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A phrase that has a different meaning

than what is being said.
all eyes on me - frog in my throat - it broke
my heart - it is a piece of cake

Words that have the same meaning

Multiple Meaning Words

Words that are spelled the same
but mean different things


Context Clues
Clues that good readers use to figure out
unknown words

Added to the end of a word to
make a new word

Root Words
The part of the word that
carries the meaning


Words that have opposite

hot/cold tall/short

Added to the beginning of a word
to make a new word

Figurative Language
Whenever you describe something
by comparing it with something else

Greek and Latin Suffixes

Suffixes are word parts that are added
to the end of a word and change the
meaning of the word. Many suffixes come
from ancient Greek and Latin.

Greek Roots
The root gives the word its meaning.
Many words have roots that come
from ancient Greek

Latin Roots
The root gives the word its meaning.
Many words have roots that come
from ancient Latin

Paragraph Clues
Using other words and parts of the
sentence to figure out the word

Connotation and Denotation

Denotation - a dictionary meaning
Connotation - A positive or
negative feeling the word suggests

Comparing things using like or as
quick as a fox- fast as lightning- wise like
an owl - sticky like jelly

Comparing two unlike things
She is a busy bee

Adage and Proverb

An old saying or wise though that

describes a common experience and
is often expressed as a metaphor
The early bird catches the worm.

A pair of words that are spelled the
same but have different meanings

Words that sound the same but have
different spellings and meanings

Greek and Latin Prefixes

Prefixes are word parts that are added
to the beginning of a word and change
the meaning of the word. Many prefixes
come from ancient Greek and Latin.

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