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Daybook Reflection


Coney, Kenyaun
Laura Knudson
UWRT 1101
May 3, 2016
Daybook Reflection
The in-class writing was a great experience because it gave students the time to write about
anything as long as you were writing. These were times that I certainly enjoyed. I decided to
write many poems and raps in a lot of my in-class writings because it is an everyday hobby and
passion for me. Two of these raps exist in the portfolio. Other pieces that I wrote about included
the issue on prostitution: should it be legal or decriminalized? Also, a literacy narrative exists in
the daybook. This is a story in which I described a time that I capitalized from a situation in
middle school which would help me throughout high school. Many other pieces include a
strengths quest reflection, semester reflection, and pre-semester expectations coming into the
semester. Overall, these pieces gave me the freedom not feel anxious or pressured. This is why
they were very significant in preparing for papers that were actually assigned with due dates.

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