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TiTiannya Smith

Spring 2016
Essay #1
Dr. Stowe

What skills, accomplishments, lessons, professional development have I learned/gained

from the Sport Management program at JCSU?
The Sports Management program at Johnson C. Smith has presented many
opportunities not only for my future, but also for me as a person to become better. The
professors in this department not only look at us as students but also as people, and want
us to succeed after we graduate. I have gained some skills, lessons, and professional
developments, and accomplishments from this department that I can take with me for the
rest of my life.
Some of the skills I gained from this department were better public speaking/
presenting, each professor required me to speak in front of the class and not just read off
the slide. I have never been the person that was confident when speaking in front of
people but now I can say I do not mind public speaking. The many projects that had to be
presented forced me to face my fear and become better at it with practice. Another thing I
have learned from this department is to participate in all the volunteer and internship
positions they offer. Throughout the four years in this department I have done countless
internships and volunteer opportunities. I have done things with ESPN, SEC Network,
the Hornets, and ACC just to name a few. Without this department and the professor I

probably would have never received those opportunities. I am forever grateful for the
Johnson C. Smith Sport Management Department.
Professional development is the biggest thing I have gained form this department.
Each one of these events (PD) events I went to or hosted allowed me to get more and
more valuable information. I was able to meet and get information on potential Graduate
Schools, learn how to conduct a meeting, understand how to not only look professional
but be professional as well, and I also got to interact and develop relationships with
people that would later on give me internships.

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