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One day, Dilly Duck waddled about sadly.

I am sad.
I am sad.
Where is my doughnut?

Dotty dog heard him.

Please dont be sad.
Please dont be sad.
Lets look for your

They looked in a pit.

They looked in a tin.
There was only a pin.

I am sad.
I am sad.
Where is my doughnut?

Iggy Iguana heard him.

He was in his pit.

Please dont be sad.

Please dont be sad.
I found a doughnut in this tin.

Iggy Iguana found the

He ate the doughnut.

Iggy Iguana returned the

doughnut to Dilly Duck.
They ate the doughnut

What have you learned

from this story?

If you take your friends

belonging you must return it
and ask for forgiveness.

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