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Makayla McBride

ET 347
January 18, 2016

I arranged my TPACK GATI model in a way that describes my content, pedagogical, and
technology knowledge. My circle of content knowledge is medium size and bigger than all of the
other ones because I am very confident in my content knowledge. I have taken a lot of my core
classes and specific teaching courses. I am only halfway done with my courses but I still feel like
I know enough about special education to inform people about it and implement my knowledge
in the classroom. My pedagogy knowledge is not as high as content knowledge because I have
not had many classes on the methods of teaching or specific ways to teach but I have had a few
of them. I have spent some time in the classroom so I have some idea of how to integrate my
content knowledge with methods of teaching. One thing that I need to work on is integrating
technology into my teaching. It is smaller than all of the other circles because I am not good with
technology and I need to better understand different ways that it can help my teaching. Learning
how to use technology in my classroom will make my teaching more effective and more

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