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In Class reflection


Coney, Kenyaun
Laura Knutson
UWRT 1101
May 2, 2016
Ethnography Reflection
When I first began my ethnography it was on the topic of making music. Because of
the difficulty in finding a good topic of inquiry, I changed my idea and topic to the Art of
Exercise in Gyms. The reason I chose this topic was because I have worked out for
almost half of my life. Im very familiar with multiple workout sites such as college gyms,
high school gyms, local gyms, football gyms, and simply exercises that occur outside in
nature. Working out has become a ritual for me in my life which made this project very
easy to write.
In working out, I have always had many questions pertaining to it with most of them
being about injuries that occur. I have gained injuries in multiple areas of my body
including my wrist, shins, lower back, shoulders, and ankles. I knew how many injuries
occurred, but failed to know why my wrist and shoulders began to hurt in certain
exercises. I began to research remedies and causes to the problem. This was my topic
of inquiry.

Annotated Bibliography


Nothing worried me about this project considering my familiarity of it. On my website

page for the ethnography, it displays multiple videos of me working out. This was very
fun and went well.

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