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Modal Verbs

O Can um verbo usado para indicar coisas/actividades que

se consegue ou no fazer, tais como: I can play tennis, I cant
open the window
O Must um verbo que se emprega quando queremos
indicar alguma coisa que tem ou no de ser feita (obrigao) :
You must go to school, They mustnt park here.
O verbo Should usado quando se quer dar um conselho,
tendo o significado de devias ou no fazer determinada aco :
You should go to the doctor, You shouldnt drive so fast.
O Ought utilizado para expressar algo que
Put the verbs in the correct form
(Can, cant, must, mustnt, could, couldnt)
a) She ..........................(read) fluently
b) You...........................(drink), when you are driving
c) Two years ago I ..................................(write) so well English
d) They...................................(park) here if they pay
e) Mark.................................(work) so hard
f) She........................................(ride) a motorcycle
g) Last year We..............................(see) the view
h) You ...............................(make) noise in the Hospital
i) The players.................................(protest) with the referee
j) You..............................(buy) magazines in there
k) Yesterday I......................................(watch) TV
l) If you go to Rome you......................................(see) the pope
A bicycle.............................(ride) in the Highway
n) Sorry, I......................................(speak) to you last week
o) She........................................(stop) making noise
Make sentences with should/shouldnt, must/mustnt,
1) When you are at school
2) She looks ill she......................................go to the
3) Theres a speed limit,
over 120Km/h
4) He....................................get up early
5) the door because is
6) the taxes
7) We.......................................sell this old car

8) You.................................park the car in the curve

9) You.............................throw papers to the floor
Her children are very young,
she..................................leave them alone

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