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To: Rebecca Agosta

From: Emarah Holder

Date: 3/3/2016
Subject of Inquiry: Drag queens in relation to identity
When looking into a subject of inquiry I wanted to choose a topic that was different and
something that had a lot to do with identity. I wanted a topic that was something that we
never really discussed in class and I wanted it to be related to beauty. I had many topics
that I had considered like skin color, clothes and makeup. I found makeup to be a broad
subject and I began with the question Does putting on makeup create a new identity or
just help to enhance your current one? but then I began to think about the different types
of ways people wear makeup and I came up with the concept of drag queens and their
identity. I want to find out how people in todays society would define beauty and how
drag queens fit into that definition. For this project I really want to understand how men
that dress in drag feel when they do drag, look into the drag queen culture and history.
I find this topic interesting and something that not a lot of people talk about and a topic
that could bring forth a lot of conversation.
Proposed Research Methods:
For my research I would have to look online or in books. I would have to look at blogs,
You Tube videos, and movies/documentaries to gain insight on the life of drag queens. I
would also have to read articles about drag queens. There isnt much research that I could
do other than online but I could possibly get in contact with a drag queen to get their
opinion on how they identify and how they think society sees them.
Inquiry Question:
1. Does physical transformation create a new identity or alter it?
Do you think that when men put on makeup to become drag queens that
they take on a new persona? Why or why not?
Are there certain settings in which it is inappropriate to be in drag?
Does drag help men express themselves or do they create someone they
would like to be?
How does todays society define beauty? Do drag queens fit into what
modern society would consider beautiful?
Do men take on a different identity when in drag versus when they arent
in drag?

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