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Bryan Martinez

LEI 4724
Activity: Tossers
Source: submitted by Grady Tezeno of Leisure Alternatives.
Equipment needed: Ping pong balls one or two tables and 20 ounce hard plastic cups.
Group: 2-6 participants
Activity Description:

Place the cups in the middle of the table. Players are to stand at each end of the table. Set equal
distances between the cups and the players.
2- The objective of the game is to bounce the ball into the cups in the middle with a set time.
3- Each player has a turn to shot the ping pong ball toward the middle of the table. If you make a
ball in the cup you will be awarded a point.
4- The players who score the most points are the winners.
Since this game requires a little bit of hand eye coordination, this game will be perfect when working
with patients with Down syndrome. This practice of throw a little ball can help set a foundation or help
develop those fine motor skill in the eyes and hands.
When also working with patients with TBI can experience physical mobility and coordination a couple
ways that we can adapt this game to better suit these individual is by adding bigger cups or bigger balls.
The bigger ball will allow these individual to score easier. Also adding a team aspect to the game will I
think encourage these individuals to do better.

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