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Title: Wacky Table

Source: T.J. Shovein of The Lingenfelter Center on December 27, 2006

Size of Group: 1-10
Equipment: Small plastic cups, medium weight ball or water filled small beach ball, and tables.
Activity Description: This activity is designed to help with a range of motion and fitness.
1- Align all the cups like how you would line up pin when bowling.
2- Have the participants roll the ball to the other side to knock down the cups.
3- You can also use a longer table or shorter table if needed.
When working with individuals with that have sensory integrative disorders would benefit
greatly from this activity. These individuals are uncoordinated and are sometime oversensitive to
their environment. The constant touching and rolling of the ball create a positive sensory
environment for these individuals. You might want to use a ball that fits in the individuals hand.
When working with patients with intellectual disabilities it is important to make sure the
individuals understand the directions being given to them. The CTRS maintains control over the
duration of the activity. Depending on the group of individuals you can either work with one
person or all 10 individuals. Depends all on the groups ability level.

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