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Session 2: What is JavaScript?


What is JavaScript?
What can JavaScript do?
JavaScript How to
Writing JavaScript Statements
JavaScript Where to
Writing JavaScript Comments
Declaring Variables in JavaScript

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript was designed to add interactivity

to HTML pages
JavaScript is a scripting language

A scripting language is a lightweight

programming language

JavaScript is an interpreted language

(means that scripts execute without
preliminary compilation)
Everyone can use JavaScript without
purchasing a license

What can JavaScript do?

JavaScript gives HTML designers a
programming tool
JavaScript can read and write HTML
JavaScript can react to events
JavaScript can change HTML content
JavaScript can change HTML images
JavaScript can change HTML styles
JavaScript can be used to validate data

Example of JavaScript Use

Other Examples of
JavaScript Uses

JavaScript How to..

A JavaScript program can be placed
directly in an HTML file or it can be
saved in an external text file
Insert a client-side script in a Web page
when using the script element
<script type="text/javascript">
script commands

JavaScript: Script

In Class Example

Writing to the HTML document

Changing HTML elements

JavaScript Statements
JavaScript is a sequence of statements
to be executed by the browser.
JavaScript is case-sensitive.
A JavaScript statement is a command to
a browser. The purpose of the command
is to tell the browser what to do.
document.write("Hello Dolly");

JavaScript Statements

In Class Examples

JavaScript Code
JavaScript Code Block (use of a

JavaScript Where to..

JavaScript can be put in the <body> and

in the <head> sections of an HTML
JavaScript can be embedded in the HTML
JavaScript can also be placed in external

JavaScript: in head, body,

and external

In Class Examples

In body
In head
External JavaScript file

JavaScript Comments

Commenting your code is an important

programming practice

// comment text for a single line

/* comment text for multiple lines

JavaScript Comments

In-Class Example:

Add a single-line comment

Add a multi-line comment

JavaScript Variables

As with algebra, JavaScript variables are

used to hold values or expressions.
A variable can have a short name, like x,
or a more descriptive name, like carname.
Rules for JavaScript variable names:

Variable names are case sensitive (y and Y are

two different variables)
Variable names must begin with a letter, the $
character, or the underscore character

Declaring JavaScript
Declaring a variable tells the JavaScript to
reserve memory space for the variable.
To declare a JavaScript variable, use the
var variable;
where variable is the name assigned to the
To declare a JavaScript variable and set its
initial value, use
var variable = value;
where value is the initial value of the variable.

Declaring JavaScript

JavaScript data types:

Numeric values
Text strings
Boolean values
Null values

You must declare a variable before using


Declaring JavaScript
Numeric value is any number, such as 13,
-3.14159 etc.
Text string is any group of text characters,
such as Hello or Happy Holidays!

Must be enclosed within either double or single

quotations (but not both)

Boolean values accept only true and false

Null value has no value at all

Declaring Variables

In Class Example

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