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Language Arts 8-3

Febuary 1, 2016
Tom, The Dynamic Character
Most Teenagers have changes in their life. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark
Twain, Tom goes through changes that most people go through. Tom Sawyer is a dynamic
Character because he was Immature, caring for others, and truthfulness.
Tom Sawyer is a very immature child. Tom Shows this because he lies about
whitewashing the fence. He tells people that is an honor to whitewash a fence. The people who
do it, give Tom stuff, then they do his chores. He lied in order to get what he wanted. Tom also
lied again when he went to Sunday school. He wanted to be honored and get his own bible. In
order to do this, he gave away the stuff he got from the whitewashing lie he did earlier, and got
tickets instead. As he got the bible, the Judge gave him a question and Tom replied, DAVID
AND GOLIETH (50). This shows immaturity and how Tom lied to get the bible.
Later, Tom starts to mature a little bit and he gets into a relationship with Becky. When
Tom and Becky have a picnic, they go out to the cave. Tom and Becky go far into the cave and
they realized that they were lost. Tom show maturity when they cant find their way out and he
tries everything he can to get her out. He lit candles that they had to see. They ended up finding
kite string and the kite string lead to Injun Joe. When he sees this he gets scared, and he goes
deeper into the cave to hide. Then he sees light and then they get out.

Lastly, Tom Sawyer becomes a mature teenager and he decides that he can tell the truth.
When he decides to tell people that Injun Joe was planning to hurt the Widow Douglas. He tells
people about it not to stop Injun Joe, but to save others and he also saved Becky and Huck and
put himself in danger. Once Injun Joe is caught, Tom is being considered a Hero for the Town.
Even though he lied to everyone, he still saved peoples lives. In the Court house and when Tom
was brought to the stand, he told people that Injun Joe did it and he saved Muff Potter from being
Even though Tom changes, he doesnt change as a person. Throughout those changes, he
keeps changing, but he is changing these changes by making changes to these changes. When
Tom and Huck were talking about the treasure and what they were going to do with it, Tom
exclaims, Save It (223). This also shows maturity because the old tom would probably by
some random junk and find something to do with it, and the new Tom says he will save it. Tom is
a very dynamic character in this book because he matured, got in relationships and he is selfless.

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