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Adityah?dayam (Sanskrit: ????????????, Sanskrit pronunciation: [a?d??t?j?h?d??j?

m]), is a devotional hymn associated with Aditya or the mobile Sun God (Surya) a
nd was recited by the sage Agastya to Rama on the battlefield before fighting th
e demon king Ravana. This historic hymn starts at the beginning of the duel betw
een Rama and Ravana. Agastya teaches Rama, who is fatigued after the long battle
with various warriors of Lanka, the procedure of worshiping the Sun God for str
ength to defeat the enemy. These verses belong to Yuddha Kanda (Book 6) Canto 10
7, in the Ramayana as composed by Agastya and compiled by Valmiki.[1][2]

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