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1.- Choose the correct answer.



What two states are the guys from?

New York and Oregon
California and New York
Texas and California
Texas and New York
What year are the two students in?
Both are freshman
One is a freshman and the other is a sophomore
One is a sophomore and the other is a junior
Both are senior

2.- Write true or false

a) Bill thinks that Austin school is better.
b) Bill wanted studying in Stanford.


3.- listen to the conversation and put the names Bill B or Mark M
according to the phrase that tells everyone.
a) "I'm not complaining. I just know that I wanted to come to
b) I wanted to experience different things.
c) I made it on the waiting list, but ninety nine percent.
4.- Answer te following questions.
what thinks Mark about Austin school?
what wants to specialize Mark on?
5.-listen to the speakers and complete the following phrases
I was thinking about ..political science, but now I'm leaning towards
English literature
I have to pick up the syllabus for my .psychology. class
I just know that I wanted to come to ..California

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