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Rationale Reflection

Artifacts: Impact on Student Learning Project, Interdisciplinary Unit

Topic/Title: Functions of grammar, Conservation
Medium: Microsoft Word
Technology Used: Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Internet research,
I chose my Impact on Student Learning Project (ISLP) and my
Interdisciplinary Unit to demonstrate my competency in the area of
Standard Three: Middle Grades Curriculum, Instruction, and
Assessment. With both of these projects, I was required to work both
independently and collaboratively with my peers to create lesson plans
and activities that best supported young adolescent learning.
I chose my ISLP because this required me to create a five-day
lesson sequence to teaching my middle grade students on the
functions and importance of grammar. I completed this lesson during
my five-week apprenticeship in an eighth grade language arts
classroom. For this project I created a unit that included lesson plans,
summative assessments, formative assessments and an analysis of
student work. During this unit, I used student data to determine
student growth and how effective my instruction was.
I worked with two of my peers to complete our Interdisciplinary
Unit on conservation. This unit would require students to learn about
conservation in all four of their core content classes: Science, Social
Studies, Language Arts and Math. Working collaboratively with two of
my peers with different subject backgrounds, allowed me to complete
a unit that allowed students to learn extremely well rounded. Students

will be learning in ways that are extremely relative to the world around
them in all subjects so they are able to find a place for this information
in their day-to-day lives.
These two projects demonstrate my ability to understand and
apply relevant middle grades concepts and instruction in my lesson
plans. During these projects, I was able to demonstrate my ability to
use effective assessment strategies that are not only developmentally
responsive, but also age appropriate for all middle level students.
Creating projects that are cross-curricular to ensure that students
receive developmentally responsive and relevant instruction material
as possible. The knowledge from these two assignments allowed me
to demonstrate my proficiency in Standard Three and reflect on my

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