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First Day of Junior English with Ms.


Have student desks arranged in a seminar style formation

- Students may choose where theyd like to sit
- Every desk will be set with an icebreaker activity for later use.
Teacher Introduction
- I will start off by welcoming my new class and give a brief introduction about
myself to break the ice before students engage in an icebreaker activity
o Introduce myself
o Share a little about myself and maybe my family
o Share about my favorite books
o Share a little about my hobbies and outside life
o Where Im from and where I went to school
Student Icebreaker Activity
- Students will partner up with a buddy and exchange names.
- Students will have a sheet of paper with 5 questions they will ask their
1. What is your favorite book?
2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
3. Do you speak any other languages?
4. If you could choose any career path, what would you like to do?
5. What is your favorite hobby?
- After students have completed their icebreaker worksheet, students will be
asked to present their partner to the class.
- Students will share their new found information about their partner, and
teacher will use presentation to take class attendance.
Teacher will hand-out and go over syllabus
- Syllabus will be fairly short and not too overwhelming
o Syllabus will share books expected to be read for the class
o Syllabus will share fieldtrips and other important events for the school
o Syllabus will have a basic calendar with important dates
o Syllabus will discuss rules and procedures
o Syllabus will discuss rewards and consequences
o Syllabus will share teachers Anti-Bullying statement
o Syllabus will state teacher expectations and general grading rubric
- Combination of teacher read-aloud and call on students to read aloud
- All questions will be answered after syllabus is discussed as a class
First day of school homework and dismissal
- Students will be asked to take home and review syllabus with parent
- Students should bring the last page of the syllabus signed by student and
- For homework students will be asked to write one paragraph about what
theyre most excited about or nervous for this school year. Students may write

about what book theyre looking forward to reading or what field trip theyre
most excited for.
Students will be dismissed by teacher, not the school bell

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