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Journal #8

1. Pences explanation, the NCADV site, and my current view on violence influence
my understanding of the Power Wheel by showing me that power and control comes
in different forms. The important part to note is that each subset of power or control
can have detrimental effects. Just because abuse is not physical does not mean that
it has less of an impact. For example, if children are being used or youre reliant on
the dominant person financial, then you may not see a way out or feel that there
are other options.
2. Hooks adds a different perspective to the discussion of domestic violence by
adding a more cultural outlook. Being a part of a minority gives Bell Hooks another
perspective and allows for more people to relate to what she has to say. She uses
the term patriarchal violence instead of domestic violence to show the sexism that
is involved in the idea of male domination. Another important thing that Hooks does
is discuss the importance and relevance of children in the situation which is
something that is not talked about often. What I really like about what she says is
that everyone is to blame if they are not doing or saying anything to fix the
situation or fix it for the generation.
3. Article Name: Sleeping Woman Sexually Assaulted on NYC Subway, Bystander
Videos Incident Instead of Intervening
Article Author: Tara West
Date Published: March 24, 2015
Publication Site: Inquisitr
The article that I chose to focus on is about a women who was touched while asleep
on the Subway in New York City. The sad part is that it was recorded and published
on to the internet yet no one helped her. She was asleep when the man began to
touch her, but once she woke, she proceeded to punch him in the face and flee. The
man who recorded stated that intervening would have dangerous but felt as though
recording was more than the other few people on the train did. Although they were
strangers, it could be viewed as male privilege or minimizing on the power wheel.
4. If Hooks read this article, then I feel as if she would discuss why this man thought
he had power enough to commit this crime as well as discuss the dynamic of the
bystanders. I feel as though Bell Hooks would commend the woman for having the
strength to tell her story especially as a minority. Lastly, I think that Hooks would
tackle the justice system and try to tell us that there is no right reason that the man
should have not been charged until two years after the incident.

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