burden anybody.
perzonk m. perzovnkaj m. well-wisher
perzov laj m. perzovna f. perzojna f. 1
awarding 2 wish, desire good wishes
to wish (someone) all the best 3 favor,
inclination, consideration to someone; courtesy
considerately, courteously perzojni to
3 pleasant, pleasing idiom

show consideration to someone 4 advantage, preference 5

indulgence, favor, goodwill, kindness

favor, ask for indulgence


pir muhammd m. proper name Pir Muhammed

perng m. 1 the Christian world 2 Europe
perangj m. 1 Englishman English officers

prs m. regional Paris (city)

European (person) 3 Christian (person)

pirin Pyrenees, the Pyrenees Mountains

1 perna f. plainting, braiding (e.g., nets, mats)
2 perna f.
1 pajrv m. 1 follower, adherent 2 member of a sect
2 pir m. affectionate
3 per m. Peru
1 perv n m. anatomy placenta
pajrav n plural of 1
pervtaj m. pervtaj pervte f. 1 bindweed (plant) 2


(general term for climbing plant in tropical climates)

perd m. buying; procurement

perodl pirodl transitive [present:

past: ] to

buy, procure, stock up

perodna f. purchasing; procuring; stocking up

perodnkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. purchaser
perdaj bought (up); procured
peroz f.
1 peruz f. victory
2 perozj m. strainer, filter (of cloth, muslin)
perozh f. turquoise
pernkaj 1 present participle of 2 2 m. weaver (of
nets, mats)

pervna pervne f. 1 singular & plural astronomy the

Pleiades 2 f. proper name Pervyna idiom

Autumn came on.

pervaj pervaj m. cream sour cream

idiom a to grow dark before

to ask a

one's eyes b to get into a rage c to be angry with someone idiom

a he became blind b he became intensely


perzojnaj 1 kind; well-wishing 2 gracious 3 kind,


small pie cooked in a skillet

pajrav f. 1 emulating someone; escorting, accompanying



in company with someone 2 imitating

Pashto-English Dictionary

someone 3 observing, maintaining something (as a law or custom,

tradition) 4 law conducting a trial a trial
per f. pajr 1 guard (body of men); protection, security
advance guardpost to set up a guard, institute
security to guard, protect
They were under increased security. 2 Eastern time, occasion
He came and went two times. 3 case idiom
to travel on business
perad r m. pajrad r sentry, guard
perad rkhn f. sentry box
perad r f. guarding, carrying out security measure,
performing the duties of an armed-guard detachment
guard duty, guard service
perakj m. 1
peravl m.
1 perj m. evil spirit, jinn, demon idiom a
to grow dark before one's eyes b to go into a rage c to be angry
with someone

per Are you losing your mind?

Has the evil one bewitched you?

2 per pir 1 present of 2 m. purchase, buying

buying and selling, trading to buy, procure
3 pir f. 1 old age; declining years 2 the position of a pir (i.e.,
spiritual advisor), or a murshid (i.e., spiritual counsellor)

4 perj f. fairy
5 per f. plural imitating, mimicking
perj n perij n plural of 1 idiom mirage
perjn f. wicked fairy, witch
perjan perjnj 1 devilish; demoniac 2 possessed,
dominated by an evil spirit

perin f.
pirinz m. plural the Pyrenees
1 pe 1 m. .1 mortar (wooden) 1.2

press (for obtaining must

from berries) 1.3 squeezing (juice from berries) 2.1 stout;

corpulent; fat 2.2 large, big

a large apple 2.3 coarse,

thick (e.g., of cloth)

2 pe tautological with
petb m.
peza f. pile of earth
pem r m. worker engaged in the cooking of must
pemkh turned over, overturned to invert, overturn
pemn m. lazy fat man, lazy fatso
1 pe pe m. pay of a herdsman or shepherd
2 pe oblique of 1
3 pe oblique plural of 1
pev laj m. 1 stoutness; corpulence 2 coarseness (e.g., of

2 pa feminine singular of 1 2
1 pej f. 1 century, age from century to century,
from one century to another for centuries, in the course
of centuries to last for centuries 2 generation (30 years)
2 pej f. stool; bench
pez m. repairing; darning, mending
pajz r m. slippers; payzars (a kind of Afghan footgear with
turned-up toes)

pajzr f. pedestal
pezl transitive [past: ] to repair; darn, mend
1 pez f. peso (monetary unit)
2 pez present tense first person singular of
pezv n m. 1 nose ring (female adornment) 2 single
(swingle)- tree (for harnessing horse to a plow) 3 ring or wooden
plug threaded through a camel's nostril to control the animal 4
muzzle (for a calf)

figurative docile person, meek person 3

pza f. 1 ledge (on a mountain) 2 pinnacle (mountain), peak

3 dialect nose 4 crown 5 point, spike to sharpen

2 pez f. medicine incontinence of urine
1 pze pzi plural of 1
2 pez pezj faded, withered to fade, wither
3 pezj f. reading haltingly ABC's, alphabet
a to read haltingly b to write or pronounce haltingly
pezitb m. 1 flabbiness 2 fading, withering
pezedl intransitive [past: ] to droop, fade, dry up
peziv laj m.
pezh nd 1 familiar 2 m. connoisseur; expert
pezhndgalv f.
pezhndl transitive
pezhnd m. plural pezhnd f. 1 cognition, understanding

of something 2 familiarity with someone or something

pzhan present stem of

pezhantn m. military directorate of personnel
pezhnd m. military personnel, cadre
pezhandgalv f. pezhandgal f. 1 familiarization
or acquaintance with something; cognition or knowledge of

friendly relations


I am not acquainted with him.

2 recommendation 3

registration; inventory-taking

pezhandl 1 [present: past: ] transitive .1 to

know someone, be acquainted with someone Do you
know me?

to acquaint someone with

someone or something; to present to someone


pezv nj m. pezv n 1 bullock or ox with muzzle 2

peda coarse, harsh

Permit me to introduce my friend to

you. 1.2 to recognize someone

pa f. 1 lump, ball (of dough) 2 sweet dish made of cream

and sugar

They knew one another well by this time. 1.3 to

understand, get to know, grasp 1.4 to know something 1.5 to


Pashto-English Dictionary

to recognize
officially (e.g., a government) to distinguish something
to be presented to someone
to distinguish one from another 2 m. plural

pezhandna f. 1 acquaintanceship
to become acquainted with someone 2
recognize someone or something

appelation, designation 3 description, depiction 4 knowledge;




pezhandv l m. military chief of the personnel directorate

pezhandn m.
pezhndj pezhndj 1.1 knowing, informed 1.2 familiar
acquaintances 2 m. acquaintance
pegl transitive Western [past: ] 1 to make a cut or
notch 2 to cut; chop, chop off, cut off 3 medicine to amputate

pes m. 1 m. leprosy 2 leprous

pis m. vanity; arrogance


pisaj m.
pes m. paste toothpaste
pes ugly; unattractive a

to be vain; be

to consider ugly, think

unattractive b to despise

pska f.
piskj f.
pislj m. section of land over which water passes at the time
of irrigation

pismn vain; arrogant

pajs pes f. Eastern 1 small coin, pice 2 usually plural
pajs pes Eastern pes 3 money rich man,
monied person a to take money b to take bribes
pajsad r monied, well-to-do
pajsadost f. avarice, greed
1 pes m. leper
2 pisj m. fop, dandy
pajs pes Eastern plural of
pesevl m. Eastern rich man, monied individual
1 pesh 1.1 in front, ahead; before 1.2 forward 1.3 earlier,
formerly, first first of all a to bring forward;
advance; present b to adduce, offer (an example, a quotation) 2

m. linguistics pesh, zamm (the supralinear symbol ' for the short
vowels /u/ or /o/)

organization 2 vanguard, advance party

peshbnd m. 1 martingale (harness component) 2 apron

peshband f. 1 prudence, foresight 2 care, caution
a to be prudent, be foresighted b to be careful, be

peshbn 1 prudent, foresighted 2 careful, cautious

peshbin f. prevision, foresightedness; prudence
compound verb to foresee, envisage compound verb
a to be foresighted, to have envisaged b to have anticipated

pishp ng m. panther
pish-pish-pish interjection here kitty-kitty-kitty
1 pisht tautological with
2 pisht interjection Scat!
peshtr 1 former, previous 2 earlier, before
pishtraj m. kind of sweet green vegetable
pishtvl m. 1 lintel (of a door) 2 ceiling 3 main ceiling

peshkhn f.
peshkhabar f.
peshkhr extravagant, living on credit, living beyond one's

peshkhor f. 1 life on credit, extravagance 2 grain on loan

peshkhajm f. 1 tent sent ahead of a military unit on the

against a future harvest (as collateral)

march 2 herald, harbinger

peshd r m. military vanguard; advance party

peshdst 1 outstripping the others, running ahead

2 swift,

quick, adroit

peshdast f. 1 outstripping, running ahead 2 swiftness,

quickness, adroitness

peshr n m. breechblock (of a rifle)

peshrs early, ripening early, early-ripening
peshrft m. 1 moving forward, progress 2 success,
advancement 3 military offensive, attack a to move
forward b to produce successes c to attack

peshrft ghuhtnkaj progressive

peshrv 1 m. .1 advancement, moving forward
go forward 1.2 doubt, fear 1.3 preface 1.4 person who is

pish m. dialect cat

pish a f. 1 mockery

pesh n 1 forward, front 2 advanced

peshn f. 1 sitting room 2 dialect pantry, storeroom
peshn f. 1
peshahng m. 1 pioneer, member of the pioneer

advancing 1.5 predecessor 2.1 front, anterior 2.2 preceding

to laugh at someone 2

attack 3 smirk, grin

pish k m. scab; mange

peshmd m. 1 event, occurence 2 approach, behavior
They were rude. They conducted themselves
rudely. to conduct yourself in relation to

peshrav f. advancement, moving forward

move forward, advance

peshfikr f. foresight
peshbza f.

someone else, behave toward someone



to be foresighted


Pashto-English Dictionary

peshkadm 1 advanced, vanguard, moving forward

figurative forward, advanced detachment, vanguard 2 m.
herald, precursor, forerunner

peshkadam f. 1 advance, advancement, moving ahead 2

pishompj f. game with a ball

pishngaj m. pishongaj m. kitten
peshavna f. 1 presentation; delivery 2 closing, locking

(e.g., a door) 3 attaching, joining (to) 4 bringing forward (e.g.,

offensive 3 initiative

conditions) 5 proposal, overture

pesharvl m. military 1 vanguard, advance units 2


peshvza f. peshkavza (a kind of large double-edged



peshvj f. ladle, scoop

pesh f. 1 trade, craft; profession 2 practice; habit

peshavr m.

peshk m. medicine leprosy, Hanson's disease

peshk r m. 1 manager (e.g., of property) 2 overseer
peshkr f. 1 direction, management 2 the work of an

pishka f. pussy, pussycat

1 peshak f.
2 peshkj m. leper, Hanson's disease sufferer
peshgo f. peshgu prediction, forecast, prognosis
I can say nothing in advance.
weather forecast a to predict, forecast
b to make a prognosis, make a forecast (e.g., of the weather)

compound verb to predict, forecast

peshg f. peshag advance, advance money, deposit
peshl transitive [past: ] to cool (stirring with a

guard meat, set a goat to watch the cabbages

peshv m. 1 leader, chief 2 history peshwa (title of the

leader of the Mahrattas in India)

be a bootlicker

to toady,

pishopj f. tug-of-war (the game)

peshavr m. artisan; workman
peshvrz m. overskirt (worn by a dancer)
pishogj f. 1 kitty, pussycat 2 hairy caterpillar
peshavl denominative [past: ] 1 deliver; bring to
someone 2 close, lock, bolt (e.g., a door) 3 to fasten to, join,

unite 4 to bring forward, set (e.g., conditions)

He placed the following conditions before them. 5 to

present (with)

a to try to ingratiate oneself

caterpillar 3 purse

pshi f. plural children's speech pee-pee, urine

to pee-pee, urinate

peshadl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be delivered;

present oneself to someone 2 to be closed, be locked, be bolted

(e.g., of a door) 3 to be attached, be joined 4 to be closed up (of a

wound) 5 to join, converge 6 to be put forth, be proposed

peshn m. 1 the afternoon 2 namaz (Muslim prayer offered

after noon)

1 2

peh m. peh

peh peh 1 going on, occurring

happening to

me, happening to us; experienced by me, experienced by us

peshnih d m. [plural: peshnihdna plural:

peshnihd t] Arabic proposition, suggestion
a to introduce a proposal, propose b to submit proof
to submit evidence to a court
peshan fashionable fashionable clothing
pish f. cat proverb to set a cat to

pishobz f. toadying, bootlicking

to take

with, make up to, fawn upon b to make up to

(during Ramadan)

pish f. cat

2 pishj m. cat
3 pesh f. 1 precedent 2 conduct, conducting (of a trial)
at the time of the (courtroom) trial
4 pishj f. 1 small nose ring (female decoration) 2 hairy


peshlra f. pishlraj m.
peshlamj m. Western
peshmanj f. mockery
peshmanj m. meal completed before daybreak

pesh f. regional 1 testimony, evidence

down testimony 2 appearance (in court)

to stab with a peshkavza

What kind of misfortune befell? 2 predicative

front, anterior to, first, moved up front

3 peh peh tautological with

pehv pehv m. 1 humorous prank, trick; eccentricity; to
be engaged in pranks, perform practical jokes 2
mockery, ridicule to ridicule 3 occurrence, event
pehvr pehvr m. 1
pehv pehv m. 1 imitator 2 scoffer
pehkh pehkh m. pehkah pehkah f.
gift; present to give a gift
peh peh m.
1 pehavr m. pehavr Peshawar (city)
Peshawar District

pehvr m. carpet maker, weaver of palases (a kind of

napless carpet)

pehavrj pehavrj 1 attributive Peshawar 2 m.

resident of Peshawar

2 pehavrj feminine singular of 1

pekhavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
cause, provoke to destroy to inflict harm,

Pashto-English Dictionary

cause damage

render assistance; create (conditions)


peghoravl denominative [past: ] 1 reproach;

reprove; judge; 2 reprimand, censure; rebuke

to trouble, disturb someone 2 to

to facilitate

pha pha f. 1 occurrence; happening; incident

conflict What happened? What's the matter?
Yesterday the following incident occurred
a sad event Everything is from God.
You can't do anything about it. There's nowhere to
go. 2 occurrence, appearance In the
event of the occurrence of danger a to begin b to appear

by chance, arise by chance

to imitate someone; mock someone
2 imitation to mimic someone
3 peh f. regional 2
peham r pehamr 1 imitating 2 m. mimic, imitator
1 pehj m.
2 pkhi plural of 1
3 peh plural of 2
pehedl 1 intransitive [past: ] .1 to happen, occur;
go on; arise It rarely happens that
I don't know what happened to me.
This will lead to sad consequences.
It is a surprise to you that 1.2 to be found, find
oneself, happen to be; run into He met him.
How did you happen to get here? 1.3 to come into
sight; appear 1.4 to be caused; cause, inflict (e.g., losses)
Considerable injury was done him. Considerable

peghoradl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

judged; be reproved

1 pajk m. fan to fan a fire 1

2 pik m. funnel for pouring oil
3 pik m. peak (of a peak cap, military service cap)
pikp m. pickup (vehicle)
pikatb m.
pik m. picket; outpost
pajkr m. 1 figure; body 2 figurative personality traits;

peh peh f. 1 mimicking; mocking

Stop teasing.

trapping birds) 3 figurative knotty problem; scandalous,

maliciously litigious affair

pehednkaj 1 present participle of


pajkl m. 1 chain 2 clothesline 3 roller of spiny or thorny

material (used in threshing)

pajk m. 1 2 tool or device for cutting noodles

pekn m. pekng m. Peking (city)
pekvaj m. ribbon (for the hair)
pek pik 1 disordered; confused a to disorder;

embarrass, confuse b to spoil c figurative to poison (e.g., a life)

to be disordered; be embarrassed, be confused 2 pale

(color) 3 tasteless, unpalatable 4 unpleasant

pektb pikatb m.

pikav laj m. 1 confusion;

bashfulness; shyness 3 paleness 4 bad taste, tastelessness

pekj m. bangs (cut straight across)

a to cut of

the bangs b to announce to a young unmarried woman that she is

injury was done them. 2 m. plural occurrence, appearance

pajk f. 1 chains, shackles 2 hunting nooses, snares (for

to be engaged (married)

2 possible,

pik f. dive (of an aircraft)

an aircraft out of a dive

pehed m. plural occurrence, appearance

pehegr m. clown, buffoon
pajgh m pegh m m. message; utterance
to address someone with a formal message
pajghmbr m.
peghltb m. 1 virginity, chastity 2 girlhood, girlhood
years in girlhood years
peghltn m. girlhood, girlhood years
peghlke f. dialect little girl
pghla f. unmarried girl, unmarried woman, spinster
old maid
pajghm m.
pajghambr m. prophet arnebia (a kind

to pull

pekj lj wearing bangs

1 pajl m. beginning, initiative
to begin something; set about something; undertake something
to start a job, begin a task
He is in his twelfth year.
2 pil m. elephant
folk saying Even after death an elephant has a barrel of water in
his belly.


saying A live elephant is worth a hundred thousand rupees, and

when he dies is worth twice as much. idiom
twigs (a pastry)
dumb; yawn

of decorative plant)

peghr m. reproach; judgement; censure, rebuke, reproof

to reproach; censure; pass judgement; rebuke, reprove
to blame one another to be ashamed
of something This is a great reproach to us.


to doze, look stupid, look

pejl transitive
pajl t m. 1 disturbance; disorders, riots 2 fraud, swindling,


pajlt m. troublemaker
pajltitb m. 1 stirring up trouble, sedition


cheating at games

2 cheating;

Pashto-English Dictionary

pel r m. curtain; blind

to pull the blinds, close the

in a
certain quantity in large proportions
on a terrestrial scale compound verb to measure


pajlm f. 1 basis, foundation, base 2 sign, token 3

disposition, temper

pajmn f. 1 measure; dimensions; scale

2 cup, goblet

pelb pelab f. lightning to flash (as lightning)

pilp f. 1 elephantiasis sufferer 2 medicine elephantiasis
pilpilka f. praying mantis (insect)
pilkhn f. stable or stall for elephants
proverb He who would keep an elephant must pay for a

pajmjsh m. 1 measure, standard 2 bound, limit

pajmjish f. metrology
pjmkhtb m. pjmkhv laj m. beauty,

pilr m. pillar, column frontier marker

pelstaj growing up, growing stronger

peml transitive [past: ] to measure

1 pemj m.
2 pem present tense of
1 pin m. powder (medicine)
2 pin m. pin
pajn m. regional 1 point 2 sports point (in counting scores)
pindz 1
pna f. 1 common dish or bowl 2 dinner party, party at table,


to grow

up, grow stronger

pilghvga f. twigs (pastry)

pilmrgh m. turkey, Tom turkey
pelna f. farewell, leave-taking

to say good-bye, take


pelv f.
pilv n m. elephant keeper, mahout
pilt m. pilot, flyer automatic pilot
pilta f. [plural: pilo ni] female pilot, woman flyer
female aviator
pilo f. the profession of flying, piloting
flight school flying school students,
flight cadets

pelvdzaj m.


pajl m.

pelvzaj m. brush, kindling; kindling

pelum m. 1 effort, diligence 2 care,

attractiveness; good looks

pjmkhaj 1 beautiful, attractive; good-looking 2



penj f. stone base, buttress of a column

pensl m. pencil
pajngh m. appendicitis
pujng m. 1 vine 2 support for a vine
pingpng m. ping-pong
pingn impatient; unable to endure
peng f. 1 child's swing 2 cradle
pinl transitive [past: ] to lick up from the palm of the
hand, take up from the palm of the hand with the tongue (e.g.,


pajln m. boot, launch

pajln chalz m. computer science boot drive
1 pelvna f.
2 pajlavna f. undertaking, initiative
1 pel f. cocoon (of a silkworm) silkworm breeding,
sericulture silkworm to spin a cocoon

pla f. cow, female elephant

pelakash f. silkworm breeding, sericulture
pelavr m. silkworm breeder
pelavar f.
1 pajl f. plural leg bracelets, ankle bracelets
2 pel plural of 1
pelj r m.
pajm l m. occupation, trade
pajmlv l m. artisan, handicraftsman
pajm n m. 1 promise; assurance; consent 2 obligation
to make a commitment to promise; assure
to be obliged idiom the Atlantic Charter

pe f. 1 turn 2 time
pev m. the Pevar Pass, the Pewar Pass

(of the worm)


pin f. 1 trough (for dough); wooden basin 2 patch (e.g., for

a shoe)

to patch 3 brace, support (for a wall)

pna f. dish
pinadz m. itinerant cobbler; cobbler
pin f. world, universe
pingh m. medicine 1 constipation 2 colic

3 volculus (a

twisting of the intestine upon itself that causes obstruction)

the Pevar

Valley, the Pewar Valley

pjv z m. temporary cooperative operation for the collection

of milk for making butter and cheese for the winter

pevch m. pine tree

pevdl transitive
pevdna f. 1 composition; composing

2 arranging, setting

going; regulating 3 stringing, threading together; planting, seating

in place

pevdn m. order
pevd m. plural

Pashto-English Dictionary

pjvra pjvra milch, milk (of a cow)

cow gives much milk.

pajvst pevst Eastern 1


affiliated, adjoining, contiguous

His house is right next to mine. 2

m. .1 conjunction; contiguity; junction 2.2 friendship; closeness

2.3 dialect gap; crack; break

pajvastag f. conjunction; contiguity; connection

to join, conjoin; connect; affix
pajvastn pevastn m. Eastern 1 joining; contiguity 2

side 2 to become close friends, start a friendship

1 to chop down (a tree) 2 to

pajvnd m. 1 joining; coupling 2 repairing, mending,

patching 3 agriculture grafting 4 rapprochement, friendship

idiom blood relationship

pajvandavl denominative, transitive [past: ]
pajvand 1 patched 2 agriculture grafted
pajvandedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to

1 to

pionr m. pioneer (member of the Pioneer Organization)

1 pja f. bandage, dressing (for the eyes)
2 paj f. moth, clothes moth
pajedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be cut
down (of a tree) 2 to be plumbed, be measured (e.g., the depth of
a river)

t f. 1 layer; sheet


fold, crease 3 bend, twist

t f. 1 sound 2 noise; roar, rumble


double 2

to set down, land (e.g., a plane); land, disembark

(troops, etc.)

to alight (e.g., of a bird); land (e.g., in a

t 1 up to something 2 conjunction in order to

not to have the strength

I don't have the strength to

tb m. power, might

to do something

fight with him. I don't have the strength to fight with them.

2 tb m. 1 2 2 brightness, radiance, sparkling; light

2 tb m. bend, twist
tb n shining, radiating, sparkling
tbakhn f.
tbd r winding, twisting
2 tbd r
tbd n m. 1 window (glassed-in, e.g., in a roof); small
window 2 small hinged pane for ventilation

1 to put together, make

up; gather, assemble 2 to arrange, organize, regulate, adjust 3 to

to string pearls on a string

tbist n m. poetic summer

tb' tb' Arabic 1.1 subordinate; dependent 1.2 submissive,
obedient to be subordinate, submit to 1.3 agreeable,
in agreement with something; corresponding to something 2.1 m.

[plural: tbe'in m. plural: taba'] supporter, adherent;

pejlaj 1 made up; gathered 2 arranged, regulated 3 planted,

seated, strung; pulled through, threaded

pejnd m.
pejvaj m.

you laughed

plane); disembark

join; interlock 2 to be patched 3 to be grafted

pejkaj m.
pejl transitive [past: ]

join, adjoin 2 to mend, patch 3 agriculture to graft

beneath you, under you

plumb, measure the depth (e.g., of a river)

to thread a needle

I came to see you. 2 used as a

you said 3 used with

on you
a beyond you b about you Eastern to
you Eastern to you
in you by
you; from you Eastern for you Eastern with you
Eastern like you, similar to you Eastern
you killed him

constantly; continuously

plant, seat, string

prepositions, postpositions and adverbs

pajvast-abr having eyebrows which are joined

pajvastedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1
to join; adjoin to join someone, be on someone's

t oblique form of the pronoun 1 used as an object with

transitive verbs in the present and future tenses, and also in the
imperative mood

pajvast 1.1 joined; affiliated 1.2 close 2 always,

pevkaj m.
pajvl transitive [past: ]

subject with transitive verbs in the ergative "you", "by you"

friendship, closeness 3 merging, unification

te 1 the fourth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the number 400 in

the abjad system

pejna f.

follower 2.2 [plural: atb' plural: taba' plural:

tavb'] subject, national

tbe'd r [plural: ]1 subordinate; dependent 2

submissive, obedient 3 devoted

He obeys me

without question. He is devoted to me.

tb'dr f. 1 subordination; dependence 2 submissiveness

3 devotion


a to submit (to), obey b to show one's

Pashto-English Dictionary

tb'galv f.

tbe'v laj m.

tbe'jt m.

Arabic allegiance; citizenship

3 table, plate 4

tblt m. tablet, pill

tbt m. Arabic coffin
tbutgr m. coffin-maker, undertaker
1 tb imperfect of 1
2 tb oblique of the suffix under direction
tbakhn f.
tbj ready, made, done
1 tbn m.
2 tbn m. arrangement, adjustment to arrange, adjust
to be arranged, be adjusted
tbij f.
tp m. top (of a carriage)
t pase 1 3
1 tp f.
2 tp imperfect of
tt r m. Tatar
tt ra f. Tatar (female)
ttr adjective 1 Tatar the Tatar language 2 the


compound verb to plunder, pillage, ravage

tkhch f. shelf; niche (used as a bookshelf) idiom

to shelve, put off some matter
tkhm m.
tkhn m. 1 alarm, uneasiness 2 heartache
tkhr m. Arabic slowdown, delay, procrastination;
postponement to put off, delay; linger with something,

td v m. tdj m. foundation (of a building)

a to lay a foundation (for a building) b
to found, create (a school, a direction in something)

1 td f. 1 hurry, haste 2 quickness, swiftness, promptness

a to hurry, rush b to be prompt
2 ta'add f. Arabic
tdb m. Arabic 1 punishment, means of exerting pressure
correction, rehabilitation a to punish b to correct,

to experience a strong desire; dream b to feel sympathy,


impressionability 2 impression 3 grief, sorrow 4 regret, chagrin

tsr m. Arabic [plural: tsirna Arabic plural:

compound verb

impression on someone

t dzh-i cock's comb b Amaranthus, amaranth 3 bookshelf

tdzhbkhsh m. emperor, suzerian

tdzhposh f. coronation, accession to the throne
tdzhd r 1 crowned, enthroned m. 2 king, monarch
tdzhr 1 m. Arabic [plural: tdzhir n Arabic plural:
tudzhdzhr] merchant tradesman petty tradesman
2 attributive merchant, trade merchants (as a group)
tdzhk m. Tajik
tdzhikist n m. Tajikistan
tdzhka f. Tajik (female)

tdij f. m. Arabic [plural: tdij t] payment (of taxes,

to pay (taxes, dues) to pay (a check)

dues); payment (of a check)

to influence, affect someone; make an

to impress someone
to have an influence
to influence, affect 2 physics induction
tdzh m. 1 botany crown 2 comb, crest (of a bird)


ta'assurt] 1

tsir t] 1 impression, effect; influence, action

2 law suspended

t dzni t tskha 1 3
tkh m.
tkht m. 1 gallop at a gallop to urge on,
whip up to a gallop to go at a gallop 2 attack
a to gallop, race b to attack, carry out a raid on someone
tkht-u-tr dzh m. wholesale pillage

Tatar language

ttrn m. hell, the underworld, the nether regions

ttml m. ttml m. strong desire, dream

the Tajik language 2 f.

tdzhik m.
tdzhikist n m.
tdzh ika f.
tdzhl m. Arabic 1 postponement, delay


the Tajik language

tbe'n m. Arabic plural from

tbl f. 1 picture; poster 2 view, panorama

t ta 1 3
tt f. decrepit old woman
ta'assr m. Arabic [plural:

tdzhik adjective 1 Tajik

compound verb to be paid (of taxes, dues); be paid (of a


tr m. 1 thread 2 string 3 anatomy chord, ligament

vocal chords 4 warp (of a fabric) 5 yarn, thread 6 wire;

receive a telegram to send a telegram a to issue
a telegram, send a telegram b to call, phone idiom
a to be friendly with b to have a love affair with
2 tr m. plural
tr dzh m. theft, pillage; plundering; robbery, piracy
conductor 7 colloquial telegram


compound verb to rob; plunder; destroy

tr n m. botany knotweed
trbark f. Eastern colloquial telegraph
trpt r
trptravl denominative, transitive

Pashto-English Dictionary

trptredl denominative, intransitive

trpt r 1 separately, apart 2.1 scattered, thrown about

2.2 dispersed, strewn about 2.3 wind blown (of hair); fluffed up

(of feathers) 2.4 tossed, sprawled (of a sleeper, sick person)

denominative, transitive [past: ]

trikhv r on certain days

trikh Arabic historical
trz stringed instruments
trik 1 dark, somber 2 m. history

trka 1 feminine singular of 1 2 f. darkness, gloom

trik 1 f. darkness, gloom 2 m. history the Tariki (name

1 to

scatter, throw about 2 to disperse 3 to dishevel (hair); fluff up


for followers of the Roshani sect)

trptredl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to be scattered, be thrown about 2 to be dispersed 3 to go

t m. 1 gang, band of robbers Bandits fell upon
the village. 2 robbery to rob 3 boulder; large rock
t to plunder, rob
1 t k m. misfortune
2 t k m.
1 t
2 t unfortunate
3 t imperfect of
t f. plural hand-clapping, applause to
thunderous applause to clap, applaud
tz m. cicada
tzd exclamation really and truly
tzr m. bath towel
tzk m.
tzag f. 1 freshness 2 newness; novelty
tz indeclinable 1 fresh fresh bread 2 new, fresh
What news is there today?
This book is hot off the press. 3 glowing (of health)
fresh and flowering 4 succulent, unwithered a to

away, disperse, break up (e.g., from a meeting) 4 to be disheveled

(of hair); be fluffed up (of feathers) 5 to toss about (of a sleeper or
a sick person)

trped f. military torpedo

trt r
trkh m. Eastern plural of
trk Arabic 1 leaving, abandoning 2 m. deserter
trik-ud-dunj 1 having turned away from this world

m. hermit, anchorite, recluse

trkh m. spider
trkl m. plural tar tarred road
trkj f. small spider
trgr m. regional telegraph
trlma f. snares, traps
1 tr m. francolin (a kind of patridge) francolin idiom
saying the one who is bold is the
one who has eaten

2 tr m. Eastern collar beam (part of a harness)

trut r
1 trugj m. hawkmoth, sphinx
2 trugj feminine of 1
travl transitive [past: ] 1 to put in (e.g., to thread a
needle) 2
trun r thin, frail a to be thin, be gaunt b

freshen, renew b to change, replace c to wash up (hands and face

before prayer) d to promote good health


a to be

(before prayer) d to be health, be in the pink e to liven up, cheer

in recent days Be well! Good luck!

(God) bless you! newborn to inspire,

rouse, hearten

trv Eastern masculine plural of

tri attributive cotton cotton fabrics
trkh m. Arabic [plural: trikhna Arabic plural:
tavrkh] 1 date on the twentieth (day)
on the appointed day 2 chronology Christian
chronology Muslim chronology 3 history
history of Afghanistan historians
trikhph m. historian
trikhch f. concise history
trikhd n m. historian, history expert
trkh liknkaj m. trikhnig r m. 1
historian 2 chronicler, annalist

refreshed, be renewed b to be changed c to perform ablution

figurative to wither, be consumed (from grief, bitterness)

trikhnigar f.
trikhnavs m.

Tarik (name given to

Bajazid Ansari, founder of the Roshani sect, by his enemies)

tzadm fresh, new fresh troops, new units

tzadim gh Eastern satisfied Ahmed
remained satisfied.

tzag f. tzav laj m.

tz m. borzoi (dog) male borzoi
tzijn f. lash, whip to lash, whip
tg dialect
1 ts m. copper bowl; basin
2 ts m. Tass (Russian news agency)
tspni f. plural card game
tssf m. Arabic regret to regret,
deplore to express regrets in
connection with something


tslj m. basin, wash basin

Pashto-English Dictionary

t su t so Eastern

tsi Eastern tse proper name

second person plural 1.1 you (used as subject of an action in all

tenses and also in the imperative)

Where are you

going? 1.2 you (as object of an action in an ergative construction)

Who beat you? 2 oblique .1 you (as a direct

object with transitive verb in the present or future tense)

3 tk 1 odd (-numbered) 2 solitary 3 odd (not paired)

tk v m. cellar, basement
tktk m. tactics
tkdr f. wine growing, viticulture
tkar 1 at your house, at your home 2 to your house, to your

you b about you

tkist n m. vineyard
ta'kd m. tkd Arabic affirmation; confirmation; emphasis
to affirm, confirm; emphasize
ta'kdn Arabic categorically, persistently
ta'kid Arabic final, categorical, peremptory

Eastern When did you arrive?

1 tl m. 1 copper basin 2 salt pit

2 tl hand-clapping (in time to music) to clap hands
tl 1 f. robbery 2 robbed, pillage, destroyed
compound verb to subject to robbery compound verb

When will we see you? 2.2 you (as subject of an

action in an ergative construction)

What were you

doing? 2.3 with preposition, postpositions and adverbs

on you, at you a behind

to you to you
by you, from you
Eastern for you Eastern with you Eastern
like you, similar to you Eastern beneath you, under
you 3 you (used as a polite form in place of )

tss m. Arabic [plural: tsisna Arabic plural:

tsis t] 1 foundation, institution, creation, organization
compound verb compound
verb 2 organization; institution 3 gathering, meeting
tsis t m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 institutions;
facilities military sites
tsisavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
found, create, organize 2 to build, erect

tsisedl 1 denominative, intransitive [past: ] .1

founded, be created, be organized 1.2 to be built, be erected

Several large dams have been built. 2 m.

plural foundation, creation

tsh regional card game

tshpt sh scattered, sparse, thrown about
tshurgh n m. Tashkurghan (city, also called Kholm)
tshknd m. Tashkent (city)
tshla wide and shallow (of dishes)
th f. lisle thread
tgh r m. 1 clay trough, clay tub 2 kneading trough 3 bowl
for fruit 4 lime pit

tghrk m. person with dropsy

t ghga f.
t ghunde Eastern 1 3
t gha f. hackberry, hackberry tree
tft f. taffeta (material)
t unpaired, odd
tch f.
t banded (of a bird)
1 tk m. steep incline, precipice idiom to
deprive of shelter to be homeless; be without

peremptory decision

tl b m. 1 pool, reservoir 2 pond

tl-trgh f. plunder, pillage
tltb m. tltj f. robbery; plunder, pillage
tl r m. large hall
tl kavnkaj m. robber
tlgr m. robber
tl n m. robbery; burglary to rob
tln amassed by robbery
tl v m.
tlvl f. tlv laj m. tljna f.
t lara Eastern 1 3
tli n m. colloquial tlikh n m. plural Talikan (city)
tlgr m. composer
tllm m. Arabic suffering, torment; grief
tllin m. Tallin (city)
t lnda f. thunder peals of thunder
tl m. palate to have a sore palate idiom
He very much wanted to complete the journey.
1 tl f. 1 small stream, brook 2 narrow and shallow gully
2 tl f. meadow grass
3 t la Eastern 1 3
4 tl f. 1
5 f. Tala (populated place)
6 tl oblique singular of 1
tl-u-barfk m. Tala barfaq (Bazar-e Taleh, region)
1 tlj f. Eastern round dish (of copper, etc.)
2 tl
3 tl plural of 1
tlf m. Arabic [plural: tlifna Arabic plural:



be robbed

tlif t] 1 composition writing; compilation (of a textbook, etc.)

tk m. [plural: tkna Western plural: tk n]


compound verb

2 work (of literature), composition



Pashto-English Dictionary

tlifavl denominative, transitive [past:

compose, write; compile (a textbook, etc.)


security detachment)

tlifedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

written, be composed; be compiled (of a textbook, etc.)

tlm m.
tlemn happy, fortunate
tm tmm Arabic full; complete full independence
tm s m. proper name Tohmas
1 tmb f. copper red copper
2 f. tent
tmbe m. 1 large smooth rock 2 cliff
tmbej f. oar
tmml m. Arabic thought; consideration a to think;

ted r m. regional district police chief

1 tv 1 m. .1 bend, twist; distortion a to bend, twist b
to be dislocated 1.2 twisting, winding to rotate, spin,
whirl compound verb compound verb
to walk around, circle a to
bend, twist (something) b to wind, wrap c to spin, rotate, whirl
(something) 2.1 predicate bent; distorted 2.2 rotated, twisted

secure, provide (with); to guarantee

tminedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

secured, be provided (with); be guaranteed

tn m. piece, item (manufacture)

tn m. 1 melody, harmony 2 creation, arrangement 3

regional disposition, temperature

tmb f. 1
tnd 1.1 fresh, young 1.2 green, turning green, sprouted (of
grain) 1.3 fresh, cool fresh breeze 2 m. growth (of

tv n 1 m. .1 harm, injury; loss material damage

to inflict a loss on someone;
cause someone harm to suffer injury, incur losses 1.2
compensation, indemnity reparations to
receive compensation to indemnify, compensate 1.3
burdening compound verb 2 predicate
burdened (with something) idiom risk
tv n rasavnkaj harmful; injurious; unprofitable
tvnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
cause harm, inflict injury or loss 2 to burden 3 to spend, use up

refresh (literally and figuratively)

tndla f. botany goosefoot, orach

t nda f. 1.1 green shoot 1.2 cow which has calved (for the
first time) 2 feminine singular of 1
tnist f. 1 warp (of a fabric) 2 spider's web idiom
to take to going somewhere (e.g., going for a walk)
tnk m. 1 tank 2 cistern 3 gasoline pump
tnkd r adjective tank
tnk mtavnkaj military anti-tank
anti-tank gun

tnkt m. military light tank, tankette

tng m. saddle-girth, belly-band
tnganik f. Tanganyika
tns m. Arabic 1 grammar feminine gender

2 biology

female sex

tv na 1 oblique singular of

2 feminine singular of

tvn 1 unprofitable 2 maimed, mutilated

tvnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be


tvt v crooked; twisting, winding

tvt f.
tvkhn f. heating device placed under the floor
tvd m. plural from a to get excited, become
impassioned b to take up some matter heatedly

tvd s m. plural tvdj m. onion soup

tvr m.
tvrt v crooked; winding a to twist, wind;
b to tack (a boat) to twist, wind idiom
That shout echoed through the canyons.
tvz m. proper noun Tavuz
ts m. peacock
tvavl Eastern tovl denominative, transitive [past:
]1 to bend, twist; distort 2 to wind, wrap (around) 3 to twirl,
turn, whirl 4 to roll (up), coil to roll down 5 to wrap (up) 6 to

t f. 1 outpost, security detachment (border, police) 2

regional police station idiom

tv m. 1 heat, temperature

fade, wither away


tndtj f. freshness, greenness (of plants)

tndlb n tndlbnd died young, died prematurely
to die young, die prematurely
tndba river-irrigated land
tndavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to freshen,

Zejid has a high

It's very hot, the
earth is blazing hot. 2 sunstroke affected by sunstroke
3 ardor, passion fervid imagination 4 anger 5
power, might idiom quickly, soon to


think over, consider, weigh b to ponder, hesitate, linger

tmn ta'mn m. Arabic securing, providing (with); guarantee

tminavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

tad r m. regional chief (of a border outpost or a police

regional to stay

too long as someone's guest, wear out one's welcome

entwine 7 to wind (up) in quantity


tvn m.

tvunj m. plague; widespread death

Pashto-English Dictionary

tab r m. family, clan, trade

tabrz m. Arabic 1 clearing up; clearness, clarity

tv f. 1 small barrier (to keep moisture in a field) 2 small

parcel of land

2 tv 2
1 tvj m. 1 screwdriver 2 screw
2 tv
3 tv colloquial for
tvitk m. golden amulet, talisman
tvedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

tabshr m. chalk
tab h perished, destroyed
perished; be destroyed

1 to bend,

wounded, be wrapped 4 to rotate, wind, circle around 5 to be

rolled (up) 6 to be wrapped up 7 to be entwined, twine oneself
round 8 to be wound up (in quantity) 9 to hover (e.g., of smoke)

tved m. plural action noun from

tvz m.
1 tvl m. ta'vl Arabic plural [plural: tvilna
plural: tvil t] explanation, interpretation, commentary
false rumors to explain, interpret,
clarify That can be taken two ways.
2 tvl m.
tvild r m.
tvilavl intransitive
th f. 2
thr 1 m. plural Takha (Tahar) tribe 2 m. Takhar (person)
tb Arabic repenting, penitent, repentant
tjg f. taiga
tjv n m. Taiwan
tj f.
tad m. tjd m. Arabic 1 confirmation, corroboration 2
strengthening; support with his support
compound verb compound verb 3


anatomy pelvis

tabakhj f. raven
tabkhr m. Arabic 1 steaming, evaporating 2 smoking,


tabaddl m. Arabic [plural: tabaddulna Arabic

plural: tabaddul t] change, alteration

tabdl m. Arabic 1 change, substitution 2 change,


to turn into something 3

move, transfer (in one's job)

tabdln Arabic on the basis of a transfer ( in one's job)

tabdilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1


change, substitute, replace 2 to change, transform, alter 3 to

move, transfer

tid 1 confirming, corroborating 2 providing support,


tabdil f. 1 change, substitution, replacement 2 change,

transformation 3 move, transfer (in one's work)

tajdedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

confirmed, be corroborated 2 to be supported

tabdiledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be changed, be replaced 2 to be changed, be transformed 3 to be
moved, be transferred (in one's work)

3 grinding; massage 4 liquid


tabzr m. Arabic squandering, wastefulness


squander, spend senselessly

tb colloquial for
tabdulav economics exchange



on the basis of

an exchange of opinions an
trade barter
compound verb to exchange for something
to trade with someone

Tibetan 2.1 m. Tibetan, inhabitant of Tibet 2.2 f. the

tabx m.
tabakhk m. black-throated thrush
1 tbkhj m. tabakhj 1 iron sheet (for baking bread)

tidavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

confirm, corroborate 2 to support, lend support

exchange of books

1 Tibet; the Tibetan region 2 angora wool

tabdzhn someone sick with fever

tabahhr Arabic in-depth knowledge of something


tabdul f. Arabic exchange

to be

Tibetan language


tibt m.
tibat 1

10 to turn toward someone

tiln m.
tab m. 1 antidote 2 poultices

to destroy

tabhh l annihilated; destroyed

tab h kavnkaj destructive, ruinous; pernicious
tabh f. destruction; ruin; death
tabjn m. Arabic 1 antagonism; contradiction 2 opposition;

twist; be distorted 2 to turn to the side (of a car, a road) 3 to be

appearance, origin, beginning

tbr m. tabr [plural: tbrna plural: tabarna

Western plural: teber n plural: tabar n] axe idiom

to incur expenses out of proportion with one's income

2 tbr pocket (in the top of a dress)
tabarr f. Arabic forgiveness, pardon
tabarzn m. history halberd; pole-axe
tabarr' f. Arabic m. [plural: tabarro' t] gift; giving
in the form of a gift


Pashto-English Dictionary

tabargh n m. marmot
1 tabarrk m. Arabic religion asking a blessing
2 tbrk m. 1 2 pillar of the water-lifting wheel
tbrgj m. small axe, hatchet
1 turbj m. notch on an arrow
2 tabarr f. Arabic
tabrz m. Tabriz (city)
tabrk m. Arabic [plural: tabrikna Arabic plural:
tabrik t] greeting, congratulation
to greet someone with a holiday wish
to wish (someone) a "Happy New Year"
I congratulate you. to send greetings
tabrik Arabic of or related to a greeting
message of greeting, message of congratulation

tablighavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

announce something, report something; to notify about something

conduct a propaganda campaign

tablighedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

announced, be reported

tabna f. 1 application of poultices 2 massage (with ointment)

1 tabaj m. flat fragment of rock
2 tubj f. board (for dough)
tabr m. brassiere
tabn m. compensation for being wounded or crippled

(provided according to the adat, traditional law of an Islamic area)

feverish movements

of the followers of Mohammed

taba' m. Arabic plural from 2

tab'd m. Arabic exile compound verb to exile
compound verb to be exiled
tab'idg h m. place of exile
tab'z m. Arabic discrimination racial

tbabrh m. inflammation of the lungs

1 tbj tubj m. 1 pouring hot oil (over food) 2 preparation of a
sauce a to pour hot oil (over food) b to prepare a sauce
2 tabj f. clay frying pan bread baked on
a clay frying pan idiom ! children's speech It's hot! (said
when an object being sought is nearby)

massage (with ointment)

to be
to fear, be

tabl m. 1 embarrassment, confusion; shame

embarrassed; be ashamed 2 fear, apprehension

afraid of

tablavl transitive [past: ] to embarrass; to shame

tablj f. tambourine
tablledl intransitive [past: ] to be embarrassed; be

tablgh m. Arabic [plural: tablighna Arabic plural:

tabligh t] 1 propaganda 2 announcement, report;
notification a to propagandize b to announce, report
something; notify about something compound verb
compound verb
tablighch m. propagandist

tba f. fever I have a fever. I'm

sick with a fever. Yesterday I was feverish.

intermittent fever
malaria malaria-carrying
mosquito, anopheles shivering, chills
typhus idiom

tabassm m. Arabic smile to smile

tabsir f. Arabic note, comment; explanation, commentary
to make a note
explaining something; clarify, comment on something
judging by commentaries in the
foreign press to refrain from comment
tab' m. Arabic [plural: atb'] follower; supporter,
adherent He is his supporter. religion friends

tab m. tabak m. veterinary foot-and-mouth disease

tubakj f.
1 tabl transitive [past: ] 1 to make poultices 2 to

to propagandize,

address (written greeting)


tabligh propagandistic

tap m. crowd, assemblage, mob

tp m. Western 1 birthmark

tap perished; destroyed

tap exclamation Go get him! (cry to dogs on a hunt when

birthmark 2 wart
2 1

closing in on a wild animal)


tap combining form with adjectives which indicate color

absolutely black, pitch black


outer darkness, pitch

6 tap
tp f. agitation, excitement; uneasiness, disturbance
tap s m. 1 searches, inquiries 2 trying a

to seek,

search for b to try

tap m. 3
tap k m. 1 zeal, fervor, diligence 2 mad, passionate love 3
greed, avidity His greed know no limits. 4
agitation, excitement; unrest, disturbance a
to be filled with zeal; try very hard b to love madly, love

passionately c to be greedy d to be agitated, upset


love someone b to respect someone idiom


race, run swiftly

to shake someone's

hand firmly

tap l m. clay (for plastering walls)

1 tap nd m. trowel (mason's, plasterer's tool)

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 tap nd 1 blazing 2 excited, upset

1 tp nda f. 1
2 tap nda feminine singular of 2
taptp exclamation Go get him! (hunter's cry to his dog at the

2 blow to the back of

the head

tapl transitive [past: ] 1 to mold, form (from clay, etc.)

2 to coat (with) besmear 3 to glue (on), glue together 4 to
someone) against his will

on someone

inquiry; study (of some problem)

young women)

m. taps Eastern tapas Eastern question

to ask someone


to ask after, inquire about

tpavl transitive [past: ] to upset, disturb

tapavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to destroy,

tapavl denominative, transitive [past:

drive (a dog into the lair of a wild animal)

tatimm f. Arabic supplement; enclosure, appendix

1 ttv laj m. 1 thickness; denseness (of sowing)

stockiness; rootiness

ttavl denominative, transitive [past:

compact, compact, thicken, make dense

tatva f. turtledove
1 tta feminine singular of 1, 2
2 tt 2 1
1 tti feminine plural of 1, 2
2 tatj f. 1 dewlap (of a camel) 2 front, belly (of reptiles)
idiom to grieve

ttedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

faint, be weak; grow dim My eyesight has

tt 1 thick, compact; dense (of crops)

figurative to be erased (from the memory)

compound verb compound verb
tasbitavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

tasbitedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

confirmed This report has been confirmed. 2 to

thick clouds

be established

faint light 2 muffled (of a sound);

inaudible, poorly heard 3 dark (of a color) 4 pale (of the lips) 5
figurative faint (of a hope) idiom

tasbt m. Arabic 1 confirmation 2 establishment

confirm 2 to establish 3 to make firm, make steady

1 to perish,

dense sowing of wheat 2 with strong roots; stocky

tt 1 faint, weak

dimmed. 2 to be muffled, be incomprehensible (of a sound) 3

3, 5

[past: ] 1 to be

compact, be thick, be dense; thicken 2 to be stocky; be strongrooted

tapedl intransitive [past: ]to beat, flutter (of the


to make

turn down (a sound; e.g., in a receiver)

to urge on,

die 2 to be destroyed

ttavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to make

faint, weak (of light); to lower, dim (a light) 2 to muffle, lower,


tpa feminine singular of

tapaz r m. mountainous, hilly locality
1 tapj m. 2
2 tapj f. pressed dung (used as fuel)
3 tap present tense of
1 tapedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

ttv laj m. 1 faintness, weakness (of light) 2

incomprehensibility, unclearness (of a sound)

tribe 3 region, province 4 used for designation of populated


maliciously to avenge someone

tp f. 1 mountain, hill, mound; high place 2 family, part of a


to engage in research;


3 tatj f. wooden measure for grain

1 ttedl denominative, intransitive

ruin, annihilate

tatr m. proper noun Tatar

tatrj m. tatarj porphyry (rock)
ttj ttaj tutj ttaj mumbling, speaking

to force an agreement

tpnd greedy
tapndj m. 1
tapna f. action noun from
tap f. tapan
tpo exclamation whoa (or similar to stop horses)
tapr m. 1 brassiere 2 embroidered sleeveless blouse (worn by

1 to lose one's head; become confused or

tatabb' f. Arabic m. [plural: tatabbo' t] research;

accumulate, amass; collect, gather 5 to thrust (something on

to research, investigate, study (some problem)

tptpanj m. popgun (children's toy)

taprkaj m. scab, scabs
tap f. tapa burnisher (potter's tool)
tapk m. 1 beating of a drum, drumbeat


embarrassed 1 to freeze, be rooted to the ground

lair of a wild animal)


a cheerless life, a drab

tudzhdzh r m. Arabic masculine plural of

tudzhdzhr n m. second plural of
tadzhrb m. Arabic plural of
tidzhrt m. Arabic trade, commerce foreign
trade internal trade
ministry of foreign trade to trade
tidzhratpew trader, person occupied in trade
tidzhpatdzj m. store

Pashto-English Dictionary

tidzhratkhn f. trading company, trading house

tidzhrat Arabic adjective trade, commercial
trade agreement, commercial contract trade

tadzhns m. Arabic uniformity, homogeneity

tadzhvz m. Arabic [plural: tadzhvuzna Arabic
plural: tadzhvuz t] 1 encroachment, infringement 2

tadzhrid 1 isolated; secluded 2 abstracted

tadzhridedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

operation, business deal

border violation, intrusion, aggression 3 excess, exceeding (e.g.,


tadzhridavl denominative, transitive [past:

to isolate, separate 2 to abstract

to be isolated, be separated 2 to be abstracted

tadzhzij f. Arabic 1 analysis; breakdown (into component

a to encroach (upon) infringe

to encroach upon another's rights b to violate

chemical analysis 2 division (into parts)

compound verb a to analyze to break down (into
component parts) tadzhzij f. b to divide (into parts)


(into component parts) b to be divided (into parts) c to fall apart,

exceeding one's authority)


tadzhrd m. Arabic 1 isolation; seclusion 2 abstraction;


exceeding one's

borders; invade, commit aggression c to exceed d to commit a

tadzhvuz t m. Arabic plural 1 from

misdemeanors; violations

tadzhavz kavnkaj m. aggressor
tadzhvuz 1 encroaching (upon something)

compound verb a to be subjected to analysis; be broken down


tadzhzijdzj m. tadzhzijakhn f. laboratory

tadzhasss m. Arabic 1 investigation; search; prospecting

2 violating

secret service, spying, espionage

borders; aggressive 3 exceeding (e.g., authority)

pretend not to know


tadzhassm m. Arabic embodiment, personification

to be embodied, be personified
tadzhall f. Arabic 1 shine, brightness; radiance; sparkling 2
figurative glory

tadzhaddudpasand f. love for everything new

tadzhdd m. Arabic 1 renewal, resumption (e.g., of

tadzhid-i-nasr m. revision, review (e.g., of a court


called the Harirud River)

tadzhdidavl denominative, transitive [past:

to resume (e.g., negotiations) 2 to revive

tadzhdidedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be resumed (e.g., negotiations) 2 to be revived, to revive

tadzhrib f. Arabic [plural: tadzhrib Arabic m.
plural: tadzhrb] 1 experiment, test a to

perform an experiment, experiment b compound verb to check,

compound verb to be checked, be tested 2

experience, skill ... It has been shown in
practice that to have great experience
a to pass through a test b to gain experience,
test verify

tadzhribak r experienced



tadzhribakr f. experience
tadzhribag f. tadzhribag h

to introduce
a proposal 2 decision, decree; resolution zr-i regional
law one awaiting a decision to decide, decree
tadzhhz m. Arabic [plural: tadzhhizna Arabic
plural: tadzhhiz t] equipment; arms; ammunition
munition factory compound verb to
equip, arm


tadzhrib experimental

tich m. sheath (of a sword, dagger)

tch dialect

taht Arabic 1 m. bottom, lower part of something 2

preposition lower (than something); under (something)

tht-i below zero (of temperature) 3 forms part of Arabic words

a underwater b submarine
taht-ul-arz Arabic underground
depths (of the earth)

m. experimental

station, testing station


tadzhvz m. Arabic [plural: tadzhvizna Arabic

plural: tadzhvz] 1 proposal

acquire skill

tadzhamm' f. Arabic accumulation, gathering, collection;

concentration to amass, gather; concentrate; accumulate

tadzhamml m. Arabic luxury, elegance
tadzhn m. Tedzhen River (in Russia; in Afghanistan and Iran

negotiations) 2 rebirth, revival

a to investigate; look

c to track, follow, spy upon

to feign ignorance,

tadzhaddd m. Arabic 1 renewal, renovation 2 novelty,

for, search for; prospect for b military to conduct reconnaissance

tadzhvz m. Arabic plural from

tadzhhl m. Arabic bookish

military conducting reconnaissance 3 tracking, shadowing 4

as an

taht-ul-bahr Arabic 1 underwater 2 f. submarine

taht-ul-himjag f. protectorate
taht-ul-himj mandated, under protection, under


Pashto-English Dictionary

tahtn Arabic lower

tahdd m. Arabic 1 limitation (e.g., in one's rights)

(a secret) 3 defense, safeguard 4 caution; precaution

establishment, determination (of something) 3 demarcation (of


tahdidavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

limit (e.g., in rights) 2 to establish, determine something 3 to

demarcate (borders)
tahdidedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
be limited (e.g., in rights) 2 to be established, be determined 3 to

be demarcated

tahrr m. Arabic [plural: tahrirna Arabic plural:

tahrir t] 1 writing, written account to write
down, jot down to be written (down) 2 language, style

a to give

uncommon 2.2 beautiful, excellent

someone, force someone; incite someone 4 stimulus

tahrikavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

urge, motivate; incite to incite to murder

tahrm m. Arabic prohibition

tahassr m. Arabic grief, affliction
tahsn m. Arabic approval; praise to approve;
praise to praise someone
tahsinnm f. certificate of merit
tahshd m. Arabic military assembly (of troops)
tahsl m. Arabic 1 receipt, acquisition

despise; scorn; humiliate; insult

educational supplies;

to receive an education 4 regional section,

region (tax collection)

tahsild r m. 1 regional head of a region 2 tax collector

tahsildr f. 1 position as a tax collector 2 collection of

tahsilavl denominative, transitive [past:

levy (a tax); receive, recover (a debt)
tahsil adjective educational, school; training

school year


1.2 check, verification 1.3 study, research

a to

investigate, conduct an inquiry b to check out, verify c to study,

perform research 2 attributive true, correct; verified 3 .1 truly,
correctly 3.2 really


tahi 1 investigative 2 of or relating to

an inquiry 3 verified, checked

tahm m. [plural: tahkimha plural: tahkimha

Arabic plural: tahkim t] strengthening, reinforcing,

making firm

tahll m. Arabic [plural: tahlilna Arabic plural:

tahlil t] 1 analysis; parsing analysis of blood
parsing of a sentence 2 chemistry solution
compound verb compound verb
tahlilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
make analysis (e.g., of blood) 2 to analyze, investigate, look into;
to parse 3 to dissolve (something)

tahliledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

have completed an analysis (e.g., of blood) 2 to be analyzed; be
parsed 3 to be dissolved

compound verb to be patient; endure to
endure difficulties to show endurance 2
tahamml m. Arabic 1 patience, endurance

submissive, obedience, humility

tahml m. 1 burdening 2 imposition (e.g., of an agreement)

tahmilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
burden, load, make difficult 2 to impose to impose
by force 3 to lay on

tahmil imposed (e.g., of an agreement)

agreement imposed by force


tahavvl m. Arabic [plural: tahavvulna Arabic

plural: tahavvul t] 1 change, transformation, evolution

tahsiledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be collected (of a tax); be recovered (of a debt)

tah Arabic 1 m. [plural: tahina Arabic

plural: tahi t] .1 investigation, legal inquiry; inquest

receipt of information 2 collection, levying (of a tax, etc.) 3

study, learning; education

taha m. Arabic confirmation of something, certification of

tahr m. Arabic contempt; scorn; degradation; humiliation

compound verb
tahiravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

(of a writer)

tahrrn Arabic in writing, in written form

tahrir t m. plural Arabic 1 from 2 official papers;
correspondence; paperwork (in business) office
office chief, boss
tahrir written in written form, in writing
tahrs m. Arabic inducement; incentive; instigation,
incitement idiom grammar hortatory particles
tahrf m. Arabic distortion
tahrk m. Arabic [plural: tahrikna Arabic plural:
tahrik t] 1 putting into motion 2 movement (political,
religious, etc.) 3 urging; incitement to urge


tuhf Arabic 1 f. gift, present

someone a present or tribute b to treat someone 2.1 rare,


tahaffz m. Arabic 1 maintaining ( a discipline) 2 keeping

to change something, transform something 2

turning point, transition

to turn into

something; be replaced by something

tahavvulavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

change, transform 2 to re-work, process (e.g., raw materials)


Pashto-English Dictionary

tahvl m. tvl Arabic 1 transfer for safekeeping, handing

He was greatly
He was embarrased. to take without

tkharg m. arm-pit

over for safekeeping 2 what has been hand over for safekeeping;


pawning, mortgaging 3 change, transfer (to another system of

permission; take with oneself

measurement, etc.)

tahvilkhn f. storage, storage room; warehouse

tahvild r m. 1 keeper, custodian 2 manager of a
warehouse or storage facility manager of a storage
warehouse or depot 3 military quartermaster 4 cashier;

transfer (to another system of measurement, etc.)

tahvoledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be transfered for storage be given over for storage 2 to be
changed, be transformed 3 to be changed, be transfered (to
another system of measurement, etc.)

Afghanistan in former times)

takhlf m. Arabic 1 difference, distinction 2 contradiction

takht m. throne to ascend to the throne
saying either the throne or the slab
tkht-i-rav n m. sedan chair
takhtk m. small board
takhtg h m.
takhtnishn m. king
takhtnishin f. accession to the throne; succesion to the

to write on the board

1.2 sheet (of paper) 1.3 slab (e.g., of a marble) 1.4 technology

shield 1.5 piece (used in counting rugs, hides, sheets, etc.) 2.1
densely woven (of a fabric) 2.2 densely packed

compound verb 2.2 a to level, flatten b to weave densely c to

cram in, stuff


takhtj f. 1 small board 2 small tabular listing; small plate

with inscription
takhdz f.


biology products of decomposition 2

sabotage, wrecking 3 spoilage, breakage

takhrib adjective of a wrecker, of a saboteur

tkhz f.
takhasss m. Arabic 1 specialization 2 specialty
a to have a specialization b to be a specialist, have a specialty
takhassus special; specialized
takhss m. Arabic [plural: takhsisna Arabic
plural: takhsis t] 1 purpose, earmarking, setting apart
compound verb
compound verb

takhsisavl denominative, transitive [past: ]
appropriation, allocation

1 to intend, earmark, set aside (for something); to assign (under

something) 2 to appropriate, allocate

takhsisedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to be intended, be earmarked, be set apart (for something); to be
assigned (under something) 2 to be appropriated, be allocated

takhsisij f. Arabic appropriation, allocation

appropriation for education
takhatt f. Arabic 1 aggression 2 encroachment,
infringement 3 error, mistake a to commit aggression
b to encroach (upon something) c to err, be mistaken

takhtt m. Arabic 1 outline 2 sketch, draft

takhatt kavnkaj m. aggressor
takhff m. Arabic 1 relief, softening, weakening 2 discount;
lowering (of a price) 3 curtailment (e.g., of arms)
a to relieve, soften, weaken b to make a discount; to
lower (a price) c to curtail (e.g., arms)

takhtaband f. veneering with boards; lining, facing

takhtap k m. rag (for wiping the school blackboard)
takhtaph m. 1 wooden flooring, planking 2 platform
takhtasng m. 1 flagstone (shale) 2 stone stab
takhtanrd m. game of cards
tkhtaj kampjr m. computer science table PC,


(for something); assignment (under something) 2 assignation,

tahijt m. Arabic [plural: tahij t] greeting

to greet someone
tohk r m. takh r Takhar Province
tokhrist n m. Takharistan (region in northeastern

takht 1 f. .1 blackboard

tkhrgj m. gusset (in shirt)

takhrb m. Arabic 1 destruction

wrecking activity, sabotage


tahvilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

transfer, submit for storage 2 to change, transform 3 to change,

takhalls m. Arabic 1 takhallus (a literary pseudonym) 2


takhallf m. Arabic violation, non-observance, non-

takhli m. Arabic 1 creation, making

created 2 upbringing, education


compound verb

denominative, transitive [past:

make, create 2 to bring up, educate

takhli creative
takhlij f. Arabic 1

to be

evacuation 2 unloading

1 to

compound verb a to evacuate b to unload 3 isolation, solitude 4

deviation; evasion

Pashto-English Dictionary

tukhm m. 1 seed (of fruit) 2 seed, grain

tkhavl transitive
tkhunj voracious, gluttonous
1 tkh f. curds, cottege cheese curdled milk
2 tkh f. tkhj m. tickling
tkhedl intransitive idiom
I'm ashamed to look at him.
takhajjl m. Arabic 1 imagination, fantasy power

a to sow b figurative to sow the seeds of dissension 3 breed (of

to die out to destroy,

! May your family grow and prosper!

cattle) idiom

2 tkham m. 1

spit 2 steam (e.g., from a pot)

f. cleaning of grain

cleaner, grader, screening machine



1 interjection pah, phooey 2.1 shamed,

of imagination 2 supposition, assumption 3 idea

embarrased 2.2 scattered; disconnected, incoherent

tukhmd n m. botany ovary

tukhmrz sown sown land
tukhmrez f. 1 sowing, crops 2 spawning


to sow b to spawn

tukhm shindnkaj
sowing machine, seed drill
tukhmguzr f. laying of eggs
tukhmv l flowering (type) flowering plant
1 tukhm f. 1 origin 2 breed 3 seed-bud sperm
to shoot up (of crops)
2 tukhm f. Arabic medicine indigestion, dyspepsia
tukhm 1 seminal, seed to go to seed 2
uninoculated; ungrafted 3 productive (of a hen)

takhmr m. Arabic fermentation; figurative ferment

takhmn m. Arabic 1 supposition, guess 2 estimate,

compound verb

tadbr m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 plans

tadrk m. Arabic [plural: tadrukna Arabic
plural: tadruk t] 1 preparation; stock-piling 2 supply
a to prepare; stock up b to supply, fit out
tadruk t m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 half-finished
products, billets, blanks 3 military rations, pay and allowances

tad' f. Arabic psychology association

tadf' f. defense
tadf' Arabic defense; defensive
compound verb to treat (with something)


imaginary point 2

supposedly; approximately

tahkminedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be proposed, be intended 2 to be determined approximately, be

takhanns m. Arabic delicacy; softness; effeminacy

tkhmavl transitive [past: ] to tickle idiom
to stimulate nerves
tkhnedl intransitive [past: ] to feel a tickling

tekhnk m. technique, technology, engineering

tekhnikd n m. technician, technically qualified person
tekhnik technology technical
machinery, technical equipment technicians,
tkhg m. strong desire, strong wish; attraction

a to take

to show resourcefulness 4 good sense

measures b to carry out some measure c to show resourcefulness

according to an approximate count, approximately

technologists, engineers

tadabbr m. Arabic judgment, good sense, reasonableness;

cautionary measures, precautions 2 means 3 inventiveness,

conjectural; hypothetical; approximate

tadbr m. Arabic [plural: tadbirna Arabic plural:

tadbir t plural: tadbr] 1 measure

to suppose 2 to estimate, make an approximation, calculate

takhmin 1 imaginary

tadv f. Arabic medicine treatment; therapy

foresight, prudence

compound verb
takhmnn Arabic approximately, about
takhminavl denominative, transitive [past: ]


defensive capability

approximation (of something), calculation; draft, preliminary


takhajjul 1 imaginary; assumed 2 fantastic 3 romantic;

d to be sensible

tadkhn m. Arabic smoking

tadarrdzh m. Arabic gradual movement; gradual transfer
tadrzh m. Arabic 1 gradualness
gradually, by degrees 2 gradation

tadrdzhn Arabic gradually

tadridzh gradual gradually
tadrs m. Arabic [plural: tadrisna plural:
tadris t] teaching, study (of something)
Directorate of Institutions of Learning (in the Ministry of

compound verb
compound verb
tadrisavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
Education of Afghanistan)

teach, give lessons

tadris Arabic adjective learning; teaching

textbooks, educational aids

director of studies

tadrisedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

studied, be taught (in schools, etc.)


tadfn m. Arabic burial, funeral

Pashto-English Dictionary

tad m. Arabic [plural: tadina Arabic plural:

tadi t] 1 careful study, meticulous research 2 check,
verification a to study in

expressions with the verb

tadvr m. Arabic 1 starting, start up

cultivate, foster 1.3 out of, from (indicates direction of an action

tadvn m. Arabic 1 composition, compilation (e.g., of a

factory 2 work, functioning

collection of stories, of a textbook) 2 codification

entry, writing in

compound verb

starting a

Zalmaj went out of the house.

poured from my eyes. 1.4 with someone, with something (with

the postposition

more than two years have passed since 1.6 than (indicates
comparative and superlative degrees)
older than you.

tazkhr m. Arabic accumulation

accumulation of


personal identification; residence permit 2 certificate 3 note;

biographies of poets with

examples of their poetry; anthology

tazkr m. 1 grammar attributing masculine gender to a word

tazmm m. Arabic obligation

2 grammar masculine gender 3 biology male sex

tazll m. Arabic humiliation, degradation, abasement

to undertake an

obligation, pledge oneself, undertake

tr 1 preposition in Western dialect words of feminine gender

ending in "o" may not be inflected 1.1 independently or in

combination with : 1.1a to, up to (indicating a distance)

up to Kabul

from morning till evening Until what time?
How long? up to this day until death 1.1c
to, up to (indicating a quantitative limit) count
up to twenty 1.1d across (e.g., going across something)
to jump across a stream to
I'm going (as far as) to the city.

1.1b to, up to, till (indicating an interval of time)

cross a river 1.1e through; past (e.g., through or past something)

to go through town; go past a town; pass by a town 1.2

in combination with 1.2a under (e.g., lower than something,

from the lower part of something)

But in their studies Gulbashara overtook him. 2.2


dismissal notice 4 short biographies (of

famous people, poets, etc.)

Today I came later than you.

It's not necessary, we'll get along without it. idiom
to the point that; as much as, to such a
degree first of all
2 tre Eastern 5
3 tar damp, wet
tr suffix showing comperative degree in borrowed words

inform, notify b to discuss

tazkir tazkar f. Arabic 1 passport

Ahmad is

without him, without her; without them; without it

tazk r m. Arabic reminder; remembrance; reference (to)

to make mention of someone; recall someone
tazakkr m. Arabic 1 reference (to); reminder (about);
information, notification 2 discussion a to remind;

2 adverb .1 from him, from her; from them

water reserves

than one kilometer; it exceeds one kilometer
no more than ten thousand meters ...


with my father

to mix with one another 1.5 above, more than, over (indicates

tazabzb m. Arabic indecision, uncertainty, vacillation

uncertainty about something to
vacillate, be indecisive to carry out something


exceeding some number or quantity)

textbook) 2 to codify, classify, systematize


from somewhere, from within something)

tadvinavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

compose, compile (e.g., a collection of stories or articles, a

to be

to be covered by snow 1.2b in

to examine, take
under observation to educate, bring up;

legislative department (in ministries of Afghanistan) 3

struck by a car

detail; search thoroughly b to verify

put your arm under your head

under the table

under the earth; subterranean


tr f.

tar suffix indicating comperative and superlative degrees

better, best greatest

tar b used with
tarb' m. Arabic plural of
tr pi present tense of
1 tr m. Eastern trot (gait); fast pace at a run
to ride at a trot
to drive a horse to run swiftly
2 tr m. 1 1 2 spur
tr a f. 1 zig-zag emboidery (on silk) 2 edging, piping 3

tr aj brittle, fragile
tradzhed f.
tarhm m. Arabic plural of
trkh onomatopoeia bang, boom
trkh dialect masculine plural of
tr a 1 stripe, streak to cut off a strip 2 ribbon,

trr 1 upset; disturbed 2 perplexed; in confusion; in a panic

trr f. 1 agitation, anxiety 2 perplexity; confusion; panic
to confuse someone, upset someone

Pashto-English Dictionary

tr m. three-year-old camel
tr a 1 f. .1 pebbles, shingles

tr m. beginning
tr a f. anger; malice to fly into a rage; be angry
trvrs m. sleeper (railway car)
tr sa tr sa pri until now
trv f. woven bag, woven sack (for transporting dirt)
trv f. tarvh f. Arabic plural additional prayer or

1.2 rocky place 1.3 foot (of a

mountain) 2 attributive .1 pebbly 2.2 stony, rocky

cup on a set of
to outweigh (on scales) idiom
He has huge ears. He is lop-eared.
tarzuv n m. weigher
1 tarz f. 1 chunk, bit, piece to cut a
melon into pieces to cut in slices 2 shred, scrap;
string (e.g., of fabric) to tear into shreds, tear into strips
to be torn, be shredded
2 tr za f. large dam (for irrigation)
trzhed 1 f. tragedy 2 attributive tragic
trzhk tragic
tar sh m. 1 cutting 2 forming, shaping 3 chopping knife,
tarz m. scales; spring-balance


service (performed during Ramadan)

tar h m. 2
tur f. loofah, luffa
trb turb [plural:

tarb raj m. clothes rack; cloak-room

1 turbt m. Arabic 1 grave; tomb, burial vault; mausoleum 2
used in geographical names turbt-i Turbat-i Haidari

tarbt 1.1 compressed, squeezed 1.2 stuffed a to

press, squeeze b to stuff, pack in a to be pressed b to

chopper 4 form, shape, aspect 5 shaving

trshl tarshl transitive [past: ] 1 to cut 2 to

wipe off, scrape off 3 to shave 4 to trim 5 to confine, limit 6 to

sculpt 7 to scrape (parquet) idiom

be stuffed, be packed in 2 m. .1 stuffiness, closeness 2.2

trubch f. radish
turbd m. turbd turbd



tar gh m. 1 fold, wrinkle 2 bend, twist 3 circle, ring

trfk m. traffic (on the street, etc.) regulation
of street traffic Department of Traffic Regulation
(in Afghanistan)

trfik road, highway; transportation-related

road signs
trk m. 1 crack, split 2 cracking noise 3 cut, groove, notch
(e.g., on the barrel of a gun)

trktr m. [plural: trktorna plural:

trktor n] 1 tractor 2 truck tractor

tarkm m. Arabic 1 accumulation, concentration 2 pile,


trm m.
trmbj f. stairway
trmvj m. streetcar, tram
trm f. 1 sheet metal for roofing 2 lampshade
tr ndza f. stickiness, adhesiveness
trnzt m. transit
trnzit adjective transit
trnsprt m. transportation, transport, conveyance
passenger conveyances, passenger conveying
tarn f. 1 song 2 hymn state hymn a to
sing b to sing a hymn

botany jalap (root, a laxative or


1 to be

cut, be trimmed, be cut off 2 to cut one's hair, have a hair-cut 3

to be polished 4 to be carved (of stone)

maladjusted person, disturbed person

to compose, think

up to pretend to be a fakir
tarsh f. 1 shaving, filing 2 piece, bit of something
tarshj m. scraper
tarshedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

trb n plural: turb n] 1 radish 2


trburna plural of
trbr oblique singular of
trabgan f. 1 relationship through grandparent (as cousins)
enmity, rivalry (usually between close relatives) to

show hostility, show rivalry 3 relationship, similarity

turbuts f. radish leaves, radish tops

tarbkhta f. something which smells bad, something which
gives off a foul odor bad smell, foul odor
trbkhti f. plural stale air, stuffiness
trbr m. [plural: trburna Western plural:
trburn] cousin (on the father's side) saying
A cousin is a snake in one's bosom.

trburgalv f. trbur f.
trbuzk m.
tarbza f. kind of silk embroidery
tarbijt m. Arabic 1 upbringing; teaching


upbringing of children, teaching of children 2 breeding (of


animal husbandry


verb a to be raised, brought up, taught b to be bred (of animals)

idiom physical education
tarbijat 1 2 preparatory
tarb' m. Arabic [plural: tarb'] 1 phase (of the moon)
2 square 3 squaring, quadrature

tribjn m. tribune; platform, chair (at a university);

department (of a university)


tarbijav educational; pedagogic

Pashto-English Dictionary

development of mental
educational work teachers,

tarbij f. Arabic



tarbijkhn f. farm
1 trap 1 onomatopoeia .1


trapj m.

clop, clop-clop 1.2 bang, crack,

boom 2 .1 jump; leap, bound to jump; leap, bound

to leap up from one's place 2.2 flight, escape
to flee, run saying Either a blow from the
saber or flight tread, tramp, clatter (of hooves) idiom
to weaken, lose one's strength, wear oneself out
trp m. turp
trp f. 1 tramp, clatter (e.g., of camel's hooves) 2 convulsive
twitch, shaking, quivering (of a wounded animal or bird) 3

2 trp m. loafer, idler, lazy-bones

trpka f. [plural: trpki] 1 stamping, treading
a to stamp, tap one's foot b figurative to insist,
persist Do you continue to insist on your
own way? to come hopping 2 fluttering, quivering
1 trpl transitive trpi [present: past: ] 1 to oil,
grease, lubricate 2 to lay in, lay on, pack; stack in a pile

trapl transitive [present: past: trapll

transitive past: ] 1 to jump; to

literal I don't run from the saber. figurative I'm not afraid of

traplna f. 1 jumping; galloping 2 fast running 3 running

away, ducking out

trapl past tense stem of

trapld past tense stem of
1 trpla imperfective imperative of
2 trpla f. military movement at a run across some area, rush,

trapandj m.

trapnkaj m. 1 rock thrown into

shallow water (for going across) 2 [plural: trapand

plural: trapnki] river crossing of stones or rocks

trapavl transitive [past: ] 1 to cause to jump,

cause to gallop 2 to cause to run swiftly 3 to put to fight 4 to

pull (by the tail feathers, of a bird)

one's foot 4 to tremble, shake, quake (e.g., from fright) 5 to

twitch convulsively, shake, flutter (of a wounded or dying animal
or bird) 6 figurative to bustle about, run around, fuss

tarped f.
1 trat m. whip; history knout
2 turt 1 instantly, momentarily, in a flash 2 quickly, hurriedly
tart b m. 1 regret; sorrow, sadness to regret;
grieve, be sad saying You can't get back
tartr male borzoi (dog)
tartaj m. 1 stammerer, stutterer

2 stammering, stuttering 3

kind of bird

trtlo m. trtla eternally, forever

tartb m. Arabic [plural: tartibna Arabic plural:
tartib t] 1 order, routine; arrangement a in
that order b in such a way order of the day
in order by years; in chronological order
regulated, put in (good) order 2 disposition, arrangement;
distribution 3 measure

tartib t m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 measures

to take measures
tartibv r in order, by turn
tartibavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
arrange, put into order 2 to organize, regulate 3 to compile (e.g.,
lists); write (a report) 4 to dispose, arrange, set out 5 to deploy 6
to form (units)

tartib ordinal
tartibedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to be

put into order, fall into order 2 to be arranged, be organized; be

regulated 3 to be compiled (e.g., a list); be written (of a report) 4

to be disposed; be deployed 5 to be formed (of units)
Fall in!

taratezk m. singular & plural watercress, Lepidium sativum

tra m. 1
tar p m.
tral transitive [past: ] 1 to swear, curse; scold,
reprimand, tell off 2 to banish, drive off

trana f. 1 scolding, reprimand 2 banishment, exile

tra f. woven corn-bin (shaped like a barrel)
tardzhum n m. Arabic 1 translator, dragoman 2 one who

expressed others' wishes, opinions, feelings, etc. 3 representative,

trpavl transitive [past: ] 1 to oil carelessly,

lubricate carelessly 2 to beat, strike, thrash, drub

intransitive [past: past: ] 1 to beat,

what's been lost.

garbage, waste 3 defective goods, rejects

gallop 2 to run swiftly 3 to run off, disappear

1 gait, step, walk 2 sound (of steps); tramp (of feet)

tremble, pound, shake 2 to jump; hop, skip 3 to stamp, tramp; tap

slaughter (of an animal, bird)

tarp l m. tarpln m. canvas top (of a vehicle), awning

trp m. botany plantain
trpuch f. turpuch
traparj-traparj children's speech clippety-clop
to stamp one's feet
1 trap m. [plural: trap] 1 rags, old clothes; rubbish 2

traph r m. 1 stamping, trampling 2 beating (e.g., of wings),

envoy, messenger

trap f. 1 jump; gallop 2 dance, dancing


Pashto-English Dictionary

trkha torj f.
1 trkh 1 feminine plural of 2 f. plural figurative
bitterness, a bitter feeling
In life he saw much grief and joy.
2 trkhj f. chamomile
3 tarkh f. frosts, cold spells
trkhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to become

tardzhumn f. Arabic 1 work of a translator, work of a

dragoman 2 expression of someone's wishes, opinions, feelings,


tardzhum Arabic translation (from one language into

compound verb to translate
to translate into Pashto translated book
tardzhh f. tardzh Arabic preference right of
preferential acquisition to
prefer someone, prefer something to surpass

word-for-word translation

bitter, have a bitter taste, turn rancid; be over-peppered

transfer to the reserve

someone, surpass something; be preferred to someone, be preferred

to something

tardzhhn Arabic preferably

tardzh f. Arabic 1 return 2 repeating, repetition
tardzhi'bnd m. ballad (with a refrain of two rhymed halfverses)

trch 1 m. sneezing 2 interjection ah-choo

trchl intransitive [past: ] to sneeze
trcha f. trchah r m. sneezing
1 trdz m. trts m. interval of time
in one's own speech


in the

course of life

trats m. Eastern 1 edge; side

a obliquely, slantwise b

sideways 2 edging, border, hem 3 crude word, sharp word idiom

to look askance at someone, look suspiciously at

someone to speak secretly
trtskn attractive
tr ts tr ts pori tr ts chi until
tarahhm m. Arabic pity, sympathy to be sorry (for),
feel pity, have sympathy to be sorry for

hesitating 2 running regular trips

repose of the soul (of the dead)

funeral gathering

person freed from payment of tribute or

tardd m. Arabic 1 declining, refusal; denial, refutation

incontestably, undeniably 2 indecision, hesitation, doubt
tardidavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
tardid declining, rejecting; denying, refuting
tardidedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be

refused, be denied; be refuted

tardf m. Arabic 1 movement, proceeding 2 to string, thread

tr ra
1 tr m. plural small clouds
2 tre f. plural Eastern combining form with
tarz m.
tarzub n talkative
trznaj m. cattle which have just been purchased and brought

1 tars m.

f. Western

1 fear, fright 2 sympathy, pity

2 trs m. 1 2 2 inclined, sloping

tars m. non-Moslem; pagan; Christian
tarsn timid, skittish
tarassb m. Arabic settlement (of alluvia)
geology alluvium

trast m. trust (industrial or business)

trastishp m. 1 guardianship, trusteeship


2 tarkh n m.
trkhdz f. wedge, gusset (in a shirt)
trkhavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

2 patronage,


to make

bitter; over-pepper

tarkhn m. botany tarragon

1 trkha f. botany wormwood
2 trkh 1 masculine plural of 2 m. plural pepper
black pepper red pepper
3 trkh feminine singular of
4 trkha f. crack, split; slit, crevice to crack,

a to be indecisive,

felt sorry for him.

tarhm m. Arabic [plural: tarhm] prayer for the

1 trakh m.
2 trakh m.
1 tarkh n m. history

hesitate b to run (between), make regular trips

someone; take pity on someone

taraddd m. Arabic 1 indecision, vacillation, doubt without

decline, reject, turn down; deny, refute

with this, at the same time as this; by the way, incidentally

tarkhs m. Arabic 1 dismissal, disbandment 2 military

tr sra
1 tarsrj m. bridle; headband
2 trsri m. tarsri plural freckles
to be covered with freckles

trsri-mkhaj freckled
traskn somewhat salty
traskunavl denominative, transitive
make salty, salt slightly





Pashto-English Dictionary

someone (responsibility); obligate someone; thrust upon someone,

trsnd keeping away, avoiding something; indifferent,

apathetic, unconcerned

foist upon someone

trsndv laj m. avoidance (of something); indifference,



trsndavl denominative, transitive [past:

remove, free

targh k m. 1 storm 2 waste (plot of) land, waste ground

trghalnaj m. medicine mastitis
1 trghne 1 f. darkness, dusk 2 attributive
when it got dark, when twilight fell
2 trghnaj ancient, old; antique
trgh 1 sparse, scattered, thrown about 2 diffused, dispersed,
driven away a to scatter, throw about b to disperse,
drive away a to be scattered b to be driven off, be


trsndedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

keep away (from something); be indifferent, be unconcerned

tarsb m. Arabic geology sediment (of a rock layer),


tarsib geology sedimentary

trsijari geology tertiary, ternary
tarsm m. Arabic image, representation, description;


exposition, account

tarsimavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

represent, describe; expound 2 math to describe to
describe a circle

tursh 1 sour (to the taste) 2 figurative unsatisfied, dissatisfied;

irritable 3 figurative gloomy, morose

trsh 1 postpositive behind, after; in a back of

He followed slowly after him. 2.1 behind to
lag behind to lag behind others 2.2 back
to put off, postpone ! About face! (as command)
to repel, fight off (e.g., an attack) to retreat, fall
back to throw back (an opponent)
trshp te backward (of a country)
trshtg m. [plural: trshked] m. withdrawal,

targhb m. Arabic encouragement, incentive

to encourage someone, inspire someone
targhj - targhj
taraff' f. Arabic haughtiness; arrogance
tarf' f. Arabic [plural: tarfi'gni m. Arabic plural:
tarfi' t] promotion (at work) edict on
promotion (in one's position, profession) promotion in
rank to receive a promotion (at work)
tarf'n Arabic by way of a promotion (at work)
tara f. Arabic [plural: taraj m. Arabic plural:
taraij t] 1 forward movement 2 progress, development;
success attainment to strive for progress
to further the progress, further the development of
something, develop something 3 growth, increase (of taxes, etc.)

retreat, departure

to be assigned to someone (responsibility); to be

tarashashh f. Arabic m. [plural: tarashshoht] 1

physiology secretion 2 leakage (of rumors)

out, exude b to leak (of rumors)

a to ooze


turshru f. dissatisfied expression, dour expression;

taraikhh progressive; striving for

taredl intransitive [past: ] dialect to double up

(from pain)

turshr dissatisfied, having a sour

expression; sullen, gloomy

tarm m. Arabic numeration, numbering

taraijft progressive, advanced; developed
1 trak m. germination, sprouting; growth

sullenness, moroseness

turshmaz sour (to the taste)

turshv laj m. sour taste
tursh f. 1 salted food(s) 2 chemistry acid
trkhdz f. trhza f. trhza 1



a to progress, develop; be successful b to

grow, increase (of taxes, etc.)


germinate, sprout, grow

gusset (in a shirt)

trhka f. path, small road

tarassd m. Arabic [plural: tarassudna Arabic
plural: tarassud t] 1 observation aerial

upon someone, entrusted to someone (literally: around the neck)

to assign

trak m. reservoir (of a churn or press)

trak m. decorative edging of a rug (made of woolen threads)

turk m. 1 Turki (member of ethnic group with Turkic a

trak m. 1 knock, thump; blow 2 tread, tramp

a to

language) 2 Turk 3 history soldier 4 poetic handsome youth

observation 2 waiting; temporizing 3 shadowing

knock; to strike b to tramp, tread

adze 2 wedge,

tarassudg h m. observation point

targh combining form with
trgh a 1 serving as a debt, serving as an obligation; laid

tark m. Arabic 1 leaving, abandoning 2 refusal of


a to leave, abandon b to refuse something

tark m. 1 crack, split; cleft, fissure 2 crack, crackling

(sound) 3 hoof disease (in horses, mules, etc.)

trk f.
tarkr f. verdure; vegetable, vegetables


Pashto-English Dictionary

tarkrivl m. greengrocer
tark m. carpenter to be a carpenter; do carpentry

tarkk m. woodpecker
1 tark f. carpentry; carpentry work
2 1 tark m. plural Tarkini (also called Tarkanis,

6 trakj f.
tarkb m.


turkist n m. history Turkestan

tarkh m. history quiver
1 tarkal m. plural Tarkalani (tribe)

4 philosophy synthesis

trakedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to strike (against),

knock oneself (against), bump (against) 2 to grow, sprout

2 tarkalnj m.

tr kla pori until what time, until when,

turkm n m. [plural: turkmn n Arabic plural:

f. Turkmen (female)
1 Turkmen

Turkmen (language)

turkmn m.
turkmanist n m. Turkmenistan
turkmna f.
tr kma tr kma pori

Turkmen (language) 2 f.

trki-vrki scattered, thrown about, dispersed

turkij f. Turkey
targ m. perforation of the bladder (in cattle)
trgmj f. Eastern
pitch dark.

trl slndi subordinated, subordinate, subject to

trlslndiv laj m. subordination
tr l ndi 1 adverb underneath to put under
something, shove under slip your hand under
to crawl under something, stand under 2 under

until what time, till when,

1 trl f. trl


tr kma tr kma pori

tarknaj Eastern diseased (of a plant)
1 tarik f. tark Arabic inheritance, inherited property
2 turka f. 1 Turkish female 2 f. poetic beloved, sweetheart,

turki 1.1 Turkic 1.2 Turkish

Turkish (language)

1.3 gizzar (breed of sheep) 2 f. the Turkish language

tell the mother from the daughter.


trkj dark-complexioned

trakj f. soured milk

a to become angry

to be reconciled
Why did you get

angry? b to overdo it, try too hard (e.g., when treating someone)

turm m. trumpet, horn; bugle

turm m. [plural: turumna plural: turum n] 1

stallion 2 stud-horse, male (of species)

3 trm m.
tarmz oblique of
trmj m. grapes of the last harvest
tramb z m. ox closest to the center of the threshing floor

turumtj m. hawk or falcon used for hunting

turumch m. trumpeter, horn-player, bugler
proverb The trumpeter's business is only to blow.

tr mkh tr mkha 1 postpositive in front of

something, by something in front of the house, by the

to speak Turkish

proverb However dark the night, you can still

(during the threshing of grain)

m. 1 tramping, clatter (of

hoof beats) 2 crack, cracking (sound)


2 to whip, lash

trla Western with one another; from one another to

make peace with each other; to reconcile

trkopra 1 often, frequently 2 a lot, much

trakdaj m. plant
1 trakavl transitive [past: ] 1 to strike, hit, knock
trakavl denominative, transitive [past:
abandon, leave (behind)

[plural: trl plural: trleg ni]

children's speech to consider as a cousin; to call cousin

trk m. tradesman (one who has come to a village from the


m. veterinary foot-and-mouth disease

cousin (female), daughter of an uncle on the father's side

how long

It was


3 tark f. twig, shoot (of a tree)

trkh r m. trkh raj

tarkib Arabic 1 composite, complex, complicated 2

tarkim] Turkmen

turkm na

tarkibbnd m. literature verse form with a refrain at the


Tarkalani (tribesman)

Arabic 1 compilation 2 chemistry compound,

end of each stanza consisting of two rhymed half-verses

1 tarakz m. plural the Tarakzi (a subdivision of the

tr kla
how long

(young) goldfinch

composition 3 linguistics sentence, phrase, combination of words

Mohmands) 2 tarakzj m. Tarakzi (tribesman)

tarakj f. cluster of rocks (apart from a mountain ridge)

1 trki m. plural Taraki (tribe) 2 trkaj m. Taraki

traktr m.


Tarkalani, Tarkalanis, name of a tribe) 2 tarkj m. Tarkini

house 2 earlier, already


trmla f. rice water, water in which rice was washed

Pashto-English Dictionary

tr mndz tr mndza
trmna f. 1 moist arable soil 2 swamp; swampy hollow, pool

2 trandzj f. stream of water

trandzedl denominative, intransitive

tarmz m. thermos, thermos flask

trma f. 1 sediment 2 clay; dirt 3 4 crack, cracking
tarm exclamation cry shouted by shepherds when driving

trand ra f. aunt (on the father's side)
trndtb m. trndtj f.
trndi plural of 1
tranj f. 1 attack, assault 2 influx of guests 3 cry, shout
tranzka f. snapping the fingers
tranzavl transitive
1 tranzj m. 1
2 tranzj f. 2
tranzedl intransitive
1 tarnk m. 1 rage, anger, wrath 2 figurative the appetite of

(in a bog)


tr mj ndz

tarm-tarm Eastern 1 scattered,

dispersed 2 fragmented, broken up, disrupted

scatter b to break up
broken up

a to

a to be scattered b to be

tarmiz trmiz history of Termez (city)

tarmir f. watercress, Nasturtium officinale
` tarmm m. Arabic [plural: tarmimna Arabic
plural: tarmim t] 1 repair auto

thin, wither away

repair shops 2 recuperation; strengthening, fortification (of the

compound verb

organism); correction (in a law, etc.)

compound verb
tarmimkr f. repair works
tarmimavl denominative, transitive


a wolf

1 to

repair, fix 2 to revive (health); fortify (the organism) 3 to

tarmimedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be repaired, be fixed 2 to be revived (of health); be fortified (of
the organism) 3 to be corrected, be modified, be amended (of a
law, etc.)

tr mjndza postpositive 1 between 2

in a day
tarminal airport terminal
tarn v m. 1 chute, gutter (for drainage of water) 2 aqueduct
tr mjndz


channel, groove, trough 4 technology water cooling tower 5 pass

between mountains

1 tarndzh m. singular & plural camel's thorn

2 turndzh m. botany citron, citrus medica
3 turndzh 1 wrinkled, creased; folded 2 tough, coarse
tarandzhubn m. singular & plural manna, sugary juice on
the camel's thorn

trandzhukj f. skein of silk, skein of yarn

trandzh f. sharp stone (used by shepherds instead of a knife

2 tarnk m. Tarnak (River)

tranktsa f.
trnk angry, raging
1 trng m. 1 strumming, playing (on the rabab)

trndza 1 feminine singular of

(during an eclipse)

trang with a hanging (drooping) spike (of grains ready for

harvest) to ripen
4 trang m. area for games
trng f.
turungch m.
trang m. string bag for carrying hay or straw
tringlaj m. 1
trang m.
trng m.
trangtsa f. sling (as a weapon)
trngavl transitive [past: ] 1 to play (on the
rabab) 2 to knock; produce a crackling sound

trang f. smooth and level board

trngah r m. trngj m. 1

strumming, sounding, the

sound (of a rabab) 2 tapping; crackling

trangedl intransitive [past: ] to jingle, sound (of a



torture, exhaust, dry up

trang m. 1 diminutive (little) hour 2 striking (a gong);

striking (of a clock)

when slaughtering sheep)

trandzhj f.
trandz 1 thin, gaunt 2 stunted, poor (of crops)
trandzkj skinny, thin
trandzavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

trandzj m. emaciated person

2 f. darkness, gloom

2 knock,

knocking; crack, cracking (noise)

introduce a correction, introduce an amendment (into a law, etc.)

[past: ] to grow

trna dialect 5
trnik m. great-great-grandfather
tarj m. regional customs (duty)
tro 1 hence, therefore 2 then, thereupon
turv laj m. sourness, acidity; acid
trobj m. vinegar
trup combining form with 1

Pashto-English Dictionary

tarutzag f. 1 freshness, newness 2 figurative liveliness,

trohavl transitive [past: ] 1 to spend

economically, spend frugally; be stingy 2 to steal, appropriate


tarutz 1 very fresh 2 figurative lively, cheerful

a to freshen b to come to life, revive, become cheerful

Shadi revived, Shadi grew cheerful

tro m. loss, injury to incur a loss
to be detrimental for someone

tromn detrimental, unprofitable

tro 1 f. loss, injury I incur a loss on
this to incur a loss 2 attributive unprofitable
unprofitable commodity compound verb to prove

trchi dialect
1 tror f. [plural: trndi plural: trnde plural:
trorni] 1 aunt (on father's side) children's
speech 1 children's speech to be considered an
aunt, be called an aunt beh proverb there is
no friend like your mother 2 aunt, auntie (direct address)

trr 1 confused; distracted, dismayed, perplexed 2 out-of-

sorts, upset, disordered

3 terrr m. terror
trurtb m. trurtj f.
trordzj m. Eastern 1
trordzj f. Eastern 2
1 trorzj m. cousin (son of an aunt on father's side)
2 trorzj f. cousin (daugther of an aunt on father's side)
trorke f. auntie
trorme m. uncle (husband of aunt on father's side)
trurv laj m. 1 confusion; dismay, perplexity 2 upset,

troravl denominative, transitive [past: ]

children's speech to consider as one's aunt; to call aunt

truravl denominative, transitive [past:

confuse 2 to upset, distress

1 to

trorj m. fox; vixen

truredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

become confused, become flustered; get lost 2 to become upset,
become distressed

trohedl intransitive [past: ]1 to be spent

economically, be spent frugally 2 to be appropriated

trvka f. turvkaj m. trvkaj m. botany sorrel

kind of sorrel with tubers
trogj m. botany spurge, euphorbia
travl transitive
1 trm m. 1
2 trm m. 2
trmaj m. sip of water
1 turungz m. plural Turungzi (tribe) 2 turungzj m.
Turungzi (tribesman)

trna plural of 1
1 trv turv 1 masculine plural of

tro f. storm (when the whole sky is covered with dark rain


2 tra f. golden thread (for women's shoes, slippers)

taroj f. fox
j f. trogm
j dark and moonless night; darkness
idiom the power of darkness
trska and here
trush word paired with
turshi dialect salty water

2 m. plural .1

something sour to the taste, sour (-tasting) stuff 2.2 ferment;

leaven to leaven dough
2 trv turv 1 feminine singular of 2 f. vinegar
1 tarvj m. 1 botany spurge, euphorbia 2 jalap (root)
2 trv f. turv 1 feminine plural of 2 f. plural

tarvt m. astrology
1 tarvetj m. astrologist
2 tarvetj f. fortune-teller
tarvdzh m. Arabic 1 spreading, dissemination; inculcation,
indoctrination; implanting 2 development
development of industry
tarvidzhavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
spread, disseminate, make available; inculcate, introduce, implant

2 to develop

trorj f. tror f. [plural: trorj plural:

trorj ni] auntie

another's possession

to develop industry

trvedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

salty 2 to be sour; turn sour; turn (sour)

tarvr m. 1 deception, fraud 2 depression, sadness

1 tr m. [plural: trna] uncle (on father's side)
children's speech to consider as an uncle; be called uncle

tra f. 1 repulsion 2 fear

a to have an

aversion for something b to fear, be afraid of something idiom

He can't sleep

tr f. mill-race
4 tar f. musk melon
5 tr f. body (of a person, animal)
6 tra suffix
tarh f. trah 1 fright, fear 2 fearfulness, timorousness
to be afraid, take fright
tirh v m. Eastern one-third, a third
trap f. rag; waste
taratezk m.


Pashto-English Dictionary

stern 4 figurative heavy, difficult, bitter

tarakhl 1 m. plural Tarakheli (tribe) 2 m. Tarakheli


Life is hard for him. 5 figurative bitter, unpleasant (of words) 6

tarhar f.
tarha f. dangerous moment
tr hagh tr hagh pori tr hagh tso
tr hagh tr hagh pore
tarki m. plural Taraki (a subdivision of the Gilzaj)
trhagrj zd counter terrorism
trhnd 1 fearful, timorous 2 restive (of animals, esp. horses)
trhndtb m. trhndtj f. trhndv laj

hot-headed, temperamental



figurative tiff, disagreement

trikhavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

make bitter 2 figurative to spoil (a mood); poison (one's pleasure,

trhur f. 1 uneasiness, unrest;

one's life) idiom

uneasiness, anxiety, alarm

a to

be afraid b to be uneasy, be alarmed

trhedl trahedl intransitive [past: ]1 to be afraid,

take fright 2 to be uneasy, be alarmed

trhed m. trahed plural 1 fear, fright 2 uneasiness,

anxiety, alarm

tar m. plural Eastern granulated sugar

tar f. 1 water (as contrasted to the dry land) 2 waterway 3


3 traj m. 4
4 traj m. water from the mountains for irrigation
5 tre Eastern 1 adverb from him, from her, from them
Take your book from him. He
went away from them. 2 out of it, out of them 3 across it, across
them; through it, through them

tarj f. stilling pit of a mill

trj f. tarj 1 gorge, ravine 2 road along a precipice 3

stream between mountains

8 tarj secretly, on the sly to speak in secret

tarj k m. plural 1 opium preparation (used against snakebite)
2 opium

tarjki m. opium smoker

tripol f. Tripoli (city)
trt m. soaked oil-cakes (feed for cattle)
tarj-tam disappeared, vanished, lost
to vanish, disappear, be lost ! Get lost! The devil
take you!

to feel malice

to inspire terror in an enemy


be decent, be honorable
trikhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
become bitter; have a bitter taste 2 figurative to be spoiled (of a

mood); be poisoned (one's pleasure, one's life)

tredl intransitive
1 tria f. 1 scorching of earth from intense heat 2 1
2 tra f. history transport and equipment of an army
triz m. botany chicory
triga f. flat cake fried in oil
tarl f. regional tray
tre l nde Eastern
trelr m. trailer
trelj m. pool, reservoir
1 tarn 1 m. plural Tarini (tribe) branches
of the Tarini 2 m. Tarin (tribesman)

2 tren m. train electric train

tarjn k wild, unbridled
trend ra f.
tring m. music triangle (the instrument)
1 tringlaj m. 1 moody person, morose person 2
dissatisfied person Don't stand in front of
me with a sour look on your face.

2 tringlj f. finger snap to the forehead

trna dialect 5 He couldn't stand it.
His patience wore thin.

trv f. turv f. m. [plural: trv plural: turv

Eastern plural: trv f. plural: trv plural: turv] 1

trikh trkh m. [plural: trkh f. plural:

trkh] 1 bitter (to the taste) 2 salty, brackish (of water)

to try still harder

trkhaj m. 1 bile, gall 2 malice

toward someone, be inclined against someone 2 idiom

trha f. 1 fear, fright 2 fearfulness, timorousness 3

1 bitter taste, bitterness 2

4 figurative bitterness (of words) 5 figurative distress, grief 6

trhavl trahavl transitive [past: ] to frighten;

scare away

2 somewhat salty

brackishness, saltiness (of water) 3 figurative strictness, sterness

That distressed us terribly.

commotion, confusion 2 fright, alarm

to speak the bitter truth

difficulties of the time

trikhbkhn 1 somewhat bitter

trikhtb m.
trikh torj f. kind of vine
trikhtj f. trikhv laj m.


to suffer a little; to master something

m. 1 timidity, timorousness; fearfulness 2 restiveness (of an



sour (to the taste) 2 salty, brackish (of water, soup)

salt water b sea water 2

a sea water b the sea 3 figurative strict,

to look at someone with a dissatisfied expression


Pashto-English Dictionary

tarjv laj m. secrecy

trivbkhn trivbakhvnd

tapavl transitive [past: ] 1 to wave, cause to

flutter 2 to strike 3 to force to jump, force to gallop 4 to throw

1 somewhat sour; acidic

upward 5 figurative to disturb

2 somewhat salty, brackish (of water)

triv tandj m. 1 dissatisfied expression, sour expression 2

gloomy expression, sullen expression

a with a dissatisfied expression, with a sour expression b sullenly

a to be dissatisfied b to be sullen
trivtb m. trivtj f.
trivkhvgaj m. sweet-and-sour drink, syrup (made from

5 figurative to be anxious, show impatience

water, honey, vinegar and lemon)

trevj m. cucumber
trivkj m. marinade; pickles
trivmkhaj sullen, morose; dissatisfied
trivn k 1 slightly sour 2 slightly salty
trivnglaj m. trivnglaj
trivv laj m. 1 sourness, acidity; acid
This lemon is unbelievably sour. 2 chemistry acidity
trivavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to make
sour; 2 pickle, ferment idiom to take on a dissatisfied
expression; to become angry; gaze angrily

trivedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to become

sour; sour, turn sour figurative to become apathetic

trj cry used when driving sheep

1 ta m. 1 conclusion (of a treaty, of an alliance)

2 agreement,

treaty, alliance 3 condition 4 knot (in thread, rope, etc.) 5 dam

6 refuge, sanctuary 7
2 ta m. large rock
taz f. 1
tk 2
tj f. Eastern band or bandage on the thigh

tatk m. impatience
tazhbaj stammering, stuttering
tas onomatopoeia crack
1 ta m. 1 2
2 ta m. regional heat, heat of day
1 tak 1 onomatopoeia bang 2 m. .1 knock; crack 2.2 clap,
bang a banging, slapping, clapping b cracking
(sound); crackling a to knock b to clap 3 blow
to strike 4 clicking (with the tongue)
2 tak m.
tak f. tak r m. taktk m. 1 2
1 tka f. 1 lightning 2
2 tuk f. heated oil
takh r m.
tal transitive [past: ] 1 to connect, tie, bind 2 to
fasten, secure; reinforce Tie the horse to the
tree. 3 to harness to harness a horse to a cart
4 to combine, unite; knock over, knock down to
knock down boards 5 to put on (a veil) 6 to fill in, close up (a
hole, etc.) 7 to build (a bridge, a dam) 8 to close, shut 9 to
obstruct (a roadway); to close off (movement, traffic) 10 to close
down (a plant, institution, etc.) 11 to conclude (a treaty, contract,

to tie

to make a bet

etc.) 13 to call, convene

to call a session 14 to ascribe

to ascribe another's services to oneself

15 to dedicate to dedicate to someone
to join someone, associate (oneself) with someone

ta k m. 1 row, column; string (e.g., of horses), series 2


2 tk onomatopoeia bang (sound of firearms)

tagj f.
t nga f. 1 strip (of fabric, leather, etc.) 2 piece, small piece;
slice 3 patch of land 4
t nga-t nga tngi-tngi 1 torn into

He made a bet with me and lost. 12 to fix, set, appoint (a time,

the thighs with a band or bandage


taph r m. 1 hoof beats (of an animal) 2 knocking, noise

tapedl intransitive [past: ]1 to sway, flutter, flap 2

to strike (against), hit 3 to jump, gallop 4 to be thrown, be tossed

triv tand sullenly

passive a to be harnessed b to be closed, be shut c to be


talaj 1 past particle from 2.1 closed the

door was closed 2.2 dependent, depending (on someone,

strips or pieces (fabric, leather, etc.) 2 cut into pieces or slices


a to tear into strips or pieces b to cut into pieces;

slice, cut up a to be torn into strips or pieces b

depends upons his arrival. 3 obligated, obliged 4 of one piece,

to be cut into pieces; be sliced, cut up

t v m. 1 string for measuring land 2 relationship, connection

tabkha f. tabukhj m. stuffiness, stale air; heat
Today it's stifling.
tap 1 onomatopoeia bang, boom 2 m. .1 muffled blow,
muffled knocking 2.2 haste; impatience

My departure

integral, solid

talk m. agreement, contract

1 tam tm 1 warm warm weather

2 hot, burning (of


2 tam first person present of

tumb f. 2
tamtb m. tamtj f.

tamv laj m. tepidness

Pashto-English Dictionary

tamavl denominative, transitive [past:

to make warm, warm

to heat up;

tamedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to warm

up, be heated 2 to be warm

3 harnessing 4

agreement) 8 convocation (of something) idiom

agreement; reach an agreement 3 convening (of a legislature, etc.)

tazavvdzh m. Arabic marriage

tazvdzh m. Arabic marriage, matrimony; giving (someone) in

matrimony, get married

to nourish affection toward someone

taubj m. pump
tup onomatopoetic bang, smack
tuk word paired with 1 2
tumb f. plural warm buttermilk
1 tan m. 1 conclusion, ratification (of a treat, contract,
agreement) written formulation of a contract
2 contract, agreement to conclude a contract or

6 knot (thread, string) 7 string 8 dedication (book)

2 tan m. computer science protocol

tanaj m. 1 band; bandage 2 strips of bast
1 ta f. path; way, road ! Go home! Get out of
here! Go away! idiom a to walk about looking
important b to make a show of bravery

ta f. 1 promise; obligation

to make conditional

(upon); cause, bring about 2 intention


to add, supplement; increase; multiply

multiply b to develop, be developed

tazr m. Arabic medicine injection; infusion

compound verb to make an injection; make an infusion

tazjn m. Arabic ornament, decoration

verb to decorate


compound verb to be decorated; adorn

tazjin Arabic decorative decorative plants idiom

tagl m. dialect outfitting, equipment, supplies
m. smell, foul odor

n smelly, foul-smelling

tgaj 1 tormented by thirst I'm thirsty.

He wanted both to eat and to drink. to cause thirst 2
thirsting (for something) striving (toward something) a
to thirst, be thirsty, be tormented by thirst b to thirst for, desire

He very

(something), strive (toward something)

much wants to learn. idiom

through); difficulties

tazvr m. Arabic 1 deceit, forgery 2 dissembling, pretense,

tazvir feigned, hypocritical, false, insincere literal

to be camouflaged, be disguised
tzaj m. 1 centerpost of a tent 2 inflorescence of corn
tazjd m. [plural: tazjidna Arabic plural:
tazjid t] addition, supplement; increase, multiplication


tism r m. intense heat, sultriness

tka f. 1 uneasiness, anxiety 2 pain
tzr m. czar, tsar
tzr adjective czar, tsar
tazjd m. Arabic 1 growth, increase, increment,
augmentation 2 development a to grow, increase,

to enter into

hypocrisy, falseness

ta f. 1 rock, cliff 2 rocky place 3 watershed 4 steep

ta imperfective imperative of
1 taj m. stammerer, slutterer
2 ta present tense of
3 taj present tense, second person plural of
tski f. plural experiences (esp. those endured, suffered


to connect your life with someone 5 measure (action to be taken)

tazalzl m. Arabic oscillation, wavering (literally and


6 closing (of some institution) 7 conclusion (of a contract or


figuratively); instability to shake the will

tuznedl intransitive [past: ]to be upset, be distressed,

joint, connection, compound 5 filling in, covering up (a hole, etc.)

4 connection, interconnection; relationship

clean, cleanse, purify

1 tang m. unassailable cliff

2 tng 1
tang f. tangah r m.
tana f. 1 binding, linking 2 reinforcement

tazkij f. Arabic purification, cleansing, cleaning;

to deceive, dupe, swindle; twist around one's finger

laj m. thirst

ts 1 1 2 thrown, tossed, strewn to throw, toss
to be thrown, be tossed
2 ts m. exclamation cry used for getting a camel to rise up
tasmh m. Arabic condescension, indulgence, leniency;

tasnd m. Arabic solidarity

tasv f. Arabic equality, equal amount (e.g., an equal
number of votes)

tasbk sticking out, sticking up

tasb f.
tasb f. tasbh [plural: tasbh]

Arabic 1 religion

praise of God 2 rosary, prayer beads, tasbih

tasp f. rosary bead; prayer beads

a prayer going through a rosary (prayer beads)


to recite

Pashto-English Dictionary

taskhr m. Arabic conquest; subjugation; mastery

conquest of space compound verb to conquer;
subdue; master compound verb to be conquered; be

taskhn m. 1 warming, heating 2 heating

central heating a to warm, heat (up) b to heat

tusr m. tussah silk
tasr f. Arabic acceleration, speeding up
tast f. tasth Arabic smoothing out, leveling
tas'r m. Arabic 1 economics conversion
conversion of a loan 2 evaluation 3 finance course, rate of

taskar f. sedan (chair); litter; stretcher

taskarach m. hospital attendant, medical orderly
tskra f. 1 curved shovel, crooked shovel

taslimed m. plural 1 surrender, capitulation 2 handing

over, passing along 3 reception, receipt (of goods)

tasm f. 1 leather strip 2 belt

tasmaghvr m. wax for boots
tasmij f. Arabic name, designation
verb to name, call

tasns tas-u-ns to eat (food)

tasvd m. Arabic sketch; draft (of an executive decision, etc.)
compound verb
tasvidavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
make a sketch; compile the draft (of an executive decision, etc.)

repayment (of a debt)

to calm, reassure
to become calm, calm down

compound verb

to act reassuringly 2 linguistics marking a "sokun"

tasalsl m. Arabic 1 sequence; consecutiveness
a chain of events to interrupt
someone's speech The conversation was
deteriorating. to continue speaking 2 series 3
numbering of pages, pagination

tasallt m. Arabic 1 dominion, sway 2 force (e.g., of a law)

natural change
tasall f. taslijt m. Arabic consolation, reassurance
to console, calm, reassure someone
But that did not reassure me.
tasallibkhsh 1 consoling, reassuring 2 satisfactory
taslh m. Arabic arms; arming to arm, equip with

tasliht relating to arms, armament

taslkh m. Arabic slaughter (of cattle)


verb to slaughter (cattle)

taslm m. Arabic 1 surrender, capitulation

taslim t] greeting 6 recognition, acknowledgment

taslimavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

hand (over), transmit, pass (along) ! Give up! 2 to
deliver, turn over (an item)

taslim f. 1 handing over, passing (along) 2 receiving,


receipt for delivery of a letter

taslimedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

surrender, capitulate 2 to be transmitted, be handed over 3 to be
supplied, be delivered (of goods)

compound verb a to level,

resolve (a question) c to pay back (a debt)

tashl m. Arabic 1 facilitation, advantage 2 [plural:

tashil t] advantageous, favorable conditions

a to

facilitate, grant advantages b to create favorable conditions

1 tsh 1.1 empty; hollow empty jug or pitcher

saying an idle hand you're my enemy 1.2
unloaded proverb an unloaded
weapon is twice feared (both by the owner and by his enemy) 1.3
blank (of a cartridge) 1.4 deprived (of something), free (from

an unselfish friend 1.5

empty, pointless empty words, pointless words
to speak empty or pointless words; jabber nonsense
to deceive with empty promises 2 only; just,
hardly 3 military Unload! (a command) idiom Saturday
a false, self-styled so-called; fictitious; nominal
2 tash m.
tashkl m. Arabic similarity, resemblance
tshb aj m. unarmed person
tashabbs m. Arabic [plural: tashabbusna Arabic
plural: tashabbus t] 1 initiative, beginning 2 trying,
endeavor, zeal, diligence 3 attempt 4 address (to someone)
a to begin b to try, show zeal c to make an attempt d to

unconditional surrender 2 submissiveness, obedience 3 handing

over, passing 4 delivery (of some goods) 5 [plural:

equalize; smooth over; tamp down, flatten b to regulate, arrange;


taskn m. Arabic 1 calming, reassuring

compound verb

tasvij f. Arabic 1 leveling; smoothing out; tamping down,

flattening 2 regulating, arranging; resolution (of a question) 3

dig 2 dialect wedge axe, wood cleaver


adress (someone)

tashbh m. Arabic [plural: tashbihna Arabic

plural: tashbih t] 1 comparison


to compare; to

to be similar 2 allegory; metaphor

tshp aj m.
tasht m. basin; wash-tub (for laundering)
tashtp k m. toady, lickspittle
tashattt m. Arabic 1 complication; mix-up
to mix up someone, confuse someone 2 complication,
confusion (of an exposition) 3 absentmindedness

tshtor 1 absolutely empty 2 devastated, laid waste

to devastate, ruin, lay waste 3 with empty hand,

Pashto-English Dictionary


someone for something; express one's gratitude

to come back with nothing, come

to express one's gratitude to someone

tashakkurnm f. letter of gratitude
tashakkl m. Arabic
tashkl m. Arabic organization, foundation, creation,
formation, arrangement chief of the administrative
department land-tenure regulations
administrative division to be
formed, consist of something to compile,

back empty-handed

tshtj f. emptiness; void

tashtin f. meat on the jawbone of a sheep or other animal
tashdzh' f. & m. Arabic incentive; encouragement
to encourage someone, cheer up someone
tashkhn f. primer, igniter, detonator
tashakhkhs m. Arabic 1 importance 2 distinction,
peculiarity, characteristic 3 determination, establishment

make, constitute something

tashkhs m. Arabic 1 recognition; identification 2

establishment, determination 3 diagnosis


tashkilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

organize, found, create; form to form a cabinet

tashkhisavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to recognize; identify; get to know 2 to determine, establish 3

tashkiledl 1 [past: ] .1 to be organized, be

founded, be created, be formed; form to be created,

be organized anew, be reorganized 1.2 to consist of something, be

to make a diagnosis

tashkhis 1 diagnostic 2 distinctive

made up of something 2 m. plural

distinctive features

tashkhisedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be established, be determined

doubling a consonant by using the tashdid

tashr f. tashrh m. Arabic [plural: tashrih t] 1

description; explanation, commentary

to give an

explanation, provide clarification; describe in detail 2 analysis 3

anatomy idiom
conventional sign, symbol
tashrihavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1
dissection; post-mortem 4 anatomy

tshmghza hollow
tashml m. Arabic enclosing, enveloping, taking in; scope,

tashn b m. tashn v m. washroom; wash basin

tashanndzh m. Arabic spasm; convulsion
tashng m. medicine dropsy
tshv laj m. 1 emptiness, void 2 anatomy cavity
tashavvsh m. Arabic 1 confusion; commotion 2 disorder,
upset medicine functional disorders
nervous disorder, nervous shock

tshavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to empty

(out), free 2 to unload 3 to discharge (a firearm) 4 to pump out

(e.g., air) 5 to deprive of something, leave without something

to describe; explain, clarify, comment upon 2 to analyze, figure

out 3 to dissect

tashrih 1 anatomical 2 analytical

linguistics 3 explanatory


tashrihedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be described; to be explained; be commented upon 2 to

undergo analysis 3 to be dissected

tashr' f. Arabic legislation; issuance of laws

tashri' Arabic legislative legislative authority
tashrf m. Arabic 1 to do an honor 2 polite visit; arrival
to pay a visit, deign to come
to deign to attend, be present; honor by one's presence 3 polite
departure, leavetaking to deign to leave, depart
tashrif t m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 ceremonial,
ceremony; formalities 3 protocol section
protocol department
tushkrl transitive
tashakkr m. Arabic gratitude, expression of gratitude
with deep gratitude to thank

tshl saj 1 poor, indigent, penniless 2 with empty hands,

empty-handed, with nothing

tashaddd m. Arabic 1 strengthening; aggravation

the illness was aggravated 2 cruel treatment; force
to resort to force
tashdd m. Arabic 1 strengthening; aggravation 2 grammar

idiom a to become angry b to lay bare one's heart

teshavna f. action noun from
tashvsh m. Arabic unrest, agitation, alarm
That causes no alarm.
tashv m. Arabic encouragement, incentive; assistance, help
to encourage, urge (on); render assistance to

tashviavl denominative, transitive [past:

encourage, urge on


tsha f. 1 air, atmosphere 2 physics vacuum, void

tashhr m. Arabic 1 publication, promulgation, proclamation
2 history form of punishment where the criminal was put on

display at a pillory or astride a donkey

a to publish,

promulgate, proclaim b history to put into a pillory or seat on a

donkey (as a punishment for crime)

to be put into a

pillory or seated on a donkey

tshaj m. 1 side; iliac region 2 groin 3 empty place, free

place 4 physics vacuum, void


Pashto-English Dictionary

tshedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

emptied, be freed, become empty regional

proofs, correct proofs

unloaded (of firearms) 4 to be pumped out (e.g., of air) 5 to be

reform; be corrected

tasdr m. Arabic export

tasdk m. Arabic 1 confirmation; affirmation 2 ratification
3 attestation, certificate compound verb a to confirm;
affirm; to certify b to ratify compound verb a to be
confirmed; be affirmed; be certified b to be ratified

unsociable person, introverted person; lone wolf, loner

compound verb to improve,

idiom to level a road,

straighten a road

all his teeth fell out 6 to be worthless, be useless

tshedna f. action noun from
tht present tense stem of
thtn m.
thtnd unsociable, introverted, withdrawn

compound verb to correct, put right; make corrections, read

The train emptied out. 2 to be unloaded (of cargo) 3 to be

deprived of something, be left without something

tash f. tashh Arabic correction; correcting

thtavl transitive [past: ] 1 to drive off, steal

to steal a horse 2 Eastern to steal, abduct,

tasdkn Arabic



to witness, certify (a

tasdinm f. 1 testimonial or certificate given upon

hijack 3 to put to flight 4 to abduct, kidnap, carry off (a girl,

completion of studies at an institute or school

another man's wife) 5 to be engaged in smuggling, be engaged in

certificate 2 ratification document 3 witness, testimonial;

the movement of contraband

document; certificate

thtavna f. action noun from




meet with b to be found by chance c to coincide


to seize, take

a to turn out to be under

someone's authority b to be seized by someone

tasarrufavl transitive [past: ] 1 to possess,

own; use something 2 to seize, take possession of

tasr f. tasrh Arabic explanation; clear, precise instruction;

clarification, amplification

compound verb to be

explained, be cleared up; be clarified, be made precise (of a

deadline, etc.)

tasrf m. Arabic grammar 1 inflection 2 declension 3


tasdf m. Arabic 1 meeting 2 incident, chance

tasdfn Arabic by chance, unexpectedly, accidentally

tasduf Arabic chance, unexpected, accidental,
unintentional by chance, unexpectedly,
accidentally idiom encounter battle
tasdm m. [plural: tasdumna Arabic plural:
tasdum t] 1 clash collision, accident 2
skirmish, encounter aerial encounter a to

compound verb

possession of

take possession of, master; acquire as your own property

compound verb a to meet

compound verb 2 a to

under someone's authority; at

seize something, possess something; get hold of something

thtedlaj 1 past participle from 2 m. deserter

thted m. plural action noun from
thl intransitive
thavl transitive
tashb m. Arabic possession, ownership; mastery, seizure;
taking possession (of property, etc.) compound verb to

to find, discover by chance

someone's disposal 2 seizure

grew pale.

(happening), coincidence

insurance policy

plural: tasarruf t] 1 ownership, possession; use of

tht present tense of

thtedl intransitive [present: past: ]1 to run;
to run away, make off to save oneself by flight
run for all you're worth 2 to desert 3 to shirk (work,
studies); to avoid idiom Let's sit
by the fire to warm ourselves. His lips

tasarrf m. Arabic [plural: tasarrufna Arabic

tasrif Arabic grammar morphological; relating to inflection

morphological distinctions
tasghr m. Arabic diminution, lessening, decrement
sm-i grammar diminutive
tasfij f. Arabic 1 clarification 2 solution, resolution (of a
problem, question) 3 liquidation, removal (e.g., of disagreement)

abolition commission 4 cleaning, cleansing;

purification; filtration; refining

petroleum distillation

5 payment (e.g., of a share) 6 politics purge

compound verb a to clarify b to resolve (a question, problem) c

to liquidate; remove (e.g., disagreement) d to pay (e.g., a share) e

collide, run against, run into b to take place (of an encounter,

to clean, filter, refine f to concentrate (ore) g politics to carry out


a purge

m. Arabic math progression

tasnf m. Arabic plural from

tasvb m. Arabic plural from

compound verb a to be clarified b to be

resolved (a question, problem) c to be liquidated, be removed



(e.g., disagreement) d to be paid (e.g., a share) e to be cleaned,

be filtered, be refined f to be enriched, be concentrated (e.g., of

ore) g politics to pass through a purge

Pashto-English Dictionary

tasfijakhn f. petroleum refining plant

tasmm m. Arabic [plural: tasmimna Arabic
plural: tasmim t] decision to

tazminavl denominative, transitive [past:

guarantee; vouch for; ensure


tazminedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be guaranteed; be assured

tazj m. Arabic 1 squeezing; pressing (upon) 2 physics

tatbk m. Arabic correspondence, similarity, likeness;

pressure 3 oppression 4 limitation

plural: tasavvur t] 1 imagination; representation;


tasavvur Arabic 1 imagined, imaginary 2 philosophy

tasavvuredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be proposed, be intended; be represented ... it is
proposed that

tasavvf m. Arabic religion 1 Sufism 2 mysticism

tasvb m. Arabic [plural: tasvibna Arabic plural:
tasvib t plural: tasvb] 1 approval, acceptance,
sanction 2 decree, resolution compound verb a to
approve, accept, sanction b to decree, make a resolution
compound verb a to be approved, be accepted, be sanctioned
b to be decreed

tatbiavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

observe something 2 to apply, use 3 to realize, fulfill 4 to

coordinate, be brought into correspondence 6 to be collated, be



1 to

taz d m. Arabic 1 opposition; contrast 2 contradiction,

antagonism 3 literary antithesis, contrast 4 philosophy

tazmuniv laj
tazarr' f. Arabic 1
humility, meekness


entreating; humble supplication 2

to change, undergo a change


about one's knowledge

tazmn m. Arabic 1 reciprocity 2 collective responsibility;

collective guarantee; solidarity

tatavvr m. Arabic [plural: tatavvurna Arabic

tatvl m. Arabic 1 lengthening, elongation 2 tightening

delay, procrastination
tazhr Arabic [plural: tazhurna Arabic plural:
tazhur t] 1 manifestation, disclosure to be
revealed, be disclosed 2 showing, demonstration for
show, ostentatious to be puffed up


tatm' f. Arabic inducement, prompting; encouragement,


change, alter (something) 2 improvement, change (for the better)

describe, represent 2 to draw

tatarrf m. Arabic 1 excess 2 extreme

tasvirvl m. artist; portrait painter

tasviravl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to adapt oneself 6 to coordinate,

practiced; practice, have practice (in) 4 to be observed 5 to be

tasvr m. Arabic 1 description, representation 2 picture,

compound verb

tatbik Arabic 1 applied; practical 2 comparative

denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be applied,
be used 2 to be realized, be carried out, be fulfilled
to be realized; be applied in actuality 3 to be

government proposal); decision (of legislative body)

2 applied studies;

plural: tatavvur t] 1 change, transformation, conversion

tasvibnm f. decision (regarding confirmation of a

paint landscapes

bring into correspondence


tatbi t m. Arabic plural 1 from

practice 5 to adapt


a applicable b realizable,

practical training 3 military exercise

tasavvurijt m. regional imagination

fulfillable 4 practice 5 adaptation 6 collation, comparison

imagine; suppose, presuppose

1 observation of something 2 application, use 3

realization, fulfillment

compound verb
compound verb
tassavvuravl denominative, transitive [past: ]
supposition 2 idea

to adapt to one's environment

m. Arabic [plural: tatbina Arabic plural:

tatbi t]

tasavvr m. Arabic [plural: tasavurna Arabic



distribution 4 biology classification

composition, writing (of books) 2 composition, work 3

to guarantee something 2 use of a quote from the work of one


tasnf m. Arabic [plural: tasnifna Arabic

tasnf plural: tasnif t] 1 compliation,

poet to another when writing verse

make a decision

tasmimnm f. resolution; decree

tasann' f. Arabic pretense; affectation, artificiality
tasanno' feigned; affected, artificial

tazmn m. Arabic 1 guaranteeing; guarantee

ta'dl m. Arabic 1 equilibrium

to preserve an

equilibrium 2 balance, proportion; conformity 3 balance (sheet)

balance of trade 4 figurative moderation, restraint

ta'rz m. Arabic contradiction; counteraction, opposition
to contradict, act counter to something
ta'rf m. Arabic 1 treat, regalement to treat

someone, regale someone 2 exchange of courtesies 3 custom 4


Pashto-English Dictionary

acquaintance by correspondence
Are you acquainted with him?
to acquaint with someone to present someone, acquaint,

out (a line, road, etc.) 3 regulation; adjustment


introduce someone

ta' t f. Arabic exchange

ta'b m. Arabic 1 following one another 2 succession,


compound verb
ta'dilnm f. amendment (to a law, etc.)
ta'dilavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

exchange of

regulate; adjust

mutual assistance

ta'l f. Arabic 1 eminence, elevation, raising 2 high

praise, extolment

2 ta'l Arabic religion Most High (epithet for God)

ta'ml m. Arabic 1 interaction 2 chemistry reaction
chemical reaction 3 reaction to react 4
custom customary law, adat law
ta'vn m. Arabic 1 mutual assistance 2 interconnection,
interdependence 3 cooperation

ta'vun Arabic cooperative to cooperate

ta'abbd m. Arabic 1 slavery, imprisonment 2 religion

ta'br m. Arabic [plural: ta'burna Arabic plural:

ta'bir t] 1 expression, turn of speech incorrect
expression 2 explanation, interpretation 3 description,

expressiveness compound verb

compound verb 4 term
ta'biravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

ta'azb m. Arabic 1 torture, suffering 2 punishment

ta'azibavl denominative, transitive [past: ]



ta'bij f. Arabic military tactics

ta'bijad n military tactician
ta'adzhdzhb m. Arabic astonishment, amazement
to be astonished, be amazed ... Here's
what's amazing to be astonished, be amazed
to amaze, astonish
ta'adzhdzhbvr ta'adzhdzhubn k amazing,

ta'dzhz m. Arabic causing unrest

ta'd d m. Arabic number, quantity



to attack someone, move against someone

on the attack, cross over to the offensive

ta'add f. Arabic 1 encroachment, infringement 2 violence;


a to infringe, encroach (upon) b to commit

an act of violence; oppress

to go

ta'arruz Arabic 1 adjective offensive, attack

offensive battle 2 aggressive (of a pact, etc.)

f. Arabic 1 tariff 2 time-table, schedule 3 list

ta'rf m. Arabic [plural: ta'rifna Arabic plural:
ta'rif t] 1 description; definition; characteristics 2
eulogy; praise; honorable mention to praise
someone compound verb
compound verb
ta'rifnm f. military instructions, manual
ta'rifavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

ta'rifedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be desecribed; to be defined; to be characterized 2 to be praised

ta'z m. ta'zz Taizz (city, south Yemen)

ta'zijt m. Arabic 1 sympathy, condolence

ta'dl Arabic [plural: ta'dilna Arabic plural:


with an expression of sympathy 2 mourning

ta'zijatnm f. letter with an expression of sympathy

ta'zr m. Arabic 1 punishment (not provided by the sharia, but
determined by the judge) 2 punishment (of a criminal)

ta'ziravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

impose a punishment (not provided in the sharia, but determined
by the judge himself) 2 to punish (a criminal)

ta'zir not provided for by the sharia but determined by the

judge himself (of a punishment)


(determined by the judge himself)

ta'ziredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

undergo punishment (not provided by the sharia, but determined by
the judge) 2 to be punished (of a criminal)

circulation of a


ta'arrz m. [plural: ta'arruzna plural Arabic

plural: ta'arruz t] attack; offensive


ta'azibedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

tortured, suffer

describe; determine; characterize 2 to praise, eulogize

to be named, be designated, be called

ta'bijav Arabic military tactical



explain, interpret 2 to describe, represent 3 to formulate

ta'bir phraseological phraseology

ta'abiredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
be explained 2 to be described, be represented

1 to

correct; improve 2 to straighten (a line, a road, etc.) 3 to

sequence 3 replacement, alternation, interchange

ta'zij f. Arabic 1 2 tazia (a Shiite mystery play)

ta'assb m. Arabic 1 fanaticism 2 impatience 3 passion
(for something) 4 prejudice, bias

ta'tl Arabic 1 m. .1 time of rest


day, holiday 1.2 cessation, suspension (of work, etc.); break

ta'dil t] 1 correction; improvement 2 straightening, straightening


official removal from a job for three years (as

Pashto-English Dictionary

a punishment) 1.3 closing (of an enterprise)


ta'lil causal reason, justification

ta'lm m. Arabic 1 teaching; learning to study,
learn to teach 2 military drill training
ta'lim t m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 preparation;
training, schooling general preparation


2 predicate adjective .1 stopped, suspended (of

work, etc.) 2.2 closed (of an enterprise)

no institutions were working, all institutions were closed

ta'tilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

cease, suspend (work, etc.); have a break, have a recess 2 to close

higher education

ta'limtnm f. instructions; manual; regulation

ta'limkhn f. educational facility; study room, auditorium;

(an enterprise)

ta'zm m. Arabic greetings; rendering homage, doing honors

military saluting They greeted
him respectfully. They paid him great honors.

riding school

ta'affn m. Arabic decay, rot, putrefaction

ta'al m. Arabic 1 reason 2 understanding, awareness
ta'aul reasonable, judicious, intelligent
ta'b m. Arabic 1 following after someone
one after another to follow after someone, not to

to share someone's fate

confirm in writing

carry out, fulfill (a policy, a course, etc.) 2 to pursue someone,

follow (after) someone 3 to keep track of something

to keep track of world events

ta'ibedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to

be carried out, be put into effect (of a policy, course, etc.) 2 to be

pursued 3 to be realized (of hopes, aspirations)

ta'd m. Arabic 1 entanglement, complexity, vagueness,

obscurity 2 tying of a knot

ta'm m. Arabic sterilization

ta'all m. Arabic [plural: ta'alluna Arabic plural:
ta'allu t] 1 relation, connection diplomatic
relations to bear a
relationship to something to support relations with
someone 2 acquaintance 3 history taluk, taluka (administrative
region in India)

ta'allu t m. Arabic plural 1 from

relating to a matter

2 questions

ta'allm m. Arabic philosophy cognition

ta'l m. Arabic 1 hanging, suspending, fastening

ta'li f. Arabic 1 appendix (to a book, etc.) 2 note (in the

ta'li 1 postponed, delayed 2 conditional (of a verdict or

margins), marginalia
sentence in court) 3 overhanging, impending
ta'll m. Arabic 1 clarification of a reason

to explain a reason 2 reference


ta'lim Arabic 1 educational school year

training received; education received
educational aids military drill cartridges,
rounds 2 instructive, didactic

ta'limjft 1 learned; educated

educated in France 2 military senior soldier

ta'amm m. Arabic immersion (e.g., in thought);

thoughtfulness thoughtfully
ta'mr m. Arabic [plural: ta'mirna Arabic plural:
ta'mir t] 1 construction 2 building 3 figurative
creation, construction building a new life
ta'mirt ta'mir 1 adjective building, construction
the construction industry

construction workers, builders 2 figurative creative, constructive

ta'ml m. Arabic carrying out, fulfillment, realization

compound verb compound verb

ta'milavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

carry out, fulfill, realize

ta'miledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

enacted, be fulfilled, be realized

ta'mm m. Arabic dissemination, popularization; inculcation

to be disseminated, be popularized; take root
compound verb to disseminate, popularize; inculcate
compound verb to be disseminated; take root
ta'vz m. Arabic amulet, talisman
ta'vz m. Arabic 1 substitution, replacement 2 recompense,

postponement 3 talik (a style of writing)

ta'limnm f. military regulations

ta'ib t m. Arabic plural 1 from

being taken to court


official to

2 prosecution,
answering before the law
instituting criminal proceedings (against)
ta'ibavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

ta'limg f. ta'limg h regional institution of learning,

educational institution

lag behind someone, not to lose touch 2 pursuit, chase 3

realization, fulfillment (of hopes, aspirations) idiom

ta'vizavl denominative, transitive [past:

subsitute, replace 2 to make up for, compensate

1 to

ta'vizedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be changed, be replaced 2 to be compensated

ta'vk m. Arabic postponement, delay, procrastination

ta'ahhd m. Arabic 1 obligation 2 contract, agreement (for
work, supply of something) a to obligate oneself, pledge

Pashto-English Dictionary
b to reach agreement (on work, supplies of something) c

compound verb to make conditional (upon), cause, bring about

compound verb to be conditioned (by)

ta'ahhdn Arabic on an oath to promise on an oath
ta'ahhudnm f. written pledge, obligation in writing
m. Arabic definition, determination; establishment, fixing;
appointment setting a price
position finding

ta'ajjunavl denominative, transitive

ta'jn m. Arabic determination; establishment; fixing, setting
compound verb to
orient oneself to the terrain compound verb
ta'jin t m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 military one day's

denominative, transitive [past:

establish; to fix, set

to determine; to

denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be defined, be

taghr m. colloquial change, alteration

taghir f.

taghiravl denominative, transitive [past:

change, alter 2 to replace

tgh m. helmet

tgh m. 1 whistle (of a bullet) 2 crackling (of meat being

taghiredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

change, be changed m. 2 to be replaced

taghjr m. Arabic
1 taf m. steam
2 tuf m. 1 spitting 2 spit, spittle
tafr m. Arabic plural from
tafsr m. Arabic plural from
tufl f. oilcakes; concentrates (for cattle)
tafvt m. Arabic difference, distinction

to differ,


stand out

3 tugh m. 1
taghd f.
tagh r m.
tghrk m. medicine dropsy
tghr m. person suffering from dropsy
tghdar f. zoology Chlamydotis undulata (large crane of the
cause indigestion


taghazzl m. Arabic lyric poetry; lyrics

taghazzul lyrical (of poetry)
tughlu history relating to the Tughluq Dynasty (of India)
taghm f. blow from a whip, blow from a stick
tghndaj m. basin, bowl
tghnavl transitive [past: ] to roast; burn, scorch
taghanni f. Arabic singing
1 tghavl transitive [past: ] to roast badly
2 tughavl transitive
tughundj m.
1 taghajjr 1 m. Arabic .1 change; alteration
philosophy qualitative changes philosophy
quantative changes to introduce changes
to change, be transformed
the situation has not materially changed
to change, alter 1.2 dismissal (from a position) 1.3
difference, distinction 2 predicate .1 changed, altered 2.2


tafahhs m. Arabic 1 interrogation, interview; search 2 test,

tafahhus ti adjective test, trial

tafarr' f. Arabic 1 branching, forking

2 branch (of industry,


tafarru' t m. Arabic plural 1 from


2 particulars;

tafri f. Arabic 1 division, separation 2 disagreement; split,



taghzij f. Arabic nourishment; feeding

taftsh m. Arabic 1 audit; inspection

commission 2 customs inspection; checking (of passports at a



tagired m. plural 1 change, alteration 2

1 to

replacement, substitution

established; be fixed, be set

schismatic; separatist; sectarian

to create dissent

tafr tafrh Arabic [plural: tafrig ni plural:

tafrihg ni] m. Arabic [plural: tarfih t] 1 distraction,

amusement, gaiety 2 leave, vacation

official leave

school interval, break idiom

culture and rest park
tafrihg h m. resort
tafrih amusing, entertaining to write
for rest 3 rest, vacation

in an entertaining way

tafrkh m. Arabic medicine incubation



tafrt m. Arabic carelessness, negligence

tafrk m. Arabic 1 distinction, difference 2 discrimination 3

carelessness, from negligence


math subtraction

tafriavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

distinguish, tell the differnce (between) 2 to discriminate, practice

discrimination 3 math to subtract

tafri f. Arabic f. [plural: tafri m. Arabic plural:

tafr] interval, distance (between)
tafsr m. Arabic [plural: tafsirna Arabic plural:
tafsr plural: tafsir t] 1 explanation, commentary

Pashto-English Dictionary

to set forth one's own position 2 religion

plural: taz] requirement; demand to require; to present

commentary on the Koran 3 description (of something)

tafsiravl denominative, transitive [past:

explain, elucidate, provide commentary

a demand, submit a demand


tafsiredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

explained; explain oneself; to be provided with commentary

tafsl m. Arabic [plural: tafsilna Arabic plural:

tafsil t] 1 detailed account detailed
account of the speeches, detailed account of presentations
to expound in detail, give a detailed account 2 detail
in detail, exhaustively
tafsln tafsilv r Arabic in detail, thoroughly
tafsil Arabic detailed, thorough in detail;

condemn, censure; discredit, defame; criticize

taadds m. Arabic 1 holiness; piety 2 respect, reverence

taaddn Arabic 1 movement ahead, movement forward; an
offensive 2 figurative progress a to move forward; to
advance b figurative to develop

thoughtfulness, pensiveness 3 worry, concern 4 thought, thinking

tadiravl denominative, transitive [past:

value, appreciate; render (someone) his due

tafkk m. Arabic 1 division, separation, fragmentation 2

physics splitting, fission

nuclear fission

handing (over) 2 present, tribute

to excel, stand above (someone), stand out (among others)
to gain ascendancy over someone 2 supremacy
military air supremacy
tafvz m. Arabic handing over, delivery, transmission
compound verb to hand over, transmit, deliver
tafahhm m. Arabic understanding, comprehension, grasp
tafhm Arabic 1 official information, notification 2

tabl m. Arabic 1 meeting, reception tabl 2 tabl


m. Arabic antiquity, olden times

m. Arabic 1 rapprochement 2 poetry kind of a

meter in verse

tarr m. Arabic plural from

to send one's respects to someone

] 1 to

tar m. astrakhan (fur)

taarrb m. Arabic approach, drawing near, closing in
to draw near, draw together idiom to lay
claim to something, have pretensions to something

taarrr m. Arabic 1 appointment

be awarded an appointment

official to

to be appointed 2 function,

responsibility, appointment

tarb m. Arabic 1 drawing near, approach 2 coming (e.g.,

of a holiday) idiom

on this account, in connection

with this

m. astronomy opposition 3 conflict (of views, interests)

compound verb

denominative, transitive [past:

to send greetings

with cognitive purposes 3 art, skill, ability

explanation, elucidation; annotation

present, give; hand over, deliver 2 to present with idiom

tafannn m. Arabic 1 erudition, learning 2 study of the

tafavv m. Arabic 1 superiority


tadm m. Arabic 1 presentation, presenting; delivery,





splitting the atom,

tufng m. rifle
tufangch f. revolver, pistol
tufangs z m. gunsmith
tufangsz f. manufacture of hand guns, manufacture of

to put a

tadir fate, lot, predestination

tads m. Arabic sanctification, consecration; deification,


tafkr m. Arabic deliberation, consideration; reflection,

tadr m. Arabic evaluation


a to reflect upon, think over b to fall into deep thought c

to worry about d to think

high value on something

tafakkr m. Arabic 1 reflection, meditation; deliberation 2

to need something

2 tadr m. Arabic 1 proposition, hypothesis 2 condition

on the condition that 3 fate, predestination
tadrn Arabic in fact, actually
tadirnm f. certificate of progress and good conduct (in

tafzl m. Arabic 1 superiority 2 preference 3 grammar

superlative (degree)

ta'd m. Arabic retirement with pension

tald m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 tradition; custom
tabh f. Arabic condemnation, censure, criticism
tabihavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to


taz f. Arabic [plural: tazg ni m. Arabic

tarbn Arabic approximately, about

10 years ago

tarib Arabic approximate

tarr m. Arabic [plural:


tairna Arabic plural:

tarr] 1 confession, declaration 2 announcement,

pronouncement; speech, word; public appearance, speech

introductory word

freedom of speech

to confess, declare b to speak out; to come forward with a speech,


Pashto-English Dictionary

make an announcement; appear

to give someone

become strong; be fortified; become firmer, be consolidated;

your word


develop (e.g., of trade)

tarr kavnkaj m. orator
m. Arabic 1 review 2 criticism


heading, section of criticism (in a newspaper or magazine) 3


solve the following problems using division 2 military

tasm-i order of the day

administrative division
tasimavl denominative, transitive


tasimedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be divided; be separated; be distributed 2 math to be divided

tasimed m. plural division; separation, parting;

distribution, allocation math plural division
tasr m. [plural: tasirna Arabic plural:
through one's own fault


very white, white as snow


2 search

a to run


taksr m. Arabic abundance

taksf m. Arabic thickening; concentration
taksl m. Arabic 1 laziness 2 carelessness, negligence
takf m. Arabic 1 equivalence, identity 2 authenticity,
trustworthiness 3 payment, covering (of expenditures)

tasir t] 1 omission, negligence 2 fault, blame, transgression, sin

sin, be guilty of an offense

tk combining form with colors for intensification

to run; bustle, fuss

around, fuss, bother b to run around, ransack in search of


tak m. locust

4 tak m. supposition
takp m. 1 bustle, fuss, bother

Divide and conquer!

tak m. run, running, race

blood red, scarlet

to divide; partition, separate; distribute, allocate 1.2 math to

divide 2 military to deploy idiom

taij f. Arabic piety, devoutness


black, black as tar

deployment garrisoning; disposition 3 classification, classification

taajd m. 1 trying, diligence, industry; effort, endeavor 2

worry, concern

tasm m. Arabic [plural: tasimna Arabic plural:

tasim t] 1 military .1 division; partition, section;
distribution, allocation 1.2 math division
scientific idiom

tai Arabic pious, devout

to commit a

taklf m. Arabic plural 1 from

obligations (e.g., of an employer)

2 responsibilities,

takml m. Arabic 1 improvement; development, progress

evolution to improve; develop 2 finish,

tasird r having committed an offense,

(having been) guilty of wrongdoing

takmul evolutionary

process of

improvement, process of development; evolution; progress

tat' f. Arabic 1 format (of a book) 2 scansion (of verses)

to scan (verses)
taallb m. Arabic deceit, deception, cheating (at games),

tald m.

takabbr m. Arabic conceit, haughtiness, arrogance

takbr m. Arabic religion pronunciation of the formula
! God is great!
tikt m.
tikatpul f.
taktk m. knocking, tapping to knock, tap
to knock at the door
tak-tanh absolutely alone; all by oneself
takassr m. Arabic 1 biology reproduction 2 increase,
growth; development a biology to reproduce, multiply b


false, fake
Arabic 1 imitation; copying

to imitate; copy 2 following (a spiritual leader)

talid 1 imitative 2 false, counterfeit, unnatural

tall m. Arabic 1 diminution, lessening, decrease
to lessen, decrease, get smaller 2 insufficiency, lack, deficit

tanin Arabic legislative

taninija f. Arabic legislative body
tav f. Arabic piety hl-i God-fearing people
tavijt m. Arabic
tavm m. Arabic 1 evaluation, valuation 2 device;

regulating, putting into (good) order 3 astronomy calendar 4

to increase, grow; develop

taksr m. Arabic multiplication; increase in quantity;

augmentation in number, augmentation in personnel strength

tavij f. Arabic 1 strengthening; reinforcing, making firm;

development (e.g., of trade)

takhl m. Arabic

display carelessness, display negligence


to rock or
to shake; rock, stir up
carelessness, negligence to

tak n m. 1 push, shove

sway while walking 2 shaking

fortifying one's health

compound verb to strengthen; fortify, reinforce, make

firm; develop (trade) compound verb


taksf Arabic thickening, condensing

takzb Arabic refutation; being caught in a lie, exposure (as a
liar, etc.) compound verb
compound verb

Pashto-English Dictionary

takzibavl denominative, transitive [past:

refute 2 to catch in a lie, expose

1 to

takzibedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be refuted 2 to be caught lying, be exposed (as a liar, etc.)

tukm m.
tukm f.

takr r m. Arabic 1 repetition

lessons 2 renewal

repetition of

compound verb

caused the argument?


takrravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

repeat; learn by rote, memorize 2 to renew 3 Eastern to argue
takrr tikrr 1.1 repeated; recurring 1.2 Eastern peevish,

takrredl denominative, intransitive [past: ]1 to

repeat, be repeated This incident has occured

again. 2 to be renewed, resume

m. technology shock-absorber
tukr f. 1 basket 2 chute, gutter, trough
takrm m. Arabic 1 esteem, respect 2 [plural:

takmilavl denominative, transitive [past:

complete, finish; fulfill 2 to improve, perfect

1 healthy, strong

Be well! To

to encourage oneself, spur

a to be healthy, be strong; fortify b to be

vigorous, be energetic 3 healthy, not infected by disease (of


takatj f.

takav laj m. 1

health; strength, power 2 heartiness; cheerfulness; vigorousness

takj f. patch (for garments)

takfn m. Arabic wrapping in a shroud (the deceased)
takl m. 1 intention; aspiration 2 attempt; trying
a to intend; to strive (for) b to try, attempt 3 exercise idiom
I was going to sleep.
tak-l saj 1 energetic; active 2 quick, agile;
adroit; cunning

takallf m. Arabic 1 ceremoniousness; constraint; artificiality

2 ceremony; etiquette; formality 3 efforts, work(s)


try, make an effort

1 to

takmiledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be completed, be finished; be fulfilled 2 to be improved, be

takmiled m. plural 1 completion, ending 2 improving,


teknlodzhst m. technologist, engineer

teknlodzh f.
teknlozh f. technology
teknlozhik technological

takallm m. Arabic conversation, speech

a conversation, talk, chat

teknk m. technique; engineering; equipment

tak-u-p m.
takvn m. Arabic 1 creation 2 forming, organizing

conception; origin

a to make healthy, make strong; fortify b to

invigorate, fill with energy

takatb m.

technological process

your health! 2 hale and hearty; full of strength and energy,

perfected; improve

takrim t] honors

takht m. sport
1 tuk f. pebble
2 tak indeclinable

oneself on

m. Arabic 1 completion; fulfillment 2 perfection


1 button 2 medicine hemorrhoid 3 knob (e.g., of a

shrewish 2 m. Eastern squabbler, wrangler; debater


race; breed, species

a to be completed, be finished; be fulfilled b to be improved, be

simple food,


a to repeat, be repeated; learn by rote b to be renewed,

resume 3 Eastern argument; altercation

modest refreshment

moral duty idiom

to carry on

taklf m. Arabic [plural: taklifna Arabic plural:

taklf] 1 difficulty; uneasiness, constraint; labor, efforts
without difficulty, without fuss
I caused you a great deal of worry. to worry,
fuss to feel uneasy, worry to make
difficult; cause worry 2 ceremony; etiquette 3 obligation, debt

1 tik f. piece
2 tik f. 2
3 tk ungelded (of a ram, billy goat)
tka-tap rka f. hurry, haste, rush
tikad r m.
tkj 1 paired, forming a pair 2

to prick up

one's ears, be on the alert

takj f.
takajjf m. Arabic accommodation, device, fitting
takinb d m. Takinabad (city, ancient name for the city

takiv n m. prop (for fruit trees)

takj f. Arabic 1 leaning (against) 2 support, rest, prop
compound verb a to put, place to put a
rifle on your shoulder b to lean, rest (against) to
lean against the wall c figurative to hope, count on
to rely on oneself to rely on others d
military to based (on) 3 pillow; head of the bed 4 dwelling of a
fakir (i.e., dervish) idiom

on the basis of this

report He has made himself at home here.

to pause for breath, take a breath
takjakal m m. Arabic saying, catch phrase; popular

takjag h m. military 1 base

airbase 2

bridgehead; beachhead 3 fortified post, strong point


Pashto-English Dictionary

takjf m. Arabic 1 forming; organizing 2 adapting,

adjusting 3 regulating

tag m. 1 movement on the move; in motion

movement ahead, forward movement


tlst Western imperfect, second person plural of 1

tl sh m.
tlsh f. Arabic Eastern
tl h m. 1 trouble, fuss, worry 2 Eastern search

(of horses) 2 conduct, behavior 3 relationship, conncection 4

action, act, deed

a to walk, go, move b to behave c to

maintain relations, maintain communications

permission to leave

to request

the truck broke down

tig f. patience

to endure, bear idiom

of breath; puff, pant

to be out

tag b m.
tagv m. 1 Tagab, Tagao (city, region) 2 used in geographical
names Shirin Tagab (river)
tagr tg m. 1 coming and going; arrival and departure 2
movement (back and forth, to and fro); communication
travel here and there (of automobiles); automobile traffic,
automotive transportation 3 exchange of visits; acquaintance,
familiarity; contact

a to come and go b to go back

and forth (of transport) c to associate (with)

tagaj m. 1 scrap, piece (of material) to tear off a

piece to tear into pieces 2 1 idiom

to exploit unscrupulously, oppress

tekusigalp f. Tegucigalpa (capital, Honduras)
taglaj m. trampled area, tamped (down) area
taglj r m. regulation
tag-u-p m. tag-u-dv m.
to rush about; fuss, bustle about
1 tagj f. board, bulletin board
2 tgaj Eastern
tagr m. dam (for disturbing water during irrigation)
1 tal m. 1 bottom; bed (of a river) on the bottom
of the sea to drown 2 level area, smooth area 3 basis,
foundation (of something) 4 depths in the lower
regions of the earth 5 cavity, hollow 6 precipitation; sediment



to maintain friendly relations d to act, take action 5 gait,

walk, step 6 dispatch; departure

in the depths of one's soul, deep in one's

tal m. tall Arabic 1 hill, rise, raised place m. 2 Tal (city)

tl 1.1 always, constantly He is constantly

occupied. saying You won't go far on a lie. 1.2

forever, eternally ! Let there be lasting peace!
eternity to be reowned through the ages
4 til m.
talabb m. Tel Aviv (city)
tltb uneasiness, agitation, anxiety
tl ga f. shred, piece (of fabric, etc.)
forever, eternally

2 m.

to fuss, bustle, trouble about b to search, enquire (into)

f. search

to search (the premises, etc.)

m. Arabic 1 splash, splashing (of waves) 2 agitation,

anxiety, worry

talf m. Arabic 1 compensation; replacement 2 catching up,

repairing (an omission)

talkj f. divorced wife

tal nga f. literal & figurative echo
tal u m. man-made pool; reservoir; basin
talvt m. Arabic reading (usually of the Koran)
tlv f. oppression
tl vaj m. sugar molasses storage tank
tlj conditional and potential form of 1
1 talb
2 talb combining form with
talbr m. 1 large chute, large gutter 2 figurative surface (of the
sea, ocean)

talbar m. glutton, gormandizer

talbs m. Arabic deception, deceit, swindling, cheating
tlp taj eternal, everlasting
talpch f. overhang of a roof, eaves
tlkk m. [plural: tltakna Western plural:
tltak n] 1 blanket 2 Eastern bed idiom a covering
of snow, a blanket of snow

talkh bitter
talkh n m.

ground mulberrys and walnuts (baked and sliced

into squares)

tlkha exclamation go away, scat (used when chasing away


talkh f. 1 bitter taste, bitter substance; bitterness 2 figurative

grief, sorrow

talazzz m. Arabic 1 amusement, pleasure, enjoyment 2

savoriness, relish

tiliskp m. teleskp
tl shn evergreen
taltf m. Arabic goodness, kindness; favor, charity; attention
talgh k m. 1 noise, din 2 thunder storm
talf Arabic 1 m. [plural: talafna Arabic plural:
talaf t plural: atl f] .1 destruction, death 1.2 loss;
casualty to sustain losses to
inflict losses to suffer losses, sustain
losses 1.3 annihilation, destruction compound verb
2 predicate .1 perished; killed 2.2 annihilated, wiped out
2.3 spent, exhausted (of assests, means) 2.4 lost (e.g., of time)


Pashto-English Dictionary

talaffz m. Arabic pronunciation, accent


tall transitive [present: past: ] 1 to weigh;

figurative to consider to be weighed 2 to determine the

verb to pronounce, articulate

talafavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

destroy; kill to destroy oneself 2 to

weight of something by tossing it up; to estimate the weight of

something 3 figurative to test someone, put someone to the test

annihilate 3 to squander, waster (means) 4 to lose (e.g., time)

talafedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

killed 2 to perish, be lost all the seeds
perished 3 to be annihilated 4 to be squandered (of means) 5 to

be lost (e.g., of time)

talafed m. plural 1 death, destruction, ruin 2 annihilation 3

loss (e.g., of time)

talfk m. Arabic grammar combination; composition; word

talai f. Arabic meeting; reception, receipt (of some report,


news, etc.)

word order in a sentence

compound verb to meet; receive (some

report, news, etc.) idiom

position with respect to,

relationship towards

tal f. talh Arabic 1 inoculation 2 impregnation

talin m. Arabic 1 exhortation, admonition, inspiration
compound verb to edify, exhort, inspire
compound verb to inspire fear 2 religion sermon, homily

talka f. mousetrap; trap; snares

tiligr f m. telegr f 1 telegraph by telegraph
to communicate by telegraph 2

tiligrfch m. telegrfch telegraphist

tiligr fkhn f. telegrfkhn telegraph office
tiligrf telegrf 1 adjective telegraph, telegraphic
radiotelegraph 2 m. telegraphist, telegrapher
tililgr m m. telegr m telegram
to telegraph, send someone a telegram
1 tll 1 intransitive present tense imperfect
imperfect tense past tense future tense
imperfective imperative perfective imperative .1 to go
They are going to town. 1.2 to go, run (of a
mechanism) My watch is fast. 1.3 to leave,
depart, go away, set out; fly away (of birds, a plane)
Haven't you left yet? to come and go 1.4 to lead,
go (of a road) Where does
this road lead? 1.5 to flow (of a river) 1.6 to flow out (of sap,

etc.) 1.7 to pierce, penetrate (of a thorn, sliver) 1.8 to pass (of

youth has passed

friends 4 to compare 5 figurative to weigh, consider

Telugu (Dravidian people of India)

to return

to advance, move on 2 m. plural .1

walking, going 2.2 leaving; departure, flight (of birds, a plane)

2.3 passage (of time) 2.4 loss, expenditure (of money, materials)
2.5 fading away, disappearance idiom


He turned

He died. He has departed this world.

tlnl r f. 1 line of movement; course; track 2 figurative


1 tlna f. 1 2
2 talna f. action noun from 2
1 tlo Eastern imperfect of 1
2 tlu feminine plural of 1
3 tlo oblique plural of 4
talv r m. hurry, haste hastily, hurriedly
I'm in a hurry. Where are you
going in such a hurry? to hurry, rush
proverb in the good hurry, in the bad be slow
tavrgndaj precipitate, rash, hasty; hurried
tavr fast, swift, quick; skillful, dexterous
talw l computer science default
talotark m. agitation, uneasiness to disturb,

talavvc m. Arabic pollution, contamination (of water, food

tavas f. 1 uneasiness, deep agitation


to disturb,
I would
a to be impatient, be upset;

agitate, upset 2 strong desire

years (have)

I have tested him, he is true to his

tlo Eastern
1 tllaj past participle of 1
2 tallaj [past: ]past participle of 2
1 tm first person past of 1
2 talm first person past of 2
tulumtj m.
tlmud m eternally, forever
tilmz m. talmz Arabic pupil
tilmiz talmiz Arabic adjective school, pupil's
tlndzj m. appointed place, meeting place
talnga f. 1
1 talngi f. usually plural sole (of foot, boot) idiom
to run your feet off looking for something
2 tiling 1 m. regional Indian soldier 2 m. plural

very much like to see you.

passed 1.9 to disappear 1.10 to be spent, be exhausted (of

money, materials) 1.11 used with adverbs and adjectives:

worry b to have a strong desire c to await

tlavl transitive [past: ] 1 to roast, fry (in butter,

oil) 2 to toss, throw, fling 3 to release from one's hands, drop

tavl m. 1 swiftness; haste 2 agitation, uneasiness

a to hurry b to worry, to be upset


talvl abundant, plentiful

Pashto-English Dictionary

taledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to settle;

form a sediment 2 to slide, slip 3 to be thrown about, be

talvl roasted, broiled; fried, grilled

tlavl denominative, transitive [past:

immortalize, perpetuate

talavl denominative, transitive [past:

immerse (in liquid) 2 to drown


1 to

dispersed, be scattered

talvla f. worry, anxiety, agitation

1 past participle of 1
2 tlvalj 1 dismayed, perplexed; stunned 2 m. lively person,
active person idiom I was quite
upset, I was nervous.

1 tlun m. 1 2
2 taln m. weighing, weighing out
3 talavvn m. Arabic inconstancy, fickleness
Eastern You are fickle.
1 tlnkaj 1 present participle of 1 2 m. passerby,

2 talnkaj present participle of 2

talavna f. roast, roasting
1 tlnaj 1
2 talnaj 2
talvs m. Arabic 1 contamination, pollution (of water)

spoiling; damage 3 soiling, dirtying, staining

televizjn m. tilivizjn
1 tl f. 1 scales pointer on scales 2 standard,
criterion level (geodesy) 3 5, 6
2 tla f. sole (of the foot) idiom a


gloss over, conceal (defects) b to settle (an argument, quarrel) c

to practice witchcraft, practice sorcery

3 tl imperfect plural of 1
4 tl m. plural 1 2
5 tla imperfect feminine of 1
tl-rtl m. plural movement, running (back and forth
between points) walking, going
1 taj m. 1 sole sole 2 foot 3 palm to lick
(off) one's palms (e.g., powder) 4 bottom (e.g., of a river) 5
peritoneum 6 agriculture threshing floor


tilj f. 1 shank (of an arrow) 2 straw 3 stalk (of a reed, etc.)

tali present tense of 2
tlj 1 Western imperfect of

second person plural of

2 Eastern imperfect

tle 1 imperfect second person singular of

feminine plural of
6 tl plural of 1
7 tli plural of 2
8 tlaj past participle of 1
talip m. pan (of a scale)
1 tledl intransitive [past: ]

2 figurative to be in torment

tlz constant, perpetual

talisk m. seed (of a grape)
taln m. taaln tlna f. 1 anniversary


celebrate an anniversary 2 funeral banquet held a year after

someone's death

tlev r talev r m.
tlevrgndaj adjective hurrying, making haste
1 tam 1 m. constancy 2 predicate adjective lingering; residing,
spending time, being someplace


tam word paired with

tm colloquial contraction of the pronoun


and the

tam ar m. regional tomato

tamsl m. Arabic likeness, resemblance, similarity
to be similar, resemble; look like
tamsul similar, like
timsl m. Arabic plural from
tamch f. tumch Arabic Eastern pistol
tamd f. Arabic time period, interval of time
tamrz m. Arabic feigning an illness
1 tam s m. Arabic 1 contiguity 2 contact, connection
establish or maintain communication or contact with someone
to establish contact with one another
contact has been established with them 2 grammar

2 tam s m. proper noun Tohmas

tamsh f. Arabic
tamshbn m. tamshch m.
tamshkhn f. tamshg h m.
tamshgr m. Eastern
1 tamsh f. tmsh spectacle, entertainment a


watch a spectacle b to admire 2 tmsh tumsh attributive

adjective strange, odd He's a strange one.

strange talk, unaccustomed speech
tamshabn m. tamshach m. 1 spectator,

2 imperfect

observer 2 idler, scatterbrain

tamshakhn f. place of spectacles, spectacle (theater,

circus, etc.)

tamsh kavnkaj m. spectator, observer

tamshag h m.
tmgh f. 1 fur cap with ear flaps 2 cowl (worn by hunters
1 to be roasting, be frying

of fowl)


tamk m. plural tobacco

Pashto-English Dictionary

tam m Arabic 1.1 all, the whole, the entire

all day,

predicate adjective .1 pressed against 2.2 put against, leaned

the whole day 1.2 finished, completed 2 m. end, completion,


compound verb compound

idiom I shall take care of this matter.

That's something I can handle.

tam mn Arabic altogether, in full; for once and all, finally,

completely, definitely

tam m-tamt completed, finished

finish, be completed

to end,

tammtb m. tammtj f. finish, completeness

tammshd economics cost
tammht m. tammv laj m. 1 completion, end,
ending 2 finish, completeness

tammavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

end, finish, complete 2 to complete one's schooling

1 tam maj 1
2 tammi f. end, completion, finish
tammijt m. Arabic wholeness, integrity
territorial integrity
tammedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
end, conclude, come to an end the end (e.g., of a book) 2
to expire, elapse (of a time period); become invalid (of a contract,


tambedl intransitive [past: ]to fall away, fall off, slip

tambza f.
tambzaj m. bridge (of the nose)
Eastern word paired with
tamtar m. greatness, grandeur, magnificence; pomp
tamatt' f. Arabic 1 trial, touch; taste, experience 2 use
compound verb a to try; feel, touch; to taste, experience b to
use, make use of

tims l m. Arabic plural [plural: timslna Arabic

tamsl m. Arabic 1 comparison; likening

plural: timsl] image; portrait

a comparison 2 allegory; fable

to prove (to be) useful

a to prove harmful; cause harm b to prove unprofitable;

bring a loss 5 to cost, come to

costs a great deal.

tammed m. plural
tamnch f. tumnch 1



tamgl m. Arabic inclination; predilection (for); aspiration;


compound verb

tamsilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

compare; liken 2 to represent, be an example, personify 3 to
play, represent

tamsiledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

compare; be likened to 2 to be personified 3 to be represented

tamdzhd m. Arabic 1 praise, eulogy

laud, eulogize

to praise,

to praise something 2 prayer

(made an hour and a half before sunrise or sunset)

tamch m. bolt, catch, bar, lock

tamdz j m. parking, stop (for buses, etc.)
tamdzraj m. Indian partridge, Francolinus
tamaddn m. Arabic civilization
tamdd m. Arabic time extension, prolongation (of an


agreement, etc.)

tamb m. camp, nomad encampment

tambk m. plural tobacco
tambraj m. board for rolling out dough
tambka f. beehive
tambagj f. shutter (of a door, window)
tumbl m. 1 tambourine 2 drum
tumbulb z m. drummer
tamb m. 1 tent 2 wattle fencing, wooden fencing (at the
entrance to a house, tent) 3 snares

tambr m.
tambuzk m. 1 snout (of an animal)

2 muzzle 3 bridge (of

the nose)

tambzaj m. bridge (of the nose)

tambugj m. 1 small tent 2 spider web
tamb f. 1.1 bolt, catch, bar, lock 1.2 shutter (of a door,

window) 1.3 crowd, gathering, throng; group, bunch (of people)

to make


2 clamp, vice (used by a

a to make a comparison

b to speak in allegory 3 play, representation


etc.) 3 to run out, be sold out (e.g., copies of a book) 4 to turn

out, turn out to be

in groups, in bunches 1.4 pillar, building support 2

tamdidavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

extend the time period, prolong (an agreement, etc.)

tamdidedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

extended, be prolonged (of an agreement, etc.)

tamarrd m. Arabic 1 stubbornness 2 disobedience,


tamarkz Arabic concentration

concentration of

concentration of production
to concentrate to concentrate capital
compound verb to be concentrated, to
concentrate (intransitive) to be concentrated
tamr-i-hind m. tamr-i-hind tamarind
tamrn m. Arabic 1 exercise 2 repetition
tamrin t m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 training
tamazz m. Arabic 1 tearing; break, gap, rupture, severance
tims h Arabic African crocodile


Pashto-English Dictionary

tamaskhr m. Arabic 1 ridicule, gibe; irony 2 smile, grin

a sarcastically, with irony b with a smile, with a grin
tamaskhurmz sarcastic; ironic
tums m. kind of apricot with a reddish color
tamassk m. Arabic promissory note, receipt for a debt
tamkn m. Arabic 1 solidity; steadiness; worthiness 2
restraint, unflappability, coolness
to be always unflappable, keep one's cool a

appeals department (in the Afghan Ministry of Justice) idiom

have great coolheadedness


tumn m. 1 tribe (among the Baluchis) 2 crowd, throng 3


in detachments 4 twenty (in counting

tumand r m. leader of a tribe (among the Baluchis)

tamann f. Arabic 1 request 2 wish, desire a to
request b to wish a to have a request b to have a wish;
to have a propensity toward something idiom
grammar optative subjunctive mood

tamann f.

f. regional

Arabic wish desire


wish someone the best of everything

tamavvdzh m. Arabic [plural: tamavvudzhna

plural: tamavvudzh t] agitation, vacillation; vibratory

movement idiom electric waves

tammz m. tamz Arabic 1 summer heat 2 July
tams m. 1 itch; figurative urge 2 summer heat
1 tamavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1
restrain, hold back

soul at death into another body

tansukh believing in metempsychosis

tans m. Arabic
tansl m. Arabic reproduction, propagation
tansul Arabic sexual

Hold this

tamavvl m. Arabic 1 wealth; well-being 2 enriching,


tma f.


hanging by a thread.



tanzr m. Arabic symmetry

tanfr Arabic mutual repugnance
tans m. Arabic 1 lessening, cutting short, abbreviation

insufficiency, lack

someone to help someone


to dress 2 person There are

four women idiom
to engage in hand-to-hand combat
a to be attentive to someone b to reckon with someone;
agree with someone c to yield to someone to
fail to resolve something a to be exhausted,

2 tan m. ton
tan f. thunder
tanr oblique of
tanz' f. Arabic 1 argument, dispute 2 battle, struggle
struggle for existence
tans f. delicacy, softness
tansb m. Arabic proportion; symmetry; correlation
in accordance with this proportionately;
symmetrically proportionality
tansub proportionate, symmetrical
tanskh m. Arabic religion metempsychosis, passing of the

tanz m. Arabic 1 contrast; opposition 2 contradiction

tan v m. 1 string; rope ferry (-boat) 2 tanb tanab
(a measurement of ground which varies in different regions:

between one-fourth and one-half acre) 3 vine (of a melon, squash)

fellow a little while, I have some business with him. 2 to support

to be reasonable, be sensible
tan [plural: tanna with numbers plural: tna] 1

be worn out b to lose one's head, be taken aback

tamall m. Arabic 1
1 tamalk m. flattery, servility; toadying, bootlicking
to love flattery
2 tamallk m. Arabic ownership, possession
tamlk m. Arabic law 1 coming into possession 2 granting


three of us.

to be very solid, be very steady b to possess great self-control,

His life was

tamhd m. Arabic 1 introduction; foreword 2 arrangement,

settlement 3 spreading (out)

tamedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be held

up, stand (idle) I waited for him a

long time, but he didn't come. 2 to bear, endure; stand one's


tamz m. Arabic tamjz m. Arabic 1 preference

to show one's preference 2 distinction to
distinguish, single out 3 law cassation head of the

to put forth vines 4 figurative fetters, bonds idiom

distance no longer has any meaning, there no
longer are great distances
tanvb m. Arabic 1 attention, interchange, rotation 2
agriculture crop rotation

tnvj m. rope for fastening tent sections to stakes

1 tambl m.
2 tambl lazy
tambal f. laziness
tamb m.
tambr m. 1 tambur (stringed instrument like a mandoline);
tambourine 2 dialect drum

tamburch m. 1 tambur player; tambourine player 2 dialect



Pashto-English Dictionary

tamb f.

tanabbh f. Arabic m. [plural: tanabboh t] 1

tindaj cartilage (of the nose)

tundavl denominative, transitive

tambez f.
tambezj m.
tanb f. tanbh Arabic 1 teaching, homily, sermon 2 warning,
caution; reminder a to teach, preach b to
slow-moving idiom

glutton, gourmand

tanparvar f. 1 softness, delicacy; effeminacy 2 lazineess,

idleness 3 gluttony

tanptan f. obsolete self-preservation, self-defense

tantaj adjective stammering, stuttering
tantan f. 1 cries; shouts 2 glory 3 news; novelty 4 echo

grandeur, luxury, pomp

tantsh m. grocery bag

tant f. textiles warp to stretch the warp
tandzraj m.
tankh f. tankh h pay (from work), salary
1 tund 1 fast, quick 2 caustic, acrid (e.g., of food, a smell) 3
coarse, sharp coarsely, sharply coarse words,
sharp words 4 irascible, unrestrained, hot-tempered 5 irritable,

a irascibility, lack of self-control b

irritability 6 strong, heavy (of the wind, rain)



1 to make

diaphragm 2 cartilage (of

the nose)

tanparvr 1 soft, effeminate, delicate 2 lazy; not mobile,

rudely 4 to make irascible, make hot-tempered

tandlaj m. botany portulaca

tandaj m.
tandvj m. tandvj 1 anatomy

warn, caution, forewarn; remind


fast; speed up, hasten 2 to make sharp, make caustic 3 to behave

forewarning, forestalling 2 inducement, incentive

to show ostentatious zeal or

2 tand
tind ra f. aunt, wife of an uncle (on the father's side)
tundkhj 1 irascible, unrestrained, hot-tempered 2 irritable
tandr m. lightning
tundr f. tundra
tandurst healthy, strong, robust
tandurustv laj m. tandurust f. health, strength
1 tndra f. 1 elipse an eclipse of the moon
took place 2 figurative misfortune, calamity a
disaster befell him 3
2 tundur f.
tandraj m. new bark (of a pine tree, etc.)
tundzab n 1 eloquent, expressive 2 caustic, coarse
1 tinadk m.
2 tundak nervous, irritable
tandl transitive
tundmiz dzh hot-tempered, irascible
tundv laj 2
tundba f. tundbaj m. fountain
1 tandr m.
2 tindr f.
tundur f. 1 cascade, waterfall 2 steep slope

1 tnda f. 1 thirst I'm overcome by thirst.

I'm thirsty. 2 lack of water, lack of moisture 3 figurative
desire, wish a to quench one's thirst b figurative to
satisfy a desire idiom thirst for gain
longing for glory
2 tand f. botany camel's thorn
3 tnda feminine singular of 1
tndaghaj m. Eastern person sick with dropsy
1 tandj m. 1 forehead, brow He has a broad
forehead. 2 slope (of a mountain) 3 upper jamb of a door 4 part

of a wall under a cornice 5 level (of water in a river, stream) 6

tand with a content expression;

tand with a dissatisfied, sour expression;
morosely a morose person to make a
dissatisfied expression; frown; be angry to be
affable and affectionate with everyone
that was pre-ordained for him, that was
fated for him to contemplate evil
to be satisfied, be content he
flourished; he grew cheerful to grieve, regret
2 tund f. 1 swiftness, speed quickly, hurriedly
to hurry someone to quicken the
pace He began to hurry. 2 sharpness;
heading, title idiom

causticity, sarcasm 3 crudeness, harshness 4 irascibility,


tandj 1.1 young

unweaned lamb


infant 1.2 immature; unripe 2 m. .1 young (of animals) 2.2

young tree 2.3 sprout, shoot

4 tndj round
tandj ra f.
tundedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to be

fast, be swift; hasten, speed up 2 to be sharp, be caustic 3 to be

coarse, be harsh 4 to get excited, become impassioned 5 to grow

stronger (e.g., the wind, rain)

tanl transitive [past: ] 1 to make; form; prepare 2

to arrange 3 to fix, correct; repair

tan colloquial big-bellied, pot-bellied, large-waisted, chubby

tanarna plural of
tanznij f. Tanzania
tanzraj m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

tanazzl Arabic lowering, reduction, fall (of prices)


time before noon, morning 2 m. .1 baby, infant 2.2 suckling;

go down, fall (of prices)


tanzl m. Arabic 1 lowering, letting down 2 reduction (in

prices); discount 3 finance discounting (of bills, etc.) 4

reception (of guests)

tanzilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

lower, reduce (prices) 2 finance to discount (bills, etc.)

tanziledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to go

down, to fall (of prices) 2 finance to be discounted (of bills, etc.)

tanist f. 1 fabric, material 2 spider's web 3 textiles warp 4

frame (of a rug weaving loom)

tansh f. splendor, glory

tanshn m. tenshn physics tension
tanzm m. Arabic 1 organization, arrangement; regulation,
putting in order organizational department 2
compilation (of a document, etc.) 3 composition (of verses) 4
military correction (of firing), adjustment


5 physics, chemistry

tanzimavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

organize, arrange; regulate, set in order; adjust to

regulate relations 2 to compile (a document, etc.) 3 to compose

(verse) 4 military to adjust (firing)

tanzimedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be organized, be arranged; to be regulated, be put in order; go well,
come right 2 to be compiled (of a document, etc.) 3 to be
composed (of verse) 4 military to be adjusted (of fire)
tanzimj f. Arabic

organizational committee

(for enacting reforms and the reorganization of the provincial



organization committee

chairman of the

to inhale, breathe in to inhale

tanaffs m. Arabic breathing

respiratory organs
compound verb

trachea, windpipe

fresh air, breathe fresh air

tanfz m. Arabic setting in motion, carrying out; confirmation

(of a verdict) idiom

People's Court

tanfiz Arabic adjective executive


tankajtb m.


to be in straitened circumstances, live in need

insufficiency, lack, scantiness 3 difficulty, straits 4 need, poverty

tangchshm 1 miserly; greedy 2 envious

tangchashmv laj m. tangchashm

f. 1

miserliness; greed 2 envious

tangh l poor, needy

tanghl f. need; straited circumstances
tanghavsil talkative, unable to keep a secret
tangkhlaj m. jug or pitcher with a narrow neck
tangdst 1 poor, needy 2 miserly, stingy
tangdast f. 1 need, indigence 2 miserliness, stinginess
tangdl miserly, stingy
tangdil f. miserliness, stinginess
tangstn chemistry tungsten
tangs f. tangsj f. 1 poverty, want 2 difficult
situation; straits at a difficult time
tang-i-ghr m. Tangigaru (a ravine near Kabul)
tangl saj poor, needy
tangn f. ravine, gorge
tangnazar f. shortsightedness; narrowness (of views)
tangv laj m.
tangavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to make


narrow, narrow; make (too) tight; to pinch 2 to disturb; burden;

constrain, hamper 3 to presecute; oppress

small twig 1.2

morning sun, sun at sunrise

a to wind up in a difficult situation b to be in torment, suffer

He was excruciatingly sleepy. c to
become confused; become upset to be in
torment, suffer from something it become very
difficult for him to oppress someone
tungch f. 1 bench 2 platform; scaffold
tangtrsh very tight, narrow
tangtb m. tangtj f. 1 narrowness, tightness 2

f. 1 tree trunk 2 bodice (of a dress)


feminine singular of

f. tang f. 1 narrowness; tightness 2 narrow part of

something 3 insufficiency, lack, scantiness, limitation 4 difficult

situation; straits 5 need, poverty


tankajv laj

tang 1 narrow; cramped, crowded; tight, 2 insufficient,

fresh 1.3 early

scanty, limited 3 constrained, straitened, difficult

1 tang
2 tang
3 tnga
1 tang

tankajtj f.

tung m. [plural: tung n] plural jug, pitcher

tand m. Arabic criticism

to criticize, subject someone to
criticism ! Don't condemn me!
tanid critical critic
tans m. Arabic reduction, abbreviation
tant m. Arabic grammar punctuation rules of
tankj 1.1 tender; fine, delicate

m. 1 tenderness; fineness, delicacy 2 freshness


into want, be very needy


tangj m. 1 ravine, gorge; narrow valley; pass 2 pouch for

dried cheese 3 used in geographical names:

Tangaj Ravine


to fall


Pashto-English Dictionary

3 tang plural of 1, 2
tangedl denominative, intransitive

tavl transitive [past: ] 1 to beat up; slaughter 2 to

slaughter, butcher (cattle)

[past: ] 1 to grow

th r m. 1 thunder 2 roaring (of a tiger, lion, etc.)

1 taj m. bellyband (of a harness)
2 taj f. 1 lace (shoelace, drawstring of a dress); bands,

narrow; become crowded 2 to be tight, be constrained; be in a

tight or difficult situation 3 to be in torment, suffer 4 to be bored,

experience boredom

tangighr m.
tangiv l made in local Afghan workshops (small arms, etc.)
tanmij f. Arabic growth, development
tanr m. Arabic [plural: tanurna plural:
tanarna] tanur (i.e., an oven built in the ground)
bread or flat cakes baked in a tanur idiom a
beneath a sultry sky b in the heat to oppress

ribbons 2 belts, straps (of a pack-saddle, etc.) 3 button 4 button

to press a
button a to lace up, tie ! Tie your shoelaces!
b to tie (bands, ribbons) c to button (up)
a to tear off (ribbons, bands, a button) b
(e.g., on a doorbell)

figurative to shame, disgrace c figurative to labor, strain, (over)

tax oneself

someone, create intolerable conditions for someone

tanurp k m. shovel for digging ash out of an underground

tanavv' f. Arabic 1 variety, diversity; heterogeneity 2

biology formation of species; differentiation by species

tnavl transitive [past: ] 1 to rumble, roar (with

laughter, etc.) 2 figurative to resound (of glory, etc.)

education, schooling

tanvir 1 adjective lighting, illuminating

expenses for lighting 2 educational

1 to

to spit 1.2 steam, vapor 1.3

scornful relationship 2 interjection phooey, pah


an airplane) 4 hull (of a ship)

tanh 1 solitary, lone 2 only

tanh f. loneness; loneliness; isolation
1 tn tn Eastern
2 tan plural of
3 tanj stammer(ing), stutter(ing)
1 tanedl intransitive [past: ]to peal, rumble (of thunder)
2 tanedl intransitive [past: ]1 to be drawn out into a

destroy the equilibrium b figurative to lose one's temper


tavz' f. Arabic 1 humility, meekness

meekly 2 attention to someone 3

to treat someone to something

thread 2 figurative to become nice, become dear, become lovable

tavf m. Arabic unanimity; agreement

reach agreement b to accommodate oneself

tnajn f.
1 t m. song; verse, poetry
2 ta m. ta f. 1 thunder 2 roaring (of a tiger, lion, etc.)
to roar (of a tiger, lion, etc.)
ta ka f. blister, bump; corn, callus to develop
calluses to be covered with blisters; be covered with
corns idiom to live by one's own labor
a to calm, quiet, soothe; bring to reason; bridle, curb b to
tat f.
tk r m. chemistry

tavrkh Arabic masculine plural of

tav zn m. Arabic equilibrium, stability, steadiness
balance of power rest, calmness a to

tan f. 1 body, frame, torso 2 trunk (of a tree) 3 fuselage (of

despair (of)

tu m. 1.1 spittle; spitting

2 to oblique plural of 1
3 tav m. 1
4 to
5 to Western 2
tavb' m. 1 plural from 2 2 possessions
tvtv m. 1 gaining money underhandedly 2 pocketing
money a acquire money dishonestly b to pocket money
tavch m. helper of the village elder
tavrs m. Arabic heredity
tvr f. wicket or wooden fence at the entrance to a house or

2 tnavl transitive [past: ] to draw out into thread

tanumn tanumnd fat, obese; full
tanvr m. Arabic 1 illumination, lighting gas for
lighting 2 enlightenment, instruction general
tanviravl denominative, transitive [past:
illuminate 2 to enlighten

Confound you! Be damned!

I overtaxed myself at work.

figurative to toil, endeavor; puff, pant

oven (i.e., a tanur)

d figurative to entreat, request e figurative to cry, wail, moan f.

a to

to be

in agreement to accomodate oneself

tult m. 1 toilette 2 toilet
tv n tuv n tavn m. 1 power, might, mightiness
according to one's strength 2 armed forces, troops
regional air force armed forces idiom
to be consumed by desire; to be unable to refrain from something

tvn tuvn tavn 1 mighty, powerful, energetic 2 all-


tvn f. tuvn tavn might, power, mightiness

tvnavl tuvnavl tavnavl transitive [past: ]
to make strong, make powerful; fortify 2 to enforce; support;

borax, sodium borate


Pashto-English Dictionary

encourage 3 to nourish, fortify (with food)


nourish a child with milk

tvn f. tuvn tavn might, power, strength

tvnedl tuvnedl tavnedl intransitive [past: ]

to be able, be capable, have strength (to) 2 to fortify oneself (by

eating, drinking something)

topsz f. production of guns

topk m. plural Eastern [plural: topk plural:
topakna Western plural: topak n] rifle; gun; handgun
sportsman's rifle to fire from a rifle
He shoots well. !
saying Rifle, you should get lost for good!

tb suffix forming abstract masculine nouns

whiteness humanity
tuberkulz m. tuberculosis
tobr f. tubr purse; bag, sack
1 tubrj m. 1 point (of an arrow) 2 quill (of a feather)
2 tbri f. plural cross-shaped embroidery
tobag r m.
1 tob taub Arabic 1 f. .1 repentance; plea for forgiveness
! I repent! May I be forgiven! I won't do it again!
to repent, be sorry, ask forgiveness 1.2 used
with or they have now repented of that
2 exclamation .1 I'm sorry!, I won't do it again!
! proverb I don't need your alms, just call off
the dog! 2.2 I can't express , I can't find words idiom
! Ugh! I was so overjoyed that I can't

topakgraj m. gunsmith
topaklch m. butt of a rifle, butt-stock of a rifle
topakvl m. military gunner (in a plane, tank)
top larnkaj (person) having a gun or guns
topanch f. Western topangch f. pistol, revolver
top m.
topoghrf topogrf 1 f. topography 2

tpa f.

they are not at all distinguishable from one another to

differ (from), stand out

form of the perfect expressing a shade of blame or censure

tobn m. infringement of the law, offense

1 top m. military piece of ordnance, gun, cannon
gun long-range gun a to fire from a
cannon b figurative to shoot off one's mouth, boast
to fire from a cannon
2 top m. 1 piece, item; piece (of textile) 2 ball, small ball
1 tup n m. 1 storm, hurricane 2 figurative great
achievements, remarkable matters 3 figurative misfortune,
disaster; unpleasantness idiom

energetic person

2 tup n m. colored trim (on a dress)

tupnch f.
tupn by the piece (of textiles)
textiles by the piece

topnj f. nonsense, foolishness

topbz f. game of ball to play ball
topch m. military gunner, artilleryman
topkhn f. 1 artillery artillery fire
battery (artillery)

top m.

blow, jolt
m. sheepskin coat, hareskin coat

tut m. [plural: tut Western plural: tut n]

mulberry tree
kind of mulberry tree mulberry without seeds
black mulberry kind of
mulberry literally He's not worth two

mulberry tree, mulberry (fruit)

even express it.

2 tob f. Toba (mountain, village in Baluchistan)

tobag r m. penitent person, repentant person
tavbkh m. Arabic scolding; rebuke; censure, reprimand
tavbikh reproving; disapproving grammar

Eastern gun, cannon

m. taupr difference, distinction

mulberries. figuratively He's not worth two cents.

2 tavt fried in oil, roasted in oil

1 tot m. [plural: totj n] parrot
2 tot f. regional vitriol
tutkhvr f. finch (the bird)
tavattr m. 1 tension 2 exhaustion
tavatturijt m. Arabic medicine emaciation; asthenia (loss of
bodily strength) neurasthenia
tutj m. stammerer, stutterer
totha f. flat and soft stone
totakarkj m. totakarj m. 1 male swallow 2 kind
of fringe (girls' hair style)

1 tutka f. 1 larynx 2 conduit for millstones 3 reed pipe

2 tutka f. fascine, faggot, bundle of sticks
1 totakj m.
2 totakj f. [plural: totakj plural: totakj ni]

to sell

barn swallow

totlaj m. rag, cloth, pad (for removing a kettle from the fire)
totnaj m. small shovel of a salt worker
totkaj m. totaj m. 1 shaving, filing 2 gold filings
tut 1 interjection cry used when calling chickens 2 m.
children's speech hen, bird

totot cry used when calling a dog

tut f. 1 bobbin, spool 2 1
1 tot m. [plural: totij n] parrot

Pashto-English Dictionary

totij f. chemistry zinc oxide

zealous, liven up

great attention worthy of attention
to turn your attention to something to
devote proper attention to something
You should pay attention to this question. to


compound verb a to aim (guns) b to

settle (e.g., an argument) c to regulate (accounts, etc.)

Heat the oven so that I

figurative to liven up, grow active (e.g., of trade) 6 figurative to

tor m. 1 fear, fright 2 stubbornness, obstinacy

a to

tor 1.1 black; dark


dark night

He is very dark-complexioned. 1.3 covered (with clothing, of

parts of the body, in common law) 1.4 figurative guilty 1.5

figurative disgraced, shamed 2.1 m. [plural: torna]

something black, black object [plural: torna] pupil

warmth, affability, cordiality

4 figurative to make warm, make cordial (e.g., a meeting,

pupil of the eye 2.2

You, my beloved!

2.3 [plural: tor n] dark-complexioned person, very dark

4 figurative zeal; passion; liveliness; anxiety 5 figurative

reception) 5 figurative to stimulate, arouse; upset; animate;

1.2 dark-complexioned; sunburnt, brown; tanned

tavdkaj 1 moderately hot 2 close, stuffy, stifling

tavdavl denominative, transitive; past [past: ] 1 to
heat (up), warm to heat water 2 to fire up (e.g., an
oven) I fired up the oven. 3 to heat, provide heat


figurative to arrange intrigues, set a trap for someone

greet someone very warmly

It's hot today. 2 heating

tavd' kavnkj m. depositor

to m. loss
1 tor m. net, netting to catch a fish with a
net a to cast out a net b

tavdh m. tavdht m. 1 heat, sultriness 2 heating

(up) 3 figurative warm greeting to

tavdobn m. tavdobj m. bathhouse

tavdkha f. tavdkha f. tavdkhe f. tavdkhe 1

tavd' f. Arabic 1 deposit; depositing

verb to deposit 2 farewell, parting


(of a battle, struggle)

tavde-sa f. plural trials, difficulties

to experience a great deal in one's lifetime

fear, be frightened b to be stubborn, be obstinate, be

visit often, inform someone b to work earnestly

liveliness, activity (e.g., of trade) 6 figurative tension, bitterness

to become active; undertake some matter ardently 5

flare up, intensifly, become more bitter (of a battle, struggle)

a heatedly to take something

a to take to someone,

denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be warmed, be

up b to become excited idiom


be zealous, be arounsed, be agitated; grow lively; become inflamed

boisterous (e.g., of trade) 6 figurative tense, heated, bitter (of a

heat, sultriness; stuffiness

tavd feminine singular of

be warm, be cordial (e.g., of a reception, meeting) 4 figurative to


tavd f. onion soup

can warm up. 2 to be heated (of a house, room) 3 figurative to

tavkhr m. combing; scratching

tod tavd f. [plural: tvd m. plural: tavd] f.
1 hot a hot wind, sultry wind a burning
wind hot water It's hot out today. 2 warm
(of clothing) 3 figurative warm, affable, cordial
to greet someone warmly 4 figurative hot; fiery;
animated; agitated They are arguing
heatedly. animated conversation 5 figurative lively,

2 heating; heating up

tud f. 1 heap, pile 2 embankment (of railroad, road) 3 hill;

heated, warm up

tavhd m. Arabic 1 unity, unification 2 standardization

tavkhn f.
tokht f. calmness, restraint
tokhraj m. tokh f. butter-milk, whey
1 tokh m. plural the Tokhi tribe 2 tokhj m. Tokhi

tavdne f. oven, furnace

todv laj m. 1 heat, sultriness
heating apparatus 3 figurative

mound of sand (used as archery target) 7 the Tude party (in Iran)

(small arms) 2 settling (e.g., an argument) 3 regulating

battle, struggle)

to encourage, incite someone to

burial mound 4 mountain-mass 5 mass (of people), crowd 6

tavdzh tavdzhh Arabic 1 military laying (gunnery), aiming

make tense, make bitter (a battle, struggle)

attract attention to oneself

(accounts, etc.)

a to warm up, be heated up b to become

something 6 figurative to enliven, activate (e.g., trade) 7 to

tavadzhdzh f. tavadzhdzh Arabic attention


ttaj ground, ground off, rounded off

skinned person 2.4 [plural: torna] figurative slander

to slander
He is slandering me unjustly.
On what charge did they arrest him? idiom
thick smoke a black day black market
black earth obsolete numerous troops
to be not
overfond of, not to like someone to grow dark in one's
eyes to begin to
turn gray; age to oppress someone
tor f. obsolete slander, calumny
1 tur n m. history Turan

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 tor n m. black Kandahar grape

3 tor n plural of 3 2, 3
1 tor na f.
2 tor na f. proper name Torana
tornj m. 1 peevish person 2 scandalmonger; tale-bearer
torj f.
torbkht unhappy, unfortunate
torbakhtv laj m. torbakht f. misfortune
2 torbkhtaj
torbkhn torbkhn blackish, somewhat black
torbkhj f. seam, stitch
turbrh m. 1 saber rattling 2 bragging a to

with a black beard

tor-spn m. 1 secret, something mysterious, suspicious

Something's not right here. 2 literacy
(ability to read and write) He can't read at
all. Thanks to my mother, I learned
to read.

torstrgaj black-eyed, dark-eyed

torsarka f. scarecrow
torsre f. widow
torsk dark-bay (horse's color)
torsh n blackish, somewhat black
torghr Towr Ghar (mountain range)
torghaj m. forearm
torghunj f. Towraghondi, Tor Ghundai (a border

rattle sabers, threaten war b to brag

turburgalv f.
turbn m. turbine
torpostkaj torpstaj


torghv m.

1 black, colored 2 m.

Black (person)

torpekj f. proper noun Torpeki

torpl m. military torpedo to torpedo
turt m. direct person, candid person
tor-trk absolutely black, pitch-black, blacker than black
black storm clouds
tortvd m. plural onion soup
tortp m.
tortpaj having a black birth mark
tor-talb 1 absolutely black, pitch-black, blacker than black
2 burned to the ground to burn to the ground
the shish-kebab has burned idiom
With all my heart I pitied my friend. With all my heart I

caracal, steppe lynx, Felis caracal

1 tork m. proper noun Torak

2 tvrk m. dismantling, unscrewing (of a gun)
3 turk m. Turk
torki m. 1 soot, lamp-black 2 blight (disease of cereal

torka f. black starling (the bird)

1 tork m.
2 torkj 1 black 2 m. .1 lure (for catching starlings)

proper noun Tordalaj

toraj f. black wheat-ear (bird, member of chat family)

torzaj pernicious; noxious
turzm m. tourism
turzn 1 m. fine swordsman; brave person 2 brave, noble,


proper noun Torykaj 2.3 wheat infected with blight

became sorry for my friend.

dark-complexioned; get a deep suntan

1.1 uneducated; stupid 1.2 disobedient 2 m.

.1 uneducated person; stupid person 2.2 disobedient person 2.3

tortm 1 darkness, elemental darkness

The candle burned out, immediately darkness ensued. 2
completely black, blackest black; very dark thick forest
tortp m. 1
tortejlaj very dark-complexioned to be very
tor-dzh n m. proper noun Torjan
torkhm m. Towr Kham (border point near Pakistan)
torkhl m. [plural: torkhelna] plural male slave
torkhla f. female slave
tor darj b m. obsolete the Black Sea
tordalj m. 1 small black bird related to the stonechat 2

oil for lamps; rape-oil, colza-oil

3 torkj m. syllable ! Read by syllables!

torg m.
torgl m. proper noun Torgul
torgamj m. obsolete
torl l m. variety of grape
torlshi m. plural variety of wheat with a black awn
torlmaj m. 1 marten 2 dialect badger
turm m. horn 1
tormkhka f. custom where children carry an animal skin
stuffed with rags around the village and collect alms for the poor

tormkhaj guilty; to blame, at fault

1 turn m. turn military captain; staff captain
captain lieutenant-general
2 torn m. obsolete 3 2
turndzh m. 2
turan f. rank of captain, title of a captain
torv laj m. 1 blackness 2 darkness of one's complexion
torv ndzha f. nutmeg flower, Nigella sativa

turzntb m. courage, nobility, bravery


Pashto-English Dictionary

tor-u-br m. colloquial essence of the matter, heart of the


to explain the heart of the matter to


tr-u-spn black and white (printer, TV)

1 toravl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to

blacken; make dark, darken 2 figurative to discredit, blacken,

smear; shame, disgrace 3

to write;

cover with writing 4 to dye, darken (the eyebrows) idiom

to be guilty (of)


to desolate a country, ravage a

toravl transitive [past: ] 1 to frighten away,

scare off 2 figurative to repulse (by one's looks, by one's actions)

tra f. 1 saber; sword

literally The young men cut with their sabers, but Sado receives
higher rank. He lets someone else do the dirty work. b figurative

a to

to show valor, demonstrate courage, exhibit bravery idiom

a heated argument was taking place

boast, brag b to make a show of bravery c to grind water in a

mortar; be engaged in a useless business

tor f. 1 concern; sadness 2 enmity, hostility 3 bile, gall

tra f. 1 obsolete coin with a value equal to 2 "paise"; penny

tor f. 1 detachment of warriors from the tribes


have armed forces, have soldiers 2 nomads' camp 3 small village

2 wedding expenses (payment for musicians, etc.)

tra f. 1 hill, mound 2 agriculture fallow, land lying fallow

3 rain-cloud, storm-cloud

6 tra feminine singular of 3 1

tra an f. black drongo, Dicrurus
tra buhajr f. the Black Sea
tra ba f. pitch darkness, outer darkness
tra bal f. 1 witch, hag 2 misfortune, calamity
tra p a f. violet
tra tba f. 1 brucellosis 2 dialect typhus, spotted fever
tra tatj f. blackbird
tra tj r 1 f. full darkness 2 attributive



to read letter by letter; read

tri p tri ... to read carefully 2
to confirm one's own opinion

traj m. 1 letter


hand-to-hand combat to draw (your) sword
who lives by the sword, dies by
the sword a to draw one's sword b to rattle one's
saber, threaten war to fence to take up
the sword to be cut down, be chopped up
to cut up with swords to cut down, chop up;
slaughter to surrender, lay down arms
to rattle with a sword 2 figurative valor, courage, bravery
He's a brave man. to be strong and brave;
be valiant, be brave a to show valor, demonstrate
courage, exhibit bravery b to excel in something a to cut
with a sword proverb

tra tehta f. strong repulsion, strong adversion

tra ukhla f.
tra drbil f. tra drb f.
tra shma f. black tent (of nomads)
tra gh a f. whooping cough
tra ghunj f. Towraghondi (border village)
tra lhta f. botany round-leaved cotoneaster
1 1 tur m. tor plural Turi (tribe) 2 turj m. torj


3 tavri m. plural 1 home furnishings; household goods

to lead a nomadic life, migrate 2 mats
4 traj m. spleen
5 torj m. torj f. botany loofah
6 tor restive; balky; shy This horse is restive.
7 tri plural of 1
8 tri f. plural 1 from 3 1 2 from 4, 5
9 torj 1.1 black 1.2 dark-complexioned 2 m. darkcomplexioned person

10 torj f. horn (trumpet)

11 tre go away (or similar cry used to chase away a dog)
12 tor plural of 2, 3
turjltj f. valor, courage, bravery
turjlj 1 valourous, brave, courageous 2 m. proper noun

turjlitb m.
torjj f. martin, swift (the bird)
tri ob f. plural 1 dark sea water

2 sea; ocean 3

regional exile, penal servitude 4 glaucoma

tori ikj f. plural change, small change (coins)

1 tort tavrt m. Arabic religion Torah, Pentateuh
2 tavrt m. astrology
tri-tpi Eastern tre-tpe to beg, entreat,

tavretn m. study of astrology, work in astrology

tavrtaj m. astrology
tavrd m. Arabic import
1 toredl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1.1 to

blacken, grow dark, darken 1.2 figurative to be accused, be

blamed 1.3 figurative to be disgraced, be shamed 2 m. plural
.1 darkening, dimness 2.2 eclipse

lunar eclipse

2.3 figurative shame, disgrace

toredl intransitive [past: ]1 to be frightened 2 to

run away, flee (after being frightened) The quail

took fright and flew away. 3 to be stubborn

horse is very restive.

dark cloud



Pashto-English Dictionary

tavridavl denominative, transitive [past:


turl m. military turret; ring mount

torijm m. plural chemistry thorium
turjm r m. horn-player, trumpeter
tushk m. reproach; blame, censure
1 toj f. 1 aunt (on mother's side)


tavsedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to become

impassioned, become excited; become irritated, become annoyed
2 to strive for, wish for passionately 3 to fade (crops, due to lack

of precipitation) 4 to dry up (of milk in the breast)

to consider as an

toshd n m. regional military cartridge pouch

toshk m. 1 mattress 2 reversible rug
tavshl 1 shallow (of a dish, saucer) 2 flat-bottomed (of a

aunt; call auntie 2 aunt, auntie (as a familiar form of address)

tuj 1 stammering

m. stammerer, stutterer

tui to stammer, slutter 2

tojzj m. cousin (son of mother's sister)

tozj f. cousin (daughter mother's sister)
tuzn 1 base, ignoble 2 cowardly 3 figurative vain, futile,
unavailing a vain hope, futile hope
tavz' f. Arabic 1 spreading, dissemination 2 delivery,
distribution, allocation (of income, etc.) compound verb
a to spread, disseminate b to deliver, distribute; allocate
compound verb a to be spread b to be allocated
tzhna f. meadow, (forest) glade
tog l transitive [past: ] 1 to plane, shave; cut, hew 2
to grind, round off, machine 3 to scrape 4 figurative to sharpen,

whet; polish, perfect

tog le f. shaving, filing

tog nd m. lathe operator, turner
m. plane (tool for planing wood)

tog na f. action noun from

m. scraper

tog j f.
2 tog present tense of
1 tus m. sniffing of a track by a dog
2 tavs m. 1 powerful thirst 2 heat, sultriness, hot spell
3 tos m. slice of white-bread toast
tavasst m. Arabic mediation, assistance, aid
with someone's help

tavsi' f. Arabic 1 spread, dissemination; broadening

to be spread, be disseminated; broaden
to develop, broaden, expand something 2 extent, stretch 3


to strive for expansion

tavassl m. Arabic fastening, uniting; connecting, linking

1 tosn reason, cause
2 tosn m. spirited steed
3 tusn m. 1 bloodhound 2 greedy person
1 tavsnd burning from the heat (hot weather)
2 tusnd 1.1 greedy 1.2 voluptuous 2 m. bloodhound
tusandk m. 1 bloodhound 2 greedy person; grasping
person, money-grubber

tavsavl transitive [past: ]

tsa f. means; facilities; rememdy


toshavl transitive [past: ] to set a dog onto

tosh f. provisions for the road
toshakhn f. storeroom, pantry
tavshj m. 1 wooden bowl, wooden dish 2 fruit carried away
by the groom as he departs from the bride

tavh m. steam; vapor


water vapor; steam;

2 toh paying attention, attentive

3 th m. computer science source, resource
toh f.
tavhj f. stove, oven
tavassl m. Arabic setting up of communication(s),
establishment of contact to set up communication(s)
tavsf m. Arabic definition, characterization; description
to define, characterize; describe
tavsij f. Arabic 1 recommendation, advice 2 will,
testament a to recommand, advise b to leave (to),

tavsijanm f. letter of recommendation

tavazz Arabic religion ablution before prayer
tavz m. & f. tavzh Arabic m. [plural: tavziht] 1
explanation, clarification 2 observation, note
compound verb to explain, clarify compound verb to
become clear, be explained to provide

tautij f. Arabic intrigue; machinations

1 tugh m. togh 1 banner 2 hackberry tree, Celtis
2 togh m. entertainment arranged by an intermediary to
reconcile hostile parties

tughl m.

toghm m. 1 sweat-cloth, saddle-cloth 2 long

drawn-out rain

tughm f. anger, wrath to put into a rage, anger

to fly into a rage, become angry
tughman k enraged; angry
tughandj m. rocket, missile space rocket
rocket carrier
1 tughavl 1 transitive; past tense [past: ] .1 to
drag along the ground 1.2 to throw away, toss 1.3 to put (into

to evoke a strong desire

orbit, e.g., a spaceship)


to put into orbit 2 m. plural

Pashto-English Dictionary

.1 dragging along the ground 2.2 throwing away, tossing (away)

2.3 putting into (orbit) rocket carrier
2 tughavl transitive dialect [past: ] to steal, rob
tughavna f. 1 2
1 tgha f. expiation of guilt
2 togh f. fig, fig tree
1 tughedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be dragged along

the ground 2 to be thrown, be tossed (away) 3 to be put (into

orbit, e.g., of a space ship)

intransitive [past: ] 1 to be stolen 2 to leave

reproached for a good deed

one's desires 3 settlement, arrangement, agreement 4 proper

noun Tevfik
tava' f. Arabic m. [plural: tava' t] expectation,

despite one's expectation

in spite of all expectations

to hope (for)

tavaf m. Arabic stop, delay

quickly, without delay

to linger, tarry

tavaufg h m. stopping-place; stop, parking space

tavf f. Arabic 1 arrest 2 hold-up, delay (of baggage,
goods, etc.) 3 stopping, delaying compound verb
compound verb military idiom
defensive fire
tavifavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
arrest 2 to delay (baggage, goods, etc.) 3 to stop, hold up

tavfedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be arrested 2 to be delayed (of baggage, goods, etc.) 3 to be

stopped; stop

tuk m. spit, spittle

to spit idiom

endure, bear, suffer, stand


2 tok m.
tukj f. 1 spittoon 2 kind of children's game
tkbns m. computer science database
tkpa f. computer science toolbar
tokrkaj m. tavkrkaj 1 broken piece of pottery 2 fragment
to crack; fall to pieces
tokraj m. tavkraj fragment to break off a

tokaj m. scraper
1 tavakkl m. Arabic


1 hope

to hope (for),

1 tka f. advantage, profit, use

2 tok f. corn-cob
3 tuk imperfective imperative of 2
1 tokj m. 1 kind, type 2 thing
2 tki f. plural computer science elements
3 tuk present tense of
tki-tki 1 curled in ringlets (of hair) 2

tukl transitive [past: ] to spit, spit out

to spit idiom to commit a

to reproach for some good that's been done
blunder, play the fool


various, varied


tukedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be spit

tkj f. Tokyo
tog m.
1 tog f. Togo
2 tgo oblique plural of
togolnd m. 1
tga f. 1 method, way; type, kind in such
a way, thus What sort of a person is he?
regularly, evenly, directly good, fine in a
different way, variously for example, as an example
2 part; component this medicine consists of
three components

togj m. 1 group, row, line (of people) 2 part; component

1 tol m. weight atomic weight by weight,
according to weight to weigh idiom astronomy
the Scales, Libra to weigh, consider, think over
each word

tul m. 1 grain (almost ripe) 2 field; melon patch 3 fixed

rich man, person of property

tul m. 1 2 rolling down (from a hill)
4 tval 1 equal (in weight) to balance 2 m. balance,
equilibrium to preserve a balance
tul n m. literally the walk of a partridge figurative graceful

count on (someone) 2 proper noun Tavakkul

tavakkul chance, accidental; done at random chosen at

figurative to speak inopportunely

tavf m. Arabic [plural: tavfina Arabic plural:

tavfi t] 1 favor; mercy; charity 2 success; realization of

2 tuklaj past participle of 2

1 tukm m.
2 tukm first person present of 2
1 tuk f. swearing, verbal abuse, bad language
2 tukaj f.
tukavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

surreptitiously; slip away

Eastern proverb one should not be


tulj mattress
tavalld m. Arabic birth
tulk m. molt, molting (of birds)
tulka f. whistle, pipe

compound verb to be born

Pashto-English Dictionary

tolgr m. weigher
tulnd adjective rolling down
tulnda f. widgeon (a kind of duck)
tvalv laj m. equilibrium, balance
1 tolavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to weigh
2 tvalavl transitive [past: ] to balance
3 tulavl transitive [past: ] to roll (something)
1 tolavna f. action noun from 1
2 tvalavna f. action noun from 2
3 tulavna f. action noun from 3
1 tul f. 1 siren, horn, whistle 2 pipe, fife 3 anatomy
auditory passage 4 tube, pipe tubular
2 tol f. tola (an Indian measure of weight equal to the weight
of a silver rupee, 180 grains)

3 tvla feminine singular of 4 1

1 tulj m. inflorescence, plume of a reed or rush
2 tul plural of 1
3 tol plural of 2
4 tulj f. 1 fife, reed pipe 2 flue 3 spent cartridge idiom
5 tolj f. 1 scales (for weighing silk) 2 root of paddy rice
6 tavlj f. cup, piala (i.e., Asian handleless cup)
tavlij f. towel
tavld m. Arabic 1 production, manufacture
production of electric energy 2 birth

2 product;
social product 3 birthrate
tavlid t industrial enterprises
productive forces
1 tvaledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to
tavlid t m. Arabic plural 1 from


balance, be balanced

2 tuledl intransitive [past: ]to roll (somewhere)

tavlidavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
produce, manufacture

tavlidavnkaj 1 present participle of

producer; sire 2.2

2 m. .1

technology generator

tavlid 1 production; productive


means of

industrial relations 2 figurative fruitful

tavlidedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be produced, be manufactured 2 to arise, spring up, be created

tavlij f. towel
1 tum r m.
2 tum r m. 1 itch; urge 2 scab, rash
tumsh f.
tum n m. 1 twenty rupees

tumb r m. instigation to instigate, incite

tumbskaj m.
tomt m.
1 tumn m.
2 tumn m. warm milk
3 tumn m. grain for sowing
tvmna f. tmna 1 ferment, leaven a
ferment for cheese to ferment, leaven 2 figurative
essence, substance 3 3
tomnagij tomnagij h f. botany ascomycetes (a class of

tumaj warm, lukewarm

tm f. 1 2 falcon feed 3 fatty piece of meat
1 tun m. obsolete 1 homeland, motherland 2 dwelling, abode
without kith or kin, stateless; homeless
2 tvan m. hut, shack, hovel
3 tun m. toona, Cedrela toona
tn suffix of masculine nouns 1 indicates abstract notions and
condition widowhood 2 dwelling-place, receptacle
ant-hill sheath, scabbard kindergarten
ton zh m. tonnage
tonbi m. singular & plural 1 thread of combed (refined)
cotton 2 combing of cotton (before spinning) to comb
cotton (before spinning)

tnda f. 1 food, dish 2 enmity, hostility

1 tauns m. wrath, anger, rage
2 tuns m. Tunisia the city of Tunis
1 tavng m. 1 basket with a cover (for clothing); cardboard
box (for ribbons, etc.) 2 pan, tray (of a baker)

2 tung m. tuvng 1 storehouse, depository 2 clay pitcher

3 tung sparse, scattered, strewn about
tnga f. maiden
1 tongj m. tavangj basket, purse, small case
2 tngi plural of
tunl m. tunnel
tvna f.
to f. exterior, outside
toj f. 1 suitcase 2 cupboard, enclosed shelf
tovl transitive
1 tva f. dregs of milk
2 tva f. small bank, small earthen wall (for holding back water
in a field)

one hundred

twenty afghanis 2 toman, tuman (Persian, Iranian monetary unit)

3 tav f. mulberry tree

4 tav f. taste (for something); desire, inclination
toh m. upas-tree, Antiaris toxicaria
tavahhm m. Arabic 1 imagination 2 supposition; suspicion

3 history ten thousand 4 history region, province

tumnch f. pistol, revolver

tumnd r m. leader of a tribe (among the Baluchis)

3 superstition

tauhn m. Arabic insult

1 tvaj m. herd of goats

Pashto-English Dictionary

toj 1.1 poured (out); spilled 1.2 strewn, scattered 1.3

table h indicates the time of an action or a certain period of time:

to spill one's blood for the fatherland

tojavna f. 1 pouring out; spilling 2 strewing, scattering

to attack; invade; intrude

thn m. 1 2 cattle-shed, cow-house, pig-sty

tahn f.
tahnad r m.
tah f. 1 gate; barrier; outpost 2 border post, police post
tahad r m. chief of an outpost, head of a border station
tahadzhdzh f. Arabic reading by syllables, reading haltingly
to read haltingly, spell out
tahkhn f. cellar, basement
tahd b m. tad v tahd j m. 1 foundation (of a
building) the ceremony of laying the cornerstone (of
a building) 2 figurative basis, foundation

dropping (e.g., of bombs) 4 casting (type-face)

tojedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
poured, pour, spill, overflow 2 to fall, flow (into, of a river) 3 to

scatter, be scattered, be strewn 4 to be knocked down (of fruit); to

fall (of leaves) 5 to be dropped (e.g., of bombs) 6 to be cast (of
type-face) 7 to fall out (of teeth) 8 to wear out (of clothing,

tojedna f. action noun tojed m. action noun plural

from bloodletting, bloodshed
tah f. 1 fold, bend 2 bottom, underside idiom

to dig up, to dig across (a garden, etc.)

feet up

a to lay the foundation (of a building); lay a foundation, establish a


t Eastern imperfect of

t proper name second person singular you (direct form) a as

tahdd m. Arabic [plural: tahdidna Arabic plural:

tahdid t] 1 threat; scare despite threats
to threaten 2 danger
tahdidmz tahdidmza threatening
tahdidavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

subject of an action with intransitive verbs in all tenses and with

transitive verbs in present and future tenses, and also in the

What are you saying?

You go! You, probably,

imperative mood:
Will you leave?


are our teacher? b as object of the action in an ergative


Who woke you up?

it; a indicates the addressee of an action:

tahzib Arabic cultural, cultured cultural ties

a cultured life, refined life; cultural life
tehr n m. Tehran (city)
tahlik f. tahluk 1 destruction, ruin; death 2 agony, death

I am speaking

I sent Ahmed the letter. b indicates the

They are going

Take this letter to the post
office. I am going to work. to go out
onto the street We are going home. c indicates the
location of something: south of the Pamirs
Tajikistan is located north
place to which an action is directed:

to Paghman.


tahlikad r destructive, perditious; dangerous

tuhmt m. tomt tohmt Arabic 1 accusation, blame 2
slander a to accuse (of something)
b to slander (someone) to blacken, censure, critize 3

of Afghanistan. d indicates the person or object toward which an

action is directed:

he came to his father

to lift bread to your mouth e indicates the object for which

for each grain and plant the ground is plowed differently f

tahn deep (e.g., a gully, river)

thna f. 1 hollow area, low-lying area; swampy region

I came

slope; inclination, descent

I came to inform you. g

indicates the place near which something is happening:

tuhmat tomat tohmat 1.1 suspicious 1.2 defamed,

discredited; slandered 2 m. slanderer

indicates the goal or purpose of an action:

here for water.


some action is undertaken

tahzb m. Arabic 1 culture, civilization 2 improvement in

manners; moral upbringing

ta postposition in connection with the preposition ;or without

to you.

tahtr m. Arabic clearing (of accounts); clearing account,

paper transfer

(on) the next day; (on) the next morning; next morning i

indicates appearance, likeness with someone or something:

He takes after his mother.
He's the image of Asaf.
tahdzhm m. Arabic [plural: tahdzumna Arabic
plural: tahdzhum t] attack; invasion; intrusion

spill 2 to stew, scatter 3 to knock down (fruit from trees); shake

everyone sat at the

knocked down (of fruit from trees) 1.4 dropped (e.g., of a bomb)

down (leaves) 4 to drop (e.g., bombs) 5 to cast (type-face) idiom

1.5 cast (of type-face) 2 m. .1 stream 2.2 channel, bed (along

which runs a stream) idiom to be lost, perish for nothing

3 toj m. 1
toj lka f. kettle, boiler
toj-tj interjection oh-oh
tojnd pouring (forth), spilling (out), flowing (out)
tojavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to pour;

we sit at the table


Pashto-English Dictionary

tih 1 empty 2 figurative vain, idle idiom

a to refrain from something b to move away, keep aloof from

tihidim gh 1 stupid 2 vacuous, shallow (of a person)

thedl intransitive [past: ]to tremble, shiver
tahj f. tahij Arabic 1 procurement, purchase (of provisions)
2 finding (of means) 3 preparation, training (of personnel)
compound verb a to purchase, procure (provisions) b to
obtain acquire (means) c to prepare, teach (personnel)
to prepare teachers compound verb a to be

make obscure b to darken, cloud

dark, darken idiom

prepared for his examinations. 2 preparedness 3 procurement

(e.g., of produce) 4 provision, fitting out (with); acquisition (of)

(something needed for a household)

tajredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

prepare (oneself), get ready, train ! Western At ease!

weight, grow stout

to suckle ti ti
she has lost her milk idiom

breast); breast

to fraternize with someone


te f. te, name of the letter

te contraction a the pronouns


Do you

see him? b the postposition and the pronoun


tajred m. plural 1 preparation 2 manufacture, processing

tj lka tj lka f.
tj nsh n m. Tien Shan (mountains)
tebn m. religion ablution with sand to perform
ablution with sand

Take this book, carry it to Omar.

te Eastern

tj Western dialect imperfect of

a facilitation; relief b lightness;

Dinner is ready. 2

We are ready to go in order to ; We agree that 4
stout, full; obese, corpulent idiom He has gone
completely mad. That's sure death.
tijrkhr m. 1 parasite, sponger, idler 2 person provided
finished, completed 3 agreeable, ready (for something) ...

with full support (lodging, food and sometimes clothing) 3

tajravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

prepare (food) 2 to train, prepare someone, prepare something

Love for his son forced

tajravna f. 1 preparation, training 2 procurement

tir tj r tir 1 f. darkness full darkness
tir it became pitch black, it was pitch black
Everything grew dark before her eyes.
proverb literally in part it was dark, in part grandma herself was

late figurative there were a lot of different reasons 2 attributive

until late at night

tip m. 1 type (model)

dark evening

a to darken, make dark,

a new model car 2


titrj f. marinated mushrooms

titv laj m. 1 scattering, dispersing; disseminating

spreading, instilling 3 absent-minded, inattention


1 to scatter,

disseminate 2 to spread, instill 3 to determine, regulate (the flow

him to go to all lengths. 5 to feed (cattle)

adjective dark; immersed in darkness

to form rows, line up in ranks 2

tipch f. hunting bird-call (for quail)

tit 1 scattered, dispersed 2 widespread, instilled
3 military line (formation), extended order (formation)
tit n m. titanium
tetns m. tetanus
tit-patrk tit-park 1 dispersed, driven off 2
routed, defeated a to disperse, drive off b to rout,

of gas, steam, etc.)

to be prepared, be trained 3 to stock up, procure 4 to

force, encourage

titavl denominative, transitive

regional servants (of a khan, etc.)

tip m. 1 row

literature type

easiness c privilege; advantage

tjtr m. theater
taj r 1 ready, prepared

detachment; squadron

tj suffix of feminine nouns, indicates abstract concepts or an

abstract condition


(command) 2 to be manufactured, be processed 3 to put on

taj m. [plural: ti plural: tajna] nipple (of the

to wean

preparations for a holiday

to prepare, ready (oneself) train He

oneself (personnel)

to grow dark, become

depression, dejection, despondency

tajrj m. tajr f. 1 preparation

for an examination

purchased b to be obtained (means) c to be trained; train, prepare

1 ti-t interjection cry used when calling chickens

2 titj f. children's speech baby chick
titedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be

scattered, be disseminated 2 to be spread (around), be instilled;

spread, take root 3 to be determined, be regulated (of a supply of
gas, steam, etc.)

titikk f. Titicaca (lake on the border of Peru and Bolovia)

tedzl transitive [past: ] to force to run, to drive,

tetsl transitive [past: ] 1 to pierce, run through 2 to

drill, bore through 3 to stab, spear (someone) 4 to stuff, fill 5 to


Pashto-English Dictionary

tetsna f. 1 piercing, running through 2 drilling 3 stabbing

(of someone) 4 stuffing, filling

1 tetsj f. auger; drill

2 tets present tense of
tekhnk m.
tekhnikd n
tajkhraj m. nursing baby
1 tir m. [plural: tir n] 1 arrow; shaft


tirk m.
2 log; beam, girder

last year
late evening; late in the evening last night,
yesterday evening last week old times, times
long past These are matters of days long

ter 1.1 past; last

last time

past. 1.2 passed, spent (of time) 1.3 devoted, loyal, true 1.4

close; dear ! Dear father!

sacrificing everything
He is sacrificing himself in the name of the
near, close


tirkh m. architecture embrasure;

Motherland. 1.6 renouncing (something), denying oneself

to deceive idiom
notwithstanding; moreover
proverb you cannot turn back the past to finish with
the past, bury the past exceptional, unusual; huge
let bygones be bygones

(something) 2 m. regional deception

3 tir m. bare mountain-top

tir f.
1 ter n 1 permitted; accepted, usual; popular, current

termtj m. pony
terna f. 1 passing, going past

2 tir n plural of 1
tirn f. Tirana (capital, Albania)
tirnd z m. shot from a bow
tirndz f. shooting from a bow
tirv l m. invariable plural inhabitant of the Tirah region
(western Pakistan)

tir h m. Tirah (region in western Pakistan)

teristl transitive [present: past: past:
] to deceive, fool; delude, mislead
teristna f. error, delusion the sins of

terist m. plural deception, swindling, cheating

tir 1 of Tirah, from Tirah population of Tirah,
inhabitants of Tirah 2 m. inhabitant of Tirah

terbalj f. end of a beam which juts out from a porch or wall

terbzaj m. kind of stitch idiom to do

2 forgiveness, pardon 3


tjar regional oblique plural of

tervt m. plural 1 deception 2 error; oversight; mistake
ter-u-br 1.1 more or less suitable; approximate 1.2
changing, alternating to change, alternate 2 sooner or

terwat pa f. computer science error bar

tervatl intransitive [present: past: ]

1 to be

deceived; err, be mistaken 2 to examine, look over; over look

tervatna f. action noun from

misprints, errata

2 tervatna f. computer science bug (i.e., error)

terr m. terror
tervarj m. very light load sent well in advance during a
move (by nomads)


somehow or other, do any old way

trga f. 1 partition 2 rope with which the crupper is attached

to the saddle blanket

1.5 sacrificing

tirpart b m. 1 distance an arrow flies

tiradzhmr m. Tirajmir (mountain)
tersarj m. bridle

axle (of a millstone)

military loophole, embrasure

3 mast 4 firing, shooting; a shot

trsu numeral obsolete three hundred

tersulj m. leftovers, scraps (of fodder)
terghaml m. terghamj m. oppression; violence,

teravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to spend

(time) to spend one's leave in the


He spent three days there.

to have fun, amuse oneself 2 to lead across

to lead cattle across the river 3 to suffer, endure, bear
to endure difficulties, suffer deprivation 4 to
introduce (facts, data); to quote to give examples
to quote a proverb to tell tales 5 to swallow
He swallowed the pill. 6 to strain, filter 7 to pass
off as something to pass something off as
one's own idiom to scrutinize; look over
He told how the matter stood.
2 teravl denominative, transitive 1 and 1
tern m.
ternaj near, close, native, own; dear He
is dearer to them than I am. terni close relatives
tajrvaj m. 1 nursing baby 2 suckling
tervestna f.
1 ter ter f. m. [plural: ter f. plural: ter] 1
sharp, biting ter sharp knife ter sharp
saber 2 penetrating; fixed, intent ter intent look 3
sharp, caustic ter He has a sharp

Pashto-English Dictionary

ter a harsh word 5 bold,

decisive 6 clever, quick a bold person, decisive person
b clever person a to sharpen ter to sharpen

to be excessive, exceed 1.9 to forgive

He forgave him his fault. 1.10 to be acknowledged;

tongue. 4 harsh, coarse

be famed, be renowned 1.11 to ignore, forget about (something)

You have forgotten about honor.

Everyone was telling the truth. 1.12

a saber b to make penetrating; make intent c to make sharp,

make caustic d to make harsh, make crude e to make bold, make

a to be sharp, be
ter a

be swallowed 1.13 to be in foal, be in yean 2 m. plural

decisive f. to make clever, make quick

biting; become sharp, become pointed

the knife has been sharpened well b to be penetrating c to gaze

intently d to be sharp, be caustic e to be harsh, be coarse f. to be
clever, be quick

tra 1 feminine singular of

formerly 2 oblique singular of

2 in the past,
2 since last year

the day when

3 tir 1 dark (in color) 2 gloomy, dismal, somber

tertb m. 1 sharpness (e.g., of a knife) 2 intentness (e.g.,
of a gaze) 3 sarcasm 4 harshness, coarseness 5 boldness,
decisiveness 6 cleverness, quickness

3 outstripping;

forestalling 4 violence; oppression 5 encroachment, infringement

(e.g., upon someone's rights) 6 aggression

this world.

terednaj 2
tered m. plural 1 passing, proceeding, movement
movement along a canal
in the course of six months 2 outstripping;
forestalling 3 infringement, encroachment 4 refusal (of

to overtake someone in studies e to

to infringe upon

someone's rights; make an attempt on someone's life g to commit

a to be
b to say too much

teredl 1 denominative, intransitive [past: ] .1 to pass

a year passed 1.2 to go past, cross

(of time)

to go along the street, pass down the street !

Pass! to cross the border go
along the left side, keep to the left He
passed by and didn't notice me. to move back and
forth, scurry about; travel about, move around 1.3 to flow (of a

2 caustic, burning hot 3 fast,

has keen eyesight. 8 penetrating, sharp 9 deep (of feelings)

3 tiz m. vulgar farting to fart

tez b m. 1 nitric acid 2 mordant; pickle, dip
tiz rtaj tizv
tezpr 1 swift in flight 2 m. pratincole (a swallow-like shore
bird of the genus Glareola)

suffered greatly. I endured much.



bright light 7 sharp (of thinking, hearing,

seeing) He had a sharp mind. He was smart.
He's sharp. He hears well. He

aggression idiom

teraj kavnkaj m. 1 transgressor 2 user of force;

color, light)

commit violence; oppress f to infringe, encroach (e.g., upon

impertinent (to)


swift 4 quick-moving 5 harsh, coarse; persistent 6 bright (of

You spoke with him harshly and went

terajv l m. aggressor
1 tez m.
2 tez 1 sharp, pointed; cutting

too far. b to exceed, surpass c to violate d to outstrip, overtake

someone's rights)

He has died, he's departed

teredna f. selflessness
terednkaj 1 present participle of 2 passing,

a to go

beyond what is permissible, do something uncalled for

violator 3 aggressor

terkv m. plural sharpening

terv laj m.
ter-hr long-past, forgotten
terj m. 1 exceeding, excess 2 violation


changeable, transitory, liable to decay 3 m. passerby

particularly, in particular;
especially (since) particularly from


The Arghandab flows through

Kandahar. 1.4 to occur, take place 1.5 to cross something

to cross a river 1.6 to sacrifice
to sacrifice life and property, sacrifice everything
to sacrifice oneself 1.7 to decline, turn down (something);
renounce to renounce one's own demonds
He has renounced the throne. 1.8 to exceed,

teztgaj swift, rapid (of a current)

tezraft r passenger (conveyance)

passenger car,


tizrg m. 1 ankle-bone 2 military tumbler (part of the lock

of a machine-gun)

tezs m. 1 thesis 2 dissertation


to write a

tezfkr quick (to understand), bright, clever

tezfhm intelligent, bright, keen-witted
tezfahm f. intelligence; brightness, quickness (of wit)
tezalm m. ironic hack writer
tezl transitive
tizn 1 vulgar one who fouls the air 2 m. coward
tezandj m. tezandj f. 1 noose (for hanging) 2


Pashto-English Dictionary

tezv laj m. 1 sharpness (e.g., of a knife) 2 causticity,

hotness 3 swiftness, impetuousness

tezv li very

sprout, shoot

quickly 4 harshness, coarseness 5 energy, drive, push 6


brightness (of light, color) 7 keenness (of mind, hearing, sight) 8

sharpness, ability to penetrate 9 strength, intensity

tezavl denominative, transitive [past:

1 to sharpen

strain (thought, hearing, sight) 6 to refresh one's memory, repeat

tza 1 feminine singular of 2 2 f. rapid reading

tez f.
tezedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to sprout, put out sprouts

tujghn m. 1 white hawk, white falcon (or similar bird of

teghun tighn 1.1 golden-winged 1.2 shining 2 m. blade


affirmative words, particles

to be

sharp, be pointed 2 to be caustic, be burning hot 3 to quicken the

sharp, be keen (of thought, hearing, sight)

military Return sabers! (as a command)

m. 1 tallness, height 2 quality of being stretched

or drawn out

f. sharp wooden strip or chip (used as a knife)

tga f. 1 stone; cobble-stone; boulder mill-stone

granite coal a stone house
a stone in the road b figurative obstacle, hindrance
precious stone a to turn over a stone b figurative to take
an important step c figurative to rejoice, be glad to

tjakavl denominative, transitive [past:

stand on end 2 to stretch out, draw out, extend

1 to

tekavl transitive [past: ] to put into its sheath (a


lay a stone (marking the ending of military action and a peace

to put a

1, 2

tik f.

tjka feminine singular of

tka f.

tkaj m. 1 sheath, scabbard 2 biology shell,


tjakedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to stick

out 2 to grow (of people, animals) 3 to stretch, extend

a to throw a stone; toss a stone

(as a sport) b figurative to get something out of your head, forget

to break up a stone (indicating a resumption of

hostilities) Eastern to squeeze butter from
stone, do the impossible Eastern proverb
to kill two birds with one stone 2 rock sedimentary
rock 3 medicine stones stones in the urinary tract
He has stones in his liver.
tes m. 1 dissertation doctoral dissertation 2
about it


tes f. economy, thrift

tesh m. plowshare
teshkhvlj m. cone-shaped hood, cowl
tesh f. adze idiom to work for oneself
tehtavl transitive dialect
thta f. flight, escape to
run, flee to put to flight to
save oneself by flight idiom proverb literally
cannot be passed by figurative whatever will be, will be

tjak 1 sticking up, sticking out 2 tall, strapping 3 extended,

2 tek
tjakv laj

increase, grow brighter (of light); flare up (of flame) 7 to be


pace, speed up 4 to hurry 5 to grow stronger (of the wind) 6 to

tehtidz j m. refuge, harbor

tehtedl intransitive dialect

2 tegh f. 1 edge (of a knife, etc.) 2 blade

tif f. tifod m. typhoid (fever)
tajjan m. Arabic affirmation

penetrating 8 to increase, add on (light, fire)

tghna f. 1 iron frying pan (for baking flat cakes) 2 sword,

of Damascus, patterned steel; sword (of Damascus steel)

to report one's lessons 7 to make sharp, make

agreement, a practice in former times)

a to cut with a saber b to sprout, put out

prey with white coloration) 2 albino (animals)

(e.g., a car) 4 to make harsh, make coarse 5 to sharpen, intensify;

stop to some business

saber 3 shoot, sprout

2 to make caustic 3 to quicken (steps); speed up; drive faster

tegh m. 1 scimitar; sword; blade 2 edge (of a knife, etc.) 3

tekr m. 1 searching for lice 2 pursuit, chase

to purse someone 3 attention
tig f. 2
tigrs m. Tigris (River)
tegusiglpa f. Tegucigalpa (capital, Honduras)
1 tga f. Eastern
2 tig f. shortness of breath to be short-winded idiom
to be impatient; be nervous
tel m. usually plural 1 oil
vegetable oil cottonseed oil rapeseed oil
linseed oil sesame seed oil 2 petroleum
(oil) crude oil a buttermaking, dairy work
b extraction of crude oil oil-carrying ship
oil-processing plant 3 fuel; gasoline; kerosene
gasoline pump to turn off a motor
telpka f. cap
teld r 1 oil-bearing 2 oily; relating to butter or crude oil
teldn f. oil can, lubricator
ti larnkaj ti larnki mammals
teliskp m. telescope


Pashto-English Dictionary

telifn m. telifn 1 telephone by telephone

radiotelephone 2 conversation over the phone
You're wanted on the phone. to talk by phone;
telephone call him by phone
telifunnkhn f. telifonkhna telephone central office,
telephone exchange

telephone communication radiotelephone
telephoned message, phonogram to
telifun telifon 1 adjective telephone

telephone 2 m. telephone operator

telkash f. butter-making; oil manufacture

teligr f m. 1 telegraph 2
teligrf 1 adjective telegraph, telegraphic 2 m.
telegraphist, telegraph operator

lambs or kids will not take milk) 2 bandage or dressing on the

breasts of a nursing mother (so the baby will not feed there)

tel vnkaj tank truck; (gasoline) fueling

truck tanker
televizjn m. tilivizjn 1 television 2 television set
to turn the TV on to turn the TV off
til f. cord of golden thread, golden lace; golden braid
tilad ra gold-embroidered skull cap (as worn in
Central Asia)

tilj m. Eastern 1 match

2 box of matches 3

adjective oil


to light a match

tel 1 m. Eastern dealer in dry or salted foods (and also

chemicals) 2.1 adjective kerosene

muzzle; figurative mug 3 bridle

timbzaj m. tembzaj snout, muzzle; figurative mug

tinterk m. dragon-fly
tind ra f. aunt (father's brother's wife)
tindk m. 1 jump, skip, hop 2 stumbling to
stumble a to jump, leap b to stumble
to run bending to the ground from time to time; make a
rush 3 colloquial snag, obstacle; failure

to gush out (in a

the outer ear)

tindvaj m. cartilage
tens m. tennis
tenkj m.
teng m. 1 coffin; grave 2 burial
1 tingj m. dish, plate
2 tingj m. blow (flick of the fingers) to the forehead
tenavl m. Tanaol (khanate of Amb)
tjub m. 1 tire inner tube 2 tube (of toothpaste, etc.)
tajvr having nipples
teor f. [plural: teorig ni] theory
tvza f. cave
tjerr del-fugo f. Tierra del Fuego (archipelago,
southermost tip of South America)

tejl transitive [past: ] to fry, simmer (in oil)

tejli f. plural fried liver; fried giblets
tejnkaj m.
1 tejnaj m. quantity of peas, etc., cooked at one time in a

telj f. small bag, pouch (for money); purse

telj f. oil-can, lubricator

tilj f. Western 1
tilj f. 1 large flat-slice (e.g., of a melon) 2 match 3


splinter, chip (of wood)

telefn tilifn m.
telefonkhn f. tilifunkhn
telefon tilifun
tjam colloquial contraction of the pronouns , and the
conjunction ! You also ask!
tim r m. timrdr f. 1 caring for a sick person 2
tending a horse (covering it with a horse-cloth, etc.) a to
care for a sick person b to tend a horse


2 tejni f. plural
tejnivl m. seller of liver, vendor of giblets
tajj f. wet nurse

e the fifth letter of the Pashto alphabet

b m. regret, repentance
blet m. tablet, pill
1 p m. 1 2
2 p m. regional 1 top, top part (of a carriage) 2 lid, cover
pp m. pp m. 1 sluggishness; inertia 2

perform the ritual of ablution with sand

tajman m. plural Taimani (a tribal group)

timr m. proper noun Timur

tindka f. 1 stream 2 fountain

tindlk stumbling, halting

tindbaj m.
tindraj m. tindaj m. nose cartilage, nose septum
tindaj m. anatomy helix (folded rim of cartilage around

kerosene lamp 2.2

timbuzk m.
timch f. handbag, rug (given by villagers to a bride)
tajamm m. Arabic religion ablution with sand

timbuzk m. tembuzk 1 bridge (of the nose) 2 snout,

stream), well up

teligr m m. telegram
tel f. 1 binding the teats of the ewe or she-goat (so that the

shuffling (slippers, etc.) 3 man of declining years; old man, elder

pl transitive [past: ] 1 to mark, note, mark off 2 to

stamp, brand 3 to emasculate, castrate


Pashto-English Dictionary

plaj 1 past participle of 2 marked, branded

pndz j m.
pna f. 1 stamping, branding 2 emasculation, castration,

p m. [plural: pug n plural: pu n] 1 island

2 bank, sandbank

pra f. washboard, scubbing board (for laundry)

poj f. crutches
pavl transitive
puvzma f. peninsula
p f. 1 seal, stamp to seal 2 mark, brand

3 trace

design (for embroidery)

1 paj m.

appoint (e.g., to a post); choose 3 to select, pick (people) 4 to

m. sunflower
1 time, period

m. 3
r tr
1 k m. Bengali quince, Aegle marmelos
2 k m. 3
3 k sour
4 k marked, branded (of cattle)
kk m. utensils, household goods and chattel; decor,
furniture to obtain utensils
kr 1 old, decrepit 2 m. old man, elder
ks m. regional tax; assessment
tkl transitive [past: ] 1 to establish, fix; determine
a to fix a time b to set a watch, clock 2 to

pi in one's time 2

assign to do something, designate for some duty or other 5 to

stamp, brand, mark

medicine crisis 3 friendship, connection with someone

pj f. 1 1, 2 2 mark or seal on a pile of threshed

grain (placed in order to guard against misappropriation)

pi- pi packed, chock-full, full to overflowing

pedl intransitive
1 m. .1 boasting, bragging 1.2 foppery, dandyism
a to brag, boast b to be a fop, play

tklaj past participle of kli at the

appointed time according to a

predetermined (worked out in advance) program; according to plan

2 m. 1 canvas; sacking 2 oilcloth

ka f.
tv laj m. 1 incline, declivity 2 curvature
ob m. 1 rest, peace to rest 2 life, existence
a to rest b to quiet c to live, exist
ba f. baj m. 1 home, residence

orphan asylum; children's home 2 base (e.g., aviation) 3 bed (of

a river)

1 to coddle, care for 2

akna f. 1 establishment, determination 2 assignment (to a

post, duty)

to rock, rock back and forth; to lull 2 interjection hush-a-bye,


3 aj f. 2 3
aedl denominative

2 to be bowed, be curved

[past: ] 1 to be inclined, be bent

kh m.
raj m. 1 tower (of a fort) 2 branch (of a fir tree)
2 ts 1 m. .1 crack, crackling 1.2 clap, bang 1.3
interjection snap, bang, bam

2 s m. large turban
agh tahgj 1 goggle-eyed

2 ox-eyed

shot 2

k m. 1 thief 2 robber

ak m. 1 foot-and-mouth disease 2 cattle plague, cattle

murrain; epizootic 3 figurative misfortune, disaster

k 1 importunate, tiresome, troublesomely insistant (of a

person) 2 intriguer, schemer

ak-u-k m.
kr m. 1
k imperfective of
1 kj f. 1 patch (on footgear, of leather or rubber)

2 cork 3

ripened boil, furuncle 4 overfed person 5 overfed, surfeited cattle

incline, bend 3 to bow, bend, curve

suitable, proper, appropriate

m. fop, dandy
2 atj 1 f. .1 lullaby, cradle song 1.2 cradle, crib
to rock, be rocked; be lulled to sleep in a cradle

knda diurnal solar maximum; hottest part of the

day; extreme heat

the dandy


a to be established, be fixed; to be

determined b to be destined for something

paj m. seal engraver, engraver of seals

ka f.
avl denominative

a to swell, swell up b to overeat 6 reservoir, water

storage basin

2 k present tense of
3 kj present, second person plural of
4 ki f. plural bangs, cracks (noises)
1 l m. swings (children's toy) to swing,
rock a to swing on swings b to flutter in the wind (curls)
idiom rainbow a rainbow
appeared to become pensive, become
thoughtful to vacillate, be indecisive
l m. delay; postponement 1
to delay, check (i.e., the advance of troops)
to notify, inform without delay
3 l m. 1 knot (in a tree) 2 commercial scales
4 l m. 1 cobweb to spin a web 2 lariat, lasso
5 l tautological with

Pashto-English Dictionary

lv imperfective of 1, 2
lma l m. guile, trick

ngri f. plural
ngtur f. botany thorn apple, Datura stramonium
ngr m. residue of corn (maize) straw (e.g., on the threshing

to dodge, evade,


lmatlav denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to deceive someone, mislead somebody 2 to use guile, trick, try to


ng m. wild pear (tree)

1 nga f. domestic pear (tree)
2 nga f. tanga, two-wheeled carriage
ngav l m. ngavl m.

get out of

lmatlavunkaj 1 present participle of

2 m. .1

deceiver 2.2 sly, cunning person; dodger, shirker

lmaledl denominative, intransitive [past:

to be deceived; swallow the bait, be a sucker

[past: ] to swing, swing back and

lmal m. 1 verbosity 2
lavl transitive


2 lavl transitive [past: ] 1 to delay, hold back

Why are you delaying me so? 2 to delay, drag out,
put aside; extend, prolong to delay, put off the execution
of something

l f. wholesale sales
1 ledl intransitive

[past: past: ]to rock, rock

back and forth

ledl intransitive [past: past: ]1 to delay;

linger; slow down 2 to stand idle (e.g., of the transport) 3 to be

put aside; be dragged out; be prolonged, last

led m. plural 1 to delay, halt

delay 2 postponement

a two-hour

tmbri f. plural cries, wails; howl, loud weeping

to cry, wail, howl; bawl, weep loudly
mbsaj m. sleet
m f. stalk (corn)
n re f. plural Eastern
ns dull-witted, of limited intelligence; stupid
nobj f. throng (of people), crowd to throng,

n f.

to compete, contend, vie (with


nk m. 1 tank 2 reservoir; cistern; vat


nkd r adjective military tank; armored

armored (tank) troops

nk mtavnkaj military antitank


1 ngj m. table mountain; flat-topped hill

2 ngj f.
ngev l m. ngevl m. regional
n f.
vr m. turret, watchtower
h m. 1 pronounciation, accent 2 speech, converse,

jp m. 1 printing; typewriting typewriter

compound verb to print (on a typewriter)
compound verb to be typed up 2 type, typeface

jpst m. typist (male)

jpsta f. typist (female)
tjr m. tire (automobile)
jl m. tile
jm m. 4
a f. necktie to tie a tie, knot a necktie
ailend m. Thailand
abar m. abr 1 family (often wife) 2 clan, tribe 3 people
the Afghan people 4 dynasty, (dynastic) clan
abard r m. family man
ab m.
ubakj m. tbakj 1 dimple, hollow 2 hole (used in a game)
ubak-ubak uneven, having pits or potholes, bumpy
1 ubalj f. balj
2 ablj f. children's game played with marbles
1 ap 1 m. .1 clap; clapping, clattering
saying Clapping takes two hands 1.2 knock; stamping, tramping
1.3 blow, smack 1.4 slap (in the face)

antitank gun

1 nkj f. military tank; small tank

to fuel up an airplane
2 nk military tank tank unit
1 ng m. rumor, talk
2 ng m. 1 lambing time 2 figurative appropriate time, right

ng m. column, post serving as a buoy

ng m.

compound verb

2 interjection Smack! Slap! Bang!

His wound is very deep. to suture a wound
By what means was this wound inflicted? to

ap m. 1 wound, wounding; maiming, mutilation

receive a wound 2 indemnity for mutilation, wergeld 3 mark,

brand, scar 4 spot, blemish

ap 1 tautological compounding element for adjectives and

participles quite, completely, extremely (indicates an extreme

a very low b very flattened,

completely spoiled This
woman is totally blind. I am utterly at the end of my
forces. wet clear through, wet to the skin right up
degree of the quality)

moment m. 3 definite time, definite term

cabbie, tanga-driver,


pressed down


Pashto-English Dictionary

scared to death 2 predicative quite, entirely

Don't let him dam up the irrigation ditch completely.
a to come to a halt My affairs have
next to

come to a standstill. b figurative to stop short (speech), not to

ap m. tower, turret, watchtower

apup m. 1 clap, clatter (noise)

know what to say next

aps m.
apk m. fur coat
apk m. slap (in the face)
apavl denominative, transitive


pl 1 communicating something 2

app m. 1 knock, rap (caused by two objects hitting

a to knock, rap b

figurative to threaten, intimidate

apapj hide-and-go-seek (the children's game)

apapanj m. motorcycle
apr sequential
1 apar m. 1 wanderer 2 person uprooted from his home

rolling stone, rootless wanderer


apar f. shivering, chill; shudder

apar f. assumption of responsibility, assumption of guilt

to clap, slap on the back (condescendingly)

a to cast

responsibilities of the household on someone

to be agitated, be distressed, be grieved, be shattered 5 to be

circumspect, be careful
tap m. 1 sailcloth; canvas, sacking 2 cloth woven from
artificial fiber 3 straw rope or braid for tying sheaves

apa f. 1 potter's burnishing tool 2 trowel; smoother

aps m.
aps raj apsraj 1 dependent on someone; needing
someone; something 2 cowed, downtrodden (of a person)

apk m.
pkj sick, powerless, weak
1 apgj m. slight wound
2 apgj m. 1 burrow, hole 2 ditch
apl transitive
apln 1 spotted, stained 2 pitted, pockmarked
1 laj m. 1 spot 2 stamp, mark, brand; sign 3 freckle
2 aplaj 1 tired; sluggish, weak 2 m. castrated cattle
1 apn
2 ipn m. light breakfast, light lunch
pn f.
apna f. idle wandering, idling
ap m. 1 bag 2 3

ap f. 1


2 note 3 card (playing) 4 working of

2 pa f. singular of 3, 4
3 pa f. skylight, window (in the ceiling of a lower floor room)
pa-aghra f. destitution, extreme powerty
to leave someone without the means of subsistence
He fell into destitution.
apah r m.
1 pj m. 1 birthmark 2 black mark, black star (on an animal's
forehead) 3 gout

apar 1 circumspect, cautious 2 broken-spirited, scared

aparedl intransitive [past: ]1 to walk blindly; grope

one's way 2 to reel (e.g., from weakness) 3 to tremble, shiver 4

1 to close,

aspersions on someone b to throw all of the work and

ap-pt petty; trivial trifles

to rack your brain, knock your brains out over trivialities
together) 2 figurative threat

(e.g., radio) 3 to stamp the foot, tamp 4 to knock 5 to hit, strike


slam to, close with a bang (e.g., a book) 2 to turn off, switch off

communicate, deliver a message b to gossip, spread gossip


apts m. 1 kite (the bird) 2 sluggard 3 flabby person,

sluggish person, dawdler

4 ap thin, gaunt
ap f.
p l m. 1 [plural: pl n] history herald, harbinger 2
[plural: pl n] postman, mailcarrier 3 [plural:
plna] message, communication a to convey news;

2 (act of) clapping,

slapping (e.g., on the shoulder)

ap 1.1 wounded

to wound someone

to be

wounded 1.2 pitted, pockmarked 2 m. wounded man

3 apj f. pressed dung (used as fuel)

ap plural of 1
p plural of 2, 3
t m. 1
t r m.
tp m.
1 m. 1 boasting, bragging 2 conceit, arrogance
2 m. Eastern copper
3 i
a r m. coppersmith
1 raj m. sandpiper
ri f. plural noise, cry
v m. [plural: v] 1 braggart, boastful person,
bragger 2 arrogant person


m. idle talk, verbiage


ar m. ar m. 1 breast 2 paunch, belly (e.g.,

of a fish) 3 crown (of the head) idiom
Eastern Mardzhana burned within.

arj m.

arj f. sleeveless jacket, vest

arj 1.1 boastful 1.2 garrulous 2 m. .1 braggart, boaster


2.2 loquatious person, gabby person, babbler


Pashto-English Dictionary

ang m. 1 desert

burning desert 2 Tatang (region

in Nangrakhar)

ang f. shrike (the bird)

at m. 1 pony 2 bridge (of a violin)
ghaj m. vaj m. kite (the bird)
a f. 1 bragging, boasting 2 chatter, idle talk
1 j m. 1 braggart, boaster 2 loquatious person, idle-talker

2 as 1 m. .1 crash; crackle to crash; crackle 1.2 blow

to receive a blow to strike to hit
someone on the back 2 interjection knock; bang

as f.
ass m. 1

confusion; uproar, rumpus 4 crackling

i plural of
1 ch m. 1 clap, bang 2 blow 3 faint shot (sound)
2 ch m. strength, force to grow faint, weaken
3 ach 1 insignificant, of little importance 2 cheap
1 akh tautological with
2 ukh m.
khkh loud, booming loud laughter; guffaw
akhkh m.
ukhla f.
ukhalj f. 1 cap with earflaps 2 nightcap with earflaps
akhmkh scattered; dispersed
akhukh m. slight cough He/she has a
slight cough.

ukhavl transitive
kha f. ukhj m.
ukhedl intransitive
ukhedna f. cough; slight cough
r m. r f.
r k m. r k garden warbler (the bird)
rm m. streetcar (trolley)
rm chalavnkaj m. streetcar (trolley) conductor
rn m. uproar, rumble
rt m.
rtprt m. nonsense, rubbish, absurdity

express unwillingness


to talk

[past: ]1 to talk nonsense, spread

rubbish; talk drivel 2 to suffer from an upset stomach, have


slk m.
sms flabby, apathetic, sluggish
asah r m. crack, crackling
sedl intransitive
gh m. 1 squawk (e.g., of a trapped bird) 2 bellow; crying,
scream (of a child) a to squawk b to bellow, roar, weep
gh m. jay (the bird)
agh m. eyelid
ghpgh m. 1
aghaghj m. 2
aghr m. 1 palas (napless carpet), coarse carpet to
weave a palas (napless carpet) 2 saddle cloth 3 rag idiom
to carry out extensive investigations
aghra f.
ighakaj m. 1 epizootic disease (of chickens) 2 head cold
aghan 1 m. [plural: ghn] .1 person of weak character
ghavl transitive [past: ] 1 to make whine, cause to
whimper 2 to torture 3 to make weep 4 to gnash the teeth 5 to

cause a bowel movement

nonsense, spread drivel 2 vulgar fart

2 to

rth r m.
rr m. 1 chatter 2 fuss; uproar, rumble
arm m. regional semester
ravl transitive [past: ] to have a laxative effect,
ravna f. diarrhea, loose stools
rh r m. 1 nonsense, rubbish, absurdity

sk m. 1
1 skj m. 1 coward 2 scoundrel, villian
2 sk f. isk 1 laziness 2 slowness
3 skj m. 1 hissing, snorting 2 sobbing
skedl intransitive [past: ]1 to hiss, snort

1.2 coward 2.1 coughing, suffering from a cough 2.2 noisy

talk nonsense, spread drivel abroad

re f. regional tray
redl intransitive

a to have an

uproar, make a racket d to crash, crackle

aj f. [plural: ajni] 1 small caravansarai, guest

house 2 enclosure made of matting 3 toilet, latrine

exchange of fire, skirmish b to fight, struggle c to make an

dandy, fop 4 coward

exchange of fire, clash 2 skirmish; collision 3

ghh r m. plural 1 wheeze, wheezing sound 2 cough

1 ghi with wide eyes, eyes popping out
to open the eyes wide (from surprise); goggle, gawk
2 gaj m. epizootic disease (of birds)
ghedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to squawk (of trapped
birds, etc.) 2 to weep, behave capriciously (of a child)

a m. regional
hands together

to clap, strike the

ar m. tread, tramp
al sharp-witted, clever, astute clever man
aa m. regional 1
taavl transitive [past: ] 1 to censure; criticize (from


a hostile point of view), run down 2 to swear at, tell off 3 to

az m.
1 s m. 1 dull noise

2 hissing


aavna f. abuse; censure

Pashto-English Dictionary

aah r m. knocking, crackling; continued sharp sound as of

something breaking, rapping, etc.

to sew with large

stitches; tack 2 hole (in the earth for setting in a plant)

ak m. [plural: akna Western plural: ak n] 1

to knock, strike, hit 2

to fire, effect firing
a to fire blanks b to act to no purpose
this rifle misfires 4 to die suddenly, die
unexpectedly figurative censure; reproach; criticism idiom
to attain immediate success, succeed
knock, tap (in driving nails etc.)
noise of a shot 3 firing, shot

with something, strike against something; to fall upon something b

ak m. 1

uk m.

ak m. wooden sun-clock (for determining times for irrigation,

2 large boil, abscess (e.g., on the throat)

to stumble against something



k la f. tautological with
k n m. 1 stumbling (e.g., a horse) 2
ak n plural of 3
akngr m. thresher (e.g., of corn, maize)
1 akn f. 1 size, dimensions 2 border, limit
to a certain extent; in a certain measure

ikn f. regional 1 habitation, home, dwelling place,


to live, reside to settle, settle

a to settle, settle (elsewhere) b to determine,
c to arrange, organize a to settle, take up


residence b to be determined, be decided 2 border, limit

ik v m. regional abode, location

compound verb to
compound verb

settle, settle (elsewhere); quarter, billet

1 kv imperfective third person singular of
2 kv m. plural 1
ikvedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

ik m. [plural: ikauna Western plural: ika n]

1 ticket railway ticket invitation card

ticket window, ticket office 2 note 3 stamp (postage)
ikapul f. economics 1 dividend 2 rate (e.g., currency

proverb one

akk m.

to tear, cut in pieces

to be torn

akargr m. technology shock absorber

ukr f. 2
1 ikrj m. 1 shawl; kerchief for wear on the head 2 chador
2 ukrj f. tray, basket
ukr plural of
uk m. 2
uk f. 2
iks m.
aksra f. house sparrow, Passer domesticus
aksraj 1 suffering from an epidemic disease 2
scabby, worthless, rotten 3 shameless, impudent 4 stubborn,

persistent idiom

May you drop dead! May you rot!

aks m. & f. [plural: aksij n f. plural:

aksijni] taxi taxi

aksivl m. chauffeur, taxi driver
ikk full to overflowing, full to the brim
akka f. 1 crossbar, projecting piece on a spade providing
thrust for the foot; crossbeam 2 pedal

to settle,

take up residence


apart, be cut up into pieces


to push, push off 3 detriment, loss


region, area

to inflict a loss

to fall upon a

ukr m. [plural: tukrna Western plural:

ukr n] 1 piece, part 2 cloth, fabric cotton cloth, cotton

barren ground

experienced man is worth more than two greenhorns

7 ak m. enigma, mystery, riddle

1 ak f.
2 uk growing to grow (of grass, etc.)
ak rkaj m. 1 bald spot, bare place (e.g., in a meadow)

1.1 knock, tap 1.2 tramp, tread 1.3 tick,

akak na f. 1 woodpecker 2 cam (in a mill-apparatus)

akak naj m. 1 children's game 2
ak-ak-k interjection drip-drip-drip
akka f. stitch
1 akkj m. cam (as part of the apparatus of a flour-mill)
2 akakj f. 1 1 2 wryneck (bird)
3 akki plural of
ikaghr m. regional ticket office
tatk m. exchange of fire
1 akr m. 1 collision; blow 2 stumbling a to collide

from the very beginning



territory, border zone 3 inherited land


ticking (of a clock) 2 interjection .1 knock-knock 2.2 tick,

ak m. 1 border, frontier, boundary 2 border region; border

ak m. 1 stitch; basting, tacking

akl s

akl staj 1 adroit, smart, quick 2

businesslike, efficient 3 well-aimed, accurate (of a shot) 4 bold,


aklstajtb m.

taklstajv laj m. 1

adroitness 2 efficiency 3 accuracy 4 boldness, bravery

ikla f.
ikmkhaj pockmarked, pitted
kn speckled, spotted

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 kna f. 1 seal, stamp 2 mark, brand

2 kna f. singular of
1 akanj 1 obstinate; retarding; balky balky horse 2
fearful 3 vacillating to cause to be timorous, cause to be
indecisive a to be obstinate, be restive, be jib; be balky
saying although the horse be restive,

akvahna f. 1 beating; banging up, battering 2 shaking up

3 affixing with nails, driving in 4 clapping the hands


going in such heat?

perform miracles

a misfortune is occurring

taki a Lightning struck


to express surprise, be surprised,

be amazed

Where are you

ak m. [plural: akag n] 1 ibex, mountain goat 2

male goat (leader of flocks)

aka 1 2 adjective midday 3 meridional

akup died unexpectedly, passed suddenly
akuk m. 1 exchange of fire 2 knock, persistant

3 uka f.
kah r

shaft (of the karez irrigation system)

m. 1 exchange of fire 2 knock, persistent rapping 3

rattle, crackle 4 tramp 5 figurative hard freeze, frost 6


1 akr

2 akr

him. b figurative Misfortune befell him. idiom

indecisive, to act indecisively


ka f. 1 meteorite 2 lightning 3 figurative misfortune,

What has happened to you?

there's not far to go to overcome the reluctant lender b to be

figurative intense heat, sultriness

akapst m. leather from the hide of a mountain goat

takach l 1 m. sleepy person 2 drowsy, sleep _ to

m. stitching, basting, tacking

m. poultices, fomentations

compound verb

doze, slumber
m. 1 song; melody


ka mast f.
1 kaj m. 1 period, point

to sing 2 beating (of a

akr m.
ukurukravl denominative, transitive [past:
] to tear apart, tear into pieces
akoravl denominative [past: ] to make poultices
korj m.
akoredl denominative [past: ] to be applied (of a

linguistics diacritical mark 3 speck, spot; mark 4 letter 5

ki He has no understanding of this issue.
I understand this. idiom ki then and
there, at once exactly, precisely dream
2 ikj m. leather circular piece at the end of a spindle or
mouthful, drink (of water) 6 point, place 7 question, issue


spinning device (e.g., a distaff)

kavl transitive [past: ] 1 to pound, crush, grind;

husk to grind turmeric 2 to thresh, beat out grain

from the husk

carpet, clothing) 6 to beat, thrash someone 7 to knock


live in poverty, endure extreme want

kavlaj 1 past participle of 2.1 pounded, crushed 2.2

ground 2.3 forged, hammered 2.4 beaten clean (e.g., carpet,


charity begins at home

someone is knocking at the door 8

to stamp 9 to click to make a clicking sound with the
tongue 10 to beat (a drum) 11 to chop (meat) idiom to

meat (a food dish)

ikj m.

rash) idiom

knock on the door

clothes) 2.5 minced, chopped

kj f. 1 flat cake 2 disk (solar, lunar) 3 target (archery) 4

distych, couplet, landay 5 loop (of a sling) 6 red spot (in nettle

to thresh grain 3 to forge, hammer (e.g.,

iron) 4 to scutch, swingle (wool, cotton) 5 to beat, clean (e.g.,

kj f. guffaw to guffaw
ki plural of 1
ki plural of 1
uk plural of

kjlj 1 spotted, speckled 2 linguistics having a diacritical

mark (of a letter)

meatballs, chopped

ki-uki ki-ki 1.1 rent, torn into rags 1.2 spattering,

drizzling (of rain) 1.3 2 exactly, precisely

akedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be beaten, be

hammered 2 to resound, be heard (of a knock) There

akavna f. 1 pounding, crushing 2 threshing, beating out

grain from the husk 3 forging, hammering 4 scutching (wool,
cotton) 5 beating clean (e.g., carpet, clothes)

was a knock at the door. Someone knocked at the door. 3 to be

akna plural of 1-7

akvahl transitive [past: past:
]1 to beat, beat clean; beat (carpet) 2 to shake, swing
to shake a tree 3 to affix, hammer in to impale,
drive a spear in 4 to clap the hands They
clapped their hands. to bang up, batter (of

dotted line 2

beaten clean, be beaten out (of clothes etc.) 4

5 to walk

slowly, shuffle, drag along, trudge slowly along 6 to be forged

kaj larnkaj
ki-mki colloquial

to study reading and



ag m. 1 petty thief, swindler, cheat; fraud 2 robber

ag m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

agl transitive [past: ] 1 to cheat, swindle; defraud,

dupe 2 to rob

agm r m. 1 1
agna f.
ag f. cheating, swindling; fraud, sharp practice to
cheat, defraud to pretend
agj-orj to cheat, swindle; defraud,

al m. 1 log raft

to fasten or bind logs together in a raft

to be united, be in an association with some other
person to unite with, join someone 4 tribe

2 batch (of goods) 3 traveling companion, fellow traveler

al m. 1 quarter (of a town, village) 2 crops; area under crops;

patch, strip 3 thicket 4 meadow

the fourth part of a settlement's land idiom

defeat on someone

al m. Tal (city)

al 1 thick, dense

plentiful, rich

meadow in bloom 5

to inflict

abundant crops 2 figurative

a to make thick, thicken; make dense,

solidify b to make plentiful

a to be thick, thicken; be

altb m. concomitancy, accompaniment

ilifn m.
iligr f m. 1 telegraph 2 telegram
iligr m m. telegram
algj m. 1 diminutive of 2 2 small farm


1 an f. stalk (of corn, maize)

2 an f. uproar; confusion, agitation
an 1.1 stout, portly; corpulent _

a fat man 1.2 swollen;

antb m. obesity, stoutness; corpulence

tantt m. kind of large white Kandahar mulberry
anghrkaj anakj diminutive somewhat obese; a

am m. 1 barking; growling, snarling

3 small

to bark; growl,

2 am 1 thick; dense 2 figurative abundant, plentiful

3 im m. barrel
4 im tin
mgh f. officer's service cap
tamb ri f. plural weeping; wailing to weep; cry

ambka f. candlestick
1 ambl 1 fat, stout, chubby

2 piling

up of things, accumulation of things

anavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to put on

weight 2 to inflate, blow up; pump up idiom She

became pregnant (out of wedlock)

talv laj m. 1 thickness; density 2 figurative abundance,

snarl 2 smacking the lips

an 1 m. fat man; pudgy fellow 2 fat; pudgy

anv laj m.
anr m. 1 roasting of pine kernels on red-hot sand


amedl intransitive [past: ] to bark; to snarl, growl

an m. ton 10,000 tons
ambka f. 1 wasps' nest; beehive 2 oven for extraction of tar
umbl transitive
ambs tambel 1 swelling, swelling up 2 fat, stout,

little paunchy; a bit chubby

cultivated field

make snarl

swollen up 2 m. .1 steer; buffalo calf 2.2

dense, become dense b figurative to be plentiful, be rich

amerj m. shorty, person of short stature

1 aml m. 1 snipe (the bird) 2 sandpiper
2 aml m. assemblage of people, crowd
amil m. 1
imk m. 1
amavl transitive [past: ] to make bark, make growl,

anvk m. span
1 na f. 1 assembly; meeting to organize an
assembly to meet, assemble 2 crowd, assemblege
What is this assembly? 3 award; prize
2 na f. brow idiom affably
3 na 1 singular of 2 pregnant pregnant (out of
wedlock) 3 with calf; in foal idiom
kind of game bumblebee
anedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to put on
weight, grow stout 2 to swell up, swell m. 3 to become pregnant

2 lazy, sluggish idiom

umbl transitive
amb f. 1 assemblage, throng 2 medicine constipation
compound verb a to assemble, gather (of people)
people gathered in a crowd b to suffer from
constipation 3 bolt, bar; lock idiom ... My

heart is sinking because

amm m. Eastern 1 light carriage, cart 2 motorcycle

amj m. 1 short-handled shovel 2 brief topic

(out of wedlock)

ang m. ng 1 knock 2 sound (of metal vessels, etc.) 3


a to clink b to jingle 4 music sounds, notes

ung m. Eastern posterity

3 ing
ang f. ang r m.
ang-kr m. 1 music sounds, notes (of music)

2 party,


angng m. 1 tapping (of a hammer) 2 jingling;

strumming (e.g., on a violin) 3 noise (made by a knife and fork);

clanging (of pots)


Pashto-English Dictionary

angs l

m. mint (where money is struck)

3 bowl (of a tobacco pipe) 4 ridge, hill 5 small hill, mound (on a

transitive [past: ] 1 to clink, tap with

grave) 6 hooded cloak (of a bird hunter) 7 idiom

wig camomile
2 op m. 1 obsolete groom 2 jumper
opid r regional muzzleloader (rifle)
to r m. knife (butcher's)
ok f. 1 spell, incantation to charm away (an

something 2 to strum with something 3 to strum or pick at

something 4 to play (on stringed and percussion instruments)

ang f. 1 obsolete tenga (coin equal to Afghan) 2 money;

riches, substance

angah r m. 1 knock; persistent tapping 2 sound (of rifle,

pots and pans, etc.) 3 jingling 4 noise (of music)

illness) 2 amulet 3 gift made by the bridegroom's family to the

angedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to clink 2 to squeak

3 to jingle 4 to sound (of musical instruments)

relatives of the bride

ann 1 cowardly 2 lying, mendacious

ubkhj m. high sand dune
ubkj m. 1 hole 2 pit, abyss
ubj m. sand dune overgrown with grasses
1 op m. 1 jumping; jump; leap triple jump
high jump broad jump pole vault
a to jump; to leap to
jump for joy b to jump, do competition jumps to do
the high jump c to recoil, jump away, jump aside to
begin to jump to run hopping and skipping, hop and
skip proverb Don't bite off more than
you can chew. Pride cometh before a fall. 2 beating

up, be torn up into small pieces b to be broken up, be pulverized

plot of land 3 note; chit 4 patch

to apply a patch, patch 5 fabric, cloth
cotton fabric, cotton cloth idiom a cruel battle
had arisen idiom to trouble, grieve
1 uj m. thigh
2 uj f. [plural: uj plural: ujg ni] 1
wooden goblet; bowl 2 tankard

woodpile 4 trade premium, bonus

(added to goods purchased) 5 stupa (a hemispherical or

cylindrical tower serving as a Buddhist shrine) 6 cap with earflaps

up tautological with
oppnj m. competitive jumping (high jump)
upkhn m. pile, heap (i.e., of earth)
opk m. musket flintlock
musket rifle shotgun

regional military to come to present arms

opakch m. regional 1 rifleman 2 sniper

opakgraj gunsmith
opakvl m. rifleman; man armed with a rifle
opakj f. clumsily covered arch or vault of an irrigation

tokam r m. sorcerer, witch doctor,

2 sector, plot

op m. 1 heap; pile 2 stack, rick, straw stack 3 built-up

pile, arranged stack

tokj f. 1 kneecap, patella 2 wooden bowl 3 femur

o f. 1 piece, small piece; part compound verb to
tear, tear to pieces a to cut up carelessly, tear into
small pieces b to break up, pulverize a to be torn

the beating of a heart, heartbeat


okach m.

quack; exorcist

opl m. 1 crown, coronet 2 headgear; cap 3 peak (e.g., of a


children's game

caracul cap;

to have a

slight cough 2 clearing of the throat

ukhl transitive [past: ] to cough

1 ukhla f. ukhlaj m. whooping cough
He has whooping cough.

ukhalj f. quilted, hat, padded cap

ukhavl transitive [past: ] 1 to cause to cough 2
to have a tickle in the throat

kha f.
ukhh r m. intermittent coughing, slight coughing
ukhj m. cough a dry cough He has a
cough tukh I have a cough.
ukhedl intransitive [past: ]to cough I
have a bad cough.

opn m. world, universe

opn j m. traveler, wayfarer
1 opanj f. pile (of earth, etc.)
2 opnj m. 1 man-of-the-world; well-traveled person
opogrf f. topography
pa f. dialect miracle, performance of a miracle
1 opj f. 1 cap, helmet fez

3 u f. 1 boasting, bragging 2 slander

4 avj m. box
ol m. 1
ukh 1 m. cough to cough

1 urj m. small ear of corn

2 orj m.
3 orj tautological with
1 os m. piece of toasted white bread
2 us tautological with
us n m. large hailstones (in spring)
ugh 1 bent, curved, distorted 2 stooped, kyphotic,

high conical lambskin hat 2 crown (of a hat); upper part of a cap

Pashto-English Dictionary

ukl transitive [past: ] 1 to pound; crush, grind, husk

(corn, etc.) 2 to cut into chops (meat) 3 to hew, cleave asunder

ughtugh 1 extremely curved, distorted 2 markedly

hunchbacked 3 hunched up

a to sit with hunched

back; hunch oneself up b to huddle oneself up c to sneak silently

(with a stone, sledgehammer) 4 to hem (cloth) 5 to hit, strike,


beat someone

ughak m.


ughakj m. plague, epizootic (of birds,

2 ughkj diminutive of
ughavl denominative, transitive
curve, twist 2 to arch, hunch


okm r

1 to bend,

ughedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

bent, be curved, be distorted, be twisted 2 to stoop, become bent

lose interest; feel an aversion to something

silk fabrics

3 ukj m.
4 ki plural of 1
5 uk plural of 2
6 ki plural of 3
7 uk m. cotton fabrics dealer
ukj f. large knife, large butcher's knife; kitchen knife
ki-kli f. plural jokes, pleasantries; humor
ukedl intransitive [past: ]1 to grow, germinate, put

ukedna f. 1 germination 2 swelling, swelling up 3

ripening (of ears of corn, etc.)

to grow cold towards,

ukkh r m. lickspittle, toady

1 ukr m. 2
2 ukr m. cage (for birds)
3 okr old person, one who has lived a long life
1 ukr f. 1
2 okr f. large basket
1 ukrj m. 1 piece, small piece of something


fall to pieces, disintegrate 2 length (of cloth) 3 blanket, coverlet

okj f. Tokyo
1 aul m. val towel (Turkish, terrycloth)
2 ol m. obsolete 1
3 ol pronoun 1 all the entire city the entire
world All are working.
Everyone left for home. better than everyone
more than everyone 2 predicative those who have gathered
The people have assembled.
4 ul m. tulle (cloth)
ol- l as soon as, all-in-all
oltn m. meeting place; collection point
olzrmaj m. state treasury
olgr m. [plural: olgr plural: olgr n]
beggar, pauper, mendicant

to cut (carelessly) up

olgj m. olgj f. 1 class (in school); year (in a

university) 2 group, small detachment; formation

into pieces; cut into pieces, cut into bits

transitive [past: ] 1 to grow, cultivate 2

corn, etc.)

This matter bored me. This had become repugnant. 2


out shoots, sprouts 2 to swell, swell up 3 to ripen (of ears of

knife, butcher's knife

2 okrj f. 1 basket 2 peddler's tray

3 ukr plural of 1
4 okr plural of 2
ukrejl transitive [past: ]

2 chopped off

figurative to evoke, bring forth (e.g., sympathy)

someone (in a dispute)

2 ok thick (of cloth)

3 uk tautological with
1 uk m. growth, germination (of seeds)
2 uk m.
uk r m. 1 aversion; hostility


1 ka f.
2 uk f. dry cow
3 ka f. well shaft (of a kariz, or irrigation system)
1 ok m.
2 kaj m. 1 part, piece to break in half 2
length (piece of cloth) 3 cloth, cotten textiles tki

to m. blacksmith
tu m.
tom r m. fool; jester, joker, clown
a f. joke; anectode fun and games to
joke, jest to ridicule somebody idiom
Why has this happened to you?
ta-tk la f. 1 joke, pleasantry 2 humor
1 o m.
2 i e Eastern plural of
1 tuk m. [plural: ukna plural: tuk n] Western
1 piece, part to cut into parts 2 charity, alms
to beg, live by begging, live on charity 3
volume Volume One idiom to rebuff

ok 3
uk f. ukj

uklj m. sewing (by hand)

uklaj 1 past participle of

a chop (cut of meat)

forward flock 3 small flock 4 association, society, organization

olgjv l m. classmate, schoolmate

ollk m. 1 office 2 ledger

Pashto-English Dictionary

olmshr m. olmshr 1 commander (commanding general

officer) Commander-in-Chief 2 emir, ruler

olmshr f. 1 command group 2 control element,

Friendship Society 3 population 4 biology society 5



decrease, contract, shrink


la 1 feminine singular & masculine plural of

2 in all,

sum, total In all, five men came.

2 ol f. begging, mendicancy
la- la feminine singular of
1 olj m. 1 group, detachment 2 company
2 olj f. 1 group 2 detachment (100 to 200 men) 3
company; batallion (i.e., artillery) squadron
oledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
assembled; be mustered; be convoked ! Fall in! 2 to be

gotten in, be gathered (harvest) 3 to be acquired, be amassed 4 to

be retracted (e.g., aircraft landing gear) 5

to be

compressed (lungs); be contracted (muscles)

oljmshr m. oljmshr captain (army)

oljmshr f. captaincy, rank of captain
um m. Eastern 1 instigation, incitement
He did this at Ahmed's instigation. 2 advice, counsel
umb m. 1 prick, jab 2
umbl transitive [past: ] 1 to nail, affix (with a pin,
tack) 2 to plunge in, stick into 3 to dig into, pick (e.g., the teeth)

ungr f.
ungrejl ongrejl

umbnaj m. toothpick
umbedl intransitive [past: ]

1 to be nailed, be

tacked, be pinned 2 to be plunged into, be stuck into

unna f. ear, cob (of corn)

transitive [past: ] 1 to

pinch 2 to peck (of a bird) 3 to irritate, rouse, arouse 4 to

ungl transitive [past: ] to get someone's attention

(by beckoning with the finger, or a slight wink)

ungra f.
ungavl transitive
1 nga onga f. Eastern beak to peck
to peck to death
2 nga f. 1 joint, phalange (of the finger) 2 back of the leg
hik regional 4
hik k hikh k regional I am
not hurt. I'm OK. All is in order.
hka 1 feminine singular of 2 f. regional rightness
I am right.
e f. name of the letter
eb f. regional tuberculosis He is ill with

ipch f.
epr m. [plural:
turnip, rutabaga

eprna plural: epr] Eastern

eprkaj f. short person

epj f. stomach, craw (of a bird)
i 1 low, low-lying; undersized, stunted plain,
depression 2 bent, stooping to steal up on, sneak up

on; creep, slink 3 crooked, bent 4 lower, located below 5 lowest

in tone (of sound) 6 figurative base, mean, low (of a person)

to scorn, despise 7 vile, debased

lower appetites, base cravings

i raj m. lapwing, pewit

i kaj m. land holdings, property
i l m. 1 meanness, baseness; degradition (moral) 2 cunning,
fraud to be deceived, be cheated 2 a to act

4 to extract (a splinter, etc.) 5 to beat an opponent (e.g., of a cock

in a cockfight)

ung ra f. 1 pinch 2 peck 3 irritation; excitement 4

incitement, instigation, provocation

dirty tricks in an underhanded manner 6 to curse, abuse, revile,

(harvest) 3 to convene, convoke 4 to join, unite 5 to pile up,


accumulate, amass (wealth) 6 to lift up, retract (hand, leg, landing

to negotiate about something; decide jointly 3 lancet;

instigate a quarrel, incite a quarrel, provoke to a quarrel 5 to play

lo f. oblique plural of 3
olv k m. olv kmn m. monarch, ruler, king
olvki f. monarchy, kingdom
olavl denominative [past: ] 1 to gather
to gather flowers to collect information
to assemble a collection 2 to take in, bring in
! Pull your legs in! idiom
to decline


control commission 6 [plural:

olni] circles, spheres political circles idiom

the Diplomatic Corps Friday

gear, etc.)

ung m. ong 1 irritation, arousal, excitement

to irritate; excite b to instigate, incite 2 advice, counsel

leadership 3 governing, government

olnpha f. social science

olna f. 1 meeting; conference; council
extraordinary session to meet; arrange a meeting
We met at my place. 2 society;
organization the Pashto Academy

uns m. Tunis

basely, act viley b to cheat, swindle, deceive

ip s m. flattery, adulation, servility; cringing

i-p 1 quite low 2 bent down
itb m. shortness, smallness of stature
ar m. regional theatre
istrgaj ashamed, with downcast eyes

Pashto-English Dictionary

itsh nta rather low, rather short; small of stature, small of


low mountains

iakj 1 short, short of stature 2 m. short person

itki f. plural 1 jerking 2 twitching, kicking

3 iakj f. kneecap
4 ike plural of
itmiz dzha m. low, mean, base
itv laj m. 1 short stature, shortness 2 bend, curvature
fall, lowering, reduction reduction of prices 4

ik m. 1 decoration or ornament worn on the forehead 2

ik 1.1 true, correct; extract


communication is perfectly correct. 1.2 fitting, appropriate 2.1

precisely, exactly

We left at

precisely five-thirty. 2.2 fully, completely


submissiveness, humility 5 degradation (moral)

itavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to incline,

bend, bow 2 to curve, distort 3 to lower, hang (e.g., the head) 4

to bring down, reduce 5 figurative to be little (e.g., the role, the

ikl f. lark (the bird)

ekn m. true state of affairs
ekan f. 1 lease 2 order, job (at work) 3 lodging, dwelling,


ek v m. 1 stop, rest stop; halt, (bus, tram, etc.) stop; shelter

to stay at someone's house 2 existence;
residence 3 peace a to be uneasy, be alarmed;
not to find a place for oneself b not to have the means of

a 1 feminine singular of

lowland; depression, hollow

2 f. .1 low place, low country,

The river

is flowing below in the lowland. 2.2 baseness, lowness 2.3

wearing the cap askew,

gold ornament worn in the nostril

to jerk the legs, twitch the legs b to kick, kick one another


kind of embroidery


ek m. 1 temple

wearing the skullcap askew 2 ornament worn on the temple 3

itk f. medicine nettle rash, contact dermititis of vegetative

to say unpleasant things to somebody

a-pa 1 f. worship, adoration

bend low 2 feminine singular of

down before someone 2 to go down, set (of the sun) 3 to fall;

sink, descend

ajr m.
erj m. Teraj (city)
iz m. 3
isps sluggish, lazy
esn m. 1 station

railroad station

trip after trip 2 center (e.g., tourist center)

egh m. belch to belch, burp

igh m. small ball, marble
ighamb 1 suffering from indigestion 2 figurative
disordered, grieved, sad

ighstrgaj google-eyed, popeyed, exopthalmic

ighka f. shrike
ighkaj m. ighj m.
1 ek m. 1 stop bus stop, tram stop to
stop, halt, take a break There is nowhere for us
to stay. Wait a bit! 2 peace, rest 3 break, intermission
idiom ancestral homestead

I gradually

ekvavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

settle 2 to call a halt, arrange a stop 3 to arrange to stay overnight

with someone 4 figurative to calm

to bow down,

ij hunchbacked, kyphotic
2 i Eastern e 1 feminine plural of 2 plural of 2
3 ij 1 f. singular of 1 2 f. clay bowl
e-e- cry to call a buffalo
iedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to stoop,
bend, bend down to bow to bow

subsistence idiom
collected myself.

ekvedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

settle 2 to stay overnight, arrange to stay the night 3 to calm

down, compose oneself

ekt ka f. rug with a nap

jakkhulaj ikkhlaj antiaircraft gun
ekad r m.
ikrj m. [plural: ikr] Western [plural:
ikrij n] shawl, chador

1 iks m.
2 eks m. regional
eks m. & f.
ikla f. 1 bread; flat cake wheat bread
corn bread millet cake 2 phonograph record
1 ikalj m. 1 circle; disk (of the sun, solar) 2 phonograph

2 ikalj f. flat cake; small loaf

ikzi m. quilted cover for a teapot
ekavl transitive
1 ek f. agreement to deliver something; contract
to conclude an agreement to deliver something; undertake a
contract for something

ik f. 1 tika (red mark on the forehead of Hindu women,

to place
idiom to be a

formerly with religious significance)

a tika on the forehead 2 tag, label
heathen, be a pagan

3 ka feminine singular of
ekad r m. supplier, contractor

Pashto-English Dictionary

ikj f. diminutive of 3 idiom to put verses

from another song into a ghazal (i.e., Arabic verse form)

2 ek plural of 1
3 ik plural of 2
ikedl intransitive [past: ] to settle, take up residence
ig f. gaunt or emaciated cow, cow in poor condition
egj m. kind of elongated yellow melon
el m. push, shove; nudge; pushing through
1 el l m. jumping; game, pastime; diversion, recreation
to jump; amuse oneself, have a good time
2 il l m. 1 delay, hold-up; procrastination 2 din, uproar
elefn m.
eligr f m.
eligr m m.
elml m. 1 crush, crowding; mass of people
to push, shove; push or shove one another 2 vanity
worldly vanity
elm r m. 1 shoving, pushing (e.g., a wheelbarrow) 2

elvahl transitive [past: ] 1 to push,

shove; push, shove one another 2 to give up, reject, push aside

I lowered my voice.

el f. 1 trees and bush (carried down by a river) 2 mash 3

stone dam 4 flotsam (any object carried down by the current of a

river, etc.)

elam r m. parasite, sponger, freeloader

elj m. 1 mower, one who mows 2 dialect groom
eleprinr m. teletype
1 im m. sports team
2 im m. tin
3 im m. [plural: imna Western plural:

in a
manly and steadfast manner a steadfast person,
manly person 2 persistence, decisiveness
very persistently to display
persistence in some matter to emphasize, point out

resistance, counteraction 4 toughness, strength

ing v m. order; organization, arrangement

ingtb m. ingtj f.
ing m.
ingj f. blow to the brow, slap on the brow


strike the brow, slap the brow

ingl m. shoenail, cobbler's nail

ingv laj m.
ingavl denominative, transitive

[past: ] 1 to

make firm, make stiff, make rigid 2 to strengthen; fasten, secure;

fasten together 3 concentrate 4 to hearten, put heart into
to hearten into people in the face of
threatening danger a to get stronger,
become stronger b to counteract not to
yield to fear 5 to strengthen, enhance, develop (friendly relations,

ingn m.
nga 1 feminine singular of 2 f. .1 persistence,
decisiveness I became decisive. I
firmly decided. to reject decisively ...
We require We insist that 2.2 craw, stomach (in

ing m.
ingedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to

harden, become hard, set 2 to become strengthened; be fastened

tight, be consolidated; be fastened together 3 to be concentrated 4

im n] 1

to intensify 5 to be thickened, be condensed 6 to insist, persist

(in) 7 to be enhanced, be strengthened, be developed (of friendly

(metal) barrel 2 can, tin can

4 tajm m.
1 imk
2 imk

ing r m. 1 steadfastness; firmness

relations etc.) 8 to resist, hold out, endure

regional sports half, period

m. main member of a hipped roof, strut, support
m. 1 small barrel, small keg 2 small metal container,

jub m.

jup m. 1 inner tube

(automotive) 2 tube

inner tube


enkhj m. 1 boaster 2 poseur

tnis m. tennis tennis court
enk m.
ing 1.1 firm, stiff, rigid 1.2 thick, strong, tough
thick fabric strong rope 1.3 forceful, intense

an intense desire 1.4 viscous (e.g., a syrup) 1.5 reliable, worthy

of trust 1.6 persistent, persevering

strongly; energetically

a to be


stringy, misery, tightfisted; greedy, grasping

It has been

established that 2 sure, firm, steadfast 3 steady, stable 4

fixed idiom

to affix firmly

oppose, resist; stand up firmly for one's own

sbt Arabic 1 established, proven; inconvertible, irrefutable,


stubborn, be unyielding b to stint, grudge 1.7 firm, decisive 1.8

stable, constant (of a rate of monetary exchange) 2 firmly,

se 1 the sixth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the number 500 in

the abjad system

captive balloon

sbtadm Arabic 1 sure, firm, steadfast 2 loyal, devoted;



a faithful wife, devoted wife 3

Pashto-English Dictionary

sbtadam f. 1 stability, firmness, unshakability 2

faithfulness, devotion, constancy 3 sequence

sbavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

make sure, make firm, make steadfast; consolidate, strenghten 2

to make steady, stabilize 3 to establish, prove, confirm 4 to make


cultural ties

sbit Arabic 1 feminine singular of

2 f. Arabic m.

[plural: savbt] astronomy fixed star

sbitedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

sure, be firm, be steadfast; become firmer, be strengthened 2 to be
stable, become stabilized 3 to be established, be proven; be
confirmed; be incontrovertible, be indisputable 4 to turn out to be

sarvat natural resources

suraj f. Arabic astronomy the Pleiades
sa'labmisr m. Arabic singular & plural botany salep
saaft m. Arabic culture ancient culture
safat sakf cultured

to result in destruction, prove fatal

to turn

salt m. Arabic gravity, weight; weightiness

sit m. Arabic
sil m. Arabic [plural: as l] 1 gravity, mass, weight

si Arabic 1 f. trust, confidence 2 deserving of trust, reliable,

sal Arabic 1 heavy 2 difficult (e.g., of languages) 3 lazy;

loyal, trustworthy

out to be unsuccessful, fail 5 to result in, follow from, to be the

consequence of something
from this that

sls Arabic 1 numeral third

lieutenant 2 m. arbitrator, arbiter, umpire

slsn Arabic thirdly, in the third place

slis f. Arabic arbitration, arbitrational tribunal
snav Arabic 1 secondary secondary education
2 second 3 secondary, minor, subordinate to have
a secondary meaning

sn Arabic numeral second


lieutenant colonel

to be unrivalled, have no competitor

snjn Arabic secondly, in the second place

1 snij f. Arabic second (unit of time)
2 snij numeral feminine of
snijagrd m. second hand (clock, watch)
sab t m. subt Arabic 1 firmness; constancy to
show firmness; constancy persistency in the
attainment of a goal, purposefulness 2 soundness, stability,

sabt Arabic 1 m. .1 firmness; constancy 1.2 entry on a list,

record, registration 1.3 recording (on film, etc.) 2 predicative .1

entered on a list, recorded, registered 2.2 recorded (on film, etc.)

sabtavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to enter

on a list, record, register 2 to record (on film, etc.)

sabtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

entered on a list, be recorded, be registered 2 to be recorded (on

microfilm, etc.)

subt m. Arabic 1 confirmation, proof; establishment of fact;

fact; verify

to confirm, prove, establish a

to be confirmed, be

constancy, stability 4 law basis of a claim

reliable information

medium machine gun, MMG

sal s Arabic numeral literary three

suls m. Arabic third part, third

two-thirds of the


samr m. Arabic 1 fruit 2 produce, foodstuffs 3 benefit,

advantage 4 progeny 5 results, issue

samard r m. 1 bearing fruit, fruitful 2 productive 3

producing progeny, prolific

samarnd m. Samarkand (city)

samar f. Arabic [plural: samar m. Arabic plural:
samar t] 1 fruit 2 results, issue the results
of carelessness 3 progeny, offspring 4 proper name Samara

samn Arabic 1 valuable, expensive; precious 2 m. proper

name Samin

samin 1 feminine singular of 2 f. proper name Samina

san f. Arabic praise, eulogy; panegyric to praise,
eulogize; extole

sankh n m. panegyrist
sankhn f. praise, eulogy; glorification


praise, eulogize; glorify

sanj m. Arabic plural front teeth, incisors

sanavijt m. Arabic philosophy dualism
sin f. [plural: asn ] Arabic 1 bend; turn 2 fold
sav b m. Arabic 1 recompense, reward, award (for a good
deed) a to be awarded b to deserve an award
2 good deed to perform a good deed, do good
savbt m. Arabic plural of
savb m. person rewarded for a good deed
saub m. Arabic [plural: asv b plural: sij b] 1
wearing apparel, apparel, clothing 2 classifier used in counting

proven, be established 2 steadiness, firmness, steadfastness 3

sarvt m. Arabic 1 riches, wealth 2 property

sarvatmnd rich, wealthy, well-to-do, propertied, well-off
sarvatmand f. riches, wealth

phlegmatic 4 difficult to digest, indigestible 5 hard, burdensome


It follows

obsolete junior

articles of clothing

sobaj m. regional
saur m. Arabic 1 bull, bullock, ox

2 astrology Taurus (the

constellation) 3 Saur (the second month of the solar year; 21

April-21 May)


Pashto-English Dictionary

se f. the name of the letter

sij b m. Arabic plural of
sijib f. Arabic newly wed, woman who has just married



dzhbr Arabic 1 oppressive; coercive; despotic

despotism, tyranny; violence 2 despot, tyrant; oppressor;


to announce,

to speak out openly against someone

dzhr m. 1 pen (for cattle) 2 temporary fence (constructed on

a threshing floor of reeds, etc.) 3 enclosed area for trapping quail

dzhristl transitive [present: past:

past: ] 1 to turn back 2 to wind, roll up, twist 3 to

weave, weave together 4 to vomit; feel nauseous

2 abbreviation

4 abbreviation

4 reed corral, rush corral 5 manure pile, dunghill

dzhim m. 1 the seventh letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the


dzhar m. declaration, proclamation


number 2 in the abjad system

dzhbirn 1 forcible, compulsory


tyranny; force 2 forcibly, by force, compulsorily

dzhb f. 1 skin oil container with a spout 2

1 dzhabj f. 1 short skirt; tutu 2 man's pleated shirt
2 dzhbj f. leg bracelets
dzhp m. muttering of prayers
dzhp n m. Japan buhajra- i
of Japan the islands of Japan
1 dzhpn dzhpnj .1 Japanese 1.2 m. Japanese

dzhrzhij f. Georgia
dzhrch m. 1 town crier 2 herald
dzhrchibsh chief crier, herald
dzhrh Arabic sharp, keen-edged (of a tool)
dzhrihn 1 decisive, crucial (of a military offensive, etc.)
crucial offensive active operation 2

dzhrihijt m. decisiveness
dzhrghlj m. hearth; trivet
dzhrked m. plural self-sacrifice
dzhrknj f. 1 place near the hearth where fuel is stored
the Sea

wood shed


dzhr m. f. regional broom


compound verb a to

to sweep the room

b figurative to lick off, lick up
to rob someone

sweep, sweep up

(person) 2 f. dzhpn Japanese, the Japanese language

dzhpar f. sheepskin coat

dzh t plural suffix ending for nouns ending in a vowel
carriages fruits
dzhdzh m. 1 supposition, surmise; idea 2 anxiety, concern
a to suppose, surmise b to worry about something idiom
to call something into question, doubt something
dzhkh f. pile of brush, stack of kindling wood
dzhd m. singular & plural magic, witchcraft; sorcery
to enchant
dzhdugr m. 1 sorcerer, magician, wizard 2 conjurer,

vacuum cleaner

dzhrvt m. plural 1 rotation 2 turning; shunting aside 3

return upon returning 4 getting stuck; falling

(e.g., into a net) 5 interweaving, weaving together 6 swaddling,

winding, twisting together

dzharvatl intransitive [past: present: past:

]1 to revolve, rotate 2 to turn, shunt, turn aside 3 to
return 4 to get stuck, fall (e.g., into a net)
The bird fell into the net. 5 to interlace, intertwine
The treetops were intertwined. 6 to swaddle, twist,
wrap around 7 to be woven, be woven together 8 to fall off, fall

dzhdugra f. witch, sorceress

1 dzhdugar f. witchcraft, sorcery
2 dzhdugri plural of
dzhdd f. Arabic road highway, surfaced road
dzhng old, decrepit, senile
dzhdj f. 1 old and skinny cow-camel 2 abusive old crone
dzhzb Arabic 1.1 attractive, attracting 1.2 absorbing,

dzhrvatna f.
dzhrukh sweeper; trash man
dzhrugj f. broom, sweeper; whisk broom
1 dzhravl denominative, transitive [past: ]
sacrifice to sacrifice oneself
2 dzhravl denominative, transitive [past: ]

taking in, imbibing 2 m. blotting paper


dzhzib f. Arabic attraction

physics attractive

away, separate


textiles to warp 2 to clean (with a brush)

force, gravity

2 dzhzba feminine singular of

dzhzibijt m. attractiveness
1 dzhr m. victim, sacrifice, obligation compound verb
1 idiom to dote upon someone

dzhravnaj 1 m. .1 shawl, dress (woman's) 1.2 textiles

warping frame 2 adjective weaving

dzhrvestl transitive Eastern 1

1 dzhraj m. dzhri sacrifice, obligation
2 dzhr Arabic 1 moving, moving from one place to another
2 current, present the current year 3 occuring, being
conducted a bitter battle occured 4 being in

Pashto-English Dictionary

circulation, current (of money) 5 effective (of a law, etc.)

a to move, move from one point to another b to put into

circulation (of money) c to put into effect (a law etc.)

to be moved, be moved from one point to another b to go on,

result from c to be in circulation (e.g., money) d to go into effect

(a law, etc.) e to flow, stream
journey idiom

to continue one's

accounting current account

dzharjst m. plural 1 return 2 reeling, winding, coiling 3

twisting, twining, torsion 4 vomiting

dzhredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

sacrificed saying I am ready to do all for you. I am

your slave.

My dear fellow, why

to give one's life to

are you offended at me?

one's country

2 dzhredl denominative
dzhrjstl transitive
dzhrjstna f.
1 dzh m. purging (the stomach), taking a laxative


investigative work

to spy, engage in espionage, do

intelligence collection
dzhghr m.

1 magazine, magazine case of a firearm 2

breech assembly of a firearm 3 goiter (in humans)

dahrghurd r adjective magazine (of a firearm)

dzhaghur f. & m. plural Dzhaguri (district)
dzhgh f. collar (of a shirt)
dzhkrt f. Jakarta (city)
dzhkt m. dzhk m. 1 jacket 2 kind of caracul
dzhk m. storm
dzhkj 1 curdled, coagulated (of milk, blood, etc.) 2
thickened, congealed

dzhgnj m. stag, bull (of certain horned animals), leader of

dzhagr m. history jagir (fiefdom, land granted to a feudal

a herd
noble in return for military and other services)

dzhgird r m. 1 history feudal lord, overlord of a jagir 2

dzhl f. 1 raft (of timbers, logs)

to weave lace, plait lace, crochet lace

barge 2 sheet

2 ferryman 3

raftsman 4 Dzhalavan (district, Baluchistan)

dzhl f. dzhlj f. 1 netting 2 gauze, cheesecloth 3

metal screening 4 kind of (embroidery) stitch 5 spider web 6
botany duckweed

dzhlid r

reticular; having a network

denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

observed as a custom or rule

dzhm m. 1 cup; goblet 2 vessel 3 mirror

dzhm-i the enchanted mirror of Emperor Jamshed (which showed

him whatsoever he desired)

2 dzhm m.
dzhmb z

m. 1 pack camel, transport camel 2 camel which

has not yet been loaded

dzhmbra f. jujube
dzh mb f. thickets, brake; bushes
dzhmd Arabic 1 frozen 2 hard, stiff 3 inorganic
inorganic substances
dzhmdn dzhmadn 1 f. kind of muslin with flowers
woven into it 2 having a flowered ornamentation, flowered

dzhm Arabic 1.1 full, comprehensive 1.2 consisting,

composed of 1.3 rich in content, substantial

brief but substantive and meaningful speech 1.4 principal, central

(used of mosques) 2 f. [plural:

dzhgirdr f. 1 history feudalism, the jagir system 2

dzhl m. custom, rule

to make a nest, weave a nest 2

3 dzhl f. regional calamity, misfortune

dzhlav n m. 1 rower, oarsman; boatman

compound verb

dzhmi'gni Arabic

plural: dzhavm] principal mosque, main mosque

ownership of manorial land

on which mulberries are shaken from the bush 3 lace


dzh la f. 1 nest

hangar 3 beehive 4 spider web

dzhsus 1 f. espionage, agent-intelligence, intelligence


to bring

some way)

2 dzh m. 1 thickets, bushes; undergrowth 2 uncultivated land

1 dzh a dialect imperfective imperative of
2 dzh imperfective of
3 dzh a f. thorny bush, shrub
dzhzbnd m. dzhzbn m. jazz
dzhzm Arabic preemptory, categorical
dzhss m. Arabic spy, (military) scout; one engaged in

a chador (for the eyes)

dzhlav n m.
dzhlgh m. horse cloth, horse blanket
dzhlavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

into use, make a custom of, make a habit of, make a rule (to act in

purge (the stomach), take a laxative

2 dzhl m. 1 net; seine to toss a net, cast a net

a to put a net in place b figurative to set a
snare; use cunning 2 netting volleyball net idiom
floods of tears
3 dzhl m.
4 dzhl m. shabak computer science network
dzhl chalz m. computer science network drive
dzhld r netted, reticular
dzhlr m. regional edging, hem
1 dzhlagj m. religion Goliath
2 dzhlagj f. 1 grillwork (in a window) 2 netting inserts of


main mosque

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzhmi' f. Arabic [plural: dzhmi'e Arabic f.

plural: dzhavm] 1 society; group, body 2 league,

community, commonwealth

2 dzhmi' Arabic feminine plural of

dzhmi'-ji-mill f. history League of Nations
dzhmakj m. shorts, short pants
dzhmn m. dzhman m. botany Eugenia jambolana
1 dzhm f. 1 clothing, dress a to
change clothes b figurative to change, alter, transform
to straighten (e.g., the hem of a dress) to wrinkle a
dress, crumple a dress a to remove clothing, throw
off clothing, get undressed b figurative to lose one's mind
a to take off clothing b figurative to die, depart this world 2
fitting out, equipping (with uniform) 3 color of hide (of cattle)


to change, alter, transform

effectuate, put some affair in motion

dzhnk m. colloquial
dzhnkandn m. death agony
dzhnnis r selfless; ready to sacrifice oneself
dzhnnisr f. selflessness; readiness for self-sacrifice;

dzhnvr m. 1 animal; wild beast 2 bird

dzh nvala f.
1 dzh na vocative of ! Dear Shadi!
2 dzh na f. darling, dearest, dear ! !


darling! Dear Bibo!

dzh ni Eastern dzh ne vocative of

darling! Dear Bibo!

2 ! Bibo

Dear little sister!

dzhnj f. proper name Dzhani

3 dzhn Arabic 1 sinful; criminal 2 m. criminal
dzhnikhl 1 m. plural the Dzhanikhejli (a branch of the

Mangal Tribe) 2 Dzhanikhejli (tribesman)

apprehensions were confirmed.

dzh ma f.
dzhmakh m. bath attendant
dzhmavr cut out into a dress (of material)
dzhn m. 1 life 2 soul 3 beloved one, loved one 4
affectionate dear, my soul ! ! Dear Shadi!
Shadi My Soul! ! ! Dear Father!
dzhn n m. loved one, beloved one
dzhanb Arabic 1 m. [plural: dzhavnb] [plural:
dzhnibjn] side; direction both sides the
opposing side with the consent of both sides
the environs 2 in the direction (of)
1 dzhmb z m.
2 dzhnb z m. dzhnbz f. effort, endeavor; labor,
difficulty to try, endeavor, take trouble (to)
dzhnibdr f. partiality, bias
dzhnib adjective lateral, side
dzhndzh 2
1 dzhndzh m. participant in the bridegroom's procession at

a wedding

2 dzhndzhj 1 sluggish; weak 2 lazy

1 dzhndzhitb m. 1 sluggish; weakness 2 laziness
2 dzhndzhitb m. participation in a wedding procession
dzhndzhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1
to grow weak; grow sluggish 2 to grow lazy

dzhnkhnj f. large bag made of coarse material

dzhnd r lively, animated
dzhndm m. dzhndm
dzhnishn m. successor; deputy
dzhnfish n selfless, dedicated, self-sacrificing
dzhnfishn f. 1 selflessness, dedication, self-sacrifice
zeal; enthusiasm a to display dedication,

dzhnv r m.

(usually one which has been trapped)

dzhav f. Java (island)

dzhvdzhj f. 1 edging; selvage 2 hem
dzhvid n
dzhavidn f.
dzh vla f.
dzhvd dzhvid n eternal, deathless
dzhvidn f. eternity, immorality
dzhh m. high position, office; high rank, rank; title of office
dzhhtalabn ambitious
dzhhtalab f. ambition
dzhahl Arabic 1 ignorant; stupid 2 m. ignoramus, fool
dzhhil f. dzhhilijt m. Arabic ignorance; stupidity
dzhh-u-dzhal l m. grandeur, glory
dzhj m. toilet, latrine
dzhjbnd restive (of a horse)
dzhjd d m. 1 real estate 2 property, estate
ecclesiastical property

dzhz Arabic 1 lawful, legal; right, correct 2 permissable,

allowed; admissible

permit, allow

a to award, grant; adjudge b to

1 dzhiz f. 1 reward; recompense; prize

International Peace Prize 2 winnings (in a lottery, etc.) 3
regional inspection to review, inspect
2 dzhiz feminine singular of
dzhiz vnkaj m. laureate, prize winner
dzhj-i-zarr m. toilet, latrine
dzhjgr m. property, estate
dzhjgird r m. landowner
dzhjgirdr f.
dzhabb r Arabic 1 potent, powerful 2.1 m. giant, colossus
2.2 tyrant, despot

demonstrate self-sacrifice b to display zeal, work with enthusiasm


Pashto-English Dictionary

dzhab f. sleet

4 dzhbi plural of 4
5 dzhbi plural of 5
dzhabir f. Arabic 1 medicine bandage; splint 2
m. Arabic poetic [plural: dzhabinn] brow,

It is sleeting. Sleet is


dzhab l m. Arabic plural of

dzhab n Arabic 1 cowardly

a coward 2 m.



dzhbr m. dzhbar Arabic 1 force; violence, compulsion
by force, forcibly, violently 2 injustice
dzhbrn Arabic forcibly, by force
dzhubr n m. Arabic compensation, damages a
compensation for losses b forfeiture (of assets for breach of


the form of compensation, in the form of an indemnity

dzhubrnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to compensate, indemnify 2 to cover (a deficit) 3 to eliminate


dzhabrl m. kind of rifle

dzhabart m. Arabic omnipotence
1 dzhabrj m. garter (for sock, stocking)
2 dzhabr Arabic 1 forcible, compulsory, obligatory

dzhaplj m.


dzhpamrg f. wholesale deaths, high

dzhp m. worn-out or broken agricultural implements; trash,


dzhat m. shape; appearance

dzhat Jat (a group of nomadic tradesmen in western


to compensate, reimburse

dzhubrntj f. compensation, indemnification

inevitable, unavoidable

3 dzhabrj f. sock, stocking

1 dzhabl m. [plural: dzhabl] Arabic mountain
mountain gun, mountain cannon
2 dzhbl m. crowbar
dzhabalussur dzh m. Dzhabalussuradzh
dzhabal-at-trk m. Arabic Gibraltar
the Straits of Gibraltar
dzhibillt m. Arabic natural quality, innate quality, innate
characteristic; character, nature

1 dzhabal Arabic mountainous

2 dzhibill Arabic natural, innate, inborn
dzhubn m. Arabic cowardice, pusillanimity
1 dzhab f. dzhb 1 swamp 2 marshy field
2 dzhubb f. Arabic jubba (masculine outer dress with wide

3 dzhet 3
dzhatbol f. impertinence

dzhat f. group, detachment

dzhatj baseborn, of lowly birth
1 dzhe m. 3
2 dzha m. Jat (socio-ethnic group)
dzhapl m. 1 cunning 2 magic
dzhik f.
dzhuss f. Arabic body, torso
1 dzhadzh m. double chin
2 dzhadzh m. regional judge
dzhdzhakj m.
dzhidzhild kh m. cicada
dzhadzhur f. dzhadzhraj m. 1 crop (of birds), maw
2 dewlap (in animals) 3
dzhadzhj m. botany anemone
dzhadzh f. history tax (imposed on non-Moslems)
1 dzhidzhj m. pheasant
2 dzhudzhj f. 2
dzhakh m. dzhukh 1 1 2 bubble (on the surface of

dzhukht 1.1 situated alongside; located very close to; abutting,

adjoining 1.2 paired, forming a pair 1.3 flat, even, smooth, level


dzhabh m. Arabic history armor; shirt of mail

4 dzhba f. oil tank (on a press)
dzhba f. dialect
dzhab-dzhub Eastern soaked, steeped (in blood)
dzhbakhn f. 1 arsenal 2 ammunition
dzhabaz r m. swampy locality, bog, swamp
dzhabh m. Arabic [plural: dzhabhe plural:
dzhab t] front united front in the rear
to send to the front
1 dzhbj f. 1 2 stripe (on cloth, etc.)
2 dzhab dzhb plural of 1
3 dzhubb plural of 2

to be impertinent,

be cheeky

1.4 regional exact, correct 2.1 close to; alongside, very closely

They were standing alongside. 2.2 regularly, evenly,

smoothly 2.3 regional precisely, correctly 2.4 at once idiom

along with
dzhukhtv laj m. (the acts of, or states of) adjoining,
abutting; being located alongside (of)

dzhukhtavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

put alongside, place alongside, place very close 2 to press (to),
clasp (to)

to clasp to the breast 3 to select a pair

4 to mate (of animals)

dzhukht f.
dzhukhtedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to

be alongside, be very close to; to abut; to adjoin 2 to press oneself


Pashto-English Dictionary

(to, against) 3 to approach one another; to be a pair 4 to be mated

(of animals)

the Nuristani)

dzhad m. dzhadd [plural: adzhd d] Arabic 1

m. dzhidd Arabic endeavor, effort; diligence

1 adjective .1 section; separate, solitary; isolated 1.2

separated; severed, parted 1.3 alienated 1.4 special

This is a special (peculiar) problem. 1.5 separate (i.e., a seperate


a to separate, disjoin; isolate b to sever, part

a to be separated, be disjoined; be isolated b to be separated,

dzhadid-uz-zr' Arabic newly acquired (of lands)

dzhadid Jadidi (name given to the Kafiri-Nuristani after their
conversion to Islam)

dzhazz b Arabic 1 absorbing, fascinating

dzhazzb f.

absorbing story 2 attractive

be severed, be parted 2.1 separately, apart; in isolation 2.2

specially, peculiarly

dzhddn Arabic assiduously, zealously, diligently, vigorously

dzhud -dzhud 2
dzhid r m. Arabic wall, divider, partition idiom
chest, thorax, rib cage

dzhudked m. plural 1 section, sectioning, disconnection,

isolating 2 parting, leave-taking

dzhudagn 1 special, extraordinary (of a representative) 2

part. They did not take leave of one another.

enumeration 4 ruled sheet, sheet of graph paper 5 column of a

table, column of a page 6 schedule (of tasks, duties, etc.) 7
grammar paradigm

drawing instruments, case of drawing instruments

dzhadval ruled, ruled off into squares

dzhidd f. Jidda
1 dzhad m. Arabic 1 astronomy Capricorn (the constellation)

dzhuz m m. medicine leprosy

dzhazb m. Arabic 1 attraction, allurement


dzhidd Arabic 1 assiduous, fervid; active, energetic,

vigorous 2 serious (of a question, etc.) 3 bold, quick

3 dzhadd Arabic pertaining to forefathers, ancestral

dzhiddijn decisive (of measures, etc.)
dzhiddijt m. Arabic 1 zeal, fervor; activity, energy
diligently; actively; energetically 2 criticality, critical in

nature (of a problem); seriousness (of a question, etc.) 3 boldness

dzhadd Arabic new; contemporary

dzhaddn newly

2 leaning, bent 3

absorption, soaking up 4 physics gravity, attraction

compound verb


compound verb

dzhazb t Arabic 1 masculine plural of 2

dzhazbt emotional
dzhazbavl 1 denominative [past: ] .1

to attract,

physics to attract (magnetically) 2 m. plural .1 attraction,

fascination 2.2 adducing 2.3 absorbing, soaking up 2.4 physics

dzhazb f. [plural: dzhazb

Arabic m. plural:

dzhazb t] 1 strong feeling 2 enthusiasm; animation; ecstasy 3

agitation, emotion

dzhazbedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be attracted, be fascinated 2 to be absorbed, be soaked up 3
physics to be attracted (magnetism)

dzhazr m. Arabic 1 math root quadratic root

to extract a root 2 descent, extraction
1 dzhar m. ford
2 dzhar m. 1 small irrigation ditch; ditch, gutter to
construct an irrigation ditch or conduit 2 cleft, fissure

2 Jadi (the 10th month of the solar year; 22 December - 20

dzhazzbijt m. 1 fascination 2

fascinate 1.2 to draw, pull (up) 1.3 to absorb, soak up 1.4

dzhadr m. Arabic root, basis

dzhadl m. Arabic dispute, argument
dzhadv r m. zedoary root (rhizome of Curcuta zedoaria)
dzhidd-u-dzhhd m. efforts, endeavors
dzhadvl m. Arabic 1 table 2 list 3 manuscript copy,

dzhadvalkash f. drawing, sketch



dahid l m. Arabic quarrel, argument; squabble, row

dzhadvl Arabic masculine plural of
dzhud f. parting They did not

dzhadid-ut-tss Arabic newly founded, newly


grandfather 2 forefather

2 dzhid

dzhadid-ul-isl m Arabic newly converted to Islam (of

dzhar dzharr m. Arabic 1 drawing (as wire); carrying away 2

grammar oblique case


preposition, postposition

dzhar 1 confused, muddled up 2 obstinate 3 jaded, feeling

down, defeated, beaten down

dzhur pa f. sock, stocking

dzhur t m. 1 boldness, daring, courage to grow
bold, grow brave 2 resolution, determination a to
display boldness, display daring, display courage b to behave
decisively, act resolutely c to dare, take the liberty of

Eastern I did not dare to leave.

dzharsm m. Arabic plural microorganisms
dzharr h m. Arabic surgeon
dzharht m. Arabic wound; ulcer; sore
dzharrh f. Arabic 1 surgery surgical
instruments lancet operating

Pashto-English Dictionary

table 2 [plural: dzharrahj plural:

dzharrahigani] surgical operation

dzharr r Arabic 1 warlike, bellicose; brave 2 battle-worthy, fit

for combat

dzhrsk m. cricket
dzhard m. Arabic 1 plural from 2 the press
dzharjl m.
dzharm Arabic masculine plural of
dzharimpesh criminal, felonious


dzharb m. Arabic scab, rash, mange

dzharpj garrulous
dzharr-i-sal m. crane, derrick
dzhirdzhr m. Arabic botany watercress
dzharh f. dzhrha f. Arabic wound
1 dzhra f. 1 rootlet, root (of a plant) 2 cotton
2 dzhra f.
dzharzjl m.
dzhars m. Arabic bell, hand bell
dzhur' f. Arabic mouthful, drink
dzhar f. spark electrical spark
dzharkan f. action of digging a ditch (in order to drain a

dzhrgv m.
dzhirgu m. dzhrgavl

dzhrga f. dzhirg dzharg 1 jirga, council of elders, council

of tribe or clan members; gathering, assembly

The Loya Jirga (convenes to decide the most important questions)

to meet, confer; conduct a
meeting, hold a conference to conduct a meeting
with someone compound verb a to take place (of a

2 meeting, conference, gathering; convention

Conference of Writers

jirga, an assembly) b to meet, assemble (at a jirga, assembly) c to

meet, confer 3 commission 4 the adat (traditional Islamic law

code) 5 matchmakers (go-betweens between parents of

to send matchmakers, send

idiom official circles

prospective couples)
marriage brokers

dzhrgagj f. 1 commission, committee 2 colloquium;


dzhrgavl m. 1 member of a

jirga 2 marriage broker, go-between in arranging a marriage

dzhurm m. Arabic fault, misdemeanor; crime


heavenly bodies

dzhirm m. dzhirmna Arabic [plural: dizhirna

Arabic plural: adzhr m] physics body, mass

dzhurm m. Dzhurm (city)

m. Germany 1.2 German (person) 2

adjective German

dzharmo f.
1 dzhrnda
2 dzhahrnda f.
dzharandj m. 1 shaft regulating the speed of revolution of
the millstones in a mill 2 sliding latch (of a door)

dzhrang m.
dzhurnalst m.
dzharnl m. colloquial general general (chief of
tribal militia)
dzharnel 1 adjective pertaining to the rank of general;
general's 2 f. rank of general idiom highway, main

dzhar m. bachelor, unmarried man

dzhurr m. [plural: dzhurrag n plural:

dzhurraj n] hawk (male)

3 dzhar f. 1
dzharatb m.

dzharav laj m. single life, unmarried


dzharr Arabic grammar inflected, variable

2 dzhar plural of 3
dzharaj n m. dzhirj n Arabic [plural: dzharajn na
Arabic plural: dzharjan t] 1 movement, circulation;
flow circulation of air 2 flow, course (of time, events,
etc.) 3 progress (of a matter, etc.) to be conducted, be
carried on 4 trend (political, social) 5 electronics current
alternating current direct current
positive electrical current negative electrical current
idiom dzharaj n-i- idiom dysentery
dzharajn t m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 events
political events 3 processes social
processes 4 process (of development, growth)

dzharb m. Arabic jerib (an area measurement equivalent to

1952 sq. meters) compound verb

dzharibksh m. surveyor
dzharibavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

dzhrgam r m. an expert in adat (traditional Islamic law)

dzhrgav l m.

Germany 2 German

oblique form

m. member of a jirga


dzharmn m. 1
dzharmn 1.1

1 to

measure in jeribs 2 to carry out surveying work

dzharid f. m. Arabic [plural: dzharid] m. Arabic

[plural: dzhard] newspaper (not a daily); magazine;


dzharid liknkaj m. journalist

dzhrz m. sweet gruel, porridge
dzharimn f. fine to fine
dzharim f. Arabic [plural: dzharim
plural: dzharm] fine

m. Arabic

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzha m. 1 root (of a tree) 2 poison

poison, poison idiom

dzhaena f. dialect
1 dzhz m. 1 hissing 2 bite (of snake, scorpion, wasp) a
to hiss b compound verb to bite, sting a to hiss b to be

to administer

to be rooted in something

dzha 1 tangled, entangled (of threads, etc.) 2 complex,

complicated (of a problem)

etc.) b to complicate (a problem)

bitten, be stung

a to tangle, tangle up (threads,

a to be tangled, be

tangled up (thread) b to become complicated, get complicated (a


dzhu m. 1 seething, boiling, bubbling up 2 rumbling (in the


dzhaz f. [plural: dzhazg ni Arabic plural:

dahaz vi] 1 punishment, retribution

to be
to punish, inflict

punished, suffer punishment; pay (for)

to sentence, impose sentence

to be sentenced, have sentence imposed 2

punishment upon

plant) 2 Egyptian willow

outcome, conclusion 3 grammar main clause (in conditional

dzha v decorated with precious stones

dzhaavavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1


2 dzhz f.
dzhaz k-allh Arabic


decorate with precious stones 2 to place in a setting (diamond)

dzhv f. kind of decoration or ornament of precious stones

dzhavedl denominative, transitive [past: ] to be

1 May Allah reward him! 2 bravo;

well-done; excellent

dzhazr m. Arabic plural 1 of 2

dzhzir 1 Algerian 2 m. Algerian (person)
dzhazjl m. long-barreled musket
dzhazjlch m. musketeer, soldier armed with a musket
dzhazr Arabic 1 punitive 2 criminal

decorated with precious stones

dzhap m. medicine laxative

dzhdzh empty, useless
dzhudzhuj m. waterfall, cascade, cataract
dzha m. dzhak m. regional jolt, shove, shock, tremor
My heart skipped a beat. My heart went

disciplinary measures

dzhuzbz f. hopscotch
dzhizbz f. game of knucklebones
dzhuzband f. stitching to stitch (e.g.,


dzhak naj m. dzhurk naj increase, supplement

dzhakzhk m. shaking, jolting, bumps
dzhal transitive
dzhamj f. antidote (for poison)
dzhamo f. 1 medicine nettlerash to suffer

commercial stitching of pages in books, pamphlets)

dzhuzd n m. 1 notebook 2 folder (for paper)

dzhazr m. Arabic ebb tide
dzhizghl heating up, roasting
dzhzkj m. 1
dzhazm m. Arabic 1 truncation, cutting off

from nettlerash 2 lump (from the bite of an insect)


(the name of the supralinear symbol, which indicates that no vowel

sound follows) 2 amputation 3 decision idiom

dzhangj m. sound of small bells,

sound of chimes

dzhuobj m. dzhobj
dzhaavl transitive
1 dzha f. rose
2 dzha f. root (of a tree) idiom


regional to root

dzha f. 1 bark (of a dog) 2 cry, noise, din, uproar

a to go for while barking (dog) b to howl, cry out

cause sputtering 2 to sting, bite 3 to fry, roast, grill

dzhaj f. foul weather, bad weather, rains, downpours

Last month there were many heavy


3 dzhaj f. root of a plant used as an antitode for snakebite

dzhi-bdzhi f. plural mud, slush
dzhael intransitive

dzhuzv m. Arabic 2
dzhuzut m m. Arabic military unit; formation (at any level)
combat unit
dzhuzvkr f. detail work, fine details
dzhuz-u-kl fully, in full
dzhzavl transitive [past: ] 1 to cause hissing,

out, to eradicate, eliminate


to be a component of something else 2 edition (of

a literary work); part (of a book) 3 printed page

a to boil, seethe, bubble up b to babble, murmur

dzha f.
dzhaamb sluggish, slack; weakened, enervated
dzhang m. 1 purging cassia, Cassia fistula (a medicinal

adzhz ] 1 part, particle; portion, component of something else

to rumble 3 babbling, murmur (of a brook)

dzhund m.
dzngv m. rattle
dzhngah r m.

dzhuz m. Arabic [plural: dzhuzna Arabic plural:

problem, question) c to rush about, rush from one side to another

dzhuzv Arabic insignificant

dzhzah r m.

insignificant loss

slight damage,

dzhzah raj m. hissing, sputtering (e.g.,

of roasting meat)

dzhzedl intransitive [past: ]to hiss, sputter (e.g., of

roasting meat)


Pashto-English Dictionary

dzhazir f. Arabic [plural: dzhazir Arabic plural:

dzhazr] island
dzhaziraghne f. dzhaziranum peninsula
dzhizj f. Arabic poll tax; tax; land tax
dzhuz Arabic 1 petty, insignificant 2 personal, separate,





2 dzhist plural of
dzhasd m. Arabic 1 body, corpus

cadaver 2

hull, frame, fuselage

dzhisr m. Arabic pontoon, pontoon bridge

dzhism m. Arabic [plural: adzhs m] 1 body

physics liquid body

math polyhedron 2 deposit

geology continous deposit

dzhismn Arabic corporeal; physical
physical training; gymnastics

dzhsmn Arabic corporeally; physically

dzhism Arabic 1 corporeal, physical

physically and morally


weakness 2 material; substantive

dzhasr Arabic brave, bold, valorous

valorous fellow

brave lad,

dzhasurn boldly, bravely, valorously

dzhasm Arabic cumbersome, massive
dzhshkj m. hedgehog
dzhashn m. holiday, festival to celebrate
to arrange festivities to celebrate a 25th

dzhshaj m. agrimony, burdock

dzha'b f. Arabic 1 drawer (e.g., of a table) 2
smithy) 3 box idiom anatomy larynx


dzhuzij t m. Arabic plural details, particulars; minutiae

other details
dzhg m. blow or stroke with a knife (in butchering cattle)
m. sound of flowing or streaming blood

m. hedgehog

f. eyelid


dzhas m. plural 1
dzhasrt m. Arabic bravery, courage, valiance; audacity
dzhasmt m. Arabic size, sizes; scope; magnitude
1 dzhast m. plural zinc
2 dzhst to stand rooted to the ground
to make a strong leap; rush headlong
dzhustudzh f. searches to search
dzhust-u-khz m. philosophy great advance, great leap
dzhist f. kind of woman's slipper
1 dzhast zinc; zinc-plated

dzha'ba expanding, expandable idiom

official abbreviation the title of the prime minister

dzha'fr m. proper name Jafar
1 dzha'far m. botany marigolds
2 dzha'far f. grating, grill
dzha'l Arabic 1 m. counterfeit, falsification 2 predicative
fake, counterfeit, falsified compound verb to counterfeit,

dzha'lsz adjective pretense; shame; dissembling

dzha'lkr f. forgery, falsification
dzha'l 1 2 2 imaginary; unreal; deceptive
1 dzgh dzhugh m. 1 yoke yoke of a plow 2
figurative yoke, oppression

2 dzhgh m. hissing, sputtering (e.g., of roasting meat)

dzhh f.
dzhgh t m. effort, labor
dzhghangh f. botany amaranthus, cock's comb
dzhghvl m. 1 necklace 2 collar (e.g., for a dog)
dzhghbz m. blacksmith
dzhghat m. Jaghatu (district)
dzhughd 1 roasted 2 burned up
dzhughrf geographic
dzhughrfij f. geography geographer
dzhughrfij geographic
dzhughrfij f.
dzhughrfijad n m. geographer
dzhughaj f. formation of sores (on the toes from dirt,

dzhughlanj m. agriculture one of a pair of wooden

members on each side of a yoke through which the animal's head is


dzhaghal f. gravel, crushed stone, riprap

to surface

a road with gravel

dzhghnpaj m. rope fastening the yoke to the pole of a


dzhughandr m. singular & plural

dzhghn m.
dzhghn m.
dzhghunj m.
dzhgh f.
dzhgah r m.
dzhighj m. 1 woven wicker litter (for transporting corpses)
wicker basket

dzhughedl intransitive [past: ]1 to pester, be

to display persistence

importunate 2
bellows (of a

dzhughedlaj 1 past participle of

2.2 persistent


2.1 importunate

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzhaf f. Arabic 1 oppression, suppression 2 cruelty 3

offense, injury

a to oppress, suppress b to act cruelly

toward someone c to injure, offend

b to bear, put up with injury, insult

dzhafk r 1

four pairs of boots 2 paired;

even numbers

2 dzhuft
dzhuftka f. kicking with both feet

to kick with

both feet

dzhuft f. agriculture mating, breeding, coupling

dzhagn m. 1 military major 2 warrior, soldier 3 plural

obsolete troops


dzhak m. small waterbug

to cackle, cluck b to chatter, speak without a break

Don't act stupidly!

class struggle, class warfare

political struggle struggle for existence
philosophy struggle of antitheses,
struggle of oppsing viewpoints 4 fight 5 quarrel; argument
a to come into conflict b to quarrel a to go

2 dzhak m. churn; oil press

dzhakt m.
1 dzhak m. storm, thunderstorm
2 dzhak sluggish; lazy
3 dzhik m. destruction, ruin
dzhka-dzhka f. protracted quarrel; altercation
1 dzhag m. jug, pitcher
2 dzhg dzhig 1 high, towering, elevated tall house
height 2 tall, strapping 3 upright, vertical 4 high (of
voice, noise) to cry out 5 high (of price)
dzhg m. heat of battle
dzhgtb m. dzhigtb dzhgtj f. dzhigtj
dzhgturn m. captain
dzhig dzhg sound by which a bull is urged on to fight
to urge a bull to fight
1 dzhgdzhig m. dzhgdzhigj f. butting (as of
horned animals)

2 dzhgdzhgj f. coaxing, prevailing upon

dzhg-dzhr completely healthy; in the pink
dzhgkhul antiaircraft cannon
dzhigr m. combining form liver
dzhigarkh r dzhigarkhr dzhigarkhn

to war, conduct warfare b to engage in battle, join a battle c to

carry on a struggle, struggle d to fight e to quarrel, argue

dzhifarkhun f. 1 suffering

dzhigar 1 crimson 2 hepatic

dzhg m. hut or temporary cabin (for hunters, etc.)


made of

dzhagam r 1 m. .1 warlike, bellicose man, warrior 1.2

troublemaker 1.3 warmonger 2 attributive .1 combat; warring

active army, army in the field 2.2 bellicose 2.3


dzhagan k disputed


dzhagaj l

a moot point, case in

dzhagajlj 1 bellicose 2 combat,

combative; warring


dzhag combat, operational

the field of battle

dzhagedl intransitive dialect

dzhgkaraj m. glass
dzhagn sedge
dzhgntj f. kind of unbleached muslin
dzhgv la f. dzhgv laj 1 altitude; height
the altitude of a triangle 2 stature
dzhgavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
raise, raise slightly to raise the hand to raise
the flag 2 to compel to stand up, make rise 3 to rise into the air

(e.g., a plane) 4 to thrust (a point) into

to sting (of a

wasp, etc.) 5 to stir up, foment (mutiny, rebellion) 6 to develop,


straw and brush


conflict 3 struggle

a to talk nonsense b to

be occupied with trivia or nonsense; do stupid things

has suffered a lot. 2 grief

combat effectiveness 2 battle, clash, engagement, skirmish;

dzhakdzhk m. 1 cackling, clucking 2 chatter

dzhagnj 1 fighting 2 military

2 dzhagni f. military the rank of major; the title of major

the rank of major
dzhagav l 1
dzhagavl transitive dialect
dzhag f. dzhga 1 war world war
civil war imperialist war
thermonuclear war, nuclear war cold war

mate, couple


f. 1 oppression; violence 2 cruelty 3 insult,

He is a quarrelsome

cruel 2 m. .1 oppressor 2.2 offender

dzhuft 1 m. pair



a to endure oppression


dzhagv pugnacious

move forward 7 to raise (prices) 8 to mount (a horse, etc.) idiom

to gather in the harvest

1 dzhga f. altitude, height; summit; eminence; raised place,
highland mountains and valleys
2 dzhig f. married woman
3 dzhga feminine singular of 2

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzhigj f. entreaty a to entreat b

to obtain the favorable notice of someone, get on the good side of

dzhallk m.
dzhl la f. spring
dzhalv laj m. 1 separation, division


dzhgj rather high

dzhg-dzhg welcome (as a greeting)
dzhgedl denominative [past: ] 1 to tower up, rise,
rise up, go up 2 to get up, mount, ascend to get up on
the roof to ascend the mountain 3 to climb (aircraft),
make an ascent to arise in order to greet, pay
respect to someone When do you get up in


emigre 1.3 exile 1.4 emigration 2 pertaining to emigration

dzhal m. skylark (the bird)

dzhul m. 1 hiding; concealment 2 limitation, constraint

dzhl f. [plural: dzhli] girl

dzhal m. 1 hedge 2 gateway 3 thorn bushes used as a


dzhalb b m. Arabic 1 veil 2 bed curtain of netting

(protection against flies)

to suffer, experience suffering 1.2 brightness 2.1 predicative

regional burned down 2.2 burned 2.3 figurative infuriated, hottempered

weaned (from the breast) 1.3 drained (of a canal, irrigation

a to separate; divide; part

dzhalb-un-naz r m. Arabic attraction of attention

to attract attention
1 dzhalbl 1 m. .1 experience, suffering compound
verb to torment, inflict suffering upon compound verb

windbreak around a house

dzhalb m. dzhilb

escort someone

7 dzhlla Arabic
1 dzhal f. dzhil Arabic exile, separation
2 dzhal f. Arabic polishing; imparting luster; burnishing
to polish, burnish
3 dzhl 1.1 separate; disconnected; withdrawn; severed 1.2

to leave one's native land,

military service 4 physics attraction

destroyed or be ruined by a simoon b to have sunstroke



A son does not rebel against his father.

dzhged m. plural noun of agent from
1 dzhal m. 1 hot wind; simoon 2 sunstroke a to be
dzhal m. dialect moat (around a castle)

to expel, exile

dzhalvatna dzhilvatna emigre, one who has emigrated

dzhalvatan f. dzhilvatan 1 emigration 2 banishment
dzhiljsh m. 2
1 dzhalb m. Arabic 1 attraction (of attention) 2 involvement
(in something) 3 military call-up summons to

ascend the heights, succeed 6 to rebel, rise up against someone

dzhalvatn dzhilvatn Arabic 1 m. .1 banishment 1.2

the morning? 4 to rise (get louder, of noise) 5 figurative to

2 parting 3

This thought will not leave. b to be weaned (from the breast)

c to be drained (canal, irrigation ditch) 2 separately, apart, aloof

to live separately, live apart, live alone

1 dzhul b m. Arabic laxative to take a laxative
to administer a laxative
2 dzhall b m. Arabic 1 secondhand dealer, speculator 2

dialect reed

dzhalbavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

attract (attention) 2 to involve in something, attract to something

3 to call up (to military service)

herdsman, cattle dealer

dzhl t 1 m. .1 brave person 1.2 proper name Jalat 1.3

2 attributive cruel, inhuman
dzhltb m. 1 separation 2 solitude
dzhuldzhl m. bells (hung from the neck of a camel, etc.)
dzhall d m. Arabic executioner
dzhala2d f. 1 occupation of executioner 2 cruelty,

2 dzhalbl adorned; dressed up to adorn; dress up

to be adorned; be dressed up
dzhalbl sparkling, radiant, glittering
dzhalbng m. dzhabang f. 1 stinging nettle 2


dzhal r m. irrigation wheel (worked on a stream bank)

dzhal l m. Arabic greatness, glory
dzhallb d m. Jelalabad (city)
dzhalluddn m. Arabic proper name Jelal-ed-din
dzhallatma b m. Arabic (his) Excellency (in addressing

1 dzhalb m. military draftee

2 dzhalabj f.
dzhalbedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to be

attracted (of attention) 2 to be involved in something, be attracted

to something 3 to be called up, be drafted (for military service)

dzhalt 1 agile, quick; fast (of a horse) 2 rapid, hurried

dzhlta f. 1 corncrib made of wicker material 2 woven basket
to adjoin, join oneself to someone


dzhalj f. 1 agility; speed (of horse) 2

a swiftly; rapidly b quickly,
hurriedly, in a hurry to hurry, hasten
dzhalladzhal la religion greatest
1 dzhild m. Arabic 1 binding (of a book) 2 volume 3 issue,
copy (of a book, magazine) an edition of
dzhalt f.

rapidity, haste

1,000 copies 4 anatomy skin 5 classifier for counting pelts or

by title)


Pashto-English Dictionary

2 dzhald Arabic
dzhaldk Jaldak (place name)
dzhildgr m. bookbinder
1 Arabic 1 epidermal, skin skin
disease 2 leather the leather industry
2 dzhald f.
dzhalrz m. Jalriz (district)
dzhals f. Arabic [plural: dzhals Arabic plural:
dzhals t] 1 conference; meeting, (mass) meeting

2 dzhalj f. 1 cry, roar; noise, uproar 2 barking (of a dog)

a to cry out, roar; make an uproar, cause a din,
create a racket b to bark (of dogs)

3 dzhil f. jelly
4 dzhilj f. girl, little girl, young girl
dzhalj dzhalj -balj regional
(with hatred)

to confer; conduct a meeting, a (mass) meeting 2 session

of a mosque

plural: dzhamd t] mineral; mineral deposit; inorganic

dzhamdn f.
dzhamd Arabic inorganic; solid (of a body)
dzhumd' lukhr f. Arabic
dzhumd' lvvl m. dzhumd'lul

2 led,

dzhumd-as-sn f. dzhumdi-as-sn Arabic

Jumadasani (sixth month of the lunar year)

dzhuls m. Arabic 1 accession to the throne; rein

the 10th year of the reign 2 regional procession, parade
dzhilavgir f. interruption, halt; forestalling, forbidding
to halt an assault, break off an attack
dzhalv f. Arabic 1 brightness, radiance 2 the nuptial

dzhim f. Arabic copulation

dzham't m. dzhum't Arabic

1 crowd 2 meeting 3

mosque 4 class (in school) 5 regional organization (association)

dzham l m. Arabic beauty, gracefulness

dzhaml-ud-dn m. Arabic proper name Jamal-ud-din
dzhamlfurush f. coquetry
dzhamlko f. dzhamlgo f. Croton seeds,
castor oil tree seeds, (Croton tiglium, a laxative)

2 flirting,


dzhalvagar f. 1 brightness, radiance, glitter 2


dzhilav located up front, in front

1 dzhal Arabic 1 manifest, clear, obvious 2 well-defined,
large (of writing, etc.) This


Arabic Jumadalula (fifth month of the lunar year)

on a lead (of pack animals); groom's

communication was printed in large letters.

dzham d m. Arabic [plural: dzhamdna Arabic


without thinking

dzhall Arabic 1 great, glorious 2 esteemed (in official

1 dzhaljm r m. shouter
2 dzhljm r m. ladies' man; lady-killer
1 dzham m. dzhamm Arabic 1 concentration of people, crowd
2 clan, tribe 3 4 mob attack 5 lead small-shot (rifle)
2 dzham m. storm, hurricane with rain; thunderstorm
3 dzhm turf 3
4 dzham
5 dzham abbreviation
dzhum t m. mosque
dzhumt 1 at prayer in a mosque 2 m. devotee or attendant

1 dzhalgh f. hide, pelt; sheepskin

2 dzhilgh f. bad comrade, bad fellow-traveler
dzhilf Arabic featherbrained, frivolous
dzhalk m. technology bobbin
dzhlke f.
dzhlk f. push, shove, jolt, bump
dzhilkj f. girl, little girl
dzhlg f. 1 plain; steppe 2 small meadow; pasture; grassplot
dzhlga a variety of wool
dzhannj f. regional kitchen
dzhalandr m. Jalandar (city, Punjab)
1 dzhalandrj m. mill wheel
2 dzhlandarj f. 1 top (the children's toy) 2 oilcloth
dzhilv m. Arabic 1 bridle, rein, reins to lead a
horse by the reins 2 retinue; escort to escort
somebody, accompany someone idiom to speak

dzhalvag h m. nuptial throne

dzhalvagr 1 bright, radiant, sparkling

a to catch fire, begin to burn b to burn c


edible nuts) 2 nut tree

adornment of a bride

to be infuriated d to burn (with some emotion, e.g., shame)

dzhilgh m. tendril (of a climbing plant)

dzhalghuz f. botany Pinus gerardiana (a pine tree with

dzhilavad r m. 1 escorting, accompanying someone

1 flaming, burning 2

burned up, burned 3 figurative infuriated 4 figurative burning

dzhaml 1 esthetic 2 beautiful, gracious

dzhamm f. indau (oil-producing plant)
dzhamhr m. Arabic plural of
dzhamb z m.
dzhamb m. rags; dilapidated, worn-out clothing
dzhambor f. boy-scout rally
dzhmbh crowd
dzhamb f.

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzhamdzhak f. storm
dzhamdzham f. Arabic skull, cranium
dzhamd r history pin
1 dzhamdr m. sword
2 dzhamdr m. wild oats
dzhamrd m. Jamrud (river, fortified place near Peshawar)
dzhamshd m. proper name Jamshid, Jamshed
dzhm' f. dzhm'a Arabic 1 collection, concentration;
conjuction military ! Fall in! (as a command) 2 grammar
plural number 3 math addition addition
items 4 total, sum compound verb a to collect;
concentrate; join together math b to add compound
verb a to be collected; be concentrated; be joined together b to

shrink (of cloth) c math to be added

dzhm'an Arabic 1 in unison, together 2 in the aggregate; in

toto, in sum

dzham'var f. collection; gathering; procurement

dzhama'khrch m. credit and debit account
dzhama'd r m. 1 military obsolete officer rank

regional overseer, guard (prison) 3 regional military junior


dzhuma'g f. obsolete 1 scholarship money, stipend paid to

pupils on Fridays 2 gift from pupils to a teacher offered on


dzham'niz m m. military close order

1 dzhum' Arabic 1 f. Arabic Friday

weekly 2

m. proper name Juma

dzhm'a f.
dzhm'i plural of
dzham'ijt m. Arabic 1 meeting; society, association
Council of Ulemas (Muslim theologians, scholars, Islamic

law specialists) 2 population 3 grammar plurality 4 riches 5

dzham-u-dzhsh m. 1 confluence, accumulation 2

abundance, profusion (e.g., of flowers)

dzhumd m. Arabic 1 freezing; thickening; hardening 2

hardness, rigidity 3 figurative stagnation

dzham'ijatkhtr m. quiet, tranquillity

dzhamgl m. kind of caracul
dzhmgnj adjective winter
dzhumag 1 weekly 2 Friday
dzhumltn Arabic in toto, in sum, total
dzhuml f. Arabic 1 aggregate, sum, total, in total
from their number, including
from this quantity 2 [plural: dzhuml] m. Arabic
[plural: dzhuml t] phrase, sentence 3 words
dzhumlaband f. 1 combination of words in a sentence 2
2 stadium

stagnation in trade; economic stagnation

1 dzhum f. 1 1
2 dzhma f. 1
dhumhr m. Arabic 1 [plural: dzhamahr] republic
the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics President of the Republic 2 concentration
(of people)

dzhumhur Arabic republican

dzhumhurijt m. Arabic republic; the republican system
dzhumhurijt m. guhutnkaj m.
dzhumhurikh n m. republican

dzhumhurij Arabic president of a republic

dzhmaj m. dialect
dzhamj f.
dzhamjk f. Jamaica (island)
dzhamil f. proper name Jamila
1 dzhn f. dialect girl, little girl
2 dzhin m. dzhinn Arabic evil spirit, devil, demon; jinn
dzhn adjectival suffix sad, sorrowful
dzhan b m. Arabic 1 His Excellency (title of high rank) 2
Master, Mister, Honorable Sir Master, Mister, Sir
Honored Teacher (form of respectful address to a

dzhan h m. Arabic 1 wing; side 2 military flank

dzhanh Arabic 1 side, lateral 2 military flank, flanking
flanking fire wide enveloping movement
around the flank

dzhinz f. dzhana 1 obsequies, burial services 2 corpse,


quiet, tranquility

dzhml m. plural twins

dzhimn zijm m. 1 gymnasium
dzhimnstk m. gymnastics
dzhimnzijm m.
dzham m. Jammu (province)


to bury somebody, inter

dzhanvr m. 1 wild animal 2 bird (usually a game bird)

dzhinjt m. Arabic crime to commit a crime
dzhinjatk r one who has committed a crime
a criminal
dzhinajatkrn criminal; felonious
dzhin Arabic criminal; felonious criminal
indictment criminal; felon; perpetrator of a crime
dzhanb m. Arabic [plural: dzhunb plural:
adzhnb] flank, side

dzhunb Arabic religion defiled, impure

dzhamb z m. dzhambz f. 1 uneven gait 2 wave
(e.g., on a river) a to ride bumpily, drive bouncing up
to wave, covered with waves


dzhumb n 1 quivering, vibrating 2 shaking, oscillating

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzhumbsh m. 1 choppiness, oscillation; rocking, jolting 2

development, progress


dzhamb f.

dzhambk dense, crowded idiom

astronomy the Pleaides

dzhumb Arabic 1 crowd 2 group,

grouping; clique cliquishness; discords 3 aspect,
perspective 4 tendency 5 grammar aspect the aspect
of a verb 6 support compound verb to be a follower, be
a partisan of someone; associate oneself with someone 7 suite,

dzhambad r 1 partial, biased 2 m. partisan, supporter

dzhambadr f. partiality, bias
dzhambam r m. member of a group
dzhant m. dzhannt Arabic heaven, paradise
heavenly gardens, paradisiacal gardens

dzhantar f. calendar old style (in chronology)

dzhannat 1 inhabitant of paradise 2.1 heavenly 2.2
marvelous, wonderful a marvelous night
dzhandzh m. nuptial procession
dzhandzh aj fading, withering
dzhandzh l m. 1 agitation, anxiety, trouble to
worry (about), take trouble (to) 2 complication, difficulty
political complications 3 quarrel; scandal a to
worry, disturb, alarm b to create complications, cause difficulties

c to quarrel with, start a row 4 unpleasantness 5 load, burden 6

unpleasant personality

dzhandzhl 1.1 anxious, troubled; embarassing 1.2


vexed question, moot question 1.3

unpleasant 1.4 onerous 2.1 f. complication, difficulty 2.2 f.

unpleasantness 2.3 troublemaker, mischief-maker

dzhandzh m.

dzhhindka f. small coin

dzhan 1 standing, vertical 2 firm, stable
dzhan greedy, grasping
dzhan f. dzhunj f. 1 flag; banner 2 Eastern signal
flag to communicate by flag signals
dzhenertr m. technology generator
dzhanr l m. dzhener l 1 military general
major-general lieutenant-general colonelgeneral general of the Army 2 general-, general's
dzhanrl 1 pertaining to a general 2 rank of general
dzhenerer m.
dzhins m. Arabic [plural: dzhinsna Arabic plural:
adzhn s] 1 sort, kind; variety 2 species, breed (of animals)
3 thing; commodity a separately
economics trade on the
principle of net-balance commodity circulation 4
biology sex 5 make (e.g., of automobile)

dzhnasn Arabic in nature, by nature

dzhins Arabic 1 goods, commodity, pertaining to things,
articles, material warehouse manager 2 sexual
dzhinsijt m. Arabic 1 grade; quality 2 homogeneity,
uniformity 3 biology sex

dzhanodz f. dzhanoz f. dzhanozj

2 percussion cap
dzhinkv laj m. dialect virginity
dzhinakj f. [plural: dzhinakj plural:
dzhinakj ni] girl, little girl, young girl

hand-to-hand combat single combat
the field of combat, field of battle to attack someone 2
war world war war of liberation
just war unjust war, aggressive war
nuclear war, thermonuclear war cold war
to go to war, attack someone 3 struggle 4 quarrel;
brawl; fistfight a to stir up war b to start a quarrel,
start a row set to fighting (cocks, quail)

dzhandzhk m. botany hedge

mustard, Sisymbrium

1 dzhandzhj duty, responsibility; obligation

2 dzhandzhaj f. botany bindweed, Convolvulus
1 dzhandzh m. botany pigeon pea, Cajanus indicus
2 dzhandzh m. cartridge case
3 dzhandzh m. 1 red chintz 2 inflamed wound
1 dzhandzhj m. [plural: dzhandzh plural:
dzhandzhj f. participant in the bridegroom's procession
dzhunh f. Arabic fault, breach of conduct, manners
1 dzhund m. basis, essence
2 dzhund m. piece (of pastry, etc.)
dzhandr m. 1
1 dzhandra f. rake
2 dzhandr f. padlock to padlock
3 dzhndra f. dzhandrj f. 1 wire-drawing machine
(of jewelers, etc.) 2 screw-cutting device 3 form for

straightening shell cases

dzhang m. 1 fight, battle, engagement

a to conduct a battle, battle b to war, carry on a war c to

dzhandzhij n] participant in the bridgeroom's procession


m. 1

struggle, conduct a struggle

d to quarrel; row; fight

a to join battle b to start a war

2 dzhung m. 1 collection of something

2 chrestomathy,

collected writings

3 dzhung camel calf

dzhang achavnkaj

m. 1 instigator of war 2 brawler,


dzhangazmud experienced in battle, battle-hardened

dzhangandz f. starting of a war

incite to war, start a war




Pashto-English Dictionary

dzhangvar f. war; conduct of military operations

dzhangbaj m. ivy
dzhangdzh dzhangdzhj 1.1 bellicose 1.2

rowdy; pugnacious 2 m. .1 warmonger, one who incites war 2.2

rowdy, brawler, troublemaker

dzhangdzhu f. 1 bellicosity 2 pugnacity

dzhangdz j m. field of battle, field of combat; location of

dzhangjlj 1 bellicose m. 2 warrior, soldier

dzhangjlitb m. bellicosity
dzhangedl intransitive [past: ]1 to war; wage war
to wage war to a (victorious) conclusion 2 to
struggle to struggle for freedom 3 to engage in
conflict a to war with
another party b to engage in conflict with someone 4 to quarrel

military operations, arena of military operations


dzhangr battle-worthy; combatative

worthy army

2 dzhangr f. pitchfork
dzhangrz m. 1 field of battle, field of combat

1 dzhang 1
2 dzhang m. thicket, bushes
3 dzhunga f.
dzhangl m. woods; bushes
dzhangalb gh m. grove; park; stands of trees
dzhangalbn f. forestry
dzhangalk m. Jangalyak (district of Kabul)
1 dzhangl f. 1 grille window 2 parapet; railing on a roof;
border rail

2 dzhangl oblique singular of

dzhangal adjective 1 pertaining to tree, forest, or lumber


dzhngnj m. goat kid born in winter

dzhang-u-dzhadl 1 struggle 2 conflict; collision
dzhangraj m. skirmish, fight, encounter
dzhangavl transitive [past: ] 1 to cause to go to
war; compel to engage in warfare 2 to cause to collide, incite two

a to

incite to war, compel to fight against one another b to collide with

one another; quarrel with one another

1 dzhang f. plow handle

2 dzhang f. excessive profits; excess profits
3 dzhnga feminine of 3
1 dzhang 1 m. warrior, soldier 2.1 warlike; military
warrior military aircraft military
feats ammunition 2.2 bellicose warlike
spirit; bellicosity 2.3 military operational, line, front-line
line personnel 2.4 literature epic
2 dzhungj m. camel calf
3 dzhungj well-cut, well-formed (of clothing, etc.)
4 dzhungj m. long woolen stockings
5 dzhungj m. (short) jacket
6 dzhangj f. thicket, grove, coppice; planting (of mulberry

dzhanged m. plural 1 conduct of war 2 struggle for

something 3 fight 4 quarreling

a battle-

withdrawl while fighting battles

parties to fight, set dogs on

to engage in dissention with someone;

cause feuds 5 to allude to, touch upon

dzhangdid experienced in battles, experienced in military

dzhin nivlaj possessed, obsessed

dzhinva f. Geneva (city)
1 dzhanb m. Arabic south south of the
city dzhanub-i southeast dzhanub-i
southeasterly dzhanub-i southwest
dzhanub-i southwesterly

2 dzhumub m. Arabic plural of 1

dzhanubkhatz southeasterly
dzhanublvedz southwesterly
dzhanub southern
dzhnut raj m. tender youth, delicate youth
dzhnote f. little girl
dzhanvar f. January
dzhunn m. Arabic madness, insanity
dzhununi mad, insane
1 dzhnj f. dzhinj Eastern 4
2 dzhinn Arabic 1 obessed; possessed 2 obstinate, stubborn
dzhanin m. Arabic biology fetus, embryo
dzhdzh m. kind of cartridge
dzhadzhuk m. person given to subterfuges or excuses;
person who is evading something

dzhaa-dzhaa f. subterfuge, excuse; evasion; equivocal

without subterfuges, without excuses
evasively to use evasions, try to get out of
1 dzhav m. Arabic air, atmosphere
2 dzhav m. singular & plural botany oats
dzhav b m. Arabic 1 answer a definite answer
an indefinite answer, evasive answer; a refusal,
declination quarrel, altercation, wrangling to
answer to receive an answer 2 dismissal, discharge 3
refusal a to give an answer b to fire, release c to
dismiss proverb literally As the question
is, so is the answer. figurative Do unto others as you would have
them do unto you.

dzhavbdh responsible, carrying responsibility,

responsible for something


Pashto-English Dictionary

dzhavbdeh f. responsibility
dzhavbnm f. written answer
dzhavb Arabic given in answer, answering
1 dzv r m. dzav r plural maize, corn sorghum
maize, corn
2 dzhiv r m. Arabic vicinity; proximity
near to him; in proximity to him

dzhavrpk f. shelling maize, shelling corn

dzhuvrkra f. section of land sown with maize or corn;
field with corn, maize crop

dzhavrgr m.
dzhvrgra f.
1 dzhvr m. dzhuvr plural, sometimes singular



2 dzhavr f. card game; gambling game

3 dzhvrj m. corn bread
dzhavrigr m. card player; gambler
dzhvrna f. 3
1 dzhav z m. Arabic 1 authorization, pass

dzhavtk 1 adjoining 2 close

dzhavtaki f. plural 1 constellation of two stars
to be

(certification of completion of an institution of learning) 5


certificate, document

to support someone (in an affair or an undertaking)
to have dealings with a fool
dzhvl m. dzhuvl porter; stevedore
dzhvlitb m. dzhuvlitb work of a porter or stevedore
dzhavm' m. Arabic plural of 2 and 1
dzhav n
dzhavnb m. Arabic plural of
dzhavntb m.
dzhavnmrd m.
dzhavnv n m. botany Amni copticum, Trachyspermum
dzhv l m. dzhuv l bag, sack idiom

copticum (a kind of herb)

1 dzhivan m. dzhiuvan calf, bull calf in the third year

2 dzhavn f. sprout to sprout
dzhavn f.
dzhavnidn f. pimple
dzhavhr m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 [plural:
dzhavhirna Arabic plural: dzhavhir t] precious
stone; jewel

dzhavhirkhn f. storage place for valuables or jewels;

precious stones

dzhavhir m. jeweler

2 jumps,

leaps 3 jerking the feet

dzhavtavl transitive [past: ] to harness, harness

up, hitch up

dzhavtavl denominative [past: ] to make clear,

apparent; explain; establish (through explication)


forming a pair; even

permitted 2 licence 3 certificate, document 4 diploma

dzhav z m. press (for extracting juice, oil, etc.)

dzhavzlk m. dzhavznm 1 licence

dzhub f. sheet, towel (for wiping, drying)

dzhob m. dewlap
dzhbl dialect
dzhoblabl transitive
dzhbla f. dialect
dzhobld intransitive
dzhob f. market
dzhopa f. 1 caravan caravan road
to be in the caravan transport business; in groups 2 group,
pile 3 turn (as in "your turn") 4 batch (of goods)
dzhopaangh m. caravansari
dzhopamshr m. caravan leader
dzhopav l m. member of a caravan
1 dzhavt clear, evident; elucidated; established
2 dzhavt 1 adjoining sitting alongside

dzhavatavna f. explanation; establishment (i.e., of a fact)

1 dzhot dzhavtj adjective 1 draught, draft, work 2
domestic a draft, work animal b domestic animals

regional commonplace, everyday

2 dzhutj f. slipper; shoe (woman's)

dzhavatedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] to

become clear, become evident; be explained; be established

1 dzhu 1 sad 2 vain, idle, futile 3 spurned, rejected

2 dzhu m. buffalo calf
3 dzhu m. plural jute
dzhutavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to

grieve, upset 2 to reject, spurn 3 to spend vainly, spend uselessly

1 dzho m. 2
2 dzhu f. garbage; leavings, leftovers
3 dzhu false, counterfeit
dzhuj f. 1 swinging to rock, swing 2
drowsing a to rock b to nod, drowse
dzhudzhra f. dzhudzhraj m. 1 dewlap

2 double

chin 3 craw, crop (of a bird) 4 military magazine (of a rifle,


dzhdzha-mdzhdzha f. God and Magog

dzhodzhis m. sports jiujitsu
dzhukhtavl denominative, transitive
dzhukhtv laj m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzhud m. Arabic generosity

dzhavdr m. denominative, transitive

Secale cereale Afghanicum

dzhavr m. Arabic violence

2 wild rye,

to coerce, torture,


3 dzhor m. quality of being well-cooked (of rice)
dzhavartj f.
dzhordzhun m. Georgetown (city)
dzhavrs m. Javras (kind of apple)
dzhorka f.
dzhormla fat (of cattle)
dzhurnlst m.
dzhavarv laj m.
1 dzhurj m. dzhurj f. tankard, quart (measure used in

dzhok aj m. stone (monument) erected as a token of

dzholk m. 1 reconciliation, peaceful settlement 2 peace


dzhung m.
dzhov laj m. 1 health

dzhub m. splash (water)

dzuobj m. waterfall
dzhoravl [past: ] 1.1

regulate, adjust 1.4 to create, form; shape 1.5 to rehabilitate 1.6

to sew

to sew a dress 1.7 to cut hair 1.8 to heal, cure

1.9 to lay out (a park, garden, etc.) 1.10 to settle (a quarrel) 1.11

convene (a meeting, conference, etc.) 1.13 to draw up, draft (e.g.,

a plan, document) 1.14 to compose (a story, song, etc.) 1.15 to

to penetrate (into the

set up, start (a hubub, noisy row, etc.) 1.16 to dress up; to array

Are you well? quite hale and

to inquire of someone about
the health of his relatives 1.3 sufficient
There is enough water in the aryk 1.4 convened (of a
conference) 1.5 ready; prepared; made ready 2.1 indeed, quite
just today, on this very day 2.3 at

once, immediately 2.4 accordingly 2.5 just right (of dress)

2 dzhu m. 3
dzho b 1.1 m. handsomeness; beauty; elegance

1.2 m.

appearance, form 2 beautiful (of clothing)

dzhobedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to grow prettier 2 to take shape, form

dzhu nga f. 1 strip of old cloth 2 icicle

dzhoav imperfective of
dzhotz f. greeting to arise in order
to greet Eastern to exchange greetings
dzhotb m. dzhotj f. 1 health 2 well-being 3
state of being well-adjusted, regulated 4 readiness; preparation,

(in) 1.17 to be a part of something 1.18 to get, obtain (e.g.,

passport) 2 m. plural


dzhoavlo oblique plural of

dzhoavlo Eastern imperfective of vice

dzhoavna f.
dzha f. harmony, peace

get along with him.

I will not
He sided with him.

They came to an agreement with them.

2 dzha feminine singular of
3 dzho f. 1 pair four pairs of shoes 2 match;
rival There was none equal to
him in playing the rubab. 3 clothing sent by the bridgeroom to the

to send clothing to the bride 4 song with two

singers alternating


dzoj f. gown of cotton cloth (cut in a form-fitting manner)

dzhuj f. 1 small waterfall, cascade 2 singing (of


3 dzhe really, indeed; just, on the point of

dzhoredl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to

build for someone, be built; be woven, be made (of a nest) 2 to be

dzhudzhuj f. small waterfall, cascade

dzhorht m. 1 construction, structure, building under
construction construction materials 2 creation,

produced, be manufactured, be made 3 to be put in order, be

adjusted; be created, be formed; be shaped 4 to be created, be
formed; be shaped; arise 5 to be rehabilitated 6 to be sewed 7 to

formation 3 production, manufacturing, making 4 agreement,

them. 5

to draw up, form up (in a rank) 1.12 to arrange, convoke, call,



to build, construct; weave

(nest) 1.2 to produce, manufacture, make 1.3 to put in order,

whole, unharmed

2 agreement, harmony 3 state of

being in adjustment, well-regulated state

dzho 1.1 adjusted, organized; being in order 1.2 healthy,

2.2 precisely, just



organism, of poison, etc.)

the sale of sour milk)

2 dzhurj edging
3 dzhavre f. plural dialect 2
dzhuredl intransitive [past: ]

the chemical composition of air idiom

be shorn, have the hair cut 8 to get better, recover

We do not get along with

compact, agreement to enter into a

(garden, park, etc.) 11 to be settled (quarrel) 12 to be drawn up,

compact, come to an agreement with someone 6 system (of

government organization) 7 composition, make-up

to get better, recover 9 to heal (of a wound) 10 to be laid out

be formed up (in a line) 13 to be arranged, be convened, be

called, be conducted (a meeting, conference) 14 to be drawn up,

be drafted (plan, document) 15 to be composed (story, song, etc.)

Pashto-English Dictionary
16 to be started up (noisy row) 17 to be dressed up, be arrayed in
18 to consist of something 19 to get along with someone 20

[past: ]to be decided; set about an affair or piece of


dzhoed m. plural 1 construction, structure 2 production,

manufacture, making 3 putting into order; adjusting 4 creation,

forming; shaping; origin 5 rehabilitation 6 sewing; needlework 7

haircut 8 recovery, return to health 9 healing (of a wound) 10
laying out (garden, park, etc.) 11 settling (a quarrel) 12 forming
up, drawing up (in a line) 13 arrangement, convening, conducting

dzhughedl intransitive
dzhauf m. Arabic anatomy cavity
1 dzhuk m. weight
2 dzhuk m. 1 place where a camel lays to rest

2 melting

down (boiling down sugar)

3 dzhavk m. linnet
dzhukl dzhakl transitive [past: ] to weigh
dzhukm r m. fire man, fire tender (in the boiling down of

(a meeting, conference, etc.) 14 drafting, drawing up (plan

dzhaukb coarsely ground, crushed (of corn)

document, etc.) 15 composition (story, song, etc.) 16

dzhka f. leech idiom

It was useless.

construction, design (e.g., aircraft)

It was of no avail.

dzhavz m. Arabic plural nut; nuts betel nut

dzhavz f. Arabic 1 astronomy Gemini 2 Javza (the third

dzhukedl intransitive [past: ]to be weighed

dzhog m. figurative vegetation eaten by camels (literally:

month of the solar year; May-June)

dzhavzbuj f.

dzhozdzh n m. history Jozjan (district)

Jozjan Province

camel bush)

dzhavz f. nutmeg
dzhavs m. 1 field, square 2 courtyard (of a house)
dzhavsr closely adjoining; located alongside
dzhavsaravl denominative, transitive [past: ]


place up against; place alongside

dzhavsaredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

adjoin closely; take up a position alongside

dzhus f. face

dzhavsa f. wall cupboard

dzhosh m. 1 disturbance; excitement 2 ardor, fervor, elan,

to sing with fervor 3 boiling

a to begin to boil b to boil 4 passion 5
welding to weld 6 to grow together, knit up
a to begin to boil b to boil c to grow together, knit
dzhoshnd f. medicinal extract, decoction
dzhoshkharsh m.
dzhoshn k exciting, rousing (of a speech, of words)
dzhosh-u-kharsh m. ardor, fervor, elan, enthusiasm
dzhoshavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

boil 2 to pour boiling water over, scald

dzhuht dzhuhht
dzhugh m. 1
dzhu kaj m. 1 dimple 2 bottom (of a dish, pot)
1 dzhud subject to, dependent on
2 dzhud roasted to roast to be

dzhurj m. hole; crack; opening

dzhuj m. pit
dzhuundr m. beet
dzhugh f.

dzhog 1 m. .1 anchorite; hermit; beggar, dervish 1.2 breed

of pigeons 2 predicative yellow


grind coarsely, crush

yellow color

dzhol m. [plural: dzholg n plural:

dzholj n] 1 cloth, fabric 2 spider spider web

dzholg aj m. velocipede
dzholgar f. weaving, textile industry
dzhulgk m. spider mite (an insect pest of cotton and other

dzholgj m. spider
dzhavl n m. dzhaval n

Arabic 1 rotation, circulation 2

wandering, roving

dzhavlng h m. riding school

dzhol h m.
1 dzhol f.
2 dzhul j m. dzhul ji July
1 dzhol f. 1
2 dzhavl f. form, shape

to dress up as a


3 dzhol f.
dzholj f. 1 hem (of a dress)
beseech someone on one's knees

2 bosom

dzhum m. [plural: dzhumna Western plural:

dzhum n] piece of turf picked up with a shovel

dzhumb m. 1 cattle with a very large dewlap 2 man

dressed in baggy clothes

dzhomolungm f. Jomolungma (formerly Everest)

dzhum f. 1
dzhun m. June
dzhvand m. dialect
dzhvandn m. dialect
dzhvandj dialect
dzhunj m. pompom
dzhunakj f. dialect


Pashto-English Dictionary

1 dzhong m. 1
2 dzhong m. notebook
dzhong lazy; indolent
dzhongr f. dzhongj

f. 1 shack

dzhongj f. frame by which the weaver's beam is fastened

to the loom

dzhong f.
dzhungu m. uncultivated person
1 dzhongj m. baby camel, camel calf
2 dzhongj m. increase, raise (above what is fitting or

dialect plural of 1
dzhunj f. dialect 2
dzhuv m. pool, reservoir; pond
dzhovl Eastern
dzhov f. shaft or channel for irrigation
dzhavhr m. Arabic [plural: dzhavahir plural:
dzhavhar t plural: dzhavharna] 1 precious stone; jewel,

sulphate 5 figurative

substance, essential quality 6 figurative valor 7 figurative merit,


dzhavhard r 1 shining, flashing 2 figurative efficient,

businesslike; experienced

dzhih z m. Arabic 1 dowry (of a bride)

shipping company

dzhuha f. fold; crease, wrinkle

1 dzhuj m. irrigation shaft; small irrigation ditch or channel
to build a system of irrigation shafts or irrigation ditches
2 dzhavv Arabic atmospheric, meterologic
meteorologic conditions

dzhojr m. dzhv m. 1 puddle (after a rain) 2 gutter

dzhujk m. small irrigation shaft or channel
dzhojl transitive
dzhoj f.
dzho f. hem (of a dress)
1 dzhah m. unity; harmony, accord
2 dzhah 1 obstinate, disobedient 2 resolved to resist to the end
to insist (on) to show stubborn resistance
dzhih d m. Arabic religion 1 jihad, holy war against infidels
and invaders 2 vigorous struggle; merciless conflict

dzhhbaj m. botany variety of rue

1 dzhah z m. Arabic 1 ship, boat combat vessel
space ship Eastern aircraft 2 biology
vessel 3 physiology system, organ(s) respiratory
system physiology circulatory organs 4
device, apparatus radio receiver

dzhahzsaz f. shipbuilding



dzhahzv n m. 1 sailor, seaman 2 navigator; helmsman,


dzhahz m. regional sailor

dzhahlt m. Arabic savagery, barbarism; ignorance
dzhah n m. dzhih n 1 world, universe 2 people idiom
to give oneself airs
dzhahnafrz figurative that which illuminates the world
(of the sun) (literally: illuminating the world)

dzhahnbin f. 1 (world) outlook 2 knowledge of the


dzhah n hajrnavnkaj striking, staggering,

surprising the world

dzhahndid having seen much, worldly; experienced,


dzhahnsz committing the entire world to flames (epithet

dzhahngrd 1 having travelled over the world 2 m.

dzhahngr 1 having conquered the world (epithet of an

of a conqueror)

traveller; tourist

dzhavhar 1.1 essential 1.2 painted, colored 1.3 aniline (of

dyes) 2 m. jeweler

dzhahrn f. navigation, shipping

valuable 2 flash (e.g., of a blade) 3 extract; essence 4 chemistry

alkaloid; acid; compound

dzhih z m.

2 decor, furniture

(temporary) cabin 2 hut; lodge

emperor) 2 m. proper name Jehangir

dzhahnvatan 1 f. cosmopolitanism 2 cosmopolitan

dzhahn adjective world the world economy
the world in its entirety
dzhiht m. Arabic 1 side, direction 2 reason, basis
for this reason, therefore for this
reason precisely because of this, for this very reason
dzhahdzhh call used in driving cattle
dzhahd m. Arabic striving, effort to try,
endeavor, make efforts

dzhahr m. Arabic

to know

loudly, publicly, for all

2 dzhihr m. jikhr (a dance performed by men)

dzhag f. regional
dzhahl m. Arabic 1 ignorance, lack of knowledge 2
recklessness, foolhardiness a to be ignorant b

to display


dzhhmdzhaka m. thunderstorm
dzhhan f. dzhhan f. regional banner
dzhahannm m. Arabic religion hell, firey Gehenna
the Nether Regions
dzhahannam Arabic infernal, hellish
dzhahd m.
dzhahl Arabic extremely ignorant, backward

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzhahul f. 1
dzhahz m. dowry (of a bride)
dzhil m. lake Lake Sarykul' the Aral
Sea the Caspian Sea
1 dzhaj m. 1
2 dzhj f. 2
3 dzhi regional lord, master (as a form of address)
dzh suffix
dzhilodzhist 1 geological 2 m. geologist
dzhilodzh dzhilozh 1 f. geology 2 geologic
dzheb m. Arabic 1 pocket handbag
to be penniless 2 gift of food sent to a fianc by the bride's

dzhibt f.

drying off)

dzhiba f. 1 coverlet 2 sheet, towel (for

dzheb adjective pocket

dzhitj m. round, flat pebble
1 dzhe m. dzhi botany restharrow
2 dzhe m. Jet (third month of the Hindu calendar, May-June)
3 dzhe m. place near the hearth (used for storing pressed-dung

dzhe jet

jet aircraft

dzhik push, shove, bump, jolt

to receive a push,

shove, bump or jolt to push, shove, etc.

dzhidzhrj f. iron or brass milk pail
1 dzhidzh f. plural children's speech breast
2 dzhidzhaj m. Himalayan pheasant
dzhejhn m. Arabic histroy the Amu-Darya
River dari -ji Amu-Darya River
dzhajd Arabic prominent, eminent (of an eclesiastic), saintly,

dzhir f. ration, allowance; standard ration

dzhiraband f. allotment, rationing (of food, etc.);
allocation by ration card ration card system

dzhesl transitive [past: ] to oppress; offend

dzhigh f. 1 plume (on a hat, headdress) 2 crest (of a bird)
dzhekt m.
1 dzhel m. colloquial
2 dzhel m. prison to be in prison
3 dzhel m. 1 column of prisoners 2 bucket on a noria (or
water wheel)

dzhelkhn f. Eastern 2
dzhilgh m. 1 crupper (harness) 2

saddlecloth 3 cluster (of

nuts) 4 row

1 dzhim m. Arabic name of the letter

2 dzhim m. ticking (cloth)
3 dzhim m. hunting pitfall trap for wolves
dzhin m. technology 1 gin 2 ginning (of cotton)

dzhinkj little girl

dzhindzh m. botany 1 1 2 nutmeg flower, Nigella
dzhindzhok gift of food sent on the first day of the
wedding from the home of the relatives of the bride

dzhindzh weak, feeble

dzhing 1 unthinking 2 dumb; taciturn
d dzhingd aj open-mouthed; with bared teeth
dzhing 1 cowardly 2 weak, puny (of a child) 3 flabby
dzhingavl denominative, transitive
dzhingedl intransitive
1 dzhiniv f. Geneva (city)
2 dzhnu f. Genoa (city)
dzhinj f. young woman, girl
dzhiv children's speech Yes, yes! Of course! I'll do everything
for you!

dzhijordzhj Georgia

che the eighth letter of the Pashto alphabet (also called chim)
ch oblique form of the preposition 1 who (used as the
subject of the action in and the ergative construction)
Who beat him? Who built this irrigation

system? 2 who, whom (used with prepositions, postpositions and

Western To whom did you

Who made that dress for you?
For someone? In whom?
Whose house is this? With whom are
you going? Eastern ( at) someone's
(place) to whom
chb ra f. efficient woman; good housekeeper
chbj f. pan of weighing scales
chbk chbk 1 quick, swift; lively; agile, prompt 2 rapid,
fast He is going very fast.
chbktgaj light vehicle
chbktb m. chabktja f. 1
chbukdst 1
chbukdast f. 1 1
chbkavl denominative [past: ] to hasten, act
more quickly to hasten one's steps
1 chbk chbuk f. 1 quickness, swiftness; liveliness,
agility; promptness 2 speed, velocity quickly;
promptly a to be prompt, be adroit b to hasten, hurry
2 chbukj f. cockroach
chbkedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

sell the rifle?

hurried, be hastened

chp 1 m. .1 printing, print



the printing
to bring out,

Pashto-English Dictionary

publish 1.2 composition (typographic) 1.3 lithographic stone

1.4 impression, imprint 1.5 edition

first edition 1.6 to

print a pattern (on cloth, paper) 1.7 brand (factory) 2.1 printed
2.2 published, issued

2 chp
3 chp

m. military caliber


m. 1 booklet or list of written instructions 2 cutting 3


chpkhn f. printshop, publishing house

chp kh 1 open, wide-open 2 spacious, wide
chpka f. dried-dung fuel cakes
chpgr m. printer
chpl kha f.
chpls m. toady, flatterer; lickspittle
chplus f. bootlicking, flattery
chpvl m. 1 printer 2 stamp-press operator
chpavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to print
to reprint
chpvna f. printing, print
chp f. archaeology 1 composition (typographic)
to print 2 lithographic stone 3 pattern (on cloth, paper)
4 large sheaf 5
chpakhn f.
chp 1 f. 1 massage 2.1 massaged to give a
massage; massage to be massaged 2.2 printed;

chpedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be


chpr 1.1 round, around

around the garden 1.2 in

with regard to

concerning, about,

chpra to sit down at table

chperj l m. environment, surroundings, circumstances
chperedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

woman following the rule of the solitary life b woman wearing

chdar f. chador
chd 1.1 simple; open-hearted; trustful 1.2 stupid,
unintelligent 2 m. [plural: chdij n] simpleton; dope, fool
chditb m. 1 simplicity; open-heartedness;
credulity 2 stupidity; imbecility

chd-chakam r 1 very stupid 2 m. idiot, fool

chr m. dialect f. [plural: ch ri Eastern plural:
ch re] 1 How are things? Is everything alright?
! I wish you success!
chrabr m. youth
chrand m m. plural religion ablution, lavabo
chrin f. history hauberk, shirt of mail; armor
chrb gh m. 1 garden, park (with intersecting alleys) 2
Charbag (setttlement)

chrbjta f. 1 poetic strophe consisting of four verses 2

chrbajt m. singer
chrp m.
chrpr f. 1 crushed rice, ground rice 2 explosive, bullet
chrp j m. [plural: chrpj n] 1 quadruped, animal



envelop something

chpa f. buffet, slap in the face

ch m. anatomy perineum
chj f. 1 large clay pitcher 2 partition in a tanur oven

chrpi f. wooden bed

chrt r m. chrt ra

f. chartar (stringed musical


be surrounded; be besieged 2 to be wound up, be rolled up, be

chrtar sh m. boards, lumber, planks

chrdzh m. electrical engineering 1 charge
positive charge negative charge 2 charging
chrdzhavl denominative, transitive electrical engineering
[past: ] to charge
chrdzhedl [past: ] electrical engineering to be

clay storage vessel for grain

chdzhsha f.

a female hermit, anchorite;

2 domestic animal, beast


reeled in 3 to envelop, surround


the chador


chperavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

surround, besiege 2 to wind up, reel up 3 to embrace, clasp to

chd m. Chad
chdr m. 1 coverlet 2 sheet 3

colloquial quatrain 3 ballad

full, quite, in entirety 2 environment, surroundings 3 ambient

(air, environment) idiom

2 chchj f. children's speech paw, hand (i.e., palm)

clap hands, pat-a-cake
1 chkhavl transitive dialect [past: ] to hurry
2 chkhl swift pace, headlong running
chkhedl intransitive dialect [past: ] to hurry,

chch regional chchj f. 1 aunt (wife of father's brother)

2 Auntie (address to wife of father's brother)

chrchpr chrchpra
chrchshm m. 1 expectation 2 appointment
chrchalnd m. 1 move, course (of business, etc.)


chrchb m. frame (of a door, window)

Pashto-English Dictionary

chrchobj f. 1 latrine, lavatory 2 bathing shed, dressing

booth 3

ch rdzj m.
chrkhn f. 1 checkered cloth 2 chess-board
chrkhl m. chrkhvalj m.
chrkhvlk m. cock's comb
chrd ng m. four points of the compass

chragar f.
chr f. regional chrj

chrjk m. 1 fourth part, a fourth 2

1 chrek r m. 1 sharecropper (one who works for a
quarter of the crop harvested) 2 farm laborer

2 chrik r m. plural Charikar (city)

chrekari f. sharecropping
ch 1 m. .1 stammerer 1.2 ignoramus

3 Charsu (a bazaar

chrshna 1 robust, strong 2 colloquial friendly

chrshamb f. Wednesday

chrh kha four-tined pitchfork

chrk m. charak (a quarter of a sir, measure of weight
equivalent to 1766.4 gm.)

chrkndzh m. charkunj (a kind of pastry)

chrkj m. one charak weight
chrgr m.
chrgl m. [plural: chrguln] silver ornament in the
form of a flower (worn in the left nostril)

chrgulj m. camomile
chrgnda f.
chrmghz m. [plural: charmaghzan] walnut
chrnch r chrnch ra 1 willy-nilly, against one's
will I was forced to agree against my will. 2
without fail

ch rnd m. ch rnda f. gutter (around a hipped roof)

chrndkaj active; hard-working, assiduous
chrnaj m. artisan
chr m. diligent man, hard worker
chrgha f. usually plural chrghi charyki (a kind
of shoe)

chtb m.

chv laj m. 1 stammering;

confused articulation 2 stupidity 3 ignorance

in Kandahar)

ch ra f. 1 work

2.1 stammering;

speaking thickly 2.2 stupid 2.3 poorly educated, ignorant

with crossed legs

chrs l m. horse in its fourth year

chrs m. 1 crossroads 2 plaza, square

chrj r plural religion four caliphs (successors of


chrdng-i the entire world

chrdng m. male falcon

chrdevl f. 1 fence 2 rampart, wall (around a city)
chrrh f. 1 crossroads 2 square
chrzn m. sitting with crossed legs to sit

f. 1 wooden tool for making

terraces used in irrigation 2 shoulder blade

to work 2 affair

Minister of Foreign Affairs

It's impossible to
do anything with him. How to correct the matter? How to
set things right? but what can one do 2
chr 1 means, way out

medicine, medication

chras z f. 1 assistant 2 healer

chrasz f. 1 aid, assistance, succor
chragr m.

2 healing, cure

ch chae f. [plural: char] 1 knife 2 short sword 3

razor razor 4 large knife, butcher's knife idiom

to nourish enmity for someone, hate someone idiom

a to be close to death b to be tormented, suffer
idiom ter to contemplate someone's murder
idiom to oppress someone idiom to
betray someone, cheat someone (in buying and selling) idiom
to foresee, have a premonition of disaster
idiom to torture, torment
chgr m. cutler
chj f.
chshn f. 1 test, tasting (of food) to taste food 2
relish, condiment

chgh 1 healthy 2 fleshy, obese, fat 3 lively, adroit

chghtb m. chaghtj f. chaghht
chghv laj m. stoutness, embonpoint
chghavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to

grow healthy; put on weight 2 to become plump, become stout 3

to fatten up

chghavna f. 1 stoutness 2 fattening up

chghedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to put

on weight 2 to grow stout, get fat

ch m. pen-knife
chus z m. cutler, knife maker
chuzz f. manufacturer of knives
chk m. 1 crack, split; hole (in a wall, etc.) 2 cut, slit; knick
a to crack b to cut, slit, make an incision a to
be cracked b to be cut, be cut open

chkr m. servant, attendant

chkar f. 1 service, serving 2 dependence
chklt m. chklt m. plural chocolate
chk m.
chk 1 cracked, having a crack 2 torn 3 slit; cut, incised
chgla f. leather water-bag, canteen

Pashto-English Dictionary

chl m. 1 movement, moving 2 action, operation, work 3

trick; ruse; fraud

intrigues, tricks

habit, conduct 5 chess move

to use cunning 4

to think over a move 6

yarn (of 40 threads) 7 vomiting

2 chl m. 1 pit, abyss 2 anatomy cavity

3 chl m. Chal (district in Badakhshan)
chl k chl ka 1
chlk f. 1 1
chl n m. 1 starting up, putting into operation; winding up,

cranking up 2.1 acting, operating 2.2 running, showing (a film)

2.3 brisk (of trade)

chlnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

bring a case to court 2 to start up, put into operation; crank up,

chnk m.
chnmrj f.
ch 1 m. .1 sieve, strainer 1.2 screening (through a sieve)
1.3 strainer compound verb 2.1 strained
(through a sieve) 2.2 separated, filtered 2.3 purified 2.4
selected, chosen

chavl denominative, transitive

ch f. rafter
1 ch m. dung-beetle
2 chj f. 1 sieve 2 strainer
chedl denominative, intransitive
chvdzhj f. edge, hem (of clothing)
chvd m. slit; crack with great tension, with great

start (a motor, etc.) 3 regional to institute criminal proceedings 4

to send, dispatch

chlnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be taken to court (of a case) 2 to operate, be started, be cranked


chvdl intransitive [present: past: ]1 to burst,

crack open; crack, split the earth split, the earth
cracked 2 to explode

up (of a motor, etc.) 3 to be sent, be dispatched


chmp m. chop (meat)


chmp f. wave, waves (in water)

splash (of water)

to be agitated,

chmp f. champa (measure of length equivalent to the

width of the palm of the hand)

chmt f.
chn m. church (ecclesiastical) bell
chmp f. 1
chnt f.
chndmrj f. 1 firing (rifle, etc.) 2 execution by shooting
a to shoot b to execute by shooting c shooting,

chndan f. Eastern 1 case for a rug 2 coverlet (for a bed)

chnd purified (of adulterants) to purfiy (of
adulterants, contaminants) to enrich ore,
concentrate ore

ch na f. 1 piece, slice (e.g., of melon) 2 share (of profits)

chns m. 1 chance 2 luck, fortuity
chnt f.
chnghchgh m. scream, squeal; cries to
set up a howl, scream

a bomb exploded 3 literally to

grieve, be upset; figurative to eat one's heart out

chlb z m. swindler, rouge, cheat, cunning person

chlt r m. chaltar (kind of Muslim head-covering or turban)
chlchalnd m. 1 conduct 2
chlchod f. fraud; swindle; cunning
chln m. economics invoice
1 ch la f. mare
2 ch la Eastern 2 2
chl f. 1 5
chmbl m. chmbel m. white jasmine, Jasminum

ate my heart out with grief.

chvdna f. explosion
chvdavl transitive 3
chvdnkaj 1 present participle of 2 explosive,
exploding chvdnki explosive substance
chvda f. cut (on the skin of the hand, leg); ulceration, ulcer
chvdedl intransitive
chvdink bold; impertinent, insolent
chvl m. [plural: chvlna Western plural:
chvl n] plumb-bob, level

ch vla f. sluice-gate (of an irrigation shaft, well)

chvj f. permanent military garrison town
chv f. tea with molasses and ginger (medicine for cold)
chh [plural: chh n] well
chh b m. Chahab (settlement in Badakhshan)
chhkn m. well-digger
chj m. che f. plural tea black tea
green tea tea-room
We were drinking tea. St. John's Wort
chjdzhsh m. tea-kettle electric tea-kettle
chjkhn f. tea khana; tea-room
chjkhur f. tea drinking tea service,
tea things (dishes)

chjd n m. tea caddy

chjs f m. chjsfkn m. tea strainer
chjl m. spotted covering of lace (for the face), chador
chjnk m. chjnka f. tea-kettle
ch ji f. chje plural
chubup k m. ground chalk (for cleaning pots, etc.)
1 chup m.

Pashto-English Dictionary


a taciturn b silently
to be silent; keep still

chp chup keeping silent

Be quiet! Shut up!

chap 1 left (of the hand, side) 2 contradicting something,

hindering something

something 4 in error; incorrect; mendacious

to break the law

to resist; interfere with, hinder someone 3 deprived of

to lead astray, disorient 5 unsuccessful; mistaken; bad 6


chp a f. kind of slipper

chap v m. 1 raid; invasion a to raid b to rob 2
offensive a to hasten, hurry (in some matter or other) b
to attack to display impatience, be in a hurry about
something to be in an excessive hurry a
to make a surprise attack b to appear suddenly

chapvul m. history cavalry patrol

chapvavl denominative [past: ] to raid, pillage
1 chapav 1 predatory 2 quick, hurried 3 attacking
attacking troops
2 chapv row (as in rowboat), propelled by oars
chapvedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

chupj f.
1 chptb m. chptj f. taciturnity, silence
2 chaptb m. opposition, contradictoriness
1 chap m.
2 chp m. idle-talker, windbag, talker
1 chpa f. wooden pole for reinforcing adobe walls
2 chapa f. healthy girl, strong girl
3 chpa f. frivolous woman, gossip
chpchp chupchp 1 taciturn 2 quietly
chapchpr chapchpra
chapchr 1.1 smashed, broken 1.2 shattered 2 m. robbery
chapr m. 1 messenger, courier 2 runner
chapr s m. loop, noose
chaprs m. 1 courier, deliveryman, messenger
a hotel servant (boots) b waiter c runner (messenger)
chaparght m. healthy boy, healthy man; brawny fellow
chapark m. bed, cot
chaprgaj m. twig; shoot, sucker (of a tree)
chapr f. leather-dresser, currier's knife
chaprj m. small reservoir
chap kha m.
chaps m.
chapat kh f. chapabkh m. chpadkh m.
kind of game

chaps m.
chapus f.
chap f. lean meat
chap-chap f. lazy woman

chaph flat-footed
chapk squint-eyed, cross-eyed; slant eyed; one-eyed
squinting eyes, slanted eyes to cast a
sidelong glance, look sidelong at

chapk m. left-hander
chpka f. dried dung (used for fuel)
chapal kha f. slap, cuff to slap in the face
proverb the faces of 100 men smart
from one slap in the face

chapls m.
chaplka f. worn-out slipper
chaplj f.
chapna f. wooden bowl, flat dish
chapank m. child's coat
chpna f. jacket, caftan
1 chapv laj m. opposition
2 chpv laj m. silence
chp-v-ghrp taciturn to compel
someone to be silent to fall silent
1 chpavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to kiss
2 chpavl chupavl denominative, transitive [past: ]
to compel to be silent; muffle; turn off (i.e., a radio)

chapavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to turn

over, invert, upset 2 to change, alter to alter course;

diverge from the route 3 to avert something, keep something bad

from happening

4 chapavl transitive [past: ] to suck

5 chpl 1 squint-eyed, squinting; one-eyed 2 deformed
chpnaj m. end-piece of soap
1 chap f. 1 oar 2 wave 3 gust (of wind) 4 attack (i.e., of
malaria) a to rake b to be agitated, splash (water) c to
heave, wave (of a grain field) d to blow in gusts (wind) e to

attack suddenly; pelt with stones (in hunting birds) 5 medicine


on the other hand, on the

to resist 2 feminine singular of 3
chpa f. kiss to kiss one another to kiss
chap overturned, upset a to turn over, invert, upset
chpa 1 f. opposition


b to change, alter c to shoot down (e.g., a plane) d to derail

a to be turned over, be

(e.g., a train) e to spill, spill out

inverted, be upset b to fail

to be diverted from the path; be driven off course

5 chpa 1 feminine singular of 2 2 f. silence
to regard one another in silence
chpa-chpj f. chpa-chupj f. complete silence,
muteness; silence This silence did not
last very long.


chapakh m. oarsman

Pashto-English Dictionary

chapa oared, row (of a boat)

chapj squint-eyed, squinty; slant-eyed; one-eyed
chapedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
silent; fall silent ! Be still!
2 chapedl [past: ] 1 denominative, intransitive to be


chap 1 defeated, destroyed 2 finished, completed

a to destroy, spoil b to smash, destroy c to end, finish
a to be defeated, be destroyed b to be ended, be finished
1 chuk m. dialect
2 chak 1 quick, swift; spry, agile, smart 2 quickly, swiftly,
smartly ! Run (and fetch something)! Go quickly (to

turned over, be inverted, be upset 2 to be changed, be altered 3 to

be averted 4 to be saved, escape

chapa f.
1 chat m. 1 roof 2 ceiling

get something)!

3 awning 4 story (of a building) 5

chaaktasm f. belt, cincture

chaaktb m. chaaktj f. chaakv laj m.
chaakavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to


2 chit 2
chatev f. chandelier; candelabrum
1 chatr chatr m. camel in its fourth year
2 chatr 1 m. .1 blemish (from a scab, wound); scar 1.2 bald
spot, bare place to grow bald to shave one's

hasten, speed up 2 to hurry, make haste

chik f. 1 red calico, chintz 2 spot

chikad r spotted, dotted (of cloth)
1 chaak f. speed, swiftness; spryness, agility, smartness
quickly, swiftly, smartly
2 chkj m. swearing, cursing, rough language
3 chukj f. pinch to pinch
chaakedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

head 1.3 curl, lock of bangs (of a woman) 2 clean, purified

chtr chtr m. 1 umbrella, parasol 2 awning, overhang (of a

roof) idiom


chitr l chtr l m. Chitral

chitrl chitrlj 1 Chitralian 2 m. resident of Chitral
chatrkj 1 short of stature, short 2 m. shrimp, shorty
chatrj f. 1 umbrella, parasol 2 even, smooth land 3 scar
chatrj bald, having bald patches
chat m. factory mark
1 chtkj chtakj m. warbler (bird)
2 chtkaj a little bit, a bit
chatl ground up, pulverized
chatnj f.
chitavl denominative, transitive
1 chat f. 1 beehive 2 wasps' nest
2 chat 1 f. .1 storey 1.2 roof 2 two-storied house
idiom idiom a to overdo it, go too far b to

be sped up, be hastened 2 to be hurried along, be made to get a

move on

chal dirty; soiled; clogged with dirt polluted water

chaaltb m. chaaltj f.
chaalv laj m. uncleanness, dirt, condition of being clogged or
clotted with dirt

chatalavl denominative, transitive [past:

soil; clog with dirt

bachelor 2.2 idler, playboy; profligate man; scapegrace 3 fully,


chan f. [plural: chatnij ni] chutney

1 cha m. wooden mortar
2 cha a to squander, spend, waste
3 cha f. empty-headed person, frivolous person
1 chaavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to ruin,

spoil 2 dialect to end, complete

chaavl denominative, transitive [past:

eat up

cha-u-la 2
cha f. usury
cha feminine singular of 1
1 cha 1.1 stupid, absurd; frivolous, useless

to devour,

1.2 harmful,

inflicting damage on a matter or situation 2.1 f. dissipation

cha m. 1 bowl (for a dog) 2 slop-pail 3 dirty dish, dirty

chakj f. 1 quarter of a khurd

pound 3 trifle, small thing, bagatelle

b to

spoil, mar, ruin something


to dirty,

chaaledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

dirtied, be soiled; be clogged with dirt

lose one's temper

Western smart, keen, bright 2 m. .1 unmarried man, single man,

1 chtaj m. 1 1 2 titmouse
2 chtaj m. peg, hinge (of a door)
1 chitedl denominative, intransitive dialect
chatz seven-storied building
1 cha 1.1 unmarried (man), single 1.2 hare-brained, frivolous,
dissolute 1.3 corrupt 1.4 perished, ruined, annihilated
! May our enemies perish! 1.5 unclean, dirty 1.6
shaven; beardless, with beard shaven 1.7 tipsy, intoxicated 1.8

chv m. unexpected strike, sudden strike (e.g., at an

to lead a dissipated life 2.2 stupidity, absurdity

talk nonsense, speak rubbish

2 quarter of a



chaj f. 1 2 chador
chu f. 2


Pashto-English Dictionary

4 chi feminine plural of 1 1

chaij t m. to speak nonsense, talk rot
chaibar f. stuff and nonsense, rubbish
chaedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

out, get slushy

1 to perish;

deteriorate 2 dialect to be ended, be finished (to die)

chadzh m. sieve; tray (for sorting grain); screen

or grade grain or corn on a special tray

chadzhk m. trigger (on a firearm)

1 chadzhkj m.
2 chadzhkj f. rib, ribs
chadzh f. 1 weir (for catching fish)

to sort

2 ribs 3 leafy tops (of

carrots) 4 fencing; wattle fencing 5 eaves 6 medicine splints

chach m.
chch aj m. island, islet
chichkha f. generation; progeny; clan

His clan

has died out.

chachn 1 watery 2
chachobn 1 swollen, waterlogged (of food which has been
allowed to stand overnight) 2
chichl transitive
chcha f.
chach f. breast (female); nipple
chachogj feminine diminutive of
1 chach f. Chach (district in northwestern Pakistan)
2 chcha cry used in driving goats
1 chche f. children's speech hand, patty
2 chchaj
1 chkh 1 stuck into 2 m. hitching post (in a

2 chikh interjection Get away! (cry used to drive a dog off)

chkh children's speech doggie, dog
chkhpt 1 crushed down; baggy 2 figurative trampled,

chkhpitavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to trample, trod down 2 figurative to trample (down); oppress

chkhpitedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be pressed down, be crushed down 2 figurative to be trampled
upon, be downtrodden

chht crushed down; pressed down

chkhtavl denominative, transitive


to be turned into mud, be turned into slush; be thinned


press, crush, trample

chkhtaedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be trampled, be trodden down

chkhchj m. sharp stake (for weeding)
chkh m. mud, slush
chakhab f. 1 mud, slush solid mud, very
muddy 2 waste, extravagance a to muddy, make

chkhk chkhn having suppurating eyes

chkhobn watery
chkhobnavl denominative, transitive [past:
]to cause to become watery
chkhobnedl denominative, intransitive [past:
]to become watery
chkha f. mucus and pus (from inflamed eyes)
He has seen a lot in his lifetime.
chakkaj m. intestinal worm
chikhl transitive
chikhla f. dragonfly
chikhn 1.1 suppurating (of eyes) 1.2 dirty 1.3 tarnished (of
a mirror, glass) 2 m. person with suppurating eyes idiom
biting words, sharp words
chikhvl transitive [past: ] 1 to prick; stick into;
plunge, thrust into 2 to drive away (e.g., wasps) 3 to drive into,

chikhunj 1 inflamed (e.g., eyes) 2 rotting, decaying (of

a to inflame, cause inflammation b

to spoil, rot (produce) a to be inflamed b to be rotted

food) 3 unfit, bad

(of food)

1 chkha f. 1
2 chkha interjection 2
3 chkha 1
4 chkha 1
1 chkhi f. plural
2 chkhe 2
3 chkhe colloquial somewhat, a bit, a little
chad m m. archaelogy the eighth part of a tola
chdj vice
chl m. clay dish filled with food
chskaj m. chkaj m. rind (of a melon, etc.)
1 chur m. [plural: churn] basin, reservoir (e.g., in the
shaft of an irrigation system) to construct (such a) reservoir
to be washed away, be eroded
2 char 1 m. 1 2 custom
3 chr m. 1 chirping, twittering 2 noise (made by ripping cloth)
3 chatter (of children) 4 rubbish, stuff and nonsense; poppycock

4 char 1
5 chur 5
6 chre Eastern
chartj f. archaeology pebbles used instead of lead shot
chr r m. 3
charspa f. 1 rope (of goat hair, for tethering horses) 2
straps (for carrying rifles) 3 leather straps 4 means of fastening a
pack on a camel

muddy b to dilute; dissolve; blend c to squander, waste (money)


Pashto-English Dictionary

chir gh m. [plural: chiagh n] 1 2 [plural:

]a candles; lamps b illumination a to light,
illuminate b to provide illumination

chirghk m. 1 small lamp; lampion 2 glow-worm, firefly

charg charg h f. pasture
chr vaj m. imitator, emulator; man who imitates or copies
another person

chrb ng m.
charbdst agile; energetic
charbzab n charbzub n smooth-talking, flattering
chrbl m. reins (braided of cord)
chrbuj m. filet (meat)
charb f. oiled paper; tracing paper
charb f. lard; grease
1 churt m. reflection; thought; contemplation a to
think, reflect b to doze to think about something
! Don't get upset!
2 chrt m. 1 stream (of water) 2 sound (of spitting)
1 chartkj m. funnel
2 churtakj inconstant, unstable
churt vaj reflective; pensive
1 chart f.
2 chrta Eastern
chir m. (Indian) cigar box of cigars
chrchr m. 3 a to chirp, twitter b to engage in
idle talk, talk stuff and nonsense

chrchr nkaj m. cicada

chrchrk m. chrchrj m. idle talker, windbag
charch m. [plural: charch] common sparrow
charcha 1 feminine of f. 2 hen sparrow
charchr cut up into small pieces
chrchurakj f. chrchurj f. cricket
charch f.
charkh m. 1, 2
charkhl m. charkhvl m. 1 cock's comb 2 end of a
chalma (turban) worn by Muslim men

chirkhvla f. botany amaranthus, coxcomb

charkhvalj m. 1 2 handle (of a lid of a kettle)
charkh f. distaff
chard f. 1 color of the face 2 complexion 3 color, shade (of
an animal's fur)

chru m. twitter, chirping

chra f. rag
chars m. plural hashish
chars m. hashish smoker; drug addict
chargh m. gerfalcon, Falco cherrug
chrghza f. coot (the bird)

chrghg m.
1 chirk m. mud, dirt
2 chrk m. stiches, sharp pain (in the side)
3 chrk m.
chrkj m. 1 talk, chatter, gossip 2 squawking (of a starling,
a mynah bird)

chrkedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

have a stitch or shooting pain (e.g., in the side) 2 to experience a
shooting pain

chirkn 1 dirty 2 filthy, defiled

a to soil, dirty,

besmirch b to defile

chrg m. rooster

chicken meat

the poultry industry, poultry breeding idiom

They were devoted to him. They were absolutely

subordinate to him.

chrag 1.1 piebald; spotted; parti-colored 1.2 striped 1.3

clever, shrewd 2 m. star, white blaze (on the brow of an animal)

chrgb ng m. 1 crowing of a cock

the first

cocks began to crow (it was early) 2 dawn, daybreak, early


chrgbng f.
chrag-brg 1 piebald; spotted; parti-colored 2 striped
idiom wide-open eyes
chrgkh laj m. hen-house, chicken-coop

chrgsb m. plural spinach

chrgghg m.
chrgk m. hoopoe
1 chrgnr f. plural
2 chrgnrj m. serving guests chicken (meat)
chrgaj m. cockerel
chrgaj m. chick incubator
chrga f. [plural: chrgi plural: chrgni] hen
proverb Everything seems threatening
to a small man.

chrgj having a star, with a white blaze on the brow (of an


2 chrgj f. hearth
3 chrgj m. long-tailed cat
chragj-bragj 1
chrgn hen's, chicken's, gallinaceous
churl v chrl v m. 1 factory 2 machine, motor
churlj f. amaranth, Amaranthus polygamous
churl quite, completely
churlkaj m. heel, counter (of a shoe)
churlandj m.
churln charlnd m. no-account, good-for-nothing, base


churlanj m. rattle (child's toy)

Pashto-English Dictionary

churlavl transitive
churlj f. 1 churli (children's game played with nuts) 2 top
churledl intransitive
chrlajghrb m. dialect
charm m. leather
charmb b m. plural leather goods
chramb z charamb z m. outside ox in the row (when using
animals in threshing)

charmhkj f. charmhj f. lizard

charmk m. leather ring in which an axle is place
charmgr m. leather worker, currier
charmgar f. 1 leather business, leather production

chernozjm m. chernozem, black earth

chra f. pit, hollow, depression
chrok m. 1 short period of time 2 customary time period

during which irrigation water is released in a field (usually three


fragment (from a shell)

shotgun 2 shrapnel

high explosive shell

chrah r m. chirping, twittering, squawking

chirp, twitter, squawk (birds)

1 chre Eastern
2 chrj f. variety of plum
3 charj f. pot with a lipped edge
chared r shotgun
chredl intransitive [past: ]


1 to chirp, twitter, squawk

(birds) 2 to cry out 3 to moan

1 charek r m. 1
2 charek r m. imperial (beard)
charaz shotgun
1 cha m. 1 shoal, hank, sandbar 2 Eastern ford (of a river)
to ford by wading 3 heavy rain, downpour 4
crackling (of roasting meat)

cha m. collection of produce among the populace (for a

mullah or for guests)


chu m. 1 hinge (of a door) 2 crack, split

(on the heel)

chng m. tendril (of a vegetative stalk)

cha v m. slaughter, butchery, carnage

to slay,


chv f. water leaking or percolating from an irrigation well,

chap m.

chrap f. 1 smacking or chomping of the mouth

forceful splashing

a loud chomping b

chapn m. 1 idle-talker, windbag 2 garrulous

chapavl transitive [past: ] 1 to smack (lips); to
chomp to smack; chomp 2 to splash, splash out

chrph r m. chpah r

chrapj m.

chrapedl intransitive [past: ]1 to smack; chomp 2

to squelch; tramp (i.e., through mud) 3 to be splashed, be splashed
out (water) 4 to impoverish, make destitute

chatn m. sheath, scabbard

chachka f. harrow
chachokk chachobn watery, aqueous
chachobj f.
chach f. out-door party, merrymaking, feasting
to have an out-door party, feast, make merry
chacha chachaj m. playboy
chagha f. sharp stone (used in slaughtering cattle)
cha m. splash of pouring water
cha v m. sprinkling; watering, irrigating to
sprinkle, spray, water

char f. 1 irrigation ditch (in a melon, cotton field) 2

drainage ditch

to slay (by spearing), pierce repeatedly (with a lance, spear)

ch h m. 1 slashing wound, penetrating wound 2 ulceration

2 job or

spurge, euphorbia

char f. 1 shot (for a firearm)

cha m. shaft (of a lance, spear) idiom

and lips 2 splashing (of water)

chrmuchrk 1 baby; boy-child 2 little

charmoavl transitive
chrm f. braided cord
charm charmn 1 leather, leathern 2 leather-dressing
charmen charmin f. harness traces, straps
chrnd 1 garrulous 2 windbag, idle talker
churndk m.
charank m. [plural: charank] chrang m.


work of a currier

chak m. 1 fountain 2 splash 3 crackling 4 latch (door)

chak aj m. grindstone
chak v m.
chka f. stitch, shooting pain
chakj m. chakj f. small knife, pocket-knife
cha 1 base 2 m. .1 base person; scoundrel, ne'er-do-well
2.2 cadger

chaobn watery, aqueous

chaobj m. waterfall

chaobj m. salt-dryer, merchant dealing in salted and

pickled foods

3 chaubj m. dyer
chautb m. baseness, meanness
chas m. 2
chaokj f.
chung m. chung f.
peeping, cheeping (of nestlings)


chungh r m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

chungj m.

peep (of nestlings)

cha f. 1

pouring, streaming (of water)

intransitive [past: ] to emit cheeping,

chuh r m. 1 sputtering (of roasting meat) 2 chirping (of

birds) 3 babbling (of running water)

cha m. 1 cadger, beggar 2 man collecting offerings or gifts

(e.g., for a mullah)

2 cha plural of
chaj engaged, occupied, busy
chijgr m. regional zoo, zoological garden
chaitb m. service; servitude
chs chaesn dirty, slovenly
chasp m. 1 adhesiveness, stickiness; viscosity 2
chasp n 1 adhesive, gummy, sticky, gluey 2 tight-fitting,
close-fitting (of garments) close-fitting pants
chasp nda quick, swift; lively; spry, bright
chaspn k
chaspavl transitive [past: ] to cling, adhere; to
stick, stick on; stick together

chaspedl intransitive [past: ] to adhere, adhere to;

stick to, stick together

chust quick, swift, lively; versatile

1 chust f. swiftness, agility, promptness
2 chustj m.
chshta abbreviation why, for what reason
1 chisht m. Chishti (an order of dervishes)
2 chshtj f.
chshl transitive
chashm m. [plural: chashm n] 1 eye 2 look, glance
idiom in expectation, expectantly
chashmband f. 1 (hypnotic) suggestion 2 eyewash
(deliberate faking of the true situation)

chashmdd to testify
chashmk m. winking to wink
chashmka f. [more often plural: chashmki]
glasses, spectacles

chashm f. 1 spring, source, small stream of potable water 2

chashm f. plural glasses


to put on


2 tap, faucet,


m. dyer
piece, slice (e.g., of watermelon, melon) 2 pin, hinge


chahtn m.
chahch f. splinter, chip (of wood)
chhkraj m. 1 spout (e.g., of a teapot)

chishj m. burrs of burdock or xanthium (sticking to a

sheeps wool)

2 chishaj contraction of
chhk m. drink, beverage
chhtn m.


chhl chhl transitive [past: ] 1 to drink

to drink tea to drink soup 2 to absorb, take up,
soak up

chhn m.

drinking water

chhang m.
to drink

drink, beverage

chhnkaj m. small water-skin, leather canteen

chhubj m. drink, beverage
chhavl transitive [past: ] to give to drink
1 chgh m. 1 screen of reeds, rushes 2 snare
2 chgh chigh m. 1 cry 2 squeak
3 chagh
chgh f. chugh r m. 1 chirping, singing (of birds)


chgh r m.
chigh ra f. 1 cry, wail 2 chirping, singing (of birds)
chgh gha f.
chagh l m. jackal proverb the jackel eats
the best grapes

chaghl 1 low-grade (of apricots) 2 deserted, desolate,

abandoned (of a place, a square)

a to bare, strip b


abandon 3 latticed; made of fencing

chagh ngha f. mint

chghvl m.
chghbgh m. din, uproar
chghbz m. blacksmith
chaghat m. history the Chagataj (the tribe to which
Tamurlane belonged)

chaght r m.
chaght chaghat f. snipe (the bird)
chaghatj m. history member of the Chagataj tribe
chagh dirty
chighchgh m. 1 cackling 2 noise, din 3 chatter
chaghchj f. 2
chaghr 1 having a cataract a cataract on the eye

chagharstrgaj with a cataract on the eye

chaghr m. eagle-owl
chaghb f. 1 noise, din, racket 2 altercation, row
chghka f. bread from lightly fermented dough
1 chaghz fragile, brittle
2 chaghzj f. walnut kernel (a variety of soft walnut)
chughk m.
chughka f.
chghkj m. noise, din, uproar

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 chughl m.
2 chighl m. sieve, strainer, sifter
chghlbz f. visit by the bridgegroom to the home of the
bride prior to the wedding

chghlab f. noise, din; howling, screams

chughulgj m. chughulmr m. scandalmonger;
slanderer; schemer proverb A
scandalmonger's face is ever dark.

chughulmr f.

chighilvl m. worker who sorts or sifts corn kernels

chughlavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

engage in scandalmongering or intrigue; spread scandal,

chufavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to blow

2 to extinguish 3 to heal with a charm, with spells

chi m.
chia f.
cham m. cham m. flint
chama flinklock rifle
chuundr m.
cha m.
chuur f. pit; pot-hole
chu f. cackling to cackle
1 chak m. 1 honeycombs 2 wasps' nest

2 chighilavl transitive [past: ] to sift, screen

1 chughla f. bettle
2 chaghl linear dimensions, length and breadth (of an object)
chughul f. scandal; slander; intrigue 1
chughlikhr m.
chughuledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

the seeds 2 stork

out 2 to cause to chirp, cheep or twitter 3 to cause to squeal 4 to

cause a quarrel

shouting at him for a long time. 2 alarm (upon the attack on a

village, etc.) 3 Chiga (detachment used to repel robbers)

to pursue a gang
2 chugh f.
3 chgha interjection Get away! (cry used to chase dogs away)
chghh r m. 1 creak (of wheels, doors, etc.) 2 shout, outcry
chaghasar j m. Chagasaraj (settlement)
chughj m. person having his eyes screwed up
chghedl intransitive [past: ]1 to shout, cry out 2 to
chirp, cheep, twitter, burst into song (of birds) 3 to squeal 4 to

quarrel, raise a din

chaft chift f. lathe, slat (wooden)

chak m. Chak (settlement)

chik m. ropes or traces used to yoke bullocks or camels to a

in groups 2

chek chik m. [plural: chekna chikna Western

chek n chik n] check

bank check

6 chek m. Czech
7 chek m. checkered cloth
8 chik colloquial No!
chk adjectival suffix rather, somewhat, -ish whitish
chk k m. drink, beverage food and drink
chikchk cry used in driving a donkey
chakchki f. plural applause to
applaud, clap

a to complete a ride around b to
a to circle b to walk, have taken a

chakr m. 1 circle; round, beat; circuit 2 stroll

to stroll, take a walk

1 chgha f. 1 shout, outcry general approval

shouting, crying out I was

chak m. 1 group

check book

chaghanajv l m. scutcher, carder of cotton

chghupgh m. noise, din, uproar
chghavl transitive [past: ] 1 to make shout, cry

extinguish c to heal with a charm or by spells

chigir or noria (Persian type irrigation wheel)


chghm fat; fattened up

chaghma f. unleavened bread
chughundr m. beet sugar beet
chaghanj m. 1 hand gin for separating the cotton boll from

chghimr m. chief of a Chigi 1 3

chuf m. 1 puff (wind) 2 charm, spell

3 timber or masonry

frame of a well 4 disk 5 short jacket made of goat's wool

a to blow b to

go out for a stroll


chikr chikri cry used to drive a goat

chik m. [plural: chikana f. plural: chike]

Eastern 1 liquid mud; slush 2 bog, marsh

chak v m. 1 liquid mud; slush 2 downpour, heavy rain 3


chak f. bullock-cart; two-wheeled cart (with a team of

harnessed bullocks)

1 chiki f. plural cackling

2 chak f.
3 chak plural of
4 chakj f. short jacket made of goat's wool
chaks m.
chaksh m. hammer
chakh m. cassia (medicinal plant)
1 chakl f. 1 drop, droplet 2 sip
2 chakl f. district, province

Pashto-English Dictionary

3 chakl f. unleavened bread

chaklj f. 1 whirlpool 2 toothed cogwheel of a nori (Persian

3 rotation, circulation

water-wheel) 3 top (the children's toy)

chaklt m. plural chocolate

chakm r
chakmk m.
chakmn m. chakmna f. cloth jacket
chakm f. 1 shoe 2 short jacket
chkn chikn m. 1 chakan (patterns made on cloth by means
of colored beeswax) 2 kind of embroidery


chak f. Western hand idiom

chak f. 1 coagulated and expressed milk-curds, cottage


to slap in the face

to squeeze or express sour milk, cottage

cheese 2 unleavened bread


experienced (professional) thief

extremely thorny, densely covered with spines or thorns (of a


chakadn f. fruit or berry of a plant of the honeysuckle


chek Czechoslovakian

chki f. plural children's speech palm (of the hand)

chke cry used to drive a goat

chak plural of 1, 2


chakj f. 1 small piece, scrap, morsel (e.g., of soap, fat) 2

pastry, small loaf 3 pig (iron), ingot lead ingot 4 fat
tail (sheep) 5 core (fruit) 6 cell (prison)

chkj f. [plural: chkjni] girl (child)

7 chakj f. dialect islet
8 chak f. hunting lure, bait
chik-chik cry used to call a goat
chakid 1 clotted, coagulated (sour milk) 2 f. expressed

curds, cottage cheese

chag m. cotton seed

chags m. perch, roost (for a raptor such as a falcon or hawk
trained for the hunt)

chga f. [plural: chg ni] children's speech eye

a to deceive b to put into motion

4 trap (for foxes) 5 turn 6 existence

a to be put in

motion, be activated b to exist 7 conduct, behavior idiom

a to knock someone off balance with a shove; to deceive

What's going on? What does

What is the matter with

or take someone in idiom

all this mean? idiom

chl n chl nd 1.1 turning, dealing with 1.2 started,

put into motion 1.3 operational, working 1.4 flowing (of a

chkandz m. master-craftsman working in the art of

chakan (decoration of fabric with colored beeswax)

chkandozi f. decoration of fabric by the chakan method

1 chak m. left-handed person
2 chk m. children's speech hand
3 chak m.
chukutr f. grapefruit
chko-chk cry used for calling calves
chkr quick, prompt, smart
chaoj m. [plural: chakoij n] new-born calf
chekoslovk f. chekoslovkij f.

chal m. 1 artifice, deception; subterfuge, trick 2 way, method

liquid) 1.5 marketable (of goods) 2 m. .1 invoice 2.2 rotation,

circulation 2.3 winding up, getting moving, starting 2.4 action
on a matter (in court, etc.)

chal v m. 1 means of existence; sustenance

lacked the wherewithal for existence. 2 life, existence 3 dealing

with someone

I cannot get along with

that man.

2 chil v m.
chilvs f m. colander
chalb z m. cunning person, fraud, cheat, swindler
chalbz f. guile, cheating; fraud, swindle
chalt r m. dervish's headband (of goat's wool)
chilchir gh m. chandelier
chalchl m. chalchal f. 1 vanity, haste, confusion

disputes, disagreements (on the route)

1 chalkhj f. top (the children's toy)

2 chulr m. sly individual; fraud, cheat, swindler
2 chulr m. incompetent, awkward or stupid person
chalht m. 1
chalhtlka f. course, direction
chalghzaj m.
chalgh f. 2
chalt m. history 1 quilted greatcoat (soldier's) 2

coat of


chilk m. jerrycan (for kerosene, gasoline)

chalka f. agitation, ripple (on water)
chalgraj m. weaver of carpets
chilm m. [plural: chilmna Western
chilm n] chilim, narghile, water-pipe

to smoke a


chilmch m. [plural: chilmchij n] large brass or

tin basin used as a wash-basin

chilmkh m. water-pipe smoker

chalml m. cheating, fraud There is no fraud.
chilm 1 tobacco for a water-pipe 2 m.

chaln m. 1 habit; style 2 conduct; behavior 3 idiom

a nautical knot

Pashto-English Dictionary

chalnd 1 m. .1 currency, (process of) circulation (money)

7 to carry on, conduct (trade, gunfire, etc.) 8 figurative to

economics to
This currency has

gone out of circulation. 1.2 work, operation, functioning 1.3


He lives on his salary alone. idiom to be compatable,

force, effect (of a law, etc.) 1.4 movement, traffic (transportation)

fit, suit

turnover, (monetary) circulation

prosper 9 to swim, float

put money into circulation

river is navigable 10 to live, exist

1.5 conduct, behavior 1.6 trade good market 1.7 threshing 1.8

gusting (of wind) 2.1 operating, working well (e.g., a motor) 2.2
spry, animated 2.3 current; in circulation

chalandavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

2 2 to put into force (e.g., a law)
chaland current; in circulation
chalandedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1
2 to be put into force (e.g., a law)
chalan marketable (e.g., goods)
chalv chilv m. rice kasha, groats
chalo f. 1 cunning; ruse; fraud; swindle 2 manner, conduct
1 chalvl m. 1 cunning, ruse 2 tricks, intrigues,

chalavl transitive [past: ] 1 to put into circulation

(e.g., money) 2 to move; put into motion, start (e.g., a car) 3 to

drive (e.g., an automobile) 4 to carry on, carry out (trade, gunfire,

etc.) 5 to direct, manage 6 to use for draught or packing transport

to be in the business of goods transport by camel 7 to

introduce (a custom) idiom to live out (life)

chalval m.
chln m. currency, circulation (of money), liquid movement
chalavnkaj present participle of 2 supervisory
apparatus, management

chal f. flood, inundation


The water overflowed the

chal f. silver earring (worn by men)

chil chill f. 1 forty-day fast 2 period of winter cold spells

chla f. treatment of another person, behavior (with relation to


plural of 4

chal m.

chil m. Chile


chale plural of

chil chill plural of

chalj f. ear (of corn, grain, etc.)

chalj f. colored thread (used to embroider a pattern on the

traveler. 4 method, way

cham m. 1 part, branch (of a tribe); clan 2 quarter, district

quarter after quarter; district after district

3 chm m. 1 clod of clay (picked up in a spade) 2 turf, sod
chamch r m. cricket
chamb z m.
chambz f.
chambr m.
chambarkhj l m. melon
1 chamb m. patterned calico
2 chamb tautological with
chambaj m. inflated leather bag used in fording a river
chamb f. 1 paw; claws (of a bird) 2 tambourine 3 circle,
rim idiom to overpower, overcome something
to subdue, subjugate someone to be
subjugated, be subordinated Ahmed
is now in my hands. Ahmed is now in my power.

chambakha f. kind of bread

chambj m. 3
chambl chambel m.
chamt ra f. violin
chamt 1 ready, prepared we are ready, we are
fully prepared 2 adapted, fit 3 produced, manufactured

a to get ready, prepare for b to adapt oneself to,

to be adapted

chalip f. cross (Christian)

chaledl intransitive [past: ]

chamtuv laj m. 1
to express readiness (to do

chamtuked m. plural

readiness, consent

something) 2 preparedness 3 adjustment, accomodation

toe of a slipper)
1 to act, operate, work,

function 2 to move, shift, displace, to be in motion 3 to go, ply

(back and forth)

chalek r m. 1
chligr m. cheat, fraud, swindler
1 cham m. 1 gait 2 trick, ruse He's a clever
boy. 3 aspect, look Having the appearance of a


pinched face

1, 2

chaledna f. chaled m. plural 1 movement, traffic 2

circulation 3 sale

a to prepare, manufacture b to adapt, fit, adjust c to produce,


run between Kabul and Kandahar. 4 to blow (of the wind) 5 to

be open to traffic (of a road) 6 to move, be in circulation (money)

chamt f. 1 powder flask 2 pouch 3 kitbag

knapsack, haversack

chamj m. capital (of a column)

chmdzhj m.
chamch m. chamchk m. cymbals
1 chamchrj m. 1 dipper, scoop 2 ladle
2 chamchurj m. 1 dipper, scoop 2 ladle
chamch f.
chamcham r m. cobra

Pashto-English Dictionary

chamchj f.
chamadj m. rice-husker
chamghak m. dialect
chamk r sparkling, shining
chamkalj f. female's forehead decoration made of coins
chamkan m.
chamgvnd m. 1 neighborhood (in regard to a
quarter, street) neighbor 2 neighbor
chamgr shrewd, cunning, wily
chamgav n m. regional 1 neighbor (with respect to
quarter, street) 2 neighbor (with respect to quarter, street) 3

nausea 2 to feel nauseous

chanchaj f. rattle mounted on a stick

1 chand 1 how much 2 bit 3 combining form twofold;
twice, double thrice, triple quadruple idiom
2 chand m. proper name Chand
chand n chand ni so, so much, such
This is not such a simple matter. This
answer is not all that simple.

quarter, street 4 environment, ambience

chaml f. Chamla (province)

1 chamn m. 1 meadow, grass-plot 2 flower-bed
2 chamn m. Chaman (city)
chamanz r m. meadow
1 chaman 1 turning green 2 flowering
2 chimnj f. regional lamp-chimney
chamukhm m. graceful walk, smooth gait
chamsa f. 1 rawhide shoe 2 snowshoes
chamkaj m. sly person, cunning person, cheat
chm f. strumpet
chamj r m. 1 currier, leather worker 2 shoemaker
chin r m. [plural: chinr n] 1 poplar

chandvl chandvl m.
chindkh m.
chandr m. dew
chindrj f. 1 hopscotch 2 jumping on one leg
chand m. plural sandalwood tree sandalwood
chandl jumping on one leg, hopping on one foot
chandnj f. 1 white cloth (laid down on a carpet) 2 music


chinr f. proper name Chinaro

chun nche conjunction as


time, measure

poplar 2 plane tree

reports from London say

chan v m. initial flow of water in an irrigation shaft or channel

chambr m. 1 anatomy clavicle 2 fence, wall (around a


chandj m. history poet

chandn 1 so much 2 much
chan l m. 1 man of lowly origins

chanvl m. history rearguard

chanavlj m. history leader of the Kazalbashi or
professional military rearguard in British times

to harbor an aversion to

something; abhor something

chandzhraj m. dialect
chindzhn 1 worm-eaten; spoiled 2 figurative unpleasant
chindzhntb m. chindzhntj f.

chindzhnv lj m. 1 worminess, corruption, rottenness 2 caries,

decay (of the teeth)

chindzhnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to cause to become wormy 2 to deteriorate through decay (teeth)

chindzhnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to become wormy, be wormy 2 to rot, decay (teeth)
2 to

chan poor, indigent

chinkha f. frog
chann m. plural
chna f. share, portion
chun f. pinch (e.g., of salt)
1 changhl plural of
2 changhla f.
changhak m. Adam's apple, larynx
changhal f. fiancee, betrothed
changhl m. [plural: changhl] fianc, betrothed
1 chang m. 1 chang (a kind of cymbals) 2 harp
2 chang m. 1 paw, pad 2 hand (extended, spread), palm with

cause nausea

2 sweeper, trash collector

3 childless man 4 unfortunate man, hapless man

house, castle, etc.) 3 circle, disk 4 rim, thin rim

chindzhghaj m. khingjak, mulberry (fruit)

chundzhavl transitive [past: ] 1 to feel sick

chand m. plural
chandah r m. sandalwood beads
chandavl m.
chandaj m. anatomy auricle
1 chind choice, select to choose, select
2 chand f. 1 collection of varied resources (e.g., among
relatives) 2 donation

chambel m.
chundzh m. aversion

chindzhj m. [plural: chindzhij n] 1 worm

earthworm 2 small insect; insect
chunzhedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to experience

chandzhj m. three-tined fork (used by nomads to cut grain)

all five fingers extended


chung m. cupped hand, handful

chang m. hook (for drawing a bucket up from a well, etc.)

Pashto-English Dictionary

5 ching
chung h m. 1 crab, crayfish 2 3, 4
changl m. 2
chungching m. groanings, moanings

sift (through a sieve) 3 to choose, select 4 to gather, pick

(berries, etc.) 5 to weed, weed out

groan, moan

chang m. good-for-nothing, scoundrel

chungh m. toad
chungha f. frog frog, tree-frog
changk m. 1 hook (used for pulling a flatcake out of a tanur
oven) 2 fish-hook fishing-rod small

chkaj m. fine sieve

cha f. chick-pea, Cicer arietinum
chaj m. sandal lace, sandal thong
chuj violet
chujtb m. violet (the color)
chaj sa f.
chuedl chedl intransitive [past:

to sift (through a sieve) 2 to be strained, be filtered out 3 to be

wood, copse

filtered through 4 to be chosen, be selected 5 to be gathered, be

changak hooked, unciform (of a beak, etc.)

1 changl f. [plural: changli] talons
2 changl m. changul (measure of land equal to fifteen

picked (berries, etc.) 6 to be perceptible, be seen (through the

trees, etc.) 7 to be weeded (out)

1 chav m. 1 crack, slit 2 cleft, fissure 3 shallow ditch, trench

2 chu m.
3 cho chu Giddap! (cry used to encourage a horse to continue)
chvr hanging, pendent
chvravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to hang,

dzharibs or a quarter kul'ba)

chngn m. miser
chang m. lapwing (bird)
changoj m. puppy
changraj m. piece, fragment (e.g., of rock)
chingavl denominative, transitive
1 chung f. local duty, municipal tax
2 changj cross-eyed, squinteyed
chingedl denominative, intransitive
chanmrj f.
1 chna f. 1 province, district, regional subdivision

hang up, suspend

chv ra f. 1 dried fig 2 infant's pacifier made from dried fig

chvredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
hung up, be suspended

2 quarter

(of a city, town) 3 external wall (of a house) 4 partition, thin wall
5 edge of a roof 6 figurative patronage, protection

2 chan f. dispute over price or a commercial transaction

to bargain
3 chan f. jaw
1 chanj m. basin, bowl
2 chanj f. frost, light frosts nipped by frost
3 chnj roan (color of a horse)
1 chu m. 1
2 cha m. 1 sifting (through a sieve) 2 straining, filtration 3

choice, selection 4 gathering, collecting, picking (berries, etc.) 5


compound verb

cha m. brush (for thatching roofs)

cha kha f. disease of the joints, arthritis
chsk 1 moldy, covered with mold 2 stinking, fetid
ch ka f. ch sa f. mold, mildew to

past: ] 1

grow moldy, be covered with mold

chach m. [ plural: chachn] sparrow

chachak m. little sparrow
chachaka f. chacha f. 1 hen sparrow 2


1 chopj m. 1 servant, attendant 2 waiter idiom

a robot
2 choprj f. 1 attendant 2 waitress
chopl chupl transitive [past: ] to suck, suck in,

general sparrow 3 small bird

cha v m. chakv m.
chul chl transitive [past: ] chaavl
denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to strain, filter 2

chuv m. 1 sweeper 2 dark-complexioned person

chob m. 1 tree 2 stick, staff 3 mace
chobtar f. stage, platform
chobn ignorant
chobk m. drumstick
chob wooden
chup 1 2 2
chop m. chop l m. 1 platform 2 awning 3 hut
chop n m. shepherd
chuptj f. silence, quiet
chopa f. beam (for reinforcing a wall); brace
chupr piebald; dappled
chop m. 1 work, service to work, serve 2 waiting
upon, serving to wait upon, serve someone 3
serving, service serving the country
chupn 1 having inflamed eyes 2 weak-eyed, having poor


chopanj m. bubble (e.g., of soap)

chupavl transitive 2
chpa feminine singular of
chpa-chupj f.
chupedl intransitive

Pashto-English Dictionary

chotng m. plural

chotngj f. metal ring around

a pack saddle (camel's)

chotar m.

used for tying a pack to a camel

1 chu m. chintz, printed cotton

2 chu m. 1 1 2 sufficient
chond z m. guess, conjecture
choavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

cho f. matter; concern idiom

chva f. sandal idiom


chukhj 1 pitted, pocked 2 hump-backed; stooped; round-

cho uncombed, disheveled

cho f. Eastern 1 leave, holidays

1 to

to work

to take a

choedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

dragged, drag 2 to be stolen 3 figurative to cope with something

4 to attain victory

chudzhakj f.
chudzhj f. 2
choch m. custom, tradition
chuch aj m. regional island
chuch m. children's speech birdie, bird
1 chuchj m. nestling
2 chuchj f. pheasant
3 chuchj regional weak-eyed, having poor eyesight
1 chokh 1 crooked, bent 2 curved; stooping, round-shouldered
2 chukh acute (e.g., of an angle)
chkhta f. cave
chukh f.
chukhka f.
chukhl m. skis, snowshoes
chukhla f.
1 chukhalj f. tall hat
2 chukhlj m. sharp stake, sharp spike (for taking the kernels

from ears off corn)

chukhmkhaj pitted, pocked, nicked

chkhi f. plural pus, gum (in the eyes)
1 cvhokhavl denominative, transitive [past: ]
2 chukhavl transitive
chukhvla f. chukhnaj
1 chokh f.


chokhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be inclined, be bent 2 to be distorted


to win a law suit

incline, bend 2 to distort

chavdl intransitive
chudn m. plural pig-iron smelting of pig-iron
chudan attributive cast iron boiler
chaudhr m. 1 shift-foreman 2 senior man (in various

holiday, vacation 2 release, dismissal (from a job)

dismiss, fire someone

chukhedl intransitive [past: ] to pierce,

penetrate, be stuck into

drag, drag along 2 to steal


chkha f. 1 curvature; distortion 2 crookedness; round


chotj m. 1 femoral ligament 2 swimming trunks 3 rope

chavdj m. sweat-cloth, saddle-cloth

1 chur 1.1 powder 1.2 sawdust 1.3 small fragment

predicative .1 indented 2.2 figurative tormented, tortured

to suffer, be tormented
2 chur m. robbery, raid, foray

to rob



to be

chur m. [plural: chur n] 1 rut 2 ravine 3 gully

chur m. sharp stone (for slaughtering cattle)

chur Eastern 1 all, fully, as a whole 2 completely, quite;

absolutely, conclusively
about that.

I completely forgot

churdl m. [plural: churbalna plural:

churbl] hair-rope

churt m. 1 to become pensive

churt pensive
chur m.
churchurk m. mole-cricket (insect)
churchurakj m. churchurj f. cricket
chorkj f. teal (the bird)
churl v m. machine; motor
churl 5
churla f. revolution; circling, turning
churlk m. 1 revolution; circling, turning to
circle, soar (of birds etc.) 2 turns, revolutions (of machines,

churlka f.

churlkaj m. 1 wooden top 2 spout

(e.g., of a teapot) 3 toe (of a shoe)

churlanj m. 1
churlavl transitive [past: ]

to circle, turn,


1 to

churl chorla f. inlet aperture of an irrigation well or canal

system; cofferdam

churldzaj m. axle, shaft (of a machine, wheels)

churledl intransitive [present: present:
past: ]1 to turn, rotate, revolve, spin around

Pashto-English Dictionary

My head is spinning around a lot today. 2 to circle (of an

aircraft) 3 to revolve (machine, wheels); operate (of mechanisms)

carelessly 2 m. man who is hopelessly in love

animal with one blow of a sword

1 chur m. hernia
2 chra f. dark and gloomy ravine
3 chra feminine singular of 1 2
1 churj m. 1 servant 2 dancer
2 churj f. 1 housemaid, domestic servant 2 dancer
3 chavrj f. swatter (flies)
4 chur f. regional shortbread, small and rich loaf
1 chu m. 1 pin, hinge (door) 2 splitting with a wedge
2 chav destroyed; annihilated; ruined ! May your
house be destroyed! (curse)

chughlj choghlj m. 1 stopping place for camels 2

chughbgh noise, disorder

chughj green; blossoming, burgeoning (of buds)
chughk m. arid plain mimosa, jinjak (a medicinal plant)
chughka f. 1 sparrow 2 small bird
1 chughl m. skis
2 chughl m. 1 gossip; scandal-monger; intriguer 2 sieve,
strainer; sifter

chughl f. piece of scandal; tale-bearing

gossip; inform on, tell tales about

chugh-u-bgh m.

raise a ruckus

to carry

Eastern to

chogh f. chugh kaftan (long Eastern-style outer robe)

chughj 1 becoming stooped; stooping 2 hunchback
chughedl intransitive
1 chavk m. 1 market square Chawk, the bazaar in

m. 1 crevice (in a rock, cliff wall) 2 cleft 3 channel

Kabul 2 crossroads 3 small paved area in front of an entrance

(river) 4 ravine

door or shop 4 small raised porch or platform around a mosque

chuchuk m. child
chuk m. lock, bolt; bar
chokj f. dialect
chu m. black-billed thrush
choukj m. dialect small knife
1 chuavl transitive [past: ]

a to reduce b to soothe, quite; mitigate c to suppress anger, etc.

to release (water

be destroyed, be annihilated; go into a decline 2 to be ruined

2 chuedl intransitive [past: ] to flow (of water)

churajl transitive [past: ] to caulk
chuz m. young falcon, young hawk (as yet untrained)
chza 1 feminine of 2 beautiful woman, beauty
chzaj tender, soft
chus m. 1 insignificant thing 2 anatomy third stomach (of
ruminants) 3 peritoneum 4 entrails

2 sucker (plant, animal


chhtaj m. abomasum, rennet bag (a division of the

chhka f. spout of a teakettle, etc.


chuh r m. gurgling or rippling of water (i.e., the sound)

choj m. sweeper
1 chavedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

stomach of ruminants)

chuk m. 1 reduction 2 alleviation (e.g., of one's fate) 3

d regret, sorrow

chavravl denominative, intransitive [past:

destroy, annihilate; ruin

suppression (of anger, etc.) 4 loss, damage 5 blunder

onto the fields)

chavs r m. file
chstaj m.
chos f. lassitude; laziness
choshk m. 1 pacifier (infant's)

to screw


churn chorn m. 1 2 drainage ditch

churndk m. warbler (the bird)
chavrng m. 1 fencing 2 cutting off the four feet of an

the eyes up

chormachr churmachr 1 cut up into pieces, cut up

chu m.
chu gh

chugh having the eyes screwed up

chok kneeling (of a camel)

chuk cross-eyed, one-eyed

chavk m. chauk something well or bravely done; something

done conscientiously

chuvk m. staff for measuring the water-level in an


7 chok dialect vice

chok m. 1 frame, framework

2 landing-gear, chassis 3

door-post, door-jamb 4 military personnel, cadre 5 diagram 6

structure (system) 7 boundaries, limits

chok adjective frame loop (frame) antenna

chukchka f. gossip, hearsay; rumors to
spread a rumor There is a rumor that
chokr m. 1
1 chok servant
2 chok blind
chukstrgaj cross-eyed, one eyed
chokl transitive
1 chokvl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
make a camel kneel idiom a to inflict
damage on someone's house b to do something unpleasant to

chavkavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

behave well, behave as one should, do conscienciously


Pashto-English Dictionary

chukavl transitive regional [past: ] to plant

(e.g., a tree)

chuk f. 1 pike, lance 2 sharp pain, stabbing pain 3

dipping into something 4 small quantity, few

a to split
a to

b to dip in, stick into, pierce c to plant (trees etc.)

be split b to be pierced, be penetrated c to be planted (of trees,


2 chuk f. 2
1 chavkj f. chokj plural 1 chair, seat
school desk to sit on a chair 2 guard post, guard
unit 3 visit to a holy place, pilgrimage to make a
pilgrimage, visit holy places

2 chukj a little bit

chavkid r m.
chokedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to be

saying If we live long enough, we

will see the outcome.

chavkedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

well done, be conscientiously done

chokjs z m. joiner
chavg n m. polo mallet
chavgnbz f. polo (mounted)
1 chol m. steppe, arid grasslands
2 chul m. 1
3 chvl transitive [past: ] 1.1
detonate, blast 2 [past: ]intransitive


chung m. [plural: chung n] 1 peep (of nestling) 2

immature thought; poorly-thought out advice 3 slander

chung h m.

chungha m. idiom to be occupied

with a meaningless or insignificant matter

kneeling (of a camel) 2 to be bent (under a heavy load) idiom

1 chonj one-armed, armless

2 chun f. large braid of hair
chundj m. hopping on one leg
chunj f.
chnke conjunction insofar as, for
chunkj 1.1 shameless, impudent 1.2 obscene, indecent
1 chung m. 1 handful 2 share, part of something 3

to split, cleave 1.2 to

.1 to burst, crack; split

apart 2.2 to be blown up, be blasted 2.3 to be exploded, be

chungkng m. Chongqing (Chungking, Chinese city)

chungn whining, pitiable, pathetic
chungha f.
chungavl transitive [past: ] to make a child cry
1 chungj m. 1 to crush, grind up
to do or produce a bit at a time
2 chungj m. 1 1 2 payment in kind (to a smith,
barber, etc. for services) a to collect a local tax
b to take payment in kind
3 chungj m. chirping (of nestling)
4 chungj one-armed; armless
chungedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to weep; sob 2
to rumble (of the stomach)

detonated 2.4 to suffer, be tormented

4 chavl separable part of verb

cholv dying of thirst
1 chol k m. wet snow, snow mixed with rain
2 cholk m. uncircumcised penis of a child
chulavl denominative, transitive [past: ]
to gape, yawn, open the mouth wide
1 chol f. crevice, crack
2 chla gaping, with open mouth
1 chavlaj past participle of 3
2 cholj 1 shirt (with tucks at the waist) 2 torn or broken

3 cholj f. 2
chom m. 3
chombj m. pestle (mortar)
chumdj m. main beam of a rice-husker
chuml transitive [past: ] to kiss
chumj m. childhood disease
chun conjunction 1 insofar as 2 as
chumbl m. large bowl of a fakir
chontar f. chauntar 1 awning 2 platform; rise, elevation

chun-u-cher f. 1 quarreling; altercation 2 (nagging,

pestering) queries

chna f. old woman

chun f. lime



lime limewater, calcium hydroxide suspension

limestone to whitewash
chunagch m. plural 1 alabaster 2 attributive clad in
stone or brick; whitewashed

chunaj adjective limestone

1 chunj m. 1 dwarf 2 tiny, small
2 chunj f. ruby
3 chavnj f. 2
1 chu m. 1 fold, pleat; layer, sheet


cloth will not wrinkle. 2 pin, pivot (of a door); hinge (of a door)

chu m. 1 whisper 2 chirping (of nestling)

utter, whisper b to chirp, emit chirping

a to

chu f.
1 chuch m. chirp, chirping chirp
2 chuch
chucha f.
chukj m. 1 twittering 2 babbling (of water) 3 crackling,
sputtering (in roasting)


Pashto-English Dictionary

chunl transitive [past: ] 1 to sift 2 to strain, filter 3

to select, choose 4 to gather (e.g., in making a dress) idiom

to wrinkle up the nose

chulaj plicated, folded
chuavl transitive [past: ]

chahrrah f. crossroads
chahrshamb f. Wednesday
chahrkudzha quadrangular
chahrn'l chrn'l m. gallop (gait)
1 chahrk r m. 1
2 chrik r m. Charikar (city)
chhuj f.
chahjl m.
chhat m. regional punkah, ceiling fan
chihiladam f. short stroll to stroll, go for

1 to make a bird sing

or squawk 2 to release water with a gurgling sound

chahlj f. 8
1 chaj m. chj f.
2 chi 2
3 che f. the name for the letter
4 che combination of the conjunction and the preposition
I am busy with this very matter.
ch suffix of agent cook spectator,

chuedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be sifted; be

strained, be filtered 2 to be gathered into folds or pleats, be

wrinkled (of clothing)

chv m. wind accompanied by wet snow

chav f. large woven basket

chav f. 1 grassy glade, hollow 2 small irrigation well (in a


chjshe f. dialect teapot, teakettle

1 chit m.
2 chit 1 crushed; crumpled; flattened 2 flat, plane
chit f. Chita
chit-pt crushed; flattened out
chitr m. Eastern Chitar (the 12th month of the Hindu

melon field)

chuh aj dirty, base, vile

chuhr f. pleat, tuck, gather
chuhj m. 1 trash-picker 2

man belonging to the scavenger,

trash-picker, trash-collector 3 outcast, untouchable

chuhan m. cast-iron, pig-iron

1 cha f. chah m. 1 shade 2 cover, shelter; protection
2 chi ch che conjunction 1 that (introduces a subordinate
clause) ... He said that 2 who, which (introduces a
determinant subordinate clause)
The boy who is called Ahmed The

calendar; March-April)

chit f. regional rags

chitavl denominative, transitive [past: ]
flatten out to crush a scorpion
chitedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

house in which we live 3 when (introduces temporal subordinate


When you came to

chi m. chintz, printed cotton

chij f. Eastern 1 note; letter 2 invoice
chich chich [plural: chich] 1 m.

When I looked I saw a tree. 4 since, for, because

to be

.1 fold 1.2

wrinkle 1.3 red-tape merchant, petty functionary 2.1 wrinkled


I am very much afraid 5 in order that, so as to (introduces a

subordinate clause of purpose)

to crush;

crushed, be crumpled up, be flattened down

Ahmed what did he say to you?

(introduces a subordinate clause of causality)

chahrdeh f. Chardekhi (district and

a walk

birds) 2 to gurgle (of water)

plain near Kabul)

chunavl transitive
chuh r m. chirping, twittering (of birds)
One can hear the twittering of sparrows.
1 chuj madrasa student
2 chavj f. choj caserne military post
1 chuj m. 1 song-bird 2 nightingale
2 chuj violet
1 chuedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to sing, chirp (of

chahardh f.

2.2 knotty, gnarled (of a stick)

chichaavl denominative, transitive [past:

fold, make folds 2 to wrinkle

I came in order to

see you. 6 if, whenever (introduces a conditional subordinate


If you depart, how can I

remain? idiom folklore once upon a time there

was a merchant

chichj f. very small louse

chichaedl denominative, intransitive

1 to

chich f. 1 soft little clod or lump of something 2 crumpled

object 3 lean meat

ch diminutive suffix small garden

chah r numeral 1 four 2 used as the first or second element of
compounds Charasiya (district)
chahrburdzhk m. Chaharburjak (settlement)
chahrtar sh m. boards, planks

form folds or pleats 2 to wrinkle up

chichk m. 1 chicken-pox 2 infection of fruit trees by scale-



[past: ] 1 to

chichka f. pullet

Pashto-English Dictionary

chichl transitive [past: ] 1 bite, masticate, gnaw

to bite one's lips (in anger)

to chew one's lips 2 to sting, stick (with a sting, point) 3 to nibble

(e.g., sunflower seeds) 4 to chew, chew thoroughly 5 to gnaw
around (a bone) 6 to curse, berate 7 to grind, chatter (the teeth)

idiom to have it in for someone

chichnkaj vicious dog
chichj m. [plural: chichijn] 1 fledgling, chick 2
young (of animals, e.g., cub, calf) a to hatch out
chicks b to give birth to young fry, fingerlings (fish)
chikh f. children's speech bow-wow (dog)
chikhl transitive
chkhla f. stick, staff
chikhn 1 dirty 2 suppurating
chikhntb m. chikhnv laj m. dirt, mud
chikhaj m. rags
chkhi f. plural
chjdamj f. teapot, teakettle
chrta Eastern
chra f. rag
chir f. turban with narrow twisted folds
chri Western chri chre 1 where (to) Where are
you going? Where is he going? 2 where (at)
Where will I see you? 3 (to) somewhere,
anywhere 4 (at) somewhere; anywhere, somewhere or other 5
once; someday

I sometimes see Ahmed. idiom

event that 5 idiom

a here and there b sometimes

if, in the

If the necessity arises

chi m. 1 sticky substance 2 gum; mucilage; pitch, resinous


2 che m. 1 exertions 2 obstinacy 3 altercation; dispute

chech m. Eastern [plural: cheche] 1 joke
gaiety a to joke with someone b


chech e f. plural regional enjoyment, delight, pleasure

to take pleasure in
chel transitive [past: ] 1 to oppress; disturb 2

chiz m.
chist n m. riddle, mystery
chistkaj 1 soft 2 juicy
cheshn hirsute; shaggy, touseled
cheshnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
disarrage, tousled

cheshnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

get disarranged, get tousle

to cry out, yell

cry out, make a loud declaration


chik m.
chilm m.
chelj chilj Eastern kid
chim m. name of the letter
1 chin m. 1 picking, gathering, harvesting (cotton, vegetables)
2 selection, choice

the People's Republic of

the South China Sea the

chin m. China


East China Sea

chindzhn m.
chindzhj m.
chinch aj m. cricket
chindkh m. crab
chindakhkhr m. heron
chinkha f.
ching open, gaping (of a mouth, beak)
chingkhlaj with wide-open mouth, with gaping maw

chingdaj m. scoffer, mocker

chingavl denominative, transitive
open, gape (mouth, beak)



chingh r m. whining and crying (of a child)

chingedl denominative, intransitive to be open, be gaping

(of a mouth, beak)

chin f. spring, source the sources of a river

oil deposits
1 chin m. Eastern sugar
2 chin chinj 1.1 adjective Chinese 1.2 china
chinaware, china service ceramics factory,
pottery 2 m. Chinese (person)

enjoy oneself

chigh r cry of a bird

chgha f.

3 chinj piebald (of a horse)

chin f. combining form construction, laying, installing
stone facing
chinib b m. plural 1 articles of porcelain and pottery;
porcelain or pottery table service 2 silicates

chin khartsavnkaj m.
chinid n m. Eastern sugar-bowl
chinifursh m. dealer in tableware (porcelain, china,
pottery, etc.)

chinihnd m.
chij f. chisel
chj 4

chihl transitive
chihn drinking; drink

Indo-China (peninsula)

Pashto-English Dictionary

He lives by himself. He lives completely alone.

He is dissatisfied with himself. ! Each
person thinks of himself first. Charity begins at home.
proverb to judge others by oneself

dze the ninth letter of the Pashto alphabet

dzb imperfect of
dzp imperfect of
dzdz m. plural 1 the Dzadzi, Jaji (a tribe) 2 dzdzj m. &
f. [plural: dzadzaij n] Dzadzi, Jaji
dzdzi-majd n m. Dzadzi-Majdan (a district in Khost)
dztsl intransitive [past: ]to get angry, grow enraged
dzr m. sacrifice, oblation
dzrdz r m. clamor, outcry
dzr-u-dzah r m. 1 I am prepared to do everything for you
(conventional formula) 2 blessing, farewell to bless,

2.2 employed in connection with transitive verbs by a reflexive


else, emulate another person c to subject or expose oneself to

to warm oneself to ruin oneself

idiom to put up with
someone; calmly obey someone to

transfer something of value to someone; yield or bestow something

upon someone

dzravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to offer a

sacrifice, sacrifice idiom a to wave, wave over the
head (as a hat, flag) b to lift up and throw an opponent to the

alone 2.2 particularly, specially; concerning

2 hangar




you didn't go?

dzmn plural of
dzm imperfect of
dzn m. 1.1 body A nettle-rash has broken out
on my body. I felt bad. I was sick. 1.2 soul,

like oneself my self, yourself, himself

I was, as it were, without
consciousness a to bring someone to, bring back



to consciousness b to make someone think better of, make

someone see reason

He laughed at himself.

to seclude, separate, isolate


He is a reserved. He is an unsociable
This has a special

significance. 3.3 diplomacy extraterritorial

dzn dzravnaj self-sacrificing; selfless

dzndz nta 1 personally 2 separately, specially
dzndzn f. 1 egotism, self-love 2 disconnectedness
single rounds (of gunfire) 3 seclusion 4 limitedness
dzndzolj f. playful rocking a child back and forth by the
hands and feet to amuse a child by swinging it back
and forth by hands and feet

dzndzomaj weak, puny

dznkhurg f. dznkhvurg dznkhurg dznkhurag 1

exhaustion 2 depression 3 irritation

a to be

exhausted b to experience depression c to be irritated

self-respect one's
own, one's particular to protect oneself, defend
someone to ask oneself a question
for one's own self Eastern
a with oneself (when speaking of a single
individual) b to oneself (e.g., to think) with themselves (many

to be secluded, be separated, be isolated 3.1 reserved,

man. 3.2 special

spirit 1.3 life 1.4 private parts (of the human body) 2 m. .1

reflexive pronoun oneself

a I will speak a bit with you alone. b I will have a little talk

with you in particular.

dzg l transitive [past: ] history to scratch

dzkj f. armful of wheat
dzglj f. 1 cage (for animals) 2 (snug, little) home idiom
anatomy rib cage
dz la f. Eastern nest idiom this world
to settle, settle down somewhere 1
dzlj f. 1 nest; (snug, little) home to build a nest
dzm abbreviation

Take this pen, it is yours

one's own self 1.2 toward oneself 2.1 separate, by own self,

dzredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

offered in sacrifice 1

dznplna f. egotism, self-love

dznplnkaj dznplaj egotistical, selfish
dznparast f.
dznpdz n separate; isolated
dz nta 1.1 to oneself, for oneself, for or to ones very self; by

address in parting

ground (as in wrestling)

a to hurl oneself on, fall upon b to give oneself out


as another person (to pretend to be someone else), imitate someone

1 dznkhvah f. self-sacrifice
2 dznkhvhaj self-satisfied, complacent
dznd r 1 lively, animated 2 m. lively topic; living

dzndari f. 1 life 2 animation

dzndra f. form; shape
dznstjna f. self-praise
dznhkravna f. pretense, hypocrisy
dznhodna f. display of one's personal qualities; posing
dznghlakavl m. plural self-aggrandizement, selfdeceit

to brag, boast


Pashto-English Dictionary

dznghuhtl m.
egotism, self-love

echelon 8 case, instance

dznghuhtna f. plural

dzn ghulavnkaj deceiving oneself

dznkadn m.
dznkhl m. plural seclusion
dznkandn m. death-throes, mortal agony
dzng present stem of
dzngtj f. 1 specialization 2 peculiarity
dz ngaj 1 special, particular 2 distinctive 3 independent
dzng f. Eastern [plural: dzngve] cradle

dz nla to live by oneself

dznlav laj m. solitude, seclusion
dznmntb m. dzanmn f. self-satisfaction
dznmannaj dznmnj self-satisfied
dznavr m. living being, living creature
dznvzg raj without work, unoccupied
dz na 1 My Soul! My Dear! My Darling! (as a form of address)
2 oblique of
dzn imperfect of
dznadzn f.
dzn heravnkaj self-sacrificing; selfless
self-sacrifice; selfessness
dzn 1 corporeal, physical 2 human, personnel (of casualties)
losses, casualties (from personnel strength) 3

dz a f. dialect
dz aj m. crane (the bird)
dzv March!, On the double!
dzj Eastern dze m. 1 place, site
unoccupied place, empty seat here and there
to yield a place, give up a seat
Eastern Where did he sit? 2 locale, location; inhabited
location, built-up area He was
born in Baguz, near Gazni. Mejmene is a
trade center. from those places, of that place
Where are you going? Where are you
from? Where do you come from?
from there
from here everywhere, an all sides,
wherever a on the spot b everywhere a
there and now, on the spot, at once b here and there
in places, here and there 3 premises; house, residence;
building the master of the house
Where is your house? We arrived at our own place. 4
bed to make a bed to go to bed 5 military
position 6 portion, share to divide into four parts 7
echelon; establishment; work-place a high place b high


verbs are employed in many situations. 9 basis, grounds for

appropriate condolences 10 job,

position to receive a job, get a position to go
into retirement a to put in place b to calm c to
kill on the spot compound verb a to
be, be located b to be appropriate c to take place, happen
a to occupy a place; lodge b to take place, eventuate c to
replace someone Our efforts will
not be in vain. a to compare with, match with
someone; catch up with someone b to jump as far as another
a to effect, bring about
He fulfilled the petition of all. b
a to be effectuated, be brought about b
to come to oneself (after a faint)
to bring something to a conclusion, execute
a to reach, achieve, attain something

Ahmed reached home. b to attain a goal c figurative to get a

good job, obtain a good position d figurative to make one's way

in the world e to reach a specific age
maturity (of a girl)

to reach

a to bring, deliver to a place b

Send your brother
instead of yourself. appropriate, apt, as
it should be inappropriate, out of place, inept
at one sitting, at a stretch surprisingly
funnily together, jointly a to
convoke, convene b to unite, unify a to assemble,
gather Many people were assembled b
to be unified, be united to coincide, happen at the
same time insofar as it was possible
dz j 2
dzjbnd fattened up in a stall (of cattle)
dzjd d m.
dzjghlj f. woman in childbirth
1 dzjgj m. diminutive small town colloquial
figurative to help to get on in the world idiom

instead of


dzjg right here, on the spot


to slay on the

1 dzjn staj m. 1 substitute; deputy 2 successor

2 dzjnst f. acting tenure of office; office of deputy
dzjv l settled (in contrast to nomadic)
dzjavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
embody; to lodge, accommodate; to put in, install, establish 2 to
hold, include, incorporate 3 to enter (e.g., on a list) 4 to fix,
reinforce (in memory)

dzj 1 settled; local

natives, local

population 2 stable, invariable 3 firm, solid 4 appropriate,

suitable idiom


to appear, arise

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzjedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

embodied; be lodged; be established; be disposed 2 to be

incorporated, be contained, be included in 3 to be entered, be

dza f. attack of a dog

dzaedl intransitive [past: ]

recorded (e.g., on a list) 4 to be fixed, be reinforced (in memory)

You are out of place among us.

1 dzab hirsute, hairy
2 dzab interjection bang
dzabdzb small, reduced in size
dzabgraj having a broad or thick beard
dzabl transitive [past: ] 1 to crush, pulverize 2

dzaavl transitive [past: ] 1 to hang, hang up,

suspend 2 to lower, let down 3 to hang, lower (the head)

be lowered, be let down 3 to hang over


6 figurative to degrade 7 to affect, strike (of a disease) 8 to

b pleated; in pleats

dzez m.

dzzkj m.

to sizzle

dzzh r m. sizzling

dzg m. 1 dam of loose earth (allowing water to percolate

through) 2 sandy bank of an irrigation channel (allowing water to

percolate through) 3 drifts of sand and gravel

dzbla with one another, among ourselves, themselves,

yourselves; mutually

storm cloud hung over the village. 4 to be hung down (of the

destroy, defeat

head) 5 to droop (of flowers) 6 figurative to cling (e.g., to the

chop (meat) 3 to wink 4 to beat, thrash 5 figurative to oppress

1 to hang, be hung 2 to

a placed together; placed in a pile

2 dzabla f. imperfect of
dzablaj 1 past participle of 2 unhappy
suffering idiom frightened people, panic-stricken

dzabn dzabn 1.1 crude, rough 1.2 rude; uncouth 1.3

ignorant 2 dzabn m. idiot, imbecile; ignoramus

dzbavl transitive [past: ]

dzabedl denominative, intransitive

to blink (the eyes)

[past: ] 1 to be

thick, grow thick 2 to be plentiful, be abundant

dzbehl transitive
dzbehnd 1 suctorial; sucking out, sucking dry 2 soaking
up into itself; absorbing blotting paper
dzapl transitive I have a bad case of

dzdz f. sizzling (of roasting meat)

dzadzbkaj m. dzadzglaj

m. cracklings,


dzdzerl transitive
dzkha dialect 1
dzadr 1 m. plural Dzadrani, Jadrani (tribe)

2 dzg m. whistle of a bullet

1 dzga f. 1 stomach pains 2 birth pangs
2 dzga f. hillock
dzht 1 severe; sharp 2 very, too much, exceedingly (used
as an intensifying word) very good It
is very hot in this room very much
dzhkla when, at the time when
dzegh m. dialect 1, 2
1 dzghst m. 1 run 2 raid
2 dzghst imperfect of
dzghst f.
dzghstl intransitive
dzghst m. plural run, running, race
dzghl f. small lump of dough
dzghm imperfect of
dzghast f. run on the run, at a run
to break into a run

dzghastl intransitive [present: past: ]to run

1 dzghl present stem of
2 dzghl f. present stem of
dzghal f. run; races; horseraces a racetrack b
figurative arena

2 m. Dzadran,

Jadran (tribesman)

dzrdz m.
1 dzraj m. 1 spy, espionage operative, secret police agent 2
back-sight (gun); sight to aim, take aim 3

dzghalv imperfect of
dzghalnd 1 running; racing 2 at a run; at a gallop
dzghlandj pitiable; poor
dzghalavl transitive 1 to make run; urge on; drive

to flight; drive away 3 to drive off (horses, etc.) 4 to flush

(game); drive out (of a lair, den) 5 to lay in (a water conduit, etc.)

Eastern guide, conductor

2 dzarj f. food
dzardza f. safflower, Carthmus tinctorious
dzaav imperfect of
dzandavl transitive
dzobj m. waterfall, cataract

2 to put

6 to extend (a pipeline) 7 literally to put out (e.g., roots)

dzghla imperfective imperative singular of

1 dzghal present of
2 dzghalj imperfective imperative plural of
dzghaledl intransitive [present: past: ]

1 to

run 2 to rush, race; proceed quickly (of automotive vehicles,

ships) 3 to flee, be put to flight 4 to be laid down (of water
conduits, pipe, etc.) 5 to extend (of a pipeline)

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzgaled m. plural 1 run 2 flight, escape 3 swift motion

(of automotive vehicles, ships) 4 laying (of waterline) 5 extent,


dzgavl transitive [past: ] to cause sizzling

dzghundzavl transitive [past: ] 1 to cause
dzghundzedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
twisted 2 to be turned, be inverted

dzghedl intransitive [past: ]to sizzle

1 dzak m. 1
2 dzuklavl transitive [past: ] to torture, torment
dzukledl intransitive [past: ]to be tortured, be

dzakadn m.
dzka conjunction therefore, for this reason
He has a grudge against you, therefore he will not
come. because therefore, and so, that's why
1 dzag m. foam soapsuds to whip up
foam or suds to froth, foam to foam up,
arise (of foam, suds)

2 dzag m. oil press; container for pressing oil

dzgl m. bread crumbled into soup
dzagkhr m. water-bird; seagull
dzigr m. 1 anatomy liver hepatic bile duct 2
breast 3 figurative bravery, valor; manhood idiom
! Don't overstrain yourself! Don't try too hard!
dzigargsh 1 dear, beloved 2 near, related
dzigarvr brave, valorous; manly
dzgarvj m. dialect
dzigar 1 hepatic 2 dark-red
dzagl na f. skin-bag for sour milk
dzagln foamy
dzgervj m. moan to moan
1 dzal m. [plural: dzalna Eastern f. plural: dzle]
time the second time for the first time
twice in the first instance, in the first place
often, many times, repeatedly Eastern
several times two times
abruptly, all at once once again, once more
for the second time

dzl m. [plural: dzln] horse cloth; saddlecloth m.

ironic idiom to subordinate oneself to someone

dzl nd 1 shining, sparkling, radiant 2 figurative

He is an outstanding writer.

to make to shine, make to sparkle b figurative to make clear,

make evident c to single out from others

a to shine,

sparkle, be radiant b figurative to be clear, be evident c to be

outstanding, be singled out from others, be conspicuous

dzalbal nd 1 agitated 2 deranged; distressed
dzalbalndedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to twist or wind 2 to turn, invert, turn over

clear, evident 3 figurative outstanding, distinguished, brilliant

laying down (of pipeline)

dzgham m. absorption
dzghamdzhn 1 reserved; restrained 2 patient
dzghaml transitive [past: ] 1 to suffer, endure, put
up with 2 to absorb to absorb light to absorb

dzal n

to be agitated 2 to be deranged, be distressed

dzldzaj m. anatomy mammillated extension of the temporal


dzalht m. glitter, radiance, sparkle

dzalk m. Eastern 1 flash, sudden combustion

2 glitter,

radiance 3 reflection, gleam

dzalk n gleaming, radiating, sparkling

dzalkedl intransitive dialect
dzall m. dialect
dzalm f.
dzalmaj m.
1 dzalmj m. 1
2 dzalmj f. 2
dzalmitb m.
dzalmigaj m. little fellow
dzalmna f.
1 dzalnd
2 dzalnd 2
dzalnd straj m. astronomy Sirius (the star)
dzalandkaj gleaming, sparkling, radiating
dzalubl bright, sparkling
1 dzalobj m. mirage
2 dzalobj f. jalibi (sweet made of flour, sugar, and oil)
dzalka f. cardiac blood-vessels
dzalavl [past: ] transitive to make to gleam or
sparkle, be radiant; give a luster to

dzaln m. 1
1 dzla f. 1.1

double skin-canteen 2 bag

derangement, distress 1.2 worry, alarm 2

deranged, distressed

2 dzla oblique singular used with numeral from 1

1 dzle f. plural Eastern 1
2 dzli f. plural
dzaledl intransitive 1.1 [past: ]to gleam, sparkle, be
radiant; twinkle The stars are twinkling
in the sky. The headlights of cars gleamed
ahead. 1.2 m. plural figurative to be radiant, glow (e.g., from

dzl f.
dzld r shining (of hair, fleece)

joy) 2 m. plural .1 gleam, sparkling; radiance; twinkle 2.2 heat


heat lightning

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzaledna f. dzaled m. plural gleam, sparkling,

radiance; twinkling the twinkling of stars

dzanmn 1 slow; long-drawn out; protracted 2 tardy

dzann dzandanaj old, ancient idiom

dzm first person present of 1 1

dzm dzm pronoun Eastern
dzumb m. dialect twinkling, winking, blinking
dzaml transitive
dzambedl intransitive [past: ]to drag oneself along,

rancid oil

He is late with
dzandv laj m.
dzanavl transitive [past: ] to detain; drag out;
tput aside passive to be detained; be dragged out, be


dzmarj m. Eastern
dzmknj adjective Eastern

put aside, be postponed

dzanj f.
dzanedl intransitive

1 land, ground 2 figurative


of the earth, mundane, practicable idiom

strawberries, domestic strawberries

dzannj 1 tardy

an answer. 2 slow, gradual idiom

late, be overdue; inger, tarry

dzmkav l m. Eastern peasant farmer

dzmka f. Eastern 1 earth, land height, elevation
2 floor (of a room) 3 the world
dzaml transitive [past: ] to blink, screw up the eyes;

postponed 3 to stand for a time, sit there (of food)

dzaned m. plural 1 delay, holdup; lateness 2 protraction;

dzankadn m. dzankandn m.
dzang m. dialect 1
dzangr unconscious, senseless to lose

dzangl m. [plural: dzangalna plural:

thick forest
wasteland, waste ground idiom

dzangal t] Arabic 1 forest; grove


make to squint 2 to shake, quiver 3 to move, budge

dzambedl intransitive [past: ]1 to blink 2 to

oscillate, shake to and fro 3 to stir, budge

dzandz m. alum
dzandzrj f. carpet pattern
dzzndzlr m. tassels used to decorate a tent or marquee
dzndzavl transitive [past: ] 1 to drop

small chain

dense forest

dznvartb m. feral disposition; brutality; savagery

dzambl transitive
dzambavl transitive [past: ] 1 to make to wink,

dzandzr larnkaj caterpillar tractor

dzankhvl m. anatomy pericardium
dzan m. anatomy 1 delay; holdup; lateness slowly,
gradually to linger, tarry sooner or later
to linger 2 a stop

Go more

dzmng dialect
1 dzmna f. promise to promise
2 dzamna f. blinking
dzmug dzmng dzmnga pronoun
dznz f.
dznvr m. [plural: dznvar n dznvr dialect
plural: dznvr] wild beast, animal zoo, zoological

dzndza f. centipede
dzandzj f. small chain (for jewelry)
dzandzedl intransitive
dzandzr m. 1 chain 2 shackles 3 bonds, ties idiom
to break the chains of colonialism
dzandzirka f. kind of embroidery pattern in the form of a

quickly! Don't delay! 2 to be dragged out; be put aside, be

to squint (from sunlight)

to drop medicine (into eyes, nose, etc.) 2 to distill, alembicate

[past: ]1 to be detained; be

in the forest

2 thickets 3
to weed, eliminate weeds
2 dzangl transitive 1
dzangalb gh m. grove; park; tree plantings
dzangalbn f. timber industry
dzangl oblique singular of 1
dzangal 1 adjective .1 forest, timber 1.2 wild, savage 2
m. savage idiom disheveled, disarranged
dzangraj m. bunch of grapes, cluster of grapes
dzangavl transitive Eastern
dzangedl intransitive Eastern 1
dzanged masculine plural of
dzanl transitive [past: ] to anneal, harden (a javelin
tip, etc.)

dzin f.
dzni dzni Eastern

dzne 1 dialect postposition out of, from,

at (in the presence of or in possession of)

from the city

out of the city,

Do you have the book? 2 adverb

in their, in his, in her (possession); from him, from her, from them

Take my book away from him.

Depart from him 3 pronoun

dzkj m. 1 dialect 1
dzaj m. Eastern 1 1 2 schoolboy
1 zo to be born He was born last year.
2 dzu first person plural present of 1 1
dzav b m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzavbltsaj quick-witted, resouceful

dzavb m. one who has rejected, rejectee
dzvk m. life, existence

(My) father is

living well

dzv la f.
dzv n dzv n 1 m.

.1 young man, youth 1.2 fine young

dzdzaj-mazdzaj m. dialect
1 dzaur m. 1 oppression 2 grief, distress 1
2 dzur intelligent, clever, bright
dzur bi f. plural dialect stockings
dzurtb m. dzurtj f. dzurv laj m. 1

intelligence, cleverness, brightness 2 keen hearing 3 keen

fellow 1.3 real man; noble man, generous man 1.4 Eastern

young horse
to try to look young 2.2
to turn out to be a fine fellow

warrior, soldier 2.1 young, youthful

young tree, sapling

under age idiom

religion Lojdzvan, the Pir Baba (the title of the founder of the Sufi
Order of the Qadiriya", Abdul Quadir Beidel Gilyani)


dzra f. cooking of food

1 dzavredl intransitive

dzuredl intransitive [past: ]to be re-cooked, be

warmed up (food)

dzravred m. plural 1 suffering, torment 2 distress 3


2 dzavred imperfect of 1
dzva low; gently sloping uneven, broken (of terrain)
dzvand 1 hanging, suspended suspension bridge

daredevil 3 noble man, generous man, magnanimous man

to display nobility with regard

to another

dzvnmrg adjective person who had died young; having

make look young; rejuvenate

dzv na 1 feminine singular of


dzvn f. 1 youth; youthfulness


2 f. [plural:

to enjoy youth

2 valor, courage 3 nobility, generosity, magnanimity

generosity; hospitality 4 beauty

dzvnimrg attributive having died in youth

! curse May you drop dead!
dzvnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
grow young again, seem to grow a bit younger 2 to be nubile,

start to develop (of children) 3 to develop

dzvnedna f.
being young

dzvaandavl denominative, transitive [past:

to hang, suspend 2 to flap, stream

dzvaandavna f. 1 hanging, suspension 2 flapping,

fluttering, streaming
dzvaandedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1
to hang, be suspended 2 to flap, flutter, stream

dzvn ni] young girl, unmarried woman

died in youth

dzvnmarg f. death in youth

dzvnmd m.
dzvnmad f.
dzvnavl denominative, transitive

flying, fluttering

dzvnmard f. 1 valor, courage 2 nobility, generosity,


1 to suffer, be a prey, be tormented

2 to be distressed 3 to be irritated

dzvnbkht 1 happy, lucky 2 gifted, talented

dzvntb m. youth; youthfulness
dzvnka f. pimple
1 dzvnkj 1 m. young lad 2 young, youthful
2 dzvnakj f. freckle
dzv nga f. pinch to pinch one another
dzvnmrd m. 1 fine young fellow 2 valorous man;

dzravravl transitive [past: ] 1 to torture, torment

2 to distress 3 to irritate

dzvned m. plural youth, state of

dzv vla f.
dzv vna f. soup
dzbl dialect
dzoblavl transitive
dzobledl intransitive
dzavdz t m. dialect 1 descent, origin

2 clan, family

dzvav laj m. 1 descent, slope 2 brokenness (of terrain)

dzvaobj m. waterfall
dzvaavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to lower;
bring down; reduce, demote

1 dzva f. lowering a raising and lowering

extremely broken terrain b figurative reversal
of fortune, vicissitudes of fate

2 dzva feminine singular of

dzvaj m. 1
dzvaedl intransitive [past: ]

1 to descend, come

down 2 to dismount

dzoz m. Eastern
dzozkhn f. Eastern temporary cabin made of brushwood
dzza f. Eastern
dzvag m. noise
dzoh m. boiling hot water boiler; kettle
to boil water
dzoh f.
dzohavl transitive [past: ] to boil hot water
dzughl f.
dzka f. birth
dzul m. 1 snowstorm; hard frost 2 prolonged rain; bad weather
dzavln f.

Pashto-English Dictionary

dzolj f.
dzum m. Eastern 1
dzvmna f. soup
dzunj m. pompom; tassel
dzoj m. dzvaj [plural: dzmn] Eastern son
dzojk m. Eastern little son, sonny
dzojgalv f.
dzojmraj m. man who has lost a son
dzojv laj m. dzojval m. obligations and the

1 dzeged
l Eastern intransitive of
2 dziged
l denominative, intransitive
m. plural Eastern

dzesl transitive
dzig Eastern
dzigr m. a He is very nervous.

b He is burning with impatience.

dzegavl transitive Eastern 1
1 dzig Eastern 1
2 dzig Eastern 2
dzegedl intransitive Eastern
1 dzel m. 1 2 stubborness; obstinacy; unyieldingness
2 dzel m. 1 coupled buckets of a noria (well) 2 column (of

rights of a son

dz personal pronoun Eastern I

2 dza imperfective imperative of 1 1
1 dze f. name of the letter
2 dze second person present of 1 1
3 dzi present tense of 1 1
4 dzj 1 imperfective imperative of 1 1 2 second person
plural present tense of 1 1
1 dzj m. Eastern
2 dzaj dzj m. suffix place bazaar
dzeb m.
dzidzerl transitive [past: ] 1 to chop, crumble,

prisoners, etc.)

dzel m. 1 boor 2 blockhead

dzelj f. 1 branch, shoot, scion (of a grapevine) 2 breed (of

animals, etc.) idiom Grief consumed


crush 2 to beat, thrash someone 3 figurative to bawl out, tell off

dzir 1 m. .1 fixed, intent stare, scrutiny

to stare intently, scrutinize 1.2 to investigate
something 1.3 attention to pay a lot of
attention to something ... One should pay special
attention in that a to look intently at,

scrutinize b to pay close attention to someone or something c to

! Attention! 2
attributive .1 intent, attentive intent stare 2.2
investigating, looking into something a to scrutinize,
pay attention to someone or something

dzin m.
1 dzin
2 dzno
3 dzno
1 dzina
2 dzna
1 dzini

[plural: dzin n] saddle

oblique plural of

dznu oblique plural of

oblique plural of

folklore present tense of

1 vice 3


indefinite pronoun usually plural 1 some

sometimes, at times

some , others
2 dzin plural of 1

in some places

2 dzne Eastern

look closely at b to investigate, look into something

2 dzir m. 1 peep 2 3
3 dzir m. kind of soft leather from Iran
dzirtb m. dzirtj f. 1 2 attention
dzirk dialect
dzrma f.
dzir f. 1 share, portion 2
dzig 2
m. dzigtj

f. 1 hardness, firmness 2

changes to
ts m. [plural: tsah n plural: tsh n f. plural:
tsg ni plural: ts vi] 1 well deep well well
water 2 bore hole oil well 3 mine coal mine
4 figurative abyss, chasm idiom literally to
pronounced as "s" and can be accordingly changed by the letter
and frequently

undermine figuratively to cut the ground out from under someone

rudeness, crudeness 3 severity, cruelty

dzgma f. eyelid
dzgnda f.
dzeg na f. Eastern birth birthday
laj m.
transitive Eastern 1

l denominative, transitive
1 dzig feminine singular of
2 dzig masculine plural & oblique singular of

tse the tenth letter of the Pashto alphabet. In some dialects it is

proverb Don't dig a pit to

trap another, you may fall into it yourself

proverb to fall into one's own trap

tsbn m. soap
tsp aj to almost fall
tspa f. 1
1 ts m. plural licking
2 ts imperfect

Pashto-English Dictionary

tstskaj m. small drop, droplet

droplet of


someone under scrutiny 2 intelligence gathering, reconnaissance

reconnaissance aircraft 3 shadowing

a to

observe, watch, put under surveillance b to find out, reconnoiter,

collect information, gather intelligence, observe, put under
surveillance c to shadow, have someone shadowed d to wait for,
lie in wait for idiom

to look far ahead

tsr m. history tsar, czar, emperor

tsr f. pit (for storage of grain and other agricultural products)
compound verb to bury in a pit compound verb


manure (as fertilizer)

tsrviplna f. livestock breeding, cattle breeding, animal


tsrnj adjective steppe, wilderness; wild (of animals, birds)

tsrhka f.
tsr kavnkaj adjective sharp-sighted, vigilant, attentive,
careful, intent

tsrl transitive [past: ] 1 to observe, put a watch or

observation into effect 2 to collect information, gather
intelligence, carry out reconnaissance, reconnoiter 3 to shadow,
follow, pursue 4 to note, notice 5 to ascertain (e.g., the reason) 6

to be on the watch for, be in wait for, lie in wait for 7 to try to

find, investigate, find a way, find the means
tsrntn m. military 1 veterinary practice 2 veterinary


tsarnd recording, registering, monitoring (of a device)

tsrndj tsrndj 1 m. .1 boy scout
Afghan Boy Scouts 1.2 history Pioneer 2
tsarna f. 1 surveillance, observation; supervision, scrutiny 2
intelligence collection, reconnoitering 3 shadowing a
to observe; put under surveillance b to collect intelligence c to
shadow, pursue

tsr m. 1
tsrv l m. guard, sentry, sentinel, patrol, watch
tsrvl f. military sentry, guard
tsrnkaj m. 1 observer 2 guard, sentry, sentinel

tsr f.

tsr f. pit into which juice flows when sugar cane is

squeezed in a press

3 tsr imperfect of
4 ts ra
tsras z m.
tsarasz f.
1 ts raj m. [plural: ts ri

plural: ts rijan] 1

patrol, round 2 scout 3 detective, plainclothes policeman

2 tsr tsar's, czar's, royal

3 ts ri present tense of
ts m. ts a f. anatomy peritoneum
1 ts aj m. medicine disease of the hair (in which the hair is
cut off) to be cut, be cut off (of the hair)
2 tsj m. zoology Bengali bustard mountain

tsgh m. blood-money (custom of the payment of a sum of

money to guarantee withholding of vengeance for the death of a

clan member in a vendetta)

to be buried in a pit

How many head of cattle do you

draught animals

cattle, livestock

drop of water
drop by drop It drizzles. It's drizzling.
proverb From a drop (of water) a river forms.
tstskaj m.
ts tsi present of
tsdr m. 1 sheet, bed sheet 2 clock, mackintosh, raincoat;
cape, mantle cloak 3 shroud, mantle 4 mask
mask of hypocrisy, pretense, sham idiom
proverb to cut one's coat according to the cloth

tsadar f. chador
1 tsr m. 1 observation, scrutiny, close supervision
to bring under close scrutiny to put
ts tskaj m. drop

ts rvj m. [plural: ts rv plural: tsrvij n]

ts shaj m.
tsh computer science m. axis
1 tsht m. time from sunrise to noon; morning; breakfast
time idiom to be
hard up, starve, go hungry

tsht m. charm written on paper (given to a sick child who

swallows it with water)

1 tsahtj m. breakfast; lunch

2 tsaht adjective morning
ts hka f. pink starling
ts ha f. spun yarn
ts haj m. axle (of a wheel); spindle (of a spinning wheel)
tsk m. 1 2 medicine migraine
ts ka f. tskj f. 1 summit (of a mountain), peak 2
corner of a chador

tsgj m. small well

tsl k
ts la f. watchman's shelter (in a melon field)
ts mra dialect
tsn m.
1 tsn m. plural 1 shaking out; shaking up

2 knocking

down, shaking down (fruits from a tree) 3 flapping (of wings) 4

brandishing (sabers)

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 tsn imperfect tense of 1

tsng m. 1 bones (of the wing of a bird)

2 wing

make unhappy b to be unlucky, be unfortunate, be indigent, be

1 tsaptspj m. 1 1
1 tsapr m. 1 agriculture drag harrow, threshing rake

1 with clipped wings 2 figurative helpless;


2 tspar m. 1 cornice (of a roof) 2 hut


tsaprkaj m. 1 twig, sprig, shoot 2 heap, pile (e.g., of stones)

2 branching off (of

something), offshoot 3 branch (of industry) 4 branch (office),

affiliated branch; department (of an establishment) 5 pike, spear,

3 shavings, cuttings, chip 4 chapter (of a book) 5 scale, flake,

lance 6 district, region


scute; plate, lamella, squama; husk 6 scale (of a fish)

ts nga f. stab of pain; ache; dull pain

stab of pain; ache; hurt; be painful

tsapra f. prop, support

tsapraj m. 1 small piece, bit; scrap 2 pile (e.g., of stones) 3
flat summit (of a mountain) idiom tsapri flakes of

to feel a

ts ngi-v ngi 1.1 in off-shoots 1.2 in pieces 2.1

flabby, flaccid; lazy 2.2 decrepit; weak; feeble


tsap f. tsapa kha f. tsapa f. leg (of a camel,

elephant); paw (e.g., of a tiger) a strike with the claws

tsngz adjective 1 local, regional 2 partial 3 library

science specialized, subject

tsj m. gleaner, after the grain harvest

tsv m. 1
tsv r m. 1 false hair 2 decorating the hair, styling of hair (of

(of an animal) b figurative to approach, be near, be imminent

(e.g., of darkness); envelop, creep over

tsvtj m. 1 migraine 2 regional intermittent fever

tsh m. [plural: tsh n f. plural: tshg ni]
artesian well idiom dimple on the chin
tsbla 1
tsabaj m. short chador
1 tsap m. winnowing tray, tray for winnowing and sorting grain
to winnow grain with a winnowing tray
2 tsap m. 1 slapping (the leg of a camel) sound of a
camel's tread 2 tread, footfall, tramp

3 tsap m. kiss
tsap f.
tsapts f. small mound of earth along the outer walls of a

peasant's house for insulation against the cold and used as a bench
in good weather

tsapj f.
tsapha f. bedroom slippers, slippers (for indoor wear); worndown shoes, old shoes

tsap 1, 2
tsapk m. 1 hunk of bread

flakes; snow-flake 4 small section of land

tsapka f.
tsapakj m. game of chance

tsapl kha f.
tsapl k adjective 1 thick, dense 2 trampled (by feet)
to trample (with feet) to be trampled (with feet)
tsaplkv laj m. 1 thickness, density 2 state of being
tsaplk m. 1 tough, stiff (of leather, etc.) 2 m. .1 band, strip

(of old leather, etc.) 2.2 old shoe

2 adjective

stormy (of the sea, etc.)

tsap nd adjective stormy (of the sea, etc.)

tsp m. row, column
tsapaaj adjective unbalanced, unsettled; disorganized,

tsaplvr long-legged
tsaplj f. 1 sandals woven from grasses, leather, etc.

tsapljgn m. reimbursement, fee (e.g., for delivery and

driving of cattle, for a doctor's visit)

m. earlobe

tsapaj f. plow handle, plow shaft (used to direct the plow)

tsapkaj m. tsapaj m. 1 small face veil (usually

disordered, disturbed, unsettled; pained, grieved 2 unfortunate, illa to disturb, throw into

confusion, unsettle; pain, grieve b to make unhappy, leave

2 prize

for marksmanship or equestrian skills

confused; embarrassed, perplexed

tsapaj m. tspaj f. unleavened flat bread

tsaptsap na tsaptsap naj tsaptsap aj

to play a game of


fated, ill-starred, luckless

2 tsapak (a unit of measurement

equal to the width of four fingers pressed firmly together) 3 snow

trampled, state of being overwhelmed

tsap raj m. 1 lump, snowball; cold of earth or clay 2

handful (of water, when drinking from a stream, etc.)

tsap raj m. tread, footfall

tsap n 1 m. waterspout; typhoon; strong gale

tsaparj f. 1 crossbar (on the handle of a spade, shovel) 2

sports hockey stick

young women)

2 flat

summit, crown (of a mountain); flat cake, crumpet

tsngaj m. twig, sprig, shoot

1 ts nga f. 1 branch, bough (of a tree)

a to be thrown into disorder, be disrupted,


a to flap wings b to strive for freedom, seek freedom 3 dialect


worn with the chador); veil 2 small turban


tsapl m. 1 luxuriant hair, flowing hair 2 thick hair

Pashto-English Dictionary

tsapavl transitive [past: ] 1 to winnow grain with

a winnowing tray 1 2 to agitate, shake 3 to put into

dissatisfied, be discontented, be displeased c figurative to dissent,

to make somebody responsible for

to be taken under somebody's wing
to forget, put something out of one's mind

disagree idiom

disorder, disarrange


tsapoltsaj 1 with hair in disarray 2

with disheveled beard, with tangled beard

tsaplaj 1 disheveled, tangled, matted to dishevel,

tousle to be disheveled, be mussed up 2 m. person

He cut me with a knife (i.e., wounded me with words or actions)

with disheveled hair

tsapukaj m. tsapaj m. 1 kerchief (worn as

headgear) 2 small veil covering the upper half of the face (with

slit or lace allowing vision) 3 strainer, filter

tsap f. 1 wave

radio waves

light waves

sea waves

electrical waves

tsa l m. plural resin, gum; tar, pitch; asphalt

tsuk m. tsk hammer
tskraj adjective ruined, destroyed; homeless
tska f. calico, cotton print material
tsukj m. hammer, mallet
tsal transitive [past: ] 1 to lick, lick all over
lap, lap up idiom to starve (out of stinginess,

2 to


waves, be hit, be splashed (of a shore by waves) b to row (with

tsalaj m. flatterer, toady, brown-noser, suck-up

tsmkh m. lining (i.e., of a garment), backing, padding
tsmkhaj adjective plain, homely, uncomely
ts marj f. anatomy cervical vertebra
tsmerj f. anatomy occipital fossula
tsav 1 m. apoplexy, stroke, sudden death 2 adverb

to be covered with waves, be agitated (of a river, etc.); get

smashed, smash (of the shore by waves) 2 oar 3 gust (of wind) 4
attack of a raptor on its prey 5 medicine bout, attack (e.g., of
fever); intensification, sudden worsening (of an illness) 6 fit,
attack, seizure; faint, syncope

a to be covered with

oars) c to blow (of a gust of wind) d to swoop down on prey e

suddenly 3.1 loving at first sight 3.2 untimely dying; suddenly

to become acute (of an illness) f to have an attack (of an illness) g

dying; dying young

to faint, swoon

with someone at first sight b to die untimely, die an untimely

2 tsap 4
tsaph r m. 1 2 1

death; die young

2 lapping (of waves) 3 sound of

winnowing grain

to fall in love

Drop dead!

tsavl causative verb [past: ] 1 to cause to lick,

cause someone to lick something clean 2 to compel to lap (up

tsapj ka f. 1 beehive, honeycomb 2 kind of fuel made of


tsanaj 1 m. blotting paper 2.1 sucking out, drying 2.2

tsapedl intransitive [past: ]1 to be covered with

waves, be choppy, be rough (of a river, etc.); knock against, hit

tsa f. full bag, filled sack; full saddlebag, full pack (of a

against, batter; lap, wash, splash against (of waves on a shore) 2

pressed and dried manure in the shape of a brick 3 flat, having a

flat form; flat object

licking off, licking away

pack animal)

to steam, emit steam; hover, soar 3 to be sorted (of grain at

tsta f. 1 base (of a tree trunk) 2 geometry side, bound, foot

of a perpendicular 3 figurative stout woman, fat lady 4

winnowing when impurities and chaff are removed by air currents)

figurative thickset man, robust fellow

tsapa f. box on the ear, slap in the face

to give someone a box on the ear, give somebody a slap in
the face proverb from a single slap in
the face many cheeks are stinging to consider a

slap in the face, insulting

2 tsape f. plateau, tableland, high ground; height, elevation

ts m. [plural: tsna plural: ts n] 1 back of the
head, occiput a to comb the back of the head b
figurative to be puzzled, be perplexed; be confused; be
embarrassed; be lost, get lost, disappear


give someone a slap 2 summit (of a mountain) 3 reverse of

to turn someone back, cause to go in the opposite direction
to go back; depart a to go out, step back, retreat
b to disappear to turn over, turn upside down; turn
inside out a to turn away, turn aside b figurative to be

something, back of something; rear side, back; rear

1 tsaj f. back edge, blunt edge (of a saber, etc.)

2 tsj f. bouquet of flowers
1 tscha cry to drive goats
2 tschi vice
tsidzl f.
tsats m. field thistle, common thistle
tsts f.
1 tsatsbekj m. 1 2 medicine angina
2 tsatsbkaj tsatspkaj bright, smart; quick,
prompt, adroit

tsatsnd tsatsnda flowing, running, having a leak

tsatsb m. dropping, dripping, trickling; seepage, leakage
tsatsbkaj m. drop of rain
1 tsatsbaj m. 1 dripping, trickling; This
room leaks. 2 cornice (of a roof)


Pashto-English Dictionary

tsatsobj m. 1 spring, source, wellhead from which waters

flows drop by drop 2 dropping, dripping (water); soaking through,

leakage, trickle, drip

concerning a good deed that has been performed

tsatsn m.
tsatsj f. groove, gutter, through, channel; drain pipe,

3 to be compressed 4 to be stuck, be thrust, be stabbed into (e.g.,

a pin, knife)

tskhed m. plural 1 sticking into, squeezing into 2 pressing

in, pressing into 3 compressing

tsatsedl intransitive [present: past: ]to drip, be

poured drop by drop; soak through, permeate, infiltrate

tsatsed m. plural dropping, dripping, trickling, soaking

through, permeation, leakage

tskh m. death rattle of slaughtered cattle

tskhk m. miscarriage; stillborn baby
tsakhtskhki m. plural fine drops (of rain)
1 tskha f. anger, ire, wrath
2 tskha f. regional robbery, pillage, plundering
tsakhk m.
tskhki f. mutton
tskhl transitive 1, 2, 4, 5
tskho a little, some, somewhat, slightly, rather a
little, a little at a time; not much sit down for a
little while with me

tskhavl transitive [past: ] 1 to stuff, pack, fill

with; shove in, push in, put into, shove into, slip into, squeeze into,
cram in 2 to press in 3 to drag (e.g., the hem of one's robe), pull,

haul 4 to break, split, crack (e.g., nuts); stick, plunge, pierce 5 to

peck, pick (e.g., one's nose)
tskha tskha postposition in combination with the


1 from, whence, out of (indicates the

direction of an action from somewhere or from which something


tser m. 1.1 peep, chirp, squeak 1.2 sound of a cloth or frabic

tearing 1.3 driving on snow, sliding on snow 2 figurative



frightened, scared, startled

catchment pipe

tskhedl intransitive 1
tskhedl intransitive [past: ]1 to be stuffed into, be

squeezed into, be crammed into 2 to be pressed in, be pressed into

tsatsr m. plural leftovers (food)

tsetsavl transitive [past: ] to drip, pour out drop by
drop drop, drip, trickle; pour drop by drop; soak
through, permeate, impregnate idiom to reproach

from the city

to be afraid of, fear, dread

to jump, leap

2 tsar m.
tsar f.
tsr gh m. tsir gh
small flashlight

electric bulb

tsrghd n m. candlestick
tsarg h m. dialect pasture
tsar v m.
tsarb tsurb
tsarbht m. plenitude, completeness; fatness, obesity;
corpulence, stoutness

tsarbavl denominative, transitive [past: past:

] to fatten
tsarb feminine singular of and
tsarbedl denominative, intransitive [past: past:
] to put on weight, gain weight, grow fat, put on flesh
tsrap m. flapping (its) wings to flap wings
tsaravl transitive [past: ] to flap wings
tsrapedl intransitive [past: ]to quiver (of wings)

tsardz j m.
1 tsarkh 1 m. .1 wheel 1.2 propeller (i.e., of an aircraft) 1.3
grinding wheel, grindstone 1.4 rotation, revolution; turning
a to start (e.g., an engine) b to begin, initiate (an

from the mountains 2

operation, an action) 1.5 approach (from the side, in passing) 1.6

from, out of, of (indicates the source of a receipt of something or

puncture, puncture wound 1.7 figurative luck, good fortune 1.8

the origin or provenance of something) ask

sky, heaven 2 pierced, penetrated; stabbed

your friend

Take the book from your

brother. 3 at, with, by, of (indicates the state of belonging)

Do you have a watch?

near the wall, close to the wall, by the wall 5 in the

near the

city, around the city

tskh colloquial abbreviation


pierced idiom

How would I

I don't know whether Ahmed


to be stabbed, be

2 tsarkh m.
3 tsarkh m. Tsarkh (settlement, Logar Province)
tsarkhka f. regional
tsarkhlargj m. tsarkhalgj m.
tarkhnd 1 m. .1 scratch, abrasion to be

scratched, get a scratch 1.2 catching on, brushing against 2

arrived or not.

to prick,

hasten the development of industry


you have my book? 4 by, near, close to, besides, around

Eastern dialect the preposition is often omitted:

sting, stab, run through, transfix

revolving, rotating

tskh past tense of


tsarkhndkaj m.
tsarkhnj m. tsarkhobaj

m. whirlpool, eddy, vortex

Pashto-English Dictionary

... ...

tsarkhukj m. textiles spool, bobbin; reel, reeling frame,

swift, coiler

obvious that

tsarkhavl transitive [past: ] 1 to rotate, turn 2 to

start, trigger, actuate 3 to surround, enclose,

tsargandna f.
tsargandv laj m. obviousness, lucidity, clarity; certainty,

2 ts rkha feminine singular of 1 2
1 tsarkhj m. 1 spool, bobbin, reel 2 spinning wheel
a to start a spinning wheel, begin spinning b to start a
quarrel a to stop a spinning wheel, quit spinning b
figurative to cease a quarrel a to spin on a spinning

1 to make evident, make clear, make obvious; bring to light, make

know; elucidate, clear up, explain 2 to express, manifest, reveal,

give evidence of 3 to set forth (reasons, a position, etc.)

tsargandavna f. 1 revelation, expos; elucidation,

clarification, clearing up 2 expression, term, manifestation,

wheel b figurative to drag out a quarrel

tsarkhj m.

tsarkh wheeled, equipped with wheels idiom

Eastern Maxim machine gun

display 3 account, statement, presentation (of a reason, position,

etc.) 4 advertisement, announcement (e.g., in a newspaper)

tsargandedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to become clear, become obvious, become evident; be made

4 tsarkh present tense of

5 tsrkhi feminine plural of 1 2
tsarkhedl intransitive [present: present: ]
[past: ]1 to revolve, rotate, turn, turn around, whirl, spin,
go round The earth rotates around the sun. 2

manifest; be explained; be exhibited, be displayed ...

to start up, be started (i.e., of a motor) 3 to be surrounded 4 to be

something, apply to something, relate to something

tsarhnd m.
tsha f. 1 massage 2 trace, track, sign, footprint
1 tsrk m. 1 search; reconnaissance, reconnoitering; finding
out to make inquiries about, find out about
someone to come upon a track, find a trace
I came upon his footprints.
a to find out surreptitiously, reconnoiter
He found out where Ahmed lives. b to look for, search,
find, track; find tracks, find traces of something; track, shadow
I searched out and found my book. 2
criminal investigation department 3 advanced guard


1 tsarmnj adjective leather

2 tsarmni feminine plural of
tsrma 1 f. edge, brim

luster to

tsrkedl intransitive [past: ]to sparkle, glitter;

shine, beam

tsagnd tsgnd evident, obvious, clear, distinct, apparent,

manifest; definite

to not give a definite answer


a to

push up to something, move up to someone b to draw, attract

brilliancy 2 dropping, dripping, trickle

tsrkavl transitive [past: ] to make sparkle, make

glitter; make brilliant, make lustrous; polish; give a gloss, give a

annihilate, exterminate 2 adjective near, close, located alongside

of 3 adverb near, close to, not far, not distant

radiance; aureole, aureola; luster, brilliance,

a from the

beginning and to the end b quite, entirely, totally

the sun is rising

tsrkb m. [plural: tskb n] 1 detective, plainclothes

policeman 2 scout 3 dialect watchman, guard

It was explained that 2 to be expressed, be displayed 3 to

tsrga f. brown owl, Athene poctua

tsarl intransitive 1
tsarmhkj f.
tsarmn f. [plural: tsarmni] pelt; skin (animal, human)
hide, pelt (uncured) skin
leather goods leather factory idiom
literally I'll sell your skin! figurative I'll skin
you alive! He gave him a thrashing.
He lost shame and conscience.
I am penniless. I don't have a cent to my name.
tsarnvl m. tanner, leather dresser, worker in the tanning

advanced guard units


be set forth (e.g., reasons, a position)

turned (to the left, right, etc., of a front tine) 5 to concern

2 tsrk m.
tsrk f. 1

tsargandlames f. computer science carbon copy

tsargandavl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

tsarkh f. 1 wheel 2 spinning wheel

to spin on a spinning wheel idiom

tsargandtb m.


encircle 4 to turn, swing (the line of a front)


It is clear that It is

a to move closer, draw nearer to something, move up to

someone b to come into contact with, run across, meet up with

tsarm adjective leather leather overcoat

tsarnda passing (a ball)
tsrangv laj m.
tsrnga a as soon as b so far as, as far as
... to the extent that , then
tsrangav laj m. 1 shape, form 2 way, mode, aspect
tsarvka f.

Pashto-English Dictionary

tsaravl transitive [past: ] to pasture (sheep),

shepherd; graze cattle, pasture cattle, tend grazing cattle


tsaalre f. regional
tsaan za f.
tsaav m.
tsaavaj m. traveler with little or no luggage, traveler able

tsarvj m. 1 scarecrow 2 target, shooting mark 3 limit,


to travel along a footpath

tsarav present of
1 tsar f.
2 tsira f. tsra saw kind of scythe
3 tsra f. fertilization, manuring manure (as fertilizer)
to fertilize the soil, manure the soil
4 tsra interjection all is in order, everything is OK, everything is

going well

tsarj m. 1 load carried balanced on the head 2 netting in

which straw is transported

tsraj m. tsrj f. yellow rose

tsraj m. 1 running (e.g., of ink) 2 spreading, spread (of a


browse 2 to feed (of poultry)

tsredl intranstitive [past: ] to defecate, evacuate

the bowels

to graze, pasture

tsa f.


tsa v m.


tsadz j m. pasturage, common

tsak 1 m. dripping, falling in drops

tska f. 1 agitation, nervousness, concern, uneasiness, alarm


dripping 2 interjection sound of dripping water

2 emotional pain, distress 3 noise, hubbub, disorder

tsakh r m. 1
tsal intransitive 1
tsamnaj m. tsamnaj m. spring (the season)
tsanj f.
tsaavl transitive
tsa 1.1 secluded, solitary; lonely, retired 1.2 single,

unmarried 1.3 traveling without luggage, traveling unburdened 2

m. [plural: tsaag n] pedestrian

tsa p a f. lettuce
tsaatb m. 1 solitude, seclusion

tsaj f. 1 crown (of the head) 2 forelock, bangs (of hair) 3

summit (of a mountain) 4 hoop-like frame of a large tent

tsaedl intransitive
tsaednkaj 1 present participle of 2
ruminant (animal)
tsik m. tska f. 1 sharp pain, acute pain; colic pains
a to be ill with, be down with, ache
My feet hurt. b to throb 2 medicine shock, stroke 3
splashes (e.g., of mud, raindrops) idiom inferior breed,

strong will, resolute person

drive (cattle) out to pasture

tsaj m. servant

base lineage

4 tsrj f. predator thrush, robber thrush

5 tsarj f. wooden abutment (support for main beam)
6 tsar plural of 1
7 tsiri tsri plural of 2
8 tsri plural of 3
1 tsaredl intransitive [past: ]1 to graze, pasture;

tsrka f. tsirka
tsa m. Western pasturage

tsaj-vaj m.
m. dialect

tsshi children's speech what, what's this
tshk m. drinking; drink, beverage
tshtn m. 1 master, boss, owner, proprietor; possessor,
holder 2 husband; man to marry (of a woman) idiom
to reach perfection person with a

disease); infection, contagion

tshtantb m.

tshtantj f.

tshanb laj m. position or obligation of a boss, owner, etc.

tshtna f. mistress, proprietress; owner, holder

tshtavl transitive dialect
tshta f. cooking, meal preparation
tshtedl intransitive dialect
tstsraj m.
tskla 1 how, in what way 2 so far as, so long as, since
tsahk m.
tsahkuaj m. skin; pelt (of an animal)
tshl transitive dialect
tshandj m. smooth sloping rock (which children roll)
tshavl transitive [past: ] to drag along, pull, draw

tshaj m. calf
tshedl intransitive [past: ]1 to crawl, creep along
2 to drag oneself, crawl along; be dragged; stretch oneself; to drag

on, last a long time

2 loneliness 3 unmarried

life, single life

tsakhshma f. saw (the tool)

tsaag f.
tsaal r f. [plural: tsaal ri]

tshed m. plural 1 creeping, crawling to move

by crawling, propel oneself forward by crawling; creep up to, creep
under 2 dragging, pulling, hauling; drawing wire

1 path 2 sidewalk


tsak m. tsk medicine sharp pain, acute pain; lumbago

tsak m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

tsak 1 upright 2 straight, straightforward


a to stand erect b to straighten c to prick up the ears, be alert

The horse pricked up his ears.
! Listen! Lend me an ear! a to stick out, stand out,

stood (there) as if rooted (in the ground). 3 adjective alert

jet out b to straighten one's back, draw oneself up c to prick up

one's ears

The man pricked up his

ears as though he had heard something.

tsk f. tskk m.
tsk lkaj m. bat (the animal)

2 tsakna plural of 1
1 tska f. 1 test, trial, testing, assaying to try, test,
sample; metallurgy to assay 2 to take a sip (of)
I haven't had a bite to eat since yesterday.
2 tsk m. plural 1 drinking; drink, beverage 2 drink of

3 tska f. cliff, precipice; abyss, chasm

4 tska
5 tska feminine singular of 3
1 tsukj m. bag, pouch (carried over the shoulder), knapsack,



tsak laj m. 1 [plural: tsaklij n] bat (the animal) 2

[plural: tsak li] piece of old leather or fur 3 [plural:

tsak li] the crust of flat-bread adhering to the sides of a tanur (i.e.,

traditional Afghan oven)

tsakpj m. turnip tops

tsaksh m. tsakh m.
1 tsakl m. history special land holdings granted to special
individual peasants early in the nineteenth century

tskaj m. 1 basket for commodities (hanging from a ceiling)

2 clothes-line, rope (for drying laundry)

3 tskaj m. kernel (nut of almond, etc.)

4 tske cry used to drive goats, calves
5 tski plural of 3
6 tski present tense of
1 tskedl intransitive [past: ]1

to crawl

a to crawl on the belly; do the leopard-crawl figurative b to

tskl m. 1 short distance, sgement of a road 2 section of

crawl before, cringe (before); lick the boots (of) 2 to drag, trail 3


to pull closer

tskl transitive [past: ] 1 to drink, take (water,

medicine) 2 to smoke to smoke a hookah

tsakl tsekl transitive [past: ] to try, taste, take a

sip of

tsakal-pakl m. beginning of the snow thaw (at the end of


to test, try,

taste 2 taste; aroma, fragrance

tsakv laj m. straightness

tskoj m.
1 tsakvl m. 1
2 tskavl causative [past: ]

1 to give to drink,

water (cattle), make to drink 2 to smoke

tskavl transitive [past: ] 1 to drag, lug, take
things somewhere, carry; pull

to crawl, creep; move from one place to

another by crawling 2 to unsheathe, bare (a saber, etc.) 3 to

attract to fight, clash

4 tsakavl denominative, transitive 3
1 tsakli m. plural dialect 2 3
2 tskavlaj past participle of 1, 2
tskund a f. pinch, nip, tweak
tskunl tskonl transitive [past: ] to pinch,
nip, tweak

2 tsakedl denominative, intransitive 3

tskel transitive [past: ] to catch in a net or trap
tskindn m.
tsgak m. spinning wheel, distaff (manual)
tsagl m. history otrub, holdings (land granted by a landowner to certain peasants for use in addition to their normal

tsklkaj m.
tskindn m. 1 trial, test, taste, tasting

tskunj f.
tskavna f. physics 1 wire-drawing 2 bent (for),

inclination (for), attraction (to) attraction, gravitation, gravity

1 tsgaj m. dialect
2 tsge 4
tsaltsl lost, fallen, perished, killed
tsalarm ordinal Western fourth
tslga f. jet, spurt, stream, (of water)
tsilindr m. cylinder
tsalr numeral four four thousand four
hundred the four sisters (the name of four months of
the lunar year; i.e., )
cardinal points of compass, four directions (North,
South, East, West) idiom He is a fool.
tsalorarab four-wheeled carriage; barouche
tsalorxaj quadrilateral, four-sided; tetrahedral
tsalorbrgha adjective folded up in fours; stacked in fours
to stack, pile, pile up in fours (letter, note, memo,
report, etc.)

tsalorbl 1 walking on all fours 2

tsalorblaj adjective four-legged, quadruped
tsalorbli four-legged animals, quadruped animals
tsalorbli on all fours

Pashto-English Dictionary




tsalortsnaj m. tetragon, quadrangle, square

tsalorkhniz adjective squared, checkered, graph (paper,

tsalorsitj m. plural Sunni Muslims

tsalorgh he female camel in her sixth year
tsalorghhj bull or ox in the sixth year
tsalorvaj adjective quadrangular, square
tsalorl ra f. [plural: tsalorl ri] usually plural
crossroad, crossing

tslorm tsalorm Eastern

tsalormshna four-motored, four-engine
four-engine aircraft

tsalorvrzaj m. youth whose mustache is just sprouting

tsalordz quadrangular
tsalordza f. tsalorza rubayat, quatrain (poetry,

tsalvkht numeral forty

tsalvekht kalan adjective (of) forty years, forty year
tsalvekhtm ordinal fortieth
tsalvekhtma f. forty days after a death (day on which a
religious memorial service is held)

tsalvekht m. elected member of a clan or tribe chosen to

maintain order or propriety during a trip or overnight stay

tsalervisht numeral twenty-four

tsalervishtm ordinal twenty-fourth
tslekh m. tslekht m. 1 glue 2 sticky substance
tslekhn k sticky, gluey, adhesive
tsam 1 dialect 1
tsmts f.
tsamtsarkaj m.
tsamtskj m. tadpole
tsamtslkaj m. dragonfly
1 tsamtsa f.
2 tsamtsa f. stockade or shelter dug below the surface (for

tsamtsamangr m. cobra (snake)

tsamtsj f. 1 spoon 2 ladle, soup ladle idiom
a person who sticks his nose in everywhere; interfering in

tsamghlaj m. 1 smallish old tent 2 scarecrow

tsamghli-tsamghli adjective dry, dried up, parched
(of soil) to dry up, grow parched
1 tsamkan m. plural Tsamkani (a tribe) 2 tsamkanj
Tsamkani (tribesman)

tsamlstl intransitive Eastern [present: past:

]to lie down for a bit, have a nap
lie down, I want to sleep.

tsalvekht 1 f. .1 forty days after birth 1.2 fortieth day

after death 1.3 colloquial the sum of 40 afghanis, 40 rupees, etc.

2 forty (referring to afghanis, rupees, etc.)

tsalvekhtjak f. 1/40th part (in a tax payment)

1 tsil f. 1 forty coldest days of the year 2 forty hottest days of
the year 3 forty day fast and religious rite (among dervishes)

2 tsal f. 1 wish, inclination, desire 2 dream, day-dream

3 tsl f. confidence (in), certitude (in)
4 tsla interrogative what for, why, for what purpose
tsilamst bearing or enduring the cold well
tsilav l m. religion experiencing a forty day trial, going

through a forty day initiation or passage (similar to a Christian

tslaj m. 1 column; pillar 2 pyramid; obelisk; stone cairn

erected over a grave; monument, memorial 3 stone cairn or pile
used as a target for archery practice 4 end-mark, boundary mark;
road milestone

frontier marker 5 tower or hut

constructed as a watch or guard structure for crops 6 finger, ring

7 article (of a law); codex

the Afghan or Pashto code

of honor; traditional Pashto or Afghan law 8 custom, usage

2 tslj botany catkin, amentum

tslaj-tslaj m. 1 ascent and descent

tsamlst m. plural lying down in bed

There was no place to lie down and sleep.

tsamlavl transitive [past: ] 1 to lie down in bed,

lie down and go to sleep 2 to throw down; to roll on the ground
(in a fight)

tsamledl intransitive
tsmangj m. 1 processed pelt, skin, leather 2 piece of

leather in which bread is packed prior to baking it

tsamutsj adjective bald, bald-headed

tsaml 1 melancholy, sad 2 injured, wounded
tsamolavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to

pain, grieve 2 to injure, wound

tsamoledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be pained, be grieved 2 to be injured, be wounded

monastic novitiate for those seeking to be Muslim clerics or



tsamj r m. shoemaker
tsamjr f. shoemaker's trade
tsin r m. [plural: tsinr n] poplar (the tree)
1 tsan m. shaking, jolting; shaking up oscillatory, vibratory
motions to shake, oscillate, vibrate
2 tsn m. obsolete horizon
1 tsnl tsanl [past: ] 1 to shake, shake out;
shake up to beat dust out of a (reversible) rug


rouse oneself (of a bird), shake its wings 2 to beat (fruit from a
tree) 3 to flap (its wings) 4 to brandish (a saber, etc.) 5 to sweap

2 provisions (for the


aside, reject (criticism)


Pashto-English Dictionary

2 tsanl m. bare ground on a mountain top

tsnavl [past: ] to oscillate, vibrate, sway, swing,

Why is this so? Why did this happen? idiom

just as , exactly as , exactly!
3 tsnga
tsngav laj m. 1 quality 2 state, status, condition; state

rock, shake

tsanvahl transitive [past: ] to knock out (a

wedge); break open or down (a door), smash (a window), drive

of affairs

out, dislodge (an enemy); beat out (dust); shake out, fall (by
tsna f. 1 edge The book is lying on the
edge of the table. edge of a forest along

tsangz side, lateral

tsanl transitive [past: ]

something 2 skirt flap, lower edge of clothing 3 shore, bank,

coast 4 side (of a road), curb 5 military boundary, border, flank,

to shake, shake out, cause to

fall by shaking, shake up

tsanr m. May (the month)

tsnj f. 3
tska f. tsuka 1 lock, curl, ringlet

wing 6 math edge, side 7 section, sphere, realm 8 territory,

country 9 outskirts

tsnedl intransitive [past: ]to oscillate, vibrate,

vacillate, sway, swing; vibrate; shake

2 cork, plug, spigot 3

filiform (threadlike) stigmata of maize or corn

tsang m. 1 side, near, next to, by, beside, around, about

a next to, near, around
something Eastern sit next to me b along
along the road next to,
close to to walk alongside 2 side (of a ship) 3
slope (of a mountain) 4 side (e.g., left, right, wrong, right)
from both sides to rest
on or lean on one's elbows, lean on, lean against
a to turn away from someone b figurative to avoid, shun

remove, put to one side, put out of the way to
go around something idiom to disregard, give
someone c to fear, be apprehensive of someone

no ear (to)

tsngra dialect
tsangrj f. armful (of hay, straw, etc.)
tsangzn 1 slanting, oblique, crooked, curved, away 2
overturned a to heel, list, careen b to turn over,
overturn idiom moon on the wane
tsangl f. tsngl tsangla f. tsngla [plural:
tsangli tsngli] elbow to lean with one's

tsuakj f. 1 peys (the long uncut side-looks or side-burns of

orthodox Jews worn traditionally in accordance with biblical and
talmudic rules) 2 topknot, tuft of hair

tsa f. [plural: tsi] 1 locks, curls, ringlets 2 filiform

(hairlike) stigmata on the racemes of maize or corn 3 proper
name Tsuna

tsjkok m.
1 tsav m. 1
2 tso 1 pronoun .1 interrogative how much, how many
How many sons do you have? How many
people came? What time is it? How
old are you? 1.2 indefinite pronoun some, several
for some time Eastern
sometimes ago 2 indefinite numeral several, some quantity, often,
more than once

differently, in different ways




several times

spoke to him several times. idiom

a as long, as long as, til what time, for

how long b in order to, in order that

speak thus so that you would understand.

a until, as long as b in order

What time exactly? How long?
tsv r m. patience, endurance, staunchness; inflexibility
tsv rlas numeral regional fourteen
tsoxz 1 complicated (of a question) 2 many sided, having

elbows (on something)

tsanglaj m. tsanglj f. first or last pole of a tent

tsangv haj m. 2
tsangvgdaj m. 1 carrying sling, carrying strap, rifle


sling 2 cushion, pillow (for sitting)


tsangj m. tether with a ring (in the nose, for cattle)

tsangj f. stone arch of a kahriz (or near horizontal

underground water-collecting gallery)

tsang tsng 1 scattered, spread (about), flung (about),

multiple aspects

sown, disseminated, disbursed 2 sparse (of sowing, seeding,

planting, forest, trees)

tsvab m. 1 passion, passionate love, strong desire 2 aspiration

(for), striving (for); yearning

tsnga interrogative pronoun 1 what, what kind of

What sort of person is he? 2.1 how
Would it be good if
You should do as I told you. 2.2 what for, why
Young man, why did you come here? 2.3 how 3 why is this

a to thirst (after), crave,

strongly desire; to aspire (to), strive (for), aspire (to) b to long


tsob aj m. flat paddle-like instrument for beating laundry

and stirring in the washing process

tsup 1
tsopr f. yarn which has become entangled


Pashto-English Dictionary

tso m. 1 sally, sorte, attack, raid 2 damages, injury

tsorangedl intransitive [past: ] to be motley,

be vari-colored, be partly-colored; become brightly colored

a to organize a sally, sorte, attack or onslaught; accomplish a raid

b to inflict injury, do harm

tsuk m. hammer
tsuajsr b esteemed individual
tsochnda several times

to become more

tsudzj m. gonorrhea
tsuts m. 1 dolphin 2 greedy, avid, covetous person
tsutsln greedy, covetous, avid
tsutsink m. 1 cricket 2 name of a bird
tsorb tsvarb tsarb f. tsvrba m. [plural:
tsrb f. plural: tsarb plural: tsvrbi] heavy,
plump, fat, obese

tsorbtb tsvarbtb m. tsorbtj tsvarbtj m.

tsorbv laj tsvarbv laj m. stoutness, corpulence,
plumpness, fatness; obesity

tsorbavl denominative, intransitive

tsrka f. side
tsurg f. 1 steppe 2 side 3 foreign country, distant land
tsvrlas numeral fourteen
tsvarlasm ordinal fourteenth idiom half
moon (i.e., moon of the 14th day)

tsorl f. wild pig, wild boar

1 tsurlj m. borer, drill, perforator; gimlet
2 tsvarl m. regional rider, horseman
3 tsvarlj f. regional riding (horses)
tsrledzj m. axis; axel
1 tsavrng 1 trampled, stamped on, crushed

to prevent him from getting separated from the herd 2 horse-cloth

3 membranous flesh (around the navel of a domestic animal,


tsu 1 let down, lowered, hauled down 2 bent, curved,

crooked 3 bent, curved back (of cattle) 4 disfigured, mutilated 5

emaciated, underfed (of a child) 6 stale (of food) idiom

with shame, disgrace, infamy, shamed, disgraced
He emerged shamed. He emerged embarrassed
tsughvg ashamed, embarrassed
tsomnaj m. spring (the season)
tsovng m. portion (at the time when a butchered animal
carcass is being cut up)

tsonga f. agriculture seedling, sapling, young plant

tsuv laj m. 1 omission, lapse 2 curvature, flexion, bend,

tsuavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to lower,

reduce, sink, decline 2 to bend, fold, twist, distort 3 to disfigure,

2 slaughtered,

stained condition

tsorangv laj m. 1 diversity of colors 2 figurative of

deform, mutilate, maim 4 to starve, exhaust (a child)

1 tsuaj m. tsoaj bull with horns bent back

2 tsoj cow with horns bent or curved back
tsuedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

tsavrangvl denominative, intransitive [past:

]1 to stamp vigorously, tramp, tramp down, tramp under foot 2
to beat, thrash to beat until bloody
2 tsorangavl denominative, intransitive [past:
]to make variegated, make multi-colored, cover with paint (of

1 to get

down, go down, descend; go down, be reduced; sink; hang down;

settle; lie down; go down 2 to be bent; to twist, sag; bend, bow,
stoop; become bent; become crooked 3 to be disfigured, be
mutilated, be maimed 4 to be underfed, be emaciated (of a small
child, infant)

tson m. piece of leather or old wineskin spread on a (flat)

stone when washing laundry by means of a valka or wooden

paddle bat

mixed character, motley character, motley nature

tsvaz m. essence; product of distillation

1 tszaj m. bedding made of matting; litter for domestic

2 tszaj m. chicken, chick, pullet

tsus m. a to roam, rove, scour about (of a dog in

varied colors)

tsu m.

emaciated state, emaciation (of an infant, small child) 5 stale

different colors

state, spoiled condition (of food)

3 tsurng m. regional 1 2
1 tsavrangtb m. 1
2 tsorangtb m. 2
1 tsavrangtj f. 1
2 tsorangtj f. 2
1 tsavrangv laj m. state of being blood-stained, blood

tsvraj tsvraj m. tsv rj f. 1 provisions, victuals,

crookedness 3 disfigurement, deformity, malformation 4

tsorng molley, variegated, many colored, parti colored, of

tsurj m. sharp stone used as knife

to gather, collect provender en route to

get ready, pick someone up en route
I had already picked up provisions en route.
1 tsav m. 1 staff or rod tied or fastened between a bull's legs

massacred; blood-stained, bloody


provender (for the road) 2 reserve of foodstuffs or rations

powerful, build up strength

search of food) b figurative to obtain wealth, pursue a career (in

tsavrangedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

search of monetary success, reknown, etc.)

1 to be trampled (down) 2 to be beaten, be thrashed


Pashto-English Dictionary

tsaukj tsokj 1 guard, watch, patrol

guarded by ships, convoyed by ships to set up a sentry

tsusn roaming, roving, scouring, sniffing around (of a dog in

search of food)

tsusedl intransitive [past: ]to roam, rove, scour,

sniff around (of a dog in search of food)

post, establish a sentry post, post a guard


(of the mouth) 3 spout (of a jug)

tsuhkraj m.

tshka f. [plural: tshki]

to guard,

arm-chair, easy chair 5 position, stand

to occupy a position 6 post, job, position

government job, post

spout (of a tea pot, etc.)

tsuhj m. spout (of a tea pot, etc.)

2 tsuhj f. spout (of a tea pot, etc.)
1 tsuk m. dialect
2 tsok 1 pronoun .1 interrogative and relative, direct sense
form (oblique )pronoun 1.1a who (used as the subject of an


tsokj f. 1 small round loaf of bread 2 vow to make a

to make a vow to complete a pilgrimage


tsokj dzhoavnkaj m. joiner, cabinet-maker

tsokid r m. tsavkid r watchman, guard, sentry, sentinel
tsokidr f. 1 guarding, protection, patrolling
coast-guard, patrolling the coast 2 Eastern tax on a

action in intransitive verbs in all tenses, and in transitive verbs in


Who is the master of this house?

So nobody really knew this

tsavgl m. bran
tsavgr m. hunter lying in wait for game
tsvl 1.1 blown to pieces in shreds, rags, ragged

intransitive verbs in the present and future tenses and in the

tsolgj f. chisel, gouge

tsvlnd greedy, stingy, niggardly
tsol f. shirt made of coarse and thick lining cloth or material
tsvalj m. tsolj 1
tsmra tsmra 1.1 how much (by quality, amount, weight)
How much wheat in this bag?
How far to the village?

the present and future tenses)

protect, watch 2 deputy's credentials 3 regional customs post 4

tsvahtj m. textiles 1 shuttle (in carpet weaving) 2 corner

Who has arrived?

moth-eater 2 m. little piece, scrap; rag, shred

Some people say 1.1b whom (used as the object of an action in

grammatical construction)

Whom do you see?

Whom did he beat? 1.2 indefinite pronoun anyone,

Is anybody
certain guest dialect somebody or
other, someone, somebody 3 m. .1 man, person this
person that, the one who three others
oh, that person who ; oh, the one who (in address)
anybody; someone, somebody

home? 2 attributive some, a kind of, a certain

How much time did you spend there? 1.2 as far as, so far as, how

How pleasant(ly) the

the , the (e.g., the
more the merrier; the hotter, the better)
The farther these mountains extend to the

to cut (meat),

north, the higher their peaks are.

tsuk m. 1 man with a thick beard 2 literature Kyosa (a

personage occuring in folk literature)

tsukl transitive
tsokalln How old are you?


old is Zeynab?

tsavkan m. plural 1

near the Afghan border)

2 Chamkani (Pakistani town

tska f. 1 top, apex; crown (of a tree, of the human head) 2

tsomrav laj m. quantity, amount, number

tsmbra tsmbra
tsonj armless (missing one arm)
tsvnd disquieted, uncalm, troubled
tsndi dialect
tsna f. fringe; border, edging
tsungraj m. small loaf of unleavened bread (given to

children while warm in the presence of the children's illness )

sharp peak (of a mountain), pinnacle 3 sharp tip; point, spike (of a
knife, spearhead, etc.)

to become shapened, become

pointed 4 advance, forward patrol (mounted or foot) idiom

to stand on tiptoe
tskavr pointed
1 tsukj 1 wicker rack (for transporting plates, dishes,
crockery) 2 bag, pouch

breeze is blowing 2

prepare (sausage meat)

In so far as I know

How good it would be!

3.2 important person, big-wig

tsukbz f. regional boxing

tsukrj m.
tsukrejl transitive [past: ]


tsokj m. tsavkj

tsna tsna
tsna-ts ra 1 and so that's it 2.1 f. avoiding, evading
squabble, hassle a to avoid, evade b quarrel,
wrangle, squabble (with)

tsonav laj m. quantity, amount, number

1 tsni tsne dialect
2 tsunj m. waste products of cane sugar manufacture
3 tsunj f. figured cotton cloth (for clothing, etc.)


Pashto-English Dictionary

really (in emotional speech it is placed at the end of a phrase)

tsni-mni regional 1 brilliant, glittering 2 polished,

What business is
when, at
that time, since for a large sum of money a
little, just a bit partly , (and) partly ; not only
, but also some arrived, but
some did not you say one thing and I (say)
another proverb it's twenty or twenty and a
half (e.g., a small difference is of little import) a to
happen, come to pass b to get to, disappear to, become of
Where did my book disappear to? that is
because that is, just exactly What exactly


tsuka f.
tsuavl transitive
tsa f.
tsuevr 1.1 with a forelock

1.2 with ringlets, with

tsvavl transitive [past: ] to cause pain

tsavavl transitive [past: ] to design, devise or

project something

tsovm tsovm pronoun interrogative what, how, which

(according to the account) What date is


tsva f. hoof (of horse)

2 tsva f.
tsoh lazing around, loafing
tsuhr f. medicine hernia, rupture
tsohm pronoun
tshamr dialect
1 tsvaj m. 1 ambush

did you see?

1 tsah n plural of
2 tsah n plural of 1
tsxo 4
tsaul how, in what way
tsir tser 1
tsshn how how, in what manner, in what way
ts shaj what 1
tstaur how; in what way, in what manner
tsnts tsnats somewhat; in some measure, to

to organize an

ambush, lie in ambush 2 refuge, asylum, shelter

2 tsoj m. regional hare

tsj f. regional doe-hare
tsvedl intransitive [past: ]

some degree; almost, approximately

to be ill with, be down

with, have sharp pains (of fingers and toes when they are frost-

ts-u-ts indefinite pronoun 1 something 2 m. plural

euphemism shameful parts, indecent parts; the naughty parts (the


tsojm Eastern
1 tsah m.
2 ts dialect tsi 1 pronoun

genitals, etc.)

.1 interrogitive what (being the

constructions, it is regarded usually as a plural)

What is lying on the table? What are you saying?

What else? What can I do? di What is
this? What did you do? di What did
you hear? How is this girl
related to you? What is your name?
What for? Why? 4 to do something with
someone, for someone or to someone What

some, partly 2.2 to a certain extent, to a certain degree 3 particle

colloquial what's this

what is

for appearnce's sake, but then goes ahead and takes it upon

What is
What is this?
What is your uncle's name? ! Oh, what a
misfortune! 1.3 indefinite pronoun something, anything
say something something nice something new
proverb better something than nothing
2.1 several, some, a few, any (amount)
several days ago Let's
walk a bit closer to this large building. a little bit,
How are you?

upon yourself, if you don't need it? (e.g., a person who refuses just

did I do to you? 1.2 interrogitive pronoun what, how, what kind

tsi vice

2 tse f. name of the letter

3 tse acquisition of prepositional characteristics and
Why is this yours? proverb Why take it

needed? What?

this, give it to me (show it to me)

subject in intransitive verb, or the object of the action in ergative

of, how

Are you really blind? idiom

it of yours? What has this got to do with you?

curls 2 m. brother-in-law

tset f. dull side or edge of a saber

tsixl transitive
tser m. likeness, resemblance so, thus, like this, this
way, in that way like you
They do not consider him to be the man. One does not
consider him to be the man.

tsirv m. plural 1 rupture, tearing, laceration 2

disruption; cleaving, cutting; cleavage, separation, division 3
operation, operating; opening (of a wound, an abscess, a boil)

2 tsirv imperfect of
tsirxvlj m. eggplant
1 tsirstrgaj impudent, impertinent, insolent
2 tsirstrg f. impudence, impertinence, insolence, cheek
to speak insolently


Pashto-English Dictionary

tsirgj f. strip, narrow sector of a field

tsirl transitive verb [past: ] 1 to tear, rend

3 to crack, burst, disintegrate; be broken up, be hammered flat; be

2 to

cloven, be split

cleave, split, break 3 to kill (of a beast of prey) 4 to operate,

open a wound, open a boil

a boil, etc.)
tsel 1 transitive [past: ] .1 to consider, examine,
discuss something 1.2 to investigate, explore, examine 1.3 to

tsirlj 1 past participle of 2 impudent, impertinent,

insolent; disrespectful a to speak plainly, speak in

find out about (a deposit of one, etc.), reconnoiter, collect data

plain terms b to speak impertinently (of children) idiom

to undertake a difficult affair
tserlj feminine of 1
tsrma 1 f. .1 corner (e.g., of a kerchief) 1.2 edge, side 2
aside ! Put the book aside! 3 predicative .1
directed at, directed toward 3.2 aspiring to a to put
aside b to throw, fling c to send, direct a to stand
aside, step aside, move away from, keep away from b to be sent,

be dispatched; make for, make one's way toward c to aim at,

aspire to, strive for

(intelligence, etc.) 2 m. plural

tsenp l m. president of the Afghan Academy
tsendj m. member (active) of the Afghan Academy
tsernml m. senior scientific worker
tsenv l m. corresponding member of the Afghan Academy
tsena f. 1 investigation, discussion of something 2
investigation investigation of vocabulary items, study
of lexical items; lexicography
a to investigate, discuss something b to explore,
investigate 3 law inquest, investigation preliminary
inquest, preliminary investigation 4 to find out about, investigate

tsirv laj m. state of being broken or torn; state of being torn

to pieces

(a layer of ore)

tsiravl transitive
tsirnkaj 1 present partcicple of 2 predatory, raptoral
tsirnki wild beasts, predators,

tsenj r m. junior scientific worker

tsenkaj 1 present participle of

tser f. 1 appearance, exterior, looks, look, aspect; face

to recognize by his/her face 2 look, view, form, shape
3 drawing, picture, painting, portrayal, image 4 portrait;

groom on his wedding day 6 figurative mask 7 figurative

character, characteristic property
tsra f. rise (sunrise)
tsra f. scarecrow (in a field)

tsra f. 1 cut, section 2 strip, band (of paper, cloth); rag,

shred, scrap

to cut into strips; tear into strips

tserakkh m. 1 portraitist 2 artist

tserakakh f. 1 representation 2 portrait (painting)
tseragr m.
1 tsri tsre Eastern 1 torn, lacerated, torn asunder
He arrived all in rugs. 2 cut 3 cracked (i.e., skin); split;
cut (up) 4 cut out; split a to tear, tear asunder; tear up
b to slit, section, lay open c to cleave, split d to cut out

2 tsirj m. piece (of food, cloth, etc.)
3 tserj f. directions (explanation), instructions
4 tsir present tense of
tserj r m.
tsri-pri dialect all torn into shreds; in rags;

tsiredl intransitive [past: past: ] 1 to break,

burst, tear, explode 2 to be torn, be tattered; be spit, be cut, be slit

2 m. assistant or

teacher in a higher institution of learning, teacher, instructor

snapshot, photograph 5 wreath or garland of flowers worn by a

a to investigate something b to

(source of something)

investigate, research c to investigate, inquiring into d to explore

predatory animals

the earth cracked, the earth fissured

tserlj m. kid (young goat)

4 to be split open 5 to be operated upon; be opened (of a wound,

tsa f. 1 row, line, rank, file 2 band, crowd 3 flock; herd (of

horses), shoal (of fish), flock (of birds) 4 hunting round-up

obsolete a advance guard b hunting beaters
1 tsej f. 1 evergreen oak, Quercus baloot largeleafed oak small-leafed oak 2 crown, top
2 tsi plural
3 tse present tense of
tsiz m. Eastern thing, object What is that?
tszma f. tsghma f. dialect eyelid
tsekhtn m. dialect
tsekhtavl transitive dialect
tskhta f.
tsekhtedl intransitive dialect
tsekhl transitive dialect
tsikl transitive [past: ] to hack, chop up (viscera,

tska f. top or peak of turban

tslm f. 1 edge, side


My house is on the edge of the village. 2 trench, emplacement,

foxhole; position idiom

tsl f.
1 tsilj f. 2
2 tselj f. rope, cord


quite, very;

to come unexpectedly, appear unexpectedly; pop in without

Pashto-English Dictionary

tsindz m. dialect
tsindzkha m. dialect frog
tsingkh m. dialect
tsingkha f. dialect
tsinavr m.
tsinj f. dialect 3

margins of a publication, etc.)

publication, etc.)

yield a harvest, bear (of land)

predicative .1 received, obtained 3.2 achieved 3.3 determined

math sum meaning

the meaning of life
obsolete in a word; succinctly stated
hsilkhz fruitful; high-yield fruitful,
(by right, law)

for an Arab of the tribe, as the personification of generosity)

hadzhb m. Arabic [plural: hdzhibn Arabic plural:

hudzhdzh b plural: hadzhab] porter, doorman;
hdzht m. Arabic [plural: hdzhatna Arabic

plural: hdzh t] necessity, requirement

There is

to need, have need of

If you have need of it
to answer the call of nature

productive land

hsilkhez f. fruitfulness; high-productivity

hsilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
get; to obtain to obtain something
to acquire knowledge to attain one's
goal 2 to attain, achieve 3 to turn out, put out, produce

no need. It isn't necessary.

someone or something

hdzhatmn 1 needy; poor 2 m. pauper; poor peasant

hdzhatmand f. need; destitution; poverty
hdzhz Arabic 1.1 impending 1.2 separating, isolating 2

economics producer


phenomenon (of nature)

hz Arabic skillful, experienced; intelligent; wise

hr Arabic hot mant-i hot, tropical countries; the
hrs Arabic 1 greedy, grasping, stingy 2 strongly desiring,

thirsting for something; striving for something

hz m. plural

hsd Arabic 1 envious 2 m. envious person

hss f. Arabic [plural: hav s] feeling

[past: ] 1 to

turned out 5 to flow out of, be the consequence of something

to produce a result
hzr Arabic 1.1 present, appearing; on hand, available
at present ! Here he is! 1.2 present (of
time, situation) 1.3 ready for something
He will never agree with this.
2 m. the present (time) amr-i
grammar imperative mood

hzrn Arabic at the present time, at the present moment

hzirb sh m. 1 bodyguard 2 servant, attendant
to attend
hzirszhav b resourceful; witty
hzirdzhavb f. resourcefulness; wittiness
hzirv laj m. 1 presence; availability 2 readiness 3

hzikhl m. plural the Hazi, the

agreement, consent

hziravl 1 denominative, transitive [past: ] .1

to bring, convey 1.2 to prepare for something 1.3 to summon,

Hazikhejli (a branch of the Yusufzai tribe)

2 m.

success) 3 to be procured, be acquired 4 to be produced, be

to Mecca)


be gotten; be obtained 2 to be attained, be achieved (e.g., of

hdzh m. Arabic haji (a Moslem who has made a pilgrimage

hd Arabic acute (i.e., angle)

hds Arabic new, fresh
hadisa f. [plural: hdis Arabic m. plural:
hdis t Arabic plural: havds] 1 event; incident;
occurrence; happening Such an event
occurred. 2 accident wreck, crash; accident 3 a

hsilavnkaj 1 present participle of

hsil fruitful; high-yield

hsiledl denominative, intransitive

impediment, obstacle

a to
This land

yields a big crop. b to bring in revenue c to yield a result 3

htm m. Arabic personal name Hatim (especially as the name

hsl Arabic 1.1 receiving, obtaining 1.2 achieving, getting

2.2 revenue, income 2.3 product; production 2.4 figurative

he h-ji-hutt 1 the eleventh letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the

official abbreviation for 1

to comment (in a

result, total; consequence; outcome, conclusion

number 8 in the abjad system


2 m. [plural: hsil t plural: havsl] .1 harvest

hshijanavis f. marginalia, commentary (on the


hshij f. Arabic [plural: hashije Arabic m.

plural: havsh] 1 edge; edging; selvage 2 note in the

to call a general meeting 1.4 to

compel; force, make to do something 2 m. plural .1 delivery

sense of smell, olfactory sense

2.2 preparation for something 2.3 summons 2.4 compulsion

hzir f. 1 appearance, showing up for work; presence 2

military roll-call, muster

margin of a book or manuscript, marginalia

to call the roll, take

attendance 3 time sheet (for logging workers in and out)


Pashto-English Dictionary

time-keepers log


to sign in

(workers) 4 military call-up (to active duty) 5 regional lunch

to have lunch
hziredl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to

to agree They did not agree on this.

hzirn m. Arabic plural those present, those participating
hfz m. Arabic 1 custodian, guardian 2 person who has
committed the Koran to memory 3 Hafiz (a classical poet of the

hlat adjective grammar case, pertaining to case, case-

hl Arabic 1 knowing, informed 2 contemporary

hmil Arabic 1 feminine singular of


dominating 2.3 command

military command post

hkimn 1 imperious, commanding; overbearing 2

hmilag f. pregnancy
hm m. Arabic protector, defender, patron; savior
hv Arabic containing, holding
hz Arabic possessing, owning
hl Arabic 1 hindering, impeding 2 m. [plural:
hilna Arabic plural: hvil] .1 obstacle, impediment,
hindrance 2.2 barrier, hurdle

authority, power

hkimnishn administrative; regional

hiledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be or

serve as an obstacle or barrier

administrative center

hkma f. 1 empress, sovereign 2 mistress

hkim f. government of a province, region or district
hkimijt m. Arabic 1 supremacy; authority
during the years of Soviet power, in the Soviet
period 2 jurisdiction 3 competence 4 sovereignty 5 ownership,
possession 6 action, influence
to act (upon), influence idiom

a to master, possess
to love to

command or have at one's disposition

hk Arabic speaking; relating; stating

This communication states that

hl m. Arabic [plural: hlna Arabic plural:

to relate or tell
They did not

ahv l] 1 position, situation; circumstance

about the circumstances of a matter
say what it was about.

a to tell about oneself; to talk

about one's situation b to lay out, expound proofs c to reveal

to inform someone
to let someone know about
to inquire about someone

one's secret, be frank

about something

pregnant (woman) 2 f. .1 pregnant woman 2.2 transmitter (of

ideas, etc.)

1.2 Eastern judge 2 attributive .1 governing; ruling 2.2


hml Arabic 1 conveying; transporting, carrying 2 m. .1

ferryman 2.2 bearer of this, bearer 2.3 holder (of a bond)

16th century)

hfizull m. Arabic proper name Hafizulla

hfiz f. Arabic memory
hkm Arabic 1 m. .1 hakim; head; chief of a province or
district; governor governor chief of a province

I have completely reformed. 2

grammar case

appear, arrive, show up; participate 2 to be ready for something 3

to find out about one another 2 (current) reality 3 health,

condition of health

How do you feel? How is

your health? How are you? 4 grammar the present tense idiom

meanwhile; in reality; whereas; at the

same time while, because in any
case not in any case
hl t Arabic masculine plural of
hl nki vice whereas, while
hlt m. Arabic [plural: hlatna Arabic plural:
hl t] 1 position, situation; circumstance
meteorological conditions the normal state, natural


hab habb m. Arabic [plural: hubb] 1 corn 2 fruit

hub hubb m. Arabic love; affection

folklore Worldly matters do not hold me prisoner.

hub b m. Arabic bubble soap bubble

hubb-uz-z t m. Arabic self-love, egotism
hubb-ul-ghjr m. Arabic altruism
hubb-un-nfs m. Arabic
hubb-ul-vatn m. Arabic patriotism
habs m. Arabic arrest, imprisonment
life imprisonment compound verb
compound verb
habsavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to arrest,

habs-i-hav stuffy, stifling (of air)

habsedl denominative, intransitive
arrested, be imprisoned

[past: ] to be

habashist n m. habash f. Ethiopia; Abyssinia

habshj habsh habash 1 Ethiopian; Abyssinian 2 Black;

habat Arabic useless, good-for-nothing

hubb Arabic masculine plural of 1
hubub t m. second person plural of

1 grain, grains 2

cornbread, food, cereals 3 leguminous plants

habb Arabic 1 favorite, beloved 2 m. proper name Habib

hubibull m. Arabic proper name Habibulla
habibij f. Habibiya (a lycee in Kabul thus named for the
Emir Habibulla)



military college

Pashto-English Dictionary

to increase in volume 2 format (of a book) 3 size, bulk,

scale volume of operations 4 output (of an enterprise)
had hadd m. Arabic [plural: hadna Arabic plural:
hudd] 1 limit, boundary within the city
limits to go a considerable distance within
limits, within the norm, within boundaries 8 around
8 hours as possible
to a certain extent, to a certain degree
to such a degree that ; to the extent that
in a significant degree or measure
insofar as this is possible a

hatm m. Arabic 1 obligation; commitment 2 solution (of a

problem) definitive solution to a problem

htmn Arabic without fail, certainly, absolutely
hatm Arabic obligatory, indispensable, absolute
obligatory training We are obliged to
do this ... It is necessary to
hatmi-ul-vu Arabic unavoidable, inevitable
hatmijt m. Arabic binding force; indispensability,

hatt Arabic 1 conjunction even; so, that 2 preposition until;

right unto; till; while 3 combining form


insofar as

infinitely, boundlessly; excessively, too much b infinite,

hatij t m.
hatt-l-imk n hatt-l-mdr Arabic
hatt-l-vs Arabic insofar as possible; as much as possible;

a maximum of three years

to limit to go beyond the permissible limits, depart
from the framework or bounds of something a
b to encroach on something
to exceed authority 2 religion punishment for crime
(established by shariat, the canonical law of Islam) idiom
hd-i; hdd-i majority; maturity regional a to

to the best of one's ability

hadzh m. hadzhdzh Arabic hadj, pilgrimage to Mecca

1 hidzh b m. [plural: hidzhbna Arabic plural:
hudzhb Arabic plural: ahdzhib] 1 shawl, veil 2
membrane; partition hidzh b-i anatomy diaphragm 3
modesty; bashfulness idiom under cover of night
2 hudzhzh b Arabic plural of
hadzhdzh r m. Arabic lapidary; stonemason
hadzhdzhr f. lapidary work
hidzh z m. Arabic Hejaz
hadzhdzh m m. Arabic barber who uses cupping-glasses or

exaggerate, overplay b to overstate

hadbakhsh f. demarcation, delimitation

hiddt m. Arabic sharpness, zeal; fury
hads m. Arabic offer, proposal, surmise This
surmise has turned out to be true. He guessed

huds m. Arabic novelty

hudd Arabic masculine plural of
hads m. Arabic [plural: hadisna


hadzhmt m. Arabic 1 use of cupping-glasses; bloodletting

2 shave; haircut

a haircut

to get a haircut

to give

hadik f. Arabic poetic garden

haz f. Arabic military dressing !

hadzhj f.
1 hadzhb m. Arabic concealing, covering up
2 hudzhb Arabic masculine plural of 1
hudzhdzht m. Arabic 1 proof, argument, logical proof
to prove, present arguments, give logical proof 2 economics

military Dress! (as

a command)

hazr m. Arabic fear, dread; caution

wary of

document, promissory note; I.O.U


ahds] religion hadis (tradition about Mohammed)

to be fearful; be wary

to be fearful; be

hazf m. Arabic 1 dropping (e.g., a letter, a prefix) 2


compound verb

hazfavl denominative, transitive [past:

(e.g., a letter, a prefix) 2 to abbreviate

hudzhdzhat 1 m. .1 expert debater 1.2 faultfinder 2

peevish; troublesome

hadzhr m. Arabic [plural: ahdzh r] stone, rock

hudzhrt biology cellular
hudzhr f. Arabic [plural: hudzhr Arabic m. plural:
hudzhar t] 1 Eastern guestroom (in rural villages)
to have a guestroom 2 lodging
At whose place did you stay yesterday?
He practically lives at the mosque. 3 cell (of a honeycomb)

1 to drop

hur hurr 1 free, independent 2 m. [plural: ahr r] liberal

harrt m. Arabic 1 heat, hot weather 2 temperature
The temperature (of the air) is 8 degrees
above zero.

hirst m. Arabic guarding; tending; caring for

to guard; to tend; to take care of; to watch over

har m Arabic 1 unauthorized 2 impermissible, forbidden (by

shariat, i.e., Islamic canon law); repudiated

4 biology cell

hadzhm m. hudzhm Arabic 1 volume, capacity, cubic content

in volume the displacement of a ship

unclean, forbidden food idiom


a to take a bribe b to

appropriate another's property c to be a scoundrel

Pashto-English Dictionary


out 3

harmkhr 1.1 living on unearned

income 1.2 living at another's expense 2.1 m. parasite, sponger

diacritical mark indicating a short vowel

harmkhor f. 1 parasitism; sponging 2 cheating,



harmghz m. spinal chord

harmavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

forbid 2 to spoil, render useless; make inedible, defile

work of typesetting

harmnaj 1 useless, base, mean 2 m. good-for-nothing,

harm m. 1 good-for-nothing, scoundrel 2 bandit

harmedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

hurmt m. Arabic esteem, respect

haramkhn f. haramsarj m. harem
haramjn m. Arabic plural religion Mecca and Medina
hurf m. Arabic plural 1 of 2 type
hurufchn m. compositor
hurufchin f. 1 typographic composition, typesetting 2
hurufi typographic printing press
harj n
harj n-darj n extremely surprised; startled, stunned
hurrijt m. Arabic freedom
hurrijatkh h
harr m. Arabic silk, silk cloth
hars Arabic avaricious, mean to become

1 to be

impermissible, be forbidden 2 to go bad, put out of commission;

be defiled

harb m. Arabic war vazr-i Defense Minister

harb 1 military military school
military service armaments plant,

avaricious, become mean; be greedy, be mean

harbij Arabic

regional partner

chief directorate of

artillery and technical supply (of the Ministry of Defense)

hrdzh m. hradzh constraint, difficulty; critical situation

to surmount a difficulty
hirs m. Arabic 1 greed, avidity, cupidity 2 passionate desire
to desire passionately, lust after
1 harf m. Arabic [plural: harfna plural: hurf]
1 letter (of the alphabet) to write out in full 2
grammar participle negation 3 grammar preposition
2 hirf Arabic masculine plural of
hirft m. Arabic [plural: hirf t f. Arabic hirfa
plural: hirf m. Arabic plural: hirf] 1 trade, craft
hl-i artisans 2 occupation; field of work
hirfa adjective handicraft, trade trade

harf Arabic 1 in letters 2 literal 3 grammar prepositional

(i.e., phrase)

harak t masculine plural 1 of 2 military operations

chief of the operations department (in the

har m. Arabic fire

hizb m. Arabic [plural: hizbna Arabic plural:

ahz b] party, political Communist Party

hizb Arabic attributive party
hazm m. Arabic prudence, caution, circumspection
to act cautiously, behave circumspectly
his m. hiss Arabic sensation, feeling compound verb
compound verb
his b Arabic 1 m. [plural: hisbna Arabic plural:
hisb t] .1 counting; calculation, computation; count;
enumeration current account accounting
calculator, calculating machine
meter (device) to settle accounts (with)
to settle an account with someone to have an
account with someone to submit a financial report;
render an account to make an
accounting error This isn't worth anything.
1.2 arithmetic 1.3 grouping, category 1.4 account, payment,


General Staff)

harakt 1 military operational 2 mobile, transportable

harakt m. Arabic [plural: harakatna Arabic
plural: harak t] 1 movement, travel motor
the troops are on the march
to move, put into motion 2 departure,
leaving to proceed (from), depart; go out, set

harf m. Arabic [plural: harif n Arabic plural:

huraf ] 1 rival, competitor, opponent 2 regional client 3

munitions factory 2 adjective combat, operational


of worship in Mecca

harmzadag f. 1 meanness 2 cheating; swindling

a to commit a base action b to cheat, swindle
harmzd 1 indeclinable base 2 m. [plural:
harmzdag n] .1 cheat 2.2 good-for-nothing;

4 action, conduct, behavior 5 linguistics

harakat 1 lively (of games) 2 physiology motor

harm m. Arabic 1 harem 2 sacred place, shrine

2.2 cheat, swindler 2.3 rascal

The hour of retribution is

approaching. 2 predicative being reckoned, being counted, taking

into account

hisbdih f. book-keeping; accountancy

render an account (of resources, sums of money)


hisbgr m. meter (in various senses); tally-clerk


Pashto-English Dictionary

hisbavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

compute, calculate, count up, reckon up 2 to be enumerated, be

husnkhl m. Arabic good behavior

husnsulk m. Arabic
husnsirt m. Arabic good conduct
husnzn m. husnznn husnabl

reckoned, be counted (in a statistic, list, etc.)

hisb Arabic 1 accounts, accounting

accounting clerks 2 arithmetical 3 financial, fiscal

fiscal period

husnguzr f. good treatment; courtesy

husnmis l m. Arabic example
husnmuhfiz f. Arabic good care
husnmu'mal f. Arabic 1

fiscal year 4 economical, thrifty

hisbedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be settled, be calculated, be tallied up 2 to be considered, pass for

These rugs are considered

to be good. 3 to amount to 4 to be enumerated, be listed


hass s Arabic 1 sensitive; sympathetic, responsive;

impressionable; receptive 2 punctilious, meticulous 3 sensitive

(of an instrument, etc.) 4 vulnerable

hasssavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to render sensitive, render receptive 2 radio to tune

sentimental 3 sensitive 4 emotional

has m m. Arabic sword

hasmuddn Arabic proper name Hasamuddin
his n Arabic masculine plural of 1
hasb Arabic 1 m. counting, quantity; size; measure 2
according to, in accordance with, as in accordance
with the promise, as promised in accordance with your
order, according to your instructions as usual, as


husjn Arabic 1 beautiful 2 proper name Husain

husajn red, pink (in names of flowers, birds)
ladies fingers (a variety of grape) flamingo (the bird)
hashr m. Arabic 1 assembly, assemblage, crowd, concourse
(of people) 2 religion resurrection from the dead Day


hasd m. Arabic envy enviable (of fate etc.)

to envy
hasadn k envious
hasrt m. Arabic grief, sorrow, melancholy a to

of Judgement, Day of the Final Judgement

hashar f. Arabic [plural: hashar] Arabic m. [plural:

hashar t] 1 insect, bug harmful
insects 2 reptile

hashar khvarnkaj insectivorous

hashmt m. Arabic 1 splendor, magnificence; grandeur

grieve, suffer; long for b to dream, think

husn m. [plural: husn t plural: hisn n] 1

beauty, charm; elegance, grace 2 combining form


name of the first month of the lunar year)

husn t Arabic 1 masculine plural of


2 good, the

hashmatm b Arabic (His) Excellency (form of address

of presidents of republics)

abbreviation military academy

his r Arabic 1 m. .1 stronghold, fort, fortification
fence, wall Bala Hisar (fortress in Kabul) 1.3


encirclement, siege, blockade 1.4 roadblock 1.5 figurative

husnintikh b m. Arabic happy choice

husnintiz m m. Arabic 1 proper adjustment, good

difficulty, obstacle 2 predicative .1 at bay (of an animal) 2.2

besieged, blockaded 2.3 figurative placed in a difficult position

organizational order 2 state of good discipline

husnbaj n m. Arabic eloquence

husntafhm m. Arabic mutual understanding
husntakjf m. Arabic fitness, suitability
husntala m. Arabic
husnkht m. Arabic 1 calligraphy 2 beautiful

2 a

numerous retinue


an example

hasn Arabic 1 beautiful 2 m. proper name Hasan idiom

the month of Muharram (the

hiss Arabic 1 substantial; tangible; capable of being felt 2

hissij t m. Arabic plural feeling, sensation; mood

warlike spirit
hisedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be felt,

punctiliousness, fussiness 3 sensitivity (of an instrument, etc.)

to feel,


hasssijt m. Arabic 1 sensitivity; sharpness,

responsiveness; impressionability; receptiveness 2

husnnazr m. Arabic
husnnijt m. Arabic good intention
husnhamdzhuvr f. good-neighborliness
hasd Arabic 1 envious 2 m. envious person
hisavl denominative, transitive [past: ]


m. Arabic

favor, favorable relation

2.4 limited, restricted


1 to surround, besiege, blockade 2 to

arrange a battle (for game); hunt (game) 3 to drive to the wall,

into a corner 4 to detain, stop

hisredl denominative, intransitive 1 to be encircled, be

besieged, be blockaded 2 to be hunted down, be brought to bay



Pashto-English Dictionary

hafr m. Arabic digging, excavation, dug-up area

hafrij t m. Arabic plural 1 excavations to
excavate 2 work of sappers or military engineers

(of game) 3 figurative to be driven into a corner 4 to be

detained, be stopped

hasr m. Arabic 1 limitation, hindrance 2 blockade

a to restrict, hinder b to blockade

sapper battalion, engineer battalion

hiss Arabic plural masculine plural of

husl m. Arabic 1 acquisition; receipt compound
verb compound verb 2

2 memory 3 memorization, rote-learning

husulavl [past:


husuledl denominative, intransitive 1 to be obtained, be

received 2 to be taken, be seized
hiss f. Arabic lot, part, portion; share, allocation

the audience, the public

hazrt m. Arabic 1 settled (way of) life; location in (a

certain) place 2 civilization, material culture 3 living, habitation,

hazr m. Arabic 1 settled way of life; life in one's own home

2 peacetime

hifz-us-sih f. Arabic 1 hygiene; sanitation 2 public

hifzmtaadm m. Arabic medicine prophylactic

hifzij f. Arabic guard, guardianship; custody, storage
hafd m. Arabic [plural: ahfd] grandson
hafizull m. Arabic proper name Hafizulla
1 ha ha Arabic 1 m. [plural: hana m. Arabic
plural: ha] .1 right, law the
right to self-determination the right to work
the Faculty of Law to have the
right to (free) speech to have the right to vote
to trample on someone's rights
You make this request of me rightly. 1.2 belonging to by
law to give that which is determined, give that which


divide, divide into parts, distribute

compound verb a to be guarded, be protected b to be


hissad r m. participant; co-owner, partner; shareholder

hasr m. Arabic mat
huzz r Arabic masculine plural 1 of 2 those present,


memorized, learned by heart

1 to obtain, receive 2 to take,

verb a to guard, defend, protect b to memorize, learn by heart


hifz m. Arabic 1 guard, defense, protection; custody, storage

in peacetime

belongs rightly by law 1.3 pay, emolument (for labor) 1.4 truth,

hazrt m. Arabic 1 majesty, highness (form of address for

monarchs and high-ranking persons); hazrt (title of ecclesiastical

rightness, justice

persons) Jesus Christ 2 presence

hazratimmsb m. Hazrat-Imam-Saib (city)
hazar Arabic 1 leading a settled life; urban 2 pertaining to
peacetime idiom military regular division
huzr m. Arabic 1 presence
in someone's presence personally, face-to-face
to grant an audience to attend, honor

This is the veritable truth.

from the truth 1.5 God

You are right.

not to deviate

God, the All-High 2 attributive

.1 belonging by right 2.2 veritable, real, genuine 2.3 correct,

This is true. This is correct. 2.4 just

idiom hk-i faithfulness, devotion a in

respect to, with reference to, relating to someone b for someone's


with one's presence 2 Eastern Your Grace (form of address to a

punishment for a crime against the will of God,

punishment for a crime against religion


high-ranking personage) 3 epistolary You, Your Grace (in

recognize or acknowledge someone as master or as teacher idiom

writing to high-ranking personages, instead of )

I am reporting to Your Honor. idiom


! Yes Sir!

huzrn Arabic personally, in the actual presence of

huzur chamn-i Parade-ground (in Kabul)
haz m. hazz Arabic [plural: hazna plural: hazzna
Arabic plural: huzz] 1 pleasure; enjoyment; bliss,
happiness ! What a pleasure! to enjoy,
savor, receive pleasure 2 pleasant taste 3 scent

haffr Arabic 1 dug up, dug out, excavated

hifzt m. Arabic guard, defense, protection

excavations 2 military entrenching

to guard, defend, protect
protected, be defended

hifzat protective, defensive, guard

a to give someone his due, reward someone

according to his just deserts b to threaten someone c to punish

someone, teach someone a lesson

2 hu to vomit, feel sick; belch
han Arabic 1 in truth, actually, indeed 2 justly
hart m. Arabic 1 disdain, scorn 2 humiliation
a to scorn someone b to humiliate someone
haarij n
ha-ul-idzhr f. Arabic rent
ha-ul-inhis r m. Arabic monopoly, monopolistic law
ha-uz-zahmt m. ha-uz-zahm f. Arabic

to be guarded, be

honorarium; compensation for labor; wages

hakk-ul-lh m. Arabic 1 religious laws 2 crime against

religion 3 punishment for a crime against religion


Pashto-English Dictionary

ha-ul-'bd m. Arabic law 1 civil laws 2 crime against

the civil laws 3 punishment for crimes against the civil laws

han just, correct, right

han Arabic 1 just; impartial 2 divine
hanijt m. Arabic 1 justice; impartiality

2 the rightness

2 facts, reality
to conceal the facts, conceal the reality to establish
ha m. Arabic 1 plural of

the facts

habn just
habin f. justice
haparst hapasnd just, fair
hatalaf f. flouting of rights; the infringement of rights
to flout rights, trample upon rights
hahajr n astonished, astounded, extremely surprised
had r 1.1 having a right to something 1.2 lawful
They have a legal right to this.
to consider oneself in the right 2 owner, master
hadst m. owlet, Athene noctua
hashin s 1 just 2 grateful, thankful
hashins f. 1 justice 2 thanks, grateful recognition
1 hagj speaking the truth, truthful
2 hago f. veracity
hal f. regional in comparison with
that year

hanh hanh willy-nilly
hu m. Arabic plural of 1 1
huushin s
huushins f.
huu Arabic juridical legal advisor
1 ha ha 1 legal, just; inalienable legal rights
lawful demand 2 doubtless
2 ha feminine singular of 1 2
har Arabic 1 base, contemptible, paltry, pathetic 2 humble,
obedience to lower someone in
someone's eyes 3 modest, simple, rather poor

hairn shameful, degrading

hair f. 1 baseness, contemptibility, insignificance

hait m. Arabic [plural: haiatna Arabic

plural: haaik] 1 truth, verity

absolute truth to speak the
truth He is hiding the truth. 2 essence, being,
substance the fact is that
But the fact is otherwise. 3 actuality, reality, fact; real thing
realism, a realistic approach to
correspond to reality to effect, realize

relative truth

haitn Arabic actually, indeed

haiatbn m. realist
haitn Arabic
hai 1.1 actual, factual, real 1.2 genuine, natural
natural wool the actual weight 2 m. Arabic
[plural: haiijn] realist
haiitb m. actuality, reality
hakk k m. Arabic carver; engraver
hakkk f. carving; engraving
hukk m m. Arabic plural of
hikjt m. Arabic [plural: hikijtna m. Arabic
plural: hikj t f. Arabic hikj plural:
hikj m. Arabic plural: hikj t] hikayat, story, tale,
fable to relate a tale, tell a story about
something to tell someone a story
hakl f.
1 hkm hkm m. Arabic [plural: hukmna hukmna
Arabic plural: ahk m] 1 order, command, instruction;
injunction to issue an order, issue an instruction 2
sentence, decision (of a court) a decision based on
Shariat to alter the decision (court) a to order,
command; enjoin b to sentence, judge c to
give judgment concerning something 3 property, quality
a to be equivalent, be equal to b to operate (a law) 4 basis
on the basis of experience 5 proper name Hukm
idiom ! As it will please you!
What is your command? What would you like? ! No
entry!; Forbidden! Not authorized!

2 hakm m. Arabic sports umpire, referee

3 hikm m. Arabic wise saying, aphorism
hkmn Arabic no doubt, of course
hikmt m. Arabic 1 wisdom; reason 2 ability

3 proper

name Hikmat

hikmat 1.1 shrewd, adit 1.2 wise (of a saying, proverb) 2

m. shrewd person

humility, obedience 3 modesty; simplicity, poverty

to be ignorant of the fact

(of a judgment, etc.)

to see in its true light

hukm-dzh n m. proper name Hukumjan

hukmd r m. sovereign, ruler, monarch
hukmr n m. chief, administrator
hukmrn f. authority, administration
hukmfarm 1 ruling, ordering 2 effective (of a law)
hukmfarmj f. 1 supremacy 2 effectiveness (of a law)
a to rule b to be effective, be operative (of a law)
hukmnm f. regional order (written)
hukm mannkaj obedient, submissive

Pashto-English Dictionary

hukm Arabic 1 not tolerating an objection, categorical 2

effective, effectual (of a medicine) idiom


hakamijt m. Arabic arbitration; mediation

unity of

trade negotiations

hukumt m. Arabic 1 government

history the Afghan government, the government of Afghanistan

the Royal Afghan Government 2 region;

district; province, state
province 3 central authority, government
during the years of Soviet power a to direct,
govern b to rule 4 regime, social structure societal
structure 5 government idiom
martial law idiom to

province; district

declare martial law

hukumat 1.1 governmental 1.2 state 2 f. .1

administrative region, province or district 2.2 region; province;


halltalb debatable, requiring resolution

half m. hilf Arabic oath, vow
hal m. Arabic larynx; throat; gullet idiom
Zarif Khan suffered, Zarif Khan perished
hal f. 1 ring; hoop 2 circle, radius average
radius of operation 3 circle (of people) dance circle
idiom Eastern circles around the eyes
about, concerning about this book
halabarsh m. servant, slave servant,

soft manner, behave in a weak way

halv [plural: halvij n]

1 hallavl denominative, transitive
assimilate (food)

pure food (as contrasted to )

hallavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

authorize, permit (according to Shariat or Islamic law) 2 to cut up,
butcher (cattle, fowl duly observing the rules of Moslem tradition
in the slaughter of animals) idiom

hull m. Arabic 1 lowering, hauling down 2 embodiment

(of an ideal, etc.)

halledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

solved, be resolved (of a question, problem, etc.)

This problem has already been solved. 2 to be dissolved 3

to be (analytically) investigated 4 to be analyzed 5 to be

digested, be assimilated (of food)

halm Arabic 1 gently, quiet; courteous civil 2 m. proper

name Halim

halim f. Arabic proper name Halima

hulj f. Arabic 1 exterior, appearance 2

adornment; apparel,


hal l Arabic 1 authorized 2 permitted, authorized (by Shariat

were his devoted friends.

dissolve 3 to break down, decompose 4 to analyze 5 to digest,

cotton fiber from the seed; to scutch, card or gin cotton


halvij n] 1 to solve, resolve (a question, problem, etc.) 2 to


hakimn 1.1 wise, reasonable 1.2 philosophical

philosophical writings 2 wisely; reasonably
hakim f. practice of traditional medicine
hal hall m. Arabic 1 solution, resolution (of a question,
problem, etc.) to find a way of solving a problem 2
solution, dissolution 3 analysis; investigation compound
verb 1 compound verb
hal dzh m. Arabic carder, scutcher of cotton
haldzh f. separation of the cotton fiber from the seeds;
carding, scutching or ginning of cotton to separate the
or Islamic law)

to demonstrate a

is eaten. figurative All good things must come to an end.

tabib (i.e., native medical practitioner); physician 3 proper name

halv f. Arabic halvah; sweets

saying literal Every day is not a holiday on which halvah

hakm m. Arabic 1 wise man; thinker, philosopher 2 Eastern


hilm m. Arabic softness (of character)

halledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

permitted, be authorized (according to Shariat, or Islamic law) 2
to be butchered (of cattle, fowl with due observance of the Moslem
tradition in the slaughter of animals) 3 to be deprived of life, to

halvt m. Arabic sweetness, joy; enjoyment, pleasure

hulb f. Arabic fenugreek
halab f. tin-plate
halab dzhoavnkaj m. halabisz m. tin-

typhus, spotted fever relapsing typhus

hamst m. hams f. Arabic valor in battle, courage
hams Arabic literary 1 epic epos 2 heroic
himt m. Arabic stupidity; dull-wittedness; slow-


humm f. Arabic heat, fever, high temperature


hamm l m. Arabic stevedore, porter

hamm m m. Arabic (public) bath

to bathe in a

public bath

hammmk m. natatorium, swimming-pool

hamm m. bath-attendant
himjt m. Arabic 1 defense, protection, custody
self-defense the protection of
motherhood and infancy compound verb to be
protected, be in protective custody 2 support; patronage;
protective influence 3 military cover 4 politics trusteeship



compound verb a to protect, have in care b to give

Pashto-English Dictionary

support to; have under one's patronage; protect by means of one's

influence c military to cover d politics to establish a trusteeship



himjav patronal; guardian

economics protectionism


himj f. Arabic
hamd m. Arabic religion eulogy; thanksgiving
1 halm m. Arabic 1 conveyance; transporting; transportation;
dispatch 2 pregnancy; conception idiom
to ascribe or attribute something to thoughtlessness

haml m. Arabic 1 lamb, young ram 2 astronomy Aries,


hanaf Arabic pertaining to the Hanif sect or Hanafi

hanf m. Arabic Orthodox (fundamentalist) Moslem
hav f. proper name Eve
havds Arabic masculine plural of
hav s m. havss Arabic masculine plural of
havsh Arabic 1 masculine plural of 2 suite, retinue
havsl Arabic masculine plural of 2
havl t Arabic masculine plural 1 of 2 regional jail,

havladzh t Arabic masculine plural of 3

havld r m. 1 regional sergeant 2 non-commissioned

the Ram (the constellation) 3 Hamal (the first month of the solar
year; March-April)

haml-u-hl m. 1 transport 2 conveyance; transporting

transport, troop-ship transportation
vehicle (for transport of goods and personnel)
transportation vehicles

hanzl m. Arabic colocynth, bitter apple, citrellus

officer (in the infantry)

havldr f. 1 regional position of sergeant 2 position of

NCO (in the infantry)

havl f. Arabic [plural: havl Arabic m. plural:

havl t] 1 handling, delivery (e.g., of a package, baggage)
2 transfer of property or of the rights to property 3 Arabic

haml f. Arabic [plural: haml plural: hamal t]

[plural: havl plural: havladzh t plural:

aerial attack to assault someone, attack
someone a to repulse, take away from someone
b to steal from someone to go over to the attack
to undergo artillery fire a to carry

1 attack, offensive, offense, assault

havladzht] trade transfer of payment; money order;

grant (of funds); bill of exchange

a to take an

assignment b to receive money 4 reference to a source 5

regional arrest, imprisonment

compound verb a to

deliver (e.g., a package, baggage) b to transfer (property, etc.) c

out an attack, mount an offensive, attack b to affect (of an illness)

to assign (a room in a hotel, etc.) d to transfer (money and

payment) e regional to arrest, imprison f figurative to deal a

a to attack b to throw oneself, fling oneself over



to subject to an attack 2 figurative

blow of fate, shock


hamlavr attacking, assaulting, advancing

hamla shock, assault, striking a decisive blow
shock army

hamijt m. Arabic 1 feeling of honor; a feeling of personal

dignity 2 high-minded ardor, zeal 3 patriotism

baggage, package) b to be transferred (of money, payment) c to

a to give an assignment b
to refer to idiom He laughed all the more.
havl akhistnkaj 1 present participle of
2 m. trade .1 executor of an assignment 2.2 recipient of
be arrested, be imprisoned

hamijatmnd official the title (form of address) of a



hamd Arabic 1 praiseworthy, worthy of praise 2 proper

name Hamid

hamidull m. Arabic proper name Hamidullah

hamid Arabic 1 feminine singular and plural of 1

2 f.

proper name Hamida

hin hinn f. Arabic henna

hinbnd hinnbnd m. cloth wet with a henna solution (used

havlad r m.
havlanm f. promissory note
havl varkavnkaj present participle of
guarantor, principal (person empowered by
another to act for him)

havdzh Arabic masculine plural of

hut m. Arabic 1 kind of large fish 2 astronomy

Pisces (the

constellation) 3 Hut (the 12th month of the solar year; February-

to color hair, hands)

hin hinni color of henna, reddish-brown

handzhar f. Arabic larynx, throat
pleasant voice
handzharaj linguistics pharyngeal

He dealt him a heavy blow with his

compound verb a to be delivered (e.g., of

the windpipe

hra f.


hur f. Arabic houri

houri (heavenly

havz f. Arabic 1 district, region 2 territory square, plaza

havsil havsal f. Arabic 1 endurance, patience, selfpossession; firmness ! Be patient!


Pashto-English Dictionary

have patience; be very patient, be self-possessed; be very firm

I'm losing patience.

discourage 2 stomach, craw (of a bird)


hauzch f. small water-storage basin, reservoir

hauz f. 1 geography basin the Don Basin

havl f. havel f. Arabic residence, house, building;

haj hajj Arabic living, live

he f. the name of the letter

haj f. Arabic shame, shyness, timidity, bashfulness

be bashful


haj t m. Arabic life, existence way of life

question of life and death
hajt Arabic 1 vital; full of life vitally
important problems 2 live, alive biochemistry
hajtijt m. Arabic vitality, viability, tenacity of life
hajsz repulsive; obscene Eastern foul

in economic
relationships in all respects 2 in the capacity
(of), in the role (of) in view of that ...
to take something into consideration
hajsijt m. Arabic 1 prestige, reputation, dignity
to preserve one's prestige 2 in the capacity of, in the
role of in the capacity of a leader
in the role of a diplomat to carry out someone's role
hajdr m. Arabic 1 lion 2 personal name Haidar, Hayder
hajdarb d m. Haidarabad (city and a former principality in

hil f. Arabic shrewdness, trickery

hajs m. Arabic 1 relation

hajr n Arabic amazed, surprised, stunned


hajrntj f. surprise, amazement

at someone with surprise

He was

hajrnavl denominative, transitive [past:

surprise, stun, astonish

to look

hajrn f. 1 2 surprise, unexpectedness

pleasant surprise
hajrnedl m. denominative, intransitive [past: ] to
be amazed, be surprised, be astounded, be stunned

hajrned m. plural amazement, surprise

hajrt m. Arabic worthy of surprise,
surprising to surprise, amaze
hajz m. Arabic medicine monthlies, menstruation
hajz f. woman at the time of her menstruation

to employ

caused by insects, birds and rodents b illnesses of farm animals

production resulting from animal husbandry

hajvnijt m. Arabic
hajav Arabic 1 vital; physiological 2 vitally important

I am surprised at that ...

2 hil only just, only only now, just now

hilab z m.
hilabz f.
hila-havl f. regional trickery, wiles; cheating, intrigue
hilas z m. shrewd person; cheat
hilasz f. shrewdness; cheating
hilagr m.
hilagar m.
hilan k shrewd; crafty
hin m. Arabic [plural: ahj n] time, season, period
hajv n m. Arabic [plural: hajvn n Arabic plural:
hajvn t] animal, livestock; cattle
productivity of cattle animal husbandry
hajvnparvr f.
hajvantb m. brutishness, baseness
hajvndr f. animal husbandry; cattle-raising
hajvnshin s m. zoologist
hajvnshins f. zoology
hajvn larnkaj adjective cart, pack
hajvn Arabic adjective animal hide of an
animal forage a damage (to agriculture)

India, the name of several population centers)


country estate

It's a pity!

It grieves me very much that ... It's a great pity that ... 2 useless,

storage basin; pond


havsilad r patient, self-possessed; firm

huz m. Arabic [plural: ahv z] reservoir, water-

hajf Arabic 1 It's a pity

khe 1 the twelfth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the number 600
in the abjad system

khb m.
khp m.
khptsi f. plural
khpot m. reptile, serpent
khpon creeping, crawling serpents, snakes
khpi f. plural creeping, crawling; crawling over
to crawl, creep; crawl over
khtr m.
khtm m. Arabic 1 seal; sealring 2 mosaic, inlay
khtim f. Arabic 1 end, termination, completion, conclusion
to be ended, be terminated, be completed, be closed, be
adjourned (of a meeting) to end, terminate,
complete; close, adjourn (i.e., a meeting) 2 grammar ending


Pashto-English Dictionary

kht m. plural 1 lifting, rising, ascent 2 climbing up,

clambering up 3 rise, rising, sunrise 4 mounting,

khrkhvuj f. 1 babbling, murmuring 2 gurgling,

seething a to babble, murmur b to gurgle 3 dialect

entrainment, embussment (on some form of transport)

river, stream 4 gulf, abyss, whirlpool 5 broken terrain, rough

kht imperfect of
3 kh ta f. book
khtdz khtz
khl m. 1 tulip 2 proper name Khatol
khchaj m. dialect nightingale
khkhj f. Eastern
khdm m. Arabic [plural: khdim n plural:
khudd m plural: khadm] servant, attendant robot
1 khdim f. Arabic maid, (female) servant; domestic
2 khdma f. khdmj f. mountain hadama (a kind of


khr m. thorn, spine

from abroad

from without

khridzhavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

exile, depart 2 to exclude, discharge, fire 3 to evacuate 4 mining

on the steppe than on cultivated land.

khr Eastern
khptsi f. plural 1

to mine ore 5 to extract (e.g.,

natural) gas

khridzh Arabic feminine plural of combining form

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
khridzh Arabic 1.1 external, exterior
external appearance 1.2 strange, outside, alien

foreigner 2.2 history Harijit (a member of a Moslem sect which

did not recognize Ali as the successor of Mohammed)

processed, be extracted (e.g., gas)

khridzhed m. plural 1 exile, deportation 2 exclusion,
dropping, dismissal, discharge 3 evacuation 4 mining, extraction

mining of ore 5 processing, extraction (e.g., gas)

khrkhuj f.
khrkhr m. puncture vine, tribulus terristris

khz 1 fading, withering

to fade, wither 2.1 f.

head, pod or capsule of poppy

khridzhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be exiled, be deported 2 to be dropped, be dismissed, be fired 3

a to crawl,

2 khz f.
g m.
khs f. muslin
2 khs special high-quality bread
khsh k m. kindling; bruswood
khshkh sh m. poppy-seed

foreign trade
foreign currency 2.1 m.

to be evacuated 4 mining to be mined, be extracted 5 to be


blade of glass 2.2 trifle, bit, bagatelle

external policy

crawl on all-fours b to crawl along, move by means of crawling

pertaining to that which is beyond the borders of a country


crawling on all-fours

crawl on all-fours 2 crawling along

foreign admixtures (in wool etc.) 1.3 foreign, external, overseas,

khrhtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

khrik-ul-'d Arabic exceptional, unusual

unusual event, extraordinary incident
khrk m. meat-grinder frame
khrkf m. Kharkov (city)
khrgir f. thorn-hedge enclosure or fence
1 khr f.
2 khr m. 1 spur (of a rooster) 2 comb (of a rooster)
3 kh ro oblique plural of 1
khronj f. Eastern 2
khr f. virgin land, undeveloped land bare steppe
proverb It is better to conduct a war

to mine, extract

to get itchy, itch

1.2 foreign, external, alien, pertaining to other countries than one's

own 2 m. foreign parts

khrht 1 itchy; mangy, afflicted with mange

mangy she-goat 2 lustful man 3 scoundrel

prevent; thwart; harm, injure

abroad, overseas

khrhtavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to itch, scratch

a to spear, stick b figurative to

2 khr m. Eastern
khrnj m. south wind
khrptsa f.
khrdzh Arabic 1.1 external, surface

to scratch, scratch

khrht m. 1 mange to be inflected with

mange 2 itch to itch, feel itchy

khd f. 1 pole, stake (2.5 cm. thick) 2 pole or wooden tablet


at the head of a grave; grave marker 3 [plural: khd] fence

khrsh m. 1 mange 2 itch


lizard with a bristly back); vampire, vampire bat

khrd r thorny, spiny

khshn khsh m. plural regional

1 khsh f. 1 pinch 2 crumb 3 piece (e.g., meat) 4 particle
of something 5 litter, trash litter,
trash 6 a speck (in the eye) idiom to idle
to impede, hinder something
2 khsh f. skin ailment of children
khshapn avaricious, stingy, niggardly
khshakh m. native practitioner who will heal the illness


Pashto-English Dictionary

khs khss Arabic 1 special, particular, private, individual

special influence in each
particular instance in special cases
especially, particularly private rooms
(in a bath-house) 2 only, solely especially, in particular
idiom proper name to know the common

submissive, gentle

Khaksar (in India)

furnace, stove)

khtir t Arabic masculine plural of 1

khtirzurd upset, sad
khtirpresh n worried, distressed; upset
khtirdzhm Arabic calm; confident; composed
! Be calm!, Don't worry!
khtirdzham' f. calmness; confidence; composure;
spiritually peaceful to calm someone

khtirkh h 1 desired; to one's liking; pleasant 2


khtirkhh f. 1 desireability; pleasantness 2


to work for

sketch, rough drawing

1 khk 1 grey-green, khaki; brownish-grey 2 dusty 3

1 idiom a to be with calf; in yean (ewe); in
foal b to give birth out of wedlock

2 khkj m. 1 ditch 2 pit, hole (used in a game)

khkij n m. plural one of the dervish brotherhoods
khg h a to destroy; annihilate b to ravage
a to die, perish; be annihilated b to be ravaged
khglaj Eastern
khgin f. scrambled egg, omelet
1 khl m. 1 birthmark, naevus 2 beauty spot (on the cheek) 3
speck, spot 4 gold ornament worn on the brow idiom
to vaccinate (against smallpox)
2 khl m. agriculture scraper
khlptsi f. khlpri f. plural
khl-kh l 1 spotted, specked 2 rarely; here and there; in

khld Arabic 1 eternal, immoral 2 m. proper name Khalid

khld r 1 birthmarked, having a naevus 2 spotted, specked
khls Arabic 1 pure, genuine, real, natural pure,
red gold pure copper whole milk 2


khtird r
khtirdr f.

khkistark m. mildew (a disease of grapevines)

khkhor f. labor; work for hire

khklaj ugly, unattractive

khkn f. khkn j m. geography isthmus
khk f. 1 coal dust 2 dust 3 broken rice (unfit for use)

innate quality, quality 2 merit, virtue 3 advantage, benefit

for the sake of, because of

khkp f. 1 earth; ground under one's feet 2 nothing;

khksr f. obedience, gentleness

khkistardn f. 1 ash-tray 2 ash-pit, ash-bin (of a

khz Arabic obedient, docile

khtr m. Arabic 1 thought, meditation 2 memory
to forget something to keep in memory,
remember 3 soul, spirit He was worried.
to be calm; be unworried, not to be upset

Khaksar 2.2 history member of the Moslem Youth Organization

1 peculiarity;

someone, distress someone



the British and furnishing his own rifle)

to grieve


khkrz m. Khakrez (settlement near Kandahar)

khks r 1 obedient, mild, gentle 2.1 m. proper name

Afghan tribes (who guarded roads, mountain passes, serving under

For God's sake!

reminiscences of the past 2 impression 3 thought, meditation

of the Kunar River)

1 imprinted in

khtir f. Arabic [plural: khtir m. plural:

2 khtra oblique singular of

khghlaj Eastern
khk m. 1 land, ground 2 earth, dust

khsm Arabic hostile, inimical

khsimn hostile, inimical hostile act
khss Arabic 1.1 special, particular; private, individual 1.2
superlative, excellent; choice 1.3 privileged 2 f. [plural:
khss m. Arabic plural: khavv s] properly, native
quality; peculiarity; distinguishing characteristics
natural quality, innate quality idiom regional
history life-guards muslin, guaze
khssad r m. regional mercenary soldier from various

someone idiom

khtir t] 1 recollection, reminiscence

khsstn Arabic especially

khsir f. Arabic side lagn-i anatomy pelvis
khskr regional especially
khs kun m. Khas-kunar (district on the middle reaches

He calmed down. 4 disposition, favor; attention (paid) to

khtirnish n

memory, remembered 2 favorite

people, the elite and the lowly

khssavard r m. feudal bodyguard

khsijt m. Arabic [plural: khass]



sincere, pure-hearted



Pashto-English Dictionary

khlis f. Arabic 1 state property 2 fallow land, virgin,

uncultivated land

proverb literally This

for road-building)

isn't kasha from Khalisa. (Khalisa is a settlement near Peshawar)

figurative This is not an easy matter.

proper name Khalik, Khaliq

khlkob f. vaccination (against smallpox)

khl f. aunt, auntie (maternal)
khl Arabic 1.1 idle, idling; free, unemployed to
idle; free, liberate a to vacate a place b to honor,
greet someone by rising to be idle; become free; become
empty 1.2 pure pure water 1.3 deprived of something
1.4 unpopulated 1.5 Saturday 2 only, just ...
It is only that 3 m. regional Saturday idiom
a with empty hands b unarmed, weaponless a
to go away empty-handed, get nothing for one's pains b to earn


lacuna, gap, blank 2 break 3

interruption (e.g., in elecrical service) 4 anatomy cavity

khliv laj m. 1 emptiness 2 unemployment

khm 1 raw, unripe, immature raw materials

unstable, not fast (of dyestuff, color) 3 figurative inexperienced,


your henchmen; Without thy henchmen thou would'st be the dust

of the desert.

This is an idle dream.

khmt f. coarse calico idiom

greedy for food

to fast; be

khmt cotton cotton cloth

khmakh willy-nilly, whether one wishes it or not
khmazraj m. kind of medicinal plant
khmsz uncooked, raw
khmk m. 1 2 shoots of a vine, suckers of a
vine to prune the suckers from a vine
khmk r awkward, unskilled; inexperienced
khmkr f. awkardness, lack of skill, inexperienced
khmakdoz f. sewing done with untwisted threads
khmletj f. 1 thin gruel 2 poultices to
apply poultices

khmsh taciturn, silent; quiet, still taciturnity

! ! regional Shut up! Be still!
khmoshn 1 taciturn, silent; dumb 2 taciturnly, silently
khmosh f. silence, stillness, quiet
Silence reigned everywhere. proverb Silence

thou callest thyself khan, thou will not be khan.

khmavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to breach

(trust, confidence)

khm f. 1 pen, reed pen 2 botany pistil

khm earthen, dirt

dirt road

proverb Because

proverb Everything bad comes from the khan. 2

landowner, feudal chief; prince 3 khan (honorific title joined with

the proper name)


khnb d m. Khanabad (city)

khntam 1.1 proud; arrogant, haughty, pretentious


exceedingly greedy, avaritious 2 m. .1 dreamer, visionary 2.2

conceited person

khndzhj m. lust; sensuality

khnch f.
khnkhn f. feudal segmentation, territorial fragmentation
khnad n m. 1 family, family group; home, hearth 2
khnadn 1 family, familial 2 dynastic, tribal
khndr m. khndra f. blazing campfire, flame
khnda imperative of
khndi present tense of
khnzd m. son of a khan
khnashn m. Khanashin (district)
khnshb m. Lord Khan; Khan-Sahib (title in India)
khna f. khn Arabic 1 monastery 2 cell

(ecclesiastical); cloister (of a Sufi, an aesthetic religious monk)

kh ngra f. dandruff, scruff

khngl m. proper name Khangul
khnm f. khnm Madam, Mrs.
khnum n m. environment of a home
khnmull m. chief mullah
khanma f. 1 Madame 2 polite spouse, wife
khnavd f. family; tribe
khanavl denominative, transitive [past: ]


designate a khan; choose a khan

khn-u-m n m.
1 khn f. 1 residence, house; room

2 compartment (of a

cupboard, table) 3 matchbox 4 column; (table, page) 5

combining form

is golden.

dynasty, tribe

unskilled 4 of un-kiln baked brick, adobe 5 idle; good-for-

khn m. 1 khan (leader of a tribe or tribal family)

compound verb to become khan
proverb If thou art khan, it is thanks to

to flee the field of battle, abandon the

khlitb m.
khlig f. khlig h 1

khm f. 1 unripeness, immaturity 2 inexperience,

unskillfulness 3 lack of completion, insufficiency

khl m. Arabic 1 Creator, Maker (an epithet of God) 2


khmarkr f. road-bed (dug out in the preparitory work


balakhan superstructure, attic garret

I wish you success!

2 kh na vocative and oblique singular of

khnabad f. well-being; easy circumstances, prosperity
khnabadsh nomadic nomadic tribes
khnapur entered (onto a list)

Pashto-English Dictionary

render assistance (to a poor man, to one in dire need) b to caress,

khna-khn consisting of compartments (cupboard, table,

desk, etc.)

comfort someone

khnakhar b 1 ruined, destroyed 2 unfit, shallow (of a

person) 3 ! The Devil take you!

khnakharb f. ruin, destruction
khanad r m. head of a house, head of a family
khnadr f. household management
khnaz d born of a slave-woman
khnasm n m. man in charge of property (in a home);

logistical manager (in an enterprise); superintendent (of a building)

khnanishn sitting at home; retired, not working

khnavd f.
1 khn f. 1 history Khivi Khanate 2 reign of a

khne-khn compartmented (a desk,

cupboard) cupboard with four compartments
khnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to become
khan, be khan

the road which

passes through the Khavak

khv l m. 1 pit, hollow 2 pen, fold (for sheep, on the steppe

or the mountains)

khvr m. east; the east

khvarg aj m. quarry (where clay for pottery production
is obtained)

kh vra f. 1 soil, land infertile land clay

petroleum 2 country, land, province 3 territory 4
usually plural kh vr dirt; dust to raise dust
a to sprinkle dust on the head (in grief, distress) b
to regret a to endure, keep silence b to be
satisfied with little not to leave a stone upon
request a to die b to be in extreme want
a to harm someone b to calumniate someone
compound verb a to turn to dust b to destroy
to ruin one's life to try hard, strive with all one's
might compound verb to die, perish
Things didn't go his way. He is unlucky.
to subordinate oneself to someone, be under somebody's thumb

to pretend to be poor, feign poverty

to be without a penny, be without means
to do someone much harm; trip someone up to
suffer; fall into a distressed state a to inflict
damage upon someone b to play a dirty trick on someone
to die, become dust to commit to the earth, bury
a to extricate someone from need or poverty;

literally to arise from the dust and fall in

kh vri plural of

kh vre intensifier Eastern

khvrj m. 1 forest; thickets 2 green clay (used in dying


kh vri pezhandl m. plural soil science

khvrin 1 earthen; clay kerosene
clay vessel 2 (mixed) with sand, clay (of grain) 3 turbid (of

water) 4 figurative mild, meek idiom

earthenworms, rainworms

khvnd m. 1 master, owner, possessor master of

the house 2 malik (i.e., tribal leader) 3 proprietor; he who owns


khnz 1
kh aj m. gopher
khv k m. Khavak (a pass)

Can he really understand this!

khnj m. khanaj (measure of weight equal to 8 "kabul siras"

or 56 kg.)

a to rise up from the ground

the ashes figurative to miscalculate

khan 3 position of khan 4 title of khan 5 authority, sovereignty

b figurative to stand on one's feet, begin to live well

something; he who has some quality or other

Afghanistan is characterized by a continental climate.
a rich man writers a man
who is coping (successfully) with fate the possessor of
a tongue (descriptive of an eloquent man)
high ranks How old is he? 4 man who is the
head of a family 5 God to appeal to God
khvj r m. caviar, roe (of fish)
khjdk m.
khedl intransitive Eastern
khist Eastern
khn Arabic 1 perfidious 2 m. traitor, betrayer
khinn treacherous
khj f. testicle
khabst m. Arabic 1 dishonesty; venality 2 corruptness
khab rovsk m. Khabarovsk (city)
khubs m. Arabic malice; insidiousness, perfidy
khabr Arabic 1 m. .1 piece of news, news, report, information
fresh piece of news, fresh news, news the
latest news They communicate the news from
Herat. to receive news, find out; be informed
to be in receipt of (of communications, information)
to communicate, report to communicate, notify;
inform, transmit information news service,
telegraph agency 1.2 notice, notification to
notify, give notification to someone 2 attributive knowledgable,

well-informed I know
Everybody knows that
I don't know (says a woman) from informed

khabr l dtna f. computer science log file

khabrtki computer science f. plural data


Pashto-English Dictionary

khabartj f. 1 knowledge, possession of information

superficial knowledge
He knows nothing about my trip. 2 notification, information
khabrtji pa computer science f. information bar
khabarts aj m. scandalmonger
khabard r Arabic 1.1 careful, attentive to warn
someone ! ! Be careful! 1.2 knowledgable,
well-informed 2 Look out! Stand aside!

khabardr f. 1 carefulness 2 knowledge, possession of


khabr la f.

science newsgroup

d khabarn la computer

khabarras n m. correspondent
khabarrsan f. information

news agency,

telegraph agency

khabarshinav gossip
khabarghl m. scandal-monger
khabarghl f. piece of scandal
khabarghvgaj submissive, meek
khabargr m. informer, spy
khabarlts khabarlts 1
1 khabarltsaj khabarltsaj 1 loquatious, talkative

c to discuss, debate, analyze, review

khabarj l 1 loquacious, talkative 2 m. .1 spokesman for

some group's views 2.2 representative (e.g., of an enterprise of


This is the essence of the matter. ...

It is necessary to say that I want
to tell you something. It was eighty
years ago. to comprehend, understand
something This is what we must
understand. idiom to submit to What does
this mean? to pick a quarrel with someone
You did not agree with me.
literally to talk well, but to fall flat at the end
khabri plural of
khabri-atri f. plural 1 negotiations
negotiations on economic questions 2 conversation, talk
to converse, have a talk 3 discussion, debate, disputation
a as a result of negotiations b as a result of
conversations or talks c as a result of discussion or debate
a to conduct negotiations b to have a conversation, talk

khabarluts f. khabarlots 1 loquaciousness, talkativeness

2 eloquence 3 noise 4 expressiveness (e.g., eyes)

some sort) 2.3 radio-announcer 2.4 correspondent idiom

correspondent-member (of an academy, society)
1 khabarjl f. 1 news agency 2 representation
2 khabarjlj 1 garrulous, gabby 2 m. scandal-monger
khabredl khabaredl denominative, intransitive [past:
]1 to find out, be in the know, be well-informed, be informed
Everyone knows about that. 2 to be invited (to a

khabarlos f. 2
khabarmzaj m. telephone
khabravl khabaravl denominative, transitive [past:
]1 to communicate, inform, notify, make known (to), give
information (to) to be acquinted with something
to inquire about someone 2 to invite (to a wedding,

khabred m. plural knowledge, state of well-informed

khabri-mabri f. plural 1
khabarij Arabic grammar narrative sentence
khabt m. Arabic 1 thoughtlessness, inability to think things

as a guest, etc.)

khabaravna f. 1 communication, notice, notification,

provision of data 2 invitation (to a wedding, as a guest, etc.)

khabra f. 1 word to speak, utter a word

Here is what I want to say. to interrupt someone

I was rambling (speech)

Eastern And I couldn't say a word 2 [plural:
khabri] words; conversation, talk preface
during the conversation, at the time of the talk
Our conversation will be a short one. a to speak
to speak the truth ... I
consider it necessary to say b to have a talk, converse
to forget Not one word
of his valor crossed his lips. 3 matter, question, problem;

wedding, as a guest, etc.) 3 to notice, remark


He did not suceed in collecting


through; stupidity 2 false step, blunder

khabs Arabic 1.1 disgusting, nasty; vile 1.2 malignant 2 m.

Evil Spirit, Evil One

khabr Arabic well-informed, knowledgeable

informed circles

khap 1 m. .1 cicatrice, scar 1.2 typographic error 1.3

blemish, spot 2.1 hidden, secret

unclear, indistinct idiom

secretly, on the sly 2.2

to swipe, steal

khpar masculine plural & oblique singular of

khupt dialect 2
khpartj f.
khparna f.
khparavl 1 denominative, intransitive [past: ]


spread; disperse; dispel 1.2 to open wide; unfold 1.3 to spread,

something ... The thing is that

disperse, circulate (rumors, publications, etc.) 1.4 to transmit,

... The big problem is that , the main thing is that

communicate, announce 1.5 to publish, make public, issue, print


Pashto-English Dictionary

khplsraj 1 foolish (of a person) 2 independent

khplgalav f. 1 relationship 2 friendship
friendly relations
khplv k independent, self-governing; autonomous; free
1 khplvk f. independence, condition of being selfgoverning; autonomy; freedom Independence Day
holiday autonomy
2 khplv kaj
khplv laj m.
khplv n 1 plural 2 2 attributive related

1.6 to settle (in a new place) 1.7 to extend, spread out 2 m.


khparavna f. 1 dispersion; dispersal 2 opening; unfolding

3 distribution, spreading, circulating (of rumors, publications, etc.)

4 transmission, communication, announcement 5 publication,

publishing, issue, printing, press 6 settling, settlement 7


khpar feminine singular of

khparedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
disperse, go away The people dispersed. 2 to be
opened, be unfolded 3 to be spread, be circulated, be distributed

(female) relative

khplavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to take

possession of, seize; conquer 2 to get, receive; obtain

(of rumors, publications, diseases, etc.) 4 to be transmitted, be

communicated, be announced 5 to be published, be issued, be

printed 6 to be settled 7 to be spread out, be extended (e.g., of


khparednkaj present participle of

infectious disease
khpared m. plural
1 khap f. khp 1 paw 2 foot, sole of foot 3 hand (with
fingers spread) idiom a to fight with someone
b to quarrel with someone to contend with,

disposal 6 to pardon

khplval f. khplv f. 1 relationship 2 friendship

a to become related to b to be friends with; become
friends with to start a friendship 3 friendliness
1 khpla feminine singular of
2 khpla Eastern
khpledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

measure one's strenght

2 khap m. whirlwind, tornado

khapa f. khpa 1
khpska f. khapsa f.

become a relative of 2 to be brought together, be friends

ravings; nightmare

khpam 1 killed, smashed 2 m. scab, mange

khpandz streching out on the ground
khpandzl transitive [past: ] to lay out; throw

to torment (of a nightmare)

khapk m. stonesmith, masonry smithy

khapka f. 2
1 khapakj m. hypocrite, two-faced person
2 khapakj f. Eastern nightmare

down on the ground

1 khpand
2 khpand m. large ball or skein of cleaned wool or cotton
khpandl transitive
khpuchp quietly, secretly
khaptsi f. plural
khpor 1 f. khpar khpr m. plural khpar

to torment (of a


to receive independence 3 to acquire (e.g., new lands) 4 to

assimilate, memorize 5 to bring together, link; have at one's

khapag n m. 1 sadness, depression, melancholy 2

There are many joys and sorrows in life. a to grieve, be
discomposure, grief

f. plural .1 dispersed; scattered 1.2 uncovered; unfolded 1.3

depressed, be melancholy b to be discomposed, be grieved 3

spread, circulated (of rumor, publications, etc.) 1.4 transmitted,

discord, quarrel
khapag f. discomposure, grief
khpl 1 possessive pronoun one's own He has
his own house. to the end of one's life
among themselves, etc.
involuntarily, unwittingly 2 m. [plural:
khplvn] relative close relative distant
relative 3 native, blood, by birth What is
your blood brother's name?

khpl aj m. khplch rkaj m.

khplch raj m. 1 egoist; mercenary person 2 obstinate person;

wilful person

khplsr obstinate, self-willed; wilful

khplsartb m. obstinacy, wilfulness; capriciousness

communicated, announced 1.5 published, issued; printed 1.6

settled 1.7 extended, streched out 2 soldier, warrier (in an
extended line of riflemen)

khportj f.

khporv laj m. 1 dispersion; dispersal 2

opening; unfolding 3 spreading, circulation (of rumors,

publications, etc.) 4 transmission, communication, announcement

5 publishing, issuing (of a publication) 6 settling (in a new place)

khporavl denominative, transitive

khporedl denominative, intransitive
khapi f. plural
1 khp m. plural tinder, touchwood 1
2 khap
3 khpa f. Eastern
4 khpa feminine singular of 2


Pashto-English Dictionary

1 khapj scarred, having a cicatrice

2 khapj f. 1 rope (of cotton, wool, hemp) 2 lead, rein, halter
kht m. shirt
khat f.
khitm Arabic concluding a concluding word
khat j m. history China
khati f.
khatr m.
khatarn k
khatl intransitive [present: past: ]1 to arrise, rise;
climb up, clamber up to climb a mountain, ascend a
mountain to climb the stairs 2 to rise (of celestial
bodies) the sun rose 3 to break out, swell up (of a
pimple); appear, develop (of an abscess, a boil) 4 to attack; seize
5 to weigh approximately

How much do you

think this wheat will come to? 6 to turn out to be

He proved to be a shallow person. idiom
He concluded the work. He

passed the examination.

khatm m. Arabic 1 m. .1 end, termination, conclusion,

completion 1.2

2 predicative concluded, completed

khatmavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to end,

conclude; finish, complete; terminate (e.g., a meeting)

khak m. [plural: khak plural: khaak n]

stink-bug, darkling-beetle

khatak n unripe melon (used as an

ingredient in marinades)

than one can chew

2 khkj m. small knoll; hillock

khukedl intransitive regional
khaakivl m. melon seller
khagr m. bricklayer; mason
khagar f. bricklaying, masonwork
kham r m.
khaml f. khamhaj m. trowel (for plaster,

khunka f. saucepan
khabaj m. turbid water
khaoln muddy, dirty
khta 1 f. khi usually plural .1 mud

road is very muddy


khatmedl denominative [past: ] 1 to be ended, be

concluded, be completed; be terminated (e.g., a meeting) 2

f. Arabic religion

circumcision, the ritual of circumcision

compound verb

to perform the rite of circumcision

1 khat dialect imperfect of

2 khat oblique plural of 1
khta f. 1 rag 2
1 khti f. plural 3 3
2 khtj f. undershirt
khatdz khatz 1 eastern 2 m. east; the East
the Far East the Middle East the Near East
1 kh m. 1 hill; knoll 2 bank (of clouds)
2 khu m.
khab m.
khabl m. sediment; dregs
khukh m. to laugh loudly, guffaw
1 khak 1 m. plural the Khattaki (tribe) 2 m. Khattak


to plaster; to make a pise wall 1.3

figurative ferment, leaven; colloquial spirit 1.4 figurative

His descent is from the Barakzai

(tribe). 2.1 thick, viscous; sticky 2.2 turbid; dull

khatmed m. plural termination, conclusion, completion;

closing (e.g., of a meeting)


soiled, muddied 1.2 also kha

clay used for mortar or plaster

refractory clay

origin, descent

grammar to terminate (in)


literal to take two melons in one hand figurative to bite off more

khatm f. Arabic reading from the Koran (on the seventh, or


1 khutkaj m. boiler
2 khukaj f. regional pot; small pot, jar
khukavl transitive regional
1 khaakj m. melon khaak

fortieth day after death)

khutn m. Khotan (city, district)

1 khatna f. 1
2 khatn f. khatnasur

khaak m.

to shame, discredit

to stick, get stuck in

2 kha f.
1 khj m. corn-stubble
2 khi plural of 1 1
khan pise, adobe
1 khadzh m. foam
2 khadzh m. grammar accent
khadzhlt m. Arabic shame; inhibitation, embarrasment;
shyness to be shamed; be inhibited, be embarrassed
khudzhast khudzhist happy, blessed
khadzhl Arabic 1 shamed 2 bashful; inhibited, shy
khadzh m. proper name Hadjo
khadzhnkaj 1 skittish, fast (of a horse) 2 rebounding (of a
ball) 3 with a waddling gait

khadzh grammar stressed

khachpch fine, crumbled, in crumbs
khachpachavl denominative, transitive

[past: ]

to crumble

khachpachedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to crumble, break into small pieces


Pashto-English Dictionary

khachkhchnaj m. 1 tumbling 2 reversing, reversal 3

to ricochet

a turn summersalts b to turn over c

khachr m. mule
khacha f. 1 pus, supporation (in the eyes)

bullet etc.)

khchj gta f.
khchj-machj gta f. little finger


khudj-p-mni f.
to say farewell, part with

khudjpmni f.

farewell, parting

khdjkh khudjkh vice

khudjrhm m. proper name Khudajrahm
khdjzd khudjzd disgraced, unworthy
khdjg khudjg khdjg khudjg Oh God!; Oh! Oh!
khdj shta khudj shta I swear to God!; As God is my

khudj nkhst May God forbid!

khudjnazr m. proper name Khudajnazar
khud ja O God!; Oh Lord!

khad' f. Arabic deception, shrewdness, strategm

serve someone; be of service, be helpful to someone b figurative

I am at your service (I am there to serve you)

Will you not do me a favor? 4 merit (or
services deserving merit) outstanding services 5
care (for the sick) a to serve b to provide services;
to beat up, thrash someone 3 service, good deed, favor

of something

khatsl f. hangnail
khatstskaj m. 1 morsel 2 crumbs 3 chaff
khatsza f. khatszaj m. 1 mini-morsel 2 bit
khatsski m. plural sawdust
khakhavl denominative, transitive Eastern
khakhedl denominative, intransitive Eastern
khud m.
khudd d God-given
khudd m Arabic masculine plural of
khudnakhsta regional May God spare us! God forbid!
khudvnd m.
khd j khud j m. God to appeal to God
if God grants, with God's help ! God knows!
! May God forbid! idiom zoology praying mantis
Radjab (month) to disgrace oneself
khudjbahlaj 1 m. the deceased 2 deceased, passed

knadsh f. Arabic fear, alarm

optical illusion
khadm m. Arabic plural
khidmt m. Arabic [plural: khidmatna Arabic
plural: khidam t] 1 service
government service military service 2 attendance
upon; helpfulness; services a to

khadzkaj m. 1 crack, crevice (in a floor) 2 small quantity


1 kidrz m. plural the Khidarzai (one of the Yusufzai

military strategm idiom

khadzla f. 1 trash, rubbish; garbage 2 [plural:

khadzli] waste, waste products


history Red Shirt

tribes) 2 kidarzj m. Khidarzai (tribesman)

2 wax (in the


khcha gta f.

khud 1 divine 2 f. divinity idiom

khchl transitive [past: ] to fling, shove

khchn 1.1 slimy 1.2 muddy, dirty 2 m. guttersnipe, slut
khchkaj m. morsel, small piece (of meat)
khcha f. 1 bouncing (of a ball) 2 falling short, shortfall
(bullet, etc.) a to bounce (a ball etc.) b to fall short (a

service c to be helpful, do favors d to care for (the sick) 6

I courteously said to His Honor that
He respectfully stood up before them.
khidmatg r m. servant, attendant regional
formula of respectful address or mention ...

history a Red-shirt

khidmatg ra f. serving-girl; attendant (female)

khidmatgri f. 1 service 2 services (e.g., municipal);
good-turn, kindness, help

khidmatguzr f. services
khidmat 1 assiduous; attentive 2 assisting, serving
khadng m. 1 silver poplar 2 arrow of silver poplar 3

khadokhl 1 m. plural the Hadokhejli (tribe) 2 m.

Hadokhejl (tribesman)

khadidzh f. Arabic proper name Hadija (particularly the

name of Mohammed's wife)

khal m. sheep-dog; wolfhound

khaal-bal quite healthy
khar m. [plural: khr] ass, donkey
stride a donkey riding a donkey
literal He sits upon his donkey, and will not
descend. figurative His is stubborn. He is headstrong.
to sit upon a donkey a to be despairing literal
to set upon a donkey's tail figurative to be importunate
literal to be unable to divide corn between two
donkeys figurative to be a fool figurative
to take care of oneself literal to draw one's own donkey out of the
mud b to shame, put to shame idiom


to rudely interrupt someone

khr m. 1 snore 2 whine

a to snore b to whine

Pashto-English Dictionary

khar b Arabic 1 bad

bad weather 2 destroyed 3


kharbsh kharbish

kharbshj kharbishj m. 1

wild boar, wild hog 2 abusive swine

kharb t Arabic masculine plural of 1

kharbt m. debauche
khar b-tar b 1 spoiled 2 utterly destroyed
a to spoil b to destroy utterly old clothes, worn-

kharbshja f. swine
kharban f. donkey-driver (female)
kharbn m. [plural: kharbn m. kharb [plural:
kharbn donkey-driver, ass-drover
khrap m. khrap f. 1 crack, crash crackle,

out clothing

kharbtj f. 1
kharbv laj m. 1
kharbavl denominative, transitive

crackling 2 crunch

spoil; make worse 2 to destroy 3 to break idiom

] 1 to

kharp naj m. dormouse (rodent)

kharpt m. powdered medicine

squander (money) idiom to fatigue (the brain)

1 kharb f. Arabic [plural: kharb Arabic m. plural:
kharb t] 1 ruins, remains 2 desert
2 khar ba feminine plural of
1 kharb f. 1 deterioration a worsening of the
weather b bad weather 2 spoiling 3 worthlessness 4 destruction
5 accident 6 ruination 7 unpleasantness, misfortune

the trouble is that

2 khar bi feminine plural of
kharbedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to

become worse; be spoiled 2 to be destroyed 3 to be broken 4 to

have an accident 5 figurative to be insulted, be hurt, be injured

kharbed m. plural
khar p khr p
kharpavl denominative, transitive
kharpedl denominative, intransitive
khir dzh m. Arabic history tax, duty, tribute
khirdzh f. history taxable land
kharr d khar d m. regional lathe
1 kharrd khard f. 1 machining 2 metal turning work,
lathe work compound verb a to machine b figurative
to sharpen, hone (e.g., style) compound verb a to be

machined b to be sharpened, be honed (e.g., of style)

2 kharrd m. regional
khr a f. black-breasted sand-grouse
khurs n m. Khorasan
khurasnj 1 Khorasanish 2 m. native of Khorasan
khar sh m. 1 scratch, abrasion 2 laceration, ragged wound
khr shkaj khrshkaj m. phlegm

khrapl transitive
kharptsa f. kharpsa f.
khrapavl transitive [past: ] 1 to beat, beat up,

thrash someone 2 to eat (e.g., carrots) with a crunching noise,


kharshavl denominative, intransitive [past:

to scratch 2 to lacerate, tear

kharr t m. Arabic lathe-operator

kharrt f. lathe operation
khurf t m. Arabic plural fable
khir m m. regional branch, bough
kharbn plural of and

khraph r m.

tread, tramp

khrapj m. 1 crack, crackle 2 crunch 3

khrpedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be beat up 2 to

crack, crackle 3 to crunch

khartb m. stupidity, ignorance

khr khr fat, weighty, stout, portly; fatty
khraavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to make

1 khara f. large turban of a mullah

2 khra m. [plural: khra n] rascal, swindler
khrj m. foam
khar veterinary glanders
khraedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to grow

fat, fatten up

fat, get heavy, become stout

khardzhad l m. 1 Antichrist 2 villain

khardzhgdzhgalj m. kind of children's game
khardzhga f. bag (used for carrying a load on an ass)
khrach m. 1 crack, crackle 2 crunch 3 gnashing, grinding;

khrchavl transitive [past: ] 1 to crack, crackle

khrchah r m.

2 to crunch 3 to gnash, grind; squeak

khrachj m. 1 crackle, crackling 2

crunch 3 gnashing, gritting; squeak

khrchedl intransitive [past: ]1 to crack, crackle 2

to crunch 3 to gnash, grind, squeak

bloody phlegm

to lick powdered

medicine from the hand

kharts 1 m. .1 expense, expenditure, spending, outlay,


to be
sale, selling

travel expenses

consumed, be used up 1.2

Is this

horse for sale? 1.3 tribute; tax, duty 2 predicative .1 spent,


expended 2.2 sold

2 khrats m.
khartsv m. spendthrift, wastrel; embezzler

Pashto-English Dictionary

khartsht m. expenditures, expenses, outlays

What are these expenses for?
khartsgr m. customs duty collector
khartsl f. dialect khartsl n m. dialect
khartsl v m. khartsln m. sale, disposal by sale, selling
khartsaj m. 1 rags, tatters 2 dust cloth 3 regional short

khartsavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

to sell to someone to

sell, vend

sell abroad 2 to expend, spend

khartsn m. sale, selling, vending


for sale

khartsavnkaj 1 present participle of

2 m.

merchant milkman, one who sells milk

khrtsa feminine singular of 1 2
kharts 1 extravagant 2 m. spendthrift, wastrel
khartsedl denominative, transitive [past: ]

khrshedl intransitive [past: ]to breath heavily

through the nose

kharshn m. usually plural [plural: kharshin] dung

(of a horse of donkey), manure

1 khartm m. 1 2 hose
2 khartm m. Khartoum (city)
kharghvgaj m. botany marshmallow
khurf f. botany portulaca
khir f. Arabic rags; hairshirt (of an aesthetic, a dervish)
khirapsh m. dervish
1 khark m. idiom to play dirty tricks on someone
2 khark m. zoology wood-louse
khark r m. carter, drover who transports goods by donkeycaravan; drover of asses


1 to be

sold 2 to be spent, be expended

khartsed m. plural 1 sale, selling seller's

market 2 expenditure, spending, expense, expenses

kharkhr f. 1 jumps, leaps 2 stupidity, ignorance

kharkhch m. no plural form staircase
kharkhsh f. kharkhkh f. 1 noise, disturbance 2
quarrel 3 doubt, vacillation a to make a noise, cause a
disturbance b to quarrel c to doubt, vacillate 4 riff-raff

kharkr f. cargo transport (animal), transport on donkey-

to be engaged in the transport of goods by


to water wheat immediately after

to be unwatered after sowing (of wheat)
to be watered immediately after sowing (of wheat)
1 khurkj m. 1 snore 2 wheeze 3 purring (of a cat)
a to snore b to wheeze c to purr
2 kharakj f. blacksmith
kharkedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to grow luxuriantly
khark v m.


2 to become full, become rounded

kharkhaj m. gulf, abyss

kharkhvl m. shears (for clipping sheep)
khardadzh l m.
khardam gh khardimgh 1 stupid 2 stubborn
khark m. khark m. scopalamine, scopolia

khr r m. khrraj m. regional snore

khraavl transitive [past: ] dialect to snore
khraedl intransitive [past: ]dialect to snore
kharzej m. medicine jaundice
khirs m. bear
1 khursk m.
2 kharsk m. jumping for joy to jump for joy
khrasnd 1 breaking, splitting 2 figurative brainless
kharsav r m. person riding on a donkey
kharsr m. dunce, blockhead, fool
khrsh m. heavy nasal breathing
kharshabn m. history Kharshanun (one of the ancestors of

kharlndza f. kind of oak tree

kharloglj m. crowd of people, noisy assembly
to create an uproar, make a disturbance
to instigate or bring about a noisy assembly
khurrm 1.1 pleasant, enjoyable 1.2 joyful, merry, content 2

(stringed musical instrument)

kharl transitive [past: ] to tear to pieces; tear and

scatter, tear up and strew around idiom to be insistant

praealta (a medicine plant)

the Afghan tribes, the Yusufzai, the Momands, the Khalils, etc.)

khrshka f. pimple
kharshn m.
1 kharshnaj m. person with a hairlip
2 kharshunj m. muzzle of a bull

kharg m.

khargj m. 1 small pin 2 part of a flintlock rifle 3 bridge

upon, persist in

proper name Khurram

khurm f. date



perform a charitable act and earn merit (both dates, and an action
which pleases God)

khurm light-brown chestnut

khurramdl m. proper name Khurramdil
kharmast f. 1 games; pranks, practical jokes 2 drunken
party, carousal 3 debauch a to play; play tricks b
get drunk, carouse c to engage in debauchery

kharmandj rotund; miniature; tiny

kharmuhr f. cowry (a shell used in India for money)
kharn r m. botany mullein
khrandzh m. disturbance, strife


Pashto-English Dictionary

khrnda f. scratch
khrndi f.

a to tear up; tear up and scatter to tear

similar to Caucasian airan but diluted with fresh milk) 2 botany

compound verb a to spoil (some matter)

to beat, break a to be spoiled (some matter) b
compound verb to be beaten, be broken to

up and strew about b figurative to be insistent, be stubborn


khranl transitive [past: ] 1 to make a hole; bore;

drill 2 to torture, torment

kharnl m. mountain rush, Arundo

1 kharv r m. 1 harvar (a measure of weight equal to a 8 Kabul

2 expulsion 3 biology

m. kharok kind of wild edible


khraj 1 vicious (of an animal) 2 predatory, wild

khurosk m. medicine croup
kharsh m. khroh m. 1 noise 2 unruly actions,

figurative vague, uncertain, confused (times)

riotous conduct 3 disturbance

2 predicative placed in a pile, heap or stack

khr plural and oblique singular of

3 khra f. she-ass
khrh p m. 1 squeak 2 snore
khrapha he insisted; he persisted
1 khrj m. 1 blister, lump 2 corn, callus
2 khraj 1 m. hangnail 2.1 stubborn, obstinate 2.2 dialect

living, animate

kharijt m. Arabic
khard 1 m. purchase, buying, obtaining 2 bought, obtained
to buy, obtain, procure
kharid r m. 1 purchaser 2 poetry admirer of a beautiful

kharidr f. purchase, buying, obtaining

of supply, chief of procurement department

kharedl intransitive [past: ]1 to snore

He began to snore.
kharid-u-fursh m. buying and selling

2 snore

kharemf she-ass in heat to be in heat (a she-ass)

khrejl transitive
1 kh 1 grey 2 brown; khaki color 3 dark a dark
cloud early morning dusk 4 turbid turbid water
turbid eyes 5 overcast overcast weather 6
unbleached (cloth) 7 figurative ashamed, embarrassed 8

kharkaj m. 1 scab (on a wound); incrustation 2 scar, suture

1 khravl transitive [past: ] to cut, clip, shave (the
hair, beard, etc.)
2 khravl transitive [past: ] to cause to squeak
3 khrul m. wooden stopper for a jug
kharomg m. stupid and ill-tempered man
khrom f. food, sustenance
1 khar 1 f. .1 pile, heap (of ground corn) 1.2 stack (of wood)

kharit f. Arabic map geographic map

kharf m. Arabic 1 autumn 2 kharif (autumnal sowing)
khrjl khrajl khrijl transitive [past: ] to cut,
shave, clip (hair, beard) passive to be cut, be clipped,
be shaved


kharvrg m.
kharo f. khrok

khrz m. khirz 1 stubble (of cotton, alfalfa) 2 spur (of a

rooster) 3 spit, skewer 4 crow-bar (tool)

kharoj m. Kharotai (tribesman)

2 kharoj m. measure for corn

khurdzh m. Arabic 1 departure, exit

protrude (of eyes)

sera, or 565.280 kg) 2 load which can be carried by an ass

2 kharv r m. Kharvar (settlement, Gazni District)

khrup tautological compound with
1 1 kharo m. plural Kharoti (one of the Gilzai tribes)

khrej m. 1 drink made of curds and whey (i.e., sour milk

khu m. noise made in vomiting, expectorating or spitting

a to vomit, throw up b to expectorate, spit

khs flat
khnka f. pipit (the bird)
kh nga f. bough, twig
kh v
khv f. fighting of dogs
khbakhn grayish
khap m. 1 crash; crunch a to crack, crash

b to

crunch 2 tramp, tread

kh-p 1 completely gray 2 dust-covered; soiled, dirty 3

cloudy, confused; tense a to become dirty, get soiled b
figurative to get complicated; become tense

khptj f. 1 dirt, mud 2 figurative tension (relations,


kaptsa f.
khap-u-khp m. cracking, cracking, rustling
khapavl transitive [past: ] 1 to cause a crackle

to thrash, beat up

khaph r m. 1 crackle, rustle; knock 2 crunch 3 clicking

of teeth

khapj m.


tread, tramp
intransitive [past: ] to strike against and


khatm m. trunk, proboscis idiom


khti f. plural nonsense, idle talk

engage in idle talk


to brag, boast

to talk nonsense,

kh m. plural regional mucous, nose-drippings, snots

Pashto-English Dictionary

khdzhn 1 brown 2 dark 3 turbid, dirty

khz m. khrs m. 1 dry cough 2 crunch 3 crash, crack
4 noise of a shot 5 clap, bang a to cough dryly b to
crunch c to crack d to resound (of a shot) e to bang

khs f.
khstrgaj 1 grey-eyed 2 embarrassed, ashamed
khs-u-khs m. 1 ring, ringing, rattle (saber)

crunch 3 cracking, crashing

khsavl transitive [past: ] 1 to bring forth,

cause a dry cough 2 to make a cracking or crashing noise

khsah r m.

crash, crack

khsj m. 1 dry cough 2 crunch 3

khavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to dye

grey, color grey 2 to trouble, disturb to catch
fish in trouble waters 3 figurative to shame, embarrass, confuse

kha f. 1 stream-borne silt 2 sediment early in

the morning, at dawn at twilight, in the

evening the transitory world

2 kha feminine singular of
1 khaj 1 gluttonous, voracious 2 garrulous
2 khj f.
3 khi plural of 1
khj-pj f. 1 simplification, oversimplification

khsedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to cough dryly 2 to

crunch 3 to crack, crack 4 to clap, bang, slap 5 to strike against

1 khukj m. 2
2 khkj turbid; dust-covered
khgv f. silt
khl transitive [past: ] to defecate
khlmaj m. squirrel
khmr m.
khn gluttonous, voracious
khandzh m. dissention, disturbance

khit snub-nosed, pug-nosed

khedl denominative, intransitive

dust, get dirty 4 figurative to grow ashamed, be embarrassed 5

to grow worse, worsen (circumstances)

to cause

2 khis tautological with

1 khaz khazz m. 1 fur 2 regional


khb 1 richly watered, copiously irrigated 2 watered (of a

storehouse 3 military chamber (breech of a weapon)

khobgraj m. plaster, mortar

khobavl denominative transitive verb

[past: ]

1 to water; fill up with water, irrigate 2 to plaster with a clay

mortar, stucco idiom

b to admire (the sight, appearance)

a to charm (with beauty, etc.)

to enjoy


sable (both the animal and

2 khaz khazz m. Arabic kind of rough silk

khaz n m. 1 autumn 2 predicative .1 fading, losing
freshness, wan 2.2 figurative withering, growing old
he is growing old; he is withering away
khazn f. khizn Arabic 1 treasury 2 depository,


khis 1 person in the pink of health; very large person; giant

the fur) 3 pole-cat, ferret


khobj m. mortar, stucco of clay (for covering, stucooing

a wall)

2.1 huge, healthy (a person) 2.2 enormous

khand m. 1 stump 2 stubble (of wheat, rice)

khna f. defecation
khv laj m. 1 turbidity; sediment 2 figurative

[past: ] 1 to dye

grey, color grey 2 to trouble, roil, grow dim 3 to be covered with



to prepare clay stucco, mortar

khbi feminine plural of

khobedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be watered; be filled up with water; be irrigated 2 to be plastered
with clay mortar, be stucoed

khopj m. thick yogurt-like dish heated up
khvrg m. ram older than four years
khvrga f. ewe older than four years
khaz m. 1 noise of a shot 2 a clap, bang
1 khas 1 cowardly 2 m. coward
2 khus m. tautological compound word with
khska f. 1 thick smoke 2 repulsive smell; stink

khaznach m.
khaznakhn f. Treasury, Exchequer
khaznad r m. 1 treasurer 2
khazna having a chamber, having a breech (of a firearm)
khazn autumnal
khaznedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
fade, grow wan 2 figurative to grow old, age

khazdka f. 1 dung-beetle 2 dialect beetle of the

Tenebrionidae family 3 small insect

khazraj 1 m. bread crumbs 2 tiny

khazla f. dialect
khazand 1 m. & f. [plural: khazand m. plural:
khazandag n] .1 reptile, snake 1.2 insect
harmful insect 1.3 f. plural snakes, reptiles 2 creeping,

crawling serpents, snakes, reptiles

1 khaz f. 1 ambush (for hunting) 2 basin, bowl
2 khza f. dialect
khzh m. khzh f. wheeze (in the chest)
to wheeze (in the chest)
khzhah r m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 khug 2
2 khg m.
3 khag m. 1 3
m. wheeze (in the chest)

khasm na f. 1 care, concern; charge; service

to serve, be of service to someone 2 guard, protection
compound verb a to care for, concern over something;
watch over; serve b to guard, protect to take

to wheeze (in the


something upon oneself

transitive dialect


l intransitive dialect
khas m. plural brushwood idiom
This has no value whatsoever.
2 khas m. plural 1 meat 2 anatomy placenta
khs khus stinking, evil-smell foul air to
cause to be stinking, cause to be evil-smelling to stink,

be stinking, be foul-smelling

khasr t Arabic masculine plural of and

khasrt m. Arabic
khasr f. Arabic [plural: khasr Arabic plural:
khasr t] detriment, losses, loss, damage, waste
to recoup a loss to suffer damage, incur loss

to bring action to recover damages
to demand restitution of damages damage was
caused They suffered great losses.
khus vdzha f. khus vza f. dialect iris bulb
khasbn masculine plural of and
khasbn m. khasb m. [plural: khabn]
gatherer of brushwood

khasph m. 1 military wolf's hole (tank trap, covered

and camouflaged) 2 snare, trap

khisst m. Arabic 1 miserliness, niggardliness 2 baseness,


khastag f. weariness, exhaustion


impervious: to exhaustion

1 khist f. stone (of a fruit)

2 khast tired, exhausted tired, exhausted
khastakn exhausting
khaskhs petty, very small, in small bits to

khusr m. khusr 1 father-in-law (wife's father) 2 father-inlaw (husband's father)

khusr n m. Arabic damage, harm; injury


inflict damage, harm; harm

khusarganj f. relatives on either the husband's or wife's

father's side

khasaj m. 1 straw 2 twig, branch 3 trash 4 worthless

thing idiom to cast lots

khask m. bedbug, Cimex lectularius

khasak low quality (of fruit)
khasm n m. guarantor

white mulberry

khasmnagr m.

khasmnavl 1 person caring

for or concerning himself about another person 2 one who guards

or protects another, protector 3 guarantor

khasmnj m. guarantor
khasaj khsaj
khasza f.
1 khsj khusj m. calf
2 khas m. 1 castrated animal; gelding, beast who has been
altered, ox 2 gelded, castrated to geld, castrate
to be gelded, be castrated
3 khsj khusj f. heifer
khass Arabic 1 greedy, miserly 2 base, mean 3 repulsive,

khasl m. grain mowed prior to ripening and used for fodder

khash k m. brushwood; wood; firewood
khisht khusht
khishtavl Eastern khushtavl transitive
khasht dialect
khishtedl intransitive
khushk dry, withered, dessicated
khushkv f. dry valley
khushkdam gh crazy, mad, insane
khushkdamgh f. insanity, madness
khushksl f. drought, dry year
khushkmaghz f.
1 khushk f. dry land (as opposed to the sea)
2 khushk f. boiled rice, steamed rice, cooked rice
khushk f. 1 dryness 2 drought
khashim m. khishm wrath, anger, rage he became
angry, he became enraged

khashmedl intransitive [past: ]to become enraged

khashng malicious
khushnd content, satisfied, contented
khushund f. contentment, satisfaction, gratification
khusha m. plural dung (of horse, ass)
khush' f. Arabic
khushunt m. Arabic harshness, rudeness
to be rude to; cut short, snub

khshaj 2
khashjt m. Arabic fear, terror
khashl m. small quantities of brushwood washed up by waveaction on shore



Pashto-English Dictionary

khhtk m. gore, gusset in a dress or trousers idiom

to commit a dishonorable deed
khhtkr f. bricklaying
khhtg m. khhtagj m.
khhta f. 1 brick rough-finished stone
cinder-block 2 figurative element, component,
composite part to lay out or expound point by
point idiom neither one thing or another;

a broken (dotted) line

military line of

a to write, inscribe b to make a line,

draw 3 rail, rails; line (of a railroad) 4 fuzz (on the face)

khat f. Arabic mistake, blunder

This is a serious

mistake. This is not their fault

proverb Man is prone to error. to
swindle, deceive a to knock over, lead into error b to let

down slowly (a staff), strike (with a staff on the head) c to toss,



to repeat a mistake

compound verb
a His

feet went out from under him (from a tree branch etc.) b He

to seize


khah m. plural the Khashi (a branch of the Afghans

err, make a blunder

khahedl intransitive
khahedna f. dialect
khuhna f.
khasi Arabic masculine plural of
khasl Arabic masculine plural of
khaslt m. Arabic personality, nature, character (of a person)
khasm m. Arabic [plural: akhs m] enemy, foe
khasmn 1 hostile, unfriendly 2 hostility, in an unfriendly


khuz f. Arabic humility; submission, obedience

to resign oneself to something, submit to something
khat m. khatt Arabic [plural: khatna Arabic plural:
khutt] 1 letter correspondence
to carry on a correspondence with someone 2 line,
mark a straight line a curved line


khitb f. Arabic speech, sermon

tribune, podium (for an orator)

khatt t m. calligrapher
khattt f. Arabic calligraphy
khatk r m. sinner
katkr f. mistake, error, blunder
khatt-as-sjr m. Arabic 1 current


current 2 way, flow 3 course, direction 4 line

khatvatl m. khatvatna f. plural 1 mistake,

blunder 2 deception optical illusion

personally, individually

private capital 2 special;
confidial; secret 3 personal private secretary
khusuij t Arabic masculine plural of
khususijt m. Arabic [plural: khususijatna
Arabic plural: khususij t] 1 detail, particular 2
peculiarity; characteristic; specific; property
chemical property 3 proximity, close relationship, intimacy
to have close relations, be intimate with someone
khas m. 2
khasil f. Arabic [plural: khasil Arabic m. plural:
khasl] manner, style moral quality
khizr m. regional 1 friend of the Prophet Moses 2 Prophet

a to be deceived b to
to make a mistake, miscount

address, appeal, turn to or address someone with a speech or an


khusus Arabic 1 particular; private

compound verb a to collapse, fall; to roll

to speak without hesitation

khit b m. Arabic 1 title to give a title

khuss m. Arabic 1 peculiarity 2 relationship, respect

in this respect, with regard to this, about this
in all respects
khussn Arabic 1 especially, in particular 2 privately,

away b to deviate (from a theme)

encompassing all of the Yusufzai tribes)

a to miss b to go astray c to fall (stumble)

someone (of a dog)

khtt-i the equator

military forward edge of battle area


something inferior

khahm m.
khahavl transitive

khtt-i-hn m. railroad
khatjstlaj deceived
khat 1 f. mistake, blunder

2 inaccurate, untrue

shot that missed, a miss b a shot into the air

khutb f. Arabic religion hutba (holiday sermon containing a

reference to the reigning noble)

khtt-i-pesh m. military forward line

khatr m. Arabic [plural: khatarna Arabic m. plural:
akht r] 1 danger; threat; risk the
Fatherland is in danger danger to life
to create great danger a danger arose, a
threat arose to be in danger
to create a threat to someone to meet face-toface with danger 2 alarm air-raid alarm
air-raid warning announcement to
announce an air-raid warning

khatar t Arabic masculine plural of

khatarn k dangerous, risky uneasy road,
dangerous road


Pashto-English Dictionary

khatarnkv laj m. khatarnkijt m. danger

This is not so dangerous.
khatr f. Arabic [plural: khatr Arabic m. plural:
khatar t] 1 danger; threat to place
under threat, threaten 2 alarm, warning 3 risk

khatt-i-fsl m. border, frontier

khatksh m. khatkh m. ruler, straightedge
khat larukaj lined lined paper, ruled

khtt-i-mash f. Arabic [plural: khut-i-mash]

1 itinerary, line (of travel) 2 politics course (of action)

political course
khatmt m. letter, correspondence

to send

emptiness 3 alienation

noticeable alienation between them.

khal t m.
khlstn m.
khlsavl denominative, transitive
khlsedl denominative, intransitive
khl s khal s Arabic 1 free, liberated, saved, delivered 2
unoccupied, not busy (with work, matters) 3 open
the shop is open 4 unsealed (letter, package) 5 deprived of
something 6 completed, finished idiom

letters, dispatch letters

opening, unsealing (letter, package) 4 completion, finishing

khlsavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
free, set free, set at liberty; save, deliver 2 to open (a door, a shop)

3 to dismiss (from a job) 4 to open, unseal (a letter, a package) 5

to unload (a gun) 6 to finish, complete 7 to settle, eliminate (a

khif f. Arabic secret

idiom to educate the people idiom

to open up a road (e.g., in the mountains)
khlsn m. 1 deliverance, salvation, liberation 2 settling


insignificance (e.g., of a problem) 3 light-mindedness 4

humiliation, insult
khafa n m. Arabic 1 despair 2 depression

despondent thoughts 3 palpitation

khafk m. marten
khafag n m.
khafag f. grief, derangement, disorder
khaf Arabic 1.1 upset, grieved

I am upset, I am

a to fall into confusion; grieve b to be angry (with), be


compound verb to summarize, speak

khlsj m. khalasi f. 1 salvation, deliverance

khlsj m. dialect break in relations

khlsedl khaladl intransitive [past: ] 1 to
become free, escape, get out 2 to be open 3 to get fired (from a

job); to get out of (i.e., responsibility) 4 to come to an end, end,

the semester is ended

5 to be opened, be unsealed (letter, package) 6 to be unloaded (a

light 3 insignificant; unimportant 4 linguistics palatalized (of


finish, come to completion

asphyxiating asphyxiating gases

khaf Arabic hidden, secret
khaff Arabic 1 light (of industry) 2 military manual, hand,

1 khukl transitive dialect 2

2 khkul transitive dialect 1
khug Eastern 2
khugn m.
khal m. 1 faith, assurance 2 trust, confidence

khuls f. Arabic the heart of a matter, crux of a matter;

Don't be angry at me! c to

khaf kavnkaj 1 present participle of

2 unmarried woman

to save oneself, escape 2 running dry, failing; decreasing 3

choke 2 f. asthma, asphyxiation


a to upset, grieve b to anger, annoy

khl sa 1 feminine singular of

(daughter, sister)


c to suffocate, lie heavy on d figurative to oppress, stifle

annoyed (with)

deduction, conclusion

distressed 1.2 angry, dissatisfied 1.3 suffocated, smothered 1.4

figurative dispirited

conflict, etc.) 8 to untie (e.g., a knot) 9 to untangle (threads)

hidden (of difficulties,

khuff sh m. Arabic bat

khifft m. Arabic 1 lightness, lightness in weight

khlsv laj m. 1 freedom 2 idleness, unemployment 3

esteemed, honored

open, fresh air


khulstn Arabic brieflly, succinctly

mention briefly

khatm f. Arabic botany marshmallow, Althaea

khutt 1 f. Arabic plural of 2 routes, itineraries
khatb m. Arabic 1 preacher 2 orator
khatr Arabic 1 serious, great (of responsibility, etc.) 2

oral cavity 2
There was a

khal f. Arabic 1 anatomy cavity

gun) 7 to deliver, give birth, calve, kitten, foal 8 to run out, to be


khldedn m.

khlsedn m.

khldedna f. dialect

khlsed m. plural 1 liberation, deliverance, salvation 2

opening 3 dismissal (from work) 4 termination, completion 5
opening, unsealing (letter, package) 6 unloading (a gun) 7
delivering (birth), birth, giving birth, calving, kittening

khil f Arabic 1 m. .1 breaking, infraction

to break a promise 1.2 opposition 1.3 contradiction


Pashto-English Dictionary

17 votes to 20
contrary to something 2 contradicting, contradictory
contradictory, not corresponding to


khilft m. Arabic 1 history caliphate (government) 2

office of caliph 3 successor


2 crime,


khall m. Arabic creator, maker

khall creative writer, creative worker
khallijt m. Arabic creative work literary

khil l m. Arabic 1 defect, flaw; imperfection 2 disorder

khalmal 1 sincere (of friendship) 2 frank, open
to speak frankly, talk in plain terms
khalk Arabic masculine plural of
khulbraj m.
khalpl m. brush, brushwood
khulp f.
khaltm m.
khalt f. bag sleeping bag
khildzh m. plural history Hilji (a people living in

angry; he became disturbed

to mix

he got

khilt m. Arabic 1 creation, making 2 world, society;

khiltn Arabic by nature

khultrikh f. khultang f. anger,
discomposure he was angry; he got upset
1 khal f. obsolete nation, people
2 khla oblique singular and vocative of 1
1 khil Arabic natural, innate; inherent, characteristic (of)
2 khal popular, of the people
khalk m. 1
khilk f. 1 ( Eastern-type) robe 2 apron
khalg m. khalg m. 1
khulj f.
khall m. Arabic 1 loss, damage, harm 2 hindrance,
interference a to inflict damage, harm b to
hamper, interfere with idiom Eastern
idiom You have gone out of your mind.

khulm m. history hul'm

khalndzh m. [plural: khalandzhn]

mulberry (white or

red, with pits)

khalndza f. oak
khalvt m. Arabic 1 solitude, loneliness 2 closed meeting,

private property

cell (ecclesiastical)
2 short


khalvatnishn 1 retiring, withdrawing 2 m. hermit

khalvat 1 m. .1 confidant 1.2 hermit 2.1 confidential,

khalt Arabic 1 m. .1 mixture, admixture 1.2 blend 2

predicative blended

2 khlot empty, hollow

khalvatkhn f. 1 room (in the men's half of the house)

resume form

khul m. Arabic [plural: akhl ] 1 disposition,

temperament; character 2 breeding idiom

Afghanistan in the Middle Ages)

khalkhan deformed
1 khalsh m. 1 suspicion 2 obstacle
2 khalsh m. stitch
khulls Arabic 1 pure, unadulterated

people 3 temperament; nature (of a person)

to be someone's

khilfraftr m. misdemeanor
khilf-i-knn regional illegal, illicit
khilfvarz f. 1 infraction of a law or custom

to mix (with)


khal' f. Arabic 1 removal 2 abolition

khul' f. law 1 divorce at the instigation of the woman 2

cutting a son off from his inheritance

khil't m. Arabic ceremonial robe

khal'-i-sil h f. disarmament compound verb
to disarm compound verb to disarm
khl'a f. 1
khalf m. Arabic [plural: akhl f] 1 successor 2 son
khulaf Arabic masculine plural of
khalaf 1 rear, back 2 subsequent
1 khal m. Arabic singular & plural 1 nation, people, the
people 2 plural people; inhabitant important people 3
creation, making compound verb to make, create
compound verb to be made, be created

secret 2.2 secluded

khuld m. Arabic eternity, immortality

khuls m. Arabic sincerity, candor
khalvandnaj m. cord for fastening up a bag; lace
khlvta empty, hollow
khul f. khul 1
khlaj m. 1 sprout 2 blade of grass 3 straw 4 litter, garbage,
trash idiom His beard has gotten a bit grey
proverb Murder will out; the guilty mind eventually
betrays itself

khalit f.
khalidzh m. Arabic bay the Bay of Bengal
khaldzh-i the Persian Gulf
khalif m. Arabic [plural: khalifag n Arabic plural:
khulaf plural: khalf] 1 history Caliph 2 successor
3 polite form of address (e.g., to a tailor and other craftsmen)


khal Arabic 1 kind, gracious 2 m. proper name Khalik

Pashto-English Dictionary

khali f. Arabic m. [plural: khal] 1 nature,

disposition, character 2 creature

Abraham) 2 proper name Khalil 3 m. plural Khalili (tribe) 4


khalil m. plural Khalili (tribe)

khalil khalili (a variety of early-ripening grape, dark red in

khum m. khum (a large clay jar for the storage of water, wine,

khamir 1 feminine singular of 2 f. .1 leaven

to leaven (dough) 2.2 dough the dough is
rising Eastern literal a lion made of dough a weak
khamz slightly bent; inclined
khamezavl denominative, intransitive
bend slightly; incline

[past: ] to

khamezadl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

bend slightly; incline

oil, etc.)

2 kham bending, bowing; curving

1 khum r m. Arabic 1 drunkenness; hangover

2 intoxication

(from love) 3 languor (in the eyes)

khanzr m. Arabic plural 1 from


2 khim r m.
khum ra f. proper name Khumara
khumr 1 intoxication 2 languorous, languid (of eyes)
languorous eyes
khmzraj m. Withania coagulans (a plant yielding a
ferment for cheese)


and puny man


bread 2 m. .1 dough 2.2 pasta 2.3 figurative nature

khall m. Arabic 1 religion true friend (an epithet of

Khalil (tribesman)

khamr Arabic 1 fermented (of dough)

khamb f. large woven basket (for storing corn, grain); corn-

bin, granary

khambir f. dialect
khump r m. Eastern mortar (weapon)
khumpr f. khampr siege gun
khamt f.
khamt 1 chubby and pink (of a baby) 2 stocky
khamcha little finger, pinky lower rib
khamche f. plural Eastern bread made of broken rice or

2 medicine

khun m. Arabic diphtheria

khuns f. Arabic neutralization, paralysis
1 khundzh a f. rags
2 khundzh a f. 1 millet 2 oil-cake
khandzhr m. dagger
khandzharkhatj m. ornament in the form of a dagger
khandzhar striped (of silk cloth)
khndzhk m. khindzhak (a kind of pistachio tree) 2
khandzhakj m. plug, spigot; bung
khand m. court for playing knucklebones the game of

a laughable b senseless
he laughs to fall down

khand f. laughter

to laugh

khand n 1 m. laughter; smile

anecdote, joke 2

poetry laughing, smiling


khumrj f. mug for drinking (clay, metal)

khums m. Arabic fifth part, fifth
1 khamsr m. fall of leaves, the beginning of autumn
2 khamsr 1 spontaneous, unceremonious 2 sociable
khamsortj f. 1 spontaneity, informality 2 friendship,

khams f. Arabic 1 pentad (five poems unified into a single
entity, e.g., by Nizami, and Navoi) 2 five senses (sight, hearing,
smell, touch, and taste)

khamn bent, crooked

khamandk m. zoology tick
kham-u-chm m. shrewdness, tricks
khumd m. Arabic 1 extinguishing, extinction

2 medicine

khandn k laughable
khandrkj m.
khand m. Arabic 1 ditch; moat 2 trench
khandk m. corral, paddock behind which cattle are driven
khandkj m. mastiff, pointer (breed of dog)
khandl transitive [present: past: ] to laugh,
jeer at, deride Don't laugh at him. He
laughed for a long time. They are laughing.
khandn 1 mocking, sarcastic 2 funny
to become a laughing stock 3 pleasant, lifegiving
khandavl transitive [past: ] to make laugh
khandavr laughable, funny
khand 4
khandedl intransitive [past: ]to laugh; guffaw;

loss of the power of speech


khamavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to bend,

bow 2 to distort

khamedl denominative, intransitive

khan m. dialect [plural: khanna] dialect [plural:

khand n] 1 stump, stubble 2 spur (on a rooster) 3
figurative hindrance, obstacle, impediment

bow; be deformed, be distorted

[past: ] to bend;

khundijl transitive [past: ] to preserve, safeguard,



Pashto-English Dictionary

to create serious
obstacles in someone's path to eliminate obstacles
to encounter obstacles
khanl m. male of the keklik, keklik
khnmn m. shrimp, short person
1 khann m. wormseed root, Curcuma zerumbet
2 khann knotty, gnarled (of wood)
khnj short, short in stature
khinzr m. Arabic [plural: khinzir n Arabic plural:
khanzr] pig, boar
khunk cold, cool
khunuk f. cold, coolness
1 khing embarrassed; ashamed
2 khing m. sage
khingtj f. embarrassment; shame
khngra m. 1 dandruff 2 plaque (on the teeth) 3 scale,
Every kind of obstacle arose.

phrase, the subject of the action of a passive voice is expressed

measures were taken by the

bilateral towards evening
a from all sides b all-around, comprehensively
to step aside, avoid 2 direction (of the wind, etc.)
a northern wind is blowing today 3 country,
region, province an old name for the country of the
Afghans the Southern province the Eastern
province 4 relation, connection in all respects 5
mood, desire I want (to eat, to drink, etc.)
appetite disappeared not to feel
like working, without desire 6 soul, heart I
took offense at him a to live in
perfect harmony b to become close a to offend b to
distress, upset to be offended, be distressed, be upset
to arouse, arouse disgust, instill hostility, dislike

to feel, have a feeling of disgust; feel hostility; no longer love, fall

to calm down ! calm down!

to turn everything upside down
out of love


khangrj m. textiles reed (of a loom)

khingavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

a to beat until loss of consciousness b to learn inside information


embarrass, shame

a to calm down b to take revenge

to grow cold, fall out of love b figuratives to be satiated, gorged

khingedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

embarrassed, be ashamed

kha f.
1 khu m. plural 1 tinder 2 kind of sugar cane
2 kho khu m. plural 1 you see, you know, (emphasis)
you know, I told you, I (emphasis) told you
you see, he left; he (emphasis) left
you know, one must do something 2 however, but
you speak well, but the fact is, you are
right, but the fact is although, but 3
of course of course, that is so that's all
very well and good, but (emphasis) 4 f. but, hindrance
that's a big "but".
3 kho khu Eastern vice 2
khv f. 1 side, direction south here, hither
there, thither a along this side; on this side b in that
direction, here a along the right side, on the right side
b to the right side, to the right to my right a
along the left side, on the left side b to the left side, to the left
to my left near
someone, next to someone from the other side
from one side he started home
they are coming to me
Eastern here and there, hither and thither, in
all directions; back and forth, there and back
to go back and forth, there and back
a from the direction b with the help of this turn of a

to be offended,
be distressed, be upset Eastern to avoid
an answer, decline (by making excuses) to take
someone's side, be for someone to feel nauseous
a to throw up, vomit b to feel, to feel, have a feeling of
disgust a to visit, to drop by b to come back to
one's mind, come to mind to win over to
someone's side; persuade, convince somebody
Ahmed took revenge on the enemy
a to achieve a goal b to take revenge
I took revenge on the enemy in the
daytime at night everywhere, all places, all
to intercede with him on my behalf
it's already been hundreds of years that
khvbav laj m. 2
1 khvbdaj 1 offended to be offended
with someone 2 distressed, upset a to offend b to
distress, upset to be upset with someone
2 khvbad f. 1 offense 2 distress, upsetting 3 indigestion
khvpuag f. 1 dejection to be dejected
to offend, distress, upset

2 distress, upsetting

khvpa 1 distressed 2 offended

to repel, spoil one's appetite
khvpuag f.
khvpkhv side by side


3 distress, upsetting

Pashto-English Dictionary

khvtorn khvtraj 1 distressed, sad

to distress, sadden to be distressed, be saddened 2

khvredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

live in poverty; be destitute 2 to be wretched, be unhappy 3 to be

offended, be humiliated 4 to grow weak, become thin 5 to worry

disgusting, unpleasant

khvolv laj m. calm

khvlaj calm

to calm down

calmed down


to be


khdzh m. [plural: khdzhag n] 1 khojja (a rich

merchant or landowner) 2 eunuch

plural .1 sweet, candy 2.2 figurative pleasant thing


khvkhug f. khvkhvug 1 sympathy, compassion;

responsiveness to sympathize with someone
b ...

sai poor peasants, the poor

existence 1.2 Eastern thin, emaciated 2 m. .1 a poor man 2.2

[plural: khvr n] poor, poor people 2.3 poor devils

1 khvrdzv kaj weak, powerless

2 khvrdzvk f. weakness, powerlessness
khavrzm m. Khorezm
khvrzhv kaj poor
khvrkaj m. poor devils
khvrkj 1 m. poor fellow, poor devil 2.1 rather poor


1 to

to spread, scatter, be thrown about in different directions b to be

uncoordinated, be uncoupled

to toil,

khvr f. 1 heavy labor; physical work

found good work. 3 poverty, destitution; lack of means; extreme

need, want idiom


khv ri feminine plural of

khav s 1 Arabic masculine plural of

the bosses; upper classes

discredit, bring into disrepute (e.g., a law, custom)

tire out by one's labor 2 dialect work

khv ha f.

either the husband's or wife's side

1 khvr m. singular & plural Eastern oblique of 3

2 khv ra feminine singular of 1
khvr_vr 1 spread about; scattered in various
directions to spread around, scatter, throw around in
various directions 2 uncoordinated, uncoupled a

khvhetb m. state of being a mother-in-law

khvhikhl m. plural relatives of a mother-in-law on

to get tired, become tired 5 to blow up (e.g., a bridge, pier) 6 to

khv he f. [plural: khvhej ni]

1 wife's mother 2 husband's mother

make unhappy, make miserable 2 to offend, humiliate 3 to

annoy, bother, torment 4 to weaken, make weak

last wish (of a dying

regrettable occurrence 3 dissatisfaction

modest, simple

khvrndzhkaj pitiable, wretched

khvrndzhj gaunt, thin, emaciated
khvrv laj m. leanness
khvravl denominative, transitive [past: ]

khvstghaj exhausted to die of exhaustion

khstgr f. khvstgr match-making
khstga m. beggar
khstgar f. begging
1 khvshnaj 1 offended 2 grieved, distressed
a to offend b to grieve, distress
2 khvashin f. 1 offense 2 grief, distress

2 good deed; help

a ... saj poor peasant

a miserable

khvast m. khast 1 wish

man) 2 request 3 entreaty, supplication 4 begging

khvr 1.1 poor; pitiful

workers 3 hardy, capable of

1 khv m. plural 1 food, comestibles; nourishment

vegetable food food and drink 2 eating, eating up
2 khv imperfect plural of
khvg 1 masculine plural and oblique singular of 2 2 m.

khvkhporv laj m. distress, upsetting

m. khvkhvugtb

khvakhgaj khvakhvgaj sympathetic, compassionate;

khvrikh 1 doing physical labor 2 working, laboring,

This journey was very

2 2 the nobility;

khvgrdzn repulsive; nauseating

khv grdzavnkaj emetic
khvgrdzj m. khvgrdz f. nausea; vomiting
khvagrzj m. khvgrz f.
khvl m. confidant, trusted person
khv la f. 1 secret of the heart; innermost thoughts 2 frank
conversation, talk to confide a secret (to); be candid with
He opened his heart to me. He imparted
his secret to me. I don't have
anyone to share with. I don't have anyone to open my heart to.

a to betray a secret, let a secret out b to confess

to be close friends
khvlas taj 1 knowing how to keep a secret 2 m.
confidant, trusted person

khmakh h
1 khn 1 literate 2 singing
2 khn m. khnch f.
khnakh h
khndn m. singing


Pashto-English Dictionary

to learn to read and

to become literate
khnand songsters (of birds)
khv-u-khtr m. memory to remember
khv-o-sh Eastern around,

khu m. boiling, the action of boiling

khob d m. hernia
khokhuj f. bowling (the game)
khukh m. toad
khukj m.
khukedl intransitive [past: ]

khnand to teach reading and writing


eliminate illiteracy

write, become literate


khh 1 combining form wishing, desiring

khuavl transitive [past: ] 1 to bring to a boil,

boil; cook by boiling to boil eggs 2 to pour boiling


wisher 2 conjunction though, let both and ;

both in the city and in the country

2 khv f. archaeology
khhsh m. [plural: khhishna Arabic plural:
khhish t] wish, desire; request in

water upon 3 figurative to anger

khva kha f. anatomy male child's sexual organ

khuh r m. action of boiling or boiling over
khoj small
khuedl intransitive [past: ]1 to boil, cook by
boiling 2 to anger; get angry He got angry. He
flew into a rage. Anger shook him. Anger

accordance with someone's wish or request

khhishmnd 1 wishing, having

the wish, having the desire He wants to

come here. 2 m. interested party

seized him.

khmakh willy-nilly; inevitable; without fail

Eastern Whether I wanted to or not, I had to go to the

khvjkhaj m. vengeance, revenge

1 knob m. 1 sleep uneasy sleep
sleepy eyes bedroom bed
cloths to put to sleep, lull; inspire sleep, plunge into
sleep He is dozing. I can't sleep.
to dream to sleep vi he is dozing; he
wants to sleep ! Wake up! Awake!
She was in a profound sleep. to
be deep in sleep proverb "The
thirsty man dreams of a lake 2 dream day dream
2 khub poetry good
khub f. dear, beloved
khub n f. plural beauties
khubnj f. sweet dried apricot
khubi f. 1 beauty 2 advantage, superiority
khobdzhn sleepy, somnolent; drowsy
khbdzj m. lodging for the night
khubrj 1 handsome 2 m. handsome man, Adonis
khubrja 1 beautiful 2 f. a beauty
khubsurt beautiful
khob-u-khj l m. dreams, daydreams
khobavlaj Eastern sleeping I had a nap. I


the Khodjak Pass (south of

curtains. 3 to cause to shake, shake 4 to send, dispatch 5 to put

in motion, turn on (i.e., motor) 6 to agitate
cardiac disturbance

to cause

a to move, stir, budge b to collect,

assemble; be concerned with collections

passive to be

put in motion; be started up (e.g., a motor)

khvadzavnkaj 1 present participle of

figurative motivating force; source

2 m.

khvadzedl intransitive [present: past:

]1 to move, budge He is

fidgeting in his seat. 2 to shake, oscillate, sway, flap, flutter 3 to

proceed, set out, depart 4 to operate, work (e.g., a motor) 5 to
worry 6 to develop (e.g., of a culture) 7 grammar to have a

diacritical mark, have a vowel sign

khvadzedna f. khvadzed m. plural 1 motion,

movement I can't move; I can budge

neither hand or foot. 2 oscillation, swaying, fluttering 3 setting

out, departure, exit 4 operation (of a motor) 5 worry 6

excellently, in superior

khobjlj dialect sleeping; sleepy

khup m. 1 sultriness 2 fog
khot imperfect of

khodzh m. 2
khvadznd starting, moving; oscillating
khvadzndka m. insect; small insect; mite
khvadzavl transitive [past: ] 1 to move, shift
to move troops 2 to shake, oscillate, sway, flap,
flutter The wind shook the window

khub f. 1 beauty 2 advantage, superiority 3 something

pleasant 4 good idiom



dozed off.

regional to boil;

boil up

development (e.g., of a culture)

khuts m. khutskj m.
khutsavl transitive 1
khuts f. crack

Pashto-English Dictionary

khutsedl intransitive [past: ] 1

bubble up; boil

2 to

khud 1 combining form self self-determination

self-love, egotism 2 pronoun self, oneself
to come to oneself, regain consciousness 3 therefore 4 particle
but or so therefore
khudikhtijr 1 independent 2 regional of age
khudikhtijr f. 1 independence 2 regional majority
(i.e., being of age)

khudr 1 well-dressed, smart 2 arrogant

khudirdijt m. self-determination

right of


khudi'timad f. regional self-assurance

khudbakhd unintentionally, of itself
khudbn self-assured, self-reliant; vainglorious; haughty
khubin f. self-assurance, self-reliance; vaingloriousness;

khudparst m. egotist, egoist


to display

khudparast f. egotism, self-love

khudpasand f.
khudkhh egotistical, egotistic egotist, egoist
khuddrn 1 careful, cautious 2 reserved, restrained
to greet someone in a restrained manner
khuddr f. abstinence; evasion, digression
to abstain from, evade something, avoid something
khudrj 1 obstinate; willful; headstrong 2 self-confident,
having a high opinion of oneself

khudr f. 1 obstinance; self-will 2 self-assurance, self-


khudrng 1 natural, having its natural color (of hair, etc.) 2

fast, stable (of dyestuff) idiom fountain pen

khudr khudrj wild (of plants)
khudru f. growth under natural condition
khudskht forced, affected with forced

khudsit j
khudsita f.
khudsr wilful; stubborn
khudsarn wilfully
khudsar f. 1 arbitrariness
khudhka khudhka really and truly; in very truth
khudgharz 1 self-interested, mercenary-minded 2
interested (in)

khudgharaz f. 1 cupidity, profit

They are biassed.

2 interest (in)

khudk r self-acting; automatic

khudk m undisciplined; wilful; headstrong
khudkm f. indiscipline, lack of discipline; willfulness;

khudkard home-made
khudmukht r independent; self-governing, autonomous
khudnum vain
khudnum f. vanity
khud f. 1 pride; vanity 2 individuality, peculiarity
1 khor f. [plural: khvndi Eastern plural:
khvnde] sister foster sister idiom

2 khvar m. 1 crust, peel, rind; skin (fruit) to peel; take
the skin off 2 scab to come off (scab) covered
with scabs to tan a skin 3 scales, scale (fish, etc.)
idiom to moult, shed (of animals)
3 khor
4 khur present stem of
5 khr combining form eating something up, making use of
something, eating or corroding something eaten by rust
heir bribe-taker
khvar khvr very, highly; exceedingly very little
The summer in these provinces is
very hot. This is a very good book.
The northernmost point.
khur f. leprosy
khvar k khor k m. 1 food, nourishment, victuals
foodstuffs, food products dietetic food
Eastern food and drink staple food (i.e., rice) 2
eating; drinking; ingesting food tea drinking
khork f. food, victuals, fodder food
products, foodstuffs, comestibles

khorkab b m. 1 eating, food consumption 2 food


1 khork khvark adjective 1 nourishing; edible; food

food products, comestibles, victuals
food industry 2 fodder 3 provision, food
2 khork plural of
khurdzhn m. saddlebag
khurdzhna f. padded hat, quilted cap
khurdz khurdz f. [plural: khurdz plural:
khurdzijni] niece (sister's daughter)

khorkhl m. khorkhvl m.
khurd 1 little, small; paltry, insignificant 2 m.

khurd (a

measure of weight equivalent to a fourth of a pound or 110 grams)

khurdabn petty; captious; pedantic

khurdabin f. pettiness; captiousness; pedantry
khurdafarsh m. retail merchant

Pashto-English Dictionary

khurdafarosh f. retail trade

to conduct

retail trade

khvrk m.
khorka f. little sister, sis
1 khorak 1 food products, foodstuffs
2 khorakj f. little sister, sis
khorlnda f. khorla 1 tribes-woman 2 fellow-

khuska f.
khval 1 transitive [present:

take (something, some food); eat a little

drink tea

past: ] .1 to eat,

bite; to sting 1.5 to pierce, transfix (with an arrow) 1.6 to

appropriate (the property of another) 1.7 to take money, accept

to take an

money (as a bribe) 1.8 to suffer (defeat, etc.)

suffer defeat 1.9 to take, swear (an oath)

because of the twilight

1 spread

about; scattered 2 dispersed

khur f. 1 rust 2 gangrene; ulcer 3 corrosive substance

oath, swear 1.10 to hit against, hurt oneself 1.11 regional to

test, subject to a test 1.12 to receive (a shock, a flow) 2 m.
plural .1 food, nourishment, edibles

appropriation (of the property of another) idiom to dive

khvandzaj m. dining room, refectory
khvng m. food, nourishment
khva oblique plural of 1
khvaodz j m.
khvankaj vicious dog
khvani m. plural foodstuffs
1 khva f. 1 sandy bottom (of a river, ravine) 2 dry stream,
arroyo 3 alluvium, drift

quarry 2 origin, provenance

khvared m. plural Eastern disintegration, breakdown;


khavrin khurin
khkoring f. 1 betrothed sister

2 female friend, girl friend

(of women)

khoringj f. 1 friendship among women 2 diminutive of



khorajaj m. [plural: khvrajna

khva m. 1 ravine, gully; hollow 2 brook

plural: khoraj n] nephew (son of one's sister)

khu m.

kho imperfect of

wedding feast 4 pension 5 dialect food

for servants

khun r m. 2
khvaamshr m. one of the masters-of-ceremony at a
wedding feast

khvaav l m. participant at a wedding feast

khvin khun 1 boiled soft; overcooked kasha
boiled soft overcooked meat 2 overripe; soft, mushy
(of fruits, vegetables) 3 soft, friable

khun-pin 1 boiled very soft 2 overripe

khvintb khuintb m.

khvinv laj

khuinv laj m. 1 state of being boiled soft; state of being

oneself (to); regale oneself (with) 2 to eat, feed

khva f. 1 offering, gift (to a mullah, etc.) 2 refreshments

sent to the bride by the fianc 3 refreshments served in connection

2 khor f. the relations or relationship of sisters

3 khori vocative of 1
4 khavrj f. lum idiom to give heat
khor combining form conoisseurship
1 khvaredl intransitive Eastern
2 khuredl intransitive dialect [past: ]1 to treat

with a betrothal

khvar feminine singular of

khurh r m. snore, snoring
khorajaj m.
1 khavrj m. 1 pit from which clay is removed or taken;

nutriment, food products 2.2 taking (of medicine) 2.3 biting 2.4

(e.g., acid)


to drink wine 1.3 to take (medicine) 1.4 to

who marries into another clan or tribe)

khor-vr Eastern khvar-var f. m.

khvr-vr f. plural: khvar-var]

to entertain, treat someone 1.2 to drink

tribes woman (so the members of the clan call a young woman

1 khurm khorm f. fuzz (on the chin, face)

2 khrma f. 1 cloudburst, downpour 2 pimples (on the face)
khurand m. 1 (big) eater 2 glutton
khvarna f. Eastern
1 khuravl khoravl causative form of [ past:
]1 to feed 2 to entertain, treat
He entertained me well.
2 khvaravl denominative, transitive
khvarn m. Eastern 1 development
development of literature 2 intensification

to eat; dine

overcooked 2 overripeness 3 softness, friability

khvinavl khuinavl denominative, transitive [past:

] 1 to boil soft; overcook 2 to soften, make friable
khvinedl khuinedl denominative, intransitive [past:
] 1 to boil soft; overcook 2 to over ripen; soften, get
mushy (of fruits, vegetables) 3 to become soft, become friable;

make soft

The soil became soft.

khvazavl transitive Eastern

khvazedl intransitive Eastern
1 khug khvg 1 m. pain, ache headache
despite the pain 2 predicative & attributive painful (of a part of

the body)


My right hand hurts.

Pashto-English Dictionary

painful place; an injury idiom

khuskj m. 1 khusj m. calf

2 khusj m. game in which the player stands on one leg and

with great effort, with

strain, with stress

khvag f. m. [plural: khvg f. plural:

khvag ] 1 sweet 2 tasty 3 pleasant melodious voice,
pleasant voice 4 intimate (of friends) This is an


attempts to overthrow one another

khush 1.1 good, pleasant 1.2 joyous, merry

joyous, merry 2 combining form good, pleasant


interesting story. Dear sister!

m. khogtj

sweet-sour; rather sour

khug m m. jasmine
1 suffering, grieving
n khvgm
n khugmnd

2 empathetic; sympathetic He is
responsive to the misfortunes of others.

l denominative, transitive [past: ]

khushta m. flatterer; toady

khushakhl virtuous, moral
khushakhl f. virtue; morality
khush l
khushlavl denominative, transitive
khushl f.
khushledl denominative, intransitive
khushmd m. 1 flattery; toadying to flatter,


to make suffer, torture

toady (to) 2 to compliment

l denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to suffer; grieve (for)

khushmand f. plural flattery; toadying

to flatter someone; toady to someone
khushnd m shapely, well-formed
khushv z possessing a good voice, having a pleasant

laj m. 1 sweetness, sweet taste 2 euphoniousness

3 intimacy (of friends)

m. 1 sherbet 2 syrup

1 relish, condiment 2 hors d'oeuvre

l khogav
l denominative, transitive [past:
]1 to make sweet, sweeten 2 to delight someone, give

voice; mellifluous, melodious; tuneful

someone pleasure or enjoyment

l denominative, transitive [past:

khvag 1 feminine singular of


melodiousness; tunefulness

2 f. candy, sweet, sweet



sweets seller

la f. botany liquorice
khvag feminine plural of 2
1 khvaged
l khoged
l denominative, intransitive [past:
]1 to be sweet; be sweetened 2 to receive, get pleasure, get

happy that

khushbakhtn fortunately
khushbakht f. happiness, luck, good fortune
khushb khushbj khushbja aromatic,
sweet-smelling, perfumed

enjoyment 3 to be near, be dear (to); become close friends (with)

2 khvuged
l khvged
l denominative, intransitive [past:
]to injure oneself; hurt oneself; become crippled
1 khvaged
m. plural 1 sweetness 2 sweetening
m. plural pain, ache headache
khusan m. septic field, septic tank, sewage disposal pit
khus vzha f. kind of ferule (group of herbs related to

khushbu f. scent, fragrance, pleasant odor

khushbaj n eloquent
khushbn m. optimist
khushbin f. optimism
khushposh k well-dressed
khusht dialect
khushtarkb 1 good looking, pleasing to the sight

khushh l 1.1 content; joyous, merry; happy

I am glad to see you here. 1.2 lively, animated 2 m.
proper name Khushhal'

khost m. Khost (district in Pakhti province and an area in

northeast Afghanistan)

khostv l
khostj 1

Khost 2 m.



khushvz f. possession of a good voice; mellifluence,

khushjnd 1 favorable 2 pleasant

pleasant memories
khushj khush plural of
khushbkht happy, successful ... We are


wound; injure; cripple

khushamdgr m. [plural: khushamadgr]

flatterer; toady

m. inhabitant of Khost, Khostian

Khostic, relating to Khost

dagger from

khushhltj f.
khushhlavl denominative, transitive [past:
]to cheer, gladden to take comfort (in),
rejoice (in)


Pashto-English Dictionary

khushhl f. 1 gladness; merriment; pleasure ...

I am delighted that It is gratifying that 2

khushhledl denominative, intransitive

]to rejoice in, enjoy oneself


1 khushi f. 1
2 khshi khshe indeclinable 1.1 deserted, unpopulated
deserted, empty house 1.2 fired, discharged (of a shot)
1.3 master less, without supervision (of cattle) a to

My spirit

discharge, fire (a shot) b to let go, release c to cede, yield (to)


khushkhabark m. magpie (the bird)

khushkhabar f. glad news
khushkhtaj khushkhttaj m. khushkht

to waste one's
Our efforts were useless.
idiom to fix one's gaze, regard, stare fixedly
3 khush f. Khushi (district, Logar Province)
khshe-p-khushe easily, without the slightest
in vain, without effect, to no avail

melodiousness 2 pleasant singing (of birds)

khushkhr 1 loving to eat well 2 m. gourmand

khushkhor f. gourmandise
khushdl merry, joyful, full of joie de vivre
khushdkht well-tailored
khushrng beautiful; beautiful in color, of a beautiful


khvah 1 pleasant, nice, good 2 pleasing; preferred; desired

I like that book. I like
apples. 3 content, satisfied, glad ) ( Are you
satisfied with me?

coloration (cloth); beautifully feathered (bird)

khushsulk civil, affable, well-mannered

khushsuluk f. civility, affability, courtesy
khushsuhbta sociable
khushtb' merry, full of joie-de-vivre
khushtab'i merriment, joie-de-vivre
to joke with someone
khushismat happy
khushismat f. happiness, success
khushakj m. loafer, idler
khushguzar n 1 living for one's own pleasure 2 m. bonvivant, playboy
khushguzarn f. 1 life for one's own pleasure 2


khushj] maure; dung

khos f. 1 ear, spike (e.g., of wheat) 2 cluster, bunch

khoshachn m. person who gathers ears or spikes of grain
(after the harvest); gleaner

khvahv imperfect of
khuht dialect
khvahtj f. 1 gladness, joy, delight 2 pleasure, satisfaction
khvahmn wanting something, desirous of something
khvahn content, satisfied
khvahv laj m.
khvahavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
approve I don't like this room.
He has agreed to this. 2 to prefer, choose 3 to love, like

khushhav 1 having good air; sweet-smelling 2 having a

khvahavnkaj 1 present participle of

supported, adherent, advocate

2 m.

1 khvha f. 1 desire; wish willingly, voluntarily

in accordance with one's own desire
I will carry out your wish. Do
you wish to drink tea with me? He is free to
do as he wishes. 2 will As you please!
to define one's own position, decide one's
own fate

nicely put-together

khushnavs m. calligrapher
khushnavis f. calligraphy
khushvt joyful; happy
khushj m. [plural: khush

to be let go, be

idle chatter; empty talk; nonsense


khushkhtt m. calligrapher

merriment, entertainment merry songs

khushg khushgj eloquent
khushlib s well-dressed, smart
khushmaz 1 tasty, tasteful 2 interesting, attractive
khushnam khushnum 1 beautiful; pleasant, pleasing

to ramble on, talk nonsense, talk rubbish 1.5 crazy, deranged 2

khushkhlk easy to get along with; of good character

khushkh n tuneful, harmonious, melodious
khushkhn f. 1 tunefulness; harmoniousness,

d to liberate (territory)

released, be discharged 1.4 useless, in vain; futile

2 khvha feminine singular of

3 kho h all right, good, very well, O.K.
1 khvah f. joy, gladness, pleasure
I am delighted to note that to transmit
glad tidings to someone to rejoice, make merry
to spoil someone's pleasure to express joy,
pleasure He agreed to this very

khuhj m. expenses for the wedding paid for by the

groom's family; foodstuffs for the wedding feast delivered by the

groom's family to the bride's home

good and healthful climate


Pashto-English Dictionary

khvahedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

like I liked that film. I like

to query,
make inquiries about, try to find out a to be
startled, be rooted to the ground b to repent of
to reject something, give something up He died.
! curse May you drop dead!
My (his etc.) mouth is watering. to
speak, utter a word
to quarrel, have strong words with someone
speak without inhibition

I shall

to walk. I like walks. 2 to be content; to rejoice

Your arrival delighted me. idiom

be very grateful to you.

khuhna khohna f. sister-in-law

khauf khof m. Arabic fear, terror
khaufn k khofn k dangerous; frightful, terrible
1 khug m. boar, wild boar; pig
2 khug m. Eastern 1
3 khog Eastern 2
khugln m. smouldering flame or fire
1 khugji m. plural Khugiani (tribe) 2 khugjj

Eastern He is a crybaby. He is constantly howling (of a child)

khol m. 1 helmet

to begin

Eastern to ask for

to be surprised, be astounded
He was astounded. He was thunderstruck
a to open, open wide the mouth b to begin to speak, start
to speak When we

helmet 2 sheath, case, holster (of

a firearm) 3 casing (cartridge)

break the fast (i.e., when Ramadan comes), we will go to

Death also threatens

to speak He didn't say a
word. Eastern saying literal The eyes
are ashamed as the mouth eats. to give sweets, treat
to dessert compound verb a to tell off b to force to
admit one's guilt a he liked this b He dared. He
became bolder. a He (she, etc.) speaks
ceaselessly. b He (she, etc.) speaks inappropriately.
He can't wait; he wants to eat. He
wouldn't say no to a melon. All were of one mind.
Historians do not have a
single view of this problem. Eastern He is
not talkative. to chatter without a let up
Eastern He decided to speak. Eastern to hold
back Don't rattle on so! a to
lie, prevaricate b to talk more than necessary a to
speak the truth b to speak appropriately or aptly
Eastern He uses foul language. He swears.
Eastern He was dumbfounded. a to blurt out a
secret, blab b to content oneself (with), to be satisfied
to beg of, try to get someone to do something
to talk, speak, converse with someone a
b to be silent to spread, flair up (of an epidemic)
a to use foul language b to take an oath
to smile to smile broadly a to fall silent,
be silent b to abstain (from eating); be on a diet
to live in poverty, starve a to speak indecently b to
swear, curse to get lost, get confused a
to die ! That thou mayest die! b Eastern to be
thunderstruck to request something
a to try to get something b to make a request, intercede
for someone to beg, cadge


khulpaj 1 keeping silent 2 m. .1 damper, oven door 2.2

lid teapot lid
khulgj f. diminutive 1 mouth 2 kiss (on the mouth)
kiss ! Kiss me!
khvlm stained, soiled
khvaln sweaty
khvalv haj m. string, twine; cord
khulvandj m.
1 khul khvl khul Eastern khol f. 1 mouth; lips; jaws,
maw (animal) oral cavity Shut your
mouth! My lips have become chapped. 2 opening,
mouth (of a mine, a ravine, etc.) 3 crater (of a volcano) 4 rims

to smack the lips

to speak, start to utter a word

2 khol m. light autumn frosts

khulbraj m. stopper; plug
khulbl broken up; minced; ground to break,
break up; grind; mince to be broken up, be minced, be

(of table vessels, dishes)



Khugiani (tribesman)

a to compel silence, shut someone up b to give a bribe,

buy (person)

brimful 5 neck (of a

vessel) 6 muzzle (of a gun); barrel 7 point, edge (of a knife, etc.)

the knife has become dull 8 cuff; (coat, jacket)

cuff; (coat, jacket) cuff 9 poetry mouth, lips
from mouth to mouth
Everyone is talking about this. This is on everyone's lips.
In such a case I will speak. I heard
it from the khan. I heard it from the lips of the khan.
saying literal One's mouth is both a stronghold and a


misfortune. figurative My tongue is my own worst enemy. 10

from the
words of strangers 11 kiss to kiss to kiss
(i.e., exchange kisses) a to attack someone with
invective or curses b to be given to biting (e.g., of a horse)
a to talk to no purpose b to be cheeky c to
said, expressed by someone

never believed what his brother said.


Pashto-English Dictionary

to rudely interrupt,
interrupt someone to fall silent, become silent
a to smirk stupidly; show the teeth b
to be reproached c to bite the tongue I spoke

Eastern proverb Your eyes are

bigger than your stomach. proverb literal
poor mouths, rich words figurative He's a braggart.
proverb literal He speaks sweet words, but his heart is
crooked. figurative the mailed fist in a velvet glove
proverb A Moslem in speech, but a kafir (i.e.,
unbeliever, infidel) at heart.
proverb The rich man has many hangerswaves.

to give a bribe, suborn

about this many times. It bores me to have to speak about this.

a to try with all one's might b to be greedy

to keep a secret, hold one's tongue to fail to
mention, omit mention of something Eastern
to shut up, compel to be silent to call someone
loudly to ask loudly, ask at the top of one's
voice to regret, deplore something
to compose, invent or make up something for the purpose of
self-justification Eastern I can't make up my
mind. to decide to say something
You have not spoken, as I already
guessed. Eastern He is very able. He is very
imaginative. a to disgrace oneself b to
grow poor, fall into need, become destitute; to starve
to reach an understanding, see eye to eye with someone
to obey someone, follow someone's advice
Don't believe him.
Eastern I am in his power. I depend upon him.
a to remember someone's words b to speak lucidly c to
interfere in another's quarrel He does not obey
me. Eastern He dumps his guilt on me.
to transmit orally, communicate
to interrupt someone, interrupt someone's speech
to speak well of someone to receive
more than is due to speak more than necessary,
not to know how to hold one's tongue crowded,
chock-a-block a to grow weak b to
become destitute, fall into need
to be silent, fall silent to await instructions from
someone Eastern I don't agree with
them at all. He is a poor orator.
Eastern to fantasize, dream; build castles in the air
to blurt out; say too much to escape
one's lips (a word) to ask someone a
question Eastern This is no joke. This is not
a joking matter. affected smile, affected laugh
to be friendly with someone on the surface; be
insincere He wags his tongue. He's a
talker. He is immoderate in his demands.
Take care, don't let the cat out the bag!
He is rude. to escape the lips (of
a word) This word has already been
forgotten. ! Eastern Hold your tongue!
saying He's cheeky. He doesn't restrain himself.
proverb The words of man are like the ocean

on; the beauty has many suitors.

khval khvl f. usually plural khval sweat,

to sweat, perspire


to thrust (alternately)
He works by the sweat

The patient was covered in perspiration

to make to sweat freely

into heat and cold
of his brow.

3 khvla f. 1
khulavr khvlavr eloquent; sharp-tongued
1 khvalj f. 1 hat; skullcap; cap; headgear


embroidered skullcap 2 technology cowl, cowling

2 khul plural of 1
3 khval plural of 2
khuledl intransitive [past: ]

to press down, squeeze;

press down

khvaljvl m. 1 hatter, hat-maker 2 man wearing a


khum m.
khum r

false rumor set in motion

idiom not to care



less, to be bothered in no way (by some matter)

1 khumr m. plural peach, peaches

2 khumr f.
khumrj f. 1 clay jar, clay jug 2 pail
khmhaj m. dusty, hot day
1 khun m. 1 blood 2 murder, bloodshed to spill
blood, commit murder idiom khn-i to overtax
oneself in working

2 khuvn
khun b m. poetry bloody tears
khunna f. ferocity; bloodthirstiness
khon m. angina
khunlud bloodstained, bloody
khunbah f. wergeld, payment (to a clan, family, etc.) in
compensation for a death

khundzh a f. 2
khundkh r 1 bloodthirsty 2 cruel, savage
khunkhr f. 1 bloodthirstiness 2 cruelty, ferocity,


good taste, pleasant taste

tasty, pleasant a to taste, try b to be to the taste, please
It's so pleasant when
khvand m. taste

Pashto-English Dictionary

That film
has no appeal. a to taste good
These grapes are very tasty. b to be interesting, excellent
to enjoy, revel in something to eat
with pleasure idiom a pleasant place
khund r 1 full-blooded 2 m. .1 man engaged in
I liked your book very much.

obtaining vengeance for the murder of a relative, avenger of a

khunn 2 1
1 khvaj m. 1 wooden spade 2 wedding
2 khoj m. personality, character

khvid m. green forage, fodder

kheh m.
1 khojavl [past: ] transitive

family murder 2.2 avenger

khvandn khvandn k khvandnj
khvandavr 1 tasty, tasteful, pleasant 2 interesting

2 khvajavl transitive Eastern

1 khojedl intransitive [past: ]to suppurate, become

interesting discussion


khvandavl transitive [past: ] to delight

1 khvndi plural of 1
2 1 khund m. plural Khundi (tribe) 2 khundj m.
Khundaj (tribesman)

khvand defended; guarded; protected

a to keep

(i.e., a secret) b to watch over, guard (a flock, herd, crops) c to

safeguard (health, honor)

a to be safeguarded (e.g., a

secret) b to be kept safe, watched over (flock, herd, crops) c to be

safeguarded (health)

4 khwand stl computer science save

khvanditb m. safety; preservation
khvandedl intransitive [past: ]

He liked this. b He dared. He became more bold.

khvandiv laj m.
khudrz m. cut-throat; murderer
khunrez f. bloodshed; slaughter

to spill blood,

slay, murder

2 khvaedl intransitive Eastern

1 khe f. the name for the letter
2 khe getting down and remaining on the knees (of a camel)
to get down and stay on the knees (of a camel); kneel
to be kneeling (of a camel)

work as a tailor

I think, I suppose I
He was deeply pensive.
Such an idea arose in the
minds of many people. She thought of her
daughters. to think of something 2 opinion (
)in my opinion ... The general
opinion is as follows disagreement ...
a They think that b Their opinion is as follows
to express an opinion I am of that
opinion too. to exchange opinions 3
imagination, notion, concept to suppose, imagine ...
It appeared to him, It seemed to him that 4
dream revery; fantasy He dreamed of
Shamayle. 5 supposition; intention
I intend to go to Kandahar. to mean to, decide to do
something ! Don't think it over! 6 attention
a to memorize b to be attentive 7 mood 8 whim,
idea, concept

think that

khunsrd 1 cold-blooded, calm 2 indifferent,


khunsrda cold-blooded animals

khunsard f. 1 calm to lose
self-control 2 indifference, unconcernedness
khunk r m. murderer
khungrm ardent, hotheaded (of a person)

May your house prosper!

bedroom vestibule; reception


room, waiting room 3 drawer (of a desk, cabinet) 4 figurative

building, system

2 khavn
1 khunj

m. plural khavna f. olive tree

m. 1 strewing or sprinkling the newlyweds (with

flowers, etc. at the wedding) 2 gift (to the betrothed couple or to


fancy 9 reflection 10 anxiety 11 khajl pride, creation of self-

khun 1.1 bloody, bloodstained 1.2 sanguinary (of a battle,

etc.) 2 m. murder

khj l khaj l m. Arabic [plural: khjlna plural:

khajlna Arabic plural: khajl t] 1 thought, meditation,


khna f. 1 house

khj children's speech No, no! Nasty!, Don't touch!, Don't


bloodthirsty 1.4 bad, rotten; dangerous; threatening 2 m.

khib n m. 1 avenue, pathway (in a garden) 2 flower-bed

1 khi r m. cucumber
2 khij r m. Arabic right to vote; choice; judgment
khjst m.
khaj t m. Arabic tailor tailor's shop
khajtkhn f. Arabic tailor's shop, tailor's workshop
khaj ta f. seamstress, dressmaker
khajt f. tailoring, tailor's work to do tailoring,

khunaj 1.1 sanguinary, bloody 1.2 heavy (of losses) 1.3

to cause

inflammation, give rise to suppuration


esteem 12 khajl ghost; apparition 13 khajl decoration


khajlparst m. dreamer, visionary

Pashto-English Dictionary

khajlparast f. fantasizing
khjlmn 1 willful 2 coquettish 3 imaginary; fantastical
khjl Oh my beloved! Oh my dream!, My dear!
khjaltkaj flirtatious
khjlavr 1 dressing in the latest style; fashionably up-to-date
2 dressed up

khajl Arabic 1 imaginary, fictive 2 fantastic

the world of dreams of fancies


to build

castles in the air, fantasize 3 proud, haughty; romantic

2 khjlj m. proper name Khialaj

3 khjlj f. 1 dear, beloved 2 proper name Khiali
khajj m m. Arabic 1 tentmaker 2 Omar Khayyam
khijnt khajnt m. Arabic 1 treason, perfidy, betrayal
adultery to behave perfidiously
with someone; betray someone 2 misappropriation
a to misappropriate property held in trust b to

Where are you going now?

idiom ! If it doesn't work out it's no great pity!
2 khir 1 furious 2 obstinate
khajr t m. Arabic 1 matters pleasing to God! 2 good deeds,
philanthropy; charity (usually distributed at funerals) to
Glad you're here!

do good deeds, perform philanthropy; distribute alms (usually at

funerals) 3 tip, gratuity

the Khyber

the Khyber Mountains 2 history Khyber

(settlement in Arabia)

khajbar 1 adjective Khyber 2 m. inhabitant of the Khyber


khajratvl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

sacrifice (a sheep, bull, etc.); distribute alms (usually at funerals)

khajrt 1 designated for distribution in the form of charity 2

regional charitable, philanthropic

hospital for the

poor (supported by donations)

khajrtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be sacrificed (of sheep, a bull, etc.) 2 distributed in the form of

khirakhlnaj easily soiled

khajruddn m. Arabic proper name Khajruddin
khajrull m. Arabic proper name Khajrulla
khajrndesh f. good intentions; benevolence; benevolent

khit turbid
khta f. line mark

khajratkhr m. person receiving

alms (usually at funerals)

khajbr m. 1 Khyber (pass)


abuse another's trust

khajrtkh r m.

voluntary contributions (e.g., a clergyman)

attitude; friendship

straight line

dotted line

khe 1.1 big-bellied, pot-bellied 1.2 gluttonous 2 m. person

having a paunch

kheavr 1
kha f. 1 belly, paunch, tummy to eat
one's fill 2 hold (of a ship) idiom to interrupt,
break in on someone's words a to put forcibly
down b to put down, subordinate a to be put
down forcibly b to be suppressed, be subordinated

kheavr 1
khedzh Eastern present stem of
khedzhavl transitive Eastern
khid m. Eastern
khajdk m. 1 yogurt; curdled soured milk 2 cheese in molds
1 khajr Eastern kher Arabic 1 m. [plural: akhj r] .1
good, blessing, good deed, boon good and evil 1.2
well-being well, prosperously ! I wish you
prosperity! I wish you success! ! ! I wish you
prosperity. I wish you all the best. to wish
someone prosperity, wish someone all the best all will
be well, all will end up all right khjr-i to wish
someone a happy trip 1.3 alms, charity to ask for
alms, ask for charity 1.4 used in proper names KhajrMuhammed 2 particle So be it!, O.k.!, Let it be! ! O.k.!
All right! 3 combining form well idiom ! Welcome!,

kherdztb m. shame; embarrassment; bashfulness

kherdz bashful; ashamed to embarrass; shame
to be embarrassed; be ashamed
khajrkh h 1.1 benevolent, kindly 1.2 kindhearted 2 m.
philanthropist; well-wisher

khajrkhh f. 1 benevolent attitudes 2 kindly feelings

khajrk m. diminutive of 1 1.4
khajrmuhammd m. personal name Khajr-Muhammed
khirn 1 dirty, soiled; slovenly 2 figurative base
khirnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to soil,
make dirty

khirnedl denominative to be soiled, become dirty

1 khajr diminutive affectionate of
2 khajr f. 2
1 khra f. 1 dirt, mud ear-wax 2 slag, dross
idiom to make amends for an injury which
has been inflicted

2 kher f. Eastern
3 khjra oblique singular of 1
4 khir dim, bull; blinded
1 khirj m. Eastern 1
2 khajr m. mallow gl-i mallow
3 khajr Arabic charitable, philanthropic
4 khjri vice regional if all goes successfully
5 kher plural of 2

Pashto-English Dictionary

khajrijt m. Arabic 1 good, good deed; well doing 2 well-


a good, the good, blessing b well-being

khajrija m. Arabic charitable



a to leap up; jump up, bob up

and down b to fall upon, go for to leap, jump
idiom in a flash idiom The river
khez m. jumping, leaping

bore its water along headlong.

khez n jumping up, leaping up and down, hopping

khezsh m. upward flight, ascent runway
khezh present stem of
khezhavl transitive [past: ] 1 to raise, raise
slightly to hang someone 2 to help to climb
up (e.g., in a tree) 3 to raise (prices)

khig m. [plural: khigna

plural: khig n] scab

to be covered with scabs idiom mortal insults

khig n covered with scabs
m. Himalayan cedar
kheshv f. weeding
khisht khisht f. m. [plural: khisht f. plural:
khisht] wet, moist, raw
khisht-pisht wet through; soaking wet
khishtavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
wet; dampen; soak


khisht masculine plural of

khisht 1 feminine singular of 2 f. snails

2 khjl transitive Eastern

khelkhn f. 1 clan; tribe 2 dynasty
khel f. 1 nonsense 2 empty, void, worthless
khelakhnd empty, void, worthless
khelakhand f. nonsense, rubbish, idle talk
khim 1 frozen 2 thick
khem khajm f. tent, marquee, pavilion to pitch a
tent figurative to jump (behind, onto), run up
khnj f. 1 small fry 2 act of climbing a tree (by the method
of clasping the arms around the trunk and pressing the chest

khindzh spoiled, bad

khing 1
khingtj f.
khingavl denominative, transitive
khingedl denominative, intransitive
khno vice dialect all right, very well (qualified

d, da dialect di prepositon 1 of (or similar possessive used for

father's house

friend's brother

aroma of

flowers 2 measure (or similar used in the meaning of a measure or

portion of same substance)

a a cup of tea b tea cup 3

from, at (or similar usually in combination with the postposition

kheshm m. nasal cartilage

kheshumm linguistics nasal
kheh m. relative, relation
khehv la f. 1
1 khha f. female relative, female relation
2 khih f.
1 kheh f. relationship, relationship by marriage
to be a relative
khhi plural of 1
1 khik m. khig m. large inflated skin (used for fording

Eastern expressing origin from the house

from the market from the tailor's 4 for,

for the sake of (or similar used in combination with the


for the work 5 Eastern than (or

similar used in combination with the postposition



Bazgul is older than everyone 6

under the table
with, together with, jointly with (or similar used with for
expressing commonality) with brother, together with
Eastern under (used in combination with
something, from beneath something)


Mashukhel (settlement in southern Afghanistan) 3 history cavalry

dl the thirteenth letter of the Pashto alphabet; the number 4 in

the abjad system

Kheshkaj (tribesman)


dialect good, very well

expressing belonging, relationship to someone or something)

kheshk 1 m. plural Kheshki (tribe) 2 kheshkj m.

2 khig m. Eastern
3 khig m.
khigj m. skin bag, skin bottle
1 khel m. 1 Khel (tribal subdivision), clan; extended family;
used as a compounding element in tribal names the
Sulejmankhejli tribe 2 used in geographic names

khishtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

become wet, become soaked; get wet

khja vice

brother 8 used in combination with nouns expresses qualitative

and relative adjectives



mountainous, wild 9 forms compound prepositions and adverbs

a outside, outwardly b on the outside

a for;

for the sake of, because of b on, etc. history book

Eastern Then he started talking about going to
the movies. He knocked him to the ground.
3 di pronoun 3
4 di particle 4


Pashto-English Dictionary

d pronoun oblique of
this house

demonstrative a this, these

this woman

these books

part of something

in this room c substantive this, that


summer the weather is warm, but in winter it is cold 2 personal

Where is she going? What is she doing? ...
however, the point is that ... besides (that), in
addition (to that), furthermore and what's more; besides
(that) to be brief, in short otherwise, in the
contrary case or else; or, otherwise it may
happen, it's possible There it is! Well, I
have come. Here's why. Eastern a therefore
pronoun, third person singular, feminine she, it

b exactly

what is that? d in complex sentences may replace the

subject in the second clause

participating, taking part in something 4 entered, included (e.g.,


dkhilawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

bring in(to), introduce (e.g., forces, troops) 2 to enter, include,
insert (e.g., on a list) 3 to accept, enroll (in school, etc.)

dkhil f. Arabic regional entrance

entrance (is) closed


pass, permit

minister of

dkhil f. and plural, Arabic from

of internal affairs, interior ministry

internal affairs

dkhil 1 internal domestic trade

civil war boarding school 2

m. native of a country

2 dkhil plural of 1
dkhiledl, dkhledl denominative, intransitive [past:
]1 to enter, go in, drive in 2 to lead This
road leads to Kabul 3 to be included, be entered, be enrolled (e.g.,

on a list) 4 to be accepted, be enrolled (in a school, etc.) 5 to get

deeper into, penetrate deep into a territory 6 to be contained, be

to help

give someone his due

dd m. gift, present; kindness, favor

give, present

compound verb to

2 dialect older brother

2 my good

fellow (in addressing an old friend familiarly)

ddkh h 1

m. plaintiff 2 demanding justice

f. 1 request for help 2 demand for justice,

compound verb to demand

justice, appeal for fairness

ddrs m. rescuer, savior; intercessor

ddras f. 1 justice 2 support, intercession
ddk, ddk m. slang dad, daddy
ddgr m.
dd-u-bed d m. dd-u-farj d m. shouts for help
compound verb to call for help
1 dr m. 1 picket, stake 2 pillar, column 3 gallows, gibbet
, to hang someone on a gibbet
2 dr m. Arabic 1 house, dwelling, abode 2 a chamber, house
house of commons b house, residential building

regional file papers 5 accepted, enrolled

(in school, etc.) 6 contained in something; being a part of

someone 2 complaint; demand for justice; request for fairness

demand for fairness

2 custom; established ways 3 situation; condition

dd m. 1 scream, shout for help

2 dd f. diminutive sis, sister

ddtb m. fatherhood, paternity
dddzh m. regional, slang 1 father, daddy

wheel for lifting water from a reservoir for irrigating small fields)

on a list)

3 d d m. suffix used in proper names Sakhidad

1 dd m. 1 father compound verb to become a father

db m. Arabic 1 wooden axle (a simple mechanism with a

dbsh m. foreman
1 db f. Arabic quadruped; wild animal; livestock
2 db imperfect of
dtkj m. regional botany Grislea Tomentosa
dtur f. botany thorn apple
1 ddzh m. bride's dowry
2 d dzh m. darkness, gloom, obscurity
dkhl Arabic 1 entering, in-coming 2 internal 2

idiom to be busy with some

work; get down to work

in this house b with words of feminine gender occasionally

not inflected


d r suffix possessing something, having something


lasting (of peace)

dr-ul-iqm f. Arabic hostel

dr-ul-m n m. Arabic 1 place of peace, tranquility

Darulaman (district of Kabul)

dr-ul-insh f. Arabic secretariat (e.g., of the UN)

dr-ul-ajt m m. orphanage
dr-ul-tahrr m. office, chancellery


the king's personal chancellery

dr-ul-hrb m. Arabic 1 front, theater of military

operations 2 religion land of unbelievers, land of infidels

dr-ul-hukumag f. governor's administration,

governor's office, provincial government, provincial administration

dr-ul-khilf f. Arabic 1 regional capital (city) 2

history Teheran

dr-ul-rijst m. Arabic capital, principal city of a


dr-ul-saltan f. Arabic capital city

dr-ul-sal m m. Arabic 1 place of peace, place of
tranquility 2 Dar-es-Salaam


Pashto-English Dictionary

dr-ul-shur f. Arabic history council (consultative body)

dr-ul-'ulum m. Arabic academy dr-ul'ulum-i-'arbiya Sacred Academy (in Kabul)
dr-ul-'umum m. Arabic house of commons
dr-ul-'aw m m. Arabic parliament (in Canada)
dr-ul-funn m. Arabic 1 university 2 Darulfunun
dr-ul-mu'allimn m. Arabic teacher training institute
drj f. 1 property 2 financial assets
drb z m. acrobat
drchin m. cinnamon
drksh m. hangman, executioner
drkb m. woodpecker
d ranga 1 demonstrative pronoun that, those
Do not walk in those places 2 thus, in that way
dr m. plural 1 medicine; potion; drug compound
verb to treat medically compound verb to be treated 2
Eastern gunpowder ammunition ammunition
drudrmn m. drudarml medicine treatment
drugh m. [plural: drogh n] history 1 head or

1 d i plural of 2
2 d r present tense of
3 dj feminine singular of 1
4 d plural of 1
dem r m.
demr f.
dst n m. tale, story; short story, fairy tale; legend
dst n wajnkaj m. narrator; storyteller
dskl f. cultivation, hoeing, breaking up, loosening (of

d si d se Eastern 1 demonstrative pronoun such

I like this kind of book very much.
He has never seen anything like it. such
as 2 thus, so, this way That isn't so. Isn't
that so? ! That is not permitted! ...
It often happened in such a way that ... This does not
mean that thus, for example and so
forth and so on, etc, etc.

(e.g., for baking bread)

chief of a district 2 head of a prison, prison warden 3 regional

police inspector

Eastern current (of a river); stream

dr suffix of abstract nouns of feminine gender

fidelity, devotion

drj l m. tambourine


compound verb to play the

worlds, this world and the one beyond the grave

dk 1
dl transitive [past: ] 1 to bite; tear; gnaw
A wolf killed this sheep. 2 figurative to lecture,
rebuke; give a telling off, give a scolding

1 d f. dj toothy, having large teeth

2 d oblique plural of 1
1 present participle of 2 predatory, preying (of wild

d f. 1 foray, raid; attack

compound verb

electric stove

dsht m. strength, stability, durability

have stability

to be strong,

dh m. dht
dh baked in an oven (of bread)
d' m. Arabic 1 instigator 2 plaintiff
1 dgh m. 1 literal & figurative spot, stain, blot; slur
compound verb a to soil something b figurative to
shame someone; stain 2 brand compound verb to
brand (as with a branding iron) 3 to prick with a hot needle (a

drj l wahnkaj m. playing (on) the tambourine

drjn m. dual number Arabic from 2 religion both

Directorate or Administration for the Production of

Construction Materials

drugr m. 1 doctor 2 person who manufactures gunpowder

d ra f. usually plural d ri 1 spray
compound verb to splash, spatter, sprinkle; spurt
Blood is spurting. Tears began to flood. 2

dsh m. 1 oven (for firing bricks and clay pots), kiln 2 oven

compound verb

compound verb to attack, assault, fall

upon (of a gang) 2 armed gang

2 d a f. canine tooth; fang (of an animal)

3 d imperfective of
dam r m. bandit, robber
damr f. banditry, robbery

form of medical treatment) 4

Karadag (the mountain)

d gh suffix used in geographic names (mountain)

dghd r 1 soiled, dirtied, stained 2 figurative shamed,

disgraced, sullied, stained

dghsr m. tree sparrow, hedge sparrow, Passer montanus

dghl transitive [past: ] 1 to burn; sear; scorch;
cauterize 2 to brand 3 figurative to shame, disgrace
idiom broken-hearted

dghm 1 worn out, unserviceable 2 f. scrap, salvage

dghmkhn f. scrap depot, salvage dump
dghawl denominative, transitive
d gha demonstrative pronoun 1
dgh spotted, stained
dghedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
burned, be scorched, be cauterized 2 to be spotted, have spots 3
to be branded, have a brand 4 to cicatrize 5 figurative to be
shamed, be disgraced

Pashto-English Dictionary

dfi ' Arabic 1.1 repulsing, beating back (e.g., an attack, an


antitank gun

antiaircraft gun 1.2 defending 1.3 prompting, motivating,

motive, inducement, incentive;

dawfi'] incentive, impulse, stimulus
dfi'-i-tajr dfi'-i-haw zenith, overhead; (more
often antiaircraft) antiaircraft gun
d qadr, d kadr so much, so many
dk r m. Dakar
dktr m. 1 physician, doctor 2 doctor (the academic degree)
dktra f. woman doctor, female physician
dktr 1 f. .1 work of a doctor; medical work 1.2 graduate
study for the doctor's degree doctoral dissertation 2

impulse 2 m. [plural:

medical; doctor's

dk f. muslin; gauze, cheesecloth

1 dl m. Arabic name of the letter
2 dl m. plural pulse (a variety of peas)
dl n m. 1 lounge, hall; vestibule 2 covered passageway;
corridor 3 veranda

d lta, d lta adverb there (near you, at your place)

dlchin m. plural
1 dm m. net; snare; trap compound verb

dnsh m. knowledge; science

dnishg h f. school
dnishmnd 1.1 learned; knowledgeable; erudite
2 m. .1 learned man, erudite man 2.2 wise man, sage

dnishmand f. learning, erudition; wisdom

1 dng m. jump; leap, bound compound verb

dm contraction of the pronoun and the conjunction

This is also harmful.
dmdkhel m. plural fianc's relatives, relatives of the

dm n m. 1 skirt, hem of a skirt 2 foot (of a hill, mountain)

3 valley 4 summer pasture 5 Daman (the territories near the

Suleiman mountains inhabited by Afghans)

proverb These words were futile.

dmn m. resident of the Daman

dmd r m. trapper, bird snare, fowler; hunter
dmn m.
dman f. 1 foot (of a mountain); region, district
dmanad ra dman larnkaj,

dmj r 1

vast, broad, wide, extended 2 long, prolonged, protracted, drawn



d n suffix knowing something

d n suffix vessel

1 fog, haze 2 dust cloud 3 dim, dark

knowing Pashto

city 4 side

3 dng present tense stem of

dngl transitive
dngaj m. cucumber
dngawl transitive
1 dngj m. stove (for frying kernels of maize)
2 dngj m. 1 run, running 2 flight, escape
d ngi-d ngi torn into pieces

dn and


service provider

d inrne dzhrgdz m. computer science Internet



verb to tear, rip into pieces

dngedl intransitive
1 dn f. 1 grain; kernel

boil, abscess; pimple a

verb to bring in the harvest 2 granule, grain

3 dot, speck, spot; pea 4

one watermelon sixty apples

2 dn f. gate valve, water gate
dnakhr, dnakhur f. feeding trough, feed box, feeder
dnad r 1 grainy, granular, granulated; having kernels 2
spotted, mottled; with spots

dndn 1.1 by the kernel 1.2 by the piece 2 scattered,


dn suffix vessel soap dish

dnjb m. Danube
dw m. stake (in a game)
dwut f.
dud m. Arabic proper noun Daud, David
ddz 1 m. plural Daudzi (a tribe) 2 m. ddzy Daudzai
dwud f. chrysanthemum
dus m. 1 scoundrel, blackguard 2 coward
dwtalb m. Arabic 1 volunteer 2 pretender, claimant,
aspirant 3 plaintiff 4 person who wishes to participate in an
auction, bidder 5 instigator (of war), warmonger

dnj f. knowledge; wisdom

d inrne plnw l m. computer science

dng m. 1 one-sixth of something; 2 coin with the value of

one-sixth if a drachma or dinar 3 side, part or neighborhood of a

tea caddy

dn 1.1 wise 1.2 learned 2 m. [plural:

dnj n] sage, wise man

blackhead; pimple b ulcer (from an oriental sore) 5 piece, copy


jump; leap, bound

literal & figurative to cast a net; set a trap

1.2 wise

dnist 1 known; well-known, noted 2 f. knowledge

dwtalab f. auction
dw m. veil; shawl (woman's)
dw f. usually plural dw compound
verb to argue
dw, dwj 1 m. plural Dawi (a tribe) 2 m. Dawai
d hase pronoun
dhmra adverb so many, so much, this many
dhom f. Dagomeya

Pashto-English Dictionary

dh Arabic 1 talented, capable 2 skilful, able

dj m. course of masonry (in a wall) compound verb
to lay the foundation stone (of a building)

djir, djr

Arabic 1 moving, set in motion; revolving 2

working, operating, turned on (e.g., of a machine) 3 established,


founded 4 instituted, brought (of a suit, a legal action)

compound verb

compound verb

djratuma'rf, dirat-al-ma'rf

djirawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to move, set in motion, turn 2 to put into operation, turn on (e.g., a

machine) 3 to establish, found 4 to institute, bring (a suit, a legal

djraw circular, round circle, round dance

djir f. Arabic 1 circle semicircle
circumference, circle dialect face 2 circle,
cycle 3 radius of action; range of action, flight range 4 m. plural,

dawyir institution government

idiom geography degree of latitude
geography degree of longitude to nonplus



somebody, put somebody in a bind

dirat-al-ma'rf m. Arabic encyclopedia

The Pashto Encyclopedia
djratuma'rif, dirat-al-ma'rif
encyclopedic encyclopedic knowledge
djraw circular; cyclic(al) ( cyclic)

djiredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to move, be put into operation, be turned on (e.g., of a machine) 2
to be established, founded, instituted 3 to be instituted, be brought
(of a suit or legal action)

djzng f. Dajzangi (district and province)

djk m. [plural: djk n] spangle, sequin
djkund f. Daikundi (province, Central Afghanistan)
djm, dm Arabic constant, eternal; stable, lasting; long,
prolonged, protracted ! saying Long live

djmn Arabic constantly, always, forever

djim, dim Arabic 1 constant, permanent, eternal
permanent representative 2 stable, lasting; long,
prolonged, protracted 3 life life sentence
djimijt m. Arabic constancy; eternity
dn m. Arabic law creditor; lender
dj d f. nurse, wet nurse nurse, wet nurse
dab b m. bragging, boasting
dabb boastful
dab gh m. Arabic tanner, currier
dabght m.
dabghkhn f. tannery

dabgh f. dressing, currying, tanning; leather business

compound verb to tan, dress leather
1 dbndinj 1 2 m. foreigner
db ndi, db nde 1.1 outside (of); on the outside of; beyond
a not in the center b outside of Kabul
outside of school They were situated
outside the city. compound verb a to extract b to
select, pick out, single out 1.2 outside, on the street
compound verb to go out (onto the street, etc.) 1.3 abroad
He died while abroad 2 predicate external; going beyond,
going outside something 3 attributive
idiom down outside and inside the
country from abroad
dbndinj, dibndinj 1 external, foreign
ministry of foreign affairs 2 exterior, outside 3
strange, alien, other's; (from) outside

2 db nde Eastern
dab w m. Eastern 1 pressure 2


peremptorily 3 pomp, splendor

dibt, debt m. accounting debit

dabdab f. Arabic 1 pomp, splendor

with great

ceremony 2 regional fear, terror

dab fat, stout, plump

dabz heavy, coarse (of cloth)
dabist n m. school
dabk f. intimidation, threat
dbl transitive [past: ]

drive in, hammer in, sink (into

the ground)


m. Dublin
f. bin

dabl and Western dablij n]

box; jar, pot (tin) can tea caddy
dab f. 1 vessel for oil 2 leather wineskin
1 dab ripening in straw or leaves (of fruit)
2 dabj m. 1 cudgel, club 2 washing beetle (for doing laundry)
1 dp 1 m. dialect sweltering heat, stuffiness It became
m. [plural:

stuffy 2.1 close, stuffy, stifling 2.2 to become deaf 2.3 cloudy,

compound verb a to be close, be stuffy

to become deaf He went deaf c to be cloudy,

overcast, gloomy

be overcast

2 dap paired word with

dp ra, dap ra, dip ra

postposition less often preposition,

1 for the sake of;

for the work
for the sake of money What for? 2 for (used when
denoting a time period) for several days
alone or in combination with the preposition

because of; for

for you

forever 3 for something, against something (of a medication,


Pashto-English Dictionary

medication for
tuberculosis This is why.
dp re contraction of the postposition and the pronoun

dp sa, dap sa, dip sa postposition in combination with the

preposition or Eastern without it 1 above, over, on top of
something above the house 2 besides, in addition to,
over, in excess of in addition to the books
mentioned It's been over twenty years
remedy for something)

already since

dptj , daptj f.
dpre-dupe f.



foolish thing,



something; acquire something


dukhniji t, dukhniji t m. plural Arabic tobacco products

dkhl m. Arabic 1 income, profit 2 relationship, relation,
connection compound verb to interfere
compound verb a to have a relationship or connection with

something; take part or to participate in something; play a part or

to have a role in something b to have access to something
dakhm f. 1 corner, nook

file name extension

science file allocation table (FAT)

d dj, d dj pronoun their, theirs 2 2 3
da d pronoun his 2 3
d d pronoun her, hers 2 3

grave 3 ambush

this reason

found in their alphabetical order) 1.2 to you, with you (denotes

the one to whom the action is addressed, functioning as an

I gave you this book. What's the matter with
you? What happened to you? 1.3 with certain verbs
of motion indicates the direction of the action I came to
see you. No, I won't be coming. 2 verbal prefix
and others I am giving

adverbial indirect object, placed before the predicate)

you my notebook.

4 dri numeral
dr za f. 1 anatomy fontanel 2 earthquake
dirst m. Arabic studies; study
drftng m. drawing, drafting

dukhl m. Arabic entry; invasion, encroachment

dad m. wild animal, beast


durfshn, durrfshn f. eloquence

dar k, darr k Arabic shrewd, keen-witted, ingenious,
intelligent shrewdness
drmturzh f.
darmd m. profit; income; receipts
drm f. play, drama play in verse
drmanaws m. playwright, dramatist
drmanawis f. dramaturgy
drnd dialect masculine plural of
drn 1 m. plural of 2 m. plural heavy load, weight
1 durnaj m. plural 1 Durani (tribe) 2 Durani 3 m. proper
noun Duranai, Duranay

2 durnj f. 1 Durani woman 2 proper noun Durani

darw imperative of
darj f. dar striped taffeta
1 drab m. plural 1 species of meadow grass, Poa cynosuroides
2 meadow, grassland

drab 1 interjection boom, bang 2 m. .1 noise, sound, crash,

din; knocking, rattling; rumble, hum

dakhl Arabic 1.1 borrowed (of a word) 1.2 close, intimate

(of a friend) 2 m. agent, proxy, accredited representative


da dna Eastern instead of from this

1 dar m. 1 door 2 figurative access
2 dur, durr m. Arabic pearl
3 dr, dar 1 pronoun, second person singular & plural .1 to you,

compound verb to hide or conceal oneself 2 tomb, sepulcher;

d dawtn dzngne jahtj l m. computer


dkhlt, dikhlt m. Arabic 1 interference; intervention

compound verb to interfere 2 relationship, relation,

d dawtn nm sht ay m. computer science

for you (combinations with postpositions and adverbs are to be

dapk f.
diplm m. diploma
diplom t m.
diplm f.
dpa 1 f. stuffiness, stuffy air, foul air 2 feminine singular from
2 stuffiness, stuffy air, foul air
d terwatni khabr l m. computer science error log
dudzh dzh m. domestic fowl, poultry
dadzh l m. Arabic 1 antichrist 2 swindler
dadzhl, didzhl f. Arabic the Tigris River the
d ch pronoun whose
duch r
ddz n one's, one's own, his own, her own
ddznawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

compound verb to

make a noise, rumble; knock, rattle 2.2 lie, falsehood

He lied blatantly.
3 drab m. scab, mange

Pashto-English Dictionary

drab f.
2 darb r m. 1 court, palace (of the monarch) court
minister court jester 2 audience, reception

drabedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to thunder, crash,

rumble, rattle, clank 2 to rumble from footsteps, hoof beats, etc.

compound verb to arrange an audience or reception

darbr 1 m. courtier 2 court

darb n m. gatekeeper, doorkeeper
drbndi, drbnde pronoun 1 for you 2 with you
Eastern What happened to you? 3 with your help,
with your assistance 4 to you, for you He was dear

3 next to you, beside you

recording 2 predicate included, inserted, entered, recorded

include, insert, enter, record

to fall with a crash; collapse,

taken prisoner, captured; imprisoned

drab-u-drb, drab-w-drb m. 1 thunder, crash, roar,

din, noise 2 figurative festival, celebration



drbawl, drabawl transitive [past: ] 1 to stamp

(one's foot) 2 to beat (a drum) 3 to shake, shake up 4 to beat,

hit, strike, thrash (somebody)

drba, drba f. darkness, the dark, gloom

drbah r m. 1 noise, din 2 beating (of a drum) 3 stamping
compound verb a to make noise, thunder, rattle, clank
b to beat (a drum) c to stamp idiom the beating of the

drbatb m.
drabaj m.

dardzh Arabic 1 m. inclusion, insertion, entry, entering,

daradzh t m. plural Arabic from

dardzhawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

3 durbl, drbl m. hobble, fetters

durbalawl, drbalawl denominative, transitive [past:
]to hobble
1 drbla, drabl f. 1 pressed manure 2 clump of mud
2 darbil, durbil paired word with completely dark
durblj m. fetters
1 drbalj f. 1 tripod 2 type of swing
2 darbalj f. regional joy, rejoicing, jubilation
durbaledl, drbaledl denominative, intransitive [past:
]to be hobbled, be fettered
darbnd 1 m. .1 gorge, narrow mountain pass 1.2 bolt, bar 2

We will go after


drabl intransitive [past:
cave in

drabednki l

dartg m. arrival at your place or house
dartll intransitive [present: imperfect: past:
]to go to your house or place Tomorrow I am
planning to come to your house. I will come to your
place ! Come here quickly! ! I'm coming!
drta adverb 1 to you, for you 2 to you, to your place or house

to you.

darbel f. 1
drpase adverb after you

darbach f. 1 window 2 small cupboard

darbadr homeless; poor; destitute, impoverished; ruined
compound verb a to ruin b to squander (money)
drabdrab naj m. hide-and-seek (children's game)
compound verb to play hide-and-seek
drabdrb m., drabdrp m. scuffle, fight, brawl
darbadar f. homelessness; poverty, destitution
1 drabl transitive [past: ] to compress, squeeze, ram,

drabednkaj music

percussion instruments

daradzh and m.
daradzh t] 1 degree to a
certain degree in varying degree
grammar degree of comparison 2 category, type, sort, class
a first category, first class b first-class 3 rank,
title 4 sort compound verb to sort 5 degree (measure
of temperature)
temperature The temperature
reaches 40 degrees. extremely
absolutely much
daradzhaband f. 1 classification 2 sorting, grading,
classifying compound verb a to classify b to sort
dardzhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
dardzh, daradzh f. Arabic [plural:

plural Arabic

included, be entered (e.g., on a list)

drchl intransitive [past: ]to sneeze

drchawl transitive [past: ] to cause to sneeze,
make someone sneeze

dardz m. 1
drdza imperfective imperative of ! Let's go!
drdzi present tense of
drtskha you have, do you have; from you
How much money do you have? Do
you have my pen?

durtsa f.
durkhnj f. proper noun

Durkhani (the name of the heroine

of the legend "Adam-khan and Durkhanay")

drkhta f. Western tree fruit tree

durkh f. diminutive, slang of Durkho


Pashto-English Dictionary

darkhw st, darkh st m.

darkhw st f. 1 request;

petition, application 2 inquiry 3 desire, wish

compound verb to hurt (e.g.,

of the arm, etc.) 2 anxiety We are
worried about the future 3 offense, injury
Gulmaki took offence 4 plural labor, childbirth idiom
sad news idiom a to be useful, be of use
dard m. 1 pain; suffering

b to be appropriate, be suitable

1 to anger, make angry

2 to distress, upset 3 to offend, hurt someone's feelings

dardedl intransitive [past: ]1 to get angry, become

angry 2 to be distressed, be upset, be sad He is

upset 3 to be offended, take offense

1 darz

m. 1 crack, fissure 2 military breakthrough, penetration

compound verb,

compound verb a to form a

crack, make a fissure b military to break through, penetrate

to penetrate the enemy's defense

compound verb a to stitch, sew b
figurative to settle, arrange, patch up a misunderstanding
idiom to introduce dissension in the ranks of

3 seam, hem

someone, cause a quarrel between, put someone against someone

2 draz, drz 1 interjection boom, bang 2 m. crash, din, thunder

3 drz m. 1 platform 2 embankment (low mound of earth
along the sides of a peasant house)

draz f.
drazdrz m. 1

roar, thunder, rumble, rumbling 2 crackling,


darzn, drzn m. dozen a dozen socks

draznda, daraznda f. 1 anatomy fontanel 2 flat top (of a

drzanj m. plain, flat terrain

drazah r m.

drazawl transitive [past: ] 1 to hit, beat hard (a

drum) 2 to stomp (with the feet) 3 to beat, bang (e.g., on a door)

dars l m.
1 drst, drast pronoun all, everyone, everything
everyone knows
2 drust, durust 1.1 correct, right, true That's
true 1.2 careful, industrious, punctual, conscientious
compound verb 2 2.1 correctly, right 2.2 carefully,

drstawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

complete, conclude, bring to an end; fulfill, execute, carry out

drustawl denominative, transitive [past:

correct, put right 2 to organize, arrange

dardn k 1 painful, sore (e.g., of an arm, etc.) 2 sad,

dardawl transitive [past:

teach, instruct, give lessons

painful, hurting (e.g., of an arm,

melancholy, sorrowful

industriously, conscientiously

etc.) 2 angry, cross (of a person) 3 sympathetic

darsuna and Arabic

textbook school supplies

compound verb to study to explain a
lesson ... to study compound verb to

make an inquiry c to desire, wish

dardld agonizing, painful

dardnl m. the Dardanelles
dardr m. sound of rain
dardmn dardmnd 1

durus] lesson

compound verb a to request; make an application, petition b to

dars m. Arabic [plural:

m. 1 footfall, tread, tramp 2 rumble, roar,

thunder 3 crackling, rattle 4 figurative torture, torment, agony

darz m. tailor
drazedl intransitive [past: ]

darstun (one who is) appealing to you, (one who is) turning

drast, darast f. weapons, arms, armament

to you (with a request, etc.)


compound verb to arm oneself

2 drusta feminine singular of 2

drastaw l m. gunsmith, armorer, small-arms technician
1 drust, durust f. 1 quality of being business-like, efficient,
sensible and serious 2 honesty, integrity honestly
2 drstj, drastj m. objective witness
drstedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
concluded, be consummated, be ended or brought to an end

darsg h m. school; educational institution

1 drsu Western present tense perfective aspect first person
plural of
2 drs oblique plural of
1 darsi educational, academic; school school
grammar (textbook) teacher, instructor (in a madrasa)
classroom; auditorium curriculum
2 drsi Western present tense perfective aspect second person
singular of
d rasi kil f. computer science access key
darshh m. [ plural: drshjig n]
threshold, (of a door)

drshl, darshl f. [plural: drshli] 1 threshold (of a

door or figuratively) 2 jamb (of a door)

idiom He doesn't bow his head to anyone.

darshunj m. snout, muzzle

darhodl transitive [present: past: ] 1 to
show you 2 to teach you
1 darghl 1.1 counterfeit, fake, forged, false 1.2 treacherous
2 m. .1 scoundrel, villain 2.2 embezzler (of public funds)

1 to crack, crackle, creak

2 figurative to torment oneself, worry, eat one's heart out

1 to


darghl surrounded

darghl verb stem past tense of

Pashto-English Dictionary

darghaland f. darghalanna f.
darghalawl transitive [past: ] 1 to worry, harass,

draghlj dialect in place of

darghal f. 1 deception, fraud; slyness, cunning, guile 2

person, sly person

1 sound of footsteps 2 beating

(of the heart), heartbeat

4 daraghlaj past participle of

draghn f. [plural: draghni]

flagstone (stone on which

draghnaj m. crowd, crush

dragh m.
darghwg m. darghwg

Eastern 1 brand, mark 2

nicked ear, notched ear (of livestock) 3 sacrificial animal

Water burst the dam. 3 narrow valley

draghj Western past tense of
1 dark, drak m. Arabic 1 sign, indication, symptom 2
comprehension, understanding compound verb to
understand You cannot understand
my current situation. 3 source of revenue, income
as a result of a for this (very) reason b from
this very source; it is precisely from here

2 dark m. water gate (of an irrigation ditch or ark)

3 drak m. floor
darkar in your house, at your house or place
1 drak f. 1 outer rim of a wheel 2 rim of a sieve
2 dark 1 prominent, protruding 2 consecutive, successive
3 drk m. log (of wood)
darkaj past participle of
drkhe in you
darkawl transitive [past: ] to give (to) you, issue to

1 drag m.
2 drag m. forest, woods; grove
drag f.
darg h m. 1 palace 2 doorway
dragudrg m. loud footsteps
darguzr m. forgiveness, pardon
dargrda adv. 1 completely, entirely

darge f. thicket, brush; grove

drag-u-drg m.

regional to be given

2 constantly 3

dargh m. 1 cupboard (for dishes); buffet 2 pantry, larder,



darghl m. 1 wash-out, erosion (river bank through which

water pours during high water or heavy rain) 2 break (water)

dargj f.
drlod past tense of
darlodlaj dialect past participle of
darlodna f. 1 property, fortune 2 estate, holdings,

people grind pepper, etc.)

darkedl intransitive [past:

or issued to you

2 dargh m.
3 drga f. flight, escape; rout
dragah r m. drgj m.

darghalj m. 1 deceiver; swindler, cheat, rogue 2 cunning

compound verb to abandon, give up, cease

drga f. 1 thicket of bushes, cane or rushes; heart of the

forest 2 reed, cane, rush

treacherousness, betrayal, perfidy

doing something; forget something

bother 2 to hamper, hinder, impede someone 3 to entice, lure



darlowl transitive
darlowlaj dialect past participle of
darlownkaj dialect 1 present participle of

2 m.

.1 owner, possessor (of a car, carriage, etc.) 2.2 bearer (e.g., of a

letter, complaint), complainant

drla adverb
dram m. 1 drumbeat, roll of a drum

2 thundering noise (of

cannon), gun (i.e., cannon) fire

darm n m. medicine, medication, remedy

darmndag f. 1 indigence, poverty, impecuniosity

fatigue, weariness

darmnd 1 needy, indigent 2 weary, fatigued

dramb m. dramb f. onomatopoeia drumbeat
idiom drum-roll
drambawl transitive [past: ] to beat the drum
drambah r m. drumbeat
darams l m. Hindu temple
daramaghl, darmghl confused, mixed up, tangled
drmkh, dramkh m. awl (of harness maker, sadler)
1 darml m. 1 medicine, medication 2 medical treatment,
doctoring compound verb to treat, doctor
2 durml m. 1 unripe fruit, green fruit 2 young fellow
darmaltun m. pharmacy, drug store
darmal dzhoawnkaj m. pharmacist, druggist
darmalgr m. doctor
darmalwk f. pharmacy business
1 darmal f. medical treatment, doctoring
2 darmalj m. doctor
darmalj r m.
darmn m. 1 wheat being threshed compound verb
to winnow grain compound verb to be threshed
compound verb to thresh grain or wheat 2
shock (of hair)


Pashto-English Dictionary

darmndz j m. threshing floor

darmnd 1 m. 2 attributive level, smooth, (of the

dranawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

make heavier, increase the weight of 2 figurative burden (with) 3

darmnddz j m.
darmnd f. skein, hank (of wool)
1 darmndj m. grain left on the threshing floor after

1 dran feminine singular of

2 Eastern
dran feminine plural of
dranedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
become heavier, increase in weight proverb


to make reliable, serious


2 darmnd plural of
darman f. wormwood, santolina, Artemisia cina
durmoll m. thicket of rushes, cane
durm f. 1 rushes, cane 2 shepherd's pipe (musical

a burden of one's own choice is not felt (literally: the eyelashes do

not burden the eyes) 2 to outweigh, overbalance 3 figurative to

be burdened 4 to be solid, be reliable, be serious; be staid, be

instrument) 3 barrel (of a shotgun)

drn waj m. 1 weight 2 respect

(close of a letter)

to show respect



to value something, hold something dear 3 celebration or feast in

honor of 4 seriousness, earnestness, solidity 5 literal & figurative


drandzhj m. regional ritual (e.g., kalyad)

drandtj f. drandht m. dialect 1

weight 2

figurative burden

drandw laj m. transitive

1 darand 1 predatory, savage beasts of prey 2
m. [plural and darandag n] predatory animal,
beast of prey

2 drand dialect feminine singular of

3 d55rda f. rain cloud, storm cloud
dr66dj m. liver disease (of sheep)
drandedl intransitive
dranht m.
1 drng, dirng m. delay, procrastination; hold back
compound verb to delay, hold back, wait ! Wait for a

2 drang m. 1 peal, ringing 2 knocking

3 drang m. mine (for salt); deposit (of minerals)
drang f.
drangdrng m. 1 jingling, clinking, clanking 2
knocking, rapping

drangawl transitive [past:

ringing sound

to ring, elicit a

drang f. carrion, dead animal

drangah r m. drangy m. ring, ringing, peal, tinkling
drangedl intransitive [past: ]to ring, sound (of a
musical instrument)

dr66nw la f.

1 dro f. [plural: drwe] Eastern 1

2 dro oblique of 3
drwkhla phrase take it, take with you
darw z m. Darvaz (region in Badakhshan)
darwzagj f. door
darwzaw n m.
darwz f. door gate; wicket
compound verb to open the door or gate
compound verb to close the door or gate
compound verb to knock at the door or gate
sluice, lock

darwzaw n m. 1 door-keeper, doorman 2 goalkeeper

1 darwz, darwzj Davraz
2 darwz plural of
drw gh m. Western usually plural lie, deception
compound verb to deny, disclaim, to refute, disprove
compound verb to lie, deceive proverb a lie
has short legs
drwghdzhn 1 lying, untruthful, mendacious; false, fake,
sham; deceptive 2 m. liar, deceiver, cheat, imposter

drwghdzhn f. falsity, mendacity

darw n m. darwnch m. doorman, doorkeeper
drub drup paired word with
d rwdzi during the day, in the day-time, by day
durd, drd m. 1 praise 2 blessing(s), benediction
compound verb a to praise, laud, extol b to bless

drudgr m. miller
dror f. dialect
darwl transitive [present: past: ] bring to
you, take to you
drwan m. darwang m. summer cypress (used for
making brooms)

darwnkaj 1 present participle of

letter, etc.)

heard, the wall crumbled.


2 m. bearer (of a

the bearer of this letter

A crash was

druz m. thunder, roar, din

druzgr m. carpenter

Pashto-English Dictionary

drza f. 1 straw

compound verb to treat respectfully 9 staid, sedate, serious,

regional straw hat 2 regional

stubble, stubble field


darwg m. brand
darwag 1 branded, having a brand
a sacrifice

to lie, to deceive 2 attributive and predicative false, lying,



thought that I was lying.

droghdzhn droghzhn
droghgj m. liar, deceiver
droghgoj f. lie, deceit; falsity, mendacity
darogh m. chief, head warden (of a prison)
drug paired word with
darawl transitive [past: ] 1 to stop, halt, detain,
delay ! Stop the horse! Stop the car here
Detain that man for a bit 2 to put, place, set 3 to
rouse someone, get someone up, make someone get up 4 to
appoint, put into a particular job 5 to bring in, introduce, put in
place 6 to advance, field (an army, troops) 7 to stop, discontinue,
break off

1 drwali present tense of

2 darawlaj past participle of
1 drum m. 1 roar (of a tiger) 2 din, roar, firing (of weapons)
2 drum march (as a command)
3 drum present stem from and
druml intransitive [past: ]1 to set off, start out, go,
leave 2 to follow someone or something ...
drumj imperfective imperative plural of
drumedl intransitive [past: ]1 to set off, start out,
go, leave, depart 2 to pursue, chase someone
darn inside
darun f. Darunta (populated place near Jalalabad)
drund f. [, dialect , m. plural , dialect, f.
plural dialect ]1 heavy heavy load 2 heavy,
difficult, burdensome; onerous 3 deep, hard, fast (of sleep) 4

in deep shade 5
weighty, convincing convincing argument 6 dear;
respected, esteemed our esteemed guest 7
influential 8 expressing respect, esteem
to treat with respect

a ship with a
hard of hearing, a
little deaf formal reception great
entertainment, food and drink thud, deep sound
drundb raj m. military supply train
drundtj f. drundw lay m. 1 weight, heaviness 2
displacement of five thousand tons

durs m. Arabic plural of

darwstl transitive [present: , past ] to lead,
take to you
dargh, drgh 1 usually plural lie, untruth, deceit
barefaced lie, outright lie patent lie
to malinger false words, lying words
false evidence, false testimony, perjury a
falsely, deceitfully b in vain, for nothing compound verb

deep (of shade and shadow)

to bear oneself in a dignified manner

(of taxes and duties)

2 figurative attached,

devoted, loyal 3 figurative convinced of something 4 being made

deceiving, deceitful

10 dear, expensive, valuable 11 important, significant 12 high

difficulty, onerousness 3 weight, convincingness, persuasiveness

4 respect, esteem 5 influentialness, quality of being influential 6

seriousness, reliability sedateness 7 value 8 importance,

significance 9 weight, onerousness (of taxes, etc.)

drundmiz dzh serious, thoughtful

drundawl transitive
drundhaj noble, high-born, blue-blood
drundedl intransitive
drung paired word with
darun f. core, pith, heart
druj, drwaj m. thicket of reeds or cane
drowl transitive dialect
1 dro, droh f. [plural: drwe, drhwe] dialect m.
[plural: drohna] 1 deceit, deception, cunning,
subterfuge compound verb to be deceived
compound verb to deceive, dupe, trick 2 hatred, malice

2 drwa right now, immediately, in a flash

drohl transitive [past: ] 1 to deceive, dupe

2 to

be hypocritical, dissemble

drohlaj 1 past participle of 2 treacherous

drohna f. 1 deception, trickery, cheating 2 hypocrisy
drohawl transitive
drohnhaj 1 present participle from 2 m. .1
deceiver, fraud, trickster 2.2 hypocrite

1 droha f.
2 droh imperfective imperative from
1 drhi plural of 1
2 droh present tense of
drohedl intransitive [past: ]to be deceived, be

drwaj, drwaj m.
darwez 1 f. beggary, destitution

2 f. alms

compound verb to collect alms 3 m. history Darveza (the

opponent of Bayazid Ansari)

darwsh m. dervish
darweshn attributive dervish
drwsht numeral twenty-three
darweshkhl 1 m. plural Darveshkheyli (a branch of the
Vaziri tribe) 2 m. Darveshkhejl


Pashto-English Dictionary

1 darwesh f. dervishism
2 darweshj f. bow for training, training bow
drwajwl m. seller of reeds and cane, reed and cane

dritsalwht numeral forty-three

dretsnaj 1 triangular 2 m. triangle
darits f.
darikhl 1 m. plural Darikhejli (a branch of the

figurative loop-hole


something, according to something

1 dar, darr f. [plural: dar, darr and m. Arabic plural

daraj t, darraj t] 1 valley 2 gorge, ravine, mountain pass
2 dur, dirr f. Arabic lash, whip, knout
daradzh t, darradzh t m. Arabic plural of 1
darhdke it doesn't matter, it's okay, don't cry (said to a

Dzadran tribe) 2 m. Darikhejl

dareddz j

dareddzy m. 1 platform, rostrum 2

stage 3 stand, parking place; stop; station

daredl 1 intransitive [past: ].1 to stop; stand

The car stopped. The clock stopped. 1.2 to
stand up, rise 1.3 to cease, end, stop; pause Western

child when he falls)

darji-suf m. Darajisuf (valley in northern Afghanistan)

dirhm m. 1 dirham (Iraqi coin) 2 history drachma
darhm-barhm darhm-u-barhm mixed up,
confused compound verb to confuse

The rain stopped. 1.4 to stand too long, become stale, be no

longer fresh (of water) 1.5 to keep, fulfill (one's word, one's

compound verb to be (or to get) confused, be tangled, be mixed up

promise) 1.6

daraw l
drhista to you, to your side
1 dar f. Dari (language)
2 darj f. cotton rug
3 dar, darr plural of 1
4 dre three (in combination with tens dri numeral)
thirty-three one-hundred three three
thousand all three three (together), the three

compound verb

to wait for someone 1.7

to be based (on), be founded (on), rest (on) 1.8 withstand, stand

up against

compound verb to stand up to

someone 1.9 to stand up for, come out for (or to speak in favor of)
someone or something; defend someone or something 1.10 to
become or fall silent, stop talking

He talks

incessantly 1.11 to be appointed, be named (to a position, post);

to be elected, be chosen 1.12 to be enrolled (in a military unit) 2
m. plural

daredlj 1 past participle from

standing water

(of us, of them, etc.)

1 darj f.
2 darj f.
darj b m. 1 river Kabul River 2 sea
Black Sea Baltic Sea ocean 3
figurative stream, flow (e.g., of goods) idiom

daredna f.
parking lot

2 standing

dared m. plural 1 stop, parking space,

pier, dock, wharf 2 rising, standing

up 3 ceasing; stopping, cessation; checking, pausing 4 fulfilling

(one's word, a promise) 5

waiting for, awaiting

someone 6 establishing, founding 7 defending someone or

in (day)dreams

darjb attributive 1 river, fluvial 2 sea, maritime

sea transport sea birds
driatt numeral eighty-three
darjch f. lake
dreakhz three-sided
darj ft m. understanding compound verb to
darj l m. tambourine
darj n paired word with
darjw l m. tambourine player
darjw la f. tambourine player (female)
driawj numeral seventy-three
darjjim m. Amu Dar'ya
drebnda numeral consisting of three parts, tripartite
drippindzs fifty-three
drepetskaj triangular

drdz m. 1 platform, rostrum 2 figurative position, point of


drja on the basis of something; in accordance with


darich f. 1 window; door 2 hatch (e.g., of a ship) 3

something 8 ceasing to talk, falling silent 9 appointing or

appointment (to a position, job); election 10 enrolling, enlisting
(in a military unit)

dridrsh numeral thirty-three

1 dreg imperfective imperative, short form from

halt (as a


2 darg present tense stem of

drishpet numeral sixty-three
dresh f. suit military uniform a
man in a suit

dreshrl dresherly four-year-old ram

dreshiwl m. man in a suit
dreh kha drehkhy f. fork
drehkj m. chamber, rein (in a bridle)
drgh, dargh m. regret; sigh of regret compound
verb to regret compound verb to refuse

Pashto-English Dictionary


compound verb to renounce

something, waive, decline

da-da] 1 broken 2 smashed, shattered,

split 3 torn to pieces, ripped to shreds 4 divided into parts 5 cut

dreghawl denominative, transitive [past:

refuse ! Don't refuse!



compound verb a to break, break up b to hit, stab,

break, split c break into pieces d divide into parts e to cut, chop

drgha interjection alas, what a pity

drekasz consisting of three persons (of a committee,

compound verb a to be broken, break b to break, get

broken c to be torn into pieces, be ripped to shreds d to be

delegation, etc.)

da-d [f.

divided into parts e to be cut, be chopped

dregnay threefold, triple; trilateral,

history The Triple Alliance
the armed forces of England (land, naval and air)
drjm, drejm 1 ordinal third every other day
geology Tertiary period 2 m.
drim n m.
drjmtb m. mediation, arbitration

dremkhaj three-sided, trilateral, tripartite

drjmgaj m. mediator, arbitrator, arbiter
dremanzal three-stage
drjma 1 feminine singular of 2 f. .1 the third day of a

dawj m. 1 weigher 2
da f. 1 board



compound verb to mediate

in no time

dadawl transitive
dadedl intransitive
daak f. 1 threat by firearm 2 threat, intimidation
a to threaten someone with a firearm b to
threaten, intimidate someone

into failure; spoil or frustrate someone's plans

to pull (on),

dringawl denominative, transitive [past:

]to pull (on), draw taut (e.g., a rope)
drnga f. dringy m. 1
dringedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
pulled (on), drawn taut (e.g., of a rope)

driniw numeral ninety-three

drwo oblique plural of 1
drew a numeral (all) three
darew l regional of local manufacture, made locally (of a

drajwr m. driver, chauffeur

drewrg m. drewrgay m. three-year-old camel
darj f.
darjab z m.
drejm numeral
da m. 1 large scales, weighing machine 2 packaging weight,
weight of packaging compound verb counting or
not counting the weight of packaging

dad m. Eastern


strip of something 5 height (of a person) 6 crack, split, cleft 7

lobule, section, slice 8 makeweight

a to discourage, dishearten, puzzle, perplex b to lead someone

dringl transitive [past:

draw taut (e.g., a rope)

regional grain merchant

wood flooring 2 leaf of a folding door 3 single-panel door 4

wedding 2.2 the third day after a death

dremjshtanj published once a quarter (of a magazine)

dren zh m. drainage
dring 1 m. .1 hard soil, firm ground, hardpan 1.2 forest;
pine forest 2 hard, compact, dense compound verb

at once, in a flash, in an instant,

ddng m. jumping, leaping (for joy)

verb to jump (for joy)

make up the weight 9 springboard

compound verb to

da-da feminine singular of

da-da f. noise, din, racket

compound verb

to make noise, make a hubbub

1 daj m. 1 drop 2 measure (for liquids)

2 daj f. 1 foil 2 spangles, decorations made of foil
proverb to do something foolish (literally: to
decorate the head of an old woman with new spangles)

3 daj

f. seer (a measure of weight)


one seer of

di-di feminine plural of

dastr m. Arabic plural of
dasjs m. Arabic plural of
daspl sa dialect immediately, at once, instantly, right now
disipln m. discipline compound verb to
discipline compound verb to observe discipline,
maintain discipline

1 dast m. 1 arm 2 elbow (a measure of length)

2 dast m. feces, excrement, stool
dst dialect
dast r m. turban
dastnd z m. one who encroaches on someone's rights;
oppressor; tyrant; enslaver

dastndz f. encroachment (on someone's rights);

violence, coercion; robbery, pillage, plundering

dastn plural f. Eastern gloves

compound verb a to put on gloves b to wear gloves


m. document; obligation
f. misuse, abuse (e.g., of one's official position)

Pashto-English Dictionary

dastbard r one who has refused something, one who has

renounced something

prince's bodyguard 3 sheaf; bundle; bunch 4 bouquet 5 handle,

dastbast respectfully
dastp k m. table napkin, serviette
dastpan h m. 1 hilt of a saber 2 master, expert craftsman
dasttng needy, poor
dasttang f. need, poverty
dastkht m. 1 receipt 2 signature compound

grip, lever 6 skein, hank 7 quire of paper

Tell Aslam to come immediately.

daskal f. glove
disknt m. trade discount, discount of a bill
dasl p m.
dasm l m. 1 kerchief handkerchief
necktie compound verb to present the

compound verb to make accessible, attainable

guests with kerchiefs (during the betrothal ceremony, of the


betrothal 2 towel

dastgr m. 1 patron, protector 2 handle, grip, lever 3

dastgir f. patronage, protection

dastl p m. dastl f m. initiative (in trade)
dastm l m.
dastmj f. plow handle
dastambl m. fragrant and small-fruited melon
dastr m. [plural: dasturna, Arabic
dastur t and dastr] 1 rule, custom
That is the custom in the world. 2 direction, instructions, order,

dastur-ul-'aml m. Arabic 1 instructions, directions 2


dastur f. trade 1 brokerage, commission 2 discount

a party on the occasion of a


proper noun Dastgir

]vizier, advisor, counselor by

compound verb to abolish, liquidate

compound verb to become engaged (literally:

dasml f. plaster, dressing

dismbr m. December
dasis f. Arabic [plural: dasis and m. plural Arabic
dasys] 1 intrigue, machinations 2 plot, conspiracy; evil

military battery 5 apparatus, machinery (e.g., government, state)


to wear the kerchief)

equipment, machinery 3 factory, plant; (work)shop 4 regional

any means


verb to bring to an end, finish, complete

dastrndzh m. labor, work (physical)

dastshj m.
dastfarsh m. peddler, hawker
dastfarosh f. peddling, hawking
1 dastk m. record, register
2 dastk m. rafter, truss
dastkh m. f. glove
dastkl m. handbag, reticule
1 dastakj m. 1 rafter, truss 2 cross beam, cross piece
2 dastakj f. bread of a special baking
dastg , dastg h f. [plural: dastg wi and rarely
m. plural dastghna] 1 machine tool, machine;
apparatus; installation, plant electric motor 2

payment (for a doctor, a barber, etc.) 4 regional ceremony 5

dastj r m. assistant
dastipdast right now, immediately
daskht m.
d sra quite, entirely, totally, completely

dastrs 1 accessible, reachable, attainable, achievable 2 m.

directive; manual, handbook, guide 3 accepted established

dast 1.1 manual (of labor) 1.2 handicraft, hand-made, cottage

industry 2 right now, immediately

compound verb to spread tablecloth; prepare refreshments

2 m. history

druzhina leader, leader of the prince's bodyguard

dastarkh n m. table with food; covered table

compound verb to be about setting the table
compound verb to sit down to eat
accessibility, attainability, achievability

dastaband f. grouping; cliquishness
dastad r 1 having a grip, with a handle

verb to sign, sign one's name

dast f. 1 group, detachment, party 2 history druzhina,

d shp at night
dasht m.
dishlam f. candy (with tea)
dushmn m.
dushman f.
dshj m. basin (for washing up)
daht m. f. steppe; semi desert
daht wild wild animals pheasant
duhmn m. [plural: duhman n and
duhmn] enemy, foe, opponent
duhmnn 1 hostile 2 hostilely, with hostility

duhmnd r, duhmnd r having a deadly


duhmnawl denominative, transitive [past:

make an enemy


duhmn f. hostility, hatred; enmity; spite, malice

ferocious hatred to quarrel with someone,
be at loggerheads with someone

duhmnedl denominative, intransitive [past:

be an enemy



Pashto-English Dictionary

duhn m.
duhn plural of
duhn f.
du' f. Arabic [plural: du'g ni and du' wi] 1
prayer ! Pray for me! 2 blessing
du' gdzh 1 praying for someone 2 blessing someone
da'w f.
da'wt m. Arabic 1 invitation compound verb to
invite 2 reception compound verb a to be invited
We were invited to Ahmed's. b to take
place, be held (of a reception) a reception was held
compound verb to invite a to

daghna, daghna 1 that's the kind of 2 so

much, so many ... as much as
dighj, daghj plural of 2
1 dgha [oblique m. dgh, f. dagh] demonstrative
pronoun this, these in this
region in this period ! a There he is! b
There! ! There she is! ! There they are!
immediately one thing and another
2 dagh personal pronoun, third person singular [oblique m.
dgh, f. dagh] 1 he, she, it (used as the subject of the
action with intransitive verbs in all tenses and with transitive verbs
in the present and future tenses) 2 him, her (used as the object of

invite someone for dinner b to arrange a reception, put on a

reception c figurative to draw in, to attract

obtain fraudulently

2 alarm,


daghdagh f. throne
1 daghdaghj m. 1 rain and sun(shine) 2 ray (of sunlight)
2 daghdaghj m. deceiver, cheat, swindler; rogue
daghdgh m. deception, fraud; cunning, slyness; trick, dodge,

dgh oblique of
4 dgh 1 oblique case of 2 2 colloquial hey
dgharange dghasi, dghase regional,
pronoun 1
dagh oblique feminine of 1, 2
daf m. tambourine
daftr m. Arabic plural of 3
dif ' f. Arabic defense, protection defensive
ministry of defense to defend
something to defend one's liberty
to defend oneself
dif' defensive, defense personal defense
defensive power to
dift ng linguistics diphthong
daftr m. [plural: daftarna and Arabic
daftr] 1 book trade books ledger
journal, log 2 register, listing 3 office, bureau 4 hereditary
land ancestral land
daftarbard r m.
daftarkhn f. 1 office, chancellery, bureau 2 office space,
office premises, office room

sort of 2 like this, like that, in such a way, thus, and so

daghlta 1 here 2 right here; right then

1 dgho oblique plural of 1
2 digh oblique plural of 2

daftard r m. 1 clerk; office worker 2 accountant;


daftardr f. 1 clerical work, office work, business

correspondence 2 accounting, bookkeeping

daftar 1.1 office, bureaucratic

to introduce

Pashto into office work 1.2 official, office

dghasi, dghase 1 demonstrative pronoun that kind of, that

break through enemy defenses

take her

the actiion in ergative constructions)


da'watnm f. 1 invitation card 2 message

da'w f. Arabic 1 suit, (legal) action; claim, complaint,
grievance trade conflicts, trade claims
I am rejecting legal action. disputed
property agent; lawyer 2 assertion; declaration
compound verb a to claim, to file a claim b to assert, affirm;
declare ... I cannot assert that
da'wad r m. da'wagr m.
1 da'w m. Arabic law respondent, defendant

da'w f. Arabic
iqbl-i taking an

action or suit under review ... the assertion that

compound verb a to claim, lodge a claim, file suit; demand

preference b to assert; declare

to accuse, charge, indict, prosecute someone
3 da'w plural of

da'wd r m. 1 plaintiff 2 claimant 3 supporter
dagh m. deception, fraud compound verb to
daghdzj paralyzed (of the extremities)
1 daghdagh f. Arabic 1 noise, hubbub, racket


during office hours 2 m. owner of hereditary land; land owner

daf' f. 1 repelling, repulse (of a strike, attack) 2 withdrawal;

removal; expulsion, banishment, exile 3 law defense 4 push,

impulse, impetus, incitement

compound verb a to beat

back, repel, repulse (a strike, attack) b to withdraw; remove; expel,

I went to

banish, exile c law to defend d to push, incite to something

visit Hewad's relatives.


compound verb a to be beaten back, be repulsed (of a strike,

Pashto-English Dictionary

attack) b to be withdrawn; be removed; be expelled, be banished,

be exiled

daf'tn Arabic at once; suddenly, all of a sudden

daf'ad r m. regional sergeant, junior noncommissioned
officer (in the cavalry)

1 df'a f.
2 daf' f. Arabic time
daf'ad r m. regional
dafn m. Arabic burial, interment

of preparing the doctoral dissertation

compound verb to

bury, inter

diq Arabic 1 bored, weary

He became bored.

compound verb to be bored

2 m. .1 wasting fever

consumption, pulmonary tuberculosis 2.2 boredom, depression

diqt m.

m. Arabic plural of

Arabic 1 attention, care

care should be taken so that 2 accuracy

diq only only (of a child)

diqam l m. 1 boredom, tedium, melancholy 2 loneliness
daqq Arabic 1 attentive, careful 2 diligent, industrious,
assiduous to work very diligently 3
perspicacious, astute keen ear 4 small, tiny (in
size) microorganisms 5 fine, delicate 6
daqqn Arabic attentively, carefully
daqiqn 1 accurate, precise 2 accurately, precisely, exactly
daqiqw laj m. 1 attentiveness, carefulness 2 diligence,
industriousness, assiduousness 3 perspicacity 4 delicacy 5

accuracy, trueness, fidelity

daqiq f. Arabic [plural: daqiq and m. plural Arabic

daqyaq] 1 minute, moment every minute

Ten minutes before eight. 2 detail
daqiqars inquisitive, curious, searching, keen
daqiqagrd m. minute hand
daqiqajz minute three-minute
daqiq plural of
1 dak m. cause; occasion, basis, grounds
2 dik m. compound verb a to endure pain, bear
pain b to strain oneself working, overdo it at work

and rarely Arabic

shop, store 2 workshop

duknch f. 1 counter 2 bench 3 platform, floor, deck 4

duknd r m. merchant, dealer, trader

plank bed

dekorsjn m. theater scenery, set

dakhn m.
dakhn, dakhan
dkj f. 1 milk pail 2 large pitcher, jug
- d khkali ikl jawz lwstaj j d


computer science compact disc read-only memory (CD-ROM)

accurate, true

3 duk m. 2
duk n m. Arabic [plural:

doktra f.
d kma from where Where are you coming from?
dakn m. Dekan, the Dekan plateau
dakan 1 attributive Dekan 2 m. Dekan (native or resident of
the Dekan)

with special attention

to discuss a problem in
detail great attention is required
to discuss something in detail ...

dukndr f. trade, business of a shopkeeper

duknwl m. shopkeeper
dikttr m. dictator
dikttor f. dikttoriyt m. dictatorship
dictatorship of the proletariat
doktrn m. doctrine
doktr m.
doktor f. 1 doctorate, doctor's degree 2 period and process

dakik f.
dakikagr m.
dag m.
1 dagl m. rebuke, reproach
2 dagl m. mast
1 dagl f. 1
2 dagal mast, masted single-masted vessel
3 daglaj grateful, thankful, obliged to someone
dgj m. 1 butcher block 2 feldspar 3 gold tube, silver tube
(a decoration on a woman's breast)

dil 1 m. heart; soul 2 used as the first or second part of

compound words

beloved brave cheerful

dal m. 1 grouts 2 bean porridge, bean gruel

dal m. loss

compound verb to go to the dogs, go to rack

and ruin, be wasted, come to nothing

dildzh na f. proper noun Dila-dzhana

dal r m. dollar
dilr m m. 1 beloved, sweetheart, lover 2

Dilaram (inhabited

place near Kandahar)

dilr ma
dilz r m

f. beloved, sweetheart, lover, mistress

1 offender, one who give offense 2 tormentor,

torturer 3 beloved

dilzr f. 1 offense; grief, chagrin, distress 2 torment,

torture; anxiety, uneasiness, distress 3 cruelty

dilz k 1 plural m. Dilazaki (a tribe) 2 m. Dilazak

dilzurd upset, distresse
dils f. [ dils yna 1 dils] f. comfort,
consolation; kindness very affectionately

Pashto-English Dictionary

compound verb to calm, console; reassure; soothe

to say something in consolation; console, calm
d l sa [from and ] compound verb
to seize, take possession of, master compound verb to


b to captivate, charm, fascinate

be lost, disappear

brokerage operations

dalll f. 1 brokering, brokerage

compound verb

to engage in the business of brokering, be in the brokerage

business 2 commission business

dilchsp 1 pleasant, attractive; captivating, fascinating 2


dal k m. Arabic barber barber shop

dalkkhn f. barber shop
dalk f. haircut and shave shaving articles
dall l m. Arabic 1 broker, middleman commission
agent, factor stock broker 2 procurer, pimp
dallt m. Arabic evidence, proof; reason, argument
... This proves that
1 dalll broker('s), brokerage (attributive)

1 consolation, comfort; kindness 2

compound verb a to comfort, console; soothe

dildzhoj f.

dilchasp f. 1 attractiveness 2 interest, personal interest

with great interest vested interest
to be interested in something
to be extremely interested in something
dilkhar sh sad; heart-rendering, heart-breaking
dilkhast aggrieved, distressed, depressed, dejected
dilkh h loved, long wished for, desired
dilkhh f. 1 good will 2 favorable attitude
dildd enthusiastic, easily carried away
dild r beloved, young man, lad, boy
dild ra f. 1 beauty, very good-looking female 2

compensation or

beloved, sweetheart, darling

business deal

dildr f. comforting, calming, quieting

daldl m. bog, swamp, marsh astronomy the Milky

verb to be notable for bravery, daring; be a bold spirit, be a

daldalz r m. swampy terrain

dald f. groats
dilrub 1 captivating, fascinating, charming

fee paid to the middleman or broker upon consumation of a

dl ndi
dl nde Eastern
dilwr 1 brave, daring, bold 2 m. proper noun Dilawar
dilwar f. bravery, daring, boldness compound


dilbar f. charm, fascination

compound verb to

charm, fascinate

dilbastag f. attachment, affection; love; enthusiasm,

passion (for something)

dilrubj f. fascination, charm, beauty

dilsrda dilsrd 1 indifferent, unconcerned,

inattentive; callous, hard-hearted 2 cool, composed; cold-blooded

dilbnd m. pluck (the heart, liver and lungs of an animal when

used for food)

dilpazr dilpasnd pleasant, attractive

dalpl very rumpled; badly trampled; very baggy
delt f. geography delta
diltng depressed, despondent, sad, melancholy
diltang f. depression, despondency; sadness, melancholy
dlta 1 here ! come here! here and there
to walk there and back 2 at that time, then
it's at that time that's why
d lan mshn m. computer science search engine
dildzhj 1 comforting, consoling; caressing 2 captivating,

dilsard f. indifference, lack of concern, inattention;

coolness, equanimity, composure

dilsz 1 compassionate, soft-hearted; sympathetic;

responsive 2 touching, moving

dilsza beloved, sweetheart

dilsoz f. pity, compassion; sympathy; responsiveness
dilfarb dilksh captivating, charming, attractive,

dilbast fallen in love; become attached to; been carried


2 f. beloved,

sweetheart, darling, dear one


daljal m. Arabic plural

dalb r m. Eastern
dalbr m.
dilbr m. 1 beloved, sweetheart 2 proper noun Dilbar
dilbra f. 1 beloved, sweetheart, darling 2 proper noun



dilkushsh gladdening the heart, inspiring delight

Dilkusha (palace in Kabul)

dilgr sad, doleful, woebegone, melancholy

dilggir despondency, dejection, grief, sadness, sorrow,

dal m. exhaustion, over-fatigue; fatigue, weariness

daln m. bog, swamp, marsh
dalw m. Arabic 1 pail, bucket 2 astronomy Aquarius (the
constellation) 3 Dalwa (the eleventh month of the solar year;

dalawl denominative, transitive [past:

mill, grind (into groats)

dlwa f.
dla dialect instead of

to husk, pearl;

Pashto-English Dictionary

dalakhapk m.

beech martin, stone martin, Mustela


mental worker

dalj f. 1 stack; rick 2 pile (e.g., of rocks) 3 pile, stack (of

firewood) compound verb a to stack (up) b put into a
pile (e.g., stones) c to stack (up) (firewood) d to demolish, raze

(a house)

compound verb a to be piled, be stacked (up)

b to be piled, be heaped up (of rocks) c to be piled, be stacked up

(e.g., of firewood) d to fall to the ground, tumble down

2 dal, dl here and there

daledl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be ground

into groats

compound verb to produce proofs or reasons; argue, prove,

dalil convincing, persuasive; conclusive, evidential; well-

founded, sound

1 dam

m. 1 breathing, respiration; inhalation and expiration,

inhaling and exhaling

compound verb to sigh 2 sigh,

compound verb a to inhale b to breathe, sigh,

compound verb a to breathe b to talk,
converse They sat with bated breath.
For a moment he couldn't breathe. 3 instant, moment
perpetual right now 4 fraud, deceit, trickery
deep breath

heave a sigh

compound verb a to expire (to breathe one's last) b to deceive,

trick 5 steam

steam from a boiler

6 bellows

(blacksmith's) 7 special form of exorcism when people blow on

compound verb a to blow; fan

at each step
to defend oneself to the last breath

the sick one


2 dam m. blade, edge (of a knife, etc.)

1 dm dialect pronoun
2 dam f.
dim gh m. Arabic 1 brain cerebellum
brain, cerebrum You've gone out of your mind.
to remember what's been read 2 mood
good mood, cheerfulness the world of dreams
3 nose 4 regional arrogance, haughtiness He
was well.

dmghdzhn 3
dimghch f 1, 2
dimghkhn f. 1 cranium
dimgh f. geography cape

intellectual work 3 regional

arrogant, haughty

dumb l m.
1 dumbl f. 1
2 dumbl f. carpet or embroidered khurdzhin (for keeping

dambakhd 1 taciturn, reticent, silent 2 with bated breath,

(while) holding one's breath

dilr brave, bold, daring

diler f.
dlri from afar, from far away, from a distance
dleg f. waste land
dall m. Arabic [plural: and Arabic plural: ]
reason, argument, proof; evidence It's for this
reason This remains to be proved

dimgh 1 brain 2 mental, intellectual

dambur f. domra (Russian stringed folk instrument)

compound verb to play the domra
dambawl transitive
dambel f. 1
dampkhta m. chicken pilaf
dampdm constantly, continuously; every instant
dampng m. dumping cut prices, throw-away
prices (prices below the costs of production)

dumch f. strap tied around the rump of a donkey or horse
dmkhanj 1 front 2 former, proceeding, ex- 3 early
1 dmkha 1.1 in front, from the front He was
standing in front. 1.2 forward, ahead He went on
ahead 1.3 earlier, before, formerly; until, by; already
I spoke to him previously As has
already been noted earlier beforehand before
this before everyone
first and foremost before me
He passed me (by). 1.4 long ago, a long time
ago 1.5 ago four centuries ago 2
3 according to something, in
accordance with something

2 dmkha f. seeing off, leave-taking, saying one's good-byes

! Good-bye!
dmkhatb m. the act of preceding, coming

1 dmkhe earlier, before 1

2 dmkhe contraction of 1 and the pronoun
1 dumdr m. rear guard
2 damd r elastic
damdarh l in a flash, in an instant, at once
damda f. heddle (in a loom)
damdast now, at this moment
damdils 1 f. comfort, consolation; kindness,
affection compound verb to calm, comfort; soothe,
caress 2 predicate calmed, comforted; soothed, caressed

2 brain

1 damdam f. 1 pride 2 arrogance, hautiness

2 damdam f. bastion; battery
damard f. wooden lever

Pashto-English Dictionary

damj f. regional damr (a small coin equal to of a paisa, a

dandnad r

dandnay 1 toothed; notched 2

irregular, uneven (of a shoreline)

dimshq m. Damascus
1 damk m. hand-powered iron roller (for leveling and

dandkn m. regional ivory

dandanshikn m. Dandanshikan (the gorge and the pass)
1 danduk r m. 1 2
2 danduk r m. 2
1 dnda f. 1 obligation, duty
to carry out one's duty 2 well-being, happy life
2 dannd f. 1 mallet (for a game, e.g., croquet) 2 spoke (of a

2 damk m. moment, instant, flash

damakj f. comma
damgr m. m. sorcerer, conjurer, exorcist
1 daml transitive [past: ] 1 to bewitch a sick person

dnestr m. Dnestr River

dunkch f.
1 dng m. 1 jump, leap 2 rice mill 3 swing (with a board)
2 dng tall, strapping tall person tall

paisa is 1/100 of a rupee)

dams z 1 concordant, harmonious 2 m. close friend;


damsz f. 1 concord, harmony 2 close friendship;


smoothing roads)


by blowing on him 2 to blow (of the wind) 3 to break, begin (of


3 dang drunk, intoxicated

dngdng m. trembling

the dawn)

damlj f.
dm m. confluence of two rivers
demokrtik democratic
demokrs f. democracy
damawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

shiver, shudder (from the cold)

dnggh aj having a long neck, long-necked

dangl 1 transitive verb [present: past: ] .1
to jump (up), leap (up), skip, hop to jump
off a cliff 1.2 compound verb to attack, assault,

1 to make,

brew (tea) 2 to stew, braise (meat, vegetables) 3 to bewitch a

fall upon someone 2 m. plural .1 jump 2.2 swoop, pounce

sick person by blowing on him

dma 1 f. rest; peace, tranquility; respite

compound verb to rest, take a break, take a breather
We rested overnight at the hotel
compound verb to allow to rest, give a break; be resting 2

dangl f. quarrel, discord, strife

dang m. boiled beans, boiled pulses (kidney beans, peas);

bean kasha

dangwl m. rice mill worker

dangawl transitive [past: ]

resting, taking a break, taking a respite, at rest 3 predicate rested

2 dam f. 1 snowstorm, blizzard 2 fog

3 dma f. indigestion, dyspepsia
dmah r m. roar, rumble (of cannon) There

dangedl intransitive [past: ]1 to jump, leap; skip,

hop 2 to be thrown, be tossed, be put

danm rk m. Denmark
dannnj internal, inner interior wall
internal affairs

danna 1.1 inside What's inside there? 1.2 into,

in, inside compound verb to go in, walk in, enter

1 to be

made, be brewed (of tea) 2 to stew, braise (of meat, vegetables)

damedl denominative, intransitive [past:
silent, grow quiet, stop talking; fade away, subside

1 make (someone)

jump, jump up 2 to throw, toss up, put

was the roar of cannon.

damadz j m. place of rest, resting place

damagr resting, reposing
1 damedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

compound verb to

to become

bring in (to somewhere)

dan m. pitcher, jug, ewer

dnm existing in word only, nominal, fictitious
dan w m. last irrigation of wheat before it ripens
dumb l m. rear, the rear part of something; rear echelon
in pursuit of someone
dumbal peduncle, stalk, stem; escape
1 dund 1 dim, dark 2 m. .1 fog, haze 2.2 dust cloud
2 dund m. roar, rumble (of artillery)
dandn f. 1 tooth, cog toothed, geared; notched,
crenulated 2 small waterfall; bar, shallow, shoal; rapids

compound verb a to put in, push in(to); insert b to introduce,

compound verb a to go or walk

in(to), enter b to be put into, be pushed into; be inserted 2

in France
in the course of three days
danne dialect
d nawi iknlozhy dawtn sism m.
attributive internal, inner

computer science NTFS (New Technology File System)

1 dna
2 dan
1 dan
2 dan


f. spring of a kahriz
f. necklace
1 Danish 2 m. Dane

Arabic mean, vile, low

Pashto-English Dictionary

dunj f. Arabic 1 the world, the universe in the world

human-kind the animal world
compound verb to leave this world, die
He (has) left this world. the Old World the New
World 2 wealth compound verb to get rich
3 worldly matters (as distinct from spiritual) worldly
matters proverb good fortune and bad luck
are close neighbors

dunjparst 1 wealth-loving 2 indulging in worldly

dunjparast f. 1 love of wealth 2 a passion for worldly

pleasures; hungry to get everything from life

pleasures; the desire to get everything from life


daw m. 1 auction

compound verb Western to

participate in an auction 2 raising the stakes (in a game)

compound verb to raise the stakes (in a game)

du m.

du in combinations with tens instead of

du, do a second time, for the second time

dw ra at once; suddenly; all of a sudden


verb to catch unawares, take by surprise

dw o oblique of
dw a pronoun both (in the Western dialect, the feminine the
form dw i is also used) both
sides from both sides That is one and the
same thing.

daws z m. pharmacist
dawsz f. preparation of medications, the pharmacist's

dunjd r m. rich man

dunjdr f. wealth
dunjgj f. 1 world 2 sorry world
dunjw l m. inhabitant of the world
dunjj 1 world 2
dnepr m. Dnepr
dunjaw Arabic world, worldly; secular, temporal
dd m. sound of the rabab
daj m. botony coriander
1 daw m. run, running ! ! Double time!
running about compound verb squander (money); waste

dawfarsh m. pharmacist, druggist

dawf' m. Arabic plural of 2
daw m m. Arabic continuation; duration
compound verb to continue, be in progress, last
compound verb to continue, go on with, proceed
dawmd r long, protracted, prolonged; enduring,
lasting (of peace)

dawmdr f. length, duration; lasting (of peace)

duw f.
duawj numeral seventy-two
dawwn m. Arabic plural of 2
dawjr m. Arabic plural of 4
dawj f. daw 1 medicine 2 (medical) treatment
dub m. 1 scorching heat 2 pot, boiler
dubr 1 again, anew, once more 2 and now
dub ra hybrid (of domestic fowl)
dubr-wadn f. restoration or reconstruction (of a city,

( over) again

1 daw f. Arabic [plural: and Arabic ]medicine,
medication compound verb to take medicine
compound verb to treat, cure compound verb to be cured
2 du , dw f. 1 prayer 2 gold amulet
Du b, do b m. 1 the area between two rivers, interfluvial
region 2 Duab, Doab (the names of a number of inhabited places)

dub f. 1 2 Doaba (region in the Peshawar District)

dawpsh f. spraying (of crops) compound
verb to spray (crops)

dawp praying
daw t m. Arabic ink-well, ink-pot, inkstand
duatj numeral eighty-two
daw dzhoawnkaj m. pharmacist
dawkhn f. pharmacy, drug store
dudnm m. anatomy duodenum

dub aj m. battledore, beetle (for washing laundry)

dubl f. biplane ( is meant)
dubdzhn stinking, fetid; rotting, putrescent
dubad face-to-face
dubgaj m. 1 dacha, country cottage, cabin, summer place
2 summer pasture (in the mountains)

dblin m. Dublin
duband f. junction, confluence (of rivers)
dobnj summer, relating to summer
doba f.
dubl m.
1 dob m. washerman, man or boy who does the laundry
2 dbaj m. summer in (the) summer dacha
3 dobj f. laundress
dobikhn f. laundry
dubl m. 1 place where two rivers join, confluence 2 islet,
small island


Pashto-English Dictionary

dup m. scorching heat, extremely hot, sultry weather

The hot weather has arrived.

doduzn expected by custom (of the dowry, etc.)

1 dudawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

dup m. 1 calamity, disaster; misfortune, trouble 2 feeling or

a border

condition of being upset; distress, affliction, disorder

2 disorder, feeling upset;


dupindzs numeral fifty-two

dop f. 1
dut r m.
dut 1 m. plural Dutani (a tribe) 2 m. Dutanay
dawtr m. heriditary land 4
dawtar m. 2
dawtn f cover (of a book), file
dawtn sism m. dawtn sesm
computer science file system

dawtanj r m. bookbinder
dudzhnib two-sided, bilateral, joint two-way

dodawl denominative, transitive [past:

introduce a custom; instill, implant

duch r meeting, encountering someone




dodawl transitive [past: ] to rebuke, give a

dressing down, scold, criticize, abuse verbally

dud f. 1 hearth for cooking food 2 soot

1 dud smoke military smoke screen
2 dod usual; customary, relating to a custom; established by

dodjlj cultured, refined, well-bred, well brought up

1 dudedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
smoked (of a cigarette) 2 to be smoked, be cured

dodedl denominative, intransitive [past:

become custom; be introduced; be established

dudrsh numeral thirty-two

dudj f. 2
1 daur m. Arabic [plural:


adw r] 1 period; time 2 going around

circumnavigation of the world 3 rotation, revolution



to smoke (a cigarette); smoke, cure (i.e., meat)

2 cloak with

dup f. tambourine
dupu f. 1 medicine bulimia

verb to run up to, come running up to

dup j two-legged, two-footed

duptj f. cardboard binding, paperback
dup double, two-fold, dual, binary
dupa f. 1 shawl, yashmak (for young women)

dawdw running, at a run, at the double

daurna and Arabic

compound verb to rotate, revolve

dur 1 distant, remote 2 far, a long way, far off

compound verb to

encounter, meet someone; bump into something; undergo

compound verb to remove, take away

something; get into a particular situation; encounter a particular

be removed, be taken away 3 used as the first part of word



duchand n duchnd twice, twice as

compound verb to double, redouble



compound verb to be doubled

dutsalwht numeral forty-two

dwakhtanj former, past
dwkhta early
1 dod m. 1 custom, habit, usage; rite compound verb
establish the habit compound verb to
observe the custom 2 dowry (bride's) 3 treating, entertaining 4

ceremony ... kind of

2 dud m. 1 smoke see 1 2 sacrifice, victim
deep sigh
dudlud smoked
dodb jda m. plural wedding customs
dodplna f. observing customs
duddzhn 1 smoky 2 smoked
dudd n m. regional milk jug, pitcher for milk
dudkdd m. fire Suddenly a fire
dudkh m. chimney, (smoke)stack, flue

a far-sighted b far-seeing, foreseeing, prudent

3 dur m. 1
daur n, dawr n m. Arabic 1 time, period; epoch
the epoch of colonialism 2 rotation; turn-over, circulation
economics circulation of capital
circulation of the blood the
circulatory system 3 flight (e.g., around the world)

durandsh foreseeing, prudent, far-sighted, prescient

durandesh f. foresight, prescience
compound verb to be far-sighted, be prescient

dawrn 1 rotating, rotational, rotary 2 military turning

(movement), envelopment

durh f. fork in the road

dwr ja from a distance, from afar, from far away
durb f. bad weather, rainy weather
durbn 1.1 far-sighted 1.2 farseeing, prescient 2 m.
spyglass; binoculars field glasses

broke out.


durbin f. 1 far-sightedness
dursandzh f.

2 foresight, prescience

Pashto-English Dictionary

durshl m.
durfikr f. foresight, prescience
durag durg hybrid; half-breed, first hybrid

durm f.
durang f. 1 duplicity 2 double-dealing 3 inconstancy
durnum f. view, panorama; vista
durnawis f. teletype
dwrsto dwrsta from behind, behind
dawr, daur f. Arabic 1 epoch; period the epoch

duzab n two-faced, hypocritical

duzabn f. duplicity, hypocracy; double-dealing

duedl intransitive [past:



session 5 going around, making the rounds; making an inspection

tour, journey, tour

to go on an inspection tour

to return from a trip 6 reign

1 dur f. distance, range
2 duri here
3 dawr, daur plural of
4 dur there, on that side of
dauredl denominative, intransitive [past:
daured m. plural turning


science 2 attributive friendly, amicable

compound verb

territory of friendly Afghanistan

dostn 1 friendly, amicable friendly talk

friendly relations 2 in a friendly way, amicably 3 f.
regional friendship strong friendship
dost ni plural of 1
dostd r m. epistolary I; your humble servant
dost-muhammd m. proper noun Dost Muhamad
1 dsta f. [plural: ( ]female) friend dear

to turn,

circulation (of the

1 du m. weaver; carpet weaver

2 dau m. plural 1 Dauri (the tribe) 2 m. Daur
3 du deceptive, false, untruthful, deceitful
dw nde Eastern 1 in front, in front of 2 forward
duduka f. sand storm
dun false, deceitful, lying, mendacious
duawl transitive [past: ] 1 to sprinkle, dust 2
raise dust proverb to be the bane of someone's

friend (female)

2 dsta oblique singular of 1

dost, dust f. 1 friendship to be friends with
each other make
friends with someone 2 relationship by marriage


compound verb to become related (to)


1 da f. 1 sand storm; dust storm 2 dust

The air was clear, there was no dust at all. 3 powder (tooth
powder, etc.) compound verb a to reduce to ashes b to
smoke compound verb to throw dust in (someone's)
eyes a to ruin someone b to be completing a deal
a to turn out, kick out, evict b to fire, sack
(from a job)

2 do f. 1 gibe, sneer, taunt; jest 2 exaggeration, hyperbole

duapk f. vacuum cleaner
doam r m. scoffer, mocker; joker, jester
1 di plural of 1
2 dawj f. dinar (coin)
dujt m. wandering, roaming compound verb to
wander, roam


something, supporter of, adherent of something

turn to

dozkh m.
dauz m. plural instead of
m. hell, nether world

hellish, infernal

dusl two-year-old horse

duspan f. chains, irons, fetters
dost 1 m. .1 friend dear friend
to love someone They have become
friends. proverb a smart enemy
is better than a stupid friend 1.2 proper noun Dost 1.3 liking

to dodge, evade

compound verb to kneel, get on one's

compound verb to be hypocritical, dissemble; be a double-dealer

compound verb to circle (of an airplane, etc.) 4 term or

duration of a convocation (of a legislative body)

to spill, scatter, run out,

knees; sit having gone down on both knees

of communism 2 stage, level 3 turn-over, circulation, rotation


dostj m. diminutive of
duskhn f. corn bin, crib, silo
daus f. 1 meanness 2 cowardice 3 shame
dosj f. dossier, file; folder
dawsh m. running, race; harness races
dushkh f. 1 bipod (machine gun, etc.) 2 technology fork
electrical plug
dushl f. large shawl cashmere shawl
dushpet numeral sixty-two
dushs f. duchess
dushamb f. , dushamb 1 Monday 2 Dushanbe
dosh m. Doshi
dusherlj m. two-year-old ram
doh f. compote, stewed fruit
doh kha f. bipod (machine gun, etc.)


Pashto-English Dictionary

duhakh f. plural person's lower extremities (from the

thigh to the foot)

dutaraf 1 on both sides; double-sided; two-way 2 there and

back, round-trip (of a ticket)

dughh m.
dughna dialect
dufsl land yielding two harvests a year
1 duk m. 1 consumption, tuberculosis He came

down with consumption. 2 anger, spite, malice; hostility, enmity

3 irritation, dislike 4 envy

a to nurse mutual enmity

2 duk m. spoke
3 dwak m. two-year-old colt
duk l m. drought-stricken year
duk n m.
doktrn m. doctrine
dokr m.
duk f. 1 drum; kettle-drum
1 button 2 knob, push button

denominative, transitive [past:

(concerted) effort, apply oneself

djkawl denominative, transitive [past:

torment; oppress

dok f. Eastern deception, fraud

be deceived, be tricked

duka 1 imperative of

approval while working)

to make a


compound verb to

compound verb a to decieve,

compound verb to deceive, trick someone

trick someone b to cheat, defraud someone

2 Come on!, Come on! (shouts of

dokam r m. Eastern swindler, cheat

dokamr f. Eastern swindle, fraud, trickery
1 dukj m. small spindle
2 dok plural of 1
dukedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to be

3 to become irritated, get annoyed

dug m. 1 smoke 2 pain 3 rage, fury

verb to make someone angry






compound verb to be

dug n f. seedling (of a grapevine)

dug m. small quantity, little, few a small handful of

dog f. small drum (held under the arm while being played)
dugaz f. large net for catching hawks; snare
dugghan 1 smoky, sooty 2 dirty, muddy
dugj m. smoke
dugedl intransitive [past: ]to speak slowly, speak in
measured tones, speak leaving pauses in one's speech

2 dulatj f kicking compound verb to kick

dulk m. row of meat stalls
dulwza insincere You broke your word.
dawl Arabic
dumra, dmra dumre, dmre so much, so many, so, to
the extent, to the degree ... as much as
... ...
...... However, the fact of the matter is that
... Eastern I can only say that
dwamand f. area between two rivers
1 dom f. low fire (for boiling milk, etc.)
2 dma f. idiom Even this ruse
didn't succeed.

sick with consumption 2 to torment oneself over, suffer torments

Daulatabad (city in northern Afghanistan)

government property
compound verb to

beat the drum 2 step, tread; rung

employees 2 power, authority 3 wealth 4 proper noun Daulat

dawlatb d m.

dawlatz 1 m. plural Davlyatzi (the tribe) 2 m. Daulatzay

dawlatmnd rich, wealthy
dawlatmand f. wealth
dawlatw laj m. State system, State organization, statehood
1 dawlat 1 state, national state system
government employees 2 government

b to envy each other

dukm f.

duwl m. Arabic plural of

dulgh f. women's sharovary
dawlt m. Arabic [plural: dawlatna and Arabic
duwl] 1 (the) State republic history
buffer state regional (British) Commonwealth
minister without portfolio government

dominik Dominican Republic

dunkch f. regional
dunaj f.
duniw numeral ninety-two
dna, dna dni, dni so much, so many, so, to the
extent, to the degree This chintz is
not that expensive. Will this much granulated
sugar be enough? Here's what happened.
dun f. meanness, baseness
duj f. 1 vessel for milk, milk jug 2 milk pail (earthenware)
dwo oblique case of
daws m. scoundrel, villain, rascal
dawus meanness, baseness compound verb to do
a mean act

dwlas numeral twelve

dwolasm numeral twelfth


Pashto-English Dictionary

dwolasma f. twelfth day of the third month in lunar

calendar, birthday of Muhammad the birthday of

dwa 1 numeral (f. Western dwe, Eastern dw

dwwo) two two times two is four
two (together) Eastern on two questions
2 two (used as the first part of word formations) double;
two-fold several proverb
have not the faintest respect for

dwaakhz double, two-way; bilateral, two-party

duh n m. camp fire, bonfire
dwa-anz m. two anna coin
dwabrgha double, two-fold
dwabl m. man, biped
dwabj m.
dwapj double, two-fold
dwapaz 1 folding (of a door) 2 zoology bivalve
dwaphza dwaphz two-legged, two-footed,

dwapu two-story
dwa pah r m. post meridiam time, p.m. time
dwatrz two-stringed
dwadzhnba bilateral, mutual
dwachat two-story
dwadz ja compound verb to divide into two

dwakhle f. fork, pitchfork

dwa zra numeral two-thousand
dwaz dwazay vacillating; uncertain
to vacillate, be uncertain, be in a state of uncertainty
dwazhbajz dwazhbat 1 bilingual 2 insincere;

dwazhb f.

compound verb a to express

oneself unclearly b to confuse (a question)

dwazhw ki m. plural amphibians

dwa swa numeral two hundred
dwasawawm ordinal two-hundredth
dwahkh f. 1 fork (in the road) 2 corner
dwaghbrga double, two-fold
dwaghhj m. four-year-old bull or ox
dwakasz 1 consisting of two persons 2 for two persons;
double (bed)

dwagr j Step out!, Wide step! (as a command)

dwagr ja 1 twice 2 double, twice (as much)
dwagraj cross-eyed; one-eyed, blind in one eye

dwagn 1 both, two 2 double, two-fold 3 two-Afghan coin

(or note)

dwagnaj 1 double, two-fold 2

dwalr f. dwalrdza

double-faced, two-faced
cross-roads; parting of the


dwal saj having two hands


to make

dwa lka numeral two-hundred thousand

dwahm numeral second obsolete lieutenant
colonel obsolete major general
dwamkhaj 1.1 two-sided, bilateral 1.2 two-faced 2 m.

dwahma khor f. 1
dwanalz double-barrelled (shot)gun
dwanma divided into two parts, divided in half
compound verb to divide into two parts, divide in half, halve

dwawrdz repeated
dwaw laj m. 1 duality 2 double quantity
dwawrgaj m. two-year-old camel
dwawazarwl zoology Diptera (flies,
mosquitoes, etc.)

dwawsht numeral twenty-two

dwawishtm ordinal twenty-second
duh f. monk's cell (among the Shiites)
dwahmra double, twice (as much)
duhj 1 hearth 2 smoking room, opium den (of dervishes)
dwajz twin; double
1 diw contraction of the particle and the copula
2 doj 1
3 duj personal pronoun, third person plural 1.1 they (as the
suject of the action in all tenses) Who are they?
Where are they going? 1.2 them (as the object of the
action with transitive verbs in ergative constructions)
He bought them. 2 oblique .1 them (as the object of the
action with transitive verbs in the present and future tenses)
Do you see them? 2.2 they (as the subject of the action with
transitive verbs in ergative constructions) What did
they say? They bought a horse. 2.3 them (used
with prepositions, postpositions and adverbs) on them
in them near them 2.4 their (in combination
with the preposition as a possessive pronoun) their
house Zaheen and his relatives' friends came.
4 dwe Western numeral feminine of
dj l computer science binary
djla dawtn f. computer science binary file
dujch f. 1 gutter or channel for irrigation (in melon fields
and gardens) 2 trough at a well (into which water for live stock is


dawz m. 1 scoundrel 2 coward

Pashto-English Dictionary

dwsti f. plural bride's girlfriends (who accompany her

singing wedding songs)

anatomy auricle, atrium

dul m. duel
dwajm ordinal second
duj f. 1 discord, dissension, split ... to
introduce discord 2 duplicity

deh 1 m. village 2 used in geographic names


(an administrative region of Kabul Province)

d oblique of

pronoun 1 him, it (in combination with

prepositions and postpositions)

in it to him

tell him with him

2 he (as the subject of the

action with transitive verbs in ergative constructions)


he asked 3 his (in combination with the

as a possessive pronoun) his book
his arm hurts
3 da copula, third person singular present tense, f. 1 is
this is a chair this is a board 2 is (often used in
sentences where the word is understood) ... it
is true that ... it is known that
the notebook is on the table
dah f. Arabic 1 talent, giftedness 2 skill, know-how
deht country, rural, rustic
dahn f. 1 mouth (of a river) 2 bit; curb, curb-bit
dahbsh m. foreman
dahtur f. botony datura, thorn-apple, Datura; common d.

dehimazng m. Dehmazang (a neighborhood in Kabul)

dhund m. regional fog
dehnishn settled (as contrasted to nomadic)
dahan f.
dhr m. weaver
dhok f. regional deception, fraud 2
dah f. first ten days of the month of Moharram
1 dj day, d Eastern copula third person singular, present
tense, Western 1 is this is a table 2 is, is located
the book is on the table
2 non-emphatic pronoun second person singular (it cannot begin
a sentence) 1 you (familiar form, as the subject of the action with


transitive verbs in ergative constructions)

dahr m. Arabic 1 epoch, time 2 custom 3 success 4 danger

When will I see you? 3 your (as possessive pronoun)
Where did your brother go? Did

with transitive verbs in the present and future tenses)

your father bring you?

3 modal-hortative particle (it cannot begin a sentence) let

Let him say. Let them go there.
4 di copula third person plural present tense 1 are
Whose books are these? Whose notebooks
are these? 2 are, are located The books are
on the table.

dahrd m.


daj third person singular (oblique

pronoun 1 he, it (as the

subject of the action with intransitive verbs in all tenses and with

5 atheism, godlessness


you had dinner? 2 you (familiar form, as the object of the action

jimsonweed, Datura stranmonium

dahlz m. 1 passage(way); lobby, ante-room, hall(way) 2

transitive verbs in the present and future tenses)

Daraud (inhabited place in Kandahar

Where is he going?

dharmshstr m. Hindu laws, the laws of Brahminism

dehisbz m. Dekhisabz (administrative region in

agriculture b to be a metayer

dahl f.
dahlawl transitive [past: ]

to scare, frighten;


dahl f. Dahla (inhabited place near Kandahar)

dehl, dehlj m. Delhi New Delhi
dahledl intransitive [past: ]to be frightened;
shake, tremble, shudder from fear


What is he doing?

2 him, it (as

the object of the action with transitive verbs in ergative

They saw him.

pronoun 1 her, it (in combinations with
prepositions and postpositions) a in this b at this time
c in it, in her a in order to b because of, on account

Kabul Province)

dhasi pronoun
dahsht m. Arabic panic in a panic
dahsum f. ten rubles, ten-ruble note
dehq n m. 1 peasant, plowman, farmer, dekhkanin
dehqn 1 peasant 2 f. .1 the occupation of farming 2.2
metayaage system compound verb a to engage in

de oblique of

of (the fact that) 2 she, it (as the subject of the action with
transitive verbs in ergative constructions)

she said

3 her

(in combination with the preposition as a possessive pronoun)

her mother
7 de Western contraction of the particle and the pronoun
djr m. country, province proverb to
become a laughing-stock

djr m. Himalayan cedar, deodar, Cedrus deodara

dj rlas numeral
djlektk m. dialectics dialectician
djlektik dialectical dialectical


dijnt 1 honesty; decency 2 piety, religiosity

Pashto-English Dictionary

dijnatd r honest, decent

dijnatdr f. honesty, decency
deb m. evil spirit, demon
dbet m. economics debit
dibchk m. staff, pikestaff
dbtsa f. dbsa f.
deprtm n m. 1 section, bureau 2 department
diplm m. diploma graduate engineer
diplom t m. diplomat
diplomt 1 diplomatic 2 m. diplomat
diplomtk diplomatic diplomatic corps
diploms 1 diplomatic diplomatic

dizel jl m. fuel

degn Tajik the Tajik language, Farsi

degch f. degchy m.
degd n m. hearth; trivet
digr other, different
deglj m. degay m. pot; pan
degj m.
deg cleaned (for cooking grain) compound verb

compound verb

to be put together, be accumulated

depozt m. 1 finance deposit 2 mining deposit

dkhw here
did m. 1 vision compound verb to see

dajl f. cards ten-spot

dil dialect here
1 djam contraction of the pronoun 1 and the conjunction
2 djam contraction of the particle 1 and the conjunction
demokr t 1 democratic poet-democrat 2

is sharp-eyed. 2 rendezvous, meeting

did n m. rendezvous, meeting

didb n m. 1 sight; rear sight (of a shotgun) 2 tower 3

didan f. 1 what (I) saw, what (I) experienced 2 privations,

can't see enough of her.


observer; scout

m. democrat

demokrtk democratic
democratic centralism
demokrtik democratic
demokrs 1 f. democracy compound verb
a to democratize b democratization 2 democratic
on democratic principles
demisezn light-weight (coat, worn in spring or fall)
1 dajn m. Arabic [plural: daynna and Arabic

hardships, disasters, ordeals

didw n m. regional
dir m. Dir the principality of Dir
dir, der 1 late, tardy 2 long ago, a long time ago, for a long time
derp firm, durable, stable, steady
dersh numeral thirty
dershm ordinal thirtieth
dirk m. 1 mast 2 pole (of a tent), tent pole
direktf m. directive
djrlas numeral thirteen
djarlasm ordinal thirteenth
der f. 1 dwelling, shelter; residence head of the
house We came home. 2 stopping place camp,
temporary quarters

duyn] debt (monetary)

Dera Ismail Khan, Dera Ghazi Khan (both cities

dajr f. tambourine
deradzh t m. plural

Deradzhat districts in Dera Ghazi

Khan and Dera Ismail Khan (Pakistan)

dzl m. diesel (engine)

din m. Arabic [plural:

dinna and Arabic

1 religion 2 used in proper names

m. beginning

ady n]


m. Arabic 1 dinar (Indian coin equal to 0.1 paisa) 2

history gold coin, gold piece 3 dinar (the monetary unit in Iraq)

in north-west Pakistan)

3 dajn
din r

compound verb a to settle, take up residence b to pitch, set up

(camp), encamp 3 hut 4 used in geographical names


clean (grain for cooking)




dep f. 1 warehouse, storehouse 2 depot

verb to put together, accumulate, amass

des m. country (usually in India)

des 1 Indian (of merchandise, etc.) 2 local
decimtr m. decimeter
digh m. dialect 2
dek f. push, impulse, impetus
deg m. 1 boiler steam boiler 2 pot, pan, saucepan
deg n m. Degan (the name of Tajiks in the south of

passport 2 f. diplomacy

m. disinfection

verb to disinfect

dinmt m. dynamite
dindra 1 believing, religious 2 virtuous
ding jutting out, sticking out, protruding, projecting
compound verb to jut out, protrude, stick out
compound verb to swell, rise

dinaw Arabic religious, spiritual theology

dna literary used in place of 3 6
dna Eastern used in place of before this
after this

Pashto-English Dictionary

religious holidays
foster, adoptive foster child

din Arabic 1 religious

theologian 2

dinij t m. plural Arabic theology; religion class (in school)

(literally: God's Law)

dew m. 1 devil, evil spirit 2 giant 3 demon

dew l m. dew r m. 1 wall 2 anatomy wall
proverb to be obstinate, persist, refuse stubbornly
proverb The walls have ears.
He lives next door to me.
dewl wall wall newspaper wall

(arranged in alphabetic order of rhythm and by genre)


dew n, diw n m. [plural:


dawwn] court; tribunal

consolation 2 confirmation, assurance

awl denominative, transitive [past: and

]1 to console, comfort, soothe 2 to confirm; assure
1 a f. 1 ear of corn of milky-wax ripeness
compound verb to form ears of milky-wax ripeness (of corn,

maize) 2 unripe ear of maize or ears of grain roasted on a fire

down, regain one's composure; be convinced of, be certain of

dewnna, diwnna and

compound verb to roast unripe ears of maize or ears of grain

2 1 calmed, soothed; calm, assured
compound verb to calm, soothe compound verb to calm

diwlj m. regional bankrupt

1 dew n, diw n m. divan, collection of a poet's poems

express confidence in the ultimate victory

I have lost faith in you.
gerna f. comforting, consolation reassuring
compound verb to calm, quiet, reassure, console
na f. warkawna 1 reassurance, comforting,


dew n-i-harb,

He calmed down. ! Be calm!

quiet, peaceful (of life)

diw n-i-harb military tribunal

jna f. confidence, certitude, assurance

ejl transitive
r m. 1 fear, dread, terror; apprehension I
won't be the least bit afraid. compound

3 dew n m. proper noun Devan

dewnkhn, diwnkhn f. court, courthouse, courtroom
dewnag f. madness, insanity, the state of being possessed
dewn 1 mad, insane 2 foolish 3 literary madly in love
dewn, diwn 1 judicial 2 law civil judge for
civil cases the civil code
dewbnd m. Dewband (inhabited place in India where the
Muslim sacred academy is located)
dewda f. salute, welcoming volley (of a detachment of tribal
warriors) compound verb to greet or salute with a volley

verb to be frightened, feel frightened, be afraid (of), to dread; fear

2 threat

rdzaplaj frightened, terrified, scared

rn 1 timid, timorous, cowardly 2 m. coward
rawl transitive [past: ] to threaten; frighten,

drwinzm m. Darwinism
ra f. 1 hut, cabin 2 awning (above a door, etc.)
edl intransitive [past: and ] to be afraid,
fear, be apprehensive to be afraid of the dark
k m. regional the post, the mail

(of a detachment of tribal warriors)

dews m. [plural: ] 1 corner (in a tent, where

people usually eat and where the dishes are kept) 2 rack, counter

(for dishes) 3 low mound of earth along the walls of a peasant's


to send by mail

dujn m. Arabic plural of 1

d jaw mkha completely, entirely; together
everyone is to go away to carry everything away
diwizjn division

the fourteenth letter of the Pashto alphabet; retroflex (cerebral) d

p m. printing reprint (e.g., of an article)
m. 1 calming, quieting, soothing, comfort, consolation
self-calming compound verb to be
quieted, be consoled Eastern His heart was quieted.
2 confirmation, assurance confirm
receipt of the letter compound verb a to calm, console
a to console b to confirm; assure 3 certitude,
confidence, sureness with confidence

kr m. doctor, physician ophtalmologist

kar f. 1 the occupation of a doctor; medical work
medical instruments 2 medical
kkhn f. post office
k m.
kwl m. 1
kutb m. 1 k f. 1 the act of carrying out a raid
postal delivery (the occupation)

k m.

regional raid

compound verb to carry out a raid

2 k f. 2
kam r m. robber, bandit
1 k m. 1 postman, letter-carrier 2
2 k plural of 1, 2
kem r m. regional



Pashto-English Dictionary

g m.

g 1 m. .1 dale, plain, flatland (as contrasted to forest or


column, of a procession)

nwukj f. swimming
nl m. stick with torches at the ends (which is twirled

plateau 1.2 steppe 1.3 barn floor, threshing

to destroy the enemy compound verb to
remove, push aside to overpay, pay dearly for
something; miscalculate, make a mistake in counting
a to deceive, fool b to get somone to cut the price of

floor 2 level and bald, flat and barren (of land, terrain)


gawl denominative, transitive [past:

devestate, lay waste to, ravage

4 balance beam (of scales)

ns m. dance She is a good dancer.

nshl m. dancing
ng m. 1 club, cudgel 2 mace 3 shaft, staff

the bush

proverb to beat the air

2 squanderer, spendthrift 3 person

gj f. low mound of earth along the walls of a peasant's

gedl denominative, intransitive [past:
destroyed, be devastated, be ravaged

m. the name of the letter

2 l m. 1 shield 2 technology washer, gasket, spacer; rest, stop
politics buffer state
to advance against the enemy with arms in hand
to surrender, capitulate compound verb to parry, to
deflect a blow we are prepared to repulse
m. ropewalker
m. dollar
lgh aj m. warrier with shield; warrier in full regalia
lfn m. dolphin
l-u-l m. dressing stylishly, dress smartly
to dress in the latest fashion
lj f. 1 watchtower 2 basket (of flowers) 3 present, gift;
souvenir compound verb to present with something,

nsaj m.

ns f. work of a cotton comber


nswl cotton comber, cotton

nga f. 1 leg (from the thigh to the foot) 2 pole (telegraph,

1 ngj m. 1 step 2 club, cudgel

3 ngj f. botany twinflower
wnaj m. shawl, veil, yashmak
jaks m. chemistry dioxide



ab 1 m. .1 pit, hole 1.2 puddle 1.3 whirlpool, eddy 2.1

standing, stagnant (of water)

stagnant water

compound verb to dam, impound 2.2 having stayed, having


compound verb to linger, stay too long, stop

ab m. 1 interjection boom, bang 2 m. .1 knock, rumble,

din, roar

compound verb a to knock b to fall with a great

noise, fall with a crash c to be heard (of a sound) d figurative to

lose stature, lose respect 2.2 blow

make a present of something 4 cradle


ngury f. crutch; cane, walking-

etc.) 3 mast

ngurj m.


to be

mbraj m. granary, storehouse; warehouse

n m. shaft; stalk, stem
n m. ns bow (of a cotton comber, carder)
nswl m. nsay cotton comber, cotton

ng m. lanky fellow, spindleshanks, spindlelegs, gangling


nglakj f. 1 flycatcher of paradise (a bird) 2 regional

drongo (a bird)

with a large protruding forehead

nlaj m. person who is grabbed by the hands and feet

1 naj m. cluster or bunch of grapes

2 nj m. short stick, baton
3 nj m. 1 flame 2 1 3 beam, girder, joist, rafter

to destroy;

to speak frankly, speak without beating about

2 g f. muslin (fabric)
3 ga f. 2
1 g m. 1
2 g steppe
3 gj m. 1 lecher, rake

nolj f. game in which someone is grabbed by the

hands and feet and swung about

g f. 1 post, pole, column 2 beam, joist 3 shaft; flagstaff,


and swung about (in a game)

something, let something go cheap

ngh 1 lagging, falling behind 2 to bring up the rear (of a

strike, hit 2.3 loss

a loss

compound verb to

compound verb to suffer a loss, incur

compound verb to cause damage or loss 2.4

greatness, grandeur

ab m. 1 force, strength, power, might 2 form; shape 3

conduct, behavior

ab m.
ablj m. earthen corncrib
ab waj m. stamp, die (for stamping or minting coins, etc.)
abtr m. favus, mange, scabies

Pashto-English Dictionary

ababanj, ababnj 1.1 indecisive; vascillating, wavering


compound verb a to be in a state of indecision,

waver, vascillate b to be alarmed, be disturbed, be worried 2 m.

.1 indecision 2.2 alarm, agitation, anxiety, worry

ubng m. lout, bumpkin


abb m. clash of arms, skirmish

abb 1 unconscious, lifeless, numb 2 having lost one's

brawl, start a fight b to make noise, raise a din, create a hubbub

bs puffy
abawl transitive [past: ] 1 to beat, strike; knock,
bang on compound verb to knock on a door


abj sick
br destroyed, annihilated; ruined
bartj f.
abarkj f. pebble
abarw laj m. destruction, annihilation; ruin
abarawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

abn dug up, in holes, in pits and bumps

1 b stout, fat, obese, corpulent
2 ab oblique of
abu kh m.
abub, abwb m. 1 assault and battery; fight, brawl
2 noise, uproar, hubbub compound verb a to fight,

compound verb to stamp one's foot 2 to beat, beat up, beat



rostrum 4 railroad car


abarn stone, stony; rocky

abarna f. rocky terrain
1 abl, abl 1 double double pay telegram
with paid reply folding door 2 large large
carpet European bread (in the shape of a loaf, long loaf,

bl, bl m. regional military double-time march, rapid

compound verb to urge someone on;

hurry someone compound verb to hurry, rush

to come out quickly, come running out

ablk m. coat; overcoat

abll intransitive [past: ]

to part from someone, say

goodbye to someone



abaly 1 battledore, paddle (for doing the

laundry) 2 rolling pin 3 bread made from flour of various grains



ablj m.

5 crossroads,

crossing 6 center (of a market)

abh r m. knocking, rapping; din, thunder, roar; crackling,


ab feminine plural of

1 2

abj m. 1 club, cudgel 2 battledore, paddle (for washing

the laundry) 3 box


ubj f. bottle gourd, crookneck squash for snuff

ubj f. trembling, tremor; quivering, twitching

compound verb to tremble, quiver


His heart was

5 abj f. net, snare

6 abj f. regional sleeping compartment (on a train)
abjlj well-bred; courteous, civil
abedl intransitive [past: ] to be beaten up, be given a

1 ap m. puddle, pool
ap m. 1 loss to cause a loss 2 conceit
to get a swelled head
2 p m. 1 hill; mound, knoll, hillock 2 hill near a village
where people take walks 3 pile of earth compound
verb to be covered with bubbles (of dough)

3 ip m. assistant regional district chief

iplm m.
pa f. 1 platform, scaffold 2 low mound of earth along the

t m. 1 noise of ginning of cotton 2 smack, slap

tn 1.1 cowardly 1.2 mean, vile, low, underhanded 2 m. .1

coward 2.2 scoundrel, villain, rascal

ati f. plural 1 digging up the soil (by a hen) 2 rubbish,


abalj f. wooden mallet, wooden beetle (for breaking up

clumps of earth)

ablim r m. conjurer; juggler

ablimr f. 1 comjuring tricks

first-class car

walls of a peasant's house

m. Dublin

ab f. 1 place of assembly 2 raised platform, scaffold; low

mound of earth along the walls of a peasant's house 3 platform,

destroy, annihilate; ruin

abra f. 1 stone, rock stone house

precious stones 2 rock cornerstone
idiom to keep a secret
idiom to keep a secret; raise someone's hopes by promising
a high price (in trade) idiom a to be
pugnacious b to start a quarrel idiom to be
stubborn, persist in archeology Stone Age
2 abr f. black-bellied ryabok
1 ibr f. nut, female screw
2 abrj f. snare for birds
abaredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to perish,

2 tj
ach m. Dutchman, Hollander

2 juggling

Pashto-English Dictionary

chka f. 1 amble compound verb to amble

to trot one's horse 2 sumptuousness, splendor,

2 f. clod, clump (of soil); cup (of a hookah)

a-baa f. woman who has died young
aaj 1 dull, dim-witted, obtuse 2 flabby; lazy, indolent
1 aj m. 1 dummy calf (which is placed next to a cow that

magnificence 3 fame, glory, respect 4 trembling, tremor

chawl transitive [past:

pace, pace a horse

cha f.
1 a 1 m. .1 hollow

to make a horse go at a

has recently lost its calf) 2 pillow

2 aj f. powder flask
j-bj swollen, bloated (from illness)
aedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1.2 low, dull sound; hoarse voice; bass,

basso 2 attributive .1 hollow; empty 2.2 low, dull (of a sound);

rough, hoarse (of a voice)

He became hoarse.

become rough, become hoarse (of the voice) 3 to become hollow,

2 a m. 2
a-b 1 m. man who has died young 2 swollen
abekj f. anatomy mastoid bone
atb m. f. hollow; empty space; cavity, void
aznaj m. anatomy temple
agj f.
am m. weed
ankaj m. anatomy lower jaw, mandible
ana f. search
1 m. 1 narghile, hookah 2 fat man
2 a m. quinsy, tonsillitis
3 a oblique plural of
aw laj m.
1 aza f. 1 acrid smoke, fumes 2 dense smoke 3 haze, fog
2 aza f. regional
awhj m. earring
aawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to inflate;

form a hollow

rm m.
rmtmst m.
rmtmk rmaw dramatic
rm f. drama; play tragedy
comedy dramaturgy
rm liknkaj m. playwright, dramatist
ar n m. 1 lowing, mooing; bellow(ing) compound
verb to moo; bellow 2 shout, cry, scream, shriek

rjwr m. driver, chauffeur a truck driver

rjwar f. driving (an automobile, etc.) to
be a driver, be a chauffeur

lead someone astray

an m. search, investigation

a f. 1 direction

search for

compound verb to

northerly direction
side by side

the outskirts of the village 2 side

compound verb a to lean on, lean sideways b to take

compound verb to turn away, turn

... a to step aside, yield the right-of-way, let

something on oneself

someone go ahead b figurative to avoid, shun; evade, shirk c to

refrain, abstain (e.g., from voting)

to avoid someone

compound verb a to lean on,

lean sideways b to calm down, compose oneself c to cope with

(an assignment, etc.) d to be inclined toward something

Wouldn't you like to go for a walk?

compound verb a to lean on, lean sideways b to undertake to do

to lean out (of the

to lie down on one's side a to set
to remove, resolve (e.g., differences) ...

something with enthusiasm

aside b

a to avoid something b to hide oneself, cover oneself (e.g.,

from the rain) ...


to reach, amount to (of monetary

I am not worried.

rpl m. 1 toady, sycophant, bootlicker 2 parasite;

scoundrel, blackguard; lout, boor

blow, fan 2 to empty, make hollow, hollow out 3 figurative to

1 to swell

(up); distend, become distended; be puffed up, be swollen 2 to

1 rpal f. 1 sycophancy, toadyism, flattery, fawning

compound verb to grovel 2 caddishness, loutishness
2 arpalj m. kind of vegetable
rsk m. assemblage, crowd
rodzhn f.
rh r m. nonsense, rubbish ! Nonsense!
rj f. gibe, sneer, taunt compound verb to make fun
of, mock, make a fool of, insult

rajwr m.
rajwar f.
1 az, z m. [plural: azna, zna and f. plural
Eastern dialect ze, ze] shot compound verb to
shoot (at), fire (at) to shoot a gun
compound verb to shoot, fire compound verb to take a shot
(at), fire a shot (at)

z 1 stupid, dumb (of a person) 2 m. .1 a stupid person,

dummy 2.2 windbag, babbler

azz m. azz m. exchange of shots, firing, skirmish

azw l m. rifleman
azughp 1 m. skirmish, clash 2 in a flash, in the
twinkling of an eye

azawl transitive [past:

stick) 2 to shoot, fire


1 to beat, thrash (with a

zh r m. shots, shooting, firing, fire

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 zaj used as the second part of word formations

a ten-round rifle
2 ze, ze f. plural of 1
azedl intransitive [past: ]to be thrashed, be beaten up

compound verb to load a gun 3 to stuff, cram
to stuff a child with sweets 4 to incite, instigate to
instigate a quarrel to replace something
1 ak f. 1 blow, stroke; collision; push, shove
crowd 2 confinement (in a prison), incarceration 3 mirage 4
the shadow of a fairy or ghost (said to bring on trouble)


esk m.
ski f.

table; (school) desk

plural lie; lying

compound verb to (tell a)


compound verb a to push b to cast a shadow 5 state of frenzy,

ismbr m. December
isms regionalism discharged, demobilized, demobbed
compound verb to be discharged, be demobbed
gh m. 1 medicine Basedow's disease, exophthalmic goiter

state of being possessed


ak f. Dacca

ka f. 1 singular of

ak f. 1 caravan stopping place 2 embankment, quay 3

2 pregnant (of animals)

5 ak f. obligation
ka khul with wide-open mouth, with mouth agape
akan k raging, frenzied, possessed, obsessed
1 ki f. plural of 3 I wanted to

compound verb

compound verb to collide, bash against

encounter various events 4 surf, breakers


ghri f. plural twaddle, idle talk

2 agharj f. butting to butt
aqra f.
1 uk m. 2
2 k m. oak leaf
3 ak 1 full, filled; overfilled
pitcher full of water the
room was full deep creek The air
was full of noise. My heart is full of love
for you. 2 abounding in something 3 charged, loaded
This gun is loaded. 4 sated, satiated 5 figurative pregnant
This policy is fraught with danger.
4 ak m. 1 collision compound verb to collide with 2
mercenary motive; self-interest compound verb to have a

ak r m. belch(ing), eructation

few black hairs in his beard.

3 akj f. rise a sharp rise

akedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
filled, be packed, be stuffed tears welled
up in the eyes 2 to be charged, be loaded 3 to be crammed, be
stuffed 4 to be pregnant (of animals) 5 to be induced, be incited

g m. 1 log 2 hearth, bonfire 3

aggalj m. collapse (in the economy, etc.)
ggj m.
gagj f. rocky, uneven terrain
gr m. 1 steppe; field field of battle

compile a dictionary

akw laj m. 1 fullness 2 filling (up)

akawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to fill
(up), pack; stuff to pack a suitcase with books
to pour a full cup of tea
Eastern to pour coffee into a cup compound verb to fill
in a hole compound verb to load a cartridge

2 area,

square 3 ground, area, site, (e.g., take-off and landing ground)

airfield The plane

platform 4 arena; field a to

uk l m. 1 drought 2 death by starvation 3 sudden death

aktb m. akty f.
akr m.
akor f.
ukr f. tambourine
kshinar f. dictionary compound verb to

kaj m. 1 stalk, stem; shoot, sprout 2 small bush, shrub 3

fluff, down (on the beard) There were

selfish motive

compound verb to belch

compound verb a to receive a

occurrence, happening, event, incident

ghghj f. children's game

aghra f. 1 pushing 2 butting 3
a to push b to butt c to collide

blow b to be frenzied 6 regional rout, destruction (of the enemy)

kind of bird 3 regional person with bulging eyes, goggle-eyed

compound verb to fill a tooth 2 to charge, load


appear in the arena, become well known b to be divulged (of a

secret) 5 sphere of action, use, application

to put

into practice proverb to leave with nothing

grdzhanr l m. general of the army
grdzhanrl f. rank of general of the army
grmn m. lieutenant colonel
grman f. rank of lieutenant colonel
grw l m. colonel
grwl f. rank of colonel
agra f. waste land, vacant land
igr f. 1 decree, decision of a court 2 (advanced) academic

ugln m. trot (horse's gait of 200 meters per minute)

compound verb to go at a trot, trot to trot a horse,

Pashto-English Dictionary

gl f. riding breeches, narrow trousers

ga f. sex organ, penis
agj m. skinny calf (male)
1 al m. shovel for mounding up beds and for digging irrigation

1 amgj m. pond
2 mgj m. diminutive of 1
emokrs f.
amawl denominative, transitive [past: ]


2 al m. rendered fat, melted fat rendered fat

3 al m. 1 grove 2 group, detachment
1 algj m. diminutive of 3 2
2 algj f. military squad, section
algjmshr m. military squad leader, section leader
alogj f. old vixen, sly old woman
la f. 1 group; union, society a group of
pupils 2 society, company; collective in their
collictive in one's circle 3 crowd a by
groups b in crowds 4 row, group
Many countries of Asia, including
Afghanistan 5 biology class 6 herd; flock; school
a biology class of fish b school of fish 7 system (e.g., river

in the Logar river system 8 type,

category 9 politics class the working class 10
politics party the nationalist party 11 grove
editorial board linguistics consonant cluster
alaw l m. fellow-worker, colleague
alajz pertaining to the collective; collective, group; social
affairs of the collective
alj f. 1 trash bin; garbage pail 2 manure bag 3 bag for

gathering figs 4 snow drift 5 pile (of hay, grass)

m, um m. 1 barber


Hunger is no joking matter (literally: we weren't barbers, necessity

forced us) 2 musician; singer (among the tribes)

am 1 m. .1 pond; lake 1.2 spot, stain

verb to soil


compound verb to be soiled 2 attributive

stagnant water

compound verb to suffer failure

am m. beat(ing) (of a drum), drumbeat

1 amm f. drum; kettledrum to beat the drum
2 am ma f. hole, pit; cavity, depression; pot-hole
m mi stagnant water
m n plural of 1
1 ambra f. bumblebee
2 ambra f. 2
umbk m. drum
umbakj m. small drum
amb f. trowel
ambh r m. beat(ing) (of a drum); sounds (of a tambourine)
mpng m. economics dumping
amtur f. botony datura
amm m. drumbeat

to hold

back the water; turn into a swamp, swamp

ma, ma f. [plural: mi and m ni] 1

(female) singer 2 hairdresser (who dresses a bride)

1 mi feminine plural of
2 mi swamp 2 2
3 m f. children's game
amedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to

stagnate, stand too long (of water) 2 to turn into a swamp, become

a swamp

mra f. bumblebee 1
ambra f. sumac (kind of tree)

idiom to

thrash someone, beat someone up

an 1 m. .1 lake 1.2 puddle 1.3 fertile valley 1.4

shimmering surface (of a mirror, etc.) 2 attributive

in stagnant water compound verb to stagnate, stand
too long (of water) The streets were
covered with puddles. The blue expanse of the
ocean. the blue sea swimming pool
idiom things came to a standstill
an f.
an p m.
1 anr f. 1 stalk; stem, trunk 2 twig, sprig, shoot
2 anr f. bumblebee
an s m.
an kaj m. anatomy pelvic bone
anlj m. town-crier, herald
an w m. 1
nr m. 1 1 2 ring of an earring (put into the nose)
3 scape 4 stalk with ear attached

anghr m. straw residue (after feeding livestock)

ankj m. kichri-kurut (a porridge dish)
anglaj m. lotus
anb insensible, unfeeling, numb
anorch m. town-crier, herald
anor f. 1 proclaiming, announcing (by drumbeat)
compound verb to make public 2 good repute,

anorch m.
anraj m. 1
anuk ri f. plural yelling, shouting
compound verb to yell, shout

ankaj m. 1 pond; pool 2 puddle

anawl denominative, transitive
1 an f. 1 club, stick (for ball games) 2 (balance) beam (of a
scale) 3 handle (of a toothbrush) 4 trunk; stalk


Pashto-English Dictionary

ubj m.

na f. 1 section of a field in the form of a long strip (on

which rice is grown) 2 windrow (for water retention)

compound verb to make windrows (for water retention)

an kelk m. 1 sports polo 2 2

anj f. 1 (balance) beam (of a scale)


by the spectacle

neat cattle 2 [plural: ngr] bull; ox


angrw laj m. thinness, leanness

1 ngrj
2 ingarj f.
ingalj f. sweep, shadoof (of a well)
ang-w-ng m. sounds (of music and singing)
a poor wedding (one without music and singing)
angawl transitive [past: ] 1 to beat the drum 2
to act on one's own responsibility, at one's

own risk

ngh r

m. beat(ing) (of a drum); sounds (of a tambourine)

intransitive [past:

resound (of music)

to sound, ring out,

angiw l wide open (of a door, a gate)

anm rk m. Denmark
anmrk 1 Danish Danish (language) 2 Dane
ub 1 immersed (in a liquid); submerged, sunken 2 figurative
to be lost in thought, be plunged into thought, be absorbed in

to be upset about, be discouraged

What are you upset about? to be surprised (at
someone, something) Eastern He was

lost in melancholy thoughts.

ubln with an uneven gait (of a horse)

bla f. uneven gait
ubmk m. torpedo, mine
ubawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
immerse (in a liquid); sink (e.g., a ship) to
drown one's sorrows in wine

compound verb to

limp, be lame

2 angr, ngr thin, skinny, gaunt, emaciated

ngrk diminutive skinny little
ngrka 1 feminine singular of 2 f. pileate

to announce, notify (by beating the drum) 3 to play (the rebab,

ubednkaj present participle of

Eastern The sun is setting.

angr, ngr m. Peshawar 1 singular and plural cattle,

1 to be

to be carried away

upkanj f. hillock, heap, mound

1 upj f. underground reservoir
2 upj f. lameness, limping

celebrate a wedding solemnly


3 to set (of the sun) 4 figurative to meditate, be immersed in

thought 5 to lose consciousness

anedl denominative, intransitive

anj f. outrunner, trace-horse
1 ng m. 1 ring or sound of metal 2 sounds (of music)
2 ang surprised, astonished, startled, staggered
ang m.
anglj f. kind of damson plum
ngng m. to

denominative, intransitive [past:

immersed (in a liquid); sink 2 to disappear (of water in the sand)

verb to give short weight, cheat in weighing 2 ear lobe

snuffbox (for chewing tobacco)

u m. lotus blossom
u f. 1 thistle 2 boll or pod of the poppy
oza f. 1
o f. 1 2 corn bread
1 uj m. 1 anatomy ilium 2 children's game
2 aj m. spy
3 oj f. o f. 1 bread; flat bread black
bread white bread bread baked
in a tandoori fry-pan bread bread baked in
an oven formed bread European-style bread
buy one flat bread 2 meal, dinner at
dinner supper, dinner lunch

dining room table setting
compound verb to eat, dine to dine, have lunch
to sit down at the table, start a meal
He dined with us. 3 entertaining, treating
compound verb compound
verb to treat to go for dinner to invite
for dinner to live by lessons
oj pakhawnkaj m. 1 cook 2 baker
ojghp 1 voracious, gluttonous 2 m. glutton
ojkugh laj m. tandoori (oven for baking bread)
ojm r m. hospitable person
ojwl m. baker
or m. 1 bottom-land deciduous forest, flood-plain forest 2
hollow; cavity; empty space, void

1 or torn, ripped compound verb to tear, rip

2 or f. 1 1
1 urj m. scarecrow
2 orj f. 1 grave 2 Dori (river to the south of Kandahar)
orj f. thin striped fabric (used for the veil)
uzk m. 1 chatterbox, windbag 2 abusive person suffering
from flatulence

uzn m. 1
za f. 1 rubbish, nonsense nonsense 2 exageration
compound verb a to talk nonsense b to exagerate

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 zi f. 1 plural of 2 desperate lies

2 uzj 1 shallow (of a person) 2 lying, mendacious
ugh m. cough
1 ughl m. hole, pit; depression; hollow, cavity 2 crater

ughl transitive
ughn m. [plural: ]coughing person; patient who

early spring) 2 abusive blockhead, dunderhead 3 slacker, idler,


proverb there is

a terrible cold spell (literally: a bird grows stiff on the branch, a

bird freezes on the branch)

f. tambourine
f. 1 textiles strand of five threads 2 cluster or bunch of


2 ok f. cunning, slyness; ruse, trick, subterfuge

3 ok f. slut
okam r m. deceiver, trickster, swindler, cheat
kaj m. 1 brushwood 2 fluff, down
His beard has begun to grow.

ogr 1.1 poor (of a person) 1.2 not deserving trust,

untrustworthy 2 m. .1 poor man 2.2 fellow-traveler, traveling


olbr f. 2 2
olkr m.
olch f. 1 small washtub (for washing up and for laundry)

ogr m. Dorga (a people of India)

ogramst m. collective noun the poor
ugl m. being upset, being distressed; dispondency, dejection,

small bucket (at a well)

olch m. drummer
ol l m.
ol-abalj m. household utensils; goods and chattels
oll m. 1 dress, attire, finery 2 dressing in the latest
fashion, foppery, dandyism compound verb to play
the dandy compound verb to dress up
olk m. 1 1 small drum to
drum 2 box

olk m. drummer
ulawl transitive [past: ] to drive, urge on slowly
1 ol f. 1 hole, pit; depression 2 ravine 3 rut, groove 4
dialect dense forest, pine forest idiom to
2 ula oblique singular and short form plural of 1
1 aul 1 m. dandy, man of fashion, fop 2 beautiful; smart,
well-dressed; adorned beautiful city compound

grief, sorrow
ugawl transitive [past:

play a mean trick on someone

compound verb to

closest to) saying to dance to somebody's tune

3 ul m. slow gait, slow walk
olnga f. 1 chilren's game (a song sung door-to-door in

suffers from a persistent cough

ughawl transitive
ughedl intransitive
uk m. small branch, twig


toothed wheel of a water-lifting wheel (which the working ox is

uk l
1 uk

ol m. 1 drum

beat the drum 2 hopper, feed bin, funnel (of a mill) 3 pail 4

precipice, abyss, gulf 4 cough

verb to dress up

to reproach; censure,

aul, dawl m. 1 kind, type; way, means ... ...

in the capacity of something
in brief In what way?
temporarily of such a type
In such a way freely very good
in pure form automatically
clearly in the following way that's not
so completely in another way
however that may be by no means
anyhow of a different sort on leave 2 sort,
grade, quality grade-A flour 3 kind, nature, character
the kind of exports in various
years 4 brand, make (e.g., of a car); system, type
aircraft of a new design a new type of government

5 style 6 smartness of dress, dandyism 7 grammar aspect (of

awalj m. wealth, property

olj, ulj f. palanquin (in which a bride is customarily

carried) idiom regional sandstorm

og m. person who tidies up the village and does errands for

the villagers

uledl intransitive [past: ] to go slowly, walk slowly

oljm r m. palanquin bearer
umrl transitive [past: ] 1 to incite, instigate
something 2 to lower one's eyes
umbska f. knob, protuberance
umbk m. 1 tambourine 2 chat (a bird of the thrush

umbka f. female chat (a bird of the thrush family)

mbkj m. small drum; tambourine, gong
umboj m. pile (of manure). dung hill, manure heap
umkj m.
on m. the Don (river)
1 on m.
2 un killed, dead, lost
un kaj m. pelvic bone


Pashto-English Dictionary

for a long time now

They sat for a long time. to ask a high price
proverb He who talks a lot does little.
proverb many mouths, many words (there are as
many minds as there are heads) 1.2 frequent; abundant; large
compound verb to give a large harvest compound
verb a to be frequent; be abundant (e.g., of rains)
In spring there is abundant rainfall b to have an abundant
crop, be abundant (of the harvest) This year
the wheat crop was good 2 adverb .1 very, much
often very much at maximum very little
very slowly 2.2 often You used to

ong m. 1 stealing (of livestock), cattle-rustling 2 seizure

(e.g., of property) 3 robbery, raid

compound verb a to

steal, rustle (cattle) b to seize (e.g., property) c to carry out a raid

2 ong m. 1 arrogance, haughtiness 2 mockery, sneer, gibe

ungng m. 1 refusing, making excuses 2 grumbling
compound verb a to refuse, make excuses b to

ungrj f. 1 oar; paddle 2 ladle

ungl f. sweep, shadoof (at a well)
ungn grumbling, peevish, querulous
1 nga f. waist
2 nga f. mockery, sneer, gibe
ungh r m. buzzing (of flies, etc.)
1 ong m. mocker, scoffer
2 ong carrying out an assault or raid
ungedl intransitive [past: ]

come here often.

1 to grumble, express

one's displeasure 2 to sob

wl m. small sheatfish
uhr 1 aged, advanced in years, superannuated

2 weakened,

er n m. f. manure pit; dump ! Such trash!

erpu multistory
ertb m. erty , erht m. erw lay
m. 1 increase, growth; augmentation the increase in
population growth of production
to increase to increase (crop yields,
etc.) 2 strengthening 3 development 4 abundance, plenty 5


oj m. anxiety, uneasiness
iwzhn m. regional division
hka f. ten
helul m. regional
1 aj m. textiles weaver's beam support
2 j f. 1 tip-cat (a children's game)


6 multiplicity,

numerical strength

erawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

increase, augment; multiply increase capital 2 to
strengthen 3 to develop

compound verb to

play tip-cat 2 fringe

ibk m. 1 precipice; slope, hill-side 2

ib f. Oenanthe opistholeuca (an Old World thrush)
ibj f. milk pail
ep m. servant, part of the retinue of, in the service of
iplom t m. diplomat
iplomt 1 diplomatic 2 m. diplomat
iplomtk diplomatic
iploms 1 f. diplomacy 2 diplomatic
ich m. 1 splendor, magnificence 2 being overdressed,

cha f 1 jerking; jumping 2

in m. sweeper
im m.
1 a f. volley
2 a f. 1 cork, stopper, plug

a majority of votes

to develop agriculture

4 to

further increase (wealth, etc.)

erawna f. 1 auction 2 increase, augmentation 3

development, growth

er f.

ra feminine and oblique singular of


1 long

eradzh t m. plural
1 erj m.
2 erj f. 1 pile; heap compound verb

to dump, put

into a pile 2 hill; hillock 3 manure pile, dung heap

eredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

increase, grow; be augmented 2 to intensify 3 to develop 4


biology to multiply, reproduce

ered m. plural 1 increase, growth; augmentation

increase in wages 2 strengthening 3 development 4
2 bushing 3 shaft in the center

of the lower millstone (on which the upper millstone rotates) 4

journal (of an axle, shaft)

e 1 satiated, sated 2 patient 3 calm, quiet, tranquil

er 1.1 numerous; large with the
utmost pleasure much He has
not come for a long time. ... It's a long time ago
now It was late night. much later

biology reproduction

iz jn m. drawing, figure; sketch, draft

izl m. diesel
izal jl m. diesel, heavy fuel oil
is very full, satiated compound verb
compound verb to be satiated
es f. corn-cob
ik f. dictation

to satiate

Pashto-English Dictionary

ig having an uneven gait (of a horse)

igig f. uneven gait to go at an uneven

ij f. street platform (where villagers gather and sit)


1 il m. delay; being late; procrastination immediately
compound verb to be delayed; be late compound
verb to delay; postpone, drag out

2 il m. dialect 1
ilul m.
elw m. 1
ilu l m. dressing in the height of fashion, dandyism,
fopishness compound verb to dress up
ilawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to delay;

zt Arabic 1 m. [plural: zav t] .1 human being, person

the persons mentioned below His Royal
Highness 1.2 individual self respect 1.3 essence,
substance the heart of the matter in
essence, essentially 1.4 caste He is of the
Paracha caste. 2 attributive Well

to be


inglj f. sweep, shadoof (at a well)

enj m. 1
ewl m. bankrupt
ew m. candlestick; pedestal (for a lampion, etc.)
ju f. regional 1 duty, watch 2 manning one's post 3
service obligation a to do one's job; be on duty

ztulbjn m. Arabic plural interrelationships

ztulbajn mutual interrelationships
differences, disagreements
zt Arabic 1 inherent, innate, natural 2 adjective pertaining
to personnel, personnel 3 personal mercenary aims,
venal motives

ztij f. Arabic 1 personality, person

department of

personnel, personnel department 2 philosophy subjectivism

zkr Arabic remembering, recalling

zkir f. Arabic memory
zl m. Arabic the name of the letter
z Arabic tasting, trying, trying the flavor (of)
zi f. Arabic taste
zabh f. Arabic
zabhg h m. slaughterhouse, abattoir
zbha f. 1 slaughter (of cattle) 2 sacrifice (of animals),
immolation a to slaughter (cattle) b to sacrifice

to fulfill one's service obligation, carry out one's duty

zabzab f. Arabic [plural: zabzab m. Arabic plural:

zabzab t] oscillation
zba f.
zabh f. Arabic sacrifice, sacrificial animal the
sacrifice to God, Allah's victim (an epithet of Ismael, the son of

ew m. 1 aromatic candle (lit for a wedding) 2 candlestick,

earthenware stand (for a lamp) 3 long earring

iwj f. 1 porch; hall, corridor 2 iron decorations on a


iwl m, small sheatfish, catfish

ew f. 1 lamp, lantern; oil lamp, lampion
kerosene lamp 2 figurative luminary a burning lamp b
figurative luminary (of the mind, etc.)

ewakhwlaj pouting, with puffed-out cheeks (of a baby

who is getting ready to start crying) to get ready to


z tn Arabic 1 in substance; in essence, by virtue of one's

nature 2 personally speaking; by one's self; notwithstanding

imb f. oarlock
emokr t
in p m. cotton comber, cotton carder
1 ing 1 m. stork 2 tall; leggy, lanky
2 ing m. lullaby to sing a lullaby
3 ing m. Western windbag, braggart
ing r m. boasting, bragging, vainglory
ing z feeble, frail, weak
inging f. ingingy m. 1
2 lullaby to sing a lullaby
ingrj f. 1 mushroom 2 sweep, shadoof (at a well) 3 oar,

in the abjad system

she was just a woman; what could she do?

delayed; be late (for)

zl 1 the fifteenth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the number 700

postpone, drag out

la f. cypress-grass, Cyperus (a medicinal plant)

elj m.
iledl denominative, intransitive [past: ]


zakhr Arabic masculine plural of

zakhir Arabic 1 f. [plural: zakhir m. Arabic plural:
zakhr] .1 reserve, stock vocabulary
compound verb to reserve to save, lay in a stock of
water compound verb to be reserved, be put aside in
reserve 1.2 storage depot oil storage depot 1.3
[plural: zakhir] deposit ore deposits
petroleum reserves coal deposits 2
attributive spare, reserve


zarr t m. Arabic plural

Pashto-English Dictionary

zar' m. Arabic plural

zarrav atom; nuclear; atomic atomic war
atomic bomb nuclear weapon
zarr f. Arabic [plural: zarr m. plural: zarr t] 1
atom 2 minute particle; grain; speck of dust
radioactive particles compound verb to tear into very
small pieces compound verb to be torn into very small
pieces 3 biology blood corpuscle hemocytes, red blood

zimmav r responsible person

zimmavr f. responsibility
zimm m. Arabic devoted Moslem
zu Arabic combining form possessing, having, possessor
legal competent person
zav t Arabic masculine plural of
zuldzhal l religion All-High (an epithet of God)
zulfi r m. 1 proper name Zulfiqar 2
zularnjn m. Arabic Twin-Horned (an epithet of


zarrabn m. 1 magnifying glass 2 microscope

zarr atomic; nuclear atomic energy
zari' f. Arabic m. [plural: zar'] means; method
by means of something
by mail by means of,
in this way transport equipment; vehicles
zurri f. Arabic posterity; family; generation
zuk f. Arabic quick-wittedness, comprehension; perspicacity
zakvt m. Arabic cleverness, quick-wittedness

Alexander of Macedon)

quickness on the uptake

zkr m. zkr Arabic 1 mention, mentioning ...

It must be mentioned here that compound
verb to mention compound verb to be mentioned
the abovementioned persons ... It
is also necessary to mention
As has been mentioned earlier 2 religion reading
of the Koran 3 repetition of the Divine Epithets; dervish rites

zakarij m.
zak Arabic

Arabic proper name Zachariah

1 quick-on-the-uptake; quick, quick-witted 2 m.

proper name Zaki

zillt m. Arabic baseness, meanness

zall Arabic 1 contemptible, base, mean 2 degraded,

zaliltb m. zaliltj f. zalilv laj m.

zalilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to cause

to become base or mean 2 to humiliate

zaliledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

base, be mean 2 to be degraded, be humiliated

zam zamm m. Arabic censure; reproof; abuse

censure, reprove; abuse

zimmt m. Arabic zimm f. Arabic responsibility

The rest is my responsibility.
to undertake
zimmabard r accountable, responsible, bearing the
responsibility for something, taking upon oneself to

zimmag requiring the payment of a debt

to payment (of a debt)


zuldj m. Arabic legal competent person

zuljad f. original (as contrasted to a copy)
zaub m. Arabic fusing, melting
zudzhinsjn m. Arabic plural botany bisexual flowers
zuhajjtjn m. Arabic amphibian
zau m. Arabic 1 wish, desire 2 enjoyment, pleasure 3 taste
experts, connoisseurs appealing to one's
taste; confirming to one's taste to taste
proverb There is no agreement on tastes.
zaumn m. lover, enthusiast of something
zulfa r m. Arabic 1 religion Cleaver of Vertebrae (an
epithet of the sword of Ali) 2 proper name Zulfakar, Zulfaqar

zihi m. Arabic mind, intellect; comprehension

No matter how much I strained my
memory I couldn't recall. Their names have
flown from my memory. to increase in intellect
My head is working poorly.
zihinashn imprinted upon the memory; understandable,
mastered to memorize, master
zihn Arabic mental, intellectual freedom of
thought sluggishness, intellectual limitation
zihnij t m. Arabic plural psychology, frame of mind
zihnijt m. Arabic 1 manner of thought, cast of mind; frame
of mind 2 intellect 3 psychology, psyche slave
psychology 4 ideology

zahn Arabic

1 intelligent, reasonable, sensible 2

perspicacious, incisive


answer (for), assume the responsibility for something; to take upon



f. Arabic Zilhija (the name of the 12th

month of the lunar year when pilgrimages are usually made)

zila'd f. Arabic Zilqada (the name of the 11th month of

the lunar year)

zidkhl Arabic included in, consisting of something,


zihidzhdzh f.
zih Arabic 1 having, possessing a right, competent
meriting something


Pashto-English Dictionary


Arabic 1 animate

rb m. plural rubber a rubber tree b ficus

rbasz f. rubber industry
rba adjective rubber
rbt Arabic joining, unifying
rbit f. Arabic [plural: rbit m. plural:
ravbt] Arabic link; relation, connection
to establish a connection with someone
to have a connection with someone or something
to be in mutual touch to break off
communication to disrupt relations
raball 1 transitive [present: past: ] to

animate noun

2 m. living being

zisalahijt Arabic competent

zi'al Arabic (materially) interested
zia'd f.
1 zajl zel Arabic 1 m. .1 bottom 1.2 addition 2



zajl m. kind, type; variety

every variety of fruit

zjln Arabic 1.1 below 1.2 herewith 2

zeld r m. regional chief of a province
zinf Arabic interested (materially)

the following

summon; invite; convoke 2 m. plural invitation; convocation

re r 1 the sixteenth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the number

300 in the abjad system

r 1 personally directive pronoun, first person singular &

plural 1.1a to us, to me

This is also unknown

to us 1.1b towards us, to us, to me 1.1c about us, me

You do know that I used to be a shephard. You do

know about me that I used to be a herdsman. 1.1d on us, on me

object of a verb, standing before the predicate or direct object)

Call us, me (on the phone) up

Pour us,

me some tea! 1.3 to me, to us; with me, with us; here; over to the
people (with several verbs of motion, indicates the direction of

Your letter came to me. Your letter

came to us. the sun rose to shoot down
an aircraft The departure day is near. 1.4 (to)
home, to one's own place We set out

for home at eleven o'clock. 2 used as a productive verb prefix:

2 r vice ! Give me a pen!
3 r f. the name for the letter the name for the letter
rakhistl [present: past: ] 1 to take,
take along with one 2 to scoop up, borrow something 3 to
proceed along a road

bring out on to the field 1.2 to raise chicks 1.3 to extract, take

out 1.4 to mine, extract (ores); get 1.5 to think up, devise 2 m.

rist m. plural
r ista


I am late.

He walked after
! Follow me! (as a command)
rp m.
rpr m. report This report has not
r pase after us, me oneself

us or me

been confirmed.

rprt m. 1 report; account; communication


report; give account, a report 2 (formal written) report;


rport zh m.
r portr m. 1

reader of a report, speaker 2 reader of a report,

seminar leader 3 reporter

to bring up, raise

r pori 1 in our, my presence; with us; with me 2 to us, to me

rprta 1 down to us, down to me 2 down (to) here

overflow (a river)

a to move up, ascend b to

He will laugh at us, me 4

3 idiom This bank of the river.
rpdekhv since such a time, since such times
rt m. clientele (of a barber)
rtb m. Arabic food, rations
rtg m. 1 arrival 2 coming, approach The

approach of the deadline

r bndi r bnde 1 on us, on me 2 because of us, me 3 to

us, for us; to me, for me

(e.g., from a mountain)

3 on, at us, me

ristl 1 transitive [present: past: ] .1 to

bring out (from somewhere, to somewhere) to


rprejstl transitive [present: past:

] 1 to knock to the ground, overthrow 2 to descend

dialect He got angry at us. 1.2 to us, to me, for us, for

me (designates the target of an action functioning as the indirect

1 rbj f. large waterskin

2 rbij f. proper name Rabiya
rbl m. plural rbel m. plural jasmine-yellow
rp te remaining; left over
rapermkh to attack us or me; move, move in this

You are dear to me

rtl j conditional form of

rtll intransitive [present: imperfective Western
Eastern past: imperfective imperative perfective

Pashto-English Dictionary

]1 to arrive; come running up to (animals), come

flying (birds) I arrived home When will
you come to our (to my) house? to come tearing
along Eastern If he decides to come, let
him come 2 to approach (of a time) Spring
has come and gone 3 to eventuate, happen
No changes of any kind have occurred in my life 4 to
undergo, experience something 5 to fall under (the influence)
He fell under Ahmeds influence 6 to

to someone


occur, be used (of words, expressions) 7 to come through, arrive

I ran into him

a to be received to fall into
someone's hands b to obtain, secure; be derived They
brought tea to put into motion
Eastern The well slowly filled with water.
English is hard for me.
rtlna f. 1
r tlo Eastern imperfect of
rtlnkaj 1 present participle of 2 future, coming;
approaching; following In the near
future next week, the following week
1 rtl m. plural 1 advent, coming, arrival
He is just coming. 2 approach, coming with the
(documents) idiom

approach of evening 3 receipt (of documents)

2 rtl imperfect plural of

3 r tla imperfect feminine plural of
rtojedl intransitive [past: ] to flow; drip

1 r ta to us, to me; (up) to us, me; for us, me tell us,

tell me He was speaking to us or me
2 rt rtj Western for
rl gathering, assembling
roledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to
gather, assemble; meet
roled m. plural assemblage meeting place
r imperfect of
1 rdzh m. 1 authority; government 2 the State
2 rdzh m. regional builder; mason
rdzh m. 1 prince; grandee; Rajah (princely title) 2 emperor
rdzhpt m. Rajput (Indian nationality)
rdzhputn f. Rajputana (province, India)
rdzhast n m. Rajastan (province, India)
rdzhistrsin m. registration
rdzhistar 1 registered to register 2
registered (i.e., mail) to send by registered mail
rdzh' Arabic pertaining to someone or something; relating to
someone or something It
depends on his wishes and desires to direct or send

to relate to someone, pertain to


rdzhi' medicine recurring typhus

rdzhag n masculine plural of
rdzh m.
rchpr surrounding


surrounding environment

rdz m.
r dzni
r dza imperfective imperative of 1 come here 2 let's
Let's buy a book
1 r dzi present of
2 r dzj second person present plural of
rts r overturned, reversed
r tskha 1 at, with us, me 2 from us, me He left us
or me

rtskavl transitive [past: ] 1 to pull up 2 to

stuck in, absorb

rtskedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to drag up 2 to

soak into, be absorbed

rht Arabic 1 m. .1 tranquillity tranquil sleep

to rest 1.2 proper name Rahat 2 At Ease! (as a
command) idiom ! military Order Arms! (as a


rahat bakhhnkaj

comfortable, snug (of furnishings, etc.)

rhattalb m. Arabic sybarite

rkh m. 1 person 2 party
rkht m. plural rising (of the sun)
at sunrise

rkhatl 1 intransitive [past: ]to rise (of the sun) 2

m. plural rising (of the sun)

rkhat oblique plural of

rkhkl transitive
rdr m. radar installation; radar equipment
rdv ! Run to us; To me!
1 r da f. colored edging (cloth)
2 rd m. dialect swift horse; ambler (i.e., horse)
3 rd oblique plural of
rdepalv Eastern
rdik l 1 radical 2 m. a radical
rdij f. [plural: rdijog ni plural: rdijvi]
radio; radio-receiver Radio Kabul
by radio, via radio radio
broadcast radio transmission radio
announcer, radio commentator
radio receiver radio listener,
radio-auditor to listen to the
radio to announce on the radio to

Pashto-English Dictionary

turn the radio on

to turn the

radio off

rdijoaktf rdijoaktif radioactive

radioactive substances to render radioactive
to be radioactive
rdioaktifijt m. radioactivity
rdijotelefon radiotelephonic
radiotelephone communication
rdiotelegrf radiotelegraphic
rdijo pertaining to radio radio program
radio transmission
rij f. Western to turn the radio off
rijoelektronk m. radio electronics
rijer m. 1 radiator 2 electric stove, electric cooker
rrasedl 1 intransitive 2 m. plural
rrased m. plural arrival; coming; advent
rravj m.
r f. bread made from the flour of various cereals
1 rz m. 1 type; kind; variety of every kind of a
different kind; various, all possible various
thoughts of such a kind What is his
desire? 2 way, fashion; method thus, in this way
by a special method by whatever
means possible, in any way at all to be transformed,

rsbar f. raspberry
rst 1.1 direct, regular, even 1.2
right right hand



rstgo f. directness, veracity, sincerity, frankness

rstanavl denominative, transitive
rstan feminine singular of
rstan feminine plural of
rstnedl intransitive
rstned m. plural return
rstn rstan f. m. [plural: rastn] f.
[plural: rstan] returning to us or me here, to one's own

rstanavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to return to us or me here 2 to return to us or me here

rstunedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

return (from a journey, etc.)


to keep a secret

to reveal a

rzber f. raspberry
rzd r 1 reliable; knowing how to keep a secret

2 m.


rzdrn mysterious (of a tone), trustworthy

rzdr f. keeping of a secret
rzghavl transitive [past: ] to fetch, bring on
the run
rz Arabic 1 feeding, giving food, nourishing 2 m. .1 Allhigh, God 2.2 proper name Raziq

rzub z m.
rz-u-nij z

Western personality, character

m. 1 frank talk

to be frank

with someone 2 conversation between lovers

rzhvandj becoming animated, livening up, taking heart,


rs m. ra's [plural: rs n plural: rus] Arabic 1

head; management, supervisory body

rst f. line, series (e.g., of products)

hundred head of cattle

r sn Arabic directly, immediately

rs-i-umd m. Cape of Good Hope
rs bb m. Cape Baba

2 r sta feminine singular of

rst f. 1 directness, straightforwardness, veracity, honesty
to behave honestly 2 truth, sincerity in
actuality, actually

rskh Arabic firm, unwavering


unwaveringly to make a firm decision

r sara with us, with me They went with us or me
rsn m. 1 produce, food-products 2 food-ration
r sa Western 2
1 r se Eastern
2 r se Western perspective aspect second person of
rasionl rational, efficient a to rationalize,
improve b rationalization, improvement

rsh 1 m. grain on the threshing floor 2 usually predicative

A thick layer of snow lies on the mountains.
rshbl m. wooden spade
rshtlj m. corn scattered in the field or on the threshing

at the head

of something, someone 2 geography cape 3 head (in counting


manufactured line, line of manufactured goods

rz m. secret

2.1 definitely 2.2 truly,

rstn masculine plural of

rstb z upright, conscientious
rstbz f. uprightness, conscientiousness
rstk r 1 upright, honest; conscientious 2 just, unprejudiced
rstg rstgj direct, straightforward, sincere,

turn into, become

true, correct 1.3 just 1.4

floor (by custom belongs to the hired hand or sharecropper)

rshn m. regional food-ration

1 rsh rsh f. [plural: rsh]


r sha perfective imperative of

2 produce,

Pashto-English Dictionary

Be pleasant to

r sha-drsha f. contact, relations

associate with someone


rshj m. avalanche
rhkl transitive
rhk f. & m. draw-bench, wire-drawing machine
rahkodl transitive [present: past: ]
dialect to draw, drag, pull idiom He
breathed heavily.

rhkl m. basket
rhkn m. 1 attraction, involvement 2 enthusiasm (for),

passion (for)

1 rhk past of
2 rhk m. plural 2
rhodl intransitive
rz Arabic satisfied, content; agreeable (to)
I'm satisfied with them. satisfied with someone
to convince someone, make someone agree
to be satisfied, be content; agree to
He doesn't want to concede.

rzinm f. peaceful settlement, amicable agreement;

compromise settlement

rgh m. 1 meadow 2 hillock, knoll

rgh past stem of
rghb Arabic desiring, striving for something; avid for
something striving for knowledge
r ghdzj m. rghdz m.
1 r ghlo dialect 1 2 rghlu past plural of
2 rghlo oblique plural of 1
1 rghlj past participle of
2 rghlj
rghukhtl [present: past: ] 1 to
order, reserve; subscribe 2 to summon; invite
rghvn rghnd gathered; assembled
rghvnavl rghundavl transitive [past:

rghvnedl rghundedl intransitive [past: ]

Many people had


to assemble, gather

rgh m. [plural: rghg n plural: raghna

plural: rghna] 1 dale; meadow 2 plain (stoney, sandy)

in the mountains and the plains

r ghj past perfective of
rfiz m. Arabic heretic, apostate
rfizitb m. apostasy
rf' Arabic ascending, rising
rk m. 1


rkj 1 past participle of 2 given, given out

1 rks m. demon, devil
2 rks m. oxen (used in grinding grain)
rksh 1 pulled; dragged 2 thrown on to; thrown out
a to draw; attract b to throw on, throw out a to be
drawn, be attracted b to be thrown on, be thrown out

r kh
rkhta 1 lower down, subordinate, inferior, lower-ranking
(of an organization) 2 below; (down to) here a to
lower b to help down a to descend b to alight,
disembark a to alight from a train b to flow
down c to make a landing

rkhtakavl m. plural descent, lowering, reduction

rkhtaked m. plural descent; landing
rkhl transitive [present: past: ] 1 to
take out, extract 2 to procure 3 to draw, pull something in 4 to

He barely shuffled along 5

to gather, assemble (e.g., troops) 6 to draw, illustrate 7 to draw,

Everyone gathered around me

rkt m. rocket, missile ballistic missile

intercontinental missile
missile-equipped vessel to
launch a missile missile-base
rket adjective missile missile troops
r k m. r ke
rkd Arabic 1 stagnant 2 immobile
r k past of
r ka 1 perfective imperative of 2 past feminine of

r ka-vrka f. 1 exchange 2 receiving and


delineate, illustrate
rkhna f. 1 dragging up 2 attracting 3 attractiveness
rkhbaj m. pump
1 rkh past of
2 rkh m. plural 1 taking out; removal 2 mining,

extraction 3 pulling out something 4 dragging 5 assembling,

gathering (e.g., troops)

r khe 1 among us 2 in us, in me

rkuzavl denominative, transitive
rkuzedl denominative, intransitive
1 rkavl transitive 1 prefixal verb [past: ] .1 to give
to us, give to me 1.2 to sell to us, to me 2 [past: ] to do
something for someone Telephone me.
2 rkl m. rake
r ka perfective imperative of
1 r ki perfective present of

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 r ke perfective present second person of

3 r ke
rkedl 1 Eastern intransitive & passive prefixal verb
[present: past: ]to give itself, be given to us
I will be punished 2 [past: ]
What has happened to me?

1 rg m. trousers, breeches
2 rg m. melody; song to sing
rgrdzavl transitive
rgrdzedl intransitive
rgrdzed m. plural return; way back
while returning, while on the way back
rgrdzavl transitive [past: ] 1 to turn 2 to
restrain; impede; deter from something
rgrzedl intransitive [past: ] to return
rgr envelopped, enclosed; grasped; surrounded
rgiravl transitive [past: ] 1 to capture, occupy
2 to fill, fill up

rl ndi kavl transitive

r lara r la Eastern 1
r legnkaj
m. sender (of a letter)

rlhl computer science download, to download

1 rm obedient, docile
2 rm m. proper name Ram
rmbl m. plural yellow jasmine
rmt m. colloquial
rmsht m. music
rmk n m. double-weight plaid shawl
rmusj m. musk-deer
r n suffix of actor pilot, flyer
rnt m. rent
rndzhn dark-grey; the color of antimony
rndzh m. antimony deposits of antimony
rndz m. plural
rnd banished; cast-out, rejected to be banished
rndem n m. 1 manufacturing; production 2 productivity
rnaskoravl transitive
rnnavt m. plural entrance gate; entrance
rnnavatl intransitive
r na Eastern
rnivl 1 transitive [past: ] .1 to catch, seize, take
1.2 prefixal verb [past: ] to buy, purchase, obtain 2 m.
plural purchase price
rnivna f.
rnivnkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. purchaser
rniv m. plural buying, purchasing, procuring
r masculine plural of 1

rj f. 1 ranee (title of nobility) 2 derogatory princess,


1 riz plural the Ranizai (tribe) 2 ranizj m. Ranizai


rvt m. plural 1 origin, appearance 2 going, setting out

the sources of a river
rvatl intransitive [present: past: [ ]past: ]
1 to go out, come out, move out The
book has already been published. 2 to begin, commence, flow out
(of a river) 3 to resound, be heard (of a shout, etc.) 4 to show
oneself, put oneself forth 5 to turn out to be 6 to appear, arise

rvdekhv ta
rvrsta late; subsequent; last, latest
1 r vu past of
2 rv present stem of
rvl transitive [present: past: past: ]
1 to bring, deliver, convey 2 to obtain, extract 3 to bring in,

to present an example 4 to give birth to

His wife gave birth to a son. 5 to effect, accomplish
to attack someone a to receive b to

seize c to obtain

1 rv m. plural delivery, bringing, transport

2 r va past feminine of
3 r va imperfective imperative of
1 rvj past participle of
2 r v present of
r vust past of
rvst j conditional form of
rvustl rvstl 1 transitive [ present: r vali past:
rjevst r jevust] .1 to bring, deliver someone
1.2 to obtain, extract to obtain, get, achieve

something 1.3 to force 1.4 to bring water to, irrigate 1.5 to bring
about (e.g., revolution) 1.6 to advance arguments

passive voice a to be brought, delivered b to be obtained,

extracted c to be conducted, led through 2 m. plural

to push forward fighters

r vustna f. 1 rvust m. plural 1


delivering something 2 obtaining, extracting 3 forcing 4

bringing water to; irrigating 5 bringing about (e.g., revolution) 6
bringing or advancing arguments

2 r vusta feminine past tense of

rvl present stem of
1 r vust past tense of
2 rvst imperfect of
rv f. ointment
rv m. Arabic narrator, teller (of a story)
r vj Western past tense of
rvestl transitive

Pashto-English Dictionary

rvestn m. 1 innovation, novelty

ridzhavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

introduce, put into circulation (i.e., money) 2 to disseminate, put

innovation, novelty 2 invention

rh m. combining form road, way conductor, guide

rhbr m. 1 conductor, guide 2 leader
rhbar f. 1 duties and obligations of a conductor or a guide
2 leadership a to be a conductor or a guide, do the
work of a conductor or a guide b leader

1 rhd r m. collector of road or transit duties, tax collector

2 rhd r striped (e.g., cloth)
rhdr f. 1 road duty, transit duty, tax, toll 2 pass 3 safe-

into general use

raidzhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

put into circulation, be in circulation (i.e., money) 2 to spread 3
to be generally accepted

rjdih f. rjdeh voting

rjravj m.
1 rjist m. plural 1 deduction, conclusion

raising (of chicks) 3 math extraction (of a root) 4 mining,

conduct pass 4 passport

rhrv m. passage; corridor; vestibule

rhravj m. traveller
rhzn m. robber, bandit
rhzan f. robbery, banditry
rhsz f. roadbuilding
r hista r hisi
rhaskednkaj 1 rising 2 growing up
rising generation
rhguzr m.
rhnum m. rhnum j 1 conductor, guide 2
guidebook 3 leader

compound verb a to lead

rhnum f. leadership

someone's leadership

something or somewhere b to lead someone

rhv r m. ambler (i.e., horse)

rh m. regional old age
r hista over here, to us, over to where I am
r hisi since, since such-and-such a time, since the time of
since, since the time when
since last year since the
month of Asad Since when? It
has been several months already; several months ago

rj m. Arabic [plural: r] 1 opinion

to express an opinion, speak out to
form a poor opinion of someone 2 vote (in elections)
right to vote deciding vote
consultative vote, opinion unanomously
by a majority of votes
r-ji plebescite to vote, cast one's vote for
someone voting
general and direct elections by secret ballot idiom
to follow someone's bidding
rjt m.
rjatavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
subordinate, subjugate

rdzh Arabic 1 in circulation (i.e., money) 2 disseminated,

2 breeding,

extraction (of mineral deposit) 5 thinking up, invention

2 r jista r jisi
rjg n 1 free, gratuitous 2 for nothing, gratis
rjgir f. voting; referendum referendum
secret ballot open balloting
rjn m. Rhine River
rj varkavnkaj m. voter, participant in elections
rjst imperfect of
r ja f. 1 by a majority of the
votes by 50 votes to 37
tie votes unanimously
vote for to vote to abstain from voting
to elect by secret ballot
to elect by a majority vote
r ja varkavnkaj
1 r ji plural of
2 r je compound of the pronouns and
3 rj present tense of 2
4 r e f. oblique
1 rab rabb [plural: arb b plural: rab n rabb n] 1
sir, master 2 Lord, God

2 rub m. Arabic syrup; juice quince juice

rib f. Arabic usury, extortion
rab b rb b m. Arabic rabab, rebab (a stringed instrument
played by plucking or strumming) the lute to
play the rabab

rabb m. rabab player

ribkhr m. usurer, extortioner
rab t rib t m. Arabic 1 rabat caravansarai, inn 2 used in
geographic names Akrabat 3 Rabat (city)
rub' f. Arabic [plural: rub'ig ni rub'i ni
Arabic m. plural: rub'ij t] rubai, quatrain
rab-an-nu m. Arabic God, divinity (of primitive people)
rabbn Arabic divine
ribh f. Arabic profit
1 rab m. 1 disquiet, alarm without trouble
bitterness of parting to trouble, alarm 2
suffering, tortures; deprivation 3 oppression 4 difficulties,

sought after, popular 3 generally accepted


Pashto-English Dictionary

2 rab m. plural
rab v m. dialect
rabavl transitive [past: ]

1 to disturb, alarm 2 to

torture, torment 3 to oppress 4 to cause trouble 5 to place in a

difficult position

rab f. 1
1 rbi plural of
2 raba rab
rabjlj hardworking, industrious
rabe-dzhabe f. rabe-dzhabe

rapk m. shelf, bracket (for tableware)

rapkandj m. water-clock
rapnd 1 trembling, blinking 2 fluttering
rapandj m. Eastern 1
rap m.
rapoch m. rapo m. 1 spy; informer

rabedl intransitive [past: ]1 to worry, be anxious, be

alarmed 2 to feel unhappy to be oppressed (by

rabz 1 worried, alarmed 2 troublesome; peevish

poor, pitiable, weak

rabt m. Arabic link; relation, connection grammar

copulative verb

rub' f. Arabic 4th part, th of something

to flutter. idiom

instantaneously, in a flash, in

rapavna f. 1 blinking 2 oscillating, swaying

rapah r m. noise, uproar
1 rapj m. 1 shivering He was thrown into a
fit of shivers. He began to shiver. 2 banner, flag

2 rupj f.
3 rap present of
rapedl intransitive [past: ]1 to quiver; shiver
My legs were giving way from
exhaustion. 2 to sway, oscillate; flap; flutter (of banners) 3 to

rapedna f. raped m. plural 1 trembling, quivering;

shivering 2 swaying, oscillating; fluttering (of banners)


1 to accept,

be approved 2 to consider worthy, think deserving of something

rablnkaj ewel-ess, motherless (of a lamb)

rabledl rabledl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1

to be accepted, be approved 2 to deserve, be worthy of something

rabnmndznaj God fearing

rabnedl intransitive
rabakaj m. 1 sturdy child 2 bright, smart child
raba f. rabaj f. 1 shaft of light; gleam 2 morning

rat tautological with used as an intensifier with names of colors

jet black
rutbav fitting for a rank (of a salary, etc.)
rutb f. Arabic rank, grade; post; job, position
in the rank of ambassador

ratj f. 1 rati (the red seed of Indian licorice, used as a measure

of weight) 2 weight in rati equal to eight barley corns 3
figurative a drop

wind which sweeps away the clouds

brusk comment, rude word 1.5 ill-bred 1.6

unsuitable to speak plainly Don't babble


name of the fourth month of the lunar year name

on, it's not fitting. 2.1 completely, quite; very 2.2 evidently

rab' f. Arabic spring; spring harvest idiom

of the third month of the lunar year

rabi f. membrane
1 rap m. moment; flash

slap, clap (on the back, shoulder)

rap m.

slap on the shoulder

rap f. 1 blinking, flashing 2 vibration

rap m. communication, report

2 ra
rtj f.
ral transitive [past: ]

1 to berate, tell off 2 to censure

3 to drive off, banish 4 to drive (cattle)

instantaneously, in the wink of an eye

rap m. niche; shelf; baggage shelf

drop of blood

bold, impertinent (of a person) 1.3 complex, confused 1.4 brusk,

rabedl intransitive [past: ]to be afraid, fear; be


rte-pte 1 scattered, thrown about 2 carelessly cut up

1 r 1.1 obvious, evident obvious exaggeration 1.2

the wink of an eye

shudder 4 to soar (of birds)



military to report

rapavl transitive [past: ] 1 to blink (the eyes) 2 to

oscillate, sway, flap The wind causes the banners

2 deserving; worthy of

2 rabl transitive
3 rabl m.
rablavl denominative, transitive

plural Eastern 1

rabgh m. poor family
rabghaj 1 poor 2 naked
1 rbl 1 accepted, agreed upon

ripr m. regional report

on events

difficulties; complications 2 quarreling

2 snitch;



ran spotted
rana f. 1 abuse 2 censure
rv laj m. 1 boldness, impertinence

2 complication,

confusion 3 bruskness, rudeness 4 lack of breeding, bad breeding

5 obviety, apparentness


Pashto-English Dictionary

ravl denominative, transitive [past:


rankaj 1 present participle of

to complicate,

ra f. spot, mark

radzh f. Arabic hope, aspiration

ridzh l m. Arabic masculine plural of
radzhb m. Arabic 1 Rajab (seventh month of the lunar year)
2 m. proper name Rajab

rudzhh n m. Arabic 1 advantage; superiority; preponderance

to surpass others, be higher than others 2
law preferential right of acquisition 3 profit, advantage 4
tendency, bent
radzhz m. Arabic rajaz (a poetic meter used to create a warlike



registered letter

radzhisar registered
to send by registered mail

radzh't m. Arabic departure, retreat; withdrawal from battle

radzhl m. [plural: ridzh l] Arabic person, man;
important personality state figures; nobility, grandees
great minds, great thinkers
rudzh' Arabic 1 appeal to someone to
appeal to someone 2 return 3 renunciation (of responsibility, an
agreement, etc.)

radzhavl transitive dialect

radzhulijt m. Arabic 1 maturity 2 manhood
radzh f. 1 rope, cord 2 drawing 3 custom, tradition, law
radzhedl intransitive dialect
1 rach m. 1 technology reed (of a loom) 2 decor; furnishings;

goods and chattels 3 dialect tool (of production); (machine) lathe

2 ruch m. wish, desire

rachkaj m. skein, hank of yarn
rachaj m. lathe-operator
1 rcha f. 2
2 rich f.
rdza f. road
rts lame, limping
ratsikhl ratsekhl transitive [present:
past: ] Western to drag, trail, ford
abbreviation rahmt ullhi aljhi religion May

rahlt m. Arabic leaving, departure

to depart this

to be merciful

rahm rihm m. Arabic uterus, womb

rahm n Arabic 1 merciful 2 m. proper name Rahman

(especially the seventeenth century poet Abdurrahman)

rahm na f. proper name Rahmana

rahmn divine, heavenly
rahmt m. Arabic 1 mercy, sympathy

to pity,

have mercy on 2 proper name Rahmat

rahmdl 1 sympathetic 2 m. proper name Ramdil

rahm n Arabic
rahmatull Arabic 1 2 m. proper name

rahmedl intransitive [past: ] to take pity on, have

mercy on

rahl m. Arabic 1
rahm Arabic 1 merciful, kind, gracious (an epithet of God)

m. proper name Rahim

rahimull m. Arabic proper name Rahimulla

rahim f. Arabic proper name Rahima
1 rakh m. cutting, slicing
2 rukh m. face
3 rukh m. chess rook
4 rukh m.
rukh m m. Arabic alabaster alabaster
rakhvt m. Arabic inertia, enfeeblement, apathy
rakhpn m. rakhi m. soup made with buttermilk
rakht m. 1 decor, furnishings 2 fabric, textile, cloth 3 silk
cloth 4 agriculture plow beam 5 harness

rakhtb b m. cotton textiles, cloth

rakhtkh b m. dialect bed-clothing
rakhchna f. Middle-Eastern style skullcap
rakhd r rifled, threaded (of a gun) rifle
rukhs r m. poetry cheek, face
rukhst Arabic 1 m. .1 parting, leavetaking;
to take leave of, bid farewell to ask
permission to leave 1.2 authorization to leave 1.3 leave,

special (i.e., extraordinary) leave

sick leave 2 predicative

I shall leave. I am

going away.

rukhsatavl denominative [past: ] 1 to send on

leave, authorize to go away 2 to dismiss (upon conclusion of a
task, for vacation time); offer leave to 3 to send, dispatch (troops,

God's mercy be upon him! May God be merciful to him!

rahm rhm m. mercy, compassion

to pity someone

ra f. singular of
redl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to become
complicated, become confused

He pitied the orphan.

2 m. .1 hostile critic;

negator; skeptic 2.2 muddle-headed person


etc.) 4 to discharge, fire

rukhsat f. [plural: rukhsatj plural:

rukhsatig ni] 1 completion of a task; departure from work 2

world, die

departure, exit 3 leave; school vacation


Pashto-English Dictionary

rukhsatedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

leave May I go? 2 to take one's leave 3 to be
dismissed (upon completion of a task, for school vacation); curtail
a task

School ends at three o'clock.

rukhsated m. plural 1 departure, leaving 2 leavetaking 3

dismissal (on completion of schoolwork, for vacation); curtail class

to openly sympathize
rstrgaj 1 pop-eyed, goggle-eyed 2 bold-faced
ravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to protrude,
1 rj ra pop-eyed; goggle-eyed
2 raj f. oily rag (for cleaning rifles)
3 ri feminine plural of 1
redl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

nourish spite

rkhj m. regional envious person; spiteful critic; rival

2 rakhj m. exit opening (of a reservoir)
rkhjl transitive dialect
1 rad radd Arabic 1 m. .1 refusal (of a proposal, of helpful


blow, an attack) 1.4 negation, denial; refusal; objection 1.5

compound verb
2.1 refused, turned down (of a job,

dismissal (from a job, etc.)

compound verb

good offices, etc.) 2.2 rejected (of a candidacy) 2.3 repelled (of

a blow, an attack) 2.4 dismissed (from a job, etc.) idiom

rd-i the dregs of society

2 rad m. side (direction of movement)

rad-ul-'aml radd-ul'aml Arabic
radts m. left-handed person
radi'aml m. raddi'aml 1 reaction, reacting 2 2 1
rad-v-bd m. abuse, cursing
radubadl m. raddubadl Arabic 1 confusion 2 quarrel
to be submitted to discussion
radavl raddavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

rizlt m. razl f. Arabic baseness, lowness, vileness

razl m. masculine plural Arabic of
razl Arabic base, vile
raziln 1 base 2 vicious
razil f. Arabic [plural: razil Arabic m. plural:
razl] base action, vile deed

raj f. flower of the Indian lilac

raz m. vineyard
razz m. Arabic 1 religion the All-high; God

raz 1 m. plural Razar (tribe) 2 m. Razar (tribesman)

riz m. Arabic [plural: arz k] nourishment, daily bread;
food to feed, nourish idiom a to
yawn at, wink at something b to miscalculate, make an error in
counting c to display carelessness

repel (a blow, an attack) 4 to deny; turn down; object 5 to

dismiss (from a job)
rad f. 1 row, line, rank 2 layer, course (in a clay wall) 3 work

razm m. epic poetry

razmta f. sustinence
razmk m. Razmak (city, Waziristan)
razm 1 literature epic 2 warlike
razhnd 1 dropping (of leaves) 2 falling (of hair)
razhavl transitive [past: ] 1 to drop (foliage)

done by the day 4 figurative cause, reason, basis

out; spill 4 to strew, empty out; spill 5 technology to found, cast,


1 to be

be turned down (of a candidacy) 3 to be repelled (an attack, a

literature radif (the

from the trees. 2 to fall out (of hair) 3 to molt, shed (of animals,
birds) 4 to crumble (of something friable) 5 to fall into ruins (of

r 1 protruding (of eyes) 2 cheeky, bold

cheekily, look boldly 3 stubborn


razhavna f. 1 fall, autumn 2 molting time

razhedl intransitive [past: ]1 to drop, fall (of leaves)

It is autumn, and the leaves are falling


casting, moulding, founding

order, sequence

riming word of a poem) 5 history rider mounted behind a


razhn m.

3 pouring out, spilling 4 emptying out, spilling out 5 technology

blow) 4 to deny, turn down

2 to

shed (wool, fur, feathers at molting time), molt 3 to pour, pour

rejected, be turned down (of a proposition, good-offices, etc.) 2 to

radf m. Arabic 1 row; category 2

in alphabetic order 3 follower 4

2 proper

name Razzaq

reject (a proposal, good-offices) 2 to reject (a candidacy) 3 to

rad radd rejected, unfit spoilage

radedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to be pop-

eyed, be goggle-eyed 2 to persist in 3 to be cheeky, be

intercession, etc.) 1.2 rejection (of a candidacy) 1.3 repelling (a

rb 1 directly, straight-off, bluntly to speak

straightforwardly, talk bluntly 2 obviously, evidently

goggle (eyes)

rkhn rkhndkaj envious

rakhn f. crack; breach; break
rkha f. envy; malevolence to envy; harbor spite,

age), etc. 6 to flow, flow out; spill out 7 to run out, spill; get

to look




razhed m. plural 1 falling (of leaves)

the Fall 2 falling out (hair) 3 molting, shedding

(of animals, birds) 4 crumbling (of something friable)


Pashto-English Dictionary

rezhm m.
1 ras m. 1

regime, order, structure

provisions 2 delivery of provisions to troops 3

ras m. hair-dye made from the root of Amomium anthorhizum

penetrating, profound (of a mind, thought) 1.3 exact, precise

to disgrace, shame

rusv f. shame, disgrace

rusb m. Arabic 1 precipitation, sediment

ras rs 1.1 attaining something, achieving something 1.2

to shoot accurately 2 f. long sabre

rislt m. Arabic prophetic mission
risld r m.
risl f. Arabic [plural: risl Arabic

to be

disgraced, be shamed


rusv disgraced

2 sedimentation,


rusub sedimentational, alluvial

ruskh m. Arabic 1 stability, firmness, steadfastness 2
figurative authority, good reputation to preserve
one's reputation

m. plural:

rasl] 1 brochure; booklet; tract 2 cavalry 3 history cavalry


rasl m. Arabic 1 prophet 2 proper name Rasul

rasavl transitive 1 [past: ] .1 to deliver;

transport; purvey to reach 1.2 to bring 1.3 to allow to

rislad r m. commander of a cavalry squadron

rass m m. Arabic artist, designer
rassm f. drawing He has talent

ripen 1.4 to cause, inflict (e.g., harm, damage)

to inflict damage

a to inflict damage b to damage

something 1.5 to train (personnel, staff, etc.) 2 m. plural .1

for drawing.

rasl m. Arabic plural

ras f. 1 5
rust rust clay
rust m. Rustak (city)
rastagr f. rescue, deliverance, liberation
rustm m. proper name Rustam
rustamkhl 1 m. plural Rustamkhejli (tribe)

delivery; purveyance transport

water supply 2.2

causing, inflict (e.g., damage, harm) 2.3 training (personnel, etc.)


to bring to a conclusion

employ, spend

to use,

rasvalj f. rasalj 1 corn, callus 2 swollen gland 3 tumor;


2 m.

Rustamkhejl (tribesman)

restor n m. restaurant
rast f. 1 line (trade) 2 shop, shift 3 branch
ruskht m.
rasd m. 1 portion, share 2 provisions 3 harvest time
rasadrasn f. supplying of provisions
raslk m. receipt, voucher, quittance
1 rasm m. Arabic [plural: rasmna Arabic plural:
ruum] 1 custom, tradition to observe custom,
follow tradition 2 duty; tax customs, formalities,
procedures 3 ceremony drawing; portrait pattern,
ornamental design to draw
2 rasm colloquial present tense of
3 rasm m. grain cleaned by winnowing
rsmn Arabic officially
rasm-ul-kht m. rasm-ul-khtt Arabic 1 calligraphy 2

rusm Arabic masculine plural of

rusum t masculine secondary plural of
1 rasj f. 1 rope, cord 2 figurative bonds, ties
2 ras present tense of
3 rasy computer science access
rasd m. [plural: rasidna Arabic plural:

rasid t] 1 receipt; arrival; delivery 2 written receipt (for delivery

receipt book to sign

for something upon receipt delivery-record book
rasd past stem of
rasid t Arabic masculine plural of
rasidag f. 1 inspection, control 2 investigation 3
of sth); quittance

reconsideration (of a case)

rasedl intransitive [present: present: past:

past: ]1 to reach; attain; arrive; come to to get
to the city, arrive in town ! I'll go to your place!

to overtake someone 2 to be received (mail, documents,

etc.) 3

written language 3 spelling, orthography

to go up

to, extend to 4 to reach (of a sound) 5 to be due, be owing to, get

rasmgr m. artist
rasmavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to draw
rasm Arabic 1 official officially, ceremonially
official gazette, official journal 2 official (of a
language) 3 nominal, rated official pay rate
rasmijt m. Arabic [plural: rasmij t] officialdom;
state of being official to recognize officially
rasmedl denominative [past: ] to be drawn

(by inheritance)

A fourth of the

profit was due him. 6 to come due, come (time period)

The time to depart has come. 7 to understand, grasp,


I understood that

You yourself will look into this fully. 8 to ripen

mature (of fruit, etc.) 9 to rise (of dough) 10 to ripen, become

to attain a goal, get what one is after to get that
ripe 11 to be trained idiom


Pashto-English Dictionary

which is desired

to finish, be completed

rishv f. Arabic
1 rsha f. 1 custom, tradition 2 personality, character
2 rsha f. food, provisions
3 rsha f. cream
4 rash f. 1 pile of corn, grain (on the threshing floor) 2

to be used in the manufacture of something; be used

for something

f. 1 rased

to punish oneself

m. plural 1 arrival, coming 2
arrival (of mail, documents, etc.) 3 extension 4 expiration (of a

term), coming (of) 5 understanding, comprehension, grasp 6


ripening, maturing (fruits, etc.) 7 condition or state of being


rased imperfect plural of

3 rased imperfect plural of
4 rasid 1 mature, ripe 2 adult, grown-up 3 trained
rasidag f.
rasi k computer science m. access code
rasjvl m. rope seller
1 rash m. 1 sawdust 2 crumbs 3 dirt 4 pus 5
2 rash m. cream
rash d m. Arabic 1 religion true faith; the right way 2

rashdt m. Arabic courage, bravery

rshk m. manage; scab

rishk f.
rshlraj m. bath-house attendant
rishvt m. Arabic bribe to take a
bribe to give a bribe, bribe
rishvatkhr m. bribe-taker, corrupt official
rishvatkhor f. bribery, bribe-taking,

rhtngalv f.

rihtinag f. correctness, right;

rihtni I am telling the truth. 2 honest

strong bonds
1 rishtadr f. relations, extended family
2 rishtad raj m. relative
rishti f.
rishtinj f. rishtinv laj m.
rishtna 1 feminine 2 feminine singular of
rushd m. Arabic 1 growth to grow 2 maturity
the maturity of his thoughts
rushd rushdij Arabic middle, intermediate
middle school
rish f. lucerne (grass)
1 rashk m. envy
I envy the free life of these

m. juice; extract

rhtnnaj m. 1 proof 2 checking, investigation

a to prove b to check, investigate
1 rihtinj rkhtnj
2 rhtn f. faith; veracity
rihtnaj 1 sincere, veritable, true

filament; feeler, antenna 3 kind


rashd Arabic 1 manly; valorous, brave 2 m. proper name


to display

of parasitic worm; suture 4 figurative ties, bonds

1, 2, 3


courage, demonstrate bravery

rashtlaj m.
risht f. 1 thread 2 biology

rshi feminine plural of

rash feminine plural of


correctness 3 proper name Rashad

rihtj 1 f. truth, verity to speak the truth

to tell the truth; I have to admit that I
The way it is is this; Truth to tell indeed, in actuality 2
really and truly ! Oh, if it only were only a
dream! 3 attributive the way it is, is this
Why don't you tell the whole truth?
truth to tell; the truth is that to tell it the way it was
to try to justify, come true
rihtj glav f. 1 sincerity 2 dedication
rihtj g 1 truth to tell 2
rihtj gj veracious
rihtj n 1
rihtj nj genuine, sincere the genuine truth
He is a really great writer.
rihtjv laj m. correctness, veracity
rihtj vajnkaj correct, right
rihtn 1 faithful, dedicated; sincere 2 true, right 3 correct,

rihtintj f.

rihtinv la f. rightness, trueness;

correctness, veracity

rihtingalv f.
rihtna f. truth, fidelity, correctness
rhk m. mark, line
rhka f. 1 2 stripe
rhkj f. 1 stripe 2 tape, ribbon; braid, lace
rhedl intransitive [past: ]to be frightened (of);
recoil in fear


rasd m. Arabic astronomy observation

Pashto-English Dictionary

rasadkhn f. observatory
riz f. raz Arabic 1.1 f. wish, desire; will do
as you wish according to one's own wishes
voluntarily compound verb
convince, persuade someone I convinced her

I don't like this matter. 2.2 satisfied

Behave so that they will be satisfied with you.
rizk r m. razk r m. 1 volunteer 2 amateur (in art); a
1.2 m. proper name Riza 2 predicative .1 pleasing, likeable


rizkrn razkrn 1.1 voluntary 1.2 amateur 2


rizjt m. Arabic satisfaction;

He expressed his gratitude to

rizmandi f.


riz foster, half-brother

ratb rutb Arabic 1 green; fresh 2 m.

.1 green foliage 2.2

ripe figs

ratl m. Arabic ratl (measure of weight)

rutubt m. Arabic 1 dampness; moisture

raghtj f.
rghdaj bright guy, smart fellow
rghnd 1 rolling 2 m. slope, incline
rghravl transitive [past: ] 1 to open (the eyes)
to look all around, look about 2 to turn,
move, turn over to roll along, roll (somewhere else)
idiom to rinse the mouth out
rghaj: protruding eyes
rghedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to open (of eyes); be
open 2 to turn over; roll along, roll to another place
to toss and turn
rghed m. plural 1 opening (the eyes) 2 turning, moving,
turning over

1 rghht imperfect of
2 rghht m. 1 rolling, rolling down 2 floundering around
rghht pa computer science f. scroll bar
rghhtl intransitive [present: past: ] 1 to
roll, roll down 2 to turn, move, turn over; flounder around

2 showers (of rain,


ru'j m. Arabic of
ri'jt m. Arabic 1 execution, observance of something
to execute decisions compound verb
compound verb to be observed

rghlj m. hearth; iron tripod (for a kettle)

rghndaj m. lower end of the gullet
ragh oblique plural of
rghus m. black kid (goat)
rgust m. black color, color black
raghavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

2 respect (for the law)

ri'jatavl denominative [past: ] to execute,

observe to observe a diet, keep to a diet

ru'b m. Arabic

ra'bdb m. regional 1 horror, fear 2

4 to form, create (new words)

raghn m.

entire population 2 farmer; peasant; non-tenant farmer (in India)

3 history the territory of Britain

formation (of new words)

rgh v m. break or rupture in relations

raghv 1 imperfect of 2 m. plural
rghvz splendid, sumptuous (of things)
raghbt m. Arabic desire, aspiration to wish for

[past: ] 1 to be

sewn 2 to be given medical treatment, be healed, be cured; make a

complete recovery from 3 to mend (of a wound) 4 to be repaired,

India; on British territory


f. 1 sewing, needle-work 2 curing, treatment,

ragh f.
1 rgj m.
2 ragj 1 shallow (of a vessel) 2 m.
3 rgj f. soot, lamp-black
raghedl denominative, intransitive

in British

ra'jat f. nationality, allegiance; citizenship

1 ragh clear, evident
2 ragh m. punishment, retribution
3 ragh m.
ragh f. 1 medical treatment 2 sewing; needle-work,

1 medical treatment 2 deliverance

healing 3 healing (of wounds), mending 4 repair, correction 5

greatness 3 strength, force

ra'd m. Arabic thunder

ra'n Arabic beautiful; nice-looking
ra'nzeb f. yellow dogrose, afghan dogrose, Rosa Lutea
ra'ngj m. bluethroat (a kind of bird)
ra'jt m. Arabic [plural: ru'j ] 1 subject; nationals;

1 to sew 2

to cure (of), treat (medically); heal 3 to repair, correct, set rights

be fixed 5 to be formed (of a word) 6 to be broken off (e.g., of

raghedn m.

not to break off with kin

raghedna f. 1 sewing, needle-work 2

medical treatment, recovery; healing 3 mending (of a wound) 4
repair; correction, setting right 5 a construction 6 breaking off
(ties) idiom

comfort, consolation

raf m. Arabic shelf for belongings

raft m. Arabic 1 sympathy, empathy 2 comradeship;
friendship They became friends. 3 journeying
together, accompaniment a to work together
with someone; cooperate with someone b to accompany someone

something; aspire to something


Pashto-English Dictionary

rif h f. Arabic well-being, prosperity


The Economic Counsel (in Afghanistan)

raft r m. 1 treatment, manner (towards) 2 conduct

to treat, behave towards

to treat someone well

rasdz j m. dance floor; area set off for dancing

rasavl transitive [past: ] to make dance, dance
ras pertaining to dance, dance-, dancing ru'a f. Arabic note invitation

b to conduct oneself, operate, act 3 flow, current (of a stream) 4

military march, attack; compassion 5 movement, travel (of a

vehicle, etc.)

The truck proceded slowly. 6

uzrij note of apology

gait, walk


referenm m. referendum
rifridzherer m. refridzheror refrigerator
raf'a f. Arabic 1 discontinuance; surmounting, elimination;
compound verb a to discontinue, cease; overcome,

eliminate, remove, get rid of b to satisfy, fulfill (requirements,

to satisfy someone's needs

to quench thirst compound verb a to be discontinued,


cease, end; be eliminated b to be satisfied, be fulfilled (needs,


promotion, ascent, rise

rf'a-daf'a f. 1 regulation, adjustment 2 punishment,


During the reprisals against the


rf'a f.
rufa Arabic masculine plural of
rafl m. regional rifle
ruf m. Arabic darning; mending, repair (minor) of garments
to darn, mend, effect minor repairs (to clothing)
rufugr m. tailor who does minor clothing repair
rafid f. cloth gloves (for extracting bread from the oven)
raf m. Arabic [plural: rafik n Arabic plural:

competing 2.2 contending

rik b m. Arabic stirrup, stirrups

rk baj m.
rk t m. religion rakat (the fixed Moslem prayer ritual)
rik m.
riksh m. rickshaw
rikshs jkl m. pedicab (rickshaw powered by a bicycle)
rakh m. 1 rkha f. 1 track, trail, trace, sign 2
branch (of the economy) 3 path

2 rikh m.
rak't m. Arabic
rukn m. Arabic [plural:

2 rafa oblique of
rafi f.
rabt m. Arabic 1 competition; rivalry free
competition 2 contest idiom


arms race

ra s m. Arabic 1 dancer 2 pendulum (of a clock)

raab f. Arabic area, territory; zone territory of
Austria wooden area; forested area
rit m. Arabic 1 sensitivity 2 sympathy, compassion;


ras m. Arabic dance

flash (light-rays)

ruko f.

ruku' f. Arabic religion genuflexion, deep bow

riatvr touching, affecting;

ruud m. Arabic 1 depression 2 dead lock (in talks)

rkb m.
rkebtasm f. stirrup strap
rkebj m. rkebj f. small dish; saucer
rakk Arabic indecent (words)
rag m. 1 vein; artery; blood vessel medicine
arteriosclerosis a to let blood b to vaccinate (smallpox)
c euphemism to take care of "natures needs"
Mahmud will not survive. 2 mining vein 3 biology
species 4 botany vein, rib (of a leaf) heart-strings
to move, disturb the heart or the soul (of song,
music) to maintain communications with the wife's


ark n] 1 support, pillar, column

2 member (of an organization) 3 organ (of an enterprise,

made during namaz (i.e., a Moslem prayer)

rafi f. female friend; comrade (used together with the


m. rival; contestant, competitor 2.1 rival;

raibn 1 rival, competing 2 contending

ra Arabic 1 liquid, diluted 2 rarefied
raim f. Arabic letter, message
ruij f. proper name Rukkiya
ruk rk clear; open; frank direct, straightforward or


of a different kind or sort, every conceivable sort of

ruk f.
rab Arabic 1

rufa ] 1 comrade; friend; traveling companion 2 proper name



sincere man

rif'at m. Arabic 1 high position; high office; dignity 2

4 history royal decree

getting rid of 2 satisfaction, fulfilment (of requirements, needs)

ram m. Arabic [plural: raamna Arabic plural:

ar m] 1 numeral; sign 2 sum 3 kind, type; aspect


a to dance b figurative to


rigaj m. weakling (of a child)

Pashto-English Dictionary

rga f. 1 way, road Vali-jan

followed me. 2 track, print (foot) to track

rmz m.
rangj m.
rambj m.
rant m. ran m. rent, income (from real estate, land,

something down

ragj m. intimacy; relationship

to become

related to; become close, become intimate with


rag 1 injured, hurt

investments, etc.)

randzh m. torment, suffering

randzhma f.
randzhk m. 1 fine powder; priming device, touchhole
to ignite the priming device; 2 primer, fuse
the rifle misfired
randzhakd n m. fire pan (the receptacle for the priming of

I hurt my hand. 2

worn out, tired out (from hard work)

3 ragj f. difficult road

ram 1 fearful, timorous 2

m. .1 fear, fright 2.2 shying,

jumping to one side

ramb a f. 1 bellow; bleating

tsound of a siren

rambka f. shoots, greens


to bellow; beat 2

a gun in a flint rifle)

randzhakj f. powder horn (or powder flask)

randzhnnaj m. randzhnaj m. mascara box
rndzha f. 1 small stripe (fabric) 2 rag
randz m. 1 sickness, ailment; 2 consumption, tuberculosis;
consumptive, tubercular; 3 distress, offense
randz plural tar
randzaj randzmn randzr 1.1 sick, ill 1.2
distressed, pained grief, affliction 2 m. patient, sick

The wheat has just

1 rambkj m. bellowing
2 rambkj m. rural policeman, part-time constable
rambosj m. 1 musk 2 musk-cleer
ramb f. 1 2
rambj m. 1 agriculture hoe, chopper


weed 2 leather-cutting knife


ram tautological with

ramz m. Arabic [plural: ramzna Arabic plural:
rumz plural: rumuz t] 1 secret to

randzurtn m. clinic
randzurgh aj sickly, unhealthy
randzuravl denominative, transitive
randzur f. ill-health; sickliness

initiate someone into a secret 2 hint, allusion 3 stenography 4


ramznavis f. 1 stenography 2 cryptography, secret


ramaz n m. Arabic 1 Ramadan (the ninth month of the lunar

year; the month of the Fast); 2 personal name Ramadan,


rumz m. Arabic plural from
rumuz t m. Arabic second plural from
ramavl transitive [past: ] 1 to drive the cattle to
pasture 2 to frighten

ram f. flock (of sheep, goats), herd

ramav l m. 1 cattle breeder 2 wholesale buyer, cattle

1 rmaj m. usually plural 1 mucus 2

2 ramj paired word with
3 ramj f. 1
rmajtn m. hospital
ramedl intransitive [past: ]

diarrhea, dysentery


recover, get better

randzuredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to
fall ill (usually with tuberculosis)

randzavl transitive [past: ] 1 to distress, hurt 2

to make ill

randzedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to grieve; be

offended; be upset 2 to contract tuberculosis

rnd rind 1.1 negligent; careless 1.2 depraved 2.1 fast-liver,

playboy 2.2 depraved person 2.3 cheat, rogue

rundar f. dialect
randka f. jet, stream (of water)
rand f. rnd plane (carpenter's tool)
rindi f. 1 dissolute life; dissipation 2 trickery, swindling
rindikhn f. brothel
rn 1 m. persistency, doggedness a to display
persistency b to entreat, prevail upon 2 dogged; insistent

ranedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to persist,

be dogged

1 to go together, go in

a herd (to the pasture) 2 to be frightened, be startled (or, for a

The boy was

very dark-skinned. He grew suddenly pale.
bloodstained to fade a to fade b
to turn out to be false (e.g., of reports) a to fade, lose
color b to be missing, dissappear 2 paint, dye to

horse, to shy) 3 to wander; roam

ramed m. plural 1 freight, startling (of a horse) 2 roaming,


rang m. 1 color, coloring

Pashto-English Dictionary

paint, dye, color 3 ink 4 shoe-polish; wax 5 manner, way,

In what way? How? thus, in this

This is the way. Here's the way. 6 kind, type;
aspect of every kind, various,
every conceivable, all kinds of to accept another
method, change, alter; be transformed to


revolutionize 7 figurative brilliance; charm, attractiveness idiom

to be embarassed;
to shame
someone, disgrace someone to disgrace
oneself, cover oneself with shame to become
well-known, become famous to disappear, get lost
rangrng 1 various, variegated 2 particolored; many
to spread false rumors

feel shy; be ashamed of someone

colored, motley

rangrang f. diversity; diversity of colors

rangmez f. 1 selection of colors; color scheme;
coloration; gamut of colors 2 embellishment

rangpng stained (with blood, etc.)

rang weeping; sobbing; whimpering

to weep; sob;


(crops) b to loosen, hoe c to beat down (hail); knock down

a to be thinned out, weeded out (crops) b to

be loosened c to be knocked down; be lodged (crops) idiom

freezing rain
rangzhaj disgraced
rangm l m. house painter, decorator
rang m. regional recruit, rookie
rangavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

figurative flash, ray, gleam 1.6 proper name Runa 2 attributive

1 bright day in broad daylight

In the light of these occurrences to
illuminate to throw some light on the
situation to weaken or deteriorate the vision
ra nustnkaj illuminating reflector (light
house, beacon)

ra f. illumination (of a city)

raj spasz mzi computer science

f. plural

fiber optic cable

raghne f. dim, weak light; gleam

1 raakj m. mammiform bone
2 raakj m. 1 crystal 2 mica
raavl transitive [past: ] 1 to light up; illuminate;
4 to ignite, light, see fire to

1 to

rangn m. Rangoon
rang colored; colorful color film idiom
non-ferrous metal
rnga combining form colored red
ranglid nay computer science m. color monitor
1 rangj
2 rang f. painting, coloring
3 rngaj
rangidz 1
rangedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
painted, be colored 2 to be cleared with shoe-polish, wax
razgz 1 beautiful; colorful 2 bright

rangnchpgr computer science m. color printer

rangin f. colorfulness; brightness; beauty
rna f. traingular section of land
1 ra m. hide, skin, pelt
2 ru 1
ra ru 1 f. [plural: ra vi plural: ru vi plural:
rag ni plural: rug ni] .1 light, radiance dim
light to gleam, radiate 1.2 flash (of a gunshot, etc.) 1.3
illumination natural illumination, natural
light electric light; electrical illumination
compound verb to light up, light (electric lightbulb);
illuminate compound verb to brighten; light up
to illumine with electricity 1.4 brightness 1.5

illumine 2 to polish; burnish 3 to open wide, open up (the eyes)

color, paint, decorate 2 to clean with shoe-polish, wax

bright 3 dyed, decorated

regional vice

rangd r
rangrz m. dyer
rangrez dyeing
rangj rangej 1 sparse; scattered 2 rare, seldom
sparse or thin hair 3 loose 4 beaten down (by hail); fallen,
beaten down, lodged (of crops) a to thin out, weed out

rangn 1 colored; multi-colored, varicolored 2 colorful,

runj m. clear water

raavnkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. polisher
1 ra feminine singular of 1
2 ra f.
1 raj m. orchid
2 ra feminine plural of 1
raedl intransitive [past: ]1 to light up; shine 2 to be

rav m. 1 motion, movement

to find a ford 2

flock of quails 3 way, track, path 4 resolution (of a problem)


beforehound, in good time

the conversation in another direction


ru m.

ro f.

ro f. aluminum

ro Eastern

to direct

Pashto-English Dictionary

rav 1 permitted, allowed; acceptable, accepted

permit, allow


to be permitted, be allowed; be accepted

to consider as allowable, deem permissble; regard as

flow, flow through 3 to be about, turn on (of a speech) ...

acceptable 2 legal, just 3 correct

disseminated; take root; penetrate 2 attributive .1 accepted;

ravdzhavl denominative [past: ] 1 to put into

circulation 2 to sell 3 to introduce a custom, inoculate;
ravdzh 1 accepted, generally accepted; widespread 2

popular, marketable (of goods)

ravdzhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be in circulation; circulate 2 to be saleable 3 to become

negligence 2 niggardliness, stinginess

roj f. 1 bread (usually of barely) loaf

of bread 2 food, victuals regional He sat down

customary, be inoculated; be widespread, be disseminated

ravd r 1 approving; recognizing

to approve,

recognize, agree 2 gracious, merciful

ravlpin f. Rawalpindi
1 rav n rv n 1 going; moving; proceeding somewhere

flowing; running 3 flowing; connected (of verses) 4 fluent (in

to speak Pashto fluently 5

carrying on, conducting (of disputes, conversations, battle) 6

effective (of a law) idiom

the current year

everything flows along, everything is changing

2 rvn vice
ravnshins f. 1 knowledge of the temperament, customs

(because of too much emphasis on work)

and life of a people 2 psychology

ravangi f. regional 1 movement, progression 2 departure,

going away

ravnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to set

out; move; start up (a car) 2 to take, carry away (with one)

He took me to his house. 3 to learn by heart

ravn 1 going, proceding; bound for to direct (to,
at); send, despatch; transport; transfer to get under way;
set out; transfer, relocate 2 f. passport

ravn f. .1 smoothness (of verse) 1.2 smooth, fluent

reading 2 attributive beginning to learn (of a child)

2 ravn m. plural
ravnedl denominative, intransitive

rojghp gluttonous
rudzh f. sheet
rodzh f. dialect
rvadz f. Western [plural: rvdzi] day on the
following day yesterday once, one day
one morning sometimes after
several days for ten days from day to day
in a day, after a day by day a
holiday b Sunday New year, Nevruz c religion
Judgement Day unfortunately His luck
changed. to idle, loaf to not enjoy life

Armenian bread)

ra f.

to dine.

ravdr f. approval; recognition

rav sh m. edible rhubarb
rav sha oj lavash (a square flat loaf resembling


rivjt m. Arabic [plural: rivjt] 1 tradition, legend,

narration according to legend 2 tradition

1 rub m. military aiguillette, aglet
2 rob m. mouthful, swallow (of water)
rubar face to face; opposite facing
rup oblique plural of
runsh m. rupsh coverlet, blanket
rupj f. 1 rupee (monetary unit in India and Pakistan, and also
formerly in Afghanistan) 2 money to purchase
a to be generous, be munificent b to throw money about
ro m. short bread
ro k 1 careless; negligent 2 niggardly, stingy
roktb m. roakv laj m. 1 carelessness;

widespread 2.2 marketable (goods)

The talk was that

ravned m. plural 1 departure, leaving; sailing; setting out,
embarkation 2 flowing through

2 rv f.
ravbt Arabic masculine plural of
rav dzh Arabic 1 m. .1 walking, going, circulation 1.2 sale
1.3 custom; tradition a to be accepted; be prevalent b to
be in motion; be popular, move well (of goods) to be

raudz n m.
rvadzb a f. daily wages
1 rvadztraj losing time to no purpose
2 rvadzter f. loss of time
rvadzanj Western daily; everyday; diurnal daily
newspaper the order of
the day, the schedule for the day daily life
rvadz-o-shp f. a day and a night, twenty-four hour period
ruh m. Arabic [plural: ruhna plural: ruh n
Arabic plural: arv h] 1 spirit warlike, martial
spirit in the spirit of friendship
spiritual nourishment the old man took
heart; the old man cheered up 2 soul 3 breeze, zephyr

[past: ] 1 to get

under way; move; start up; depart, go away; sail away; leave 2 to

rhn Arabic spiritually; morally

ruhan Arabic 1 m. [plural: ruhnij n m. Arabic
m. plural: ruhnijn] .1 clergyman 1.2 plural clergy

Pashto-English Dictionary

attributive .1 spiritual, ideological, high-principled (of a leader)

2.2 intellectual, mental; religious

to accept

ecclesiastical office 3 the spiritual life 4 sanctity

ruhparvr 1 invigorating, bracing


zephyr 2 inspiring, vivifying, encouraging, life-giving

ruh pezhandnkaj m. psychologist

ruhnav z inspiring cheerful or inspiring

ruh Arabic 1 spiritual, religious, moral 2 mental, psychical

spiritual condition spiritual, mental, psychic
disorder psychoanalysis
ruhij t m. Arabic plural psychology
ruhijt 1 spiritual, intellectual, psychical 2 spiritual,
intellectual, psychological

proverb It pays to be thrifty.

ruhnijt m. Arabic 1 spirituality, incorporeality 2

ecclesiastical rank, spiritual office

rori f. dialect

roj m. piece of rubble, piece of brick; adobe brick, piece of

roz m. life, existence

quarry stone

impossible for me.

stream, flow (of tears)

a diary b journal (trade,

occupation; work

rozl transitive [past: ] 1 to educate 2 to develop

(the mind, abilities, etc.) 3 to raise (sheep, etc.) 4 to care for
(children, the sick); look after (children, a patient) 5 to train,

prepare (personnel), nurse, foster

rozmar 1 daily, everyday; usual, commonplace

life's cares 2 daily, each day, everyday
roznmch f. 1 diary 2 journal (trade, business)
roznm f. newspaper
roznmanigr f. journalist (female)
to work as a journalist
rozntn m. safeguarding motherhood and babydom
rozndz j m. rozndzj m. 1 animal farm, livestock farm,
nursery 2 fish-pond 3 educational institution

rozna f. 1 education, upbringing 2 development (of an

ability, skill, etc.) physical development; physical

periodically inundated

rodkhn f. channel or bed of a river

rud d m. to illuminate
ravdl rvdl transitive [present: rv past: ] 1
to suckle (the breast) 2
rodng m. botany madder, Rubia tinctorim
rvdna f. suckling (the breast)
ravdnaj m. motherless lamb
1 ravd f. 1 way, road 2 sign; trace, track
2 ravd m. plural suckling (at the breast)
rod watered by a river land watered by a river
rodeshij f. Rhodesia
ra f. large intestine
roamst m. indigent, beggar, one who begs for bread
roeshij f.
ror m. dialect
ror m. Brother!; Friend!; Buddy!
1 ravrv regional from time to time; sometimes
2 ror dialect gradually, slowly
rorv laj m. rorvl f. dialect

He makes life

rozafzn getting larger every day, growing

rozn 1 f. daily pay 2 daily, everyday; commonplace
everyday problems; life's vanities 3 adverb daily
rozg r m. 1 time, epoch, century 2 existence, life 3


2 ravd imperfect of
ravd past stem of
rodb r m. 1 flood-plain of a river 2 strait
rodbr land which is watered by a river, land

roz combining form day


ruhij f. Arabic spirit, moral, spiritual condition, mood,

1 rokh m. side
2 rokh Eastern appropriate, fitting
3 rukh m. opposition to show opposition, oppose
rkhaj m. Western side (in competition, etc.)
1 rod rud 1 river; small stream brook 2 figurative

rvaz f. dialect


intellectual development, education 3 raising

sheep-raising 4 care (of children,

(sheep, etc.)

patients, etc.); looking after, nursing (children, patients) 5 training


rozan f. 1 window, skylight; opening (in a roof) 2 doors

(of a car, a cupboard)

roznkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. tutor, educator

1 roz f.
2 roz imperfect of
3 roz imperfective imperative of
rozad r m.
1 roz f. 1 daily bread, subsistence; wages to earn
subsistence 2 fate, portion; success

2 rzi present tense of

rozikhr m. 1 animate, living being; man, human being
roziros n m. rozigr m. religion God
rozhatj m. religion man who is observing Ramadan
rozh 1 f. .1 fast (among Moslems), Ramadan, abstinence
from food to break a fast to observe

Pashto-English Dictionary

rohntj f. 2
rohandzn m. 1
rohnavl denominative, transitive [past: ]
light, ignite 2 to light up to illumine 3 to

a fast, fast 1.2 Ramadan (the tenth month of the lunar year) 2
predicative fasting

rozham t m.

We fasted.
rozham taj m.

1 breaking a fast,

termination of a fast 2 food which breaks a fast

rugd 1 used to; accustomed to; familiar with, feeling at home

explain, elucidate, clear up; throw light upon (e.g., a question, a

with 2 tame, domesticated (animals)



problem) 4 to enlighten (the mind)

laj m.

custom; domestication (of an animal)

draw into 2 to train, tame (an animal)

in our

rohn m. rohnj history Roshanite, follower of

Roshan (Bayazid Ansari)

[past: ] 1 to train oneself, get

accustomed to, familiarize oneself with 2 to be trained, be

2 rohn f.

clarity; elucidation
denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to light up, catch fire

domesticated (of an animal)

illuminated signs 2 to

brighten 3 to be explained, be elucidated, be cleared up; have

rog f. dialect
i chopped up, cut into pieces

rus m. 1 Russian (person) 2 Russia

ruas Arabic masculine plural of
rost Eastern
rustj m. crupper (harness piece in shape of leather loop
passing under a horses tail)

rostv laj m.
rostavl denominative, transitive
rsta dialect
rustj rvustj rvstj dialect
rustebl 1 behind, after all 2 m. rear, back, hinder part
rostedl intransitive
rustinj dialect
1 rus 1 Russian the Russian language 2.1 m.
[plural: rusij n] Russian (person) 2.2 f. Russian, Russian

2 rusj 1 feminine singular of 1 2 f. Russian (female)

rusij m. Russia Soviet Russia
ravsh m. 1 way of acting, conduct 2 way, fashion, mode 3
method, means scientific method
philosophic methodology 4 gait 5 step

r-shn dialect vice gently, softly

rushin s 1 m. acquaintance 2 well-known
roshanfkr 1 educated; intellectual 2 m. .1 intellectual
[plural: roshanfikr n] 2.2 the intelligentsia 2.3

roshan f. light, radiance

roh n 1.1 luminous, bright, radiant

rohna 1 enlightened

enlightened age 2 f. proper name Roshana

l denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to


l denominative

1 to

light thrown on (e.g., a question, problem) 4 to be educated,

receive knowledge

rohn f. 1 light, radiance the radiance of
the stars to illuminate
searchlight 2 brilliance, brightness
Thanks to his brilliant mind.

roh f. halvah
rohav l m. seller of halvah or sweets
rauz f. Arabic 1 garden; flowerbed 2 tomb of a saint
rogh 1 healthy, sound, unharmed to be always
healthy, be ever robust )( to inquire
of one another about the health of relations sound
mind in a sound body 2 in good order, in good working order,
sound 3 healthy, sane

roghb m. exchange of greetings


to exchange greetings with someone,

greet someone

roghtn m. hospital, clinic; health-care facility

roghtj f. health public health,
sanitation public health organs
to make a complete recovery, get well
Ministry of Public Health

roghtjv l m. 1 military chief of the directorate of military

medicine 2 medical inspector


healthy, fit

I wish you

good health! Good health to you!

rghdzj m.
rogh-rm rogh-rmj

rogh-mo quiet

healthy, hale and hearty, fit

1.2 educated;

intellectual 1.3 brilliant, outstanding (of speech) 1.4 lucid (of

His mind is lucid.

2 m. history Roshan (nickname of

roghlk m. 1 peaceful transaction 2 peace treaty

roghn m. usually in compounds 1 lard, fat 2 grease;

the mind)

Bayazid Ansari, founder of the Roshani sect)

(polishing) wax; lubricant


roghand gh m. saucepan

Pashto-English Dictionary

roghan 1 greased with a lubricant; waxed, cleaned; cleaned

cleaned slippers 2 technology yielding oil,
oleaginous oils
roghanij t m. plural oils, fats
roghnijat f. amicable relations, benevolent relations
roghv laj m.
roghub m.
roghavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
pacify, conciliate 2
rghunde Eastern gently
1 rgha f. 1 peace, concord, friendship to be
reconciled with, get along with one another in peace
and harmony to be in full
agreement with someone to be reconciled

through someone's mediation 2 state of being easy to get one with

3 health

healthy, sound

to return safe and


2 rgha feminine singular of

rgha guhtnkaj peaceful, peace-loving
rgha kavnkaj m. mediator, arbiter
roghedl denominative, intransitive
rauf Arabic 1 good, kind 2 m. proper name Rauf
1 rok 1 m. .1 cash money to pay cash 1.2

sports round 3 turn

ru regional 1
ra m. plural regional
ravn m. Arabic 1 brilliance, radiance; beauty 2 prosperity
Eastern Trade has prospered. 3 animation,
lively movement Lively movement was

clear eyes 2 bright, brilliant; radiant 3 shining 4 of the first

2 belt; girdle 3 worm-gear,

water (diamonds) idiom

to tear one

an attack on a person (of a dog)

to break

the law 2 disagreement; opposition

rvga rvga f. dialect

1 rol m. role to play
an important role to execute, play a role
2 rol m. 1 road-roller 2 roll (of a paper etc.) 3 ride (on a

rul m. ruler

rvm first person, present tense singular of

rum m. history 1 Byzantium 2 Turkey

Mediterranean Sea 3 Turkish Seljuk Sultanate

3 rom m. rom f. & m. Rome

rum tzm m. rheumatism
rum l m. 1 towel 2 napkin
rom n m. novel
romnlikv l m.



He has a lucid mind.

2 rau m. regional 1 cartridge, round to subject
to gunfire and bombardment 2
ru ro f.
ruj f. light; luminescence; brilliance to
emit a strong light, shine (of an electric light bulb)


rugardn f. 1 deviation

Romanian 2 m. Romanian



another's clothing (in the course of a fight); rip the clothing during


2 romn romantic, romantical

rumnij f. rumni f. Romania
romn romi' 1 Byzantine 2 overseas, foreign
tomatoes 3 Roman, Latin Latin alphabet
run m. thigh, femur
rontgn m. x-ray roentgenologist
ruand f. Ruanda
ravndj ravand suffering from diarroea
raun m. regional 1 beat, regular tour; patrol, patrolling 2

drive-screw (of an oil press)


rumn 1.1

noticed in the city.

who pays or is paid in cash 2.1 honest, just 2.2 honorable 2.3

1 ru ru f. ra f. m. [plural: rn m. plural:
ru f. plural: ri f. plural: rae] 1 light,
transparent, pure clear spring, pure spring

pure, unadulterated; genuine

2 ruk dialect
rokj 1
rog m. 1 strap (of a sandal); lace

rom n liknkaj m.

ruakj m. 1
rga f. temple
ruv laj m.
1 ruavl transitive
2 rauavl denominative, transitive

[past: ] to

regulate, adjust, put in order

ra plural Eastern
ra strga f. astronomy Venus
ruj m. polishing, buffing
1 ruedl intransitive
2 rauedl denominative, intransitive
right, come right, work out well

[past: ] to go

rus m. Arabic plural of

rvavl transitive [past: ] to suckle, breast feed
1 rovj m. drying room, barn for drying grain
2 rvaj m. bag, knapsack (for bread)
roh m. history mountainous part of Afghanistan in Baluchistan
rohilj m. 1 Afghan 2 mountaineer
rohj roh 1 mountain, of the mountains 2 m. mountaineer
rohedl intransitive

Pashto-English Dictionary

rohel m. plural 1 mountaineers, mountain men 2 Afghans

rohilj m.
1 ruj m. 1 face 2 cause, reason; grounds
according to this communication from this point of
view in this respect
2 rvaj m. 1 evil spirit, imp; demon 2 nightmare
3 rv present tense of
4 rve f. 1 witch 2 bright and sprightly woman
rujb r m. go-between, matchmaker (between prospective
marriage partners)

rujb ra f. matchmaker (female)

rujbr f. negotiations of a go-between (for prospective
couples); role of a go-between (for a couple)

rujbnd m. face-veil (for a female)

rujt m. Arabic 1 seeing with one's own eyes, scrutiny,

contemplation; vision 2 reasoning, reflection, understanding

rujdzh f.
rved Western separable part of the verb
rujd d m. 1 incident, occurrence


incidents 2 record, minutes (of a meeting)

attention paid to someone 3 flattery, adulation

to act, operate 2 to execute, bring about 3 to carry on (e.g., a


rujikredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be in operation 2 to be carried out, come true 3 to be in
progress (e.g., a dispute, a controversy)

rujksh m. rujkh m. sheet, cover (for a bed)

rujm l m. Eastern kerchief
rujn m. botany madder, Rubia tinctorum
1 ravij f. Arabic 1 mode of action, conduct to
conduct oneself, behave, act How have
you decided to act? 2 relationship to someone, something

2 rja oblique of 1
rujihamraft in general, in sum
In general, we can say that

to quarrel, start an


to accompany someone 2


rahbar f. 1 accompaniment 2 leading, leadership

a to accompany someone, conduct someone b to lead

rhta f. rhta dialect rest, peace

rah m.
rahd r striped, in stripes (of material)
rahzn m.
rahguzr m. 1 traveler; passerby 2 road, way; course (of a
ship, etc.) idiom because of, in view of
rahn m. Arabic deposit, pledge, mortgage deposit
receipt, pawn ticket

rahnum m. and
rahnum f.
rahn Arabic adjective depository; mortgage
rahv l m. trotter (i.e., horse)
rha f. aluminum
rah rh going; setting out a to set out b to dispatch,
send a to proceed, start out He
rahed f. dispatch, departure; driving off (cattle)
rahsu Western past and present of vice
rahsi Western past and present of vice
1 rahl m. lectern for the Koran
2 rhl m. 1
rahij f. object which is pawned or pledged
1 re f. the name of the letter
2 raj m. 1 thought; consideration to think, consider
Think it over thoroughly 2 price, valuation
1 rij f. Arabic hypocrisy, pretence to
play the hypocrite, dissemble

2 raj f. rj bray (of an ass)

rijst m. Arabic 1 supremacy, leadership, presidency,
chairmanship under the leadership of; with (so
and so); at the head to hold sway; preside; direct 2
presidium 3 (chief) directorate directorate of military
manpower Chief Directorate for Tribal
Affairs rijasat-i chief directorate for tribal affairs
protocol department 4 rectorship; deanship 5 principality (in
India); state (in the U.S.)

rij sha f. dialect 1

rij z m. Arabic 1

name Riaz

argument, squabble

m. residence

will head for home. b to be bound for, move out (to, for)

rver f. dialect
rvez f. maid of honor of the bride (at the wedding)
rujik r 1 working, acting, operating 2 executed,
brought about
rujikravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1


rahbr m. 1 guide

mortgage bank

1 rujd r 1 respected, esteemed 2 m. important person

2 rujd r m. 2
rujdr f. 1 respect, esteem; repute; dignity

roj present tense of

ruedl intransitive [past: ]

to stay in a

4 2 provisions, victuals
2 Er-Riad, Riad (city)

3 proper

rijzt m. Arabic 1 asceticism; abstinence 2 selfless

devotion 3 training (physical)


rijzatkh m.

rijzat m. 1 aesthete 2 zealot

Pashto-English Dictionary

to increase in an arithmatical progression exact
rijz Arabic mathematical


rijzij t m. Arabic plural mathematics, the mathematical


rijk r m. 1 hypocrite; sanctimonious person 2 two-faced,


rijakr f. hypocrisy, two-facedness; sanctimoniousness

rektr m. reactor atomic reactor
rektf 1 m. reagent 2 reactive
rij l m. real (silver Iranian coin worth 1/100 of a gold pehlevi)
relzm m.
realist realistic
relzm m. realism socialist realism
reb r m. rjbr
reb ra f. rjbra
rebr f. rjbri 1
rebdz m. besom, broom
rebdzbaj m. kochia (used in the manufacture of brooms)
rebdzaj m. sweeper, janitor
rebdl transitive
rebdn m. botany Tesota undulata (a kind of tree)
rebz m.
rebzvl m. broom-seller, broom peddler
rebl 1 [past: ] to reap, harvest (grain)
to harvest wheat with a scythe proverb As you
sow, so shall you reap 2 m. plural harvesting, reaping (of grain)

rebnda f.
rebnkaj m. reaper
rit a f. strip, ribbon to tear into strips
to turn to rags, tear (of old, worn-out clothing)
richph m. fine-tooth comb
richn lousy, lice-ridden, full of nits
rich f. 1 nit (louse-egg) 2 small piece, shred
to tear into shreds

rajh n rih n m. Arabic basil, Ocimum basilicum

rikh m. 1 diarrhea 2 feces, dropping

3 kind

rikh nga f.
rekht m. external appearance, outward look
rikhl transitive [past: ] to excrete liquid excrement;
suffer from diarrhea

rikhn suffering from diarrhea

rkha f. 2
1 rikhj 1 2 m. diarrhea (of cattle)
2 rkhaj m. sluice gate of a water-storage reservoir (for release
of water on to irrigated land)

2 tulip 3 proper name Redaj

Redaj Gul

re m. row, line; file

rem m. coral
rej m. ram with a star-shaped flash on the forehead
1 rez m. twittering (of birds); warbling (of a nightingale)
The birds are twittering.
2 riz m. landship avalanche
3 rez 1 small; petty 2 torn (to pieces) to
tear to bits 3 combining form pouring, spilling bloody,

rezsh m. head-cold
rezgj f. crumb; bit; grain
rezmarz rez-u-rz torn
rezmarz chopped up, crushed

to tear, cut

(carelessly) up

rez f. 1 small piece, crumb ground up; chopped up

to grind up; hack, chop; crumble 2 small game
rez kuhist n m. Reza-Kuhistan (district, Parvan

rezagir f. small-game hunting

rezhn m. dialect
rezhedl intransitive dialect
reg m. broom
regd m. shivering; trembling, quivering


tremble in fear

n m. Eastern shivering, trembling
la f. earthquake
nd shivering, trembling
l transitive [past: ] 1

to shake (from fever)

2 to shiver, tremble, shudder

f. shivering; trembling, shuddering

to cause to shiver; throw into a state of shivering

l intransitive [past: ]1 to shiver, shake

His hands are shaking. to shike, writhe

in fever 2 to sway, writhe

of children's game

redv n m.
redj m. 1 field poppy

m. plural

bleating (of sheep) to bleat

risrch m. scientific research

to carry out

scientific research

resh m. method of spinning

rish m. combining form beard mockery; irony
rishkhnd m. ridicule; irony a to ridicule
someone b to speak ironically about
rishkhand f. ridicule to make a laughing
stock of someone; ridicule someone

to germinate; bud; sprout


Pashto-English Dictionary

reshl transitive [past: ] to spin to spin

yarn idiom He only made a


rha f. embroidery on the edge of the collar (of a woman's


refrm m. reform
rik rd m. 1 rek r m. rik r m. 1 record

(gramophone) 2 recording (film, gramophone disk)

compound verb to record (on film, disk)

verb to be recorded (on film, disk)


rik r m. rek r record


to establish a

to break a record

rikargir f. recording (on film, disk)

rekl m m. advertisement
rekijvk m. Rejkavik
reg m. plural 1 gravel 2 sand Regiravan (an
isolated terrain feature near Charikar with moving sands)

rig f. Riga
regist n m. 1 stoney desert 2 Registan (various districts)
regmah m. regmhj skink (a kind of lizard)
reg sandy dune, barkan, sandy hill
1 rel m. 1 railroad railroad railroad
station, railroad terminal railroad line 2 train
armored-train 3 rail
2 rjl transitive [present: past: ] to bray (of an
ass, donkey)

rialzm m.
rialist realistic
relg aj m. railroad train
relnaj m.
rim m. 1 pus 2 sediment; precipitation
rim n m. low quality ruby
rimn m. 1 purulent, suppurating 2 impure
rind f. harness-maker's knife
ring m.

rnga f. file, column

rnga f. 1 sobbing 2 croaking (of frogs)

b to croak (of frogs)

1 resh f. dialect 4
2 rish f. cotton; fiber asbestos
rihtj f.
rehm m. rehm plural silk
rehmngj regional silken silk dress
rehmgr m. regional silkworm breeder
rehmgar f. sericulture
rehmn silk, silken
1 reh f. rha 1 root, rootlet to eradicate
something to implant
to be rooted in something 2 fibre to tear in shreds
3 basis 4 grammar root, stem idiom Ahmeds
clan died out. to slay to a man; wipe out the entire

a to sob

rin f. awl
renj reddish-brown, chestnut (of the coat of cattle)
revdl rijaudl transitive [past: ] to raise, raise up
rio-do-dzhanr f. rio-do-zhanr f. Rio-deJanerio (city)

revj f. kind of candy made of sesame oil and sugar

rio-gr nde f. Rio Grande River
revn m. pen used when milking ewes
revnd sloping, slanting, inclined There is an
incline here. a road with a considerable slope
revnda 1 feminine singular of 2 f. slope, declivity 3
aslant, slantwise

rijav Arabic pulmonary inflamation of the lungs

revizionzm m. revisionism
ras m. Arabic [plural: rais n Arabic plural:
ruas ] 1 head, chief chairman of the council of
ministers president of the republic
director of the administrative department 2 mayor (of a city)
3 director 4 rector, dean 5 ruler, prince

rajis 1 f. Arabic for presidium, ruling body

a chairman of the presidium b chairman of the
governing body, head of government 2 princess


rajj m. rhubarb

e 1 the seventeenth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the

retroflex (cerebral) ""

f. the name of the letter

ndz m. nz m. plural tar
nd m. plural of
bn m. namby-pamby, namby-pamby person
ap m. 1 friable, crumbly soil 2 thick layer of dust (on the
road) 3 sticky mass; mucilage 4 thick syrup 5 splash (of water)
6 clicking (with the tongue) 7 coagulating blood; blood clot

apap m. splash (of water, etc.)

apnd soft and moist (e.g., of soil)
apavl transitive [past: ] 1

to disturb, cause ripples

(on the surface of water) 2 to paddle (laundry) 3 to click (the


apedl intransitive [past: ]1 to be disturbed, be

covered with ripples (of the surface of water), splash 2 to lap
(water), splash 3 to swing back and forth, be unsteady (in gait)

aped m. plural 1 splashing (in water, of water) 2 swaying,

rocking unsteadily (gait)


Pashto-English Dictionary

at disproportionately large

a broad and thick beard b

coward c scoundrel

2 at m.

ang 1 wrecked, destroyed; spoiled 2 disorded (of affairs) 3

cancelled 4 liquidated, disbanded (of an organization)

m. 1 bearded man 2

coward 3 scoundrel

a m. orange, the color orange

ach dangling; trembling; shivering
achnd shaky, unstable
achavl transitive [past: ]

in an extravagant, grandiose manner

angtb m.

angv laj m. 1 disintegration, collapse;

ruin 2 disorder (in affairs); undermining (society) 3 cancellation

4 liquidation, disbanding (of an organization)

1 to shake, sway 2 to

angavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

destroy, turn into ruins 2 to mess up (affairs); undermine (society)

tremble; rock; move unsteadily

achedl intransitive [past: ]1 to shiver, shake 2 to

dangle; rock, move unsteadily

akhbnj m. bed-frame
azavl transitive [past: ]

ang-bng 1 intoxicated, made drunk 2 acting, speaking

to treat cattle medically,

heal (with the aid of oil, etc.)

azedl intransitive [past: ]to be treated medically, be

healed (with oil, etc., of cattle)

azedna f. azed m. plural medical treatment or healing of

cattle (using oil, etc.)

aavl transitive regional [past: ] 1 to agitate; mix;

stir (paddle) 2 to push, push slightly 3 to trounce, thrash, beat;

3 to cancel 4 to liquidate, disband (an organization)

nga-bnga feminine singular of

1 angj m. weeping, sobbing
2 angj 1 thin 2 rarified, liquid
3 angj f. silk turban, silk kerchief
angedl 1 denominative, intransitive [past: ]

be destroyed, be ruined 1.2 to have an accident 1.3 to be in

disorder (affairs); o be undermined (society) 1.4 to be cancelled
1.5 to be liquidated, disbanded (organization) 2 m. plural


akavl transitive
akedl intransitive
ambzza f.
a f. agriculture cow which has calved for the first

ambsa f. thin gruel

ndzh f. root of a tooth which remains in the socket
andtb m. andtj f. andht m.
andkj nearly blind
and oblique plural of
andavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to blind,
make blind He blinded his enemy.
andn m. blindness
and f. 1 singular of 2 [plural: and plural:
andij ni] blind woman
andj m. blind man
andedl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
become blind, lose one's sight 2 to be blinded
His father was blind to his hope of receiving money.
anded m. plural blinding, dazzling; blindness

m. plural 1 destruction 2 disorder (of affairs);

undermining (society) 3 liquidation, disbanding (organization) 4

beat up 4 to agitate with a paddle, churn about (laundry, with a

paddle, stick)

.1 to

cancellation 5 collapse, ruin

v nde dialect
uz m. thin gruel
umbzza f.
umbnj umbj 1.1


umb at

first 1.2 former, past; ex- 1.3 ancient; of old 2 earlier, prior;



I already said that

He came earlier. He came beforehand.

time ago

a f.
und 1 m. [plural: nd f. singular: and f.
plural: and] .1 blind He was blind in
one eye. as though blind, blindly
to walk gropingly or blindly 1.2 dark 1.3 rude, impolite 2
m. blind man !
! Western proverb literal What does the blind
man ask of God? Two eyes! figurative He/she only dreamed of

this. idiom


undtb m.


undv laj m. 1

blindness 2 blinding, dazzling, blindness 3 figuratives darkness,


undavl transitive
undedl intransitive
m. dialect
1 aj m. ram
2 e f. the name of the letter
3 j a cry used in driving cattle

Pashto-English Dictionary

aj e diminutive noun suffix blade of grass

imb kha f. old clothes, rags
ingj m. dialect sparse growth of trees
1 ingj m. tray or tablecloth with refreshments
2 ingj m. 1
3 ing m. plural household utensils; household goods,

z ze 1 the eighteenth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the number

7 in the abjad system

z f. time for giving birth to young (of certain animals), calving

time of cattle

z f. 1 percolation of water 2 moisture, dampness

drainage system
3 z f. name of the letter
zbr m. drainage ditch
zbl m. zabulistan

m. history Zabulistan (name of

ancient country in present-day Afghanistan, the native land of the

Zabul Province
zb imperfect tense of
zdzh m. plural
zkhl 1 m. plural the Zakhejli (tribe) 2 m.
epic hero Rustam)

a Zakhejl


1 zd
2 zd

m. Arabic stores, provisions, supplies

combining form -born

fairy-born, spirit-born

combining form becoming, being born


prince, prince

zr m.

zr m. czar

zr 1 m. complaint 2.1 sad, sorrowful, woeful 2.2 weeping,

sobbing; crying out 2.3 poor, unhappy; pitiful, insignificant

4 z r combining form swamp

zrbaj m. botany wild rue, Ruta graveolens; harmal,
Peganum harmala

zrz r m.


a to

1 cries, groaning 2 sob, sobbing

sob, shed tears, wail b to bewail

She mournfully bewailed the fate of her daughter.

zrzangj f. botany colocynth, bitter apple, Citrillus


zr m. Arabic [plural: zre'n] agricultural worker,

hired hand, field laborer

zarmaj ill-fated, ill-starred

zravl denominative, transitive
zr f. 1 1 2 liver idiom
very angry.

1 zratrkaj 1 dead; croaked 2 1

2 zratrak f. 2
zrach vdaj sad, sorrowful
1 zr f. rrj 1 request; entreaty; supplication 2 lamentation,
complaint a to entreat; obtain by begging, get by
pleading; beg of, pray, implore b to lament, complain of

2 zr plural of
zredl denominative, intransitive
zmbj m. zambaj m. odor of burned cloth
znd missing from the herd or flock, stray (of cattle)
z 1 masculine plural of 1 a old thing b old
clothing 2 oblique singular of 1
z-v m. plural both young and old
zvl m. old-clothes merchant
1 z aj m. 1 corn shoots; crops 2 sucker, adventitious growth
2 z e f. cow which has ceased to give milk
zajlvghe f.
zz 1 willy-nilly, against one's will 2 without fail, certainly
zz m. plural
zg children
1 zgh m. plural 1 alum 2 vitriol
2 zgh m. crow, raven
zghvj f. cormorant (the bird)
zghchka f. daw, jackdaw
zghch f. 1 gull 2 daw
zghzgh m. gossipmonger
zghzugh f. gossip, talk to gossip, tittle-tattle
zg m. plural 1 alum
zgj f. shepherd's cloak
z la f. dialect
zm a combination of the preposition and the verb
colloquial I suppose, I say; it should be, probably
You probably did not go?
zmbij f. Zambia
zmn masculine plural of 1
z ma f. jaw upper jaw lower
jaw to speak indistinctly, mumble idiom
to stint, be greedy, be stingy to get
hold of

znraj f. upper jaw
zngholj m. hoe, mattock
zng present stem of 1
zngna f. rocking, swinging
zng f. [plural: zngvi


zngog ni] 1 cradle, swing, rocking chair


swing in a cradle, rock in a cradle, swing or hammock 2 small raft

He became

3 native place, cradle of something


z ngi 1 present tense of

2 vice

Pashto-English Dictionary

zn m. knee

to kneel

to get down on

the knees, kneel; genuflect

zbdn m. affirmation; confirmation; attestation; proof,


zn imperfect tense of
zn m. Arabic adulterer, libertine
znij f. adulteress, woman of loose moral character
z a f. female crane (the bird)
z aj crane (bird)
z ja f.
zvz t m. zvz d m. generation, progeny, clan
the human race, humanity
zvl 1 lazy 2 m. lazy person
zvlna feminine singular of
z vla f.
zvij f. Arabic 1 angle acute angle right
angle obtuse angle angle of reflection
angle of incidence 2 slope, declivity
zvijagr m. goniometer
zh f. 2
zhd Arabic 1 m. [plural: zhid n plural:
zhidn Arabic plural: zuhh d] aesthete, hermit; zealot 2

zbdedl denominative, intransitive

zab n zub n m. tongue, language (usually employed as the
second element of a compound word) Farsi-speaking,
Farsi-speaker Pashto-speaking, Pashto-speaker
zabn-i to explain by signs or gestures
zabnvr eloquent
zabnd n m. language expert; linguist; polyglot
zabndar z rude, cheeky, bold in speech
zabnzd on everbody's lips, repeated by all
His name is one everyone's lips.
zabnshins f. linguistics
zabn 1 oral 2 orally, in words a to transmit oral
instructions b to issue a verbal order

zubd 1 f. Arabic the best, choice part of something 2.1 best,

choice 2.2 outstanding

zabr zabr 1 m. .1 top 1.2 zabar, fatha (supralinear vowelmarking for the phoneme /a/) 2 upper


m. Arabic 1 Topaz 2 chrysolite

1.1 potent, strong; powerful 1.2 authoratative

1.3 superlative 1.4 skillful, expert 1.5 venerable 1.6 high (of a

devout person, pious person

mountain range), lofty 1.7 immense (of a crowd) 1.8

zhid f. aestheticism, the hermit's life

zhkash f. technology drainage
zjip f. wife, married woman
zad Arabic 1 added on, increased 2 extra, superfluous
zr m. Arabic [plural: zuvv r plural: zirn]
devotee, pilgrim, visitor to a shrine, etc.

zjishg h m. maternity home, lying-in hospital

zl Arabic 1 disappearing, vanishing 2 setting (of heavenly
bodies) compound verb
zilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to bring
to naught 2 to eliminate, destroy, get rid of 3 to ruin 4 to wear
out (clothing)

ziledl denominative, intransitive 1 to

disappear, vanish 2 to set (of celestial objects) 3 to be removed,

be annihilated, be eliminated 4 to perish 5 to be worn out


remarkable, splendid

a splendid spectacle

to arrange a luxurious reception for someone 2

m. .1 strong man 2.2 skilled person, expert person 2.3 proper

name Zabardast

zabardast f. 1 potency, strength; might 2 authoritativeness

to oppress 3 superiority 4 skillfulness 5

zbrg 1.1 large, big, great, huge 1.2 grown-up, adult; old 1.3

distinguished 1.4 holy, sacred

forefather, ancestor

zbrg f.
zabl transitive [past: ]

the month Rajab 2 m.

to strike, befall (of misfortune,


1 zbn m. tasting, sampling (e.g., of food)

to try,

sample, taste

zjanzm m. Zionism
z ji m. combining form plural used in names of tribes
the Akhmadzai
zbt 1.1 proven, established 1.2 firm, stable, protracted 2 m.

zabn Arabic 1 insignificant; despicable 2 weak, feeble,


He has grown weak. 3 unhappy

zbn m. dialect
zbn vahlj 1 quiet, taciturn; dumbstruck (by fear)

favor, grace, attention


zbtl transitive [past: ] to do a favor for; show


zbadavl denominative, transitive

1 zba f. Eastern 1 nanny goat

2 zba f. dialect
zbj f. dialect

zabun f. 1 insignificance, mediocrity 2 weakness,

feebleness, helplessness


Pashto-English Dictionary

zbergj m. 1 moan (of a sick man) 2 cry, groaning

zbeh m. absorption, soaking up; blotting up
zbekhl transitive [past: ] 1 to suck; suck around
(candy); soak up, take up; absorb 2 to swallow 3 to press (to)

to press to one's breast; embrace

zdovl transitive [past: ] zdojl transitive

[past: ] 1 to grate, grind (e.g., roots) 2 to scrape, clean


learn something from someone to teach
someone something to learn, master
I can read well. Do you know how to swim?
Do you know Pashto?
2 zad 1 beaten down, beaten up 2 oppressed
zdakdzj m. school, academy, educational institution
zdakndkaj m. zdakrnaj m. 1
zdka f. studies, learning; studying to study,
engage in studies to learn from someone
to study economics
1 zdakj m. pupil, student
2 zda kj learned; acquired through study
3 zdakrj f. [plural: zdakrjni] pupil, student


torment something

zbehnd absorbing, taking up, blotting up

zbehna f.
zbell transitive
zbingj m. gore, gusset (in a dress)
zapl transitive
zapltb m. depression, low-spiritedness; exhaustion
zadzhr m. Arabic oppression, crushing down, weighing down
zuhl m. Arabic astronomy Saturn
zahmt m. Arabic 1 effort, labor
to take upon oneself the effectuation of some matter
to be subjected to privations and dificulties
a to try, strive b to endure
difficulties proverb


zdakavna f.
1 zda kavnkaj m. pupil, student; university student
2 zda kavnke f. pupil, student (female); university

Work brings complete satisfaction. There is no happiness without

work. 2 worry; constraint, burden

student (female)

zadj f.
1 zar m. plural 1 precious metal; silver; gold gold
silver pure gold 2 riches, wealth;


industrious 1.2 hardy 2 m. worker, laborer

zahmat depressed, grieved

zkht 1
1 zakhm m. wound, wounding a mortal wound
to inflict a wound, wound
2 zakhm m. whirlpool
zakhm wounded to wound to be


a growth, a wart) 4 regional front sight (of a rifle)

to sight, take aim

zakhakhl 1 m. plural

zr m. [plural: zrna plural: zrgna plural:

( one) thousand two

thousand five thousand colloquial (one) million
3 zr very quickly sooner or later
zir't m. Arabic agriculture; agronomy the
agronomy department (of a college) to work in


zakhmiked m. injury, wounding

zkhn 1 knotty 2 warty
zkha f. 1 knot 2 bump; growth 3 wart

zda learned by heart, learned; mastered, grasped

study; come to know; learn, memorize

kiss the hand 4 to knead, mash; press down 5 figurative to

zahamatkash f. 1 industry 2 endurance
zahmatkh zahmt vestnkaj

zrh ] numeral thousand

agronomy, be engaged in agriculture

to appear (of

the Zakhakhejli (a subdivision of the

Afridi tribe) 2 m. Zakhakhejli (tribesman)

zakher f. colloquial
1 zad m. 1 blow a knife stroke, stab 2 skirmish, clash
3 effect, influence; consequence a to strike b to affect,
influence, be influential

2 zd m. 1 ford 2 3 damage
zadjt m.
zard n m. plural
zdka f.
zadukhrd m. skirmish, clash, encounter; battle

zir'atpesh working in agriculture, agronomy

zir'at agricultural; agronomy; agrarian pests
and diseases of crops the economics of agriculture
agricultural machines an agrarian

zrmj m. drop
zrab m. 1 hard frost 2 pomp 3 external appearance
zarbarkh m. 1 talc 2 mica 3 foil
zarbj ng m. 1 tanner's scraper 2 scraper, drawknife
zrap m.
zarph m.
zartsht m. Zarathustra, Zoroaster
zaratushtt m. Zoroastrianism
zrdz 1 brown, dark brown brown eyes 2 chestnut

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 zrdzj f. plural 1
2 zrdzj m.
zarkhard [past: ]

acquired (as contrasted to

inherited); acquired land (i.e., through purchase)

zarkhz zarkhz 1 gold-bearing, auriferous 2 rich, lavish 3


zard r 1 rich 2 m. rich man

zardl m. [plural:
zardl n] apricot, dried apricot

zardlug n plural:

zardsht m.
zardka f. carrot
zardm m. powerful poison
zr ngaj m. three kilometers
zrz dialect
zarzp interjection bang
1 zarzar 1 f. dress with gold embroidery

2.1 golden (hue)

2.2 blond

2 zrzr hurried; hastening

zrzj m. kind of sheep with red ears
zarsh h m. proper name Zarshah
zarshj m. prospector, gold prospector
zarshuj f. gold mining
zr'a f. Arabic sowing, crops
zargh 1 green 2 fresh, blooming
zargh la f. 1 lying-in or puerperal woman; forty days after
childbirth 2 cow who has just calved

zarghn 1 zarghun f. m. [plural: zarghun]

f. [plural: zarghun] .1 green, verdant 1.2 fresh, new,
flourishing 2 m. proper name Zarghun

zarghuntb m.

zarghuntj f. 1 greenery,

vegetation 2 prosperity

zargunmz m. nutgall, oak gall

zarghunv laj m.
zarghunavl denominative [past: ]

1 to plant

with trees and gardens 2 to make fresh, make flowering, make

flourishing 3 to aid in growth, facilitate growth 4 to water (as a
river) 5 to grow, cultivate 6 to paint, color, dye green 7 to make
happy 8 to develop

zarghun 1 feminine singular of


you prosper! 2 proper name Zarghuna

zarghun masculine plural & oblique singular of

zarghunedl denominative [past: ] 1 to germinate
2 to become fresh, become new, become flourishing 3 to grow,
germinate 4 to grow prettier, flourish 5 to flourish 6 to develop

zarghuned m. plural 1 growth, germination 2 prosperity

zrk m. red-legged partridge

zrk aj m. touchstone
zarkabj f. ferrule of the staff of a banner
zarkob f. gold-beating; engraving on gold
zrkuj m. nestling of a red-legged partridge
zrka f. 1 red-legged partridge 2 proper name Zarka
zargr zargr m. goldsmith, jeweller
zrgr ja thousandfold
zargark aj m. touchstone
zargar f. goldsmith's trade, goldsmith's work
zargl m. botany African marigold
zargan f. silver embroidery
zrgna 1 plural of 2 2
zrgnaj thousandfold
zarl zrl transitive [past: ] to gild, cover with gilt
zarlhta f. proper name Zarlashta
zrlg m. botany club moss, Lycium
zrm ordinal thousandth
zurmt m. Zurmat (district)
zrmshr zrmshr m. 1 history commander of a thousand
men 2 regional colloquial colonel

zurunb d santonic, wormseed root

zarndzh m. Zaranj (city)
zrndzi f. plural 1
zrangaj m.
zrnda f. dialect
zrandj f. basement
1 zarng m. maple
2 zirng quick, agile, bright, lively
zaring r decorated or adorned with gold
zirang f. liveliness, agility, efficiency
1 zrna f. 1
2 zrn m. plural
zarn zarn f. zranj f. 1 scrutiny; spying
to scrutinize fixedly 2 espionage a to scrutinize; spy
upon b to find out about, reconnoiter

zarnkh m. arsenic
zr m. plural tar, pitch
1 zri f. plural sticky and malodorous silt, mud; slime
2 zaraj 1 leprous 2 ignorant
1 zro oblique plural of 2 a thousands b by

2 zar f. proper name Zaro

3 zr oblique plural of 1
zrv laj m.
zarabavl transitive [past: ]

3 development

zarghunz m. plant
zrgha f. 1 sluggishness

to gild, cover with

2 laziness

zarobedl denominative; intransitive [past: ] to be

gilded, be covered with gilt


Pashto-English Dictionary

zarojlj gilded
1 zirh f. armor plate; shirt of mail, armor
2 zra f. 2
3 zra very quickly, without delay
4 zar f.
zrh plural of 2 thousands of young men
thousands of books
zirehpsh zirehph 1 armored; dressed in
a coat-of-mail, clad in armor armored car 2 m. .1
armored car 2.2 armor-clad warrior

zirehd r armor-clad; armored

1 zraj m.
2 zar 1 woven of gold threads 2 gold
3 zarj f. food sufficient for one night
4 zraj wise, intelligent
1 zarz m. medicine croup
2 zrz 1 m. history commander of 1,000 men 2 thousandth
zar zrka f. monal (the female Himalayan pheasant)
zarn 1.1 golden the golden rays of the sun
1.2 gilded, gold-colored; blond 1.3 embroidered in gold
skullcap embroidered in gold 2 m. proper name Zarin
zmb dessicated, dried in the sun, jerked
zrmbj m. smell of burned cloth
zap m. narcissus
zarb m. zarj f. old age, declining years
zkhn rancid (e.g., of oil)
zkhntb m. zkhnv laj m. rancidity,

znd zund
zandavl transitive
zandedl intransitive
1 zo oblique plural of 1
2 za oblique plural of 1
zav laj m.
zvartb m. zvartj f. 1 bravery, valor,
manliness, boldness to be brave 2 courage
f. 1 odor of burnt rags 2 scorched rag applied to a


zakaj m. 1 clothing; dress 2 cloth panel (of a banner) 3

dialect old rag, tattered cloth

zaavl denominative [past: ] 1 to wear out 2 to age

zumba f. zumbj f.
1 z m. 1 heart; soul a with the heart (to feel) b
attentively the sparking, activation, etc., of
aspiration wholly from the heart, from a pure heart,
from the depths of the soul; completely sincerely
without wanting to, unwillingly to bare the soul
proverb Wither the heart is attracted, thence
the feet will go. Eastern
proverb Heart gives tidings to heart.
Eastern saying The son repays his mother's love with
ingratitude. saying Honey on the lips, but
ice in the heart. Eastern
proverb If there is longing in the heart for the beloved one, how
can one sleep?

Eastern proverb You can't force kindness. 2 bravery, valor,

courage gallantry, daring

brave person; daredevil

to take
courage, take heart 3 wish, desire 4 feeling, love
proverb When love


zkhnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

cause to be bitter and malodorous 2 to spoil, deteriorate the
quality (of food products)

to display valor, exhibit manliness

comes, indeed beauty will not be necessary, and you will desire

zkhnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

become rancid 2 to spoil

sleep, but will not request a pillow. 5 stomach 6 interior part of

zkhgaj depressed, dispirited

zaht m. 1 old age; antiquity 2

afraid of; worry, be alarmed b to fall into confusion c to be

something, core, center

aging 3 decrepitude,

melancholy, miss; be dejected


a to be discontented, be

out of the habit of d to refuse, not consent to

zghj 1 vacillating, indecisive 2 m. improvement of

I am

very thirsty. I am tortured by thirst. I suffer from the heat.

2 zghj f. vacillation, indecisiveness

zakaj m. rags, worn-out clothing
1 zgaj m. diminutive heart idiom

to be distressed, be upset

Eastern to cheer someone

to fall in love with someone

a to take

to worry about; grieve

to sympathize with someone's
misfortune or grief to cease to want a to
cheer, cheer up b to make glad, gladden; give great pleasure
a to be satisfied, be glad, be merry b to feel sick, feel
nauseous c to grow cool to someone or
offense; grow angry b to quarrel

You have frightened him.

for; to suffer

I was worn

out. 2 (Dear) son! (address of a father to a son)

a to fear, be frightened of, be

dissatisfied; be disillusioned b to take close to one's heart c to get

appetite (in a patient who is recovering)

2 zgaj m.
zgj m. 1 diminutive heart

zn manly, bold, brave, valiant


Pashto-English Dictionary

Sometimes I was opposed myself.

I was completely worn
out when I finished work. I became very
sorry for him. to sympathize with someone,
feel really sorry for someone to vanish (of desire)
to break to pieces (of the heart) a to die (of
heartbreak) b to be disturbed, be distressed to labor, toil
to be pained, grieve
Don't be upset. to become ill with tubercolosis
to be worn out, be exhausted khvaged
l to

a to frighten or scare someone to

death You scared me to death. b to
disappoint somebody, captivate somebody
He was charmed by Mahbuba. to be
zealous, be painstaking; show zeal to wish
very much, wish for or desire something strongly; to
desire He doesn't want to work.
saying I am in a state of indecision. I want to
and at the same time don't want to. a to reconsider,
change one's opinion b to convert to another faith to
fall in love Ahmed fell in love.
to grow calm; satisfy oneself, become convinced
to be generous to lose heart, play the
coward Eastern a to dissuade from
something b to discourage He dissuaded me.
a to be dissatisfied b not to have the wish
or intention, not to wish to feel apathy to

It was nice to have talked with you.

khugedl to feel pity for someone, pity someone
I feel very sorry for that poor devil Sanak.
a to be afraid, experience fear, fear b to display
indecisiveness ! Proceed more boldly!
to quail, blench, hesitate, vacillate to calm
down I calmed down. to
attract or incline someone to one's side
to do something nice for someone; oblige someone; not
disturb someone a to grow very angry at someone;

to want something very much

a to love someone b to believe someone, trust
someone to believe, trust, have confidence in to
dare, venture to fall in love to compose
oneself, cease to worry, come to one's senses to
decide on something to nourish enmity toward
someone to encourage someone to win
someone's heart, captivate, charm; attract a to be satisfied
with something b to tolerate something, endure something
to wish, want, have the desire a to mistrust

be beside oneself; vent one's spleen on someone b to speak one's

someone; have doubts about someone; mistrust someone's word b

something; cease to love someone or something

to be intitiated into the inner secrets of another b to share all one's


a to get accustomed to, become attached to b

to trust someone, rely on someone

a to get very

angry, be beside oneself b to speak directly, speak openly, speak

without reservations, be frank

a to be distressed, be

upset; be saddened, be grieved b to feel hostility, cease to love

be satisfied, get pleasure from, experience pleasure; be moved to

mind, openly, without reserve

him everything without holding back.

something, be indifferent to something; be sated with something

Eastern I told

to pall on, bore c to evoke revulsion, sicken d to despair of

to have one's

Don't be distressed about that

wishes realized; have a feeling of satisfaction; be satisfied

Ahmad rejoiced at finding his book.
b to quench the thirst a to be quenched (of thirst) b to

frighten, scare

be attained, be realized (of desires) c to have a feeling of

something sour, tart) b to give pleasure

This work bores me.

I felt sorry

sympathize, feel sorry for someone

to grow cool, indifferent to

a to be upset, be disturbed b to grow

for him (her, them).


to worry

a to set the teeth on edge (with


Everything is
burning inside, give me water. to collect oneself
to vacillate, doubt; disbelieve someone's words
to be nice, be kind, be pleasant It came
into his head that to have a suspicion,

recollections b to console someone hypocritically

to patiently
endure separation from someone to cheer up
to quail, play the coward, be afraid to dishearten
someone to fear, be afraid of to frighten,
put fear into someone

exacerbate (old) wounds of the heart; evoke cruel, unpleasant

to rejoice, experience joy b to amuse oneself, have fun, have a

good time


melody consoles the soul. a to believe something

I don't believe it. I can't believe this. b
to profoundly lament; feel deeply; be
melancholy, grieve to act against one's desires
a to open or

cold, cool to something c to get exhausted, become worn out

Eastern to

to calm down; grow cool toward

to arrange for someone's election

captivate, charm

satisfaction d to grow cold, cool to someone or something

to enjoy one's thoughts

to make up one's mind


Pashto-English Dictionary

a to remember, recollect b
to guess, estimate to exacerbate (old) emotional
wounds; evoke painful, unpleasant thoughts and recollections
Don't torment my soul.
Western Eastern to endure silently; be
disturbed at heart but not show it to play the
hypocrite; play up to to feel uneasiness,
worry, be alarmed, be troubled
My son did not arrive today; I am worried.
a to imprint on the heart b to remember well, learn
by heart ! Remember my words
well! to bleed (usually of the heart); be terribly
disturbed, grieve a to quench thirst b
to scarcely move, drag
along with difficulty, drag oneself along
to put out of one's head, forget
to calm down, make to forget oneself,
ones troubles, etc.
to pour one's heart
out, open up to someone to charm, captivate
a to take a lot of trouble for a person; take care of,
worry about someone b to grieve
The separation tormented me. to do something with love,
put one's heart into work, work with enthusiasm
to put one's heart into a job, work with spirit, work with
to be quenched (thirst) to be forgotten
to suffer, torment oneself, be distressed
Eastern to
comfort someone to cease to envy someone
I planned to play a dirty trick on him.
I don't trust him. I can't rely on him.
His heart bled. He was quite distraught.
He likes me. My father vacillates; he
doesn't know how to act, what to decide upon.
He is quite touchy. He is very sensitive.
His heart sank. His heart skipped a beat. He's a
simple chap. He is a naive soul. He is a
bighearted man. He was disillusioned.
I do not feel at home with people like
that. Eastern He is cruel. His heart has
hardened. I couldn't restrain myself,
and began to sob. He was so hungry that
he had stomach cramps. Murgi was very much
saddened. ! Don't worry! Be calm!
2 za 1 feminine singular of 1 old friendship
to live in the old way or in the traditional style 2 f. old

za m. Western vocative of

1 !!

Hey, old


zbad vaj m. dislike, hostility


dislike one another, feel hostile to one another

zbadv laj m. 1 enmity, hostility 2 dissatisfaction

z ptsavnkaj invigorating, enlivening
zpuri 1 pleasing; attractive; nice 2 interesting 3
heartfelt, sincere

1 ztrkaj distressing; sad, mournful

2 ztrak f. distress; sadness, melancholy
ztorn ztraj 1 dissatisfied 2 indifferent,
apathetic a to be dissatisfied with someone; be
offended by someone b to grow cool toward, be indifferent to


ztkaj m. intimate secret; testamentary desire (wish states

in a will)

z chavavnkaj heartrending

heartrending cry

zkhl saj glad, jolly, rousing
zkhvnaj distressed, saddened
1 zkhgaj 1 1
2 zkhug f. 1 2
1 zghaj
2 zgh f. 1 repulsion 2 indifference, apathy
zrkhkn m. regional attractiveness, fascination,

z rkhnkaj
z rapavnkaj disturbing, enrapturing; thrilling
zstaj 1 tired, exhausted 2 sad
1 zsv ndaj 1 kind, responsive, sympathetic,
compassionate 2 solicitous

zsvnd f. 1 goodness, kindness, responsiveness,

sympathy, compassion 2 solicitude

a to

have sympathy toward someone, sympathize with someone; feel

sorry for someone b to care for, be solicitous of someone

zsov laj m. coolness, indifference

to grow cold toward someone
zsvaj grieved, disturbed; unhappy, suffering
zshn zshnaj 1 irate, wrathful 2 sad,
mournful; distressed 3 angry, offended I am
angry with him. I am offended by him. I have
lost interest in the work.

z ghulavnkaj tempting



z ghutsavnkaj depressed, sad; gloomy

zghhtaj 1 attractive, interesting 2 wanted, desirable
z khnkaj
za lvghe f. milch cow with a yearling calf


Pashto-English Dictionary

zmtv laj m. 1 exhaustion 2 discontent 3 discontent

z mtavnkaj grieving; sad (of thoughts)
zmhtaj favorite, beloved
znz unwillingly, involuntarily, reluctantly
zvr 1 courageous, brave, daring, bold; fearless
desperately brave to be courageous, be brave, be
bold 2 courageously, bravely, boldly 3 m. proper name Zravar

zvartb m.

boldness, fearlessness; daring


zvartj f. valor, courage,

courageously, bravely,

zvaravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

act bravely, act boldly, act courageously 2 to cheer up; hearten,
put courage into someone


zvnkaj 1 pleasing, attractive 2

zaj m. 1 seed, pit (e.g., watermelon, muskmelon,

cantaloupe); stone (of a fruit) 2 kernel, core 3 technology core 4

basis, nucleus

2 zj m. medicine jaundice
zaedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to age,

commission, fall into ruins 4 to become obsolete, become

zghstl intransitive
zghst m. plural zg sta f.
zaghl f. lump or piece of dough
zghbanj m.
1 zighr m. plural 1 flax 2 flaxseed
2 zghr

hareful; despicable

zh f. sesame
1 zht very; exceedingly very much very
good very big, huge to exercise very
strong influence to differ strongly
2 zht
1 zhta The contradictions
were very great.

2 zhta feminine singular of 2

zhtejl intransitive [past: ]
embarass, inhibit 3 to hurt, offend

zhtejna f. insult; affliction

1 to shame 2 to


1.1 fast, quick, swift, agile, smart 1.2 gallant; brave,

courageous 2.1 quickly, swiftly, soon, smartly 2.2 bravely,

This idea is already outmoded.

zaed m. plural 1 aging 2 wear; decrepitude; deterioration

za lvghza f.
zazghli f. singular cracklings
zig regional 2
m. 1

l transitive
1 zig feminine singular of
2 zig m. plural of
1 zgaj m. calloused portion of the sole of a camel's foot
2 zig feminine plural of
l intransitive
zist m.
zisht 1 ugly; vile, unsightly, misshapen 2 bad, foul, evil 3


flaxseed oil

grow old 2 to wear out, become decripit 3 to get out of


zu'am ] 1 head, leader 2 president, chairman; responsible person

1 zgh m. 1
2 zgh m. sound of meat sputtering (in a frying pan)
zgh ra m. millet-flour bread
zghst m. raid, descent, attack idiom

beautiful, fine, lovely, entrancing, captivating, charming

zh f. regional
za'mt m. Arabic leadership
under someone's leadership
za'far n m. Arabic plural saffron
za'farn 1 adjective saffron 2 yellow, yellow color
za'm m. Arabic [plural: za'im n Arabic plural:


to speak straight, speak without beating

around the bush 3 m. .1 speed; quickness, swiftness 3.2

bravery, courage

zghardtb m.

zghardtj f.

zghardv laj m.

1 speed; adroitness, quickness 2 bravery, courage

zghardavl denominative [past: ] to speed up,


zghrlj 1.1 history dressed in chain mail or armor 1.2

armed, mailed armored automotive vehicle 2 m.

history armored warrior

1 zgrbaj m. troublemaker
2 zgrbaj m. talisman; amulet
zghrvaj m. watchman (for a melon field)
zghra f. armor, chain mail idiom tight and strongly
knotted knot

zughndza f.
zghstl intransitive
zghal m. race
zghal f. raid, descent, attack to effect a raid, attack
zghlavl 1 transitive 2 m. plural races
horse races
zgal present tense of
zghaledl intransitive [past: ]to run; rush along, tear
along The automobile speedily rushed along.
zghaled m. plural run, running bustle

Pashto-English Dictionary

zgham m. 1 patience

2 absorption; blotting

up, taking up 3 digestion, assimilation (of food) 4 suppression

(of desire); abstinence

zghaml transitive [past: ] 1 to endure, bear,

tolerate; stand to restrain anger 2 to absorb, take up

3 to digest, assimilate (food) 4 to take (medicine) 5 physics to

exclude (light)

zghamn k endurable
zghamn m. 1 endurance

2 patience

hardy b to have patience

a to be

zghamedl intransitive [past: ]1 to be borne, be put

up with 2 to be absorbed, be taken up, be blotted up 3 to be

digested; be assimilated (food)

zghamed m. plural patience, restraint

zaghn kite (the bird)
zghupr m. misfortune, disaster

a sufferer, one

who has fallen into disaster or distress

zghorl transitive dialect

zghmaj m. whirlpool, maelstrom
zghunj m.
zg m.
zift m. 1 resin, tar, pitch asphalt 2 gum
zakm m. zakm Arabic 1 upas tree, Antiaris toxicaria 2
bitter stuff, poison

zk m. [plural: zk n] inflated skin (used for river


zak t m. Arabic religion 1 zakat (tax on property for aiding

poor Muslims) 2 purification; purity, righteousness

zuk m m. Arabic head cold; catarrh of the upper respiratory


zakvt m. Arabic purity

zak t m. Arabic
zakarj m. proper name Zakariah
zkandn m.
zakav t m. Arabic plural of
zak Arabic 1 pure, righteous, pious 2 devout
1 zag m. 1
2 zig Eastern 2
zg l m. bread (e.g., crumbled up in buttermilk)
zgarv f.
zaggaj m. oil press
zagavl transitive [past: ] to froth
zagedl intransitive [past: ]to foam, froth
zgervj m. groan, moan, sigh to groan, moan,

zgel transitive [past: ] to baste, tack (sewing


zl m. 1 time, occasion 2 blow, shock

with one blow 1

2 zl m. horse-cloth 2
3 zal m. tempering, annealing
zul l Arabic clear, pure, translucent

a at once b

clear water,

spring water

zl nd
zlpj f. 1 link for a door chain 2 door chain 3 sword knot
m. zlkhugtj

f. zlkhug
intense hunger

zlkhgaj very hungry, hungry as a wolf

zalzal f. Arabic earthquake, temblor; oscillation 2 shock
zalht m.
zlfa f. [plural: zlfi usually plural plural:
zulfij ni] curls, ringlets, locks of hair loose-hanging

zulfj f.
zaledl intransitive [past: zalkedl past:
]to sparkle, shine
zll m. 1 slip, blunder, false step; error 2 short weight 3
harm; damage; loss to inflict harm; cause damage
zalm f. youth
zalmakj 1 young 2 growing, sprouting to
germinate, sprout

zalmaj m. youth, lad, stripling

1 zalmj 1 m. .1 [plural: zalm plural: zalmijn]
youth, lad, young man He is already a grown lad.
1.2 eligible bachelor, young man eligible bachelor 1.3
proper name Zalman 2.1 young, youthful to
rejuvenate; make young, make hale and hearty to
become a youth, grow (of a boy) 2.2 new; fresh 2.3 tender

2 zalmj 1 f. girl 2 feminine singular of 1 2

zalmitb m. youth
zalmajk Zalmajkot (settlement near Gerat)
1 zlnd
2 zlnd 1.1 imperious, commanding, masterful 1.2
oppressive; cruel, tyrannical 2 m. aggressor

zalobj f. 2
zaloch f. rug
zalavl transitive dialect
zalvan f.
zil tired
zalech f. rug, rugs used as bedding
zulajkh f. zulejkh proper name Zuleika
zaledl intransitive dialect
zlna f. abusive trollop, strumpet, streetwalker
1 zam m. wound, injury; hurt
2 zm Eastern a combination of the pronoun and the
conjunction and I, I also; and I said so too

Pashto-English Dictionary

near me, from me;

with me 2 possessive my my house my books
idiom What's this to do with me? ! Ohoh, I swear! ! Oh, oh, I don't allow you!
zim m m. Arabic 1 reins of government; power, authority;
zm pronoun 1 oblique of

governing, government 2 reins

zimmd r m. 1 ruler 2 leader

zimmdr f. 1 government; authority 2 leadership
zam n m. Arabic 1 time and place
at times, at periods 2 proper name Zaman
zamn f. 1 time, period
from ancient times; from olden days
some time a long time, extended time
in our time one time; some time
to last, continue for a long time 2 century, epoch 3
world, creation 4 fortune, fate

zamnasz f. time-serving
zamn 1 temporal 2 chronological 3 grammar pertaining
to tense or time adverb of time
1 zambr m. harrow
2 zambr m. loud voice to shout
3 zambr m. thick (dense) woods; thicket, copse
zumbk m.
zambl transitive
zambr m. 1 pincers; tongs 2
zamblaj m. follicle, utricle
1 zmb
2 zmba f. zambj m. winking
zumbedl intransitive [past: ]to shake, oscillate, rock
zambl m. basket to put into a basket
zmarbachj m. 1 tiger cub 2 lion cub
1 zamurrd m. emerald
2 zamarrd m. icicle
zmark m. proper name Zmarak
zmarkaj f. dialect 1 tigress 2 lioness
zmarl j
zumr f. Arabic 1 sort, category including 2

zamzmog laj weakened by wounds

zamzam f. Arabic 1 rumor, talk 2 singing, tune, melody
to sing, break into song
zmka f. Eastern land, earth landowner

1 zmke Eastern plural of

2 zmakj mushroom
zmn m. zmna f. task, obligation
zamnd 1 m. plural the Zamandi (tribe) 2 m. Zamand

4 brave man, valiant man 5 proper name

the lion's share zmar

tiger 2 lion 3

a to fan dormant sedition b to bring unpleasantness on oneself

2 zmarj f. tigress, lioness

zmarjlj 1.1 military, warlike, martial

1.2 courageous,

brave, valorous 2 m. .1 warrior, soldier, trooper 2.2 a brave,

courageous man

zmarn m. 1 hard freeze, intense cold spell 2 dew 3 Hades,

Hell, the Nether Regions

zmokh zmukh

zmokht zmukht 1 sharp, harsh 2

crude, rough 3 figurative severe

zmokhtj f.

zmokhv laj m. 1 sharpness, harshness

2 rudeness, roughness 3 figurative severity

zmug pronoun Western

zmol 1 faded, withered 2 tarnished, dull 3 medicine numb,

mortifying 4 unhappy 5 helpless, powerless, weak 6 bedridden

(of a patient)

zmoltb m.

zmoltj f.

zmolv laj 1 fading

2 state of being tarnished or dried up 3 medicine necrosis 4

powerlessness, weakness

zmolavl [past: ] 1 to cause to fade 2 to make

unhappy 3 to weaken; make powerless, make helpless

zmlaj 1 powerless, helpless 2 unhappy

zmoledl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to

fade, wither; wilt 2 to grow dim 3 to weaken, become weak, lose


zmung zmung 1 oblique of

at me, with me,

from me 2 posessive pronoun singular & plural our

zmnga pronoun dialect vice

1 zmaj m. dialect
2 zmj f. zmj botany saltwort, Salsola
zmer m. zmerna f. guard, guarding
zmraj m. custodian
zamind r 1 agricultural landowner

2 m. .1

farm owner; farm landlord 2.2 peasant farmer

zmarj m. [plural: zmar plural: zmarij n] 1


zamnj intelligent; conscientious;

comprehending; quick on the uptake

the masses; crowd


zamindr f. 1 landed estate; country estate, farm estate 2

agriculture to be engaged in farming

zamindvr m. Zamindavar (district) 2
zamindz regional underground subway
zamn f. 1 background; basis, foundation
to find a basis for agreement 2 grounds, conditions,
circumstances to create
conditions, establish grounds 3 field, branch

zamin land, terrestrial


zamzm m. Arabic well in Mecca (near the Kaaba)


wild strawberries

terrestrial object, feature

Pashto-English Dictionary

zin m. Arabic adultery; fornication

to commit adultery;


zandik m. zand Arabic plural of

zunn r m. Arabic 1 zunn r m. history coarse belt (which
Christian subjects of Muslim governments were obliged to wear) 2
sacred cord (which Brahmins wear across the shoulder)

zanz f. dialect
zink r m. adulterer; seducer
zink ra f. adulteress; seducer
zann 1.1 female, feminine, woman's


dress 1.2 effeminate 2 f. .1 women 2.2 women's half of the

house; harem 2.3 woman

zannakhn f. the women's half of the house; harem

zambr m.
zamb m. zambk m. zambk m. 1 lily 2 iris, yellow
flag, blue flag 3 tassel; pompom 4 sharp-pointed beard 5

embroidery, decoration (on a dress)

zambl transitive
zambr m. 1 wasp; bee 2 pincers, press, vice 3
zamburd r m. beekeeper, apiarist
zamburdr f. beekeeping
zamburk m. history small cannon (carried on a camel)
1 zamb hirsute (of the body)
2 zmba f. winking to wink
zambl m.
zandzhr m.
znchkhaj m. chin
zandz m. alum
zndza f. centipede
1 zndzi f. plural slime; mud
2 zndzj f. feminine adornment in the form of ringlets
3 zhdzi plural of
zandzr m. chain; manacles, handcuffs
1 zandzir 1 pertaining to chains or handcuffs military
an extended line of riflemen at the time of an attack
a type of stenography 2 mad, insane
2 zandzir m. literal with a broken chain; figurative insane,

zankh m. zanakhd n m. chin

zankhvl m. anatomy diaphragm
zand m. the Zend (the translation and commentary on several
parts of the Avesta in the Pehlevi language)

zind n m. prison; dungeon debtor's prison

zindn m. prisoner, person under arrest; captive

zindab d Long live !

zindadzh n living cattle
zndj f. noose, lasso compound verb
someone b to suffocate someone, strangle someone

zind m. Arabic [plural: zanadi Arabic plural:

zand] 1 religion fire-worshipper 2 heretic, atheist
znj m.
zanz vaj m. 1 drops of water 2 drop
zanzavl transitive
zhza f.
1 znzi plural mud; slime
2 znzi plural of
znzedl intransitive [past: ]to flow down; to drip; to
flow, leak, pour, stream

zanghlj m. strip of material sewn to the frayed edge of

(Middle-Eastern type bell-bottom) trousers

verge of death

swing, rock to and fro

zindagn f.

zangl m. dialect forest, woods

a forested

zangn 1 rusty, rusted, rust-covered 2 dirty, slovenly
zanganj f. gore or gusset reaching to the knees (of trousers)
zang nivnkaj rusting, rust-covered
zangraj m. bunch of grapes
zingogrf f. typefounding
zangavl transitive [past: ] 1 to rock, rock to and
fro 2 to rock (e.g., a cradle); lull by rocking

zangul f. zangol handbell, gong

zangolav laj m. curliness, curlyheadedness
1 zangolj f. melancholy, sadness
2 zangul zangol plural of
zangn m. zangn oblique [plural:
zanganna] knee compound verb a to get ready to
fire; aim b to get to work vigourously; work hard c to let a
chance slip by, take a false step, fail, fall behind in work

fire-worship 2 heresy;

to kneel


zindag f. life, existance


a to bang one's knees, regret, deplore, be

to bring to the
military From a kneeling

distressed b to submit, surrender

atheism, unbelief

zankadn m. regional death throes, state of being on the

1 zang m. 1 bell electric bell 2 chime, small bell

a to ring b to jingle
2 zang m. rust to be covered with
rust, oxidize to rust
3 zang m. hard frost, extreme cold
zangn oblique of
zangb r m. Zanzibar
zangzad rusty, rusting, rusted, covered with rust
1 zangl transitive [present: past: ]to rock,

to be imprisoned, be under arrest

zandrk m. lower jaw

zanda f. Arabic 1 f. religion

a to hang


Pashto-English Dictionary

position! (as a command) idiom

to suffer, be


1 zang m. artistic dancer, skillful dancer

2 zang m. 1 Black (person) 2 native of Zanzibar
1 zangedl intransitive [past: ]1 to rock, sway

2 to

be rocked, be lulled (child, cradle)

2 zangedl intransitive [past: ]to jingle, clank

zanl znl [past: ] 1 botany to graft, engraft 2 to push
into, shove into 3 to pierce, punch a hole in

zanna f. 1 f. botany graft, grafting 2 pushing in, shoving in,

insertion 3 piercing, punching (hole in)

zna f. chin to be depressed,

fall into a depression, hang the head

to beg, entreat someone

2 zna f. botany saltwort, Salsola
3 zan f. dye (special type used to stain leather after tanning)
zinh r 1 unconditionally 2 Look out! Watch out! Careful!
zaghoz zanghozj m. pine nuts
1 zkj m. dialect juvenile 1
2 zakj f. caraway
1 zaj m. boy, young lad
2 zaj m.
zajal r f. custom of barring the way of the bridgegroom
near the bride's village (with a view to obtaining a ransom)

1 zo
2 zo dimunitive son ! Hey, sonny!
3 zu m. piece of brick
4 zov imperfect tense of 1
zv f. supplication, fervent entreaty
zavhk m. Arabic plural zoology reptile
zuvv r m. Arabic plural of
zvk m. dialect life
zvgr m. person seeking forgiveness
1 zav l m. Arabic 1 destruction, decline; dying out


zavr m. 1 grief, affliction, confusion, upset; concern, worry

2 cares, trouble(s); agitation, anxiety, unrest

4 zur m. opening (of a potter's wheel)

5 zur thin sound, delicate sound
zorstr f. Zoroastrianism
zorvr 1 strong, powerful; mighty 2

energetic 3 populous

(of a city)

zurtb m. zurtj f. good sound

zord r strong, powerful, mighty
zorzjtj m. oppression, violence
zortalba requiring great strength

to be

2 loss 3

zorgr 1.1 demanding, insistent 1.2 unyielding, insistant 2

m. usurper

zorl transitive [past: ] 1 to torture, oppress 2 to

bore, bother 3 to curse, reprove 4 to compel


zaudzh Arabic 1 paired, composing a pair 2 marital,

pertaining to marriage marital relations

zaudzhijt m. Arabic marriage, matrimony
zukhlavl transitive
zukhledl intransitive
zud 1 quickly, hurriedly, soon 2 combining form

f. cursing, abuse

to curse, abuse

f. 1 oppression; pressure, stress 2 bawling out, telling

off; cursing out 3 coercion

married couple, spouses

zurv laj m.
zoravr zorava 1 strong, mighty, powerful 2 strong, very
great; stormy strong wind storm-lashed
floodwaters 3 prominent, outstanding a
prominent singer 4 beautiful, excellent to
compose beautiful songs 5 strong bright (light)

easily digestible (of food)

zavd t m.
zudrndzha hot-tempered, irascible; touchy

to look over carefully; inspect from head to toe

zvar m. 1 zabar, fatha (vowel signs) 2 top

engaged in heavy physical labor

zav l m.
zbl dialect
zavtavl denominative, transitive
zaudzh m. Arabic 1 pair, something occuring in pairs

emphasized that

zavr m. Arabic 1 boat, launch 2 gondola (of a balloon)

zavra 1 pertaining to a boat 2 pertaining to a pontoon
zvarakaj m. zvar kaj zvarakaj (vowel sign for the phoneme

decline or setting of the sun at dusk


zodl transitive 1
zudhzm easily digestible (of food)
zud f. speed, celerity, haste
1 zor m. 1 strength, force, might by force, forcibly
by force of arms a strongly
b very loudly to be forceful to try, apply force
a to try with all one's might b to overcome
Illness overcame him. a to employ efforts;
use force b to deal with (matters) to try
to strengthen, reinforce something to force one's
way through, break a way through for one's self 2 help
by means of physical force 3 coercion, compulsion; violence
to compel someone idiom He

zoravtb m.

zoravartj f.

zoravarv laj

strength, power, might

zavravl transitive [past:

torture 3 to oppress


1 to grieve, upset 2 to

Pashto-English Dictionary

zvarakj m.
zor f. strength, might
zavredl intransitive [past: ]

zoh m.
zoh f. sweetened syrup (of unabi and other berries); jelly
zohavl transitive
zoh f.
zughndza f. pistachio (tree, nut) yielding a tannic

1 to grieve for, be

disturbed, be grieved 2 to be pain-wracked, suffer

za m. [plural: z f. plural: za]

.1 old, ancient old man old city

zo 1 f.

substance, buzunchu

monument of antiquity 1.2 old, ancient; worn; secondhand, used

2 m. old man

gently sloping, uneven an uneven place

zo-p old, ancient; worn; used
1 zotb m. 1 old age, declining years 2 antiquity;

zokavl transitive [past: past: ] 1 to give

birth to, bear 2 to give birth to, serve as a reason for

zokavna f. birth
zokavnke f. woman in or approaching childbirth,
parturient woman

zvandedl denominative [past: ] to be hung, hang

1 zov laj m. 1
2 zvrv laj m. 2
zoavl transitive
1 zvj m. 2
2 zavj m. load; burden, cargo
zoedl intransitive
zoz m. [plural: zoz n] plural botany camelthorn (the

zozj a f. clumps of thorn bushes

1 zvag dialect 1 m. .1 noise; hubbub, din; uproar to
make a noise, cause an uproar I heard the noise.
What's that noise? 1.2 anxiety; distress 1.3
hunger; want 2.1 lost 2.2 disordered, deranged

zvg m. bitter taste, bile, gall

nga f. dialect echo
zvag m m.
k noisy

m. zvga f. dialect
l intransitive dialect [past: ] to make noise,

make a roar (of a crowd)


zvandj m. basket containing food products (hung high to

zozgua j m. zozgvuj f. manna (dried, edible

exudate) of the camelthorn bush



protect the contents from mice and cats)

artificial fertilization (insemination)


(constructed of thorn brush)

zka f. 1 birth

1 zkj born newborn baby boy

2 zki plural of
zuklavl transitive [past: ] to torment, torture
zukledl intransitive [past: ] to be tormented, be

2 zvtb m. slope, declivity, incline, descent

1 zotj f.
2 zvtj f. 2
zoht m. 1
zorkaj m.
zvand pendent, hanging head hanging dejectedly
zvandavl denominative [past: ] to hang,


zok m. hardened earth of a karez or Afghan irrigation well or

birth 2 biology artificial propagation 3 fertilization


zavz t m. zavz d m.
zozkudj m. temporary (hunter's, trapper's) cabin

zuk m. 1 labor; effort, striving 2 concern, worry

ditch system

zv 1 m. slope, declivity, incline, descent 2 attributive

zvag m. Eastern 1
zga f. 1
1 zavl m. yarrow, milfoil
2 zul m. 1 2 cold; cold winds
3 zol m. 1 2 worry, concern
zul l m. aggressor; oppressor; user of force
zul ndaj oppressive, repressive
zavlna f. [plural: zavlan] handcuffs, manacles,
chains idiom to throw off the chains of slavery
idiom a to deprive someone of the
possibility of independent action b to deprive someone of

zavln purulent, festering to fester, become purulent

zavlan f. Eastern
1 zol f. household belongings; furnishings, goods and chattels
2 zla f. 1 long bag (for transport of cargo on a camel) 2 oldstyle silk-lined shirt 3 any very large object

zla-zla huge, enormous (of an object)

to be

huge, be enormous (of an object)

zolj m. felt bag (for transporting skin bags of oil on


2 zolj f.
zli-zanbli f. singular rags, old clothes
1 zum m. 1 son-in-law 2 groom
2 zvam 1 scanty, insufficient; small 2 diminished, decreased
to subtract, diminish to diminish, decrease,
become scanty, run short


Pashto-English Dictionary

zmb f. Zomba (city)

zumbk m. astronomy the Pleiades
zumbkj m. 1 small pompom; tassel 2 pendant earring
1 zumtb m. state of being a son-in-law or groom; state of
being a newly-married man

zvamtb m.

zvamtj f. insufficiency, want

zojmaj zjmaj m. a man whose son has died

to deprive of a son to lose a son
zujnv m. dialect foster son
zojv laj m. zojval f. sonship
1 z first person singular, oblique 1 I (the subject of the action
of intransitive verbs in all tenses and of transitive verbs in the
present and future tenses)

zumkhl m. plural 1 son-in-law's kinfolk or tribe; son-in-

namely me, wit me

law's relations 2 bridegroom's kinfolk or tribe; bridegroom's



intransitive verbs in ergative constructions)

zumgj m. best man (for a groom)

zumgj m. affectionate son-in-law
zuml m. promise
1 zvmna f. soup, chowder
2 zvmna f. loss, damage
1 zumv laj m. 1
2 zvamv laj m. 2
zvamavl denominative [past: ]

I am working 2 me (the object of the action of

beat me. They beat me.

He (they)

to be a selfless devotee, be an ascetic; hold oneself aloof from this


to remove, do away


gold-lace maker
znga f. 1 hum, buzz 2 echo, replication (of sound),

reverberation, repetition (of sound)

I am

2 za dialect 2
zuhd m. Arabic selfless devotion, asceticism, aloofness

zumj f. 2
zvamedl denominative [past: ] to disappear, vanish
zumjknda f. meadow, pasture
zmba f. wink, winking; blink, blinking
zvand m. dialect
zvandn m. dialect
zvandj dialect
zunj m. 1 pompom, tassel 2 pendant
zunigr m. zunigr zundivl m. braid maker,

to let

someone know, inform someone

zaj m. seed (e.g., of a melon, watermelon)
zbb m. 1 percolation, soaking through 2 wetting
1 zovl [past: past: ] to bear, give birth to
2 zovl transitive
zoolodzhst m. zoologist
zoolodzh f. zoology
zovlaj born
zovnke f. parturient woman, woman in childbirth
zovna f. birth the birth of a son
zva f. pus to suppurate (a wound)
1 zoj zuj m. [plural: zmn] 1 son
foster son the celebration of the birth of a son
mama's boy 2 young (of animals)
2 zvi feminine plural of
zvrgj m.
zojk m. zojkaj m. diminutive son, sonny

zahr m. zhr plural poison, bane; toxic substance

to poison food, put poison in food to
poison, envenom to poison someone
zuhr f. regional 2
zahrhld poisonous; poisoned
zahrkhnd m. malevolence, malicious pleasure in the
misfortune of others gloatingly, with malicious
pleasure at another's ill-fortune

zahrd r poisonous; poisoning; poisoned

zahrmor zahrmuhr f. bezoar
zahrn k
1 zuhrav venereal venereal disease
2 zahrav poisonous, toxic
1 zahr f. 1 bile 2 gallbladder 3 figurative mainlines,
bravery, courage, valor idiom a to be frightened

b to

be very disturbed

2 zuhr f. astronomy Venus

1 zahratarkaj grieving to torture
someone a to be unsuccessful; try in vain b to be
strongly disturbed

2 zahratrak f. 1 death 2 torment, suffering; strong grief

1 zahr
2 zuhar Arabic venereal
zahrijt m. toxicity; poisonousness, noxiousness (of air)
zahril regional
zehguzri f. laying eggs, depositing of eggs (of insects)
zehgr m. 1 notching of a bow (for fastening the bowstring) 2
fingerboard (of a stringed musical instrument)

zhb m. zahb 1 pus 2 mucus, secretion

zhoz d m.
zhavl transitive [past: ] 1 to exhaust, wear out
to use up 3 to remove, eliminate 4 to grieve


zah 1 worn-out 2 vanished 3 distant

Pashto-English Dictionary

zhedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to grow thin; become

emaciated 2 to become worn out; get tired 3 to vanish 4 to wear

to oppress someone idiom

to be too obstinate, be overly stubborn
2 zjt zijt 1.1 over and above that, besides that, aside from
that; moreover besides this; moreover
I need nothing more. 1.2 usually, ordinarily 2.1
superfluous a garbage b discharge 2.2 spare, reserve

zahr 1 gaunt, emaciated 2 weak, powerless; ill; tired 3

saddened, grieved

in a sorry state of

affairs 4 pining for someone

zahirtb m.

zahirtj f.

zahirv laj m. 1

exhaustion, state of being worn out 2 weakness, powerlessness;

weariness 3 sadness, longing; grieving
worthy of compassion

(of things) 3 already

zjtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

increase; rise 2 to be added to, augment 3 to grow, intensify 4 to


zahirval denominative [past: ] 1 to exhaust, wear

out 2 to make weak, make powerless; drain, deplete 3 to grieve,

exceed, excel

zjtigr m. zhtv l m. agressor

zij d Arabic
zijd b full, flood, having a high water-level
zijdt m. Arabic
zijdavl transitive
zijd Arabic
zijdedl intransitive
zjr m. endeavor, effort; labor with great effort, with
great labor to endeavor, strive, labor; make
efforts to personally undertake work
This work requires great diligence.
zjr istnkaj 1 assiduous; zealous, industrious 2 m.


zahiredl denominative, intransitive 1 to become exhausted

2 to get tired 3 to become sad, become distressed


ze f. the name of the letter

zj f. extended family, clan
zaj m. 1 posterity, descendants 2 combining form tribe,

tribal subdivision a

akhmadz Akhmadzai (subdivision of

various tribes) b akhmadzj m. Akhmadzaj (tribesman)

ze combination of the pronoun

if I leave him

5 zaj m. 1
6 zj f.
zj f. 1 memory 2


zjtj m. 1 increase; raise 2 addition, augmentation 3

violence, force

oneself out




to inquire about, ask

about somebody 3 knowledge, wisdom

call on, visit



zjtv l m.
zjtv laj m. 1 increase; rise; growth four
times 2 plurality 3 intensification 4 surplus
flood, high water 5 addition, increment

zjtb m. increase in wages

by a majority of votes
zjtavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
increase; raise 2 to multiply 3 to add, add to something ...
I wish to add that 4 to intensify, strengthen 5 to
develop to develop agriculture

zjratgh haj m. Ziarat Gahaj (principal town,

Momand Province)

zijartg h m. place of pilgrimage; shrine, holy place

zj rsaj 1 agile, quick 2 bright
zjrkh zjr khnkaj 1 assiduous, zealous;
industrious 2 m. a worker

more attention to something

know this.

a to make a pilgrimage, visit holy places b to

to visit relatives c espistolary
to vouchsafe to read (a letter) 3 idiom

visit, call

zj t zij t 1 much; highly; more very much

most of all still more, all the more
frequently, repeatedly all the more since;
especially excessively
to prefer one to another 2.1 many; numerous
in many places in a large quantity
many think that many suppose that 2.2
largest, greatest the maximum, limit to pay
zjttb m.
zjtra great part, majority many of us;
the majority of us The majority of us

zjrt m. zijrt Arabic 1 pilgrimage, visit to holy places 2

zjrkah f.


zjrna f. endeavor; zeal, fervor,

zj a f. abuse to swear, curse

zj n zij n m. 1 damage, loss, harm to suffer, receive
damage or injury; suffer loss 2 loss military casualties
zjnk r 1 harmful, detrimental 2 m. pest, vermin
zjnkr f. damage, injury, detriment
to harm
zjnmn 1 suffering, receiving damage, suffering a
loss to suffer, receive damage, suffer a loss 2

zjnavl denominative, transitive [past:

damage 2 to cause an abortion, abort


zjn 1

1 to inflict

2 f. woman who is having an abortion

Pashto-English Dictionary

zjnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

suffer, suffer damage, suffer loss 2 to be injured 3 to be aborted

zir-u-bm m. high and low notes, extremes

a to strike chords on the rebab b to disturb, strike a
sensitive note to be engrossed in

(of a fetus)

zeb m. 1 adornment, furnishings 2 beauty, elegance

zeb 1 beautiful; well-dressed; elegant 2 f. kind of pattern on a


zer-u-zabr to examine closely

zir f. caraway
1 zraj m. 1 (joyous, pleasant) news, tidings
to convey (joyous) tidings to someone; congratulate

skullcap of the Middle-Eastern type

zeb k m. Zebak (district, Badakshan)

zebunnis f. Arabic proper name Zebunnisa
zeb f. beauty, elegance; attractiveness
zeb f. endearment form from Zebo
zajtn m. Arabic olive, olive tree olive oil
1 zajtna f.
2 zajtna f. proper name Zajtuna
zidzh m. Arabic astronomical tables; astronomical calendar
zajd m. Arabic proper name Zejd idiom
someone or other, any
1 zir m. 1
2 zer m. zir 1 bottom, lower part 2 zer, kasra (vowel sign)
zir m. zer music 1 high tone; high note 2 thin string (giving a

someone 2 dandelion 3 spiderweb (flying in the air)

2 zir plural of
zerajgaj m.

news; harbinger of good tidings

pale (of the face)

zeka f. zka yellow bunting, Emberiza bruniceps

zjagl m. 1 dandelion 2 proper name Zjargul
zjav laj m. 1 sallow complexion 2 paleness
zjaavl denominative [past: ] 1 to make yellow;
color yellow 2 to make pale

1 zja f. swearing, abuse to abuse, swear at

2 zja feminine singular of 1
1 zej m. 1 medicine jaundice 2 yolk (of an egg)
2 zjaj f. disgrace a to shout, cry out b to defame,



zerizamin 1 underground, subterranean 2 f.

zirk 1.1 quick on the uptake, clever; inventive, resourceful

3 zjaj 1 yellow 2 pale

zjaedl denominative, intransitive

1.2 sharp-witted 1.3 efficient, adroit 2 m. .1 proper name

Zirak 2.2 Zirak (a branch of the Durrani tribes)

zirak f. 1 cleverness, quick-wittedness; inventiveness,

zergj m.
zeral computer science compress, to compress
zerilb softly, in a whisper to whisper
zrma f. 1 preparation; stockpiling, reserve the
reserve for a year 2 supply a to stockpile, create
reserves b to supply 3 concern, care 4 mission, message,
commission 5 visit, call
zermatn m. military supply directorate, quartermaster


zermakhr m. partisan, follower

zermas t m. warehouseman
zermav l m. military chief of supply
zernj stagnant, foul (e.g., of water)

[past: ] 1 to yellow;

be colored yellow 2 to grow pale 3 to ripen (of grains, etc.)

resourcefulness 2 sharp-wittedness 3 efficiency, adroitness

zja 1 yellow; reddish blond

looking, pinched-looking

high note)

What makes you pale? 2 m. yolk (of an egg)

2 ze m. plural brass
zjanka f. 1 yellow wagtail 2
zjarpstaj yellow-skinned
zjazbehlaj 1 yellow 2 pale, grown pale 3 thin-

zerastr m. lining
zerbaghal f. a small drum
zerban f. philosophy basis
zerdzhm f. pants
zerkhn f. 1 cellar, basement. 2 adobe house; dugout
zerkhl m. primer end of a cartridge case
zerdst 1.1 dependent (on); subject (to); subordinate; junior
(to) 1.2 submissive (to) 2 m. .1 subordinate 2.2 history a

zerajv l m. man bringing good

zeg m. birth

zig zig f. m. [plural: zig f. plural: zig]

hard, firm, stiff 2 crude, rough; unfinished 3 sharp (of a retort) 4

steep, perpendicular; inaccessible 5 direct, frank (of a person) 6

uncomely, ungainly 7 stern, cruel 8 rude (of words)

m. zigtj

beginning, origin

f. astronomy zodiac
1 ziggj
m. hedgehog

j f. female hedgehog
f. eyelid

m. lying-in home

zeg ndzj m. birthplace; homeland

1 f. .1 figurative source, spring, wellspring 1.2

fruit, result, outcome a to give birth to b to form,

create (e.g., words) 1.3 grammar 2 attributive
a low marshy place, water-filled hollow

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 fruitful 2 productive, resulting

laj m. 1 firmness, hardness, stiffness

2 rudeness,

roughness 3 sharpness 4 directness, frankness

l transitive [past: ] 1 to give birth to, bear

2 to create

l denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
harden, make stiff 2 to make rude, rough 3 to tighten


zig feminine singular of

zig m. plural of

l intransitive [past: ]1 to be born 2 to appear,
arise, begin 3 to flow out, ooze out (of water)

l denominative, intransitive [past: ] to get
hard, become firm; grow stiff 2 to grow crude, become rough 3

to be sharp 4 to be direct, frank 5 to be embittered against

someone; be in a temper 6 to get down, work; set briskly to work
idiom The old man was stupified.
My hair stood on end.
lj 1 having been born (newly-born)
newborn, infant 2 arising, appearing, beginning
na f. zeged
m. 1 birth 2 appearance, rise,
beginning, origin

zist m. life, existence to live, exist

zist-i-bham f. coexistence
zig Eastern 2
zigr m.
zigv laj Eastern
zigavl transitive Eastern 2
zigedl intransitive Eastern 2
1 zjl m. zjl kind, sort, type various dishes
What kind?
2 zil m. zel 1 cord (for tying up a person under arrest) 2
stubbornness, obstinacy

3 zajl m.
zlnd m. New Zealand
zilch f. small rebab
zel f. 1 tendril (of a plant, runner) 2 branch (of a tribe)
zelj f. 1 tendril (of a plant) 2 rootlet 3 medicine scrofula
zjam m. moisture; dampness to grow damp
zimttb m. embarassment, shame
zimt being ashamed, ashamed to shame
to be ashamed

zjamkh m. drainage canal
zjamn zjamn k moist, damp to moisten
zjamna f. moist soil
zjamv laj m. moisture; dampness
1 zin m. saddle to saddle
compound verb to saddle (a horse)

zajn m. Arabic decoration, furniture, appointments

zajnba f. proper name Zainab

zinph m. 1 cover (for a saddle)

2 saddlecloth; horse-


zint m. Arabic decoration, furniture, appointments

zinat 1 adorning 2 decorative decorative plants
zins z m. saddler; harness-maker
zinkogrf f. manufacture of moveable type
zingr m. crowd, mass, multitude
zingj m. sports throw over the thigh (in wrestling)
zinavl transitive [past: ] to saddle
zin f. 1 stairway; flight of stairs lift, elevator
escalator ladder 2 stage, level
zevr m. decoration; valuables, jewels; appointments, furniture
to adorn oneself; adorn with jewels
zevra f. proper name Zevara
1 zj combination of the pronouns and 4
2 zj f. clan, family, descent, origin What
is his family origin?

zjiravl transitive
zjiredl intransitive

zhe the nineteenth letter of the Pashto alphabet

zhpn rare Japan
zhkh m. dense forest
zhkh plain, homely, ugly (of a person)
zhkh f. thicket of bushes
zhrgh laj m. nomads' temporary dwelling place dug into
the ground

zh m. 1
2 zh present stem of
zhndk m. cry-baby (of a person)
zhnda f. spring from which water dribbles out
1 zh imperfective of
2 zh a imperfective imperative of
1 zh la f. Eastern 1
2 zhl f. hail
zhmbl m. jawbone
zh ma f. Eastern jaw upper jaw, maxilla
lower jaw, mandible molar
His teeth were chattering from the cold.

zhnd rm m. gendarme
zhndrm f. gendarmerie border guard
chief of the gendarmerie (in a province)
zhn f. flattery, toadyism, sycophancy
compound verb to flatter; fawn (upon)


zanj m. 1 flatterer 2 toady, lickspittle, sycophant

Pashto-English Dictionary

zhwln 1.1 sticky; sticky; resinous 1.2 irresolute, hesitant,

listless, languid, spiritless 2 m. nincompoop; irresolute person,

verb a to be insolent b to argue; dispute c to promise, give one's


compound verb to speak indistinctly, mumble, mutter

zh wla f. 1 resin; gum 2 cud

word to someone d to start talking (of a child)

compound verb a to

chew the cud b figurative to talk nonsense, foolishness; talk

rubbish, talk through one's hat
3 rosin, colophony

zhbn m.

compound verb to break

to silence somebody


verb a to promise, give a promise b to come to an agreement

Don't talk nonsense!

with someone

Eastern We became silent

to speak
to translate into English
to be forgotten
He tells everything that he is feeling. 3 pointer (of
scales or a balance) idiom I am fed up with it,

zhbnkaj m. translator (from one

language into another)

He was left speechless.

a promise

compound verb to mention

(in) Pashto

zhb a f. translation (from one language into another);


zhbw m. 1 flatterer, sycophant 2 intriguer, plotter;

zhbph m.


I am sick and tired of it, I have had it upto my ears.

zhbpoh nd m. 1 linguist 2 translator

(from one language into another)

zhbpohna f. linguistics
zhbpezhandna f.
zhbpezhandnkaj m.
zhbdd m. grammar
zhbhodna f. teaching (one's native) language
zhbgh nd m. zhbgh ndaj child who is
beginning to talk compound verb to begin to talk (of
a child) My son is already talking.
zhbn promised, given (one's) word
zhbnj linguistic
zhbunkaj m. 1 gore, gusset (in a dress) 2 collar 3 insert in
a bodice embroidered in gold

zhbunwahlaj struck dumb from fear

zhba f. 1 anatomy tongue tongue
uvula 2 language (as means of intercourse)
the Pashto language the English language
foreign language regional dialect
national language state language
colloquial language official language official
state language to recognize as the state language
native language underworld language
baby's babble in other words
(to know or learn) by heart flattery in (one's)
native language compound verb to retract one's word, go
back on one's word compound verb a to retract one's
word b to be insolent c to chatter, babble, talk nonsense
compound verb to become silent; lapse into silence, stop talking

compound verb to chatter, babble, engage in idle talk

compound verb to smack (one's) lips compound
verb to talk; babble, to work the tongue compound verb
to be silent, utter not a word compound verb to speak;
say compound verb a to dare (to) b to bawl, scream,
yell, shout, shriek, wail (usually of women) compound

zabakj f. anatomy uvula

zhbanst well-known to everybody, talk of the town, topic
of general conversation

zhbawr 1 eloquent, expressive 2 having a sharp tongue,

sharp-tongued 3 using foul language

zhbawrtj f. 1 eloquence 2 impudence, impertinence,

insolence, cheek 3 foul language, ribaldry

zhbj f. 1 anatomy tongue 2 tongue (of flame) 3 gore, gusset
(in a dress) idiom a medicine croup b to lecture
someone at length, preach at length

zhbnkaj m. gore, gusset (of a dress)

zhdojl transitive
zhdojna f. cud
zhr quickly; soon very soon ! Come here right
away! compound verb to hurry, rush, hasten
compound verb to (be in a) hurry, make haste ! Hurry up!
He hurried.
zhrpzhr quickly; urgently
zhrtj f. speed; velocity
zhrga f.
zhrlk m. botany matrimony vine, boxthorn, Lycium
zhrandagaj m. miller
zhrnda f. mill (water) wind-mill steam
(-powered) mill hand mill to grind
wheat in a mill idiom a to grind wheat at
somebody's mill b figurative to get to know someone well;
idiom a to make someone a miller b figurative give
a person no rest The pain doesn't give him any
respite. idiom a to become a miller b figurative
to fail to find relief. idiom between a
rock and a hard place

zhrandag aj m. miller
zhrandigh h m. anatomy molar
zhrang m. peal, ringing, chime
zhrangnj m. handbell, bell, cymbal

Pashto-English Dictionary

zhrangawl transitive
zhrangah r m. peal, ringing; chime
zhrangedl intransitive
zhrw laj m. speed; velocity
zhra f. zhry 1 thorn, prickle; thorn tree 2 hawthorn
zha Western 1 m. plural brass 2.1 yellow penny,
brassware 2.2 pale idiom darling, sweetheart
zha f. 1 crying, weeping to start to cry
It's no use crying over spilt milk.
Eastern He began to cry. to
speak in a whining voice 2 complaint to complain to

zhghnkaj m. 1 cut; notch; groove, slot 2 military notch

of a rear sight

zhghan m.
zhghordz j m.

whining, whiny

zhal transitive [present: past: ] 1

(without a direct object) to cry, weep Why was she

to howl, roar, bellow 2 (with a direct object)

He bemoans his fate.

zhandkay 1 whining, whiny 2

to mourn something


zhanda f.
zhaw laj m. yellowness, yellowish-ness
zhauzham yellowish
zhaawl transitive [past: ] to make cry; bring to tears
Parting made be sad.
zhaawnkaj touching, moving, stirring
zhaaghnaj zhaagna
1 zhaj 1 yellow; very yellow 2 medicine jaundice, icterus
2 zhaj f. 1 2 mirage
1 zhaedl intransitive [past: ]to cry, weep
2 zhaedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
yellow, to become yellow The flowers turned yellow.
2 to turn or become pale She blanched
1 zhaednkaj present participle from 1
running eyes, teary eyes
2 zhaednkaj present participle from 2
zhaed m. 1 weeping, crying 2 mourning, bemoaning
zhzhgj m. hedgehog
zhgh m. 1 yoke 2 figurative yoke (as a symbol of oppression,

zhghrdzy m. refuge, asylum,

sanctuary, shelter


compound verb to make a notch, cut, score, serrate

zha n 1 whining 2 complaining

zha nda Muharram (the first month of the lunar year)
the first ten days of Muharram
zhank m. cry-baby
zha nka f. blue-headed wagtail, Motacilla flava
zhabakhun yellowish
zharngaj yellow
zhagh zhaaghnkay dialect, zhaaghnay


squeak, creak

someone 3 whining, whimpering 4 lamentation 5 galipot (on a

compound verb to squeak, creak

zhgh f.
zhaghtsj f. needle(s) (of a conifer)
zhghrl transitive
zhaghl m.
zhghan m. notch; cut; indentation

mulberry tree)


zhgh m. squeak, creak

zhghorl transitive [past: ] 1 to defend, protect,

compound verb a to defend oneself b to beware


of, be careful of; to refrain, abstain from 2 to warn, caution


zhghorna f. defense; guarding, protection



zhghorj m. defender
zhghunj m. 1 2 abusive viper, spiteful person
zhghh r m. squeak, creak compound verb to
squeak, creak

zhghj m. stretcher, litter (made of branches)

zhga f. dialect wife
zhalj f. Western
zhmgnj winter, winter's, wintry
zhmgraj m. winter camp; winter dwelling
zhmna f. promise compound verb to promise
zhmnj winter, winter's, wintry
zhmaj m. winter in winter


the first twenty-five days of winter (when there is still little snow)

idiom the period from the sixty-sixth through the

ninetieth day of winter (when winter has really settled in)

zhn adjectival suffix

zhandr f. 1 lock

2 apparatus for straightening used shell


zhandrj f. wiredrawing bench

zhenr l 1 m. general 2 general general consul
zhang withered
zhngra f.
zhangraj m. cluster, bunch (of grapes)
zhenosd m. genocide
zhinw m. Geneva
1 zhkj m. youth, lad, adolescent boy, young man
2 zhkj f. teenage girl, adolescent girl, girl
1 zhaj m. 1 young man, lad, adolescent 2 fianc
2 zhaj f. 1 gut, intestine 2 string (made of gut) 3 bow string
zhaitb m. adolescence; youth

Pashto-English Dictionary

zhwk m. life, existence


and death compound verb to live

zhbl wounded; injured, hurt; crippled, mutilated, maimed
zhobltb m. zhoblty f. wounding many times,
covering with wounds; mutilation

zhoblawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

wound, cripple, injure, hurt 2 to harm, injure; inflict damage;

The sun blinds the eyes.

zhobledl denominative, intransitive [past: ]



1 to be

and sorrows.

joyful life

standard of
struggle for existence coexistence
compound verb to live, exist; be found, live, breed (of
animals) compound verb to be the bane of (someone's)




(e.g., of correspondence)

zhawrgh laj m. 1 small pit, little hole 2 agriculture

zhawrlgaj m.

compound verb a to animate,

compound verb a to rise again, come to life; be restored to

life b become animated c to be saved, be rescued 4 undercooked

zhawrgh haj m. depression in the front tooth of a horse

popliteal fossa

Is he alive or is

revive, resurrect; revitalize, resuscitate b to save, rescue, come to

depth 2 hollow,

hollow, hill, hole

soneone's aid c to encourage, reassure, cheer (someone) up

(by which its age is judged)

zhwandj 1 living, live, alive

he dead? 2 lively, active, mobile; energetic 3 animated, lively

solid, substantial;

zhwndn m. life, way of life


compound verb to make deep 3 wise; intelligent 4 deep, serious,

profound idea
m. zhawrty f. 1

She shared with him both joys

zhwandn oblique singular of

zhwandpha biology
zhwandob f. plural folklore water of life
zhwand-u-zhw k m. life, existence

wounded; be hurt; be crippled 2 to suffer

zhbla f. wound, injury

zhobled m. plural wound(ing); mutilation
zhawr, zhawr, zhwr 1 deep; deep well 2 with
ruts and grooves, with pits and bumps compound verb or
compound verb or compound verb or

zhawrlngay m. anatomy

zhawrmch m. technology plumb line, plumb bob

zhurn l m. magazine
zhurnlst m. journalist
zhurnlist 1 journalistic 2 f. journalism
zhawrw laj m. 1 depth 2 depression; pit; hollow, cavity;

! Long live Afghanistan!

zhwanditb m. vivacity, liveliness; animation
zhwandajked m. plural 1 resurrection, reanimation;
(of pulses)

revival, rebirth 2 saving, rescuing

zhowl 1 transitive [present: past: ] .1 to

chew; chew well, masticate 1.2 figurative to chew over, think

over, mull over, reason out 2 m. plural .1 chewing, masticating

2.2 figurative thinking, mulling over, reasoning out

zhwra 1 f. .1 depth 1.2 pit, hole; depression; hollow,

cavity; dent 2 feminine singular of

zhwa live! long live! stay alive!

1 zhwaj 1 lively, animated 2 m. animal; living being, creature
2 zhoj present stem of and
zhojl transitive
zhun m. June
zhja imperfective imperative of
1 zhaj m. [plural: zhi and zhiy n] 1 wineskin 2

verb to apply leeches, put on leeches


zhawrawl denominative, transitive [past:

deepen, make deeper; make a depression

zhawra f. leech



zhawri plural of
zhawredl denominative, intransitive [past: ]


zhj f. 1 edge

2 side

1, 2

edge of a precipice, verge of disaster

side of a boat 3 side of the road, shoulder 4

border, edging, selvage 5 border, edge (of a forest) 6 string 7

to go


deep into; go deep down; project into

zhawredna f. depression, hollow

zhwazh m.
zholid 1 tangled, muddled, confused

to tighten bowstring

to loosen

bowstring 8 math chord

2 disheveled, tousled,


zhwand, zhwnd m. 1 life, existence

the struggle for life compound verb to
live, exist to live amicably
to live a boring life 2 animation, liveliness,

3 zhe f. the name of the letter

zhib a f.
zhba f. dialect
zhjr 1 m. plural .1 brass 1.2 bile, gall 2.1 yellow; reddish,
red-haired 2.2 pale compound verb a to turn yellow b
to turn pale compound verb compound
zhja nka f.

Pashto-English Dictionary

zhjabkhn yellowish
zhjarng yellow, yellow-colored reddish beard
zhjasre f. yellow-headed wagtail
zhjagul m.
zhjaw laj m. yellow(ish)ness
zhtaawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to make


zhjaj 1 m. medicine jaundice 2.1 yellow


2.2 pale to lick one's lips (watching someone eat)

2 zhjaj 1 f. 2 feminine singular of 1 2
zhjaedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

yellow, become yellow 2 to pale, become pale

zhjaedna f. zhyaed m. plural 1 yellowing, turning

yellow 2 pallor, paleness

(someone) be heard 4 to make noise

scold, rail at, heap abuse on c to mock, make fun of

compound verb a to spoil, turn rancid (of oil)

zhjan brass

to play (a


l 1 intransitive [past:

to shout to

.1 to sound, resound

(of sounds) 1.2 to talk, to speak; converse; express oneself 2 m.

plural sound(ing), phonation

1 present participle of 2 sound

talking pictures
1 vocal (e.g., the vocal chords) 2 clear, ringing

linguistics vowel
f. pointless argument

m. soft hail, snow pellets, graupel, tapioca snow

j f. hail
f. plural comb

l denominative, transitive [past: ] to

comb compound verb to comb one's hair

to comb the hair

ge the twentieth letter of the Pashto alphabet; retroflex

gd present stem of
m. plural millet millet bread

1 m. plural Gaduni (a tribe) 2 m. a Gadun (member of

the Gadun tribe)

ri m. plural

j f.
m. coal dust
m. Western sound; voice; cry, shout loudly

to call to someone
The sentry called to me. No one called to
me. He summoned them to (come to) him !
Don't make a fuss! idiom a to render poorly (fat, lard)
b to worsen the patient's condition

ndza f. flea
m. agriculture yoke pin, plug in the ox-yoke

l transitive [past: ] to listen to someone


l transitive

1 gghar
agreement, consent

m. film on the teeth

raj m.

f. handbell; cymbal

f. 1 hull on a grain of wheat

A misfortune befell

musical instrument) 3 to compel (someone) to talk, make

zhja f. 1 shame, disgrace 2 insult 3 mockery

a to shame someone, disgrace someone b to
insult someone 4 to mock someone, make fun of someone
compound verb a to shame, disgrace, defame b to insult;

l transitive Western

m. noise, shouting, uproar, hubbub

[past: ] 1 to sing 2

zhja 1 f. .1 yellow(ish)ness 1.2 medicine jaundice 2

feminine singular of


b to suffer, get into trouble

yellow, color yellow


m. 1 sludge; (ice) 2 gravel

2 tamarisk leaf

l denominative, intransitive [past:


comb one's hair


l transitive

technology reed (in a loom)

m. bell (e.g., door bell, telephone ringer, electric bell),


m. cluster, bunch (of grapes)

go ! really I swear by your head!


noise, din, racket racket


kind of noise is that?

m. paired word with

noise, uproar, hubbub,





m. echo

1 g waj 1
2 gwj
m. witness

1 gj f.
2 ge f. name of the letter
laj with shaven beard, clean-shaven

f. beard bearded man
to grow a beard to grow a thick and bushy

Pashto-English Dictionary

Ahmed's beard is
touched with gray compound verb a to shave (one's)
beard b figurative to disgrace oneself ! idiom
abusive You can go to hell!
Masoud made a spectacle of himself in public
Ahmed dishonored Wali idiom a to languish
in ignorance b to be idle, loaf You
haven't learned anything compound verb to
beg for something to do clumsily
r 1 bearded a bearded man 2 m.


a bearded man

m. elbow; elbow joint

j f. thin hull of maize

sp quite, totally, completely, entirely

one's mind

sin the twenty-first letter of the Pashto alphabet; the numeral 60

s f. [plural: s wi and sg ni] 1 breathing,

respiration take a breath compound verb a
abbreviation of


breathe b to hold one's breath c figurative to get into trouble,

have a misfortune d figurative to fall into poverty

keep intact, keep in (good) order 1.5 to nurse, take care of, look
after 1.6 to reserve, keep, save up

compound verb to tire, become tired, be short of breath, be

compound verb to breathe

a to breathe intermittantly b to be short-winded,
be short of breath to breathe deeply
compound verb to breathe, live He came home
out of breath. get into the windpipe, to stick in the throat
I choked on the water.
to be scared to death 2 stench, stink,
heavy smell compound verb to smell bad, to
stink; come from, issue from (of a heavy smell) 3 air
to kill someone
abbreviation of bearer of the order of "SardarI ala"

sbq Arabic 1 former, past

doing a good job raising his sons. 1.8 to keep, have (e.g., a cook,

regional law having

sbqn Arabic before, formerly, in the past, in former times,

sbiq f. Arabic [m. plural Arabic

in the old days, at one time

1 the past 2

precedent 3 length of service, experience, seniority

to have long work experience 4 experience 5 past

history, pre-history (of an issue) 6 prefix

sband f. 1 shortness of breath; labored breathing 2


a servant) 1.9 to maintain (e.g., communications) 2 m. plural

stlw laj m. safety, state of good preservation,

inviolability; material well-being, material security; protectedness,


stndj, stndj 1 m. .1 defender; patron, sponsor;

guard, keeper, custodian 1.2 religion God, Savior 1.3 protector

2 defending, protecting; guarding

stang f. labored breathing

stna f. 1 defense, protection; safeguarding; protecting
to conduct defensive combat 2 maintaining
in (good) order (e.g., a road) 3 care, caring for (a sick person,

a previous conviction 2 previous, foregoing

to reserve for
He is

oneself 1.7 to bring up, rear, educate

out of breath

out of

secret b to speak cautiously 1.3 to keep (e.g., lifestock) 1.4 to

a choking, suffocating b at
to be sitting in sadness

His breathing stopped.

(one's) last breath

1 sp m plural 1 Sapi (a tribe) 2 m. Sapi

2 sp f. 2
spedl intransitive
st m. 1 colloquial 2 1
stter f. colloquial
stl 1 transitive [past: ] .1 to defend, protect; guard,
watch over compound verb a to defend oneself, protect
oneself b to beware of, guard against to be
careful 1.2 to keep, keep safe, protect a to keep a

in the abjad system


dealer in green vegetables

2 sbndaj 1 suffering shortness of breath 2 m. asthmatic

sbnj m.
sb m.
sb m. Panicum colonum (a plant used to make mats)
sbudn f. colloquial
sbn m.
sb m. plural vegetables; greens stocking up on
vegetables to be hacked by sabers
sb khartsawnkaj m. m. greengrocer,

one's clothing, etc.)

st m. 1 keeper, custodian 2 hospital attendant, orderly

stl m. large knife (butcher's); cutter, chopper; hatchet
stnkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. 1
s ti present tense of
ster f. colloquial
sn m. Eastern satin
sch m. pink starling
schm f. usually plural shot (for a shotgun)
sht m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

shir m. Arabic sorcerer, wizard; magician

shirn enchanted, magic
shir f. Arabic sorceress, witch, magician, enchantress
shir f. witchcraft, sorcery; wizardry, magic
shil, shl m. Arabic [plural: and Arabic ]

sdarj beardless, clean-shaven

sdak r m. 1 worker who does simple work 2 apprentice
sdakr f. simple work, work that does not require job

bank, shore; seashore, seacoast

shil shore, coastal




sh f. 1 space, area 2 figurative arena, field, sphere

in practice in the field of

sdag f.
sdaluh simple-minded, artless; credulous; naive
sdalauh f. simple-mindedness; credulousness; naivete
sdn f. 1 plowland, plowed field 2 virgin soil
compound verb to plow (up), till compound verb to be
plowed (up), be tilled proverb neither one


thing nor the other

skht m. 1 manufacture; production 2 design 3 structure,


2 skht m. morocco (leather)

skhtsg 1 f. deception, hypocricy; forgery, falsification
compound verb a to deceive, dissemble b to forge,

compound verb to be upset, be annoyed; be depressed

false, falsified


skhtmn construction
skht 1 made, arranged 2

fabricated; contrived; counterfeit,

false, forged

skhtak r m. counterfeiter, forger, falsifier

skhtakr f. forgery, fake, falsification
skhlw m. history garrison
skhwlaj mild, complaisant, obliging
skh f. 1 deafening noise 2 calamity, disaster, misfortune

s a f.

bragging, boasting

sd 1.1 honest 1.2 honorable, estimable 1.3 reliable, faithful

2 m. regional head of the house

proverb Eastern a thief also has luck (literally: twenty nights for
the head of the house, one night for a thief)
sd t m. plural Arabic of

sj f. lazy and stupid woman

1 sr m. good news, glad tidings
2 sr m.
3 sr m. buzzard (the bird)
sr f. 1 steppe; desert 2 rural areas
srshn m. steppe dweller; nomad
srght m.

compound verb

compound verb to

srj m.
srb n m.
crtb m. srty f.
srdzhn m. regional sergeant
srq m. Arabic 1 thief 2 plagiarist
sriq f. Arabic thief
srka f. pink starling (locust-eater)
srmkj f. s rma f. srmy f.


mountain spinach, Atriplex hortensis

sdag f. 1 simplicity; unpretentiousness; primitiveness 2

heed nature's call

religion Judgment Day, Doomsday

artlessness, credulity, navet

to brag, boast

skhtm n m. 1 design; arrangement, layout 2 structure

elasticity geological formation

sub f. state of being upset, distress; depression,


counterfeit, falsify 2 man-made, artificial, simulated; counterfeit,

s m. [plural: ]braggart, boaster

sb upset, annoyed; depressed, despondent

out of simple-

mindedness compound verb to act directly

sd m. 1 swindler, cheat 2 flatterer
sd 1 simple, uncomplicated; unpretentious, artless; primitive
simple way in plain words 2 simpleminded, credulous, nave 3 short-witted, intellectually limited 4

pure, without contaminants 5 beardless, clean-shaven 6 humble,

of modest means (of a house, etc.) 7 banal, trite, commonplace,
petty, vulgar

s da feminine singular of
sdatb m.
sdadl simple-minded, credulous; naive
sdadil f. simple-mindedness, credulousness; naivete

srind f. srng m. sringy f. kind of violin

srw n m. camel driver, cameleer, camel herdsman
srdzh m. cement
1 sr oblique of 1 three kurukhs wide
(about 10 kilometers)

2 sr f.
1 s ri m.
2 sr Arabic communicable, infectious
communicable diseases hospital for
infectious diseases

He has no equal.
These two boys are equal.
Settle accounts with him for me.

s raj 1 equal, equivalent 2 m. equal, match

have no equal


Pashto-English Dictionary

sritb m. equality
s dying, being killed (of crops, from frost, drought, etc.)
s 1 m. plural cold (weather), frost It is cold
today. I feel very cold today. 2 m. plural and
oblique singular of in the cool shade
in a cold place proverb
to experience much in life idiom delight (of my

suit, fit; be just right

reconcile oneself

szed m. plural 1 manufacturing; building 2 fixing,

adjusting, getting organized

st' Arabic sparkling, twinkling, shining

str m. Arabic
s't m. Arabic 1 hour an hour and a half
in an hour in twenty hours 2 clock,
watch 3 time after some time from
time to time instantly
instantly just now a a long time b hourly;
constantly, continuously after some time
some time having taken a little walk
accident to have a good time
proverb Eastern You can't turn back the clock.
s'atter f. 1 pastime, entertainment to

eyes), consolation

instrument) 1.5 lift (construction) 2.1 made, manufactured 2.2

I am healthy.

2.4 proper, fitting; appropriate; suitable; pertinent, apt, to the point

That is not the right way. 2.5 in agreement, in

have a good time 2 delight, joy

conformity with something 2.6 being in good order; settled,

Things are not going well for him.

correct, right That is true. 2.8 business-like,


sghr m. cup, goblet

sghr f.m. 1 croup (of a horse, donkey)

szishk r m. conciliator; double-dealer

szish conciliating; accomodating, easy-going, easy to get

annul, declare null and void


sqitedl denominative, intransitive [past:

annulled, lose force, become invalid

szawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

manufacture, make; build; create; draw up (a plan, a design) 2 to
write (a book); compose (a song) 3 to sew 4 to repair, fix; adjust,
to prepare


reconcile with someone

sz 1 f.

sz f. manufacturing, production

2 m. regional musician

2 shagreen,

shagreen leather

along with

We frustrated them in this matter

2 m.

sq m. Arabic 1 shin, shank 2 boot top 3 stem, stalk

sqch f. pedicle
sqit Arabic 1 falling 2 annulled, having lost force, having
become invalid to consider invalid
This agreement is null and void.
sqitawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

szht m. harmony, consent, agreement

szm n m. organization; enterprise, production facility
szand, szind m. 1 musician 2 creator, builder
szub z m. furnishings (e.g., of a room), furniture
szusm n m. furnishings; equipment, outfit,

s'ats z m.

adherent, zealot

make a compromise 2 Eastern plot, conspiracy

s'atsz f. manufacturing of watches

s'atwl m. watchmaker, watch vendor
s' 1 assiduous, diligent; careful, thorough, painstaking

2 s z making, fabricating something watchmaker

szsh m. 1 compact; agreement; deal; compromise
compound verb to come to an agreement; enter into a deal,

arrange 5 to prepare, (make) ready

s't dzhoawnkaj m.



efficient, sensible (of a person)

for a trip 6 ironic to spoil, ruin, wreck; upset, frustrate, foil

proverb to be reconciled,

s-twd m. plural onion soup

sj f. s sari (Indian women's dress)
1 sz 1 m. .1 equipment, gear accouterments 1.2
harness 1.3 saz (musical instrument) 1.4 music musical
instrument compound verb to play (a musical
in good repair, unbroken 2.3 well, healthy



szedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

built; be manufactured, be produced a new road is
being built 2 to be repaired, be mended, be put right 3 to get

running smoothly, come right, turn out all right 4 to be written, be

in writtenform 5 to prepare for, get ready for (e.g., a trip) 6 to

to be

sq f. Arabic stalk; stem

sq m. Arabic wine waiter
sqinm f. bacchanalian song
1 sk m. singular & plural history Saki tribe
2 sk m. plural
sk pk very pure It was very clear.
skt Arabic 1 (keeping) silent; taciturn 2 quiet, calm,

sk m. electrical engineering socket, outlet, receptacle

skh 1 m. animal 2 breathing 3 animated
skahw laj m. grammar quality of being animate
skk Arabic 1.1 immobile; immovable, motionless 1.2
calm, tranquil; quiet compound verb to fall silent, settle
down, compose oneself 1.3 physics static 2 m. .1 resident,


Pashto-English Dictionary

dweller, inhabitant 2.2 linguistics provided with the diacritical

mark sukun

skinw laj m. peace, calm; quiet

skj m. start of blooming of the roses
sg m. plural greens, vegetables
sgl f. copper boiler, cauldron
sgj m. 1 dish of rice and vegetables, vegetable ragout

dish, plate

sgudn f. sago
sgej m.
1 sl m. plural sand; gravel
2 sl m. year
sl r m. head, leader
slrz m. plural 1 Salarzai (a tribe in Badzhaur)

audience, listeners

2 m. a

path to knowing God

sound mind

slim-ul-a'z Arabic healthy

healthy people

slng m.

slng m. Salang (pass)

slnaj 1.1 suffering from shortness of breath 1.2 being

out of breath, puffing and panting 2 m. asthmatic

Salang (pass)

sl m. silk kerchief, silk shawl; veil

sn m.

sn m. 1 parade, inspection (of troops)


to throw a

sluw la f. 1 girl in a shawl or veil 2 folklore sweetheart,

beloved, darling

sln m. salon, room dining room

reading room bar
slwedr m. El Salvador
sl used with numerals four-year one-yearold

slj m.
slijn 1 yearly, annual 2 f. annual pay, yearly salary
sm n m. 1 household things, utensils; property; baggage 2
equipment; gear; materiel electrical equipment

compound verb a to take part in a parade b to

conduct an inspection (of troops) 2 (numerical) strength (of an

army); bringing up to and maintaining strength (of an army)

3 sn m. whetstone, grindstone, hone

sn-pulu m. Sao Paulo
snto-doming f. Santo Domingo
snt f. abbreviation of
sntjg Santiago
snimtr m. centimeter
sn-dzhoz m.
snch f. 1 mold 2 template, pattern 3 matrix
snih f. Arabic [m. plural sawnh] incident,

the road over the

kerchief or veil over one's head

(with pneumonia)

district chief)

compound verb to organize a parade, make an inspection (of

slimn satisfactory, happy, successful

sln m. ragout
1 slan f. 1 short wind 2 asthma 3 labored breathing

smi'anawz f. to delight someone with gossip

smo f. Samoa
1 sm Arabic 1 Semite 2 Semitic (e.g., language)
2 sm Arabic tall, high, elevate, exalt
3 smj f. Eastern the client's side (which is paying taxes to a

good 1.3

happy, satisfactory; successful 1.4 safe 1.5 correct

smi' f. Arabic hearing, sense of hearing

compound verb to listen

slb Arabic negative

slkhurd elderly; old, aged old man
sldn f. medicine leishmaniasis, oriental sore
slk Arabic 1 going 2 m. .1 traveller 2.2 mystic on the

right 2 proper noun Salim

belongings, goods 4 harness 5

smn f. pomp, splendor, pomposity
smb l
smblawl denominative, transitive
smblaj one not wearing trousers
smr dzh m. regional imperialism
smrdzh regional imperialistic (of policy, etc.)
sm' m. Arabic 1 listener, auditor 2 plural


slgir f. anniversary, year, date of an event

slgsht m. agriculture fallow land
slm Arabic 1.1 healthy, unharmed, safe 1.2

military equipment 3 things, stuff,

happening, adventure; event

snd 1 mourning 2 m. weeper, mourner

s nda f. groan(ing), moan, weeping, crying, mourning
compound verb to mourn
sn m. brother-in-law (husband of wife's sister)
1 sn f. skink (lizard)
2 sn m. breeding bull, stud water buffalo
3 sn f. female water buffalo in heat
sn seeking refuge, seeking asylum compound
verb to seek refuge, seek asylum

sns m. sauce, gravy

snslwedr m. San Salvador
snskrt m. Sanskrit
snsr m. censorship
censorship over something


to institute

Pashto-English Dictionary

sn-frnssko m. San Francisco

s nga f. 1 bough, branch 2 off-shoot, branch

3 lance, pike,

spear 4 caravan (on horses); party of travelers (mounted)

sngj f. wooden pitchfork

sn-mrin f. San Marino
sn-hu n m. San Juan
sn-hoz m. San Jose
1 sn m. 1 history inspector for maintaining army strength
(under Ahmed-Shah) 2 2 2
2 sn calico, cotton, (made) of cotton (of fabrics)
s m. 1 stallion 2 bull, breeding bull, stud bull
sw m. history tax, duty, assessment
sw m. regional savan (the fourth month of the Indian
calendar: July-August)

sw 1 noble 2 m. master, owner

swutb m. nobility, nobleness
swis f. confidence, assurance, certitude
s f.
shpohna f. psychology
shr Arabic not sleeping, being awake
shkh m.
1 shlan f. 1
2 shlnaj m. 2
sh 1 animated, lively 2 civilized 3 free 4

sjad r shady
sjaw n m. 1 canopy 2 awning 3 umbrella, parasol,

sab m. Arabic defamation; insult, outrage

ssb 1 m. .1 tomorrow

ardent, fervent,



sjkln m. cyclone
sjgn m. Saigon
sjag type of currant (dried in the shade)
1 sl m. Arabic 1 beggar, mendicant, cadger

suppliant, supplicant; petitioner

1 liquid, fluid 2 m. [plural:

liquid, fluid

sil f. Arabic suppliant, supplicant; petitioner

sjnst m. scientist; naturalist

the next

a the next day b the next morning

the day
I am going tomorrow morning.
Arabic index finger

to stay over-night 2 tomorrow

after tomorrow

sabbb f.
1 sbt m. room; veranda
2 sbt m.
sbtawl denominative, transitive
sabr m. dawn, daybreak
sebstpl m. Sevastopol
sabgn m. sabwn m. dawn, daybreak
dawn by morning
sab la
sabnrj m. breakfast to have breakfast
sabj 1 attributive morning a early morning b
early in the morning 2 in the morning

sababna and Arabic

for this reason;

sabb m. Arabic [plural:

asb b] 1 cause, reason

to ride a


day, on the morrow, the next morning 1.2

sjklodzs m. psychologist
sjklodz f. psychology
sjkl m. bicycle compound verb

the morning star, Venus

prompting, urging, inducing, impelling 2 m. driver, drover

sl Arabic

be pampered, be spoiled b to be dependent, not be independent 3

canopy 4 awning 5 gnome

compound verb to defame, shame, dishonor

shuk r m. Eastern usurer, money-lender

shwis f.
sj m. hollow, depression, ravine
sjbrj f. Siberia
sjprs m. Cyprus (the island and the country)
sr Arabic 1 other 2 m. plural military privates
sjr f. goldfinch
sjzmik seismic
ss m. Arabic groom, stableman
sq Arabic 1.1 drive on, urge forward 1.2 leading


sjans scientific; relating to the exact sciences

scientific problems
sj f. 1 shade, canopy; cover to be
afraid of one's shadow 2 figurative protection, patronage
under the protection of someone a to


passionate, fiery (of feelings)

science; the exact sciences; natural science,

natural history mathematics and physics
department elementary knowledge of natural science
a physics b natural science, natural history
sjansph m. syansd n m. 1 scientist 2
s jans m.

in reality, in fact, there was another reason

... ...
for this very reason for two reasons
owing to the lack of money ... because 2
means with the aid of the wind
sabt m. mother-of-pearl
sabtrpik subtropical the subtropics
subh n m. Arabic 1 thank God, God be praised, glory to
God 2 proper noun Subkhan

subhnallh Arabic interjection oh Lord, oh God

subhnah Arabic religion praises to the Most High!

Pashto-English Dictionary

ssbd m. 1 basket 2 technology cradle, bucket

1 sbr m. 1 cypress cypress 2 arborvitae
2 sbr m. 1
sbra f. cypress a slender and

mound of earth along the sides of a peasant house

sp kha f. type of needlework

sprt k m. almondleaf willow branch, whip, lash
sprht m. siprsh, suprsh m.

shapely cypress

sabz 1 green; fresh; young 2 swarthy, dark-complexioned

sabzbrg m. history tax on agricultural crops
sabzw r, sabzaw r m.
sabzwraj 1 Sabzawar 2 m. native or resident of Sabzawar
sabz 1 f. .1 greens, grass 1.2 fluf, fuzz (on the chin of a

sprhtnaf 1 order 2 commission, errand, assignment, mission

to carry out an assignment letter

of recommendation 3 application, intercession


sprl 1 transitive [past: ] .1 to give an assignment,

assign a mission to, entrust 1.2 to pay in, deposit (e.g., money in a

! Farewell! 2 m.
1 sprl f. 1 horseback riding harness
compound verb to go in for horseback riding 2 retinue;
bank) 1.3 to hand over; transfer, convey 1.4 to bury, inter

vegetable garden


sabsshan m. substation
sabq m. Arabic [plural: sabaqna and Arabic
asb q] lesson; studies class compound
verb to take lessons to study with a teacher
compound verb to learn a lesson by heart
to study with someone to teach someone
Have you learned the lesson?
In what class is he studying?
compound verb to learn a lesson by heart to send to

sabaqmz instructive
sabaqt m. Arabic priority

to recognize

someone's priority in science

sabaq 1 relating to lesson 2 m. student, pupil


sabl m. Arabic 1 path, road 2 means, way 3 treating,

be coming to an end, be nearing completion

sipr f. religion each of the thirty chapters of the Koran

spr 1 m. plural and oblique singular of 1

Mount up! (command) 2 m. .1 crew 2.2 passengers

4 spr imperfective of
5 spr imperfective imperative of
supr m. singular & plural betel nut
spritr m. plow beam
sip s m. religion praising, glorifying


sipssn m f. letter of thanks; written greeting to

to read (out)

spnch f.
spnd alliterating word with
sp nda f. Syrian rue, wild rue
sp imperative of
sip h m. history army, forces
siphsl r m.
sph, siph m. fighting man, warrior; soldier
history Guards Eastern police
proverb Eastern all are dissatisfied with their fate
(literally: every soldier is tired of his horse)

sap 2. 1 interjection smack 2 finished, completed


sp ra f. plowshare

such a written greeting


compound verb to finish, complete

someone marking an event or occasion

is my (own) brother.

sprna f. 1 order 2 commission, errand, assignment 3

handing over; transferring, conveying

glorify someone

good style, language


sabk m. Arabic 1 school; trend (e.g., literary school) 2

2 subk 1
sabanrj m.
saba f. satisfaction to be satisfied
sab oblique plural of
sabs m. singular & plural 1 bran 2 rice husks
sabun ka f. rice kasha with green vegetables
sabaj m. leavened dough
sabir alliterating word with 5

2 sprlaj, sprlaj past participle of

sprndzj m. storehouse, depot, warehouse, place for


compound verb a to recommend someone b to intercede for

youth) 2 swarthy, dark-complexioned

sabzakhurk m. skylark
sabzaz r m. meadow, grass plot, glade, clearing
sabz m. plural greens, vegetables garden
sabzik r m. gardner, vegetable grower
sabzikr f. 1 vegetable gardening, vegetable growing

sapch f. 1 awning 2 bench 3 platform, dais 4 low

compound verb to

sphitb, siphitb m. military art, military affairs

siphikhn f. regional barracks
sphigar, siphigar f.
sphig13aj m. tin soldier, toy soldier

Pashto-English Dictionary

spj, sipj m.
sipt m. colloquial
sipt mbr m. m. September
spkhza f.
spkhawl transitive [past: ]

sparedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to seat

oneself, get on or into (e.g., on a horse, into a car, etc.); ride (on

1 to untie (e.g., a

knot) 2 to rip open, rip up

spkhedl intransitive [past: ]1 to come untied,

come undone (e.g., of a knot) 2 to be ripped up, be ripped open 3

spr, sipr m. 1 shield 2 forecarriage (of an artillery piece)

2 sapr m.
spirt m. plural alcohol gasoline
spartj f. horseback riding
sparkhawl transitive
1 sprkhj m. 1 awl; needle for sewing burlap 2 knitting 3

2 sparkhj dry, hard, tough

sprgha f. 1 well (e.g., the shaft of a kahriz)

2 pit, hole;

foxhole 3 type of pattern 4 small island, islet

sprghj f. spark

2 m.

spared m. plural boarding, putting aboard; riding, driving

sp open, opened out, unfolded
spl transitive [past: ] 1 to turn around, swing


around 2 to open (the eyes, e.g., of a new-born puppy) 3 to strip,

to open (of the eyes of a puppy at birth)

sparednkaj 1 present participle of

passenger; rider, horseman

disassemble, dismantle, take to pieces 4 to rip up, rip open 5

figurative to elucidate, ascertain
understanding of the cause

spd present stem of

to get an

spaj f. wooden bolt (which fastens the plowshare to the

plow beam)

f. nostril

spg n Eastern lousy

spga f. Eastern louse

proverb He is

awfully stingy.

Sparks are flying off the

spark m. botony larkspur, delphinium, Delphinium Zalil

spg j f. aphid, plant louse

sphta f. 1 ankle; pastern

2 figurative basis, foundation 3

figurative the real but hidden cause

(yields a yellow dye)

compound verb to

give away secret, betray a trust

siparkh m. brave man, courageous soul, brave spirit

1 sparlanj m. rider, horseman
2 sparlanj Eastern Spring
sparl f. 1 f. riding (horseback); driving
hippodrome bicycle riding
compound verb to go in for horseback riding to rush
along on horseback He is a very good
horseman. passenger plane
sparlj m. Eastern Spring
sprmgh m. fat (e.g., in soup)
sprmeghj m. 1 spark 2
saparmajn m. plural regional military sappers, combat

spghza f. anatomy pubis

sapq m.
1 spk, spuk 1 light, lightweight light tank
light machine gun 2 weak, slight 3 light, easy

spar oblique plural of 1

sparawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

spktb m. spkty f.
spk-sp nd worthless, contemptible
spkw laj m. 1 light-weight, flimsy, trivial

an easy matter 4 insignificant, contemptible, shabby, wretched

worthless person
to treat someone with disdain, view

someone with contempt, hold someone in contempt, despise


2 spk m. measure of length equal to the width of four fingers

spk waj m. 1 disrespect 2 insult to
insult someone, demean or belittle someone 3 meanness 4


1 to

help someone mount a horse; seat someone in a car 2 to wind (on

a spool or bobbin)

to let water onto a field, irrigate a


sparawna f. helping (someone) to mount a horse; seating

(someone, in a car, etc.)

1 sapra f. 2
2 supr f
3 spar feminine singular of 1
sparawr broad, wide, broadened, widened
spir m. plural alcohol, spirits

insignificance, contemptuousness

insignificance, contemptibility 3 humiliation; insult

to insult; humiliate, belittle

spkawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

facilitate, make easy 2 to insult; humiliate, belittle,demean

compound verb to abase

idiom They were hurrying.

He insulted me.

oneself, grovel

spkawna f. 1 making lighter, easing, facilitating 2

insult(ing); humiliating, demeaning, belittling

spka 1 feminine singular of 1

offensive word compound verb to insult 2 f. .1


Pashto-English Dictionary

lightness, light weight 2.2

to insult someone 3 nonsense, rubbish

spkedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to

become light, lose weight 2 to be insulted, be humiliated 3 to

suffer humiliation, be humiliated

spkedna f. 1 reducing (of weight) 2 offense, insult;


spakj m. spark
spl transitive [past: ]
spaj m.

transitive [past:

intransitive [past:

buds), bloom

spgn Eastern
splaghzj m. botony

caltrop, puncturevine, Tribulus


to take apart carefully,

parse, analyze

to open (buds)
to open, come out (of

sputnk m. satellite (e.g., earth satellite)

spok spokay sapay 1

mean, base, foul,

vile 2 shallow, superficial; light-minded, frivolous

spilg m. fat (goat, beef)

splga f. mica
splm m. 1 2 gossip, gossiper, tale-teller
splma f. turtledove
1 splmj m. horse with a star on its forehead
2 splmj f. botony calotrope, Calotropis procera
splnj m. usually plural spln the seeds of the
Syrian rue or the wild rue; seeds of the ispand

to die for someone ! I am ready to

die for you! grasshopper
spam m. 1 eye (of a needle) 2 hole (for an earring)
that's a great rarity
spam f. 1 thrift, economy compound verb to save,

indecent (of a word) to say insulting things

hookah with hashish
3 spor m. biology spore
spor m. sport m. sport, sports gym
clothes sports equipment compound
verb to go in for sports trainer
spormajan m. sports lover; sports fan
spor sporting, sports, athletic
sporkhr living on cold food
sporkhlaj using foul language
sporstrgaj shameless, insolent, impudent, brazen,

compound verb a to burn Syrian rue b figurative to sacrifice

conserve, use sparingly, economize 2 economics

spamk thrifty, economical

spamawl transitive [past: ]

1 to save, conserve,


use sparingly, economize 2 to spare something

to spare no effort

make any sacrifice

spamedl intransitive [past: ]

to be saved, be used

2 ball 3 dummy calf,

stuffed calf (which is put next to a cow so that she will give more

spndkha f. playing ball

play ball

spnga f.
spngj f.
sp m. syllable

compound verb to

compound verb to read syllable by

cotton fabrics 2

proverb It breaks where it is thin,

a chain is only as strong as its weakest link 3 medicine


spasn cotton

spkhza f.

, m. plural , f. plural ]sitting,

riding (on a horse, in a car, etc.) Mount up! (as a

spor 1.1 [f.

command) 1.2 wound; planted, put on 1.3 raised, lifted (of water
in a canal or irrigation ditch) 2 m. rider, man on horseback

tripod, trivet
2 spor 1 stale, old, not fresh (of bread, food)


bread 2 lenten, without meat or milk, lean 3 coarse, improper,

sporw laj m. 1 staleness, lack of freshness 2 coarseness,

sporawl denominative, transitive

sporawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

rudeness 3 bad taste, lack of taste, tastelessness


make stale 2 to make lean

spra 1 feminine singular of

2.1 stale bread; dry crust

2.2 unpleasant word, offensive word

spri 1 feminine plural of

2 f. plural insulting words,

compound verb to insult; give

offense, offend

spasj m. 1 yarn (cotton)


spkhtsa f.

spkhsa f. anatomy pubis

offensive words



sparingly, be kept in reserve

spnkhaj m.
spandkh m. 1 large ball of yarn

spkhdza f.

reversible rug


sporedl denominative, intransitive

sporedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

go stale, become stale 2 to be lenten, be lacking fat

j f. 1 the moon, moonlight lunar year
artificial earth satellite lunar
eclipse full moon The moon is
shining. The moon is full. 2
proper noun Spozhmay


Pashto-English Dictionary

spghza f.
spu m.
spaj m. medicine ringworm
siph m.
sipahr m. 1 evening 2 military third watch
sipahr f. 1 sky, heavens; celestial sphere 2 figurative fate
sipahsl r m. 1 commander-in-chief 2 marshal
1 spaj m. [plural: spi and spiy n] 1 dog; male dog
2 abusive dog, son of a bitch to rebuke someone,
lecture someone, give somone a good dressing down
compound verb a to be cowardly, be base b to be stingy
a to be shameless b to be scanty, be skimpy
proverb He is an inveterate swindler.
(literally: he sells a black dog for the price of a billy-goat)
proverb two shoes make a pair (literally: a gray
dog is brother to a jackal) to live
worse than a dog saying on account of
a low, dishonest son the father is called name otter
2 spj f. female dog, bitch
spj zawl transitive [past: ] to have a
miscarriage, miscarry, give birth prematurely

spj za 1 f. female, dam (after a miscarriage)

spedlaj 1 nave; artless, open-hearted 2 narrowminded,

unintelligent, limited

saped f. 1 whiting, white pigment 2 2

1 saped f. whiteness
2 sped, saped f. plural dawn
not yet daybreak.

spedech wd m. m. plural dawn, daybreak

sperkhwlaj 1 using foul language, swearing, cursing 2
m. one who uses bad language, a foul-mouthed man

sperkhj m. 1
sperkunka f. sperkna f. crested lark
1 sperkj m. 1 coward 2 scoundrel, villain, rascal
2 sperkj grayish; ash-colored, ashen
3 sperkj f. omum plant (a medicinal plant)
spergl transitive [past: ] to scold, rail at, abuse

prematurely born (of a baby) 2.3 wild, foolish

spij ka f. 1 mung bean bread 2 fork

spip m. white double-flowering rose
spit na f. spitb m. meanness, baseness,
loutishness; squalor, filth to behave badly
spta f. 1 wedge 2 spoke 3 grain tester, grain-grading

sperlakj m. two-year-old colt

sperlm m. fox, vixen
spermkhaj unfortunate, ill-fated; ominous, ill-omened, ill spermrghj m. beads of fat (e.g., in soup)
sperawnaj m. meal, flour (for rolling dough)
sper singular & plural [f. , f. plural ]1 light gray
bare desert infertile land
morning twiilight 2 dusty, covered with dust 3 dirty,
soiled; turbid; stained, spotted 4 deathly pale, sallow (of the color
of a face) 5 unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky, ill-fated, ill-stared,


hapless 6 ruined, devastated 7 unfit, useless

compound verb to destroy, smash

compound verb a to

destroy d to rob, clean out, loot (a house); destroy utterly

spetslty f.

compound verb a to be dusty, be covered in dust b to get

soiled, get dirty; become turbid c to be beaten, be destroyed d to

1 to clean 2 to whiten,

be robbed, be utterly destroyed 8 without meat or milk, not rich

(of food)

spetslw lay m. 1 cleanness 2 neatness 3 tidying up, cleaning,

putting in order
spetslaj 1 clean perfectly clean 2 genuine,
real 3 uncontaminated, pure compound verb to clean

(rice); to refine (crude oil, etc.)

sapd white
saped r, sped r m. 1 aspen 2 white poplar
sapedpstaj white-skinned
spedch, sapedch f. type of wheat
spedltj f. spedlna f. 1 naivete, artlessness

spertb m. 1 gray, the color gray 2 figurative death,



make dusty, cover with dust b to soil, (make) dirty c to break,

bleach 3 to illuminate, light up

spetsltb m.

sperl 1 dusty, covered with dust 2 m. slacker, idler, loafer,


prematurely 2.1 unripe, green, immature 2.2 premature,

sprga f. crude word, offensive word


compound verb to have a miscarriage, miscarry, give birth

spitj m. scoundrel, villain, rascal

spi never, in no case
spedzl transitive
spetsl transitive [past: ]

It is

spersh n

1 low, base, vile, loathsome 2 dialect

submissive, obedient; ashamed

sperw laj m.
spezl transitive
f. nostril

spistraj m. tiresome person, annoying person

spsta f. leavened dough

Pashto-English Dictionary

compound verb to give away another's secret, tell every little

speghl m. botony psyllium, plantago, ispaghula, Plantago

sphta f. anatomy 1 peritoneum 2 pericardium

1 spinstrg f. insolence, impertinence, shamelessness

compound verb to behave insolently, act

thing about


2 spinstrgaj 1 insolent, impertinent, shameless

compound verb to become more and more insolent 2

ispaghula (a medicinal plant)

spegm f. Eastern
spelanj m. usually plural spelan Eastern
; to cure with wild rue, to

ungrateful, thankless

smoke with harmel

spematb m. 1 the period of estrus, the time of heat (in a

bitch) 2 estrus, heat (in animals)

spem f. bitch in heat

spin 1.1 white a white paper b a blank
Her face is white as snow. white as
white can be 1.2 gray 1.3 clean, bright in broad
daylight 1.4 sincere 1.5 moral, chaste; decent, respectable,
honest 1.6 innocent, pure, instained, unsullied 2 m. .1 gray hair

to appear (of gray hair), turn gray 2.2 albumin, protein

egg white the white of the eye 2.3
silver silver bracelets 2.4 the exposed part of the
body (e.g., the face, the hands) 2.5 snow 2.6 proper noun Spin

spinb z m. light-colored hawk or buzzard

spinbhr m. 1 Mediterranean Sea 2 White Sea
spinbrh sparkling whiteness
spinboldk m. Spinboldak (a border post)
spinpagj m. cleric, mullah (in a white turban)
spinpstaj with white skin, white-skinned, white (of a

spinsartb m. old age, advanced age (of women)

spinsre 1 old, gray (of a woman) 2 f. old woman
spinsh n whitish
spinghr m. Spingar, Safedkokh (mountain range)
spinkb m. white fish
spinkpaj 1 white as foam 2 bare (of a desert)
spinkt m. chalk
spinkakj absolutely white, totally white
1 spinkj m. spinky abomasum, true stomack
(sausage for broiling)

2 spinkj f. spinky piece of suet

3 spinkj f. whiting, white pigment
spingul m. proper noun Spingul
spin gadz m. daybreak; early morning, dawn
fully dawned
1 spinlamn f. chastity, morals
2 spinlamne chaste (of a woman)
spinlmaj m. ermine (in winter), stoat (in summer)
1 spinmkh f. 1 honesty, sincerity 2 innocence
2 spinmkhaj 1 white-faced 2 honest, sincere 3 innocent
spinninlaj m. 1 rice kasha, rice porridge 2 rice


drained in a colander

spintb m. f. whiteness
spinkhwlaj beardless
spindrbaj respected, honorable
spinrngaj white in color, white
spinrs m. Belarus
spinzr m. plural silver
spinzarlaj silver-plated
spinz spinzay 1 open-hearted, candid,

spinw laj m. whiteness

spinwwrgaj white-maned (of a horse)
spinwazraj white-roofed
spinwgaj m. Aristida (a type of grass)
spinwshma whitish
spinawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

whiten, whitewash 2 to tin-plate, tin-coat; nickel-plate 3 to grind,

polish, buff 4 to clean; skin (an animal), peel (e.g., an apple); flay,
skin, dress 5 to bare (the teeth) 6 to resolve an argument, settlle

sincere 2 trusting, credulous



(a question, an issue) 7 to demonstrate one's correctness 8 to

ascertain (the truth)

m. 1 old age 2 gray hair (in men)

compound verb a to


n] 1 an old man

age, grow old b to turn gray, become gray 2 elder, village

headman, white beard

1 to

spinwlaj m. white poplar, silver poplar

1 spna 1 feminine singular of 2 f. .1 silver coin
He has a lot of money. 2.2 fat on meat 2.3


eggwhite 2.4 resolution (of a problem, issue); settling (of a

They settled this business with

him. kiss a clear speech b candid
expression compound verb to speak directly, speak

verb to elect a village headman

matter, a deal)

spinsab spinsbillla
compound verb to empty a house
spin-spetslaj clean, neat

straight out; speak the truth


Pashto-English Dictionary

2 spna vocative of 6
spna kh wra f. chalk
spna l ra m. astronomy Milky Way
spni 1 feminine plural of 2 f. plural .1 Achilles
tendon His legs refused to heed him.
compound verb to throw someone into confusion, fluster
someone; weaken someone, deprive someone of strength
compound verb to be scared, have the jitters, be frightened
2.2 the fat on meat

spni pjts f. plural

to give a girl

in marriage without the wedding rites

spinedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

turn white, become white 2 to be whitened 3 to be tin-plated; be

nickel-plated 4 to turn gray

I have turned gray.

5 to be peeled, be shelled 6 to be resolved (of an argument); be

st pronoun 1 oblique of

of you


threshold (of a door) 2 from a prominent clerical family,


stn m. plural of 2
stwndi f. plural nonsense, heresy, rubbish
sitjsh m. praise; glorification
stjl 1 transitive verb [past: ] .1 to praise, laud;
glorify 1.2 to mention, call, name 1.3 to call, name
to glorify someone to defame someone 2
m. plural praise This is a very
stjna f. 1 praise, praising

satt r m. Arabic 1 patron 2 proper noun Sattar


str m. film star, movie star

hold in a harem 4 modesty

sit r m. Arabic 1 coverlet; counterpane 2 cover, canopy 3

sitr f. 1 star

figurative harem; women's side of the house, female quarters;

compound verb to fall (of a star)

str f. fear of someone

compound verb to close, conceal, cover; defend;

star m. anatomy temple

large building compound verb to enlarge, extend
compound verb to be enlarged 2 great a great writer

luck, good fortune


to praise someone

stadjm m. stadium
1 satr m. Arabic 1 closing; concealment 2 military cover,
concealment; covered position camouflage 3

sit r m. sitar

stjw l m. panegyrist, eulogist

stkh, stukh 1 2 to say unpleasant things
stkh backwards, flat on one's back He fell

2 movie star, film star 3 type of fireworks) 4 fate; lot; (good)

stn 1 f. .1 well-known family (especially clerical) 1.2

curtain 4 screen



sat even, smooth

stdzh m.

stnad r m. coming from a well-known family (especially

2 song; ballad

you 2 possessive pronoun your(s)


(have) invited him for dinner tomorrow. 2 honor

st n -stan (suffix denoting a country or place)

praiseworthy undertaking.

settled (of a question or deal) 7 to justify oneself, be confirmed

spjo oblique plural of 1

1 sat m. 1 invitation (to a meal) to invite
someone for a cup of tea;

str 1 large; large-scale

a major port

3 deep (e.g., of a well) 4 important, significant (of a business

verb to be afraid of someone or something; waver, hesitate,


sitrashin s m. astronomer
sitrashins f. astronomy
sitr m. sitar player
st a f. peace; reconciliation
st f. length of service compound verb

strtost t m. stratosphere balloon

strteki strategic strategic weapon
str ntijm m. plural strontium
radioactive strontium

to work on a

probationary or trial basis, be in on-the-job training

str m. probationary worker, on-the-job trainee

st su, st so st si Eastern pronoun 1 oblique case of
;by you with you 2 possessive
pronoun your(s) your village in your

stkhlm m. Stockholm
stmbl m. Istanbul

deal, issue)


satr w m. 1 fallen fruit 2 fallen leaves 3 juice (fruit)

satrph indulging, pandering
satrpoh f. indulgence, pandering
strtb m. strty f. 1 size, magnitude, extent

grandeur, power, might 3 importance, significance (of a deal, of

an issue or question)

strghlaj m. 1 eye-socket, orbit 2 Eastern eyelid

strkok m. white rose
strgbedzhn attractive, nice, sweet

the Bosporus

Pashto-English Dictionary

hungry, be starving

compound verb to be
He was very

compound verb to go blind, be deprived of sight
It vexes me to look at him.
compound verb to scowl, look at angrily
rely on someone, have confidence in someone

strgtraj starving

strgkhug, strgkhwug

f. medicine


compound verb a to close one's eyes b figurative to indulge, fail


eyes; suffering from ophthalmia

to pay attention, ignore c figurative to play the hypocrite, act

m. with big

against one's conscience d figurative to repudiate (e.g., a debt)

strgrp m. twinkling of an eye, instant

strgk m. f. plural Eastern 1 winking
compound verb to wink to wink at

compound verb a to be closed, be shut (of the eyes) b

Western to be
angry at someone compound verb to be
ashamed, be bashful, be shy ;
compound verb a to itch (of the eyes) b to be
ashamed compound verb a
to close one's eyes, die, pass away

someone 2 twinkling, scintillation (e.g., of a star)

strglna f. flirting, exchanging glances

strgn kok m. narcissus
strganlaj m.
strgawrtb m. 1 vision, sight 2 keenness of

to blindfold someone b Western figurative to cheat, dupe (when

selling something)

compound verb to apply black

makeup to the eyes b figurative to deceive someone

strgwg aj envious; greedy

strga f. 1 eye a pupil

to go dark before one's eyes (when mountain climbing, etc.)

b the apple of one's eye;

languid eyes
eyes full of tears as much as
the eye can see in an instant
proverb a burden of your own choice is not felt (literally:
the eyelids are no burden to the eyes) 2 star; planet
the solar disk morning star
Eastern the sun has risen 3 anatomy knee
cap compound verb to glance, look
compound verb to be subjected to the evil eye
compound verb a to await, wait for b to hope
compound verb to have one's eye on something, covet

I awaited his
arrival. Western to be angry at someone
Eastern a

ashamed, be abashed, be disconcerted


wait, await

to be shameless; become insolent

I waited and waited until I was tired of waiting, and I
ruined my eyes. to disgrace or defame someone
compound verb to be blinded compound
verb to go blind, lose one's sight compound verb a
Eastern to take a nap, sleep a little b ... to
to follow someone with your eyes b to work under supervision

be charmed by someone; fall in love with someone, admire

someone c to recognize someone

He seemed familiar to me. a to be

compound verb a to close the eyes b to have a little nap, take a

I didn't sleep a wink c figurative to

close one's eyes to something, show indulgence towards

compound verb to acquire an eye for

seeing, have sight, be able to see b to have a head (i.e., to have

to regain

brains, to be smart); understand c to hope for, expect

Western to hate each other,

compound verb
Western to sleep a little, take a nap compound verb to
wink, blink a to be
afraid of someone b to pay attention to someone
compound verb to be frightened, shy (of an animal)
to be afraid of, be scared of someone
compound verb compound
verb to wink compound verb glance at, give a look at
a to look, to glance at someone b to wink at
someone to screw up one's eyes, narrow one's
eyes, squint to grow in someone's eyes; justify
someone's trust or confidence to look someone
right in the face a to catch sight of, notice b to
one's sight, see again

compound verb a to lower the eyes b figurative to be

light of the eyes (endearing address to a son)


compound verb a to work with reluctance b to fear, be afraid c


be unable to stand one another


to be ashamed of someone

to feel enmity towards someone


verb a to start something bad b to harbor hostile intentions

compound verb a to roll (of the eyes) b to be near death

compound verb Western to lower the eyes, cast down one's

eyes (from shame)

to be angry at someone

to be amazed, be surprised

to stare (with bulging eyes) b to be angry, pretend being angry

a to become clear (of a view) b to rejoice at

seeing someone or something

a to not see

enough of, not ge enough of looking at someone b to take a

dislike to someone

compound verb a to open (of

the eyes) b to come into the world, be born

I have never seen anything like it in

Pashto-English Dictionary

all my born days.

I will never forget your kindness.

a to be shameless, be insolent b to irritate
someone; pester someone He drove me
into a rage. a to imagine, see in one's mind's
eye b to be shifty, be restless (of the eyes); loom
to look steadily at someone, stare at someone
to bewitch, put the evil eye on to see for
one's self, see with one's own eyes
a to act insolently b to pay

a to be shameless (of a look,

glance) b to be waiting impatiently, be worn out with waiting

to become bloodshot (of the eyes)

a to covet something b to envy someone c to harbor enmity
to someone d to burn with desire a to be angry,
be irritated b to envy ... ... a to

pity, feel sorry for or about someone or something b to envy


Zirak envies Ahmed,

Zirak is envious of Ahmed. c to be afraid of someone

compound verb to abandon shame and conscience

to forget oneself, overstep the

limits of decency compound verb

with black ingratitude c to renounce, abandon, decline something

b to meet (someone's) eye as if to see in
one's mind's eye a to disgrace oneself, bring shame

to lower the eyes, cast down or drop one's eyes b to dread, fear

to lower the eyes, cast down or drop one's eyes

compound verb to be angry, become furious, fly into a
rage compound verb to speak openly
to abandon or cast off shame; become more and more insolent
to be perspicacious, be wise
to look at someone to notice
someone, take note of someone to be on
good terms with, live in harmony; be friends
a to show honor and respect to someone
He did me the honor of coming to my son's
wedding. b to come to someone's aid, help to
become sunken (of the eyes, owing to starvation, etc.)
; a to
satisfy hunger; eat to the point of satiety b not to be greedy or

stingy ;
to set (one's) hopes on something ... a
to scrutinize, take a good look at; wait for, expect
to covet something to show the whites of
one's eyes, die, pass away to watch the road,
wait for someone, be expecting someone
to hang one's head; look down, cast down one's
eyes a to be hungry b to be greedy, be stingy, be
grasping to be closed, close (of the eyes); fall asleep,
drop off to sleep He fell asleep.
Eastern to avert one's eyes Eastern He doesn't
take his eyes off me. Eastern Don't be afraid of
anyone. to treat somebody with hostility
to have no special liking for someone
to respect somebody, treat
someone with respect to despise someone,
not respect someone to treat well
to undertake something bad in relation to someone
not to be pleasing to
someone a to be negligent, be remiss b to be
happy-go-lucky, be care-free a to recall,
recollect, see in one's mind's eye b not to forget, (of a good deed)

upon oneself; fall in someone's eyes b to become loathsome,

the evil eye

I treat both the same. one
doesn't know whether to laugh or cry to be all

become repulsive

eyes, be on the alert, be on one's guard, keep one's eyes open

tete-a-tete I am waiting
impatently. Eastern I
wore my eye out waiting. I waited for
you impatiently. I could hardly keep
my eyes open. Eastern His eyes have
become sunken. a I am in no way worse
than him. b I am in no way obligated to him.
They can't stand each other. I am
waiting for Ahmed. He (they) put the evil eye on
me. Eastern blind as a bat !
Western ! ! Gladly!
a to suffer from the evil eye b to suffer from
people's ill-will Eastern with great difficulty
I see double.
Western a to charm, bewitch (by beauty, etc.) b to admire,
feast one's eyes on (e.g., sweetheart, girl friend)
Eastern His eyes were bloodshot. before
daybreak I am prepared to give my life for you!
to lose all sense of shame and conscience
to become stern, become hard-hearted
strgaw l strgawr 1 seeing, with eyes to see
2 big-eyed 3 observant (e.g., a writer)

strgawartb m. vigilance, keenness of observation

strgj f. 1 (eye)glasses 2 birth-mark, mole 3 pivot (of a
door) 4 disease of the eyes (in horses)

starlng m.
satrman f. reclusion, seclusion
strn b m. ruler; historical satrap
strw laj m.
satrwnda (woman) living in seclusion, in a harem


Pashto-English Dictionary

1 satr f. Arabic 1 curtain 2 shawl, veil 3 shelter, cover

natural cover compound verb to hide, cover;

3 stam

2 sutr clean, neat neatly dressed

3 stra feminine singular of 3
1 satrj m. 1 small stack 2 bundle, sheaf of ears [of grain]
2 satrj f. 1 2 scratch, abraison
stredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be


large 2 to grow, increase 3 to be important, be significant


compound verb a to fall b

compound verb a to

stawl denominative, transitive [past:

out, exhaust

to tire

staj 1 tired, fatigued, exhausted worn out

compound verb a to tire; wear out, exhaust; (over)strain
This work has made me very tired.
a to wear down the enemy forces b to bother
someone, pester someone, torment someone, exasperate someone

a to get tired; become exhausted b

to toil by the sweat of one's brow

compound verb to ge

tired; become exhausted 2 ending, coming to an end

The day is drawing to a close.

stj f. fatigue, exhaustion compound verb to rest

Sit here for an hour or so and rest.
stedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to get
tired, become fatigued

staj-mse f. stay-mshe f. greeting

to exchange greetings with someone
1 stgh 1 m. .1 sharp rise, steep slope 1.2 road through a
mountain pass 1.3 complication, difficulty the
burdens of life 2.1 astringent to make one's mouth
sore 2.2 unpleasant; harsh in a harsh tone 2.3
miserly, stingy 2.4 low, mean, vile 2.5 steep steep road
2.6 harmful; unfavorable 2.7 hateful, odious

stgh m. 1 larva (of the gadfly orwarble fly) 2 abcess or boil

from the gadfly larva

stgha f. 1 rudeness, harsh word 2 unpleasantness 3 tonsil

stakhm m. Stockholm
stg m. pin
1 stl, stl m. pail, bucket
2 satl transitive [past: ] 1 to spread; spread out 2 to
(make) even, smooth out, (make) level

1 sitm m. 1 oppression; tyranny; coercion 2 insult, offense

compound verb a to oppress b to offend, insult
2 stam m. 1 quickened breathing 2 muscle spasms,
contractions (during childbirth, while defecating)
compound verb a to breath with quickened breath b to exert


f. quickened breathing; shortness of breath, labored

sitmbr m. September

stamn 1 hospitable 2 decent, honest, respectable

stamn fresh, green

stamj m.

compound verb to breathe with

quickened breath

stamedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to pant,

breathe heavily He is tired and is breathing

to be defeated, be smashed

bring down, overturn, topple b to smash, annihilate

m. eye (of a needle)


stn f. [plural: stni] 1 needle compound

verb to thread a needle 2 awl 3 pin 4 syringe

compound verb to give an injection


vaccinate someone (against smallpox) 5 post, pole; column; prop,


a wooden pole

mast 6 hand (of a

watch or clock) 7 needle (of a conifer) 8 dragonfly 9 figurative

basis; support betrothal
stn w delaying, holding back, slowing
1 stn wa f. respect, esteem
2 stnw imperfect of
stnb m. vaccinating, inoculating
stndzj m. 1 prison 2 stand, stop, halt
standrd m. standard
standardizsjn m. standardization
stnk m. pin
stnawl denominative, transitive [past:
]1 to return, give back 2 to delay someone or something

to direct, turn, fix (one's gaze)

1 stan f. return to go back

to step back
2 stna f. dialect
3 stan feminine singular of 2
1 stni plural of
2 stan feminine plural of 2
stanedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
return, go back 2 to be delayed; be kept, linger, stay too long
Yesterday I was delayed in the city
at my uncle's. 3 to be directed, be turned, be fixed (of one's gaze)

staw m. 1 door 2 pore 3 chink, crack, slit; (small) hole

st m. 1 crumb; insignificant amount, bit 2 crushed


satw n m. plural fried ground seeds (e.g., ground peas,

crushed mulberry, nuts)


He who chases two hares catches neither.

stukh 1 2
stkhaj m. shortness of breath, labored breathing, panting
studij f. studio radio studio

Pashto-English Dictionary

sutr m. draft animal (e.g., mule, horse)

storph m. astronomer
storpoh f. astronomy
storpe nd m. 1 astronomer 2 astrologer
storpeandtj f. 1 astronomy 2 astrology
straj m. star; planet astronautics
the North Star comet
Libra (the constellation) starfish
a to fall (of stars, meteors) b literal & figurative to
roll c to suffer failure; change (of one's fortune)


a to hinder, disturb someone; ruin a deal b to get stuck in the

throat to swallow, gulp

stunedl denominative, intransitive
stunedna f. return
stunz glottal, pharyngeal
stunist k ( flat) on one's back, supine
He fell flat on his back. compound
verb to lie down on one's back He sleeps on

He had a lucky star.

his back.

stugh 2
stgha 1 f. 2 feminine singular of
to say unpleasant things to listen to something


stof m. plate, slab

stok m. stock(s), supplies; availability (of goods, etc.)
stokl 1 insignificant, worthless 2 ill-disposed, wishing ill,

bad (of a person)

stga f.
satawl transitive [past: ]

to seat, make or have

someone sit down

worn out
compound verb to get

stom na 1 tired, tatigued

compound verb to tire (out)

tired, become fatigued 2 disillusionment, disappointment 3

I regret what I did.

stom na kawnkaj tiring, fatiguing; tedious,
tiresome, boring

stomn f. 1 tiredness, fatigue exhaustion

compound verb to rest 2 regret,

stmaj m. eye (of a needle)

1 sutn m. 1 pole, post 2 military column

wrangle, squabble b to fight, struggle; quarrel, have a feud with


to defeat someone
killed, perished compound verb

destroy b to bring down, fell, chop (e.g., a tree)

annihilate each other

3 column (e.g., in

a newspaper, magazine) 4 column (of a table), paragraph

fifth column
2 stun [f. , m. plural , f. plural ]1 returning,
going back 2 being delayed, lagging,
being late ;
stndza f. stnza f. 1 anxiety, uneasiness, worry 2
obstacle; difficulties

stunawl denominative, transitive

stna f. return
stnaj m. larynx I have a lump
in my throat. Ahmed got a lump in his

2 anvil 3 stump 4

regional log (of wood) 5 log 6 dialect sudden attack, surprise

repentance 3 reluctance, unwillingness

stomnedl denominative, intransitive [past:

to get tired, become fatigued 2 to repent, regret, rue

3 stj f. botony fumatory

stetoskp m. stethoscope
1 stza f. 1 plateau 2 level place on the slope of a mountain
2 stez f. 1 argument, wrangling, squabbling 2 fighting,
struggle; enmity 3 injustice compound verb a to argue,
steshn m.
stil m. style
1 s m. 1 wooden base of an anvil


stwa f. knife, dagger

1 st m. plural Western 1 existence, being 2 property
2 sta Western is, are; there is, there are Do
you have a watch? Is anyone there in the
house? ( there) is, there are
stamn wealthy, well off, propertied
staw laj m. existence, being
1 st, sat burned compound verb to burn alive
compound verb to be burned alive
2 satj f. [plural: ]sati (a widow who burns herself
together with the body of her husband)

stomntj f. fatigue, tiredness, weariness

stomnawl denominative, transitive [past:

to tire (out), exhaust

to stick in the

a to ruin,


compound verb

4 s m. boiled mung beans

sk static
sa r m. 1 tar 2
sf m. regional 1 staff, headquarters 2 staff, personnel
skh lm m. Stockholm
s la f. supposition, conjecture, surmise, guess
to suppose, surmise

srbar f. strawberries; hautbois strawberries

srasfr m. stratosphere
sarlng m. 1 sterling 2 pound sterling
ssam lazy, idle, loafing slacker, lazybones, idler, loafer


Pashto-English Dictionary

1 suk m.

f. purchase without weighing

1 hammer; sledge-hammer 2 small hammer,

mallet, gavel

2 sik m. regional riding crop, cane

sukkr f. forging, blacksmithing, shoeing
skraj 1.1 burned, chared (of bread) 1.2 wrinkling,
puckering 1.3 frozen, stiff with cold 1.4 withered
compound verb a to sear, scorch, burn b to wrinkle
compound verb a to burn b to wrinkle 2 m. .1 burned bread
2.2 half-burned log 2.3 root, basis

perish, be killed; be annihilated

sor m. regional storehouse; store

department store

sawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to ruin,

destroy 2 to kill, slaughter, annihilate, exterminate

2 sul
sa f.

m. regional 1 stool 2 small table

1 root 2 base, basis; foundation 3 support, post 4

Eastern log

early in the morning


sihr, sehr m. Arabic witchcraft, sorcery, magic

compound verb

sgaj m. small hammer, mallet

sl transitive
smtnaj m. m. woodcutter
sop m. stove, oven
saw killed, perished, annihilated compound
verb to ruin, destroy, annihilate compound verb to

sach p m. fringe
sts thick, dense
sah r m. Arabic 1 sahr m. dawn, morning twilight; early
morning at dawn this morning

to investigate thoroughly, get to the

essence, get at the root

saj f. back of a blade

sedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to be

killed, be annihilated 2 to perish, die 3 to be felled (e.g., of a


sed m. plural distruction, annihilation; death

sdjm m. stadium
seshn m. station powergenerating plant radio station
sadzhd f. Arabic 1 prayer rug 2 temple, chapel
sadzhdanishn m. head imam in a holy place
sadzhj m. Arabic plural of
sidzhd f. Arabic [plural: and m. plural ]
religion bowing to the ground, prostrating compound
verb to bow to the ground, prostrate oneself

sdzhra f.
sadzh' f. Arabic rhymed prose, rhyming prose
sidzhl, sidzhll m. Arabic 1 record, register 2 registration
form registry of vital statistics (e.g.,


sihrmz bewitching, magic(al),

saharkhza arising early, arising at dawn

saharg h m.
sihrgr Arabic 1 m. sorcerer, magician, wizard, charmer

charming, bewitching (of a look or glance)

saharm l 1 m. dawn, daybreak 2 at sunrise, at dawn

sihr marvelous, magical, enchanting
1 skh m. happiness, luck, good fortune, success !

wish you good luck!

2 sakh 2
3 sakh interjection bravo, wonderful, excellent
1 sakh f. Arabic generosity, magnanimity, liberality
2 skh 1 rotten, putrid, foul compound verb to rot,
ferment compound verb to rot, putrify, decompose
saying an only son and he was a ne'er-do-well
(literally: just one egg, and it was addled)

1 sakh t m. funeral banquet, funeral repast

2 skht m. miscarriage, abortion; foetus
skhtb m. f. putridity, rottenness
skh a f. flat nose
skhredl intransitive
sakhft m. Arabic 1 weakmindedness, imbicility,

stupidity, obtuseness 2 unconvincingness, unpersuasiveness

sakhln m. Sakhalin
skhw laj m.
sakhwt m. Arabic generosity, magnanimity, liberality
to be generous, be magnanimous
skh wga f. botony 1 long cyperus; tormentil 2 sweet flag
sakht 1 hard, strong, firm, rigid, stiff 2 hard, arduous,
difficult, heavy 3 strict, stern 4 severe, cold a severe
winter 5 stingy, tight, miserly (of a person) 6 rude, harsh 7

births, deaths, marriages, divorces) 3 service record

sudzhd m. Arabic plural of

sadzhijaw inborn, innate, congenital
sadzhij f. Arabic [m. plural ]inborn characteristic,
innate quality, natural character by one's
innate qualities He was a man of high


heavy, grave, terrible

a serious crime 8 persistent,

stubborn, hardened, embittered

sakht m. 1 boiled rice porridge 2 thin gruel, pap

sakhtawl denominative, transitive [past: ]


boil (until) soft (e.g., porridge, gruel)

sakhtedl denominative, intransitive [past:

be boiled soft (e.g., porridge, gruel)




Pashto-English Dictionary


sakhtzay cruel, brutal, hard-hearted,

heartless, callous

sakhtsr 1 steadfast, stable, firm, unshakable 2 persistent,

stubborn, insistent 3 tough, having great endurance, having great

staying power

sakhtsar f. 1 steadfastness, staunchness, firmness 2

persistence, stubbornness, insistence 3 endurance, staying power,


sakhtsraj having a stern temper, a stern disposition

sakhtgra severe, stern; strict, exacting, demanding
sakhtmiz dzha severe, having stern disposition
sakhtw laj m. 1 cruelty, brutality,

savageness, hard-heartedness.

sakhtawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

make hard, make rigid 2 to make severe, harden, embitter 3 to
fasten, secure

compound verb to tighten a nut 4 to

make difficult

skhta 1 f. .1 deprivations, difficulties; indigence, poverty

to endure deprivations 1.2 unpleasantness 2
very, extremely He is a very good man. 3
feminine singular of rainy day
1 sakht f. [plural: and ]1 hardness; cruelty
2 difficulty; trouble, serious position with difficulty
with great difficulty 3 misfortune, trouble
He experienced many deprivations. 4
sternness, severity 5 stinginess, miserliness 6 shortage, need
lack of water
2 sakhti feminine plural of
sakhtj f. 1
sakhtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

get hard, become firm, become rigid, stiff; get strong 2 to become

2 skhn happy; lucky, fortunate

sukhanr eloquent
sukhanrj f. eloquence
sukhanwr 1 eloquent 2 m. poet
sukhanchn m. gossip, scandal-monger; tattletale
sukhand n 1 smart, intelligent (of a person) 2 m. poet;
man of letters

skhundurkj m.

sukhans za m. 1 gasbag, windbag 2 deceiver, cheat,

swindler, liar

sukhanfhma clever, bright, quick

skhw with or having a flat nose, with a nose like a duck
skhutn m. hot ashes
skhw m. 1 crooked club or cudgel 2 fat male, stout man
skhwukhtn m.
skhwr happy; lucky, fortunate
skhwhtj m. 1 shuttle (weaver's) 2 corner (of the

skhwandr m. calf, bull-calf

1 skhwndarkj m. calf
2 skhwndarkj f. skhwandra f. heifer
1 skha f. 1 malicious joy; malice, spite compound
verb to gloat 2 vindictiveness

2 skha
skhah r m. 1

rustle, rustling (of the wind) 2 whine of a


1 sakh 1 generous, magnanimous 2 m. proper noun Sakhi

2 skhaj m. calf, bull-calf seal
3 skhj f. heifer
sakhitb m.
sakhf Arabic 1 unconvincing, weak

difficult; become stressful (of life) 3 to become hard or severe,

Those are unconvincing arguments. 2 empty, frivolous, empty-

grow cruel or violent

headed, flighty

skhr m. father-in-law (wife's father)

2 skhar 1 m. [plural: ]stone, rock 2 petrified, hardened
skhrganj f. wife's relatives, wife's family
1 skhra f. stone, rock
2 skhra feminine singular of 2
skhra gha f. hangman's knot, noose
skharaj stubborn, steadfast
1 skha f. embryo
2 skha f. 1 artel of (ditch)diggers or excavators or navvies

(who dig kahrizes) 2 trace (of a plow)

sakhk l dialect 2
skhkra f. double-sided ax
skhkj m. whine of a bullet
1 sukhn, sukhn m. [plural: ]
smart, intelligent

word, speech

to lose consciousness 2
understanding 3 intellect, reason blockhead, dolt,
stupid person Are you in your right

sd m. 1 consciousness, sense, feeling

to regain consciousness


sad, sadd m. Arabic 1 wall

the Great Wall of

China 2 dam, weir, dyke 3 curtain 4 obstacle

sdra f. gifts or tributes to a sayyid

sadrj vest
suds m. Arabic one sixth (part) of something
sdk w m. stomach upset, indigestion; diarrhea
sdni m. Sidney
sad m. proper noun Sado [diminutive of ]
sdubd m. consciousness to beat someone
senseless, beat until loss of consciousness


Pashto-English Dictionary

conversation (about something); to broach a subject f to flow

sadoz, saduz 1 m. plural .1 the Sadozi tribe (a branch of

the Durani from which were drawn the rulers of Afghanistan in the

together (of rivers) g to live together, cohabit with someone

eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries) 1.2 branch 2 sadozy,

saduzy m. a Sadozai [member of the Sadozi tribe]

up one's ears

sar m. 1 head

gray head

at the head of the bed

a by one's head (to swear, etc.) b spontaneously, by

oneself c involuntarily, unwittingly 2 classifier head (for

counting cattle)

twenty head of cattle 3 chief, leader;

someone, be the undoing of someone; drive someone to his grave

director 4 front part, forepart of something 5 top, topmost part,

apex; summit 6 surface

on water

the ground 7 upper reaches, headwaters, riverhead; source

compound verb a to perish, pay

with one's life b a
to be possible, be feasible, be realizable, be practicable
That is feasible. b correspond to, conform to, be in
keeping with; to hurt, ache (of the head)
a to have a good head, have brains b to outweigh, be heavier

at the beginning of the month

from the very start
beginning (from, with), starting (from, with)
starting with this issue
from today forward a from head to toe,
from foot to head b from beginning to end, from start to finish c

to distinguish oneself, be notable for;

to understand, comprehend
something Do you understand?
to live to have gray hair compound verb to give one's life
for something to sacrifice everything
compound verb to nod one's head
He agreed to teach me Pashto. compound
than something)

accomplish a great feat

to sacrifice one's life in the name of

prepared to sacrifice life and property;
a if they preserve my life b if they show
mercy to me saying life is


dearer than money, and honor is dearer than life 12 addition,

verb a to rise up, rebel; evince rebelliousness b to not agree to

I exchanged pens with Zaheen and paid him

an extra twenty Afghani 13 goods or commodity equivalent (in


compound verb a to rise up against, rebel

consent to a marriage d to agree to

to b to break (open) (of a boil or abcess) c to miss (the mark), be

He stopped taking orders

wide of the mark

I missed the target. d to braid the

... a to set out

Eastern He went
to go, walk somewhere

hair, make a braid (after shampooing)

to give someone in

a to be
very tall b to become conceited, get a big head compound
verb to braid one's hair compound verb a to
go to bed b to become thoughtful to plan,
marriage; celebrate someone's wedding

for, leave (for), go (to) someplace

to the mountains. b

Eastern He went into the garden. c to start, strike up (e.g., a

conceive c to subordinate oneself to, submit to d to lay down

one's life for, sacrifice oneself

to give

compound verb a to start something, set about, proceed to, begin

from his boss. b to receive something extra, receive extra payment

in money (in an exchange)

compound verb a to

hang one's head b humility, submissiveness c

against, come out against someone; be obstinate, fail to obey or

submit to, resist

than (about a pan of a balance) c to be larger, be more expensive

from end to end 10 end, tip (e.g., of a finger) 11 figurative

extra, additional payment

compound verb to shake one's head "no"

compound verb to originate, have its source (of a river) 8

all, entirely, completely; absolutely 9 end; edge

compound verb a to hang one's head b to hang one's

head, be dejected, be sad, grieve c to not agree to



a to shirk, evade, elude, try get out of

to hunker down in a slit trench

to come out against someone;
contradict someone; fail to obey someone a to
get a swelled head over b to hold a high position
compound verb to worry, fret, torment oneself; suffer b
to complain, make complaints against someone ...
a to lower one's head, hang one's head b to submit, resign
oneself, bow to, acquiesce compound verb a to disgrace
oneself b to humiliate oneself, grovel to ruin



2.1 bald; balding 2.2 scabby, mangy

sl m. 1 old ox 2 sluggish listless person, dawdler; lout,

doing something b to (try to) persuade or induce someone to do

2 sud 1 pure, uncontaminated 2 genuine, real

sdj, sadj f. century to grow old
sur 1 m. [plural: suar nand sur] wild boar

compound verb a to close,

compound verb a to be lost in thought b to be on the alert, prick

door) 3 medicine embolism, thrombosis

stopper, cork b to become engaged, become a fianc

sadwl m. person of small stature; squab (a short squat person)

1 sudd f. Arabic 1 hindrance, obstacle 2 bolt, lock (in a

to give one's life

to start a


to confuse, bewilder someone, take

causing you a lot of trouble.

Eastern He struck up a conversation.

away someone's ability to reason sensibly

for one's country e to begin, undertake


He is

to get into an argument;

Pashto-English Dictionary

! Don't pay any attention.

to sympathize with someone; be
concerned about someone He isn't worked
up about the cause. compound verb to be giddy, be
dizzy My head is spinning. ! Eastern
Charm him! compound verb a to hurt someone's head

to feud, quarrel; harbor

rabid hatred I will find justice.
to go blind, lose one's sight ! I
wish you would go blind! one after the other a
went mad.

intervene in a quarrel

even with, on a level with b tie, draw (to play to a) c even, evensteven, without any extra payment (in an exchange)

badly, break someone's head b to puzzle over something, rack


one's brains over something c to thirst for, long for, to seek after

something d to give in addition, give an extra


inedpendently, on one's own,

courageous, daring; dare-devil

per person, per head (of payment)

sacrifice oneself b to exhibit self-sacrifice or dedication c to give

something in addition, give a little extra


He had to
yield. quite alone, very much alone I'm
all by myself to not raise any
obstacles to someone; give someone complete freedom
to leave a matter as is ... I swear to you
that He loves me very much.
saying to scatter one's efforts, start many


completely, wholly; absolutely

directly, personally; -self

appeared in person.

to be performed, be
a to be impossible, be unrealizable b to
not agree to to give or surrender oneself
wholly to a cause to not turn out
well, fail to be a success; be unrealizable
This is not working out. a to lay down one's life,
Eastern Unnoticed he disappeared.

compound verb a

to behead, cut or chop off someone's head b to look for, search for

projects and fail to complete them (literally: to lather up a hundred

a crazy,
insane b upset; confused, perplexed
to grieve, mourn, be sad, to feel bad, be melancholy
! Eastern Don't stick up for him! to

heads and not shave a one)

He is a prig and a hypocrite. Nothing
upsets me. He doesn't have a patron.
He is depressed. He
complained about you. Whom do you wish to

c to appear, rise (of the moon and sun)

take on (oneself), shoulder (responsibility for supporting the

family, caring for someone); lay on oneself (the burden of cares)

I undertook to help my friend in his

trouble. to bathe, take a bath


a to crowd b to jam,

a to get into one's head b to fill (of the

teeth) to abuse someone's kindness; take advantage
of someone with a less forceful personality
You are abusing my kindness to carry
out responsibilities; serve to avoid, evade, shirk
to find out, worm a secret out of someone
to finish, bring the matter to an end
to be realized, be consumated, be brought to an end
His dream came true.
to end, come to an end, be completed, be consumated
You didn't understand what the point was.
to fulfill (one's duty); bring (a matter that has been
begun) to an end to be realized, come true (of a desire)
to do one's utmost, try as hard as one can, try with all
one's strength to be at daggers drawn, be at
swords' points, quarrel, feud They are
mortal enemies. Eastern They
got dressed up. I've racked my brains over him
saying a burden of one's own choice is not felt
(literally: one's own hair is not a weight on one's head)
Eastern He ruined this deal. He

cram into

sir, sirr m. Arabic [plural:

asr r] secret

to pity, feel sorry for someone, treat with kindness, to be nice to,
take tender care of someone

sirrna and Arabic

compound verb to keep a secret

compound verb to divulge a secret

3 sur m. music note; key

sar f. 1
sar b m. Arabic figurative mirage
sir dzh m. Arabic lamp
sarr dzh m. harness maker, saddler
sarrdzh f. harness-maker's craft, trade of harness-making,
saddler's craft, trade of saddle-making, saddlery

1 sarch f. small house, outbuilding

sarr m. artery
1 sarsr m. juniper
2 sarsr from start to finish; completely, totally, absolutely
sarsimag f. 1 confusion, perplexity, embarrassment,
disarray 2 haste, hurry

sarsim 1 confused, perplexed, being in a state of

confusion 2 hurrying; bustling

compound verb a to

throw into confusion b to hurry, make someone hurry

compound verb a to lose one's presence of mind, become

flustered, get into a state of confusion b to hurry, make haste,


srh greedy, miserly, stingy

srhtb m. greediness, miserliness; stinginess, cupidity


Pashto-English Dictionary

srhawl denominative, transitive [past:

make greedy, make stingy

agriculture balk (a strip of land left unplowed) 4 bridge entrance,

srhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]


bridge approach, the front part of a bridge

sarbnj f.
rawhide strap

to be

greedy, be stingy

confused, muddled

tracks; discover, find, detect

branches 2 m. cutting branches, trimming branches

sarbar h getting ready to travel, preparing for a trip; leaving

sarbast 1.1 closed; sealed; stoppered, corked 1.2 whole,

for somewhere

deal, an affair)

sarindzhinir m. chief engineer

sarnd z m. 1 back (of a bed) 2 large carpet on the floor
sarn f. 1 lintel 2 cross-piece
sar w m. upper reaches of a river, headwaters of a river
sr wra f. sweets, candy (sent by the bridegroom to the bride's


sarbuland f. 1 height, elevation 2 pride, pompousness

Sarbamhr sealed up; under seal
sarbnd 1 m. .1 headband 1.2 chord (used as the base in

to infect; transmit
to penetrate into

closed market 2.2 not having an outlet to the sea

something; be passed on to something; spread to something, extend

to something

sarb thick, greasy

srab f. corpse; carrion


sar-ji-khodzh m. Sarai-I-Khodzha (populated place

north of Kabul)
1 owner of a caravanasary, innkeeper

2 palace employee

sargd m.
sarhaj submissive; subjugated, subdued
sarjwl m. saryw n owner of a caravanasary,

1 srab m. 1 remedy (against disease) 2 medicine treatment

2 srab deep-red
sarbdj 1 mad, senseless 2 talking nonsense
sarb z 1 bold, courageous, selfless 2 m. .1 bold spirit,
daredevil 2.2 patriot patriot 2.3 soldier
sarbz f. daring, boldness, courage, selflessness
to exhibit daring, show selflessness field of battle
sarb nda f. sarb nday m. 1 strip of land at the head
of a field 2 upper sloping masonry course of a duval 3

weaving nets out of straw) 1.3 main gate of an irrigation ditch 1.4
upper reaches, headwaters (of a river) 2.1 closed

sirjt m. Arabic 1 infection

2 m. proper

noun Sarbuland

of the hereafter)

sarjd r m.

to start, set about doing something

sarbafalk high, tall (of a mountain)

sarbulnd, sarbilnd 1 proud, grand, pomous

home on the seventh day of the wedding)

unbroken, untouched 2 f. .1 small turban 2.2 triangular scarf,

sr wa f. crowd; gathering (of people)

sar j, sr j m. 1 caravansary, inn 2 large house, detached
house transitory world (as opposed to the eternal world

compound verb to confuse, muddle

sarbdl f. 1 dizziness, vertigo 2

(state of) confusion, perplexity

surgh m. detective
sarfr z
sarfrz f.
sarfsr m. garrison commander, post commander
sarndzh m m. outcome, end, conclusion (of a business

an infection 2 penetration

sarbdltj f.

sarbdl sacrificed
sarb ga 1 carefree, light-hearted 2 wasteful, extravagant
spendthrift, squanderer, waster, prodigal
sarbr, sarbr 1 with trimmed branches to trim

compound verb a to look for, search for; make inquiries b to find

sarb a f. 1 traces (of a plow) 2

sarbd l 1 suffering from dizziness, experiencing vertigo 2

sur gh m. 1 search, investigation; questioning, interrogation

2 track, footprint; sign, mark; token

compound verb to kill,

serb 1 Serb(ian) 2 m. Serb

sarbern figurative superficial
The air over the seal is very humid.
I don't care for such light-mindedness.
sarbra 1 from above, above on the building
2 besides something besides that 3.1 upper, top;
upper room 3.2 to have come out on top, have gained
victory; having been victorious

sarbja f. cost, cost price, prime cost

1 srp, srp m. 1 coniferous tree 2 pine tree
2 srp m. plural metallurgy lead
3 surp 1 completely, entirely 2 only
1 sarp gi m. plural 1 Sarpagi (a tribe) 2 m.
2 sarp gaj m. facial edema, puffiness
sarp ghi, sarp ghaj
sarp m. sarpa f.
sarpar za ! I have the honor.

Pashto-English Dictionary

Sarparst m. 1 patron; trustee, guardian 2 leader, manager


Sarparast f. 1 patronage, protection; trusteeship,

guardianship 2 guidance, leadership, management

compound verb to lead, guide; direct

1 sartor f. 1 shame 2 widowhood

2 sartri feminine plural of
sartoredl denominative, intransitive 1 [past: ] to
disgrace oneself 2 [past: ] to be widowed, become a

sartip m. history general

1 sar-i-tr quickly, fast, on the run, in a rush
2 sartr 1 courageous, brave 2 devoted; selfless
sarter pointed
sartza sartz 1 pointed 2 hot, fiery; hot-tempered,


sarpatnus f. napkin for a tray

saripl m. Saripul Saripul market (in Kabul)
sarpan h m. shelter; refuge, asylum; haven
sarpanh f. cover, protection
sarpa f. girl; unmarried woman
sarpaj 2
sarph m. 1 lid, cover 2 valve (of the heart) 3 technology
cap, head to hush something up, cover


sara ashamed

saraj 1



2 m. .1 pig, hog, swine 1.2 abusive

toboggan, slide (down a mountain, over the snow, on a board)

srpj m. onomatopeia sound of birds' wings during flight

srpedl intransitive [past: ] to flap (wings)
srpn lead (made of, containing, or pertaining to the metal

srt m. body
sartsra from end to end; from edge to edge
in the whole world
sartrp ja sartrsra all, completely, entirely; from
edge to edge

closed box 1.2 sealed up

sartakaj m. headband
sartanaj covering the head head scarf
sartamb opposing; being stubborn, stubbornly resisting
sartambk f. obstinacy, stubbornness;
sartan w m. string of snares and nets

! saying Long

sartr 1 uncovered (of the head)

hatless 2 defenseless, unprotected

live your husband! (a woman's wish)

sartorw laj m. shame

sartorawl denominative, transitive [past: ]



sartra 1 feminine singular of

2 f. widow

sardzh of or pertaining to cheviot

sarchap overturned, upended, tipped over
sarchashm f.
sarchum f. usually plural shot (shotgun)
sarchin f. 1 upper reaches, headwaters (of a river)
have its start (of a river) 2 spring, source (of water) 3
figurative source, origin heat source
sardzw descending, going down
sardzwa f. slope, incline
sardzj m. front part, fore-part
1 sartsu, sartswu f. shame; embarrassment
2 sartsaj, sartswaj 1 being ashamed, being embarrassed
2 with bowed head 3 ashamed


compound verb to shame, put to

sardzh m. cheviot
sardzham' m. obsolete private first class, lance corporal
sardzhm' f. sum total
srdzha f. 1 frozen snow crust 2 sledding (over the snow)
compound verb compound verb to

something up


sarpohlaj covered, with a roof, with an awning

srpawl transitive [past: ] to flap (wings)
sarpchej 1.1 head over heals 1.2 down, downwards,
down hill 2 confused, perplexed; stunned He is

sartalaj 1.1 closed

2 m. nomad

saying May you live and have a family (a

wish expressed by one woman to another)

sarprekaj with head chopped off, beheaded

sarpakmshr m. military master sergeant; sergeant
major sergeant first class
sarpuhtj f. fillet (from the middle portion of a sheep's

compound verb a to bare one's head b to lose one's husband, be

sarts dialect cold, cool, chilly; very cold, icy

sartse immediately, directly
sartse f. 1
sarhd, sarhdd m. Arabic [plural: sarhadna and
Arabic sarhad t, sarhadd t] border, limit, boundary;
borderland band of Pashtoon independent tribes
border guard to cross the border, cross a

sarhdd r m. chief of a frontier post

sarhad, sarhadd 1 frontier, border frontier post
2 demarcation demarcation commission
surkh red

Pashto-English Dictionary

surkh b m.
sarkh r m. thorny hedge
sarkhn f. household tax
sarkhnj f. camel stall
surkh w m. 1 Surkhab (the name of a number of rivers)

sardar f. upper part of a valley

sar-i-dst 1 being at hand, being available; on hand

red duck

surkhb d m. medicine erysipelas

surkhpsh m. history Red Shirt
surkhch f. type of apricot
surkhrj respected, esteemed; famous, glorious
surkhruj f. honor, respect; good fame
sarkhrjna f. shaving the head (of an infant, as a rirual)
sarkhs m. Arabic fern tree fern
sarkht, sarkhtt m. 1 headline 2 foreword, preface
sarkhka f. pink starling
surkhuprs f. Surkhuparsa
sarkhd independent
sarkhwalaj (who) perished, (who laid down his life
tiring, tedious, tiresome, boring,

sardsr m. cold zone, cold lands, cold-climate countries

sardubr anew, again, (all) over again
sard f. cantaloupe, muskmelon
sard f. cold, hard frost
sarrisht f. 1 measure 2 post, job, position 3 tie,

connection, relation; junction, combination 4 end, tip (of a thread,

string or rope) 5 row, line 6 arrangement, adjustment,


lm plural 1 headache 2
trouble; unpleasantness This is simply unpleasant.
sarkhsh 1 merry, jovial, vivacious 2 tipsy, having had a
sarkhug f.

little too much to drink

sarkhush f. 1 cheerful mood 2 intoxication

sarkhl m. sarkhwla f. crown of a hat
surkh 1 pretty, beautiful 2 light bay, chestnut (of a horse's

surkh f. 1 rust (also on the surface of plants) 2 scrofula 3

beauty; high color, blush, glow 4 crimson 5 red coloring, red

paint, red dye 6 red ink 7 figurative fame, glory

surkhj m. light bay horse, chestnut horse

3 surkhj f. 1 fringe 2 edge, selvage
sarkhl m. tribal leader, tribal chief, head of a clan
sard cold, very cold, icy; frosty, freezing
sard r m. 1 leader; head; chief; military leader 2 Sardar (a
title of the aristocracy); prince the Order of
"Sardar-I ala" the Order of "Sardar-l ali" 3

regional Indian officer; captain 4 proper noun Sardar


m. mercury
f. 1 supremacy; leadership, management 2

compound verb a to dominate b to rule

over, have dominion over, have sway over

sardrj f. proper noun Sardaray

sardn f. sources (of a river)
sardarakht f. 1 fruit 2 part of the garden with fruit trees
sardrd m. headache
sardard f. trouble, agitation

compound verb a to take

measures b to arrange, adjust, organize

2 job

of district finance manager

sarzgj m. piece of leather (with which a jug is tied up)

sarzamn m. country; territory
sarzansh m. reproach, rebuke; reprimand

sarzray obstinate, stubborn; persistent;


sarzor f. stubbornness; persistence; recalcitrance

compound verb to be stubborn
sarzwa f.
sr srg f. female mouflon, mouflon ewe
sars m m. 1 delirium; fever 2 meningitis
sarsj f. 1 alms (given to the poor when breaking a fast) 2
shawl, veil (given to a newlywed woman by her father on the last


sarrishtad r m. district finance manager

sarrishtadr f. 1 district financial management


current, pressing, urgent

day of the wedding)

sarsbz 1 green, turning green, blooming 2 fertile

fertile land rich region
compound verb to make fertile, cause to flower

sarsabz f. 1 flowering 2 planting of greenery, planting of

sarsr m. cold hard wind, high cold wind

sarsr being on the surface or on top

trees and shrubs 3 figurative prosperity, flourishing


to select, pick out (e.g., the larger grain)

compound verb to be selected, be picked out (e.g., of a larger


sarsartra bareheaded, hatless

sarsar 1 superficial, casual, slipshod 2 external, outward,
outer outward manifestation 3 easy, not difficult
4 happy-go-lucky, carefree, not serious, frivolous, light-minded

sarsj nda
sarshkh f. tax on small livestock
sarsh ra sarsh r 1 overfilled, full to the brim; cramed
or stuffed with something 2 poetic drunken, intoxicated
compound verb poetic to be drunk, be inebrriated

Pashto-English Dictionary

sarshr f. 1 abundance, plenty, profusion 2 poetic

intoxication, inebrriation

sark r m. 1 government

history local

government 2 estate, holding(s) 3 regional district made up of

sarshn f. shoulder strap, shoulder piece; epaulet

sarshh f. measure of weight equal to 14 grams
sarsht, sirsht m. 1 mixture 2 figurative nature 3

several tribes 4 chief, leader


constitution, structure, physical make-up

sarisht f.
sarishtad r m. 1 Eastern clerk of court 2
sarshumr f. sarshmr m. census (of the
sarshkh jovial, jolly, lively, cheerful; mischievous (of a

sariht f. dialect

He has business

sarkr 1.1 state, government(al)


worker, government employee, civil servant 1.2 public (of a

building, etc.) 2 f. management, superintendence


sark r 1 m. business

with the press. 2 law valid, in force, in effect

sark sarky 1 m. [plural: Sarkani (a tribe)] 2 m. a

Sarkanai (member of the Sarkani tribe)


sarkitbt m. position or job of business manager; position

or job of head secretary

sarat n m. Arabic 1 crayfish, crawfish; crab 2 medicine

cancer, carcinoma 3 the constellation Cancer (Crab); saratan (the

fourth month of the solar year; June-July

sartabb m. head physician

sur't m. Arabic 1 speed, velocity

sark m. circuit (electrical) short circuit

sarkardag f. supremacy, control, leadership; guidance
sarkard m. [plural: sarkardag n] 1 leader 2
chief, superior; senior (official, etc.)

a speed of

motion b military rate of march 2 tempo, pace, rate

sargh m. saddle
sargh aj 1 obstinate, stubborn; recalcitrant, unruly;

disobedient, naughty 2 m. rebel, insurgent, mutineer, rioter;

sarkardag f.
sirks m. circus
saraksz f. road building
sarkushd open (of a letter) open letter
sarkh 1 obstinate, stubborn; recalcitrant, unruly;
disobedient 2 m. horse blanket


sarghamshr m. commander-in-chief
sargh ndaj
sarghaawna f. 1 stubbornness, obstinacy; disobedience
mutiny, riot; uprising

sarghshaj m. cane; rush, reed

sarghandj m. sarghan m. head, leader
leaders, chiefs, heads
sarghwch m. sealing wax
sarghw m. pomade
sarghn m. medicine mumps
sarfar z 2
sarfarz f. distinction; high position, greatness
1 sarf f. Arabic profit, gain; advantage, benefit
2 surf f. cough
sariqt m. Arabic 1 theft 2 plagiarism
sariql m. 3
sarqumnd n m. commander-in-chief
sarqumndnijt m. high command
sarq f.
sark m. 1 road 2 street a roadway, pavement b
highway path(way), walk(way) highway
compound verb to leave, set off, start off, hit the road
sarktb m. secretary archivist; office
manager, manager of office work

sarkhta with head bowed, meek, humble

to reply meekly
sarkah f. 1 obstinacy, stubbornness; recalcitrance,
unruliness; disobedience 2 riot compound verb a to
be obstinate b to riot to fail to obey
someone, not obey someone's order

sarkalj m. Eastern first haircut (child's)

sarknda headlong compound verb to run

headlong, without watching where one is going

sarkunj m. lock of a child's (hair, left by a vow or

solomn promise)

sarkunj f.
sarkunj f. short-haired girl (whose hair has been cut)

sarkanj f. bride (fiancee) whose betrothed dies before

the wedding

sarkb 1 towering above, dominating (an area, a terrain) 2

sarkzaj m. 1 swine, hog, wild boar 2 abusive swine,

m. overseer, supervisor

scoundrel, villain,

sarkuz f. humiliation, abasement

1 sarkwl upside down, head over heels
compound verb to stand on one's head
compound verb to turn sommersaults



sarkl m. 1 bowl (of a hookah) 2 bucket, hopper (of a

Pashto-English Dictionary

3 sarikl m. Sarykul (lake in the Pamir mountains)

sarkunj f. turning sommersaults
compound verb to turn sommersaults
sirk f. vinegar
1 surkj m. whistling, howling (of the wind)
2 surkj f. cherries
3 srkj f. ladybird beetle, ladybug
sarguzsht m. 1 adventure, event, happening 2 narrative,

sargard n 1 upset, sad, downcast, aggrieved, distressed;

worried, anxious 2 wandering



sargardnawl denominative, transitive [past:

]to disturb, upset, embarrass; to (cause) distress, aggrieve, upset
sargardn f. 1 grief, sorrow 2 confusion, anxiety,
uneasiness; distress

sargrm 1 enthusiastic (about something) 2 ardent, fervent 3


sargarm f. 1 keenness, attraction


verb to be keen on something, take great interest in something 2

ardor, ferver 3 enthusiasm

sargashtag f. vertigo, dizziness, giddiness

sargasht 1 suffering from dizziness or vertigo 2
psychologically ill 3 upset compound verb to
confuse, bewilder (someone)

sargal f. tax on pasturage (per head of livestock)

sargangs 1
sarlawh f. 1 sign, signboard 2 vignette
1 sarlwa f. honor respect, fame, glory
to do someone the honor of, honor someone to
be proud of someone, take pride in someone

sarlwaj worthy of honor and respect, deserving of honor

and glory
honor of

to honor someone, do someone the

compound verb to be awarded with


sarloj f. 1 arrogance, swagger; conceit 2 pride

compound verb a to be proud of, take pride in

sarlsra anew, once again, (over) again

sarmtk 1 pugnacious 2 m. pugnacious fellow,

pugnacious boy, one who is always spoiling for a fight

sarmtka f. pugnacious woman, pugnacious girl

1 sarm taj 1 1 2 with hurt head, with bruised

rich language

sarmjadr 1 f. capitalism 2 capitalist(ic)

sarmshq m. 1 example, model 2 exercise
sarmuhkj f. lizard
sarmu'allm m. 1 senior teacher 2 senior instructor
sarmaghzn 1 garrulous, talkative 2 to go out of one's mind
(on account of chattering and noise) compound verb
;compound verb
sarmaghznawl denominative, transitive [past:
]to drive (someone) crazy (with noise, chattering)
I was stunned by your scream.
sarmaghznedl denominative, intransitive [past:
]to go out of one's mind, lose one's wits, go crazy (from noise,
sarmaql f. editorial, lead article
sarmunsh m. history chief of the king's personal office
surm f. antimony, stibium
surmaj dark blue
surn f. zourna (type of flute)
surnch m. zourna player
sarnm f. 1 address 2 title page
surnj m.
srndzha f. sediment, lees (when melting butter)
1 surng, surng m. 1 sap, undermining
compound verb to dig a sap, undermine 2 mine

2 surng m. chestnut
surng achawnke torpedo boat
surangparn f. blasting, blasting operations
sarnign 1 overturned, toppled 2 shot down, brought down
(of an aircraft) fritillaria (a decorative plant)
sarangj m. 1 1 2 corridor, passage(way),

We are proud of their courage b to swagger,

boast; get puffed up, get conceited, give oneself airs

of a police department (in a province)

sarmmurijt m. police department (in a province)

sarmj f. economics capital fixed capital
sarmjad r 1 m. capitalist 2 wealthy, rich

jabbering, etc.)

sargurh m. leader, guide; ringleader

srgaj m. 1 cypress grass, Cyperus 2 beard grass,

Andropogon (a cereal)

1 sarm l m. rope for tying on a pack (on a pack animal)

2 sarm l filled to the brim (of a cup, bowl, etc.)
sarmmr m. chief, senior (officer) chief

sarmtj m. 1 top masonry course of a wall 2 eaves

entrance (hall)

sarnawsht m. lot, fate; destiny, fortune

to influence one's destiny
2 saranj upper, located above, from above, from the top, on
the surface of something the upper part (e.g., of a page)
sarnez f. three-edge bayonet; dagger bayonet
srnik m. great-great-grandfather
1 sarw m. poetic graceful stately as a cypress
2 sr, sr oblique plural of 5

Pashto-English Dictionary

sarw khaj obstinate stubborn, recalcitrant

sarw h m. sarw hay m. tether (e.g., for an ox)
sarw ndi f. plural
sarwn m. plural 1 Sarvani (a tribe) 2 m. a Sarvanai (a
member of the Sarvani tribe)

srob srop quite, entirely, totally

sarup sarup y 1 m. robe (of honor)

2 from head to

sarutn identical, equal (of calculation)

sra f. 1 corpse; carrion 2 sandy knoll; sand hill, dune

sr 1 m. plural of

compound verb to make red

hot, heat to incandescence, make white hot 2 m. plural gold, gold


sra 1 feminine singular of

2 f. gold coin, gold piece

sar, sr, sr 1.1 together; with each other, with one

another; between ourselves; to each other, to one another

What are they talking

to each other
They love each other very much.
When will we see each other again? His
sons have quarrelled together compound
verb to assemble, unify, concentrate compound


They came together.

about amongst themselves?

compound verb to share equally (when deviding or partitioning


sarwka f.
sard m. song; melody
sarodg sarodgy m. 1 singer 2 musician
sarodgu f. singing
sarod m. singer
1 surr m. Arabic gladness, joy, mirth
2 sarwr m. 1 leader, head 2 proper noun Sarvar
sarwrkh m. 1 headwork of a canal 2 place where two

verb to be assembled, be unified, be concentrated 1.2 completely,

All my
clothing was torn to shreds. All three fell down.


combination with the preposition)

together with

together with produce b near, at, by (indicates

rivers join, the confluence of two rivers 3 source 4 figurative

being near something)

beginning, first step

(used when denoting an action or event, after which something

sarwra f. proper noun Sarvara

1 sarwar f. 1 leadership 2 power, domination
2 sarwarj m. load (on an animal)
sarwzna f. 1 waistband of trousers 2 fringe (on woman's

happens or occurs)

upon arriving

with the aid of 2.3 according to something, in

accordance with ; (as) per in combination with the word

the preposition

saruk l all year, the whole year round

sarulm m. beginning the beginning of the matter
the beginning of the month idiom to
get terribly angry

sarwr m. sweets, candy (brought to the bride's house from

the bridegroom)

srwa f. cypress
sarw m. 1 research, study 2 geological prospecting
prospecting party 3 topographic survey
sarwgd m. pillow
sarws sarws m. 1 servicing, service 2
airline automobile transportation
3 colloquial bus 4 sports service

srojl transitive [past: ] to kill, swat (fleas, etc.)

1 sra f. manure, dung; fertilizer chemical
fertilizers to fertilize the soil


by international law

according to the report 3 forms compound

, the preposition ...

... ... despite

demonstrative pronoun
and the conjunction

not have anything to do with

conjunctions with concessive connotation in combination with the

situation; perplex, nonplus



instrument of an action, in combination with the preposition

wide trousers)

at the window c upon, after

falling 2.2 with, with the aid of something (serves to denote the

sarusm n m. property; belongings, things

sarwsh n stately as a cypress, graceful
sroghl transitive [past: ] to put into a difficult
sarwqmt sarwqd
saruk r m. relation, connection ...

postposition .1 a with, together (indicates compatibility, in

6 sar pure, uncontaminated

7 sar draft (of an ox, bullock)
surh r m. sound (of the wind)
sr bndz m. plural tomatoes
sr zr m. plural gold; gold pieces
sra gh a f. anatomy pharynx
sra ghurdzka f. 1 large spark 2 bright flame
sr ked m. plural 1 frying, roasting 2 melting, (suet,

sra mkha f. medicine erysipelas

sarhaw suffering from self-importance, conceited; haughty,
arrogant, supercilious nonsense, rubbish !
Don't get a swelled head!

srawr Eastern
sra-u-zarghun f. f. rainbow
idiom Ahmed is quite beardless.
sra wla f. Dzungar willow

Pashto-English Dictionary

srwartb m. width, breadth; spaciousness

1 sirr Arabic secret secret correspondence
2 srj, surj m. 1 to betray one another
3 sraj m. measles
4 sraj m. botony tamarisk
5 sarj f. 1 land-working partnership, joint working of land by


sre 1 feminine plural of

saob and

saobiy n]

earthenware pitcher

1 to cool

(off), chill 2 figurative to calm, quiet, soothe 3 to slake lime

srj f. 1 head of a hookah 2 scoop

srj f. cherry (fruit and tree)

saob f. Sarobi (region)

sataj m. man, little man, little fellow
saawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

two or more poor peasants 2 team of oxen


saobj m. [plural:

sa, s feminine singular of

It's cool


sa 1 free, unoccupied, not busy (from work, etc.) 2

completed, fulfilled, carried out

hot tears 2 f.

saabn m. Saraban (one of the main tribes of the Afghans)

sakj f. top, summit, crown (of a tree, of a mountain)
saalwa f. f. fever and chills; fever

plural gold pieces; gold

surjn Syrian
surjta f.
srikh m. botony Mimosa seris (tree)
srih m. 1 glue 2 stickiness
srihn , sticky; viscous
srhna f. anatomy femural head cavity
srihawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

He is feverish.

sa and Western saiy n] 1

man, person Three people came. to
make someone a man compound verb to become a man

saj m. [plural:

2 husband; man 3 worker; servant 4 lad, young man 5 people;



glue, paste; stick, paste together

to support someone

sa, s feminine plural of

3 sa m. Western old chap, old fellow, friend
saitb m. 1 manliness befitting a man

srihedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

stick (to, together), adhere (to), be pasted, be glued; cling to

siris f m. Arabic muslin

sar' quick, fast, rapid, swift
sari'tsh rapid-firing
sari'-as-sjr Arabic high-speed, fast
sari'n fast, rapid; hurried, hasty
sremj f. lentil
sirenik f. Kirenaika
srindaw l, srindaw l m. violinist; fiddler
srind, srind f. 1 violin; fiddle

humaneness, humanity

saechn chilly, sensitive to cold (of a person)

sadzaj in combination with numerals two-place,


saikhr 1 greedy, stingy 2 m. cannibal

saedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to

become cold, cool (down) 2 to catch cold, come down with a cold
3 to quiet down, calm down, compose oneself

compound verb

fighting ceased

to play the violin 2 poetic lyre

saihh m.
saz f. punishment to punish someone
to teach someone a lesson punishable
sazw r 1 worthy, deserving of something

srindam r, srindam r m.
sariwrkh, sariwarkh m. 1 upper reaches, headwaters (of
a river) 2 start, beginning (of work, of a business deal)

srewr obvious, patent, evident

sarj f. rising (of the sun) compound verb

to be worthy, deserve something 2 befitting, proper

to rise (of

the sun)

saban m. plural Sarbani (a group of Afghan tirbes)

sap m. 1 2 onomatopoeia sound of the clash of


sph r m. squelching, sloshing (of mud under-foot)

compound verb to squelch, slosh (through mud)
satj f. cold; the cool, coolness
sak m. ;railroad
1 sa oblique plural of 1
2 sa oblique plural of

sazwl m. 1 tax collector 2 history estate manager, steward

sazj b Eastern law convicted, condemned
saznaj m. needles (of conifers)
sazawl m.
s m. s f.
s f. Western
sah r m. whine (of bullets)
1 sg m.
2 sag current, this (of the year) the current year
this year's harvest
f. nostril a to overeat, eat too much,

eat one's fill b to get angry


Pashto-English Dictionary

sg n pulmonary


current, this (year); of the current year, of this

this year
sg f.
r m.
sgaj m. lung pulmonary diseases
He tortured me.

sag n


saying His heart skipped a beat.

sasp r m. plowshare
sasprkodj m. Eastern tool bag, tool kit
sasp ra f.
saspr m. hoe, mattock
sust, sst 1 weak, feeble 2 slow, sluggish; listless, languid;

sustinkish f poorly developed, underdeveloped (of a


indolence, sloth

sustawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

weaken, enfeeble 2 to slacken, loosen (a rope, etc.)

a line; rule, line off 2 line (of print) 3 row, series

"Sardar-i ali"

2 f. regional delaying,
procrastination; omission to not
deny someone food

sust f. 1 impotence, weakness 2 sluggishness; listlessness

3 carelessness, negligence

relaxation of discipline

compound verb a to show weakness, reveal weakness

b to reveal negligence, exhibit negligence

sa'dt m. Arabic 1 happiness, bliss; prosperity 2 well-

being 3 proper noun Saadat

sa'datmn 1 2
sa'datman f. 1 happiness; prosperity; success

2 well-


sa'd Arabic 1 m. .1 lucky arrangement of stars, lucky star

Saad 2.1 happy, prosperous 2.2 favorable, satisfactory

2 su'd m. Arabic nut grass, coco grass, Cyperus rotundus

sa'd m. 1
sa'ud Saudi Saudi

ssta 1 feminine singular of

compound verb to draw

1.2 favorable sign 1.3 happiness, prosperity 1.4 proper noun

sust-pust 1 very weak, quite feeble 2 quite listless

sistm m. 1 system 2 network (e.g., telephone)
sustw laj m. 1 weakness 2 inertia, listlessness; laziness,

satrksh m. ruler, straightedge

satrndzh m. chess chess-board
satrandzh f. shatrandzhi (a rug fabric)
satr by the line
stl, stl m. Arabic bucket, pail
abbreviation of history bearer of the order of

lazy 3 stretched loosely, slack (of a rope, etc.)

str, str m. Arabic 1 line

sustijt m.

sustedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

become weak 2 to be sluggish, be listless; be lazy, indolent 3 to
be slackened, be loosened (of a rope, etc.) 4 to fade (away), die
out (of a noise)

sskra f. rocky terrain

sisil f. Sicily
sasawl transitive dialect
ssaj m. botony saxaul, Haloxylon
sashkla f. always, constantly, continually; every time
sh f. sizzling, sputtering (the sound of meat, etc., being
fried or broiled)

sahsra f. hoe, mattock

shkra f.
sath f. Arabic stha f. 1 surface plateau 2
figurative level above sea level
to raise the cultural level
sath Arabic 1 surface, superficial
superficial knowledge 2 groundless, unfounded

compound verb to
to make efforts
happy, fortunate; favorable your

sa'ja f. Arabic endeavor, effort

try, endeavor, strive for

sa'd Arabic 1

are unfortunate, you are luckless 2 m. proper noun Said

sa'r m. Arabic hell, hades

s'ja f.
c'ji plural of
sgh m. 1 whistle, whine (of a bullet) 2
birds flying) compound verb a

sound of wings (of

to whistle, whine (of a

bullet) b to make a fluttering sound with the wings

sgh f.
sghl m. medicine dyspepsia; indigestion
sghawl, sughawl transitive [past: ]

1 to pierce;

punch a hole in, puncture 2 to fling, hurl, throw 3 to let fly, shoot
(a bullet)

sghah r m. 1 puffing, wheezing, snorting 2 whistle, whine

(of a bullet)

sughj m.

compound verb to whistle, whine (of a

puffing, wheezing, snorting (through the nose)

intransitive [past:

1 to be pierced, be

punctured 2 to whistle, whine (of a bullet)

sifrt m. Arabic 1 embassy 2 duties of an ambassador

sifratkhn f. embassy, embassy building; (ambassador's)

sifrsh m. [plural: sifrishna and Arabic

sifrish t] 1 commission, assignment; instructions
order compound verb a to give an assignment,

Pashto-English Dictionary

instruct, commission b to order

saqm Arabic 1 sick, unhealthy 2 incorrect, wrong, false

1 suk m. 1
2 sik m. Sikh
sk ln m. Scotland
sakrt m. Arabic agony; faint, fainting

compound verb to


saff k Arabic 1 bloodthirsty 2 m. bloodsucker, extortionist;


saffk f. 1 bloodthirstiness 2 incurability (of a disease)

safr m. Arabic 1 journey, trip; voyage
baggage compound verb to travel, journey
to set out on a journey ! Bon voyage!

sakrt-i death throes

skrltn m. scarlet fever

sk rwaj m. pneumonia; pleurisy
skr m. plural [singular: ]coal
charcoal ( hard) coal
white coal
skr khartsawnkaj m. m. coal seller,

2 wartime 3 military campaign 4 figurative the final journey,

death He has left this world.

sufar m. plural Arabic of
safarbr mobilized compound verb to mobilize
safarbar f. mobilization general
mobilization partial mobilization
safarkhrts m. 1 travel expenses 2 travel allowance, travel

coal vender


safarmijn , saparmijn m. plural regional sappers, combat

engineers combat engineer battalion

safarnm f. travel diary
sufr f. anatomy anus
safar 1.1 travel 1.2 field 2 f. .1 journey, trip


provisions for the road

sufl Arabic 1 lower

base, mean

the lower extremities 2 low,

sifls, sifils m. syphilis

saff, suff m. Arabic medicine powder (a medicine)
safd white
safed r m 1 white poplar, silver poplar 2 wood of the white
or silver poplar

safedpsh 1 dressed in white 2 m. rich man, wealthy


swarthy 3 sunburned, tanned

skj m. chisel
sku m. regional 1 boy scout
1 skta f. 1 patience, endurance

safed f. 1 poplar 2 white (of an egg), egg white 3 whiting,

white pigment

safr m. Arabic [plural: and Arabic ]ambassador

saq w m. saq m. [plural: saqw n] water-carrier
history Bache-Sakao
saqw f. 1 swimming pool, pond 2 cold bath
saqr m. Arabic hell, nether world
saqf m. Arabic 1 ceiling 2 roof 3 figurative vault of
heaven, firmament

saqfposh f. ceiling, overhead, cover

saql t m. Arabic red fabric; purple
suqt m. Arabic 1 fall, collapse compound verb
a to fall b to be knocked down to shoot

2 scout, reconnoiterer
2 satisfaction

compound verb to be sufficient, suffice

sakt f. Arabic 1 interruption, stoppage; hitch, hesitation 2

comma 3 becoming torpid, becoming rigid, becoming numb 4

safedkh m. Safedkokh (the name of various mountain


sk sa f. silhouette
sak l m. current year, this year
sklarshp m. stipend, scholarship, student grant
to give out a scholarship
skl f. 2
1 skm m. post, pole
2 skm abbreviation of I did say; you know, you
see 8 2
skndinawij f. Scandinavia
skndinawijj Scandinavian
sk 1 dark bay (of a horse's color) 2 dark-complexioned,

medicine insuline

skdzaj m. 1
sukr m. Arabic intoxicating drink; wine
sekretr m. m. secretary
skarwa f. 1 red smouldering lump of coal 2 spark
Sparks fly from the bonfire.
1 sukk m. cornbread
2 sukk 1 crippled, maimed 2 m. cripple
compound verb to cripple, maim compound verb to
be crippled, be maimed

skustl transitive [present:

shear (wool)

down a plane 2 breakdown, disintegration 3 death, destruction,




saksawl m. botany saxaul, Haloxylon

cutting out

skht imperfect of

skht m.

cut out

downfall 4 defeat

compound verb to cut,

Pashto-English Dictionary

skhtl transitive [present: past: ] 1 to

cut out (a dress) 2 figurative to make plans, make suppositions;

skhta f. cutting out

1 skl transitive
2 skul present stem of
1 skam m. sack, bag
2 skm present first person of
sikandzabn m. lemon juice with sugar; syrup of vinegar
and honey

skwa f. fork (for winnowing grain)

1 skwi plural of
2 skoj m. 1 seam; stitch 2 embroidery

4 figurative kind, stamp, mold; outward appearance, exterior

3 skwj m. tailor
skoj r m. tailor
skwer m. public garden
skwajr m. regional landowner, landed gentleman
skojl transitive [past: ] 1 to comb; comb out
to shear (sheep) 3 to massage, rub

skojna f. 1 combing, combing out 2 shearing (of sheep) 3


skindn m. trial, test, taste, sample

skind f. 1 healing, healing over; scarring, cicatrization (of a

wound) 2 joining of disparate parts

1 sku m. 1
2 sak m. 1 stone bench 2 platform
sukt m. Arabic silence, quiet
skor m. [usually plural skr]

2 handle (of a

a to persuade

1 coal (usually

a to spoil someone's mood b to poison someone's joy

to settle (down), take up residence 2 peace and quiet, calm(ness),

tranquility; immobility

skun ra f.
skunl transitive [past: ]

sikh m.

sik f. metallurgu lead

sik, sikk f. Arabic outward appearance (beautiful)

sak blood, by blood, own

1 to pinch, nip, tweak

2 to pinch something off, pick something off

own sister (related by

own brother (related by blood)

sik 1.1 respected, honored 1.2 serious 1.3 dialect dull,

obtuse; slow-witted 2 m. slow-witted person, dimwit

cka f. taste (of food)

ska 1 2 as if, like

that he would come today.

skork aj m. (hard) coal

skwst m. shearing (of sheep)
skwstl transitive
1 skwl 1 transitive 2 m. plural shearing
sheep shearing sheep-shearing season
2 skawl transitive
3 skwul m. regional school
4 skwl present stem of
skwlgr m. shearer (of sheep)
skwall transitive [past: ] to shear (sheep)
skum m. 1
sukn m. Arabic peace and quiet, calm, tranquility
to deprive someone of peace and quiet
sukunt m. Arabic 1 residence
compound verb to live, dwell, inhabit compound verb

skna f. nip, pinch, tweak

sikk f. Arabic coin


charcoal) 2 charred log, smouldering brand

someone b to impose one's own opinion on someone


to torment oneself, be tormented

sikandr m. proper noun Alexander

skun f. nip, pinch, tweak

sakanj blood, by blood, own
1 ska m. cut, cutting out
2 ska
3 sk present stem of
skaj f. 1 queen bee's cell (in a beehive)

3 anxiety, uneasiness

I thought

9 sk dialect imperfect of
10 ska Eastern imperfective imperative of
1 ski m. plural skis compound verb



2 skaj m. 1
3 sikk plural of 1, 4
skech m. 1 (rough) sketch, free-hand drawing 2 sketch
ski kawnkaj m. skier
1 skim m. sack, bag
2 skim m. scheme, plan; project, design
skindab m.
skind f. medicine splint, cast
skindab m. osteopath, bone-setter
1 sag m. dog
2 sag dialect 2
sig l m. 1 imagination 2 suspicion 3 enmity, hatred 4
speech, word

sigrt m. plural cigarettes

sigr m.
sigradn f. cigarette case, cigar case
sigra m. plural smoker, cigarette smoker
sigr m. cigarettes cigarette
sigrewl m. vendor of cigarettes, cigars
sagk m. 1 buckle; hook; fastening 2 mole cricket (insect)
sugl f. [plural: sugli] winter boots made of rawhide

Pashto-English Dictionary

saglw m. m. otter
suglj f.
sagw n, sagu n m. teak tree
1 sag f.
2 sga f. 1.1 means, capital 1.2 profit

Please accept my
greetings. to bow down low to someone
saying Without greetings there's no conversation 2 peace,

calm 3 m. proper noun Salyam

1.3 allotment of land

2 attributive acquired; gathered; obtained

sgaj m. Eastern
1 sil, sill m. Arabic tuberculosis pulmonary
tuberculosis tuberculosis of the bones
He has the onset of tuberculosis.

salmlk m. 1 exchange of pleasantries; exchange of

greetings 2 nut grass, coco grass, Cyperus rotundus

idiom to associate with, to be friends
salmt Arabic 1 m. .1 rest, peace, calm, quiet, tranquility
with complete tranquility 1.2 health 2 attributive
.1 safe, sound; healthy ! Good-bye! (on parting);

sal m. raft, float

one hundred
80% one hundred thousand
(100,000) century 2 m. [plural: slgna,
sawna and slh ] hundred by
the hundreds; hundreds hundreds of Pashtoons
saying to lather a hundred heads and
shave nary a one Apparently he

Bless you! (upon sneezing) 2.2 sufficient, enough 3.1 all right,
well, safely 3.2 everything as a whole

sl 1 numeral (one) hundred (100)

five (105)

salmatj f. calm, quiet, tranquility

sal m'aljkum Arabic greetings to you (on meeting and
parting); hello I greeted him.
salm 1 greetings, regards 2 salute (by guns)
compound verb to salute 3 review of troops

doesn't deserve complete trust.

slw m. Slav
slw Slavic
slj, salj f.

to ask
compound verb to consult,
confer, take counsel compound verb to give advice
What do you advise now?
salbr m. interest; profit
salbal without rhyme or reason; for no reason at all, without
cause to act without thinking
sal f. 1 cattail root 2 kind of tomato salad
sil h f. Arabic [plural: aslih] weapons, arms,
armament to lay down one's arms
silhkhn f. arms depot, arsenal
silhk13 m. obsolete stacks (rifle) to stack
sal f. advice, counsel; instructions

advice of someone

to inspect the troops

2 history large needle (with which people pierced the eyes of their

enemy) 3 vertical axle of a water-lifting wheel 4 rod, stem,


salb m. Arabic 1 taking away, depriving 2 denial, negation

compound verb
to deprive someone of tranquility, violate someone's peace
and quiet compound verb
salbawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
deprive, take away

salb Arabic 1 negative

lack, shortage, deficiency

2 lazy, inactive


f. 1 small stick for applying antimony

salrz m. plural 1 Salarzai (a tribe in Badzhaur) 2 m. a


salr f. salry f. 1 striped silk 2 shawl, veil

salsm m.
m. plural Arabic of
salsn lynx
saltn m. plural Arabic of
salgraj m. advisor, counsellor
sull f. Arabic 1 dynasty 2 posterity
sallj f.
sal m m. Arabic 1 regards, greetings the
ceremony of hearing the national anthem compound
verb compound verb a to greet
someone; welcome b to salute to
convey greetings compound verb a to greet, welcome b
Eastern present arms! to send greetings a to
reply to a greeting b to submit to, resign oneself to c to convey

salbedl denominative, intransitive [past:

deprived of 2 to be lost, be forfeited

sal m. 1 shield 2 trench, entrenchment

sl f. fortification, breastwork, parapet
silh f.
silahshr 1 m. fighting man, soldier

1 to be


2 martial, warlike, bellicose

silahshor f. bellicosity, warlike character

compound verb to be warlike, be bellicose

salkh m. Arabic last day of the lunar month

sildir dzh m. men's long underpants, underwear
silsil-i-bul m. plural diabetes
silsiltn Arabic 1 at the command of 2 through channels
silsil f. Arabic [plural: silsil and m. plural
salsl] 1 consistency; system
through channels, through the chain of command
compound verb to observe the order of priority 2 session 3


Pashto-English Dictionary

series 4 chain, row, line 5 duration 6 chain (of mountains),

mountain range 7 genealogy, pedigree

selsijs m. Celsius


100 degrees

sult n m. Arabic [plural: sultn n and Arabic

saltn] 1 king; sultan 2 proper noun Sultan
salt na f. proper noun Sultana
sultn king's, regal, royal; sultan
saltant m. Arabic 1 kingdom, realm, sultanate 2 royal
authority; sultan's power compound verb to reign, rule
saltanat royal court
sult f. Arabic 1 power, authority 2 state, power
salf m. Arabic [plural: asl f] 1 predecessor,
forerunner, precursor 2 ancestor, forefather

sulfr m. plural sulfur

slkaln slkalany

centenary, centenial,

centuries-old, secular

slg m. harvested wheat before threshing

slgj, sulgj f. 1 death rattle 2 sobbing loud
sobbing compound verb a to wheeze b to
sob The day is drawing to a close.
slgedl intransitive [past: ]to snort
1 selm m. Arabic trade fixed-term transaction, business deal
for the delivery of goods at a specified date

2 slm ordinal hundredth

3 slm m. family, tribe
salm n m. proper noun Salman
salmn m. barber
silamch m.
slmshr m. lieutenant of cossacks, cossack squadron

salm f. surprise, astonishment, amazement

compound verb to be surprised, be astonished, be amazed

2 slma feminine singular of centenary

silndr m. 1 cylinder 2 tank, bottle (e.g., for oxygen)
slna f. infertile woman
silingrz m. electronic socket (on the ceiling)
salwgh f. [plural: salwgh] 1 bucket, pail
to draw water from a well with a bucket 2

salotr m. Eastern veterinary, veternarian
sulk m. Arabic 1 mode, manner 2 treatment of someone,
behavior in relation to someone compound verb to
treat someone

suluk pleasant, well-mannered, urbane, polite, courteous

1 sell m. biology cell
2 sulawl transitive
1 sla f. 1 brick 2 pig, ingot, billet 3 casting
2 sal f. botony awn, beard, barb, seta

3 sla 3
slaraj, slaraj m. brick maker
1 salj m. ring
2 slaj m. dialect
3 salj f. ramrod, ram; spit
4 slj f. pile, heap
salipr m. 1 slippers 2 railroad cross-tie, bridge tie
1 slt full, filled compound verb to fill
2 slet m. m. 1 slate (board, for writing on) 2 (roof)


slkh, salkh


salkht 1 m.

.1 glue 1.2 viscosity, stickiness 2 sticking, adhering

slekhtn k sticky; viscous

slz ordinal hundredth
sals Arabic 1 clear, intelligible, easy to understand


sliht m. sleht m.
saliq f. Arabic 1 taste (sense of the fine and elegant)

inclination, disposition; attraction

slka f.
salm Arabic 1.1 peaceful, peaceable; gentle, meek, humble
1.2 well, unharmed, safe 2 m. proper noun Selim

salim-ut-tb' peaceful, peaceable; gentle, meek, humble

salim-ul-'aql Arabic of sound mind
sulim n, sulejm n m. proper noun Solomon; Suleiman
Suleiman range
sulejmnkhl 1 m. plural Suleimankheili (a tribe) 2 m. a

sulimn, sulimnj m. Arabic 1 history Suleimani

(nickname of Afghans) 2 hoopoe (bird)

2 slemnj, sulemnj f. onyx

seljulz m. cellulose
1 sam 1 straight, direct, even
perfectly straight 1.2 correct, true, real

My supposition proved to be correct. 1.3 honest, decent

decency, honesty 1.4 concordant with something,

consonant with something

accurate, direct

true cause
straight road


according to 1.5

direct hit 2 quite, totally, completely

entirely correct hill and

very good, best

dale regionalism right hand

2 sum m. hoof
3 sam, samm m. Arabic poison, venom, toxin
4 sm Western present first person singular of 2
sam f.
sumtr f. Sumatra
sams f. patty, pastry
sam ' f. Arabic 1 listening, hearing out; attention
3 song


2 hearing

Pashto-English Dictionary

sam't m. Arabic regional hearing, trying (a case)

under the jurisdiction of compound verb to
hear a case, try a case

sam 'a f.
sam' traditional
sum gh m. Arabic

m. 1 botony sumac 2

mineralogy porphyry

somlilnd m. Somalia
sam w m. 1 justice, equity, fairness 2 correctness, rightness
smw t m. m. samovar
samwarch m. m. vendor of hot tea; tea-house

directly 1.3 outright, on the spot 2.1 immediate 2.2 direct, even
2.3 rash, hasty 2.4 current (of expenditures)

samr m. Arabic 1 story, narrative 2 morning chat

smirn f. Smyrna history Izmir
samsr f. monitor (a lizard)
samst f.
samsar f.
samsr 1 almost ripe 2 fresh, turned green 3 blooming,


samsorawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to make fresh, force to turn green 2 to plant greenery 3 to

samb l 1 m. .1 finery, decoration, adornment 1.2 arranging,

to hoard one's


samblawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to dress up, beautify, adorn compound verb to get

dressed up 2 to arrange, adjust, settle 3 to prepare, make ready

samblawna f. plural 1 decoration, adornment 2

arranging, adjusting, settling

sambl f. putting into good order, regulating

domestic science, housekeeping

sambledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to get dressed up 2 to be arranged, be adjusted, be settled

samba f. rice kasha, rice porridge

sambur paired word with
samos f. patty with filling, filled pastry
smbl m. symbol
1 sumb f. pole, staff (for a flag, banner)
1 samt m. Arabic 1 path, way 2 land, place 3 area, region
history Northern District of Kabul Province
( formerly) Southern Province ( formerly)
Eastern Province

samt sufficient, enough

enough water in this spring.

samsorty f.

4 planting of greenery

adjusting, settling 2.1 arranged, adjusted, settled 2.2 being at

summ kh m. anatomy anus

hand, being within easy reach

samsortb m.

samsorw lay m. 1 ripeness, maturity 2 freshness 3 flourishing

There is

samtar f.
samturj m. saber
samt, simt regional, territorial, district
sama f. large turban
smts f. smtsa f. [plural: smtsi] 1 cave,
cavern cave-men 2 sap, undermining
smkh paired word with
smkhstrgaj impudent, insolent, shameless; audacious
samdsamni f.
samdl sa samdm 1.1 now, at once,
immediately, instantly They set out at once. 1.2

make blooming, make flourishing

1 samsor f.
2 samsraj m. (one's) equal, match
samsoredl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to ripen, mature 2 to turn green 3 to bloom, prosper, flourish

samsored m. plural
prosperity of the country

1 samht m. smoothing, leveling; straightening

2 smht m. envy; hostility, ill-will
cam', sam' f. Arabic hearing
samk m. Arabic astronomy Pisces
saml saj immediate, pressing, urgent; near, forthcoming
urgent measures
samll sa
1 samn m. plural 1 jasmine 2 lily of the valley
2 samn m. Eastern summons, subpoena (to court); court
summons, subpoena compound verb to subpoena
samanbja f. darling, sweetheart
simn m. plural cement
simansz f. cement production
samnd 1 (of a horse's color) light bay, dun, cream-colored 2
m. light-bay horse

samandr, samundr m. 1 sea; ocean 2 proper noun


2 samandr m. 1 salamander 2 newt, eft

samandrz m. silk taffeta
samandar samandarz sea; ocean
buoy lighthouse, beacon
samanl m. botony broomrape, Orobanche
samang n m. Samangan, Simingan (the ancient name of
Haibak) history Samangan Province
samangj m. piece of cloth (on which dough is rolled out)
saman m. malt
samna f. arranging, adjusting


Pashto-English Dictionary

samw lay m. 1 straightness;

evenness; smoothness 2 2
samts f. dialect cave, cavern
samr m. Arabic 1 sable 2 marten
samwazarwl straight-winged (of insects)
samawl 1 denominative, transitive [past: ] .1 to
samw la f.

(make) level, (make) smooth, straighten 1.2 to improve someone,

reform someone; make (someone) conscious of, bring something

home (to someone) 1.3 to put right, settle, arrange (e.g., affairs);
put in order 1.4 to adjust, smooth (one's dress) 1.5 to put

samb l m.
samblawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1
compound verb a to prepare for, get ready
for b to outfit oneself, set out on a journey 2 to draw up, form
(into ranks) 3 to equip, provide with

sumbl m. 1 hyacinth 2 giant fennel 3 citronella (grass),

Cymbopogon nardus 4 poetic lock, curl, ringlet; curls

sumbul f. Arabic 1 astronomy Virgo (the constellation) 2

sunt, sunnt m. Arabic religion 1 sunna

sumbula (the sixth month of the solar year; August-September)

Moslems 2 circumcision

(someone) on the right path 1.6 to lay, train (a gun, cannon), aim

]custom, rule

(at) 1.7 to regulate, adjust 2 m. plural .1 leveling, smoothing,

of the daily prayers required by Islamic tradition) b

straightening 2.2 correction (of deficiencies) 2.3 putting right,

compound verb 3 [plural:

settling, arranging, putting into order 2.4 laying, training (of

artillery pieces), aiming 2.5 regulating, adjusting

samn m. 1

2 reform 3 system, order 4

accordance, conformity, correspondence



correspond (with), conform (to), be in keeping (with) 5 military

quartering, billeting


samawna f.
sma 1 feminine singular of 1 .1 straight line
... more correct will be correct, right
1.2 plain; level place, level terrain 2 f. .1 plain, flat place, level

compound verb to cut, trim (a moustache, beard)

santar f. tangerine, mandarin orange
santr, santar m. Eastern colloquial sentry, sentinel
suntawl, sunntawl denominative, transitive [past:
]religion to perform the ritual of circumcision, subject
someone to circumcision

samuntn m. military department of housing allowances

samunw l m. military chief of the department of housing


hills and dales 2.2 correct, right (of a word) 2.3

Sama (region of the Yousufzai land between the rivers Kabul,

sunat, sunnat f. religion circumcision

sant-j g m. Santiago
sunatedl, sunnatedl denominative, intransitive [past:
]religion to undergo circumcision
san f. 1 face 2 appearance, exterior
Ahmed is very swarthy.

sma-takht lying on the back

sandzh m. 1 weight 2 technology load

sundzh desert, deserted, uninhabited; dismal, doleful

compound verb to devastate, lay waste (to), ravage

Buner and Swat)


compound verb a namaz (one

compound verb to be deserted, be uninhabited; (become) empty,


verb to lie on the back; fall flat on one's back

samj f. technology plumb (line, bob)

sammij t m. Arabic 1 poisoning 2 infectiousness
samedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
leveled, be smoothed, be straightened 2 to come to an awareness
3 to be put right, be settled, be arranged 4 to be trained, be laid

(of an artillery piece), be aimed 5 to be regulated, be adjusted

simstr m. semester
semin r m. seminar
san m. Arabic 1 year 2 age in childhood
1 sen f. senate senate
2 san f. botony senna
santorjm m. sanatorium
1 sun r m. goldsmith, jeweller
2 san r m. sanar (an ancient coin with a value of 15 puls)
1 sunr gold; gilded
2 sanr red, carmine, red in color
senrij f. scenario
sans m.

become deserted

3 sndzh m. parapet (on a flat roof)

sandzh b m. sanj p m. squirrel
sandzh gh m. sanj q m. pin hair-pin
sundzhtb m. sunjty f. desertedness, emptiness,

sandzhsh m. 1 thinking over, deliberating, weighing;

assessment, rating 2 measuring, measurement, taking stock of 3

valuation; price

sundzhw laj m.
sandzhawl transitive [past: ]

1 to think over,

deliberate, weigh 2 to seek, look for; think of, devise, invent;

develop (e.g., a plan)

to look for a way out 3 to

to distinguish good from

assess; estimate, calculate


1 sndzha f. desert
sandzhedl intransitive [past: ]

1 to be deliberated,

be weighed 2 to be sought after, be devised; be developed (e.g., of

a plan) 3 be assessed; be estimated

Pashto-English Dictionary

sinkon f. bark of the cinchona tree

1 sng m. 1 whimpering (of a child)
whimpering to whimper 2 whine (of a bullet)
2 sang m. stone (usually in word compounds)
sng-i- philosophers' stone sng-i- foundation
sng-i- marble sng-i- medicine stones

sandzhid 1 considered, thought through, weighed 2

serious, well-founded, reasonable

sandzl transitive [past:

etc.) 2 to vacate, empty

1 to pour out (water,

sandzla f. botony oleaster, Elaeagnus

1 sand m. Arabic [plural: sanadna and Arabic
asn d] 1 document; patent, license; deed, statement
bond 2 diploma

(in the urinary bladder)

sind m.

sind m. Sind (region around Kararchi, Pakistan)

sng f.
singpr m. Singapore
sing r m. adornment, decoration

the Indus River

sind n m. anvil
sandkh m.
sandrch 1 sandrgh ay

dressing room

singrbks m. dressing case, toilet case

singrawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 m. .1 singer 1.2

musician 2 singing

sandrgh e 1 f. singer 2 singing

sandrgj m. singer
sandra f. 1 song 2 poem, verse

compound verb

a to sing b to compose songs

sand m. large camel

sandal f. locally manufactured cement (of broken brick, lime
and vegetable fibers)

sandalj f. brazier, hearth; sandali

warm oneself by the brazier, warm by the hearth

sandkh m.
sandr m. cinnabar
sandj m. tulip
sindh m. 1 Sind (region around Kararchi, Pakistan)


bricklayer; lapidary

sangtarsh f. stone cutting

processing stone

sangtar f. tangerine, mandarin orange

sangd n m. stomach (in birds), crop, craw
sangdl cruel, brutal, pitiless, ruthless, heartless, hard

sangdil cruelty, brutality, ruthlessness, heartlessness,


2 the

Indus River

education); graduated (from college)

1 sn m. ginger
2 sun m.
3 sun m. plural 1 viscose, rayon 2 hemp
san m. water buffalo
sans, san saj m. 1 beggar 2 caste of Indian fakirs
sanl m. sandal
1 san m.
saying Eastern when masters fall out, their men get the clout

(literally: the water buffalo fought, but the grass and stones

sangandz f. paving roads with crushed stone or gravel

singw m. boat rudder
sangbr m. sangtar sh m. stonemason,

hearted, callous

1 sind 1 Sind 2 f. Sindhi (the language)

2 sandj m. tulip
sanadjft one who has received a degree (of higher

2 sna f. desert hen, desert chicken

sanskrt m. Sanskrit
sinfonj f. symphony
sank m. proper noun Sanak


decorate, adorn

sangr m. 1 breastworks; rampart; fortification (work)

compound verb to build fortifications, erect a rampart 2
rock, cliff They are brothers-in-arms.
sangrez f. 1 gravel 2 pebbles
sangrez f.
sangrish f. alabaster
sanga f. boulder, large rock
sangs r m. history stoning (a form of capital punishment)
sangshoj f. washing of rice compound verb
to wash rice

sangl f.
sangl kh 1.1 stony, rocky

1.2 difficult, hard 2 m. rocky


sangp m. (turning) somersaults, somersaulting

sangoj m. young hare, leveret
sangorka f. iron net for scalding currents or
sangoj chubby, plump
sangah r m. 1 whimpering 2 whistling (of bullets)
sang stony, rocky
sangn 1 m. Eastern bayonet ! Fix bayonet!
stone; paved 2.2 stony 2.3 serious 2.4 figurative heavy



Pashto-English Dictionary

sanginb r m. military supply train, unit transport

sangindl cruel, ruthless, heartless
sunn m. Arabic plural of 3 and 2
sanaw t m. Arabic plural of 1
snawl transitive [past: ] to swing, rock, shake
1 san f. Arabic [m. plural sanaw t] year
The Awaken Youth
Movement started in the year 26 in Kandahar. solar
year lunar year
2 sunn f. Arabic
sanamak m. plural Alexandria leaf, Alexandria senna
1 sunn 1 Sunn 2 m. Sunni (a member of the Sunni branch of

snj f. woolen thread, woolen yarn

sanjs m. Hindu ascetic; righteous man
sunnitb m. Sunni, Sunnism
snedl intransitive [past: ] to swing, rock, fluctuate
seneg l m. Senegal
sunnigalw f. m. Sunni, Sunnism
1 sa m. 1 jute 2 flax
2 s m. ginger
si f. plural
1 su' Arabic 1 m. evil 2.1 bad; evil 2.2 malicious 2.3
ominous, sinister 3 evil, bad a abuse, misuse b



su Western 1 present perfective first person plural of

so pronoun dialect

su dialect 1 wounded; hurt, injured, bruised 2 emaciated,

2 past of


1 sw f. fennel, dill
2 siw Arabic without, besides, with the exception of
3 sw f. extortion
sawbiq m. Arabic plural of
swbj f. Swabi
swt m. Swat
su'idzhr' t m. Arabic plural 1 abuse, misuse 2

sawhil m. Arabic plural of

saw d m. Arabic 1 copy, duplicate
certified copy, attested copy 2 list 3 copy (of a document)
4 rough draft, rough copy 5 literacy 6 suburbs

su'idr f. Arabic inability to organize, lack of

sawrk r m. 1 rider, horseman; dzhigit (skilled horseman,

administrative abilities, mismanagement

trick rider); equestrian 2 jockey

misuse of something

su'l t] 1 question
question mark correspondence;
conversation; communication proverb one ill
turn deserves another 2 request compound verb a to
su' l colloquial sw l, suw l m. Arabic [plural:

suwlna and Arabic

ask b to beg alms

swlgr m.
suwl, sul

beggar; cadger
1.1 asking, inquiring 1.2 interrogative,

inquiring, questioning 2 m. .1 beggar; cadger 2.2 usurer

1 suw n light, easy

2 suw n m.
sawnih m. Arabic plural of
suwnk r m.
suwnkr f.
1 sw ng, saw ng m. 1 disguise, disguising; pretense 2
imitation compound verb a to disguise oneself;
pretend, feign, simulate b to imitate

2 suw ng m. malt
sw ngj m. 1 pretender 2 imitator 3 follower
suwn 1 f. lightening, easing; lightness, ease 2 light, easy,
lightened, eased, mitigated

2, 3


1 sawr mounted; cavalry cavalry division

2 sur f. soiree, evening party
swst Western second person plural past of 1, 3
su'isti'm l m. Arabic incorrect use of something; abuse,

swr m. Eastern plural of 2

suwr f. 1 stem, stalk 2 stuble, stubble field

swj Western 1 potential and conditional forms, past tense of

3 She could not refuse. 2 sometimes
used in place of the present
1 swab 1 ready, prepared
the troops are prepared for defense. 2 expecting
compound verb to be waiting, be in readiness

2 swb m. 1 2 anxiety, worry, alarm, agitation

3 suwb m. cure, medical treatment; remedy (for an illness)
sob aj m.
sobt m. 1 2 song (with instrumental
accompaniment) 3 merriment, merry-making, high spirits
compound verb to have a good time, enjoy oneself 4
monetary collection (for the benefit of pupils in a madrasa)

sobmn winning, conquering, prevailing

1 sba f. victory compound verb

to win, conquer, be


2 sub f. 1 well, shaft (of a kahriz) 2 arch, span (of a bridge)

3 sba quiet, calm
sup m. entrance (hall), entryway, vestibule, anteroom
supr m. plural betel (nut)
suparoks j m. chemistry peroxide
supersonk with supersonic speed, having supersonic
speed a supersonic aircraft

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 supj m. male monkey

2 supj f. monkey, marmoset
sawt m.
sutrag f. cleanness; neatness, tidiness
sutr clean, neat, tidy
sutrj f. Eastern string, twine
su'tafhm m. Arabic misunderstanding
Between them there is complete agreement.
sut m. tracking dog, bloodhound; police dog, work(ing) dog
1 saw m. 1 person who guards shephards' things 2 army
cook, camp cook

2 su m. suit dress coat

sub 1.1 sullen, gloomy, morose; sour, dissatisfied 1.2
strongly bound, strongly attached to make

someone very attached (to oneself) 2 wholesale, indiscriminately

swizarlen m. Switzerland
suk m. 1
suka f. corn-cob
sukj m. 1 land mark(er), boundry mark(er); border post,
frontier post 2 kind of embroidery

suks m. regional trunk, suitcase

som r peddler; hawker
1 su f. dialect bread
2 sa f. offspring (of animals)
3 so f.
soam r 1 pugnacious 2 m. pugnacious fellow, one who
likes fighting

soj m. [plural:

so and

soiy n] 1 staff,

crook, stick; club, bludgeon, cudgel 2 agriculture flail 3 flint 4

used for starting fire

blameness, unstained 1.3 dialect unfortunate; ominous, sinister 2

incendiary bomb 2.2 sultry, hot,

swadzawna f. 1 burn, scald 2 burning (down, out),


swadzedl intransitive [present:

burn; burn down, burn out

past: ] to

swadzedna f. 1 fire, conflagration 2 burning; combustion

swadzednkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. fuel
sokht m. 1 burning 2 combustion 3 figurative bitterness
sokht 1 burned (down, out) 2 burned, scorched 3
exhausted, worn-out to tire, wear someone out
sukhr m. spite, malice; hostility, ill-will
skha f. fillet meat fillet
sukhj-pukhj 1 scalded 2 boiled (until) soft
compound verb a to be scalded b to be boiled
(until) soft, be overcooked

sukhl transitive
sawkhz m. sovkhoz, state farm
sukhawl transitive [past: ]

1 to injure, wound

2 to break, chop, split, pierce, perforate, puncture 3 to stuff with

something, fill with something 4 to blow one's nose

sukhedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to hiss (of a boiler)

2 to be pierced, be punctured 3

sud m. 1 a benefit; gain b profit, income, receipts 2 interest

compound verb to collect interest 3 usury
to practice usury, engage in usury purchases
1 sawd f. Arabic [plural: sawdg ni and
sawd wi] 1 concern, anxiety, nervousness to be
about someone 2 thought, idea

compound verb to

become thoughtful, be lost in thought, to ponder

worried, anxious b deep in thought, pondering 3 desire,


to satisfy someone's desire 4 love;

strong passion 5 melancholy 6 bile, strong irritation 7

despondent, low spirits, depression

sawd f. 1 purchase, purchased goods

compound verb to buy something 2.1 trade, commerce;

commercial 2.2 trade, deal, sale and purchase

suchaw laj m. 1 purity, state or quality of being without

contaminants 2 irreproachability, blamelessness

schi m. Sochi
swadz present stem of 2
swadzlaj burned down, burned out
swadznd 1 burning, smarting, scorching, parching, broiling
2 disturbing, nerve-racking

swadzawl transitive [past:

out), incinerate

2.1 igniting,

torrid (of the weather)

completely, entirely, quite, totally

concerned about someone, worry about someone; become anxious

male member, penis

2 soj f. 1 4
sudzh semolina
1 such
2 swich m.
3 such m. 1 thought, reflection 2 guess, guessing
such 1.1 pure, uncontaminated 1.2 irreproachable,

swadznkaj 1 present participle of

to burn (down,

compound verb a to go shopping b to bargain; trade (in), to

engage in commerce

3 sod f.
sod t virtuous; righteous
sawdgr m. [plural:

sawdgr and
sawdgar n] merchant, tradesman, businessman

sawdgar f. trade, commerce

sud n m. Sudan
sawdj 1 maddened, crazy (from love)

2 obsessed

(by an idea) 3 melancholy; sad 4 mistrustful, suspicious


Pashto-English Dictionary

sawdjitb m.



sudkh ra m. usurer
sudgn quiet, calm
sudgna f. f. peace, rest; calming, quieting, soothing
sudmn sudmnd advantageous; useful; profitable
sudmand f. advantage, gain, benefit; profit;
advantageousness, usefulness, profitability

sawad f. 1 basket 2 wicker lid, wicker cover

sud f. 1 obstruction, jam 2 medicine volvulus, twisted


compound verb
compound verb to be
fine-ground; be finely crumbled, be minced boiled

sud 1 (finely) ground, powdered

to grind, crumble finely, mince

rice 2 abraded, worn away (of a horse's hoof)

sda f. comfort, comforting, consolation; consoling; quiet,

calm, quieting, calming


sod f. soda, sodium carbonate

so f. 1 soda water 2 soda

sor 1 m. .1 wild boar, wild hog; hog, pig 1.2 abusive pig,
swine 2.1 lazy 2.2 ill-mannered, unpolished, uncouth 2.3

surbuj 1 red 2 rosy, ruddy

surplaj m. surpaly f. 1 nettle 2 regional velvet
bean, Mucuna pruriens 3
surpstaj red-skinned
1 surt m.
2 sort m. 1 sort, kind, variety, grade, quality, brand 2
sorting, grading compound verb to sort, grade
sortband f. sortkr f. sorting, grading
sortm n m. assortment, variety, range
surdzh f.
surts tskaj m. species of snake
surkhchkaj m. 1 piece of sirloin 2 ruddy man
to wash up properly
surkhka f. snipe
surkhlaj blood-thirsty
surkh f. variety of wheat
1 surkh f. 2
2 surkhj m. bay horse
surdalj m. windhover, kestrel (a bird)
surs t m. history provisions (furnished to troops by the

pigheaded, stuborn, willful


1 f. swine 2 feminine singular of

1 paired word with

2 intrigues, machinations,

crafty designs

sor m. Eastern

sor Eastern

sur, sor m. plural history 1 Suri Dynasty 2 Suri tribe

sur m. sur (a variety of karakul)

sr, sr, m. plural: sr f. plural: sre]

1 red, scarlet stained with blood 2 ruddy (of the face)
3 burning hot, incandescent 4 bay (horse's color) 5 ardent
infidel to fly into a rage compound

surs nda f.

surs nday m. 1 mountain flower 2


sur [f.

verb a to make red, paint red b to fry, roast, broil c to make red
hot, make incandesce d to set on, hound, urge on

compound verb 1 6 sterile (of a ram, a billy-goat)

to give a complete set of furniture in a dowry
to bring as a dowry complete furnishings (carpets, etc.)
sur m. hot desert
surghzj m. botany Catha edulis (kind of shrub)
sur n m. 1 simoom 2 medicine bulimia
surn wailing, howling; screeming, yelling
surbing m. singular & plural tomato(es)
surb d m.
surbakhn reddish
surbaj red, red-haired

surstrgaj irritated, angered; angry; irritable

sursraj red, red-haired
sursurka f. 1 fireworks 2 strong wind, hurricane
sursh n reddish
surgh aj with a red border (of a shawl)
surghwgaj m. amaranth, Amaranthus polygamus
su'raft r m. bad conduct, bad behavior
abuse of power

surkan f.
surkok m. red rose
surkun f. girl who cuts her hair (who is not yet

surkj 1 diminutive red; scarlet 2 reddish-brown, rust (-


red ant

surkj f. cherry (the fruit)

surgl m. red rose
surglaj m. kind of greenery
sur-guldz rosy and plump
surl m. chestnut horse
surl saj m. law murderer, killer
surl n m. wolfhound
surlakj f. redstart (bird)
surlamne f. woman who has died in childbirth
sorln shady
surln m. 1 jackal 2 Surland (a tribe)
surlanj m. jackal


Pashto-English Dictionary

swarlanj m. 1 rider, horseman; cavalryman 2 horse

trainer, horse breaker 3 jockey

swarl f. 1 ride, riding

compound verb to go in

for horseback riding 2 retinue 3 cavalcade 4 passenger 5 rider

swarlim r m. horseman, rider

1 surmkh f. honor, glory
2 surmkhaj rubicund, ruddy (of the face)
surmanaj m. cockroach
surml m. feather grass, spear grass
surmegj m. red ant
sorn shady
surn f. 1 oboe 2 flute
surnch m. oboist, flutist
surindzh n m. botony 1 meadow saffron, autumn crocus
2 merendera (a medicinal plant)

surnichj m. pink worm, pink bollworm

surng m. 1 sap, undermining 2 tunnel
sur f.
sur ch m.
surw laj m. 1 redness, the color red 2 daybreak, dawn;

2 female slave or captive

suredl intransitive [past: ] 1 to become red, turn

red 2 to fry, roast, broil 3 to incandesce 4 to get angry, be

angry, fly into a rage 5 to undertake a business with zeal 6 to feel

shy, be ashamed

2 swaredl denominative, intransitive Eastern

sur-samb ur all full of holes, riddled with holes
surj- surj full of holes, holey
surij f. Syria the Syrian Arabic
Republic, SAR

sa, m. plural: s, f. plural: sa] 1

at the cold times of the year
He has cold hands. 2 cold, indifferent
indifference coolness, sluggishness, apathy,
phlegm to be cool, be indifferent
so [f.

cold, cool

to view dispassionately, regard with indifference 3 unattractive

(of a person) 4 stern, severe, cruel 5 lazy

so m. 1 awkward man, clumsy guy 2 lazy person 3 coward

so-b sad, saddened, melancholy
sobj m. sobuy f. stink, stench, foul

given in exchange for a kidnapped wife or daughter

2 sur f. sura (a chapter of the Quran)

3 sur f. ammoniac plant (medicinal plant)
4 sor f. 4
5 swar Eastern feminine singular of 2
1 sur m. plural history the Suri dynasty (in medieval India)
2 sur m. large sack
3 surj 1 m. .1 hole, slit; opening, orifice 1.2 burrow, hole
2 full of holes, holey, worn-out, torn compound verb a
to stab, pierce; make holes in; punch a hole in
perforator b to dig through, burrow through
compound verb a to be pierced; wear through; be worn-out, be

to (try to) find a way

out (of a difficult or embarrassing situation, etc.)

compound verb to seek refuge
sraj m.

compound verb to

who has borne the master a child

dog, etc.) 2 to infuriate

2 swarawl denominative, transitive Eastern

1 swar f. history daughter or female slave who has been

surij f.
surj nga f. oriole
surjta f. history 1 concubine


sorawr wide, broad on a wide front

surwgaj m. red wheat
1 surawl transitive [past: ] 1 to set on, sic on (a

sor f. plural cries, wails

cry, wail, shout, howl

torn b to be burrowed through

shady spots

compound verb a to shade b to darken, obscure, black out

a to be concealed, be hidden in the shadows

refuge to dry in the shade
5 surj feminine singular of 1 2

b to seek

s-p unsympathetic
to kill with one blow to fall down in a heap
He fell in a dead faint.
sotj f.
sosk m. [plural: sosk n] corn bread
sofkra phlegmatic
somej cold, indifferent
sun 1 lying, false 2 m. liar
so-ng [f. sa-nga, m. plural:
s-ng, f. plural: sa-nga] quite cold, cold as ice
sow laj m. 1 cold; coolness fall in
temperature 2 figurative coldness, indifference

soawl denominative, transitive

1 sa f. 1 slit, crack; hole 2 burrow 3 precipice
2 sa f. syphilis
1 si f. plural lie, falsehood
2 si plural of 1, 2
3 suj m. 1 compound verb a
make a hole b to dig, dig through, burrow through

soedl denominative, intransitive

sawaz free, unrestricted; idle, vagrant

to pierce;

Pashto-English Dictionary

soz f. 1 burning 2 woe, sadness; grief, sorrow; melancholy,


spiritual anguish 3 zeal, ardor, diligence

compound verb a to be animated, be inspired, be full of

enthusiasm b to get excited

2 swaz present stem of 2

soz k m. gonorrhea
soz n 1 burning, scorching 2
sawzbr m.
sozsh m. sozht m.

sad, melancholy, sorrowful

sawgh t m. present, gift compound verb

to give a gift, offer a present
sawght gift, present [attributive]
sogh laj, sugh laj m. rabbit hole, hare's burrow
sughdzj f.
soghl intransitive 1
sughn 1 wheezing, snorting, puffing, breathing hard through
the nose 2 m. snotty person, snot-nosed person

1 burning; combustion 2

sughawl transitive [past: ] 1 to draw

something up into the nostrils 2 to sniff 3 to wheeze, snort,

agitation, anxiety, uneasiness; care, concern 3 vexation,

annoyance, distress; pain

breathe hard through the nose 4 to cause to sniff

sozn m. needle; pin

sozn k
sozank m. striker, striker pin; firing pin
suznj sozn f. 1 tape (with which a baby is bound when

2 sughawl
1 sughedl

(combat); leading (troops)

regulations for the infantry

to tremble, shiver,


sugh, sogh m. 1 snuff

sugh, sogh m.

compound verb to take


management (of a military operation)

sosn m. Arabic [plural: sosan n] 1 lily 2 iris

2 sosn leggy, lanky
sosan violet, lilac, dark blue eggplant
susj f. 1 susi (a striped fabric of cotton or silk) 2
sosilst m. socialist
sosilist 1 socialist(ic) 2 socialism
sosilzm m. socialism
sosjolodzhik sociological
sosjolo f. sociology
sosjoloik sociological
soshjlzm m.
1 swahtj, suhtj m. corner of the mouth
2 swahtj m. textiles shuttle
su' aml m. Arabic 1 evil deed, heinous crime 2
snuff 2 pinch of snuff

2 moving,

directing, leading,


compound verb a to be

sent, be dispatched b to be transferred, be shifted (of troops)

sawq-ul-dzhjsh m. strategy
sawq-ul-dzhajsh 1 f. strategy 2 strategic
su' qsd m. Arabic attempt (at, on), encroachment (on,
upon) compound verb to make an attempt (on
someone's life), attempt to assassinate someone

1 to wheeze, snort,

transferring, shifting (e.g., troops) 3 conducting, waging

shake, quiver

intransitive [past:

breathe hard and loudly through the nose 2 to sniff

envy someone, be consumed by envy of someone

swazed m. plural burning


sus m. dolphin
2 sus m. petty thief, pilferer
suskedl intransitive [past: ]


2 sughedl intransitive
sawq m. Arabic 1 sending, dispatching; direction

being swaddled) 2 shawl

swazawl transitive
sawz, soz f. 1 gore, gusset (in a dress) 2 ax
1 sawz m. plural 1 greens, vegetables 2 spinach
2 sozj m. basket with a small opening
3 sawz, soz plural of
swazedl intransitive Eastern

sawqij t m. plural Arabic 1 sending, dispatching 2

suk m. [plural:

shifting, moving (e.g., troops)

sukna and Western dialect

suk n] 1 fist compound verb to knead (dough)
to strike with the fist compound
verb to be beaten (up) compound verb to make a fist 2
punch with the fist 3 stump, stub to settle or

arrange, matters in a careless or slipshod way

2 siwk m. smouldering brand, firebrand, charred log

3 swak m. cold wind
sawklj f. calm, quiet, peacefulness, tranquillity
skre Sucre
suk m man with a thin beard and moustache
sukk m.
suk f. 1 drought 2 crop failure
suklj m. mollycoddle, milksop
sukmk wrinkled to sit all huddled up
1 swka f. charred log
2 sawk 1 f. rest, peace 2 quietly, gently, slowly
on the sly

3 ska f.
1 ski

to oppress someone

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 swakj m. nettle
3 swkaj m. firebrand, smouldering brand
4 swakj f. plural pimples
ski-mki compound verb to tie

to hang from a gallows, string up b to impale on a stake 3 pole


4 sulj f. 2
suledl intransitive [past: ]

someone up and give him a beating

sog m. dew
sawgt stingy, greedy, grasping
sog 1 m. .1 braggart, boaster 1.2 miser, skinflint 2 stingy
sugl f. sugla f. 1 sugly f. winter footwear
2 suglj f.
sawgnd m. oath, vow compound verb to swear
to, take an oath compound verb to cause to take an

sol m. reason, intelligence, mind

swl 1 intransitive [present:

1.2 to catch fire, flare up


.1 to burn

to ignite 1.3 to burn

be sawed

They do not feel sorry for you. 1.6

] a to burn (down) b to destroy
They took everything I have. 2 m. plural
.1 burning fuel firewood;
sorry for

transitive [past:

fuel 2.2 tanning, baking in the sun 2.3 fire, conflagration

3 swl intransitive Western 1

4 sul m. greed, cupidity, stinginess, miserliness
sul gh m. hole; crack, slit
sawl gh f.
sul nd sul nda, swaljn,

swalnd 1

greedy, grasping, stingy 2 lustful, lewd, lascivious

sulna f. hollow, depression

1 swlo oblique plural of 2 2
2 swlu past tense, first person plural of 2 1
sulawl transitive [past: ] 1 to rub; rub in; spread
2 to erase (with an eraser) 3 to wipe, wear out, abrade 4 to saw

idiom a to fall upon one's food

b to be a parasite, be a sponger c to be greedy, be grasping, be


1 sla, sla


in peacetime
a policy of peace to be reconciled
f. peace

swla Western imperfect, feminine singular of

3 swl Western imperfect, masculine singular of 3
sla khwahawnkaj soladst,
sla ghuhtnkay peaceable, peace-loving
1 sli plural of 1
2 sul 1
3 sulj f. 1 gallows scaffold
to hang someone 2 stake (instrument of execution) a

swam m. 1 eye of a needle 2 opening (of an earring)

2 1
swm Western past tense first person of 3
sawm hundredth two-hundredth

swm Western past tense first person of



sumtr f. Sumatra
somliln m. somlilnd m. Somalia
sumb aj m. 1 (small) hole 2
sumb kha f. sumba f. 1 hind part, back 2 seat,

oneself 1.4 figurative to wither, perish 1.5 figurative to pity, feel

5 to sniff at everything

1 to grind off; be

obliterated, be effaced; wear out 2 to go to ruin (of the teeth) 4 to

posterior, rump

sumbrghaj m. 1 door 2 window 3 hatch

sumbraj m. 1 small door 2 light opening (in the ceiling),

sumbl transitive [past: ] to stab with a pike

sumbawr broad in the beam, having a large rump
sumb f.
sumbj f. 1 anatomy anus 2 croup, crupper, hind quarters
swun m. 1 burning 2 fire, conflagration 3 fuel
aviation fuel
sun r m. goldsmith, jeweler
sunr red, cinnabar
sumb f. 1 shaft (of a spear) 2 technology punch 3 funnel

military rammer, bore brush

suna f.
sunj suny-muny armless and legless
sndzha f. desert
sundz frightful, terrible
sundkh m. sundk m.
1 swandr m.
2 sundr m. sandarac, gum juniper
snda f. 1 envy 2 suspicion; jealousy compound
verb a to envy b to suspect; be jealous

sun m. plural regional 1 kenaf, Hibiscus cannabinus 2

flax 3 viscose, rayon

2 sun m. dry ginger

sunk m.
sunk-munk m. final days of the month of

sunmn taciturn, uncommunicative

sna f. dialect
sun linen (of fabric)
swang m. burning liquid fuel

Pashto-English Dictionary

sung 1 wrinkled
pucker 2 numb with cold

7 swa f. dialect female hare, doe hare

sohgn f. 1 favorite wife 2 young bride (during the

compound verb to wrinkle,

compound verb a to

wrinkle, pucker b to become numb from the cold


sung m. weeping, crying

3 sung m. kind of flat cake baked on a rock
sung- mung 1
sungl m. sobbing
sungn whining
sung 1
1 sungj m. 1 dwarf, pigmy 2 short and stout person
2 songj, sungj
3 sungj m. 1 short-eared ram 2 earthenware dough trough,

soj m. [plural:


swaj 1 past participle of

2.2 sad, sorrowful, grievous

son f. horse fly

su m. plural

su m. 1 puffing, wheezing, snorting 2 blowing one's nose

compound verb

when one is intimidated by someone

sug f. sobbing
suawl transitive [past: ]



sow f. plural of

absorb 4 to inhale, breathe in

suh r m. puffing, wheezing, snorting

1 su 1 viscose, rayon viscose fabrics, rayons 2

2 suj f. lying compound verb to throw dust in
the eyes

suedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to smell (of); reach

(of an odor) 2 to be inhaled, be breathed in 3 to be sucked in, be

swe Western past tense second person singular and third

compound verb to switch on (electric current)

drawn in, soak into, be absorbed

1 swo oblique plural of 4

2 swu Western past tense first person plural of 3
suw n 1
sowkhz m. state-run farm
swor Eastern 1
swnkaj 1 present participle of 2 2 hot

incinerating 3 loss of crops

(from drought)
two hundred

2.1 aggrieved, disappointed

sowt sow 1 m. the Soviet Union 2 Soviet

the Soviet Government Soviet Russia
swer m. sweater
swizarlnd m.
sowesm m. Soviet regime, Soviet power
sowe Soviet
swich m. [plural: swichna and Western
swich n] technology switch

1 to clear one's nose,

3 sow f. decoration; attire, apparel

4 swa m. plural short form of 3
three hundred
5 swa past tense feminine of 3
6 sw past tense masculine of 2, 3

swaj Western past participle of

swe f. plural of 1

person feminine plural of

blow one's nose 2 to sniff (e.g., snuff) 3 to suck in, drink in,

sawna m. plural of 3 2
sow f. 1
1 swa hoof
2 sw m. plural 1 burning 2

to plan something in secret

compound verb to file with a

figurative ardor, zeal, fervor, diligence 4 figurative anxiety, alarm

swna f.
son f. wild duck, mallard

3 pinch of snuff

sohnk r m. metal-worker, fitter, mechanic; locksmith

sohnkr f. metal-working; locksmithing
sohngj m. small file, file
suha f. incoherent speech, gibberish, ravings
1 swaj m. 1 burning 2 sizzling compound verb to
burn (intransitive) My face is burning. 3

kneading trough

soh n m. 1 file

file; scrape 2 rasp 3 grater

swichbr m. technology switchboard

swdn m. Sweden
sweda in place of
swidi in place of
swajdj in place of
swn m.
swian, swianj 1 Swedish 2 m. Sweden
suiz m. the Suez Canal
suizarlen m. 1 m. Switzerland
1 suis m. Switzerland
2 suis m.
sweshl transitive
sojgh laj m.
sojka f. suslik, ground squirrel
suwl m. south
suwelj f. 1
1 sawij f. Arabic 1 level
standard of living 2 equality


raising the

Pashto-English Dictionary

soj f. seedlings, shoots, sprouts (up to six weeks)

sja f. 1 doe hare 2 Eastern hare (in general)

doe rabbit b rabbit

provision, support (e.g., of military operations)

se numeral three
sah r m. morning end of the night
daybreak towards morning !
Good morning!

sahrstrga f. morning star; Lucifer (i.e., Venus)

sahrg h m. sahrm l m. morning, morning time
sahranj morning; morning

security of movement (of troops)



sebarg f. clover, red clover

set r m. setar (a three-stringed musical instrument)
suharward, suhraward m. Sukhravardiya (the name of an
Islamic sect)

seshamb f. Tuesday
sefasl yielding three harvests a year
1 sahl Arabic easy, not difficult really easy
2 sahl, shl 1 transitive verb [past: ] .1 to digest
(food) 1.2 to endure, suffer 2
sahl-ul-hzm Arabic easily digestible, easily assimilated
digestible, light food
sahlangr f. 1 light-heartedness, light-mindedness,
frivolousness; carelessness 2 oversight, omission 3 relaxation,

to not give an easy time

sahledl denominative, intransitive [past:

digested (of food)

to be

ash m and sih m] 1

share, part; participation ... to participate,
take part, in 2 share (of stock) personal share
ordinary share
2 sahm m. Arabic botony corymb, cyme
3 sahm m. terror, fear compound verb to frighten,

sahm m. Arabic [plural:


by mistake, erroneously

mistaken to err is human

1 sha f.
2 sha f. clothesline
3 sha f. patience, endurance
sah compound verb

to be

a to look closely at,

observe carefully b to notice, to spot, observe, remark

sih m m. Arabic plural of 1

sihm joint-stock (attributive)


shwa f. mistake

compound verb to make a mistake, err


suhult m. Arabic 1 lightness 2 easing, relief 3 security,

sahm larnkay m. 1 shareholder,

partner shareholder of a company

sahmn f.
sahmd r m.

stockholder 2

sahmgr inspiring fear, terror, frightening

sahmn k dreadful, terrible; threatening, formidable
sahna f. 1 digestion (of food) 2 patience, forbearance,

sahw m. Arabic 1 mistake; error; miss 2 clerical error, slip of

shwn Arabic by mistake, erroneously

the pen 3 slip of the tongue; error in counting, miscalculation

] to suffer, endure,
He is by no means
eager to I am miserable without you.
suhjl m. Arabic 1 astronomy Canopus (the star) 2 south;
south-west Autumn has come.
suhla f. 1 sahel, suhel f. suhely f. 1 (female)
sahedl intransitive [past:


friend; woman of the same age 2 servant girl, woman servant,

maid 3 concubine

2 suhel south, southern

sahm m. Arabic 1 participant
consider oneself as participating in a cause 2
sahim f. Arabic share, part to pay a share


(e.g., to the family budget)

1 sj Western present tense second person plural of 3

2 si m. plural 1 bran 2 fly eggs
3 si Western present tense of 3
4 se Western present tense second person singular of 3
sj f.
sj dza f.
sajj h m. Arabic [plural: sayyh n and Arabic
sayyhn] 1 traveler; wanderer 2 tourist 3 explorer

sijht m. Arabic 1 journey, voyage; trip, excursion 2

going around; detour 3 visit, visiting

compound verb

a to travel, take a trip, make an excursion b to go around; make a

detour c to visit

sajj ha f. 1 (female) traveler 2 (female) tourist

sajjh f.
sijdt m. Arabic 1 supremacy, rule, sway; power, authority
2 sovereignty sovereignty
sajj r Arabic 1 wandering planet 2 mobile,
portable field kitchen
field hospital

sj ra f. 1 shortness of breath

winded. 2 asthma

He is short-

2 sajjr Arabic 1 feminine singular of 2 f. planet

sijst m. Arabic 1 politics, policy; political line 2 conduct,
behavior (of a person) 3 diplomacy 4 management 5 capital
punishment, punishment

to punish someone

Pashto-English Dictionary

sijsatph m.

siysatd n politician, political

sijsatmad r 1 m. experienced politician; statesman 2

issues 2 political science

sijsijn m. plural Arabic of 2

sij q m. Arabic 1 order 2 way, method 3 kind, sort 4
turn of speech 5 siak (a particular method of


sjl m. 1 man of equal status; man of one's own circle; equal

2 rival, competitor

sjl ni plural of 1
sjltb m. rivalry, competition
sjldr f. 1 unwillingness to lag behind others

exchange of gifts (between the relatives of the bride and grroom on

the occasion of the wedding)

sj la feminine of

sj la f. 1 respite, breather 2 halt

compound verb

a to pause, take a breather b to make a halt

3 sajjl f. Arabic 1 electric current 2 flow, stream

sjl f. 1 competition, contest 2 unwillingness or reluctance
to lag behind others 3 rivalry, competition to
vie with someone, compete with someone to be
the equal of someone; compete with someone

sijntst m. 1 scientist, scholar 2 naturalist

sij ns m. 1 science 2 the exact sciences
sijnc scientific scientists, scholars
sij h 1 black 2 unhappy, unlucky
sijhbkht unfortunate, unlucky, unhappy, miserable
sijhph m. history kafir-siyaposh
sijhchshm m. hunting bird of the falcon family
sijhchb m. botony cotoneaster
sijhkh k m. agriculture loose smut (caused by the
fungus Ustilago tritici and Ustilago nigra)

sijhdm m. gray duck

sijhrz, sijhrz

siyhrozg r unlucky,

f. siyhroz misfortune;

unfortunate; ill-starred, ill-fated

sjh, sijh f. inventory

compound verb to

compound verb to include

something in the inventory

sijh f. 1 ink black ink 2 blackness

sjab m. roof, shelter; refuge, haven
seb m. [plural: sebna and seb n] apple
sebstpol m. Sevastopol
sebzd m. colloquial
sajbirj f. Siberia
sipr f. religion each of the thirty chapters of the

1 sipj f. spoon
2 sepj f. teaspoon
3 sipj f. mother-of-pearl, nacre
4 sipj f. selvage
1 sit m. history Scythian
2 set m. 1 set (e.g., of crayons) 2 suite (of furniture) 3
instrument, apparatus radio receiver 4 set of
1 si m. place, seat
2 se m. 1 money changer 2 (wholesale) merchant 3 banker
3 se m. 1
seh m. 2
sidzh thorough-bred, pure-blooded
sedzl transitive [past: ] to burn (down, up); to

sajhn m. Arabic history Sayhun; Syr Darya (river)

1 sikh m. [plural: sikhna and sikh n] 1 ram
rod, cleaning rod 2 spit (for roasting) 3 switch, twig
compound verb to seek, look for, search for

sikh 1.1 upright, erect, standing; protruding, jutting out 1.2

stuffed, well packed, full, filled 2 straight, directly

to get down to business straightaway




compound verb to rear (of a

sikhch f. 1 spit (for roasting) 2

sikhdm m. pintail duck
sikhk m. hairpin
sikhl transitive [past: ]

history bayonet

1 to pierce; puncture;

punch a hole in 2 to stuff; pack (with), fill (with) 3 to stuff into,

disastrous situation



sijhrozgr f.

register something

experienced in political matters

sijsatw l m. politician
sijs Arabic 1.1 political political economy
1.2 diplomatic diplomatic relations 2 m. [plural:
]siysiyn political figure, politician
sijsij t m. plural Arabic 1 policy, politics; political

with scurvy

sijhling f. scurvy

sijhkh m. Siyakhkukh (the name of various mountain


sijhgrd m. Siagird
sijhgsh m. karakal

karakal hide

cram into; shove into, push into

sikhlaj 1 pierced, punctured 2 stuffed, crammed full,

filled; larded


denominative, transitive

stuffed, be crammed full


denominative, intransitive [past:

to be

Pashto-English Dictionary

sajd m. Arabic [plural:

sayid n and Arabic

sd t] 1 sayyid (a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad) 2

proper noun Sayyid

sjd l m. proper noun Saidal

sajd f. Saido (the principal city of Swat)
sid straight, level compound verb to (make) even,
(make) level, straighten

ser m. lot, fate

ser, sir m. ser (a unit of weight equal to four charaks, regional

sifn m. siphon
sek m. power, might grown weak
sekrr m. secretary
sajka f. 1 percent(age); interest
length) 3 group; society

sekl transitive [past: ] 1 to heat (up), warm (up)

2 to fry, roast, grill 3 to make a poultice

sajr m. Arabic 1 walk, stroll, taking a walk 2 motion, course;

process; movement 3 detour

route; orbit


sekn 1 m. revulsion, disgust, aversion, repugnance 2.1

satiated, surfeited, sated

equal to two English pounds) a Kabul ser (700 grams)

4 ser, sir satisfied, sated, full (up)
ser b irrigated, watered; with abundant water
a fertile and well-watered valley compound
verb to fill with water; saturate, soak

sjra-len f. Sierra Leone

sirt m. Arabic 1 way of life; conduct, behavior 2 biography
serdzj m. progressive person, leading worker, advanced

to lend

money at interest 2 coarse fabric (in a piece up to 100 gyaz in


Eastern one can be fed up with good food too 2.2 having an
aversion to food 2.3 weak, feeble, infirm

sekwr strong, powerful

sik f. metallurgy lead
sig r m. cigar
sigr m.
1 sjl, sjl m. Arabic 1 walk, stroll 2 sight, spectacle, show
compound verb a to go for a walk b to see, look over,
examine, survey; be a spectator to see the sights of


a city

sirdarj f. Syr Darya (river)

serzj m.
1 serlj m. child taken away from its mother
2 serlj f.
serm m. plural medicine serum
serj f. pious foundation, property set aside for religious

seredl denominative, intransitive [past:

fill, eat to satiety, be full, be sated

to eat one's

sej f.
sezl transitive Eastern
sezn f.
sez present tense of 2
sig f. female mouflon
sist n m. Sistan Hamun Lake
sistm m. system colonial system
sistemtik systematic, regular
sesmolo f. seismology
sis f metallurgy lead
sisj f. desert hen, desert partridge
seshn m. regional session; sitting
sajtar f. Arabic supremacy, domination, hegemony
sajgh n m. Saigan and Kamerd district
1 sajf m. Arabic [plural: suyf] 1 sword; saber 2

proper noun Saif

2 sif m. trade sif a sif transaction

3 sef m. 1 safety catch (e.g., on a revolver) 2 safe
sajfull m. Arabic Saifulla
sajf m. proper noun hypocoristic form of 1 2

sil m. seal (the animal)

sel m. 1 flock

compound verb to fly in flocks,

flock together 2 mud flow, turbulent mountain stream 3 freshet,

flood 4 downpour, heavy rainstorm

1 sil b m. syllable
2 sel b m. 2 to rush, gush
to go against the current
selb 1 irrigated by flooding (of the soil) flood
plain, bottom land, flood lands 2 figurative stormy, rough,
tempestuous, impetuous, swift impetuous movement
sil n m. 1 Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 2 granite
1 sajln, sajlnj m. 1 spectator, viewer 2 traveler,
wanderer 3 proper noun Sailani

2 siln Ceylonese (Sri Lankan)

sel w m. 2 2, 3
selw f. long knife (weapon)
sajlbn m. sayl kawnkay m.


viewer; visitor (e.g., of an exposition)

silagrajl m.
sil f. 1 (grain) elevator 2 bread factory, large commercial
bakery (in Kabul) European-type bread
sejln, seln m. Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
slwa f.
sla f. 1 devotion, adherence 2 support, backing, patronage
friendship, friendly feelings; goodwill, kindness

compound verb to regard someone with favor, have kind feelings

towards someone; stand up for someone

silagr m.



1 adherent, devotee; supporter, advocate 2

Pashto-English Dictionary

silj 1 adherent, devotee; supporter, advocate 2 patron

silj f. 1 whirlwind; sand storm, dust storm 2 snow storm,


3 silj f. slap
4 silj f. cord, line of goat hair
5 selj f. rennet, starter for cheese
sim m. [plural: simna and Western sim n] 1
wire, conductor, cable insulated wire
2 wire barbed wire electronic fuse 3 silver
sim f. appearance, aspect; face, physiognomy
true face
sim b m. plural mercury
simb mercury, mercuric
sim l m. proper noun Simal
simdzhsh m. welding
simd r wire, of wire
simduz f. gold thread, silver thread, purl (for

simrgh m. 1 bearded vulture, lammergeier 2 folklore

simurg (fabled bird)

1 sims r m.
2 sims r m. tradesman who sells various small items
1 simk m. knitting needle; spoke (of a wheel)
2 simk m. botony rush
simgl m. plastering, plaster (made out of clay and cattail
lint) compound verb to plaster the walls
simnt m. plural, simn m. plural cement
1 sma f. 1 territory, region, area hot region,
subtropics region of moderate climate 2 territory of a
tribe or family controlled regions (of tribes) 3
(compass) direction 4 shelter 5 zone

sem f. 1 2
simats r m. military garrison, post
simaw l m countryman
simajz regional, territorial regional pact
sim 1 wire, metal string 2 made of wire
1 simij f. magic
2 simij f. simiy n m. noodles, noodle soup

kind of mulberry tree

semin r m. seminar
1 sin m.
2 sin m. the name of the letter
3 sen m. Seine the Seine River
senr m. regional sentry, sentinel
sind m. 1 river Kabul River 2 sea
ocean the Black Sea
sindl m.
sindmshr m. admiral
sindanj marine, maritime, nautical

sinkj f. arsenic sulfide yellow arsenic

sing r m.
singrbks m. dressing case
singrw la f. woman who dresses the bride
singrawl transitive
seneg l m. Senegal
singw m. rudder, helm (of a boat, a ship)
singta f. black-cropped thrush
singaj m. powder flask
singj f. small sheat fish
sinim , sinam f. [plural: sinimg ni and
sinim wi] cinema, movies color stereo
films portable movie projector
sinimwl m. movie theater manager
sinimj cinematographic screen
movie film

sinw l marine, living in the sea sea horse

sin f. 1 chest anatomy diaphragm
chest, thorax compound verb a to
straighten one's chest b to accomplish a feat
I pressed him to my chest. a hand-to-hand b having
hugged, embraced each other compound verb to beat
one's chest, swear He promised me to do that.
to struggle to the death, the triumphful end
They boldly advanced
against the enemy. 2 bowels of the earth calmly
I am trying with all my might. You
are a real worker. to be passed on from
generation to generation

sinab z m. 1 mustle thrush, Turdus viscuvorus 2

embroidery with holes

sinabagh l m. pneumonia
sinabnd m. 1 chest strap (of a harness)

2 corset 3 bodice

4 belt 5 brassiere, bra

sinapahl m.
sinad ghaj sad, downcast, dispondent, distressed
sinasokht sinasz 1 exhausted, worn-out,
extremely tired, fatigued 2 dispondent

sinakab b being worn out with suffering, exhausted

1 sin f. tray; dish
2 sin plural of
seneg l m. Senegal
1 sew m. moisture, dampness, humidity
2 sew m. [plural: sew n] apple
siwr n m. 1 canopy 2 awning
sjorn 1 shady 2 dried in the shade
sjraj, swraj m. shade in the shade
dear father (address in letters, literally: the canopy is over

Pashto-English Dictionary

my head)

compound verb to cast a shadow

shbl m. tip, arrowhead

1 shp m.
2 shp m.
3 shp m. 1 shop (of a factory)

to be shady, give shade

siwl regional civil

(in India)

history civil disobedience

2 sel m. Seoul
sih f. colloquial
sijr-len f. Sierra Leone

shp f. hat
shpr m.
shpj nga f. withania, Withania coagulans (a plant of the

solanaciae family which yields a leaven used as a substitute for

rennet in cheese-making)

shin 1 the twenty-second letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the

number 300 in the abjad system

[plural: shg ni

abbreviation for

sh f.


2 abbreviation

plural: sh vi] 1 back

a behind my back b in my absence

from behind after

after us, behind us


me, behind me ! military Fall back! (as a command)


in the
rear elements
a to help

fair wind, favorable wind 2 shoulder

to shoulder 3 wrong side, reverse side 4 rear


a reinforcements b

to land in the rear

somebody, support someone b to come to the rescue, be a

to throw
someone (wrestling), overcome to turn one's back
on someone, show someone one's back to run
away, retreat a to turn one's
back; turn around ! military About face! (as a command) b
figuratives to shirk work, loaf on the job a to rest one's
back (against) b figurative to find support to repulse
(e.g., enemy troops) to withdraw, pull back
to clap someone on the back (as a sign of approval)
to load onto the back to hand back, lag behind
to repel an attack to
retreat to disregard someone, scorn someone; not pay
attention to something Eastern He forgot his
grief. to help someone, support someone; protect
someone idiom to worry, be disturbed
2 sh m.
shb m. edged weapon; dagger, double-edged blade
1 shb z m.
2 shb z m. shb s m. small pigtail (worn on the brow
reinforcement (e.g., in battle)

by young women)

shb sh 1
shbshj 1 bravo, excellent 2 m. praise; approval
to praise someone; voice approval of


2 colloquial shop (retail),


1 shapij m. snail
2 shpaj m. 1 load; burden 2 shell; cockleshell
sht m. plural honey bee idiom
They are insincere.
shtr m. 1 groom 2 servant who runs alongside his master's

shtm gha f. coquette, flirt

shtanj 1 adjective rear, rear-echelon


rear-echelon communications 2 behind, located in the rear 3

remote (of a district)

shtt m.
1 shtraj saddleless, unsaddled (of a beast of burden, pack

shtorj f. plural calumny; fabrication

calumniate; fabricate, invent

sh ta behind, from behind regional



from behind,

shapavl m. plural praise, approval

shughtb m. shughv laj m. 1
1 shaugh f. kyphosis (state of being hunchbacked)
2 shaghaj shaj shghaj hunchbacked,

shanga f. crop, craw (of birds)

1 shangaj m. 1 protector, patron 2 assistant, helper
2 shaing f. 1 protection, defense, patronage 2 help,

shangi plural of
sh dza f. 1 flagstone 2 stone slab
shkh m. 1 branch; bough 2 offshoot

3 spur (land) 4

department, section 5 railroad spur line, branch line 6 branch

(of some central organization)

shkhs r 1 branching 2 m. .1 branches 2.2 thicket; grove

shkhs m. Arabic 1 landmark; marker 2 criterion, index
shkhk m. feeler, antenna (in insects)
shkhl m. plural French lentil
shkh f. 1 1, 2 2 electric engineering plug 3 rod,

shkhabur f. pruning (of trees)

verb to prune (trees)

shbkaj hunchbacked, bent, kyphotic



Pashto-English Dictionary

1 shkhl m.
2 shkhl m. best man
shd 1 joyful, merry, gay 2 m. proper name Shad
shd b 1 watered, well-watered 2 fruitful

sh za f. 1 flagstone 2 stone slab gravestone

shstr m. the Shastra (the sacred scriptures of Hinduism)
shs f. landing gear
shtr m. 1 2 proper name Shatir
sh'i m. Arabic [plural: sh'irn plural: shu'ar]


valley 3 fresh, green

shdn f.
shdb sh m. congratulation
shado f. [plural: shdog n
shdog n] monkey, ape


sh'irn poetic
sha'ir f. Arabic poetess
sh'ir f. poetry; poetic work, composition

m. plural:

shdul m. freak, monster, deformed person

1 shd f. monkey, ape idiom

write verse

shghs history master of ceremonies

shghsikhl m. plural
shghl Arabic 1 attracting someone's attention; drawing


matter has dragged out too long.

2 shd f. 1
shla f. abusive 1 mug, ugly face 2 hobgoblin 3

shindk m. swings
shz Arabic 1 rare, little used (of a word) 2 unusual,


someone into something 2 attentive

shf shp m.
shf' f.

extraordinary (of a man)

shrbl transitive [past: past: ] 1 to stir,

shake up 2 to churn (butter) 3 to hatch out (chicks) idiom

of the Barakzai and the Muhamedzai who held the hereditary post
of master-of-ceremonies)

shks f. large bowl

shkr m. Arabic grateful ! Be thankful to him!
shkulnga f. crane (the bird)
shkunj wild pear tree, wild pear
shgrd m. 1 pupil, student 2 apprentice, journeyman 3

3 stern,

severe 4 uncultivated (of land)

shtj f. 1 maladroitness; sluggishness 2


rudeness, unkemptness 3 state of being uncultivated (land)

shshp 1 1, 2 2 m. .1 lazybones 2.2 boor

shavl denominative [past: ] 1 to render barren (of
land) 2 to make sluggish

sh a f. low railing, wall (around the edge of a flat roof)

sh a f. 1 land unfit for cultivation 2 uncultivated land;

waste land; virgin land

to prepare virgin lands for cultivation
compound verb
3 sh imperfect of
1 sh i m. plural 1
2 sh i f. plural of 1
shedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to grow
virgin land

neglected; be unfruitful (land) 2 to grow lazy; become sluggish

Arabic defender; protector, patron

m. Arabic 1 Shafi'ite (a follower of the religious

shf f.
sh Arabic penal, pertaining to imprisonment at hard labor
shs m.
shsikhl m. plural history the Shakasikhejli (a clan

engineering to short-circuit

shtb m.

medicine suppository; cotton-flannel bellyband

school of the Imam Shafi'i) 2 adjective Shafi'ite

to grind water in a mortar; be engaged in a senseless task

shrbnkaj m. 1 churning (butter) 2 oil press
shrt f. electrical engineering short circuit
shrtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]
shredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] electrical

f. short-toed lark

(used to treat infants for colic)

shrzhedfr m. diplomacy charg d'affaires

charzhr m. military magazine case
shrk m. shark
shr f.
shrigr m. singer
sh 1 lazy; maladroit; sluggish 2 crude, unkempt


sh i-v i lazy; sluggish; slow-moving; malardoit, clumsy

shagrda f. pupil (girl)

shgird f. period of time spent as a student; apprenticeship
a to study; learn a trade b to work as an apprentice
shgar f. the glorification of the bridegroom at
the wedding

shgd m. Eastern
shgm good omen, augury; good sign
shgaj m. part of a camel saddle
1 shgj f. 1 low mountain 2 mountain foothills

3 foot of a

mountain 4 tomb

shgj f. assistance, support

someone, support someone

shl m.

kerchief, shawl m.

oneself with a shawl, throw on a shawl


shlb f m. shawl weaver

to help

to cover

Pashto-English Dictionary

shlshj m. one who launders shawls

shlakj m. small shawl, kerchief
shlj f. shl f. plural rice crop, raw rice, unthreshed

shliz r m. shljzra f.
shlikna f. endorsement blanket endorsement
shliknkaj m. endorser
shmpn m. plural champagne
shmpijn m. champion, victor
shmt m. Arabic 1 failure; unhappiness 2 victim of failure;


shmatra f.


shu'un t] prestige, merit, position

to undermine

shn m. combining form like, similar, -ish (as the the second

sh nta

element of compounds)


shn n m. proper name Shanan

sh nte dialect 1 like, similar to, such as

rather low, rather short 2 similar;

a just the same b precisely the
monotonously The matter has

identical; monotonous


dragged on a bit.


shmilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

contain, comprise 2 to include to enroll (in school) 3

to enter (on a list)

shmiledl shmledl denominative, intransitive [past:

] 1 to include (in), be contained (by) 2 to participate in
something, be a composite part of something
to affiliate with someone 3 to be entered, be registered, enroll


shmilednkaj m. participant
shmled m. shmiled plural 1

inclusion (in an agenda) 2

shanj f. fascine, faggot; millpond

shnd r 1 magnificent, festive; grandiloquent
majestic sight, majestic panorama, picture 2 outstanding (of


shanla f. leapfrog
shanj f.
shns m. luck; success, good fortune
shngaj 1 protuberant 2
sh nga f. shngj f. pitchforks (wooden, for
winnowing grain)

shnm n disturbed, distressed

1 shn f. 1 comb 2 textiles reed (of loom)
2 shn imperfect of
shn-vn shn-vrn

shmm f. 1 smell (sense)

proud as a peacock

a around, about something b about something, in relation to

something 3 around, round about 4 attributive surrounding

sense of smell 2

2 shm m. plural of 1
shmatra f.
1 shm Arabic 1 Syrian 2 m. Syrian (person)
2 shmj f. 1 grave 2 tomb 3 cemetery in the mountains
shmijn f. large marquee, large tent (with flat top)
1 shn m. 1 way, manner; type, kind under no
circumstances differently, otherwise
similar (to), like just like In
what way? How? In this way, thus in any
way, by any means thus a such a b thus,
therefore a very well, carefully b happily,

to act as

1 sh ni
2 shnj m. botany eelgrass, tape grass, valiseria
shukhv f. 1.1 environs neighboring
to look around 1.2 ambience, environment in
this region in Kabul district 2

participation 3 enrollment 4 entry (e.g., on a list)


sh'n m. [plural: shu'n Arabic plural:


shmatla f. black starling, common

approximate, like

shmat f. Arabic noise, fuss alarm clock

shmkha f. lining
shmud m eternally, always
shmakj f. swan
shml Arabic 1.1 participating; composed of
to involve in some matter 1.2 consisting of; composed
of to reckon among, comprehend 1.3 general,
universal, comprehensive 2 m. [plural: shmil n Arabic
plural: shmiln] .1 participant 2.2 proper name Shamil
shmil t m. Arabic plural communal pastureland, forests,

in the opposite case, otherwise 2

a joyous song

disheartened person

surroundings, milieu


shvr m. shower
shvaj m.
shvl m. shvl technology


plumb; plumb bob

sounding lead

sh vli-v vli 1.1 careless; unstable 1.2 unwise 1.3

disoriented, surprised 1.4 slovenly 2 m. negligent fellow, slob

shh m. 1.1 shah, king; prince 1.2 title of the Sayyids

(descendants of Mohammed) 1.3 bridegroom on his wedding day;

prince, newlywed 1.4 proper name Shakh

proper name Ali (the brother-in-law of Mohammed) 2 combining


good lad

Pashto-English Dictionary

shhn royal

His Highness, the King

the Royal Court

falcon 2 proper name Shahin

shhb z m. [plural: shhbzna] 1 mediator 2

[plural: shhbz n] a large light-colored hawk b falcon,

raptorial bird

shhb sh 1
shhbsh f.
shhbba f. proper name Shahbibi
shhpr m. flight or primary lift part of a bird's wing
shhpr m. proper name Shakhpur
shhtar botany fumitory, fumaria
shhtt [ plural: shhtut n] black mulberry

shhtr m. [plural: shatir n] technology beam, rafter

shhkhl m. regional trashman, sweeper; janitor
shhd m. [plural: ashh d] Arabic 1 witness
to produce a witness to produce a witness against
someone 2 [plural: shavhd] testimony
shhdn f. hemp
shhdost f. monarchism
shhid f. poetry 1 sweetheart, girlfriend 2 witness (female)
shhid f. testimony, evidence of a witness
a to bear witness, give a deposition b to testify
to fully confirm something
shhr h m. large wide road, highway
shhrg m. anatomy jugular vein
shhzdagj f. princess; royal princess
shhzd m. prince; royal prince
shhzdj f.
shhzj m.
shhk r m. 1 masterpiece 2 feat, accomplishment
shhkr f. 1 prowess 2 talent, gifts
shhgar f.
shhgl m. proper name Shahgul
shhmsta sprightly, frisky (of a girl)
shhmermna f. empress; queen
shhnm f. Shakname (a work by Firdousi)
shhansh h m. the Shah-an-Shah, the King of Kings (title of
the ruler of Iran)

shhanshh 1 indeclinable pertaining to the Shah-an-

Shah, Royal (used for the former government of Iran) 2 f.

monarchy, the royal house

shh 1.1 royal

shh f. 1 realm, reign; autocracy 2 shai (a coin equal to

1/6 kran or 5 puls) 3 shai (a kind of silk cloth) 4 proper name

shhikhl m. regional

shahival t ! Try with all your strength!

shj n fitting, appropriate as befits one
shjd probably, possibly, maybe
sh' shj Arabic 1 published to publish
to be published . as they write 2 ordinary,

shi' f. Arabic [plural: shi' t]

rumor, talk

shji' f.

2 shji f. singular of
shk Arabic shjk 1 desirous 2 m. [plural:
shiin plural: shjiin] .1 enthusiast (of something) 2.1

shj 2 2
shab m. night, evening
shab b m. Arabic youth
shabb youthful; pertaining to youth
shabnarz m. 24-hour period
for 24 hours, in the course of a 24-hour period

shabht m. Arabic likeness, similarity

to be like, be similar to

shabb m. botany 1 cruciferae (a kind of wild mustard) 2

tuberose, Polianthes tuberosa

shabbink m. nightjar, goatsucker (the bird)

shabtl m. shabtla f. Persian pear
shabchir gh m. 1 carbuncle 2 firefly, glowworm
shbah f. shbh [plural: ashb h] shbha f.

outline; silhouette; contour 2 deduction

shabkhn m. nocturnal attack

shabkhz m. one praying at night
shibr m. the Shibar Pass
shibirgh n shibirghan history district
shabarj one afflicted with nyctalopia (i.e., night blindness)
1 shabadr m. Shabkadar (city, near Peshawar)
2 shb-i-dar m.
shabkor f. medicine nyctalopia (i.e., night blindness)
shabak f. Arabic 1 lattice 2 veil; netting 3 net, network
(telephone, road, etc.)

shabakkr f. woodcarving (action)

shabakij f. Arabic anatomy retina
shabnishin evening, evening party

kingdom 1.2 monarchial 2 m.

bodyguard, royal bodyguard

shhn m. 1 red-headed sapsan (raptorial bird); the shahin

evening clothes; evening dress

shabnm m. plural poetry dew

shab f. 1 2 proper name Shabbo
1 shab f. jet; agate (the mineral)
2 shibh m. shabh Arabic
shibhdzhazir f. Arabic peninsula

Pashto-English Dictionary

shubh f. Arabic doubt, suspicion

shubhan k dubious suspicious
shbj f. flat cake
shabn m. nighttime It became light.
shabh Arabic similar, analogous; comparable
like something, similar to something
1 shap m. shelter, roof
2 shap tautological with
3 shp m. pit, abyss
shp as numeral sixteen
shpaspulj m. coin worth sixteen pul
shpasm m. ordinal numeral sixteenth
shpl oblique of
shpn plural of
shpnghd m.
shpr f. shoemaker's knife
shp six-fingered
shpag shpg numeral Western six thirty-six
m. board upon which nard is played
1.1 hexagonal 1.2
naj shpagtsanz

hexahedral 2.1 hexagon 2.2 hexahedral

six-chambered (weapon)

f. vicinity, surrounding country; suburbs

in the suburbs
all six, (a group of) six

shpag m m. ordinal numeral sixth

semiannual; half-yearly

shpg n shpug n lousy, louse-ridden

shga f. louse
shpg j f. plant louse (on wheat)
f. one-sixth part of something

shpishtj m. hub (of a wheel)

shpag numeral Eastern
shpanghd m. botany lapwing, pewit, green plover, Vanellus

shpankj m. herd boy, shepherd

shpan f. shepherdess
1 shpan f. herding to herd, herd sheep
2 shpanj adjective 1 night, nocturnal 2 evening
3 shpan plural of
shpanij n plural of 1
shap f. hat
shpug j f.
shpol m. 1 fence to fence in 2 pen (for sheep)

2 shpa f. night It's night. It is as dark as pitch.

all night, the whole night through
at night by day and by night
bedroom night's lodging supper
a on that same b every night c at night, nightly
toward night once at night
the night password to not sleep the
whole night, be wakeful to spend the night idiom
to be unable to analyze something; mix up day and night;
call black-white idiom to manage to survive
somehow; scarcely make ends meet idiom to live
out one's allotted span idiom to be high (of prices)
shpatraj m. overnight guest, guest who will stay the night
shparaj wakeful, alert
shpaund f. nyctalopia, night blindness
shpavrdz shpa-u-vrdz day and night, 24-hour
period to live to work both
day and night

shupij n m. charge, indictment

shpetm m. ordinal sixtieth
shpet numeral sixty

shpta f.

shpetj m.

shpetj f. technology


shpdzj m. lodging for the night

shperkj m.
shpena sloven, slattern
shpezr m. the end of the night
shpeshtarj m. 1 2 2 1
shpshta f. 1 lucerne (grass) 2 2
1 shpishti f. shpshti plural lucerne (grass) idiom
a to take someone in b to incite one person
against another

2 shpshtj m. blade (propellor, fan, etc.), cog (of a wheel)

shpelk m. [plural: shpelakna Western plural:
shpelak n] 1 whistling, whistle to
whistle 2 a whistle

shpelkj m. whistling, whistle

shpell transitive [past: ] to whistle

shpell transitive [past: shpelavl

sing (of a thrush)


a to whistle b to

transitive past: ] to gnaw; gnaw around; suck around

factory, train) 3 whistle, hum (of the wind)

aureole (of the moon)

shpun m. [plural: shpn] shepherd, herdsman

shpuntb m. 1 shepherding 2 cattle raising
1 shp m. [plural: shpanij n] shepherd
recruit someone as a shepherd to hire a shepherd

shpelj m. 1 whistling, whistle 2 whistle, siren (of a

shpelj m. good-for-nothing, cad

shpelj f. 1 reed-pipes; fife; flute to play the

reed-pipes 2 anatomy aural opening aural opening 3


whistling, whistle 4 whistle, whistle (of a factory, train) 5 barrel

(of a rifle) idiom

bone of the forearm

Pashto-English Dictionary

proverb You can't eat cornmeal and play

shatj f. shtj 1 green mold (on walls, etc.) 2 Chlorella (a

seaweed) 3 corncob (without kernels)

the flute too.

shpeljm r m. flautist
shpenj night, nocturnal yesterday's conversation
1 shat m. die (in children's games) to draw

2 sht speeding along, rolling along

shit b m. haste; speed
shitb f. hastiness, haste hurriedly, urgently
to hurry, hasten
shattb m.
shtm m. regional blank form with seal stamped

shatt ha f.

3 garrulous 4

shatj f. 1 prostitute 2 impudent woman

shat f. 1 evil, wickedness 2 shamelessness 3 peevishness

4 obstinacy

shuturk m. bittern (the bird)

shuturka f.

shuturki usually plural 1 jet of water

a to squirt; gush b to spurt c to

waterfall, cataract

cascade (of a waterfall)

shuturm r m. grass snake

shuturmrgh m. 1 stork 2 vulture, buzzard
shtirng m. 1 steering gear, rudder apparatus 2 sluice gate
shutur 1 light brown, beige 2 f. camlet (cloth)
shtman f.
shto oblique of 1
shtv laj m.
shtmaj m. pestle
1 sht m. plural 1 existence, being to exist 2
property material goods, property inventory
books to create, bring about He was
very rich.

2 shta there is; there are; it is, he is Is Ahmed here?

Is anybody home? there is,
it/he is

3 shat f. dill
shtmn 1 rich 2 m. a wealthy man
shtmantb m. wealth
shtman f. wealth
shtv laj m. existence, being
for existence

shudzh't m. Arabic bravery, valor, manliness

to display valor, demonstrate manliness


3 shatj f. from
shte dialect 2
shtemj f. stone mortar
shal m.
shaalki f. plural to writhe, quiver
shaalv laj m.
shop m. stove, cooker
sha corncob
shedl intransitive [past: ] to writhe, shake
shudzh ' Arabic 1 brave, valorous, manly 2 m. proper name


shatv laj m.
shat h 1 mendacious 2 evil, perfidious

shatj f. 1 knee 2 point (arrow, lance)

the struggle

shudzh'atmn brave man, hero

shudzh'atmnd title given to a major
shudzha'atmandn 1
shudzh'athamr h shudzh'athanar title for a general
shadzhar f. Arabic 1 geneology, family tree 2 list of saints
shadzh' Arabic 1
shtslj m. chisel
shahm m. Arabic fat, internal fat
shahm Arabic fat, greasy fats
shakh 1 firm, hard, rigid 2 tight 3 rooted, frozen in place
compound verb compound verb
shkha m. large flock of birds
shkha f. 1 dispute; conflict; litigation
This is indisputable. 2 battle; clash 3 band, gang
shakhs m. Arabic [plural: ashkh s] person, persona,
personality technical specialists idiom
grammar first person

shkhsn Arabic personally

personal responsibility.

He will bear

shakhsparast f.
shakhsijt m. Arabic [plural: shakhsijatna
Arabic plural: shakhsij t] personality, person
private person juridical person
to be a juridical person
personal identification document

shakhsijatparast f. cult of personality

shakhkj f. small pimple
1 shakhlj m. hitching post (for cattle)
2 shakhulj m.
shakhand m. 1
shakha f. anatomy joint
shukhud scratched
1 shkhval m. 1 voice (of a bird) 2 rumble; noise; din
rustling (of leaves) 4 gurgling (of a brook)


Pashto-English Dictionary


shkhvl m. discomposure, depression

shakhavl denominative, transitive [past:

stretch, draw tight, draw taut, strain


shkhvlj m. 1 quiver 2 knapsack, pouch 3 game bag

shkhvand m. chewing, rumination; cud
a to chew the cud b to masticate (food)
shkhvand vahnkaj adjective ruminant, cud-chewing
vahunki ruminant animal
shakhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
stretch, draw tight 2 to be frozen in place, be rooted to the spot

shakhed m. plural 1 stretching tight, drawing tight 2

torpor, numbness; inability to move (from fear, surprise, etc.)

1 shud m. possibility It is possible that

2 shad shadd Arabic
shadv f. shalv f. kind of water plant
shadd m. Arabic plural of
shiddt m. Arabic 1 strength, intensity, intenseness
strongly, energetically a to intensify, strenghten b
to grow more severe, grow colder Winter is
growing severe. A bitter battle is going
on. 2 violence 3 difficulty

shadrv m. noisy dispute (of women)

shudan possible; attainable
shudopj f.
shid f. plural
shudj ra f. plowed field
shadd Arabic 1 strong; large

plowed field

energetic 3 angry, cruel, ferocious 4 tense


shadid Arabic
shadid] m.

1 feminine singular of

great losses 2


Arabic [plural: shadd] difficulty,

clumsy person; bumpkin; lazy man, apathetic man 2.1

sluggish; lazy; apathetic; slow-moving 2.2 stout, portly, awkward

2.3 unbleached, coarse (of cloth) 2.4 bad, rough (of a road)

shaaltb m.

shaalv laj m. 1 barrenness 2

uncouthness, crudity 3 sluggishness, slow-movingness 4


shadala 1 feminine singular of

coarse cloth

2 unbleached cloth,

shaaledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to not

bear fruit, be barren; be a barren flower

wine 2 spiritous drinks

sharbkhn f. lowly tavern; beer hall

sharbkhr m. 1 one who loves to drink to excess

noise, disorder

sharbkhor f. 1 drinking to excess; use of spiritous

drink 2 drunkenness

sharb 1 m. drunkard 2 drunk

sharrt m. Arabic 1 villainy 2

lawlessness 3 baseness,


sharft m. Arabic 1 nobility 2 honor, merit, virtue 3

respect, glory; esteem

sharfatm b Arabic venerable one (form of address for an


sharkt m. Arabic
sharkathm f. agreement of fellowship or comradeship,
agreement or contract of shareholders

sharrnd z m. troublemaker
shart m. Arabic plural of
sharjn m. Arabic plural of
sharbt m. Arabic syrup; sherbet


sharbatb b m. plural beverages, drinks

sharbl transitive [present: past: past:
]1 to chop (meat) finely, mince 2 to hatch (chicks)
sharbna f. 1 chopping finely (meat) 2 hatching (chicks)
sharbavl transitive [past: ] 1 to chop (meat)
stir up

shrab m.
shrap f.
sharpasnd sharrpasnd pernicious, obnoxious
obnoxious people; scoundrels
sharaph r m. shrpj m. 1 splash (of water) 2 lash
(of a whip)

shurt to throw things around, strew

sharh f. shrha f. Arabic exposition; explanation,
elucidation; interpretation; description shrh-i biography
compound verb to explain, elucidate; describe
sharsh f. sharshai (measure of weight equal to one Indian
tola, 24 grains)

shurshr m. 1 noise (e.g., of the wind)

work out in the wind

shuzz m. Arabic eccentricity


sharr m. Arabic 1 malice; spite 2 misfortune, calamity,

disaster, evil

shar b m. Arabic singular & plural [plural: ashrib] 1

finely, mince 2 to rock back and forth, oscillate 3 to turn over,

shal 1 m. [plural: shal plural: shaal n]

literal & figurative .1 barren flower compound verb

rustling, rustle

f. [plural:


shur m. shr shir 1 splash (of water); the noise of rain 2


to plow land

silence reigns. 3 harm, damage 4 baseness, meaness



The wind whistles. 2

gurgling, babbling (of water)

sharshar f. 1 gurgling, babbling (of water)

sharshf m. Arab plural colza oil

2 small waterfall

Pashto-English Dictionary

sharshobnda f. scolopendra, centipede

shart m. Arabic [plural: shartna Arabic plural:
shart] 1 condition the conditions of the
agreement preconditions compound verb
to stipulate; provide for compound verb to be
conditioned upon; be stipulated to
surrender, capitulate unconditionally
however, under the condition that ... provided that
without any conditions of any kind 2 bet
to bet, lay a wager with someone to
win a bet with someone to fulfill the conditions of a



shirkat pertaining to a shirkat, of a joint-stock company

shrakah r m. shrakj m. 1 knock, tap, rap 2 lash (of

shartnm f. condition of an agreement, provision of a

treaty; condition

a whip)

shartvl m. bettor
shart 1 conditional 2 abusive strumpet, trollop
shartij f. Arabic lottery
shr'a f. Arabic Shariat (Islamic religious law)
shr'n according to the laws of Shariat
shr'a f.
shar' Arabic indeclinable 1 pertaining to Shariat; according
to the law of Shariat a legal action instituted thru
Shariat a trial according to Shariat 2 established, in
accordance with Shariat; legal a legal wife
sharghashj m.
sharf m. Arabic 1 nobility 2 honor, merit; respect; esteem
to live honestly to
receive a high post, obtain an important appointment
This is an affair of honor. This relates to honor. 3

imposed over and above kun (blood money) for the commission of
shameful acts in connection with a murder

shrambj f. 3
sharmdzhn sharmd r

sharmh m. shrmh wolf

sharmhkj f. [plural: sharmhkj plural:
sharmhkj ni] lizard
sharmha f. she-wolf
sharmgr ashamed, embarrassed
sharmn k
sharmandtj f. sharmandag f. 1 shame, disgrace,
dishonor 2 bashfulness; shyness 3 diffidence


to be ashamed of

sharmh m.
sharmavl transitive [past: ] 1 to shame 2 to
disgrace, dishonor to disgrace one's family
to disgrace oneself
sharmavnkaj shameful
sharmedl intransitive [past: ]to be ashamed; be
embarrased; be diffident

sharmed m. plural shame, embarrassment

sharming f.
shrang m. 1 onomatopoeia sound made by breaking glass,
dishware, etc. ringing, chime 2 clatter, clanging

resident of the East

sharmand shamed of; modest, diffident, shy


the northeast
the Middle East the Far East
east of Kabul
shrn Arabic to the east, eastward, in the east
shraavl transitive regional [past: ] to beat; lash
to beat with a lash
shraah r m. regional clang (of metal); tapping
shar Arabic 1 eastern Eastern Studies,
Oriental Studies Eastern cuisine 2

sharms r 1 bashful;

conscientious 2 shy, timid

to be received in or granted an audience with someone

shar m. Arabic the East

It is a great shame that

It disturbs my conscience. I am
ashamed. proverb I was ready to sink
into the ground from shame. 2 bashfulness; shyness to
be ashamed to be ashamed, be shy 3 Islamic law fine

proper name Sharaf

the Near East

shrm m. shrm 1 shame, dishonor, disgrace

It is a shameful affair.

shuraf m. Arabic plural of

sharafuddn m. Arabic proper name Sharafuddin
sharafatmnd noble; honorable
sharafatmandn 1 noble; honorable 2 virtuous
sharafj b worthy of honor
sharafjb f. reception, audience

shrak m. 1 knock, tap 2 lash (of a whip) 3 a quickened

3 shirk m. blanket
shurak m. Arabic plural of
shirkt m. Arabic 1 fellowship; shirket (i.e., partnership),
society, company trading company
silent partnership joint-stock company
shipping company 2 participation
a to take part in, participate in something b to share (e.g.,
someone's feelings) I share your

wager 3 sign, token, mark

(e.g., of swords); saber rattling 3 hubbub (of voices) 4 the

recitation of lessons by children, aloud

shirk m. Arabic religion 1 polytheism; paganism 2

lesson by chanting in unison


to study a

Pashto-English Dictionary

shrang f.
shrangnj m. shrangv m. rattle
shrangevl transitive [past: ] 1 to jingle

(bangles, bracelets, etc.) 2 to knock, rap, rattle 3 to clang, clash

compound verb

intransitive [past: ] 1 to jingle 2 to

rustle 3 to rap, knock

sharrushr m. vanity
shurt m. Arabic plural of
shur' Arabic 1 f. Arabic m. [plural: shuru' t]
beginning, initiative at the beginning of the
meeting a good beginning from
beginning to end
to begin something, start something, get
going at something to make a beginning, make a start
2 predicative having (just) begun compound verb to
begin compound verb to start Supper
is commencing.

shuru'ked m. plural beginning, undertaking

shrung tautological with
shurh r m. gurgling, noise of water a

to gurgle b

to patter (rain)

shraj m. medicine measles

from measles

shri one suffering

a to appear (of measle rash) b

figurative to be characteristic, be inherent, be innate


shap m. shap-u-hrp 1 m. splash (of waves,
pouring water) 2 rustle, (indistinct) noise 3 onomatopoeia


shapavl transitive [past: ] to splash, splash about

shapah r m. shapj m.
shapedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]to splash,
splash about

shatavl denominative
shatedl denominative, intransitive
shaa f. 1 barley; barleycorn 2 small quantity, few
shashap f. 1 abatement (e.g., of a storm) 2 fear 3
misfortune, disaster

shashaj f.
shashm m. plural cole seed, rapeseed
rapeseed oil Eastern saying
It's a senseless undertaking.

a to decide according

shak m. 1 lash, lashing 2 crash;

knock, rap knocking, crashing 3 noise, uproar (of
the wind) thunderstorm, downpour
shakavl transitive [past: ] 1 to lash (with a

sharf Arabic 1.1 noble, wellborn 1.2 reknown; famed 1.3

figurative high 2 m. .1 proper name Sharif 2.2 [plural:

ashr f] Sherif (title of the governor of Mecca and of the
descendants of Mohammed)

sharifn 1 noble, wellborn 2 glorious, famous; reknown

1 sharif f. Arabic proper name Sharifa
2 sharif f. cornice, ledge
shark m. Arabic 1 [plural: sharik n Arabic plural:
shurak ] .1 companion, comrade 1.2 shareholder 1.3
participant compound verb

sha m. regional

whip, etc.) 2 to knock, rap (on the door, etc.)

shakah r m.

shakedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to crack, emit a

crash; slam (door) 2 noise, hum (wind)
shraked m. plural 1 crash; slamming (door, etc.) 2 noise,
hum (wind)

to Shariat (i.e., traditional Islamic law); try or judge according to

Shariat b to institute an action under Shariat

to take part in a conversation

participate in something; be attracted to something, be involved in

shari't m. Arabic

sharka 1 feminine singular of 2 2 f. friend (female)

lifelong (female) friend
sharikedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

2 shre f. plural medicine chicken pox

sharj n m. shirj n Arabic [plural: sharajn] anatomy
artery pulmonary artery artery
sharjn arterial
shredl intransitive
sharr Arabic 1.1 spoiled; corrupt 1.2 evil; loathsome
loathsome man; scoundrel, rascal 2 m. [plural: ashr r]
.1 bandit, robber 2.2 scoundrel, rascal

participant in something, involve in something, attract to


m. 1 ringing; chiming 2 rustle 3 rustling

2 common, general

They had a common boundary. adverb together

sharikavl denominative [past: ] to make a

(weapons, etc.)

shrangah r
shrangj m.

sharl transitive [past: ] 1 drive, drive through; drive

out 2 to fire (a bullet) 3 to send packing, evict

shalj 1 past participle of 2 unfit, superfluous

sham 1 poorly attached 2 loose-hanging 3 loose, flabby

clumsy; slow-moving; lazy, sluggish

shamtb m.

shamv laj m. 1 looseness,

flabbiness 2 clumsiness; tardiness; laziness, sluggishness

shamavl denominative [past:

1 to attach poorly

2 to cause to become loose or flabby 3 to cause to become

clumsy or slow; cause to become lazy or sluggish


Pashto-English Dictionary

shamedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

poorly attached 2 to hang loose 3 to grow loose, become flabby
4 to grow clumsy, become slow moving; be lazy, be sluggish

shang m. shangr m. regional hum, whistling

hum, whistling
shana f. driving out
shav laj m. 1 ungainliness, awkwardness 2 infertility,
barrenness 3 fallowness (of land)

shbaj m. shabaj 1 watering can 2 spigot (e.g., of a


shup tautological with

shaotedl intransitive [past: ]

to come loose, sink


chess player

shaavl transitive [past: ] 1 to boil soft (e.g.,

meat) 2 to soften
shaavl transitive [past: ] 1 splash, splash out;

spurt, spray

shom m. plural remains (in the pan) after cooking meat

shumb shomb f. plural churning
shan m.
shund shamed
shung m. tautological with
sha f. 2
shaha f.
shahavl transitive 1
shahedl intransitive 1
1 shaj m. botany Eremurus (small family of Asiatic herbs in
the family Liliaceae)

shaj f. 1 wooden blanket, flannel blanket 2 rug, plaid 3 a

small shawl

shaj f. hedge mustard, Sisymbrium (a medical plant)

4 sha present tense of
1 shaedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be boiled soft (of

meat) 2 to decompose, break down 3 to fall apart

2 shaedl intransitive [past: ] to splash, spill

3 shaedl denominative, intransitive
1 shaed m. plural 1 boiling soft (of meat) 2
decomposition, breaking down 3 decay, falling apart, dissolution



shaed m. plural splashing, splash, spillage

shaed m. plural neglect
shajvr wrapped up in a shawl or wool wrap
shist m. shast gunsight

shashkuruh f.
shishn f. neighing (of a horse)
shishnl transitive [past: ] to neigh (of a horse)
shishnaj neighing (of a horse) to neigh (of a horse)
shishnedl intransitive [past: ] to neigh (of a horse)
shishned m. plural neighing (of a horse)
shash-u-pndzh m. vacillation, indecisiveness
I vacillated, not able to decide.
shatrt m. Arabic quickness, agility, efficiency
shatrndzh m. Arabic chess chessboard
to play chess
shatrandzhb z m. shatrndzh kavnkaj m.

to take aim

shast m. 1 ring with a mirror (worn by women on the

shi' r m. Arabic slogan, motto

sho'' f. shu' Arabic m. Arabic
2 flash, radiance

in staggered

[plural: ashi'] 1 ray

sho'' radiating a radiation, emanation b rays

sha'r m. Arabic plural of
sho'b t m. Arabic plural of
sha'b n m. Arabic Shaban (8th month of the lunar year)
shu'badab z m. 1 conjurer, juggler 2 cheat, swindler
sho'b f. shu'b Arabic [plural: sho'b shu'b m.
Arabic plural: sho'b t shu'b t] 1 section, department,
branch 2 wing, offshoot

1 she'r m.
ash' r]

Arabic [plural: she'rna Arabic plural:

1 poetry 2 verse

to write verses,

compose verses

2 sha'r m. Arabic 1 hair 2 capillary

sha'rij 1 adjective capillary

capillaries 2 f.


sha'f m. Arabic delight, ecstasy

shu'l f. Arabic
shu'r m. Arabic 1 mind, intellect; consciousness
in full consciousness He was an
intelligent man. political consciousness 2 feeling
to worry
shu'rn Arabic purposely, consciously
shu'ur Arabic conscious; intelligent
sha'ir f. Arabic m. [plural: sha'r] 1 religion
ceremony, ritual 2 custom

middle finger) 2 thimble 3 fishspear, harpoon

shastaj m. 1 chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum

shsh m. pendant (on a necklace)
shasht m. thimble
shashtj m.
shishk m. 1 shelf 2 awning; arch

shatrandzh adjective chess

order, staggered

shgh m. 1 noise made by a flock of birds taking off 2 whistle

(e.g., of a bullet)

shgh f.
shghshgh m.

noise, din, rumbling; rumble (e.g., of train



shgh l m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

shghl 1 low grade, of inferior quality or kind 2 locally

produced; handcrafted

variety of polygonum, in the buckwheat family)

shavt m. Arabic misfortune, calamity; disaster

sha m. Arabic anemone
sha Arabic 1 unhappy, unfortunate 2 pernicious
shai f. Arabic anatomy temple
1 shak m. shakk Arabic [plural: shakna] Arabic
[plural: shukk] doubt; suspicion
doubt, be doubtful there is no doubt,
doubtless It is indisputable.
2 shak on end, sticking up
1 shik r m.
2 shkr m. plural potassium, potash, alkali
shikrg h m. hunting ground; hunting preserve
shkrl transitive [past: ] to instigate, set

shghlj m. 1 breed of camel 2 rifle (handmade)

shghrb m. colloquial east

from east to


shghrgh m. troublemaker
shghf m. Arabic passionate love
shughl m. Arabic matter, affair, occupation, preoccupation;

shughl f. 1 ray X-rays 2 radiance 3 spark

shughn n m. Shugnan (province)
shughn 1 Shugnanian 2 m. .1 a native of Shugnan 2.2 f.
Shugnanian, the Shugnanian language

shghavl transitive [past: ] 1 to fling, throw, toss

2 regional to launch (e.g., a missile)

shghah r m.
shif f. Arabic healing, cure
recovery; get better

health resort (city)

shaf't m. Arabic 1 protection; intercession

to someone

shafav Arabic linguistics labial; bilabial

shaf m. Arabic savior, rescuer
shafir f. Arabic chrysalis, pupa (e.g., of a butterfly)
shaf' m. Arabic 1 protector 2 intercessor
shaf Arabic 1.1 merciful; sympathetic 1.2 loving; tender
m. proper name Shafik
[plural: shina Arabic plural:



dilemma 3 branch

external (i.e., nonresident) studies

shkr oblique of 1
1 shukri f. plural
2 shikr 1 adjective hunting 2 raptorial (of birds)
shakkkijt m. Arabic skepticism
shkl m.
shk masculine plural of
shk va f. 1 stealing, robbing; thievery 2 cutting-off,

to take someone's part; intercede b to be a mediator

shaf'atgr m. 1 protector; intercessor 2 mediator

shaff f Arabic 1 transparent, translucent 2 very delicate
shafffijt m. Arabic transparency
shifh Arabic oral; verbal a popular oral
composition folklore an oral examination
law oral testimony of the parties
shaftl m. peach (tree)
` shifr m. cipher, code
shifr enciphered, encoded
shuf'a f. Arabic law a prior right to acquire something
shaf m. Arabic sunset; evening; dusk
shafat m. Arabic sympathy; mercy, compassion; kindness
to pity someone; sympathize with someone; be kind

shi shi m. Arabic

shu] 1 half 2


(someone) on (someone else)

to make a complete

shifkhnav adjective hospital, pertaining to an infirmary

shifkhn f. hospital hospital, infirmary
shifkhnaj adjective hospital-, curative

shal m. Arabic Polygonatum verticillatum (whorled

shiakjt m. Arabic [plural: shikjatna Arabic

plural: shikj t] 1 complaint 2 dissatisfaction

a to complain, lodge a complaint b to express dissatisfaction

shikjatnm f. complaint (written)

1 shkr m. shkr Arabic 1 thanks; gratitude
to thank to thank someone to
express thanks 2 satisfaction

2 shakr m. Arabic 1
shukrn f. contribution (e.g., to a mullah)
shakarpr f. sweet tree-dried apricot
shakarkhnd smiling
shakarkhur f. 1 hummingbird 2 person with a sweet

shakarist n m. 1 sugar plantation 2 sugar mill

shakaristn-i-afghan an anthology of Afghan literature

compiled by Kazi (Moslem judge) Mir Ahmed Shah

shukrguz r 1 thankful, grateful 2 satisfied

shukrguzr f. 1 thankfulness, gratitude 2 satisfaction
1 shakarganj m. sugarcane plant
2 shakargan m. plural honeycombs
shakarlb 1 sweet-mouthed (of a beloved) 2 male with a

shakarnj m. sugarcane plant

1 shakra f. shakra sugar (usually granulated)


Pashto-English Dictionary

2 shikr f. female of a kind of hawk

1 shkrj m. powder flask
2 shkrj f. bast basket, woven reed basket
3 shikaraj m. kind of hawk
shakarivl sugary, yielding sugar (of plants)
shukrij f. Arabic gratitude to thank for an
invitation to render thanks ! Thanks!
shikst m. crushing defeat, rout to


shikast 1 broken up; broken apart 2 f. shikasta (i.e.,

broken) script (cursive handwriting in which manuscripts and

sometimes correspondence are written)

shikastanafs modest
shikastanafas modesty
shakshk on end, sticking up
shakl m. Arabic [plural: shaklna Arabic plural:
ashk l] type, form, aspect, appearance
in the form of in appearance
a to chance form, alter appearance b to rework,
transform 2 drawing, sketch, image 3 figure, subject

shkln Arabic in shape, in appearance, in form

shaklj f. end of a turban
shkampr f. Plantago ispaghula (a kind of plantain)
shakmn 1 doubting 2 suspicious, dubious
shakmnv laj m. suspicion, doubt, dubiousness
shikn combining form breaking, breaking apart, fragmenting
shikandzh f. shikandz f. 1 instrument of torture
(rack, stocks, etc.) 2 literal & figurative vice 3 torture, torment

to torture, torment 4 bookbinder's press

shkan f. kind of thick soup made with onion idiom
to meddle in the affairs
of another

shka f. 1 female porcupine 2 barren woman

1 shkor m. 2
2 shakr Arabic extremely grateful, thankful
3 shukr Arabic 1 thanking, giving thanks 2 m.


name Shukur

shakurk I really don't know this.

shkorj m. small basket
shukk m. Arabic plural of 1
A suspicion creeped into their hearts.
1 shkavl 1 to tear, rend He tore his shirt.
2 to tear off, tear out 3 to dig up; pull out 4 to irritate, open (a

wound) 5 to break off, tear off; rip out 6 to rob, burglarize idiom

to cease going somewhere

2 shakavl transitive [past: ]

to stand on end

shkavna f. 1 tear, rending, rent 2 disruption, loss of

contact 3 uprooting, pulling out 4 breaking off, tearing off,

extraction 5 robbery, burglary

2 shakavna f. standing on end

shku m. shkon [plural: shk plural:
shkaij n] porcupine proverb
literal Even though a porcupine should be declared fit to eat, it
will still look unclean. figurative You can't wash a black dog

suffer a crushing defeat

shikastkhurd defeated utterly, suffering a crushing

shikh f. 1 splendor; magnificence 2 grandeur, majesty

shakv f. shikv Arabic complaint

shak shakk

to complain
suspicious, doubting; mistrustful to be

suspicious; doubt something 2 problematic

shkedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to tear, rend; be torn,

be rent 2 to be ripped out, be extracted 3 to be torn out 4 to be

opened, be irritated (of a wound) 5 to be dug out 6 to be robbed,

be burglarized

shakedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

stand, be stood upright Now Sanak is


shkza f. supports, poles (tent, marquee)

shkel m.
shkell transitive dialect 2
shkelavl denominative, transitive [past: ]



shkelj m.

denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

shig ra f. 1 pregnant 2 with calf

shagaranj m. 1 honeycombs 2 wasp nest
shigrj m. powder flask
shgln 1 sandy 2 gravelly; granular
shglna f. sandy soil 2
shgl sandy
shglnaj m. anatomy sacrum
shgmhj m. skink (a lizard)
shgmhaj m. emery paper
shiguf f. shuguf flower, blossoming

to bloom,

blossom out

shagn m. shugn omen, augury; token

shga f. sand gravel, coarse sand sand
quicksand a mica b talc dunes; sand
hillock gold-bearing sand,
auriferous sand

1 shigj f. sandy soil

2 shgi feminine plural of
shgirnj m.
shgigl m. 1 mica 2 talc

Pashto-English Dictionary

shal m. 1 pike, javelin, spear, lance 2 staff (with a sharp

shl 1 numeral twenty 2 m. [plural: shlgna f.

plural: shli] a score forty sixty

four hundred

scores of rupees

shlmshr m. commander of a detachment or group

consisting of twenty men

I didn't do this and you also will deal with

Without me you achieved nothing.
Without me you couldn't deal with this matter. !

shlamavl denominative
shlmedl transitive
shlan 1 fat, stout; burly; plump 2 fatted, well-fed
shlantb m. shlanv laj m. 1 stoutness;

Willingly! Gladly!

shal m. staircase

shal m. ram (delivered to the home of the deceased by his

shal shall Arabic paralyzed


His legs are

burliness 2 state of nutrition

shlanavl denominative, transitive [past:

make fat, make stout 2 to fatten up, feed up

shlna f.
shlanedl denominative, intransitive


shal f. root of the reed mace

shall gh m. 1 lash, scourge, whip

1 to

[past: ] 1 to

grow fat, grow stout; get heavy, become plump 2 to be fattened

2 slap, buffet, box on the


it in vain.


Orchis species, used for food and medicine)

2 shlm numeral twentieth

shalmdna f. botany salep (dried and ground tubers of


verb a to complete some matter, carry something to a conclusion

b to effectuate; execute a seemingly impossible task

shilm shlm 1 m. .1 partly-filled grain sack 1.2 poorly-

tied bundle 1.3 animal with a pendulous belly 2

metal tip)

up, be well fed

shilng m. shilling
shalv r m. wide Middle-Eastern-style trousers
shalushl m. shalush m. 1 cripple 2 paralytic
shlavl transitive [past: ] 1 to tear, tear apart; break
off to break the chains of slavery 2 to tear
off, detach 3 to break off, break apart to sever

shl na f. 1 toad 2 agama (a lizard) 3 round-head (a

species of lizard of the Agamadae family)

shlvn m. shlv m. collective responsibility;

collective guarantee

shlikiz f. twenty-iki coin

shalbr m. flimsy cloth, thin cloth
shlpl raj ancestry unknown
shlpulj f. twenty-pul coin
shlt shalt
shaltal m. [plural: shaltl n] peach (tree)
shalat f. unhusked barley
shlkhta f. brazen woman, shameless woman
shalkhorka f. giant lizard
1 shalkhj m. sorrel (rumex)
2 shilakh regional blank (of a cartridge)
shldn f. pearl necklace; necklace
shlght deformed, ugly (of things)
shalghshaj m. wild sugarcane, Saccharum spontaneum,

diplomatic relations 4 to stop, cease, curtail 5 to break open,

force, smash 6 to crack (with the teeth)

1 shlom m. plural
2 shlavm present tense, first person of
shlombv m. 1 bag in which kurut is pressed or
squeezed into a solid mass

shlomb skim milk; sour milk saying

to grind water in a mortar literal to

shlomb f.


try to shake up or squeeze out sour milk in the air without a bag
figuratively to engage in a fruitless occupation

Saccharum sara

shalghm m. turnip, rutabaga

1 shilk m. volley; (gun) salute to fire a salute
to fire a volley
2 shlk m. a score four hundred
shalka f. laziness, sluggishness
shilak spent, fired spent cartridge
shalg 1 coarsely woven; flimsy (of cloth) 2 m.
shlgna plural of 2 2
shalg f. awn, beard (of wheat)
1 shalgj m. 1 javelin; fish spear 2 metal tip 3 pennant
2 shalgj f. shelf; niche

shlomb m.
shlna f. boil
1 shml f. subcutaneous layer of fat (e.g., in sheep)
2 shallh importunate, persistent
3 shla 1
1 shli Eastern shle plural of 2 one
hundred and sixty rupees

2 shli m.
1 shlta

plural 1 grain, cereal 2 grains, cereals

f. 1 large sack (e.g., for transporting straw, cotton) 2

purse, pouch

shalta f. 1 leftovers, leftover food 2 old woolen rag; rags,

old cloths 3 strumpet, trollop


shledl 1 [past: ] .1 to tear, break 1.2 to come off, get

detached 1.3 to be severed, be broken, be disrupted (e.g., of

Pashto-English Dictionary

diplomatic relations) 1.4 to stop, halt 1.5 to be smashed 2 m.

plural literal break, breach
diplomatic relations

a break in

shledlj 1 past participle of 2 torn, rent

shled m. plural literal break, breach, severance, disruption
shilk m. 1
shlikj m. dried apricots
shall m. nectarine
1 sham m.
2 sham sticking up, upright
shm present tense, first person of 1
shamtt m. Arabic schadenfreude (pleasure in the
misfortune of an enemy)

sham kha f. weed grass

shm r m. shum r 1 quantity; numbers, numerical strength;
number a certain quantity to be a
component part of 2 counting, calculation to count,
compute, reckon

shmrl transitive Eastern [past: ] to count,


shim l m. Arabic north

from north

to south to the north of Kabul

2 sham l m. Arabic (north) wind to ventilate
A slight wind was blowing.
shim ln-dzhunbn from north to south
shim l-i-shar m. the northeast
shimlishhar northeastern
shim l-i-gharb m. the northwest
northwest of
shimaligharb northwestern
shiml northern northeastern
northwestern the northern lights, the aurora
borealis smt-i history the Northern
District the Northern Provinces (of Afghanistan)
shm n m. garbage, trash
shamndrz m. silk cloth
shaml m. Arabic plural 1 innate qualities; innate
properties 2 talents; merits; virtues

shamdzj f.
shamkha f.
shmri m. plural botany fenugreek
shamzj f. 1 spine, backbone, spinal cord

2 lower back,

shamsh f.
shamshr m. sword; sabre, cavalry sword
shamsherka f. support brace used in fixing the plowshare
to the plow beam

shamshergr m. 1 cutler 2 armorer

shm'a f. Arabic candle
sham'ad n m. candlestick, candleholder
sham'as z m. candle maker
sham' adjective candle
shamkalj m. 1 cloth rag (for cleaning millstones)

shamkr blind; suffering from night blindness

shamkor f. medicine nyctalopia, night blindness
shamakj m. 1 common chicory 2 regional dandelion
shml na f. carelessness, negligence
shaml f. 1 end of a turban 2 edge, selvage, fringe 3
adornment, pride

shamlad r fringed
shamn m. 1 idol worshipper 2 idol
shamandrz m. 1 kind of coarse silk-cloth 2 taffeta

shamkha f.
shuml m. Arabic participation with the

participation of

shumulijt m. Arabic participation


participate with someone in something

shma f. tent (usually of black goats' wool) a black

tent (of goats' wool) idiom to undertake the impossible

saying literal A black tent will never be white.

figurative The leopard cannot change his spots.

2 shum f. juice (squeezed from fruits)

3 shma f.
4 shamm f. Arabic odor, smell
1 shamm Arabic 1 olifactory 2 fragrant, odorous, aromatic
2 sham m. proper name Shami
shmer m. Western 1 quantity; numerical strength; number
edition (e.g., of a book)
population strength, numbers a in great quantity b a
great quantity to be counted in to be included
in the number 2 calculation arithmetic
shmerl transitive [past: ] 1 to count, reckon,
calculate 2 to suppose, consider 3 to enumerate 4 to count up,

small of the back 3 support

list by numbers

shams m. Arabic 1 sun 2 proper name Shams

shams solar the solar year
the solar system

shamsh d m. 1 spruce, fir 2 box (tree)

shamshatj f. turtle, tortoise
shamsham f. 1 splendor, brilliance; pomp

2 fringe

(for a rug, turban, etc.)

2 honor, esteem

shmerna f. calculation, counting

shmernkaj calculator, adding machine
shamm Arabic sweet-smelling, aromatic
shimst m. chemist
shamim f. Arabic perfume, sweet smell, aroma

Pashto-English Dictionary

shnkht m. 1 acquaintance, acquaintanceship


a fizzle, cause to be a washout 4 to frustrate (plans); bring to

have an acquaintanceship, be acquainted with 2 understanding,

intellectual grasp; knowledge 3 recognition, identification 4
regional recognition, perception

to recognize, identify

naught (efforts)

shna shna feminine singular of 2

shanj 1 fruit of an Indian lilac, Melia sempervirens

5 ability, skill 6 mastery (in the execution of circle dancing)

shnkhta 1.1 acquainted 1.2 known, recognized 2 m.

[plural: shnkhtag n] acquaintance, friend

shn khta f.


shin s m. combining form knowing, acquainted with

shanedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

barren 2 to be unproductive, be of low-yield 3 to be fruitless, be


without result 4 to be disrupted, be thwarted (plans); fail; come to

naught (of efforts)

shan z m. shinz 1 inflated hide used to cross rivers 2


shn khtsa f. tombstone inscription,

wineskin, waterskin


shins f. combining form knowledge, understanding

anthropology Eastern Studies
shn ghla f. 1 syrup made of the fruit of the pistachio tree,

and flour

shn lgha f. dough which has not risen

1 shnvj f. buttermilk, whey
2 shnvj 1 with a touch of gray (in the beard)
shamb f. shamb f. Western 1 Saturday 2 component
of a name of the week Wednesday
shatj f. stone embankment, quay
shndzakj f. shndza shndza f. abscess, boil,


object; tiny bit

shng r m. soft sound

shang l m.
shingrf m. plural 1 cinnabar (color) 2 red ink
shangrk m. kind of plant
1 shingrj f.
2 shangrj f. form for casting pots
shingip m. plural
shnga f. girl who has run off with someone against her


parents' will

shndzj f.
shnkhta f. 2
shand m. a kind of falcon or hawk
1 shindl m. plural 1 1
2 shindl transitive 2
1 shnda f. 1 agitation, excitement

shangshja f. cleaning small stones from rice

shungl m. botany broomrape, Orobanche
shng m.
shangh j m. Shanghai (city)
shanl shnl transitive [past: ] 1 to seek, look for
2 calamity 3 desperate

shind inperfect tense of

1 shandaj m. star tulip, Tulipa stellata
2 shndi plural of 1
1 shun m. ginger
2 shan shn 1 barren, sterile

to search for 3 to grope, rummage 4 to scrutinize, study 5 to

undertaking; senseless affair 4 mockery 5 extravagance

explain, check upon, investigate 6 to dig over, hoe up

shanna f. 1 search 2 inquiry; raid 3 examination 4 check;

investigation 5 digging over; hoeing up

a completely barren

(of land) b dry (of a cow) 2 unproductive, not yielding crops 3

fruitless, without result 4 frustrated, unsuccessful

shn k m. kind of children's game played with pebbles

shantb m.
shunkz-chrg m. turkey
shandv laj m. 1 unfruitfulness; sterility 2
unproductiveness; barrenness 3 washout, fizzle 4 failure

shun r m. gerfalcon
shank m. cobbling together, pooling resources (e.g.,

shnk a f. stony soil, barren soil

shinkj m. proper name Shinkaj
1 shing m. ash tree
2 shng m. 1 peep; soft sound 2 a tiny object, insignificant

Pistacia khinjuk, Pistacia kabulica 2 mixture of ground khinjuk

walnut (in the husk)

shanavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

render sterile 2 to make unfruitful, make barren 3 to cause to be

shno oblique plural of

shanav serving
1 m. shinvr plural the Shinvari (tribe)

2 shinvrj m.

Shinvari (tribesman)

shnvlj f. olive tree; olive (fruit)

shanavl transitive [past: ]

to rock, vacillate, shake,

shiver, tremble

shn 1 masculine plural of

2 m. plural green forage,

fodder (lucerne grass, clover)

2 shna 1 feminine singular of 2 f. grass; hay

shn pervi m. plural disease of the eyes
shna ukhl f. whooping cough
shna kha f. time before dawn, first light
shna-zarghun f. rainbow

Pashto-English Dictionary

shn zmar plural of

shna gh a f. whooping cough
shna kavtra f. grey dove
shn ked m. plural 1 growth, germination 2 origin
shna lukha f. thick smoke, blue-grey smoke
shna hari f. botany the green mirobolan (fruit), fruit of

a to undo, unplait b to become sluggish, become

slow-moving a to become undone, become
unplaited b to be sluggish, be slow-moving

shn f. plural pistachio (fruit)

shn feminine plural of

shnaj m. 1

shavv l f. Arabic Shawwal (the 10th month of the lunar

shavhd m. Arabic plural of

1 shbla f. 1 placed trampled down by hooves or feet (e.g., on

2 tick (bloodsucking) 3 poultry

a battleground) 2 old riverbed 3 drainage canal 4 moist soil,


a to make very

sandy soil

2 shbla f. 1 zoology centipede 2 tank

shobj f.
shup m. snuffling, slurping (when swallowing liquid food)
shop m.
shapark m. shavpark bat (the animal)
shopar f. profession of a chauffeur
shop m.
shopsh 1 dispersed, scattered 2 dissipated, squandered
a to disperse, scatter b to dissipate
shup m. shop 1 uncircumcized male 2 abusive unbeliever,

liquid, make watery b to cook without seasoning or without

adding spices (soup, etc.)

shav l m. Shaval (the western spurs of the Suleiman


Terminalia chebula

to be very dilute, watery

to lend money at interest

shanedl intransitive [past: ]

1 to tremble, shudder;

shake, swing 2 to quiver; to beat, pulsate

shned m. shned plural 1 growth; generation 2 origin

shan' Arabic base, vile, nasty
shnelj m. 1 meadow, glade 2 verdure
shnevna f. pistachio (the tree)
1 sha m. neighing (of a horse) neighing (of horses)
to neigh loudly
2 sha 1 frightened 2 having lost consciousness, being


shupij n m. loss
shupij na f. calumny, slander
shavtl m.
shavttaj m. turtle
shutrki f. plural
shavtl m. plural shavtla f. Persian clover
shavt f. mortar of slaked lime, ash, etc. (for stuccoing


sh f.
shash m. rustle, rustling
shshj m. 1 chime 2 trinket
shashb m. washing of rice to wash rice
to be washed (of rice)
1 shavl transitive
2 shavl transitive [past: ] to make neigh (a horse)
shah r m. 1 rustle; rustling 2 neighing (of a horse) 3
ringing, chime 4 noise, uproar, roar the noise of

bathhouses, sheds)

shvti f. plural joke to joke

shu 1 armless 2 legless 3 lame
shuka f. ear (of corn)
shul saj armless
1 shu f. unripe melon
2 sha feminine singular of
shaj m. armless
shokh 1 playful, mischievous

river 5 whistle (of the wind)

shedl intransitive
1 shu 1 past tense of 1 2 present and future perfective, first
person plural of 1
2 sho interjection sho-sho (cry used to halt a donkey)
shvkhn m. shavkhn 1 suffering, torment, torture
shvr spread out, laid out
shavrz m. shavrz
shvravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

bold, cheeky; brazen

shokhchshm having lively or crafty eyes

shokhushkh immodest; brazen
shokhn m.
shokh 1 f. .1 playfulness, mischievousness
to joke, speak in a joking tone 1.2 boldness, cheekiness

spread, spread out

shvredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

spread, extend, unfold; be spread out

shv 1 sluggish; slow-moving 2 disorderly 3 crude, rude

shv a f. unproductive land
shv i-shv i 1 divided into small pieces or shreds;

mischievous child 2

a to be naughty b to act in a bold or cheeky manner 2.1 lively;

joking, playful 2.2 cheeky, bold

untwisted, undone 2 sluggish; slow-moving 3 ungainly, awkward


shokhn lively, smart, bright; playful, jolly

shavd na f. anatomy fontanelle

Pashto-English Dictionary

shodpj f. white wagtail (the bird)

1 shod m. plural shod f. Eastern 1 milk whole
milk skim milk tea and milk a
wet nurse b adoptive mother 2 milky sap of a plant, latex

2 shod stupid; on the simple side

shodapj f. plural
shod f. shud plural dialect milk idiom
literal The milk hasn't been licked off his lips yet.
figurative He is still a child.

shudj ra f.
shodepj f. plural botany spurge, Euphorbia
shod khartsavnkaj m. shodevl


milkman, milk merchant, dairyman

shod vrdzhe f. plural Eastern rice kasha cooked in


shong m. 1 a fool 2 calumny, slander

1 shor m. noise, ruckus, sensation, stir



raise a ruckus, brawl, row 2 commotion 3 experience, feeling

2 shur

amatory emotions, feelings of love


m. shvr 1 splash (e.g., of water being poured) 2

peep; low noise

to cheep complainingly (of hatchlings,

shur f. Arabic [plural: shur vi plural:

shurg ni] council (institution)

shor-u-ghavgh f. shor-u-farj d m. ruckus and

row to cry out, shout
shoravl transitive
shor-u-havh f.
shurav Arabic 1 Soviet the Soviet Union
Soviet Government 2 m. .1 the Soviet Union 2
[plural: shuravij n] a Soviet citizen
shuravij feminine plural of
shorah r m. 1 noise, splashing (of poured water)
shorhh f.
shur f. Arabic
shuredl intransitive [past: ] to pour out, splash out
1 shu m.
2 shu
shoaj m. funnel (for pouring liquids from one container to

The Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist

The Economic and Social

The Security Council
(of the United Nations) The Trusteeship Council
The Afghan Parliament to form a

shup very dirty

shutk fine (of cloth)
shushuj f. fireworks
shukj m.
shorgj m. 1 mortar 2 vessel in which butter is churned
shuumb f. plural
shuavl transitive 1, 2
shoa f. shua 1 strainer 2 stopper made of grass 3 old

cloths, rag 4 filaments (on the inflorescence of millet, etc.) 5 a


Council (of the United Nations)


shorbk m.

shorvk m. Shoravak (district

between Kelat and Kandagar)

shorb f.
shorpanr m. salted cheese, pickled cheese
shorapsht peevish; violent, unruly
shorsh m. rebellion; mutiny; insurrection

brand, smoldering piece of wood

shughedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to roll from side

to side; to toss (in sleep) 2 to squeak, squeal


rebel; instigate mutiny; rise up (in insurgency)

shorshr m.

large piece of something

shuh r m.
shi feminine plural of 2
1 shuedl intransitive 1
2 shuedl intransitive [past: ] to splash (of water)
1 shosh m. portico; arch
2 shosh m. shoshk m. shoshj 1 hot ashes 2

shughka f. beard (on an ear of cereal grain)

shughavl denominative [past: ] to curve, bend;

shorshaghb m. 1 uproar, row 2

agitation, alarm, disturbance

shorishvl m. rebel; mutineer; insurgent

shor m. anatomy skin of the tongue
1 shurkj m.
2 shorakj f. brahmin mynah, black-headed mynah,


1 shugh f. stiff wool; stiff hairs

2 shugh f.
shughj m. 1 sheep or goat with spots on the ears
with a sparse beard

shughedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

bend, curve; become distorted

Temenuchus pagodarum

shormshr m. noise, turmoil; disturbance

noise of the street
shurumb f. plural
shorv f.

2 male

shau m. Arabic 1 wish, desire, enthusiasm

a to evoke a desire in someone b to egg someone on
to wish, have a wish, have a desire to
strive for knowledge 2 diligence, zeal, interest

Pashto-English Dictionary

love or enthusiasm for a matter or business


[present: past: ].1 (expresses the perfective aspect of the

verb) in compound verbs and verbs with prepositional

to display zeal, show interest

shauangz attractive, alluring




shauadr m. Shabkadar (the 27th night of the month of


be able

She began to cry. 2.2

shuk 1 torn off, stripped 2 broken off, torn up; torn to

2 shok m. medicine shock

shuk ra f. usually plural shukri 1 scratching 2
scratch, abrasion to scratch
shauk aj m. 1 soft stone (from which pottery is made) 2
slate, clayey shale

shukpshk shukpk cut out, cut up into pieces

shavkt m. shaukt Arabic 1 power, greatness; splendor;
brilliance 2 proper name Shawkat

to rob; engage

in thievery

shki-pki feminine plural of

shukedl intransitive 1
shug f. kind of rice
shogr m.
shogra f. shogir f. vigilance, vigil, watch
1 shvl independent perfective of intransitive 1 [present:
past: ].1 to happen, occur, come about
A serious mistake occured. What happened
to you? ... Sometimes it happens that 1.2
to occur (i.e., "fall" of rain) It rained a lot
last year. 1.3 to pass (of time) Five years went by.
1.4 to take place, be held A meeting took place. 1.5
to be effected, be completed The business was effected.
1.6 to be born A son was born to Ahmed. 1.7 to

Where did Ahmed depart to? 1.9 to arrive, come (season)

Spring has come 2 an auxiliary and productive verb

I can go.

3 1

millet at the price of rice figurative to cheat someone

arrive (of news, tidings, etc.) 1.8 to get to, disappear; depart (of a
Where has my book disappeared to?

I can write.

2 shul rude, rough

3 shul compounding word with 3
sholtkj m.
sholkh m.
sholk m. anatomy skin
sholka f. leech
sholkj m. short coat for a child; jacket
sholg m.
sholgra f. rice paddy; field under rice cultivation
sholmpj m. chaff from rice straw
1 shlo oblique of 1
2 shvlu first person plural past of 1
3 shvlo dialect vice 1
sholvah m. plural rice straw
sholushl m.
1 shola f. 1
2 shvla f. knife for trimming a (horse's) hoof
3 shvla f. dialect 2
4 shol f. watery rice kasha; thin rice gruel
5 shvla feminine of 1
6 shvl plural dialect vice 1
7 shla Hey, you.
shvlaghm m. misfortune, calamity, disaster
sholajz adjective pertaining to rice-growing, rice growing
1 shle f. shli plural raw rice, unprocessed rice
white rice red rice farinacious rice
translucent rice idiom literal to sell

pieces 3 robbed

shukshk dilapitated, worn-out

shukm r robber, thief, bandit
shavkr shaukr
shavkri f. shaukri
shukavl transitive regional 1
shka f. robbery; burglary; banditry

plural vice

football fan.

He is wounded.

I will be able to arise. 2.4 past tense third person masculine

I wanted very much to see that movie.

shau shavn 1 wishing for; desirous of something;
enthusiastic about something 2 m. fan, amateur of something
I'm not a movie fan. He is a


He fell to thinking.

The melon has been eaten up. 2.3 (in potential constructions) to

shaumn shaumnd desirous of; wishing for

something They love walks.

He set out.

(forms the perfective aspect in the passive voice)

2 shvli f. plural gripping (stomach) pains

3 shvle feminine plural of 1
4 sholj f. lazy woman
1 shum hungry to grow hungry
2 shum Arabic 1 unhappy, ill-fated, ill-starred 2 miserly 3
unlucky I had bad luck. 4 serious (of a crisis)
3 shvm first person singular past of 1
shumbkht unhappy, ill-fated
shumtj f. 1 hunger 2 miserliness 3 misfortune, ill


shum f. plural

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 shov m. protection; shelter, refuge

shum-shagh l m. 1 wicked, pernicious, or obnoxious man

2 miserly man, miser

shuml transitive [past: ] 1 to drink in large

gulps; drink at one gulp 2 to quickly gulp down (soup)

shoml old, decrepit; worn-out

shoml f. plural buttermilk
shumv laj m.
shumavl transitive [past: ]

2 shvu first person plural participle 1

shvnkaj shvnaj possible, probable; feasible
shovinzm m. chauvinism
1 shv f. Sissoo tree, Shishma tree, Dalbergia sissoo
2 shav 2
3 shv m. plural 1 past tense of 1 2 m. plural

to compel to drink at

a gulp, force to drink in large swallows

the first
the time after midnight
dialect twilight a quiet night
2 shma f. 1 fodder, feed; food, victuals to feed
(livestock) to obtain food, get nourishment 2

possibility, feasibility

shma f. part or division of the night

4 shva f. past of 1
shavatb m. 1 lowering, descent; descending

half of the night

his father

shuj m. shoj 1 coarse cotton-cloth 2

2 shoj cry used to drive bullocks and cows
3 shvaj past participle of 1
4 shve f. Nim tree, Azadirachta indica
5 shve f. second person singular and plural of 1
6 shvj Eastern second person plural, past of 1
shveda vice
1 shvidi vice
2 shvajdj vice
1 shah m.
2 sh Eastern past tense of 1
3 sha imperative of 1
shah f. beloved
shih b shah b m. Arabic [plural: shuhb] 1 falling,

He arranged a nice wake for

to perish to lie on

the damp ground

shum f. 1 juice, extract (from fruit) 2 meaning, essence of



shumadm m.

the dead of night

shmaj m. 1 swallowing 2 swallow

shum f.

shumijt m. 1 starvation,

undernourishment 2 hunger strike (e.g., in order to force payment

of a debt) 3 miserliness, avarice, greed

shonj f. shuj wooden taper, splint of wood used for a

light, kindling wood

1 shun m. plural ginger

2 shun m. snout, muzzle
shun m. man with a hare lip
shun n m. plural colloquial form from
shunpr having a harelip
shunk m. [plural: shunkna plural:

star 2 meteor, bolide 3 flame

shunk n] 1 trunk (of an elephant) 2 proboscis (e.g., of a bee)

shunkj ugly, repulsive (of a person)

shunkz chrg m. turkey
shunavr 1 thick-lipped 2 with wide rims (of pottery)
shua f. [plural: shuni plural: shun n] lip
to bite the lips literal to bite the
lips figurative to be surprised, be astounded
Fida's mustaches are beginning to grow. a to
grumble at, feel hurt b to plan an evil action a
He was annoyed and fell silent. b He became agitated.

shunz linguistics labial

shunshn m. whistle, howling (of the wind)
shung m.
shvna f. coming into being; realization

2 slope,


evening meal, supper 3 funeral meal, refreshments served to


to protect;


shihbuddn m. Arabic proper name Shahabuddin

shahdt m. Arabic [plural: shahdatna Arabic
plural: shavhd] 1 testimony, evidence
written testimony, deposition regional eyewitness
evidence regional oral testimony, oral evidence
to testify to something 2 martyrdom (for a belief,
idea) to perish, die (for a belief, an idea)
shahdatnm f. certificate; testimonial; diploma
shahmt m. Arabic 1 valor, bravery, courage 2 nobility;
noble qualities

shahb z m. fretboard (of a rabab)

shhad shhd m. Arabic plural honey
shuhad m. Arabic plural of 2
1 shahr m. city
2 shuhr m. Arabic desperate undertaking
3 shahr m. [plural: shuhur] Arabic month
shahr-ul-'sl m. Arabic honeymoon
shahrpan h f. city walls; city fortifications
shuhrt m. Arabic glory, fame the pursuit of
glory to become renown,


Pashto-English Dictionary

acquire fame



be outstanding

shahrsz f. town-planning
shahr city, municipal
shahrij r m. monarch, emperor, ruler, czar
shahrijr 1 monarchic, imperial

king 2 f.

monarchy; reign, realm

shahzdagj shahzdgj f. princess

shahzd m. prince
shahsav r m. dashing rider
shahsavr f. horseback riding
shahk r excellent

to relate a

fascinating tale

shahl Arabic grey-eyed

shahnj f. flute
shahnd kind of falcon
shahanshh f. 1 sovereignty 2 empire
shah f.
shahvt m. Arabic lust, concupiscence, sexual desire
shahvatparst shahvat concupiscent, lustful
1 shuhd m. Arabic 1.1 presence 1.2 intuition 2 present,
one present or attending

2 shuhd m. Arabic plural of

shuhr m. Arabic plural of 3
shahj f.
shahd Arabic 1 killed, slain 2 m. [plural: shahid n
Arabic plural: shuhad ] .1 martyr (for a belief, idea)
a to kill b to disgrace a to be killed b to die a
martyr's death 2.2 victim (e.g., of a flood)

shahn m. 1 kind of falcon 2 beam (of a scale) 3 camel gun

shahinch m. history cannon-founder, cannon-maker
1 shaj m. Arabic Western [plural: shij n shj n Eastern
plural: shi plural: shijna Arabic plural: ashj ] 1
thing, object school equipment What is
that? nothing, a trifle shi He
wants for nothing. to unify, unite 2 question, problem,
matter 3 [plural: shij n shj n plural: ashj ] goods,
commodities industrial goods

in an
instant; instantaneously, instantly 2 moment; time
shortly thereafter from time to time
He reflected for quite a long time.
somewhat later mealtime 3 heavy rain, pouring
rain, a downpour to rain buckets
1 shit 2
2 shet m.
shajt n m. 1 slanderer 2 debauchee; faker 3
shajtnkhv m. ant lion, doodle bug (larva)
shitpsht scattered
shit m. coarse cloth
shtakhvul shtakhul with open mouth
shetj f. 1 tip (of an arrow) 2 ear of maize
shi f. ear of maize (not cleaned)
shajkh m. shekh Arabic [plural: shajk n Arabic
plural: shujk plural: mashjkh] 1 elder, venerable
old man, sheik 2 spiritual advisor 3 convert to Islam (in India)

shikhdv m. shekhdv
shajkh f. boasting, bragging to boast, brag
shajd 1 crazy, maddened 2 madly in love poetry a
lovelorn butterfly

shidlohaj m. milk pitcher, milk container

shid f. plural Western milk dried milk
rice kasha in milk wet nurse to give
milk, yield milk (cow) a to give milk b to breastfeed, nurse idiom to love one
another to be very friendly, love one another
shidj ra f.
shideval m. milkman, dairyman
she m. lampshade
1 sher m. 1 tiger 2 lion literal Be either a
lion or a jackal. figurative All or nothing. 2 The Lion
of the Gods (an epithet of the Prophet Ali) 3 proper name Sher

Sher Afzal Sher Ali

2 shir m. milk
1 sherz f. 1 order; state of being put in good order,
correctness 2 knots, cords, ligatures (fastening something) 3

commodity products

2 shi plural of 1
3 shi present tense of 1
4 she second person present of 1
5 shj imperative plural of ! Pass along!
shi dza f.
shajtn m. Arabic plural of
shij n Western plural of 1
shajb m. Arabic 1 grey hair 2 old age, declining years
1 shebar f. medicine typhus
2 shibra f. relief; easiness

sheb f. 1 instant, wink, twinkling

hemstitch, whipstitch, overstitch 4 stitching (bookbindery) 5

buttress (on the wall of a fort)

2 shir za f. sher za sour milk (used as a cooling drink)

shirz f. happiness, joy
1 shirn m. plural the Shirani (tribe) 2 shirn j m.
Shirani (tribesman)

sherbabr m. lion
sherbabra f. lioness
sherbach m. 1 history Cub Scout 2 lion cub
shirbirndzh m. rice kasha with milk
shirch j m. singular & plural tea with milk

Pashto-English Dictionary

sherkh n

tea blossoms with milk

m. Sherkhan (city)

port, formerly Kizil-kala)

Sherkhan (a river

flowering shrub, Cotoneaster nummularia)

sherkht m. sherkhat (a kind of game)

to play


shirkhr shirkhra 1 being

nourished with milk a breast-fed child 2 breast-fed
shirkh r


shird n m. 1 milk jug 2 abomasum (fourth division of the

stomach in ruminant animals, a source of rennet)

2 sherd n sherdahn m. tap, spigot

shersh v m. jeweler's balance
shirshirk m. pasture, meadow
1 sherk m. blanket
2 shirk m. unripe maize-grain
shirkaj f. cow which has given milk for a year
sherka f.
sherkj 1.1 brave, valorous 1.2 bragging, boastful 2 m. .1
brave man 2.2 braggart, boaster to boast
shirgrm warm
sherm m. proper name Sheram
shirmhj m. small fish
shirmst 1 suckling (of a male lamb) 2 m. suckling
shirv r m.
1 shirvn f. 1 kind of dress 2 hipped roof
2 shirvnj f. 1 roof of brush and earth (hipped) 2 child's

shirushakr m. 1 close friendship, intimacy 2 kind of silk


shir f. 1 sweet syrup 2 juice

digestive juice 3

buttermilk to which fresh milk has been added 4 sweet gruel (for

2 shir m. 1 child at breast, nursling 2 suckling

shirad r juicy
shirijkh m. ice cream
shirn 1.1 sweet 1.2 pleasant; nice; kind, good a
to make sweet b to make pleasant, render pleasant a
to be made sweet b to be made pleasant 2 m. proper name


shirinbuj f. licorice root, licorice plant, licorice

shirinzab n shirinzub n 1 eloquent; golden-tongued,

sweet-tongued 2 affectionate, caressing

shirinka f. pimple
shiringuft r
shirna f. proper name Shirin

candy industry 2 sweetness


to sweeten, sweeten up;

colloquail to arrange party on the occasion of a betrothal or

sherkht m.
shirkhsht m. manna or dried sap from the Cotoneaster (a

shirin f. 1 candy, sweets, delicacies

engagement 3 nectar 4 tip, gratuity 5 eloquence

shirinib b m. plural sweets, candies

shirinipz m. confectioner, candy maker
shirinifursh m. confectioner, candy merchant
she having inflamed eyelids, having inflamed eyes
she squint-eyed, one-eyed
sheatb m. squint-eyed condition, strabismus
shishtv f. cow or sheep giving little milk
shishtj m. spoke (of a wheel)
shish m. black-billed thrush, Turdus atrogularis
1 shishk m. 1 niche, bay, arch; shelf 2 vault, cupola
2 shishk m. three-year-old ram
1 shishka f. witch; (fairy-tale) hag idiom
fables, fairy tales

shshka f. 1 twig, shoot 2 narrow stripe, pattern (e.g., on

a rug)

shishn 1

m. hedgehog
suckling, nursing (of a male) lamb 2 m. lamb;

suckling ram

shishnj m. neighing (of a horse)

shishnedl intransitive [past: ] to neigh (horse)
shish f. 1 looking glass 2 vial 3 heliograph
shajt n m. Arabic [plural: shajtn n Arabic plural:
shajti] 1 evil spirit, Satan, devil, demon 2 wretch;
mischievous person ant lion (larva)
shajtnm b Arabic 1 satanic, diabolical, devilish 2 base
(of a person)

shajt na feminine of
1 shajtn f. 1 2 satanic, devilish, diabolical
2 shajt ni f. plural of
shajtant m. 1 dirty tricks, (diabolical) machinations; mean
tricks 2 malice, spite 3 joke, prank roguish
eyes, crafty eyes

shi'a 1 Arabic m. .1 [plural: shi'ag n m. Arabic

plural: Arabic plural: shij] Shiite 1.2 sect, party

2 adjective Shiite

shi'atb m.

shi'av laj m. Shiah (movement in


shef m. 1 supervisor 2 chief

sheft madly in love
shik smart, chic ostentatious clothes, rich clothing
shikg f. Chicago (city)
shekd r checked, checkered
shigra f. heavy rain, downpour
shig m. abductor of a young girl from her parents

Pashto-English Dictionary

shelv f. uniform irrigation of land

1 shel f. 1 shallow gully, depression; hollow low place
canyon 2 dry riverbed
2 shel to give a sidelong glance
shelapng m. man fleeing from something; one shirking

shelj 1 dark green 2 m. dark-green cloth

shim f. chemistry
shimst m. chemist
shimjj chemical
shin 1 f. shna m. [plural: shn f. plural: shne]
.1 sky blue, blue; green green orchard
a to grow, sprout (plants) b to plant with trees and shrubs c to

make blue, make green; dye blue or green d to get a bruise, get a

to beat someone black

a to grow; germinate b to flourish

black and blue mark

and blue

(of plantings) c to be dyed blue or green d to become blue,

become green e to turn red (from laughter) 1.2 pure, clear (of the

Today the sky is clear. Today is a clear day.

1.3 sad, mournful He is feeling blue. 1.4 grey
(of an animal's coat), slate grey the grey dove 2.1 m.

proper name Shin 2.2 blueness; blue color; verdure, greenness


violent weeping

a beard streaked with grey

shin-am completely illiterate

shinp aj m. water lily
shinpsh m. regional member of the Muslim League

shintatj m. turtle, tortoise

shintaj m. cliff-dwelling nuthatch
shintgh m.
shintb m.
shintopj f. white wagtail
shintot m. 1 green parrot 2 roller (bird), Coraciidae
shin gh m. shin ghaj roller (bird), Coraciidae
shinopka f. shinopj f. white wagtail
shindzh vaj m. fading seedling, dying seedling, sapling
shindzhakj f. Western
shinchaghzj f. pistachio
shinchambj m. dyer
shinkhaj m.
shinkhvarka f. blue agama (lizard)
1 shindl m. plural 1 cattle droppings 2 dampness
2 shindl transitive [past: ] 1 to scatter, strew 2 to
sow 3 to sprinkle, spurt, squirt 4 to spread, scatter about, throw
about 5 to radiate (light) 6 to expend something; to squander

shind imperfect tense of

to throw dust in the eyes

shind m. plural 1 sowing, crops 2 sprinkling, spraying 3

spreading, throwing about 4 radiation (of light) 5 expenditure of
something; squandering (of money)

1 shindj m. family of leguminous plants

2 shind present tense of 2
shinn m. 1 green and overgrown pond

2 green valley 3

Shindand (city, formerly Sabzevar)

shinavlj m. half-withered crops, wilting crops

shinj f. concern, pains, troubles, endeavors
shinrangn dressed in green clothing
shinzmarj m. 1 lion 2 brave man, courageous fellow
m. man with grey streaks in his beard

shinstrgaj blue-eyed
1 shinsraj m. yellow wagtail
2 shinsre broad-billed duck
shinsurkhj 1 light grey 2 m. horse with light-grey coat
shinshbaj m. sage
shintot m.
shinghaj m. blue throat (the bird)
shingh m. plural unripe melons
shingha f. index finger
shinghzaj m. great tamarisk
shinghda f. lapwing (the bird)
shinklj f. twig, sprig, shoot
shinkvum m. 1
shinkumka f. shinkma f. 1 turtledove 2
slate-blue dove, blue-grey dove

shinkj 1 green; blue

blue sky 2 m. .1 grass

2.2 unripe melon 2.3 clay pot (glazed) 2.3 proper name


shinkj f. 1 singular of
2.2 proper name Shinki

2 f. .1 clay pot (glazed)

shin-ked m. plural
shingaj m. unripe fruit
shingrj f. 1 portico 2 turret
shing-ping torpid, slow-moving
shinga f. shingj f.
shingl m. proper name Shingul
shinglaj m. botany broomrape, Orobanche
shingj m. packhorse
shinlj m.
shinmghzaj m. shinmndzaj m. melon with
green pulp

shinv laj m. 1 blue color 2 growth, sprouting

(of a plant)

shinvbra blue, green

shinbaj m. buttermilk
shinvrgaj 1 grey coated (of an animal)
shinvlaj m. white poplar

2 blue

Pashto-English Dictionary

shnaj m. 1 medicine whitlow, felon, paronychia 2 tick 3

louse (bird louse)

2 shin dialect feminine plural of

shinedl intransitive ( )
shjo oblique of 1
shuju' Arabic 1 communistic 2 m. Communist
shuju'ijt m. Arabic Communism
shevn m. poetry sobbing, weeping, crying
shu'n m. Arabic plural 1 of 2 2 prerogatives
the rights of nations
shu'unt m. second plural of
1 shev f. 1 matter, deed 2 habits, manners 3 coquetry,

2 shev 1 lowered, let down to lower, let down

a to descend, sink; go down
The road constantly descended. b to arrive somewhere
a to submerge, sink b to become absorbed (e.g., in
thought) 2 lower down; downwards

gladden, cheer, divert, amuse

to put on airs; be


hkh m. 1 branch, twig; shoot; offshoot 2 branch (of a tribe)

3 tributary, feeder stream (of a river) 4 spur, branch (of a

mountain range) 5 branch (of an enterprise) 6 field, sphere (of

hkhd r
hkhk m.
hkhln 1 branch 2 branching
hkhl f. 1 twig 2 offshoot
hakhvr having thick branches
h kha f. narrow path
hkhj f. pitchfork
hd cheerful, joyful, content
! ! May God bless you! (good
wishes to a woman)
hd n

hd 1 f. joy, gladness, cheerfulness 2 f. carousal,

celebration; celebration of a family event (e.g., birth, circumcision,


a to have a good time, be cheerful, exult b to

play, celebrate a wedding 3 m. proper name Shadi

2 h di f.

plural of

f. 1 joy, gladness, cheerfulness 2 exultation (on

the occasion of a wedding, etc.) 3 epithalamium, wedding song

hdedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

rejoice, be cheerful, have a good time 2 to exult

khdedna f. joy; gladness; cheerfulness; exultation;

carousal (on occasion of a wedding, etc.)

hr m. 1 city

a out of town (location) b out of

town (motion) 2 Shar, Khar (city, the admininstative center of

wooden plug (e.g., for a mill,

oil press) 2 anatomy jugular vein 3 artery, important route

name Shahperi




hin khe the twenty-third letter of the Pashto alphabet

hprk m. haperk m. bat
1 hperj m. demon, imp
2 hperj f. [plural: hperj ni plural:
hperjg ni] 1 fairy siren; mermaid 2 proper

hdnm f. cheerfulness, gladness, joy

hdavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

hrsz f. town planning

hrk m. khrg m. 1

h dza f.
hts m. arrogance, conceit
htsedl intransitive [past: ]

2 cheerfulness, joy,


shevagr m. 1.1 master craftsman, expert 1.2 artisan 2

adjective expert, skillful, masterly

hdmn jolly, joyful, exultant

hdmni 1 feminine plural of

idiom a vitally important question

hrgaj m. small town
hranj city city dwellers, urban population
hr f. 1 minah (bird) 2 beloved, darling (woman)
hrv l m. 1 mayor, head of municipality, principal officer
of a city 2 city dweller

hrv laj m. kharvli f. city administration, municipality

kharv li kharvlj
hrokj f. black-headed mynah bird, brahmin mynah bird
1 hronj m. male mynah bird
2 hronj f. khrunj f.
hr f. 1 small town, large village 2
hr harj 1 city, urban, municipal city life,
urban ways 2 m. city dweller

hghp m. 1 hungry man 2 greedy man, grasping man

hghpa f. from
hghl transitive [past: ] 1 to love 2 to esteem
to prefer

hghltb m.


! Sirs!
Honored sirs!

haghltj f. 1 esteem, honor 2

1.1 dear 1.2 esteemed, honored

1.3 pleasing, nice 2 m. sir, Mr.


h lma f. stickiness; viscosity

hlng 1 bandy-legged 2 occupied with something
hldz hlz 1 fresh; blooming 2 succulent

Pashto-English Dictionary

hliz f. 1 freshness 2 succulence

hm r m. 1 dragon 2 monster
1 h nda f. knowledge, familiarty, acquaintanceship
2 hnd imperfect tense of
hnk m. 1 large wooden trough, wash trough 2 wooden
dish 3 peddler's or marketman's wooden high-sided stand
wooden vat
hnakj m. 1 small trough, wash trough 2 small booth;
hawker's tray

hngr m. hng m. sharp leg pains

hngavr 1 long-legged 2 lanky



h nga f. 1 leg from the thigh to the instep; lower or nether

extremity 2 spur (of mountains) 3 neck of a skin bag

hngj f. pitchfork
khv t m. kulba of land (a measure of land equal to 50 to 150
hvl m.
hvndaj m.
hhrg m. anatomy the jugular vein
hh imperfect of
hh f. 1 shahi, shaj (coin worth 1/20 of a kran)
hjst m. 1 beauty; attractiveness; charm 2 elegancy 3
adorment to be adorned
hjst f. proper name Shaisto, Shaista
hjstv laj m.
hjstkaj beautiful; nice; pleasing; nice-looking,

hjstogj f. proper name

hjst 1.1 beautiful; attractive; nice-looking, cute
to adorn to adorn oneself, be adorned
with something to grow prettier 1.2 large, fairly
large 2.1 very; well a fairly large herd of
goats very good, very well We
had a very good time. 2.2 fairly, reasonably 3 m. proper name

hjstatb m. khjstav laj m.

h ja Eastern imperative of vice 1
1 h ji Eastern present tense of vice 1
2 h ji h i 1 it is necessary, one has to, it should, it is
required, it is fitting you should, you need to
as is fitting Now this is
what you have to do 2 probably, possibly
You probably know that

hedl khjedl intransitive [present:

present: past: ]obsolete 1 to be required, to befit

to be in keeping with, to suit

hjedna f. hjed m. plural obligation

hpa f. Eastern leg
hpta f. 1
hpetavl denominative, transitive [past: ]


torture with a sharpened stake

hpem n dialect
hatr f. wooden snow shovel
1 hatr m. regional Hindu merchant, Hindu shopkeeper
2 hatr plural of
hatkarj m. hatgarj m. ankle, anklebone
hche vice It is good. It is good that he has

hdzakj f. colloquial wench

hadzalj sorrel, Rumex
hdzmni f. plural women, female sex
hdzankaj 1 effeminate 2 effete

a to be

effete b to acquire the characteristics of a woman (of a man)

hdznj 1 effete

pertaining to women

life in comfort 2 feminine,

hdzkaj hdzunk
hdza 1.1 woman women's gymnasium
(secondary school), women's lyce Women's
Philanthropic Society to mature (of a girl)
1.2 woman, wife to reject a wife; divorce a wife
to deal with someone's wedding to
marry, take a wife to marry (of a woman) 1.3
female (of animals) 2 attributive female, feminine sex idiom

to grow cowardly, experience fear, be frightened

hdzatb m.
1 hdz f. femininity
2 hdzi plural of
hdzitob m. 1 married state (for a woman)

female sex

hdzin 1 women's, female (of dancing, etc.); lady's (of a

hat, etc.)

htsrlj m. chisel
htsj ka f. swallow (the bird)
1 hakh 1 buried 2 interred, entombed (of the dead)
2 hakh stiff, hard, firm
hkhnd m. hkhandj m. swamp, quagmire, bog
hakhv laj m. burial, interment
hakhavl denominative, transitive Eastern [past: ]

1 to bury, inhume 2 to entomb, inter 3 to thrust into, plunge into,

It is possible that our teacher will come.



Pashto-English Dictionary

hakhavng m.

boast, flaunt

hakhavna dialect 1 burying,

inhumation 2 internment, entombment, sepulture 3 plunging
hakhavnkj 1 present participle of

2 m.

hakhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

buried, be inhumed 2 to be entombed, interred 3 to be pierced;

hakhedna f. hakhed m. plural burial, interment,

funeral, graveside rites
to wish someone every kind of disaster, curse

hunting rifle 2.2 raptorial, of prey

raptorial birds, birds of prey 2.3 adjective military pursuit,

fighter fighter aircraft, pursuit plane

2 hr present tense of
hkredl denominative [present: present:
past: ] 1 to become clear, become evident, become
obvious 2 to appear to be, seem It seemed that
3 to manifest itself (of a disease) 4 to be visible, appear

hrghalj m. 1 anthill 2 nest (of insects)

hrkanj m. Eastern site of an ancient settlement, ruins of a


hkl f. 1 tread 2 whisper 3 dull noise, obscure noise,

sound, rustle

hrn m. saline (of soil) saline soil

harva f. yew
hara f. 1 barren land 2 saline soil
haramgha f. saline soil
hkr m. 1 hunting; catching (mining, fishing, etc.)
birding pearl fishing fishing
to hunt, go hunting 2 game, catch to bag,
catch to be bagged, caught 3 victim
hkrdz j m.
hkrdzn hkarzn m. hunter
hkrghalj m. hkrg h m. hunting grounds
hkrnd 1 well-known; apparent, obvious 2 noticable,

hklav f. difficulty, obstacle

hklv f. 1 rumble, uproar (of voices) 2 agreement 3

the lower floor of a


hkta hkta Eastern 2

hkta ked m. plural 1 descent

2 landing; loss of

altitude 3 reduction, lowering; fall (prices)

hkrndj hkrndj 1 known; apparent, obvious 2 m.

.1 one who expresses something 2.2 proper name Khkarandoj

hkrz m. agricultural worker, tiller, peasant
hkruztb m. hkruz f. agriculture, tilling
the soil to engage in agriculture
1 hkravl 1 [past: ] .1 to show, present (e.g.,

hkatav laj m. 1 descent 2 low place, depression

hkr m. [plural: hkr plural: hkrna
Western plural: khkr n] 1 horn (of an animal)
to butt, lift on the horns to come to grips in
battle, come to blows 2 medicine cupping glass a to
be gored, be butted b to employ cupping glasses 3 powder flask

This child is without supervision.
It is not known how this matter will end. to
give oneself airs to oppose, resist
hkravr 1 horned 2 m. abusive cattle
1 hkrj m. 1 pod (bean) 2 curl, lock
2 hkr adjective horn, of horn (articles)
3 hkarj f. 2
1 hkul m. kiss compound verb to kiss
2 hkl transitive [past: ] Eastern 1 to pull out,
draw out; drag, extract; drag out, pull out (e.g., a tooth) to
4 a part of the housing for a set of millstones idiom

documents) 1.2 to disclose, reveal 1.3 to make known, expose

1.4 to explain; elucidate; clear up, elaborate 2 m. plural

2 hkravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

hunt; catch, bag to net fish idiom
to charm, entrance, captivate someone
hkravna f. 1 presentation, submission (of a document)

tread the tread of feet

1 hk ndza f.
2 hndz imperfect of
hkatanj Eastern

visible 3 introducing someone

disclosure, revelation 3 exposure, unmasking; clearing up,

pull down 2 to drive out (e.g., from a home) 3 to take off


hkr m. 1 hunter (of animals and birds) 2.1 adjective


stick into

hr f. prayer calling down misfortune upon someone

hkr kavl m. plural

boasting, conceit


3 in appearance, outwardly,

by appearance

into, thrusting into, piercing

(clothing) 4 to strip off, flay (a hide) 5 to drive out; banish, send

obvious error The reason is obvious. ...
It is also clear that ... 2.1 manifestly 2.2 clearly;
openly ... We openly declare that
1 a to show, reveal, prove oneself b to

away 6 to tear away (from work) 7 to recover a debt 8 to write

hkr 1 manifest, evident; clear, obvious

9 to mark; draw 10 to express, press out (juice) 11 to present,

show (e.g., documents) 12 to acquire the means to live, earn a

livelihood 13 to receive (wages) 14 to eliminate; dismiss (from a
job) 15 to transport a load, carry cargo 16 to dig, excavate an

Pashto-English Dictionary

irigation well 17 to invent 18 to introduce (e.g., as a custom) 19

with a number of nouns forms stable phraseological compounds or

bound forms

to bend efforts; try

to lean on (for

hkl f. 1 beauty beautifully

There is nothing attractive in that sight. 2 decoration

hklpezhandna f. aesthetics
hklkr f. decoration; trim (of a building)
hkultb f.
hkultj m.
hkulavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to kiss
She smothered her child in kisses.
1 hklaj beautiful; attractive a beautiful
name khkli the decorative arts to
decorate; embellish, adorn to be decorated
with something

hklj 1 past participle of

2.2 hkli fate, destiny

2 m. .1 letter, message

hkulitb m. 1 beauty; attractiveness 2 decoration

hkuledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
smothered in kisses

hkandz f. cursing, swearing, verbal abuse


curse, swear, abuse verbally

hkandzl transitive [past: ] 1 to swear at,

curse, abuse someone verbally 2 m. plural

to thoroughly curse someone out

hkandzli f. khkandzna f. plural
1 hkavl hkavl transitive [past: ] 1 to roll
along, roll up 2 to fling, hurl 3 to loosen (a stake, etc.) 4 to
shake (a tree)

2 hkul transitive dialect

hkulavl transitive dialect
hklaj 1 1 2 good (of morals) !


one! Beloved! (as a form of address)

hkum m. advice, counsel; wish, desire

hkmaj m. well-wisher
hkuj m. 1 way of writing, spelling; written account

2 letter,


hke 2
hkedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to slip, slip off 2 fall
hkedna f. 1 slipping 2 falling, fall
hkel m. 1 hobbles compound verb to hobble
compound verb to be hobbled 2 fraud, cheating
hkelavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
hobble 2 to cheat, defraud

hkeledl intransitive
hkenj 1 downstream, blowing from the south (of a wind) 2
lower 3 southern a southerner (i.e., Indian, Pakistan)
hal m. stairway

hlna f. pimple, boil

hndza f. furuncle to appear, erupt (of a furuncle)
handl khndl transitive [past: ] 1 to make a
present; distribute; present 2 to spend
They spent a lot of money on his wedding. 3 to grant,
bestow (e.g., a favor) This didn't do any
good. All this was useless. 4 to emit (radiation) 5 to exert

(influence); effect (an action)

handna f. hndna 1 gift, bestowal; reward

good deed; alms to do good, create good actions 2

expenditure 3 collective gift (e.g., at a wedding)

hndnaj 1 giving; distributing; generous 2 spending

hnda f. 1 excess 2 disaster; misfortune
hnj f.
hnza f.
hnghlj m. anatomy femoral socket
hank m.
hankaj m. small wooden basket
1 hng m. ash tree
2 hng m. 1 clot of blood 2 frozen earth
hngr m.
hangrh m. front fastening of a sandal
hngraj hungraj m. 1 2 anatomy

hangsraj m.

hanghr m.

to dislocate the hip

hangl m. saline soil

1 hanglj f. hard soil, soil impervious to moisture
2 hangl salt extracted from nitrous soil
hangorj f.
hangj f. ring (for fastening sheep)
ha f. 1 leg (from hip to sole) 2 iliac bone idiom
to saw into pieces

1 hu m. plural Eastern punk, tinder, amadou

2 ho m. plural of 1 to discredit, run down
hv laj m.
hv na f.
hba f. water tap, spigot
hvabj 1 barehanded 2 unarmed
huthl transitive [past: ] to make a hole, make an
aperture; make a hole in, pierce, perforate

htsa f. htsa 1 medicine .1 nettle-rash 1.2 hole,

aperture 2 impatient; irritable

hodl [present: past: ] 1.1 indicate, show

to show the way Experience
indicated that 1.2 to teach, instruct, explain (a task, a lesson)
1.3 to exhort, give instructions 1.4 to teach a good lesson to

someone 1.5 to introduce to, acquaint with someone 1.6 to

present, submit (a document, etc.) 1.7 to speak, say 2 m. plural

Pashto-English Dictionary


a to appear, show up b to give oneself

airs, become conceited; brag

disguise oneself

root, rummage around (in something) 6 to not come to pass, not

to pretend, mask,

eventuate, not come true (of a dream, hope)

2 hvaredl denominative, intransitive Eastern

horedna f. 1 agitation, stirring 2 physics oscillation 3

hodna f. 1 indication, demonstration 2 study, training,

teaching 3 counsel, instruction; showing 4 submission,

rocking motion 4 oscillatory motion

presentation (document) 5 theatrical presentation

hod imperfect of
someone else

2 hod imperfect of 1
1 hor m. worry, anxiety
anxious 1
2 hor m. 1 nest (of wasps, etc.) 2 anthill 3


to pretend to be

to worry, be

2 vacillation 3 shaking,

vibration (from an explosion)

horkj m. sorrel, Rumex

hormhr m. 1 noise, uproar 2 stir 3 swarm (insects)
horm gha f. saline, alkaline soil
horn saline, alkaline
hornd hornda 1 agitating, exciting 2 fluttering,
swinging; swinging back and forth 3 moving 4 active, lively (of

a man)

horna f. saline, alkaline soil

horv f. khorv vi [plural: ]soup

1 hovnkaj m. 1 teacher 2 trainer

2 hovnke f. teacher (female)
hovna f. 1 demonstration; showing, displaying 2
instruction, direction to give someone the
necessary instruction 3 teaching, instructing the

horavl transitive [past: ] 1 to trouble, agitate,

sway, cause to shake; rock, rock back and forth; shake (a tree, etc.)

2 to move, put in motion 3 to budge 4 to wave (e.g., the hand) 5

1 hor f. 1

to rouse oneself

to acquire something
saline, alkaline soil

academic year

saline, alkaline soil

2 fertilizer 3 botany saltwort, Salsola 4 saltpeter


2 hra imperfective imperative of 1

horam gha f. saline, alkaline soil
horan k hora 1 saline, alkaline

2 unsteady,


chicken soup

to shake up 6 to shake vigorously

hored m. plural
humk m. Murrain disease of donkeys
huvn m. olive, olive tree olive oil, salad oil
olive tree
hovndzaj m.
hung m. 1 corner 2 edge, tip (of an object)
hungraj m. hoof (cloven)
hung m. numbness of the legs
hnga f.
1 hungj limping
2 hngi plural of
hunalj m. olive tree orchard
hna f.
hovl transitive
hovndz j m. hovndzj m. school
elementary school
secondary school trade school; school for


3 hur m. rake, scraper

horht m. 1 movement

horednkaj 1 present participle of

2 barren,


1 hraj m.
2 horj m. eye disease of cattle
3 hor present tense of 1
4 hor plural of 1
1 horedl intransitive [present: present: ]
[past: ]1 to be agitated, heave; reel, oscillate; swing,
swing oneself 2 to shiver to quiver, struggle (of a
caught fish on a line) 3 to move, put into motion
I cannot move from the spot. 4 to make a stir
I really couldn't stir. 5 to fiddle around (with something),

1 hovnaj m. 1
2 hovni m. plural of
hvahavl huhavl transitive
hvahavna huhavna
hvahedl huhedl intransitive
1 hvaj m. wooden spade
2 hvaj 1.1 smooth (of paper) 1.2 slippery 1.3 beardless
1.4 counterfeit, fake counterfeit rupee 1.5 hypocritical
1.6 fraudulent, knavish a hypocrite b swindler, cheat
1.7 figurative smooth, facile, fluent (of speech, language) 1.8

to skip over,
the good life, a life

polished; finished 2.1 smoothly; lightly

scan lightly 2.2 in a slippery way
of ease


hvajhh k disappearing,
to disappear, vanish

hvajh k

hvajakj m. 1 quick man, agile man, efficient man 2

bright man; sly man, clever man 3 swindler, fraud


Pashto-English Dictionary

hvajnd hvajnd r Eastern slippery khvend r

a slippery place
hvajndkaj m. skating rink; toboggan slide
hvajndj crawling, creeping (of animals)
hvajandj m.
hvajv laj m. 1 smoothness 2 slipperiness 3 agility,

ha 1 feminine singular of

good weather 2 f. .1

good, the good (both abstract and concrete)


Sanak was good to me. 2.2 advantage, benefit

render useless I will prove useful to you.

Eastern This is an insignificant thing. 2.3
well-being, prosperity 3 good, well a It is well
that b It would be well if ; It would be better if
2 ! ! So long! Good-bye! Good
luck! ! May God give you success! I wish you
success! They do not like this.
hah f. 1 good (abstract) 2 mercy, charity
hhk echoic word with
hah na f. hah a f. good (abstract); advantage
idiom to honor someone; show respect for

quickness, efficiency 4 brightness, slyness, cleverness 5 trickery,

fraud, deceit

hvajavl transitive [past: ] 1 to make to slide 2

to skate, slide to slide, skate along on something 3 to
misdirect 4 to defraud; deceive someone 5 to polish

hvajavna f.
hvja f. singular of 2 1
hvja-hl ka 1 having smooth walls

2 impregnable

(of a fortress)


hvajedl intransitive [past: ] 1.1 to slide 1.2 to

skate, glide 1.3 to crawl, creep to crawl, go

hahb z m. peacemaker, mediator

htar 1 very best 2 better, best

collapse, cave in 1.6 to err; be deceived 1.7 to go astray 2 m.

on all fours 1.4 to slip


situation became clearer. The question became clearer.

He slid. He slipped. 1.5 to

htrh htra 1 very best, best of all 2 best way

of all, best possible, best of all

collapse, cave-in

hvajedna f. hvajed m. plural 1 sliding 2

skating, gliding 3 slip, error, mistake, inaccuracy

htb m.
hchrkaj khch raj virtuous
h dzvn m. 1 generous man, magnanimous man,

hvajednaj m. sleigh, hand sled

1 h 1 ha f. m. [plural: h f. plural: he] .1
good a good horse good people a good
dress 1.2 good (in various senses) good work
a goodwill mission 1.3 pleasing a pleasant voice 1.4
suitable, fit, appropriate not bad, quite good
This matter is not for you. 1.5 advantageous 1.6
healthy I'm healthy. a to improve, ameliorate
to improve the situation of employees b to
display charity to get along with someone; treat

hospitable man 2 good young man

make well


a to

This medicine helped me.


improving. His health is getting better. d to change for the better

(of a person) 2 m. plural good, the good, good deed

very well
It is good that Well, OK
good You have acted well. I
understand well how... 4 very much still more, much
more 5 long We stopped there for a long time. idiom
to like to prefer, consider as better;
consider good Eastern to like someone (e.g.,
appearance) ! ! Welcome! You
couldn't wish anything better than this. You couldn't imagine
anything better.

makes good soup!

proverb Good meat

hgal m. plural idiom


Do not expect good deeds from evil people.

3.1 very well, all right

hadzvn f. 1 generosity, magnanimity 2 spirit, mettle,

hhr hhr m. city

hr ghle f. & m. plural encounter, meeting; greeting
to meet; greet
ha rvadz f.
hahr hahrj
hzaj adjective good, kind a good lad
hsaiv laj m. decency
hkedl m. plural 1 improvement 2 refinement,

someone well c to correct, adjust, tune up d to restore to health,

improve b to get better c to recover


Your kindly

hahl transitive [past: ] 1 to curse

The parents cursed their son. 2 to disown, reject, turn

hamj thoroughbred, aristocratic

hmrgh m. happiness, good fortune



hmrgh f. 1 happiness, good fortune 2 greeting,

congratulation, well-wishing

to congratulate

hmrghaj happy, fortunate

hhna f. cursing, imprecation
hv laj m. 1 improvement 2 well-being 3 good (abstract
and concrete) for the good of the Motherland


Pashto-English Dictionary
4 advantage, benefit 5 good quality 6 adjustment, regulation,

tuning 7 recuperation, recover

patient is recovering.


ha vradz f. 1 well-being, sufficiency

to live in plenty, flourish 2 holiday
havna f.
1 haj adjective right right hand a right side
b north the face, right (of cloth) ! military Right
face! (as a command)

1 2 indirect singular m. of 1
he 1 f. plural of 2 1 good apples 2 indirect
singular feminine of 2 1
4 he contraction of and the pronoun
5 he the name of the Pashto letter
6 hj f. plural of 1
hjst Western second person, present tense plural of
hj lme f. plural saliva
hidz m. tarantula
hdza f. botany yellow eremurus, Eremurus aurantiacus
her f. 1
her z 1 fresh; cool 2 happy, prosperous, fortunate 3 merry,

hi 1 m. plural of

gay, joyous

herztb m.

herztj f.

herz f. 1

freshness; coolness 2 happiness, prosperity, well-being 3

abbreviation for

official abbreviation


herzedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

grow cooler 2 to be happy 3 to grow, become merry, rejoice

hern m. wild olive tree

hervna f. kind of pistachio bush
herva f. botany Cotoneaster (a kind of flowering bush)
1 her f. cursing, curse to curse
He heaped curses upon me.
2 hir f. 1
hih f. 1 glass 2 vial, small bottle, flask; glass vessel 3
[plural: hih] glasses, spectacles to
wear glasses

hiha adjective glass

glass tube,

wish someone well 3 well-being 4 kindness, goodness;

5 improvement 6 virtue

to display kindness, show consideration

He was devoid of

(said after the mention of the name of Prophet Mohammed)

Sahib, Saib

sahibdzh na f. proper name Saibdzhana

sahibzd m. 1 gentlemen 2 Sahibzada (title for a
religious personage

shibk r m. history director of an estate

shibmar m Arabic purposeful, single-minded
shibmans b m. Arabic officer
shib f. Arabic 1 lady, madame 2 owner (female),

these virtues. He did not possess these qualities. 7 cooperation,

help, assistance
hegv l m. member of a children's organization (ages 12

possessor (female)

shib variety of large sweet grape

skh f. Arabic 1 sharp sound 2 unpleasantness

to 18)

sall lah aljhi

person of distinguished lineage) 3 descendent of some renowned

hega f. 1 adventure, benefit for one's

own benefit 2 good (abstract and concrete) to


5 abbreviation for accounting correct, verified

sbr Arabic patient, tolerant
sbn m. soap to soap, lather
soap factory
sbunpaz f. sbunsz f. soap-making
shb sb m. Arabic 1 gentleman; sir, mister
scientist colleagues 2 possessor, owner scientists,
learned men shb-i man of letters 3 proper name



sd the twenty-fourth letter of the Pashto alphabet (pronounced

like ( s) and therefore sometimes replaced by the letter )

wasallm religion Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!

merriness, joy

2 hajl transitive 1
1 helj m. ferment, leaven
2 hajlj past participle of 2
1 hna f. hna Eastern
2 hajna curse, cursing
3 hjna f. instruction, training
hne f. hinj f.
hjn m. instruction, direction
hjnkaj m. 1
hev f. decoration; dolling up, prettying up
1 hja imperfective imperative of
2 hj Eastern imperfect tense of
1 hji present tense of
2 hje second person, present tense of
3 hjj Eastern second person plural, present tense of
hejl 1

hega f.
hjl plural Eastern imperfect of

Judgement Day


sd m. Arabic the name for the letter

3 religion

Pashto-English Dictionary

sdir Arabic 1 outstanding, outgoing (of documents) 2

pronounced (of the judgement or sentence of a court) 3 issued,

promlgated (of an order, resolution) 4 despatched, sent (letters,
documents) 5 exported 6 drawn up (bill of exchange, check)

sdir t m. Arabic plural 1 export 2 export goods
sdirt f. exports items of export
export company export volume

3 sfj f. spj strainer; filter; colander

4 s fi f. plural of 4
sfedl spedl denominative, intransitive

to become clear (of adulterants); be strained; be filtered; be pure,

transparent 2 to be frank, be open 3 to be settled (of accounts,
etc.) 4 to be cleared (of a road)

sdiravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

pronounce (a decision, sentence a court) 2 to issue, promulgate
(an order, a resolution, etc.) 3 to dispatch, send (letters,
documents) 4 to export 5 to draw up (bill of exchange, check)

sadiravnkaj present participle of

drawer (of a bill)
sdir f. Arabic 1 feminine singular and masculine plural of
2 f. outgoing correspondence the
register of incoming and outgoing papers

sdiredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

pronounced (of a verdict) 2 to be promulgated (of an order,
resolution, etc.) 3 to be despatched, sent (of letters, documents) 4

to be exported 5 to be drawn up (bill of exchange, check) 6 to

issue from someone; spring from, result from

sdired m. plural 1 issuance (of a verdict) 2

promulgation (of an order, resolution) 3 dispatch (of letters,
documents) 4 export 4 to be slackened, let out (rope, etc.) 5
drawing up, executing (of a bill of exchange, a check)

sd Arabic 1 veracious, true 2 faithful, dedicated 3

religious epithet of the Imam Jafaf

sdi-al-ul Arabic faithful to one's word; veracious

sdin 1 veracious, sincere, true 2 faithfully, sincerely
srkh m. Arabic missile, rocket
srukh adjective missile, rocket
s'i f. Arabic lightning
sf sp 1 clean, pure, transparent clean water, pure
water, transparent water a pure air b clean weather
Sunday the weather was clear. 2 clear,
intelligible 3 frank, clear, unequivocal

sfbtn pure, innocent, chaste (of a look, a person, etc.)

sfg m. frank person, open person, sincere person
sf sp indirect plural of 1
sfavl spavl denominative [past: ] 1 to purify
(of adulterants); strain, filter; make clear, make transparent 2 to
settle (an account, etc.) 3 to slacken, let out (e.g., a rope) 4 to


sf sp 1 m. plural the Safi (tribe) 2 sfj spj m. Safi


competent authority 1.3 pious 2 m. proper

name Salih

slih f. Arabic singular and plural of 1

sln m. sln hall large hall; conference room
smt Arabic 1 deaf 2 silent
sn m. Arabic [plural: sni'n] 1 artisan, craftsman

creator, originator, producer

sb Arabic 1 purposeful 2 accurate, sharp-sighted 3

correct, appropriate

st Arabic 1 ringing 2 resounding

sab Arabic 1 m. .1 morning b d-i morning
breeze, zephyr the morning star, Venus 1.2 the
morrow, tomorrow the day after tomorrow in
three days adjective a morning b tomorrow's 2
tomorrow, on the morrow
sab la tomorrow
sabnrj m. sabnaharj m. regional breakfast
sabnj Eastern 1 tomorrow's tomorrow; on
the morrow 2 morning, morning's

sabvt m. Arabic childhood, youth, adolescence

sab f. morning hours in the morning
early in the morning Eastern in a week
subh m. Arabic morning dawn, early in the
morning Dawn broke.
subhdm m. 1 morning, early morning 2 in the morning
1 sbr m. sbr patience, tolerance a
very patiently; with enviable patience b with great restraint
a to bear, endure b to put up with (grief, sorrow) c to await,
expect The cup of his patience overflowed.
proverb Patience is rewarded.
2 sabr m. sabr botany aloe
sabrn k patient, tolerant The
camel is a very patient animal.

sabravl denominative, transitive [past:

to endure, bear

to endure

to compel

sabredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

patient, be tolerant I am impatient. I can't wait. I

clear (the way, the road)

slh Arabic 1.1 good; virtuous; decent; worthy

good, decent people; worthy people 1.2 competent; capable

exports, export goods

[past: ] 1

can't stand it.

sibgh f. Arabic 1 faith, religion 2 religion baptism,

christening 3 nuance 4 nature, characters

saf sp f. 1 purity, transparency 2 clarity, intelligibility


Pashto-English Dictionary

correct; make more precise; check, verify; clarify

sahbt m. Arabic 1 comradeship, fellowship,

companionship 2 escort, accompaniment

regional to pick out, single out, keep an eye on someone 2

sahb m. Arabic plural religion friends and associates of

healthy, sound idiom



sahh f m. Arabic 1 bookbinder 2 bookseller

sihft m. Arabic 1 the press 2 bookseller
1 sahhf f. 1 bookbinding (the business, craft)
2 sihhf adjective publishing, relating to the press, printing
publishing workers
suhbt m. Arabic 1 conversation, discourse 2 intercourse,
relations a to converse, talk b to associate with 3

Ministry of Health

sadrt m. Arabic 1 chairmanship, leadership 2 sadrt-i

offices of the prime minister

the administrative

sadkt m. Arabic 1 faithfulness, veracity, devotion

to remain faithful, be true to, be
devoted to someone to serve someone
faithfully and truly 2 truth, sincerity

sadt-va-shudzh'athamph the official title of a major general

sadkatm b Arabic

the title of advisor or

deputy to a minister, etc.

sadathamr h official title for a mudir, khan, and other

eminent personages

sadd m. Arabic intention, wish; goal

sadr m. Arabic 1 breast 2 regional center (political) 3

governing body (of a society, etc.) 4 leader, chief

the president of Pakistan

sadra'zm m. Arabic prime minister

sadruddn m. proper name Sadruddin
sadrima m m. Arabic capital (administrative center)
sadr f. Arabic group of dervishes or pilgrims visiting a

sahrnj wild (of birds, animals)

sahr 1.1 adjective steppe, desert 1.2

field artillery 2 m.

steppe-dweller, desert-dweller; nomad

1 sahn m. Arabic courtyard, yard; area, level land

2 sahn m. Arabic textiles calico percale
sahn f. sahn-ji Arabic 1 stage, ring, arena, platform
stage, ring, arena a to leave the stage b


sadrj f.
sadf sadp m. Arabic plural sadfa f. 1 mother-ofpearl 2 (pearl) shell pearl oyster
sadaf Arabic adjective mother-of-pearl
sid m. Arabic 1 truth to try to justify oneself;
turn out to be true; be confirmed His words

to finish with something or someone; liquidate something 2

job or position of prime minister

dweller, nomad; desert-dweller

sphere, field, walk of life

2 2 f.

sihhij Arabic 1 feminine singular & plural of

representative of the Ministry of Health (in a province)

military field service

wild (of animals) 1.3 field

to think

sad f. Arabic 1 sound 2 voice 3 cry, call, summons

sadd r 1 noisy, resounding (of waves, etc.) 2 sounding

sahrrv land rover, cross-country vehicle

sahrshn m. sahrnishn m. demotic steppe

sahihunnasb Arabic pure-blooded, thoroughbred,

health care

hygiene sanitation
a to justify oneself; be confirmed b to recover
to be concerned about one's health, worry about one's
health to inquire about someone's health
My health has deteriorated.
sihht bakhhnkaj healthful (of climate)
sihhat-i-'m f. sanitation; health care
sihhatmnd healthy, having good health
sahr f. Arabic 1 barren plain, steppe, desert
sahe -ji the Sahara 2 field


a good result

linguistics voicing, voiced

to be correct, be right, correspond to reality 2 well-being; health

linguistics consonsonant


interlocutor, collocutor
correctness, rightness, veracity

soundly, think soberly

ambience, milieu, society

suhbat m. Arabic
sihht m. Arabic 1

literature to leave the

stage, go away 3 picture, sight, appearance

have been confirmed. 2 veracity, sincerity 3 faithfulness,

This is a very sad sight.

shihh f. Arabic
1 sah
2 sihh Arabic sanitary; hygienic, health; medicinal
health care medical personnel health
care organizations medical healthcare workers
physicians' care; medical services
sah f. sahh Arabic invariable sahha f. 1 precise,
true, correct a correct translation to


sad f. sada Arabic alms, contribution (for a religious


compound verb to contribute (for

a religious purpose)

sadam f. Arabic 1 blow 2 harm; damage

to inflict damage, do harm to someone


to damage someone's reputation, disparage someone's good

qualities or authority 3 misfortune

Pashto-English Dictionary

sudr m. Arabic 1 going out, departure 2 pronouncement

(of a verdict) 3 promulgation (of an order, a resolution) 4

categorically 3 clearly, openly, patently


drawing up (of a bill of exchange) 5 export

sad f.

sadj f. 1 century, 100-year period 2 hundred

(collective numeral)

Arabic combining form difficult, hard

sa'b-ul-'ubr difficult to traverse

sa'b-ul-'il dzh Arabic difficult to cure
a disease which is difficult to cure
sa'b-ul-vurd difficult to access, hard to get to
su'ubt m. Arabic difficulty, straits
su'd m. Arabic 1 lifting, ascent 2 arising, beginning 3
growth, development a to arise, ascend b to spring up

formulated condition 3 clear instruction, directive

sarhtn Arabic openly, clearly, precisely, definitely

surh f. clay pitcher with a long neck
sir t m. Arabic religion road to paradise, way to heaven
sarr f m. Arabic 1 money-changer 2 banker
sarft m. Arabic thought; intention, motive
sarrfkhn f. office for money changing,

(disagreements, etc.) c to develop, grow

sigh r m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 2 children

saghrt m. Arabic childhood
sighr m. Arabic 1 smallness, insignificance 2 childhood
sughr Arabic 1 feminine singular of 2 f. philosophy

sarrf f. 1 exchange of money 2 profession of money-

changing 3 occupation of banker

sarb m. 1 a Serb 2 history Serbia

sar' f. Arabic medicine epilepsy, falling sickness
sar' adjective epileptic an epileptic
1 sarf m. [plural: asr f] 1 expenditure, expenses 2
use sarf-i tea-drinking 3 morphology
2 sirf sirp Arabic 1 only, just, exclusively
I have come here only for the purpose of meeting
with you. Eastern not only , but also 2

the minor premise of a syllogism

saghr Arabic 1.1 little, juvenile 1.2 law minor, not of age

2 m. [plural: saghir n Arabic plural: sigh r]

child, infant

saf saff m. Arabic [plural: saffna Arabic plural:

suff] 1 row, order; rank; file in rows, in
ranks column of four single file, Indian
file Eastern right flank to
draw up in military order

flagrant, bald-faced, outright (i.e., lies)

srf-i-nazr m. disregarding, ignoring

to reject something; ignore, pay no

saf Arabic 1 clear, transparent

clear water,

transparent water 2 clean, neat, tidy 3 clear, precise

attention to something

sarfavl sarpavl denominative, transitive [past:

sa'ud Arabic 1 arising, ascending, springing up 2 Saudi


money-changing bureau

m. Arabic squeak (of a pen, of a door)

difficult to traverse

1 sad m. Arabic sincere friend, true friend

2 sadd Arabic 1 true, sincere 2 m. proper name Siddik
sarr p m.
sarht m. Arabic 1 clarity, precision 2 precisely

sarhn Arabic 1 clearly, precisely 2 decisively,

speak clearly

1 to expend, spend 2 to use 3 to show, display (concern)


to speak Pashto well 4 evident

a to clean, purify, refine

oil refinery

b to clarify, make more precise (question, problem, etc.)

sarfunhv m. grammar morphology and syntax

sarf f. Arabic 1 advantage, benefit 2 savings, economies
a to observe economies in something b to

refined c to be clean, be neat, be tidy d to be made more precise;

sarf bakhhnkaj economical

sarfadzh thrifty, economical, careful (about money)
sarfadzhu f. thrift, thriftiness, carefulness in money


a to be clear, be transparent b to be cleaned, be purified, be


sarf Arabic 1 grammatical; morphological

grammatical rules 2 m. author of a grammar

sarfij t m. Arabic plural expenditures, expenses

safedl sarpedl denominative [past: ] 1

explained in full. idiom

peace and harmony

sif t m. Arabic plural of

saff r m. Arabic 1 coppersmith

2 history Saffar (the founder

of the Saffarid Dynasty, Yakub ibn-Lejs)

safkr f. 1 purification, refining 2 explanation, making

more precise (question, problem, etc.)

to be

spent, be expended, be disbursed 2 to be used, be employed, be

used up

Everything was
to live in
to get the better of, surpass

be explained, be cleared up

limit oneself in something

sarh Arabic 1 clear, precise 2 decisive, categorical (refusal,

safv laj m. 1 purity, cleanliness 2 purification, cleansing

3 tranquility

saf f. 1 purity, transparency 2 cleanness, neatness, tidiness

3 clearness, preciseness 4 tranquility, peace

etc.) 3 flagrant, bald-faced, outright (i.e., lies)


peace, spiritual tranquility 5 innocence, lack of culpability


Pashto-English Dictionary

a to clean (a room, etc.) b to prove one's innocence 6 tax on

real property 7 regional law defense

defense lawyer



defense witness

safband f. saffband regional military drawing up in

salhijt larnkaj
competent, plenipotentiary, authoritative the
competent authority the competent authorities
salhijatnm f. warrant, mandate; credentials,

to draw up in military formation

sift m. Arabic [plural: sifatna Arabic plural:

sif t] 1 quality, virtue; peculiarity; distinctive trait; indication

distinctive, characteristic indications

to become a merchant 2 description 3 praise

praiseworthy, worthy of praise

to praise someone 4

grammar adjective

saftana f. safftana
siffat 1 adjective 2 high-quality (of merchandise)
safh f. Arabic 1 page 2 step, phase a lunar

safhaband f. typography imposition, pagination

safdr brave, valorous, courageous
1 sfr m. sfar Arabic 1 cipher, zero, nought
below zero (of temperature) 2 nothing, empty spot, vacant


sulb m. Arabic 1 loins; belly; bosom 2 descendents; clan

sulb adjective blood, direct, immediate (of a descendent)
slh f. slha Arabic peace peaceful
negotiations a separate peace
a policy of peace peace for the whole
world ! Long live worldwide peace!
supporters of peace the World
Peace Council to conclude peace 2 1
sulhmz peace-loving, peaceful
peaceful uses of atomic energy
sulhpasnd m. 1 pacifist 2 peaceable, peace-loving
sulhpasand` f. 1 peaceableness 2 pacifism
suldzh striving for peace, peace-loving
sulhdzhujn peace-loving to


display peaceableness, love of peace

2 safr m. Arabic Safar (the second month of the lunar year)

safr f. Arabic bile
safrv 1.1 bilious, containing bile 1.2 choleric, easily
aroused to anger 2 m. choleric man

safra f. Arabic 2
safvt m. sufvt Arabic 1

suff m. Arabic plural of

safav m. history 1 Sefevid (the dynasty)

2 adjective


suff f. 1 dock 2 platform

saf Arabic clean, clear, transparent
safij f. Arabic 1 feminine singular of

of peace

a policy

deed, deed of transfer

slha f. reconciliation, peace to conclude a peace

to be reconciled with someone
sulhanm f.
sal'm Arabic abbreviation sall lah
aljhi wasallm religion Peace and blessings of Allah be upon

him! (said after the mention of the name of Prophet Mohammed)

2 f. proper

name Safiya

siligr m. regional gunsmith; armorer

sukk m. Arabic plural [singular: sakk] 1
documents 2 checks

sal f. 1 entertaining 2 verbal invitation 3 summons; appeal

idiom We came to this decision

sal t m. [plural: salav t] Arabic prayer

sal f. sal h Arabic [plural: salag ni salahg ni] 1
counsel, advice to give advice
to take counsel with someone; seek advice of someone 2
well-being 3 morality; virtue 4 interest the
interests of the State

salhk r m. advisor, counselor

salhijt m. Arabic 1 competence, jurisdiction, authority
to have the right to something
to receive the right 2 honesty, decency

sulhkhhn peace-loving

sulkhhi f. peaceableness, love of peace

sulh ghuhtnkaj peace-loving
sulhnm f. 1 armistice, truce 2 peace treaty

best, most select part of

something 2 quintessence

salhijatd r

salav t Arabic masculine plural of and [ plural:

salavtna] blessing, benediction
sal t m. Arabic [plural: salav t plural:
salatna] prayer

sil f.

Arabic (familial) connection, nearness

m. Arabic 1 cross

Cross 2 Crusade

the Crusades


hl-i Christians

salib Arabic 1 pertaining to the cross


the Crusades 2 m. [plural: salibijn] Arabic history


sim kh m. Arabic anatomy auditory canal

samd Arabic 1 eternal 2 m. .1 master, lord, overlord
proper name Samad

sams m m. Arabic 1 sharp saber; sharp sword

samgh m. Arabic gum, resin Arabic gum


Pashto-English Dictionary

(socioeconomic) class 5 armed forces' branch or service

samm m. Arabic 1 core, pith, heart; interior part 2 sincere,

cordial, heartfelt

samimn 1 sincere, heartfelt

relations 2 sincerely, cordially

sincere, cordial

2 expertly made 3


the air force, military aviation

sinf 1 pertaining to a shop, shift, or socioeconomic class

industrial 3 professional, pertaining to a specific class of

samim sincere, heartfelt

samimijt m. Arabic sincerity, cordiality
san f. Sana (city)
san't sin't Arabic m. [plural: sanaji' plural:
san] 1 art fine arts 2 trade;
profession trade school; industrial school 3
san'at industrial
sina' Arabic 1 artificial, synthetic

sanj m. plural san m. Arabic 1 plural of

industry heavy industry
light industry
cottage industry, handicrafts 3 branches of industry
sund m. sand
sunduchj m. box, casket, case
sandl m. singular & plural sandalwood tree, sandalwood
sandal f. sandala (a mixture of clay, vegetable fiber, and

craftsman (carpenters, metalworkers, etc.)

sanam m. Arabic idol, image, object of worship

sanma f. poetry beloved (woman)
sanavbr sanobr Arabic 1 pine tree 2 coniferous tree
sunf m. Arabic plural of
sav b m. Arabic 1 fair, just, equitable, the right way to act
rightness, innocence to strive for truth, seek justice
savbdd m. 1 approval, sanction 2 advice, wish, desire
svbj f. Swabi (city, Peshawar District)
svt m. Svat, Swat (district)
saub m. Arabic direction, quarter, side
suba provincial, regional
subadzh t m. Arabic plural of
sob sub subh f. Arabic [plural: sob sub m.
Arabic plural: subadzh t] province
subahd r m. 1 history subadar, governor general 2

colloquial lieutenant 3 captain

san'at 1 industrial industrial nation

industrial goods; manufactured goods to

subahisarkhd m. history northwest border province

subed r m. regional
saut m. Arabic [plural: asv t] sound, noise
sur m. Arabic trumpet (made of a horn), horn
surt m. Arabic 1 form, shape in short,
briefly 2 face ! Kiss me! 3 body; figure
health My whole body hurts. 4
grammar aspect of a verb 5 list; enumeration; entry;
record a detailed account; detailed statement b report
6 numerator 7 astronomy phase phase of the
moon 8 manner; way, kind in this way 9 case;
situation, circumstance in
such a case in any event, in one way or another
be that as it may not under any
circumstances in case of necessity
a to change one's clothes b to change appearance
a to come to be, come to pass b to happen, take
place; eventuate to turn into something
surtparst m. formalist
sur surav Arabic external; formal; apparent, visible
suf m. Arabic camlet; wool
suf Sufi; dervish-mystic
sufijn Sufic Sufic life; the life of a dervish-

sinf m. sanf Arabic [plural: sinfna Arabic plural:

sunf plural: asn f] 1 kind, sort; species, genus;
category 2 class (in school) 3 biology class class
of birds 4 shop, shift; (socioeconomic) class

sufitb m. 1 Sufism 2 mysticism

sfij f. Sofia (city)
1 sum m. ruble
2 saum m. Arabic religion fast

wood ash used for plastering floors)

sandal f. sandal; mangal (a barzier or a metal pan for

holding burning coals under a stool, covered by a blanket)

sandf m. satin
sand m. sund Arabic [plural: sanduna
plural: sandu n] 1 trunk; box; chest
compound verb to place in a trunk, put in a box

compound verb to be placed in a trunk, be put in a box 2 ballot

savings bank
coffin idiom anatomy thorax

box 3 till
fund 4


sunduch f. box, casket, case; small box, small chest,

small case, trunk

sandukd r m. cashier, treasurer, bursar

san' f.
san't m. 1 art fine arts 2 trade, craft; business
3 industry industrialist idiom
the military art; military profession
san'atk r m. san'atgr craftsman,
handcraftsman small local businessmen or
handicrafts workers

industrialize 2 artistic



Pashto-English Dictionary

sauma' f. sauma' f. Arabic cell; hermit's dwelling

to live as a hermit or recluse
sihunijt m. Arabic politics Zionism
sajj d m. Arabic 1 hunter (of birds and small game); trapper


zif f. zip Arabic woman, weak sex

zabt m. Arabic 1 seizure (of territory) 2

2 poetry captivator of hearts

verb, verb form; conjugational paradigm

sajfij f. Arabic 1 holiday or summer house outside the city

notwithstanding his
to be restrained, be collected; keep
oneself in hand to lose self-possession, lose
one's cool, lose control of oneself zabt-i
counterintelligence 4 list (of words, songs, etc.)

zabtvl regional disciplined; restrained

zabturbt m. Arabic state of discipline
zabtv laj m. seizure, confiscation
zabtavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
control, self-possession

seize (territory) 2 to confiscate; to sequestrate; put a lien on

2 district where there are summer, holiday, or weekend houses

(property) 3 to memorize, learn by heart 4 to list (words), record

sajl m. Arabic 1 polishing; buffing 2 point; sharp point

compound verb a to polish, buff b to sharpen, bring to
a point compound verb a to be polished, be buffed b
to be sharpened, be pointed
m. 1 polisher; burnisher 2 grinder 3

regional gunsmith

zd 1 the twenty-fifth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the number

800 in the abjad system

officers 3 history leader, ruler

order, discipline

zbit f. Arabic 1 law; legislation; code

regional Code of Civil Law 2

to introduce order, set to rights 3 memorization, rote

learning to memorize, learn by heart

zbit f. officer corps
zd m. Arabic the name of the letter
zmn m. Arabic 1 warrantor, guarantor I'll
vouch for him. I certify that 2 bail,
used with

1 perished 2 fallen; lost 3 destroyed

to ruin b to lose c to destroy


4 to be recorded (words, song) 5 to be picked up (document)

zakhmt m. Arabic 1 fatness 2 portliness; plumpness

zakhm Arabic 1 fat 2 burly, portly, plump
1 zid zidd Arabic 1 opposite, opposing 2 m. .1 opposition
someone, against something anti-air
to oppose, be opposed to something to go
against someone 2.2 malice, spite He harbored


surety 3 deposit, security; guarantee

zmin f.
zmin f.
zi Arabic

2 to

be confiscated, be put under lien (of property) 3 to be memorized

2 zd-i zdd-i combining form counter-, anti- antitank

ziddiisti'm r zidiisti'm r anti-colonial
ziddiimpirjlist zidiimpirjlist anti-imperialist
ziddiinsn zidiinsn inhuman, misanthropic
zidd-i-tnk zid-i-tnk antitank
ziddi'ufun zidi'ufun Arabic disinfection, disinfecting
a to sterilize (water) b to

zbt m. Arabic 1 company-grade officer

zabt 1 confiscated 2 f. confiscation; sequestration

zabtedl [past: ] 1 to be seized (of territory)

malice toward him.

second lieutenant 2 [plural: zbit n]
senior officers field-grade

a song 5 to pick up (documents)

sajfijanishn m. visitor or resident of a summer cottage,

holiday house, or a district in which these are located



sequestration, seizure (of prosperity) 3 control; restraint; self-

sajjd m. Arabic hunting; hunting or trapping trade

to engage professionally in hunting or trapping
sijant m. Arabic support; protection
sajb m. seb colloquial
sih f. Arabic shout
sajd m. Arabic 1 hunting, trapping 2 game; catch
sajdg h m. hunting ground
sigh f. Arabic 1 formula (e.g., for a divorce) 2 form; shape;
type in the form of a loan 3 grammatical form of a

zi' f. Arabic m. [plural: zai' t] losses, loss,

a to perish b to be lost

He spent a lot of time on this. c to be

ziddifshst zidifshst anti-fascist

ziddifshist f. zidifshist anti-fascism
ziddifzj zidifzj
ziddifeoal zidifeoal anti-feudal
ziddimalrij zidimalrij antimalaria
ziddihav zidihav anti-war; antiaircraft
zidd 1 opposite, opposing; contrasting 2 spiteful
zidijt m. Arabic 1 opposition, contrast 2 hostility 3
contradiction; antagonism to contradict
ziddjn m. Arabic plural of 2 two antitheses, antipodes
zarr b m. Arabic stamper (of coins)

Pashto-English Dictionary

zarrbkhan f. mint
zarb Arabic [plural:

zarbna Arabic plural:

9,879 meters

47,183 meters 4 regional

province, district 5 state (administrative-territorial unit)

stamp (coins) 4 regional maiming, injury, mulitation
minor injury zarb-i serious injury a to
inflict a blow b to inflict an injury 5 math multiplication
the multiplication table 6 grammar accent, stress
zarb-ul-masl m. Arabic proverb; saying
zarab n m. zarb n Arabic beating (heart), pulsation
zarbt m. Arabic
zarbavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
multiply multiply 5 x 3
zarb f. Arabic blow, stroke
zarr m. Arabic [plural: zararna Arabic plural:
azr r] harm, damage, loss a to harm, inflict damage,
inflict loss b to grieve a to suffer injury, suffer loss,

zarb t] 1 blow 2 beating 3 stamping (of coins)

zam zamm m. 1 addition; augmentation; supplement 2

to be added (to), be supplemental to something
zim d m. Arabic medicine 1 plaster 2 compress
predicative additional, augmentational; supplemental

poultice, hot compress

to go bail for, vouch for someone
to release on bail 2 security as security
zamnt m. Arabic 1 bail, guarantee; surety


zamnt kavnkaj m. bailsman, guarantor

zamnatnm f. law written surety, guarantee
zamr m. plural of
zamm m. Arabic plural of
zimn m. Arabic 1 middle, midst 2 content
among, including moreover; by the way
zmnn Arabic moreover, this being so; by the way
zimn Arabic 1 implied; indirect 2 fortuitous; collateral 3

suffer b to be grieved, be injured

zarr rasavunkaj harmful, injurious

zarr rasavnki harmful insect zarr


rasavnki weeds

zararn k zarar 1 harmful 2 damaging

zarr Arabic indeclinable 1.1 necessary, needful
It is necessary to dzhj-i toilet, latrine 1.2

zamavl zammavl denominative, transitive [past:

to add, join to, supplement, enclose

zarurt m. Arabic 1 necessity, requirement, need

I require tea. to be needful of

zamr m. Arabic [plural: zamirna Arabic plural:

zamr] 1 heart, soul according to the

urgent, pressing (a matter) 2 necessarily; without fail; of course

something 2 coercion

extremely important
zarurij t m. Arabic plural objects of prime necessity
travel necessities
za'f m. zu'f Arabic weakness, powerlessness a
drop in cardiac activity, cardiac insufficiency
He experienced weakness. idiom moral
instability to grow weak
za'f Arabic 1 weak, powerless, impotent to
weaken to become weak, grow weak 2 m. [plural:
za'ifn] a weak creature
za'if-ul-ird Arabic weak-willed
zallt m. Arabic error, blunder, deviation from the truth
to fall into error, blunder, deviate from the

dictates of the heart 2 intentions, dreams 3 grammar pronoun

zil'a f. Arabic [plural: azl ']

side 2 border, verge 3 linear measure

enclitic (unstressed) pronoun


personal pronoun 4 conscience 5 personal name Zamir

zamir n m. Arabic botany basil, Ocimum basilicum

zamim f. Arabic [plural: zamim Arabic m.
plural: zamm] 1 guarantee, surety, security 2 biology
appendage 3 supplement

zavbt m. Arabic plural of

zij Arabic 1 f. brilliance, radiance; light

history title of the Emir Abdurrahman Khan 2 m. proper name

Zia, Zeeya

1 zaj f. Arabic loss; ruin

2 zij
zijft m. Arabic entertaining, refreshments; feast; banquet
zajf m. Arabic [plural: zajfn Arabic plural:
zujf plural: azj f] 1 guest 2 visitor; client
zujf m. Arabic plural of
zi m. Arabic 1 narrowness 2 difficulty; constraint 3 cares,


zamm f. Arabic zamma, pesh (the supralinear sign which

indicates the short vowels "u" or "o")

zarurtn Arabic 1 perforce 2 without fail, certainly

without fail, absolutely
zarur Arabic 1 necessary, obligatory, inevitable
It is necessary. This
is really unnecessary. One can really do without this. 2 important

zl'a f. regional 1
2,209 meters

Pashto-English Dictionary

tar tajr Arabic 1 flying 2 m. [plural: tajr] bird

taif f. tjif f. Arabic [plural: tif] Arabic m.
[plural: tavjif] 1 tribe 2 biology order 3 obsolete gang,


toj t 1 the twenty-sixth letter of the Pashto alphabet

(pronounced " t" and so is sometimes replaced by the letter )2

tib tibb Arabic singular & plural medicine, medical treatment

eastern medicine
tabbt m. Arabic medical treatment, medical practice
to engage in the practice of medicine
tabb kh m. Arabic cook
tabbkht m. Arabic tabbkh f. cookery, the

the number 9 in the abjad system

t f. Arabic the name of the letter

tbt m. Arabic coffin
tkhch f.
ts m. 1 geography basin 2 botany corolla
tsabrg m. petal
t't m. Arabic 1 obedience to obey

culinary arts

(someone) 2 religion pious work, pious action

t'n m. Arabic plague, pestilence

1 t m. Arabic vault, cupola; arch
2 t Arabic odd (i.e., not even)
tt m. Arabic 1 strength, force, power physical
force, strength beyond one's
strength; excessive 2 endurance; patience
I cannot do without water. 3 energy atomic
energy solar energy 4 politics power 5 troops,
armed forces Navy Air Force
They are engaged in wrestling.
to deal with something
tatnum f.
tatfars exhausting
tatvr powerful, strong
tch f. niche, bay; shelf
t architecture vaulted, arched; formed as a niche or bay
talb 1 m. Arabic [plural: tlib n Arabic plural:
tull b plural: talab] student 2 seeker (after something; one
striving (for something); one trying to attain, thirsting for,
requiring something

tlib n plural Taliban, Taleban (religious-political movement

tabshr m. Arabic 1 bamboo sugar 2 chalk; a stick of chalk

tabb ' m. Arabic printer
tib't m. Arabic printing, typographic work
tib'at Arabic typographic, polygraphic
misprint printer (one who prints)
The book is typographically well executed.
tabb f m. 2
tabb' m. Arabic plural of
tubr m.
tab' f. tab'a Arabic 1 printing; publication first
edition compound verb to print, publish
compound verb to be published, be printed 2 nature, natural order
3 disposition, character 4 talent, ability, natural gifts

tab'n 1 by nature 2 naturally 3 of course

tab'zm f. checking, trial, test
tb'a f. 1 2 mood, disposition
in a bad mood today. Today I am out of sorts.

tlib-ul-'lm m. 1 student 2 student at a Muslim religious

tlib-ul-'lma f. 1 student (female) 2 student (female) at

tib m. Arabic conformity, accordance

accordance with something


the earth

tabaat 1 adjective estate (in the historical sense of "class")

class society class

contradictions class struggle


2 class

an institute of higher learning

class differentiation

tl' tl' Arabic 1 f. fate, destiny; luck, happiness

His fate is unknown. 2 astronomy rising (of celestial bodies)
tle'mn tli'mn tle'mand tli'mand lucky
ts m. Arabic 1 peacock 2 proper name Taus
Proverb literal Beautiful
though he may be, yet the peacock's feet are black. figurative

taba f. Arabic [plural: taba] m. Arabic [plural:

taba t] 1 section (of the population); group (of people);
estate 2 class amicable classes
antagonistic classes the ruling class
workers 3 society; circles (social) ruling circles 4
category; degree 5 stage 6 stage (of a missile) 7 geology

Every rose has its thorns.

2 tab m. Arabic tray

3 tab m. veterinary hoof and mouth disease
taba t m. Arabic plural of
tabt-ul-arz geologic, pertaining to the structure of

and group that ruled Afghanistan from 1996-2001)

I am

t un m.

thr 1.1 pure; spotless, immaculate 1.2 holy 2 m. proper

name Tahir

stratum, bed (of soil) 8 biology class

tabaaband f. 1 classification; taxonomy

classification, animal taxonomy 2 differentiation
a to classify, systematize b to differentiate

Pashto-English Dictionary

tabl m. drum
tabl f. Arabic

governmental structure, system of government method
of production trz-i conduct, deportment trz-i
way of thinking; thinking, thought idiom in one

1 small tamborine 2 wooden platter or tray for


tbilsi m.
tibb Arabic

Tbilisi (city)
1 medical, medicinal; therapeutic

medical, therapeutic aid

medical faculty (i.e.,

medical school

department of a university)

way or another

atib plural: atibb] doctor, physician, medical practitioner

tabba feminine of
tabib f. healing, medical treatment, the practice of medicine
tabi't m. Arabic [plural: tabi'atna Arabic plural:
tabi] 1 nature, disposition, character
He is energetic. 2 essence, natural order the laws
of nature 3 mood, temperament My
mood was excellent. Eastern He wasn't
calmed down.

tabi'ijn m. Arabic plural naturalist, natural scientist,

natural historian

tabel f. stable
tih l m. Arabic anatomy spleen
tarr h m. Arabic 1 draftsman 2 ringleader, organizer

1 m. partisan, follower, supporter 2 for (in


1 tarafdr f. 1 adherence; partiality 2 support, sympathy

on someone's side to be
someone's supporter, support someone
to suceed in inclining someone to one's favor, win
someone over to one's side to speak out
for something, support something

2 tarafdri feminine plural of

turf f. Arabic novelty
tarafjn masculine dual Arabic of

one of

tur m. Arabic plural of

turm m. horn, bugle; trumpet
turumch m. bugler, trumpeter
turr f. Arabic plume (decoration)
tar Arabic 1 fresh, new 2 tender, soft
tari m. Arabic [plural: tur] way, road
tarit m.
tari f. Arabic path, way, manner, mode way of
life method of production very
simply on a scientific basis in a
strange manner, strangely, unusually




tarr r Arabic 1 bright 2 articulate; sharp-tongued

tir z m. Arabic 1 decoration, adornment, finery 2 manner,

form; method

ta -ta interjection 1 bang, knock-knock 2 m.

to knock

to knock on the

tasht m. 1 tub, trough; large copper basin; bathtub 2

geography basin 3 depression

tarvt m. Arabic freshness, succulence (of grass, pasturage)

tarb m. Arabic 1 gladness, joy, merriment 2 delight
tarabulus-al-gharb m. Tripoli (city); Tripolitania
trh trha f. Arabic 1 plan, draft, draft-plan 2 blueprint,
engineering drawing 3 drawing compound verb a to
work out a plan; to make a draft-plan b to draw, execute a
blueprint c to draw, sketch

a opponent b

the parties

tabi' Arabic 1 natural; normal

normality, normality

tarafd r

tabi'tn 1 naturally 2 by nature; by one's nature

natural resources natural history natural
science naturally, normally natural silk
2 understood understandably; naturally 3
spontaneous drift
tabi'iv laj m. state of nature, natural state; state of

trade contractor

tabb m. Arabic [plural: tabib n Arabic plural:

tarf m. Arabic [plural: tarafna Arabic plural:

atr f plural: tarafjn] side, party


tarz m. Arabic fashion, mode, manner

compound verb a to be

worked out (plan) b to be traced out, be drafted, be executed

(blueprint etc.) c to be drawn, be sketched d to be expounded, be

trha f. sundry, different, various

tard m. Arabic driving out, chasing away, expulsion

ta' m m. Arabic food, victuals

ta'mb f. colloquial
ta'mkhn f. dining room, mess hall, refectory
ta'mnm f. menu
tu'm f. Arabic food, fodder
ta'n m. Arabic reproaches, rebukes
ta'nmz sarcastic, mocking sarcasm
ta'n f. Arabic 1 rebuke, blame 2 mockery; irony, sarcasm
to jeer at, ridicule
tugh m. 1 pennant, guidon 2 banner
tughj n m. Arabic 1 overflowing of banks, flooding (of a
river); high water 2 figuratives rebellion, sedition


Pashto-English Dictionary

tughjn 1 f. .1 1 1.2 figuratives excess 1.3

figuratives disturbance, commotion 2.1 stormy

to be disturbed, get into a commotion

childhood years

taf f.

m. Arabic 1 parasite, sponger, freeloader 2 biology


tufajl parasitic


to lead a parasitic life,


talkavl denominative, transitive [past:

a divorce (to a wife)

to give

tilkr f. gilding, gilt

tilj f. regional forward detachment, advance detachment;
advance post

til 1 gold, of gold 2 golden (color); light-brown; blond


to claim something; to

request something 2 debt (owed to someone); monetary request 3

regional wages, pay

talabg r

to pay for work

1 requiring, requesting; seeking; desiring 2

m. .1 plaintiff 2.2 creditor

talabgr f. marriage brokerage (proposing a man as


talabnm f. obsolete requirement, request; call

talabavl denominative, transitive [past: ]


demand, ask for; call (for)


tilismvl m. magician, wizard

tilism enchanted, spellbound
tul' f. Arabic dawn, sunrise
tamm ' Arabic greedy, avid
tumgh f. hood for a hawk (in falconry)
tumnch f. revolver
tamnijt m. rest, tranquillity
tumtur m. 1 pomposity, bombast 2 splendor, pomp
tm tm'a f. Arabic tm'a f. 1 avidity, greed to
be avid, be greedy 2 expectation, hope I
don't rely on you. I was not confident of you 3 lust, desire
in pursuit of money to desire strongly, be avid for;
tan m. ton
tan b m.

talab m. Arabic plural of

talb f. hunting lure, decoy, bait

talabedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

needed 2 to be called, be summoned

Arabic 1 rope; cord 2 tanap (a measure of square

area, having various regional values)

tanb adjective rope, cord; of rope, of cord

tan v m. 1 2 belt drive (e.g., for a spinning wheel)
tambr m. Arabic tambur (a stringed, long-necked musical
instrument resembling a mandolin)

tantan f. Arabic melody

tanz m. Arabic mockery, irony
tnzan Arabic mockingly, in mockery; ironically
tann m. Arabic 1 resonant sound; rumble, hum

2 buzzing (of


tav f m. Arabic religion 1 ritual procession or tour around

the Kaaba 2 pilgrimage

a happiness, great success b rich yield (ore)

talb m. Arabic [plural: talabna Arabic plural:

talabt] 1 claim; request

to annul

strive to get something

til f. 1 gold native ore gold dust

placer gold 2 tila (a gold coin); ducat
tull b m. Arabic plural of
tilb b precious metals
tild r 1 embroidered in gold; stitched in gold 2 gilded
tal m. Arabic divorce to give a divorce to
a wife idiom to part with something
talnm f. certificate of divorce, decree of

the efficiency of a talisman, deprive a talisman of its effective

turbulent flow (of a river) 2.2 figuratives disturbed

tifl m. Arabic [plural: atf l] babe, infant

tifln infantile, child's, pertaining to a child
tiflk m. baby, infant, young child
tifls m. Tiflis (city)
tifl f.
tufulijt m. Arabic childhood; infancy

tilsm m. tilsm Arabic talisman, amulet

to complete a pilgrimage

tavv f m. Arabic fruit peddler, water peddler; peddler; one

selling products from a stand or tray at a market

tavmr m. Arabic plural of

tavjf m. plural tavf m. Arabic plural of
tobr f. bag, sack
top m. 1
topch m.
topsz f.
topoghrf f. topography
1 taur m. Arabic [plural: atv r] manner, mode, way
a thus, therefore b exactly so

tur m.

kh-i Mount Sinai

the Sinai


tot m. parrot
totkhl 1 m.

plural the Totakhejli (tribe) 2 m. Totakhejl



totgarkj m. Eastern swallow

Pashto-English Dictionary

tut m. parrot idiom

He fell silent


tajar n m. Arabic flight idiom

fantasy, flight of the mind

tugh m. togh 1 pennant, guidon 2 banner

tuf n tup n m. Arabic 1 tempest, typhoon, storm; hurricane
sandstorm; simoon A storm arose.
The sea was running high. to
encounter a storm or hurricane 2 flood 3 deep agitation
deep stirring, perturbation of feelings idiom to

tajsh m. anger, rage, wrath

tajf m. Arabic 1 ghost; apparition, spectre

tufn 1 stormy; blustery 2 encountering a storm, buffeted

by a storm 3 worried, agitated 4 assault



tau m. Arabic 1 necklace 2 neck-ring (of a bird) 3 poetry

the bounds, ties of love 4 yoke of slavery

wavelength 2 geography
east longitude west longitude

tul m. Arabic 1 length


2 tul m. tulle
tul-al-bald m. Arabic meridian
tulalj f Arabic long staple (cotton)
tuln protracted, extended, prolonged
tum r m. Arabic [plural: tumrna Arabic plural:
tavmr] 1 roll, scroll; bundle (of paper) 2 book 3 list,

tujr m. Arabic plural of


tajjrar n m. pilot, flyer; aviator

tajjrasz f. aircraft construction, the aircraft industry
tajjrashikn adjective antiaircraft
antiaircraft gun

tajjrav n m.
tajjr brunkaj brunkaj
aircraft carrier
tajjr vishtnkaj adjective antiaircraft
tajjb Arabic 1.1 good; pleasant 1.2 legal 2 m. proper name
tajr m. Arabic 1 [plural: tujr] bird 2 plural of

birds, feathered creatures

" z" and so sometimes replaced by the letter

the number 900 in the abjad system

z f. the name of the letter

zlm Arabic 1 m. tyrant, oppressor; dictator

2 attributive .1

cruel, wicked; savage, pitiless 2.2 tyrannical, despotic 2.3 unjust

folklore the name of a wicked character in a tale

zlimn 1 cruel, tyrannical, despotic an unjust
treaty 2 cruelly, despotically

zalma f. 1 used with

2 poetry beloved (female);


advantage, superiority ... It is
apparent that It is obvious that 1.2 external, surface
This is superficial. This is shallow. This isn't
zhr Arabic 1.1 apparent, obvious, patent

serious. 2.1 obviously, apparently 2.2 externally 2.3 proper

name Zahir

zhrn Arabic 1 apparently, obviously 2 openly, up front;

frankly 3 externally, on the surface

zhirbn 1 m. superficial person 2 superficial, shallow

zhirbin f. superficiality, shallowness
zhidr f. zhirnum f. sham, pretense
zhirv laj m. 1 clarity, obviousness 2 visibility
zhiravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
discover, reveal, manifest 2 to express, state to
express a wish, state a desire

zhiravnkaj 1 present participle of

2 m.

expressor, one who expresses (thoughts, aspirations, etc.)

1 zhra feminine singular of seemingly

She is seemingly in good health.
2 zhir f. Arabic m. [plural: zavhr] manifestation
zhir 1 adjective external, exterior; surface
external appearance the outside world, surroundings 2
appearing, seeming 3 apparent, evident

zhiredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

discovered, be revealed, be manifested; turn out to be 2 to be


zoj z 1 the twenty-seventh letter of the Pashto alphabet

(pronounced as


1 toj m. regional holiday, merriment; wedding

2 toj m. the name of the letter
tavl Arabic long, lengthy, protracted
tavel f. 1 stable 2 cattle pen, sheepfold; stall
tahrt m. Arabic 1 purity, cleanliness 2 holiness
taj m. Arabic 1 folding, rolling up 2 passing through,
proceeding compound verb to pass along (a route)
compound verb to be traversed (of a route)
tajj r Arabic flying pilotless aircraft (weapon)
tajjr f. Arabic aircraft combat aircraft
escort aircraft assault aircraft
obsolete a commander of aviation b aircraft

2 physics


excavate the earth, work zealously

flight of

expressed, be stated


zhired m. plural discovery, revelation, manifestation

Pashto-English Dictionary

zarft m. Arabic 1 humor; sharp-wittedness 2 elegance;

grace 3 breeding, civility, courtesy


zarf m. Arabic [plural: zarfna Arabic plural:


in the course of two hours

form form and content

time, interval

zarf grammar adverbial

zarfijt m. Arabic 1 capacity, volume; displacement,
tonnage 2 rate, scope, volume (of work, etc.)
zurf m. Arabic plural 1 of


zahiruddn m. Arabic
zahir f. Arabic noon

2 figurative conditions,

zarif Arabic 1 f. .1 refined, intelligent speech; witticism

3 injustice

the Ivory

'dzhz Arabic 1 weak, pitiful, unhappy 2 incapable (of doing

to be unable, not be capable of

'dzhiz ni] poor fellow, poor devil


' d t m. Arabic plural of

' dt Arabic 1 m. habit, wont; custom old
custom, old habit by habit, usually
according to one's wont

zuhr plural: uzhr] 1

proverb literal Man is a slave to habit. figurative Habit is second

spine, back 2 reverse side, back (of a check, bill of exchange) 3

to get used to, grow accustomed to something
to conceive a liking for wine
compound verb to accustom You


rear 4 assistance, help

zahrnavs m. economics endorser; person making an

zahrnavis f. economics endorsement (the endorsement on

the back of a check)

zahr 1 back 2 spinal 3 reverse 4 rear

' dzhiz f. 1 helplessness 2 humility, meekness; obedience

I dare to say only that 3
idiom to beseech; to entreat
' dzhl Arabic 1 hastening, hurrying 2 urgent, hasty 3 quick

phenomenon of nature, natural phenomenon

'br m. Arabic [plural: ' birn] traveler, wayfarer

'dzh m. Arabic ivory; elephant's tusk

docile, obedient

zann Arabic proposed; suspected

zann Arabic distrustful; suspicious
zavhr m. Arabic plural of 2

zuhr Arabic adjective midday

'ubb d

' dzhizn pitiable, wretched, miserable, insignificant

' dzhz-miz dzha quiet, tranquil (of a person)
' dzhza 1 feminine singular of 2 f. [plural:

2 proposal, proposition; suspicion

'abd m.


zulmrasid oppressed; repressed, persecuted

zalm Arabic cruel, tyrannical, despotic
zan zann m. Arabic [plural: zunn] 1 opinion; thought

2 the title of
Arabic [plural: ' bidn plural:

doing something; not be able to cope or deal with something 3

gloom 2 chaos


1 abbreviation


zlmn Arabic 1 cruelly; despotically 2 unjustly

zulum t m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 northern countries
zulmt m. Arabic [plural: zulum t] 1 darkness,

1 abbreviation Christian (in chronology)

A.D. 2 abbreviation

to repress, oppress someone 2 cruelty

zoj m. the name of the letter

1 zuhr m. Arabic noon
2 zahr m. Arabic [plural:

zulm m. Arabic 1 repression, oppression; violence, force,

'ajn 1 the twenty-eighth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the

plural: ' abad] devout man, religious man, believer

shade 2 patronage, protection


zafr m. Arabic 1 victory, triumph 2 proper name Zafar

zafartar z victorious, triumphal
zil m. zill Arabic [plural: azl l plural: zil l] 1

proper name Zahiruddin

number 70 in the abjad system

1.3 elegant, charming; gracious 2 m. proper name Zarif

1.2 proper name Zarifa 2 feminine plural of

to create the appropriate

zarf Arabic 1.1 sharp-witted, intelligent 1.2 elegant, fine

sanaj-ji fine arts, artistic professions

to be discovered, be revealed; be manifested,

proper name Zahir, Zaheer

volume of production 3 productivity 4 force, power

2 zuhr m. Arabic plural of 2

zuhuruddn m. proper name Zuhuruddin
zahr m. Arabic 1 assistant, helper 2 patron, protector

zurf] 1 dish; vessel; container 2 grammar adverb 3 interval of


zuhr m. Arabic revelation; manifestation; origin;

accustomed yourself to this. This became a habit with you. 2

predicative compound verb to conceive a

liking for, get used to something, get accustomed to something


Pashto-English Dictionary

to have the habit, custom

to violate the


'adtn Arabic 1 usually, ordinarily 2 by habit 3 military At

' shi
' shi

simple people 3 accustomed to,

into the habit of, grow accustomed to something 4 walking (of a

military Forward march! (as a command)

'r m. Arabic 1 dishonor, disgrace

disgrace; disdain to 2 shame

to consider to be a

'rz Arabic 1.1 appearing, arising 1.2 accidental, fortuitous

2 m. [plural: ' riz n Arabic plural: ' arizin]

' riz f. Arabic [plural: ' riz Arabic m. plural:

' avrz] 1 illness 2 event, occasion, accident 3
hindrance, obstacle idiom the first signs or
symptoms of an illness

' rizad r broken (of terrain)

' riz accidental, fortuitous; attendant (as in "attendant
circumstances"); concomitant by chance,

Arabic plural of

responsiveness 2 good graces, benevolence, kindness

' tl Arabic 1 inactive, idle, loafing 2 worthless, useless, vain

' fijt m. Arabic health, well-being ! Good health

' ' Arabic 1 disobedient, intractable, insubordinate (of

children toward parents) 2 accused, damned

(children); disinherit

to curse

' aibt Arabic 1 m. [plural: ' ibatna m. plural:

' ibatna Arabic plural: ' avab] .1 consequence

I wish you success!

'ibatandsh farsighted, foresighted, cautious;


'ibatandesh f. farsightedness, foresightedness;


'd Arabic 1.1 negotiating 1.2 capable 2 m. trade

'l Arabic 1 intelligent, sensible, sagacious, wise 2 m. .1

contractor; person concluding a trade deal

2 deprived of something, free

from something, not containing something

wise man 2.2 intelligent person 2.3 proper name Akil

temporary use of a thing, taking a thing

for temporary use, for rent or hire Arabic

to take a thing for temporary use; for rent
to give something for temporary use,

rent it out 2 something taken for temporary use, rented, or hired

' arijtn Arabic for a time, for temporary use, for rent
' rijat 1 taken for temporary use, rented to
issue for temporary use, rent out 2 lying, false, fictious
' zm Arabic 1 setting out, departing He left
for Peshawar. 2 intending (to do something)

'sh Arabic 1 beloved, loving passionately


fall, be in love 2 m. .1 in love 2.2 lover, amateur, admirer


1.2 ending; end, denouement, outcome, result 1.3 fate, lot 2 at

mystic 2.2 proper name Arif

' tifav Arabic propitious

' tif f. Arabic [plural: ' tif Arabic m.
' avtf] 1 sympathy, favor

1 expert, learned; wise; knowledgeable 2 m. .1

' rifn 1 competent 2 pious

' ar Arabic 1 naked, bare, nude

'atf Arabic 1 favorable, gracious, benevolent, kind 2


last, finally idiom

fortuitously; incidentally

' rijat
' rijt m. Arabic 1


to you!

plaintiff, petitioner; applicant

' rizn m.
' rf Arabic

insurrectionist 2.3 sinner, culprit


to accustom
to something, involve in something to get


shur f. Arabic the 10th day of the month

the 10th day of the month of Muharram

' s Arabic 1.1 disobedient, intractable, rebellious

used to, grown used to something

a to fall in love b to

sinful, culpable 2 m. .1 disobedient person 2.2 rebel;

'd Arabic 1 usual, ordinary, normal

ordinarily 2 simple

'shur f.

of Muharram (the anniversary of the death of the Imam Husein)

according to justice 2 justly

f. being in love; love

court, make advances to a girl

a walk! (as a cavalry command)

' dat 1 customary 2 habitual

' dl Arabic 1 just 2 m. [plural: ' udul] a just man
' diln 1 just to act justly, act

f. beloved

'shin 1.1 adjective love-, impassioned 1.2

passionately loving, in love 1.3 lyric 2 lovingly, passionately

a sensible step,
intelligent use of something

'iln 1.1 wise, sensible

prudent step

sensibly 1.2 able 2.1 wisely, sensibly 2.2 capably

1 'lm Arabic 1 m. .1 world, universe, cosmos 1.2 people
There were several thousand people there.1.3
incalculable multitude, immeasurable quantity, number 2
attributive huge, large

There were a great

number of people there.

'lm Arabic 1.1 learned 1.2 expert, well-informed,

knowing 2 m. [plural: ' lim n Arabic plural:

'ulem ] .1 learned man 2.2 theologian 2.3 proper name Alim

'lamgr 1 world, worldwide

world war 2

conquerer of the world, subjugator of the world

' lamgirijt
' limnum m.

m. world domination
well-read person (in the sense of one who has

a precise but mechanical grasp of a discrete body of literature)


Pashto-English Dictionary

' lam Arabic adjective world, worldwide

' l Arabic 1 high, higher higher education
institution of higher learning, institute 2 supreme
the Supreme Council of the USSR 3
ceremonial (of a meeting)

'lidzh h element of the title of and high-


'lidzhan b m. Arabic honorable person, noble person,

wellborn person

ignoramus 2 m. ignoramus

colloquial speech

1.2 highly-placed 1.3

'lidr official element of the title of premier and of

world, in the whole world 1.4 general, in general use, public 2

m. simple folk, the common people idiom


including, inclusively

' m-ul-manfa' Arabic adjective

' mfhm Arabic mfhma

in general use
understood, simple in

concept, popular

'ml m. Arabic 1 [plural: ' mil n Arabic plural:

'umm l] agent, designated representative 2 Arabic [plural:

'avml] reason, factor 3 [plural: ' mil n Arabic plural:

' umm l plural: ' amal] worker, executer 4 [plural:

' milna Arabic plural: ' avml] grammar
[plural: ' avml] medicine pathogenic organism
'miln 1 efficient, businesslike 2 energetic

a efficiently, in a bussinesslike manner b energetically

' mmabulijt m. popularity

' mv laj m. 1 the state of being usual

prevalence, diffusion 3 spreading, dissemination, wide

'mm-u-kh s m. aristocracy and the peasantry, high and

the low (levels of society)

' jd

Arabic 1 relating to, having a relationship to

'id t m. plural

jid t m. Arabic singular:

annual income
income tax

national income
' idt ' jidt adjective income, revenue
' ajsh Arabic proper name Ajsha
' j Arabic 1.1 hindering, impending 1.2
technology insulating 2 m. .1 hindrance, obstacle 2.2


'mavl denominative, transitive [past:

disseminate, introduce


' mm feminine plural of 1

' mmamasrf adjective consumer-, having wide

'i f.

ji f. Arabic

'i m. Arabic

plural: ' av] hindrance, obstacle

' ilav Arabic adjective family, familial

' il f. Arabic family
' ab f. Arabic aba (a woolen water-repellant cape)
1 'ib d masculine plural of 2
2 'ubb d m. Arabic plural of
' ibbt m. Arabic 1 worship (given to God or a god), cult (of
a god) 2 prayer ritual hymns, chanting
to worship God, pray
' ibdatz j m. ibdatkhn f. ibdatg h
m. temple, place of worship

'ibdat pious, religious

consisting of

'ibrt m. Arabic 1 meaning

, including

The family consists of the father, the mother, the children, and the
other relatives. 2 phrase, expression; turn of speech; grammar

preposition or postposition requiring an inflexion 5 Arabic


technology insulation, nonconductor

' lij feminine plural of

' m mm Arabic 1.1 usual, ordinary This is
the usual thing. 1.2 simple simple folk, the common
people 1.3 nationwide, common; general, universal the
Common Market general strike in the

'n f. Arabic anatomy pubis

income, receipts, revenue return

generals: His High Excellency

'medl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

disseminated, be introduced

excellent 2 element of the title of generals: His Excellency

'mijn 1 vulgar 2 demotic, colloquial

high ranks, official

personages (other than a minister and his deputy)

senior officer complement

' lish n 1.1 reknowned, well-known


'm mm Arabic 1 uneducated, ignorant

someone, something 2 receiving, incoming (of income)

' lidzhanb f. nobility

' lirutb highly placed

in other words, phrased

otherwise in short 3 style
' abb s m. Arabic proper name Abbas
' abbs history 1 adjective Abbasid 2 m. an Abbasid
' abs Arabic 1 vain, useless, idle; empty, worthless
empty words to talk nonsense
2 to no purpose, in vain,
uselessly, vainly to turn out to be in vain, be useless, to no
purpose His efforts turned out to be in vain.
' abasavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to waste,

squander (time, etc.)

'abasedl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to be in

vain, be useless, to no avail 2 to be lost, spent idly (time, etc.)

consumption, usage


Pashto-English Dictionary

'abd m. Arabic 1 [plural: ' abd plural: ' ubd n

plural: 'ibd n] slave, thrall 2 [plural: ' ib d] slave of God, a

man 3 element in person names


' abdulahd m. Arabic proper name Abdulahad

' abdulbi m. Arabic proper name Abdulbaqi
' abdulh m. Arabic Abdulhaq
' abdulhamd m. Arabic Abdul Hamid
' abdulhjj m. Arabic Abdulhaj
' abdurrahm n m. Arabic proper name

' abdurrahm m. Arabic proper name Abdurrahim

1 'abdurrahimz m. plural the Abdurrahimzai 2
abdurrahimzj m. Abdurrahimzai (tribesman)

' abdurrasl m. Arabic proper name Abdurrasul

' abdurrashd m. Arabic proper name Abdurrashid
' abdurraf m. Arabic proper name Abdurrauf
' abdussatt r m. Arabic proper name Abdusattar
' abuushshakr m. Arabic proper name Abdushakur
' abdullatf m. Arabic proper name Abdullatif
' abduzzhr Arabic proper name Abduzzahir
' abdul'azz m. Arabic proper name Abdulaziz
' abdulghaff r m. Arabic proper name Abdulghaffar
' abdulghafr m. Arabic proper name Abdulghafur
' abdulghan m. Arabic proper name Abdulghani
' abduldr m. Arabic proper name Abdulqadir
' abdull abdullh m. Arabic proper name Abdulla,

' abdulmadzhd m. Arabic proper name Abdulmajid

' abdunnab m. Arabic proper name Abdulnabi
' abdulvhd m. Arabic proper name Abdulwahid
' abdulvahh b m. Arabic proper name Abdulwahab
' abdl m. proper name Abdal
1 'abd f. Arabic slave, bondswoman
2 'abad m. Arabic plural of
' ibran ebran Arabic 1 Jewish 2 m. Jew
' ibrt m. Arabic example, lesson for others, edification
to draw conclusion for
oneself, take good note of to show an example
as an edification for others, in order to serve as an
example to others

' ibratn k instructive

' ibr
' abarijt m. Arabic genius
' ubr m. Arabic passage, passing; crossing, ford
impassable compound verb to pass through or over, to
get across

' ubur-u-murr m. movement, traffic, run (of transport)

' abs Arabic 1 stern; strict 2 morose, gloomy

'abus f. 1 sternness; strictness 2 moroseness, gloominess,

dismal look, appearance

1 'abd m. Arabic plural of 1

2 'ubajd m. Arabic 1 slave, bondsman; servant 2 believer
' ubajdull 'ubajdullh m. Arabic proper name Ubajdulla
' abidn obediently, docilely; humbly; servilely
' abr m. Arabic 1 fragrance, ambergris 2 regional saffron
' it b m. et b Arabic reproach; censure to reproach;

' at Arabic ancient, antique; very old

' ati f. Arabic antiquities, productions of ancient times
atiashin s m. 1 archeologist 2 antiquarian
atiashins f. archeology
archeological expedition

'osm n m. 'usm n Arabic proper name plural Osman,


' osmn Arabic 1 adjective Osmanli, Ottoman

history the Ottoman Empire 2 m.
Ottoman, Osmanli Turk


His Excellency (title of ministers

and ambassadors)

' edzhlt m. Arabic haste

' edzhltn Arabic 1 urgently, hurriedly

2 immediately, at


' edzh n m. Arabic anatomy perineum

' adzhb m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 2 miracles, wonders;
extraordinary things a wonders, curiosities b
surprising creations; monsters

' adzhib t masculine second plural of

' adzhibgr m. regional museum
' adzhb Arabic 1.1 surprising, amazing, astounding ...
It is surprising that ... It is most

astonishing of all that 1.2 strange 2 m. surprise, astonishment

! It is astounding! It is surprising!
' adzhba 1 feminine singular of

2 f. proper name


'adzhz m. Arabic 1 obedience, docility; submission 2

weakness, powerlessness, lack of strength


recognize one's lack of strength or one's weakness

' adzhal f. Arabic haste, impetuosity

' adzhm m. Arabic singular & plural

non-Arabs; Iranians,

Persians; Tajiks

'adzham m. Arabic singular & plural 1.1 non-Arabs;

Iranians, Persians; Tajiks 1.2 inexperienced; ill-informed 2 m.

military recruit, rookie, untrained soldier

' adzhl Arabic quick, smart, bright

' adzhuln quick, speedy

Pashto-English Dictionary

... It's even

'adzhb Arabic surprising, strange, unusual


disharmony, dissent

surprising that

' adzhibushshkl Arabic unusual, of strange appearance

1 'adzhba feminine singular of
2 'adzhib Arabic 1 feminine singular of 2 f. [plural:
' adzhb] wonder
' id d m. Arabic 1 counting, calculation 2 category, sort
' adlt m. Arabic 1 justice 2 equity to
administer justice 3 court, tribunal tribal court
military tribunal ecclesiastical court
regional court costs
' adlatpasnd just, equitable
' advt m. Arabic hostility; enmity
to be or become hostile to someone
' add m. Arabic [plural: ' adadna Arabic plural:
a'd d] 1 number, amount, numerical strength 2 item 3 grammar

' adad Arabic numerical

' ads m. Arabic lentil
' adas 1 f. lense, optical glass; objective

2.1 lenticular,

lense-like 2.2 biconvex

'adl m. Arabic 1 justice, equity 2 equitableness

'idl m. Arabic half a load; pile; piece (of goods)

' adl Arabic forensic forensic medicine

' adlij f. Arabic justice, equity court, tribunal
Ministry of Justice
International Court
'adm Arabic 1 m. .1 absence

in the absence of

1.2 nonexistence 2 combining form non-, anti-

disorder; indiscipline

' adamakhl m. Arabic immorality

' adamit't m. Arabic insubordination, disobedience
' adamitmin n m. Arabic uncertainty
' adami'tib r m. Arabic distrust
' adamiktish f m. Arabic lack of development,


'adamrizjt m. Arabic displeasure; discontent;


'adamshumulijt m. Arabic nonparticipation; keeping

aloof from something

'adamsalahijt m. Arabic 1 incompetence 2


' adamfhm m. Arabic incomprehension

' adammudkhalt m. Arabic noninterference
noninterference in internal affairs
' adammusv t m. Arabic inequality
' adammusdat m. Arabic insincerity
' adammuvfat m. Arabic discord, dissent
' adammavdzhudijt m. Arabic absence
' adammuvaffaijt m. Arabic failure, failing, unsuccess
1 'adn m. Arabic Aden (city)
2 'adn m. Arabic Paradise, Eden
' adv m. Arabic [plural: a'd ] (mortal) enemy, foe,

'udl m. Arabic 1 deviation; divergence; moving away


to deviate; diverge; move away 2

2 'udl m. Arabic plural of 2

' iddi f. Arabic 1 number 2 multitude
' adl Arabic even, equal, the same (as)
' az b m. Arabic torment, torture to
suffer as a result of someone's action to torture

'azbavl denominative, transitive [past:

torture, torment


'azbedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

tormented, be tortured to languish

'zr zr m. Arabic apology, excuse; occasion, cause, reason

introduce arguments, give motives for to ask for
absolution, ask for forgiveness Eastern to refuse, decline
to agree with someone's arguments to
justify oneself by some means; excuse oneself to
(for a refusal, etc.)



' adambaladijt m. Arabic unfamiliarity, nonaquaintance

' adamtasbt m. Arabic instability
' adamtadzhrib f. Arabic inexperience
' adamtashaddd m. Arabic nonresistance to evil
' adamtansb m. Arabic disproportion
' adamtavzn m. Arabic lack of equilibrium; unstable

insubordination, disobedience

' adamiltif t m. Arabic lack of consideration, disdain

' adamintiz m m. Arabic disorder; indiscipline
' adamahammijt m. Arabic disdain, disregard, lack of


'adamtavadzhdzhh f. Arabic lack of consideration,


bale of cotton

'adamtavf m. Arabic disagreement, absence of accord;

a valid reason

apologize profusely; bring forth all kinds of excuses or reasons

' uzrdzhn
' uzrkhvh f. request for forgiveness


apologize profusely

' uzrmn
' ar b m. Arabic plural of
' arb f. vehicle, bullock cart; military
' arbkah draft (of animals)

gun-carriage, caisson

Pashto-English Dictionary

'ard f. Arabic 1 wheel 2 carriage 3 enumerative classifier

used in counting cannons, vehicles, carriages, automobiles, trucks


'arabij 1 f. Arabia

plural of

Saudi Arabia 2 feminine &

arshkurs f. regional 1 heavens,

empyrean 2 throne; religion Divine Throne; throne of God

' arshimu'all f. heavens, empyrean

' ars f. Arabic 1 field, arena 2 field of battle, field of combat
1 'arz m. Arabic report; petition, request to report,
say respectfully I can only say that
to say respectfully to
be reported to someone I should say
to report to someone; respectfully inform
2 'arz m. Arabic 1 width, breadth 2 geography latitude
south latitude north latitude
3 'arz m. Arabic [plural: ' ar z] 1 symptom 2
chance 3 external characteristic; phenomena which are external to

the substance of a subject

'rzn Arabic 1 in breadth, in depth 2 diagonally, in cross


' arz-al-bald
' arzbeg m.

arz-ul-bald m. Arabic latitude

official of the chancellery in charge of

receiving complaints (in the Ministry of the Court of Afghanistan)

'arzch m.

arzd r m.

arzvl m.


' arzv laj m. width, breadth

' arz f. 1 supply (of goods, production) supply
and demand compound verb to supply (goods); to
market compound verb a to be supplied (goods) b to
be shown, demonstrated (of goods at an exhibition) 2 submission
(of a report)

official record of a divorce 2 usual, based on custom

'ar m. Arabic 1 sweat 2 arrack, vodka 3 distillation

rose water
[plural: ' ur] 1 family, clan; descent

product 4 essence idiom

' ir m. Arabic
family, clan; descent

2 vessel (blood circulatory); vein,


ir-un-nis f. anatomy sciatic nerve

' ars f. Arabic bride
' arz m. Arabic prosody (a system of versification), poetry
' ur m. Arabic plural of 2
' arz Arabic wide, broad
' ariz f. Arabic [plural: ' ariz Arabic m. plural:
' arz] request, petition director of the
Department of Petitions (for the prime minister)

'arsh m. Arabic

local customs 3 regional nickname

' irf n m. Arabic knowledge, education
' irfn cultural, educational
' urf 1 based on civil law contract
contrasted to shariat or religious law) 2 custom, habit, wont

' ardakh
' ir m. Iraq
' ir 1 adjective Iraqi 2 m. Iraqi (person)
' araz m. Arabic plural of
' arb m. Arabic [plural: ' ar b Arabic plural:
'urb n] Arab, Arabs Saudi Arabia
dzhmi'-ji The League of Arab Nations
the Arabian Sea
' arabist n m. Arabia Saudi Arabia
the Arabian desert
' arba f. Arab woman Arab woman
' arab Arabic 1 adjective Arabian; Arab, Arabic
the Arab League the
United Arab Republic, the UAR
the Syrian Arab Republic 2 f. Arabic, the Arabic

'urf m. Arabic 1 common law; civil law; secular law (as

'arz f. petition; letter from an subordinate

' arizach m. petitioner

' ariz f. width, breadth
' azb Arabic celibate, unmarried
izzt m. honor, glory the Badge of Honor
self-respect honored and esteemed people
to honor someone to show honor; do
honor (to)

' izzatull m. Arabic proper name Izatulla

' izzat-an-nfs m. Arabic self-respect; sense of

' izzatd r
' izzatm b civil servants lower than
' izzatmnd izzatn k esteemed, honored
' izzathamr izzathamr h element of the title of generals
' azrl m. Arabic religion Azrail, Angel of Death
' azl m. Arabic dismissal, removal compound verb to
dismiss, remove

'uzlt m. Arabic solitude, hermit's life

to seek

solitude, become a hermit, lead the life of a hermit

' uzlat m. & f. Arabic hermit; recluse; hermitess

' azm m. Arabic 1 decisiveness; stubbornness, persistance
to work persistently, doggedly
indecisiveness 2 intent; decision firm decision
to make a firm decision
' azz Arabic 1 dear, lovable, desired to love; esteem 2
m. [plural: a'izz ] .1 close friend 2.2 relative 3 [plural:
' aziz n] a clansmen, relations, kinsmen b Brothers! (form
of address) 4 proper name Aziz


'aziztb m.

aziztj f.

Pashto-English Dictionary

' azizdar f. relationship through marriage

' azizgalv f. ' azizv laj m.

'aziz f. 1

kinship relations between an uncle, nieces, or nephews 2


along the

route to depart 2 resoluteness, resolution

' askr m. Arabic plural of 2
' usr m. usrt m. Arabic difficulties; straits
financial difficulties

'askr m. Arabic 1 singular & plural troops; army 2

[plural: ' askar n Arabic plural: ' askr] trooper,

warrior, soldier

bias, prejudice

martial law adjective .1

army, troop, military military service 1.2 martial
'askar 1

(e.g., of a song) 1.3 soldierly 2 m. trooper, warrior, soldier

' askarijt m. military service; military profession

' asl m. Arabic plural honey
official abbreviation the title of a

' ash f. Arabic religion 1 evening meal 2 evening

' ashr Arabic decimal, tenfold
' asharij f. decimal fraction 5.9
' ushr m. Arabic [plural: ' ush r] 1 tenth part of
something 2 tithe (tax)

' ashar t m. Arabic plural [singular: ]tenths

' ishrt m. Arabic entertainment; feast, banquet; merriment,
joy a to enjoy life b to feast, banquet
' ish m. Arabic love to love; be in love, fall in love
to love one's work Love

era 2 dusk, time just before evening 3 prayer at dusk, vesper


' asrn f. evening reception; evening

' asr Arabic contemporary, modern a modern
hotel to modernize to be modernized
' asrijt m. Arabic 1 modernity 2 novelty
' asriked m. plural modernization
' asrij f. Arabic supper, evening meal
Supper took place later.
' usfr m. Arabic [plural: ' asfr] 1 sparrow 2 small

' ismt m. Arabic 1 chastitiy; purity 2 proper name Ismat

' ismatull m. Arabic proper name Ismatulla
' usr m. Arabic plural of
' isij n m. Arabic rebellion; uprising, mutiny
' asr m. Arabic digestive juices
' azal t azul t m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 musculature
' azlt azult muscular; physical physical
strength physical labor
' azalav azulav Arabic muscular
' azal 'azul f. Arabic [plural: ' azal plural: 'azul m.
Arabic plural plural: ' azal t plural: 'azult] muscle
biceps to be muscular, be brawny
' uzv m. Arabic [plural: a'z ] 1 anatomy member,
organ 2 member (of an organization, society); a participant in

cannot be compelled.

' ashb d m. Ashkabad (city)

' ishbz f. amorous intrigue; making advances,
flirting to make advances
' ishpech f. Eastern botany ivy
ish love, amorous love lyric
' ishv f. Arabic coquettishness; playfulness
official abreviation of the title of counsellors,
deputy ministers, directors of finance, and chiefs of directorates

' as f. Arabic staff; cane; baton

' usr f. Arabic juice (squeezed out of fruit, etc.), extract
' asksh m. leader, guide
' asfr m. Arabic plural of
' asb m. Arabic [plural: a's b] nerve
' asbn Arabic 1 nervous; irritable 2 angry with, enraged at
' asbnnijt m. ashbnitb m. Arabic 1
nervousness; irritability 2 rage, wrath, ire

'asab Arabic 1 nervous


nervous affliction,

the nervous system 2 psychic (of

'asr m. Arabic [plural: ' asrna Arabic plural:

a's r plural: a'sr plural: ' usr] 1 century, epoch,

to love, esteem

'azimt m. Arabic 1 exit, departure

'asabijt m. Arabic 1 zeal 2 fanaticism 3 intransigence 4


' zva f. anatomy member, organ; extremity

1 'uzv Arabic organic organic chemistry
organic substances products of

2 'zvi feminine plural of

' uzvijt m. Arabic 1 organism living
organism the human organism 2 membership
corresponding-member of the Academy
to be a member (of an organization, society)
to elect as an honorary member
' ata f. Arabic grant, gift; donation to bestow on

' ataull 'ataullh m. Arabic personal name Ataulla

' att r m. Arabic dealer in gums and dyestuffs; seller of

perfumes or apothecary goods; trader in small grocery items

' utard
' attr

m. Arabic astronomy Mercury (the planet)

f. trade in perfumes, gums, dyestuffs, apothecary, or

small grocery items



Pashto-English Dictionary

' atr itr m. Arabic plural 1 perfumes 2 scent, fragrance

to make oneself or something smell sweet or fragrant
' atrmz aromatic, fragrant scent, fragrance
' atrd n m. small box or vial for scents
' atrkash f. perfume production
' atr 'itr Arabic aromatic; sweet-smelling
' atrij t 'itrij t m. Arabic plural fragrances, aromatic

back, backwards 2.2 behind, from behind

connection; contiguity; association (with)

'aab t] danger, dangerous moment, risk

'atfavl denominative, transitive [past:

(attention), attract (attention)


' utuft m. Arabic leaning, bent, disposition

' atij f. Arabic gift natural gift
1 'uz m uzz m Arabic most high
2 'iz m Arabic plural of
' azamt m. Arabic 1 greatness; excellence 2

'ub f. Arabic 1 the other world, world beyond the grave

'ad m. Arabic [plural: ' adna Arabic plural:

contraction (of marriage) 4 agreement; treaty; transaction

trade agreements, trade deals

a to

conclude an agreement b to contract (a marriage)

agree, conclude an agreement

2 'id m. Arabic 1 collar 2 necklace

' ad kavnkaj m. trade contractor
' ud f. Arabic 1 knot, tying a knot 2 anatomy


nerve bundle 3 difficulty; hindrance, obstacle, muddled affair 4

honor, glory 3

speech defect

a position of prime

'azm Arabic [plural: ' iz m] 1 .1 great, huge 1.2

important, high 1.3 outstanding, famous (e.g., a poet) 2 m.

'aab Arabic 1 Arabic adjective rear

'ud] 1 conclusion (of a treaty) 2 convocation (of a meeting) 3

Great Powers

' azim-al-dzhuss Arabic enormous, gigantic

' azimtra most high
official abbreviation district chief
official abbreviation title of general

abbreviation 1 title of the
province chief 2 title of a general
' ift m. Arabic modesty, chastity, feminine honor
' ifrt m. Arabic afreet (a powerful evil spirit or gigantic and
monstrous demon in Arabic mythology)

' af'af 1 m. bark (of a dog) 2 onomatopoeia bowwow

' afv m. application; petition; pardon, forgiveness to
ask forgiveness to forgive
' ufunt m. ufun f. Arabic 1 decay; decomposition 2
infection; contagion antiseptic, disinfectant
' ufun 1 rotten, decayed 2 infectious, contagious
' fva f.
' aff Arabic modest; chaste; maidenly
1 'u b m. Arabic eagle; plains or steppe eagle
2 'i b m. punishment, retribution
' ad m. plural ajd m. Arabic plural of

'arb m. Arabic 1 scorpion 2 astronomy Scorpio (the

constellation) 3 Akrab (the 8th month of the solar year; October-

minister b Chancellery, Office of the Prime Minister

proper name Azim idiom

rear detachment, reserve 2 behind, rear, back, hind

to pay

haughtiness, arrogance

(towards), sympathy; compassion (for)

'uzm f. Arabic of


'aab f. Arabic [plural: ' aab m. Arabic plural:

compound verb to join, unite 4 leaning

2 result

consideration, etc.) 2 attatchment, liking for someone 3

'aabnishin f. retreat; withdrawal

retreat; withdraw

substances; perfumes

' ats f. Arabic sneezing

' atf m. Arabic 1 treatment (paying of attention, giving of

'ab Arabic 1 m. Arabic rear; back part of something 2.1


' arabk m. arab f. hand (of a clock, etc.), indicator

' aararh f. Arabic botany 1 Pyrethrum 2 chamomile
' l l m. Arabic [plural: ' alna Arabic plural:
' ul] mind, intellect; reason practical intelligence
to teach sense inconceivable,
impossible Eastern This isn't
sinking into my head. He is a real numbskull.
He's making a fool of himself.
' al khvadzedlaj not (mentally) normal, crazy, mad
' alfurush f. conceit
' almn almnd
' al Arabic 1 intelligent; intellectual 2 positive, based on
experience or facts 3 psychic, mental

' alijt m. level of intellectual development

' aalij indeclinable mental, intellectual


or mental illness

' ud m. Arabic plural of 1

' aidt m. Arabic
' aidatmnd m. partisan, supporter of some particular
teaching, doctrine, or theory

'aid f. [plural: ' aid m. Arabic plural:

to believe, suppose .
Many suppose that 2 opinion; conviction
in my opinion to express an opinion
to act out of conviction

'ad] 1 belief


Pashto-English Dictionary

' aidamnd 1 convinced 2 supposing, considering

' aidamand f. conviction
' a m. Arabic geology carnelian, sard
' ai f. Arabic tuft, fluff (of hair)
' am Arabic 1 fruitless; barren; childless 2 unavailing, futile
ineffectually, futilely 3 unproductive
' aimavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
render fruitless, render futile to break the

' akk s m. Arabic photograph

1 'akks f. 1 photographing camera
aerial photography, photogrammetry 2 photographic
2 'aks f. acacia
' aks m. Arabic 1 reflection He
saw his reflection in the water. 2 snapshot, photograph
to take a photo, photograph 3 contrast, antithesis, opposition
Their viewpoints are
diametrically opposed. in spite of this
on the other hand, on the contrary
compound verb to engrave, stamp, reflect
' aks akhistnkaj m. photographer
' aks-ul-'aml m. Arabic 1 reaction, reacting 2 reflexes
' aksbardr f. photographing, photography
' al-ul-itlk Arabic in general, overall
' il dzh m. Arabic 1 cure; remedy, medicine; healing
to receive treatment, undergo treatment 2 way out,
means compound verb
Now I am going to settle accounts with you! Now

concern 2 official post of alakadar (local headman or senior local


' al larnkaj interested (having an interest in)

al larnki the interested powers
alk larnki the interested parties
' alamnd 1.1 interested (having an interest in) 1.2
relating to something; concerned with something 1.3 interested

enemy's attack

in, keen on 2 m. fan, aficionado



add, augment 2 besides, furthermore

above all Eastern besides

except them Eastern except, besides
' al m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 interests 3 concern 4
devotion 5 relations, interrelationships friendly
relations, amicable relations close cultural ties
' illt m. Arabic [plural: ' illatna m. Arabic plural:
'ill] 1 reason, factor for whatever reason
'illat 1 sick, ill; unhealthy 2 defective, having a definciency, a


1 to

'al ila f. Arabic [plural: ' al plural: 'ila m.

Arabic plural: ' al plural: ' al t] 1 state of

having an interest in; interest, concern; diposition, arrangement

interested party 2
relation; connection, interest a to establish a
relationship with someone a to maintain a
relationship with someone b to sympathize with someone
You feel for me deeply. b to take an interest in
someone to break off a relationship with
someone 3 district, region, territory
'alabnd m. gold-lace maker, braid maker
'alad r 1.1 relating to something 1.2 having an interest

in something 2 m. official alakadar (local headman or senior


to be interested in

' all m Arabic religion omniscient (one of the epithets of God)

' almt m. Arabic [plural: ' almatna Arabic
plural: ' alm t] 1
1 alm f. Arabic 1 sign; mark, emblem, token 2 symbol,
badge 3 signal, sign road signs
2 'allm Arabic erudite, learned
' elvtn 'ilvtn besides, in addition
' elv 'ilv Arabic f. 1 addition, augmentation to


there may be 2 illness; indisposition 3 flaw, defect

heal, cure 2 to teach someone a lesson; settle accounts with

'alamand f. interest; concern

evoke interest

here's a way out (of a situation).

' ildzhpazr curable

' iladzhnpazr 1 incurable 2 literal incorrigible
' ildzhavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

'aladr f. 1 interest (state of having an interest in);

' alf m. Arabic 1 grass 2 forage

' alafchr m. 1 tax on pasturage 2 pastureland
' alaf 1 herbaceous 2 hempen; made of hemp fibers, etc.
' ilk m. Arabic mastic (a vegetable resin)
ill m. Arabic plural of
1 'alm m. Arabic [plural: ' ilmna plural: ' ulm]
knowledge; science ' ilm-i... literature (as a study)
academic disciplines, subjects Academy of
Sciences social sciences faculty of
physics and mathematics idiom No one even
knows about this. He has completed the
Medressese (i.e., Moslem theological school).

'alm m. Arabic 1 banner, flag; pennant 2 famous man,

oustanding man 3 proper name Alim

' ulam m. Arabic of 2

' ilm-ul-insn m. Arabic anthropology
' ilm-ut-ta'lm m. Arabic pedagogy, educational science
' ilm-ul-dzharm m. Arabic criminology

Pashto-English Dictionary

' ilm-ul-dzhann m. Arabic embryology

' ilm-ur-rh m. Arabic psychology (science)
' ilm-ut-tabi'j f. Arabic 1 natural science 2 physics
' ilmvar f. familiarization, scrutiny, examination
' alambard r m. flag bearer
' ilmdst m. patron of science
' ilmfursh m. pedant
' ilmfurush f. pedantry
' ilmukhabr m. 1 declaration (customs) 2 military
certificate of service

scientific activity 2
scholarly, academic academic degree
' ilmijt m. learning, erudition learned man,

'alajkumassal m Arabic And greetings to you! I give

you greeting! (the response to the greeting )

' alig

m. 1 Aligar (city, India) 2 Aligar (the Moslem

university in the city of Aligar)

' all Arabic weak, ill

' ali-masdzhd m. Ali-Masjd (settlement, Khyber District)
' alij Arabic feminine singular of
davlt-i-'alij-ji High Afghan Goverment (the official name of

'ilm Arabic 1 scientific

'aljhi 'aljh Arabic combining form 1 on him; over him 2 to


erudite person

Arabic religion May the mercy of God be unto

Arabic religion abbreviation

'alajhassal m May he

rest in peace!

' alnn Arabic openly, publicly

' alan 1 evident, obvious; open, public 2 frank
' ulvv m. Arabic 1 height, altitude, eminence 2 grandeur
' uluf f. Arabic forage; provisions (military)
' ulm m. plural of 1
1 'ulv Arabic 1 high, superlative 2 heavenly

' im d m. Arabic support; column

' imduddn m. Arabic proper name Imaduddin
' imrt m. Arabic building; structure
' imr f. Arabic palanquin (on the back of an elephant or

1 'om n m. Arabic Oman

2 'amm n m. Amman
' amd m. Arabic design, intent
' umd Arabic 1 chief, principal 2 f. substance, the main thing
' umdafurush f. wholesale sales, wholesale trade
1 'umr 'mr m. Arabic [plural: a'm r] 1 life, human
lifetime in one's life, in one's lifetime
Life, time takes its course ! ! I wish
you a long life! to live, pass through life 2 time
! How long ago this was!
Some little time passed. 3 age an
elderly man to come of age, attain majority

heavenly bodies 3 beyond the clouds


'alav m. Arabic 1 descendant of Ali 2 Ali-ite, follower of


' ulvij n m. Arabic plural heavenly bodies

' ulvijt m. Arabic high position
' al Arabic 1 high, most high 2 m. proper name Ali
the Imam Ali
' al combining form on, according to, in accordance with (as
the initial element of Arabic compounds) especially,
particularly, for the most part

' ulj feminine singular of

' alib d m. Arabic Aliabad (district, Kabul)
' ulijhazrt f. Her Highness (title of a queen)
' al-ul-itl
' alnfir d Arabic separately, individually
' allhis b Arabic according to the account or the count
' allkhuss Arabic especially, in particular, for the


Arabic official according to echelon, by

'illijt m. Arabic philosophy causality


1, 3 Ministry of

the Labor Party (in England)

(of a youth)

1 modern

conveniences, services and utilities (of a municipality) 2 well-

Arabic hastily, hurriedly

command level, in order of subordination

2 'umr m. Arabic proper name Omar, Umar

' umr n m. Arabic [plural: ' umrn t]

most part

' all'adzhal
' allmartb

'umm l m. Arabic plural of



' alahid 'alaid Arabic 1 separate 2 separately

' alishr m. proper name Alisher
' aljka Arabic ! Greetings to you!
' aljk saljk m. Arabic greeting
to exchange greetings We exchanged

' umrn t m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 construction

' umrn 1 relating to services and utilities modern
conveniences 2 adjective construction
the State Plan for Construction
' umr 1.1 eternal, constant 1.2 final; conclusive 1.3 life, for
life to sentence to life, imprisonment 2 for
life, forever, always

'um m. Arabic [plural: a'm] depth

'aml m. Arabic [plural: ' amalna Arabic plural:

a'm l] 1 business, work, labor


action; act, deed


to act; take action

division of labor 2

Pashto-English Dictionary

Why didn't you do as I told you?

to disseminate widely,
introduce 2 social, public; nationwide public garden
civil aircraft 3 general general
assembly governor-general; viceroy 4 world-;
universal world literature idiom in

proverb A good deed will not be forgotten for a lifetime. 3 math


the four operations of arithmetic 4

theoretical knowledge and

to bring some idea into
effectual practice 6 operation, action 7 process the

history power 5 practice


process of combustion 8 biology function 9 drug addiction 10

medicine defecation; cleaning out the bowels idiom
in actuality, indeed idiom

( )

at nine o'clock

' amln Arabic practically, indeed; clearly, graphically

' amalbnd medicine suffering from constipation, constipated
' amald r m. obsolete governor, ruler of a province
' amaldr f. 1 jurisdiction 2 competence 3
sphere of authority

' amalgar f. physical work; manual labor

' amalnm f. 1 protocol, written record 2

deed of

property, deed of ownership of land

' amal f. Arabic plural from ' ml 1 team, crew

crew of a ship crew of a tank
firefighting crew, firemen 2 workers; workforce; employees;
(service) personnel; table of organization; organizational
infrastructure 3 retainers; servants

'amal aml 1.1 practical


a to

bring into practice, effect, put into practical operation b to

perform, execute (e.g., a song)

a to be put into practice,

be effected; be put into operation, be performed, be executed (of a


practically, indeed, in reality 1.2 practical;

main telegraph office

general, generally

' umumij t m. 1 plural of 2 common phenomena

' umumijt m. Arabic 1 community, communality,
universality 2 popularity to be popular
to obtain popularity, become popular 3 dissemination,
introduction to disseminate widely, introduce,

' imumiked m. plural wide dissemination, introduction

' amm f. Arabic aunt (father's sister)
' am Arabic 1 deep, profound 2 deeply into something
to go deeply into, penetrate deeply into something
' an directly; right up to; exactly
' unn b m. Arabic plural botany jujube (tree and fruit)
in d m. Arabic obstinacy to be obstinate, show
obstinacy to be obstinate
' ind obstinate
' ansr m. Arabic plural of
' ansirparast f. bowing to the forces of nature
' in n m. Arabic 1 uzda, rein 2 reins (of government)
' anvn m. Arabic plural of
' injt m. Arabic favor, grace to show grace,
demonstrate favor

' amalijt operational

' amalijt m. amalij f. Arabic process
' amaliked m. plural putting into practice or effect,

' inajatull inajatullh m. Arabic proper name Inayatulla

' anb-us-salb m. Arabic solanum, morel
' ambr m. Arabic plural ambergris
' ambarbj fragrant, sweet-smelling, aromatic
' ambar having the color or scent of ambergris
' nchi even 2
' ndu 'nda Arabic at, in the presence of, near, around (as the
initial element of Arabic compounds) when possible,

' am m. Arabic uncle (father's brother)

' amd m. Arabic 1 vertical or perpendicular line; a

' amdn Arabic vertically; plumb, sheer perpendicularly

' amud Arabic vertical; sheer, plumb, perpendicular
a vertical or perpendicular line; a perpendicular
' amudijt m. Arabic verticality; sheerness, plumbness;

' ind-az-zarurt Arabic

' ind-ul-luzm insofar as is possible
' andalb m. Arabic 1 blackbird 2 poetry nightingale
' ind Arabic 1 subjective 2 made-up, fabricated, fictitious,

efficient 2 m. .1 smoker 2.2 drug addict

' amalij t 1 plural of 2 operation, action, activity

military operation, action urgent
measures 3 operation (surgical) operating table 4

bringing into operation, execution, performance

perpendicular 2 pole; column; support

when an opportunity offers itself

circles, in fields

' umum Arabic 1 general, universal; principal, main, chief

general meeting

'ind-ul-imk n Arabic when possible, when the

opportunity arises


' umm m. Arabic entire nation, whole population

' ummn Arabic 1 generally; in general 2 in broad areas, in

'ind-ul-itiz Arabic in case of necessity or need


' unsr m. Arabic [plural: ' unsurna Arabic plural:

' ansr] 1 element chemical elements
elements table 2 composite part; component element
3 (basic, primal) element the four elements of nature
(earth, water, fire, air)


Pashto-English Dictionary

' unsur Arabic elementary, primary, initial; basic (of a rule)

' an'an t m. Arabic plural of
' an'anav traditional
' an'anavijt m. Arabic traditional character, traditional

'ivz 1.1 f. substitution, replacement


substitute for or replace someone 1.2 m. regional deputy 2.1

mutual, reciprocal 2. 2 regional substitute

' an'an f. Arabic tradition according to tradition

' an'an'apasnd adhering to tradition; conservative
' unf m. Arabic 1 oppression, force, violence 2 cruelty,
brutality exceedingly cruelly
' an f. mythology phoenix
' anv uncommon, rare, marvelous
' anarb Arabic soon, shortly thereafter, immediately

' av 'v m.
1 'hd m. Arabic 1 promise, obligation; assurance
to oblige, obligate by promises, by pledges 2
treaty, agreement a to promise, obligate oneself; assure
He pledged his word. b to conclude a treaty
2 'ahd m. geology epoch, period
tertiary period primitive, primeval people
' ahdshikn breaking a promise, obligation, or treaty
' ahdshikan f. breaking of a promise or obligation,

' ankabt m. Arabic spider

' ankabut spider-like, arachnoid
' inv n unv n m. Arabic [plural: ' invnna Arabic
plural: ' anvn] 1 title, heading; name, appellation
under the name of trading firm 2 address
addressed to someone 3 method, way, form

' ahdnm f. 1 written obligation 2 treaty; convention

' uhd f. Arabic 1 promise; obligation 2 responsibility 3
post, appointment

to deal with some matter
' uhdad r m. regional 1 official, functionary; staff-official



violation of a treaty

2 noncommissioned officer

under the guise, pretext of; by way of, means of

1 'und m. Arabic stubbornness; obstinacy

2 'and Arabic stubborn, obstinate
' anudn 1 stubborn; obstinate 2 stubbornly; obstinately
' nha Arabic from him
' anf m. Arabic despot, oppressor
' innn Arabic 1 weak, powerless 2 impotent
avv f. Arabic astronomy Botes (the constellation)
' avrz m. Arabic plural 1 from 2 folds (accidents
of terrain) relief (natural features) 3
used for diverse types of monetary collections

' avtf m. Arabic plural of

' avb m. Arabic plural of
' av m m. Arabic common people
' avmfarb avmfarb m. demagogue
' avmfareb f. demagoguery
' avml m. Arabic plural of 2, 4, 5


of production

' avam demotic, pertaining to the common people

' av m. Arabic plural of
1 'aud m. Arabic return
2 'ud m. Arabic ud, oud (a kind of stringed musical instrument)
3 'ud m. Arabic 1 botany aloe 2 stick, staff, rod
' audt m. Arabic 1
' aurt m. Arabic sexual organs, private parts
' avrta f. 1
' ivz m. Arabic substitution, replacement
in exchange for, instead of, in place of
instead of, in place of someone to replace

' uhdadr f. government service; office, post

to serve
' ijdt m. Arabic visitation to a sick person
to visit a sick person

'ij r 'aj r m. Arabic 1 assay (of precious metals) 2 touchstone

(of a jeweler) 3 standard, criterion

' aij sh m. Arabic fast-liver, playboy, sybarite

' aijash f. enjoyment of life; sybaritism; amusement
' aj l ej l m. Arabic family kith and kin
' ajld r adjective family-, having a family
' ajl familial, family
' aj n 'ej n Arabic obvious, visible, clear to show,
display to appear, make one's appearance
' ajb m. Arabic [plural: ' ajbna Arabic plural:
'ujb] deficiency, defect, flaw to recognize
one's shortcomings
proverb literal One's own flaw is a rivulet, that of another is a

whole countryside. figurative to see a mote in the eye of another,

but not a beam in one's own eye idiom

to discredit

a to blame, impute blame b to

censure, judge

' ajbph concealing flaws, hiding shortcomings

' ajbpoh f. concealment of flaws, hiding of shortcomings
' ajbdzhn
' ajbdzh ajbdzh 1 discrediting someone; saying spiteful
things 2 m. slanderer; hostile critic

' ajbgj m. slanderer; hostile critic

' ajbgir f. captiousness
' ajbn k flawed, having a flaw, defective

Pashto-English Dictionary

'ajb 1 flawed, having a flaw, defective 2 trainted, imperfect

idiom He became blind. He was struck blind.

' id m. Arabic religion holiday; celebration !
! Have a happy holiday! Happy Eid!
' idg h m. large mosque (where celebrations are conducted);
place for festivities

' id Arabic religion holiday festivity

' isj is
' isijt m.
' isav 1 Christian (of chronology), A.D.
It was 1879 according to the Christian chronology.

m. Christian

' isavijt m. Arabic Christianity, Christian faith

' is m. proper name Jesus Jesus Christ
' iskhl m. plural 1 the Isakhakhejli (a branch of the
Ahmedzai-Gilzai and other tribes) 2 m. Isakhejl (tribesman)

' ajsh m. Arabic enjoyment of life; pleasure ,

merriment; the good life, life of merriment, pleasure
to live the good life, live a life of pleasure
to enjoy life; enjoy oneself
1 'ajn m. Arabic the name of the letter
2 'ajn m. Arabic [plural: a'j n Arabic plural:
'ujn] 1 eye 2 source, wellspring 3 essence, essential substance

jn-i at the height of the battle

at the same time, simultaneously He

4 at the height of

5 kind (as in "payment in kind")


died at the height of his power.

' jnn Arabic 1 precisely, letter-for-letter 2 exactly

' ajnk m. regional ajnka f. usually plural
ajnki glasses, spectacles
to put on glasses
1 'ajn Arabic 1 eye-, optic, visual 2 one-and-the-same,
identical 3 objective philosophy objective reality 4
material material needs, requirements
2 'ajni 2 3
' ajnij t m. Arabic plural equipment, material
' ajnijt m. Arabic 1 identity, identicalness, sameness 2.1

ghtr m. mule
ghl ghl m. 1 poppy 2
ghj m. 1, 2
ghr m. Arabic 1 cave, grotto

2 burrow; den, lair 3 nest (for

wasps) 4 anthill

ghrt m. Arabic robbery; destruction, ravage, ruin

ghratgr m. marauder; bandit, robber
ghratgar f. marauding; pillage, robbery
ghrm m. plural heat, hot weather, sultriness
Today it is very hot.
ghrndna f. ghrozna f. round-head (kind of

ghr ghrj gluttonous, voracious, insatiable

ghr regional knowledgeable, well-informed; knowing a

matter, business well

ghrin m. pileate (capped) mushroom

ghbodzhn m. 1.1 fissure (in the skin); ulcer


suffering from cracking skin; ulcers (behind the ear, between the
fingers) 2 ulcerated, cracked, with sores (of the skin)

ghbodzhnedl denominative, intransitive [past:

] to crack, be covered with cracks or ulcers (of the skin)
ghpj f. scarf, muffler
ghakj f. bandolier, ammunition belt
ghgj f. necklace
gh having a long neck, long-necked
gh a f. 1 neck to embrace someone
a to embrace (one another) b not to get along
to fall on the neck of, to go to someone in a time of
emotional need, hug
Ahmeds sister fell upon his neck and burst into tears. 2 throat,
gullet; pharynx

to strangle

larynx, windpipe

to clear one's throat

a to cry out at the top of one's lungs b to wheeze; lose one's
voice to grab someone by the throat; fight with
someone 3 collar 4 neck (of a vessel) 5 shore, bank
The road runs along the shore of the river.
the other (the far) bank this (the near) bank 6
edge; side (of road, etc.) go along the side 7
song; melody a to sing b to be proud (of)
Zainab is proud of his son. a sing b play
(i.e., on the reed-pipe) ! Play a bit on the reed-pipe!
idiom ( very) proudly
haughtily to pay a debt a to pay off a debt
b to be content with something !
This book does not suffice for me; give me another!
to be subordinate to someone to
be obedient to someone; obey someone's orders
to acknowledge something They
surrendered. They submitted. a to bow the head;

objectivity, objectiveness 2.2 objectivism

' ujb m. Arabic plural of

' ujn m. Arabic plural of 2

tulip 3 proper name Ghatol

ghajn 1 twenty-ninth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 number 1000

in the abjad system

official abbreviation title of a captain

ghb m. plate
ghp present stem of
gh pi present tense of

Pashto-English Dictionary

submit, be subordinate (to) b to sacrifice a life

have a cold. I have a cough.

a to carry out a promise

a to give

b to be freed from an obligation

someone his due b to execute someone's will or testament c to

pay up someone's debt d to tell someone the truth

I told him straight out what I thought.

a to lie b to give false testimony;
appropriate another's goods to live at the
expense of another; exploit someone to
refuse to submit to something; refuse to do something
to carry away, annihilate all in its path (of a hurricane)
to have a cold, have a cough saying
Force breaks the straw. a

the Muslim faith), warrior for the faith, crescentader


dentist's office, office where dentures are fitted
and dispensed a to set the teeth on edge
My teeth are on edge from cherry plums. b to tell
someone off His teeth were falling out.
a to grate, grind the teeth b to be patient
Be patient for a few days; I'll get you a
book. c to become angry The mother got
angry at her son. d to threaten someone
The child is cutting his first tooth. a to smile; grin b
to toady to grate the teeth, gnash the teeth a

to take an obligation upon oneself, be obligated
to place responsibility upon, oblige someone
You still owe this debt. a to
consider (one's) wishes; please b to sympathize to
force (i.e., one's opinions) upon someone It
is his responsibility. to be very
beautiful a to load someone down, put all the
work on someone b to give someone responsibility
to burden someone; be a burden to someone to

to examine a tooth, examine the teeth b to determine age

to extract a tooth
to bite to speak through
the teeth proverb literal When there

(animal's) by examination of the teeth

were teeth, there were no peas. figurative Wealth came too late. 2
cheat, pull the wool over someone's eyes

Eastern It hardly sufficed for a

snack. to skimp, stint to
become stingy, become miserly, become niggardly
a to have a grudge against someone b
to hanker after something to be

m. 1 special melody played on the reed-pipe 2

singing (of people, nightingales)

Music and poetry are closely linked.

ghagaj m. peasant having a joint property boundry with

gh a vnkaj obedient, pliant

gh i Eastern plural of
ght m. deception, shrewd dealing


deceive, cheat someone

gh i-gh i 1 brim full, full to the top 2 highwater

The Gilmend again reached flood-level. 3

ghz m. [plural: ghzna Arabic plural:

gas exchange

ghz t] gas


2 ghz m. history copper coin, bronze coin; half pice

3 ghz m. viscosity, elasticity (of dough)
ghz darlodnkaj containing gas; full of gas
ghzsz f. production of gas
ghz f. 1 rouge 2 high color, flush, blush

to assuage

cog, tooth (of a gearwheel) 3 blade idiom

be freed from responsibility

ghh m. 1 tooth


to refuse someone b to be stubborn, be obstinate c to refuse (to

b to be combined, be linked

ghz m. Arabic 1 victor 2 religion militant (in spreading

ghzi gas, gaseous gas mask

ghsl m. Arabic botany saltwort (Salsola, used in place of

do) something

ghaghaj f. ghaghdzh f.
ghaaghaj f. embraces to embrace
to embrace one another a to embrace (one another)

suprised at something; be astounded by something

ghhburnn obvious, clear

ghhtubnaj m. toothpick
ghhchichk pebbly, with pebbles (of rice, etc.);
contaminated with stones

ghahchichn 1 angry; wrathful 2

ghhchichna f. ghhchichj m. 1 to grind
the teeth 2 censure ! Tell him off!
ghahskj m. food sticking between the teeth
ghhk ghh toothy
ghhmhnaj m. toothbrush
ghhvatlaj having loose teeth, with teeth that are falling


ghhavr ghkhr 1 m. .1 rake

verb to rake, smooth with a rake

smooth out soil with a rake 1.2 pitchfork 2.1 toothed; toothy;
serrated 2.2 big-toothed, having prominent teeth

ghhvra f. regional pitchfork

ghahvla f. weeping willow
ghhvlj f. root of a tooth

Pashto-English Dictionary

ghhavnkaj m. Eastern toothpick

1 gh haj m. 1 crest (of mountain) 2 mountain pass
2 ghhj f.
ghhz linguistics dental
ghsib m. Arabic [plural: ghsibn] invader,
usurper; aggressor

ghsibn aggressive; violent

ghfl Arabic 1 careless, negligent, remiss; absentminded 2
ignorant, uninformed I did not know about that.
ghfilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
cause to become careless or negligent 2 to indulge, show
indulgence (to)

ghfiledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

ignorant, be uninformed 2 to be ignorant (of) 3 to be careless; be
negligent; be absentminded

ghlb Arabic 1.1 conquering, overcoming; victorious 1.2

in all probability, extremely probable
2 m. victor
2 ghlb m.
ghlbn in all probability; extremely probable ...

It is most likely that

conquer, surmount; overcome

ghlmaghl m. row, disturbance

row, make a din

to create a

ghlvsha f. small milk pail

ghlghl ghlvghl m.
1 ghlj f. carpet to weave a carpet
carpet weaving

ghl f. 1 cheating (at cards, etc.)

cards, dice, etc.) 2 deceit

to cheat (at

3 ghl ghledzhn 1 deceitful 2 knavish, dishonest

ghlich f. ghlichj f. ghaljgj f. rug
ghaljvl m. rug merchant
ghmz Arabic dark, unclear, incomprehensible, enigmatic
ghndna f.
1 ghnd unpleasant; repulsive
2 ghnd imperfect of 2
ghn 1 cowardly; base 2 crawling on the knees, demeaning

ghv m. 1 disturbance; mutiny; riots

to be in a

disturbed state; rebel, mutiny 2 disturbance, din 3 call for help

ghvch m. 1 gatekeeper 2 porter

ghvr Arabic 1 secret, concealed, interior 2 intimate 3


2 ghvr
1 ghvrsaj m. 1 assistant, helper 2 defender, protector
2 ghvras f. 1 help, assistance 2 protection
ghvra proud
They value their reputations highly.
ghvn k noisy, riotous, turbulent
ghvavl transitive [past: ] 1 to cause to be
riotous, noisy, or turbulent 2 to make to cry out

ghvj m.

plaintiff; person seeking justice

intransitive [past:


to make a

disturbance, raise a din 2 to cry out

ghj t m. Arabic
ghb ghjb

plural of

Arabic 1.1 absent, missing 1.2 hidden,

concealed 1.3 vanishing, disappearing 2 m. grammar third

prevailing 1.3 more probable

ghlibn victoriously
ghlbuzk m. botany marsh mallow
ghlbza f. bumblebee; wasp bee, honeybee
ghlbzaj m. kind of herringbone embroidery
ghlbl m.
ghlibedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to


ghjibn 1 correspondence (relating to a friendship)

an epistolary (long-distance friendship) 2 by

ghjibdn f. premonition
ghjibg m. prophet; prognosticator
ghjibguj f. prophesy; prognostication
ghjibv laj m. 1 absence 2 disappearance 3 invisibility
ghjibedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to
disappear, get lost to disappear from view,
fade from sight

1 ghjt m.
2 ghjt m.

m. Arabic most important task, very

important goal

ght m. Arabic feces, defecation, excrement



ghit feces, stools, execrement

ghjlme f. stye (on the eye)
ghil f. Arabic 1 calamity 2 clash, conflict
ghjav 1 final; utmost 2 special-purpose
ghj f. Arabic [plural: ghj m. Arabic plural:
gj t] 1 goal, task with this goal 2 limit,
boundary, end

1 gh Arabic final, last, ultimate

2 ghj f. plural of
ghub r m. Arabic 1 dust; puffs of dust 2 fog; steam
ghubrlud ghubr 1 covered with dust, dusty; dull
2 foggy

ghb ndaj m. anatomy gland

ghbarg 1 double; twofold, duplex double (weight)
plaid 2 pair in pairs, two by two 3 repeated,

Pashto-English Dictionary

linguistics reduplication idiom

both daughters willingly, with all my heart
ghbrgak m. computer science double click
ghbargln m. fold, pleat (in a garment)
ghbargv laj m. 1 duplication 2 state of being a

distinguished (men) 1.4 important, serious




object b to repeat; duplicate

ghbargolj m. 1 twin 2 [plural: ghbargol] twins

ghbargn m. 1 answer; rejoinder 2 folding (of clothing) 3
pleat, fold; layer

ghbargavna f. 1 doubling 2 pairing

ghbargni m. plural dialect 2
ghbrga 1 feminine singular of 2 f. .1 woman who
has borne twins to bear twins 2.2 narrow gully 2.3
handful to distribute by handfuls
ghbargedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1
to be doubled, be folded in two 2 to be formed into two files or

Form fours! (as a command) 3 to be turned

toward us, this way, etc. 4 to return

He returned. 5 to

accompany, travel with

ghbargedna f. ghbarged m. plural 1 doubling;

folding in two 2 forming up in two columns, ranks, or files 3

a toward evening b beginning of evening

to stare; look boldy

a to speak loudly b to brag,


ghmshr ghmshr m. 1 chief, head 2 military


ghansaj potbellied, big-bellied

1 ghu m. Adam's apple
2 gho oblique plural 1
ghav la f. ghav laj m. 1 size, dimension

thickness 3 fullness, burliness; corpulence 4 greatness

ghaokj affectionate 1
ghaavl transitive 1 denominative


.1 to

increase; enlarge 1.2 to thicken 1.3 to cause to become fat,

corpulent, or burly 2 [past: ] .1 to present; reward



ghab Arabic 1 weak-witted; dull-witted; slow (mentally); dull

(of intellect) 2 forgetful, absentminded

ghap m. ghap f. bark (of a dog)

ghap ndaj
ghapl transitive [present: past: ] to bark (like a
dog) proverb literal The dog barks when
the caravan passes. figurative That's a lot of hot air.
proverb A barking dog never bites.
ghapnd ghapndkaj barking, yelping (dog)
ghapavl transitive [past: ] to tease (a dog)
ghup f. 2
ghaph r m. bark (of a dog)
ghapedl intransitive [past: past: ]to begin to
bark, yap, or yelp

strides 1.2 fat, stout, burly, corpulent 1.3 outstanding,

Father presented the book to me. 2.2

to extoll

engage in cheating or swindling

ghaped m. plural bark, yapping, yelping

1 gha 1.1 big, large big apples

loudly 2 m. great man;

2 ghu to speak in plain terms 2

1 ghab z m. large hawk, chicken hawk
2 ghab z m. boaster, braggart
ghabz f. boasting, bragging to boast, brag
ghap 1 very big, huge 2 1
ghatb m. ghatj f. 1 size 2 greatness 3 distinction
gharkaj m. gharaj m. ball, lump, clod
ghagh loudly a to speak loudly b to boast,

traveling together 6 repetition

distinguished person; prominent figure; grandee idiom


turning toward us, this way, etc. 4 return 5 accompaniment,

ghibt f. Arabic envy

ghabghb m. 1 double chin 2 dewlap
ghabn m. Arabic deceit, cheating, swindle

an important

important reason, serious reason 1.5 great (of

powers) 1.6 loud (of a voice)


ghbargavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

double 2 to pair idiom a to contradict,

ghala ungainly, clumsily built; disproportionate

ghaavna f. 1 increase; enlargement 2 thickening
gha f. dune, barkan
gha ghnda f. eyeball
gha kulm f. large intestine
1 ghaj m. lump, ball, clod in clods, in lumps
to crumple, ball up
2 ghuj f. 1 regional to
ooze (of blood)

ghujlj 1 possessing a large craw or crop 2 having a


ghi dn f. plural wasp

waspbite vaccine

ghaedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

increased; get large 2 to become fat 3 to be fat, be plump, be
burly; to be corpulent; grow fat, grow plump

with large


ghaedna f. ghaed m. plural 1 growth, increase;

augmentation 2 thickening

ghdzhra f. Melia azadirachta (kind of tree)

ghadzhar f. ghadzharj horsecloth

Pashto-English Dictionary

ghadzhka f. ghidzhak (a kind of violin)

ghadzhkavl m. ghidzhak player
ghudzhl f.
1 ghch ghach m. 1 anger, spite to experience anger 2
vengeance; reprisal to take vengeance on
2 ghch imitative word for the cry or chirp of a bird to


1 ghchi

heap (of stones, grain, etc.) 3 giant, titan (of science, etc.)

go away! 2 interjection oh, ah

Go away now! Oh

ghch f. [plural: ghchj plural: ghchij ni]

plural scissors, shears

ghadzrkaj m. newborn kid

ghadzavl transitive
ghadzawlshawy simajz dzh l

m. computer

ghdr ghdr m. Arabic 1 treachery, treason, perfidy 2

rebellion, mutiny 3 uprising

ghadka f. jacket (of cloth)

ghadj m. bandit, brigand, highway robber
ghudd f. Arabic [plural: ghudd m. Arabic


ghudd] gland

ghadj f. Arabic 1 daylight robbery, banditry, brigandage

to rob to rob, engage in banditry, engage in
brigandage 2 regional raid

to prepare food idiom


ghizg ni Arabic plural:

high-calorie diet

ghiz Arabic adjective food-; nourishment-


appetite, desire to eat

ghizijt m. nutritiousness

ghur m. goiter

ghr m. 1 noise (of transportation) 2 crash (of a collapsing

wall) 3 snarling (of a dog)

gharr Arabic brilliant (of speech, etc.)

ghar f. thunder, crash; rumble

to thunder, crash;

hoot, honk

gharbt m. Arabic oddity, eccentricity

to be

There is nothing

gharr f. 1 bag (for transporting loads on a donkey) 2 rags,

gharm t m. Arabic plural 1 of 2 reparations

gharmt m. Arabic [plural: gharm t] 1 monetary
fine 2 compensation for damages

ghrn m. Western 2
ghr na f. flame accompanied by smoke
ghrnt m. plural granite
gharv m. 1 childish, infantile babbling 2 windbag
gharb m. Arabic plural gharjb m. plural 1 of
1 2 wonders, unusual things
gharz m. Arabic plural of
1 gharb m. Arabic west northwest
2 ghrab m. 1 drumbeat 2 crash (of something falling)
1 ghurab m. Arabic plural of 2
2 ghrab f.
ghrbn Arabic to the west from west to east
ghrabv imperfect of
gharbuj m. bulldozer
ghrabavl transitive [past: ] 1 to beat (a drum) 2
to thunder, crash

aghzij] food, victuals, nutriment


traitor, betrayer

ghadr m. Arabic lake

ghiz f. Arabic [plural:

surprising or odd about this.

ghadzavnki m. ghadzavni f. plural

ghadzedl intransitive
1 ghts m. dialect 1 revenge 2 anger, spite 3 obstinacy
2 ghuts dialect 2
ghutskj m.
ghutsavl transitive dialect
ghutsedl intransitive dialect
ghadd r Arabic 1 treacherous, perfidious, traitorous 2 m.
ghudd m. Arabic plural of

a great scientist idiom

very odd

science extended LAN (Local Area Network)

dialect 1 particle which modifies or

softens the force of an imperative

Spinghar, Safedkokh mountain Afghans

Muflon (kind of wild sheep) a foot of a mountain b
slope of a mountain to cross a mountain

Depend upon me as though upon a stone wall.

to squeak, crunch (of

shears, etc.)

ghar m. [plural: ghrna plural: ghr] 1 mountain

to climb a mountain, ascend to the summit of a mountain 2 pile,

cry, chirp (of birds)

ghichka ghachka f.
ghachavl transitive [past: ]

food, nourishment, provender

ghrabh r m. 1 continuous drumbeats 2 rumble (of traffic,


1 ghrbj m. buckle, clasp (of a strap, etc.)

2 ghrabj m.
3 gharb Arabic 1 western northwestern
southwestern 2 m. European (person)
ghrabedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to clatter, rattle,
beat (drum) 2 to rumble, rattle (of traffic, etc.)

gharb m. hubbub, din, rumble

gharbn m. carbine

Pashto-English Dictionary

ghrpr m. 1 noise, racket, din; disorder 2 stomach-rumbling

ghrprt m. idle talk
gurpsh m.
ghrtk grtn boastful, bragging
ghrta f. back, back part of something
ghrti f. plural to speak nonsense, talk rubbish
! Don't talk rubbish!
ghrj m. piece, lump (of sugar, etc.); ball, lump; bundle, ball
ghrchj m. 1 grating (of teeth) 2 crash (of collapsing
timbers, beams) to crack
ghurchedl ghrchedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to

gharaz egotistical, self-serving

gharghch m. butting to butt
ghurghr ghrghr m. grumbling; muttering
grumble; mutter

ghrghrnk m. rattle (toy)

gharghark m. pulley, block
ghargh m. 1 suffering 2 need, want, distress
a to suffer b to be in need, distress
1 ghargha f. 1 pulley, block 2 rinsing, garble (of the
mouth) 3 roar, bellow (of a camel) 4 cry, wail a to
raise something by a block and tackle b to rinse, gargle c to

bellow (of a buffalo); bleat (of a goat) 2 to crack (of collapsing

bellow (of a camel) d to cry out, bawl

2 ghargha f. descent, going down (of the sun)

The sun has gone down.
ghrghaj f. wheeze, wheezing sound
ghrghht m. 1 game, fun, amusement 2 outdoor party


ghartsap f. 1 flow from the mountains 2 large wave

ghartsn mountain; mountainous
ghartsanj 1 mountain (in names of animals)
monal, Himalayan pheasant 2 m. 1
gharts 1 m. .1 wild goat 1.2 savage, uneducated person,
crude person 1.3 proper name Ghartsa 2 1
ghraz m. 2
ghurzng m. dialect
1 gharzavl transitive [past: ] to beat, batter,

for women with games (in a meadow) 3 history Ismail

(nickname, the second son of Kais Abdurrashid, the eponymous
founder of one of the four tribes of the Afghans)

2 crack (of a rifle); boom

chamber, hall

gharzj m. 1 indigenous mountain man; mountaineer,

mountain dweller 2 proper name Gharzai

sleeping soundly

ghurzed m. plural
ghrg l transitive [past: ] to snarl (of a dog)
ghgj m. snarling (of a dog)
ghars m. Arabic 1 planting (of vegetation) 2 seedling
to plant (vegetation) to be planted (of vegetation)
gharshn m. 1 plural Garshini (tribe) 2 Garshini

I fell to

1 to

immerse (in liquid); sink, submerge 2 to plunge into deep sleep 3

gharedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

immersed (in liquid); be sunken, be submerged 2 to fall fast

asleep 3 to perish, be lost

(tribesman) 3 mountaineer, mountain dweller

to destroy

gharz m. Arabic [plural: gharazna Arabic plural:

aghr z] 1 goal, intent with the goal (of)
This is what I mean by this.
personal goals, self-serving goals
literal In each of his greetings, one hundred goals are hidden.

He slept soundly. 2.3 fascinated by

ghar b m. whirlpool, abyss, maelstrom, chasm

gharavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

traffic, etc.)

figurative He is always thinking of his own personal interests. 2

something, immersed in something

2 ghurzedl intransitive
1 ghrazed m. plural 1 beating 2 rumbling, rumble (of

ulterior motive, secret intention 3 malevolence

ghar Arabic 1 m. immersion (in liquid); sinking, submerging

2 predicative .1 immersed (in liquid); sunken, submerged 2.2

ghrazedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be beaten; be

worn down 2 to rumble, clatter, roar (of traffic)

in brief, in a word

gharghuht m. plural Gargushti (name of one of the

2 gharghhtj m. kind of plum

gharghr m. 1 noise, din 2 wailing, outcry (from fright)
gharghechk m. botany cotoneaster
ghurf f. Arabic 1 pavilion (at an exhibition) 2 booth 3

or roar of cannons

four principal tribes of the Afghans)

strike, pound

2 ghurzavl transitive
1 ghrzj m. 1 snarling (of a dog)


gharkn m. kind of green vegetable (greens)

1 ghrkj m. bellow (of a buffalo)
2 ghrkj m. Russula foetens (a kind of mushroom)
ghargj m. hillock
gharmach m. spring promenade among the flowers in the
gharmakj f. time just before noon
gharmanj adjective noon-, noonday- light
afternoon snack


Pashto-English Dictionary

gharm f. noon

man 2.2 poor fellow, poor guy 2.3 alien; foreigner 2.4 regional

precisely at noon; at the hottest part

twelve o'clock, noon afternoon

at noon, in the second half of the day
gharmakj f.
ghrnd ghrndz talking nonsense, engage in idle talk
1 ghrnda f. chin
2 ghrnda f. 1 misfortune, calamity; hopeless situation
Calamity struck me. Ahmed
fell into misfortune. 2 thunder idiom to force,
of the day

snack, lunch

coerce, compel, constrain

1 ghrndaj m. trachea
2 ghrndi plural of 2
ghrang m. clang, clatter (resulting from the fall of a metallic

gharanj mountain, mountainous

gharv l m. mountaineer, mountain dweller
ghurb m. Arabic sunset, setting of the sun
The sun approached its setting. in the west;
toward the west

ghurr m. Arabic pride, arrogance; conceit, haughtiness idiom

politics chauvinism
ghra f. ghraj m. 1 medicine swelling (of tonsils)
swollen (tonsils) 2 suppressed anger, rage
to nurture anger in one's heart
gharusm gharosm m. gharusma f. mountains and

ghravl transitive [past: ] 1.1 to make to roar (an

animal) 1.2 to cause a rumble or rumbling; cause banging 1.3 to
cause to chatter or talk 2 [past: ] to roar, bellow; snarl

ghrumb m.
ghrvaj m. palm (of the hand)
gharvhta f. botany rush, Juncus
1 ghurr Arabic first day of the lunar month
2 ghurr Arabic indeclinable proud; haughty; arrogant
3 ghra f. hinder parts, buttocks
4 gr 1 oblique singular of 1 2 plural of 1
ghrh r m. 1 rumbling, crashing the crashing of
weapon-fire 2 hum, roar (of an aircraft) 3 idle talk

gr larnkaj mountainous

terrain, mountainous landscape


ghrv l m.
1 ghurj m. 1 goiter 2 person with large goiter
2 ghrj f. rash
gharjsj m. dialect
1 ghreb m. sobbing idiom to be in

gharb ghrb Arabic 1.1 poor; unhappy, unfortunate,


poverty 1.2 strange, unusual; remarkable 2

m. [plural: gharib n Arabic plural: gurab ] .1 poor

quiet man, mild man

gharibn poor, poverty-stricken


gharib ni f. plural of 2
gharibplna f.
gharibparvr gharibparvra


concerned about

the poor

gharibparvar f. concern for the poor

gharibkhn m. my home, the home of your humble

gharibk r m. peasant going off to seasonal work and other

odd jobs

gharibkr f. day laborer, seasonal and odd-job work (in

various types of work which peasants usually do)

gharibgaj m.
1 gharib f. Arabic
gharb] marvel, rarity

poor fellow, poor guy

[plural: gharib plural:

2 gharba 1 f. singular of 2 1 2 f. of 2 2
gharib f. 1 foreign land 2 toil; hired labor to
strive, toil What are you doing? What are you busy
with? 3 4 poverty, want, need
to be needy, be impoverished
to live very poorly; drag out a miserable existence 5 martial song
(kind of poetic composition)

gharechj adjective 1 mountain 2 m. mountaineer,

mountain dweller

ghredl intransitive [past: past: ]1 to talk

rubbish, talk nonsense 2 to roll, peal (thunder)

proverb Much noise, little sense. 3 to bang, crash

ghred m. plural 1 idle chatter, nonsense, rubbish 2
thunder, rumbling, banging

ghariz f. Arabic [plural: ghariz m. Arabic plural:

gharz] 1 attraction (to), bent (for) 2 instinct
1 ghariz instinctive; natural, innate
2 ghariz plural of
1 ghrev m. 1 regret 2 outcry, groaning, weeping 1
2 gharv m. roar (e.g., of a tiger, a lion)
ghri-vri pitted, pocked, pot-holed
ghrevn k 1 disturbed, distressed 2 weeping
gh m. spitting, expectoration to spit blood
ghi spaj m. platform in a tent or pavilion where dishes and
utensils are stored

1 gh skaj m. main beam (of a house)

2 ghu skaj m.
ghu sha f. loop, buttonhole (in clothing)
ghnd long-necked

Pashto-English Dictionary

ghambedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to resound;

hoot, honk 2 to shout, cry out (in rage)

ghaang having an unpleasant voice; having a nasty sound,


1 gha nga f. 1 weeping; outcry; groaning 2 noisy uproar 3
roar, bellow (of a camel) a to weep; cry out; groan b


to create a noisy uproar c to roar, bellow (of a camel)

2 gh nga f. long-necked (domestic) animal

1 ghang 1 2
2 ghangj f. long-necked pitcher
ghab m. pomp, splendor
ghabodzhn dialect
ghap m.
ghap m. angry cry
ghapl transitive
ghapavl transitive [past: ] to gulp down, swallow;
drink in gulps to drink water in gulps
ghapedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to splash (of water)
ght m. sound emitted in swallowing
ghch m. swallowing, gulping down, engulfing, ingesting

ghchavl transitive [past: ] to swallow, gulp

down, ingest (food)

ghchavl transitive [past: ] to clatter, clash,

rattle (firearms)

ghchj m.
ingested (food)

intransitive [past: ] to be consumed, be

1 ghtskj m. peals, claps of thunder

2 ghtskj m. 1 splinter, chip 2 mote, speck of dust
3 ghutskaj m. regional cloud
ghadj braided, plaited
ghaz m. noise of a falling object; crash; rumble
ghz m. ghrzah r m. noise made by a falling object
ghaspj m.
ghagh m.
ghagha f. 1
1 ghk m. 1 envy 2 spite
2 ghak m. gharka f. butter churn to churn

ghndzhah r m. snarling, growling (of a dog)

gnd 1 fading, withering
The bushes and flowers which had faded have turned green
again 2 dull, sluggish 3 depressed, downcast, dispirited
a to be conducive to fading b to make sluggish c to hold back,

to scorn, despise to make

ghndtb m. ghndtj f. 1 fading 2 dullness;
retard idiom


ghndavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

cause fading 2 to cause to be dull or sluggish 3 to retard, hold

ghnd 1 revolving 2 shaking; rocking 3 rolling 4 located

to the side

ghaandj m.

ghal transitive; defective [present: past: ] to

turn, revolve 1

gham m. ghamb m.
ghumbrj noise, din

the roar (motor

noise) of an aircraft

ghamb f. splashing of water to splash with water

ghambavl transitive
ghmbj m. rumble, rattle (of gun, cannon fire, etc.);
rumbling, roar

person with an evil eye

denominative, intransitive [past:

fade 2 to be sluggish, be lazy

] 1

ghnded m. plural
ghng m. twisting, rolling (up)
ghanga f. 1
ghangj f. dewlap (of a sheep, goat)
ghna f.
ghavndj m. collar
ghska f. 1 thick smoke 2 rain cloud
ghvashtj mountain almond, wild almond
ghake f. small oil-press
ghaavl transitive [past: ] 1 to roll (the eyes) 2
open (the eyes) to open the eyes 3 dialect to roll,



slide along 4 to breathe weakly

ghum m. ghum m. 1 roar (e.g., of a tiger, lion)

to roar 2 rattle, clash, rumble (of firearms) 3 peals (of
thunder) 4 splash (of a falling stone in water)

ghumbl transitive [past: ] 1 to eat, chew up

food making smacking, munching noises 2 to roar angrily (of a


intransitive [past: ] to peal, crash (of


tiger, a lion)

ghumbna f. roar (of a tiger, lion)

ghumbavl transitive [past: ]

to make roar (a

tiger, lion)

ghumbh r
ghumbj m.


[past: ]

1 whirlpool 2


1 to roar (of a

tiger, lion) 2 to keep rattling, roaring (etc., of gunfire) 3 to keep

pealing (of thunder)


ghumbedna f.

ghumbed m. plural

Pashto-English Dictionary

ghaandj m. 1 animal collar 2 sukun (name of the supra-

linear symbol)
2 ghndaj m. neck (of a bottle)
ghaavna f. 1 opening (the eyes) 2 rolling (the eyes)
ghaavnaj m. slops
1 ghaj m. 1 member (of an organization, society);
representative; deputy permanent member,
active member (of an academy)

to rejoice Are you
going with me? Yes, indeed. to be thunderstruck, be
gap in sowing, gap in plowing idiom

rooted to the spot (from fear)

ghaj f. 1 collar 2 neck (of a pitcher, etc.) 3 neck (of an

ostrich, camel, etc.)

ghaj ka f.
ghri m. betrayal, deceit; cheating
gharedl intransitive [past: ]

1 to whirl, turn, revolve

ghazavl transitive [past: ] 1 to lay out, stretch out,

lay, put down (a communications line, etc.) 2 to awaken (some

3 handle (of a scythe)


ghazalch m.

ghazalkh n m. singer who composes

ghazals; singer

ghazalsar f. ghazal-singing

a ghazal b to sing a song

Gaznevid Dynasty) 2 m. history Gaznevids (the Gaznevid

ghazn m. ghaznj
Gazni Province

Mahmoud Gaznevi
1 Gazni (city) 2 Gazni District

to get down to work

ghazavna f.
1 laying down, stretching (a
line of communications, etc.) 2 Eastern stretching (upon


3 awaking (a feeling, etc.)

a to

stretch (upon waking up) b to awaken (feelings, etc.)

ghzaj m.

stilt, Himantopus himantopus (the bird)

intransitive [past: ] 1 to extend, stretch 2 to

stretch out (on the bed)

ghazedna f. lying down, stretching out

ghizhd f. tent, marquee, pavilion
ghizhka f. music
ghazhghvajj m. ghazhg v m. yak
ghag m. Eastern 1 voice, sound to lower the voice 2
cry, shout to make noise, shout, raise an alarm
to not utter a sound or a word to declare a man to
be one's fianc before witnesses (custom in entering into a
marriage without the consent of the family)

nd m. phoneticist

k m. voice mail
m. computer science sound card

1 intensifying sound 2 m. loudspeaker

r noisy, loud
l transitive [past: ] 1 to make to sound,
pronounce to ring out, resound to
sing 2 to play (an instrument) to play the reed-pipe
f. 1 sounding 2 singing 3 play, playing (a musical


l intransitive [past: ] 1 to be heard
singing, songs are heard 2 to speak, converse
to speak on the telephone 3 to ring out (of bells)
m. plural 1 sounding; phonation, sounds 2 talk,
conversation 3 ringing (of a bell)

adjective 1 vowel


a to compose

ghazlanj m. tamarisk fruit

ghazln m. plural small tamarisk twigs (used for kindling)
ghazla f.
ghaznav 1 adjective Gaznevid (i.e., pertaining to the

ghazavne f.

feeling, etc.) idiom

ghek m. 1 loop, buttonhole (on clothing) 2 tab (of sandals)

ghikavr having a dewlap (of sheep)

1 ghaz m. tamarisk tree, Tamarix indica
2 ghuz m. Western [plural: ghuz n Eastern plural:
ghuzna] walnut hazelnut tree
1 ghaz f. Arabic religion ghazawat, holy war, war for the faith
2 ghz ! It doesn't matter!
ghuz r
ghuzravl denominative, transitive
ghuzredl denominative, intransitive
ghiz l m. 1 young gazelle 2 tender creature, graceful creature
ghuzakarkj m. regional dung beetle
ghazl m. Arabic literature ghazal, ode, love poem, lyric poem
rubai, quatrain one ghazal of a collection 2

Gazni sheepskin


2 to move, stir 3 to open up (the eyes) 4 to weaken, grow weak

corresponding member 2 anatomy member, organ 3 extremity 4

calf (of the leg) 5 bread baked in layers (esp. by Ismailities) 6

ghaznichj adjective Gazni


vowels, vowel sounds,

vowel phoneme 2 sound

ghagig dzhl m. computer science voice network

ghus dialect 2 1
ghsl m. ghsl Arabic 1 ablution 2 bathing
ghuslkhn f. bathroom
1 ghasl m.
2 ghusavl transitive
1 ghsa f. 1 badger 2 honey bear
2 ghus f.
ghusan k


Pashto-English Dictionary

ghish f. Arabic 1 covering; cover 2 biology membrane;

membranous tissue

disturbance 2 disorder,

to shoot a bow, shoot an

When father died all the savor went out of life.

ghht m. 1
1 ghhtl transitive [present:

past: ] 1 to roll,

twist 2 to wrap up 3 to wind, revolve 4 to roll, swaddle, plait

ghuhtl transitive
ghhtltb m. ghhtltj f.
ghhtlv la f. ghhtlv laj m. 1 strength, power

influence 3 nutritiousness (of food)


ghhtlaj 1 strong, powerful, mighty; forceful 2

overpowering; surmounting; overcoming; getting over,
overwhelming (i.e., fear, depression) 3 quick, efficient, smart
a to cause to be strong, cause to be vigorous;

strengthen, reinforce b to cause to be quick, cause to be efficient

ghufr n m. Arabic religion total forgiveness, remission of

ghaflt m. Arabic 1 inattention, carelessness, neglect;

ghafr Arabic 1 All-Forgiving (epithet of God) 2 m. proper


m. currycomb (for horses)

to encounter a disaster, experience calamity

to be very distressed

a to be strong, be vigorous; be strengthened, be

unconcern; neglectfulness 2 sluggishness, stagnation

name Ghafur

ghk m. ghk f. bleating (of a goat)

ghakl transitive [present: past: ]

2 wrapping 3

turning, revolving 4 rolling up, swaddling, plaiting

cord, twine

2 ghuhtna f.
1 ghhta f. small braids on the brow (of a female)
2 ghht imperfect of 1
ghhtaj 1 strong, vigorous 2 twisted, plaited
ghasb m. Arabic 1 seizure, appropriation, usurpation 2
confiscation a to seize, appropriate b to confiscate
ghasbavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

ghkavl transitive [past: ] to cause to bleat (of a

ghkedl intransitive [past: ]to bleat (of a goat)

ghekedna f. bleating (of a goat)
ghag m. Eastern
ghagedl intransitive Eastern
1 gal m. [plural: ghl] thief, robber, bandit, marauder
You have robbed me. a to be a thief b to do
someone a bad turn I erred several times.
proverb You are only a thief if you get caught.
ghl proverb literal Even in the
mountains a thief cannot hide. figurative Murder will out.

ghussan k 1 grieved, upset 2 angry, enraged

ghazb m. Arabic rage; irritation
anger to fall into a rage
ghazabn k incensed; angry, irritated
ghuzrf m. Arabic cartilage, gristle

ghul m. plural dialect

ghul m.

ghil m. Arabic 1 envy 2 meanness, baseness

ghl f. [plural: ghl vi plural: ghlg ni] 1 theft,

This is regular

stolen goods, pilfered goods

a to commit theft, commit robbery b
compound verb to rob, steal something a to occur (of a
theft) b compound verb to be stolen
proverb Eastern literal They stationed a guard after the


theft. figurative to lock the barn door after the horse has been

ghuss f. Arabic 1 grief, affliction

rage, become irate

robbery; banditry, brigandage

seize, appropriate, usurp 2 to confiscate

He was
distressed. He was upset. 2 anger, rage regional
I contained my rage. compound verb a to be upset, be
distressed b You'll not be upset? b to fall into a

to bleat (of a

augmented b to be quick, be efficient c to master, overcome

2 ghhtlaj past participle of 1

ghhtna f. 1 rolling, turning, twisting

name Gafar

arrow from a bow 2 plow beam 3 needle (of a porcupine) idiom

ghuzf larkaj

ghazanfr m. Arabic 1 lion 2 proper name Ganzanfar

ghaff r Arabic 1 All-Forgiving (epithet of God) 2 m. proper


m. 1 arrow

ghuzuf 1 cartilaginous 2 gristly

ghushj m. plural
ghish biology membranous
ghshk m. ghshla f. 1

ghuzufd r

to be stolen, be swiped

to swipe, pinch
by theft

2 something secret, something done in secret

in secret from someone idiom

to avoid difficulties, circumvent obstacles

ghall t m. Arabic plural of 1

ghilzt m. Arabic 1 dirt 2 thickness, density

3 rudeness,

sharpness (of manner, speech)

irately, with

ghlghundk m.
ghil f m. Arabic 1 sheath; case; cover
case, bayonet sheath machine-gun cover
envelope, jacket


ghlgarkj m. regional robber, thief


Pashto-English Dictionary

ghul m m. Arabic [plural: ghulm n Arabic plural:

ghilm n] 1 slave, serf 2 servant 3 epistolary your

misprint, typographical error

to be mistaken This is untrue. This is
incorrect. to take the wrong road
ghalatfam f. 1 error, mistake 2 misunderstanding
ghalatv laj m. erroneousness, incorrectness
ghalatavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
confuse, mix up The doctor made an
incorrect diagnosis. This
man, unless I am in error, is Ahmeds brother. to go
faulty, defective

obedient servant 4 proper name Gulam

ghulmn 1 slave-like

slave-psychology 2

servile, slavish

ghulmbach m. page (i.e., kind of servant in former times)

ghulmavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
enslave someone

ghulm f. slavery, servile state

ghulndzavr mammals
ghul ndza f. ghul nza f.
1 ghl uza f. wasp, bee
2 ghl vza f. cow yielding little milk
ghalbal f. shouts, outcries; rumpus, uproar

wrong, stray from the path 2 to deceive, lead into error 3 to


to shout,

to conquer, attain

victory over someone; prevail over someone; overcome someone

to gain a victory

to win

make a mistake; go astray, err 2 to miscount, miscalculate 3 to

a volleyball match

ghalbl m. sieve, strainer; sifter

proverb Eastern literal The sieve stands up and speaks to the
pitcher: "You have two holes." figurative The pot calling the

full of holes to make a

hole in, pierce to be full of holes, become full of

be confused


ghalbelvl m. seller of sieves and strainers

ghalbelavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
strain 2 to put through a sieve or strainer, use a sifter
to waste one's time on something useless, to pound water in a

I strayed from the path. I fell into

ghalatedna f. ghalated m. plural 1 commission

of an error; error 2 miscalculation, miscount 3 illusion (optical,


ghalghadj m. robber, bandit

ghalghhj m. superfluous tooth
ghulghl m. ghulghul f. ghalghl m. noise,
uproar; disturbance to raise a ruckus; instigate a riot
ghalgj m. petty thief
ghilm n m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 religion youths in



ghult m. regional deceit, cheating (esp. in gambling)

ghaltb m. thievery, robbery, brigandage
ghildzh 1 m. plural Gilzai (group of tribes) 2 ghildzhj

ghalmj m. cockspur (a plant used for soap), Echinochloa,

Anabasis multiflora


Gilzai (tribesman)

1 ghalanj

f. wheaten bread
1 shirking work, goldbricking 2 thievish (of an


2.1 examining stealthily,

scrutinizing furtively 2.2 accomplished by stealth

to spy upon

kettle black.

ghalchk m. petty thief

ghalchakj 1 m. petty thief

to be distracted

ghalta 1 feminine singular of 2 2 f. error, mistake

1 ghalat f. mistake, error misprint,
typographical error a gross error idiom
I made a blunder.
2 ghalti feminine plural of 2
ghalatj f. mistake
ghalatedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

cry out; make a din, create a disturbance, cause an uproar

ghulbangj f. toilet, latrine

ghalab f. Arabic victory

ghalch m. galcha, dweller in the Pair


ghulkhr m. regional vulgar liar

ghlz m. plural glzij n m.

the Pair

plural Gilzai, members

of the Gilzai tribe

ghlshk f. hulled wheat

ghalt Arabic 1 m. [plural: ghalatna Arabic
aghl t] error, mistake If I am not


mistaken. 2 attributive, predicative erroneous, mistaken, untrue,

2 ghalanj f. waterfowl, aquatic bird

1 ghulv m. Arabic 1 excess, extreme

to be extreme

2 immoderation

2 ghl ghl oblique plural of 1

3 ghall oblique plural of 1
ghlvdza f. ghldza bee
ghulavl transitive
1 ghal f. ghall Arabic [plural: ghal plural: ghall m.
plural: ghaladzh t plural: ghalladzh t Arabic plural:
ghal t plural: ghall t] 1 whole-grain bread, grain 2 food,


ghla f. petty thief

Pashto-English Dictionary

ghul f. log, billet

ghl plural of

ghla dialect pal, buddy (informal form of address)

ghl ghla separable parts of the verbs and in

the past tense

ghalab b ghallab b whole-grain bread, grain

ghalabd ghallabd fruitful, productive (of land)
ghal khartsavnkaj m. grain merchant
ghalakhz ghallakhz
ghalad n m. ghallad n millwheel casing
ghla shga f. quicksand
ghalafurush m. ghallafursh grain merchant
1 ghulj f. whirlpool
2 ghal ghall plural of 1
3 ghlaj 1 quiet, tranquil; taciturn to avoid, get

ghala f. ghalla regional economics rent-in-kind

gham m. ghamm Arabic 1 grief, sadness, melancholy; sorrow;
misfortunes yearning for someone, missing
somebody He always sympathized with
us in our misfortune. Eastern I grieved deeply.
a to dispel melancholy; forget grief; forget sorrows b to
be diverted to suffer misfortunes; endure unpleasantness
proverb literal
Another's grief is colder than snow. Another's grief is almost a

holiday. figurative Another's grief does not give one pain.

proverb Grief to some, joy to others. 2 care;
concern a whole lot of cares, a mass of worries
a to be concerned about someone b to sympathize with
someone ! Don't grieve! Don't be sad! !
Be in no way sad! Don't get downcast! to be

around something by silence, keep mum about something 2

concerned about someone, be worried about something 3 history

somber, sad, gloomy 3 withdrawn, not frank 4 acting secretly,

to conceal oneself, sit in ambush

a to calm, soothe, make to be quiet b to suppress
military to mine, set mines to put down a
rebellion c to drive into a corner (in a dispute) a to

tax, duty

acting surreptitiously 5 concealing oneself, hiding oneself

grow calm, be soothed, calm down; fall silent; abate b to be

hidden, be concealed, be secreted; sit in ambush c to cease, die
down, subside 6 extinct (of a volcano)

ghle ghlj the separable part of the verbs and

in the past tense
ghlj f. silence
1 ghalij n m. Arabic boiling physics boiling point
idiom agitation
2 ghalij n m. water pipe, hookah
ghleb m. deceit, betrayal to be betrayed, be
deceived to betray, deceive
ghlajtb m. silence
ghlech strong, healthy
ghaled n m. ghalled n 1 moneybox 2 till
ghuledl intransitive [past: ] to be deceived, be
ghalz Arabic thick, dense; thickened, condensed
ghle-ghche f. plural evasion, avoidance
ghlaj-ghlaj 1 secretly, surreptitiously 2 hiding oneself
ghleghlj f. quiet, silence
ghlil k m. 1 attack 2 crossing, violation (of a border)
ghalm m. enemy, foe, adversary
ghalimn inimical, hostile; antagonistic
ghalimtb m. ghalimtj f. enmity; hostility
ghalma f. feminine of
ghalim f.
ghaliv dzh m. kite (bird)

head tax, poll tax

dwelling tax

to require duty, exact the payment of tax

tax, pay duty idiom

to pay

to solve (e.g., a problem), resolve

(e.g., a question)

ghamm z m. Arabic informer, snitch; slanderer; gossipmonger

ghamzk m. float
1 ghammz m.
2 ghammz f. informing, act of informing; slander; gossip,

ghum sha f. mosquito, gnat

ghambd f. tumor in the abdominal cavity
ghumbsa f. bumblebee
ghmbraj m. heap, pile
ghumb f.
ghamdzhn f. sad, grief-stricken, upset; sorrowful
to be saddened by the death of a father idiom
a bad day b calamity
ghamdzhnv laj m. grief, affliction
ghamdzhnavl denominative, transitive [past: ]
to grieve, sadden, upset

ghamdzhnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be grieved, be upset, be saddened

ghamchna m. whip
ghamkhu r sympathizing
ghamkhur f.
ghamkhr concerned, caring, attentive, sympathetic,

ghamkhurag f. ghamkhor f. concern, care

ghamr m. crybaby
ghamzaplj saddened, grieved; grief-stricken
ghamzhn dialect
ghamshark empathetic, sympathetic, responsive

Pashto-English Dictionary

ghamsharik f. 1 condolence; sympathy; consolation

a letter of condolence 2 responsiveness
ghamghalat f. entertainment, diversion
ghamksh concerned, caring folklore Good
Hassan (caring about others)

ghamgin f. grief
ghamn k sorrowful, sad
ghamavr extremely saddened
ghamavl transitive [past: ] 1

sad eyes

ghamj m. 1 precious stone in a signet ring 2 seal 3 proper

name Ghamai
ghamedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be burdened, be
hampered 2 to be worried 3 to overeat

ghamajvl m. ring merchant

ghan f. Arabic wealth; prosperity; property idiom
to treasure one's freedom
ghn shki f. plural 1 slowly flowing water 2 water
percolating through a dam or dike

ghanm m. Arabic plural of

ghin 1 lyrical; songful 2 pathetic
ghimbsa f.
gandzhlj f. swing (child's toy)
ghundzhj m. usually plural

ghundzh sweet

bread cooked in butter


ghandl m. 1 stalk, stem (of a plant) 2 cartilage (nasal) 3

proper name Ghandal

ghendl [past: ] transitive to defame; denigrate,

abuse, censure, criticize, run down

ghandalgh a f. long neck (of a person)

ghandalghj 1 long-necked (person) 2

m. dialect

handsome youth; stately youth

ghndna f. criticism; censure; reproach

ghand Western raving, rambling
ghandvaj m. watercress
1 ghundj m. bag, sack
2 ghndi 2
1 ghun m. Eastern timber, beam
2 ghun m. military regiment to mine, set mines
aviation regiment
3 ghun
ghun raj m. 1
1 ghn ja f. freak, monster
2 ghunj m. 1 juvenile, lad 2 youth assisting a plowman,
plowboy 3 freak, monster



ghunl m.
ghunmshr m. ghunmshr


ghunmshr f. rank of colonel

the rank of lieutenant colonel the rank of

to grieve; sadden 2

2 round object; lump,

lieutenant colonel

to trouble, worry

ghunskaj m. Eastern ball

ghunk m. tarantula
ghunakj f. 1 hillock; knoll; mound

babbling, speaking with confused articulation

ghun-mnd dialect
ghunska f. kind of ballgame
ghunavl transitive
ghunvaj m.
1 ghan f. kind of melon
2 ghna f. stout woman; heavy woman
3 ghun m. ghunag n [plural:

ghunag n] regional


1 ghunj f. hill; hillock

2 ghunj m.
ghunedl intransitive
ghunz khaj m.
ghankj m. hunting decoy (for luring quail)
ghng m. 1 sound made by a metal object 2 echo
ghng m. echo
ghangraj m. ear lobe
ghangh r m. 1 ringing; tapping 2 echo
ghanm m. plural wheat spring wheat
winter wheat rye wild rye
proverb literal to display wheat, but sell barley
figurative to pass off one thing as another



ghanmghnaj dark-complexioned, bronzed, suntanned

ghanmgra f. wheat field

ghanmvl seller of wheat, wheat merchant
ghanmn wheaten
ghanmna f. wheatbread, wheaten bread
ghanvri f. plural young sprouts, shoots
ghna f. 1 thornbush 2 thorn hedge; living fence 3 sharp thorn
1 ghni f. plural 1 of 2 clumps of thornbushes
2 ghan 1 rich, prosporous to enrich to
grow rich, become rich 2 m. .1 [plural: ghanj n Arabic
plural: aghnij ] rich man 2.2 proper name Ghani
3 ghnaj m. spider
4 ghanj f. 1 thornbush hedge 2 coral milky cap (mushroom)
ghanitarn very rich, richest
ghanimt m. Arabic [plural: ghanimatna Arabic
plural: ghanm] 1 bag (hunting), catch (fishing), trophy 2

Pashto-English Dictionary

propitious, favorable occasion, moment

to take

advantage of a favorable occasion 3 good, good deed

This book is a real find.
ghu ski f. plural to trudge, drag, trail
ghna f. ghne f. spider spiderweb
dialect tarantula

ghav m. kind of shashlik cooked under hot sand in a sheep's


ghv f. [plural: ghv vi plural: ghvg ni dialect

plural: ghv] cow


ghob m. ghob m. [plural:

ghobn] herdsman, cowherd; drover
ghupavl denominative, transitive to dip, plunge into, sink

He lucked out. to inflate some matter
ghvbzhaj m. snail
ghvrodne f. round-head (lizard)
ghv present stem of
ghvna f. hope
ghvhkj m. eye (of a needle)
ghvgj f. small cow, little cow
ghvlvsha f. milk pail
ghvj n m. plural ghvj m. plural 1 of 2
horned cattle

ghvjj m. dialect
2 ghvj plural and oblique singular of
ghvjitb m. stupidity to act stupidly
! Don't be stupid!
ghvjizhba f. ghvjizhbj f. botany

(into) (water or some other liquid)

ghup f. 2
ghutj f. powder-horn, powder flask
1 ghv 1
2 ghvu ghv 1 cut off ! Cut it in half!
to cut, cleave 2 decisive, categorical, definite; conclusively
to speak decisively, categorically idiom to

literal I never roused anyone's resting cow. figurative I never

injured anybody. I am a completely harmless man. idiom

ghobn m.

rout, smash

ghvu-p-ghvu ghv-p-ghvt decisively,

categorically, definitely; conclusively

to speak

decisively, talk categorically

ghv-kv stout and ruddy; picture of health

ghun 1 knotty, in small knots 2 intricate, involved
ghundj 1 plunging (into water or some other liquid);
diving; dipping (in) 2 m. submarine

ghu m. throat; gullet

ghvavl denominative, transitive
fat, make stout; feed up, fatten up


gha 1 f. .1 knot, small knot (in thread, rope)

tie a knot

to make


to tighten a knot 1.2 fastener; button

a to untie (a knot) b to undo c to sort out (a matter) d to

execute, carry out (something difficult)

a to be

untied (of a knot); come undone b to be unfastened; come undone

c to get sorted out (of a matter, affair) d to be executed, be

oxtongue, Anchusa officinalis

accomplished (of something difficult)

a to link, tie up b

to tie to c to fasten to

ghvjihkr m. orchid, Epipactis palustris

ghvjivl m. owner of an ox
ghob aj m. gadfly, horsefly
ghobn plural of
ghob aj m.
ghobraj m. cheek
ghobl m. 1 grinding, crushing (with the assistance of oxen) 2
mill, crush, crowd, mass of people jammed together a

camel) 1.4 cone (pine) 2 predicative .1 linked, tied, fastened

ghvjistrga f. oxeye daisy, Chrysanthemum


compound verb a to be tied, be

tied up b to be tied to c to be fastened (to) 1.3 hump (of a

to open up the heart (to), confide one's
inner thoughts (to) a to wrinkle the brow b to make
2.2 tied to 2.3 fastened (to) idiom


an unpleasant face

2 ghu f. 1 plunging (into water or some other liquid); diving

to dive; be dipped 2 attack, falling upon a to
be plunged (into water or other liquid); dive; be dipped b to

to arrange a jam (a crowded affair) b to behave brutally 3 hot

attack, fall upon, throw oneself upon someone c compound verb

argument, polemic

to plunge, sink into (some liquid or other)

ghobalavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

grind up, crush to grind up by means of oxen-

be dipped b to attack; fall upon someone

power 2 to break up, wear down

ghobaledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be ground up, be milled (by oxen-power) 2 to be broken up


verb a to be plunged (into some liquid or other, i.e., water); dive;


ghoban f. shepherdess
1 ghoban f. herding (cattle)
2 ghobanj m.
3 ghoban plural of

ghuj f. 1 bud 2 drop (of sweat, etc.) 3 navel 4 proper

name Ghutai idiom She is becoming a
real beauty.


ghuj f. scarf, shawl

ghujlj f. 1 necklace 2 breed of goat having a dewlap


ghujlj m. dewlap

Pashto-English Dictionary

ghaus m. Arabic 1 help, assistance 2 patron, protector 3

proper name Ghaus

ghodzhr m. saline soil

ghodzhl f. ghudzhl

ghodzhla f. ghudzhla f. cow

barn, cowshed; sheepfold

1 ghvch ghuch m.
2 ghavzh ghuch deep (of a river, a well, etc.)
ghavch laj m. ghavch aj m. pit
ghavchv la f. ghuchv laj m. depth
the depth of the sea

ghavchavl denominative, transitive [past:

deepen, make deeper



ghavch f. agriculture brood


ghchi regional well, so, well that's it

ghavchedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

deepen, become deeper

ghudzredl intransitive
ghudzred m. plural
ghudzj m. 1
ghvts 2 1
ghvtsvu cutting, sharp
ghutskj m. steer
ghvtsavl 1 [past: ] denominative, transitive

clothing, hat) 3 to miscarry, abort (of an animal) 4 to defer, put

off (e.g., an examination or inspection of something) 5 to evoke
(e.g., dissent, discord) 6 to cause to fall into (amazement)

.1 to

to choose a name 2 m. plural .1

cutting, cutting off; hewing off 2.2 severing, interruption 2.3

blow (of a saber); saber-cut idiom


literal A chip off the old block. figurative Like father, like son.

saying He punished himself.

ghvtsa f.
ghvtsedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

ghurdzj m. 1 agitation, worry 2 throw, toss 3

unwinding (e.g., of thread) 4 leaps, jumps (in a dance) 5 flood,

cut, cut out, cut off 1.2 to sever, interrupt 1.3 to solve, decide
(question, problem)

ghur t m. plural Ghorat (district)

ghurp f. bragging
ghur nga flame
ghwarwi f. plural computer science options
ghorbnd m. Ghorbend, Ghurbend (river, district)
ghurb m. 1 crowd 2 herd, flock
ghvrpzh m. noise, hubbub
ghurch m. 2
ghurzka f. 1 tongue of flame flame 2 spark
ghurdzng m. 1 leap; jump; dash to leap;
jump; make a dash to dash, dart at, throw
oneself at the enemy 2 breaker, wave
His heart fell.
ghurdzavl transitive [past: ] 1 to throw, fling,
hurl; toss to throw oneself in the river
to throw, hurl oneself at someone 2 to take off, doff (e.g.,


2 ghurdz present tense of

3 ghvurdzj Go get 'em! (cry used in battle or in fun)
ghurdz-prdz f. plural efforts, attempts
ghurdzedl ghvurdzedl intransitive [past: ]1 to
spring, leap up, jump, come sailing by to spring
through a channel (of the aryk, i.e., native Afghan irrigation
system) 2 to be thrown, be tossed

to pound, beat (of the heart) 6 to be thrown off, be cast away; fall

be cut, be hewn off 2 to be interrupted 3 to be decided, be solved

ghvtsed m. plural 1 cutting off; hewing off 2

interruption 3 solution (of a problem, question)

ghukhtl transitive
1 ghol m. tarantula
2 ghol m. crops before the ears or fruit ripen
gholj m. 1 ear of reed-mace 2 ear of unripe maize (for

1 ghaur m. Arabic discussion; examination; consideration

discuss, examine; consider to be discussed, be examined
2 investigation

2 ghor m. history Ghur, Ghor (province, northern Afghanistan)

Ghur Province
3 ghur m. 1 goiter 2 burden He
became a burden. idiom to be ashamed of something
4 ghur m. 1 thunder 2 roar, bellow (of a camel)

to be

thrown across 3 to gallop, fly away 4 to fall apart, fall; fall out 5

1 to

(of a question, problem)

off, drop off

to set back, recede

ghurdzed ghvurdzed m. plural 1 springing, leaping up,

jumping 2 throwing, tossing; throwing off 3 galloping away,
flying away 4 falling 5 beating (the heart)

ghaurras f. inspection, investigation

ghurzng m. 1 2 pressure
ghurzavl transitive
ghurz m. plural setting (of the sun)
ghurz-porz f. plural
ghurzedl intransitive regional
ghvrs fat, stout to get fat

to become

fat, stout

ghvrsavl denominative, transitive [past:

thicken, fatten



ghvrsedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be thickened

ghorghsht m. play, fun, amusement

Pashto-English Dictionary

ghorghuhtj m. almond tree

ghurghj f. ring, hoop
ghvrlansa f. large flame
ghvrlaan ghvurlaan f. great-grandmother
ghvrmch m. gadfly, horsefly
ghaurm ghorm f. roast meat
ghwaranj f. computer science menu
ghvrnik m. great-grandfather
1 ghor f. unripe fruits (used in seasoning for meat dishes)
green grapes, unripe grapes juice of unripe


sew a buttonhole

ghu ndza f. flame and smoke

ghu nga f. sunbeam, ray of the sun
ghvv m. toady, lickspittle
ghvav imperfect of 1
ghup m. ghvap m. mouthful, drink idiom
to be introduced to science to get

ghvra 1 choice, excellent 2 selected, chosen 3 approved,

accepted 4 preferred 5 serious, important; significant

dressed up

ghva-p very greasy

ghopka f. occurence, event
ghvapkj f. buffet, slap in the face
ghvapl ghvaapl ghvapavl

to choose, select b to approve, receive, accept c to prefer d to

take on, assume (an appearance, a character)

a to be

chosen, be selected b to be approved, be accepted

ghra f. boasting

to boast


ghvapedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

swallowed, be gulped down

ghur f. bellow, roar (of a camel)

ghura-pur f. bark (of a dog)
ghvarachn selected, elected, chosen
ghvra kavnkaj m. elector, voter
ghoragl m. thickly-mixed clay (for plastering roofs)
ghvra nij f. great-grandmother
ghvarav laj m. superiority, advantage
ghurh r m.
1 ghur m. ghorj m. dish (on which food is offered)
2 ghvar m. plural Ghwari (one of the four main branches of

ghvapsh m. rage, anger, ire

ghvapekj m. curly-headed lad
ghudzka f. flame
ghvakhlaj gluttonous
ghvazkhj m. kind of loaf
ghvazgi f. plural fat, grease
ghvazng m. ghvazn m. thick soup with onion
1 ghvazhbaj 1 glib-tongued 2 mellifluous in speech;

the Afghan tribes or supertribes which include the Momandi, the

Khaili, the Chamkani, and the Zerani)

ghor ghorj history 1 adjective Ghorid 2 m. Ghorid

4 ghur plural of
5 ghvri feminine plural of 2
ghorjdzh f.
1 ghurjlj goiterous
2 ghvrjalj m. 1 joker; clown 2 windbag
ghvarjjnj m. cornflower
ghvarikhl m. plural Gwarikhejli 2
ghuredl intransitive [past: ] 1 to thunder, rumble
proverb literal Thunder in the sky but

ghvazhb f. sweet speeches; flattery

flatter, butter up

ghvarz chosen; elected; selected

ghurzha f.
ghvarjakhl m. plural 2
ghva 1.1 adjective oily, fatty; tallow fats
fish oil proverb Oil flows into oil.
1.2 rich He is a rich man. 1.3 good-looking,



denominative, transitive to swallow; drink in gulps

butter one another up, say nice things about one another

no rain. figurative A lot of noise, but no action. 2 to talk

a good-looking woman, a beautiful lady 1.4

bright (of a flame) 2 m. pomade pomade idiom

to obtain something through flattery
ghva skaj m. Dodonaea burmanniana (kind of weed)
ghu sha f. loop, buttonhole (on clothing) to

grapes; sour seasoning, acidic seasoning

ghvastrgaj having beautiful eyes

ghvska f. 1 thick smoke; fumes 2


thick growth of

bushes, underbrush

ghvshka f. 1 excessive quantity; multiplicity

in crowds, in groups 2
1 ghvga f. 1 reed-rush, Arundo karka 2 switch; twig
2 ghug f. shin
ghvaagj m. disease of plants
ghval na f. fat-rendering boiler; fat-rendering pan or kettle
ghvalastaj m. 1 rich man; propertied man 2
estimable person

ghvalhaj m. 1 fat-rendering vessel 2 impudent fellow

ghvalj f. young ear of corn (without kernels)
ghvam m. 1 rattle (of firearms) 2 roar (e.g., of a tiger)
ghvaam l m.
ghvaaml f.
ghuamb f. large intense flame
ghvamrgh f. kind of evergreen grass

Pashto-English Dictionary

ghvamredzh f. cow calving for the first time

ghvndzha f. tongue of flame
ghuandzj m. pine tree
ghvaanj fatty ghvaan fats
ghvaukj f. blossom, blossoms (of a tree)
1 ghvavl transitive [past: ] 1 to spread, extend,
unfold 2 open, open wide 3 to put, set, place military
to mine, set mines 4 to be conducive to blossoming, stimulate


ghvaavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

grease, oil, lubricate; butter 2 to make greasy, soil (something)

with grease or oil

ghvavna f. 1 extending, spreading 2 opening, opening

wide 3 putting, setting, placing

ghvaavna f. 1 greasing, oiling, lubricating; buttering 2
making greasy, soiling (something) with oil or grease

ghvavnaj m. bedding, litter

ghvaa feminine singular of 1
ghvaam l 1 m. toady, sycophant 2 fawning, bootlicking
ghvaaml f. fawning, excessive flattery
fawning over foreign things to fawn upon, bootlick;
flatter excessively

ghvavnaj m. 1 person unfolding or spreading

something 2 bedding, litter

fish oil fuel
oil animal fats vegetable oils idiom
to flatter excessively
2 ghvi feminine plural of
ghvaj sha ghoj sha 1 2 kind of flower
ghvajndzakj f. iris, flag
ghvajna f. blue iris, blue flag
ghvaedzhn ghvaechn ghvadz greasy,

ghva m. plural fuel oil; oil, fats (animal); grease

sheep's tail fat

oily, fatty

ghvaetsj f. curls; kinky hair; ringlets

1 ghvaedl intransitive [past: past: ]

1 to

be spread out, be extended; be spread, be unfolded 2 to fall prone

with hands flailing 3 to open, open wide

He became all the merrier. 4 to open up (of buds) 5 to rejoice,

beam with joy 6 to be dispersed, be scattered (of light, rays)

ghvaedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be oiled, be lubricated; be buttered 2 to be soiled with grease or


ghvaedlj past participle of 1

a merry b satisfied, content c merrily d with

ghvaedna f. 1 extending, unfolding 2 opening, opening

wide 3 budding, putting out buds 4 dispersion, diffusion,

scattering (of light, rays)

ghvaedna f. 1 oiling, lubricating; buttering 2 soiling

with something oily or greasy


ghvaed m. plural
ghvaed m. plural


ghvaezh f. botany Indigofera gerardiana (used as a


ghvakaj m. soot-covered kettle, sooty boiler

ghva larnkaj 2
ghvaimst m. ghuimst m. thorny sage (medical plant)
ghvaivl 1 m. oil merchant (of cooking, oil, etc.) 2
oleaginous, oily oil-yielding plant
1 ghoz m. fatty covering or integument of intestines or kidneys;
internal fat

2 ghuz m. [plural: ghuzn] walnut

ghuz r falling down; knocked off the feet
ghuzravl denominative, transitive [past: ]


throw down, knock off the feet; overturn, topple over

ghuzredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

fall; be thrown down, be knocked of the feet

ghuzredna f. ghuzred m. plural falling

ghuz aj m.
ghzba f. lance-leaved ash, Fraxinus oxyphylla
ghuzzaj m. horsefly larva (under an animal's skin)
ghoz f. 1 cocoon 2 boll (cotton) 3 cone (pine) 4 kind of

ghuzakrkaj m. dung beetle

1 ghuzj m. 1 load, burden 2 armful 3 idiom
to march along proudly
2 ghzi f. plural jet of water to spurt out a jet of

3 ghozj m. 1 embrace 2 struggle, wrestling

1 ghvazh strong, sturdy
2 ghozh f. kind of grass
ghuzhj m. large water-bag
ghvag m. ear anatomy the acoustic duct
gills He has sharp hearing.
He is hard of hearing. Do you hear or not?
a to listen to b to await (something)
We were awaiting news of your arrival.

a He pretended that he didn't hear. b He
didn't agree. to listen (to), listen attentively
a to hear something; listen to something
! Listen, look! b to eavesdrop, overhear
a I'll pull his ears. b I'll scold him. to
listen to someone's words; listen to someone ! Listen!

Pashto-English Dictionary

to listen to the
voice of conscience a to pull
someone's ears b to give someone a scolding to
eavesdrop, overhear, listen in He didn't turn a
hair. He wasn't scared at all. to drone on at someone,
bore someone I was droning on at you.
I became deaf. I became hard of hearing.
I heard him. Eastern a to hear, listen
! Listen! b to overhear, eavesdrop c to ask forgiveness
to turn one's attention to someone's words, reckon
with someone

to instigate, egg on, put someone up to something to
speak so that others hear He won't hear a thing.

to reach (of a
sound), be heard Are you listening?
proverb It goes in one ear and out the
other. to
remember someone's words; obey He did not
sustain the conversation. ! Convince him!
Persuade him! He paid attention to this
circumstance. He heeded this.
to put on earrings

torment someone

to be up to one's ears in debt

na f. eavesdropping
adjective overhearing


f. eavesdropping

2 ghvagb
loving to eavesdrop

having clipped ears, having cropped ears

aj m. earlobe

ghagt v m. ghvagtv
f. reprimand

used for cleaning the ear

na f. eavesdropping

sharp (of a sound)



m. 1 handle (of a vessel) 2 peg (of a guitar,

violin, etc.) idiom auricle

2 ghvagak
j f. whispering back and forth
m. mammiform bone

m. swelling or tumor in the vicinity of the ear

ghvag n hearing about some secret; informed about something;

knowing about something

to ignore, not to listen to someone, not to pay attention to someone

Did you remember what I said?

! Remember this well!
to egg someone on
to have a word in someone's ear; have a private word
with someone ! Tell him! to
converse in whispers a to pay no attention to
someone b to forget something idiom I pricked up
my ears. by ear to open someone's
eyes to something He has only now
comprehended. Did you
understand what I was talking about? to walk
abreast to walk in step with someone
to not lag (in a race, competition)
saying He miscalculated. He was
waiting for the results of the conference.
He is gullible. to pass away
I became calm. I can't
believe this. I don't believe my own ears.
These words were not to Badri's liking.
to bring to (someone's) notice I let him
know. I brought it to his attention. to teach someone a
lesson Pay no attention to his words.
to oppress someone,

f. sharp word, sharpness

m. eavesdropping to eavesdrop

1 ghvag 1
2 ghvag oblique plural of
laj m. earring
r 1 with big ears, big-eared; lop-eared 2 having
ears, eared (of a vessel, jug, pot)

ra f. 1 cap with earflaps 2 nightcap with earlaps
m. square corner (of a chador, etc.)

l transitive [past: ] 1 to force to listen 2
to inform

m. 1 handle 2 peg (of a guitar, violin, etc.) 3
corner, angle, corner (e.g., of a chador where it meets the ears) 4

telephone mouthpiece 5 sluice,

floodgate (of an irrigation system) 6 rays of sun coming through a

cloud; shaft of light; flash of light 7 small field (at the foot of a

2 ghvag j f. whisper
na f. dimple behind the ear

l intransitive [past: ] 1

to listen; percieve;

sense 2 to find out; be informed; find out about

na f. 1 aural perception 2 notification
ghvagz 1 having ears, having handles (of a vessel, pot, jug)


ghushj m. plural
[plural: ghoshj] ghushj ri m.

ghush k m. plural

ghoshj m.

Pashto-English Dictionary


ghoshajj m. [plural: ghushaj n] cattle


ghush m. dung pit

1 ghuht m. ghvht m. desire, wish; request
2 ghoht m. plural Italian millet, Panicum italicum, millet
3 ghuht imperfect of and Western substitute for

ghuhtpa f. notice (of a meeting, conference)

ghuhtl ghohtl transitive [present: past:
]1 to solicit, request, desire to request
permission to ask a high price 2 to wish, want
I want to go to Kabul.

want to explain this. 3 to try to get to

importune, insist 4 to call; invite; summon 5 to send for; order 6

to require
The patient is in need of
The problem requires careful

to require, be in need of (something)

large expenditures

investigation. 7 to ask in marriage

ghuhtnlk m. petition, application

ghuhtna f. 1 secret dream
lawful requirement, legal requirement
ghuhtnkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. partisan,

ghuhtnaj 1.1 wishing; desiring 1.2 requiring 2 m.

1 ghohj m. 1
2 ghvhi plural of
ghut f. Arabic 2
ghogh f. ghaugh f. 1 noise splash of waves
2 cry a to make a noise b cry out 3 disorders, riots;
mutiny to create riots; raise a mutiny
ghughau m. barking (dog)
ghvag m. Eastern
ghvagj m. plot of land, small piece of land
1 ghvul m. ghvl plural stools, feces to defecate
2 ghul m. ghol Arabic demon, evil spirit; monster
3 ghol m. 1 detachment, group; crowd 2 herd, flock
a by detachments, in groups; in crowds b in herds, flocks
4 ghol m. hernia, rupture
ghul ndza f. ghvl ndza f. 1 udder 2 kind of edible plant
ghul ndza f. larnkaj f. ghulndza-vr
ghvlbagj f. latrine
ghulb f. ploughing, tillage, ploughed land
ghvlkhr false, lying, mendacious
ghulghul f. noise, uproar; commotion
gholk m. moneybox
gholka m. slingshot, catapult
ghulmrg m. 1 pus, matter (within an abscessed boil) 2
core of a boil

partisan, supporter

ghuht m. plural 1 request 2 desire 3 demand 4 need

5 invitation; summons 6 subscription, written request; order 7

marriage request

2 ghuht imperfect plural of

ghhtj past participle of
ghvahln ghvahn 1 meaty

2 stout, fat; corpulent,

ghvahavr 1 2 muscular
ghvahavrtb m. ghvahavrtj

f. 1 meatiness

2 stoutness; corpulence, portliness

ghvhi meat
horsemeat camel meat regional
mutton poultry
regional veal
regional beef fish (the meat of
fish) goat meat raw meat dried
meat dialect roast meat a to grow fat,
grow stout, grow corpulent b to rejoice a to grow thin
b to emaciate, wear out to get thin 2 muscle idiom
literal If you want to eat
ghvha f. 1 usually plural

fish, you must get into the water. figurative You can't make an
omelet without breaking an egg.



to lead astray, deflect from the right path 2 m. plural deception

an optical illusion
ghulavna f. ghvulavna


ghulndzh m. colic
gholng m. gland
ghulna f. stye (on the eye)
ghulavl ghvulavl 1 transitive [past: ] .1 to
deceive, gull, trick to be mistaken, deceive oneself
deception, trickery, swindling,


ghulavnkaj ghvulavnkaj 1 present participle of


to disguise oneself

ghol f. 1 log, beam, timber 2 measure (for milk, water)

ghvla parenthetic word

truth, too bad

truly, in very

gholakam na f. slingshot, catapult; sling

1 ghlaj m. 1 yard, court yard, court 2 floor (of
a room) floor 3 hold, bottom (of a boat) 4 biology
natural habitat (area where particular plants or animals are found)

to place someone in a hopeless situation (in

a conversation, quarrel, etc.); to pin someone to the wall

2 ghulj f. whirlpool, maelstrom; gulf, abyss

3 gholj f. 1 assemblage, crowd in crowds
to divide into groups, group 2 flock (of birds) to

Pashto-English Dictionary

gather in flocks, flock (of birds) 3 irregular troops, detachments of

irregular militia

ghuledl ghvuledl [past: past: ] intransitive

1 to be deceived; err 2 to overlook, make an error in counting

ghuledna f. ghvuledna
deception 2 miscount

ghuled m. plural 1

gholin sta f. visit by the bridegroom-to-be to the home of

the father-in-law after the latter has agreed to the marriage

ghum sha f. elm tree

ghumb r f. thick smoker
ghumbr f. 1 ancient cannon 2 large swelling (from a
blow, sting of a wasp, etc.)

ghumbr m. 1 cooing to coo (of doves) 2 calls,

cries (of dancers) idiom to pay court to, make advances


ghumbska f. sally
ghumbsa f. wasp
ghumbk m. botany rush
ghumbraj m. cheek

ghumbri m. to be

chubby-cheeked, be round-faced

ghumbskaj m.

growth; lump

ghmba f. fatty tumor; tumor,

1 ghumbj m. tubby youth, chubby lad

2 ghmbi m. plural of swollen, inflated
ghmaj m. spurge, euphoria
ghumedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to laugh at, mock 2

ghvndzrkaj m. newborn goat

gundzavavl transitive [past: ] 1

ghvndza f. hawthorn (tree)

ghndzaj m. bag, sack
ghundzedl intransitive [past: ] 1

hide oneself (unnoticed) 5 to steal surreptitiously; toss something

somewhere unnoticed

ghnd 2
ghundrkaj ghundraj stunted
ghund f. spun wool
1 ghundj m. bag ghund sacking needle
2 ghnde Eastern 1 similar, like 2 like, as
like you like a stone like us
Eastern He resembles Ahmed.
This is quite a strange story.
Ahmed gave him a little rice.
3 ghnde Western 2
4 ghndi the separable part of the verb in the present

ghun ghvun 1.1 round, circular, spherical, globular 1.2

collected, concentrated; gathered 1.3 chunky, stocky (of a person)

2 m. .1

2.2 mountain with gently sloping pinnacle 2.3

medicine bubo 3 predicative .1 collected, convoked 3.2

acquired 3.3 accumulated 3.4 gathered into a pile (e.g., grain);

2 sheaf in the

ghvundzh ghvndz 1 wrinkled, wrinkled up 2 shriveled


the whole

ghun raj 1 m. .1 round lump; ball, sphere; round-shaped




compound verb to

form into a ball, ball up (clay) 1.2 round stone, spherical stone

ghvndzh 1 lazy 2 flaccid, inert

ghvundzh-mndzh 1 completely wrinkled (up)

1.3 bar, ingot (steel) 1.4 shot, projectile 1.5 ball (of yarn,

thread) 1.6 tumor, growth, thickening 1.7 bubble 2.1 round;

circular 2.2 spherical, convex

shriveled (up)

to toss about (in

sleep) 2 to wriggle, squirm (of worms) 3 to swarm, team 4 to

gathered, piled up together

field (of wheat, barley, etc.)


ghundzavna f. 1 turning, rotation, turning over 2


to threaten

ghondzhj f. young cow, heifer

ghun ga f. sugared fruit
1 ghvundzh m. 1 bag (for transport of straw)

to turn; turn

over 2 to oscillate, vacillate

ghvndzhv laj ghvundzhv laj m. 1 wrinkling; shriveling

(up) 2 pressure, contraction (of the heart)

ghvndzhavl denominative, transitive [past:

to wrinkle 2 to form into sheaves

] 1

1 ghundzhj m. withering of fruits

2 ghundzhj f. young sheep in heat
ghvndzhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1
to wrinkle up; shrivel up The skin on
his face was wrinkled up. 2 to be compressed, be gripped (of the
heart) 3 to fade, wither

ghunch f. cluster, bunch

ghundzhj m. 1 flat-cake; small white loaf

ghunrj f. small flat-cake, small white loaf

ghwan l m. computer science system
ghvunzhbaj ghunzhbaj ghvnzhbaj stammering
ghvnsr m. rotting leaf
ghvnsraj ghunsraj round-headed
ghunska f. ball
1 ghunk m. ghvunk artillery battery
2 ghunk m. ghvunk tarantula
ghunakmshr ghvunakmshr m. military battery

2 blade of a

ghunakj f. 1 tumor, growth, thickening 2 sally 3

anatomy pubis 4 small hill; hillock

handmade cotton gin


Pashto-English Dictionary

ghvnakj m. 1 pudgy youth 2 front-sight (of a


ghun plural of

ghunaj combining form likeness, similarity


a to

ghunavl ghvnavl [past: ] denominative,

transitive 1.1 to assemble; convoke 1.2 to acquire to

acquire property 1.3 to amass, accumulate 1.4 to collect into a

pile (grain) 1.5 to create (material resources, funds) 1.6 to call

(to arms) 1.7 to collect (e.g., proverbs, songs) 1.8 to create
(conditions) 2 m. plural .1 assembly, muster; convocation 2.2
acquisition 2.3 collection into a pile (grain) 2.4 creation (of
material resources, etc.) 2.5 call (to arms); mobilization (of

ghvna ghna 1 feminine singular of 2 f. .1

assembly, conference, meeting; session, congress closed

joint meeting general meeting

production meeting plenary meeting,
plenum to meet, have a meeting; conduct a conference

meeting; sit in a meeting 2.2 hillock, low hill 2.3 round rock,

ghukj m.
ghu f. rumble, drone
ghuh r m. nasal speech
guj nasal
ghuedl intransitive [past: ]1

to nasalize, speak

through the nose 2 to speak condescendingly

ghued m. plural nasal speech

ghuezhj m. 1 goldbricking, trying to get out of


ghvl m. 1
ghvra dialect 2

ghvhkaj m. green shoots, greenery, vegetation

ghveg aj m. Eastern bullock cart
ghvjl a f. kind of edible plant
ghvajlng 1 groin 2 crupper or harness-strap

spherical stone 2.4 round clod (of earth); ball (of dough)

ghunh raj m. swelling; bubo

ghvna marj f. gullet
1 ghunj m.
2 ghunj f. 1 hill, hillock; foothill 2 fat girl idiom
to hold oneself apart, not to participate (in quarrels,

f. plural 1 last gasp,

dying breath 2 gurgling (of water)

having a low character,

ghunehj good-natured, genial

ghu m. nasal sound
ghu ska f. leaping
ghu skaj m. ghu shki


passed under the tail of the animal (in the case of an ox it serves to
anchor the load)

ghvajmn m. 1 panic, alarm (among cattle) 2

trampling; stamping 3 tramping out a road in the snow (using

oxen) 4 annihilation, destruction, ruin 5 flouting, gross violation

compound verb a to cause a stampede, create a

disturbance (among cattle) b to trample, stamp c to stamp out a


yellowish (i.e., like yellow)

1 ghon f. rather full or chubby girl

2 ghvno oblique plural of
3 ghvno oblique plural of
ghunraj m. 1
ghunskaj 1 sphere, globe; ball-shaped lump or mass

shiver 3 pore

stout and ruddy, rubicund

ghnaj f. ghni plural 1 body hair 2 skin

stand on end (of hair) b to shrivel from the cold (of skin) c to

ghvunl m. tarantula
gunmshr gunmshr m.
ghunmshr f.
ghun-mn ghvn-mn 1 rather round, rather stout


road in the snow (using oxen) d to annihilate, destroy, ruin e to

ghvnj ghunj 1.1 short, thickset; short of stature,

petite 1.2 rather stout, rather full 2 anatomy m. head (proximal

flout, commit a gross violation

end) of the femur

be stampeded, be alarmed b to be trampled c to be tramped out

ghvnedl ghunedl denominative, intransitive [past:

] 1 to be assembled; be convoked 2 to be acquired 3 to
be accumulated; be deposited 4 to be collected into a pile (grain)
5 to be created (of material resources, etc.)

ghvned ghuned m. plural 1 assembly, convocation 2

acquisition 3 accumulation 4 collection, piling up (e.g., grain) 5
creation (of material resources, etc.)

ghunzedl intransitive
ghun f. 1 color, shade, hue (of skin)

2 appearance, external

aspect 3 personality; conduct, comportment

compound verb a to

(of a road in snow, using oxen) d to be annihilated, be destroyed,

be ruined e to be flouted, grossly violated 6 assembly, mob

ghvjm f. ghvjm female water-buffalo or cow in heat

to be in heat (of a female water-buffalo or cow)
ghvajj m. [plural: ghvj Eastern plural: ghvj
Western plural: ghvj n] 1 bull ox 2
astronomy Taurus (the constellation) 3 idiom
a watch (timepiece) b botany marguerite, white oxeye
idiom to lose all significance; be a mere
cog in the machine A

Pashto-English Dictionary

little bit still remains to be done.

compound verb to

subordinate oneself

respecting 2 zealous, ardent 3 valorous, courageous; brave 4

gha pronoun obsolete that (one) 1

ghij b m. Arabic absence

indignant, (angrily) disturbed 5 modest

in someone's

absence, in absentia

ghijb 1 absent 2 in default (of a trial, sentence, etc.)

ghij s m. Arabic 1 help; deliverance 2 proper name Ghias
ghajb Arabic 1 m. .1 secret 1.2 that which is inner, secret, or
concealed 1.3 absence 2 hidden, unseen the unseen
world to predict, prophesy
ghajbt m. Arabic 1 scandal, backbiting; abuse 2 censure,
condemnation a to backbite; discredit; abuse b to
censure 3 absence

ghajbg m. prophet, seer, soothsayer

ghajbguj f. prophecy
ghajb f. cleaned cotton; cotton wool
ghajb 1 absent 2 hidden, unseen; secret
ghib m. funnel (for pouring liquids)
ghdzha f. 1 2 onager, wild ass
ghajr Arabic 1.1 other, different; another
Nothing else remains for you than to
and so forth, and so on, etc. 1.2 standing outside of
something This contradicts the
spirit of democracy. 1.3 another's 2 preposition besides, aside

besides, aside from besides that,

aside from that with the exception of four
men 3 m. [plural: aghj r] stranger, alien They
from, without

are strangers.

ghajr Arabic prefix non-, without, sans-


not free,

ghajrb d unpopulated, deserted

ghajrikhtijr involuntary, forced
involuntarily, compulsorily

ghajrz d not free, dependent

ghajristi'm l obsolescent, going out of use
ghajrasl changed grammar inflected form
(of a word)

ghajatrf extraneous, strange

ghajrpahtn m. non-Afghan
ghajrt m. Arabic 1 feeling or sense of personal worthiness;
self-esteem; pride; self-respect from pride, out of selfrespect 2 zeal, fervor, heat 3 valor, courage; bravery 4

indignation, anger

I became indignant. I

got angry. Eastern I became indignant. I got angry. 5 modesty

a to display self-love, show self-respect b to

display zeal, show fervor c to display courage, show valor,

ghajratmnd 1 2 title of a captain

ghajratn k
ghajrtanzm incorrect; irregular
ghajrtavlid nonproductive
ghajrat 1.1 noble a noble and courageous
man 1.2 assiduous, zealous, ardent 2 m. .1 noble man 2.2

assiduous man; zealous man

ghajrdzhnibd r passionless; neutral

ghajrdzhang military non-combatant
ghajrchaln obsolescent, going out of use
ghajrhzr absent; non-appearing (for work, class, etc.)
ghajrhziravl denominative, transitive [past:
]to compel to be truant, commit absenteeism to
be an absentee, not to appear (for work, class, etc.)

ghajrhzir f. absence, truancy, non-appearance (at work),

absenteeism (from class, etc.)

absent from

class at school

ghajrhziredl denominative, intransitive [past:

]to be absent; not appear (for work), be a truant, be absentee
(class, etc.), play hooky, cut classes

ghajrharb non-military, civilian, civil

ghajrh ghajrh Arabic illegal
ghajrhai Arabic unreal, cut off from reality; fictitious
ghajrhukumat unofficial
ghajrdjim inconstant, temporary
ghajrdin Arabic society, fashionable
ghajrzirh Arabic grammar inanimate
ghajrrz unsatisfactory
ghajrrasm Arabic 1 unofficial unofficial
communication 2 outside of regular duties

ghajrzarav non-nuclear
ghajrzaudzh extramarital
ghajrshar' Arabic 1 illegal 2 illegitimate
ghajrshu'ur Arabic 1 irrational; unreasonable


ghajrsihh Arabic 1 unhealthy 2 unhygienic

ghajrzarur unneeded
ghajrtabi' unnatural, abonormal, extraordinary
ghajr'diln unjust
ghajr'd Arabic unusual, uncommon
ghajr'uzv Arabic inorganic
ghajr'al f. regional history zone or region of

demonstrate bravery d to be indignant, be (angrily) disturbed e to

be modest

gajratmn 1 having a feeling of personal worth; proud; self-

independent tribes on the northwest Indian frontier

ghajrghagz linguistics consonantal (of a phoneme)

gajrfitr Arabic abnormal, unnatural

Pashto-English Dictionary

ghajrbil-at-tahaml Arabic intolerable

ghajrbilimujis incomparable, matchless
ghajrnun unlawful; illegal unlawfully;
illegally to declare unlawful, declare illegal
ghajrabl ineffective, void
ghajrasdi Arabic unintentional, involuntary
ghajrlahkar peaceful, civil, non-military
ghajrmutadzhns Arabic heterogeneous
ghajrmutarb Arabic unforeseen; unexpected; sudden
ghajrmutara backward, unprogressive
ghajrmutazalzaln steadfast, stable, unshakeable
ghajrmuta'all Arabic foreign, alien, not related to a

ghajrmutanh limitless, boundless

ghajrmuhrb 1 military non-combatant 2 non-warring
ghajrmahdd Arabic limitless, boundless, infinite
ghajrmahdudijt m. limitlessness, boundlessness,

ghajrmahrm Arabic alien, strange

ghajrmar' Arabic 1 unseen; hidden, secret 2 unknown
ghajrmus'd Arabic unsuitable, inappropriate
ghajrmustam Arabic oblique; roundabout, devious
ghajrmussallh Arabic unarmed; peaceful
ghajrmusadd Arabic unverified (of a communication)
ghajrmutl Arabic grammar imperfective
ghajrmatlb Arabic unwanted; unneeded
gajrmutman Arabic unquiet, insecure
ghajrma'mul unusual
ghajrmi'jr Arabic non-standard
ghajrmu'ajjn Arabic indeterminate an
indeterminate quantity

ghajrmakf Arabic insufficient; unsatisfactory

ghajrmakshf Arabic unknown, unresearched,

real (of property)

ghajrmlk m. regional foreign country, foreign parts;

ghajrmulk regional 1 foreign; alien; outland; newly

foreign countries, overseas parts

arrived 2 m. foreigner; alien, outlander

ghajrmumt z Arabic unpriviledged

ghajrmumkn Arabic impossible, unrealizable
ghajrmuntazr Arabic unexpected; sudden
unexpectedly; suddenly, at once
ghajrmundzhamd Arabic non-freezing
ghajrmunsifn unjust
ghajrmunazzm Arabic 1 irregular
irregular troops 2 partisan to carry on partisan
warfare 3 disorderly, irregular


ghajrmuassr Arabic 1 ineffective, null, void 2 ineffectual

ghajrmuvalld Arabic not producing; unproductive
ghajrmuhazzb Arabic uncultivated, uneducated, ignorant
ghajrnizm peaceful, civil, civilian, non-military
peaceful population to demilitarize
ghajrnorm l abnormal
ghajrvzh Arabic unclear, foggy
ghajrvi' Arabic unreal, nonexistent
ghajrvad n unpopulated, deserted
1 ghjra f. wild ass, onager
2 ghajr Arabic other, and the others, et. al. as
for the rest, in other respects

3 ghajr f. Arabic singular and plural of

ghajrijt m. Arabic 1 change, alteration; distinction

oddity, exceptional thing 3 estrangement; extraneousness

gheg f.

to feel oneself alien, alienated 4 envy

m. Eastern f. [plural: ghgi Eastern plural:

1 embrace, embraces embracing one another
to embrace one another to

embrace one another (upon meeting)


to embrace mutually, greet one another

envelop, enclose 2 figuratives bosom, lap; surface 3 armful 4

wrestle idiom under the armpit nursling,
nursing child to carry (a child) in the arms
z m. sports wrestler
f. sports wrestling

s m.

m. greeting with an embrace

ghga f. dialect She flung

herself into her mother's embraces. in the
sports wrestling


real property

ghajrmanl Arabic

mother's arms

gheshl saj armed

gheshj m. dialect
ghajz m. Arabic ire, rage
gheg m. Eastern
1 ghil m. Arabic grove, small wood; forest
2 ghel m. 1 fending off, evading (a blow) 2



ghel f. plural 1 flock (of sheep, goats) 2 Wolves and Sheep

(the children's game)

ghajn m. Arabic the name of the letter

ghndzha f. leaping; leaping up
ghajjr 1 valorous, courageous 2 zealous, earnest, fervent

ghajrmunat' Arabic uninterrupted; tireless


Pashto-English Dictionary

still busy; once he is free, he will come to you. 3 careless,

carefree 4 getting detached from or out of something

fe 1 thirtieth letter of the Pashto alphabet (occurs only in loan

farigh-ul-b l tranquil; free of care, carefree

frigh-ul-bl f. 1 quiet, peace, tranquility; carelessness,

words; usually pronounced as "p" or "v" and, for this reason, is

often replaced by the letter

or )2 number 80 in the abjad

official abbreviation title of a

fbrik f. [plural: fbrik m. Arabic [plural:
fbik t] factory factory owner
electric power station
fbrika adjective factory, plant
fth Arabic 1 m. Arabic .1 victor; conqueror; patron 1.2
discoverer; author, founder 1.3 proper name Fatih 2.1
victorious; conquering 2.2 discovering; founding, beginning

unconcern 2 comfort

frigh-ul-tahsl m. Arabic graduate; one who has

frigh-ut-tahsla f. Arabic [plural:

completed a course of study

frigh-ut-tahsil na m. Arabic plural: frigh-ut-

tahsil t] graduate (girl, woman)

frigh-ut-tasil f. completion of studies

diploma, certificate of
completion of studies

frighavl denominative, transitive [past:

liberate from something

to free,

ftihn 1 victorious, triumphant 2 victoriously

ftih f. Arabic 1 beginning; opening, introducing 2 first
sura of the Koran to read the first
sura of the Koran; read the prayer for the departed
ftihakhn f. requiem assembly or service among

frighedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

freed from something idiom I drank tea.

fri f. Arabic hyphen

1 frm m. land-holding, farm experimental farm
poultry farm collective farm, kolkhoz
state collective farm
2 frm m. application; blank form; registration form
frmkolozh f. pharmacology
frml m. frmul f. formula algebraic
formula mathematical formula
frmuliz formulated to formulate
frmaln formalin
frmshin m. military formation to mine,
set mines in formation
frinhjt m. Fahrenheit thermometer
f rvar history active policy of British

to appear (publication), be issued, be published

fr Arabic distinguishing; distinctive

distinguishing marks; distinguishing characteristics; distinctive

Moslems during which the first sura of the Koran is read

fdzhr Arabic 1 depraved, vicious, debauched, corrupt 2 m.

libertine, debauchee, adulterer

fzh' Arabic 1 awful, horrible; tragic 2 ruinous; destructive

fdzhi' f. Arabic [plural: fdzhi' m. Arabic plural:
fadzh] 1 tragedy, drama 2 disaster; catastrophe;

fhsh Arabic 1 excessive, inordinate, monstrous

a grave fault 2 shameless; indecent, indelicate 3 gross,

scandalous, patently untrue

It is a gross error. 4

sharp, significant 5 outright, arrant (of a lie)

fhish Arabic 1 feminine singular of 2 f. prostitute

fhishagar f. 1 excess, state of being inordinate,
monstrousness 2 shamelessness, indecency, obscenity 3


fkht f. turtledove
fkhtarngaj grey, grey-colored; dove-grey
grey cloth
frs m. 1 Fars (province, Iran) 2 obsolete Persia
the Persian Gulf

frs f. 1 Farsi, Farsi language the Farsi language

Farsi-Kabuli, Dari 2 m. Persian
frsib n prsib n frsizab n
frsizab na 1 Farsi speaker; one who knows Farsi 2 m. Tajik;
Khazar; Persian

frgh Arabic 1 finishing something; liberated from something

He is


imperialism for Northwest India

frj b m. Faryab (ancient name for the city of Davlatabad)

Faryab Province
fsdzhn m. chemistry phosgene
fsd Arabic 1 spoiled; bad, nasty polluted water
polluted air 2 vicious, criminal idiom
to fight fire with fire
fsidavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to spoil,

2 unoccupied, free (from business, a matter)

leisure, leisure time

fr Arabic 1 perspicacious, sagacious 2 m. proper name


soil something


Pashto-English Dictionary

fsidedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

spoiled, be soiled polluted air 2 to be vicious, be


fsidednkaj present participle of

perishable (of food products)

fsfr m. plural fsfrus m. plural phosphorus

fsk Arabic 1 vicious, depraved, debauched; immoral 2 m.
debauchee, libertine

fsl m.
fsulj f. green bean, haricot bean, French bean
fsl m.
fsil fossilized fossilized animals
fsh Arabic evident, open, published; declared, announced
to make known, declare; publish, publicize
fshzm m. fascism
fshst m. fascist
fshist 1 adjective fascist 2 m. Fascist
fsl Arabic 1 dividing, separating, detaching 2
demarcational border line of demarcation
fsilav Arabic hyphen
fsil f. Arabic [plural: fasil m. Arabic plural:
favsl] 1 interim, interval, space 2 distance 3 partition 4

fktr factor
fkult faculty, university academic department
faculty of literature
1 fl m. Arabic 1 divination, fortunetelling, prophesy
to tell fortunes, practice sorcery; tell the future 2 omen
This is a good omen.
2 fl m. diet; abstinence
flbn m. fortune-teller, palmist
flbna f. fortune-teller, palmist (female)
flbin f. fortune-telling, palmistry to tell
fortunes, tell the future

flpuhtna f.
flt m. geology fold
flt 1 m. .1 stock, store (of some objects or other) 1.2 spare
part 1.3 colloquial reserve (of a military person) to
transfer to reserve 2.1 spare spare parts 2.2 extra,

a paralytic; an invalid

compound verb to be


telling the future

fsulj f. green bean, haricot bean, French bean

fzl Arabic 1.1 learned, educated an educated
woman 1.2 excelling 1.3 luxuriant; excessive; superfluous 1.4
supplemental 2 m. .1 [plural: fzil n Arabic plural:

fuzal ] learned man, scientist; educated man 2.2 1

fzl f. Arabic 1 surplus, excess; remainder 2 spare,
superfluous excretion; excrement
ftim f. proper name Fatima
f'l Arabic 1 active, doing, making; working 2 m. .1 agent
2.2 operator 2.3 worker 2.4 grammar agent, person performing

flud f. jam
flz m. melon field; kitchen garden
flezkr f. melon cultivation
fml m. 1 surname, family name to bear a
surname, have a family name What is
your surname? 2 family human race 3 biology
family legumes idiom black Chinese tea
fmilplna f. concern for the family
fmil combining form family, familial a
four-family house

the act
fa'il-i-mukht r free in one's actions; acting of one's own

f'ilijt m. Arabic 1 state of action 2 activity; operational

state; effectiveness

f m. Arabic crack, cleft; opening, aperture; groove; channel,

f Arabic 1 f. .1 poverty, destitution; need 1.2 hunger,

fd Arabic deprived of something; having lost something

starvation, fasting

to be hungry; fast 2 poor, destitute (of

a person)

faksh fasting, starving; hungry

fakash f. 1 hunger, fasting 2 starvation


fntaz f. fantasy
fns m. 1 lantern, lamp

lamp with a candle 2

magic lantern

noun of agent

fmil adjective family, familial

family life

will, independent

f'il 1 active; operational; effective 2 grammar ergative

ergative construction a present participle

fls f. Grewia asiatica (tree yielding edible fruit and lumber)

flkatna f. flgir f. sorcery, fortune-telling,


fldzh Arabic 1 m. paralysis

2 predicative paralyzed

fn f. 1 wedge 2 bolt, catch, lock, bar

fn Arabic liable to decay, perishable; unstable; ephemeral
fid f. Arabic [plural: fid m. Arabic plural:
favd] 1 use, advantage This is
completely useless. To what use? To what advantage?
to assist, help 2 profit, gain
a to be useful b to yield, produce profit, gain a
to be useful b to have material value c to be profitable
a to derive use, derive advantage b to derive
profit, derive gain a to get use or profit

Pashto-English Dictionary

from something b to derive advantage

thirst for

profit, greed for gain 3 outcome; result

fidabkhsh 1 useful, having a use; advantageous 2



fjrprf 1 fireproof, fire-resistant 2 secure in terms of fire-

fidan k 1 useful; advantageous 2

profitable, income-bearing

futuh t m. second plural of

futr m. Arabic 1 exhaustion; fatigue; weakness; flaccidity
to bring to a state of exhaustion, fatigue; weaken
The eyesight is weakening. 2 quarrel; squabble;

fz Arabic 1 overcoming something; attaining success 2

fortunate, successful

fz Arabic 1 abundant, abounding in 2 generous

f Arabic surmounting, superior; superlative
fiijt m. Arabic superiority


matter) to issue a fatwa

fatil` f. Arabic wick, fuse
1 fu m. foot two feet
2 fi regional fit, suitable


papt rumbling, roaring

The car was roaring

along at full speed.

(epithet of God) 2 m. proper name Fattah

futb l m. football, soccer

fath Arabic f. [plural: fthi Arabic plural: futh] 1
victory; winning, conquest We will conquer.
to gain victory He attained victory.
Victory will be ours. a to attain victory b
to subjugate, conquer to win the war 2 m. proper
name Fateh

fatamnd victorious, conquering

fathnm f. victorious communique, victorious report
ftha f. 1, 2
fath f. Arabic fatha, zabar (surpralinear symbol used to
indicate the short vowel phoneme /a/)

fthamand f. triumph, victory
fatahj b
fitr k m. saddle straps or cords fixed to a saddle and used to
tie game, etc.

1 medicine hernia 2 rupture, tear, strain

truss (for one suffering from a hernia)

1 disturbance; commotion; mutiny, rebellion 2

disaster 3 anxiety; unpleasantness

a to foment mutiny;

rebel b to harm c to cause anxiety, cause unpleasantness

He is unfit for

military service.

to have

fjnl finl the decisive play

fabruar f. February
fut m. 1
fatt h Arabic 1 religion He who opens the door of happiness

fat m. Arabic
fatbnd m.
fitn f. Arabic

fatv f. Arabic fatwa, decree, sentence, judgement (decision

reached by a Muslim ecclesiastical official on a legal or religious

fitnaangz m. troublemaker; disrupter, disturber of the

peace; instigator

titnaangez f. 1
fitnadzh 1 engaging in machinations, taking part in intrigue

fub l m. 1 football, soccer 2 football, soccer ball

football player, soccer player
funt m. note, footnote
fuvr f. regional extent, length in feet
fom pom regional damn you; be thou accursed
fa 1
fuajz fiajz pillar 60 feet in height
fadzh m. Arabic plural of and
fudzhr m. Arabic debauchery, dissipation
fadzh Arabic sad, regrettable; tragic
fadzhi' f. Arabic [plural: fadzhi'e m. Arabic plural:
fadzhai'] 1 horror 2 tragic event; tragedy, calamity;
misfortune 3 cruelty

fahh sh m. Arabic foul-mouthed person

fahhsh f. 1 swearing, cursing, verbal abuse 2 viciousness,
corruption; debauchery, depravity 3 prostitution a to
swear, curse b to be engaged in corrupt acts c to be engaged in


fuhsh m. Arabic swearing, foul language, cursing

to swear, use foul language, curse
fahv f. Arabic significance, meaning
fakhr m. Arabic 1 glory, honor 2 object of pride
to be proud of someone to take
pride in one's origins to take pride in the
fruits of one's labor official I have the honor
(to) I have the honor to report
to consider it an honor, take pride in
fakhr Arabic honorary, honorable
fid Arabic 1 f. (exculpatory, sin) offering compound
verb to offer in sacrifice, sacrifice He died for
freedom. 2 f. self-sacrifice 3 f. ransom (for a prisoner) 4 m.
proper name Fida

2 m. troublemaker; instigator

fatv f. fatvlk m. Arabic

futtuvt m. Arabic magnanimity; generous; nobility
futh m. Arabic plural of

fidk r selflessly dedicated, selfless, wholehearted

faithful wife, dedicated wife

dedicated to the work.


He is wholeheartedly

Pashto-English Dictionary

fidkr f. selflessness; selfless dedication

fid m. fidj 1 man giving his life for a sacred matter;

termination, completion of work

I am dedicated to you. I love

you wholeheartedly.

federsjn m. federation

feder l

federali federal; federative

federative republic

fidavijt m. Arabic
fidj f. Arabic 1 ransom


to pay ransom 2 religion

fulfillment of an obligation, discharging of a debt

feerashn m. federation
fur t m. Arabic 1 Euphrates

far kh broad, expansive, wide

frkhv laj m.
frkhavl denominative [past: ] to widen, expand,
broaden to widen the bridgehead
fr kha f. singular of broad chest
frk f. width
frkhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
fir r far r m. Arabic flight; escape; desertion

a to


firr m. refugee, escapee; deserter

(fleeing from justice)

firrijt m. desertion
firredl denominative, intransitive

fir z m. ascent, rise; takeoff

robber, brigand

[past: ] to flee,
to evaporate, vanish (of


2 far z m. 1 ascent, rise, upward movement 2 combining form

first m. farst Arabic 1 perspicacity; quick-wittedness;
quickness on the uptake He is very
perspicacious. 2 smartness; skill, know-how

far sh m. farr sh Arabic 1 servant whose duties are to spread

the carpets or floor coverings 2 servant, guard (for a mosque,



far h m. farr h Farakh (city)

Farakh Province

grindstone, whetstone

to gather,
to be

farhm 1 gathered, assembled, collected

collect, assemble (e.g., information, data)

firravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to drive

away, take away, lead away; compel to make an escape; force to


m. Frenchman 2.2 f. French, French language


flee; desert b compound verb of


frsn f. France
frnss m. Frenchman
frnk m. franc
farv n firv n farv na firv na plentiful, abundant
farvard f. food product agricultural

broadened, broaden

fir m. Arabic separation, parting

fr k m. fr k frock coat, tailcoat, tails
frksin m. fraction
farmsh farmsh forgotten
farmushkr f. forgetfulness; absentmindedness
farmn m. Arabic plural of
frns m. France
frnsav 1 French French, French language


Euphrates River 2 fresh water

to be freed from work

farght m. Arabic leisure time, free time; rest

free day, day off

federation, soccer federation

b to be finished, be completed 3

patriot; man who is selflessly dedicated to an idea 2 man who is

dedicated to someone

far gh m. Arabic 1 idleness, lack of occupation 2

gathered, be collected, be assembled (e.g., of information, data) 2

together, at the same time

farz m. Arabic plural of

furdzh f. Arabic 1 slit; aperture 2 dispute; split
farahbkhsh joyful
farht Arabic 1 m. pleasure; joy; comfort, consolation

2 f.

proper name Farhat

farrkh 1 happy, fortunate (of a man) 2 propitious

tarkhund happy, fortunate, propitious
fard Arabic 1 m. .1 [plural: afr d] man, individual;
person, human being, party government figure 1.2
[plural: afr d] warrior, soldier, enlisted man, private 1.3
[plural: fardna] list register; roster 1.4 one line (of
poetry), verse 1.5 [plural: fardna] individual 2.1 odd
2.2 only, sole, unique

fard poetry tomorrow

firdas m. heavenly garden, celestial tabernacles, elysian

farrshbsh m. 1 principal servant,

majordomo 2 history chamberlain

farshkhn f. farrshkhn storeroom for carpets and rugs

far sha f. farr sha maid, housemaid
farsh f. farrsh work and job of a chamberlain

fard 1 individual; personal


the development of

personal advantage 2 separate (of a family)

fardijtm Arabic 1 uniqueness 2 individuality, individualism

farzn 1 wise; learned 2 intelligent
farznd m. poetry 1 son 2 child

Pashto-English Dictionary

farzand f. position of a son

nominal, fictive, fictitious

to adopt as a son

farsakh (measure of distance

equal to 6.8 km.), league, parasang

farsud 1 worn, effaced 2 out-of-date, outdated (of news,

data, information)

a to wear out, become dilapitated

b to get old, become outdated, grow stale (of news, data,


1.2 spreading, strewing (i.e., of material on the floor) 1.3 floor,

flooring 1.4 pavement 2 predicative covered, spread


a to cover, spread, litter b to

denominative, transitive [past:

] 1


farshedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

covered, be spread over 2 to be laid on, be laid on top of 3 to be

paved 4 to be faced (with)

firihtn angelic
firiht f. angel She is an angel.
furst m. Arabic convenient opportunity; convenient time;
propitious moment; propitious circumstances I
did not succeed in doing this. I don't have the
time. to seize an appropriate moment, find an
appropriate opportunity, use the occasion (to)
to miss a propitious opportunity to take
advantage of the occasion to give someone the
opportunity (to) They waited for a propitious
opportunity. to take advantage of the
appropriate moment or occasion

farz m. Arabic 1.1 debt, obligation

to consider as one's obligation
I am obliged to execute this work. 1.2 obligatory
religious injunction to carry out (a religious)
obligation Eastern You carried out your
obligation. 1.3 assumption, guess a to suppose, guess
Suppose that b compound verb 2
predicative obligatory

frzn Arabic 1 supposedly, presumably 2 let us suppose, let

us presume

farzavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

suppose, presume we suppose we presume

farzij f. Arabic [plural: farzij m. Arabic plural:

farzij t] 1 hypothesis; assumptions, supposition,

fr'a f. Arabic m. [plural: fur] 1 branching; offshoot;

branch 2 subsidiary 3 development 4 outcome, conclusion 5

fr'n Arabic partly

fir'an m. Arabic 1



cover, spread over 2 to lay (on top of) 3 to pave 4 to face

suggested that

derived from something 6 percentage rates (on capital)

farshband f. 1 paving, covering, bedding, litter 2

pavement material

firisht f.

farzij t m. Arabic plural of

farzijt m.
farzedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
presupposed; be considered It can be

presumption; presentation 2 religion instruction; command

farsh Arabic 1 m. .1 bedding, litter; carpet; rug; floor matting

fictitious names 3

required by religion or morals

farzn m. chess queen

fars m. Arabic chess knight
farskh m. farsang m.

guinea fowl 2

fir'aun f. fir'aunijt m. 1 haughtiness 2 tyranny

far' Arabic 1 derived; subsidiary auxiliary

committee; subcommittee 2 secondary; minor 3 approach (of a


fargn f. Fergana (city)

farfr frfr 1 quickly, swiftly 2 smoothly, tranquilly
farfar f. firfir 1 top 2 revolving object (i.e., door,

to be
distinct from indifferently, of no matter
to differ; be distinct from one's another; be
different from one another a to differ, be distinct b to
far m. Arabic difference, disparity, distinction

change, alter

fur n m. Arabic Koran

firav Arabic adjective group; sectarian; factional
clique-formation; sectarianism; fractionalism
squabble; dissention

fir f. Arabic 1 group; detachment 2 religion sect,

persuasion 3 faction 4 military division

firaband f.

firmshr m. firmshr general lieutenant

major general

firaparast f. 1 grouping; clique-

formation 2 squabble, dissention


farl ng m. regional furlong

1 firm m. farm firm
2 farm m. bench; school bench, desk
formlit f. formality
farm n m. Arabic [plural: farmnna plural:
farmn] order; decree; document being
subordinate to someone to execute someone's

Just imagine that

farz Arabic 1 supposed, presumed, imagined, imaginary

The earth has an imaginary axis. 2

orders; be subordinate to someone

farmnbard r submissive, obedient, being subordinate

to be subordinate, be submissive to someone

Pashto-English Dictionary

farmnbardr f. obedience, submission, subordination

to be subordinate
farmndehh f. command, commanding
farm n vnkaj obedient, submissive
farmjsh m.
farmjish ordered, reserved
farmjht m. order to issue an order, order
farmjl transitive [past: ] polite form of 1 to
speak, deign to speak Saadi writes. 2 to order;
ordain 3 to condescend, deign to do something
They deigned to state ... They
deigned to leave Kabul.

firml m. Birmal (district, Pakti Province)

firmal 1 Birmalian 2 m. citizen of Birmal
farmud f. 1 command, order 2 instruction
according to your instructions 3 command, injunction,

firindzhl m. Firinjal (settlement, Gorbend)

farng m. European idiom syphilis
farangist n m. obsolete Europe
1 farang farangj 1 m. .1 Englishman 1.2

European 2.1

farangitb m. European manners; imitation of Europeans

firn f. [plural: firnigani] rice gruel; kind of
blancmange of rice flour

farvar f. February
furuz n poetry radiant, shining
fursh m. farsh sale, selling, sales
furushk r m. merchant, seller
dfur m. Arabic plural of
furu' t m. 1 second plural of 2 judicial assembly
frnze m. Frunze (city)
farh d m. proper name Farhad
farhng m. 1 dictionary; lexicon 2 culture
farhang 1 cultural cultural collaboration

proper name Farid

faresh na
fariz f. Arabic [plural: fariz m. Arabic plural:
farz] 1 religious obligation (fast, prayer) 2 debt,
obligation to consider as one's obligation
fareft poetry 1 deceived 2 in love, lovelorn
far m. Arabic [plural: fari n plural: faijn]
1 regional one engaged in a suit the opposing side
the losing side the winning side the
litigants far-i plaintiff, complaint far-i
trekvnsi f. physics frequency
frem m. 1 frame (of spectacles, glasses, etc.)

2 mounting,

frev n frev ba plentiful, abundant

fizks m.
fizijlodzh f.
fizijlodzhk fizijlodzhik
fizk m. physics nuclear physics
physics laboratory physical scientist
fizikph m. fizikdan m. physicist
fizik f.
fizik physical; natural build, frame
physical and geographic environment


farj d m. 1 groaning, crying out, weeping; shout (for help)

to grieve over to cry out, yell to
cry out, raise a rumpus 2 complaint
to complain to someone
farjdrs m. patron, protector; comforter
farjd m. 1 complaint to go to someone
with a complaint 2 complaining; alarming

military strategem to be
to cheat somebody,

fizijolozh 1 f. physiology 2 physiological

fizijolozhkk fizijolozhik physiological
fas d m. Arabic [plural: fasduna Arabic plural:
fasad t] 1 disturbance; disorder moral
dissolution 2 harm; misfortune; evil Great
unpleasantness resulted therefrom. a to

cause disturbances, instigate troubles; sow dissent b to harm, spoil

fasd 1.1 causing disorders; sowing dissent 1.2 evil,

harmful 1.3 troublesome 2 m. [plural: fasdij n]

troublemaker; plotter, intriguer

faskl s regional 1 first-class 2 of the first class or rank

first-class ticket
faskh m. Arabic 1 abolition, annulment
abrogation of a treaty 2 breaking, disruption (of a relationship)

optical illusion

2 m.

framework, hull

farb firb m. 1 deceit, betrayal, swindling

con man

fareb m. cheat, swindler, con man

friun m. Freetown (city)
fard Arabic 1 incomparable, matchless, unmatched

defendant, accused 2 section, part of something 3 group,

farangj 1 f. .1 English woman 1.2 European woman 2

feminine singular of 1 2

cheat, swindler,


English 2.2 European

farebmz deceitful; mendacious

farebkr f. deceit, cheating
farebgr deceitful, mendacious

swindle someone 2 temptation


compound verb

compound verb

Pashto-English Dictionary

faskhavl denominative, transitive [past:

annul; dissolve 2 to disrupt, break off

fskha f.
faskhedl denominative, intransitive

aerial photography
airmail Air Force Ministry of Aviation 2
space spaceship space flight
high-altitude explosion
fazl m. Arabic 1 superiority, perfection; merit, virtue 2
grace; generosity 3 [plural: fuzl] surplus, profit 4 proper

1 to

[past: ] 1 to be

annulled, be dissolved 2 to be broken off (of relationships)

fis m. Arabic 1 dissipation, profligacy; immorality 2

violation of religious law, sinfulness

name Fazl

a to dissipate,

fuzal m. Arabic plural of 1, 2

fazal t m. Arabic plural [plural: fazl] 1 excrement,
stools; feces; dung to remove dung 2 products of

engage in depravities b to violate religious law, sin

fish r m. 1 pressure atmospheric pressure
airtight, pressurized cabin; pressurized chamber
fish r-i high blood pressure; hypertonia

decomposition 3 physiology excretion

He suffered from hypertonia. 2 oppression, violence, pressure,

political pressure, political coercion

to exert pressure, coercion on someone
3 a multiplicity of matters; affairs a program of work,



fush m. Arabic plural of

fasl m. Arabic [plural: faslna Arabic m. plural:
fusl] 1 time of the year, season 2 epoch, time, period 3
six months, half a year a according to the times,

seasons of the year b according to half-yearly periods 4 sowing,

grain shoots standing crops

late crop a sparse crop nearly ripe grain
abundant crop early crop spring
planting, summer planting These lands


now yield two crops. 5 chapter, section (of a book) 6 solution (of
a problem) 7 act (of a play)

compound verb to solve (a

compound verb to be solved (of a problem)

fasln f. regional harvest tax

fasl seasonal
fusl m. Arabic plural 1 of 2 four seasons of the year
fash Arabic 1 eloquent; flowing, pure, clear (speech) 2 m.
eloquent man

fasl m. Arabic parapet; breastworks; trench

faz f. Arabic 1 space; expanse; area 2 air, atmosphere
pure air, fresh air the terrestrial atmosphere
space space flight, flight
into outerspace spaceship 3 atmosphere,
ambience the political atmosphere
favorable circumstances 4 yard, courtyard

fazpajm 1 adjective space

fazht m. Arabic shame, dishonor


fuzl m. Arabic

fuzul Arabic 1.1 inappropriate, unnecessary 1.2

another's business 2 m. .1 importunity 2.2 innappropriateness

fasht m. Arabic eloquence; smoothness of speech,

superfluous; surplus, inordinate 1.3 obtrusive, interfering in

elegance of (written, spoken) style


fazlfurush f. conceit
f. Arabic m. [plural: fazal t] waste products,


work committment

faz 1 aerial

shame, ingloriously

faznavrd m. astronaut
fazl m. Arabic plural of

spaceship 2 m.

with great

fuzulkhrts extravagant, wasteful

prodigal, a spendthrift

fuzul 1 f. .1 inappropriateness; misplaced interference 1.2

superfluity; abundance, extremes 1.3 importunity 1.4 wilfullness

2.1 1 2.2 willfull


faziht m. Arabic shame, disgrace, dishonor

shame, disgrace, dishonor


to be shamed, be

disgraced, be dishonored

fazihatmz shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable

fazilt m. Arabic 1 perfection, superiority
perfections 2 erudition 3 [plural: fazl] Arabic merit,

fazilatm b m. title for a judge, qadi

fitr m. Arabic first meal eaten after a fast, breaking of a fast
fitrt m. Arabic 1 nature human nature 2

property, quality, attribute, character 3 predisposition 4 attraction

5 alms distributed after the breaking of a fast

fitrtn Arabic by nature, according to one's own nature

fitrat 1 2 by nature, according to one's own nature
fitr Arabic 1 natural, innate, inborn 2 normal
fatr Arabic unleavened (of dough, bread)
fa' l Arabic active, operative, energetic
to take active part in,
actively participate in

fa'ln efficatious, active, effective

fa'lijt m. Arabic 1 military activity; effective action
to mine, set mines to act, show activity
2 economics operation, transaction 3 work, activity
to put into operation a
to go into action, act, operate b to engage in battle, do combat


Pashto-English Dictionary

fi'l fe'l m. Arabic [plural: fa'lna m. Arabic plural:

af' l] 1 business, affair, activity, operation deed
to act poorly 2 grammar verb; verb form intransitive
verb transitive verb regular verb
irregular verbs (verbs of archaic conjugation)
auxiliary verbs f'li, f'l-i present tense
f'ln f'ln Arabic at present, at the present time, now
fi'l fe'l 1 present-day, present 2 grammar verbal; verbalderivative 3 active, operative

figh n m. 1 cry, groan 2 interjection Alas!

faghfr m. history 1 title of the bogdokhan (sacred ruler),
emperor of imperial China 2 porcelain

fa r m. Arabic vertebra
farij vertebral
fud n fikd n m. Arabic 1 absence (e.g., of experience); lack
2 deprivation, loss

far m. Arabic 1 poverty, destitution; want

to be

destitute; be in want 2 poverty 3 impoverishment 4 alms

to request alms
fuar m. Arabic plural of
fir t m. fikar t Arabic plural of
far-ad-dm m. anemia
fir f. Arabic [plural: fir m. Arabic plural:
fir t plural: fiar t] 1 paragraph, item paragraph 2
grammar phrase 3 saying 4 vertebra

fat Arabic 1 only, just, uniquely 2 that's all, the end (at the

fh m. fha Arabic 1 religion fiqh, theology, jurisprudence

end of a letter, recipe, etc.)

2 knowledge

fuah m. Arabic plural of

fih-ul-lught m. Arabic etymology
fha f.
fad Arabic 1 deceased, departed; official late, fallen asleep in
the Lord (of a monarch) 2 irretrievably expended, lost

far Arabic 1 m. [plural: fair n Arabic plural:

fuar ] .1 pauper, poor man 1.2 faqir, traveling dervish 1.3

proper name Faqir 2 poor

fara f. singular of
fair f. 1 poverty, destitution

to be destitute; be

poverty-stricken; beg 2 hermit's life, way of life of a dervish

fah m. Arabic [plural: fuah ] specialist in Muslim

law, a specialist in shariat

fukht m. Arabic sharp-wittedness, humor; joke

fukh Arabic humorous; jocular


fikr m.

in joke
[plural: fikrna


Arabic plural: afk r]

Arabic 1 thought; meditation; reflection; thoughtfulness

way of thinking
You need to

initiative, undertaking

Here's what I think.

One must think this through well.
! Listen to me and think about it! b to worry, be anxious
! Don't worry! to be prudent
to think about, reflect on, think over something
He became pensive. He is unable to
grasp this. I was deep in thought.
This is not what you think. This is not what
you imagine. to think something over
a think up b to be pensive to
arrive at the view at the decision; become pensive 2 opinion
in my opinion We propose that
You are not right about this. 3 attention
attentively I did not pay attention. I did not
notice. to pay attention
Just don't forget He kept up with the dispute.
You probably noticed that
He has no concern for himself. to
distract someone I remembered one verse.
to think about or remember the family of a
friend to come to mind, remember
fkrn Arabic in an intellectual sense
fikrmn fikrmnd pensive; anxious
fikr Arabic 1 pensive 2 psychological; intellectual,
philosophical intellectual development 3 ideational
ideational flow like-mindedness 4
pertaining to thought intellect
fokl m.
fig r
fal t m. Arabic plateau
1 fall h m. Arabic fellah, agricultural field worker, peasant,
remember all this.

a to think

grain farmer

2 fal f. fal h Arabic 1 happiness 2 prosperity, well-being

falht m. Arabic husbandry, grain farming, agriculture
falhat agrarian, agricultural
falh f. 2
falkhn m. sling (weapon)
fil safar m. regional philosopher
falsif m. Arabic plural
falkt m. Arabic poverty, need to become
poor, fall into want

flks m. falks botany phlox

filladzhst m. philologist
fillodzh f. philology
fillodzhk philological
falln m.
ful n Arabic pronoun so-and-so, such-and-such
flnkj falnkj plnkj palnkj m.
falnl m. flannel

Pashto-English Dictionary

flnj falnj plnj palnj m. so-and-so (a man)

falnn m.
filip jn m. filipn m. Phillipines, Phillipine Islands
filtr m. filter compound verb to filter
faldzh m. Arabic 1 paralytic poliomyelitis 2
economics depression compound verb to paralyze
filz m. filzz Arabic [plural: filizzna Arabic plural:
filizz t] metal
filzdzhoavnkaj filzzdzhoavnkaj metallurgical
filizs z filizzs z m. 1 metalworker 2 metallurgist
filizsz filizzsz f. metallurgy
filizkr filizzkr f. metal processing the
metal-processing industry

filiz filizz metallic metal ore deposits

fals m. fils Arabic [plural: filsna Arabic plural:
fuls] 1 scales (of a fish) 2 fils (small Iraqi coin worth
1/1000 of a dinar)

fulwsp m. regional stop

make a stop

filastn m. Arabic Palestine

falsaf f. Arabic 1 philosophy

compound verb to

floresnt fluorescing, shining

fluorescent bulb, daylight quality lamp

fuls m. Arabic plural of

falit f. 1 ribbon 2 wick, fuse
falitad r matchlock (of a rifle)
full m. plural scented (hair) oil
fam m. Arabic 1 mouth, orifice 2 entry or upper aperture of the

fan m. fann Arabic [plural: fannna Arabic plural:

funn] 1 branch of science; science 2 technology 3 art

the fine arts

fana f. Arabic 1 destruction; death; mortality 2 nonexistence,

disappearance; decomposition, transitoriness, perishability

to annihilate

to disappear

a to be annihilated;

perish b to hide, disappear c to dissolve

to destroy, lead someone to destruction

fen men m. plural phenomena (of nature, etc.)
fann n m. Arabic
fannpazr 1 inexhaustible inexhaustible
resources 2 imperishable, non-transitory

2 theory; theorectical bases,

theoretical points of view

fund m. 1 funduk (variety of small nut tree and its fruit,

related to the hazelnut) 2 endearment lips of the beloved 3

falsafad n m. 1 philosopher 2 theorectician

falssaf Arabic philosophical
falsafijn philosophical philosophizing
fals squamous, scaly
filfl m. pepper (the plant)
falk m. Arabic [plural: ]1 sky; celestial sphere 2
astronomy orbit 3 fate, destiny

falaks m. phlox
falakshik f loud, piercing



falak Arabic 1 celestial heavenly 2 astronomical

film m. 1 film; movie sound film color film
documentary film artistic film
movie studio a to film a movie b
m. plural filming movies movie
cameraman to show a film 2 photographic film
photographic film
filmbardr f. filming, shooting film
camera cameraman
filmsz f. production of films, creation of movies
the film industry
filmgir f.
filint f. carbine; hunting rifle
falann m.
flut m. music flute
1 flor m. flor (a breed of caracul sheep)
2 flor m. flora

botany bud

fan m. fund, stock

fanr m. spring, coil spring
fanarvl adjective spring
fanar adjective 1 spring 2 elastic

resilient or

elastic plastic material

fannk r m. creative worker; artist, one active in art

finkj ng m. Pyongyang (city)
finlnd m. finlnd m. finln m. Finland
the Gulf of Finland
finlnd m. finln m. Finland
finlen 1 Finnish 2 m. Finn
fnomfn m. pnomepn Phnom Penh (city)
funn m. Arabic plural of
fann Arabic 1 f. [plural: fannija] .1 technical
technical equipment specialist,
qualified workers, technicians 1.2 artistic art
(painting, music, etc.); fine arts 2 m. [plural: fannij n]

fannij t m. Arabic plural technology

fu d m. Arabic 1 heart 2 proper name Fuad
favr favvr f. Arabic fountain, jet, spout, spring
favsl m. Arabic plural of
favd m. Arabic plural of
favid-i-'m f. governmental structure
Ministry of Public Works


Pashto-English Dictionary

faut m. Arabic 1 decease, death

to die, pass away 2

loss not losing any time

fotogr f m. photograph
fotogrf f.
faut dead
fautedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

annihilate, destroy, exterminate; perish

fokl m. collar
fol d m. ful d plural

photographic studio



faudzhd r m. history military leader, army commander

faudzhkash f. faudzhkah f. 1 invasion, armed
attack 2 campaign
the Regular Army


to dismiss the army


faudzdr adjective regional criminal

criminal case

court judges

criminal court

faudz regional 1.1 army; troop; military


military court, court martial


salute 1.2 strategic 2 m. soldier, trooper; military man

faur m. Arabic speed, hurry

furn Arabic at once, immediately, quickly, urgently
fort-lm m. Fort Lamy (city, Africa)
fork st m. weather forecast
form m. 1 uniform (i.e., clothing) 2 school uniform
formlit m. formality
formla m. formula
faur Arabic urgent urgently
sudden jump, sudden leap forward

faurijt m.


phosphorous compounds

a to smelt steel

foldsz f. steel production

steel-annealing, steel-smelting factory
fold adjective steel idiom to get down to
rather hard work an iron will
folklr m. 1 folklore 2 ethnography
folklor 1 folkloric folkloric material 2

fonogr f m. phonograph
fonetk m. phonetics
fonetik phonetic
fonek m.
fonm m. linguistics phoneme
fihrst m. 1 list, enumeration; index, directory; table of
contents 2 notice agenda
fahm m. pam Arabic 1 understanding, apprehension,
intelligence 2 intellect, reason

famavl denominative, transitive [past:

explain, elucidate, find out; become acquainted

] 1 to

From this statement it is evident that 2 to

understand, imagine, conceive

fahmedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

explained, be found out; have become acquainted

What do you understand by this?

fahm Arabic 1 knowing; intelligent

fauriv laj m. Arabic 1 urgency 2

fosfr m. plural phosphorus

fosfor phosphoric
fosl m. fossil
favzavijt m. Arabic anarchy


b smelting of steel

faudzh m. Arabic [plural: faudzhna Arabic plural:

afv dzh] army, troops to gather troops, assemble


aerial photography

faudz m. regional army troops

unusualness; outstanding

photographic laboratory 1.2 photograph, photographic print 2

from the top, above, up on

fau-ul-'d Arabic 1 extraordinary, urgent

extraordinary circumstances 2 unusual,
outstanding 3 prominent prominent persons
fau-ul-'dag f.
faun upper, top upper part, upper half
fauijt m. Arabic 1 air superiority

1.1 photography (the art)

photographic equipment


fau-al-bashr m. Arabic superman

fau-ud-'dag f. 1 extraordinariness; urgent in nature

to die,

foog ni] photograph, photographic print

1, 2


fauted m. plural 1 death 2 destruction, ruin

fu m. foot 150 feet 1
futb l m. football, soccer
fub l kavnkaj m. football player, soccer player
funt m. footnote, note
fo m. & f. m. [plural: foog n f. plural:

fufan annihilated, destroyed, exterminated

fufulz m. pupulz
fau m. Arabic 1 top, summit 2

pass away 2 to perish

foogr f m.
foogrf f.

2 m. proper name

Fahim, Faheem

1 fe f. the name of the letter

2 fi Arabic preposition-prefix 1 in; on 2 at, at the time
fajj z Arabic 1 generous, magnanamous 2 m. proper name


fildzhuml Arabic on the whole, in general

Pashto-English Dictionary

filh l Arabic at once, immediately

filh la at the present time
filhait Arabic actually, indeed
filmbl Arabic on the other hand, on the contrary
fit f. 1 ribbon, tape to rewind a ribbon or tape
2 adjective ribbon, tape idiom tapeworm
fchr m. 1 feature article 2 hit (movie)
federsin m. federation
federl federal, federative federation, federal
system federal republic
feershan m.
fajr m. fire; gunfire artillery fire
to fire at, bombard
feringa f. regional Englishwoman
feringj m. 1
firn f.
firuz f. victory
firozh f. turquoise
feroknkrit adjective ferroconcrete
fizijlodzh f. fizillozh f. fizijolodzh
f. physiology

fizijonom f. physiognomy
fis m. m. 1 fee entrance fee to pay a
fee 2 payment free
fisabilull Arabic free, for nothing, without payment
fshn m. fshn mode, fashion fashionable
dandy, young person given to inordinate display in

fajzrasn f. 1 generous 2 grace, virtue

1 fil m. elephant
2 fil m. 1
3 fajl m. fejl regional failure to fail (an examination,
etc.) compound verb to be failed, be flunked, flunk (an
examination, etc.) to fail an
examination resoundingly, bomb out

filpj f. 1 upright; post 2 column

filkhn f. elephant enclosure
fildkvrs m. filkvrs m. feldspar
filmrsh l m. field marshal
fajlasf m. filsf [plural: fajlasuf n plural:
filsuf n plural: falsif] 1 philosopher; thinker 2

filgsh m. 1 water pepper, persicary 2 twigs (pastry)

filmrgh m. turkey
filmrgha f. turkey-hen
filv n m. elephant drover
filolodzh f. philology
1 fil f. obsolete file, ranks ! Form a single file!
(as a command)

2 fla f. cow-elephant
fajn fine, of high quality (cloths)
finnsm n m. financing
fen l m. chemistry phenol, carbolic acid
feod l m. feudal lord
feodlzm m. feudalism
feodl feudal feudal

dress, etc.

feshn m. 1 dandy; fashion plate 2 fashionable, stylish

fisd used to express percentages 20% of the


1 adjective percent 2 f. percent of an

allocation in percentage points in percentages

fajsl m. Arabic regional
fajsal f. Arabic decision, resolution; sentence (of a court)
by decision, according to the decision
compound verb to decide to be decided, be resolved
(of a question, problem) to impose a sentence (of a
court) to come to a decision
Then it has been decided?
fajsalanm f. resolution to take,

feo l m. fju l
feolzm m. fjualzm
feol fjul
fjuz m. 1 detonation cap; percussion cap 2 safety fuse, cutout
(electrical, etc.) to burn out (of a fuse), short-circuit
fujz m. Arabic plural of
fujuz t m. second plural of
fjumigshan m. agriculture fumigation

accept a resolution

gracious 3 well-being; success 4

proper name Fayz

fajzb d m. Fayzabad (city)

fajaz n m. Arabic 1 high water, overflow 2 abundance
fajzras n 1 generous 2 gracious, virtuous

f 1 thirty-first letter of the Pashto alphabet (primarily occurs

in loanwords, Arabic verb-forms, and Turkish words; pronounced

as Arabic and may be replaced by the letter or even valorized

fajz m. Arabic [plural: fujz] 1 abundance; generosity

2 favor, grace



into "kh" or "gh") 2 number 100 in the abjad system



abbreviation of

military 1 abbreviation

2 abbreviation

b m. 1 dish; plate 2 kneading trough 3 case, container

Pashto-English Dictionary

bz Arabic 1.1 grasping, seizing; carrying, receiving 1.2

taking, accepting 1.3 medicine tying off, clamping 2.1

bl Arabic 1 worthy, deserving of something

deserving punishment, punishable

bil-az-zr' Arabic arable (e.g., land)

bl-i-bardsht regional patient
biltb m.
bl-i-rm worthy of pity, piteous
bl-i-rshk enviable
bl-i-'aml practicable, feasible
bl-i-dr worthy; valuable
bil f. Arabic midwife; obstetric assistant
bilag f. midwifery, obstetrics
bilijt m. Arabic 1 ability; fitness

military service

Oriental-style robe, long among the Yusufzai and short among the
western Afghans)

dirij f. Kadiria (Muslim sect, usually Qadiria, a Sufi order)

dij n m. plural Kadiani (Muslim sect)
r m.
rdzhn angry
krgh n plural of
rgh m. rg m. crow
rn m. Arabic Karun (name of a wealthy man, has become


fitness for

a common name)

bilijt-i biology variability 2

compound verb
a to seize,

b 1 m. .1 strength; force, might

curb, restrain, control


occupy b to seize, grab, take by force 1.2 opportunity, favorable


It was exactly 10 o'clock in

Eastern I didn't

the morning. idiom

want to eat yet.

p m. vice 2
pij f.
1 t m. layer, stratum; sheet, bed, row to form folds
compound verb compound verb

2 t m.
tr m. mule
tra f. jenny, mule (female)
t kednkaj tag folding
folding table

tl Arabic 1.1 killing, murdering 1.2 murderous;

destructive 2 m. murderer

tavl denominative, transitive [past:

to fold; roll

rr vishtnkaj



r m. Arabic [plural: arij n Arabic plural:

urr ] kari (reader of the Koran)

r the ocean
z m. gander mountain gander
z k m.
zkst n m.
z 1 adjective Kazakh 2 Kazakh, Kazakh language
z n m. Kazan (city)
za f. goose
sm Arabic 1 dividing; splitting up 2 m. math .1 divisor
sh m. 1 saddlebow 2 trigger (of a revolver)
sh r m. Kashgar (city)
shr shrj Kashgar adjective


rug (type without pile or nap)

shk sh m.
shgha f. sha f. knife
sd m. Arabic 1 runner; courier; messenger

2 death, hour

of death

2 m.

deficiency, defect

1 to be

folded; be rolled up 2 to form folds

proper name Qasim

sid m. dandelion
sr Arabic 1 having a defect, having a deficiency


1 t 1 hunger 2 shortage, deficiency

2 at folded (of a mountain)
tedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to get the opportunity 2.1 curbing;

restraining 2.2 on the qui vive; ready for an attack 3 adverb

precisely, exactly

rr f. Arabic continent, continental mass, section of the

world; dry-land

natural gifts, endowments; talent 3 qualifications

to be in a position to do something 1.3 religion

2 dr m. cadres (of workers)

drav regular, experienced, skilled, trained
darj 1 shortened, hemmed, cut-off 2 m. kadaraj (ample

of midwifery, obstetrics

almighty 2 m. proper name Qadir

bl-i worthy of pity, piteous


to allow to give the possibility or the opportunity (to)

worthy, deserving of respect b outstanding, exceptional c

talented 4 knowledgeable, capable 5 combining form

contraband goods;

contraband 1.2 secret, clandestine 2 m. smuggler

fit for something 2

acquiring (e.g., some quality) 3 able; gifted; talented

chgha f. table knife

1 dr Arabic 1.1 mighty, potent 1.2

recipient; examiner, inspector 2 holder, possessor

ch 1.1 contraband

z m. Arabic [plural: kzij n plural: uz t]

1 qazi, judge 2 expert

ch m. contraband; contraband transport (of goods)


Pashto-English Dictionary

zitb judgeship; position of judge


position of judge

tr m.
tir transported by mule (of a cargo)
t Arabic 1.1 decisive, firm 1.2 unquestionable,

indisputable 1.3 convincing 1.4 sharp, cutting 2 m. [plural:

utt '] robber, bandit

'idtn as a rule, usually, ordinarily
'id f. Arabic [plural: 'id m. Arabic plural:
av'd] 1 rule; order brought into a state of order,
regulated; tuned, adjusted to bring to order,
regulate; adjust, tune 2 anatomy base of the heart 3 math base

of a cone 4 border

encircling the entire earth; according to tradition the legendary bird

Herculean labor.

This is a

fil f. Arabic 1 caravan caravan leader

a caravan of boats 2 troop train 3 string of horses
filabsh m. filasl r m. conductor or
chief of a cavaran

filavl m. member of a caravan

fij f. Arabic rime
fijaband f. riming, versifying
a 1 dry, dried out; faded, stale 2 stiff, hard

3 brittle 4

f. Arabic 1 quacking 2 croaking, cawing

quack b to croak, caw

a to

m m. Arabic ermine, stoat

m f.
l m. Arabic 1 talk, chatter 2 word, speech
lb m. Arabic 1 form, model 2 template, mold; last (shoe)
3 body 4 exposition (theme, topic)

lib 1 cast, poured in a mold 2 stamped, measured (speech)

lma l m. Arabic din, uproar
l ocean
lich f. rug
ln m. carpet carpet weaving
ln udnkaj m. linb f m. carpet weaver,

nn m. Arabic [plural: avnn] law; canon,

laws of nature
martial law




2 nn m. ganun (kind of goose)

nnn according to law, legally; lawfully
nund n m. legal specialist, jurist
nundn knowledge of the law, jurisprudence
nuns z legislative legislative assembly
nunshikn m. lawbreaker
nung m. nungj regional official of the tax
directorate (in a district); finance inspector

nunnm f. regulations the UN Charter

anun Arabic 1 legal, based on law the legal
government legal wife legally,
according to law to legalize, legitimize to
have legal force 2 legislative legislative assembly 3
juridical; based on law legal advisor 4 grammar

nunijt m. 1 lawfulness; legality 2 conformity with the


hr Arabic 1 victorious 2 m. victor

hir f. Cairo (city)
hk h m. loud laugh, guffaw

to laugh loudly,


ad m. Arabic leader, chief

aid-i Great Leader

(title of the founder of Pakistan, Jinna)

iz f.
j m. 1 boat, caque 2
l jl Arabic 1.1

ship, vessel
admitting something; agreeing,

being in accord with something; being an adherent of something

1.2 convinced of something

carpet or rug craftsman

alinbf f. carpet weaving, rug weaving

lna f. carpet
m m.
mparst f.

regular (of a verb)

starchy, starched


n' Arabic 1.1 content, satisfied to satisfy

a to be satisfied, be contented with something b to
be convinced 1.2 admitting (something)
In his heart he admitted that he agreed with this. 2
proper name Qani

ghm f. camel-hair cloth (used for outer clothing)

1 gha f. regional black crow
2 gha f.
ghj f.
1 f m. name of the letter
2 f m. h-i Kaf Mountains (legendary, supposedly
the Sumurg dwells there) idiom

mparast f.
mparvar f.
mt m. Arabic stature, height; torso, figure, build
ms m. Arabic [plural: musna Arabic
plural: avms] 1 dictionary 2 ocean
n l m. anatomy channel; tract nl-i digestive

2 m. adherent; follower

ilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

convince of something; compel to admit something 2 to compel to

recognize, force recognition


la 1

2 feminine singular of

Pashto-English Dictionary

iledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

recognized, be admitted 2 to be conscious (of) 3 to agree

jm Arabic 1 standing, vertical 2 placed on a firm

foundation; established 3 stable; insistent, persistent

to persist, insist 4 math right

right angle

to obtain, gain, earn (e.g., the means of

subsistence) to fall into someone's hands
abzedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
my tears.

compressed, be contracted, be curtailed 2 to be taken over, be

occupied 3 to suffer from constipation idiom

occupying a right angle (90 degree) 5 chess stalemate

to fear, be afraid of someone; tremble before someone

immizdzh Arabic firm, stable, persistent, insistent

immizdzh f. firmness; persistence, insistence
aimma m m. Arabic regional 1 deputy
to replace someone 2 vicar, substitute; legal successor 3

immam f. replacing, replacement

imavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

to establish diplomatic relations 2 to


create, found, establish

imedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

established 2 to be created

1 ub m. regional hump, deformity

2 ubb m. ub Arabic
ab f. Arabic 1 kaba (wide male garment with long sleeves)

abl f. Arabic deed of purchase; contract

sell, sell at a reduced price

consider, recognize 4 to receive, bear, experience

to experience deprivations

deed of

ibl f. Arabic 1 kibla (the direction in which Muslims turn in

southwest 3 temple 4 object of worship; honored

person ibl-ji Center of the Universe (imperial title),
Your Highness

abzavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

accept, receive 2 to grab, seize, take 3 to take over; occupy 4 to
constipate, render costive

abz f. Arabic 1 haft, lever; hilt, handle (of a sword) 2

4,5 to seize a

praying); direction in which Mecca lies 2 westerly direction, west

seizure, taking over 5 occupation 6 medicine constipation

fortress 3 unoccupied land which has been seized 4 ownership,

compound verb to

abl m. Arabic plural of

abil tribal division into tribes
abh f. ubh Arabic ubha f.
br m. br Arabic grave
ibrs m. ubrs Cyprus (island, state)
abrist n m. cemetery
ibrus ibrusj 1 adjective Cypriot 2 m. Cypriot (person)
ibrs m. ubrs
abrknd m. gravedigger
abrg h m.
abz m. 1 acceptance, receipt, receiving 2 tax; impost 3
receipt for something received to give a receipt 4

possession idiom


to receive something with thanks 2 to receive, meet (guests) 3 to

purchase in accordance with shariat (i.e., Muslim religious law)

document concerning sale


abht m. Arabic 1 outrage; vileness, abomination,

abl Arabic 1 in front of, before, earlier than

abl-al-mil d Arabic B.C., before the modern era

the fifth century B.C.
ablavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
accept, receive to receive an invitation

meanness, baseness 2 indecency, cynicism 3 fault; blunder

ibl m. Arabic 1 presence; party, side 2 authority, power

4 abl m. 1 because, for the reason (that)

5 abl Arabic surrounded, besieged, invested
bln Arabic earlier, before; beforehand
abl-ut-trkh prehistoric the prehistoric

drop or waist and seat part of trousers 3 dust jacket (of a book)

ubl m. holster

of something

to replace someone

before our era 2 previous, foregoing, early 3 m. front, front part

governor-general; viceroy

I could not restrain

iblag h m. 1 Mecca (city) 2 place of worship 3 well-

wisher, patron; father

iblanum f. compass
abl 1 forehanded 2 former, previous
abledl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to be

received (e.g., of an invitation) 2 to be considered; be recognized

3 to be received, be met (of a guest) 4 to be endured, be


abled m. plural 1 receiving (e.g., of an invitation)

satisfaction of a request 2 recognition; approval 3
reception, meeting (of a guest) 4 enduring, experiencing

blz iblaz western the western region

ubr m. Arabic holster
abl Arabic 1 m. .1 receiving, reception 1.2 agreement,
approval; recognition affirmative response, assent
acceptable, permissible 1.3 reception (of guests) 2
predicative permissible, acceptable; approved, recognized
This is not acceptable to me. I do not agree with this.
compound verb
ahuld r agreed, agreeing, approving to agree
with, approve


Pashto-English Dictionary

abulavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

accept, receive to take into partnership 2 to agree

atledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

killed, be murdered 2 to be slain 3 to be exterminated, be


with, approve 3 to endure, suffer, bear 4 economics to make an

abla feminine singular of

1 abul f. 1 economics acceptance

atavl denominative, transitive [past:

together 2 to beat, thrash, beat up

2 receiving, receipt (of


2 abli f.

plural of

denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

received 2 to be approved

ubb f. 1 vault, cupola 2 arch 3 niche 4 alcove

ubbj regional hunchbacked, kyphotic, suffering from

abh Arabic base, low, shameful

abl m. Arabic 1 2 tribe; group, clan
abilav 1 consanguineous, tribal 2 tribal
tribal difference

abil f. Arabic [plural: abil m. Arabic plural:

the tribes of Southern (present-day Paktia) Province

chief directorate of tribal affairs; department of tribes
plenipotentiary representative, authorized representative
for tribal matters (in a province)
the Independent (Pushtun) Tribal Zone 2 biology order
kabl] 1 tribe

the independent Pushtun tribes

3 clan

abilad r m. tribal headman, clan headman

ap n m. commercial scales
apnch m. weigher, checker
at m. 1 a plicated, folded b formed into
plaits c in layers compound verb
atr m. Arabic
at ra f. usually plural atri nonsense, baloney
1 it l m. Arabic 1 skirmish, battle, firefight 2 slaughter,
bloody battle

2 att l m. Arabic murderer, assassin

atr f. morsel (of meat)
atgh m. food, dish; meat; any entree (fish, soup, etc.) eaten
with bread for relish

utkaj m.
t m. t Arabic murder, killing, homicide tl-i
slaughter; butchery tl-i massacre
They sentenced him to death. compound verb
compound verb
atl n m. regional massacre
atlg h m. 1 field of battle; place of slaying 2 execution
place, scaffold


atlavl denominative, transitive [past:

murder 2 to slay, exterminate

1 to kill,

1 to put

it f. playing card
1 utj m. ball
2 utj f.
3 at
atl Arabic murdered; assassinated
ta gta f. middle finger
adzhar f. horsecloth, saddlecloth; kind of saddlecloth made
of thick felt covering the saddle and the horse's forequarters and

adzhra f. date palm

adzhr m. vulture; carrion bird
1 achr m. [plural: achar n

Eastern plural:

achr] 1 mule 2 obstinate person, pigheaded person

2 achr base (person)

acharvl m. regional mule drover
achra f. regional jenny, mule (female)
1 achar f. regional court military tribunal
2 achre plural of
cha gta f. little finger, pinky
ichj m. group; small group of people
ich ich in a batches; in groups; in small groups of

ahb f. prostitute
aht m.

aht f. Arabic 1 bad harvest, harvest failure

2 insufficiency, deficiency, shortfall 3 hunger, famine

add m. ad Arabic height; altitude; length

average height


trim figure, well-built figure

admt m. Arabic 1 priority 2 preference

display preference, prefer 3 old age 4 antiquity


admatpasnd loving olden times; conservative

admatpasand love for olden times; conservatism
1 adh m. Arabic goblet, cup
2 adh f. Arabic 1 reproach; censure 2 slander 3 mockery
dr m. dr Arabic [plural: ad r] 1 quantity;
measure, degree; dimension, size so much
some, some quantity to the extent of 2 honor, merit
to respect someone's rights 3 to
value, worth; meaning, importance the importance of
science This is very valuable. This has great
significance. to value, know the price
compound verb to be valued, be recognized (of
merits) to
value (highly), respect someone
We value their efforts. 4 power, might

Pashto-English Dictionary

adrafz f. honoring, respect

udrt m. Arabic 1 force, power, might
economic power military might
to the extent of their powers
and resources 2 supremacy, sovereignty the
sovereignty of the sea 3 power, authority political
power sovereignty absolutism 4
ability a to have the power, possess the might b to be
able, have it in one's power (to do something) 5 nature, universe
6 religion God Almighty, Providence 7 proper name Qudrat

udrtn Arabic by nature; naturally

udrat 1 natural landscapes

naturally 2 wild (i.e., growing wild, uncultivated) 3 understood

This is understood. 4 religion divine 5

unconstrained, relaxed (of a pose)

adrd n m. judge, expert

I value

their efforts very much.

adrdn f. 1 proper evaluation; recognition of services

to value someone
to (highly) value someone or something 2
concern for someone 3 celebration in honor of someone

adrmn 1 esteemed; valued; valuable

They value our friendship a lot. 2 dear
dear guests Time is dear to us.
adravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to value,

old times

udam m. Arabic plural of

adamch f. 1 step 2 pace
adamdz j m. latrine, toilet

ancient peoples; ancestors

idamvl m. senior (in rank,


adam f. Arabic 1 instance, level 2 step 3 echelon 4


adma oblique singular and short plural of

adnum j


adnum full length

pier glass (mirror)


udds Arabic 1 religion Most Holy (epithet of God) 2 m.

proper name Quddus

add-u-mt m. build, figure

udm m. Arabic arrival, advent
adif f. sheet worn in a public bath
adm Arabic 1 ancient, venerable, old 2 m. .1 antiquity
of old; from ancient times; from a very
long time ago 2.2 [plural: udam] ancestor
adim ancient, antique, old in the old way
ur m. 1 rumbling, eructation (stomach) 2 quacking, cawing 3
rumble (of horses' hooves, etc.) a to rumble, eructate (of
the stomach) b to quack, caw c to resound, clatter (of horses

hooves, etc.)

ur m. Arabic plural of
arbt m. Arabic relationship, kinship; nearness, intimacy
a to be close to somebody, intimate with someone
b to be related to someone

treasure 2 to show respect (e.g., to a guest) 3 to praise

udrtn Arabic
1 adr Arabic 1 predestined by fate, fatal 2 m. fatalist
2 dre 1 some, something or other 2 so, so much as
We only affirm that
uds uds m. Arabic holiness, sanctity

uds Arabic 1 holy, sacred 2 m. saint

adaghn m. prohibition, ban to forbid
1 adm m. Arabic [plural: adamna Arabic plural:
adm] 1 step normal march step !
Forward march! (as a command) parade step, marching
at attention a by step, at a walk b step by step;
gradually in three paces
to pace The moon slowly
floated across the sky. to step to
keep pace with someone to pace off 2 measure
(taken), action, step 3 dance step idiom clod of earth,
bit of earth to succeed greatly, overachieve
2 idm m. Arabic 1 seniority (in rank, position) 2 antiquity,

idamd r

arbatd r m. 1 relative 2 person who is close or intimate

(to another)

arbat 1 related, intimate, close 2 m.

arbun f.
arb f. carboy, large flask; flask
ar h ar Arabic pure, unadulterated
ar r Arabic 1 m. .1 peaceful, tranquil to calm down,
calm oneself down 1.2 constancy, stability; firmness 1.3

decision of the court

1.4 institution, definition, determination
. peace treaty conditions are such as a
decision; resolution; conclusion

to calm (oneself) down b to be established, be defined, be

according to this communication
inasmuch as is known
They are helping to the extent that they are able. 2
predicative .1 determined, established 2.1 tranquil, quiet
! Quiet! quietly, tranquilly They are
sitting quietly. 1 idiom as indicated
below; the following, as follows What kind? Of what
determined 1.5 founding, foundation, basis, ground


arorm m.
arrd d m. treaty, agreement; contract to
conclude a treaty to abrogate a treaty, renounce an


Pashto-English Dictionary

arrd d kavnkaj m.
arrdd m. contractor; subcontractor; supplier
arrg h m. & f. arrg m. [plural: arrghna
f. plural: plural: arrg vi] 1 military

someone else 2 proper name Qurban

urbng h m. sacrificial altar; altar

urbnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
sacrifice, offer as an oblation to sacrifice one's life
! Eastern I will give up my life for you!
urbn 1 f. sacrifice self-sacrifice 2 sacrificial,
doomed to sacrifice compound verb
compound verb
urbnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

command headquarters, headquarters, staff headquarters 2 center,

focus, focal point

arrnm f. written decision, resolution in writing

arrv laj m. 1 constancy, stability; firmness
stability of the currency exchange rate 2 peace, quiet,

ar ravl denominative, transitive [past:

] 1 to calm 2

to establish, define

offered as a sacrifice, become a sacrifice, die as a sacrifice

to forbid, interdict 3 to stabilize

arr f. 1 peace, calm, tranquility, quiet

irp kirpuk (breed of caracul sheep)

1 urt m. plural kurut (hard cheese, made into a ball from

plural of

compressed and dried curds)

denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

2 urrt m. Arabic joy, gladness

urutk aj m. usually plural

become calm, become tranquil 2 to be established, be defined 3

arorm m.
arul m. regional cap (usually caracul)
arm m. Kara-Kum (desert)
1 ur n m. or n Arabic (the) Koran to
read the Sacred Koran to give one's oath on

rcha gta f. dialect

arh f. Arabic wound; sore, ulcer
ors m. korsak (kind of fox and its pelt)
ursh m. kurush (Turkish coin)
urs m. Arabic 1 circle, circlet; disk 2 ingot, bar 3 flat cake
arz Arabic 1 m. loan; debt; grant; credit arz-i
interest-free loan long-term loan; long-term credit
bond, debenture
to take out a loan, borrow; receive a grant; make a loan
to loan; issue a grant, offer credit
to take on credit 2 on loan, in the form of a loan
arzd r m. debtor, one who owes money to be

the Koran

2 ir n rn m. kran (Iranian silver coin equal to one rial)

3 ir n m. Arabic rapprochement; intimacy
urnkhr having the habit or custom of swearing on the
arntn m. quarantine


to establish a

urn relating to the Koran

in debt

arvl m. 1 guard detachment; patrol 2 aiming


arz f. Arabic 1
1 arz adjective loan (of money)
2 arz plural of
urt m. Arabic mouthful
irt s m. 1 paper 2 charter
irtsijav stationery


arvulkhn f. guardroom
arvul f. guard; patrolling to guard; patrol
ir't m. Arabic 1 reading 2 chrestomathy; reader
a Pashto chrestomathy (collection of readings)
compound verb to read, read out compound verb to be

stationery, office,

writing supplies

irtsij f. stationery, office supplies

irtsijabb m. 1 documentation 2 forms, samples of
paper 3
ur' f. Arabic 1 lot to cast lots to

read through, be read out

ir'atkhn f. reading room

arn m. Arabic 1 plural of

2 conditions 3

suppositions, assumptions 4 law circumstantial evidence 5

signs, tokens, clues 6 context

play the lottery 2 paper ballot; ballot (ball) 3 knucklebone, die

urb m. Arabic 1 intimacy, nearness; vicinity 2 kinship,

urb n m. Arabic 1 sacrifice; oblation



obedient servant. I am ready to sacrifice my life for you.

urutkni pebble, round,

flat stone

to be stabilized

urbt m. Arabic 1 nearness, intimacy 2 kinship relationship

3 neighborhood, vicinity

complete calm, utter quiet, tranquility 2 established; agreed,

2 ar ri f.

to sacrifice oneself for the sake of

Eastern I am ready to do everything for you.

I am your

ur'aandz f. balloting

ur'abzi f. lottery
ur'akash f. drawing (lottery)
irghz m. Kirghiz


to vote, cast

Pashto-English Dictionary

irghizist n m. Kirghizistan
irghiz 1 adjective Kirghiz 2 f. Kirghiz, Kirghiz language
argh f. Karga Dam and Water Reservoir
irghz m.
irghizist n m.
ur 1 m. .1 prohibition 1.2 reserve, game reserve 1.3
confiscation; seizure (of property); to confiscate; seize
property 2 predicative .1 reserve, reserved 2.2 regional


arar f. 1 comb, crest (of a bird) 2 plume (of a headgear,

usually of crane's feathers) 3 crane (bird) 4 chrysanthemum


2 urur f. bee-eater (the bird)

ararj m. colic (of a horse)
urk f. regional confiscation; seizure of property
irmz m. cochineal (insect from which a red dye is made)
irmiz red, crimson
uram gh m. uram m. 1 base man, scoundrel

a very close, very closely; close up, right smack up to b factually

c almost certainly

not far from

arib f. 1 closeness, intimacy 2 relationship, kinship

arih f. Arabic 1 talent


have a mastery of the pen 2 initiative

to be created on someone's initiative 3 inventiveness

urish m. plural Kuraishi, Kuraishites (Arabic tribe)
irm m. Crimean Peninsula
arn Arabic 1.1 united; joined, linked 1.2 near, approximate
2 m. .1 fellow traveler, traveling companion 2.2 contemporary

arin f. Arabic [plural: arin Arabic plural:

arn] 1 context 2 sign; basis; indirect, circumstantial evidence

3 indication

a from the context it is

evident that b insofar as one can judge


arnna Arabic plural:

urun-i the Middle Ages 2 30th anniversary
2 arn m. Arabic horn (animals)
arn f. Arabic music horn, trumpet
arantn m.
arn Arabic adjective horn, of horn
urnik m. regional
arnij f. Arabic cornea, corneal covering of the eye
urt m. plural kurut (kind of cheese)
urgh m. ur m.
urn m. Arabic plural
ar 1 black (used in geographic names and as an element of
compounds Karabag District caracul) 2 cards
urn] 1 century; epoch; conjunction of planets


urh raj m. chirping, chattering (magpies)

arab gh m. Karabag (district north of Kabul, name of a
number of other populated places)

araghl m. guard detachment

araorm m. Karakorum (mountain range)
aral m. caracul (sheep)
araulch f. caracul ewe
araul 1 caracul caracul sheep

arij f. Arabic [plural: arij Arabic plural: ur ]

settlement; large village

arijad r m. village headman, elder

te f. plural regional balderdash; nonsense, absurdity
uch m.
arechn frozen, freezing, benumbed, stiff with cold; dying
of the cold

amze f. plural regional nose drippings, snots

azz m. az Arabic raw silk
az kh m. Kazakh (person)
azz z m. Arabic 1 sericulturist, one who raises silkworms

silk merchant

az m. 1 cossack 2 Kazak (person)

azast n m. Kazakstan
azk 1.1 kazakh 1.2 cossack 2 f. Kazak, Kazak language
izilaj adjective kizil-ayak (of a kind of rug)
izilb sh m. plural 1 Kizilbashi (people of Turkish origin)
2 m. Kizilbash (person)

izilkal' f.
azvn m. Kazvin (city, Iran)
asvt m. Arabic 1 hardness, stiffness

2 severity, cruelty

3 rudeness, sharpness

asb m. 1 red silk 2 small turban 3

ist m. Arabic [plural: istna Arabic plural:

as t] payment, fee, installment payment; installment system

caracul sheepskin 2 m. caracul sheep

aram m. Kara-Kum Desert

arakulch f.

arbn Arabic 1 almost 2 closely, close, close by, alongside;

2.3 relative 2.4 brother born at a year's interval

pimp 3 cuckold

urm f. roast meat

1 arn m. Arabic [plural:

aravn f. pot, mess tin; small tank, jerry can

arb Arabic 1 close, near 2 adverb close, closely

to establish fees, payment on the installment plan

to pay on the installment plan

istband f. payment on the installment plan

istv r paid on the installment plan

Pashto-English Dictionary

ism m. sm Arabic [plural: ismna Arabic

plural: as m] 1 kind, type; category; order


every variety of book of such a kind, such
of every type, sundry goods in the
following manner 2 kind, species, breed
There are many varieties of Kandahar grape. 3 part, portion
4 military flight a to mine, set mines b little, bit
in no instance, not in any manner in one way
or another It's just as though
2 asm m. Arabic oath; oath of allegiance
military oath to vow, swear; take an oath of
allegiance to take an oath; swear
ismism of every kind, type; all possible, varied,
every kind, varied, motley, sundry, variegated


ismt m. Arabic 1 part; portion 2 division; partition 3 fate,

lot, portion; luck


He didn't succeed. He had bad

ismtn Arabic partly, partially

as Arabic stiff, hard
asillb Arabic cruel, cruelhearted
asm m. proper name Qasim, Qseem
ishr m. Arabic bark; crust, rind; pelt

small town, settlement

with the goal, premeditatedly

asd 1 intended, planned, premeditated 2 forced, affected

forced or affected laugh
1 asr m. Arabic palace the royal palace
Dilkusha (in Kabul)

2 asr m. Arabic 1 insufficiency, limitedness 2 curtailment

iss m. Arabic plural of
usr m. Arabic 1 omission, blunder
through somebody's fault He was
guilty of a big slip. He made a huge blunder. to make a
slip, commit a blunder 2 flaw, imperfection

! There's an end

Such a thing happened to them. 3 matter, affair, business
This is the way the matter stood.
The substance of the matter is this The
matter came down to the fact that I
to the tale! That's all! 2 event, history

the earth's

was saved from all of this. 4 subject, topic 5 colloquial quarrel;

argument; altercation


the printers'

asid f. Arabic [plural: asid Arabic plural:

asd] 1 ode, kasida (ancient Arabic poem having, as a rule, a

rigid tripartite structure); panegyric 2 poem

proverb literal Many butchers, but the cow drops dead (i.e., of
natural causes). figurative Too many cooks spoil the broth.

asb f. Arabic head kerchief; kerchief

assb f. 1 occupation of butcher 2 cooling and processing
of carcasses compound verb a to cool and process
(meat) carcasses b to kill brutally
to avenge

issakhn f. telling of tales

district in Peshawar where Pashto literature is published

of a military unit

asd m. Arabic plural

asb m. Arabic delicate linen
asb t m. Arabic plural of
asabat-ar-rij f. Arabic windpipe, trachea
asabat-al-mar Arabic esophagus, gullet

iss f. isa Arabic [plural: is Arabic plural:

kiss] 1 tale, anecdote, story

ishlag h m. military post (permanent)

ashng beautiful
oshn m. army, troops
ass b m. Arabic butcher

is s m. Arabic bloody vengeance; retribution


to intend to,
to get down to do some matter 2 attempt
to attempt to take one's own life
sdn Arabic intentionally, purposely, with the intention,

literal surface

plan to

ashar Arabic 1 dermal, cutaneous 2 corky, suberous 3

ishrij crustacea
isht m. dialect
ash sh m. botany poppy
ishl m. village, settlement; winter quarters
ishl f. 1 barracks, casern, military barracks 2

asd m. Arabic 1 goal, intention, plan, project

the goal, with the intention, intentionally


asb f. Arabic [plural: kasb plural: asb t]

compose an ode


It was as fate
to depend on fate 1.2 chance
by chance to depend upon chance 2
predicative passed (through) to go through a lesson
in the twilight
uz t m. Arabic plural of
ask r accidentally
azvt m. Arabic 1 court examination 2 verdict; decision;
judgment jury the opinion of the
people, the opinion of the peoples' court
to adjudicate the problem Judge for
az Arabic 1 f. .1 fate

would have it.

yourself. 3 job of a judge, the work of a judge 4 sports

refereeing, umpiring


azj m. Arabic plural of

Pashto-English Dictionary

az 1 judicial; court judicial power, authority

jurisdiction; the right to judge
to execute the function of a judge 2 chance; fateful, fate
azij f. Arabic [plural: kazij plural: azj ] 1
judicial trial, case 2 dispute, litigation 3 quarrel 4 happening,
event, incident unpleasantness 5 grammar sentence
at r it r Arabic 1 m. Arabic row, line; file; column
mountain ridge motorized convoy to
be arranged in rows; be drawn up in a line or a column; be
stretched out in a line

letters, illustrations, photos)

interrupt, discontinue

atrvazn f. bandolier, ammunition

truck train, tractor-trailer train

tb tb tub m. Arabic 1 pole the North

Pole the South Pole the Pole Star
the Antarctic, Antarctica in the north 2
utt ' Arabic masculine plural of

axis; shaft 3 electrical engineering pole 4 authority, prominent

person; leader idiom to be diametrically opposed
utbpal regional to the north
utubnum f. compass
utb Arabic polar the polar regions
the Anarctic, Antarctica the Arctic
utbjn m. Arabic dual (the) poles, North and South Poles
utr m. Arabic 1 diameter; line of the diameter; diametric line
radius 2 military caliber 3 math diagonal
atr n m. Arabic tar, pitch
atr f. Arabic [plural: atr m. Arabic plural:
atar t] drop drop of blood drop by drop
at' f. 1 chopping off, severance 2 break; interruption;
discontinuance compound verb to break; interrupt,
discontinue 2 to break off relations
to interrupt communications compound verb a to
be interrupted, be broken off; be discontinued
The communication was interrupted. b to be covered
the distance covered 3 solution, decision (question,
problem) 4 format (of a book, a sheet, a page)

t'n Arabic 1 decisively, categorically; conclusively 2



to be

attaghn m. 1 Kattagan (city)


trvazm f.

atr arranged in rows; drawn up in rank; stretched out in a


at'ijt m. 1 conclusiveness; outcome

concluded 2 categoricalness, decisiveness

history Kattagan

ut f. [plural: utj Western plural: utij ni]

box preserves to preserve

atrband f. arranging in a row or in a column; stretching


decisive, categoric; conclusive


out in a line

f. gambling with cards, card-playing

Province 2

a line or in a column; stretched out in a line

9 photographs

compound verb a to divide into pieces or parts; break up b to

at' Arabic

to arrange in rows; draw up

in a line or in a column 2 predicative placed in rows; drawn up in

scheme) 5 playing card 6 piece, item (classifier used in counting

m. & f. Arabic [plural: ita' t] part of the world,

continent, mainland 3 m. & f. Arabic [plural: kita't]

to mine, set mines 4 literature

to put the latch on, lock

by latching

uk m.

uuahr m. clatter (of hooves of

galloping horses)

ans m. ans m. phoenix (the legendary bird)

al f. [plural: alg ni plural: al vi] 1 castle;

kala (local kind of large two- or three-story house surrounded by a

high fence) 2 fortress, fort

ul b m. Arabic hood (for a falcon)
albnd surrounded, beseiged to surround, beseige
to be surrounded, be beseiged
alband f. seige to raise a seige
ulb f. Arabic 1 hook 2 fishhook
ulb 1 hooked, bent into a hook 2 crooked, bent
al t m. Kelat (city) Kelat Province
ul ch m. span (measure made by the hand with the fingers

al r m.
alrtj f. calm, lull
al ra alr f.

alr f. complete silence,

tranquility, peace and quiet

al sh 1.1 clever, shrewd, pushy 1.2 dissolute 1.3 useless 2

m. .1 shrewd person, pushy person, scoundrel 2.2 dissolute

to consider absolutely necessary

it'a f. Arabic [plural: it'] 1 piece; part; fragment 2

military subunit, unit

atif f. Arabic
afr m. Arabic desert
afs m. Arabic cage (for birds, etc.)
afas f. Arabic shelves; bookcase
af z av z m. Caucasus
afz afzj Caucasian
ufl m. Arabic

person, idler 2.3 good-for-nothing (person) 2.4 debauchee,


1 alb

kita (a short poem of 2, 3, or more stanzas with a special rhyming


m. plural

m. Arabic [plural: ulb] heart

Pashto-English Dictionary

I read your article in the newspaper.

He even writes in Pashto. He wields a sharp
pen. He has an incisive style. to be erased, be crossed out
2 m. & f. Arabic [plural: al m] items (e.g., of export)
One of Afghanistan's

alb Arabic 1 m. .1 transposition of words, inversion 1.2

transposition of letters, metathesis 1.3 transformation,

transmutation 2 counterfeit, false

3 alb broken (of terrain)

lbn Arabic heartfelt, with all the heart
albv laj m. 1 counterfeit 2 falsity
ulb f. Arabic 1 plow harnessed oxen (bulls) 2
team of oxen 3 plowed land compound verb

important export items is caracul wool. 3 m. & f. Arabic [plural:

al m] item, piece (numerative classifier in counting rugs,

carpets, etc.) 4 m. & f. Arabic [plural: al m] botany

to plow, plow up, plow over again compound verb to be plowed

graft, cutting 5 cutting tool, point tool, chisel idiom

up, be plowed over again 4 kul'ba (measure of land equal to 50 to

categorically, decisively

150 jeribs)

special unit (counterintelligence unit within an organization)

alb Arabic 1 hearty, cordial, spiritual



to be cut off (of the head)

alm gh m. Kalmyk (person)

almgh adjective Kalmyk

to calm down, become calm 2 secret,

intimate, cherished

ulp m.


You are always

2 alp 2 2
illt m. Arabic insufficiency; shortage
ulzm m. Arabic the Red Sea
al'ach f. small fortress, fort; stronghold
al'um' m. Arabic 1 defeat, rout

to impress, engrave; memorize

compound verb to cut off the head compound verb

ulbakash f. 1 plowed land 2 ceremonial or ritual

ploughing on the holiday of Novruz

alm-i the secret unit, the

Kalmyk, Kalmyk


alamtar sh m. penknife
alamd d m. 1 enumeration, list 2 entry (into the
composition of a list) compound verb a to enumerate
b to include, enter into (a composition, list)

alamd n m. pencil box

alamrv m. 1 empire; power 2 state territory 3 authority 4
sphere, field in the field of science
alafurs m. letter, writing to write
alam f. 4
1 alam 1 adjective manuscript, handwritten
manuscript materials a manuscript 2 pertaining to a
writing, writing, literary literary talent
magazine worker, journalist to


verb a to rout, defeat, beat b to waste, consume (of a disease,


al' f. Arabic 1 fortress, stronghold 2 fortress, stronghold

fire watchtower 3 used in geographical
names Kala-ji-Muradbek (settlement north of Kabul)
al'abeg m. commandant of a fortress, commander of a

work on a journal or a magazine 3 adjective graft-, grafted

al'a-ji-nu m. Kalajinau (city)

ala' m. & f. plural tin tin miners
ala'igr m. tinsmith
ulf m. Arabic [plural: ulfna Western plural:
ulf n] lock, bolt, latch compound
verb to latch, bolt compound verb to be latched, be
bolted to unbolt, unlatch
a to put a key in a lock b to switch on (current, etc.)

ulfk m. lock diminutive of

1 al m. Arabic 1 uneasiness, worry, alarm 2 concern
2 al Arabic 1 worried, troubled 2 concerned
ull masculine plural of
alm m. Arabic [plural: kalamna Western plural:
alam n Arabic plural: alam t plural: al m] 1
pen, qalam, reed pen fountain pen writer
written in such a way to be crossed out, be
erased to take notes (e.g., on a lecture)

2 alam plural of
ulndzh m. Arabic colic
alandr m. kalandar, wandering dervish; hermit, one
withdrawn from the world, aesthete

alandarn 1 pertain to a dervish 2 pertaining to the

hermit's life; withdrawn from the world

alng ulng m. 1 duty, tax, impost, revenue


pay a duty or a tax 2 gift, tribute (to a sayyid, lord, etc.) 2

ulang fighting (e.g., fighting cock)
ulb Arabic masculine plural of 1
ilv Arabic alkaline
ilvij t m. Arabic plural alkali
ull f. Arabic [plural: ull m. Arabic plural:


summit (of a mountain)

ul m. 1 slave 2 porter; stevedore; coolie 3 proper name

all Arabic few



Pashto-English Dictionary

. abbreviation B.C., before this era (in calendar calculations) .

400 B.C.
im r um r m. Arabic gambling (dice, cards) to
gamble to play cards to be a gambler
a reckless or chancy military move
imrb z m. gambler; card-player
imrbz f. gambling (at cards)
imrkhn f. gambling house; gambling den
1 um sh m. Arabic 1 goods 2 cloth, textiles (cotton)
2 im sh um sh m. Arabic 1 manners, foibles 2 conduct,

amch f. amchna f. whip, quirt, horse whip

amr m. Arabic 1 moon 2 [plural: am r] astronomy
satellite (of a planet)

1 umr m. Arabic turtledove

2 amar Arabic lunar (of calendrical calculations)
am' f. Arabic subordination, subjugation, suppression
am f. dagger
ams m. Arabic 1 shirt 2 chemist
amisgj m. voluminous shirt, gown
1 an t m. Arabic underground irrigation canal
2 an t m.
ann d m. Arabic confectioner, pastry chef
annd f. 1 pastry baking; candy making 2 pastry shop;
sweet shop

an't m. Arabic satisfaction; contentment

to give a satisfactory answer
to express satisfaction with
something a to be satisfied with
somebody b to be satisfied with something
to be satisfied (with), be content someone
(with) something

an'atbkhsh satisfactory (e.g., an answer)

an l m.
anvz m. 1 coarse silken fabric 2 proper name Kanaviz
undzh m. regional shrewdness, deception; hypocrisy
andzhugh f. saddlebow straps
undzh f. regional key
and m. Arabic refined sugar sugar refinery
molasses powdered sugar medicine

resident of Kandahar

and adjective sugar, sugary sugar beet

andl m. Arabic 1 chandelier 2 candelabrum 3 throw, toss
(of a fowler's net) to be tossed (of a fowler's net)
to fall like a stone, attack (as a falcon to its prey) idiom
jellyfish, medusa
u m. swan
uv Arabic 1 m. plural [singular: uvt f. singular:
uv] .1 forces all one's forces 1.2 army, troops
Air Forces 1.3 electric energy fuel
2 f. [plural: uvvi] .1 strength
We strove with all our strength. balances of
forces 2.2 army, troops ground troops the
Navy, the fleet idiom the forces of nature
uv t Arabic masculine plural of 1
avr f. 1 figure; build 2 exterior, external appearance
av'd m. Arabic plural 1 of 2 order 3 military drill
instruction to mine, set mines 4 grammar; structure of

av'idd n disciplined (of troops)

avv l m. Arabic itinerant singer; storyteller
1 iv m m. Arabic 1 thickness, density; compactness

und gh m.

caisson (cannon)

2 av m m. Arabic 1 justice 2 truth, sincerity 3 figure, torso

ivm syrupy, syrup-like
avms Arabic masculine plural of
avnn 1 Arabic masculine plural of 2 law;

uv vi feminine plural of 2
uv-ji-khams f. five sense organs
uv-ji-k r m. construction brigade; construction unit
1 uvt m. Arabic [plural: uvatna Arabic plural:
uv t plural: uv ] 1 strength, force strong
man physical strength, brute force to
become strong, get strong, grow strong 2 forces the
Armed Forces the Navy the police force 3
power, state; (central) authority 4 significance, meaning 5
strength, authority

willpower; endurance 6 math

kinetic energy

degree, power idiom

und m. 1 butt (of a rifle) 2 carriage,

undz m. Kunduz (city, district)


support, prop 3 existence 4 thickening, condensation 5 syrup


andhrj andahrj 1 Kandaharian 2 m. Kahandarian,

All were convinced that that idea would have

medicine bodily
resistance national sovereignty
2 ut m. Arabic [plural: av t] food, nourishment,
subsistence to earn a subsistence wage; live at a
subsistence level subsistence; minimum level of
mastery of everyone.

andsz f. adjective sugar-refining




andh r andah r m. Kandahar (city)

history Kandahar Province

nourishment necessary for existence


uvat-az-zhr m. Arabic reinforcement, support

Pashto-English Dictionary

uvatn k strong, powerful

uvatnum f. math exponent
utj f.
uch m. ram (often used of one that is belligerent)
ochk healthy, robust
avad f. 1 tuft of grass, etc., of a size to fit the hand

umndnijt m. command (headquarters)

Division Command (headquarters)
umnd f. 1 command (order) at the command,
upon command 2 commanding (the act)

aumparst m. nationalist
aumparast f. 1 nationalism 2 nationality
aumparvari f. concern for the people, concern for the

bouquet 3 handful

urghandl m. regional cactus

orm avrum f. roasted meat (with spices and fruit)
avrij f. [plural: avrij Western plural:


avrijag ni] 1 seedling 2 nursery (for plants)

aus m. Arabic [plural: ausna Arabic plural:

av s] 1 bow (the weapon) 2 astronomy Sagittarius (the

umand n m.
aum Arabic 1 national, people's, popular
serving the people 2 tribal 3 national national language
4 ethnic

constellation) 3 Kaus (the 10th month of the solar year,

affiliation 4 nationalism

November/December) 4 math arc 5 curve (prices, etc.)

aus-i-zh m. rainbow ( ) 2
ausjn m. Arabic dual brackets
avz m.
avztj f. avzijt m. 4
avzavl transitive
ugh laj m. regional
ughsh m. hospital ward
1 aul m. Arabic [plural: av l] 1 word, utterance
in confirmation of one's words to
confess to something 2 promise, word of honor I
give my word that to give one's promise, give
one's word to someone, come to an agreement with someone
to keep a promise, keep one's
word to exact a promise, require a word of
honor from someone

ol ul m. 1 hand; front extremity (of an animal) 2 handle,


3 ul m. lake
ol-i-urd m. military corps
ulb f.
aul-u-kar r m. agreement; understanding


come to an agreement

aum m. Arabic [plural: av m] 1 people

Afghan nation 2 tribe, clan


by clan, by descent

Rahman Baba is of the Mohand Clan.

He married his fellow tribeswoman.

aumijt m. Arabic 1 nationality 2 citizenship 3 tribal

3 resident

(of a village, etc.) 4 group of tribes

umnd n m. 1 commander 2 commanding general

troop commander (of a province) 3 chief 4

umndn f. 1 command (headquarters)

the High Command 2 Directorate of Police, the Police
Directorate Police Headquarters (in Kabul)

umajd n m. military colloquial lieutenant colonel

onsrv m. onserv f. conserves
onsl m. consul
onsulkhn f. consulate (the building)
onsulgar f. consulate staff (the representation itself)
onsul consular
onsl m. consul
uv f. Arabic uvt m. Arabic [plural: uv m.
Arabic plural: kuv ] 1 1 strength of will,
willpower 2 authority executive authority
legislative authority 3 math power 4 power (ability)
purchasing power

av Arabic 1 strong, powerful, mighty

strength, grow strong 2 robust, vigorous

to gather

2 uv plural of
avi-al-binj Arabic strong in body
ahh r Arabic Almighty (epithet of God)
ahr m. Arabic rage, irritation, wrath in rage, in
irritation to grow angry, become wrathful at
someone He fell into a rage.
to speak in anger, talk angrily to fall into a rage, get

ahrdzhn ahrzhn 1 angry; wrathful; enraged 2 hottempered, irascible

ahram n m. 1 champion 2 hero

ahram na f. heroine the heroine of a play
ahramni f. heroism
ahrmn ahrn k
ahravl transitive [past: ] to anger, irritate; cause
to fall into a rage

ahr Arabic inevitable, unavoidable

ahredl intransitive [past: ]
enraged, become annoyed, get irritated


to be angry with, get

Pashto-English Dictionary

ahar f.

Arabic regression, decay, decline

to retreat (i.e., in the face of difficulties)

lead into decline, decay

ajdkhn f. Eastern prison

ajdavl denominative, transitive

to bring or

ahrar regressive, leading to regression, decline, decay

ahrar f. Arabic
ahah f. Arabic 1 loud laugh, guffaw 2 squawk (e.g., of a
pelican) a to laugh loudly, guffaw b to squawk (as a
pelican) to laugh, laugh uproariously
ahv f. Arabic 1 coffee 2 alcoholic drink
ahv dzhoravnkaj coffee mill,

ajdedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

imprisoned 2 to be chained, be fettered, be handcuffed 3 to be

taken prisoner, be seized 4 to be registered; be put on a list 5 to

be isolated; be put in solitary confinement

speak against someone 3 rising 4 maintainance, support

maintenance of (good health)
ijmuddn m. Arabic proper name Qiamuddin
ijmt m. Arabic 1 religion Resurrection Day; the Last
Judgement, Judgement Day 2 calamity; disturbance

cause turmoil

to cause a commotion

to raise a ruckus,

This book excites. 3

to torture someone

surprising matter, astounding affair idiom

It has become hellishly hot.

ijmatglaj m. regional kind of yellow flower

ipr m. regional mud, dirt
ajch f.
ajd m. Arabic [plural: ajdna Arabic plural:
ujd] 1 prison detention, imprisonment solitary
confinement 2 shackles, handcuffs, fetters, chain
to break the chains of slavery 3 registration on a list;
registration 4 military guard platoon 5 grammar adverb 6
obligation; provision of a treaty

compound verb

a tarred road

compound verb

compound verb

iredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be tarred,

be asphalted tarred road, asphalted road


to instigate an uprising to

(a road)

ijs Arabic 1 comparative 2 similiar, analogous

ijf f. Arabic face; appearance, aspect, look
having a very distraught appearance
ij m m. Arabic 1 establishment the
establishment of peace and security to be established 2

predicative tarred

ir t m. Arabic carat
irp sh m. machine for asphalting or tarring a road
iravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to tar, asphalt



ir Arabic 1 m. .1 resin, pitch 1.2 tar 2 attributive

on a candle)

uprising, rising; speech or verbal presentation against someone or

ajd 1 m. Eastern detainee, prisoner, person under arrest 2

grammar adverbial

ijdt m. Arabic seniority; leadership, management

under someone's leadership or management
ij s m. Arabic 1 comparison, analogy
analogously to compare, put up against
This is senseless. 2 philosophy induction 3

1 to

ahvakhn f. coffeehouse, cafe

ahva adjective coffee (color)
aj m. Arabic 1 vomit compound verb to
vomit, throw up to feel nauseous 2 deposit (carbon, etc.

ijsavl denominative, transitive [past:

compare, put up against, draw an analogy

to enter on a list, register 5 to isolate, put in solitary confinement

coffee grinder


imprison 2 to chain, shackle, handcuff 3 to take prisoner, seize 4

ajz f. bridle, halter

ajsarghr m. Takht-i-Suleiman (mountain)
ajs m. plural kind of apricot
ishl m.
ajsr m. emperor
ajt n m. 1 lace 2 cord
its m. its m. astronomy Ceta, the Whale (the

if m. funnel; watering can

il-u- l m. 1 argument, controversy, scandal 2 gossip
1 ijm Arabic masculine plural of
2 ajm Arabic 1.1 straightforward, upright, deserving 1.2
valuable 2 m. .1 manager 2.2 guardian 2.3 overseer

ajmghch j m. tea with cream

ceremonial serving of tea (one of the wedding rituals)

imt Arabic 1 m. [plural: imatna Arabic plural:

ijm] .1 price, cost the market
price the purchase price the sales price
at the price of How
much does this cost? at a high price,
expensively regardless of what it cost
compound verb to determine the price, evaluate to
lower the price to raise, knock up the price 1.2
significance, value 2 predicative dear, expensive, valuable
Bread is growing more expensive. idiom
the combat readiness of troops
imatd r imatn k dear, expensive, valuable
valuable books
imattalb cash-on-delivery, COD

Pashto-English Dictionary

imatavl denominative, transitive [past:

value, evaluate, determine the price


imta 2
imat 1 dear; valuable 2 f. dearness, expensiveness
ajmumt m. ajmumijt m. Arabic guardianship,
wardship under wardship
im f. minced meat, ground meat
indzh m. regional coquetry, flirtatiousness
ajnch f. 1 scissors compound verb to cut with
scissors; clip 2 rafter, truss; beam 3 crossbeam, joist idiom

sharp tongue
ajnz f. dialect
ujd m. Arabic plural
ujud t m. 1 second plural of

2 limitations,

restrictions, reservations

ajm Arabic 1 religion Unchanging, Immutable, Eternal (an

epithet of God) 2 m. proper name Qayum

kpilsm m. kpilzm m.
kpr 1 m. infidel, non-believer 2 abusive faithless, disloyal;
base, foul, mean He is a scoundrel.
kpirch m. 1 long knife, short sword 2 poleax
kprkhwalj f. botany stinkhorn
kprgl m. sunflower
kprl m. tile, tiling tile factory
kpr m. plural
kp f. colloquial
kp f. 1 copy 2 number, copy (of a magazine, book)
kpitulsjn m. capitulation
kpils m.
kpilzm m.
kpi 1.1 fat, stout, obese 1.2 strong, healthy 1.3 mean,
base, foul 2 f. impudent woman, hussy

kpis f. 1

Kapisa Province 2 Kapisa (the

ancient capital of the Kushans)

kpikr f. copying
kpinaws m. copyist; copier
kpinawis f. copying, making a copy

kf the thirty-second letter of the Pashto alphabet; often


q in Arabic and Turkic words; pronounced as "k"; the

numeral 20 in the abjad system


abbreviation of

k poetical word in lieu of

ka 1

ktb m. Arabic 1 clerk, office worker 2 second secretary (of

ktib f. 1 position or work of a clerk or office worker; clerical

an embassy)

2 imperative in lieu of
k 1 3 Everywhere
people are talking about me. 2 3
2 k f. 1
kbl, kbl m. 1 Kabul Kabul River
Kabul City the Kabul Valley 2 Kabul
Province Kabul Province Governor of


Kabul Province

kblj, kblj 1 attributive Kabul 2 m. resident of Kabul

1 kb near, close compound verb to bring closer,
bring nearer compound verb to come nearer, approach
2 kb m.
kbs m. nightmare
kb f.
1 kbn m. 1 bride's provision; dowry 2 bride-money, brideprice

2 kbn m. booth
kbin f. cabinet, government
kpitlst m. capitalist
kpitlist capitalist, capitalistic
capitalist countries

kpitlsm m. kpitlzm m.
kpilst m.

work, office work 2 position of second secretary (of an embassy)


ktr f. 1 large bin (for storing grain), corncrib 2 large

container (for storing grapes, etc.)

ktrj f. small sickle

ktk m. regional katak (the seventh month of the Hindu

calendar, October-November)

ktd m. physics cathode

ktolk m. (Roman) Catholic
ktolik (Roman) Catholic
1 kt 1 look, gaze, stare 2 viewing, examining; inspection,
examination spying on to see
2 kt imperfect plural of 1
3 kt f. 1 letter 2 notebook, exercise book 3 directions,

klj m. shotgun cartridge

kawl transitive
1 k m. tax collector
2 k aj m. 1 saddle tree, wooden base of a saddle
shackles 3 almond with a hard shell

kj la f. large irrigation ditch; canal

kerj f. small saucepan (for melting butter)
1 kdzh m. pine (tree)
2 kdzh m. buttonhole

2 convict's

Pashto-English Dictionary

kdzhr having a leukoma, having a cataract, walleyed

kch m. tip cat (the game)
kchgha f.
kch m.
kchgha, kchgha f. spoon
ktsaj m. plant with edible root
ktsj f. cup of a sling
kkht m. kkht f. a year of crop
failure famine, starvation
kdr m. personnel, cadre
kdrj m. 1 stomach, crop, craw (of birds) 2 psalterium,

take out of service (machinery, people) b to remove

third stomach (part of the stomach of ruminants)

going, get things going b to get down to work, set to work c to

compound verb to quit

work, walk off the job; retire compound verb a to work,
carry out work What does your father do? b
to work, to act, be in actions, function The
apparatus is working well. c to exert action, exert influence; act
This medication is not working for him. d to
serve as something, replace something, substitute for something e

He earns ten Afghanis a

compound verb to be conducted, be carried out (of
work projects) A large
construction project is being carried out in the city.
compound verb a to be of use, benefit, help
to earn

That ruse won't help. b to work, act, function c to serve as

to start
working, get to work (on) to put into
action, set into motion to be needed; be used, be
applied to use, apply to
get (down) to work, get to work, start working
to be used, be applied to process, subject to
processing to go to work a to
something, replace something, substitute for something
to carry out, realize in practice, turn into reality

to go out of service (of

saying One shouldn't
do more than necessary. saying to interfere
with, throw a monkey wrench in the works
Everything is in God's hands. That's how it is.
2 kr m.
krzmud experienced; skillful; skilled, qualified
krk s m. Caracas
krg h 1 2 wise
krmd necessary, needed, useful; suitable; capable
krw imperfect of 3
krbnpepr m. carbon paper
krbnajoks j m. carbonic acid, carbon dioxide
krbur tor m. carburetor
krbur nt m. fuel mixture
krbolk carbolic, phenolic
krbn m. plural carbon
krbonpepr m.
krbonk carbon(ic), carbonaceous
to shirk work

machinery, people)

kzb Arabic 1 false, lying, untruthful 2 m. liar

kzib false, lying, untruthful
1 kr m. 1 affair, business, work, pursuit I am very
busy. What is your business with him?
I have business with Ahmed. He is
prospering. That business is irremediable.
2 work, labor, occupation
physical labor intellectual work foreman,
team leader, crew chief means of production
employer a labor force, labor, manpower, hands b
capacity for work, efficiency labor agreement
work hours, work time work-day
wages to use something, employ
something, resort to something to be
used, be employed a to set an affair
conduct the affair successfully

carbonic acid gas

krabn m. carbine
krp t m. krptij n m. plural Carpathian
Mountains, Carpathians Carpathians
krt m. 1 card; ticket invitation card
file-card 2 calling card
krtl m. economics cartel
krts m. cartridge, round
blank cartridge
krtusd n m. bandoleer, cartridge belt
krtogr f m. cartographer
krtogrf f. cartography
krtn m. 1 cardboard, pasteboard 2 file folder, document

krt f. quarter (part of a city); district, region

krn m. caricature, cartoon
krdzhn angry, infuriated
krdzha krdzhaj efficient, businesslike;

krchalawna f.
krchb m. kind of patterned fabric
krkhn f. factory, plant; workshop; factory, mill
machine-building plant
shipyard automobile repair shops
krkhnawl plant, mill, factory (worker, hand)
krd m. knife
krd r m. 1 official; government employee, government

worker 2 manager (of an estate, etc.) 3 figure (person active and

prominent in his or her field)


Pashto-English Dictionary

krdr f. 1 position, post, appointment, job 2

management, direction; business management 3 administration

krd n 1 experienced; skillful, skilled, qualified 2 learned,

knowledgeable, (well) versed (in), competent

krdn f. 1 experience, know-how, skill, knack 2

knowledge, condition of being well-informed, competency

krdid worldly-wise, experienced, having seen the world

kr m. pass
krraw f. 1 management, direction; business
management 2 actions military actions 3
conduct, behavior 4 action, act, deed 5 work; affair, business

krz r m. 1 battle, combat 2 campaign

krs z 1 2 m. organizer
krsz f. 1 arrangement, organization, settling

krg m. [plural:

krist n m. textile mill, shop

krshikn m. vermin, pest
krshikan 1 pest, harmful 2 f. .1 wrecking 2.2 sabotage
krht m. 1 plant, mill, shop 2 machine tool 3 press (for

krts m.
krtusd n m.
krgh n m. plural of
krgh m. [plural: krgh n] raven; crow
rook to doom the deal to failure in advance
krgh-nga f. kind of tulip
krfarm 1 m. .1 employer, proprietor 1.2 regional

mineral resources)

deeds b to achieve great success

krwl m. worker; laborer

caravan leader, caravan

caravan owner 2 stream, file, row, line
to surpass, outstrip, leave behind
krwnbaj m. botany Pteropyrum Aucheri (kind of
krw n m. 1 caravan



krwnsar j m. inn, caravansary

krwn 1 caravan 2 m. member of a caravan
krw f.
krub r m. affair, business; occupation; affairs, matters,
things mundane matters
People were busy with their own affairs.
He got ready for a journey.

krubr 1 business-like, efficient 2 occupational,


krukl m. plowing, tilling, tillage

verb to plow and sow

a mortal wound He was

compound verb to wound fatally

mortal, fatal

of work

compound verb to receive a mortal blow, be struck

down 6 fatal, resigned, inevitable

2 krj f. tall woven basket (for transporting fruit, etc.)

3 krj f. gulf; bay
krj a f. weed growing in wheat
1 kredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

(weaving) loom

krguz r 1 carrying out, executing 2 m. executor

krgr m. laborer; worker, employee skilled worker
krgar worker's, working, labor
krgaj m. small piece of business, no big deal; little piece

to clean

essential 3 energetic; business-like, efficient 4 effective 5

fatally wounded.

krg h m. & f. machine tool, machine

3 krawl transitive
1 kr f. 1
2 kr f. botany paspalums, Paspalum (kind of grass)
3 kr imperfect of 3
1 kr 1 working, laboring workers 2 necessary,

efficient, business-like, practical

figure (person active and prominent in his or her field)


krawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to earn

(money) 2 to use, apply 3 to work out, elaborate

(person active and prominent in his or her field) 2 experienced;

krawl denominative, transitive [past:

(an irrigation ditch, canal)

krkn 1 m. .1 employee, collaborator; worker 1.2 figure

krkun f. 1 capacity for work 2 (business-like) efficiency

krkuj m. kind of grass
krkunj m.
kr kawnkaj m. 1 laborer 2 worker, employee 3

krgkj f. botany wild mallow

krnm f. 1 exploit, feat, achievement; deed, act
He became famous for his great achievements. 2
success, achievement a to accomplish great

manager 2 in charge, giving orders

krfahm f.
krk m. cork, stopper
krkardag f. development (of deposits); extraction (of

a wolf in sheep's clothing (literally:

a crow in peacock's feathers)

skillfulness, expertness 3 (business-like) efficiency 4 intrigue

krg n] raven; crow

clear, be clean (of an irrigation ditch, canal)

2 kredl intransitive
3 kredl intransitive
krz m. kahriz, underground irrigation canal
krizk m. regional
krezkn m. laborer who digs kahrizis

Pashto-English Dictionary

krez f.
1 krez irrigated by a kahriz
2 krizj m. krizj f.
krezh f. kind of edible plant
krijs m. medicine caries
kriktr m. caricature
krigr 1 m. .1 [plural: krigr and
krigar n] laborer; worker crew of a ship
miner 1.2 regional blacksmith, farrier 2 industrious,
diligent, hard-working He is a very
industrious person.

krigar f. 1 activity, activities 2 skill, mastery; skilled

work 3 skill, knack, dexterity

krn m. mountainous plot of land temporarily used for crops

krind business-like, industrious
k m. 1 pebbles 2 rocky terrain a rocky river-bed
b coarse gravel 3 rocky desert, pebbly desert 4 regional silver


ks w 1.1 plain, homely and with a poor physique (of a

person); ugly 1.2 having an elongated face 1.3 melancholy,

doleful, sad, dismal 2 m. ugly person, freak

kkt bent, distorted

k 1
kuk m. 1 howls, screams, shouts

2 clanging, clinking,

clattering (of dishes)

k a f. curdled milk

k a f. 1 learning a lesson 2 method in which guilt or

innocence of one suspected of stealing is determined by immersing

his hands in boiling water

3 k f. dish made of flour, oil and greens

1 k beaten up, thrashed
2 k i plural of 1
3 k i plural of 2
4 k plural of 3
5 kj f. 1
kn rocky (of terrain)
kng squint-eyed, cross-eyed
k i-w i weakened, weak, limp, flabby
compound verb a to be very tired I am
very tired. b to be lazy, become lazy

kz m. scissors

kz m. 1 den, lair 2 cave, cavern (used as shelter for sheep in


3 kz m.
4 kz m. wish, desire
kzmk space, cosmic cosmic rays
kzmn 1 famished, starved 2 desiring, wanting
proverb a hungry man is glad for a dry crust
kzmogrf f. cosmography

kzikhr m. wood louse
kg present stem of 2
m. hyena

kg laj past participle of 2

1 kg m. plural and oblique of 2
2 kg m. plural anise
3 k ga imperative, imperfective of 2
4 kg imperfect of
5 kg imperative, imperfective of
kg -wg m. plural and oblique of
kg -welni m. plural anise
ksb m. Arabic [plural: ksib n and Arabic
kasab] artisan, handicraftsman; workman

ksabrg m. botany sepal, calyx lobe

1 kst m. reduction, reducing, diminishing, decrease; loss(es)
2 kst m. caste the caste system
ksd Arabic lacking demand, unmarketable (of goods)
kskt m. service cap, cap
ksn m. plural endive (kind of chicory)
ksuj m. kind of edible plant
ks f. 1 cup, basin, tureen, earthen saucer
containment basin of a dam to feast at the
same table with someone 2 botany calyx 3 shell (of a tortoise)
idiom skull idiom to cause
great unpleasantness, harass, not give someone peace; annoy

compound verb to hush up, drop, cut off (an affair)
to dupe, deceive someone idiom
a to overlook, miss, let slip by b to show carelessness
idiom a person who meddles in everything
ksagb m. tortoise
1 ks 1 m. plural Kasi (a tribe living in the Kvetta region) 2

idiom rainbow

m. Kasai, Kasi

2 ksj f. cup of a sling

ksr debouched, profligate, dissolute, licentious
1 ksra 1 feminine singular of 2 f. .1 debauchee,
lewd woman 2.2 good-for-nothing woman

2 kser f. regional penny, copper coin

ksir f. debauchery, dissipation
1 ksh m. pommel of a saddle
2 ksh
kshtk r m. farmer, grain grower
kshrj m.
kshghr m Kashghar
kshf Arabic 1.1 discovering, detecting; studying,
researching sound-detecting 1.2 curious, inquisitive
2 m. [plural: kshif n and Arabic kshifn]
investigator, researcher; explorer


Pashto-English Dictionary

k shke Western interjection oh, if only, even if

kshw z 1 garrulous, boastful 2 disorderly
kshwz f. 1 bragging, boasting 2 disorder
kshgha f.
ksh m. [plural: kshikr f.] tiles; glazed tile;

kshigr m. worker who makes tiles; glazer

kshigar f. manufacture of tiles, of glazed tile;

kkdzh m. regional
kkw f. cocoa
kk 1 m. plural, also kka n Kakars (a tribe)

kshn m. [plural:

kshin n]

kshinna and

1 large earthenware washtub; trough

trough 2 glazed plates and dishes

kzm m. Arabic proper noun Kazim

1 kgh m. cawing (of a raven, crow)
2 kgh 1 wise; sagacious, perspicacious 2 clever, bright
kgh n m. plural Kaghan (region in northwest Pakistan)
kghtb m. 1 wisdom; foresight, prescience 2 cleverness
kghz, kghz m. [plural: kghazna and Arabic
kghaz t] 1 paper clean sheet of paper
regional stamped paper waste paper
a white paper b sheet of white paper c blank form,
form bag Western to
write on paper 2 letter; note compound verb to write a
letter 3 paper, document divorce certificate 4 plural
and mail, correspondence; papers
kghazb d m. kite
kghazdn f. basket (for papers), wastepaper basket
to throw onto the trash heap
kghaz 1 paper, out of paper banknote 2 thinskinned, having a thin skin or shell 3 figurative fictitious

kghm f. kind of woolen fabric reversible rug

kghw laj m.
k gha f. crow
kghj f. jackdaw
kfr, kpr Arabic [plural: kuff r] 1.1 m. infidel 1.2

kafir, infidel, unbeliever; native or resident of Nuristan before they

converted to Islam 2 figurative evil, fierce, cruel


kfirist n m. history the land of the infidels; Kafiristan

(present-day Nuristan)

kfirkj m. despicable kafir, contemptible infidel

kfirgl m. sunflower
1 kfir 1 m. plural Kafirs (peoples inhabiting Nuristan and
Chitral) 2 f. Kafir, Kafir language

2 kfirj m. 1
kfr m. plural camphor
kfur 1 camphor 2 figurative white, gray (of hair)
kf f. kf m. plural coffee compound verb
to make coffee

kf Arabic indeclinable 1 sufficient, enough 2 sufficiently,


kf f. cafe, coffee-house

kk m. 1 small loaf of sweet bread (which is baked in honor

of the birth of a son for distribution to children) 2 dialect flat cake

glazed brick

manufacture of glazed brick

(baked on a hot stone)


kk m. cork, stopper

kk m. 1 uncle (father's brother) 2 uncle (addressing an

elderly man)

2 m. a

Kakar (a member of the Kakar tribe)

kkaist n m. region where the Kakars settled

kka attributive Kakar the Kakar breed of

kkha f. large net (for carrying straw)

kkah f. carrying of straw in a large net
kkk m.
kkksh m. corkscrew
kkl m. 1 forelock; lock, curl, ringlet 2 (small) crest (of

kkndzh m, plural 1 millet 2 green bristle grass; Italian

millet, foxtail millet

kk m.

diminutive uncle
m. plural botany ziziphora, Ziziphora


kko f. botany colocynth, bitter apple

1 kkj f. aunt (uncle's wife)
2 kkj f. beetle
1 kgl m. plaster for walls (made out of straw and clay)
compound verb to plaster (walls)
2 kgl transitive Eastern 2
1 kg Eastern 1
2 kg m. plural Eastern
1 kl m. [plural: kalna and Eastern klna]
year last year the year before last
three years ago this year next year
leap year lunar year
solar year fiscal year the hijra
year annually from year to year
per year all year a one-year-old
baby for many years already
long-standing concern
2 kl m. thorny fence, barbed fence
kl m. regional native (of a native of India)
1 klbr m. military caliber
2 klbr bearing fruit every other year

Pashto-English Dictionary

klbt m. body; figure

idiom to be

dumbfounded; be bewildered

Khattaks 2 area teaming with game

klts m.
k ldzh m. college
klkhw h m. klkhw

jewel(ry) 3 regional tool, instrument; implement 4 regional

household utensils, goods and chattels 5 thing

superintendence 3 will

pack up one's things, depart, leave, go away

klkunj m. 1 dastambul (a small-fruited, sweet-smelling

musk-melon) 2 regional wild field melon, Cucumis

1.1 bend, curve, winding 1.2 turn 1.3

figurative ruse, trick, subterfuge, cunning, stratagem

compound verb a to bend, wind b to turn c figurative to use

cunning, be crafty; be shifty, dodge 2 figurative clever, sly,
cunning, crafty
klkochka f.

1 sharp turn 2 loop (made by a

chopped corn-stalks

kmbel f. regional botany Rottlera tinctoria (a dye plant)

kmp m. camp military camp
kmcha f. little finger, pinkie
kmchatk f. Kamchatka
kmkhr m. predatory fish
kmr n 1 fortunate; successful, prosperous 2 m. proper

wild animal that is being pursued) 3 figurative ruse, trick,

cunning, resourcefulness 4 plural

bends, curves, windings

klkochke Eastern

klkochn 1.1 sly, clever, adroit, dodgy, resourceful 1.2

twisting, winding 2 m. sly one, cunning one, dodger

klkcha f. Eastern
klkundj m.
klka f. boll (of the cotton plant) cotton plant
1 klanj yearly, annual
2 klanj 1 feminine singular of 1 2 f. annual, yearbook
k lo oblique plural of 1
kl oblique plural of
klor f. calorie
klusr 1 all year, the entire year, the year round 2 in a year,

noun Kamran

kmrn f. good fortune to succeed, prosper

kmr, kmer f. chamber, cell, room camera
kml Arabic 1.1 full, exhaustive, comprehensive; complete
complete trust 1.2 perfect, superlative 1.3 wellinformed, well-versed; learned 2 proper noun Kamil

kmln Arabic completely; absolutely, quite; fully; wholly

kmiltb m. kmilw laj m. 1 fullness,
comprehensiveness; completeness 2 perfection, superiority 3

per year, for a year

kl oblique singular of household

belongings home, homeward outside the

saying to be beside oneself

compound verb to gather up one's things,

klbr m. 1
kledl intransitive
klza f. anniversary celebration of
the anniversary of independence birthday
kl-ml m. plural things, household goods and chattels
klimnt n m. Kalimantan (island)
kljo oblique plural of
1 km m.
2 km m. palate
3 km m. desire, will
km f. Kama (river)
kmbraj m. 1 stalks of colza (remaining after threshing) 2


with joy

klr m. collar
klk m. 1 unripe fruit, green fruit 2 boll (of the cotton plant)
klakach m. plural Western guza-paya (dry cotton-plant

kl] 1 usually plural clothing, dress;

verb a to make a dress b to buy a dress 2 regional decoration;

power, give authority; authorize, empower 2 management,


warm clothing swimsuit

evening dress bed linen
wardrobe compound verb to get dressed
clothes compound verb to get undressed
compound verb to make a dress compound

manager; manager

klj m. [plural:


1 patron 2 steward, estate

klkhwh f.
klkhw j plenipotentiary; competent, enjoying full rights
klkhwj m. dialect
klkhw f. 1 power, authority compound
verb to exercise power, exercise authority to possess
power, have authority compound verb to grant

klap i f. plural 1 name of a forest in the land of the


kmilawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

end, finish, complete 2 to make perfect, perfect, bring to

house inside the house

2 k la short form plural and oblique singular of 1
for ten years for a year
klab gh m. Kalabagh (northwestern Pakistan)


kmil f. proper noun Kamila

kmilijt m. Arabic 1 fullness; completeness


territorial integrity

2 integrity,

Pashto-English Dictionary

kmiledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be ended, be finished, be completed 2 to be perfected, achieve


kmnk m 1 without fail, certainly 2 willy-nilly

1 km f. Kama (region in eastern Afghanistan)
2 k mm f. comma
kmaw l m. resident of Kama
1 km
2 kmm plural of 2
kmj b 1 successful, enjoying success; good
successfully 2 prospering, successful compound verb
;compound verb
kmjbn 1 2 successfully, well
kmjbawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
make successful, make prosperous

kmjb f. [plural:


kmjbj and

kmjbig ni] 1 success; achievement

to make progress 2 victory

kmjbedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to
achieve success, prosper, have success to reach a
goal, achieve that which was desired
He is successful in whatever he undertakes.
kmern m. Cameroon
1 kn m. 1 mine, shaft, pit lead mine gold
mine miners ministry of mining 2
deposit(s), bed, layer 3 ore 4 figurative well, fount

2 kn m. rush (a grass-like plant)

3 kn f. tumor or swelling on the palate (in horses)
knd f. &m.
kn f. &m. Canada
kn 1 Canadian 2 m. a Canadian
knr the Canary Islands
kn l m. canal the Suez Canal
knpezh nd m. kn pezhandnkaj m.

k ntr m. contour, outline

kntn m. snack bar
kn r m. toad
1 kn f. broom compound verb to sweep, sweep
up compound verb to be swept, be swept up
2 kn f. regional fork (table)
knj f. saddle-tree
kndzhr m. person suffering from a nervous tic
kndzh m. wooden axle (of a water-lifting wheel)
knduktr m. conductor, bandmaster
k ndm first person of 7 instead of 2
k nda imperative, imperfective of 7 instead of 2
! Do what you want!

k ndi dialect present tense singular and plural of

instead of

9 !

k ndi dialect instead of

kndj m. wooden bin; corncrib

kndj f. spoon
k nde present tense second person of

kndd m. candidate

Please God!

compound verb



nominate candidates

kndidawl denominative, transitive [past:

nominate as a candidate

kn l m. crock
knla f. species of plant with edible rhizomes
knjt f. singular & plural colostrum(s)
knj l m. botany 1 agriophyllum 2 tumbleweed
knzjnman m. parcel, consignment, lot (of goods)
knsrt m. concert
knsrw m. canned food canned fruit
k nsnen m. consonant sound
knghuzk m. dung beetle
knfir ns m. 1 conference 2 lecture
knflr m. plural potato flour
knkr m. singular & plural
knkrt m. long-tailed eagle
k nkr m. plural concrete concrete

knkrirez f. concreting, laying concrete

knkriawl denominative, transitive [past: ]
to concrete, lay concrete, cover with concrete

knk faded, withered

kn kannkaj m. miner
knkr m. competition

to announce a


kngr m. gravel (beaten into a compact mass)

k ngrs m. congress the Indian National

knglomer t m. conglomerate
kng f. 2
k nga f. [usually plural 1 k ngi] 1 Western vomiting,
retching compound verb to vomit, throw up
He vomited. 2 Eastern colic
kngj f. echo compound verb to reflect sound
compound verb to echo, repeat, be reflected (of a

knwnsjn m. convention
1 knn m. 1 hearth, oven 2 focus, center
2 knn m. canon (a plucked-string musical instrument)
knwnshn m.
1 kn f. misfortune; calamity, disaster; trouble
What's happened to you?

Pashto-English Dictionary

k na f. 1 edge, edging, border 2 wing feather, wing quill

kn 1 dull; stupid; ignorant 2 rotten, rotten throughout,

rotten to the core


4 kn f. imperfect of
5 kn m. plural digging
6 k na 5
k na-w na f. 1 questions 2 altercation, wrangling,
squabbling compound verb a to question b to

kw k 1 shallow, hollow, good-for-nothing, useless

to talk nonsense
compound verb to mumble, hem and haw 2 clumsy 3 senseless

4 careless, imprudent

kuchk m. plural rubber

kuchuk rubber
kwch f. cot
kw m. anger, fury
kwa m. angry man
kwaedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

wrangle, squabble; argue, dispute

1 kn mineral; ore, mine mineral resources

mining region exploitation (of ore)
2 kn 1 dexterous, deft, adroit; skillful, skilled 2 accurate (of
a marksman)

knj one-eyed, blind in one eye

knj f. 1 straw; blade of grass; thin reed 2 trifle

knj f. side whiskers


knj f. 1 needle case (made from the stem of bird feather)

2 reed, rush

9 kn or else, or, otherwise

k ne-w ne f. plural Eastern argument; quarrel;
1 k m. tree of the oak family
2 k m.
k w m. blacksmith's tool
1 k a f. cluster of cattail
2 k m. plural and oblique singular of 2
1 k aj m. 1 stone, rock; pebbles limestone
whetstone quarry landslide (in
the mountains) saying Eastern This didn't
have any affect on him; like water off a duck's back; (literally: a

compound verb history

to lay down a stone as a sign of an armistice and peace

compound verb history to take up a stone to signify that peace has

been broken and military actions are being resumed 2 precious

a weight corner-stone
an implacable and stern person a stubborn person
a to be very stingy b to become hardened, become

stone 3 weight


2 kj imperative plural of 7 in place of

kik m. stonemason
kdz, kdz kz, kz 1 stony, rocky
stony soil 2 severe; cruel

k ikp m. 1 boulder 2 craftsman who makes

kwsh m. 1 digging 2 enmity; quarrel

kw m.
1 kw f.
2 kw m. plural making, doing
3 kw imperfect of 7
kwj dialect imperfect of 7 instead of 3
1 kh f. 1 itch 2 medicine pruritus to itch
2 kh m. plural straw
khbr m. sack needle
khrez f. wild safflower
khht m. 1 itch 2 medicine pruritus 3 gnashing one's
teeth (from anger) 4 swearing

khgl m. 1
1 khl Arabic 1 lazy, sluggish, languid 2 inert, stagnant
Pacific Ocean
2 khl intransitive [past: ] to itch
khil f. 1 laziness; sluggishness; languor 2 inertness
khn m. Arabic 1 astrologer 2 soothsayer 3 high priest (the
high priest of the ancient Hebrews)

khin f. 1 astrology 2 soothsaying

kh m. lettuce salad bowl
kh m. khj f. gutter; ditch; ravine
k'in t Arabic 1 m. plural the cosmos, the universe 2 m.
plural nature Man is the master of nature. 3
m. character; nature in one's heart
k'int 1 cosmic, space, universe 2 natural
kjna f. vengeance, revenge
kj deep sea
1 kab m. 1 [plural: kabna and Western kab n]
fish small fry 2 astronomy Pisces (the constellation) 3
;saying to find a needed thing
2 kub m. abdominal part of an animal carcass; smoked sturgeon

millstones 3 children's game


become angry, be angry, grow furious

knj f. textiles reed (of a loom)

knj f. file

leech doesn't stick to a stone)

kigurm m. Kaniguram (city in

saying to get lost, vanish into thin

kikum m.

k i-kawdi m. plural furniture, household goods



kab f. share of the bride money received by the bride's uncle

Pashto-English Dictionary

kab b m. kebab, roast


compound verb


skewer kebab

kabbawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

roast (meat, wild game); to make shashlik 2 figurative to torment,


kabb m. 1 kebab shop 2 one who prepares kebab dishes for

customers of a kebab shop

kabbedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be roasted (of meat, wild game) 2 figurative to be tormented, be

kab p m. dialect

kab a f. regional junk, old things

men's old

clothes shop

kabj f. chapan (men's outerwear in the form of a robe with

quilted wadding)

kabl f.
kaba f. name of a game
1 kibr, kbr m. Arabic pride, arrogance, insolence, haughtiness
2 kabr m.
kibrdzhn, kbrdzhn proud, arrogant, haughty,

kabrd gh m. roast meat (cured or preserved)

kabrgh n m. kabrghj m. 1 marmot

aircraft commander
2 kind of

green vegetable

kabrknaj m. gravedigger
kbra f. capers (the shrub)

kubar Arabic 1 feminine of 2 kubr feminine of

kab m. tethering post, hitching rail
kabk, kawk m. keklik (mountain partridge) kbki, kwk-i ular, mountain turkey

for this reason

that's why

kabl m. reason, cause

because of this

kabl m. singular & plural 1 Bermuda grass, Cynodon 2

regional bent grass, Agrostis linearis

kabalkaj m. regional 2 2
kabalz r m. lawn; meadow
kablawl transitive
1 kabla f. 2 1
2 kabla oblique singular of 1
1 kablj m. 1 fawn of a deer 2 sheepskin coat
2 kablj m. curlew; snipe
kabledl intransitive
kab niwl m. plural fishing
kabniwnaj m. fisherman
kabwl m. fishmonger, fish merchant
kabudch f. kabudcha (variety of caraculs)
kaba f. 1 juice; sweet syrup 2 jelly

1 kaboj m. juice of the sugar cane

2 kabaj m. muscle
kabl m. thank-you gift
1 kab f. rein; halter; bridle
2 kubj humpbacked, hunchbacked
3 kubj f. 2
kabr Arabic great, big, large; safr-i ambassador
1 kabir f. pattern (for cutting out the uppers of shoes)
2 kabir f. grave sin
kabis f. Arabic leap year leap year
kabn m. booth, cab, cabin
1 kap m. shaking, quivering; trembling, shuddering
2 kap m. piece, slice, bit (of food) compound
verb to bite off to find subsistence
3 kap m. cuff
4 kap m. cup (as a prize) silver cup
kipt n m.
kapitalzm m.
kapitalst m.
kapitalsm m.
kip n m. 1 captain (of a ship) ship's captain 2
1 kapr m. uneven place, rough spot
2 kupr m.
3 kapr m. rope made of the fibers of the date palm
kapr f.
kapark m. 1 thin ice 2 alluvial clay, silt
kapar f. kaprj, kaparj, kuprj f. 1
kuprl m. tile, tiling tile
tile factory

kap m. 1 thick rope made from cotton; cable 2 tethering

rail, hitching post

2 kap m. things, stuff, household goods

3 kap m. piece of meat, slice of meat
kap f. regional
kapakj m. small tent
kap f. regional 1 fabric, material 2 clothing
outer clothes compound verb to get undressed,
undress compound verb to change clothes
1 kapj m. shard, broken dish (used as a drinking bowl for
birds, etc.)

2 kupj f. small wineskin

3 kapaj f. wrestling
kapaj cloth, calico (of a book cover)
kaps m. colloquial
kapsl m. medicine capsule

Pashto-English Dictionary

kapla f. 1 little piece 2 sip

compound verb to

swallow, gulp; eat; eat with gusto

kapn m.
kapankh m. 1 thief who steals shrouds 2 scoundrel
kapanawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to cover
1 trembling; cramp, convulsion 2 spasm

compound verb a to be nervous, be

hate somebody

kap f. 1 medicine powder

compound verb to lick

up powder from the palm of the hand 2 pinch of snuff

2 kap f. tray (for fruit)

3 kpa f. hunk, chunk, piece
4 kap f. hut; hovel, shack
1 kap f. 2
2 kupj f. 1 small wineskin 2 powder flask
3 kapj f. shoe; shoes
kapjkhulj m. (small) cuff
kapedl intransitive [past: ] to shiver, tremble; start,
kat 1 m. fold, crease, pleat

predicative folded

katkt m. cackle, cackling

katktaj m. anatomy manypiles, omasum, third stomach (one


meet, see one another 1.4 to look over, look through; read through

He looked through the book. 1.5 to consider (an

issue, a question) 1.6 to study 1.7 to look for


What is he looking for? 1.8 to wait (for), await, expect

They are waiting for you.

I am awaiting your

answer. 1.9 to pay attention to something; take account of, take

house 3 book trade

street market)

perceive, see to look back at, glance behind

We exchanged glances. to view, examine
to examine closely to scowl (at)
compound verb to watch with ill-will 1.2 to examine, view,
scan The doctor examined the patient. 1.3 to
meet, see one another I saw Ahmed. to

kitbch f. 1 notebook, exercise book 2 booklet, brochure

notebook; diary
kitbkhn f. 1 library; book depository 2 publishing

kitbgaj m. booklet, brochure

kitb f. Arabic inscription; epitaph
kitb 1 bookish 2 written 3 well-read, educated
kt r m. 1 ;avenue 2 queue, line
kitr f. 1 parapet 2 pale, fencing, palisade 3 grave marker
kat n m. plural Arabic 1 linen 2 flax linen fiber
katn 1 linen; flaxen linen fabrics 2 light brown

compound verb to

katl 1 transitive [present: past: , in an

objectless sentence or ] .1 to look, watch;

with folds 2

kit b khartsawnkaj m. bookseller

kitbd r m. librarian
kitbdr f. librarianship
kitbfursh m. bookseller
kitbfurush f. 1 book trade 2 row of book stalls (at a

of the divisions of the stomach in ruminants)

kat m. 1 pile, heap 2 stock, supply, reserve

3 kat m. plural catechu (extract used in tanning)
kit b m. Arabic [plural: kitbna and Arabic
kutb] book textbook
kitbt m. Arabic 1 the job of a clerk, position of a secretary
to be appointed secretary 2 business
correspondence, clerical work business

katb m. Arabic 1 frame of a camel saddle 2 bag strap,


kap m. crocodile

kutb m. plural Arabic of

katak (the seventh month of the Indian calendar in which maize


pouch cord

agitated b to have a strong desire c to have hatred for someone;

kutubkhn f. library; book depository

kitb Arabic 1 written 2 bookish
katr f. small piece, little chunk small piece of
meat in small pieces
1 kutrj m. 1
2 katrj shunning
katrink m. scamp; loafer, good-for-nothing
katgh m. 1 food; hearty food sweet food 2 ragout
katghalj m. felt blanket for a bullock
kattaghn m.
katk m. 1 land that yields a good wheat harvest 2 regional

with a shroud, put a shroud over

kapj, kapaj f.

kat j conditional of

something into consideration

He didn't take

account of anyone. 1.10 to observe 2 m. plural

saying to be respectful towards someone

to show love for children
2 kutl transitive 4
katl k m. catalog
katl j conditional of 1
katalm t m. end of a battle, conclusion of combat
katlam f. flaky fried flatbread
kutl f. Arabic mass, masses the common people
katm m. kitm n m. Arabic concealing keeping
a secret


katmand m. Katmandu
katndzj m. out-patient clinic, dispensary

Pashto-English Dictionary

katna f. 1 considering, examining 2 inspection, examination

(e.g., of a patient) 3 point of view, opinion, view 4 meeting,

appointment; interview 5 examining, looking through; reading

through 6 examination, consideration (of a question, issue) 7

study 8 waiting, expectation 9 verification, check-up 10
checking up on, monitoring 11 attention


pay attention to something, turn one's attention to something 12

to rebuke, to reprove
press review 14 medicine

remark, observation, reproof

13 survey, review;


blood analysis

katna-lidna f. meeting becoming

acquainted with the future bride becoming acquainted

1 kat oblique plural of 1

2 kat Eastern imperative of 1 instead of 5
I was reading the newspaper.
katdzj m. 1 spectacle, show, performance 2 out-patient
clinic, dispensary

katawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to fold

katn m. regional 1 examination 2 awaiting, expecting 3


katndzj m. doctor's consulting room

katnkaj 1 present participle of

observer, commentator
inspector, ticket-taker

2 m. .1 reader 2.2

political observer 2.3

katunw l m. chief inspector, head of the inspection board

1 kta f. packsaddle
2 kat f. imperfect of 1
3 kta regional
1 kti plural of 1
2 katj Eastern ! Let's see!
3 katj m. measure for milk
4 kutj f.
5 kat f. plural imperfect of 1
katib f. Arabic frieze with inscription
kti-pti f. plural nonsense, tommyrot
compound verb to talk nonsense, talk rot, talk through one's hat

to chatter
1 katedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be


2 ktedl intransitive [past: ] to cackle

kutil'l m.
1 ka m. cot, bed sleepwear bedspread
to go to bed compound verb to take to one's
bed, become ill

ka m. 1 deduction, withholding (from wages) 2 exclusion

(from a list)

compound verb a to deduct, withhold (from

wages) b to exclude (from a list)

compound verb a to

be deducted, be withheld (from wages) b be excluded (from a list)

ka m. black pigment, black dye (made from pomegranate

ka 1 big, large 2 thick; fat 3 strong

gaze fixedly at, to stare at


idiom to

compound verb to laugh loudly, laugh


ku f. loud laughter, boisterous laughter

k r m. kind of needlework
1 k r m. hopscotch
2 k r stubborn, obstinate
1 kr f. dagger, poniard (with a three-edged blade)
idiom He was suffering from love.
2 k ra f. cow that will not allow itself to be milked
3 kar f.
kredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
obstinate (of a cow)

kulj f. smelting crucible, melting pot

k w m.
kab m. craftsman who weaves rope netting for beds
kab m. vegetable fiber used in bed netting
kapaj m. rope by which a bed is held together
kapz m. muzzle (e.g., for a dog)
kar m. plural Katar (a people living in the vicinity of Attack)
kurkaj m. foal of an ass
kk m. 1 kkj loud laughter, boisterous laughter
to laugh loudly, laugh boisterously
to laugh loudly, laugh uproariously
2 kakj m. kagj m. 1 stool 2 small bed
kal g m. catalog
kaml f. silver necklace, gold necklace
kam km exactly, precisely
This man closely resembles your brother.
kaml m. bug
kamra f. jackknife
kamraj m. baby dove, baby pigeon
kaw f. clay cooking pot
saying My cup of patience has overflowed, I am exasperated
kaaw z m. Katawaz (region in southern Afghanistan)
history the Katawaz-Urgun areas
kakaj m. cradle
kar m. hen-pecked husband
kaorj, kuorj m. [plural: kaor, kuor and Western
kaor n, kuorj n] 1 bowl, chalice; cup, teacup 2 mug,

kw m. article of trade corresponding to an order or price list

kahaj m. trivet (for a kettle, pot, cauldron)

Pashto-English Dictionary

kawl transitive [past: ] 1 to send on a trip, send

(someone somewhere) 2 to drive (a herd) 3 to frighten, drive

away (wasps, etc.)

kaawl denominative, transitive [past:

cross out

compound verb

regional to

to remove from a list

kaol f. bride's palanquin

1 kawa
2 kaw f. projecting tip of a turban
kawj f. 1 earthenware pot 2 pot, saucepan
saying everyone has his own concerns (literally:
everywhere there's a fire burning and on it there's a pot)
saying the disturbance came to an end
kawjts m. sponger, hanger-on, parasite
1 ka m.
2 ku m. 4
3 ka 1 large, big thumb 2 bass string
kah r m. 1 (loud) laughter 2 cry of the partridge
ka bz m. goshawk
kaapsh m. flick, fillip to give (someone) a

ka chrga f. hen that has stopped laying

ka gta f. Eastern thumb
ka ma f.
kaamhr kaamr 1 wicked, malicious, bad, evil

kasf t m. plural Arabic mud, dirt, sewage

kasft m. Arabic 1 density, thickness
population density 2 weight, heaviness, onerousness 3
fullness; portliness

abundance, plenty

kasr Arabic 1 many, numerous 2 abundant, plentiful, copious

3 frequent, frequently used

kasir-ul-intish r large-circulation

large-circulation newspaper

kasf Arabic 1 dirty, slovenly; soiled, contaminated 2 physics


kasifawl denominative, transitive [past:


to soil,

kasifedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

soiled, be contaminated The air is polluted.

kadzh crooked, curved, bent

1 kadzhw f. bubbles (on the surface of water)
2 kadzhw f. 1 seat (on a camel's back, for a bride)

kadzhw plural of

kudzh we f. plural


kadzhbraj m.
1 kadzhk m. 1

2 1
compound verb

to prate, talk

ripple-seed plantain, Plantago major

curls, ringlets of hair on the forehead 2 cock,

cocking piece (of a firearm) 3 iron hook (at the end of a goad) 4

late cucumber 5 part of a water-powered mill

cattle feed)

kaj m. 1 buffalo calf, young buffalo 2 baby elephant

kaj m. stick used to measure milk

kaj f.

kaj feminine of

ke, ke shout by which people drive away hens, young

2 kadzhk m. regionalism name of a bird

kadzhkl m. epileptic
1 kadzhkj m. 1 lower jaw, mandible 2

compound verb

small pond, small

spring (by the roadside)

2 kadzhakj m. Kadzhakai (a region, formerly Zamindawar)

the Kajakai Dam
kadzhl m. plural 1 antimony, stibium 2 eye makeup (similar

a to drive away, shoo

(hens, donkey colts, etc.) b figurative to fire someone, give

to mascara) 3 soot that is added to antimony

someone the sack; turn someone out

kedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to set out on a journey,

start out on a trip 2 to roam from place to place, lead the life of a

nomad 3 to fly away, scatter (of wasps, etc.)

kedna f. 1 setting out on a trip 2 roaming, leading a

nomadic life 3 flying away, scattering (of a swarm of wasps, etc.)

overpopulation 2 majority

motorcycle sidecar

cruel, severe, harsh, stern

donkeys, etc.

majority of votes 3 frequency, frequent use 4 habit,


kaamerj disobedient, refractory, naughty

1 ki m. plural bean stalks (of mung beans, etc., which go into

kasrt m. Arabic 1 numerical strength, great number,

kr m. 1 collective work, help, assistance 2 cartel, peasants'

cooperative, workers' cooperative

kaerj f. small saucepan (for melting butter)

kak m. kakaj m. currier, tanner
kaejl transitive [past: ] 1 to shear (e.g., sheep)

kadzhal penciled with antimony, darkened with stibium

eyes made up with stibium jet-black hair
kadzhlch m. turn (in a road); bend, curve
kadzhmoz f. plural boots with turned-up toecaps
kadzhw laj m. curvature
kadzhr m. kind of maize
kadzhra f. 1 date date palm (the tree) 2 date
palm grove of date palms
kadzhukl kadzhukn sinuous, winding, twisting,

to cut too short, shear too short 3 to cut branches, prune branches


kadzh five-year-old, through the fifth year (of a bull)

Pashto-English Dictionary

kadzhj 1 bowlegged, bandy-legged 2 m. troublemaker,


2 kadzhj f. pin, peg (of a plowshare)

1 kadzhr m. black griffon (vulture)
2 kadzhr m. tumor on the neck
3 kadzhr beautiful, pretty
kadzhn m. plural 1 silk waste 2 heavy thread (for sewing

kacht 1 low, mean, base, vile 2 stingy, miserly, greedy

kuchuw laj m. 1 childhood 2 small quantity,
insignificance, negligibility

kuch m. plural butter

kach m. regional 1 measure, size

2 kuche 1 feminine singular of 1 2 f. girl, young girl

1 kachawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to try
on (e.g., clothes) 2 to measure (area); to carry out a land survey 3
to fix boundaries, establish boundaries

compound verb

2 unit of length equal to 28 inches or 0.71 meters

kach m. shortcoming, defect

4 kch short, undersized, dwarfish, shortish
5 kach m. regional glass
kachj f. institution, office
kachl m. [plural: kachlug n and kachl n]


kuchtb m. childhood
kachr m. [plural: kachr] mule
kacharwl m. muleteer, muleskinner
1 kachra, kachra f. 1 mule 2 regional lewd lady, depraved
woman compound verb to play a dirty trick on

2 kchl
3 kachl

compound verb to cackle

kachks f. bucket (for pouring syrup when making sugar

from cane)

kuch kch cry by which people call a dog

kachkl m. cup for collecting hand-outs (among the Dervish)
kachkolk m. kachkla f. shell (e.g., of a

kachgr m. land surveyor

kachl bowlegged
kachmch m. deadly nightshade, Solanum nigrum
kuchn oblique plural of 2
kuchnaj m.
1 kuchnj 1 small, little non-commissioned
officer the tenth month of the lunar year 2 m. child,
baby, youngster children, youngsters
infant mortality
2 kachanj f. 1 prostitute 2 female dancer
kuchnitb m. kuchniw la kuchniw laj
f. childhood

kachw laj m. meanness, baseness, vile action

m. low and flat dish

f. 1 nuxvomica, poison nut (yields strychnine) 2

datura, thorn apple

kuch-u-lj m.
kachawna f. 1

the old and the young

trying on (e.g., clothes) 2 measuring (an

area); land survey 3 fixing boundaries, establishing boundaries

kcha f. Western size, measure

compound verb


take (someone's) measurements (e.g., for clothes)

kach 1 unripe, green; raw 2 unprocessed


3 dirt, unpaved (of a road) 4 rammed-earth (of a house) 5 adobe

adobe brick 6 undeveloped, backward, stupid;

immature 7 inexperienced novice 8 ashamed

compound verb to shame, put to shame, make ashamed of
compound verb to be ashamed; be confused, be embarrassed
to be ashamed (of) 9 of low breed, of inferior


2 kachr mixed, intermixed

3 kchr f. regional unripe melon
1 kichr m. plural kasha, porridge; ragout with rice and beans
2 kachrj f. unripe melon
3 kachr f. copper coin
kachi m. plural cry of a partridge; cackling

kuchaj, kchaj 1 small, little 2 m. youngster, lad,

(young) boy

blankets, quilts)

breed 10 insignificant, negligible 11 timid, shy, bashful

kcha cry used to drive away goats

to drive away (goats)

compound verb

4 kcha f.
kachhr m. regional
kcha gta, kcha gwta f. little finger, pinkie
kachalng m. name of a disease
1 kuch m. plural butter
2 kuchj m. foal of a donkey
3 kachj bowlegged
4 kche 3
kachre if, in the case of something; in the event of
something, in the event that

kadzr bald; balding

kdzli m. plural brushwood, dry branches
kadz, kadz m. blanket
1 kats m. 1 bottomland, flood-plain of a river 2


(vegetation-covered bottomland), tugai forest 3 used in

geographical names

the Kadzhuri Valley

cloth that is sewn to the back of the collar of a woman's dress

3 kats m. ceiling
katskhwl m.

kats m. 1 fabric from which children's caps a sewn 2 piece of


Pashto-English Dictionary

katskhwla f. 1 cloth cap 2 regional cap with earflaps

katskj m. foal of a donkey
katsla f. manure pile, dunghill
katsmtsj m. whisper, whispering compound

kaub r m. loading up belongings (among nomads)

kaaj m. medicine cup
1 ka f. 1 family (among the nomads) 2 nomad's wife 3
nomad's camp compound verb a to roam, lead a nomadic

verb to whisper

life b to start a family, get married c to move from place to place,

katsa f. 1 bag, purse pocket money 2 sack

swim bladder
katswk m. chicken pox sick with chicken pox
katsj f. 1
kohl m. plural Arabic antimony, stibium
kkh naughty, bad (when talking to children)
kakhaj m. name of a star
kokhkraj m.
kkhj m. 1 helminth, intestinal worm 2 swarm of midges
kudlj f. hoe compound verb to hoe
1 kad j m. street clothes; long dressing gown, robe
2 kad j m. kind of frog
kadkhud m. village elder, village headman; the head of a

kadkhudj f. job of village elder

kadr Arabic 1 not transparent, opaque, cloudy, turbid

2 m. .1

turbidity, cloudiness 2.2 grief, sorrow, woe, sadness

kad m. [plural: kadu n] pumpkin



unpleasantness, grief, distress

to cause

kaduzaj m. pumpkin seed

kadusraj m. blockhead, dolt, dunderhead
kadukwsh m. meaningless work
to beat the air
kadugk m. medicine cupping glass to apply
a cupping glass

kab m. [plural: kabn] kabanj m. nomad

kagh laj m. kal f. kul kala f. 1 cabin,

shack, hut (made of cane or grass) 2 henhouse (made of cane or


kan with the family, family, having a family

came with his family.


ka m. [plural: kau n] 1 pumpkin 2 ;

idiom to drive (someone) out of his mind
compound verb a to go out of one's mind, lose one's wits
b to be a fool, be an idiot idiom to carry on a
pointless argument

kaw l

kawl 1.1 family, having a family 1.2

roaming, nomadic 2 m. .1 nomad 2.2 family man, man who has

a family

nomad with a family

a to have a family, move from

to be a
I moved here

from Swat. 4 regional furniture; household goods and utensils

2 ka f. pit, hole; dimple

kahl, kahl, kahl m

1 pit, hole 2 pit filled with water

3 ground prepared for planting rice

1 ki plural of 1
2 kaj m. 1 hollow space under a weaver's loom (where the
weaver puts his feet) 2 pit; ditch

3 kaj f. loom
kazz b m. Arabic liar
kazb m. Arabic lie, falsehood
1 kar 1 m. sowing, planting beet raising
arable land compound verb to sow, plant 2 field

m. Arabic 1 confusion, embarrassment 2

wheat field


f. vegetable marrow, summer squash

unpleasantness, grief, distress

lead a nomadic life, resettle

place to place with the family b to be nomad

kr m. 1 squeak, crackle, crack 2 onomatopeia the sound of

cloth being ripped

3 kr m. runny bowel movements, liquid feces

4 kar deaf
5 kr regional adverb-forming suffix especially
1 kar f.
2 kir f.
kur b m.
kar t m. plural Arabic of 1
krch m. clump or clod of earth
1 karch f.
2 karch f. Karachi Karachi Bay
3 karchj f. 1 karch f. 1 two-wheeled cart
shafts 2 wheelbarrow wheelbarrow
karchir n m. karchiw n m. carter, drayman
kar r 2 a gradually b slowly, quietly, calmly
karrw laj m.
karrawl transitive
1 kar r f. comb, currycomb compound verb to
clean a horse with a currycomb

2 kar ra 1 feminine singular of 2 f. peace, tranquility

a quietly, calmly b gradually, not all at once
1 karr f. 1
2 kar ri f. plural of
kr literally & figuratively hard, strong; rigid
krk m. salted cheese

Pashto-English Dictionary

kr a f. 1 ayran (a kind of yogurt drink) 2 kurut (dried balls

of fermented milk or milk curds) 3 pebble; rocky soil

karj f. mushroom
krz m. molting (of birds)
kr zi f. plural lying words, lies
krg nd with a deteriorated state of health
f. krgndw
laj m.

1 tension,

tenseness 2 feeling of discontent, feeling of dissatisfaction; state

of depression

kr gnda

kr spa f. means of fastening a pack

kr sta f. thick felt, felting

to lose all

trust, loss all confidence

krstagr m. fuller who makes thick felt or felting

krsnoj rsk m. Krasnoyarsk
krgh with sunken eyes
karksh karkh 1 pack (of a horse) 2 m. carter,
drayman, driver


krkna 1 limp, flabby, weak, infirm, feeble; with

undermined health 2 impatient

kir m m. plural Arabic [singular 1] all merciful

the higher clergy who have been posthumously canonized

karmt m. Arabic 1 miraculous power, miracle 2

generosity, mercy

karmat marvelous, miraculous, wonder-working

kar n-kar n m. regional croaking, cawing
compound verb to croak, caw

karn f. edge, limit

karb shining black, gleaming black

karbuk m.
karbska f. cotton
karbsh m. marmot
karbk m.
karbal f. Arabic Karbala
karbok m. karbaj m. agama (lizard)
karbush m. marmot
karbolk carbolic, phenolic carbon dioxide
karbn m. carbon
karb 1 bowlegged 2 m. rogue, swindler, cheat
karbezn snotty
karbzi f. plural snot, mucus
karbijin Caribbean Sea
krap m. 1 champing, chewing; ruminating 2 crunch, crackle
krp f.
karp l m. talker, chatterbox, windbag, gasbag, babbler
karp laj m. clay that has dried out and become cracked after a

to avoid, steer clear

kirp n m. dagger
karpatw f. well bucket
karpa f.
karpla f. kind of green vegetable
krapandkaj m. cartilage, gristle
krapandj 1 m. .1 cartilage, gristle 1.2 crunch, crackle 2
crunchy, crackly crunchy pastry
krapawl transitive [past: ] 1 to eat noisily, eat with
a crunching sound; champ; to chew, masticate 2 to gnash, one's

teeth 3 to gnaw

of someone

karj m. [usually plural kar]

karwl m. 1 gunsight; laying, aiming
compound verb to aim (at) 2 military patrol, guard,
security detachment changing of the guards
krwj m. patron, protector, guardian, trustee
karht m. Arabic antipathy, aversion, repugnance;

kirh f. 1 hire, rent, lease

hire, rent, charter

compound verb

compound verb


kirhad r f. renter, tenant, lease-holder

kirh wnkaj charter(ed) ship;
cargo ship

carrier (by trade)

carrier's trade

crackle, emit a crunching or crackling sound

1 kart m. Arabic [f. plural karte and m. plural Arabic

kar t] time (referring to each occurrence of a repeating or
recurring event) once, one time several times
three times often idiom

to hire out, lease

2 payment for freight, fee for transportation

kirj f.
kirjakash f.

karpul f. botany lemon balm, Melissa officinalis

krpaj m. 1 crunch, crackle 2 chewing, champing 3 rustling
krapedl intransitive [past: ] to crunch,

kirj wnkaj
kirj 1 f. 2 rented, hired
karb s m. canvas, linen; hand-made cotton cloth

to be a

with pleasure, willingly, gladly, readily

kurt m. plural kurut (dried balls of fermented milk or milk


kartb m. 1 action, act, deed 2 practice; exercise; training 3

ability, skill 4 breaking in (a horse)

kartt m. 1 action, act, deed 2 affair, business, matter

1 karta plural of 1 often
2 kurt f. kurtj f. jacket; coat; tunic
military officer's blouse

kardzh m. hunk, chunk, piece (of a watermelon, etc.)
1 krach m. old and well-trained falcon or hawk

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 krach m. strong hoe, Turkestan hoe

3 krch m.
1 karchl bowlegged
2 krachl transitive [past: krchawl past:
] 1 2 to emit a scratching (of scissors, etc.)
krachnaj m. cartilage, gristle
krcha f. kind of design in a reversible rug
krchh r m.
1 krich f. m. krachj camomile, Roman camomile
2 krachj m.
kardz lazy, listless
kurkh m. Kurukh (inhabited place near Herat)
karkht 1 severe; cruel 2 stiff from the cold, frozen
karkhulka f. 1 knot on planed wood 2 stump
1 krkhj m. regional
2 krkhj f. bean plant used in livestock feed
1 kord m. banked up part of a plot of land
2 kurd m. Kurd
kird r m. 1 act, deed, action 2 conduct, behavior, manners 3

karashm f. 1 winking 2 flirting

kurshnl m. knitting needle
krh m. 1 footstep, footfall 2 footprint
krhpl m. 1 footprint 2 figurative sign, mark, omen
karahm f.
krhnda f. 1 trace; line 2 dragging of the bride on her
cloak by the groom's relatives (a wedding ritual)

krhndj m. drawing, diagram; plan, design 2 sketch,

krhna f. 1 decorating, painting 2 embroidering 3

illustration, figure

pattern, design

2 krhna f. forming a circle around a person sick with typhus

3 karhna f. site of an ancient city; ruins
krhundj m. 1 stick for fastening a rope (of a pack) 2
iron ring on a saddle girth or bellyband

krha f. 1 line the Durand Line

state border, frontier to draw a line 2
wrinkle idiom expression of joy on
someone's face He is

good deed 4 dowry

kirdr doing a good deed

kordband f. banking up a section of a plot of land
kurdist n m. Kurdistan
kirdag r m. God; The Creator (an epithet of God)
kard f. deed, doing
kurd 1 Kurdish; the Kurdish language 2.1

quite out of his mind.


Kurdish (language) 2.2 m. Kurd

1 krhi plural of ruled, lined

compound verb to rule, line off
2 krhj m. ruler, straight-edge; (drawing, sketching)
1 kurgh m. pasture, meadow
2 kurgh m. 1 ban, interdiction 2 confiscation 3 enclosure 4
preserve, reservation compound verb a to ban, prohibit b
to confiscate c to declare to be a preserve d to enclose, fence in

kar n m. plural
kr f. posterity
1 kari, kira m. plural
2 kirj m. cricket
3 karj m. wheelbarrow
krga f. cry, yell, howl, scream compound

karghchka f. magpie
kargh m. grief, sorrow; feeling upset
karghdzh m. Adam's apple
kargha f.
karghshaj rough, coarse, hard, rigid
karghahj m. 1 place where the jaws join

kras m. onomatopoeia the crack of wood being split

krasp f. thick wool cord; rope
kristl m. crystal
krsms m. Christmas Christmas tree
1 kurs f. Arabic, kursj f. [plural: kursj and
kursjg ni] 1 chair, stool 2 place, seat
to take one's place among the others 3 rostrum,
platform platform 4 deputy's seat (seat in a

karghm m. 1
karghwch cut off, chopped off
1 kragh f. dry valley

verb to cry out, yell, howl




krisht n m. 1 Muslim who has converted to Christianity 2


a stagnant

water, standing water b polluted water 2 bad (of the air) 3

figurative marred (of a life) 4 figurative unpleasant, ugly

karghentb m. dirt, filth, contamination, pollution
karghenawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

2 seniority

This was barren

2 kargh f. meadow, pasture

kargh m. mud
karghen dirty, soiled, contaminated

legislative body) 5 throne 6 empyrean, the heavens, the

2 karsj m. medicinal plant used in treating the eyes

kursinm f. 1 family tree, genealogical tree, genealogy

2 lower jaw,

to soil, make dirty, contaminate

karghenedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be soiled, get dirty, become contaminated


Pashto-English Dictionary

kargha f. dirt, filth, mud

karfs m. plural celery
1 kark m. 1 Western common quail

2 yellow-legged

buttonquail 3 common snipe

kark m. 1 rhinoceros 2 rhinoceros hide, rhinoceros leather

kark m. whole wheat

kurk m. 1 goat's down, under-fur of a goat's 2 cloth made

from goat's down, cashmere

5 krak m. 1 furrow 2 wheel track, rut; wheel width

6 krak m. silt that has dried and cracked
krk naj m. 1 boulder, rubble 2 crushed stone, ballast

kark aj testing, assaying, touchstone

karakbz f. quail fight
karktar m. character, nature
krik m. sports cricket
karkr m.
krakdzhn 1 breathing hatred, malicious

you sow, so shall you reap 2 m. plural sowing; planting, setting

out, transplanting


speak with hatred 2 repugnant, revolting, loathsome

(hat decoration) 3 demoiselle crane

1 kurkur pock-marked
2 krkrj f. 1 rattle 2 lure, decoy
3 krkj m. water-lifting wheel 2 windlass, winch
kurkumn m. curcuma, turmeric
krknd 1 nasty, offensive, disgusting, repulsive 2 ugly
karkn rolling down the mountain (of a rock, etc.)
compound verb
karkanawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1
to roll (a stone, etc.) down the mountain 2 to push away, throw,
knock down
karkna f. 1 boulder 2 stone that is hurled at an enemy

(from a fortification or from a height)

karkanedl denominative, intransitive [past:

to roll down a mountain (of a rock, etc.) 2 to fall (down)

kark m. thicket, underbrush, undergrowth, shrub, brush

karka f. 1 wild jujube (with small fruit) 2 shrub, brush
kar kawnkaj m. peasant farmer, tiller of the soil
krk f. 1 disgust, repugnance; loathing, hatred
racial hatred to harbor disgust for one another, hate
one another 2 indignation; discontent, dissatisfaction ...
... a to feel disdain; feel an aversion;
hate, loathe Everybody hates you. b to be
indignant, express dissatisfaction

karl m. plural Karlani (the fourth branch of Afghan tribes

consisting of the Afridi, Khattak, Utmankheil, Dzadran, Vardak,

karkadn m. rhinoceros
kurkr m. cackle, cackling compound verb to cackle
krkrnj m. rattle (baby's toy)
karkar f. 1 crown compound verb to put on the
crown to crown someone king 2 plume, feather

krkan k krkawr disgusting, repulsive, base, vile

1 kurk made of goat's down, cashmere
2 karkj m. ass, donkey
3 karakj f. plowshare
krk m. sports cricket
karkm f. cage (for birds and animals)
kargr m. [plural: kargr] farmer, plowman
kargrtb m. kargrtj f. kargr agriculture
compound verb to engage in agriculture, farm
kargs m. cinereous vulture
1 karl 1 m. .1 ice 1.2 cream 2 predicative frozen (of water,
etc.) compound verb to freeze, be frozen, be iced over
2 karl m. mortar (for grinding medicines)
3 karl 1 transitive [past: ] to sow, seed; plant, set out;
cultivatem proverb as

Orakzai, Mangal, Dzadzi, and others)

karm m. Arabic 1 kindness, goodness, mercy, generosity,

to pity someone, have mercy on

! Take pity on me! 2 proper noun Karam
2 karm m. cabbage cauliflower
3 krom m. plural
4 kirm m. worm
karmch m. nut-gall, oak gall
kirmch m. canvas, tarp, sailcloth, duck
kirmich canvas, duck
kirmz m. red or crimson pigment or dye
karams g m. regional
karam'al m. proper noun Karam-Ali
krimln m. the Kremlin
karmntb m. insomnia
kurmng m. common pheasant
karmnw laj m.
karmn fingerless, without fingers
1 krm f. 1 index finger 2 little finger, pinkie
2 kuram f. Kuram (a region south of Kabul)
krn thin, emaciated
karn f. karnai (a wind instrument similar to a bugle)
krndzh m. adze used as a pick
krnchkj m. hoe, mattock
kurnd m. emery
1 krandwj m. colored design along the edge of a sack
2 karandj m. farmer, agriculturalist
krndj m. hoe with a sharp end (for digging carrots, etc.)
krn m. dried crust, scab (on a wound) compound

verb to skin over, dry up, be covered with a crust


Pashto-English Dictionary

karanj f. 1 small shovel, trowel 2 mason's trowel 3 scoop

1 karnk m. 1 crown of the head 2 part, parting (of the hair
on the head)

karnk f. karnka trachea, windpipe

1 karng 1 blood-stained, bloody 2 frozen; numb from cold
2 karng m. sowing, planting
3 kurng brown (of the color of a horse)
karangawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

stain with blood 2 to cool, chill, freeze

karnga f. Adam's apple

karangedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to

be bloodstained 2 to be covered with ice

karna f.
karnl m. colloquial colonel
karj f. small saucepan (for melting butter, fat)
kar m. regional karu (a measure of land area)
kuraw t m. plural Arabic blood corpuscles

grade of leather)

compound verb to whip, lash 2 blow of a whip


pure, be free of impurities 2 selected, choice, picked 3 frank,

sincere 4 correct, true, accurate, exact, reliable, trustworthy

that prompted him (to

compound verb a to lash, switch b

motivation, incentive, urging

figurative to urge on, make hurry, to hurry someone

2 karwa, kara f. blackberries

kruedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]


become hard, become strong

kruzr m. military cruiser

krawsn krawsnd, krosnd

within a kuruh

kuraw Arabic 1 spherical

2 karwj m. field guard

3 krwj awfully much, horribly much
kurawi-ush-shkl spherical
karwga empty; stupid
1 kar f. spade, shovel
2 kurr f. Arabic sphere the
globe hemisphere the northern hemisphere
kurr-yi the globe idiom the atmosphere
3 kra f.
4 karr f. Arabic
5 kar 1 pure, uncontaminated compound verb to
purify, get rid of foreign matter compound verb to be

to make

compound verb to be subjected to a whipping 3 figurative push,

do something)

The Earth is round. 2 round, rounded, roundish

hard, strengthen

karo f. 1 whip, knout with a long handle

kromt, kromjt chromium ore,

kurh m. kroh f. kuruh (about three kilometers)

forty kuruh


kron m. crown, krona (monetary unit)

karwand, karaund f. 1 cultivated land, arable land
agricultural land 2 virgin soil 3 agriculture, working
the land, plowing 4 plantation tea plantation
idiom sky, the heavens, firmament
karwandagr m. 2
karnkaj 1 present participle of 3 2 m. farmer,

floor after threshing) compound verb to gather up grain

1 kurt m. plural
2 krawt m. 1 envy 2 spite, malice
kurutghwa m. plural dish prepared from dried curd
krawtj envious
kartskaj m. roots of the barberry (used as a medicine)
1 kr, kar m. ten million, one-hundred lak thirty

krom j m.

agriculturalist, plowman, tiller of the soil

karw a f. gathering up the kernels of grain (on the threshing

2 kru 1 iron 2 strong, firm, hard

kruawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

krom m. plural 1 chromium, chrome 2 chrome leather (a

corpuscles, erythrocytes

easily split, easily

broken up, brittle, fragile, inflexible, stiff

karaws f.
krusd m. history crusade
karukr deaf and blind
krok f. kroki, itinerary map, simple sketch of a locality
karawl m.

kar oblique singular of

to us, to our house, to

our place; at our house, at our place

krhn Arabic unwillingly; against one's will

krah r m. 1 squeak, creak 2 chirping (of the magpie)
krapandj m.
karatb m. 1 purity 2 frankness, sincerity 3 correctness,
accuracy, reliability, trustworthiness

karh blooming, flowering, turning green

kurh m. plural fat hen, lamb's quarters, Chenopodium


karakatna f. criticism, critical attitude

karha f. 1 sowing, planting; crops dry-farming
crops irrigated crops 2 agriculture
the main thrust of agriculture agricultural school
karhj m.
karawl m. navy, ditch-digger, excavator
karawl f.

Pashto-English Dictionary

krha f. aversion, disgust, antipathy, loathing

compound verb to have an aversion (to), loathe

2 kirah f.
kirah hired
karh m.
kurajz, kurrajz global global missile
1 karj f. colloquial regional
2 karj karj all, entire, whole all year
all day all night long the whole month
3 karj m. regional 2
4 karj f. 1 eye, ring, annulet; link (of a chain) 2 muzzle (e.g.,
a dog) 3 bridle 4 beam, girder; log 5 biology joint, segment 6
mountain range

karj f. silt (carried in by a mud flow) that has dried out and


6 kur get away (the cry people use to chase away a dog)
! Get away!
karj b 1 neglected, derelict, unused waste land 2
detained, delayed, stopped 3 needy, indigent, poor 4 having
gotten into a difficult situation; helpless 5 not having work,
unemployed 6 regional listless, slack; negligent

karjbawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

neglect, fail to use 2 to detain, delay, stop; obstruct 3 to make
needy 4 to put in a difficult situation 5 to leave without work

karjb f. 1 neglect, disuse 2 obstruction, obstacle; jam 3

need; poverty 4 helplessness 5 being out of work, the absence of


karjbedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be neglected, be unused 2 to be detained, be delayed; be held up

3 to be in need; live in poverty; be poor, be indigent 4 to be

helpless 5 to not have work, remain without work, to be


kurij t m. plural Arabic of 2

kreb m. stirrup
krep m. crepe (a fabric)
1 krit m. kre f. Crete
2 kret m. basket, crate (for transporting fruit)
krich, kirch m. saber
krichj m. gnashing of teeth
kardz m. farmer
kredt m. credit on credit
compound verb to open a line of credit compound
verb to extend credit compound verb to give credit
kredit credit agreement on extending credit
to give credit
kred f.
kar m. crushed stone, gravel, road metal
kra, kiri f. weeds (gathered from a plowed field)

1 kirij m. Salvadora, Salvadora persica

2 krej m. 1 mole cricket 2 woodcock, Scolopax rusticola
3 krej m. heavy molasses, thick syrup (from sugar-cane)
1 kurajz, kurrajz
2 kurz, kurz m. molt, molting, shedding of feathers
compound verb to molt

kre m. medicine scab

krga f.
kristl m. crystal
kristal crystal, crystalline, crystallized
kurjsh m. plural
krgha f. yell, howl, scream, cry, shout compound
verb to yell, howl, scream, cry out, shout

krekh, karekh m.
krka f.
karikj f. woven bin (for storing grain), crib
karel f. bitter melonn, Momordica charantia
kurelj m. padded jacket, quilted jacket, sleeveless jacket
karelij f. Karelia
1 karm Arabic 1.1 generous, magnanimous, gracious, kind;
merciful, charitable 1.2 generous, liberal, open-handed 2 m.

proper noun Karim, Kerim, Kareem

2 krem m. plural cram tooth-paste

karimattb' noble, fine, generous, magnanimous
kremln m. the Kremlin
kremn damp, humid, moist
kriminolozh f. criminal law
krimij f. Crimea
1 karj f. 1 order; instructions 2 stern reprimand
compound verb to give instructions; give a stern reprimand

2 kurij f. Arabic [plural: kurij and m. plural: Arabic

kurij t] 1 small ball, globule, spherule, bead 2 anatomy
blood corpuscle

karh 1 repulsive, disgusting, base, vile, loathsome, revolting

2 dirty, slovenly

kareh f.
1 ka m. 1 torture, torment; trouble, fuss

2 in lieu of;

shortcoming 3 disease

k, ku m. 1 laughter 2 cracking, crackle, crash, knocking,

tapping 3 cackle, cackling 4 babbling (baby's, infant's) 5

sputtering, gurgling

3 ka m. 1 residues of chopped straw, chaff, husks

4 k past tense of
k f. tcry of the partridge
ka p m. old and scraggly ox
k paj m. short distance
k tsaj m. boy, lad, adolescent
k ska lanky, gangling (of a young man)

2 starch

Pashto-English Dictionary

kas 1 wrinkled, having got wrinkled

kapnda f. difficult road, rocky road

kapz m. camel's bridle
kapawl transitive [past: ] 1


whole face was all wrinkled. 2 reduced to ashes, reduced to dust

ku gh m. veterinary medicine hoof-and-mouth disease

kgh weak, feeble

k gh, ku gh m. raven

kgh regional protruding, bulging (of eyes)

bulging (of eyes)

(a bone)

kap f. slippery road, rough road

kapah r m. 1 tramping, stamping (of feet)

kghtj f.
kghnd exhausted, worn out, haggard
kghndtb m. kghndw laj m.

2 to gnaw

2 squeak (of

boots, shoes); flapping (of slippers) 3 crackle, crackling; tapping

4 booming sound 5 champing

kapj m. 1



2 scratching 3 rustling 4 idle talk,

2 kapj f.
kapedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to crack, make a
cracking noise, knock, tap His teeth


kghndawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to make weak, make feeble, cause to become weak, cause to
become feeble; weaken; exhaust, wear out

were chattering from the cold. 2 to squeak, scratch, make

kghndedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be weak, be feeble; to grow weak; become exhausted, get worn

squeaking sounds (of a pen, boots, shoes) 3 to flap, flip-flop,



make a flapping sound (of slippers) 4 to chatter on, jabber

kk m. 1 pea; spherule the size of a pea 2 pebble placed in a

mortar for grinding spices, etc.

ka n m. regional
ka nd 1 bewildered, having lost one's head

kut m.
kt m. 1 word; statement


compound verb

a to say,

speak b to promise 2 sound

2 upset,

chagrined, distressed

k ngaj squint-eyed, cross-eyed

1 ka w m. 1 grief, distress, affliction, unpleasantness
to cause someone grief, cause annoyance, cause
unpleasantness 2 torture, torment to torture,
torment to worry,
torment oneself 3 care, concern, trouble
concern about the family a life full of troubles
2 kw m. exercise; training
kaw industrious, diligent, assiduous, painstaking
kaw f.
1 kaw
2 kaw plural of
kj conditional and potential of
kaj m. frying pan
kab m. vicious dog
kaba f. cornstalk
kabzi f. plural snot, mucus
kabka f. plow handle
kap m. 1 crash, crack (noise); knock, tap (noise) 2 squeak,
creak (of boots, shoes); flap, flapping sound (of slippers)
a crackle, crackling; tapping (e.g., with a cane) b
squeaking, crunching (of boots, shoes)

kap f. kap r m. regional

kp m. incoherent speech
kapnd garrulous and malicious (of a person)
kapandkaj m. 1 cartilage, gristle 2 chatterbox, windbag

ktki f.

plural kind of sandal

kt 1 m. windbag, chatterbox 2 garrulous,


kta f. empty words, chatter, twaddle

to engage in idle talk, prate, chatter, babble

ktah r m. cackle, cackling


compound verb

compound verb


intransitive [past: ] to engage in idle talk, prate, babble

k wrinkled; crumpled, rumpled
ka f. 1 compound verb to talk
nonsense 2 wrinkle; fold, crease


ki plural of
kaj m. fold, crease; wrinkle

wrinkle, crumple

compound verb

compound verb


to wrinkle, break into

wrinkles, knit one's brow; be crumpled

kch m.

kch m. squeal, screech

compound verb


whine, yelp (of a whipped dog); yelp, yap

kach f. kach r m.
kchawl transitive [past: ]

1 to chew 2 to grind

the teeth, grit the teeth, gnash the teeth

kchah r m.
kchedl intransitive
kdz m. kiln
kats m. saucepan (for melting butter, etc.)
kakha f. uneven land, rough terrain (at the foothills of a
mountain, hill)

kid r m.
kad f. action, deed, act

Pashto-English Dictionary

kij m. 1
kaz skinny, scraggy, starved (of an animal)
1 kas m. a crackling, chirping b
noise, din, racket to beat somebody unmercifully
2 ks barren (of a steppe)
kas m. & f.
kas w 1 bearded 2 long-faced, having a long face 3 ugly
(of a person)

k s past tense of
kasawl transitive [past: ]

1 to cause to crack,

cause to make a noise 2 to cause crackling, cause a noise 3 to

raise a rumpus, cause an uproar 4 to beat, strike

kash r m. 1 crackle, crackling; knocking, noise; crackling,


A storm


1 kuka, kka f. brood hen, sitting hen

2 kka f.
1 kakj, kakj m. reed, cane (used to make pens and hookah

kkj f. 1 window sky-light, porthole 2 store

window, showcase; stand 3 anatomy mistral valve

kakechn 1 not in order, unorganized, haphazard 2

spoiled; ruined 3 repulsive, disgusting stench 4
tangled, complex

a to crackle,

to be unorganized b to spoil, ruin c to make repulsive, make

disgusting d to confuse, complicate

rumpus, make noise, create a hubbub d to quarrel, argue, wrangle

kasedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to crackle, knock 2
to grit, grind (the teeth) 3 to be raised (of noise, a hubbub, etc.) 4


bewildered, be perplexed b to wither, fade c to lose feeling, grow


kk m. 1 reed 2 figurative puny man, weakling

kak m. 1 large wicker bin (for storing grain), corn-crib 2

bast fibers

3 kak interjection boom, bang

kak ch m. stubbornness, obstinacy
kakch stubborn, obstinate
kakichw m. noise, hubbub, racket
kuk m. 1 babble, murmur (of a brook) 2 cackle
compound verb a to babble, murmur b to cackle
1 kkj m. 1 water-lifting wheel 2 pulley block of a ferry
2 kukuj f. collared turtle-dove
collared turtle-dove

kukw laj m. cessation of egg-laying (in hens)

My business is totally

ruined. c to be repulsive, be disgusting d to become entangled,

to quarrel, argue

kashpaj, kashpaj m.
kashp m.
kashuptb m.
kgh numb, benumbed
kaghch 1 bewildered, perplexed, agitated 2 faded, withered
3 numb, benumbed compound verb a to be

compound verb

a to be in disarray, to be unorganized b to spoil, be spoiled, be


intricate question, complex issue

compound verb a to cause

5 tongue-tied, inarticulate

crack; knock, make a noise b to grit, grind (the teeth) c to raise a

kashb m. ravine, hollow between two hills

kashp, kashp 1 m. toothless old man 2 toothless
hollow mouth
kashuptb, kashptb m. extreme old age, venerable


eliminate misunderstandings

grind (the teeth) 3 noise, din hubbub 4 quarrel; arguing,

compound verb

3 kaakj f. wide dress with gathers (woman's)

4 kakj f. hatchet (for chopping brush)
kakch m. 1 altercation, wrangling, squabbling; petty
intrigues 2 complication, misunderstanding

came up, the sound of breaking branches was heard. 2 to grit,

wrangling, altercation

kakma f. 1 stone trap, pitfall 2 chicken coop, hen-house;

become complicated

kkech 1 f. .1 babbling (of a baby) 1.2 butchering a

foreign language 1.3 tongue-tied, inarticulate

compound verb a to babble b to butcher a foreign language c to

be(come) tongue-tied 2

kakechw laj m. confusion, complication (e.g., of a

question or issue)

kukedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

hatch (baby chicks) 2 to be a brood hen, be a sitting hen, rear

kakim f. cage (for birds and animals)

kakn cotton
kakaj-wkaj upset, anxious, worried, troubled
kl transitive prefective aspect of the verb 7 [present: ]
1 independent verb [past: ].1 to accomplish, perform
something; execute, carry out (a job) I did some work.
Ahmed had a good night's sleep
I did everything I could 1.2 to speak, say
... Ahmed said 2 forming verbs consisting of complex and
denominative verbs 7 2
kal m. plural
1 klu past tense first person plural of
2 klo Eastern past tense of in lieu of 4
1 kla past tense feminine of
2 kl Western past tense plural of
klaj past participle of in lieu of

Pashto-English Dictionary

kum m. pond; lake

kam, km 1 to cut off, chop off; to cut in two 2 wounded

disfigured 5 upset,

kndawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

put into disorder, disrupt, disorganize 2 to loosen, shake loose,

make unstable 3 to slacken, make slack, work loose

3 badly beaten 4 disfigured, maimed


kaind f. mucus (secretion)

kndedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

My heart bleeds. 6 bitten, stung (e.g., by

a scorpion)

km present and past tenses first person of

kaamtb m. 1 trouble, grief, sorrow, woe 2

loose, be unstable 3 to be slack, work loose 4 to hang in the

bite, sting (of

scabbard (of a saber, dagger)

a scorpion, etc.) 3 torment, agony

kamcha f. little finger, pinkie

kamtsj m. strap running across the haunches and under the
tail, breeching (part of a harness)

kamm grief-stricken; pained, distressed; sad, mournful

kaamntb m. kaamnw laj m. trouble; shock;
kaamnawl denominative, transitive [past:
upset, distress

kaamnedl denominative, intransitive [past:

become upset, be distressed

kaamw laj m.
kaamawl denominative, transitive [past: ]


1 to cut

off, chop off; cut in two 2 to wound 3 to beat mercilessly 4 to

disfigure, maim, mutilate 5 to bite, sting (of scorpions, etc.) 6 to

upset, distress 7 to come out against someone; interfere, hinder

1 kma f. married woman

2 kama feminine singular of 2
kamj za f. saliva, slobber (of an animal)
kaamedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to be

badly beaten 4 to be disfigured, be maimed 5 to be distressed,

become upset 6 to be bitten, be stung (as by a scorpion, etc.)

kamezn 1 snotty, slobbery 2 m. sniveler; slobberer

kamzi m. plural 1 mucus, snot 2 saliva, slobber
kan m. 1 action 2 endeavor, labor 3 practice, exercise

conduct, behavior

kandzh m. kundzh 1 sobbing (of a child) 2 yelping,

squealing (of a dog) compound verb to whine, whimper
kandzh f.

kandzhah r, kundzhh r m. 1 squeal,

cry 2 yelp, squeal (of a dog)

kunch m.
kunchah r m.
kunchj m.
1 knd energetic, efficient, business-like
2 knd 1 disarranged, disordered; unorganized

prevent them from running

a knocking,

hard frost the coldest winter period

3 kang m.
4 king
kang f.
kang r m. echo
kingw laj m.
1 kangawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
ring; make crack, make creak

2 kingawl transitive
knga feminine singular of 2 2
kangah r m. knocking; jingling (of bells); clinking,
1 kingj
2 kangj m.
1 kangedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]


jingle, clatter; crackle

2 kingedl intransitive
kanl ra f. kanl r plan; program
kna f.
1 ku present tense first person plural of
2 ko Eastern past tense of in lieu of 4
3 ko oblique of 1
4 ka m. soup with buttermilk and butter
kaw s 1 2 dialect
kob m. kbaj left-over soup
1 kbaj m. kb left-over soup
2 kobj m. hollow, basin
kup 1 convex; protruding, jutting out; bulging out

crooked, bent, hunched 3 having a dent, dented; having a hollow,

having a cavity
2 unsteady,

kndtb m.

kang 1 m. knocking, ringing

clanging, clatter (of dishes) b noise, din 2 hard, crackling

shaky, unstable 3 lax, loose 4 to be in the scabbard (of a saber, a

kng m. stick that is fastened to the neck of livestock to

clattering (of dishes)

cut off, be chopped off; be cut in two 2 to be wounded 3 to be

1 to be

put into disorder, be disrupted, become disorganized 2 to get

kndw laj m. 1 disorder; lack of

kuptb m.


kupw laj 1

protuberance 2 hump 3 dent, hollow

kupawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

make convex; bulge 2 to hunch one's back 3 to make a dent;

coordination, lack of organization 2 unsteadiness, instability 3

form a depression

slackness, laxity

compound verb to grade a road

Pashto-English Dictionary

kupedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

convex, protrude, bulge 2 to become stooped 3 to have a dent;

have a depression

3 kaj past participle of

4 kj present tense second person plural of
5 ka f. warmed airan with spices
6 ki present tense of
7 kuj m. 1
8 kaj Eastern conditional and potential forms of
He couldn't do that.
9 kaj f. 1 loop; ring; ringlet; hoop oarlock 2

kawasj f. [plural: kawasj and

kawsij ni] great-granddaughter

kaawl transitive [past: ] 1 to roast (on a fire) 2 to

warm, heat 3 figurative to trouble, worry; torment; annoy

compound verb

a to warm oneself

kaawlaj past participle of a strong and

handsome lad, a fine fellow

komb f. 1 thin varenets (milk baked in an oven and

allowed to ferment) 2 whey 3 swill, thin soup

kaombj m. bast basket

kun m.
knkaj present participle of in lieu of
1 kaong f. lean and meatless soup, soup without fat or meat
2 kanga m. karngaj m. waterfall
kangaj m. earthenware pot, bowl
kaawna f. 1 roasting (on a fire) 2 warming, heating 3
figurative anxiety

lasso 3 skein, hank 4 zoology segment, joint 5 link (of a chain)

6 stanza to hamper, impede, restrict someone
His hair was curled

to be

warmed, be heated b figurative to be worried, be tormented

kaw f. 1 history stuffed ox or buffalo used by warriors in the

in pieces
kohawl transitive
kohedl intransitive
1 k m. plural 1 deed, act, something accomplished
this is impossible He did what he
wanted. Everything is in God's hands 2 labor
2 ka f. 1 ring, circle 2 bracelet (gold, silver)
3 ka 1 past tense feminine of 2 imperative perfective of
! God forbid!
4 ka f. 1
kah r, kuah r m. 1 knocking, crack, cracking (noise) 2
noise, din (raised by children) 3 cackle, cackling
make noise (of children) c to cackle

kh nd upset, disturbed; confused, perplexed, embarrassed

kw m. plural and feminine singular 1 form; appearance,
look, aspect, shape; facial features 2 outward appearance, looks,

He is handsome.

Kawtara was pretty 3 deed, act, action 4 duty, obligation

1 kaahj m. pot, kettle; shallow iron saucepan


break the chains of slavery

10 kaj f. beam, girder, joist

11 kuj f. 1
12 ke interjection shoo, scat (cry used to chase away chickens,
etc.) compound verb to chase out, shoo away
13 ke present tense second person of
kit m. 2
kechj f. dialect 2
kets m. liver fluke (a parasitic worm)
ketsn having liver fluke (of livestock and humans)
1 kaetsj m. fluke (in sheep)
2 kaetsj f. 1 spoon; ladle 2 saucepan (for melting butter)
1 kaedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be grilled, be roasted
(on a fire) 2 to be warmed, warm oneself I
warmed myself in the sun 3 to worry; torment oneself 4 to be

front as a shield 2 piece, chunk

compound verb a to make a knocking noise; crackle, creak b to

kuhj m. kurhai (a unit of measure equal to one-fourth of

or oka)

kus m. noise of a falling tree

kost m. plural roasted grain
1 kawasj m. [plural: kawas and kawsij n]

burned down, to perish

kedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to cackle 2 to move

noisily, to rattle

kaedn m. 1 kaedna f. 1 grilling, roasting (on a fire)

2 worry; torture, torment 3 atrophy

kaedna f. 1 grilling, roasting (on a fire) 2 worry; torture,

torment 3 atrophy

2 kaedna f. 1 cackle, cackling 2 rattling

kaedn m.
keda perfect of in lieu of
kajdj kidi perfect of in lieu of
ke m. pod
kezn sick, diseased (of livestock)
kes m. pod
kskaj m.
krigh emaciated, fatigued, exhausted, grown weak
kgha f. kka f. noise; howl, cry
king 1 curved, bent; sinuous, twisting, winding 2 oblique,
slanting 3 humpbacked, hunchbacked 4 disfigured, mutilated,
maimed, crippled

Pashto-English Dictionary

king-png bent, curved; sinuous, twisting, winding

kingw laj m. 1 curvature 2 obliquity, slope, slant 3

the characteristic of being hunchbacked 4 deformity, abnormality

kingawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

bend 2 to squint, look asquint 3 to hunch, arch 4 to disfigure,

mutilate, maim, cripple

1 to

disfigured, be mutilated, be maimed, be crippled


kazl kh m. 3
1 kazh m. chin idiom

2 kazh Western 2
kuzhdna f. dialect
kag m. 1
j f. spider-web, cobweb
j, kgd
j f. 1 tent, marquee (made of black goat's or
camel's wool) 2 bubble (on water)

nga f. stick, mallet (for playing polo, etc.)
kag ka f. 1 magpie 2 crashing, din, rumbling, roar
1 kagkj
m. process on the shoulder blade of a sheep

m. disease of soil or old rice soil

kag l transitive [past: ] 1 to fear, be afraid of, consider

as portending something ominous 2 to hate 3 to condemn;
disparage, discredit; defame, pillory

kag lj 1 past participle of 2.1 unpleasant; disagreeable,

objectionable 2.2 sinister, ominous, portending evil

1 m. .1 curvature 1.2 bend, crook; turn

compound verb to twist, wind, meander (of a river, a road)

compound verb to turn, make a turn 2 sinuous, twisting,

a winding road
1 m. .1 turn, bend, curve 1.2 reach, stretch of


water 2 having a club hand, club-handed

1 plagued by illness 2 quarrelsome, peevish,

cantankerous, shrewish
kag na f. fear, apprehension; fear of that which according to

superstition portends evil, misfortune

bend (over, forward) 3 to refract (light)

naj m.

kag f. Kazha (populated place in Nangarhar)

1 to bend,

to bow to

refracted (of light) 6 figurative to lose one's way, go astray

m. plural 1 bending, twisting 2 bowing, stooping 3

many of you are there? There are three of us.
escorts, accompanying persons

he was sitting in deep

laj m. curvature; sinuousness, sinuosity
ill, sick, physically exhausted

l denominative, transitive [past: ]
twist 2 to bend, stoop, bow compound verb

turning 4 refracting, refraction (of light)

almost finished, a done


l denominative, intransitive [past:

someone 3 to look down, drop one's eyes 4 to turn 5 to be

be bent 2 to squint 3 to stoop, become bent (over) 4 to be

ke-we completed


twist 2 to stoop, bend, bow

kingedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

2 kag 1 feminine singular of 2 2 f. in lieu of

He is walking along a poor path.
1 feminine singular of 2 f. difficulty,

kas m. person, personage; man


2 kas m. ravine; hollow, depression

kas t m. vengeance, revenge
to take vengeance on someone
kas d m. Arabic, kasd f. depression, stagnation
kasb, ksb m. Arabic occupation, trade, craft, business
compound verb What do you do?
kisbt, ksbt m. Arabic 1 tool-box, instrument case (e.g., of
a surgeon, barber) 2 bag with powder and shot (of hunter)

kasbgr m. craftsman
kasbawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to gain

skills, acquire (work) habits, experience; master something

kasab Arabic plural of

kasb m.
kspijn Caspian Caspian Sea
kast m. 1 2 spite, anger, malice 3
kastur f. oyster
kastdzh m. cut, slit (in sharovary)
1 kasr m. Arabic [plural: kasrna, Arabic kusr
and kusur t] 1 mathematics fraction common
fraction decimal fraction numerator
denominator 2 lack, shortage; loss, damage 3 deficit
to cover a deficit 4 decrease; loss 5 breaking 6
curtailment, reduction, diminishing compound verb to be
curtailed, be reduced, be diminished compound verb to
shorten 7 mathematics subtraction

2 ksr m. 1
kasrmn damaged, having a defect
kasr f. Arabic linguistics kasra (name of the diacritical mark,
which designates the vowel "i" and sometimes "e")

1 to bend;

to stoop,

kasr Arabic fractional



kaskr 1 burned (down), scorched 2 stiff with cold,

shriveled (from the cold) 3 destroyed 4 burning (from love) 5

compound verb
compound verb 1
2 kasckr divided into pieces or parts
tired out, physically exhausted


Pashto-English Dictionary

3 kaskr m. unclean paddy that remains in grain

1 kaskrawl denominative, transitive [past: ]


kaskrawl denominative, transitive [past:

divide into parts, separate into pieces; crush

kaskrawna f. 1 burning, incinerating 2 destruction 3

physical exhaustion

to be destroyed 4 to burn (from love) 5 to be worn out, be

physically exhausted; be tired out
kaskredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to
be divided or split into parts or pieces; to be crushed or pulverized

kaskredna f.
2 kaskredna f. 2
1 kaskred m. plural 1 burning

kaskred m. plural dividing into parts, splitting into


2 feeble; helpless,


kasa f.
kusf m. Arabic solar eclipse, eclipse of the sun
1 kis f.
2 kis dialect imperfective imperative of
1 ks, kis 1 m. plural of 2 dialect present tense of
2 ksaj m. pupil (of the eye) idiom to go

3 kisj f. riddle, enigma

4 kasj f. 1
kasj f. 1 dust 2 haze; fog 3 speck of dust
kasir f. small coin, (small) change
kasz 1 consisting of a certain number of persons
a committee of ten (members) 2 intended for a certain
number of persons

pneumatic traction 2
to draw a thread taut 3 drawing
(when smoking) compound verb
compound verb 4 difficulty; worry, concern, trouble
noise, racket idiom to eat with

kash m. 1 pull, traction



ksh the second part of word formations


drayman, driver

kush d capacious, spacious, roomy, wide

kashsh f Arabic 1 discovering, exploring 2 m. .1 military
scout, reconnoiterer 2.2 boy scout anjumn-i the
kashshf reconnaissance; prospecting, exploratory
kash l 1 long, lengthy, extended (in time)
to speak in a sing-song voice 2 slow, protracted; prolonged
Their conversation went on for
some time.

kashl f. 1 to take out, pull out, extract; drag

to settle an argument 3 difficulty,


2 becoming numb from

ksl, kasl transitive dialect 1

kswt m.
1 kasr m. vengeance, revenge
2 kusr m. plural Arabic of 1
kusur t m. second plural of 1
kasraj 1 melancholy; sad, sorrowful


(from love) 5 fatigue; exhaustion


compound verb to carry, pull, drag 2 drawn-out argument,

the cold, shrink from cold 3 destruction, annihilation 4 burning

ksh intejection kish, shoo, scat (a cry used to chase chickens

Boy Scout Organization in Afghanistan 2.3 discoverer

to burn; be burned 2 to become numb, shrivel (from the cold) 3

kish m. beech marten, stone marten, Mustela foina


2 kaskrawna f. division into parts or pieces; crushing

1 kaskredl denominative, intransitive [past: ]


to burn; scorch 2 to destroy 3 to torment, harass, exhaust


kashjsh m. existence
kishb m. kashb m. tortoise, turtle
kshpsh m. 1 shivering 2 tread, footsteps (sound)
1 kasht m. assistant leader (in games)
2 kisht m. Eastern colloquial payment; dues
3 kisht m. 1 square (on a chess board) 2 chess check
to announce "check"
kashtarj f. woven basket, bast basket
kishtz r m. planted or sown field; sowing, planting
kashtm m. regional customs-house
kishtoj f. little ship, small craft; boat
1 kisht f. dried apricots
2 kusht f. corrosive sublimate; mercuric chloride
3 kusht 1 killed 2 extinguished slaked lime
compound verb to slake (lime)
1 kusht f. wrestling
2 kishtj f. [plural: kishtj kishtij ni and
kishtijg ni] ship; boat sailing vessel
steamship rowboat
kishtirn f. navigation
kishtjw n m. sailor, seafarer
kshr, kshr, kshr junior, younger
She is 8 years younger than her brother. younger
brothers pupils of the younger classes
kshr n m. plural [singular ]youth, young people
kishr ni plural of 2
kshrtb m. kshrtj f. condition of being younger
in age, status of being junior in position

kshranz 1 m. plural Kishranzi (a tribe) 2 kashranzy m.

kshrw laj m.

Kishranzai (a member of the Kishranzi tribe)


Pashto-English Dictionary

kshroj 1 younger, junior 2 tiny, wee

kshra 1 feminine singular of 2 f.younger daughter,

making raisins)

brawl; romp, play (nosily) c to create difficulties d to be

distraught, suffer (in one's heart, mentally, psychologically)

kashmr m. Kashmir
kashmir f. 1 cloth; woolen fabric 2 suit fabric
cotton cloth woolen (cashmere) suiting
kashmirj 1 Kashmir 2 m. Kashmiri (native or inhabitant

kashfulh l m. Arabic finding; search, investigation

kashfawl 1 denominative, transitive [past: ] .1

of Kashmir)


discover, find, detect 1.2 to elucidate, ascertain, establish,

to establish the cause of the illness

... We have ascertained that 1.3 to


understand, comprehend, come to understand, to learn 1.4 to

explore, survey, prospect 1.5 military to conduct reconnaissance,

reconnoiter 1.6 to explore (a country) 2 m.

kashfij t m. plural 1 search, investigation; exploration,

reconnaissance, intelligence 2 discoveries, research,


kashfijt exploratory, prospecting


kashfedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

discovered, be detected, be found 2 to be elucidated, be

kushand m.
1 kash m. pea pods boiled in water
2 kashw m. mongoose
1 kishwr m. region, territory, land, country
2 kishr m. 1 bandage, dressing 2 regional ant-eater
regional caterpillar

to reach out for one another 2 to draw, attract 3 to draw out,

stretch 4 to carry someone along by force 5 to be inclined, tend

to be explored, be surveyed, be reconnoitered 5 to be researched,

towards something; involve in something, enlist, draw into

be studied

kashk m. thin gruel; soup

kushk m. 1 kiosk; pavilion 2 palace 3 Kushka

the Kushk Valley

kishwar civil, civilian civilians

civil war
kshukp m. 1 sound of footsteps 2

kashugr m. struggle, fight; rivalry

kashawl transitive [past: ] 1 to pull, drag; carry
compound verb to bring in, drag in; import

established, be determined; recognize, discern 3 to be known 4


struggle I lay down distraught.

compound verb a to quarrel; argue b to fight, struggle; fight,

exploration, surveying; reconnaissance, intelligence

compound verb

the kishmish grape (used in

fight, brawl; fuss 4 difficult; state of being upset; a mental

understanding, knowledge; research, investigation, study 4


1 quarrel; argument 2 battle, fight;

skirmish, melee; conflict diplomatic battle 3

kashf m. Arabic 1 discovery, finding, detection 2

compound verb

kishmish raisin

inclination, tendency

sabze (a kind of raisin from the kishmish seedless grape)

younger sister

kshrj small; younger younger sister

2 kashrj m. 1 basket 2 kneading trough, dough trough
3 kashrj f.
kshrn rare youngest, most junior
kashp m.
kashsh m. 1 traction, pull 2 physics attraction, gravitation

kishmsh m. kishmish, seedless grape, raisin

something 6 to drag something out, hamper the implementation of

3 kashk, kishk m. guard, watch, escort, protection

compound verb to guard, stand guard; watch, keep
watch, protect

kshkrl transitive
kishikch m. watchman, guard
kshkra f. magpie
1 kshksh m. the sound of footsteps
2 kshksh 3
kashkl m. common coot, Fulica atra
kashkoll kashkawl transitive
kshki, kshke
kashml m. [plural: kashmlug n and
kashml n] kashmlj m. basil


kushund m. 1 extradition of a murderer and his banishment

2 murderer, killer

1 k sh f. furrow
2 ksha 3
kshah r m. rustling; rustle

to make a crackling


1 kashj m. only son

2 kshj f. 1 pickax, pick-mattock 2 iron ingot, iron pig
3 kashj f. only daughter
4 kash plural of 1
5 kshe 2
kashidar f.
kashedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be pulled, be
dragged, be carried 2 to stretch, be stretched compound

Pashto-English Dictionary

verb to tighten, shrink, contract 3 to stretch, reach 4 to be

low; low-lying, lowland

delayed, be dragged out (in length), be disrupted (e.g., of a

kashidag f. tension; strained position; strained state (of

khatatb m.

khtaked, khataked m. plural 1 lowering, letting

down, descending 2 lowering, lessening, reducing, falling 3


a low place, a depression 2.5

low, mean, base, vile 2.6 low, quiet (of the voice)

business deal)

kh m. rustling, rustle; sound of light footsteps

landing, touching down 4 unloading 5 disembarkation, getting

kah m. 1 pulling, attraction 2 drawing (on a cigarette) 3

off 6 exhaustion, running low on, using up

khtalwed m. plural

sigh 4 mange (in sheep) 5 narrow path

3 ki, ke
4 kh 4
1 kh nda f.

hurtling down; descending

track of a smoothing harrow, trace of a

toothless drag harrow

kah nda agitated, anxious; upset, alarmed

to cause the heart to flutter

khj conditional from

1 kht, kiht m. seeding, planting; planted field
farm implements to harvest, reap to sow,

khtaw laj m. 1 lowering, hauling down, descent 2

level the low level of water in the river 3

kht m.

kuht, kaht m. 1 gorge, ravine 2 interval, space, gap 3

slit; orifice, opening, aperture 4 square (on a chess board) 5

chess mate

kihtz r m.
khtgr m. [plural: khtgr and khtgar n]
farmer, tiller of the soil, peasant

khtgar f. 1 farming

compound verb


engage in farming 2 metayage (a form of share-cropping)

khatanj 1 lower 2 cited, or given, below

1 kht oblique plural of 1
2 khto oblique plural of 2 2
1 kht f. seeding, sowing, planting
2 khta, khta 1.1 down(wards); below, underneath,
downstairs; from below He was standing below.
1.2 lower 30 degrees below zero


kahkr kahkrkaj completely dry, desiccated

kahkraj 1 m. .1 bubble (e.g., from soap) 1.2 plural
seasoning 2
kahklaj m. corn husk, corn shuck
1 khkj m. rustle
2 khkj f. reversible rug; doormat, floor cloth
kahkedj f. spout
1 khul m. Eastern kiss compound verb to kiss
2 khl 1 transitive [present: past: and Western
] .1 to pull, drag 1.2 to take out, extract; get 1.3 to tear
out, pull out 1.4 to mine, extract (minerals, etc.) 1.5 to draw, get

(e.g., water from a well) 1.6 to run, build (an irrigation ditch) 1.7
to extract (a tooth) 1.8 to smoke (e.g., a cigarette) 1.9 to take off

to take off one's coat

drive out 1.11 to exile, expel someone 1.12 to recover (a debt)

1.13 to tear oneself away (from the business at hand)

to land, make a landing d to unload, be unloaded e to disembark,

He tore me away from business. 1.14 to exert, apply

compound verb to try,

1.17 to steal compound verb

(one's efforts, endeavors, etc.)

get off, get out of f to be exhausted, be used up, run out of g

endeavor 1.15 to sketch, draw, depict 1.16 to write

compound verb
compound verb

figurative to fall, deteriorate (morale)

He wrote a book.

passive a to be pulled, be dragged b to be taken out, be pulled

a to fluctuate, oscillate, rock, swing b to move, to stir (of people)

compound verb

compound verb to take off one's shoes 1.10 to take out, lead out,

descend; lose altitude b to come down, diminish, decrease, fall c

1.3 further south, south of

khtz, khtza. arable, tillable;

plowed field

attraction, gravitation

compound verb a to be lowered, be let down; sink, come down,

to fall down, hurtle down; descend


3 kihtj f. [plural: kihtj, kihtjg ni and

kihtij ni] boat; vessel
kihtjw n m. 1 boatman 2 sailor
kahh m. 1 propulsive force, thrust (e.g., of a propeller) 2

to put ashore f to exhaust,

expend g figurative to undermine, tsap (morale)


worked, cultivated (of soil)

compound verb a to lower, let down, bring down b to lower,

kht f. baseness, meanness, vileness

commit foul deeds

reduce, lessen c to land (e.g., an airplane) d to unload e to

disembark, put ashore


baseness, meanness, vileness

plant, drill

falling down, tumbling down,

out, be extracted, be acquired c to be torn out, be pulled out d to

Jalalabad is

be mined, be extracted (of minerals, etc.) e to be drawn, be gotten

located south of Kabul. 2 attributive (sometimes inflected) .1

(e.g., water from a well) f to be built (of an irrigation ditch) g to

lower 2.2 lower (in rank), subordinate 2.3 indicated below 2.4

Pashto-English Dictionary

be extracted (of a tooth) h to be smoked (e.g., of a cigarette) i to

be taken off, be pulled off (of clothes) j to be taken out, be led out,
to be driven out k to be exiled, expelled l to be recovered (of a
debit) m to be torn away (from the business at hand) n to be
exerted, be applied (of efforts, endeavors, etc.) o to be sketched,

idiom to avoid, shun, eschew something
to shirk work
to make answerable in court to be moved

be drawn p to be written 2 m. plural


khulawl transitive [past: ] to kiss

1 khlj past participle of 2
2 khlaj, kuhlaj beautiful, pretty, handsome; comely
3 khlaj m. plural that which is predestined or fated, destiny,

kahndraj m. 1 curved stick for securing a pack 2 beam,

bar (for tethering livestock), hitching rail

1 khndj m. ice-skating
2 kahndj m. farmer, tiller of the soil
khna f. 1 dragging, trailing (e.g., along the ground)

pulling out, dragging out, extracting, getting 3 tearing out, pulling

out 4 extraction, mining (of minerals, etc.) 5 drawing (up),
getting (e.g., water from a well) 6 running, building (an irrigation
ditch) 7 extraction, removal (of a tooth) 8 taking off, pulling off

kheistl, khestl transitive

kheistna f.
khebs present stem of
khebsna f.
khebsnkaj present participle of
kahitb m. crop guarding, guarding the planted field(s)
khekhatl intransitive [present: past: ]
to feel ashamed, be ashamed 2 to press, put pressure on

khekhatna f. 1 constraint, uneasiness, shame 2 pressing,

putting pressure on

khawl, khawl transitive [past: ] 1 to pull, drag

noisily 2 to compel to pull, compel to drag 3 to compel to sketch,

draw 4 to compel to write

khwndraj m.
kahwandj m. curved pole in the upper part of a tent
kh f. 1 tug, trace (of a plow) 2 3 large net for

khah r m.
1 khj past participle of 2
2 khi ki Western, ke Eastern,

khe Eastern,

Western kshi 1 postposition, in, into, to, on (in combination with

the preposition or without it (Eastern dialect), used to denote

location within something or motion to the interior of something)

in the house

on the street

along the road 2 separable verb prefix

to sit down

to get into someplace

3 kahj, khj m. 1 mirab (the person who manages an
who is irrigating his crops

khaj m. pen (holder, for writing)

khaj gelded, castrated



kahidakr f. embroidery
kahidagr m. artist, painter
kahidagra f. 1 embroideress 2 artist
kahidj r m. artist, painter
khedj m. peacock, peafowl
khegd stem of the present tense, perfective aspect of
imperative, perfective aspect of
khho khhod khhow past tense
stem of
khehowlj past participle of
khekhl transitive [present: past: ]

1 to press, crush, squeeze; press in 2 to give a massage, massage,


khekhna f. 1 pressing, crushing, squeezing, pressing in

2 massage, massaging, rubbing

khemanl transitive
khnst Eastern past tense of
khenstl intransitive Eastern
khenst m. plural
khenastl intransitive [present: past:
Western ]1 to sit down, take a seat; sit 2 to live, dwell,
inhabit 3 to make a landing, land to get up out of
bed to make friends with somebody
to ascend the throne
khenastna f. 1 sitting, seating 2 living, dwelling 3

khnust Western past tense of
khenawl transitive [past: ] 1

to seat 2 to

settle (in a new place) 3 to plant (plants) 4 to place, locate, put 5

to set up, assemble (equipment) 6 to put (in, into), install, insert

irrigation system and the procedure for water usage in Central

Asia) 2 watchman who stands guard over the crops 3 peasant

kahid f. 1 embroidery 2 decoration

verb a to embroider b to decorate 3 pattern, design 4 drawing,

(clothes) 9 recovery (of a debt) 10 sketching, drawing;

representation, picture 11 writing

(e.g., window panes, etc.) 7 to set down, land 8 to arrest

to rouse from sleep

khenawna f. 1 seating, setting (someone down to do

something) 2 settling 3 planting (of plants) 4 placing, locating,


Pashto-English Dictionary

2 kuf m.
3 kuf like, similar (to), resembling
4 kaf m. foam, froth
1 kuff r m. plural Arabic of
2 kif r Arabic non-believing, unbelieving (as a noun infidel,

putting 5 setting up, assembling (equipment) 6 installing,

inserting (e.g., dentures, window panes) 7 landing 8 arrest


khn present tense of

khenj 1 low-land (of people who live in lower places

compared to others) 2 blowing from below (of the wind)


khewt m. plural 1 getting, reaching, ending up, being

(e.g., in(to) a difficult position) 2 getting stuck (e.g., in a net) 3

lowering, reducing, reduction 4 penetrating, penetration

to expiate guilt, atone for sins

khewatl intransitive [present: past: ]1 to

get (somewhere), be found, find oneself, come to be

of one's sins

to fall into
to get into a difficult position

2 to be lowered, descend, come down 3 to burst into, penetrate

kifjt m. Arabic 1 sufficiency

kift n m. colloquial captain

regional district

kaftr m. 1
kafcham r m. cobra
kafd r foamy
kufr m. Arabic, kufr n m. 1 unbelief; atheism 2
blasphemy compound verb to blaspheme 3 figurative
indecent act ! It's no sin! 4 figurative

kufrist n m.
kafasch f. grille, lattice, bars
kafn m. Arabic shroud, winding sheet idiom to die in
battle idiom to escape from the claws of death

in, drag in 3 to subject to something

idiom a to swindle, to cheat when selling (something) b to charge

an exorbitant price
2 triangular 3 ill-

fitting (of clothes)

kafandzd m. 1 cemetery thief, grave robber 2 fleecier,


denominative, transitive [past: ]


kaghchw laj m.

1 to

make stubborn, make obstinate 2 to rebel against someone

kaghch f. stubbornness, obstinacy, recalcitrance

kgh r angry
kughlj m. 1 oven 2 pit, hole
kaghr squinting, squint-eyed, cross-eyed
kghkj m.
kghn kghnd hoarse
1 kghnd kghn hoarse
2 kghnd m. crane (bird)
kghnda f. hoarse
kghah r m. croaking
kghedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to croak 2 to become
hoarse, speak in a hoarse voice
kaf, kaff m. Arabic 1 palm (of the hand) 2 foot

room floor


police chief

khejstl transitive [present: past: ]

1 to insert; put in; put into (operation, service), introduce 2 to pull


suffice, be sufficient 2 skill; ability, knack

(operation, service) 2 pulling in, dragging in

compound verb
compound verb to repent

substitution, acting for

khewatna f.
khewtaj past participle, short form of
khewr m. peasant, farmer
khewuz present tense stem of
khjost past tense of
khwot past tense of
khejst m. plural 1 insertion; putting in; putting into


kafr f. Arabic religion

kaf f m. Arabic 1 subsistence 2 sufficiency

kaflt m. Arabic deputizing; performance of (one's) duties,

to get caught in a net

khejstna f.
kas b m.
ka'ba f. Kaaba (the sanctuary in Mecca)
kgh caw, caw (the cry of the crow)
kg m.
kagh ch 1 stubborn, obstinate, recalcitrant

expiation of guilt, atonement for sins

khwut past tense of in lieu of

someone's hands

kafrt, kaffrt m. Arabic

kafl m. Arabic deputy deputy prime minister

acting department chief
1 kak m. 1 particle, crumb 2 blade of grass
2 kak m. sugar-cane molasses
3 kuk m. onion
kakr m. wasps' nest
1 kakra, kakra f. skull
2 kakra f. log thrown across an irrigation ditch; small bridge,

1 kukrj, kakrj m. puppy

2 kakarj f. 1 skull 2 crown (of the head) 3 top, peak,
summit (of a mountain) idiom to be in great grief,
experience keenly, mourn idiom to be greatly
upset, be mightily discouraged


kukrj feminine of

kakrj f. stones (of the urinary bladder)

Pashto-English Dictionary

kak, kak 1 dirty, soiled, polluted 2 aggravated, weighed

down by something; stricken (by grief, etc.) 3 having become
passionately fond of, keen on something 4 defiled, profaned,

impure, vile

sordid person
kaktj f.

kaktb m.

to be besieged, be encircled

kakw laj m. 1

dirt; pollution 2 baseness, meanness, vileness, infamy

kakawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

soil, make dirty, pollute 2 to aggravate, weigh down with
something 3 to defile, profane

kaka 1 feminine singular of 2 f. prostitute

1 kaki f. plural compound verb a to cackle (of a
hen just before laying) b to call (of a partridge)


kaki, kaki f. plural of

kakj m. sweets, confections (prepared on the occasion of

the lambing of sheep and goats)

kakedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

make oneself dirty, get dirty 2 to be aggravated, be weighed
down, burdened by something; be stricken (by grief, etc.) 3 to
take to, become keen on 4 to wallow (in impurities) 5 to be

defiled, be profaned, be polluted;


kakh m. re-roofing
kaknkj m. kind of plover
kkobj m.
kaka f. colocynth, bitter apple
1 kakaj m. 1 small loaf of bread

idiom to fall into

kalch f. small fortress, stronghold; small village

kulch f. Kulachi city (in the vicinity of Dera Ismail Khan)
kal r
kls m. 1 class (in school) courses to eliminate
illiteracy 2 class (category, sort) first-class
railroad car

klssiszm m. classicism
klsifikshn m. classification
compound verb to classify

klsk classical
klsik 1 classical

2 school, educational (of books,

textbooks, manuals) 3 class

kalgh m. headband (women's)

kul l m. potter proverb


drinks water from a cracked pitcher

kull f. stigma (of the pistil)

1 kull f. pottery potter's wheel
2 kull plural of
kal m m. Arabic 1 word; speech

to interrupt

someone 2 literary work 3 poetic creation 4 grammar word

part of speech
kal mtawnkaj siege siege gun
kal m-al m to speak not a word
kal n large; senior
kalntr m. foreman; village elder, village headman
kalnk r arrogant, conceited, haughty; putting on airs
kalnkr arrogance, haughtiness; conceit; putting on airs
compound verb a to put on airs b to swagger
kalwr m.
kalw f. skein, hank; ball, clew tangled ball
idiom I am in total
group, collocation; phrase

2 flat cake that is baked

the solar disk


on hot rocks 3 disk (of the moon, sun)

4 music phonograph record

kal f.
kalbandedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

2 kakaj m. adolescent boy, teenager, juvenile

1 kakj m. hoopoe
2 kakwj m. lapwing
kka f. corpuscle (blood) white blood

1 kki plural of
2 kakj m. baby boy, babe in arms, infant
3 kkj m. kind of silk embroidery
4 kakj f. baby girl, babe in arms, infant
kaglch m. Eastern
kagw laj m.
kagawl transitive Eastern
kag-wag f. Eastern
kagawl transitive Eastern
kag Eastern 1 feminine plural of 2 2 kind of embroidery
kagedl intransitive Eastern
1 kal m. cake, oil-seed cake (used as fodder)
2 kal 1 bald; balding 2 mangy, scabby 3 Eastern shaven
3 kul, kull Arabic 1 all, the whole of 2 general, universal; total
3 m. .1 the whole, all, everything 3.2 the collective


kalwapch m. reel
kljn klj 1 tin, stanic 2 m. plural tin
kulb, klab m. club
1 klp, klp m.
2 kalp 1 steep, with steep slopes, cliffy, craggy; almost

inaccessible, difficult to access 2 broken terrain, rugged country

3 brutal, savage, bitter, fierce, violent

a fierce battle

to subject to intense fire

3 kalp m. club
kulp dzhoawnkaj locksmith; metal-worker
kulpkaj m. small lock
kulpawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to lock

Pashto-English Dictionary

kalp f. duplicity, double-dealing, hypocrisy

klakw gaj hard-mouthed (of a horse)

klakw laj m. 1 hardness, rigidity, solidity

compound verb to engage in double-dealing, be duplicitous

kulpedl denominative, intransitive [past:

locked (up)

miserliness 5 severity, harshness 6 intensity, ferocity 7

kult, kalt m. seeds of horse gram, Dolichos biflorus

kultr, kaltr m. 1 culture national culture
minister of culture 2 agriculture culture; crop
kultur cultural cultural ties
a delegation of cultural workers
kaldzha m. naked barley, hulless barley
klach m. bag for carrying soil
kalchr m. culture Afghan culture
kalchar cultural; cultured
kulch f. 1 pastry, biscuit; bun 2 bar of soap
kulchapz m. baker
kulchaj turnip-like onions
kolkhz, kalkhz m. kolkhoz, collective farm
kolkhoz, kalkhoz 1 kolkhoz, collective-farm 2 m. kolkhoz
worker, collective farmer female kolkhoz worker
kald ra f. Indian rupee
klark m. regional clerk, office worker, employee, official,

endurance (of animals) 8 depth (of feelings, etc.)

klakawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

make firm, harden 2 to thicken; condense; ram, tamp, pack 3 to
strengthen, consolidate; fasten, secure 4 to lock (a door, etc.) 5 to
compound verb

oneself, restrain oneself

klakawna f. 1 condensation; ramming, tamping 2

strengthening, consolidating, securing 3 locking (a door, etc.) 4
complicating, burdening

ground 2.2 zeal, exertion; energetic

.1 to

condense, be condensed, be rammed, be tamped 1.3 to be

strengthened, be consolidated, be fastened, be secured 1.4 to be
locked (of a door, etc.) 1.5 to exhibit persistence

Why are you so insistent on this? 1.6 to be stingy,

be miserly 1.7 to be severe, be stern, be cruel, be brutal 1.8 to be

intense, be fierce, be frantic 2 m. plural

klakedna f. klaked m. plural 1 hardening,

solidifying; congealing, setting; condensing 2 strengthening;

consolidating; fastening, securing 3 perseverance, persistence 4

medicine hardening of the arteries

2 strong, durable 3

with brute force 6

fierce bombardment, heavy

kilkn m. 1
klgj m. 1 crown (of the head); top of a tyubeteika (an
embroidered skullcap worn in Central Asia)

bombing 7 having great endurance (of an animal) 8 firm (of a

We are firmly convinced. 9

deep, profound (of feelings, etc.) 10 close (of a connection, tie)


be firm, be hard; harden, get stronger; thicken, congeal, set 1.2 to

stinginess, miserliness 5 cruelty, severity 6 ferocity

steadfast, steady, staunch 4 stingy, miserly 5 hard, severe, harsh;


1 klak f.
2 klki feminine plural of
klakedl 1 denominative, intransitive [past: ]

coarse, rough; cruel, brutal

hope, conviction)

klka 1 feminine singular of 2 f. .1 hard soil; hard

conduct a fierce battle

thicker, thicken; condense

strong, fierce, violent

to complicate, burden idiom to control

staunchly defend something 6

functionary, bureaucrat

kalsijm m. calcium
kalghchka f. magpie
kalgh f. 1
klghj m.
kulf m. lock to lock the door
the door is locked
1 kulft thick, heavy; dense to make
2 kilft m. Kelif
kulfk m. door bolt
klak 1 hard, rigid, solid, firm; dense

2 strength,

durability 3 steadfastness, steadiness, staunchness 4 stinginess,

to be

to have a close connection, maintain close

relations with somebody 11 solid, reliable (of scientific work)

klak-plak very firm, very strong, very durable

klakpst crustacean crustaceans
klaktb m.
kalkt f. Calcutta
klaktj f.
kaleksjn m. collection
kalkl m. 1 idle or futile argument, wrangling,

kall transitive [past: ] to measure (distance)

kalltb m. measure, measurement (of distance)
kalm m.
kalim t m. plural Arabic of 2
kalm gh walking gracefully
klmk m. variety of grape
klamawl denominative, transitive [past: ]
agriculture to vaccinate

kulm f. gut, intestine


mutton sausage



2 kalim f. Arabic [plural: kalim and m. plural: Arabic

kalim t] 1 word borrowed words

squabbling 2 noise, din


Pashto-English Dictionary

errata 2 speech 3 religion symbol of

to pronounce the Islamic credo

kilogr m m.
kull, kall m. plural grass pea, Lathyrus sativus
kalawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

faith, credo

kulm watna f. hernia

klamedl denominative, intransitive verb [past: ]

kaln year five-year seven-year

kulndzh m.
kuln m. stick (which is fastened to the neck of livestock)
1 kalng m. 1 dowry 2 presents from the bride to the
husband's relatives 3 tribute, tax

kulng m. [plural: kulang n] 1 fighting cock 2

crane (bird) 3 hoe, mattock 4 cock, cocking piece (of a firearm)

kulangr m. Kulangar
kulang 1 fighting

fighting cock 2 long-legged

(of a person); leggy, lanky 3 figurative cocky, pert

kalna f. measure, measurement (of distance)

1 kalanj Eastern kulanj 1 yearly, annual annual
budget How old is your son? 2
five-year plan
2 klnj Eastern kalanj 1 existing for so much time 2 since

klink m.
1 kal oblique plural of 1 with years
after many years
2 klo oblique plural of 1
3 kal m. shrike (bird)
kalw tsa f. material compensation for murder
klb, kulb m. klp, kulp club
kal black; swarthy; black-haired
klaj m. small village, hamlet
kluch 1 m. crusts of bread that remain on the walls of the oven
2 wrinkled

kluchawl denominative, transitive [past:

wrinkle; rumple, crumple

klochj m.


killed in battle

klanj 2
kalaj m. plural tin
1 kil f. [plural: kilj kilij ni and kilig ni]
key plug electrical switch
2 kul f. rinse, rinsing
3 kull Arabic [f. plural: kullij ] 1 general, common
general provisions in general
generalization 2 full, absolute full


klaj m. village kli peasant

kli peasant woman kli village elder

wrinkle, become wrinkled; become rumpled, become crumpled

klorof rm m. chloroform
kalor f. calorie
klorn m. chlorine
kalsha f.
kloht, klhta, kalhta f.

a to live in the same village with someone, be someone's

to associate with one's neighbors, interact

with fellow-villagers
1 tuft (of grass) 2 wisp (of

klohtawr 1 tousled (of the hair) 2 tangled, snarled (e.g.,

kalwha f. galosh

fellow-villager b figurative to share joys and sorrows with fellow-

whip, lash (made of plant fibers)

of wool)


hair, wool) 3 tousled hair 4 tangled wool, snarled wool 5 knout,

kalan kala 1 some time, some day 2 from time to time, at



distaff, spinning wheel

denominative, intransitive [past:

compound verb to shave one's beard

kulul f. something round, object of rounded shape
to cancel an agreement, abrogate a treaty
kilomtr m.
kalna plural of 1
kalw m. anise
1 kla, kla 1 when When will you come or arrive?
Since when? 2 some time, some day; ever;
one day; sometimes I once saw this man
... since the time that since then
as soon as often from time to time a
sometime b from time to time ( at) another time
Now he sits down - now he stands up.
always never 3 really Could he
really agree to that? ! Welcome! I am glad to see you!
2 kal head dealer of boiled sheep's heads and feet
kalapz m. dealer of roasted feet and heads of animals
kalapnj f. mumps
kalaghuchk m. kalaguchak (a variety of grape)
kalamin r m. history pyramid of the skulls of enemies
balding, cause to become bald, promote baldness 2 to shave

agriculture to be vaccinated

to cause

kilj plural of

kalj feminine singular of

klj f. crested lark

kalj polled, hornless

kalj f. 1 corn, callus, callosity 2 place that has been rubbed

raw; veterinary medicine gall


Pashto-English Dictionary



kalj f. 1 slice (e.g., of watermelon) 2 bud 3 chopping of

sausage meat
kle interjection shoo (cry used to shoo birds away form

planted fields)

kullij t m. plural Arabic 1 complete collected works 2

general proposition, general conclusion

3 fundamental principles

on the whole

kalbr m. gauge; caliber

klech strong, tough (of thread); spun, twisted
klechawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to spin,

klid n m. bolt, latch (e.g., of a door)

kaledl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to become

to be

bald, grow bald

kalz 1 m. notebook-calendar 2 year fifteen-year

kalis f. Christian temple, church churchmen
to become a priest
klish clich, stereotype
klimshr m. village elder, village headman
kaln m. yearly pay (for work), yearly wages
kilinr m. 1 driver's assistant 2 greaser, lubricator
kilink m. tongs, pincers; handle
klink m. clinic
klinik clinic, clinical
klijo oblique plural of 1
kliw l
kliwl m. villager, peasant
kliw la f. peasant woman
1 kliwl f. affiliation by birth or residence with the same
village; association for the purpose of mutual aid of people born in
the same region but who are living elsewhere

kliw li plural of

kliw laj 1 village, rural

peasant, villager

rural commune 2 m.


kullij 1 feminine and plural of 3

2 f. .1 general

proposition, thesis; axiom 2.2 sum, total

kamm Arabic quantity

in quantity and

quality, in terms of quantity and quality

4 km present tense first person of in lieu of

kmmn Arabic quantitatively, in quantitative terms
kam ba 1 with little water, shallow 2 not juicy (of fruit)
kamb f. 1 shoals; insufficient water 2 lack of juciness (of

twist (of thread, yarn, etc.)

klechedl denominative, intransitive [past:
spun, be twisted

km, kum interrogative-relative pronoun what, which (of a

Which of them?
when Since when? 1
2 kam 1 small, little, insignificant; not many, few
few countries at a low price
to be content with little I rarely go to
the movies. 2 little, few, a little, some, negligible
at least less than something
He is in no way inferior to others. a little (bit); little by little
3 little, not a with little water, b not juicy (of fruit)

kamch m. botany nightshade

kamazkm minimally, at least
kamisti'd d of scant ability, devoid of talent
kamisti'm l little-used, rare
kamsl of low pedigree, of lowly origin or birth, low-born
kamfisbq Arabic as formerly, as before, as usual
1 kam l Arabic 1 m. [plural: kamlna and Arabic
kaml t] .1 perfection; completeness shb-i
having achieved perfection 1.2 talent 1.3 proper noun Kamal

2.1 perfect; full 2.2 highest

2 kam l m.
kamlbaj m.
kamld r 1 2 ! saying I wish you all the best!
kamlz 1 m. plural Kamalzi (the tribe) 2 m. Kamalzai
kuml, kaml f. 1 hay plant, Prangos (grown for feed) 2
giantfennel, Ferula Jaeschkeana

kaml excellent, superb; luxurious, posh


1 kam n m.
2 kam n m.



1 bow (weapon) 2 arc; arch; vault, dome

f. 1 kamancha (kind of violin) 2 small bow (for

combing cotton) 3 music bow

kam nd m. command

of someone

under the command

to command an army, be an army


kam ndr m. kam nr m. regional commander

kaminkish f little-developed, poorly-developed
kamnkh m. bowman, archer
kamnkah f. shooting with bow and arrow
kamngr m. craftsman who makes bows for shooting
kamn f. winding, bend (of a river)
kamnj f. spring
kam f. pay, wages compound verb to earn;
obtain (the means for existence)

number of others, of many)

kumb f. pottery, potter's workshop or studio

kambatj f. thimble for the thumb
kambkht unfortunate, unlucky, destitute
kambakht f. misfortune
kambr m. colloquial 1
1 kambar bitter orange; orange
2 kambrj m. bitter orange, Citrus aurantium
3 kumbraj m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

kmbrijn gelogy Cambrian

kambl f. kambla f. 1 reversible rug, coarse carpet
saying to cut
one's coat according to the cloth 2 cloak 3 woolen blanket;

traveling rug
something b

... proverb a to finish, complete

to weaken influence The

time of slavery is past.

kambalj f. 1 butterfly 2 small variegated reversible rug

kamb m. netting for straw (made of woolen thread)
kambt m.
kambut f. 1
kambd 1 m. .1 shortage, lack, deficiency, deficit
because of a shortage of paper 1.2 incomplete set

kamchatk f. Kamchatka
kamcha f. 1 long pole (for tying livestock)

kamcha gta f. fourth finger, ring finger

kamtsj f. dialect plait, tress, braid (woman's)
kamhdzhma compact, of small size
kamhawsilag f. flabbiness; apathy; lack of initiative,
lack of enterprise

kamhawsil flabby; apathetic; lacking initiative, lacking

the spirit of enterprise

kamkhrts 1 economical, cheap 2 of modest means

cheap but good
kamkharts f. 1 cheapness, low prices 2 shortage of

1.3 vacancy 2 insufficient; lacking

kambud f. 1
kambodj f. Cambodia
kamb f. bin, corn crib; barn, granary
kambel f. monkey-face tree, Mallotus phillipinensis
kamp m. camp
kamp r m. potter
kampl f. Kampala
kampn f. company foreign company
komprdr m. comprador, intermediary
kompresr m. compressor
kmpng m. life in tents, camp life
kampan f.
kamp m. regional camp
kampajd uncommon, rare
kampt m. kamp m. 1 stewed fruit, compote

2 stretcher made

of poles (for carrying a dead person)

means, scantiness of means 3 lack of exactingness, lack of high


kamkhob f. insomnia, sleeplessness



kamkhor k 1 eating little, underfed 2

moderate, restrained in food

kamkhor f. 1 malnutrition 2 moderation, restraint in food

kamkhn anemic
kamkhun f. anemia
kamz t 1 doing manual labor 2 occupying a low status (in

canned fruit

kampuchij f. Kampuchea
kampur m. regional
kampozshn m. composition
kompst m. compost, fertilizer
kampaunr m. pharmacist, druggist
kampaunar f. pharmaceutics; the work of a pharmacist
kmpng m.
1 kamtr f. dialect dove, pigeon
2 kamtr 1 little, few 2 smaller, less
kamtra f. dialect female pigeon, dove
kamtar f. a little, a bit; insufficiency, inadequacy
kamtb m. kamtj f. trifle, insignificance
kamdzhjd d land-starved, land-hungry
kamdzhjdd f. land shortage, land hunger
kamdzhur't shy, timid, timorous, cowardly

kamdzhur'at f. timidity, timorousness, cowardliness

to struggle against shyness, overcome shyness

kamdzhnsa of low pedigree; low-grade, low-quality
kamch m. tent pole

kamz t f. baseness, meanness, mean act

1 kamr 1 m. precipice, slope; steep cliff, vertical mountainside
a standing on the edge of a precipice or chasm b
figurative old man 2 waist belt, sash
2 kamr skewbald (of the color of horses, etc.)
kamarbast 1 belted, girdled 2 prepared for a journey 3 at
(someone's) service, prepared to serve (someone)

kamarbnd m. 1 belt, sash 2 technology drive belt

kamarchn gathered in at the waist
kamarshikn 1 shattering, crushing 2 ruinous
kamargh laj m. cave, cavern, grotto
kamarka f. regional cupboard
kamarkis f. powder pouch (worn at the waist)
kamargl m. lichen
kamrnga kamrng 1 pale, dim, dull; faded
dim light 2 weak (of tea)
kamr kamru subdued, pale; dim; weak
dim lamp
1 kamr f. regional room cabin, stateroom
dining room
2 kamar f. camera camera
3 kamra f. capers
4 kamra f. married woman
5 kamra feminine singular of 2

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 kamarj m. rice husks

2 kamrj m. (small) scoop
kamzr weak, feeble, infirm compound verb

kamzortj f. kamzorw laj m. 1

kamzorawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
weaken to weaken the economy
1 kamzor f. weakness, debility, infirmity
fallow land


I am

kamqimta cheap, inexpensive

kamqimat f. low prices, cheapness
kumk m. 1 help, support; assistance, good offices
to render assistance to someone
to fail to render aid 2 grant, grant-in-aid, allowance

kamklj kamkaj tiny, wee, diminutive

1 kumak 1 m. assistant 2 auxiliary grammar
auxiliary verb

kamzoredl denominative, intransitive [past:

weaken, grow weak


kamsj f. plait, tress, braid (woman's)

kamshinr m. commissar high


kamtqta saa kamtqt weak, infirm, feeble

compound verb a to weaken, grow weak b to
kam'qla 1 foolish, stupid; unreasonable, unwise; weak-

minded, imbecile 2 m. fool, foolish person

kam'aql f. foolishness, stupidity;

! Don't act foolish!

kam'aqltb m.

kamghwhaj meager, lean, emaciated, gaunt, wiry, sinewy

kamfursta busy, having no free time
kamfursat f. being busy, lack of leisure time
kamfkra not serious, frivolous, ill-considered, not well
thought through

kamfikr f. lack of seriousness, frivolousness, lack of due

consideration, poorly thought through

show thoughtlessness

kamfhm 1 slow-witted, dull, slow-to-grasp 2 not very

conscientious; irresponsible

kamfahm f. 1 slowness, dullness; slow-wittedness 2


kamqdr devoid of value, of little value, not valuable

kamqadr f. condition of being of little value
kamquwt 1 feeble, weak, infirm; low-powered 2 not
productive, not efficient, of low efficiency 3 sterile, infertile

kamquwatw laj m.
kamquwat f. 1 weakness, infirmity
sterility, infertility

child, baby 2.2 plural

2 low efficiency 3

kamkna f.

kamkiw laj m.


surrender, yield

kamgj taciturn, reticent, silent, uncommunicative

kaml m. horse cloth, horse blanket
kamlkma at least, at minimum
kammj not having sufficient capital, insolvent, bankrupt
kammihnt lazy; unconscientiously
kammahrt having poor skills, unskillful, not expert
komintrn m. history COM intern (Communist International)
kamnd m. 1 lariat, rope with a loop, lasso 2 rope ladder 3

Komsomol) 2 m. Komsomolets (a member of the Komsomol)


kamkitb m.

childhood; nonage

kamsr not broad, narrow
komsoml m. Komsomol (Young Communist League)
komsomol 1 Komsomol (of or pertaining to the

kamkiy n children

kamkj 1 small, little

youngster, young child 2 m. .1

unable to answer the question in detail


kamndrj 1 undersized, shortest, stunted 2 weak, feeble

kamnasba unlucky
kamnasib bad luck
kamnazra having weak eyesight, near-sighted, myopic
kamnra dim, dark Everything went
dark before his eyes.

kam withered, wilted; faded

kamw laj m. wilting, withering; fading
kamawl denominative, transitive [past: ]


promote wilting, contribute to withering

kamedl denominative, intransitive [past:

wither; fade; droop

1 kmo oblique plural of 1

2 kmo oblique plural of 2
kamw k kamw kaj


1 weak, low-powered 2 not of

high quality

kamw laj

f. 1 weakness, low power 2 low quality

m. 1 insufficiency; insignificance 2 reducing,


kam-u-bsh more or less

kamda f. [usually plural kamdi]

rice kasha with


kam-u-zij t more or less

1 kuml m. stork
2 kamawl 1 denominative, transitive [past: ]

.1 to

lessen, curtail, reduce 1.2 to lower, reduce (e.g., prices) 1.3



Pashto-English Dictionary

to subtract 1.4 to soften, mitigate (e.g., a punishment)

kams m. [plural: kamisna and Western

kamis n] shirt

m. plural .1 lessening, curtailing, reducing 2.2 lowering (e.g.,

idiom to be beside oneself with joy, be overjoyed (literally: to not

prices) 2.3


idiom to be

proverb in life anything
have enough room in one's shirt)

subtraction 2.4 mitigation (e.g., of a

punishment); diminishing, denigrating (dignity, authority, etc.)

1 kamla f. fine, glassy rice

2 kumla feminine of 1
komunst, kommunst 1 m. communist 2 communist(ic)
komunist, kommunist 1 communist(ic)
communist society
communist party 2 m. communist

komuns, kommuns m.
komunzm, kommunzm m. communism
1 kma, kma feminine singular of 1
2 kma 1 feminine singular of 2 smaller

2 f. trifle,

compound verb to be lessened, be curtailed, be reduced

to be lessened, be curtailed; be

insufficient 2 shortage; scarcity


food shortage 3

pinching, infringement, constraint, limitation

consider it a humiliation


kamj ba rare, seldom encountered

kamjb f. rarity
kamijt m. Arabic quantity, number
transition from quantity to quality

kamit f. 1 committee 2 commission


commission credentials committee

kamijat 2
kami f.
kumed n m. regional 1 chief of police 2 colloquial major
kamedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
lessened, be curtailed, be diminished 2 to lose weight 3 to be

lowered, be reduced (e.g., of prices) 4


to be subtracted

5 to be softened, be mitigated (of a punishment); be diminished,

be denigrated (of someone's dignity, authority, etc. )

kamedna f. kamed m. plural 1 lessening, curtailing,

reducing His fame is fading. 2 loss of

weight 3 fall, reduction (e.g., of prices)

komed f. kome f.
kamern m. Cameroon


komis r m. commissar border commissar

komisrijt m. commissariat
komisr m.
komisak r m. agent, broker forwarding
kmisj n m. plural decoration on a dress (made from gold-

colored leather)

quantitative change

kamj m. 1 lessening, curtailing, reducing

can happen, there are joys and sorrows


kamhimmta timid, timorous, cowardly

kamhimmat f. timidity, timorousness, cowardice
1 kam f. 1 reduction, lessening 2 insufficiency, shortage
to satisfy someone's needs
2 kam Arabic quantitative, numerical philosophy

senior in age (literally: to tear up more than shirts)


undershirt; slip

1.5 to diminish, denigrate (someone's dignity, authority, etc.) 2

komisjn m. commission
kamisshn m. 1 trade commission, commission operation

regional officer rank; the officers

kamishinr m. authorized agent; representative

representative of the UN (United Nations)


kamishank r m. agent, broker

kamishankr f. commission operations
transport and forwarding operations
komk comical, funny
1 kamn younger
2 kamn m. Arabic ambush
kamintg 1 low, mean, base 2 vulgar, coarse
kamin 1.1 small, insignificant, unimportant 1.2 humble,
meek, submissive, obedient 1.3 regional mean, base, low 2

regional, abusive scoundrel!, villain!

kamin f. humility, meekness, submissiveness

km jw Someone has arrived.
kamjuns m.
kamjunzm m.
1 kn digging, carving worker who is digging irrigation

2 kn doing, making hard-working; worker, collaborator

kan t m. 1
kunawr having a broad rump, having a wide posterior,
having fat buttocks

kunj m. seat, posterior buttock

kan r m. 1 land, place 2 arms, embrace
kanr, kinr f. land, place to avoid
to keep aloof to live in seclusion
kanragir f. voluntarily stepping aside; non-participation
kunrj m. dialect butcher
knz m. prince
1 kan l m. kanal (a measure of area equal to jareeb; 1 jareeb
= 22 yards)


Pashto-English Dictionary

2 kan l m. 1 canal 2 figurative channel; instance, authority

kanwz m. 1 taffeta (a silk fabric) 2 cotton cloth
kinjt m. Arabic kinj f. Arabic 1 hint; indication 2
allegory; metaphor

kanpl m. first footprint

kantrl m. 1 monitoring, supervision, checking, inspection,
control monitoring instruments 2 relating, governing
traffic regulation 3 steering, controlling (an
airplane etc.) 4 subordination, compliance; keeping in check,

driver's hook, mahout's hook

kundzhulk rumpled, crumpled

1 kandzhn crushed, ground, pulverized
2 kandzhn coquettish
kandzhw la f. conceit, complacency, smugness
kandzho f.
kandzhs 1.1 stingy, miserly 1.2 mean, base, foul

2 m.

miser, skinflint

a to get out of control b

compound verb ;
compound verb ;

kantrler m. inspector, controller

1 kantrolawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

keeping under control

kandzhakj m. 1 pin 2 lower jaw, mandible 3 elephant

to get out of compliance

kandzhus f. 1 stinginess, miserliness 2 meanness,

baseness, mean act

He lost self-control.

kandzhugh f. strap at the rear saddletree for attaching

kandzhawl transitive [past: ] 1 to spoil, pamper
someone 2 to describe in glowing terms, shower praise on

1 to monitor, to supervise, to check, to inspect, to control 2 to

someone (thereby baiting the others) 3 to bid up, drive up the

regulate 3 to steer, to drive, to control (an aircraft, etc.) 4 to

price of something

subordinate, to make compliant, to keep in check, to keep under


kantrol monitoring, checking, inspection, control

2 kantroledl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be monitored, be checked, be inspected, be controlled 2 to be

regulated 3 to be driven, be steered, be controlled (of an aircraft,


kanrl m.
kanrolawl transitive
kanroledl intransitive
kankn cotton
1 kandzh m. 1 coquetry, flirtation 2 clowning, affected airs,
grimacing, making faces 3 scorn, disdain compound verb
a to flirt, behave coquettishly b to clown, grimace, make faces c

to scorn, disdain

2 kundzh m. corner; secluded nook

kundzhr m. oil cakes (used as livestock feed)
kundzht m. plural sesame
kandzhap m. crab
kundzhdi f. plural sesame
kandzhr shameless, imprudent, unfit
kandzhrj f. shameless woman; strumpet, trollop
kandzhaghwt narrow and dark
1 kandzhk m. 1
2 kandzhk m. 1 pole with a hook on the end for dragging a
roller (during threshing) 2 hook


kundzhk m.

sesame seed oil,

kundzhkw f. curiosity inquisitiveness

kundzhka f. 1 cowry (a shell used as money) 2 penny,
brass farthing insignificant loss

1 kundzh f. kundzhj f. [plural: kundzhj and

kundzhij ni] literally & figuratively key
to wind a timepiece
2 kundzhj f. [plural: kundzhij ni] water pitcher,
water jug

kandzhejl transitive
kandz f. curse, oath, swear-word; swearing, abusive language
compound verb to swear
kandzrj m. manna (on the cotoneaster)
kandz m. blanket
kandzkj m. main beam of a tent (to which the ribs are

kandzl 1 transitive verb [past: ] to scold, rail at,

abuse verbally 2 m. plural abuse, bad language, swearing

compound verb to swear, abuse verbally

2 kandzl m.
1 kundzla f. sesame
2 kandzla f. [usually plural kandzli] verbal abuse,
bad language, swearing compound verb to swear, abuse

kandzl m. (over)coat, top-coat

kndza f. index finger
1 kand m. 1 ravine; gorge 2 crack 3 pit 4 honeycomb
compound verb to build a honeycomb
2 knd, kind m. 1 rags 2 dress of a fakir or dervish, rags, tatters
3 kund literally & figuratively dull
4 kand m.
kand gh, kund gh m. butt, stock (of a firearm)
kand l m. igniter, primer (of a firearm)
kandnj f. sugar bowl
kindph m. ragamuffin, ragged fellow

Pashto-English Dictionary

kndra, kndara f. ravine; hollow, depression

extremely rugged terrain

kand oblique plural of

sink into obscurity

kan l m. 1 earthenware bowl 2 vat, tub (for dyeing) 3

kanl f. 1 firing chamber (of a flintlock firearm) 2

flowerpot 3 pot (for melting butter)

place of goblins and ghosts

kanraj m. burdock that has gotten stuck in the wool of


to fall,

the abyss of war

over a precipice

2 pit, cavity; precipice,

post, column

proverb the sun

to become engaged to, exchange

tribe) 2 kandhry m. a Kandharai


kund f. polishing, glazing (cloth)

kandj m. 1 neighborhood of a village

part of a village

kank m. 1 hunk, chunk

kanwl f. 1 ruins

the site of an ancient town


piece of bread 2

compound verb

to destroy 2

kanr f. fat or grease that is used to soak paper that is to be

1 kanri m. plural gum, resin

2 kanraj m distance between the thumb and index finger
kanski m. plural ear of maize with husks on
kan-u-kapr 1 scattered, strewn, diffused 2 broken 3
chipped, notched compound verb a to scatter, strew;
spread b to break, crush c to make notches in, chip
compound verb a to be scattered, be strewn; be spread b to be


2 having a harelip 3 with a

broken or broken off horn (of livestock)


transport battalion 2 part of a herd of sheep

used instead of glass

kandl m. 1 ditch 2 earthenware dish

1 kan m. plural 1 gum, resin 2 3
2 kan m. small piece, small chunk (of sugar, etc.)


tooth, cog, lug 2 pitted, scratched; pierced

the western

land, rough terrain

3 kun m. widower
kun , kan 1 thick-lipped

the eastern part of a village 2 crock

kundj m. woolen rope, woolen cord

4 kand, kndi plural of 1
5 kand plural of 2
kandid r m. village elder; foreman
kndi-kudri f. kndi-kndi f. plural

kankapr dialect
kanakmshr m. major
1 kanak battalion
2 kankj m. hard, frozen piece of something, lump, clod
kankn cotton
kanalj f. 1 large burdock 2
kanw 1 m. .1 (mountain) pass 1.2 excavation, hollow; gap
(in a wall) to make a hole in a wall 1.3

to perish; slip

kandh r m.
kandhr 1 m. plural Kandhari (a subdivision of the Safi


kund f. 1 log 2 butt, stock (of a firearm) 3 plow beam 4

rings with

kank m. 1 battalion

or goats numbering up to three hundred head 3 part of something

abyss 3 common grave 4 figurative precipice, gulf, abyss, chasm


kanduj m. 1 small bin, small corn crib 2 case, box,

2 kandaj m. crock
1 knd f. 1 ravine; hollow, depression

kunsw laj


1 kan w m. break, breach; slit

2 kan w 1 defective 2 polled, hornless
kuntn m. widowhood
kanr, kanr m. 1 ruins 2 passageway made in a wall by
robbers compound verb to dig a passageway 3 dwelling

bin, corn-crib (woven and coated with clay) 2 storehouse (for

kanstj f.

laundry tub


m. absence of teeth, toothlessness

1 kandraj m. crock
2 kandrj m. plain
kandgh laj m. ravine, hollow, gully; precipice
kandkj m. yashmak border (embroidered with silk)
1 kundl m. proper noun Kundil
2 kandl, kindl transitive [present: past: ] to dig

kandlhaj m. sugar bowl
1 kand m. [plural: kandu nand kandug n] 1

kunstb m.

kan ti f. plural colostrums

kun s, kan s 1 toothless 2 m. toothless, mumbling old

broken c to be chipped

kanw-kanw chipped toothless teeth

kankaj m. small piece; slice
kanl m. 1 earthenware bowl, clay mug 2 toothless person
3 figurative lunar disk 4 crock proverb
one's patience is exhausted

kanla f. flowerpot
kanolj m. 1 small earthenware scoop

2 small bowl, small

handleless drinking cup 3 drinking bowl (for birds) 4 crock


kanaww laj m. break, breakthrough, breach

Pashto-English Dictionary

kanawawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

chip, make chips, make notches in 2 to break, chop off a little
piece of something

kanwaj m.

small piece; slice

denominative, intransitive [past:

be chipped, chip 2 to be broken, be chopped (off)

1 to

kana f. 1 balance, scale (used by pharmacists, jewelers) 2

balance or scale pan

kan f. source of a river

kna f. widow

to verify experimentally

wouldn't go out, the other wouldn't come in)

2 trap


2 kanj f.
3 kunj f. wooden cup, wooden bowl, wooden saucer
kanj la f. 1 stall, stable (for livestock) 2 ruins
kan-kapre f. plural 1 uneven, very rugged terrain

kanfekshanar f. 1 confectioner's shop 2 confectionery

kankrk frozen
kunkr f. medicine trachoma
kankraj m. crust of bread that has stuck to the wall of an
kankk m. kite
kang sh m. history tribal council
1 kang l lone, solitary, single
2 kang l m. washed (clean) dishware
kanglawl denominative, transitive [past: ]


kanglawna f. washing, rinsing (of dishes)

kang li rinsed dishwater
kangledl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be

wash up, rinse (plates and dishes)

washed (of dishes)

bumpy road

kanrkaj m. roast made from dried meat

kun m. Kunar (river and region) the Kunar Valley
Kunar Province
kuna Kunar Kunar rice
kanz nmen m. 1 consignment of goods 2 bill of lading
kanzl transitive 1
kunzla f. 1
knza gta f. fourth finger
kans confused, embarrassed, perplexed; stunned, surprised
knst m. digging; excavating
kunastr m. dregs
kanstk m. miser, skinflint
knastl transitive
kunsa f.
kansrt m. concert
kanserw f. canned food
kansktb m. kansktj f. stinginess, miserliness
kanskaj 1 stingy, miserly 2 mean, base, foul
konsentr t m concentrate
kunsht m. temple
kanht m.
kngh ra f. pelvis
kanghhaj m.
1 kanf m. Arabic [plural: kanafna and Arabic
akn f] 1 land, place; environment, neighborhood 2 edge, border,

3 stage performance


saying there's no way out (literally: a widow had two oxen, one

4 kun f. hook
5 kn f. statue, sculpture
1 kanj f. hunting 1 blind (hiding place for hunters)

2 kanf m. kenaf, Hibiscus cannanbinus

kanfedersjn m. confederation
kanfer ns m. 1 lecture, report compound
verb to make a report 2 conference conference hall

kangkh, kangakh m. kangakha f. 1 chips and

brushwood 2 wood that has been washed ashore by a river

kangr m. pumice
kangirkhl m. leavings, leftovers; remnants of straw
1 kangar f. pieces of ice, sludge (on a river)
2 kangr, kungur f. 1 turret 2 merlon 3 wall with loopholes
4 embrasure, gun port 5 plume (on a helmet) 6 decoration,

ornamentation (on a crown) 7 summit (of a mountain) 8 upper

part of a wall 9 tooth, cog (of a wheel)

kangr f. congress; conference, convention


4 kangr f. trachoma
1 kangrj, kungrj m. puppy; cub
2 kangrj f. 1 built-in cupboard; niche


2 grating at the top

of a wall

kangrezj m. 1 echo

resounded in the mountains 2 ringing in the ears

an echo

My ears are ringing.

1 kang m. narrow bracelet; bracelet, hoop (among the fakirs,

2 kang m.
3 kang m.
kangj m. hail
kingzun m. Kingston
1 kangs m. narcissus
2 kangs m. stumbling compound verb



kangl, kangl 1 m. ice compound verb to freeze,

become covered in ice 2.1 frozen, stiff from the cold; covered


Pashto-English Dictionary

with ice 2 hardened

compound verb

compound verb
kanglzaj m. glacier
kanglnaj m. icehouse (cellar)
kangalawl denominative, transitive [past: ]


1 to

freeze 2 to make hard, solidify

kangaledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

become frozen, freeze; become covered with ice; become stiff with
cold 2 to harden, become hard

kang m. 1
kang m. saffron
kangor f. edging, trimming (of a veil, etc.)
kangsaj m.
kangol f. earthenware dish (for the long-term storage of

knga f. tombstone
1 kngi m. plural dung, excrement
2 kangj f.
kangin f.
kinl, knl transitive
konwnsijn m. convention
knobj m. dregs, leftovers, orts
1 knd imperfect of
2 knd m. digging
knodl transitive
knhaj m. saddle
kanawl transitive Eastern
kannkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. engraver
1 kan, kna f. tick
2 kan f. edge, selvage (of material, a shawl)
3 kna f. bottom proverb to be unable
to see beyond the end of one's nose (literally: at the bottom of a
lamp it is dark)

kan, kan intensifying particle Well, are you
coming or not? But I also came to him. !
Now drink! ! Yes, indeed! in a different way
kinakin f. quinine
1 kin, kn present tense of
2 kn present tense second person of
3 kan differently, in a different way, else, otherwise
You'd better go or else I'll leave.
kaner f. canary
kanza f. 1 maidservant, housemaid 2 concubine
kanis f. temple
kunikabr m. crab
kunn m. plural quinine
kunij f. Arabic nickname, sobriquet
k m. snivel, snot

kna f.

ka kha f. 1 cinereous vulture, black griffon 2 black crow

kaw f. [usually plural kaw] sandals with wooden
ktj f. deafness
kalgh m. plural Karluki (a Turkish people)
katskaj a bit deaf, a little hard of hearing
kaawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to deafen;

cause to become deaf, make deaf

kaawna f. making deaf

ka, k 1 feminine singular of 2

2 f. [plural:

kaij ni] deaf female

ka, wrgha f. raven
1 ki f. plural snivel, snot
2 kaj m. 1 textiles warp (of fabric)

tighten the warp 2 the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor

(Big Dipper and Little Dipper)

3 kaj m. botany bindweed

4 kaj f. woodencup
5 ka feminine plural of 2
kaj innumerable, countless, numberless thousands
kaajb f m.
kaedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to become
deaf, grow deaf 2 to stop (sounding, e.g., of a bell)

kaajwl m. weaver of carpets and reversible rugs

1 kaw m. hump (of a camel)
2 ku present tense perfective aspect first person plural of , in
lieu of
3 ku interjection Would you believe it; How do you like that;
Well, I'll be

kwatj f.
kw m. three- or four-year-old camel that is being used to
carry loads for the first time

kwagj m. three-year-old camel

kaw talkative, garrulous
kwj f. hole (for playing ball)
kawrch f. wicker basket
kwrtst m. kwrst m. mineralogy quartz
kawr f. large and narrow basket for grapes
kw f. city gates, the gates to the city
kaw aj m. pick
kawz f. scaffolding
kwghj f.
kawkb m. plural Arabic of
kaw l m.
ku la lumpr m. Kuala Lumpur
kawl f.
kwmint ng m. Kuomintang (Guomindang)

Pashto-English Dictionary

kaw ndaj m. decorated headband of a camel (bearing the

kupedl denominative, intransitive [past:

become bent over 2 to bend, curve

bride on the wedding day)

kwj f. name of a children's game

kwj-kw j imitation of the cry of the jackal
kub, kwab 1 m. hump 2 humpbacked
kub f. Cuba
kob lt m. plural cobalt
kob j m. guinea pig
kub 1 Cuban, Cuba's 2 m. Cuban, inhabitant or

the dried fat of sheep's tails (kept for winter) 3 cupola, dome

kop m. fast run, running fast

verb to run fast, rush


kup 1 humpbacked, bent, stooped

2 m. hunchback

compound verb

kop m. donkey ambler, donkey pacer

kop l m. wicker seat
kop n m. camel's hump
kopertf m. cooperative
kopershan m. organizing in a cooperative
kop m. high hat (worn by Turkmen women)
kopa f. coconut; the kernel of the coconut, copra
1 kopj f. skull
2 kupj f. small wineskin
3 kopj m. fossula below the knee
1 kopl f. 1 northern skylark 2 regional crested lark
2 kopla f. clumsily sewn chokemen; chokemen that fits like a

koplj f. saddletree
kopenh gn m. Copenhagen
kopaj f. 1 urinary bladder 2 bubble


draw air into the mouth

kupawl denominative, transitive [past:

hunch, make hunched

to arch,

1 kop f. haircutting compound verb to cut (the hair)

2 kop f. niche in a wall for a lamp
1 kop f. copy
2 kupj m hunchback
3 kopj m. milk pail
4 kupj f. powder flask
5 kupj f. hunchback
6 kopj f. 1 saddle-tree 2 small wineskin used for oil 3 the

1 to stoop;

kopk m. kopeck
1 kot m. sawhorse, stand, rack (for stacking firearms)
2 kwt, kawt 1.1 fold, pleat, crease 1.2 wrinkle 2 m.


pleated 2.2 wrinkled; creased 2.3 taut, braced, drawn in (of the
belly, abdomen)

compound verb

a to make folds, create

pleats b to wrinkle; crease c to tighten, draw in (the belly,


native of Cuba

kub withered, faded

kobalka f. mushroom
1 kubj m. cog of a water-lifting wheel
2 kubj m. tablecloth with food, refreshments
3 kubj humped, having a hump (of a bull, camel, etc.)
4 kobj f. 1 bladder 2 stomach that is stuffed with pieces of

compound verb

a to be pleated b to wrinkle,

break into wrinkles c to be taut, be braced, be drawn in (of the

belly, abdomen)

kot m. long cavity where nomads put their lambs in the


4 kawt gouty
5 kot imperfect of 1
kawt r 1 busy, occupied with something

2 enveloped, seized,


kot n m. 1 pelican 2 3
kot h short; compound verb to shorten, reduce;
curtail, abbreviate compound verb to be shortened, be
reduced, be curtailed, be abbreviated

kothbn 1 near-sighted, myopic 2 short-sighted,

unforeseen, improvident

kothbin f. 1 myopia 2 improvidence, lack of foresight,

kothfkr short-sighted, improvident, superficial, shallow;


unreasonable, unwise

kothqd, kothqdd short, of short stature, undersized,


koth f. 1 a trifle, a little bit 2 brevity 3 shortage 4

omission, neglect

kothawlad r m. history sub-ensign

1 kawtr m. pigeon, dove
2 kutr m. large muskmelon with ribs
kotr m having accumulated, gathered, having crowded
together; driven together compound verb to drive
together into one place

kawtargh aj m. kind of taffeta

1 kutrkaj m. trap, snare (for birds, made of goat horn)
2 kutrakj m. little puppy
1 kawtra f. 1 female pigeon, female dove 2 pigeon, dove
wild pigeon domestic pigeon
carrier pigeon tumbler-pigeon 3 proper noun

kotr 1.1 shredded, cut up, broken 1.2 beaten, thrashed,

beaten up

compound verb

a to shred, cut b to thrash,

beat up 2 f. chopped greens (stems, stalks etc. as fodder)

husk of an acorn


Pashto-English Dictionary

1 kawtri plural of 1
2 kutrj m. puppy
3 kawatrj m. door jamb
kut f. bosom
kwtgh laj m. place on the slopes of a mountain or hill that
is illuminated by the sun, place where the sun is hottest

1 kutk, kotk m. 1 stick, cudgel, club 2 shepherd's crook;

brute force
2 kotk m. back of the head, occipital
kwt, kwt 1 pleated 2 wrinkled, creased
1 kotl m. steep mountain-pass road
The car climbed to the pass.

kotl m. spare horse, reserve horse; a horse that is being led

kotl crop-eared

kutl transitive [past:

to kill, slaughter

1 to cut, chop (e.g., meat) 2

kutldzj m. slaughterhouse, abattoir

1 kutna f. 1 cutting, chopping (e.g., meat)

2 killing,

2 kotan f. short trousers (for girls)

kuta f. female pelican
kut m. pin-tailed sandgrouse, Pterocles alchata
kwtawr with gathers, gathered; shirt with gathers
kwtawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to make
pleats, pleat

kutnaj m. dressed-out lamb (or ox, sent by the bridegroom

to the bride's house for the wedding feast)

kotahandsh careless, imprudent, incautious; improvident

kotahandesh f. carelessness, imprudence; improvidence
1 ktaj, kwtaj m. 1 corner, nook 2 dimple (on the cheek or

strike; to beat severely 3 to chop (e.g., meat) 4 to thrash, thresh

komrshl m. regional military court, military tribunal

komshr m.
1 kona f. female pelican
2 kuna f. 1 pounding; crushing 2 beating, beating up 3
chopping (e.g., meat) 4 thrashing

ktaj m. puppy, puppy dog

3 kutj f. box
4 kte cry by which people call a puppy to come
kutil l m. Daphne, Daphne oleoides
1 ko m. small fort
2 ko m. 1 small village, small settlement 2 used in place
names, e.g., Pushtunkot
3 ko m. 1 sawhorse, stand, rack (forstacking firearms) 2 pile,
heap 3 supply, reserve grain reserves
4 ko m. 1 overcoat, topcoat overcoat short

kw m. cackle, cackling

compound verb

house with a flat roof 4 cell (of a honeycomb) 5 cabin, stateroom

6 shaft of a (water) well

compound verb to put into a

to establish food supplies compound verb to be put

the clothes on a hanger


kukha f. 1 fur hat with ear flaps 2 muzzle (e.g., for a

kwa f. 1 pile, heap

pile, gather into a heap; pile up, heap up

into a pile, put in a heap; be gathered up 2 mass, bulk (of a

substance) 3 hillock, hill

kwa having stopped laying (of a hen)

ku 1 from the breed of mongrels or sheep-dogs (of dogs

except for hunting dogs, or hounds) 2 m. dog; mongrel, watchdog

ko 1 false, counterfeit 2 dull, limited; stupid

compound verb a to falsify, counterfeit b to make stupid

compound verb

a to become counerfeit, false

His luck has betrayed him. b to become stupid, foolish 3 not


kwanj f. 1 name of a children's game 2 small heap

koanj f. 1 poor little room, little room, closet 2 small

to gather, assemble


6 ku m. alloy of iron, lead, copper, tin, gold, silver, etc.

kobnd m coat hanger to hang

1 kunkaj present participle of

2 kwaawnkaj present participle of
1 ko f. 1 room living
room dining room
pantry bedroom
study room classroom
hothouse library (in a house) 2 ward (in a hospital) 3

coat 2 jacket

kow l m. chief of police

1 kowl 1 m. chief of police 2 f. police administration
2 kww laj m. hatching, brooding (of chicks)
koawr large-headed, macro-cephalous
kwaawl, koawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

chin) 3 fossula below the knee

2 to beat,

house, hut, peasant's house 3 hunting blind


2 kokha f. 1 poor little room 2 garden shed

kurkaj m. foal of a donkey
korn besieged, dug in a fortress
kuk m. 2
kog r m. regional guard room
kogj m. small fort
kul transitive [past: ] 1 to pound; crush

giving milk (of cattle)

6 ku f. boulder
7 ku imperfective imperative of
koatb m. 1 fake, forgery, counterfeit
narrow-mindedness; stupidity


ko ghwajj m non-working ox

2 dullness,

Pashto-English Dictionary

koagj f. koanj f. 2
koaw laj m.
koh f. dialect 1
1 ku present tense of
2 kwi plural of 2
3 kwi feminine plural of 3
4 koj m. [plural: ko and koij n]

compound verb to make small, make insignificant;

diminish, lessen to squint
to make light of someone's role to
be upset over trifles 1.2 small, short ...
kuchn kuchn with small steps 2 m. baby, small child
children from the youngest to the oldest,

1 head (of an

animal) 2 abusive noggin

kaj m. little donkey, the foal of a donkey

kwaj m. wooden bin, crib


kwaj m. corner
koj f. 1 palace, villa 2 building

trade office and settlement of European merchants 5 goods


9 ke f. feminine of 2
10 ke cry by which people drive awayl a young donkey
compound verb to drive a young donkey away
11 ko plural of 1
kujlj f. 1 crucible (of a jeweler, etc.) 2 blast furnace
kojtn f. plural regional litigiousness, malicious

koiwl m.
1 kawsr m. Arabic 1 spasm of the masticator muscles

2 gust

of cold wind; streams of cold air


kawsr m. Arabic religion Kawsar (the name of a spring or

well in Paradise)

kodzhrki f. plural vertebrae

1 kuch, kwch m. plural Eastern butter
2 koch, kuch m. roaming; migration compound verb

to lead away
innerspring sofa

Get out!

kauch m. couch; sofa

4 kawch empty, hollow
kuch m. small child
kuchtb m. kuchw laj m. childhood
kuchkhl m. hood, cowl
kuchkrl transitive [past: ] to call a dog
kuchkch cry by which people call a dog
kuchl gh m. sheepfold, sheep pen
kuchl na f. skin for keeping butter
kwuchlan f. kuchla f. butter dish
kochm l, kuchm l m. 1 driver of pack animals 2 guide of a

1 childhood 2

kochw n m. regional coachman, driver; cabman, drayman

kuchaj small, little; tiny, wee
kuchumurghj f. yellow wagtail
1 kawch f. cobra
2 koch, kuch m. plural boiled whole grain (wheat, etc.)
3 kuch f. disease of the donkey
4 kawch f. kind of spoon; ladle
1 kuch m. plural butter butter churn
2 kochj 1.1 nomadic 1.2 migratory (of birds) 2 m. nomad
3 kochj, kuchj m. anatomy Achilles' tendon
4 kchaj m. small donkey, young donkey
5 kochj f. short felt robe
6 kochj, kuchj f. swallow (bird)
kochijn nomadic, nomad's nomadic lifestyle
kochitb m. roaming, wandering, leading a nomadic life
nomadic lifestyle
kochedl intransitive [past: ] to roam (like nomads);
migrate, move to a different place

to roam; migrate b to set out, start for, set off for c to go away,
get out

kuchnitb m.
kuchnjzhbz linguistics uvular
kuchniw la f. kuchniw laj m.
small size

governorship building 3 bank office 4 history trading station,

young and old alike

kudzedl denominative, intransitive dialect
kwats m. stack of firewood
kawtsr, kawtsr m. 1 wing 2 (book) cover
kawtsar f. [usually plural kawtsar]
kawtsk m.
kutskj m. young donkey, donkey foal
kotsw m. sleeveless felt gown
1 kuts f. street; side street
2 kwtsa f. 1 garbage dump, trash heap 2 place near a trivet
where fuel is piled

kwats f. endeavoring;


compound verb

kutsaband f. barricade
kutsadrb m. kutsab m.
tramp, vagrant. vagabond, hobo, homeless person

caravan, troop column guide 3 time of moving camp (of nomads)

kuchanj m. young one, young of

kuchnokaj tiny, wee
kuchnaj kuchnj 1.1 little, small, diminutive;
insignificant little boy small room

kutsagard f. vagrancy, vagabondage

kutsaght m.
kutsaw l m. neighbor on the same street

to try,

kutsagrb m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

kawtsj f. braid, plait, pigtail She has

long braids compound verb to make braids, plait one's

kawj f. cowry (a shell used as money in India and other

countries) proverb to become the talk of the


kud m. fertilizer;




chemical fertilizer

kodkhl m. plural the Kodakheil (a branch of the


kodlj f.
kudt , kudet f. revolution, coup d'etat


carry out a revolution, stage a coup

kawdrkaj m. kawdraj m. shard, potsherd, fragment

kudk m. muscular stomach of birds, gizzard
kawdaj m.
kodk m. child, baby
kodakist n m. kindergarten
kodla f.
kawdn dull, limited; stupid, imbecile
kawdnw laj m. dullness, narrow-mindedness; stupidity;


koka f. neck of a wineskin

1 kor m. [oblique singular ]kl 1 house, dwelling
at home Yesterday I was at home.
I have much to do at home. I
had to stay home. from house to house
homeward lodgers family doctor
domestic affairs housekeeping
group of house-building enterprises
Eastern beside the house to
destroy, ruin to be
destroyed, be ruined; go to pot ! idiom May you rot
in hell! ! May your house prosper!
compound verb to rob, plunder to look after
oneself first 2 square on a chessboard; division (of a table) 3

beehive 4 family (especially the

head of the family a family man
(as contrasted to a bachelor) all
family members ! idiom a Curses on your house!
b May you remain wifeless!

honeycomb cell


female half)

kawd f. 1 tuft (of grass); small sheaf (of wheat, etc.) 2

small stack; rick, shock

2 kod f. loose edge of an irrigation ditch

1 kawdj m. great-great-grandson
2 kawdj m. 1 smoked potsherd, fragment 2 earthenware pot
idiom to kill someone without a knife;

to get married, start a family 5 country, motherland 6 (social)

environment, surroundings; circle

destroy, ruin

kawdk m. earthenware pot

kokhl m. plural
kobelj m. dormouse (rodent)
kokha f. hut, cabin, shack, hovel, shanty
kor m. curved shovel
kugh la f. kugh laj m.
kuka f. antitank pit
kog charming, possessing charm
kogr m. [plural: kogr and kogar n]

between us

in government circles 7 dowry

utensils and furniture given to the bride as a dowry

2 kwr, kwr m. plural grapes vineyard

to prune a vine The grapes have

kur m. croaking

croaking noises

magician; sorcerer 2 shaman

kogra f. 1 magician; sorceress 2 shaman

kul f.
kolbaj m. conjurer; juggler
kula f.
kualj f. shanty, hovel, small hut
kowj f. earthenware bowl, earthenware saucer
ka f. [usually plural ki1] charms, witchcraft, sorcery,
magic compound verb to conjure, practice witchcraft
1 koj m. magician; sorcerer
2 kuj f. 1 hut, cabin, shack, hovel, shanty
dug-out 2 summerhouse, pergola

compound verb

to croak, make

4 kwr m. wet soil, swampy, marshy place

5 kor m. crab
6 kwar equal, identical, the same as
7 kor blind
8 kor m.
kur f. Kura Kura River
1 kur aj m. allotment, plot of land; (garden) bed
2 kor aj interned; under house arrest
korkr from house to house, house by house
civil war

korbn plural of
korbl m. korbla f. groans, moans, groaning,
moaning; howling; wailing compound verb
to moan, groan; howl; wail, cry, weep

korban f. housewife
kawarb m. vineyard
korb m. [plural: korbn]

1 master of the house 2

head of the family, a married man, family man


Pashto-English Dictionary

korbtb m. homeownership; having a family

kurpach f. small mattress
korpsh homeless
1 korp f. aftermath, aftergrowth, aftercrop (a second growth
or crop in the same season)

korp f. haircut; shearing (sheep)

to cut (someone's hair); shear (sheep)

compound verb

kurgh laj m. small plot amidst large fields

kwrghawl denominative, transitive [past: ]


1 kurghj m.
2 korghj m.

to be

declare to be a reserve, be designated a preserve

earless ram

allotment of land, plot of land

denominative, intransitive [past:

protected (by law), be made a preserve

kurtk m.
kwrt-m chi f. plural soup with noodles and kurut
kurtob f. plural f. kurtob whey that remains when

2 kurk m. cloth made from goat's under-fur, cashmere

3 kork m. large bin for storing grain, corncrib
kurksh f. first egg to be laid by a hen
kurkam n m. kurkamn m. curcuma, turmeric
korkuj f. hovel, hut, shack
kurkr m.
korkorn 1 blind 2.1 blindly 2.2 spontaneously
kurkurka f. Chinese turtle-dove, streptopaelia chinensis
1 kurkur pock-marked
2 kurkurj m. powdered brick (used for cleaning metal

kwrt m. plural kurut (hard dried balls of fermented milk or

milk curds)

making kurut (used as a medicine)

kurt f. kurtj 1 jacket 2 dress

krte cry by which people drive sheep to the watering place
kwrtn made of kurut
kur, kor, kwr quite, utterly, perfectly; by no means, not
at all

kordzh j m. place in a tent or house where clothing and

kork m. 1 grain or fruit that has failed to ripen owing to

disease 2 small pomegranates

blankets are stored


kurdzhj m. old hawk

korchw m. abusive scoundrel, villain
korchwaj m.
korkhraj m.
kwrkh f. 1 okra 2 haricot, kidney bean
kordr f. connection, relation, contacts, dealings,
intercourse to maintain good
neighborly relations with someone

kordr f. narrow path across a field

kordumbal f. carbuncle
kor diplomtk m. plural diplomatic corps
kordilr m. Cordilleras Cordilleras
kordinsjn m. coordination
kor gaj m. person without shelter, homeless person
kor m. 1 call of a crane 2 croaking
kuredl intransitive [past: ] 1 to make a sound
like the call of the crane 2 to croak, make croaking noises

kurz f. special ax for chopping brushwood

korzmaj m. one who lives with his wife's parents
1 kurs m. 1 course; courses annual courses
course (textbook) short course
2 kors coarse (of fabric)
3 kors m. regional dish (food)
korspraj utterly destroyed
korsik f. Corsica Corsica Island
korshagj f. closet
kurhkaj m. red mineral paint for dishes
1 kwrgh m. sophora (a pernicious weed)
2 kwrgh, kurgh m.

3 kurkurj m. male turtle-dove

4 kurkurj f. pin-tailed sandgrouse, Pterocles alchata
5 kurkurj f. hard clayey soil that absorbs water poorly
kurkuj f. bee-eater (bird)
kurkuj m. medicinal plant (used to treat intestinal worms)
1 korakj m. 1 small house 2 name of a children's game
compound verb to ruin someone
Ahmed's affairs have deteriorated. saying This
business is not all that simple.


korkaj m. young donkey

kurkj m.
kurkj m. 1 shallow well 2 shallow shaft of an irrigation

ditch in a field
korkj m. [plural: kork and korkij n]

round-sheep dung with brushwood (a kind of fuel)

6 korakj f. feminine of 2
korgaj m.
korgw curved; winding, twisting
korgj m. utensils and furniture (bride's dowry)
korgir good-neighbor relations, neighborly relations
korl m. Coral the Coral Sea
kurlj 1 m. hare 2 having a short tail, short-tailed
kurm m.
kormn f. housekeeping, domestic science
kurmk thin, skinny, emaciated
kurmng m. pheasant
kuram f. Kuram (river, river valley, and region)
korn looking after, or taking care of, one's family

Pashto-English Dictionary

korndzj f. 1 weakness, lethargy 2

kurna f. alfalfa stubble
kuranj f. bag with agricultural implements
kurnsh m. low bow to bow low to

kwarj m. barberry stems (used as medicine)

kwarj, korj m. 1 net (of wool or plant fibers, for carrying

kwri, kri, kre go away

away (a dog, donkey)

someone, greet someone with great respect


korwl 1 family, familial 2 m. .1 family man 2.2 family


korw laj m. 1 housekeeping 2 responsibilities of the

neighbor relations

2 neighborly relations, good-

husband in the family, the duties of the father and husband

compound verb

to keep house; be the head of the family 3

living together, cohabitation

korwad na f. housewife
korwadnj m. gratitude
compound verb to thank

kor wrnawnkaj 1 ruinous 2 pernicious, fatal;

disastrous, destructive

1 korwrn f. ruin, destruction

2 korwr naj m.
kur-kur cry by which people call a donkey to come
kor-u-kahl, korwkahl m. family
korwal f. 1 2 neighborly relations, goodneighbor relations

kawra f. botany capers

kor 1 destroyed, annihilated 2 crossed off a list

kur f. 1 furnace 2 blast-furnace 3 brick kiln 4 fire box

korj m. salt-cellar

kawrj m.

hillock, knoll

family 2 m. head of the family

korw la f. 1

a to fawn on, curry favor

kurj f. 1 large pile of un-thrashed grain 2

8 kwarj m. cockleshell
9 kawrj f. wooden milk pail
korej f. Korea
kurdz m. molting (of birds)
kurr m. courier diplomatic courier
kurz m.
korighm m. tax levied on each house
kurl Kuril; the Kuril Islands
korej f.
1 ku m. 1 leprosy 2 infectious disease, contagious disease
2 kwa m. shaft of a butter-churn staff or beater
3 ku m. 1 gurgle, gurgling (of water) 2 grumbling, rumbling

group, detachment

compound verb

with b to expect a present from someone

kor oblique plural of 1

korw kaj 1 standing at the head of the household, of the
korw l m.

to drive

hay, watermelons, and domestic utensils) 2 braided muzzle (for

kurngj m. young donkey

1 koranj 1.1 domestic domestic animals
housekeeping rabbit 1.2 internal
internal news items internal market 1.3 family
family manners and customs 2 m. stay-at-home
2 koranj f. 1 family 2 birth, stock; dynasty, house
king's family, king's lineage the Barakzai
Dynasty human race, mankind 3 biology family 4

compound verb

(in the stomach)

4 ko inclined, tilted compound verb 2

compound verb 2
ko gh m.
ko -ko twisted, twirled (of one's moustache)
kwt m. cackle, cackling compound verb to

kutk m. thin gruel of flour, butter and sugar

kuts m. dug out in the steppes (for livestock)
kuk m. gurgle, gurgling (of water)
kukuj f. laughing turtle-dove
kwka f. hen that has stopped laying
1 kukj m. allotment of land, plot of land
2 kukj m.
3 kuakj f. [plural: kuak and
kuakjg ni] 1 snares (of horn) 2 barrow made of two poles (for

(part of a furnace)

moving brushwood)

compound verb a to destroy, obliterate b to cross off, delete from

a list

4 kur, kor 1 unbleached (of fabric) 2 new, not-yet-washed

kurah r m. 1 croaking 2 the sound of a hookah
1 kur f. 1 heel (footwear) 2 snowshoes
2 kawri plural of 2

to disappear without

kwm, kwum 1 standing (of water)

water 2 m. pond; deep lake

a trace, vanish into thin air

kwuamgj m. small pound, small lake

kwmn sick, diseased
kom f. family; birth, origin, stock
kwndzh m. kwnch m. 1 sob, sobbing (of a baby)
yelping, yapping; (of a dog); yelp (of a dog)


kwnch m. & f.

Pashto-English Dictionary

kwnchawl denominative, transitive [past:

cause to whine, make yelp (of a dog)

kwnchah r m.

(of a dog)

kwnchj m. yelping, yapping

kwnchedl denominative, intransitive [past:

whine, yelp (of a dog)

1 kuawl
make gurgle

kuzplaj weak, feeble

kuzd f.
kozdaw l betrothed, engaged; young man, bridegroom
kuzagj f. kuzaj f. small earthenware pitcher
kuzgh laj m. 1 dirty crock 2 feeding rack, water bowl (for



dogs, chickens)

lanky, ungainly, awkward

transitive [past: ] to cause gurgling,

koawl denominative, transitive [past:

to tilt,

kuwj m. 1 measure of weight for wheat equal to 2.5 lbs 2

following (below)

hang one's head, lower one's head 2 to disembark, put ashore, put
down, to put off 3 to unload 4 to land (e.g., a plane)


family of the bride

kuzedl 1 denominative, intransitive [past: ] .1

compound verb to be lowered , be let down, descend 1.2


disembark, be put ashore, be put off (e.g., a train) 1.3 to be

unloaded 1.4 to go down to the water (of ducks) 1.5 to land, be

landed (i.e., of a plane) 2 m. plural

kuzedna f. kuzed m. plural 1 descent, lowering 2

landing, putting ashore, disembarking 3 unloading 4 going down

to the water (of ducks) 5 landing (e.g., an airplane)

to bend

kozhdn m. & f. kozhd f. betrothal, engagement

compound verb to betroth
kozhk Kozhak; the Kozhak (mountain) range
kozh 1 f. breaking of a fast; failure to observe a fast 2 m.

over, to stoop

kuj-kuj 1 f. small stack 2.1 winding, twisting,

meandering compound verb a to make winding,

compound verb to twist, wind, meander 2.2 wavy (of the hair)

breaking a fast; failing to observe a fast

2.3 uneven, rough (of terrain)

kuka f. brood hen, sitting hen

kung ungainly and stooping
kuingedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

kog m. [plural: kg and kgij

n] hyena

kog [f. kag,

m. plural: kg , f. plural: kag]
crooked, bent crooked curve 2 squinting,



kuz 1.1 lower 1.2 cited below 2 down, downward

kuz f. earthenware jug with a long neck

to become an adult

koj f. 1 small stack or pile of wheat sheaves 2 coiled up

snake 3 hobble for camel's knees

2 kza feminine singular of 1

3 kawz f.
1 kzi f. plural of 1
2 kuzj f. small pitcher
3 kuz plural of 1
kozj a f. first acquaintance of the bridegroom with the

kind of embroidery

make sinuous b to pack or stow with ropes

kuzw laj m. slope, decline, declivity

kuz-u-p s up(wards) and down(wards)
kuzawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1
compound verb to lower, to let down compound verb to

1 kwa f. pile, heap (of un-thrashed grain or vegetables)

piles, heaps compound verb to gather into a pile,
heap up; compound verb to be piled up, be heaped up
2 kaw m. squabble, trouble-maker
3 kaw f. brushwood
4 ko f. hole (for a ball game)
1 kuj m.
2 kawj m. wooden mortar
3 koj sloping, slanting (of a mountain)
4 koj m. calf
5 koj 1 regional leprous 2 m. gangrenous wound; abscess
6 koj f. 1 kori (a measure of weight equal to 1/4 or 7.5
lbs) 2 twenty pieces (when counting logs, pelts, etc.)
compound verb putting twenty pieces together 3

8 kawj f. penny, farthing; dinar

9 koj feminine singular of 5 1
kut 1 wrinkled, creased 2 crumpled
1 kuedl intransitive [past: ] to gurgle
2 koedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

This is a shameful business.

basket made of cattail

kuzgor f. dishonor, shame, disgrace

2 kuzgraj ashamed
kozmk ;space ship
kuzanj 1 lower Lower Laghman Region


squint-eyed 3 inclined, tilted 4 bending ( over), bent (over,

down), bowed (down) 5 bulging

idiom idle talk

saying a sin confessed is half forgiven, a fault


compound verb a to look down b to feel nausea c figurative to

confessed is half redressed

be ashamed, lower one's eyes

tries to ingratiate himself with everyone.


Pashto-English Dictionary

m. hyena

m. kogtj


kug l, kwag l transitive [past: ]

to strive, toil; strain


eye, mild strabismus, walleye (divergent strabismus) 4 inclination

5 protuberance, prominence



m. plural: kg
1 [f. kag-wag

wg f. plural: kag-wag
crooked 2 in all

directions, at random to walk lunging from side

to side

1 kwag f. effort, diligence, zeal

2 kwag imperfective imperative of 1
l intransitive
kos m. kettledrum; cymbals
kostrik f. Costa Rica
kawsar f. shoe
1 kawsri f. plural botany khinzhak with a thin shell
2 kawsar plural of
ksms m. space, the cosmos
kosmk space, cosmic
kwusng m. grains of wheat that are left on the threshing
kos m. [plural:

kosag n]

kuft m. blow, stroke

idiom despondency,

koft, kuft 1.1 chopped (e.g., of meat) 1.2 beaten 2 f. small


compound verb
coking coal

kok m. cry, howl

kok m. coke

kok m. 1 winding up (clocks, etc.) 2 tuning (a musical

to yell, howl


4 kuk m. common wild leek, wild onion

5 kuk earless (of a ram)
kok m. uncle (address to an older man)
kuk ra f. 1 cry, howl; groaning, moaning; whine,
whimpering compound verb a to cry,
howl b to whine, whimper (of a dog)

kuk aj m. name of a star

kokn m. plural cocaine
kaukb m. Arabic [plural: kaukabna and Arabic
kawkb] star, heavenly body; planet
kawkab space, cosmic; interplanetary

to solder; weld 2 to sew together; join, splice

kawsheredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1
to be soldered; be welded 2 to be sewn together; be joined, be

idiom their hearts flowed

soft-soled heelless leather shoes; low shoes, oxfords

2 kawh f.
1 kwagh m. toad
2 kugh 1 stooped, being bent over compound verb to
bend 2 sunken, collapsed, fallen in sunken eyes
kogh taj m. kugh laj m. dialect 1 small hole, pit 2

kosj m. [plural: kosij n] felt robe; coat made of

endeavor, to display diligence, zeal 2 striving, aspiration

1 kawhka f. sports back heel (a move in wrestling)

2 kawhka f. peg driven into a wall to which to tie livestock
kuhl transitive [past: ] to write, inscribe
kuhlaj dialect beautiful
1 kwha f. [usually plural kwhi] women's shoes;

dejection, low spirits, depression

folklore kosa (a man with

2 kawasj m great-grandson
koshlj m. pelvis
kush n
kush n m. history Kushan (dynasty)
kushn 1 Kushan 2 m. 2
kushtuj f. late(-ripening) small watermelons
koshsh, kushsh m.
koshish diligent, assiduous
kawshr m. 1 soldering; welding 2 compensation
kawsherawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

kohh m. 1 endeavor, effort; diligence, zeal

futile attempts compound verb to try,

thick felt; wool chapan (a long-skirted caftan)


kwht m. 1 fold, plait, crease 2 (traveling) rug (used for

(for firing brick and lime) 4 hovel, hut, shack

a thin beard or a beardless man)


depression in porridge into which butter is poured 3 oven, kiln

floor after threshing (they are picked up by poor people)

kuh n

carrying things) 3 canyon, deep and narrow valley

2 kog l transitive [past: ] to peel; shell, hull

wicked, malicious, vicious

m. snake melon, tarra

curvature 2 bend, crook 3 slight cast in the

kawh r m. shoemaker who makes soft-soled heelless leather

kokch f. Kokcha
1 kukr f. wooden part of a camel saddle
2 kukr f. [usually plural kukr] medicine trachoma
kukrj, kukurj m. puppy
kuk m. 1 long pole with which coals are stirred (in an oven
or kiln for firing brick, etc.) 2 kind of pea with small kernels

together, their hearts beat as one


Pashto-English Dictionary

kukaj m. 1 1 2 large flat cake that is baked on

the day a child begins walking unaided (usually the cake is rolled

after the child and then distributed to the poor)


kukj f. butterfly
kok f. plural 1 edge of thick felt 2 wool from which the

designs on a mat are made

koks m. coke
kokssz f. coking
kokl shriveled up from the cold
kokn r m. opium poppy (the head)
kuka f. butterfly; moth
kokaj f. vase (for flowers)
1 kuk, kok 1 m. flower, little flower

2 children's speech


2 kuk m. cooing (of doves) compound verb to coo

3 kawkw m. din and shouting (of children)
kukob f. kokobj m. rose oil
kukuph m. hoopoe
kokaj m. 1
kukushtka f. kukk -awtra f. turtle-dove
kukugej f. bunch of flowers, bouquet
kokawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to wind

kokj a f. flower garden

kawkdz m. bend of a wall
kukikhjl 1 m. plural the Kukikheili (a subdivision of the
Afridi) 2 m. Kukikheil

kukedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

tuned (of a musical instrument) 2 to be wound up (of a clock, etc.)

idiom all eyes were upon them
kokj gwta f. index finger, forefinger
kokj wla f. 5
kokj wna f. false acacia
1 kog m. Eastern 1
2 kog Eastern 2
1 kogl, kogl m. rib cage
2 kwagl transitive Eastern 1
kogj f. 1 (little) mouth (a baby's) 2 kiss
kawgr m. 3 2
1 kol m. 1 lake 2 pond 3 ford
2 kul m. earth that is thrown up when digging a canal
3 kawl m. poison
4 kol m.
5 kul m. person of the same age (plural, persons or children of

up (clock, watch, phonograph, etc.)

kokoll m. older brother

kuk-murgh m.
kukumjw m. owl
kukuww f. children's speech pretty and bright dress
kokowna f.
1 kka f. shout, yell compound verb a to shout,
howl, yell b to glorify, make famous

the same age)

compound verb to
work, toil What were you doing? What is
to be done? 1.2 to conduct, carry out (trade, war, etc.)
to engage in trade with someone 1.3 to treat, deal with
someone How to treat this person
proverb one good (or ill) turn deserves
another 1.4 to take This is
the pen that I gave you but you didn't want to take it.
compound verb to take a wife, get married 1.5 to put on, wear
to wear a new dress today 1.6 to get, obtain; take
Where did you get the firewood? 1.7 to arrange,
conduct (e.g., a meeting) compound verb to
call a meeting; meet 1.8 to be necessary What
do you need this book for? 1.9 1.2 1.10 to force someone
to do something They worked

kok f. 1 kind of beads 2 box, case, crate (for transporting

kki f. plural of

kukj m. leek

kokj m boy, little boy

kawkj m. 1 small iron trowel (for scraping off dough that

has stuck to the sides of bowls) 2 ladle, soup ladle

make, carry out, perform, accomplish


kwl standing on one's head

kawl transitive [present: past imperfective

perfective ] 1 independent verb [past: ] .1 to do,

The fame spread of the beauty of Durkho.

kokj f. 1 little flower 2 pieces of colored mirror (which

children play with) 3 my little flower, my dear little one, (address
to a child)

for him as farmhands. 2 forming verbs as part of compound and

6 kokj f. sorrow, grief, anguish

7 kokj f. (little) girl, baby
8 kokj f 1 kiss 2 cheek
9 kokj f. spider
10 kokj f. butterfly
kokjlj figured, patterned, parti-colored, variegated

denominative verbs [past: , the verb agrees with the object of the

compound verb to conquer compound

compound verb to invite with the
pronouns means to give (first, second, or third person).
but can stand in free combinations: to do (something for the
first person) to do (something for the second person)
to do (something for the third person) I will call you

verb to sweep

(flowery, florid of fabric)


Pashto-English Dictionary

passive voice to become, be, grow 3 m. plural .1 deeds,

acts, achievements What is it that ought

to be done now? 3.2 conducting, carrying on (trade, war, etc.) 3.3

treatment of someone 3.4 putting on, wearing 3.5 getting,
obtaining 3.6 arranging, conducting (e.g., a meeting) 3.7
utterance, statement


it should be

mentioned that, it must be noted that

8 kul transitive dialect 2

kol f. Kola the Kola Peninsula
kul ts m.
kul k rich peasant
kawl j Western conditional and potential of
7 if you would work he can work
kulb f.
klp m. dialect
kulpk m. bolt (of a door)
kulpkj m. cuff (e.g., on a shirt sleeve)
kulpawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to bolt,
lock (e.g., the door)

kulp f. kind of needlework

kulpj f. earthenware kneading trough, dough trough
kulpedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
bolted, be locked (e.g., of a door)

kulpedna f. kulped m. plural locking, bolting

kultr m.
kolkhz m. kolkhoz, collective farm
1 kolkhozch m. kolkhoznik, member of a collective farm,
collective farmer

2 kolkhozchj f. [plural: kolkhozchj and

kolkhozchj ni] woman member of a collective farm,
(woman) collective farmer

kolkhoz kolkhoz, collective farm

1 kolk m. 1 opening in the roof for the escape of smoke

chimney, smoke stack (factory, etc.)

kolk m. [plural: kolk n and kolkna]

orbit, eye socket His eyes are sunken.

kollektf 1 collective 2 m. collective

kolmb f. Colombo
kolumbij f. Colombia
1 kolm f.
2 kulm f. 1
koln m. kolanj m.
kulng m. pick (ax)
kawlo Eastern imperfect of 7 in lieu of 3
kulawl transitive [past: ] 1 to roll, move (by
rolling) compound verb to roll a watermelon 2 to
topple, overturn 3 to burn (with acid)

kulul m. 1 larva of the ant lion 2 bogeyman (a fantastic

being which people use to frighten children)

kolon f. cord (of a snare)

kolon f. colony
1 kol f. cartridge case
2 kwla f. spreading stalks of wheat for threshing
3 kul f. howl (of a dog)
4 kawla imperfect feminine of 7
5 kuwla f. earthenware vessel in which dried camel dung is

6 kol f.
kla-bla f. words of sympathy, compassion
koler f. cholera
1 kawlj Eastern conditional & potential of 7
2 kolj m. helmet
3 kolj m earthenware bin for storing grain
4 kawlj f. narrow path along a stony mountainside
kolj m. kachnar, orchid tree, Bauhinia variegata
kuledl intransitive [past: ] 1 to roll, roll over 2 to
fall, be overturned 3 to be burned (with acid)

kuled m. plural 1 rolling 2 toppling, overturning 3

burning (with acid)

1 kum, kom pronoun 1 what, which (interrogative-relative)

Which book are you giving me? Which
ones exactly? . I have many
proofs. And what are they exactly? 2 some, some kind of; one, a
certain (indefinite) some kind of
2 kawm present tense first person of 7
1 kum ch m. wheat grains of milky-wax ripeness
2 kum ch m. ram's stomach wrapped in cleaned intestines and

3 kum ch m.
komnd f.

large piece of unleavened bread

Eastern diversionary landing team or


kumb r m. potter
komb jn m. combine
kumb 1 m. hole This blanket is
full of holes. 2 holey; full of holes compound verb to
make holes in compound verb to become holey
kumj f. bur caught in the wool of a sheep
komk m.
komk kawnkaj auxiliary
kawnke auxiliary detachment

1 komak auxiliary auxiliary verb

2 kumakj f. turtle-dove
kum faded, withered; rotten, decayed
kumtj f. kumw laj m. withering; decaying

Pashto-English Dictionary

kumawl denominative, transitive [past:

promote withering; rot, cause rotting; let rot

kumawna f. fading; rotting

kumedl denominative, intransitive [past:



wilt; rot

kumedna f.


kumed f. plural withering;

kuml m. 1 stork 2 regional stilt-walker

1 kom f. pebbles (the game)
2 kma, kma feminine singular of 1
3 kawma 2
4 kma f. kmaj1 m. 1 oral cavity, mouth cavity 2
central part of something; depth the
ocean depths 3 small depression in a hearth (for fuel)
saying I congratulate you wholeheartedly
kmi This story moved me to
the depths of my soul.

1 kmi f. plural of 1
2 kumj m. hump (e.g., of a camel)
komi f. committee
komed 1 attributive comic, comedy 2 f. comedy
komk comic, comical humorist
komintrn m. history the COM intern, the Communist

kundzhig ni] key (to a lock)

2 being existence

kun m. 1 blunt end of an egg 2 bottom (of a jug, pitcher,

kunawr 1 having a broad rump, having a wide posterior,
having fat buttocks 2 cowardly, faint-hearted

lifting a patient following an illness

2 kunstj f. child's chair

kon kri m. Conakry
kuntr m. 1
kauntra f. 1
kuntj m. wall washed by a stream
konj f. 1 shepherd's crook 2 cane with a curved knob
kundzh m. 1 corner 2 bend, crook
convolutions of the brain 3 tip, end to

kundzh f. oil-cakes (used as fodder)

kundzhj f. stone from which millstones are made

kundzhj f. 1 drinking bowl (for birds in a cage) 2 ladle,


kundzla f. sesame
kauntsj f.
kund za f. cup, handle-less cup
kund gh m.
kundrzaj m. 1 red pepper 2 medicine bulimia
kundrj m. 1 small pit, hollow, depression 2 board, piece
kundrzaj m. intestinal disease of sheep
kundaj m. small pit, hollow, depression
kunds m. clay quarry, clay pit
1 kund f. 2
2 kund f. plow beam
3 kund f. cessation of pain
1 kund f. cleaning a gold-trimmed skullcap (by bread, paste,

kundj m. string, cord (for tying up sacks)

kundj 1 winding, twisting; coiling, wriggling 2 bending

down; writhing

look askance at someone

kundzhj bent, stooping; aged

side of a blanket

kum jaw indefinite pronoun some, some kind of, a certain

kaun m. Arabic 1 world, the universe the material
world religion both worlds, this world and the next world

1 kun buttocks anatomy sacrum

2 kunj m.
kunrj m. butcher
kun s m. Kaunas
1 kunstj m. 1 first time a child sits down on his own

of leather (for rolling out dough) 3 front side of a blanket, right

International intern

kundzht m. plural
kundzhrj m. stenciling on a wall
kundzh m. greengrocer
kundzhk m. little corner, nook
kundzhka f. cockleshell
kundzhlgh crumpled; wrinkled
1 kundzh f. [plural: kundzhj and

compound verb

a to wind, twist

b to writhe

4 kundj m. rope of a sling

5 kund plural of 1, 2, 3
1 kwan m. lambing, lambing time for sheep
2 kwn, kwun m. widower
3 kwn m. top, summit (of a mountain)
4 kwn m. menstruation to menstruate
kun m. large earthenware trough
kunl f. 1 flower vase 2 dish in which hashish is prepared
kwntb m. kwntn m. kwntj f.

kwngh laj m. 1 cabin, hut; tacky little house 2 run-

down sheep pen (in the mountains)

kunki m. plural 1 brushwood, wind-fallen twigs and

branches 2 short hair


kunakj f. widow
kunlazhgh m.

kunalj f. botany variety of acacia with thorns

Pashto-English Dictionary

kwnw laj m.
kunki m. plural 1
kunawl transitive [past: ]

kung ri f. plural howling (of a dog)

compound verb to howl
kungch m. echo
kongr f. trachoma
kungrj m. puppy, young dog
kung m. 1 foundation (of a building) 2 custom in the

to pound (rice in a


kunwa f. tablecloth
1 kwna, kna f. widow compound verb

to be

widowed, become a widow

event of repeated deaths of children in a family that an earring is

put on the newborn and alms are distributed

kna f. 1 fishing rod 2 hook, fish-hook 3 hook; cramp

1 kung m. owl
2 kong f. Congo the Congo River
kung restless; worried, anxious, uneasy
kungj m. owl
konwjr m. conveyor
1 kawna f. 1 deeds, achievements 2 conducting, carrying on

iron, crampon

3 kun f. spring, brook, stream

1 kwni plural of 1
2 kni plural of 2
3 kunj m. 1 man who has been unable to take vengeance
on his blood enemy 2 weak enemy a to be unable to

(trade, war, etc.) 3 treatment of someone 4 putting on, wearing

take vengeance on a blood enemy b to be a weak enemy

4 kunj 1 hornless (of livestock) 2 cut, shorn, cropped

to trim a moustache 3 shortish, undersized
5 kunj f. wooden bowl
6 kunj f.
7 kunj feminine singular of 4
8 kun plural of 3
kwnedl, kunedl denominative, intransitive [past:
]to be widowed, become a widow
kun m.
1 kuna
2 kunaj f. earthenware pot for sour milk
kunastrgaj m. diaper
kuns 1 m. .1 bread that is baked in hot ashes 1.2 bread
that has fallen in the ashes 1.3 tree stump 1.4 tree trunk; base of
a tree trunk 2.1 burned, charred 2.2 wrinkled 2.3 grown stiff
with cold 2.4 paralyzed

kunsa f. foundation


! idiom May you rot in

konsl m. consul
2 kunsil m. council
konsulkhn f. consulate (the premises)
kunswaj sore seat, sore posterior (when horseback riding)
kaunsj f. braid, plait, tress (hair)
kungh m. anatomy sacrum
kunk m. 1 end, the back part of something 2 blunt end of

an egg 3 end of an irrigation ditch

konakshn m. electronics connection

compound verb electronics to connect

1 konkj 1
2 kawnkaj present participle of 7 in lieu of
kung, kwung m. northern eagle owl; large owl

kwna, kna f. 1 anus 2 bottom (of a dish) 3 the lower end

(of a cane, walking stick) 4 rear, the rear part of something

kunastrgaj m.
kwnaswaj m. burned food

to be burned

(of food)

kwnaghraj m. pelvis
1 kwni plural of 2
2 kawunj, kunj m. lime
3 kunj m. tick (dog, sheep)
4 kwnaj m. burned food
5 konj f. anatomy auditory canal
kntsaj, kuntsaj m. ring of cattail (a kind of support)
kunz regional breech-loading shotgun
kunikt m. kunikabr m. crab
konekshn m. electronics connection, contact
1 kunjn m. plural
2 kaunjn dual Arabic from religion two worlds, "this
world and the next world"

ko m. large tick (dog, cattle)

ku, ko [f. ka m. plural: k f. plural: ka]


to pretend to be deaf


to be deceived b to look through one's fingers (at something), fail

to notice (something), ignore (something)

kutb m. kutj f. deafness

kukj f. small window in a wall between two rooms
kuw laj m. deafness
kuawl transitive
1 kuj f. 1 earthenware bowl 2 feeding dish (for birds)

game of lunki (literally: holes) 4 lunka (hole, for the game) 5

knee cap

2 koj f. dark and windowless room

3 kauj f. half a nut
kuedl intransitive

Pashto-English Dictionary

kuk m. bedbug, chinch

1 kwaw m. hump
2 kaw present tense first person plural of 7
3 kaw dialect imperfect of 7 in lieu of
kawkaj m. ladle, soup ladle
kawnkaj present participle of 7
kuwdaj m. shield (of a target)
1 koh, kuh m. mountain , kh-i the Kohi
Baba Range kh-i the Kohi safed range
kh-i the Sulaiman Mountains (Range)

2 kaw imperfective imperative of 7

koh m. Kohat
kohbnd mountainous mountainous region
kuhpajm f. mountaineering, mountain-climbing
kohdmn m. Kohdaman (region north of Kabul)
kuh m. whip
kohs r m. 1
kohist n, kuhist n m. 1 mountainous country; uplands;
mountainous terrain 2 Kohistan

Kohistani (the

kohistnj, kohistn 1.1 mountainous

mountainous country 1.2 Kohistani

language) 2 m. one who lives in the mountains, mountain-dweller

kohitr m. Mount Sinai

kohiq f m. 2
kohgard f. mountaineering, mountain-climbing
kohnawrd m. mountain-climber, mountaineer, Alpinist
1 koh, kuh 1.1 mountainous
Afghanistan is a mountainous country 1.2 wild wild
pear 2 mountainous rusty-headed falcon (the central
Asian subspecies of peregrine falcon)

kunj m. Eastern [plural: kuh and kuhij n] 1

shaft idiom a dimple on the

saying He that mischief

well 2 shaft

hatches, mischief catches.

1 kawj conditional & potential forms of 7 in lieu of

2 kaw, kw present tense of 7
3 kwaj, kwaj m. smallpox
to inoculate for smallpox
4 kuwj, koj m. itch compound verb to itch
kujbishf m. Kuibyshev
kuwjt m. Kuwait
kwe f. Quetta
kwedl intransitive [past: ] to cry, call (of an owl)
kwedn f. dialect I am engaged
(to be married)

didn't like this cloth, I bought it. 2 interrogative-relative particle


Would you explain this problem to me?
whether little or much 5
1 kah r m.
2 kah r
kahr f.
kah a f. rope ring (a type of archery target or a support for a
(English lacks such a particle)

want to ask you about something; would you agree?


kwza, kwza f. scaffolding

kah l 1.1 lazy 1.2 inert, sluggish, passive, listless 2 m. .1

lazy person, idler 2.2 sluggish, passive person

kahlawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

make lazy; promote laziness 2 to develop inertia

1 kah la
2 kahl
1 kahl

feminine singular of
oblique singular of
f. 1 laziness

idle one's time away, loaf

kwedj m. person who delivers the bride to her husband's

house in a palanquin

kwehl transitive dialect 2

kojkabr m.
1 kojl transitive [past: ] to comb
2 kojl m. spool, bobbin, reel spool, bobbin, reel
1 kojl f. regional coal
2 kuwel f. koil, Indian cuckoo
1 kwlaj m.
2 kwelj m.
kawn m. hoe, mattock
kawna poetic present tense of 7 in lieu of
kwnaj, kojnaj m. burned food
koopertr m. cooperator
koopertf m. cooperative
kuj f. moth
kujj m. dialect well
1 ka 1 imperative of in lieu of 2 dialect in lieu of 1
2 k past tense of in lieu of 4
3 ka, k 1 conjunction .1 or (as interrogative)
Are you going or staying? Were you here or
did you leave? Will I see something
or not? 1.2 or (disjunctive conjunction)
on Wednesday or Thursday 1.3 if (conditional conjunction)
! If he will come ! If God grants! !
in the event if otherwise otherwise
1.4 although, though (concessive conjunction)
It may break you, but you really must do
this. although ...
nevertheless Although I

compound verb to be lazy,

2 yawning; stretching

compound verb to yawn; stretch oneself


kah li feminine plural of

Pashto-English Dictionary

kahledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

lazy, be idle 2 to be sluggish, be passive, be listless

kihtr little, small, smaller, lesser

kihtar f. trifle, insignificance
kahr light chestnut (horse's color)
kahrub f. amber
kahrub amber
khikj f. regional window idiom to
see with one's own eyes

kahht m. grief, distress; anxiety, uneasiness

kahkash n m. plural the Milky Way
kahalw laj m.
kahmrd m. Kamard
kuhnd, kohnd old, ancient, decrepit
kohandl m. proper noun Kohandil
khan m.
kuhng, kohng Western
kuhnga tall, high plump tall and well-grown girl
1 kohn old, ancient
2 kahna f. capacity to contain, hold, accommodate
kn 5
k-n or else, otherwise 3 3
kho m. regional small fortress, fort 1
khl, kahl m. 1 family; birth, origin, stock, generation,
lineage to marry, get married
Zalmay and Zainab got married. 2 family, origin,
lineage (in the names of tribes) the Janikheili
kaholw laj m. kahol f. family affairs; domestic

1 kah f. nausea
2 kah f. scratching; itch compound verb to feel an itch
1 kahj m. ochre
2 kahj m. sedge
3 kahj m. kahj 3 f. fascine (bundle of brushwood to
protect the channels of rivers and canals from erosion)

kahj m. ditch

kahj thin, emaciated

kahj f. small ax, little hatchet (for chopping brushwood and


7 kahj f. 1 mattock, pickax 2 shaft of a millstone

kahedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to feel nausea, be

nauseated 2 to be unsteady, reel, stagger, be unsteady on one's

feet 3 to grow weak; pine away

kahedna f. kahed m. plural 1 nausea 2 reeling,

staggering 3 weakness, weakening

kj present tense second person plural of in lieu of

ki present tense of in lieu of

ki Western, ke Eastern

4 kaj m. 1 king 2 hero

5 ke present tense second person of in lieu of
6 ke contraction of the conjunction and the pronoun
If someone wants to buy
them, let him present himself When he glanced (at)
7 ke Western contraction of the postposition and the
pronoun Take this box and put
it in the car.

kajdz wilted, faded

kjrj f. (garden) bed parterre (of a park)
kaj za f. saliva
kijst m. Arabic perspicacity
kjmt m.
kajn kingly, regal
keistl transitive Eastern
keist m. plural Eastern
kebr m. iron fork
kebl m. cable underground cable
keblguzr f. laying cable
kip m.
kep un m. Cape Town
kajp m. drunkard, reveler
ket m. faith, belief, religion
kit f. Quito
kta open open mouth
kelj f. regional 1 tea-kettle 2 pan, saucepan
kedzh 1 hard 2 fibrous, stringy (of overripe vegetables) 3
tightly wound, tightly twisted (of rope)

kedzhlaj 1 stingy, miserly 2 unpleasant (of a person)

kedzhm m. saddlecloth
kech m. shawl made of cotton material 2
kech dialect young, under-age
kichj m. dish of rice and beans with dried curd
kichi f. plural mud, dirt
kichj small, little
kets m. grave
ketsknaj m grave-digger
ketsj f. 1
kkha f. mosquito
kkhj m. worm; intestinal worm; ascarid (e.g., pinworm,
roundworm, etc.)

ked j conditional & potential form of

it is also possible that it can happen

kedl intransitive verb 1 independent verb [present:

past: , imperfect: ].1 to occur, take place, happen

... it often happens that 1.2 to be found, be,

bred; sprout Sugar cane grows in


Pashto-English Dictionary


Millet is grown in Kabul. 1.3 to

be conducted (i.e., trade) 1.4 to be carried out, be conducted

Construction work is being carried

It is raining hard. 1.6 to total, come to, amount to

The price of the

out in this region 1.5 to go, to come down (of precipitation)

material is five Indian rupees, which amounts to twenty-five

Afghani. 1.7 to take place, happen, to occur


However, it sometimes happens that 1.8 to be possible, be

feasible by any means 1.9 to be (by kinship)

She was Zarghuna's blood sister. 1.10 [past:
)to be born 2.1 auxiliary and formant verb in compound
verbs and in verbs with prepositional phrases [present: past:
]to become, turn into compound verb to become a
physician compound verb to get well, recover
compound verb to die compound verb to go crazy, go
out of one's mind compound verb to manage
compound verb to improve, get better, reform, mend one's ways
to be used, be applied 2.2 as an auxiliary verb forms the
passive voice of verbs of imperfective aspect to be able
to be seen; be observed

kedl j conditional & potential form of in lieu of

kedna f. 1 1 2 possibility, feasibility
1 ked oblique plural of 1
2 kdu dialect present tense first person plural of in lieu
kednkaj 1 present participle of 2
kednaj possible, feasible You are
not fit for anything. We consider that to be

ked m. plural 1 accomplishment, fulfillment, completion 2

growth, growing; cultivation 3 carrying out, executing (e.g., a
work project) 4 fall, falling (of precipitation) 5 possibility,
feasibility, practicality

2 kde imperfect of
3 ked f. imperfect of
4 kda Eastern imperative perfective aspect of in lieu of

1 kdj Eastern imperative perfective aspect plural of
2 kdj Eastern conditional & potential forms of in lieu
3 ked imperfect feminine plural of
ke m. regional cadet (student at a military academy)
kir m. rice milk porridge
kir f. groceries
kirj m. mole cricket
krha f.
kirkirk m. halcyon, kingfisher

kerozn m. plural kerosene

kerj f. rim (of a wheel)
ke m. 1 tamarisk hedge; living green-fence

2 pen, fold, corral

(for livestock) 3 sweep of branches 4 wicker curtain that serves

simultaneously as a door 5 paling, fencing; palisade

kikich f.
1 ke f. 1 wicker netting of young tamarisk (serves to cover
the ceiling) 2 3 wicker bin, corn-bin
2 ke f. iron ring (that fastens plowshares together)
keagj m. deep wicker basket
kej f. leather sandals; heel-strap sandals
kejgraj m. shoemaker who makes sandals and heelstrap sandals

kajz f.
kezh m.
keg present tense stem of
kegd Eastern present tense stem perfective aspect of in
lieu of
1 kgd
j dialect perfective aspect imperative plural of
j f. nomads' (black) tent
keg laj despised; oppressed
1 keg f. irrigated land that is ready for plowing
arable land

2 kga imperative imperfective aspect of

1 kgj present tense second person plural of
2 kgi present tense singular and plural of
3 kge present tense second person of
1 kajs m. Kais (the legendary progenitor of the Afghans)
2 kes m. honor, glory ! saying May you live in
shame! (a curse)

kspijan Caspian Caspian Sea

kajsr m. person who frequently shivers and has a fever
1 kis f tobacco pouch; bag
2 kis f.
3 kes f. small ax, little hatchet (for chopping brush)
kisabr m. pickpocket
kisabur f. petty thievery
kis liknkaj m. short-story writer, writer of novellas
1 kajs m. plural
2 kisj f. 1
3 kisj f. 1 riddle, enigma, charade to pose a
riddle to solve a riddle 2 story, event
What's the matter?
4 kis plural of 1
5 kis plural of 2
6 kajs the Sulaiman Mountains
1 kish interjection kish
2 kesh m. 1 faith, belief, religion 2 manner, style,
characteristic, quality


Pashto-English Dictionary

kesh m. 1 cotton blanket; lap robe; shawl 2 old-style

colored patterned silk cloth

kil f. kilo, kilogram

kilow t m. kilow m. kilowatt
kilogr m m. kilogrm m. kilogram
kilomtr m. kilometer
kilometr f. distance in kilometers 5

My clothes became rumpled.

m. diagonal plowing, diagonal tilling

Arabic 1 intoxication; pleasure, enjoyment,
intoxicated with love 2 quality,


2 kijf m. Kiev
kajfwr amusing, diverting, affording pleasure
kajfr m. Arabic retribution, punishment
1 kajf Arabic philosophy qualitative
the law of the transition from quantity to quality
2 kajf Arabic 1.1 intoxicated, drunk 1.2 intoxicating 2 m.
drunkard; reveler

3 kfi f.

caf, coffeehouse
m. Arabic 1 the circumstances of the case; position,

condition 2 description

to describe in detail

the semantics of a word

kajfijat 1
1 kajk m.
2 kek m. plum-cake
kk gi present tense of
kikr m. kik m. kikar, Acacia modesta
kekhl transitive Eastern
kikaj m. flat cake, scone, small loaf of bread
kjka f. flea idiom to become agitated,
begin to worry

kig li m. Kigali
1 kil, kel m. 1 furrow 2 rut
2 kel m. tugs of a plow (part of the harness for a plow pulled by
an ox or a horse)

kilk m.

groove, slot, cut, opening 3 kila (a

measure of area, about 40 jareebs)

f. gnat, insect; small worm



kilow t m.
1 kla, kil f. 1 furrow 2



kelk m. 1 hobble 2 braid for attaching the saber grip to

the scabbard

keshbf f. making of blankets, shawls or lap rugs

blankets, shawls, etc.
kishp m. tortoise
kishk m. 1 sentry 2 protection; guard
kishkrl transitive
kishkra f. 1 magpie 2 regional nutcracker (the bird)
kishksh interjection ksh-ksh
kishw m. tortoise
kishinw m. Kishinev
kih, keh imperfect of
kehkl transitive
khol Eastern past tense perfective aspect of in lieu
kehwl transitive
1 kihj m. 1 intestinal worm, parasitic worm 2 castrated
2 kihj
kigh ch
1 kajf m.


2 kil f. fortress
3 kel f. banana, banana tree
kilagj m. Kilagai (an inhabited place north of Kabul)
1 kil f. key (to a lock) 1
2 kelj m. corn (on the foot), callosity
kilimndzhr f. Kilimanjaro Mountain
kimw Arabic chemical
kemp m. camp
kimkh m.
kimkht, kimkht m. shagreen leather
kimkh b m. brocade brocade dress
kemr f. camera
kemanl transitive Eastern
kem f. leather bucket which collects the vegetable oil running
from the press

kimij f. 1 chemistry organic chemistry

inorganic chemistry general chemistry
agricultural chemistry 2 alchemy
kimijbaj m. dittany, burning-bush idiom
to become rare; be almost unattainable

kimij pezhandnkaj m. chemist

kimijkhn f. chemical laboratory
kimijd n m. chemist
kimijgr m alchemist
kimijgar f. alchemy
kimijw 1 chemical chemical plant
chemical combine 2 m. chemist
kimij kimijaw chemical
1 kin m. 1
2 kin present tense stem of
3 ken Eastern present tense stem of
ken f. kanna
kenstl intransitive Eastern
kenstn m. dialect sitting
kenst m. plural Eastern 1 sitting; seating
living room, parlor 2 sojourn 3 landing


kenw imperfect of

Pashto-English Dictionary

kentn m. Canton (Guangzhou)

kenj m. toddler, chubby little boy
kindzh m. coquetry
1 kind m. dervish's rags
2 kind imperfect of
kindl transitive [present: past: ] to dig
kindna f. digging
kindj m. mattock, hoe
kinj f. form; last (of a shoe, boot)
kinshs f. Kinshasa
king ri f. plural yells, howls
kingrj f. plural crushed stone, gravel
kinl transitive
kenawl transitive Eastern 1 to seat 2
1 kin f. malice, spite; fury, anger; vindictiveness

a lefty, southpaw

g; it is also

in dues

2 g m.
3 g m. shears, clippers
4 g m. boulder
galj f. regional package, bundle
1 g f. thick mass left after cooking cheese
2 g 1 thick, thickening, condensing (of a liquid)
thicken, become thick 2 drying up, dessicating a to



become thick b to dry up (of an irrigation well)

3 g a f. 1 manure pile 2 pebble

4 ga f. 1 1
5 g imperfect of
1 g aj 1 m. eyeball 2 sphere, pebble (for throwing from a
catapult or sling) 3 hailstone

g i f. plural 1 dry (sheep) dung 2 soiled wool (on a sheep)

gj f. 1 pebble placed in the bottom of a water pipe

(tobacco pipe) 2 1 2 3 pebble

kij m. left-handed person, left-hander,

kjew m. Kiev
kewt m. plural Eastern
kjub f. Cuba
kub 1 Cuban 2 m. Cuban, a Cuban
kewatl intransitive Eastern
kewatna f.
kiot f. Kyoto
kewtaj Eastern
kjuks m. nail polish

Pashto, the letter and sound are often confused with

gbn m. Gabon
gtrj m. 1 small chopper 2 saw-edged knife
gtl transitive
1 g m. impost, dues, payment to collect tax, take

leftist party

gf gp the thirty-third letter of the Pashto alphabet (in Eastern

written )

harbor malice

kil saj m.

2 kna f. nit
kinakin f. quinine
kinagr kinawr vindictive, revengeful, malicious
1 kin present tense of
2 kni Eastern present tense of
kenij f. Kenya
kene f. regional Canada
kene regional 1 Canadia 2 m. a Canadian
ki left; the left side ! Dress left, dress (a
command) ! To the left, about face! (a command)
politics left, left-wing, leftist left-wing party,

kejstl transitive dialecticism

4 gj m. a usually plural kind of game

gj m. tax collector
gch m. 1 pen (for sheep) made of thornbush

2 kind of

patterned cloth

gdzra f.
gts m. Italian millet
gd ugly, unattractive
gdj f. anal orifice
g r m. girder; beam
g o oblique plural of 1
g a f. regional train



kewdz Eastern present tense stem of

kjush m. Kyushu Kyushu Island
kajh to die long ago
kajh n m. poetry the world, the universe
kajhnnawrd m. astronaut
kajhn world; space, cosmic the cosmos
opening up outer space
1 kj dialect present tense of 7 in lieu of
2 kajj m. reed from which is made

electric train

1 g aj Eastern 1 cart, bullock cart 2 train train

railroad station 3 automobile truck
passenger car
gj f. [plural: gj ni] carriage, cart, wagon
rickshaw carriage, horse-drawn
conveyance to hire a carter
gajb n m.


Pashto-English Dictionary

gjkhn f. 1 premises or outdoor workshop where

carts, wagons, carriages, etc., are made 2 yard, open area where
carters or draymen work

gjvl m.

gjv n m. coachman, drayman,


gjvn f. work of a carter or coachman

a I work as a carter. b I know how to drive a carriage.

1 gr m. 1 expenditure 2 loss; damage

2 g r m. suffix used to form the name of an actor or agent
sinner repentant sinner, penitent
gr dzh m. garage
grd m. gr m. 1 guardhouse, guard-building 2
regional guard Imperial Guard, Royal Guard, Life
Guard honor guard
g rr m.
garkanj f. wretched hut, hovel
grlik m. draft
grmn harmful; noxious noxious, poisonous

grnizn m. garrison garrison service

groj m. system of irrigation wells (for a vineyard)
gravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to spend,
squander 2 to inflict damage, cause loss

1 g ra f. 1 gravel 2 heap of cut sugarcane

2 gr f. cave, grotto
3 g ra f. feminine of
g ri-bag ri cut up into pieces, chopped up
to cut up into pieces, chop up
gredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

spent, be squandered 2 to be wasted, be lost 3 to turn out to be in


g ri-v ri
g m. 1 pebbles 2 place abounding in springs
gabzaj m.
1 gavtaj m. thread coming out of the center of a ball (of

ggtaj ggvtaj 1 m. .1 disheveled hair 1.2 sheep

stomach prepared in a special way 2 tangled, entangled

gzra f. carrot
gzoln m. gasoline
gz 2
gsh m. 2
gh m. dialect
gf gp m. name of the letter
ggr f. 1 gravel 2 mixture of gravel and mortar
ggrna f. pebbles, shingle
ggr superficial, not serious, frivolous (of a person)
ggirtb m. ggirtj f. superficiality, lack of
seriousness, frivolity

gagiravl denominative, intransitive [past:

superficial, unserious, frivolous

ggiredl denominative, transitive [past: ] to make

superficial, make frivolous

a to


measure by paces

f. corral, fold (for sheep, on the open plains)

gamiskt m. gamisk m. curtain material

gmavr 1 long-legged; lanky 2 having long strides
gmavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to measure,

gagzaj m. span
1 g a f. dregs (of fermented, boiled, or sour milk, etc.)
literal to not lick the dregs, not pasture the sheep
figurative to hold oneself aloof, not to interfere

ggej 1 stupid 2 dirty, sloppy, slatternly

be stupid b to be dirty, be sloppy, be slatternly

to tangle, entangle to be tangled, be entangled

gagutedl gagvutedl denominative, intransitive [past:
] 1 to get tangled, become entangled 2 to become

2 g
gz m.

ggna f. guttersnipe, slut, slattern

gals m. suspenders
gll transitive [past: ] 1 to keep, preserve, protect 2
to experience, endure, suffer to experience difficulties
to suffer grief 3 to suffer (loss, damage)
1 gl imperfect tense of
2 g la imperfective, imperative of
gm m. 1 step, pace careful steps step
by step, gradually to pace, step,
move out a to pace quickly b to develop
rapidly; move forward Great successes
have been accomplished. to step in, go in, enter
compound verb to walk with measured
step, pace off to pace off 2 [plural: gmna]
gait, step, pace to overcome a great obstacle
to withdraw from something; reject something, refuse

tousled, become disarrayed

g ma f. regional pace (as a unit of measure)

about a meter of land

gmedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

measured in paces
gmedna f.

gmed m. plural measurement in

gmha f. buffalo-cow
g n m. plural suffix used for nouns ending in a vowel
moutain goat moutain goats
1 gn f. regional song
2 g n f. Ghana

Pashto-English Dictionary

gn m. coarse unbleached calico

gndzhj f. regional stand, support
gnd in our days
gnd 1 m. plural .1 future, futurity

gvkhn f. cowshed, byre

gvdm tapered at the end, conic (i.e., tapering like a cow's

1.2 tomorrow, the

morrow 2 future, next; coming

gndj f. 1
gnzaj m.
ganol f. squatting to squat
ganolj m. man's jacket; high-collared jacket
1 gan m. plural needlework, embroidery
2 gn imperfect tense of
3 g na f. cord used to hold up wide Oriental-style trousers
1 gnj f. 1 pole or shaft used to set a Persian waterwheel in
motion and to which bullocks or camels are attached 2 shaft (of
an oil press) 3 wagon shaft (to which the horse is harnessed)

2 gnj f. beehive
g nza f. third finger, ring finger
gngr m. ambience, environment; habitat
gngv gngva nasal to compel to
speak through the nose to speak through the nose,
speak nasally

gngvaj 1 m. stammerer, stutterer 2 stuttering,


gnj f. 1 collar (for a calf) 2 lime pit, pit, vat (for slaking
lime, etc.)
gn m. time when the sun has risen a quarter of its apparent

diameter above the horizon

g ni gne f. plural Eastern suffix for nouns ending in

and , cow


questions, themes

question, theme

gal transitive [past: ] to dress up someone, adorn


g f. pawn, pledge; mortgage

to mortgage (real

compound verb to mortgage (real property)

compound verb to be mortgaged (of property)
2 g f. adornment, decoration idiom

to attain knowledge, be learned

3 ga imperfect tense of
g akhistnkaj m.

gaavl m. mortgagee

(lender of money to a mortgagor, the holder of a mortgage)

gvr m. anger, rage, ire

gvz m. deer
gvzab n m. ox-tongue, Anchusa officinalis (a medicinal


g vli gannkaj m. shoemaker

gvmh m. Western buffalo
gvmha f. Western buffalo-cow
gvn m. 1 neighbor, fellow townsman 2 regional
neighborhood, vicinity I am very glad
that you are my neighbor.

mortgaged; mortgaged property

neighborhood of

headquarters (in earlier borrowed compounds it is regarded as

feminine e.g., lathe machinist's bench)

press (for processing sugarcane)

gv m. combining form bullock, bull, ox

gvch m. kind of stretcher with netting

ghr m. m. [plural: gharna f. plural: ghri]

herd of cattle

gh m. herdsman, drover
1 gh f. deep wound, sore
2 g he once, ever, anytime sometimes, now and
then, occasionally now , now , sometimes
, sometimes , He never saw
anything like it.

to give one's word,

gj m. Western word of honor, promise

keep one's word, keep one's promise

gj m. regional guide, conductor

1 gjl gjl regional wounded

to wound

to be wounded

2 owner of a cane


gvn m. songs and dancing (as performed by women)

gvukj f. method of plaiting hair and the braids themselves
gvz m. large knucklebone (for gambling)
gh m. 1 time sometimes, at times, now and then 2
combining form place, premises, abode, e.g., staff,

give one's promise, promise

gajga f. something which has been pledged, pawned, or

harmony with the fact that they are neighbors

g varkavnkaj m. mortgagor (one who has

gj f. press (for making oil, etc.)

gajvl givl m. 1 oil manufacturer

gvntb m. neighborhood

gvnj m. 1 neighbor 2 attributive neighboring

two neighboring and friendly countries
gvnitb m. gvnigalv f.
neighborliness, neighborhood, vicinity
good-neighbor relations in the

mortgaged a piece of property)

gvza f. doe
g vla f. 1 slipper 2 regional soft leather shoe (used by

2 gjl gjl transitive

gjedl intransitive [past: ]
1 gab fat and ruddy, portly, burly
2 gb m. bud, fetus, embryo

to speak

Pashto-English Dictionary

gabr m. Zoroastrian, fire-worshipper

gbra feminine of
gabrj f. garter (for socks, stockings)
gaba f. large stone, block (capable of being carried)
gabaj f.
gba f.
gabn m. plural regional
gabinkhn f. apiary, bee garden
gabinzh vla f. wax, beeswax
gabin m. plural comb-honey; honeycombs
apiculture, the raising of bees

gabenj m. beehive, bees' nest; comb with honey

gap m. talk, conversation to carry on conversation
to conduct a talk
gapv garrulous, talkative
gapshp m. conversation, talk They
were talking. to talk, conduct a talk
1 gpa f.
2 gap f. 1 cupped hand (as a measure) 2 ball (of clay) 3

He earns a lot. 2 m. breadwinner

gangj m. protector, patron; savior, deliverer

gana f. 1 earning 2 obtaining, attaining, getting

3 deriving

benefit, advantage; gaining 4 deriving profit, income, revenue 5

gaining a victory

1 ga first person present tense plural of

2 go oblique plural 1, 3
3 ga oblique plural 1
4 gu oblique plural 2
gaavr 1 useful, advantageous

useful advice,

counsel 2 profitable, lucrative

gaawrwl verb to optimize

1 ga f. 1 earnings, wages


Wages are good wherever one is in Lahore or at home.

proverb One's honest earnings are precious.

personal benefit, personal

advantage under mutual advantageous
conditions 3 profit, income, revenue
proverb Better to suffer loss than to have a dishonest profit.
legal profit unearned income a to earn b
2 benefit, advantage

chopped reed (the cattail)

1 gap f. gapj m. briddle; rope used instead of reins

2 gapj m. left-handed person, southpaw, lefty
gatk f. slaking or reduction of mercury (by means of lead, tin,

to derive benefit, obtain advantage c to receive profit, get revenue

and other similar metals)

gatkj m. ballgame
gutlka f. marriagable girl
gatlj f. breed of sheep
gutm f. 1 ring, signet ring

gandj 1 earning a lot of money (one who)

a to derive benefit

or advantage from something b to derive profit or revenue from


a to yield benefit, yield advantage

b to show a profit, show a return 4 good, welfare

2 loop 3 clasp, buckle 4 thimble


gutmj f. ring, signet ring

gta f.
1 ga m. [plural: gana

plural: gan] Western 1

cliff; reef; rock reef 2 dialect stone

to stone

someone to death 3 dark storm cloud

2 gu m. 1, 2
ga t m. victory; win
gar f. bundle; bunch, sheaf
gak f. 1 fencing 2 foil, rapier
1 gakj m. 1 low cliff 2 boulder, stone
2 gakj f. crushed stone, ballast
gal transitive [past: ] 1 to earn 2 to acquire, obtain,
get to attain independence;
obtain freedom 3 to derive benefit, obtain advantage; gain 4 to
derive profit, obtain revenue 5 to win, gain the upper hand

to gain a victory, carry the day

gum f.
gumj f. thimble

the general welfare

for the good of society

5 interest to pursue one's own interests

ga f. regional clip of ten cartridges
ga f. round stone; round pebble; cobblestone cliff
ga gta f. middle finger
ga va f. 1 earnings, wages Akhmad

has begun to earn wages. 2 benefit, advantage 3 profit, income,


gaj gij f. 1 round pebble, rounded stone 2 stones (in the

urinary bladder)

2 gij m. anklebone
gar m. winding road through a mountain pass
gan 1 stony, rocky 2 adjective stone stone bridge
gana f. rocky terrain
gadzh m. plant with fibrous roots which are used for rope and
for medicinal purposes

gadzhrkaj m. gambling using pebbles for counters or


gadzhrj m.



gadzhrj f. sphere or ball of gold or silver

Pashto-English Dictionary

gadzhol f. medicine made of barley for treating ailing camels

gadzhvi f. plural latex, milky juice (from plants)
gadzhojna f. bread from barley and wheat
1 gach m. plural lime, gypsum, alabaster; paraffin containing
oil which cannot be pressed out slaked lime
2 gach m. mongrel, hybrid
3 gach m. 2
4 gch m. raw spot on a camel's groin
gachbaj f. oven for calcining gypsum or alabaster
gachgr m. specialist in alabaster work
gachl transitive [past: ] to measure
gach larnkaj lime, gypsum
gachml f. coating with gypsum, alabaster, etc.
gachugl m. confused, dismayed, perplexed, or flustered

gudm m. cerebral thrombosis, apoplectic stroke

gadr low, worthless, base (of a man)
gad f. bunch, bundle; sheaf
1 gadj f. 1 meeting, conference 2 throne, dais


gachavl denominative, transitive [past:



to go

begging, be destitute

gud m god m m. depot, storage depot, dump

ammunition depot

ammunition dump,
grain elevator

food-supply storage depot

gudmkhn f. warehouse, depot, base

gudmd r m. warehouse manager, base manager
gad j m.
gadjgr m. pauper, destitute person


or poverty-stricken old man

gad f.
gudr m. 1 ford, river-crossing place

proverb literal If you don't know where the ford is, don't go into
the river. figurative Look before you leap. 2 watering hole (for
cattle, animals)

ga 1 mixed, intermingled 2 flowing together (e.g., of a

mutual communique

interfering in something 7 breaking out (of an epidemic), flaring

gachul f. vagrancy
gcha f. scope, measurement, size to measure
to be measured
gach gypsum, lime, alabaster
gdz ri m. plural 2
gts Eastern left left hand on someone's
left idiom south
gatsj m. left-hander, southpaw, lefty
gd Eastern present stem of vice
gad m. [plural: gadj n] destitute, needy, poverty gadgr m. pauper, beggar
gadgar f. pauperism, poverty, beggary

gadj f. abusive strumpet, trollop

g m. Eastern 1 ram, sheep 2 wild sheep

a communal life b coexistence

peaceful coexistence common market
mutual assistance common activities, mutual operations
together, mutually, in concert to work
together, work in concert associating with, maintaining
relations with someone They are
conversing. 4 participating in something, busy with something
They are busy with work. 5 different, varied 6

gachl m. vagrant

stream, river) 3 common, mutual


3 technology

cushion, bolster 4 collar (for a horse, camel)

to cross a ford 3 place on the

shore of a stream where water is obtained 4 dock, landing

gudra f. 1 roofing timber 2 joist, beam

gud m. rag
garj f. gadla f. dervish's robe made of scraps of cloth


3 gu 2
1 ga f. dancing, the dance, dance
2 g f. basin
gban f. shepherdess
gb m. [plural: gdbn] Eastern shepherd
gatb m. gatj f.
gir m.
gira f.
garaj m. rooster, cock
gakht m.
gakj m. stroller or small wheeled device which a child can
use to assist him in walking while holding on

gal m. 1 harrowing (of a rice field) 2 kneading, softening


a to harrow (a rice field) b to knead, soften (clay)

galn m.
gan Western lively, energetic
gaandj m.
ga m. smoke, something to smoke
gav l m. dancer, professional dancer
gav laj m. 1 mixing, intermixing 2

flowing together (e.g.,

of a river, stream) 3 communality, mutuality 4 participation 5


ga-vd 1.1 mixed, intermixed; all tangled up, muddled up

1.2 disordered, disturbed, messed up 1.3 confused, unclear 1.4

His consciousness was clouded.
idiom grey beard
gavatb m. 1
gavagirj m. man of advanced years whose beard is
destroyed; defeated
pell-mell idiom

growing grey


Pashto-English Dictionary

gavav laj m. 1
gavaavl denominative, transitive


1 to

mix, intermix; tangle, muddle 2 to disturb, violate, disrupt 3 to

confuse, complicate 4 to destroy, defeat

gavaj m. gava f. 1 muddle, confusion, mix-up 2

disorder, derangement (of functions, etc.)

gave f. plural
gavaedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to

be mixed together, be intermixed; be tangled up, be muddled up 2

to be disordered, be violated, be disrupted 3 to be confused, be

complicated 4 to be destroyed, be defeated

gavaed m. plural 1 mixing together, intermixture;

tangling up, muddling up 2 disorder, violation, disruption 3
confusion, lack of clarity 4 destruction; defeat

graj graj m. 1 m. regional lamb 2 dialect ram of

the fatty-tailed breed

1 gazaj m.
2 gavzaj m. troublemaker; good-for-nothing
1 gkaj m. lamb
2 gakaj m.
1 gaavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

ga 1 feminine singular of

2 f. intercourse, relations,


ga amj f. dance common to men and women

ga-gaol f. disorganization, maladjustment, defects
gahl m. 1 bucket 2 tub 3
ga-va feminine singular of
gaahl m. 1 depression, low place 2 land on which rice is
grown, rice paddy

1 gj m. aggressive ram
2 gaj m. 1 feast; party 2 company, society
3 guj m. cripple
4 gaj m. person of mixed blood
5 gj feminine of 1
6 gaj f. throne
7 guj f. 1 crippled woman 2 doll
8 gi plural of 1
9 gi feminine plural of 2
guj chrg m. hoopoe
1 gaedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to be

mixed together, be intermingled 2 to dip into, be absorbed in 3 to

be launched (into water, of a boat) 4 to flow into

1 to mix,

intermix 2 to engross, immerse 3 to let down (to the water),

launch (a ship) 4 to put into operation, set in motion 5 to take

intersect, join (of a road) 6 to go into action, be put into operation

to participate in something,
a to affiliate oneself, join

The Kunar River flows into the Kabul River. 5 to

someone at his word idiom

7 to participate in something, be included in something, be a

interfere in something

composite part of something (society, etc.); join in 8 to break out,

with someone b to associate with someone, consort with someone

become widespread (of an epidemic) 9 to get into, trespass (on

to enter military service

2 gavl transitive [past: ] to compel to dance
3 guavl transitive Eastern
gaol gaolza 1 f. .1 flour ground from various

another's land, of cattle) 10 to get into (e.g., of a predator in

relation to a herd) 11 to interfere in something


cereal grains 1.2 medley, jumble 2 attributive predicative mixed


1 gan m. 1 mixture; blend 2 participation

to participate, take part 3 meeting with someone 4 meeting,
conference 5 intercourse, relationship 6 community

gan 1 m. plural Gadun (a tribe) 2 m. Gadun (tribesman)

gan kavnkaj m. participant

gankaj m.
gaunvl m. person of one's own circle
1 gaavna f. mixing, intermixing
2 guavna f. mixing, confusing
1 ganaj m.
2 gane f. ballet dancing
gav f. copper pitcher (for ablutions, washing)
gavj m.
1 ga f. Eastern 1 sheep regional mutton 2

disparaging old woman, coward

Do not interrupt the conversations. 12 to captivate with


He began to talk again. idiom

It was rumored. Rumors spread. idiom

set out on the road

2 gedl intransitive [past: ]to dance

3 guedl intransitive
1 gaedna f. 1
2 gaedna f. 2
3 guedna f. mixture, mixing
gaedn m. 1
1 gaednkaj present participle of 1
2 gednkaj 1 present participle of 2 2 m.
3 guednkaj present participle of 3
1 gaed m. plural 1 mixture, mixing, intermixing 2


absorption, plunging into 3 launching (into water, a ship) 4

flowing together, flowing into 5 joining, intersecting (roads) 6
spreading (epidemic) 7 participation 8 going into operation,

going into action idiom a crowd at the market

2 ged m. plural dancing, dances
3 gued m. plural mixing, mixture
gar m. 1 1 2 bundle (of hay, grass)

Pashto-English Dictionary

gara 1 f. dialect .1

mixed, intermixed
mixed, intermixed


to mix, intermix

1 2 gaer
to be

gaka f. 1 crutch 2 brace, support (of an axle, spinning


gael 1 2 2 f. 1
gaelj f. cushion
gi-vi feminine plural of
I wrote down several broken phrases.

once, one day

guzrsh m. [plural: guzrishna Arabic plural:

guzrish t] event world events, events in
the world

guzrl transitive [past: ] 1 to say (a prayer) 2 to

effect, carry out, complete

guzrna f. 1 saying, carrying out (of a prayer-ritual) 2

completion, effecting, carrying out to a conclusion

1 guzravl denominative, transitive Eastern [past:

]1 to hit, strike 2 to throw, toss, pitch 3 to attack, beat, thrash
4 to injure 5 to cross, pass over; ford

2 guzravl transitive dialect

guzr f. behavior, treatment a courtesy
b sociability to treat someone well
Their life is very hard.
guzredl denominative, intransitive dialect [past: ]
1 to be said, be carried out, be effected (a prayer, prayer ritual) 2

to be completed, be accomplished, be effected

guzr m.
guzr n m. 1 life, existence
a life in common, life together b coexistence

exist 2 means or resources for existence

gr mr m. grammar
grmarph m.

to live,

3 conduct

structure of a language

the grammatical

without price

grnt m. 1 donation, grant

grant 2 subsidy

in the form of a

grntb m. grntj f.
grn m.
garn f. guarantee with a guarantee
grnkht m. 1 love love for

guzasht 1 past 2 m. [plural: guzashtag n] .1

complication 4 value

girnmaj grnmaj valuable, dear

grnv laj m.
grnavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to

become dear, rise in price 2 to make difficult, hamper, complicate

3 to cause to become nice, attractive, or favored

gr m. onomatopoeia 1 the sound of cloth ripping or being

When a child begins to talk he becomes

dearer every day.

gar m. 1 destitution, calamity 2 suffering

gr gr m. suffix used to form a noun of actor

farmworker sorcerer

girnfurush f. grnfurush speculation, sale at

speculative prices

torn 2 rumbling (of a carriage, etc.)


grmar grammatical

girmi 1 dear, valuable 2 esteemed

grn 1 dear, valuable, expensive 2 burdensome, heavy,
oppressive with great difficulty This is
not at all difficult. 3 favorite, dear ! Dear brother! Dear
friend! I love my father. to
hold someone dear 4 esteemed to esteem 5
In Kandahar, snow is a rare occurrence.

grn t m. garnet (the mineral)
girnbah grnbah 1 dear, valuable, precious 2 priceless,

forefather; forerunner 2.2 the past

grmr liknkaj m.

the Fatherland 2 dearness, expensiveness 3 difficulty,

public life

guzsht m. 1 privilege, concession; condescension

to give a privilege; grant a concession 2 passing, proceeding



guz r m. 1 blow, shock, shove 2 leap, bound 3 attack,

beating 4 injury 5 crossing, passage; ford

grfk m. 1 graphic table, graphic display 2 graph

grfm m. linguistics grapheme
gr lba f. gralbi m. plural collar, neckband (clothing)
idiom to preserve one's honor
grm m. gram
grmfn m. gramafun m. gramophone, record


grtj f. short felt jacket

gr a f. dung dried and pressed into round form (used as fuel)
gar dzh f. garage
gr rbaj m. clavicle
grf m. 1 graph; chart; table; outline plan 2 data
grft m. graphite

gr na f. 1 singular of

3 f. difficulty

2 vocative of

My dear!

grn f. 1 dearness, expensiveness 2 obstacle, hindrance,


gr ni f. plural and oblique singular of

No Dear!

grnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

become dear, rise in price Flour has become very
expensive. 2 to get more difficult, become complicated, become


Pashto-English Dictionary


The problem is getting more complex. 3 to

catch the fancy of, become attractive to

have become dear to me.


which this sphere is tossed into a hole)


gardn f. 1

inflecting; changing termination 2 inflectional

denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

grammar to be inflected; be conjugated; be declined 2 to be

learned by heart, be repeated (of a lesson)

gird v m.
girdvrd around

The earth

revolves around the sun.

gird vaj m. dialect m.

girdb d m. waterspout
gardzhn gardzn 1 dusty, dust-covered 2 foggy
girdzhpra girdzhpr around, about
a flight around the earth around the

gdzndj 1 m. .1 traveler 1.2 tourist 2 traveling,

gardzand elifn m.

computer science cell phone, mobile phone

grdzndj 1 m. .1 wheel 1.2 turn, turning, fork 2 mobile

portable movie projector
grdznj m. 1 bend, turn 2 skein (of woolen thread, yarn)
grdzavl transitive
grdzn m. vomit; vomiting I

someone's boots b to be a bootlicker, toady 2 fog, mist

experience the pangs and tribulation of love


grdzedl transitive Eastern

grdzedna f. grdzed m. plural 2
1 gard m. 1 dust; dust standing in a column in the air
puffs of dust dusty a to clean

learn by heart, repeat (a lesson) idiom


vomited. I became sick to my stomach.

gardnk m.

gardnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

grammar to inflect; conjugate; decline 2 to commit to memory,

peddler, vendor, itinerant salesman 3 traveling 4 traveling about,

learning by heart; repetition (of lessons)


gardzand ilifn

all day, the

girdgrd around, from all sides

gard n m. 1 grammar inflection; conjugation; declension


gird b m. literal whirlpool, abyss

grd aj m. clay or stone sphere (for playing a game in

gurdzhist n m. Georgia
grdzhn rancorous, vindictive
girchpra girchpr
1 grdz 1 short form of the imperfective imperative of
vice ! military About face! (as a command) 2 m.

the whole world



whole day, the day long

garb m. barley bread

garbinj m. honeycombs
gurt m. grut 1 space between the thumb and index finger 2
fork (of a tree) idiom to put someone under pressure
grdzh m. grudge, rancor to nurse a grudge, harbor a


grd all, entire

3 grd Western round to make spherical or round

The people crowded into the

grned m. plural
grvr m. 1 engraving, print 2 photograph
grvg m. stomach rumbling
gr und m. combining form regional area, plot, site
grj m. time thrice, three times
gurbt m. eagle
gurbta f. female eagle
garba f. 1 hummocky land 2 clod of soil 3 large rock
garbashl unevenly, poorly woven cloth
gurbl transitive
gurb m. cat
gurbakhurk m. catnip, Nepeta cataria (a medicinal

2 grdz present stem of

grdzmn grdzn grdznda grdznd
rotating 2 wandering, roaming

grdsr fully, entirely, quite

gardsh m. gardh m. 1 stroll, ramble; trip
to make a trip around the world 2 circulation
circulation of goods, turnover to go
out of circulation 3 turning, turning point

gardishg h m. place for strolling, park

1 grdk roundish
2 gurdk m. axe
1 grdka f. circle
2 grdka f. singular of 1
grdkj roundish
girdal f. snowstorm, blizzard
grdmkhaj round-faced
gardn m. neck
gardan f. mountain pass
1 grdni grdne f. plural Eastern visit by a fianc to a
bride-to-be to call on the bride-to-be (of a


gardan f. horse-collar padding

Pashto-English Dictionary

restrain (from some action, etc.) 18 to prevent, cause a rethinking

gardanj f. 1 bandolier, ammunition belt 2 a slap on the nape

(of the neck)

grad m. axe (for cutting bushes, shrubbery)

girdv laj m. roundness, sphericality, spherical form
gardum f. habitat, ambiance
gardn m. 1 wheel 2 chariot 3 vault of heaven 4 figurative
fortune, fate

grdni f. plural
1 gard f. 1 pollen 2 fine hashish
2 grda f. singular of 3
3 grda 1 all, whole 2 fully, quite
gardaafshn f. gardafshn f. pollination
grda-vrda around, about
grdj 1.1 round, spheroidal 1.2 rather short and fat 2 m. .1

of intended action 19 to disseminate (rumors, talk) 20 to be sick,

belch, vomit


to return good for good

m. 1 vomiting, nausea

to vomit, be sick to

the stomach 2 turning, turning point

grzedl 1 intransitive [present: past: ].1 to

revolve, turn about, spin 1.2 to whirl My head is

spinning. 1.3 to be transported, be carried away 1.4 to be

carried, be conveyed 1.5 to stroll, saunter; pace; wander 1.6 to

take a trip, ride, travel, journey 1.7 to make rounds, go all around

The doctor made the rounds of all the

wards. 1.8 to put through, excavate (an irrigation well system,

etc.) 1.9 to turn off, turn (to the side) 1.10 to move, go into
motion 1.11 to be put into motion, go into action, go into
operation; be operated, be executed 1.12 to act, work

The electric power station works on coal. 1.13 to be

changed, be remade 1.14 to be reflected (of light, etc.) 1.15 to

be repulsed, be thrown back (attack, etc.) 1.16 to be deducted, be

1 to make growl,

cause to snarl 2 to cause a crash (noise)

1 girj 1 roundish 2 m. rim, felloe (of a wheel)

2 grj dented, chipped, toothed
3 grj f. 1 wheelbarrow 2 millstone
1 gredl intransitive
2 guredl intransitive
1 garz m. 1 covered with dust
2 gurz m. gurz m. 1 club 2 pod, capsule (of poppy)
3 grz short imperfective imperative form of vice
grz present stem of
grz nda grz nd 1 rotating 2 pacing
grznd f. dry cow, barren sheep
1 garzn dusty dusty road
2 garzn m. botany pistil
grznd and
grzndj m. 1 top 2 kind of cradle; carousel 3 turning
fork 4 antechamber (for servants) 5 whirlpool, abyss

to confer an award 20 idiom

femoral bone 2.2 fat man

gardz m. Gardez, Gardiz (city)

grdajshkl round, circular
1 gravl transitive
2 guravl transitive [past: ]

grznaj m. 1 spindle 2 antechamber, reception area 3

whirlpool, abyss

grzavl transitive [past: ] 1 to turn, turn around,

twirl 2 to drive around, take around 3 to carry, carry around,

held back 1.17 to be detained 1.18 to hold fast, stand firm (from
some action or other) 1.19 to break of, train away from (a bad
habit, etc.) 1.20 to envelop, surround (of darkness, night) 1.21

to be
transmitted from mouth to mouth 1.22 to become to
become possible to become a pilot to
to spread (of talk, rumor)

be obliged, be forced, be constrained 1.23 to associate with

someone 1.24 to drop in on, visit

Drop in on us

some time. 1.25 to be transformed, be changed, be transmuted

to be transformed, be changed, be transmuted 1.26 to

reject, repudiate (a viewpoint, point of view) 2 m. plural

2 idiom ! Illness upon myself! (said to a sick

person) idiom a to be occupied with something

b to attain, strive to get something c to strive after something,

seek something



really did not think of the fact that ; It didn't enter your head
that to gain strength, gain courage
grzedna f. 2
1 grzed imperfect tense of
2 grzed m. plural 1 revolution; rotation; turning

delivery 3 supply, delivery 4 stroll, walk 5 trip, journey 6

convey 4 to lead somebody, take someone 5 to carry (by

round, rounds 7 digging, excavation, putting through (of an

vehicle), deliver 6 to put in (by digging) an irrigation well, etc. 7

irrigation well, tunnel, etc.) 8 turning, turning off (to the side or in

to make something, turn into something; transform 8 to move, put

some direction of a road) 9 movement, travel 10 run, scheduled

into motion 9 to put into action, put into operation; exploit,

trip (of a truck, car) 11 going into operation; exploitation,

execute 10 to alter, rework 11 to turn (e.g., an automobile) 12

execution 12 action, operation, work 13 change, remaking 14

to reflect (light, etc.) 13 to beat off, repel (e.g., an attack) 14 to

reflection (light, etc.) 15 deduction, withholding 16 detention

to not send a
to avert, stave off to avert

hinder, not allow, prevent

child to school 15

17 spreading (talk, rumor) 18 change, transformation,

transmutation 19 refusal, rejection, repudiation (of a viewpoint,

calamity 16 to break, train away from (bad habits, etc.) 17 to

point of view) 20 orbit, circuit


Pashto-English Dictionary

garage m. Eastern 2
grg l transitive [past: ]

1 Western to scratch 2

dialect to tear, tear to pieces 3 dialect to tear off

be scratched, be abraded

a to

scratch, abrasion b

dialect to be torn, be torn apart c dialect to be torn off

grga f. scratch, abrasion

grgj m.
l transitive
grast m. digging up, digging over
grstj m. spade (for digging over, turning over, piling up

grshk m. girshk Garish (city)

girft m. regional 1 taking; seizing

2 grasp 3 figurative

criticism, critique

girift r

girift ra 1 taken, caught, seized; taken

prisoner; arrested 2 gripped by emotion, seized by some feeling;


undergoing something; experiencing something

to fall ill

experience difficulties, be in a difficult position

girigtravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to catch, grasp, seize; take prisoner; arrest 2 to grip (of some

2 gargl transitive dialect

gargol f. vortex, waterspout
gargna f. beam, log
garga f. liver infested by liver flukes (in cattle)
garg f. 1 confusion 2 epizootic, murrain, cattle plague

gargha f. badger
grga 1 f. beam, log 2

saddletree (frame of saddle)

1 gargj m. 1 lazy ox, lazy bullock 2 child's game

2 grgi Eastern grge f. plural of
3 gargj f. stump; block, blockhead
4 grgj m. skeleton
garl t m. shard, potsherd
grl tsa f. netting (for holding straw)
grlan fat, plump, stocky, full-figured
1 grm m. 1
2 grm m. grove of trees
3 gram 1 guilty, culpable I am not guilty.
accused, inculpated 3 experiencing the pangs of conscience

giriftr f. 1 arrest; seizure 2 state of being occupied 3

giriftredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be caught, be seized, be taken; be taken prisoner, be arrested 2 to

garg m. medicine mange, scabies

mange, itch, or scabies

2 noise of a

to suffer with

gargj f. wheelbarrow
garga f. old woman
j f. dried length of vine

grgr to walk hunched, walk bent over

1 girgir f. groats to husk groats
2 gurgur f. 1 botany Reptonia buxifolia 2 blackthorn
3 gargra f. medicine whooping cough
4 grgra f. hand mill
5 girgir f. poorly prepared field
gargzaj m. maize embryo
1 gargs m. vulture
2 gargs m. 1
1 gargl m. itch; mange; scabies a to have the itch,
have scabies compound verb b to scratch vigorously (e.g., the


hot climate


heated argument

a lively meeting

hand mill 3 sound made by ripping cloth

gurg m. wolf

began to speak animated. He became animated.
to speak heatedly, talk in a quick-tempered way 4 lively;
animated Lively commerce was conducted.

(by some feeling, emotion)

garkna f.
garkj m. 1 rattling, clattering (of a carriage)

garm 1 warm; hot; sultry


experience something, feel something 3 to be gripped, be seized

lands, warm lands 2 warm (of clothing) 3 irascible, passionate,

care, concern


consider guilty, consider culpable, blame, adjudge culpable 2

feeling, emotion)

f. stump 3 m. man with a stable or

firm character 4 f. Russula foetens (a kind of mushroom) 5 f.

gramn f. fine, punishment

garmtra extremely hot, warm; sultry
gramtj f. fault, guilt
1 grm m. 1 spear, lance 2 point, spike
2 girm m. drill auger (carpenter's tool)
garmdzhush f. heat, warmth; enthusiasm, elan
a hotly, heatedly b decisively; with fervor
to greet someone warmly or cordially
garmsr m. garmsl m. 1 warm countries,
subtropics subtropics, countries with a subtropical
climate subtropical cultures 2 Garmser (district,
southwest Afghanistan)

garmka f.


garmki usually plural 1 heat rash 2

gurml graml transitive [past: ] 1 to whipstitch;

sew with large stitches, baste 2 to gather (sewing), make gathers

gurmlaj 1 tacked; basted 2 gathered (sewing)

gurmna f. 1 tacking; basting 2 gathering (sewing)
1 garmav laj m. heat, hot weather heat, hot


Pashto-English Dictionary

2 gramv laj m.
gurmz 1 unpleasant, sour 2 morose, gloomy
gurmuz f. 1 persnicketiness 2 gloominess, moroseness
1 gramavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
blame, accuse, censure, condemn

garmavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

warm, heat, heat up to warm oneself at a

present participle of 2

gramavnkaj present participle of

garmavnkaj 1

grma f. 1 singular of

2.2 fault, breach

2 garm
3 grma
1 garm

2 m.

2 f. .1 condemnation, censure

f. 1 variety of early melon 2 early vegetables

f. singular of

I am hot. 2 heat,
height, peak at the

f. 1 heat, warmth; hot weather

weather is becoming warmer.

warmth, zeal 3 fervor 4

very height of the dispute 5 liveliness (e.g., of trade) 6 venereal


2 gurp m. electric light bulb, incandescent light bulb

reflector of a lighthouse or beacon
searchlight frosted light bulb
grot m. 1 handshake 2 bundle, fascicle
groj m. unleavened bread
grbaj m. phlegm
grzaj m.
grus m. dugout
garavl transitive [past: ] 1 to scratch; scratch all
over to scratch oneself 2 to engrave; inscribe or make a
woodcut passive voice a to be scratched; be scratched
or abraded all over b to be engraved, be inscribed, be cut idiom

I work all day long; I do not have a free
1 to be

guilty, be culpable 2 to be condemned, be censured

garmedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

warm, warm up, heat up 2 to be encouraged, be inspired 3 to get

excited, become impassioned


gramedna f. guilt
garmedna f. 1 heating, heating up, warming 2

inspiration; fascination 3 fervor 4 height, peak (as in the height

grlbaj m.
1 grum m. 1

Don't grieve!

to grieve, sorrow, be

He began to grieve 2 consumption, tuberculosis

2 grum m. tumor, growth, gall (on a tree)

3 gravm first person present tense of
grumdzhn sad, sorrowful
grumavl denominative, transitive [past: ]


disorder, derange

brow is wrinkled. His brow is furrowed.

garndkaj m. currycomb
grndj m. special knife used in bookbinding work
garna f. 1 2 2 Carissa carandas, Carissa

grumedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

grieved, be disordered, be deranged

grumed m. plural grief, pain, distress, disorder,


gravavl denominative, transitive [past:


2 grovl
1 grva 1


to pawn,

f. clavicle; wishbone (birds) 2 button loop 3 collar,


2 gurh m. crowd; company

3 groh m. creed, denomination
grohn good, kind
grohna f. 1 goodness, kindness 2
grohavl transitive [past: ] 1 to threaten,

spinarum (the bush and its berry)

grj f.

grief, sorrow, woe

distraught about

of his anger)

1 gramed m. plural 1
2 gramed m. 2
grnj f. children's game with potsherds
grandzh m. metallic sound
grandzhnj m. handbell
grundzhavl transitive [past: ] to wrinkle (the
forehead) to wrinkle the brow
grandzhah r m. ringing, chime
1 grandzhj m. ringing sound, peal
2 grundzhj m. wrinkle grundzh His

compound verb to pledge, pawn,

to take in pawn, assume a mortgage

mortgaged, pawned 2 predicative mortgaged, pawned

gurb m. 2
grbaj m. pit
1 grup m. group; team linguistics consonant


2 grmi grme Eastern feminine plural of 3

3 grmi Eastern grme f. plural of 4
garmijn f. medicine febrifacient
1 gramedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

pawned property,


heating device

mortgaged property

sandali 2 to encourage, inspire; fascinate, allure

girv m. grv 1 deposit, security

frighten 2 to win over to one's side

grohedl intransitive [past: ]1 to be frightened;

fear, be scared, be afraid of 2 to be won over to someone's side,


Pashto-English Dictionary

join somebody, unite with someone 3 to be attracted (to

something); adore, worship 4 to trust someone 5 to honor,

esteem, have a reverent attitude toward

grohedna f. grohed m. plural 1 fear, fright,

terror 2 enthusiasm; adoration, worship 3 belief, creed 4 honor,
esteem; reverence

1 grve f. 1
2 garvj m. moan, moaning, groaning
3 girav mortgaged, pawned
giravidr m. regional
gravedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]


gringdzh m. greengage (a kind of plum)

grinlnd m. Greenland
grinhus m. greenhouse, cold frame
grev n m. collar, neckband

to grab

someone by the collar, take somebody by the scruff of the neck

a to look into one's heart b to reflect,

to disgrace somebody, defame someone to disgrace
oneself He grew sad. He hung his
head down. to come to blows, to


think a bit
to be

mortgaged, be pawned

grvel transitive [past: ] to inquire about, query

about, ask about

grveg n m. slitting the pelt of a sheep to remove the hide

grveg na f. 1 inquiry, query, questioning


questioning, investigation by questioning; finding out by detailed

cross-examination or questioning 2 examination (of a patient) 3

grapple, quarrel with someone

1 grva f. 1
2 griv f. (button) loop (on clothing)
grejl transitive
grejna f. 1 scratching intensively 2

compound verb to bury (sugar cane, etc.) in a pit

grah r m. 1 noise of ripping cloth 2 roaring noise of an


garh f. insulting words

1 grj snaggletoothed (having sharp, uneven teeth)
2 girj f. peg, pin (of a door)
grj f. 1
1 gar suffix used to form abstract nouns of the feminine gender
2 graj m. suffix used to form nouns of agent reaper
grib m. hump (of a camel)
greb n m.
grej f. altercation, wrangling, squabble, argument
gredar m. technology grader
gredl intransitive [past: ]1 to itch, scratch oneself 2
to be engraved, be carved, be cut into wood 3 to crumble, fall
down (of the ceiling)

guruz f. adjective contraband contraband goods

contraband trading
gris m. technology grease, lubricating grease
gregraj m. fine hail, sleet
1 grin m. breast
2 grn m. twisted thread (of 1-2 strands)

engraving; wood

carving, making of woodcuts

more precise definition, amplification, complete explanation

querying, inquiring, questioning

grojl transitive
grojnlnd m. Greenland
grodl intransitive
gar f. pit in which sugarcane, etc., is buried and stored

j f. elongated woven basket for transporting loads on a

ga m. 1 fortress; stronghold, castle; asylum 2 used in

geographic names

Khushalgar (city)

g m. 1 speech; sound 2 muttering 3 sound(s), phonation

a to say, utter b to mutter c to sound

3 ga m. gold spangles, sequins (ornaments for the hair)
g f.
g chaj
gag m. talk; conversation, colloquy to chat;
talk, converse

gab m. 1 crashing; slamming (of a door, etc.) 2 hubbub,


3 dispute 4 wooden

mousetrap 5 mouthful, swallow

gab f. 4
gb m. 1 chatter; talk, conversation

2 hurly-burly,


gabgb m. 1 idle talk, chatter 2 slamming (of a door,


gabnd garrulous, loquacious, talkative

1 gabnda f. place where boulders are plentiful
2 gabnda f. singular of
gabnj f. rocky terrain
gab 1 talkative 2 mendacious
gabza f. shivering; shuddering
gabzaj m. span
gabavl transitive [past: ] 1 to slam (door, etc.)

to cause to chatter

gabh r m. 1 idle talk 2 noise, crashing, rattling, rumbling

3 slamming (door, etc.)


Pashto-English Dictionary

gabedl intransitive [past: past: ]1 to talk

emptily, talk nonsense 2 to slam (of doors, etc.) 3 to crash;
rumble; rattle 4 to be shaky, be tottering, dangle loosely

gabedlaj talkative, loquacious

gabedna f. grabed m. plural idle talk, chatter
gabazn dirty, unpleasant, slovenly, nasty
gp m. disturbance, agitation
gch m. 1 noise made in swallowing 2 rattling, crashing,

gchv m. best man, groom's man (of a groom-to-be,

presenting him with bread dough)

gchnd dangling, swinging; shaking back and forth

gchavl transitive [past: ] to rumble, rattle

gcha f. vain quarrel, empty dispute

gchah r m. gchaj m. rumbling, rattling
gchedl intransitive [past: ] to thunder, rumble,

gad m. dust
2 gd round
gudaur m. races
1 gadj m. 1 whirl of a spindle 2 short person (male)
2 gadj m. dialect bit of thread
3 gdj f. ring
4 gdj f. short person (female)
1 gaz m. 1 thunder, peal of thunder 2 crunch; crash
crashing, thundering
2 gaz m. 1
gaz m. & f.
gazgz m. noise, crashing, thundering
gzavl transitive [past: ] 1 to beat, thrash
to beat a drum 2 to quarrel with somebody, wrangle with


gazah r m.

gazj m. 1 slamming (of a door, etc.) 2

noise, hubbub, crashing 3 thunder, peal of thunder

gag m. roaring (of a camel)

gagutj f. dialect 2
gagza f. 1 shaking, chill 2 trembling, quivering
to cause to quiver or tremble
ggj m. 1 sphericle 2 shaft
gmchj m. stand in the form of a ring (for pots and other

gmg m. noise, ruckus, hubbub

gamb m. gamb f. gambahr
gambj m. crashing, cracking (of firearms, etc.)


gndzh m. ringing (of handbell, coins)

2 gundzh m. 1 loud noise, hubbub 2 whisper, whispering
to whisper
gndzhnj m. handbell; bell


m. rattle
transitive [past:

on iron 2 to knock, make resound

1 to clang, beat

grndzhah r m. gndzhj m. ringing, pealing

children's game
grndzhedl intransitive to ring
gnd 1 glib-tongued He is glib-tongued.

smart, bright

gandv laj m.

speed of movement

gaandv laj quickness, speed,

1 gand f. disease or ailment of the spleen

2 gnda f. singular of
1 gaandj gandj 1 quick, speedy 2 high speed
high-speed ship passenger car, passenger vehicle 3
urgent, emergency gand gaand emergency
measures 4 quick, smart, efficient; lively, agile; energetic 5

skillful, able

2 gandj f. gecko (lizard)

gaandajtb gandajtb m.

gaandajv laj

gandajv laj m. 1 quickness, velocity, speed 2 high velocity 3

smartness, efficiency; liveliness, agility


gang m. 1 precipice; abyss 2 sheer cliff 3 crater 4 gulf,

to throw into the abyss, cast into the

2 gng m. snots
gngn gngsh

gngk snotty, snot-

nosed (of a child)

ganj linguistic speech, vocal, verbal, oral

1 gu m. proper name Guro
2 g m. hookah
gav z broad, wide, spacious
1 gub tautological with
2 gb boiled soft; watery to overcook, make
watery to be overcooked, be watery
gvb m. chatter, idle talk; talk, conversation


chat, talk idly; talk, converse

gobn 1 slovenly 2 snot-nosed

gubavl denominative, transitive
down, wreck, mess up, destroy


to pull

guobj m. syrup (of sugarcane molasses); sweet syrup;


gbaj m. phlegm

gobj m. 1 water leaking from an irrigation well system 2

stagnant water

gubedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

pulled down, be wrecked, be messed up, be destroyed

gup m.
gdza f. breast which has gone dry (in a nursing mother)
guz tautological with 1

Pashto-English Dictionary

gavl transitive [past: ] to compel to speak

gavndzh m. Western 1 stand (for a pot, etc.) 2 platform

health of, greet someone

gaabnda f. large cave in the mountains

gahj f. Eastern 4
1 gaj m. Western hour; time
after some time from hour to hour, with each passing

gaj m. 1 pitcher, jar (for water) 2 jug with hide stretched

over it (i.e., a kind of drum)

garjg ni] watch



watch stopped running correctly. 3 period of time equal to about

24 minutes

gaj f. small fortress, fort, castle

gaj f. 1 puddle 2 pond 3 place rich in springs 4 bottom
of a valley or gully 5 hollow in a rock filled with rainwater

gaj m. suffix forming a noun of agent miller

gaj l m. 1 wall or standing clock with bells or gong 2 gong
gi-bi f. plural conversation, talk
gaj dzhoavnkaj m. regional watchmaker
gich m. difficult road
gaed f.
gedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to speak; utter; have a
talk, conduct a talk to speak of this and

that 2 to narrate, tell a story (of a book) 3 dialect to talk idly,

talk nonsense, talk rubbish

gaed m. plural speech, speeches

conversation, during the conversation


gajstn f. watch hand, clock hand

gajgr m. watchmaker
gegna f. cracklings, burnt scraps of meat
gajl [past: ] transitive verb to undermine a wall in
order to destroy it

ging m. snots
gingn snotty whimperer, milksop
1 gnge f. plural Eastern snots
2 gingj m. handbell
gaiv l m. man who buys sour milk in jugs in
outlying villages and sells them in the city



the land-measurement
gz-i the construction
gaz (83.8 cm or 3 feet) a square gaz idiom
gaz (73.8 centimeters)

ramrod, cleaning rod

2 gz m. rolling
guz r m. blow to strike
guzrl transitive
1 guzravl denominative, transitive 1
2 guzravl denominative, transitive
1 gaz ri f. plural 1 siftings (grain), bran 2 ground ears (of

gaz ri m. plural chewing tobacco

guzredl denominative, intransitive
gazn by the gaz (unit of measurement)
to sell by the gaz

gaj f. 1 hour, about an hour, some time

after some time at once, immediately 2 [plural:

gaz m. gaz, gyaz (measure of length)

Royal gaz (about 1.066 meters)


gavandzhj f. frame or stand for water jars

gaung f. waterfall, cataract
gu f. 1 cane sugar 2 molasses, treacle
gh r m. disconnected speech
gabaa f. greeting to inquire after the

gajvl m. watch seller, clock seller

gaajvl m. seller of jugs

gaznafurush f. retail sale of textile materials

gazbra f. good-quality coarse silk
gazbi f. plural ceiling covering
1 gazk 1 m. suppurating, purulent (of a wound because of
chill, infection) to suppurate, be purulent
abscess 2.1 suppurating, purulent (of a wound) 2.2 nipped
by the frost, frostbitten

gazk m. 1 snack taken with wine 2 hunting bait (for a


gazakp a f. botany plantain

gazka f. trap, snare
gazke f. plural Eastern suppuration, purulence (of a wound)
gazalk m. ricochet, rebound to ricochet, rebound,
bounce off

guzmzaj Eastern gloomy

gazmav adjective military patrol


to mine, lay

gazm f. patrol
guzn m. paralytic to paralyze, strike with paralysis
gazavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to measure in

gazj ri

m. plural

denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

measured on gaz

gag m. regional 1 wasps' nest, beehive 2 honeycombs

gag 1 on in years, elderly; having grey streaks 2 piebald,

spotted a to be on in years, be elderly; grow grey, get grey
streaks b to be spotted, be piebald 3 heterogeneous 4 unripe (of
fruit) 5 growing around, starting to sprout (with hairs)

3 gg m. knock, creak, squeak

f. magpie


1 gagveht
f. 1 streaks of grey


2 mature, ripe age

Pashto-English Dictionary

having hair with streaks of grey, to be on in

years, being elderly

r m. knocking, creaking, squeaking
gg j a to regard with embarrassment

b to

regard with distress or chagrin

gs dialect
gust kh cheeky, rude; impudent, familiar, insolent
gustkh f. cheekiness, rudeness; impudence, familiarity,
insolence to be cheeky, be rude; be impudent, be
overly familiar; act familiarly, behave insolently

gastra f. heifer
gus f. 1
1 gas f. 1 ricochet, bouncing off, rebounding to
ricochet, rebound 2 blow, shove, push to stumble
against a to start to beat, knock into; strike b to shake;
shove, push 3 pole used to stir cane syrup

gsa dialect feminine singular of

gasj m.

gasj ground, machined, ground off; worn, effaced

grind, machine, grind off; wear down, efface


gasjv laj m. machining, grinding, grinding off;

effacement; wear, wear and tear

to go for a stroll 2 round;

a to stroll, take a walk b to make a

gasht m. 1 stroll


round 3 to make a circuit, turn

gasht m. 1 scout, soldier on patrol 2 adventurer

gaht m.
ghkj m.
guft r m. speech, conversation, talk word and

compound verb b to extinguish, put out 5 regional Monday 6

pattern 7 reward for good news 8 proper name Gul

guftugj guftugj m.
conversation, talk, discussion to converse, talk
Much has already been said about this.
gag m. wasps' nest
gagr gagr 1 m. .1 blacksmith 1.2 strongman 2.1 brawny,
muscular, strong a giant; person in the pink of health
guftug m. guftug f.

2.2 potbellied 2.3 huge

gagrv laj m. strength, force

gagrtsa f. dialect
gagr gagrj f. shirt with an opening at the breast
gagdza f. gagza f. shiver, trembling
to tremble (from cold, fever) to be seized by
shivering, be gripped by trembling

gag f. 1 crushed stone, ballast 2 decisive man

gaggi f. plural fried bits of the tail of the fatty-tailed sheep
gg m. nightmare
gugusht m. & f.

saying literal May your speech be flower.

figurative I am sorry to interrupt you.

to be

ground, be machined, be ground off; be worn, be effaced

gagj f. thick woolen thread

1 gul m. [plural: gul n plural: gulna] 1 flower;
rose peduncle Eastern to place flowers in a
vase to be very beautiful
Fatima is very beautiful. Fatma is a fabulous beauty.
proverb There is no rose without thorns.
proverb The rose has its place on the bush.
saying This thing is as rare as a fig blossom. 2
used to form flower names rose 3 medicine cataract 4
deposit formed by combustion, candle snuff a to flourish,
bloom The almond tree has bloomed.

gal m. 1 large hailstones 2 first snow on the mountain peaks

gil m. 1 clay

clay 2 mud, dirt



gul m. 1 oil cake 2 variety of flour

to plaster with



gul b 1 m. plural rose water


kazanlyk rose 2 m.

gulbatn m. lace, galoon; braid, ribbon

gulbchshm m. hawk, raptorial bird of the hawk family
1 gulbj m. gulb m. barber, hairdresser
2 gulb adjective rose, pink (color) a rosy little

gul p m. 1 2 proper name Gulab

glrgn rude, crude; uneven, rough
gil s m. 1 glass goblet 2 mug (often wooden)
glsg f. Glasgow
1 gullj 1 pretty, attractive; good-looking, nice; beautiful 2
m. proper name Gulalaj

2 gullj f. proper name Gulalaj

gullajtb m. attractiveness; quality of being good-looking;

gulan r 1 pomegranate color, colored like pomegranate 2 m.

proper name Gulanar

guland m tender
guland ma f. proper name Gulandama
guln f. reward given to the bearer of good news
gulj dialect rose, rosy, pink (of color)
gulb m. watering down wheat (at threshing time)
gul f. sheaf (of rice)
gulb gh m. Gulbagh (suburb, Kabul)
gulbabrj m. chadra having a pattern in silk
gulbakhr m. catnip, catmint, Nepeta cataria (a medicinal
and essential oil-bearing plant)

Pashto-English Dictionary

gulbadn 1

2 m. red silk with a narrow white


gulbudn m. proper name Gulbudin

gulbashr f. proper name Gulbashra
gulbrg m. petal
gulbaj m. rosebush; rose plant
gulbah r m. Gulbahar (settlement, district)
gulpsh rosy, iridescent happy dreams,
pleasant dreams

gulp f. cauliflower
gultb m. flowering, blooming
gil m. plural
gilavl transitive
gilaj m.
giledl intransitive
gulchehr f. 1 beauty 2 proper name Gulchera
gulchn 1 m. gardener 2 gatherer of flowers
guldzar f. target
gulkhn f. greenhouse
gulkhn m. hearth; heater (in a bathouse, etc.)
gulkhj f. small stove in which children bake carrots
gulkhingj m. sage
guld r 1 varicolored, multicolored, variegated, patterned
(cloth) 2 intricately decorated 3 botany flowering
flowering plants flowering cabbage, cauliflower
guld n m. flower bed, flower plot
guldnj f. flowerpot; flower vase
guldast f. bouquet
guldm m. white-cheeked bulbul, Molpastes leucogenys
gulduz f. 1 embroidering, embroidery to
embroider 2 patterned embroidery

gl shaven-headed, shaven
gul ng bulldog
gulrkh 1 red-cheeked, rosy-cheeked, ruddy

gulshkra f. 2
gulshgj f.
gulshn m. flower bed
gul'iz r rosy-cheeked
golf m. sports golf
gulf m rosy, pink (color)
gulnd m. 1 rose (flower) jam or preserves
ground up with rose petals (a medicine)

gulk m. proper name Gulak

1 gilk r m. bricklayer; mason; construction worker
2 gulk r m. craftsman specializing in wall-tracery designs
1 gilkr f. construction trade, masonry
2 gulkr f. wall-traceries
gulkarm m. flowering cabbage, cauliflower
gulkarna f. flower growing
gulgsht m. flower bed, flower plot
galgl m. putty, caulking to putty, caulk
gulgul b gul-i-gul b m. gulgulp m. rose
white rose
gulgulchigl children's speech we won, our side won,

gulgn 1 scarlet; pink, rose; ruddy 2 poetry rose-like

gilgj m. calf
gullhta f. proper name Gulashta
gulmkhj f.
gilml f. trowel, smoother compound verb


smooth (e.g., an earthen floor)

gulmhj m. trout
gulmkj f. proper name Gulmaki
glml soiled, dirty
glmltb m. dirtying, besmirching
glmlavl denominative transitive [past: ]

to soil,

dirty, besmirch

2 f.

glmledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

soiled, be dirtied, be besmirched

proper name Gulrukh

gulrukhs r m. 1
gulrng 1 red; rosy, pink


gulmkh m.

2 m. proper name Gulrang

1 large-headed nail 2 button 3 bolt

f. silver decoration in the form of a botton or

nailhead (on the sleeves of women's garments)

gulr 1 poetry rosy-faced 2 f. proper name Gulru

gulrz m. kind of firework
gulz r m. 1 flower bed 2 flower plot
gulzjaj m.
guls z m. craftsman making paper flowers
gulist n m. 1 rose garden; flower garden 2 Gulistan (name
of various settlements, towns, etc.)

gulsark m. mountain finch, brambling

glisern m. glycerine
gulsng m. lichen
gulsh h proper name Gulshah

2 lump sugar

Serinus pusillus

gulmr m. proper name Gulmir

guln r m.
guln r guln ra f. proper name Gulnar
gulnum f. gulnum f. kaleidoscope
1 gilv m. botany Mimosa scandens (a kind of mimosa)
2 gul m. 1 throat; gullet 2 neck
3 gulv m. pin which secures the axle of a millstone
4 gul masculine proper name, affectionate from 1 8
5 gul oblique plural of 1
6 gil oblique plural of 3
7 gil oblique plural of 1

Pashto-English Dictionary

8 gal oblique plural of 1

galav ra f. sack for a horse's load, pack
gulv n m. cord used to tie the neck of a skin bag of Ajran
gulubnd m. 1 necktie, cravat 2 necklace
globijl m. corpuscle, blood corpuscle
glukz m. plural glucose
1 galavl 1 transitive 2 m. plural patience
Patience was exhausted.
2 gulovl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

gleedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

tin-plated 2 to be gilded

glavl denominative, transitive [past:

with adobe

to plaster

be assigned 2 to direct (beams, rays etc.) 3 to summon, conscript

to something

brotherhood, fraternity

a to complain
He complained of

gil f. 1 complaint 2 reproach; censure

There is nothing to reproach others for.

to complain bitterly

the pain. b to reproach

gal gall f. 1 flock; herd (of horses, deer); flock (of birds);

herd of horses (with mares and one stallion) 2 horse farm

3 gla cry used to drive calves

4 gla oblique singular and imperative of 1
5 gul f. proper name Gula
gilamz complaining; querulous
galagrkj m. large grainy snowflakes
gilagus f. bitter lamentations, complaints
gilamn complainer I am complaining
about my beloved (a lovey-dovey complaint)

galav n gallavn m. herder, shepherd

1 galj f. Eastern
2 gulj m. seizure accompanied by convulsions and loss of

consciousness; convulsions (of a mother or child at time of birth);


3 gul ruddy (of an apple)

4 gil plural of 1
5 gal gall plural of 2
galj melted, fused
gle 1 m. plural .1 plating with tin, tinning

1.2 gilt, gilging

2 gilded, plated with gold

glegr m. tin-plater
gleavl denominative, transitive
plate 2 to gild

gilej m. kind of rifle


galedl intransitive [past: ] to melt, fuse

guledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

galer f. gallery
gleg f. unplowed land
gum usually in compounds lost, disappeared, vanished
gum f. wild goat
gumrl transitive [past: ] 1 to nominate, appoint,
designate to assign to work passive to

gululabr f. firing, fire, gunfire

1 gulvna f.
2 gulna plural of 1
3 galavna f. patience
galvh m. kind of quail
galv f. suffix used to form abstract nouns


extinguish (fire, candle, etc.)

1 to tin-

gumrlaj assigned, nominated, designated (for)

gumrnkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. chief
gumrnaj designating, appointing, nominating
gumsht m. agent, authorized representative
gum n m. 1 suspicion, doubt Whom
do you suspect? to be under suspicion 2
thought, opinion, supposition ... suppose that
... One supposes that ... In all
probability ... Don't think that a
to suspect b to suppose, assume to presume
someone guilty of something

gumbt m.
gumbta f.
gambij f. Gambia
gumr h 1 strayed from the path; erring

to lead from

the path; lead astray 2 m. heretic

gumrh f. 1 error 2 heresy

gumrk m. [plural: gumrukna Arabic plural:
gumruk t] customshouse customs duty
not subject to duty, tariff-free, duty-free
the Main Customs Administration
gumrukdz j m. customshouse
gumrukvl m. customs official
gumruk 1 adjective customs customs duty
customs barriers customs
formalities not to be subject to
duty; be duty-free ... to be subject to high
duties ... to be subject to high duties
to go through customs 2 f. customs

gumg m on the sly, on the QT, secretly

gumn m forgotten, unknown
gumnm f. oblivion; the unknown
gumndz f. gumnz f. dialect
1 gam f. pit used as a trap


Pashto-English Dictionary

gma f. secret

gundzhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

wrinkle up, crumple 2 to get angry 3 to grow old, get creased,

to do something on the sly,

keep secret

1 gan m. kite
2 gan m. 1 machine gun 2 sprayer
3 gn m. bloodsucking tick (in cattle)
gunngl m. wild spinach
gun vi feminine plural of 1
gun h f. & m. [plural: gun vi f. Eastern m.
gunhna] 1 religion sin gunh-i a capital sin
to sin 2 guilt, fault; offense; breach (of conduct)
on a charge of incitement We
are not guilty of this. This is not our fault. to put
one's own fault on another; put blame on another

gunhg r 1 m. sinner 2.1 regional guilty

Do you plead guilty or not? 2.2 sinful
gunhgr f. sin, trespass; transgression
gan f. millrace
gumbt m. jump; leap to jump; leap
gumbta f. gumbd m. cupola, arch
ganbt m. military gunboat
gint f. regional evening roll call to conduct
evening roll call

gan f. regional 1 watch, clock 2 hour half an hour

ganj f. regional bell
1 gandzh m. 1 treasure 2 treasure-house, treasury 3 bread
market 4 alms cup (among dervishes)

gundzh m. angle, corner idiom

in the

whole world, in all corners of the terrestial sphere

3 gundzh 4
gundzh n spacious, capacious
gundzhjsh m. 1 capacity, cubic context; tonnage
the scope or capacity of the market 2 place, location
idiom This is no place to speak of that. It is

gandzhrkhaj m. calibrated rod for measuring the output of


become wrinkled

gandzhif f. 1 pack, deck (of cards) 2 card-playing

ganach f. thorny sage
gandzpa f. 1 fox 2 dialect dormouse
gndza f. third finger, ring finger
1 gund 1 m. .1 gang, party 1.2 subdivision, sept (of a tribe)
1.3 grouping 2 equal

2 gnd m. patchwork coat worn by dervishes

3 gind m.
4 gunde Eastern
5 gand m. brushwood
gand v m. 1 stagnant water, foul-smelling water

gundbz f. conflict between or among groups

gundparast f. factionalism
gndph m. ragamuffin
gandki f. plural spoiled raisins, rotten raisins
gandag f.
gandan gandan f. leek
gandolj m. 1 woman's sleeveless dress 2 short sleeveless
coat; sleeveless jacket or blouse

gundzhavl denominative, transitive [past:

wrinkle, knead 2 to anger 3 to reproach

gnda f. patchwork coat, ragged coat worn by dervishes

gnda f.


gand 1 dirty 2 smelly, malodorous 3 rotten 4 base, low

gund coarse, thick

gnd f. annual payment to a barber made by an entire village

on pre-agreed terms
f. history Gandhara
f. 1 dirt 2 stink, stench 3 rottenness, corruption 4


gund f. clique-formation, cliquishness

gundj m. partisan of some group or other; adherent,

a to be

1 to

embryo with sparse kernels

gandzhj f. 1 woolen jacket 2 skein, hank (of yarn)

gundzhj 1 puckered, wrinkled 2 contorted, crumpled

rivalry a

gund f. 1 adherency, partisanship, persuasion

have a party; have followers, have adherents 2

to create a party b to compete, vie 3

gndzha f.
1 gandzhj f. zoology vulture, buzzard
2 gandzhj 1 mangy, scabby 2 m. corn embryo, grain

gund m. old man grown wise through living


wrinkled, be puckered b to crumple


gandzhra f. titmouse, chickadee

gundzhulk 1 wrinkled 2 crumpled

2 Gandav

(name of various settlements and districts)

gndi gnde
gundjm r m. partisan, follower, adherent
gundjmr f.
1 gan m. 1 edging of a garment 2 clay edging for the rim of a


2 gan tautological with

gan present stem of
ganapr 1 m. plural the Gandapuri (tribe)


gankp m. Eastern pickpocket, cutpurse

2 m. Gandapur

Pashto-English Dictionary

ganl transitive [past: ] 1.1 to sew; sew on; mend

to have a tailor make a dress 1.2 to link; unite;
join to; attach to 1.3 to rivet, attract (e.g., the gaze, view) 2 m.

plural .1 sewing, needlework

sewing machine 2.2

linking; uniting; joining together; attaching to idiom

keep mum, be silent


gannaj 1
gna f. 1 upper part of baggy Middle-Eastern trousers through
which is passed a cincture or ochkur to tighten the
cincture 2 knot (in thread, etc.) to tie a knot
to overcome difficulties (by oneself) 3 node
(on a stalk)

Ristolocia rodaphne (a poisonous plant); dialect Rhazia stricta (a

very bitter

ganher f. 2
1 gunj m. usually plural

gun grain ear remaining

on the stalk after threshing

ganj m.

ganj f. short jacket of wool or felt

gun f. 1 collar (of clothing) 2 selvage (of material) 3

to stun,

gansavna f. stunning, deprivation of consciousness

gansedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

stunned, be deprived of consciousness

gansed m. plural loss of consciousness, senselessness

gankp m.
ganak stunned, deprived of consciousness
1 gang m. invitation to a betrothal
2 gng stunned, deprived of consciousness
3 gung mute, dumb to render mute to
become mute

gang f. the Gang (River)

the Gang


gungr m. small bell, handbell; chime

gungr m. plural 2
gang m. 1
gangr f. sufferings, trials, tribulations


worry about, work beyond one's powers

m. chime

gungr m. plural boiled grain of pulse, wheat; grain

steeped in water

1.2 aristolochia, birthwort,

plant used in cheese making as a leaven) 1.3 plural poison 2

gansavl denominative, transitive [past:

deprive of consciousness


ganm first person present tense of

ganna f. sewing, needlework
gannj m. blouse with gathers
gan first person plural present tense of
ganolj m.
gann m. sewing, needlework sewing needle
1 gannkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. tailor
2 gannke 1 f. present participle of 2 f.

ganatl m. asafetida
ganhr 1 m. .1 bitter taste

cord 4 button

5 gan present tense of

ganj ra f. wild (weedy) rye
ganj l m. 1
ganr m. poison
ganermarj f. antidote (for poison)
ganern poisonous
1 ganerj m. oleander
2 ganerj f. cleaned and cut pieces of sugarcane (used for

gnr m. senile and decrepit ox

gunz f. dialect
gnza f. dialect
gans 3
ganstb m. ganstj f.
stunning, deprivation of consciousness

gansv laj m.

1 gangs m. narcissus
2 gangs m. turn, twist; rotation, revolution
3 gans gangs stunned, deprived of consciousness

gangstb m. gangstj gangstj f.
gangsavl denominative
gangsedl denominative, intransitive
His head was spinning. He was dizzy.
gngl m. turnip
gang m. saffron
gangraj m. bunch of grapes
gango gango
gungusng taciturn, silent
gangos f. sound, utterance
gangusj m. 1 hubbub (of conversation) 2 tread, tramp 3
whisper 4 rustle (of leaves, etc.)


gangumh m m. twilight, dusk

gnga hr f.

gnga majn f. waxwing (the

1 gangj m. mute, dumb person

2 gng m. plural feces, defecation, excrement
gannj m. nursling lamb (ram)
1 gan f. knucklebone (for gambling)
2 gan f. gann 1
3 gunh f.
4 gun f. sign, token

Pashto-English Dictionary

gunh r m. pot-herb, Amaranthus paniculatus, Amaranthus


ganadrb m.

gan m. 1 enumeration (objects); counting; listing, inventory

2 opinion; supposition, assumption

ganadrv m. 1 first mowing of

lucerne or clover 2 unripe mulberry

gunahg r m. sinner, culprit

gunahgravl denominative, transitive
to censure, condemn, blame


gaavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to render

frequent 2 to thicken, make dense 3 to make shady, shade 4 to
make numerous 5 to populate thickly, populate

ga 1 second person present of

2 gedl

2 one might say; it can

2 flock

2 adverb really, perhaps


denominative, intransitive [past:

1 to be

plentiful, be profuse, be frequent; grow thickly 2 to be shady 3 to

be numerous 4 to be thick, be dense 5 to be thickly populated, be


g f. 1 snuffling, noisy breathing 2 muttering, mumbling

gabt m. military gunboat
gatb f. gatj f.
garsnj f. plural multimedia
gakp m. pickpocket, cutpurse
gg m. plural hubbub, ruckus, noise, uproar
gal transitive [past: ] 1 to consider, suppose; regard,
estimate to consider someone ill
The government considers that Take
my word for it. to have a high opinion of oneself
and more in this same vein, etc. and so forth
passive to be considered, be regarded to

shadiness 4 multiplicity 5 density of population, populousness

noisily through the nose 2 to speak nasally

frequent (of phenomena)

ga 1 imperfective imperative of

gaj l m. digital
gaj l lidz ikalj m. DVD (digital video disk)
1 gnedl intransitive [past: ]1 to breath heavily and

move purposelessly 6 dull, cloudly (of the sky) 7 common,

1 frequency 2 thickness, density 3


(or similar denoting hesitation or doubt)

to be rendered very thick, be made dense b to walk to and fro;

ganj m.
gav laj m.

you are not a Pashtoon?

a great quantity
a large family the overwhelming majority
crowd, mass of people 5 thickly populated, populous
dense population 2 a

gana f. 1 supposition; scrutiny, examination; evaluation 2

Eastern counting, counting up

(of birds) 3 number, figure

multitudinous, numerous

ga f. singular of

gah r m. nasal voice

gabz m. decisive and bold man
gaakhvr m. rich pastureland
gaaga f. 1 crowd; hurly-burly; assemble; age

This garden is shady. In this garden is much shade. 4

Eastern to count, count up

ga f. issue (of a magazine, etc.)

be said

1 ganj m. sugarcane
2 gnaj m. 1 beehive 2 wasps' nest
3 gan dialect 1 perhaps 2 like 3 isn't it so
4 ganj f. suffix for nouns expressing kinship relationships
paternal relatives
ganerj f. 2
1 g m. snuffling, noisy breathing nasal
2 ga 1 thick, dense a thick forest a dense tree,
tree with a dense crown thick tresses 2 heavy, deep,
profound, dense deep shadow 3 shady

be not highly regarded; be held in low esteem; be scorned 2

gash m. weak and sickly man

gaj f. deposit, pledge, mortgage
gajav l m. mortgage holder; pledgee, pawnee
go Eastern
gvtl transitive [past: ] to wound
gvtna f. wound, wounding
gvteml f. Guatemala (state, city)
guv a f. regional pile of dried dung cakes, manure
guvj m. owl
gv che so to speak, as if
gvdr m. Gvadar, Gwadar (port, Persian Gulf)
1 guv r gu r go r m. [plural: guvrna plural:
gurna plural: gorna Eastern f. plural: gure] herd of

2 gav r m. dialect boor; oaf

1 guvr m. plural 1 the Guvari (a people of India)


2 gavrj f. bag for transporting soil

gvh m. 1 separation (of quarreling parties); mediation,
intervention to separate (in a dispute), pacify someone
2 threat They resorted to threats.
1 gvhgrndj m.
2 gvhgrand f. intervention, arbitration
to intervene, act as an arbitor, act as a third-party judge
gvhgraj m. umpire, arbitor, third-party judge

Pashto-English Dictionary

gvhl transitive [past: ] 1 to pacify to separate

(disputants) 2 to threaten 3 to persuade 4 to prepare or train for

Eastern to make a thumbprint (instead of a

signature) to fight with someone, scratch
somebody up to touch, touch upon
You don't hide the truth.
proverb literal If he finds room for a finger, he puts
the finger at


gvhndj m.
gvhavl denominative, transitive
pacify, appease, separate (disputants)



his whole fist in. figurative Give him an inch and he takes a mile.

gvahedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to threaten 2

Eastern to prepare, get ready for something, decide (to do

living a different life 2 gvta gta Eastern signet ring, ring

gold ring to wear a ring
literal He has a prince's ring on his finger.

A long time ago I decided to write something about this problem.

gu ke as though, as if, like

gvl m. 1 reach, stretch (of a river)

figurative He does nothing. He is laying about. 3 measure (the

Its the
devil's own work. idiom It is more
visible from the side. idiom
It is pitch-dark. idiom to regret, deplore,
grieve idiom Eastern idiom a Leave him in
peace. b Don't have anything to do with that matter. idiom
a to become renown b to become a laughingstock idiom
to be very thirsty Eastern idiom
to be astounded, be surprised, be stunned
idiom to be surprised, be astonished
idiom to point out somebody's faults,
indicate someone's shortcomings idiom a to
width of a finger, about one centimeter) idiom

2 bend (of a mountain

range) 3 gently sloping drop

We are not closely related to them. idiom

gavnch f. kind of harrow used to level off land under


gvn m. suburb
gvangar f. gvngalv f. neighborhood
1 gv ne
2 gvnj dialect 1 m. neighbor 2 neighboring
gav h m. witness compound verb to summon as a

gavh f. testimony, witness testimony

to give evidence
gavhilna f. giving of evidence, testimony
gavhilnaj m. witness
gavhivarkavna f.
gobalka f. mushroom, fungus
1 gob f. regional cauliflower head of cabbage
2 gbi f. the Gobi Desert
1 gup m. 1 astronomy Venus 2 bank of clouds
2 gop m. hump (of a camel, yak)
3 gup m. gulp, mouthful
gopj m. leather patch (on a skin bag)
gop 1 elderly 2 m. old man
gvtkj f.
gvtgutj mocked, humiliated to mock,

gvtgj f. signet ring, ring

gvtlka f. girl given in marriage in order to stop a blood


gvtman f. 1 pointing a finger 2 censure; reproach;


gvtmv m. gvt f.
gutmj gvutmj f. small ring, small signet ring
gta gvta gvta f. 1 finger He got
down to work. a to point to, indicate with the finger
b to seize for oneself c to point out deficiencies, point the finger


proverb In a single family, everyone is

to fall into the hand of, meet

to point

quarrel with someone b to bargain with somebody, trade with

to blame someone,
to play the rabab a little
idiom a to interfere in some
matter b to put in order; repair to
someone idiom

slander somebody idiom

dress up, array oneself (in)

1 gvatj m. measure for powder

2 gvte f. signet ring, ring
3 gti gte gvti plural of
4 got Gothic Gothic style
5 gotj f. Eastern
gotk 4
1 gu gv [plural: gun plural: gvtn] 1 angle
acute angle obtuse angle right
angle to get oneself into a corner 2 region,
district in different areas of the country 3
hiding place to find peace in
seclusion to commit a burglary by breaking in
2 gu m. 1 mouthful, swallow a mouthful of water
to drink water in gulps 2 piece (of food)
to swallow to take a swallow
3 go m. 1 bobbin; reel 2 chess pawn 3 dolt, blockhead
1 guk m. corner
2 gok m. technology pulley, block
1 goka f.

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 gok f. savings, economy measures

gul transitive [past: ] 1 to swallow

2 Eastern to

drink 3 Eastern absorb

gol f. skein, hank (of yarn)

golj f. child's pacifier made of cloth (sometimes dipped in a

gvtn sta f. seclusion, the life of a hermit

gvn staj m. hermit, anchorite
guna f. swallowing
gotv laj m. bluntness, limitedness, scantiness
1 goavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to blunt,



guavl denominative, transitive [past:


guj m. set square

goj f. backgammon board

gaj m. diminutive suffix little heart


goedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to become

dull, become blunt
guz combining form angular


gun gvn angular

gudzhr gudzhr m. 1


shepherd, herder 2 cattleman 3

Gudzhar (nationality) 4 proper name Gudzhar

gudzhrkaj m. vertebra
gudzhra f. 1 feminine of 2 dairymaid
godzhk m. unleavened bread
gudzhj m. 1 shell; cockleshell 2 snail shell
gudzn m. paralysis

3 pine cone 4

paralytic, one suffering from

gutsj m. kind of edible mushroom

god m.
gud a f. clip on the back of the head; a cuff, punch
god l m. trou-de-loup; tank-trap (covered and camouflaged)
god m m. piling up of errors
gudr m. to wade, ford
proverb literal If you don't know the ford, do not enter the

water. figurative If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

1 gud


m. 1 small piece, bit

fragments 2 rag 3 rubbish

gobj m. porter (carrying a hunter or travelers



guchkaj m. guakj m. small bag, little sack

gogr m. [plural: gogr plural: gogr n]

gul m. cattle run, cowpen

gvv laj m.
guavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
cripple, wound to injure the leg 2 to paralyze
gu f. dialect knee
1 gaj m. 1 leather traveling bag; knapsack 2 neck of a skin
water-bag 3 young embryo ear (of corn, maize)


Everyone takes care of himself. 3 sheet onto which fruit is

knocked from the tree 4 storage bag (for belongings)

gob m. special worker who digs irrigation wells and tunnels

gvtb m. gutj f. 1 lameness 2 state of being

gudipar n m. kite
1 go m. regional weeding to weed
2 gu gv 1.1 lame to grow lame 1.2 injured 2
m. cripple, invalid, disabled disabled war veteran
go m. 1 doll 2 2
gogj m. doll, puppet
ggj plangr m. computer science proxy server
go na f. 1 bosom 2 pocket; pouch, purse
proverb literal Everyone stuffs his own pockets. figurative

in bits, pieces,

2 gud m. old cow

gudvl m. rag-and-bone man, junkman
guda f. skinny old woman
gudaj f. gudj patchwork coat of a dervish
god f. cellar which is not equipped for human habitation
gudj f. godj doll

2 guj m. cripple, disabled person

3 guj f. doll
4 goj m. small scythe, reaping hook (for weeding)
5 go m. worker engaged in weeding
gujaprj f. 1 small water-skin 2 hot-water bottle
guedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
crippled 2 to grow lame

gujka f. 1 crutch 2 small doll, dolly 3 leg of a distaff

guzravl transitive 2
guzr m. Eastern
1 gor m. grave, tomb to be at the edge of
the grave, have one foot in the grave; be at death's door
to go to the grave without
having enjoyed accumulated wealth

gur 1 thick; dense, compact

avenue 2 thick,

branchy, spreading, shady 3 abundant (of fruit) 4 foggy; cloudy

5 dark (of a storm cloud) 6 swarming with something, teeming

with something


gur m. rumbling at the time of an earthquake; dull noise

gvar m. rival or opponent who is equal in strength

gor gloomy, somber

gavr m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

gor present tense of 1

gor dza f. rags, tatters
gurj f. plain girl, plain Jane
gorgr quick, adroit; lively, sharp
gurbt m. eagle
1 grt m. web
2 gvurt m.
gort p a f. web page
gurtb m.
gvartb m. 2
1 gurtj f.
2 gvartj 1 opposition, counteraction 2 rivalry
gurdzh f. red plum idiom ruddy face
gurdzhj f. obsolete woman's slippers
gurdzhj spaj m. setter, pointer (bird dog)
gorist n m. cemetery; graveyard
gorkh m. Indian badger
gor-kafn m. 1 obsequies, funeral service 2 funeral

2 guravl transitive [past: ] to reproach, censure

1 gor m. [plural: gorag n] regional 1 English

gorkn m. gravedigger
1 gurkj m.
2 gork Gorki (city)
gorgaj f. badger
gvurgra f. 1 2 blackberry bush
gurldz ruddy man
1 gorm m. gorm herd of cows or buffalo
2 grm first person singular present tense of 1
gurml transitive
gurmedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to growl, roar;

3 gavrj f. groats
gri present tense of 1
goridzhn cunning; deceptive
1 guredl denominative, intransitive


bellow 2 to carry on disagracefully, conduct oneself in an

unseemly fashion (at home)

gorna f. 1 hovel, shack 2 old neglected tomb 3 cattle


gavrnr m. 1 governor 2 director; member of management

the management (of a company)
gavrnr dzhener l history governor-general (the viceroy
of India)

gurv laj m. 1 thickness; denseness, compactness 2

thickness, branchiness, shadiness 3 abundance, plenteousness 4

fogginess; cloudiness

gorv n m. Western shepherd; drover

gorvnka f. starling
gorv na f. shepherdess
gorvn f. profession of shepherd, shepherding
1 guravl denominative, transitive [past: ]

gor f. sawdust, metal filings

gra imperfective imperative of

Look out!


gra f. singular of

1 !

Be careful!

gor f. gur gully; rut, groove

gvra f. brand, trademark (on goods)
gor in every possible way, very
gurah r m. 1 rumble, rumbling 2 tread, tramp 3 growl,

growling 4 reproaches

gorakhr m. wild ass, onager


gorhnda f. 1 rough, uneven ground 2 gully, ravine 3 pit

gorajz regional English

Martini-Henri rifle

gurj m.

gor f. deceit, fraud, cheating (in gambling)


deceive, cheat, defraud (in gambling)

[past: ] 1 to be

thick, be dense, be compact; get thick, grow dense 2 to be thick,

be branchy, be shady; to grow in great profusion (of vegetation) 3

to be foggy, be cloudy 4 to swarm, teem with something

guredl intransitive [past: ]1 to behave in a

disgraceful manner 2 Eastern to grumble, mutter

goril f. gorilla
gvarilj partisan, guerrilla guerrilla warfare
gorim r m. confidence man, cheat, deceiver
1 gurj-murj 1 sudden 2 unexpected
They seized him without warning.
2 gri-mri precisely, exactly
1 gu stomach-rumbling (in cattle)
2 go m. 6
3 go m. weeding of sugarcane
4 go m. gully
1 go m. Melia indica (a kind of tree)
2 go f. device for levelling land under cultivation, kind of

gobj f. 1 small waterfall 2 spray of water 3 children's


1 to

make thick, make dense, make compact; thicken 2 to make thick,

make branchy, make shady 3 to make abundant, make numerous

4 to make foggy, make cloudy

soldier 2 Englishman

gokhr m.
guk m. 1 wasps' nest 2 high-quality tobacco
gobhj m. maelstrom, gulf, abyss
gvrdn f. plural roasted wheat kernels over which black
molasses has been poured


Pashto-English Dictionary


aside. b to seclude, isolate c to relinquish something

m. boards, lumber; beam

m. regional races, horse races



avoid someone

gohanishn m. hermit; anchorite; recluse

gohanishin f. hermit's life; anchoritism
gohv laj m. 1 seclusion 2 isolation 3 refusal of
something, rejection of something

guj f. 1 wad (of cotton) 2 skein (of yarn)

guj f. 1 green shoots of the camelthorn bush (used as

cattle feed) 2 roasted maize kernels

guz r m.
guzravl transitive
guzr f.
guzredl denominative
gozlek f. trifle; minute particle
guzmzaj m.
1 gavzn m. reindeer
2 guzn m. guz m. guzd m. paralysis
guzad m. wood-boring beetle
guzvj m. ox used for ploughing, etc., draft animal
gavza f. fallow deer, doe
guzj f. twisted woolen thread
gos f. 1 to beat someone, give a clip
on the back of the head to beat with the fist
1 gosna f. clip on the back of the head, cuff, punch
2 gsa f. gvsa kind of snake
1 gvsa f. boulder
2 gus f. tautological with
gosh-i-fl m. twigs, twiglets (pastry)
goshk m. goshka f. goshakj f. military
telephone receiver; sound-locator

goshml f. reprimand, dressing-down

gushn tautological with
gosh f. capitation tax on cattle

each taken separately 2

Put this aside (in
a separate place). to separate, isolate to be
separated, be isolated 3 only, just

guhedl denominative [past: ] to be separated, be

isolated; be secluded

isolated 2.4 rejecting something; standing aside; relinquishing


gug m. plural 1 matches 2 sulfur

sulfur mine


2 gug decrepit; old; weak

3 gog m. 2
gog f. cooked, roasted
1 gogl gogl m. 1 1 2 hull, fuselage (of an aircraft)
2 gogl m. gum resin
3 gogl m. plural 1
goglj m. [plural: gogl plural: goglij n] 1
supporting trellis for grapevines, brace 2 stand (for storing

gogn 1 empty, vacant 2 hollow

gognv laj m. 1 emptiness, cavity 2 hollow, hollowness
gug m.
gogvr m. kind of mountain flower
gugushtka f. turtledove
gugusht m. & f. 1 turtledove 2 gurgling of liquid poured


a to take aside

gugirdsz f. match production

match factory

gogavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

make vacant, make hollow, hollow out, gouge out 2 to erode (of

to exact a

goht f. Goshta (town, Momands)

goh 1 f. .1 corner, nook, cozy place 1.2 sector 1.3
2.1 cozy, secluded cozy corner 2.2 secluded 2.3

gog 1.1 empty, vacant 1.2 hollow 2 m. .1 cavity 2.2

chamber (of the heart)

from the neck of a jug

guht m. religion instructions of a saint, teaching of an


separately, particularly, specially

capitation tax on cattle

gvhaj ghaj 1 separate, private; alone

separately, particularly

exudate on the camelthorn bush


a to be secluded b

to maintain a private residence
to be unsociable to assiduously

head, and feet

to reject something; stand aside; relinquish something

guka f. skein, hank (yarn, thread)

gum ch m. ram's stomach cooked together with intestines,
gvm r m. craftsman who makes sugar of sugarcane
gundzh m. maelstrom, gulf, abyss
gvobj m. 1 sugarcane molasses syrup 2 stagnant water
gva f. gva molasses, treacle idiom to be
friends, love one another to love someone
1 guj f. sap (of a plant, a tree) a dried sappy

to lead a secluded life

He took him

river banks)

gogj m.

denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

empty, be vacant, be hollow

A hollow formed

in this tree. 2 to be eroded (of a riverbank)

gol m. 1 ox standing in the center of the threshing floor

(during threshing) 2 dolt, lunkhead


gol m. sports goal

Pashto-English Dictionary

3 gul m. regional victim, sacrifice

4 gul m. 1
gulmkh m.
1 gul m. 2
2 gol oblique plural of
3 gol oblique plural of
gulavl transitive [past: ]

to upset, stir up trouble;

cause disturbance 2 to (unauthorizedly) divulge a secret

gol f. 1 piece, bit to swallow, gulp down

to swallow thirstily, gobble up 2 stirrup strap 3 pill,
tablet Mahmud is unable to earn
his livelihood. a to be very avaricious
Ahmed is extremely tightfisted. b to stick in
the throat

golabrt m.

gulabrd m. plural regional 1

munitions 2 ammunition

gulabr f. gunfire; bombardment

upon; bombard

to fire

golj f. 1 bullet bullets shell; shot

to shoot 2 pill, tablet 3 spheroid
gulipndzh m. river crab
guledl intransitive [past: ] 1 to break out, develop

gvndparast f.
gundrj m. small group
1 gavand f. large sack
2 gund m. experienced and strong man, worldly-wise man
1 gund f. gvund 1
2 gnde Eastern gndi maybe, possibly, apparently
Perhaps he will come before noon.
maybe, God willing
3 gndaj m. large double sack
gvndjm r m. gundjm r
gvndjmr gundjmr f.
gon f. 1 bent knee (of a camel) 2 kneeling a to
hobble (a camel) b to clasp the knee a to kneel b to
persist to kneel to be stubborn,
persist, be inflexible

gnz f. dialect
gnza f.
gvng gung 2
gung m. dung beetle, scarab
gungr m. silver handbell
gung m. plural 2
gung m. 1 bush having dark-yellow wood

(of trouble, dissension) 2 to be divulged (of a secret)

gum n m.
gum n m. gum nu m. mushroom, toadstool
gumbt m. gumbta f. cupola, arch
gumbaz cupola-ed, arched
gumburj m. cheek
gumbj f. protuberance, bulge; bump, lump
goml m. the Gomal Passage
gumndzh f. dialect
1 gvn m.
2 gn suffix forming adjectives with the meaning of "several
times as much or as many" double; twofold
triple 20 apiece
gon f. chess pawn
gundzh 4
gundzhl transitive [past: ] to wrinkle, crumple
gundzhkj m. cupboard (for dishes)
gundzhavl denominative, transitive
gndzha f. crease; pleat
gundzhj 4
gundzhedl denominative
gndzhi-gndzhi wrinkled; crumpled
gndza f. ripple on the surface of

gvund m. gvnd
gvndbz f.


2 saffron 3 wild

safflower 4 pale face

gungtsaj m. dialect
gungraj m. bunch, cluster (of grapes)
gungu and
gungvaj m.
gungvusj m. gungosj
gung mh m twilight, dusk
gnga rozh gungajng f.

complete silence,

absolute silence

1 gungj m. 1 eagle owl 2 owl idiom

It is like casting pearls before

2 gungj dumb, mute

3 gngaj m. bunch (of grapes)
1 gna f. 1 color 2 face, complexion 3 kind, type; order
2 gna gnaj suffix 2
1 gun f. leather patch on the counter of slipper
2 gonj f. sack
gunj f. & m. triangle (drawing)
gonj f. 1
gu m. weevil
guv a f.
guh m. 1 feces, stool 2 slag
goh f. pile of dried dung cakes
guh r goh r f. & m. goh ra f. herd of cattle
gohr m. 1 precious stone 2 nature, essence 3 flash, gleam
(of a saber)


Pashto-English Dictionary

1 gvj m. small low mountain pass

2 goj m. polo ball
3 goj m. plural dung cake; dried dung
4 goj m. 1 ox that works well in harness 2 millwheel lever
5 goj m. garrulous person; chatterbox
guj goj 1 as though, like, as it were as
though, like, as if consequently, therefore, accordingly 2

guj n goj n speaking, conversing speaking in
the native language

gvin f. Guiana
gojr m. gvr herd of cattle (20-30 head)
gvg m. questioning
gveg l transitive [past: ] to question
govjk m. woman's high-heeled slipper
gojavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to train an

cuffs (for married women)

a to do something unseemly on the quiet; cheat

someone b to ignore someone's request or order c to take off, cop

out, run out

gich senseless, unconscious, fainting

gich f.


gikh f. 1 garbage, remains of food 2 oil cake,

waste products; flax straw, hemp straw

in the morning.

git r m. guitar
gitrst m. guitarist
gets m. garters, suspenders

unconscious, fainting

1 gj f. cord (for sewing sacks)

2 gj diminutive suffix forms nouns little heart
gij f.
gij n m. Gian (town, Khost)
gijn f. Guiana
gij f. gij h f. gjj h m. 1 grass hay 2 fodder
gij adjective vegetable vegetable dyes
gebj m. baggy Middle-Eastern style trousers with narrow

4 gej f. shot, ball (rifle); buckshot

gejvl shotgun
1 gich m. [plural: gich n] shards of broken pottery, etc.,

gja f. crumpledness, state of being crumpled

goj f. nonsensical babbling, chattering
ghabr v regional alarmed He became alarmed.
ghabrh m. regional trepidation, worry, alarm
to get alarmed, express alarm
gohr m.
ghaj f. regional 1 watch, clock 2 hour
ghaj l m. regional clock tower
ghan ghin f. regional 1 hour half hour 2
gong, bell to ring a bell, strike a gong
ghan f. regional bell to ring, ring a bell
gha f. 1
gahvr f. cradle; bassinette
ghur 2
gahdz m. gahz m. morning I came to him


a hookah

used in children's games

ox to the plow

ge m. regional gate
1 gikj f. 1
2 gikj m. regional 3 1
1 gij f. pastern (of a horse)
2 gej f. hank, skein (of thread, yarn)
3 gej f. gij 1 round flat stone 2 pebble which is placed in

gid na f.
gid m. gid 1 jackal

literal A

jackal sits in his heart. figurative He is afraid. He is apprehensive

(of exposure, arrest). 2 dog-fox 3 sly fox, shrewdie

gidab gh m. solanum, morel

gidavad m. rain during sunshine
gida f. vixen, she-fox
gidaj f. 1 toadying 2 senseless laughter


laugh without reason


gidj m. gedj regional donkey

ged stupid

donkey, ass

gedj f. she-ass
gebng ge 1 potbellied, big-bellied 2 gluttonous,


gir m.
geavr big-bellied, big with child
ga f. 1 belly, stomach to eat large quantities
fed, clothed, and shod He is
hungry. I am not greedy.
to abort, miscarry He loves to treat himself. He
has a sweet tooth. a He is very gluttonous. b He
loves to eat. He ate a lot. 2 interior, center,
depth Someone came out of the

1 gej m. 1 armful, bundle (of firewood) 2 sheaf of grass
carried on the back idiom to unite for the attack
2 gej f. 1 bouquet 2 bunch (of grass, etc.) 3 small sheaf
1 ger 1.1 enclosed with a fence 1.2 surrounded; besieged 1.3
stuck, bogged down 2 m. catching, capturing;
catch idiom ! Now you're caught! Got you!
2 gr m. hairpin
3 gr combining form seizing, catching, getting
fisherman, catcher of fish


Pashto-English Dictionary

ger quick, smart, efficient

gir 1 f. .1 paper clip; hitch 1.2 small hook 1.3 vice with a

screw 2 seizing; catching

gerchpr Eastern around around the city

girgir f. 1
girand 1 attractive 2 gripping; fascinating
girud r m. struggle the struggle for existence
giravl geravl denominative transitive [past: ]
1 to seize, grab, catch 2 to confine, imprison (e.g., in a cell, a

cage) 3 to surround, beseige 4 to surround with a fence, fence in

5 Eastern to catch

The rain caught her.

gir f. sack for transporting loads on a donkey

2 gra Eastern
3 gra f. singular of 1
1 girj f. 1 interior envelope of a maize ear 2 hangnail
2 gerj m. rim, felloe (of a wheel)
giredl geredl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

gza suffix used to form adjectives


gingj m. 1
1 ginj f. oil press
2 gen dialect like, resembling
3 gin f. ginj f. Guinea
genaj m. anatomy uterus, womb
ge f. adornment, decoration; appointments; dress, attire
to array the bride, dress the bride
gijotn m. guillotine
gjavl transitive [past: ] to plait, plait together; braid
gadz 1 m. morning 2 in the morning
gjajl transitive
gejnaj m. woolen thread (for tying up bags, etc.)

1 to

fall (into the clutches, net, etc.) 2 to stick, get stuck

a 100-

Afghan banknote

f. magpie

ges m. 1 gas toxic gases gas light

to turn on the gas 2 [plural: gesna] gas lamps
ges m. curl; braid
gigb j m. gigabyte
gighrs m. gigahertz
1 gigij m. plural the Gigijani (tribe) 2 gigijj m.

lm 1 the thirty-fourth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the number

l 1.1 still, yet, up to now Haven't you left yet?

It has not been two days yet
since he arrived. even before this 1.2 used with

ball, sphere)

30 in the abjad system


qualitative adjectives to indicate a greater degree of the

still less, even less

characteristic denoted, still more, etc.

It will be still better.

This melon is sweet, but that is still sweeter. 1.3 still more, yet

I had decided
to say yet more, but 2 participle even )
( Many of its peaks (the Hindu
more (in supplement to something)

Gigijani (tribesman)

gel rushing along

1 gil s m. cherry tree
2 gil s m.
geln m. gallon (liquid measure)
gelavl denominative, transitive

gedj m. regional 1 rhiniceros 2 history rhinoceros-hide

Kush) are snow-covered even in summer.


gil f. complaint
gilaamz adjective querulous, complaining
gilgj m.
geledl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to roll (a

to roll along

giligj m. calf
gim m. 1 precipice 2 depression or hollow in a river valley
gentrj f. regional roll call
gen f. regional 1 hour 2 watch, clock
genagr m. regional clock tower
1 genj f. skein, hank (yarn, thread)
2 genj f. hoe, mattock
gind m. [plural: gind n] 1 ball 2 math sphere
gnda f. stitching, quilting to stitch, quilt

l f.

l a prefix with nouns which have a temporal meaning, and

used with the word

forms adverbs, and adverbial phrases with

the general meaning of "after"

(of a sphere, a ball)

the day after tomorrow

l Arabic negative prefix non-, un-, in-



labl careless, not careful, not serious, scatterbrained

lal Arabic at least, at the very least
lintih Arabic boundless, endless
lintihijt m. Arabic boundlessness, endlessness
lbad lbud Arabic obligatory, unavoidable, indispensable
This is unavoidable.
lbortu r m. laboratory
lbortur adjective laboratory laboratory

lbirnt m. labyrinth
lbl sab Eastern

lbl gahdz the day after



lbi f. plural extravagant praise, toadying

Pashto-English Dictionary

lbaj n Arabic indescribable, inexpressible

lp z m. La Paz (city)
lpzn m. braggart, boaster
lpas still more He became all the

lz stupid, dull
lr f. [plural:

asphalt road
literal & figurative straight road main highway,
highway, high road long road; circuitous way
to take the long way round the shortest route
halfway, mid-journey the period of bad roads
travel expenses traveling companion, fellow
traveler )(through, via, by way of via
Dzhelalabd 2 method; means another way such
as by legal means in legal form
3 trajectory the trajectory of a projectile 4 part (in the
hair) part (in the hair) to make a part (in the
hair) to proceed a to
find the road, find the way b figurative to find a way out
to cut a road through to proceed along a certain
route a to lose one's way, stray from the path b
figurative to err, go astray to search out a means
a to go along the road We went along that
exact route. b to rob c to be on good terms with
someone He disagrees with me.
d to bar someone's way a He lost his
way. He strayed from the path. b He got lost. a to walk
along the road, ride along the road Today

more insistent.

lpk boastful to speak boastfully, boast

l pi
ltar f. lottery latrj a lottery ticket
ltu'dd Arabic innumerable, incalculable
ltvij f.
l ta three years ago three nights ago
three days ago
ltn m. Latin, the Latin language
ltin adjective 1.1 Latin Latin America 2.1 m.
the Romans 2.2 Latin, the Latin language

1 l m. heap, pile
2 l m.
lkj m. unripe ear of maize in its covering
l m. 1 2 2 shrike (the bird)
l imperfect of
ln m. lantern a kerosene lamp
candle lamp
lsn Arabic matchless, incomparable
ldzhbr m. colloquial
ldzhav b Arabic not finding words for an answer; not
having an answer He did not find words to answer.
ldzhvrd m. plural lazulite, lapis lazuli

we travelled 4 kuruhs (i.e., about 3 kilometers). b to commit

robbery, rob c to bar the way, the road d

to lead astray

ldzhvrdi 1 made of lazulite, of lapis lazuli 2 sky blue;

indisputable, irrefutable

They beat me so badly that I could not stand.

toy) 3 figurative blockhead, dolt

lnaj m. block, log, blockhead

lrb m. [plural: lrbn] traveler, wayfarer

lrp a f.
lr prekavnkaj high-speed
lr m. Lord the House of Lords
lrhodna f.
lr hovnkaj 1 indicating the way 2 m. .1 guide;
conductor 2.2 mentor; leader; chief


await, wait

ltsr 1 helpless 2 incurable

lts r f. 1 helplessness 2 incurability
lhi f. Arabic grammar 1 suffix 2 ending
ld-b d m. support, stand
ld m.
lng m. lanky fellow, lanky person
1 l m. broad mountain slope broken by ravines
2 l m. 1 rind, shell (of an opium poppy capsule)

Satan led him astray

to miss one another, pass without meeting

to seduce, lead astray, divert from the proper path
to be led astray
to give instruction, guidance; instruct;
to impede, harm, play a dirty trick on
I have seen everything. I have experienced it all. to


lzh r lzh ra
lchka f. breed of dog with sparse fur
1 lch m.
2 lch m. botany cardamon
3 lchj f.
ldzav b 1 to compel to be silent

a to go on one's way, continue on one's road b to set out for home

deposits of lapis lazuli

l ri] 1 road, path, way

on the road, on the way, en route

lrhovna f. 1 instruction, precept; leadership 2

commentary (on a law)

2 top (the

lrhovnaj m. 1 guide; conductor 2 guidebook

l rgha 1 f. hindrance, impediment 2 long ago, a
long time ago


lr-at r m. military obsolete column of route

Pashto-English Dictionary

lrlbr f. scream, yell

lrlk m. 1 military column of route

3 lj f. the heel of a plow shaft

4 l e f. plural Eastern vice
5 laj Eastern conditional form of 1
ledzhn m. 1 2 2 botany portulaca
lzm Arabic necessary, needful it is
necessary, one must, one should Arabic
You need to go to a doctor. to consider necessary,

2 pass; safe-conduct 3


lrnsu-mrkish m. Loreno-Marques (city,

Mozambique, now called Maputo)

l rmnd rwr m. computer science router

lrnivna f. brigandage, robbery
lr nvinnkaj m. highway robber, brigand
1 l ro oblique plural of
2 lr oblique plural of 2
lrv f. larva (of an insect)
lrvrkaj 1 going astray, losing one's way 2 getting lost
lravnaj m.
lrvahna f. 1 proceeding, going on the road 2 robbery,

think needful

lzmn Arabic it is obligatory; it is necessary

lzm-ul-idzhr Arabic obligatory in execution
It is necessary to do this without fail.
lzimv laj m. necessity, obligation
lzimavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
compel, oblige; demand something


lr vahnkaj m.

lrvahnaj m. 1 traveler,

wrong way the correct route railroad
wiggle room, room for maneuvering to show
someone a bad example to await, wait for someone
2 lr imperfect of
3 lr f. melody
4 lr oblique singular of 1 crescent-shaped
lrahovna f. to
goat trail idiom

instruct someone; supervise someone

lrj m.

lr f. [plural: lrj plural: lrigni] truck,


lzim Arabic 1.1 f. singular of

lravj m. traveler; passerby

l ra f. Eastern

lzma f. singular of

l ri plural and oblique singular of

on the way, en route;

on the road

4 l re plural of 1
lrdz lrz striped
l ri-l ri scattered, strewn; dispersed
lrivl m. truck driver, lorry driver
1 l m.
2 l Eastern vice 2 He hasn't left. He didn't go.
l present perfective stem and past of 1
ll Eastern vice
lle f. past plural of 1
1 ln Eastern 2
2 l m. ditherer
3 l o Eastern vice 2
l plural Eastern vice
1 lj m. rafter, beam
2 l i f. plural saliva His mouth has dried

1.2 plural necessary,

needed, appropriate (things) 2 f. a necessary thing

wayfarer 2 robber, brigand

lzim 1 necessary, needed 2 unavoidable 3 grammar

intransitive (verbs)

lzimedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

obligatory, be necessary; be needed; be required

lzav l Arabic eternal, unfading, non-transient

ls m. 1 hand from hand to hand; hand in hand,
alongside hand-to-hand combat 2 side
on the left side; on the left 3 figurative influence, authority
He has great influence. I am in
his power. 4 set, suit (of bedclothes, clothing) ten
suits of clothing, ten suits 5 assistance, help, aid a
to take, appropriate, take along
He took the property of another. b to get to
work on something, get down to something c to
meddle in something Don't meddle in my
affairs. d to fight with someone; be free with one's
fists e to take liberties with someone
a to cease, throw up (e.g., work)
The workers stopped work. I
knocked off smoking a hookah. b to renounce something c to

Leave me in peace.
a to stretch out the hand,
help b to encroach on something
literal figurative to dirty one's hand to keep

leave someone in peace

to help

a to be untied (of the hands); receive freedom b to get out of, get

to be able to do something, be in a
We weren't
able to get a ticket. to be engaged in some kind
of work to be occupied in some sort of work
to lose a brother a to wash the hands b
figurative to wash the hands of, withdraw from
rid of something

position to do something



Pashto-English Dictionary

to get down to
something (work) I am in great need.
to receive no thanks for a good turn
a to smooth, run the hand over b figurative to
indulge someone c to rob to caress, pet
someone to regret, grieve to work,
labor to wave the hand, to beckon
to reconcile a matter with someone's help
I can't wait to get to work. I can't bear not to work.

He is not in a position to buy these goods.
a literal &

a to touch b to put
in order to get one's head together, get
one's thinking straight c to interfere, intervene in something
to intervene in internal affairs d to seize

any attention to him.


something; infringe upon something, trespass on something e to

figurative to stretch out a hand to someone b to give alms c to

infringe, trespass (on someone's rights, property, etc.)

a to be depressed, be sad b to be idle, sit with empty
hands, be unemployed a to get down to
doing something to resort to the sword b
figurative to help someone He
helped me a lot. c to give a hand ! Give me your hand!

a to reject something b to tear away (from work etc.)
a to refuse something b to disturb or divert (from a
matter) to run aground; get in a pickle
a to lose one's hands b to be united a to participate
in something b to know (how to do) something; look into

a to stroke the beard b figurative to

to exchange handshakes
to walk hand in hand to cut, chop into pieces,
dismember to transfer from hand to hand
a to be deprived of one's share b to end up emptyhanded
to invite someone; entertain someone as a guest
to nurse, care for a child
a to take in hand b to begin, commence
He undertook the fulfillment of his obligation.
a to fall into the hands; be gotten, be obtained b to arrive (of
information, documents etc.) to deal with a matter
with someone's help to put on, don (gloves)
to send with someone (e.g., letters, money)
to be subordinate to someone a to come, arrive
(of news, information, etc.) b to (try to) get
to get, receive a to gather, collect,
compile b to seize c to receive (e.g., pay) to
expect help of others a to lose
something b to stop, quit (e.g., work) to fear to
make a mess of something (in the heat of the moment)
to liberate from someone's power or authority, from
someone's influence to punish oneself
a to take, seize He took my pen. b to get,
obtain to succeed; be carried out
If I am able to. a to disappear,
vanish b to be freed from someone's influence to
lose something; be deprived of something in the first
instance, for the first time idiom a tool in
someone's hand, a pawn (or puppet) in someone's hand idiom
revenue for work performed the innocent
party freedom of action on
credit or for cash Eastern I am penniless.
on account of, because of, for the reason that
because of the cold because of you,
because of your fault Eastern a all by oneself b
poor as a church mouse Here is the
village; give me your hand. to wrestle,
fight with someone
to beseech on the knees,
ask for forgiveness; implore This is too
much for anyone (to do) proverb
When in distress one always thinks of one's friends.
to squander money to live in grand style


He understands

medicine well. c to have authority, have the strength, have the

to have great significance, play a large role

to fight with someone
to be due from someone, be owing from somebody
to deprive someone of something, not
authorize somebody to use something to regret, grieve
to find (a means, method, etc.) a to
tie the hands, bother, trouble Who is
troubling you? b to cover with the hand c
figurative to leave someone in peace !
Leave me in peace! a to become someone's success
b to be a murid (i.e., a postulant in a dervish order)
to close the eyes to
something; not interfere in any way a
to give someone one's hand b to stretch out
the hand (in help etc.) c to unite; join (forces)
to stretch out the hand of friendship to
someone, make friends with someone
to set out to do something, undertake something
to touch, concern
to obtain something or someone
Eastern Don't waste your time on him. Don't pay


Pashto-English Dictionary

lsaj needy, in want

lsangj f. throwing a stone from palm to palm (as a kind
of game)

lsba f. payment for work

lsbraj 1 victorious, conquering 2 m. conqueror
lspr khaj generous, having an open nature
lspranstaj gracious, well-inclined
lspk m. hand-clapping, applause
lspl s lspl s 1 from hand to hand 2

condolence, regret


cash 3 without delay, at once

lspalj m. trifle (money)

lsporikavl m. plural

beginning, initiation,

lspel f. plural mittens, gloves

lstalaj with folded hands idiom to stand

with clasped hands; stand in an obedient attitude


lstngaj needy

be in need b to suffer a loss

press, run the hand over

lstk m. rubber
l skha f. ownership, possession
lsroghb m. handshake
lssr m. plural 1 use, advantage


lsnvaj m. 1 IOU, receipt for debt 2 obedience to

someone; motion to something

recognition of a

pir (i.e., teacher) by a murid (i.e., dervish-postulant) 3 help,


assistance to the needy

a to worry, be
a to suffer b to suffer
from impatience; burn with the desire (to); be impatient (to)
a to bustle, fuss b to be tormented
a to grow weak; grow enervated, lose
strength b to be tormented
to try, strive to be engaged in physical
labor idiom She is lying stretched out
lsvch m. lsvuchavnj m. 1 kerchief 2
lsuph f. plural

troubled b to hurry

napkin; towel

lsvrka f. 1 handshake 2 an expression of obedience or


2 profit; revenue;

receipts 3 payment for work 4 decoration of the hands with

henna (prior to a wedding)
lskatvaj lsktsaj
subordinate, dependent

lsnivna f. turning to for advice, help, or cooperation

Everyone turned to him for advice.
lsniv m. plural 1 support, help, assistance 2 comfort,

a to

2 lstang f. 1 need, want 2 impecuniousness

lstavr lstavrgaj having a handle, hilted, hasped
lstavra f. dialect ladle, dipper
1 lst f. direction, side, quarter, region
2 l sta vice
l staj m. 1 handle, hasp, hilt handle of a spade 2
bouquet a bouquet of flowers 3 electrical engineering
knife switch knife switch
lstra f. smoothing, pressing to smooth,

lsmann m. interference
lsmhaj m.
lsndzht m. document
ls nivlaj 1 caught 2 with bound hands
to deliver someone by force


lslikavl lslikavl denominative [past:

] to sign, affix a signature
lsliked m. plural the signing of a treaty
lsmgh m. glove, mitten, gauntlet
lsmuhl m. plural condolence, regret; expression of


lskvunj m. armlet, oversleeve

lsga f. use, advantage
lsgrzj 1 sale by peddling, peddling 2 by peddling
lsgraj m. assistant, helper
lsgr m. captive
lsl ndaj subject to; dependent, subordinate

lslndiv laj m. 1 abasement 2 subjugation

lslvnaj m. washbasin, washstand, basin (for washing the

lslk m. signature compound verb

compound verb to be signed

lsvzraj m. assistant, helper

lsvlnaj m.
lswnd m. computer science document
1 lsvandj m. document, receipt
2 lsvandj m. lsvandj m. bead bracelet
lsvahl m. plural lsvahna f. 1 interference,
meddling 2 trespassing, infringement 3 robbery

ls vahnkaj m. thief
l sa oblique of
1 ls 1 adjective manual, hand hand grenade
handbag 2 adjective handicraft
handicraft industry 3 counterfeit

2 ls computer science hand-held

lsi kampjr m. computer science notebook computer
lsjavj m. 1 unification 2 unity; agreement
lsh m. corpse, dead body
lshu'r Arabic 1 unconscious 2 slow-witted

Pashto-English Dictionary

lshu'ur 1 subconscious 2 unconscious 3 slow-witted

lshu'urijt m. Arabic 1 the subconscious, nonrealization 2 unconscious 3 slow-wittedness

lsho f. Cordia dichotoma (a kind of plant)

l sha f.
1 lh m. 1 steep precipice; sheer cliff 2 fissure or crevasse in
a mountain

lh m. 1

2 garden, orchard, or melon field in which

the fruit has been picked

compound verb compound verb

lhavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to gather,

pick (fruit)

lh still better, better still

l hi f. plural fruit which remains unpicked after the harvest
lhedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
picked, be gathered (of fruit)

l'il dzh Arabic incurable

l'ilmi f. regional ignorance
lgharaz disinterested, unselfish
lgh m. skillet for heating butter, cooking oil
lghvurnik m. great-great-grandfather
lfn Arabic imperishable, eternal
lfk m. braggart, boaster; bigmouth
l fa f. usually plural l fi bragging, boastfulness
to boast, brag

ljd Arabic 1 apathetic, depressed; impassive 2 negligent,

lk m. plural 1 varnish, lacquer 2 sealing wax

lkn Arabic contrastive conjunction however, but, on the


compound verb to be sealed up with sealing wax

other hand I am going, but he isn't.

lklaka f. ring finger, third finger
lk 1 varnished, lacquered 2 the color of sealing wax; dark

lg m. credit transaction; a deal made with a tradesman on


l gs m. Lagos
1 lg m. dependable contractor, reliable contractor
2 lg f. retail trade
ll 1 m. .1 ruby; Badakhshan garnet amethyst

(emotionally) pained

llh ndavl denominative, transitive [past:

to sadden, distress, cause pain, pain

llhnd f. sadness, distress, pain

llhndedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ]

to be distressed, be saddened, be strongly pained

llarkh poetry pink-cheeked

llaz r m. tulip bed
llasr m. red-headed pochard (a kind of wild duck)
llasraj m. Falco chicquera (a raptorial bird)
llj 1 dear, beloved; darling 2.1 sweetheart, lover 2.2


name for a tiny child 2.3 proper name Lalai


lm m. the name of the letter

lm m. regional 1 march 2 file, rank, row

drawn up in battle order

to be

lm m. religion Lama
lmb present stem of
lmb t m. 1 refined sugar 2 fruit drop (candy)
lmbt adjective sugar, sugared
lmburd above-mentioned, aforesaid
lmbl transitive
lmbna f. swimming
lmb f. [plural: lmbvi] 1 swimming 2 bathing
a to swim b to bathe
lmbozn 1 m. swimmer 2 floating, buoyant
lmbozna f. swimmer (female)
lmp f. lamp
lmahl Arabic 1 inevitable, without fail; absolutely,
indubitably 2 at least

1.2 a

variety of grape 1.3 the color red 1.4 kind of bird 1.5 proper

name Lal 2 crimson

lln m. searchlight flashlight

lldzh m. llch m. noise, uproar
llar regional 1
llk m. llk diminutive of
llgj m. necklace of very small beads
lln 1 dear, favorite 2 m. lover, sweetheart
ll f. dear, darling
1 ll f. 1 tulip 2 poppy
2 l la Eastern 1
llhnd llhnda dismayed; sad, upset,

ll m. 1 form of address for an older brother 2 form of

address used by children to adults 3 form of address to an

unknown man

ll n ve f. form of address for the wife of an older brother

l lvma vradz f. the day defore yesterday, day before
llpur f. Lalpura (town in the country of the Momands)

lmadd Arabic unlimited, unbounded

unboundedly, limitlessly

lmd masculine plural of

lmazhab f. atheism
lmazr' Arabic uncultivated, untilled
uncultivated lands

lms f. Arabic touch

lmak n Arabic 1 without domicile, homeless 2 ubiquitous
lmkal m m. a bit of a word, a little word
to have a little word with someone


Pashto-English Dictionary

lmla for the reason that , because

lv f. lava (volcanic)
lvrs Arabic legal

Why are you acting so?

lmumkn Arabic impossible; nonexistent

lmb f.
lmbozn m.
lmbozna f.
lndzh f. 1 care, concern; worry

lvalet f. La-Valletta (city)

lvma shpa f. the day before yesterday
lvma vradz f. three days ago
lvz m. kind of stitching and embroidery
ls m. Laos
lvn m. lv m. lv m. 1 thick soup (of


undergo the Customs formalities 2 quarrel, friction, disagreement;

dissent, discord

lndzhm r m. 1 unpleasant customer 2 peevish person

l nde obsolete 2
lndistn m. bed; straw mattress, mattress; bedding
lndinj 1 lower 2 following, standing below

buttermilk, flour, and onions) 2 meat relish made of buttermilk

lv f.
l hm still
lh 1 floating, sailing

lndin a as indicated below b in the following manner

lnd masculine plural of

1 l ndaj m. dried meat dried meat, jerky
2 l ndi l nde Eastern 1 down, downward; below 2 suffix
under Eastern under the table underfoot
under the impression 3.1 lower floor
the lower floor 3.2 the following in the

water, etc.) c to wash away; erode (soil)

forth; set sail

something; find oneself under something c to sink (into water)

to overthrow something or someone

to comment upon to teach
to pull out, get out, draw out from under


l ndi-b ndi 1.1 up and down 1.2 upwards and

to turn or leaf
to look over from head to
A quarrel broke

downwards 1.3 upside down, topsy-turvy 2 overturned

to overturn

through documents
foot; inspect idiom

lnded m. plural wetting; dampening; moistening

lndistn m.
lndinj lower, bottom lining
ln m. instant, moment
lns m. 1 cassia, Cassia fistula 2 melon of elongated

l nga f. 1 kind of rope netting for a bed

la f. saltwort, Salsola kali
l aj m. 1 1 2 jet, spurt, stream

2 rope part of a cot

a to sail; sail

b to be plunged (into water, etc.) c


theological science

to trample or flout someone's rights

The water flooded a large area. d to shove or place
a to be subordinate, be subdued b to fall under

to be eroded, washed away (soil) d to give over (to thought)

subdue b to seize, conquer, occupy c to cover, flood (with water,

under something e literal & figurative to catch up with someone

to compel to think things over

lht m. Arabic 1 divinity, divine nature 2

He is poor and oppressed.

to deal with someone, overcome someone
to subordinate someone a to overcome; subordinate;

2 plunged (into water, etc.)

to launch into water, set afloat (timber, etc.) b to plunge, dip (into

following lines, verses 3.3 subordinate 3.4 oppressed, degraded

escheated (reverted to the state because

of lack of heirs, etc.)

lhut divine religion fallen asleep in the Lord

lhr m. Lahore
lhs m. Laos
1 l ha f.
2 lh f. Gaaga (city)
1 lj m. tuck, pleat, fold; layer, sheet
2 lj m. 1 silt, mud 2 sediment, deposition
ljbirij f. Liberia
ljatadzhazz ljatadzhazz Arabic indivisible;
inseparable inseparable, integral part
ljatanh Arabic infinite, endless, boundless
the fathomless blue of the sky
lih f. lajih f. Arabic f. [plural: lih Arabic
m. plural: lavh] plan; draft law; proposed law
ljudrk Arabic incomparable, inscrutable
ljz r m. swamp, bog
ljaz l Arabic eternal, immortal
lisns m. license, authorization
lj'an Arabic scatterbrained nonsense, drivel
lj l Arabic 1 worthy, deserving of something
to deserve a reward 2 meriting something
worthy of a medal 3 befitting, fit He is not
fit (suited) for this work.

ljiv laj m. li f.
ljamt Arabic 1 sufficient for nourishment 2 immortal
ljn m.
ljanhl ljanhll Arabic 1 insoluble, unresolved 2
undecomposable; insoluble


Pashto-English Dictionary

ljanfk ljanfkk Arabic inseperable, unbreakably bound,

linked, bonded

ljanat' Arabic uninterrupted, continuous; unceasing

1 lab m. [plural: labna Western plural: lab n] 1
lip; lips; mouth 2 speech 3 shore lab-i Labi-darya
(the name of an embankment in Kabul) idiom to not
regret something all leave, exeunt omnes all
enter; enter all

lubb m. Arabic 1 hearth 2 core, pith, heart 3 the heart of the

matter 4 the choice or best part of something

lub b m. Arabic 1 core, pith, heart 2 the choice or best part

lib s m. Arabic [plural: albis] 1 clothing

of something


hand to the face 3 figurative small group, bunch, handful

lpj m. pound
lapt m. whey (remaining after the formation of cheese)
lat 1 subject to, exposed to something; staggered, startled by
something staggered by grief; sorrowful
They ran into difficulties. 2 destroyed, exterminated 3
spoiled 4 ruined 5 overwhelmed; crushed; trampled 6 sluggish,

national costume

laps impoverished
lpa f. 1 handful to take up water in
cupped hands 2 palm, open hand to bring the

awkward, clumsy

latavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to subject

to something, expose to something; surprise by something, stagger
by something

changed (clothing) 2 pretense idiom

1.1 pretended, false; hypocritical


lbar fat and clumsy, deformed

liberlsm m.
labrza full to the brim a full cup
lba f. dialect worry; complication

to ruin 5 to crush, trample

latedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

subjected to something, be exposed to something; be staggered by

1.2 disguised, fake 2 m. toady, flatterer; liar, hypocrite

something, be surprised by something 2 to be destroyed, be

exterminated 3 to be spoiled 4 to be ruined 5 to perish, expire


complication developed.

lbaghaj 1 poor, destitude 2 penniless

lablab m. beet sugar beet
lubn n m. Lebanon
lubnni lubnnj 1 Lebanese 2 m. Lebanese (person)
labanij t m. Arabic plural milk products, dairy products
the dairy industry dairy farm
labzaj m. 1 mountain ledge; peak 2 small mountain with a
sharp summit

lbj m. kind of bird trap

labbjk Arabic I obey! At your service!
lp ra suffix
lp naj m. lpkaj m. round flat stone (used in

latpt soiled, besmirched, polluted, splashed

defile b to soil, dirty

be dirtied

a to

a to be defiled b to be soiled,

litms m. litmus
litvnij f. Lithuania
litvnijj 1 Lithuanian

the Lithuanian language

2 m. Lithuanian (person)

latvij f. Latvia
latvijj 1 adjective Latvian 2 m. Latvian (person)
1 lta f. region, disrtict; zone; country
2 lat f. kicking, a kick to kick, strike with the foot
to flounder about a to thrust back with the foot b
to reject, spurn something

1 lap m.

fruitful (of land); productive

1 pitch-and-toss (the game) 2 flat pebble used in

pitch-and-toss 3 drawing to determine first pitch in the game 4

to shiver, shake (e.g., from cold)

2 lap tautological with and

lpk m. 1 4
lapl lapal transitive [past: ]

to draw lots for first

turn at a game

lap boastful, garrulous

1 lapj m. slush; mud, silt
2 lap 1 present tense of

2 Let's draw lots! (to see who is

latabnd m. Lataband (the name of a number of mountain

passes and settlements)

la m. 1 axis, axle; axle of a Persian waterwheel 2 fish weir 3

bolt (of a rifle)

2 la 1 lazy; sluggish, apathetic 2 m. a lazybones

la f. searches, investigations
laravl transitive
laredl intransitive
la ni plural of 4
1 lap
2 lap to search out, seek diligently

first to take a turn in a game)

May the devil take you! Drop dead! 6 to be trampled, be

trodden, be crushed



to cause to fall into grief 2 to destroy,

to poison someone's life 4

exterminate 3 to spoil

flattery, adulation

to be sought; conduct diligently (of searches, investigations)

lapakj m. diminutive of

lapakj f. wooden scoop (measure used by a miller)


lapaj f. kind of dove

Pashto-English Dictionary

laprl Eastern lapl from side to side

to turn from side to side; twist and turn (in
bed); sleep fitfully a to seek, search for b to keep

lachar f. 1 stubborness, obstinacy 2 light-mindedness,

lachk m. black kerchief (the ends of which are used by

turning about

laapr m. 1 sacks-on-the-mill (children's game) 2 piling up 3

to defeat,
to attack someone

latb m. latj f. laziness

laarj f. French bean
1 laka f. 3
2 laka f. blunt saber
3 lak f. trigger (of a rifle)
lal transitive [past: ] 1 to jump, arise 2 to leap up
land 1 ransacking 2 uneasy, suspicious
lav laj m.
1 laavl [past: ] 1 transitive .1 to seek, search for 1.2
to search around; look around; rummage 1.3 to check, investigate
1.4 to trouble, alarm 1.5 to inspect, make an inspection; check

out 2 m. plural

laavl denominative, transitive [past:

lazy, render sluggish, render apathetic

lan m.

to render

laavna f. 1 searches, investigations 2

a to seek and search b to interrogate


langr m. laavnaj computer science browser

laavnkaj 1 present participle of 1 2 inquisitive (of

lachakd r wearing a kerchief (of a woman)

lchn having sore eyes
ldz na vice
lts 1 naked, nude; bare completely naked

to search, investigate

2 la f. bleached calico
3 la f. depression; psychic experience
4 la 1 feminine singular of 2 1 2 f. lazy woman
laapr m.
li feminine plural of 1, 4
laj f. laziness
1 laedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to stand up, arise

2 open,

uncovered 3 impoverished, ruined 4 figurative clear, apparent,


ltsv discovering, seeking out, ascertaining

ltstb m. ltstj f. nakedness; nudity, bareness
ltssr with bare head, with uncovered head, bareheaded
lts-lap lts-laghr 1 completely naked, stark naked
2 bare naked

ltsv laj m. nakedness, bareness, nudity

ltsavl [past: ] denominative, transitive 1 to bare,
uncover; strip naked They bared their swords.
ltsa feminine singular of 1
ltsedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to be

denuded, be bared; strip to the skin 2 to be opened, be opened

wide 3 figurative to be clarified, be explained 4 to be robbed

ltsedna f. m. ltsed plural 1 denudation, baring;

stripping bare 2 opening, opening wide 3 explanation,

la f. 1 effort, endeavor 2 aspiration, desire 3 searches,


clarification 4 robbing

to pay great
attention to someone or something to ignore,
not allow for; pay no attention to something 3 relation
in a political relation in this regard
in particular on the whole a
lih z m. Arabic 1 point of view, viewpoint

in magnitude, in scope 2 attention

2 to

be scared (e.g., of wasps)

frivolity 3 cheek, nerviness 4 angry mood or nature

to open, open wide 3 figurative to clarify, explain 4 to rob

investigation 4 inspection, inspecting, check

cheeky, bold

women to cover the face)

battle, engagement 4 attack

exterminate the enemy

lachrkaj 1 stubborn, obstinate 2 light-minded, frivolous 3

laedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to grow

lazy, become sunk in sloth

with the purpose of b with a view to

plural: luhd plural: alh d] 1 grave 2 niche in the

laer 1 idle, loafing idler, loafer 2 m. .1

tramp, hobo 2.2 idler, loafer

laingr m. grasshopper
ladzh m. ladzh dzh m. Arabic stubbornness, obstinacy
mulish obstinacy to be stubborn, be obstinate
lch m. medicine ophthalmia
lachr light-minded, frivolous, scatterbrained
lachartb m. lachartj f. light-mindedness, frivolity

lhd m. lhd m. Arabic [plural: lahdna Arabic

side of a grave into which the body is placed

lahz f. Arabic 1 glance, look 2 moment, instant

lhn m. lhan m. Arabic [plural: lahanna Arabic
plural: alh n] 1 tone (of speech, utterance); intonation
to move by entreaty, entreat 2 tune; melody, song,

luhd masculine plural Arabic of

lam m. lahm m. Arabic technology soldered joint, soldering
lkhtafz r m. computer science firmware
lakh m. half pound

Pashto-English Dictionary

lukha f.
lkhk m. peg, pin (of a door)
lkhak sparse (of plant shoots)
lakhlakh f. aromatic ointment
lkha f.
1 ld m. cattle dung mixed with mud
2 lad m. 1 netting (for putting a load on a camel) 2 hem
lada f. 1 load, pile 2 great quantity, amount
ldgha vice because, for this
reason such things
ld vice for this reason, because of this
la m. 1 load 2 net (for transporting hay, straw)
l maj m. silk kerchief (used to cover the face of a newborn

walking stick 2 wood,

timber; construction lumber larg construction
timber wooden house
to sheathe with planking the woodworking

2 liragj m. dialect earlobe

largi'khartsavnkaj m.
largn 1 wooden small pier 2 thin, emaciated,

largivl m. dealer in firewood

larl transitive [past: ] 1 to have, possess,
own Do you have a watch? Do you have a
brother? to have meaning to have influence 2
m. plural .1 owning something 2.2 the presence of something

lar m. 1 vagrant, tramp 2 lazybones, idler, loafer 3 old

clothes 4 carpet dealer

1 la m. regional kind of candy

2 la m. [plural: ladu n] dung (of donkeys, horses)
la f. bundle of straw or hay
liz Arabic because, for this reason
lazz t m. Arabic 1 enjoyment, pleasure 2 pleasant taste
lazz Arabic pleasant; tasty, appetizing
lar m. 1.1 descent (from a mountain), incline 1.2 failure, defeat
2.1 lower, low-lying, living in the canyon or valley
Pushtuns living in India and Pakistan 2.2 conquered, subdued
larbr 1 up and down 2 overturned, upset


to overturn,

a to be overturned, be upset b figurative to be

larna f. 1 2 2 property, substance

larnkaj 1 present particle of 2 m.


4 whose, for whom

! Go to him!

lar Eastern suffix

lraj m. defeat

lraj m. anatomy stomach of a ruminant; entrails; paunch

(first stomach of a ruminant)

lri lri Eastern lre 1 far, distant, remote distant

relatives 1 2 far away, afar from afar, from far

to withdraw, move away to send

to avoid an answer
to shun someone a to remove, take away
to satisfy requirements, meet needs a to rest

away, remove

larzj m. cuffs or sleeve coverings (leather or cloth, used in the

b to open (e.g., a door) c to take off, remove (e.g., clothing,

shoes) d to take away, remove e to deduct, subtract, take away

! Take this thing away! to depart, leave

You have left us. ! Go away! Depart! Beat it!
They have gone away. a to end up far away
b to depart; separate oneself from to foresee; anticipate,

larshn m. fecal matter (in an animals gut)

largn 1 uneasy 2 unable to sleep; suffering from insomnia
larghn m. 1 olden times; anitiquity 2 formerly, earlier,

larghunpezhandna f. archaeology
larghn pezhandnkaj m. archaeologist
larghuntb m.
larghuntn m. neologism archaeology
larghunv laj m. 1 antiquity, olden times 2 olden days, the
old days

be farsighted

4 lar present tense of

5 lar second person present tense of
6 lri f. plural of 2
7 lri plural of 2
liritb lretb m. liriv laj lrev laj

larghnaj 1.1 former, preceding 1.2 pristine, past, very


lar imperfective imperative of

haying season)

largban f. of
largb m. [plural:


Mine, to me, to me!


ancient, olden

larna plural of


.1 owner, proprietor

2.2 bearer (of a check)

larz m. shivering, chill; shudder

larz n m. shivering, shaking; shuddering (because of

largj m. 1 staff, cane

industry 3 log, billet 4 plural larg firewood


remoteness, distance; removal 2 distance, space, interval; range,

distant place 3 alienation

the ancient capital 2 m. ancestor

largbn] 1 wood-cutter 2 firewood

m. 1

lri vishtnkaj lre vishtnkaj long-range (of a weapon)

la m. 1 line, row 2 series series of difficulties
among other measures taken
to introduce a number of examples 3 mountain chain, a

Pashto-English Dictionary

mountain chain 4 lock (of hair) 5 tape, braid,

binding compound verb a to draw up in a line b to string,
thread compound verb a to be drawn up in line b to be

threaded, be strung

la k cheeky, brazen; wild, violent; quarrelsome

lav agressive, bellicose
la f. engagement, battle
labak f. 1 shudder, chill; shivering 2 woe; sadness, grief
la-pr-l in layers, in rows
lapa f. 1 property; riches 2 something obtained at no effort; a
trove, find

laz m. laz n m. 1
laznda fever
lazavl transitive [past: ] 1

to cause shaking,

rock 4 figurative to trouble, worry 5 figurative to shake up,


laznaj m. ailment of camels characterized by coughing

laz f. 1
laz-taz f. shock; misfortune, disaster
lazedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to shiver, shake;

shudder; quiver 2 to vibrate 3 to swing, rock 4 figurative to be

troubled, be worried 5 figurative to be shocked, be shaken up

to soil, dirty 2 to encrimson

(with blood) 3 to besmirch, sully 4 to shake up, stir, agitate,

intermix 5 to blend with something 6 to dig, burrow into
something 7 to expose to something; stagger (of grief) 8 to

lalj 1 past participle of 2 immoral

personage, a good-for-nothing

nothing, base fellow

lamaj strongly desiring, greedy for something

1 la f. 1 enmity; quarrel; flight, row 2 battle, engagement
2 la f. 1 fog, mist The fog fell. The fog moved in.


cause shivering; to make tremble 2 to cause vibration 3 to swing,

lashn m.
lal transitive [past: ] 1

2 laamj f. caterpillar
1 la
2 la first person plural present tense of
la-v-bel lao-p messed-up, disordered
la-cha 1 unfit, base (of a person) 2 extravagant
laoch m. extravagance
1 lautsa m. food, food-products
2 lautsa 1.1 greedy, avid 1.2 unfit, base 2 m. good-for-

a dirty

another 3 sequence

2 li plural of 1, 3
3 li plural of 2
4 la present of
5 laj f.
6 laj present tense second person plural of
laj l m. computer science index
laetsj m. ladle, dipper
laezm m. dish made of rhubarb and flour
laezng m. stick used in mixing chewing tobacco
lzbn m. lzbn m. Lisbon (city)
lazdzh Arabic gluey, tacky, sticky
lazgn 1 m. Lezgin (nationality) 2 adjective Lezgin,
pertaining to the Lezgin people


luzm m. Arabic necessity, need, requirement

luzmn Arabic through force of necessity; in event of need
luzum 1 necessary, needful, required 2 immutable,
unalterable an order which is subject to strict execution
luzumijt m. necessity, need, requirement
lzhnd 1 mixed with something 2 soiled; dirtied 3 bloody,
bloodstained, encrimsoned (with blood) a bloody
hand a to mix something; add something b to bloody,

lamzaj m. to string (pearls)

lamka f. laamkj f. medicine nettle rash
to be covered with nettle-rash, urticaria
Zalmai is longing to be in Kandahar.
lamn m. oblique singular [plural: lamn plural:
lamunna] 1 bowels, intestines, innards, guts (of an
animal) 2 figurative depths idiom to be

lezhin m. legion
lg 1.1 small, insignificant; scanty bring some
water 1.2 not numerous, few rarely, not often 1.3 short,
unprotracted short period, short term 2.1 little, a little bit;
some after a few days, after a few days have passed;
recently very little at least, at the very least; the
very least, minimally a tiny bit, wee bit a little bit, a
little at a time 2.2 This is very rarely observed.

lam m. [plural: laam n] 1 scorpion 2

3 la f. 1 series 2 column; file 3 ridge

4 la imperfective imperative of
laaghmaj m. robbery; theft to rob
1 laj f. 1 necklace 2 series; file in rows, one after

to be pernicious, be noxious
He's asking for trouble.
2 lam first person present tense of
lam ch m. lamh m.
lamn plural oblique singular of
laamblht m. borer (moth)
laambaj m. Doronicum (a plant which heals scorpion



lami f.

lamj f. plural



Pashto-English Dictionary

underdeveloped (of a country)

m. lgtj


lowering of


ki lgts
ki 1 a little bit, very little, a slight
amount 2 to some degree




very small, insignificant, tiny

minority, the lesser part


1 deficiency, insufficiency, shortage

a shortage of raw materials 2 lowering, lessening 3 trifle,

insignificance; scarcity



water shortage
1 more or less 2 to a certain degree, to a certain



lasakj f. cards the ten (of a suite)

lasgna m. plural
lasm ordinal numeral tenth tenth chapter
lasmshr m. 1 foreman 2 colloquial sergeant
1 las 1 f. group of ten objects 2 ten each, ten apiece
to sell for ten rupees each
2 las f. 1 skimmed milk 2 strained whey drink used as a
cooling drink

3 lsj m. man, person, personality

lasz adjective decimal
lashkarg h m. Lashkargah (city)
lashka f. 1 sting (of a wasp, scorpion, etc.)

curtail 2 to subtract, take off 3 to weaken

] 1 to decrease,

1 lashk bearded, awned (of plants)

2 lshki f.
lashmt 1 warm (of water) 2 wetted, moistened, lubricated


with something

m. 1 shortage, deficiency 2 decrease, curtailment
na f. decrease, curtailment, lowering
1 present participle of 2 m. supplier

lash f.
lhta f. 1 twiglet, withe; brushwood


j f.
1 lgj m.
2 lgi f. plural of
l denominative, intransitive

f. 1 lessening, curtailment, lowering

curtailment of production 2 weakening, slacking; underestimation

ten years


gave them ten rupees apiece. 2 m. [plural: lash plural:

lasgna] a group of ten objects by tens

for the past decade 3 consisting of ten
lis n m. [plural: lisnna Arabic plural: alsin]
tongue, language


lisn Arabic 1 linguistic, pertaining to language 2 verbal,


lahtj f. earring
lahtj f. dancer (female)

to put on earrings

lahtj m. 1 brook, rivulet; small irrigation channel 2 line,

Rivulets of tears

flowed from his eyes.

[past: ] 1 to be

The shots became more infrequent.

las numeral 1 ten

mark idiom

decreased, be curtailed 2 to be scarce, grow thin, be infrequent



cabin (used by fishermen) 2 bar (e.g., of iron)

asking the lowest price

2 beard, awn (of

grain) 3 splinter, fragment 4 chip

l denominative, transitive [past:

weaken or decrease one's efforts 4 to offer (in trade) at the lowest

last f. 1 quarter, area, country 2 fourth, fourth part of


4 lahtj m. 1 dancer 2 acrobat 3 prestidigitator; juggler

5 lhti plural of
lhtj l m. computer science table
lahkr m. [plural: lahkarna Eastern f. plural:
lahkre] 1 troops; army regular army 2
detachment of warriors (of a tribe) to attack
someone; send a detachment to attack someone 3 a flock (of
locusts); horde 4 a bank (of clouds) 5 proper name Lashkar

lahkardz j m. military camp; military post

lahkarkash f. lahkarkah f. campaign,
march to go out on the march
lahkark m. lahkarg h m. 1

Lashkargah (city)

lasbel f. Lasbela (district, Beludzhistan)

laspulj f. ten-pul coin
list m. list; register to draw up a list, compile a

1 lahkj m. medicine lancet, scalpel

2 lhki
lhl intransitive [past: ]to wander, lead the nomadic life


a to roll
lasti to

lastaj m. lastaj Western sleeve

the sleeves up; really get down to work

know well enough to shake hands with

lahkre f. plural Eastern

lahkar 1 adjective military, army


service, service in the army 2 m. servicemen; trooper, warrior

to harbor a snake in own's bosom


Pashto-English Dictionary

lhlavl transitive [past: ] 1 to compel to lead the

nomadic life, make to roam 2 to resettle

lhna f. nomad (female)

lhnaj adjective 1 draft, pack 2 roaming, wandering
latft m. Arabic 1 elegance, grace 2 tenderness 3

lgha female singular of pure Pashto

1 lghaj all but naked
2 lghi m. plural soup made of bones
3 lghi feminine plural of idiom shameless

goodness, kindness; well-wishing 4 wit, wittiness

latf m. Arabic masculine plural of

lutf m. Arabic 1 goodness; kindness; favor a be
good, be kind b Have mercy 2 pleasure, enjoyment
to enjoy something
ltfn Arabic nicely, kindly
latf Arabic 1.1 pleasant, nice the feminine sex
1.2 clever, sharp-witted 2 m. proper name Latif

latif f. Arabic

[plural: latif Arabic m. plural:

latif] joke, witticism; anecdote

lu' b m. Arabic 1 saliva

lu'b adjective 1 saliva, salival

to expectorate 2 mucus

saliva gland 2

mucous 3 enamel

la'l m. 1 ruby amethist ruby deposits

2 m. proper name Lal
la'lj m. proper name Lalaj
la'n m. l'ant m. Arabic damnation, perdition
to curse, damn, condemn someone
! Damn you!
la'nat damned
la'n Arabic
lugh t Arabic masculine plural of
lgh z m. mockery
lghz mocking; derisive
lught m. Arabic [plural: lughatna Arabic plural:
lugh t] 1 word vocabulary 2 speech;
expression 3 dictionary 4 glossary

lughatd n m. lexicographer
lughatshins f. lexicography
laghta f. kicking, rebelling to kick, rebel
to kick idiom to be ungrateful to
foil death to incur damage or injury
lgh lagh 1 naked; bare bare wire 2 pure,

lghedl intransitive [present: past: ] 1 to

roll along; rotate 2 to be kneaded (of dough) 3 to be dried out (of

to knead (e.g., dough) 3 to dry out (e.g., felt)


laghedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

uncover oneself, strip oneself; get undressed

lghed m. plural 1 rotation 2 kneading (of dough) 3

drying out (e.g., of felt)

2 laghed m. plural stripping, baring; undressing

laghz m.
laghzsh m. 1 sliding 2 figurative failure
laghzn literal & figurative slippery
laghzedl intransitive [past: ] to slide; slip
lghht imperfect of
lghhtl intransitive 1
laghka f. variety of unawned barley
laghk awned, bearded (of cereal grains)
laghm m. 1 mine, landmine to explode a mine 2
mining, undermining, sapping to mine, undermine, sap

laghm n m. Lagman (district) Lagman Province

laghmka f. muzzle (calves, kids)
laghv Arabic 1 m. .1 abolition, annulment; cancellation
compound verb to abolish, annul, renounce
(a treaty) compound verb to be abolished, be anulled 1.2
nonsense 2 meaninglessly, uselessly

to lose time for

laghon lghvn 1 dirty, unclean polluted air 2

slovenly, sloppy 3 amoral; unscrupulous an unclean

person, dirty personality

laghvnavl denominative, transitive [past:

to dirty, besmirch 2 to make slovenly, sloppy

laghvnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be dirtied; be spoiled, be besmirched 2 to become sloppy,

unadulterated 3 pure, indigent

lguh m. breed of short-wooled camel

lgtb m. lgtj f. nakedness; nudity, bareness
lghdl transitive
lghki f. plural sheeps' feet (without meat)
lghundkaj rolling; rotating
1 lgavl transitive verb [past: ] 1 to roll; rotate

] 1 to bare,


f. attention, care, good behavior

3 enamel

lghavl denominative, transitive [past:

denude, undress 2 to launch into the world


lghunj m. clay pot

lghva f.
lughav Arabic 1 lexical, lexicographic; pertaining to the
literal meaning of a word vocabulary 2 philological
laghvij t m. Arabic plural empty words, nonsense,


laffz f. garrulousness, gabbiness

Pashto-English Dictionary

liff f. Arabic 1 folder; cover, wrapper 2 envelope, official

lka 1 like, similar to, as like a mountain, similar to a

mountain as before, as previously similar


lift m.

lif m. 1 lift, elevator

in an elevator 2 hoist

alf z] 1 word; expression 2 vocalization of a word 3 form (of a

literary work)

lafz Arabic 1 literal 2 verbal, oral 3 pronounced 4 relating

to form (of a literary work) lexical unit

li f. Arabic meeting, rendezvous
lab m. Arabic [plural: laabna Arabic plural:
al b] 1 title, rank 2 nickname a to give a title;
confer a rank b to give a nickname to call
someone a friend

lum n m. proper name Lokman

lum f. Arabic morsel (of food)
lu m. 1 braggart, boaster 2 bully, brawler, troublemaker

upright 3 straight, vertical 4 stiff, unbending

to prick up

move the ears back and forth (of a horse)

(of the ears)

fishing rod 2 pole

(telegraph, etc.) idiom a to get out of a difficult

laka f. 1 cane; staff

situation; come out alright; land on one's feet b to be able to cope

with to become an aid or helper
2 lka f. roast lung (meat)
lakaj thin as a stick, emaciated, puny
lukzambrg m. luksambrg m.



laklk m. Arabic stork

lakalmj m.
laklevanj agitated, alarmed, scared
lakamnaj m. rump (of a bird); sacrum
lkma vice 1
luknt m. Arabic stammering, stuttering


1 lka

m. locomotive

f. spot, stain

masculine plural of

a by hundreds of

thousands b hundreds of thousands

lakad r 1 spotted, stained, soiled; spattered 2 spotty, spotted

spotted fever, typhus to
disgrace, bring shame upon, cover someone with shame

lakj f. [plural: lakj plural: lakij ni] 1 tail

single file, Indian file, one after the other
a to wag the tail (as a dog) b figurative to toady, fawn;
lakjd r caudate, having a tail
laked ra
lakedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to be

established, be installed, be set up 2 to place in an erect position,

stand vertically 3 to be planted (of a tree)

lak larnke spotted, speckled, spotty

spotted fever, typhus

lakjv l lakjvr caudate, having a tail

1 lag
2 lg Eastern
lag present stem of
lag v m. 1 strong blow, shove, push 2 outlay, expenditure
lagv 1 extravagant 2 m. prodigal, squanderer, spendthrift
lagvavl denominative transitive to beat up; thrash; hit
lagv imperfect of 1
lagvedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
lagt m.
lag m. lga hollow, depression; gully, shallow gully
lag m. kind of hawk
laght m. 1 outlay, expenditure, expense
capital investment at someone's expense
to incur expenses 2 consumption (of fuel, etc.)
storeroom (for food products)

1 to install,

place, set up (a mast, a tent, etc.) 2 to raise, hoist (a flag) 3 to

place vertically, drive into 4 to plant (trees)

m. Eastern

beaten up

stutter, stammer

lakvbk uneven, broken (of terrain)

lku Eastern some, a little, little bit
lakaj m. kind of fruit
lakavl denominative transitive [past: ]

3 lakh
4 lak

flatter extravagantly 2 tail unit, empennage (aircraft) 3 caudal fin

1 lak m. [plural: lakna plural: lakh ] lak, 100,000

200,000 hundreds of thousands of people
2 lak 1 established, installed, placed 2 standing upright,
laktsk upright, standing upright

for example, namely 3 such as, as if

(of a fish)


as was known
as was stated above similar to , as 2

to, as, just like

to go up

lifen n m. lifennt m. military lieutenant

lafz m. Arabic [plural: lafzna Arabic plural:

laglg m. stork
lagm Eastern first person present tense of
1 lagn m. a to spend, expend

2 lagn m. copper basin

lagansraj big-headed, macrocephalous

b to

Pashto-English Dictionary

lagavl transitive [past: ] 1 to set in motion, put

into operation; turn on (e.g., a radio) 2 to utilize, use, employ 3

to consume; expend, spend


to ignite 6 to
to join one to
to touch, reach something to reach

down and destroying something

to track
to set up or
take down a tent or marquee; pitch a camp to drag out,
postpone (the solution to a problem, a meeting, etc.) to
employ force to lock, bolt to place flowers
(in a vase, etc.) to set the table
2 lgavl denominative transitive Eastern
lagn m.
lagavnaj m. kindling, splinter, chips
lagabug disorderly, incoherent
lga-darga f. the trampling of feet
lag colloquial present tense of
lagj 1 busy, occupied with something
What are you busy doing? I'm studying, I'm
doing homework to assign a task to someone
to be occupied with something, set to work
at something, get down to something a to
hit something 9 to fell (with a bullet, etc.) idiom

! Be still! What are

He keeps repeating the

appropriateness 10 action or influence upon someone

2 laged imperfect of
1 lal m. force, stength
2 lal mute, dumb
3 ll transitive obsolete [present: past: ] to pronounce,
speak to greet to give evidence,

down, be overcome, be stunned

loaded with work

lagedl intransitive [present: past: ]1 to

be put in motion; operate (of a car, etc.) 2 to be busy, be occupied

with something; get to work on something 3 to be consumed, be

farmed wheat

2 lalmj f.
lalmikr f. dry-farming agriculture
1 lal f. cradlesong, lullaby

lalunedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

weeded, be weeded out

began to burn. 6 to burn, burn up 7 to touch something; reach out

lalj f. 1
laledl intransitive

and touch something lightly 8 to brush against something; hit

something; stumble on something

A car

(of sound) 16 to blow, waft (of wind)


weather remained. 17 to be struck, be hit (of a goal, target) 18 to

be struck down (by a bullet, etc.); be wounded

Eastern He was struck down by a bullet. 19 to notice, take note


We noticed that 20 to suit,

lm m. [plural: lmna plural: lm n] 1 fatty tail

(of certain breeds of sheep); tail 2 caudal part, termination of

something 3 rear, back, hinder part idiom

to; be attached to 11 to grapple, struggle with someone 12 to

pane of glass) 14 to reach, attain something 15 to carry, be heard

[past: ]1 to be astounded, be stunned

2 to grow dumb, become dumb

crashed into a cellar restaurant. 10 to stick, adhere to; be joined

engage in a battle or skirmish; join battle 13 to be installed (of a

to lull

The lamp

against something 9 to bump into something; jump onto


weed out

The money has been spent. 4 to

to start to burn, flare up

to be struck

lall transitive 3
llma f. dry-farming land, arid-farming land
1 lalm adjective pertaining to dry-farming

be utilized, be employed; serve for some purpose 5 to catch fire


lagjtb m. state of being occupied, busy, state of being

lalgl struck down, overcome, stunned

2 lal shallow, unserious, superficial (of a person)

lalopat f. 1 flattery, adulation 2 a way of passing time
lalo-lal f. 1
1 laln m. weeding, weeding out to weed, weed out
2 laln m. speech; utterance
lalunavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to weed,

same thing over and over again.

spent, be expended

a direct hit by a

7 bumping into 8 blowing, wafting (winds) 9 fitness, suitability,

chattering, talking a lot

bomb 5 use, utilization, employment 6 touching, touching lightly

to open a shop

talk a lot to someone b to carry on a conversation; conduct talks 2

you going on about?

laged m. plural 1 expenditure, consumption 2 igniting 3

burning up, consuming by fire 4 hitting (of a target), striking

out and touch the wall with the hand 8 to bump into something,

I want to eat. 23 to act against someone; harm or

injure someone 24 to get down to (work etc.)

unite; join, connect, fasten to; link

down, shadow

They suit one another. 21 to infringe,

trespass on something 22 to act upon or influence something

to spend money 4 to turn

on (water) 5 to light (e.g., candle, lamp)

another 7

deceive, hoodwink, lead around by the nose

2 lm vice 1
lam r m. kerchief (given at a betrothal)
lm aj m.
lmstl intransitive
lmstn m.


Pashto-English Dictionary

lmndzl transitive [past: ] 1 to esteem, show

honor, show respect 2 to honor, bow to 3 to treat with affection,


lamdabl m.
lamd 1 Eastern feminine singular of

lmndzna f. honor, esteem with honor; respect

in honor of someone or something; as a symbol of
respect or honor to value, esteem
1 lm ndza f. millwheel axle
2 lmndz imperfect of
lmndz oblique singular of
lmndz washed, laundered; clean a to launder,
wash b to clean (e.g., clothes) a to be laundered, be
washed b to be cleaned (of clothes)

lm na vice 2
lambv imperfect of
lambr m. 1 number ordinal compound
verb to number compound verb to be numbered
to assign a number 2 evaluation, grade to
have primary signficance, have primary importance

lumb m. obsolete 1 foward, front, the front part of


the last

moments, final moments

2 watery elements;


lamdedl intransitive
lamded m. plural
lmj m.
lmar m. Western sun Today is a sunny day.
The sun is baking. The sun has set.
to put in the sun, place in the sun, dry something out in the
sun to set (of the sun)
to rise (of the sun) proverb
You can't shut off the sun with two fingers. It has gotten
to be past noon. to become evening, begin to get
dark clearly, clearer than clear to
approach (of the end of the world) to speak
directly, talk without evasion This is clearer
than clear. This is as clear as God's daylight. a to

something 2 bow, prow (of a ship)

2 lumb m. male fox, dog fox

lumba f. female fox, vixen
lumbj 1
lambl transitive [present:

lamh f. Arabic blink, moment, instant

annihilate, destroy, murder; complete, terminate some matter

lmarprevt m. plural 1 sunset; setting

at sunset m. the west, western countries 2 m. West

past: ] to bath, wash

lambldzj m. bath, (enclosed) bathing area

lamb f.
lambr m. 1 well-shaft of an irrigation system

2 pickaxe (for

Western countries
lmartndra f. solar eclipse

lmarg m. 1 noon 2 equator

lmartsrk m. 1 sunrise 2 dawn
lmartsrkaj 1 sunny (of a side)

digging an irrigation shaft, canal)

3 ray of the sun

2 m. kind of light-colored

snake; Emperor Snake

lamburch m. kariz (i.e., Afghan irrigation well) digger

lambavl transitive [past: ] to bathe, wash
to bathe in blood
lamb f. 1 flame to fan the flame; kindle a fire
to flame up, catch fire; flare, blaze to flame 2
summer heat, sultriness Sultry weather set in.
lambj m. 1 candle 2 lamp
lambedl intransitive [past: ]1 to bathe, wash
(oneself) to be bathed in blood 2 m. plural

lambed m. plural bathing, washing swimming

pool, swimming bath

lmpst m. skin of the tail

lmk m. good-for-nothing, cad
lmdzhunj m. rump; sacrum
lmch having a docked or bobbed tail
lmtsukj m.
lmts f. armful of firewood
lamtsj [plural: lamts plural:

a to annihilate, destroy, murder

b to complete, terminate some matter

lmartsrk m. lmartsrka f.
lmarkht m. plural 1 sunrise 2 Eastern
countries m. the East from the east, from an
eastern direction


lmarkhatz 1 eastern (of a direction,

side) 2 m. East

lmarglaj m. sunflower
lmar larunkaj sunny the sunny side
lmarlved m. plural
lmarlvedz lmarlvedz 1 western 2 m. West
lmarkhaj m. 1 sunflower 2 beautiful
lmarnj sunny; solar solar year
lmarj dried in the sun
lam m. steep precipice; a fissure
lumzz m. 1.1 first fruit 1.2 firstborn (animals) 2

lamtsij n] felt;

first priority (of a task) 4

large piece of felt

5 primitive

the first time 2 former 3

primary primary education

lumaanj 1 first, initial

primitive society

Pashto-English Dictionary

from the beginning, in the

in the first months

lumj 1.1 first


lumj feminine singular of

month of the lunar year

to be disseminated
to be completed, be
ended to pursue, go after someone to
implore, beseech someone; beg forgiveness of someone
to continue one's speech to
stir up contradictions to protect, take under one's

the third

3 lmaj f. 1
lams m. motivation; instigation
lamsn lj f. computer science touchpad
lamsavl transitive [past: ] 1 to motivate;
instigate 2 to cause, stimulate

lamsn m. by teaching
lamsavnaj m. instigator
lamas f. to incite someone, egg on
1 lmasj m. [plural: lmasi plural: lmasij n]
Western grandson

lamsj m.

lmasj f. [plural: lmasj plural: lmasij ni]

Western granddaughter

lamsedl intransitive [past: ] to be motivated, be

incited, be instigated, be egged on

lamsed m. plural
1 lamghaj f. 1 cunning, guile, ruse 2 swindles, intrigues
a to use cunning, entrap, cheat b to intrigue, engage in
intrigues c to swagger about

lmghaj 1 shrewd; cunning 2 m. .1 sly, cunning person;

dodger 2.2 schemer, cheat 2.3 flatterer

3 lmghj f. rump; sacrum

lmgha with tail tied up (of a military, war, or cavalry
horse) cavalry horse, warhorse mounted
warriors, cavalrymen, swordsmen, warriors idiom to
drive out of the house with disgrace, kick someone out to
show someone in at once proverb He has met
his match.

lumka f. snares, traps


lmganj m.

lmgaj m.

1 rump; sacrum 2 (little) tail

laml m. lemonade
lamn f. [plural: lamni]

to set a trap for

lmgnaj m.

1 border, hem, skirt (of a dress)

2 base (of a mountain) 3 the lower edge (of a tent, marquee) 4

the limit (of the sky) 5 extent, expanse 6 spread, diffusion,

figurative with empty hands, having

nothing for one's pains to
bring shame upon oneself to spread, diffuse
to expand the peace movement to
be depressed to avoid someone
sphere of use idiom


(of the order of the day)

from the beginning of the war

to be generous, be magnanamous

from the very beginning 1.2 primary (school) 2 at first, at the

beginning; for the first time 3 m. beginning

to become widespread (of a custom, etc.)


1 lmndz m. bachelor, single man

2 lmndz m. 1 respect, esteem 2 praise
lmandzl transitive Western
lmandzna f.
1 lmndza f. pine tree
2 lmndza Western short plural of

the five

namaz (i.e., five Islamic obeisances and prayers)

lamngj f. kind of embroidery stitching

lamna f. dialect
lmavr fat-tailed (of sheep)
lmo f. forage, hay, straw (in wisps)
lmundz m. [plural: lmundzna plural:
lmndzna] Western namaz (i.e., prayer) to perform a
namaz, to pray (in the prescribed Islamic way)

lmundzguz r m. praying, performing a namaz

lmesl transitive [past: ] to write, inscribe
lanbra f. bare floor, uncarpeted floor
lambavl transitive
lamb f.
lambedl intransitive
lndzi f. plural prayer, supplication
landabl m. 1 freshness 2 humidity, dampness the
humidity of the air 3 food, dish

landn m.
landv laj m. liquid; dampness, humidity
landavl denominative transitive [past: ]

to make

damp; wet, moisten; dampen

lind f.

land feminine singular of

humid air

fresh fruits

1 lindj f.
2 landj m. main irrigation canal, channel, ditch
landedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]


dampen, wet; moisten; soak

landed m. plural wetting; dampening; soaking

lan 1 short shorts 2 brief, quick quickly, soon
3 concise, compressed succinctly 4
next, immediate (of time) in the next few years, in
a few years in a word, briefly speaking

Pashto-English Dictionary

a to shrink, shrivel b to limit oneself in


lan k shortsighted, myopic; foolish

lanktb m. landk f. shortsightedness, myopia;


lanaghr m. 1 2 having a bobbed or cropped tail

lanfkra shortsighted, superficial
1 lanakj rather short I will present a
small example.

lanakj f. shallow irrigation shaft

langn 1 hasty, disputed to grab (momentarily),

snatch 2 short, brief

lanlr m. computer science shortcut

lanlr ghwaranj f. computer science shortcut menu
lanlr kil f. computer science shortcut key
lanlidnkaj myopic, shortsighted
lann m. London (city)
lanv laj m. 1 brevity for the sake of brevity
2 nearness, shortness of distance

lankaj rather short, bobbed
lanugn 1 very short, rather short

2 briefly speaking, in a

lanavl denominative transitive [past: ] 1 to

shorten, make shorter 2 to curtail, lessen, compress 3 to explain

brieftly, summarize

lanavna f. 1 shortening 2 curtailment,

lessening, compression 3 brief explaination, summary 4

settlement (of some matter)

lan f. anatomy sacroiliac; lumbar part of the spine, small of

the back

lna feminine singular of

speaking idiom


to display shortsightedness

lank z m. white goose

lanahr m. 1 vagrant, tramp

2 hooligan, ruffian 3 abusive


lanj 1.1 short; stumpy 1.2 bobbed; with a cropped tail (of

person, shrimp 2.2 personal name Landaj

lanj 1 feminine singular of 1 2 f. folk melody; a
kind of poetry or versification with seven or eight syllables to a

in short, speaking briefly

compressed 3 to be expounded in brief 4 to get close idiom

They limited his rights.

laned m. plural 1 shortening

The days

are growing shorter. 2 curtailment, lessening, compression 3

short exposition, summary 4 growing nearer, approaching

lanz lanz m. 1

2 solution (of a problem) 3

summary, short exposition; thesis 4 report 5 list

lanj sin m. lanj sind m. Swat (river)

lanj kol m. Landikotal (border point, Pakistan)
lanj mr m. kind of adder
1 lang lame
2 lung m. 1 breechclout wear a breechclout 2
shorts; bathing trunks

lngtn m. 1 childbirth, parturition 2 calving (the dropping

of young by animals) 3 lying-in-home; obstetrical clinic

lingta f. backheel (in wrestling)

a to

give someone a backheel trip b to do something bad to someone

langr m. [plural: langarna f. Eastern plural:

to drop anchor

to hoist

asylum (run by a sheikh, pir) 4 figurative slope, declivity

langarg h m. landing, dock (for ships); port; harbor

langrj f. 1 kneading trough or vessel 2 deep metal or
pottery bowl

langs m. narcissus
lngv la f. 1, 2
lang m. lango f. 1 turban 2 bath towel
langr m. span (space between thumb and forefinger when

lngavl denominative, transitive [past:

impregnate; make pregnant

lanj f. 1 kind of adder 2 dialect kind of lizard

lni feminine plural of


lngn m. parturition, children lambing

lngunkhvg lngunkhg spasms, cramps, pangs
1 lnga f. 1 rope net (for bedsprings) 2 rope (for hauling
water out of an irrigation shaft) 3 figurative support, aid

lnga f. 1 woman in childbirth 2 calving, giving birth to

young a milking cow, cow which has come fresh (giving

milk as a result of recent calving)

lungj f. 1
lngedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to be

delivered (of a child); give birth 2 to calve, kitten, drop young (or


lanedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

shorten; become shorter 2 to become curtailed, lessened,

a horse) 1.3 figurative brazen (of a person) 2 m. .1 short

lne a combination of the adjective and the

anchor, haul anchor 2 weight (of a clock) 3 almshouse, refuge,

lann m.

langre] 1 anchor


lan plural of



lanbazraj m. kind of hawk

lanpraj m. inconstant or unreliable friend
lantb m. 1 shortness; conciseness 2 closeness, a short

similar term used to denote the birth of young in specific animals)

lnged m. plural childbirth, parturition birth

pangs, birth pains, contractions (during childbirth)


Pashto-English Dictionary

lnkaj m. pompom (sewed to the bodice of a dress)

1 lau m. lav mowing, reaping, hay-making, harvesting
reaping to be reaped, be mowed, be harvested The
harvest was in progress.

lav m. long tendril of a grapevine

lu m. plural 1 smoke 2 fumes

lo f. Western singular of



a great advantage
5 lo f. no plural 1 desire 2 appetite
liv f. [plural: liv vi] Arabic military brigade
lvt open (e.g., of eyes)
lvtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to open

(e.g., of the eyes)

lavh m. Arabic plural

lu r m. Loire (river)
lv 1 massive, huge coarse-ground flour

mischief-maker, naughty child 2.2 player; sportsman 2.3 artist

a kind of pigeon
lobgh laj m. stadium
lobgr m. 1 player 2 confidence man, cheat
lobavl transitive [past: ] to play to
beat the drum to play a role
lobavna f. play
lobavnaj m. toy
lba f. 1 play; fun card-playing toy
to play, have fun to win a game, come out

on top in play 2 joke; humorous song 3 fencing 4 sport; games

trick riding (on horseback)

1 lobj f. 1 French beans, haricot-beans 2 beans
2 lubij f. Libya
lobedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be carried away by a

unground wheat 2 unpolished, uncouth 3 stiff, hard 4 thick,

coarse 5 rude, cheeky

to speak rudely, act cheekily

lvtb m. 1 massiveness 2 rudeness, coarseness 3

game 2 literal & figurative to be a toy, serve as a plaything

lup m. trick, ruse to contrive, manage

lupa f. 1 woman's shawl, veil 2 figurative cover, covering

stiffness, hardness 4 rudeness, cheekiness

lvgj m.
lvv laj m.
lvavl denominative, transitive


(snow, etc.)

lpa-lpa disheveled (of hair)

lavt flaccid, weak a
1 to make

massive, make huge 2 to make crude, make coarse 3 to make

stiff, make hard 4 to act rudely, act cheekily

lvedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

massive, be huge 2 to become rude, become coarse 3 to be stiff,

hard, get hard 4 to be rude, be cheeky

lobgh aj 1 mischievous, playful (of a child) 2 m. .1

lavzm m. Arabic plural 1 necessary objects 2 military

supply chief of supply; quartermaster

lavzim t m. second plural of
livmshr m. livmshr military brigadier-general
lund Luanda (city)
lv na f. shaft of a kariz or irrigation tunnel (the upper part of

to stumble b to act


lotba f. typhus
1 lu m. 1 robbery to rob 2 a raid
2 lo m. banknote, currency; paper money
lubz rapacious, predatory
lup m. robbery
1 lu-p completely pillaged to plunder, loot
to be cleaned out by robbery
2 lo-p to stick out, throw out (something)
lok f. a handleless jug
1 lokj m. [plural: lok plural: lotkij n]
hearth composed either of three stones on which cooking vessels
are supported, trivet, or sometimes a small pillar of baked clay,

which is paved with gravel)

lavvr m. scythe, sickle

lavh m. Arabic plural of
lvj f. dawn
lobtl transitive [past: ] to compel to take an oath
lub n m. incense, frankincense
lobatk m. variety of wheat
lobatka f. reel
lbk n m. computer science joystick
lpajwnd m. computer science hyperlink
lmtin m. computer science hypertext
lavb m.
lbdzj m. children's playground
lobghtb m. sport; games

three of which are used to form a tripod for supporting the iron
dish on which cakes of Afghan bread are made

2 lokj m. a kind of pot used on Persian waterwheels

lol a to sway, rock rhythmically b

to be

visible, loom

lum r m. 1 robber, marauder 2

lumri f. robbery, brigandage
luml f. scraper; harrow
lumraj m. robber chieftan, gang leader
lon m. kind of dove
luna f.
luavl denominative, transitive [past: ]
pillage; clean someone out by robbery


luavna f. robbery, pillage

to rob,

Pashto-English Dictionary

compound verb
to give oneself airs,

la f. clod, clod of earth idiom

to destroy, ravage idiom

lo f. small jug; small bucket

luam r m. agriculture mallet, tamper
lu ruined, impoverished
luedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be

luerj m. vagrant; robber

lodzhistk m. logistics (as a science)
luchk 1 shabby, having sparse hair (of a dog)

lodna f. confirmation; testimony, giving of evidence

lod m. [plural: lodag n] dolt, fool, bonehead, boob
1 lod m. plural the Lodi (tribe, dynasty) 2 lodj m. Lodi

2.3 [plural: luchak n] the poor

luch 1
luchj f. twigs (pastry)
luts bare boughs
lutspts to roll over the ground
lutssr bareheaded, with uncovered head
lutska f. naked child, unclothed doll
1 lutskj flattering, smooth-tongued, insincere
2 lutski plural of
3 lutsavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to

to look for work

lvtsa f. entertaining guests arranged in turn
ltsi-ptsi f. plural 1 wails, supplications 2 throwing,
tossing a to suffer profoundly b to toss about c to
strip naked, strip bare 2 agriculture to strip a vine idiom

writhe in hysteria 3 rolling on the ground (of horses) 4

lutsedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to undress,
bare oneself


lvrg m. gopher
lorgj m. reaping knife, chopper
lvarm m. lvarn m. [plural:

lauh m. Arabic [plural: alv h] 1 board upon which

letters are written 2 board or tablet used by schoolboys to write

lauh f. Arabic 1 ruler, straightedge 2 tablet, chart 3 screen
a picture

lukhavl transitive
lukha f. thick smoke Thick smoke was
arising. puffs of smoke and flame
lkha 1 bulrush, Pencillaria spicata 2 Juncus effusus (a kind of
soft reed)

lkhaj m. Eastern 1
lod na lavd na f. Western gutter, drainpipe
1 lovdra f. stitch to take a stitch
2 lodra f. tug (rope or chain trace) of a plow
lodl lavi transitive [present: past: ]
testify, give evidence

lodj n m. plural constellation of two stars appearing in the

lvarnd] botany


floundering 5 playing, fun (children)

lodj n m. plural

lodn m. plural
lauspikr m. loudspeaker, amplifier
lo m.
1 lor m. [plural: lorna plural: larna] sickle
idiom to be engaged in a purposeless matter idiom
to grind water in a mortar
2 lor m. side, direction on all sides; everywhere
from all sides
3 lur f. [plural: li dialect plural: lur ne plural:
lurg ni] daughter foster daughter
to court, ask (someone's daughter) in marriage
4 lur m. Lur (a people)
5 laur m.
lurist n m. Luristan
lorghj m. young ram (lamb) given to a shepherd as a form of

4 placard, poster

morning in the southeast

2 m. .1

tramp, vagrant 2.2 landless or homeless peasant; a lonely man

a to get lost,

from the right way

robbed, be pillaged, be cleaned out by thieves

disappear b to go wrong, be deflected from the path, be deflected

have a swelled head, think a lot of oneself


lodn m. side, direction idiom

lavrna f. kindness, goodness, benefaction

forgiveness to do a kindness, have pity

to ask

lo rvadz f. Western religion Judgment Day, the End of the


lavravl transitive [past: ] 1 to consider worthy,

favor someone 2 to do good, show kindness, demonstrate mercy

1 lraj m. side, direction lri from the other side

to show support to someone, support someone
2 lri imperative of 3
lavredl intransitive 1 to be worthy, deserve, merit 2
to grant, allocate someone something (e.g., from one's property)

lavrza f. kind of embroidery stitching

lavrn good; considerate, obliging; kind
lavrna f. 1 goodness; consideration, courtesy
of someone's right

to confirm,

lavrejl transitive
lo 1 stake, picket 2 pestle

2 recognition

Pashto-English Dictionary

lav m. 1 cane; walking stick 2 truncheon, baton 3 stake;


higher echelons
2 mountainous, elevated, lofty a uneven, broken
(terrain) b mountains and valleys over mountains and
valleys 3 loud (of a voice) to speak loudly 4 abovementioned, above-cited 5 outstanding (of a feat, etc.)
outstanding feats intelligent man, thoughtful man
to regard someone with condescension
lv vaj m. 1 ascent; movement upward 2 honor, respect
lvtb m. lvtj f. aviation to
lv lva literal & figurative 1 high

climb, gain altitude

lvtsngaj having supports armchair

lvrutb high-ranking
lvghgaj m. lva ghagednkaj

loudspeaker, amplifier

lvd strapping, tall

lvimta dear, expensive
1 lvakj m. fatha, zabar (a supra-linear sign indicating the
short a vowel)

lokj m. 1 pipe, tube 2 roller, cylinder 3 roost 4 flick

(of the finger on the brow)

3 lavkaj m. truncheon, baton

lol transitive [past: ] to vow, take an oath
lvmzdigr m. lvmzigr m. the time just
before evening; four o'clock P.M.

lona f. vow, oath

lvanj upper
lo m. man given to oaths
lvv la f. lvv laj

m. 1 height, elevation 2 rise,

increase (of prices, taxes, etc.) 3 altitude

lvv li at an altitude of 2,000 meters 4 development, progress 5


aviation ceiling (a.c.)

lvavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

raise, elevate 2 figurative to lift to raise

the morale of an army 3 to erect, build (e.g., a wall) 4 to develop,

promote progress

luavl transitive [past: ] to peel, strip, flay (e.g.,

to peel the bark from a willow

a hide)

loavl transitive [past: ] to make or take an oath

la f. oath, vow to take an oath, swear
to exchange vows

lva f. lvaa 1 altitude, elevation; mountainous terrain; plateau

Mazari-Sherif is located on the heights. 2
feminine singular of 3
lo f. gully; temporarily dry gulch
lo f. Lora (river, Beludzhistan)
lva-dzva f. lva-zhavra lva-zhavra f. 1

lv f. 1 altitude above sea level 2 promotion (e.g., in

service) espistolary I wish you success.

2 laj m. 2
lvi-dzvri plural of
1 lvedl 1 [past: ] denominative, intransitive

.1 to

arise, elevate oneself 1.2 to receive a promotion 1.3 to rise, be

extolled 1.4 to be preferred 1.5 to rise, increase (of price, taxes,

etc.) 1.6 to improve (of quality) 1.7 to develop, flourish 2 m.

luedl intransitive [present: past: ] to be

flayed off (of hide, etc.); peel off in layers; fall off in layers

lvedna f. lved m. plural 1 rise, height 2 raise,

promotion (in service, job) 3 extolling 4 preference 5 rise,
increase (in prices, taxes, etc.) 6 improvement (in quality) 7
development, flourishing; progress 8 arrival, appearance

lavi m. wanderer, vagrant

lavza f. kind of sewing or stitching
lvi-zhavri plural of
lavz m. word, promise, agreement
to give one's word, promise, agree to break
one's word, break one's promise, violate one's agreement
lavznm f. accord, agreement
1 lavz f. Arabic 1 almond 2 tonsil
2 lza f. honeybee
3 lza f. pine sapling
1 lavz Arabic adjective 1 almond 2 f. rhombus
2 luzj m. wall
lavz plural of 1
lzi plural of 2, 3
lvzi separable part of present of
lozh m. loge (in a theater, etc.)
lvag nda f. medicine uterine cyst
lvga f. hunger; famine to relieve hunger
Hunger overtook them.
los m. loess
lus k f. Lusaka (city)
los-ndzhilos m. Los Angeles
1 lvast m. lvst 1 learning; studies 2 reading
reading and writing 3 lesson the final lesson
2 lvast lvest imperfect of 1
3 lost m. vomiting, nausea
4 lust imperfect of 2
lvstj f. female teacher of girls
lvstdz j m. lvstdzj m. 1 classroom; auditorium
2 courses

lvastl 1 transitive [present: past: ] .1 to

read, read through 1.2 to read out (a declaration, etc.) 1.3 to


ascent and descent 2 broken terrain


to teach someone, give lessons to

Pashto-English Dictionary

He taught the students

a course in logic. 2 m. plural 1
2 lustl transitive [present: past: ] 1 to pour,

lvagh m. yield of milk

lughn 1 slightly burnt 2 dirty, soiled; sooty
lughavl transitive [past: ] 1 to roll in the dust

3 lostl transitive [past: ] to vomit, throw up

1 lvastlj past participle of 1
2 lustlj past participle of 2
3 lostlj past participle of 3
4 lvastli m. plural lesson (read through, gone through)
1 lvastna f. reading; reading through
2 lustna f. 1 sprinkling; pouring over 2 splashing;


strew, scatter; sprinkle, pour (on) 2 to spray; splash

sprinkling upon

3 lostna f. vomiting, nausea

lvastn m. lvustn 1
1 lvastnkaj 1 present participle of 1

2 m. .1

reader 2.2 student

lustnkaj present participle of

beacon; lamp

3 lostnkaj present participle of 3

lvastnaj clear; legible (of handwriting)
lvast m. sleeve cuffs
1 lvast m. plural 1
2 lust m. plural 2
3 lost m. plural nausea, vomiting
1 lvstaj lvstaj educated, well-read; literate
2 lvstj 1
lushkj m. rice porridge with warm milk
lvashl lvshl transitive [past: ] 1

lvshnkaj 1 present participle of


lughedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to roll in the dust,

grovel in the dust 2 to be soiled, be smudged

lvghza f. cow or goat which is giving milk

lvaghsna not permitting itself to be milked (of a cow, goat)
lvaghl transitive [past: ] to milk
lughavl transitive [past: ] 1 to roll (into the
earth) 2 to trample

lughedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be rolled (in or into

the soil or earth) 2 to be trampled

1 lok m. camel in its fifth year

2 luk m. meteor
lok m. lavk the Japanese medlar (a fruit from a bush of
the rose family)

luk m.
luks 1 m. .1 luxury first-class hotel 1.2
luxuriance, splendor luxuriantly, excellently
luxury articles 2 attributive luxuriant, excellent
luksambrg m. Luxembourg (city)
lukh m. pipe (stove)
lukaj Eastern
lokomotf m. locomotive engine electric

to milk 2

figurative to wring out

2 to soil, smirch

2 m. dairyman,

2 lvshnke 1 present participle of 2 f. milkmaid

lshi f. plural black mud; slime, ooze
lvhtl intransitive 2
1 lohtj m. lvahtj wild almond (the tree or its fruit)
2 lohti f. lohlni f. plural slops, dirty water

lha f. 1 custom (moral) nature, character 2 virtue, quality

1 lhaj m. 1 dish, dishware; jug, pot lhi
silicates; porcelain dishware 2 pottery lhi

2 lhi plural of
lohna f. slops
lut m. Arabic 1 playboy; dissolute male, debauchee

log m. regional people

lugdzhn smoke-filled, smoky, impregnated with smoke
1 lavgr m. reaper
2 logr m. Loga (province, river) Logar Province
lavgraj m. 1
log m. agriculture 1 scraper 2 harrow
lugn 1 smoking 2 sooty; smoky
lga f. desert land unfit for cultivation
lugj m. 1 smoke a to smoke b to burn up c to
smoke, envelop in smoke 2 gas

lug tv n m. history household tax

lval lvl present stem of 1
lulapnd lulap obsolete 1 burned up, scorched,
cremated 2 destroyed 3 burning a to burn down, burn
up, scorch b to destroy c to torture, torment a to
burn; be scorched, be burned up b to be destroyed c to be


lutijn 1 dissolute, debauched 2 indecent, obscene

lauz m. word (of honor), promise
to give one's word, promise to keep
one's word not to keep one's word

lolakj m. round stick

lolakj f. 1 butterfly, moth 2 piece of sweet dough formed

into a tube then fried in oil and used as a pacifier

lolamn f. generosity, good-heartedness

lolnd skimming along, rolling, swaying, falling
1 lul m. scarecrow

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 lol f. bracelet
lvalavl transitive


] 1.1 to cause to read

lvalavna f. 1 teaching, instruction 2 education

lol f. 1 spool of thread 2 package, bundle 3 tube
compound verb to roll into a tube (e.g., a sheet of paper) 4

anatomy tract (e.g., the digestive)

kebab made of spiced

ground meat patties

lolakash f. pipe-laying
lolj f. prostitute
loljtb m. prostitution
1 lumb m. fox, dog-fox
2 lumb
lumba f. she-fox, vixen
lumj khabri f. plural preface, foreword
lomsh r m. history head (of government, etc.)
lumka f.
lomn f. arrogance, conceit
lma f. 1
1 lumj f. net, snare
2 lom f. Lome (city)
laun m. Arabic [plural: launna Arabic plural:
alv n] 1 dye; color 2 look; aspect

lavn present stem of

lumb m.
lumba f.
lun bobtailed; cropped
lunj-munj tailess and earless
lund m. land f. m. [plural: lnd f. plural:
land] 1 damp, wet, moist damp air 2 juicy (of fruit) 3
fresh (of fruit)

lund khisht land khisht f. m. [plural:

lnd khisht f. plural: land khisht] soaked
through, soaking wet

lavand good-for-nothing, useless

lundv laj m.
lundavl denominative, transitive
lundedl denominative, transitive
lavn 1 m. .1 bachelor 1.2 rake, playboy 1.3

outsider, man

from the outside (not having the right of access to the woman's
side) 2 single, bachelor

laantb m. bachelor life

lavantj f. 1 immodesty 2 dissipation, debauchery
lavna f. immodest woman
lavng m. cloves (flower, spice)
lavangbaj m. botany basil
lavangdzhn aromatic, sweet-smelling

lungj f. 1 longi (a strip of silk or cotton cloth used as a

belt), girdle 2 turban 3 veil


to teach; instruct 2 m. plural

2 lavangj f. kind of rice

lavangn m. garland of pinks

the garland of pinks

(i.e., a gift of the bridgeroom to the bride)

lunl lavanl transitive 2

Spring has bedecked the earth with flowers.

lunm lavanm first person of 2

lun f. boil, carbuncle; abscess
1 lun lavan present of 2
2 lnaj speaking, pronouncing
lunedl intransitive [past: ]to be strewn, be spread
about, be sprinkled around

lnnk m. botany honesty (garden flower with large purple

flowers and transparent capsules)

la f. plural regional li f. plural of 3

lovaj m. 1 the Holy One 2 in whose name one swears
1 lovl [past: ] to testify, give evidence
2 lavavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to reap,
harvest (grain)

lav-u-lr m. reaping, harvesting (grain); haying-time; harvest


lavavna f. reaping the harvest

lvaj m. witness to summon a witness
1 lva f. water in swampy soil
2 loh f. 1 appetite I developed an appetite.
to evoke or cause an appetite (to arise) 2 raising, nurturing;
growing 3 attraction, inclination

loh r m. Eastern blacksmith

lohrkhn f. smithy, forge
1 lohn m. plural the Lohani (tribe)

2 lohnj m. Lohani,

Lohanaj (tribesman)

loh m. plural 1
loh m.
luha f.
lohn causing an appetite (to arise); tasty, appetizing
lha f.
lo'edl denominative, intransitive
1 lav j m. [plural: lavij n] reaper; hay-gatherer
2 lavj f. soot
3 lavj f. reaper (female)
4 lvaj m. cutting edge of a saber
5 loj luj 1.1 large, great, huge lake 1.2 loud, piercing
1.3 adult, grown grown man 1.4 eminent, great
to regard as great; extoll 1.5 exalted, venerable 1.6
important, significant an important cicumstance 2.1
adult courses for adults 2.2 great man 2.3
grandee, exalted personage; rich man 2.4 (tribal) chief, chiefman


a Muslim holiday celebrating the Sacrifice of Abraham

Pashto-English Dictionary

the twelfth month of the lunar year (in which the

typhoid fever
a bravery b endurance, staying power secretarygeneral a wittingly b definitely
6 lve f. ovine tuberculosis
7 lavj f. payment to a (female) reaper
8 lve f. milk cattle
lojt m. primogeniture
lve m. monal pheasant, Himalayan pheasant
lvdzj m. crash site (of an aircraft)
1 lvedl [past: ] intransitive 1 to fall; go down 2 to
Feast of Sacrifice falls)


lvjlvj bitterly, violently


regional High Court

great size

increase, enlarge 2 to raise, grow 3 to extoll 4 to intensify (e.g.,

2 lvajavl transitive [past: ] to lower, let down

lojavna f. 1 increase, enlargement 2 raising, nurturing;
growing 3 extolling 4 intensification (e.g., noise, sound)

to turn out to be useful

lja feminine singular of

loj f. 1 greatness, grandeur

to be an impediment to something 7 to come,

arise (of thoughts); appear, arise (of suspicion) 8 to occupy (a job,

a post) 9 to be set, be put, be placed (in motion, operation) 10 to

strive for greatness 2 arrogance, conceit

be deprived of something 11 to fall down, sink 12 to cost, come

to grow conceited

to be cheap 13 to fall, decrease (of a tax)

The merchants are taxed.
2 lavedl [past: ] intransitive to be mowed, be reaped, be
to (of goods)

the loja jirga



to be arrogant,

lojedl [past: ] denominative, intransitive 1 to

increase, grow large 2 to grow 3 to mature, become adult 4 to
be nutured; be reared 5 to be extolled 6 to be intensified,


intensify (of sound)

lvedlj 1 past participle of


lvedna f.
1 lved m.

1 to


The sun set. 5 to be, lie, be


2 lvna f. stone trap (for catching birds)

lojv laj m. 1
1 lojavl [past: ] denominative, transitive

settle (of precipitate, deposit) 3 to flow into (of a river) 4 to set

disposed 6 to be, turn out to be

to weep bitterly, cry

lojn b m. history governor general

lojnb f. province
1 lojna f. 1 maturity, manhood; adulthood 2

a sworn enemy

(of celestial bodies)

2 backward (of

lojed m. plural 1 increase 2 growth, development 3

growing up, becoming an adult

plural 1 falling, going down 2 settling (of

l preposition 1 used with or without the suffix or postposition


from (to designate the direction from whence

precipitation, deposits) 3 flowing into (of a river) 4 setting (of

something comes or the source or place from whence it comes)

the sun) 5 arising, appearance 6 decline (moral)

2 lved imperfect plural of 1

lveddz 1 m. the west 2 western

from the roof

belongs or to which it relates)

countries of the West

from thee 1b

lveshtenk m.
lojht m. 1 growth, development

you have, your's 1c from,

for (to indicate the reason or the basis for something)

because of this, for this reason

I am weeping

from sorrow. 1d on, upon (to indicate physical contact, touching,

or contiguity with something, someone)

to strike

the wall, hit the wall 2 used to express the comparative and
superlative degree

colder than snow 3 with (used

independently or in combination with the postposition, indicates

the combination or accompaniment of something, or someone with

with a friend
in order that, in order to;

something, or someone else)

with one another idiom

measure by or in spans

plant 2 size, magnitude

of (to designate the person or thing to which something else

the West, the

lveg nd m. freeloader, parasite, do-nothing

lveg nda f. anatomy 1 fontanelle 2 temple
lveg na f. sponging, freeloading, parasitism, scrounging
lvga imperfective, imperative of 1
lis los m. loess loess, loessal soil
lvesht f. [plural: lveshti] span
a span of land compound verb

lveshtkj m. dwarf, midget, pigmy

lveshtavl [past: ] denominative, transitive to

lojklbr large caliber

lvegnd m.
lvegnda f.

from home

! Come to me! for the

winter; in winter; toward winter to us, to me in

la postposition vice

school; to school

growth of a

lahdzhav linguistics 1 articulatory 2 dialectic

dialectic atlas

lahdzh f. Arabic 1 accent, pronunciation 2 dialect; mode of

speech; local speech


dialectic peculiarities

to write verses in a

Pashto-English Dictionary

to speak very
affectionately, in an affectionate tone to soften one's
popular spirit 3 tone


lihaz Arabic for this reason, as a consequence of this
lahr m. 1 impetuosity; rapidity, quickness, liveliness 2


squally wind

lrja according to, in accordance with something, in

conformity to something

lah m. geography deep and wide basin

lahaj m. 1 beam, girder 2 footbridge; log
lsra 1 quite, decisively 2 anew, again, from the beginning
to repeat (said or done again)
lkma where from
ll ndi from below, from under something
lahlap nd
llri from after, from far away
lmkha forward; ahead He went forward.
lahv m. Arabic play, fun; entertainment to
enjoy oneself, have fun

lv ra at once, immediately; suddenly, in a flash

lvar lvr ja from afar
lha f. 1 silt; mud 2 slime
lahazhn 1 silty, muddy 2 slimey
ljav lba l jav mkha 1 fully, quite

2 in

succession, running

laj m.

li present tense of 3

1 lepj m. 2
2 lipj exhausted, worn-out
lajpzg m. Leipzig
lajplj confused, perplexed, stunned
1 lit 1 smooth, slippery; worn 2 polished, burnished
2 lit m. Hymalayan pine, Pinus excelsa
lit a f. rags, old clothes; tatters
1 lit-pt completely worn, ground off; absolutely smooth
2 lit-pt bespattered, besmirched
litr m. liter
litraj scattered, thrown around
litvn litvanij 1 Lithuanian the
Lithuanian language 2 m. Lithuanian (person)

litogrf f. lithography
litavl denominative, transitive


1 to rub,

grind 2 to rub off; to smooth out; to grind off 3 to polish, burnish

litedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

rubbed, be ground 2 to be rubbed off; be smoothed out; be ground
3 to be burnished, be polished

le m. Latvian (person)
li a f.
liprl 1 turned head over heels 2 disorders, riots
levij f.
1 lej m. hard clay
2 lej f. thin gruel, porridge
1 lech m. anatomy 1 forearm 2 stock (of a rifle)
2 lich m. conjunctivitis one suffering from

3 lj second person present tense plural of vice

lj dialect 1
lj r f. lj ra dialect to resolve

lechkj m. diminutive of 1
1 lichn suffering from conjunctivitis
2 lajchn m. lichen
lcha f. 1 to prepare for something
1 lechj m. 1 jamb (of a door) 2 textiles winding, twisting

2 lechj f. sheeps' trotters (a food item)

lets f. ltsa f. Western [plural: ltsi] forearm, ulnar
bone idiom to get to work, get down

to their selflessness.

This testifies

something by peaceful means

lj e f. plural
lj sha f.

lijt m. Arabic 1 qualification; fitness; suitability 2 merit;


moral qualities 3 ability; talant

scientific abilities 4 wisdom;

ordinary abilities

intelligence 5 proper name Liakat, Liaqat

liberlsm m. liberalism
liberlst m. liberal
liberlist liberal

liberalism; liberal trend,

liberal tendency

lebl m.

m. Libreville (city)
regional label, tag idiom

to put a

(wool, cotton)

to work

letsj ball of yarn

1 lid m. sight to see in the dark
2 lid imperfect
3 ld m. katn computer science view
lid naj mnir m. computer science monitor
lidl 1 transitive [present: past: past: ] .1
to see, notice, discover I did not see him. 1.2

to see one another, meet together with someone; visit someone 1.3

label on someone

libij f.

to suffer damage 1.4 to receive

a to be noticed, be observed

to experience, endure

f. ledge (of a mountain)

(e.g., an award)


Pashto-English Dictionary

a It has rarely been observed that b to be seen

The range of mountains is seen from
afar. c to be recognized to be considered or
recognized as necessary 2.1 m. plural sight
sharpness of vision 2.2 scrutiny, observation 2.3 meeting,
rendezvous 2.4 examination, familiarity, acquaintance, visit

lidl-katl m. plural 2, 3, 4
we meet again!


1 lidlj past participle of

2 lidli m. plural seen, experienced
lidna f. 1 2 2 2
lidni f. plural ordeal, difficulties, adversities; experiences
lidn m. meeting, talk, conversation
lidnakaj 1 present participle of 2 m. viewer
1 lid m. plural I came to see

2 lid plural imperfect of

lid-pid knowing well; wittingly
lidvr insolent, cheeky
1 lid f. plural imperfect of
2 lidj Western 2
liar m. leader, chief; manager
larshp m. liar f. management; leadership work
lirt m. short editorial
ler m. 1 arch-shaped framework, frame (of a lipped roof) 2

lerban f. used with

lerbn m. lerb m. [plural:

lerbn] shepherd (of

lergj f. lobe (of the ear)

lirld m. binoculars; spyglass
lir lidnkaj lirldaj 1 farsighted; keen-sighted
My eyes see poorly. 2 figurative

lerna f.
of rain)

a to withdraw b to disappear

to end up in a

distant place to foresee

3 lerj f. narrow path
liritb m. distance; remoteness, farness
lri lirnkaj
liriv laj m.
le m.
lezm embarrassed, confused, ashamed to embarass
to be embarassed
lzmi f. plural
legd m. 1 despatch, sending off 2 migration a to set
out on the road b to move, migrate

d computer science transmission

l intransitive [past: past: ] 1

to set out, pack

up and march 2 to resettle, move on 3 to move

l transitive [past: ] to dispatch; send out;

send 2 to resettle, compel to migrate 3 to move or transport

something from one place to another

m. pack animal, transport animal

l intransitive

m. senior person in a nomad camp

leg l transitive [past: ] to send, send out, despatch,

send on the way

leg l-dz j
1 lghmi

m. address, destination
plural 1 flattery; toadying 2 begging, entreaty;


a flock of lambs)

lernj f. gutter around a lipped roof (for runoff

1 lir indirect plural of

2 lro indirect plural of
lervgha f. payment in kind to a shepherd
lernaj m. suckling (male) lamb without a mother
leravunj m. driftwood (on a riverbank)


gather brushwood (on the bank)

1 ler f. 1
2 lra f. hollow between two mountains
3 lr f. lira, pound, pound sterling
1 ler m. plural herd of lambs
2 lri lre 1 the Far East from
afar, from far away 2 far, far away to fling away,
toss away a to remove, dismiss b to strip off (a hide)

2 legmj
m. flatterer; toady

leg na f. dispatching, sending

1 present participle of

dispatcher 2 m. dispatcher

1 les m. lajs 1 lace 2 galloon

2 lejs m.
lis ns m. 1 diploma, degree

law degree 2

license (degree roughly equivalent to master's degree)

lisns m. university graduate (holder of a license)

list m. list
lisk m. kind of Karakul wool
lejsnk m. regional corporal
lis f. lycee; training institute; secondary school
Officer's Training School

leshbr m. torn dress

leshka f. dialect
leh m. migration, nomadic movement, nomadic camp
1 lehl transitive [past: ] 1 to load (cargo, etc.)
intransitive [past: ]to migrate
2 lehl transitive [past: ] to lick, smack the lips
lehng m.
lehavl transitive

Pashto-English Dictionary

lehedl intransitive
litr m. liter
lik m. 1 letter, correspondence reading and writing
typewriter secretariat desk
to write a letter to correspond with 2 the
written language 3 script, type Arabic script 4 military

lik naj m. fountain pen; pen

lik baks m. computer science mailbox
likba f. likbi plural computer science font, fonts
likp aj m. 1 writing paper 2 sheet of paper
likdd m. rules of writing, orthography
likhd m. 1 teaching to write; the rules of composition 2
clerical work

likl 1 transitive [past: Western past:

past: ] to write; describe 2 m. plural writing,

in writing

lik mrastnkaj m. 1 collaborator 2 coauthor

lekmn m. participant, member, shareholder
lekn Arabic contrastive conjunction but, yet, moreover
likna f. 1 article; written piece, piece of writing 2 letter
in written form secretariat, office 3
description 4 inscription

liknaj m.
lik niwnaj computer science mail recipient
likv l m. writer; author (of an article, a book)
The Writer's Union
likv la f. used with author (female)
likvl f. 1 work of a writer, literary work
to embark on a literary profession 2 pertaining to a writer,
literary in the literary profession
liknkaj 1 present participle of 2 m. .1 writer;

author (of an article, a book) 2.2 clerk, scribe; copyist 2.3 office

the route of migration


lik m. plural writing

lik imperfect of

to rent farmland on a
to lease land to a sharecropper on

lek f. 1 sharecropping

half-and-half basis

a half-and-half basis 2 share, portion, part of something

1 likj m. book
2 lki f. plural of
lki larnkaj striped, having stripes (e.g., cloth)
lig m. league the Muslim League (one of the
political parties of Pakistan)

legl transitive Eastern

lig f. plot of wasteland
lig m. member of the Muslim League
1 lajl f. Arabic 1 proper name Leila (in particular, the
beloved of Madzhnun) 2 dear, beloved

lil m m. auction trading; competitive bidding

compound verb

lilmavl denominative, transitive [past:

by auction; sell by competitive bidding

lilmch m. auctioneer
lilm 1 sold at auction, sold in competitive bidding

to sell

2 ready-

made (clothing)

lilmedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

sold at auction, be sold by competitive bidding

1 lla f. custom, ways

2 lajl f. Arabic night
1 lajl Arabic 1 nocturnal 2 proper name Leili
2 laj-laj ugh, nasty, don't put that in your mouth, or similar
expression (used to a child to indicate that something will taste
unpleasant or be harmful)

liledl intransitive [past: ]1 to grow thin, lose weight 2

to wear oneself out, worry oneself sick

lajlij Arabic 1 nocturnal; evening

evening school 2

f. .1 dormitory 2.2 boarding school 3 after-work sanatorium


liknaj m. clerk, scribe; copyist

1 lka f. 1 line (of writing, type) 2 line (ruled, printed)
a straight line a curved line a straight road
a broken line to draw a line 3
botany rib 4 row, rank 5 military line; row; clumn a
to mine, set mines b to form in a column a
to be drawn up in line b to be formed in a column to
march in a column to be engaged in meaningless
work; grind water in a mortar to proceed along

lajm m. 1 soldering, brazing 2 coating, plastering (walls)

compound verb a to solder, braze b to plaster

compound verb a to be soldered, be brazed b to be plastered, be

coated, be stuccoed

lim f. Lima (city)

lajmdzhush f. welding
lemtsj m.
1 lim m. lemon lemon juice
2 lem indirect plural of
limon d m. lemonade
limu lemon; lemon-colored
le-m m. plural eyes idiom I will call on
you with pleasure. to work, putting one's heart
into it

lajn m. line (e.g., communications)

(e.g., telephone) b airline


shipping line

a overhead line

electric-pole line

Pashto-English Dictionary

len f. Lena (river) the Lena River

lin m. plural lignite brown coal
lendzka f. dialect
lindakj f. 1 small arch, bow 2 trigger (of a gun) 3 bow
(for a musical instrument) 4 plinth idiom to bend,
wind, turn

lajndav n m. line-layer (telephone, etc.)

lajndavn f. laying a line (telephone, etc.)
1 lind f. 1 lindj f. 1 bow (the weapon)

2 trajectory;

arc (of a circle) 3 hoop, handle 4 astronomy Sagittarius (the

constellation) 5 bow (for a musical instrument) 6 bracket 7


cocking-piece (of a rifle) 8 jet (of

water) 9 winding ditch; winding gully 10 anatomy ulnar bone

idiom to make a bend (of a river)
2 lindj m. inflorescence of reed-mace or cattail
lendn m. regional exchange, barter
len len bald
lenj feminine of
lingta f. lengj f.
lengavr long-legged
lengj m. leg from the thigh to the sole
leningrd m. Leningrad (city)
lenin Leninist
leninsm m. Leninism
linotjp m. linotype
laj m. regional
lev m. plastering, coating; stucco compound verb
b figurative to be covered (e.g., with clouds)
compound verb a b to press oneself to someone,

leopoldvl m. Leopoldville (city)

1 ljavl transitive [past: ] 1 to train, school, instruct
[past: ] 2 to instigate, prompt; influence, egg on to

2 lvl m. level, spirit level

levlkr f. levelling, surveying
levantb m. madness, insanity crazy love
levantn m. psychiatric hospital
levansdaj unbalanced, abnormal
levanghrtaj talking idly, talking nonsense, talking drivel
ljavna f. training, instruction
levanj 1 mad, crazy, insane, lunatic to drive mad
to go mad 2 m. [plural: levan plural:
levanij n] a madman, lunatic

levavl denominative, transitive [past:

apply stucco


levedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

plastered, be stuccoed

lij f. tamarisk

lij 1.1 useless, good-for-nothing, worthless to render

useless, bring to naught to be useless 1.2 unrestrained 2

just, only

lev l 1 thirsting (for a meeting, knowledge, etc.) 2 loving

a lover of the homeland, a patriot
levltb m. levltj f. 1 thirst, strong desire (for a
meeting, knowledge, etc.) 2 desire, lust

levlavl denominative, transitive [past:

attract someone; evoke strong desire


levledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

desire strongly, thirst for 2 to burn with love, lust after

lev n masculine plural of 1

levbachj m. wolf cub
levtnnt dzhanr l m. regional lieutenant-general
levr m. [plural: levrna levarna] brother-in-law
(husband's brother)

levrdzj m.

levrzj m. son of a brother-in law

(husband's brother), nephew by marriage

levrzj f. daughter of a brother-in law (husband's brother),

niece by marriage

levj kind of halvah made with corn oil

levkaj m. wolf cub

to plaster,

lev m. [plural: lev n plural: levag n] wolf

lev f. she-wolf

3 lijh Arabic 1 covered; hidden 2 high, noble

lejl transitive [past: ] to give evidence, testify

snuggle up

mim 1 the thirty-fifth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 number 40

in the abjad system

Christian, A.D. 1412 A.D.

mi, me pronoun 4
m, mu in lieu of 3 Where is your house?
m suffix of ordinal numerals (after the vowels )tenth
second third section
7 m verbal inflectional ending for first person singular I am
going. I am speaking.
m, um in lieu of 2
9 ma, m abbreviated form of negation ! ! Don't!
1 m f. (bed-)curtains, tent section, shelter half, ground sheet
2 m oblique form of the pronoun 1 me (as the object of the
action with transitive verbs in present and future tense forms)
He came to see me. 2 I, me (used as the subject of the
action in an ergative construction) I gave him the
book. I burst out laughing. 3 me (used with prepositions
and postpositions) on me a


abbreviation of

abbreviation of

Pashto-English Dictionary

Eastern a to me b above me
Eastern to me in me
near me; from me Eastern for me
Eastern with me Eastern like me Eastern
after me b about me

under me
m f. Arabic water; juice, sap

m in Arabic borrowings that; that which

that which is

below or downstairs

ma b m. Arabic 1 shelter, refuge 2 in titles



m bnde Eastern 2 3
mbt m. colloquial
mb'd 1 m. continuation 2 after, later (on), then
the post-war time or period
mbaq f. Arabic remainder, rest
mbb m.
mbub f.
mbj f. proper noun Mabibi
mbjn m. Arabic interval, middle, midst
between two countries in the nation
meanwhile to disappear
mbajn middle, central in the center
of the city Central America
m pase
mphn m. noon; time from two to four p.m.
in the afternoon towards evening
m pore Eastern 2, 3
mt 1 broken broken chair

mtaht f. subordination
mterjlzm m. philosophy materialism
mterjlst m. philosophy materialist
mterjlsm m. philosophy materialism
mtaqaddm Arabic preceding, previous, former
mtked m. plural
mt-g regional 1 tumbledown, fallen-to-pieces;
destroyed 2 fallen into decay 3 broken (of language)
in broken English
1 mtm m. Arabic mourning They were in
mourning. to mourn (for) someone
2 m tamu colloquial contraction of and the pronoun
What have you left (for) me?
mtamkhn f. house of prayer (among the Shiites)
mtmaj m. compensation, payment, defrayal (of damages)
to receive compensation
mtw laj m. 1 breaking 2 defeat 3 fatigue
I am feeling worn out. 4 depression, despondency 5
medicine fracture

mtur f. rocky soil, stony soil

mt11 m. mason
mtawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to break
2 to beat 3 to split (firewood) 4 to crumble to
crumble bread 5 to cut (into pieces, parts) 6 to crack (open, e.g.,

nuts, almonds) 7 to kill, slaughter, knife, tear to pieces

A wolf killed the sheep. 8 to slake, quench (thirst) 9 to

change (money) 10 to disrupt, wreck, spoil, frustrate (e.g., plans)

11 to annul, cancel, abrogate (a contract, etc.) 12 to break (a law,

mathematics broken line 2 split (of firewood) 3 crumbled 4 cut,

the silence, etc.) 13 to dissolve, disband (an organization, etc.) 14

sliced (into chunks, shares) 5 cracked 6 killed, slaughtered,

to rout, smash, crush, defeat 15 to destroy

knifed 7 cracked, chapped 8 slaked, quenched (of thirst) 9

the effect of a charm 16 to break open, force 17 physics to

to nullify

refract (light) idiom to reciprocate

mtmaj m. commission
mtawna f. 1 breaking, fracturing; hurting or bruising badly

changed (of money) 10 disrupted, wrecked, spoiled, frustrated (of

plans) 11 cancelled, annulled, abrogated, broken (of a contract,
agreement, etc.) 12 disbanded, dissolved (of an organization, etc.)
13 routed beaten, smashed, shattered, defeated 14 destroyed 15

2 splitting, chopping (of firewood) 3 cutting (into hunks, chunks,

broken out (of sweat) 16 broken open, forced 17 physics

parts) 4 cracking (nuts, almonds) 5 break, split, crack 6 slaking,

refracted (of light) 18 figurative struck, astonished, amazed,

quenching (of thirst) 7 changing (money) 8 disruption (e.g., of

astounded 19 figurative weak, helpless

plans) 9 abrogation, violation (of a treaty, agreement, etc.) 10

My feeble pen is unable to convey the beauty of

dissolution, disbandment (of an organization, etc.) 11 crushing,

He had to give up on his intention of going
further. to do something unwillingly
colloquial What's up?
mtwj f. attic, attic room, garret
mtht Arabic 1 m. .1 that which is below 1.2 subordinate
subordinates 2.1 being below, being under 2.2 lower;
nature. 20 dim, pallid (of light)

subordinate (of a military unit, etc.)

mtaht-al-shu'r Arabic subconscious, instinctive

subconsciously, instinctively

inflicting defeat 12 abolishment 13 breaking open, forcing 14

physics refraction (of light)

m ta 1 feminine singular of


m ta f. prey (i.e., birds of prey)

birds of prey)

3 m ta 2 3
m ta khw 1

2 f. .1

2.2 crack,

to hunt for food (of

f. .1 smashed-in side (of a vehicle, etc.) 1.2

smashed or routed flank 1.3 figurative grief; grieved, distressed


Pashto-English Dictionary

to work without spirit, unwillingly, in a slipshod


laawnkaj 1 adventurist(ic)

compound verb to rout,

defeat 2 retreat compound verb to retreat
compound verb a to suffer a defeat b

m te f. 1 defeat, rout

to retreat 3 lethargy, fatigue 4 anxiety, uneasiness

m ti feminine plural of


something wrong

mtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

broken, break; be hurt, be bruised badly 2 to crumble, be
crumbled 3 to be cut (into pieces, parts) 4 to be quenched (of
thirst) 5 to be changed (of money) 6 to be disrupted, be spoiled
(of plans) 7 to be abrogated, be broken (of a contract, treaty,

defeat 10 to be destroyed 11 physics to be refracted (of light) 12

to stick (of a thorn, burr) 13 to go down, shrink (of a swelling) 14
to break (out) (of sweat)
cold sweat.

mtednkaj 1 present participle of


I broke out in a

mdzhr dzhinr l m. regional major general

mchlj f. cartridge case
mchungn m. cricket (insect)
m che m. plural noodles; vermicelli
mchn m. 1 Indochina China and Inochina
mchewl m. noodle vendor
m dzine m tskha 2, 3
mtshutn m. dialect
mhasl m. Arabic 1 result


mdzhar f. 1 adventure, venture

compound verb

to engage in adventures 2 incident, happening, occurrence


mhul m. Arabic surroundings, environment

external environment

mkhz m. Arabic 1 base, basis 2 source (of information,

etc.) 3 barrowing
mkhustn 1.1 time from eight o'clock in the evening until


in the evening

the time around

eight o'clock in the evening 1.2 namaz (one of the daily prayers

the forehead 2 lock, curl, ringlet

mdzhr m.

the results of the

experiments 2 harvest

2 fragile,

1 m i m. plural whiskers, sidewhiskers

2 mj f. large and wide-mouthed jug; earthenware pot
msar f. Arabic [plural: msar and m. plural: Arabic
m sr] exploit, feat; deed, act
mdzhb m.
mdzht m. colloquial mosque
mdzhd Arabic famous, noted
1 mdzhr m. 1 cemetery fence 2 line of demarcation, border,

obsolete China

mted m. plural
mterjlzm m. philosophy materialism
mterjlst m. philosophy materialist
mterjlist f. philosophy materialistic
ms m. lump, bump, knob (from a blow); swelling
mawr with a clean-shaven chin
mra f. 1 indigestion 2 overeating
mwj f. 1 woman's gold ornament worn on both sides of

m. .1 adventurer 2.2 adventure seeker

agreement, etc.) 8 to be dissolved, be disbanded (of an

organization, etc.) 9 to be routed, be smashed, be crushed; suffer


mdzhar ghuhtnkaj

required by Islamic tradition, performed before retiring for the

night) 2 late in the evening, towards night

mkhuzedl denominative, intransitive [past:
to be borrowed, be taken from somewhere 2 to be siezed, be

arrested 3 to be accused, be charged

to be charged with being in contempt of court
mkhj f. camel's thorn, Alhagi camelorum
md colloquial Mamad Ali
mddtn Arabic 1 materially; in a material way 2 in
essence, essentially

mdag f. 1 latch 2 botany gynoecium

1 mdl m.
2 mdl m. model
mdangj lazy; listless
mdn Arabic lower, standing below; subordinate, lower,
junior (in rank or position)

1 mdd f. Arabic [plural: mdd and m. plural: Arabic

maw dd] 1 material, substance botany nectar 2
philosophy matter 3 subject; question 4 article (e.g., of a treaty,

contract) 5 material (side of) life 6 pus, matter 7 physics mass,

mdzhardzhj 1 m. .1

adventurist 1.2 adventure seeker 2 adventurist(ic), adventure

(movie, etc.)

mdzhardzhujn adventurist(ic), adventuresome

mdzhardzhji 1 adventurism 2 love of adventure

mkhz Arabic 1 borrowed or taken from somewhere 2

seized, arrested 3 accused, charged; defendant


2 mdd f. female a female insect

1 mdd Arabic 1 material material expenditures
2 m. mddijn philosophy materialist
2 md history Median (of or pertaining to the Medes, Media,
or the language)


Pashto-English Dictionary

mdj na f. mare, young mare, filly

]1 materiality 2
historical materialism

mddijt m. Arabic [plural:

philosophy materialism
material side of life

mzn Arabic 1 having received permission; permitted

to be permitted 2 authorized
1 mr m. serpent, snake grass snake
rattlesnake cobra
proverb Once bitten, twice shy.
proverb to cherish a serpent in one's bosom
to vie with a powerful (man)
2 mr m.
3 m r one who tries something robber
mrafsn m. snake charmer
mrb gh m. mosquito trap plant
mrbachaj m. mrbachaj m. young snake
mrpch 1.1 winding; twisted; spiral winding
road 1.2 spiral spirally 1.3 sinuous, serpentine 2
m. .1 spiral 2.2 coil (of pipe)

1 mrpech f. kind of embroidery

2 mrpch feminine singlular of
mrtink m. Martinique
mrdzaj f. 1 bongardia, Bongardia chrysogonum (used
for snakebite) 2 antidote

mrch m. March
mrchub f. asparagus
mrkhr m. screw-horned goat, markhor
mrkhurka, mrkhwarka f. short-toed snake-eagle,
Circaetus gallicus

mrdandn m. 2
mrdangj f. candlestick smoke pot
mrsl m. mrslz m., mrsilij f.

1 mrsh m. march; advance, progress; campaign

to march compound verb to move, shift
! Forward, march! (as a command) on the

2 mrsh m. march; hymn national anthem

mrsh l, mrish l m. marshal
mrshall f. regional martial law
mrgh n masculine plural of
mrgh m. Eastern 1
mrghit m. deceit, fraud, swindle
mrghitl 1 sly, cunning; knavish 2 m. rogue, swindler,
cheat; deceiver, imposter

mrfn m. plural morphine

mrk m. mark (monetary unit, postage stamp, and trademark)
mrksst m.

mrkssm m. mrkszm m. Marxism

mrksst m. Marxist
mrksist Marxist, Marxian
mrkunj f. caltrop, Tribulus
mrk f.
m rke m. market world market
common market domestic market
foreign market
m rkeng m. sale, marketing
mrgre f. plural f. dialect
mrgr m. snake catcher
mrl transitive
mrlaj m. employee, worker; agent
mrmhj m.
mrmor f. Marmara Sea of Marmara
mrmulk m. gecko (lizard)
mrmahj m. 1 eel 2 loach (fish)
mrup t m. lentil
m ra f. robbery, pillage, plundering
mr-d f. plural Eastern robbery, pillage, plundering
to engage in robbery
mb m. abundantly irrigated land
mwandj f.
m masculine plural of 1
m e-h e interjection My goodness! Horrors!
mz d m. Arabic surplus, excess
mzphn m.
mzkhutn m.
mzdigr 1.1 time after the noon hour, afternoon; time
towards evening; evening dusk
on that very evening at four o'clock in the
afternoon, at 4 p.m. It was getting dark.
evening reception It was approaching evening.
1.2 namaz performed after the noon hour 2 afternoon; towards

evening; in the evening

mzdigaranj evening
evening walk
mzgh m. plural

someone; exhaust someone, exasperate someone

evening reception
idiom to bother

He wore me out with his questions.

mz m. gallnut, gall
mzt m. plural mazut, black oil, fuel oil
m ze 1 only 2
msphn m.
mstw f. soup flavored with sour milk
mst m. sour milk (milk baked in an oven and allowed to


Pashto-English Dictionary

m sr m. 1 mister 2 teacher
mskhutn m. mskhutn m.

m sara Eastern 2, 3
1 msik f. Arabic delaying force, restraining force 2 forces
that maintain health 3 cheerfulness; liveliness

2 msk f. mask gas mask

msl m.
msiw Arabic excepting; with the exception of
except (for) one person
ms f. (unit of) weight equal to twenty grains
1 ms f. [plural: msig ni] aunt (mother's sister)
2 msij f. leather stockings worn under boots
msh m. plural mung beans crushed mung beans

mshallh, mshaallh Arabic interjection bravo, well

done; (may) God keep him

mshl, mshal f.



mshm 1 m. infant; child

I was a child


m shaj m. mosquito; midge

mshinna and Western

mshin n] 1 machine sewing machine
typewriter collective
machinery farm machines 2
motor, engine four-engine aircraft 3 apparatus,
instrument ( stove) burner
mshinkhn f. 1 Mashinkhana (a factory in
mshn m. [plural:

Kabul) 2 plant, enterprise, factory

mshind r m. machine gun

mshinr f. equipment, machinery
mshinsh p m. plant; workshop, shop
mshink r m. 1 mechanic 2 machinist, engineer
mashingra f. mshingn m. mshing
m. machine gun

mshin 1 machine, mechanical; mechanized 2 factory,

a industrial production b
factory-made fabric
to mechanize compound verb to be

industrial, manufacturing
manufactured goods
compound verb


the concerns of bygone days 2.2
grammar [plural: mzig ni] past tense
past continuous the past perfect the
mz Arabic 1 past, last, bygone 2 f. .1 past

distant past

present perfect

mziparast f. cult of the past, cult of antiquity

m'ad Arabic besides, except (for)
mghz m. plural 1 brain brain 2 bone marrow
3 seed, kernel, core (of fruit) 4 insides, heart, middle 5 mind,

wit, intellect

to understand politics

idiom a Alisher's head began to spin. b Alisher almost

His brain went

dull. Eastern He
has gone out of his mind. Eastern He
cannot comprehend this.
a to be overtired from something b to exert incredible effort;
demonstrate tremendous diligence in something
to drive to distraction, drive out of one's mind (by noise,
arguing, etc.) I got frightfully mad at
Ahmad. ! Look sharp!
mght m. plural
m ghunde Eastern 2 3
mfuq Arabic 1 higher, superior (in position, rank, grade) 2
m. .1 chief, senior in point of service 2 plural mfauq n
went out of his mind.

mshumtb m. childhood, childhood years

mshma 1 feminine singular of 2 2 f. plural:
mshum ni (little) girl
1 m sha f. mosquito
2 msh f. mshj f. trigger to pull the

Night fell. 2 in the evening

zoology bat

then. 2 innocent, inexperienced, unsophisticated

in the evening, at

mhmstraj m. evening star (i.e., Venus)

mhm, mhmj 1 indeclineable evening
evening party evening star (i.e., Venus) 2 m.

msho f. 1 skein, hank (of

in the evening

thread) 2 figurative tangle (of contradictions)

mh m 1 m. evening

chief, heads, those in authority

mfauq-at-tabi' Arabic supernatural

mfih f. Arabic that which is in it; (which is) contained in it
the world with all that exists in it
mfizzamr m. Arabic innermost secret; hidden
purpose; ulterior motive

mqbl Arabic 1 past, former, previous, preceding

pre-war period 2 m. past, bygone times
mqt m. plural kissel; kind of sweet dish made of starch;

m kar Eastern 1 at my house 2 to my house, to my place

! Come to my house!
m ke Eastern 2 3
mkm m. mkma f. colloquial
1 mk m. [plural: mkug n and mku n] 1


shuttle (in a loom) 2 boat, canoe


mk 1 m. plural Maku (a tribe) 2 m. Maku

m m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

mkl m. Arabic edibles, food

mkul t m. plural Arabic food products; victuals,

m ke Eastern 2, 3
1 ml m. Arabic [plural:


personal and
goods consumer goods
to sell goods 3 livestock ten - twelve head
of cattle 4 figurative property, capital, fortune 5 wealth
saying to cast property to the wind
2 ml m. time
3 ml tame(ed), domesticated; meek; humble
4 m l one who smears, one who spreads; one who fulls (felt)
5 ma' l m. Arabic 1 sense, meaning, essence
amw l] 1 (personal, movable) property
real property 2 goods

overflow 2 drenched (in blood) 3 abundant, plentiful, copious

m lnde Eastern 2, 3
ma'landsh farsighted
mlj f.
mlt m. colloquial
m lta, mlt f. Malta
ml f. blood orange, red-pulp Malta orange
mlchr m. mlts m. pasture
mlh l m. household goods, belongings
mlkhn f. regional warehouse
mlkhulj f.
mld r 1 well-to-do; wealthy 2 m. .1 breeder, cattle
breeder nomad (cattle) breeder 2 rich man
mldr f. 1 cattle breeding, animal husbandry
animal husbandry products 2
riches, wealth, solvency

mlzim f. Arabic 1 material (e.g., construction materials) 2

articles, accessories, materials (for the office, etc.)

mlist n m. Malistan region

mlsh m. mlh m. 1 friction 2 rubbing, massage 3
fulling (making felt) compound verb a to rub, massage
b to full (felt)

mlfurush f. sales, marketing

department, marketing department (in the shirketi)

mlikn f. fee or assessment that is paid to landowners

mlikn 1.1 landowner's, landowners'

land rent 1.2 one's own, ownership 2 having property rights

is subject to taxation, taxable land 3 payment of taxes; taxation

mlgobj m. container in which salt is dissolved (when

kneading bread dough)

1 m ln Arabic in a material way, in a financial way

2 ma' ln Arabic consequently, hence; as a result; in the end
mlkht m. malachite
ml-ut-tidzhr f. Arabic goods
mlm l 1 overfilled, full to the brim compound
verb to overfill compound verb to be overfilled,

mlkunj f. mlkuj f. caltrop (a weed)

mlikw laj m. ownership (property, etc.)
mlka f. lady; housewife, wife
mlikijt m. Arabic 1 ownership, possession 2 property
private property personal property
government property landed property
mlgb m. [plural: mlgbn] salt vendor
mlguzr f. regional 1 land tax, ground rent 2 land that

to see in this the meaning of life 2 end, outcome

large landowners, owners of large

small landowners 3 employer, boss

landed gentleman

foodstuffs, provisions

mlna and Arabic

mlk m. Arabic 1 owner, holder, proprietor 2 landowner;



m. salinity, saltiness
denominative, transitive [past:


salt; pickle; corn

mlgnj m. malgj m. saltcellar, saltshaker

mlgobj m. salt solution
m lga f. 1 salt table salt rock salt
compound verb to sprinkle salt, salt 2 figurative
attractiveness pleasant and charming person
idiom to rub salt on someone's wounds
idiom to cause to be upset, cause pain, cause distress
mlgawl m. salt vendor
mlgn salt salt lake
mlgintb m. 1 saltiness, salinity 2 attractiveness
mlginawl transitive
mlginedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to
be salted; be corned

mlge f. plural name of a children's game

mlmawsh m. plural cattle, livestock
He was grazing his cattle.
mlwl m. 1 owner of goods 2 owner, proprietor
mldzh m. plural mlch m. plural dialect 1 ginned
cotton 2 absorbent cotton, cotton batting

mluchawl denominative, transitive [past:

gin cotton


mlwnkaj freight, cargo freighter

mlf Arabic 1 customary, usual 2 grown accustomed to,
grown used to

ml-u-man l m. property, belongings, fortune

mlaw m. Malawi

Pashto-English Dictionary

ml f. 1 putty knife 2 harrow

to harrow b to persecute

compound verb a

compound verb a to be

2 m la 2, 3
mlakh m. regional harrier (the bird)
1 ml m. loader, stevedore, longshoreman; manual laborer,
unskilled workman

2 m m. regional gardener; truck gardener, truck farmer

3 ml Arabic 1 property 2 financial, fiscal; money, monetary

fiscal year the current fiscal

ml f. Mali

ml paired word with

m le colloquial time

mledl denominative, intransitive [past:

tame(d), be domesticated; be meek

to be

mlez f. Malaysia Malaysia Union

mlekl m. molecule
mlekul molecular
mlekjl m.
mlij f. Arabic [plural: mlij and m. plural: Arabic
mlij t] 1 tax; duty direct taxes
indirect taxes income tax
land tax progressive tax compound
verb to levy a tax compound verb to institute a tax,
set a duty compound verb to impose a tax or duty 2
financial department 3 finances, finance the
ministry of finance 4 excise, excise tax, duty

familiar form of address)

uncle 2 uncle (as a familiar form of address to male of one's

mmkhl m. plural 1 uncle's family 2 Mamakheil

(inhabited place near Jelalabad)

mmghwgj f. 1 wood louse 2 aquatic sow-bug

to authorize; give instructions, give directions 2 to send on a

business trip, send on TDY 3 to assign, appoint (to a job) 4 to
establish, set up
mmra 1 feminine singular of

mmur1 2 f. Arabic

mmurijt m. Arabic 1 position, job; service; post

important post to occupy a position, hold a

post 2 mission, assignment 3 business trip, TDY 4 appointment

(of officials) 5 police directorate

mmuredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be authorized 2 to be sent on a business trip, go on TDY 3 to

be appointed, be named (to a job) 4 to be established, be set up

mms thick; viscous

mmusj f.
1 mml Arabic 1 expect 2 m. hope, expectation
2 mml
mmulk m. male wagtail
mmulka f. female wagtail
mmn Arabic 1 ensured; guaranteed 2 safe (of a road, etc.)
3 freed, liberated

2 old boy, old chap (as a

father's generation)

2 mmr
mmurawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

woman official; woman manager

mlid f. rich flat cake sprinkled with sugar (for treating

mmdzh m. regional, 1 hypocoristic diminutive of

department 2.2 ministry representative (in a region)

guests in connection with reaching an agreement, deal)

mlijadh m. taxpayer
mm m. 1 uncle (mother's brother)

compound verb
compound verb 2 m. [plural: mmu n
and Arabic mmurn] .1 government employee,
government worker; official personnel

with the roosters, at the


mmil f.
m'mn m. Arabic shelter, refuge, asylum
to seek a safe haven
mmank m.
1 mmr Arabic 1.1 authorized; having received instructions,
having received orders 1.2 sent on business, sent on TDY;

2 madness, insanity

mmd m. colloquial proper noun Mamad

mmasj f. pear
mmk m. mmk m. hypocoristic diminutive of

assigned, appointed

crack of dawn
mlij t m. plural Arabic taxes; duties, assessments
compound verb to pay taxes, pay duties
mlij t warkawnkaj m. m. taxpayer
mlijt tax; fiscal tax system
mlj r m. regional gardener; truck gardener, truck farmer
mlikholij f. 1 melancholy; anguish, distress, depression

mmat f. 1 fence around a plowed field 2 fenced-in plowed


harrowed b to be persecuted 3 weaver's brush

mmnd 1 m. plural Mamunds (a tribe) 2 m. Mamund

mmuj f. unpitted dried apricots
1 mm f. [plural: mmj and mmig ni]
(uncle's wife)

2 mmj

f. hypocoristic diminutive of



f. Wallich's Geranium, Geranium wallichianum

(medicinal plant)

mn f.

mn resembling; similar


Pashto-English Dictionary

mndzhw m. 1
1 mndzh f. military music; bravura music
2 mndzh f. kite string
mndzhj m. member of a wedding train (specifically, a

mnj f.
mnil f. Manila
mgj m. 1 boatman 2 sailor
1 m m.

participant in the groom's train)

saying It is during a storm that we learn who is a good sailor.

m nchsr m. Manchester
mndzphn m. dialect
mndzl transitive
mndz m. oblique of
mndzj m. axle, shaft (of a hand-operated mill)
mndt m. mandate
m ndra f. 1 rope, cord (of a tent) 2 runner (of a plant)
mndag f. 1 tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion 2 dialect

2 m m. myrtle
mugj m. sailor; seafarer
m f. 1
1 mj m. 1 grief, distress; being upset 2 offense, insult,
affront 3 tiff, disagreement compound verb a to
distress, upset b to offend,insult c to provoke a tiff, cause a
falling out

mj f. [plural: mj and mjg ni] 1

palace; mansion 2 building, structure; multistory house; detached

indisposition; sickness, ill health

mnd m. [plural:
wide ravine

mndna and

mnd 1 tired, weary; exhaustion


compound verb

to grow weary, get tired; become exhausted 2 thin, emaciated

I've gotten very thin. 3 dialect sick

mndt m.
mndin f. wife compound verb

buhayr-yi the

English Channel

mn' Arabic 1 blocking, preventing, hindering 2 m. [plural:

mawn'] .1 obstacle an unsurmountable
obstacle ... ... ... to be
an obstacle compound verb to create obstacles 2.2
military obstacle, barrier, obstruction

mni'sz f. military construction of obstacles

mnifes f. manifesto
mng f. mango
mngj m.
mnewr f. 1 military maneuvers compound verb
to conduct maneuvers 2 stratagem, clever trick

mns Arabic 1 grown accustomed (to), become familiar


to grow accustomed to something,

become familiar with something 2 habitual, usual, customary;


skyscraper 3 figurative building, structure

idiom the White House
medzhn 1 upset, distressed 2 insulted, offended;


medzhn f. 1 being upset, grief, distress 2 insult,

offense, affront
to take to wife,


1 m na f. footprint, track
2 mn imperfect of 1
mnj m. dialect 1
mnz oblique singular of
mnsh m. English Channel

m'nusijt m. Arabic habitualness

mn f. 1 blame, censure 2 murmur, grumble; complaint
compound verb to grumble, complain
2 mn imperfect of
3 m na Eastern in lieu of 2 3

maechgh m. swing
megr 1 2 touchy, quick to take offense
m'w f. Arabic shelter, refuge, asylum

mwar Arabic 1 on the other side; from behind

from behind the clouds; behind the clouds 2 located on

the other side of something 3 ultra-, super-, trans-


mwar-ut-tabi' Arabic supernatural

mwar-al-bih r
mwar-al-bhr Arabic

mwar-at-tabi' supernatural

supernatural strength

mwarnnhr m. Arabic history Mawerannahr (the name

of the area between the Amu-Darya and the Syr-Darya rivers

during the Middle Ages)

mwar-ji-bih r overseas
mwar-ji-banfsh ultraviolet (of rays)

mwar -ji-dzhw m.
mwar -ji-faz f.



mwar -ji-dzhaw Arabic space, cosmic
mwar-ji-hamr Arabic infrared

mwar -ji-qawq z m. Transcaucasus, Transcaucasia

mwar -ji-kaspijn Transcaspian
mwalwaly computer science readme
m walwaly dawtn f. computer science readme file
mwlj m. mwlj f. bushing in the upper millstone
through which passes the shaft of the nether, or lower, millstone

mw f.
1 m'w


dialect 1 ephedra (a medicinal plant) 2 coil (pipe)

f. Arabic

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 m we in lieu of I say
1 mh 1 m. month; moon from month to month 2
used as the first part of word compounds a beautiful b
handsome man, good-looking boy c sweetheart, beloved


looking boy 2.2 beloved, sweetheart

mhdzhabn poetic with forehead white as snow

mhr Arabic 1 skillful; able, capable; skilled, trained
skilled worker 2 m. [plural: mhir n and Arabic
mhirn] master of his trade; specialist; expert
mhirn 1 skillful, masterly; talented, gifted 2 skillfully,
masterly; ably, finely

mhr f. proper noun Mahru

mhrj moonfaced; handsome
mhrja 1 feminine singular of

2 f. beautiful

woman, good-looking girl, beauty

mhaw r monthly

to submit a monthly

report, present a report for the month

mhawr monthly, by the month, per month

mht m. cloth
mhwsh poetic like the moon, moonlike
mhj m. [plural: mah, mhij n and
mj n] fish freshwater fish ocean
fish flying fish fishing
compound verb to fish, catch fish protuberant,

mhipr m. Mahipar (a waterfall on the Kabul River)

the Mahipar Tunnel
mhipsht 1 convex 2 profiled, shaped, graded
to grade a road
mhijt m. Arabic essence, substance, gist, nature; quality,

mhishin s m. ichthyologist
mhishins f. ichthyology
mhighwg m. cockleshell, mussel
mhigr, mhajgr m. fisherman
mhigir f. fishing, fishing operation, fishery
fishing boat compound

cloudy fluid
mj' kris l hodl

mj n m. 1 plural of

required 2 necessity

mji' t] liquid, fluid

computer science LCD

(Liquid Crystal Display)

mjkrofn m. microphone
ml, mjl Arabic 1 slanting, inclined; sloping
slantingly 2 to be inclined (to) 3 desiring something
compound verb a to be inclined to (do) something b to
desire something The patient is drowsy.
idiom with a reddish hue
mln Arabic mjln aslant, slantingly; obliquely
mjamlk m. Arabic property
mjn f. married woman compound verb to give in
marriage compound verb to get married (of a woman)
mjb colloquial
mjp shortsighted, nearsighted, myopic
mjopw laj m. shortsightedness, myopia
mjs Arabic desperate, without hope; disillusioned,
disappointed compound verb to despair, lose hope;
become disillusioned, become disappointed

mjusn 1 desperate, hopeless 2 unfavorable (of results)

mjus f. mjusijt m. 1 despair
! Don't despair! 2 disillusionment, disappointment 3
unfavorableness (of results); inconsolability


mj m. long-wooled two-humped camel

mj f. 1 rennet; yeast; ferment, liven 2 basis, essence 3

capital; fund

4 nest egg 5 hole (for a game)

mj m. May
mub h Arabic 1 religion permitted, permissible 2 legitimate,

licit; generally accepted

mubht m. Arabic 1 permissibility 2 accessibility


mubhs Arabic 1 m. .1 debater 1.2 opponent, critic 2.1

disputing 2.2 objecting; opposing, critiquing

mabhs m. plural Arabic of

mubhas f. Arabic 1 debate, discussion; dispute 2

An argument flared up.

mubh f.
mabd God forbid!; lest; what if
mubdart m. Arabic starting, beginning, setting down (to
work, to the business at hand) compound verb to start

to work, set to work

2 kind of women's adornment in

that which is needed, that which is

the form of gold fish or flowers

m jche f. plural
mjaht dzh m. Arabic 1

mubdal, mubdil f. Arabic barter; exchange; substitution

an exchange of views barter
exchange rate compound verb to be changed,

verb to be engaged in commercial fishing

mj' Arabic 1.1 liquid, flowing 1.2 smooth, flowing (of

sound) 2 f. & m. [m. plural Arabic

mh m. regional magkh (the tenth month of the Indian

mhn 1 monthly 2 monthly, every month

mhbib f. proper noun Mahbibi
mhpajkr 1 beautiful 2 m. .1 handsome man, good-

be exchanged

principles, bases; foundations

He spoke of lofty matters.


2 fundamentals,

mabd m. Arabic plural 1 of

Pashto-English Dictionary

mubrizn] brave soldier,

valiant warrior; fighter for a cause

(by an illness) 1.4 grieved, saddened, distraught

mubrz m. Arabic [plural:

compound verb a to plunge into something; seize something b to

fighters for national liberation

struggle for national liberation
class struggle ideological
struggle the struggle for existence
compound verb to struggle (for), fight (for)
to fight for peace 2 single combat 3 campaign

subject to something; plunge into something c to strike (of an


mubriz, mubraz f. Arabic 1 fight, struggle

political struggle

economic struggle

(pre)election campaign

very good thing. 2 m. .1 respected person 2.2 lucky man

1 I congratulate you.
Congratulations. 2 m.
mubrakbd f. mubrak f. 1 congratulations
congratulatory telegram ...
... ... to
congratulate someone on to convey
mubrakb d

m. [plural:

mublaghamz 1 exaggerated; inflated

exaggeration 2 hyperbolical


mabn m. plural Arabic of

mubh t m. Arabic pride, fame
to take pride in

mubja' f. Arabic [m. plural:

mubja' t] purchases,

the directorate for state purchases

mubjint m. Arabic discrepancy, disparity, lack of

correspondence,divergence; contradiction

mubtad f. Arabic [plural: mubtadg ni and

mubtad wi] 1 principle; basis; essence 2 grammar
subject (of a nominal sentence)

mubtalj n] .1 patient 2.2 victim

mabhs] 1 part, section,

chapter (book) 2 subject, topic; theme 3 problem; subject of an

mabhus'nha m. Arabic 1 subject of an argument, point

mabd f. Arabic [m. plural: Arabic

mubaddl Arabic 1 transformed, changed, reformed 2 altered

mabd] 1 starting

point; origin 2 principle 3 standard, criterion (e.g., of time)

3 upset, depressed, despondent

mabzl Arabic abundant, plentiful

mabzulijt m. Arabic abundance, plenty, plentiful ness
mubarr Arabic 1 saved, spared (from disease, illness, etc.) 2
free of suspicion, above suspicion compound verb a to
save (from illness, etc.) b to acquit compound verb a to
be saved, be spared (from a disease, illness, etc.) b to be acquited

mabrz m. Arabic latrine, lavatory, restroom

mubarhn Arabic shown, demonstrated, proven; elucidated

mabst Arabic 1 extended, spread out, stretched out 2
figurative extensive, vast, detailed, thorough wordy

verb to exaggerate 2 hyperbole


mabhs m. Arabic [plural:


mubl t m. Arabic attention, concern, care

mublt attentive, thoughtful, considerate
mablgh m. plural Arabic of 1
mublagh f. Arabic 1 exaggeration

compound verb a to be plunged into something

argument or discussion 4 treatise

congratulations 2 blessing(s)

b to be subject(ed) to something c to be stricken (by an illness) 2

of a discussion 2 subject, topic, line (e.g., of research)

mubrk Arabic 1.1 blessed; happy, fortunate

! Happy holiday! ! Eastern !
Congratulations! I wish you happiness! !
Happy New Year! 1.2 successful This is a

mubtad Arabic 1.1 initial, elementary 1.2 beginning,

beginner 2 m. .1 novice, tyro; pupil 2.2 founder

mubtazl Arabic 1 banal, trite, stale, hackneyed 2 base, vile

mubtal Arabic 1.1 plunged into something, gripped by

mubtakr Arabic 1 original 2 m. [plural:

mubtakirn] initiator, innovator, originator, pioneer

something; possessed by something

overcome with

grief 1.2 gotten into trouble, come to grief 1.3 injured; stricken

speech 3 satisfied, contented, cheerful

mubassr m. Arabic [plural:

mubassirn] 1

observer 2 inspector, checker 3 commentator

2 mubsr m. Arabic 1 expert 2 clairvoyant

3 mubassr Arabic obvious, visible, noticeable
mab's Arabic 1 sent, dispatched 2 m. messenger, envoy
compound verb to be a messenger (of prophets)
mabghz Arabic hateful, repulsive
to come to hate, conceive a hatred for
1 mablgh m. Arabic sum idiom civil list
2 muballgh m. Arabic [plural: muballighn] 1
preacher missionary 2 propagandist
mabn f. Arabic mabn f. basis, foundation
mubn, mabn Arabic based on something, grounded in

mubhm Arabic 1 unclear, indefinite; doubtful 2 innermost,

concealed, secret

mabht Arabic 1 surprised, astonished, amazed 2

delighted, carried away

mabhutn Arabic 1 astonished, amazed 2 in amazement

mabhm Arabic grammar indefinite (of pronouns)
indefinite pronoun

Pashto-English Dictionary

mubajjz m. Arabic copyist, typist, one who makes fair


secured, guaranteed

mabi' f. Arabic commerce forward contract, provisional sale

mubn Arabic 1 obvious, clear 2 religion true
mpdzna computer science abbreviation of
maplr Arabic scarf, muffler
mutba't m. Arabic following (the orders, instruction, etc)
of someone; being subordinate, obedience; adherence
to follow someone; be subordinate,

muta'assr m. 1 moved by something; under the influence of

compound verb a to make an impression on someone

b to sadden, cause grief

muta'assiredl denominative, intransitive [past:
something 2 grieved, saddened; upset, distraught

to be subject to the influence of something; be under the

impression of something; sense something 2 to be sad, grieve 3


a to suffer from something b to take offense,

take umbrage at someone

muta'akhkhr Arabic 1.1 modern, contemporary

muta'akhirn contemporaries, people of our time

muta'azz Arabic 1 grieved, saddened 2 experiencing

annoyance, having disappointment

log, billet; tree trunk with branches removed

mat r m. [plural:

matr n]

matrna and Western

to judge the amount of something by eye, eye, eyball

mutrak f. Arabic 1 leaving; stopping, ceasing 2 armistice
armistice agreement
mut z mut za colloquial
mutz f. colloquial need, want
muta'assf Arabic 1 regretting, feeling sorry; sad


I feel sorry for you.

muta'assifn unfortunately

Unfortunately, this is not possible.

matnt m. Arabic 1 hardness, solidity, inflexibility;

constancy; self-restraint, tenacity, endurance; persistence

self-restraint, tenacity, endurance


underscore, stress, single out 2 stability

muta'ahhl Arabic married

family people, married

mutabdl Arabic alternating; variable

mutabq Arabic remaining, rest of
mutabjn Arabic contrasting; differing; different
These are different things.
mutabahr Arabic erudite, knowing the field well
erudite person

(trade) goods to bring goods to market
Right now, there's no demand for this product.
muta'allm Arabic 1 suffering 2 grieved, distressed, saddened
They are sad and are grieving.

metlurdzh 1 f. metallurgy 2 metallurgical
mat ' f. Arabic (trade) goods; property; things

metallurgical products

metlurdzhst m. metallurgist
metlurdzhik metallurgical
muta'amml Arabic thoughtful, attentive, careful

mutabaddl Arabic changeable, unsteady

Everything changes.

mutabarrk, mutabarrk Arabic 1 blessed, holy 2 happy,

mutabassr Arabic 1 perspicacious; farseeing 2 circumspect,


discrete; acting with caution, very carefully

matb' Arabic dominating, commanding; sovereign

central government
matbu'ijt m. Arabic 1 sovereignty 2 dominion, sway,
rule, supremacy

mutatab' Arabic 1.1 researching, investigating 1.2

inquisitive, searching 2 m. [plural:

researcher, investigator


mutadzhwr Arabic neighboring; adjoining, bordering;

adjacent, contiguous

mutadzhwz Arabic 1 m. aggressor 2.1 violating the

borders 2.2 exceeding something; going out of bounds 2.3

aggressive (of a bloc)

compound verb to regret, be sorry; be sad, be grieved, be

mat n Arabic hard, solid, steadfast, firm, unswerving,

modern poet 1.2 (the) latest, (the) newest 1.3 lagging (behind) 2

met n m. methane


something; subjected to the influence of something; having sensed


obey someone

muta'ammn Arabic 1 (being) defended; (being) guarded 2

mutadzhwizn 1 aggressive

policy 2 aggressively


mutadzhwiz aggressive
mutadzhhl Arabic pretending to be a know-nothing,
feigning being an ignoramus

mutadzhaddd Arabic 1 progressive, advanced 2 m.

advanced worker, leading worker

mutah b, mutah bb Arabic friendly, amicable

friendly nations
mutahrb Arabic warring, belligerent, (being) in state of
war the warring countries
muttahd Arabic 1.1 combined, united compound
verb to combine, unite compound verb to be
combined, be united 1.2 unanimous, concordant !

Pashto-English Dictionary

Live in harmony! 1.3 united, common

front 2 m. [plural:

a united

muttahidn] allies

reminding, resembling, reminiscent of

muttahdn Arabic adv. unanimously, by common consent;

in accord (with); in harmony

muttahidushshkl Arabic general, common; uniform

to have a common character
muttahid-ush-shakln homogeneous, uniform,

mutardf Arabic 1.1 synonymous



1.2 following one after the other 1.3 rhythmic 1.4 equal

meaning 2 m. synonym

mitraljz m. Arabic machine gun

mitrn 1 by meters, by the meter 2 m. metric area
mutarattb Arabic 1 brought or put into (good) order;

muttahid-ul-ma' l Arabic 1 m. circular (letter) 2

stereotypic(al) (of a phrase)

adjusted 2 classified


metr f. metro, subway, undergroud

matrk Arabic 1 abandoned, deserted

2 obsolete, gone out

of use

matruk t
matruk f.
matrka f.

compound verb to be amazed, be astonished, be struck

m. Arabic plural inheritance, inherited property

Arabic divorced woman, divorce
1 knout; whip 2 kind of snake

idiom gusts of wind

matrukedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be abandoned, be deserted 2 to become obsolete, go out of use

contrary, opposed, countervailing

mtra f. 1 curdled milk; curds, cottage cheese 2 precipitates,



sisn] specialist, expert 2 adapted, accommodated; special,


mutakhassis Arabic 1 f. specialist 2 feminine singular of

mutakhajl Arabic 1 fantasizing 2 m. visionary, dreamer
mutadwl Arabic frequently used, common, in common use
mutaddarrdzh Arabic gradual
mutaddarrdzhn Arabic gradually
idiom Along the banks of the river gardens

mutarassd Arabic 1 observing 2 m. military observer,

matrghzi f. plural cerebral membranes

mutaraqq Arabic 1 advanced, progressive
progressive forces 2 successful, prosperous; flourishing
prosperity, well-being 3 developed (of a country, language,
etc.) poorly developed 4 following, next 5 rising (of

mutakhsm hostile, enemy('s); feuding, quarrelling

hostile classes
mutakhsimn hostile, enemy('s)
mutakhlf 1 different 2 various, diverse 3 opposite,

rose on ledges.

mutardzhim n and


mutaharrikijt m. Arabic mobility

mutahakkm Arabic imperious, peremptory, despotic
mutahakkimn imperious, peremptory
to speak with an imperious tone
mutahamml Arabic 1 bearing (responsibility); responsible
2 enduring, undergoing or suffering
to bear the expenses
mutahawwl Arabic 1 transformed, reformed 2 changeable,
variable; changing biology lability
mutahajjr Arabic amazed, astonished, struck

mutadajn Arabic religious, pious, devout

mutazabzb Arabic indecisive, uncertain


linguistics letter with a diacritical mark (over or under it)

mutardzhm m. Arabic [plural:

Arabic mutardzhimn] translator, interpreter, dragoman

mutaraddd Arabic 1 indecisive, vacillating, having doubts
He began to hesitate. 2 changeable, variable 3

compound verb to move, be moved, shift, be shifted 2 m.

mutakhasss Arabic 1 m. [plural:

matr m. 1
metr m. meter ( one) meter of cloth

muttahid-ul-markz Arabic concentric

muttahidn in common, jointly, together
to make joint efforts; act together
muttahid Arabic feminine singular & plural of
the United States of America
mutaharrk Arabic 1 moving, mobile mobile
warfare compound verb to move, shift

meter, m2

identical, same

mutazakkr Arabic 1 remembering, recollecting 2

2 mtra f. 1 force, strength 2 feeling, sensation

3 matr almost unobtainable compound verb to cause
to be almost unobtainable compound verb to be rare, be
almost unobtainable 2 scanty, poor; insufficient 3 annihilated;
exhausted; vanished

1 metr metric the metric system

2 matrj m. small leather bag for koumiss
metrz meter twenty meters long
mat, mut m. blockhead, fool, dunderhead


Pashto-English Dictionary

mutazalzl Arabic 1 shaking, trembling

compound verb to shake, tremble 2 shaken



mutasw Arabic equal, equaling

mutaswi-as-sfjn mathematics isosceles
mutasalsl Arabic continuous, uninterrupted (of an action)
mutashbh Arabic 1 similar, analogous 2 m. [plural:
mutashbeh t] .1 homograph 2.2 homonym
mutashabbs Arabic 1 enterprising ... to
undertake something 2 m. entrepreneur, business owner

mutashabbk Arabic being interlaced, becoming entangled,

mutashattt Arabic 1 dispersed, scattered 2 scattered,

being closlely interwoven

strewn 3 published in various organs of the press

mutashakkr Arabic grateful, thankful

mutashakkl formed, shaped, consisting of
constituent part
mutasdf coinciding, concurring compound
verb to coincide

mutasdd conflicting; contradicting, contradictory to


compound verb to collide, come into

mutas'd Arabic 1 mathematics cumulative 2 growing,

mutasadd Arabic 1 occupying a leading post or position 2

developing 3 rising, ascending

opposite opinion

occupied countries 2 property, holdings, possessions

muttasf Arabic characterizing, being noted for something

compound verb to characterize, distinguish
compound verb to be characterized by something, be
distinguished by something

muttasl Arabic adjacent; contiguous; adjoin, bordering on

In the northeast,
Afghanistan borders China.
idiom inseperably connected things,
unbroken chain (of events) ... following
mutasawwr Arabic 1 imaginary, conceivable; seeming 2

honor. 1.2 antagonistic 2 m. linguistics antonym

meaning, signifying 2 m. law guarantor

mutazhr m. Arabic demonstrator

muta'dl Arabic balanced, equal
muta'rf Arabic 1 familiar, acquainted to
acquaint someone (with) 2 usual, ordinary, commonplace
well-known truth 3 nominal
muta'qb Arabic 1 immediately next; continuous, unbroken
2 consecutive, successive 3 following, (right) after

muta'qbn Arabic 1 following 2 successively

muta'qd Arabic negotiating, concluding an agreement
muta' l Arabic religion Most High
muta'hd Arabic 1 negotiating an agreement
the contracting parties 2 m. contractor; supplier
muta'adzhdzhb Arabic being astonished, being amazed
compound verb to be astonished, be amazed
to be astonished
muta'addd Arabic numerous
muta'add Arabic 1 assaulting, attacking, encroaching,
infringing, aggressive 2 grammar transitive (of verbs) 3
medicine infectious, contagious, communicable

muta'azzr Arabic 1 difficult to show or prove 2 difficult,

virtually impossible

muta'arrz Arabic 1.1 attacking, aggressive 1.2 dissenting

(from something; disagreeing (with something) 2 m. [plural:

muta'arrizn] aggressor

muta'arrizn 1 aggressive 2 aggressively

muta'assb Arabic 1.1 fanatical, fanatic fanatic
1.2 stubborn, obstinate 2 m. [plural: muta'assibn]

muta'affn 1 rotting, decomposing

muta'allq Arabic 1.1 belonging to someone; relating to

to rot, decompose 2 stinking, fetid

compound verb

in relation to
muta'alliq n everybody at home,

m. .1 relation, regard, respect

other people 2.2 plural

be planned, be designed

whole family, household


mutasawwifn Sufi; anchoretic asceticism

mutaz d, mutaz dd Arabic 1.1 opposite, contrary, opposed;
contradicting, contradictory; contrasting opposing
opposite meaning to be of the

someone 1.2 connected with something, involving something 2

compound verb a to conceive, imagine b to suppose;

mutasawwf Arabic 1 studying Sufi mysticism 2 m. Sufi,


supposed, conjectural; probable, likely; planned, projected

That is incompatible with

mutazarrr Arabic having suffered, having sustained

compound verb to be suffered
mutazammn Arabic 1.1 containing, including 1.2

m. .1 entrepreneur 2.2 publisher (of a magazine)

mutasarrf taken, captured, occupied

mutasarraf t m. plural Arabic 1 seized countries,

muta'alliq t m. Arabic plural 1 accessories, appurtenances

2 vassal relations

muta'allm Arabic pupil, schoolboy; student

muta'allim f. Arabic [plural: muta'allim t]
schoolgirl; (female) student



Pashto-English Dictionary

muta'ahhd Arabic 1.1 being committed, being obliged

compound verb to oblige compound verb to be
obliged 1.2 stipulated by contract 2 m. contractor; supplier

muta'ahhidlh m. Arabic contractor

muta'ajjn appointed, designated; determined; established, set
mutaghajjr Arabic 1 inconstant, changeable; variable
compound verb to vary compound verb to vary,

mutaqbln Arabic mutually, reciprocally

mutaqrb Arabic 1.1 coming nearer, getting closer 1.2

mutually beneficial
near, close

to differing degrees
mutafarrdzh Arabic 1 m. viewer, spectator, onlooker
having a good time, enjoying time off from work

mutafarrd Arabic 1.1 single, solitary, individual 1.2 unique,

mutafarr' Arabic 1 derivative

nonpareil; original 2 m. eccentric (of a person)

derive from somehing

compound verb to

compound verb to be derived

from something 2 ramified

mutafarrq Arabic 1 various, different 2 scattered, dispersed,

mutafarriq Arabic 1 feminine singular & masculine and

difused 3 separated, separate

feminine plural of

2.1 various items, diverse articles, all

sorts of things 2.2 f. various expenditures


muttafq Arabic 1 agreeable (to), unanimous

compound verb to come to an agreement


2 m. [plural:

muttafiqn] co-participant, collaborator 2 ally

muttafqn Arabic in accord, unanimously, by common
consent; together, jointly; in concert

muttafiq-ur-rj Arabic unanimous, agreed; solidary

to be in agreement with somebody
muttafaqaljhi Arabic coordinated, agreed-on, not causing
disagreement a common orthography
muttafiqn m. plural Arabic 1 of 2 history countries
of the Entente, Entente

mutafakkr Arabic 1 pensive, thoughtful; deep or lost in

thought; meditating, pondering; thinking

thoughtful. 2 m. thinker; ideologue


mutaqaddm Arabic 1.1 preceding; former 1.2 old, bygone;

mutaqallb Arabic 1 changeable; inconstant, fickle 2 m.

ancient 2 m. predecessor, forerunner, precursor

cheat, swindler, rogue, rascal

(to be) a cheat

mutaq'd Arabic 1 being on pension, in retirement, retired

2 m. .1 veteran 2.2 pensioner, retiree

verb to retire, go on pension

mutafwt Arabic 1 differing; different 2 outstanding,

being distinguished, being notable (for something)

words that are close in meaning 2 m.

poetry mutakarib (one of the meters in poetry)

be varied 2 differing; varying 3 agitated, uneasy 4 irked,

irritated, angry

mutafakkirn 1 pensive, thoughtful 2 pensively,

mutafalsf Arabic philosophizing faultfinder

mutaqbl Arabic 1 opposite, contrary 2 head, contrary,
coming from the opposite direction; counter-
counteroffensive counterattack
to contradict something 3 mutual, joint, reciprocal
mutual respect interconnection mutual
aid interaction mutually

to consider someone

mutakml Arabic 1 improving; evolving 2 perfect,

excellent, superlative, first-rate

mutakabbr Arabic haughty, arrogant

mutakabbirn haughty, arrogantly
mutakaffl Arabic responsible (having responsibility) for
something compound verb to considered responsible
for something

mutakallm Arabic 1 speaking, conversing 2 m. grammar

muttak Arabic basing, being based on something; relying on

first person

compound verb to be based on something;

rely on something

matl proverb, adage; saying to cite a proverb

matl sh m. cluster of rhubarb
mutalsh Arabic going to ruin, falling to ruin; tumbling

mutalawwn Arabic 1 variegated, motley, many-colored 2

unstable, inconstant, changeable; unsteady, shaky

matal well-known, generally-known; proverbial

mutamd Arabic long, lengthy, prolonged
mutamjz Arabic being notable for, outstanding
mutaml Arabic 1 bowing, leaning, bending 2
inclined to something, disposed to something
propensities ... compound verb to be inclined

He became


towards something

mutamatt' Arabic enjoying, using, making use of something

mutamaddn Arabic cultivated, cultured, educated, civilized
mutamarrd Arabic 1 resisting, rebellious 2 m. [plural:
mutamarridn] mutineer, rebel, insurgent
mutamarkz Arabic concentrated compound
verb to be concentrated idiom unified, general plan
mutamallq Arabic 1 flattering, obsequious 2 m. [plural:
mutamalliqn] flatterer
mutammm Arabic 1 supplementing; completing 2 m. .1
supplement, addition 2.2 epilogue, afterword


Pashto-English Dictionary

mutammim Arabic 1 f. supplement, appendix to something

2 feminine singular of
mutamawwl Arabic 1 well-to-do, wealthy, prosperous
rich language 2 m. [plural: mutamawwiln]

rich man

matn m. Arabic [plural:

matnna and Arabic

matn] 1 text 2 middle, center (of a road, etc.) 3 content,


2 matn Arabic
mutanz' Arabic arguing; bringing suit, litigating
mutanza'uifh Arabic disputable, debatable, controversial
mutanza'uifih Arabic feminine singular of
controversial question
mutansb Arabic proportional, commensurate;
symmetric(al); proper, suitable ... commensurate
with something He has a fine phisique.
mutansibula'z Arabic slender, well built, of fine

mutanqz Arabic contradictory, conflicting; contradicting,

being at variance with

mutanwb Arabic 1 alternating

mathematics infinite

in turn 2

matng m. hoe, mattock

mutanaww' Arabic heterogeneous, diverse; different

matn m. Arabic plural 1 of

even development

steadily, calmly b evenly, uniformly

mutawall m. Arabic 1 guardian of a holy thing 2 executor

(of a will)
literary monuments


2 monuments of language,

mat m. singular & plural wild boar

mat f. commerce receipt by the merchant of the cost of the

goods in parts, payment on the installment plan

mutahdzhm Arabic assaulting, attacking

1 muttahm Arabic 1.1 accused, indicted accused
of a crime 1.2 suspected; accused, defendant compound
verb 2 m. accused
2 muttahm Arabic 1 suspecting 2 m. [plural:

muttahamedl denominative, intransitive [past:

to be accused, be indicted, be charged 2 to be suspected

mutawz Arabic 1 parallel 2 parallel, in parallel

mutawz' Arabic quiet, mild, submissive; gentle, meek
mutawl Arabic unbroken, uninterrupted, continuing
mutawadzhh Arabic 1 paying attention; attentive; favorable,
disposed 2 turned, directed, aimed 3 relating to something
compound verb to turn, direct, aim to draw
attention to oneself compound verb a to be attentive,
pay attention b to be turned, be directed, be aimed
He will incur damage. It is their
(his) responsibility.

metd m.
mutawarrm Arabic distended; swollen, inflated
mutawasst Arabic 1 middle, medium on
average the average output middleincome house commercial school
the middle class 2 of average quality an
average hotel

mutawalld Arabic 1 born, come into being 2 taken place

biology repeated cell division 2

mutawzn Arabic 1 balanced, steady, calm 2 even,


stagnation b to depend, be in a state of dependence

muttahamawl denominative, transitive [past:

to accuse, charge, indict 2 to suspect

spread by word of mouth

come to a standstill, be delayed in developing, go through

muttahimn] accuser, prosecutor

mutawtr Arabic 1 repeated periodically; reiterated,

multiple; repeated

mutawassit-us-sjr Arabic medium-range, of medium

range a medium-range missile
mutawassl Arabic resorting to something, turning to
something compound verb to resort to something
mutawattn having settled, having taken up residence; having
been naturalized compound verb to repatriate
mutawaqqf Arabic 1 having come to a standstill; stagnant 2
depending, being in dependence compound verb a to


mutahajjdzh Arabic excited by something

to get irritated at trifles
matj adroit, agile, sharp, bright, smart
mtjzn suffering from incontinence
mtj zi, mutj e f. plural Eastern urine
compound verb to urinate

mtiztsk m. medicine 1 diabetes 2 weakness of the

urinary bladder

mutajaqqn Arabic sure, convinced


verb to be certain, be convinced; satisfy oneself

matn Arabic 1 strong; powerful 2 durable; firm, hard

firm decision lasting basis
1 m m. [plural: Western m n and mna] 1
hand; forearm to take by the hand 2 force,
power by physical force 3 military flank
idiom to beat the enemy in a fair fight idiom to
make a fortune by one's own labor to suport

home with difficulty.


He made it
He choked

ma, m m. 1 effort

Pashto-English Dictionary

down a piece. 2 speed, haste

compound verb a to make

efforts, try, endeavor b to hurry, rush

mu m. [plural:

3 species of thorny tree

ma ka f. 1 blister, bump (from an insect bite) 2 swelling,


m ki f. plural 1
mij f. sweets, candy
mt m. mtanaj f. 1 bracelet 2 armband
makh m. grasshopper
1 mir, mer m. 1 meter 2 technology counter
2 mar, mur m. plural regional field pea, Pisum sativum
mir, mer meter, metric
1 mak hard, firm, hard-to-crack
2 muk m. onanism, masturbation compound verb
to masturbate

makr angry, cross

maakwr 1 having a hard shell

2 figurative stingy (of a

toasted (of unripe heads of wheat, ears of maize) 5 with shedding

kernels (of an ear of maize)

maak f. wheat with hard kernels, duram wheat

mkaj m. diminutive of

mkj m. 1 bracelet worn above the elbow 2 armlet on the


4 makj m. small earthenware jug

5 mukj f. piece, bit, slice (food)
man 1 dusty 2 silty
mr suffering from constipation (of livestock)
mnga f. 1 blister, bump 2 swelling, tumor
1 mi f. orange
2 ma f. post; column
3 ma potter's clay
4 ma oblique singular of 1
5 ma f. dialect 1 hand 2 forearm 3 force
idiom to begin the business, get started on the business
Eastern to test one's strength hardly
I barely made it.
6 ma f. dust 4
7 ma f. earthenware pot for froth (in melting butter)
8 ma lazy; languid, listless, limp

compound verb to roast ears of unripe wheat,

roast ears of corn 2

maaw laj m. laziness; languor, intertia, listlessness

1 mi plural and oblique singular of 5
2 ma f. laziness; languor, intertia, listlessness
3 mu f. share of the winnings (in a game)
4 mi plural of 5
5 maj m. handle
6 muj m. wind
7 maj f. jug in which butter is churned, butter churn
mijj f.
madz m.
mr m. assault, sudden attack compound verb


attack, swoop down on

maz m. man who has abducted someone else's wife or


maza f. female who has eloped with her lover

man clayey, argillaceous

compound verb to elope, run off with her lover


person) 3 figurative shameless, impudent (of eyes) 4 lightly


mu n] 1 fist; hollow of the hand,

idiom to prepare for something

Get ready; we're leaving right away.
4 ma m. 1 dust (on the road) 2 silt
5 ma m. large earthenware jug
6 ma
ma k m. 1 nut with a hard shell 2 short horn (of a gazelle)

maakwr 1 m. roasted ears of unripe wheat, toasted ears of

clay soil

maingj 1 worthless, good-for-nothing; base, vile 2 m. son

born out ot wedlock, bastard

mis l m. Arabic example, model for example

compound verb to cite an example
say by way of illustration to cite by way of



masn f. Arabic urinary bladder

swim bladder

(in fish)

musbt 1 proven, established; reliable, trustworthy; confirmed

reliable information 2 accurate, exact
musabbat the exact sciences 3 positive, favorable
a positive reply to vote for
musabatijt, musabbatijt m. Arabic 1 definitness; state or
quality of being established 2 positiveness 3 philosophy

misq l m. Arabic misqal (a measure of weight equal to 4.6

grams, or 1/24 of

misl m. Arabic [plural: ams l] 1 similarity, likeness

... resembling to liken to something 2
copy copy of a letter 3 regional folder with files
2 masl m. Arabic [plural: ams l] example, model
musallass Arabic 1 m. triangle triangular 2 triple
musallas t m. plural Arabic trigonometry
musallas Arabic triangular triangular prism
musmr Arabic 1 fruitful, fertile, fruit-producing, fruit-bearing

2 fruitful, successful


masnaw f. Arabic poetry masnavi (a verse form)

Pashto-English Dictionary

musann Arabic 1.1 double, doubled 1.2 having two dots (of

diligence, assiduity 2 fighting for the faith 3 struggle (political,

a letter) 2 f. .1 duplicate 2.2 grammar dual number


therapeutic measures

medical detachment

mudzhdal f. Arabic [plural:

plural: Arabic

mudzhdal and m.

mudzhdal t] 1 argument; quarrel;


compound verb a to

discord, strife 2 fight, struggle

struggle against red colonialism

combating agricultural pests

argue; quarrel b to fight, struggle 3 conflict

madzh r m. Hungarian, Magyar

madzhrist n m. Hungary
madzhristn 1 Hungarian, Magyar

insurmountable obstacles
madzhbr Arabic obliged; compelled, forced
obliged to obey someone compound verb to oblige;
force, compel They had to surrender.
madzhbrn Arabic obligatorily, inevitably, against one's
will, compulsorily

being under compulsion

madzhburawl denominative, transitive [past: ]
to coerce, compel, make, force to

2 Hungarian,

make (someone) do something

madzhr m. plural Arabic of

1 mudzh z Arabic 1.1 having the right 1.2 allowed,
permitted compound verb 2 m. secondary


2 madzh z m. Arabic metaphor, allegory

mudzhz t m. Arabic punishment
madzh zn Arabic figurative allegorically
mudzhztawl denominative, transitive [past:
]to punish
mudzhztedl denominative, intransitive [past:
]to be punished
mudzhzawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1
to admit (to work, etc.) 2 to permit, authorize

madzh l m. Arabic 1 possibility; occasion

to give the possibility


to give grounds for an

argument 2 force; power; authority 3 courage

madzhls m. plural Arabic of

madzhm' m. plural Arabic of
madzhdzhn Arabic free (of school), tuition-free
mudzhwr Arabic 1 contiguous; adjacent 2 m. .1

aviation emergency landing 2 f. necessity, inevitability,

... However, it was

out of necessity

madzhburijt m. Arabic necessity

There was

no other way out.

madzhburedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

They were compelled to

to be compelled

mudzhtam' Arabic having gathered, having assembled

mudzhtahd Arabic 1 m. religion mujtahid, legal scholar (of

Islamic law) 2 zealous, fervent

madzhd m. Arabic glory, pride



mudzhd, mudzhdd Arabic 1 assiduous, diligent 2

importuning for something

mudzhaddd Arabic renewed; new; repeated

restoration of a city


responsibilities of a mujavir
exerting effort, endeavoring 2.1 zealot,

adherent; advocate, champion 2.2 fighter for the faith 2.3 fighter;

necessary to There was no other way out

mudzhadddn Arabic again, anew, afresh, all over again

to be re-elected
madzhzb Arabic 1.1 fascinated, enthralled, inspired 1.2

frenzied; overcome with religious zeal; exalted, ecstatic 1.3 mad,

next to it) 2.2 sexton, sacristan


to force

madzhbur 1 necessary, essential, inevitable; forced

(person who guards a tomb, sepulcher of a holy man and who lives

mudzhwirtb m.
mudzhhd Arabic 1

state or condition of being under compulsion

school graduate, high-school graduate

figurative meaning of a word

madzhburtj f. necessity, inevitability; state or condition of

madzhz Arabic figurative, allegoric

fight for liberation

mudzhbr Arabic 1 compelling, coercing, forcing 2

irresistable; insuperable, insurmountable



mudzhdalaw related to fighting diseases, medical;

national figure

mudzhhad t m. plural, Arabic of

mudzhhidn fighting; energetic, active
mudzhhad f. Arabic [plural: mudzhhad and m.
plural: Arabic mudzhhad t] 1 effort, endeavor; zeal;

crazy; feeble-minded 2 m. holy man, saint

madzhzr m. Arabic mathematics square of a number

1 madzhr f. [plural: madzhrg ni and m. plural
Arabic madzhr] 1 riverbed, channel to
change course (of a river) 2 tributary 3 canal 4 current 5
water(-supply) pipe, water main 6 line (for electricity)

mudzhr Arabic brought to fulfillment; fulfilled


fulfill, bring to fulfillment

madzhr ji water collection (system) (of a canal)

mudzharrb Arabic well-tried, experienced

Pashto-English Dictionary

mudzharrabijt m. Arabic experience, degree or state of

conference, hold a meeting b to sing

experience, proficiency

absolute 4 grammar momentary aspect (of verbs) 5 abstract

idiom as soon as

upon arriving


madzhlis m. 1 musician and singer 2 narrator (of

madzhlisjn m. Arabic dual number both chambers, both

folktales), storyteller
houses (senate and council)

mudzhrim n and
Arabic mudzhrimn] criminal war criminal
mudzhrm Arabic 1 m. [plural:

mudzhrimijt m. Arabic guilt, culpability

mudzhalll Arabic 1 splendid, magnificent, majestic;


2.1 criminal, felonious 2.2 guilty

compound verb

to arrange a party

mudzharrd Arabic 1 bare, naked 2 pure, unmixed 3

feeling of guilt

grand building 2 sweeping, broad (of plans,

madzhlb Arabic 1 attracted (to), drawn (to, into), enlisted

(in) 2 imported

madzhrh Arabic wounded, injured

madzhr f. gift, present ... to give a gift to
1 mudzhr Arabic 1.1 executive 1.2 implementing, realizing

madzhln m. colloquial
madzhall, mudzhall f. Arabic magazine, periodical, journal
1 mudzhall f. Arabic 1 reference; information;

2 madzhall plural of
madzhmadzh in vain, for nothing, to no purpose, uselessly,

2 m. doer, executor

madzhr f. Arabic

mudzhazz Arabic 1 separated, disconnected, dismembered

certificate, document


2 singled out, set apart; separate, detached

madzhisr m. regional justice of the peace

mudzhassm Arabic embodied, materialized
mudzhassamawl denominative, transitive [past:
]1 to embody; personify 2 to depict, describe, reflect
mudzhassam f. 1 statue; monument 2 embodiment,
personification compound verb to embody
idiom kurr-yi globe
mudzhassamas z m. sculptor
mudzhassamasz f. sculpture, modeling
mudzhassamedl denominative, intransitive [past:
]1 to be embodied, be personified 2 to be depicted, be


madzhk m. proper noun Majak

1 mudzhall f. Arabic reference; information;
certificate, document

2 madzhall f.
madzhall t m. plural Arabic of
mudzhalld Arabic bound (of a book)

chair(person) 2 company 3 gathering, crowd, assemblage

madzhma'-ul-dzhazr Arabic archipelago

mudzhml Arabic 1.1 brief, concise, summary
to speak briefly, concisely briefly 1.2 short
2 m.
mudzhmln Arabic in brief, concisely

compound verb to summarize, recapitulate (what has already been

madzhls m. Arabic [plural:

madzhlisna and

general assembly, general session 2

majls-i senate
majls-i national council
council of ministers military tribunal 3 company
(of guests) The company became animated. 4
circle; society, company diplomatic circles 5
party, reception, soiree compound verb a to arrange a
parliament; mejlis (in Iran, Turkey); chamber, house

majls-i consultative assembly

madzhm' Arabic 1 gathered, collected, all, whole, entire 2

f. total, sum

madzhm'n Arabic cumulatively, as a whole, in all,

madzhmu' f. 1 total, sum


grand total 2

network, system 3 collection, anthology, almanac 4 collective 5

Arabic madzhls] 1 conference, session, assembly;




verb to be bound

madzhm'] 1
general assembly assembly

madzhm' f. Arabic [m. plural:


described, be reflected 3 to come to light, manifest itself, be

visible, appear (of difficulties, etc.)

madzhmr m. Arabic brazier (for burning rue and incense),

gathering, crowd, assemblage

gathering of people

star cluster 6 complex (of enterprises, etc.)

madzhmu' Arabic 1 collected; aggregate; general

2 gross

3 final, bottom-line (e.g., balance)

madzhm f. 1 tray 2 street vendor's tray

madzhnn Arabic 1 crazy, insane 2 m. .1

madman 2.2

proper noun Majnun (specifically, the hero of the legend of "Laila

and Majnun") idiom

madzhnunbd m. weeping willow
madzhnunijt m. Arabic madness, insanity
1 mudzhawwz Arabic 1 permitted, authorized 2 legalized
2 mudzhawwz Arabic 1 permitting, authorizing 2 m.
authorization, permission


Pashto-English Dictionary

mudzhahhz Arabic 1 outfitted; fully equipped; rigged;

supplied 2 armed 3 trained, prepared (of a person); armed with

knowledge, educated

mudzhahhazawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

compound verb to arm

1 to equip, outfit 2 to arm


mudzhahhazedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to be equipped, be outfitted 2 to arm (oneself), be armed

to be armed with cannon

madzhhl Arabic 1.1 mysterious; unknown 1.2 lazy 1.3
linguistics passive (of a sound)
the so-called madjhul sounds "o" and "e" 1.4
grammar passive the form of the passive voice 2 m.
.1 passive voice 2.2 mathematics unknown (quantity)

madzhhul t m. plural Arabic [singular:

unknown quantities, unknowns 2 vague questions; unsolved

m. proper noun Majid, Mejid, Majeed

mch, much m. [plural:

horsefly 2 front sight (of a gun)

mch n, much n] 1 fly;

idiom He protects him in every way possible.

much m. bending the legs (when walking)


verb to bend (of the legs, when walking)

mchbak m.
mchp ng m. spider
machuchkj m. fly larva, maggot (growing in a wound)
machkh m. pedestrian locust
mchkhti f. plural
machkhi m. plural fly eggs
machr, machr m. twig, sprig; shoot, sprout
mchrdnj f. plural
machrkaj m. twig, sprig
mchrj f. muchaj f. bed curtain (for protection from
mosquitoes), mosquito netting

mchsh m.

mchshanaj m.

2 fly net (on a horse's nose)

machghna f.

mchk m. [plural:

1 fly swatter

mchak n] 1 staff, crook

(shepherd's) 2 hook (for bending down tree branches)

2 mchk m. larva (fly, etc.), maggot

mchka f. children's speech kiss
mchak kind of gun
mgirk m. spider
machlghza f. sling; slingshot

flypaper; fly agaric

mche f. stocking
machghna f. machqna f.
machawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to kiss
machawna m. kissing
mchawaj m.
1 mcha, mcha f. kiss to kiss someone
compound verb to kiss someone ! Kiss me!
Give me a kiss!


madzhhulijt m. Arabic uncertainty, obscurity

madzhj f. female camel, she-camel
madzhd Arabic 1 glorious, famous, celebrated, renowned

machnghza f.
machgaj m. shoemaker, boot maker
machwl m. shoe merchant, seller of footware
macha f. shoe, slipper
1 mach f. children's speech kiss
2 much oblique plural of 1
mchw zhaj m. 1 2 insecticide for flies;

2 mcha oblique singular of 1

1 mchi plural of 1
2 muchj, mchj f. bee bee
bumblebee beekeeping,
apiculture a beehive
machim r m. regional fisherman, angler
mdzknj land; ground; earth's, earthly ground

mdzkw l m. farmer, agriculturalist

mdzka f. 1 earth virgin land
farmer ground water
ground rent a harvest, yield b soil
productivity opening up new lands 2 soil 3
floor the floor (of a room) 4 territory
compound verb to take a path, make a way
Today we walked three kurukh (about 11 kilometers).
to give it hot to someone, to turn up the heat
on someone to come to someone acknowledging
one's fault Ahmed is not finding his
place. a to persuade someone by your
arguments b to press on, put pressure on someone
Wait a bit; don't rush me so.
idiom to be ashamed; be nervous, be ready to vanish
into the ground from shame a to disappear, vanish
into thin air (literally: into the ground) b to become confused,

become nervous

mchmuchj f.

Get lost!

to scold someone,

nerve c to lament, grieve (over)

really put someone to shame

a to

throw far away b to be rid of someone

idiom a to be greedy, be grasping, be avaricious b to strain every

He spoke to Ahmed such that the latter was ready to

disappear into the ground.


to be ready to disappear

Pashto-English Dictionary

to fail to
take account of someone's will His
influence is waning. to hang
one's head; feel ashamed, be flustered; lower one's eyes
to die, be dying to run all over looking
for something I was run off
my feet looking for matches. idiom a to
beat someone up

into the ground out of shame

proverb to be farsighted, learn to look ahead (literally: Don't just

proverb Where there's smoke, there's fire.
saying He has neither a shadow

look at what's under your feet: look far ahead.)

mahsn m. plural Arabic 1 praiseworthy qualities, virtues

muhsr Arabic 1 besieging, blockading 2 m. [plural:

muhsirn] one who is besieging
muhsar f. Arabic siege, blockade, encirclement
economic blockade compound verb to lay
siege to, blockade, surround, encircle compound verb
to be besieged, be under siege, be blockaded, be under a blockade,
be surrounded, be encircled

muh t Arabic 1 surrounded, encircled

Afghanistan is a land-locked country. 2 girded
muhfz Arabic 1 guarding, protecting guard
battalion guard 2 m. [plural: muhfiz n
and Arabic muhfizn] watchman, guard
border guard

muhfazt, muhfizt m.

guard; protection

on the ground nor a star in heaven.

muhfaz, muhfiz f. 1

compound verb a to guard; protect

b to preserve 2 conservatism

muhfazak r 1.1 conservative 1.2 old-fashioned,

outmoded 2 m. conservative

muhfazakrn 1 conservative 2 conservatively

muhfazakr f. conservatism
mahfl m. Arabic plural 1 of 2 circles, spheres
mahfl-i (the) ruling circles

mdza in lieu of
matsrk m. mtsrka f. 1 gecko 2 small lizard
mtsotsk m. 1 baby gazelle, young gazelle 2 thing dear

literary circles

to the heart, cherished thing

matstskaj m. name of a medicinal plant

mah z, muh z m. Arabic [plural: mahzna and
Arabic mahz t] front
united front
muhz Arabic 1 opposite 2 parallel
muhrb Arabic 1.1 military combat; line; drill 1.2
belligerent belligerents, participants in war 2 m.

muhk t m. Arabic expressiveness, picturesqueness

mahkm m. plural Arabic of 1
muhkam f. Arabic [plural: muhkam and m.
plural: Arabic muhkam t] 1 trial, court examination;
court; legal action, lawsuit to try, judge 2
decision, decree, verdict, judgement

[plural: muhribn] fighting man

muhrab t m. plural Arabic of

muhribaw Arabic military combat; belligerent
combat efficiency
muhrab f. Arabic [plural: muhrab and m.
plural: Arabic muhrab t] battle, fight, action, combat
advanced-guard action meeting
engagement air combat A battle is
going on.

muhsab t] 1 accounting 2 accounts

technical assessment 3 calculation 4 calculation,

2 good deeds

You have run me off my feet.
idiom a I became exhausted. b I don't know what to
begin doing. idiom a to be struck, lose
one's head b to be enfeebled to beat
someone senseless idiom to die
! Drop dead! idiom to be an
old fox, be a crafty person

excavator, power shovel

muhsab and m. plural

computation; counting, tallying

to knock someone down, run someone off his feet

mdzka pezhandnkaj m. geologist

mdzka kendnkaj excavator


They beat Ahmed so badly that he felt as if he were going to die. b

muhsab f. [plural:

While this is

mah l, mah ll m. plural, Arabic of

muh l Arabic impossible, unlikely

ought not to live this way.

possible, it is difficult to implement.

muhl t m. plural Arabic [singular:



nonsense, rubbish

muhwaraw 1 colloquial, conversational; phraseological

2 idiomatic 3 dialect, dialectal

muhwar, muhwir f. Arabic [plural:

muh sb m. Arabic [plural: muhsib n and

muhsibn] 1 accountant, bookkeeper 2 costing

muhwar and m. plural: Arabic

idiom 3 dialect

1 talk; conversaton; oral speech


muhwar t, muhwir t]

speaks Pashto well. 2 turn of speech, phrase, locution, expresson;

specialist, specialist in cost and price analysis

muhsabaw 1 bookkeeping, accounting 2 account


Pashto-English Dictionary

muhb, muhbb Arabic 1 loving, affectionate 2 m. friend
muhabt, muhabbt m. Arabic 1 love; attachment, affection
compound verb to feel love (for); feel affection

modesty, shyness

(towards) 2 caress, endearment 3 proper noun Muhabbat


mahbub f.
mahbubijt m. Arabic 1 pleasantness; attractiveness 2
popularity a to be pleasant, be attractive b to be
popular to be everyone's favorite
mahbs Arabic 1.1 arrested, imprisoned 1.2 enclosed (e.g.,
in parentheses) 2 m.[plural: mahbusn] person under
arrest, prisoner, convict

mahbusawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to arrest, imprison 2 to enclose (e.g., in parentheses)

mahbusedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to be arrested, be imprisoned 2 to be enclosed (e.g., in


muht dzh Arabic needy, indigent; poor

muhtdzhawl denominative, transitive [past: ]
1 to force, compel 2 to put into difficult material circumstances

muht t wary, circumspect, cautious, careful

too careful to be wary, be cautious
muht l sly, cunning
muhtarq burning; combustible, inflammable; explosive
muhtarm Arabic 1.1 respected, honorable, venerable 1.2
sacred (of the law) to respect a person's rights
2 m. respected person



muhtasb m. Arabic 1 one who keeps watch on morals and

the observance of customs; guardian of morals 2 market overseer,

market supervisor
muhtakr m. Arabic speculator, profiteer

book 2 content, degree

the content of the

the nitrogen content

the content of the document

mahdzhb Arabic 1 covered (by a veil) 2 solitary,

secluded 3 modest; shy, bashful

mahdudijt m. Arabic 1 scantiness (e.g., of resources) 2

limitation, restriction

mahdudedl denominative, intransitive [past:

to be limited

mahzr m. Arabic 1 fear, apprehension 2 obstacle

muharrr m. Arabic 1 author; writer 2 newspaper worker 3

mihr b m. Arabic 1 niche in an interior wall of a mosque

indicating the direction to Mecca 2 altar; praying


editor 4 secretary (of an editorial board) 5 one in charge of a

department of an editorial board

2 muharrr Arabic written out, written; drawn up

document for the bearer
muharrar t m. plural Arabic papers, documents
muhrz Arabic kept, preserved, safeguarded
muhriq f. typhus typhus
muharrk Arabic 1.1 moving, motive driving
forces 1.2 stimulating, invigorating healthy climate 2
m. .1 [plural: muharrik t] engine, motor
electric motor mechanism; device 2.2 [plural:
muharrik t] stimulus, impulse, motive; incentive 2.3 [plural:

muharrikn] pioneer,
leader, initiator; instigator, inciter instigator of war,
warmonger 2.4 [plural: muharrik n and Arabic
muharrikn] activist; advocate, champion, standard-bearer
champion of freedom
muharrik f. motive, inducement, stimulus
1 mahrm m. Arabic 1 close relative or trusted servant who
has access to the women's side of the house close
muharrik n and Arabic

relatives 2 spouse 3 close friend


muharrm Arabic 1.1 forbidden 1.2 sacred 2 m.

muharram (the first month of the lunar year)

Arabic 1 content; contents

to limit 2 to localize (a war, etc.)

having great endurance 3 mobile; portable

muhaddb Arabic protruberant, prominent, bulging

mahdd Arabic limited
mahdudw laj m.
mahdudawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

muhtaml Arabic 1 possible, probable, likely 2 patient,

muhtaw Arabic
muhtawij t m.

mahdzhuzijt m. Arabic law 1 deprivation of rights 2

seizure, attachment, sequestration (of property, etc.)

everyone's favorite

mahdzhz Arabic law 1 deprived of rights 2 seized,

muhabatmz, muhabbatmz 1 friendly, amicable 2

mahbb Arabic 1 beloved, dear 2 pleasant, nice

mahbub f. sweetheart, beloved, dear (one)
mahbub-ul-qulb Arabic 1 beloved by all 2

mahdzhr Arabic forbidden, prohibited, not permitted

attached, sequestered (of property, etc.)

caressing, tender, sweet; soft; affectionate, fond

muhtarmn respectfully, with deference

muhtaramn 1 respectful, deferential 2

mahdzhubijt m. Arabic 1 reticence 2 seclusion 3

muharram t m. plural Arabic [singular:

things, that which is forbidden


mahramn 1 secret 2 secretly, confidentially

1 mahrma feminine to 1


Pashto-English Dictionary

muharrma 1 feminine singular of

muhassl m. Arabic [plural: muhassil n and Arabic

muhassiln] 1 conqueror 2 tax collector 3 pupil; student
muhassil f. Arabic [plural: muhassil t] pupil,

2 f. muharram

(the first month of the lunar year)

mahramijt m. Arabic intimacy; faith, trust

mahrs Arabic kept, preserved, (safe)guarded
mahruq t m. plural Arabic fuel; combustibles
mahruqt fuel fuel resources
mahrm Arabic 1 deprived of something; not having
something, not possessing something

school girl; (female) student, coed

limited, constrained 2 m. [plural:

beseiged; one who is encircled

to be deprived of something b not to be awarded something 2

treated unfairy, made destitute; offended; unfortunate 3 forbidden

mahrumawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1
to deprive (of something) to deprive

a to take away freedom of speech b to revoke (a

mandate, a right)

to blind, deprive of sight 2

to treat unfairly, make destitute; offend; make unhappy

mahrum f.

mahrumijt m. 1 deprivation; loss;

lack of something 2 destitution; need

mahrumedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be deprived of something, forfeit something

to be deprived of all rights 2 to be treated unfairly, be

made destitute; be unhappy, be unfortunate

mahzn Arabic pained, grieved; sad, despondent

muhsn Arabic 1 charitable, philanthropic 2 m. .1

benefactor, philanthropist 2.2 proper noun Muhsin

mahsb Arabic reckoned (with), taken into account; (being)

taken into consideration

mahsubawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to take into account, consider

mahsubedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be taken into account; be considered

mahss Arabic perceptible, tangible, palpable; sensible,

felt; apparent, marked, appreciable; ponderable


compound verb

compound verb

mahsus t m. plural Arabic [singular:

sensations, feelings

mahsurn] one who is

mahsurawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to lay siege (to), blockade, encircle 2 to limit, constrain

someone of life, take away someone's life

mahsr Arabic 1.1 besieged, blockaded, encircled 1.2

mahsl m. Arabic [plural: mahsulna and Arabic

mahsul t] 1 production, product product
of labor manufactured goods
annual output 2 harvest, crop, yield cut crop
standing crop 3 tax, duty (e.g., postal); payment
customs 4 excise, excise duty
mahsul t m. Arabic plural 1 of 2 receipts; tax
revenues government taxes
mahsuld r 1 productive 2 wealthy (i.e., of a country)
mahz Arabic 1.1 pure, uncontaminated 1.2 plain, simple
a simple or ordinary person 1.3 empty, useless (of a
dream, etc.) 2 only scarcely having caught sight of
only because
mahzr m. Arabic 1 presence 2 meeting, gathering
general meeting
mahz 1 exceptional 2 exceptionally
mahzr Arabic forbidden; illegal
mahzz Arabic 1 delighting (in), reveling (in) 2 satisfied
(with); glad, joyous cheerful
a to take delight in something b to be pleased,
be glad

mahfaz f. Arabic 1 box 2 military cover (of a mine) 3

biology shell, cover, coat, membrane

mahfl m. Arabic [plural: mahfilna and Arabic

mahfl] circle, club, group society
mahfilbz f. clannishness, cliquishness
mahfz Arabic 1 kept; guarded, protected 2 remembered;
memorable, never-to-be-forgotten 3 preserved 4 safe, protected

muhiqqn 1 just, fair 2 justly, fairly

muhaqqr Arabic contemptible, despicable

mahsusawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to feel, sense

mahsusedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be felt, be sensed

mahshr m. Arabic 1 confusion (of feelings) 2 bustle,

turmoil; Babel 3 religion place where people will gather on the

mahshr Arabic 1.1 associating with someone 1.2 religion

risen, resurrected 2 m. [plural:

acquaintance, friend




muhaqqq Arabic 1 investigating, researching

keen historian 2 m. [plural:

Day of Judgement

muhqq Arabic 1 just, fair, right 2 well-grounded, well-


researcher 2.2 thinker

muhaqqiqn] .1 investigator,

2 muhaqqq Arabic 1 proven, demonstrated, established

... a It has been proven that It has been shown
that b undoubtedly, without doubt compound verb

Pashto-English Dictionary

to be proved, be shown, be established

... It has

been proven that It has been shown that 2 true, correct

muhaqqqn Arabic undoubtedly, without question, for sure,

mahk, mahkk m. Arabic 1 touchstone 2 standard,

makm, mahkm, muhkm Arabic 1 strong, firm, durable 2

muhallamedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be softened, be made soft 2 to be boiled soft, be overcooked

criterion; standard of weights and measures


makamawl, mahkamawl 1 denominative, transitive [past:

] to strengthen, consolidate, fortify 2 m. plural

idiom The situation has become less tense.

mahldzh m. Arabic
mahll Arabic 1 dissolved 2 m. solution

strengthening, consolidating, fortifying


mahkam f. Arabic [plural:

mahkam and m.

institution, agency

2 makma, mahkma, muhkma feminine singular of

1 mahkam f. strength, durability; degree strengthening,


mahkum-ui-bh m. Arabic law amount paid by the losing

party to the plaintiff, damages

condemned one 2 m. .1 law losing party 2.2 grammar subject

mahkumlah m. law person who has won his case in

mahkumawl denominative, transitive [past: ]
1 to condemn, blame, reproach, censure 2 to sentence, pronounce

a sentence 3 to compel, force, coerce

mahkumijt m. Arabic 1 condemnation; sentence

verdict 2 condition of being subject to;
dependence a dependent life
mahkumedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]
1 to be condemned, be sentenced He was
sentenced to imprisonment for life. to be

muhammadzy m. Mukammedzai

muhammad Arabic 1 Moslem, Mohammedan, Islamic 2

mahml Arabic 1 loaded; burdened (as a pack animal) 2 m.

m. Moslem, Mohammedan

grammar predicate

mahalna, mahallna

mah l, mah ll] 1 place; locality

(place of) residence 2 palace

idiom a strong

mahmul t m. plural Arabic [singular:


mahnt m. Arabic 1 labor 2 effort; diligence


compound verb a to labor, work b to try, endeavor, be diligent,

be assiduous

mahw m.

industrious, diligent; assiduous

Arabic anihilation, destruction; demolition

compound verb to anihilate; destroy; demolish


The earth

verb to be anihilated, be destroyed; be demolished

mihwr m. Arabic 1 axis

rotates about its axis. 2 technology shaft 3 politics axis

mihwar 1 participating in the Axis

nations 2 m. [plural:

the Axis

mihwarij n] member of the Axis,

participant in the Axis (i.e., Germany, Italy, and Japan during


muhawwl Arabic 1 laid, placed; assigned, entrusted 2

handed over, delivered 3 altered, changed 4 carried, moved,

sentenced to death 2 to be forced, be compelled, be coerced

muhammadz 1 m. plural Muhammedzai (a tribe living to

the north of the Kabul River and also a branch of the Durranis) 2

and Arabic

muhammd Arabic 1 lauded, extolled; deserving of praise 2

mahkum-ui-aljh m. Arabic 1 one sentenced,

mahl, mahll m. Arabic [plural:

mahall and m. plural:

proper noun Muhammed, Muhammad

.1 accused, defendant 2.2 subject, citizen

mahall t] quarter, neighborhood, district (of a city)

local significance b to have authority locally

subordinate(d); subject to 1.3 guided, directed; dependent 2 m.

1 mahall Arabic local local industry

military local operation
Local fighting is taking place.
2 mahall plural of
mahallijt m. Arabic 1 disconnectedness, disassociation;
isolation, solitariness 2 local significance a to have

quality of reinforcement

2 makmi, mahkmi, muhkmi f. plural of

3 mahkam plural of 1
makamedl, mahkamedl denominative, intransitive [past:
] to be reinforced, be strengthened
mahkk Arabic 1 engraved, etched 2 carved, fretted
mahkm Arabic 1.1 condemned, sentenced 1.2 subjugated;

mahall f. Arabic [plural:


mahkm] 1 court, tribunal

tribunal military tribunal Supreme
Court International Court trial
court appellate court 2 regional department,

plural: Arabic

muhallm Arabic 1 softened, made soft 2 boiled soft,



muhalll Arabic 1 dissolving 2 analyzing 3 aiding digestion



muhawal f. Arabic commerce bill of lading

Pashto-English Dictionary

compound verb a b
This news shook me

mhwa f.

to be shaken

compound verb to disgrace, defame, put to shame; slander

mahwijt m. 1 anihilation; death, destruction

to ruin, destroy, anihilate 2 strong shock
1 muhajjr Arabic 1 astonishing, surprising; wonderful,
marvelous 2 struck, stricken compound verb to be
surprised; be amazed; be astonished

exceptional efforts

muht Arabic 1 surrounding; encompassing; enveloping

bhr-i ocean 2 m. .1 surroundings, environment
natural conditions social milieu 2.2 full
stretch, full grasp (of the arms), embrace 2.3 wide open space(s),

He covered himself

renounce something, repudiate something c to be over (of an

illness, etc.) d to turn away; turn; not to pay attention, fail to pay

a to live in plenty
Ahmed lives well; he is not in need. b to lose beauty
c ... to cool down, grow cold towards someone or
something compound verb Eastern to venture to ask
I didn't venture to ask him. a not to


country b in your circle (of friends and associates 2.6 figurative


compound verb to appear, seem

compound verb a to repel, fend off (e.g., an attack, a raid) b to

the wide expanse of the ocean 2.4 circle,

circumference mathematics circle, circumference
2.5 society, club, association, circle a in your


compound verb Eastern to turn (around)

to be embarrassed, be flustered, change countenance upon
seeing someone compound verb to rehabilitate oneself,
prove one's innocence
to go out of one's mind to satisfy someone's
request; accept someone's apology compound verb a to
arise, originate Difficulties have arisen. b to
pay attention He does not listen to me.
He is the same with everyone. compound
verb to begin, start doing
something At this time of
year the snow in the mountains begins to melt.

2 muhajjr Arabic embarrassed, flustered, confused; shaken

muhajjr-ul-uql Arabic amazing, wonderful, striking,
startling wonders

atmosphere, situation

He disgraced himself.

with shame.

in an atmosphere of

muhit 1 surrounding ambient temperature

environment, situation, conditions 2 relating to the

accept someone's apology b not to honor someone's request c to

environment, concerning the surroundings 3 relating to a circle 4

reject someone's mediation


to turn to someone; address someone, appeal to someone b

to curb, control someone, keep someone in check c to

muhl Arabic 1 sly, cunning, wily 2 m. swindler, cheat

1 mkh m. [plural: mkhna and Western mkh n]
1 face ruddy face a face to face b in private,
confidentially His face gives him away.
regional I washed up quickly. 2 side, edge
turned to the north, facing north up,
upward(s) down, downward(s) attributive
advanced, leading forward, ahead
forward to go forward, advance 3 top,
surface on the road on the ground
The sky is clouded. The
water is rising. 4 mathematics bound 5 seat (e.g., of a chair) 6
page 7 face, right side (e.g., of fabric) 8 upper (for shoes) 9
blade (e.g., of a saber, knife) 10 figurative honor; fame;
reputation; authority; influence

He has great

to have, authority, enjoy influence

compound verb a to turn towards someone b
to renounce something
They don't stop for any difficulties. c ...
... to put in a good word for
someone d to run, save oneself by running
to become ugly compound verb to cover the face, wear a
veil to avoid something


compound verb a

cover the face (with a veil) d to head for, make one's way (to,


a to be friends with, be on friendly terms

to urge on, hurry on to refuse, deny someone

compound verb to continue, press on, push forward
(e.g., an offensive) compound verb a to advance, move

with b to be attentive to someone, be considerate of someone

forward b to develop, progress c to be missing, disappear, vanish

compound verb a to turn b to dig again, dig anew

compound verb a to have in
mind, mean b to foresee to go forward
to put in front to acquire dishonestly
idiom masquerade a innocent, not guilty b innocence,
guiltlessness to come with a clear conscience
a at once, immediately, instantly b continuously,
uninterruptedly It rained incessantly.
The country is developing. to be on
the safe side, be overcautious to be under
someone's power to go out of one's
mind, go crazy You'll drive me
crazy. Eastern You are partial to him.
Eastern He is utterly powerless.
He is a failure. He is a lucky one.

Pashto-English Dictionary

to be mild, be gentle, be yielding, be pliant; soften

to be careful, be cautious saying
Go ahead, but keep your eyes peeled.
to think something over,
consider something carefully ! Beat it!

2 makh m. technology pager

mukhbar t masculine plural Arabic of
mukhbart Eastern relating to communications
mukhbar f. Arabic [plural: mukhbar and m.
plural: Arabic mukhbar t] 1 communication, report,
news report 2 communications communications
office telephone communications
telegraph communications the ministry of
communications compound verb to trasmit, report
compound verb to be transmitted, be reported
mukhbarach m. communications man, signals man,
communications worker

makhrdzh m. Arabic plural 1 of

expenditures; costs

2 expenses,


2 hostile

mukhsamt f. Arabic [plural: mukhsim t

mukhsam mukhsam] enmity, hostility,
animosity, antagonism compound verb to feud
with, quarrel

mukhtb m. Arabic 1 one who is being addressed, one to

whom a speech is addressed

to turn to someone,

address someone 2 grammar second person 3 commerce one

who executes a commission, contractor

mukhlifawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to turn (someone) against someone

to turn (someone) against oneself, antagonize (someone)

mkhmkh 1.1 opposite, across from; facing, in front of;
face to face in front of us
Ahmed's house is opposite mine. 1.2 directly, immediately
If one goes straight west
to attack the enemy head-on 2.1
opposite, contrary the opposite wall 2.2 immediate,
direct 2.3 clashing, conflicting with something
Danger threatens them.
mkhmkhtb m. 1 opposition; encounter 2 collision,

mkhmkhawl denominative, transitive [past:

]1 to place face to face 2 to set up a confrontation 3 to
verification) 5 to confront (a fact, etc.)



resistance, resist b to disagree, contradict c to contradict, gainsay

organize a reception or party 4 to compare (e.g., for purposes of

production costs

makhzn m. plural Arabic of

mukhsm m. Arabic (the) enemy
mukhsam t m. Arabic plural 1

mkhmkh f.
mkhmkhedl denominative, intransitive [past:
]1 to collide with, clash with 2 to meet to

meet with someone, to encounter someone 3 to stand face to face

4 to be confronted 5 to be compared (e.g., for purposes of

verification) 6 to encounter (e.g., difficulties); find oneself facing

to encounter resistance
The ship was caught in a storm.
mkhwj 1 respected, esteemed 2 equal, equivalent
mkhwajtb m. respect, esteem
mukhbr m. Arabic 1 correspondent
(a fact, etc.)

mukhtb Arabic 1 m. orator 2 speaking, addressing

mukhtab f. [plural:

mukhtab and m. plural:

Arabic mukhtab t] 1 speech 2 conversation 3

Bakhtar news correspondent 2 informant 3 agent 4 informer

exchange of speeches

mukhtar, mukhtir f. Arabic risk, hazard, danger

mukht Arabic mucous, mucilaginous, slimy

mkhpu f. wearing the veil, covering the face

mkhpaj m. 1 shawl 2 veil


That was at the beginning or at the end of winter.

mucous membrane

to disagree, contradict someone 5

6 contradiction compound verb a to offer


mukhlf Arabic 1.1 counteracting, opposing, resisting 1.2

opposition party, opposition 1.3

a to oppose something, act
against something b to contradict something
They have opposite opinions. a vote
against, a nay vote 1.4 opposite, contrary, opposed
on the opposite side to go
against the current 2 m. [plural: mukhlif n and Arabic
mukhlifn] enemy against my wishes
mukhlift m. Arabic 1 opposition, counteraction,

mkhpaj m. variety of rice

mkhpe (one who is) covering or hiding her face under a



resistance 2 insubordination; disobedience 3 opposition 4

mkhprta up, upwards

mkhpmkh face to face compound verb to
compound verb to come face to

bring face to face


mkhpek, mkhpek m. 1 uncovering the face of the

bride 2 examination of a newborn

mukht r Arabic 1.1 plenipotentiary




person having a full power of

attorney 1.2 selected 1.3 independent 2 proper noun Muhtar

mukhtrawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to authorize, empower 2 to give free rein, give a free hand


Pashto-English Dictionary

mukhtr f.

mukhtrijt m. Arabic 1 freedom of

choice 2 independence, free will

inventor 2 constructor, builder

mukhtasrn Arabic briefly, in brief, in short

mkhtg m. progress, development

compound verb to

be mixed, be intermixed 2 component, compound 3 summary;

combined 4 mixed, combined; coalition

joint stock

mukhtalf Arabic various, diverse, different

mukhtalifunnw' Arabic heterogeneous; of diverse

compound verb a to damp down, muffle b to smother, strangle c

compound verb a to be

damped down, be muffled b to be smothered, be strangled c to be

curtailed, be limited (of rights)

makhtm Arabic 1 sealed 2 completed, concluded 3

linguistics ending in, which ends in

makhtumedl denominative, intransitive [past:

1 to be completed, be concluded 2 linguistics to end in

makhtn Arabic religion subjected to circumcision,


mkhta 1 forward compound verb to lead

forward 2 in front of, ahead of

mkhte abbreviation of the words

Before him stands Yar Muhammed.
mukhaddr Arabic 1 narcotic 2 m. narcotic, dope
makhdm m. Arabic master, lord, ruler, sovereign
mukhrb m. Arabic 1 military destroyer (ship) 2 destroyer,

mkhruj m. 1

2 gift on the occasion of

mkhraj 1 honest, irreproachable 2 intelligent, clever,


makhzn m. Arabic [plural: makhzanna and Arabic

makhzn] 1 depository, storehouse 2 arsenal, depot
ammunition dump 3 treasure-house 4 reservoir (of a
lantern) 5 tank 6 (water) reservoir reservoir 7
anatomy the pelvis of the kidney

mkhspinj m. innocent appearance; nonparticipation in,


to feign disinterest in

2 mkhspnaj 2
makhsar f.
mkhhkr f. 1 uncovering the face of the bride

2 gift

to the bride at the time of uncovering her face

makhss Arabic 1 special; peculiar (to) 2 special,


mkhtorn 2
1 mkhtor f. 1 shame, disgrace 2 guild 3 crime
2 mkhtraj 1 disgraced 2 ashamed 3 guilty 4 criminal
mkhtol falling down over the face (of a lock or ringlet of

being not implicated in

mkhtlnaj going forward, advancing

mukhtanq Arabic 1 damped down, muffled, deadened 2
smothered, strangled 3 curtailed, limited (of rights)

cone-shaped 2

uncovering the face of the bride 3 smoothing over a

sorts; of different makes

misunderstanding, settling a misunderstanding

mukhtalt Arabic 1 mixed, intermixed

to curtail, limit (rights)

makhrut Arabic 1 conical

narrowing at the end, becoming narrower at the end

violated 2 spoiled, damaged

compound verb to mix, intermix

makhrdzh] 1 way out, outcome 2 the organs of


mukhtl, mukhtll Arabic 1 disrupted, brought into disorder,

makhradzhna [plural: and

makhrb Arabic destroyed, demolished; devestated, wasted

makhrub f. ruins
makhrewnd m. computer science forward slash (\)
makhrt Arabic 1.1 turned (on a lathe) 1.2 conical 2 m.


development of industry

speech 3 pronunciation 4 mathematics denominator

mukhtari'n] 1

modest circumstances 2 m. resum


mukhtar' m. Arabic [plural:

mukhts, mukhtss Arabic specific

mukhtasr Arabic 1.1 short, abbreviated; compressed
briefly 1.2 unimportant, of small import 1.3
small small hospital 1.4 modest

makhrdzh m. Arabic

special unit


specialize in something 3 specific (e.g., specific gravity or

specific weight)

makhssn Arabic 1 especially, inparticular 2 purposely,

on purpose, especially

makhsusijt m. Arabic special feature, peculiarity,


mukhattt Arabic commerce cancelled (of a check)

mukhafff Arabic 1 lightened, eased 2 abbreviated,


mukhaffafnawis f. cursive (writing)

makhf Arabic 1 concealed, covert, secret in
secret compound verb to conceal, hide 2 illegal
makhfijn 1 concealed, covert, secret 2 secretly, covertly
mkhkt m. plural
mkhkatna f. attention to someone
1 mkhkh m. 1 head, chief, leader 2 herd leader (of



Pashto-English Dictionary

mkhkhta down, downward

to pull down, haul down

mkhke 1.1 forward 1.2 in front of, before in

front of him compound verb a to go forward,

advance; be on the offensive b to succeed, have success

compound verb a to move forward, progress b to foster

success; develop c to present, submit (e.g., a report) d to

mention, remind 1.3 before, earlier
... before parting, before leaving first of
all on the eve of this 1.4 already
... We (have) already said that 2.1 former, previous
2.2 forthcoming, coming, future the coming year
mkhketb m. leadership
mkhkew laj m. 1 forward movement, movement
ahead 2 progress; development

1 mkhkj m. even and gentle slope of a hill
2 mkhki, mkhke
mkhkinj 1 front, forward; advanced, progressive
advanced units 2 progressive, modern 3 former, past 4
preliminary precondition
mukhl, mukhll Arabic disrupting something; hindering

mukhlisn sincerely, openheartedly

makhlt Arabic mixed, intermixed; contaminated
alloys compound verb to mix, intermix
compound verb to be mixed, be intermixed
makhl' overthrown, deposed from the throne
makhlq Arabic 1 created 2 m. [Arabic plural:
makhluq t and makhluqna] creation
makhld m. computer science preview
mkhmkhaj two-faced, hypocritical, characterized by

mukhamms Arabic 1.1 fivefold, quintuple, quinary 1.2

mathematics pentagonal 2 m. .1 muhammas (a stanza of five



makhmas f. Arabic 1 exhaustion, emaciation; dystrophy

2 difficulty

makhml m. Arabic velvet

makhmal 1 velvet 2 soft, tender, velvety
makhmr Arabic 1 drunk, inebriated 2 langorous (of eyes)
idiom bloodthirsty

mkhawr f. 1 respect, esteem 2 influence, authority 3

mkhawarz Eastern 1 influential, authoritative, prestigious

helpfulness, obligingness

2 respected, esteemed

makhf Arabic frightful, terrible, sinister

makhka f. Eastern 1 2 muzzle, snout
1 mkha f. 1 direction a in front of you, before you
b towards you to meet going towards someone
The wind has changed direction. 2 way, path 3
basis, foundation, grounds ... on the basis of something
according to (the) plan on the
basis of one's experience 4 front part, front of something 5

give attention to
to pay attention to something
a to stop, call a
halt to, suppress to call a halt to an offensive b
to struggle with something, combat something
surface 6 level 7 attention

flood control c to prevent, hinder something d to set out for

to set out
to head out for the city
compound verb to be stopped, be halted
The enemy's advance was stopped.
Eastern hold one's ground compound verb a
set out for, head for somewhere to set out for

somewhere, start for somewhere

sincere friend 2.2 proper noun Muhlis


mukhls Arabic 1.1 sincere 1.2 sincerely (in letters) 2 m.

hemistiches) 2.2 mathematics pentagon

1 covering the face

disease prevention 3 banning, barring

mkhwchnaj m. towel
mkhawr 1 respected, honored 2 influential, authoritative

[plural: mukhlis n and Arabic mukhlisn] .1

into her presence) 2 removal, elimination; prevention; struggle

something; violating something

mkhniwj m.

compound verb to cover the face (of a woman when a man comes

on the road to the city

home b to turn to the side c to use, handle something d to show

to go to meet someone
to come across I was on my way to meet him.
in the afternoon ! Bon voyage!
to deal with something Have it your way.
He has passed his twelfth year.
not to be afraid of something
2 mukh f.
3 mkha oblique of
mkhah f. farewell, parting, leave-taking
He came to say good-bye. compound verb to
say farewell I said good-bye to him.
1 mkhi oblique of 1
2 mukhj, mkhj 1.1 equal, identical, same 1.2 similar,

to come across

resembling 2 m. .1 equal 2.2 rival


Pashto-English Dictionary

3 mukhj 1 feminine singular of

In the whole village there was no beauty
equal to her. 2 f. girl given in marriage to a tribe or family in

exchange for a bride taken from them (avoiding payment of bride-


mukhajtb m. 1 equality of position 2 contrasting,

comparing 3 competition

mkhitawt m. plural reception, party

mukhajjl Arabic imagined, invented, made up, concocted,
mukhajjal t m. plural Arabic chimera; fabrication,

mukhajjil f. Arabic imagination, fantasy

makhil f. Arabic arrogance, insolence, presumption,

invention, fantasy, fancy


mukhajjm m. Arabic camp

mad, madd m. Arabic 1 linguistics madda (the sign of length ~
above the letter alef) 2 length, duration 3 lengthening, drawing
out 4 rising tide, incoming tide

madd h m. Arabic panegyrist, eulogist, extoller

madkhl m. plural Arabic of
mudkhalt m. mudkhal f. Arabic 1 interference,
meddling 2 intervention compound verb a to
interfere, meddle b to carry out an intervention 3 relation,


1 mad r m. Arabic 1 circle; circumference 2 astronomy orbit

the Earth's orbit to go into orbit
to put into orbit 3 geography tropic 4 axis 5 starting
point, initial position, point of departure 6 basis
mad r m.

always 2

mudwm Arabic 1.1 constant, permanent, invariable

standing committee 1.2 diligent, industrious 2 m. [plural:
mudwim n and Arabic mudwimn] student
mudwamt m. Arabic constancy, unchangeability,
invariability, immutability to defend

mudr t m. Arabic 1
to be civil, be courteous,

mudwamat constant, immutable, invariable

mudabbr Arabic 1.1 gifted 1.2 efficient, businesslike

be well-mannered with someone; show attention to someone 2


madrdzh m. plural Arabic of

madrk m. Arabic plural 1 of 1

2 mental

capabilities, intellectual faculties, intellect, reason

madr, mudr m. juggler, conjurer

2 madr orbital orbital flight
mudf' Arabic defending attorney for the defense
mudfa't m. mudfa', mudfi' f. Arabic 1
defense minister of defense ... to
defend to defend oneself 2 law the defense
counsel's speech 3 preservation (of plants)
idiom medicine resistance (of an organism)
mudfa'aw Arabic mudfa' defensive
defensive alliance measures to control the
diseases and pests of agricultural animals and plants

2 m.

leader, head

mudabbirn cautious, careful; judicious, wise

a wise policy
1 muddt m. Arabic after some time
2 madt m. colloquial
madatg r m.
madh m. Arabic praise; lauding, extolling; panegyric
to praise, laud, glorify someone
madhkh n m. panegyrist; praiser, lauder
madkh l m. Arabic [plural: madkhalna and Arabic
madkhl] 1 entry, entrance 2 admission, matriculation
(e.g., in a school) 3 participation 4 income, receipts

madkhl m. Arabic profit, revenue

madd m. Arabic 1 aid, assistance, support, help
to call for help to help someone 2 strengthening,
reinforcement 3 financial aid, grant, scholarship
compound verb a to render aid, give support b to give financial
aid, give a scholarship

mudr f. and

civility, courtesy, urbanity

mudm 1 uninterrupted, constant

eternal, perpetual

something; persist in something

mud m Arabic 1 invariable, constant, permanent 2 always,


med l m. medal


compound verb to seek to marry a girl from a

tribe or family in exchange for a bride given to them

madadkhrch m.


madadkharch f. grant,

madadkh h m. one who is calling for help

madadg r 1 m. .1 assistant; accomplice 1.2

ally 1.3

defender, patron 2 assisting, furthering, helping

madrdzh m.

f. assistance, help, good offices

Arabic [plural:

to reach a high level of development


madradzh] f. Arabic degree; stage, level

mudarrs m. Arabic [plural: mudarris n and Arabic

mudarrisn] 1 teacher, instructor, lecturer 2 professor
madras f. Arabic 1 school boarding school 2
madrasa, Islamic religious school 3 school, trend, movement (e.g.,
in art)

madrasij Arabic school school life

1 madrk m. [plural: madrakna and Arabic
madrk] 1 document that serves as evidence or proof 2 source


(e.g., of revenue, income)


for this line item of income

Pashto-English Dictionary

mudrk Arabic understanding, comprehending


modrn modern, contemporary; newest, latest

mudda' f. Arabic 1 claim; demand 2 subject of an

... It can be asserted .... 4 purpose, meaning
What do you have in mind? 5 thought
to state one's thoughts clearly
mudda'gr demanding, exacting; insistent, persistent
mad'w, mad'ww m. Arabic [plural: mad'uwn,
argument; a suit, claim 3 assertion, statement

meanwhile for a short while
for such a lengthy period of time He lived a
long time. 2 length, duration, continuance 1
madakhl 1 m. plural Madakhels (a tribe) 2 m. Madakhel
mudhsh Arabic terrifying, frightful, awful, horrible
madhsh Arabic 1 scared, firghtened; bewildered,
perplexed compound verb to be frightened; be
bewildered 2 cold, unfeeling; unconscious 3 intoxicated, drunk

mad'uwwn] invited person, guest

mudda' m. Arabic 1 plaintiff 2 prosecutor 3 rival 4

mudda' f. Arabic
mudda'-al'umm m. Arabic

1 prosecutor general 2

newspaper) 3 ministry representative, authorized agent (in the


1 disputed property 2 object

madaghskr m. Madagascar
mudghm Arabic 1.1 assimilated compound verb
to assimilate to be assimilated 1.2 covert, secret 2
m. letter with a tashdid

madfn m. Arabic place of burial; grave; cemetery

madf' Arabic 1 discarded, thrown out
waste b excrement 2 rejected, turned down, repudiated

a refuse,

compound verb a to discard, throw out, throw away b to

reject, turn down, repudiate

mudaqqiqn] researcher, investigator

madagskr m.
mudalll Arabic 1 proven, supprted by proofs or evidence;
well-founded compound verb 2 meaning,
sense, substance, essence


madan Arabic 1 civilized, cultured, refined, educated

a person of culture cultural contacts
the civilized world 2 civil civil
legislation civil rights
madanijt m. Arabic civilization, culture
mudawwr Arabic round; spherical, globe-shaped
to grow round
1 mudawwn Arabic gathered together into a collection or

directorate; board; (board of) directors, management b editors,

editorial office, editorial board 2 f. (female) director, manager

principal of a girls' school

mudir f. management; superintendence
mudirijt m. Arabic 1 directorate; department
directorate office; archive
quartermaster corps personnel department
secretariat 2 the position of director; job of
madin f. Arabic Medina Medina
mil regional middle, medium high school
meiern f.
maz q m. Arabic 1 taste, sense of taste 2 interest
to his taste That's a
matter of taste.

muzkar t m. Arabic plural 1 of


2 talks,

compound verb to conduct negotiations

muzkar, muzkir f. Arabic [plural:

muzkar and

Arabic muzkar t] 1 discussion

to discuss something, talk something over

plural talks, negotiations

mazhb m. plural Arabic of

muzakkr Arabic grammar 1 masculine, of masculine gender
a word of masculine gender 2 m. .1 masculine gender
2.2 [plural: muzakkar t] noun, word of masculine gender
muzakkarw laj m. grammar masculine gender
mazkr Arabic 1 above-mentioned, above-named


mudir Arabic 1 managing, directing, running

supervising 3 editor (the position or job)

madfn Arabic 1 (of a deceased) buried, interred 2 buried

mudaqqq Arabic 1 researching, investigating; checking,
verifying 2 [plural: mudaqqiq n and Arabic

mudallalawl denominative, transitive [past:

confirm; prove; give reasons for

madd Arabic 1 long, protracted, prolonged 2 slow, lingering,

mudr m. Arabic 1 director, manager, administrator

bank director principal
academic dean garrison commander 2 editor (of a

m. prosecutor's office

of a claim

long and drawn-out

public prosecutor

meditern f. 1 Mediterranean Sea

Mediterranean Sea 2 coastal area of the Mediterranean Sea

claimant 5 advocate, supporter, adherent, follower

mudda'bh m. Arabic law

mudd m. Arabic 1 time; term, period of time

compound verb to mention, refer to 2 m. .1 conversation, talk

mudawwn m. Arabic compiler (of a collection, divan)

2.2 communication 2.3 content of a document


Pashto-English Dictionary

mazammt m. Arabic condemnation, blame, reproach; abuse,


compound verb to condemn, blame, reproach

mazmm Arabic condemned, blamed, censured, reproached

mazhb m. Arabic [plural: mazhabna and Arabic
mazhb] 1 religion, faith, dogma 2 teaching, doctrine 3
school, trend, movement 4 custom 5 mazhab (school of Islamic

hanifism idiom to be brave

idiom Babrak is a big coward.
to show bravery to test someone's courage
mazhab 1 religious, denominational, sectarian; spiritual
priests 2 m. regional Sikh
1 mar m. Arabic every fifty articles (in counting), five tens
2 mur, murr m. myrrh
3 mr present stem of
martb m. 1 plural Arabic of 2 circumstances, details,
particulars to offer congratulations
1 murdzh' m. Arabic [plural: murdzhi'n] 1
religious law)

client; patient; visitor 2 petitioner

2 mardzh' m. 1 plural Arabic of 2 authorities

legislative bodies
murdzha't m. Arabic 1 return to
return from somewhere He returned to

reference book

If we turn to history

of hygiene

something into account c to respect someone or something d to

observe (e.g., cleanliness)

murfa' f. Arabic appeal clerk of court

lawyer, defense attorney district
court, appellate court
appellate court judge compound verb to appeal,
lodge an appeal, appeal the decision of the court

murfa'atalb Arabic entering an appeal, appealing

compound verb to appeal, appeal the decision of
the court

2 the public,


marhl m. plural Arabic of

marhm m. plural Arabic of
mur d m. Arabic 1 desire; goal

to achieve

the realization of one's goal 2 sense, meaning 3 object, article

The main point is that 4 m. proper noun Murad

murdbkhta f. proper noun Muradbahta
murdf Arabic 1.1 corresponding (to) 1.2 synonymous
synonyms 2 m. synonym
murdmn murdmnd (having) reached one's goal,
(having) realized one's desire

murdedl denominative, intransitive [past:

have in mind, mean 2 to be realized

mursal t m. 1 plural Arabic of

1 to

murfaqt m. Arabic escort, accompaniment

murqb Arabic 1.1 observing 1.2 monitoring, checking 2
m. [plural: murqib n and Arabic murqibn] .1
observer 2.2 examiner, inspector

mursal f. Arabic [plural:


mursal t] 1 letter 2 correspondence

marsm m. plural Arabic 1 ceremonial, ceremony 2 rites,

assembly hall

rituals 3 celebration


to celebrate

price controls to follow, observe something

to be under observation, be monitored 2

guardianship 3 observing, keeping; taking something into account

4 contemplation

murqab religion fear of God

marqd m. plural Arabic of
markz m. plural Arabic of
marksh m. Morocco
markash 1 Moroccan 2.1 m. Moroccan (male)

2.2 f.

Moroccan (female)

mar m m. Arabic goal, task; program, plan

the plan

tasks of

to carry out the plan, realize the program

marmnm f. 1 politics program; platform 2 charter (of a


mr nda f. 1 thin rope, cord, twine 2 tent rope 3 thread 4

figurative heartstrings


m. wood bug (on the mulberry tree)

f. Arabic friendly relations; intercourse, contact,

to establish friendly
to maintain friendly ties
to maintain economic


relations with someone

2 (items of) mail

mursal and m. plural:

murqabt m. Arabic 1 verification of performance;

observation, supervision; monitoring, inspection

with someone

3 reader (a book for self-education in language and literature)

murfa'atalab f. lodging an appeal, appealing the

decision of the court

murdzha' f. Arabic
murdzhi'n m. 1 plural Arabic of 1

to observe the rules

... a to give attention b to take

3 observance

Kabul. 2 appeal (to), application (to, for) (for a reference, for


mur' t m. Arabic 1 attention; care, maintenance 2 respect

and commercial ties

mrw f. crossbeam of a water-raising wheel to which the

trough or race is attached

murhq m. Arabic young man, youth, adolescent

murhiqw laj m. youth
murabb f. Arabic preserves, jam

Pashto-English Dictionary

murabb' Arabic 1.1 square square meter, m2

a square 1.2 quadrangular 2 m. square; quadrangle
murabba'sh nta murabba'shkla quadrangular-

merit, virtue 4 mathematics order of magnitude (of numbers)

idiom much, far, by far

muratabedl, murattabedl denominative, intransitive [past:
] 1 to be put into (good) order, be put right, be adjusted;

shaped, square-shaped

murabba' square

mathematics square prism

be regulated 2 to be developed, be worked out (of a plan or

program) 3 to be created, be readied 4 to be achieved, be reached

marbt Arabic 1 constrained; united, combined; joined,

... relating to something; concerning

something papers relating to the case
compound verb 3 proper,
appropriate proper channels, appropriate authorities

idiom This did not yield

any results. This gives certain advantages.
murtadzh' Arabic 1 m. [plural: murtadzhi'n]

connected 2

(of a goal)

reactionary 2 reactionary

subordinate, attached

marbut t m. plural Arabic 1 holdings; areas, regions

the regions of Heart Province 2 sphere of

to attach artillery to a regiment 3 figurative

to relate to something; tie, link with something

marbutijt m. Arabic connection, dependence

marbutedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be joined, be annexed; be fastened, be attached; be connected


2 murtahn m. Arabic pledge, pawn, pawned object

mursij f. Arabic 1 elegy 2 funeral oration 3 mourning
mardzh n m. 1 plural coral 2 proper noun Mardzhan
mardzh na f. proper noun Mardzhana
mardzhn coral
1 muradzhdzhh Arabic 1 preferring 2 f. preference
2 muradzhdzhh preferable
muradzhdzhhn Arabic preferably, preferentially
mardzh' f. Arabic [plural: m. & f. mardzh'] 1

(with), involve 2 military to be attached (to) 3 to relate to

something, concern, involve something
marbutn m. plural Arabic relative, relation

law relatives of the deceased

murabb m. Arabic [plural: murabbij n and Arabic

murabbijn] 1 educator, tutor 2 patron, protector, sponsor
mrt m. 1 myrtle 2 baby powder
1 muratb, murattb Arabic 1 put in (good) order, put right
an orderly life to keep in order 2

authority 2 addressee 3 source (of a book, a journal, etc.)

mardzhu m. 1 pochard 2 pearl diver, pearl fisher

mardzhiw m. 1 diver 2 pearl diver
mrch, mrch m. plural pepper red pepper

regular, systematic 3 regulated 4 developed, worked out (e.g., of

a plan, program)

murattb Arabic 1.1 putting into (good) order; putting right

black pepper

1.2 developing, working out (e.g., a plan, program) 2 m. [plural:

murattib n and Arabic

creator, originator

murattibn] .1 organizer 2.2

martab na m. glazed jug


seasoned with (lots of) pepper 2 irascible person, hot-

mrchakj m.

idiom He flared up. He

mrchk 1 red pepper 2 irascible

waterfowl 3 ditch

regulate 3 to develop, work out (e.g., a plan, a program); create,

martab f. Arabic [plural:

2 murchkj m. oleander
murchl m. [plural: murchalna and Eastern f. plural:
murchle] 1 2 platform for shooting wild

muratabawl, murattabawl denominative, transitive [past:

] 1 to put into (good) order, put right, adjust 2 to


mrchakj m. 1 red pepper

person, hot-tempered person

covered dish

2 communicating 3 constrained

got red as a lobster.

regularly; systematically
murtabt Arabic 1 closed, covered

mrchk m.

tempered person

murattbn Arabic in order, in succession, one after the other;

compound verb a to renounce, abandon (one's)

murtadw laj m. 1 apostasy 2 desertion, treason

murtaz Arabic The Chosen One (epithet of Ali)
murtaf' Arabic high, elevated, lofty
murtaq Arabic highly developed
murtakb Arabic 1 committing a crime 2 sinning
1 murtahn m. Arabic 1 mortgagee, pawnee 2 usurer,

marbutawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to join, annex; fasten, attach; tie, bind together 2 military to attach

faith b to become a renegade, be a traitor


murtd, murtdd m. Arabic 1 apostate 2 renegade, traitor,


martab and m. plural:

martb] 1 rank, grade 2 degree 3 dignity, quality,

1 murch f. termite, white ant

2 murch f. rust (on iron)
3 murch f.
mardz m.
mrtsk m. small lizard


Pashto-English Dictionary

martsj m.
martsitb m. emnity, hostility, animosity
martsng m. 1 trowel 2 dialect pincers, tongs
marhab Arabic Welcome! ! I welcome

2 f. courage, bravery 3 courageously, bravely, like a man

the village where men gather or where guests stay

marhal f. [plural: marhal and m. plural Arabic

marhl] 1 stage, period; level, degree; phase
initial stage qualitative degree the stage
passed through status quo to
approach the end 2 run; stage; stop a at the
first stage b in the first leg (e.g, when traveling, between the first
two stations or stops) c at the first stop d at once, immediately,
right now

2 fragment, splinter, shard

marhamt m. Arabic [plural:


marhm] kindness,

to show kindness to someone; show

mercy to someone

marhm Arabic deceased

markhaj f. jujube, Zizyphus jujuba
markhej m. mushroom
1 mard m. 1 man, male; person 2 brave man, courageous man,
brave spirit 3 brave, noble, and decent person, real man
saying dst-i p y-i Either fight or run.
2 mrd m. knitted bone
murd r 1.1 dead carrion 1.2 foul; unclean,
dirty turbid water a swamp b cesspit,
cesspool c figurative quagmire 1.3 bad, nasty, unpleasant, vile,

a wretched life 2 m.
scoundrel, villain compound verb
carrion, dead flesh, a dead thing medicine herpes;
shingles All his life Ahmed
mean, base, foul; wretched

has been playing dirty tricks. Ahmed is an inveterate scoundrel.

murdrkh ra

murdrkh r


1 feeding on carrion (of animals) 2 m. figurative bribe-taker,


murdrdn f. medicine herpes; shingles

murdrsng m. massicot, lead monoxide, litharge, lead

murdrawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

dirty, soil 2 to defile, profane idiom to

lay the blame on others

murd ra f. carrion; dead body, corpse

murdrhaj m. donkey, ass, hinny
murdr m. 1 dirt; nastiness; pollution, corruption

abomination, nasty thing, loathsome thing, vileness, meanness

compound verb to act in a vile manner, behave

atrociously, act underhandedly; play a dirty trick on

murdredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

die (of animals) 2 to soil oneself, get dirty 3 to be defiled, be

mardnadz j m. regional hujra, men's house, house in

mardnag f. courage, valor

mardrw m. 1 parapet 2 breastwork
mardk, mardk m. [plural: mardkna,
mardk n and mardk] cartridge; bullet; shell, round
armor-piercing shell highexplosive bomb military trajectory
compound verb to fire on, shell
mardka f. 1 ball (for playing lunki) to play lunki


mardn 1.1 courageous, brave 1.2 man's, men's (of clothes)

1 mardki plural of
2 mardakj m. 1 2
3 mardakj f. 1 2
mardm m. plural people; the world, mankind, humanity
mardumz r, mardumz ra 1 oppressing,
oppressive 2 m. oppressor

murdn m. death; dying

mardand n m. rye grass
mardd Arabic outcast, rejected, repudiated; damned, cursed,

mardw f. biology seed, sperm

1 mard f. millstone axle
2 murd 1 dead, deceased 2 m. [plural:

murdag n]

(dead) body, corpse

murdarng deathly pale

murdasng m. 1 lead oxide 2 white lead (a pigment)
1 mard f.
2 mard f.
mirz mirza, scribe, clerk; secretary
mrastwna assistance, cooperation, working together, support
mrastw l m. 1.1, 1.4
mrastn m. 1 shelter, refuge, almshouse, poorhouse 2
mrastnaj 1 helping; supporting, cooperating; auxiliary 2
m. assistant idiom tributary
mrsta f. 1 help, aid, assistance, support, cooperation
economic aid moral support
unselfish assistance medical assistance
mutual assistance material aid
a subsidy, grant-in-aid b donation in the form of money
a with the help of, with the support of someone, with
someone's cooperation b in collaboration with someone
to render someone great assistance
to help each other to extend the
hand of assistance to further something 2
collaboration, cooperation ... a to aid, assist,

Pashto-English Dictionary

show support, support, contribute (to)

good omen


to collaborate in

the magazine 3 textbook, training aid

mrastj m. 1 person who is rendering assistance; assistant 2

figurative favorable factor

great source of life.

textbook, training aid 2 assisting, working with, contributing to

2 m. messenger, envoy 3

prophet 4 missionary

mursl Arabic 1 sending, dispatching



sending station 2 m. sender

mursalaljh m. Arabic addressee, receiver, recipient

1 mursal f. Arabic [plural: mursal and m. plural:
Arabic mursal t] 1 message; letters 2 sending,

mursil f. Arabic (radio)transmitter

transmitting radio station

trkh-i "Tarikh-i murassa" (the title of a

history of the Afghans written by Afzal-Khan Khattak)

2 f. .1 satisfaction 2.2 desire, will; wish, inclination

in spite of (one's) desire

as you choose, as you

please, as you like

maraz Arabic 1 sick, unhealthy; infirm, sick, feeble;

delicate, sickly, morbid 2 pathological; pathogenic

martab n m.

mar' Arabic 1 observed, kept, performed 2 common,

generally used
mar'ij-ul-idzhr Arabic subject to being carried out,

subject to being observed

mrghk m. 1 pin, peg (door, millstone) 2 disease of

compound verb a to come out (of a pin, peg) b

marghalra f. 1 pearl 2 proper noun Margarita, Margalira

idiom to spread pearls of oratory
marghaln twisted thread
proverb Everyone thinks his own rope is strong.
murghmur f. epizootic disease of hens
marghmaj m. 1
marghb Arabic 1 pleasant, attractive, nice 2 of good
marghubijt m. 1 pleasantness, attractiveness 2 high


martb Arabic 1 damp, wet, moist; moistened 2

4 murgh m. bird
murgh b m. Murgab (river)
murghbj f. duck duck hunting
murghchka f. small pearl
murgh w m.
murghb z m. lover or handler of fighting birds
murghpal w m. pilaf with chicken
margh na f. 1 dung beetle 2 dung ball 3 dialect eyeball
marghchchaj m. [usually plural marghchchi]

blossoming, healthy

martubawl denominative, transitive [past:

dampen, moisten, wet

mrgh m. hearth made of clumps of earth (in the shape of a


quality, high-quality

sick (of camels)

marz Arabic 1 pleasant; affording satisfaction; satisfying

to suffer a dislocation of the thighbone (of the hip) c to become

figurative evil, vice


compound verb


marz m. Arabic [plural: marazna and Arabic

amr z] 1 illness, disease infectious disease
diagnosis 2 trouble, misfortune 3

to cast stones (in telling fortunes)

with light clouds.

murass' Arabic sprinkled with precious stones, decorated

mragh m. 1 large stone being used in weight-lifting exercises;

botany Our Lady's Tears, Job's Tears

director of pupils 2 teacher, preceptor

with jewels

lucky day

marghachka f.
mrghchj m. necklace of Venetian (artificial) pearls
maghaj m. 1 gland 2 fatty tumor, lipoma
marghz r m. meadow
mraghstraj m. Jupiter
marghasna f. small cloud The sky is covered

marsub t m. plural Arabic geology deposits

marsl Arabic sent, dispatched; addressed
marsul f. Arabic item of mail; parcel; package, packet
marsng m.
murshd m. Arabic 1 murshid, spiritual tutor, mentor,

bad omen

compound verb to tell fortunes from stones, read stones

mrastj l 1 m. .1 assistant; deputy 1.2 apprentice 1.3

mrastj la feminine of
1 mursl Arabic 1 sent, dispatched

weights, dumbbells 2 fortunetelling with stones

The sun is the

supporter, adherent, advocate 1.4 guardian, protector, patron 1.5

mrgh m. omen, augury

aircraft acted in coordination with the infantry b to

collaborate, cooperate


marghu ne f. anointing of a newborn with dough and oil

marghtsaj m.
marghutj f. arrogance, haughtiness, loftiness
marghuna f. marghu f. arrogance, haughtiness,
loftiness to put on airs
1 marghu f. arrogance, haughtiness, loftiness
compound verb to put on airs


Pashto-English Dictionary

2 marghaj m. arrogant person, conceited person

marghuzj m. nestling, fledgling
marghl, marghl m. marghul, marghol f.

1 locks,

curls, ringlets 2 trill, warble; modulation

marghmkaj m. 1 little billy-goat 2 name of a children's


marghmaj m. 1 young goat 2 Capricorn (the


muraqqq' f. Arabic 1 album 2 memorandum book,

Jadi (the tenth month of the solar

merkntilzm m. mercantilism
marakw m.
1 murakkb Arabic 1.1 mixed, compiled; constituent;
consisting of something 1.2 complex, compound
grammar compound word grammar denominative verb
grammar compound or complex sentence
2 make-up, structure

year December-January) 3 name of a children's game

2 marghme f. little nanny-goat

1 murgh, mrgh m. [plural: murgh n, mrgh n] bird
(often a bird of prey) little bird, birdie

murakkab t m. Arabic plural 1 of

murakabedl, murakkabedl denominative, intransitive

] to be formed (of compound words, verbs, etc.)

bird feed

margh f. 1 Bermuda grass 2 any grass that produces turf

or sod

3 margh f. marghacha lawn, grass plot

marghakr f. 1 laying out or seeding a lawn 2


mrgh f. used as the second element in word compounds

2 mrghj m. diminutive little bird, birdie
idiom That's a migratory birdhere today,
there tomorrow. not leave the smallest


3 mrghaj used as the second element in word compounds

unfortunate, unhappy
4 murghj, marghj 1 bird, little bird, birdie
decoy 2 plural birds 3 proper noun Murgi
idiom a to stick together (of the eyes when one is drowsy or
nodding off) b to be dazzled

5 margh plural of 2, 3
murghjpl m. pea vine, Lotus corniculatus
murghechj m. boy who chases birds away from a seeded
field; crop guard

murghikhn f. regional poultry yard, fowl run, hen

house, chicken coop

mrghedl intransitive [past:


to have (the) luck, be

advantage, gain 2 handy thing, device, contrivance, gadget 3


2 grammar


marakch m. 1 representative, delegate 2 Jirga member 3

matchmaker 4 deputy 5 interlocutor

markz m. Arabic [plural: markazna and Arabic

markz] center physics figurative center of
gravity mathematics center of a circle
airbase military bases the capital (of
Kabul) in Kabul (city)
village club scientific research center
first-aid station to collect one's

markaz Arabic 1 central central bank

markazijt m. 1 central position 2 centralizaton,

2 middle

concentration 3 centralism

markn m. regional gullet, throat

the throat

to seize by

markanj f. 1 occipital bone; occiput 2 upper cervical

vertabra 3 dialect throat

marakaw l m. 1 member of a delegation or group 2

markz Arabic 1 erected, hoisted, established; driven into 2


marak f. 1 delegation; committee, commission 2

conversation; talks, negotiations


conversation was a bit drawn out. 3 meeting, conference

press conference

a to converse with

someone b to confer with someone 4 matchmaking

compound verb to send matchmakers 5 soviet, council (an organ

of governmental authority)

city council

idiom history Afghan circle, Afghan club (for philology)

marakach 1 m.


marqadna and Arabic

1 2

compound words 3 chemistry compounds

murghjoj f. botony wild mallow

marghej m.
murghjkaj m. broomrape (a weed)
marghi m. idler, slacker, loafer, lazybones
mirfq, marfq m. Arabic 1 profitable thing; benefit,
mirfaqijt m. utility, advantage
marqd m. Arabic [plural:
marqd] tomb; grave

markb m. 1 riding animal (horse or camel) 2 ship, vessel

3 saddle

the ground

2 m. interlocutor 3

marg m. death life and death

murder dying, moribund sudden
death ! Drop dead! to be

Pashto-English Dictionary

sentenced to death

idiom a to die, be dying

b to sleep a deep sleep c to exhibit negligence, show carelessness

He was incurably ill. to

risk (one's) life Eastern You can't
escape death. He is not afraid of death.
saying When death threatens
you'll be glad for the fever. idiom
There's a lot of work there. on one's deathbed
margn 1 mortal, lethal, deadly 2 mortally
to be mortally wounded

margnj, margn being near death mortally

margb r threatening with death
marg m. place where Hindus bathe the deceased
marg-dzhw k m.
margraj m. dialect 1
marg-zhw k m. marg-gw
k m. dialect 1 life
and death 2 figurative joy and sorrow

marg-i-mh m. botony mullein, Verbascum

marg-i-msh m. arsenic
marg f. 1 loss of cattle (from disease), epizooty 2 epidemic
Dasht-i Margo (desert, southwestern Afghanistan)
margaj m. 1
marguj m. forge
1 marg fatal, mortal, deadly
2 margj m. diminutive of death cry
to threaten someone with death Death

marl f. regional marla (a measure of area equal to about 4

square meters)

murlj f. reed pipe (snake catcher's)

mrm present tense first person of
maramt, marammt m. Arabic 1 repairing, mending 2
curing, treating, (medical) treatment idiom to deal
with someone

maramatkr, marammatkr f. repair, repair work

marmr m. singular & plural marble sng-i
marble marble slabs
marmarkr f. marble facing
1 marmar marble, marbly marble
2 marmrj m. maize at the milk-wax stage of ripeness
marmarn marble, marbly
marmz Arabic 1 secret, mysterious fairy tales
2 classified secret, secret 3 unrevealed, latent, hidden; not


marm f. Arabic [m. plural:

mrand m. dam, weir; millpond


marmij t] shell,

mrnda f. girl who is not permitted to marry into another clan

or family because of enmity

to stay unmarried

because of enmity between tribes or families (of a girl)

maraj f. purslane, portulaca, rose moss

marw m. 1 Merv (city) 2 history Mary (city)
marw n m. Arabic proper noun Marvan
1 muruwwt m. Arabic 1 generosity, magnanimity 2 valor,
courage compound verb a to show magnanimity,
demonstrate generosity b to display courage, show valor

marwt 1 m. plural Marvats (the tribe) 2 m. Marvat 3

plural m. Marvat (the region of the Marvat tribe)

marwt m. 1 bends, twists, meanders 2 folds, creases 3


4 marwt m. rest, peace, calm, quiet

1 murawwdzh Arabic 1 spreading, promoting sales,
marketing 2 m. patron, sponsor, protector

murawwdzh Arabic widespread, usual, common

money in circulation

fixed prices

murawwadzhedl denominative, intransitive [past:

to be widespread, be widely accepted; spread widely

murd m.

murr m. Arabic 1 passing, passage 2 course, duration,

in time, in due

exiration (of time, a term, a period)

expiration of this time, after this

course; law by prescription 3 affibility, urbanity; attention,


2 marawr, marawr, marawr offended, treated badly

He bears a grudge against me. compound verb
to offend, treat badly compound verb to
resent someone

marawartb m.

marawrtj f. offense, injury,


marawrw laj m. 1

2 passion 3 fit of

irritation; flash anger, fit of rage

marwarawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

offend someone, hurt someone's feelings, treat someone badly,
insult someone

marur, maror f.

marorj m. 1 chamomile, matricaria

2 regional botany Helicteres isora

marawredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to take offense, take umbrage, be hurt, resent 2 to grieve, be sad

mar m. 1 bends, twists, meanders 2 cramp, convulsion

compound verb a to bend b to have a cramp, writhe (in

mrol transitive [past: ] 1 to roll up; crumple;

crush 2 to fracture, wrench, sprain (an arm) 3 to torment, harass

4 figurative to stifle, suppress (the spirit)


Pashto-English Dictionary

mro f. oil-soaked rag, cleaning patch (for cleaning

maregj m. entertainment on the occasion

of the birth of a son compound verb to entertain,


arrange an entertainment on the occasion of the birth of a son

mra f. bump, swelling (from an insect bite)

mro m. plural 1 rolling up; crumpling, wadding 2

fracturing, spraining (arms) 3 tormenting, harassing 4 stifling,

marho f.
marhn Arabic 1 obliged, obligated, grateful to someone
to be grateful to someone 2 to be dependent
on something 3 pawned pawn a debt that is
secured by pledged property idiom My life

belongs to you.

marhun f. Arabic pawn, thing pawned

1 mrj present tense second person plural of
2 mar f. Arabic esophagus
3 mri present tense of
4 mraj m.
5 marj f. 1 throat larynx
to strangle someone to speak in a hoarse voice
to take someone by the

(of flowers)

marins, merins m.
mari f. 1 uncut strip (of a field) 2

unfinished work 5 confused affair, involved business 6 patch

mraj m. mrajj m. [plural: mraj n and

mrajna] 1 slave 2 man, God's slave

mrajitb m. slavery
mrejl transitive [past: ]

m 1 [f.

m f. plural: me] .1
saying It's all or nothing.

ma m. plural:

dead, deceased, passed away

standing, stagnant (of water) 1.5 sterile, barren, fruitless

ma barren ground

compound verb a to kill, do away

to put out the light d to exhaust, overwork (someone)

You starved him. e to torment, harass, exasperate
I miss you terribly. f to frighten, scare,

with b to exterminate, destroy c to extinguish, put out

frighten (someone) to death g to shame, put to shame, make

to pretend to be dead,
feign death to commit suicide 2 [plural: m]
dead person, corpse, the deceased saying
Whatever the deceased said it has gone with him.
saying The deceased's property follows him.
idiom to get cold (of food); get stale idiom the night

ashamed of

before a holiday

mm 1 withered, faded, drooped 2 listless, lazy 3 flowing

slowly (of water)

mmtb m.

mmtj f. 1 withering 2 inertia,

listlessness 3 laziness

murd m. Arabic religion murid, follower of a Sufi spiritual

murid f. religion muridism

1 to rinse 2 to filter,

1.2 extinguished, gone out 1.3 flabby, limp, listless, feeble 1.4


teacher-master or pir


idiom Her lips were trembling; she was about to burst into


unplowed field 3

meager crop, crop not yielding a harvest 4 unfinished business,

marj f. 1 small ball 2 bead, beads 3 (glass) beads 4

talisman, charm

7 mre present tense second person of

mraj n plural of
mrb in lieu of and
marej m. Mahrat idiom to display bravery
maredzhj m.
marrkh m. Arabic Mars (the planet) the planet

medical certificate

excused from work because of illness

mrel f. 1 auspicious occasion, propitious occasion 2 turn
marjm f. Arabic
marj-marj 2
marjma f. proper noun Mariam, Maria
mrinj f. 1 armful (of straw, hay) 2 bunch, small bouquet


mariz f. illness, sickness, disease

of illness (given by an employee)

throat 2 Adam's apple

sick list 2 unhealthy, diseased (organ)


marz Arabic 1 m. sick person, patient

yi certificate of illness; medical certificate of unfitness for work,

suppressing (of the spirit)

4 mro imperfect of
mroj m. colic, shooting pain
marwanj f. kochia, Vitex negundo (yields a dye)
1 marw adjective of Merv, of Mary
2 marwj f. chamomile
1 mra imperative, imperfective aspect of
2 mra used in
marha m. 1 Mahrat 2 state or nation of the Mahrats
marhm m. Arabic 1 plaster; ointment, liniment
Eastern to apply a plaster 2 figurative balm, consolation,

marezj m.

mmdzh m. 1 listless person, lazy person 2 person who is

pretending to be weak and feeble, one feigning weakness and

compound verb to be


a murid

Pashto-English Dictionary

mmawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

promote fading, contribute to fading 2 to make (someone) an

maz m. common quail

mazb z m. lover of quail fights
mzga 1 scraggy, emaciated, not suitable for slaughter (of
sheep, goats, etc.) lean meat 2 f. worthless horse,

idler, loafer, lazybones

mmedl denominative, intransitive [past:

wither 2 to be listless, be lazy 3 to perish

ma na f. 1 courage, valor, bravery, heroism

compound verb to display courage, bravery, valor

1 to

worn-out horse, plug, jade

He was renowned for his bravery. 2 maturity, virility

The boy has become a man.

generosity, magnanimity

mwtj f.
mwawl transitive
m waj 1 withered, faded 2 listless; lazy; passive
3 sleepy (of the eyes) 4
dispirited, depressed, despondent, woebegone

mwajtb m.
mwedl intransitive
mp [f. map, m. plural: mp f. plural:
mep] dead, departed, deceased; dead animal
mtt listless; lazy; passive
mtb m. 1
mtn m. cemetery, burial ground, graveyard
1 mtj f. 1 listlessness; laziness 2 death, dying
2 matj f. satiety, satiation
mk m. basting, tacking; basting thread, tacking thread
madzhu mean, vile, lowdown
mdzhnaj 1 faded, drooping, withered 2 near death,
dying, on the verge of death

madz f. female quail, quail hen

buttonquail, Turnix tanki


mtsapn 1 wilted, withered 2 perished, killed, lost

mtspaj spiritless, listless; lazy
1 mkhandj m. smile
2 mkhndaj smiling
mkhba sleeping like a log, being dead asleep
tubercular, consumptive
mkhgaj m. Western patient with tuberculosis;

maza f. female quail, quail hen quail hen

mzhw nd mzhw ndaj 1 half-alive, half-dead;
neither alive nor dead to beat someone to within an
inch of his life He was beaten half to
death. 2 dying 3 faded, withered, lifeless, limp

mstrgaj 1 sly, cunning 2 shameless, brazen, impudent,

insolent, impertinent

of death (among the ancient Persians)

mshma f. commemorative feast, funeral repast (arranged

at the home of the deceased by his relatives and friends during the
three days following the death)
arrange a commemorative feast

compound verb to

m shwaj (who has) died, passed away

maht m. 1 saturation; satiety, satiation

2 figurative


mghakj f. botony rush

mghanj f. discord, dissension
mghn mghundzh , maghundzhj 1
wilted, faded 2 lazy compound verb a to fade, droop,
wither b to grow lazy, become lazy

maghne f. plural colocynth, bitter apple; wild


half alive

mghechn mghezhn 1
He was scarcely alive. 2 faded,

wilted 3 torpid 4 sad, melancholy (eyes, a look) 5 pale (of the


mkawna f. murder, assassination
ml intransitive [present: past:


1 to die,

pass away 2 to die out, go out, be extinguished, die down 3 to

come to a standstill, end, cease, die, fade away 4 to be emaciated,

be physically exhausted, be worn out 5 to worry about, torment

consumptive patient

mkhug f. tuberculosis, consupmtion

mkhlaj m. indecisive person, ditherer, milksop
mad m. 1 1 2 saint; spiritual teacher, preceptor
mad n m. Mardan (city near Peshawar)
mdk m. [plural: mdk] bullet; cannonball
madakj m.
mudn m.
mde listen here, friend ! Listen here, Ismat!

mastn m. 1 cemetery, graveyard; eternal peace 2 tower

oneself, exhaust oneself with

He exhausted himself

with grief. 6 to frighten, frighten to death 7 to be struck dumb, be

speechless, be dumbfounded, be stupified

saying When you aren't here I long for you; when you are with

me I die from you: can't live with you and can't live without you

mamzk m. marmazak (a variety of sweet apple)

mmnd m.
maantb m.
1 maanj 1.1 courageous, bold, valorous, brave 1.2 capable
(academically) 1.3 skillful, able 2 m. .1 hero, brave

Pashto-English Dictionary

5 ma feminine of 1
mp m. 1 plural of 2 map feminine singular of

ma tba f. fever with a not very high temperature, low-grade

man, bold spirit, daredevil 2.2 academically gifted person 2.3

expert 2.4 skilled craftsman

2 maanj feminine to 1
1 ma oblique plural of
2 mo oblique plural of
3 ma oblique plural of 1
mw k m. mw kaj m.

fever that is extremely exhausting for the patient; subfebrile


executor (of someone's

regional dropsy

2 watered,

mkhwg m. regional dropsy

maakhj m. rich, high-calorie food
mhka f. wasting fever; consumption
mhkaj sick with a wasting fever; consumptive
mked m. plural 1 dying 2 extinction; dying away,
dying down The candle will soon go out.
malne f. mahjtba f.
1 maj 1 murdered, killed, slain; dead 2 m. .1 deceased 2.2
corpse, dead body corpse
2 mj m. thick log of wood beneath a millstone that bears its

irrigated (of fields, etc.)

maobawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

water, give to drink (animals) 2 to water, irrigate (e.g., fields)

maobedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

have something to drink; quench, slake one's thirst 2 to be
watered, be irrigated

mawch powerful, strong

mawachtb m. force, strength, power
mokhw f. north
mkhlaj 1 taciturn, silent, untalkative 2 shy, bashful
mus paired word with
mos f. stucco decorations, plaster decorations (on doors,


walls, and in niches)

maha f. married woman

maoh f. marriage, matrimony, family life
mkaj m. roll of dough that is thrown into the fire in order to
safeguard against the evil eye
maawl denominative, transitive [past: ] to satiete,
sate compound verb to be full, be sated, eat one's fill

idiom to satisfy one's needs

2 mawl denominative, transitive [past: ]


mawandj f.
1 mana plural of
2 maawna f. saturation, satiety, satiation
manaj mortal, deadly, fatal ( the) grave
maawnkaj saturating; feeding, giving food to the point of

ma old chap, old fellow, old boy, lad, laddie

ma f. shawl; lap robe; blanket

m plural & oblique singular of

ma feminine of

We earned our daily

bread. to be subjected to plundering
5 me feminine plural of
6 ma feminine plural of 1
7 me feminine singular of 1 1
maedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
bread b dry food

become sated, eat one's fill 2 figurative to grow cold towards,

do everything with one's own hands


muj m. ram, male sheep

lose interest in something 3 figurative to be satisfied (of

(who is) washing the deceased

1 wrist 2 hand

maj f. 1 piece piece of bread 2 drink,

mouthful, sip, gulp 3 food; bread a dry bread, stale


extinguish, put out, snuff out

mawnd m.

contented look

makhw unwillingly, reluctantly

maakhwj f. 1 satiety, satiation 2 pleasure, satisfaction
mkhwg m. plural 1 tuberculosis, consumption 2

(e.g., of a postage stamp)

mw laj 1 death 2 cancellation, state of being cancelled

2 maw laj m. saturation; satiety, satiation

mab 1 watered, given to drink (of animals)

maakhw 1 f. satiety, satiation 2 attributive .1 full, sated

2.2 content, satisfied


requirements, etc.) or
idiom I can never see enough of her.
maedna f. 1 satiety, satiation; saturation 2 plenty,

maed m. plural 1 saturation 2 figurative cooling off

towards, losing interest in something

mest n m. mestn m. cemetery, graveyard

maka f.
mna f. 1 death, demise to pass away
saying Better death than disgrace. 2 mortality,
death rate infant mortality
1 mjaj sheep, sheep's, ovine; ram, ram's mutton
sour sheep's milk

Pashto-English Dictionary

mujj 1 sheep's, ram's 2 m. .1 sheepskin 2.2 mutton


muz m. payment (for grinding flour, etc.)

miz dzh m. Arabic 1 character, temperament; disposition 2
health status idiom He doesn't like that.
mizdzhpurs f. regional
mizdzh 1 medicine organic 2 caprice, whim
muz h f. Arabic 1 joke; prank 2 parody
muzhm Arabic 1 blocking, preventing, hindering 2 feeling

compound verb to keep a servant 4

the proletariat
mazdurk r m. 1 worker, working man 2 worker,
3 servant



mazdra f. (female) worker

mazdur f. 1 work for hire; day work; working as or being a
farm laborer 2 hard physical labor, unskilled work
compound verb a to work for hire; work as a day laborer; work as
a farm hand b to do hard physical labor, do unskilled labor 3 pay

shy, diffident or nervous, awkward 3 causing anxiety, causing

for work, wages 4 payment, fee, compensation (e.g., to a doctor)


5 labor, work

muzhamt m.
muzham t]

Arabic [ muzhamatna and


mazra'-yi demonstration farm

tomb, grave,

mazar; place of worship, place of pilgrimage

Sharif, of or pertaining to Mazar-i-Sharif

mazj m. & f. plural Arabic of

muzjad f. Arabic selling by auction; auction
mazbal f. Arabic trash heap, garbage pile; dump
mazbr Arabic aforementioned, aforesaid, above-mentioned
mazdzh m. Arabic 1 mixture, blending, merger 2 solution
compound verb
compound verb to mix, blend
mazdzhawl denominative, transitive [past:
mix, blend 2 to dissolve

1 to

muzakhrf, muzkharf Arabic 1 deceptive, false, lying,

mendacious 2 absurd, ridiculous, preposterous; senseless, foolish

3 coarse, rough; tawdry (of decoration, ornamentation)

muzakhraf t m. plural Arabic 1 absurdity, nonsense 2

bragging, boasting

mazr' Arabic

mazru' sown, planted

sown or planted area, area under crops; cultivated area

2 maz r m. abbreviated form of

mazrist n m. cemetery
mazr-i-sharf m. Mazar-i-Sharif
history Mazar-i-Sharif Province
1 muzr' m. Arabic farmer, agriculturalist, tiller of the soil
2 mazr' m. plural Arabic of
mazr colloquial Mazar, of or pertaining to Mazar; Mazar-i-

product of labor

mazd, muzd m. singular & plural miller, millers

mazra' f. Arabic [plural: mazra' and m. plural
Arabic mazr'] 1 sowing, sown field 2 farm

constraint, uneasiness, difficulty,

mazdgj m. two-year-old camel

1 maz r m. Arabic [plural: mazr t]

to raise

gift given as a token of gratitude (for work
muzd mazd m. payment for work; wages

1 mazr f. sandals made from dwarf palm leaves

2 mzarj m. Eastern tiger lion
3 mazraj m. dwarf palm tree
4 mzarj f. 1 tigress 2 lioness
mzaritb m. bravery
mazrna f. article made from the leaves of the dwarf palm
a hat made of dwarf palm leaves
muzgh j m. 1 small wineskin 2 tobacco pouch 3 small
bag (for antimony)

mazghj m. dialect 1
mzka f. dialect 1 land, ground wasteland 2 floor

mazgaw m. earthenware pot that is set into the ground near
a mill and into which tips for the miller's assistant are tossed

mazl m. passage, transition; run; stage, distance between stops

flight distance The city is at a
distance of five miles. compound verb a to
travel b to go, drive, ride; follow We rode all
night. c to flow (of a river)
mazaldz j m. rabat, caravanserai
mazal f.
mazm r m. kind of flute
mazmaz f. Arabic movement, agitation, oscillation,

someone's pay

done) that is worth more than the earnings

muzdk m. 1 enclosed place 2 mosque

mazdgraj m. miller
mazdr m. 1 hired worker, wage worker; day laborer;
unskilled laborer; farm laborer, hired hand 2 loader, carrier, coolie


muzmn Arabic chronic

perpetual crisis

chronic illness

1 muzaww r Arabic false, spurious, fake, counterfeit, sham

2 muzawwr m. Arabic 1 liar 2 falsifier
1 maz f. 1 (pleasant) taste to eat with satisfaction
2 interest to lose all interest in This
is an interesting story. 3 pleasure compound verb a to

Pashto-English Dictionary

taste, try, partake (of) b to obtain pleasure, get satisifaction

compound verb to be to one's taste; afford pleasure,

That will be very pleasant.
I like the rural life. a to have a pleasant
taste b to afford pleasure, give satisfaction, be pleasant
We took a very pleasant walk.
be pleasant

idiom lively, animatedly, gaily

2 mza f. computer science cable

mazad r mazan k 1 tasty; sweet, aromatic 2
pleasant pleasant evening 3 interesting, attractive
1 mzaj, mzaj m. 1 wire; conductor telephone
wire compound verb to lay wire, wire; install wiring
to install a telephone 2 thread 3 lisle
thread 4 tent rope 5 bowstring 6 selvage, edge (of fabric) 7
figurative bonds, ties (e.g., of friendship)

to strengthen the bonds of friendship

2 mzaj, mzaj 1 firm, stable 2 musclular, stalwart, hefty
prompt, quick, expeditious compound verb a to

strengthen, reinforce b to cause to be prompt, make quick

3 maz plural of
mazij t m. Arabic [plural:

mazijatna and Arabic

mazj ] superiority; quality, merit, virtue



m. baby mouse, young mouse

lanl r m. computer science mouse shortcut
wahnkaj 1 m. common kestrel (bird) 2

mug l transitive
first person present of


m. dialect

1 mga f. 1 rat; large field mouse 2 calf (of the leg)

2 mg plural of

f. compound verb to be in head (of a ewe)

1 mis m. plural cuprite, red copper ore gray copper ore

cuprite, cuprous oxide copper glance, chalcocite
copper deposits
2 miss f. miss (title)
mas f. smile to say with a smile
musbiq ti competition, competitive

musbiq and m. plural:

musbiq t] 1 contest, competition
to enter a competition with someone 2 rivalry
compound verb a to conduct a competition b to compete
(with) The companies are
competing with one another.

mzaj twawnkaj m. rope-maker

Arabic 1 addition; increase 2.1 additional,


added, supplemented

idiom arms race


verb to decorate, embellish, adorn

1 mag m.

f. joyful news, glad tidings

[plural: mgna,
and mg

mag n] 1 ram, male sheep 2 mouflon; arkhar

2 mug present stem of

1 mugk,
m. mouse
saying Western literally The mouse wouldn't

muspr m.
musprtb m.
musdzhd m. plural Arabic of
mass h m. Arabic land surveyor
masht m. mash f. Arabic 1 area; surface; space
topographers' school chief of the
topographic department (in a province) 2 land surveying, setting

crawl into its hole, and, what's more, it tied a broom to its tail.
figurative Don't bite off more than you can chew.

saying There's nothing in the house.

(literally: In the house a mouse couldn't get his tail dirty.)

saying to wish the

earth would open up and swallow one (out of shame; literally:

Ready to buy a mouse hole for nine shahi.)

2 mgk
m. computer science mouse
z m. common buzzard (bird)

tj f. computer science mouse button
m. arsenic


na f. mousehole, mouse burrow

musbiq f. Arabic [plural:


additional information 2 increased;

mazed r dialect
muzajjn Arabic decorated, embellished

kia tj f. computer science left mouse


compound verb to measure (land, area);

conduct a (land) survey

mus'd Arabic favoring, promoting; favorable, suitable

favorable circumstance to
regard something favorably

mus'idt m. Arabic

mus'idw laj m. 1

promoting, furthering, assistance, help, favoring

compound verb to promote, further, render assistance, favor 2

favorability (of circumstances) 3 suitability, fitness
idiom If time permits.
mus'idawl denominative, transitive [past: ]
to make favorable, make suitable; assist, render aid; further,
promote, favor

Pashto-English Dictionary

mus'idedl denominative, intransitive [past:

to be favorable, be appropriate, be suitable

2 [m. plural:
mus'ij t] effort; endeavor joint efforts
masft m. Arabic
musfn, muspr m. Arabic [plural: musfir n and
Arabic musfirn] traveler; wayfarer
musfart m. Arabic [plural: musfaratna and
Arabic musfir t musfir] f. journey; voyage
tourist permit
musfra feminine to She
mas' f. plural Arabic of

went to another city.

musfiredl denominative, intransitive [past:

set out on a trip, depart

masf f. Arabic [plural:


masf and m. plural:

Arabic masf t] distance; interval; space, span

perigee to measure (the) distance
masa'lt m. Arabic

muslamt m. Arabic 1 pacification; calming, quieting 2

peace; reconciliation to be reconciled with
someone to decide a question by
peaceful means

peaceful coexistence
muslamatkrn 1 peaceful, peace-loving
the peaceful resolution of an issue 2 peacefully,

peaceful; peace-loving


muslam f. Arabic
1 masl f. 1 seasoning, relish; spice spice 2
material(s) construction materials

2 mas'l f.
maslab b m. plural masladzh t m. spice(s)
maslaj marinated, pickled pickled fish
mas mm m. Arabic [plural: masmmna, Arabic
mas m, mas mm and masmm t] pore, body pores
musmah f. Arabic connivance, winking at; carelessness,
negligence, laxity

musmahakr f. don't-care attitude towards one's

work, negligence, laxity

masnd m. plural Arabic of

musw t m. Arabic equality property
equality economic equality
to be on an equal footing with someone
musw Arabic 1 equal; same; equivalent
equal to zero equal rights on equal
principles to be of equal worth 2 sports tie, draw
muswijn 1 equal, same 2 on equal principles, equally

muswiw laj m. mathematics equality, equation

mas'l m. plural Arabic of
misb r m. 1 copper alloy; tombak (a copper-zinc
alloy) 2 borer, drill, auger

musabbb Arabic conditioned (by), causing something

musabbb Arabic 1 being conditioned (by), causing

something 2 m. .1 instigator; perpetrator; inciter, firebrand 2.2


musabbib t] stimulus, motive, inducement

masbq Arabic 1 already informed, warned 2 passed,

surpassed, overtaken, left behind

mast 1.1 drunk, intoxicated 1.2 excited, flushed (with)

fast horse 1.3 rapid, wild (a river, stream) 1.4 lively, quick
1.5 proud 1.6 passionate, ardent; furious, violent, unrestrained

1.7 wild, excited (of an elephant in heat) 2 m. proper noun Mast

idiom besotted with love

mustdzhr m. Arabic [plural: mustdzhir n and
Arabic mustdzhirn] renter, leaseholder, tenant, lessee
mastn 1.1 drunk, intoxicated 1.2 excited, flushed (with)

1.3 lively, quick 1.4 experiencing rapture, ecstasy 2.1 drunkenly

2.2 excitedly, flushed 2.3 lively, quickly 2.4 rapturously,


mastw f. rice soup flavored with sour milk

mustabd, mustabdd Arabic 1 despotic
despotism 2 m. despot, tyrant

mstap f. name of a game

mustatr Arabic 1 closed, secret; covered, muffled 2 meant,

understood (of a word)

mustasmr m. Arabic exploiter

mustasn Arabic 1.1 excluded


exclude excused from military service

1.2 exceptional, special 2 f. [m. plural Arabic

mustasn t] exception

mustanw laj m. exclusiveness

mustasn Arabic
mustahb, mustahbb Arabic 1 beloved, favorite, pet,
pleasing; approved 2 desirable

mustahsl m. Arabic product

mustahzr Arabic informed

about something

mustahq, mustahqq Arabic deserving, worthy; having the

right to something; deserved; (as an honorific) honored

having the right to rest




to consider to be

to be worthy of something

mustahkm Arabic secured, strengthened

mustahkam f. 1 securing, strengthening

to learn

mustahl Arabic impossible, improbable

Pashto-English Dictionary

mustakhdm Arabic 1 m. [plural:

mustakhdamn] employee, office worker

serviceman 2 being in service


mustad m Arabic 1 long, lengthy 2 eternal, perpetual

mustadl Arabic (well-)founded, valid, sound; proven,


mustar , mustar h f. Arabic restroom, toilet, latrine

sanitation, waste water treatment
mustard, mustardd Arabic 1 returned, received back 2
recapture (e.g., of an inhabitied place) 3 rejected, turned down,


compound verb

compound verb

mustaradawl, mustaraddawl denominative, transitive

[past: ] 1 to return, give back 2 to recapture, take

retirement, sending in one's resignation

1 musta'mr m. Arabic colonizer, colonialist

2 musta'mr Arabic colonized
musta'mar t m. plural Arabic of
musta'mart 1 colonial
colonial goods 2 m. colonist
musta'mar f. Arabic [plural: musta'mar and m.
plural: Arabic musta'mar t] colony
history The Colonial Office (in Great Britain)
minister of colonial affairs

musta'ml Arabic

mustaradedl, mustaraddedl denominative, intransitive
[past: ] 1 to be returned, taken back; be returned 2 to be

captured, be retaken (e.g., of an inhabited place) 3 to be rejected,

be declined

mistr m. 1 master, skilled craftsman 2 artisan, workman

mustarh Arabic quiet, calm, tranquil
mistrikhn f. shop, workshop
mustaz d Arabic 1 increased, augmented 2 m. literature

mustazad (special verse form in which to each line there is added a

short supplementary line having its own rhythmic pattern)

mustash r m. Arabic 1 counsellor

Counsellor of Embassy 2 consultant

mustashrq m. Arabic Orientalist, Asianist

mustasha'r Arabic comprehending, knowing something
to examine, scrutinize, go deeply into a matter
... to give to understand something
mustat b Arabic 1 highly honored, greatly revered 2 fine,
beautiful, excellent, magnificent

mustatl Arabic mathematics 1.1 oblong, elongated 1.2

rectangular 2 m. rectangle


mustatil rectangular, right-


mustazrf Arabic 1 refined, elegant 2 representational,


the fine arts

school for the arts

musta' r Arabic 1 borrowed

in a figurative way, figuratively

pseudonym 2 used

musta'dzhl Arabic 1 urgent; pressing, rush 2 speeded up,


musta'd Arabic 1 capable, able; talented 2 prepared,

trained, ready 3 disposed towards something

m. colonizer
used, applied in general use; having been

in use, formerly in use or used; secondhand

back, retake (i.e., an inhabited place) 3 to reject, turn down,

musta'f Arabic retiring, going into retirement, applying for

stagnant water


musta'malawl denominative, transitive [past:

]1 to use, apply, employ 2 to wear (clothes, etc.)
musta'maledl denominative, intransitive [past:
]to be used, be applied, be employed
mustaghrq Arabic 1 sunken, immersed 2 sunk, drowned
mustaghn Arabic 1 not in need of something
This article still needs to be corrected. 2
rich, well-to-do 3 independent, self-reliant
to free from something
mustafd Arabic benefiting from, profiting by, making use of
mustafidedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]
to use, utilize something

mustaqbl Arabic 1 future

a verb

2.2 future, futurity

future tense form of

future tense 2 m. grammar .1 future tense

in the near future

mustaqbaltb m. grammar future tense

mustaql, mustaqll Arabic 1 independent, self-reliant
This matter does not depend on him.
render independent head of department
chief directorate of agriculture 2 detached, non-integrated
detached battalion 3 special

mustaqlln Arabic independently, on one's own

mustaqiln, mustaqilln 1 self-reliant, independent

2 on

one's own, independently

mustaqilmiz dzha, mustaqillmiz dzha self-reliant,

independent (of a person)

mustaqm 1 straight


mastk m. 1

Arabic directly, immediately

rye grass 2 grass pea, Lathyrus sativus (causes

the disease lathyrism in humans)


straight line 2 direct,

direct elections 3 staunch, loyal

Pashto-English Dictionary

mastakj m. salty kurut (dried balls of fermented milk or

milk curds)

2 cause, factor

mustamlak t m. plural Arabic 1

compound verb a to

maskh m. Arabic 1 disfiguration, distortion

to wipe

compound verb to distort (e.g., fact, reality) 2 metamorphosis,


musakhkhr Arabic vanquished, brought into submission,


mustamlak f. Arabic 1 dominion, holding 2 colony

mustand Arabic 1.1 founded, grounded, substantiated 1.2
documented documentary movie 2 m. foundation, base
mastba f. rice soup laced with yogurt
1 mastr Arabic 1 closed 2 chaste; modest 3 concealed,

2 mastr
mastur t f. Arabic plural 1 of 2 women
women's hospital
mastur f. Arabic [plural: mastur and f. plural
Arabic mastur t] chaste, modest female
1 mastur f. chastity; modesty
2 mastur plural of
mustauf m. Arabic mustoufi, manager of provincial

mustaufijt m. Arabic managing provincial finance

mastawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1


inebriate, intoxicate 2 to excite, arouse 3 to gladden, exhilarate

mustaw Arabic 1 even, smooth (of surface) 2 flat

1 mustahlk Arabic 1 consuming 2 m. [plural:

maskharag f. clowning, buffoonery, antics

maskhar f. Arabic ridicule, joke to
mock to become a laughingstock
maskharab z m.
maskharatb m.
maskharach m. 1 mocker, joker 2 buffoon
musadds m. Arabic 1 hexagon 2 stanza consisting of six

musaddas Arabic hexagonal

masdd Arabic 1 blocked, obstructed, closed 2
discontinued, suspended compound verb a to block,
obstruct, close b to discontinue, suspend compound
verb a to be blocked, close b to be discontinued, be suspended

msr dialect
masarrt m. Arabic joy, exuberance
musrf Arabic wasteful
1 misr m. plural 1
2 misrj f. folk song verse
musatth Arabic smooth, even

mustahlikn] consumer

mast f. 1 inebriation 2 excitement, arousal 3 exuberance,


to laugh joyfully 4 boisterous,

agility, rambunctiousness 5 pride 6 high-spiritedness, ardor 7

frolicking; amusements 8 turbulent flow (of a river), turbulence

2 mast f. plural boiled fermented milk, yogurt
mastj ra f. wormwood, absinthium, Artemisia absinthium
mastedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

drink, booze 2 to get excited, get all worked up 3 to frisk, frolic;

make merry

misr m. mister, Mr.

masdzhd m. Arabic [plural: masjidna and Arabic
masjd] mosque mosque serving the
population of an area

to smooth the

soil in the garden

mustahlk Arabic 1 consumed 2 depreciated, settled (of

a debt) 3 annihilated, destroyed


compound verb

f. msha 1 stroking, patting 2

one's head (during a namaz)


stroke, pat b to touch c to wipe, rub down

property holding 2.2 colony

mash m. Arabic

touching 3 wiping, rubdown

mustamirr f. Arabic 1 retirement benefit, pension

pension 2 increment, bonus
mustamlk Arabic 1 owned by 2 m. [plural:
mustamlakna and Arabic mustamlak t] .1 dominion,

to rhyme 2 f. rhymed prose

mustalzm Arabic 1 entailing, causing, requiring something

musadzhdzh' Arabic 1 rhymed


lines with)

mistar f. Arabic 1 ruler 2 template (to draw

mastr Arabic written

mastur f. Arabic sample, specimen
mas'd Arabic 1.1 happy, blessed, fortunate 2 prosperous
a to make somebody happy b to improve a
situation 2.1 m. plural Masouds (a tribe) 2 m. Masoud

masqt m. Arabic 1 impact point 2 birthplace, homeland 3


1 msk m. smile
2 musk dialect smiling
msk f. regional smile
mskw msk way with a ready smile
msktb m. quality of being with a ready smile
msktj f. kind smile
muskr Arabic inebriating, intoxicating

Pashto-English Dictionary

muskir t m. plural Arabic [singular: ]1 alcoholic

2 muslm, maslm Muslim Muslim League

musallam t m. plural Arabic axioms, indisputable truths
maslm-lig, muslm-lig 1 belonging to the Muslim

(malty) beverages 2 toast

2 musakkar t m. plural Arabic sweets, candies

mskkj m. person with a ready smile; vivacious person
maskn m. Arabic 1 residence, abode 2 trade domicile
maskant m. Arabic poverty, squalor; need
maskw m. Moscow Muscovite
misk m. regional officers' mess
maskk Arabic hammered, embossed
maskuk t m. plural Arabic hard cash
muskawl, mskawl denominative, transitive [past:
] to make somebody smile
maskn Arabic inhabited, populated

League 2 m. participant in the Muslim League

musalm n m. Arabic Muslim; Mohammedan

musalm na f. Muslim woman; Mohammedan woman
Muslim woman; Mohammedan woman
musalmn f. Islamism; Mohammedanism
musalmnedl denominative, intransitive [past:
]to convert to Islam
1 muslim f. Arabic Muslim woman; Mohammedan woman
2 musallma feminine singular of 1
masll m. Arabic [plural masluln] person sick

inhabited localities

with tuberculosis

maskaw, maskawj 1 Moscow 2 Muscovite

1 mska f. woman who had a miscarriage
2 mask f. butter
muskj smiling compound verb
compound verb
muskedl, mskedl denominative, intransitive [past:
]to smile
miskn Arabic 1 m. beggar, pauper 2 poor; squalid
miskint m. poverty, squalor
miskin f.
misgr m. coppersmith
misgar f. coppersmithing
masl [past: ] to smile He smiled.
musallh Arabic armed armed forces
compound verb to arm to get armed
compound verb to get armed

musallahn armed

a mutiny b armed


maslkh m. Arabic slaughterhouse

musalsl Arabic 1.1 consistent, systematical


This magazine regularly publishes

interesting articles.

musallt Arabic 1 having gained ownership; dominant;

compound verb to dominate,

idiom a domineering person

owning 2 dominating
prevail, reign

maslk m. Arabic 1 occupation, trade, specialty 2 industry

maslak Arabic 1 professional vocational
training career officers
civilian employees 2 special special department
1 musallm Arabic obvious; indubitable; unquestionable
undoubtedly This is a
3 military branch 4 doctrine, worldview

worldview, doctrine of Roshan

regional winnower (worker)

3 masalj feminine of 1
masmmasc. Arabic poisoned compound verb
compound verb compound verb

masmumawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to poison

masmumijt m. Arabic quality of being poisoned

masmumedl denominative, intransitive [past:

to be poisoned

1 masamm Arabic porous

2 musamm Arabic named, called, nicknamed
musn, musnn Arabic old; aged; elderly
1 masnd m. Arabic [plural masnadna and Arabic
masnd] 1 support 2 throne 3 high position 4 large

continuous, having continuity 2 consistently, systematically

masal f. prayer rug

1 maslaj past participle of
2 masalj m. [plural masaliy n]

2 musnd m. Arabic grammar predicate

musnadaljh m. Arabic grammar subject
masnn Arabic having become customary, having become
common practice

masna f. smile
misw k m. Arabic 1 toothpick 2 toothbrush
to brush one's teeth
misw ka index finger
index finger
musawwad, maswad f. Arabic 1 draft, draft note, outline;
sketch 1.2 testing, experiment, test, trial as an
experiment 1.3 project (i.e., of a law, plan) draft
law compound verb a to make a draft, register, draft,
sketch b to do as an experiment c to draw up a plan, formulate a

commonly recognized and indisputable truth.


Pashto-English Dictionary


msh m. 1 bosom 2 inside pocket

mushbh Arabic resembling, similar, analogous
similar to this
mushbaht m. mushbah f. Arabic resemblance,
similarity, analogy to be very similar to
They are very similar.
to compare
masht, musht f. face; ugly mug, muzzle, snout
mushdzhar f. Arabic [plural: mushjar and m.
plural: Arabic mushjar t] dispute, conflict; feud
mush d, msh d 1 ugly, hideous 2 gloomy, bleak
mushd f.
mush r Arabic indicated, mentioned, said
mushriljh, mushruniljh Arabic 1 referenced, above-

compound verb to be done (a draft, project) 2

attempt, experiment 3 draft, bill (e.g., of a law, plan)

maswr m. botany safflower, bastard saffron Carthamus

masr m. variety of lentil

msawr transitive [past:

forth a smile

to make smile, bring

masw f. drained fermented milk

msojk m. leveret
1 msa f. patting compound verb to pat
2 msa contraction of and
mushl m. Arabic laxative
1 mis copper copper utensils
2 masj smiling
3 masj feminine singular and plural of
4 masj f. women's head ornaments
mash m. masih m. Arabic Messiah, Christ
masih 1 Christian; of the common era, A.D. (of a calendar)
new year 2 Christian, Christian woman
masskh Arabic 1 transformed, transfigured 2 disfigured;

mentioned, said (male) 2 m. above-mentioned person, he

masedl, musedl intransitive [past:

to take part in a business

mash'r m. plural Arabic of
mush'ar f. Arabic competition of poets, poetic tournament
mashghl m. plural Arabic of
mashsh q m. Arabic 1 instructor 2 coach
mash l m. 1 torch 2 pine chip 3 torch; leader
mashldn f. 1 torch stand 2 floor lamp
mushwr m. Arabic 1 counsel, advisor; counselor of
embassy 2 consultant science and technology


2 bed, course (of a river)

3 track (of thought)

misispi, missispi f. Mississippi

Mississippi River

mas'al f. Arabic [plural: mas'al

and m. plural: Arabic mas'l] 1 issue, problem
economic issues 2 task, mission combat
mas'alt m.


mushwart m. Arabic
mushwarat advisory; consultative
mushwar f. Arabic meeting; consultation
mushwir f. position or duties of an advisor
mushwirijt m. consultative office; advisors
mushhadaw observed
mushhad f. Arabic 1 examination 2 observation
power of observation compound verb a
to examine b to observe, watch compound verb to

mission 3 problem 4 religion commandment; precepts of a


mas'alad n m.

mas'alag m. mentor, adept of

religious creed

misn, msn
misin, msin f. copper utensils, copperware
mas'l 1 responsible
is accountable to somebody. to be


responsible, be accountable for something; bear responsibility for

something 2 m. [plural:

individual in charge

be observed

mas'uln] high-ranking official;

to somebody

mas'uledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

bear responsibility; be responsible to be personally

mushhad kawnkaj m. 1 observer 2 visitor (e.g.,

to a museum)

mas'ulijt m. Arabic responsibility

He took full responsibility on himself.
avoid responsibility to be accountable

mushrakt m. Arabic 1 partnership; company 2



msed m. plural smile

masr m. Arabic 1 line, track; route

mushruniljhum Arabic 1 referenced, above-mentioned,

said 2 m. plural above-mentioned persons, they


mushriljh, mushruniljh Arabic 1 referenced,

above-mentioned, said (female) 2 f. above-mentioned person, she

mashhr m. plural Arabic of

famous, renowned,

outstanding people; celebrities

mashjkh m. plural Arabic of

mushji'n m. plural Arabic those accompanying a dead

mushabbh Arabic being likened; being compared

compound verb to liken, compare


Pashto-English Dictionary

idiom to make

noblemen; ancestors

musht m. fist (of a hand)

variance, mischief between

was fighting this feeling.

mshr ni femimine plural of

mashrb m. Arabic disposition, temper
mshrtb m. 1 authority, leadership

mushtabh Arabic doubtful, ambiguous, unclear, obscure,


mushtarikn] 1
magazine subscriber
2 mushtark Arabic 1 common, joint, shared
synonyms b homonyms joint property 2 mixed
mushtarkn Arabic together, jointly
mushtar m. Arabic 1 client, customer, patron 2 Jupiter

mushtark m. Arabic [plural:

under someone's leadership 2 seniority 3 position of a chairman

participant 2 subscriber

mshrtn m. authorities, directorate

mshrtj f.
mshrrz 1 m. plural Myshranzi (tribes)

musharrafawl denominative, transitive [past:

to dignify; honor award an order

somebody or something

musharrafedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to merit, be honored; have the honor be

mushakhasawl, mushakhkhasawl denominative,

transitive [past: ] to isolate, differentiate

mushakhasedl, mushakhkhasedl denominative,

intransitive [past: ] to get isolated, be differentiated;
diverge, differ

mushaddd Arabic 1 strengthened, reinforced 2 linguistics

double (of consonants)

mshr, mshr 1 senior (in age, position)

Hewad is five years older than Zaheen.
proverb The path of an older person is a bridge for a
younger one. 2 m. [plural: mshr n, mshr n] .1 chief,
head, leader tribal chief president of
republic village elder military leader
compound verb to appoint head compound verb to
become the head; head 2.2 patriarch 2.3 chiefs, leaders,

inhabitant of the Eastern Province

religion infidel; polytheist; idol

worshipper; heathen

quality, property) 2 recognized, diagnosed

musharrafed m. plural bestowing an honor, honoring

mashrq, mashrq m. Arabic 1 east, sunrise 2 East, Orient
Middle East
mashriq 1 eastern East Afghanistan
Eastern, Jalalabad Province (now Nangarhar
mashriqiw l m.
mushrk m. Arabic

mushakhkhs Arabic 1 definite, isolated, special (of a

indicators 2 distinguishing marks

received by somebody

Province) 2 m. Eastern Province (now Nangarhar)

linguistics diacritic 3 medicine symptomatic

mushakhkhis t m. plural Arabic [singular:

1 derived words, derivatives 2 chemistry derivatives

mushtaqawl, mushtaqqawl denominative, transitive [past:

] produce, create
mushtaqedl, mushtaqqedl denominative, intransitive
[past: ] to be produced, be created
mushtaml Arabic containing, comprising; consisting of
msht, musht f. beetle (wooden hammer), mallet
mishtedl denominative, intransitive
1 mushakhkhs Arabic 1 distinguishing, recognizing

musharrf Arabic 1 dignified; meriting the honor 2


mushtq, mushtqq Arabic derivative

mushtaq t, mushtaqq t m. plural Arabic [singular: ]

2 mshrrzy

m. Myshrranzay

figurative excited, upset

He was nominated to the position of

the chairman of this society.

(the planet)

mushtzn m. boxer; fistfighter

mushta'l Arabic 1 breaking out, flaming up, flaring

mshrn f. share allotted to the eldest son when something

is divided (property, land, etc.)

musht q Arabic 1.1 craving, yearning something 1.2

upper chamber of

the parliament; council of elders, senate

loving; in love 1.3 passionate, ardent 2 proper noun Mushtak

mshranz m. plural
mshrw laj m.
mashrb Arabic 1.1 given something to drink 1.2 irrigated
2 m. [plural: mashrub t] beverage
mashrupj m. striped fabric used to make women's trousers
mshroj m. 1 precociously mature and smart youth 2
precocious child

mashrt Arabic stipulated, specified

as agreed compound verb to stipulate
compound verb to be stipulated
mashrut Arabic 1 f. constitution 2 constitutional
constitutional monarchy
mashrutijt m. 1 constitutional regime, constitutionalism
2 grammar conditionality

mashr' Arabic 1 lawful, legal, permitted

recognized the government de

just demand consider just

lawful rights
jure 2 just

(e.g., a demand)


mashr'n Arabic lawfully, legally

Pashto-English Dictionary

mashru'ijt m. Arabic 1 lawfulness, legality 2 justice

mshrwal f.
1 mshr f. 1 seniority elect somebody a
leader primogeniture 2 chief position, authority 3
priority have priority
2 mshrj senior; elder
mash'r m. Arabic [plural: mash'r] 1 sensation,
sense; vision, hearing 2 mind, intelligence mental

mshk r m. 1 bird-catcher 2 huntsman; game warden

mushkbd m.
mshkk m. 1 small late-ripening and somewhat tart grapes
2 valerian root

financial problems
with an effort with a great effort
make difficulties
have a hard time doing something


musha'sh' Arabic 1 glittering, resplendent 2 high-flown,


overcome all difficulties

mash'l m. Arabic

mashghal f. Arabic [plural:

plural: Arabic

mashghal and m.

mashghl] occupation, business, work

to give
to look for a job

everyday chores

somebody a job

to go on with the study

mashghl Arabic engaged, busy (with work, business)
compound verb compound
verb idiom subject to military

mashghulty f. 1 occupation,
intellectual work
part-time studies (while keeping a job)
2 entertainment amusement and games
mashghul f.

business, work, labor

compound verb a to be occupied with something b to be

entertained, have fun

mashghulawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

occupy with something to be occupied

with the study of history


occupy the minds; attract attention

mashghul f. mashghuliyt m. Arabic

mashghuledl denominative, intransitive [past: ]
1 to be occupied, be busy with something

mushkil t m. plural Arabic of 2

mushkilkush resolving difficulties, making things easier
mushkilguz r rough a mountain
area with limited access

mushkilw laj m. difficulty; intricacy

mushkilawl denominative, transitive [past: ]
to impede, hamper, render difficult

mushfq Arabic 1 kind, kindhearted; gentle 2 m. friend

mashq m. Arabic 1 exercise, training compound
verb to exercise, train, practice 2 drill ceremony

undergo drill 3 rigorous drill 4 penmanship, calligraphy sample

cursive practice copybooks

teach pupils calligraphy
mashq b m. kneading trough
mashaqqt m. Arabic 1 effort, labor
with great effort compound verb to labor 2 regional
forced labor; hard labor

mashq practice; training


mashk m. wineskin

mushk plural musk

with great

mushkiledl denominative, intransitive [past:

get difficult, be difficult

mushkla f. difficulty, trouble



mushkunj, mshkunj f. musk deer's musk gland

mshka f. 1 beads (very small) 2 (glass) bead
mshkz beaded
mashkr Arabic 1 laudatory 2 thankful, grateful
I am much obliged to you.
mshkorj f. wild weed melon
mashkk Arabic suspicious; questionable
mashkol f. 1 small wine bag 2 hot water bottle
mshkunj f.
mshkni f. plural 1 first hair (baby's) 2 curly hair,

serve somebody 2 to be entertained, have fun

mushkl Arabic 1 difficult 2 m. [plural:

mushkil t] difficulty, hardship

mushk, mushkj 1 black (of a horse) 2 m. .1 black horse

2.2 variable wheatear, Oenanthe picata

2 mashkj m. water carrier

3 mishkj m. hornet without a sting
mushkn musk idiom a shrew
mashl m.
mshalwrgaj m. hair sheep
mashmash f. medicine glanders
mushamm' f. Arabic 1 oilcloth 2 linoleum
mashml m. Arabic [plural: mashmuln]


(of a meeting, a session)

mushng m.


1 mushnga f. winter pea

f. mushng winter pea

mshnga, mashnga f. 1 small-fruited aromatic melon 2

grass pea, Lathyrus sativus 3 ryegrass, Lolium


mushngna f. dish made of pea pods

Pashto-English Dictionary

msh m. trousers made of coarse fabric

1 mshw 1 m. plural Mishwani (tribe)

2 mshwy m.


mshwj f. [plural:
mshwiy ni] inkpot


mashwart m. Arabic
mashwaratch m. advisor, consultant
mashwarat advisory, consultative
participate with a deliberative voice

mashwar f. Arabic council; meeting; consultation

consultative meeting (in provinces and circuits)
to give a consultation; consult somebody;
advise somebody

mashwaragr m. 1 counselor 2 advisor

mashol f. reel of thread, skein
idiom tangle tangle the issue even more
mushawsh, mushawwsh Arabic 1 disconcerted, upset 2
tangled, intricate compound verb
compound verb
mushawashn, mushawwashn 1 disconcerted, upset 2
tangled, intricate a excitedly b intricately
mushawashawl, mushawwashawl denominative,
transitive [past: ] 1 to upset, worry, bother; unnerve

Oenanthe picata 1.3 shrew (the animal) 2.1 black; black (of a

horse) 2.2 musk

unnerved 2 to be tangled, confused

mushawwq Arabic 1.1 stimulating, providing an incentive

1.2 inspiring 2 m. .1 inspirer, mastermind 2.2 [m. plural Arabic

to plane down 1.5 to full (to increase the weight and bulk of cloth,
2 m. .1

mashhr Arabic known, famous, renowned

compound verb
compound verb
Their fame has been exaggerated. idiom


is known that

gross errors

mashhurijt m. Arabic fame; popularity; glory

mashhuredl denominative, intransitive [past:

1 to be known, famous 2 to be glorified

mshj m. children's speech 1 thread 2 fish

mashijt m. Arabic 1 wish, aspiration 2 will

and butter 2 m. plural idiom to grieve;
regret He would like a pomegranate.
idiom to search far and wide
2 mhl present verb stem of
mhlawl transitive
1 muhlaj past participle of
2 mhli present tense of
mhna, muhna f. 1 rubbing; rubbing in; friction 2
wool) 1.6 to smear, spread (e.g., butter)

mashhd Arabic 1 noticed; seen 2 witnessed


.1 to rub; rub up; rub in 1.2 to wipe dry; wipe clean


mashhurawl denominative, transitive [past:

1 to make known, famous 2 to glorify

muhkj f. aromatic grass

muhgirk m.
1 mhl, muhl 1 transitive [present:

compound verb to rub one's eyes 1.3 to wake somebody up 1.4

inhabitant of Meshhed 2.2 one who has been on a pilgrimage to

mhtj f. 1 contiguity; adjacency 2 being busy,

muhk, mhk m. plural musk

mhk r m.
muhkk m. plural Indian valerian, Valeriana wallichiana
mhkakj f. nutgrass, Cyperus rotundus

mhkwla f. Egyptian willow, Salix aegyptiaca

mhkj 1 m. .1 black horse 1.2 variable wheatear,

mushawashedl, mushawwashedl denominative,

intransitive [past: ] 1 to be upset; worried; bothered,

2 joined to


2 to tangle, confuse

mushawwiq t] incentive, motive

mashka f.
mash f. 2
mashhd m. Meshhed (Iran)
mashhad, mashhadj 1 inhabitant of Meshhed

stuck to the sheep's coat

mhttj f.
mhtl transitive
mhta f.
mhtaj 1 adjoining, adjacent; bordering
something 3 occupied with something

mushr m. Arabic advisor

mashim f. Arabic 1 afterbirth 2 seed lobe
mashn m. regional 1 machine, apparatus
radio set 2 ship compound verb to cut (hair), shear
with a machine compound verb to get a haircut, have
one's hair cut trimmed beard
mashin machine, mechanical mechanical force
mash'masc. Arabic sinister
mah f. [usually plural mah wi] sheep dung that is

wiping dry 3 wiping clean 4 planing down 5 fulling (increasing

the weight and bulk of cloth, wool) 6 smearing, spreading

mhd, muhd m. 1 2 attempt, effort

mahka f. 1 beak 2 spout (of a kettle)
muhowlaj used, used to be
muh dialect present tense of
mus b Arabic 1.1 affected (e.g., with a disease) 1.2
stricken by misfortune 2 m. [plural: musbn] victim

Pashto-English Dictionary

personal advisors

mushb m. Arabic [plural:

companion; interlocutor
of the Afghan king

mushab f. Arabic 1 conversation;

to talk to somebody
He is a good conversationalist. 2
mushabt m.


masdr m. plural Arabic of

musdar f. Arabic 1 confiscation 2 fining; fine 3
expropriation compound verb a to confiscate b to
expropriate compound verb a to be confiscated, get
confiscated b to be expropriated

musdf Arabic 1 converging

This holiday falls on a day off. 2 meeting with
somebody a to match, converge b to meet with each

musdam f. Arabic 1 conflict 2 strike, hit 3 collision 4

military fight, skirmish

masrf m. plural Arabic of

masrif t m. plural of expenses, costs
emergency expenditures
musfah f. Arabic handshake to
shake hands with somebody

2 materials
construction materials

maslh 1 plural Arabic of


masdmasc. Arabic victim

1 misr m. Arabic Egypt
2 musr, musrr Arabic insistent, persistent
misr f. Arabic
musirn, musirrn 1 persistent; insistent
perseveringly; insistently

musarrh Arabic
musarrah t m.

muslaht m.

muslah f. Arabic 1 tradeoff,

compromise 2 reconciliation; truce, armistice

misd q m. Arabic 1 evidence; testimony

according to this witness 2 clue, piece of evidence 3
meaning acquire meaning 4 proof of

masdr m. Arabic [plural: masdarna and Arabic

masdr] 1 source, cause; origin 2 grammar masdar,
verbal noun, indefinite mood, infinitive

musaddq Arabic 1 reviewing, confirming, establishing;


instruments of ratification 2 m. inspector,

masraf consumer


production of consumer

masrafedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be consumed, utilized 2 to be spent, expended; be consumed

masrf. Arabic 1 spent, consumed 2 put to use, utilized 3


to be occupied with

something 4 grammar inflection (inflected)

masrufawl denominative, transitive [past:

to occupy; involve in a project

masrufijt m. Arabic occupation; duty

excessive busyness, overload

masrufedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

to be busy doing something I

was busy reading a newspaper.

misr m. plural

misr, misrj 1


a lollipop b refined sugar

Egyptian Egyptian pound 2

misrj f. sword made of Egyptian steel

made of Egyptian steel


a sword

mustaf 1 chosen 2 m. religion .1 Chosen One,

Messenger (Muhammed's epithet) 2 proper noun Mustafa


f. mastic
Arabic 1.1 idiomatic; accepted in the language

1.2 used as a term 2 m. [plural:




musahhf Arabic 1 distorted 2 written in error;


to consume, utilize 2 to expend, spend 3 to spend, invest (e.g.,

3 Koran

plural Arabic of

misr' f. Arabic 1 hemistich 2 2

masrf m. Arabic [plural: masrafna and Arabic
masrf] 1 consumption, utilization to
use something oneself to be used, be utilized, be
consumed to use correctly, use for its intended
purpose 2 expenditure, cost; expense
production cost labor consumption
cost compound verb
compound verb
masrf kawnkaj m. consumer
masrafawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

compound verb to accept reconciliation

masb m. plural Arabic of

masb, masbb m. Arabic mouth (of a river)
1 musahhh m. Arabic proofreader
2 musahhh Arabic amended, corrected, proofread
1 mashf m. Arabic 1 book, volume 2 compendium, code

explained, clarified


procurement office 3 flavoring, spices 4 plastic

2 persistently,

2.2 expression, phrase 2.3 term

musaddq Arabic 1 certified, confirmed; verified 2 m.

witnessed copy; certified copy


mustalih t] .1 idiom
special term

Pashto-English Dictionary

diminutive name 1.2 diminished 2 m. [plural:

musaghghar t] diminutive name

musaghghr Arabic 1.1 grammar diminutive

musall f. 1 prayer rug 2 suburban square for public prayer

muslh aviation 1.1 correcting; reforming 1.2 reconciling;

peace-loving, peacefully disposed 1.3 improving 2 m. .1

reformer, transformer 2.2 peacekeeper

maslahatna and
maslh] 1 advice; consultation
When the time comes, we will
talk and discuss this. 2 inception to
hatch evil plans against somebody 3 usefulness, benefit; interest
contemporary challenges public
interest personal interest It is best to
do so. 4 collusion compound verb a to confer;
consult b to negotiate, conspire idiom a lie to

2 maswr m.
3 mussawr Arabic 1 drawn, depicted 2 illustrated
mussawra f. female painter
mussawir f. painting (art)
musibt m. Arabic [plural: musibatna and Arabic
masyb] catastrophe, calamity compound
verb to suffer a catastrophe to tolerate

maslaht m. Arabic [plural:



mas'n Arabic 1 protected, guarded, shielded ...

protected, guarded, shielded 2 possessing immunity, not
predisposed (to a disease)

mas'unijt m. Arabic 1 integrity, intangibility

diplomatic immunity 2 medicine immunity 3 safety
maz r m. plural Arabic of
muzrabt m. Arabic consignment; selling other people's
goods with the profit divided in half between the seller and the

save (someone or something)

maslahtn Arabic deliberately, intentionally; calculatedly;

purposely; consciously

muzr' f. Arabic grammar 1 conditional mood 2 present

tense, perfect aspect

maslahatandeshn premeditated, deliberate;

maslahatandesh f. 1 intentionality 2 intention;


muz'f Arabic 1 doubled, double 2 many fold

az' f-i hundredfold, many times
muz f Arabic 1 attached, annexed 2 m. grammar dependent



maslahat m. advisor; confidant

maslb Arabic 1 crucified 2 hanged
musall f. musall f.
1 musal m. garbage collector; street sweeper, janitor
2 musall f.
1 musannf m. Arabic [plural: musannif n and
Arabic musannifn] 1 writer; author 2 composer 3

mazbutw laj m.
mazbutawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

author (e.g., of a design)


musannf Arabic 1 authored 2 m. [plural:

musannafna and Arabic

musannaf t] composition, work

masn' Arabic 1.1 made; processed


goods, industrial goods 1.2 artificial, fake, false 1.3 coined,

thought up (of a word)

neologisms 2 m. & f. .1

composition, work 2.2 manufactured item

masnu' t m. plural Arabic [singular:

manufactured items, fabricated items, products; industrial goods 2

works, creations


1 artificial rayon
agriculture artificial irrigation synthetic rubber 2
feminine and plural Arabic of

fake, sham, contrived, affected

mussawb Arabic approved, authorized

mussawab f. Arabic decree, resolution, decision
to adopt a resolution
mussawt Arabic 1 clear (of a sound) 2 vowel (sound)
1 mussawr m. Arabic painter, artist

muzf t m. plural Arabic [singular:

suburbs; adjacent areas



muzfaljh m. Arabic grammar 1 attribute; apposition

2 object

mazmn m. plural Arabic of

muzjaq f. Arabic 1 constraint, difficulty 2 straits
mazbt Arabic 1 solid; robust 2 reinforced 3 absorbed,
fixed in memory 4 confiscated

1 to steady, affix 2 to absorb, fix in memory 3 to confiscate

mazbut f. 1 strength, solidity, robustness 2 state of being

reinforced 3 mastering, assimilation 4 confiscate

muzhk Arabic amusing, funny to joke

muzhak f. Arabic 1 joke, amusement 2 laughingstock
muzr, muzrr Arabic harmful, detrimental
harmful germs insect pests
mazarrt m. Arabic [plural: maz r] 1 harm; adverse
consequence to harm, inflict damage 2
harmfulness, deleteriousness

mazrb Arabic 1 m. mathematics multiplicand 2 beaten,


mazrubfh m.
muztarb Arabic
facing a predicament


Arabic mathematics multiplicator

1 upset, unnerved, concerned, disturbed 2

Pashto-English Dictionary

muzmahl, muzmahll Arabic destroyed

idiom He fell into despondence.
muzmr Arabic concealed, secret, intimate
mazmmasc Arabic linguistics having the symbol "pesh" or
"zamma" ( )
mazmn m. Arabic [plural: mazmunna and
Arabic mazmn] 1 contents, subject, topic
A letter has arrived whose contents are
as follows. 2 article (in a newspaper, etc.); composition
political journalism 3 scholastic subject
teach a subject
mazmun topical, thematic keep the
plot going

maziq f. Arabic predicament; need; straits

matb' m. plural Arabic of
mutbq Arabic matching, corresponding ...
according to something or other according to a
report according to the manual
mutbaqt m. Arabic 1 match, correspondence ...
to be coordinated with something 2 grammar
coordination, agreement agreement in gender
agreement in number to be coordinated
mutbaqatnm f. mandate, instruction (given by voters
to their elected representative)

mut ' m. Arabic lord, sovereign

1 matlb m. plural Arabic of
2 mutlb m. Arabic creditor, moneylender, loan-holder
mutlab t m. plural Arabic of
mutlab f. Arabic [plural: mutlab and m. plural:
Arabic mutlab t] 1 demand 2 monetary claim; request

1 press;

printed media 2 printed material (books, newspapers, etc.)

press department

head of press department

issue date (newspaper,

magazine, etc.) 10th year of publication
press representatives, journalists a
delegation of the press
press conference press
matbu't publishing

secretary, press attach

mitr n m. metropolitan
mutrb m. Arabic 1 musician 2 singer
matrh Arabic 1 f. subject of discussion, debate

2 submitted

for discussion

muttard Arabic 1 subject to a general rule; generally

accepted, conventional 2 correct, regular

matr' f. Arabic suggested topic (of a poetic tournament)

1 matrh Arabic compiled; planned
2 matrh Arabic [f. plural: matruh] 1 excreted,
discharged discharge 2 released, dropped off
matrd Arabic exiled, turned away
matlb m. Arabic [plural: matlabna and Arabic
matlb] 1 purpose, intention; wish
to get one's own way;

carry one's point; labor at achieving one's goal 2 demand 3 issue;


And now I come to the substance of the

matter. 4 meaning, substance

important, essential

to not waste words, talk in earnest 5 topic

to stray from the point 6 destination
to deliver to the destination 7 Matlab

for payment (of a debt)

mutlab kawnkaj m. purchaser, customer

mutli' t m. plural Arabic of
mutli't research
mutli' f. Arabic [m. plural: mutli' t] 1 reading
reading room erudition
He is an erudite. 2 study, investigation 3
observation 4 review, consideration compound verb a
to read b to study, investigate c to review, consider
to observe, study
mutli'akhn f. reading room, study hall
mutw' Arabic obedient, submissive; subordinate
mutwa't m. Arabic obedience, submissiveness;
subordination break the chains of slavery
matbkh m. Arabic kitchen kitchen
matba' f. Arabic [plural: matba' and m. plural:
Arabic matb'] printing house
matb' Arabic 1 printed 2 impressed compound

matbu' t m. plural Arabic [singular

idiom He meant me.

matl' f. Arabic 1 initial verse, bayt 2 sunrise 3 place of

muttal' Arabic advised, notified, informed

by absolute majority

mutlq Arabic 1 absolute, complete


empowered; authorized; having a full power of attorney 2

decisive; implacable 3 grammar perfect (of aspect)
grammar past perfect aspect

grammar present perfect

mutlaq-ul-'in n Arabic 1.1 free, independent, free in

one's actions 1.2 absolute, full 1.3 despotic 2 m. philosophy .1

autocrat; despot 2.2 the absolute

mutlqn Arabic completely, totally; absolutely; at all; in full

mutlaqtb m. mutlaqw lay m. grammar perfect

mutlaqijt m. 1 independence 2 limitlessness 3 fullness of

power; absolutism, autocracy 4 abstractness 5 absoluteness

verb a to print b to impress


Pashto-English Dictionary

matlb Arabic 1 needed, necessary

needed 2 desired
demand (of goods)


desired result 3 popular, in

idiom matlub

matlubijt m. Arabic economics consumer value

be needed, required
mutmajn Arabic quiet; assured ... We are
sure that


Arabic luxurious, magnificent

Arabic 1 lingering; plangent 2 extended (of


is steadfast.

mazlm m. plural Arabic [singular:

insults, injuries, offences


1 oppression 2

muzhr Arabic 1.1 helping, supporting 1.2 showing,


by their deeds

muzhir, muzhar f. Arabic [plural:

m. plural: Arabic

demonstrate one's power

muzhir and


muzhirach m. demonstrator
muzhir kawnkaj m. demonstrator
mazrf. Arabic 1 housed, contained in a vessel 2 m. .1
contents 2.2 philosophy content, substance form
and substance

muzaffr Arabic 1 victorious, triumphant 2 m. .1 winner,

muzaffarn 1 victorious, triumphant 2 victoriously,

muzaffarijt m. Arabic 1 victory; triumph 2

debate, contestation

mazlm] offence, insult

has only himself to blame!

mazlam and m. plural


mazlmasc. Arabic 1 subjugated; oppressed 2 offended;

browbeaten; humiliated

contest something 3

ma'rf m. Arabic plural 1 of


2 enlightenment,

Ministry of Education


of the regional education department 3 nobility

ma'rifkhh f. attention to education

ma' sh m. Arabic [plural ma'shna and Arabic
ma'sh t] 1 life, existence 2 means of livelihood,
sustenance 3 earnings, wages 4 benefit (for the disabled)

ma'shkhr wage-earner
ma'shdihand m. employer
mu'shr Arabic 1 roommate 2 m. [plural:
mu'shir n and Arabic mu'shirn] .1 friend, pal,
mu'shart m. Arabic 1 communication 2 company,


mazlam f. Arabic [plural:



victoriousness 3 success; successfulness


mu'raz f. Arabic 1 counteraction, opposition 2 dispute,

companion 2.2 cohabitant



victor, conqueror 2.2 proper noun Muzaffar

mu'dal f. Arabic 1 equilibrium, balance

ma'dn m. plural Arabic of

ma' z m. Arabic shelter
ma'zr m. plural Arabic of
ma'zr m. plural Arabic of
mu'rz m. Arabic opponent; adversary

muzhir t] demonstration

compound verb to show, demonstrate


idiom unnatural thing

] phenomena;
to know people

mazhr m. plural Arabic [singular

manifestations; indicators

2 mazhr]

maintain equilibrium 2 proportionality, ratio 3 mathematics

demonstrating something 2 m. .1 patron, sponsor 2.2


mazhr m. Arabic [plural:

comparable to something

mutahhr Arabic 1 pure, purified 2 sacred, holy

mut' Arabic 1 obedient, docile dutifully
submissive to somebody 2 subordinate; subject
submit, obey Our decision

2 muzhr Arabic 1 revealing 2 m. mouthpiece, spokesman

ma'bd m. plural Arabic of
ma'br m. plural Arabic of
ma' d m. Arabic religion afterworld; paradise
mu'dl Arabic 1 equal, equivalent; identical; equivalent
equivalent word 2 corresponding to something;


mazann f. Arabic 1 thought, opinion 2 assumption, guess;

mazlumijt m. Arabic 1 state of being oppressed 2 state

of being cowed, browbeaten; abjection

maznn Arabic 1 suspected, suspect 2 accused

maznunijt m. Arabic state of being under suspicion

mu'sharat societal, social social revolution

mu'shaq f. Arabic 1 (mutual) love 2 love poetry
ma'sh Arabic 1 worldly; vital 2 regional economic
mu'sr Arabic 1 contemporary, modern
modern history 2 m. [plural: mu'sirn] contemporary
mu' f Arabic 1 exempt (from tax, customs fee, responsibility,
etc.) exempt from military duty 2
pardoned; acquitted

mu'fawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

exempt from something 2 to pardon, forgive; acquit

mu'f f. 1 exemption

day off


of exemption from military duty 2 pardon, forgiveness


Pashto-English Dictionary

somebody's forgiveness I beg your
pardon; I did not notice you. a land given
religion spirit of forgiveness

as a gift by the monarch and exempt from taxes b land exempt

from rent or taxes

mu'fij t m. plural Arabic regional lands exempt from

mu'fijt m. 1 exemption (of customs fee, taxes, etc.) 2



acquire immunity 3

mu'fedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be set free, be released 2 to be pardoned, be forgiven

mu'qibt m. Arabic persecution; punishment

mu'kas f. Arabic counteraction, opposition
mu'ldzh Arabic attendant (of a physician)
mu'ladzhaw therapeutic; medicinal
therapeutics; treatment
mu'ladzh f. Arabic 1 cure; recovery; treatment

free treatment

grammar auxiliary verb

mu'want m. Arabic support, assistance, help; aid

with someone's help with artillery
support medical assistance
mu'win f. mu'winiyt m. 1 aid 2 position or
status of aide

medicine, biology immunity

Ministers 2 deputy district chief 3 tributary (of a river) 4

compound verb to cure, treat

compound verb to be cured; be treated 2 resolution,

consideration, elaboration (of an issue)

ma'alwsat Arabic indirectly; not immediately

mu'malt m. [plural: mu'malatna and Arabic
mu'mal t mu'mal f. Arabic plural:
mu'mal and m. plural Arabic mu'mal t] 1 deal,
transaction (bank, trade) trade deals
surety, bondsman 2 trading business compound verb
to carry out trade operations compound verb to trade
with somebody 3 to be conducted (of trading transactions, trade)

mu'hd Arabic negotiating, concluding an agreement

mu'had f. Arabic [plural: mu'had and m. plural
Arabic mu'hda t] 1 treaty, pact, agreement 2 treatise
3 contract

mu'b m. plural Arabic deficiencies, defects, flaws

to eliminate deficiencies
mu'jan f. Arabic 1 examination
medical examination a medical board b acceptance
team compound verb to examine, inspect, see
They saw the garden. 2 geology prospecting survey
mu'janakhn f. outpatient clinic
veterinary station
ma'bd m. Arabic [plural: ma'badna and Arabic
ma'bd 1 temple, place of worship; cathedral 2 sanctuary
1 ma'br m. Arabic [plural: ma'barna and Arabic
ma'br] 1 passage; crossing; move 2 (pontoon) bridge
bridge construction office (in the Ministry of
Communal Works)

2 mu'abr Arabic interpreting, explaining

ma'bd Arabic 1 adored, idolized, worshiped 2 m. [plural:
ma'bud t] idol
mu't d Arabic habitual, usual to
accustom, train, inure

4 dispute, controversy 5 process; action

mu'malad r m. contractor, party to a contract

clients, customers of ( a national stockholding
company in Afghanistan)

mu'mal kawnkaj m.
mu'nd Arabic hostile, unfriendly, inimical
mu'nidn 1 hostile (e.g., of a policy) 2 in a hostile,
unfriendly, inimical manner

mu'atabr Arabic 1.1 respected, trusted; honorable, esteemed

respected people 1.2 influential influential
circles 1.3 valid (of an agreement, etc.) 2 m. [plural:
mu'atabarn] .1 respected person, solid person 2.2 confidant;

proxy 2.3 proper noun Muatabar

mu'tabar f. 1 honor

consider an honor,

distinction 2 force, validity (e.g., of an agreement)

ma'n m. plural Arabic of

mu'wadt m. Arabic returning to, going back to, coming

mu'atadiln 1 moderate moderate views

moderately, appropriately 2 moderately,

back to

mu'waz f. Arabic 1 mutual exchange

barter 2 compensation, reimbursement 3 ransom, buyout, payoff,

compensation for release of obligation

compound verb

to compensate

mu'wn m. Arabic [plural: mu'win n and Arabic

mu'winn] 1 assistant deputy jirga
chairman mu'wn-i deputy minister
first deputy chairman of the Council of

mu'atadl Arabic 1 moderate, average 2 proportional,

commensurate 3 appropriate, adequate

adequate scientific training


mu'tarz Arabic 1.1 objecting; opposing 1.2 grammar


grammar interposing clause 2 m. .1

opponent 2.2 critic


mu'tazal m. plural Arabic religion Mutazilites (a sect)

Pashto-English Dictionary

mu'taqd Arabic 1 convinced of something, believing in

... He was convinced. 2 m. [plural:

mu'taqid n and Arabic mu'taqidn] believer
mu'taqad t m. plural Arabic 1 convictions, opinions 2

2 grammar

ending in a vowel

mu'tal-ul-akhr, mu'tall-ul-akhr Arabic

mu'tamd Arabic 1.1 respected, worthy of respect or trust
1.2 veracious, reliable 2 m. [plural: mu'tamadn] .1
mu'tanbh Arabic 1 significant

mu'dzhz Arabic 1 inimitable; miraculous 2 irritating,

a miracle

for a display

ma'rift m. Arabic 1 knowledge, study 2 piece of


introduced to somebody

mixture (frequently, a narcotic) 2.2 sweets

ma'dn m. Arabic [plural: ma'danna and Arabic

ma'dn] 1 ore ore mining lmi mineralogy 2 ore mine; deposit oil deposit
mining engineer Ministry of Mining

to introduce oneself

to be introduced

to somebody b to be known to somebody

ma'rik f. Arabic 1 battlefield, arena 2 battle, fight 3

gathering, assembly 4 meeting; congregation

hope for

2 mu'dzhza feminine singular of

mu'dzhm Arabic linguistics having a diacritic (of a letter)
ma'dzhn Arabic 1 mixed, intermingled 2.1 exciting drug

compound verb a to introduce oneself; get acquainted; be

causing displeasure
mu'dzhiz f. Arabic miracle

introduce to somebody, acquaint somebody b to declare,

significant sum of money 2 serious, important

ma'rz m. Arabic exhibition

help with his assistance

mu'arrif f. 1 recommendation 2 introduction; acquaintance
compound verb a to recommend,

reliable person 2.2 proxy; confidant 2.3 proper noun Mutamad


information 3 familiarity, acquaintance 4 mediation, assistance,

mu'atakf Arabic pious

mu't, mu'tl Arabic 1 weak, frail, helpless



to bring to perfection

ma'rz Arabic 1.1 set forth, written down 1.2 reported,

submitted 2 m. [plural:

ma'ruzna and Arabic

ma'ruz t] report; presentation

ma'ruz t m. 1 plural Arabic from

2 address

(written greetings) congratulatory address

ma'ruz objective
ma'rf., mrf. Arabic 1.1 known, renowned; famous 1.2
grammar active 2 m. proper noun Maruf

mrufkhl 1 m. plural: Marufkheils (tribe) 2 m.


ma'danshin s m. geologist; mineralogist

ma'dan Arabic 1 ore 2 mineral
minerals mineral water
mineral wealth oil
ma'dd Arabic 1 few in number, scarce 2 combined with

mu'azzz Arabic honored, worthy, esteemed, respected

person held in esteem
ma'zl Arabic 1 removed from office, dismissed, deposed
compound verb compound verb
2 dethroned, overthrown (of a monarchy)
ma'zulawl 1 denominative, transitive [past: ] to

ma'dudijt m. grammar combination with a numeral or

ma'dmasc. Arabic extinguished; defunct


cardinal numerals

compound verb to perish; become extinguished

mi'd f. Arabic stomach

mi'z r m. Arabic [plural: ma'zr ma'zirt,
ma'zart m. Arabic plural: ma'ziratna and Arabic
ma'zr] pardon, forgiveness; beg pardon ...
to ask forgiveness
ma'zr Arabic 1 forgiven, pardoned
forgive, pardon somebody ! Forgive him!
2 exculpatory 3 upset, distressed 4 helpless, powerless

ma'zurt m. Arabic defect; flaw

ma'zurijt m. feebleness, helplessness
mi'r dzh m. Arabic 1 ascension 2 highest level, highest
stage a high level of development

remove from office, dismiss, depose; have somebody resign 2 m.

plural removal from office, disposal, deposition; resignation

ma'zuledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be removed from office, dismissed from post, be fired, deposed; be
forced to resign

ma'shq m. Arabic beloved, sweetheart, honey

ma'shuq lovey-dovey, amorous
ma'shuq f. Arabic 1 beloved woman, sweetheart, honey

ma'shuq f. love; affection

ma'smasc. Arabic 1.1 innocent young girl
1.2 childish 2 m. child; innocent baby
ma'sma 1 feminine singular of 1 2 f. girl 3
proper noun Masuma

1 ma'sum f. Arabic innocence; sinlessness

2 ma'smi feminine plural from 1
ma'sumijt m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

m'kusedl denominative, intransitive [past:

1 to reflect, be reflected 2 to turn over, be turned over

ma'sijt m. Arabic 1 religion sin, fault, violation of

commandment 2 transgression

mu'zl Arabic difficult, hard, cumbersome; onerous

mu'zil f. Arabic [m. plural:


mu'attr Arabic 1 aromatic, sweet-smelling, fragrant 2

mu'attl Arabic 1 delayed, adjourned, deferred, postponed 2



mu'attli feminine plural of

mu'attaledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to get delayed, adjourned, deferred, postponed, drag on, linger 2
to be removed, get removed (from office)

mu'attaled m. plural 1 delay, adjournment, deferment,

the delay of the conference 2

removal (from office)

ma'tf. Arabic 1 inclined, facing 2 grammar connected by

mu'zm Arabic 1.1 great

a conjunction

duwl-i great powers

1.2 important, predominant, significant 1.3 huge, large

major forces 2 m. majority, greater part

mu'azzm Arabic 1 respected 2 above-mentioned 3

official high (of contracting parties)

mu'azzamlh Arabic 2
mu'aqqd Arabic difficult, complicated quandary
mu'aqqm Arabic sterilized; disinfected
ma'ql Arabic 1 rational, prudent, judicious
rational answer ! This makes sense! 2 acceptable,
appropriate, adequate; decent 3 legitimate, valid (of a reason,
excuse) 4 convincing

ma'qul t m. plural Arabic 1 comprehensible, conceivable

ma'qulijt m. 1 intelligence

mu'allim f. 1 teaching, instruction 2 instructorship

ma'lulijt m. Arabic 1 disease, ill health, state of being

unwell 2 state of being justified, stipulated

... I

... It is common knowledge that

... Everybody knows that reportedly
I don't know his address. Do you
know the way? known, certain time
ma'lum t, mlum t m. plural Arabic of 1
intelligence, information; knowledge as far
as is known to get information
to investigate to inform 2
information; reference to inquire about
ma'lumtfurush f. conceit
ma'lumt 1 informational (of material, etc.) 2 reference
ma'lumd r 1 determined, set 2 noticeable 3 well-known
... It is known that
ma'lumw laj 1 fame, renown 2 definitiveness, certainty
ma'lumawl 1 denominative transitive [past: ]
ma'lm, mlm Arabic known, definite

How do you know?

.1 to identify, detect; clarify, find out 1.2 to determine, establish

1.3 to clarify, explain 1.4 to publicize, declare 1.5 to discover,

find, detect 2 m. plural .1 identification, detection; clarification

2.2 determination, establishing 2.3 explanation, clarification 2.4

to be intelligent 2

civility, politeness, refined manners

ma'ks Arabic 1.1 reflected 1.2 inverted 1.3 mathematics

ma'ksn Arabic inversely

inverse, reciprocal 2 m. mathematics reciprocal fraction


2.2 result, consequence

by the mind 2 rational sciences


motivated, justified, stipulated 2 m. .1 invalid, disabled person

convincing arguments

mu'allim t] female

ma'll Arabic 1.1 sick, unhealthy 1.2 upset; offended 1.3

am aware that


school principal

mu'attal f. delay, adjournment, deferment


mu'allim f. Arabic [plural:

teacher, female instructor; female mentor

without delay; delay, adjourn, defer, postpone, protract
be in no hurry to answer get delayed,
adjourned deferred, postponed, drag on, drag out,

mu'allaq f. Arabic muallaqa (the name of seven famous

mu'allm m. Arabic [plural: mu'allim n and Arabic

mu'allimn] teacher, instructor; mentor senior
instructor; school principal pedagogical

to delay, adjourn, defer, postpone, protract 2 to remove (from


predicated by something 1.3

Arabic pre-Islamic poems)

compound verb
3 waiting for something 4 idle

removed (from office)

variable, unspecified 2 m. .1 tumbling 2.2 aviation dead loop


compound verb
not to take the trouble to think, not to think
mu'attalawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

mu'allq Arabic 1.1 hanging, suspended; dangling

suspended bridge 1.2 connected to something, related to

mu'zil t] difficulty,

hardship, complication

publicizing, declaration 2.5 finding, detection

ma'lma 1 feminine singular of 2 ma'lum f. plural

Arabic of


ma'lumedl 1 denominative intransitive [past: ]

... It became known

.1 to turn out, become known


and the opposite

as became

known 1.2 to be determined, be established; become definite,


Pashto-English Dictionary

become set

in every sense 2
idea, thought in other words
ma'nkhz [ ma'nd r, ma'nd ra] 1.1
meaning to

His words suggested

that 1.3 to get explained, become clear 1.4 to be discovered,

An oil field has

been found. 1.5 to show up, appear No one
showed up; no one came out to me. 2 m. plural
mlumed, ma'lumed m. plural 1 clarification,
detected, found

meaningful; significant 1.2 meaning, expressing something 1.3

fraught with meaning 2 pointedly, meaningfully

mu'awwl Arabic determined to do something

ma'ahaz Arabic at the same time; regardless of; moreover
ma'hd Arabic 1 conventional; conditional 2 promised 3

identification 2 defining, establishing 3 explanation, clarification

4 discovery, detection, finding 5 appearance

mu'amm f. Arabic [plural:

plural: Arabic

mu'amm wi and m.

determined, known

mu'amm t] 1 riddle; charade 2 figurative

criterion 3 standard

mu'ammtb m. mystique; mysteriousness

mu'ammshkl enigmatic
mi'm r m. Arabic 1 architect 2 builder 3 figurative creator
mi'mrbsh m. 1 chief architect 2 site manager
mi'mr 1 f. architecture; art of building
architectural monument 2 architectural architectural


mu'ammr Arabic elderly, of advanced age

ma'mr Arabic 1 cultivated; tilled 2 prosperous, well

furnished 3 abundant (of food for guests)

ma'mur f. prosperity, well-being

ma'ml Arabic 1.1 usual, customary, common
as is the custom as is customary
Life went on as usual 1.2 poor, mediocre
phenomenon 2.2 custom, habit

As is one's

3 morally

ma'naw Arabic 1 moral, spiritual, mental

moral support

ma'nawij t m. plural Arabic morale

ma'nawijt m. Arabic [plural: ma'nwij t] 1
morale low morale 2 ideality 3 spiritual side
ma'n f. Arabic ma'n f. [plural: ma'n wi,
ma'ng ni and m. plural: Arabic ma'n] 1
sense, essence; meaning lm-i a rhetoric b style
What does this mean? This
means that compound verb to mean, signify; give a

compound verb

designated 3 to be designed, be intended for somebody

mu'ajjantb m. certainty; state of being preconditioned

mu'ajin f. assistant's or deputy's position
mu'ajjanijt m. 1 certainty; state of being preconditioned 2
philosophy determinism

ma'jb Arabic 1.1 ruined, damaged, defective 1.2 crippled,

injured, disfigured

a disabled person 1.3

unsuccessful, unfortunate 1.4 disgraceful, shameful, ignominious

unbecoming conduct compound verb

compound verb 2 m. [plural:
ma'jubn] cripple, disabled person disabled
war veteran

ma'jubw laj m. injury, disfigurement

ma'jubawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to ruin, damage 2 to injure, cripple, disfigure 3 to shame, bring

disgrace on

moral degradation 2 ideal 3

semantic (of a difference)

ma'ijt m. Arabic entourage; escort

compound verb to

compound verb a to be determined, set b to be designated, get

(of clothes)

mu'amm f. Arabic daunting task

ma'n f.
m'nn Arabic 1 by implication 2 in reality, actually, in fact

ma'jsht m. Arabic 1 means of subsistence, living 2 life

1 mu'n Arabic 1 m. assistant, helper assistant
minister; deputy minister 2 1
2 mu'ajjn Arabic 1 definite, set 2 designated
compound verb a to determine, establish b to appoint

wont. 2.3 established fee (e.g., to the barber at a wedding)

ma'mul t m. plural Arabic manufactured goods; articles

ma'mln Arabic usually, commonly
ma'mul 1 usual, common as usual 2 work


to escort


1.3 treated; processed; made, manufactured 2 m. .1 common

standardize, normalize


mi'jr 1 standard (of language) 2 standard, accepted,



mi'j r m. Arabic 1 measure, benchmark 2 yardstick,

gold standard 4 level

living standard 5 symbol idiom production

something enigmatic, inexplicable 3 problem

ma'jubedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be ruined, be damaged; go bad; be defective 2 to be injured, be

crippled, be disfigured 3 to be shamed, bring disgrace on oneself

magh r m. Arabic

maghr, m. plural: Arabic

maghr f. Arabic [plural: f.

maghwr and

1 cave, grotto 2 lair 3 abyss


mughzal f. Arabic 1 courtship, flirting 2 writing ghazals,

songs (lyrical, love) 3 love poems


Pashto-English Dictionary

maghz f. Arabic shop, store

footwear store

department store

maghzad r m.


shopkeeper; store

3 maghzj m.
4 maghzj m.

golden trim on shoes

Arabic 1 mixed; adulterated 2 disturbed, made

upset 3 tumultuous (of a people's history); stormy

magh k m. 1 pit; depression 2 trench

mughlat f. Arabic misunderstanding, mutual


mgh na, mgh na f. groin; crotch, perineum

mgh w m. livestock disease
maghwr m. plural Arabic of
1 mughjr Arabic 1 contradictory; juxtaposed; opposite

maghfr Arabic religion deceased; late

mughl m. [plural: mughal n] 1 Mogul
Mogul army 2 1
mughalist n m. Mongolia
mughlq Arabic 1 unclear, incomprehensible 2 tangled
labyrinth 3 uncertain 4 complicated
mughalw ra f. mughalw laj m. historic tyranny,



something b to diverge, differ

mughtanm Arabic 1 valuable

mughazz Arabic nutritious; filling

maghrib Arabic 1.1 west, western

somebody 2 successful, profitable

food products

countries 1.2 European

mughrz Arabic 1.1 self-serving, opportunistic; greedy 1.2

biased 2 m. [plural:

2.2 biased person

mughrizn] .1 self-serving person

mughrizn 1 self-serving


He was smart. 2 kernel (of a

pulp 5 figurative contents (e.g., of a book)


maghzn 1 strong, robust 2 stocky, thickset 3 pithy, meaty

(of a book)

maghz f.

maghzj f. 1 border; edge 2 welting; trim,

fringe (of a dress) 3 high soil barrier to contain water in the field

2 maghzj m. neck; nape; neck part (of a carcass)

idiom He walks proudly.
maghz a to be haughty, be conceited b to behave tensely; sulk
at somebody

a to get upset

Ahmed is upset. b to sulk, take offence at

maghmm Arabic sorrowful; sad


maghmumedl denominative, transitive [past:

to grieve; be sorry, lament

be haughty; proud; put on airs

maghz m. 1 brain


maghmumawl denominative, transitive [past:

to aggrieve, upset, sadden

speak arrogantly 2 haughtily, conceitedly

nut, etc.) 3 pulp (of fruit) 4 interior, inside, core

to be depressed

mughla f. female Mogul

mughal 2
mughalij n m. plural history Moguls
mughulij f. Mongolia
sympathized with you.


maghrur f. haughtiness; arrogance; conceit

maghruredl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

maghlubedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to suffer a defeat; lose (in sports) 2 to be subjugated, enslaved

braggadocio, braggart 2.2 haughty person

maghlubijt m. Arabic 1 state of subjugation 2 defeat 3

People's Republic

maghrr Arabic 1 haughty; arrogant; conceited 2 m. .1

maghrurn 1 haughty, conceited

maghlubawl denominative, transitive [past:


motive 2 deliberately; in a biased way, in a partisan way

enslaved peoples

1 to vanquish; subjugate, enslave 2 to overcome


Europeans 1.3 North African 2 m. .1 inhabitant of Maghrib;

overcome hardships


European clothing

maghlb Arabic vanquished, conquered, enslaved;


Moor 2.2 European

maghrb, maghrb m. Arabic 1 west 2 sundown, sunset 3

west (point of compass) 4 Maghrib

rule of Moguls

to place a value on

m. Arabic religion absolution, forgiveness of


2 maghjr m. plural Arabic of

mughjart m. Arabic 1 controversy; contradiction 2
discrepancy; difference a to contradict

Arabic occupied, conquered

mughann m. Arabic 1 singer 2 musician

maghl m. singular & plural 1 mogul 2 1
magholist n m. Mongolia
maghla f. female Mogul
maghol 1.1 Mongolian Mongolian
People's Republic 1.2 pertaining to Moguls Come
over to the Moguls. 2 f. Mongolian, Mongolian language

mughajjb Arabic 1 hidden, invisible 2 m. [plural:

mughajjab t] mysterious thing, mystery; secret

2 maghb m. Arabic 1 shortage; lack 2 sunset

1 mughajr Arabic changing
2 mughajr Arabic that has been changed, changed
mughil n m. Arabic gum arabic tree
mufdzh t m. Arabic 1 surprise attack 2 sudden death

Pashto-English Dictionary

mufdzht 1 sudden, unexpected 2 fatal 3 sudden (death)

mafkhr m. plural Arabic glorious deeds; feats
muf d m. Arabic 1 sense, content; meaning 2 interests;
benefits mutual benefit to keep one's


mafrq mathematics subtrahend

mafrq-minh m. mathematics minuend
mufsd Arabic 1 malicious; mean 2 m. .1 rebel; mutineer

mufdparst 1 greedy 2 m. greedy person;

mufraqt m. Arabic 1 departure, leave 2 parting,


2.2 evildoer 2.3 conspirator; inciter

mafsd m. plural Arabic of

mafsl m. plural Arabic of 2
mufsal f. Arabic 1 break; suspension 2 distance, interval
mufham f. Arabic 1 mutual understanding a
good mutual understanding based on mutual
understanding 2 agreement; understanding to
reach an understanding with somebody a to
achieve mutual understanding a to come to an agreement, reach
an understanding

mafhm m. plural Arabic of

muft 1 free, free of charge 2.1 free waste
for nothing ta'alm-i to organize free
schooling proverb Everybody loves
things for free. (literally: Even a qazi will drink wine as long as it's
free.) 2.2 empty, senseless

mift h m. Arabic key (to a lock) 1

mufatth Arabic 1 opening, unlocking 2 m. conqueror
muftakhr Arabic proud, lofty
muftkhr m. freeloader, sponger, parasite
muftkhor f. sponging, freeloading, parasitism
mufattsh m. Arabic inspector; auditor; controller
inspector general of the army

mufattishijt m. Arabic inspection; control

military inspection

mafth Arabic 1 open, opened 2 conquered, subjugated 3

linguistics having above it the fatha vowel point ( )

4 mutiny; rebellion

idiom social evils

mufsid f. 1 rebellion; mutiny

to rebel 2


rheumatoid arthritis; gout 2 zoology joint, segment

mufassln Arabic in detail, at length

mafsil Arabic 1 joint

diseases of the joints

2 zoology articulated, segmented

maf'l Arabic 1 made 2 m. grammar object of action; direct

direct object
indirect object grammar passive participle
maf'ul Arabic objective, accusative case
mufaghghn Arabic afghanized (of borrowed words)
compound verb to be incorporated into the Afghan language;

be afghanized; get assimilated by the Afghans

mafqd Arabic missing in action

mufakkr Arabic 1.1 reflecting; thinking, cogitating 1.2

mufakkirn] .1 thinker 2.2

intellectual 3 intelligentsia

muft m. Arabic mufti (chief judge who rules on

changed their minds.

mfti feminine plural of 2

muftibah given by mufti (of an explanation)
muftigar f. position of a mufti
mufarrh Arabic fresh, refreshing fresh air
mufrd Arabic 1.1 unique; single 1.2 separated, isolated

mafkk Arabic 1 separated; disconnected 2 untied

mufls Arabic 1.1 bankrupt; broke 1.2 fallen on hard times,

destitute 2.1 bankrupt 2.2 poor person

m. grammar singular

mufrad t m. plural Arabic [singular:

mafsd] 1 damage;

mafkur f. Arabic [plural: mafkur and m. plural:

mafkur t] idea; thought; concept They

controversial issues of Islamic law)

2 mufsid m. rebel
mufassr m. Arabic [plural: mufassir n and Arabic
mufassirn] commentator, reviewer
1 mufassl Arabic detailed, close in detail, at
length to question at length
2 mafsl m. Arabic [plural: mafsilna and Arabic
mafsl] 1 anatomy joint, articulation

maftn Arabic 1 delighted, enthralled 2 seduced 3


mafsad f. Arabic [m. plural:

depravity; corruption 2 plots, schemes; machinations 3 outrage

thoughtful 2 m. [plural:

passionately enamored


furniture and carpets


mafrr m. Arabic 1 fugitive, criminal 2 deserter

mafrush t m. plural Arabic [singular: ]furnishings,

interests 3 economics interest

mufrt Arabic excessive, redundant

1 articles,

sections (e.g., of a report) 2 elements, components, ingredients

mufradw laj m. grammar singular, singularity

mufraz f. Arabic detachment, team

muflis f. 1 insolvency, bankruptcy 2 poverty, hardship

in dire straits
mafhm Arabic 1 understood, comprehended 2 m. [plural:
mafhm, mafhum t and mafhumna] .1
sense, content in a broad sense 2.2 concept, idea
(e.g., of space and time); comprehension
new concepts

Pashto-English Dictionary

mufd Arabic 1 useful; beneficial 2 meaningful

mufidijt m. Arabic usefulness; utility; expediency
muqbl Arabic 1.1 opposite, adverse; subtending (of an
angle) adversary; the opposite side
the other party; party to a contract 1.2 corresponding to

to cover one's
linguistics antonym ... a

against injustice In response they
heard the following status quo
for money
muqbilw laj m. 1 match 2 juxtaposition ...
to match something
1 muqbal f. Arabic 1 comparison, juxtaposition
compared to something 2 resistance
They offered strong resistance.
to resist somebody compound verb a to compare
b to hold out, endure; cope; master, manage
Ahmed overcame all hardship. c compete (of goods)
compound verb a to be compared, be juxtaposed b to

maqdr m. plural Arabic of

match to something 2 analogy

fit 3 accepted, customary

maqbulijt m. Arabic 1 pleasantness; attractiveness 2

acceptability; suitability 3 marketing (of goods)

idiom to be everyone's favorite, be universally liked

muqtad m. Arabic leader clergyman
muqtadr Arabic 1.1 strong, mighty a powerful
nation 1.2 skillful, able; talented a talented writer 2
m. master, potentate

muqta' f. Arabic 1 break, termination of relations 2

... a to break up with somebody, end

relations b to boycott to boycott


maq l m. Arabic speech; remarks

maql f. Arabic 1 article 2 speech; remarks; presentation
compound verb to give a presentation
maq m, muq m m. Arabic [plural: maqmna and
Arabic maqm t] 1 place, location compound
verb to settle 2 echelon, agency, authority higher
authorities government agencies
governing bodies 3 status, role; position, rank ...
to be a recognized authority on something
to occupy a special place 4 music maqam 5 music fret;
tune idiom implement, realize
maqm, muqm topical; local
meqnizm f. lock (for weapons)

muqbl Arabic 1 happy 2 m. happy person

maqbz Arabic gained; occupied (e.g., of a position)
maqbl Arabic 1 pleasant, attractive 2 acceptable; suitable;

to carry a price; be highly valued (of goods)

maqbar f. Arabic mausoleum, burial vault, tomb


muqrn Arabic 1 compared; comparative 2 approximate (of

maqsd m. plural of

a body's resistance

comparison, compare to something

celestial bodies) 3 simultaneous

muqjas f. Arabic 1 comparison; juxtaposition

degrees of comparison to compare,

2 feminine to

muqtal f. Arabic major battle; combat; fight

major battle

muqwamt m. Arabic resistance

to resist somebody
muqwam f. 1 2 animosity, hostility
muqjasaw comparative comparative
philology, comparative linguistics to make a

face, come across something

muqwalanm f. agreement, contract

fierce resistance

against thirty votes

muqbla 1 feminine singular of

written contract 2

agreement of freight, charter

somebody or something c instead of something

convention 3 transaction

compared to somebody or something b against; to offset


muqwal f. Arabic 1 agreement, contract

agreement, contract of insurance

something or other 2 m. .1 rival, adversary, enemy 2.2


equivalent, equal amount

expenditures 2.2

muqwalaw Arabic contractual

1 muqtad m. Arabic 1 follower, adept 2 imitator

2 muqtad m. Arabic

muqtasd Arabic thrifty, economical
muqtaz f. Arabic 1 muqtaz f. necessity, need
as necessary
1 muqtaz f. muqtaz necessity, need
2 muqtaz 1 necessary, needed 2 suitable, fitting
muqtazij t m. plural Arabic of 1
maqtl Arabic killed
miqd r m. Arabic [plural: miqdrna and Arabic
maqd] 1 quantity
economics money supply 2 dose (of a drug) 3 size
wage rate 4 measure, unit of measurement 5 amount (of debt


miqdr quantitative
muqaddr Arabic preordained, predetermined
What happened was what was preordained.


Pashto-English Dictionary

muqaddar t m. plural Arabic [singular ]fates

fate to tie one's fate with

maqdart m.

maqdar f. Arabic 1 strength, power 2


muqadds Arabic sacred sacred duty

holy bread religion holy oil
muqaddis t m. plural Arabic [singular: ]shrines
muqaddm Arabic 1.1 advance; going in front; leading 1.2
former, earlier; previous 1.3 introducing to
introduce a book 1.4 preferable to prefer, show
preference 2 m. head; elder

muqaddmn Arabic earlier, formerly

muqaddam t m. plural Arabic [singular: ]

preliminary conditions 2 prerequisites; premises 3 beginnings,

basics 4 preparation

muqarared, muqarrared m. plural 1 appointment 2

establishment, determination


maqsm m. Arabic mathematics dividend

maqsumaljh m. mathematics divisor
maqsd m. Arabic [plural: maqsadna and Arabic
maqsd] 1 goal, intention for the purpose
of travel to achieve one's goal
What do you mean to say? I mean that
to get what one wants 2 sense
sense, essence The point is that
the meaning of all this is that 3
destination trade port of destination
maqsadijt m. 1 purposefulness, focus, single-mindedness
2 trend

muqaddamt 1 preliminary, preparatory

draft agreement to accept a preliminary
condition 2 introductory; introducing introductory

guiltily 2 m. culprit

overture 2 litigation, process, legal action 3 premise 4

litigate b obsolete to declare war

compound verb a to

muqaddamab z m. Eastern litigious person, barrator

muqaddamabz f. barratry, litigiousness; litigation
maqdr Arabic 1 possible, feasible 2 m. .1 possibility,
feasibility 2.2 strength, power 2.3 means, money

1 maqr, maqrr m. Arabic location; residence

2 muqr m. Mokur
miqr z m. Arabic scissors
muqarrb m. Arabic near; close, intimate
muqarrr Arabic 1 established, determined 2 appointed
destination 3 intended 4 decided
muqarrar t m. plural Arabic [singular: ]provisions;
decrees, resolutions; rulings

muqarartj , muqarrartj f. 1 establishment, determination 2


muqararawl, muqarrarawl 1 denominative, transitive

[past: ] .1 to appoint

to appoint an instructor 1.2 to establish, determine 2 m.

plural .1 appointment 2.2 establishment, determination

muqarar, muqarrar f. 1 appointment 2 establishment,

be determined; get established



to arrive at one's destination

serpentine (mineral)

maqsdn Arabic definitely; on purpose, deliberately

maqsud desirable, desired desirable results
maqsudedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]
to be achieved, be attained; work out, pan out

muqattr Arabic 1 distilled

chemistry distilled

distilled water 2

1 maqt' f. Arabic 1 section, profile; size across; cross section

cross section of a sphere 2 paradigm of a poetic
meter; last stanza of a poem

muqatt' Arabic 1 cut up 2 abridged 3 chanted (of a


maqt' Arabic 1 cut off; amputated 2 final; decisive

make a final decision
maq'd m. Arabic anatomy 1 rear, seat 2 anus
muqa'r Arabic 1 concave 2 sunken 3 bent over
muqaff Arabic , rhymed
muql m. Arabic 1 fruit of dwarf palm 2 Amyris agallocha
(tree or its resin)

muqalld Arabic 1 imitating 2 m. [plural:

.1 imitator; follower 2.2 actor, comedian


muqararedl, muqarraredl denominative, intransitive [past:

] 1 to be appointed, get appointed
He got an appointment. 2 to be established,

maqsd Arabic 1.1 goal, task 1.2 object 1.3 proper noun

Maqsud 2 desired, required

muqaddam f. 1 foreword; introduction; preamble; preface;

confrontation, altercation; dustup

muqassr Arabic 1 guilty, at fault


maqrn Arabic 1 close to something 2 bordering on


maqlb Arabic turned upside down, flipped; overturned;

turned inside out

maqnts m. magnet electric magnet

maqntis 1 magnetic magnetic needle or
arrow 2 magnetic hypnotism
maqntisijt m. magnetism
1 muqn' Arabic convincing convincing argument

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 miqn' f. miqna' f. Arabic veil; bridal veil

muqannn Arabic 1 legislative legislative power
legislative assembly 2 m. [plural: muqanninn]

muqann m. Arabic 1 sewage remover 2 person who cleans


aphorism, maxim 4 grammar category

muqawwm m. Arabic 1 appraiser 2 [plural:

muqawwim t] factor; criterion

muqaww Arabic 1 reinforcing

restorative, bracing

makk ra 1 feminine singular of

nourishing diet 2

2 muqaww f. Arabic

muqawwijt m. strengthening (e.g., of health)
compound verb to brace, restore

maqhr Arabic 1 depressed; upset 2 defeated

maqhurijt m. Arabic 1 depression, frustration

2 state of

being defeated

miqj s m. Arabic [plural: miqjsna and Arabic

miqjs t] 1 scale; yardstick; measure
linear measures area measures
weight measures Office of Weights and
Measures measure conversion 2 size
miqjsaw relative relative value
muqajd, muqajjd Arabic 1 obliged 2 established,
determined 3 tied up, constrained, restrained 4 limited (e.g., of a



mukf Arabic 1 equal 2 matching, corresponding

mak l m. jeweler's tools
muklam f. Arabic conversation, interview, talk
mak n m. Arabic 1 place 2 position, rank 3 lavatory
makn local linguistics local dialect
mukabbir-us-sut m. Arabic loudspeaker
sound amplifier
maktb m. Arabic [plural: maktabna and Arabic
maktb] 1 school, educational institution
institution of higher learning a school with
instruction in the Pashto language college
a school with instruction in the Dari language
home school elementary school
secondary school military school 2 mekteb
(elementary religious school) 3 school, trend

maktab 1 school

muqajadedl, muqajjadedl denominative, intransitive [past:

] 1 to pledge, commit oneself 2 to be established,

determined 3 to be tied up, constrained

2 m. resident, inhabitant

muktasb Arabic earning; acquiring

muktasb Arabic 1.1 earned 1.2 acquired, amassed 2 m.

makrni m. plural macaroni

muktasab t] .1 earnings 2 acquisition

muktashf Arabic 1 inquiring, inquisitive 2 m. .1

maktb Arabic 1 written 2 m. [plural:

and Arabic


maktb] letter; message

maktbn Arabic in writing

maktubnawis f. correspondence
lively correspondence

maks m. Arabic 1 stay 2 delay, suspension


mukaddr Arabic 1 polluted, turbid (of water, etc.) 2

gloomy; troubled


person, cheat, fraudster; trickster, swindler

a son

inquisitive person 2.2 investigator 2.3 prospector (e.g., of

muktb Arabic 1 correspondent 2 m. correspondent,

2 maktb m. plural Arabic of

muktab f. Arabic correspondence
maktb m. plural Arabic of
makk r 1.1 sly, devious 1.2 lying; hypocritical



muqqjsh m. Arabic brocade

muqqajshduz f. brocade with a pattern
muqm Arabic 1.1 residing; sojourning 1.2 permanent, steady

who is a schoolboy 2 m. school student

to establish, determine 3 to tie up, constrain

2 exposure 3

mukf t m. Arabic remuneration, reward; retribution

a valuable reward a monetary reward
as a reward receive

2 f. female deceiver,

1 makkr f. cunning, deceit, tricks

2 makk ri feminine plural of
mukshaf f. Arabic 1 discovery, detection

muqajadawl, muqajjadawl denominative, transitive [past:

] 1 to obligate to pledge, commit oneself 2

inquisitiveness; love of knowledge

muqaww f. Arabic 1 binder 2 cardboard

muqawwj cardboard
maqul f. [plural: maqul and m. plural: Arabic
maqul t] 1 what was said, utterance 2 saying 3

compound verb a to pollute, make

muddy b to disturb, distress

mukaddr Arabic 1 muddling (water, etc.) 2 disturbing,

2 m. cunning

makr m. Arabic cunning, ruse; deceit, fraud

compound verb to quibble, cheat; pretend

mikrfn m. 1 microphone, mic 2 handset (of a phone)

makr n m. Mekran (area in Baluchistan)

Pashto-English Dictionary

mukarrr Arabic repeated, recurring; multiple
recurring performance, repeated performance


repeated himself time and again.

mukarrrn Arabic repeatedly, on numerous occasions

mukararawl, mukarrarawl denominative, transitive [past:
] to repeat
mukararedl, mukarraredl denominative, intransitive [past:
] to be repeated
mukrm Arabic 1 well-mannered, polite; respectful 2
friendly; hospitable

mikrb m. germ pathogenic germs

mikrob microbial vaccine
mikrobiolozh f. microbiology
makaron f. macaroni
makrh Arabic nasty; disgusting; unpleasant; antipathetic
odious name
makak m. 1 lamb collar 2 technology collar
makn m. sick ram
mka instead of Don't! God

makj m. botany Ceratocephalus

makj m. [plural:

makij n and

mak] 1

tadpole 2 earthworm 3 dialect pathogenic element

3 makj m. 1 1 2 pulley, sheave

4 makj m. handle (e.g., of a bucket)
mekzk m. Mexico
mekzik 1 Mexican 2 m. Mexican
mkschr m. mixture, potion
maksr Arabic 1 wrecked; broken 2 linguistics the qasra
vowel point ( )
meksik f. Mexico Mexico

makshf Arabic 1 discovered, detected; explored 2

exposed 3 uncovered, opened, laid bare

makshufawl denominative, transitive [past:

]1 to open, discover; explore 2 to expose, uncover (e.g.,
shortcomings) 3 to uncover, bare

muka'b 1 cubic

cubic meter 2 m. mathematics


mukaffn Arabic shrouded

makf Arabic adequate, satisfactory
1 mukallf Arabic 1 obligated to obligate
to pledge 2 magnificent,
gorgeous; luxurious; sophisticated

mukallf Arabic complicating, hindering, aggravating

mukalafawl, mukallafawl denominative, transitive [past:
] 1 to obligate 2 to appoint; hire (e.g., servant)

mukallafijt m. Arabic 1 obligation


duty to fulfill one's duty 2 military duty

compulsory military duty
mukalafedl, mukallafedl denominative, intransitive [past:
] 1 to be obliged, be obligated 2 to be appointed; be
hired (e.g., servant)

kukamml Arabic 1 perfect, excellent


measures 2 completed, finished 3 fulfilled, completed 4 plenary

a plenary meeting

universal disarmament

mukamalawl, mukammalawl denominative, transitive

[past: ] 1 to complete, finish 2 to fulfill, complete

makna yellow clay

mak m. small window
mak f. waterwheel hub
mk f. woman's veil
mak endearing to 3
mak 1 roasted compound verb

to roast 2


mkawa in lieu of
makk f. Mecca Mecca
1 makk 1 Meccan 2 m. Meccan
2 makj f. unleavened flat bread
3 makkj f. regional corn, maize
4 makj f. proper noun Makay
makij zh m. makeup compound verb to apply
makeup compound verb to put makeup on oneself
to remove makeup
makz m. 1 smile 2 coquetry coquettish glance
compound verb to coquet
makezgra f. coquette, coquettish woman
mkega in lieu of
1 mukajf Arabic 1 intoxicating, alcoholic 2 m. [plural:
mukajif t] .1 drug 2.2 alcoholic beverage
2 mukajjf Arabic adjusted to something, acclimated to
something to be acclimated
makn m. Makin (city, Waziristan)
1 mg m. chimney above the hearth
2 mag m. Eastern
magzn m. warehouse, storage general use
storage facility deliver goods to a warehouse
1 magr conj. but, however, only but provided
that , however, it can happen that but
it can turn out that 2 apart, except
except the following cases

2 magr m. regional eighth month of Indian calendar

magzn m. regional warehouse, storage
military depot.


mags m. fly (insect)

Pashto-English Dictionary

mgk m. Eastern
magndz f. dialect magdz small window
magna f. small window
magnezijm m. plural magnesia
1 mga f. Eastern
2 mga f. Eastern
maghr m.
mgakraj m. Eastern
1 mal m. [plural: ml and rear malna] 1 comrade,
friend 2 fellow traveler, fellow passenger 3 assistant, helper 4
associate, confederate; accomplice, sidekick, abettor

enclosure, appendix

as an enclosure

mul m. plural wine

mull m. Arabic [plural:

scholar, scribe

mullj n] 1 mullah 2

compound verb to pretend to be a

scholar 3 (pagan) priest 4 plural


idiom May God help you!

a clergy b scribes;

ml f. [plural:

to take up something; get ready for something b to take up

to help, assist, provide support to

to plan, intend; concoct, be up to
something to get ready for a trip to
deliver a crushing blow to somebody
You can get what you want with kind words. He
exhausted his strength. endless trouble
3 mal f. friendship
mullaz n m. m. mullb ng azan, call to (morning)
prayer at dawn
mulbast m. mulbas f. Arabic [m. plural Arabic
mulbas t] 1 uncertainty, ambiguity 2 pretense 3


mlbnd m.

mlp f. and

mlpaj f. leather

mlt m. 1 militiaman; armed guard 2 succor,

He is
to call for help

reinforcement, assistance, support

ready to help them.

to provide all-out support for something 3 belt

mltalaj 1 that has taken up, set about to do something 2
ready, combat-ready 3 ready to help, sympathetic !
idiom Dear friend!


b to read 2 respect; politeness

mallh f. 1 navigation, sailing 2 boat transportation 3

marine, maritime, sea

mal kh m.
mlkhwgaj with lumbar pain
mlkhwug f. lumbar pain, back pain
mlrgaj 1 lazy 2 with lumbar pain
malrij f. malaria malaria mosquito, anopheles
malaria patient
mulzm m. Arabic 1 waiting on somebody, serving

mulzamt m. Arabic 1 being part of the retinue; waiting

(on somebody) 2 services, service, service industry 3 court

service 4 service

military service 5 diligence

mulzim Arabic feminine to

mlst lying
mlstl intransitive
mlstna f. lying
mlst m. sash
ml sta 1 feminine singular of 2 f. lying
mlshnaj lazy, sluggish
mlgh haj m. vertebra
malgh f. ladle
mal q m. 1 tumbling 2 aviation loop
compound verb a to tumble b to loop a loop

mulq t m. Arabic 1 meeting, date

room, living room


He met (them). 2
a to meet, see

conversation, interview

somebody b to have a conversation with somebody, to interview

business card
mulqt 1 visit a business card 2
visitor drawing room, reception area
mallq f.
mulq Arabic (something) that one comes across; oncoming
to come across, to stumble across
He met clever and educated people.
somebody 3 visit

belt; sash

mulhaz t] 1 review; examination

compound verb a to examine; review

and m. plural Arabic

(e.g., medical)


mulhaz mulhiz f. Arabic [plural:

somebody 2.1 servant 2.2 waiter 2.3 regional clerk

ml wi and mlg ni] small of

the back; loins spinal column, spine lumbar
pain He has a backache. to put one's
arms around someone's waist stand tall a

considerations; arguments

Come with me! c to be an assistant d to be associate, be a

confederate; be an accomplice, be an abettor 5 supplement,

compound verb to

support, aid, help

mulltb m. clergyman's rank; position of a mulla

mullchrgk m. hoopoe
mltsj f. crosspiece (of a spade)
mall h m. Arabic 1 boatman 2 sailor
mulhaz t, mulhiz t m. 1 plural Arabic from

compound verb a to be a friend; make friends, become friends b

to be a fellow traveler, be a fellow passenger

mlta f. support, aid, help

mltanaj m. belt, sash


Pashto-English Dictionary

mall k m. Arabic [plural:

mallk n and Arabic

mallkn] landowner, landlord, agrarian

landlord, a feudal lord

a big

malkk f. Malay Peninsula

mallk f. land ownership
mullgor 1 m. plural Mullagori (tribe) 2 Mullagorai
mal l Arabic 1 m. sorrow; grief !
May grief pass them by! to sadden 2.1 sad;
sorrowful; disillusioned; melancholic 2.2 languid
languid eyes languid look
mallangz tiresome; boring; tedious
mallt m. Arabic anguish; blues; dismay
mal la 1 f. .1 beauty 1.2 proper noun Malala 2 feminine
singular from
1 mal li feminine plural from
2 mal li oblique from
3 mallj beautiful, handsome, pretty
ml mtawnkaj crushing
to deliver a crushing blow to the enemy
mlm taj 1 run down, all in, collapsing 2 sluggish, lazy 3
rotten (of a column, etc.)

malmt m. Arabic 1 reproach, expostulation, rebuke,

disapproval, condemnation, denunciation

He was forced to break his promise. 2

Who is to blame?
This is not his fault. He was
blaming himself. compound verb
to blame someone
malmatawl transitive [past: ] to reproach,
censor, reprove, blame, condemn ! Don't blame
him! to blame oneself
malmta malmat f. malmatj f. reproach,
disapproval, condemnation His friends
predicative at fault; guilty

reproached him for

malmatedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

be condemned, be denounced He is denounced

muljimt m. Arabic 1 gentleness; meekness; tenderness 2

affection 3 moderation, mildness (of climate)

muljimawl transitive [past: ] 1 to make gentle,

tender 2 to make affectionate 3 to make moderate, mild (of

muljim f.
1 malj 1 Malayan 2 m. Malayan
2 mullj f. rank of mullah
malbs Arabic clothed
malbus t m. Arabic plural clothing, articles of clothing
millt m. Arabic [plural: millatna and Arabic
milll also considered plural] 1 population of a country; people;

the United Nations history the


League of Nations 2 religion congregation, flock

mult n m. Multan (city, Pakistan)

multabs Arabic 1 mixed, tangled 2 ambiguous
millatparast f. 1 2 nationalism
millatdost f. patriotism
multaft Arabic 1 paying attention to something, noticing
something compound verb to draw attention
I would like to draw your
attention to one point. In the future, you
should pay more attention. compound verb
2 attentive

multafitedl intransitive [past: ] to pay attention to

something, notice something, have a good look at something

multaq f. Arabic


1 juncture, joint 2 confluence (of a

maltb m.
maltk m. computer science accessory
multaw Arabic 1 rolled up, coiled, wrapped up 2 twirling,
spinning 3 delayed, outstanding (of payment, etc.)
compound verb a to roll up, coil, wrap up b to twirl, spin c to

delay, be in arrears (of payment, etc.)

compound verb

a to get rolled up; get coiled; get wrapped up b to spin, revolve,


March in lockstep!


the Malayan Peninsula

plural Arabic of 5

mltj slippery, smooth

maltj f. 1 escort 2 friendship 3 help
mil m. regional minute

minutes later

maldzh f. Arabic asylum, shelter

milh m. Arabic [plural: aml h] salt
mulhd m. Arabic 1 heretic; schismatic; apostate


mulm Arabic 1 gentle, tender 2 affectionate

rotate c to get delayed, become outstanding (of payment, etc.)

mlwastnaj m. mlwstaj m. belt, sash

milwedl intransitive [past: ] regional 1 to meet
Your friend met me. 2 to be granted (time
malj f.

3 moderate, mild (of climate)

for this.

mlmarj f. vertebra
1 mullnj f. learned woman
2 mlnj f. anatomy amnion, fetal membrane
mil w regional converging, matching !


person, atheist


mulhidn heretical; schismatic; apostatic

a few

2 godless

Pashto-English Dictionary

3 mlk m. [plural: mlk n, dialect second plural:

mlkn n] malik, alderman; clan elder

mulhaq Arabic 1 attached; appended; enclosed 2 adjacent;

close, contiguous 3 dependent, depending

mulhaq t m. plural Arabic from

a building and its extensions
mulhaqawl transitive [past: ] to join; attach;

village elder

mulhaqedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be joined, be

annexed, be appended; be enclosed 2 to depend

malhuzna and Arabic

malhuz t] .1 likelihood,
for whatever

possibility 2.2 chance; case

reason, just in case 3 thought, idea

malak-ul-mut m. Arabic angel of death

mulkparwar f. regional concern about the country,

about its prosperity

malikzd m. prince
mlkzd m. malik's son
mulkgr aggressive, annexationist
malakt m. Arabic 1 heavens 2 host of angels
malakut Arabic 1 heavenly 2 wonderful (of a voice, etc.),

Moroccan locust

malkhdzi f. plural fenugreek seed

malkhza f. fenugreek
malkhzi f. plural
1 mlkhj m. locust
2 mlkhj m. 1 hand (of a clock) 2 eleven-cartridge rifle
molldw 1 Moldavian Moldavian, Moldavian


malak f. Arabic [plural:

malak and m. plural:

Arabic malak t] 1 mastery, getting the hang of, skill

to master something 2

language 2.1 m. Moldavian 2.2 f. Moldavian, Moldavian

gift, talent


molldwij f. Moldavia
malzm Arabic 1 inseparable; indissoluble, continuous
mutually causal; interrelated, interconnected 2 annexed,

2 malik f. Arabic tsarina, queen

3 mlka f. mistress
4 malka f. angel
1 mlk f. seniority, status of malik or alderman


compound verb to be a malik, be an elder, be a clan elder

malzum t m. plural Arabic 1 necessary things 2 gear

malzumedl intransitive [past:

be inseparably connected

malik n and Arabic


mlha f.
malkh, mlkh m. [plural: malakh n, mlakh n and
malkh] locust migratory locust, Asiatic locust
Italian locust, Calliptamus Italicus

5 malk m. Arabic [plural: maljak] angel

6 malk
malak t m. 1 plural Arabic from 2 possessions,
domain consider one's property
malik-ul-shu' ar m. Arabic king of poets (title); poet

malhz Arabic 1 likely, possible 2 m. [plural:

malk m. Arabic [plural:

mulk] 1 head, leader 2 master, lord 3 tzar, sovereign, king


to be inseparable,

multf, mulattf Arabic extenuating, mitigating, mollifying

mollifying effect
mal'n Arabic damned, cursed
mulgh Arabic annulled, canceled
malghs, malghsj malghsh, malghshj 1
Malagasy 2 f. Malagasy language

malghalra f. pearl
malgham f. Arabic amalgam
malghd m. crook, swindler, flattering deceiver
mulgh Arabic
malff Arabic 1.1 wrapped; coiled 1.2 folded; rolled


related to something 2.1 wrapping 2.2 envelope

mulaqqb Arabic nicknamed, called

1 mulk m. Arabic 1 state, country 2 region, locality; area
2 milk, mulk m. Arabic [plural: milkna and Arabic
aml k] property; land property; real estate

2 malik f. reign compound verb to reign

3 milk m. Arabic landowner
4 mulk Arabic 1 civil, civilian
commander (leader) of tribal militia civilian
clothes hospital civil service ranks
militia 2 administrative administrative

right of
ownership landed property, land
ownership a personal property b private property
personal property ;
public property, collective property
government property 2 dominion, possession
milkijat related to ownership, property
malgrtb m. malgrtj 1 friendship;
companionship 2 escorting 3 support with
somebody's support a to
milkijt m. Arabic 1 ownership

be friends, associate with b to escort somebody c to support

somebody 4 agreement, unanimity 5 subscription (to a

Pashto-English Dictionary

newspaper, journal, etc.) 6 accompaniment 7 belonging


malgr f.

malgraj 1 m. .1 friend, comrade ! Dear

close friend true friend


colleague, coworker 1.2 fellow traveler, fellow passenger

1.3 associate, partner 1.4 ally, adherent

verb a

join, add (e.g., one's voice)


to send, dispatch with somebody b to

a to get attached to

somebody; make friends with somebody b to join somebody,

unite, connect with somebody c to escort somebody

to support somebody's viewpoint; side with

somebody 1.5 tributary (of a river) 1.6 attachment 2 attributive

with one's entourage

This thought would
not leave him. 2.2 united United Nations
idiom He talks out of both sides of his

malw laj m.
malb m. 1 blood and pus 2 sweat
mulawws Arabic 1 stained, soiled 2 spoiled (e.g., of milk)
3 infected compound verb a to soil, contaminate b to
spoil (e.g., milk) c to infect a to get soiled,
contaminated b to get spoiled (e.g., milk) c to get infected

mlodl transitive
melod f. melody
1 mulk m. plural Arabic of 4
2 malk 1 gentle; nice 2 m. honey, sweetheart
muluk-ut-tawf m. plural Arabic
feudals; feudal rulers

.1 escorting, attendant



malgre f. 1 female friend, female comrade 2 female

fellow traveler, female fellow passenger 3 female associate,

malgritb m.
1 milll m. plural Arabic of
2 mll transitive [past: ] to select a buddy, pair up (in

malm m.
mulamm' Arabic
malml m. plural muslin
mulamm 1 enameled 2 gilded 3 motley; bright
malna f. ridicule; mockery
to mock, ridicule somebody to speak mockingly
1 malni plural of
2 malanj, malan m. 1 jester; clown 2 joker
3 malanj feminine to 1
malni wahnkaj m. tease; mocker
milans r Eastern outgoing, gregarious
malng m. 1 dervish, mendicant fakir 2 ascetic 3 careless
person, nonchalant person 4 one in love 5 proper noun Malang

carelessness; equanimity

1 malangj m. proper noun Malangay

2 malangj f. large motley-colored watermelon
malangij n m. botany Egyptian sage
1 malw m. bag, sack
2 mlo oblique plural of
3 malw m. 1
4 milw regional
malw , malw h f. Arabic hunting decoy bird

1 feudal system,

feudalism 2 feudal strife

mulukn royal king

malka 1 feminine singular of

2 f. .1 beauty 2.2


mulukijt m. 1 monarchism, monarchy 2 imperialism 3


female partner 4 female ally, female adherent

malang n m. variety of sedge, Cyperus elatus

malangtb m. malang f. 1 status of a dervish

muluk-ut-tawif f.

mall Arabic dejected, sad

mlna m. plural

mlni m. plural 1 bridle; reins 2

reins reins of government; helm of state

He took over control of the armed forces.
milawedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

mla f. steppe plant

ml masculine plural of

mla f. 1 female friend 2 female fellow traveler, female

fellow passenger 3 bridesmaid

4 mal f.
5 ml imperfect of 2
1 malhm m. plaster

idiom comfort;

consolation, joy; chicken soup for the soul

2 mulhm Arabic inspired

3 mulhm Arabic 1 inspiring 2 m. inspirer
mulhimn 1 inspiring 2 with inspiration, inspiredly
1 mill Arabic 1 national; people's national
economy national wealth ethnic problem
history The National Movement of Awaken
Youth national liberation struggle
shu -yi National Council compound verb to
nationalize compound verb to be nationalized, get
nationalized nationalization of a bank 2 church,
faith, denominational


mli present tense of

mli present tense of

mullj f. 1 garden radish 2 radish

mle plural of 3

Pashto-English Dictionary

milj , malj encountered; occurring

membar f. membership
mumt z Arabic 1.1 choice; excellent, superlative, best 1.2
distinctive compound verb to distinguish, discern
to be distinguished by agility 2 proper noun
Mumtaz idiom red-carpet welcome
mumtd, mumtdd Arabic 1 continuing 2 extended, stretched
1 mumtan' Arabic refusing, refraining

compound verb to

bring together, join compound verb to occur, be found

malj r m. regional 1 gardener 2 vegetable grower
millij rd m. billion
millijt m. Arabic 1 national sentiment 2 nation; ethnicity
national identity national
liberation movement 3 nationality; citizenship to
change one's citizenship

abstain from voting

militrzm m. militarism
millijatparst m. nationalist
millijatparast f. 1 nationalism 2 national sentiment
millijatkhh f. 1 nationalism 2 national liberation

(of somebody's feelings, sentiments) 2.3 representative,

spokesperson (of a company, etc.)



mumassla f. Arabic [plural: mumassil t] actress

mumd, mumdd Arabic 1 promoting, assisting something 2

to live, settle,

m. assistant, helper

mamrz m.

1 milljn m. million
2 millijn m. plural Arabic nationalists singular 2
millijonr m. miljonwl m. millionaire
miljon, milljon eight-million people
abbreviation of
mam t m. Arabic death A life

mumkin t m. plural Arabic possibilities singular

mumkinw laj m. possibility, feasibility
mumkinawl denominative, transitive [past: ]



mumtal f. Arabic 1 delaying (of something that was

a to hinder, impede b to

mam a f. botany Sageretia brandrethiana (the tree and its

mmbr m. regional member (of an organization)

mamlakt m. Arabic [plural:

mamlakatna and

system of


mumna' t m. Arabic 1 obstacle, impediment 2 barrier,

be a member of an organization, join an organization

mumlj f.

Arabic mamlk] nation, state, country

mamlakatdr f. statehood
mamlakat state, government


mumkinedl denominative, intransitive [past:

They can do this.

be possible

promised) 2 procrastination, deferral (of payment)


make possible

thoughtful attitude 3 joint merrymaking

obstruction, blockage

may take another road.

or death struggle is going on.

obstruct, block

Arabic blended, mixed


linguistics diphthong ai

mamlk m. plural Arabic of

colloquial spur

mmghun dirty
mumkn Arabic 1 possible as much as
possible possibly insofar as
possible quite possible He can do
this. to the extent possible to
make possible 2 perhaps, maybe He

milligr m m. milligram
millimtr m. millimeter
mulajjn Arabic mitigated, mollified, softened, soft

mamt deadly (of struggle)

mumsl Arabic similar, resembling, analogous
mumrast m. Arabic experience; practice
mumsh t m. plural Arabic 1 obsequiousness

mamdh Arabic 1 laudable, commendable 2 m. person who

is lauded or to whom a laudatory poem is dedicated


mumassl Arabic 1.1 reproducing 1.2 expressing, voicing

(somebody's feelings, sentiments) 2 m. .1 actor 2.2 mouthpiece

malerj f. regional
1 mallez m. plural Mallezi (tribe) 2 mallezj m. Mallezai
malezij f. Malaysia
milish f. milishj f. regional police (militia)
maleshj f.
millikawl m. plural milliked m. plural

mumtan' Arabic 1 impossible, unacceptable 2

unavailable, inaccessible, unassailable


miliarzm m. militarism
mledl intransitive [present:


maml Arabic full, filled

mamlk Arabic 1 m. slave 2 being owned by, belonging to
mamluk f. Arabic 1 female slave 2 property; belongings
mamn' Arabic prohibited, banned; forbidden
compound verb to prohibit, ban This is prohibited.
mamnu' t m. plural Arabic forbidden, forbidden things
[singular ]


Pashto-English Dictionary

mamnu' forbidden



mamnn Arabic 1 appreciative, grateful

We will be grateful to you as long as we live. 2

mamnunijt m. Arabic 1 gratitude, appreciation

express gratitude, appreciation to somebody 2
contentment, satisfaction

1 mmj m. ladybug
2 mamj f. chilren's speech sweets, candy, fruit
mamir f. Buxton's Blue, Geranium wallichianum
1 mumajjz Arabic 1.1 differentiating; delimiting 1.2

distinguishing 2 m. controller; separating comma (,) in decimal

fractions quotation marks


trade average

mumajz Arabic differentiated; distinguished

3 mamz m. plural sultana raisins red sultana raisins
corinthian raisins, currants
mumajiz f. Arabic [plural: mumajiz and m. plural:
Arabic mumajiz t] 1 consciousness 2 distinction,

difference, peculiarity 3 advantage

1 mamzi f. plural sultana raisins, raisins

2 mumajiz plural of
1 man m. 1 mahn (unit of weight that has different meanings
indifferent areas of Afghanistan) Peshawar
mahn (about 32 kg) Kandahar mahn (about 4 kg)
Kabul mahn (equals 8 sihrs or 565 kg) 2 area that yields one
mahn wheat an area that yields ten mahns
idiom a to get the knack of; gain experience in something b
to calm down, relax calm down
I had a hard time walking, like I had
lead weights on my feet.

mn, mn suffix

litigation 3 claim

means of production natural resources
mundzh t m. Arabic 1 prayer offered while alone,
manb' Arabic 1 masculine and feminine plural of

resources; means

nighttime prayer 2 religious hymn, psalm

mundzht m. one who prays

mund t m. Arabic call, address, proclamation
1 mund m. Arabic herald

mund Arabic 1 proclaimed; declared

compound verb to proclaim, declare 2 m. grammar vocative case

man r, mun r m.

manr f. Arabic 1 minaret 2 small

tower 3 lighthouse

munza' f. Arabic [plural:

plural: Arabic

munza' and m.

munza' t] 1 dispute; contentions 2


mantq m. plural Arabic of

manzr m. plural Arabic of
munzar f. Arabic dispute, disagreement; strife

munf t m. Arabic 1 incompatibility; contradiction

to be incompatible 2 discrepancy, difference
manfz m. plural Arabic of
munfart m. Arabic disdain; mutual loathing
manf' m. plural Arabic of
munfq Arabic 1 duplicitous 2 m. .1 hypocrite; fake,
phony 2.2 enemy 2.3 heretic

munfiqn insincere, duplicitous

munfiq f. 1 hypocrisy 2 faithlessness
munf Arabic contradictory; incompatible
unsuitable language incompatible with
decency, indecent

munqash f. Arabic 1 argument; quarrel; conflict 2

compound verb a to argue, quarrel b to

conduct a discussion, discuss

man f. 1 hut 2 tower for a watchman who guards a field 3

legal disputes; claims

chairman of the board of arbitration (in a province)

manzl m. plural Arabic of
munsb Arabic corresponding; appropriate; suitable;
convenient a suitable place
accordingly consider expedient
We believed it necessary. It is not
seemly. He found it suitable.
munsabt m. Arabic [plural: munsab t] 1
connection, relation in connection with the
holiday have a relationship with somebody 2
match, suitability a to match, suit b to befit, be
worthy 3 occasion for a special occasion
mansk m. 1 plural Arabic of 1 2 rites of


counter 4 stand, support (for grapevine)

munqas f. Arabic tender, competitive bidding

munqas kawnkaj m. bidder
munqalt transportation, engaged in hauling
transportation organizations
munqal f. Arabic [plural: munqal and m. plural:
Arabic munqal t] 1 communication, transportation,
conveyances a communication line; supply line 2
shipping, hauling, transportation

man l m. Arabic acquisition

mnnj tiny, miniscule
manh m. plural Arabic

manhij t, singular


munabbt Arabic 1 relief; relief decorated

munabbatkr f. relief; relief image

2 m. relief

Pashto-English Dictionary

compound verb to order, organize, systematize b to render

mimbr, minbr m. Arabic 1 minbar (pulpit in a mosque) 2

stand; pulpit; podium


manb', mamb' f. Arabic [plural: m.& f. Arabic

manb'] source; origin; beginning

flow out (of a river)

muntazim f. Arabic 1 female manager 2 female head,




minnatbr f. appreciation, gratitude

to owe no gratitude to anyone

muntdzh Arabic 1 generating, causing 2 finishing, ending in


a to originate, stem from b to be finished,

end in something

muntakhab t m. plural Arabic 1 selected works; readings;

minnatd r appreciative, thankful; obliged to somebody

your thankful son
minnatdr f. 1 appreciation, gratitude 2 contentedness
mantr m. 1 incantation or prayer purportedly providing
protection from snakebites, etc. compound verb to
conjure, charm, exorcise 2 love potion

mantarwl m. snake charmer

muntashr Arabic 1 diffused, scattered 2 issued, published
muntazr Arabic 1.1 waiting, expecting
to wait, expect I have been waiting for you.
He is expecting somebody. 1.2 duty officer
duty unit 1.3 hopeful 2 m. [plural:
muntazirn] one who waits, welcomes

muntazm Arabic 1 arranging, organizing 2 m. .1


course manager 2.2 custodian

building custodian 2.3 organizer, sponsor 2.4


muntaqaledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be carried over; be hauled 2 to be transferred, be displaced 3
to be assigned (of rights)

minnatguz r obliging; helpful; accommodating

minnt wnkaj
1 muntah Arabic graduating graduates
2 muntah 1 f. .1 end, limit, edge 1.2 maximum
in ten days at most 2.1 finished, completed
compound verb to finish, complete


anthology 2 excerpts

extremely, very


compound verb to get finished, get completed 2.2 maximal 3

muntidzh f. Arabic physics resultant force

muntakhb Arabic selected, elected

muntaql Arabic 1 carried over; hauled 2 transferred,

to carry over; haul 2 to transfer; displace 3 to assign (rights)

to use various entreaties and


muntaqd m. Arabic critic

displaced 3 assigned (of rights)

b to demand special

minnatb r 1 appreciative, grateful, obliged to somebody

He owes no gratitude to anyone. 2 reproached,

compound verb
compound verb
muntaqalawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

a to beg, supplicate

gratitude for a favor rendered; believe that somebody owes one a


muntazimijt m. commandant's office

ministry commandant's office

begging, supplication 6 reproach, rebuke

I beg you. b to obligate somebody

a to rebuke, reproach somebody

say 2 appreciation, gratitude 3 affability; grace 4 request 5

muntazmn Arabic 1 in an organized manner 2 regularly,

systematically 3 symmetrically

to originate from,

source of revenue, income

munabbih t m. plural Arabic analeptics, stimulants

minnt m. Arabic [plural: minnatna and Arabic
minn] 1 mercy; favor graciously say; dare
speak reproachfully

This is an exceptionally

important discovery.

montewdeo m. Montevideo
min m. regional minute, moment in a minute
mansr Arabic prosaic prose fiction
prose poem prose
1 mndzh, mundzh m. 1 rush (fibrous plant) 2 Saccharum
arundinaceum (plant from which rope is made) 3 Ravenna grass,
Erianthus Ravennae 4

2 mandzh m. sleeping accommodations; bed

3 mndzh paired word to
mndzhrj m. chandler
mandzhritb m. chandlery
mundzhwr m.
mundzhr, mundzhrr Arabic ended, finished, completed
compound verb to be ended, finished; reach something; to be
over to arrive at the thought that
The bottom line was ...
mandzhre f. flower bud, burgeoning bud
mandzhaghj m. mandzhaqj anatomy vagina
mndzhl 1.1 twisted 1.2 serpentine 2 m. .1 2.2
barb, tentacle (of a plant)

muntazm Arabic 1 orderly, arranged in order; organized 2

regular, systematic 3 symmetrical

a in an organized

manner b regularly, systematically c symmetrically


mandzhlis m. colloquial

Pashto-English Dictionary

mandzgtb m.
1 mandzg f.

mndzhl f. 1 support, ring made of grass or wood on which

a jug of water is placed 2 pillow placed on the head when

carrying loads 3 intertwined wheat stalks

mundzhamd Arabic 1 frozen; frozen over; iced over

the Arctic Ocean
the Arctic 2 congealed; solidified, hardened
compound verb a to freeze; ice over b to congeal; solidify;

mindzhuml Arabic 1 including; among others 2 as for

mandzhanq m. Arabic 1 tower 2 ballista; catapult, siege

example 3 on the whole

machine; battering ram 3 crane

mandzhaniq m. ballista warrior

mandzhaniqijt m. Arabic ballistics
mandzhawr m.
mandzhu base, mean
1 munadzhdzh m. Arabic savior, liberator
2 mundzhj 1 pug-nosed pug-nosed 2 noseless
mandzht m. botany madder
mndzhedl intransitive [past: ]to fidget
mandzhil f.
mandz m. 1 middle; middle or inner part of something;
medium a midway, halfway b roadway
between, among; in the middle, amongst the middle
chair across the town midyear 2 time
interval during this time in a
day in the meantime; meanwhile
between the fourth and the fifth (date) 3 cavity (of a
horn) 4 distance, gap; interval display a
cross section of something to wedge in, butt in
to introduce (e.g., a law) a to
drag out into the square b to shame
to appear, emerge
Such questions emerge. a to deliver, bring in b to
exhibit, show a to create b to receive,
obtain; acquire
to remove; eliminate a

money, etc.)

to mediate, act as a go-between


mandzgaj 1 m. .1 arbitrator, mediator 1.2 broker 1.3

means (e.g., of money) 1.4 matchmaker 2 attributive

mandzgi go-betweens
mandzgle f. ring finger
mandzgor medium (e.g., of quality)
mandzg11 m.
mandzgaj middle
mandzl ra f. mandzl r intersection
mandznj 1.1 middle average price
Middle Ages Middle East
Central Asia time interval neutral gender
on average 1.2 of average height 1.3 of middling
quality 2 fair (grade)

mandzla f. nest


1 mndza f. 1 valley 2 middle side stand of a tent

2 mndza oblique singular of
3 mndza f. 1
mandzj f. 1 easy and smooth slope (at the foothill)


2 center,


mandzjlj middle; average; mean

mndzedl intransitive
mandzin f. linguistics infix
munharf Arabic 1.1 bent; arched; inclined

2 changing;

unsteady, impermanent 1.3 unhealthy, weak, sickly 1.4 crooked

(of a way) 2 m. apostate, defector; deviationist

munhasr Arabic 1 being in the exclusive possession of a

single person; monopolistic 2 limited; concerning exclusively a

munht Arabic 1.1 settled; low 1.2 degraded; degenerate 2

munhl, munhll Arabic dissolved, disbanded

m. bastard, degenerate
compound verb to be dissolved, be disbanded

munhan Arabic crooked; curved, bent

a curved


manht Arabic 1 hewn 2 sculptured, chiseled

manhs Arabic ill-fated, unfortunate


among; in the middle, amongst

mandzumj middle middle

middle sister the month of


Zilkada (the eleventh month of the lunar calendar)

nut, etc.)

a to mediate; act as an arbitrator b to

single entity

to divide
between somebody among us; between us
among one's own, in one's milieu

mandzlj f. middle finger

mandztaked m. plural emergence, appearance
mandzghraj m. gorge, ravine
mandzghki m. plural kernel, core, nucleus, meat (of a

broker c to play a mediatory part (of money etc.)

to disappear, vanish b to stay out of something, not interfere into

something; avoid something

mandzgitb m.

1 arbitration; mediation 2 brokerage 3 mediatory role (of


(heavy) burden of unemployment

manhusijt m. Arabic trouble, ill-fate, misfortune

1 mand m. gully, depression

Pashto-English Dictionary

mnd pug-nosed

mnd suffix suffix that forms nouns and adjectives that mean

possessing a quality or object

abbreviated to

mand m.

rich person; rich frequently

mand m. 1 flap of a churn 2 cross

3 items connected crosswise

2 mand m. name of a plant

mand w m. shoulder (of a horse)
mandta 1 apricot 2 kernel, stone (of an apricot and other

the amount

written on the check

mundaridzh f. Arabic [plural:

plural: Arabic

mundaridzh and m.

mundaridzh t] 1 content 2 table of

mandrw m. shelf along the wall

1 mundrj, mndrj 1.1 scrubby 1.2

short (of height) 1.3

mnkhlaj, mnkhwlaj taciturn, speechless

munr m. stump
manrkaj m. twig
mankaj m. 1 branch stub 2 tree stump; sturdy fellow
mangk m. Mandigak (historic place, Kandahar)
1 manl transitive [past: ] 1 to stick in; jab; thrust

to bury oneself alive

2 manl lazy
1 manlaj past participle of 1
2 manalj charred (of a tree)
3 manlj m. shed for sheep that have strayed away from the


2 mand m. plural 2
mandast f. pestle (mortar)
mandka f. 1 pit, kernel 2 nucleus



mandkj m. fallen branches

mundl transitive
mundna f.
mand m. plural major section of Yusufzai tribe
1 mandw m. Eruca sativa (oleiferous plant)
2 mandw m.
1 mind 1 m. [plural: mindij n] agriculture breeder

mind 2
mndi Western plural of 2
mandj m. threshing (of wheat)
1 man m. 1 step 2 print (footprint) 3 tree stump 4 snowcrust road; snow road (trail) compound verb to tramp
down a snow road 5 base, support, foundation

man n stubble (of clover, lucerne)

mun paired word with

3 mn paired word with
4 mn taciturn, quiet
manchgh m. swing (on a shaft)
man s one-horned

mans m. 1 ball (of leather or cloth) 2 piece of cloth tied

as a hood

man f. large turban

mnkaj m.
manolj 1 round and small 2 m. shorty; tot
1 mun m. [plural: mun n] 1 branch 2

heel (of a

rooster or another bird)

mna f. 1 run a running strip, a racetrack, a

runway a on the double b willingly in a rush

run ahead

a to run 2 to

compound verb to start running

to come running

to come running along

to run compound verb a to

rush, dart; go at (somebody)

compound verb

stamp one's foot b to run, hustle

3 mna
4 mna f. computer science run
manhj f. market
1 mni plural of 2, 3
2 munj m. 1 person whose ear has been cut off

2 trimmed

tree 3 person without hands or feet, cripple 4 shorty; sturdy

fellow 5 ox that is the closest to the center of the threshing ground

compound verb to undermine, sap 6 source (of evil, etc.) 7


manw m. 1 awning; veranda, terrace, balcony; deck 2 hut

3 gazebo 4 hump (of a camel) 5

mand m. 1 stick to twist the rope to fasten a load 2 pile,


compound verb to

2 concealing, hiding, hiding away 3 massaging, rubbing in

mundrj 1 f. .1 petite woman, short woman; shorty 2.2

earring 2.3 pearl 2 feminine singular of 1



manw m. sled to carry soil

carry on a sled

manm taj m. visit of the bride's house by the groom

manna f. 1 sticking in; jabbing; thrusting in; stuffing inside

clip-eared 2 m. .1 short statured person; shorty, peewee 2.2

mann m. churn

in; stuff inside 2 to conceal, hide, hide away 3 to massage, rub in

mundardzh, mundardzh Arabic entered; inscribed;

included; placed

or the waterwheel (during threshing or raising water)


manj paired word to

munj f. 1 shorty; petite woman, short-statured women 2

woman without hands or feet; cripple

5 manj f.
mni-tre f. plural marches; relocations
mni-rmni f. plural running, hustling

Pashto-English Dictionary

manl m. (large) turban

manz m. dialect
manz m. plural

Manzan (branch of the Dzadran

mansh f. Arabic 1 source; provenance; origin; starting point

compound verb to arise, originate 2 motive
That's not what I meant.
manshr Arabic 1 promulgated, published 2 m. .1 statute;
United Nations Charter manshr-i Atlantic Charter


manzl m. Arabic [plural:

manzilna and Arabic

or 12,000
compound verb a to travel b to
go, to ride to travel 2 leg military
staging commandant 3 camp, halting place compound
verb to camp, halt 4 destination manzl-i
destination 5 stage, phase 6 residence, facility home
economics 7 story (building) idiom Lies have
manzl] 1 day's march, leg (usually 12 kuruhs
camel's steps 18 km)

2.2 agreement; treaty 2.3 mathmatics prism, parallelepiped

to be very important.

munshigar f. 1 duties of a secretary 2 duties of an

manht m. manhta f.

agreement; acknowledgement
compound verb to


mansb m. Arabic position; rank; title

mansabd r m. Arabic 1 officer 2 official
mansab of office (e.g., duties of office); service
munsarf Arabic 1 impermanent 2 opposing something;
avoiding something compound verb a to disabuse,
dissuade b to distract to refuse something

m. regional 1 mouse 2 rat
na f. mousehole

f. mouse (female)

1 mansk m. Arabic rite, ritual, ritualism

2 minsk m. Minsk
mansb Arabic 1 related, belonging, falling under
something 2 m. [plural: mansubn] .1 office worker


munsf Arabic 1 just

jury; trial by jury 2 m.


munsifn 1.1 just; correct; unbiased

munsif f. trial; court proceedings

justly 1.2 fair (of a price) 2 fairly



verb a to hold a trial; conduct court proceedings b to arbitrate

between somebody


relatives, family

mansubawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to classify, rank 2 to court; match (somebody in marriage)

mansub f. regional bride, betrothed

mansubedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]


Arabic joined

biology connective

muntabq Arabic appropriate; matching; suitable

mantq m. Arabic 1 logic; logic reasoning 2 talk;

compound verb to match; suit

mansdzh Arabic 1 woven 2 m. [plural:

woolen fabrics
linen fabrics
manskh Arabic canceled, annulled
The treaty has been annulled.
mansukhawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

Arabic 1 victorious 2 m. proper noun Mansur


mansudzh t] .1 fabric 2.2 plural fabrics, dry goods

to cancel, annul

mansubijt m. Arabic 1 structure; setup 2 appointment,

assignment to a position

to relate, belong 2 to be betrothed

cotton fabrics

mansb 1 erected, constructed; mounted 2 appointed,

assigned to a position

plural employees; civilian employees; service staff 3 plural

mansukhedl denominative, intransitive [past:

to be canceled, be annulled

munshikhn f. secretariat

3 grammar inflected; conjugated; flexional; inflectional 4

solitary way of life 2 m. hermit

munshij n] 1 male secretary 2


manzilt m. Arabic dignity, rank, status; position

to be placed high 1
manzilg h m. military 1 stage point 2 camp site
1 manzil f. Arabic 1 degree 2 significance
to equate with something This seems

from among the local population) 4 female secretary

short legs.

2 manzla oblique of
3 manzil three-storyed
1 manzal residential, domestic
2 manzil plural of 1
munzaw Arabic 1 lonely, secluded

munsh m. [plural:

male office workers 3 male Oriental language instructor (in India


mantqn adverb logically, in a reasoned manner

mantiqph m. specialist in logic; logician
mintaqaw Arabic regional regional pact
regional bureau
mintaq, mantaq f. Arabic [plural: mintaq and m.
plural: Arabic mantq] 1 zone, area frigid


Pashto-English Dictionary

1 mantiq Arabic 1 logical, reasoned; consistent

The logical consequence of this is 2 m.


torrid zone

moderate zone

mun'aqidawl denominative, transitive [past:

to convene, gather 2 to conclude (a treaty, etc.)

tropics 2 band, region

reflected light 2
overturned 3 inverse; opposite compound verb
compound verb
mun'akisawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

mintaq plural of
manzr m. Arabic 1 looks, appearance 2 sight, spectacle;
phenomenon an agreeable sight 3 landscape; view,


manzar f. Arabic [plural:


manzar and m. plural:

manzr] 1 view; landscape; terrain 2 spectacle;

be described (e.g., of events)

munazzmn Arabic 1 regularly 2 in an organized manner,

munfard Arabic 1.1 lonely, solitary; separate

a solitary soldier; certain persons


manzurawl 1 denominative, transitive [past: ]

.1 to authorize, confirm, approve 1.2 to accept (e.g., invitation) 2

individuals 1.2 separate, one-man, individual 1.3 single,

bachelor 1.4 special

mn', mn'a Arabic 1 f. ban, prohibition 2 predicative banned

compound verb a to forbid, institute a ban b to hinder,
block c to disallow, prevent to prevent a
fight d to contain, constrain to pin down
enemy flanks to stop hemorrhage
compound verb a to be banned, be forbidden b to encounter an

The weather hinders

the aviation activities.


manfa'atdzh 1 mercenary, self-serving 2 m.

manfa'atdzhuj f.

1 speculation 2

profiteering 3 moneygrubbing, avarice

munfa'l Arabic 1 made, manufactured 2 experiencing,

munfk, munfkk Arabic 1 separate; separated 2 removed,

manfr Arabic 1 hateful; despicable 2 diagreeable,

feeling something. 3 upset 4 embarrassed, uncomfortable, shy

eliminated, displaced, supplanted


manfurijt m. Arabic disgust


mun'aqd Arabic 1 convened, gathered 2 concluded (of a

manfa'atna and plural

manf'] 1 use; benefit 2 advantage; profit


manzum f. Arabic 1 long poem; poem 2 system 3

network (e.g., railroad)

obstacle c to be contained, be constrained, be pinned down

personal gain mutual benefit a

to benefit somebody b to bring somebody profit 3 interest
opposite interests a clash of
opposing interests to stand up for somebody's

evidence, deposition, etc.)

poem, poems 2 well-organized; harmonious

manfa't m. Arabic [plural:


manzuredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be approved, confirmed authorized 2 to be accepted (of

compound verb

munfasl Arabic 1 separate, divided; not continuous 2

independent (of a person) 3 fired; removed from office, whose

approved, confirmed, authorized

compound verb

munfardn Arabic 1 lonesomely, separately 2 separately,

individually 3 particularly, specially

treaty, etc.)

to achieve a special

resignation has been accepted, who has resigned

manzur f. approval, confirmation, authorization

on somebody's approval to be

status; take a special place 2 m. politics independent

m. plural approval, confirmation, authorization

manzm Arabic 1 poetic, written in verses

outlet; manhole 4 vent

manzr Arabic 1 deemed fit, approved 2 m. .1 goal, task

with this in mind to this end
in order to increase production 2.2 sense, meaning
The meaning of this declaration is as

mn'a f.
munfadzhr Arabic 1 exploded 2 explosive
manfz m. Arabic [plural: manfz] 1 orifice 2 pore

in an orderly manner, in order 3 neatly 4 in a measured manner

mun'akisedl denominative, intransitive [past:

1 to be reflected (of light) 2 to be overturned 3 to find reflection,

organized; orderly 3 neat 4 measured stride

mun'aks Arabic 1 reflected

1 to reflect (light, etc.) 2 to overturn 3 to describe (e.g., events)

manzarad r scenic scenic valley

munazzm Arabic 1 regular, systematic
regularly, systematically regular army
planned development of the economy 2 well-managed,

mun'aqidedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be convened; get convened 2 to be concluded (of a treaty, etc.)

specialist in logic, logician


manf Arabic negative negative answer

to affect adversely a staunch
resistance b counteraction c refusal grammar

Pashto-English Dictionary

negative verb form

equals four.

munq d

f. Arabic

Nine minus five

munkirawl denominative, transitive [past:

make repudiate, force to repudiate something

Arabic 1 submissive, obedient


submit to something 2 gentle, acquiescent

munqdawl denominative, transitive [past:

conquer, bring into submission


minq r m. Arabic beak

manqabt m. Arabic 1 merit 2 praise, panegyric
to praise, laud somebody
munqabz Arabic 1 contracted, shrunk 2 constipated
munqabizawl denominative, transitive [past: ]
1 to contract, shrink 2 to cause constipation

munqabizedl denominative, intransitive [past:

1 to be contracted, be shrunk 2 to be constipated

munaqqd Arabic 1 m. [plural:

munaqqidn] critic 2

munkiredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

denied, be repudiated; deny, renounce, disavow

No one can deny this.

munkasr Arabic 1 fractured; broken 2 saddened, aggrieved
polygonal line
munkasir-ul-miz dzh Arabic sad, sorrowful,

munkashf Arabic 1 opened, discovered, revealed

Their secret was out.
1 manka conjunction I swear! (It's true.)
2 munak f. 2
1 mang m. 1 age, years He was thirty
years old. 2 size, measure, quantity

existing, destroyed; extinct

interrupt b to intersect c to destroy

compound verb a to

compound verb

to be interrupted, be suspended a to be cut short, be suppressed c

to be destroyed, become extinct

manql m. Arabic brazier, charcoal grill

1 munqalb Arabic folded, turned, angled back (e.g., of a
tongue); cacuminal

munqalb m. Arabic 1 location of a turn 2 outcome, end

3 demise, death

minqal f. Arabic protractor; technology declinometer

manqsh Arabic ornamented with paintings
manqt Arabic designated by a point; provided with a point
manql Arabic 1 mobile 2 movable (of property)
movable property 3 passed on as tradition 4
told, narrated

manqul t m. plural Arabic [singular

property 2 legends; traditions

manqul Arabic
munaq, munaqq

feminine and plural of


1 movable

munaqq 1 pure, purified 2 f.

red sultanas (variety of large black grapes)

munkr Arabic 1 denying, refusing, refuting 2 m. person

who denies something; adversary; detractor

mung, mang 1 mute 2 dumbstruck, at a loss for words (from

munkr Arabic 1 denied 2 repudiated; unrecognized 3

chastised, disapproved of; reprehensible

munkirtb m. 1 denial; repudiation 2 disapproval,

munkr-nakr m. Arabic religion Munkir and Nakir (two


angels who, according to Muslim beliefs, interrogate the souls of

the dead on their lives and beliefs)

to be

dumbstruck, be lost for words, be stunned

munaqqsh Arabic covered with writing, ornamented

surprise, etc.)

munqat' Arabic 1 interrupted 2 intersected 3 no longer



3 mang m. thick viscous clay, mud

mang cha f.
mang r m. 1
mang ra f. mang re f. plural scratch
mang ha f. pitchfork for winnowing grain
1 mang l m. large sickle
2 mang l m.
mang n m. plural manganese
mangtj ra f. pomegranate (plant)
mangcha f. foot, paw (of a predator)
compound verb to snatch, grab with the paws, paw

mangr m. regional mangar (eighth month of the Hindu


2 mangr 1
mangrj m. mangrai (small poisonous snake)
mang m. 1 bedbug 2 tick; mite
mangj f. gecko (lizard)
mangta f. turnip
mangz f. Eastern
mangk m. dialect mouse
1 mangl m. 1 proper noun Mangal 2 plural Mangal (tribe)
2 mangl f. [plural: mangli] 1
3 mongl m. Mongol
manglsa f. sedan chair (to carry a bride, etc.)
mangla f. paw, pad, foot (of birds, animals)
mangulj f. bead bracelet
mangnj 1 autumnal, autumn-like 2 born in the fall (of a
litter, offspring)

mung m. [plural:

mang stupid; ignorant

bedbug 2 tick; mite


mung and

munga n] 1

Pashto-English Dictionary

mangoj m.

1 small-size jug, small-size pot 2 waterwheel

bucket 3 figurative moneybox


on others

m. small jug, small-size pot


must be acknowledged.

that 2 respected, esteemed

establishing 5 appreciation, gratitude


to thank

proper noun Munawar 2.3 plural intelligentsia, enlightened


stretched over the top, like a tambourine) 3 clay beehive

mant Arabic dependent

mannkaj 1 present participle of 2 obedient, docile
mannaj 1 consenting 2 obedient, docile
manw Arabic assumed; stipulated
manwij t m. plural Arabic assumptions, intentions
1 1 mna short form of 2 mn oblique singular of
2 manh m.
3 min f. dwelling, residence, abode
4 man imperfective imperative of
5 mna
minh dzh m. Arabic 1 high road; wide road 2 figurative
style; manner

He would not agree with me. I agree

to agree with somebody He did not
follow my advice. If you agree with me.
I acknowledged I conceded that compound
verb to hate; disapprove He did not like this.
compound verb to approve, find acceptable 1.2 to accept;
undertake He picked up the tab.
to undertake something 1.3 to listen to; follow; obey 1.4
to set; establish to put a

to impose one's opinion

man m. proper noun Mano

manodzh n m. proper noun Mano-jan
munawwr Arabic 1.1 lit; illuminated 1.2 enlightened 2 m.
[plural: munawwarn] .1 member of the intelligentsia 2.2

a universally
It is known
! Esteemed friend!

2 acceptance, undertaking 3 docility, obedience 4 setting,

different pot.) 2 jug (musical instrument, i.e., a jug with leather

make acknowledge

manltj f. 1 state of being acknowledged 2 staunchness

! Dear sir!
minn m. plural Arabic of
manna f. 1 acknowledgement, recognition; consent; approval

story. This is another kettle of fish. (literally: This soup is from a

This bridge cannot support an excessive load. 1.7 to impose,

1-4 It
nod one's head in assent

manlaj 1 past participle of

acknowledged fact

mnga Eastern pronoun

mangj m. [plural: mang and mangij n] 1 jug
proverb An empty barrel rattles the
loudest. mang This is quite another

to be elected a deputy c to be accepted, be

supported, survived 2 m. plural

swelling of gums

bounty on somebody's head 1.5 to experience, undergo 1.6 to

undertaken d to be set, be established e to be experienced, be

mangcha, mangwcha f.
1 mangr m. adder; blunt-nosed viper
2 mangr m. blind puppy
mangorwla f. asparagus
mangw f.
mangwa f. bedbug
mangoj m.
1 mangl f. [plural: mangli] claw; paw
compound verb a to take a grip with the claws b
to lock horns, get into a fight c to claw, scratch
idiom in the claws of death
to get out of the claws of death the
chains of colonialism; to encroach, infringe on something
to make an attempt on somebody's life
2 mongl m. Mongol
mangulp aj m. sycamore, Platanus
mangla f. 1
1 mangli f. plural kind of embroidery
2 mangli plural of 1
3 mongol 1 Mongolian 2 m. Mongol
mongolij f. Mongolia
mangomj m. childhood disease characterized by the

withstand, support (e.g., a weight, a load)

compound verb passive voice a to be

acknowledged; be recognized; be approved; get approved b to be

to become

manl 1 transitive [past: ] .1 to acknowledge;

consent; give consent; approve He agreed with me.

munhadm Arabic destroyed; ruined

manh Arabic forbidden, prohibited (by religion)
manhij t m. plural Arabic [singular: ]prohibitions;
forbidden things

man f. 1 boast, brag 2 egoism 3 egotism, "me-first" 4

man f. Arabic sperm, seed

man past tense of

mnaj m. 1 autumn, fall 2 fall harvest

manj m. necklace


munj 1.1 consenting 1.2 obedient, docile 1.3 pious, devout

1.4 temperate, abstemious 2 m. .1 old man, elder 2.2 wise man

7 munj feminine singular and plural of 3 1

manir m. regional money order
mandzhr m. regional manager, director (of a factory)

Pashto-English Dictionary

munr Arabic illuminating; radiant; luminescent; resplendent

manz used as the second part of a word combination that

means weighing a certain amount of mans

man oilcan

ma f.


proverb Even a

telltale; informer, snitch 3 rabble-rouser 4 rebel, mutineer 5

the apples have been counted.) 2 hawthorn beads

fiend; devil

maaghnaj m.
1 mu m. plural congealed soft tallow
2 mu m. one hair
3 mu, mo Western, Eastern 1 non-emphatic pronoun form

Do you see us?

Zaheen took our books. 2

.1 used as the object

of an action expressed by transitive verbs in the present, past, and

future tenses (you)

They hear you. 2.2 used as the

subject of an action with transitive verbs in ergative patterns (you)

mawdzhb mdzhb m. plural and singular Arabic

face to face to run into, come across

to run into

muwdzhah f. Arabic 1 face-to-face meeting;

mukhaz f. Arabic punishment; prosecution

compound verb to punish; prosecute

maw sa f. 1 female gossip 2 female telltale; female

muwsalt m.

muwsal f. Arabic 1 connection 2

mawz' m. plural Arabic of

muwzb Arabic 1 caring 2 diligent, assiduous, painstaking

muwzabt m. Arabic 1 care, concern, custody 2

diligence, assiduousness, studiousness 3 care of something 4

vigilance, alertness

muwfq Arabic 1.1 appropriate, suitable, favorable; proper

an "aye" vote
This resolution
was adopted with 67 "ayes" against 3 "nays." to
vote for; vote "aye" a to match, suit b to agree with
something 1.3 favorable, fair fair wind 2 m. .1 match
in accordance with the law 2.2 supporter
muwfaqt m. Arabic 1 correspondence
to correspond to something to be a
1.2 being in agreement with something

confrontation (legal term) 2 presence

mws f. fairy tale

3 taking care of something; looking after something 4 vigilant

muwdzhh Arabic facing somebody or something; standing

communication, connection 3 date (with one's beloved)

colloquial 1 stipend, salary 2 regional tribal subsidy 3 pension

to hide,

maw s m. wasp

mawsm m. plural Arabic of

There have been no letters from you for a long time.

transportation company

Haven't you heard that 2.3 used as a

possessive pronoun (your)

maw s m. 1 protection, guard 2 shelter

mawsh m. plural Arabic livestock

muwsal t m. plural Arabic communications; supply
routes air traffic, airlines
muwsalt 1 communications
communications; supply routes 2 transportation

We saw Hewad. 1.3 used as possessive pronoun (our)

informer; female snitch

Saleem gives us a ride. 1.2 used as the subject of an

action with transitive verbs in ergative patterns (we)

find shelter, asylum

.1 used as the object of an action expressed by transitive verbs in

a in parallel b accordingly,

muwzjn Arabic 1 in parallel 2 accordingly, appropriately

mawzn m. plural Arabic of
1 maw s m. 1 gossip, rumormonger; slanderer, libeler 2

dark night won't hide a thief. (literally: Though the night is dark,

the present, past and future tenses (us)

appropriately 2.1 in parallel 2.2 accordingly, appropriately

a ten-

f. Manila
1 apple

muwz Arabic 1.1 parallel 1.2 identical; matching,

1 substances,
materials raw materials
victuals, foodstuff consumer products
manufactured goods; industrial products
construction materials military gear 2 law articles 3
maw d, maw dd m. plural Arabic of

mismatch; disagree 2 arrangement, agreement 3 consent, permit

medicine pus

mawrd m. plural Arabic of

muwzan f. Arabic 1 balancing, maintaining equilibrium,
equilibrium to maintain balance
to lose one's balance 2
balance, balance sheet; assets and liabilities statement
trade balance to
balance, draw up a balance; establish a balance
idiom balance of forces; equilibrium of forces

by agreement with, by permission of

to be coordinated, cleared with b to agree 4 harmony, consent

muwfaqatnm f. consent (written); agreement

1 muwfaq f. Arabic 1 2 agreement; convention
fishing agreement
2 muwfqa feminine singular of
mawfiqa dawtn f. computer science concordance file
muwfaqalk m. convention, agreement
mawq' m. plural Arabic of
mawqf m. plural Arabic of


Pashto-English Dictionary

mawld m. plural Arabic of three natural kingdoms

(animal kingdom, plant kingdom, mineral kingdom)

difficulties natural impediments to
resolve problems to remove obstacles
mawni' t second plural of
mawhb m. plural Arabic of
mobd m. Zoroastrian priest
mobl m. furniture
moblsz f. furniture production
mobl lubricating oil
maut, mawt m. Arabic 1 death; demise 2 destruction
motr m. motor, engine aircraft engines
motr larnkaj motorized
motoriz 1 motorized 2 f. motorized armed forces
moth m. regional 1
mutj ze f. plural dialect
1 mo m. plural mung bean, Phaseolus aconitifolius
2 mu m. 1 fist 2 hand
to complain of pain in one's hand 3 handle,
grip 4 handful idiom This is the fruit of their
labors. We will not be able to
cope with them. 1, 3
3 mo paired word to
mu na f. plow handle
mor m. [plural: moarna Western moar n
and Eastern f. plural: more] 1 automobile, car
fire engine truck
passenger car a bus
a dump truck an
armored car water tank truck a mail
truck, a communication truck a motorcade; a convoy
of trucks empty truck a car accident
compound verb to drive a car; operate a vehicle
to get into a car
to get out of a car 2 motor; engine electric motor
moarbs m. bus
moarkhn f. garage
moard r
moarrw automobile (of a road)
moarsz f. automobile building, automobile industry
automobile plant; car factory
moars jkl m. [plural: moarsjklna and
Western moarsjkl n moarsjkl m. plural:
moarsajklna and Western moarsajkl n]
mawn' m. plural Arabic [singular:

moarwnbsh m. garage manager

1 moar motor motorboat
2 more f. Eastern plural of
muk m. onanism, masturbation

compound verb

to masturbate

mugj m. small amount; handful

mor m.
mo f. 1 tumor 2 gold thread knot
maj m. 1 fistful; handful

a handful of wheat 2

palm 3 handle, grip 4 steelyard 5 history mutai (unit of length

equal to about 10 centimeters) 6 disease affecting pack animals

muassr Arabic 1.1 efficient; effective 1.2 efficacious,

producing an effect 2 m. [plural:

influence, impact

muassir t] effect,

muassirn 1 successful, effective 2 successfully,


muassirw laj m.

efficacy; effectiveness

muassirijt m. successfulness,

muwassq Arabic credible, veracious; trustworthy

according to a reliable account
maudzh, mawdzh m. Arabic [plural: maudzhna and
Arabic amw dzh] wave; billow; choppy sea; ripples;
oscillation radio waves short waves
compound verb to roll, billow (e.g., of water surface);
oscillate, flutter, wave, undulate; fluctuate

mudzhb, maudzhb m. Arabic [plural:

mudzhib t,

mawdzhb] basis, reason, motive

as per, according to; based on something
lead to, cause lead to, cause
death to cause various diseases
to be subject to exploitation

maudzhib t and Arabic

idiom convenient, comfortable; accommodating

mudzhd Arabic 1 generating 2 m. [plural:

mudzhidn] .1 creator, generator; founder 2.2 inventor 2.3

culprit 2.4 factor, motive cause

muadzhdzhr Arabic borrowed, loaner, on loan

mudzhz Arabic 1 abridged; brief

m. .1 abstract 2.2 summary

motorcycle, motorbike

moark r m. regional automobile; motorcar

mor larnkaj
moarw n m. driver, chauffeur

mudzhiz f.

a brief speech 2

mawdzhd Arabic 1.1 existing, available, at hand 1.2

compound verb
compound verb 2 m. .1
composition, total number 2.2 availability 2.3 [plural:
mujud t, maujud t, mawjud t] creature; organism
living beings pests microorganisms,
present, being here 1.3 actual

irrefutable fact 1.4 current, present

germs 2.4 proper noun Maujud


Pashto-English Dictionary

maudzhudtj f.

mudzhudag, maudzhudag,

mawdzhudag f. 1 presence 2 availability; available stock (e.g.,

of merchandise, oil)

maudzhudw laj m. existence, availability

maudzhudawl denominative, transitive [past: ]
1 to set up, create; put together 2 to offer (e.g., a possibility)

maudzhud, mawdzhud Arabic feminine & plural of

1 modern times; modernity
1 maudzhud f. 1 2 law bankruptcy estate (in

2 maudzhdi feminine plural of 1

maudzhudijt m. Arabic 1 existence 2


availability 3 available personnel 4 integrity; independence 5

objectivity 6 appearance, establishment; formation of something

maudzhudedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to emerge, occur; be established A

favorable situation is emerging. 2 to be implemented; pan out,

work out (of a result)

muwadzhdzhh Arabic 1 acceptable 2 respectable

valid reasons, valid excuses 3 plausible (of a pretext)
maudzh Arabic wavy; wave-shaped
muchlj f. 1 spent cartridge case 2 earring 3 luring reed (to

in five years
somewhat earlier long, a long time
for a very long time
since long ago It's been a long time
since ... A short time passed
since a little later
from a certain moment A certain
time has elapsed. within the shortest time
possible This was my long-cherished
dream. a long-term loan, credit
2 mda oblique singular of
1 muadd Arabic 1 paying, reimbursing 2 m. payer
2 mud oblique singular & plural of 1
modl m.
mo m.
mm m. mem computer science modem
muazzn m. Arabic muezzin
muz Arabic 1.1 harmful; disagreeable; noxious 1.2 mean 2
mud, mudd f. term; period; time

"heads or tails")

muwahhd Arabic 1 monotheistic 2 m. religion monotheist

muakhkhar f. Arabic 1 rear part; back 2 afterward;

a common goal; a

shared goal

mkh dawtn f. computer science destination file

mukhj f. two families swapping their girls (in marriage)
compound verb to swap girls between two families (in

to go into fashion be
in, be fashionable be out, go out of
fashion to dress fashionably
muaddb Arabic well-mannered; polite
mod m. fashion

They treat their elders respectfully.

mawaddt m. Arabic friendship

mor m. peacock

mor f. [plural: Western

mnde] mother

muchunghza f.
1 moch, much m. 1 shoemaker; cobbler 2 tanner
2 mochj f. shoemaker's wife
mochigar f. shoemaking craft
motsj f. small rock or piece of clay (for a game resembling

modl m. model, example


this time

shoemaker's wife

a person of

m. tormentor

moch gannkaj m. cobbler, shoemaker

mochawl m. shoe salesman
mocha f. 1 shoe a gold embroidered shoe

mukh f. 1 target; aim 2 goal

modern outlook 2 most recent

beckon quails)

modrn 1 modern

birth mother, one's own mother

mndi and Eastern

children of the same mother and father, one's own

children adoptive mother ! mri! ! Mother!
from birth idiom to be a brave man
3 mur m. 1 caterpillar; pest 2 ant
mor f. mother, wife of a mullah or a priest
mor k m. brick layer
mor l m. morale
mornj, murnj f. rim of a knife's handle
mor-au-pl r m. plural parents
morp n m. arborvitae
mor-pl r m. plural Eastern
murt m. myrtle
maurs Arabic 1 causing; inflicting 2 m. cause
murchl m.
morchng m. Jew's harp
1 morch f. 1 trench, entrenchment; position
to shoot from covered positions
to shoot from direct positions to take up position 2

2 morch f. 1 rust 2 termite

morchakhr 1 corroded with rust, rusted, rusty
away by termites


murchakhurk m. wryneck (bird)

2 eaten

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 muarrkh m. Arabic [plural: muarrikh n and Arabic

muarrikhn] 1 historian 2 chronicler
2 muwarrkh Arabic dated, marked with a certain date
muarrikhn historical
maurd m. Arabic [plural: mawrd] 1 object, item 2
pretext; basis to use
to be used to be
utilized (of an expression, phrase) 3 case, instance
in exceptional cases the abovementioned cases

morrwaj 1 sucking the mother's breast; nursing (of a baby);

suckling (of a baby animal) 2 m. .1 suckling 2.2 baby

morzd morz daj congenital; born, inborn

He was born blind.
morzg uterine (of a brother)
morfolozh 1 f. morphology animal
morphology plant morphology 2 morphological
morfn m. plural morphine
morka f. 1 morkj, morakj f. children's speech
mommy, mom ! Mommy, pour me some tea!
morki Eastern morke oblique singular of
1 morganj m. relative (maternal)
2 morganj f. relatives (maternal)
morg f. 1 end; edge (e.g., of the sky) 2 ridge, ledge,
overhang (of a mountain) 3 hunk (of bread) 4 borer line 5

ledge; lip 6 rim, brim

morl transitive [past:

ewes; lamb weaning

to force lambs away from

murlj f. snake catcher's reed

morm m. close relative whom one is forbidden to marry
murm nsk m. Murmansk
mormaj having lost one's mother
morn m. moraine
mornlt damned
mornj, moranj 1 native; maternal native
language, native tongue a mother country b
homeland 2 uterine uterine brother
morw laj m. motherhood
mor-u-pl r m. plural parents
maurs Arabic maurus hereditary; inherited
morwal f.
1 mor f. ferment
2 mor imperfect of
1 mawr m. plural white wheat
2 mri Eastern mre vocative of 2
3 mor present tense of
4 maur m. leader camel
5 maur adjective Merv, Mary

morj f. 1 clay water-pipe 2 flue; chimney 3 oven's ash

box, wind box 4 gutter 5 regional swear word; curse word,

7 maurj f. edge (of a roof); eaves

morinka f.
mornga f. foster mother
morna f. 1 dam (female) 2 figurative basis
1 mo [f. ma, m. plural: m, f. plural: ma]
1 satiated, full 2 well-off, rich ! Ahmed is very
rich! 3 satisfied idiom to be
comfortably off, be well provided for

2 mo m. 1, 3, 4
motj f. 1 fullness; satiety 2 wealth, riches 3 satisfaction
mostrgaj 1 not greedy 2 pleased, satisfied 3 noble;

mka f. 1
moawl denominative, transitive 1
1 mo f. 1 saddlecloth (under the saddle) 2 packsaddle (of a
camel) 3 range (of mountains, waves) 4 edge; lip 5 blockage;

long-term constipation 6 stool 7 rampart around a tent 8 kind of

embroidery 9 welt from being hit with a twig

2 muwa, mo f. tool to clean cotton

moawl m. saddler who makes packsaddles
moedl denominative, intransitive
moed m. plural
1 uz m. dialect
2 mauz m. Arabic banana
3 moz m. ispagol, psyllium (medicinal herb)
mozmbk m. Mozambique
mozk m. mosaic
muwazz' m. Arabic salesman, deliverer (of newspapers,
magazines, etc.)

muzgh aj m. kohl bag

mauzn, mawzn Arabic 1

rhythmic, harmonious 2 well-

proportioned; symmetrical 3 suitable, matching, appropriate 4

well-fitting (of clothes) 5 good (of mood)
cadence, quick time


mauzunijt m. Arabic 1 rhythmicity; harmoniousness 2

proportionality; symmetry

1 moz f. 1 high boot 2 feathering (in birds of prey)

2 muz, muz f. muzekhn f. 1 muz museum
1 moz 1 2 m. rival (in love)
2 muz museum
3 moz plural of 1
mozitb m. lowness, dirty tricks; underhandedness
muzk m. 1 music 2 orchestra compound verb
to play music

muzik f. music
muzigj m. 1 saboteur

2 rival (in love)

Pashto-English Dictionary

muzijm m.
muzh dialect pronoun
1 mug Western personal pronoun, first person plural 1.1 we
(as the subject of an action in every tense) We are
sitting. 1.2 we (as the object of actions with transitive verbs in
ergative patterns)

They saw us. 2 oblique form .1 us

(as the object of an action expressed by transitive verbs in the

present, past, and future tenses and in the imperative mood)

Saleem gives us a ride. 2.2 we (as the subject of an


action with transitive verbs in ergative patterns)


We saw Hewad. 2.3 us (with prepositions,

postpositions, and adverbs)

us, from us

to us

at us


a with us, among us b within us

2 mug present verb stem of

1, 2
1 mugk
2 mugk
m. muscle; biceps; calf (of a leg)
z m. buzzard (bird)

m little mouse

mug l transitive
1 mug present tense of
2 mogj,
m. [plural: mog and
n] peg; tethering post; lay up

institution, enterprise 2 organization, facility 3 social institution

slavery 4 institute (research facility)

muassisn m. plural Arabic of 1
musk dialect smiling compound verb to smile
musk f. smile while smiling
moskw f. Moscow Moscow River
mska feminine singular of
muskedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]
dialect to smile
mausm, mosm, mosm m. Arabic [plural:

mausimna and



m. plural Musakheils (branch of the

Gilzays-Ahmedzays and of the Mangals)

musedl intransitive
musiq r m. music 1 Pan's flute 2 name of a legendary bird

that symbolizes music

musqal' f. Musaqala region

musiq 1 f. .1 music musical instruments
conservatory orchestra
symphonic music 1.2 musicality 2.1 musical
orchestra 2.2 melodious
musiqiph m. musiqid n m. 1 musician 2

musiqiwl m. musician
mosj m. monsieur; mister
musj Judaic (of religion)
mush m. 1 mouse 2 used as the first part of word
combinations a kestrel (bird) b buzzard
mushkhul f.
mushkhultj f. 1 occupation 2 children's games and
mushk m. spy, scout
mushikf f. 1 detailed analysis; detailed review


mausm Arabic called, referred to

1 mus m. Arabic personal noun Moses; Musa
2 mosj f.
musich f. laughing dove, Streptopelia senegalensis

perspicacity 3 integrity; scrupulousness 4 censoriousness, cavil,


mushkaj m. name of a plant used for brooms

mushigf f.
mushgr m. mushgirk m. 1 kestrel (bird)

buzzard (bird)

mush f. black donkey

muh f. spreading, applying, smearing, rubbing
muhn f. airan (drink similar to kefir) goatskin
moht f. bunch of cut wheat, etc.
mhka f. musk
muhl transitive
1 mhli present tense of
2 muhlaj past participle of
muhna f.
muhawlaj past participle of
mhi present tense of
mausf Arabic 1.1 described 1.2 possessing some quality
1.3 lauded, glorious 1.4 modified 2 m. grammar dependent


mawsm] season; time of year

mausim seasonal



1 mos moss
2 mos most thick (of a liquid)
1 muasss m. Arabic [plural: muassis n and Arabic
muassisn] 1 founder; charter member
charter members, founders 2 founders
The founding father of Awaken Youth is Mr. Pashtoon.
2 muasss Arabic founded, established
muassas f. Arabic [plural: muassas and m.
plural: Arabic muassas t] 1 enterprise; institution; firm
an industrial enterprise a state

mausl Arabic 1 connected, attached 2 relative; relative


They have taken
military position ! idiom Over the

mauz', mauz' f. Arabic [m. plural Arabic

1 place, location 2 point

the Popoli area. 3

top! (command)

Pashto-English Dictionary

mawz', mawz' 1 f. and rarely m. [plural:

mawzo'g ni, m. plural Arabic mawzu' t and
mawzo'na] .1 issue; matter status,
situation on a hot topic; on current
topics to find out what's going on, clarify the
situation This issue deserves attention. 1.2
topic, plot; content to talk on a
variety of topics The agenda is as
follows. 1.3 problem; issue the issue of
independence 1.4 object the object of insurance

I avail myself of the opportunity. 2

circumstances They were aware of the
circumstances. 3 place to take up space; be situated
mauqashins f. decorum to observe

moment; suitable occasion 4 situation

tactical mission 2.1 established

established laws 2.2 placed
mauzu' feminine and plural Arabic of 2
muwazzf Arabic 1.1 (one) having received an appointment,
appointed officers, officials
1.2 military being on active duty 2 m.
[plural: muwazzafn] clerk, official; manager
muwazzafawl denominative, transitive [past: ]
1 to appoint, assign to a position 2 to obligate; impose an


mauqf, mawqf Arabic 1 forbidden, prohibited 2

terminated, suspended 3 removed (from duties, work) 4

dependent on something; involved with something 5 underpinned,

based on something

mauqufawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1

to forbid, prohibit 2 to terminate, suspend 3 to remove (from

maw'd m. Arabic 1 promise 2 prognosis 3 deadline; set


mu'az f. Arabic 1 sermon 2 admonition, instruction

maw'd Arabic promised
1 muwaffq Arabic 1 successful; lucky; prosperous
to achieve success, prosper in something; prove a

duties, work)

mauqufedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be forbidden, be prohibited 2 to be terminated, suspended 3 to

be removed (from duties, work) 4 to depend on something 5 to

success 2 favored

muwaqqt Arabic temporary temporarily

muwaqqtn Arabic temporarily
muwaqqr Arabic 1 respected, esteemed; honorary
to carry oneself with dignity 2 serious
mauq' moq f. Arabic [m. plural: mawq'] 1
occasion; convenient moment; opportunity in
such a case from time to time on the
occasion of the holiday in case of failure
to look for an opportunity to sneak a chance, get an
opportunity An opportune occasion arose.
An opportunity was created for this.

mauqifna and

periodicals; periodic publications

muwazzafedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

1 to be appointed, get appointed 2 to be obligated, get obligated

score a success; pull off

mawqt Arabic periodic

muwazzafijt m. Arabic military active duty

muwaffq Arabic favoring; assisting, helping

muwafaqqn 1 successful 2 successfully
muwaffaqijt m. Arabic success, good fortune; achievement
with great success a great achievement
to achieve success;

installation, setup; unit, piece of equipment 4 parking 5 policy


mauqf, mawqf m. Arabic [plural:

Arabic mawqf] 1 position, point of view

to elaborate on one's position
to take a certain position to
review one's position to maintain different
positions 2 circumstances, situation The
situation has somewhat improved. social status 3


in an instant

mauqi'jt, mawqi'jt m. Arabic 1 situation, position

geographic situation 2 timeliness 3 opportune

1.5 grammar, philosophy object; subject 1.6 mission, task;

mauqa', moq' f.

is no time to deal with these issues.

be underpinned, be based on something

mok m. bribe; recompense

take a bribe

compound verb to

compound verb to be on the take

to give a bribe
mokkhr m. bribe taker
1 muakkd Arabic 1 supported, confirmed 2 emphasized (of
a point, a word) compound verb a to support, confirm b
to emphasize (a point, a word) compound verb a to be
supported, be confirmed b to be emphasized (of a point, a word)

muakkd Arabic 1 supporting, confirming 2 emphasizing

(of a point, a word)

muwakkl Arabic 1 trusted; authorized; proxy 2 m.


muwakkaln] elector; voter

muwakkl m. Arabic 1 proxy-giver, grantor 2 client (of a

defending attorney)

mok f. felt puttees, leggings

mug dialect pronoun
mogdish f. Mogadishu
mogrn f. dormouse; squirrel-tailed dormouse (gnaw)

Pashto-English Dictionary

mga dialect pronoun

mogj m. Eastern 1
mol m. 1 tip of a turban 2 way of wrapping a turban so it
covers one's ears a turban that is wrapped so it
covers one's ears

maul m. Arabic [plural:


maulj n] 1 god, lord 2

1 mom 1 wax 2 waxed

2 mmi present tense of
3 mum above-mentioned, stated
momij , mumij f. 1 mummy 2 ointment
mumalejhm plural Arabic above-mentioned (plural)
the above-mentioned persons
1 momj f. 1 mineral oil, mineral resin (for the

mauln , mawln m. Arabic mawlana; our master (the

treatment of sprained joints and fractures, etc.) 2 ichthyol 3

honorary title of Muslim learned men and theologians)

mawlji 1.1 master's 1.2 Ishmaelite

Ishmaelism 2 m. Ishmaelite

molt m.
1 mawld m. Arabic 1 place of birth 2 birth
2 muwalld Arabic 1.1 producing; generating
power production 1.2 productive 2 m. [plural:
muwallidn] .1 producer small producers 2.2 creator
technology generator
3 muwalld Arabic born, produced
moldawij f.
muwallid f. Arabic and plural of
muwallidijt m. Arabic performance; productivity
1 mu'allf m. Arabic [plural: mu'allifn] 1 author,
compiler 2 compiler; collector

2 mu'allf Arabic 1 composed; put together 2 m. [plural:

mua'llaf t] composition; work
mawld, mauld Arabic 1 born, generated 2 m. .1 birth 2.2

religion Prophet Mohammed's birthday 2.3 son 2.4 consequence,

result, yield, product


logical consequence 2.5

mawld one of nature's realms

mauludijt, mawludijt m. Arabic performance;


mawlaw m. Arabic religion mawlawi, learned person

mol f. military camp; bivouac
1 molj m. 1 pestle 2 pestle of a hulling machine 3 tree

2 mawl m. Arabic
3 mulj f.
1 mom, mum m. plural wax
2 mum verb stem present of and
mum f.
mumbr m. colloquial
momdzhm f. 1 oilcloth 2 waxed paper
mum m. plural 1
mumn m. Arabic [plural: mumin n and Arabic
muminn] 1 faithful; Muslim 2 proper noun Mumin
momnd 1 m. plural Momands (a tribe) 2 m. Momand
1 mm, mm oblique plural of
2 mmu present tense first person of and


2 momj, mumj embalmed mummy

compound verb to embalm compound
verb to be embalmed, get embalmed

mont zh m. assembly, setup

muann s Arabic grammar 1 feminine gender
feminine gender word females 2 m.
[plural: muannas t] feminine gender; feminine gender

muannastb m.

feminine gender

muannasw laj m. grammar

mundzh m. 1
mundz m. dialect
mundzguz r m. (one who is) performing the namaz

mundr f. earring
1 mundr j 1 of short stature 2 short-eared
2 mundrj f.
mundl transitive Eastern
mundna f. 2
mundnaj accessible, achievable
mund m. plural 2
1 mundj Eastern potential form of the verb form of in
lieu of
2 mundj m. [plural mund and mundij n]
goat or ram with short ears

3 mundj
1 mun m.

f. she-goat or sheep with short ears


mun n] 1 tree stump 2 root 3

source (of evil etc.) 4 foundation, base, basis

idiom the root of a word

2 mun reticent, quiet

munk m. 1 small stump (of a tree) 2 branch stub
mun m. 1
munhraj m. compacted area (for games)
munhj m. bull that is closest to the center of the thrashing
floor or the waterwheel

1 munj m. 1
2 munj f. 1
munz intricate, complex (of an issue or matter)
monrowij f. Monrovia
munz m. dialect

Pashto-English Dictionary

mung mnga dialect pronoun

muns Arabic 1 gregarious 2 m. intimate friend, close friend
monsn m. monsoon monsoon
mnish m. Munich
mung Eastern pronoun
mungpal f. peanuts
mnga Eastern pronoun
monogr f m. monogrf f. monograph
1 mun j m. post on which meat is hung to be air-cured
2 mnaj m. necklace
3 mon j m. polled goat, hornless goat
mu j m. plug made of a rag
mawhib t mauhib t m. Arabic [plural
mawhibatna, Arabic mauhib t and mawhb
mauhib f. Arabic plural: mauhib, m. plural Arabic
mauhib t and mawhb] 1 present; gift; offering 2

mahrp a f. computer science control panel

mahrt m. Arabic mastery, art; skill, dexterity
mahradzh m. maharaja
mahrkil f. computer science control key
mahr racing, fast-running (of a camel)
mah l m. 1 time, season It was
morning when Zaheen came. since a
certain time in the future, from now on
recently with time at
other times some time a at this time, now b at
that time, then precisely now, precisely at this
time 2 season (of fruit, etc.) Summer is the

mihtar-l m m. Mehtarlam
mihtr f. work of a groom
muhtammm Arabic 1 m. .1

benefaction, favor 3 gift, talent

mauhm Arabic 1.1 imaginary, mock, apparent; supposed

1.2 fantastic 2 m. [plural:

superstition; prejudice

mauhum t] .1 fantasy 2.2

mauhumparst superstitious
mauhumparast f. superstition; superstitiousness
muj m. one hair
1 muajjd Arabic reinforced; supported
2 muajjd Arabic 1.1 assisting, helping 1.2 reinforcing
mawz m. plural large black sultanas; raisins

mahj m. ferryman; boatman

maht b m. moonlight, moon
mahtbj f. kind of fireworks
mihtr m. 1 prince (in particular, the ruler of Chitral)

regional groom

observer 1.2 principal; trustee

(of a school) 1.3 editor 2 caring

2 m.

favorable moment

season for grapes.



mawesh m. plural
mawhi f. plural 1 tapeworm 2 hemorrhoidal piles
1 ma, m Eastern, Western 1 particle .1 not, don't (negative,
prohibitive, emphatic particle; commonly used with verbs of

mahdzhr Arabic 1 abandoned; left 2 forgotten; deserted

a forgotten fact; forgotten truth 3 separated
He is separated from his sweetheart.
muhazzb Arabic well-bred; well-mannered
1 muhr m. 1 seal, stamp compound verb to seal
compound verb to attach, affix a seal 2 history muhr, mogar
(gold coin in India) idiom to break silence,
violate the silence idiom They bragged about
their foreign education.

mahr m. Arabic 1 mahr (bride-price, bride money) 2 mahr

(amount of money set aside by the bridegroom for the bride at the

imperfect aspect and conditional or imperative mood; it is

! ! Don't do! 1.2

postposition (used for emphasis) ! Don't go today! !
Don't ask me anything! Don't
fatigue me! 2 instead of
2 ma suffix feminine of 7
muhdzhr Arabic 1 m. [plural: muhdzhirn] .1

marriage ceremony)

sometimes written with the verb)

3 mihr m. 1 love 2 kindness

mihrb sh 1 friendly 2 loving
mihrb n, merb n, mehrab n 1 kind; gracious !
What attention! He is kind to me. your
lordship, sir If the teacher is kind to

settler, migr (especially of Muslims who emigrated from India

due to the caliphate movement) 1.2 immigrant 2.1 resettling;

emigrating, immigrating 2.2 migratory



muhdzhart m. Arabic resettlement; emigration;


muhdzhm Arabic 1 assaulting, attacking 2 m. aggressor

mah r, muh r m. Arabic reins (camel's) compound
verb to bridle (a camel)

2 gracious

merbng, mehrbng f.

by the grace of God graciously

merb na, mehrb na 1 feminine singular of 2

1 merbn, mehrbn f. 1 kindness 2 graciousness; mercy

compound verb a to be kind b to be gracious !
! Please! Be so kind as to! ! Thank you!
2 mehrb ni oblique of
muhrd r m. keeper of the seal

Pashto-English Dictionary

mihrdl, mehrdl m. personal name proper noun Mihrdil

muhrkn m. muhrknd m. engraver, chiseler
muhrkand f. muhrkan f. engraving craft
mahr proper noun Mahro, Mahru
muhr f. 1 shell 2 bead 3 vertebra 4 trowel
1 muhr f. 2
2 muhr sealed
muhlt m. Arabic 1 adjournment, deferment, grace
compound verb a to defer, postpone
Postpone this till the morning. b to conclude a truce

2 muhmma feminine singular of 1

mahmz m. mahmza f. 1 spur 2 goad; pricker
muhands m. Arabic [plural: muhandis n and
Arabic muhandisn] 1 engineer chief
engineer an airplane designer 2 geometrician,
specialist in geometry

to ask for deferment 2 respite 3 delay 4 leisure

muhlk Arabic 1 ruinous, deleterious; dangerous; fatal

hazardous work

fatal disease 2 crushing,


mahlak f. Arabic 1 danger, hazard 2 dangerous place

muhm, muhmm Arabic 1.1 important, significant, serious
This is important.
Here is what's important. This is what's most
important. 1.2 large; major large aviation
units 2 m. [plural: muhimna and Arabic
muhimm t] .1 important matter, enterprise 2.2 campaign,
muhimm t m. 1 plural Arabic of

compound verb to stock up; produce, prepare

muhb Arabic frightful; terrible; awesome

muhajjdzh Arabic 1 exciting; stimulating; cheering
cheering talk, pep talk 2 m. stimulus,

mahikhurk m. kingfisher (birds)

mahrga f. 1 epilepsy 2 epidemic
mahajgr, mahigr m. fisher
mahajgir, mahigir f. fishery
mahn 1 fine; tender 2 smooth; slippery 3 fine, high-quality
1 mahin f. monthly salary; monthly pay
2 mahin 1 f. early sowing 2.1 early; previous 2.2 ripe, early

expedition 2.3 danger, hazard; risk

muhandis f. engineering; technology

mahang regional dear, valuable
mahang f. regional value
mah m. maha m. 1 sailor 2 boatman
mahut m. elephant leader
1 mahj m. [plural: mah and mahij n] fish
2 mahj, mah f. mung bean
3 mah f. plural mung beans, Dolichos pilosus
1 mahj f. flock of sheep
2 muhajj Arabic ready-made; manufactured

2 ammunition,

military gear munitions 3 needs, requirements

mihm n m. guest
mihmnkhn f. Western guest room
mihmnd r m. 1 mihmandar (government representative
who attends to high-ranking foreigners, particularly diplomats,

during their stay in the country); master of ceremonies 2 host; one

who treats

ripening 2.3 elder; older 3 earlier; previously


action with transitive verbs in the present and future tenses as well
as in the imperative mood)

You are asking me. 1.2 I

(as the subject of an action with transitive verbs in an ergative

I have said already that

1.3 my (as the possessive pronoun) This boy
is my nephew. Where is my daughter now?
1.4 at my place; from me ! He left me for

organization of a feast 3 being a guest

muhimmtarn most important, largest

muhml Arabic 1 empty, senseless; absurd
meaningless words 2 neglected, ignored compound
verb to neglect something; ignore something 3 out of use

mi, me Western, Eastern 1 non-emphatic indirect form of a

pronoun, it cannot start sentence .1 me (used as the object of an

mihmndr f. 1 treat; regale; hospitality 2 duties of a

mihmndst hospitable; generous (of a host)

mihmnnawz f. hospitality
mihm na f. female guest
mihmn f. 1 treat; to treat to organize a feast

lowland Momands 2 m. [plural:
mohmand n, mohmandiy n] Momand
1 mohmandz m. plural Momanzi (a tribe) 2 m.
mohmnd 1 m. plural Momands (a tribe)


mohmandzy Momanzai

muhimw laj, muhimmw laj m. importance; significance

1 muhimm f. Arabic [plural: muhimm t] important,


2 maj m. plural wine red wine

3 mj f. plural mung bean; kidney beans lentils
He became grizzled. His hair became

4 me, maj f. May

5 me Western contraction of the pronouns and
I don't know his name
6 me contraction of the negation and pronoun !
Don't wake him up!

grave matter


Pashto-English Dictionary

mj , mij m. [plural:

mjj n, mijj n] 1 clergyman's title; reverend 2


mjg n, mijg n and

Mister Hussein-khan 3 monk

maj f. dialect herd (of horses)

mjr m. dialect
mjrn dialect dialect
mj sa f. dialect
mjsht f. [plural: mj shti] 1.1 month
a month of the solar year a month of the
lunar year for months
monthly, each month honeymoon
What date is it today? 1.2 month (sometimes with ,
does not decline) for several months, in a few
months !

proverb A month is judged by its first day. (literally: A bird is

known by its flight.) 2 new moon

the Red

Crescent Society

mjshtanj m. monthly
mjshtanj f. monthly
mjshkuj f. mosquito net
mj sha f. mj shaj m. Eastern
malarial mosquito; anopheles

mj she plural of
1 mij n m. 1 patron (title of saints)

meter 2 regional meter


2 descendant of a famous

2 mij n m. 1 small of the back; waist 2 sheath 3 middle

Plains lie between
Amu-Darya and Hindukush. idiom There is
no difference between them.
In the meantime, winter has set in.
mijndzh m. mijndzhigraj
1 mijndzhigar f. mediation; settling; reconciliation
2 mijndzhigraj m. middleman; arbiter
mjndz m. dialect
mj nda f. flat rock that pepper, etc., is crushed on
mj nde dialect feminine plural of
1 mijn f.
2 mijn 1 average; moderate temperate climate
area 2 of average height He is of
average height.

mjnah la fairly well-off, neither rich

people who are fairly well-off
mijnaqd mijnaq daj of average height
1 mijn f. Zilqada (the eleventh month of the lunar calendar)
2 mjnj f. dialect purse
mbjad it is necessary; it ought to be
majparst m. drunkard; fond of drinking
majparast f. drunkenness
mjnah l

nor poor

merk m. regional enrollment in an institution of higher

entrance exams
Arabic [plural: mawsq] 1 agreement;

learning, matriculation

mis q m.

charter 2 promise


majt, majt m. Arabic 1 corpse 2 carrion

metfizk m. metaphysics
metfizik metaphysical metaphysicist
metr m. groom, stableman
metr f. subway; metro
mitl transitive [present: past: ] urinate
metd m. method scientific method
metodk 1 methodological 2 methodical
majjta f.
metj m. 1 pickaxe 2 stone dresser's hammer
mitng m. meeting
meteorolozh 1 f. meteorology 2 meteorological
meteorolozhk meteorological
1 me m. plural red ochre
2 me m. flour bin
mi f. orange
mi f. sweets; sweet biscuits
mir m. 1 meter electric meter a cab

misq contractual; reached by agreement

medzhr m. colloquial major
medzhardzhanr l m. colloquial major-general
medzhisr m. regional magistrate
1 mech m. 1 measure; capacity, size somewhat
more same size, equally tall to the same
extent to a certain extent 2 measurement, survey
compound verb
to give somebody a dirty look
2 mech m. sports match; competition a cricket
tournament a soccer match
3 mech m. computer science capacity, size
mechl transitive dialect
mechn f. [plural: mechni] mechna f. hand
mill; attrition mill

1 michn, michnj f. Michni (settlement near Khyber)

2 mechni plural of and
3 mechnaj m. turtle
michurin Michurinite Michurin's

mechawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

to pace the room back and forth 2 to


take someone's measurements

mechawna f. 1 measurement 2 taking someone's



mech f. 1 noodles 2 dodder

Pashto-English Dictionary

mechedl denominative, intransitive [past:


mekh m. 1

to be



majkhn f.

pub, tavern


a mechanical-

students of a mechanical-technical
mechanical damage a robot
compound verb to mechanize
technical school

compound verb a to grind, pound; crumble

idiom to beg, supplicate; talk

med Midian Midians

mdjum medium (grade)
mr m. Madrid
mel m. medal
meiern f. Mediterranea


Mediterranean Sea


compound verb to be mechanized; get mechanized

2 mer m. dialect Sun

3 mer f. dialect 2
mir m. proper noun Mira
mir b m. mirab (person in charge of water distribution in

mekhnikijt m. 1 mechanism 2 mechanics

mekhch m. 1 tree nail; dowel 2 mallet to hammer in a
tent's peg 3 hub

mir t 1 m.

2 attributive .1 childless 2.2 left

without direct heirs 2.3 damned; rotte

majkh r m. majkhr m. drunkard

majkhorag f. drunkenness
majkhsh sweet and sour
mekhawl denominative, transitive [past: ]

to nail,

fasten with a nail

mekh cuneiform writing

1 majd n m. Arabic [plural: majdnna and Arabic
majdn] 1 public square recreation ground;
sports ground an
aerodrome, airport 2 field of activity; occupation; arena 3 plain,

to give up to get rid of one's adversaries
to gain the upper hand to give free rein
to land idiom a to shame, put to
shame b to expose, unmask to put forward (a
proposal) to be printed, be published
to voice an opinion to appear in the
public arena He attracts all the attention.
2 majd n Maydan the Maydan Valley
majdn f. square (in a city)
majdawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
broad valley (frequently in geographical names)

maydan 4 battlefield 5 staging area

crush, grind; crumble, rub up 2 to grind (grain)

majd 1 m. gritty flour; grits 2 finely ground

mir m. 1 mir (a Sayyid title) 2 mir, duke (Uzbek) 3 queen


mekhk m. 1 carnation 2 corn (on one's foot) 3 kind of

granular flour

(of bees) 4 senior shepherd

mekhzn m. regional 1 armory 2 storehouse


compound verb

into; insist

a small nail 2 small peg; peg 3

m. 1 mechanic 2 mechanics 3 railroad

mekhnik mechanical

majd-majd 1 small 2 crumbled; ground 3 thrashed (of

to thrash (grain)


small font
compound verb to be
small change

Be damned!

mirtkh r m. mirtkhr m.
mirtmaj 1 abandoned 2 conversational damne
! Damned fever!
1 mirt dialect
2 mir ta feminine singular of 2.3
mir s m. Arabic 1 inheritance right of
inheritance inheritance tax
to receive as inheritance from somebody
to be left as inheritance to inherit
to bequeath
proverb Wealth is of no use to a stupid son. 2 heritage
spiritual heritage
mirskh r m. mirskhr m. 1 heir 2
inheritor; joint heir 3 land tenant with a right to inherit

mirskhra f. heiress
mirs f. Arabic heritage
mirs 1 hereditary; inherited 2 colloquial damned
! Damn you! ! Be damned!
mirkhr m. stall master
mir n m. proper noun Miran
mir w m.
merdzraj mirtsraj m.
mertsmn mertsn 1.1 hostile 1.2 hateful; mean,
vile 1.3 false; mendacious, deceitful 2 m. enemy

merts, mirts f. 1 evil; hostility; spite, rage

to be feuding 2 regional offense, hurt feelings 3 disaster,

reduced to fragments; be ground up

majdabz m. small sieve

majdafursh m. chandler
majdag f. 1 small thing 2 crumbs

calamity, grief 4 vexation; chagrin


mertsj m. enemy; offender, wrongdoer

mertsj f. from 2
mirkh n m. proper noun Mirkhan

Pashto-English Dictionary

mirkhnj f. 1 large turban 2 kind of muslin (for the


father's wives (with regard to the other wife's children)

combinations, after personal names) 2 mirza, mister (before

personal names) 3 scribe, secretary

majr, mer f. 1 steppe; plain

the Maiwand Plain

mirj f. title of a mir; princedom; duties of a tribal

idiom to compete What



mirsng m. large shell that bath attendants use as a trumpet

are you fighting about?

mirshik r m. 1 master huntsman, chief hunter 2 chief

2 majr plural of 3
3 mjr plural plural of 1
1 merezj, mjrezj 1 non-blood related
stepbrother 2 m. [plural: merez and
merezij n] non-blood related, stepbrother
2 merezj, mjrezj f. of 1 stepsister
merins m. merino sheep
me na f.
meohtb m. marriage (with regard to a woman)
meha f. dialect betrothed girl,
bride married sister
me 1 m. [plural: mana and mena] .1
husband, spouse compound verb to get married (of a
woman) Zaynab got married. to marry
off to marry a daughter off Is

mirghwa f. name of a plant that bears edible berries

mirghw la f.
merkntilzm m. mercantilism
mirg aj m. marbles (the game or the marbles themselves)
1 mirgl m. proper noun Mirgul
2 mergl m. sunflower
1 mergn m. epileptic
2 mergn m. 1 Bonelli's Eagle, Aquila fasciata 2 skilled

mirgndzh m. griffon; vulture

mirgandzhj completely bald; having become bald
merg f. medicine epilepsy
mergjnj suffering from epilepsy
mirm m. proper noun Miram
mirm m. proper noun Mirmayi
mirmadzhls m. toastmaster
mirmadzhlis f. duties of a toastmaster

Zarghuna married? 1.2 brave person, courageous, person; real


mirmchj f. queen (of bees)

mermn f. [plural: mermni] 1 mistress, female
owner, lady the lady of the house a
women's association international
women's movement to get married, be (become) the
mistress 2 madam (form of address) ! Dear ladies!
This area enjoys an arid climate.
mermntb m. status of a lady, mistress
mermna f.
meranj f. stepmother
mir m. proper noun Miro (term of endearment of
and other proper nouns start with )
mirw r m. coquetry to flirt
merza f. name of a plant whose fruit is used to feed


a brave man proverb

writer 2 attributive brave, courageous, valiant He
is a very brave person. proverb You

Heroes do not die. 1.3 able and knowledgeable person

may kill a hero, but his fame will live forever.


metb m. 1

2 status, duties of a husband

memkhe man-like (of a woman)

m. table dinner table

Everyone gathered around the table.

miz n m. Arabic [plural:

miznna and Arabic

mawzn] 1 balance, scale 2 equilibrium, balance 3 result

grand total 4 measure; measurement; amount

volume of export 5 Libra (the constellation) 6

mizan (seventh month of a solar year from September 23 - October

mirogj m. proper noun diminutive of

mra feminine of

Peshawar) 4 grazing land; pasture


2 regional nonirrigated land 3 Maira (the area between Attok and

mirzj 1 prince's; princely 2 f. .1 dukedom 2.2 work or

position of a scribe, secretary 3 clothes worn by mirzas

majr and
stepmother 2 one of one's

mjr, majr f. [plural:

majreg ne] 1 stepmother

mirkhjl m. plural Mirkheil (dervish fraternity)

mirz m. [plural: mirzj n] 1 mirza, duke, prince (in


mir wajs m. proper noun Mir Wais (chief of the Ghalzais in

mizn-ul-harr f. Arabic thermometer

miznij f. Arabic balance economics trade

the 18th century in Kandahar)



mezb n m. host (with regard to the guest)

Pashto-English Dictionary

mezbn f. hospitality

compound verb to offer

hospitality, treat

mezph m. tablecloth

compound verb to

mezd r desk (at school)

1 majzr m. muslin veil
2 mezr m. barn; granary store
mezraj m. dwarf palm
mezk m. regional officers' mess
mezgaj m. small table
mezm n m.
mezmn f.
majzb crazy, insane
mezhl transitive [present: past: ] to urinate
1 meg f. [plural: mgi Eastern mge] sheep; ewe
a Kabul sheep sheep rearing
2 meg m.
plural and oblique singular of
f. slightly melted butter

m. [plural: megtn

] 1 anthill
People scurry about like so many
ants. 2 Eastern small house ant 3 regional containers that are
used to protect food from ants
r m. 1 marbled polecat, Vormela peregusna 2

meg j


misijn, missijn m. mission



deliver grain to the mill)

mishtawl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

house, lodge 2 to transfer to a settled way of life (non-nomadic) 3

to plant (trees)

mishtawl transitive [past:

dough for a second time; stir

to knead the

mishtn m. 1 home, house, lodging 2 settlement

1 misht 1 feminine singular of 1 2 f. home, residence
compound verb 1 1, 2
2 misht m. plural of 1
misht f. plural of 1
mishtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
live, reside, stay, sojourn; lodge, settle 2 to adopt a settled way of

life (non-nomadic)

have goosebumps; feel creepy b to get rusty (of iron)



mesh f.
1 misht, mesht [f. misht m. plural: misht f.
plural: misht] living, residing, staying, sojourning;
having settled Where do you live?
He is staying at the hotel. compound verb
1 compound verb
2 misht m. technique of kneading dough
mishtk m. mishtakj m. dialect small bag (to


j f. Eurasian wryneck, Jynx torquilla
f. dialect

mga f. 1
1 mgi plural Eastern mge 1
2 meg plural of
3 megj m. [plural: megij
n and meg] ant
black ant red ant a to


mezp say m. computer science desktop computer

spread a tablecloth

majs f. passive standing young crops

mishn, mishn m. mission

mishwj f.
mesh f. sheepskin
meh m. buffalo
mehb m. 1 buffalo herdsman 2 buffalo owner
mihk r m.
mehkaj m. buffalo calf
mih-mh 1 nauseous, nauseated

kind of outerwear decorated with

megj na f. pepper long pepper



mis f. miss (title)
2 mes m. regional
mist dialect 1
mujassr Arabic 1 accessible

to be

nauseous 2 disappointed, saddened

mha f. buffalo cow

mi' d m. Arabic term; deadline
mikshst m. geology mica schist
meknizshn m. mechanization
agricultural mechanization

meknzm m. 1 mechanism 2 arrangement, system,



things are available or accessible to them. 2 possible; feasible;


mujasaredl, mujassaredl denominative, intransitive [past:

] 1 to be accessible 2 to be possible; be feasible
wherever possible 3 to be realized

mekniz mechanized mechanized farm

military mounted force; vehicle unit
meknik f. mechanics
majkad f.
mikrfn m.
mikr computer science macro
mikrb m. microbe, germ

Pashto-English Dictionary

mikrobshin s m. microbiologist; bacteriologist

mikrobshinas f. microbiology; bacteriology
mikrb wazhnkaj disinfecting
to disinfect
mikroskp m. microscope
mikrofn, majkrofn m. microphone to
appear before a microphone

megb i m. computer science megabyte

megatn m. Eastern
megzn m. regional armory; arms depot
megnolj f. magnolia
megj m. Eastern
1 mil 1 m. .1 knitting needle 1.2 barrel, tube (of a gun)


roasting spit 1.4 stick (for the application of kohl to one's

eyebrows, etc.) 1.5 rod 2 rearing (of a horse)
a horse)

to rear (of

... to express a
Would you like to

majl m. Arabic 1 wish, desire


have a walk with me in the garden? 2 proclivity, inclination,

propensity; sympathy, affection natural inclinations

have a weakness for wine 3 attraction
3 majl m. 1 dirt; mud 2 rust 3 foam; scum
4 mil m. mile (1.6 km)
5 mil full, packed compound verb to fill, pack
compound verb to be filled, be packed The freshet
began. The snow melt flood began

6 mel paired word to He poured some oil.

mil d m. Arabic 1 birth 2 religion Christmas
before the common era, before Christ common era,
after Christ

mildannab m. religion Prophet Muhammad's birthday

mild Arabic of Christian era, common era, CE (i.e.,
calendar) a date according to the Christian calendar
mel s m. plural molasses
majl n m. Arabic 1 inclination, proclivity, sympathy
attraction 2 trend, direction, tendency a
new trend in literature 3 incline (of terrain) to flow (of a

majl n larnkaj 1 falling, leaning 2 aspiring to

something; intent on something

mil w regional having occurred, having been found

compound verb to search, look for (e.g., a job)

milwedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

Eastern to occur, happen He could not find a

melk m. silk clothing

melg aj m. regional mail train
melmn m. plural and oblique singular of
milimtr m. millimeter

melmstdzj m.

melmastn m. 1 hotel (state-

owned) 2
melmastj f. [plural: melmastj wi and
melmastjg ni] 1 hospitality on a visit 2
treat, reception a party formal
reception compound verb to help oneself, feast on
In the evening I will be
entertaining my friends. to stand treat, serve
something; invite to something
Today Hewad invited me to tea. He gave a
great feast. compound verb to give a party, arrange
a banquet He entertained us very well.
evening dress
melman f. female guest
melm m. [plural: melmn] 1 guest
to invite somebody over, entertain somebody
Today we are invited on a visit. I am visiting
somebody today. I was on a visit.
compound verb to stay with; be a guest He
came to visit us.
proverb A guest has to take into consideration his host's actions.
2 human being, weaker vessel
He doesn't have long to live.
melmaplna f. hospitality compound verb
to offer hospitality, entertain guests

melm plnkaj hospitable

hospitable capital

melmatb m. status of a guest; staying with someone as a


melmadz j m. melmdzj m. small hotel

melmadst hospitable
melmastrga f. 1 evening star (i.e., Venus) 2 Mercury
(the planet)

mela f. she-bear
mel 1 m. [plural: melug n] bear Himalayan
bear 2 f. [plural: melug ni] she-bear
melwa f. dialect grapes
1 mla plural in conjunction with the number of 4
50 miles

mil f. 1 rod; post; shaft 2 small stick, block 3 botany pistil

mel f. 1 folk festival; celebration; picnic

women's merrymaking 2 fair 3 celebration of an engagement,

to help oneself to something

meladz j m. promenade site, walking area
1 mil f. distance in miles at a distance of
100 miles ten miles from the city
2 milj short-tempered; hot-blooded; temperamental, feisty (of



mil plural of

Pashto-English Dictionary

4 mel plural of
milj regional 1 collected 2 having occurred
milj rd m. billion
miligr m m. milligram
1 mim m. name of the letter
2 mem f. [plural: mem ni] regional lady; madam
majmst m. vessel that camel is fed from
majmant m. Arabic happiness, well-being, prosperity
1 majman f. Arabic right flank, right wing (of an army)
2 majman f. Maimana Maimana region
1 majmn m. Arabic ape, monkey
2 majmn Arabic happy
majmun monkey's
mma f. regional
1 mem f. childrens' speech namaz, prayer
2 mem f. & m. childrens' speech 1 breast 2 cry by which
the child asks to be breastfed


mem f. childrens' speech meh-meh (bleating of sheep and

compound verb to bleat

majn, majn 1.1 enamored; in love compound verb

to make someone fall in love compound verb
1.2 liking something; taking an interest in something;
fascinated with something 2 m. [plural: majan n, majn n
and majn] .1 one in love; lover 2.2 amateur, fan, lover of
something He liked poetry by
Rahman a lot. a nature lover 2.3 proper noun Mayan
2 min m. military mine a magnetic mine
1 min f. 1 enamel; glaze tooth enamel 2 blue

glass 3 lapis lazuli 4 blue, azure 5 figurative blue sky

majn m. 1 myna, Acridotheres tristis 2 poetry symbol of a

beloved girl

mintr m. miniature
min achawnkaj mortar
min r m.
minrula obelisk
minand z 1 mine, mortar 2 m. mortar
min 1 enamel 2 azure; light blue
mint m. 1 threat 2 reprimand
majantb Eastern oblique of
majntb m. crush; fancy; infatuation
love marriage marriage for love
menadzhr m. 1 director, manager (of a hotel, etc.) 2 (stage)
director 3 leader; chief executive 4 manager, producer


mindzh m. sitting Indian style

to sit Indian

mindzhawr m.
mnche f. plural dialect flat noodles
mjandz m.
mindztb m. status of a female worker, female slave

mindzka f. 1 female slave 2 female worker

mjandzagaj m. intermediary; arbiter
mindzl 1 transitive [past: ] to wash
compound verb to wash clothes
to wash one's hands and face to
wash oneself, bathe 2 m. plural bathing, washing
washing machine
mjandznj, mjandzanj mjandzwj,
mandzanj, mjandzum n, mjandzum na
middle; average middle-class family
in the meantime

mndza f. [plural:

mndzi and Western

mindzij ni] 1 female slave 2 concubine

2 mndza imperative imperfective form of

3 mindz imperfect of
4 mjndza
5 mindz m. plural bathing; washing
mjndza gta f. Eastern middle finger
1 mndzi plural of
2 mndzi present tense of
mindzij ni Western plural of 1
mind imperfect of
mindk m. fine opium
mindak m. drug addict
mindl transitive [present: past: ]

1 to find,

reveal; discover 2 to obtain; acquire, gain; win 3 to procure, get;

compound verb passive voice 2

to gain a victory; achieve a win
to suffer a defeat; fail
mindna f. 1 finding, revealing 2 acquisition, gain 3

procuring, getting

mind m. [plural:
buffalo, goat, ram

mind n]

mndo oblique plural of


agriculture breeder; bull;

mind 1 m. plural .1 finding, revealing; discovery 1.2

acquisition; gain 1.3 getting, procuring 1.4 achievement 2

compound verb a b to invent, think of

compound verb a to be found; be detected,

be revealed b to be obtained; acquired c to be procured; be

obtained d to be invented, thought of

mindpl m. 1 1 2 dialect stud ram

mnde plural Eastern of 2
men m. camel's straw saddlecloth
mejnz m. dialect
minaw l 1 loyal; devoted 2 merciful; kind
min m. 1 outline, draft 2 a copy
min wishtnkaj top m. mortar

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 mna f. 1 love pure love

love for the motherland vivacity; love of life
to feel affection for; come to love; fall in love
to develop a mutual affection
to love one's children to get to
love; fall in love
proverb Love cannot be forced. (literally: If there is no

Everything comes to him who waits.

enthusiastically, very

mjawh r m. mewing
mewaz adjective fruit fruits and the like
mewab b m. fruit and berries; fruit
mewad r fruit (of a tree)
mewadn f. fruit bowl
mewafursh m.
mew larnkaj adjective fruit mew

like something

would like some melon. 3 hobby; interest 4 tenderness

very much. b to set store by; hold dear; value c to sympathize d

to be a fan, be interested in

He is a football

larn-ki fruit trees

idiom a to cool down, grow cold

Ahmed lost interest in work. b to be displeased
I am displeased with my son.
to stifle passion (literally: pour cold water on the fire of


majna 1 feminine singular of

woman 2.2 wife

1 1

2 f. .1 beloved

mna f. 1 motherland, fatherland, homeland 2 area, region,

a hot area 3 lodgings; residence, house,

to build a residence
to settle, take up residence 4 encampment; camp
a to change residence, move b to move one's
encampment, move one's camp a to build a residence. b
to halt, set up camp a to move to a new house b


to roam to 5 rebate

I am very grateful (to you).

minan k 1 likeable; nice, sweet (of a person) 2 gentle 3


minawaj love; beloved (man); sweetheart

minjtr m. miniature
majnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to fall in
love to fall in love with somebody
to fall in love with each other
1 mjo oblique plural of
2 mjaw
mjawr, majwr m. dialect peacock, peafowl
mjwra f. dialect peahen
1 mewag f. money given to relatives for fruit (when getting

mewawl m. fruit merchant

mewawsh m. mutual giving of fruit as gifts (in
matchmaking, etc.)

mewj f. berry
mja f. flock of sheep
1 maj m. May
2 mj f. plural mung bean
ma'z m. plural sultana grapes
majin f. 1

nun 1 the thirty-sixth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the number

50 in the abjad system

minad r 1 having been treated kindly 2 appreciative,


compound verb a to mew b to sing

(of a quail) c figurative to suck up to; fawn, grovel


a to love somebody I
love him very much. b caress He was
very gentle to us. 5 empathy; sympathy ... ...
a love My daughter loved me

majwnd m. Maywand the battle of Maywand

mew f. [plural mew and m. plural Arabic
mewadzh t] 1 fruit dried fruit fresh fruit
fruit shop The orchard gave lots of
fruit. to bear fruit 2 sultana grapes idiom
fruit of enlightenment proverb

love in one's heart, a mullah's incantations cannot make one fall in

love.) 2 wish, willingness


mewgj m. dialect leash, tether, halter rope; stake

mewagj f. berry

n adjectival suffix

n negative particle dialect no

n adjectival and noun prefix (indicates the absence of some

na n combining form of the negation written with verbs


quality, or indication) un-, in-, nonunknown

No, no!


n f. suffix used to form nouns

n syllable added to the verb in popular poetry


nb d 1 unmastered, not worked


they do

he does,

virgin land 2

unpopulated, unsettled

nidzhr indeclinable unimplemented, unfulfilled, unexecuted
nrm f. 1 alarm, worry spiritual, mental
worry, alarm 2 [plural: nrmj] disturbances, disorders
n 1 independent 2 m. materially secure man


Pashto-English Dictionary

nazmujlaj untested, unproved

nishtir k m. nonparticipation; noninvolvement
nshn nashn 1 unfamiliar, unknown, strange
foreign land unfamiliar words 2 strange 3
ignorant about, ignorant of, inexperienced

nshn f.


nashn f. ignorance of something;

namn 1 disturbances, disorders 2 alarming or worrisome

numd 1 unreliable 2 despairing; discouraged 3



numedn 1 unreliable 2 unreliably

numed f. 1 unreliability; despair 2 disappointment
nins f unjust
nolaj 1 not in adjustment, not regulated 2 disorderly,

nuzg r overloaded with work, responsibilities, studies, etc.

nhl nhla 1 2 uneasy 3 unworthy, not
deserving of something 4 incapable

nb m. history vice governor-general

2 nb m. Arabic [plural: anj b] molar tooth
3 nb 1 pure, unadulterated 2 of pure gold
nb b nb ba rare, uncommon
nblgh 1 underage, youthful 2 m. a minor
nbvra uncertain
nbarbar f. unfitness ill-health,



[plural: navbigh] genius, man of

nbalda 1.1 unfamiliar with something;

inexperienced; ignorant about, ignorant of 1.2 strange, unfamiliar

unfamiliar milieu

completely unfamiliar

(person) 2 m. stranger, foreigner, outlander

nbaladtj f. nbalad f. ignorance

to do something out of ignorance
nbd 1 bad, unfit, unnecessary; good-for-nothing; useless
infertile land a good-for-nothing 2 vanished,
nonexistent 3 annihilated; ruined; destroyed to
annihilate, ruin; destroy

nbudtb m.

nbudtj f.

nbudv laj m. 1

unfitness; worthlessness; uselessness 2 annihilation, ruin;

nbudijt m. 1 annihilation; destruction 2

removal; elimination; deliverance from something

nbudedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

spoiled; be put out of comission 2 to vanish 3 to be annihilated,

nbm and
nbaj n inexpressible; unexplainable; inexplicable
np measure, dimensions
np k 1 unclean, dirty 2 slovenly 3 defiled 4 impious
npktb m. npaktj f. npakv laj m.
1 1, 2
npkavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
soil, dirty 2 to defile

npk f. 1 dirt, uncleaness; soiling 2 defilement 3 waste

products (e.g., from threshing)

2 np ki feminine plural of
npkedl denominative, intransitive


1 to

be soiled, be dirtied 2 to be defiled

np m 1 unintelligible, slow-witted 2 inattentive; careless 3

thoughtless; precipitate

npm f. 1 unintelligibility, slow-wittedness 2

inattentiveness; carelessness 3 thoughtlessness 4 slip,

carelessness, error

npaj n


npj v 1 endless, limitless 2 bottomless,

npjd r 1 unstable, precarious; ephemeral 2 nonpersistent,

np ja
npj f. state of being ephemeral, short-lived
nparv careless, feckless
np 1 select; excellent 2 important, chief, principal

nbudavl 1 denominative, transitive [past: ] .1

to spoil, put out of comission 1.2 to annihilate, ruin; destroy 1.3

3 strong;

insuperable 4 enormous; voluminous

np nda 1 half-dead, half-alive 2 exhausted, worn-out

to wear oneself out
npta f. sharp or rude word to speak
sharply or harshly, be rude

npasnd 1 unpleasant 2 unacceptable 3 inappropriate,


npk r unnecessary, unfit; useless; good-for-nothing

npur 1 incomplete 2 unfinished, uncompleted
nph 1.1 stupid, unintelligible, slow-witted
proverb An intelligent enemy is better than a stupid
friend. 1.2 unintelligent 1.3 uneducated, ill-informed; ignorant



short-lasting 3 fragile 4 transitory, perishable



be destroyed 4 to be removed, be eliminated

nbigh m. Arabic

to remove; eliminate; be saved from something 2 m. plural

1.4 irresponsible 2 m. .1 stupid fellow 2.2 ignoramus

npohv laj m. 1
npha feminine singular of 1

Pashto-English Dictionary

npoh f. 1 slowness, dullness (of intellect) 2 ignorance,

lack of information, benightedness

out of ignorance 3 lack of education, illiteracy

display ignorance 4 irresponsibility

to do something

2 nphi feminine plural of

npezhandgalv f. npezhandgal


npezhandnkaj unknown; unfamiliar

stranger, unknown person

One must avoid unnecessary expenses. 2 illicit; unlawful

proverb He eats like a healthy person, but works like a sick

f. 1


npezhandj not recognizing

npha 1 by chance 2 all at once, suddenly, unexpectedly
npejna f. disorder, violation of order
nt b weak, powerless, ill
1 nt r 1 m. .1 robbery, defeat 2 loss, detriment
a to rob b to inflict damage, harm 1.3
difficulty 1.4 downpour; thunderstorm 2.1 bad, evil, harmful

2.2 unpleasant

nt r m. dish made of sour milk and bread

ntrgr m. 1 robber; raider 2 oppressor 3 saboteur,


ntadzhrib indeclinable inexperienced

ntrs ntrsa 1 merciless; hard, severe 2 pitiless
ntaghjr changeless, constant
1 ntakj 1 single, unitary 2 odd (not one of a pair)
2 ntkj f. 1 unitariness 2 quality of being odd
ntam m not finished, incomplete, not completed
ntamm f. incompleteness, unfinished state
ntav n ntav na weak; debilitated; powerless; without
strength to grow weak, weaken
ntavn f. weakness, powerlessness, debilitation; lack of

nt imperfect of
1 n m. desire; inclination; enthusiasm

nka agitated, uneasy, alarmed

1 nk m. actor
2 nak f. worry, alarm
3 nkj f. pattern, design
4 nki feminine plural of
nsr m. Arabic prose writer

random access

sick people,
1.2 weak,

sickly 2 m. sick person, patient

2 ndzho f. sickness, disease, illness

ndzh f. 1 spring, branch 2 edge (e.g., of a boundary strip,
irrigation ditch)

1 ndzhj f. sprig; vine

2 ndzh plural of
nch m. 1
nchp shvj unpublished, not released from a press
shvi unpublished works
nch r nch ra 1 compelled to compell
to be compelled 2 being in a hopeless situation; helpless
nchr f. 1 compulsion 2 hopeless situation; helplessness
nchgr m. regional theater
nchl nchla 1 going out of circulation (of money) 2

nchz nchza 1 unfit 2 trifling, insignificant

my modest work
ndzvn f. cowardice, faintheartedness to act
the coward, fear, be afraid

nts m. 1
nts pa nts pe

as a result

1 unexpected, sudden

of a sudden attack 2 suddenly, all at once, unexpectedly;

to grow


memory (RAM)

ndzhotj f. disease, illness

ndzha 1
1 ndzhaj 1.1 sick, ill, unhealthy
patients to sicken; fall ill; be indisposed

unforeseen event, chance occurrence

cold, become indifferent to something, cease to be attracted by

2 n m. knot (unit of speed)

nk m. theater, stage
n kli rasi j d m. computer science

ndzhns 1 alien, foreign, strange 2 not wellborn 3 baseborn

ndzh m. pine (tree)
ndzh sick, ill, unhealthy, unwell

ignorance 2 unfamiliarity

ndzh z 1 inadmissible; impermissable

suddenly, at once, unexpectedly

nts r nts ra and
ntsr f.
ntsgr m. dancer; professional dancer
ntsgra f. dancer; ballerina
ntsz ntsza and
ntsiz f. 1 unfitness 2 triviality, insignificance
nh nh nha nha 1.1 unfair, unjust, illicit
1.2 untrue, false, mendacious 1.3 undeserved vainly, in
unexpected, unaware

vain 2 unjustly, unlawfully

nhai nha
nhij f. Arabic

f. 1 injustice, unfairness 2 inappropriateness

[plural: nhij plural: navh]

Arabic 1 region; district; province 2 sphere




nkhabra not knowing, uninformed, lacking

Pashto-English Dictionary

nkhatlaj not having eventuated; not having results, fruitless

nkhv l 1 rude; insulting boor, ignoramus 2

indecent, inappropriate, unsuitable

a to be
to insult, speak

nkhv li f. plural 1 insult; rudeness

rude (to) b to harm, hurt; oppress

rudely, be rude (to) 2 crime, evil deed

nkh n illiterate; uneducated

nkhnd nkhna indeclinable not well-read;
uneducated the elimination of illiteracy
nkh h 1 not desiring, unwilling 2 unwillingly, reluctantly,
without desire (to)

nkhvh 1
1 nkhvahtj f. 1
2 nkhvha 1 dissatisfied; insulted, offended 2 feminine
singular of
1 nkhvah f. 1 non-velleity, reluctance
I reluctantly agreed. 2 dissatisfaction

2 nkhvhi feminine plural of

nkhun f. plural 1 vine tendrils 2 kind of eye disorder
nd r nd ra poor, lacking possessions poor
man, poor peasant

nd r f. poverty, need, want

nd n 1 .1 ignorant, uneducated

ndn f. 1 ignorance 2 stupidity, dullness


act unintelligently

2 ndni feminine plural of

ndr Arabic 1 rare, uncommon, extraordinary rare
beauty 2 m. .1 [plural: navdr] curiosity, marvel 2.2
proper name Nadir

data, of information

nrizmand f. nrizv laj m. dissatisfaction;
disagreement to evoke dissatisfaction
to evoke someone's dissatisfaction
nrgl 1 m. pomegranate (tree) blossom 2 f. proper name

nrgl m.
nrgil f. water pipe (for smoking tobacco, etc.)
nrindzh m. plural [plural: nrindzh n] wild orange,
bitter orange orange
nrindzh indeclinable & adjective orange
nrnahr 1 hungry 2 on an empty stomach
nr m. 1 parasitic worm, Filaria medinensis 2 filariosis
nrav 1 not allowed; unsuitable, improper that
which is forbidden to act unjustly to someone;
injure someone 2 f. .1 forbidden thing 2.2 improper act

1 nrav n not flowing, not fluent (speech)

2 nrv n m. elm tree
nrgh 1 ill, unwell 2 m. sick man, patient

1.2 stupid; unintelligent;

dull 2 m. ignoramus

nras f. shortcoming, deficiency; scantness; inadequacy

feeblemindedness insufficiency of

ndir-al-vudzhd Arabic rare, unique

rare metals

ndurst incorrect, unseemly, improper

ndir f. Arabic 1 beauty 2 rare thing, rarity
ndda f. nadodi f. plural
ndostn unfriendly; not amicable
unfriendly relationship; a hostile position

ndid 1 invisible 2 unprecedented 3 inexperienced

nr m. 1 stalk; trunk 2 sprout, shoot
nrht disquiet, worried
nrhattj f. disquietitude, worry, agitation
nr st 1 crooked, uneven 2 incorrect 3 mendacious, lying

cause illness, lead to illness, undermine health

nrgha 1.1 indeclinable ill, unhealthy

be unhealthy 1.2 feminine singular of

patient (woman)

to fall ill,

2 f. sick woman,

nrogh f. [plural: nroghj plural:

internal illnesses

nroghig ni] illness

neurological illnesses

He took to his

bed. He fell ill.

2 nrghi feminine plural of 2

nrv f. Norway
nr f. 1 shout; outcry 2 yell, hollering


related singing 3 ethnology announcement, publication (of

marriage intentions, etc.)

a to shout; cry out b to yell,

holler c to announce marriage intentions; announce intentions (a

woman) without the consent of the father and brother

nrst f. 1 unevenness 2 incorrectness 3 untruth, lie,

deceit 4 dishonesty, dishonorableness 5 laziness

2 nr sti feminine plural of

nr z discontented, dissatisfied; disagreeing (with)

nroghtj f. 1 illness; indisposition 2 plague, evil, harm;

societal vices
nroghv laj m. discord, dissention (between two people)
nroghavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

4 wrong 5 dishonest, dishonorable 6 lazy, idle, inactive

history of illness

to sing (of birds)

to greet someone with a song

to bawl, yell b

to shout, cry out c

to call, hail


1 nrj

m. 1 food, meal
afternoon snack

breakfast, lunch
to breakfast, have lunch 2

meal sent three days after the wedding by the father to the young
newlywed husband


Pashto-English Dictionary

nr Arabic 1 fiery 2 explosive 3 hot 4 pertaining to

firearms firearm 5 hellish, infernal

3 nr plural of
nrij l m. 1 coco tree, coconut 2 coconut palm
nr-sur f. plural shouts, outcries
nrintb m. bravery, valor, courage, manliness


to display courage, demonstrate bravery; distinguish oneself in


nrin 1 indeclinable .1 masculine; male 1.2 manly, brave,

valorous, courageous 2 m. .1 man

2.2 husband 2.3 brave man, courageous man


2 n mi feminine plural of
nk m. 1 ditherer 2 ox not broken to the plow
ngra f.
nn m. ditherer
1 nna f. 1 squawk (of a crane) 2 bray (of an ass)
2 nna feminine of
1 na f. flower-bearing stem of a plant; stalk, trunk
2 na f. 1
1 ni saliva to spit at someone idiom
to flatter someone; toady to someone
He was embarrassed and fell silent. He became hesistant and
could say no more.

feminine sex

nzukbadn 1 shapely, gracious 2 m. variety of apple

nzukch f. variety of caracul
nzukvazr hymenopterous
nzka f.
nzuk f. 1 slenderness 2 tenderness, softness, delicacy

ni plural of

nj f. 1 dry stalk 2 stubble

nj f. 1 leather strap (of a plow) 2 leather lace (of a shoe)

nzl Arabic 1 tolerance, condescension 2 low (for a price)

nzilt m. Arabic
nzilavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
lower 2 religion to send down

nzil f. Arabic ill-luck; disaster, misfortune

nziledl denominative, intransitive [past: ]
(of ill-luck)

Such a disaster has befallen me!

3 religion to be sent down

nznn nzann 1.1 thin, slender

thin lips 1.2

tender, soft, delicate 1.3 elegant, beautiful, gracious 1.4

flirtatious 2 m. lover, sweetheart

nznna 1 feminine singular of

nzr weak, powerless

nzkj unborn
nzavl transitive [past: ]

2 f. .1 beauty 2.2

infant's layette
1 to express endearments

2 to care, care for 3 to spoil, overindulge

nzavlaj 1 delicate, pampered 2 spoiled

She has spoiled her son. 3 favorite
nz-u-nakhr f. nz-u-nijz m. coquetry,

3 coquetry, flirtatiousness,

affectation 4 whim, desire, wish, request

a to fulfill someone's
Good, I will grant your request. b
to teach someone (a lesson) to please, indulge
someone; indulge someone's whims He did
not offend them. He granted their wish. 5 comfort; kindness
a flirtatious smile b affectionate smile a to flirt b to
behave capriciously c to caress d to put on airs
have a request for you.

1 to sink,

come down 2 to happen to someone; fall to someone's lot; befall

3 lasso

5 nj f. small green valley

6 ni present tense of
nedzhn m.
nk m.
nz m. 1 splendor 2 airs and graces

elegance, beauty, grace

sweetheart, lover (woman)

to show

nzb m. botany basil

nzparvr nzdn
nzdka f. lack of training, unpreparedness
nzdakj untrained, unprepared
nzk nzk 1.1 slender, fragile 1.2 tender, soft, delicate
1.3 elegant; gracious 1.4 ticklish, delicate; tense
a tense situation, delicate circumstances at
such a tense time 2 m. proper name Nazuk idiom the

for men, manly

nrinatb m.
n m. stubble field, harvest field
n m 1 uncouth 2 disorderly 3 stubborn, intractable
nmtb m. 1
n ma feminine singular of
1 nm f. 1 uncouthness 2 disorderliness 3 stubbornness,

tolerance; indulge

shout, cry out

nzbard r f. tolerance; indulgence

nz m. Nazi
nzedl intransitive

2 to act capriciously 3 to be carried away by, be delighted with 4


He spoke very affectionately. 6 grace; elegance

[past: ] 1 to flirt, act coquettishly

to be proud of

Don't flaunt your wealth. 5 to

give oneself airs

nzedna f. nzed m. plural 1 coquetry,

flirtatiousness 2 acting in a capricious manner 3 admiration,
delight (in) 4 pride

ng 1 m. plural of 2
ns m. plural

m. plural purified oil, refined oil

Pashto-English Dictionary

ns z

ns za 1 ill, unwell

Are you not

ill? 2 unshapely; disordered, maladjusted, out of order

nsz f. 1 disagreement

offense, injury


nstl separable part of verb

nstgna f.
nsta 1 f. .1 sitting seat 1.2 residence, dwelling
place; sojourn to be located, live, sojourn, stay, dwell
1.3 landing (aircraft) landing field 1.4 arising from
bed 1.5 elimination, defecation 2 f.
singular of
nsta-psta f. nsta-val a f. 1 conduct; habit;
disposition 2 social intercourse, relationship
to have social intercourse, have dealings or relations with

nstj m.

Eastern I have not

found myself a place. There is no place for me to sit.

2 n sti f. plural of
nskh Arabic rescinding; annulling
nsar 1 impure 2 counterfeit, fake
nsak step-, non-blood stepsister

nsm incorrect, untrue

nsunt 1 unacceptable, improper

nshins unknown, unidentified

nshol 1.1 deformed, ugly 1.2 absurd, wild

nsholatb m. 1 deformity; ugliness 2 absurdity,

wildness, unrestrainedness (of conduct)

nshola 1 f. singular of

nsholti nonsense

stuff and nonsense

2 f. usually plural

to talk nonsense, talk rubbish, talk

nshnkaj impossible, nonexistent, non-feasible

1 nsh Arabic proceeding (from), arising (from)
flowing from this, proceeding from this
2 nshaj m. regional absorbing, drawing in
nh m. fang, canine tooth
nh d joyless, despondent
nhjst unattractive
nhnd nahnda unseemly, unwise, incorrect (of

nhr m. sal ammoniac

nh worthless, bad
ns f dirty, unclean; turbid, murky
nsf f. mud, dirt, uncleaness

the dirtiness of

the water

nsh m. Arabic 1 advisor 2 preceptor, mentor 3 close

friend, counselor
2 contrary to religious

prescriptions 3 uncircumcised


nonsense m. 2.1 boor, uncultivated man 2.2 talker, gossip

here! 2 inherent, characteristic


discord 2

nsp l m. pomegranate rind

nst 1 sitting I am sitting. I sit !

nshinkht unfamiliar, unknown

nsr Arabic 1 helping, assisting 2 m. .1 assistant 2.2

protector 2.3 proper name Nasir

nsandzhid indeclinable 1 not well-considered 2 in an

ill-considered manner

nsv r m. plural
nsvb absent, missing
nst m. Arabic 1 human race, human kind

2 human

nature; humaneness, humanness

nsr m. Arabic 1 fistula 2 suppurating wound

nsol nsunt 1 2 m. good-for-nothing
nsav rude; uncultured, uncouth
nsionlst m. nationalist
nshptj m. nshptj f. pear
nsht 1 lunch to prepare lunch 2

nshudan nshda
nshr Arabic 1 publishing, releasing for publication 2 m.
publisher book publisher
nshkr ungrateful
nshukr f. ingratitude to display ingratitude
nshlednkaj indissoluble (of links, connections,

2 nsr 1 m. plural Nasir (tribe) 2 m. Nasir (tribesman)

nsir m. 1 Nasiri (tribesman) 2 2
nsav b 1 incorrect, mistaken 2 evil, wicked; sinful
ntt ntta
nt Arabic 1 Arabic .1 speaking, having the gift of speech
1.2 adjective sound sound film 2 m. [plural:
natiin] .1 orator, public speaker 2.2 announcer

nti f. Arabic capacity or ability to speak

nzr Arabic religion 1 All-Seeing, Seeing (epithet of God)
m. [plural: nzir n Arabic plural: nzirn] .1
manager, director estate manager 2.2 observer,

viewer 2.3 overseer; supervisor 2.4 regional bailiff (officer of a


nzirijt m. administration, board, board of directors

nzm Arabic 1 regulating; adjusting 2 m. .1 manager;
director director of a library 2.2 administrator;
executive officer 2.3 history ruler 2.4 poet; author; writer;
compiler 2.5 leader (e.g., of a study group)

n'ibatandishn 1 improvident, without foresight;

imprudent 2 careless, thoughtless



Pashto-English Dictionary

n'il dzha 1.1 forced, compelled 1.2 incurable 2 against

the will, willy-nilly

problem, etc.), unavoidability, inevitability 2 incurability

proud, pride oneself on b to give oneself airs

nghhtltb m. weakness, powerlessness

nghhtlaj 1 weak, powerless 2 not tightly twisted (of

nghhtaj 2
nghn f. dialect
nghvra commonplace, ordinary, usual
ngh 1 f. .1 fine to impose a fine on
someone 1.2 deferment compound verb to defer
compound verb to be overdue 1.3 failure to appear, absence

nabla f. singular of
nabl unacceptable
nd Arabic 1 criticizing 2 m. critic
nidn critical
nar r worried, troubled, worrying
ns Arabic 1 insufficient, incomplete; having a deficiency;
defective stupid, silly, daft; unwise to cause
to be deficient, incomplete; make defective to be
deficient, incomplete; be defective 2 not completed;

bloodshot eyes 2.1 empty, unoccupied 2.2 bloodshot (of the

to be bloodshot (of the eyes) 2.3 unseemly,

improper unseemly matters, improper doings
nghatb m. to impose a fine
nghad r red from an influx of blood; bloodshot (of the


nghen unpleasant unpleasant events

nghe f. 1 idleness, loafing 2 gold-bricking, shirking,
evasion; ignoring (paying no attention to); complacency

nfizedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be put

into operation

nfarm n nfarmna disobedient, intractable

1 nfarmni f. disobedience, intractability, insubordination
2 nfarm ni f. plural of
nf' Arabic useful, beneficial
nf f. 1 musk gland of a musk deer 2 stamen
nfhm f.
nfahm f.
nf Arabic 1 denying, negating 2 negative
nbl 1 incapable; unfit, unsuitable 2 unworthy
nbilalfhm Arabic unintelligible, incomprehensible
nbl-i-ink r immutable
nbl-i-bard sht intolerable
nbl-i-bajn inexpressible, indescribable
nbl-i'-ubr impassible a river without

missile carrier

nal r
1 nla f. singular of 1
2 nil f. Arabic transport, conveyance
ns m. Arabic bell bell tower
n f.
1 nk m. plural kind of large pear
2 nk adjectival suffix shameful tasty
nk r nk ra 1 bad; unfit weeds 2 good-fornothing; useless 3 unsuccessful, vain 4 lazy 5 worthless 6 ugly,

nkratb m.

nkr f. 1 unfitness,

unserviceability 2 uselessness, valuelessness 3 unsuccessfulness,


to put into

The Resettlement Administration (in the Ministry of

Internal Affairs of Afghanistan) 2.2 storyteller 2.3 technology

nfz Arabic 1 penetrating, piercing 2 influencing; influential

3 having force; active

an unsatisfactory answer

conductor 2.4 medicine carrier idiom

a to loaf, be idle, idle b to shirk, evade something

nf m. 1 navel, umbilical cord 2 figurative center, focal point

nl Arabic 1 transferring, transporting 2 [plural:

nil n Arabic plural: niln] .1 migrant

1.4 ungerminated seed 1.5 seedling which has not taken root 1.6

force, into operation

unforgettable events

n'ildzh f. 1 hopelessness (of a situation, resolution of a

n'm Arabic soft mollusks; invertebrates

ngh m. 1 pride 2 haughtiness, arrogance a to be

nbl-i-farmsh unforgettable

nkf insufficient insufficient nourishment

nk m 1 .1 unsuccessful; unlucky 1.2 unhappy, unfortunate;
hapless 2 m. .1 unfortunate, failure 2.2 need, necessity idiom

figurative Death comes to all men.

Death is inevitable.

nkmtb m. 1
nkmavl denominative, transitive


1 to

lead to failure 2 to disrupt (e.g., ideas, thoughts)

nkm f. [plural: nkmj plural:

nkmig ni] 1 failure; downfall; disruption 2 misfortune,

plural of

disaster; bitter fate

nk mi f.

black days

nkmedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

suffer failure 2 to be frustrated, be unsuccessful

nkird f. plural 1 malefaction 2 illegal action

nks 1 low, base; worthless 2 m. .1 good-for-nothing, cad;
worthless man 2.2 coward every Tom, Dick, and


nkifjat f. lack of competence (ability to act effectively)

Pashto-English Dictionary

nkal r
nkalr f. worry
nkul l clumsy, awkward
nko deformed, ugly
nkka 1 unhealthy, ill 2

nmtednkaj inaccessible, impregnable

impregnable fortifications
nmns unusual; uncommon uncommon

out of tune (of a musical


nk f. crocodile
ngrtb m. ngrtj f. denial; refusal of something
ng ra 1 feigning not to know something, not being informed
about something to pretend not to know 2 denying,
rejecting to deny; reject something
ng h
nghn ngum n sudden, unexpected
ngum na 1 suddenly; all of a sudden 2
nguv r 1 unpleasant 2 indigestible
ngj ngja not broken to the plow (of an ox)
1 ng f. bunch of twisted lucerne grass or straw
2 ngh
1 nl m. [plural: nlna Western plural: nl n]
horseshoe to lose a (horse) shoe idiom
to act in concert, act together
2 nl m. giant reed, Arundo donax
nl unworthy, unsuitable; unfit, worthless a
worthless little boy a good-for-nothing
nlbakj m. [plural: nlbak plural:
nlbakij n] plate; saucer

nlt m.
nlat f. colloquial curse
nlsh m. nlht m. regional complaint
to complain about someone He
complained of a headache.

nlgj m. sapling, seedling; young growing plant

nlvstaj 1 illiterate 2 not well-read
nlavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to shoe (a

1 nl f. 1 brook; small stream 2 ravine; hollow, depression

2 nl f. moan, cry, wail moaning, moans and wails
1 nlj f. nl f. [plural: nljg ni] mattress;
straw-filled pallet

2 nl plural of 1, 2
nlidlj 1 invisible 2 unprecedented
nlikay m. computer science offline
nlna f. slipper with U-shaped metal heel plate
nm m. 1 name 2 glory; fame; repute idiom honor;
repute idiom ! For God's sake! ! Truly! Really
and truly!

nmubrk unhappy, unlucky

nmbad f. disgrace, dishonor
nmburd (above) cited
nmutansb disproportionate, incongruous
nmt famous, well-known; distinguished
nmtraj disgraced to disgrace oneself
nmtuv laj m. glory
This book glorified him.

nmahdd 1 limitless 2 boundless

nmahrm 1 someone else's, another's (from a familiar point
of view) 2 foreign, outside 3 not having access to the women's
part of the house

nmd r 1 distinguished, famous, renown 2 well-known

nmd ri f. 1 glory, renown 2 distinction
nmur d unhappy an unhappy widow
poor soul

nmurd f. 1 disillusionment 2 state of being inconsolable

nmarbt 1 incoherent; nonsensical 2 alien, having no
direct relationship

nmurattb disorderly, rude

nmrd 1 base, low 2 m. .1

cad, good-for-nothing 2.2


nmrda feminine of
nmard f. 1 baseness, lowness 2 cowardice
nmar' invisible; imperceptible invisible rays
nmd Eastern
nmadtj f. Eastern
nmzd m. candidate (i.e., for a degree), aspirant, claimant
nmashr' illegal, illicit children born out
of wedlock; illegitimate children misuse of

nmatb' Arabic unpleasant; repugnant

nmatlb undesirable
nma'l nma'la unfounded, groundless;
frivolous; unfounded, baseless

nma'lm nmlm unknown stranger

nmu'ajn indefinite, undefined, imprecise
nmulimt m. 1 severity, harshness (of climate, nature)

difficulty (of a problem)

nmalms untouchable


nmumkn impossible; improbable



the caste of

nmumkin f. impossibility, impracticability

This is

Pashto-English Dictionary

nmunsb 1.1 unseemly; indecent, embarrassing

One should not do this. It isn't nice to do this.


inappropriate, incongruous 2 m. unseemly affair

nnb 2
nnpaz f. bread baking

bread-baking plant,

large-scale bakery

nmanzr unacceptable, rejected

nmunkashf underdeveloped (of a nation)
nmnavis f. personnel roster; record

nmuvf 1 incongruous; incompatible 2 contradictory

to contradict something; be unsuitable
nmuvfiat m. Arabic 1 incongruity 2 contradiction
nmvr glorious, famous, eminent; renown, distinguished
nmvar f. glory, fame; renown
nmauun 1 discordant, dissonant 2 unseemly
nms m. Arabic [plural: navms] 1 honor; good
name; reputation, worthiness great honor, esteem
an affair of honor 2 conscience, conscientiousness 3
law, basic principle laws of nature 4

nndh hospitable guests, welcoming guests

nndeh f. hospitality
nnla f. stupid word, nonsense, absurdity

nndzka f. 1 toy 2 doll; puppet

nndrj f. 1 argument, quarrel, altercation 2 squabble, fight
(among women) 3 ridicule a to quarrel, have an

to draw up a list of personnel; start a record

purity, chastity 5 female half of a family

nmusd r 1 honest, decent 2 pure, chaste

nmus moral a moral obligation
1 nm f. regional 1 name, designation
your name? to disgrace someone 2 words

nm oblique indirect singular of

name of God

in the

3 nm oblique indirect of 2 obediently

to stand humbly before someone
nmihrb n 1 reserved, unfriendly; unkind 2 ungracious,
thoughtless toward someone; inhospitable

nmihrbn f. unkindness, ungraciousness; thoughtlessness

to someone

nm liknkaj m.



talk nonsense

nnzka m.
nnght n nanghot n disobedient
nnkn m. Nanking (Nanjing)
1 nng m. [plural: nng n plural:

nngg n]


2 nng f. honeysuckle
nnvj m. nv m.
nnv f. 1 bakery

regional baker
2 bread baking

a to

be a baker b to work at baking bread

What is

letter, epistle 4 message 5 production, book


altercation b to squabble (of women) c to jeer, ridicule

nmanig r m.

nmanigr f. journalist (female)

nmvaj 2
1 nm 1 by name, called, called by name, designated; having
the name of Karim by name 2 renown 3 indicated,

nnj children's speech 1 tiny, weensy 2 teeny-weeny

nnis 1 having an aversion to 2 shunning someone 3
cowardly, fainthearted a to have an aversion to b
act the coward, be fainthearted

nnistb m. 1 aversion 2 cowardice, faintheartedness

nj f. 3 1
nv m. hollow, depression; valley
nvf 1 ill-informed; inexperienced 2 unskillful
nvifijt m. 1 inexperience 2 lack of skill; state of being
poorly informed

nvtj f. chaste woman, woman devoted to her husband

nvkhta 1 adjective late; untimely, not on time
very tardily It was already very late. 2
adjective late, untimely to be late ! Don't
be late!
nvakhtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to


2 nm plural of 1
nmedl transitive
nmr 1 renowned for her beauty 2 nice, dear
nmraj by name, called, called by name, designated
nmendag f. despair complete despair
1 nn f. children's speech bit of bread
2 nn f. regional granny
3 nn f. mint
nn adjective mint
nnb j m.


pass (of time)

nvr m. [plural: nvrna Western plural:

nvr n] 1 water reservoir 2 shallow lake

nvrn m. 1 mourning 2 grief; misfortune


b to rob

a to cause grief, cause to fall into misfortune

nv 1 .1 repulsive; unpleasant an unpleasant sight

an unpleasant incident a bad habit
a threatening danger 1.2 useless, unfit; unsuitable
useless land 1.3 unworthy, improper 1.4 impermissible
to behave indecently, conduct oneself disgracefully

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 .1 inappropriately 2.2 indecently 2.3 beyond limits,



2 nva
nvsa 1 destitute, having no possessions 2 weak, powerless
nvas f. 1 bankruptcy, insolvency 2 impotence, debility
to recognize one's own impotence
nvt f. 1 late; not prompt 2 inappropriate
nvk m. nvakj m. 1 kind of arrow 2 sting (of a
wasp, a bee)

nvakj f. [plural: nvakj ni] 1 daughter-in-law

(affectionate) 2 Western doll 3 jasmine, Jasminum revolutum

m. novella; novel

historical novel

nvltj f. 1 dirt, uncleanness 2

sloppiness, slovenliness

besmirched 2 sloppy, slovenly 3 indecent; inappropriate

nvn nvn wet, damp, moist

nvnd masculine plural of
1 nv f. district, province
2 nv f. 1 gutter; drain

nvagj f. 1 groove; narrow gutter, channel 2 tubular

leaves of several cereal grasses
nvagj f. Navagaj (a part of Badzhura)
Navagaj Khanship


nve f. [plural: navi Western plural: nvej ni]

1 daughter-in-law 2 young married peasant woman

2 nv plural of 1, 2
nvij t 1 .1 rare, uncommon, choice

1.2 incomparable 2 m.

rarity, rare thing


nvetb m. nvitb m. position of daughter-in wedding attire

nved m. plural married state (of a woman)

nvis unreliable, not inspiring confidence
nvighk m. keel, breastbone (in a bird)
nhatsj sluggish, acting unwillingly
nhav r uneven uneven surface
nhos nhus 1 tired, fatigued 2 uneasy, worried
nhos f. alarmed or uneasy condition
nh Arabic forbidding, interdicting
nhd m. astronomy Venus


chairman 2 substitute

nib-ul-hukumag f. 1 governor-generalship;

province 2 post of governor-general

nib-ul-hukum m. Arabic [plural:

nib-us-saltant m.

nib-ul-hukumag n] 1 governor-general 2 deputy

nib-us-saltan m.

nibsl r m. military general

njibgar f. nib f. njib f. 1 post of deputy
viceroy or deputy regent Regency Council 2 acting
tenure of office, deputyship

njrodzhn m. plural nitrogen

njdzhirij f. Nigeria
njk m. owner, proprietor
nl njl Arabic attaining something


achieve something, attain something

proverb Out of the frying pan into the fire. 2 valley 3 avalanche

nj b rare, hard to find; uncommon

njbi f. rarity, uncommon thing
nb m. njb m. Arabic 1 deputy

Arabic 1 viceroy 2 regent

nvlst m. novelist
nvlaj 1 dirty, unclean; unlaved; unlaundered a
dirty room to soil, besmirch to be soiled, be

nhij f. Arabic [plural: nhij m. plural:

nvh] 1 interdiction, ban 2 something forbidden, forbidden

3 uselessness, unfitness

unfading deeds

nvatb m. nvatj f. 1
1 nva f. 1 unpleasantness 2 indecency; inappropriateness

nvagj f.
nvl nvl

nherednkaj unforgettable, unfading

nja f. wife of a hairdresser, barber

njniko computer science non-unicode
n m. [plural: nj n Eastern plural:

nig n]

hairdresser, barber

nabt m. Arabic 1 plant; grass


botanical garden
herbiculture 2

sugar, fruit-drop

nabtshins f. botanist
nabt Arabic adjective vegetable vegetable oil
vegetable dyes
nbjad vice
nabz m. Arabic pulse to feel the pulse
nubuvt m. Arabic prophet's role; mission of prophet
nubgh m. Arabic genius, talent a man of genius,
genius, distinguished man

nab m.

Arabic prophet's; relating to a prophet

Arabic [plural: nabij n Arabic plural:

anbij ] 1 prophet 2 proper name Nabi

nabz m. Arabic wine

neptn m. astronomy Neptune
napak f.
napl m. 1 horn of a mountain sheep
nat f. 2
natdzh m. Arabic plural of

2 small clay water-pipe

Pashto-English Dictionary

nidzhr b m. Nidzhrab (district)

nadzhs m. Arabic
nadzhf m. Nedzhef (city)
ndzhl f. [plural: ndzhli] fiance, bride-to-be; betrothed
ndzhltb m. 1 girlhood 2 time after betrothal (before the

natkj f. nostril pendant (a jeweled decoration like an earring

to be worn in a pierced nostril)

natl transitive [past: ] 1 to carry off 2 to drive away

3 to abduct 4 to rob; ravage 5 to weaken, undermine forces

natlaj 1 past participle of 2.1 indifferent, poor (i.e., of

health, feelings) 2.2 weak, pitiful 2.3 robbed


ndzhlkj f. [plural: ndzhlkj plural:

ndzhlkj ni] little girl, girl, lass

nta f. 1 nostril pendant 2 large earring 3 wooden plug or pin

inserted in nose of camel with cord affixed for leading and

controlling the animal

natidzh f. Arabic [plural: natidzh m. Arabic plural:

natdzh] 1 consequence; result, sum total as a
result of this This gave good results. 2
outcome, conclusion to produce results
The result of this was such that
It follows from this that to
lead to the conclusion 3 figurative moral

(near Jelalabad)

to refuse
to refuse

naa feminine of

nis r m. Arabic 1 strewing, scattering; showering 2

ndzhna dialect [plural: ndzhni] plural of

nadzhb Arabic 1 wellborn, noble 2 m. .1


nadzhab ] nobleman, aristocrat; hereditary gentleman 2 proper

name Nadzhib (Najib, Najeeb)

distribution of money to the population (at holiday time) 3

nudzhum Arabic 1 astronomical 2 m. astrologer;


showering a bride with money or flowers (on the wedding day)

plural astrology;


na f. 1 refusal of something; denial

participation in something 2 whim

nadzhm-ul-mad rs m. theological seminary in Khalla

ndzhan present stem of

ndzhnakj f. dialect vice
ndzhoj m. scarecrow
nudzhm Arabic 1 plural of 2 m.

something, decline something; refute something; deny one's


nadzhm m. Arabic [plural: nudzhm] heavenly body,

celestial object; planet

juggler 3 confidence man, cheat

something, deny something

ndzhli plural of
ndzhlj f. [plural: ndzhni plural:

natidzhabkhsh yielding results, productive, fruitful

na m. 1 tightrope walker 2 regional acrobat, prestidigitator,

ndzhlj ni] 1 little girl 2 girl, maiden spinster

ndzhljvl m. plural relative(s) of the bride-to-be

What is the moral of this story?

a to scatter, strew; shower b to throw money to the

population (at holiday time) c to sprinkle money or flowers on the

bride (on the wedding day) 4 proper name Nisar

nasr m. Arabic prose

nasrnavs m. prose writer
nadzhbt m. Arabic 1 nobility, noble birth 2 decency
nadzht m. nidzht m. Arabic saving, rescue, deliverance
to save, come to the rescue of someone
to come to the rescue to be saved, be

nadzhibzd m. 2.1
nadzhib Arabic 1 feminine singular of 1

2 f. proper

name Nadzhiba (Najiba)

nach f. 1
nichr m.
nichoravl transitive
nich m.
nichavl transitive
nachavl transitive
1 nach f. 1 textiles bobbin, spool

rescued from something

2 stem of a water pipe 3

zoology new feather (after a bird's molting)

nadzh h m. & f. nadzhh Arabic success; good luck

nadzh r m. Arabic carpenter; joiner
nadzhrk m. woodpecker
nadzhr 1 f. carpentry; joinery 2 joiner's; carpenter's
nadzhst m. Arabic 1 dirtiness 2 uncleanliness
nadzhab m. Arabic plural of 2 the House

2 nchi vice I am afraid lest he might fall.

Suppose he doesn't come, now.
nachedl intransitive
1 nats f. dance; (female) dance a to dance b to whirl,
twirl c to romp to begin to dance
2 nats f. 1 agitation 2 swaying 3 quivering a to

natsv imperfect tense

natsl [present: past: ] transitive
to dance to someone's tune

of Lords

ndzhatl transitive [present: past: ] 1 to set up,

pitch (a tent) 2 to hoist (e.g., a flag) 3 to put in, insert

nzhatna f. 1 setting up, pitching (a tent) 2 raising, hoisting

(e.g., a flag) 3 inserting, putting in

agitate, disturb b to rock, sway c to quiver (a tree etc.)


to dance idiom

Pashto-English Dictionary

nats m. Western 1 compressing, squeezing 2 wringing,

wringing out (e.g., laundry)

nkhha f. 1 sign, mark; label

compound verb a to

place a mark, sign; label b to designate 2 monument of antiquity

natsoavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

Western 1 to compress, press, squeeze 2 to wring, wring out

symbol 5 punctuation mark 6 military objective, target, aim 7

(e.g., laundry)

drawing; chart, plan, schematic (drawing)

natsoedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

be pressed, be compressed, be squeezed 2 to be wrung, be wrung
out (of laundry)

natsavl transitive [past: ] to make or cause to dance

or whirl about

1 natsnkaj m.
2 natsnke f.
1 natsj m. 1 dancer 2 juggler
2 natsj f.
3 ntsj f. 1 woolen thread 2 woolen yarn
natsedl intransitive
natsednke f.
nahs Arabic 1.1 unhappy; unlucky, ill-fated, ill-starred

nakhl f. Arabic date palm

nakhlist n m. date grove, palm grove
nakhvt m. Arabic 1 hypocrisy, arrogance; conceit


3 history

resort to subterfuges b to make a breach, break through, make a

no , not to calm down; to not

accept mediation

to be smeared figurative to get egg on your face 3

nakh cotton cotton cloth, cotton textile
1 nid f. Arabic call; shout; appeal, summons
exclamation point A cry was heard.
2 nad f. children's speech 1 candy 2 meal, something to eat
nad p m. scutcher of cotton
nad p f. scutching, cleaning of cotton
nadd f m. Arabic
naddf f. a cotton-scutching plant
nadmt m. Arabic repentance to repent

nidj grammar vocative

ndar m.
ndor f. [plural: ndrndi Eastern plural:
ndrnde plural: ndorij ne] sister-in-law (husband's

nda vice
1 ndj vice
2 ndi vice
nadm m. Arabic 1

close associate, retainer 2 bosom friend;

confidant; close comrade

nzr m. nzar m. Arabic 1 present; gift Arabic

a to present, bestow b to sacrifice, be offered as a sacrifice
compound verb to be sacrificed, be offered as a sacrifice
2 vow, promise to take a vow, promise
nazrn f. 1 gift, gift-offering to present,

make an offering of a gift to someone 2 gifts (exchanged by high-

nakhrab z 1.1 affected; flirtatious 1.2 sham, pretended 2

m. sham, pretense

nakhrab za f. flirt (woman)

nakhrabz f. 1 affectation; coquettishness

1 to find fault with 2


event, disgrace

nukhd m. plural 1 chickpea 2 nukhud (a measure of weight

nukhud nut-colored, brownish-yellow

nkhuledl intransitive [past: ]

nikhls regional pure, unadulterated

nakhtb f. spinning
nkhtr m. Eastern
nakhch f. figurative 1 plan; map 2 pattern, tailor's pattern

nakhr f. 1 flirtatiousness; coquettish gesture 2 pretense,
sham; deceit 3 breach, hole a to use cunning, use guile,

splendor, magnificence

slave trader 4 regional slave market 5 figurative shameful

hole idiom

This is an historic monument. 3 target 4 sign,

equivalent to 0.19 grams)

ill-omened 2 m. unlucky star

nahs Arabic 1
nahsijt m. Arabic
nahv m. Arabic syntax
nuhust m. Arabic bad luck, failure; ill luck
nahv Arabic 1 syntactic 2 grammatical
nahf Arabic thin, emaciated
1 nakh m. slender vines, branching vines
2 nakh m. cotton yarn, cotton thread
nakhkh s m. Arabic 1 profiteer 2 cattle trader

2 hypocrisy,


nkhi f. plural flour sprinkled into hot oil

nakhs m. nukhs n m.
nakhsaj m. spindle rod on which woolen yarn is wound
nukhh m. hook for taking meat out of a kettle

ranking people or princes at a meeting)

nazr m. Arabic proper name Nazir

nar nr 1 m. [plural: nr plural: nar n] .1 male
(animal) male ape 1.2 man; husband 1.3 stout fellow 2
attributive .1 masculine, male 2.2 manly, brave stout
fellow stouthearted woman to take with
bravery Western to be an inveterate


nartb m. bravery, valor; courage

Pashto-English Dictionary

price the average price price
control to lower prices; cheapen to set
the price, establish the legal rate The prices rose.
For how much are you selling wheat? 2
economics exchange rate official rate of exchange
the commercial exchange rate
according to the day's rate of exchange a to
narkh m. 1 price; official rate, legal price

lower the price b economics to lower the exchange rate 3 the

norms of Afghan traditional law (adat)

narkhnm f. 1 price list, valuation, official price, statuatory

price 2 rates (postal, etc.)

nrkhj m. 1 one who establishes a price; valuator 2 one who



nard m. 1 kind of game 2 piece used in this game

nars regional 1 f. nurse 2 m. hospital attendant, orderly
male nurse, hospital attendant, orderly
narsar f. regional nursery
nrsng m. regional 1 nursing profession 2 care of the sick
a to work as a nurse b to care for the sick
1 nrsvj m. 1 pomegranate rind 2 kind of pomegranate
2 narsvj sunburned
narhdzk m. narhdzj m. hermaphrodite
nargh m. narghvt m. 1 wild cat 2 botany kind of

soft wind, zephyr,

Kandahar has a mild winter.

anatomy soft palate 2 gentle, mild; softhearted 3 pliant, pliable

narmch m. gadfly
narmdl narmzaj

tender, gentle, kind, softhearted;

favorable, gracious; indulgent


narmgr mild-mannered, gentle, meek

(of a person)

narmmavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

make soft, tender 2 to soften; make softer, mild, compliant

to soften a cruel heart to soften the tone

narm f. soft high-quality silk cloth
1 narm f. 1 gentleness, mildness, softness (in address);

resolves; arbitrator, umpire, arbiter 3 expert in the norms of

Afghan traditional law (adat); judge in Afghan traditional law

narm 1 soft, gentle, tender

kindness 2 meekness

2 nrmi f. plural of
3 narm plural of
4 narmj earlobe
5 narmj f. proper name Narmi
narmedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to be

soft, be gentle, be tender; become soft 2 to be meek

1 narkaj m. mountain pass; col, saddleback

2 narakj diminutive thin
nrg aj m. dialect 1 man 2 husband, spouse
nargtj m.
nargs m. nargs m. narcissus
1 nargsj f. pomegranate
2 nargs colored like a narcissus; like a narcissus idiom
large eyes (of a beauty)
narguvs m. small pomegranate
nargsa f. pomegranate tree
nargh m. 1 fishhook 2 orchardman's hook for harvesting

nar oblique plural of 1

narb liquid, watery to dilute, thin
nartskaj 1 rather thin 2 somewhat emaciated, drawn
nra f. nra singular of 2.2
1 narj 1 thin, narrow thin thread narrow
road narrow waist 2 emaciated, drawn; gaunt a
gaunt man 3 watery (of milk, etc.) watery tea, weak tea
4 light, weak (of wind) A light breeze was blowing.
5 penetrating (of a sound) a resounding cry
to squeal, squeak 6 ticklish (of a problem, question) 7
tender, soft He has a soft heart. 8 delicate
a to narrow, taper b to emaciate, exhaust c to thin, dilute
a to become narrow, taper b to become gaunt c to be
watery (e.g., of milk) d to worry, become worried
! Don't worry about this a bit! idiom
We overheard this.
2 narj f. singular of 1 polished rice
3 nri f. plural of 2.2
narajtb m.
nar dzhuv r m. plural fodder corn
nardz male, masculine
narj randz m. consumption, tuberculosis
nar zardl m. plural apricots for drying; dried apricots
narajv laj m. 1 fineness 2 narrowing, the narrow part of

eremurus (a small genus of Asiatic herbs of the Liliaceae family)

narghn m. dialect
narghunj dialect
nrka m. large (goat) kid
nrkachr m. elongated rhizome of the santonic or
wormseed root, Curcuma zeoaria

nrkh m. 1 arkhar 2 mouflon (wild sheep) 3 goat (flock



narlukh m. plural cattail head



na m. one fourth of a dzherib (a measure of land equal to five


na f. cry or roar of an animal

Pashto-English Dictionary

na nda f. ruins
nag ruined
nal transitive [present: past: ] 1

1 to destroy; ruin, wreck 2

2 to be toppled; be overturned 3 figurative to perish; be

najv l m. singular & plural dweller, inhabitant,

dwellers on the world

najw l dzh l


computer science internet

inrne m.

naayw l ghadzedlay grt m. computer science

world wide web (www)

niz ' f. Arabic [plural: niz'g ni] quarrel, dispute;


nazkt m. 1 tenderness; delicacy

They were quarreling.


treatment, delicate manner 2 elegance 3 ticklishness (of a

question, a problem) 4 tension



nazl f.
nazht m. Arabic cleanliness, purity, immaculate state
nazd 1 closely 2 near, close idiom
to stand high in someone's opinion a according to
him b in his opinion in relation to the law
nazd vice
nazdik f. nizdev laj m.
nazr m. the evil eye compound verb to put the evil eye
on compound verb to have the evil eye put on one

nazarm t m. means of putting the evil eye on

naz m. plural
nazl f. Arabic cold in the head head
cold regional head cold
nzm m. pulse to feel the pulse, check the pulse
nuzl m. Arabic 1 descent, lowering, descending 2 falling,
recession a to descend or lower oneself, come down b

nzaj nzaj tautological with brand new

nizh d 1 m. .1 descent 1.2 breed, race crossbreeding

of Turkish descent

nizhd 1 relating to descent 2 racial

racial discrimination; apartheid

nzhtaj sticking up; spread wide (fingers)

nizhd nzhd 1.1 near Our home is not far
away. a near future b grammar perfect tense
in recent days; recently in
the near future This boy is my close relative.
from close by 1.2 like, alike
These two boys are very much alike.
He very nearly fell. 2.1 about, almost, nearly
It was about ten o'clock.
about thirty years ago It will be
almost two months since 2.2 near, nearly near to
the city, near the city to bring near; bring
together to approach to come near to,
draw near, come up to to come together
near the fortress
nzhdekt m. nzhdek f. nzhdev laj m.
1 nearness (in time and place) 2 approach; convergence

ngdi vice
ng l [present: past:

past: ] transitive to


plural of


Eastern plural: ngnde]


l transitive [past: ] to cause to sneeze
nag f. singular of
1 ngaj m. Western sneezing to sneeze
2 ngi present tense of
3 nag f. plural of
plural of

nas m. 1 stomach, belly half-starved

food-lover, glutton, gourmand to eat one's fill
to eat up, devour on an empty stomach
proverb literal One bite in his stomach and he
is already dreaming of the next. figuratively He is very greedy.
He is insatiable.

the depths of the

to walk with great difficulty
[plural: nisv n] woman

earth 6 lust idiom

nis f. Arabic
nass dzh m. Arabic

to have diarrhea

Ahmed overate. 2 paunch 3 uterus 4 bed (of a river) 5

figurative depths

to diminish; be diminished 3 settling (of sediment) 4 economics

discount, discount rate 5 inspiration

nuzht m. Arabic 1 enjoyment, delight; entertainment; joy,

2 combining form

naavna f. ruin, destruction

naj f. 1 world, universe the extrenal world
the Second World War 2 ambiance, environment
a military environment humanity
naechgh m. entryway; room; premises
naedl intransitive [past: ]1 to be destroyed; be ruined

comfort 2 freshness, coolness

to topple, overturn

nuzul Arabic 1 descending; coming down 2 degrading;

regressing 3 decreasing, falling (e.g., of income, receipts)

to squawk (of a

crane, etc.) 2 to bellow, roar

nana f. roar, bellow

naavl transitive [past: ]


Pashto-English Dictionary

textile industry textile factory
nis Arabic female, women's female diseases,

nassdzh f. weaving; textile production

nasr m. plural chips, brushwood (floating along on


nasrn m. plural dog rose

nasagh m. 2
nas m. Arabic 1 order, arrangement

diseases of women

to pride oneself on
[plural: ans b] pedigree, genealogy

nasb m. 1 descent

one's descent 2

nask m. plural lentils

nsk r m. kind of decoration
naskr nskr 1 toppled over, overturned


2 brought down,

to become withdrawn, become reserved, become

retired into oneself

naskoravl denominative [past: ] 1 to topple,

throw down, overturn 2 to bring down, shoot down

to shoot aircraft down 3 to ruin, wreck 4 to smash, rout

(an enemy)

naskoredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be toppled over, be overturned 2 to be brought down, be shot
down (of an aircraft) 3 to stoop, bend 4 to be disordered, be

f. genealogical tree, genealogical table;

ruined 5 to be smashed, be routed (an enemy)


nasbahj m. 1 diarrhea 2 cholera

1 nasab Arabic 1 genealogical 2 kindred, related
2 nasb Arabic 1 2 genealogical
nasbijt m. Arabic relativity the theory of

naskr m. 1 close friend 2 relative

naskirtb m. naskirtj f.

naspsaj gluttonous, voracious

nastarn m. singular & plural white dog-rose
nasta'l m. Arabic Nastaliq script (Arabic-Persian script

developed in the fifteenth century and used mainly for Persian



poetical writing)

nastaj m. Eastern sleeve

nastvaj m. sheet in which bedclothes are wrapped during the

hand combat


naskiravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to

bring together, relate, link
naskiredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to
be brought together, be related, be linked

naskh m. Arabic 1 Neskhi script (regular Arabic cursive

script) 2 copying 3 abolition

f. naskhvugv
laj m. diarrhea
1 naskhug f. abdominal colic
2 naskhgaj naskhvgaj suffering from diarrhea or colic
nuskh f. Arabic 1 copy, duplicate; copy, specimen; list
the manuscript of a Divan (collection
of poetry), a manuscript Divan 2 recipe; prescription

nasr m. Arabic vulture


nasgr suffering with diarrhea, suffering with a stomach

nasl m. Arabic 1 generation, posterity


posterity; future generations 2 race; descent

a purebred animal 3 clan, tribe 4 issue,

increase (of animals)

tribal economy

nsln Arabic by descent, according to descent

nasbinnsl Arabic from family to family, from

neural tissue, nerve tissue

nusdzh m. Arabic plural of


There isn't any

nadzh m. Arabic 1 weaving, cloth making [plural:

ans dzh] 2 cloth

naskna f. dish made of lentils


nsta Western there isn't, there aren't

money. Ahmed isn't here.

naskirv laj

m. closeness, kinship


shot down (of an aircraft) 3 disordered, broken down, ruined

regional betrothal


2 punishment; capital

punishment, execution

nasb pezhandnkaj m. genealogist

nisbt m. Arabic 1 relationship, connection
in view of the fact that in this connection 2
comparison, likening in comparison
with him in comparison with the former
in comparison with what was several years ago
to compare with someone 3 proportion, ratio 4
nisbtn Arabic relatively; comparatively
nisbat Arabic comparative; relative relative
dimensions, relative proportions nisbat the theory of

generation to generation

nasligr f. 1 tribal animal husbandry


Directorate of Animal Husbandry 2 coupling, mating

nasl 1 hereditary 2 relating to descent or clan; dynastic 3

tribal, pedigreed, purebred

1 nsm Western vice

2 vice
nasn sta f. diarrhea

He has


nas 1.1 gluttonous 1.2 potbellied m. 2.1 gluttony 2.2

paunchy person


nsu Western vice

Pashto-English Dictionary

3 nsu vice
nasv r m. plural

1 snuff

snuff, dip snuff idiom

to take


take snuff 2 snuff (for sniffing and chewing)

This is a trifling

nshtukj stingy, tightfisted

nshtavl denominative, transitive

nshta Eastern there isn't, there aren't; (he, she, it, etc.) isn't,
aren't He came an hour ago, but


nasvrdn f. snuffbox
nasrvl m. snuff merchant
nasvr 1 dark brown; tobacco-colored 2 m. snuff user
nisv n f. Arabic plural of
nasv nd greedy, gluttonous
nsvj Western vice
nasavr 1
nsvm vice
1 nsi Western vice
2 nsi vice
3 nse vice
4 nse vice
5 nsj f. 3
nisj n m. Arabic forgetfulness to
forget oneself, be prone to forgetfulness

nasb Arabic of noble descent, of highborn descent, pedigreed

nasdzh m. Arabic [plural: ansidzh plural:

he's not here now. There is no money.

Look and see if my book isn't on the table.
nshtav laj m.
nshtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
annihilated 2 to disappear, vanish

nasm m. Arabic 1 light wind, breeze, zephyr; puff, breath (of

nasij f. Arabic credit

air) 2 proper name Nasim

to buy on credit

nish't m. Arabic
nishast f. starch
nishsta starched; starchy, containing starch
nash t m. Arabic 1 cheerfulness, joy hearty
enjoyment of life, joie de vivre to inspire joy, gladden
2 courage; liveliness 3 work, activity 4 zeal

nish n m.
nishnch m. sniper sniper's badge
nishnzn m. military gunner
nishng h m. gunsight, sight (of a firearm)
nishn f. 1 sign, token 2 mark 3 badge
nishn f. 1 sign, token, mark 2 indication 3 code word,
code sign, password compound verb to initial
nishjist f.
nsht m. 1 absence 2 nonexistence They
haven't taken you into consideration.

nishtr m. scalpel, lancet

let blood with a scalpel

transmission 2 predicative published, printed

compound verb

nashar t m. Arabic plural of


nashrt 1 adjective publishing

year of publication, publication date

press organ, organ of the press 3
radio-broadcasting radio station

publishing house

2 adjective press


nashr-us-sut m. Arabic radio broadcasting

nashrt m. Arabic [plural: nashar t] publication
radio broadcasting, broadcasting
nashravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
issue, publish, publicize 2 to transmit; disseminate 3 to emit

nashr Arabic 1 m. .1 publication, issuing 1.2 translation,


nusdzh] cloth

to sell on credit

[past: ] to

to lance with a scalpel,

2 nashtr m.
nshtmn destitute, poor
nshtv laj m. 1 abscence
abscence 2 nonexistence 3 poverty

(rays), radiate

nashr f. Arabic religion public prayer service on the third

day after the birth of a child

nashrij t m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 radio broadcasting

radio station
nashredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be
issued, be published 2 to be transmitted, be disseminated 3 to

emanate (of rays)

nashrij f. Arabic [plural: nashrij t] publication,

issuing of printed matter

nishst m. 1 sitting 2 regional meeting 3 regional landing

4 settling, sedimentation

nishst-u-barkh st m. 1 good conduct; good

upbringing; good manners 2 habits

nashm m. 1 deceit, trickery, shrewdness

2 regional corruptness, debauchery

to trick, cheat

nashm f. coquettishness; flirtatiousness

nashm shrewd, deceitful, tricky
nashmedl intransitive [past: ]to flirt
nashnalistk nashnalist nationalistic
1 nush m. nash Arabic 1 growth, development, increase

nshtvali in his

2 nshu vice
nshvm vice
nush-nam f. 1
nshvu vice

Pashto-English Dictionary

nashv-u-nam f. 1
1 nashv f. Arabic
2 nshva nshv
nashv Arabic adjective narcotic narcotics
nash f. Arabic 1 intoxication in a drunken state
He was drunk. intoxicated (they)
to sober someone up 2 narcotics, drugs; hashish idiom
to spoil someone's disposition, poison

nhtl 1 intransitive [present: past: ].1 to stick

to, stick together; adhere, stick to, place against 1.2 to join, unite;

bullet hit the target. 1.4 to stick, tie up The raft got
stuck. 1.5 to brush against, touch; bump into
He stumbled on a stone. 1.6 to collide with, meet with,
encounter He noticed them. 1.7 to be
commenced, be begun They say that
adjoin; border on 1.3 to hit (i.e., a target)

someone's disposition

construction on the new bridge has begun. 1.8 to arise, break out;

nashavr nashaz 1 intoxicating 2 alcoholic

alcoholic drinks
nashab z m. drug addict
nashabz f. drug addiction
nashaband f. regional interdiction of narcotics,

get started

was engaged in his work. 1.10


a to falter (of the tongue) b to stammer 1.11 to

fall (into error)

to pester, get on the nerves 2 m. plural

3 hit,

strike 4 sticking, jamming 5 interference 6 collision; skirmish,

slope, incline 1.2 descent, declivity

nash't m. Arabic rise, beginning; origin

spring up; originate b to create


press, press out 3 to compress; extrude

nhtedz m. plural 1 squeezing out 2 pressing out 3

compression; extrusion

nhtezl transitive
nhkha f.
nhka f. computer science label
nhl present stem of verb
nhln m. computer science attachment
nhlnd sticky, adhesive
nhlavl nhlavl transitive [past: ]


the target

to unite, join to, attach to 4 to undertake, begin; hoist up

to hit

nahji vice
nht m. 1 joining, connection 2 contiguity; contact, link
relation, relationship, respect a to join, connect b to

adjoin, be contiguous to c to have respect to, have a relation to

nhtarna plural:

nhtar n] Himalayan pine, Pinus excelsa

to launch a war 5 to brush against, hook onto 6 to push

off, shove off; set on; instigate (e.g., a quarrel, fight) 7 to lure,

a to distinguish

entice, decoy 8 to invlove, implicate

b to keep an eye on; note 2 memory, souvenir

nhttj f.
nhtr m. [plural:

1 to glue,

paste; adhere to; paste under, glue under 2 to tie together, tie to 3

nihnch m. marksman; sniper

nihn f. 1 sign, symbol, token 2
nihn f. 1 sign, symbol, emblem

nhtj past participle of I am very busy.

to speak stammeringly, stutter
nhtj f.
nhtedzl [past: ] 1 to squeeze, wring 2 to

a to arise,

nashed r regional 1 intoxicating, stupefying 2 narcotic

nih n m. 1 sign, symbol 2 order, medal to award
a medal the national emblem of Afghanistan
3 target to hit the mark My rifle
fires accurately. 4 arms, symbol, coat of arms
the National Coat of Arms of Afghanistan 5 emblem 6
regional flag, banner to raise
the flag idiom ! Things are going


engagement 7 quarrel, wrangle, dispute

1.3 precipice 2 low; gently sloping

to clash with, quarrel

nhtna f.
nhtn m. 1 2 being busy, busyness
nhta f. 1 gluing, pasting; adhesion 2 joining, uniting

smoking (narcotic substances) 3 bleary (eyes)

nshi vice
2 nshe vice
3 nash plural of
4 nshj vice
nishb nashb 1 m. .1

a The battle was engaged. b War broke

to wrangle with b to fight c to get tangled up in, get tangled up

prohibition of narcotics

nashakhr m. drug addict

nashakhor f. 1 drug addiction 2 drunkenness
nasha 1 drinking He is a drunkard.

out. 1.9 to be busy with, be engaged in something

a to implicate in

some affair b to set down to serious business


nhlavna f. 1 gluing, pasting 2 tying together 3 joining,

uniting 4 technology contact

nhledl intransitive
nhledna f. 1 uniting, unification, joining

2 technology


nahtr f. proper name Nashtara


to find

nha f. 1 characteristics, features

recognized him by his features.

Pashto-English Dictionary

the road by the stars, get oriented on the way by the stars

compound verb a to note, make a
note of b to aim at compound verb to be noted
to aim, aim at a target to fire at the target
I did not hit the target; I missed. 4 model,
pattern 5 emblem 6 sign; signal 7 indication, symptom
symptoms of a disease 8 pledge of betrothal (e.g., a kerchief)
to note (a date) 2 trace, remnant

of the past 3 target

9 trademark, model, brand

nahab z m. sharpshooter
nha nh na f. feature, characteristic; sign, indication
nha vishtnkaj f. sharpshooter
expert marksman, sniper
nhedzl nhedzl transitive
nass m. Arabic [plural: nuss] 1 manifestation,

evidence 2 exposition; formulation 3 religion text (of the Koran)

nis b m. Arabic 1 beginning, basis; origin 2 merit, virtue 3

quorum 4 economics minimum amount of property subject to

taxation 5 plan, program

plan of study

training plan

nasr m. Arabic plural of 2

nash m. Arabic plural of
nasb m. Arabic [plural: ans b] assembly, installation;
reinforcement; erection, setting up

nasb-ul'jn m. Arabic 1 mission, task, goal; installation

the correct installation, correct assembly 2

nasbavl 1 denominative, transitive [past: ] .1 to

install, assemble; reinforce; erect, set up 1.2 to dismantle (e.g., a

tent, marquee) 2 m. plural installation, assembly; installing;

setting up, erecting

nasb grammar accusative case

nasbedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

nasr m. Arabic 1 help, assistance 2 proper name Nasr

nusar m. Arabic plural of
nasraddn m. Arabic proper name Nasruddin
nasrull m. Arabic proper name Nasrulla
nasrn 1 adjective Christian 2 m. [plural:

nasrnj n Arabic plural: nasr ] Christian

nasrnijt m. Arabic Christianity
Arabic 1 victory, triumph 2 help, assistance
nusratull m. Arabic proper name Nusratulla
nisf m. Arabic half
nisf-un-nah r m. Arabic 1 meridian 2 noon
nisftr m. Arabic radius

and-half system
nisfkr f. economics sharecropping under the half-and-

half system

nisf-i-kurr hemisphere


hemisphere southern hemisphere

nisfjn Arabic dual of
nasv r m. plural nas, chewing tobacco, nasavar
snuff to chew tobacco idiom
To us this is a trifling matter.
nasvr 1.1 relating to nas (i.e., chewing tobacco) 1.2
brown; tobacco-colored 2 m. nas (i.e., chewing tobacco) user


brown coal, lignite

nuss m. Arabic plural of

nasb m. Arabic 1 lot, fate, fortune, destiny
to be someone's destiny, fall to someone's lot
We have triumphed. 2 good fortune
unluckily luckily If it
should be vouchsafed me. If Fate should be kind.

nasiht m. Arabic [plural: nasihatna Arabic

plural: nash] advice, counsel

to advise someone, give counsel to someone

nasihatgr m. advisor, counselor
nasir m. Arabic [plural: nasir n Arabic plural:
ans r plural: nuss r plural: nusar ] 1 helper, assistant
2 accomplice, abettor 3 proper name Nasir, Naseer

nazdzh m. Arabic literal & figurative maturity, ripeness

natt m. Arabic 1 orator 2 representative (delivering a


official representative 3 announcer

radio announcer
nuft f. Arabic 1 seed, sperm; embryo


embryo, in the bud 2 posterity 3 ironic 3 offspring, progeny, get

be dismantled (tent, marquee)

the Mullah Nasruddin

nisfk r m. economics tenant-sharecropper under the half-

(e.g., "the devil's offspring")

1 to be

installed, be assembled; be reinforced, be set up, be erected 2 to

nut m. Arabic 1 speech, prepared statement

to ascend the podium for an address 2 gift of gab
nuzz r m. Arabic plural of a auditing
commission b oversight committee (of a society)

nazrt m. nizrt Arabic 1 observation; surveillance;

to observe, take under observation

2 monitoring government surveillance
to monitor something
1 nazr f. Arabic 1 look, glance, regard 2 scene,

appearance, sight, picture

nizr Arabic


inspection commission, oversight

nazft m. Arabic 1 cleanliness, neatness 2 chastity, purity

nazfat adjective sanitary-hygienic, sanitary and hygienic
niz m m. Arabic 1 order; regulations; rules 2 structure;
system social structure

Pashto-English Dictionary

socialist strucure 3 military formation, forming up
extended order close order forming up for
inspection combat order 4 military service 5 troops;
army infantry 6 ruler, nizam 7 proper name Nizam
niz mn Arabic military according to regulations
nizm t m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 statute
niz m-i-hukumt m. regional governmental structure,
economical structure

to respect someone, treat someone with respect
to treat an uncle like a father to not be
overly fond of someone, not have respect for someone
a to approve b to treat well to look
questioningly at someone to regard
something with suspicion to have in view,
consider, pay attention to bear in mind that
to show oneself, catch someone's eye
Everyone thinks he is unpleasant.
to bear in mind, consider, pay attention to
create illusions to take people's opinion
into consideration Eastern to
survey, scrutinize, examine to be
surveyed, be examined, be scrutinized to ignore
to lose someone's respect, fall in someone's eyes; be
deprived of someone's sympathies People



niz m-i-shams m. regional solar system

niz m-i-'asb m. regional nervous system
nizmarvl m. military daily duty-detail, 24-hour duty

nizmnm f. 1 military regulations 2 standing orders

nizm Arabic military officers
military training military operations
military uniform arms, armament, weapons
military rank military assistance
nazr m. Arabic 1 plural of 2 distinguished persons,
respected persons

clear look, serene

look at first glance 2 sight keen sight
sharp eyesight weak eyesight
He went blind. His eyesight is good!
Eastern My
nazr m. Arabic 1 look, glance

disdained him. People scorned him.

nazarabd z m. circle, sphere

nazarb z 1 m. man capable of giving the evil eye

nazarbnd nazarbnda 1 interned, detained; arrested

to intern, detain; arrest to be interned, be
detained; be arrested 2 charmed, fascinated, captivated

sight is bad; I can't write without glasses. 3 opinion, view, point

in my view, in my opinion point

of view to have a good opinion of someone
4 relation, comparison in relation to , in
comparison with
of view

In comparison with Kabul, the city of Kandahar is situated much

lower. 5 observation

charm, fascination; magic, charms

a to look, direct, fasten, throw a

May he (they) not give

me the evil eye. I pray they (he) will not give me the evil eye.

to be released from the evil eye; to be

to have
a wide range of interests He glanced at
Ahmed. to attract attention to oneself

cured of an illness caused by the evil eye

the theory of probability

economic theory, economic studies

to propose a new theory 2 point of view, opinion, view
from this point of view to
inquire after someone's point of view to express one's

in to

by the evil eye

nazaij f. Arabic [plural: nazarij m. plural:

nazarij t] 1 theory

glance b to direct the attention to, display interest in, be interested

compound verb to get the evil eye; suffer from a sickness caused



under the

make a survey of
to skim through the newspaper to
recognize at once, recognize at first sight to
attract the glance, attract the attention to
examine, inspect, consider, scrutinize a to look at,
examine, view b compound verb to give the evil eye

nazarband f. 1 internment, detention; house arrest 2

nazr vkaj charming, fascinating, entrancing

nazar Arabic 1 theoretical theoretical 2

observation of specialists 6 evil eye, illness caused by the evil eye

7 proper name Nazar

flirtatious, throwing playful glances; looking tenderly


nazm m. Arabic 1 order; structure; good organization,

orderliness 2 poetry; verses, poems

He wrote this legend in verses. 3 string (of a

musical instrument) 4 proper name Nazm

nazm-u-nas m. arrangement; regulation; adjustment;

state of adjustment or regulation

nazm Arabic 1 regulated, in good order 2 poetical

nazmij f. Arabic obsolete police adjective

She gave me the evil eye, that's why I'm sick.

nazr Arabic 1 like, similar 2 m. [plural: nazir]

There is no one like him in

This book has no equal.

example, model
the world.


nazir f. Arabic 1 imitation 2 model, sample

Pashto-English Dictionary

nazf Arabic neat, clean

1 nazif Arabic proper name Nazifa
2 nazfa f. singular of
na't m. [plural: nu'ut] Arabic eulogy
na'r f. Arabic 1 shout, cry, scream shout, cry out,
scream 2 noise
na'razn crying out; screaming
na'sh m. Arabic 1 corpse, cadaver 2 stretcher or bier for

nghndzaj m. pine nut

nagghz beautiful
nghht m. 1 turning, laying 2 roll, bundle (e.g., of paper)
nghht take whole, all at once, in entirety
nghhtl transitive [present: past: ] 1 to
twist, twirl 2 to roll up, wrap; turn, turn off; roll 3 to swaddle,
entwine 4 to become enveloped by 5 to coat with, cover 6 to
wrap up in

carrying a corpse

na'l m. Arabic 1 horseshoe 2 ferrule of a scabbard 1

na'lbnd m. blacksmith, farrier
na'lavl denominative, transitive
ni'mt m. Arabic 1 charity; donation; good deed
to receive charity to show charity, do a great
favor 2 good 3 joy, bliss 4 plenty to live in plenty 5
good food; eats 6 proper name Nimat

ni'matull m. Arabic proper name Nimatulla

nu't m. Arabic plural of
na'm m. Arabic 1 blissful life 2 proper name Naim
naghrch m. kettledrummer
naghr f. 1 kettledrums to beat kettledrums (at
the gates of a king, emperor, etc., to signal the reception of
complaints and requests or petitions)
kettledrums, drum 2 glory

to beat

nghakj f. old straw mattress

nghl transitive
nghnaj m. cloth (in which something is wrapped)
1 ngh i present tense of and
2 nghj f. small straw mattress
nght m. obedience
nghutl transitive
nghta f. dialect
naghd ready cash
nghda f. ready cash
naghd ready cash, ready
money to sell for cash
nghar m. absorption (of water) to absorb (water)
to be absorbed (of water)
nghrtl transitive
nghrht m. swallowing
nghrl transitive [present: past: ] 1 to eat;
swallow food 2 to swallow, gulp idiom
Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

ngharj m. 1 hearth, fireplace; heater iron stove

electric hot-plate 2 brazier 3 tripod; three-legged potstand idiom a noble and distinguished family

to wrap oneself up in , get


naghl nd nghl nd 1 hungry 2 insatiable, voracious 3

greedy, grasping; self-interested; rapacious

naghlndstrgaj greedy, insatiable, grasping

1 naghl ndaj m. 1 glutton 2 greedy and grasping person
2 naghl nd f. plural of
nghal nde feminine of 1
naghl Naghlu (settlement)
1 naghm m. 1 military mine to explode a mine 2
undermining to sap, undermine 3 tunnel idiom
to be quick on the uptake, be intelligent, be deft
2 ngham m. metal-cuting shapes, snips
naghm f. Arabic [plural: nagm Arabic plural:
naghm t] 1 motif, melody; tune; song to sing, entone a
melody 2 proper name Naghma

naghmakh n m.
nghn f. naghn [plural:

nagmasar m. singer
nghni] 1 wheat bread 2 skillet


ngnd m. 1 loss, damage 2 oppression

inflict damage, cause loss b to oppress

2 nghand m. shortbread
nughnaj 1 labeled, tagged 2 disgraced
nghvi vice
nghotl nghutl [present: past: ]

a to

1 to listen

to, obey, heed 2 to take advice, be obedient 3 to give directions

nghta nghta f. 1 obedience 2 sign, indication 3 advice

nghra f. boiling, cooking (food)
ngho m. fine (monetary)
nghog nghug present stem of
nghol m. 1 drain gutter 2 drainage ditch
1 nghaj m. 1 sign, mark, label, brand 2 mark of shame 3
cutting off, amputation (of an ear, nose, as a form of punishment)

a to single out, mark; label, brand

2 nughj
nif s m. 1 childbirth, parturition 2 postnatal period
nafst m. Arabic 1 elegance, grace 2 fineness, delicacy
very delicately 3 good quality; high quality,

(among the Waziri)

nghdl transitive
ngherht m. 1


wrapped in 7 to dress up in some uniform 8 to avoid, shun,

excellent quality 4 luxury

nif m. Arabic 1 discord, quarrels, fueds 2 hypocrisy,

pretense, sham


Pashto-English Dictionary

petroleum deposits,
oil pipeline petroleum

nf'a f. to derive profit

a to receive profit b to gain, profit to have an

naft m. plural oil, petroleum

oil-bearing regions

advantage, have a benefit, a gain

naft larnkaj naft adjective oil, petroleum

petroleum deposits
nafr m. Arabic 1 man, person, human being 2 numerative
classifier used when counting people ten men 3 servant
nafr-i orderly 4 groom, stablehand
nafrt m. Arabic aversion; loathing; indignation to
cause aversion to nurse an aversion toward
someone to abhor, have an aversion to
someone to speak with indignation
They do not get along.
1 nafra used with numerals five men; of five men
2 nafra short plural of
nafar m. plural 1 persons, people 2 military troops, enlisted
personnel police
nafrn m. Arabic 1 curse to curse 2 swearing,
abusive language 3 aversion; horror, disgust

nafs m. Arabic 1 breathing

He expired.

a to breathe one's last, die b to be at the end of one's strength

to breathe
to be wracked with pain

c to freeze on the spot, die of fright

heavily, gasp for breath

2 instant, moment

nafs m. Arabic [plural: nafsna Arabic plural:

nufs] 1 soul, spirit spiritual purity


Charity begins at home. 2

essence, being 3 personality 4 lust, sensual desire


mortify the flesh 5 passion 6 vice 7 hate 8 sperm 9 male

sexual organ


nafa f. Arabic 1 means of subsistence


of subsistence 2 expenses for food; living expenses

honest wages 3 law alimony, maintenance

nafl m. Arabic 1 gift, donation 2 supplementary prayers
nufz m. Arabic 1 influence, authority an
influential man to obtain influence to
bring under one's influence 2 penetration
to penetrate into something

nufuz 1 influential, authoritative 2 passing, allowing to

penetrate, allowing to pass (e.g., water)

nufs m. Arabic plural 1 of 2 2 population, inhabitants

repopulation the growth of population
census enumeration
nufusshumr f. census enumeration
1 naf f. Arabic 1 negation negative particle
to shake the head in negation 2 refusal 3
banishment; exile a to deny b to banish; exile
2 naf Arabic rejected, turned away
nafr m. Arabic copper pipe
nafs Arabic elegant, fine; beautiful; lovely fine
arts precious stones
nafis precious
nafij f. Arabic singular of 2
nafj Arabic negative
ni b m. Arabic 1 shawl, veil 2 visor
na d Arabic 1 m. .1 critic 1.2 carping man, captious man
2 critical 2.2 carping, captious

nafsn Arabic 1 sensual, pertaining to the senses 2

mercenary goals

3 wrath 4 luxury

nafasksh nafaskh breathing

nafs Arabic 1 2 mental, psychological, psychic
mental calm, tranquility mental
condition psychic illnesses psychotherapy
3 egoistic, self-centered


naf'dst m. money-grubber
naf'-u-zarr m. profit and loss


criticism 2 carping attitude, captious attitude

nafsnaij t m. Arabic plural 1 sensitivity; passion 2 lust

nafsij t m. plural psychology; state of mind, psyche

nafsijt mental; psychological
nafsijt m. subjectivity
naft m. plural
naftaln m. Arabic naphthalene
nf' f. nf'a Arabic 1 favor; advantage 2 profit

naad f. 1 criticism

naarch m.
nar f. nar Arabic kettledrums
na sh m. Arabic 1 painter, artist, sculptor

2 draftsman 3


nashkhn f. art gallery, picture gallery

nash f. painting, art murals, frescoes
painting compound verb to be painted; have a picture

nazt m. Arabic quarrel; enmity

to start a quarrel with someone

ni t m. Arabic plural of



naht m. Arabic recovery, convalescence

nas m. Arabic plural najs m. plural of
naz m. Arabic plural najz masculine plural of


Pashto-English Dictionary

nab m. Arabic 1 military mine

to lay

mines, mine 2 sapping; underground trenching

nab achavnkaj torpedo boat

nab akhistnkaj minesweeper
nab pkavnkaj minesweeper
nabpar n 1 adjective explosive; mine 2 sapper's (of

nab opavnkaj
nabzn m. 1 minelayer, sapper 2 thief operating by
tunneling; burglar; thug

nab 1 adjective military mine

minefields 2

underground, subterranean

3 shortage, lack 4 error, mistake

nad Arabic 1 m. cash 2 adjective cash (of money)

on a cash basis, for cash, on cash terms

ndn Arabic for cash, on a cash account

nad-u-dzhns m. money and goods
nad Arabic 1 adjective cash (of money) 2 f. cash
resources, cash on hand cash sale
nurj adjective 1 silver 2 white (of an animal's coat)
nirs m. Arabic medicine arthritis; gout
nur f. Arabic 1 silver 2 silver coin; silver money
nash 1 m. Arabic [plural: nashna plural:
nush] .1 portrayal; drawing 1.2 pattern; illustration
wallpaper 1.3 map; terrain map 2 predicative drawn;
portrayed compound verb to draw, illustrate idiom
compound verb to learn by heart, memorize,
master compound verb to impress itself upon
to keep in one's memory
nashband 1 f. pattern 2 f. embroidery 3 f. decoration
4 m. religion Nakshabandi (member of an order of dervishes)

nashbandij f. Nakshabandi (an order of dervishes)

nashkr f. embroidery to be engaged in

nash-u-nig r
nash f. Arabic 1 map on a map
compound verb to plot, draw on a map compound verb
to be plotted on a map 2 drawing, sketch, blueprint
five-year plan to draw up a plan
to construct a plan 5 model
nashaksh m.
nashakash f. cartography
nashakh m. 1 cartographer 2 draftsman
1 nash drawn, patterned
2 nash plural of

1, 2

to sell at a

compound verb to be damaged, be spoiled 2

colloquial miscarriage, spontaneous abortion

nusnd r

nusnmnd 1 harmful, detrimental

2 faulty 3 defective 4 crippled, physically handicapped 5

discredited 6 wasteful, unprofitable

nusn 1


2 colloquial having had a

nas larnkaj 1-4

naz m. Arabic 1 destruction, annihilation; devastation

cancellation, liquidation 3 dissolution

nazavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

violate to violate the law, break the law 2 to cancel,

liquidate 3 to dissolve

nut m. Arabic plural of

nut f. Arabic [plural: nut Arabic plural: nut
plural: ni t] 1 point point of view
military reference point by points, point by point 2
grammar period 3 question boiling point
nut-ji-nazr f. point of view from an
economic point of view, in an economic sense

nal m. Arabic 1 transfer; move (e.g., of property,

equipment) 2 transportation; transporting

transportation of cargoes 3 conveyance; transference 4 tradition;

compound verb
a to transport (cargo) b

legend 5 copy 6 copying

compound verb

to transfer

nul m. plural 1 nukl (sugared fruits); sweets crushed in

wine 2 something pleasant, treat

nln Arabic according to tradition, according to legend

nalpazr regional moveable; portable; demountable and

nalch m. storyteller, folktale narrator

nal kavnkaj m. ferryman, boatman
nalgr adjective copy; copying

a to draw, conceive, imagine 3 draft plan, schematic drawing 4


nus n m. Arabic 1


nabzan f. 1 undermining, tunneling; mining 2 theft

effected by tunneling; theft by breaking and entering

nas m. Arabic 1 shortcoming, defect, deficiency

to correct defects 2 harm, detriment, loss to
inflict damage on someone to suffer loss, bear a loss
to suffer a loss instead of making a profit

copying paper;

carbon paper

nalavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

transfer; transport (e.g., property) 2 to convey 3 to move

to carry passengers 4 to resettle 5 to relate, narrate

to transmit exactly 6 to copy
nal Arabic 1 traditional; based on tradition, based on legend
2 copied 3 adjective narrative narration 4 transport,
relation to transport 5 fictitious; legendary grammar
indirect object


Pashto-English Dictionary

nalij t m. Arabic plural 1 of

2 transport,

transportation, conveyance 3 tradition; legend

nalijat transport, pertaining to transport or conveyance

naledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

nuktad n m. wit, witty person

huktasndzh 1.1 witty, apt 1.2

transported, be conveyed (e.g., of property, equipment) 2 to be

transferred, be carried from one place to another 3 to be resettled

transport equipment 2 f. [m.
plural: nalij t] .1 transport automotive
transport freight 2.2 transport services 2.3 military
train; transports food supply train 2.4 payment for
nalij Arabic 1 feminine and plural of


shipping, fees for freight

nush m. Arabic plural of

nab m. Arabic [plural: naib n

Arabic plural:

nuab ] 1 leader 2 nakib (the chief of a tribe or a community;

the chief of the Sayyids, the spiritual head of a guild of craftsmen)

nais f. Arabic [plural: nais Arabic plural:

nas] deficiency, shortcoming; flaw, blemish, defect

a to eradicate a defect b to eliminate a deficiency

naz Arabic 1 contradictory; opposing

contradicting something 2 m. .1 enemy, foe 2.2 antonym 2.3

opposition, contrast; contradiction

naiz f. Arabic [plural: naiz Arabic plural:

naz] contradiction

nik t m. Arabic plural of

nik f. nik h Arabic 1 matrimony, wedlock; marriage,
nuptials proxy for a father the contraction
of marriage a to get married, enter wedlock b
compound verb to take as wife to wed, go through
the marriage cermony He got married.
to give (a daughter) in marriage to go

through the wedding ceremony, complete the wedding ceremony 2


nikhn f. religion gratuity given to a mullah for

performing the marriage ceremony

nikhnm f. marriage contract

nikhv l m. man who is celebrating his wedding
nikrgu f. Nicaragua
1 nakr and
2 nuk ra f.
nuk ri plural of 2 to scratch
nuk n Western plural of
nakbt m. Arabic ill luck, misfortune; reversal of fortune;

nukt f. Arabic [plural: nukt Arabic plural:

nik t] 1 witticism; witty remark

moment, consideration

nuktagr 1 carping, captious 2 m. .1 carping person,

pedant 2.2 critic

nuktagir f. 1 faultfinder 2 critic

fault, carp at b to criticize

4 to be narrated 5 to be copied

to make a witty address

He is always witty. 2 circumstances,

delicate circumstances

penetrating 2 m. expert,


nika f. net necktie

nukrdzi f. plural
nukrza f. henna-yielding plant
nakrzi f. plural Eastern henna

a to find

the eve of Eid

or wedding (when women and children paint their hands with

to dye the hands with henna

nk vice
1 nki vice
2 nkaj Eastern I cannot.
3 nke vice
4 nkj vice
1 nikl m. plural nickel
2 nkl m. 1
naklv m. storyteller, narrator of folktales
nikalkr f. nickel plating compound verb

to nickel-plate

nakl m.

nukl m. Arabic 1 trade nonexecution, refusal to execute or

pay something 2 protest of a promissary note 3 law refusal to

give evidence

1 nkavi vice
2 nkave vice
3 nkavj vice
nka vice
nakht m. Arabic fragrance, scent
1 nakj m. anatomy clitoris
2 nki vice
3 nke vice
4 nkj vice
nked m. plural impracticability

an impossible


nakr Arabic 1 m. negation; rejection 2 negating, rejecting

ang suffix for abstract verbal nouns a leap, a jump
nig r 1 m. .1 drawing, illustration, picture, portrait, image
deocration of a room 1.2 figurative idol,
heathen image 1.3 beauty 2 combining form writing
journalist; correspondent

nig ra f. 1 beauty 2 loved one

ng m. plural of
ng sa f. peep, chirp
ng shaj m. hook, stake, peg on a wall (for tethering cattle)

Pashto-English Dictionary

nig h m. 1 stare, look, glance 2 observation, surveillance, care

a to look b to observe, survey
nigb n m. keeper, custodian; guard; protector
nigkbn f. 1 custody, guarding, preserving 2
observation, surveillance, care, concern for someone

signet ring, for the precious stone) 3 ring; signet ring; seal



to raise an

glass tubing technology

to play the reed pipes 4 barrel (of

a firearm) 5 chimney pipe (of a stove, samovar)

nil m m. regional
nalpch m. stem of a water pipe with its tubing
nalarl m. plural absence, lack, want
nals z m. 1 tinsmith 2 plumber
nilk m. plum
nalk f. nalkj f. water pipe, water supply pipe
nalgs m.
nalgj m. 1 tubing 2 anatomy trachea
1 nal f. tube, pipe
2 nul nal anatomy ureter
1 nalj m. 1 femur 2 arm bone; humerus
2 nalj f. 1 pipe, tubing 2 stem and tubing of a water pipe (for

executive officer for technical matters

nigarn f. 1 observation, scrutiny, surveillance

a under scrutiny, under surveillance b under the editorship
of c under the management of 2 close observation, care, concern

nga f. singular of
nga f. plural of
1 ngsaj 1 insignificant; contemptible 2 m. laughingstock
2 ngse f. 1 laughingstock 2 nonentity, nobody
nghj m. small braids on both sides of the brow (of

ngl transitive
nglaj m. nglaj dialect
ngubj m. front bow of a saddle
ngor f. Eastern
ngo tautological with

smoking) 3 empty cartridge 4 bobbin, spool

3 nal plural of 1, 2
4 nal plural of 1
1 nam 1 m. moisture; liquid 2 wet; moist, damp to wet,
make moist to become moist, become saturated with

This stew is

completely cold.


ngaj m. cucumber
ngos m. 1 cliche 2 photo, snapshot
nguh m. lameness
nguhl intransitive
nguhavl transitive [past: ] to make lame
nguhedl intransitive [present: past: ]
limp He has injured his leg and is



ngavl transitive dialect

nglaj ngvlaj m. 1 food, eatables, eats; thick soup; anything
that is eaten with bread; meat, fish, milk products, vegetables
Did you eat only bread or did
you have other food? 2 snack

ngnaj m. cupped hand
1 nigh m.
2 nag f. singular of
nigahb n m.
nigahd sht m. 1 guarding, preservation

2 conservation,


ngaj m. sneeze, sneezing 1

ngerl transitive [past: ]

m. [plural: nalna plural: nal n] 1 reed;

technology tubing

nigar n m. 1 manager, director (of a school) 2 executive


water pipe 3 reed pipe

row, uproar, hubbub (of birds)

uproar, create a hubbub (of birds)

ngnde Eastern plural of

mountain rush, Arundo donax reed sprouts 2

a to guard, protect b to observe, survey

ngar m.

nign m. 1 stone set in a signet ring 2 bezel of the setting (in a

2 nm ordinal numeral ninth vice

1 nam f. Arabic growth, growing
2 num nam 1 m. indicator 2 combining form indicating
something compass
nmdzl transitive
nmdzna f.
nm aj m. double stitch
nmistn f. [plural: nmistni] large needle
nam z m. namaz (worship, prayer, obeisance), Islamic form of

namzkhuftn m. regional prayer before sleep

nmzl transitive
nmzna f.
namzigr m. dialect
nmsphn m.
nmst dialect
nmh m m. Eastern 1 evening prayer 2 evening
Evening found me on my way.
nmndzguz r
nmndzl transitive [past: ] 1 to raise, nourish,
foster, bring up 2 to support, help 3 to praise; extoll; honor 4 to

to think, suppose, imagine


Pashto-English Dictionary

nmndzna f. 1 honor, respect, esteem

in honor of someone 2 nourishing, raising 3 praise

to praise, lavishly priase something

nmndznaj devout, pious
nmndz indirect singular of
nmndz 1 praying, peforming namaz 2 devout, pious

nmarprevt m. Eastern 1 singular & plural sunset 2

the West
nmartsrk m. nmrkht m. Eastern 1.1 singular
& plural sunrise 1.2 the East 2 from sunrise

nmarkhatz eastern
nmargl m. sunflower
nmarkhaj beautiful
numr f. 1 number 2 degree
numrazan f. numeration, numbering
nmar m. plural Eastern clothing
nmrehl transitive [past: ] to wash dishes, rinse

pure, undefiled

numj n 1 evident, apparent 2 obvious, noticeable 3

numjsh m. 1 demonstration 2 parade


military parade 3 presentation; showing, demonstration, making a

demonstration, demonstrating


exhibition hall 4

num dialect before, previously; earlier

nmal [past: ] to eat, swallow
1 nmaj f. 1 piece of food; food to eat, swallow 2
piece, slice to cut in bits, cut in little pieces; divide
into portions Give him a piece of bread. 3
bread idiom to burn up; be a victim of fire
They fell heir to a fat sum.
2 numaj 2
nmazdk m. regional mosque
namast f. namaste (Hindu greeting)
1 nmasj m. [plural: nmas plural: nmasij n]

showing (a movie) 5 external appearance

numjishg m. & f. numjishg h exhibit

numjish 1 adjective spectacle, show 2 ostentatious;
revealing 3 demonstration, pertaining to a demonstration

numjht m.
numjandag f.
1 numjand m. namjand 1 representative
permanent representative parliamentary
representative 2 agent (of a firm)

2 numjand namjand representative (female)

numjandag f. namjandag f. 1 representation
parliamentarism by delagation, in the
capacity of someone's representative a
to represent someone b figurative to express, utter
something to express concern, worry 2

Eastern grandson

nmasj f. [plural: nmasj plural: nmasij ne]

Eastern granddaughter

nam'alm dialect
namk m. salt

agency; representation; branch (e.g., of a bank)

nimj m.
nambr m. number idiom a big mistake
nambj m. building up of the soil for melon cultivation
nambr m. tunnel or main conduit of a kariz or native Afghan

namakhar m 1.1 unfaithful; ungrateful; base 1.2

traitorous, perfidious 2 m. traitor, betrayer

namakhar mi

f. 1 baseness, lowness;

ingratitude 2 betrayal, treason, perfidy

a to act

basely; repay with ingratitude b to betray, commit perfidy

namburch m. man working in a kariz or native Afghan

irrigation system

namdzhn moist, damp, wet

nimtsj m.
1 namd m. felt (strip); felt (piece)
2 numd dialect
namd r
namdabl m.
namads z m. namadm l

We have so often

enjoyed his hospitality.

irrigation system

namakhal l 1 sincere; devoted; true, faithful 2 decent,

namakhall f. 1 sincerity; devotion; faithfulness 2

honest 3 loyal 4 grateful, thankful

a to display faithfulness b to be thankful, be grateful
namaks r m. saline soil
namkn namakn 1 salty 2 witty
namla f. sweat cloth
namn k
namnk f. dampness, moisture
nmandz m. respect, esteem, deference to speak
decency, honesty 3 loyalty 4 gratitude, thankfulness

m. felt fuller, maker of

large felt pieces

numdv laj m. dialect

nmar m. Eastern sun hot sun sunlight
The sun was at its zenith. idiom
It is as clear as God's day.
nmarprevtz western

very deferentially

nmandzl transitive
nmandzna f. 1 honoring 2 praise, euology; glorification
nmandzna plural


Pashto-English Dictionary

numv m. namv Arabic growth, development

The mulberry tree grows very well there.
numd m. namd 1 aspect, appearance 2 indicator, indication
3 show, display a for show, ostentatious b for the
sake of appearances to display, demonstrate
namud r 1.1 apparent, noticeable, obvious 1.2 prominent 2
[plural: namudr n] .1 model, specimen 2.2 indicator,
indication 2.3 symbol

f. namud r show, display; showing off

stand out (for), make a mark (by)


nmug l transitive dialect [past: ] to comb (the hair)

nmundz m. [plural: nmandzna plural:

nmundzna] namaz (Muslim form of prayer), prayer

namunav model, exemplary to make an example

1 namun f. 1 model, example in the form of,
as a model, as an example for example
a model school 2 specimen, sample
2 namun placenta, afterbirth
3 numna plural Western vice
namuni inflammation of the lungs, pneumonia
He contracted pneumonia.
nma feminine of 2 the ninth month
nam f. dampness, mositure
nn 1 today, now tonight in our time; lately;
these days in recent days eigther today or
tomorrow 2 attributive, indeclinable .1 as of today, nowadays

current affairs
at the present time 3 four hundred
years ago on that very day to drag out,

our times

delay, engage in red tape

nnabsi present tense of

nandz m. plural tar, pitch
nuntsa f.
nunts-nunts to continue to be sick; fail to recover
nand p m. dialect
nndrtn m. 1 exhibit 2 spectacle, show
1 nndrch m. 1 spectator, fan 2 [plural:
nndrchij n] spectators, the audience

2 nndrchj f. spectator (female)

nnd rdzj m. 1 spectacle, show 2 theater
nndgh laj m. theater
nndrknaj m. 1
nndr f. 1 spectacle; presentation; show; stage production
to give a presentation to go on stage 2
wedding celebration; merriment 3 survey, view a to
admire He enjoys the river. b to make merry (at
a wedding) c compound verb to look at, watch
to watch sporting events to attend a

nndrr f.
nandr f. collection of goods (etc., on the part of the relatives
on the wedding day as gifts to the groom) to
collect goods to give money for the wedding (of the
family, clan)

nanz tar, pitch

f. dialect
nn-sab nn-sab today and tomorrow; recently
nanka f. pimple, acne
nnakj f. 1 pockmark; smallpox 2 pimples, acne
nang m. 1 1 to consider as a
matter of honor This is a matter of honor.
to display valor in defense of the fatherland
to ask for help, seek help from someone 2 modesty 3 shame,

nang aj m. span
nangv imperfective of
nangrah r nngarh r m. 1 Nangrahar (province)

2 history


nngrahrj nngarhrj 1 adjective Nangrahar,

Nangraharian 2 m. inhabitant of Nangrahar, Nangraharian


nangj shpa m. midnight
nngahj m. dam, weir (of wood, turf)
nanagk pure, unadulterated
nang m.
nangaj m. small-fruited pomegranate
nangavl transitive [past: ] to summon to help,
summon to give protection; request patronage

1 nangavlj past participle of

2 nanglaj m. dialect
nang-u-nms m. honor, reputation, good name
1 nnga f. 1 sense of honor, honor, reputation
He stood up for his honor. 2 protection, support; patronage
to ask protection, ask assistance of someone, seek protection
from someone 3 courage, bravery, valor
a to defend, give support; offer patronage to b to show
courage, display valor, demonstrate courage

2 nang f. filtration
nangjlj 1.1 honorable, honest

1.2 responsive, keen,

sharp, quick 1.3 brave, valorous, courageous 2 m. .1 protector,

patron 2.2 hero, brave man, bold person 2.3 proper name

nangjlitb m. 1 honor 2 valor, courage, bravery

nnanj today's, current today's paper
1 nnavt 1 m. plural .1 entry 1.2 entrance 1.3 visit of
the fianc to the bride-to-be before the wedding 2 past tense

film, watch a movie

plural of

Pashto-English Dictionary

nnav ta f.

nnav te f. plural ceremonial ritual

soliciting forgiveness or assistance

a to

conduct the nenavate ritual b to ask forgiveness c to beseech

Help me. Do not refuse me help.

nnb m. 1 evaporation 2 percolation; leakage
nnavt 1 past tense of 2 past tense stem of
nnavatl intransitive [present: past: past: ]
1 to enter, go in; drop in He entered the room. 2
to ride in, ride into 3 to penetrate 4 to get into
The snake got into a crack. 5 to visit the bride-to-be

before the wedding (of the fianc) 6 to seek asylum with someone
7 to interfere

to break into a stranger's

conversation 8 to enter a house; settle in a house as a wife 9 to

shrink (of cloth) 10 computer science login, to login

nnavatna f. 1 1
nnavatdzj m. entrance (place)
nanawt wazl f. computer science input device
nanawatn m. computer science log, log on, logging
nnanatnaj going in, entering (afoot or otherwise)
nnvrdz 1 f. this very day 2 today
nnvradzanj 1 present, today's, current 2 contemporary
nnavl transitive [past: ] to strain; purify, filter,

nnavnaj m. 1 sieve; filter 2 strainer 3 colander

nnavot past tense of
nnavestl transitive Eastern
1 nna 1 separable verb prefix expressing movement into
something (stressed in the perfective aspect) to lodge,
accomodate, put into something 2 may be written in a truncated


to enter, go in

nna f. internal part


in the interior of the

nnaistl [present: past: ] 1 to lodge,

put into something 2 to introduce 3 to shove into 4 to include 5
to thrust into 6 to thread 7 to insert, fit into

nnaistna f. nnaist m. plural 1 introduction

2 thrusting, shoving into 3 insertion

nnab si present tense of

nnajistl transitive
nanj f. children's speech rice
nnedl nanedl intransitive [past: ]

1 drip 2 trickle,

purified, be filtered, be distilled

nned m. plural 1 percolation; flow 2 straining, purifying,
filtration, distillation

nnajistl transitive
nnajistna f.


He overstrained himself.

nav m. [plural: navna] 1 moisture, dampness, wetness

2 pus

a in
because, for this
reason This is why Let's go now.
When will you arrive? What,
you aren't coming? Well, I certainly was fooled.
Well, they paid no attention to
what he said. ! Okay! Right!
4 no oblique of 1 vice at nine o'clock
nav f. 1 voice; noise 2 song, tune; melody; motif 3 means of

no so, so that, consequently, then, and for this reason

the event that; if b after, as soon as

existence 4 riches, luxury, plenty

navv b nuvv b m. Arabic plural of

navb d 1 populated; colonized 2 newly constructed 3

1 nabob, rich man 2

obsolete governor 3 grandee, prince 4 proper name Nawab

newly acquired (of land)

navbd f. regional settlement, colony

navbgh m. Arabic plural of
navbb f. title of a ruler, grandee, or prince
navh m. Arabic plural of
nav kht m. tone, phonation monotony, quality
of being a monotone idiom They are not

navkht 1 cultivated, fostered; cherished 2 cared for; given


navdr m. Arabic plural of 2

nav r m. niv r 1 tape; ribbon 2 film

film with

sound track 3 beam (of light)

navr f. obsolete dwelling; populated place

a to

populate, settle b to work, cultivate (as land)

niv m.
1 nav a f. Eastern virgin soil
2 nv a f. sadness, grief, woe
1 nv aj m. double stitch
2 navj f. 1 top of baggy Middle-Eastern style trousers
through which a girdle or sash is passed 2 double stitch

percolate; flow, flow out, flow through 3 to be strained, be

naavl transitive
naedl intransitive
naed m. plural destruction
1 nu m. [plural: nug n] umbilicus, navel

3 nav i Eastern plural of 1

4 nv i plural of 2
nav z combining form caressing (or similar)

navzsh m. caress, endearment, affectionate address

to caress ! regional Thanks! You are very nice! idiom

Pashto-English Dictionary

navzishnm f. 1 certificate of merit, certificate of good

conduct and progress 2 espistolary your kind letter

navzand m. musician
navz f. 1 fostering, nuturing 2 favor, grace
navs m. grandson
navl m. Arabic plural of 2
navl f. nivl 1 gift, present 2 good deed 3

ntsaj m. Eastern 2
nauh f. navh Arabic crying, sobbing
nauhakh n m. nauhagr 1 m.

portion, part 4

nauhagra f. mourner (female)

nauhagar f. bewailing
nukhavl transitive [past: ]

swallow, mouthful 5 food, portion (of food) 6 agriculture

concentrate, concentrated fodder

nv la-nz la f. childhood
navmz m. 1 novice, beginner 2 pupil, student
for students recruits
navms m. Arabic plural of
navh m. Arabic plural of
navb m. Arabic plural 1 misfortune, disaster 2 accident
naublgh attaining majority; adult, grown-up, teenager
nobt m. naubt Arabic 1 turn in
turn, in order of turn He waited his turn.
His turn came. 2 attack, bout (of fever) 3

appetite in someone
nukhedl intransitive [past: ] to feel hunger, get very

address) 2 proper name Nur

naubr m. trail, tasting (of food)


nvar m. Eastern sun

Nur Mohammed

nor 1.1 other, another

out of
the mouths of others 3.1 more, still still more 3.2 in other
respects and so forth, et
cetera idiom And so I am leaving.
Everything has changed. Eastern One can go
usually plural another, different, else

regular meeting


nob f. naub Arabic

naubah r m. poetic early spring
not m. music note
nutrij f. nutria
no m. 1 footnote, observation; note, entry

to taste, try

2 note (diplomatic,

nobk m. regional notebook

nuakj f. pattern
noavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to note,
make a note in a notebook 2 to note, mark down 3 to make a
mark, notch

no f. diplomacy 1 note 2 memorandum

noshn m. notation
navdzhn 1 moist, damp 2 purulent
naudzhav n m. youth, young man
nauchk navchk 1 m. .1 dew 1.2 youth

norbj continuation follows

nvarpretvt m. plural
nvartsrkaj m. dialect 1 kind of snake

2 place in the sun,

exposed site

nurzj m. plural 1
1 nurz m. plural the Nurzai (tribe)

2 nurzj m. Nurzaj


navrs newly sprouting; young (e.g., of a tree)

nurist n m. Nuristan
nuristn nuristnj 1 adjective Nuristanian

2 m.

Nuristanian (person)

2 new, fresh, just


nauchka 1 f. girl 2 feminine singular of

nuruddn m. Arabic proper name Nuruddin

nurull m. Arabic proper name Nurullah
nurn Arabic 1 light, clear 2 radiant, luminous; shining,


served as a means for further broadening of trade relations. 2 m.

a watch

a Light of my

other persons other

in other words a few days
more other, varied, various, sundry 1.2 remaining, the
rest, what is left the remaining sum
He spent what was left of the day there. 1.3 further
These talks

1.2 alternating 1.3 watch, pertaining to a watch 2 m. member of

naubr m. early fruits


novatch m. novatch orderly

novatkhn f. guardroom
nobat 1.1 usual, routine, regular

nur m. Arabic [plural: nurna Arabic plural:

anv r] 1 light, radiance; ray (of light)

crop rotation

life! Dear! Beloved! b Little son! (as an affectionate form of

The band is playing a march.

4 relief, shift; watch 5 figurative death

to arouse a strong

flourish, march (music usually played at court of high-placed


mourner 2

nvarsurkh f. Eastern sunrise

nurk m. proper name Nurak
nrkla at another time, another time
nurgl m. proper name Nurgul
nur lustnkaj shining; gleaming (e.g., of a beacon)
norm l normal, ordinary, usual

Pashto-English Dictionary

nurnum f. exposition, exposure

navrz m. 1 day of the spring equinox 2 Navrus (New Year,
March 21) New Year's greetings 3 proper name

navruz 1 vernal, spring 2 New Year's, relating to Navruz

navruzj 1 feminine singular of


noravl denominative, transitive [past:


2 f. weeping

to change,

1 nra f. feminine singular of 3

2 nra Little Light (an affectionate form of address) 1
1 nvar m. plural
2 nri feminine plural of 3
noredl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to change,
alter proverb literal What is written by fate
does not change. figuratively What will be, will be.

nvaz m. Eastern
nvaza f. Eastern
nuavl nvaravl transitive 2
nvaj f. 1
nuedl nvaedl intransitive 2
navz d 1 newborn 2 m. Navzad (district)
nzaj m. grindstone, whetstone, hone
nog nag f. m. [plural: ng f. plural:

2 2
nug l transitive
1 nugav
l transitive [past: ] to cause to sneeze
2 nogav
l denominative, transitive [past: ] to clean,


1 nugj m.
2 ngaj m.
1 nuged

to someone "Drink, good health!" 3 enjoyment, delight

nushdr m. plural ammonium chloride

navsht m. letter to study, learn reading
and writing

compound verb to write

In his letter he writes

written; letter; document

sneeze; sneezing
1 breed, pedigree 2 property, characteristics

intransitive [past: ]to sneeze

denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be

noshl transitive [past: ] to drink

navh r m.
naviht f. Western
nuhkh m. 1 hook 2 fishhook
nauhr m. Naushera (city, near Peshawar)
not m.
nv f. nv Arabic m. Arabic [plural: anv '] 1 species,
breed, kind of a different type, various in
one's own way 2 rank, sort 3 biology species 4 mode

nav'plkaj responsive; philanthropic

nav'khh f. altruism; humanitarianism
nav'dost f. humanitarianism
nv'a f. mankind
nav'aparst m. altruist
nav'aparast f. altruism
nav'ijt m. Arabic 1 attribute, quality 2 particularity,

cleaned, be cleansed, be purified

navs m.


specific character

transitive [present: past:

1 to pour,

nugh m. newborn calf

nugh aj m. sprouts of wheat which have become knocked

strew, sprinkle, scatter 2 to emit (rays)

nvstna f. sprinkling, strewing

nuskh n m. miscarriage, abortion
nuskhn f. woman who has had a miscarriage or abortion
1 navs f. moist soil
2 nus key (for a lock)
3 nvsa f. test, trial
1 nvasj m. [plural: nvas plural: nvasij n]
Eastern grandson

nsaj m. 1 clips (for hair) 2 tongs 3 handle 4 vice

nvasj f. [plural: nvasj plural: nvasj ni]

Eastern granddaughter

navisht f. [plural: navishtadzh t] 1 something

that 2 production (written) 3 patterns

pure, unadulterated; real, genuine 2 true, sincere 3 pure, clean,


4 navs colloquial
5 nvas plural of 1
6 nsi plural of 2
7 nvasj plural of 3
8 nvsi plural of 3
9 navs plural of 1
10 nus plural of 2
nosh m. 1 drink, beverage 2 savory food, tasty victuals
nsh-i a to drink to the health of b to taste savory food
to entertain someone (e.g., at tea) to say


nughatl transitive
1 nghaj m. 1 spot, speck 2 sign, mark; brand, label
to mark; brand, place a brand on 3 basis 4 breed, variety
5 kind, type 6 scar, cicatrice, weal idiom to carp
to object
2 nghaj m. 1 sapling 2 seed 3 progeny; offshoot, scion
3 nghi plural of 1, 2
nghi-nghi spotty, spotted; having specks, speckled
to be spotted, be specked
nuk m. [plural: nuk n plural: nuk n Eastern
plural: nukna] 1 nail to cut the nails

Pashto-English Dictionary

the first cutting of the nails (of a baby)

proverb literal If he finds a place

nuldzhn 1 grief-stricken, sorrowful 2 inconsolable

nuldzhnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]

inch and he'll take a mile. 2 claw, talon 3 insignificant amount,

nlas numeral Eastern nineteen
nulasm ordinal nineteenth
navlakj 1 cheeky, bold-faced 2 mischievous
nulavl transitive [past: ] to upset, grieve; torment
nul f. spout (e.g., of a teapot)
1 nolj naulj m. 1 polecat, ferret, weasel 2 mongoose
2 nol present tense form of
3 nul plural of
nuledl intransitive [past: ] 1 to pine, grieve, sorrow;

for his nails he'll put his whole hand in. figurative Give him an
trifle idiom

to try, strive

Ahmed is rubbing his fingernails together for others to fight

to gradually get
one's own, gradually get what one deserves to
feel very unhappy
to be indivisible; be one with to make
inseparable; indissolubly unite to be
successful; have luck, luck out to run up
(between themselves).

against difficulties in work; be exhausted from work beyond one's

b to accumulate some
money to stumble over He always
had luck. Everything always came out successfully for him.
Eastern Horror seized him.
Eastern He cannot harm you in any way.
I have never seen any good from you.
nuk ra f. 1 scratching to scratch 2

a to stop, get stuck

Come, why are you stopping?

be tormented; fall into despair 2 to grow weak, go into a decline

proper name
What is your name?
from one's own name in my name
fruit sent to close relatives upon the announcement of a birth and

addressing the
to address one another by
first name to become renowned
to inquire about (a name, address) Eastern
to issue a document to "bearer" 2 title, designation
the Hindu Kush Mountains a nominal b empty, vacant
c so-called to mention, enumerate a to
name b to designate, give a title to to receive the
name, get the designation a to be forgotten b to be
left without offspring to be designated the
senior one 3 name, reputation, renown celebrated;
celebrity to leave a good memory (of oneself)
to become renowned to be disgraced
to become famous He was
forever famous. I did not do this for glory.
4 grammar noun idiom in no way at all
to be forgotten to be asked for in marriage
the naming of the newborn

population as a whole

duty-roster record-book

nkaj 1 a little, wee bit, some

Pour a little

nki-nki to tear, rip to bits

nki-nki The glass fell and broke into
water. 2 a bit

nog Eastern
nugj m. Eastern 1
nul m. 1 misfortune, disaster 2 grief, woe, affliction
sorrow, grief to grieve, be upset, grow sad 3 melancholy
idiom to be thwarted; bring to a
conclusion with difficulty

nol present stem of

num m. [plural: numna Eastern plural:

numna] 1 name

claw, talon

officer on duty


nokr naukr m. 1 servant 2 soldier; trooper 3 vassal

nukr aj m. itch, itching of the skin of the arms (from cold)
to scratch oneself
naukarpesh living on service, serving for hire
nukrdzi f. plural dialect
nukrkaj tiny, minuscule
nukrzi f. plural dialect
nokra naukra f. servant, employee (female)
1 nukrj m. leprosy
2 nukraj tiny, minute, small
3 nokar f. 1 service to serve 2 duty
4 nokri naukri plural of
nokariv l m. nokarivl m. person on duty
physician on duty duty officer,


grieve, grow sad, get upset

while still a girl

nom m. navel, bellybutton idiom


in an attitude of

3 nme 1
num nda num ndaj called, named; nicknamed
Savun by name to name, call; nickname
novmbr m. November
numd dialect
numr f. 1 number 2 military serial-numbered equipment
afr d-i detachment, crew (i.e., gun)
num 2
1 numj

Pashto-English Dictionary

2 numaj 1 named; nicknamed 2 mentioned, indicated

a to name, designate b to mention, indicate 3 famous,
well-known; distinguished

numl transitive [past: ] to designate, name; count,


numl aj


numvr famous, celebrated;

nmla m. computer science directory

numvrkaj forgotten
numvar f. celebrity, glory, fame
numvaj numav 2
1 nme Eastern by name
2 nmi present of
numjlj 1 celebrated, popular, famous; well-known,
distinguished; renowned 2 m. celebrity, fame

1 numd imperfect of
2 naumd
numedl transitive [present: past: ]to be
designated, be named, be called What is your name?
numed called, named
numejl transitive [past: ] to call, name
1 nun m. the name of the letter
2 navn wet, damp, moist
nuntsa f. acute phase of a chronic illness
navnd nund dialect
nundv laj m.
nundavl denominative, transitive
nunedl denominative, intransitive
nnas nnas numeral Western nineteen
nonasm nunasm ordinal numeral Western nineteenth
1 nunakj f. pimples, acne, furuncle
2 nunakj f. cracking of the hoof
nna f. 1 grain; seed 2 foresight (of a rifle)
nunj m. foresight (of a rifle)
nvo oblique plural of 3
navvrd m. newly arrived
navogrj m. kind of bracelet
nauh hungry
nauhtb m. hunger
1 navj m. 1 shaft, wheelhorse (in grinding, milling using a
horse-drawn device) 2 leader of a herd


new nvi
the new.

niv nv nv numeral ninety

navj beginning, inexperienced

He is a novice.

6 nvi vice not so, on the contrary

nvi-ist m. plural nve istna f.

1 invention,

discovery 2 innovation

nvaj-tb m. 1 novelty; something new; innovation, new
production, invention 2 renewal, restoration 3 revival

nvaj-chamn m. New Chaman (city)

nvaj-elj m. New Delhi (city)
lj newborn
nvaj-zeln m. New Zealand
navistnaj m. 1 inventor 2 innovator
navisandag f. writing profession; literary activity
navisand 1 knowing how to write


m. 2 writer

nvsht numeral
nvishtm numeral
nvajked m. plural 1 restoration

2 renewal,

rehabilitation, revival

nve gin f. New Guinea

nvl m. 1 earthing up of vines

2 resin from the slashed stem

of a vine

navelj f. group of relatives of the bride-to-be giving notice

of the wedding to go for the purpose of giving notice

of a wedding

to send relatives to give notice of a

2 navelj m. invitation to a wedding

nvijm ordinal nintieth
nvaj-nzaj brand-new, spanking new
nvajv laj m. 1 2 freshness
nvijm numeral
1 nh nih numeral nine one hundred and nine
at nine o'clock nine hundred nine thousand
2 na n negative particle 1 no, not (used in negation, with a
negative answer, etc.)
Did you read this book? No, I didn't read it! ! No! !
No, no! Not under any circumstances! Are you going
or not? 2 no, not (used as a negation with a predicate verb or

have no time at all. I don't know.
She does not stay at home. It will not rain.
I will not come to you. Eastern They did not go.
I certainly will not remember your name.
You have been forgotten. His request went
verb-predicate, sometimes postpositionally)

nvaj nvaj 1.1 new; fresh; young a new shirt

new year nvi anew, again time of the

nvi new houses a to renew,

freshen b to renew, give birth to a to be renewed, be
freshened b to be reestablished, arise 1.2 inexperienced

The old gives way to

He is inexperienced.

nuj m. uncle (mother's brother)

new moon

a novice 2.1 anew, once again 2.2 recently 3 m. something


Pashto-English Dictionary

unanswered. 3 neither , nor

limit of desire 2 attributive .1 unusual, remarkable, extraordinary

2.2 high; extreme 3 much; extremely; quite, very

in the
father's possession; from the father out of the city;
from the city from home; from the house

in their possession; from them


passing, passage,

na used in folk poetry to join words ending in a vowel

conclusively resolved.

nabadalednkaj 1 unalterable; irrevocable (of a process)


unusually much

nihj Arabic 1 maximum, final, ultimate;

extreme, highest degree extreme
conclusive This has not yet been

2 unshakable, sturdy, firm, inflexible

does; they do we speak he goes; they go

nhatj numeral eighty-nine
nhatj jm numeral eighty-ninth
nih d m. poetry nature, substance, essence
1 nah r nih r 1.1 hungry; having no breakfast


nabulgh m. immaturity; state of not having reached legal


I have

not eaten since morning. 1.2 hungering 1.3 fasting 2 m. .1

starvation 2.2 fast

2 nah r m. day
nih r-nuhr on an empty stomach, not having eaten
to go hungry, wander hungry
1 nahrj m. nahar f. 1 1 to breakfast
to treat to breakfast 2 morning feeding (of cattle)
2 nahr daily the daily occupations, daily duties
nih l m. ni l [plural: nil n Western plural:
nihl n Eastern plural: nilna plural: nihlna]
young sapling; seedling, sprout to plant a sapling
nihlshn f. planting of saplings, tree planting
nilavl nihlavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

nabandednkaj unlimited; inexhaustible

nabandednki ... inexhaustible natural resources
nabelednkaj indivisible; indissoluble
to be indissolubly linked, be bound
nhpindzs numeral fifty-nine
nphindzosm ordinal numeral fifty-ninth
nata'arrz m.
natg m. non-arrival; failure to show up
natavf m. divergence, difference, disagreement,
dissension; disharmony

natajr f. lack of preparedness, lack of readiness, lack of


naterj m. nonaggression


nater nonaggression

nahzh nahdzh m. Arabic 1 principle road, superhighway 2

way, mode, method

to plant a sapling

nadzhud kednjaj inseparable; indissoluble,


nihl f. nil [plural: nilj plural: nihlj] mattress,

straw pallet

nih m 1 hidden, covert; concealed, unseen 2 secret

nihmavl denominative, transitive [past: ] to hide,
conceal to hide oneself, conceal oneself
1 nahmj m. kind of serious illness of sheep
2 nih mi feminine plural of
nihmedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to be
hidden, be concealed to be hidden from the
eyes, disappear from the field of vision

nih n
nainkrednkaj 1 inalienable (of a right)
an irrefutable fact
nhavj numeral seventy-nine
nhavjjm numeral seventy-ninth
naihtim m m. inattention, ignoring


views 2

nal wild, untamed


na f. suffix for nouns of action

movement, proceeding

He has become very pensive.

na un-, non-, in- (or similar negative prefix used with

adjectives, participles, and nouns, especially nouns of action)


nihjt Arabic 1 m. .1 limit, extreme degree; end 1.2 goal,

He can bring no advantage to himself nor to other people.

combination with or without or )in my possession; from

na postpostion Eastern out, out of, from, by, at (used in


2 irrefutable

nhchnda ninefold
nchi what if , supposing 2
nadzjedl m. plural lack of room, shortage of room
nhtsalvht numeral forty-nine
nhtsalvehtm ordinal numeral forty-ninth
nats paltry, worthless, trivial Eastern
You are angry over nothing.

nakhtm kednkaj endless, limitless

nadardzhed m. plural non-submission, non-insertion,
non-inclusion (e.g., of a paragraph in a treaty)

nhdrsh numeral thirty-nine

nhdershm ordinal numeral thirty-ninth
nazirh inanimate
1 nahr nhar Arabic [plural: nahrna Arabic
anh r] 1 canal 2 river, stream, brook
2 nahr regional 1 1


Pashto-English Dictionary

nahng m. 1 crocodile 2 shark 3 folklore whale; leviathan

nhniv numeral ninety-nine
nhnivijm ordinal numeral ninety-ninth
navudzhl m. absence, non-presence
nahr 1
navartg m. non-arrival, failure to show up, nonappearance
navrka f. nonpayment
nahv 1 f. .1 fast 1.2 starvation a to fast b to

nari'jt m. non-observation (e.g., of a deadline, condition,


nahra feminine singular of 2

1 nahrj m. 1
2 nahr 1 adjective river riverboat 2 irrigated by a
canal regional land near a canal; land watered by
irrigation system or canal; artificially flooded or irrigated land

nahrn m. 1 Narin (district) 2 nahrjn Arabic dual of

nazaednkaj ageless
nastaj kednkaj tireless; unweakened
nehshpetm ordinal sixty-ninth
nhshpet numeral sixty nine
nashlednkaj unbroken (e.g., ties, communication)
nahkr kavl m. plural non-presentation (e.g., of a

declare a hunger strike 2.1 fasting 2.2 starving

promissory note)

nahzt m. Arabic 1 movement (i.e., social)

national liberation movement 2
development economic development
na'il f. indifferent attitude, inattention
nafan kednkaj unfading; undying; undecaying;

naed m. plural nonrecognition, non-acknowledgment

naabled m. plural refusal (to accept something)
naabl m. economics refusal to accept a promissory note
naabul f. nonacceptance of something; disagreement
naana't dissatisfaction; displeasure
nakaf f m. shortage, insufficiency
nakednkaj impossible, impracticable
This is impossible.
nagan m. 1 alienation; unsociability 2 indifference
nhlas numeral dialect
nhlasm numeral dialect
nalidnkaj unseen, unnoticed
nhm ordinal ninth
namudkhalt m. noninterference
namus'idt m. 1 unserviceability 2 unfavorable

namas'ulijt m. freedom from responsibility; removal

nahvatb m. 1 observance of a fast 2 starvation; starving

nhvsht numeral twenty-nine
nhvishtm ordinal numeral twenty-ninth
naveshl kednkaj indivisible
1 nah f. dialect Tuesday
2 nha nuh numeral regional nine
nhamjshtinj adjective nine-month
1 nahi f. Arabic 1 prohibition, interdiction 2 grammar
prohibitory negative imperative

2 nah f. nah dialect Tuesday Tuesday

nahb nahb m. Arabic fear, terror, fright
najarzn dialect unworthy, unfit
naherednkaj unforgettable, not to be forgotten;

1 nahl m. stuffiness; closeness

2 nahl 1 weak, worn-out 2 disillusioned
nahlaj disillusioned
nahj f. prohibition, interdiction to forbid
1 naj [plural: naj n] 1 reed, rush 2 reed pipe; flute
a to play the reed pipe, play the flute b to warble (of a

nightingale) idiom

namanl m. plural disagreement with something;

nonacceptance of something

He insists upon his

ne combination of the negative particle and the pronoun

He treasures the books; don't tear

nj m. nj f. adjectival suffix vernal, spring

nj f. nij [plural: njg ni plural: nj vi]



own. He stands firmly for his own.



nijbt m. Arabic 1 region governed by a governor-general;

position of deputy

regency 2 administrative region

(in Beludzhistan)

invisible (of rays)

namaudzhudag f.

ne particle

to have nothing in common with


from responsibility

namutbat m. nonconformity (to a pattern, etc.)

nama'lumednkaj 1 imperceptible, unnoticeable

nj z nij z m. 1 entreaty, supplication, request

words full of entreaty 2 vow, promise 3 need, requirement

namaudzhudijt m.

absence of something, lack of something

to entreat


namanj m. 1
nahndzh m. flower bed

to dedicate 4 5 proper name

Pashto-English Dictionary

nijzbn 1 beloved

beloved son

beloved daughter 2 pampered, carefully tended

grow up in comfort


nijzbintb m. state of being spoiled; delicacy, softness

njzmn njzmnd nijzmnd 1 in want 2 beloved,

nijzmand f. 1 need; dependence (material) 2 begging,


1 nijz plural of 1
2 nij za oblique singular of
nijz vaj 1 borne by the current, carried along by the
current 2 m. small pieces of timber, brush, etc., washed to the

bank of a stream

nijz m. friend

1 nijz m. plural the Nijazi (tribe) 2 nijzj m. Nijazi


njst Western vice

nijgn f. relative of the mother
nijgj f. affectionate 1 granny 2

neptn m. astronomy Neptune

nipn m. Japan
nijt m. Arabic goal; intention, wish, desire evil
intention to intend, come to a decision
I have decided to go to the city. to intend, plan to,
conceive the idea to intend to, decide to
to do something with evil intent

nwrk k r m. computer science network card

nea f. date, time, deadline It was the 20th day
of the month of Kaus. some time ago
Eastern He appeared precisely on the date set.
compound verb to designate the date, set the deadline
to violate the deadline
najdzhr m. Niger (river, state)
najdzhirij f. Nigeria
1 nech m. 1 stretching oneself to stretch oneself 2
noose (for birds); trap, snare

poverty-stricken old


nij l m.
nijlgr m. rice-planting worker
njlgra f. nursery; seed plot
njlgj m. 1 seedling, sapling, young tree a
planting of trees to plant a seedling 2 figurative
basis, foundation

1 njl f.
2 njlj m. rice seedling
nijlich f. small straw pallet
1 nij m m. 1 scabbard, sheath

2 njach twisted, strong (of thread)

nechakj m. kind of plant
najch f. nech 1 textiles bobbin, spool 2 thin reed
bronchial tube
nitsj f. dialect
nekhtskj 1 lanky; ungainly (of the figure) 2 m.


nj m

njv m. regional justice



to sheath a

to hand down a judgment

based on justice to obtain justice

2 njv m. 1
njvd r m. regional renter or lessee who is engaged
simultaneously in usury

1 nj va f. compensation to receive compensation

to compensate
2 njv dialect vice
njvaj just
nijj m. [plural: nijjna njj m. plural:
njjig n] uncle (mother's brother)
neb 1 prolonged, extended, continuous continuously

najrangb z m.

najrangs z m. 1 shrewd

operator, tricky fellow 2 wizard, sorcerer 3 conjurer,


najrangsz f. 1 shrewdness; machinations, intrigues,

subterfuges 2 magic, witchcraft, sorcery

nir m. & f. plural force, strength, power

nir f. awl
1 niz nez m. flood, inundation; stream, flow


was a major flood.

2 niz also, too

nizd dialect
nizavi m. plural
nez f. 1 pike, spear fish spear, harpoon
litter made of crossed lances to beat with spades (in

gambling at cards) 2 neza (a measure of length equal to the length

2 sequentially

nib m. regional lemon

nep l m. Nepal
nepl neplj 1 Nepalese


nkha colloquial abbreviation I don't know.

nekhj f. carpet; rug (of low quality)
najrng m. 1 trick, cunning, guile 2 trick 3 witchcraft,

sword 2 medicine splint 3 case 4 plow handle

3 tube

of a pike) 3 piece of reed (from which pens are made)

2.1 m. Nepalese (person) 2.2 f.

nezab z m. participant in the game of nezabaz; horseman

His son handles the pike well. He is a daring

Nepalese (language)


Pashto-English Dictionary

1 neh m. 1 crab 2 crayfish

2 neh 1 sprouting (of an onion) 2 stinging 3 sharp-pointed
negh 1.1 straight, direct straight road 1.2 erect;
vertical a directly; vertically b figurative immediately,
directly to be directly connected with
someone to speak forthrightly 1.3 steep
a steep mountain 2 m. piercing (with a pike, bayonet, etc.)
a to stick, jab b to push, shove 3.1 directly
They are going directly north. to look, gaze, stare straight
at 3.2 erectly; vertically 3.3 steeply The

nezabz f. nezabazi (exercises with the pike or spear as a

kind of horsemanship)

nezad n m. military pike holster

nizhd nigd

m. first or principal shaft of the native irrigation


nis present stem of

1 nest to eliminate, destroy, exterminate
2 nist interjection grab him; catch him (used when hunting

aircraft proceeds steeply up; it is gaining altitude.

nestmn 1 in want, in need 2 poor peasant

nestavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

neghk m. shoe nail

1 negakj m. 1
2 neghakj m. 1 airs, conceit to put on airs,
become conceited 2 1
negh-ngh 1.1 directly, straight off 1.2 erectly, upright;
vertically 2.1 straight, direct 2.2 standing up, erect idiom
to put on airs, grow conceited
neghv laj m. 1 straightness 2 steepness
neghavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to stand
erect; stand straight 2 to stand up straight, straighten up
to straighten oneself up 3 to direct idiom to adjoin
ngha 1 feminine singular of straight out,


eliminate, destroy

case of need

He is destitute.

nest f. nist 1 need, destitution

proverb Narrow pedantry does not enrich one. 2

annihilation, destruction 3 nonexistence 4 absence of something

2 nestj
nestedl denominative, intransitive

[past: ] 1 to be

annihilated, be destroyed 2 to be absent, not to exist

nislm dialect first person singular imperfect of 1

nis dialect imperfect of 1
1 nsi present of 1
2 nisj imperfective imperative of 1
nesh m. 1 awl to pierce with an awl 2 sharp end,
sharp tip 3 thorn, prickle 4 sprout, shoot green onion 5

directly 2 f. partition

1 neghj m. anatomy clitoris

2 nghi f. plural of 1
neghedl denominative, intransitive

up 2 to straighten oneself up, stand up straight

fang, tusk

nishtr m. 1
nshte dialect vice
neshd r caustic, biting caustic remarks
najshakr m. sugarcane 1
neshnalzm m. 1 nationalism 2 the national liberation

neshnalist 1 nationalistic 2 adjective national-liberation

nesh 1 f. intoxication 2 predicative intoxicated to

His father is a
kind man. good intention well-intentioned
1.2 well-disposed He expressed his
2.3 proper name Nek idiom


najk m.
nekandsh well-intentioned, well-disposed, benevolent
nekbkht 1.1 happy; lucky, successful 1.2 blessed 2 m.

neh m. seven-year-old camel

neh m. Western 1

2 prick, stab

a to

nekbakht f. nekbakhtj good luck, success

nekbn optimistic In this respect

prick, stab b to sting c figurative to wound, hurt; mock 3

a to sprout, send shoots out

The wheat has sprouted. b to smoke opium 4 lancet
nihtr m. 1 common poplar 2 lancet
nihtj m. small irrigation system (for a rice field)
nehzn 1 stinging 2 pricking
nihl transitive [past: ] to get stuck in the mud (of a
sprout, shoot


nek 1.1 kind; good; well

.1 old boy (as a familiar form of address) 2.2 lucky man

wishes 1.3 happy, successful 2 m. .1 kind man 2.2 pious man

get drunk, become intoxicated

[past: ] 1 to stick

nha f. seven-year-old she-camel

we are optimistically inclined.

nekbin f. optimism
nekp l
nekpr fast-of-flight; fleet-winged
nekj m. necktie
nekch nsa lucky, successful
born lucky


nekkh h m. well-wisher

to be

Pashto-English Dictionary


nekkhja 1 well-behaved, well-

conducted 2 of good character

nekz t wellborn
nekzt f. nobility, noble birth
nikr m. short pants, knickers
nek'ahd 1 conscientious 2 reliable
nekf l fortunate, happy
nekkird r virtuous
nekkird r f. virtue
nikl m. nill plural nickel
nekmrgh nekmrgha happy; fortunate,
successful I am happy. I am fortunate.
This is a lucky occasion.
1 nekmrgh f. good fortune, success
2 nekmrghi feminine plural of
nekn m nekn m famous; esteemed, honored; having a
good name, having a good reputation, distinguished

neknm f. good name; good repute, good reputation

to deserve good repute, deserve a good name
1 neknijt neknijtaj 1 loyal 2 benevolent
2 neknijat f. 1 kindness; benevolence 2 goodwill
according to goodwill
nek 1
nikotn m. nikon m. plural nicotine
nekuk r 1 doing good; benevolent 2 honest (of a person)
nekukr f. matter which is meritorious, matter good in

neku f. 1 good, the good 2 beauty, grace

nik m. [plural: nikna plural: nikg n] 1

grandfather 2 head of the clan (among the Waziri and Shivari) 3

primogenitor, ancestor


grandfather's grandfather

nka 1 feminine singular of

2 f. monetary

compensation for murder or slander


nek f. 1 good, matter of merit

nil f. proper name Nilo

nilufr nilofr 1 m. water lily

najln m. nylon nylon stockings

1 nil f. 1 small root, root hairs 2 anatomy capillary
2 najl f. cards the nine
3 nil 1 blue; dark blue 2 f. root of a plant which yields blue

nil-chin r m. white poplar

nilj 1 m. .1 grey horse 1.2 fast horse 2 grey (of the sky)
idiom to be absorbed in daydreams, lost in the

niledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to rear (of a


to do good, create

2 2

2 nekj m. proper name Nekaj

1 nil m. plural indigo, blue dye
2 nil m. Nile (River) Nile River
3 najl m.
4 nil rearing (of a horse)
nil b m. 1 Ind (River) 2 Nilab (city on the Ind River)
niltut f.
nil m m.
nil v m.
niltutij f. copper sulfate
nilg u m. nilgau antelope
nilm m. nilman m. plural sapphire

nim 1 adjective half, semi-

one half each

half an hour 2 m. half

najm a combination of the negative particle and the verb

copula I was not going. I do not know.

nimaudj m.
nimj m. nima m. & f. nimaj m. & f. 1 half;
middle, midst the second half of the century
in the first half of the March
in the middle of the year exactly in the
middle 2 attributive half two halves
half asleep Half of the people have left.
to divide in halves to be divided in two parts
to sell at half price
nim dir f. semicircle
nim utr m. radius
nim kurr f. hemisphere
nimbisml 1 half-slain, half-killed 2 half-dead
nimbarj m. compost pit (in a melon field)
nimbnd fried eggs
nimbol f. nimbolj f. plural woman's necklace
(made of a gold wire rod strung with glass beads; threaded through
the nostril or worn on the neck)

He has treated me very well. 2

virtue 3 decency 4 reconciliation 5

2 m. lotus 3 proper name


nimp sloping, rickety, ramshackle

nimtan f. nimtanj m. 1 sleeveless padded jacket

sheepskin vest, sheepskin waistcoat

nimtd subtropical

to cook in boiling water, boil or

cook in simmering water, simmer, poach

nimchakj m. wavy pattern (on the edge of a carpet)

nimcholj m. nomad camp halfway to the next watering site
1 nimch 1 m. crossbreed, hybrid
My horse is not a purebred Arabian, but a mixed breed. 2 m.
plural history the Nimcha (Kafiri tribes converted to Islam)



nimch f. short fur jacket

nimdz naj half-alive

Pashto-English Dictionary


nimtsj m. felt, large piece of felt

nimkh m semifinished, partly processed

semifinished products

nimkhob f. state of half-sleep

The work remained incomplete.

falling short nimgaj nimgaj cripple

to speak indistinctly 1.5 mediocre, second-rate 1.6 halved,

partial 1.7 needy, destitute; poor 2.1 not fully, insufficiently 2.2



nimrtsaj unripe, half-ripe

nimrasm semiofficial, quasi-official
semiofficial agency

nimrng pale, pale colored

nimrz m. 1 noon 2 history Seistan
nimroh n semi-illuminated
nimruj profile
nimr f. awning at a gate
nimz l nimz laj elderly
nimzlj f. grown daughter
nimzhbaj stammering
nimsarj m.
nimsaj m. 1 fool, idiot 2 coward
nimserj m. migraine; intense headache
nimghulmn adjective serf, pertaining to serfdom;
dependent, subject, vassal

nimghulm f. serfdom; vassal

nimghavlaj half-closed
nimtr m. radius
nimk ra half-and-half regional land rented out
on the metayage basis regional to rent land
on the metayage basis

nimkurr f. hemisphere
nimkh nimkah nimkha half-open,
open slightly to half open the door, slightly open the

nimkl nimkl unfinished, incomplete

nimkor 1 living in two houses 2 occupied temporarily as a
dwelling place (of a house)

nimakj f. kind of popular song

nimkj prattle, babble

the babble of a child

3 nimakj m. balcony
nimgaj m. 1 span 2 kasha made from beans and onions
nimgrm 1 subtropical the subtropics 2

to remain not fully

bud, in embryo; unripe, immature 1.4 not of full value, defective;

in a

nimdir f. semicircle
nimdarkht m. shrub, bush; group of shrubs, clump of

finished, remain incomplete 1.2 lacking, incomplete 1.3 in the

half-sleep state, half asleep

1.1 unfinished, not done

nimgrtj f. 1 shortage; need;

to satisfy the needs of the

nimgtb m.


population 2 defect, deficiency, imperfection, flaw 3 shortfall;

mediocrity 4 destitution; poverty, want

nimgr nimgraj adjective half

to sell at half price
nimgj 1 adjective half half (quantity) 2 m. a
half in the second half of the 19th

nimmrajj m. peasant, in a state of serfdom and dependence

nimmrajitb m. serfdom; dependence, vassal
nimmrej dying in youth
nimmustal semi-independent, semi-dependent
nimanj m. vessel (for mixing sour milk with other foods)
nimv laj m. halving
nimvvl m. grammar semivowel phoneme
nimavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to divide
in half; divide, cut up Divide this wheat into halves.
2 to halve

nma feminine singular of 1 1 half noon

after some time to have another
cup of tea

njma combination of the negative particle and the verb

copula I do not know.

nimhd m. physics semiconductor

nmabja f. half price
nimadzhauhr semiprecious



nimakhv 1 unfinished, incomplete 2 halved 3 inconstant,

unstable 4 not attaining a goal


I also was

compound verb a to die young b to be

unfinished, be incomplete idiom unrealized dreams

your untimely-deceased father
nimakhvl unclear, indistinct to speak

nma dir f. semicircle

nma rvadz f. noon
nma shpa 1 f. midnight 2 at midnight
nma gharm f. time after noon
nim ghulm f. the system of serfdom; serfdom
nma kurr f. hemisphere
nma lr f. halfway point in a journey
nimavvl m. grammar semivowel phoneme
nimhavdj m. set term of use of an irrigation system


Pashto-English Dictionary

nma vradz f.
1 nimj 1 m. half 2 adjective

to occupy a
place, settle 1.6 to be backed up, be choked up
The river is choked with ice. 1.7 to give, yield (fruit, etc.)
This tree yielded a lot of fruit. to form ears,
form heads (of wheat) 1.8 to put in place, place, locate
This pitcher holds a lot of water. 1.9 to strike, hit,
graze (of a bullet) The bullet grazed a bone.
1.10 to rent, lease 1.11 to hire to hire a servant
to hire a porter 1.12 to strike (of death, illness, etc.)
Did you have an attack of the fever this evening?
1.13 to cover, put facing on 1.14 to surround
Kabul is surrounded by mountains. 1.15 to direct, aim
I aimed the rifle at him. 1.16 to make, take (a

a to divide in

to divide up, cut into

half b to divide up something with someone

We were halfway home.


2 nimj feminine singular of 1 2

3 nmi feminine plural of 1 1
nimedl denominative, intransitive 1

to be divided in halves

2 to be decreased by half

najn m. small piece of meat

nindzka f. ninzka f. dialect
nink m. pupil (of the eye)
nenka f. tomtit (the bird)
ninakj f. small bird of the sparrow family
ning naj m. span (e.g., of land)
ningl transitive [past: ] to crave for, thirst after
ninavl transitive
ninavnaj m.
ninvaj m. shaft of a plow, handles of a plow
nin f. usually plural nin parched grain
to parch grain to be parched (of grains) idiom
to be burning with desire to be
burning with desire to get something proverb
This work is beyond one's strength. I

decision, measures, etc.) 1.17 to set a course (of an airplane, ship)

passive a to be taken, be seized He
will be placed under surveillance. b to be caught The
1.18 to observe (e.g., a fast) 1.19 to gather in, take up

thief was caught c to be taken over, be occupied d to be placed,

be located e to be hit (by a bullet) f to be rented, be leased g to

be hired h to be covered, be faced i to be surrounded j to
become ill, begin to ache

grab something 2 lease, rental

have been taken. m to be observed (of a fast) n to be included

take the place of a father He bit his tongue.
He began to stammer. ! I wish your
tongue would be taken out! He carried on a
long conversation. They identified Ahmed as the
murderer. to feign poverty He
was famous the world over. He cannot restrain
himself. There was a solar eclipse.
to listen to a radio transmission, intercept a radio
transmission He will not be silent.
He was drawn into the conversation.
nivltj f. seizing, catching, detention; imprisonment;
observation (of a fast) 2.9 gathering in, taking up idiom

to seize something,

nivl 1 transitive [present: past: past: ]

.1 to take, seize, grasp to take by the

to extract an admission from someone


to grasp by the hem of a

to grasp the end of a rope 1.2 to catch, bag

to bag game birds 1.3 to detain to
detain a thief, arrest a thief 1.4 to hold Hold his
horse. 1.5 to occupy, take over

The question was included

surrounding 2.7 taking, making (decisions, measures, etc.) 2.8

hand, grasp by the hand

Appropriate measures

occupying 2.4 rental, leasing 2.5 covering, facing 2.6

off to someone

nivka f. 1 seizure, capture

.1 grabbing, seizing 2.2 catching; arrest 2.3 taking over,

3 niv imperfect of 1
nev f. Neva (River) the Neva River
niv j potential form of the verb 1
njutrn m. neutron
njurasten neurasthenia
nijz m. dialect flood; inundation; flow (of a river, etc.)
njuzlan m. New Zealand
1 nivka f. bride-to-be, fiance to marry a girl

My head has begun to

in the agenda. o to be covered (of an opening, hole) 2 m. plural

We are not such persons as to

ache badly. k to be directed, be aimed l to make, take (a decision,

was worn out. I was tired out.

ninedl intransitive
ninevl m. worker engaged in parching grain
1 njav m. 1 stop, halt 2 pause 3 waiting (for someone)
2 nju combination of the negative particle and the verb
copula We are not such a people as to

The troops have occupied the city.

1 njlaj m. 1
2 nivlj 1 past participle of 2.1 sluggish, unenergetic
sluggish person 2.2 restrained; muffled a


low voice 2.3 beginning 2.4 narrow, cramped

nen m.


m. clips (for holding back hair)

Pashto-English Dictionary

nivna f.

to hunt with the aid of a

nivnaj m.
1 niv imperfect plural of 1
2 niv m. plural 2

u o v copulative conjunction, vocalic (usually in compounds)


stabilized compounds)

occupation; affairs
a to give way, give in b

to be caught (of a thief)

3 niv f. handle (of a plow)

1 nivj Western imperfect of 1
2 niv vice 4
njuj rk m. New York (city)
nih m
nihamavl denominative, transitive
nihmedl denominative, intransitive
nje combination of the negative particle and the verb
najl m. 1 stuffiness, closeness 2 moisture, dampness (of air)



measure (step taken) (or in

around; environs

va wah Arabic used in oaths



Oh, Allah!

u inflectional ending for oblique case of nouns, pronouns, and

Tell the people. in big

houses them, their, theirs
11 m. & f. affectionate diminutive noun suffix Sado
Valo Durkho
12 augmentative suffix for adjectives big-mustachioed


u first person plural verb inflectional ending

We do.

We go.

3 wet, raw weather

o dialect third person singular past tense verb inflectional

ending in the Khalilo-Momand and several other dialects

(he) ascended, climbed up


1 stuffy 2 raw, damp, moist, wet


v colloquial 1 vice

just as though 2 almost

4 you (singular) speak

His beard is almost


va Arabic conjunction and

v preposition (usually linked with the postposition; in poetry it



vv 1 thirty-eighth letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 number 6 in

to return
to ask back (a
return of something)
to return, come back to retract

vu vo verbal copula 1 third person singular: he, it was

Where was he? 2 dialect third person plural

They were sitting.

and so forth, and others

Give this book to Ahmed.

dialect 3
Eastern colloquial vice 6 He said.

vu vo v verbal prefix used to form the perfective aspect of

simple verbs 1 placed immediately before the verb ! Tie it up!

I will send it to them.


He flew off. He took off.

you take a rifle? Yes, I took one.

vpas f. 1 returning; return 2 regional military retreat,


2 outlet (of a river) 3

departure 4 hatching out (of chicks) 5 swelling, swelling up 6

breaking out (of the bottom of a vessel, dish, etc.) 7 falling out,
prolapse 8 dislocation 9 leaving, quitting (a job, etc.); dismissal

10 leaving, dropping out of 11 appearance, publication 12

I won't forgive you. 3 in verbs beginning with " a"

combines with the initial vowel into a single syllable "va"

return to one's place

vpr m. steamboat
vt m. defect, flaw
vtarm rk m. watermark
1 vt m. plural 1 exit, way out

He arose! 2 separated from the verb by

one's words

may be omitted)

several words or particles

vps 1.1 last 1.2 returning 2 back


the abjad system

I hope he

m. [plural: vbastag n] .1 adherent; partisan 2.2



He flew away. He took off.

something or someone 1.3 fastened to someone or something 2

vbastag f. 1 dependence 2 kinship, relationship

vbast 1.1 connected with something 1.2 dependent on

un the name of the letter

j f. noun suffix spittoon

v combination of the verbal prefix and " a" at the beginning

to train (a hunting bird)

won't take it.

at the beginning of words, and is pronounced as the retroflex "n")

v hunting

of verbs

u the thirty-seventh letter of the Pashto alphabet (it is not used

output (e.g., of production); appearance 13 mining extraction

2 vt imperfect plural of
1 v m. [plural: vna
road 2 prospect, wide street


v m. electronics watt

f. Eastern plural: v e] 1

Pashto-English Dictionary

vmch m. vmchaj m. range-finder

vn m. 1 distance, space, interval equidistant
2 math measurement the three dimensions (i.e.,

2 vd plural of 2
1 vr m. 1 time the first time; for the first time
another time a second b secondly twice; double
once more simultaneously
to discuss two questions at once
frequently, repeatedly; many times, recurrently to
increase manyfold suddenly, all at once
unexpectedly, all of a sudden at once, abruptly 2 turn
a gradually b in turn, by turns
to go singly in order of turn in turn, in
order of turn in one's own turn a to
alternate b to establish a turn They
interrupted one another. 3 blow a sword blow

length, width, height); expanse, area

vn sandzhavnkaj m.
hodnkaj m. sextant

v aj


m. force, strength, power

m. 1 exchange 2 barter goods


to barter,

to carry on trade by barter

barter goods


vdzhb Arabic 1.1 obligatory, compulsory; necessary

He should be very grateful for this.
to make obligatory, make compulsory; make necessary 1.2

worthy, fitting 2 m. [plural: vdzhib t] .1 debt,

obligation 2.2 plural religious prescription

vdzhib-ar-ri'j Arabic 1 deserving of attention 2


vdzhib Arabic obligatory, compulsory; necessary;

entering into marriage

vd f. [plural: vdj plural: vdig ni] 1

valley; bed (of a river) 2 oasis

v tsaj m. cheek
vhd Arabic 1.1 only only son 1.2 single; general;
whole general rule, common rule single
general opinion 1.3 definite, determined in a
definite period of time 1.4 separate, individual 2 m. .1 unit
monetary unit 2.2 unit (economic, etc.) 2.3 complex,

vh f. Arabic oasis green oasis

vkh interjection alas; oh; ah; eh to exclaim, "Oh! Ah!"
v khla 1
1 v kha colloquial 1 perfective imperative of 2
beginning with, counting from All
of the mountain ranges beginning with Hindu Kush


compel to

vd m. [plural: vadna] wedding wedding

honeymoon a compound verb


to get married, marry for love
a forced marriage compound verb
to marry twice to arrange a
b to get married, celebrate a wedding

wedding feast

2 vd f. colloquial
vdt m. arranging a wedding, arrangement of a wedding
vdv l m. man celebrating his wedding, man entering into

at the
beginning of the battle people like you to
ask for postponement to take advantage of
the occasion; to find the possibility I am not at
all worried. Don't worry. He lost his
head. They were embarrassed.
to avenge idiom

vr m. laying (of eggs)

v r suffix used with noun and adjective loanwords denoting

possession, endowment with or mastery of a subject or quality

a hoping, relying on b graduate (holder of the first

university degree)

vrp r m. 1
vrtl transitive 2
v rta thrown
vrs m. Arabic [plural: vris n Arabic plural:
varas] heir, successor legal heir
among the heirs My son is my heir.
vris f. Arabic heiress
vrkhat predicative 1 embarrassed; rattled 2 worried
3 stunned, staggered a to embarrass b to trouble c to
stun a to be embarrassed; lose one's self-possession b
to be troubled ! Don't worry! c to be stunned, be

you married?


a to await one's turn b to deal a blow to 4 vengeance, revenge


2 vkh m. plural Eastern

vd r compelled
vdravl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
compel, oblige to force to depart

vdv la f. woman celebrating her wedding, woman


vrkhatj f. 1 embarrassment 2 worry 3 stupefaction

vrd Arabic 1.1 forthcoming; arriving; entering

From the news that has arrived it is clear that 1.2 causal (of
damage) 2 m. .1 arrival

landing strip 2.2

[plural: vridn] importer

vrid t m. Arabic plural [singular: ]1 imported

goods, imports


the external trade balance

Pashto-English Dictionary
2 revenues, receipts 3 regional event, incident, happening;


major events idiom

scientific problems

vridt import, pertaining to import


items of

items of import

vrd kavnkaj importing

vdv ra suddenly, all at once
vridavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
import to import from abroad

to note down, enter (e.g., in a journal, on a list) 3 to bring about,

cause (e.g., unhappiness, ill luck) 4 to cause, be the reason for 5

to exert (pressure, etc.)

vrid f. 1 Arabic official .1 incoming documentation 1.2

incoming mail (from abroad) 2 feminine & plural of

incoming correspondence
vridedl 1 denominative, intransitive


.1 to

be imported 1.2 to be noted down, be entered (e.g., in a journal,

on a list) 1.3 to arrive 1.4 to enter, come in 1.5 to arise 2 m.

vr m. regional hospital ward

vrs m. inspector
vrs f. Warsaw
vras f. inspection; check; surveillance
vrht m.
vrgraj m. man who has the right to use something in his
turn Whose turn is it to take his grain to
the mill?

1 vrg f. regional unseemly affair; inappropriate thing

2 vrg m. plural
vrn m. regional 1 arrest warrant 2 warrant (e.g.,
warehouse warrant); customhouse license

1 vrvp r m. feeling, sensitivity; moral condition

2 vrup r through, through and through; from both sides
1 vra f. 1 suitable, fitting the occasion to await the
occasion He is waiting for an appropriate
occasion. to take advantage of the occasion 2 advantage,

2 vr tautological with
3 v ra oblique singular and short plural of 1
vramn useful, advantageous
1 v raj m. 1 a to alternate, take turns

b to

inflict a blow

vr m. sacrifice, victim

v zda f. Eastern internal fat

vzstrgaj 1 with open eyes 2 immodest, shameless
vzkt m. vzk m.
v zga f. fat
vzavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to open,

compound verb to


vrj nt vrij nt m. version

vrz vrz periodic, intermittent

intermittent fever


vz f. [plural: vz plural: vaz


vazna] m. 1 measure of length equal to 34 meters

(used most frequently in measuring rope) 2 pace (of a horse)

hospital charity


scatterbrained person

open wide, gape 2 to yawn (mouth, jaws)

vrided m. plural 1 import 2 noting down, entry (e.g., in a

journal, on a list) 3 arrival 4 entry, entrance 5 origin

1 v m. plural heel bones

2 va pronoun 1 all, every after all
All are saying this. They are all that way. 2
as a whole, in their entirety all ten
3 v m. plural and indirect singular of 1
v khartsa-vnkaj m. retailer
v-zig m. plural children
v-v-z v-u-z m. plural young and old
v i tautological with
vz open, wide-open, gaping
vzkhvlaj vzkhvlaj 1 wide-open mouth, with open
mouth 2 exceedingly surprised, stupefied; stunned

v za 1 feminine singular of

2 used in geographical

names Vazakhva (place in southern Afghanistan)

v za khul v za khvul stupified, lost one's head
to be stupefied, become disoriented (because of some strong
emotion), lose one's head

1 vzj m. measurement equal to 28 inches or 71 centimeters

2 v zi f. plural of
vazedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to open
wide, gape 2 to yawn 3 to reveal itself, appear, come to light

vzhgn overturned, toppled over

1 vzh imperfect of 1
2 vzh m. plural 1 murder, slaying

2 extinguishing, stifling

(a fire) 3 suppression (of an emotion, etc.)

f. slight breeze; zephyr

vst Western second person plural of the verbal copula were

vst Arabic middle, average
vsit f. Arabic [plural: vsit m. Arabic plural:
vast] 1 mediation by means of something
to ask for mediation, ask for intercession 2 means 3
reason a in this way; thus b for this
reason therefore 4 patronage, influence
vs' Arabic expansive, extensive, broad
vsk v sk m. waistcoat, vest
vsiln m. plural Vaseline
vsik urgently, quickly, in an instant
vshingn m. Washingtion

Pashto-English Dictionary

vh m. 1 rope (of wool or hair); lasso 2 military sword belt

to go to someone with head hanging in guilt or
shame of accusation ! I am at your mercy;
do with me what you will!
Western Our deal has fallen through. to be
concluded (of work, a matter) Well

In actuality, this is something

else. in actuality, in its essence
2 v' m. Arabic plural of
vi'n Arabic actually, in actuality, indeed, factually
vi' t m. Arabic plural of
vi'tpasandi f. 1 realism 2 realistic approach
vi'bin f. realism to approach
is a true fact.

now, we have finished the work.


m. 1 cord, rope (usually made of wool)


to spread the rope figuratively to get ready to take,

take up something

literal Do not ready

the rope. Don't spread the rope. figurative It is not for you to see
this thing.

! :


One man said "I sacrifice my house to you!" Another prepared the
rope. 2 bunch (of grapes)

vh m. plural grass hay straw

weeds high grass; tall weeds
to mow grass, cut hay to grow green (of grass)
The steepe began to grow green.
vhvl m. merchant or dealer in hay and fodder
v haj m. rope, cord
vsf Arabic 1 describing 2 praising
vsl Arabic 1 arriving 2 joining transitive to join
intransitive to join
vzh Arabic evident, obvious; clear, distinct
This is the obvious truth. It is
completely clear that a clearly, obviously b
distinctly to explain, clarify We
explained that

vzhn Arabic 1 obviously, evidently 2 clearly, distinctly;

v'z m. Arabic [plural: v'iz n Arabic plural:


v'izn] 1 preacher 2 mentor, tutor, instructor

va'iz feminine of
va'iz f. preaching, homiletics
v' Arabic careful, attentive

memory; recollection,


vghz m. Vagoz (settlement)

vf m. 1 nightingale 2 figurative singer
vfr Arabic 1 abundant, profuse abundant rains
period of high water 2 figurative extensive, great (of

1 vi'a f. ve' Arabic [plural: vi' m. plural:

v' t plural: v'] occurrence, event, incident,
happening, encounter for any reason
chronicler, annalist This often
happens in life. He told them what the
situation was. to befall (of disaster)
Save this money for a rainy day.
2 v'a f. singular of 1
vi' ve' 1 actual, factual; true; real; concrete, definite
in reality, actually 2
vi'ijt vae'ijt m. Arabic actuality, reality; concreteness;
definiteness This is the obvious truth.
to become actuality, become reality, come to pass
vf Arabic 1 informed; knowing, acquainted
I know him. vf-i experienced to
acquaint (with), introduce (to) to warn of danger
to know, become acquainted 2 m. regional
acquaintance These were his old
acquaintances. This man was an acquaintance
of ours. We knew this man.

vifijt m. Arabic acquaintance, experience

to know something; have experience in something
vk 1 m. .1 authority, plenary powers, right
legislative authority executive power
rulers; authorities subject (to), dependent (upon)
They are free to do what they wish.
our will if it was in my power to have
the authority, have the plenary power, have the right a
to pass from subordination He said whatever
came into his head. He is babbling. b to be beyond the strength
do something

to buy this book. b I am not in a situation to understand this book.

wisdom, etc.)

v m. pochard (species of diving duck)

1 v' Arabic 1 located, situated (somewhere)
The summerhouse stands on a hill. 2 happening,
occuring a to occur, take place, happen; be
Nothing happens without a reason. b to
prove, turn out to be, be found to be to turn out to be
operative, turn out to be effective 3 true This

to be in a position to
a I am not in a position

(of) 1.2 strength, power

This burden is too much for me.

She could not restrain her tears. She is a
crybaby. 1.3 warrant, mandate 2 combining form with compound

independent, self-sufficient

vkd r 1 m. .1 leader; ruler

leaders; rulers;

authorties 1.2 boss; manager 1.3 parent, guardian (of a bride,

groom) 2.1 sovereign 2.2 competent, enjoying full rights

Pashto-English Dictionary

vksn m. 1 vaccine 2 shot, inoculation

compound verb to give a shot

a shot

vksinsjn m.

compound verb to get

have caught a head cold.

vksineshn m.

vk larkaj 1 m. .1 leader; ruler; representative of the


vk larnki leaders; rulers;

authorities 2.1 self-governing 2.2 competent

vkmn m. 1 2 2 king; emperor

vkmn f.
vkvl vkvl 1 m. .1 leader;
ruler; soverign; potentate history an atabeg 1.2
parent, guardian (of a bride, groom) 2.1 independent, self-

governing, sovereign 2.2 competent; plenipotentiary; having the

right 2.3 leading, governing

vkv laj m. 1 authority, power 2 leadership; administration

vk f. suffix for derivatives signifying mastery of or

endowment with some quality

sovereignty, freedom,


vg stunned, stupefied
vgn m. railroad 1 car 2 hand trolley, dolly, wagon
v ga f. 1 bit; rein; reins 2 rudder; steering wheel 3 figurative
reins of government
to take the reins of government into one's
own hands 4 black woolen sash or belt with tassels

v l m. suffix 1 owner or seller of something

seller 2 resident of some district

engaged in some activity


vl Arabic high, most high, great (usually in titles)

vill Arabic 1 negative conjunction on the contrary, just the

vl f. light taffeta

vl 1 having or possessing something

opposite 2 interjection truly; really and truly

word ending in "o" 2 m.

figuratively to wind around one's finger, hoodwink

2 v la
3 v la
1 vl

f. suffix dialect vice

f. feminine of

m. Arabic wali, ruler; governor-general (of Kabul



history governor-general, viceroy of India

2 vlj f. earring, earbob earring, earbob

3 v laj m. suffix for derivative nouns quality
whiteness moderation
vlib l m. vlib l volleyball
1 vm m. credit; debt; crediting, giving credit to
2 vm m. vice without caution, fearlessly
3 vm colloquial vice
v n m. suffix actor, person involved in an action a
boatman b sailor chauffeur, driver
vn f. Vana (city, Waziristan)
vnd m. proposal, intention to suppose, propose
v nda f. nomad camp; camp compound verb to

)( a
owner, proprietor intelligent

a man dressed in national costume

vl m. suffix 1 seller, owner


horse owner

melon seller 2 person engaged in some activity

officer baker
vl hazrt m. Arabic His Highness
vl sh n m. Arabic His Excellency
vld m. Arabic father, male parent
vlid f. Arabic mother, female parent
vlidjn m. Arabic plural parents
vlsk m. electronics wall socket
vssal m Arabic and that's all
vlg f.

the open sky (on the road)


man from Buna 3 one


1 vl f. vl [plural: ]irrigation channel

literal to conduct a man through an irrigation tunnel

dispose oneself under the open sky (on the road); be situated under

vl m. whale


2 vlgj f. 1 2 2 haloxylon root

vllaha'lam Arabic It is known best to God. God knows

government, leadership,

3 independence; self-government; sovereignty; state system

1 vlgj m. head cold He has a head cold.

I have caught a head cold. vlg I have a head cold. I

vng m. vngr m. pomegranate

v ngi-v ngi divided into parts; cut up into parts
to divide into parts; cut up into parts
to be divided into parts; be cut up into parts

vnmtsa f. dowry of a bride

vnamd m. simulation; pretense, hypocrisy
vn f.
1 v a f. usually plural v i tendons (of the foot)
He acted the coward.
2 v a f. pile of ground grain on the threshing floor
3 v f.
vv m. name of the letter the phoneme "o"
the phoneme "u" the diphthong "au"
1 vv f. children's speech good thing, "num-num"
2 v v interjection 1 How is this so? Oho! 2 ah ha; bravo;

vvr m. vulture, carrion bird

vvradzhn snowy snowy spring
1 v vra f. 1 snowflake 2 [plural: v vri] snow
snowstorm, blizzard spring snows
a lump of snow It is snowing. to

Pashto-English Dictionary

to be covered
Another man's

cover with snow, dust with snow

with snow proverb literal

grief is colder than snow. figurative Another man's grief does not
disturb one.

2 v vra perfective imperative of 2

vvraghraj m. flake (of snow)
vvraj m. 1 cellar, icehouse, storehouse for snow (in
summer) 2 accumulation of snow in the mountains

vvrav l m. seller of snow (in summer)

1 v vri plural of 1
2 v vri present tense of 2
vvrn adjective snow; snowy snowy mountain
snowy weather
vvl m. vvl m. vowel stressed vowel
vvajl f. vvelj m. Arabic groaning, moaning
to groan, moan Why are you
sighing over her?

vh interjection bravo; excellent; splendid

vhim f. Arabic 1 imagination 2 fear, fright, apprehension,
worry apprehension mistrust, suspicion
to frighten, scare
I began to fear I began to become apprehensive lest
to be afraid, fear, beware of; worry
She feared that She was apprehensive lest
1 vh imperfect of
2 vh m. plural
1 vj interjection 1 oh (expressing surprise, fright, pain)
! Oh! Oh! ! Woe betide thee! 2 m.
moaning, groaning He moaned and groaned.
I cried out in pain. ! Woe betide

vjamn ashamed; modest

1 vj f. 1 sunrise, morning glow 2 sunset, evening glow
2 vj pawning (of property)
3 v je second person present of
4 v ji present tense of 3
5 v jj Eastern second person plural present tense of 3
6 v i regional 1
vab f. Arabic 1 cholera Cholera is
raging. 2 wholesale deaths, high mortality; epidemic a
cholera victim

vbsi Eastern present tense of vice

vab l m. Arabic 1 sin; transgression 2 unhealthy climate
vb adjective epidemic epidemic diseases,


would be good ! If I had known! if
you should come if you had said
vj present stem of 3
v jst Western second person plural present of 3
v jring m. wiring to install wiring
vjsr m. history viceroy (in India)
vjsrtb m. function or post of viceroy; region ruled by a

vj f. 1 shame, modesty to be ashamed 2
urgent or necessary thing a to be insolent b to be

v ja imperative prefective of


vj m. plural 1 utterance 2 reading 3 studies 4

declaration; announcement 5 composition (of verses)
vj imperfect of

one on top of

vabal f. means, way, mode, method

vabal f. dancing

vabn stubborn, obstinate, pigheaded, bullheaded

vp r m. 1 trade, commerce; trade operations

to trade,

engage in trade 2 commercial credit 3 furniture, decor (of a


vapr m. 1 merchant, trader 2 reliable contractor

vupr dialect
1 vt vut 1 canyon the Khurdkabul Canyon

interval, small increment (distance) 3 tooth, cog 4 crack; cleft

2 vit
3 vat dialect imperfect of vice
vt perfective aspect
vt vata dialect vice
1 vatr moist, wet, profusely watered (by rains, etc., of land)
to be moist
2 vitr 1 m. prayer 2 only, unique
3 vitr m. [plural: vitarna Arabic plural: avt r] 1
string; bowstring 2 math chord; hypotenuse

v jm first person plural present tense of



another, in a heap


vubza f. moth, clothes moth

vabs That's it. That's all.
vubaha dialect imperative of
vblta 1
1 vabla Eastern ( ) and

vj conditional and optative form of the verbal copula "had,"

"would be," "would, should, etc.

vbra combining form -ish, somewhat

veterinar f.
1 vtra f. 1 moistened land, wet land
After the rain the soil became moist. 2 figurative fertile soil,
favorable ground

2 vatr f. sluice; floodgate

vtri f. plural furnishings (of a house); decor
vtgj m. vutgj 1 canyon; hollow 2 flue; smoke conduit

Pashto-English Dictionary

1 vatl 1 intransitive [present: vzi past: vvot past:

]often joined with the pronouns .1 to go out, leave,
depart to leave the room He left the
house. to go out hunting to go out, leave,
depart 1.2 to flow (from, out of), originate (of a river) 1.3 to set

to set out on a journey 1.4 to hatch out (of chicks)

1.5 to swell, swell up

My lip swelled up. 1.6 to

be knocked out, be broken out (of the bottom of a vessel, etc.) 1.7
to tumble out, fall out
child's tooth fell out.

1.8 to be dislocated


dislocated his arm. 1.9 to be knocked off, broken off (e.g., of the
spout of a teapot) 1.10 to jump off, fall, tumble off 1.11 to break
out, come out 1.12 to come off (the rails, etc.); drive off (the

The train went off the tracks. 1.13 to end (in, at), reach (of a

Eastern Where does this road lead? 1.14

to pass (of time)

to leave, quit (work, service); retire

to leave the

service, retire 1.15

The month

of Hamal has passed. 1.16 to drop out of something, leave, depart

to leave the company, leave the

society 1.17 to be excluded from something 1.18 to spring up,

begin, arise (of a rumor)

Where did this rumor

come from? 1.19 to break from, escape from (of words,


I involuntarily broke out

with 1.20 to turn out, come out to be, prove 1.21 to come out
(of printed matter), be published


newspaper "Islah" comes out daily.

My book was published this year. 1.22 to come out, be

released, appear

A new type of aircraft

appeared. 1.23 to lead to something; flow out of, proceed (from)

This led to the fact that It came out

that 1.24 mining to extract, mine

vatn m. 1
1 vut f. 1 street 2 avenue avenues
2 vta f.
3 vat f. imperfective of
4 vat m. plural dialect 1
5 vta postposition often in poetry 4
1 vatj m. 1 street 2 opening (of a street)
2 vtj vtj past participle of vice
3 vatj Eastern conditional optative and potential forms of
4 vat f. plural imperfect of
5 vut plural of 1
6 vti f. plural of 2
vitedl intransitive
vtih obsolete of
1 va m. 1
2 va m. road
3 va m. 1 deficiency; defect 2 objection; protest
vimn m. regional vitamin
va nkaj m. agreed upon place of assembly
vak m. meeting
vukj m. flue, smoke conduit
vandj vandj economical, thrifty
vavt m. ceaseless weeping, ceaseless tears
1 va f. 1 defect; flaw 2 trade discount, discounted
promissory note to be discounted
2 va f. 1 economy, thriftiness 2 tautological with
1 vaj m. 1 millrace 2 high part of the channel under which

Many nonferrous metals are mined. 1.25 to be let by, let slip

to lose the way to be unfit; become obsolete
The matter is irremediable. 3
(e.g., of an opportune moment) 2 m. plural

computer science to logout

vatltb m. genius, greatness; outstanding abilities,

outstanding talent

vatlj 1 past participle of 2.1 excellent, of high quality

an excellent grape 2.2 distinguished, exceptional
an exceptional man a distinguished writer 3
Eastern conditional and optative form of idiom
proverb Neither fish nor flesh. undoubted
vatna f. 1 1 2 trust in someone
1 vat oblique of 1
2 vat dialect imperfect of vice
vatdzaj m. 1 exit (place) 2 outflow (of a lake, pond)
vitavl transitive

the millrace is installed

vaj m. [plural: vi plural: vij n] 1 tassel;

pompom 2 silk buttons on a dress (for decoration)

3 va plural of 1
4 vi plural of 2
taj diminutive suffix small
vasi f. Arabic [plural: vasi

m. Arabic plural:

vask] 1 proof, evidence 2 treaty, agreement 3 document,

written certification 4 guarantee

abbreviation ( the title of) Governor-General
His Excellency
vidzhv laj m.
vidzhavl transitive
vidzh aj
vidzhedl intransitive
vadzhb m. Arabic plural of
vadzhd m. Arabic 1 delight; rapture to bring into

rapture 2 ecstasy


Pashto-English Dictionary

feel the pangs of conscience to strike a bargain
with conscience to be for sale
vidzhd nn Arabic morally
vidzhnfursha base, conscienceless
vidzhn moral moral debate
to give someone moral support moral
vidzhd n m. Arabic conscience


a lean person, skinny person 5 dried out, faded,

dried vegetables dried fruits

unvoiced (of consonants) idiom

in vain, to no avail

unpleasant words
He fears nothing.
a to lump everything together b to bawl out
everyone indiscriminately

individual; person, body 1.4 amount on hand, presence 1.5 male

different opinions exist. idiom

dry plain 3 barren, sterile 4 lean,

lean meat b dry-cured meat 6 dry, boring, uninteresting 7


vidzhnijt m. conscientiousness; conscience

vadzh'aalmafsl m. Arabic arthritis
vadzhl vadshll transitive dialect
vdzhla f. dialect
vadzhna f. dialect f.
vadzh oblique of 1
vudzhd Arabic 1 m. .1 existence, being to
exist a to show, appear (of looks, etc.)
b to come true to exist, be 1.2 being, organism; body
The doctor examined me. 1.3 being,
organ 2 predicative existing

dry, arid, waterless

a unitary whole


1 vudzhud Arabic 1 individual, personal 2 essential idiom

2 vudzhdi f. plural 2
vudzhh m. Arabic plural of 1
vudzhuh t m. second plural of 1
1 vadzhh f. vadzhha Arabic [plural: vdzhhi plural:
vadzh plural: vadzhh m. Arabic plural: vudzhh
plural: vudzhuh t] 1 reason; cause; basis
What's going on? What's the situation?
This is the reason. This is why.
This is the reason why.
for this reason, because because of the cold
for two reasons with considerable
grounds especially 2 side, aspect 3 sum (of money)
cash, ready cash 4 grammar mood 5 external aspect,

2 vdzha occiput, nape

3 vudzh f. Western tendon, sinew
vdzhha f. 1
1 vadzhh grammar modal modal particles
2 vdzhhi f. plural of
vadzhib f. Arabic [plural: vadzhib m. Arabic
plural: vadzhb] obligation rights and

vadzhiz f. Arabic moral (of a tale, etc.)

vch vuch 1 dry, callous dry bush a dry
bread b bread alone, only bread larg dry wood
washroom dry year, drought year completely dry 2

vuchurghvaj 1 miserly, penurious 2 m.


vuch-p-vcha in vain, to no avail

He is resisting in vain.
vucht dialect
vchtb m. 1 dryness, aridity 2 lack of water, waterlessness
3 sterility, barrenness 4 leanness, skinniness

vuchatavl transitive
vchtj f.
vuchatedl intransitive
vach familiar, known
vchstrgaj shameless, bold-faced; immodest
vchghaaj 1 miserly, penurious 2 spoiled (of food
because of unclean dishes or pots)

vchkl f. drought This is a drought year.

vchkhj m. pencil
vchkl m. vuchkl [plural: vchkul n] wether,
castrated ram

vchklk 1 completely dry 2 stiffening with cold

3 thin, gaunt; puny 4 dumbfounded; motionless 5 most pure

a pure-blooded Pushtoon 6 stable, inflexible idiom

He has completely recovered. a
to hesitate in speech b to be rooted to the spot c to be obstinate,

vchkl vuchkl m. vchklaj vuchklaj

1 vchakj m. vuchakj f. typhus
2 vchakj m. vuchakj f. 1 peninsula 2 regional

3 vchakj thin; gaunt

vchlengj 1 m. thin and tall man

2 lanky, with long and

thin legs

vchmraj 1 m. .1 child prematurely weaned 1.2

weanling, young animal that has ceased to suckle 1.3 weakling;

runt 2 weaned (of a child, young animal)
(of a child, animal)

to wean

to be weaned (of a child, animal)

vchmeg n rather dry

vachn f. 1 whitlow, felon, infection of a digit near or under
the nail 2 disease of cattle

vchna f. barren woman

vchv laj m.

Pashto-English Dictionary

dry land (as opposed to water) 3 dry spell, drought

severe drought

vchba f. 1 waterless valley; unwatered land; dry-farming 2

vchobj m. 1 drought

severe drought 2 water

remaining in a system of irrigation wells and tunnels

vchkaj thin and weak; puny

vchki m. kindling (chips, etc.); tinder
vchavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to dry
to dry laundry 2 to wipe away (sweat, etc.) 3 to drycure, jerk (meat, fish, etc.) 4 to consume, waste

vchlkh vuchvlkh 1 f. waterless, arid desert 2

astounded, amazed to be astounded, be amazed

vch-v-lnd m. vuch-u-lnd [plural: vuch-u-

land] good and bad, good and ill

vchvlaj m. vuchvlaj forehead, brow idiom


vchavna f. 1 drying 2 wiping away (sweat, etc.) 3 drycuring, jerking (meat, fish, etc.)

1 vchunj m. medicine shingles, Herpes zoaster

2 vuchun m. lamb up to five moths old, weanling lamb
vchavnaj m. 1 blotting up 2 towel
vchvelj m. dialect forehead, brow
vcha 1 f. singular of 2 f. dry land, continent
on land land and sea

vahshatn k wild, savage; terrifying, horrible, horrifying

vsha f. singular of
vahsh 1.1 wild, savage a savage 1.2 ferocious
2 m. .1 wild beast 2.2 savage 2.3 [plural: vahshij n]
savages, barbarians f. 2.4 f. [plural: vahshij ni] wild
woman, female savage

vahshijn wild, feral, cruel (of actions, deeds, etc.)

vahshijt m. Arabic 1 wildness 2 savagery, ferociousness
vah f. revelation, inspiration
vahd Arabic 1 sole; only 2 one 3 proper name Wahid,

vakh interjection oh; ah (expressing surprise, fright, pain)

vakhmt m. Arabic 1 danger 2 difficult situation,
threatening situation

on time, timely; exactly,

simultaneously in time
at the present time at present
for a long time Time passes. at
the time when, when wartime on
time in early times, in the
beginning timely, opportunely in a
timely fashion, well in advance never
at that time a protracted time, a long time
before the war
When? At what time? at times, sometimes
for lack of time loss of time
until those times Another time!
I am taking up your time. to pass
time I didn't have time. early, very early (in
the morning) Come tomorrow early in the
morning. some time ago, for some time past
until the time when
since the time when the then emperor, the emperor
at the time Everything in its time.
recently recently often
in those times There was a time when
from time to time, at times, sometimes
always, constantly, at any time 2 season
The starlings fly when the mulberries are ripe.
How many times? 3 time (occasion) two or three
times 4 age, century the Iron Age the
Stone Age 5 case, opportunity to wait for an

His pen ran dry.

May you

vchedna f. vched m. 1 drying; desiccating; drying

out, drying up (of a river, etc.) 2 dry-curing, jerking (meat, fish,
etc.) 3 paralysis (of the extremities) 4 barrenness, childlessness

vuche-k nge

a to hiccup b to feel an

urge to be sick, feel nauseous

vudz dialect present stem of

vdzkaj m. small burden, bundle
vdzi dialect present of 1
1 vtska vtska f. 1 raisin 2 usually plural

vakht m. 1 time


His arm was paralyzed. 4 to be

perish! Drop dead!

solitude, loneliness

to be dry-cured, be jerked (of meat, fish, etc.) 3 to be paralyzed


national unity

philosophy unity of opposites

vchibkj f. urge to be sick, feeling of nausea

vchi-pchi f. plural nonsense, claptrap
vchedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to get dry, dry out, dry
up, become dry (of a river, etc.) The river dried up. 2

vahsh Arabic 1 wild, untamed 2 m. wild beast, feral animal

zoo, zoological garden
vahsht m. Arabic 1 barbarism; savagery; wildness 2 terror,
fear to frighten someone 3 wasteland, desert 4

ground troops

(of the extremities)



vtski raisins, sultanas

2 vtska perfective, imperative

vtskz m. vtskza f. frame of a hipped roof
vahdn Arabic religion one, only, sole; divine
vahdnijt m. religion 1 unity 2 monism
vahdt m. Arabic unity vahdt-i philosophy
pantheism vahdt-i unity of action, collectivism

Pashto-English Dictionary

appropriate opportunity, bide one's time 6 cattle, food or money

sent to the home of a deceased person

to send cattle,

food or money to the home of a deceased person a few days after

the death


The situation grew menacing. 2 harmful, pernicious 3

unhealthful (of food)

vud m. vudd Arabic vid d m. friendship; friendliness

vidd Arabic pedantic; friendly friendly

vad ' f. vid ' leave-taking, farewell

to leave,

vadganj marriageable (of a girl)

vudl transitive dialect 1
vadna f. growth; growing
vad oblique of 1
vadd m. Arabic proper name Wadud
vadavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to marry,
get married to give a daughter in marriage to
marry off a son 2 to take a wife

vadna plural of 1
1 vda f. 1 growth; growing 2 development
physical and intellectual development
a to grow; grow up b to grow, develop a to
grow, cultivate b to develop

goodbye, farewell

May our Fatherland flourish! 4

a tribe)

vad n dzj m. inhabited place; settlement

vadnht m. structure, building, edifice, construction
vadnavl 1 denominative, transitive [past: ]


halt; stand;

to a wealthy businessman. 2 to be given in marriage (of a girl)

vaded m. plural marriage

vu de shi possibly, probably, maybe
vadi' f. Arabic 1 thing put in storage; security, pawning 2
deposit; investment

.1 to

construct, build, set up 1.2 to improve 1.3 to facilitate

prosperity, facilitate development 1.4 to perfect, polish, improve

upon 1.5 to settle, inhabit 2 m. plural .1 construction, erection
2.2 improvement 2.3 development 2.4 polishing up 2.5

vad na 1 feminine singular of

2 f. .1 dwelling; dwelling

place 2.2 new construction; new house

1 vadn f. vadnj f. 1 building, edifice, structure

addition, wing the construction industry
2 construction, building, erection 3 improved construction,

amenities 4 prosperity, development 5 improving, polishing up

He let the sheep into the stubble field 2 agriculture

va tautological with

vr oblique [plural: vrna vr] door

The table stood to the right
of the door. to open the door to
open the door of the room inwards ! Open the door!
to close the door a bit ! Close the
door! Close the door a little! idiom They
have nothing in common. a hospitable man b

var m.


var vr vur 1 directional pronoun, third person singular &

plural 1.1 a to him; to her; to them b up to him; up to her; up to

2 vadnj m. 1 2-6
3 vad n feminine plural of
vadnedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
be built, be erected New factories are being

them c concerning him; concerning her; concerning them d on

him; on her; on them 1.2 functions as a verbally affixed indirect
object and precedes the predicate

A house

was built for him there. 1.3 to him, to her, to them (with several

built. 2 to be equipped with all services and utilities 3 to

va m. 1 stubble field, field after the harvest

sensitive man, responsive man

6 state of being erected 7 abundance, wealth

flourish, prosper, develop



verbs of motion it indicates the direction of motion)

Thanks! Prosperity to

to go

into his, her, or their presence; to come into his, her, or their

your house! 4 to be improved, be worked over 5 to be settled

vadnedna f.

vda colloquial imperative of

vadedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to get

married Her sister got married

inhabited, peopled 5 polished, perfected 6 living somewhere (of

vud f.

comfortable 3 flourishing, thriving, prosperous (of a country,

etc.); rich

wait; stop

vad' vid' valedictory

vad n 1 built, equipped 2 well-equipped, improved,

settled (of a tribe)

vakhtnvkht inopportunely, not on time, tardily;

1 vakht early, well in advance; opportunely, very early

2 vkhti vkhte Eastern then; at the time when
vakhtinj 1 former 2 stale (of food)
vakhdzhr m. Vakhdzhir (tributary, Amu-Dara River)
vakhkj m. regional
vakhm m. fear, terror
vakhm Arabic 1 dangerous; threatening

vdravl vudravl transitive dialect

vdredl vudredl intransitive dialect
vudrednkaj dialect 1 present participle of


1 2-6

We arrived in the city at 10

Pashto-English Dictionary

He climbed up
2 used as a productive verb prefix
vr adjectival suffix valorous


of commission 4 to make bad, worsen; complicate 5 to inflict,

to go up, rise up, ascend

cause harm, damage 6 to disrupt, ruin; destroy

3 vr
1 vr f. vur bridal procession
2 var Arabic 1.1 far, far away a from afar b
beforehand The day was set beforehand.
It is seen from afar. 1.2 beyond, on the other side
Eastern over on that side of the mountain, beyond
the mountain 2 aside from

vurb m.
vrbaj m. member of a bridal procession
vrbnd m. rope (for pack animal's pack)
vrat m. plural of 1
virst m. Arabic 1 inheritance, legacy, property received by
inheritance 2 heredity

virsat virs Arabic hereditary, inherited

vr dza f.
1 vrr m. [plural: vrerna plural: vrarna]

(e.g., health) 9 to quarrel idiom


vrgaj m. one sworn to or engaged in a blood feud with

another family, clan, or tribe

vr n vr n 1 destroyed, defeated, ruined 2 deserted,

2 f. .1

vr na 1 feminine singular of


to upset someone
enmity; hostility

1.2 opposition 1.3 quarrel, dissent

2 vrn oblique of
1 vrnj m. 1 harm, damage

to inflict great

harm 2 flaw, defect 3 enmity 4 quarrel; dissent, altercation 5

distrubance 6 destruction; ravaging 7 disorder, upset;
disorganization 8 undermining (e.g., of health)

vrn f. 1 destruction; ravaging 2 deterioration

bad weather 3 invasion

3 vr ni f.

plural of

1 [past:

denominative, intransitive .1 to

be destroyed, be crushed, be routed; be ravaged; be disorganized

1.2 to be hurled, be thrown (forcibly) 1.3 to be spoiled, be put

out of commission 1.4 to be bad, be worsened, be made more

nephew (brother's son)

2 vr ra f. woman who has lost a brother

varstavl transitive
vrst m. plural of
vr sha f. 1 word, words; expression, turn of speech 2 speech,
conversation, talk to converse, talk 3 disposition,

disrupt the plans 7 to disorganize (e.g., work) 8 to undermine

complex 1.5 to be disrupted, be messed up, be disordered 1.6 to

be sapped, be undermined (of health) 1.7 to get into a fight
to quarrel about water 2 m. plural
vrned m. plural
vr vr dialect straight ahead, opposite
vr ja vr ja far, beyond, behind from afar
From afar other buildings were seen.
vurbz oblique singular of
vrbndi vrbnde Eastern 1.1 on him, on her, on
it, on them 1.2 for him, for her, for it, for them 1.3 with his help,

neglected; uninhabited 3 spoiled, corrupted, put out of

with her help, with its help; thanks to him, thanks to her, thanks to

commission 4 disordered, wrecked; broken 5 someone or

it, thanks to them

something that has been spoiled, someone or something that has

this. 1.4 concerning him, concerning her, concerning it,

been put out of commission

Eastern milk which has

turned sour 6 sapped (of health) 7 bad, evil

evil man 8 untrue, erroneous

concerning them

a bad man,

malevolent, ill-disposed

Everyone mourns him.

to discuss

the road over which we came down 2

postposition on this, on that

2 transgressor,

disrupter 3 saboteur, wrecker

vrnkr f. virnkr 1 destruction; ravaging 2

vrnv laj m. 1 destruction; massacre; ravaging 2

deterioration 3 sabotage, wrecking

desolation, neglect 3 deterioration; putting out of commission 4
disorder, disruption (e.g., of equilibrium) 5 disorganization 6
sapping, undermining (of health) 7 quarrel; fight; discord

We know about this.

He lives by means of

something 1.5 over him, over her, over it, over them

typographical error 9

one who has had a quarrel or falling out with someone 10

vrntj f.
var n m. trade warehouse warrant
vrnht m.
vrnk r m. virnk r 1 destroyer, ravager

vrnavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

destroy, rout; ravage 2 to throw (forcibly), hurl 3 to spoil, put out

vrbakhhl transitive
vurbsha f. dialect grain of barley idiom a wee bit
I will not go back on my
word for anything.

vurbl m. dialect 2
vrblj m. top flap on Afghan-style pants
vurbz m. Eastern 1 snout He screwed up
his mug. 2 ledge (of a mountain) idiom ! Beat
it! Get lost!

vrbuzj m. 1 awning of a door 2 hall, entranceway

vurbj m. 1
vrpase 1 after him, after her, after them ! Go
after him! Go after them! immediately after him 2

Pashto-English Dictionary

after, afterwards, after this

afterwards we

saw that

varpork m. bolt, bar (of a door)

vrpori vpore Eastern 1 to him, to her, to them

2 after

her, after him, after them 3 over him, over her, over them; at

Why did you laugh at him?

var-p-zkavl m. plural reminder
var-p-zkedl m. plural


m. remembrance, recollection

1 vurt m. vrt kind of children's game

2 vurt dialect 1
vrt rga f.
vartg m. 1 arrival (at a place distant from the speaker)
He does not want to go there. 2 visit, call 3 trip 4
regional move; nomadic move from one place to another

vartll [present: past: ]1 intransitive imperfect

Western .1 to go to him, her, or them, set out to him, her, or them,
proceed to him, her, or them; thence 1.2 to arrive to him, her, or

them, come to him, her, or them; thence idiom

imperfect of

attack someone


He didn't know how to

dance. 2 m. plural

vrtla f.
vurtavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1
2 to urge on, hurry
1 vurt m. vrt plural wool yarn, spool of wool yarn
2 vrta vrta 1 to him, to her, to them; up to him, up to her, up
to them He went up to him. Tell him. Tell
them. 2 near him, near her, near them A
large dog is lying near him. 3 in front of him, in front of her, in

The audience stood before

before him, before her, before them
3 vrta resembling, alike, similar Sanak
resembles Mahmud. They are like one
another. to liken
4 vurt f. singular of
5 vurta tautological with
6 vart Eastern imperfect of
7 vrta Western caught, taken (of fire) he sets
front of them

fire to, he ignites (the wood)

a to stretch out the hand b to set about

to start a quarrel
vrta at the door He stands at the door.
vartav laj m. likeness, similarity to



resemble someone

1 vartj beautiful, good-looking

2 vrtj Western imperfect of
vurtedl denominative, intransitive [past: ]
2 figurative to be in a hurry, to hurry

vra m. flood of tears

to burst into

tears to make sob

2 vr dialect 1
varr m. bolt, latch
vark m. door knocker
vrdzho oblique of
vrdzhi f. plural rice
vurch ne vrchne dialect outside; beyond; out of,
from outside of, from out of a to drive out, drive out
of; take outside b to carry away with one
to go outside, step outside Why don't you
come out? out, beyond the window (of a
railroad car, room, etc.)

vrchnz external
vrchne dialect
vradz f. [plural: vrdze plural: vrdzi] day on
the following day an unpleasant day, bad day,
unsuccessful day a confusing day, bad day, tiring day
a bright day, clear day a holiday b
Sunday c religion Judgment Day, Doomsday today
from day to day by day
The day was very depressing. Those days
passed. Those times passed. on one fine day
One fine day he will attain his
goal. Day was coming to an end.
to grow with each passing day (of a child) in a
week, in a week's time in two weeks
to while away the time to betray someone;
turn away from someone (of happiness, luck)
Luck betrayed Sanak. Women's Day
vradzp a f. newspaper
vradzp a liknkaj m. journalist
vradzch raj m. timeserver
vradzlj m. religion Judgement Day, Doomsday
1 vradzinj
2 vrdzini vrdzine
1 vrdzo oblique of
2 vrdzo oblique plural of 1, 2
3 vrdzu first person plural of
1 vrdza f. brow to knit the brows,
frown We went to Ahmed, but he
did not greet us cordially. He knit his brows.
He frowned. to raise the eyebrows
2 vrdza f. tick (of sheep and goats)
3 vrdza vrdza vrdza imperfective imperative of
1 vrdzi plural of
2 vrdzi plural of 1, 2
3 vrdzi vrdzi present tense of
4 vrdzj imperfective imperative of

Pashto-English Dictionary

vradzinj 1 daily daily newspaper 2 everyday

everyday affairs 3 day, day's a day's
drive idiom existing customs vradzin

vrravl transitive [past: ] 1 to tear, tear to pieces

2 to split 3 to tear off

consumer goods

vrtskha 1 from him, from her, from them; at him, at her, at

pieces; come unraveled, come apart at the seams; fall apart 2 to

them; with him, with her, with them; near him, near her, near them

split 3 to come unglued

vrredna f. vrred m. 1 coming apart at the seams,

unraveling (of cloth) 2 splitting 3 getting unglued

Take the book from him. 2 from him, from her,

from them (of motion)

vartsk m.

vraz f. dialect
varzdakavl transitive
vrz m. dialect quail
varzsh m. exercise, physical drill; gymnastics
calisthenics; physical culture to engage in

adjoining, bordering on, contiguous to, adjacent

to, neighboring

to dig a passage
through to an irrigation channel to close up a passage into
an irrigation channel to open up a passage into an
varkh m. 1 small stream 2 irrigation channel

irrigation channels watering a field


varzishk r m. gymnast, athlete sports fan

professional athlete
varzishk ra f. female athlete, woman gymnast
varzishg h m. sports playing field
varzish adjective sport sports competition
varzht m.
vrazl vrzl transitive [present: varzn past:
]to crumble; crush; break into pieces; make sausage meat
to cut up meat crushed rice, ground rice
vrazna f. crumbling, crushing; cutting up in pieces; making

irrigation channel 3 sluice gate (of a irrigation channel) 4 dam

1 vrkh aj m. botany portulaca

2 vrkh aj m. plague (of sheep and goats), murrain
varkhpla f. method of watering or flooding land
varkhatl intransitive [present: past: past:
]1 to attack 2
1 varkhatanj m. predecessor
2 varkhatanj f. 1
1 vrkhta f. attack
2 varkhat in the first place, first of all from the very

sausage meat

varz f. disgust to have an aversion to

1 vrzavl transitive
2 vurzavl vrzavl transitive [past: ]

beginning; from the very first

3 varkhat imperfective of
vrkh m. 1 crowd 2
varkhala f. dialect varkha f. litter, refuse
varkha f. dirty trick, filthy trick, unpleasantness, mean trick
varkhza f. land watered by an irrigation channel
varkhmdza f. time before noon
1 vird m. Arabic [plural: virdna Arabic plural:


vurzavna f. ascending, ascension (into the air, e.g., an


vrze plural of
1 vrzedl intransitive


[past: past: ]to be

crumbled, be crushed; crumble; be cut into pieces; be made, be

2 vard m. rose, rose tree

vard sht m. trade obtaining on credit, buying, purchasing
account book
vardgh i charged with, entrusted with (some matter)
to carry out a mission, perform a

prepared (of sausage meat)

vurzedl vrzedl intransitive [past: past: ]

1 to fly, flutter, flit about 2 to rise up, take off (into the air, e.g.,

vardg 1 m. plural the Wardagi (tribe) m. 2 a

Wardag (tribesman) 3 m. plural Wardag (a province in the

southwest of Kabul) Wardag Province

vardmkha getting down to work on something
to get down to work on something
vurd f. regional military uniform
varrasedl m. plural attaining, attainment (of a goal)
varrasedlaj caused damage inflicted

an aircraft); fly off

commission, do an errand

to launch

(into the air); cause to fly, make to fly; ascend (into the air, e.g., an

avr d] 1 reading of the Koran in parts 2 daily lesson, daily

vrravna f. 1 tearing 2 splitting 3 tearing off

vrredl intransitive [past: ]1 to tear, get torn to

vrzedna f. crumbling, crushing; grinding into sausage

meat, mincing

2 vurzedna f. flight; takeoff; flitting, fluttering

vrazhl varzhl transitive
vrazhna f. varzhna
vrazhn m. 1 sparseness 2 ejection, throwing, rejection
spreading, dispersing idiom atonement for sin,
atonement for guilt

vrazhnaj m. kind of kasha, kind of cracked wheat

vrzhe f. plural dialect

Pashto-English Dictionary

vrg m. vurg mane (of a horse)

1 vrga f. flea idiom

His wealth

has gone with the wind.

vurg m. varg plural Eastern beestings, colostrum (the

first milk of a cow after calving)

varstnaj m. doorkeeper, porter

vars j m. Versailles Treaty of Versailles
vrustnj 1
vrsto vursto dialect
vrastv laj m. rotting; decomposition, decay
1 vrastavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

vargh m. gradient of a stream

vrghana f. mud in which livestock (camels, donkeys, etc.)
are wallowing

the face to him (her, them, that place thither)

1 vrast f. singular of
2 vrsta
1 vrustj
2 vrast f. plural of

to talk

nonesense, talk absurdity

vrastedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

rot, decompose; decay, go bad 2 to wear out, come to a state of
being unfit for use (currency note)
vrsara with him, with her, with them

I am going

with this, along with this,


vrghaj m. sediment in water; scum

vrgastl transitive [past: ]

vrsk m. 1 projection, ledge (of a mountain) 2 turret (of a

varghstli m. plural 1 groats from cracked wheat

to boil cracked wheat groats 2
cracked wheat

varaghll vraghll past tense of

varaghlj past participle of
vrghmaj m. vurghmaj 1
vrghvaj m. vrghvaj 1 palm of the hand
palms 2 sole (of the foot) sole of the foot
1 vrghj f. soot on the ceiling
2 varaghj past tense of
var m. Arabic [plural: avr ] 1 sheet (of paper)
[plural: varana] 2 document 3 playing card 4 slice
vara f. Arabic 1 letter 2 sheet (of paper) 3 paper,
document a written report identification
card note, aide-mmoire, memorandum
vrk vurk Eastern 1 lost, strayed 2 lost without a trace 3
forgotten 4 missing, perished 5 stained with sin or vice 6


figurative absorbed

varsn m. advice, counsel

vrsa imperative perfective of
1 vurs f.
2 vrsi Western present perfective of
varshikst m. failure; bankruptcy
vrsh f. [plural: vrshvi plural:
vrshog ni] 1 pasture 2 common pastureland
We have pastureland in common with them.
vrshi present perfective of
vurh m. vrh wind
vrhtj m. almond tree
vurhka f. vrhka usually plural 1
1 f. vurhi chill I
feel shivery. I am getting a fever.

vrhkj f. 1 tape, ribbon, lace 2 cord

varhodl transitive
vart f. Arabic 1 labyrinth 2 whirpool, abyss 3 figurative


to hull, crush, grind


2 vrstavl transitive
vrstn returning to him (her, them, to that place, or thither)
varstunavl transitive [past: ] to turn to him
(her, them, that place thither, e.g., face, gaze) to turn

to lack feelings

vrg st crushed, ground (of groats)

vrgh laj m. 1 2 heating
vargh aj m. 1 flour mixed with oil with which a new
child with flour mixed with oil

use (of a currency note)

with him (her, them).

mother and infant are anointed 2 act of anointing the mother and

to rot, decay 2 to wear to rags, bring to a state of being unfit for

vrgh m. 1 conscientiousness 2 feelings, sensitivities

indecisive, vacillating

wrk mtl m. computer science lost data

vrknd present of vice 2
varkv imperfect of 1
vrkvj m. 1 loss; waste 2 destruction


is perishing. 3 annihilation

varkar 1 in his home, in her home; at his home, at her home,

at their home 2 to his home, to her home, to their home

1 vrk past tense of

2 vark m. maize chaff, rice chaff
varkn m. varkna f. 2
1 varknaj m. one who gives something, giver, presenter
2 varkne marriageable daughter
marriageable sister


vark past plural of 1

vark m. plural 1 giving, reimbursement; handing (over)

2 granting (e.g., leave) 3 payment, paying, renumeration, pay 4

presentation; donation; gift 5 selling


vrka feminine past of

Pashto-English Dictionary

vrka f. 1

2 favor, grace 3 giving (of a

varkedl regional intransitive [past: ] 1 to be

given, given out 2 to be granted (e.g., leave) 3 to be paid for; be

daughter) in marriage

5 vrka prefective imperative of

vrka-r ka f. buying and selling, trade, barter
1 varkj past participle of 1
2 vrki present prefective of 1
3 vrki f. plural of 4
vrkz m. plural
varksh p m. 1 factory Jangalak
Automotive Repair Plant 2 workshop, shop
repair workshop
vrkhi Eastern vrke dialect vrke in him, in her, in them
vrkl raj gone astray, lost the way, off the path
vrkm naj jolly, gay, merry
vrkmrgh m. phoenix (the legendary bird)
vrknmaj unknown, nameless; obscure; forgotten

vrkv laj m.
varkuzed m. plural descent descent
from the pass

varkavl vurkavl transitive [past: ] 1.1 to give,

give back or return to him, her, or them; deliver or hand over to

him, her, or them


Give the comrade the

to bestow a medal on 1.2 to grant (e.g., leave)

to pay for with a promissary note,

pay for with bill of exchange to pay by telegram
1.4 to present; bestow 1.5 to sell How
1.3 to pay, pay for

much are you selling these melons for? 1.6 to give (a girl) in

plural 1

marriage 1.7 to relinquish

1.8 to hit, beat 2 m.

to give up one's post

vrkavl Eastern vurukavl 1 denominative, transitive

[past: ] .1 to lose, mislay I

to lose the way 1.2 to eliminate, remove,

liquidate to eliminate deficiencies 1.3 to destroy,
exterminate, annihilate to exterminate
agricultural pests to ruin oneself, be one's own
undoing 1.4 colloquial to take away ! Take the
book away! 1.5 to hide, conceal to hide oneself,
lost that book.

conceal oneself 1.6 to drive out, banish someone 2 m. plural

1 varkavna
2 vrkavna


concealment 5 banishment

paid out 4 to be bestowed, given as a gift

vrka 1 f. singular of 2 f. .1 loss (i.e., of a lost

object) 2.2 2 2.3 destruction

2 vrka perfective imperative of

vrki 2


vrkedl vurukedl denominative Eastern [past:

.1 to get lost, disappear, go astray

pocketknife has disappeared. 1.2 to perish 1.3 to vanish,

disappear 1.4 to be exterminated, be annihilated 1.5 to be

eliminated, be removed, be liquidated 1.6 to be taken away, be
hidden 1.7 to hide, conceal oneself 1.8 to run away, flee 2 m.

vrked m. plural 1 loss, disappearance 2 destruction 3

extermination, annihilation 4 elimination, removal, liquidation

varkj dialect present of

1 varg m. 1 wool (of a domestic animal)

2 clippings,

shearings (from sheep, camels)

varg m. 1 yearling camel

two-year-old camel
old ram

vrg m. Eastern

yearling camel

three-year-old camel 2 five-year-

vurg base, conscienceless

a base person, a cad; a

conscienceless man; a troublemaker

vargaavl transitive 1
vargaj m. careless man
1 vrga feminine of 2
2 vrga f. vurga Eastern 1
3 vurg m. plural Eastern colostrum, beestings (first milk
after parturition)

1 vargj m. small door, small cover, small hatch; window

2 vrgi f. plural of 2
3 vurgi vrgi plural of 2
vargna f. braided strap; leather rope
vurl m. 1 meditation to mediate 2 acceptance of the
decision of mediators

vrlnde Eastern under him, under her, under them

vrlara 2
vrlahtj m. almond tree
vurlagd m.
vrlavl transitive [past: ] to impregnate, fertilize
(an animal)

vrla vrla 1 foal a mare in foal 2 pregnant

(outside of marriage) to impregnate a to be in

foal b to get pregnant, become pregnant (outside of marriage)

f. 1 loss, mislaying 2 elimination, endearing;

removal; liquidation 3 extermination, annihilation 4 hiding,

2 vrla 2
vrlan f. great-grandmother
vrlatb m. 1 state of being in foal 2 pregnancy
vrledl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1

to be in

foal 2 to get pregnant, become pregnant (outside of marriage)


Pashto-English Dictionary

of friendship, extend the hand of brotherhood proverb

varm m. Arabic 1.1 swelling, tumor 1.2 abundance 1.3

arrogance, conceit 2 swelled, tumefied, inflated

out, blow up

Friendship is one thing, money is another.

varvl transitive
1 vrza f. dialect
2 vroz past tense of
3 vroza imperative prefective of
vrug f. [plural: vrgi] strip or tape of tanned hide
vrs m.
vrost vrast f. vrst m. plural vrast
f. plural 1 rotten, spoiled; decomposing; bad rotten
melon, spoiled melon rotten egg 2 worn-out,
unserviceable (of a banknote) 1
vrustj m.
1 vrustanj last, latest vrustan the latest

to blow

to tumefy, blow up, swell up

2 varm m. advice, counsel

varm rga f. varmrg m.


varm ga f.

varmg m. plural regional eruption of boils on the face of a


vurm m. plural 2
1 vurmlaj m. diarrhea and vomiting
2 varlolj m. ferment, leaven (for cheese, farmer's cheese)
vrmg m. vurmg m. vrmga f. vrmg m.
Eastern back of the head, occiput; nape of the neck to
bend down, stoop

varand ra f. dialect brother's wife and

vurand Eastern rainy
vurna f. attack, raid
varns m. varnsh m. plural varnish, lacquer
varnghl vice
vrnkj m. femur, femoral bone
vrangj m. light rain, shower
vranna plural of
vrna Eastern Ask him.
vrnik m. 1 great-grandfather 2 forefather
1 vra m. coffin
2 vr m. channel or bed of a freshet or flood
vrj m. diaper, diaper cover
vro 1.1 slowly, quietly, noiselessly Go slowly! Go
quietly! 1.2 softly, low ! Speak softly! 2.1 slow
2.2 soft, low soft speech whisper


2 vrustan m. plural rear lace of a sandal

vursto vrsto dialect
1 vrostv laj m. rotting; spoiling; decomposition;

a to slow down b to make soft, make low; muffle, make a little

more quiet

a to slow down b to be low, be soft; be

muffled, be dampened, become a bit quieter

vrdza f. brow, forehead

vurd m. Arabic 1 arrival; coming; advent
upon their arrival 2 entering; import, importation

vror m. [plural: vra] 1 brother


sworn brother


one's own brother

older brother middle

stepbrother ! Old chap!
proverb literal Even if he is your brother, the
younger brother


grave lies ahead of you. figurative Speak the whole truth. 2

colleague, fellow worker idiom to censure
2 varvr m. dialect
1 vrorkj m. little brother
2 vrvrakj m. 1 mirage 2 firefly, glowworm
vrorgalv f. vrorv laj m. vrorvl f. vror
f. 1 brotherhood fraternal assistance 2
relationship, kinship 3 friendship to become
friends, live like brothers to extend the hand

2 vrustav laj m.
vrostanl denominative, transitive [past: ] to
rot, spoil 1
vrsta 1.1 after, afterwards, then, thereafter a little
later Then what did he say?
after the meeting
after having expressed his opinion and views
henceforth, after this
One should not repeat this hereafter.
after the journey 1.2 later Come a bit later!
I arrived later than you. a bit
later afterwards in a week,
after a week had passed finally, at last
two months later, after two months 1.3 from behind,
behind ! Get up from behind!
He fell behind in his studies. 1.4 back
They are going back. 2.1 subsequent future
after 2.2 the following 2.3 news, latest (of times,
discoveries, etc.) in recent years
to delay, postpone a to be late, be slow, lag b to be
postponed c to fall behind 2.4 future for the future
vrstaptaj backward (e.g., of a country)
vrustav laj m. 1 tardiness, delay 2 lag
to be late, fall behind, lag 3 to fall behind

vrustj 1 last, final


the last days of

a later date 2 later 3 m. rear, back, back

part of something


vrostedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

rot, go bad 2 to decompose 3 to decay

Pashto-English Dictionary

vrustinb l m. dialect end idiom


at last

gardzand kampjr computer science laptop

wrnp say kampjr m. laptop computer

vra plural of 1
vruj m.
vrvr m. 1 dried meat 2 bride's trousseau
vrovr slowly, quietly, softly
vvrj Western past perfective of
vr oblique singular of 1
varha f. occupation; trade, craft
vrhavl transitive [past: ] 1 to liberate, free, let
go 2 to save, rescue, come to the aid of

vrhavna f. 1 liberation 2 rescue, deliverance

vrhavnaj 1 liberating, freeing 2 rescuing, saving, coming
to the aid of

vrhedl intransitive [past: ] 1 to be liberated, be let

go 2 to break out, escape (from imprisonment, detention) 3 to be

vrhedna f. 1 liberation 2 flight, escape (from

imprisonment, detention) 3 rescue, salvation

rescued, saved

vrhednkaj 1 liberated, let go 2

aside; away, off

varj m. pack; load, cargo

vraj m. vurj [plural: vri Western plural: vrij n]

1 young ram, young lamb


2 vret obvious, evident, apparent

vrit-pt over-roasted, overcooked, slightly burnt
vritavl denominative, transitive [past: ]

1 to

roast, fry 2 figurative to torment

vritavna f. 1 frying 2 figurative torment, torture

vrit f. vurit 1 singular of 1 2 roast meat; shashlik
shashlik to prepare a roast; make shashlik
vritagr m. vuritagr 1
1 vritj m. shashlik cook and vendor
2 vrit f. plural of 1
1 vritedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to
be roasted, be fried, roast, fry 2 figurative to suffer; wear
someone out

to yearn for

vretedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] to

appear, come into sight

vritedna f. 1 roasting, frying 2 figurative torment,


2 vretedna

f. appearance, coming into view

1 roasted, fried 2 figurative tortured,



m. plural

f. grain kernel, grain of rice

coarse rice,
farinaceous rice fine polished rice
boiled rice pilaf with meat to husk rice
vridzhna f. dish made from cooked rice; bread made from
f. plural rice

vredz f. [plural: vrdze] Eastern 1 cloud

The wind drove away the clouds. above
the clouds 2 figurative darkness; fog
darkness, ignorance, the power of darkness

vrhed m. plural
vrhista 1 to him, her, it, them; thence, to that place


rice flour

saved from, save oneself

vrit 1 roasted 2 figurative tormented

heart is tormented.

vrghunde very softly

vruk dialect
vro kavnkaj 1 slowing down, retarding m. 2 brake
1 vuravl transitive 1
2 varavl transitive
virolozh f. virology
vrun m. [plural: vranna] femur; thigh, haunch
A bullet struck his femur.
wrnp say m. lsi kampjr

lambskin 2

a camel load

newly-born ram, suckling

2 2

vrj f. vrj device for adjusting the bobbin on a distaff or

spinning wheel

4 vrj f. young sheep, ewe

5 vrj f. vurj gum, gums 5
6 vre cry or call used in herding sheep
7 vur dialect present tense of 1
1 vrj f. rain
2 verj f. edge, hem

varjdza f. dialect
1 vrdze f. Eastern plural of
2 vrdze f. plural dialect
vard m. Arabic vein
1 vredl varedl 1 intransitive 1 2 m. plural
of precipitation downpour, rain
2 varedl intransitive
varid Arabic venous (of blood)
vrerna m. plural of
vrer f. niece (brother's daughter)
vre m. wool spread out for fulling
vrjz f. vrza vrza vurza f. dialect
vrezhn m. small fine things (dropped, strewn about)
vrzhi f. plural dialect
vresl transitive
1 vreshpr m. harvest


Pashto-English Dictionary

vresphr m. uproar, hubbub, din, racket

forseen. 3 well-deserved

vreshl transitive [past: ] 1 to spin, twist (thread)

2 figurative to quarrel Don't quarrel

with me!

vreshna f. 1
1 vreshna m. spinning, twisting (thread)
2 vreshn m. 1 inheritance 2 discarded property;
halter (rein attached to a bridle)

2 rear lace of a sandal 3 strip of old cloth

2 vrehkj vurehkj f. sprouts, shoots

vrehm m. silk silkworm
raw silk synthetic silk
viscose sericulture
silk-spinning factory to be

a to attack

Our troops are attacking. b to pass, outstrip, go in front c to

overshoot the mark, over it d to be fast (of a timepiece)

little by little,
We arrived one
after another. a to look around b to be
circumspect, act with caution a to move forward
chess to move the knight ! Move the
chair! a to get down to work b to make

Vreshmin (canyon east of

My watch is fast.

consequently, one by one

(of hair)
vrha f. funeral meal served on the fifth night after a death;

alms distributed on the fifth night after a death

vregh m. dye
vrighvg m. botany kind of mint, Phlomis
vrin open, sincere, frank
vrintandj 1 cordial, cheerful, affable 2 m. cordiality,
cheerfulness, affability vrintand

acquainted, introduce someone c to introduce, propose (a

resolution, etc.) d to bestow, grant

letters of credence

to grant

to send in one's resignation e

to nominate (as a candidate) f to express (viewpoint, opinion) g

to develop, advance (e.g., a science) h to instigate, put up to
It was as if someone had put him up
to it. i to create to create difficulties j to
impel to do something to move up to, push up to
a to go forward, move forward, advance !
More forward! Go up there! to outstrip

to accept someone affably, accept someone cordially

the winner of the case; the winning party 2 right, guiltless

Attention! Dress right! (as a command issued after the order)

the Kabul Valley over which there is a road to Jelalabad) 2 silky

v vu 1 getting the upper hand, conquering, winning

engaged in sericulture
vrehmn 1 silk

4 vu v 1
5 vu m. use, advantage
6 vi 2
v nde Eastern
v ndnj
vandn m. 1 outstripping, passing 2 competition
v ndi Eastern vr nde 1.1 ahead, in front of, before
forward, ahead to move
forward, advance Forward! Onward!

something that has gone out of use

well-deserved fame, well-

deserved reputation

vrhka f. shoots of wheat

1 vrehkj vurehkj f. 1

vrend ra [plural: vrend ri

plural: vrendrig ni] sister-in-law (brother's wife)
vringj m. light rain
vrinj cheerful, glad
vrjo oblique plural of 2 oblique plural of 6
vurajz m. member of a bridal procession
vraza f. vrjza girlfriend of the bride
1 va m. 1 pockmark 2 scab, crust of a sore 3 infection; cause
of an illness to be infected, catch something
2 va m. & f. f. 1 proper, appropriate; fit, suitable 2 worthy,
deserving of something worthy of trust, reliable
worthy of sympathy; deplorable to consider
necessary a to render fit, render suitable b to render
worthy, render deserving of something a to be proper, be
vrend r f.

someone b to stand in front c to precede d to come up to,

approach e to be introduced (a person) f to be introduced (into a

discussion, etc.), be proposed (a resolution, etc.) g to be
bestowed, be granted h to be developed, move forward (of a
science); progress i to approach (a question) j to arise, be created

I remember her beauty. 1.2

earlier, before earlier we said that 1.3
then, later Then, he said 1.4 further, farther,
far It's still two or three miles more.

He went away. 2.1 attributive forward, anterior; former

appropriate; be suited b to be worthy, be deserving of something

... for this reason one should

This should be mentioned. they
should You should stay here.
It is worth listening to this. One should
feel sorry for him. This could not have been

2.2 far

be foresighted, be prudent


the Far East idiom


vnditg m. 1 movement forward, advance 2 attack 3

outstripping 4 precedence 5 development, progress, success

a to move forward, advance b to attack c to

outstrip d to precede e to develop, make progress, succeed

Pashto-English Dictionary

objects if sick or injured) 1.2 to clear away (dishes, etc.) 1.3 to

v ndi kavl m. plural 1 movement forward 2

acquaintance; introduction of someone 3 introduction (to a

bear or drag away (quarry, game)

discussion, etc.); submission, proposal (of a resolution) 4 grant,

wolf carried away a sheep. 1.4 to carry away (by water) 1.5

granting 5 nomination (of a candidacy, etc.) 6 expression (of an

physics to conduct (heat, electricity) 1.6 to endure (difficulties,

opinion, view, etc.) 7 development (science) 8 instigation,

etc.) 1.7 to earn, win, receive (award, prize, etc.); get the best of;

putting up to

attain victory

second place (in exams, etc.).

v ndi kedl m. plural 1 movement forward 2

Western The

He got second prize. He got a

to become famous for,

precedence 3 approach, drawing near 4 acquaintanceship 5

earn a good name

introduction (to a discussion); proposal (of a resolution, etc.) 6

2 m. plural
oil tanker (ship) electric conduction
heat, thermal conductivity idiom My efforts
on top

granting, bestowal 7 development, progress 8 origin, creation

v ndij 1.1 going forward 1.2 preceding; former; past

last year the preceding issue (of a
newspaper, magazine) 1.3 former eve, vigil
on the eve of 1.4 adjective military forward,
advance vndin forward positions 2.1 m.
predecessor 2.2 ancestor

flashes, gleams

right and wrong

1 vatb m.
2 vtb m.
vatj f. 1 fitness; suitability, accordance

2 merit, philosophy

desert 3 high degree of skill (of an athlete, etc.)

vadzhn infected
vaghandj m. 1
vakutb m.
vaktumn m. kindergarten
vakkaj 1 tiny, minuscule child, kid 2
least, slightest the slightest movement 3 not great
low mountain, mount tiny village,

vakov laj m. childhood

in early

1.2 former, previous 2 before, formerly; at first

vang-rvng m. transport; transporting

vangn glowing, gleaming, radiant
vnga f. 1 particle 2 dust speck, dust particle
1 vngj m. 1 magnifying glass 2 microscope
2 vangj 2
vna f. conveyance, transport; transportation; transporting
1 va oblique plural of 1
2 vo oblique plural of 5
3 vu first person present tense plural of
1 vuv laj m.
2 vv laj m. 1 2 advantage
vobj m. mash (for cattle)
vauktb m. 1 childhood, juvenile years 2 smallness,

vaktaj small, little; not great

of stature.

1 vkaj m. boy, lad

2 vakj 1
vakitb m.
vakna f.

He is short

to marry when


vagin wool rope, hair rope

vl transitive 1 [present:

to attain victory, conquer, come out


vl-rl m. plural
1 vm vum previous (of a day, etc.) year before last
day before yesterday night before last
three days ago month before last
2 vm first person present tense of
vma f. vma singular of 1
vmavradzinj day before yesterday's, yesterday's
at yesterday's meeting
van 1 woolen 2 hairy, hirsute
vumbj Eastern 1.1 first the first ten days



turned out to be in vain.

vndiv laj m.
vang f. proper name Vrango
v nga f. 1 ray solar rays
radioactive rays radiation 2 figurative flash, gleam;
v na f. 1 win, winning 2 success 3 rightness
v na-p na f. 1 profit and loss 2 winning and losing

vauktn m. kindergarten
vaukv laj m.
1 vakaj 1 small, little; younger boy
to behave like a child 2 not great rivulet
pebble 3 not high, low low hillock
2 vaki m. plural 1 bones of the heel 2 tendons of the heel
3 vake f. singular of 1
vaavl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to
decrease 2 to break up, reduce in size, grind, crush; chop 3

past: ] 1.1 to bear,

carry, haul, conduct (usually inanimate objects, but also of animate

figurative to lower, degrade


vumbanj first

Pashto-English Dictionary

vumbj vumbj
vund dialect
vnkaj present participle of oil tanker
(ship) missile carrier (missile-launch

broken into pieces 3 figurative abased

vaavna f. 1 diminution 2 breaking into pieces, making into

smaller increments 3 figurative abasement

1 va f. threads attached to the warp from above
2 vu m. plural dialect 1
3 va f. singular of 1
4 v imperfective plural of
5 v m. plural
6 va 1 imperfective singular of 2 f. imperfect of
7 va f. winning
8 va f. fitness, suitability; accordance
9 va f. singular of 2
10 va f. singular of 3
vap f.
v-rv m. plural transport; transporting
1 vaj f. plural singular Eastern wool camel hair
Badkhyz wool Herat wool goat
hair shearing wool cloth
raw wool woolen cloth mill
2 vaj m. dialect 1
3 vi present tense of
4 vj past participle of
5 va f. plural of 1
6 ve second person present of
7 vj second person present of plural of
8 ve imperfective feminine plural of
9 va f. plural 1
10 vaj m. pompom, tassle
11 vi feminine plural of 2
12 vi feminine plural 1 of 3 2 1 3 selvage, edge of

vaedl denominative, intransitive [past: ] 1 to

diminish 2 to be made into smaller increments, be broken up; be

cloth 2

wool-bearing breeds
woolen shirt

1 vana f.
2 vana f. singular of
vajo oblique plural of 1
vuz m. [plural: vuz n plural: vzna] 1 goat 2 wild
goat proverb If
the father does not shoot the goat dead, then the mother cannot
divide up the fat.

vizrt m. vazrt Arabic [plural: vizratna Arabic

plural: vizr t] ministry

Ministry of Foreign

Ministry of Mining and Industry
vizrt-i Ministry of Finance Ministry of Health
Ministry of Aviation
vizratkhn f. ministry, ministry building
vizrt-i-mukhtr f. diplomatic mission
vuzbk m.
1 vazr m. [plural: varzarna f. Eastern plural:
vazre] 1 wing a fly's wing b figurative something
trivial figurative to spread the wings a to be

Ministry of Internal Affairs

winged, be alate (of insects) b figurative to be conceited, be

)( proverb Before it
He has put
on such airs. literal May you grow wings!


dies, the ant acquires wings.

figuratively May you grow strong! May you grow powerful! 2

fin 3 hand

both hands 4 lifting surface (aircraft) 5

a helpless man; man who has no support from his relatives
He has neither father nor mother. idiom ( )
to take someone under one's wing
jacket (of a book) 6 support, aid (from relatives); kin

literal to fly on another's wings figurative to avail oneself of

a rug

2 cheapness

to raise wool-bearing stock

van 1 woolen



13 aj m. diminutive suffix chick; cockerel

vaj vj 1 gratis, free of charge, free gratis, free
to take without payment to give without
receiving payment 2 regional cheaply 3 in vain, to no avail
to go for naught
vaj n m. kind of groats
vajv laj m. 1 absence of payment, quality of being gratis

vaednaj 1 diminished 2 broken into smaller increments,

another's support; use someone; live on the intellect or work of


2 vzr m. 1 entertainment to entertain 2

vuzar m. Arabic plural of
vazarv l vazarvl winged
vezgh n m. walnut
vazghj f. boil, furuncle; abscess
vuzg r vzg r 1 free, unoccupied (with work); released, fire
(from a job); without work, without a job free time,
leisure 2 biology nonfunctional

broken into pieces 3 to be abased

vuzgrtb m.

vuzgrtj f. 1 leisure; idleness;

full unemployment

break 2 unemployment

vaedna f. 1 diminution 2 breaking down into smaller

increments; breaking up 3 abasement

partial unemployment

Pashto-English Dictionary

vzgravl denominative, transitive [past: ] 1 to

release (from work), fire 2 to put out of action, tear away from

a to be removed from
to create leisure for oneself to

work 3 to remove
work b

get out from under difficulties

vezgr f. idleness; leisure; free time

vuzgredl denominative, intransitive [past: ]
be released (from work, etc.) They have

1 to

finished eating. They have eaten. 2 to be idle 3 to be out of the

running 4 to find time for something

vazra f. 1 female minister 2 minister's wife

vazra gta f. regional ring finger
1 vazir m. plural 1 the Wazirs (a tribe) 2 vazirj m. a Wazir
2 vazir f. 1 position (duties) of a minister 2 ministry
vuzem f. goat in heat to be in heat (of a she-goat)
vuzjj, vzjj goat's a goatskin goat
meat goat milk
vzhghni vzhghni f. plural goat hair
vzhghunz made of goat hair
vazhl 1 transitive [present: past: ] .1 to kill 1.2

vuzgred m. plural 1 release (from work) 2 idleness,

loafing 3 being out of the running

vuzgaj Western vzgaj vuzgaj m. kid (goat)

vazl transitive dialect
vzla f. means, way out There is no other way out.
1 vazm m. 1 melody, tune; sound 2 color, complexion (face)
2 vuzm first person present tense of
vzma suffix shade of color yellowish
vazm melodious
vazn m. Arabic [plural: vaznna Arabic plural:
avz n] 1 weight specific gravity
atomic weight heavyweight compound
verb literal & figurative to weigh to lift
weights 2 poetry scope

vazn f. Arabic 1 dumbbell; weight 2 ballast

vaznabardr f. sports weight lifting
vazn Arabic 1 heavy 2 weighty, ponderous
1 vzo oblique plural of
2 vzu present tense first person plural of
vzna m. plural of
1 vaz f. girth; grasp; strap
2 vz, vuz f. she-goat angora goat
3 vza, vza imperative imperfective singular of
4 vza f.
1 vzj present tense second person plural of
2 vzi present tense first person singular of
3 vze f. plural of 2
4 vze present tense second person singular of
1 vazip f. alms
2 vzip f. thyme
vazr m. Arabic plural [ vazir n and Arabic vuzar ]
1 minister; history wizier foreign minister
interior minister public health minister
transportation minister finance minister
vazr-i defense minister
council of ministers, cabinet envoy vazr-i

prime minister (not in Afghanistan) 2 chess queen 3 proper noun


vazirist n m. Waziristan

to put out; extinguish (fire) 1.3 figurative to kill; strangle,


to suppress one's feelings 2 m. plural

to contemplate murder, plan

.1 killing, murder

a murder 2.2 putting out, extinguishing (of fire) 2.3 figurative

suppression, stifling (of feeling etc.)

vazhll transitive dialect

vazhln m. vzhla f. dialect killing, murder
vazhn present stem of
vzhnm present tense first person of
vazhna f.
vzhni present tense of
vazhn m.
vazhnkaj 1 present participle of 2 deadly, lethal, fatal,
deathly lethal weapon
vazhnaj 2
vzhva f. gap (between teeth)
1 vzha f. occipital depression 2
2 vzha f.
1 vzhi f. plural 1 cervical tendons 2 hamstrings
2 vuzhj m. 1 sinew, string; vein 2 tendon
vag m. crown, wreath
j f. magpie
vugd dialect
denominative, transitive dialect

denominative, intransitive dialect

f. greed

2 vgst
greedy, with greedy eyes

m. khinjak (a kind

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