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Dear Devotion Mechsys Enterprise,

My name is Victor Emmanuel C. Estomo and I am 4 th year electrical

engineering student at Emilio Aguinaldo college Cavite. Our dean of engineering,
Engr. Natividad suggested that I contact Devotion Mechsys Interprise. I am available
for a summer internship and I can work for 6 or 8 hours a day. I would be honored to
be an intern for Devotion Mechsys Enterprise formally to gain field experience in
and out of the company and to further my course studies in electrical engineering.
Devotion Mechsys Enterprise, has a reputation for excellence, and I value your
commitment in servicing Electro Mechanical System.
In my experience in studying Mechatronics Servicing, it allowed me to
understand and build my skills about Mechatronics. For this reason, I believe I would
learn a lot in Devotion Mechsys Enterprise.
I am reachable by phone or email. If you cannot get back to me, I will call you
next Monday.

Sincerely yours,
Victor Emmanuel C. Estomo

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