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Date: 12th of January 2015

Grade: 6th
No. of students: 30
Time: 50 minutes
Lesson title: The Life of a Football Player
Skills involved: reading , speaking, writing
By the end of the lessons the students will be able to :
1. to read for general understading ;
2. to use irregular forms of the verbs in the past;
3. to write a composition using certain words;
4. to write the main ideas of a text;
Materials: textbook, worksheets
Stages of the lesson activities:
How was the winter holiday?
Time: 5 minutes
Activity 1: Pre-reading exercises
Aim: -to introduce the students in the topic of the text;
Interaction: T-Sts; Sts- T
Time: 8 minutes
Procedure: The teacher writes the title of the lesson on the white board. The teacher does a
brainstorming about sports with the students.
Activity 2: Reading activity
Aim: to give students practice in reading for general understanding;
Interaction: Sts-T; T-Sts
Time: 10
Procedure: The students are asked to scan the text briefly. The teacher reads the text to the
students once. The text will be read a few time so that more students get the chance to
participate. The students will be asked to solve the 2nd exercise-to match the type of sport
with some famous names.
Activity 3: Extracting the main ideas
Aim: -to make students focus on whats more important in a text;
Interaction: pair work
Time: 9min

Procedure: The teacher will discuss the text in detail and will explain the unknown words.
The teacher will ask questions and she will talk to the students in order to make them aware
of the whole meaning of the text. Then, the students will be left to work in pairs and extract
5 main ideas of the text formulated with their own words.

Activity 4: Grammar
Aim: - to practice irregular forms of the verbs;
Interaction: Sts- T
Time: 8 minutes
Procedure: Students are given some worksheets where they have to fill in the gaps the
correct forms of the verbs. Then, they have to describe how was their day yesterday using 5
irregular verbs.
Activity 5: Writing short compositions
Aim: -to make students use words in full sentences; improve coherence.
Interaction: Sts-T
Time: 10 min
Procedure: Students are given a few words football, ball, knee, World Cup,
career, hobby, football pitch. They have a few minutes to create 100-word
composition using these words. Some of the students will read their compositions.

Homework: Students will have to do a poster about their hobby

Assessment: direct observation, extra points for the most active ones.

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