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QLP INTERNATIONAL Me Vad Febinowych coum Co-Shaimman of the European Jewish Patiament “The President Mr Jos Rubetld Co-Chaimas ofthe European Jewish Parlamert Me Vad cheno Co-Chatmss of the European Jewish Peartamentsleaol Commitee Me Nathan Geoart (Co.Chavman of he European Jewish Partament rel Commits Lausanne, 29 ne 2042 ef No20‘2CBIElaew Byemas ony ‘Doar Messr Rubinfeld, Rabinowyeh, Cherok and Gelb, “Thankyou or you ter of 21 Jue and for chain your thoughts with me. paricpate in the Murch Games a8 an able, and the horror ofthat event and the mamany ofthe | agree wh you hat commemorating them is important andthe [OC has pald bute othe rmomery othe thst who tagialy dd ln Munich in 1972 on several occasions We are {determined o continue fo do son close coortnation wit fe Natonal Olympic Committee (NOC) of Israel. During the London 2012 Olympic Games, thar wil be a major, publ ‘event at the Guia, whore wil make a speech slong the President ofthe NOC of Isao, «rprorontatve ofthe Isae government andthe vsins fami, We Yoel fat is {sme moet eppropite way to pay wibuto tothe setes dung the Games in London For rolorence, a number cf inaives and ibutes have been undertaken, for example + Amemoria service arranged bythe IOC andthe Munich organksers was hel a the Olympic Stadium on he marang of 6 September 1972. Compation avers ‘were Suapandod for one day ‘+ Tre members of he frei foam have bean honoured by a monument aca ‘memoralin Munich JA Semaranch, IOC President at hal ime ad | were Bresert a the 25 anniversary ff commemoration in Marich, ware 2 monument was unvoled and wher, tba prosncs of he Jewish community, ‘lowers ware laid down and. ceremony wee hed *+ 1350 eterded the 0-year conmamocaon memos sence in 2002 a the apo near Munich, where the vetime wae killed, anda Satu was unvae, “+A sculpture dense by the National Olympic Commitee of aan remembrance the tagis evens is sxhtedin The Olmpe Musou n Lausanne ‘+The viele aro Poncured cna regular basi by the IOC andthe Olmpe overt fr example, onthe oscasin of 1OC Sessions and suring the Obmpic Games ‘+ Thel0C willbe prsont at a memorial service atthe mtr aipot on 5 Septombor 2012 6 mat the 40" aniversary. We storaly sympatise withthe vicins'familes and understand thee tasting pain. | appreciate that recently met you, Mr bined in person and hac the opportunity ak

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