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Rebecca Franckowiak
26 April 2016
Life of Bullying

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Table of Contents
Ask Aurelia6
Support group..7

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Introduction Page:

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Entry one:
a. Timeline: Timeline to show how bullying has progressed over the years. How with
social media bullying has increased.
b. I want to use online references on the history of bulling for this. Since rewriting the
outline, I have found many articles on how bullying had increased. I found one that is
only how bullying has progressed over the span of twelve years.

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Explanation page:

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Ask Aurelia
Q: Dear Aurelia,
Recently there have been a group of girls that have been bullying me at school and
online. I try to ignore them but so far they havent stopped. It has been making me very
depressed and Im not sure what to do. Do you have any advice for me?
From, Shelby
A: Dear Shelby,
Im sorry that you are going through that. It is good that you have been trying to ignore
them. You should talk to a parent or a trusted adult such as a principal or teacher about your
situation. If it makes you more comfortable having proof of the bullying, you could take
pictures of the online bullying or ask the school for the school security footage. If it persists
and they become violent, you could also get a restraining order.
There are many others in your situation, so I have created a support group. It is a happy
and safe environment that everyone is welcome to. Many teenagers have found the group
very helpful and fun. We meet every Monday and Thursday, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. It is okay
if you dont come to any meetings, or if you come to a few, or even if you come to all. If it
makes you uncomfortable, you dont even have to stay the whole time. We even have chairs
set up in the back of the room for people that just want to observe how the group works.
None of what is said is repeated outside of the room, and that is our main rule.
The above advice is to anyone that is bullied, not just Shelby. Everyone is welcome to
our group, no matter age, sexual orientation, race, or gender. You can also call our 24 hour
phone number if you need to talk to someone right away at (608) 547-6044.

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Are you bullied?

Do you need somewhere to go to
talk to someone?
Come to our support group!
We meet Mondays and Thursdays, 5-7
Located at the community center.
Address: 308 S. Walker St. Adams, WI.

Everyone is welcome! This is a safe

and happy environment, no
judgement, ever! Come for the whole
time, or part of the time!

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Explanation page:

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Entry four: Interview

a. I want to make the interview between a counselor and a bully. I want it to be more

relaxed, but I want it to show how a bully deals with a person of authority that is
trying to help.
b. I have found a couple articles that are surveys on why people bully and I would

like to use them to be the reasons why this person is bullying.

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Entry five: Diary

a. For the diary, I want to do it in the point of view of a bully. I want them to explain kind
of why they bully, why they started, and what their life is like. Sometimes, when a person
bullies, it is because they are bullied either earlier in life or at home.

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Entry six: Certificate

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Explanation page:

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Entry seven: Obituary

a. For the seventh entry, I want to have an obituary for the person that committed suicide.
Its going to connect with entry six, by being the obituary for that person. Most obituaries
that Ive read talk about the persons family, so I want to show how depressed a person
might feel to leave behind their family and loved ones.
b. I want to reference actual obituaries for this, but not copy them. I would like to get
inspiration from people that have died with similar stories.

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Entry eight: Short story

a. I want to write the story behind the person in entry six and sevens life. I want to write
about how they are bullied and what goes through their head, and how people of authority
respond to the person trying to tell them they are bullied.
b. For part of this I want to use my personal experience, along with other sources. I would
like to use some others personal stories of bullying so that I am able to get a better point
of view.

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Explanation page:

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