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The effect of play times on children’s behavior in the classroom. By partelpating inthis suvey you ae helping me conduct 2 research study on whether or not the new common core standards are shortening unstructuted play times during the school day, and how these changes are affecting the chidreis| behavior inside the classroom. Please answer the questions honestly all nformation willbe kept confidential. Thank you for your time andhanesty during the survey process. 1. What is the highest degree of education you have completed? 2. How long have you been a teacher? 3. What grade level do you work with? 4, How long have you worked in this setting? 5. How many children do you have in your classroom? 6. Of these children, how many are male? 7. Of the children in your classroom, how many are female? 8. What is the age range of the children in your classroom? 9. What specific time(s) are indoor free play periods scheduled? Please inchide:Moming tmes,aftemcon timas, and any thertmes that you feel apply Please format these answers inthe ‘olowing format: Star End 10. Do you feel there is a difference in the length of free indoor play times during the school day in the last three years? Yes 11. What specific time(s) are outdoor free play periods (recess) scheduled. Please include: Moming tmes,afteriontimes, and any other times that you fel apply Please format these answers inthe ollowing fommet Star end 12. Do you feel there is a difference in the length of free outdoor play (recess) times during the school day in the last three years? Yes Unsure 13. Have you noticed a difference in children's behavior during the school day due to a lack of free play? Yes No Unsure 14. If you have noticed changes in the children’s behavior due to the lack of free play in the classroom, what types of behavior changes have you observed in children? (Ex: Increased aggression, increased fidgeting, lack of attention during lessons.) 15. Do you believe there is a correlation between shortened free play time and children’s behavior, if so, why? 16. If you are noticing a change in children’s behavior due to shortened unstructured play times, do you believe it is connected to the increase in academic focus with the common core standards? Yee No. 17. If you answered yes to the previous question, do you believe that there is a way to adjust the daily schedule to accommodate unstructured play times into the daily schedule? In what ways would you make such changes to include more free play time? 18. Have you noticed an increased number of children receiving supplemental education services since the implementation of the new standard? 19. Do you believe that the children receiving supplemental services in the classroom are receiving adequate unstructured play time during the school day? 20. If you could recommend changes to the structure of the new common core standards to benefit all children in your classroom, what would you recommend? Thank you for time and honesty during this survey process. All information will be kept confidential. cover 8

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