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Battle report,

Major Ceallagh, 8th Cadian, 13th Armoured Infantry

Yesterday the new recruits and tank engineers have arrived. 13th Armoured Infantry is back at 95%
of its strength. We still need extra supplies but we seem to manage with for the moment. 4 weeks
have passed since we took over the Ork base, the Ork boss Butthurt had to retreat to the north and
since then we never saw them again. We hear rumors of a massive ork counter attack. Many scouts
have been sent out, but none of them has returned. We are now preparing our defenses as good as
we can, the Ork base was in a pretty bad shape. Good thing we got lots of help for the 87th Engineer
Regiment under command of the legendary LT.Colonel Ollscartaire. Hope the Ork's attack us fast
because the men getting are restless from not fighting.

Maj Ceallagh
Major Ceallagh, 8th Cadian, 13th Armoured Infantry
***Mess with the best, die like the rest.***

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