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Leo Rojas is a university student, he has studied engineering electronic at

San Marcos University since 2012 He was born in 1993 in Lima-Peru, he has
two brothers and a sister and his favorite food is Chinese food. His fathers
name is Rodolfo Rojas and his mothers name is Elsa Medina.
Leo was interested in all about electronic all his life. When he was young he
used to disassemble some radios to see how they were made and in some
cases he repaired them. He started studying Engineering electronic at San
Marcos University since 2012, where he met a lot of friends.
In the 2014 he got a scholarship and he travelled to EE.UU. to study
networking and telecommunications to improve his knowledges. He come
back to Peru in 2015 and started doing practices at an important
telecommunications company. At the same time he continued his studies at
San Marcos University.
When he was in the last cycle at university he met a gorgeous girl, her
name is Erika, whose he got in love. Later, they became in a relationship.
Actually, Leo is working in Claros Company and he is planning to get
married with Erika some months later because he says that he is really in

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