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How I would go about entering the Western African market with

certain products; solar energy. In the first reference link down below, it talks
about introducing solar energy based products to the people in Western
Africa. The introduction of solar energy in the long run can offer cheap cost
and source of energy to the people of Western Africa in the long run. Along
with cheap cost and source of energy there is no waste product that comes
from solar energy which is a big plus. Another example of some products I
would introduce to the Western African market would have to be products
that have to do with hygiene and sanitation. Bacteria and disease play a big
part in Western Africa cause many deaths every year. With the introduction
of hygiene and sanitation products to the Western African market, this will
result in fewer deaths and healthier lifestyles. The products can be a simple
as cheap filters for water supply, hand sanitizer/environment-safe soaps,
tooth brushes and tooth paste. Simple products like these would cost very
little to the Western African population being widely available to everybody.
To further revitalize this area of Africa with imports and exports, I would
encourage that more goods that are produced within Western Africa such as
fabrics, fruits, and peanuts are more exported out of the countries since
those particular goods play such a big role in the countries wealth. I would
also encourage that the importation of the countries own natural resources
and goods. As for resources that are researchable to help the Mayor of the
community become more profitable: forestry, fishing, mining and drilling for
precious metals/minerals. On average, forest products account for a total of
6% gross domestic product in Africa which is more than any other continent.
An example of these forest products are high grade woods such as
mahogany and okoume wood; both bring in very high revenues. The reason
this would be such a great profitable resource is because in Western Africa
and Central Africa the forests are the densest and the forest sector
contributes to 60% of Africas GDP. Fishing as well brings in great revenue;
annual export value of $2.7 billion. Lastly there is drilling and mining for
precious metals and minerals. The two most profitable mineral sources in
Africa are gold and diamonds. In 2008, Africa had produced 22% of gold for
the worlds total population.

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