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Homework #1

Name: Carlos Gadvay

Read the abstract of the book Making Strategy Work and answer the
following questions:
1) How can a strategic initiative amid change be implemented?
A strategy of business organization, either with or without profit.
Overall, the strategies defined by the highest authorities of the organization,
are based on many factors, including the analysis of the position of the
company in the market, resources are there, the goals include long and
short term and visionary course based largely on intuition that has the
2) How does your organizational structure Affect Your Company's
An important factor affecting the organizational structure is the growth of
the company. As the company grows, the impact on the structure of the
organization is important. This can be especially true when the organization
begins to expand to other geographical regions and structure extending
over many kilometers. A company can start small, but as time passes, more
employees can be hired, which requires the introduction of department
heads to help create a management structure.
3) How can you manage execution on a regional or a global basis?
"Concentrate on coordination"
- Develop advantages across national boundaries, including sharing
valuable skills and establishing economies of scale.
"Focus on human resources"
- Nurture a cadre of capable global managers.
"Rotate key managers"

- Help your top managers gain a more global outlook by rotating them
abroad. Make this an important aspect of earning a promotion.
"Ensure a dual, simultaneous focus"
- A global companys incentive system should encourage managers to
focus both on the worldwide business and their own internal rea or unit.
Dont allow them to favor one above the other.
"Develop incentives and feedback mechanisms"
- Monitor performance to ensure that managers are meeting corporate and
regional goals.

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