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Hinduism started since 3500 B.C.E, Hinduism is by far the oldest Religion
in the world.Hinduism followers are called Hindus this religion comes from
india. Hindus say that practices and tradition make up the religion.
There is not 1 person that is a founder from that religion. Brahman, the 1
god that every hindu believes also makes up the religion.Most Hindus
believe that it is not good to kill animals, also because some of the animals
are Gods for example Hindus suppose that a Cow is a God. In addition,
Hindus believe Karma is really important, meaning that if you were bad in
life, then in your next life you would turn into an animal.Another usual thing
that happens every morning is that people working for the temples ring the
bells of the to wake up their Gods in that time you would also bow to the
Gods.Hindus believe that when you die you re born!Most Hindus believe
that it is not good to kill animals, also because some of the animals are
Gods for example Hindus suppose that a Cow is a God. In addition, Hindus
believe Karma is really important, meaning that if you were bad in life, then
in your next life you would turn into an animal. Another Hindu tradition is
when you are 5 years old you have to shave your hair.
When a woman gives birth to the child, someone that is a specialist on the
religion puts holy water on the baby's head and the man who poured water
on the baby chooses the name and prays so he would have good luck. In
addition, when you celebrate diwali you get new clothes, new toys new
EVERYTHING!Also, in the houses, you would also have a corner in which
you wou pray to the Gods.One of the most religious events that happens in
india is When you go to a pilgrimage, it is the biggest gathering of all time in
india this is called the Kum Mela.
One very fun festival is Diwali, Hindus believe on many Gods but diwali is a
festival that Hindus throw colours at each other they do this because Diwali
threw colours at people, so Hindus follow what Diwali did. Another usual

thing that happens every morning is that people working for the temples
ring the bells of the to wake up their Gods in that time you would also bow
to the Gods. Another fact that hindus believe is that they put lights on their
homes so Diwali would find it easier to find their homes, this is called
Vedas. But, if you were good, then, you would reborn.

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