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Hannah Casagrande

English 2010
Matt Stockett


English 2010 has been one of the most challenging, as well as rewarding courses
that I have taken throughout my time at Salt Lake Community College. This course has
helped me refine my writing and form it into one of my most coveted skills. I have a deep
passion for issues that the youth in our country face. Social issues that affect me, and
people like me are the most important, so I was extremely excited about this course when
the topics allowed me to focus on such issues. Gaining knowledge is the easy part. My
biggest challenge was being able to portray my opinion in an educated, factual, and
emotionally persuasive manner that would allow me to get other people to be as
passionate about these topics as I am. This course has allowed me to learn the mechanics
of composing an essay so well that I almost feel like a well oiled machine. Being able to
consistently refine my skills in public writing, rhetoric and composition, and writing from
sources is something that I will continue to use in my life.
In my first assignment listed below, I used the writing technique called a position
argument. This format was most successful when it came to portraying my opinions on
the issue at hand. Position arguments allow the author to deliver logical, emotional, and
ethical appeals to help an audience understand the point of view. The use of experience in

this argument gave me the opportunity to discuss my concerns towards the treatment of
depression by providing an emotional and personal perspective to the situation.
In the second assignment provided, I chose to write my paper as a memoir. While
I had many challenges writing this paper, I found it to be my most rewarding assignment.
The memoir format helped me portray an anecdote in the most appropriate way. This
writing style allowed me to reach out to the audience by providing visual imagery
through descriptive aromas, tastes, texture, and sounds.

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