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Continue(continuar):to keep happening or doing something.

Ex: Well have to continue this

discussion tomorrow.
iron(passar roupa): a piece of electrical equipment that you use for making clothes smooth.
remove(remover):to take something off. Ex:She removed her jacket fast.
knock(bater):to hit something or someone and make them or it move or fall down. Ex:He
accidentally knocked the plate off the table.
laundry(roupa para lavar):clothes that need to be washed. Ex:
laundromat(lavanderia):a place where you pay to wash and dry your clothes.Ex:
washer(maquina de lavar):a machine that washes clothes.Ex:
dryer(secadora):a machine that dries clothes
spot(mancha):a small, round mark that is a different colour from the surface it is on. Ex:There
was a spot of blood on her shirt.
stain(mancha):a dirty mark on something that is difficult to remove
coin(moeda):round piece of metal used as money. Ex:
penny(moeda que vale um centsimo da libra ou do dlar):a coin with a value of 1/100 of a
pound or a dollar
nickel(moeda americana ou canadense de cinco centavos):a US or Canadian coin with a value
of five cents
dime(dez centavos de dlar):a coin in the US and Canada with a value of ten cents
quarter(1/4):one of four equal parts of something; 1/4 quarto. Ex:I waited a quarter of an hour
for her.
half dollar(0,5 dolare):a coin worth 50 cents
change(trocar):to stop having or doing one thing, and start having or doing another.Ex:I
changed jobs to make more money.
change machine(
slot(fenda):a long, thin hole that you put something into, especially money
dry clean(lavar a seco):to clean clothes using a special chemical, not water
out of order(pedido, encomenda):a request for food or drinks in a restaurant, or to make or
supply goods.Ex:The coffee machine is out of order.
as soon as possible(
huw much does it cost(
to take care of(
to pay by credit card(
to pay cash(
to fall down(esmoronar):to fall onto the ground.Ex:The wall is in danger of falling down.

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