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Medical Health Science People in History

Current Status:

Work & Education

Whats on your mind?

I wonder if theres a different subject I can

write about
About You: Im Greek and my name also
means The best purpose.

School: Student of Platos Academy

Job:Teacher of Alexander the Great,
writings on physics, poetry, theatre, etc.

History by Year Accomplishments in Medicine


I studied every single subject possible

at the time and I made a scientific

Current City: Athens

Hometown: Stagira, Greek

Basic Info
Birthday: 384 BC

Friends & Family: My father was a court

physician to the Macedonian king
Amyntas. My mother died when I was
very young. I have an older sister named
arimneste who married a guy named
Proxenus. He was like a father to me after
my own died.



Social Status: Single (;

Languages: Greek
Religious Views: Western Philosophy
Political Views: dont have any

Likes: Studying and learning new things

about medicine.
Famous Quotes: Knowing yourself is
the beginning of all wisdom.

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