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Authorization Letter to Collect Document

{Your address}
I hereby authorize {Name} to act as my representative and collect {type of document} for me
from {source}. You will find a copy of {Name}s identification enclosed, which you may use to
confirm {Name}s identity when {he | she} arrives to collect {type of document}.
This notice will remain valid until I provide a written notice stating otherwise. You will also find
{Name}s signature below, which you may also use in order to verify {Name}s identity when
{he | she} signs for the document. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
{Your name}
{Name}s signature:
Enclosed: Identity proof of {Name}

To: (Name of the Person/s or Authorized Person)
I would like to authorizer Mr/Ms ______________ to get the following document/s (state all the
documents) in your office in my behalf because as of now (give your reason/s). Mr/Ms. is my
(state your relationship with the one claiming). Together with MR/Ms is my Identification
Card attesting this authorization.
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.

Respectfully yours,
Mr (your name and Signature)

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