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Mental Health and Mental Illness His fist action was the removal rental potent He emphasized the eat ny ato nanan Bigs rer ha sous animals. His human Side sbly inftunced the careand teatment of mentally distubed people throughout the lized w jement See nen tke United States with the effort of oy a schoo teacher of Masachusets s of the hed a forty your er Having achieved success i h ord W. Beers published his autobiography. ‘exposed existing evils. The book was widely ted ly ashe suggested waye in which these onditions could be corrected. Today the work ofthe ye mover cen up in different parts ofthe wor ion of Mental Health and the World Health Organization. Mental Health and Mental lines 143 —.———amittatiand Mental iiness 143 Mental health and ments closely related to one an behavior as part of a continuum or scale. M definite healthy behavio at the other end of le of the scale or approximately halfway between the two ends as shown below. Mental Bordering Menta! nT Heath Behavior less Grinealthy behavior cartbe identified when it becomes extreme {or prolonged periods of time and prevent adjustment in socie tude is a healt @ by physical damage to the ‘Drain, eg. diseases of the brain, senility and injury 2. Substance use disorders caused by dependency upon drugs and Substances such a5 alcohol and tobacco. Paychotic disorders are most severe and require hospil ts lose touch with reality and are unable to « ‘houghtand Behavior. Examples are schizophrenia and pai disorders 4. Affective disorders are those involving abnormal moods and tions such as euphoria, agitation, depression and hyper- ty. Affect means emotions or strong feelings. Anxiety disorders, involving chronic and extreme fears which be explained, e.g. Phobias. tsorders (Psychosomatic) show physical symptoms there is no cause,f@g] blindness or pain due to Psychological factors. 144. Psychology for Graduate Nurses indivi hemselves from dsonders When individual separates them ‘ire personalities to AVOM sires and responsibil, smn tiple personality. enon dsm re when indvidals develop abnormal suspicious of others, extremely self-centred, compulsive, aggressive and ith—Its Meaning and Nature dualisnot only physically healthy but also mentally modern concep of health extends beyond the proper d icient mind an: mcl of the body. It includes a cl aeration Health is’ state ‘of being hale, sound or whol {nbody and mind. It means that both body and mind are working jonioush mportantagpectof one’s total health status .or that contributes to the maintenance of physical tly tisaffected ‘adjustment’ needs some explanatio SHG relationship between himself and_his emotional ved. adj ae conflicts and tensions have been resolved and re Mental Health and Mental liness 145 Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy individual discussion, we can deduce certain characteristics healthy individual or a well-adjusted person possesses or develops in his daily life. These characteristics can Serve as eriteria for optimum mental health 1. A welladjusted person has some awareness of his motives, slesites. ambition and feelings, He knows himself and accupis his strength and weakness gracefully. He chooses a task of moderate difficulty to achieve. 2. He has a high degree of self-esteem and confidence, Unlike @ maladjusted person, he feels adequate and equal in facing the challenges and responsibilities of daily life. ling to assume responsibilities appropriate pales with pleasure in experiences belonging ve age level. 4. He atlacks problems that require solutions, Make decisions \with@ minimum of worry, conflictand advice seeking. Abides by the choice he makes until convinced itis a wrong choice life is an endless struggle. before action and not as a device for delaying” oF escaping. actions. 6. He learns from defeats instead of finding excuses for them, can endure pain and emotional frustration when necessary; can compromise when encounters difficulties. Can concen. trate RIS energy on a_goal considered important for him. 7. He « 0 tion harmful to his best interest; in kind and 's he is mentally healthy, he will express his emotions in a desirable and controjled_manner. 10. He has the capacity to socially adjust with others and get long with them in different situations. 11 His intellectual_powers are well-developed. He thinks independently and takes appropriate decisions as and when required. 12. He lives in a world of reality and not in a world of fantasy. ‘He does not run away from harsh realities of life. 146 Psychology for Graduate Nurses 148 _ Psychology (0 ee ——_—____—_———_ ng failures in his life. He learns He has the courage for faci . een his mistakes and improves in his functioning 14. He conforms to the norms of his an He hisproblae appropriately and sodocsnotsufe from anxiety, frustration or conflicts. 8 not suffer 16. He is always punctual for his duties and does from fongetines. 17, He is self-confident and optimistic. idequate sex adjustment and does not suffer from ex abnor = 19, He is welladjusted and with his profe ind recreation. 20. He leads a balanced life of work, rest and rea Foundations of Mental Health Basic factor’: ¢. Community Satisfaction of basic needs in childhood. HEREDITY (tr corr etontie ofthe nd i gives the raw material or the i , resets the its for his ment eal Ws eee is the potentialities in relation to g) ara and health. The developm v arc dtrmined nny te environmental opportunites Her dity may also predispose a person for some mental Physical Factors Pe ‘sical health factors make a: ‘People with greater siten - 2 idvantage i tof personality characteristics) He advantage in ind be happy. Physical health ae vol vtty motivation and drive Continued hunget, hee saees Savaffecing mental he overwork orsleeplessn slit tamin deficiencies also can cause many personality disorders Mental Health and Mental liness 147 ——$—_ aan and Mental tines 147 ialis born into a society w! 8 which affect mental health, among them the most wre the home, school and community: ‘roken homesortinstablehomes whereparentsareinconstant Conflict produce children usually with adjustment problems, There should besympathetic understanding fromboththe parents ents should have interest in their children achievementsand sympathy fortheir problems) Discipline Patience, affection, understanding and reasoning, Childs as aperson and is given freedom to develop. His early mistakes are ‘ecognized as part of ‘giowing up’. Children will have respect for parents, respect based on love and not on fear. (BahooM Parents and teachers should note the individual dite. influences his behavior, ences of children and respect Of the child should be properly looke for exercise. A good school provides We communi) ‘The community provides the framework and d hin Which each fa ‘munity should provide: wy atmosphere anda well-organized network Of public utility services of high standard, Satisfaction of Basic Needs Mental health is also determined by the way our basic needs are satisfied especially in our childhood. These needs include besides hhysiological needs, safety and security needs, belongingness and Jove and exteem needs. Thus the home and school should provide satisfaction for these needs—the need for security through love and affection of the parents, the need for recognition as a person of worth and importance, the need to grow independently, the of worth and importance, ep y, need to play and theneed to belong toa group: ‘This will be another Positive factor in the development of sound mental health. 148 Psychology for Graduate Nurses 48 Psycho eeEeEeg}$ Role of Nurses in Psychotherapy ‘The main responsibility of the nurse is to instill confidence in the tient and to make him like the company of others. The hesitant, hy patient should be encouraged by the nurse to mix with people. Her feelings expressed or unexpressed towards her patients are for any psychotherapeutic attempt. y Nurse-Patient Relationship tis important to focus upon the person with respect and concem rather than upon behavior alone. Most patients will need extra time and special attention, acceptance of their behavior without criticism or punishm« ‘cere praise and encouragement, protection from self injury or injury to others and an environment which will ease their most-disruptive behavior. Promoting Mental Health ‘As a nurse, your responsibilities are four folds: 1. You should live in a life style which would promote your own. mnalfeelings like homesickness, fear or anger. a is healthier to recognize them and find ways of releasing fensions they cause. uo your weaknesses Know your fears, what upsets you yr hurls you under stress and protect yourself from these mns. Avoid people or situations which upset you. If P 2 ,, work outa way of dealing, d. Share yourself with other people. fe. Get help when you necd. £. Follow the suggestions already given in this book for emotion fT reduction in your behavior in yourself and others, Mental Health and Mental lines 149 4nd positive attitudes towa sitive attitudes towards mental heal Fiecomnly Kisyouauy wloow nora ee mental health. Your role as a professional nurce nal relation- an be used in a very positive way in your perso Health-for-all by AD 2025 On 12th September, 1978, prose 8 et, 1978, at-Alma-Ata in Kava of 13 nations agreed othe terms of asclemn decent aie gn! ston by all governent, ll Rell an and the world community to pro nord community to projet ard promote health iplementation of prim ation of primary health care as llby AD2000”, major health gins have ben alle ‘Proughout the world. Life expectancy hasinereasedindnt ota ates decreased andl acces fo health services has also se ns, the world faces significant political, economic, | social an aici x demographic challenges a wel the inter ai «interregional meeting held in Geneva from 26th to 30th countries and these together counties changes in other Spee wilafet fate health tats. In consultative document consid e ee eneva meet (lable 14.1) major depres on Frc bp at nate eisease ofthe developing counires ‘Table 14.1: The top five cause isbilty in developing counts 1uS08 of burden of asatilty in dovelo oping count i a ‘Rank Percentage of burden in Major depression Road traffic accidents Tichemic hear disease Chronic obstructive Pulona Gerebrovascular

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