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Poetry Series

Jaishree Nair
- poems -

Publication Date:

Publisher: - The World's Poetry Archive

Jaishree Nair()
Iam a teacher. The HOD of the English department of KMM senior secondary
school.malappuram dist.Kerala.I handle English for the senior secondary. I love
my job.I have penned articles for various magazines. I love writing poems.I am
thinking of publishing s book in the near future.Basically I am simple; and a very
down to earth person.I am highly sentimental and this had sometimes created
many problems in my life. I give priority to relationships and I think life is to
enjoy not brood over the past or worry about the future. Live in the present is
my motto. Brought up in Bangalore; I'm now settled in Kerala. I feel a teacher's
job is the best in the world.The spark of enlightenment ignited when you impart
knowledge is thrilling beyond words. - The World's Poetry Archive

A Bitter Drop
Happy I had been...
Within my limited space..
Locking my heart.
with memories treasured..! !
Unlocking my door...
she entered uninvited..
To give a name to the bond...
I groped for words..! ! !
A bond of love....
More thicker than blood..
Humbled my mind...
Counted my blessings....! !
It caught the evil eye...
The dust in someone's eye..
Shattering my world
into fragments of pain...
The hurt behind my silence
No one could understand..
In peril my link with other beads in the chain
very close to my heart....

Too scared to open

the tenderness of the wound raw...
Too scared to let out
the virus of my ailments locked within..!
Another nail to hammer
to the coffin of my desires...
Time -the miracle healer will lend a helping hand
But the scar will always remain..!
My faltering steps now made strong
by life's bitter drops
To move forward with renewed vigour - The World's Poetry Archive

the sensible side in me advised..!

Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive

A Chapter Closed.......! ! !
The slow poison of fireless smoke...
Spreading to a few souls....
The open- hearted smiles now..
just an artificial adornment pasted..
The warmth turning cold..
to weaken the fragile thread of bond...
Like chameleon they camouflage..
to merge into the colour of their own reaches...!
Forgetting the ache that gnaw
their once loved ones raw...
The bitter taste of the spoiled broth...
echoing the hollowness of the bond...
A rotten apple to spoil the lot
To throw it away her heart could not..
To stop the tongue wagging
Her love could not....
It bred on hearts favoured...
Tarnishing the glow of unity...
The fragrance of togetherness submerged
in the stench putrid...
Affection is greater than perfection...
Not to be brushed aside for a few faults...
To walk away washing hands
with never a backward glance...!
Their role over in her life..
Free now to tune to a new rhythm...
As the life never ends with them...
Just a time to close the chapter...!
This thought a motivation
to roll the carpet of sorrows
and bury it deep among other debris
To be forgotten with time..! - The World's Poetry Archive

Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive

A Day When Everything Went Wrong

Got up
On the wrong side of the bed;
Feeling of foreboding;
Trifle uncomfortable;
Shrugged aside nonchalantly.
Started my routine;
Dropped a glass
Had to clean the mess!
Missed the bus;
Caught an auto;
Reached half an hour late!
Explanation given;
Started my job,
Spilled ink on the register;
Again explanationAnd correction! !
Forgot my ID card;
A black mark given!
Nagging feeling of wrong side
Crept up again and again!
Waved away the thought.
Had to reach home early,
Ran down the stairs,
Slipped and landed with a thud.
Took me to the hospital
Hair line fractureX-ray revealed.
Reached home in time;
For the partyBut alas! ! could not party! !
So; I pledged myselfNever to get up on the wrong side of the bed;
Come what may! ! ! - The World's Poetry Archive

Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive

A Deep Pain.
A prick somewhere...
Wounding and flushing out..
Tears of blood flooding
and drowning the bliss of friendship.
Proud I had been of my
work space relations
Never realised deeds of nonchalant
uncaring attitude could be so hurting.
Flaunting their powers they were
Unbending and hard hearted..
A subtle change in their attitude..
Like a chameleon changing
to adapt to situations
They could not understand
the pain behind my smile
The reason behind my silence
Trifle though it may seem,
Heart heavy and ailing,
searching for a place
to place my burden
too heavy to carry in my frail body.
Searching...... Searching.......and Searching!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive

A Delightful Surprise
An Angel in green floated to my heart.
With a sunny smile smart..
A surprise visit to celebrate my day
My birth glorified this day...
Many to accompany her beside
my students near, to my surprise.
A warmth of love breezing joyful
A welcome sight delightful....
Oh! The moment stamped in my mind,
Never ever to be left behind,
Just to recall and relish
Enough a life time to cherish..
The sweetness more sweeter than the cake,
Each child a blossom presented
plucked from the garden of soul,
To savour the nectar of the moment
Adds an year to life span potent!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive

A Home
A Paradise for the lucky ones!
A shelter of love;
Watered with care...
Plastered with trust
Cemented with faith.
Sharing and caring self imposed!
A bond of blood....
Thicker than water
Unwaveringly and unswayingly
United in ups and downs.

be ourselves without inhibitions

cuddle under the blanket in the cold
wake up to the faces of the loved ones
be a child when it pleases
be an adult when required

Pleasure to sacrifice for love

Joys and sorrows shared...
A family to call your own
Through the journey of life

Sunny smiles to make the day

Good night kisses to comfort sleep
Compromises and adjustmentsA seesaw to balance
This varied comfort zone of all species......!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A Moment Too Soon

I can see him coming,
the dark horror of doom,
No way to escape
The ultimate end of all life...
But wait.... How can I leave my family?
I have a lot to do..!
I need to tell my wife
how much I love her...
There she is...busy as always
How pale she looks...
New lines on her face...
Unnoticed by me....
My son in his teens,
My presence essential
to guide him if perplexed
on the cross roads of life...
Struggling to live
with the noose around the neck
Wishing for this moment many a time
But now a desire to live..
Just a moment too soon..
Too soon to drop the curtain on my drama of life...
Lot left unsaid
Lot left to do...
Time the enemy now,
Like a merciless killer,
No pleas can move him,
Just ticks by dutifully...!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A New Life Begins

Today is the great day,
The beginning of another life;
The rhythm of music waltzing in her heart,
A smile unknowingly played on her lips.
Humming a tune she breezed through
enjoying the hustle bustle of the day
She tried to smoothen her locks
raring to burst out of it's tight clasp.
A thumping loud! from her heart?
She stopped - suffocated?
An anticipatory beat-she mused
Ticking a count down for the Moment.
She paused in front of the mirror;
The depth of passion for the unknown thrill
reflected back from the eyes in front.
A tremor of anticipation shook her.
To bathe in the river of emotions
To experience the touch of ecstasy
like a bud eager to bloom in full under
the caressing touch of wind gentle.
The murmur of Cupid's secret ringing in her ears;
Body tingling with the fragrance of perfumed lather
Cheeks glowing reflecting the colour of inner excitement!
Her lips flaming red ignited by the fire within.
to match her exclusive designer wear.
Her eyes half closed to drown in the flow
of bubbling mystic of a maiden's dreams
painting her desires with exotic colours.....
Willing to be united in love and bond of holy matrimony
She heard laughter outside
Entered her friends teasing to adorn her
To make her more irresistible than Aphrodite's girdle; - The World's Poetry Archive


to take the breath away of many

but above all to enchant her prince charming.
She sat silent, shyness concealing
the conflicts of emotions inside....
Waiting for the ring to seal her fate
For the better - she hoped- prayed
A new life beginning..............!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A Painful Day
Standing on the corridor
in front of my class in charge...
I saw him on his bike
outside the gate huge!
Waving to his friends old;
brought a smile to my lips;
had been a student here...
now had joined another!
Lively like a squirrel he is;
rhythm of music in his blood;
fashion is life to him;
A friend to his friends he is!
Evening brought the news-shocking!
his bike had betrayed him...
right under a bus he went
A sight horrible-they said!
Critical he was.....
Face fractured and swollen.....
Infection in brain-doctors diagnosed
A day needed to decide whether safe! !
A terrible day it was
to the institution previous....
offering and prayers united
came from young and old.
With the sun came the news;
He was past danger-they said;
but needed treatment continuous
and operations multiple!
A sigh of relief came from many throats....
thanked Almighty for
bestowing mercy utmost
in letting him live his life throughout...! - The World's Poetry Archive


Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A Pleasant Sight
I can see the children around...
Playing ball in the ground..
Laughing, sprinting, jostling...
The future champions promising..!
I can see the watchman
diligent in duty assigned,
Opening the register to pen
evidences of entries and exits....
I can see the gardener
tending to his pride,
Swaying and nodding
to his whisperings of endearments...!
I can see the peon hurrying forth...
to sound the bell..
a sign to shift over to the next
spell of schedule.
I can see the sun showering
its golden hue of radiance..
on these learners to help them..
in placing the pieces of the jigsaw
of life's puzzles in the right places..!
What a picture....! what a sight....!
Proud to be part of this
mission to generate a generation
endowed with values of knowledge
to spread their angel wings..
to soar ahead with confidence....!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A Soldier
The mother torn in cruel fate cursing destiny
Her bleeding womb staining motherhood..
Her lullabies reduced to barren ashes.....
Scalding tears flowing from her soul....
The grief of a hapless father...
The lump in his throat bursting
with thunderstorms to flood his heart....
The music of life drained away forever.
The wailing of the soul mate....
Heart broken in the jolt unexpected..
Dreams and aspirations crushed ere blossoming....
Nightmares to scare her sleep now..
The innocent tot -a pawn in life's game...
The thorns strewn in her path early.
The bud pierced and pricked......
by fate smeared with the madness of cruelty...
Various roles left incomplete.
As he went to answer that call of duty..
His doom he foresaw....but
his motherland his priority!
His life not his to withhold..
Striding forward to wrestle his homeland
from the clutches of fiends many..
A soldier to the last breath....
A martyr he never feared to be...! !
Their sleepless nights in standing guard
lulls us to sleep with dreams pleasant....
Indebted we are to these martyrs
Forgotten behind the curtain of time...
These heroes........Our pride...! !
A bouquet of love..
plucked from the garden of my soul - The World's Poetry Archive


Ribboned with gratitude

I lay before their feet....! ! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A Tear Drop
Could she have known....
that she would end up
in an empty barn
at the age of ninety....
Solitary with not a shred of clothing,
to cover her skeletal body,
Eyes sunken in deep holes of misery
Bones peeping through skin sheer.
The anguish plain of languishing
homeless, helpless, all alone
Her bosom that had fed eight
now bare; craving for those nurtured lips.....
Her face criss cross with lines
smeared with the forbearance of suffering
A soul withering in smothered
motherly love; bewildered by fate.
Her hands now shrivelled
that had once caressed her young ones.
Her lips now cracked
that once had sung many lullabies.
The authorities found her thus....
A pathetic example of extreme cruelty
She extended a hand beseeching...
Her smile through agony
brought tears to many!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A Trend Disturbing
Perplexed in my mind
to see the future of tomorrow.
Perhaps a scientist, an engineer or a doctor
to bring honour and glory to mankind whole...
Seated together now,
answering a common paper.
with various levels of reasoning...
Faces flashing expressions vivid..
A disturbing trend surfacing,
Lack of seriousness seen
Unspoken gestures seeking answers to the unanswered
The tendency spreading like virus.!
Where did we go wrong...
A question disturbing
Seeking strategies to guide
the strayed ones back on the track
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A Tribute To A Doctor
A witness to a noble deed;
Honouring a great personality
Simple and humble his nature
Holy and noble his mission.
Gifted with the magic touch of healing
The God -send of thousands
Service to humanity his motto;
Wise and skilled with experience
His aversion to flattery-well known
His mercy and kindness- infinite
A blessing to the ailing sorrowful

His mesmeric magical touch

Enough to rejuvenate the tormented
Many he prised away from doom
To live their lives to the full.
Gratitude surging and bubbling forth
No words to express
such selfless dedication and service

Just my heart on a platter

I lay at his feet
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A White Coat
I am white;
Symbol of purity and peace bright.
The coat honoured
Of a saviour of life on earth.
Each day a dread for me;
Visualizing how the day would be
How many lives today lost
In the tug of war between life and death.

My colour changes towards dusk;

I have to be cleansed and sanitised often.
A helpless bystander to sights horrible
The groans of the wounded gullible.
The laments of the family deceasedGrotesque bodies of accidents;
Victims of mishaps
Children prey to torturings,
No honour nor tribute;
No credit of awards;
Instincts they depend upon;
Miracles they believe in!
A life dedicated to mankind-these medical geniuses.
My owner without peace;
So involved in the battle;
Forgets that he is also a humanIn need of survival essentials.
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A Wish...
A wish to switch roles...
Just to show you the ecstasy of waltzing in romantic fever...
To show you the serenity of silence while the heart speaks volumes...!
To show you how a gentle touch could wipe away the wrinkles of worries...
To show you how to savour the sweet taste of forgiveness...
To show you how to strengthen the bond by sharing and caring...
To show you how to glorify the celebrated moments with Cupid's charm...
To show you how to sprinkle the magic of ecstasy on the foamy flakes of the
ocean of dreams....
To show you how to tune in to the rhythm of each other's beats...
To show you the delight of beading every moments to garlands of exotic
To show you how to enjoy the magic of candlelight dinners just by locking
To show you how to be intoxicated by sipping the nectar of Love's bliss...
A wish.......just a wish...
If only wishes come true.....
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A Wreath From Soul

My heart when full,
I rain in my lines
To clear the stale past
and refresh with the present...
The bitter sweet juice of life's drops
have filled my cup to the brim,
Bursting to overflow the sides,
Another drop impossible to add..
They call me hard hearted...
Mistakes my smiles for sneers...
Smirks at my detachment...
Mocks at my confinement...
Little realising the reason for my withdrawal...
My fear of creeping out of my shell,
Too tender my heart to withstand
the slightest of tremors...
Bitter memories etched into my lines
adding a wrinkle, now too many...
Slowly drinking the poison of my cup of fate...
Treading towards my doom every second!
My flowers of soul..
Watered by my tearsWreathing the bitter sweet drops of life
to place over my corpse...!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


She felt herself slipping into the sweet lethargy of eternal oblivion
A full stop to life's turmoils....
Through half closed eyes she saw
her mother wringing her hands in helpless despair,
Maternal womb tormented with agony unbearable!
'Don't cry mother....'she wanted to shout.
My womb ruptured to abort my sperms of ashes volcanic...
Burning in its depth with agony unbearable....
A martyr I had to be to prevent others being scorched..
I saw my other half standing in a cornerin the cubicle.. A statue impassive...
His emotions unpredictable..
that renewed the scars of wounds old...
Painful to live together like strangers under a roof...
More painful even the thought of living separated
An escape to a better world
The weaker side in me insisted
I had given you my never realised...
And to prove it...I knew not how...
Your indifference to my presence
Emptied the life in me..
I am leaving you behind...
My thwarted love I take with me!
I would have given the world to be in your arms.......
my weak heart still overflowing with love....
You are not chained to me any more..
You are free now - free from monogamy and domesticity
Free to fly with new dreams,
free to enjoy life as your heart desires...
My name reduced to dust..! - The World's Poetry Archive


Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


All Is Not Lost

Went out as usual
To the football ground
To burn out extra calories
Health his main concerned worries.
Played with vigour;
Let loose all the fury abhor....
Time to returnChanged in the locker cavern.
Paralyzed with shock!
Missing the mobile locked!
The store - device of datas and contacts...
Chill of shiver with frenzy attacked.
Searched the ground panicking;
Maybe at home angling...
Hope of all hopes foam....
Optimistically distressed searched at home.
Berserk but hope bound..
He went back to the ground..
Place a call to his mobile chanced.
Exhilarated when answered.
A man's voice assuring.
He raced to collect ensuringHis prized possession -His part
Held it close to his heart.
Gratitude overflowing...
Thanked the heavenly messenger going....
Prayers of his near one
He reasoned for the miracle done.
Went home relaxed but exhausted..
Optimized that all is not lost..
There is still humanity reigning..
Few blessed ones sustaining! - The World's Poetry Archive


To salvage the ship of the world..

From drowning in immoral activities,
Goodness, Faith and Love....
To ascertain the future sure.
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


An Uninvited Guest
I opened the door of my room...
and there he was in front of me....
A cockroach......!
Looking for all
as if he owned the place
Perfectly at home....!
He eyed me defiantly..
'Who are you' the question read..
'to intrude into my territory? '
I stood transfixed for a moment..
I had always loathed these 'things'...
The image of a specimen
on my dissection board came to mind..
I shivered in disgust..!
Now there he stood..
Proud and majestic...
Majestic.... my mind screamed.!
Roach and majestic.....?
I advanced slowly..
My purpose clear...
Just a swipe...
Slowly I took the morning daily..
Handy at times like these....
Tiptoed nearer and nearer...
He stood undaunted..
Unflinching...challenging me....
Never batting an eyelid...

A moment of hesitation..
To attack an unarmed....?
Admired his valour...
in the face of an enemy.. - The World's Poetry Archive


Aimed with precision..
There it lay...still... Eyes closed....
I felt a moment of pity...
What was his crime...?
Entering my abode uninvited....?
The judge in me questioned....!
Punishment too severe..
for an innocent prank harmless..
The thought troubling...
To haunt my dreams for a while...!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


An Emptiness
She felt sore...
Lonely and desolate...
The heat unbearable
Had a tiff with her sister
Emotional replay of the verbal conflict
On and on and on.........
Understanding was her sister's nature....
Now why this clear misunderstanding......? ? ? ?
Verbal intelligence the other's weapon
Left her wounded and bleeding
As usual the calls exchanged
But the undercurrent note
Of subtle tone variation
As clear as crystal
Haunted by the feeling
Of hollowness deep inside
When loved ones act
Aloof and detached
She felt her side is justified...
But her sister is right too...
No one is at fault...
Who should make amendments.....? ? ?
Her sister will never feel the hurt
As she is amidst many
But she thought-'Iam the weaker....
Feeling.......; hurting....... lamenting.....'
Relationship is not so fragile;
To be shattered in seconds!
If only one steps forward..........
Until then............This emptiness....! ! ! ! ! - The World's Poetry Archive


Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


And The Saga Continues........

Darkness enveloped my mind;
Not a ray of hope....
No arms to comfort me...
No hands to wipe the tears! !
Oh! for the bliss of mercy
To quench the burning thirst!
Left unfulfilled by the world unwise....
Left alone with a bleeding heart! !
Gone are the days of laughter
Of stars shining bright
Where is the ray of hope.......
The juice of life-love and warmth
The world is not what it had been...
Not a drop of love to be had;
No kind words; No kind deeds;
All sold to pride and prejudice! !
Like a ship wandering in the ocean raging! ! ! !
Not a clue where to anchor;
Oh life where are you taking me........
No destination in sight.
Where to wander..; where to go...
The thorns have bled my feet sore,
The tears have dried my eyes core,
No torch to illuminate the path.....
My mind tormented by ghosts of days bygone
Help me O God! Give me a hand
Raise me from hell; the hell of life
The world fit for animals dread

Show me the path; The path to solace

The haven of peace and serenity.... - The World's Poetry Archive


Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Another Year Ahead

On the threshold of another academic year;
Back to syllabus oriented classes and interactionsTo acknowledge, rectify and build on proficiencies assessed,
To enable the young ones to reachTheir cherished dreams and destinations.
Inborn hidden talents to flush out;
Fragrance of knowledge
to perfume the campus
of butterflies in search of honey pure! !
Young eyes dreamy with visions of future
Its realisation - our mission prior!
The path strewn with thorns -perhaps
Paving the way clear to initiate a climb easy on the academic ladder
A teacher's job too demanding and sacrificing no doubt;
But the pleasure of achievement ImmenseThe innocent faces like open books;
Expecting expectations to be satiated!
Drawing water from the ocean of knowledge;
Like clay eager to be moulded!
Our task strenuousto dive into the ocean deep
to surface with pearls precious....
But careful to be impartial
in illuminating their path towards glory.
A child's smile enough to light up our day
Troubles faded in their naughty pranks....
May God guide us to give them the best we canTo support and lead them Into the enlightened world of wisdom! ! ! ! ! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Burning Candles
Went to visit an old age home;
A sight distressing and heart rending;
The pride of various homes
huddled under one roof.
Helplessness and insecurity writ on their faces
Many emerged from various nook and corner
Like ants disturbed from their anthills
A guest rare they welcomed.
Eyes mirrored the pain
of scars tormented deep;
Essence of fragrance of roses plucked and drained
A mother raining her pain murmured'My only son wanted to renovate my house
I sealed my fate
Signing the house over'
Another broke out -'Nine I have
to call my own
And not one to offer me a gown
Her cheeks with tears did glitter!
Yet another blamed her daughter- in law
'My son innocent and Loving'- she whispered
Another soul whose noble breed oozed
grace and dignity- justified
' Executive jobs demanded their time
They are not to blame'
though expression belied her tone......
An old man in wheelchair...
The breadwinner of a family
Now a piece of littered waste....
Stammered with bottled up emotions....
'To four I have given my name - The World's Poetry Archive


Now none to have me claim'

pain of love and separation
rained in his outburst......
A lone one - a picture of grace sat mum
with downcast eyes of veiled secrets
enough to drown the world in its flood...
Their spring time lost in fighting for their young
Ne'er reckoned their evenings to be
doomed in the darkness of solitude;
Leaden body housing a leaden mind!
Yet ne'er a curse, ne'er a rebuke
Just a deep sigh resigning to fate
Forsaken and forgotten - these poor souls
Who once pillared a home with love and trust!
Left the asylum with a heavy heart
Haunted with words echoing...
Flooded with prayers to open the door of sunshine
to these burning candles.......
To uncover the blanket of darkness
and enjoy starry nights
to cool their burning insides....
To wipe out the bitter todays...
And bring sweet rhythm of love back into their lives
If only the young eyes reflected
the same doom may perhaps await them....
An awakening of awareness......
A plea if only heeded.......
Rationalism lost in materialism? ? ?
Is there no hope for humanity
A question looming - hurting.....troubling....! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


I am a three legged chair placed
in a corner, unwanted, handicapped and
unnoticed in an auditorium
I hail from an ancient teak family, wellknown for our strength and quality.
Carpenter skilled had me carved
into a throne fit for a king.
Sleek and polished I had been; handsome and elegant I had been;
A place of honour in holy ceremonies, wrestle to secure my seat honoured.
Brides bejeweled and pretty, grooms
groomed and handsome, all had temporarily used me; and nobody wanted me
for their own
Watched scenes enacted, eavesdropped
on conspiracies many; betrayal and treachery no less; love and friendship no
Fits of fury; temper tantrums and disputes,
Promised bonds broken; broken promises bonded
Trifles too do not pass me by
Now I am frail and old, pitiful my condition to behold;
time had eaten my entrails, lost my leg in a squabble.
Oh! my tale of woe; is there no one to hear me out,
treatment I need drastically, to regain my glory lost,
Unbearable the pain to suffer; rashes on my body,
joints loose and dislocated; wounds sore and infected.
I have many truths to reveal; a boiling volcano - I am; tormented and neglected.
A silent witness to incidents many.
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Could He Have Known

Could he have known
that the frothy intoxication
bubbling forth behind the blanket of darkness...
was the juice of her life!
Could he have known
that the rush of sensations of needles
injected into his vein
Slurring his words with sedative euphoria...
Was the blood of her life!
Could he have known
That the stakes he eagerly wagered
unmindful of the rational warnings
Were the dreams of her life!
Now her losses
like sharp claws digging into her soul
Freezing her in the coffin of her corpse...
covered with the shroud of peace!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Cruel Fate
Unaware of the tragic news awaiting,
Reached the institution duty bound,
The death of an angel confirmed;
Just a tiny -weeny tot in the third level
Leukaemia at the last stage...
The doctors had diagnosed...
Too frail to withstand the treatment
This bud severed alas.! ! ! !
Before blossoming.
Mind refused to register the loss;
A mixture of emotions surged
Groping for words to console the parents appalled.....
dumping us in gloom dark...
Cursed the fate so cruel....
to take life away ere living
Dreams unachieved and ambitions sealed
Aspirations crushed before blossoming.
A rose withered and fallen in a garden
matters to the gardener most;
Each flower just as precious
as the one next to the other.
May her soul rest in peace
May God help the others to brave the loss
And hope time the best remedial factor
Will play its role in healing the wound sore!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Defining Oneself
Hoping to while away the time.
opened the magic box,
Clicked on a video strange..
'World's ugliest lady'!
Curiosity bubbling forth...
Shocked, horrified, stunned... She gazed
as her face stared back at her...
Various shots of her buffoonery...
Unfolding before her!
Her skinny frame with features grotesque
in the clutches of a disease rare.
Not a drop of fat can her body host!
A cruel joke of fate..?
A prank by an educated..?
She realised with disdain...!
Painful comments followed suit
Each and every word pricked her soul!
Days she stayed in her room,
Withdrawn, tormented, enveloped in complexes...
At last no more tears left...
She sat up and thought...and thought and pondered...
Slowly gaining strength with positive vibes...
A web page she created...
Various thoughts she posted.
Videos, audios, messages...
The undercurrent message of all...
'How to define yourself'...
These key words...clear...precise...
Slowly reached the ears of the masses
They started paying heed to her words
Slowly gaining popularity...
The ugliest became the prettiest - The World's Poetry Archive


Perhaps...this her mission...God's intention!

Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Diamonds Are Forever

She waited anxiously,
Its the time of advent,
the return of her beloved
who had left in a huff.
Just a tiff minor,
but the rift major,
emotionally drained she felt,
completed chores routine.
She longed for that smile,
that mesmerizing lopsided smile.
She sensed her heart suffuse with love
for the one awaited.
She pondered over their relation? ?
Friend, lover, soulmate? ?
Insecure she felt
without a name for their bond.
She yearned dearly
for the symbol of matrimony on her finger,
A proof of their mutual love
to console her conscience right? ?
A bell heard? ?
Her heart thumping a million
rushed and opened the door
smiling a welcome like never before stirred!
There he was on the door step calm
with a bunch of roses red-symbolic,
She ran into his wide-open arms
to be enveloped in a bear hug warm.
He entered and a box gifted
Her eyes with love sparkled
A Diamond ring! ! her eyes reflected the shimmer
Diamonds are forever-she exclaimed! ! ! - The World's Poetry Archive


Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Disgracing Womanhood
A Lady entered a hotel...
on the pretext of severe stomach ache..
The kind hearted manager
handed over the key to a room
She went to the washroom
Returned with a winning smile
Seemingly comforted...
Thanked him profusely.
Later the janitor detected
a blockage in drainage system
The attenders started checking..
Discovered the reason.
Shocked and stunned
Horrified and speechless
to see a still born in the toilet made red.
A heartless beast in disguise? ?
The boon of bringing a new life
to earth - the gift of God
In devil's delighted hands
A deed inhuman
Disgracing womanhood
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Time for the year -ending exams;
Tension; preparation and last minute mug-up crams
Time to sum up the assimilation of efforts,
Projects, assignments and record supports
Time to ponder on the questions expected
Short cut to answers suspected
Doubts clarified and checked
Notes referred and specked.
Accessories and properties all ready,
To pour out the knowledge steady
The quest to seek and retain
Analyse and research plain.
Seeking prayers and blessings of the concerned
Wishing luck to be on them turned
Promotion or detention-a question mark
Same level or next level -a question mark
Time to decide the fate of these practical learners
The future of tomorrow's turners
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Family Is Not Always Blood

An institution in the name of a great saint,
Affiliated to the central board of secondary education,
The origin of many professional geniuses;
Scattered all over the world.
A family of many hundreds;
Bonded and soldered,
Under the scrutiny graciousOf the principal honoured
A man with tight hold on the reins;
Never a compromise on his system precious;
Verbal intelligence his weapon;
Diplomatic in strategies clever.
Quick witted with humor spontaneousA smile contagious to cement the bluntness;
The social builders look up to him;
For solutions to knotty problems.
The teachers burdened immenseShoulders bent with responsibilities;
Respect they are entitled toFor a job holy and sacred.
Not a murmur not a grumble;
Silent in their endeavour;
These builders of geniuses;
From generation to generation.
Smouldering volcano at times;
Cool as glaciers other times;
Frustrated when work loadedCalm when job unloaded.
Bickering and snickering;
Grieviences untold;
Joys and sorrows;
Shared in this joint family - The World's Poetry Archive


In the remoteness!
Single- minded in a common purpose;
Staunch in duties assigned;
Blessed this job entrusted;
Upon these builders of Society!
Dignified and graceful in their stride;
Honour and value in their pride;
A fusion of talents polishedMotivated to accomplish a mission holy......! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Forgive Me
Forgive me dear father
for dropping you into the ocean of tears
Leaving you alone to drown in its outpour
burdened with the silence of the cemetery...
Forgive me dear mama,
for leaving you in eternal grief..
Your womb twitching and bleeding....
Extinguishing your hopes and dreams...
Forgive me my sweetheart,
For deserting you midstream
in our journey of life
promised hand in hand....
Forgive me my baby,
for not being there for you
leaving you insecure and bewildered
in your various stages of life....
But my heart had to answer
that call of duty,
The love of my motherland bubbling forth..
My life laid down without a moment's hesitation
For my very breath...
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Found Missing
I searched for it here and there
I could not find it anywhere
I asked my friends
They shrugged indifferently
I asked the accounts department
They were not interested
I was frustrated and desperate
I had to find it
A matter of identity
I ran helter skelter
Only one intention
I had to find the missing one
I reached the computer lab
Where information was computed
A heated discussion there
Missing found?
Found missing?
Finally I hastened to the office
There in the register
Looking at me gleefully
Was my name in bold letters
With the letter 'H' which had been missing
Now a name whole and complete
The permanence of my identity confirmed
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Gods Own Country

A great day today
to commemorate the birth
of God's Own Country......
The heritage of paradise..
Rich in culture varied.
The origin of intricate and unique art forms..
Its enchanting presentations
immortalized all over the world....
The language a key to open the prison of mind....
The serene and palm fringed beaches
garlanded by the magical fruits...
a delightful spot for tourists...
The serenity and tranquility of the back waters
a haven for troubled minds...
The enchanting woods
an abode for wild life rare.....
A treasure house of priceless resources....
This land -my native land
The majestic undulating hills
crowned by the glory of Sun's rays
A spot for rejuvenating
to the pinkness of health.
The lush green paddy fields
nourished by the monsoons various...
A delightful carpet of golden bran
dancing to the melody of breeze gentle........
Blessed by God's intriguing benevolence....
This an asylum of simple and humble hearted malayalees.....
empowered with wisdom-hence
resource faculties all over the world.....
The simplicity and tranquility
Let's not spoil by broils and disputes - The World's Poetry Archive


A pledge to keep the land close to our heart

To uphold and honour our duty right
This land -my native land
Proud I am to be a part of this retreat
bestowed with natures enchanting legacy!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


He Had Promised His Li'l Ones

Set out to confront the raging torrents.....
With the fishing net rented...
Hoping to make a catch enough..
To feed three empty stomachs back home.
A week of confinement
Heeding the warning local;
The sea rough and raging
Now forced to venture desperate.
He had promised his lil ones..
At least a mouthful of grub;
Young eyes with hunger beseeching....
His two kids and uncomplaining other half.
He stood hesitant for a second;
Cautioned by the huge breakers threatening;
The terrifying deep struck fear...
But then he had promised his lil ones.
Quickly untethered his boat;
Love for his family foremost...
Bracing to face what may....
Deeper and deeper he ventured.
Repeated attempts in vainThe vision of meal a pain
Haunted by the starving faces back home
Reminded he had promised his lil ones.
All energy into the final attempt;
Exhilarated when felt the tug,
Pulled with all his mightBut the telltale fin of the dreaded glimpsed.
Realised the danger lurking,
Let go the second alarmed;
The sea raging crimson....
In the battle between man and the beast. - The World's Poetry Archive


Though tossed and thrown,

He fought to survive;
An excruciating pain shimmered
Felt life ebb away.........
Slowly he slipped into the......
Comforting arms of eternal sleep;
Last thought remained with him.....
He had promised his lil ones........! ! ! ! ! ! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Heavenly Bliss
The thought of you fills my heart with love;
Your footsteps a melody in my breath;
Your touch gives me goosebumps of excitement;
Your gaze makes me miss a heartbeat....

Your lopsided grin makes me do a somersault inside;

Your absence an unbearable agony
keeps me eagerly waiting for your return;
Your words of endearment captured and locked in my heart;
To recall and savour the sweetness when desired..
To hold your hands and travel through the journey of life
an eternal thrill of exhilaration......!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


How Can I Forget....

How can I forget.......
that you are the spring
that colours my emotions to shades of perfect blend.
How can I forget......
that you are the gentle shower
that blossoms the desires of my soul
How can I forget........
that you are the gentle wind
that cools my heated insides when
faced with constraints of life.
How can I forget......
that you are the heavenly drink
that quenches my thirst with Love's divine bliss.
How can I forget.......
that you are the spirit
that kindles my dreams
to unfold its magic carpet
to travel to places unknown.
How can I forget.....
that you are the reason
of the inner glow radiant
reflected in my beauty ageless.
Now on the threshold of another wedded day
These memories are like pearls precious;
reminding us to tune in to the evergreen moments
to revive the sweetness of Cupid's magic.
Never breaking the fragile thread of love
made strong by time's magical bonding...!
With prayers hoping for blessings to continue
the journey hand in hand sharing......caring...! - The World's Poetry Archive


Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


I Would Rather Be......

I would rather be imprisoned by the chain of your thoughts...
than break free to spread my wings to the evergreen world of dreams...!
I would rather be caressing my
worn - out desires
than try to reach out for the starry exuberance of heaven beckoning
I would rather melt like a candle
lighting your life...
than shine like a star illuminating others...!
I would rather face the storms of life along with you
than find peace in the loving words of another soul...!
I would rather be the dust in your eyes, perhaps..
than the apple of someone else's eyes..
I would rather walk with you by my side...
and find happiness in my tears of sorrows..
than attempt to rewrite my destiny for the better..
Knowing that my love for you is too deep to be uprooted come what may...!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


If I Had A Brother
If I had a brother
to wipe my tears dry;
so dejected I would not have feltFor alone I have cried many a time!
If I had a brother
to remember my birthdays;
with token gifts markedA smile those days would bring
For forgotten are they every year!
If I had a brother
to recount his heroic deeds,
I would be an eager listener
and exaggerate it to my friends near!
If I had a brother
to listen to my blabbering;
and tease me gently;
humouring my fantasies
This silence would not kill me slowly!
If I had a brother
to stand by me like a rock;
many would think twice before hurting me
Tormented I would not be in this unkind world!
If I had a brother
to take me to movies
once in a while;
relieved would I be to relax this monotonous time table!
If I had a brother
to pamper my trifles
and build on my dreams;
A string of medals would be my triumphs!
If I had a brother
to extend his hand - The World's Poetry Archive


to lift me up from this state of despair;

All smiles would I be with never a care!
If I had a brother
to wave away my fears
and fight for my rights;
Many things I would not have been deprived of!

If I had a brother
to melt my anger with just a smile
and dampen my smoulderings with words of love;
My mind would have been a haven of peace!
If I had a brother
to give me space to wield my tool;
I would now be bathing in the ocean of emotions!

BUT most of all

If I had a brother
to love me and share my joys and sorrows
A heaven of peace this life would be......
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


If I Had Known That......

If I had known that
Love would give this
excruciating pain of agony
Never would I have loved you...
If I had known that...
Love would cake my cheeks dry with tears profound
Never would I have loved you......
If I had known that.....
Love would sometimes make you wish
the earth to open up and swallow you alive...
Never would I have loved you..
If I had known that.....
Love would sometimes make you
feel that you had never grown up
Never would I have loved you...
Yet if the whole world is on one side and you on the other and I had to choose
My choice would be you; you and only you....
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


If Only.........
Introspective actions
leads to the the opening of rare vistas;
To add colour to our thoughts
to brighten the fiestas.
Righteousness of deeds
of values many
leads to a harmony of inner peace!
It flushes out creativities ennobling..
A final submission of deeds
and actions to the creator of all
to be rewarded with his blessings!

If this the aim of all humansThe earth would be a bower of serenity

where peace reigns supreme!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Job Accomplished
The end of academic work
Promoting and detaining list
Prepared and submitted
The fate sealed of.....
Children of the future
Another batch ready
To leave the campus.....
Another to take its place
A prick every year....
A painful farewell
Wishing them luck to write their morrow
A teacher is always updated....
Wishing the best for the students...
Wherever they are.....Whatever they are
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Just A Thought
Just a thought.....
To drench in the wetness of the silvery droplets
from heaven until my senses tingle with freshness
to tune into a hope for the new...
Just a thought...
To shrug off the staleness clinging
and drink in the purity of the showers
to cleanse my inner being of demonic thoughts...
Just a thought...
To cast away the cacophony of my troubled music
and fill my ears with the heavenly rhythm of peace
soothing my disturbed mind...
Just a thought...
To savour the taste of this immortal drink
again and again, wiping away
the bitter - sour remains of the winter...
Just a thought...
To fill my senses
with hope and faith for a new spring
of rebirth to gently move forward
afresh, renewed with calmness and tranquility..!
Until again the need to cleanse arises...
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Just An Ordinary Class Room

Just an ordinary class room,
the ground floor room,
to the extreme west
of a cbse affiliated nest.
A total of nineteen,
each with varied uniqueness seen;
their hallmark innocence and trust,
mischiefs and silly pranks every days must.
Their world was the class room,
the ordinary class room,
kindness was dissolved in their bones;
respect was in their tones.
Leading them into the world of literature was hell,
but the ultimate transformation was swell,
fiction and classic made no difference to them,
Wordsworth and Shakespeare was beyond comprehension to them
Faithful to the very core,
honest all the more,
pranks they played plenty,
sweet headaches they created many.
Their progress was slow but definite
comprehension intertwined with doubts infinite;
obvious reasoning and intellectual respondscreated everlasting bonds.
They secured a place in our heartsmentors, gurus and counterparts,
a bond of eternity;
more thicker than fraternity!
Pain to watch them leave the hub,
but leave they must to join the club
and make future robust;
and create history foremost. - The World's Poetry Archive


It pricks my heart
to enter the class room smart;
devoid of the nineteenThe senior secondary batch of two thousand fifteen
May god help them to acquirestrength to achieve their hearts desire,
cause in their success lies our triumphand in their failure -our defeat!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Just Simply..
A sperm of a thought...
lifted its head up lazily...
unwilling to wake up from
the lethargy of deep slumber..!
To express in words
I groped in mind...
Struck a blank wall...
Mind emptied of all...!
Tossed and turned..
Sat up and thought...
Thought and walked..
Racked my brain...
Delved into the world of letters...
for a spark of light...
to let flow the words appropriate...
to decorate my tiny speck to clarity.!

A foggy form envisioned...

in answer to my prayers...
The skeleton taking shape...
Words falling into place...!
The clouds slowly parting..
to shower its blessings
with the magical ink
to jot down the lines of my heart...
Simply.....just simply.....!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Justice Triumphed........
A grave day it was,
Decision awaiting final;
Tensed the air enveloping,
At stake - his position.
The torment visible in his eyes;
Torn between love for his family
and his love towards duty.
His family his priority......
Why work in this hell's dread,
his eyes the question said;
reflecting the emotional conflict within
tearing his entrails apart.
His world caved in
when his loved ones were threatened,
the few rebels against
his administrative strategies diplomatic.
Resignation his forced decision,
from post greatly treasured,
A tug of war ensued, tensed and grave
Finally justice prevailed
His place secure and reinstated!
Humans we are
to hold near and dear close,
Why spread this stench of hatred
When fragrance of love is at hand.
The cloud of darkness lifted,
The torch bearer back to illuminate,
the path towards visions great,
the others faithful.....trusting.... Following........
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A year of married bliss,
Lost in a moment of quarreling hiss.
Arrows of words piercing the very soul,
Like Brutus's dagger that bled Caesar whole

err is human,
forgive Godly.
forget is manly,
avenge brazen.

The bond of holy band on her finger,

Brought tears that vision blurred.
Bewildered in a stranger's house,
Wings shingled like a docile mouse.
Oh! To be back in papa's secure arms,
To listen to mum's comforting charms.
To be laughing at brother's prankly trance,
Lovely memories of homely prance.
She waited lonely and frightened,
Waiting for the footsteps shunned.
Will he enter the gate?
Or leave her to her fate?
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Leave It...
If education
doesn't allow you to spread
the seeds of wisdom...
Leave education!
If religion
teaches you to be biased
and nurture intolerance...
Leave religion!
If politics
prevents you from
serving the country for the better...
Leave politics!
The hypocrisy of polishing the outward
When the inside is devoid of the music of love..
A trend disturbing...
Instead let the seeds of love spread its magic
to create a society rich in morality...!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Lost Humanity
Can we call ourselves humans?
Cold blooded clubbing, battering, slaughtering in mid street
Heedless of the blood shed
Intent on butchering fellow -beings for reasons trivial.
Medias highlighting the flash....
Letting loose the built-up temper...
Mindless of the consequences
Loveless, faceless, a curse to society
Excitement of incitement to inflict pain
Disgracing human race...
An animal by name- a dog
Proved to be more human
Rescuing a new born from garbage dumps
abandoned by a so called human
Walking through the streets
Proud and dignified
Holding the infant by the neck
And placing it in an orphanage
With not a scratch on the delicate skin..
Amazed by the deed -indeed,
The rational minds pondered,
An unusual sight - they chorused,
A phenomenon... They agreed....
Rationalism drowned in temper tantrums
Irrationalism surfacing
from the darkness of ignorance
Human elements fast fading
The brotherhood lost in the desert of values...!
The world - a better place to live in
If all minds were emptied of vile thoughts
And filled with the goodness
to sow the seeds of harmony... - The World's Poetry Archive


Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Mother Nature At Its Best

Stood on the balcony one morning;
To feel the cool breeze dawning;
The gentle wind caressing.....
Locks dancing and expressing..
Pure joy exhilarating!
The dew drops on leaves settling;
Like precious gems glistening;
A deep sigh of contentment from soul;
Tranquility spreading on the whole!
The sun hastening to spread it's glow
Hope and strength to let flow;
A lone star lost and hurryingTo join it's friends scurrying.
The faint barking of a dog
Alerting something unusual.....
Chantings from a nearby temple
blanketing a serene seascape.

Newspaper boy on cycle -bells ringing;

The milkman; late perhaps; hurrying
intent to race against time;
The morning picture a sight cooling....
Enraptured and transfixed stood I;
Mindless of seconds ticking by...
Inhaling the fragrance of morning new...
Leaving behind the staleness of day gone...

The faint roar of the breakers renewing

Its declaration of love to its banks fawning;
A steaming cup of coffee in hand;
an added pleasure; welcoming
a pleasant day blooming... - The World's Poetry Archive


Short of time; but still relishing

the taste of freshness lingering;
Mother nature at its best.....
Enveloping all in her warm embrace! ! ! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Moving Forward Step By Step

Moving forward step by step;
The sun of knowledge to guide our step
Stumbling and staggering at times,
Pulling and pushing other times.
Swimming in the river of love,
We aim to achieve our goal somehow.
Rooting out the poison of vile thoughts,
We mean to move forward.
The first step towards the glory of education!
Stars many to illuminate our path,
Prostrating before this holy abode;
drenching in the rain of wisdom;

Basking in the sunshine of friendship;

Bathing in the rays of knowledge poured out
from brains wise and experienced;
Bonding with the magic of nature;
Inhaling the soul of life's blossoms;
Drinking the nectar of God's blessings;
We move forward step by step
Questing..... Seeking........relentlessly.....
The future of tomorrow's hopes! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


My Father
My father -man of few words,
lovable he was for most,
insisted on the best for us
his two little princesses.
Freedom he trusted us with,
values he taught us many,
lavished love on us unconditionally,
his treasures-his two daughters.
Forgiving he was always
forgetting we were always
he sacrificed many great needs;
to grant us very small joys.
He gave us the best,
we gave him the least,
took him for granted
never inquired what he wanted.
we were busy trying to live,
forgot that he too had a life to live,
never sought to peep into his heart
didn't bother to satisfy his lack.
Time flew quickly,
Came the Dreadful day
just fever -slight
Fatal? never thought.
Hospitalized he had to be
pneumonia had taken root
ignored his pleas to be taken home
little guessing that his end was near.
Gesturing, he blessed us dear,
his beseeching eyes followed us near,
that LOOK imprinted in our hearts forever;
we stood there helpless and distraught! - The World's Poetry Archive


The ultimate truth of all

DEATH -prised him away from us
The battle was tough
but in the end death won.
All we can do now
Lament and repent
for time not spent with him
when he was hale and hearty
OH! My Father! dear father,
hope your soul is at peace now
in a place where only serenity prevails.
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


My Mother
You brought me into this world,
To describe you not a word..
A bond so divine and blessed,
A gift from God to mankind.
You made me what I amA shadow behind my every step
Intervening when needed;
Detaching when superfluous.
A heaven of solace your arms,
Your soothing words comforted me many a time;
Your patience in bearing with my childhood tantrums...
Retold by my elders in the family

off to you -my mother

place in a pedestal in my heart
grief in my sorrow;
joy in my happiness

My smallest wish -your greatest objective

You led me into the light of knowledge;
You gifted me with a sister as my soulmate
You have never ever let me down.
My gratitude overflowing.....
Proud to have you as my mother
Never would have liked any other...
Most of all Thank You for just being there
Never anything lacking;
So long as you are backing;
You presence itself so gratifying;
Blessed the feeling satisfying.
This day dedicated to all mothers......
My life at your feet! ! ! ! ! ! ! - The World's Poetry Archive


Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


My Reason To Live
You are the breath of my life
with fragrance that fills my heart
with the fuel to journey
through the labyrinth of life...
Your shadow behind my every step
fills me with the fire to move forward...
The jingling of your bangles at night
lulls me to a dream of sleep sweet...
Your golden locks - soft and cascading
urges me to run my hands through it...
Your dancing pools of mystery
invites me to drown in its depth...
The thought of you waiting
at the doorstep with a smile inviting
makes me eager to reach home...
How I love to tease you
just to see the faint tinge of colour
creeping up to redden your cheeks
with shyness cute...
My other half, my staff, my best friend...
My very essence of life...
My reason to live...!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


My Service Forgotten? ? ?
I heard them whispering;
Guessed today was my day!
The doomsday of all life,
My fate decided by the living Gods.
I can see them now.....
Coming with the deadly weapons,
A leer of insanity of demons seen
God forgive them for their ignorance..
For digging their own grave!
They know not the result of such deeds...
Destroying the very earth they walk on...
Geniuses they claim to be...
Idiotic their deeds prove.
Compassionate they proclaim to be
Actions other wise prove to be...
Mindless of my bleeding heart
My service forgotten? ? ? ? ?
It has taken a decade for me to grow;
I have provided shade to weary travellers.....
I have borne fruits to the needed....
My service a boon to man....
My bleeding heart they see not....

Animals in human disguise

Never realising the drastic consequences.......
Of cutting me down.
The vengeance of mother mature
Whose patience put to test
Only ends in disaster....! ! ! ! !
If only a sense of realisation dawns......
To make amends! ! ! ! ! ! !
If only.......If only........! ! ! ! ! - The World's Poetry Archive


Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


My Signature
Heart thumping with joy...
Days of mental stress
Laid to rest at last.
A dream realised.
The prayers from deep within
Blessed with God's answers
A deep sigh of contentment
Emerged from soul's depth
The loose ends tied...
Stamped my signature
In the world of records.
Amidst near and dear ones.
Proof of my life on earth
made immortal by words sealed...
My soul laid bare...
My thoughts no longer mine...

My life an open book...

Thoughts, words and actions
merged to ink my pen
released into the society
to make my mark...!
Now to begin the next phase,
Like a bud eager to blossom,
To inhale the surrounding fragrance...
For better or worse
Time will tell....!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


My Wealth
I may not be rich in wealth...
but I am wealthy in the richness of many young hearts
I may not be lucky to be gifted with life's comforts......
but I am comforted in my luck of the gift of a great many innocent minds......
I may not be endowed with the beauty of charm.......
but I am charmed by the beauty of my little angels.
I may not be perfect.......
but my imperfections are dissolved in the fragrance of untarnished love.
I may not be a skilled gardener.....
but my garden is filled with the perfume of various blossoms.
I may not be a graceful person......
but I am graced by the pride of my children varied
I may not be a wise person.....
but my personality is illuminated by the wisdom of youthful innocence
I may not be a parent to be proud of......
but I am proud of parenting my family of hundreds.
I may not be a lovable person....
but I am swimming in the river of love of my children.
I may not be a hearty person.....
but my personality has found a place in many hearts.
I may not be a youthful person.....
but I am reliving my youth through the company of my youngsters
My wealth of young buds adds
grace and dignity to my personality multifold.

To wallow in this heavenly bliss

a blessing for the lucky ones - The World's Poetry Archive


Proud I am to be in that list

of God's most favoured ones.
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Nostalgic Memories
How well I remember..
those steps where innocence had played many pranks...
How well I remember...
those classrooms where childhood had painted the walls with bright colours
How well I remember...
those fights for seats on last bench -the origin of many crazy and spooky ideas
How well I remember...
those literature classes where pin drop silence was required to travel to the world
of fiction and poetry..
How well I remember....
those struggles for getting the Same answers when maths problems were
How well I remember...
those days of sprinting and jumping for those medalsnow nostalgic showpieces.
How well I remember...
those sly readings of forbidden comics hidden
in the desk drawers.
How well I realise the futility of searching
for those colours of childhood freedoms
lost somewhere in the journey
never to regain; never to relive.
How well I realise now
the love and effort of those social builders.......
Perhaps they have inspired my unconscious consciousness
to follow their a their illuminance.....
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Our Choice
The seed of love,
Hammered and distorted
On the anvil of life
Terminated before germination..
Life is short..
Can't you see
No time for regrets!
Make every moment count, .
Wading in the ocean of love
A choice better
Than burning in the fire of hatred!
The smoke of evil
So quick to spread
Misleading the righteous
Blurring the vision of goodness!
The fragrance of love,
Slow in spreading its blessing
but clears our soul like crystal
to spread its warmth of bonding!
Heaven or hell...
To choose our will
Through God or through devil
Our decision in great peril!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


At a time when death is peeping through the door
Why this veil of deception; this enacting of plays,
The futility of words expressed at grave
When ears craved for them in life....
Love me when alive - her heart cried out;
Her mind confused and tormented
to live in this burning hell unbearable
The silence draining the juice of life.
Caught in this web intricate
Like a fly attracted to the fire
struggling to escape
though sure of impending doom.
Wading in the river of sorrow
Yearning for a sip from the cup of happiness
The tears could not wash away
the wound deep and raw
How easy to end it all
Her mind groped for easy methods
A release from this bondage of pain
The blessing of release
An end to the turmoil within.
Peace - peace and only peace.......!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


She sat on the chair,
Half inclined to turn and run,
The white reflected in the mirror
Her tresses golden and amber.
She felt a moment of hesitation,
Should she, or shouldn't she?
The final word given,
She waited for the cold blade.
Snip, snip, snip went the scissors
The tresses fell all around.
Long, brown shiny with a tint of gold,
She closed her eyes cold.
She opened and stared
Shocked-a stranger in the mirror?
Faint memory of a writer's childhood fear
Shingled hair-sign of cowardice?
She dreaded going out,
A familiar face staring?
Mocking or shocked?
She wondered.
She reached home,
Mom welcomed her with a smile,
She burst out with tears of regret,
Mother smiled and said,
It will grow, my love!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Sari- a traditional Indian attire;
to enhance fragility and femininity at its best;
for the sexiest form of homo sapiens!
Yards of soft woven threaddelicate and intricately designedto do justice to graceful swans.
Compliments their structure stately;
Defines the feminine curves fine;
Subtle seductivity its featureSoft expensive silks
salient in elegance for the rich;
Colourful expressive cotton to emphasis moods various;
Polyester for the poor economy.
Highlights the innocent shyness
in a comely village girl,
Sensually provocative in a society lady,
Clad in red -the docile Indian bride,
White for mourners silent,
The style various with subtle
difference to grace all occasions.
Careful carelessness in its draping
creates visions vivid!
Intrigued by its obvious mystery
Men have declared Sari-The sexiest of all costumes! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Seeking Solace In Poetry

Never realised that writing poetry
Could be so fulfilling;
All you need-a pen and paper
To vent out emotions overflowing.
Serenity and tranquility!
Like a dessert after a spicy meal;
And comments add flavour deliciousIn this World of Letters precious.
Disclosure and interchange;
Criticism or appreciation;
by the wielders of pen...
All enough to boost one's morale.
Write like you have never written before;
Write like there is no tomorrow;
'Cause who knows whats in storeThere may never be a morrow.
Atrocities, conflicts, corruption -insane;
Malpractice, political vengeance, religious disputes -insane;
To spit venom vile;
Harming oneself in the while
The ultimate end of all life;
No escape from that doom ordained,
Why leave behind hate and miseryWhen we have time to love and enjoy.
Realisation dawns late,
Stop before too late!
Birth and death is destinedIn between is the time to live and let live.
All should try a hand at poetry;
It purifies your soul,
Stale breath exhaled;
Fresh ones inhaled; - The World's Poetry Archive


Pent up emotions let out;

The chain of bondage broken.
Free like a flying bird
Up in the air on cloud nine;
There are no constricts and constraints here
Just the freedom to share
And let the world know
Your thoughts, and visions rare,
And create an identityThe real YOU, you and only you
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Shattered Dreams
Behind the curtain of darkness;
Silhouetted by ghostly weirdness;
Innocence of childhood bruised;
The wailings of torture suffused;
Unheeded and unnoticed by the creator confused......
The man eaters gorging on human flesh like scavenges.....
Fugitive and devilish rangers...
With evil minds in grotesque frames;
Not a quantum of humanity to claim;
The so called humans without hearts......
Perhaps God has forgotten to add the part......
The funeral pyre of the cherished dreams and hopes of the tiny one
dampened by the tears of the loved one.....
Wings cut they are left behind
to drink the bitter juice of life!
Lamenting-raising their hands to the Almightyquestioning the justice of so cruel a fate! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Smothered Innocence
Innocence of tender age
ripped apart by animals....
Wiped away the smile of an angel
Never ever to bloom its fragrance...
Heartless beasts with empty souls;
minds boiling with vile thoughts!
To hide their hideous face and minds
No place on earth so dark......
Insects and reptiles have taken possession of their body;
Minds sold to animals dread;
A hellish deed - devil's delight.....
Withered and fallen....... the gift of God!
The innocence smothered! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Survival Instincts
Wiping her hands on the apron
Went to answer a call strange..
There on the door - step
Stood a toddler whimpering
with one hand outtstretched..
the other beating on his stomach..
While wondering if he was alone
Saw a woman entering the gate
With a shabby knapsack on her back
Looking haggard......and starved...

The constraints of life large

with lines of stress etched on her young face
A stoop to proclaim her battle with life
Her eyes reflected her inner turmoils...
The pathetic sight touched a sensitive chord........
Went inside to fetch her purse
Intending to wipe away their tears for a little while...
but dismayed to find them gone...
Not a trace to claim their presence
Just imagination....? she wondered....
Her eyes registered confusion...
Searched the whereabouts for tell tale signs...
Realisation dawned slowly...
A few bronze utensils laid out for polishing
Were missing....confirming their visit
The knapsack strong enough...?

She was left pondering...

Who was to blame? ?
Herself for her carelessness
while wallowing in life's comforts
Or the unexpected visitors for their survival instincts - The World's Poetry Archive


While suffocating in life's ordeals

A thought troubling.........!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Tears Of An Emigrant's Wife.....

Kissing away my tears of desolation;
to the land of gold you migrated
to secure our dreams limited......
Foamy flakes of vows of love....
bubbles forth over the shadows of life..
to remove the pall of despondency until you return...
with the exotic fragrance of springthat blossoms my whole being....
Counting the days for the next reunionto once again hold your hand
in the golden aura of twilight...
and enjoy the wind breezing cool
beneath the teasing moon smiling and winking.....
To wallow once again in the warmth of your embrace- and fill my heart with the colours of your rainbow
and add more sparklers of moments to my coffer secret.
To stick like a shadow, never leaving your side....
To gently caress the mark of your childhood prank;
and tease you on your boyish insanities......
To forget the world in your embrace.....
and drown my grievances in your smile tender.
Swinging in the bygone days of togethernessWith tears to melt my dreams on lonely nights!
Reviewing with sweet pain those intimate moments we sharedthat keep us going.......
till we meet again..........! ! ! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Staff Room

A shelter zone,
for a few social builders
on the first floor
of an academic institution.
Tables and chairs arranged here and there,
books of various sizes strewn,
a shelf in one corner
to hold trophies rare.
But a heaven it was,
A second home for these souls,
the creators of future generations
this abode on the first floor.
Harmless gossip, emotional tantrums
hearts pouring forth,
bickering and snickering
all in full swing.
Unintentional and unconditional,
just a flush out of emotions
to cool the heated insides
of constraints of life.
An outlet for pent up emotions
their room on the first floor,
efficient in their concerned areas
never shrugging off duties nonchalant.
Tormented behind the smiling facade
with knotty problems various,
dignified in style
grace and pride in their stride.
These few in the room precious...
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Boon Gone Bane

Blessed we are in nature deep;
Cursed we are in ignorance steep,
Know not the consequence Of dire action sequence
Vile thoughts of greedPeeps out from the bower of hell's dread.
The gift of nature's boonForgotten in selfish doom!
Responsible we are for the enveloping darkness...
The darkness of ruin...
The stench of decayWhere death reigns supreme;
Lives withering in unknown
Nameless diseases fatal
Environmental conservationA name lost in meaning!
Nature's bower of greeneryJust a foggy vision....!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Bygone Day..

Twirling and turning....
Rubbing and scrubbing...
Trying to wash away
the staleness of the day...
The machine burdened
with clothes of worn out moments
As the day ends....! !
Cleaning the dullness of the bygone day
to brighten with morning rays..
Dipping in the perfume of hope
to colour the morrow with rainbows...! !
As aspirations bubble forth..
with another fresh attire...
to welcome the day....! ! ! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Call
A family scattered with the sun,
to duties various,
to rejoin at dusk,
to the shelter zone safe...
The young ones outside..
Are they safe...?
Like sitting on burning coals,
Praying for their safe return
The sole one inside...
Insecurity the prime concern,
To return home safe
is never a guarantee,
Shadows of ignorance lurking behind...!
Attacked by a lunatic,
Waylaid by an animal -perhaps
A mishap- or a victim of a dispute
Stricken out from the register of life in a second...
The maternal hearts
always anxious......
Offering prayers to keep their loved ones
Safe from lurking dangers unknown
to return home safe and sound....
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Fateful Day

That fateful day;
Even the Sun hesitant to rise
To warn the earthlings?
Of the impending disaster; alas! !
That shook Nepal to the core.
An earthquake that quaked the world,
The tremors from the bowels dark,
The earth slipping under the feet;
Buried under the debris lives screaming helpless
Inaudible to human ears...
Writhering in pain unknown.
Many lives lost in seconds
Others insecure and fumbling to register the reality
The wrath of mother nature
Claiming supremacy over all creatures
Lashing its vengeance?
Reminder of reigning power supreme?
Nations bonded in common cause,
To aid fellow - beings morose,
Camps sheltered the victims
Scarcity of drinking water claimed,
Unhygiene premises framed...
Several diseases fatal

A situation unthinkable and unbearable....

Can only offer prayers to our Saviourto bestow mercy upon these poor souls
To help them to brave the ordeals.....
And emerge to resume their journey of life....
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Heaven Lost Forever

A flood of tears blurred my vision;
As I stood; my hands resounding in unison
calling the messengers of heaven....
Our token of love on banana leaves...
For our father -departed forever...
We stood drenched in the rain;
bent on performing rites various;
My mother -a silent bystander
Her tearstained face - a picture of anguish.
Grief etched in the lines of age..
Her other half - just a memory;
Maimed for life -she looked
Her staff - a star in the sky.
Through the blanket of rain came the feathered flock.
to pick the offering served
A sight unbelievable.....
Confirming your abstract presence,
Your soul at peace stressing....
Like an eagle you willed us to fly high
standing guard your watchful eyes....
Your void a gaping hole of darkness
The light of guidance lost forever....

taught us to enjoy the music of life

helped us to walk the path of love
opened the windows of sunshine..
breathed life into our smiles

Absence of your presence these two years

Pricks my mind with wordless pain
Memories of you breezed my soul..
Piling thoughts like sand dunes...
Like a kite we flew high..
Guided by your thread of freedom - The World's Poetry Archive


The candle snuffed and darkness enveloped

Groping to find my way
Unsteady unsure treading through time
The heaven lost..forever......!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Heaven Of Togetherness

A cluster of pearls embellishing a classroom;
The reins of nation's future to hold...
Each one so endearing and varied;
Anxious and eager to please their teacher various....
Obedient and disciplined always....
Moral and traditional values enriched....
Blessed their parents for bringing
these gems into this world...
Their presence brightens up a classroom dull....
Tales plenty they have to share;
Doubts many they have to clear;
The Haven vibrant with energy positive.
Aiming for culminating results they are
Records brilliant to certify their scores....
Supporting them a thrill supreme
A special place they hold sublime....
Scoldings and reprimands
Willing to take in their stride,
Always supportive to charity causes...
A heaven of togetherness seen..
Mischievous gleam in their eyes at times
Forewarning of impending antics sometimes...
Their welcoming smiles ignite
An answering one from our very souls....
Forgetting the intricacies of life's challenges
Into the world of fiction and poetry we plunge!
Stirring their curiosity to bloom their fragrance
to spread to mankind
And who knows create history....!
Like a gardener tending to his pride
nurturing each with love
To blossom with exotic perfume - The World's Poetry Archive


Their purpose in life to support....

Honoured I am to be their class teacher!

Like a mother hen clucking around her chicks.
Sheltered under my wings these kids;
A guardian of twenty seven pretty faces.
To mould a generation
Endowed with goodness and value
Our motive ultimate!
And make the world a heaven peaceful;
God's Paradise on earth! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Lament Of A Rose

Many boiling hearts would languish
in the silence of romantic sighs...
If my presence had not braved them
to open their hearts.!
Many sparklers in the world of letters
would lack the spark...
if my fragrance had not ignited their pen
to capture various moments!
Many young ones would never realise
the wonders of nature's gifts...
If I had not smiled and encouraged
their caressings of innocence..!
Many memories of occasions would not have been
charming enough to glorify
the sanctity of the moment
if my beauty had not perfumed the spots..!
Many coats would not have been honoured
If I had not drenched my presence close to their heart
with exclusive perfume...
I am.....
A blossom....
Plucked, severed, bouqueted...
to grace many an occasion...
Never a tearful thought
to the thorns pricking me senseless..!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Letter Box

Painted in bright red,
Proud and eye catching,
Placed at every nook and corner
I had been - in great demand...
A messenger honoured,
Eager hands fed me with dishes various,
I was never ever hungry
My stomach always full
Many approached me with quickened heart beats
Longing to hear from loved ones,
Families, friends, partners, lovers, officials
All had to go through me
A ladder towards destinations various!
Proud I had been
A place in every hearts,
Served them all,
Impartial I had always been!
Yet, now I stand in solitude,
Lustreless, pale, forlorn, with rashes all over
Aged and starving,
No hands to feed me...
My glory lost in technology,
My place abducted by fast tracksof magic with the touch of a finger!
The thrill of instant bonding...
To regain lost glory -a hope hopeless,
My mouth a gaping hole,
Like a scare- crow I stand
A laughing stock....mocked at....
Eager to vanish into thin air
Leaving no trace ever
of a box with no posts...! - The World's Poetry Archive


Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Light Of A Home

HE created woman
from the back bone of a man,
Crowned with charismatic aura,
breathing life to the word 'Beautiful'!
Her womb to foster generations,
Her eyes mystic, mirroring
the various emotions in life,
Her limbs super gadgets juggling chores various...
The pride of a home
catering to the needs of several,
Her desires buried deep...
Giving colours to other's dreams...
Like a candle she melts
giving light to others,
Ne'er a murmur, Ne'er a grumble,
A tulsi in the courtyard of her home...
Her presence lights up a home
Various roles she justifies,
Though taken for granted at times
Her absence envelopes all in gloom!
Too fragile her heart at times,
Shattered and fragmented many times,
Yet endowed with an inner strength
to fight for her loved ones...
Like a rose...
She perfumes the bond of togetherness
to a home - otherwise a house!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Missile Man.

The world plunged in darkness,
The sun of universe set;
Never to return with promise of hope;
His aroma of perfumed words
lingering in the heart of millions.
Heartbroken condolences, prayers;
to set his soul in peace
Return if possible-a cry from miillion throats
Perhaps inviting miracles....
Ignited the wings of fire
to the moon he visioned;
Encouraged value education
to build character to future!
Harsh words he detested;
Deeds in action he believed,
Support from family poor in riches
but rich in values varied
Blessed in death peaceful,
amidst his inspirational address to the future
a deed close to his heart
Leaving behind darkness of ignorance!
Humility describes him to the core,
His feet planted in the soil firmly,
Perfect control over every step
Actions and words carefully handled!
His amicable brilliance,
touched human hearts to the soul
The hero of the youth, the God send of thousands!
Sleepless in dreams awakening.....
A pearl discovered from Rameshwaram
A heart untarnished crystal clear
Honesty and simplicity his trade mark, - The World's Poetry Archive


Heart mirrored the truth of life!

His dream left unfulfilled
Left to set up another world
Never another to take his place,
The whole world weeping the loss
A harmony in tribute unique
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Oscar
The red carpet rolled out
The stars like diamonds shining bright
Groomed and polished- looking their best
Excitement building to a feverish pitch...
The Dolby theatre ablaze with Constellations various...
The most awaited moments for the talented ones...
The seed of desire blossoming
to take home the eight and a half pound great lady...

highest honours in the film industry

Oscar to receive
luck of the gifted
talented of the talented...

The exclusive back stage tour,

The curtain raiser showcased
twenty four sealed envelopes
awaiting the moment of declarations...
The audience on bated breath,
Praying for their favourite ones,
Tears of triumph...
Tears of disappointment...
All in full swing...
The blinding flashes capturing seconds
of the eighty eighth Oscar awards
This glamorous showbiz
a visual treat
Every year to look forward to...!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Pain In My Joys

A rose I am
Pinned to the chest
to keep abreast
of all time..!
To the romantics..
I am a declaration
Of their love to be united
in their journey of life...!
To the noteworthy....
I am a decoration on their coats
to add dignity
with my beauty galore...!
To the graceful swans....
I offer my essence of life...
to glorify their beauty
to ageless combating time.....
To the tiny tots....
I offer my fragrance
opening the window of colours
to paint their childhood bright...!
To those wedded...
I offer bouquets to renew their vows
of togetherness to strengthen
with time...!
To the departed...
I wreath a path
sprinkled with my perfume
in their journey to the other world...!
A boon of a lifetime...
forgetting the thorns
pricking my body...
Reminding me again and again - The World's Poetry Archive


of the pain in my joys...!

Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Progress Of The Progress

Eyes screwed with eagerness;
Mind stressed with anxiousness;
Heart thumping with excitement;
Face contorted with emotions;
When delving into the mysterys of technology...
The world within our reach;
Just swipe, seek, search...
Information at the finger tips;
Like honey bees buzzing around budding nips;
Like fireflies lured into fire.....
Like quicksand
Tugging deeper and deeper
Only choice acknowledging;
Beauty drowned in technology...
The dire consequences ghastly.....
Years hence the face distraught;
Lines etched with stress taut
Eyes sunken and sagging;
Face lustreless and dull
Aged before age fell! !
The progress of the PROGRESS! ! ! ! ! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Soil Of My Origin

Falling down...gliding..... down,
I can still hear the mocking tones..
of laughter of the young ones
Know not they, one day too
would meet my fate similar!
Falling... Falling...Falling,
Light and empty
Recalling my days
of frolicking and trifling!
Severed from the cord of bond
to meet my doom-now clear
Silent witness to many
From my perch high up!
A forced bystander sometimes,
A light -hearted lover at times,
Drenched in tears sometimes,
Tingled with laughter at times...
I have borne it all...
Now relieved to be free...
to kiss my mother- land
To merge into the soil of my origin...!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


The Whiff Of Decay

Walking home one day,
A faint odour foul,
getting stronger and stronger
passed me by...
The whiff of decay
Nauseous and disgusting..
Exhaled deeply to let out the stench
of the rotten overpowering...
A truck passed me by...
Glanced at it casually,
Horrifying the sight _@
the origin of the pungent...
Winged fowls tied together with strings
Stuffed into tightly packed crates
The wagon of hell crammed with live flocks
A sight blackening the morning bright...
Unable to move, eyes reflecting helplessness...
Unable to bear their own weight
Lying in their own waste
Open sores, cramped and broken bones
With wings unable to stretch
De- toed and de-beaked,
These poor dumb living flock,
Fattened by feeds various
Just to adorn a dining table of some rich..
The pulse of life slaughtered,
Their minds blank and empty
The greed of the two - legged
To fatten their purse!
The animal lovers turning a blind eye
Deaf to the deep guttural cries of pain
Proclamation and declaration too many... - The World's Poetry Archive


Actions and deeds too less......

Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Those Were The Days

A girl intelligent,
Inquisitive by nature;
Answers to questions unlimitedShe expected from mom always! !
One Day
Mom warned herDo not TOUCH the heater
Liable for shock -you will be;
She wanted to know what
Electric shock was!
Boldly touchedAnd the meaning experienced! ! ! !
NEVER AGAIN- she decided! !
Another Day;
She saw a cycle wheel spinning;
Curiosity aroused she inquiredWhat is that? ?
Do not TOUCH Was the irritated reply,
She tentatively put her finger
In the wheel spinning
Screamed... blood everywhere! ! ! !
NEVER AGAIN- she decided! !
In a busy street;
Vehicles rushing here; there; everywhere;
She stood with her mom
who ordered- Do not CROSS the road,
She thought- Why not? ?
She ran across- screeching sounds of brakes,
And shouting and yelling and cursing,
Frightened; she cowered behind her mom. - The World's Poetry Archive


NEVER AGAIN- she decided! !

Now; she is a social builder;
In an institution reputed,
Recalling her childhood,
And sharing and sighing....
Those were the days........! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive



pretend to be deaf to the insane deeds...

turn a blind eye to the inhuman activities...
assume a nonchalant attitude...
pretend to be unaffected.

Can turn a blind eyeto the slow degeneration of the fellow beings...
The death - knell of the future...
Helplessly..unwillingly resigning to fate...
Not heeding the murmur of conscience
to raise voice against this injustice
To stop the slow twisting of knife
bleeding drops into the platter of grievance
Can admit to the world
of building a generation with empty minds...
Unless the wheel of helm
is steered by worthy minds
To salvage the ship of nation..
to sail smoothly overcoming storms and gales
creating harmony of noble thoughts
To reach the destination triumphant.
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Until Then...
I am not asking for the moon...
just a few pennies to jingle in my empty pockets
to prove that I am not Penniless
I am not asking for a bungalow...
just a tiny space to curl myself
exhausted from the battle to survive.
I am not asking for a suit of decor...
just a piece of cloth to cover my shame
when searching the garbage for gold.
I am not asking for a feast...
just a mouthful of morsel
to quieten my rumbling belly.
I am not asking for a toy
Just a few precious moments
to remind me that I am a child too by birthright.
But I know I am the proud owner
of a piece of land reserved for my grave...
Until then this struggle....!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


We Promised To Grow Old Together

Promised to walk the journey of life
Hand in hand;
But somewhere along the line
A crack appeared..
Unknown... Unnoticed....
Widened and deepened with time.
What went wrong?
A question strong!
Your overbearing attitude?
My compliant nature?
Accepting me as I'm
You could not.....
Changing for you I love
Against my inner voice...
My identity faded and lost....
My mistakes-grave crimes....
Yours-mere trifles.
Never one to compromise
Never one to step down
Your will -your priority....
Dancing to your tunesI have always been.......
Caring for my wishes
You were never seen....
Taking advantage has been your game;
Being gullible has been my pain....
You wanted life your way;
Mattered not my say....
You were reluctant to rejoice
in my small small gains......
Still by your side I stood;
Your other half....your staff....
You never shared your thoughts
It was death for me.... - The World's Poetry Archive


You knew...... But still.......

Your silence and sulky moods;
Twisted a knife in my wound.
Slowly killing me deep inside....
You wanted me to be you
Never could I be....
I have given you my life..
Nothing more my own
Only the pain you lavish...
Tormented in the agony of hell
A desperate yearning to return to days by gone! ! !
Remember our promise..
To grow old together.....?
Stands broken mid way....
Missing those celebrations-laughters.....
Those declarations-passionate
words of love....
Strangers under one roof...
Paddling to save from drowning
In the ocean of darkness
Scrolling down the memory lane
Seeking moments rare and treasured.......
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Who Am I?
Who am I?
A question that keeps pestering me
A daughter to my parents loved
in eternal debt of gratitude for bringing me into this world?
A sister obliged to advise her on all matters serious?
A wife to dance to the tunes of my other half
to satisfy all his whims and fancies?
A mother to sacrifice; care and love unconditionally and selflessly?
A mother in law anxious to prove my love to the new young?
A teacher to flush out the skills of my wards and build on it?
An actor to do justice to all the roles bestowed?
Who am I?
Sentimentally sensitive Iam
Prejudiced personality Iam
Practical dreamer Iam
Angrily depressed Iam

A Woman caught in the web intricate,

Without identity and without peace
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Who Are You...?

Why did you....
float into my heart
with the key to open my locked mind....
Why did you
open the window of my heart
with sunshine to spread its warmth over my frozen mind......
Why did you
draw back the curtain
to brighten up my world of darkness.....
Why did you
ignite the spark of life into my numb limbs......
Why did you
colour my pale lips
with the fragrance of red roses...
Why did you
unfurl the carpet of rainbow
to replace my blackness of night....
Who are you?
An angel in disguise.....?
A messenger of God....?
An answer to my prayers.....?
But now an urge to fill my empty ink bottle
and write the poem of life on a ray of hope.... A thought...if only.....
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Who Is Responsible.....
Who is responsible
for my life of solitude
forced to curtail my thoughts
in the blanket of darkness..
Who is responsible
for my life of imprisonment
unable to give wings
to my humble dreams of my life.
Who is responsible
for drilling my heart with holes
Leaking the soul of life...
Slowly to suffocation......
Who is responsible
for mashing up my thoughts
on the anvil of life
unable to think straight...
Who is responsible
for my dried up tears of agitation
unable to empty
my heart of its ailments
Who is responsible
for fueling my mind with red hot ashes
scorching my insides
in its heat severe....
Who is responsible
for scribbling my canvas of life, now
waiting for the other unknown half of cacography
of my wasted life....
Destined I am
to huddle in a corner
and pour out the lava
of boiling emotions.. - The World's Poetry Archive


Extending a hand to humanity

to save me from this dark world!
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Window Shopping
Decided to go shopping;
A vision of overdue bills zooming;
Waved away the thought looming,
Just window shopping-she thought.
Entered a shopping mall;
A peep here; a glance there -enthralled;
Exclaimed over a rare piece of antiquity,
Wondered at the hands skilled; fanatically.
Saw a carry bag refined,
With rainbow coloured beads lined;
Astounded at the price tagEnvied the future owner.
Entered a boutique rare,
The girl sales smiled expectant,
Commission on sale sure expected,
Misled by my expensive style fair,
Truth hidden in the emptiness of my purse bare.
Visited a jewellery showroom,
Ornaments studded with stones rareTo grace a neck fair,
Admiration inexplicable with exhilaration bubbled up.
A mental satisfaction of inner peace,
A muddle of riddles decreased
A chord twanged to tune,
Heart sang like a queen.
A day well spent,
Devoid of headaches!
Enjoyment at no price,
Exhilaration priceless! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Wings Of Death
Waving she stood on the threshold,
her husband and children on the road,
her elder to competition quiz,
blessed her with a smile whiz.
She entered the house silent,
Long hours to wrestle giantbefore their return expected
A nap before the chores selected.
She lay on the sofa refined,
reflection breezed through her mindhappiness and contentment she felther life settled and secure-she dwelt
Her two daughters sweet,
scores good in academics neat,
extra curricular activities keen,
hubby-chair person of a company esteem.
A sigh of contentment surged
relaxed and joyful merged,
closed her eyes light
went into a slumber right.
Evening returned her family dear,
rang the bell and waited near,
silence unusual -deathly still,
their hearts clutched in fear chill.
Forced open the door,
sleeping like an angel -they swore
realisation dawned-turned to stone
he sat; in agony tearing his own.
Helpless and bleeding inside,
His heart -prised away all too soon;
'My thirst for your love is not quenched;
many things left unsaid between us' - The World's Poetry Archive


His lament was heart rending;

Others wrung their hands in despair unending;
The young ones bewildered when confrontedwith the ultimate doom of all life too soon! !
They embraced their mama dear'your wish fulfilled'-the elder screamed;
The winner trophy she had secured,
for her mom she had procured.
But alas! ! mama lay cold;
could not rejoice in her victory bold,
The trophy tarnished lay unnoticed,
Silent witness to the tragedy focused.
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


With My Young Ones

Feeling excited and alive...
Off to meet my children!
After four months of separation...
Eyes bright with anticipation.
A month of celebration;
No pressure, No tension;
Holidaying with my children...
Each moment to capture and treasure.
I was received at the airport;
And ushered home like a queen;
Delicious dishes awaited me thereServed by my young ones.
Vying with one another
My son and his wife....
To make me comfortable;
Little realising their presence alone
Is enough to pleasure my heart.
She was more than a daughter...
A welcome addition to our family.
The space filled by her presence.....
Trying to perfect the role of a home maker.
Considerate and caring...
Compromising and comprehending her nature..
Her cheerfulness and laughter contagious.
Justifying all the roles bestowed on her.
My son with many goodness inborn;
Though impulsive and hasty his nature;
Gullible but lovable to the core;
Priorities to relationships several...

My place on a pedestal in his heart;

Never refused me anything; - The World's Poetry Archive


Careful to substantiate luxuries;

His heart overflowing with love
Hidden and sealed in his soul.
Both work loaded...
Profession demanded their time.
Amused to watch how seconds count
In their morning routine schedule...
To reach their office on time.
Blessed Iam to be a part of their life!
A family Iam proud to call my own!
Praying to shower HIS mercy infinite
To continue this journey of love together.....
Till doomsday do us part........
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Woe To The Generation

Smoking and reeking with dissatisfaction...
Burning with disgruntled edginess...
Scorching the vitals...
Gorging on the decomposed.
Stench oppressive and putrid
Parasites thriving on evil thoughts...
To multiply and let loose
Negative energy, sweeping away the good vibes..

Corrupting Society corrupting future...

Woe to the generation
entrapped in its clutches
Like blood suckers squeezing dry..
the essence of life!
To combat inhuman deeds
Our mission foremost
To mould a noble generation
to spead goodness to the whole.
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


A woman! !
Embodiment of beauty!
Epitome of love!
Creativity at its height!
Graceful like a swan,
Dignity in her stride,
Born to be loved,
Beauty well defined...

Taken from the rib of Adam -they say;

Enticed him to eat THE FRUIT -they say;
Responsible for opening the Pandora's Box -they say;
To let out troubles unlimited -they say.
But can't imagine a world without herThe generator of generations,
Her womb to germinate the seeds,
Her mercy infinite! !
Her eyes a mystery of veiled secrets
To drown in its depth
The choice of a few lucky ones
Her lips sensual; though stubborn at times
Various roles she justifies.
Weak in gender maybe...
But strong in mind...definitely...
Meek like a deer when loved;
Fierce like a lion when wounded.
Like a mother hen she weaves a mantle around her family;
Protective and possessive in nature,
When hurt she suffers aloneWhen happy she rejoices with all
Not a show piece to be adorned;
Has proved her mettle; - The World's Poetry Archive


Space created in all sectorsEvidence of equality shown

This gift a boon to mankind;
To be loved and treasured! ! !
Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


Your Absence
Tossing and turning she lay wide awake;
It was past midnight
Sleep had eluded her that night
Ticking of the clock loud in the night
The bed cold and sore;
She extended her hand for her comforter soft
Snuggled in and shut her eyes tight
Willing for that bliss of lassitude
Sleep had never betrayed her-she recalled
Always enveloped in an embrace cosy
Relished the sweeping languor in its ample bosom rosy
But this could be a long night uncalled
She wanted to be lulled into lethargy sweet
Dreams an added luxury neat
Solitude sending tremors unknown
A stranger in her own home.......
She longed to feel him beside hear
Longed for that denied snore disturbing
Longed to hear his whispered words of love
Longed to nestle close to him!
Longed to inhale his musk odour pleasant!
Never realised that absence of a presence could mean so much;
She smiled fondly-haunted by the image of her wedded one
Who on a tour had gone;
The still of silence eerie; scary....
She closed her eyes
As if lulled by some unseen hand
Into a world of dreams sweet!
She slowly slipped into that luxurious lassitude of laziness
The welcome oblivion of nothingness. - The World's Poetry Archive


Jaishree Nair - The World's Poetry Archive


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