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The Forum

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

2801 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204
Dear Editor,
I am writing to you over my concern about the white vans driving around campus
picking up students. Yes, it is as strange as it sounds. I know the creepy white vans
are here to provide extra transportation to U.A.L.R. students to go across campus;
however, I would never get in one because like I said they are CREEPY. These vans
are not obviously recognizable as belonging to U.A.L.R. because the U.A.L.R. logo is
overshadowed by the white eeriness of the vans. In case you did not know, our
school has a ban for an adult male who also drives a white creepy van; so this does
not make me feel any more secure for when I need a ride late at night. White vans
equal stranger danger. I think my odds are better if I ran across Asher two oclock in
the morning. My suggestion is that U.A.L.R. paints the vans so there is no confusion
with a stranger trying to kidnap me. They should be painted similar to the U.A.L.R.
police cars, so I do not have to strain my eyes looking for the itty bitty logo to see if
I am going to make it back to my dorm safely or not. It is a simple solution that the
campus should consider in regards for students sound states of mind.
Kennedy Quarders
3103 S. Taylor St.
Little Rock, Ar. 72204

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