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Suhana binti Shuib
Nurul Izzati binti Shuib
Syahirah binti Che Alias

Unit 11: The Insect Investigators
Find materials based on the
scheme of work for reading skills.

Learning Standard
2.2.2 Able to read understand phrases
and sentences form:
(a)linear texts
(b)non-linear texts

Linear Text

The Ant and The Grasshopper
In a field one summer's day, a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and
its heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn
he was taking to the nest.
"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and
moiling in that way?"
"I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you

do the same."

"Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "We have got plenty of food
at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.
When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of
hunger - while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores
they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare
for days of need.

Facts about ladybug (Linear text)

Ladybugs lay their eggs on aphid infested leaves. They lay clusters of eggs that include
infertile eggs mixed in with the fertile. Both of these behaviours helps to ensure the ladybug
larvae will have enough food to last until it becomes an adult.
Ladybugs have three main defenses against predators. Their brightly coloured bodies warn
potential predators that it is poisonous, even though these beetles are not. Ladybugs also
secrete a bad tasting fluid when attacked which makes them an unwanted prey. Thirdly,
these beetles can play dead! When faced with a sticky situation, ladybugs pretend they are
dead until the danger passes.
Broccoli, milkweed and other plants that attract aphids are where ladybugs tend to live.
These beetles move on once they eat all the aphids on one plant.
Like bears, ladybugs hibernate in the winter. The usually come together in large groups and
sleep the winter away on mountains and areas of high elevation.

Honest ladybird (Linear


Why Anansi has thin legs!


Fireflies are primarily carnivorous. Larvae usually eat snails
and worms. Some species of fireflies feed on other fireflies
most notable is the genusphoturis, which mimics female
flashes ofphotinus, a closely related species, in order to
attract and devour the males of that species. But adult fireflies
have almost never been seen feeding on other species of
bugs. Scientists aren't sure what they eat. They may feed on
plant pollen and nectar, or they may eat nothing.
An adult firefly lives only long enough to mate and lay eggs, so
they may not need to eat during their adult life stage. The
larvae usually live for approximately one year, from mating
season to mating season, before becoming adults and giving
birth to the next generation.


1. Ladybird life cycle (non-linear)
Like all insects, the ladybird is no different in that it undergoes complete
metamorphosis through its life cycle.
The 4 stages are: egg - larvae - pupae - adult.
1. The female ladybird lays many tiny eggs in an aphid colony - the
fertilization of the eggs is performed inside of the ladybird. In the spring
a ladybird can lay up to 300 eggs in one time.
2. The larvae then hatches from the tiny eggs. The larvae has 6 legs and is
a long shape. As the larvae grows rapidly, it sheds its skin several times.
3. When it reaches full size, it attaches itself to the stem of a plant (by its
tail). The larval skin then splits down the back exposing the pupae.


The pupae is the size of an adult ladybird however, it is all

wrapped up at this stage of the metamorphosis. The
wrapping protects the pupae while it undergoes the final
stages of metamorphosis into the adult stage. This last stage
only takes a few days.

There may be as many as 6 generations of ladybirds hatched in

a year.

2. Ladybug life cycle

(linear and non-linear)
Ladybugs are a type of beetle; insects with six jointed legs. Ladybugs
have special organs on their feet to help them smell. They use their
antennae to touch, smell and taste.
Females lay their eggs in yellow clusters under a leaf or stem often near
a colony of aphids (tiny garden pests that damage many plants.) Within
a week, the eggs hatch into alligator-shaped larvae that start gobbling
up the aphids, tiny worms and a variety of insect eggs that gardeners
are happy to get rid of!
Ladybugs have a life cycle that is similar to the butterfly. They go
through a complete metamorphosis during their 8-week life.
(Picture of ladybugs life cycle)

How Does a Firefly Work?

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