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Lexis Nexus Search

w/n or /3
o ex: vicious w/3 dog
o w/3 w/5 in approximately same phrase
o w/25 in approximately same sentence
o w/75 same paragraph
and or near
o finds words that are far apart from one another or in different
o near
o Wom?n = searches for both woman and women
o Finds variations of root word = i.e., emply* finds employee /
employment, employer
Quotes finds exact term
o right to work
Use Legal Dictionaries to find common legal terms
o Compile comprehensive list of terms
Not allowed
o Prohibited, inadmissible, precluded, erred, error, reverse
Use Google & Secondary Sources
o ~ to search for synonyms
Funnel Approach
1) Secondary Sources google, law review, ALR, news articles
2) Primary Sources Cases, Statutes
3) Find Appellate Cases where appellate court affirmed your position or
reversed your opponents position.
4) Case on Point direct application to the facts or circumstances to this case

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