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Kevin Phong
Prof. Thomas
UWRT 1103
13 March, 2016
The Ability of the Human Body and Mind
I really enjoyed writing this inquiry proposal since it gave me the opportunity to write
about something I have been interested in for a long time. I feel that it shouldve been more
informatory on the examples of personal accounts from accidents. I also think that the opening
of my paper is far better than the latter half. For me, it seemed as though the latter half started
to become off topic as well as lacking in better transitions between paragraphs.
Often overlooked, the human body is a work of incredible stature. We can do what most
animals cannot due to our complex brains and thumbs. More specifically, our minds have the
ability to turn complicated ideas into real action. If that isnt impressive enough, what we think
we cannot accomplish and what we cannot do, our minds more often than not exceed those
expectations. Whether it be from adrenaline or fear, being put into an extreme situation can
thoroughly increase both the mental and physical output of the human body; sometimes to the
point that is classified as super-human. This is achieved by the human body entering a survival
mode as it makes numerous adjustments to prioritize one task: to survive.
Although negligent, our bodies are regularly performing functions in order to stay alive
such as regulating body temperature and heart beat. Your body is never really pushed to the limit
other than anything involving exercise. But, now the question arises: How does the body perform
under extreme stress? It seems far-fetched to say that the body can perform all of these
seemingly impossible tasks in order to survive, but there are multiple accounts in which hikers,

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sailors, soldiers, as well as every-day people who have recalled accounts in which they were able
to persevere through impossible odds thanks to the kicking-in of human survival mode. This
mode also contains a term called fight or flight. This is state is entered as a form of response
when an individual perceives either a danger or a threat.
Commonly linked to this reaction, is cortisol and adrenalin. These hormones are released
in these types of situations, therefore causing significant changes of numerous nervous system
functions. These include the slowing of food digestion, increased blood flow to major muscle
groups, and a sped up heart rate. In relation, the human body is able to produce enormous
amounts of strength and energy. Adrenaline also opens up the airways of the lungs, thereby
increasing airflow and the ability of the blood to be oxygenated at an increased pace. Adrenaline
is used to maximize the blood glucose levels of the body to achieve the maximum output of
energy possible.
In popular culture, these incredible abilities can be found displayed on TV shows such as
I Survived.. and Survivorman. Both of these shows contain recollections of numerous people
who have survived accidents and lived to tell the story about it. These accounts are diverse in
nature for some stories have been at sea, and island, the desert, and even the arctic tundra. All of
these recollections have a common pattern in which the ability of the human body and mind to
adapt to the extreme environments.
There are a plethora of myths concerning how long a human being can survive without
food or water. In terms of survival, water is far more important than food as countless studies
have shown that a healthy adult can live up to eight weeks without food. On the other hand, that
same adult can only live up to a couple days without water. In extremely hot temperatures,
dehydration can occur in as little as an hour. Dehydration is a horrid process as moderate

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dehydration may cause dry mouth and a fast heartbeat, while severe dehydration can cause
serious damage to the body in the case of possible lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea. Shock
leading to death is the final stage.
Conclusively, the human body is a wonder in its own for its incredulous ability to do
whatever it takes to stay alive. Our human survival instincts consist of more than just the needs
of thirst and hunger. There are various mechanisms that are activated that all work together when
you feel a sense of danger and ambiguity. No, you cannot just turn into a superhero once you
enter this rushed state. However, there have even been some cases in which mothers have been
known to lift their vehicles enough to get their children out of danger.

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