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Discussion Notes Reflection


Coney, Kenyaun
Laura Knudson
UWRT 1101
May 2, 2016
Discussion Notes Reflection
I loved the discussion notes because it gave me the opportunity to get insight on
many articles and readings that were assigned for us to read that I had forgot read. Also
if a groupmate forgot to read a particular story, I could give them insight and summarize
what was going on.
The questions that were asked and answered about the articles and stories were
certainly rewarding. It was great preparation in writing papers such as the Cultural
Literacy and Ethnography. Also, we could do reading responses on many papers that
we were going over.
On this website page, it highlights my two favorite discussions that we posted online.
These two were mainly my favorite because the majority of the group knew what was
going on inside of the story and could give a lot of insight on it. Another great thing was
that it gave me enough good information to do a reading response on the Mobility
Myth. It discussed how the idea of social mobility in America was a myth according to
statistics. Most people never make it out of their current situation and class.

Annotated Bibliography


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