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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE NINE DANCERS

Official Solution
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the pond and examine the rushes to find a shovel. Inside the tea shop exam
ine the counter. Listen in the inn to discover why there is a police presence. T
he policeman will leave his position if you can set the alarm ringing. Dig in th
e fields and take the urn and tent-peg. Take the scarecrow's coat. Inside the an
tiques shop open the pamphlet and you will find a message within. DO NOT SELL TH
E URN - its value is not purely monetary. Wearing the coat, throw the urn at the
window of the general store. Go to the bus shelter, remove your disguise and dr
op it in the litter bin. Now proceed to the stone circle. A pixie is sitting on
top of the stone arch and you cannot pass him. Drop the loaf as a bait and withd
raw to the stone circle. Going back to the arch you will see that he has made of
f with the food. Climb the arch and take the cow-bell. Jump down and enter the a
rch. Climb the round barrow and you will see a pixy-stool (a kind of toadstool).
Eating it causes sleep - it will be useful. Outside the derelict hut throw the
tent-peg - the dog will chase after it. Inside, you should stuff the dead hare w
ith the pixy-stool. Return to the barrow, drop the hare and the dog will eat it,
falling asleep. Climb the barrow and enter the entrance to the fairy world. The
sound of a bell or the touch of iron reputedly wards off fairies. In their banq
uetting room ring the bell, move East, follow the fleeing figure into the West c
hamber. Throw the iron horseshoe into the hidden chamber and enter the doorway.
Take the fiddle. Return to the stone circle, play the fiddle (reversing the witc
h's spell) and talk to the princess. Go East, examine the wizard and take the ke
y he offers you. Go to the lake, taking the floral garland, and go on to the gal
leon. To revive the single stone reverse the wizard's spell by circling the ston
e three times. Then, hang the floral garland over the stone. If this is not done
correctly the princess becomes stone once more and the adventure cannot be fini

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