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Lizbeth Castillo

2 March 2016
My experience with clay was interesting, and challenging. Working with clay was not what I
expected, it was hard to roll out the clay and cut it the same length. The hardest part in making the box
was getting it fit together perfectly when you glued it. Also the clay got everywhere when i started
working with it, on my shirt, my jeans, etc.. It was pretty fun I have to admit, this was my first time
working with clay and it was something very new to me. It was pretty hard to make the design without
messing up and wanting to start over x100 times. There were very few tools so we had to share which was
not my favorite part because you had to wait forever to get the tool you needed. I loved how easy the clay
was to work with, it was very moist and soft which helped a lot. I would love to work with clay again in
the future.I incorporated the Principles of Design into my work by using repetition in my design. I
repeated my quote onto both sides of my box. to make it mix well into my box so it doesnt look weird. I
also used unity/harmony so my box could give a sense of completeness once it is finished. This will help
my box look finished and completed.

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