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Heactingg= ir — Animal Farm, the political satire by George Orwell, can be defined as a novel which wr vr portrayals the story of a farm in England, where the farm animals started a revolution wee against their oppressor, Mr. Jones, the drunken owner. Even so, this definition is too simple for all that this specific book has to offer. e vt ‘One night, after Mr. Jones went to bed, a wise old pig named Old Major, gives a ‘speech to alll the animals in the farm encouraging fem to start Rebellion against their cruel master. Old Major reminds their "Comrades", as they lke to call each other, that “no animal in England knows the meaning of happiness or leisure” Their life was. miserable and laborious, and slavery was a plain truth. After Old Major die the e {febellion takes place and the animals are free from the humans on their farm but this ww hasn't seem to solve their problem. Even though the animals were happy to be working vr hard {ff for themselves and not for humans, their happiness didn't last long. As soon as the other animals were in charge, the feeling of Déja vu, of things that happened when Jones was there, was constant. On reflection, | think this book is from fr the best one | have ever experienced. And | mean experience because Orwell’s writing has the ability to make a clear image of what is happing so the image is reflected in your head. Orwell didn't only write a book about farm animals. He wrote an amazing, entertaining, humorous, gripping and complex book about how n any society, where equality wants to-be achieved, there will befalways the ones looking for power and taking advantage of others weaker or ? more naive; ith animated farm animals without missing the point of expressing the —~) oa re problems that the animals suffer while trying to use the human instruments in order to we produce food. In other words, the author was able to build an enthusiastic and very easy sentence Srckee darby es to read story About cute and sometimes malicious animals that children can read, with a message that only adults can understand. That's what makes his book mind-blowing. we ‘The characters were all so well define, that each one of them glows in the story and each of their personalities is remarkable. My favorite one is Boxer, an enormous horse vw that worked a lot on the farm, more than all the animals together and ends up in a slaughter due to the disloyalty of the pigs that after Jones, took control of the farm. 5 However, there was one thing | stil don't know ifike about this book. Because Orwell weft made an extraordinary job painting the image in the reader's head, everything is too vivid, too real, So, when he introduces the reader to the reality that our society Rviq unfortunately goes through , even though he did it in a non-realistic way (animals), | was scared. This book made me feel too vulnerable, but at the same time, I couldn't stop reading it There is no ¢6a6eFor doubt that | surely recommend this book. Everyone that enjoys. reading should give this book a try. It's a great way to be transported into a vivacious get! gee Re oo but also moving adventure. eo whey © vt consistency 2 present Fr Story Past or present Yor opinion (just stay - © cunctreh'an

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