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Buddhism is the 4th largest religion with 490 followers which are called
buddhists. Buddhism was founded in nepal around 563 B.C.E, buddhists
believe that Siddhartha Gautama found it.
Siddhartha Gautama is known as Buddha. Buddha (Siddhartha
Gautama) was once homeless and found a tree because he wanted
Nevarna is a perfect peace also freedom from suffering. they meditate to
reach Nirvana, Nirvana is when you want to have peace. For Buddhists
karma is really important because if you are good in life, you will have a
good life and if you are bad in life you will have bad stuff happening. A
Popular Japanese Holiday is That buddhists pay homage to Japan and
in this festival you do a mini celebration to the dead in japan. also
buddhists make boats in a stream and transporting the souls from the
A buddha teaches you 8 ways you need to live, the buddhas say that to
live is to suffer because u have self centered desire. Also buddhists say
when you die and you live again until you gain enlightenment. this cycle
goes on and on. the Eightfold path is 8 steps for eliminating, one of them
is the dukkha: (suffering if u follow a path u can bring an end to his/her
own karma and be released from continuos rebirth)

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