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Time: 1 Hour

(Laws of Motion) (Test 1)

MM. 25

1 mark each

1. State law of conservation of mass.

2. What is the principle of working of a rocket?
3. Give an example of pseudo force.

2 marks each

4. An athlete runs a certain distance before a long jump. Name the law that
explains it.
5. State and explain Newtons second law of motion.
6. Indicate the forces acting on a block of mass m resting on a plane inclined at
an angle .
7. Show a graphical description of an impulsive force.
3 marks each

8. State Newtons second law of motion and deduce the Newtons first law
from it.
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9. Define impulse. Discuss graphical method for the measurement of impulse

when a variable force acts on a body.
10.State the laws of conservation of linear momentum. Prove it by using the
second law of motion. Give two situations where linear momentum remains
5 marks

11.Distinguish between static motion, limiting friction and kinetic friction. How
do they vary with the applied force? Explain by a diagram.
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