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Choose Your Adventure: Study Abroad

Studying abroad while in college gives you the opportunity to explore the world and earn
college credit at the same time. And luckily, Iowa State University has a fantastic Study Abroad
Center where one can learn more about making new experiences one step at a time. Studying
abroad has opened many doors for students and has provided them with a wide range of
experiences and personal growth. It is important to know the history of Iowa State, how the
Study Abroad Center connects with Iowa States mission, and why one should make an effort to
study abroad.
Iowa State University is a renowned institution for its academics, majors of study, and
student programs and organizations. It is also well known for being the first land-grant institution
in the United States. A land-grant university is one that meets the visions of the Morrill Act of
1862, which includes teaching practical subjects such as agriculture, home economics, and
engineering at the university level. It also mandated Iowa State to accept students of color,
women, working class and anyone else who was interested in pursuing higher to receive the
grant. Iowa State Universitys mission statement not only includes its purpose, but also the landgrant acts visions. Iowa States mission is to prepare its students to be the best leaders they can
be for the future, to provide social and cultural learning opportunities, and to develop a variety of
sustainable ways to produce and carry out food, energy, water, and other materials.
One of the most popular programs at Iowa
State is studying abroad. The study
abroad center has been giving students the

Figure 1 (Courtesy of


opportunity to students traveled at the start of the program; however, numbers have skyrocketed
since then! According to Iowa States Study Abroad website, Over 1,600 ISU students studied
abroad last year on programs lasting from a week to a full academic year. The purpose of the
Study Abroad Center is to help students develop safe international adventures, have successful
international learning, make trips affordable, and ensure high quality programs and services. In
figure 1, one can see a picture of students from Iowa State participating in a service learning trip
during Spring Break to Belize.
The Study Abroad Center ties in with Iowa States mission in many ways. One reason is
Iowa State has given the opportunity for students from all different types of backgrounds to
pursue higher education. With that being said the Study Abroad Center also allows for students
of all backgrounds and ethnicities to travel abroad to experience other cultures and s how they
function as a society. A second reason is Iowa State values its educational programs and the
Study Abroad center does a phenomenal job at providing students with information about other
programs around the globe that are equally as great, if not better!
There are many reasons to studying abroad. These include: ability to explore another
country, higher graduation rate, helps stay focused on career goals, allows one to interact with
other cultures and helps one stand out when applying for a job as they are seen as adventurous,
risk-taking and more (! Studying abroad can be very affordable as well.
In fact, there are many scholarships for first time students wanting to study abroad! Financial aid
and/or scholarship information can also be found at under the Student
tab and selecting the Outgoing Students option.


It is imperative to understand the history of Iowa State, its mission and how it ties with
the Study abroad Center because studying abroad is such a great experience for students. Do not
waste another semester of your college journey without at least considering making a trip to you
dream destination. Iowa State is known for their infamous slogan Choose Your Adventure, so
why not make a trip to the place one has always dreamed of.


Works Cited
"About Iowa State." Iowa State University. University Relations, n.d. Web. 07 Apr. 2016.
"Enrollment Statistics." Enrollment Statistics. Office of the Registrar, Iowa State University, n.d.
Web. 07 Apr. 2016.
"Iowa State University." Iowa State University. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Apr. 2016.
"Mission and Vision." Mission and Vision. Iowa State University, n.d. Web. 07 Apr. 2016.
"Study Abroad." Study Abroad. Iowa State University, n.d. Web. 07 Apr. 2016.

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