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Describe one scene from Gravity that features the "shot/reverse-shot" editing that we
demonstrated in class when discussing the 180-degree rule. (Be creative, but I believe there
is only one scene that fits this description.)
Discuss the mise-en-scene of the ruined space capsules (this includes the U.S.
Shuttle, the Russian ISS, and the Chinese pod). What do we see in and on the interior of
these spaces? How does this reflect on humanity?
Describe the sound editing during each approach of satellite debris. What sounds are
heard? Are they natural or unnatural? Diegetic or non-diegetic? How does the behavior of
the sound match (or contrast) the behavior of the image.
Describe (in your own specific words) the acoustic parameters of the sounds (speech,
music, noise) heard during Gravity: loudness (volume), pitch, timber, and rhythm.

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