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Jamie Grinberg

1701 West Market St

Greensboro, NC 27403
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), Greensboro, NC
Bachelor of Science, Communication Studies
May 2016
Leadership Experience
Student-Athlete Advisory Council, UNCG
Selected to represent Womens tennis to the UNCG athletics department and
Wrote the script and hosted the 2014 Senior Athletics Banquet
Helped lead the 2015 Senior Banquet committee
NCAA Division I Womens Tennis Team, UNCG
Fall 2012-Present
Hold positions in the singles and doubles lineup
Manage a vigorous course load in addition to hours of matches, practice,
conditioning and travel
Attended the prestigious IMG tennis academy and numerous other academies
in Florida
Spartan Sports Link Club, UNCG
Athletics Communication Department
Fall 2014-Present
Create graphics for UNCG basketball, baseball, volleyball, soccer and softball
Complete camera work for UNCG basketball, baseball, volleyball, soccer, and
softball games
Perform on-air broadcasting practice supervised by the media team
Manage the score bug for each game
Practice setting up and dissembling media equipment
Spartan Television Club, UNCG Public Television,
Spring 2015
Co-hosts and created a sports news talk show, Spartan Courtside, which is
aired on UNCGs public television station
Successfully wrote for the camera and read off a teleprompter for numerous
of live shows
Work Experience
Tennis Coach, UNC Tennis Camp, Chapel Hill, NC
Manage groups of tennis students ranging from 20-40 people


Instructed technique, match play, and fitness exercises

Oversaw overnight campers in resident dorms

Tennis Coach, Chapel Hill Tennis Club, Chapel Hill, NC

Summer 2012-2013
Created new drills and games for students
Responsible for students under the ages of 8
Instructed beginner tennis players

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