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Hampton Township School District High School Dr. Marguerite Imbarlina, Principal Mr. Michael Amick, Asst. Principal Dr. Steve Pellathy, Asst. Principal HAMPTON a To Whom It May Concern: Lam writing this letter on behalf of Victoria Abbondanza, who completed her student teaching in my classroom at Hampton in the spring of 2016. This student teaching experience offered many challenges, which Victoria handled professionally, all while demonstrating her abilities as a teacher. During her time at Hampton, Victoria taught all levels of Latin offered at our school, which required traveling between buildings and teaching students in grades 8-12. Vietoria prepared lessons, planned activities, designed assessments, and handled all aspects of teaching Latin 1 through Latin 5. In addition, Latin 4 and 5 are both Honors courses and College in High School programs via the University of Pittsburgh. These two courses carry expectations and rigor beyond the normal high school curricula, and Victoria had no trouble in managing and teaching those classes. She also volunteered to chaperone our students on a 3 day trip to compete in the Pennsylvania Junior Classical League State Competition in May, well after her student teaching assignment ends. Her dedication to both our students and the program was clear, and this is just one of the skills and traits that Victoria has demonstrated that will make her a valuable asset to your school Victoria always displayed great thought in her planning, with careful consideration of the abilities of each student and pedagogy. Her objectives were well written and were achievable by all students, Without being easy or low level. She focused her attention on the learning profiles of students at all levels, and she was always prepared to push those students who reach the objectives ahead of their classmates. Victoria also implemented instructional methods that supported the objectives of her lessons, and she designed activities to give students ample practice, moving from simple acquisition and application of skills to synthesis and mastery of content. She offered students multiple opportunities to grapple with material and demonstrate their abilities. When students did not perform as expected, Victoria was carefill to reflect, first on her own practices, and then to examine student ‘work for patterns. Using this analysis, she then designed more practice opportunities or adjusted her own delivery to support students in their learning. Victoria was also professional in her interactions with students, but she made it clear that she cared about their success as students and also about each one as an individual person. I fully recommend Victoria for the position at your school. My students learned a great deal from her, and I am confident that her skills and abilities will be an asset to your students and your school. Sincerely, Liana Becta. Dr, Melissa Survinski 2929 McCully Road Allison Park, Pennsylvania 15101 ‘Telephone: 412.486.6000 + Fax: 412.486.7050 +,

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